#and if there’s still barely any jamil in the manga
crystallizsch · 4 months
Ian! Ian! Idk if you saw it but
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Chibi Jamil , he looks so cute
HES SO cUTEEjdhsnjjs
IM ----
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So as you answered how you don’t understand how Mostro Lounge is still working is there any other thing or storyline in twisted wonderland you think which doesn’t make sense? Like logically or in any way?
[Referencing this post!]
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There’s lots of things, but I tend to overlook them to sustain suspension of disbelief (or out of hoping it gets explained better in the manga/light novel adaptation or later in the story) 😂 To name a few (“few”):
Who brought Yuu back to Ramshackle after feral Grim attacked them?? Adeuce seem to think Yuu was sleeping as per usual when Yuu woke up, so it couldn’t have been either of them.
Crowley says Yuu will be able to help the boys get along in the prologue, but then after that we rarely get to see Yuu actually doing this so it feels like a shallow line to shoehorn them into the story. Even though the boys squabble, they are still the ones that push the story along (as both instigators and problems solvers) without Yuu’s presence or help in most instances.
Basically all the lenient consequences for the OB boys’ actions (something the light novel somewhat remedies, as it goes into more detail about how Riddle faces expulsion and faced social repercussions for his behavior).
The same thing about the easy sentences carries over to some events like Endless Halloween Night; how come no one is punished for the danger the students were put in, even if fabricated or done with good intent 🤡
Most of book 2’s plot. Just very poorly done overall.
Yuu’s friendship with Malleus. I get why Malleus would consider Yuu important to him, but I don’t understand why Yuu would reciprocate because in their eyes, they have barely hung out at all with him. Yuu spends much more time with Grim + Adeuce and has a stronger bond with them. By comparison, Malleus is just a quirky acquaintance. The friendship seems like something that’s artificially made not because Yuu actually thinks of Malleus as their bestie but because the players that project onto Yuu have a personal attachment to Malleus. (And there’s nothing wrong with doing that! It’s just that when the relationship depends on the player’s own attachment to strengthen it, then the relationship falls flat if the player themselves doesn’t attach to Malleus in the first place.)
… Why does Malleus need guards if he’a already very powerful on his own?? Is it a formality…? Is it because he’s the only heir to the throne…?
Some Groovy illustrations having no context or making little sense with the vignettes that pair with them.
What was the dirt Azul had on Crowley? Or was that a bluff to catch Jamil’s attention?
What deal did Leona make with Azul (that he sanded the contract for)? What did he offer as collateral??
How did Rollo find and breed crimson flowers when it was believed they were all destroyed??
Any non-human race’s anatomy and physiology (which is a topic I’ve discussed every so often in a number of other posts) 😭 As I science nerd, I must know how they work—
I’m sure there are lots of other things, but these were the most immediate ones that came to me. As you can see, I think a lot about TWST—
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lisaas2418 · 1 month
Unique Magic against Yuu
So I got this idea from @lightvsdark18 and decided to do one for my Yuu as well. Basically, it's about if Yuu was able to withstand certain Unique Magic from the TWST boys. I will also include my Twst Oc's for the variety.
Disclaimer: suicide mention on Riddles part
Riddle Rosehearts "Off with your head"
It would not really work. Obviously, because they don't have magic. But it still remains tightly around their neck, just like in the Manga.
Non Funfact: In book 1 after getting the collar with Deuce and Grim, after Riddle went Queen of Hearts on the chestnuttart, Yuu had a panik attack because it was so tight around the neck it reminded them of a time they tried to off themselves
Deuce Spades "Bet the Limit"
It cannot work since Yuu doesn't have magic. I doubt he could return an attack twice fold that consists of blot.
Cater Diamonds "Split Card"
Since it's not a spell that has influence on Yuu, it is going to work. Can't stop the duplicates. But they can fight them just the same as original Cater.
Trey Clover "Doodle Suit"
Hair color change? Yes. More serotonin for a small time? Yes. Anything to the Blot? No.
Leona Kingscholars "King's Roar"
Yes, it definitely would, hence why Yuu is slightly nervous when Leona uses that
(Not as traumatized as Ruggie thoughbut seeing that was still awful)
Jack Howls "Unleash the beast"
He is a big doggie. He is getting pets.
Ruggie Bucchis "Laugh with me"
It can work, but it also can't. It depends on how much Yuu is willing to resist to the spell. Basically a test of willpower. If absolutely needed the Blot chimes in and absorbs the magic.
Azul Ashengrottos "It's a deal"
Yes, it does. Although there is a loophole they could use to avoid getting an anemone on the head. Since it's magic, the Blot could just absorb it and so the problem is solved.
Jade Leechs "Shock the heart"
Again, a battle of willpower and maybe the Blot has to get involved. On the bright side, if he tries that once he is not gonna be able to try again.
Floyd Leechs "Bind the heart"
No magic, no ability to divert it.
Kalim Al-Asims "Oasis Maker"
Yay! The water shortage problem can be solved finally!
Jamil Vipers "Snake Whisper"
If he were to ever dare try that again on Yuu, it would be the same as with Ruggie and Jade.
In addition to getting beaten up
Vil Schoenheits "Fairest One of All"
Just like with Trey, anything but the Blot
Epel Felmiers "Sleep Kiss"
Ah yes claustrophobia how lovely 😀👍
Rook Hunts "I see you"
It works, but if the Blot sees it as dangerous it will absorb it.
Idia Shrouds "Gate to the Underworld"
tackles Idia to the ground
Yuu: No way you are doing that again!
Idia: I wasn't going to!
Malleus Draconias "Fae of Maleficence"
Ah, jikes that opened up a wound. It would work unless with strong willpower or the Blot which would mostly be the latter.
Silvers "Meet in a dream"
Obviously, since they are trying to recruit people to stop the lizard dragon from killing everyone
Seek Zivvolts "Living bolt"
It would work and scare the living shit out of Yuu
Lilia Vanrouges "Far cry caddle"
Yuu ain't an object Lilia!
Prabirs "Red Flower"
Can't exactly defend themselves against fucking fire running amok by a blind dude.
Funfact: He once accidentally gave Yuu a slight burn on the hand. Prabir apologized profusely after that.
Udaars "Bare Necessities"
If Yuu and the Blot allow it it's all cool and well.
Kaushals "Swift as Night"
Yuu: Bruh he turned into black Sonic-
Sahats "Deadly Claw"
Yes it would work. Although it wouldn't have any effect on the Blot.
Jaakobahs "Trust in me"
The same as with the others who have emotion/mind related spells
Ahirs "I wanna be like you"
Again, with Cater, the spell doesn't affect Yuu themselves, so it is going to work
Hope this was entertaining for you guys
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sayakxmi · 10 months
[Magi reread; special edition] Episode 3: Magician of Creation [Part 1]
I swear, sometimes Magi is called just magician of creation, and sometimes it's magician of world creation, and tbh the latter is a mouthful, but sounds so much cooler.
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Hole in the sky.
It's a reference to something, except I don't remember what I'm referencing, just know that I am referencing it.
It might be Pokemon, actually.
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Good news, everybody. Jamil dies in this episode.
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"When you get your flute back, can you introduce me and Ugo?" I'm still so salty it hasn't happened. Don't worry, guy, I'll fix it in that rewrite.
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The perspective in this series never ceases to amaze me. To be fair, Aladdin and Alibaba stand a bit lower, but still, man.
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I wanted to focus on Aladdin getting wrecked but
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Morgiana did a cool spin after killing Aladdin.
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Jamil: -appears- Me: oh, just die already
His going on his dumb classist spiel, literally nobody cares.
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Don't get excited, Jamil. You're about to be put in your place.
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"I can't believe I was scared of this guy." He doesn't say it here, tho we can probably asume it's what he's thinking. What he actually ends up saying is "You must've seen something awful." and then goes to talk how it's too late to go back, cuz it's the dungeon, and they're all putting their lives on the line etc. But it's still kinda interesting. In the manga Alibaba actually mocks Jamil, then talks how it's a dungeon, but in the anime he almost comes off as if he's actually feeling sorry for the guy.
On a semi-related note, I really like this expression. Idk why. I feel like this is how Alibaba feels about 98% of the cast. They're all fucking weirdos, how did he get himself involved in any of this?
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I can't believe Aladdin's dead.
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Damn, that was some jump. Very fancy, 10/10. I've mentioned that I love Balbadd's Royal Swordplay? And also, again, Jamil, why are you telling him what you're gonna do? I know you're dumb, but seriously.
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Aww, yes.
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In the manga he barely avoids it, in the anime he sort of counters her.
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That actually looks pretty cool.
Alibaba just got wrecked, nobody's surprised. But do you ever think how much of this series is Alibaba getting wrecked?
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As I was saying. But also, in the anime he's trying to protect himself, as much as he can at least, while in the manga I got the impression that he couldn't move. Which was, frankly, pretty understandable given how hard he was hit.
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Somebody give her a break.
Also I've suddenly remembered that Jamil is voiced by the same guy Aomine from Kuroko no Basuke's voiced. Aomine was way cooler.
Also, what's up with the most importantTM members of a King's Household meeting them through trying to kill them (whether they wanted to do it or not). Makes me wonder if the Kous also had such Funny first meetings with them, lmao.
Also, that's a very cool moment - as Morgiana raises the sword, it transitions into the staff raised by Aladdin, 10/10.
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That's a pretty nice shot, actually.
Ok, but, like, in the anime Alibaba at least sits up (with Aladdin's help). In the manga he was laying on the floor for a bit there. Like, a chapter or two.
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Deoxyribonucleic acid-coded if you ask me. Missing em, nitrogenous bases, but close enough.
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He looks like a magical girl.
Notre Empire playing again. Man, was it seriously playing So Often?
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Letz gooooo
Gdi, I'm a corvid at heart, I see shiny stuff and I'm just OMG this is so pretty. But this is so pretty :/
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Finally! Aladdin being done with Jamil's bullshit!
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This does look pretty cool.
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You know, it's kind of hilarious when you have these two serious as shit, and then there's Alibaba like "what the actual fuck is going on". Mood.
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And with this optimistic shot we're ending this post, becaues I'm almost at the photo limit.
Ok, but you gotta admit, it looks cool. RIP Morgiana.
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britishassistant · 3 years
I wonder what the supervillains (the dorm leaders) would do if they get switched with their other self in Twisted Wonderland.
They'll meet a younger Yuu calls them senpai and probably get shivers when they hear someone shout Prefect but then realize its Yuu's role in that world.
Bonus would be if Yuuken's there too, sharing the dorm with Yuu.
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
I decided to take a little inspo from my Villainous Paranoiac series for this one! Not a whole lot, but the idea of Twisted Wonderland Yuu being put in the infirmary after the events of Chapter Five!
(Also consider it non-canon, since it kinda involves everyone’s identities being exposed!)
Basically imagine that the supervillains find themselves in what looks like a private school infirmary, late at night. The air is buzzing with a strange energy, almost like the powers back in their home world, but...different, somehow.
The room nearly empty, save for one occupant in a cot close to the door.
Poison Queen and King immediately begin bickering over whose fault this mess is, while Royal Flush tries to get them to keep their voices down or else they’ll be detected. Charon is half a minute from going to curl up in a corner, clutching his freeze ray like a lifeline, while Octo Dealer and Snake Charmer are busy inspecting their surroundings for anything of value or that can be requisitioned into a weapon on short notice.
Tsunotaro has wandered over to inspect the sole other living being in the room with them.
He is pleasantly surprised to see what looks like a younger version of the reporter he’s so fond of, fast asleep in the infirmary cot. Their cheeks still retain the last bit of baby fat from childhood, and there’s some acne left that will fade with age. He may give one cheek a gentle poke, just to satisfy his curiosity. The sleepy mumble they let out is a little more high pitched than normal, but that’s the reporter’s voice alright.
He is less pleased to see dark circles under their eyes, or the bandages around their throat that stink of medicinal salves. If this truly is a younger version of his child of man, then why do they look so worried, even in sleep? Why are they injured and sleeping in this place of healing in the first place? They’re a mere child, barely old enough to operate a vehicle or live alone. Their only worries should be trivial things, not whatever is causing this furrow in their brow and hunch in their shoulders.
The other supervillains have begun to migrate over to where Tsunotaro is crouching in silent contemplation. King flips his eyepatch up to get a better look, whistling lowly. Octo Dealer busies himself with refilling their water glass, sneaking glances at them as he places it within easy reach. Snake Charmer pulls their pillow more under their head from where it’s almost slipped off. Poison Queen straightens the arrangement of the very tasteful bouquet on the bedside table, so the flowers’ best angle is shown to the bed’s occupant. Royal Flush carefully tucks their covers in over them.
Charon takes a picture with his tablet.
He forgot to turn off his flash.
Yuu cracks their eyes open...
To see seven adults looming over their bed in masks that resemble the ink from the overblots that haunt the Prefect’s nightmares.
Cue terrified screaming.
Snake Charmer lunges forward instinctively to cover Yuu’s mouth—
It’s only thanks to Poison Queen yanking him back that he doesn’t end up with an arrow in the shoulder.
Several more follow the first one through the window above the prefect’s cot, cold iron sharp and perfectly aimed to seriously maim if the supervillains don’t immediately get away from the screaming teenager. Rook was lax in protecting the Trickster after VDC ended, assuming there was no more danger after Roi du Poison’s overblot was saved. He will not make that mistake again.
The infirmary doors burst open, a younger Yuuken in a sleep-rumpled uniform barging in from where he decided to sleep outside because Ramshackle felt too empty and quiet to bear, but was forbidden from staying in the infirmary himself. He only has a pillow, but he brandishes it at the strange adults, fully willing to defend his dorm mate in whatever way he can.
The vanguard appears in a flurry of bats though, too many to fight off, small and vicious and furious. Their commander materializes in the center if the swarm, hovering over the head of Yuu’s cot, pink eyes brimming with a cold rage that makes his small and cute form look like it’s bursting at the seams holding something much older and angrier back. He opens his mouth, fangs long and glistening—
Only to stop short at the sight of one of the supervillains. “Malleus? Malleus Draconia?”
Tsunotaro nods warily.
“Wh-What in Twisted Wonderland are you wearing??”
Tsunotaro ducks his head like a chastened child. “I could say the same thing.” He mutters sullenly.
From there the lights get turned on, and the seven supervillains are made to explain themselves to the sleep-deprived students and staff who trickle in to see what’s going on. All six dorm leaders and one vice dorm leader vanished from their beds, setting everyone on high alert until news of these...alternate versions spread.
It is very weird for the supervillains to see all their minions as teenagers (again in some cases). It is only surpassed by how weird it is for everyone else to see their dorm heads and vice head all grown up and adult, even if they are dressed weird.
Ortho still wants to shoot them with a beam until they bring back his nii-san. Luckily Charon is able to convince him that Idia should be fine if he’s in Charon’s lair—he’s got plenty of the latest games, manga and tech for him to play with, so that should keep him occupied for a while.
Sebek is in a state of Malleus awe. He has shut down and will not restart. Silver has taken to pinching himself just to make sure this isn’t a Lilia’s cooking induced fever dream, while Lilia himself scolds Tsunotaro that he raised him better than to go around watching people sleep like that! Tsunotaro tries to use the “but I’m a supervillain” excuse, only for Lilia to shoot back “and I’m a war criminal in some nations, what’s your point?”
King is enjoying watching the overgrown lizard get scolded. Now if only the tiny Ruggie would stop asking him what injury the eyepatch is for, and making remarks about how embarrassing it would be if it were totally pointless—King does not pay his adult self so much to put up with this shit. The baby Jack also needs to stop demanding to know if his adult minion self can pull a sled faster than a moose or something...
Jade and Floyd are attempting to wind up the adult Octo Dealer, trying to see how much they can get away with compared with the normal Azul. Octo Dealer is legitimately at a loss as to how this world’s Azul doesn’t keep them in line without letting them turn to a crime or two. Then he learns about Azul’s contract business and feels a pang of commiseration and understanding.
Poison Queen, Royal Flush, and Snake Charmer are unpleasantly shocked when their dorms address them by their respective secret identities in front of their fellow supervillains out of the blue.
Poison Queen has to put up with King’s uncontrolled laughter as he finally understands the full extent of the incident with White Neige so long ago, while Tsunotaro tries to tell him he liked Schoenheit in his role as the evil dragon prince in the GaoGao dramatization. Royal Flush is about two seconds away from throttling Octo Dealer if the bastard doesn’t stop trying to make a deal to guarantee his mother doesn’t learn about her son’s private activities. Snake Charmer’s just glad his civilian identity flies under the radar enough that Charon has to try and look him up to understand who he is (and fails because he’s not on school wifi and his cellular data is bust).
Poison Queen is also getting a headache from Rook rhapsodizing about how his villain form is another, enhanced mode of beauty he is fortunate to lay eyes upon, as if he hadn’t been willing to skewer Poison Queen along with the rest of the supervillains five minutes ago. He’s at least able to amuse himself by letting Epel run away with his speculations about how he’s the buff hyper-masculine muscle for Poison Queen.
Kalim is crying that Jamil had to resort to becoming a villain in his home world! He must be so sad if he has to do that! He’s mildly cheered up when Snake Charmer tells him they work together on schemes, and that Snake Charmer is actually reasonably happy with his chosen vocation—and then he begins panicking that Jamil will like that world so much, he won’t want to come back.
Royal Flush is glad his counterpart at least has good people around to look after him, even if it is odd to have young versions of Trey and Cater trying to mother hen him despite the fact that he’s the older one now. At least Ace and Deuce acting up seems more fitting now considering their age than it ever did on their adult selves.
Ace huffs a sigh and leans on Yuu’s shoulder. “This is a mess, huh Prefect?”
“You said it.” Yuu replies. “I just wanna sleep forever.”
The supervillains go still.
“I’m sorry,” Snake Charmer says carefully. “But isn’t Enma-san the Prefect?”
“No?” Yuuken replies, confused. “Yuu’s the prefect of Ramshackle Dorm. I’m their vice— or would be, if we had any other students apart from them, me, and Grim.”
Octo Dealer laughs, sounding slightly strained. “Ah, apologies, but you see, that isn’t possible. It can’t be. Yuu isn’t—”
“But I am the prefect, Azul-senpai.” Yuu the Prefect says. “I’ve–I’ve always been the prefect.”
There’s a stunned silence.
Royal Flush places his head in his hands. “What the fuck.”
Back in the Supervillain AU universe, Yuu the Reporter sneezes sharply while trying to wrangle five frightened teenagers, one frightened-but-playing-tough twenty year old, and one confused however-old-he-is-but-younger-than-Tsunotaro fae.
They wonder what the chill down their spine is.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
In your opinion, which hogwarts houses would the Twisted wonderland characters get sorted into?
A/N: What would you do if I said I didn’t watch No. I’m just kidding. I’ve watched Harry Potter. Obsessed over it for quite awhile too! I did have to sleep on this to really think about it. But I think I’m ready!
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"You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart Their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart...” 
Ace Trappola - Ace is actually one character who could have gone to any of the four houses. He could be in Hufflepuff (he’s loyal to his friends), Slytherin (he has the cunning for it)--or in Ravenclaw (he has the wits to match). However, he chooses Gryffindor because it’s the coolest house. While he does have the “daring and nerve” for the house, I feel like the Sorting Hat would’ve tried to put him in Slytherin--at which point Ace would refuse. Another reason is because Ace was the first person who actively questioned Riddle’s control. 
Deuce Spade - Another house I considered for Deuce was Hufflepuff--because of his loyalty to his friends and his devotion to his mother (the way he wants to make it up to her at the very least). I decided on Gryffindor at the end because I felt that--at his core, Deuce is a very brave guy because he’s always willing to stick up for his friends and take on their troubles too--especially during the Heartslabyul chapter when Deuce was willing to fight Riddle with Ace. 
Jack Howl - Another guy that I considered for Hufflepuff--especially considering that Jack wants to win justly. At the end, I felt like he suited Gryffindor more. I think this not because it just suits Jack’s image more, but also because he isn’t afraid to fight for what he believes in--he’ll dare fight Leona, Ruggie and most of Savannaclaw for it. We see this in the manga and in Leona’s SSR Dorm Uniform, when Jack is often that odd guy in Savannaclaw for sticking to his morals above all else. 
Epel Felmier - The Sorting Hat would have barely gotten a word in before Epel insists that he wants to be in Gryffindor. To Epel, Gryffindor is (also) the coolest house. He thinks if there’s a place where people would learn to respect him for his abilities versus his looks--then he thinks Gryffindor is the best place for him. Either way, I think the Sorting Hat would’ve been planning to put him in there anyways. 
Silver - The primary reason I put Silver in Gryffindor is because of his position as a Knight of Malleus and how seriously he takes this. I didn’t really consider any other house for Silver honestly. He doesn’t have the same level of loyalty as Sebek (I think), but he does uphold chivalry and all those knightly values. So in my eyes, that’s what made Silver suit Gryffindor the most. 
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“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, and unafraid of toil...” 
Trey Clover - I think this was a pretty obvious choice for Trey. He stood by Riddle’s side and didn’t question his tyranny because of his loyalty. He’s also genuinely kind.I can see him as a senior that people from across all houses would respect and seek out for help. I did consider Trey briefly for Slytherin, but honestly... You know how you don’t want to piss off the kind people? That’s Trey. It’s also super Hufflepuff off him. 
Ruggie Bucchi - You’re probably very confused by this. Don’t worry, I totally understand. I was originally going to put Ruggie in Slytherin, and mind you--I think Ruggie himself would be surprised to be in Hufflepuff--but the thing is... Ruggie just suits Hufflepuff more. He’s not exactly just--but remember in the beginning of Scarabia’s chapter, Ruggie brought home a lot of food to share with his fellow hyenas. He’s also shown incredible loyalty and belief in Leona. Lastly, he’s one of the most (if not the most) hardworking character. Acknowledging all that just made it a no brainer to put him in Hufflepuff. 
Kalim Al-Asim - Kalim could’ve gone to Gryffindor, and if he thought to ask the Sorting Hat--he might’ve been put there too. But honestly... the thing that you got to love about Kalim (aside from his general good cheer) is his intense loyalty to his friends--especially Jamil. Also, because Kalim is just honest--he has nothing to hide--which fits within the traits upheld by Hufflepuff. 
Jamil Viper - Jamil should’ve been sorted to Slytherin. I mean, he’s the snake. The thing is, he would stick like glue to Kalim’s side, and that’s how we find him in Hufflepuff. Though he does have all of Slytherin’s cunning--he actually shares quite a lot of the traits desired in Hufflepuff. Loyalty (to Kalim, though he’ll deny it) and hardworking. I suppose another house that might suit Jamil would be Ravenclaw. 
Sebek Zigvolt - Ironically for Sebek, the reason he’s parted from Malleus is because of his loyalty to Malleus. I’ve mentioned several time that we don’t see much of Sebek beyond his loyalty, and because this has become the most definitive thing we can see of his personality--Hufflepuff was the obvious choice. 
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“Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you’ve a ready mind,  Where those of wit and learning, will always find their kin...” 
Riddle Rosehearts - I chose Ravenclaw for Riddle--primarily because of his past. His mother ‘trained’ him into someone who saw and prioritised his academics. We also know him as an incredibly studious student. I can’t recall which card I read it on--but I know that he even lent his school notes to Deuce. Other than that, I considered Hufflepuff briefly because of his hardworking nature... but honestly I’m pretty sure Riddle would request to be in Ravenclaw. 
Vil Schoenheit - Vil was actually pretty easy to place. I chose Ravenclaw because Vil says in his third chat “ultimate beauty is said to also reside in intelligence.” I didn’t consider Slytherin because I felt that while Vil might have those Slytherin traits/qualities--he just prized the Ravenclaw ones (knowledge and creativity) as much more important. Vil would just be an insanely beautiful and smart student that people probably saw him as the second coming of Rowena Ravenclaw (who was known for both her beauty and intelligence). Imagine Vil wearing Ravenclaw’s diadem... oof I know what I’m drawing next.
Idia Shroud - Idia was someone difficult to place honestly. I’m still not sure if Ravenclaw is the best house for him... but the more I thought it, the more that, based on what we know about Idia so far--this would be the best house. He’s incredibly intelligent when it comes to technology--especially when we acknowledge that he did create Ortho by himself. Also because I do remember how when Ortho tried to get him outside, Idia chose to just create a program that would let him see the outside world instead. 
Malleus Draconia - For some reason, I don’t think Malleus suits Slytherin. Like he does have the traits for it--he’s certainly sly enough. He also probably has the pedigree/bloodline to be in Slytherin he’s also a reptile--but I think he suits Ravenclaw more. When it comes to Malleus, his power and abilities are always mentioned--especially how he’s the 5th Ranked Magician. To be a 5th Ranked Magician probably means possessing a lot of knowledge too so... He’s definitely Ravenclaw material. 
Lilia Vanrouge - My personal headcanon of Lilia in the Potterverse is that he’s likely gone to Hogwarts more than once. He’s likely been in each house at least once. So... his position in Ravenclaw is just because “he felt like it.” I will say that, Lilia of today--would be a Ravenclaw because of his wealth of knowledge. His initial house was probably Gryffindor because he was a knight, and I feel like he was probably even more enthusiastic/daring than he is today. 
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“Or perhaps in Slytherin you’ll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends...”
Cater Diamond - Honestly... It’s more like because you can’t tell what his true intentions are that made me sort him into Slytherin. Especially his Dorm SSR, where it’s sort of highlighted that he’s at his best when motivated by self-interest. He was also pretty manipulative with Deuce during the Beans Day Event!
Leona Kingscholar - Okay I chose Slytherin because of the whole “these cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends” which is pretty much obvious from Leona’s whole story in the Savannaclaw chapter. He isn’t afraid to use underhanded techniques. Leona could probably flourish in Ravenclaw too... and if the Sorting Hat tried to put Leona in Gryffindor--I think he’d adamantly refuse that because he wouldn’t want to share that with Farena. 
Azul Ashengrotto - I considered putting Azul in either Hufflepuff (because of how hardworking he is) and Ravenclaw (because of how knowledgeable he is)... but the thing is, it’s what he pushes himself to do and how he uses his knowledge that ultimately put him in Slytherin. He puts effort into his knowledge to scam people--that’s very Slytherin to me. Also, I think it’s pretty amusing that Slytherin is underwater just as Octavinelle is. 
Jade Leech - I definitely considered Ravenclaw (for being clever) for Jade--but much like Azul, its what he does with his knowledge that ultimately made me put him in Slytherin. Also, I think in his SR Entrance Ceremony--it’s actually heavily implied that he’s capable of manipulating both Azul and Floyd to further his own amusement it’s sexy so that’s why I think he’s a definite Slytherin. what can I do to slytherin his bed
Floyd Leech - Unlike Azul and his brother, I thought about putting Floyd in Gryffindor because he was daring--and he had that nerve to challenge others... however, the thing about Floyd is that... I think he’s not particularly brave. He’s just not scared. There’s a difference there, and that made me put him in Slytherin. Primarily because of his threatening aura, but also because he’s wilful. If he’s motivated to do something, he’ll get it done--and that’s his very Slytherin trait. 
Rook Hunt - Rook--I didn’t really spend a lot of time thinking about it. I think his love for possessing knowledge (his desire to understand others, and using ‘stalking’ to do so) can certainly have put him in Ravenclaw--but I think it’s because he resorts to ‘stalking’ to attain his knowledge that truly makes him Slytherin. 
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