#and if he does it’s whilst he’s talking to you post sex
bleuu-moon · 3 months
i’m that pathetic and desperate over ghost i’ve just sat and thought about him putting a t-shirt on for the past 10 minutes
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reiderwriter · 6 months
Unhappy Holidays
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're unlucky enough to run into Spencer Reid at holiday celebrations four years in a row. In the New Year, you're resolving to rid him from your mind forever, but you never were one to stick to resolutions 👻🦃🎄🎆
Warnings: SMUT 18+ minors dni, enemies to lovers, low-key work rivals, semi-public sex, car sex, hate sex, fingering, thigh riding, creampie, unprotected sex (no condoms but contraceptive mentioned), slight spoilers for s4 of Criminal Minds (but not really).
Prompt Request: #50"You're so fucking obsessed with me.” #82"Really? Because your pussy is saying something different, sweetheart.” #93"Use my thigh. You've been staring at it all night anyway.”
A/N: This is my first submission for @imagining-in-the-margins November/December Office Party writing challenge! I'm sorry I've been so busy recently, but the holiday season really does take a lot of effort to get through at work lmao. Hopefully, I'll be able to post more over my vacation! For now, enjoy some very unserious smut~♡ (as if I write any other kind).
Here's a link to my masterlist, where you can find all my work!~☆
Working with the FBI was no walk in the park, which, from your desk at the opposite corner of the bullpen, Spencer Reid sure made it look like.
Working on adjacent teams for the last three years had become gradually infuriating. You were forever in the man's orbit, stuck dealing with the other women on your team sat giggling about him and his many stupid haircuts, and wondering just how far you'd fallen to have to stare at his stupid face 5 days a week.
If you were unlucky. His team did happen to be out on cases a lot more, whereas yours handled correspondence and consulting cases, a cushy and safe job.
It annoyed you to no end that you had multiple field-based qualifications, extensive fire arms training and were top of your class at the academy only to be relegated yo desk duty whilst boy wonder with his doctorates was allowed to trip over his own feet catching actual killers.
Other people wondered where your dislike of the man sprang from, and you could only let out a disgruntled squeak and tell them your horror stories.
A few months into your job, your been fresh faced and bushy tailed or however that saying goes, and overly eager to take any assignment that came your way. Even if the assignment was baby-sitting an injured Doctor Spencer Reid. He'd been shot whilst out on a case whilst trying to talk down an unsub, and you'd jumped at the chance to get to know him.
He was an office legend, of course, though those days it was more for his characteristic lack of social graces rather than the beauty he'd grown into. You'd been so eager to get to pick his brains, find out how he'd managed to score the position on the BAU at such an early age.
Reality had hit you square in the face when he'd spent a week ignoring you, making you run around like a headless chicken searching for hard copies of documents the FBI had digitised a millennia ago, and hadn't so much as spared you a glance.
The straw that broke the camel's back came as you were running back to him triumphant with a document he'd requested eight hours before and had let yourself into Penelope Garcia’s office quietly, only to hear him bad mouthing you.
“She makes me uncomfortable. I've had her out searching for useless files all day because I don't know what to do with her.”
“She's trying to help, Spencer, it's her job right now, cut her some slack.”
“Her job is currently getting in the way of mine. I even tried writing my own doctor's note so I could get rid of her, but Hotch wouldn't allow it.”
You'd dropped the file loudly on the table, watched the two spin around with horrified looks and turned silently and left the room.
He hadn't once tried to find you after that, and you let your apprenticeship under Doctor Reid quietly fizzle out as you got back to your regular work.
Your resentment still burned though.
Each time you'd been caught in the same elevator with him, you'd ignored him to an almost insane degree, enjoying the way he squirmed and tried to make small talk.
You'd been in contact with JJ and his Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner as well, through cases you'd recommended, but always maintained your cold shoulder.
The one place you could not ignore him, however, was a Penelope Garcia party.
After you'd slammed the file down on her desk, Penelope had guiltily sent you a gift basket filled with sweet treats and books, and had hounded you for a week to make sure your feelings weren't too damaged by her friend's stupidity.
You actually liked her, and found at least one silver lining to the storm that was Spencer Reid ripping through your life.
In the three years since the “incident,” you'd found yourself at three parties where Penelope in all of her heartwarming ways had tried her best to force a reconciliation between the two of you, to disastrous results.
The first was a Halloween party, and you'd been incredibly proud of your Princess Laia costume when you'd arrived. Only until you'd gone to the kitchen to top up your drink to hear Spencer Reid boring some guest or the other about how Star Trek was more advanced, and had a richer plot line.
Penelope had stepped into the kitchen just as he'd caught a glimpse of your (rather skimpy) outfit - yes, you'd chosen swimsuit Laia, yes, you were going to own it - and had immediately jumped into introductions, as if you weren't already intimately acquainted.
“Spencer! This is Y/N! She loves Halloween, too, she makes all of her costumes. You guys should talk.” She'd led the other guest away and left you there with Spencer as you'd awkwardly looked upon his own costume.
“Are you the Tenth Doctor?” You asked begrudgingly, noting his pin-striped suit and the shorter hairstyle he'd chosen.
“Are you a fan? I prefer the original show run more than the current stuff, but David Tennant has really been doing a wonderful-”
“I'm sorry, let me stop you there. I don't watch Doctor Who. I guess I prefer something with a… How should I say, richer plot?”
He'd snapped his mouth shut and didn't have chance to open it again before you turned dramatically and walked away from him.
The second party you'd been cornered into was just over a year later.
Having been stuck in the office over Halloween, Penelope was determined to get in one last celebration before Christmas steam-rolled every other holiday, and thus you'd been invited to her single-people-only-friendsgiving-potluck, and you'd found yourself having to navigate knocking on her door with a casserole dish in your hands.
Luckily a large hand had appeared from behind you and knocked on the door for you. Unfortunately, the sudden shock from the silent appearance of a man right behind you startled you so much that the dish fell straight from your hands anyway.
Penelope opened her door upon hearing the crash and you whirled on your would-be attacker.
It was Spencer again, eyes round in shock, hand still curled into a fist.
You took a calming breath as you gathered yourself, trying not to bite his head off. You wanted to scream and shout and rip his head out but you didn't, instead letting the fury drip into your voice as you finally opened your eyes again.
“That dish took me four fucking hours to make.” You huffed in anger once more as Penelope guided you into the apartment and poured you a glass of wine before you moved back to the entry hall to clean it up again.
Needless to say he didn't care to converse with you after that.
A few small parties in between had been blissfully Spencer-less and you'd lulled yourself into a false sense of security. That's when you accepted the Christmas party invitation.
As one of the unlucky few members of the FBI who had to stay out over christmas in case of some emergency or the other, you'd been grounded in Virginia, unable to travel home for the holidays. So Penelope Garcia's singles-only-Christmas-fun-time-Party was your last ditch effort to spend the holidays actually resting and eating good food.
Learning from last time, Penelope reassured you that there was no potluck, that she had prepared all the food herself, and all you'd need were a bottle of wine and a willingness to party.
You'd taken those recommendations as law and had immediately let yourself into a glass of mulled wine as you arrived, and - noticing that the party was Reid-free - had allowed it to raise your Christmas spirits slightly more than you usually would.
By hour two of the event, you were full of yuletide joy and swaying freely along to the tune of Silent Night.
Spencer’s late entrance really would have gone unnoticed by you had you not bumped face first into his chest as you spun yourself around in your dance, his hands quickly falling to your hips to steady you.
The few moments it took you to gather yourself were about as long as you needed to realised that he'd caught you in his arms underneath the mistletoe. And with your mind fogged by mulled-whatever-it-was-Penelope-mixed-into-that-punch, the part of your brain that objected to the very existence of Spencer Reid went silent, and the incredibly tiny and somewhat damaged part of your brain that instead saw him as attractive started shouting loud instructions.
Before your common sense could return, you pushed yourself up on your tiptoes to kiss the very warm, very close man holding you upright.
“Mistletoe,” you muttered as you clawed his arms off of you and took yourself straight to Penelope's bathroom to throw up.
So yes, your acquaintance with Spencer Reid had never been good, and you were perfectly fine with resenting him from afar, privately.
With three years of bad experiences under your belt, you weren't excited at completing your yearly tradition of horrendous interaction. Which is perhaps why you immediately and loudly protested Penelope’s New Years Eve party invitation.
“Y/N, it's a party. What's the worst that can happen?” She pleaded as she followed you down the corridors of the office building.
“I could see Spencer Reid. I could be forced to converse with Spencer Reid. I could get absolutely wasted and kiss Spencer Reid. There, three options, please accept my resignation from partying.”
“Y/N we both know you don't drink anymore, so at least one of those is unlikely to happen. And Spencer might not even come, he has tickets for an indie theatre from 6pm onwards, they're playing some Russian movie from the 60s that's like 4 hours long or something. So u retire yourself and tell me you'll come?” She had to take three or four steps for each of your own, not that you were so different in height but because you were practically marching in order to avoid the topic.
But you finally stopped and let out a sigh as you turned back to Penelope who stopped just before she ran into you.
“You're sure he won't be there?”
“I'm sure he RSVP’d no.”
“Fine. But I'm not drinking and I will still be expecting the Penelope Garcia virgin punch experience.”
“Bring the party poppers and you have a deal.”
Over the week since you'd accepted the invitation, you'd made peace with it. For the most part, you did love a Penelope Garcia production. There was something wonderful about your friend and her ability to brighten anyone's mood, an ability that was only heightened at holidays. She was like a glittered goddess gaining power when worshippers used her altar, except the altar was her house and the worship was a range of hallmark-induced holidays.
You arrived at the party at 10pm, and though that was the start time you'd been given, you weren't surprised to see a full house of Penelope’s team mates already in attendance. Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau and Emily Prentiss sat spread across the sofa in the living room area, and you noticed a few techie friends also grabbing drinks and chatting.
“Y/N, I'm so glad you're here! You remember everyone on the team, right?” She pulled you into a hug and then sat you down in the middle of the group, waiting for you to mingle and become comfortable before she ran off to more hostess duties.
“Of course, nice to see you guys.” You grabbed your promised punch and sat back comfortably, striking up a conversation with Emily about how bleak the dating scene had been recently.
“It seems like all the men around me are jackasses,” Emily muttered and you giggled along.
“I'm wounded,” Morgan shot back, a hand pressed to his chest in faux pain.
“Good. You're like a lion out there in the clubs stalking gazelles, it's like watching a nature documentary when you're out there.”
You almost snorted your entire drink up your nose as Emily finished, needing to compose yourself for a second.
“I guess the men on our team aren't great with romance,” JJ laughed and took a swing. “Hotch and Rossi have four divorces between them, and Derek here is a lost cause.”
“Our only hope is young Spencer. May he grow into a respectful young gentleman and break out curse,” Emily toasted.
“Oh that ship has sailed,” your laugh this time was bitter, your mood immediately growing sour with even the smallest mention of Spencer Reid.
“Ah, Penelope mentioned you had a problem with our boy wonder. Care to share?”
You opened your mouth to give your standard non-answer and move the conversation along, but you were interrupted.
“Yes, Y/N, care to share? I am slightly curious about that as well.” You turned around and there he was, and your stomach turned in disgust.
Just one time, just one party. You'd been having fun, and here he was to ruin it.
“What are you doing here?” you gaped up at him, unsurprised to see him still decked out in sweater vest and slacks even in his down time.
“I was invited.”
“You declined, Penelope said you had movie tickets.”
“Ticket, singular. And it was cancelled so here I am. What's your problem with me, Y/N?” His jaw clenched and he grabbed the back of your chair and leaned down. It was supposed to be intimidating, but you rolled your eyes. When he looked that attractive, veins in his arms popping out of the sleeves he'd pulled up, you couldn't see him as intimidating. His arms were distracting yes, but God that was nothing compared to his thighs. His pants were tight, and you thanked whatever Clueless tailor had sewn them, because you now allowed yourself a momentary lapse to enjoy the appearance of his lower body.
You tried to shake the thought of his attractiveness from your mind, reminding yourself where you were and in what company.
“I don't think I need to answer that. I think I'll enjoy holding it over your head instead,” you said, standing up and beginning to gather your things.
“Wait, Y/N, where are you going? New Year isn't for another 30 minutes.” Penelope scrambled over and grabbed your hand, pleading with you to stay.
“I'm sorry Pen, but there's just this very annoying bug buzzing around me, and I think I need to get away from it.” You said your goodbyes and excused yourself from the party, happy to have walked away relatively undamaged.
Fate had other plans, and as you stepped out of the apartment building ready to walk yourself home, a hand caught yours from behind as a voice chased you.
“Y/N, wait. I'll go. You go back inside.”
“And return with my tail tucked between my legs after making a grand exit? I'll pass, thanks boy genius.” You shook yourself from his grasp and made to walk away again, but he quickly matched your pace and stepped into your path, cutting you off.
“I can't let you walk home. It's like 40° out here, and your coat is more style than substance.”
“Get into a car with a stranger? I'm sure you of all people know how stupid that sounds.” You stuck a finger out and poked his chest, but he grabbed your hand and held it in place as he spat out his next words.
“I'm not a stranger, I'm the man you're obsessed with, Y/N. Big difference.” You laughed, mostly in shock at his indignance, but he stared at your face as serious as could be.
“Me? Obsessed with you? I'm not the one who followed a woman they're barely acquainted with out of a party filled with all of my friends. Sounds like you're projecting, Spencer.”
“Am I?” He questioned, stepping closer and grabbing your hip as he continued his questioning. “I wasn't the one who was sat there talking about me with all of my colleagues.”
“Well, I wasn't the one who turned up to a party I'd declined an invitation to.”
He was imperceptibly close now, hand gripping your hip so tight you wondered if it'd leave you with a mark.
“I certainly was not the one who initiated a kiss last year, Y/N. You need to face the facts, you're so fucking obsessed with me.” If his hands had you feeling dizzy, his words were completely knocking the sense out of you. Suddenly you returned to the person you'd been under that Mistletoe, and everything from his closeness to the rough edge to his voice begged you to do it once again.
“Go fuck yourself,” was about all the words you could manage as he finally let his lips fall down and crush into your own.
You should've pushed him away, but instead your traitorous body wanted to prove his point, opening up for him faster than you'd opened up to anyone else before.
His tongue flicked against your lips and you gladly let him explore your mouth, opening up to tangle your tongue with his.
He tasted sweet, like the punch Penelope had handed you earlier, only now you wondered if someone had accidentally laced it with how free you were being with your affections.
He resurfaced for air, but you didn't care if there was nothing in your lungs at all if it meant that his lips would engage your own in battle once again.
“Look how much you want me,” he smirked. “Look how needy you are after a single kiss, chasing my lips like that.”
“You and your big fucking mouth. I wish you'd shut up once in a while.”
“I'll make it my new year’s resolution.” His lips joined your own again, and you clashed hard, exploring as much as you could muster as he pulled you in the direction of his car.
“I'm not driving… home… with you,” you growled between kisses, trying not to put your teeth to his neck and bite down hard. You're not sure if that impulse was a murderous one or a kinky one.
“I'm not putting you in the front seat, Y/N, I'm putting you in the back. You should be familiar with the idea.”
Heat sparked between your legs, and you allowed yourself to be manhandled into the beat-up trash heap of a car.
He'd not taken his hands off you as he got you in, pushing himself in first and then pulling you by the hand that you'd unconsciously gripped hard. You immediately straddled his hips, skirt naturally riding up in the process. He noticed and looked curiously down at you, growling as you pressed your lips against his neck and grabbed you instead by the hair gathered in a ponytail at the back of your head.
“See, you're obsessed with me. Just admit it.” Without breaking eye contact, he dug his fingers into the material of your tights and pulled in opposite directions, leaving your underwear exposed to his wandering eyes.
“I'm not obsessed with you,” your voice needed conviction to land, but it came out as a lusty whisper, especially as he slipped his fingers inside your underwear and finally touched your aching cunt.
“Really? Because your pussy is saying something else, Princess.” He found your clit faster than you'd ever expected, rubbing slow circles into your skin as you began rocking your hips back and forth.
It was becoming hard to disagree with him, with each flick of wrist growing the heat between your legs. You attacked his neck again, hands practically ripping at his top buttons so you could muffle the sounds of your arousal against his neck, collarbone, chest, any stretch of that pale skin available to you.
He forced your hips to a stop with one hand as he slipped a single digit inside of your hole, gathering your arousal as he set a steady pace, thumb keeping your bundle of nerves occupied.
“Listen, Y/N, can you hear that?”
“I can't h-hear anything.” You had to grind your teeth together to get the words out with minimal interruptions of moans bursting from the pit of your stomach.
He leaned in close to your ear, nuzzling your neck and placing chaste kisses up towards your ear, finally pulling away just enough to whisper a single word in your ear.
His hand stilled and pulled off you quickly and your eyes broke open, hands unconsciously fitting into his shirt as if you were worried he was going to leave you there like this, on the edge of pleasure but still so far away.
“Use my thigh. You've been staring at it all night anyway.”
“Jackass. You've only been here for like 20 minutes.”
“You can climb right out of this car if you want to, Y/N.” He tried to keep his tone light, but the death grip he had on your thighs, the very obvious tent pitched in his pants and the way his eyes couldn't go five seconds without undressing you told you you had more power in this interaction than he wanted to give you.
There was no way either of you were letting the other go unused tonight.
You relaxed your grip on his shirt and shifted your weight to one of his thighs. Lithe he may be, but lowering yourself down there was an unexpected strength there. He watched on curiously as you rocked experimentally against him. Back and forth you rocked, trying desperately to keep up his momentum or tempt him to help you out again.
It was time to let your voice back out, and you did, moaning without a care as you hummed his leg like a bitch in heat.
“You're enjoying this lot, huh, Y/N,” he muttered, and you watched as his hand worked his pants zip open, removing one of the barriers in the way between the two of you, as he began palming himself.
“What's that saying? Anything you can do, I can do better?” He growled at that response but didn't stop you. Instead he bought a hand down on your ass as you moved, so hard you jolted at the sudden pain. Your eyes shot open as your hips stilled, but you felt warmth grow between your legs.
“Yes, you definitely enjoyed that. Should I do that again, or do you think we should hurry this up and go back up for the countdown?”
You hesitated only a second before you pushed his hand off his lap, shifting your hips further towards his knees before letting your hand reach for where his had just been.
You didn't let yourself think about how big he was as you pulled his cock free, didn't let yourself wonder how he measured up against anyone you'd been with before. You didn't let yourself waste time thinking about how various office rumours were true, and definitely not a second was wasted feeling jealous about how those rumours were spread in the first place.
Instead you simply slammed your lips back against his, mouth opening to let your tongue engage his as you lifted your hips with his help and lowered yourself down on him.
You didn't have to rid yourself of sinful thoughts after that as he purged every single brain cell from your head, filling you so contently that there was simply no space for anything but him.
You locked up on top of him, clawing at his shoulders as you whimpered at the stretched, falling so he was balls deep inside you. You wanted to move, to use him for your pleasure, but your walls tightened every time you even thought about it as he stroked your hair through it all.
It had been some time since you'd last had a sexual partner, and you needed the few minutes to overcome the first uncomfortable bliss of it all.
“That good?” he whispered, but the harsh tone of earlier was gone, replaced only by unsure humour to break the silence.
“Been a while.” He nodded, kissing you again to distraction as he shifted your positions.
Cradling your neck and securing your legs comfortably around him, he lowered you against the backseat, pulling out slightly as you adjusted to the new angle.
“Better?” You nodded quickly, because it was. There was no more pressure on your legs, and despite the cramped space in the car, you had enough space to lie almost flat.
“Yes… thank you.” Just as his cutting tone had escaped him, you also heard your own tone softening, the sigh of contentment slipping past your lips almost sweet. Almost.
“Are you going to fuck me now, or what?”
He let out a shocked laugh, but lent down to shut you up with a kiss nonetheless. Bracing himself against the car door, his hips softly rocked into you, pace increasing until you were back to the edge of cumming, nails pressed hard into his skin until you were sure he was going to complain.
He didn't though, but kept up his thrusts, until your vision suddenly darkened and stars exploded in them, rolled back in your head as they were.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, where should I…?” He panicked, but you wrapped your legs around him, grabbing him by the tie and pulling him down to swallow his moan as he shot his load inside of you.
“Birth control.” You whispered when you finally let him go, gasping for air. “Contraceptive pill. No need to get the car dirty.”
He collapsed on top of you then, forehead resting against your own as you both caught your breaths.
The moment was silent, and you found the synchronicity of your breaths almost calming. Eventually you had to break apart, and he helped you up to a sitting position, but didn't break eye contact as fell back into his lap.
His hands stroked your back, dipping to your ass at times, but he didn't talk. Neither of you did.
The eye contact between the two of you was possibly the most pleasant conversation you'd ever had.
“I'm sorry.” He blurted, just as fireworks erupted into the night sky. Your heart shook, and you weren't sure of it was the shock of the sound, or the way the rainbow of lights illuminated his sincere expression.
“You don't have to apologise for cumming in me, Spencer.”
“Not that. Before. The casserole and the mistletoe, and the Halloween costume.”
“Wow. Um, okay. Apology accepted, I guess, though I'm not entirely sure why you're apologising now.”
He took a deep breath just as another set of fireworks went up.
“I pulled you under the mistletoe. It was Penelope’s idea, she knew how stupid I was being around you and sent me over. I saw it and took the chance.”
“Fuck. Why?”
“Because I was pretty useless at being chivalrous the year before.”
You climbed off his lap in a scramble and sat on the seat beside him, mind racing, trying to figure out where the hell he was going with this.
He turned to you, trying to keep your attention as he stumbled over the words.
“You couldn't knock on the door, so I wanted to help you, but I didn't think I'd scare you so much you'd drop it.”
“You didn't scare me it was a momentary lapse in my observational skills.”
“You shrieked,” a smile threatened to pull his lips up, they twitched as you flushed red.
“And Halloween?” You looked at him again now, trying to figure out what the hell was going on between the two of you.
“You refused to look at me for a year after we stopped working together,” he shrugged quickly running a hand through his hair and expelling a breath. “I don’t really know how to talk to women.”
“You just know how to piss them off?”
“Morgan says it comes naturally.”
“Yeah, well, Morgan is very wise.”
A brief silence stretched between you, or as silent as a night full of cracks, pops, whizzes and bangs could be.
“I don't get it. You tried your best to get rid of me when I was there to help you. I wanted to impress you, and you kept sending me on meaningless errands, and now you're saying what? You wanted my attention?” There was a quiet anger to your voice, but you were surprised to find it diminished and tired.
“I wanted you gone because you were distracting me, Y/N, not because I hated you.”
“Well, what's the difference, Doctor Reid? Please indulge me.” You huffed a little but kept your eyes on him, trying not to seem too desperate for his answer.
“I have an IQ of 187. Emily says when I'm around a pretty girl it's more like 52,” he fidgeted with his pants, forcing the words out.
“You're a pretty girl. We had a case to work and all I could think about was how to get you to like me. Hotch chewed me out like three separate times for being absent minded.”
He was looking anywhere but you, trying his best not to appear like a fool but you were locked onto him.
“Oh my god you're an idiot.”
“When you're around, yes.”
“And that means I'm equally stupid.”
“No, you just jump to conclusions and hold grudges. There wasn't anything really that stupid about your actions, though it could be suggested that not thoroughly thinking through the wording of the conversation you overheard-”
You cut him off with a kiss, pulling him down again mlby his tie.
“Oh my god, shut up,” you whispered as you broke apart.
“Does that mean we can do this again? Because I'd like to do this again?”
“Stop talking, start kissing jackass.”
He finally didn't argue with that, pulling you back into him as you sat under the stars in his car welcoming the new year.
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daddyy333 · 1 year
Take it | Eddie Munson x inexperienced!y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 4.8k
warnings: smut, inexperienced reader, oral (f receiving), fingering, p in v, ?
summary: Eddie and inexperienced!reader have sex for the first time
requested by: @wdsara48
Eddie Munson is so in love with you. He’s obsessed with you and never stops thinking about you. Your pretty doe eyes, your soft hair, your perfect body, your soft skin, all of it. He absolutely loved being greeted by you everyday after work with a hug and a kiss. He loved hearing you talk about your day whilst you animated it all with your hands, sort of like he does.
He was so in love with you and he didn’t want to fuck things up, so he decided he wouldn’t have sex with you immediately because all his past relationships were more about sex than anything else. It works in his favor, he’s never felt more connected to someone and he loves you more than anything, more than his guitar or his music.
But now, he can’t handle it anymore. You’re too beautiful and he’s itching to make you moan his name and cum around his dick till the sun rises. All you’re doing is cooking dinner, but the way your shorts are hugging your ass and the way he can see your nipples through your tank top is making it hard for him to concentrate on what you’re saying.
Suddenly, your boobs are practically bouncing in his face as you walk over to him with a spoon in your hand. You blew on it softly before putting it to his lips and his eyes widened before he ate some of the sauce you were currently working on for pasta.
“Mm…it’s good, baby” he said and smiled, licking his lips. You chuckled and pecked his lips softly, scurrying back over to the stove. Not before getting your ass slapped really fucking hard by your stupid boyfriend.
“Owww! Eddie, that hurt!” You said and rubbed your ass, giggling. He laughed and said “I couldn’t help it. Not when it’s jiggling right in front of my face” You blushed and rolled your eyes, finishing up dinner.
God, you were so gorgeous. He was so close to getting up and bending you over the counter, fucking into you like a wild animal. Or at the very least putting you onto the counter and eating you out till you were begging him to stop.
You somehow didn’t notice his staring and still mostly full plate as you ate dinner and continued telling him about your new project at work and how you think it might get you a promotion if you do really really well with it.
He eventually caught up and finished most of his dinner, complimenting the chef of course. He was going to wash the dishes for you but when he came back from the bathroom you were already doing it.
He went to the bedroom instead, already halfway to a boner when he saw your hair in a messy bun you threw up to keep it out of the way. He palmed his half hard cock, groaning softly as he thought about how pretty your tits probably looked, and how good you’d taste.
He sat down on the bed, flopping onto his back as he sighed heavily. He didn’t want to push things too far but at the same time he wanted you so bad. Wanted to kiss every inch of you, lick all over your tits, down to your- shit, he’s really fucking hard now.
He heard the little patter of your feet down the hallway and sat up, trying to hide his raging boner. “Hi, baby,” you said and smiled, slipping your shorts off since that’s how you liked to sleep. Of course you were wearing the cheekiest pair of underwear you own, it was practically a thong.
He smiled at you and watched as you sat in front of his mirror and took off the light makeup you put on for work this morning, your tits jiggling as you moved your arms. “Stop staring, you weirdo…” you said and blushed as you put on some moisturizer and called it a day.
“I can’t…not when you’re so gorgeous, babe” he said and you giggled. You got up and walked over to him and he pulled you onto his lap, making you gasp and giggle. His dick twitched at how cute you sounded, how your pretty eyes looked directly into his.
He kissed you for a few seconds before saying “I love you so much” You blushed hard, you’d never get used to hearing that from Eddie. You giggled and shifted a little, feeling something poke at your inner thigh.
“I love you more,” you said softly and played with his hair. You looked down and said “Ed’s, somethings poking me…” “‘m sorry baby,” he said and pushed you back on his upper thighs instead, how did you not know what that was?
You traced the tattoos on his chest, smiling as you looked into his pretty doe eyes. You shifted up again, wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss him again. “Babe…” he said and groaned, squeezing your hips.
You pulled away a few seconds later and said “what’s wrong?” He could tell you were nervous, thinking you had done something wrong. He cleared his throat and said “I- i-it’s just uhm…y-you’re like really pretty, you know? And it’s uh…it’s doing things to me, baby”
Your eyes widened and you looked down, gasping as you noticed he was rock hard. You really were an idiot. “O-Oh…” you said and he chuckled at how shocked you were. You tried to get off and he said “baby…”
You stopped then, a little embarrassed as you weren’t sure what to do. “I need you…please?” He asked, caressing your cheek lightly. You let out a shaky breath, wondering if this was the right time. Of course you wanted this, of course you wanted Eddie more than anything but you were scared you were gonna mess it up.
You leaned forward and kissed him, trying to grind your hips on his cock. You felt him moan and groan into your mouth a few times and you smiled. He had his hands on your waist, squeezing and caressing lightly and nearly touching your boobs.
You noticed him trying to take off your shirt and you pulled back, panting softly. “Wait- w-wait…” you said and he immediately stopped, resting his hands on your thighs instead. He caressed your thighs softly and said “what’s wrong?”
“I…I-I uhm- I kind of don’t k-know how to do this” you admitted, your voice shaky as his eyes widened. He nodded softly and said “I-I thought you said you weren’t a virgin”
“I mean I-…I’ve had sex before. But it wasn’t that great. The first time he finished in literally 5 thrusts and the 2nd time the guy was drunk and kept falling asleep inside of me and the 3rd time the guy’s mom caught us…” you said and Eddie winced.
You looked down and he cupped your cheek, forcing you to look back up. “Hey, I’m truly sorry that you’ve never had good sex, I mean look at you you deserve it” he said and you giggled. He really did feel bad, how could any guy who got the chance to do something like that with you fuck it up so bad and be okay with it.
You bit your lip and he said “if you don’t want to do anything just yet that’s fine, you know. I-I can take care of this and we can just cuddle up together like we always do” “no- n-no, I…I want this” you said and Eddie sighed.
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear and said “y/n…I’m not going to have sex with you just because you’re too afraid to say no. If you’re not ready, that’s okay” “I am ready…I want this, Eddie I’m just- I-I’m nervous. I don’t know how to do any of this, really” you said and he kissed your head softly.
He cupped your cheeks and said “we’ll go slow. We don’t have to do anything crazy, you know. I’m even okay just making you feel good for now if you need” “No I want you,” you said and he chuckled. You sighed and he said “okay, okay, baby. I’ll do most of the work so you can relax. You just gotta tell me what feels good and what you want me to do”
You nodded and said “okay…” He kissed you softly, moving your legs to wrap around his hips. He stood up and set you down on the bed, smiling down at you. He pulled off his shirt and got back on the bed.
He tapped your thigh and said “how about you spread these for me? How’s that sound, hmm?” You blushed and slowly opened your legs, planting your feet on either side of him. He laid himself between your legs, leaning down and kissing you softly.
“You know what a safe word is?” He asked and you looked up at him with a look of confusion flashed on your face. He wanted to chuckle at how adorable you looked but held back.
“When we’re doing anything, even just some foreplay and it starts to feel too painful or too uncomfortable or you suddenly don’t want to keep going anymore I want you to use your safe word to tell me okay? During sex, most people will say “don’t stop”, and “it’s too much” when they sorta don’t mean it so this word makes sure I don’t hurt you or do something you don’t like. What word do you have in mind, pretty girl?” He said and you sighed.
You shrugged and said “white” He couldn’t help but laugh a little as he said “white?” “Well, it’s your least favorite color. You always say it’s so boring. Plus I’m a little too focused on you right now to have proper brain function” you giggled and he shook his head. He kissed you again, swiping his tongue over your bottom lip.
He smiled into the kiss, slowly making out with you just to let you adjust to all of this and mentally prepare yourself. Soon, you were squirming slightly and whimpering and he knew you were getting impatient.
He tugged at your shirt and you let out a shaky breath, nodding. “Are you sure? We can stop at any time, babe” you nodded and he slowly pulled your shirt off, jaw dropping as he truly saw your boobs for the first time. Sure he’d seen your see-through shirts and what not but it was nothing like seeing them completely bare.
You quickly got insecure, trying to hide yourself. “Please, don’t. I just need to look” he said and you bit your lip nervously. He kissed your neck a few times, suckling lightly on your sweet spot once he found it.
He noticed you weren’t sure what to do with your hands so he grabbed them and moved them above your head, intertwining your fingers as he nuzzled into your neck, peppering kisses all over it. The mewls and moans you let out were music to his ears and it’s all he wanted to hear for the rest of his life.
He moved down slowly, waiting for you to stop him but you didn’t so he continued till he got to your breasts. He moved your hands so they were grabbing the pillow above you instead and used his to squeeze your tits, kitten licking your nipple.
“Mm- mmm” you said, squirming a little. “Is this alright, baby?” He asked and you nodded furiously. You chuckled and said “it feels good I just- I-I’ve never felt that before” He shook his head and leaned down again, suckling on your nipple slightly before licking it again.
He spent a few moments kissing and licking and occasionally biting on your boobs to help ease your nerves before he started to move down, kissing between the valley of your breasts before making his way down your stomach. He caressed your waist as he kissed down your belly, stopping at the hem of your underwear.
“Can I take these off?” Eddie asked you, cute chocolate button eyes looking up from between your legs practically. You looked down at him and nodded, he noticed your breath hitch a little as you did.
He bit his lip and then kissed right under your belly button before grabbing the hem of your underwear with his teeth, dragging it down your legs before pulling it off and stuffing it in his back pocket. Your eyes widened and he chuckled as he said “I don’t think I’m gonna be giving those back for a while.
You blushed a deep red and he did nothing to help as he peppered kisses on your inner thighs, noticing how wet you already were. He pressed a kiss to your clit, chuckling as you jolted slightly.
As much as he wanted to devour you, he also wanted to truly go as slow as possible to make this the best experience of your life. He sat up and moved so he was sort of on top of you again, one hand caressing your inner thigh.
You look up at him with glossy eyes as you squirm and whimper, begging for something to ease the ache between your legs. He smiled as he slowly played with your hole, getting some of your slick on his fingers and teasing your clenching hole.
“Already tryin’ to squeeze me and I’m not even inside. So desperate,” he said quietly and you giggled, quickly being cut off as you rubbed your clit almost perfectly. “A-Ahh! Eddie, oh my- mmm” you moaned, hands flying up and grabbing onto him, digging your nails into his waist and bicep.
“Feels good huh, baby?” He asked, feeling you relax into the pleasure. Your clit twitched hard, telling him that you were only clenching harder as he worked you up. He kissed you, swallowing your moans as he got ready to push his fingers in.
“Ready, baby?” He asked and you whimpered. You groaned and said “ready for wha-” You nearly yelled when he slipped both fingers in, glad that he was right. The stretch only increased your pleasure, making you squeeze him with your hands harder than before.
He thrusted his fingers a few times, then curling them to find your g-spot. You gasped, holding your breath as he did, eyebrows furrowing as you tried not to move because fuck that felt so good. He kissed your cheek softly and said “need you to breathe for me, babe”
You whimpered and let go of the breath you didn’t actually realize you were holding, panting hard as you felt the pleasure electrocute your entire body. You whined as he found this most perfect spot, your legs shaking and your moans loud and mostly just screams of his name.
Your hands moved along his upper body frantically, trying to ground yourself as you felt a tightening in your pussy like no other. You broke skin as you dug your nails hard into his shoulders, incoherent whines of “I-I think I- Uhh! I’m gonna- I’m cumming!! Eddie, Eddie oh god! Fuck!” coming out.
“Yeah, babe, let me see you cum for me. Come on, give it to me, pretty girl” he said and whined. Your back arched and you couldn’t help but hold your breath as you felt the coil snap, your pussy clenching hard and fast. You groaned, legs shaking so hard you couldn’t keep your feet flat on the bed anymore. You tried closing them around his hand to stop it but it only made your whole body shake instead. “Eddie! Fuck- oh god- oh my god!” You moaned as your mouth formed an ‘O’ shape, brows furrowed as the pleasure consumed you.
Watching you cum because of him nearly took him out. You looked so hot, so needy as you moaned his name and came on his fingers. He peppered kisses on your forehead and cheeks as you calmed down, slowly slipping his fingers out and letting you relax for a moment.
You panted softly, pressing your hands to his chest as you looked up at him. “T-That was…that was i-incredible” you said and he chuckled. He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked your juices off of them, groaning at the taste.
“There’s more where that came from, sweetheart,” he said and you giggled. He gently brushed your hair out of your face and said “you look so pretty like this,” You blushed softly and pulled Eddie down for a kiss. He grabbed both of your hands, intertwining them before he made his way down your body again until he was in between your legs. He looked up at you and locked eyes, silently asking for permission. You nodded and squeezed his hand, a little nervous if you were being honest.
He made sure to hold eye contact with you as he licked a fat strip up your pussy, massaging your clit with it once he got to it. You gasped Eddie’s name, squeezing hands lightly as your pussy clenched around nothing.
He smiled and put one of your legs on his shoulders, putting one of your hands on his hair before he began to practically makeout with your pussy. He squeezed your thigh, groaning at how good you taste.
He slipped his tongue into your pussy, making you gasp as you tried to get away from the pleasure. He continued moaning and groaning into your pussy, snaking his hand upwards to push down on your hips. “Mmh- oh o-oh god, Eddie!” You said nearly breathless.
He smiled as he continued exactly what he was doing, your harsh grip on his hand telling him he’d already found your g spot. You were able to move your hips just enough that it caught your clit on his nose and you gasped, subconsciously holding your breath.
He wanted to let you cum, but he didn’t want you to hold your breath and he felt like an asshole but he had to stop. “My love, you need to breathe” he said and you whined. You sighed harshly, breathing heavily as you said “d-don’t stop!”
You pushed his head lightly and he shook his head, burying his face in your pussy once again. He continued the same movements, smirking when you started making the same noises again.
“It’s so good…so- mmm! Uhh!” You moaned and he caressed your hip, feeling you clench around his tongue. You gasped, broke whimpers and mewls leaving your mouth fast as you felt the coil snapping.
“Eddie- fuck!” You moaned and cried out as you felt an immense pressure in your bladder all of a sudden. Your eyes widened and you said “Eddie- Eddie ah- shit, I think I-I have to pee!”
He smirked, holding your hips down as best you could. He kept going even though you tried to stop him, and a few moments later you couldn’t handle it and you let go. You practically screamed as you orgasmed, the breath knocked out of you as you started squirting.
You squeezed your thighs around his head, leaving him trapped. Not that he minded. “Haaggh! U-Ughh! Eddie!” You moaned and he grunted into your pussy, rutting into the bed slightly. Tears streamed down your face as you came, a small sob leaving your lips.
You eventually released Eddie, panting hard as you whimpered at how sensitive you were. Even him breathing on your pussy was making you want to squirm. He slowly sat up and chuckled, massaging your shaky thighs.
“W-Why didn’t you stop? That was gross, Eddie” you said and he furrowed his eyebrows. He scoffed and said “what are you talking about? That was the hottest thing you’ve ever done” “pissing on your face?” You asked and he chuckled, realizing you didn’t even know.
“Babe y-…you squirted” he said and laughed. Your eyes widened and you said “what? That’s not- what does that even mean?” “I don’t actually know, it’s just something girls can do. And it’s the hottest thing ever” he said.
You smiled a little, mind still pretty hazy from everything. He got on top of you again, resting in between your legs as he brushed your hair out of your face and kissed all over your face.
You giggled and said “Eddie…” “you’re so pretty” he said and you smiled. You looked up at him and said “kiss me,” He grinned and happily obliged. He caressed your cheek and you smiled, wrapped your arms around him.
“You know, I think it’s pretty unfair that I’m completely naked and you're not” you said, playing with his hair. He instantly stood up at the edge of the bed, slipping his pants and his boxers down in one swift move.
Your eyes widened as you saw him, jaw dropping slightly. He was thick, really thick, and he looked big too. He heard you whimper and he looked up with concerned eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, a little embarrassed because maybe you found him unattractive. You looked him in his eyes and said “I-I just…I’ve never seen one that big. Certainly never taken one that big” you said and chuckled nervously.
He shook his head, trying to suppress the ego boost. He crawled on top of you again and said “it’s okay. We’re gonna go slow, remember?” You nodded, biting your lip. You spread your legs wider and he smiled, rubbing the tip through your wet folds.
You mewled softly when he gently massaged your clit, just the light stimulation alone making you clench. He reached for some lube in the nightstand next to the bed and squirted some onto his hand, warming it up a little before getting his dick nice and wet.
He planted one hand next to your head, the other holding his rock hard cock at the base and guiding it to line up with your pretty pink hole. He chuckled and said “are you okay?” “Yea, yea…I-I really want this, Ed’s” you said and he took a deep breath through his nose, leaning down to press a kiss to your soft pink lips.
He then pressed his cock right against your other soft pink lips and said “you ready? Just gonna put the tip in, okay?” You nodded and he slowly pushed in, just the tip, just like he said.
He knew it’d probably been more than a year since you last had sex and judging by your reaction to seeing him for the first time, you probably weren’t going to be able to take him all at once. You gasped softly and grabbed his shoulders, eyebrows furrowing as your pussy clenched around the little bit of him that was inside.
“More, Eddie, more!” You said and his eyes widened slightly. He watched your facial expressions as he continued to push in further, and a slightly pained whimper made him stop. “Yea, fucking take it, baby,” he chuckled “You okay?” He asked and you let out a shaky breath.
“It’s- i-it’s big, Eddie” you said and he kissed your forehead. He moved his hand from his cock to your clit, massaging in your little bundle of nerves to help ease you open for him. You sighed, throwing your head back into the pillow as you moaned and mewled.
He pushed in a little more and you moaned even louder, making him smirk to himself. “How much?” You asked and he looked down. He smiled and said “half” “shut up. That’s only half?” You asked and he chuckled.
You grinned and said “I want it all, Eddie. Now,” you said and his eyes widened. You laughed slightly and he couldn’t help the moan that escaped as you clenched slightly. Your eyes widened as you said “what?” “You’re squeezin’ me babe,” he said and you rolled your eyes, cupping his cheeks.
You bit your lip and said “Eddie…” He kissed you as he pushed in all the way, you could barely take him all the way to the base. You pulled away from the kiss, gasping as you let out a loud moan of his name.
Your eyes fluttered closed and your eyebrows furrowed, you felt so full. Full of Eddie. He slowly pulled back and thrusted into you again, pulling the most pornographic moans from you. He did it again and your back arched slightly as he brushed your g-spot.
“Feel alright, babe?” He asked, grunting at how tight you felt. You whimpered and said “you’re so- s-so big, Eddie. It’s so good- mmm, babe!” He started to thrust at an even pace, pressing your foreheads together.
You arched your back slightly, not caring about how loud you were because fuck this felt so good. You’d never felt anything like this and you never wanted it to end. He wrapped his arm around you, thrusting harder as your moans grew louder and louder.
“Eddie!” You cried, scratching his back slightly as he hit the perfect spot. He grunted and said “yea, feels good, huh? Look so pretty when I fuck you, you know that?” You mewled, kissing him softly as he grabbed your hand, pressing it on your lower stomach.
You gasped as you felt your lower stomach bulge every time he thrusted. He chuckled and put his hand over yours, pushing it down which made you groan. You whimpered, tears filling your eyes as the pleasure consumed you.
Your whole body was on fire as your 3rd orgasm built up, and you tears were rolling down your face with how intense everything was. “Harder, Eddie!” You begged, groaning as your legs began to shake again.
“Babe…fuck, you’re amazing” he said and you mewled. You bit your lip and said “I’m gonna cum E-Eddie- ohh fuck!” “H-Hold on, baby. Let me cum with you, yea?” He said and you whimpered, trying to hold back.
“Haggghh! I can’t- it’s too much!” You said, sobbing a little. You moaned loud as you couldn’t help it, letting go and squirting all over his lower stomach. You moaned wildly as your third orgasm washed over you, nearly knocking the wind out of you.
Eddie grunted, shuddering as his orgasm hit him like a train and he didn’t have time to control himself before he painted your pretty pink walls white with his cum. “Shitshitshit- fuck! Uhhh” he groaned, squeezing your hip as he thrusted extra hard till the tip kissed your cervix, cumming harder than he ever has before.
Both of you panted hard as you came down from the incredible highs of your orgasms, clinging onto each other. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry babe I didn’t mean to” Eddie apologized quickly, cupping your cheek.
You whimpered weakly and he pulled his forhead from yours, realizing your practically asleep after that last orgasm. “Babe? Hey, you okay?” He asked and you opened your eyes just enough to see him.
He smiled and you said “im okay,” You looked adorable, swollen red lips in a pout as you fought to keep your eyes open. He pecked your lips and said “I’m sorry that I…you know,”
“It’s- i-it’s fine. I’m on birth control” you said and he furrowed his eyebrows. You giggled and he winced, his dick sensitive now. He caressed your cheek as he said “since when?” “since that time at the hideout…” you said and he smiled. You two almost had sex two months ago after one of his shows but ended up getting interrupted before you could actually get there.
He shook his head and pecked your lips once again. He slowly pulled out, making your take a deep breath to make it easier for you. You squirmed slightly as you felt his cum spill out of you, sighing softly as you finally relaxed, your back laying flat against the bed and your head hitting the pillow.
“Everything okay?” He asked and you nodded. You smiled and said “I’m okay, handsome. Promise,” “I’m just worried about you, sue me” he said and squeezed your thigh, kissing your head before he got up to clean himself off.
He came back into the room and woke you up gently, helping you to the bathroom so you could rinse yourself off. You whined about it for a few minutes, just wanting to sleep. He giggled to himself as you leaned all your weight against him practically, legs still shaky.
He brought you some water and changed the sheets for you, leaving you to fall asleep as he threw your clothes in the laundry too. He crawled into bed with you, and of course you woke up instantly being the lightest sleeper to exist. “Shh, shhh” he said, running his hands through your hair.
“Mmm” you groaned and he hummed, kissing your head. You turned over cuddling into his chest. “I love you” you said, smiling. He chuckled and said “I love you too” “was talking to your dick” you mumbled and he scoffed.
“Get off of me,” he said, jokingly. He lightly shoved you away, making you giggle. You curled into his chest once more, nuzzling your head into him. He giggled and kissed your head.
“I love you too, I guess” you said and he chuckled. He rubbed your back and said “yea, you better”
Taglist: @readsalot73 @hellfire1986baby
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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notjustjavierpena · 3 months
Does hubby and his wife have rougher sex sometimes? I saw you wrote a post where you thought about him spanking her 🙊🙈
Rough (Drabble)
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost
A/N: This is just a little treat because I love getting smutty anons. The monkey emojis really made me do it. As always, thank you to @angelofsmalldeath-codeine for beta’ing. Absolute queen 🫡💖
Summary: PWP. It is what it is!
Pairing: Javier Peña x reader (no y/n)
Tags: husband!javier loves his wife, dom/sub undertones, rough sex, doggy style, pet names, praise kink, dirty talk, spanking, light choking, sprinkled with breeding kink, sprinkled with some love and devotion
Word count: 800
Javier has you on your hands and knees. The house is empty except for you, all doors and windows closed to allow what you are doing to reach a volume that would concern your neighbors if they heard.
“Put your hands on the headboard,” he commands as he fucks you and you immediately grab it so harshly that your knuckles start to hurt. However, you are too caught up in the way pleasure shoots through your system like tiny electric currents to notice.
“Who’s a good girl?” He asks and lets his palm come down on your ass and your moan is pathetic. The lingering sting makes you clamp down on his cock, causing a low growl to spill from his mouth in the midst of his strained panting. He goes impossibly rougher and sends you flying forward until you have to cross your arms in front of you, rest them on the headboard, and lay your forehead against them if you don’t want to bang into the wall.
“Me,” you whisper, trying to concentrate on your rapidly approaching orgasm. His cockhead is grinding against your g-spot with each thrust, and it feels so good that you cannot keep sounds from pouring from your lips. Your heart beats fast, your face is hot and you can feel sweat run down your spine as you share body heat with him.
“Say it louder, Princesa (princess),” he groans and smacks your ass again, “C’mon now, let me hear it.”
“It’s me,” you let him know in a higher-pitched voice. He makes a sound of approval but you keep begging for him to make you finish, “Please, baby.”
“And who did a good job tonight?” He continues his questions with a shakier voice. You try to imagine the way his forehead creases slightly when he is focused, and the mental image makes your clit jump.
“Me!” You try to grind back into him, “Oh God, I’m—“
“M-hm, baby. You’re my sweet, good girl,” his breath hitches in his throat when you start to flutter around him, signaling that your pleasure is just around the corner. He pounds your g-spot, “And who gets to come on my cock?”
“I do,” you reply without hesitation, and then you peak after those words. As you come with a loud cry of relief, he reaches around you to splay a hand on your chest and lifts you up until your back is against his chest. You moan feebly as you still feel the warm waves of pleasure pulsating between your legs, but the sound dies in your throat as his broad hand reaches upwards to grip around your neck. He holds you in place, the other hand going down to your cunt to stroke your clit until you cannot think anymore. It hurts so good to be forced to come again, and Javier drives into your sensitive cunt with newfound energy, desperate for his own release.
“Te quiero (I love you), I’m gonna get you fucking pregnant, baby, mi chica sucia (my dirty girl),” he bites at the spot behind your ear, squeezing around your throat. It is the sound of you choking on a moan as you come again that sends him over the edge, your walls pulling him further in and fucking the come from his cock. He groans and settles inside of you whilst he spills his load, giving you enough to make it drip down the sides of your abused hole whilst he is still nestled inside of you.
He slumps and holds your body close, resting his forehead between your shoulder blades. When you think it’s over, he thrusts one last time to push his seed as far inside of your cunt as possible before he might go soft. You sound like you might cry.
“Shh,” he soothes, “I’m taking care of you. No crying, mi amor (my love).”
“I love you too,” you finally reply.
“Lo sé (I know),” he kisses your back gently, moans when he slips out of you, “I’m gonna move, let yourself move with me.”
You nod with a whimper. He lets the both of you fall to the side and hugs you around the middle in this new position. You close your eyes, relishing in the way it feels like his cock has molded you forever, and sigh with deep satisfaction.
“Más (more),” you say softly, “Quiero más (I want more).”
“Bebita (little baby),” there is a hint of something condescending in his voice. You whine but he soothes you by reaching down to cup your whole mound, easing two fingers into you until you mewl, “You can have whatever you want.”
FOLLOW @notjustjavierpena-fics AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS 💖❤️💖❤️
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talkdutchtome · 7 months
Bad Idea Right? - Daniel Ricciardo
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pairing . . . daniel ricciado x reader )
genre . . . smut )
summary . . .it had been three months seen you had seen your ex boyfriend, you had done everything in your power to get over him, so why does it only take daniel to look your way before you’re putty in his hands once again )
song . . . bad idea right? - olivia rodrigo )
warning . . . smut, 18+ MINORS DNI, choking, rough sex, spitting in mouth, use of the words slut and whore, degradation, face slapping, dacryphilia, fingering, oral (f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, use of petnames, not proofread )
word count . . . 3200 words )
a/n . . .i'm still pretty new to writing smut so this probably isn't fantastic but i've had it sitting in my drafts half done since guts first came out so i just wanted to get it done )
Haven't heard from you in a couple of months  But I'm out right now and I'm all fucked up  And you're callin' my phone and you're all alone  And I'm sensing some undertone 
The second you saw him across the crowded club, you knew the months of progress and moving on would be for nothing. He looked better than ever, the tight white shirt he wore complemented his tan skin and made you press your thighs together. Daniel Ricciardo ended things with you 3 months ago because your relationship, though full of love, became extremely toxic; with the two of you constantly going through the vicious circle of arguing and then fucking to make up. It hurt to be without him as you truly believed the two of you were meant to be together but after months without him, you had finally started to believe that you could live without him; that was until you walked into a nightclub and found the Australian sat in the VIP section with two absolutely beautiful women sat either side of him.  
Suddenly you were the 22-year-old girl that met Daniel three years ago, immediately transfixed by him and willing to do anything for his attention. You knew he knew you were there, when Max saw you, he waved and called you over, but you just waved and gestured to the bar, telling him that you were getting a drink. Still living in a post-breakup world, you had gotten especially dressed up for tonight; hoping to find someone who would help you forget about the Formula 1 driver who still had a hold on your heart. You wore a lilac lace minidress that hugged your curves tightly, it was brought for you by Daniel, but you didn’t see the need to throw out a perfectly good dress just because of whose money purchased it. Point was, you looked hot as hell and you knew it too, so you didn’t mind going over to the table your ex sat at, only to talk to Max though of course.  
When he saw you walking over, he felt his mouth get dry and annoyingly, his trousers get tight. He had always loved you in that dress and now that he knew he couldn’t have you, you looked even better. He watched you talk to Max, laughing at all his jokes and batting your pretty little eyes at the Dutchman just like you used to at him. He also watched Max’s eyes watching you, he watched his friend practically eye-fuck his ex-girlfriend whilst he sat across from them. The girls sat next to him were now completely forgotten, all Daniel could focus on was you. When Max went up to the bar to get the next round, Daniel knew this was his chance; he scooted around the table until he was sat next to you and began to whisper in your ear.  
“He wants you, you know”  
You scoffed at your ex-boyfriend's words, you and Max may be flirting a little bit, but that’s all it was, not to mention that it was none of his business who wanted you anymore 
“Well maybe I want him to” You whispered back at him with a smirk, expecting that to knock him down a peg or two but instead you saw him smile back at you before taking a piece of paper out of his pocket and starting to write something down. 
“Yeah sure thing, but if you decide that you want to be fucked by someone who will actually make you cum tonight, heres my new address. I'll be waiting.” He told you before putting the piece of paper in your hands before getting up and walking away from you.  
And I pull up to your place on the second floor  And you're standing, smiling at the door  And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men  But I really can't remember when   
You held the piece of paper containing Daniel’s address in your palms as you paced back and forth outside the door to his apartment. You knew this was a bad idea, but you craved him so badly. You had slept with other people since your relationship ended but none of them compared to the way Daniel made you feel, and you didn’t realize just how badly touch starved you were until Daniel whispered those dirty words in your ear and you felt throbbing coming from between your legs. “Fuck it, it’s fine” You spoke aloud before finally knocking on the door. 
Daniel opened the door with a smirk painted on his face, he knew you would cave and follow him home. Seeing his face almost mocking you made you half want to turn around and walk home but half jump on him and let him fuck you senseless. Deciding on the latter, you walked past him into his home. Before you had a chance to say anything you were pressed up against the now closed front door with Daniel’s hand around your neck. 
“What a silly little whore you are, trying to fuck my best friend right in front of me, and in my favorite dress too” He tutted at you, smirking more when you kept quiet, unsure what to respond to the words he had spoken. 
“Do you really think he could fuck you like I can? Like anyone can fuck you like I can?” he asked you again, now starting to apply pressure to your throat with his fingers, you stayed quiet still saying nothing to the man in front of you. Suddenly you felt a sharp pain on your cheek, Daniel had slapped your face. 
“Answer me pretty girl” 
You could have cum right then and there; the issue with all of the sex you had been having post Daniel is that none of them knew how rough you liked it, and to finally have that feeling of a man stood in front of you getting ready to fuck you silly made your pussy quiver with anticipation. 
“No Danny, nobody can fuck me like you can” you responded, looking up to him through your long lashes, giving him the doe eyes that you know he was never able to resist.  
“You look so pretty babygirl” he spoke, bringing his hand away from your neck to your lips. He used his thumb to push your mouth open slightly, you opened it wider, knowing what he wanted. He spat in your mouth before using his hands to close your lips together again 
“Swallow” he ordered and you did without a second thought. You felt his hands move down your body, coming from your mouth, stopping briefly at your tits before they travelled down even further, eventually ending up between your legs. He pushed up your dress to your waist and sunk down to his knees.  
“Oh new panties sweetheart? Did one of your new fucktoys get you these?” 
“Maybe” you retorted at him, but before you could finish the word Daniel had ripped them off, literally 
ripped them off. He smirked at the sight of your glistening pussy, knowing that he had gotten you to the point of dripping without even touching you. He pushed his fingers through your folds, running his fingertips harshly across your clit before sinking two fingers straight into your core without giving you a second's warning. The involuntary squeal that left your lips only boosted Daniel’s ego, his smirk growing wider than you thought possible. The pleasure that you felt in the first ten seconds of him thrusting his tattooed fingers inside of you was greater than anything you had felt since the pair of you had broken up. Though just as quickly as he had started touching you, he stopped, leaving you a whimpering mess.  
“Such a slut aren’t you, so desperate for my dick” he taunted you, a low chuckle leaving his lips before he picked you up and threw you across his shoulders. 
“Ahh Danny what the fuck?” you asked, genuinely startled as he began to carry you to his bedroom, before throwing you down onto the bed.  
“Dress off” Daniel said, stood in front of where you laid, his eyes dark and focused on you. You thought about fighting him, to at least make it look like you’re not willing to give in to him too easily, to keep some pride; but the look he gave you sent shivers down your spine, you could feel the slickness building up between your thighs, you needed him, pride be damned. And if you thought Daniels eyes where dark and hungry before, it was nothing compared to the way he looked at you he towered over you on his bed. He looked like a man possessed when you slid off your dress, leaving you covered only by a black lace bralette that was swiftly removed by Daniel anyway. You opened your mouth to beg for him to touch you again, but you were swiftly cut off when his mouth crashed against yours, enveloping you in a earth-shatteringly good kiss that sent your mind swirling. The feeling of his lips against yours was one you would never grow tired of. The way his hands laced into your hair and his knee nudged your legs open made it hard for you to understand why you would ever willingly let this go.  
It was only when you started to grind yourself against his knee that he pulled his lips off of you. The way that he looked down at you as you cried out for him was sinful. His messy chocolate brown hair, his swollen lips turned up in smirk, his eyes usually so bright and happy now dark and stormy, full of lust. Every part of him turned you on more than any guy you had ever known. 
“Please Danny” your voice was horse; you were becoming desperate. 
“Please what Babygirl?” he spoke with a chuckle, he loved having you like this, like putty in his hands.  
“Make me feel good” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, not above trying any trick that would get too closer to cumming. 
Daniel didn’t say anything to your request though, instead he just began pressing kisses on your lips, before slowly bringing his kisses down past your neck and chest, getting closer and closer to the place where you ached for him the most. This process lasted only a few moments, but those teasing moments felt like hours and when his tongue finally found your pussy you honestly felt like you had died and gone to heaven. He licked strips up your slit, savoring the taste of you, the taste that he had missed so much. Your hands found his hair as his lips attached themselves to your clit, the curls wrapping around your fingers as they had done so many times before. The way he sucked at and nibbled your clit made you see stars and you soon felt your first orgasm start to build up, that familiar feeling in your stomach making itself known.  
“Ahh Danny I’m going to cum, please let me cum” you begged him, although if he said no, you weren’t sure you would be able to avoid it anyway.  
“Sure, Babygirl you can cum all over my tongue, do you think Max could make you cum this hard” His words annoyed you, bringing up Max at this point was not necessary but before you could complain to him, he picked up the pace of his tongue and you quickly found yourself reaching climax, a string of profanity falling from your lips as you did so. The sounds you were making were music to Daniel’s ears, sounds that he wished he could hear for the rest of his life. If Daniel’s ego wasn’t big enough already, the way he had you falling apart in just a few minutes made his pride swell. You could walk away from him, pretend that you’d moved on and don’t want him anymore; but it’s him who knows your body better than you do, it’s him who knows exactly how to give you what you need to make your knees weak.  
Once he had made you feel good, he turned his attention to himself. The way you tasted, the way you sounded; you were his kryptonite, and he was becoming so hard that it had started to become painful. His rock-hard dick straining against his jeans made your mouth water, it had been far too long since you had felt the sting of him splitting you in half, and you didn’t want to wait any longer; so, when you saw him reach for his belt you felt your pussy quiver with anticipation. 
“Are you going to let me fuck you baby?” he asked as he began to pull his jeans down, revealing his grey boxers, damp from the way his cock had been seeping with precum. His underwear didn’t last long as they were the next thing to be removed, his length red and angry with how hard it was, how desperate for your touch it was. It had only been three months since you had last had him, but in that time, you had somehow forgotten just how big he was; it made you nervous, but it also made you that much more desperate to have him inside of you.  
“Yes, Danny please fuck me” At your words of conformation, he roughly manhandles you to flip you onto your stomach. You prop yourself up on your hands and knees immediately on instinct; you knew how he liked to fuck you, and you also knew that if you did what he wants than you’re more likely to be allowed to cum around his dick.  
“You’re such a good girl aren’t you baby; you know just how I want you don’t you” His hands fall to your ass, groping it and massaging it; savoring every moment of having you spread out in front of you, for all he knew this could be the last time that he has you like this so he was damn well going take his time.  
“What’s the safe word sweet girl?” he asked you as he runs his hands across your body, wanting to feel all of you.  
“Mclaren, please Danny, just fuck me I need you so bad” 
Without warning he plunges two of his fingers deep inside of you, sending shockwaves of pleasure ringing throughout your body. He pumped them inside of you roughly and without care, the sting from just his fingers stretching your cunt out making your eyes water and you felt that oh so familiar feeling of another orgasm creeping up on you embarrassingly fast, however that was all taken away when Daniel abruptly pulls his fingers out of you, making you whine; feeling empty from the loss of contact. That emptiness didn’t last for long though, because just as soon as he took his fingers out of you, he slammed his cock into you.  
Your cries filled the air and tears began to fall from your eyes as Daniel picked up his pace, still slamming himself inside of you despite your discomfort. His hand reaches around to grab your neck, pulling you up flush against his chest so he can see your face as he continues to wreck you. 
“You look so pretty when you cry you know that, such a pretty little slut” as he speaks his hand finds your clit, rubbing it harshly. The pain starts to subside as you get used to having him inside of you again and it is quickly replaced by insane pleasure. The groans falling from the Australians lips sounds heavenly and you can feel your second orgasm quickly approaching.  
“Don’t you dare cum, not until I say you can” Danny tells you, letting go of your neck and gently pushing your head down to the pillow. He’s fucked you countless times, so he knows your body, he knows the way that your pussy starts to clench when you’re close, he knows that you’ll purposely not say anything to try and get away with cumming even when he’s told you not to. He is an expert in the subject of you, and that’s information that he’ll always keep, regardless of how long the two of you spend apart. He knows you more than anyone ever has, and anyone ever will.  
“Oh, fuck fucking fuck you feel so good babygirl, you’re so tight for me” he said through gritted teeth, still slamming into you with all of his might, drunk on the feeling of you clenching around him, your moans and cries spurring something on in him. He didn’t want to admit it even to himself, but he had missed you more than anything, he had missed the way you feel, the way you taste, the way you sound. Everything about you was perfect and, in that moment, he decided that he would never let you go again. The thought of another man getting to have you like this made him sick to his stomach, the thought of someone like Max getting to hear the whimpers you make when you’re being fucked, it was unbearable. 
It was getting harder and harder for you to hold off your orgasm, Daniel was fucking you like a man possessed and sooner or later you were going to cum whether you were allowed or not, and he knew that, of course he did.  
“I’m so so close Danny, please please let me cum” You were begging, shame and pride had gone out the window when you turned up at his door after three months. 
“Okay baby, cum. I’m close too, I’m going to fill you up, okay? This is my pussy, and mine only” Daniel just about spoke through gritted teeth. The second those words left his mouth though; you were over the edge. The feeling was overwhelming, you couldn’t remember the last time you came so hard. Tears spilt from your eyes as fireworks went off in your lower stomach and your legs began to tremble. 
The combination of the sound of your cries and the feeling of your pussy contract around him had Daniel not far behind you. His hands gripped your hair in a makeshift ponytail as he picked up the pace one last time, fucking you so hard that you genuinely thought he was going to split you in half; his groans getting louder and his breaths getting deeper and more sparce until he spilled out into you.  
  The morning sun filters through the blinds, casting a warm glow on the tangled sheets, Memories of the night before float hazily in your mind and you catch sight of Daniel sleeping soundly next to you. Truth be told you don’t even remember falling asleep, you must have just crashed after such an intense orgasm. Reaching over to check your phone, you notice multiple messages from your best friend asking where the hell you got to last night. You quickly send a message saying that you were so tired you just went home to sleep, before putting your phone back onto the nightstand and cuddling back up to the man beside you.  
But you never said where or in whose sheets 
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sociorafe · 5 months
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jj maybank & rafe cameron
warnings: mentions of sex, making out, choking kink, somnophilia, discussions of kinks, dirty talk.
author’s note: thought i’d write something simple and sweet for you guys. i have another reaction post in the works too, hopefully i can get that out next week if i’m lucky lol. hope you enjoy reading! feedback is super appreciated <3
taglist: @rafetopia @rvfecamerons @drudyslut @drewstarkeyslut @sluttycadence
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You can visibly see his eyes darken and you’re not sure whether to be scared or tease him for enjoying this conversation too much.
Rafe shifts in his seat opposite you at the dining room table. It’s only you two in here but he insisted on sitting opposite you— why, he won’t say.
“Sommie, what?” Rafe asks, his fingers tapping idly against the wooden table.
You smile softly, “Somnophilia. It’s a kink.”
He blinks at you, his fingers stopping abruptly when he realises he has no clue what that means and his mind races as to where you learnt that word and it’s meaning. “Explain it to me.”
“Okay…” Your heart picks up pace. You don’t know why you’re getting flustered— well, actually, you do; it’s because of the way Rafe is staring holes into your face and you have to pretend it’s not affecting you. “It basically means you can have sex with me whilst I’m alseep, or you can wake me up with a sexual act.”
His face is stoic, he doesn’t show what those words made him feel on his face. “You’d like that, would you?”
You nod, your neck and ears growing hot under his watchful gaze.
“Words, y/n. Use your words when speaking to me.” Rafe pushes his chair back, his whole torso and lap visible to you and you can now see the outline of his hard cock through his jeans. “I want you to tell me that you’d like me to stuff my cock in your pussy whilst you’re sleeping.”
Your breath hitches in your throat. The visualisation of him using your body when you’re not even awake does things to you.
Rafe slowly makes his way around the table, still waiting for you to answer based on the set of his jaw.
You lick your lips, “Yes. I want… need you to have your cock in me while I sleep.”
When he makes it round to you, he grabs your upper arm and pulls you from your seat. His height makes him stare down at you through lidded eyes; his lips parted slightly as his breath quickens. “You’re gonna get up them stairs and take a nap. I’ll be with you shortly.”
You blink at him once, twice, three times before understanding what’s going on. “Yes, sir. Yes, Rafe.”
Rafe watches you walk away, a powerful and egotistical smile flashes on his face once he realises you trust him with your whole body; awake or unconscious. He finally has you.
His eyes go wide when the words fully register in his head. He’s not sure whether to laugh or be turned on. The latter seems to be taking more of a force on his body than the need to laugh, though.
Your eyes stare deep into his beautiful blue ones, your head tilting slightly as you wait for his response.
“I— I’m not sure what to say.” JJ shrugs his shoulders but nonetheless moves closer to you on the couch, his hand immediately finding your thigh and squeezing lightly. “What do I say?”
You smile at him, leaning into the couch more. “You don’t have to say anything, really. I just thought I should tell you, for well, you know… future reference.”
JJ raises a brow at this. “For future reference, huh?”
You nod, your hand going to his on your thigh as you trace circles along each of his knuckles. “Yeah. I mean, who knows what we’ll do tonight, tomorrow, next week, next year.”
“So this is all about the future and not right now in this moment?” You can hear the teasing lilt to his voice and it makes you squirm. JJ takes notice and smiles to himself. “Y’know, baby, both of us aren’t exactly busy right now…”
You feel your cheeks grow hot at the aspect of JJ wrapping his hand around your throat. You weren’t expecting him to be on board straight away, especially since you both have had a few run-ins with Rafe, but either way you’re glad.
You lean towards him, your lips ghosting over his. “Maybe a little practice won’t hurt.”
He smirks against your lips before roughly placing his on yours. You can feel the need in his kiss— the way his lips mold perfectly against yours has you keening into him more.
The hand on your thigh roughly squeezes your soft skin before he trails it up your side, skimming your skin there and finally stopping against your cheek. Your heart pounds in your chest as you deepen the kiss, the anticipation of being choked whirring your body alive.
JJ gently pushes you down into the couch cushions, his lips still moving hard against your own. You moan into the kiss as he settles himself between your legs; the sudden feel of his hardening cock making you gasp for air.
You lock eyes with him, his blue orbs now overtaken by black pupils. The pure lust and need in his eyes send a wave of pleasure through your limbs and down to your core.
“Kiss me.” You croak out, reaching for his shoulders to pull him closer again. Once his lips plant themselves on yours once more, JJ uses that moment to wrap his slender fingers around your neck. You whimper into the kiss, your mouth opening and JJ sneakily slides his tongue into your mouth, your own gliding against his wet tongue.
He pulls away briefly, a string of saliva still connecting the two of you. “Baby,” his fingers apply a small amount of pressure against your throat, and your eyelids flutter, “You look so good with my hand here… you should’ve brought this up sooner.”
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Copyright to @sociorafe 2023.
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fan-goddess · 6 months
Hi! I saw your kinktober post and I was wondering if you could do Aemond and a wife!reader with the breeding kink? Like they’ve been married for a while and they’re trying to have a baby now? Thank you and have an awesome day or night!
Authors Note: You’re very welcome love hope you yourself have an awesome day or night too! ♥️
This is shorter than usual, but hey it’s my fic!
Warnings: P in v sex, breeding kink, hints at possible issues to conceive, dirty talk, possible exhibitionism (if i miss any let me know!)
Taglist: @sofiyathecunt, @marvelgirl123, @sylasthegrim, @mochi-rose, @valeskafics, @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity, @omgbrcat
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Your marriage to the Prince Aemond Targaryen, much to the surprise of many in court, was quite fruitful.
His touch possessed a softness that no other man had ever showed to you before, and his words showed nothing but pure devotion to you and your well-being.
It was a marriage that you had never expected to find love in, and yet not even a couple weeks after first meeting your betrothed, you and him found yourselves hiding between the tall looking bookshelves in the library, whispering loving words to each other in between sweet kisses placed on each others lips.
Eventually, when the night of the wedding finally came round, it felt as though you were truly witnessing the release of Aemonds inner dragon. That night, he made you feel things you would’ve never thought you would ever experience before. Love being one of them, and true lust and pleasure coming soon after.
His actions and words made you wish for the two of you to possess a physical embodiment of yours and his love for each other. It made you wish every night for a child.
Only it was now nearly a year since the night beginning your marriage, and no child bared fruit. You visited the maester every three weeks, and yet every time you visited you were greeted by him with a face of sympathy and a containment of bad news.
It was what you were walking back from now. Your head held low and your hand placed on your empty womb as familiar news weighed on your head for the unknownth time. You walked solemnly into Aemonds welcoming arms as he stood there waiting for you, and he softly stroked your back with a comfortingly fiery warm palm.
“Was it the same ñuha vēzos.” Aemond murmurs, his lips hovering over the top of your head as he kissed random areas of skin with a tenderness none other than you would truly know of him to possess.
“Yes ñuha jorrāelagon. But it is alright! For we may always try again and again! Until we know for certain your seed has taken root inside of me…” You say back, smiling slightly as you feel aemonds hands grip tighter slightly at your skin, while you yourself practically whisper the words in his ear.
“Do not go about teasing me like that ñuha vēzos, for if you continue I will not be a kind man tonight like I know you so love me to be…”
“Well maybe I wish you to be rough with me tonight my love. Maybe I want you to restrict me on our bed and fuck me till you are certain my womb is filled to the brim of your seed, and and that a child has been conceived. What if I was to want that, my dearest husband?” Your smile shows none of the sadness it held earlier, only of the depravity you wish to indulge yourselves in. Aemonds however, his usual face of neutrality holds does nothing to conceal the lust he feels in that moment.
“Then I suppose you will get it then, like the needy little whore you are…” Aemonds hands grip your waist firmly as he all but pushes you towards the bed, making it so you to fall onto it with a small surprised gasp.
His actions though only serve to make you more aroused as practically tears your clothes straight from your body, revealing yourself to him entirely whilst he himself is still fully clothed.
“Aw, is my little whore needy for my cock?” He grins, slowly beginning to undo the laces of his trousers, chuckling at the way you cannot stop yourself from staring at his erect cock.
“Come on little whore, answer me!” Aemond demands, leaning forward to brush his lips on your own, yet reviling when you try to connect them and his hand that somehow made it to the back of your head, makes it so you cannot. He even chuckles when you lightly whine from frustration, and the slightly pleasant burning sensation on your scalp from him pulling on your hair.
“I-I’m needy for your cock husband! I wish to have you fill me completely with your seed, however you may wish to do so!”
“Good answer…” Aemond growls, leaning back to undress himself entirely before sitting back up on the bed. He moves you slightly, but then comes the hot and heavy feeling of Aemonds cock filling you, and it all feels right again.
Your own moans are practically illegible. All of them involving heavy words that slide off your tongue like silk, with a couple odd moans in between.
Aemond though doesn’t have this same issue, as he continues to grunt dirty words and groans into your ear that makes you more desperate than ever for him.
“I’m going to breed you tonight ñuha jorrāelagon! I’m going to fill your whorish hole with my seed till it’s full and dripping of me, and your womb holds possession of our child. Our son and heir… do you want that ñuha jorrāelagon? To be filled with me? You know I love you, yes?”
“Yes! Yes! I-I love you too ñuha jorrāelagon! Of course I want that! I want that so much please fill me valzȳrys!” You whine. The pronunciation for the Valyrian on your tongue was weak as it drips of your tongue like a heavy slur, yet the meaning does not go to waste, as Aemond growls in approval at it and somehow manages to thrust harder and faster into you. Your whines and moans almost overpowering the sounds of yours and Aemonds sweat covered skin smacking against each other again, and again.
Your voice may have sounded wanton before, and yet with Aemonds new found passion and determination currently coursing through his veins, his cock manages to find and bully that rough patch deep within your cunt and suddenly, you reach a whole new level of volume.
It’s so loud in fact, that Aemond feels the need to place his rough palm over your mouth, which does very little to silence you.
“As much as I love your noises my love, I do not wish to share your glorious sounds with the guards who wait outside our chambers at this very moment. Do you think you could be silent for me ñuha jorrāelagon? Or do I need to help silence you the rest of the night?” It’s so condescending, so shameful to think that the guards could hear you outside these walls. Yet at the same time, sick thrill also manages to find its way up the length of your spine too.
If anything, it almost makes you want to be louder to show them all that it is your husband who you belong to you. It’s only him who owns your body and your love.
Your breath becomes heavy as Aemond continues to restrict your breathing with his palm, and yet if anything you find yourself loving it way more than you should. The feeling of Aemond overpowering you, controlling you in this way, was one of the best feeling you’ve ever felt in your marriage. In your life even.
“Oh… does my little wife like this? Her husband taking what he wants? Her husband taking her tight little cunt and leaving his seed deep inside of her?”
You can only nod quickly in agreement, yet when Aemond removes his hand you take in a few sharp breathes before quickly speaking.
“Yes husband, I love it! Please husband, I think I’m gonna cum! Please leave your cum deep inside of me, I need it so badly!” You whine, and the feeling of everything crashes down on you, as you cum hard on his cock. Aemonds beautiful groans being the only thing able to pierce the ringing in your ears as you can feel his own peak take over him, and his hot cum flooding your insides.
He holds you tightly, unrelenting in letting you fo from his grip. Even when you try to move to grab a nearby cloth.
“Aemond!” You whine. Not from frustration, but from amusement, as he huffs his annoyance at your movements into the skin of your neck. “I need to clean myself up! I’m all sweaty and disgusting!”
“That is where you are wrong ñuha jorrāelagon. You could never be disgusting in my view. You are beautiful…” His words are accompanied by small kisses on the spots he knows are your weakness, and if you were standing currently, your legs would have at this point given up on you. “You are gorgeous.. which is why, I am so obliged in keeping my cock inside of you, to make sure my precious seed stays inside your pretty cunt. All stuffed inside being held in only by my cock… I suppose I will need to fuck another load of my seed inside of you though. To make sure it takes…”
You feel like a whore as you nearly outwards moan at your husband words. He knows where to hit where you’re most sensitive, both with his words and with other things…
You cannot even dare to breath as you merely nod enthusiastically to his proposal. Smiling as you begin to moan once more from his cock, which has already managed to achieve full hardness, and now bullies that special spot inside you. Your lips move to claim his neck, and it all feels right as Aemonds sighs brush against your ear.
It most certainly feels right, as the next month when you visit the maester again, and he reveals for the first time with a smile, that you’re with child.
It most certainly feels right, as you hold yours and Aemonds daughter in your arms, moving so the both of you could affectionately kiss the top of her head, that already is littered with gorgeous silver curls.
“She’s beautiful…” Aemond murmurs, unable to take his gaze from her as she sleeps peaceful in your arms. “She takes after her mother in that…”
“Oh no dear husband…” You deny, choosing to lovingly look at the sight of him gazing at her with such rare softness. “She takes after you in that...”
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starrykaulitz · 8 months
any era tom headcannons!
hi guys! so since i don't have enough time to write full segments of stuff, ill be posting either head cannons or my fav pictures from now on… so sorry for the hiatus i went on with no notice but enjoy these!!
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he loves it when you sit on his lap. everywhere you go, public eye or not, he opens his legs inviting you to sit on either his knee or on his thighs. depends if you can get home fast enough from wherever you are.
this man is obsessed with public affection. he seriously does not care about what others think when it comes to his relationship. you'll be walking in a crowd of people and his hand will be smack bang on your ass, gripping it, groping it, you get the point.
he sleeps on the left side, always. and he has these reading glasses that have broken MULTIPLE TIMES because everytime he finishes staring at his phone at 2 am, goes to switch of the bedside light, he forgets to take the glasses off and they end up on the floor. he says 'ill get them in the morning', ends up forgetting they are there and steps on them with his fat ahh feet.
his fav cuddle position is def when he can rest his head on your tits, big or small. he loves laying on your chest whilst wrapping his leg around your lower half.
he always needs to be touching something of yours. its almost a subconscious thing, but he has to have his hand or his leg near yours at all times, especially if your in a situation that could make him nervous.
if you knew him from a younger age, growing up together, he would have 100% picked on you more than anyone else around him. you were a girl, its 'funny', but now that hes older, that man will literally kiss the ground you walk on.
your in the car with him? hes driving? horrible idea. he will not only speed to see your scared reaction, but he was also drive with his knees. he does not stop at orange lights at night either, he is going STRAIGHT THROUGH IT, PUMPING THE GAS.
if you were watching a movie and he got real into it, he'd begin just...grabbing at your boobs. not in a sexual way, in a way of "they are there, might as well grip onto them."
alright. morning sex. all the time. it'd be strange if you didnt have it. he is constantly up against your back, and he'd love having an s/o whos a bit exciting, so extra points to you if you purpusfully gave him one while he was asleep. but god, he would be sloppy in the morning and it would be amazing.
when he finishes, (he would want to do it inside you if you had been dating for years on end, no protection) he bites at your shoulder. doesnt matter what position, hes biting that shit hard as he finishes.
he LOVES licking. idk why, but he does. if your lying there under him, arms stretched to the side, he will take that chance to lick all the way from your belly button, to your neck, up until he reaches your mouth and then continues to shove said tongue down your throat.
he gets pretty aggressive with head i'd say. he loves you doing it, literally his favorite past time, but he would grip onto your scalp so hard and pound himself into you, (ofc, only if youre in the mood for that.)
mirrors? dont even mention them or else he'll have you infront of one and have you begging for more istg. he loves seeing both himself and your fucked out expression as he hits it from the back.
again, toms said this before, but i rlly dont think tom would like you doing the dirty talking, (ofc unless your out at a public dinner on the other side of the table, you send him a dirty msg or sum), but he prefers to hear you scream and ATTEMPT to talk then have you degrading him or sum.
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borathae · 9 months
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“Because of his curse, Jungkook’s past was filled with loneliness. Unable to touch a human without being overtaken by the urge to kill them, he believed his fate to be a touch-deprived one. It changed however when he met Yoongi, bearer of the same curse and loving mentor, who taught him that intimacy was possible for someone like them. Now it’s been years and Jungkook’s life is filled with love, tenderness and the warmth of soft touches. All that is missing is your taste on his tongue. Jungkook wants to change that and asks Yoongi for an especially sweet lesson. You just so happen to find yourself between them. Not only as their most loved princess, but also as their very eager practice helper.”
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Reader x Vampire!Jungkook
Genre: Smut, established relationship!AU, Polyamory!AU
Warnings: domestic sweetness, sub!Jungkook, soft Dom!Yoongi, switch!Reader, threesome, Shibari with magical ropes, praise, they give Koo a cockring with the ropes, handjob (Koo receiving), oral (f.receiving), she rests between Yoongi’s legs while Koo kneels and eats her out, Koo calls them Mommy & Daddy, i couldn’t resist afjsdjf, he calls them Mistress & Master beforehand, Yoongi calls them babyboy/girl & good girl/boy, loving dirty talk, finger sucking, lots of drool, pussy fingering, Yoongi has his hand around her throat without choking her, gentle biting (by Yoongi), he plays with her nipples, hair pulling (oc giving & boys receiving), orgasm control & edging (f.receiving), Koo cries because he is happy, she cries cause she’s needy, squirting, a hint of golden showers :’), Jungkook slurps it up cause he is greedy, Yoongi cums in his pants & Kook cums on the sheets fjadsf, some post sex crying, loving & protective aftercare, post sex cuddles!!, I love them!!, Yoongi is truly the best Dom ever :(
Wordcount: 9.3k
a/n: I had this idea because I couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility of Jungkook wanting to try out oral once he’s a little bit better in controlling his urges and OC & Yoongi being totally down for it. I wasn’t ready for Yoongi though fjadjfa help 🥴🖤
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“No but trust me, it’s gonna be great”, Yoongi says in a cute laugh, pressing play on the record player. 
Slow R&B starts playing. He turns, stretching his arms from himself. He is wearing nothing more than tight boxer briefs and a flowy button up. His hair is unstyled as well, but falls beautifully without trying. You share his state, wearing one of his briefs because they are terribly comfortable. 
“And? It’s great, isn’t it?” he asks.
“Yeah, it’s good”, you tell him. 
“Come on, it’s better than good. It’s great”, Yoongi says and moves back to you in little dance steps. He moves his hips as he does, giving you an open mouthed smile. 
You giggle, stepping off bed when Yoongi stretches his hands to you. 
He twirls you and catches you in a way so that your back is pressed against his chest and your arms are crossed in front of your chest, hands being held by him. He hums the melody, moving your bodies to the beat and nuzzling into your neck to kiss it gently. 
He makes you feel so good that you can’t stop giggling. 
“See? You’re into it now, aren’t you?” he rasps.
“You know I am”, you sigh, tilting your head to the side, “I love that.”
“Mhm, love it too”, Yoongi says, kissing your cheek. He lifts his gaze, locking eyes with Jungkook. He twirls you and him so he gets closer to Kook. Once he is, he leans in and kisses Jungkook on his lips. Just once.
“And you? Still think it’s a stupid idea?”
“I never said that. I just said that I didn’t think you’d be into this kinda stuff.”
“What? Listening to music whilst spending time with my two favourite people?” Yoongi ruffles Jungkook’s long hair, “think again”, he says and then draws closer to you. 
He hugs you tighter, taking bigger steps to draw circles with you on the impromptu dance floor. 
You squeal and giggle, trying your hardest to keep up. Yoongi gazes at you with his eyes barely open. He is smiling so much that he is squinting. Every now and then, you get a very passionately sung passage of song from him, followed by a soft kiss or tender snuggle. 
Jungkook watches the two of you with happy giggles in his chest. He is bouncing on the bed, swinging his legs back and forth as he sports the biggest and brightest smile in humankind. He is sharing your state of clothing. Tight briefs and a shirt. No button up, but a soft cotton shirt with its sleeves ending just a little above his elbows. It’s been summer for a while and the days are hot. So you and your perfect lovers spend your hours wearing as little clothing as possible, always making sure that the fibers were natural and light. 
It was the hours of the last sun right now. One more hour and she will have set for the day. Jungkook’s wing was located at the north end of the castle which meant his rooms were already a lot dimmer than, say, Jimin’s rooms. But you didn’t really mind. Jungkook has already turned on his galaxy lamp, which will illuminate the room once the sun has truly said good night. 
Jungkook finished renovations on his wing in spring. It was a beautiful home. The rooms were spacious with high ceilings and big windows and Jungkook filled them with a mixture of modern and old furniture. He even asked you to propagate a few plants for him, which you very happily did. Up until now, he hadn’t killed any of them yet and he even purchased grow lights for the ones who needed a bit more light. 
Jungkook chose to make the smallest of his rooms his bedroom. Now bear in mind, small was still relatively big when one dares to compare it to the bedroom of common apartments, but it was still the smallest room in his wing (except his bathroom and toilet of course). Jungkook explained the reasoning behind his choice that he would rather have his own cozy living room and a big home studio and turn his bedroom into a cozy little escape. He truly managed to do so and you just so happen to spend time in it today. 
The song changes. Yoongi stops dancing, hugging you against him with his lips glued to your neck.
“Mhm love”, you sigh. 
“You’re amazing", he whispers and kisses you one last time before he breaks away to strut to the bed, “but tell me that I’m right. The music’s setting the scene.”
“Of course it is. I feel properly charmed”, you say and giggle, chasing Yoongi to hug him from behind. 
He stumbles and laughs, holding your hands instantly.
“You’re the cutest, my love”, you tell him.
“No, you are”, he says, lifting you onto his back piggyback style.
“Yoongi no”, you squeak. 
“Mine”, he teases and with an expert twirl, manages to place you atop the bed. Right next to Jungkook. You laugh loudly as you get set down, wiggling happily once you are on the sheets. 
Jungkook turns to you, placing his arm over your waist and leaning down for a kiss. One you accept gladly and one which feels oh so impossible to continue when you suddenly feel Yoongi’s lips dance up your inner thighs mere seconds later. 
In the end, you have to break the kiss just to gasp and arch your back. Yoongi is bunching up the legs of your boxers, exposing more and more of your sensitive skin to his eager lips. 
“Yoongi…” you sigh. 
Jungkook turns, looking at Yoongi with his tummy fluttering in excitement. The Creator has his eyes closed in bliss, allowing his strong hands to run over your skin with utmost care. He looks so content with his current position. Jungkook feels heat gather between his legs at the view.
“Shouldn’t that be me?” he asks in a teasing manner.
Yoongi lust-darkened eyes open and flit to Jungkook. He lifts his head even if you whine in disappointment.
“Yeah it should be”, Yoongi says, running his big hands up and down your thighs as he speaks, “I’m ready whenever you two are.”
“I’m so ready”, Jungkook says.
“Me too”, you say. 
“That’s good to hear. Kookie, take off your clothes. Princess, do you wanna help me with the ropes?”
“Yes, Master.” “Of course.”
You and Jungkook say at the same time and seconds later, you each are off to do your own things. Jungkook undresses while you and Yoongi discuss the ropes you will use on his body.
You all agreed to it. Tonight will be the night Jungkook finally eats you out. Yoongi assured you that it was perfectly safe and then the planning began. Jungkook knew that he needed ropes to feel safe, so Yoongi promised him to do Shibari with him and tie his arms behind his back. You knew that you wanted to help, so Yoongi told you that you could. And Yoongi is just here for the good time. He fucking loves spending time with you and Jungkook. 
“Done”, Jungkook says.
You and Yoongi turn to him.
The good boy is kneeling on the floor with perfect posture. His hands are on his thighs with their palms facing up, his back is perfectly straight and his head is held high. He looks at you without ever breaking eye contact, breathing heavily because this is terribly exciting to him.
“Look at you”, you say, “you really know what to do, don’t you?”
“Yes, Mistress”, Jungkook says, eyes lighting up in pride.
“You’re such a good boy for us”, Yoongi praises.
Jungkook squeezes his thighs together and straightens up even more.
“Thank you, Master”, he gets out, having to fight for air afterwards.
You and Yoongi close the distance between you and Jungkook. While you reach for his cheek to caress it, Yoongi runs his fingers through his hair. Jungkook closes his eyes instantly, parting his lips in a soft, audible sigh. He feels the tingles all the way down to his toes.
“Isn’t he the prettiest?” you ask Yoongi.
“Yeah, he is”, Yoongi agrees.
Jungkook giggles, having to squirm away from you because he felt way too shy under your praise. Cute.
“Do you wanna stand up for us now, mhm?”
“Yes, Master”, Jungkook says and with Yoongi’s help, gets to his feet.
You and Yoongi study his naked form. Sculpted muscles he obtained from hard and consistent training, smooth and shaved skin and cock just hard enough that it is starting to rise. He is beautiful indeed.
“You’re so handsome, Kookie”, Yoongi says.
“You really are”, you say, rounding him so you can trace his back. His butt looks so good. You dare to steal a touch, while Jungkook gasps and then exhales shakily, tensing his muscles for you, “you’ve got the cutest butt, sweetie.”
“Thank you”, Jungkook mumbles and giggles.
Yoongi steps closer to him while you continue to feel up his body. Jungkook wants to close his eyes because of it, but doesn’t as Yoongi looks at him. He cups his cheek, running his thumb over his skin.
“I’m gonna monitor your thoughts throughout the session, so can you take off your ring?” he asks.
“Of course. Do you think I’m dangerous?” Jungkook asks, slipping off his magic ring.
“No, but I just want to make sure. It’s for you too, so you feel assured that I know if I have to step in, yeah?” Yoongi explains, accepting the ring to slip it into his shirt’s front pocket.
“Yes, thank you for looking out for me. I feel a lot more at ease when I know you will catch me slipping.”
“Mhm, although I don’t think you will. You’re ready."
“I feel ready.”
“You are”, Yoongi gives Jungkook’s cheek a soft pinch and then he steps back, undoing the knot of the ropes, “let’s start with tying. Yeah?”
“Yes, just tell me what to do.”
“Relax, we’ll take care of you", Yoongi says and looks at you, “may I give you the end?”
“Of course”, you say, snaking your arms around Jungkook just to snatch the ends. Jungkook leans into you instinctively, holding his breath. He is so, so excited. He loves being Yoongi’s rope bunny and to know that you are also with them this session excites him even more.
“Now let’s start”, you say, “my love, can you come look if I’m doing it right?”
“I bet you’re doing really well”, Jungkook says, earning himself a little touch to his waist. 
Yoongi teaches you a new pattern today, explaining the correct ways of tying and the places of pressure you need to look out for in order not to cause pain. You go slow, touching the spots you needed to place the rope over and feeling up his body whenever you get the chance. You mess up a few times, but don’t feel embarrassed about it as Yoongi praises you and Jungkook tells you that he is having the time of his life.
And he has. Being touched and explored and taken care of by his two favourite people feels like paradise to him. Having the rope slowly constrain more and more of his movements whilst at the same time giving him a sensation of comfort felt like a beautiful hug to him. Listening to you and Yoongi talk relaxed him as well.
“There we go, you got it”, Yoongi praises, “now go under this loop and tighten it on this part.”
“Okay, okay”, you say, tickling Jungkook’s skin as you guide the rope.
“That part feels so good”, Jungkook sighs, wiggling his arms a little. 
“Stay calm, sweetheart”, Yoongi tells him, caressing his waist. 
“Sorry, Master I feel so good”, Jungkook apologises, blushing like crazy. 
“That’s okay, just try to keep your arms still yeah?”
“Yes Master, I will try.”
“I promise I’m almost finished, baby”, you assure him.
“Yes okay, take your time Mistress”, Jungkook says and lowers his eyes in comfort, “I feel so good”, he whispers.
“Us too, baby”, you say and finish the knot, “look Boongie, I did it.”
“Perfect my love, now guide the ropes to the front, we’ll need the ends for the hip pieces later”, Yoongi tells you.
“Okay, okay”, you follow, dropping the ropes once they tangle in the front. You hug Jungkook’s waist, kissing his arm, “how are you feeling?”
“Amazing”, Jungkook says and tilts his head back, “I’m so safe.”
“You are”, Yoongi says.
“You really are, our sweet baby”, you add and the round him, joining Yoongi’s side.
Jungkook’s arms are both tied up in the back, held up by an intricate pattern of rope and knots. The pattern is simple in the front, as most of the art was done along his arms. It looked beautiful on his body.
“You are seriously made for Shibari”, you say, “I can’t believe how pretty you are.”
“You’re seriously so pretty”, Yoongi says.
“Guys stop”, Jungkook complains and giggles, swaying his shoulders from side to side.
“Because it’s making me shy”, he pouts, “I don’t like that.”
You smile, “you’re so cute.”
“Mhm. Now about the wish you had”, Yoongi says, “do you still wanna do it?”
“Yes, I want to do it”, Jungkook says, looking at you, “do you think that you can enchant the ropes?”
“I think I can. I studied the spell a lot”, you say, “are you really okay with me trying out the spell on you? You’d be the first person I’d do it on.”
“Yes, I’m okay with it. I trust you.”
“Okay, so”, you turn to Yoongi, “I just have to touch the ropes and think the words, yeah? Like I practiced?” 
“Yes, you should feel heat in your fingertips and Kook, you should feel tingles as if electricity was coursing through you. Anything other than that and you are stopping us.”
“I understand.”
“Okay then, here goes nothing”, you murmur and begin the spell. Yoongi rubs your back as you work while Jungkook sighs in bliss and gazes at you with sparkling eyes. Yoongi was right. His skin tingles electrically wherever the rope touches. He really likes the sensation.
“I think I’m done”, you say. The electricity stops. Jungkook is a little sad that it did. It felt so good.
Yoongi wraps his fingers around the rope and tugs. Jungkook falls into him with a squeak, getting caught by Yoongi. 
“Careful”, he laughs, rubbing his back.
“Sorry, I wasn’t ready”, Jungkook says, using the opportunity to nuzzle his nose into Yoongi’s neck, “you tugged so hard, Master”, he whines.
“I know, I’m sorry baby”, Yoongi says, patting Jungkook’s butt, “but the good news is, the spell worked. Good job, princess. That was amazing, I’m so proud of you.”
“That was nothing really”, you say and snicker, “I feel so cool right now.”
“You are so cool”, Yoongi says and smiles fondly, “com’ere.”
You snuggle into his side, resting your head against his shoulder as he closes his arm around you.
“My two babies”, he says, “mhm? You’re my babies, aren’t you?”
“Yes, we are”, you say while Jungkook merely whimpers and continues to suckle on Yoongi’s neck. No teeth are involved. It is merely a simple and tender sucking motion. It soothes Jungkook greatly, whilst leaving Yoongi with a comfortable tingle down his back.
“Do you like that, mhm?” he asks in a whisper.
Jungkook purrs, nodding his head. He slips his lips from his neck, but stays close enough that they brush against his skin as he talks, “you taste so good, Master. I like doing that.”
“You’re cute”, Yoongi says and drags Jungkook away with a gentle tug to his hair, “I need you to stand still for a little while longer, yeah? I know you want to suck, but be patient. You wanted us to tie up your cock as well and we need to do that still.”
“Yes, Master. I’m sorry, I’m so greedy.”
“It’s okay, Kookie. Now let us take care of you, yeah?”
“Yes, Master”, Jungkook gets out and moans softly, tilting his head back, “oh god”, he whispers under his breath.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m so excited.”
“Mhm, that’s good to hear”, Yoongi smiles and looks at you, “princess, look I’ll show you the pattern.”
“Yes, okay”, you say, watching him work with a tingling stomach.
“First you start off by connecting the new rope with the old. You do it like this.”
“I see, that's easy. What then?”
“Then we need to guide the rope around his thigh. Kookie, part your legs for us.” 
Jungkook follows happily, tingling like crazy when Yoongi guides the soft rope over his skin. He wraps it around the uppermost part of his thigh. Along the path a pair of panties would take. Afterwards he lets you guide the rope along his back and down around the other thigh.
“And now to the fun part. Are you ready for it, Kookie?”
“I can’t wait”, Jungkook gets out, wheezing in excitement.
Jungkook has the most reactive cock ever. Yoongi merely has to come close to it and it practically twitching into his hand in hopes of being touched.
“Needy”, Yoongi teases, sending Jungkook a playful look.
“I know”, he whispers, “I’m so needy and, and…needy.”
Yoongi chuckles, “you’re cute”, he says and cups Jungkook’s balls. 
“Yoongi”, the latter moans instantly, feeling his knees buckle. 
Yoongi massages his balls gently, making sure to dig his thumb into the parts which give Jungkook just the smallest bolts of pain. He likes stuff like that, leaking like crazy because of it. 
“See that?” Yoongi speaks calmly, “see how he’s starting to leak?”
“I do, yeah”, you rasp. 
“Feel it.”
You close your fingers around Jungkook’s cock.
“___”, Jungkook moans, stumbling to catch his balance, “oh god, please”, and here he goes, begging for you. It’s what he is best at. Begging, pleading and acting like a needy boy. 
You run your hand up and down his throbbing cock, paying special attention to his tip. It’s so wet and hot. 
“That’s it, feel him up. I need you to remember how he should be before you start the knot”, Yoongi praises and guides the rope around the base of Jungkook’s cock. 
“Please”, Jungkook begs, but you ignore him.
“Keep this part snug, but make sure that it doesn’t pinch and keep touching his tip. We need him to be wet for the next part.”
“Do we really? What does it do?”
Yoongi gives you a dark smirk, “just keeping it more interesting.”
“I see, fuck that’s so hot”, you say, massaging Jungkook’s leaking tip with just enough pressure that soft squelching sounds fill the air.
“This is gonna make me cum”, Jungkook chokes out, whimpering loudly afterwards, “oh god, please.”
You ignore him, watching with a dripping pussy as Yoongi guides the rope around the base of Jungkook’s balls.
“That’s where you can start applying pressure. Once it’s around his balls, you have to guide the rope along them so they are parted. Like this.”
“Woah that looks like it hurts.”
You and Yoongi sneak a glance at Jungkook. He doesn’t even realise that you do, moaning with parted lips and his eyes squeezed shut. 
“Trust me, it doesn’t”, Yoongi says and smirks, “now wrap it around one more time and tighten it.”
Yoongi tightens it with a pull. Jungkook gasps and tries to close his legs, making Yoongi look up at him.
“Too tight?”
“No. No just…my cock is so hard”, Jungkook gets out and moans softly, “oh god the pressure on my balls is so intense.”
“I know, you’re such a pretty boy, taking it so well”, Yoongi praises and closes the knot, “the rope will help you concentrate.”
“Thank you, Master. You’re taking such great care of me.”
“Don’t just thank me”, Yoongi says and seconds later, Jungkook feels your thumb massage his leaking slit.
“Mistress”, Jungkook sighs, falling into you. His lips are on your neck instantly, suckling on your skin, “Mistress, thank you”, he croaks between his sucks, “you feel so good, Mistress.”
“Mhhm”, you purr, caressing his nape while your fingers work his tied up cock, “call me Mommy tonight.”
Yoongi stills, looking at you with honest surprise. He gawks and blinks, gawks and blinks. You give him a cocky raise of your right eyebrow, one that flusters him so greatly that he ends up looking down with his cheeks heating up. His hand comes up to rub the side of his neck immediately.
Jungkook, on the other hand, is melting into a puddle of utter submission. He writhes and presses into you, tensing his tummy so much his cock twitches in your hand.  
“Yes Mommy”, he gets out and giggles, “I love that name, Mommy.”
“You’re such a good boy, my baby”, you praise him, kissing his cheek, “now.”
You slip your hand away.
“Noo, Mommy don’t stop”, Jungkook begs, “please.” 
“I’d love to baby, but I need to undress.”
“Okay”, Jungkook sniffles, “oh god I’m so horny, Mommy.”
“Me too, babyboy.”
And with that you step back, running your eyes up and down Jungkook’s tied up body while your fingers slip to your shirt. You manage to open one button when Yoongi steps in.
“Wait. Let me”, he offers, hovering his hands above yours. You smile, lowering your arms.
“I won’t stop you, love.”
Yoongi touches your shirt instantly, unbuttoning it carefully and staring deep into your eyes. 
“Since when are you into this?” he asks.
“What do you mean?”
“Being called Mommy.”
“Mhm don’t know. I think it’s hot in the bedroom.”
“Mhm, yeah”, Yoongi agrees and kisses your newly exposed shoulder, “I wanna eat you whole, fuck you’re so perfect.”
You giggle, “what do I hear in your voice, mhm?” you tease.
“Whatever you think you’re hearing, you’re right”, Yoongi says and kisses your neck, opening the last of your buttons. He slips his hand under the shirt and takes it off.
“Mhm, Yoongi love”, you purr, tilting your head back as he explores your vulnerable throat and presses your body into his’, “you tempt me.”
“I know”, he whispers, “that’s the plan.”
He slips off your panties, letting them drop to the ground. One second later and he sweeps you off your feet, twirling around to get you on bed and under him.
“Yoongi”, you laugh in a squeak, feeling dizzy from being handled so quickly.
“My princess”, he sighs, kissing your neck as his right hand holds your thigh and tugs it snug against his waist. Like this, he can roll his hips into you, grinding his clothed cock against your naked pussy. He is as hard as you are wet.
“Yoongi”, you sigh, “Yoongi, this feels so good.”
“It does. You do”, he guides his pouty lips to your ear, “all I wanna do is fuck you till you can’t walk, but I know I shouldn’t. Fuck princess, it takes everything inside me not to take you right here and now.”
“Don’t talk like this, you know what this does to me”, you whine and arch your back.
Yoongi chuckles, pecking your cheek, “wait here, my love.”
And with that he breaks away, climbing off the bed to get to Jungkook.
“Now you”, Yoongi places his hands on Jungkook’s hips, “I’ll help you.”
And with that, he lifts Jungkook onto the bed, making him kneel in front of you. 
“There we go”, Yoongi says, “now you’re looking pretty. Are you comfortable?”
“Yes”, Jungkook whispers.
“Good. How’s the pressure on your balls. The new position adds something, doesn’t it?”
“It feels so good”, Jungkook mewls and leaks a little. 
“Mhm, I see. God look at you, you’re so wet”, he says, running his fingertips through the sticky mess.
Jungkook moans, chasing Yoongi with parted lips and his eyes glued to his mouth.  
“I-”, Jungkook gulps, “sorry. I just, just. Oh god. I’m sorry it, it was because of, of ___ and her wish and then I, I thought about what Hobi said that, that you guys can be my Mommy and D-Daddy, oh god I’m so sor-”
Jungkook doesn’t get to finish his sentence as Yoongi kisses him deeply. So deep in fact that once their kiss breaks, Jungkook has to whimper and Yoongi is out of breath. 
“Fucking say it again, I dare you”, Yoongi rasps. 
“Daddy?” Jungkook whispers.
“Fuck”, Yoongi moans deeply, twisting a big bundle of Jungkook’s hair just to tilt his head back and run his tongue over his throat.
Jungkook moans squeakily, gasping for air.
“I’m gonna treat you so right, babyboy”, Yoongi rasps, “you fucking drive me insane.”
“Oh god, Daddy”, Jungkook moans, “that feels so good.”
“Mhhm it does. You do”, Yoongi can’t stop his wandering hands from feeling and squeezing Jungkook’s body.
He even does it so aggressively that Jungkook looses balance and falls. Kind of. Yoongi catches him before he can, pulling him back to his knees. 
Yoongi’s eager fumbling stops, he stares and blinks. Jungkook stares and pants. 
“Sorry, I was rough.”
“It’s okay, Yoongi”, Jungkook says and blushes, “no. Daddy”, he adds and giggles, lowering his eyes shyly.
“You’re so cute, fuck”, Yoongi presses out and kisses his cheek, “now wanna make our princess feel good?”
“Yes, oh god”, Jungkook almost yells the words from how excited he was. 
“Eager”, Yoongi teases and chuckles. He ruffles Jungkook’s hair before crawling back to you. 
You are panting like crazy, staring at them with glassy eyes. You forgot to blink, doing so once Yoongi cups your cheek.
“Hey there”, he says softly.
“Hey”, you get out.
“Ready for the next step?”
“Yes”, you nod your head enthusiastically, “I’m so ready.”
“That’s good to hear”, Yoongi says, rounding you, “sit up.”
You follow. Yoongi claims the emptiness behind you, placing his arm around your waist. He presses his lips against the shell of your ear.
“Lean into me, my love”, he breathes, ending it with a soft nibble to your lobe.
You fall with your eyes closing, finding refuge against his strong chest. You feel so incredibly safe like this.
“That’s it, relax. I’ve got you, my princess”, he whispers and places his legs over yours so he can nudge you open, “can you spread yourself for us, mhm?” 
You nod your head and follow, moaning softly when he rewards you by kissing your neck. 
“That’s it. Mhhm, I can smell you like this. Sweet like heaven”, he purrs and moans raspily, “that’s gotta be the best scent ever.”
His words make you writhe and whimper. All you want is his touch, “please...” you whisper, knowing that you won’t get it soon. He is in a teasing mood.
“I can smell you too, Mommy”, Jungkook throws in, shimmying closer on his knees, “I’m dizzy because of you.”
“She’s heaven, isn’t she?“
“Yeah, heaven”, Jungkook agrees, gawking at your exposed pussy. You are so wet and puffy already. Jungkook drools so much that it drips out the corners of his mouth, “so pretty”, he murmurs even if talking is hard.
“Ever ate out a woman before, Kook?” Yoongi asks.
“Yes, my human girlfriend”, Jungkook says and gulps, “it’s been too long.”
“Mhm don’t worry, Daddy’s gonna teach you”, he says and slides his hand down to your pussy, “look at what I’m doing with my fingers.”
Jungkook watches hungrily, drooling all over the sheets with his lips parted. 
“Can I start touching you, love?” Yoongi asks, hovering his fingers over your pussy. All he needs is your consent. He aches for a touch as much as you.
“Please don’t ask anymore, I want you so bad”, you get out and mewl. 
“Mhm so sweet”, he purrs and connects his fingers with your pussy. He drags them through your folds, picking up your pleasure just to spread it on your clit in slow circles. 
The sensation makes your toes curl and for your hands to twist the sheets. You moan, pressing back into him. Like this, you can feel his hard cock poke your lower back. He purrs deeply because of it, rewarding you with a slow massage on your sensitive clit.
“Fuck. Yoongi”, you moan breathily, feeling charged in electric pleasure. His touch is so soft and gentle and yet it is already too much. You don’t want him to ever stop.
“See that?” Yoongi says, “keep it focused on her clit and she’ll make the sweetest sounds”, he explains and makes you moan with an expert touch, “hear that? That’s what I’m talking about. Good girl, you’re doing such a good job taking me like that”, he says and cuddles closer to kiss your heated cheek. Truly, your skin is so hot to the touch. And it’s solely Yoongi’s fault. You moan, sliding your hand to his thigh instead. You squeeze him and Yoongi rewards you with more pressure on your clit, forcing you to moan once again.
“Hear that, babyboy?”
“Yes Daddy, I hear it. It’s so good”, Jungkook lulls, “oh god, I wanna taste. Mommy, your pussy looks so yummy.”
“Beg nicely and I’ll let you taste”, Yoongi orders.
“Please can I taste her, Daddy?”
“Mhhm”, Yoongi hums and slides his fingers from your clit to instead tease your leaking entrance. The touch is just as good as the other was. You squeeze his thigh and moan softly, leaking all over his fingers, “that’s it, princess. You’re such a good girl getting so wet for us.”
“Yoongi”, you mewl and to your utter dismay, he slips his fingers away, “no wait, more.”
“Patience, love. We gotta feed our babyboy, yeah?”
You mewl, opening your eyes slowly to Jungkook’s submissive state. He is panting and drooling, looking at your pussy with hazy eyes and parted lips. Fuck. Yoongi touched you so good that you almost forgot about what the actual plan for today was and now you are almost bursting in excitement.
“Open your mouth, Kookie”, Yoongi orders, wiggling his wet fingers slowly.
Jungkook obeys, spilling his drool everywhere. Yoongi doesn’t mind, lifting his coated fingers to drag them over Jungkook’s tongue. 
Jungkook moans loudly and swallows them whole immediately, sucking harshly with his head bobbing up and down on Yoongi’s digits and his cock leaking precum like crazy. He whimpers and moans, spilling tears because of how good it tastes.
“There we go. Get used to the taste. Doesn’t Mommy taste heavenly, babyboy?”
Jungkook mewls a yes, swirling his tongue over Yoongi's long fingers. He needs every single droplet of your sweetness coating his tongue. You taste so good. Jungkook has never tasted something as addicting and saccharine before. Not even blood leaves him feeling that dizzy. No wonder that Yoongi can’t seem to get enough of eating you out.
He always understood the Creator, but now he truly gets him. You are the best and most amazing addictive taste. 
“That’s it”, Yoongi says, slipping his fingers free even if that means Jungkook’s drool spills everywhere in thick strings.
Jungkook snatches for Yoongi’s fingers, “please”, he begs, spilling tears.
“Patience”, Yoongi says, connecting his slick covered fingers with your pussy. The touch is so warm that you tense up and shudder, arching your back even if that squishes Yoongi’s cock.
The latter seems to like it, giving you a little moan into the crook of your neck before he kisses it. “one more time”, he is talking to you, “can I slip my fingers inside to coat them for our Kookie, mhm?”
“Please”, you beg, opening your legs further.
“That’s my princess, take a deep breath I’m slipping inside”, he talks sweetly and lets two of his wet, long fingers disappear inside your pussy. He presses his thumb against your clit, rubbing it in circles as he pumps his digits in and out of you.
“Yoongi”, you gasp and press out a shaky moan. Honestly, it borders a sob. His touch feels too good. You can barely handle it.
Jungkook in the meantime, searches for your taste. He lowers his head, gawking at your stuffed pussy with blown out pupils and his tongue sticking out of his mouth. He is panting like a dog that way, feeling barely human in desperation.
He is so close to your cunt that he can watch how Yoongi’s thick fingers make your puffy lips move around them. Your slick sticks to his skin and hair, filling Jungkook’s (and Yoongi’s) nose with a mindnumbing sweetness. You are so turned on that sloppy, wet sounds join the music. Jungkook’s ears pick them up and send the pleasure straight to his leaking cock. He is glad for the ropes around it. Without it, he would have already climaxed from all the sensations.
“Daddy”, Jungkook moans.
“Yes, babyboy?”
“Daddy, Mommy’s pussy is so pretty”, he gets out and whimpers, “can I taste, please?”
“Open up.”
Jungkook obeys. Yoongi slips out of your pussy quickly to make sure that he is thoroughly coated. Then, without warning, he shoves his fingers into Jungkook’s mouth in their entirety, forcing him to gag in surprise. Only once because then your taste fills Jungkook’s veins and he becomes needy in hunger and he begins moving around Yoongi’s fingers quickly.
He sucks and slurps and moans like a hungry little animal, switching between closing his eyes and looking at your pussy. He ends up closing his eyes more than he gazes however, the view of your perfect, wet cunt was too much to handle.
And while Jungkook cleans Yoongi’s wet fingers, Yoongi travels his unoccupied hand up your body until he can rest it around your throat. He tilts your head to the side this way, making space for his lips on your neck.
“I know you’re desperate”, he whispers, “I know you wanna cum, but let me take care of it, yeah?”
“Yoongi, I’m so-”, you whimper, arching your back.
“I know, my princess, I know. But you can trust me, I’ll make sure you feel so, so good. Just trust me, my love”, he whispers and kisses your neck where it is most sensitive, ending it with a gentle bite. One which doesn’t pierce or hurt, but one which sends bolts of pleasure to your warmth, “can you do that for me? Can you trust me that I’ll take care of your orgasm, mhm?”
“Yes, Yoongi”, you whimper, wetting the sheets with new layers of your pleasure.
“Thank you so much, my love. You’re making me so, so happy”, Yoongi coos and rewards you with another soft bite. He ends it with a flick of his tongue and a little kiss, moving on to massage your nipples as he cradles your breast in his big, warm hand.
And you fall back into moaning and feeling too charged in pleasure, wishing for this to never end.
Yoongi switches his eyes to Jungkook, resting his chin on your shoulder for comfort. His fingers are cleaned again. He slips them free even if Jungkook sobs in denial.
“You did such a good job cleaning them”, Yoongi says, “now tell me the capital of France.” This is a concentration game. If Jungkook was still in control he will answer easily, if he is on the brink of losing control he won’t.
“Paris”, Jungkook chokes out, trembling in desperation, “please more. Please can I eat your pussy, Mommy?”
“Very good. One last question and then I’ll allow you”, Yoongi says, “tell me what’s thirty divided by five?”
“I uh, fuck”, Jungkook gulps, “I’m, I’m bad at maths. Six!” he looks up at Yoongi with big puppy eyes, “it’s six. Please I knew it! Please let me have her.”
“Good job”, Yoongi smiles proudly, “now look at my hand.”
Jungkook obeys, gawking with bated breath.
“Can I let Jungkook eat your pussy now?” he makes sure.
“Yes please”, you beg, leaking in anticipation.
“Such a good girl, mhm princess”, he praises and places two of his fingers on your pussy. He spreads your folds gently, revealing your clit to Jungkook’s eyes, “stick your tongue out and flick it over her clit.”
Jungkook obeys. He does it once and then everything escalates. You moan loudly and tremble like crazy while Jungkook growls and fucks the mattress. Yoongi laughs at the view, hugging you close whilst placing his other hand on Jungkook’s forehead to keep him at a distance for now.
“Calm down you two, calm down”, he speaks gently, “I can’t have you acting like such needy animals, yeah?”
“But…please”, you beg, bucking your hips up and almost smothering Jungkook with your heat. Almost. Oh how heartbreaking it is that it was only almost. You need to feel his tongue so fucking bad.
“Please Daddy, I’ll behave. I, I promise please. Please”, Jungkook pleads, spilling tears from his ruby eyes, “I can’t take it anymore, please I wanna have her pussy”, he croaks and sobs.
“So eager”, Yoongi teases and chuckles, “you’re so cute. The both of you.”
He dances his hand back to your pussy and parts your folds again. You tense up in anticipation, holding your breath. Jungkook squeaks and moves closer, but still waits for Yoongi’s command.
“Go ahead, do it again.”
Jungkook moans and connects his mouth with your pussy in such hunger that for a moment he has Yoongi’s fingers under his tongue as well. Yoongi merely smiles and lets it happen, hugging your trembling body against him as you let out a desperate moan.
“That’s it, such a good boy”, he praises Jungkook and then kisses your neck, “try to breathe my love. I know he’s being really sloppy right now, but I need you to keep breathing.”
It’s hard. What Yoongi asks of you to do is impossible when all you can do is moan, gasp for air, hold your breath and release it as a moan. Over and over again. In a needy, uncoordinated pattern of numbing pleasure.
Jungkook is so sloppy in the way he eats you out. It doesn’t help that Yoongi is keeping you parted for his tongue and therefore exposing the most sensitive spots to his eager tongue. Jungkook switches between swirling his entire tongue over it and then attempting to suck on it like a lollipop. He is drooling uncontrollably, adding to your own wetness to the point where Yoongi has a hard time keeping his grip on your pussy.
“Please”, you beg, feeling your legs shake like crazy, “please, please, please.”
“Keep breathing, babygirl. Keep breathing”, Yoongi encourages you, “trust me, yeah? I have everything under control, just keep breathing.”
You have to grip his other thigh too, squeezing it to the point where red bruises from on his fair skin. They heal within seconds, but the sensation stays behind. Pressure and slight pain. Yoongi runs on it like a maniac. It’s so arousing to him to watch and feel you lose control. He hugs you closer even if that increases the pressure on his leaking cock and then kisses your neck. He slips his fingers from your pussy and grips Jungkook’s hair, tugging his mouth away from your pussy.
“No”, you gasp, arching your back in agony, “no, please. Back. No. Please.”
Jungkook begs just as desperately, spilling tears.
“See?” Yoongi ignores your pain, “I have everything under control. Now you can breathe for a bit.”
“You are so cruel”, you mewl and sob, “I was so close….”
“I know princess”, Yoongi purrs and kisses your cheek, “how are you doing, Kookie?”
“Please let me have her again, please”, Jungkook speaks with tears in his voice, “I need her again, please.”
“Mhhm”, Yoongi acknowledges him and kisses your cheek, “how about you, love? Did you breathe enough?”
“Yes, yes please. I did. I just want to, yes”, you stutter, making him chuckle.
“Very well”, Yoongi lets go of Jungkook’s hair and places his hand next to your pussy. Warm and big it rests there safely, reminding you how wonderful it feels to be held by him. “dive in again, babyboy.”
Jungkook follows his commands without thanking him for it. He is too eager to taste you again. He wraps his lips around your clit and begins switching between licking you and sucking you. There is no pattern behind it, but you don’t mind because no matter how he would eat your pussy right now, you would still feel as ruined and broken as you do right now. Jungkook’s mouth is warm and so wet. No words could ever describe just how intense it feels to be tasted by him.
You squeeze Yoongi’s thighs again and moan between your struggles for air, spilling all over the sheets and Jungkook’s face while you are at it.
And while you think that you are the most ruined right now, it isn’t the truth. Jungkook is. He can’t stop crying ever since his tongue connected with your clit. This is a dream come true. No. This is his biggest dream come true. All he wanted, ever since you and he became lovers, was to taste your pussy. He watched Yoongi go down on you a million times before, witnessed Taehyung doing the same and he was always left aching for a taste and wondering how wonderful it must be to love you in such a way.
And now he finally has you. He has you under his tongue, has your taste coating every single inch of his mouth and throat, has you moaning because of him and has you filling his nose with your sweet scent. Jungkook is so ruined by all of this that he can’t stop crying, sobbing into your pussy as he grinds his tongue over your clit.
Just one more time and then Yoongi pulls his head away again.
“Please Yoongi!” you beg loudly, mirroring the utter agony Jungkook feels.
He tugs on his ropes, trying to fight free but failing miserably. Yoongi chuckles because of it, soothing you with kisses to your neck until you finally calm down again. Just enough that he knows it is safe for Jungkook to taste you again.
He pushes the wiggling vampire down, smothering him with your pussy this way.
You wail up while Jungkook sobs and begins sucking on your pussy again. He searches for your tastes this time around. He loves your clit, but right now he needs your taste straight from the source. He lays down on his tummy even if that squishes his cock and puts tension into the rope around his balls. It hurts, but Jungkook likes it. It hurts a lot actually, forcing him to fuck the mattress in sync with his tongue slipping into your hole.
“Look at you”, Yoongi says, “you’re so fucking greedy.”
Jungkook doesn’t hear him. He is lost. Officially gone. Your pussy is pulsating around his tongue, your taste keeps spilling and spilling and spilling into his mouth, your scent is suffocating him. Jungkook swears this is the reason why he lives. He buries himself deeper and sticks his tongue out as far as it can go. He needs to merge with you. Please don’t let this end.
“So greedy, god you’re so greedy”, Yoongi taunts and slides his thumb to your clit. His hand he keeps resting on you, using the slick Jungkook left behind to give your clit a gentle massage up and down.
“Yoongi”, your voice doesn’t sound like you anymore. Your body wants to shake, but doesn’t know how anymore, tensing and convulsing between his legs. You reach up and grab a bundle of his hair, twisting it to the point where it hurts.
“Don’t be scared, I’m here”, Yoongi whispers, “fuck”, he growls when you tug harder, “fuck, princess relax your fingers. Mhm? Can you do that for me?”
You only tug harder and sob his name and Yoongi knows that it is time. He abandons your clit and tugs Jungkook away.
“Please, you fuck”, the words spill out of you. You didn’t even know that they did until Yoongi chuckles and bites your neck to the point where it stings but never breaks. You whimper, feeling just a little embarrassed.
“I’m sorry my love, I promise this was the last time”, he whispers sickeningly sweet, kissing the spot he bit, “now take a deep breath for me.”
“You’re lying, you’re just saying that”, you mewl and sob softly, “please let me cum, please.”
“Breathe princess, breathe”, Yoongi whispers and runs his hand to Jungkook’s cheek. He cups it and tilts his head up as best as the position allows him to.
His tears ruined his cheeks, his eyes barely stay open and his pink lips are puffy and wet from your pussy.
“I know you’re angry at me, but I promise you can have her again very soon”, he speaks softly, running his thumb over Jungkook’s swollen upper lip, “I’ll let you make her cum now, but first I need to make sure you’re still with us. Tell us three blue fruits.”
“B-blueberry”, Jungkook can barely speak. He is so far gone, “and, and plums and..and…I don’t know”, he sobs, “I don’t know any more fruits please just let me have her, please Daddy.”
“Fine. You did well with two”, he says and slips his hand to your pussy. He parts your folds, “there’s grapes, by the way”, he adds, “or açaí berries.”
But Jungkook can’t hear him. He connects his mouth with your pussy and licks up your taste messily, moaning and sobbing in gratefulness while you do the same in desperation.
You twist Yoongi’s hair to the point of pain again and press into him, putting so much pressure on his cock that it gets hard for him to keep his eyes open. But he tries. He tries for you and for himself. Watching Jungkook eat your pussy is the hottest view to him. To have him grind his face against you and to watch how your pussy hugs his lower face makes him so fucking hard that it gets difficult to function. To know that this right now was the round where he will finally let you orgasm, messes with his sanity even more. Yoongi slips his unoccupied hand to your chest and begins playing with your nipples.
You tense up and abandon his thigh to instead grab a bundle of Jungkook’s hair. You tug with the same amount of strength you do with Yoongi, wailing up in ecstasy. If Yoongi pulls away again, you will actually break apart. This would ruin you. All you need is to climax. Yoongi’s long fingers on your nipples and pussy and Jungkook’s wet mouth on your clit. The sensations are too much. You need to cum or else you will shatter.
“I’m cumming, please”, you sob in a breathy voice.
“Don’t hold back, my love. I’m right here”, Yoongi encourages you and pinches your nipple in sync with his lips kissing your neck.
You let out a loud wail and break on Jungkook’s tongue. The edging made you so sensitive that you have no control over how hard the orgasm hits you. It’s hot and so intense that you have to grab the nape of Yoongi’s neck for support. You are scared if you were being honest. This is so intense.
“I’m here princess, I’m here. Let it happen, you’re safe”, Yoongi talks you through it, holding you safely, “I know it’s a lot but let it happen. I’m right here.”
Jungkook isn’t present anymore. The second your orgasm hit you, he stopped existing. Your orgasm affects him on normal days, but tasting it was too much  for him. He licks and sucks without having any control over it, whimpering because all he wants is to keep tasting you. His eager, sloppy mouth mixed with the ruthless edging of before made you so sensitive that all it really takes is for Jungkook to miss the window of overstimulation and for Yoongi to skilfully ignore it and you are squirting all over Jungkook’s face.
“Yes princess”, Yoongi moans and fucks his cock against your back as he finds his own release from your scent, “holy fuck, you’re perfect. Fuck, my love, holy fuck”, he moans deeply, soaking up your scent like an addict.
Jungkook tugs on the ropes, barely managing to keep his head held high. His eyes are burning from his tears and your never ending wetness, he is pretty sure that he already inhaled it because his upper throat burns. He doesn’t mind, he buries himself deeper, sucking it out of you to the point where you are scared that you long stopped squirting and instead are giving him a completely other taste. One of golden pleasure.
Only once you are truly empty – trust that it took too many seconds of uncontrollable shakes – does Yoongi wrap his hand around Jungkook’s hair to tug him away.
“Ah”, Jungkook lets out, because the position hurts his neck. Not for long because then Yoongi already managed to tug him over your intertwined legs and roll him to his back. Jungkook falls with a sob, arching his back as his arms prevent him from getting comfortable. His cock is hard, but covered in his white seed. It is still dripping and leaking more. His face is wet, his hair is soaked and his chest heaves up and down quickly. He can’t move. He truly can’t move. A Ripper high. That’s what the taste of your pleasure and golden sweetness did to him.
“Good job”, Yoongi praises him, caressing his cheek, “keep breathing Kookie, it’ll all be over soon”, he promises him and then turns his attention to you.
He wraps his arms around you and tilts your head to him gently. Your eyes merely have to meet and then it gets too much for you. You break into tears, growing incredibly small and fragile in his arms.
“I’m here, princess. I’m right here”, he assures you, allowing you to turn in his arms so you can rest against his chest. Your legs are pulled up and your knees are resting against his tummy, your head is against his shoulder, your fingers clutch his shirt weakly. Yoongi kisses your forehead and switches between caressing your back and your hair, “let it all out, this is all natural. I know the session was intense so I need you to let it all out. Good job, my love. I’m so proud of you”, he keeps talking to you as you release your feelings into him, “you did so well, my love. Let it all out. Fuck, you’re making me so proud. That’s my girl. I love you, my princess. That’s it.”
His loving words, his strong hug, his soothing touches. All of it is enough to calm you down, to allow you to return to him safe and sound and to feel so utterly content with yourself that your tears of overwhelming gratefulness stop slowly.
Once they do, you feel tired and sleepy, lifting your head to gaze at him.
Yoongi looks at you with fond eyes, placing his hand on your cheek, “hey there, my sweet princess”, he whispers, caressing your skin, “how are you feeling?”
You giggle and lean into his touch, “thank you, Yoongi”, you get out and giggle again.
“You’re so cute”, his smile grows, “and you did so, so well. You have no idea how proud I am of you.”
“You were so mean”, you giggle, “but you were so right, I loved it so much.”
He chuckles, “yeah, I know you would. That’s why I did it”, he says, eyes flitting to Jungkook, “our Kookie’s back. Hey there, my sweet prince.”
You turn in Yoongi’s arms so you can look at Jungkook. He is looking up at you with big, glassy eyes. His face and hair are still ruined from you.
“Thank you”, he croaks and then breaks into happy tears.
You and Yoongi spring into action instantly, picking him up in a tight group hug and whispering the sweetest words of comfort to him until he stops crying. It takes a few moments for him to calm down, but once he does he is sucking on Yoongi’s neck for comfort while you work on opening the ropes around his torso.
Jungkook rolls to his back once he is freed, reaching for you pleadingly. You fall into his hug gladly, resting in a way that would still allow Yoongi access to Jungkook’s lower body.
“I love you”, Jungkook murmurs into your neck, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too”, you tell him, feeling droopy in comfort now that you are held by him. His hug feels just as amazing as Yoongi’s does. Maybe a little wetter because he is still terribly ruined by what you did before.
“This has been my biggest dream for so long and now it was my reality”, Jungkook squeezes your head closer with his hand on the back of it, “I’m waiting for the moment I wake up and realise that it wasn’t real.”
“It was real”, you giggle, “and you were amazing.”
“I’m so happy. So happy that I could cry again”, Jungkook says and laughs, squeezing you tightly, “I want to cry, really. Thank you so much for doing this with me.”
“No thank you. I can’t believe how talented you are. Seriously Kook, you were amazing.”
“You really were”, Yoongi throws in. He just finished opening the ropes around Jungkook’s cock is now caressing the sore spots left behind. They are already healing, but Yoongi still likes to make sure that Jungkook is comfortable and well taken care of. So he runs his thumb over the reddened marks all along his balls and base of his cock, sending tingles of comfort through Jungkook’s body.
The latter fixes the position of his head so he could gaze at Yoongi, hugging you against him as he does.
“Thank you”, he says, “you have no idea how much this meant to me.”
“I do”, Yoongi assures him, “I know what it means to you, sweetheart. And I’m so proud of you for doing so, so well. This was your first time and not once did I have to stop you because you were losing control.”
“I came so far, didn’t I?” Jungkook gets out as his eyes fill with tears.
Yoongi cups his cheek, “you did and you will get even better with practice. I’m so proud of you, my bestest student.”
Jungkook whimpers softly, “I’m your bestest student?” he chokes out.
Yoongi smiles and leans down to kiss his forehead, “and my most loved too. Hear me?”
“Oh god”, Jungkook giggles while he sobs just a little, “I love you too, Yoongi.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi kisses his forehead one more time before claiming his rightful place behind you just so he can hug you and kiss your cheek. Like this, you are sandwiched between Jungkook and Yoongi, enjoying every second of it, “and you are my most loved princess. Hear me?” he whispers, making your heart flutter.
“I love you too”, you say, “and I love you too, Koo”, you add, wiggling happily.
“I love you too”, Jungkook answers you, feeling so happy that he wants to scream.
Yoongi snuggles closer, “the music was a good idea, wasn’t it?”
“It was amazing”, you praise him. 
“It really was”, Jungkook agrees. 
Yoongi smiles happily, purring contently. A few seconds pass where the three of you share comfortable silence, cuddling and hugging and feeling content. The galaxy lamp is soaking the room in colours of red, pink and purple, the music is relaxing you. 
“Boongie?” you break the silence in a whisper.
“Yes, princess?” he also whispers.
“Did you cum in your briefs?”
“They’re wet against my butt.”
Yoongi lets out a little hum, “maybe I did, yeah”, he huffs out air, “don’t blame me, I’m so into you two.”
You and Jungkook break into quiet, happy giggles. Yoongi joins you seconds later. Jungkook reaches over you and places his arm over Yoongi as well, pressing you both closer that way.
“We’ll just take a shower later”, he murmurs to which you and Yoongi agree with a sleepy, happy hum.
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acotare · 11 months
Carlos Sainz nsfw
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Carlos understands that he has a lot of stamina and a lot of libido, after any form of sex he will always firstly want to completely take care of you with fetching a glass of water and if need be filling the bath to comfort any muscles. This is of course followed with lots of cuddles and pillow talk.
Carlos is a massive fan of pillow talk and finds your soft tired voice soothing and the most cute thing he swears he has ever heard.
Carlos makes sure that you know that you are loved especially with any degradation and ensures that you receive a lot of praise later over how good you had been for him.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Carlos was defiantly a boob guy over ass, nothing pleased him more than a plunging neck where he could see your curve of your breast.
he doesn’t care weather they are big or small either, bog boobs mean that he has more room to kiss and enjoy with him enjoying using them as pillows after a long day and loves smothering himself in them. Small boobs he enjoys just as much with him loving how they fit in the palm of his hand with him being able to take photos with his hands replacing your bra, he’s obsessed with the way they fit your body perfectly and if you ever say any negative comment about them he will show you just how much he loves them
his favourite body part on himself is his hair, he takes a lot of pride in how he cares for it using your conditioner and hair masks, he also really loves his post sex hair where he can see how much you have tugged at it and brushed your hands through it whilst screaming out his name.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
carlos is a very generous lover with him wanting you to cum at least 3 times every time, he loves right after he finishes into you when your legs are quivering he will see our body try and push out his cum he will make sure to get his fingers and push it back in ignoring the way you try and flinch away from his fingers to sensitive for it
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he enjoys if you have been teasing him punishing you by making you do all the work, he will only let you ride him where he can lie down and watch your breasts jump about for him and gets the perfect view of your face as it scrunches up in pleasure while he gets to lie there and acts completely unaffected
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he is definitely experienced with him being able to get you to cum within 5 minutes if need be, he is practised at knowing what things drive a woman crazy and knowing exactly how to turn you on without trying he doesn't mind if you don't have much as he is more than delighted to show and teach you everything from how to suck his cock to being able to sit still cock warming him he loves how innocent you are with him being your firsts being a kink to him
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
carlos loves any position and frequently changes it up his favourite being depended on his mood, if he feels like a soft loving day he loves missionary with him being able to kiss you and have the more personal touch, on days where he wants to be a bit more rough he will go doggy with him giving your ass a slap anytime you don’t answer right away to him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he can definitely be a little goofy especially in the leadup with him giving you his renandation of a magic mike routine and pulling a muscle 
he tends to however be quite serious with him wanting to be able to read you and your body language well the goofy ness can come in the aftercare
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
carlos is not a fan of being completely bare down there with him being a naturally hairy guy that includes the downstairs he hates shaving for the itchiness and rathers just keeping it a close trim.
he does not care either how you look he prefers some hair as he finds it sexy but whatever you like is best
you once refused to have sex with him because you had not shaved for a while and whilst he respected your descion he made sure to tell you how little he cared and found it more sexy safe to say he has fucked you more times than ever after that conversation
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect
he is very romantic in the moment with him wanting to show you how much love he loves you especially on days he can tell your not felling yourself or on anniversaries or special occasions. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
carlos has a high libido and due to his job can find himself miles and miles away so often find himselves jacking off in spare moments, he always lets you know to see if you want to join in the fun with him and quite a number of times phone sex full of breathy moans and whispered demands occurs 
he has a secret folder on his phone dedicated to pictures of you mid sex moments where carlos had pulled his camera out and took a photo knowing he would manage to instantly get hard even thinking about the photos
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
carlos has a lot of things that he is interested in and his favourite activity is introducing you to them all and seeing what ones you enjoy, he always loves praising you and spanking you if a punishment is needed or for you to remind you of who is boss
he loves teasing you in public and turning you on via stretching his back out or playing with his hair, he loves seeing the way you bite your lip and rub your thighs together even though you don't notice you are doing it 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
anywhere and everywhere
in cars he loves pulling you onto the driving side for a quick ride 
in showers he loves to slam you against a wall and watch the water fall down your skin and wash away the sweat and cum
in his driving room a well known fact he loves fucking you and you have both scarred lando and charles multiple times from the noise of your moans
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you turns him on but specifically he loves seeing your hard nipples poke through your shirt or swimsuit and can not tear his eyes away from when they pop out to say hello
he loves when you get needy or start whispering in his ear about what you want from him
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he would never do anything where you are directly in pain spanking he can do and even enjoys but anything where he is hurting you a lot is a no go and will make sure you know your safe word at every moment and know that you can use it without having to explain yourself or feel upset or embarrassed about it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he is a giver more than a receiver 
he loves pleasuring you and would happily die between your thighs he has had you lie on your back and over stim you that way but also on a wall and his personal favourite you riding his tongue having your legs clamp his head whilst you scream 
he loves having you on your thighs looking up at him with your eyes but will always choose to pleasure you more than you to him
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it depends on the reason for having sex a normal time he does both and asks what you want that time, for after a fancy meal he will choose to have slow and have lots of eye contact but on days you want it rough he will happily appeal to your demands of harder and deeper
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he does enjoy them and you two frequently have them but he does enjoy having enough time to properly take care of you without the stress of running out of time and leaving you out all high and not so dry
he does have a history however of shoving you into a cupboard and having his way or even in charles house in his bathroom
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
he is not a massive fan of risky places where you could get caught because of his job and the photos that would be taken but he does love the slight adrenaline rush it gives and loves a car to fuck in because of it
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
hes an athlete he can go all day every day you are the one who begs him to take a break who seems to always have a round 5 on his mind
he lasts normally a long time with the ability to hold of his orgasm until you have had yours but after a race he will not last as long and has came in his pants after seeing you in lingerie on his bed when he came home
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?
you have a couple of toys such as a vibrator and a dildo and when carlos had accidently found them he was overjoyed and used them on you 
he bought some as well and uses them to help pleasure you even more 
the both of you have a box under the bed with them all which carlos goes into a lot to find something fun to mess around with
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he loves to tease you and lives for winding you up throughout the day
he does everything to turn you on using all your weaknesses he knows off to get you to a begging point and even in bed will continue to tease you with holding back orgasms and then making you cum three times in a row after
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he is a grunter more
he loves dirty talk and whispers filthy phrases in different languages in your ear just to hear you moan
he has a personal contest with himself to see how load he can make you moan and how fast (he keeps notes of them)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
carlos really loves the thought of a threesome with his teammate charles he wants nothing more than for you to be shared and receive double the amount of attention and praise 
he also loves you modelling lingerie for him you were once in a fashion shoot and got lingerie from the company and carlos made you try on the entire box for him whilst he took pictures and cheered you on
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he has a lot of hair which he keeps fairly trimmed he is above average sitting at a nice 7 inches and has a nice girth to him 
it takes time for you to be able to take him with no pain and he does have to stretch you most days to make sure its as pleasurable as possible
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he has a high libido and makes it well known to you, he loves watching you blush when he whispers that he needs you especially in public
more times than you can count he’s dragged you off for another round with you two being unable to get up from bed some days with the amount of sex you are having
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he falls asleep after you every time he loves pillow talk and will never miss a moment, he loves watching as you talk gets more slurred and you fight to keep your eyes open he will drag you into his arms and let you sleep praising and kissing over what a good girl you have been for him
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slvtforfiction · 6 months
NSFW Alphabet
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☆ Colby Brock X Reader
☆ Smut
☆ Masterlist
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I've lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
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A = Aftercare
(what they’re like after sex)
Tell me this man isn’t good at aftercare and I’ll fight you. He is the besttt,makes sure you’re cleaned up and comfortable,talks to you about what happened and what you did/didn’t like and will give you the best cuddles.
B = Body part
(their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favourite body part on himself is definitely his v line,knows you stare and cross your legs just at the sight of it.
His favourite body part on you is your wrists,tying up his little baby <3
C = Cum
(anything to do with cum, basically)
Loves making a mess,doesn’t mind coming inside of you but loves to see the mess you and him have made together.
D = Dirty secret
(pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Stalks your instagram to get off,will I elaborate? No.
E = Experience
(how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He knows exactly what he’s doing,knows where very sensitive part of you is,he’s experienced a Ohhh to know exactly how to get anyone off.
F = Favorite position
(this goes without saying)
His favourite position is definitely doggy,loves to shove your face into the pillow and ram into your gentle body <3
G = Goofy
(are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I definitely think he’s more serious,thinks there’s a time and a place for humour and sex is not one of them.
H = Hair
(how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He definitely trims and he might shave occasionally but he doesn’t care and neither do you.
Loves to see a woman with hair tbh.
I = Intimacy
(how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is romantic is some aspects especially if he’s being gentle with you but is usually rough and callous with you especially after a bad day.
J = Jack off
(masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t really Jack off because he knows he can find you and tease you until your begging for him on top of you <3
K = Kink
(one or more of their kinks)
Degrading- He is the best man when it comes to calling you his ‘slut’ or other things like ‘cum white’ etc.
Daddy- Tbh man has a daddy kink,convince me otherwise.
Bondage- Loves to tie you up and see you helpless underneath him whilst you moan his name <3
Praise- He doesn’t praise you a lot but usually mixes it in whilst degrading you ‘pretty little whore’ etc.
Dom- He’s said it before tbf and he meant it,man’s got daddy dom energy,prove me wrong.
Spanking- Definitely the type of guy to spank you with his belt/hand especially if he thinks you deserve punishment.
Dd/lg- Daddy dom energy,loves seeing his little girl underneath him,moaning out his name <3
Edging/Teasing- I could write a novel with how much he loves to tease the shit out of you,pulling you to the edge only to let you down. Especially if he’s horny as well,his way of expressing it is by teasing you.
Choking- Loves his hand wrapped around your neck,seeing how small it is In his hands as he fucks into you.
L = Location
(favorite places to do the do)
Loves shower sex,like mans is feral for it,he loves being able to hold up your body in the shower as you lose control of your legs.
M = Motivation
(what turns them on, gets them going)
Sit in his lap. That’s it.
But really he loves everything you do,like even simple everyday thing will get him going.
N = No
(something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Wouldn’t actually want to hurt you,if he’s degrading you he wouldn’t say anything that would actually stick with you and hurt you.
O = Oral
(preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Both,he loves face fucking you but also loves to see you sitting on his face while he eats you like a three course meal.
He’s skilled asf,knows exactly what he’s doing and where to put his tongue.
P = Pace
(are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I feel like he’s definitely more fast and rough rather than anything else,even if he’s had a bad day he would fuck you senseless to make himself feel better.
Q = Quickie
(their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He loves a good quickie especially if you have to be somewhere,he’ll send you out of the apartment with cum looking at your thighs.
R = Risk
(are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He loves taking risks with you. Will someone hear you? He’s the type of person to say ‘let’s find out’.
He likes experimenting with you to see if either of you have a new kink to discover together and when he discovers another one of your kinks? He’s feral.
S = Stamina
(how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He could go all night without breaks,especially if he’s using his tongue. His jaw is tired? Doesn’t matter he will soldier through it.
T = Toys
(do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Has a box of toys under his bed. Will not elaborate.
He would definitely use all of them on you at least once to see what gets you going.
U = Unfair
(how much they like to tease)
He would tease you all night just to see you get desperate enough to grind on thin air.
Hates it when you tease him though,if he notices you teasing him he will fuck you until you’re begging for more,no mercy.
V = Volume
(how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not particularly loud,a few grunts and groans here and there but is usually quiet so he can hear your pretty moans <3
W = Wild card
(a random headcanon for the character)
Face fucking. Adores it.
X = X-ray
(let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s 6inches,7 when hard and he knows how to use it. He knows that he’s big but will still whisper in your ear about how you can take it.
ABS. That’s it 🙏
Y = Yearning
(how high is their sex drive?)
Man could fuck you every day of the week if you asked him to.
His sex drive is usually 4 times a week but would definitely be more if you asked him for it.
Z = Zzz
(how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s not falling asleep until you’ve both had a full debrief,cuddled and you have gone to sleep yourself.
It’s more of a comfort thing for him to know that you’re okay and alright with everything that’s happened and that you’re happy and comfortable afterwards.
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wangxianficfinder · 3 months
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Fic Finder
March 5th
1. I’m pretty sure the fic im looking for is a one shot, but it’s been so long I can’t remember: LXC brings WWX (who he’s been teaching musical cultivation) to LQR and is like “he’s never learned this song, watch” and plays something. Then gestures to WWX who plays it perfectly from memory. LXC gestures to him while looking at LQR like “see?” and LQR is impressed
FOUND! multitude Chapter 13: good teacher lan qiren by bunny093 (bamf/genius wwx, the lans are better are sect-ing here, lightly based on a lilo&stitch scene, not yunmeng jiang friendly)
2. Hello! Looking for a specific fic, at some point wwx transmigrates or reincarnates into the modern world where he is a ceo (?) and was trained by a teacher his whole life about sword fighting etc, and then he eventually gets his memories back and invents a way (i believe it was a device) to dimension/time travel to get back home. @vulpeculatee
3. Hi, I'm looking for a Wangxian fanfic, where Wei Wuxian is in the Lan sect and he grows mushrooms. I just know that mushrooms were an important part of the fanfic, there was a scene where the other sects followed the Lan disciples to see where they bought the mushrooms. Thanks.
4. hello! i just finished rereading "switched" (wwx switched with xz) but its ending was wwx finding out that he's pregnant. i remember that there's a part two of that where he gave birth in modern world, and they even cut their own hair but i cant find it. does anybody know where can i find it? or maybe im talking about two different story? im not really sure. thankyouuuuuu!
5. good day! for the enxt fic finder, do u guys know tha time travel fic where wwx came back during the lectures then he let himself fall from the cliff where lwj was there and told him to let go? thank u in advance!
FOUND!🔒 Without end by barisan (M, 69k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Suicide Attempt, Hurt/Comfort, Depressed WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm,   PTSD, Panic Attacks, Yunmeng Jiang bashing, Sentient Resentful energy, Medical inaccuracies)
6. Making a deep dive into my AO3 history is an Exhausting prospect right now, so I must turn to the hive mind. Three fics I'm looking for rn.
A) Meng Yao is running an errand and finds his car beset by a swarm of bees! 🐝🐝🐝 Cue LXC to the rescue.
B) Wei Ying is out on a first date and it's going poorly. Lan Zhan overhears. Tea facts are relevant. 🍵
C) Post-canon case fic, where the case is a mysterious energy that some people can see/sense and some cannot. Can't remember whether WWX just happened to bump into LWJ+ducklings or if they were already hanging out, but the two of them figure their shit out whilst investigating. I think there was a garden involved. And energy-induced kissing (possibly even sex?). @linderel
FOUND! save the bees (ride a beekeeper) by Ariaste (T, 4k, LXC/JGY, modern, Fluff and Humor, Meet-Cute, Bees, Flirting)
FOUND!🔒 Heaven, Wait by sunflowersfield (T, 2k, wangxian, Modern, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Neurodiversity, Falling In Love, Getting Together, Happy Ending, First Dates, First Kiss, Hyperfixations, Strangers to Lovers, Meet-Cute, The bad date with the original character is brief and he never sees that guy again)
FOUND! Not What We May Be by brooklinegirl (E, 29k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Mutual Pining, Bedsharing, casefic, Hurt/Comfort, background Jingyi/Sizhui)
7. Hi. Hope you are well.
I'm trying (and failing!) to find a WangXian fix I read years ago on Ao3.
From what I remember, Wei WuXian was a Captive of the Wen and kept in a high tower where is tortured and chained with a small window and Lan Zhan also gets captured and put in the same cell of Wei WuXian.
Lan Zhan is there when the Wen soldiers drag Wei WuXian away for torture and they bond. Later Lan Zhan finds out Wei WuXian is a Phoenix and the Wens want his tears. Wen Qing and Wen Ning are his only friends.
Wei WuXian helps Lan Zhan escape and Lan Zhan has to convince the cultivation world to save Wei WuXian but by the time they reach the Wens, they see that Wei WuXian lost control of the Phoenix and Lan Zhan calms him down amidst the fire.
I also remember the fic mentionimg that a Phoenix meant Goodluck.
Thsnk you in advance!
FOUND? a thousand hills, no birds in flight | 千山鳥飛絕 by defractum (nyargles) (E, 26k, WangXian, Mythology, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon adjacent setting, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort)
8. thank u so much for all u do! i actually have two fics i’m searching for! i remember reading both in 2021 so i believe that narrows things down!
A) first one is canon divergence from qiongqi path, i remember that wwx almost dies but puts his consciousness into a paperman and his body is somewhat preserved by wen qing till they can find a way to heal him and then transfer his consciousness back but they pretend he died to the other sects (i remember they even go check his body) i remember the wen remnants go to lotus pier pretending to be related to ppl from yunmeg and jzx survives. the whole mess with mxy and the summoning array happens but it fucks it up a little since wwx isn’t actually dead and he becomes something like a spirit/ghost for a while and ends up meeting lwj by accident when he’s taming mxy back to lotus pier. they manage to heal his body and he transfers himself back in and they all live happily ever after.
B) the second one is a fic in a fic series of wangxian having more children and being very domestic that includes past lwj changing places with present lwj for a day and he basically spends the day with wwx, they go farming he helps with the kids, they see lsz for a time, unfortunately that’s all i can remember from it.
FOUND? 🔒 something like by silversshadow (T, 69k, wangxian, Major Character Death, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives AU, Temporary Character Death)
FOUND? These Two Most Powerful by stiltonbasket (G, 4k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, Married Life, Family Feels, Parenthood, Temporary Amnesia, Time Travel, it's amnesia but it feels like time travel to LWJ, wangxian have more babies, and they are the cutest buns, not your average amnesia fic? there's no drama here tbh, just soft husbands carrying on with fatherhood, And loving each other, Mild Angst, Happy Ending)
9. Hello! I am looking for some help to find a fic. It's a story where Wei Wuxian becomes the ruler of afterlife essentially. All the characters who died before him are there but he has no memory of his past. The only way to get his memory was to go to earth and retrieve them(?). The last chapter I remember is MXY calling him, allowing him to return to the earthly realm.
Please and thank you 😊 @myblurryreality
Thank you for the suggestion but that is not it, unfortunately. The one I'm looking for starts out with Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan being in this after life city. They had to struggle for a bit because there death offerings(?) were delayed. Wen Qing was a doctor in the town and helped heal Jin Zixuan from an injury at one point. The reason everyone's offerings were delayed was because there was a new Ruler, who ended up being Wei Wuxian. He had absolutely no memory of anyone, but allowed Jiang Yanli to visit him. He would hear a song (Wangxian) played as a tribute(?) but didn't know who played it.
NOT FOUND!🔒 A Secret Never Shared by Vrishchika (T, 28k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, frankencanon, Pining, Soft LWJ, Deity WWX, BAMF WWX, Alternate Universe, LSZ is the best boy)
FOUND! A Celebration In White by Enigmatree (T, 20k, WIP, WangXian, XuanLi, Afterlife AU, Underworld, god AU, 13 years of Inquiry, Happy Ending)
10. Help!
I lost a Twitter threadfic! I could have sworn I saved it, but either I accidentally deleted it or the author did. And they were about to update it too!
It was about WWX who, during the first Burial Mounds siege, was transformed into a rabbit, and now lives as an immortal bunny. Now it's modern times and he's been rescued by a reincarnated LWJ, who is about to leave for college (veterinary) and doesn't remember anything about his past life. WWX is wary of him at first (he thinks that LWJ was amongst those who led the siege), but he eventually warms up to him and manages to tell him the truth using a computer.
Please help me find this! @blueghost13
FOUND? Here's the link for the Twitter Thread And I just discovered that it got updated 2 days ago when I had expected no more, so thanks for making me check 🤗
11. Hi! I've been searching this fic for so long and couldn't find it. As far as I can remember in this fic Wei Ying survives the siege and he goes away with Ayuan. He invents a silver core type of thing. some kind of mechanical/physical core. And later I think the jins capture him or something. Do you have any idea about this fic?
FOUND? 🔒❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst)
12. Hi. I love your Fic Finder and Recs and your suggestions have kept me busy reading for almost 2 years now 😍
I was hoping you could help me find a fic I've recently read the summary off. Something about WY accidentally domming LZ Z somehow and turning him into a sub without realizing? And I think WQ pointed it out to him? I believe it was a modern setting, and the summary sounded very light-hearted and entertaining.
I'm not sure if that's enough info to go on, but thanks for your help in advance 🥰 @papperlapapp1
FOUND! And They Were Roommates! or The Accidental Domming of Lan Wangji by DizziDreams (E, 21k, wangxian, Dom WWX, Sub LWJ, inexperienced BDSM practices, un-/under- negotiated kink, horny climbing, horny cohabitation, horny on main except by main I mean at a party surrounded by innocent bystanders, Praise Kink, Masturbation, Bondage, Lingerie, Orgasm Delay/Denial, omg they were roommates, Modern, BDSM, debatably a bit of dom drop, Public Masturbation, Edging, Getting Together, WQ has to come in and straighten this shit out)
13. I was reading a great fic and then Tumblr updated and ripped out from me when I was only in chapter two! Devastated. Its world building at its finest, you are not folks directly what's happened or happening. WWX is the proprietor of Yiling Garden, a cafe that offers sanctuary. Mo Xuanyu arrives in the first chapter seeking sanctuary from the Inquisition. Lan Wangji arrives, saying he's sanctuary and there for Mo Xuanyu, but WWX assumed he was inquisition at first. They have not seen each other for years. Clearly something happened to separate WWX from everyone he loves except Wen Ning, who works for the shop too, and had been raised from the dead. For unknown reasons, Wen Qing is elsewhere and happy. Wen Yuan is mentioned, but WWX doesn't know what happened to him. There are phones so it's a modern au. And... That's it. Tumblr died right after Lan Wangji asks WWX out for dinner. Help! Thank you VERY much! @lurkdot
FOUND? transmuter by WithLoweredVoices (Not rated, 113k, wangxian, Modern with Magic, Magical Realism, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending)
14. Hi 😃 I need help to find a fic because I only remember a tiny bit! LWJ isn't wearing his forehead ribbon and LQR/Lan elders are trying to get him to wear a new one, the bit I really remember goes like this:
LQR: gives LWJ a new forehead ribbon LWJ: it's not the same 🥺🥺🥺
FOUND? A Future Family In A Broken Past by Hauntcats (T, 121k, wangxian, WWX & Wen Remnants, Jiang Family & WWX, WQ/MM, JYL/NHS, LXC/NMJ, Not Jiāng Family Friendly, Not Cultivation World Friendly, WWX Needs a Hug, Family Dynamics, What is a good family?, Fear of emotions does not excuse abuse, Not Jiang Clan Friendly, Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Travel fix-it, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, LXC needs a hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Not YZY Friendly)
15. Hi! Hope you are well. I am desperately searching for a fic I read once but cannot find it anywhere. In this fic WWX survives the siege and leaves with A yuan. He and a yuan live in hiding. wwx also builds a golden core-more like a silver core as he invents a physical core that works the same as a golden core. I can't remember how it finishes but I think Jins capture him and A yuan seeks help of LWJ. Hopefully you can find this!!! Thank You!
FOUND? 🔒❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst)
16. Hi! This is for fic finder. Its cql post canon i think. WWX goes to some place near ocean and he resque a men who battling a ghost ship? I think he was a cultivator from a nearby sect. WWX then teach them a little bit before he continue his journey. He went to Jinlintai. In the road he met a woman who goes to the same destination as him to met her wife. They become a fast friend. Thats all i can remember. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
FOUND! Linger by the Door (I’ve Always Been Yours)by piecrust (T, 78k, wangxian, slow burn, canon compliant)
17. Hi! I don't know if I'm doing this right bc I'm new to tumblr... I've seen your blog before though and it's so helpful! I have a fic finder request - I remember it was a harry potter au where wwx has been gone from lwj's life for 13 years. he came back (as an animagus?) as a black rabbit and lwj was a professor at hogwarts. lwj takes care of rabbit wwx and then jgy comes with aurors at the end of the fic to attack hogwarts and lwj fights him. When lwj is almost going to be killed, rabbit wwx turns back into a human and protects him. Thanks so much!
FOUND? an armful of warmth by Alaceron (G, 3k, wangxian, Harry Potter Setting) It has a sequel, too!
18. I seem to have read a summary or a review of a wangxian fic and can't recall if it's from this blog so i am putting in a request for help in finding it so in that summary it was mentioned that wangxian had travelled to a village and met a lady on bank of the sea but she was actually a sea monster/creature don't exactly remember what and she consumes hearts of her victim and LWJ becomes her target but he distracts her by tell her his and WWX's story while WWX tries to save LWJ as the body of the victim comes to shore after a week or so don't remember much or more so I hope this suffices also it was most likely to be a multi chapter fic with less than 10 but more than 3 chapters and that it was probably on ao3 . Thank you so much for your work.
FOUND! The Eater of Hearts by ElDiablito_SF (T, 17k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Chinese Mythology & Folklore, LWJ is Scheherezade, WWX and LQR speak to each other agenda, Angst with a Happy Ending, WangXian are very in love and very disgusting, Case Fic, Gratuitous kissage)
19. Hi!
For the next fic finder can you help me with this ao3 fic, Modern Au where wwx gets kicked out of the Jiang family house so he has to stay (I think) in a shed close to his school, and also he has to take extra food from the school cafeteria and that’s how (I think) LQR finds him stealing after class
There was missing food so they also checked the cameras but wwx dodged them also NMJ in this AU is a cop and close to LXC
When they find out about wwx situation he’s taken to the lan house, eventual wangxian
And I don’t remember more
Thank you a lot for the help!🙇‍♀️❤️
FOUND? Where is home? By SpicyRamen_10969 (M, 80k, WIP, WangXian Modern AU, High School, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Coming Out, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Supportive LQR, Good Sibling LXC, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, JC Being an Asshole, Possible Smut?)
20. There is this fanfic where Sizhuai(sp?) And Jingyi are night hunting with other Lan juniors. Nearly everyone dies, except him and Jingyi because out of desperation, Sizhuai uses demonic cultivation but he gets whipped a lot with the discipline whip because of it. Because of this Jingyi leaves the Lan sect. When he wakes up, Sizhuai is devastated. Cue angst, and Sizhuai eventually tracking Jingyi down and reconciliation. Unfortunately I can't remember this fanfic title and I would love to reread it. @andyousaidtruelovedidntexsist
FOUND? Give Me A Reason by useless_slytherclaw (M, 25k, ZhuiYi, LSZ & LWJ & WWX, Junior Quartet, Angst with a Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Friends to Lovers, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Mutual Pining, Minor WangXian, Minor JL/OYZZ, Aged-Up Character(s), Grief/Mourning, PTSD, Dreams and Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Rogue Cultivator LJY, Family Feels, Demisexual LJY, Injury Recovery, Love Confessions)
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icarus-star · 7 months
nsfw alphabet // charlie walker
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he loves to put on a movie n cuddle! getting both of you cleaned up, wrapping his arms around you and playing whatever film you desire.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
fem!reader: sorry to say, but his favorite thing on you, out of anything else, is definitely your boobs. not just sexually, he likes using them as pillows. but don't get me wrong, seeing a bit of cleavage or seeing them bounce will always have his mind wandering. gn!reader: for some reason, he finds your neck appealing. he loves kissing you there. he gets so embarrassed when he sees you sporting hickeys he left the night prior, but deep down he loves it more than anything. masc!reader: your lips. he likes kissing you a lot, it's one of his favorite things to do. he thinks that your lips specifically are perfect for kissing (he bites them, too).
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
believe it or not, he doesn't have too big of a preference as to where he cums. he likes wearing a condom, so he'll probably cum in you, but in the condom.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he has SO MANY. i mean, he steals your underwear all the time to use to jerk off with. he's honestly a major stalker. if you have any mildly risque photos or videos posted on instagram or SOMETHING, they're immediately getting screenshotted n added to his collection. he also has a bunch of other photos of you from other sources (behind your window at night).
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
no experience at all. no clue what he's doing outside of the porn marathons he has biweekly.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he loves when you ride him. being able to watch your body move on top of his, your face looking down (maybe a little condescending) at him. he does also enjoy missionary. pounding into you is something he likes a ton.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he'll make jokes every now and then. he thinks it brings up the mood when both of you are being super serious, which he finds pretty intimidating.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he tries to shave. he accidentally cuts himself pretty often, so he gets anxious when he tries to. but most of the time he's got some overgrown stubble, and a very very mild happy trail.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he doesn't really know what he's doing in that sense. but he does really enjoy being slow and intimate. caressing the back of your head softly while you kiss down his neck and ride him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
very often, pretty much every night. he's incredibly horny, especially when he thinks about you. his mind wander and he starts thinking about how you would look above him, bouncing on his cock. that leads to his hands traveling down into his pants, stroking his cock and whispering your name to himself. (he also probably has a fleshlight that he uses occasionally whilst watching porn)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
hm, i don't think that he has the most hefty list in the world, but is definitely into some stuff. mutual masturbation, hair pulling (mainly receiving, but wouldn't be opposed to pulling yours), slight blood kink (mainly stuff like fuckin' you on your period), he's actually quite the masochistic, not always, but he'd be alright with you choking him, just not to the point of passing out. he's also super into dirty talk (giving and receiving, both degradation and praise as well). over stimulation!! again, both ways.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
your bedroom, his bedroom, someone's guest bedroom. any bedroom. or in his or your car, he'd like that too. the back of a movie theater! your giving him a hand job, he's fingering you/giving you a hand job and you're both trying to be quiet so you don't get caught. oh he just loves it!
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
most things you do. he gets super horny from a lot of things. your hand on his thigh, if you wear something even slightly scandalous, even just watching a movie together and a suggestive scene comes on.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
there isn't a lot he'd say no to, he's good with trying new things. but no matter what, he is NOT into feet at all or in any way.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he really enjoys when you give him blow jobs. he cums so quickly from them, and he's super easy to over stimulate. fem!reader: he knows everything from what he's seen in porn, but he does pretty well. he actually really loves eating you out, he'll cum untouched everytime (especially if you pull his hair). he buries his tongue in your cunt, then takes it out and licks and sucks your clit. he's so good. masc!reader: now, he has ZERO clue what he's doing. he kind of applies what he like to you and sucks you off how he likes to be sucked. he very much struggles with deep throating you, so he pays attention to the tip and jerks you off.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he likes fast. mainly because he just wants to feel good, and he thinks that fast feels better. nothing else.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
maybe. you wanna fuck him in the movie theater bathroom while the commercials play? sure! in the cinema club room before anyone else arrives? maybe not.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
only risk he's gonna take is... literally stalking you. he's nervous to cum inside, he's got a love-hate relationship with getting caught. but oh boy, watching you from outside of your window. he just loves it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
2 rounds, after that he'll get pretty over stimulated and stuff, not that he'd complain.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
yes! when he masturbates, he uses a flesh light. other than that, stuff like butt plugs he'd prefer watching you use. maybe you could surprise him with a cockring, he'd use it if you really wanted.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not always, but sometimes he can be super mean. edging you and calling you dirty dirty names.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
sooo loud! he whimpers and whines a lot, his cock is sensitive. he also talks a lot, either subby little pleads or mean degrading words.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
movie night with him and all of your other friends, your next to him and almost sitting on his lap. during the movie, his hands travel along your thighs, up further and further. he whispers into your ear, telling you to stay quiet for him while he fingers you/jerks you off. he doesn't necessarily want to get caught, but he wouldn't have a problem with it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
probably the most standard cock, not that thats a bad thing. around 5 inches, decent girth.
definitely above average, he's horny horny. say, your busy working on something. whatever, he'll almost beg for your attention without actually asking. he'll kiss you and pout when you push him away. 8.3/10
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he doesn't get too sleepy, but if you fall asleep he'll sleep with you.
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lolchicsa · 1 year
Dirty, filthy fun
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, nsfw, p in v sex, unprotected sex, wall sex, ‘princess’ pet name, mask stays on, thigh fucking, fingering, slight orgasm denial
Part 2 of 2: smut! Part 1 here
No use of y/n
Loosely follows the events of the ‘Alone’ mission. Reader’s vacation was ruined by Shadow Company going on a genocidal rampage :( But fear not dear reader! Mr Ghost is here to make it better ;P
A/N: First time using Tumblr to post stories and using mobile to write this. First time writing smut so I’m taking inspiration from other authors.
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A few weeks had passed by since I first met Ghost. Trust me when I say this, a lot has happened in those few weeks. In that time, I received a crash course to bring me up to speed. It include anything and everything I needed to know about the current situation I was in.
Ghost had met up with Soap that night, and we made it to a safe house outside of town. That’s how I met Rodolfo. He was kind enough to give me the comfortable bed for the first couple days. Soap had gone on a tangent seconds after introducing himself. The Shadow’s had betrayed them, took some of their men hostage and placed them in a heavily fortified prison.
The hatred these men have for Graves is understandable. One night, they left on a mission and I was asked to stay behind. So I was left alone at the safe house to wander. I didn’t mind feeling useless in that situation, I would’ve been a burden if I did go. The mission was successful, but now the house is overcrowded.
I stuck with Ghost the majority of the time. When he was around, that is. He didn’t seem bothered by my presence which encouraged me to stick around. We would make small talk with each other when no one else was around. Ghost doesn’t like to talk about his past… or anything significant to him. I had asked about the mask once… he ignored me when I asked so I didn’t push further.
Gaz and Price are part of the same task force as Ghost and Soap. At least that’s what I heard. Price was definitely a father figure to the rest of them. It was quite fun hanging out with all of them and hear them banter with each other.
Together, along with the Mexican Special forces, they successfully raided their previous base and took control again. Soap had to fight of a tank that Graves was driving. He does not shut up about that, whilst Ghost didn’t talk about the mission at all.
A party was held that night to celebrate the team’s success. Drinking and loud laughter was involved. Ghost had wandered off almost immediately to a more secluded part of the base. I followed of course, couldn’t leave the big man alone after such a day. He seemed surprised when I walked into his space that night. We decided to go on a walk outside and marvel at the beautiful sky over Las Alma’s.
Price had filled me in on their plan the next day and how they will get me back on American soil unharmed. They were heading to Chicago… presumably to kill someone. I hadn’t asked what the mission was about, to worried about leaving Ghost. We became close friends in the limited time we knew one another. It was weird, but I loved being in his presence.
“I’m going to miss you” Ghost and I took up a room in the base, far away from anyone else. I had dragged him here to talk and he was kind enough to oblige. Today was the last day before we moved out. I would miss Ghost the most, I hated the idea of never seeing him again.
“You’ll manage without me” came his gravely voice. It was deep, music to my ears and, with the accent, it made my knees weak. It was fair to say I gathered quite the attraction to Ghost in the limited time we’ve know each other. I would think of him at night, my hand between my legs and recall the night we met.
My fantasies were varied when it comes to Ghost. Dreaming of him fucking me against a wall was my favourite. I guess it had something to do with how we met, I could never forget the way he held me back then. Sometimes, I imagined riding him until we are both a moaning mess of sweat and pleasure. If I ever were to hear him moan, I swear I would go insane.
“I don’t think I can go back to living my life like before. Now that I’ve met you, I don’t want to leave your side. I… I like you… a lot.” My eyes dropped to stare at the floor, scared to see his reaction to my confession. Nervousness flooded my veins, I started picking at my nails to remain sane. I could feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment, I could feel his stare.
My thoughts drifted back to the night we met. How he had me pinned to a wall faster then my mind could process his presence. I wanted it to happen again, just under different circumstances. What would he look like without his gear on? What would he feel like?
My back was pressed to the wall behind me, my breath hitched in anticipation. He was there, giving me exactly what I wanted. Our close proximity was euphoric, the feel of his breath on my face was all I could focus on. I closed my eyes, memorizing the feel of his body pressed against mine.
“Is this really what you want? For me to fuck you against this wall? Have you moaning out my name over and over again? I can do that for you princess. Tell me” he said, using his hand to tilt my head up to meet his gaze. Eyes flared with lust stared into mine, I felt trapped in the best way possible. He was like a beast, ready to rip me apart and fill me with pleasure.
“Yes… yes I want you to make me scream”
My voice was uneven, trembling with anticipation. Ghost, the beast of a man I have learned to adore, took in a long breath. Staring at me with hooded eyes, his hands landed on my waist first. The heat they brought with them was so delicious, I was getting addicted to it. I took hold of his hands and guided them beneath my shirt.
In seconds, he had my shirt off and his hands were slowly tracing the exposed skin of my waist. His touch was gentle, like he was memorizing the softness of my body. For someone who believes he can’t be soft, Ghost definitely fits the soft lover type… at least for now. Goosebumps rose in the wake of his adventurist hands, leading a way downwards. This softness of his is amazing, but my patience was running thin. I wanted his cock, balls deep in me now, fucking me against the wall like in my fantasy. I want to scream his name for the base to hear.
So I took matter’s in my own hands, shoving my pants down along with my drenched panties, bra following soon after. Ghost had backed away from me, heavy gaze drifting over my body. “Beautiful” escaped his lips before his eyes snapped back to mine. He held my gaze as he started to strip as well. “A little eager are we princess?” he teased, shirt discarded to the floor. A quiet chuckle followed his words, flowing through his mask. I wonder if he will let me see his face?
His warmth filled my personal space once more, his hard muscles pressed against my soft breasts. Our breaths mingled together, adding to the euphoria. My mind couldn’t believe this handsome man agreed to this. I could feel his arousal pressing against my stomach. Tall fucker, he is. Firm and muscular as well. Fuck… he’s perfect.
“Tell me what you want princess”
“I want you to fuck me like there’s no tomorrow”
That’s all I had to say to make him go feral. He gripped my waist, forcing me into the wall. His head dipped to rest on my shoulder as he spread my legs apart with his knee. His still clothed knee, which was soaking up my arousal. I couldn’t help but grind against it, feeding my growing need. A sigh escaped my lips at the pleasure caused by such a simple action.
One of Ghost’s hands slipped from my waist, going for my sensitive clit. The small pressure he applied had me moaning loudly. My hips bucked against his hand, craving the friction. I could feel the drenched fabric under me. The feeling was exquisite and I never wanted it to end. My head tilted back against the wall as I closed my eyes, only focusing on the back and forth movement of my pussy against Ghost’s thigh while he played with my sensitive nub.
“Bloody hell, you’re so wet for me” he whispered in my ear, making a whimpering moan escape my lips. His grip on my waist stilled my attempts to breed with his leg. I let a whimper escape, un-pleased by the sudden loss of friction. Before I could utter a word, his fingers were at my entrance, pushing in and giving me another wave of pleasure.
“Fuck… Ghost…” I didn’t know what I was trying to say, just wanted him to keep going. A chuckle came from him while his fingers reached deeper. Wet sounds emitted from my hole, his fingers moving in and out at a slow pace. I became a moaning mess in seconds. He was skilled with his hands, that was for sure. A pressure started building in my stomach, thoughts going numb. His fingers picked up speed and hit a spot I didn’t know existed.
“Fuck yes! Yes! Ghost!” I couldn’t help but moan out his name from the pleasure he was giving me. His fingers drove in and out at an ungodly speed, fucking me closer to my orgasm. “So close! Fuck!” My legs turned to jelly, my arms flinging themselves around Ghost so I could hold on for dear life. I was close to heaven, so close… then he stopped.
It was like he knew I was about to go over the edge, touch nirvana and be filled with pleasure. I couldn’t believe it, what the fuck? My mind was still fussy when I realized what Ghost was up too. He had me firmly pressed against the wall, my legs still parted by force. But he also had his cock in his hand, using my juices to lube himself nicely.
I barely had time to admire his length before it disappeared from view. His dick was at my entrance in seconds, stretching me perfectly. A loud cry of his name left my throat while he slowly pushed in. He felt so good, filling my insides just right. It felt so right being held like this and fucked against a wall.
“Fuck, you’re tight princess” Ghost whispered, slightly out of breath. He started moving immediately after, slowly pushing in and out. We both groaned in unison, enjoying the shared pleasure each other gives. The feeling of Ghost between my legs had me clinging to him for dear life. My nails dug into his back, almost drawing blood.
A loud moan escaped Ghost, making a shiver run down my spine. The sound bounced off the walls as I memorized his beauty. His pace quickened as tears started forming in my eyes. The wall made it impossible to arch my back the way I wanted it too, but Ghost was already hitting that sweet spot without my help. My previously denied orgasm came back full force, pressure building once again.
“Fuck! Ghost… I’m gonna c…”
His voice cut through my sentence. I couldn’t quite make out what it meant. The rhythmic sway of his thrust started to fall apart. He was close too, I could feel it.
“My name is Simon, princess” He said between breaths, a moan following soon after. We were moments away from reaching our tipping points and I couldn’t be happier that he entrusted me with his real name. Simon, what a beautiful name.
“Simon!” A loud cry of euphoria soon follow the name of the man before me. It hit like a freight train, my body thoroughly enjoying the release he gave me. Simon soon followed me over the edge, coating my insides with thick ropes of his seed. In that moment, everything was perfect. I forgot about the last couple weeks, I forgot about the stress.
My body was numb, I would be on the ground if it weren’t for Ghost. We stood still, both trying to catch our breath’s before doing anything else. There was an unspoken truth shared between us, it was the best sex either of us had in a long time.
I would happily give my life away if it meant I could stay with Ghost and do this again.
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notjustjavierpena · 10 months
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A/N: Absolutely nervous to post my very first Frankie Morales piece! This is dedicated to his main bitch @gracieispunk 💖❤️ Hope you all enjoy. 
Summary: You have time to work from home, but there’s just one problem and it’s Frankie’s mind numbing gum-chewing. 
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Reader/You (No y/n)
Tags: +18 Smut (MDNI!), hurried and desperate sex, dirty talk, piv sex, a little manhandling, tickling, creampie, established relationship, fluff
Word count: 2.1k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49105711
The sun has warmed up the living room the past few hours where it’s been at its hottest. You’ve made yourself a glass of iced tea, sitting only in your underwear with one leg tucked underneath you on one of the dining chairs in yours and Frankie’s apartment.
You aren’t alone on this Sunday full of work; Frankie is watching TV with a beer in his hand not far from you, relaxed as ever since his daughter is with her mother. He has lowered the volume of his program significantly since he knows that you are not simply doom-scrolling on your computer. You have a big week ahead of you at work, and he knows not to disturb your workflow. 
Everything is perfect. The warmth, the afternoon breeze coming in through the window of the kitchen-dining area, and the iced tea that’s placed at a safe distance from your laptop. Everything is great… except that stupid piece of chewing gum that Frankie is mindlessly chewing.
You know it’s silly, know that he is allowed to have just one vice that you absolutely cannot stand, but does he have to do it right now? Right when you have to concentrate? It drives you up the fucking wall.
“Frankie, baby,” you groan, the tapping on your keyboard coming to a halt.
“What’s up?” He asks absentmindedly, after all, there’s a nature documentary on. 
“Please, please,” you turn on your chair, looking at him over the backrest, “Please spit it out.”
“What?” He sounds genuinely confused, finally tearing his eyes away from the screen.
“Your gum.”
“Oh, this?” He chews several times, loudly and obnoxiously whilst sporting a shit-eating grin, “Nah, don’t think so. Not when you’re being all fuckin’ boring with your computer. I’m not competing against technology.”
That stupid tease doesn’t hear himself, you think to yourself. He leaves you no choice. You haul yourself up from the chair and cross the living room with determination. Consciously blocking the view of the television, you stop in front of him. He eyes you from beneath his brown curls and hat, his gaze going from your head to your toe and back again, but he doesn’t seem bothered since you’re practically half-naked in front of him. 
“Spit it out, it’s disgusting,” you say as firmly as you can muster. You hold a hand out in front of his mouth, palm upwards, “Francisco.”
Frankie places the beer bottle on the coffee table. He leans back into the sofa, smirking up at you.
“Oh, you’re using my real name. Scary,” he smacks his lips as he chews again, “I don’t think so, no, baby.”
“Ugh,” you groan once again with a bit more frustration, “You leave me no choice.”
You straddle him to distract him (he is a man), a knee on either side of his lap. He lets out an oh hello and doesn’t seem to mind one bit. In fact, he rests his rough hands on your thighs and presses his fingertips into your skin. It’s time for you to strike. 
“What’re you—!” Frankie’s sentence is cut short and turned into a gargle of words instead. You have shoved two fingers into his mouth, searching out the gum and making him gag a little. He tries biting down on your fingers, but you’re quick to retrieve what you want from him and pull your fingers back out. You hold the little piece of peace-disturbing gum between your fingers before reaching back to put it into the half-empty bottle on the coffee table. 
“Hey!” Frankie pants, taken aback by what has just happened. He even looks a little unsure, still processing. Eventually, he furrows his brow, “Fuck you, man.”
“Sorry,” you giggle innocently. You turn his cap around so the brim is at the back, placing a sweet kiss on his still-open mouth. Your giggles turn into a squeak of surprise as Frankie tickles you, fingertips digging into your sides where you are the most sensitive. He holds you in place as you do it, fighting you as you try to squirm away. 
“Stop! Oh my God, Frankie!” You laugh loudly, body shaking and even accidentally snorting, “Shit!” 
“Oh no, you did not just snort like a piglet,” Frankie laughs too now, but his torture goes on. You find yourself trying to move back on his thighs to be able to stand again. 
“Don’t— hahaha! Don’t think I’m having fun! Tickling— aaaa! It’s literally the body’s reaction to expecting pain!” You push on his chest.
“Stop being clever, piglet,” he drags you closer to him again, pulling you by the globes of your ass and it causes the slightest friction between your legs as you are dragged over his rough jeans. Accidentally, of course, you moan softly instead of laughing.
Everything stops, even time for the tiniest bit of a second. The two of you look at each other like you’re trying to read the other’s mind, and then he kisses you and you melt into him. It’s rough, primal, and hurried. 
His hands skim up your sides, fingers dragging over the place where he has just tickled you, before coming up to unclasp your bra. He breaks the kiss to pull it off your shoulders, considers throwing it across the room but then tightens the fabric between two fingers and shoots it off into the living room like an elastic band.
“Are you actually joking with me?” You try to make it seem like you’re frustrated with him once more, but the goofy smile on his face makes it hard to not mirror his expression.
“Take off your pretty little panties,” he says, which isn’t exactly a response. It is hot though.
“Just pull ‘em to the side. I have work to do,” you mumble, looking down between you to unzip his jeans. They come undone quickly, and he helps you get his cock out as he lifts his hips off the couch so you can tug his pants down around his thighs along with his underwear. 
“Ever the romantic, baby, exactly why I fell for you,” he scoffs softly yet still follows orders. He yanks the small piece of fabric along your cunt to the side, swearing loudly as you get onto your knees to hold his dick in place before sliding down onto it. 
You gasp in unison, but you don’t wait for him to say anything before you do the first roll of your hips and set up a quick rhythm. He stretches you open in the best familiar way, the intoxicating sting making goosebumps rise on your skin as you start to ride him in earnest. 
His thighs twitch underneath you, his body clearly taken aback by how fast you are already going, but you haven’t promised him slow at any point. Your fingers dig into his shirt, your pelvis pushing firmer against him.
“That busy?” He groans into the room, leaning back on the couch and letting you have your way with him, “I’m not— fuck, you’re filthy, baby. Not gonna last like this.”
The hurried pace builds your climax quickly, stirring behind your throbbing clit and tugging all the way toward the base of your spine. The heat is delicious, coating your inside with a want that has sprouted from nothing but being close to Frankie.
“You feel fucking amazing, baby,” you moan loudly.
“Don’t want it to be over,” he gasps, tugging you closer until he can bury his face in your chest. He kisses between your breasts over and over, open-mouthed and hot. Even whimpers as he nears his edge, “Slow down, baby. Please.”
“Then fuck me,” you groan, hands going up to tug at his hair. His hat tumbles off his head and onto the floor when you yank his head back and swallow down his gasp by kissing him.
“Make me,” you add. 
It’s a whirlwind of movement in the next moment, but you whine as you feel him slip out of you. Your cunt clenches involuntarily at the loss of pressure, your climax fading rapidly from your grasp. 
Soon, Frankie slams you down into the couch and the leather slaps against your skin. The rippling sound almost drowns out the volume of TV and a part of you feels dirty for interrupting David Attenborough with your filthy mouth. Frankie doesn’t even have time to settle between your legs before you are crying demands at him. 
“Fuck, fuck, put it back, I was so fucking close, baby,” you writhe about, lifting one leg over the back of the couch to spread your legs as much as possible. It oughta make you irresistible. 
“Shhh,” Frankie soothes, strong hands finding your hips and yanking you towards himself after getting onto his knees. He guides his cock all the way back into you until it bumps against your cervix, giving you no warning whatsoever. It makes you gasp in relief when you feel full again. 
“Fuck me,” you plead shakily, no clue where this surge of pathetic nonsense is coming from. If he doesn’t soon, there’ll be actual tears in your eyes. 
“Extra fuckin’ needy, were you— shit— were you that bored over there by your dumb Word doc?” Frankie taunts, leaning down over you and putting a hand beside your leg on the back of the couch. He slams his hips into you, almost sending you backward, but you manage to wrap your other leg around his waist before you slip from his grasp. 
Frankie’s belt jingles around his thighs with each of his thrusts, jeans surely giving him rug burn but he powers through to fuck you until you feel too stupid to continue working. The undone zipper gnaws into your skin, his cock slides over your g-spot and his gaze feels like fire where it rests on your bouncing tits. 
“Fuuuck,” you drag the word out, it wavering from the force behind each rocking motion of Frankie’s hips. You are whimpering to the point of tears, climax building steadily once more, “Baby. Please.”
Frankie guides your other leg around his waist, moving the hand on the backrest to lie flat beside your head. He leans further down over you, rocking into you with more force, “You gonna be a good girl and come on my cock?”
You nod again and again, teeth sunk into your bottom lip, “Yes, fuck, yes—“
Immediately, you sneak a hand down between your legs. Firstly further down than where you actually need it to explore where Frankie is stretching you wide open. Your fingers then follow along your labia until you can rub your clit in tight and fast circles. All the while, you grab your breast with your free hand to squeeze and massage it as you feel yourself slipping off the edge.
You come so hard that your vision blurs for a moment. It knocks the wind out of you, mouth falling open in a silent cry of Frankie��s name as you enjoy the clenching of your heat. 
It takes Frankie one, two, three more thrusts before he comes inside of you with a loud hitch of his breath. He stills his hips after that, empties himself inside of you with a groan at each spurt of come. He breathes heavily with you, slips out of you, volume going down slowly as the post-coital bliss sets in.
When you don’t say anything, he buries his head in your neck, kisses you there, and laughs softly due to the dopamine high that takes over. You respond by wrapping your arms around his neck and shoulders, hugging him tightly. 
“I think I might be done for the day. I’ll clock out online,” you giggle, head turning and dipping down to blow a raspberry on his cheek. He grimaces but smiles. 
“We just had sex during company hours?”
“Don’t tell my boss.”
“Tell your boss?” Frankie scrambles for the cap which has fallen to the floor. He puts it on your head despite it being a little awkward when you are lying down, “Baby, I’m proud of you.”
You stick your tongue out at him, “Shut up… and let me go clean up.”
Frankie crawls off of you with a teasing grin, lets you leave the couch whilst he pulls up his boxers and jeans again. 
You waddle to the bathroom. 
When you come back, you find him as before; on the now-clean couch, watching TV legend David Attenborough talk about coral reefs and… chewing on another stick of gum. 
“You’re unbelievable,” you say as you pick up your bra from where it had landed on the floor earlier. 
When you plop down beside him, you hold out your hand with your palm upward. Frankie gives you a look, but you sigh dramatically, “Not that again. I mean it as in gimme some.”
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indouloureux · 2 years
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𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 (part one)
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summary: she sought for validation; he sought for acceptance. two juveniles who believed they’d spend the rest of their lives playing red guitars and borrowed claviers, (along with the trepidation of isolation), meet in one boring afternoon, and find themselves reveling in caterwaul voices, laying in a field of colossal grass, and writing lyrics with botched ballpens and crumpled papers.
— or: two people bond over emotional trauma, and fall in love through great manifestos
warnings: 1hr reading time, slow burn, friends to lovers, slight teenage angst, jealousy, tooth-rotting fluff, eddie being a sap, weird manifestos, reader being adopted, eddie and reader both having a self discovery whilst falling in love, fem!reader (she/her pronouns), me not knowing how to write both piano and guitar playing properly, deep words (sorry guys open google), lengthy, idiots in love, a love story about two sad teens going through a phase (jk) eddie has a bit of a corruption thing (not kink) bc he introduces reader into new things lol!
explicit warnings (for part two): virgin!reader, virgin!eddie; piv, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), creampie, oral (f & m receiving), fingering, overstimulation, first time, soft, vanilla porn, mentions of blood, handjob, cum eating, biting, marking, missionary, maybe soft!dom eddie bc he watched porn a lot and thinks he "knows his way", sweet but short aftercare
a/n: this is a story of fiction. i do not know the locations in both indiana and illinois. this is written in the way i prefer it to be to fit its story telling, and i am well aware of the things i write in here, and how i write this story. based on the song '1979' by the smashing pumpkins. the whole lyrics layout inspired by @/upsidedownwithsteve! 1979 is like one of my fav songs ever and i wanted to write a story about it. sorry it took a while to post :( hope you guys all enjoy.
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Shakedown 1979
Cool kids never have the time
On a live wire right up off the street
You and I should meet
In a field miles away from a town that’s cursed him, Eddie lays in the colossal grass with his hands on his chest and his eyes closed, the sun blinding him through the thin skin of his eyelids. Growing weeds tickle his inked skin, dirt stains his leather jacket, and ants cross over his hair; he does not mind one bit.
He daydreams of the sky. How accepting they’d be — how they wouldn't mind his disheveled, long hair, or his punk style and see him as one of them; One of the clouds who form themselves into whatever they want and float freely across the cerulean aether atmosphere. A place where he can be himself, where he can bring his darkness into that white airy cotton, even when it turns grey or when the night begins. Eddie would be himself, and no one would judge.
Ringed fingers touch the grass when he removes one from his chest, soft beneath his fingertips that he massages. Eddie hums, taking in the calming sound of air swishing the trees, the faint sound of passing cars, the optimistic birds, and the sound of Dustin talking to his girlfriend with a sickenly high-pitched and lovey-dovey voice. Which reminds him:
“Hey, Henderson,” he turns around, laying on his stomach. Eddie takes a quick glance at his watch — 7:05 am. “Wrap it up lovebirds. We gotta go to school.”
Dustin nods his head, his cap blocking his eyes. “Yeah hold on. I gotta go, Suzie-poo. I’ll talk to you later, I promise. I miss you already. I love you.”
A giggle. “I love you more, Dusty-bun.”
“I love you more multiplied by all the stars in the galaxy.”
“No, I love you—”
“Alright,” Eddie suddenly takes the microphone from Dustin, shooting him a judging look with a raised brow before he speaks. “Sorry, Suzie-poo. Gotta take Dusty here to school or else you won't be seeing each other and he’s gonna spend the rest of his life running up this hill crying. Bye-bye now.”
He almost laughs at the thought of Suzie’s shocked face when he turns the radio off. And maybe that same laugh comes out when he sees Dustin’s horrified expression when he realized he’d — or Eddie — had just cut her off. He looks back at Eddie, mouth agape, before he playfully punches his shoulder.
“Asshole,” Dustin kicks his shin. “That was my girlfriend, you idiot. She’s gonna be pissed that you cut her off!”
“Nah, she loves you too much,” he stands up, patting the dirt off his knees and his jacket, fixing his hair. “Now come on, Dusty bunny, we gotta go to school.”
“Don’t call me that,” Dustin swats his hand away when Eddie tries to ruffle his hair by slipping it beneath his hand, but the kid smiles anyway. Anything for the affection he gives. “You know, you’ll be like this one day,”
Eddie plays with his keys, walking down the hill in heavy footsteps that threaten to twist their ankles. “What’d you mean?”
Dustin hops over the fence, followed by Eddie who grunts loudly. “Being sweet. Disgusting. In love.”
He scoffs, walking over to the side of his van and opening the door, but not before he looks at Dustin over the hood of his van with a look. “So you admit that you and Suzie are disgusting?”
“From the words of you, Steve, Lucas and Mike — who actually both have girlfriends — yes, I admit that we are disgusting. Disgustingly sweet.” 
They close the doors simultaneously, the keys jingling when Eddie shoves the keys in the ignition. “You know, when I was fifteen, I spent my time playing the guitar and studying songs. My fingertips were bleeding, Henderson,” he shows him his palm, letting Dustin see the faint scar lines on his fingertips. “I never dated a girl. So I highly doubt I’d fall in love.”
“The only reason you never dated was because of your reputation,” Dustin throws his bag behind him. “And you’ll fall in love. I bet you will. You may be cynical and mad, but you’ll find the right person, Eddie,” he smiles at him. “Trust me.”
“Yeah yeah,” he shakes his head, the car shaking into a start and Mötley Crüe starts blasting that startles the poor boy beside him. “We’re gonna take this bet to my grave, then.”
Eddie Munson has only fallen in love once. When his Uncle, Wayne, had come home with a red guitar after his night, tiring shifts at the plant. He remembers clearly the way his eyes lost focus of the world and remained on that guitar, like the center of attention; the only attraction in this terrifying world. Eddie remembers the way his heart pounded like he’d fallen down a roller coaster, and remembered the way his tears had mimicked said coaster when he hugged his Uncle and sobbed out his gratitude.
That had been five years ago. When he was fifteen. And he swears he’ll never fall in love again.
Because love—in his own concept—was a dangerous game. More dangerous than when you decide to go and attack Vecna powerless in Dungeons and Dragons, or taunting a swarm of demobats. It’s a game with unknown intentions and arduous side quests that render you defeated before you even get to love itself. Dangerous and tiring, if you’d shorten it. And no one wants to delve into a love so treacherous if you’ll end up getting hurt anyway. 
It’s what Eddie thinks; understood. How he perceives love and what he thinks love is with his semi-nihilistic mind despite never having to fight for love. It’s a game he refuses to partake in and narrate, and would rather watch people struggle with it from the sidelines (with a beer in hand and a freshly rolled blunt in his mouth, as he’d imagined).
So he prays Dustin would win that game. Despite being miles away from his girlfriend; give him all the makeshift spears and shields made of garbage lids and dull nails. He cares so much for him that he actually hopes their love will succeed, that he’d go out not scathed but covered in grime and a triumphant smile. Even now when Eddie looks beside him to see the lovesick smile on Dustin Henderson’s face who replays every memory he had with Suzie during that one summer.  
He reaches over to give his friend a pat on the shoulder, which gifts him a bright smile before he races off to Hawkins High with eternal dread.
His day wasn’t at all dreadful. It felt like a normal day.
Probably because Jason Carver wasn't at school today due to a foot injury, and his little balls-in-laundry-baskets friends had no leader to bark at them around all day. They did nothing but practice and sit quietly at their tables, and so did Eddie.
Albeit the day being normal, he’d still get his usual judging stares and glares. Eddie Munson wearing a Dio shirt today? Freak. Eddie Munson wearing shoes other than his Reeboks? Freak. Eddie Munson trimmed his bangs today? Freak. Eddie Munson’s not wearing his vest? Still a freak.
He kept his head low, eyes on the ballpen that draws on his palm as he walks through the emptying hallway. Dustin had gone with Steve Harrington, and the rest had decided to leave early. Eddie? He’d just gotten out of detention for spacing out during class. Why detention? He'd never know why. Even Ms. O’ Donnel thinks he’s a freak. 
Eddie whistles. Mandy. Something new and unusual, a song he’d heard from Wayne early in the morning that he too whistles as he makes his coffee and smokes outside the porch. He’d woken up to the sound of it for two weeks and he finds himself subconsciously copying his Uncle.
His footsteps echo in the walls of Hawkins High. He jumps and spins and occasionally taps his fingers across the lockers covered in stickers, if not dents from rowdy students. The sight of the exit doors surprises him when he turns right, and a bright smile comes up to his face when he sees them. Eddie pulls his keys out of his back pockets, shoves his pen inside, and continues to whistle like he’s taking a walk on a quiet, sunny day at a park.
Until by the time he’s about two rooms away, he hears the sound of a piano. Soft and ear-pleasing, yet startling since it’s been an hour after school ended and no one, not even the teachers other than Ms. O’ Donnel should be here. Eddie stops his whistling, eyebrows furrowing as he hears the piano play the same tune he’d been whistling.
And then a voice. Far and hushed, like a ghost. Unseen through the walls, floating and yearning to be noticed; so they sing to be noticed instead. Eddie’s heart palpitates a little in panic, wondering if the ghost is singing the same song he’s whistling to get his attention. His hands curl into fists and prepare to run away.
But he thinks of disturbing whoever's in that room. He also thinks he should just go home because it probably could just be a ghost, seeing as half the victims from the Starcourt fire had been students and they’d probably come here for refuge in the afterlife. But Eddie’s curious. Maybe taking a glimpse over the small window on the door and seeing a ghost would cause no harm other than a possible possession, right?
So he tiptoes his way to the door he recognized as the music room. He’d seen this room once when he snuck in here during middle school and he needed a guitar for Gareth or else they would have lost that talent show (they did. No adult would let a child playing quote unquote, Satan’s Music, win).
Carefully, he peeks sideways through the small window, where he sees through the blurry glass; a girl sitting in front of a keyboard. Her back to him, head bobbing slightly at every key she presses, showing merely the tip of her nose and the plump apples of her cheeks when she sways lightly to her gentle playing. Eddie quietly shoves his keys back inside his pockets, pressing his ear against the glass, and watches the grace take upon her fingers. 
“I see a memory. I never realized how happy you made me,” 
A voice so celestial, like an angel he’s never seen but envisaged. Maybe like an angel he’d imagined in the clouds up above; a voice so warm like the summer breeze, soft like silk and the denim of his vest. It’s inviting and it’s hypnotizing, with every perfect lilt. 
Something new from his usual heavy ululating music. Something he might like and never get used to. 
And it’s tempting. So tempting that he finds himself opening the door harshly that the doorknob slams against the thin wall of the room that even startles Eddie.
“Oh Mandy, well you came—”
You scream, hands slamming on the keyboard that makes a distorted sound of unmatched keys. Eddie’s eyes widen and his hands raise in defense, hiding behind them when your own hand comes up to gasp into your palm, horrified by his sudden arrival. His heart pounds against his chest, hands coming down to clasp at his pec. And he’s staring at your petrified look.
“Mother of God,” you whimper. 
“I’m sorry!” he closes the door behind him hastily. “It’s, uh, I heard you. And I thought you sounded… great,” Eddie’s shoulders deflate, sighing when a small smile comes up to your face.
“Really?” you finish for him. “Sorry. I- I thought I was alone.”
“No, it’s okay.” Eddie finds himself smiling with you. More at the way there’s dimples at the bottom of your mouth and your teeth show slightly through your lips. 
He stares at you, longer than he intends to, a sense of familiarity waves down him when he traces the slope of your nose and the thick eyelashes that meet with your cheeks when you blink. Eddie thinks you’re pretty — especially with your small smile that makes his heart feel weird when he realizes he’s the receiving end of it. A faint picture flashes in the back of his head, and he limply points at you. “Hey, uh, I kinda remember you,”
Your eyebrows raise a bit, hands falling to your lap. “You do?”
“Yes! I think…” his eyes narrow. “Middle school.” 
“Yeah,” you tell him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “It was back in middle school.”
Yes, he remembers you. Only that blurry picture in the back of his mind only focusing on the small pigtails of a girl shorter than him, the ends of a borrowed purple dress that tickled his knees, and that similar smile of yours except you’d been missing a tooth on the bottom row of your teeth that matched his. And that voice, still sweet but deeper than it used to be, still entices him like it used to do.
Eddie gawps. “Holy shit,” he says your name with pure shock, the smile on his lips starting to strain his cheeks. But he doesn't care, not when you’re prettily smiling with him. “You— you played that same song! Mandy, right? You played that too?” 
“I did, yeah,” he walks over to you, hands on his lap and slightly bent. Eddie walks until he’s standing beside the bench you’re sitting on, hand grazing the plastic of the borrowed keyboard. “Mandy by Barry Manilow. Yep.”
“I’m Eddie Munson. Although I'm sure you already knew that,” he offers his hand, hoping you won’t notice the trembling and the silent clinking of his rings. You smile at him, taking his hand into yours and he wonders why even the handshaking felt familiar.
And your hand is warm. Soft like the grass he’s touched earlier this morning, feeling the same small scars in the pads of your fingertips when his thumb slyly runs through them. They were light and they were pretty, your own dainty little ring made by a wire that loops around a gemstone was a hard contrast to the abominable ones on his hand. Almost like an angel shaking the devil’s hand. 
Eddie wishes to feel this way again. How a simple touch ignites something new, yet the fire starts within him that he can't find. 
“I know,” you place your hand back on your lap, his own falling disappointedly on his side. “Sat behind you during History.”
He nods his head down on the bench you’re sitting on, asking for permission. You scoot aside, motioning for him to sit beside you; and Eddie, for the first time in his life, shyly does. He sits beside you, thighs almost an inch apart as he nervously watches you toy with the black keys. “How come I remember you a bit in middle school but not…?”
“Your early years of high school?” you press on a key he doesn't know. “I left after middle school. Moved to Queens, for my dad’s work. Came back here because my nana got sick.”
“Oh,” he plays with his rings, pulls them up before he puts them back on, a slight indentation on his fingers. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” 
Eddie exhales, feeling his heart unwind when you begin to play a steady beat, watching as you press down on the plastic keys. “I came inside because I thought you sounded good,” he nods his head to you. “Your voice. It’s nice. And, because I also thought that ghosts might have heard me whistling and decided to play with me. Scare me shitless.” 
“Ghosts?” you repeat, pressing on a key that emits a deep tune. 
He hums. “Hawkins is filled with dead people. Right beneath this school and those roads you walk on,” he points behind him. “‘ve you heard of the mall fire last summer?”
“I think so,” you furrow your eyebrows. “My dad’s friend called him about that.”
“It was horrifying,” his eyebrows meet for a split second when your eyes widen and you look away from him. Eddie smiles a little. “So, piano huh?”
You look at him again. “Well, technically it’s a keyboard but…it makes the sound of a piano,” you slam a finger onto a black key. 
Eddie has gotten to the point where he realizes there’s no future in this conversation if he doesn't make up another question. And he doesn't want this to end. He just met you again, and he’d like to stay here a bit more even though he’s been craving to leave the school an hour ago. Anything to get to know you a bit more before he sees what’s going to happen next.
“Can you play me a song?” he asks quietly, feeling embarrassed by his diffidence. “Only if you want to.”
“Of course,” you smile at him, fists clenching that your index scratches on the cuticles of your thumb. He wants to stop you, but he worries about crossing borders and you’re probably just as nervous as he is as you say, “what song?”
“Mandy,” he deadpans. You blink at his tone, which makes him clear his throat and speak again in a rather forced cheerfulness that means no harm but to correct himself. “Please?” 
You let out a short chuckle, unclenching your fists to spread them out and stretch. “Yeah sure.”
You began with grace, you performed with aplomb, and his ever-curious mind was captivated by how simple it was for you to play and croon at the same time, as if he didn't know how to do it himself. Eddie watches silently, sings in his head with your gentle humming; remembers how he’d caught Wayne swaying to this song once and thinking he looked funny and at peace, wearing his usual red flannel with a cigarette in his mouth and eyes closed. He looked high back then, unperceived that his nephew had been standing there to the side with crossed arms and an amused smile.
Is this what his uncle felt? Finding peace in music other than electric guitars and heavy drums? Lacking all that yowling rasps and instead replaced with a voice that runs through velvet flawlessly like yours. Where he sways and taps his feet, watching your slender hands switch between keys without having the pads of your fingertips stuck in between them despite him noticing the slight shakiness in your hands, dwelling in on the missing memory that scratches on the back of his mind as he watches you play. 
“Caught up in a world of uphill climbing, the tears are in my mind and nothin' is rhyming,” you take a shy glance at him, eyes flitting to the redness of his ears. Eddie smiles to take your attention, making his ears turn redder when you smile back at him. “I…I forgot the next lyrics,”
Eddie chuckles. “So have I,” he lies. He just doesn’t want to sing. Not in front of you, at least. He worries he might crack his voice and he could just jump out that window.
There’s a faint sound of a door slamming shut from outside that makes you jump a bit, which makes Eddie turn around to where the sound was before he completely ignores it.
Trying to hide the disappointment that flows from him when you stop playing, he focuses on the fact that you’re looking at him as you do so. Which twists his heart in a way that’s far from bad, and tries to distract himself by clapping like one of the people he wishes he had after his shows. “That was it, all I could remember,” you motion to the piano, flushing bashfully. “I- stop,”
You laugh, your hand barely touching his wrist but motions for him to settle it down. “Bravo,” he smirks at you, wiggling his eyebrows. “That was amazing. Talented. You could be the next, I don’t know, Billy Joel.”
“I barely finished the song,” you nudge your knee with his. “I actually think I made a few mistakes but, uh, thanks,” Eddie fights the urge to remove the lone lint from your hair. He smiles at you instead, settling his hands on his lap. “What about you? Still playing the guitar?”
Eddie’s shoulder bumps with yours when you sway gently as your right hand presses all five fingers onto the keys. He can't stop looking at you, anywhere but your eyes really, so they mostly stay at your cheeks. Sometimes shyly at the plumpness of your lips chastely, or at the dimples threatening to deepen. “Still do. We play at The Hideout every weekend for some cash. We’ve got a crowd of about five…drunks.”
He feels that unfamiliar sensation of heat blooming in his cheeks when you laugh. It’s as soft and inviting as the piano that your hands rest on. “You should come see us,” Eddie continues, nudging his shoulder with yours. “That way I can tell my uncle we’ve got six people watching us now.”
“Hm,” you remove your hands from the keyboard, copying his slumped posture albeit a bit more poise. “I might think about it. If you play me a song too,” you raise your brow at his grimace. “What? It’s only fair.”
“Fine,” Eddie crosses his legs over the small bench, walking around with his hair twirling over his shoulder as he does so. His eyes never leave you even as he crosses the room to pick up an acoustic guitar. “Damn room doesn’t even have an electric guitar. Amplifier’s at the gym and I hate that place.”
You laugh, watching him take the neck of the brown guitar and grab a monobloc from a stack beside the door. He sets it beside the keyboard, awkwardly sitting down before he sets the guitar on his lap eagerly. Eddie smiles at you, grabbing a part of his hair and hiding his mouth behind it bashfully.
“What song, m’lady?” he peers at you through his eyelashes. Eddie feels triumphant when he makes you laugh again, thinking he could watch you push your hair behind your ear with a demure look any time of the day.
Your shoulders raise into a shrug, the smile on your face falling a bit. “Dunno. Ever heard of The Outfield?” 
“On the radio. When my uncle listens to music early in the morning,” his fingers slide across the strings, pressing randomly on frets. “Don’t tell anyone, but sometimes I listen to music other than metal.”
“Shocker,” you gasp dramatically. “You’ve ruined your image for me. I don’t see you as a metalhead anymore. You’re merely a commoner. A pretender.”
“You wound me,” he pouts at you. “Come on, (y/n). Give me a song,”
“Alright,” you rest your elbow on the keyboard, cheek on your fist. “Your Love. The Outfield. Think you know it or you’re just pretending?”
“Think I might have studied this for… other embarrassing purposes. But yes, I know it.” He clears his throat. “Prepare to cover your ears,”
Your Love wasn’t a song that was merely played by a guitar. However, an acoustic wouldn’t hurt. Not when he’s doing it for you. Eddie fears pressing his fingers on the wrong string, or a strain from his voice because that would just be plain humiliating. 
Your observance adds fuel to the fire of his confidence, while it also simultaneously makes him nervous ‘cause you’re watching; not just listening, not judging. You’re watching him like you actually want to see him play. And as far as he could remember, you’re the first girl to actually pay attention to what he’s playing without any cruel thoughts. He wonders if you think he’s great at this, just as much as he thought you were remarkable in the whole piano thing. 
Come on. E, C minor, B, E- no A. A, goddamnit.
When he almost misplaced his finger on the wrong string, he almost cried. But you’re not looking at his face anyway, perhaps too enthralled with the gentle sound of plucking; the deep baritone-like sound that the brass string produces makes you sway similarly like his earlier. 
“I ain't got many friends left to talk to, nowhere to run when I'm in trouble,” he shoots you a nervous glance, and he’s almost thankful that you’re looking at his hands. “You know I'd do anything for you, stay the night but keep it undercover,”
“You’ve got a nice voice,” his fingers slide across the brass string so quickly that it almost burns his fingertips when his voice dies in his throat and he looks up at you. “S-sorry.”
Eddie sets the guitar down, the flat of its back on his lap and knees. “No, it’s alright. Thanks,” you smile warily when he scratches nervously at the guitar. “So um- you gonna come see us in The Hideout? No pressure. Just, so I can show you that I really am into metal.”
Your lips tug downwards into an upside-down smile that teases him. Eddie tips his head back, flashing you a toothy grin as you say. “I’ll see to it, Eddie Munson,” you take a glance at your watch. “U-unfortunately though, I’ve got to go.”
He fights the urge to voice his disdain through a quiet groan of protest when he sees you reach on the other side of the bench to take your bag and sling it over your shoulder before you stand up from your seat. Eddie places the guitar on the ground, nervously fiddling with his fingers. “Um. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Stopping in your movements, your thumb slides between the leather strap of your bag and your shoulders. “Yeah. Sure. If you’ll see me, anyway.”
“I’m sure I will,” he offers you a smile.
He watches you leave with a sad frown. 
But later that night though, when he talks to Dustin on the RT, he remembers telling him that the girl in the purple dress wore ripped jeans now and a yellow blouse covered in pink flowers, her hair down in loose waves over her shoulders that enticed him. Eddie remembers telling him you’d looked mature, prettier, and that maybe you’d come to his show next week.
What he doesn’t tell him, though, is that he remembers every spot on your face that had dimples when you smile. That your voice was like petal silk that pleases his fingertips as he rubs it between them; or that your hands had similar scars like his, only you’ve gotten them for a different reason. How graceful you’d looked playing the keyboard like you’d been the only one in that room. 
A veridical sense of déjà vu makes his mind tingle and his heart twist. In his bed, Eddie has his hands over his stomach, staring up his ceiling with a poster of Tiamat he once saw during a yard sale that he bought. But he thinks of you, the exiguous curiousness grows the longer he remembers that bright smile on your face. And he feels nothing but the want inside him that yearns to see you again.
Justine never knew the rules
Hung down with the freaks and ghouls
No apologies ever need be made
I know you better than you fake it
“Lost in a purple hill, shake these zipper blues? Hey, Nancy, do you think—”
A shoulder bumps you, too hard to be taken as an accident. Your notebook falls to the ground, ball pen tight in your hand as you let out a startled gasp. You look at the boy first, whose eyes widen in embarrassment as they flicker between the journal on the floor and to your agape mouth. 
You should have expected it. The halls were crowded and there were very eager students to enter the cafeteria and take tables before someone else would. But still, you’re taken aback by the sudden impact, even after almost squeezing yourself against the lockers just so you would avoid this kind of incident.
“Shit, dude, I’m sorry,” 
You give him a tight smile. “‘S alright,” he apologizes through a useless smile before he’s being dragged away by his friends. Nancy spins around at the upheaval, and follows the direction of your eyesight before she frowns in disdain.
Asshole didn’t even bother to pick it up for you. Or ask if you were alright.
“What a prick,” she clicks her tongue to the roof of her mouth. You ignore the slight throb on your shoulder, bending down to pick up your notebook and wipe whatever dirt it's picked up from the ground. “Is it ruined?”
Shaking your head, you close it shut and hug it close to your chest. “No. It’s alright. I’m just lucky the floor doesn’t have any piss or something. Or else I would have…punched that guy,”
Nancy chuckles, shaking her head. She turns back around, clutching your wrist to go through the sweaty sea of rushing students. “I doubt that—ow, hey!”
Your face hits Nancy’s permed coils, nose meeting the Fabergé glory of her shampoo. You grimace, moving away to see your friend rubbing her shoulder before you see Patrick McKinney furrow his eyebrows in worry at his mistake. 
“Sorry. You alright, Wheeler?” he reaches out to rub her shoulder chastely, but Nancy shrugs it off, nodding. Patrick’s eyes relax, taking a glance at you before he realizes he doesn’t know who you are before he pats her shoulder carefully. “Alright. Sorry, again.”
It was difficult to hide the frown that paints itself on your face when Nancy simply grabs your wrist, guiding you around the crowd once more. And there’s this annoying itch in your head that keeps on reminding you how unlucky you’d been that you bumped into an apathetic guy who hadn’t even bothered to ask if you were alright whereas Nancy got sympathetic eyes and genuine concern. 
And you thought, well that’s because they knew her. Having to date Steve Harrington when he was still here, who’d been part of the basketball team himself, of course they knew her. You? The guy looked at you like some random crayon found on the ground. So you tell yourself to get over it; they don’t care and neither do you. It was a simple bump. Your friends would have asked if you were okay.
Nancy didn’t.
Well, she was distracted.
No, she wasn’t.
Shut up.
The cafeteria doors are left open with the people that surges through. Nancy stands on her tiptoes, searching for the boy with glasses that made his eyes larger and took up half his face — Fred, you remember; you practically sink onto her shoulder in fear of accidentally bumping into someone again. And fuck, how muscly was that guy for your shoulder to hurt?
When she spots him, Nancy’s quick to drag you to her side and sit you down beside her in front of Fred, who’d immediately chatted about this thing he’s seen somewhere you don't bother understanding. But when his eyes land on you, his talking stops. Lips snapping shut and he’s staring at you with those wide eyes of his, the scar on his cheek bending when he smiles cheekily at you, his forearms resting side by side on the table as he leans closer.
“I heard a rumor that you were with Eddie Munson yesterday,” he narrows his eyes playfully. Nancy whips her head at you, astounded with the new gossip she’s heard, especially now that it included you.  
Nervous with the attention diverted to you, you move back, fingers fidgeting on your lap. “What? Where’d you hear that?”
“Andy saw you.”
“Who’s Andy?”
“That guy who kinda looks like Arnold Schwarze-something.”
Nancy snorts. “He does not look like him.”
Frowning, you lean closer. “What was he doing there yesterday?”
Beside you, Nancy opens a pack of pudding pie that she quietly offers to you. You shake your head politely, offering her a short smile before Fred asks for your attention with a simple tap on your elbow. “He left something by the locker room. Then he said he caught Eddie Munson sitting beside you on a small chair inside the music room being…shit, Nance, what’d he say?”
She shrugs, mouthful. “Dunno. Cute? Or, weird?”
“Somewhere along those lines, but we’re sugarcoating it for you,” he leans closer. “You do know who Eddie Munson is, right? Like, what people say?”
Nancy reaches behind you to take the Hi-C juice box in your bag and puts the straw in for you, shoving it in front of you that you gladly take and quietly thank her for as you say, “That he’s a freak? Just because he dresses out of the trend doesn’t mean he’s a freak, y’know?”
“Steve used to think he was,” Nancy raises her eyebrows at you. “I mean, I don’t think he’s a freak. He does have an influence on my brother though. He’s growing his hair out. Like a mullet, or something.”
“Well he’s not a freak,” you bring the small plastic straw to your lips, the sweet orange-y flavor of the mechanized juice filling your taste buds. “He’s nice. He said I had a…nice voice.”
No one’s said that to me before.
“That’s sweet,” Fred pouts. “Don’t know. Maybe he’s planning on luring you in as a sacrifice.”
Eddie? Cult leader luring you in for some sacrifice? The same person who’d smiled kindly, watched you play the piano like he was actually interested in your performance and applauded you like he’d been watching a breathtaking opera at the same time, invited you to watch his band at some dingy restaurant and thought ghosts might have been haunting him?
His style might say otherwise—with all those brutish rings he’d harbored so proudly and his disheveled mullet-ish hair. But with those wide, curious eyes that watched you like the most interesting flower blooming from the iced frozen ground, a voice so benign and placid who’d praised you in a way anybody else wouldn’t? No. He’s not a cult leader. Or a freak.
And you’d only known him from the mystifying, blurry memories and the couple minutes you’d spent with him yesterday. 
That same Eddie who you found with a small frown that lifts into a charming smile when his eyes find you. Briefly does he stop talking with his friends from across the room when your eyes link with his. And Eddie presents you a smile so pretty it makes you dizzy; with his style different, that same leather jacket with a red flannel beneath and a band shirt you don’t recognize, but he had the same fondness in his look that makes your heart flutter wildly like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon. 
You feel a spark of electricity ignite in the tendrils of your veins; the sound of your heart beating in your ears as everything else muffles and the spotlight goes onto him — like the sun beaming through the window to show you what you’d been looking for. 
Yeah sure, he’s a cult leader.
(A cult leader who made you feel noticed in a town with 15,000 ignorant, judgy people despite being with him in less than thirty minutes.)
“What’s she smiling at— oh,” with her laced fingers, Nancy places them beneath her chin and tilts her head sideways to take a glimpse of Eddie, who’s still looking at you. “That’s cute,”
“You really shouldn’t believe rumors,” You turn to her, nudging your juice box with her hand. “I mean, I’ve been here for three months. I barely know him and I think he’s just…being himself. It’s like this town hates people who are comfortable being themselves.”
The corners of Fred’s lips tug down. “Ouch,”
“What? It’s true,” 
“Y’know, we had a yard sale last year,” Nancy tells Fred. “Eddie was there lurking.”
“Seemed like he didn't caused any trouble. Just roamed around, gave this kid a stuffed animal when he couldn't reach it. He seems nice, Fred.”
And you almost tell them that five years ago, Eddie Munson followed you backstage when he saw you crying; That he’d asked you if you were okay, that he said you’d do great and you did, and in between those hazy flashes of cut memories, you almost tell them that he wore a Bauhaus shirt too large for him, that his hair was buzzed and he made you laugh until you’d—quite literally—forgotten the reason why you cried in the first place.
“Hey there, Mandy,”
You yell, clutching the notebook closer to your chest and the pen tight in your hand that it might pop the ink out. Eddie’s hands raise in defense, eyes widening in shock as you both stop walking, the leaves crunching beneath your worn-out shoes and his white sneakers, the birds flying away from the disruption. 
“Jesus Christ,”
“We gotta stop meeting like this,” familiar, but the memory’s lost in your worry-filled mind. You laugh disbelievingly at him, closing your notebook and tucking the pen behind your ear. “What?”
“Nothing!” you scratch the dents on your notebook, shying away from Eddie’s intensive look. “Mandy? ‘S not my name.”
“I know. But it’s a cool nickname. And you know,” he tilts his head sideways. “The song.”
You smile when his head lulls back, chuckling shortly when you both begin walking again. Eddie has his hands behind his back, his hair wild from the harsh winds of August’s warm breeze. Which he fixes with quick pats to the hair covering half his forehead, his eyes never leaving you.
“Why are you walking home?” you see him bring his hands in front, toying with his rings, pushing them in and out of his fingers. 
When you look up at him, your right eye squints from the brightness of the sun until he steps over it. “I wanted to walk home. And, um, I don’t have a car,” you flush beneath his piercing gaze. “What about you?”
“Because I saw you walking home,” he grins. “You were writing while you were walking so I thought maybe I should come join you in case you accidentally trip,” 
The sun draws a halo above his head, painting over the devil horns drawn onto him. It gives him a sacrilegious glow, intriguing you to just push his hair behind his ears and ask him all the things that made him smile just so you could see him smile once more. Yet, you don’t; your hands stay around your notebook, your mouth parts but never says anything, and you merely try to say those words through your eyes.
Cult leader, my ass.
“What, so you…left your car in school so you could walk with me?”
He shrugs. “I guess so. It’s still there when I come back, anyway. After I walk you home,” Eddie swallows. “...after I walk you home as a friend.”
“Yeah, I get that.”
Eddie’s lips purse. “So…” he makes a noise, like a random music note. “I didn’t see you in history today,”
History was (unfortunately) the only class you shared with Eddie. Where in the first three months, you’d kept on asking yourself where you’d seen him over and over again as you stared at the back of his head. (Wishing he’d turn around and ask for your name, if he’d seen you before, and notice you like he’d notice every random fuzz he’d find on his table.)
And he noticed you today. Even when you weren’t there, the thought of him thinking about you and wondering where you were sets a comfortable flame in your cold chest. 
“I was at the clinic,” you smile a little. “Some guy bumped into me earlier and I don’t know what he’s made of. It really hurt,”
His eyes darken into a gloom of concern, his eyebrows meeting like a broken bridge. “Are you alright? You okay now? Does it, uh, still hurt?”
“A bit,” you roll the injured shoulder. “Still kinda sore. ‘S like I played football, or something.”
Eddie’s teeth join behind his lips that remain separated, his bottom lip jutting out into a pout you can’t fathom the meaning behind. Then he’s biting it, his hands clenching and unclenching like he’s trying to make the hardest decision of his life before he’s pointing his thumb behind him. 
“Do you wanna go back to my van?” he asks quickly. “I’ve got something cold in there and I could help you. And I can drive you home, too,” his voice is eager and almost excited with a lace of hope. “But only if you want to,”
You’re unheistant when you say, “Yes,” take me with you. Aid me. Ask me how I am and I’d tell you. 
The walk back to school was quicker with his urgent feet that you had difficulty catching up with. You spot his car parked behind the school, befuddled with the amount of dents and the way his van leans sideways more than evenly. Eddie has a hand hovering behind you as he guides you, the other hurling the backdoors open that tricks you into thinking it’s gonna be thrown aside.
The back of his van was messy — with four empty beer cartons stashed aside, a Bauhaus poster that matched Eddie’s shirt with its sides ripped, white ridges seen in that black paper, a red cooler behind the cartons, and a blanket that you assumed used to be white but has been left unwashed for who knows how long. 
But despite the messy appearance, you sit on top of the blanket when he asks you to. And he sits beside you, 
a heavy hop that makes the van shake slightly and a creak underneath. He shoots you an embarrassed smile, a hand behind him to prop himself up as he twists his torso and pulls on the cooler until it slides near him.
When Eddie opens it, it’s nothing but almost melted ice and four bottles of Boston Lager with one of them being half-empty. You peer over the red box, watching as his hand dives through the cold mess before he hands you an unopened beer bottle.
Out of curiosity, you bring it up to your nose and take a whiff just because.
Eddie chortles. “What’s it smell like?”
You frown. “Like water.”
He stops you from putting the bottle right at your shoulder, looking for something behind him before he sighs scornly, reaching out behind him to pull out a black bandana decorated with large, intimidating skulls. “Here just—wrap it around so it won't wet your shirt too much,”
Eddie gently takes the bottle from you, half of his fingertips covering yours. Half a touch and it already makes you feel like someone had thrown a rope down the hole you’d been stuck in and pulled you out; in that slight formidable tactility does your skin tingle, a warmth that feels like you’re hovering your hands over the flawless dance of a flame. A caress that barely lasts ten seconds, but was a lifetime of gratifyingly dizzy touches. 
The coldness of the bottle doesn’t scathe you anymore now with his handkerchief wrapped around it. It seems like Eddie felt the same way, with how his neck reddens, and abruptly places his hands on his lap, watching you from the corner of his eye as you place the bottle on your shoulder. 
But the silence is comfortable, with the howl of the wind and the rustling of the trees. You dab the bottle on your shoulder, the bandana itself smelling of cigarettes and a boyish aroma you can’t comprehend, but you had a feeling it smelt just like him. The white skull turns gray, the cloth dampens and turns cold, and you turn to see Eddie with his nose wrinkled into a quick sniff before he looks around him and settles on your notebook.
“So what were you writing?” He gently takes the purple notebook into his hand, tracing its ridges and checking its black spine, flipping it around where he sees your name written on the upper left corner in small cursives.
“Um, just…things,” you pinch your nose with a vacant hand. “Just lyrics, I guess.”
“You? Lyricist?” Removing the hand from your nose, you reach over to flip the journal open, thumb skimming across the thick pages. “Just when I thought you were cool with the whole piano thing,” your face heats, smiling sheepishly at him.
“I wouldn’t say I’m great at this whole thing, though,” your thumb stops on a page you’d been writing on. Eddie diverts his attention on the half-filled page, head tilting down as he brings the notebook closer to his face.
You fear his judgment; not because you don’t trust him, but it leans more into what you’d gone through. That his criticism will be cruel, unkind and harsh like others had been, taking out all their negativity into the words you’d poured your mind onto, leaving without an apology or at least a clement admonition. 
There’s doubt that spreads across your mind. You watch as Eddie pokes his tongue out to graze his teeth, his thumbs drumming on your notebook, his own eyes flitting between your unaligned writing. But the smile that breaks across his charming face calms the dread down. Eddie looks at you, the crinkles on the corner of his eyes so endearing. 
“Lost in a purple hill, shake these zipper blues,” he reads out loud. “I like it. It’s very…savvy,”
“Savvy. Innovative. Creative,” you beam at him, your lips starting to ache from the bright smile you hold as Eddie’s head flips between your creative words and your contagious joy. “What? It’s amazing. Literally, all the words you can find in a dictionary that’s a synonym for creative. It’s—it’s that. W-what?”
His eyebrows join in a confused hill as the smile remains on his face, shaking his head at the shock that amalgamates with your glee. “Nothing,” you look away, feeling your entire body heating with the new sensation of appreciation. “I just thought it was kinda stupid. Like, maybe no one would understand it, y’know?”
Eddie’s thumb rubs his bottom lip. “Well, tell me what it means—hey, please?” he pouts playfully at you. “Tell me what it means, come on. I like it, I might as well know the meaning behind it, right?”
You shake your head in disbelief, placing the bottle on your shoulder to the space beside the two of you.  “Alright. Um, well, a hill right? You get up this hill and you feel disconnected from the world in…a good way. You- lose all toxicity and burden this place gives you. And I chose purple because, well, I like the color purple,” you laugh nervously. “And, zipper blues. It’s this depressed feeling you get from moving around too much. So you get lost up this hill, you get rid of that sorrow, and just disconnect all your problems. And, I don’t know if it makes any sense but—I’m rambling too much. I’m sorry—”
“No!” Eddie reaches out to place his hand on top of yours, quick and urgent to touch you again and the way his hand softens on you feels like he’d been substantially relieved to do something Eddie’s stopping himself from doing. Like water to a slowly dying flower, your heart blooms at the touch you’ve wanted to sense since earlier as he stops you from your ranting. “It’s okay. I- I get what you mean. And it’s…”
You feel him squeeze your hand gently. “It’s…?”
“I’m thinking of other cool words,”
You laugh bashfully, a laugh he copies. A laugh that reaches his eyes, went from deep into something high like a giggle until a small snort comes from him. You feel elated to make him laugh this way despite saying nothing. 
“It’s amazing, (y/n),” he doesn’t say Mandy, but it mantles your insides nonetheless. “You have other songs you’ve written?”
Toying with the neck of the beer, you nod. “I’ve got a couple of papers back in my place but, uh, I’m not exactly allowed to invite boys in my place yet.” he moues playfully. “But I could um, talk to you over it on the phone? Or give it to you tomorrow? I should just give it to you tomorrow, you don’t have to give me your number—”
Eddie squeezes your hand again. “Hey,” he chuckles at you. “Relax, Mandy. I’ll give you my number and we can talk, yeah?”
You feel like you’re waiting for an ice cream cone to be offered to you when Eddie plucks the pen behind your ear and writes his number down on the bottom of the page that he’s read. His writing is scrawny, unaligned like yours, capitalized when he leaves a note beneath the digits that you can’t read. He tells you not to read it yet after he offers to drive you home. 
The drive to your home was filled with small talk and music from the stack of cassettes on the back of his car. Ranging from Metallica to Judas Priest as said from the cases you gave him. And despite his attempt at his careful driving, the van sways against the uneven asphalt of the town streets. 
Eddie, with a hand on the steering wheel, has a hand hovering behind you as you twist your torso and lean towards the backseat to search for more cassette tapes. 
“What are you even looking for?” he asks, carefully turning left. You pick through the mountain of unarranged music, placing them next to each other when you see something you’re not looking for. “Careful. You might fall forward and I’ll just laugh at you.”
“I found it—turn right!” The wheels of his car screech at the sudden pivot, makes you clutch the grab handle and his arm, feet lifting off the clutch and onto the brakes where he presses lightly. “Fuck,”
“Sorry,” he pushes his hair out of his face, glancing at the cassette in your hand. “Oh, I didn’t know I have that,”
The black case of Reggatta De Blanc is clutched tightly in your hold. “I didn’t know you listened to The Police,” you flip it, scanning the back. “They’re my favorite band.”
“I didn’t know you listened to rock,” he’s still pressing lightly on the brakes to slow the van down, the smoke leaving the hood grows both your concerns. “I used to listen to them. Well, when I used to drive my Uncle to work when his car broke down for a while. Refused to listen to any of my tapes. Misfits? No. Iron Maiden? Still no. I mean, I get that he’s old, or something, but he has to try new things out!”
You open his player and withdraw Sisters of Mercy, prompting him to express his displeasure with a half-joking gasp and a short 'hey!' across the cut music. But you swiftly insert the tape to stop him. Eddie's fists clench over the peeling leather steering wheel, his gaze fixed on you.
“The Police, huh,” he grins at you. You swallow the upbeat tempo of Message in a Bottle, bopping your head to the introduction riff. Eddie’s head turns between the road and you. “Thought you’d be more Kate Bush, or something. Billy Joel. Madonna, maybe. Queen. Elton John. The Cure…”
With a twisted smile, you run your nails through the polyester filament yarn of your seatbelt. “I do. I don’t have a specific genre, Munson,” you turn to him. “I can like anything. Hell, I like W.A.S.P. And Joan Jett”
He gasps, turning right. “& The Blackhearts?”
“Fuck yeah,”
Eddie’s tongue clicks with the roof of his mouth, shaking his head. “What a potty mouth, Mandy.” his nose wrinkles when he laughs. Angelic, you think. A laugh a cult leader wouldn’t have; something Eddie would have. 
“Well, people usually don’t believe me,” you laugh timidly. “‘S like people need to like just one genre and make it their whole personality. Like, what if I like metal and pop at the same time?” his eyebrows raise a bit. “Sorry. N-no offense. It’s just…annoying, at times.”
You remember being twelve, recently having left Hawkins with a deep frown on your face. But you had a girl invited to your room in search of a new friend. With a borrowed boombox, you showed her Blue Öyster Cult after going through countless tapes of pop artists. And when she found out that the band had a different type of music, way different than the ones you’d just listened to, she’d told you: listening to different types of music makes you unbalanced. You need to stick to the one that makes you you. Or else people wouldn’t know who you are.
Wise words for a pretentious girl, you thought back then. Nevertheless, you believed her. 
For five years. 
But when you returned to Hawkins, you need reinvention. Because girls were only ever interesting when they’d reinvent themselves every once in a while to keep people hooked on. And you were tired of being unseen, invalidated; so you went back to your older self. Someone who played the piano but enjoys metal as much as Eddie Munson did, from what you’ve seen. You want to show him that side of you, in hopes for affirmation.
“None taken,” he breathes. “But, you’re right. No need to apologize.” your stomach buzzes with his accordance. “Metal’s just…me, though,” unlike earlier, Eddie turns the hazard before he turns. “So, I hope you don’t mind a man with a shag who’s a high school repeat’s driving you home, sweets,”
Sweets. Your whole body burns in the best way, biting back a smile. “No. I don’t mind. I like that.”
“I like that for you, though,” he gesticulates to you. “Being unashamedly yourself. Without aaany judgment whatsoever. And, uh, that’s amazing,” Eddie, although with his words genuine, smiles weakly and sweetly at you; harbors something that he wants to say but stops himself from doing so. “I should be like you more often.”
“I think you’re already being yourself,” your eyes trace the scratches on the windows, the slight blur on the corner of his windscreen; what once was a far distance of a motion blur of modern homes turns slower when Eddie’s foot lifts slowly from the accelerator. “I should be like you.”
“Trust me. You-...” when he looks at you, he visibly softens at your countenance. His adam's apple bobs in what seems to be rich poignance with the way his pupils slightly shrink when he flits his eyes away from you, only to dilate and almost take over his brown irises when they look back at you a mere second later. Eddie chuckles dryly, can't help but smile earnestly at you. “I like you as yourself, (y/n),”
Your hand compels you to reach for his. Like magnets forced to meet. But the console which separates you both hinders you from doing so. But maybe it was your fear; your lack of courage. A film reel in your mind that slides through its mid-tone dull colors of a possible incident — he’ll hold your hand tighter with the gentle caress of his calloused thumb that alleviates the rigorous pounding of your heart and smiles brighter than the ultraviolet sun. 
Or his face would twist in disgust and shove your hand back on your lap, lips curled into revulsion and he’d ask you what was wrong with you, reject any excuse that would come out of your mouth like they always did before he’d drop you home and ignore you like you didn’t exist.
Keep it together.
“Thanks,” you mumble, the pads of your thumbs come across the linear scars on your fingers. You see Eddie balk in his seat, lips pursed to make small incomprehensible sounds while he bobs his head to Message in a Bottle. Your house emerges, curtains drawn and run down car missing. Disappointedly, you press on the red button of the seat belt buckle. “Right here, Eddie.”
The van halts to a stop, passenger door right in front of the pathway to your small home. The radio lowers, the seat belt snapping back in place tickles your arm, and dismay wooshes with his loud ac. 
But Eddie leaves unexpectedly before you do, the unlocking sound of his car door disappears quicker than the door slamming shut. You watch as he crosses over with squinted eyes, until he reaches to open your door, bowing lightly with an arm stretched towards your house; a smile that reaches up his eyes and a dimple that comes with.
“M’lady,” he nods his head at you. You can’t help but laugh, picking the bag up from between your legs and slinging it over your shoulder, the heat adding an unfortunate ache on your eyes that shoots up to your head and almost burns any skin that’s exposed. Eddie notices. “‘S hot, isn’t it?”
“Unusually hot,” you shake your head. Eddie closes the door, walking on the unmowed grass on your small lawn until you both end up beneath the porch, in the shade that soothes you.
His eyes desecrate the components of your door, tracing the doorbell button, lips making small psh sh sounds before Eddie finally looks down at you. “Can I have your number?”
Your eyebrows furrow. “But I already have yours.”
“So I can call you anytime, Mandy,” he laughs heartily. “I can’t exactly save phone numbers, can I?”
You flush in embarrassment. “Right. Sorry,” you take the pen from behind your ear, reaching out. “Can I have your arm, please?”
Eddie smiles. “Lovely manners.”
He shows you his arm, a small, almost unnoticeable butterfly tattooed on his wrist where you write your number above it. “Nice tat,” you smile up at him, your own blue ink that’s botched to almost unusable decorates his pale skin.
“Yeah, I don’t really know how I got that,” his eye shuts, nose wrinkling, watches your eleven digits appear on his wrist along the veins. “Nice,” he sings. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll have to get going,” Eddie tugs on his bracelet, his feet lifting off the porch. “See you ‘round, Mandy. Shake those zipper blues beneath the burning solari for me, won’t you?”
You bid him goodbye with a sad wave, but you cover it with a smile.
Shake those zipper blues beneath the burning solari. Huh.
Morphine city slippin' dues
Down to see
That we don't even care
As restless as we are
It was a battle between who was gonna call first.
That day when Eddie drove back to the trailer, quietly as Wayne took a nap on the fold-up bed in the living room, he went inside his bedroom and locked the door. Barely was it night. Barely. Yet there he was, sitting on his bed clad in nothing but a random shirt and boxers as he waited for your call.
So he sat and played and thought and dreamed. 
Shake those zipper blues beneath the burning solari? What the fuck does that even mean?
The first ring on his phone, it hadn’t come from you. Mike Wheeler asked if he’d used any kind of shampoo on his hair, and what brand it had been. Eddie answered that it was three-in-one, no specific brand. Just anything he could afford. The second had come from Dustin, who’d asked about something DnD related that Eddie had already forgotten. 
And then the third was from Reefer Rick, who was put on probation and asked how he was and honestly, the phone call lasted for two hours. A conversation that barely included any drug talk whatsoever and simply what had happened in their lives.
So obviously, Eddie couldn’t help but mention you. Minus your name for safety reasons.
“Shit, dude. She’s… she’s nice. She’s smart and she writes songs like I do and she plays the piano. And I actually met her before! ‘S just that I don’t exactly-... remember it, y’know?”
“Don’t tell me you’re fallin’ in love, kid.”
“I’m not!”
“You know about love and how dangerous it is, don’t you?”
He did. 
Like a dangerous game of Dungeons and Dragons.
Yet there he was, the sun gone and the skies Stygian, painted with scattered specks of the burning stars and the crescent moon. Eddie’s patience had slowly been wilting, his knee bounced on the floor and his ass was sore from sitting too long on his lumpy mattress. A notebook in hand with his own clusterfuck of rhyming words with deep elucidations in hopes you’d be talking about songwriting. 
And when the phone rang, he stood up faster than the speed of light and he took the handset off the wall and pressed it up to his tingling ears. 
A huff of a laugh. “Hey, Eds.”
Eds. Eds Eds Eds Eds. 
His heart palpitated; a ruthless attack of the Cupid’s red piercing arrow shot through his heart. Eddie Munson rested his hand against the wall and the other tight on the phone receiver as his knees liquified from your giggle. 
“Hey there, Mandy.”
“I took your lyric, by the way,” he could only imagine what you looked like that night—pajamas, sleep shorts, a crop top, or a random band shirt he thinks you’d totally have, you’d still be pretty nonetheless. “Shake those zipper blues beneath the burning solari. It’s very impressive. Kinda making me not want to give you credit here,”
Eddie shook his head in playful disbelief and turned over to rest his back on the wall with a silly smile and a belly full of butterflies. “I’d very much appreciate the credit. At least then the world would know who I was.”
A playful sound of consideration kisses his eardrums. “Maybe. Yeah, sure. I’ll give you credit.”
Since then, phone calls had been filled with exchanged conceptualizations and words written with a botched ballpen onto crumpled pieces of papers; Eddie would see you in school, too. Passing each other shy smiles, listening to music in his van as he offers to drive you home, his hand discreetly turning back to you to pass notes during History. He no longer found the random fuzz on his table interesting and thought that the girl who answered his notes that ended each message with a smiley face was way more interesting than anything else in the world.
Maybe DnD and metal, too. But you came in first.
And every night, after a campaign or band practice, after his uncle would wish him farewell before heading off to work, the usual jejune midnights had turned into cavorting twilight nights. Before he knows it, he’s already brushing his teeth at six pm, like you’d smell his breath through the phone, and bounces his knee in anticipation in front of the phone. 
One night, when Wayne stayed home to get some proper rest, he'd noticed how Eddie had barely left the room to watch the tv with him, or how he hasn't played a guitar in weeks, or suddenly rush out a farewell to meet his friends.
He took a peek in the crack of his bedroom door, saw how his nephew had a lovesick smile as he laid on the floor with the phone on his ear babbling about things that has happened on his day or something about his past.
"You've been hogging up the phone, Eddie. I've got someone to call too, you know?"
Poor Eddie yelped, almost dropping the phone to the ground. Wayne chuckles, walking over to him which made Eddie clutch the phone to his chest. Wayne claps his shoulder.
"Yeah like who? That recently divorced mom beside Kapinsky's trailer?"
He jested to his uncle, who barks out a laugh. "Probably. I'm not the only one trying to woo girls here, son,"
"I- I'm not trying to woo him, man! I'm just-... trying to be her friend."
Wayne huffs with a smile and a light shake of his head.
It went on for weeks; countless calls that he didn't realize months had passed. Every day, every night, you’d become his friend; conversations started turning into somewhat remedial talks other than songwriting, telling each other the stories in your lives that none had experienced, talking shit of the judgementals and the great pretenders, and gave each other keys to your hearts for safekeeping.  
“What ever happened to Benny’s Burgers?”
“Heard some Russian kid got him killed, or something. Jason’s using it for his orgies now. Like ritualistic sacrifices are way more important than teenagers having sex all together. The children of god hath given into their temptations! Those gents might not but repent their sins for foul fornication!” 
“Eddie, I don’t care if you sell drugs. Half the kids in my old school in Queens sold them. Would almost kill each other for ‘stealing’ their clients. Hell, even half of the NYPD sold drugs.”
“In all honesty, it’s weird how you’re so normal about this.”
“My mom died when I was a baby. The orphanage had different answers on how I ended up there, though. My dad died, he was in jail, he dumped me there. But it doesn’t matter — I’ve got a new family now, anyway.”
“My old man’s in prison. Haven’t talked to him in years. My mom died too, so at least we have that in common, eh?”
“Sometimes I wish people cared. Like-... sometimes I wish they’d see me; stop treating me like a ghost and ask ‘hey, what songs can you play on the piano?’ and all that shit. ‘Hey, are you okay? What’d you feel about getting left at an orphanage? Sorry, I hit you on the shoulder.’ And all that stuff.”
“‘M kinda tired of being seen as a freak. I know everybody has their own thing. But sometimes I… wish I liked the same thing everybody else did. But that’s the thing about society and their codependency on approval — you like something that people think is far from normal, or something that people say isn’t- trendy, you’re a freak. I mean, sorry I like playing a fantasy game than Monopoly. Or- that I like Eddie Van Halen than Olivia Newton-John.”
“Hey, you love Olivia Newton-John!”
Laying in his bed of lumps and stains, Eddie imagined he’s in a field. The tall grass stroking his inked skin, the clouds that hover over him, all his devotion laid upon the clouds that mutate into your silhouette, which beguiles him more. And even when his visual morphs the sky gray and lets its sickening tears drip down onto him, he stares up at this cloud indentation of you that looks back at him. Until it’s blown away and he finally sees your spellbinding beauty. 
“Hey,” your voice startled him. “Still there, or you’re asleep?”
“No. This is Eddie’s soul speaking. He’s very asleep,” his jest was followed by an obnoxious snore that made you laugh brightly. He smiles. “Yeah, no. I’m still here. Sorry,”
“It’s okay,” you softly said. “Hey, um, my neck’s aching.”
He frowned. “Oh. Do you wanna continue this tomorrow?” Eddie twirls the cord around his finger, trapping the phone between his neck and ear.
“No,” you sighed. “Keep talking, please?”
“Okay,” Eddie cleared his throat. “Band practice went well. We, uh, learned a new song. Something that’s not metal. Gareth was kind of a bitch about it but hey, there’s no harm in trying something new.”
“Really?” he nodded, remembering you were not there before he said ‘yes’. “What song is it?”
Eddie turned to his side, facing his Blue Öyster Cult poster. “It’s a surprise, Mandy,” his scoff etched a smile on his frivolous face. “You’ll hear it when you come to Hideout.”
“Shame,” he thought you’d been pouting. Playfully, with your pink lip jutted out. “What should I wear when I watch, though?”
“Anything you want,” it made him panic a little; he didn’t have an outfit for the show. Eddie sat up, his foot knocking over an empty bottle that fell down on his floor that thankfully did not break but was loud enough to disrupt you.
“What was that?” you had asked. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he clutched his ankle, face crumbling in pain. “Yeah, babe, I’m alright,”
He sensed it then. When your breathing went silent, when his heart stopped beating for a millisecond, the way your mind registered what he said the same time he did. Eddie’s body had loosened in panic.
“Okay,” you finally said, quiet and gentle. “Um, careful.”
“Thanks,” he almost said it again, getting himself distracted. “Thanks, (y/n),”
A pregnant pause. Eddie was massaging his ankle with a look that berated him for his idiotic freudian slip. He scolded himself by bumping the sore spot against the foot of his bed, hard enough that another loud thump was heard and tears brimmed the edge of his eyes.
“Okay, seriously, what is going on in there?” you chuckled incredulously. 
“You know what? You should come here before you accidentally trip on a knife.”
Eddie’s head dipped. “I thought you weren’t allowed to invite boys in your home?”
“I can rebel, you know,” he felt an eye roll. “Besides, my parents aren’t home and- I’m bored. And my neck hurts and everything’s better when you’re here.”
He deceived himself into thinking you meant nothing in the last part. Eddie felt the warmth rise to his cheeks then, something he’d grown familiar to seeing as it only happens when he’s with you. 
“Sure,” he picked up a random pair of shoes beneath his bed and opened his drawer to pull out the finest pair of jeans he owned. “Be there in a couple of minutes.”
That night, he parked his van a few houses from yours, and he immediately spotted the purple curtain of your windows. The light dimmed with the yellow warmth of your lamp, your silhouette moving across with something rectangular in your hand that he can only assume was your notebook. He felt slightly eccentric.
Eddie, ever the man who loves to put on a good show, decided to climb up the side of your home using the uneven ridges of the brick wall and your pipes. His palms had lightly scratched against the rough surface of the bricks, where he used all his strength to lift himself up until his head peeks through your window.
When his forearms rested on the stool of your window, he propped himself on one arm and used his left hand to knock rhythmically on the glass. Eddie saw your silhouette stop pacing, your shadow growing as you near your window and pulled the curtains back.
He’d smiled, bigger when he saw your shocked, wide-eyed gaze. Eddie knows you’re berating him when he hears your muffled rambling. You unlatched the window and pulled it up, your hands clutching his bare elbows.
“You idiot!” you hissed. “I told you my parents are gone. And you come up through the window? Are you insane? You could break your back or stab yourself with the bushes!”
Eddie fell face down, his cheek meeting your carpeted floor. He pressed his palms on the ground, pulling his entire body in until he flopped on your floor. And when he finally fixed himself and rids of the leaves and dirt that stuck to him, he stood up. And you slap his arm.
He gawped at you. “Ow!” he pouts, massaging his arm. “You wound me.”
“Relax,” Eddie took his shoes off. “It was just a slap, you drama queen.”
Eddie’s eyes wandered across your body. You were wearing a band shirt: Dead or Alive. He didn’t know who they were. But he didn’t care because then he’s got his eyes on your exposed legs, black sleep shorts that barely come across half your thighs and it made him swallow thickly, his blood flowing everywhere and god forbid had he popped a boner right in the middle of your room, he would have jumped out your window and broke his neck instead.
“Y-you know me,” his voice cracked the slightest. “Always a queen. Which is why I love the Queen. Not the Queen of England. The band, I mean. Well, I listen to them occasionally.”
You sat on your bed, kicking his shin. “I know, dummy.”
That had been a couple of nights ago.
Now he’s sitting bored, fourth row in the second lane, his chin on his palm, right hand drawing a small bat on the corner of his notebook. Along with some other words until he quietly rips the page off, folds it, and takes it in his hand before he moves it behind him.
Eddie feels the paper slip off his fingers. He thinks of your smile, whether it be a toothy grin, a closed lip or the one that made your teeth shine prettily. His body shivers from head to toe, cheeks tingling while his knee bounces in anticipation.
A light graze on his bare elbow startles him, the heel of his foot knocking against the metal leg of his seat. He takes the paper from the corner of his table, silently unfolding it.
I think that’s a bad idea.
Offended, he writes. I just said hi >:(
He gets a quick reply after he gives it to you. I can smell you thinking. I’m like a vampire. And I’m already telling you that filling someone’s locker with shaving cream is boring and a bad idea.
You snicker when he takes a quick glance at you with a silent gasp. Then what do you suggest we do?
Fill it with shaving cream and stick someone’s hair in it. It’s grosser.
It’s followed by a brief drawing of two stick people, one with a small triangular skirt and one with a guitar in it’s hand, in front of a crooked rectangle which he assumes is the locker, the door opened and curved drawings oozing out. And some small, clustered lines that represent the hair you’d told him about.
Eddie smiles brightly, folding it and shoving it in his pocket before he shoots you a silly smile. 
The bell rings, obnoxious and almost deafening. Eddie stands from his seat, watching you meticulously gather your stuff together, hands gently pushing your items inside your bag. He sits on his table, waiting.
“I’m tellin’ ya, Mandy,” He tucks his book on his torso, watching you sling your bag over your shoulder and narrow your eyes at him. “It’s a great idea,”
“I’m not one for bullying, but I think, even though I contributed to your prank knavery, it’s pretty tame and shit,” 
Ever the gentleman, he opens the door for you, slapping the top of the door as he passes through. “Oh yeah? Give me something better, do tell.”
“I say fill the locker with water, but then it’ll just slip out,” he towers over you. Sometimes he likes to take advantage of the fact that people would move out of his way merely because they didn’t want to be touched or grazed by him like some disease; he can move faster. “Or we can get your little shrimps to make some machine type of thing that could explode in their locker.”
“Who? Dustin?” Eddie bumps his shoulder with yours. “I mean, yeah could be. And we can just blame it on him,”
“Great idea,” your face wrinkles in confusion. “Wait, who’s locker are you destroying, anyways?”
Your nose wrinkles. “What did Gareth ever do to you?”
“Breathing,” he sighs. “Anyway, are you doing something later?”
Even in a clustered hallway, Eddie finds it in himself to get the wind knocked out of him when you look up with pensive eyes. Your mouth parts, the ends of your front teeth peeking just a bit from beneath your top lip. You blink and your eyebrows widen.
“Nothing. Homework, maybe. Or just writing again,” his heart pangs at the sad sigh you let out. “Wanna come over?”
He brightens.
Eddie lays on your thick mattress, hands clasped together on top of the notebook that lays open on his chest. Eddie scans every saxe glory of your blue walls, smelling the citrus fragrance of your new white sheets. It’s soft, maybe softer than the field up weathertop, and comforting. You sit on the edge of the bed, W.A.S.P. playing out loud but not loud enough for a complaint. 
He turns his head to you, sees how your back is hunched with your notebook on your lap and your fingers drumming on the sides with your pen wedged in between your lips. Eddie leans up, peering over your shoulder.
I put my heart on a piece of paper and you throw it away(?) my heart’s on a string around my neck and
Half the page is scribbled words and annotations with doodles of flowers on the corners. The annoyance radiates off the inelegance of your structure, the bite marks that deepen on the plastic cap of your black pen, and your eyebrows that meet in the middle. Eddie wants to kiss your worry lines away, taking your face in his hands and wonder how, despite the agitated expression, could someone still look so pretty?
Taking his pen from beneath the notebook, he takes the cap off with his teeth. Eddie props himself up on one hand, crosses his arm over yours and presses the black tip on your lined page.
Hi. Notice me pls :(
You laugh cordially, snapping your head to him with your chin on your shoulder and his chin on your bicep, his bottom lip jutting out from the lack of attention. 
“What’s up, Mands, huh?” his chin nudges your arm. You soften. “Writer’s block?”
“Writer’s block are for authors,” you say in a small voice.
“Writers. Songwriters. Semantics,” Eddie purses his lips. “Do you wanna turn the radio off? It’s what usually ruins the whole thinking thing, sometimes.”
“No,” you pout. “Maybe I just need a break. I don’t even know why I’m so upset about this. ‘S so stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” Eddie readjusts himself, his upper body being propped up by his arm with his legs spread on your mattress, knocking your arm with his temple. “Tell me why you’re upset. Come on.” 
You ruminate, staring deep into his eyes. “God, I don’t know, Eddie. It’s like my mind’s all hazy these days. It won’t work. Everytime I try to finish this stupid song, I- my mind just stops. It’s like I’ve forgotten the English dictionary, or something. I feel so illiterate. A freakin- a fucking ten year old could make a christmas jingle faster than I can finish this stupid stanza.” you slam your pen in the middle, closing your eyes in a deep sigh. “It’s tiring— I’m sorry. I talk too much.”
Eddie wants to draw this out. Close the space that’s almost not even there and take you into his arms as he heeds the words you avow with the silk petal of your voice that burrs when you tiptoe the edge of a breakdown. But you’re already looking away from him with a visible wobble of your bottom lip.
“Hey, hey,” he finally sits, ignoring the ache on his arm when he limits himself by touching your shoulder rather than grasping your chin; there’s still the lingering hesitation of crossing boundaries when it comes to physical contact, and he doesn’t want to drive you away. “You don’t talk too much. I love listening to you talk,”
A shimmer in your eyes from the tears that coat your irises. You blink rapidly and smile weakly. “Thanks. That’s- that’s nice.”
“You know what,” he plops to his stomach, reaching over to the ground where his open bag laid and took out two cans of Budweiser, warm with dents on the silver tin. “Let’s drink— just one! Have you ever tried?”
“I told you I used to live in New York. The only things I haven’t tried are coke and marijuana,” you take the can from him. “My dad gave me beer when I was fifteen. Not exactly great parenting but, we were alone and he didn’t know what to feed me.”
He opens the can and drinks the bitter alcohol with ease, letting it leave a burning sensation on his tongue as he watches you do the same. Eddie chortles when your face rumples in distaste, a frown replacing your woeful pout. 
“You alright there, Mands?” He raises a brow. “Sure your daddy didn’t give you apple juice?”
“Jesus christ,” you clear your throat. “I’m starting to think he did.” Eddie gently takes the can from you when you give it to him, gently placing it on your bedside table. “You know, Fred Benson has a party a couple blocks from here.”
Eddie takes another athirst sip. “Who?”
“Fred. The guy with glasses who’s with Nancy? I sat with him during lunch?”
“Oh right!” He sets his beer beside yours. “He’s nice. He put Hellfire Club in the student yearbook.”
“We should loosen up a bit,” you stand up, stretching your limbs and wince at the ache on your back. Your Beatles shirt, cut up to a midriff, exposes your stomach, a small scar just on the side of your hip and it makes Eddie flustered. He looks down at his hands. “We should go to the party.”
Eddie hops off your bed with the twist of his legs. “You can’t just leave. What about your parents?”
“I can rebel,” you repeat playfully. “And since when do you care about all that stuff, guy-who-got-arrested-once-when-he-sold-weed-to-an-undercover-cop?"
“I care when it comes to you,” he says softly, and he thinks you must have been pretending not to hear what he said. “Gonna call them or leave a note?”
“Gonna tell them I’ll sleep at Nancy’s,” you pull your drawer open and take a yellow sticky note out, scribbling down. Eddie takes his shoes from beside your bedroom door, frowning at the smudged dirt on the heel of his right shoe before he slips them on. “Can you wait outside? I’m gonna change.”
You looked breathtaking.
Embellished in a simple dress that stopped just above your knees, a pair of high-cut canvas sneakers that needed a bit of washing; a jubilant vogue that beguiles him, lifting him off his jittery fee. Your adroit hands accoutred in rings with lilliputian gems, warped around your dexterous fingers in delicate silver wires. And your hair, free from all its restraint, flowing down your shoulders. 
Driving to Fred’s house, you looked like a bright star found in the darkness of Eddie’s van. Sat on his seat, listening to all his metal mixtapes and headbanging to the songs you found endearing. His heart quivers whenever you awe at mixtapes you find in the back of his car. 
You were beautiful.
Covet reigns his cynical heart; he yearns to touch you. Wrapping his arm around your waist, holding your hand, or taking your face into his palms and telling you all the things that’ll make you smile. He wants to fortify you from all the savage things that ought to hurt you; Eddie yearns to proclaim his devotion into a dulcet whisper until he feels the rapidness of your heartbeat that thumps against his. 
But confusion regnants. He doesn’t know why he feels this way for a friend who simply knocked the wind out of him by wearing a simple dress. Then again, he thinks if it were any other person, they’d feel the same way. It’s you. You and your kind, shy, delicate heart that he wants to keep.
You, that he’s also lost.
It has been an hour since you guys have arrived. Maybe more than an hour. Eddie doesn’t know, but when he glances at his watch, it’d already been eleven in the evening. He wasn’t fond of parties but when it came to you and anything related to your happiness, he’d tolerate it. And for the first time in his life, in a house full of alcohol, he’s still sober. For your sake.
You told him you’d go to the bathroom, and he waited at some couch, stuck between two very drunk people who made out and completely forgot that they’re sitting right next to Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson. But, in all honesty, it felt nice not having someone run away as soon as they saw him. 
But when twenty minutes pass, where he debates on fetching you in case something happened, or thought maybe you were taking a shit, he ultimately decides to search for you. 
Foreigner guides him between the sweaty limbs of drunk teens and students who’ve already graduated high school but remained in Hawkins (aka Steve Harrington. He saw a glimpse of his voluptuous hair towering over the crowd). 
“I wanna know where (y/n) is,” he sings subconsciously. “I want you to show me,”
And then, he sees you. In a situation that proves his nagging thoughts right.
Standing against the wall is a drunk you. And lo and behold, Steve Harrington peers over you with a flushed face that spreads up to his neck, shirt unbuttoned like he’s seducing you with the jungle on his chest. Eddie feels the bottom of his stomach twist uncomfortably, a twinge of jealousy floating within the acids inside. 
He pushes the people away, as gently as he could, making his way toward you. 
“I know— Eddie!” you gasp, pushing away from the wall. You open your arms and fall against him, wrapping your limbs around his torso tightly so that it makes him just as shocked as Steve was. “Where have you been?”
“I was waiting,” a hand massages your forearm, the other resting cautiously on your back. “You said that I stay there.”
“Have you met Steve?” Eddie smiles tightly at him. He tries to hide his disappointment when you uncurl an arm from him. 
“Yeah, I met him,” he says softly. “Dustin kept on talking about him.”
Steve’s eyebrows raise in bewilderment. “Uh- yeah. Nice seeing you again, man.” he nods his head at him. “Haven’t seen you since I left highschool,”
“Kinda surprised you’re still here,”
He narrows his eyes at Eddie. “I could say the same,” Steve runs his hand through his hair, shifting all his weight on his left leg. “Didn’t you repeat high school?”
You gasp beneath Eddie, turning your head at him. “You repeated high school?”
“Didn’t I tell you that?”
“Yeah but I forgot,” you rub your nose with the side of your finger. “I’m sorry. That must have sucked.”
It used to. Until you came back. 
Eddie’s mouth parts, but all that could come out was. “Wanna go back home?”
“I haven’t peed yet,”
“You’ve been talking to Steve for twenty minutes?” he exclaims his disdain over this fact, tightening his arm around you without even realizing it. “Alright, I’m taking you up to the bathroom,”
“Hey hey hey,” Steve reaches out to grasp Eddie’s elbow, clumsily but tight as he can see the drunken gloss in his eyes. “Where’d you think you’re going?”
“Didn’t you just hear what I said?”
“Oh I heard it loud and clear,” he scoffs. “You’re not taking a drunk girl to the toilet, Munson.”
Eddie turns, hiding you behind him and lets you pick on the loose thread of his vest. “And what do you expect me to do? Let her piss herself in here?” he wonders wherever Steve found the nerve to act all protective over you. “Sending her up there alone is more dangerous, Harrington.”
“And you think I’ll let you take her up there?”
“Hey, excuse me,” with your hands around Eddie’s torso, you spin, your cheek right on the DIO print of his vest. “If you’re thinking that Eddie would take advantage of me, h’wont. You don’t know him. He- he won’t do what you’re thinking,” you narrow your eyes at him. “You know, if you people would just take the time to get to know him, you’d know that he’s not a freak. Or that he’d sacrifice me to the devil, or some shit. He’s a really nice person and you’re just—judgemental morons. And I really need to fucking pee.”
Your sweet mien is stripped off. An austere look makes Steve stumble back, face flushed in embarrassment than inebriation. He sputters out an apology, his eyes sobering in genuity. But surprisingly, he apologizes to Eddie. “I’m just drunk. I know it’s not an excuse but… she’s my friend.”
Still, with your words that left his heart unveiling and pounding like a fast drum bass, Eddie nods his head at him in slight forgiveness. “I get it, man. No hard feelings.”
(But he still is jealous that Henderson liked him more.)
Eddie takes you into his arms, smiles reassuringly at you as he pushes your hair out of your face, and leads you up to the nearest bathroom.
Lamented and assured
To the lights and towns below
Faster than the speed of sound
Faster than we thought we'd go
Beneath the sound of hope
Eddie Munson had only been in love once.
But maybe he’s wrong.
You sit patiently in the passenger seat, swaying to a Barry Manilow mixtape you found in Fred’s house that Eddie didn’t stop you from taking. He watches you from inside the convenience store, the beep of the scanner faint as well as the jingle of coins.
He bids a quiet goodbye to the cashier and pockets his change, holding two water bottles in his hand, sauntering to his vibrating van, and hopping in with ease.
Your eyes snap open, wide in its demiurgic inebriation. Eddie shuts the car door, placing his bottle on the cup holder in front of the gear shift so he could open yours to save you the struggle before he hands it to you. “Sober up, princess,”
Although half-drunk, you manage to swallow his sobriquet and flush. Princess. Babe. Mandy. What’s next? Love of my life?
God, I kinda hope so.
Eddie’s got his eyes on you, searching for any signs of struggle as you open the bottle with a small grunt before you bring the plastic up to your lips, swallowing heavily. Your eyes flutter shut, eyelashes caressing the gentle skin of your cheeks as you moan.
“Shit,” you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “What’s in the water?”
“Special K,” he jokes, opening his own. “You sober yet?”
“I can physically feel it-” you gesture your hands to yourself, waving it in a downward motion as you swallow the thick saliva on the edge of your tongue. “-disappear. I can feel it go down to my bladder.”
Eddie chuckles, shaking his head as he faces the steering wheel and twists the key in the ignition. “Just make sure you don’t have to pee yet. I’m gonna take you somewhere,”
You screw the cap back on, tugging on the ends of your dress as solemn curiosity makes you look up at him through your eyelashes. “Ooh. Where ya takin’ me, Eds?”
“It’s a surprise,” he pulls out of the parking lot, watching carefully from the rearview mirror with his eyes squinted. “I take Dustin up there every morning to talk to his girlfriend. But there’s a special spot I’m taking you.”
“Dustin has a girlfriend?” you gasp. “I always thought he made that up,”
“Oh, but she’s very real,” 
Tucking the bottle beneath your chin, you wriggle your brows at him with a skittish look. It enamors him, and it can’t stop him from turning his head at you and smiling softly. He wishes this would last — a fortuitous moment of abundant reposefulness, in his shitty van with your presence gracing the darkness of his world. 
Your face reappears in the darkness whenever a streetlight passes by. And every spark, you grow even more beautiful despite the intoxication that drops a barbell onto your eyelids. Eddie watches the buildings disappear, replaced by old trees, huddled together beside the road that swishes and collides with the passing breeze. 
With the doo-wop music pleasing to your ears, you hum beneath your breath, hand reaching out to roll the windows down and peak your head out. The wind strokes your skin headily, but the attempt to sober you is in vain. At least, with the alcohol that’s left in your system; you're clearheaded enough to register the lyrics from the radio and Eddie’s words of carefulness. 
Unable to detach his eyes from the lengthy road, Eddie filches every moment he’d glance at you out of worry you’d get your head decapitated off a pole or anything that passes by. 
But the sight of you with your back arched against the open window, hands in the air and your hair across your tipsy face was enough to relieve his worry. Were his eyes cameras, he’d taken every picture at every blink he took and kept in his mind. Just in case he’d never see such an unfathomable sight again.
“Hey, Mandy,” he yells slightly. “Having fun there, girl?”
“Totally,” you sigh, teeth gleaming. “Are we there yet, Munson? The inside of my mouth’s getting all dry here.”
“Get back inside, then,” he glouts playfully. “We’re almost there, babe.”
He’s getting really fucking comfortable with those petnames, now. 
You slither yourself back inside, slumping on his chair, your dress ridden up to your thighs. Eddie blushes from his face to his chest, snapping his eyes back on the road as you squirm on your seat, tugging on the ends until you’ve settled properly and rose the window up halfway. 
He tugs on the collar of his Paranoid shirt, a stark contrast to his exposed, opalescent skin. “You had fun poking your head out the window?” he cocks a brow. “Or do you still wanna go chase the cars that pass by thinkin’ they’re treats?”
“Dick,” you kick his shin, dirt smudging on his blue jeans. 
Eddie stops beside a broken fence, the vibration of his van coming to a halt when he twists the keys from the ignition and pulls it off. You blindly open the car door much to his dismay, and hop off with bleary feet. He does the same, shuts the door the same time you did and watches you cross over the van until you stand in front of him.
But you look at the hills, high and dark; its luscious green grass unseen by the darkness. He watches your jaw relax and your blinks decelerate. 
“We’re gonna walk up there?” you say smally, fiddling with your rings. 
“You don’t wanna?” his left eye narrows, a small pout coming up to draw itself on his face. “It’s okay if you don’t wanna. I can try to drive my car up the hill. Unless you also don’t wanna climb up the hill then I can just take you wherever you wanna go.”
You shake your head, tugging on his leather bracelet, hooking your finger around the ornament and crossing the shattered fence. “I can do it. I’m—I’m sober enough. I think I just have to remove my shoes. Hold on,”
He crosses the fence first, planting his feet on the ground as you use him as leverage. You balance yourself on one foot, pulling on the laces of your shoes and pulling it until he sees your socks—blue covered in black bats. Eddie takes your shoe as you do the same to the other, until he’s got your high-cuts in one hand, and the other being pulled by you.
Everything was untroubled. Laughs shared when he trips and scrapes his bare knee on the uncut grass; your socks darkened by the damp soil, his white Reeboks the same. And Eddie matches your heavy huffs, the remaining energy on his body on his legs that continue to lift him up the hill.
When you reach the top, you half-yell in relief, bending with your hands on your knees. Eddie sets your shoes down, letting himself fall on his ass. Once you’ve obtained your spent breath, you plop down beside him. 
“Holy shit,” you press your hands on the earth below, shifting to rest on your knees. “Eds, we can see Hawkins from here,”
You see the lights that brighten up the town. The miniscule homes of the village from across,  the burnt Starcourt mall, the sirens that lead its way to the Hospital and the variegated radiance from the arcade. You gawp silently.
“Exactly why I took you up here,” he tugs down on your dress when the wind blows it up, keeping his eyes at your face. “And if you look very closely, or if you have the eyes of an owl, you can see the trailer park.”
He laughs amusingly when you squint your eyes. Eddie knows if he can’t see it, so can’t you. But you try, nonetheless. 
“I don’t see it,” you lament, sitting back down beside him. Eddie tries to ignore the weight you rest on his arm; the pinky that grazes his behind your backs for anchor, and how your bare legs graze his jeans but despite the covering, he can feel the heat radiating off your body. 
“You’ll see it better when the sun’s up,” he leans on his right arm, shoulder bumping yours when he reaches for his Lucky Strike pack. Eddie flips it open, his small lighter lodged to the side of his cigarettes. You peer over, chin on his shoulder. He pulls out one, sticking it between his middle and index before he uses his thumb to pull his lighter out. 
Then he looks at you, nose beside yours with the minimal proximity. “Do you mind if I smoke?”
“No,” you say. “My dad smokes. The dad who adopted me, I mean.”
“I know,” he smiles before he sticks the cigarette between his lips. He shoves his pack back on his pocket, sitting back down. “Do you smoke?”
The question was muffled through a lisp, but was still understandable. “Haven’t tried,” you answer. “But I almost did. It was weed, actually, that shit you sell? When I came back during summer, Steve picked me up and he asked me if I wanted to get high,”
“Really?” The cigar bobs when he speaks, the hand that cups over lowers slightly, his thumb stopping on the sparkwheel. “How long have you and Harrington been friends?”
He finally lights it up, the white paper burning into a crisp orange until smoke begins to vent. “Since middle school. Met him after my parents adopted me from my foster care. They took me to Hawkins, our house was near his, and we were invited to dinner by Steve’s parents when they were still present in his life.”
A burning jealousy on the pit of his stomach, ignited not by the lighter. “Were you good friends?”
“I’d like to think we were,” you tilt your head back and look at him. Eddie feels your pinky tap his, which he taps back. “When his parents started going on business trips, and mine were…well, working in Hawkins, Steve and I hung out in either his bedroom or mine,” you smile at him. “But, we rarely talked when I left for New York. It was a phone call every three months. And then he picked us up at the airport,” 
He lets the smoke leave the corner of his lips, on the other side where you weren’t. “Did he, uh, tell you all that shit about Henderson and Wheeler?”
“Through the phone. It’s kind of crazy,” his heart flutters at your light smile. “You know, I’m not sure if I should tell you this shit or not, but he told me about this whole thing about- monsters, and all that crap. Demogorgons, demodogs, the Upside Down. The Mind Flayer-”
“What, like DnD?” Eddie snorts. “Maybe the little shrimp talked to him about it, who knows,”
“I mean, he was half-drunk when he told me,” your lips purse. “Either he played DnD, or he dreamt about it. I mean, I asked Nancy about the Starcourt fire but she wouldn’t tell me anything!”
Eddie takes another puff, a long one that reaches his lungs. “‘M pretty sure he was just stoned,”
“What about you?” he sees you observe the cigarette, but he’s sure you’d been looking at his hands first and his dimly lit rings. “How’d you know him?”
He taps his finger on the rod, chunks falling down on the grass on the minimal space between your legs. “High school,” his lips twist into a frown. “I had my first senior year with him. And- uh, he was a douchebag. King Steve,” Eddie nods his head, a sardonic smile offered to you. “And when Henderson came and said that he was awesome, kept on insisting, actually, it was hard to believe.”
“Did he ever, uh,”
“Call me a freak?” he finishes. “Once. Twice. Dunno. We crossed paths but never really met, I guess. We knew we existed in each other’s lives but we never really acknowledged. He was too gung ho on Nancy Wheeler,”
You chortle, a plain snort leaving you that renders him amused. “Oh, God. Nancy. D’you know Steve wouldn’t stop talking about her whenever he called me.”
“You ever get jealous?”
He hopes you say no. Never did. He’s my friend. Only ever liked him as a friend. I don’t like his hair, I don’t like his smug smile. Eddie doesn’t care if it deems him jealous. But there’s nothing bad in hoping, right?
“No,” you ponder for a bit. “Maybe,”
His heart sinks.
“Only because I wished someone talked about me the way he did to Nancy,” a pensive gloss covers your irises, lit by the vibrant colors of the town upon your grazing knees and swaying feet. “He sounded so in love. And I always thought about how she would feel if she knew someone talked about her like that.”
He sighs. “You never know,”
You think he’s in thought, with the way his shoulder presses against yours absentmindedly and the silence that’s drawn out from his peart mien. 
“I had this dream when I was a kid,” you whisper. “That I was the greatest pianist in the world. I was singing with Billy Joel and—everybody knew who I was,” Eddie smiles. “And, ever since that dream, I’ve taught myself how to be one of the greatest pianists in the World,”
You exert amenity towards him when he laughs bemusingly. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” your eyebrows furrow for a split second. 
A sudden memory climbs its way to his head. “Do you remember back in middle school? We, uh, hung out a lot after the talent show. And- and all we did was play music,” He says it with slight uncertainty; he himself can barely remember all those times yet he based on a single memory. “We played this one song all the time.”
“Does Everyone Stare,” you answer. “The Police.”
“That one,” he nods his head. “Because it was the only song we knew how to play that had guitars and pianos.”
Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you nod. “I can’t believe we forgot each other,”
“But I do remember some parts,” he takes a short hit. “You said that you wanted to marry Billy Joel, and then you kept on bragging to me how you could play Die Young like, fifty times,”
“Only the Good Die Young!” you correct him. “God, yes! I played that even when I was in Queens. My grandma loved that song.”
“I always wondered why you had a huge crush on him. He was old,”
“He was not!” you gasp.
Eddie shrugs, lips curling in amusement when a huff leaves his nose. “Yes he was! And it was a good reason for me to get jealous, too,”
If he could, he’d ululate his stupidity into the sky and embarrass himself further because it’s already out now, isn’t it? But confirming your jealousy didn’t mean he’d harbored feelings for you, right? He could be jealous for other reasons like…
He doesn’t remember.
“Jealous?” you repeat. “You were jealous of Billy Joel because I liked him?”
“We were kids. Hell, I got jealous when Tommy H. brought his Nintendo to school. Or when Barb Holland—may she rest in peace—won class president. I get jealous all the time,” he snickers. “Don't let it get into your big head, Mandy.”
Double crossed between his lies and what you truly perceive, you shake your head mirthly. “Yeah. Okay, Munson.” you roll your eyes at him. “God I… whenever I played that song, I always imagined I was in a concert. With this… huge grand piano. I’d play for those snobby rich people, then I’d get roses thrown at me. I’d play so hard my fingers would bleed and they’d give me a standing ovation,”
Eddie smiles. “What a dream,” he looks away, chin on his neck when he looks down on his lap. “I’d be your first ever watcher. Then I’ll throw tomatoes at you and boo you off the stage,”
He looks back at you and you laugh jovially. 
The muddle of alcohol in your head almost makes you miss how his jaw clenches and his eyes soften. A solemn twinkle in his button eyes, nostrils flaring as he stares at you with the smoke on his cigarette flowing between the tangled strands of his hair. 
Suddenly nervous with his intense stare, you nod at his cigarette. “Can I-uh, try?”
Eddie blinks. “Yeah, sure.”
He offers it to you with a balk stutter on his hand. You lean over, your hand almost on his thigh as you wrap your lips around, lipstick staining the orange filter that leaves a pink coruscating shine. Brazen do you inhale, cheeks sucked in, gray smoke filling your lungs until you cough abruptly and push it away.
Smoke puffs when you cough and he laughs jubilantly. “Mandy!”
“Fuck,” your hand grasps his shoulder, the other covering your mouth. “Christ. No wonder why my dad says I shouldn’t smoke. Oh- shit. Ah.”
He pats around beside him. “We left our water in the car,”  
“Screw it. I’ll try again,” you wrap your hand around his wrist and take the cigarette in your mouth, sucking like your life had depended on it until Eddie himself has to pull it away. It’s a bit calmer this time, no coughs and only smoke. 
His palm meets the side of his hand to a mock applause. “Bravo.”
“Who taught you this?”
Eddie takes a short puff. “My old man,”
Your smile falls. “Oh, shit, sorry,”
“It’s okay,” he murmurs. “My…mom got mad when she found out. I was eight,” he licks his lips. “And, you know, I told myself I wouldn’t do it again. But highschool happened and before I knew it, I have a metal lunchbox full of packs and weed,”
You feel his pink shyly tap yours. “My mom used to take me up here,” Eddie continues. “Way before Dustin did and- we used to go up before the sunrise so we could watch it. When he was dead asleep,” he swallows thickly. “She’d make these sandwiches, chocolate and peanut butter, and we’d eat them while we watched the sun rise; and she’d point out all these butterflies,” he shows you his wrist where the insect lays. “And she said ‘Eddie, you must always cherish the beginning of a new day,’”
He mimics the voice of his mother in a high-pitched voice and a tone that lilts to a posh border. Eddie knows it’s not exactly her voice, but he loves a good impression.
“She sounds like an amazing person,” you whisper.
“She was,” Eddie muses, a melancholy wave that crashes on him as he lays on the undertow, helpless. “She always had this bubble of hope, even if my dad always popped it. She just kept on blowing, and smiling, and loving even though she was struggling and honestly,” he looks at you with a sad smile, “she’s one of the strongest women I’ve ever met,”
Your heart breaks the slightest. But he looks at you like the brightest star he's ever found.
“She always had a bubbly personality even when everything was tough,” he sighs. “And I haven’t done this. Watching the sunrise since she, y’know, because I always slept in,”
His chuckle makes you smile breathlessly. But it had been more wistful. There’s a mosaic of maudlin rings over your eyes, on the verge of shattering. “Is that why you took me up here?”
“Kind of,” he drops his head sideways. “There’s no sunrise, though. So I hope this will suffice,” 
“I’ll take anything you give me, Munson,” you smile softly. “It makes me happy, either way,”
Finally, your pinkies hook behind you. His finger is warm, bigger than yours but bears a whit of gracious familiarity. They hook, as thick as thieves; Eddie gifts you a smile so warm and loving that makes you lean close.
“Even if my van’s all run down and loud and on the verge of burning?” his eyebrow raises. “Or I stain your reputation?”
“I don’t even have a reputation,” you laugh. “But yes. Even if you van smells like marijuana and you, like, listen to Orgasmatron for god knows how many times. I’ll accept anything,” 
I’ll accept anything.
Eddie leans close, tobacco breaths exchanged, nose bumping with yours; his eyes are low and hooded, his eyelashes that tickle his cheeks when he blinks rapidly, fearing that once he opens his eyes you’re a mist within the gray smoke. And fuck, you’re pretty.
Prettier than the barely there stars above you, prettier than the morphing clouds that entice him at seven in the morning, prettier than Sweetheart (his beloved guitar, yes); prettier than everything else, you being the center of attention, the only attraction in his terrifying world. His heart pounds like he’s fallen down the rollercoaster, and it feels gratifyingly amazing.
Your pinky clutches his tightly in a silent promise. And he vows to keep it, whatever it may be.
“Just where our bones will rest,”
Befuddled, he pulls back slightly. “What?”
“I thought of a lyric,” although disappointed, Eddie finds it in himself to smile lightly. “My heart's on a string around my neck and I stare just where our bones will rest.” you say. “Shit, Eddie, do you have a ballpen?”
“Lucky for you, I do,” he reaches for his pocket again and pulls out a blue pen with the cap covered in small indentation of bites. You frown. “Sorry. I get nervous a lot.”
“It’s okay,” you unscrew the cap. “Um, fuck,”
You unlace your pinky from his, pulling your left forearm out so you’d write the lyric just above your inner elbow, small across the skin of your forearm. 
“I could get this tattooed,” you mutter. And then you look up at him with a proud, bright smile. 
“I could do it,” his shoulders raise to a shrug. “I mean, I mostly do my own tattoos,” Eddie shows you his arms—the butterfly on his wrist, the bats on his forearm, before he pulls on the collar of his shirt and shows you The Devil. “Either I use my machine or the stick and needle,”
“Didn’t know you knew how to do tattoos,” you narrow your eyes at him. “What’s next? You can fix cars,”
He almost says yes.
You reach to touch the tattoo on his forearm in awe, delicate finger grazing his inked skin, petting the hairs on his arm. “Seriously. I’ll do it, (y/n),” he chuckles. “Just gotta tell me when,”
With your eyes gilded in delirium, you nod. And he smiles.
Eddie Munson had only been in love once. 
But he had no idea he could fall in love twice. 
You could remember how delicate he’d been.
Eddie had taken you back to his home. The place dark and desolate with the missing presence of his beloved uncle. He’d sat you down on his couch, apologized for how messy the place had been and that you’re getting your first tattoo at some dingy trailer. And you remember how your words succored the insecurity out of him; how he visibly deflated in relief and knelt in front of you.
Although covered in latex, his hands were warm against your arm, but it was incomparable to the spark you felt when you looped your pinky around his. 
His words had saged the pain from the stabbing needles. Constant praises that made your stomach flip; ballyhoos that made your cheeks burn as your mind swallowed them in a way that you shouldn’t— “You’re doing a great job, babe” “Taking it so well, aren’t you, Mandy?” “I know it hurts, but it’ll feel good soon,” “Good girl.”
Good girl had been the last straw. 
Eddie was doing it on purpose, right? Or your mind was just too deep into the gutter?
He’d traced the words you wrote on your inner elbow in vigilant precision. Eddie was fruitless of failure, nothing amiss in the Stygian tattoo. Which left you in awe given that he’d used a stick and needle rather than the machine hidden somewhere beneath the depths of his dusted bed. 
When he was done, he lathered your arm with ointment before covering it with plastic—cling wrap. And he drove you home with smiles painting both the canvases of your faces; the inside of his van filled with nothing but twitching hands that yearn for reconciliation, and knowing looks exchanged between the music of The Police.
You had laid on your bed with the lingering feeling of his latex touch and his bona fide scrutiny that night. A silly smile on your face when you think of Eddie Munson; the boy who’d disappeared in your life who you miraculously found again.
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special thanks to: @vendettaparker, @munsonquinns, @familyvideostevie, @applcrumbl for proofreading :3
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