#and if i couldn’t find it anywhere i had to mark it off the list and someone else would look and if they also couldn’t find it it got taken
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Not to be one of those people who complains but why are the two library books I reserved 3 weeks ago (as the first person in the queue mind you. And both of them are popular books with multiple copies available) still not ready
#like okay admittedly i think one of them might have been claimed by a book club. based on what i’m seeing (10 copies all currently out and#all due back on the same day) i think that’s the only likely possibility#the book club is able to take literally tons of books out of the library and get much longer loans than a regular civilian like myself could#so i think that must be what it is. but there are still 4 other copies out there?? where are they#one was due back in fucking june of last year and is apparently nowhere to be found. what is going on#either someone didn’t put it through the machine right or has just stolen the book or something#what i don’t get is why no one’s taken it out of the system yet? when i volunteered there i used to get given the dead stock list at least#once a month and have to hunt down any books that were on the list. it was books that hadn’t been taken out or seen in 6 months plus#and if i couldn’t find it anywhere i had to mark it off the list and someone else would look and if they also couldn’t find it it got taken#out of the system. like. it’d be assumed lost; stolen or damaged & get written off essentially#so what is going on??#and then the other book has been ‘in transit’ for literally fucking two weeks. why#this is a big county i’ll give them that. but it doesn’t take two weeks to get anywhere#i stupidly reserved another book today but i’m not expecting to see it for like 2 months at least at this rate#was i the only person in [redacted] library system who ever processed book requests???? should i start volunteering again#and process my own request lmao. and then leave again#that sounds harsh. i did like it there but there was this fucking guy who i know meant well but i felt extremely uncomfortable around him#he never did anything and i don’t think he ever would have but i just felt suuuper uncomfortable around him. and then i felt bad for feeling#uncomfortable. and then covid happened and then i moved cities and just. left.#tl;dr i just want my books man. i want them before i lose all enthusiasm about reading them#personal
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aylacavebear · 3 months
Soulmates? Yeah, right, pft. - Ch. 1
When you turn sixteen, and your soulmate's name doesn’t appear anywhere on your body that you can find, you figure you had to be the only person on the planet who didn’t have one. Most of the town shuns you, so you stick close to family. Your Aunt Ellen raised you after your parents died in a car crash when you were two, but what happens when the Winchesters return to town and buried secrets begin to come to light?
Pairing: Mechanic Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You
Word Count: 5393
Warnings: Angst, Past Trauma.
A/N: This is my non-Supernatural fic I'm attempting. Please let me know what you think, as I always love hearing from my readers. Not sure when this one will be up and available to read yet. Just getting the chapter list started for it.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 1
You grew up hearing about soulmates, but since you were raised by your Aunt Ellen, it was something you weren’t sure was even true. She’d shown you the mark that had shown up on her hip, your uncle’s name, when she’d turned sixteen. Soulmates clearly were a thing, but you were skeptical, even as a child.
“Hey, you gonna take care of the customers or just stand there daydreamin?” Ellen asked you.
“Sorry,” you quickly apologized, tending to the men at the bar.
How did I end up working here, of all places?
Your mind constantly drifted these days, and it started a month ago. Your twenty-fifth birthday was only three months away. Jo continually teased you when she found you off in your head during work hours. Then there was your Aunt Ellen, who was getting more worried about you as the days passed.
The music from the jukebox sounded far away, almost muffled as you absentmindedly took care of the tasks of cleaning tables, the bar, restocking bottles, and filling drinks. Guys would flirt with you, but you’d only give them that fake smile and move on.
It was the birthday you’d been waiting for, even if you hadn’t wanted to admit it to anyone. You were turning sixteen, and you’d finally see the name of your soulmate. Thanks to your aunt, you had gotten your hopes up.
But the day came and went, and nothing appeared. You had checked everywhere, even behind your ears. There was nothing. It took months to pull out of that depression, especially when those close to you asked about it. You also felt like some sort of freak. In all the research you’d done, you couldn’t find anything about not getting the mark when you turned sixteen.
“Geeze, Y/N. You’re really out of it today. What’s wrong, sweetie?” Ellen asked you, pulling you from your memories.
“Sorry. My mind seems to have a mind of its own today,” you sighed, glancing around the bar for a moment.
“You still bummed about the soulmate thing?” she asked you sincerely, in the way she did when she was gently trying to get you to talk.
You just shrugged your shoulders before taking off your apron, “I have to go help Bobby at the garage again.” 
“Is it that time already?” Ellen asked, glancing at the clock, then sighed. “Alright. Tell the old grump I said hi, and don’t let him work you too hard.” That made you chuckle, “He never does, and I’ll let him know.”
Again, your mind drifted as you drove down the semi-busy streets to Bobby’s garage. He and your Aunt had been friends for a long time, so he was practically family, as was his wife, Jodi. Growing up, you’d spent half your time in the garage, helping Bobby fix cars.
Sioux Falls wasn’t a big town, but wasn’t tiny either. You knew most of the people who lived there, and they knew you. It was more like more of them knew of you, the girl with no soulmate. You sighed as you drove your 71’ Pontiac Firebird Formula 400, a gift from Bobby you had to fix up, down the lonely road leading to his garage. 
“Got something for ya, kid, but you gotta fix her up,” Bobby told you when you showed up for your shift that hot summer afternoon.
“I told you. You don’t have to get me a present this year,” you groaned.
A year ago, you began hating your birthdays, and you didn’t want to celebrate this one. You begrudgingly followed him to his garage, then to the side of it, where you noticed the tarp over something.
Bobby walked over and pulled the tarp off, revealing the shell of a 71’ Pontiac Firebird Formula 400. You had fallen in love with muscle cars as a kid, watching The Dukes of Hazzard. Your jaw hit the floor as you ran over to her like a kid on Christmas.
He was smiling from ear to ear as he watched you look over everything, “She’s all yours, but you gotta do the work. You can’t let any other mechanic touch her. I’ll answer any questions, but I ain’t helpin' either.”
“Are you serious, Uncle Bobby?” you asked excitedly, popping the hood of the beat-up frame.
A small smile crossed your expression with that memory as you pulled into the driveway of Bobby’s garage and parked in the back. It seemed like so long ago, but it was one of your fondest memories that had made your birthday not so bad.
“I’m here,” you hollered, heading over to the car you’d been working on for almost a week at this point. 
“How was the bar?” he asked, joining you in the garage.
“I was a space cadet, and Aunt Ellen is worried about me,” you replied, sliding back under the car to finish it up.
“You’re not a space cadet. I just think you can’t focus around all those people anymore. Come work at the garage, full-time,” he told you, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms.
“I’ll think about it,” you answered, tightening down a few more bolts.
“Besides, Jodi misses you being around more often,” Bobby added in an attempt to persuade your decision.
“I miss her too. Oh! Ellen said hi. I don’t know why she doesn’t text you more often,” you replied, sliding out from under the car, looking for yet another tool for yet another size bolt.
When you were in the garage, you always seemed to be able to focus. You knew Bobby had a point, and you’d been considering it for almost a month, but you weren’t about to tell him that. You wanted to let him think it was his idea.
Yeah, your mind drifted, but it was nothing like at the bar. Here, they were little snippets of memories: kids teasing you in high school, adults looking at you like you had two heads, and then there had been attempts to find a job but getting turned down everywhere due to not having the name of your soulmate on your body somewhere. 
By the time your shift ended, you had the car completely finished. Looking down at the car, you stood there, covered with blotches of grease but beaming with pride. 
“I’ll let the owner know she’s ready,” Bobby smiled, now standing next to you. “Think about it, though, okay?”
“I will,” you replied, giving him a hug before you headed home for the night since you’d already cleaned up the tools you’d used.
You lived in a cute little house not far from Bobby’s garage. It was the only thing that you had from your parents, along with a handful of pictures. You’d lost both of them to a car crash when you were only two, having no real memories of them. 
Since you were two when you had lost them, you never asked Jodi what had happened or if anyone else was involved. You honestly didn’t want to know. 
Dropping the things from your pockets on the table, you locked your door and headed to the bathroom. Your thoughts drifted again as you did your typical night routine.
“I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time finding work, sweetie. You can’t work here till you’re at least eighteen. I can’t break that law for you,” Ellen sighed.
You crossed your arms and went back outside to your car. You knew why no one in town would hire you, and it was a stupid reason. However, being a teenager still, you were all hormones and now needed to go blow off some steam.
You peeled out of the parking lot and down the road to your parent's place, which would be yours in less than a year. The drive was short due to the speed you’d chosen to go, and a cloud of dust rolled over your car when you parked out back of the house.
Between the punching bag, the target practice, and throwing your knives till your arm was sore, you had finally calmed down some. You made a call to Ellen and told her you were going to sleep at your ‘almost’ house. She didn’t like it but didn’t argue either.
You cried yourself to sleep that night, curled up in the soft bed that would eventually be your permanent room as the sun set slowly. The thought of being alone for the rest of your life hurt more than you’d ever tell anyone.
Dinner that night consisted of leftovers, and you were thankful you’d prepared them ahead of time when the week began—baked chicken, potatoes, and gravy. You were far too out of it to even worry about a vegetable. 
I’ll tell Ellen tomorrow.
Finally deciding to quit working at the bar as you cleaned up dinner and headed to bed, almost feeling as though a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Slipping under the covers and getting comfortable, you also felt more relaxed than usual. 
Two hours into your shift, and Ellen had already had to pull you out of your head a dozen times. It was Saturday, so even the morning hours were busy today. You were just thankful that you never had to cook, knowing you would have ended up burning most of the food.
“Can you at least pay attention to the ones at the bar? Jo can handle the floor today,” Ellen told you, again sounding worried.
“I’ll try,” you sighed, glancing at the men sitting there.
There was no point in apologizing again. As you began taking care of the drinks, the bell over the door dinged, signifying yet another customer. Typically, you wouldn’t have even looked up, but something pulled at you.
It was three men, none of whom you recognized, and two of them looked to be around your age, with the third being older. All three of them sat at the bar, so you went over to get them drinks.
“What’s your poison?” you asked, putting on that fake work smile and not really looking at them.
“Three beers,” the older of the three said, “And please tell Ellen to come over.”
You were slightly confused but agreed. You set their beers down in front of them, then went to find Ellen in the back. “Hey, there’s a guy out here that asked for you.”
“Did you get his name?” she asked as she dried her hands.
“No. He didn’t say. He’s with two other guys who are younger, though, if that helps?” you replied as you followed her out of the back room.
You stopped halfway down the bar, but you were still behind it, as she was now on the other side, making her way to the three of them. The older man stood, both he and Ellen smiling as they embraced in a hug, which confused you. You managed to keep up with the drinks for those at the bar but couldn’t hear what the four of them were talking about.
“Y/N, come down here and get these boys a refill,” Ellen hollered, motioning for you to go over to them.
Rolling your eyes, you did as she asked, putting on that fake smile again, “Here ya go.”
“Thanks, Sweetheart,” one of the two younger ones said to you with what looked to be a flirtatious smirk.
“Don’t be flirting with my niece, Dean. She’s still what you’d consider innocent,” Ellen scolded the one who had just spoken to you, but to you, it sounded more like a teasing sort of joking around, which made you slightly curious. “Thanks. Like I need some stranger to know that sort of thing,” you grumbled.
“Sweetie, these are the Winchesters. They’re practically family. You met them when you were little,” Ellen replied, smiling happily.
For a moment, you were somewhat dumbfounded as to what to even say. You couldn’t seem to remember meeting the three of them. Ellen introduced you to John Winchester, the father of Dean and Sam, who were four years apart in age.
“I hate to do it, Aunt Ellen, but, I need to talk to you about something before I leave in ten,” you finally told her.
“What’s up?” she asked, looking quite puzzled.
“I need to take some time off for a while,” you mumbled, feeling bad.
“Take all the time you need, sweetie. I know things have been rough for you lately,” she said softly, then she gave you a hug. “And tell that old fart to stop by sometime.”
“Thanks for understanding, and I will,” you replied, relieved as you hugged her back. Then you looked over at the Winchesters, “It was nice to have at least met the three of you since I don’t remember meeting you before now. Not sure when I’ll see you again, though.”
“How come?” John asked, seeming fairly curious.
“I’m going to be working my other job full-time for a while. It’s the love of my life, honestly,” you replied with a smile, giving John your full attention.
“What’s that, kid?” he asked, which made you wonder if perhaps he knew Bobby since Bobby called you that all the time.
“I fix cars. Hate to do it, but I have to run,” you replied quickly, heading for the door and out to your Baby. However, your heart about stopped when you saw the black 67’ Chevy Impala parked next to your Firebird.
“Damn…” you breathed out in quiet shock and awe.
Shit! I’m gonna be late.
With that thought, you shook your head, pulled your gaze from the car, and drove to Bobby’s garage for your shift. It indeed was a beautiful car, and you knew that no one in town drove one of those. Through deductive reasoning, you figured it had to belong to the Winchesters. You just weren’t sure which one. Whichever one it was, though, they loved that car, and you knew it with how well it had been taken care of.
The leaves on the trees were changing colors already, and the light breeze was finally cooler than the summer heat that you hated. However, you didn’t notice much today; you were too excited to give Bobby the news.
You knew the smile you couldn’t hide would give it away, but you stepped into his little office anyway. You didn’t even have time to say anything before he did.
Bobby was smiling from ear to ear when he looked up at you, “Nice to know Ellen didn’t give you a hard time about being here full time. You can whip those boys on the morning shift into shape for me.”
“Like they’d listen to me,” you chuckled but rolled your eyes.
“They better, since you’re gonna be their boss from here on out,” he told you seriously.
“Wait? What?” you asked, in complete surprise.
“Kid, you know your shit, and you’re good at your job. You’re better at your job than the four boys I got workin here already. I’d rather just have you than all of them 'cause I know you’d get the job done like it should be, and you never cut corners,” he explained, being completely serious.
“I- I don’t know what to say,” you stammered, still shocked.
“Just say thanks and be here at six tomorrow morning. Take the afternoon off and rest up,” he smiled.
You went over and wrapped him up in a hug. He knew the only reason you worked in the garage late was to avoid the boys he had working there in the morning. You had tried doing the dating thing after your sixteenth birthday, but realized quickly that no boy wanted anything to do with you.
That night, you were still smiling, even if you were apprehensive about being someone’s boss, let alone four grown men. People in the town were mostly courteous toward you but treated you like a plague of some sort since your soulmate's name never appeared on your body. 
As you got ready that morning, you attempted to calm your nerves, but it didn’t work. You gave yourself mental pep talks all morning and even on the drive, but that wasn’t helping either. Your heart was still racing as you parked out back like you usually did.
Bobby was the only one at the garage for the moment, and he even told you to breathe more than once. He explained that you’d still be working on cars, but now you’d also be keeping an eye on the boys he had working there and telling them when to take their breaks. It seemed simple enough.
Benny, Cas, Garth, and Jack were decent guys and were all friends. They’d spend time at the bar in the evenings when you were at the garage. It was how you had avoided a lot of people in the town since they really wanted nothing to do with you. The part you were worried about was interacting with them, as their boss. Bobby was standing next to you as the four of them arrived and mingled into the garage.
“Boys, meet your new boss,” Bobby said sternly, and all four of them looked up at you.
You were sure your heartbeat could be heard throughout the room as you froze under their gaze. The only one who didn’t look at you like you were a waste of space or something to avoid was Garth, and you made a mental note of that.
Something in you snapped with how they looked at you, and you laid into them before Bobby could comment on their expressions. “Look, I know that at least three of you would rather not work with me. I’m not a bitch, but I will be if I have to be. You don’t like this, there’s the door,” you told them sternly, putting your hands on your hips.
“Seriously?” Benny asked, annoyed. His Cajun accent was thick, and if it weren’t for his attitude, you probably could have listened to the man talk all day.
“Yes, Benny. She’s got the right to fire you if need be. I suggest you don’t give her a reason,” Bobby replied, crossing his arms, almost daring the man to challenge his decision.
Garth stepped forward, though, with that kind smile he always had, “I, for one, am looking forward to working with you, Y/N. You seem like a nice person, fair.”
Your expression instantly softened, and you smiled at him. “Thanks, Garth.”
“Alright, get to work,” Bobby told all of you before he headed into his office to keep an eye on things.
You turned from the four of them and headed toward the newest of the cars that had been brought in the day before. Your nerves were shot, but you were proud of yourself for standing up to the three of them. Pausing for a brief moment as you looked down at the car, you decided on something.
I’m gonna just be me. If they don’t like it, they can quit.
You turned on the radio to the classic rock station, then got to work on the car. Benny raised an eyebrow and just watched you silently before he got to work with the other three. It was odd for you with the other four working there, too. It was something you weren’t used to, but you found yourself keeping an eye on them, even while you worked.
An hour into the shift, Cas had stopped working and sat on one of the barstools, sipping some water. You watched him out of the corner of your eye for a few minutes while still focusing on your current task. Five minutes later, he was back to work. You took mental note of it and focused on your task again.
Each of them did that, taking turns to sit for a few minutes, have water, and then return to work. It puzzled you, but you weren’t ready to ask them why they did it, at least not yet. 
Just before nine, you heard it before you saw it. The beautiful purr of that Impala you had seen the night before. A smirk crossed your lips while you were unbolting the upper portion of the water pump for the current car in front of you. 
The Impala stopped, and then she was silent. You could clearly hear three sets of footsteps heading into the garage. The four boys erupted with greetings to the Winchesters, more Dean than the other two. Even Bobby joined in. 
So, they do know each other. Too bad the boys know them too. So much for maybe making a friend now.
You sighed and slid under the car, going for the bottom bolts now that the top ones were loose, completely ignoring the ruckus of greetings going on only about twenty feet away from you.
“Kid, you gonna come say hi?” you heard Bobby ask, and you realized he was standing next to you.
“I really wanted to get this finished, since the part finally came in, and this poor car has been sitting here for a week waiting,” you replied without moving out from under the car.
“Kid, don’t make me pull you outta there,” he told you a bit more sternly, and you knew he’d do it.
“Fine,” you grumbled, sliding out from under the car.
“So much for not running into you again, Sweetheart,” Dean smirked, which made you roll your eyes.
“Dean’s gonna be starting tomorrow morning. Dean, she’ll be your boss, so don’t try anything funny. She’s also practically my niece,” Bobby told him, far sterner than you’d heard him talk to anyone before, which only piqued your curiosity as to what their past entailed.
“I’ll behave, Bobby, I promise,” Dean told him, somewhat seriously. 
You noticed a small twinkle in not only Dean’s eye, but also in Bobby’s. It was like there was something they both knew but weren’t saying, at least not in front of you.
“You better, boy. I got no problems telling your dad and making him fire you,” Bobby replied, glancing at John.
That was when it hit you. You’d seen the initials JW on several different pieces of paperwork and even a couple of packages that had been delivered to the garage. John was Bobby’s partner in the business, and Dean was supposed to inherit it when John passed or retired. You were a bit surprised, though, that you had the power to fire the boss's son or at least write him up if you had to.
John’s laughter filled the garage at Bobby’s statement, “If I have to get involved, you’ll be in far more trouble than just losing your job.” There was a joke in there, but you could also hear the hint of seriousness in his tone.
What do the three of them know but aren’t saying around me? This is so frustrating.
“I said I’d behave,” Dean grumbled, crossing his arms and leaning against the car closest to him while the boys gave him a hard time. But it was there, even if only a hint of it, a smirk, and you noticed.
That was when John and Bobby both turned toward you, and for some reason, it made you nervous. “We’re having a little get-together tonight at Harvelle’s, and you’re invited. Sam graduated and is getting a full ride for law school, and that calls for a celebration,” John told you with a far softer smile than you thought the man was capable of.
“Uh, sure, I guess,” you replied, completely unsure of the idea of being around people who really wanted nothing to do with you.
“Good. Then we’ll see you there around say, seven?” John replied.
“Okay,” you answered, not sure what else to say.
Due to your attention being on John and Bobby, you missed the silent conversations going on between Dean, Sam, and the four grease monkeys on the far side of the garage. Dean was mostly watching you while Benny and Cas were telling him things, about you. Sam was also watching you, but his was more out of curiosity than anything else.
John and Bobby hung out in the office with the door closed for at least another hour. Dean and Sam were distracting the other four while they worked. You, well, you were changing out the water pump, ignoring all of them. It was what hurt the least. 
While you were tightening down the bolts under the car, you noticed a pair of feet standing next to you.
“You really don’t remember us, do you?” he asked.
“Sorry. I really don’t,” you answered, focusing on the bolt that was being a pain to get to.
“Wow. Kinda surprised since we went to the same schools and grew up in the same town,” he chuckled quietly, and you realized it was Sam and not Dean. Sam had a softer voice, and he didn’t call you sweetheart.
“I’m really sorry. I was kind of a loner,” you told him and finally got the bolt tightened down.
Sliding out from under the car and looking up at him, you felt like an ant with how tall he was. You shook off the feeling, got to your feet, and bent over into the engine so you could finish bolting the water pump in place.
“I remember. I heard about what happened, or uh, I mean- what didn’t happen when you turned sixteen,” he told you with that softness you were thankful for.
You shrugged your shoulders briefly, “Doesn’t matter. At least Bobby let me work here. All I ask is that you aren’t being nice to me out of pity. I’d rather be ignored.”
“I don’t pity you. I actually wanted to tell you something I found out while I was at college. It’s rare, like it only happens to one in a billion people. A traumatic event before the age of five can leave a child too scared to get their soulmate’s name when they turn sixteen,” he explained.
You froze where you were. It was more than anything you’d been able to find, and for a moment, you wanted to hope. You quickly brushed it away, though, remembering how badly you’d felt the last time you got your hopes up.
“You gonna keep going or just leave me hanging like that?” you asked, a little sharper than you intended.
Sam took a deep breath, and you missed him glancing at his brother momentarily, “Well, what I read said that the other person still gets their soulmate’s name. The one that went through the trauma has to fully heal from it before they get their soulmate’s name.”
You rolled your eyes, “Kinda hard to heal from something I don’t remember.”
“I just wanted you to know that me and my brother don’t see you like others do, and we’d like to be your friend, if you want,” he replied, then walked away to leave you to your thoughts.
Great. I don’t even know what to do to heal that sort of thing. I don’t even remember my parents. And now, the boss’s kids want to be friends with me. No, that can’t go horribly wrong, can it? Plus, I have to go sit through a celebration with people I don’t remember and others who want nothing to do with me, even if Ellen, Bobby, and Jodi will be there.
You focused on the car but finished it quickly before the Winchesters were even ready to leave. After wiping off your hands, you closed the hood and put the tools away before driving the car out to the finished area so it could wait for its owner to pick it up. When you headed back inside, your eyes were only on the office door, which was still closed. You didn’t see Dean watching you again.
“Hey, Bobby. Cars finished. I didn’t see anything else out back. What do you want me to work on?” you asked, setting the keys on his desk so he could get the paperwork together.
“How about you give Dean the tour? Show him where everythings at?” John suggested with a smirk before Bobby could say a word. “I figured Benny would do that, since they seem like friends,” you replied, not wanting to interrupt the six of them.
“I’m sure he could, but he won’t. You’re their boss. Comes with the territory,” John told you.
“Yes, Sir,” you replied in a slight mumble, heading back out of the office, closing the door, and then leaning on it.
As you crossed your arms, you watched the six of them. They looked like they were enjoying whatever conversation was happening between them, with Dean laughing at something he must have found funny. With a deep sigh, you walked over to them, slipping your hands into your pockets.
There was instant silence the moment you got close to them, but you didn’t let the hurt show, “John said I should give you a tour and show you where everything is,” you explained to Dean, not really looking at him.
Dean glanced at the office door then back down at you, “If that’s what my dad said, then lead the way, Sweetheart.”
Why does he have to keep calling me that? It’s not like he knows me. Maybe he calls all girls that, and it’s just his thing or something like that. 
“Yeah, not like you been in here a day of your life,” Benny teased him, which made you look up at Benny, confused. “Huh?” was the only word you could manage.
“Oh yeah, Dean’s been working in here since he was knee-high to a grasshopper,” Cas chuckled, teasing Dean.
Your gaze went from each of them and then to Dean, tilting your head in a fair amount of confusion. Dean rubbed the back of his neck nervously and looked away from you.
“What’s wrong, Dean? Worried she’ll figure it out?” Benny stated.
“Figure what out?” you asked as Dean glared at Benny.
“Nothing,” Dean snapped, still glaring at Benny.
So, Dean’s got some secret he doesn’t want me to know about. 
“Do you still want that tour I’m supposed to give you?” you asked with a sigh, looking more at the floor than anywhere else.
“Dean, you were here less than a month ago. Did you really forget where everything is already?” Cas teasingly asked him.
You’d had enough, so headed out of the garage, tossing your hands up and hollering, “Never mind,” just before making it outside. Once you made it to your car, you texted Bobby and told him you were heading home since there weren’t any more cars to work on at the moment.
The six of them watched as you drove past the garage entrance and then down the driveway. You missed Dean punching Cas in the jaw. You missed John and Bobby going off on Benny and Cas. You also missed Dean going off on Benny. You were too pissed and hurt to even look back.
Bobby didn’t text you back, but you knew if he had an issue or needed you at the garage, he would have said so. The moment you got home, you went straight for the punching bag, needing to get the anger out of your system so you could shower.
How am I gonna get out of tonight? Can I even get out of tonight? Probably not. I’ll have to show up, at least. I can always leave early, though, right? 
You groaned at the thought of having to be around people, knowing full well that getting out of it, even early, was going to be difficult. At least you weren’t required to dress up any, so you went for a pair of black jeans, a dark blue shirt, and your favorite deep green flannel pulled over it. At the garage, you typically had your hair pulled back, but for tonight, you left it down.
Parking near the back of Harvelle’s Bar & Grill, you were just staring at the building, dreading going inside and having to “people,” as you called it. The sun had already set, and the darkness was allowing the glimmer of stars to be seen in the night sky, but you didn’t notice them, just the bar in front of you.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 2
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devildomditzy · 2 years
Pacts - Mammon x MC
part two of ?
haven’t read part one? start here!
done? finish the story here!
Tags: angst w/ eventual comfort, very small mention of blood/endangerment
author’s note + tag list at the end ❤️
“And so you see, that’s why it is vitally important that when practicing seductive speechcraft, you annunciate your words very clearly, and -
Mammon stopped listening to this lecture awhile ago. In fact, he wasn’t even listening to begin with, how could he? His mind was too focused on you - mainly the fact that no matter how hard he looked around the House of Lamentation, he couldn’t find you, no hide nor hair. After you ran off, he walked towards the house, decidely not running after you. Setting off at a slow pace, he figured he’d give you some distance, some time to cool off. Upon his arrival, he knew he’d be the last demon in this place you’d want to speak to, but nevertheless, you’re his responsibility.
“Oi! Mc! Open up! C‘mon we can’t be late, Lucifer will light both our asses up,” he chides, knocking at your door three times. He waits a bit, only to be met with silence. “MC, I know yer in there, c’mon!”, he raises his voice, annoyance rising with each word. Still, nothing. He sighs, swallowing his pride. He knows what he has to do-
“Listen, if this is ‘bout what I said earlier I…I didn’t mean..i mean..its just…h-how childish can ya be, huh? Not answerin’s gunna get us both in trouble! Now come out!”
-but try as he might, he can’t do it. Why apologize? To the human of all people? The one who had the audacity to do something that caused his pact mark to show up there. Musta done it to make me look stupid to the others, he thinks to himself. Their idea of a joke.
Tired of talking to himself, he reaches a hand towards the doorknob and twists, surprised to find it unlocked. The second born walks into the center of the room, shoving his hands in his pockets. “If yer hidin’, ya can come out now. I’m gettin’ real tired of this game!”
After a minute of no response, Mammon thinks he may really be alone in the house’s guest room. He bends down to peer under your bed, finding it just as empty as the rest of your room. He tried the wardrobe with similar results.
He peeks into your closet, only to find various outfits you had picked up when Lucifer made him take you to Majolish in your first days here. He spots a jacket hanging in the corner.
That stupid jacket. The one you looked great in but weren’t convinced yourself. The one you timidly asked for his opinion on. The one that brought out the color in your eyes and made you smile to yourself in the mirror and kind of matched his own. The one he told you looked as bland as the rest of the stuff in your arms and that you were taking up to much of his time with just by asking a question. He remembers the hurt on your face, it was the same face you made to him this morning. He stares at it a beat too long before making to leave the room. He begins to feel an unpleasant anxiety in his stomach, and he can only assume it’s thanks to your disappearance. ‘M used to them bein’ around is all. Gotta find em before Lucifer freaks.
Now if you had a human from another realm wearing a royal demon academy uniform possibly harboring negative feelings towards their great, all powerful and totally breathtaking bodyguard, where would you put them? Mammon continues to repeat this question in his mind as he searches through the HOL’s most trafficked hangouts. Unfortunately for him, there was no sight of you in the kitchen, the foyer, the library, the common area, any of the bathrooms, the conservatory, or anywhere for that matter.
Annoyed, he takes out his D.D.D. and clicks on your most recent text thread with him.
Mammon: This is stupid! Where ya at!
Mammon: You said you were commin’ back to HOL, so why ain’t ya here?
Hearing the unmistakable ding of your D.D.D notification sound, he whips around to see where the sound came from, before realizing the source of the noise sat abandoned in the backpack around his shoulders. Tch.
Wish this dumb pact worked both ways, he thought to himself as he ran a hand through his hair. Why’d they have to be so difficult…
Why’d I have to go n’ open my stupid mouth.
With no way to contact you and no idea where you could be, Mammon storms off back to R.A.D. If Lucifer was gonna kill him for losing his new brat, he wasn’t gonna give him another reason to revive and kill him again by not showing up to school.
Which brings him to now, nervously shaking his leg while hiding his phone under the table, just in case one of his brothers texts him about you, or says anything about you. It begins to hit him, as he hears his professor drone on, that you’re human. A stupidly soft, extremely fragile, totally marked as food by demons other than the council, human.
What if while you were running back towards HOL, you got lost? What if while you were running back towards HOL, someone took you? What if while you were running away from him because everything he wants to say comes out wrong, someone hurt you.
He can’t take it anymore. He abruptly stands, practically running out of the classroom. “Young man, where do you think you’re going?”, the professor calls out to him, but Mammon chooses to ignore them, slamming the classroom door behind him. He needs to find you, and fast. He needs to know that you’re okay. He needs to protect you, because Lucifer told him to. He needs to protect you, because he wants to protect you.
Pacing in the hallway, he knows what he has to do, but doesn’t know if he has the strength to do it. “Dammit!”, he mutters as he clicks on the chat on his phone that contains all his siblings minus Lucifer.
Mammon: Have any of ya seen the human?
Levi: Us? Weren’t you supposed to be watching them?
Asmo: Oh dear! Don’t tell me you ran them off already!
Satan: How did you manage to lose a whole creature, let alone one that can talk and communicate exactly alike us?
Levi: Lol
Beel: I haven’t seen them. I’ll let you know if I do.
Mammon: Thanks, Beel. At least one of ya are helpful.
Asmo: That’s sad! I was soooo hoping I’d get a turn to play with them <3
Mammon: Can it, Asmodeus!
Satan: Pulling out the full names? You must really be upset.
Levi: Can’t you just text them?
Mammon: I can’t. They...forgot their phone in their room like some idiot.
Satan: My my, stealing from the exchange student already, are we?
Mammon: I didn’t steal nothin’ from ‘em. They just don’t have their phone on them, okay!?
Levi: Have you checked purgatory hall?
Purgatory hall…
Purgatory hall!
How could he be so stupid! Of course! Where else would a human run to when demons have hurt them? To the angels!
He moves faster than he has in a long time, not since the fall, until he finds himself in front of the door to the angel’s and shady sorcerer’s shared dorm room.
A raises a fist to knock but before he can, the door creeks open to reveal a smiling Simeon. Damn angel intuition. Though he beams brightly, the smile does not reach his eyes. He looks a bit sad, and maybe even…disappointed? “Mammon. We’ve been expecting you.”, Simeon courteously bows his head.
“Yea yea hey to you too ‘n all that. Listen, is the human here?”, Mammon questions while nervously drumming his fingers against his thigh. Simeon’s expression softens at the mention of you. “Why yes, they are, but they have been in brighter moods before. Would you care to come in and speak with them?”
Mammon peers around Simeon’s form in the door frame to see you sitting on one of the common room’s couches next to Luke. The chihuahua pours you some more tea from a pot on the table as you wipe at your eyes. The puffy redness under them tells him all he needs to know. He’d made you cry.
In that moment, his mind screams at him. He was awful. He was a scumbag. He was every horrible thing his brothers and those money hungry witches called him combined and-
“Mammon?”, your small voice rings out. Simeon steps aside and gestures for him to enter the room. It takes his mind a minute to catch up to his movements, but after a brief stutter he enters, walking towards your hunched over frame.
Simeon is quick to follow him, calling out to Luke, “Why don’t we go see Barbatos? If he’s not busy, we can see about learning that new recipe you’ve been looking forward to?”
“Yeah!”, Luke excitedly cheers, face falling when he turns back to you, “But-but MC is so sad! We can’t just leave them like this! I swear when I find out who made them cry, I’m gonna give them the what for!”
You give a small chuckle at the little angel’s antics. It’s the same smile that makes Mammon’s stomach fill with butterflies. Gah!- He hates that feeling. He doesn’t know what to do about it. How to make it go away.
“I’m fine Luke, I swear. I just had a rough morning is all. Go with Simeon, I’ve got to get back to class anyway.”
Luke looks to you, then to Mammon, before landing on Simeon. “What’s he doing here?”
“Could ask ya the same thing, Chihuahua!”, Mammon laughs before ruffling Luke’s hat into his hair, much at the angel’s dismay.
“I am NOT a CHIHUAHUA!”, he yells, increasingly becoming more red in the face. Simeon brings a hand to his mouth to hold back a laugh.
“Come along Luke, let’s give them some space. Solomon’s out, so please lock the door behind you when you leave,” Simeon gracefully states while taking Luke’s hand, guiding him out of the room. Before he leaves, he turns and winks at Mammon in a not so secretively way, as you catch it too. The action makes Mammon growl, but pulls another giggle out of you. The sound makes the butterflies stronger.
Mammon awkwardly stands in front of you, almost willing you to speak, like he was the one owed an apology. He shuffles his weight side to side, from one foot to the other before cramming his hands into his pockets. You shyly look away from him, but still reach a hand out to pat the cushion next to you, motioning for him to sit down. Stupid human, still nice to me when ya supposed to be mad. Despite his thoughts, he takes your offer, tense as he carefully sits next to you like a statue.
You both sit in silence for awhile, basking in each other’s presences. He wants to say something, anything to break the suffocating atmosphere you’ve both created here, but he can’t find the words. How can he when every time he looks at you his mind goes blank and his heart yearns to spill.
“Listen, I-” “You know-”
“You go first, Mammon”, you yield, allowing the second born to continue.
“Runnin’ off like that in the middle of the Devildom is dangerous! It’s crazy for a lower level demon, let alone some ballsy human. What would I woulda done if all I found of ya was a pile of bones? A trail of yer blood? Huh?” I thought I lost you.
“I-I can handle myself just fin-”
“Clearly. Is that why you went and made a pact with a demon? One of hell’s lords? Cause ya can handle everything by yerself? Cause ya so big and strong by yerself?” I’m supposed to protect you.
“T-that’s not fair, Levi coerced me-”
“And then ya ran to the angels when you were upset? Whadda they have that we don’t? What can they do that we can’t?” What can they do for you that I can’t.
“You said our pact mark was a blemish-”
“It is! Who the hell would want the symbol of some good for nuthin’, money grubbin’ scumbag like me on their heart! It should be Lucifer’s, o-or Beel’s, or…someone else. Anyone else.” I’m not worthy of you.
“Mammon,” your voice shakes, but remains sickly sweet. You place a hand over top his. His face shoots up to meet your gaze. The butterflies are swarming like crazy.
“If you hate our pact that much, if you hate where the sigil formed that much, let’s ask Lord Diavolo how to break it-”
“NO!”, Mammon shoots up to his feet, running a hand through his hair to calm his nerves. He can hear a similar waver in his own voice. “No, no that’s not what I meant. Tch! Why doesn’t it ever come out right! I swear when it comes ta you i just-”, Mammon sighs, trying to calm himself down. His face is beet red, he just knows it and father, do you have to look at him like that? With a face full of kindness and concern and love for him, the expression that you only give him and none of his brothers and none of the angels and none of the royals and no one else but him.
“MC, do ya know what it means when a pact mark forms there?”
Author’s Note: Gaaaah!!! Thank you all so much for your response on this series! It’s been kinda insane! I’m really thankful for all your notes and I’ve read every tag that was left for me. You’re all so sweet! This should have at the very least one more part, so please let me know if you want to be a part of the tag list for part 3! 
Taglist: @someoneunkownforyou @fandomhell97 @crocrafts @dragonageoregons @furblrwurblr @youaskedfurret @simpinginthecorner @astarotha @glitterandgoldfinds @liminalimmortal @bestblob @crow-charlie @hauntedcatnerd @aprilwallflower @ungodlywoes
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totaly-obsessed · 10 months
hey i couldn’t find a rules list of what to ask so feel free to ignore this if it’s outside your comfort zone!! could you do a mary x reader where an anniversary of reader losing someone (or just anything bad that could’ve happened if you don’t want to write about that) and they are feeling kinda numb and just need mary to comfort them, which of course she goes above and beyond to make them feel as loved and safe as possible
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Mary Earps x reader request
-> Mary helps Reader get through the anniversary of her mother's death
-> Talk of death and grieving
-> I hope this is okay, @ anon!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Mary knew that today would be hard. A heavy red ‘x’ in the calendar marks the day. It had been one year since your Mum had tragically passed. She had been healthy, some would even call her active or fit for her age. She had been fine – until she wasn’t. A stroke during which she fell down the stairs.
You were the one to find her – picking her up for your usual Saturday stroll around the market in the town square.
It wasn’t even needed to step in – she was just lying there in the middle of the hallway when you opened the front door. Shocked you called an ambulance after checking for breathing. There was none, also no heartbeat. She was cold, her skin a pale blueish color.
You still couldn’t get the picture out of your head.
It had been a hard year. The middle of November, being very close to Christmas, meant that the first holiday without her came fast. Your birthday was just as hard – a usually loved day by you, passing like any other.
But today marked one year without her. And while you thought of her every day, today was especially hard. Mary knew that you would put on a brave face, trying to force yourself through the day – but she wouldn’t allow you to do that, knowing that you would hate yourself for it later.
She truly was a saint. Mary – your Mary. The goalkeeper had been your rock through the incredibly tough grieving process. She never got frustrated with your way of coping but she tried to help you do it in a healthy way instead of ignoring your own health.
Your girlfriend had taken the day off from training, even though you had told her not to. She wanted to be there for you – she needed to be.
Working in a good environment meant that your boss insisted that you had some time off, ignoring your pleas to let you work.
The morning was weird. While Mary was usually the first one up and starting the day, she couldn’t find you anywhere – your side of the bed was already cold. But it didn’t take the blonde long to find you on the couch. You weren’t doing anything, you just sat there, staring at a dark TV.
A gentle kiss to your forehead ripped you out of your daze. “Good morning my love, let’s make some breakfast, huh?” She pulled you up by your hands as gently as she could, nudging you into the kitchen. Mary handed you an assortment of fruits, gesturing for you to wash and cut them, while she made pancakes.
Your Mum’s favorite breakfast.
After your very controlling dad had left the family when you were younger, your mother enjoyed her newfound freedom and meal choices, opting for pancakes with tonnes of sirup and fruits every Sunday. It had become your little tradition over the years, and Mary understood that. She understood that it was your thing so she usually made oatmeal for breakfast.
But today was different. Today was already emotional and in honor of your mother and her rituals, she made pancakes – even using the recipe that your mum had given her when you started dating. It brought tears to your eyes, seeing your favorite football player taking such care of you.
Breakfast was spent in silence but you could feel her concerned eyes burning a hole into your head. You knew that she was just concerned, but it was still unnerving, being watched like this. There was barely a dent in your pancakes but Mary coaxed you into eating a little more – rewarding every bite with a gentle kiss to the side of your head.
Usually joined showers were giggly with Mary spraying water into your mouth whenever you wanted to speak, making her laugh so hard that she could barely breathe while you pouted, trying to get all the shampoo out of your hair. But as with many things, today was different. Your girlfriend took her time, gently massaging your head as you stood in the water stream with closed eyes. It was as if your body was there, but your mind was not – it complied with moving however Mary wanted you to, but you didn’t really notice anything.
By noon both of you were dressed in warm clothes, ready to go on a walk that would ultimately lead you to the cemetery your mother was buried in. You stood on the porch for a second, waiting for Mary to join you when a bouquet was extended towards you. “Oh Mary….”
She could see the thankfulness in your eyes as they teared up once again, struggling to get the words out. “They were her favorite.” She had remembered how you insisted on getting Asters instead of Lillies for the funeral because your mom loved them so much – so here she was, with a pretty blue and purple Aster bouquet.
Quiet conversation occupied most of the walk, Mary telling you a story of something that had happened at an England camp not so long ago to lift the spirit when you got closer and closer to your destination.
The gates of the Manchester southern cemetery seemed daunting as you stood in front of them. “When do you want me to join you?” A couple of weeks ago, when you were still able to cope, Mary made a deal with you – you would enter alone, do your thing, and after that, she would join you. “Maybe ten minutes?” With a soft kiss and a squeeze of your gloved hands, she lets you go – flowers in hand.
Ten cold minutes later, your girlfriend started her walk to your mother’s grave, finding you kneeling in front of it. With gentle hands she helped you up, dusting off some loose stones from your hands.
While this wasn’t the first time being here, as you took care of the grave every two weeks, it was very different. It was like you could feel your mother watching over you as you cried.
“M’sorry baby, I can’t stay.” Your girlfriend understood as you left her standing, making your way back to the gate.
It took her a couple of minutes to gather the courage and sit down on the ground as she pulled out a little box out of her jacket pocket. “I’m gonna ask your daughter to marry me. I know I already asked you last year, but I figured I would just do it again. You mean everything to her and-“ Now she started to tear up as well, trying to be strong for you when she was sad as well, was hard. “And I just wanted to make sure, that you knew. I wanna ask her in March – she loves spring, you know?”
The footballer felt a little crazy talking to a grave – but she wanted to make sure that your mother was okay with the two of you marrying, even if she had given her (very happy) okay before she passed.
Walking back to your joined home was a slow process, stopping every now and then to hug Mary, who tried her best to wipe the never-ending tears that streamed down your face.
The rest of the day was spent in bed, watching you and your mother's favorite films, while Mary went above and beyond to make the day go by as well as possible but all you really needed was her and her cuddles.
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parvulous-writings · 1 year
About the Night before // Vander x reader
Request:    Hi! What about a reaction of Vander x reader where vander goes to benzo and he sees some scratches on vanders shoulder or back from the night before with the reader? :D don’t rush things it was just a thought! :3
Requested by: ​Anonymous
Summary: Benzo visits his friend Vander one morning, and finds out what the old Hound of the Underground has been up to. 
Warnings: Mild  language
Words: 2K
Notes:  So, it’s not scratches, per se, but a very similar situation! And it turns into a very long convo 0-0 My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist! Original character list - please request for these too!    
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Not my gif
A thick, green fog clouded the upper skies of the Lanes, letting nought but a little ray of light through here and there; a particularly nice morning for the Undercity. Business, of all kinds, was starting up as per the norm, one of these being the Last Drop - a frequent place for all dwellers of the Lanes. As the freehouse opened it’s doors to the general public, the first to stroll in was a very close friend of the owner - another local merchant, by the name of Benzo. Trailing behind, and nearly getting hit by the door as it started to swing shut behind Benzo, was the older man’s young ward, who had insisted he accompany him to the establishment, so that he could see the few other children around his age. Benzo, of course, complied - anything to keep the young boy out of trouble, and somewhere he knew. Well, for a little while, at least. Whilst the more youthful of the pair scuttered off to find his peers, Benzo made his way over to the bar. “Mornin’.” He grumbled, resting his arms on the cool wooden surface as he shuffled himself onto a stool. The tall man behind the bar - by the name of Vander - gave Benzo a small huff in greeting as he ran a damp cloth over the surface of the bar, trying in vain to remove some of the years old sticky patches where beverages had been spilt. "And what do you want?" The man asked, though not in any way malicious. His tone carried the amusement that most of their conversations held at one point or another. Benzo pretended to think for a moment. "How about a mate who's less of an arse than you?" the pair chuckled lightly, and Vander shook his head slowly, he knew it was all in good fun. “Just thought I’d drop by, check in, and whatnot...” Benzo continued, “Been a while since I’ve seen you... something wrong?” Vander glanced at the man across  from him, as he  moved to pour him a pint. “No, nothing’s wrong...” Vander replied honestly.  “Just been busy...”  “Kids getting into scuffles again?”  “No, not more than usual...” Vander shrugged. Benzo hummed at this.  “Right...” It was unclear whether  or not he actually believed Vander. He tapped the fingers of one hand rhythmically against the scratched surface of the bar, somewhat deep in thought. 
Vander watched him, his grey eyes flitting between his friend’s face, and his never-resting fingers. He quirked one, bushy brow, waiting patiently for Benzo to do or say something  more. But, he didn’t. Not for a few minutes at least. It was then that something caught Benzo’s eye; something only just visible over his friend’s shirt collar. A small mark, possibly even a shadow - Benzo wasn’t sure. “You got a little bit of uh... dirt, there...” Benzo scratched the area that was affected on Vander on his own skin. Vander’s brow furrowed slightly,  and he replied simply; “I han’t been anywhere that bad... And the better half ran me a bath last nigh’...” He grumbled, starting to rub his neck, initially thinking that perhaps he had missed a patch whilst washing the night before. It seemed to click for both of them at the same time. Vander’s cheeks started to turn an interesting shade of red, though thankfully this was mostly hidden by his beard. Benzo couldn’t help the chuckle that started to bubble past his lips, hanging his head and shaking it slowly. “Good night then, I take it?” The man asked, finally bringing his face up to lock eyes with Vander again, before falling into a new lapse of giggles. Vander just sighed, giving his friend a moment to get it out of his system. “Yeah, actually. Had some alone time with the other half, and-”  “I can see that.” Benzo blurted, laughing again. Vander, once more, looked unimpressed.  “... And had some conversations.” Vander tried  to continue, not that Benzo was listening this time around. It took another minute or so for his friend to settle again. “I’m glad you’re finding it so amusing.”  “How can I not?” Benzo continued to chuckle. “I’d have thought that a man, at your age, would know how to hide a bloody hickey!” Vander just sighed in response to his friend’s guffaws. He knew better than to try and speak over his friends instances of giggles - firstly because it would only anger himself and Benzo, and secondly  because he knew that moments like this could be few and far between in the Undercity. “Right...” Benzo sighed happily, “Sorry, I’m done, I’m done...”  He wiped under his eye with the back of his hand. Vander looked quite  bemused.  “I’ll take your word for it...” Vander shook his head, a light smile on his lips, only just hidden by his beard. “But yes... had some conversations, after the fact, I mean.”  “So we’re just skippin’ to the end of it all, you’re not tellin’ me any details?” Benzo asked, only half joking. Vander gave him a mildly unimpressed look.  “No, you’re not getting details.” He paused, and then continued. “So, me and the better half had a conversation...”  “Yeah, you said that.”  “... About maybe having some more kids.” 
Silence fell between the two men. Benzo was the first to speak. “More kids?” He asked, incredulously, leaning back slightly where he sat, keeping one hand on the table to steady himself. He let out a long breath of disbelief, as if he were the one who was planning to expand the family. “Don’t you think four is enough already? Not to mention the amount of trouble they get into on their own? How  the hell are you going to deal with more kids?”  “We’ll manage.” Vander replied simply; he had faith in both his abilities, and yours. His kids had always taken a shine to you, why or how it had happened was never really clear, but the younger ones certainly seemed to listen to you more than they did most adults. Benzo just looked at him in more disbelief. He could hardly believe what he was hearing, now. “Stop gawking at me.” Vander scolded, but the man’s expression did not change.  “I’m not helping if they get into trouble...” Benzo warned.  “I wouldn’t expect you to. They’re not your problem, are they?” Vander chuckled, slinging the rag he used to clean glasses over his shoulder to keep it  out of his way. "I s'pose not... But they'll be around little man, won't they? That'll eventually make them my problem." Benzo laughed  - it was quite a common thing for Vander's kids and Benzo's ward to get into trouble together. Vander hummed in agreement. "Yeah... But I think Vi might help them... As much as she can, at least." "Aye, she's a good role model, besides all the scuffles and back alley fights... Takes after you. I remember when we were that age and you were just the same." Benzo recalled with a sly smile. "Yeah, I remember... And I also remember the reason I got into those fights." Vander looked knowingly at his old friend. ”Certain someone I knew kept getting himself into trouble... And it’s not like me to just leave someone to  fend for themselves in a situation they can’t handle, is it?” Benzo sighed quietly - he knew Vander had a point. He couldn’t remember a time where he had been in over his head, and Vander hadn’t come to give him a hand. It was certainly unlike the burly man - or his pink haired daughter, who certainly took after him when it came to fist fights - to leave someone unable to defend themselves. “Vi will take care of them, if me or the other half can’t... I know it ain’t... ideal, in a place like this, and I know it’s another mouth to feed, before you even say anything.” Vander cut Benzo off just as he was about to speak. “But, I don’t know how to explain it to you without you thinking I’m a complete and utter sap.”  “I thought that anyway. You’re just confirming my theory.” Benzo joked with a deep rumbling laugh. “To be fair on you, though... Could take your mind off of other things, eh?” Vander nodded quietly in response - he agreed entirely that whilst an addition to the family could cause certain stresses, they  could also be an absolute joy to have. “An’ on top of that,” Benzo continued, “Could help some of them calm down a bit... I think that could also help with all the scuffles...” Benzo was referencing one child in particular; and Vander knew it. Young Mylo had been bristly ever since he turned twelve. Vander was sure that it wasn’t something the young boy always meant for, but it certainly happened often, especially with the youngest of the bunch, Powder. Perhaps Benzo had a point - a new addition to the family could in fact help Mylo regulate his emotions with a little more success, or it could go in the exact opposite direction and lead to a total fallout. 
“So how you goin’ to tell ‘em?” Benzo quizzed - a valid query. “Well, I think Vi already knows... or at least has a feelin’ that that’s we’ve been discussing, behind closed doors an’ the like...” Vander moved around the bar to actually sit next to his friend, rather than remaining standing on the other side of the bar. It made him feel closer to his friend, and more at ease than before. This was a close conversation between the two of them, so why not physically be closer? “Y’know, she ain’t brainless... But I still don’t know how she feels about it all... I think she thinks the same way you did... It’s dangerous - and neither of you are wrong... It just... Might be a kind of light in the darkness, for us...” Vander’s voice was quieter now, more gentle.  “You have never sounded sappier than you do right now. And that’s saying something.”  “I know.” Then silence fell between them both once more. There was something... Odd, permeating this silence. A sense of... Almost comfort, or as comforting as the pair dared to get with one another. The two were extremely close, but they rarely would divulge into their emotions with one another, it wasn’t the done thing. There were touching moments like this, though they were very few and far between, as neither of the men really felt comfortable in doing so, it wasn’t something that they had done with most people - or in the case of Benzo, any people. It was new to them, and naturally they shied away from the feeling, and the discomfort of bearing their souls to one another. “What about the other kids?” Benzo broke the silence, unable to bear it any longer.  “Well they’ve got no idea... I don’t think Powder will be worried, she’ll probably be more excited than anything else... Claggor will be a little wary, but the same... It’s Mylo I’m worried about - ‘specially when the kid gets older. Y’know what he’s like.” Benzo nodded sagely as Vander went on, humming quietly in agreement.  “If he don’t mellow out enough for you, send him over to mine sometime, I’ll keep him busy... He can help little man, they’ll keep each other occupied, I’m sure.”  Vander gave Benzo a smile, “I owe you one,” He told the man, as both got to their feet. They knew from the dim light streaming through the window in the door it was time for them both to go their separate ways for the day, and reconvene at a later time. “You owe me more than just one, Vander.” Benzo jested, and both laughed, shaking the hand of the other, before Benzo gave a wave, going back to his shop on the other side of the Lanes. Vander moved back behind the bar, and  the day went on as normal, operating practically like clockwork, as it had done  for so many years now.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
66 & 72 from the prompt list with eddy?
“You’re my home” & “Kiss me”
The breakup hit you and it hit you hard. You had never expected you and Eddy to end.
You had been living in your self proclaimed 'depression pit' for far too long now when Audrey had come over forcing you to take a shower and told you that you were going to a party with her.
You were completely against the idea but were taken along anyway, everyone could see you were not having a good time including Eddy. Like a sixth sense he had he knew when you walked in, his eyes trailing to your figure while his mouth dropped open in awe at you in your dress.
You didn’t go out often but when you did you looked good.
He watched you slyly all night, constantly being pulled away by Mark somewhere but always having eyes on you.
Truth be told he couldn’t tell you why you broke up. He missed you terribly but seeing you again in person really solidified his feelings.
He watched with jealousy the entire night as you mingled with students and entertained various football players who flirted with you.
“If you hold that cup any tighter it will break” Audrey said, walking past Ethan to get a drink behind him. Following his eye line she found you on the other side of the house talking to Andy Maddox, Quarterback.
Ethan loosened up his grip before looking at Audrey “Is she- um is she seeing him?”
“Who? Andy?” He nodded and she laughed
“No, Eddy she isn’t but she could be so maybe get your head out your ass?”
He listened, putting his cup down and heading over to you. He stood behind you, Andy seeing him first and stopped talking.
Your eyebrows knitted in confusion, following his eye line to behind you where Ethan stood looking for stressed out.
“Edwards, You good?” It was Andy asking yet he never stopped looking at you.
He nodded “Yeah, yeah man can I borrow y/n for a sec?”
“That’s up to the lady, I’m not her owner. You want to talk to him?”
Ethan rolled his eyes at the football players kindness.
“Um yeah, yeah I’ll speak to him thanks”
He nodded, reaching round to kiss your cheek mumbling a “come find me when you’re done” and walking off to find his team.
Ethan wanted to hit him when he kissed you but didn’t knowing fine well you would’ve walked off had he done so.
“What can i help you with, Ethan?” Even with the venom in your voice he was just thankful you were talking to him.
“I- i wanted to come over see you, apologize”
Sighing you replied “Ethan…”
He put his hand up to stop you “Please, let me say this”
You nodded, urging him on.
He let out a shaky breath “I’m sorry. I am so sorry for, everything! I fucked up and I know that I think about it every single day but I miss you so, so much!” He was speaking fast, a clear indication he was anxious.
Your hand subconsciously raised to his arm and rubbed it softly. You watched him physically destress from that touch alone.
“You’re my home, you know? You’re like everything to me and I don’t know why I did it- I don’t know why I broke up with you that was so stupid. I’m stupid!”
It was heartbreaking to watch him talk about himself like that.
“Ethan, Ethan stop” you interrupted
He looked at you, tears brimming his eyes and he croaked
Your hands placed on either side of his face, thumb brushing his bottom lip “You stupid, stupid boy… just kiss me”
And he did. He kissed you like his life depended on it because to him, it did.
Pulling away you mumbled “Don’t ever leave me again”
“I am not going anywhere, ever”
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99 and 8 Andriel😘
this request is almost two years old! enjoy
8. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
99. “I don’t think I’ve ever played spin the bottle.”
The novelty of having all your friends living in the same hallway as you was, Neil was coming to realise, a rare one. Graduation day for the eldest Foxes seemed to loom ever closer, and Neil was struggling to adjust to the idea of his expanded family dwindling again. The girls reassured him often that they would not fall out of touch, and reminded him he’d likely gain more of Matt in their absence, which admittedly was a slight comfort. 
His main consolation was that Andrew wasn’t going anywhere yet.
The start of the cycle had, however, finally brought the thought further to the forefront of his mind, and the anxiety it drew with it wasn’t going unnoticed. Not by the girls, not by Matt, not by the Monsters, and especially not by Andrew. 
Andrew was being steadfastly comforting and reassuring in the way of offering no comfort or reassurance whatsoever, but reminding Neil he was an idiot at every turn. “It’s amusing you don’t doubt you’ll keep my interest until then.”
Neil took from that the confirmation that Andrew was interested and then lost any other train of thought altogether. 
“He’ll end up missing you more, when it comes,” Kevin had said to Neil when he’d caught him staring amidst one of the girls’ graduation discussions. Neil had given him his best doubtful, ‘I think you’re utterly stupid’ look, which Kevin had returned tenfold. For once, Neil hadn’t bothered wasting energy on telling Kevin all the ways in which he was wrong. 
It wasn’t that he did think he would lose Andrew’s interest, or that Andrew wouldn’t miss him. He knew, at the least, that Andrew forgetting him was an impossible concept. He didn’t doubt that they would find some way to make it work; whatever way caused them both the least harm. 
He just also knew that losing Andrew would be like losing a lung. Andrew wouldn’t be completely gone, and so it wouldn’t kill him, but their functioning would become stretched enough that every breath would be difficult. 
Gravitating closer to Andrew in the meantime wasn’t being clingy or scared. It was conserving air—stockpiling it for when the pressure dropped and his chest threatened to cave. 
Andrew’s acceptance of it—by way of non-denial—was further proof to Neil that he didn’t need to doubt. 
That acceptance extended to things that the Foxes seemed to find wildly out of character for Andrew, like his sudden attendance at their team hangouts. Neil thought it was more gradual than sudden, but he couldn’t quite suspend his surprise every time he asked and Andrew said yes. Especially when the meetings weren’t limited to the team, but spread into building-wide parties. 
Tonight marked one of those, a celebration of a win that started off with the Foxes and the cheer team (thanks to Katelyn) that eventually drew in people from other teams in the building, which eventually brought friends of friends of friends until the common areas were a heavy congregation of unrecognisable faces. 
It was more people than Neil had ever been comfortable surrounding himself with. There was the comfort of disappearing in a crowd warring with the frightening number of people capable of singling him out. But the Foxes all continued to linger nearby, in a quieter corner of the common area farther from the kitchen, and Neil was settled on the ground with Andrew’s knee by his shoulder and Andrew’s hand curled around the nape of his neck. He was more content than not, which was more than he’d been able to say for most of his life. 
Andrew’s hand slid up into his hair and tugged. “I can hear you being stupid in your head from here.”
“I didn’t know alcohol made you a mind-reader.”
“There’s a lot you don’t know,” Andrew deadpanned. “Add it to the list.”
Neil tipped his head back against the chair Andrew was perched on and smiled up at him. “I’m glad you’re here.”
Andrew pressed his fingers hard to the top of Neil’s skull until Neil lifted his head back up with a huff. 
“Andrew and Neil,” Nicky called loudly—drunkenly, Neil realised. “Stop shoving your feelings in my face and come play with us.”
Neil heard a mutter of ‘Andrew has feelings?’ and maturely ignored it in favour of asking, “Play what?” He couldn’t see anything in the circle of Foxes and strangers that indicated any sort of game; all they nursed were variations of alcohol in cups and bottles. 
Nicky waved his bottle in their direction enthusiastically. “Spin the bottle! Come on.”
Before Neil could even absorb this, he heard Andrew’s near-silent sound of derision. He tipped his head back by Andrew’s knee again, gazing up at him in curiosity. Andrew’s expression was unusually expressive in its distaste. “I don’t think I’ve ever played spin the bottle.”
Andrew spared him a glance. “I’d bet you haven’t,” he agreed flatly. 
“How do you play?”
“You wouldn’t like it,” Andrew dismissed. 
“That’s not what I asked.”
Andrew tipped his head down to fully settle his gaze on Neil’s, eyes sparking with challenge. “It’s a kissing game.”
Neil was at once lost and intrigued, and coming to understand Andrew’s immediately put-off reaction. “How does it work?”
“You spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on, you kiss. They spin the bottle. Rinse, repeat, etc, etc.”
Neil pulled a face. “That sounds like a stupid game.” He’d been gearing up to ask Andrew if he’d ever played, and now knew how ridiculous of a question that would be. This was, Neil figured, the kind of thing that made Andrew despise parties (and people in general) and led to his tendency of avoidance. Neil tried not to distance himself as much when it came to being with his team, but he couldn’t say he didn’t understand Andrew’s point of view. 
He was just about to suggest they head off and make a kissing game of their own when a shadow fell over them. 
“Neil, right?”
Neil looked up (and up) at the guy that had approached them, cataloguing the athletic build and dark hair and searching for any sign of threat. Andrew had one up on him in bulk and he didn’t have quite a runner’s build, so Neil figured they had a few advantages. Plus, the guy was smiling, and it didn’t immediately strike Neil as menacing or sadistic, so there was that. 
“Do I know you?” Neil asked, sidestepping the question. 
There was a hesitant pause. “Uh, well, I think we have math together?” This seemed to mean he was very aware they did, in fact, have math together, because Neil wasn’t sure why he’d mention it otherwise. “I’m Leon. I’m on the football team, so you might’ve also seen me in the building.”
Neil was pretty sure he’d never seen Leon before in his life, and if he had, it clearly hadn’t been memorable. “Right.”
Leon nodded, his still-slightly-ambiguous smile widening as he continued to look down at Neil. Despite Neil’s silence, he remained standing there without another word. 
Andrew’s hand fell lazily onto Neil’s shoulder, and Neil relaxed a fraction. His voice was equally lazy. “Can we help you with something, Leon?”
Leon blinked towards Andrew as if just noticing he was there, which was a ridiculous notion to Neil. It was impossible not to notice Andrew anywhere. Leon’s smile slipped a fraction, and his gaze dipped back down to Neil. “I was wondering if you were going to be playing.” He gestured to where most of the Foxes and a crowd of others had gathered in a circle with Nicky appearing to be the spokesperson, bottle in hand held high. 
Neil resisted the urge to pull another face and leaned back against Andrew. “I’m not really interested in kissing random strangers.”
“Ah,” Leon nodded. “Understandable, I suppose.”
“Do you,” Neil heard Andrew mutter. He looked over his shoulder in time to watch Andrew take a hefty drink from his beer bottle. Neil’s eyes caught on Andrew’s lips, then tracked down his throat as he swallowed. 
Neil startled as something nudged his knee, and was even more surprised to find it had been Leon’s foot. He looked back up at him. 
“What if they weren’t random?” Leon asked. “Or a stranger?”
Neil’s brow furrowed in confusion, before he clocked that Leon had to be referring back to his last statement. “That kind of limits things to the Foxes, and I don’t really want to kiss any of them, either.” Aside from the obvious one, that was.
Leon shrugged, smile seeming to bloom again. “I know you, and now you know me, so that gives you another option.” Before Neil could parse that, Leon’s eyes dropped very obviously to his lips, and there was no room left to doubt his meaning. 
“Uh,” Neil said, and thought, no, thanks, but couldn’t quite get the words past his lips. Andrew’s hand had tightened to a strong grip on his shoulder. “Still don’t think I’m gonna play,” he landed on. 
Leon’s reaction was secondary to the small, disapproving hum that came from behind him, followed by Andrew saying, “Don’t be such a party pooper, Josten.”
Neil blinked at the phrase in Andrew’s familiar flat tone. He glanced back as Andrew took a long finishing swig from his bottle, then brandished it like a trophy. “Here, we’ll have a round right now.” He nudged Neil with his knee until Neil scooted aside, then he sat down on the floor next to Neil with his legs crossed beneath him. 
Leon looked down at them, smile gone and eyes darker even as wariness took hold of his frame. His eyes darted from Andrew to Neil and back. Andrew stared up at him until he hesitantly sat down near them, making an elongated triangle. 
Neil watched, baffled, as Andrew set the bottle on its side and gave it a swift spin with a simple flick of the wrist. Neil tried not to be too taken with the easy fluidity of the gesture, but it was hard when he knew just how talented Andrew’s hands were. It was why it didn’t surprise him all that much when Andrew smacked his hand on the bottle mid-spin and the open end pointed directly at Neil, though it took him longer to understand the meaning. 
It became a lot clearer when Andrew got a handful of his shirt and tugged him close, pausing a breath from Neil’s mouth until Neil hummed his acceptance. Andrew’s kiss was careful and forceful, familiarly contradictory, as Andrew tended to be. Neil couldn’t help being aware of their audience for the space of a beat, the time it took before Andrew drew Neil’s bottom lip into his mouth and Neil’s senses were overcome with the shape and scent and taste of him. 
He did, however, catch the grumble of “point made, man” and the scuffle of a body moving as Leon presumably left. 
Andrew pulled back with a final punishing nip to Neil’s bottom lip. The tips of his fingers dragged briefly along Neil’s scarred cheek as he drew away.
Neil, now fully forgetful of any audience, followed after him in an uncontrolled sway and was stopped with a hand at his collarbone. He glanced down at the hand Andrew had on him, gathered his senses, and finally looked back up at Andrew with a half-smirk. “Was that necessary?”
Andrew, predictably, gave no reaction other than the unimpressed raise of a brow. “Are you complaining?”
“Just curious.” Neil shook his head, then tread a little more carefully. “Since when do you kiss me with this many people around?”
“I’ve kissed you at Eden’s before,” Andrew said, a dismissal that wasn’t quite convincing. They both knew that the dark corner of their table at Eden’s and the crowded common area of Fox Tower were very different places and held wildly different rules. Andrew, seemingly as a rule though Neil was also willing to bet on it being a subconscious habit, did not show affection of almost any kind around his family or the Foxes or in any space that was unfamiliar. Their close proximity and a few bare brushes of contact was as much vulnerability as Neil had been expecting Andrew to allow tonight, and that alone had felt like a gift. Neil tried to calculate any reasons that would nudge Andrew into changing his mind and felt his lips quirk at the conclusion he came to.
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?” he realised. 
Andrew shot him a sharp look, which was really all the confirmation Neil needed.
“I thought I was the possessive one,” Neil said, likely looking and sounding much too pleased with himself. 
Andrew ignored him, climbing to his feet and nudging his empty bottle under his previously vacated chair for someone else to deal with later. “I’m leaving,” he stated, and just as Neil settled into the thought that he was being abandoned, Andrew pulled his cigarette pack from his pocket and waved it at him. “Smoke?”
Neil grinned, then pushed to his feet and followed Andrew to the roof.
prompt lists
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I’m gonna say hair dye stain + with tears in my eyes I begged you to stay. And I’ll give you dealer’s choice for characters but I have a feeling you’re on my Wavelength here
[from this prompt list!!]
Hair dye squelches against the paper thin gloves meant to protect Taako’s hands from the countless chemicals that are doing their damnedest to permeate his scalp. Ones with long and horrible names like methylparaben and lead acetate and solvent red number one. 
Some animals use brightly colored markings to act as a warning, like don't eat me, I'll kill us both. That’s why he could only see the cool frogs he liked as a kid in the zoos. He couldn’t get one at Petco or something. If he really wanted one, he’s certain enough money could have greased the wheels; some dickheads have endangered tigers in their homes, what’s the harm in having a few poison dart frogs? But it was a good lesson that money can’t buy everything. 
He looks at the small window in the shower and curses himself for not opening it sooner. This shit stinks to high hell and the last thing he needs is to pass out in the bathroom. Some places in the apartment have to be sacred. He rips his gloves off and tosses them in the little trash can next to the toilet before stepping into the shower to deal with the window. Once he can figure out the godforsaken lock that Lup had installed on it, it glides open with ease, letting all the fumes out into the steamy LA night. 
He leans over the counter and switches the song on his phone to something high energy and loud. 
He picks up the tube of dye and squeezes a big glob into his hand. Good enough for his scalp, after all. He massages the rest into his hair like shampoo, making sure every inch of his hair is saturated. He brings his hair up into a wet and mucky ponytail and twirls it about its base. Likely getting hair dye over everything, he roots around for a plastic bag under the sink. Finding his bounty, he puts it on his head as a makeshift cap. He gives his hands a quick and futile wash; it looks like he’s killed someone in the bathroom. Red dye staining his hands, the sink, probably his face by the end of this. 
At first, he intends on practicing some mindfulness; relaxing while the dye sets, maybe doing some sudoku on his phone. But sitting with that for even a moment makes him want to crawl out of his skin and stuff it down the garbage disposal. He spends a frantic thirty seconds looking for the hair dryer before laying eyes on its place on the cluttered counter. 
He cranks the heat up as high as it’ll go and begins evenly toasting his head like a little marshmallow. A scientifically appropriate number of minutes go by and he rips the bag off his head before sticking only his head in the shower. He braces himself for a minute before letting the icy water wash over his head. He works the remaining dye out of his hair and spits out the bitter water that drips into his mouth, bringing all those long and horrible chemicals onto his tastebuds. He’s like his own personal poison dart frog now. 
He blindly reaches for a towel and plops it on his head before scrunching, not scrubbing, at his hair. Supposed to keep the dye from fading too fast. Or keep him from ruining the towel. He’s really not sure which. He slips his phone into his pocket and opens the bathroom door to air out some of the fumes. And that’s how he finds himself face to face with Lup. 
“Your bathroom full?” he asks flatly, turning his eyes anywhere but her face. All he ever fucking sees when he looks at her now is her concerned, pitying gaze. It disgusts him, he’s not a fucking ASPCA commercial. 
“I just wanted to do some laundry,” she says meekly. 
“At midnight?”
“I was up anyway.” Thanks to your loud music, obviously being stuck on her tongue. Not his problem. 
He moves to the side and gestures to the closet hiding the washer and dryer. Lup steps into the bathroom, glancing at Taako’s hands and face. 
“Your hair looks nice,” she says, tossing a small load of laundry into the washer. She dumps some flowery smelling detergent into the tray. 
Any more chemicals in the bathroom and Taako’s sure mustard gas is soon to follow. “Thanks.” 
“I have some rubbing alcohol if you wanna get that dye off your hands,” she offers. 
Can’t even trust me to take care of myself, Taako thinks bitterly. “I don’t need your help,” he says instead. 
“I just…” Lup says, her protest dying in her throat. “You wanna watch a movie tonight?” 
Taako drops his towel on the counter and starts tousling his hair in the mirror. “Can’t. I’m going to a party in West Hollywood.”
“Oh. Uh, cool. Who’s hosting?” Her judgment is so palpable that Taako’s a little amused. 
He scoots past her to exit the bathroom. If he has to be in a confined area with her any longer, he’ll scream. Besides, the damp hair look is cool now. “If you have to ask, you already know.” 
She follows behind him and sucks in a quiet breath. “Taako, listen. You’re an adult and you’re allowed to hang out with whoever you like—”
“Gee, thanks Mom!” Taako snarks. 
“That’s not what I meant. I just, Taako, I'm worried about you.”
“Worried that I have more friends than just you? Worried that I don’t need to mope around your palatial apartment and look down upon the poor plebes out there like you do? God fucking forbid that I do anything anymore.” Taako wasn’t always this eager for a fight. Especially not with Lup, but these past months have been filled with cloying pity and a superior concern that he just can’t vibe with anymore. 
Lup scoffs. “This isn’t about you going to West Hollywood at midnight. This is about you hanging around people who don’t give a shit if you live or die,” she says tersely. 
“Oh, like you do?” He challenges. He grabs his shoes and sits down at the kitchen table to pull them on. 
“Of fucking course I do, Taako! What kind of question is that?” 
“I dunno, Lup, it seems like all I’m good for is embarrassing you. Your shameful fuck-up of a brother!” He snaps. He shakes his head, getting small red rivulets of hair dye on the wall. 
“Taako, you really think I think that lowly of you? You think I give a shit what TMZ or Twitter o-or any other vapid internet wasteland has to say about you? They don’t know you, Ko. I know you,” she says tenderly. 
Taako almost believes it. “You don’t fucking know me, Lup. You haven’t in a while.” 
“Don’t say that.” 
“Thought you didn’t want me to lie to you anymore.” His phone vibrates and he rises from the table.  “Don’t wait up.” He grabs a bag he stashed by the entryway. 
Lup hurries after him. “Taako, please. Can we just talk for a little longer? I’ll make up some cocoa, I’ll drive you there.” She’s all but begging now. She’s tearful and it makes Taako’s stomach churn. 
“I’m done talking, Lup.” Taako says. He can’t look at her when he says it. He slams the door behind him, ignoring whatever she calls down the hallway to him, and hurries to the elevator, ready to forget about this whole melodrama.
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oitommothetease · 1 year
The Arrangement (3)
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female reader (Modern AU)
Word Count: 1.2k words
Warning: mob au, Carol is lowkey dark, more like soft dark
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It wasn't technically hard to find you or everything about you. In fact, it was quite easy. After two phone calls, Carol knew it all—from your favorite restaurant to your favorite Pringles flavor. Well, the latter took more than a few phone calls, but surely, you wouldn't know that she had men tailing you wherever you went.
There was also another thing among the list of things you didn't know, Carol paid a visit to your ex-boss - the one that fired you—for a conversation and with a price that made him call you back and hire you.
And when you received a call from your old boss to rehire you, you were more than surprised—somewhat shocked even. It was so unlikely that it made you doubt it, but then you shrugged it off as your good luck and happily accepted your source of income back. There was also a raise in your salary—not enough that it would seem suspicious, but enough that it seemed odd. When you questioned it, your superior brushed it off as an apology and said everyone was getting a raise. So again, you overlooked these things and by the next Monday, you were back at the school.
Going back to work was just about the same, but you started having this weird feeling that someone was around you—following you. You felt the same way when you packed your stuff from the classroom and now as you reached your apartment. Initially, you assumed it was a kid playing pranks or a parent waiting around to talk to you, but the feeling still retained after almost a week. You weren't confrontational at all. And even if you were, you wouldn’t dare to think anything of this paranoia because it has been just that—you were being paranoid. It was not real.
As you made your way towards work the next day, you noticed a car—a very familiar one. Instantly, you remembered it from that night—you recalled how Carol whispered dirty thoughts in your ear as her hands explored your body in that same car. The mere thought of that night was enough to run a shiver down your spine and instinctively, you clenched your thighs together as the memories of that night came rushing back.
It couldn't be her. Why would she even come back? The only logical reason for why she would return was to end you. You knew something about her identity that would jeopardize her freedom. So if she were back, it would have to be to kill you. You immediately shoved that thought aside, ignoring the fear that was blooming in your stomach now. Tons of people have that sort of car, you reasoned.
You collected yourself and made your way inside the school. The rest of the day went by as usual. And when the day ended, you plugged your AirPods in and started collecting your stuff—packing for the day. Placing your laptop in the bag, the answer sheets you needed to mark were safely put in your drawer when you felt hands around your waist. Before you could react, The person pulled your body closer to theirs as they peppered your neck with kisses.
“God, baby. I missed you,” the person, Carol—you could recognize her voice anywhere—murmured as her mouth made its way towards your jaw, showering more kisses there.
“Carol,” you took hold of her hands as you tried to pry her away from you and once that happened, you turned to look at her. She looked the same—it was dumb to think about because it had only been a few weeks since you last saw her. People don't change drastically in a short period. But you noticed that under the light of the sun, she was more gorgeous during the day. “What are you doing here?” you inquired, looking around for people like you were a high schooler meeting somebody you weren't supposed to be with.
You gasped in surprise when she ignored your pondering and landed her mouth on yours, taking the opportunity to invade your mouth with her tongue while her fingers started unbuttoning your blouse. This time, you shoved her off not so gently, “What the fuck are you doing here? This is my workplace,” you raised your hand in an exasperated manner, “There are children out there for god's sake.”
Your temper did not seem to rub off on her as she smiled slyly and took your hands in her as she suggested, “Tonight, then? My place.”
“No?” She looked taken aback, letting go of your hands as if she finally understood and took the hint. But the look on her face stung you. It made you feel like shit for disappointing her.  You remembered how proud she looked when you did as she pleased, and it made you feel really good, so to see her disappointed in your answer—in you—had you leaning towards her and apologizing.
“I’m sorry. I just have a lot going on,” you explained, “I don't even have my own roof over my head and I just got my job back and money is tight-”
“I will pay you.”
“What?” you scoffed, offended by the suggestion.
“I can pay for you,” she insinuated each word slowly, and before you could open your mouth to reject or argue, she spoke again. “It won’t be like a debt and you can return the favor in a different form.”
You folded your arm around your chest, “And what form would that be?"
“ Well," she suggested, "Think of it as a mutually beneficial arrangement. You live with me in my house and enjoy the luxuries and easier life with no struggle for money. And I—well, I get you.”
“Does this mutually beneficial arrangement of yours,” you queried, quoting the term in the air. “Gives me the liberty to say no.”
Carol looked at you with a clear offense on her face. She wasn't going to force you. It was true that she wanted you in more ways than she could comprehend, but she desired you to want her—beg for her—cum for her and eventually, fall for her. And all she needed to do to get you to play by her rules was a little persuasion, and she only intended to do that. “Of course, angel. Everything that happens between us will be consensual.”
At your hesitation, Carol spoke again. “I can get it documented that would protect us and we can sign it. That would make you feel sure and safe. And you can end it anytime you want. No strings attached.” She looked at you expectantly, waiting—and when you didn't speak she added, “Do we have an arrangement?”
You were hesitant and scared. You liked to think that you had some sort of control over your life, and you wouldn't give things like money more importance than your values. But on the other hand, her offer did seem tempting—you wouldn't have to sleep on your friend’s sofa anymore and in your head, you were winning both ways because you would get all the fancy stuff you've always wanted- and mostly you would get Carol. You didn’t know what her offer encompassed of, but you would be lying to yourself, if you said you weren’t intrigued by it. So, without thinking further, you nodded, “Yes, we do.”
TAGS: @bubblespeare @bananapipedreams​  @step-intoyour-power
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dreamdropxoxo · 1 year
Ohhh i just saw the smuty list Haha Can I ask you for the 69) "l'll take care of you" 😈 and maybe (if you want) make Laurent say it to Damen?
Okay.. now Im def going and leaving you alone! Haha 🍓 Take Care! 🍉
Hi dear!
So sorry it took me SO LONG to actually complete this prompt. I hardly wrote these last few months and when I did it felt a bit like a fever dream lmao. But finally I made it.
Thank you so much for this amazing prompt. I absolutely loved writing it and I hope you like the result.
The prompt is from the list here, where you find an overview over all my answers. (Original post of the prompt list here).
69. “I’ll take care of you.” (Lamen) sub Damen
Laurent was aware of the responsibilities that came with being the one in control, the one deciding on his partner’s pleasure. It was easy for him. The planning, the attention to detail but also to his partner, it came to him naturally. The giving and taking his role demanded of him, even easier. He took his pleasure in his partner while giving him exactly what he needed. He gave him comfort and attention after and took this full satisfaction that he couldn’t get otherwise out of it. 
A muffled groan made him look away from his book. It wasn’t particularly interesting or demanding, just engaging enough that he still had room for his thoughts to drift. The interruption was a welcome one although he acted like it wasn’t. He fixated the man bound to the bed with his eyes, letting impatience that he didn’t really feel into his tone.
“Now, didn’t we have an agreement, love?” He wasn’t expecting an answer. How could he? The gag in the other man’s mouth made any type of conversation impossible. 
“We did, didn’t we? You were supposed to be good and silent for me, weren’t you?”
A loud breath through flared nostrils and Laurent couldn’t keep the smile from his lips.
“I know, love, it’s hard, isn’t it? You’re not one for silence, never were and here I make you wait and wait without being able to complain about it. How cruel of me.” He marked his page and slowly put the book away. 
“Considering how much I’m asking of you, I think I might be persuaded to give you an out, love.” He advanced on the bed and loomed over his husband, carefully keeping his tone level.
“You have a choice. Either I keep you gagged and you get to come tonight or I undo the gag and you don’t get to come tonight. What would you like, love? One or two? Show me with your fingers.”
Damen balled his left hand to a fist with only his pointer finger extended and Laurent smiled, pleased. “Good choice, love. I’ll take care of you.”
He petted his husband’s sweaty hair and sat down beside him on the edge of the bed.
“You’ve held out remarkably well. I would have expected you to break much sooner, if I can be honest with you. You can take it for a bit longer, can’t you, love?”
Damen nodded weakly. Spit was leaking from the corners of his mouth and Laurent gently dabbed it away with a tissue. 
“Messy,” he tutted, “but you can’t help it, aren’t I right? Leaking all over.”
His fingers brushed over Damen’s cock, light as a feather, it jumped at the contact and Damen tried to gasp in air inconspicuously. It didn’t work and Laurent laughed, fingers dragging over the mess on Damen’s abs. “So desperate for touch. I bet you could come in under a minute if I touched you properly. How useless. I bet you couldn’t even fuck me properly. What use is such a big cock if you explode the moment I let you anywhere close to my ass?” He wrapped his hand around said cock and gave it a hard squeeze.
Damen whimpered. He shook his head almost desperately.
“No? You think you could make me come before you do?”
Frantic nodding.
“Hm. I don’t think I believe you, love.” He dragged his hand up over the hard, hot member. Damen’s back arched off the bed.
“See? So easy. You would come the moment I had myself seated.”
Damen’s moan sounded like he was in physical pain and Laurent hesitated for a second, let his gaze flicker up to Damen’s hand, where he held a silk cord safely cradled in his palm. All good then. Still, he wasn’t that cruel. At least not in right that moment. He still pumped Damen’s cock slow
“You think you could come twice, love? Maybe if you came now you wouldn’t have such a hair trigger the second time around.”
Frantic nodding again. Laurent chuckled.
“Alright, love. Come whenever you want, just make sure you can still fuck me after.”
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filmnoirfoundation · 1 year
ASK EDDIE - August 24 2023
FNF prez Eddie Muller responds to film noir fan questions fielded by the Foundation's Director of Communications Anne Hockens. In this episode, we discuss the recent changes at TCM, Eddie’s memories of Robert Osborne, the new Philip Marlowe book, The Second Murder, Poker Face and its inspiration Columbo, female investigators in film noir, and more. We wind up the show with a new game, “Femme Fatale or Not?”. On the cat front, Charlotte is a diva and Emily won’t come out of her trailer.
Want your question answered in a future episode? We solicit questions from our email subscribers in our monthly newsletters. Sign up for free at https://www.filmnoirfoundation.org/signup.html
Everyone who signs up on our email list and contributes $20 or more to the Film Noir Foundation receives the digital version of NOIR CITY Magazine for a year. Donate here: https://www.filmnoirfoundation.org/contribute.html
This weekend’s questions:
1.       I am wondering if there's a way to find out which movies screened at the first NOIR CITY. I'm also wondering when you first started distributing those spectacular programs.
 2.       Would you address the recent cutbacks and layoffs at TCM that are affecting NOIR ALLEY.
 3.       I would love to know about your relationship with Robert Osborne.
 4.       The estate of Raymond Chandler hired Scottish crime fiction writer Denise Mina to pen a new Philip Phillip Philip Marlowe novel, THE SECOND MURDERER was released in August. Have you read it and if so, what did you think? What do you think in general of the practice of having contemporary authors pen reboots based on other writers' classic detective characters? Are there any examples of this that you think are particularly well-done--OR that you think egregiously miss the mark?
 5.       Have either of you seen the new TV series POKER FACE? It’s not a whodunit.  It’s a howcatchem.  It’s been said it’s a homage to the old COLUMBO series.  Were you two fans of COLUMBO. Was Peter Falk ever in a noir movie?
Alan, San Anselmo, CA
 6.       Would love to see THE ENFORCER, 1952, starring Bogart presented on NOIR ALLEY sometime soon. I wonder about the film’s backstory. What parts of the film really portrayed the "Murder Inc.", if any?
 7.       Since becoming interested in film noir, I have seen several films with Richard Basehart. Did he ever talk about his career in noir films? I saw Basehart live on stage in the late 1970’s playing Macbeth at a theatre near Philadelphia. Did any other “noir” actors perform Shakespeare on stage? 
Ed, Washington, D.C.
 8.       What do you think of Roger Corman's 1962 film THE INTRUDER? And do you consider it to be noir? Doug, Silver Spring, MD
 9.        I was curious to hear Eddie's opinion on directors William Dieterle, Delmer Daves, Anthony Mann, Robert Wise, Jean Negulesco and which of their film noirs are worth watching.
Jeff from Montreal
 10.   I was intrigued by the plot of Joseph Pevney’s UNDERCOVER GIRL (1950) because it centers on a policewoman working. I couldn’t find UNDERCOVER GIRL anywhere- to stream or buy.
My question is two-fold. How rare is this type of character in film noir? And why can I not find this film (and other films like this)?
Kellee, Kansas
 11.   Was The movie PUBLIC ENEMY recut? I ask because Jean Harlow's role is so short and feels like it was recut. I know that the Hayes code had just come into effect so that adds to my suspicion.
 12.   Anne and Eddie: How many emails do you each get each day connected with movies? Is it overwhelming?
 13.   Does Eddie or Anne have a favorite or memorable tagline associated with a noir film? Also, is it Tizzie with an "ie" or Tizzy with a "y"?  Inquiring minds need to know.
Timothy, Schenectady NY
 14.   I’d like to propose a new game: ‘Femme Fatale or Not?’ And start off with one tough (or maybe off the wall) example:
PITFALL (1948) (dir. André De Toth) - Mona Stevens (Lizabeth Scott) is not a femme fatale in this film but Sue Forbes (Jane Wyatt) is. I’ll stop here and see what you and Anne think (about the concept and my interpretation of Wyatt’s character.
Dave in Pie Creek, Queensland
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amarantine-amirite · 8 months
Ripple Effect
Eleanor was the last person to exit the school on the last day before Christmas break. Or so she thought. Two tenth graders hid in her blind spot, followed her, and then shoved her into a locker.
Those two dipshits had marked days off on their calendars as they eagerly counted down the days to the week before Christmas, the week they could be as naughty as they wanted. One of them found a loophole in the Naughty And Nice List. If Santa checks who's been naughty or nice all year, there is a seven-day grace period before Christmas where you can be as naughty as you want and get away with it.  
Only the threat of getting coal in their stockings kept those two kids in line. With the fear of not getting gifts gone, both of them metastasized into complete psychopaths.
And the result? When the holiday break ended two weeks later, the school custodial staff had to remove Eleanor’s cold, lifeless, emaciated body from the locker. The family couldn’t host a funeral until the first week of February due to a simple condition known as a lack of money.
Eleanor’s funeral left much to be desired. They had the funeral in the auditorium at school because it was the cheapest place Eleanor’s parents could afford. They had Eleanor cremated ahead of time. Her ashes sat in a Murano glass vase. Other than a minister, speakers included Eleanor’s mother, those grad students of hers who never knew what they were talking about, a few teachers, and all 72 kids in tenth grade. Their attendance was mandatory. 
Yolanda showed up wearing a black and green dotted mermaid dress with a high slit, feather hemline, and frilly halter corset top, a four-layer necklace with an oversize cross, fishnet stockings, and black vinyl boots. Her boobs nearly fell out of the dress and it fit tightly enough to grab her rolls of fat. She also brought her guitar with her.
Lily-Anne may have arrived in a more tasteful outfit than Yolanda, but she was definitely in a worse state of mind. Even though she showed up all cried out, she was so upset over the loss of Eleanor but she had trouble walking and couldn’t keep anything down. Adelaide had to help Lily-Anne to her seat, but she couldn’t go anywhere near her until she was empty. Waiting until Lily-Anne stopped throwing up took way longer than it should’ve. 
Yolanda looked around and saw the kids pull out their notebooks and go over their speeches. Penelope tapped Lily-Anne’s shoulder and asked, “Lily-Anne, what happened to your notebook?”
Lily-Anne sat there in disbelief. “What?” she gasped quietly.  
“You know, after these guys are done, then we have to give speeches”
Lily-Anne shook her head. “That's a joke, right?” she asked tensely. 
“No joke,” Yolanda reacted, “It's like 75% percent of your English grade, too.” She gestured to her guitar. “I’m already covered because I’m doing that thing with Eddie, Penelope, and Adelaide.” 
Not only were the speeches or musical performances worth 75% of the kids' English grades, but the school would live stream the student speeches on the internet for everyone in the world to see and possibly laugh at. The teachers received instructions from Eleanor's family to factor online responses into the grade.
 “That's just not right,” Lily-Anne whined, “It's bad enough that my best friend just died, but now they made her funeral into a homework assignment? That is beyond wrong.” She then made a beeline to the champagne bucket because she felt like she was going to barf, but only got as far as falling out of her seat.
“Hey, you're lucky, Eddie whispered, “I still have to go up there and play the violin. I'm so nervous.”
“But you play the violin well, you don't need to be nervous,” Yolanda commented, completely ignoring the fact that Lily-Anne still lay on the floor. Thankfully, she just dry heaved. 
Eddie blinked. “Uh…no. I don't. If my dad finds out I can't play the violin, he'll kill me.”
Sadly, Eddie had a point. He can't read a note of music and most likely never showed up for a single lesson. 
Meanwhile, Adelaide had a problem far bigger than Eddie’s incompetence. Everybody would see the frets on her upright bass.
After sound waves go in your ear and bounce off of your eardrum, it goes into something in your inner ear that looks like a snail shell. The snail shell converts it into the signal your brain registers a sound. However; Adelaide’s brain isn’t connected to the snail shell. As a result, she’s completely deaf.
Because of this, she has frets on her upright bass. People who play string instruments in the violin family freak out if you have frets. They go on and on about how "it ruins the sound", "if you have frets, you'll never learn how to play properly" and so on.
The frets are an assistive device, not a crutch. It’s like a blind person having a screen reader on their computer. She didn't have time to tell a crowd of edgy strangers to stop fretting about frets. 
As the event progressed, Adelaide realized she didn’t have much to be concerned about as she thought. Her classmates gave terrible speeches full of garbage not even remotely related to who Eleanor was as a person, or even how she died. Nearly all of them had read the Wikipedia page for some random court case, didn't understand it, and panicked accordingly. Someone well-versed in law would have responded to them with OK, English is not your first language, you don't have a law degree, you're 16 years old, and you wrote this at 2 AM when you couldn’t sleep, shut up. 
Only one kid didn’t do this. Kevin somehow thought the funeral was a theater audition. Nobody knows what kind of play he was auditioning for as his “audition” consisted of juggling invisible fruits. 
The other thing you could do for this assignment was a musical performance. Only 11 kids took this route. The five solo performances, duet, and quartet were slightly better than the speeches, but not much. The bulk of the kids couldn't sing, nor could they play instruments. They all played either “My Heart Will Go On” or “Over the Rainbow”
Yolanda, Eddie, Adelaide, and Penelope took the stage. Had Eddie worn something better than denim shorts and a tuxedo T-shirt or Yolanda‘s outfit had been less ostentatious and fit better, they would’ve looked exactly like a Celtic Woman knockoff.
They played “Eternal Flame” by The Bangles. Or at least, just Yolanda and Adelaide did. It became obvious that Eddie couldn’t really play the violin. Penelope gave him a bad time. 
Penelope shot Eddie a glare comparable to a cat who wants his litter box cleaned out. "It's not that hard, Eddie. C, D, and G," she uttered with an edge of disgust, her frustration evident.
She glared as Eddie continued to watch SpongeBob SquarePants on his phone. "Your father said you played beautifully,” Penelope barked, “What gives?" Her patience with Eddie wore thin.
Eddie's eyes darted around. He quickly realized that this was the moment everyone could see through his lie.
Out of nowhere, Adelaide uncorked this hilarious rap during the bridge:
death blow
when someone blows you up, it's not you
it's something else entirely, like puking on the laundry
death blow, we're gonna miss the death blow
I'm a soft banana, yo
please to make me feel like something 
feel like absolutely nothing
what the hell was that?
You’d be forgiven for not understanding why Adelaide decided to do that. It probably didn’t matter. Only a handful of people reacted to it. 
The drama teacher shrugged his shoulders and mouthed "What?" The chemistry teacher looked down at his hip flask and wondered what the hell he just drank. One of the parent chaperones tried not to laugh. The superintendent shook her head. What the hell was that, indeed. 
Everybody else either felt excruciating emotional pain because someone so young had died so suddenly or felt fed up with being force-fed blustery rhetoric interspersed with awkward renditions of so-called “important” songs like "My Heart Will Go On" and "Over the Rainbow". 
Thanks to Kevin's disastrous “audition”, the video of the funeral went viral. Some record executives saw the music performances. By some miracle, the duo and three of the soloists got signed to a record label. As for Yolanda and Adelaide, they got the opportunity to write the theme song for the next James Bond movie. 
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blankdblank · 2 years
The White Dove Pt 37 - Sweden
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This one’s a fair bit longer but it all fits into the next leg of the story so it’s all worth it in the end. :)
The day before holiday break and you had taken your final bow for papers the next morning to be gathered with copies of magazines that covered the show and your performance in it. All to distract from the pain left from an introduction to the Repetition Ranger who was able to create doubles of people that after a few fights you had to put an end to the chaos by finding out the doubles would repeat anything said on certain frequencies. So a song was used to signal which were the fakes and right away all of them burst into dust upon the discovery. That pain and the call from the Ambassador of Sweden who had arranged a flight out on your behalf for you and Eddie.
Like wildfire your name and involved emancipation case had lit up the papers and now it was official business. Now that you were reinvigorating a near decade old hope that degenerative diseases could be reversed or at least halted from progression a home was rented on behalf of yourselves nearby the research center. For court and transportation, as you were licensed to drive, a car was assigned part of the package deal. For what you could offer your country on top of being known for the homeland of one so talented already none of this would cost you a single cent.
Shy of one million people Stolkholm was a large city, and on the outskirts of it the lab sat for adequate silence and space with a smaller suburb nearby that would be patrolled to ensure your privacy from press and loitering public alike. They wanted you to have a peaceful Yule and prying eyes would only harm that chance.
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Clothes already were packed inside a new set of suitcases you had bought for this trip, each with white rabbits on it around the same quote, ‘How long is forever? Sometimes, just a second.’ From Alice in Wonderland that you hoped would be unique enough to not be taken by anyone else inside the airport upon landing. Now you just had to tuck the honeycomb shaped mechanism into your clothes to keep from being jostled about. Being inside the checked bags surely would have it pass by with little irritation to your things to being loaded in the back of the plane. Already you had dropped off the gifts for your friends and Gwen since you were missing it, and even nervous beyond compare you couldn’t even bother to look at their messages of well wishes for the trip as it would only worsen things.
“Have my passport, underwear, jacket, spare boots, got my pop up typewriter you made me. Everything on my list is marked off, yours? Wanna bring your shark pillow?” he asked and you nodded making him grab it to add to the blanket he’d pulled off your bed to fill the spare space in his medium sized bag around his pack of paper and legal pads to keep busy while you were in the lab to finish off his story.
“Thank you,” you whispered feeling tears already brimming in your eyes luring him over to hug you tightly.
“I can work anywhere and you are not going alone in this. Courthouse and lab alike. I know it’s a couple hours from the town your parents moved you to as a baby, but it’s still their lab.” You nodded and he said, “Now, let’s go take the things down to give Eldfall a few minutes before we go to apologize fully for not having the time to ship him to Sweden with us. And just hope we don’t get a four am phone call the garage is in flames.”
“I’m certain if he throws that big a tantrum we’ll wake up with him inside the cottage,” you said making him chuckle to your weak giggle. Apologies were given to Eldfalls, who heart breakingly gave off a low pitched hum as if it was readying to cry like a mechanical whine but seemed to fall silent then power down its engine that had you on the verge of tears and need to step out a moment, only to find the car there to pick you up.
Six suitcases checked and two carry on bags in hand in line for security you waited for the gradual shared steps forward until you both nearly fell down taking off your boots to pass through the metal detectors. Armed fully with your bee metal weapons in shorts under your jeans your eyes traveled upwards to the slide of hands down the center of your inner thighs from the TSA agent. Who after a second verbalized pass dipped lower to feel around your ankles and then work their way up the outer sides of your legs to feel better around your waist under the base of your lopsided sweater. Around the underside of your bust her hands moved to pat and smooth across your back, warning of a move of the chunky braid to reveal a glimpse of a Yoshi band-aid surrounded by a green bruise. “You have an injury on your shoulder?”
And over it you glanced at them and nodded, “Scared my neighbor’s cat off a shelf right out of a nap,” instantly making them smirk.
“My tabby likes to sleep on top of open doors. Quite familiar with that terror of a clawed hat.” Making you giggle and force back the memory of being slammed into a wall by the Goblin who you stopped from stealing his oddest goal yet, the parade car meant to hold Santa’s Sleigh. Right in time for on a sort of probation Iron Man was let off his leash to take him on and grant you this break away from the cackling dingbat.
Right up to your scalp careful fingers smoothed through your curls to ensure your thick locks weren’t concealing something before you could be cleared and allowed to add your shoes and jacket again. Out of the tray when that was through items from your bags were inspected, including the pen disguised allergy injector you had in there just in case, along with all the things you both carefully had packed to be easy to bring out when needed. Such as your pop up lantern, stove, wheelbarrow and spade disguised as a small set of compact folding portraits and mirrors of various powers to not cause them any worry or you any hassle of explaining why you had any such materials inside your purse.
All the same beyond that you were freed once you had hold of your hat and patchwork fox fur prada bag from Carter you chose in its larger size to help you at the lab and court as well to hold as many papers as necessary. Eddie in a shift of the grip on his bag turned to take hold of your hand and lead the way to your gate. A few second looks your way came the whole time you felt you crossed the entire building twice over to check in and take your seats inside a secluded lounge linked to your airline direct to Sweden.
So close to eight hours once you had boarded into the front of the plane hushed utterances came from those in areas close behind and those in the rows around yours on their way back home for the holidays who recognized you and Eddie right away. Into the far left window seat you eased to take up the pair to ready for takeoff and not get distracted.
Clear boat enthusiasts promptly filled the two seats in the middle row. Their passion shown by sailing themed sweaters and buttons on their coats who gave you both quick waves and grins you and Eddie returned while groggy bodies filled the far right pair of seats in your row. Two seats in each row would change to two outer rows of three seats and a middle row of two was the layout for the back of the plane. Not much more space was to be had up front but you did get a few fancier takeaway gifts and a few more inches you of everyone most certainly didn’t need for your stature. But for Eddie’s sake you accepted the few inches more so he could be more comfortable.
It was all timed so you could arrive two hours from when the court proceedings would kick off. Every two hours there would be a sort of meal, two small snacks and a larger meal to be followed by a third snack without time for a fourth as you were to land by then. Even the built in monitor for an entertainment system did little to keep your mind off things but at least after the second snack with his own nod off Eddie wordlessly lured you into a nap. Still eventually a dark sky was seen through the windows everyone opened for landing.
Outside of the snow dusted tarmac views of the airport came to be all your window could show. Getting off the plane seemed to be easier than getting on as you were let off amongst the first group nearest the door to collect your things.
“I did warn you about the sunlight, right?”
“Yes.” Eddie answered behind you but still looked out the window and then to the clock on the wall he used to wind his watch to the right time. “I didn’t think it’d be this dark still though.”
“Well, we should, get our luggage and then head to the car rental.” But beyond a glass wall a line of rope barriers held back a group of reporters who began to steal pictures of the both of you as the same Ambassador who came to visit you stood with a smile readying to greet your older self and adopted brother. “Oh, this is new.”
“I don’t remember hearing about the welcome wagon.” He muttered to you.
“Neither do I.” You muttered back and closed the distance to have him offer a hand to shake.
“Welcome back to Sweden Miss Pluto. We wished for you to have a great welcome and I do have to warn we are moving courthouses as the heating has gone out in the original one. For these instances the Supreme Court building will be used until the repairs are completed and I myself are here to apologize and act as your guide for a tour of the lesser traveled parts of the building as there will be a time gap between arrival and the hearing.”
“Oh, thank you. Sounds like fun.”
“Do you have luggage?”
“Yes, quite a bit, I wasn’t sure what I’d need.”
His grin spread in greeting Eddie who looked at you as you began to stroke the palm of the hand that Eldfalls had bitten in its beginning to prickle. A flash of a silver scar in an Asgardian rune on your skin was here then gone explaining the sensation you had back on Svartalfheim you hadn’t paid mind to. The sudden cloud of flames stirred shrieks and a drop of bodies to knees or crouched between those who locked up to peer up at the sudden occurrence. Right in the middle mere seconds after the flames erupted Eldfalls became visible causing you to just keep standing still staring up at the humming ship who proudly seemed to say hello in its defiance for remaining behind.
“Take a picture! Take a picture!” The boat enthusiasts from your flight said fumbling out their phones while your hand lowered from its grip around your necklace. They found their feet as many others did while you simply stared at the ship that had you glad this was a high three story section of the airport to leave room for it to hover above your heads.
“I’m sorry,” you said to the now chuckling Ambassador who eyed the ship in awe. “Eldfalls sort of, pops up when I leave the city sometimes.”
“King Vili’s ship,” a few people murmured as the press turned to snap a few pictures while the crowd behind you spilled out into the larger space now filling with more bodies to get a better look at the magical ship.
Just as soon at it arrived over its scales the snap of metal had your eyes narrow. In an unsettling sort of contortion that warped the scales in angles and the mast to bend this way then that as each section of the hull warped and wiggled until the head of the dragon on the front started to expand and behind it a body of a dragon appear stunning everyone all the more. Now five feet long the large winged metal beast with gnawed of tail and gashes on its back to show where the missing section of mast went to Eldfalls lowered to stand on his back haunches beside you with a pleased look on his face. “You have never done that before.” You said flatly in Swedish making the metal creature actually chuckle deeply to the remark.
King Vili in the legends you knew of was rumored to have a great dragon as a companion in battle and now all the more this was proof you had found his very same ship that had followed you here. He did answer you, but in Asgardian to share that you had not repaired his wings and hull yet. The blank look back at him however had him smirk and blow smoke rings to show his missing parts.
“Simply stupendous!” The Ambassador exclaimed in a clap of his hands, “The museum in Norway will be beside themselves in ecstasy knowing that he is here to tour the museum exhibit with you when you travel there.” And he said, “For now, your luggage.” He said and you nodded following him to the baggage claim as Eldfalls began to hover to float over your head on a ripple of ghostly flames wafting under his head, neck and belly all the way through the maze of stunned people throughout this maze of a building.
Your six bags were simple to find and with the smallest propped on top of the middle one you and Eddie wheeled the bags toward the exit gate where the security warned over a radio set simply peered up at Eldfalls as those waiting outside did the same. Most having laughed at the verbal warning of a dragon coming out that swiftly changed to people snapping pictures.
“The car rental is this way.” The Ambassador said gesturing to your right to follow the walkway to the visibly marked rental shop where a line free counter was suddenly opened by means of removing the paper sign it was closed. Normally guests no matter their standing would have to wait to not draw attention to anyone in the usual Swedish fashion of Lagam lifestyle, moderation, humility and a treasuring of comfort and simplicity. However there were court times to keep on track for an important state matter and this once you could hold exception to the usual. Even more so as those in line wide eyed gawked at the hovering dragon who turned and twisted to get inside the building where a few patient children approached him upon his landing.
“Is there an age limit on car rentals?” You asked the Ambassador softly who chuckled and shook his head.
“You are considered legally an adult in America so legally you can rent a car here. Why do you ask?”
“You have to be 24 in America.”
“Why?” Was all he asked and you shrugged.
“Not sure you can marry, drink, buy guns and vote by that age not sure what they need other than demanding a credit card. Do I need a credit card?”
“This is just a formality, we have backed the car chosen for your stay they merely need to copy your driving information and ID to complete the transfer.”
“Oh,” you said. And flashed a grin at the woman who ushered you closer to the counter you stood on your toes and still couldn’t see over. Luring Eddie forward to prop you on a raised leg he pinned to the counter to have you seated and within reach of what they required upon his thigh in a one legged stance amusing a few people in line who moved to split into that line now that it was open again.
Like he said the ID was scanned and you signed the proper slips and took hold of the keys to the mystery car to which you were assigned. A short distance across the walkway you took your bags with Eldfalls behind to enter the rental garage, following the numbers to a giggle worthy mint two door sporty coupe. “Oh this is adorable,” you whispered to yourself making Eddie chuckle at the click of the trunk opening when you tapped the button twice to make it do so. Suitcases loaded easily with the larger four in the trunk and the smaller pair and your carry on bags you filled the back seat with.
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Outside the garage now was a car the Ambassador climbed into having shared he would lead the way to your rental home first so you could unload your things at least and then turn right back around to follow him to the courthouse. Waving your hand Eldfalls in a fiery mist warped through the seats to fill what space was left in the backseat to not have to fly atop the roof of the car.
“I don’t think they were expecting us to bring a dragon,” you said turning out of the garage making Eddie chuckle in his adjustment to the radio station.
“Why wouldn’t they expect us to bring a dragon? Downright rude to not think we’d bring a dragon.” He said making you giggle. From what you recognized you named all the way through the white coated city barely lit by just hints of moonlight through the snow dropping clouds.
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“Oh we got a red house,” you said excitedly as you passed the women on a walk with their dogs in the dark early morning usual routine with a couple cyclists to follow who were curious at the flag donning car and mint one behind it. Around a corner you saw wooden red houses in rows along a curving street. Fenced in small plots of yards had each little barn like structure look quite quaint to be able to stay in while you were here. A guard on the street opened a side gate that allowed you to drive around to the hidden front of the house that helped have a touch more privacy and a clear shot of the surrounding trees to the suburb and sky overhead that gorgeous view to exit the lovely hone each day. “Oh this is nice,” you sighed and helped to bring your things inside the door the Ambassador unlocked for you.
“Two bedrooms, and two baths. The kitchen has been newly remodeled so the stove would work with the solar panels over the garage.” Beyond the front room he had stopped to gesture to each room he named then after your glances into each deep grey or pale orange space he showed you the side sitting room with a fireplace off the side of the larger living room sharing an open space with the dining table opposite the kitchen. “Living room and a side study that can act as an office as well, that cabinet pulls down into a work desk. As does this bookshelf.” He said about a pivoted empty set of shelves that with a simple press moved to lay flat and lock into a second desk. “Does this suit your needs?”
“Oh it’s more than I expected, thank you. Our places are one room, so a house to rent is wild in comparison of space.” You said making him grin.
“Now, back to the courthouse and your tour.” Excitement in his voice had you a bit curious, and with just hold of your purse again you were out the door as Eddie made sure he had his pocket notebook and a pen in case he needed it.
Alongside the car keys, on a keychain you had brought with you, the house keys were hooked on in the drive back out of the driveway that a bee hidden in your hair memorized the location and house number in case the task had slipped your mind. Discussion again of the wait for new heirs had Eddie changing the station again in the Swedish share on the newly married Crown Princess you had heard echoes of from crowds on your way through the airport. News of that and the Prince who was rumored to be kindling a secretive romance with a certain someone after being single a few years now after his first public relationship that ended amicably.
Gossip came up, much like a headline you only glimpsed within those walls, of a man you’d only seen online, grandfather, father to the only maternal aunt you had who was a professional Ice Dancer and didn’t want nor couldn’t have children, an Earl whose picture was right next to yours. You didn’t get a good look but while you drove your bees were searching online for the copy of the story and at a light you looked to the ac vent beside the radio where Chester projected the story off his back.
“What’s that say?” Eddie asked and looked between your picture and the man’s. “Who is that?”
“My grandfather.” You sighed and in a ripple of the letters you looked back to the road as the light changed. Across the Swedish papers also similar to the story in Norway noted the same lineage that Eddie raised a finger to scroll through the now translated story.
“Says you’re marked as his heir since his eldest daughter got bumped off the lineage, for what they say as permanent lack of an heir.” He looked to you, “What does that mean?”
“Nothing much he doesn’t have any real say over anything. There’s 200 families of nobility in Denmark, he’s got property but we’ve never met. I think he does something with fishing boats, like an assembly line or something,” you said turning the wheel as you reached the courthouse.
“Are you okay with this?” He asked slightly concerned about your stoic expression.
“Doesn’t mean anything.” You said shaking your head, “I mean he’s barely over 50, the man has just a glimmer of silver hair.”
“And he doesn’t want to meet you?”
You shrugged and said, “Not sure. I never met the guy and mama barely spoke about him, he’d probably just assume I was after something to contact him now.”
“I think you should write him.” Eddie said, “Even if to say ‘hello I just want you to know you have a little Viking named Pluto in your bloodline. I have a dragon and have enclosed a picture of him for your castle.’” He said making you giggle.
“He doesn’t have a castle.”
“Manor,” he teased, “Upon his vast estate he will have a picture of you and Eldfalls.”
“Alright,” you giggles and said, “Tonight I’ll borrow your typewriter and print a picture of me and Eldfalls.”
“I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
“Oh I’m certain. I hear he’s quite proud of being a bloodline not of German heritage. Like for Sweden and I believe Norway as well they’re German not Scandinavian.”
“This has Queen Victoria all over it.”
“She did breed an empire.” You said making him chuckle.
“Be good to know he’s got a true blue Viking in his line still.”
“I read he’s Protestant, might try to cast me off for being Norse Pagan.”
“Oh he’ll have to get through Eldfalls to do that.” He said making the metal dragon throatily growl in agreement making you steal a smirking look back at him in the rear view mirror as his four feet of claws were flexed again to not tear into the back seat.
Into a garage you were shown and the bar to block entrance for payment remained up for the man in the booth to wave you in as guest of the Ambassador to not have to pay. Safely into a spot you parked and climbed out to watch Eldfalls float and wiggle his way out of the car making you withhold a sigh to how badly this can go. Onto your seat you left your hat to not forget it as you tucked the handle of your bag in the bend of your arm and locked the car.
“We called ahead about the dragon, they’re gonna let him in.”
A guard said and you replied making him chuckle to himself, “And here I thought we’d see true results of storming Supreme Court with a dragon.”
Out into the street from a side exit you walked to spot a group of people talking over a newspaper they had bought across the street. All whom fell silent and looked up to stare, not just at the dragon but yourself from the picture on the paper. “The Viscountess,” one of them whispered and drew out a phone to capture a picture of you.
Deeper in the article it covered your numerous public works from performance to credits of your inventions and single award so far from competitions Columbia to go alongside enrollment and team wins for both Color Guard and Academic Decathlon championships since you had been accepted. Travels and link to a surprisingly unnamed American reporter joined a note of the biggest Scandinavian related news once it had mentioned your orphan status and twice missing branding as a child, Eldfalls. Aside from that this medical patent and research business was more than enough to dig up old ghosts of your lineage to tie you to just in case you might have been from a long line of greatness.
This you could look past, Eddie however felt even more upset that your mother’s family now had cast you off or hadn’t bothered to look for you at all. He could only assume some plot to keep the inheritance away from you or some other seedy venture you were being excluded to keep hidden from your knowledge. But he had to calm down as his forehead and jaw had clenched and furrowed to a level so prominent he couldn’t ignore it or allow the expression to stay and possibly be shown the door for poor attitude leaving you alone in this.
Wands in a security check within the front etched glass door blocked front hall were held by numerous guards who took care to check you all and then your bag only to simply peer on as Eldfalls in his Asgardian metal glory didn’t phase the detector arch at all when he passed through it. As if they had imagined him behind your group that was gone all there was to do was to scan and inspect the pool of press who were bent on hurrying to line up for seats as you were turned to head for the more exclusive floors for the start of your tour.
“We are here today to hear the case of IE Research Center vs Sweden, to petition the courts for emancipation upon the case of one Pluto Lagertha Pear to loosen the patent restrictions upon the methods used by the minor’s parents who developed them. Correct?” Affirmative answers were given as you stole a glance over the ring of judge seats one lone Judge sat in the center of, then to the legal council representing the claim to keep you a minor on one table opposite the twins, Idun and Epli. The duo who helped to found the center with your parents and had been keeping the same study alive all this time since their disappearance. Merely collecting long term data of effects of the initial compound. They looked exactly how you remembered, right down to the lockets like your mother’s from other gods that bonded the three of them so deeply. One word whispered by Yggdrasil to you now in view of them through the wooden barrier between the front row you sat in to their table as parties within this case had your eyes narrow a moment, “Beserkers.”
The Judge though had your eyes on him as he said, “Before I hear either party I would first wish to hear from Miss Pear. She is amongst us I see.” He gestured a hand to the podium in the center of it all right across from his seat adding, “Ominous I understand however there are no evidence boxes to call you to young lady.” And with a nod you stood leaving your purse behind to walk to the podium. The wooden gate you brushed apart, stealing a glance at the twins gave you a kind apologetic grin for forcing you into this. Behind you Eldfalls straightened up, keeping his glowing eyes locked upon your back as you stepped onto the attached wooden steps to be able to see over the wooden barrier that were added upon word of how short you were like they did for other vertically challenged people summoned here for one reason or another.
“Miss Pear, kindly tell me a bit about yourself.”
“I live a fairly simple life,” you answered plainly already making the corners of his mouth ease up at the pleasant answer compared to what little was known of a major gap of your youth so far. “I live in an apartment, attend school for my High School degree and also Columbia University as well to gain ground on a Bachelors degree. I work, and have hobbies, I dream and invent, spend time with friends and my brother Eddie, and during the summers we have traveled the past couple years and plan to again this summer.”
“Tell me about the dwelling you have chosen for yourself, if you please?” He questioned and you drew in a breath to answer.
“I live on the top floor of a building in Queens usually for immigrants, for the space rent is quite fair for New York. I built my own heater and air con, even New  York can get rather hot in the summertime. All of it is one room, aside from the bath and closet. When I first moved in through my job at a theater I found my bed, it was a prop in a play. There is a second hand furniture shop I found in lower Manhattan. I have an odd collection of lamps, three ostrich feather and two shaped like trees. Three whale themed chairs, a sloped couch and one like a cloud. Most of that I got good deals because the owner felt he couldn’t get rid of them,” you said making him and a few of the reporters grin at the mental images. “He also somehow came across two wardrobes my ancestor built from his furniture line, just out of nowhere, like a sign from the Norns I hadn’t lost my history as well as my home.”
“Does your job in the theater pay well?” You gave a list of your jobs and basic pay, with an average on commission you earned and that you tried to put away half of each check if not for rent but for savings. “How far are you in your education?”
“I was set to graduate High School this year until a bill was passed raising core credit requirements so I will have to take a few more classes next year. I am also almost halfway through my Bachelor degree requirements.”
“I understand you were taken to Russia from your family home, you were rather young, but do you remember how you were taken?”
“I would rather not talk about that, if, you wouldn’t mind.” A noise from the gallery of press and the Ambassador had you turn your head to glance back making the Judge shift his head to your almost mournful gaze that dipped back behind a mask of a glance up at him.
“To understand your case, I must ask and insist, however I will say this,” he looked to the woman keeping record of the case, “Miss Belle, stop recording,” the woman complied and laid her hands on her lap as he looked to the press. “All members of press turn off your recorders and raise your pens in the air, none of this answer is to be taken down or made quotation to or reference in any publication.” Sharply you drew in a breath to the sound of every person of press doing just that, and he asked again, “Now, Miss Pear, as best you can remember how were you taken to Russia? No court within this country issued you there.”
Steely your eyes sank from him to the crest on the table in front of his seat, “I remember, I was with my mother, in her room. We had a metal vase and it fell over. I came out, and saw my father kill the first eight men,”
“The first eight?” he whispered to himself as a few members in the press covered their mouths.
Warmly a tear fell down your cheek in stating what you knew would only cement nightmares later on, “He told me to run, but they shot me with something, and I couldn’t. They took my parents, and the house was on fire. I just remember the fire, then I woke up cuffed to a bed. I didn’t know where I was, it was all stone, set up like a school, without windows, and always cold. The older girls said to behave,” off your belly you raised your hand to blot your curled sleeve against your cheek to keep from nearly tearing the wool apart by clenching your grip any tighter. “There was no child prostitution ring, everyone thinks that. They took us, taught us languages, all the subjects, and when they taught us enough they assigned us to families. Where we were taught to fly, skydive, dive, hike, track. I don’t know what to call it aside from doomsday preppers. We were put in dance classes, taken to hair appointments, but they never left us alone, we weren’t allowed to talk. We were not allowed to fail.”
You paused and in that silence he asked, trying to understand the deepening look in your eyes you kept off of him, “How did they keep you there when they took off the chains? The older girls did not try to help you escape? There must have been a good number of you there to all remain complacent.  If you did fail, what happened then?”
“I tried to run. We all did. They did what they did to all the girls, beat us and hung us inside a sack in a sensory deprivation room, we weren’t allowed to have friends. When one of us showed a bond kindling with another girl they killed one of the pair,” gasps and sniffles could be heard behind you while Eddie mentally urged you to keep strong. “The first time I failed an evaluation they broke my femur,” you said causing his lips to part he promptly closed again to keep calm as more tears fell down your cheek, “I was told if I failed again they would break my other leg. So I passed. I always passed, and listened to my teachers. One especially who taught me to never let them think I stood a chance.”
Shakily you drew a breath and continued while a few members of the press with pens raised still felt it hard to keep their hands from shaking, “I made myself a magnificent liar, be close to perfect as possible. I did as I was told. I was assigned a family, and one day, they stopped locking the door and leaving the room to answer calls. I was cast in The Nutcracker. The plan, was to come to New York and refuse to leave, but they suddenly planned on moving me and my fake sister. So I got dressed for ballet rehearsals and came back on time, packed a bag with a few things, I knew where the safe was. Took it all, they had my parents’ jewelry with my papers, and I walked right out the door. Took the bus to the airport, I saw two women there to get me, but I managed past security and on the plane.
First step was a p.o box, then a bank account, then a burner phone I could get internet access through. But by the time I had landed my fake parents had killed themselves, all the girls were gone, houses up for sale and empty or burned down. One of my contacts with the military in the States said they found a number of the girls not long ago, asked me if I knew their real names for their headstones.” A few people behind you took a few moments to hunch forward at the next trembling breath you drew in, “I only knew what the girls shared by accident, habits, names they made up for themselves. What some of them looked like before they were put into procedures to hide their true faces. But there were so many other girls they hadn’t found yet. I got citizenship in America, and met Eddie not long after. He got me into therapy. I’m better, but I can’t say I wasn’t a little bit terrified to come back here again.”
You wiped your cheeks with both fingertips and sleeves as a few people behind you did the same to the Judge clearing his throat to not let his voice waver. “Thank you, I honor the strength it must have taken to withstand that for eight years then survive alone until you began to build a new family unit every child requires, and I do hope you find peace after such painful experiences.” You nodded and he said, “We are going to go back on the record now,” you nodded and the press was given warning to have chance to make notes again as the party acting against the case of emancipation adjusted their position in their seats uncertain of what to feel in this task of theirs. “Concerning this case, what are your feelings about being in the center of this lawsuit?”
“I lost eight years of my life,” you said and lips parted behind you in shock at possibly bringing up what you had just shared again on the record. “The very last entry in my father’s notes was a check on my mother’s blood work. She volunteered as a subject in their approved trial on humans. And it came back negative for Wilson’s disease.” That won a few gasps as the twins behind you nodded and smirked at both your strength and continued means to stay calm for this. “75% of the other cases came back negative or markedly lower on their own blood work showing the illnesses were reversing. My parents cured Wilson’s disease and several others. My mother showed improvement on daily functions such as mobility and was closer to being able to breathe on her own again. But we were divided and our home was burned down. Eight years so many people have suffered without my parents being here to continue their work.”
Again you paused to inhale, a pause he noted and waited for you to finish. “I might not know what I want to be when I am older, or what I want to study in for graduate courses. But I know their work, I built a smoother machine to help the process and shorten it by weeks to recreate the compounds. I used it to make my own anti-anaphylactic injections before the medical system was improved in the States. I want to continue their work and help people and stop their suffering.”
“You have a birthday soon, yes?”
“January 14th. I am turning 17.”
“More than justifiably you have proven to show that you are more than capable to provide for yourself and act to the responsibility of adulthood and all the trials that come with it. You have self reliance and a support system should you fall short as we all do from time to time. For these reasons I will grant emancipation and permit clearance of use of any patents and information inherited to and belonging to you from your parents currently barred by your age to grant freedom of medical trials surrounding those properties which are rightfully and legally yours to use how you deem fit. And I wish you all the best of luck for your endeavors to finish your parents’ fine work and then build upon it.”
You were excused back to your seat to find Eddie with Venom pooled in his sleeve a bit around one of your bees he was using to help translate what you said who proudly took hold of your hand as you sat down again. Final tasks of the closing of the case including signing of paperwork and well wishes for IE research center were concluded with the slam of a gavel. Idun and Epli once outside remained with you as the Ambassador guided the press away noting their need to be elsewhere, Eldfalls up at the duo peered and began to speak in Asgardian and answered back sharing how long they had been on the planet, the same amount of time as he had been here.
“So, you aren’t from lines of Vikings like you told my parents?”
Epli answered, “We do apologize, we wed amongst Vikings, however we right away saw the brilliance of both your parents and helped to assemble the center. And we understand Norman Osborn has been up to genetic mutation research.”
“This is because we had help hiding Dr Connors after his bad experiment, right?”
“Exactly,” Idun answered. “We have no doubt the solution will work and be vastly improved upon. However we did require legal backup before he could try to have any contracts or, well,”
“Blackmail,” Epli cut in, “They mean blackmail. He would stoop to it, we heard from Elliot that he is rather forceful upon gaining ideas from gatherings of yours he can interrupt. We have been keeping the study subject health progress up to date. After an initial show of proof the compounds work on tissue samples we can have more volunteer donors and get back up to a second round of human trials. Once that has begun any other study using the patents and formulas can be punished severely and possibly have their right to apply for trials suspended indefinitely for the act.”
Idun said, “We were off to breakfast, care to join us and we can leave it today or possibly give you a tour of the place tomorrow?”
“If I was to get anything done I’d have to go back and grab the machine I made for the solution testing.”
“And we shall stop after we get you two fed,” Epli said with a grin.
And Idun added with a smile of their own, “Look like you could both use a good meal.”
The internet already had begun to spread around that a well mannered dragon was on the loose and following a certain duo around. So finding the corner in the wall to eat at welcoming to him was not entirely unbelievable. From your pocket in a need to get your phone you had to turn it on and wade past the unread alert bubbles of the past almost two days to your notes to show them what you required.
Inside your hair the bees there compiled a few pictures from the travels to post and drop playful comments on each day to help distract those when they woke up so you would have a bit more free time to catch up with what they had sent already. And while you savored the meal the duo shared their initial intention to have the other Beserkers ease the news to you over the next year that they were their kin and wished to ease a meeting with you. After a surely awkward or emotional reunion they could touch on the research study and the notes your parents had hidden away with you alone knowing how to get access to it.
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Like a time capsule as you held the honeycomb device to your belly mid tour you noticed the forest scenery wallpaper had been freshened up, with new flooring after the carpeting had given out. Up in the hills in a small curve the castle like stone building the quartet had bought and fixed up together now stood as a minor clinic for the nearby town on top of the research subject progress to keep doors open until you were old enough to be talked to about the patents.
Tall towers trimmed flat in alternating rise and dips of square tan blocks to truly show this place as a castle alternated with those that were domed with stained glass or steeped to a point in a mixture of Medieval and Gothic styles. Each made to be libraries of information for each office nearby or open for patients waiting there. Every door had a carving of some ancient scene from Nordic legends and tapestries around the walkways from wing to wing with an open kitchen and grand dining hall that also did serve meals publicly for those in need free of charge.
All restored, and while some parts were modernized with insulation, wiring and environmentally self reliant means of power to not tax the city nearby the monument was amongst the landmarks of the city that visitors could enjoy tales of how the ruins had been left and now stood in reminder of its resonate glory.
You loved to explore this place as a kid and more so now, and now you were co-owner, not a founder but no less suited in their eyes for what they knew you capable of achieving to pick things up again.
Right out of a movie however an ornately framed oval silver plated etching of your mother had you frozen at the reflection of your face beside hers. While you had your father’s eyes and hair most of your face was hers, aside from your ears that was a smaller blend of both of theirs and a nose that must have been older than either of them off a relative you hadn’t had the chance to meet. Her portrait hung next to his outside the lab wing in a memorial beside a smaller one of your younger self the twins said they would have a more current one to hang up without taking down the old one. More proof this place could grow and remain firm through the years.
Inside the lab samples of various subjects were labeled inside of a clear doored wall of fridges marked for specific order to not mix things up. Perfectly organized and not a thing out of place to ensure efficiency for your visit, it began with you hanging up your jacket and purse in the proper locker along the wall. An empty new desk had been assembled to hold your work, and was engraved as such, that you put your machine on. Sleeves were rolled up and hands washed with gloves passed around for a third Beserker to come and film the process to have solid proof to get the research project backed.
Without opening the sample a ring from the top of the hive contraption was removed to encircle the sample releasing lasers as it did to gather the genetic code of any sample in the center of it. The beginnings of a buzz of the machine grew louder to an array of lights passing between seams around the outer casing of it as if it was a partially see through hive and bees internally could be traced going about their work. An empty vial just two inches tall and barely the width of a penny was added to the small slot designated for it in the wait.
For three minutes you explained the process the machine was carrying out until it gave off a few trilling notes and a rubber pointed nozzle was seen lowering into the open vial to release just enough of the compound to fill it. With a syringe the liquid was emptied from the vial and added to the genetic sample.
Notes for the process by another Beserker were taken and a new sample was brought out to get onto the second of ten samples to try. As it readied the solution you were seen swapping the vials and using a mixture of sterilizing compounds to clean the rubber tube you swapped for a second out of the sealed pouch you had set aside. Like an assembly line the process was completed and then it was called for the day enabling you all to clean up and sanitize the lab with samples sealed under watch of a camera to ensure it would be monitored for absolute proof they were not tampered with.
Now you just had to think of a name for the new method attributed to this trial as you couldn’t reuse the original name your parents had chosen for their method with hopes to cure these diseases.
Alone with Eddie to the rental you went, both simply eager to be alone after the exhausting trip and tasks you had to carry out. And while he sat at the end of the couch working on a notepad of his latest ideas for his story you sat on the floor halfway slumped onto the coffee table staring at the tries to write a letter to your grandfather. You were living well, surviving, alive.
Simplicity was taken advantage of and a simple share of your apartment in Queens, two schools, and two steady jobs until the summer were shared to show you were financially sound and not asking for money. You didn’t know if you had ever met before, as it could have happened before your memory allowed you to pull from, and you said as much.
A simple inquisition of familial relations you might have as the family ledgers were lost in the fire you hoped to add to one day. Note of having written to your busy aunt was made as well as an easy scapegoat of reason to have been reluctant to contact him. He was a nautical expert and perhaps could relate to your predicament of having trouble on perfecting a new mast for Eldfalls. You didn’t ask for help, simply shared the work you had done on the magical ship so far to where you were stuck.
Just a hello and distant wave from afar with note of an email and phone number to cofactors you at anytime to go with the address used for your stay. Two pictures were added and after a pop by the post office to buy some stamps needed to get the letter to Denmark you dropped it in the slot to be sent off and then had to walk away to head back to the house and stare again at your notes on that stubborn mast.
Even with a miniature model you had printed of what was already there Eldfalls stood by with an amused glimmer in his eye to every zap he gave the model that didn’t keep steady again after you lowered it in a means to lift it up again. It just kept falling down and you had to glare at the stubborn thing until you were stomping into the kitchen to stress cook luring Eddie off his notes to help you prep the meal he would help to eat and clear up after.
Daily plans were made on a sheet of paper and tomorrow a trip to a nearby Viking and series of museums were to be explored while the twins would be testing the samples for progress to present to the officials holding the reigns on a new trial.
“Hey, the museum for my ancestor’s furniture is open tomorrow,” you said having been procrastinating from glaring at your model making Eddie smirk and take the notepad.
“Adding that to the top of the list.”
With a smirk you asked, “You won’t mind taking a tour of cabinets and wardrobes for three hours?”
“We can take it twice and I will still love it. Make it a full day. Squeeze as much into one day as we can for museums.”
“Did you want to drive or take the train?”
“Train might be easier on you if you’re up for it.”
“Well it’s a 7 and a half hour trip.”
“When’s the next train?” He asked making you smirk, “Get some good night footage for your travel videos before we sneak footage of the museum tour.”
“Train’s in two hours,” you said and he pulled his wallet out to have the card you were given for travel funds to order the tickets.
“Rest we can take care of over there. Still have a few grand from the jackpot you helped me get on that poker site. How’s your original video going?”
“Good. Everyone says they like it and they wish me well and all that. Everyone has their trip, Harry’s had some party he hoped I could have gone to. Apparently he invited the football team and the cheerleaders and pretty much everyone who is popular. Still making his bundle of connections. Soon he might have so many friends he’ll forget I exist.”
“Well if his party was a smash hopefully by New Years you won’t be hearing about his next party at all,” he said smiling at you widely making you giggle.
“Okay, so we have to squeeze in a stop by the Viking museum as well. Maybe we can get them to let Eldfalls look around too. Let him see how popular he is and possibly have to break him out if they try to get him to stay.” In front of the smoldering fireplace curled up in a sort of ball his body was coiled, not sleeping but relaxing within the quiet space with just you two.
“So we make a day of it and take a late train back.”
“I got a return set too on credit, so we can choose when we come back.”
You nodded and he scooted closer to give you a hug, “We can sleep on the train. Break in the beds tomorrow.”
“I don’t think I would get much sleep anyways.” After a moment a message on your social page made you smirk as a lifelong friend of your dad’s sent you an offer to put you up for the final two nights of Yule. To not miss it amongst people who love and care about you with mention of pictures of your last time at the celebration with them when you were a small child. “Some of Papa’s friends invited us to stay at theirs for the final nights of Yule.”
“Oh we are going, adding that to the list.” He said making you smile at the eager addition.
Second glances from those in the sparsely crowded train station filled the walk to the self check in station that printed your tickets and the actual entrance to the lower levels where you split groups of people who all peered up at Eldfalls. Cumbersomely he managed past the conductor at the door and through the thin hallway to your sleeper car where he slumped both on the end of your empty bench and most of the floor as you and Eddie removed your boots to ready for a try to sleep.
For almost eight hours pops of flames entered your dreams to be blown away by thundering gusts of wind while ghostly faces of memories of time in the Red Room fled at the sound of roars. Through your skin at the first squirm in Eddie’s arms Venom had oozed and got to haunting your very nightmares into a kinder albeit boring eventual dream, when your subconscious caught on you were being watched, of yourself arguing with customers over books that don’t exist inside the water park that oddly took the shape of your book shop.
Overnight copies of the former first round of the human trial with personal identifiable information on subjects still blocked out were released online to science journals, that paired with your quote in court of your parents curing Wilson’s disease and others proved it to be true. Your email blew up as anyone who knew how to get in touch with you tried to as papers and science journals spread the word.
Drastic news to be followed by news of the name you had chosen for your new round of the trial that could possibly be approved soon. SMDottir. To honor of your parents who used their initials within their method’s name and your label as their heir to continue the work. A machine of your creation used to speed up the process drastically was not missed either.
And by the time you were half an hour from Oslo station you had gotten a call from the Ambassador of Norway, who had gotten word you were on the way to their country and he wanted to know your itinerary for the day trip. He and some unnamed figures wished to meet you and after your trip to the furniture museum at the Viking museum they wanted to meet you and the dragon known to be traveling with you.
“Another Ambassador?” Eddie asked and you nodded leaning back into his chest as he heaved a sigh. “Wonder who he’s dragging along to meet you.”
“I don’t know, but if they make me miss our trip to the open park before it gets dark I’m gonna be so upset. Sunset there is incredible.”
True to your word it was hours in the furniture museum, but Eddie didn’t care at the incredible show of detail and craftsmanship put into each piece. Two of which the curator of the museum himself had assured you he would make note of your having mentioned you found a copy of them in New York and the creator’s descendant had owned some of the very pieces in display.
Outside the Viking museum after the hefty walk and bus travel to get to the grander side of town you stopped at the flag donning car in front of four more outside the museum. “I’m guessing that’s the King’s car.” Eddie said with a nod and turned, “I wore my good sweater at least.” He said making you giggle and turn with him, looping your arm back under his to head for the door with a long line already outside of it. The floating dragon at your side when you readied to take the back of the line had a uniformed guard approach you and say in his native tongue, “Miss Pear, they are waiting inside for you, tickets already purchased.”
“Oh, thank you,” you said and translated for Eddie, “Said we already have our tickets inside.”
“Well, so it begins as Theoden would say.” His eyes sealing a moment to glance at one of the bees in your hair shivering it’s wings to release the snowflakes that gathered on them. Over one side of you head your curls were flipped, the other half braided back secured by bees, and braids within the larger bit helped to have your bees gather to help with recordings and watch for any sign of people who might try to hurt or take Eldfalls. Or at least that was what you told yourself you were keeping them on guard for. Subtly your fingers adjusted on Eddie’s jacket sleeve on the quicker trot to the front doors. There a second guard let you three inside and held it open long enough for Eldfalls, who was being filmed by nearly everyone in line to get inside safely down to the end of his gnarled tail.
You weren’t handed any tickets. Simply greeted with hand shake after handshake and several eager men, who guided you back, Beyond the crowds of people already paid inside and waiting for tours to start who were filming and taking pictures of Eldfalls hovering over your head. To show you to the proper exhibit that was currently closed off by rope barriers moved for your group upon sight.
And right in the center of the front entrance, being told about the opening pieces on display up front, your mouth dropped open to see, not just the King of Norway. But his wife and two children beside the Queen of Denmark, who had her own two sons, who were opposite the King and Queen of Sweden with their two children.
“Okay,” you muttered to yourself, “Bit more than just an official or two,” you said to Eddie who inched a bit closer to your side as the group began to turn at notice of the rope barrier being moved.
“Here you are,” the King of Norway said first in English, the language chosen so that everyone would understand one another. To the lot of them you gave a quick curtsy greeting him formally and he spoke again, “Viscountess Pluto, welcome back to Norway, this may seem like an ambush but we all wished to have a time to meet with you here and get to know you all ourselves.”
He introduced his family and then let the King of Sweden take his own turn and the Queen of Denmark last who said with a pat of her hand on the back of yours she gained a hold of with a stunning offer of her palm to you. “I myself am very proud of your work, all fields. Quite accomplished. I am proud to know you are bonded to me by a distant cousin in law. You remind me so much of your mother, one of the loveliest of my relations I ever had the joy to meet. Have you spoken to your grandfather on a possible trip to meet this holiday as you have traveled here?”
“I wrote him a letter. Unless he met me when I was a toddler or younger I don’t have recollection of meeting him, I have written to my aunt though a few years back and she did not want to have much to do with me. So I wasn’t going to press him to have contact with me.”
“Your grandfather speaks so fondly of you. From afar he has been keeping me abreast of your achievements and gave us notice of your show. We purchased copies, of Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker, you were magnificent. Pay no mind to your aunt, a wild card that one refused much to do with any of her duties to her country and name aside from her sport. Throwing it all away. I shall contact him later today to warn him of your letter and to contact you for your trip to Denmark, we will welcome you warmly as you have been here and Sweden.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” More questions for Eddie, who was being shuffled and greeted as well came before the awe stricken stares when Eldfalls moved to the exhibit that fed into a large room lit up brilliantly around the hologram of how you found the ship day one that blended through phases. At the final image, in dragon form, he himself walked closer and in his awkward snapping contortion of scales changed back to his ship form to hover for the awed museum workers and nobles who listened to your share of the repairs you had done just leaving the mast and sail before you would give it a flight test.
Scans of him were granted with a tent being erected to let the team do that while you moved to the rest of the exhibit then return in time for him to be uncovered by the same team who scanned him the first time. Sound of other bodies entering now that the rope barrier was removed gradually voices of guides grew closer as you were asked by the scanning team, “Miss Pluto, what metal did you use for the hole in the hull?”
“It’s an Asgardian metal, it’s a long name but it means Hue-Blue, when it’s in liquid form it turns a deep royal blue. I’ve met a few exiled Asgardians here who helped me with the diagrams and they shared the name of it.”
The King of Norway asked, “Exiled Asgardians?”
“Yes, self exile, there was a war between the realms and they chose not to continue the war and remain here instead of returning to Asgard. Most of them were stone masons, artists or gardeners and bakers. They all served in the required training on smaller skiffs than Eldfalls, this model was for the Ruling Clan. Others used models without masts and sails so they only have a vague idea on how it is constructed but they were a great help.”
The Queen of Sweden asked, “Did they help you trade for the metal from Asgard?”
“Oh no, sorry, um, I have a 3D printer I developed that can atomically scan and replicate any metal, even Hue-Blue. I still have to find a compatible chord for the sail however. Might have to do some sleuthing on varied kinds to find one both strong enough and light enough to handle his speed and requirements as it helps to power different aspects of the ship’s defenses as well.”
The King of Norway said, “Our stores are open to you, any chord you desire and quantity will be yours to finish this magnificent beauty.”
“Thank you,” barely was able to escape your lips in a near loss of your voice from shock.
The Princess of Sweden asked with a curious grin, “Have you managed to find the hatch into the hull yet? Or do you still had to wiggle down beside the mast?”
“Still wiggling,” you giggled back, “Still searching for hidden hatches. He loves being a living mystery.” Pictures of both him and the families here were stolen by those who could steal the hasty trek into the first groups where you also answered a few questions they had as well before you were asked to a lunch stunningly at a place nearby they rented out fully for privacy.
And in a stolen moment at your side the King of Norway waited to get near to you and Eddie to say he would do all he could to have another round of the trial pushed forward. As a young child in his family had been diagnosed with MS and they had been given poorly prognosis for treatment in the years ahead for her to look forward to. A claim that did not have you any less concerned for how the new round of these trials might go and how he especially might take it if it went sour in the end. But they weren’t the only ones, big names online had been shoving the names of loved ones they knew who would be grateful for any chance to improve their daily lives amongst hundreds of average people who were doing the same. Shouting into the void for a chance to get better.
Glad to stay behind and be living proof of your hard work Eldfalls remained only adding more excitement to the tour as the real ship was still here even if the young woman in the repair videos had gone to eat. Progress from the first images were monumental and once repaired fully only left wonder for what an Asgardian ship could really do.
You, however, didn’t feel as thrilled in wait to fill a seat in the car the Queen of Denmark arrived in. Just a glance at your phone for a second to silence the alert tones of your social pages that had suddenly blown up and your heart dropped to your stomach.
Pictures from Harry’s party had been all over the majority of pages tagging yours, a great chunk of which showed pictures of him either with his arm around Gwen or with them on his rooftop balcony kissing her in the moonlight. Ricky and your friends within the marching band tried to be supportive of you while shutting down the number of claims from Beverly’s group of friends who were claiming that Gwen had made a major upgrade. Online you didn’t do a thing, simply sent a private message to your friends to just let it lose steam.
You’d seen it and they all just had to wait and be supportive any way they could as most imagined your holiday ruined at the news. Silenced again even the vibration was shut off as you closed the text that came in from Harry. The first of a stream you ignored in pocketing your phone as it spelled the pair of them just couldn’t hide their true feelings anymore when they were forced to confront them.
Into the car you lowered to take up the seat with Eddie behind you to fill the sideways angled seats, both listening to the Princes who kept the conversation going on the short drive before you got out again. Oddly casual each of them chose their seats around the two you and Eddie chose, a special menu had been prepped for the official visit to be respectful of allergies, out of which drinks and meals were selected. Mingled in the questioning and talks of the others the Queen of Sweden asked you, “Pluto, would you happen to be seeing anyone at this time?” Having spent a short time sharing on how her son had just begun a new relationship while their daughter was well known to be just married.
“I happen to be single,” you said making Eddie, mid sip of his drink, steal a casual glance your way. “I was seeing someone for a couple months but we decided to just be friends.”
And her smile grew, “Well we certainly know a good number of fine young men to draw your eye.”
Rather charming you felt you appealed to their comfort levels of being around. Not entirely official and one who they could not feel entirely obligated to be around or nice to. You were pleasant, poised, behaved beautifully and were assured to be welcomed for official visits again soon once their holiday plans had passed.
Just as the King had promised a car was waiting outside to take you both to the best spot for a surplus of choices for sail materials. The driver nodded his head to your thanks at opening the door in the night cast car that only drove home you had missed the sunset you wanted to show off to Eddie. In the driver’s hurry back to the front of the car Eddie asked, “Alright, you want to explain the single comment?”
Out of your pocket you brought up the posts first dropping his jaw and then the now stream of messages from Harry who had been expecting and now demanded a response. “Oh he is so lucky we are on a different continent.”
With a shrug you said, “He gets what he wants, and he didn’t want to share my attention it seemed.”
Lowly he said in a lean closer, “For a second I thought it was an issue with being in a gay relationship.”
“From what I know there’s a great deal of acceptance, at least publicly in Scandinavia.”
“Well if I can’t go after him I am tearing a limb off his dad.”
“I just know if he is right and he is my mate I’m cutting his head off.”
“He is not your mate. That little creepy troll doll will never deserve you no matter how hard he works to make himself human.” After your glance at the window to the night sky, “I can see the sunset anytime, Sis. We are coming back for Yule, remember?”
“Yes, and I can show you the park there, they had this huge wooden playground set with cool tunnels and slides and everything.”
“I can’t wait to see it.”
“Oh wow.” You both said once inside the endless red painted steel rack filled building. Rows of finer thread making the burly man who let you in chuckle and gesture his hand to the side.
“Feel free to browse as long as you need. Our King said you are to get all the supplies required to help complete a sail to complete the famous Eldfalls. Let us know if you need any help.”
“Thank you,” you said and they stepped away to leave you, pausing as you asked, “Is it okay if I film some stuff?”
“Absolutely. We keep all the super secret product in the back and out of view. Be proud to be part of your online record to completing your new sail.” And with a chuckle he stepped away to get back to work so you can get to exploring.
Playfully the commentary from you and Eddie was recorded by the bees hovering around you, capturing the enjoyment you got out of the task and few comments of being promised supplies just for the ship and not for your own hobbies. Using a square scanner a few ends of the large spools to see if they would be compatible or not.
Some colorful choices had you pause and adorably for the worker who came to check on you say, “Ooh,” and have him bring out a handheld to scan the barcodes for them to save for your order. “I think these five, my original design had blue but this gold and emerald shiny one could be perfect with a tweak to the design.” Measurements were given and onto the next section you were seen moving to in what took longer to go for the base material that would support the thread to embroider the design you had just chosen.
Shock by another worker in Eldfall’s sudden appearance when the museum was readying to close warned you to the head that floated up beside yours to look at the end of the sample you had just scanned. “You wouldn’t be willing to help pick a base sail material for me would you?” lowly he chuckled and with a nudge of his hand began to move you and Eddie along. Looking himself over the choices until he found a silver thicker wound wool sample you scanned and smirked in seeing it matched the base material of his tattered sail, even if it didn’t match the color.
“That one?” the closest worker asked in a check on you guys and you nodded.
“Eldfalls says this is the one.”
“Hmm,” he said, “Can’t say we’ve ever sold any, normally customers go synthetic,” and with a scan of the barcode he said, “Yup, so you’ll have plenty to do what you need with it. Just how much were you needing?”
“I figured he would like the most natural one you had, and wool would fit the ticket. This should go nicely with the metal based threads in his sail to secure the currents sent through it.”
“Really going to be something,” he said with a grin to Eldfalls. “Do you have a company in the States up to weave it for you?”
“Oh no, I have been adapting my loom, going to do it myself. Going to take a while but I have a plan and mockup on how to break it down and complete it. Just have to get the mast rebuilt first to hold the sail, if anything to help when I need to dry it from the heat soak.”
The address to the garage by your place was taken down and in the middle of January they confirmed it would be delivered for you to sign for the materials for your sail and back out to the street you walked. Having told the car earlier you could call for a cab when you didn’t know how long it would take. But in the nice night air you both choice to take the snowy hike back to the train station as you confirmed the return trip time on the way.
Sharing one of the beds on the train you slept, clinging to your brother while he tried to not let his anger for how Harry had treated you have him jolt awake and spoil what sleep you could get as Venom protected you in your dreams again. The meal halfway in the meal car was greatly appreciated and somehow timed itself to when you were bothered awake by more phone notices. But another nap later and you were back in the garage collecting your rental car to get back to the rental to freshen up and have some privacy.
Overnight the Wilson’s disease samples and several others had been proven to be free of any trace of the illnesses with others greatly reduced, and proof by means of documentation and footage were taken and consulted by the council in charge of clearing another round of the trial. So close to the holidays no matter what it would wait until at least the day after that anything would happen. Still stories in papers of all three countries had run of the meeting of the nobles with a ‘true daughter of Scandinavia’ as the Queen of Denmark had named you, parents of two countries, and you born in the third, bringing a Viking relic back to life. Sure most of it was for press, but the hopeful talk of that endeavor and the research at least brightened your mood a little.
Once changed by the fire you both relaxed, him again on work with his notes as you edited the footage of your trip to Sweden and others to have a few videos to post, the first of which you did to add to your notifications. The video that would have the nobles in it however would just have a few of the press captured pictures to not have any unapproved footage of them in it to upset them. And by the time you would post the one of the sail hunting venture the company chosen in return would leave ample thanks for your praise and mention of their company name in some form of return for to being able to pay, as you shared the King had graciously promised you any supplies necessary.
“Viscountess,” a voice asked when you had arrived at the first stop of the few you’d planned when you decided to go exploring more of Sweden in your rented car.
“Hello,” you answered the man with the camera who caught your fix of the scarf around your neck to enable you to zip up your leather jacket.
He named his press outlet and asked, “We were just wondering what your plans for Christmas were?”
“While I’m not Christian I am heading back to Norway for a couple days to stay with a friend of my father’s in his home town.”
“Not Christian, Catholic then?” he asked curiously only widening your grin.
“Norse Pagan, as my parents were, they invited me to the end of the Yule festival out there. Haven’t been since I was very little.”
“A Pagan noble, wow, well I wish you safe travels and a merry Yule.” He said making his retreat to grant you both privacy.
“And a bountiful Yule to yourself,” you replied making him chuckle and nod and made your way to Eddie’s side doubling his grin as he got to loop an arm around your back. Softer you told him, “That will make a lovely headline.” Making him chuckle and look onward to where you were headed.
“Oh, any hint of your teacher Max yet?”
“Messaged me earlier, he and his mom are going to come by the festival too. Spending the day with her for a private gift trade and said she’s excited to both come and to meet me and my adopted brother.”
“Funny, you are clearly the draw in this.”
“I will have you know she married a journalist. Loves a good scoop,” you said making him chuckle.
Shoulder to ankle you made use of your emerald and white velvet and lace long sleeved dress, with tall boots, tights and your dragon decorated shawl. Eddie also wore the best sweater and jeans he had to go with his boots and couldn’t help but smile as you worked your nerves about the meeting with your grandfather away amongst the other teens to weave you and him holly and leaf headdresses after you had help in painting your faces. Songs and languages he couldn’t understand made all the more beautiful by the light of the bonfire and open lanterns for the field chosen to celebrate in surrounded by hay bales to help lock in what heat possible. He truly could feel what you shared in the past year of what this felt like, celebration of this faith amongst all your people who loved and cherished you while accepting your love and warm wishes in return. The feast was inside, but the dancing and events were all out in the star lit snowy night lit up more by the bright nearly full moon.
Memories, both painful and now becoming clearer of your last time here as a small child only made this more poignant enough to wish the night would never end. That this trip would never end. All through his camera roll for several rolls of film he had captured all he could between bouts that small children would steal it away for small bursts to add their own mysterious pictures to the mix. Capturing warm hugs and star brightening smiles of those who remembered you and shared of old times and who was unable to be here with you all.
And much like the past days a few members of press had take to joining in the masses to be quite obvious in recording just how this new noble would intend to participate in this holiday, amongst the masses or off to the side in observance. Eldfalls however in the mix of pictures would provide a memorable one, you atop a wooden ceremonial seat acting in your own turn for model for the supply of portraits to be hung from this festival, with him draped adoringly at your side with his head atop your lap. Countless people had taken pictures with him and small children clambered all over his playful self, having even taken part in pretending to foil a mock battle as kindly asked, but he always gravitated back to his beloved master he claimed who basked in this ceremony.
Max in the mix at the feast beside his mother did have to laugh as you said, “Either of you call me Viscountess and I will scream.”
To which Max chuckled in reply, “The proper way to address you is Lady Victory,” making you roll your eyes, “But I will keep that just in my head.”
Two days and several copies of pictures of your last Yule later and you were napping on a five hour train to Denmark. Not at his estate, in fact a good while away for the week your grandfather had rented a place closer to the station where you would meet him. There he had a meal prepared you could enjoy in private as he got to know who you had grown to be. With white blonde hair in a well tended braid and pale green eyes your mother had inherited the man who was tall and lanky, built more lean to show a finer level of sports he had been raised into enjoying suitable to his rank. Out of his usual suit in a sweater, blazer and warm slacks that partly showed his colorful socks and dress boots when seated, he hoped to give a warmer impression of this meeting than in business attire.
The temperature for you however had you in black jeans, tall socks and boots with a warm sweater and your double breasted jacket as Eddie reused his nice sweater he washed from a few days before. Right inside the front entrance an aid had let you into the warm space and accepted both of your coats then turned to guide you beyond a glass set of doors to the living room. There the man himself stood up smoothing his hands anxiously over the front of his pant legs in their adjusting fall at the motion and then to his blazer he kept from buttoning to remind himself he was not in a suit. “Pluto,” he said with a creeping smile at finally seeing you in person again.
“Grandfather,” you said hushedly and flinched a grin in return. To your right you gestured to Eddie, “This is Eddie.”
Right away his hand extended for them to shake hands, “Yes, Thengel Beornson, and I thank you, whole heartedly for caring for Pluto as your own.”
Eddie shook his head, “Didn’t stand a chance when I first crossed her path. I’m glad to meet you.”
Their hands released and Thengel looked to you again, “The last time we met you were three years old, I was informed by the Queen of your letter, and I do understand why you bore reluctance to contact me. Especially,” he let out a sharp breath and drew in another, “Sigurd, has always been more tempestuous than Sigyn, always, so secluded off the desire from anything aside from chasing her dream on the ice. Even quite venomously against myself and,” shakily he drew in a breath and was clearly fighting tears from building into his eyes, “Sigyn and now you. I am so terribly sorry.” His hands raised palms up having broken them from a moment of smoothing his palms together.
Shaking your head you said reaching out to graze your fingers over his forearm to pat your palm there in a comforting bit of contact that had his hand angle to rest his fingers around your arm in return. “It’s painful, I know I look like her at least halfway. That was partly why she said she didn’t want to talk to me again. And to be honest what I can remember about them most times,” you paused and stole a glance at your arms.
“You must have been through something so very daunting,” he said making you look up again, “We must be so terrifying. You are enjoying your trip to Sweden?” he asked with concern at the tears pooling in your eyes.
“I was so scared,” you managed to whisper, “Out in New York I rarely have nightmares now thanks to my therapy. But coming home, it seems people have an impression of me, and me being afraid,”
That had his free hand come to rest on your shoulder, “No one, is a stranger to fear. I am not in the belief that fear makes you lesser. I know, Magnus and my Sigyn gave you all their strength to get you here today, I will never flinch in my support of you. You have built a life, come, I have pictures, and so much more.” From snapshots and clippings of your achievements to a box of letters he drafted in a means to mail to you, and had been able to once he paid a man in New York to hunt down your address to be able to write to you.
Hours over tea, a meal and warm drinks after seemed to at least get you closer to the point were you were able to move in for a timid hug he melted into and pulled back. Confirming he could meet with you after his week away on a stop to Sweden once his business was finished that was taking him away. “I will see you in a week, my magical girl.”
“I think that went well,” you said luring Eddie to draw you into his side.
“It did. He seems open to let you choose what you’re willing to do with your life.”
“And he likes you, that’s good.” You said looking back at the box of letters and scrapbook of copies of pictures he had been sent of you with copies of letters your parents sent to him.
“My mama wrote to him about the garden, do you think he knows what I can do? He called me magical.” You asked looking up at Eddie.
“Well we can check the letters on the train. Even if he did know, I mean I hate to belittle things, but, what could he say about it and to who?”
“You have a point, just, be odd if he did know. Most people who know have powers too, all Gwen knows is I have duct tape and grappler chords.”
Halfway across the world LA seemed to be coated in black cloth. Seven of the Kardashians, Beyonce, Gwen Stefani, Madonna, Justin Bieber, the younger two Jonas Brothers, Mathew Morrison, half the main casts of Glee and Grey’s Anatomy and other actors and reality stars on the way to an award show were amongst others traveling elsewhere who were shot out of the sky. Quickly it was realized a rocket the Green Goblin had shot into the sky caused every private jet in the air to plummet down to the earth while all commercial carriers and the Blackhowls currently aloft felt no impact at all grounding all celebrities and elite who kept their own craft at hand.
That was phase one it seemed as major dealerships across the country who sold the smaller crafts began to be attacked by tiny green robotic drones that had been ejected from his rocket. Havoc was being wreaked upon the elite causing them to suffer the ghastly task of sharing aircraft with the common people by flying commercial thus doubling their customer base who were clawing for first class seats to have the most privacy possible.
Both acts only summoning confirmation calls for you that your craft were safe and didn’t seem phased at all as you assured the systems would be undetectable for most emp’s and devices like them that could be used to target aircraft from afar in a single pulse. But it did have them breech the topic of another set of Blackhowls and a safer craft for the President to fly in.
For three days Eldfalls made stops in the Viking exhibits within Denmark and Sweden as you helped to gain samples of blood work to check the status on the thirty patients who were chosen for this new round. Just as he had said the King of Norway had added pressure to answer what physicians had already been doing as part of your legal case and beside a small girl inside one of the rooms at the castle he stood in wait for your arrival. She amongst others had been assigned their own rooms and hooked up to monitors already to track their results, the twins already had gone to greet the ten year old girl and grinned as you entered with the wheeled cart holding your machine on it.
The King asked, “Do we get to remain here for the administration of the medicine?”
“I wouldn’t see why not,” you said then greeted the girl who gave you an anxious grin, “Though that will be a bit, your potassium is a bit low.”
Making her mother say in a defeated tone, “We are being sent away then.”
Epli responded, “Quite the contrary, just a shot of potassium and we will check her levels in half an hour and we should be able to start.” Calming the family who watched her get the simple shot in her iv port and was left to try and relax as you moved on.
Amongst the number of Parkinsons patients an actor was seated atop his armchair in the room, having been weaned off his meds the day prior looked you over in wonder as he had asked to meet you. “Hello,”
“Wow you look young,” was his response making you chuckle and he apologized. “Sorry, that, sounded rude.”
“Not rude at all. I’ll be 17 soon, I’m not an official doctor yet,” you said as he eyed the twins who readied their tray of supplies for the injection as you readied the ring off the top of the machine. “Hence Idun and Epli here monitoring me, I made the machine that quickens this process, used to take two weeks to ready a dose, now it’s a few minutes. May I scan your hand?” you asked and they nodded watching you take hold of their fidgeting hand gently strapped to the railing on the bed at their request to not trouble the process with too much motion.
“Of course.”
“Shouldn’t hurt at all,” you said, “So I just man the machine and they handle the actual patient care.”
“I read the original study, said patients with symptoms more than a decade weren’t cured the first dose. How many do you think it will take?” They asked clearly showing the weariness in their eyes of the weight of the disease.
“From what I recall there were only two doses given in the initial trial, three months apart. I would hate to give you a number and disappoint, but I wouldn’t imagine it would pass ten. My mother had two doses and it cured her Chorea, which is similar to the physical motions Parkinson’s sets off. Of course it didn’t reverse the damage done, she was ready to work in rehab for physical motions to come back to a degree.”
He nodded and said with a half hearted smile, “I’ll take less than ten. Do my best to not fight the process.”
Every patient had you on the verge of tears, more so when after an hour of injection severe fevers and fluctuating physical responses had you outside for air with the families while the twins kept the patients under care of their fellow Beserker staff members. News of the new round however brought a slew of visitors from the initial round, most still in wheelchairs or on crutches but far beyond compare to what they had been like over a decade ago. Them and their family members who came with them shared support and warm thoughts to those in wait and yourself, most of whom recalled hearing about or even seeing in passing at the start of the new round. They knew it would work, possibly better for this batch with new eyes on it to help it along in improvement.
One day the patients would be in and out of trouble while you recorded all the notes you could with the typewriter your parents used in their study to help the twins keep on top of the thirty struggling patients. File folders meticulously kept until a break of calm came about with soothing wet cloth baths to help them all freshen up and be prepped for the following blood work. This would begin the following three months of monitoring.
“Eighteen have no further genetic code for their illnesses.” You said and looked to Idun who grinned mid elated chuckle.
They said, “For now, that is good, daily checks on fluids and after a week we go for the second dose and placebo dose for those who show no trace. Then we wait three months and see if we can expand the trials to a new round of 30 new patients.”
Epli, “End of the year they should approve us to administer the drug how we please. Contact foundations to send information for patients to be sent for to receive the doses.”
“And we can’t tell them their results yet, King should love that.”
Idun replied, “He understood the terms, he is being rather patient. So no concern after the next dose when you head back to New York.”
Epli said, “We aren’t going to keep you here the entire trial. The final months are all review of results, which we will keep you in the loop.”
“I feel bad leaving you to deal with all this.” You said making them chuckle and shake their heads.
Idun answered, “You enjoy your exploring and time off, get yourself a nice manicure and pedicure, I know you said you usually keep your appointments rather regularly.”
So you did. The next stop on your trip was to a small spa that for you and Eddie laid out a full body and facial set of massages as well as a pedicure and manicure that leisurely took up half your day. New health drinks between sessions at the lounge were enjoyed while you relaxed in the plushy robes given to you. Mid stare at the smoothie draining out of the recyclable straw had Eddie ask you, “Straw clogged?”
“There’s a tube inside the mast,” you said looking at him widening his smile, “What if the tube channels and concentrates the currents of the engine to keep it solid?”
“Certainly could give it a shot,” he said making you smile and calm the staff who were wondering at your pause in enjoying the drink with a big sip of the blended mixture you fought against the grimace that wanted to settle on your face at its almost rancid taste.
While a spa didn’t seem to some a decent way to spend money from the card given to you each and every museum or spot you stopped in was given reviews on your page. To show more of your travel adventures since you couldn’t share anything on the trial to keep it confidential until approval for public use outside of studies. And given what the Ambassador knew of your past and how well the original trial round went any bit of touring funds to keep you in good spirits was well worth it if these deadly diseases could be cured or at least curbed.
Afterwards, once terms of the offered contract was detailed to you, a deal to have you use the commercial airliner designs you had drafted up when the US Military had first mentioned talks of you coming up with a more stable craft for the President to use. Alongside a lawyer you signed the deal with an aircraft company in Sweden that would produce the cleaner planes for use throughout Scandinavia.
Already Sweden powered most of the country by means of recycled goods converted to energy complete with busses using food compost as fuel and a way to fly without using oil could change things drastically for their independence power-wise. Detailed down to the final screw a simpler less lethal way to build the system that was not for military use, and therefore not breaking the term in your contract to keep the Blackhowls exclusive to the US for the time being, pretty much any engineer who followed it to the letter could build them. Shock for them would come in the numbers that would have it be far more lenient in weight issues and greater in ability to wire within the passenger cabins for more options to comfort and entertainment.
Surely it would take half a year to have a decent fleet and the pilots up to standard on the new flight system you handed over a simulator program for. But would be more than worth it as into that trust of yours for every plane you would get $5 million each and a bonus of $20 million when they have the entire planned fleet in the air. 20 years they would have permission to use your design with a term that should they have to replace any aircraft once they have a number remade enough for a new fleet the bonus sum would be paid again. A deal further cementing your future, whenever you had reached 24 years old and could gain access to it finally.
Two days after the second dose however when your grandfather had to get back to work in another country, in the start of a new year, now proudly with three evenings spent with his granddaughter, back at the airport you found yourself posting a message you were headed to New York.
Already you would be late for the new semester and Morita had said to take a spare day when you did get back if you needed it to recover from the travels. Through your bees you saw Eldfalls as agreed had flown himself back to the garage and would wait for your return to hear how your miniature models would fare to test the design of a new mast to be replicated on a grander scale.
“Found a plan to crack the Goliath code.” Tony Stark said through the phone once Rhodey picked up the early morning call.
“I already don’t like the sound of this, but I’ll bite. What’s the plan?”
“The kid, you said she has a commercial flight design she made for a possible Air Force One they haven’t touched yet.”
“I bought a plane factory and a private plane airline. I’m gonna sign her as designer of the airline, and for every jet we sell I’m giving her half the profits. Talked to legal, will have to go into a trust for her age, but I can pay her 40k for the first 50 we make and each 50 after.”
“Tony, I’m not seeing how this cracks the code?”
“Because I’ll be able to see how she codes this and I can work backwards from there.”
“And just what happens if you can’t crack this code either?”
“Well then, I’ll look into selling Stark industries to the kid because clearly I am out gunned and she deserves it.” Making Rhodey chuckle to himself.
Pt 38
@devilishminx328​. @theincaprincess​, @lilith15000​, @jesevans​, @jiminapickle
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themculibrary · 1 year
Fics With Titles That Start With N Masterlist
Nameless (ao3) - AvaKelly bucky/clint M, 101k
Summary: A gun is pointed at him before he can even move from his position, the Soldier's metal arm steady in its aim. Clint sighs.
"Nemo," Clint says. "It's tattooed on your wrist, right here," he lifts his right hand and taps his left index finger where his palm ends.
The Soldier's eyes widen. "How do you know this?"
"I put it there."
Never Alone (ao3) - flipflop_diva steve/natasha T, 5k
Summary: She risked everything to help him and Bucky escape. Now it was his turn to return the favor. Set post-Civil War.
Never Falling Back Alone (ao3) - seekrest mj/peter M, 9k
Summary: Peter thinks it’s been years since he’s ever encountered a piece of art that’s captured his attention so fully, trying to remember if there ever had been such a thing.
He’s so entranced by it that he doesn’t even notice the person walking up to him, the clack of her heels mixing in with the chatter of the gallery guests around him.
He’s only broken out of his spell when she speaks, a voice so familiar that he would recognize it anywhere when she says, “Hey Parker.”
Never Have I Ever (ao3) - Lenore steve/natasha E, 3k
Summary: Steve has a lot of never-evers. Natasha decides to help him mark a few off the list.
New Firsts (ao3) - asgardianthot sam/bucky M, 3k
Summary: There’s many things Bucky hasn’t done since the last century, and many others he hasn’t done in the new one.
New Job Posting (ao3) - TenSpencerRiedPlease bucky/tony N/R, 12k
Summary: Bucky has always taken up really weird jobs. Once he was a mascot and got beaten up by twelve year olds regularly, he also worked at a camp for a while doing maintenance and not once but twice some kid shit in the shower. He once wrote Hallmark card sayings for a while, which led to writing fortunes for fortune cookies. Bucky eventually left that job to be a professional pet cuddler, which led to him somehow finding his way into professional human cuddling, which he left quickly because he was paid to be the big spoon, not someone’s therapist. His time as a bed warmer was the most fun though.
So Bucky was more than used to a little bit of strangeness to his jobs- that hardly meant he was prepared for his job working for Tony Stark.
new life (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/bucky G, 3k
Summary: Omega Steve meets Alpha Bucky through a nanny gig. Steve was expecting this to be just another gig, nothing more and nothing less. He never expected to bond with the alpha's children, or become part of the alpha's life permanently.
New Tattoo (ao3) - sororexitium bucky/tony E, 7k
Summary: When Tony comes home with a new tattoo, Bucky's a little unsure why he's supposed to make a fuss about it. But it becomes more than apparent that he is, indeed, supposed to do just that when Tony gets morose on him.
After he finds out the meaning behind it, he's more than eager to give it all the pomp and circumstance it deserves.
Never Letting Go (ao3) - AugustStories sam/steve E, 5k
Summary: Steve doesn’t like how quiet Sam has gotten on the plane, he doesn’t like the distant look and the shivering. All he wants is to take him away, to bring him somewhere where he can keep him safe, where they can be alone. His veins are burning with the need to comfort Sam, to show him that they were safe, that he got out, that it all would be okay now.
They were together again. And Steve would give all love to Sam now.
Nine Months (ao3) - thebrightestbird bucky/sarah T, 16k
Summary: “Yo, we’re gonna have a new brother?” Cass asks.
“Or sister,” Sarah answers. “I love you boys, but I’d like a little more girl power in this house.”
Sam is staring daggers into Bucky.
Sarah’s pregnant and couldn’t be happier with the prospect. Bucky’s thrilled and ready to become a father (and husband if he could only convince Sarah). And Sam gets his head out of his ass to fully embrace his partner as part of his family.
Nobody Puts Dummy in the Corner (ao3) - Frea_O clint/natasha, pepper/tony G, 4k
Summary: Natasha is the last Avenger to move into the Tower. For Tony's sanity, that's probably a good thing.
Norns, Save Us (From Ourselves) (ao3) - phlintandsteel bucky/tony E, 37k
Summary: It’s been ten years since half the universe was dusted.
Nothing Is Impossible (ao3) - Boopoopeedoo wanda/vision T, 62k
Summary: Two lives that were feared, and a love no one expected, lead to a miracle nobody ever thought possible. When Wanda made a home in the Avengers compound, she never could have imagined how much her world would change, or that The Vision would become the centre of it. She expected to fall in love with him even less.
The two find a way back to each other after the chaos of the Avenger's civil war. It is then that their love truly builds, and where they eventually create their miracle.
ScarletVision, eventual Infinity War fix-it
not just motions anymore (ao3) - hawksonfire bucky/clint T, 4k
Summary: “Alright,” Clint says, smiling a little. “Do you wanna be big spoon or little spoon?”
Bucky wrinkles his nose. “Why are we spoons?”
Not quite fighting fit (ao3) - Mickeysam steve/natasha T, 10k
Summary: For someone who never thought they'd have children, Natasha managed to do pretty damn well when faced with becoming an adoptive and foster mother at the same time. Shame the baby books didn't exactly coach through baby's first cold, teens with confidence issues and PTSD, or anxious new dads who panic over common colds.
Not that Kind of Boy (ao3) - quirkysubject steve/natasha E, 4k
Summary: Once, during a night of vodka-fuelled commiseration, Natasha had made Steve an offer. Five months later, he's ready to take her up on it.
Not That Type Of Boy (ao3) - flawedamythyst bucky/clint M, 5k
Summary: Despite what Bucky's mom thinks, casual sex is definitely not a ‘warning sign’ about his ‘mental health’. Still, having her walk in the morning after a hookup to find his Grindr match still there promises the most awkward breakfast ever...
nowhere to go but up (ao3) - anthropologicalhands jane/thor T, 2k
Summary: It is not uncomfortable, waking up with Thor’s arm draped over her waist, their legs entangled under the sheets. It is inconvenient when she wants to get out of bed or, at the very least, look over last night’s data.
Numbers and Lines (ao3) - Sheeana jane/thor G, 4k
Summary: Jane Foster visits Avengers headquarters to help install a program she designed, and gets caught up in helping with their latest problem.
nuts about you (ao3) - spidermanhomecomeme mj/peter E, 12k
Summary: It’s simple. Thirty days. All of November. No nutting allowed. Can Peter survive? A friends/roommates to lovers tale of stupid bets, sabotage, and most important of all, nuts.
2 notes · View notes
bririnehart · 5 years
The Idea behind the bri creative
February 1, 2020 marks the first year anniversary of the bri creative. This small business has been a little dream of mine for quite some time. I am very happy it has finally become a reality.
In 2018, I quit my job in Boston and moved back to California. I did not have a job secured and was not sure where I would be heading next. It seemed as though there was a dense fog around me and I couldn’t see more than a few steps in front of me. I didn’t realize it at the time, but that fog was a blessing I didn’t know I needed. As I was figuring out what I really wanted to do, where I wanted to see myself in five years, I kept coming back to photography. 
In 2011, I began to side-hustle as a photographer. I never called it a side-hustle because I didn’t realize that is what I was doing, but dude, I was doing it. I had a new, snazzy DSLR. I was beginning to book clients. Then, I decided I wanted to move to the east coast so I decided to stop my photography side-hustle because I didn’t want to take it with me [big regret!]. In 2014, I moved to Boston, which led me to find a path in marketing. In 2015, I began to side-hustle as a social media coordinator. I continued to photograph as a hobby - but kept it to nature / architectural work. As time continued, people were constantly complimenting me on my photos. I realized how much I missed doing it and decided to start my photography side-hustle again. I was in Boston at the time and was having a hard time getting it off of the ground.
During this time, I was also considering leaving Boston. I had had a great time and experience living there, but I was ready for something new. I was considering moving abroad but realized that would have to be put on hold. Instead, I decided to move back home because I didn’t have a longing to move anywhere else in the US. After much contemplating, I decided to make the move back home in 2018. I was daydreaming about having my own business, being my own boss, making my own rules. I wanted to create, I wanted to inspire, I wanted to do my own thing. While I was contemplating on moving and trying to get my side-hustle started again, I did not think it would be possible to go into a full-time business. It made no sense. People were telling me that I could do it. They saw my potential and my dream to be a full-time photographer more than I could see it. I would laugh and say “oh, no, no. That’s going to take some time.”
Cue to 2019. Still in that dense fog. As I thought about where I wanted to be, where I wanted to go, I kept coming back to photography. Photography has my heart. It is my passion. It is what makes me happy. I decided to pursue my passion and launch that damn business. That business that I have written down on my life bucket list. That business that I’ve longed for. That I’ve dreamed for. That I’ve WANTED.
I sat down and began to plan the services I wanted to provide. I thought about how I have a passion for digital marketing and could also add that in as a service. Then I thought: why not combine the two? So I did. As I was thinking of names, I knew I didn’t want my full name to be in the title. I knew I wanted “bri” and “creative” to somehow work together. I have a thing for puns, so I decided to take “be creative” to another level and created: “the bri creative.”
When I began telling people I was starting a business, most of the responses were: “oh yeah, that’s your passion, makes sense.” or “you’re finally doing it?” or “you have to follow your dream!” I think I was the only one sleeping on my potential as a small business owner.
I have big hopes and dreams for this little business. I want to travel the world and share my creative talents with others. I want to add more creative services under my umbrella when the time is right. I’m proud of this little business - even though there are times when I want to throw in the towel, which is a story for another time.
For now, I leave you with this: if you want to start that business. DO IT. Even if it has to be a side-hustle for some time. It’s not going to be easy, but it will be worth it.
0 notes
macrosoftgo · 2 years
Easycap usb drivers windows 7
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Install XP Mode and Virtual PC for Windows 7 - Both are free How, for example, the driver listed at the first suggested link can be implemented with Windows 7 when it was issued back in 2007 (W7 was released TWO years later!)ĭoes anybody have a valid driver for Eas圜AP which is recognised by Wndows 7? Of course I've been there through couple days ago and found it useless. How satisfied are you with this response? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.
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Great! Thanks for marking this as the answer. If that one doesn't help there are some others: The following thread has 7 pages of discussion and some solutions, at least for 64-bit Windows 7, not sure about 32 bit and you didn't mention which you have (How to tell whether you have 32 or 64-bit Windows 7) Either way good luck and may the force be with you! Not really sure why I said that last part… If all goes well you should be up and running! If not, well I tried but maybe you have a real Eas圜ap or a newer version than what I had. To test mine I downloaded a video capture software from FileHippp that was free, small and fast which you can find HERE. Once finished it will ask you to reboot, I think, and then you should now have a working USB 2.0 Video Controller! Point to the folder you extracted above and click OK.Īt this point windows should have found a driver and popup a message that gives a warning about the version and asks if you want to install anyways.Click Browse my computer for driver software.Double click and go to Drivers then click Update Drivers.Find the USB controller that has a yellow explanation mark.Go to control panel > System > Device Manager.Extract the files to your desktop for easy finding.What I did was simple and here are my instructions: 0 Video Capture device *NEW* How to Get an Easy.ĭOWNLOAD FILES 64 Bit and 32 Bit Eas圜ap Fake Controller Drivers 1.8MB RAR ( you will need something like Winrar to open it ). 0 Video Capture Controller” and therefore I am unable to install my Easy. The easycap has to be plugged in the computer throughout Windows 7 (64- bit ) cannot find a driver for “USB 2. Easy Driver Pro makes keeping your Easycap USB 2.0 Drivers update to date so easy even a child can use it. Easy Driver Pro will scan your computer for missing, corrupt, and outdated Easycap USB 2.0 Drivers. Downloads: Windows 7 Drivers: http: //Easy Driver Pro makes getting the Easycap USB 2.0 Drivers a snap. How to Install Easycap Drivers for Windows 7 (and Vista)This is a tutorial on how to properly install the Windows 7 and Vista drivers for the Easycap video capture device. If it still not working after driver install go device manager try update drivers from there. As always right click exe's and in compatibility mode for windows xp service pack 2. But i have uploaded all my easycap drivers for you. It has 32 Bit included but I couldn’t test them since I don’t have a 32 Bit system anywhere around the house.Įasycap was not meant to used on windows 7 (i think). Here are the files I used for Windows 7 64 Bit. Easycap Driver Windows 7 64 Bit freeload.I looked for HOURS going through countless posts, finding solutions that only worked for the real devices, downloading dozens of files that didn’t work until finally I found a solution. It worked great under XP but that was then and now I have Windows 7 64 Bit. Anyways I ordered a Eas圜ap USB 2.0 Video Capture Controller. Fake meaning that there would be no more support since it’s a knock off. Now I knew what I was ordering was going to be cheap but I didn’t realize it was going to be fake as well. Well I wanted to get a cheap pin camera and a USB video capture card cheap and that’s exactly what I got at eBay. If you’re like me you like to shop ebay A LOT.
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0 notes