#and if you're not fucking lying and believe in all this shit anyway stop fucking spreading misinformation
thestarseersystem · 6 months
I have something for endos.
thank you.
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samandcolbyownme · 11 months
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Summary: Anon request - "can you PLEASEE give us something super smutty, super kinky, halloween themed either both sam and colby or just colby. kinda like the halloween one you did for sam?"
Basically, this will be reader at a Halloween party and they decide to mess with an ouija board and Colby gets attached to reader, but doesn't reveal himself until reader is home.
Warnings: SMUT18+, Strong language, alcohol consumption, drunk actions, demon! Colby possesses reader, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (both), choking, hair pulling, scratching, filth
Word count: 4.7k | somewhat edited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
“Alright guys.” Ray says as he claps to get everyone’s attention, “Halloween game time.”
You walk into the living room, shocked at what you see, "No." You hold up your hand, pointing to the board lying in the middle of the circle, "No. fucking. Way."
The group groans, trying to convince you, "Come on, you really believe in that?" One says. Another chimes in, "It's all fake anyway."
You roll your eyes, "You have no idea what you're messing with. Plus, you all are fucking drunk."
"Come on." Your best friend, Amelia grabs your wrist as you stand up, "You don't have to touch it, but just stay with me.." she laughs slightly, "Moral support."
"You know this could get bad. Fast." You whisper as you lean in, “I am always saying how these things are a bad idea.”
“Can you please just stay.” She more or less demands, and you lean into her, squinting, "You're scared, aren’t you?”
She scoffs, "N-no.. u just.. can you just please?"
You sigh, "Fine. Fine. But I'm not touching that thing."
You sit there, watching as the guys across from you argue about how to get started.
"How do you- where's the instructions?"
You sigh, "You're supposed to cleanse the board first, and it would be better if you would stop-" you watch as someone spills alcohol on the board and you sigh, "Drinking."
"Lighten up, y/n." Sam says nudging you, "What? Are you afraid that we'll let all the dark spirits in?" He laughs, "Hell is empty tonight. So.." he leans over, "Can't summon something if it's already here, right?"
You rolled your eyes, you felt like the only sober one there.
"Alright, everyone, one finger on.. this thing." Ray says pointing to the pointer, "oh, and someone kill the lights."
You close your eyes one the lights flick off and everyone but you puts a finger on the pointer.
"Just do it."
You look at Amelia, "Did you say something?" She shakes her head, "No." you look over at Sam, "Did you say something?" He shakes his head, "No." a smirk grows on his face, "Hearing things already?"
You roll your eyes and sigh, "Fine. Fine." You lean forward, laying your pointer finger on the pointer, "Fuck me."
"Trust me.."
You close your eyes, shaking your head. You regret even being at this party.
You want to take your finger off the pointer but you physically can't.
It's like it's glued there.
"If there is any spirits here, we'd like to talk." Jace says with a slight laugh and you tilt your head as you stare at him.
"Jace, you have to ask nicely. They need to feel safe." You say looking up at him, "We welcome the friendly, positive spirits to talk to us."
The pointer starts to move, "Oh shit." Sam looks up, "Yo, who's doing that?" Sam laughs slightly, "That's not funny."
Everyone denies.
It moves to H then slides over to the I.
"Hi?" You all say in unison, "Hello."
You look at Amelia, "Ask it something." She goes wide eyed, "Are you fucking nuts?"
You sigh, "Fine. I'll do it. What is your name?"
The pointer starts moving, going to C.
Then O.
Then L.
Then E.
"Cole? Is your name Cole?" You ask and it slides to YES.
"Are you a demon?" Jace asks and you all look at him. You shake your head, "You don't-"
The pointer slides to MAYBE, making everyone shut up.
You try to take your finger off but it still feels stuck, and you hear a quiet whisper, "Stay."
"You can't just ask shit like that, Jace." Ray says, "Are you stupid!?"
"What? Are you scared?" Jace says with a laugh, "You said you don't believe in this shit."
The pointer moves, sliding to the letters A, S, K.
“This isn’t supposed to move on its own… right?” Amelia asks quietly as she looks over at you. You shrug and look over at Sam.
"Ask?" Sam whispers, "How many of you are there?"
The pointer moves to 1.
"So it has to be just one." Amelia looks at you and back to the board, "Are you Cole?"
“That was already asked.” Jace says with an eye roll, but the pointer slides to YES, anyway.
"What are you doing here?" Sam asks and before you can correct his question, the pointer moves to each letter that spells out your name.
"Fuck no. No!" You yank your hand away, "Who did that?" You look around and they all shrug, "I'm serious. Who fucking did that?" Your voice is in a high pitch and you sigh, "I’m done."
You stand up but you get dizzy and stumble backwards. Amelia and Sam stand up, holding onto you.
"Whoa, you alright?" Sam looks down at you, concern on his face, "y/n."
"I’m not gonna hurt you."
You shake your head slightly, "Yeah." You stand up straight, "I'm fine." You smooth out your costume and walk to the bathroom, Amelia on your tail, "What happened?"
You stop, whipping around, "What do you mean what happened? Those idiot fucks moved it to scare me because I didn't want to do it."
"Then why did you?" She holds her hands out and shrugs.
"I felt like I had to." You look at her, "Like something was telling me to."
She walks up to you, laughing slightly, "that's called peer pressure, y/n."
"It wasn't.." you sigh, knowing you're just wasting your breath, "Yeah.. you're probably right." You look up as she walks into the bathroom and you see a shadow standing at the end of the hall.
"Jace? Ray? Sam? Come on guys this isn't funny." You slowly walk towards the shadow, preparing yourself for one of them to lunge at you with a 'boo'.
"You okay?" Sam peaks his head around the corner from in the living room and you look at him. Your eyes move back to where the shadow was, and it's gone.
"Yeah, I'm just seeing shit now." You sigh, "I thought you'd never fuck with an ouija board, Sam."
He shrugs, "Peer pressure."
"That's what I said!" Amelia says in a sing song tone as she walks back into the living room. Sam looks you up and down, "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Yeah, that'll do that to you when your name is spelled on one of those things." You laugh slightly, "I just don't-"
"Listen." Sam walks up to you, "It was probably just Jace or Ray playing a stupid prank. I'm sure it wasn't anything. They didn't even do it right."
You shrug, "If I go missing, I'm blaming them."
Sam laughs and looks back the group in the living room, "Come on, I'll drive you home."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It kept replaying in your head. The pointer moving to each letter. The shocked and scared expressions from everyone.
They couldn't fake the genuine shock, especially with majority of them being drunk.
"Do you think it was real?" You ask looking over at Sam in the drivers seat. He shrugs and rests his elbow on the center console, "I mean, maybe.. but like I said, they didn't do it right. So if anything were to happen, it'll probably be to them."
He laughs and you sigh, "I'm serious Sam. When I was going to the bathroom, I swear I saw something in the hallway, just standing there."
"I'm sure it was just that stupid fake tree that Leah got Jace to buy. I'm sure it was nothing but your imagination feeding off your fear."
You nod, "Yeah, you're probably right." You laugh at yourself, "I'm such a scaredy cat on Halloween."
He looks over at you as he pulls into the driveway, "Yeah. You're telling me." He rolls his eyes playfully and laughs.
You look at the door to your house, "Do you wanna come hang out for a little bit, just until I'm not scared?"
He turns the car off, "Yeah, I can."
You make your way inside and as you open the door, you see the same shadow you saw in the hallway of Jace's apartment standing over by the door to your kitchen.
You quickly flip the lights on and it's gone.
"That shadow was there again." You point and Sam moves in between you and the door, "Stay here." He goes to check it out, coming back out a few minutes later, "No one is here."
You shut the door and sigh, "I knew that was a bad idea. I should have next touched that thing."
"You know, I heard stories or people burning them or throwing them out and they reappear in the spot they were in last." Sam walks to the couch, plopping down and you just glare at him, "Not helping."
"You don't have one of those here do you?" Sam looks back to you and you shake your head, "Hell fucking no."
"Then you should be good." Sam laughs and turns back to the tv.
"I'm going to go for a shower. I'll be back down." You make your way up stairs, undoing the corset on your costume and taking a deep breath.
You move around the room, looking over your shoulder when you feel like someone is watching you, "Sam?" You call out as you walk out into the hallway.
"Still on the couch." He yells back and you laugh slightly, "Alright."
You walk back into your room and close your door as you finish getting undressed when you suddenly feel frozen.
You can't move.
You move your eyes around, trying not to freak out.
"Relax, babe."
"Mm." You whimper as your lips are pressed shut. You feel a hand drag up your back, "I'm not going to hurt you."
A man walks around your left side, stopping when he gets infront of you.
You couldn't lie, he was hot, but you were more worried on how he got into your house. Past Sam on the couch.
"If I let you go, will you stay quiet?" The man asks as he brushes your cheek.
You try to nod, but you can't, "Mhm."
You feel your body relax and you sigh, "How the fu-"
"Lower.. your voice." He walks around and presses his chest against your back, "Don't you want to know who I am?"
"N-no." You hesitate because you were intrigued by him, but you also didn't want to die.
"You won't die, baby."
You look over your shoulder at him confused. He chuckles, "I can read your mind, so that means I also know that you find me intriguing, but you're still scared."
"Who are you?"
"My name is Cole, but I go by Colby. Or-" he laughs, "did. I did go by Colby before.. ya know."
Your eyes go wide, "So that was real?"
"What the ouija board?" He nods, "Oh yeah, that was all me."
"You spelled out my name. Why?" You turn to face him, "Why me?"
"Because I like you. Your energy intrigues me as well." He runs his fingers along the open seams of your costumes, "Why don't you pick up where you left off, yeah?"
You bite your lip, multiple things going through your head.
He sighs, "Alright. I'll answer those questions because you're giving me a headache." He chuckles and steps back, "My name is Colby, or Cole. I am in fact a demon, and I died when I was twenty four, but that conversation is for another time."
You blink, trying to comprehend what he just said.
"And yes. That was me controlling you, I can honestly make you do anything I want you to, but if you're a good girl and do as I say, I won't have to." He winks and walks over to the bed, plopping down onto his side.
"How.. I mean.." you pinch the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes. You sigh and look up at him, "I thought demons had horns and black eyes or other creepy features.."
Colby chuckles, "I have horns, yes. But like what I said about making you do things, i can make you see things, too."
As you stare at him, his image flashes in your mind and you see him with horns and his blue eyes are black. You blink and look back at him and he's normal looking.
"Crazy right?" He sighs and heaves himself forward to sit up, "I can walk amongst the living, just like this and I can even control more than one person.. if I wanted to."
"Why are you here?" You cross your arms, feeling a chill run down your spine as he walks up to you. He looks into your eyes and they flash quickly from blue to black, "Because you want me here."
"I don't remember ordering a demon off Uber Eats." You snap and he laughs, "You're funny and pretty? Jackpot."
He walks around you, his hand sending a tingle through your shoulder as he touches it, "The devil himself would love you. You know why?"
"Why?" You slowly turn your head to meet his gaze and he smirks, "Because you portray yourself as an angel, but really you're just as nasty as me."
Your heart beat picks up pace and it makes Colby smirk, "You don't have to be nervous, darling." He tucks hair behind your ear and sighs, "I won't hurt you. Not unless you want me to."
He winks and you feel a warmth spreading over your body.
"What do you want from me?" You chew on your inner cheek and he stares into your eyes, "What I want from you right now, is for these clothes to come off."
Your hands move to finish taking off your costume, leaving yourself naked infront of him.
"You're such a treasure." He licks his lips and steps towards you, "Tell me what you want me to do."
"I-I don't-"
Colby cuts you off, "I can read your thoughts, baby. But that's not enough for me. I need to hear you say it."
You clench your jaw, trying to keep the thoughts out, but you couldn't. They were strong and you didn't know where they were coming from.
"Are you putting these thoughts into my head?" You look up at him and he shakes his head, "I am not. That's all you, baby."
You're shocked. Shocked because you're so turned on by him when you really should be petrified.
"There's no reason to be afraid of me, baby. The only people I hurt is people that deserve it, and you my dear, are far from deserving of that." He smiles, "I'm here to serve you, if you will."
"Serve me?" You swallow, "What do-"
He cuts you off with his lips on yours and you immediately become his. You can't explain it, but it feels like you belong to him.
His hands move into your hips, warming the skin as he squeezes, "Fuck." He leans back and shakes his head, "Tell me you need me."
"I need you." You whimper out quietly.
He tilts his head, "do you?"
You nod, "Yes." You felt like it was him making you say that, but he assures you it's not.
You pull him back into you, kissing his lips only to pull away when there's a knock on your door, "Y/n? You good?" Sam jiggles the door knob, but you don't remember locking the door.
"I locked it." Colby makes you look at him and his eyes flash black, causing you to stare into them as he speaks, "Tell him you're going to bed."
"I'm going to bed."
"Oh... alright. Well I'm just going to crash on your couch if that's okay." Sam says from in the hallway.
You look over at Colby and he nods.
"Yeah, no that's fine, Sam." You bite your lip, "Goodnight."
"Yeah.. night.." he walks away mumbling to himself and Colby appears in front of you, "Now let me show you something cool."
He stares at you and you feel a pleasure sensation slowly consume you. You furrow your brows, taking a deep breath as you try not to moan.
"Let it out baby, don't fight it." Colby whispers and you moan almost instantly.
Colby smirks, waking around your body, "I can make you feel things without even touching you." You tilt your head back, eyes fluttering close as you feel the feeling you get right before you're about to cum.
And then it stops.
You whimper, sad the feeling is gone.
"Don't worry baby. We have all night. Well." He looks at the clock on your wall and shrugs, "At least until midnight, so we better get to it yeah?"
You look at the clock that reads eleven twelve, "why midnight?"
"We can leave hell empty all night, baby. But let's not worry about that right now." He pulls you to him, lifting you up and your legs wrap around his waist.
He walks you over to the bed, "Spread your legs for me, I haven't tasted pussy in years." He kisses down your body and you bite your lip as gets closer to your clit.
You arch your back, moaning out as his tongue drags up between your folds, "Fuck." You look down at him and his eyes flash black, his voice ringing in your ears as his tongue laps at your pussy, "Don't cum until I tell you to cum."
You nod, closing your eyes as you lay your head back, whimpering out his name.
His voice rings in your ears again, "Say my name, baby."
"Colby.. fuck, yes, Colby." You arch your back, moaning out as your hand slides to his hair, pulling slightly which earns a moan from him.
You look back down at him, biting your lip as you lock eyes with him.
You freeze when you feel the feeling of two fingers slip into you, but his hands are still on your hips, digging his nails into your skin.
Your eyes roll back and you let out a loud groan, "Oh my god."
Colby pulls away, "God's not here baby. You're dancing with the devil tonight."
His words make your lips part and the feeling of being finger fucked heightens. Colby watches you as he controls how you feel.
Your legs start to shake as you approach orgasm, but Colby is holding you back from it, "a little longer baby. Can you do that for me?"
You nod quickly, gasping as his hand moves to rub circles onto your clit, "Tell me."
"I-I can.. I can.. I can.." You needed to cum, and you needed to cum bad, "Please? Please Colby."
"Please Colby what, baby?" He watches as you look up at him, "please let me cum."
He smirks and sighs, "Since you asked nicely." He bites his lip, tilting his head as he pulls his hand away, "Cum."
Your body explodes with pleasure. Your thighs press together and you're pulling the sheets off of the mattresses.
The best orgasm you've ever had.
"I take pride in that, baby. Thank you." He leans down, kissing your lips as you breathe heavy, "I'm only here to give you the absolute best pleasure you'll ever get."
You smirk up at him, in awe of his power, "Don't ever leave."
He chuckles and stands back up, "I wish, but if you only knew what it's like down there. Devil runs a strict schedule."
You can't help but laugh and his face goes serious, "I'm not kidding."
Your smile disappears and he can't help but laugh, "Nah, I'm just playing. But I will be back. I can tell you that right now." He slips his shirt off and starts to undo the belt on his jeans, "you won't ever get rid of me."
And you were weirdly okay with that.
You bit your lip as you watch the demon before you undress and walk over to you.
"On your knees, baby."
Your body moves from the bed and drops to the floor, "Not fair."
"Never said I was." He grips your chin and forces you to look up at him, "You can always tell me to stop. But I know you don't want me to."
"No." You whisper and he tilts his head, "No what, baby?"
"Don't stop."
He chuckles, "That's what I thought." He takes his hand away and you part your lips, waiting for the head of his cock to enter.
He lets out a low, deep moan as you work your head down onto his cock, bobbing it and hallowing out your cheeks.
"Fuck, you're better than i ever imagined." He lays a hand on the back of your head and you feel that finger fuck feeling again. You moan around his cock and close your eyes.
"Eyes on me, baby."
You look up at him, whimpering as you feel the pleasure work its ways up your body, legs shaking below you.
"Such a beautiful sight." Colby groans, "fuck, yeah. Keep going." His fingers wrap around your hair, pulling tight as he pushes your head down more.
You gag around him and he pulls your head off, eyes flashing black, "Stand up."
The pleasure stops completely as you rise to your feet, obeying his order.
"Get on your hands and knees." He nods towards the bed and you comply, walking over to the bed and bending over for him.
He walks up behind you, bringing his hand up to let it fall with a quick smack to your one asscheek. You wince, biting your lip, "Do it again."
Colby chuckles, "Since when did you become the one in charge?"
You clench your jaw and look back at him and his eyes flash black, "You won't be able to cum until I say you can." He winks, flashing you a smirk before pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, "How's that?"
You roll your eyes and he gasps, "Are we catching an attitude? Last time I checked.." He reaches up and grabs your hair, pulling your head back and looking down at you, "You weren't the demon in this situation, now, not another word until I tell you."
You bite down on your lip, whimper as you feel his fingers slide up and down your slit, "You're soaked, darling, I wanna hear all those pretty sounds."
He rubs the head of his cock along your folds, slowly pushes past them, "Fuck." You rest your head down on the bed, moaning out loudly.
"That's it." Colby groans as he pushes his hips against your ass. His hands squeeze your hips, pulling you back and holding you on him, listening to each moan and whimper that slips through your lips.
"Let's hear em, babe." He slowly pulls his cock out and thrusts back in, hard. You gasp, moaning loudly he keeps a slow and hard pace, "You sound so pretty."
You grip the sheets, pulling as you try and push back, but you're frozen again, all you can do is moan, hoping he lets you speak.
"You wanna speak, baby?" He taunts, "you wanna tell me how good my cock feels?"
You whimper in response, clenching around his cock and he sigh, "Alright baby. Tell me how good you feel."
"So fucking good." You scream out, "please.." you whimper, "Please don't stop."
"I won't, darling, but you have me so close already." He brings a hand down, slapping the skin of your asscheek, "You are fucking.." he groans and squeezes your ass, railing into you.
"Hands behind your back and keep them there."
Your hands move, laying on your lower back like they're tied together, a moaning, unraveling mess under his control.
And you loved it.
"I knew you couldn't turn me away." Colby moans out, laying a hand over your wrists and holding them, using them to pull you back into his thrusts, "Do you want to be choked?"
"Yes, but I want you to touch me." You squeeze your eyes shut and lift your head slightly as you feel his hand slide up your body and around to the front of your neck.
He pulls you up so you're on your knees, "No one has ever had this much power over me." He whispers in your ear, "No one."
You smirk slightly at both his words and his hand squeezing your neck.
"Such a dirty girl, I know exactly where you're going when it's your time." He thrusts into you, his thrusts quickly getting sloppy, "And I'll be waiting for you."
You moan and tilt your head back, resting it on his shoulder, "Colby." You whimper out, "P-please."
He smirks, "Words, baby. I need you to use your words."
"Let me cum.." you moan out, "P-pl-" he squeezes your neck tighter, cutting off your words. He runs his nose up and down your cheek, "If you cum, that means you're mine. No one else's."
A squeak slips from your throat, "Y-yes."
"I mean it." He bites down on your ear lobe, "I know you have a crush on Sam.." you bite down on your lip and he sighs, "But I guess he can suffice when I'm not able to come to you right away."
Your eyes go wide and Colby chuckles, "I'm just kidding. He touches you and I'll snap his fucking neck."
You can't help but moan as you clench around him, “No one but you.” You whisper out, “P-please Colby.”
“Do you mean it?” His thrusts are slow, as he’s trying not to cum himself, “Be honest with me baby.”
Instantly, “Yes, yes, only you. Only you.”
He glances at the wall and tsks his tongue, “Gotta go soon baby. Lay on your back for me.”
You roll over after he pulls out and he immediately slides back into you, a moan pulled from your lips. Colby brushes hair from your face, staring down at you as you look up at him.
You see his natural look flash and a smile grows on his face, “It’s the horns right?”
You bite your lip and nod and he chuckles, “Yeah. Maybe next time I’ll wear em for ya.” He winks and begins to thrusts again, biting down on his lower lip as he watches your face scrunch up.
“C-Colby, please.” Your legs wrap around his waist and your nails drag up his back, forming red lines, “Fuck.”
He says nothing as he watches you beg for him.
You let out a whine, laying a hand on his cheek, “Please.”
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours before leaning just an inch away, “Cum.”
Your back arches up, a pornographic moan ripping from your lips as your orgasm tears its way through your body.
Colby moans with you, as he fills you with his cum, “that’s it baby. Let it all out.” He watches you twist and turn, trying to get yourself under control, but you quickly realize that you’ll never be in control with Colby.
“Alright, relax, darling.”
You rest into the bed as your chest rises and falls quickly as the dizziness fills your head.
“I’ll be seeing you soon, baby. Don’t go too far.” Colby chuckles and when you open your eyes, you’re alone.
You sit up, pulling a blanket around yourself as you frown at the clock on the wall that reads midnight.
You shake your head, wondering if this actually happened or if it was all just an alcohol induced dream, but the quick settling pain in your legs as you stand up, makes it known to you that it’s definitely a reality and not a dream.
You look in the mirror, laughing slightly as you find yourself missing Colby.
You swore you’d never touch a Oujia board, but now, you’re kinda, in a very weird way, happy you did.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
This is kinda short in my opinion, so sorry about that! But I have ideas for a part 2 on this! I have many many requests that I’m going to try and power through, so part 2’s will be on hold for right now!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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skatingbi · 11 months
So hear me out on my headcanon guys:
Sanji with heterochromia (i cant spell that fuckin word man..) where one eye is blue and another is brown. He always hides the blue eye.
The first one to notice is Zoro, who is immediantly like "holy shit youre eyes are pretty" and sanji is like "what the FUCK"
Actually fuck it im gonna write about this nobody can stop me.
Sometimes, on lonley nights in the gallery, when Sanji is busy prepping, he looks in the reflection of his knife. Underneath the frizzy mess of a fringe that is part of his hair reveals the blue eye he struggles looking at. He stares, scrutinizing that light blue in the gleam of his knife gripped tightly in his hand. He looks away to force his attention back on prep work. His hands are always slightly unsteady after those moments. He always ends up with a cut on his hand one way or another on those nights.
When Sanji was a kid, his brothers would use his heterochromia as a weapon against him. He was the freak with two colored eyes. They would say his blue eye was creepy, too. Not only was he weak but also too different to be called their brother.
When you're a kid, you take these insults to heart. Eventually, when you're barely into adulthood, they'll still plague you. They become a part of you, just like how Zeff's teachings became a part of Sanji.
Judge looked at his eyes with disgust masked by indifference. It was another reason for Sanji to assume why he was the failure. The outcast. The runt of the litter.
His mother had blue eyes. She always claimed Sanji got his blue eye from her because her father had heterochromia, too. That was the only time little Sanji felt normal. When she died, Sanji started to grow out his hair to hide the only thing he had left of her: her eyes.
Now, Sanji still hides her eyes from view. Realistically, Sanji is fully aware that none of the crew would give a rats ass what he looked like. Regardless, old habits die hard. He feels safe under the mask he made for himself. As he goes about preparing lunch, perhaps grilled sea king again with how luffy is always eager to fight those things, he lets his mind wander to his eyes more. While hands expertly move through his knife like an extension of his body, he thinks about the mess of blond hair that's always in the way. He'd never admit it out loud, but his hair actually bothers him. Since it started growing out, it gets everywhere; his mouth, in his eyes, and tangled in the buttons of his shirt. Is sanji happy with his longer hair? Absolutely. It's a nusiance to leave it down constantly, though.
As he's thinking this, he's blowing the fringe of hair covering his face out of the way every so often so it stops tickling his nose. He continues to evenly slice through a portion of sea king meat until somebody, Nami he realizes immediantly, speaks up.
"Do you need a hair tie, sanji?" Nami asks sweetly. Her smile is radiant, as always, while she looks up from the map shes been studying. Sanji didnt even realize Nami came in and made the kitchen table into a study until now, but he doesnt dwell on it. Nami is welcome in his kitchen, after all.
"Oh no, thank you, Nami-swan! I think I just need a haircut soon," Sanji lies as he's moving through the kitchen. He gives Nami a quick smile before turning back to the meat on the cutting board and avoids Nami's gaze under the disguise of being busy. His lie wasn't as believable as he wanted it to be, especially when he's stumbling over his words while he is usually eloquent with them towards Nami and Robin.
"But until then, you should take one! I probably have hundreds lying around my room anyways," She says. It's a peace offering designed to be in Sanji's language of communication. It secretly says he's getting that hairtie whether he wants it or not, and Sanji is weak enough to accept the offering. He takes the hair tie with a grateful smile, wrapping it around his wrist and going back to his current task. Nami and Sanji work in comfortable silence after that, but the hair tie weighs on his wrist like a weighted bracelet.
A few days pass by. Through every single one, he stares at the hair tie in the morning. He really should tie his hair back. It reaches his shoulders for gods sake, and it keeps getting in his mouth - but that small part of him that clings onto grief like its all that he knows refuses to. He doesn't think he can bring himself to share the only part of himself that he truly loves deep down. What if the crew really thinks it's weird? What if his brothers are right?
These what if's roam in the back of his mind. They lurk just beneath the surface like an unknown predator hidden in murky water. He ignores it along with the anxiety that crawls up his throat every time he looks at his wrist.
Then, a week passes by. Now he's in his kitchen making a simple breakfast for his nakama. Franky, in particular, will enjoy this since his tastes lie within American style food most of the time. He focuses on seasoning the eggs, some of them cooked differently to cater to everyone's tastes. While he goes through the familiar and therapeutic motions of cooking, the door opens to reveal an annoying head of mossy hair and the steady noise of three swords bumping each other at the hip.
" Oi, go to sleep in your own bunk. I dont need you stinkin' up my kitchen while im trying to work." He utters without looking up from the stove.
"Why can't I just sleep here shit cook?" Zoro grunts. Sanji hears him shuffle around on the gallery's couch behind him. He's probably lying down, or maybe he'll sleep sitting up again, or maybe he'll watch Sanji cook. That's the most irritating one, which usually ends up with them fighting out on the deck one way or another.
"Because youre fuckin' annoying, get out."
"The hell I am, I'm taking a nap here."
"Oh my - You know what?" Sanji whips around to glare at Zoro, making sure the knife he was using is now in his hand to point at the source of his ire, "Fine, but if I hear a single snore out of you I'm kicking you into the ocean!" He threatens and turns around to finish up with breakfast. By now, all he has left is pancakes. The batter was prepped earlier, so now it's just focusing on pouring evenly. It's task that's menial but still important to him regardless.
His hair is covering his face too much. He tries to shake his head to flip it to the side. It falls back to where it was before he can pick the bowl of batter back up. He brushes it over his shoulder, and it simply flows back over it. He blows his hair out of the way, a classic move, but not even that works and he's slamming the bowl down on the counter before he can even stop himself and walks away from his work to grab the hairtie from around his wrist. In a few fluid motions, he ties his hair back haphazardly into a poor attempt at a low bun, but it's out of his face, and now he can focus.
He's too deep in concentration to even remember that he has heterochromia in the first place. Cooking lowers his guard unlike anything else in the world. The gallery acts like a safe space and cooking is his comfort. He still forgets, too, while calling for Zoro to get his lazy ass up to help since he's decided to loiter in his kitchen.
"Hey moss, if you're gonna laze around my kitchen, set the table for me." His request demand is met with a middle finger, which Sanji gladly returns as he walks over to the couch to kick Zoro on the stomach. The half asleep annoyance is now suddenly alert and glares at Sanji for a moment before it's quickly replaced with a look Sanji has yet to add to his mental notes he likes to call "Marimo Dictionary". Zoro's eyebrows are slightly raised, and his eyes glitter with something Sanji rarely sees. He's never been able to place a name on that look. Now he's confused. "What? Dont give me that youre tired crap youre not fuckin 10." He says.
Zoro is still looking at him, though, and now Sanji looks back with confusion because what the fuck is he-
Oh. His eyes.
Sanji rips the hairtie out of his hair at light speed, probably pulling a few strands out by accident in the process but he could honestly care less when theres something more important. Like whatever the fuck just happened.
Before he can turn away and go set the table himself to distance himself from the marimo, Zoro's hand moves suddenly to grab his wrist, stopping him from running away.
"Wait, wait, hold on," Zoro pleads. And what the fuck. Zoro has never said anything like that and its fucking with Sanji's head because what the fuck. "You...uh." He continues in his signature graceless way. "Your eyes..." He pauses after that, sitting up and looking at Sanji, but not just looking, he's looking.
"Marimo," Sanji's own voice is riddled with anxiety with how shaky it is now. "Let me go dumbass," He demands but it could have been mistaken for him begging with how much he's struggling to keep himself together.
He's anticipating the worst. He knows what he's expecting. Sanji has experienced it countless times before, and he's aware he will again right now while a pancake is probably burning on the pan for all he knows.
It doesnt.
Zoro is looking at him still, maintaining eye contact but also darting between both eyes. He's looking at him like those golden eyes are looking into his soul and its too much.
It's too much because Zoro's response is uncharacteristically soft in so many ways. Zoro speaks to him like he's speaking with reverence, "Your eyes are beautiful."
Sanji shatters on the gallery floor there. His soul is bare for Zoro to see suddenly and that terrifies Sanji. Nobody has ever told him he's beautiful. Especially his eyes. He yanks his wrist from Zoro's grasp and speed walks to the stove to turn it off and remove the burnt pancake from the pan. He doesnt respond. He cant, not when his heart flutters when it should have been anchored down by rejection.
Then, Sanji walks up to Zoro, grabs onto both his shoulders, pushes him out the gallery door with surprisingly little resistance, and slams it shut. He leans against the door, sliding down until he's sitting on the floor with his head tucked between his knees. His face is burning and his face is probably red like a tomato right now. He stares at the ground with wide eyes and a weirdly giddy feeling in his chest and stomach nearly akin to happiness but also dangerously close to feeling freaked the hell out.
"What the fuck."
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mcflymemes · 2 years
PROMPTS FOR ANGSTY CONVERSATIONS *  a collection of things you never want to hear
you never told me that. i can't believe you never told me.
what difference does it make?
no, no, no, don't leave me! please!
i failed you. is that what you want me to say?
was it all a lie? all this time?
so... when do you leave? what time? so i can be ready.
why did it take you so long to tell me? how long have you been holding this in?
i was wrong.
is this it? is this all there is?
at least give me one last dance.
all the exits are blocked. we're trapped.
there's too much blood.
you're the worst person i've ever met.
you're just as broken as i am.
i really thought we could work things out.
so stupid of me to think you actually cared.
you're just going to carry on and pretend like everything's fine when it's not fine.
go on without me. i can handle this.
don't tell me i'm too late.
i told you to leave me alone.
there's no use in trying anymore. it's over.
i should have known. i should have known all along.
i need you to be honest with me. tell me the truth. i deserve the truth.
you failed me.
i wish i never met you.
it's over. go home.
i feel something broken inside me. you can't fix it. no one can.
just take some deep breaths. in and out. you're gonna be fine.
you used to be better than this.
there's no way out.
what the hell was that for?
if you stay here, you'll die. do you understand?
how dare you speak to me like that!
am i too late?
you have to believe me. i didn't mean for this to happen.
i used to think you were perfect. i guess i was wrong.
so this is how it ends? just like that?
we're running out of time.
when were you going to tell me the truth?
how long has it been since we spoke? feels like years.
when did this start? how long has this been going on?
you never really loved me. it was all fake.
who was that? why were they here? why did you let them in?
i came as fast as i could.
what the hell did you think would happen?
can i even trust you?
i don't know who i am anymore.
i can't lose you again.
you are my biggest regret.
what good will it do?
just keep pressure on the wound, okay?
how could you do this to me?
i said get out! get out of here!
i'm never speaking to you again.
i tried to stop it!
you're so fucking stupid.
it's never been okay.
good riddance.
get out of here! i'll handle this!
i can't believe you. i can't believe you did this to me.
you were a good person once. i looked up to you.
i never should have listened to you. i'm such a fool.
don't lie to me! i know when you're lying!
why the hell did you do that?
i've never been wanted. not really. not by anyone.
i never loved you.
i've been dealing with this my whole life.
it was all a lie.
you forgot my birthday.
i'm a monster.
you actually believed that shit?
you think i would just stick around and let you treat me like that?
are you actually leaving?
can i kiss you one last time?
i can't believe i gave up my life for you. i gave up everything for you.
i can't lose you, too!
for what it's worth, there's no one i would rather fight alongside.
hang on for me, all right? don't leave me. please don't go.
i deserve better than this. i deserve better than you.
good! get out of here! i didn't want you here anyway!
i made it up as i went along.
things are going to get worse before they get better.
i don't think we're getting out of this alive.
we're not gonna make it.
get the fuck out of my face.
i don't think i'm meant to be loved.
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maxinemaxmayfield · 7 months
STWG Daily Drabble prompt: air mattress
642 words • pre-relationship steddie • gen
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Steve can’t believe he’s ended up here.
He stares up into the near-black darkness shrouding the room and tries not to think about the shoulder pressed against his own.
It’s just Eddie, he tells himself. Just a guy, who’s my kinda-friend.
Kinda-friend is the best way he can describe what this is, this slightly tense relationship between them and the fact they’ve only been pushed closer by Dustin and the kids and everything that happened in the Upside Down.
It’s Steve’s fault things are tense. Dustin rolls his eyes and tells him to get over his childish high school rivalry, but that isn’t it. That isn’t it at all.
It’s the way Steve’s heart pounds when Eddie leans in too close. The way he wants to live in the smell that wafts from Eddie’s curls, cheap shampoo and pot and tobacco. The way he gets fucking butterflies when Eddie holds out his hand to offer Steve a hit of his joint.
So he keeps himself distant. Makes space between them. Declines the pot, even though he knows it makes his near-constant headaches almost manageable.
Until tonight, when the sleeping arrangements at the Wheelers’ mean Steve and Eddie lying side-by-side on an old air mattress in the basement. He tried to insist on sleeping somewhere else – anywhere else – but the look in Eddie’s eyes stopped him. Hurt. Disappointment. Resignation.
Steve couldn’t be the cause of that. So he had changed course, asked Eddie if he was sure there was space for the both of them, and flopped onto the flocked plastic.
But even though Eddie is softly snoring away, Steve is still wide awake, feeling the mattress sink slowly towards the floor. There must be a leak somewhere. He’s trying to cling to the edge, even has his legs halfway off the mattress, heels pressing into the threadbare rug in the freezing cold air of the night. But the dip in the middle continues to grow, Eddie rolling right into the center of the thing.
Steve squeezes his eyes closed and hopes his sheer will is enough to overpower gravity itself.
~ ~ ~
The next time Steve opens his eyes, the room is much brighter. He doesn’t know what woke him at first, but then he hears it.
“Ahem,” Dustin clears his throat.
Steve turns his head and feels something fall away, tickling his cheek. The kids are standing over the air mattress, eyebrows raised. Max smirks, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Fuck d’you want?” Steve grunts, voice thick with disuse.
They don’t say a word, just glance at each other, then Steve and the space beside him. Like it’s rehearsed.
It’s only then that Steve realizes he’s warm, really warm. Warm because there are limbs wrapped around him, radiating body heat under the blankets. There’s also a fast asleep Eddie drooling on Steve’s shoulder, so close Steve can feel the flutter of eyelashes against his jaw.
The butterflies in his stomach mimic them.
“Go make us some fucking coffee, you pervs,” Steve snarks, pulling an arm from Eddie’s koala-like grasp to flip them off. When they don’t move, he continues. “Or else I’m never driving any of you anywhere again!”
It’s an empty threat and they all know it, but it sends them scattering anyway.
Eddie stirs next to him, roused by the commotion. He squeaks, and rolls away from Steve with such force he sends himself over the edge of the severely deflated mattress.
“Shit, oh my god, sorry. Fuck. Sorry!” Eddie yelps, cheeks reddening.
Steve laughs, rolling over to help Eddie back onto the mattress. “You're fine, man. Mattress deflated during the night. And hey, at least we kept each other warm.” He sends a wink in Eddie’s direction, and his face turns an even deeper shade of pink.
Maybe Steve doesn’t need to keep quite so much space between them.
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ramblebramblefun · 2 months
"Okay," Kacchan drawls. "And we care about what shitty extras have to say, because?"
Izuku laughs. That's such a- such a Kacchan thing to say, and so's the raised eyebrow and the whole look he's giving Izuku now, a real Kacchan sort of expression and fuck, Izuku might be a little in love with him.
Once Izuku's starts laughing, he can't stop. Kacchan gives him a poke in the arm, hard, when hysteria works its way into the sound.
"Oi." Kacchan says, like he's annoyed when he's actually not.
A lot of people, particularly the press, are very bad at telling the difference, which is how Izuku wound up on this roof in the first place, seething on Kacchan's behalf and plotting social media revenge.
Izuku's been getting good at that, lately. At least one particularly egregious reporter now lives in fear of Deku's enormous fanbase. As he should!
Izuku's kinda scared of them, too.
He refuses to feel bad about it though. Who the hell talks about girls like that, anyway?! Hopefully Momo feels better soon, now that that article and also that guy's entire career have been torn to shreds.
Mob mentality is a hell of a thing.
Izuku probably needs to work on his subtlety. He doesn't need to galvanise the entire internet every time, just enough of it to get the job done. He thinks he got the balance right this time, though. He hit post just as Kacchan came to check on him and also confiscate Izuku's phone, so he won't know for sure until Kacchan deigns to give it back.
"Oi." Kacchan says, again, and, oh, he's waving one of his very dangerous hands in front of Izuku's face.
Izuku grins sheepishly.
Kacchan gives him a really good side-eye.
Izuku struggles to maintain his not-at-all suspicious facial expression. Kacchan looks resigned.
"Fuckin' nerd," he mumbles, mostly to himself.
Then he grabs Izuku's hand and starts dragging him back inside the building, where there will hopefully be witnesses to Izuku's impending demise, and also lunch, because now that he thinks about it he's really hungry and he doesn't want to die on an empty stomach and wow, Kacchan's hand is warm, and sweaty, but that's just how Kacchan's hands are, and Izuku is going to combust and-
"You're an idiot," Kacchan says, throwing Izuku's phone at Ochako, who is lying in wait for some reason.
"Check what he did and don't tell me about it." Kacchan calls back over his shoulder.
Ochako salutes at their retreating backs, already unlocking Izuku's phone.
Izuku is going to get so much shit for that later.
And Kacchan is still holding Izuku's hand, pulling him down all the stairs instead of taking the elevator, past a great many curious eyes because everyone has decided to stand outside their doors and gawk today for some reason but Kacchan doesn't let go and Izuku is going to die.
After lunch!
Izuku will die after lunch, which is "leftovers" from Kacchan's lunch, which Kacchan stands and watches him eat, like he thinks Izuku is going to go somewhere and do something nefarious if he turns his back.
To be fair, Izuku has done that.
A lot.
Izuku is not nearly as much of an angel as his Deku persona is believed to be, which Kacchan knows, intimately, with prejudice.
That, Izuku does feel bad about. The whole vigilante thing, in hindsight, had been a terrible idea. He got a lot done, but he also hurt a lot of people, Kacchan extremely included.
Izuku's not going anywhere now, though.
He doesn't need to.
He just needs someone to lend him their phone...
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gayerthanevertbh · 1 year
pretty when you cry.
pairings: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
n.r masterlist | navigation | n.r one-shots masterlist
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summary: you and nastaha were once a happy couple, until she became a whole different person. 
warnings: extremely toxic!natasha, degrading, alcoholism, verbal abuse, cheating, pure angst - 18+ MINORS DNI.
author’s note: just did this anon request! hopefully you enjoy this!
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Natasha was the ideal girlfriend. She was tenacious, loving, generous, and irresistibly romantic, among other qualities that are difficult to put into words. The redhead was everything through your mending heart during the first year of your relationship. She took you on daily dates, brought you flowers every week, took care of you whenever school got in the way, and would make love to you in your bed until the sun rose again. She took you to her favorite forest, where she had a small cabin in the middle of the woods, and you'd sometimes spend time alone with her there. You sighed at those happy memories, they were once good when she suddenly transforms into a completely different person.
"I'm going to the compound for a bit," Natasha murmured as she grabbed her coat and walked to the front door without looking over her shoulder or even kissing goodbye. "You don't need to cook dinner; Steve will do it anyway."
You only responded with a nod, knowing she wouldn't say anything else but leave the house. As soon as she was gone, you could feel your own tears streaming down your cheeks, not knowing when they would stop. The pain consumed you, the loneliness fed into your system, and the sense of betrayal lingered in your mind for a long time. One thing is certain: you're not sure if you still trust Natasha. Would you? She's been acting this way for nearly two years, so you're not sure if she's still faithful to you.
You'd like to believe she was still faithful.
When the sun goes down and the air becomes colder, you decide to go to bed early because you were expecting Natasha to be late. You were used to this routine because she was gone every night. She'd come home around midnight on occasion, but most of the time she'd return the next day but not sleep in the same bed as you. She'd either sleep in the other room or on the couch, drunk from the night before. Most of the time, she comes home and then goes out to drink with her friends. The Avengers were no longer her friends; they had turned against her because of everything she had done to you. You were constantly fighting, which caused the older woman to leave the house. And whenever you mentioned these fights to Sam, he'd always say, "I told you so, Y/n."
He was right, but you still had your hopes for your girlfriend.
Surprisingly, before you got to bed, Natasha came home early that night – not even intoxicated. She goes to the kitchen and pours herself some orange juice, while lighting a cigarette from her mouth. You leaned against the countertop and asked, “Why are you home early?”
The woman scoffed.
“Can I not be home early?”
“Of course you can,” you stated quietly under your breath, knowing that within the next few seconds she would be yelling at you. “I don’t know, it’s just that you are never home.”
“I got work, Y/n. I save people’s lives, I need a fucking break from all of this shit in my life.”
You are not saving our relationship.
Knowing that she was right for the whole time, you decided to end the conversation there by saying: “Okay, you’re right. I’m going to bed.”
But she didn’t stop there, she continued to speak.
“What have you been doing all day?” she asked, almost in a condescending tone. She swung the cigarette away from her lips, chuckling. “I bet you were just lying down in bed all day, expecting me to give you everything.”
“I work too, Nat,” you sighed, pressing your fingers onto your forehead. “I don’t want to fight, okay? Can't we just go to bed?”
“You’re avoiding this conversation.”
“That’s because I know what you’re going to say.”
“What do you want me to tell you, hm?” she takes a few steps closer to your frail body, looking down at you with so much power in her green eyes. You dared yourself not to gaze back at her, because if you did – you were doomed. “Look at me!”
“I can’t.” you whispered with a voice crack, causing her to groan.
"You're so difficult to talk to," she grumbled, hurling a glass against the wall, which splattered all over the floor, your body flinching at the harsh sound. She didn't bother to console you, and she was even moved by the sound of your whimper. "You little bitch, don't cry at me. You expect me to give you everything you fucking want?!"
“I don’t even ask for anything anymore, Natasha!” you yelled back at her, wiping the tears away using the back of your hand. “We barely talk! Do you expect me to ask something from you when we don’t even communicate?”
“But that’s what you are, a greedy bitch!”
You let out a painful sob as the sound of her voice and the use of her words made your knees weaken. She's been calling you these things lately. You tried your hardest to remain strong, but it eventually caught up with you. It really does.
"I-" you stammered, afraid to look into her angry eyes. She was breathing heavily through her nose, pleading with you to speak up. “I don’t want to fight, please.”
"You keep avoiding this type of shit," she said vaguely. "Whenever I called you out, you'd tell me to go to bed. Y/n, I'm not a fucking kid. "I'm an adult!"
“Then act like one!”
Natasha raises her hand to strike you as you close your eyes, but she stops. She looked at you for a moment before dropping her hand, noticing that she was completely unaware of what she was doing, despite the fact that she wasn't drunk. She sighed as she pinched her nose bridge, mumbling: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
"Whatever," you replied, walking back to your room and closing the bedroom door behind you. You cried yourself to sleep that night, knowing that you would have to leave her at any moment.
What happened to us?
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The next few days were crucial. You and Natasha never discussed that night, and she never intended to. You were fine with the idea because it was just another way to avoid a fight, but you also wanted your girlfriend back to the way she used to be. Despite your optimism, you were beginning to give up. You had a strong feeling she would never return. She'll stay this way forever.
For some ethical reason, you took a visit to the compound, finding out if Natasha was there or not. When Tony let you in, you were surprised that she wasn’t there. Huh, you thought. Where has she gone?
“She’s not here, Y/n,” said Tony from behind. “She uhm… left somewhere.”
You turned over your shoulder, giving him a frown. What did he mean by that exactly?
“Can you tell me where she is?”
"I'm not sure if I should," he admitted, his face flushed. He rested both of his hands on his waist, still debating whether or not to tell you. He continued, “I think you’ll be very angry if I–”
Steve speaks up, his arm crossed. “You should tell her, Tony. She is entitled to know.”
"But Natasha is our family," he said. Were you also not family? His words pierced your heart, as if a knife had been thrust through it. “She’ll be very upset.”
"We've been upset with your girlfriend for a long time," the old man sighed, leaning uncomfortably against the wall. You sat down on the stool, silently requesting that he continue. "She's been cold with us, and there's something you should know before it's too late."
"I'm sorry," Tony apologizes to you. You could tell he was sincere because his eyes weren't looking back at you, and you already knew where this was going. "I'm sorry for disappointing you, sweetheart."
“Tell me what’s going on.” you whispered in final, hearing Steve breathe deeply.
"Natasha has been flirting with one of our young recruits for the past year," Steve said, his head low. "But she's gone now because Natasha asked her to. We couldn't get a hold of her, but she had every right to leave. She had no idea Natasha had a girlfriend, which made her very upset. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be mad at the girl, but that’s what happened.”
You have known this from the very beginning; all you needed to do was stop wishing that Natasha would change into a better person. There was a mixture of anger and sadness in your throat, and you didn't care much if you cried in front of them.
"Oh," you murmured, unsure what to say next..
“I know this is very hard for you, and I’m sorry that you had to hear it this way. You deserve to know what she has been doing, Y/n.”
“Did they ever had sex?”
Steve shrugged. “I’m not too sure about that, but maybe they have.”
"They probably did," Tony says. "Natasha is family, but we don't support her actions. We all know how much she loves you, but I don’t think she’s right for you.”
"That is certainly a wake-up call," you sniffled, wiping your tears away with the back of your hand. "I had a feeling she'd do something like this, let alone fuck them. I'm not sure if there are any more girls. I just…”
I just want to love you again, but I don’t know how.
You were disgusted by the thought of Natasha fucking another girl. Were you not providing her with the satisfaction she required? Most importantly, what happened to you? You had a feeling you were the source of the problem, but you couldn't hurt Natasha in this way - it was too much.
All you know is that you wanted to leave her, you didn’t care if she cheated on you, you just wanted to stay away from her presence.
“I’m going home then,” you stood up from the stool as you walked towards the front door, giving them a small smile from your lips. “I’ll see you when I’m around.”
You quickly left the compound and returned home with a scream, throwing vases around the living room area as you reflected on the times Natasha had degraded you as a person, doing infidelity scenarios behind your back, doing the things you were supposed to do with her without your presence. You returned to your old bedroom with her as you packed your belongings, leaving the jewelry she had given you as well as the books she had also given you. You had enough of her horrible behavior; you were done being hers.
Natasha returned home a few hours later, with broken glasses all over the floor, ruined picture frames from the wall, and the bedroom thrashed with pure rage. When she looked at you, you were sitting on the ground, and she already knew what was going on - she was just too embarrassed to admit it.
You muttered to yourself, your eyes getting heavy, “You finally came home.”
She asked with a choking sound in her voice, “Did they tell you?”
“They told me everything.”
“Can we talk about it?” she asked, her voice becoming softer as she looked at you.
“If you're willing to change,” you said so bitterly that you didn't recognize yourself. “If you're willing to give up the girls you've been messaging.”
“I will,” she rushed onto her knees and embraced you, kissing your collarbone. But this did not seem to have much of an effect on you, as you continued to have a trusting nature toward the woman who has caused you god knows how many problems. “I promise I will, okay?" I'm sorry, baby. I'm truly sorry. I didn't intend for this to happen.”
You nodded, your nails digging through her jacket, wishing that you could die today without being hers. But if you didn't have her, then who were you to begin with?
“I know,” you patted her back as you felt her lips lightly brush against your skin. “I know, don’t worry.”
Natasha was only perfect for a week before returning to her old routine after convincing you to stay. She was out of the house once more, drinking until she passed out on the road, then texting a girl on her phone with no shame. You were sick of her by this point. You were tired of being her partner in everything, of being her individual. Heck, she never asked you to marry her, so you weren’t that serious for Natasha. You felt lonelier and lonelier, until you were consumed by the thought of being a bad person for leaving her again.
But you knew tonight was the night of leaving, and Natasha had to just take the fact about it.
The redhead came home around midnight – as expected – and sat down with you, surprisingly kissing your knuckles. But you pulled away instantly, disgusted by her. She frowned.
“What’s wrong? I’m trying to be affectionate here.”
“I saw you texting another girl.”
She laughed, scratching her nose. “I was texting Maria about the mission, that’s all.”
“Maria isn’t named Angela,” you pointed out with a dead pan look on your face. “You don’t talk sex with Maria, you also don’t text her about it. So why would Maria be in your favorites then?”
Natasha sighed, cupping her face as she could feel irritation boiling through her veins.
“Y/n, I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s always that,” you chuckled with sarcasm, standing up from the table as you picked up your duffel bag from the kitchen floor. Natasha raised her chin, noticing that you were holding two bags. She gulped and stood up slowly, trying to hold your face. “Don’t touch me, I’m leaving you.”
“I know I’m stupid, okay? And I'm sorry,” her voice was pleading, and you were sick of hearing it. She pulls you into a hug before shoving her away from your tired body, marching you to the front door until she blocks your path. “I love you, I’m still in love with you! Don’t leave me, please. Baby, don’t.”
“Move out my way, Romanoff.”
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she chanted, her cold hands meeting your arms and stroking your skin as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her pupils were bloodshot. “I’m just going through something right now, I’m sorry. Please, my love, stay. Don’t go, don’t leave…”
You sobbed loudly, stomping your foot on the ground pitifully. “God damn it, Natasha! You always do this! You only tell me you love me the minute I’m leaving you, and it makes me feel tired! I’m tired of you, don’t you understand that?”
“I’m tired of your mess, you picking up a fight, degrading me as if I’m stupid, and making me feel foolish too! I’m tired of you cheating on me, not spending time with me, choosing a girl over me, and everything else you have done! So please, spare me some remorse and let me leave you!”
“I can’t!” she screams, rubbing her eyes furiously. “I can’t, okay? I need you here with me! Through thick and thin, remember? I will move heaven and earth for you–”
“Do not even do that.”
"I love you so much," she said softly, pecking your lips. You let her kiss you because you knew it was the last time she'd kiss you. “I want everything from you, including your love. I promise to change, okay? I’ll stop drinking, I’ll stop it all! Just don’t leave me, baby… don’t leave.”
You pushed her chest away with all of your might, crying in front of her, feeling defeated once again. You looked at her for one last time before saying, “If I see you change, I will decide if I should take you back or not. But if you don’t, expect me to never see you again.”
You parted ways with her that evening, walking to the bus stop while simultaneously texting your mother to tell her that you'd soon be moving in with her after a separation of five painful years. During the night, Natasha let out all of her pent-up emotions, finally acknowledging the magnitude of what she had lost. She took a broken picture frame, memorizing your face as if it were the last time she looked at you. She smiled brokenly and kissed the picture, whispering for you to come back.
I’m sorry.
Are you?
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“So, when’s the baby shower?”
Your sister smiled happily at you as you rubbed her swollen stomach, amazed with the idea of a woman carrying a child. You sometimes thought about having one, but that was a long time ago. You continued to rub her rounded stomach, smiling fondly at it.
“Probably next week since James is still finding a crib for the baby,” she sighed, smiling down at you. “Are you excited to meet your niece?”
“Of course,” you responded with a grin. “Are you excited to be a mother?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
You were washing the dishes while your sister, Alica, was sleeping in her bedroom because you both ate lunch. While your father was at work, your mother was at the farm. You enjoyed being at home again, finally leaving the city and returning to the rural town where you grew up. When you peeked out the window, you noticed an unusual car going to the gravel and abruptly stopping. At first, you couldn't believe what you saw.
Natasha stepped out of the car with sunglasses on and a leather jacket slung over her shoulder. You felt your breath hitch from the sight of her, unsure whether you should leave or not. But before you could, Natasha knocked on your front door.
Don’t open the door.
Oh, but you did.
Her eyes and her glowing face greeted you. She smiled warmly at you while lowering her head, scared to gaze further into your eyes.
"How did you find out about me?" you inquired, looking around to see if anyone else was nearby.
"I came to get you back again," she said confidently. "Y/n, I want you back. I'd like to get you back again."
You crossed your arms at her and asked, "Look me in the eyes and say it."
That she did. Natasha smiled as she took your hand in hers and brought it close to her lips. She stroked your skin gently, moving your hand into her hair. You sighed contentedly, knowing that this was the Natasha you remembered.
"I stopped drinking and left the compound," she admitted. "Right now, I live in an apartment; I sold the house we used to live in because I don't see the point in me staying there. But I saved our photos on my wall, as well as the mugs you gave me every month."
You laughed, recalling the times you used to give her odd mugs.
"And I, uh, brought a ring with me so that I could ask you to marry me."
Your eyes widen as she pulls a black box from her pocket, opening the cover to reveal a little diamond heart in the center of the ring, glittering beyond your vision. You looked up briefly at her, taken in by the situation.
"Natasha, what-"
"Marry me?" She breathes out, her forehead pressed against yours as she inhaled your scent. "Oh, God, marry me Y/n. Make me the happiest woman alive, and I swear I'm changed. I'm ready to be with you again and finish our story. Accept and adore me once more. Because, lovely girl, I can't live without you. I can't live without my girl."
You lifted her chin and smiled, tears on the brim of your eyelids as you closed your lips together. When she eventually kissed you again, you felt her tongue caressing your bottom lip, almost falling to the ground. You drew back, your thumb caressing her cheek, and nodded joyfully.
"Yes, I will marry you, Natasha Romanoff."
You moved back in with Natasha in New York, and lived with her with the happiest decision of your life.
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benedictscanvas · 1 year
omggg in my fluffy needing comfort era and i LOVE how you write jamie tartt x reader- could i make a request for jamie x chronically ill reader where he is just really supportive and loving with someone who is long-term sick? ♥️♥️
of course, my love. thank you for the kind words. i tried to make this as vague as possible so people can relate in their own ways. sending you love! <3 | gn!reader, 1.2k words, tw chronic illness & pain, language
You'd just about managed to get your hair how you wanted it to look for the evening, with minimal swearing for once. Jamie was sat on the bed waiting for you, he'd been ready for a good few minutes now, but you were still reluctant to emerge. There was a wave of pain undulating through you that you were trying to ride out in silence without alerting your boyfriend.
"Y' alright, love? No rush, I wanna be fashionably late anyways," he said from the next room, raising his voice so that it reached you through the closed door. You hardly ever closed doors around each other, so you should have known he'd be worried.
The pain wasn't dissipating, so you took a few deep breaths before stepping out into the bedroom with a smile that you hoped was normal.
"Sorry, my hair wasn't co-operating," you say, tilting your head as you take him in. Navy trousers, white shirt, brown jacket. He looked effortlessly gorgeous, even if he had one more button undone than you would have suggested. Some things didn't change, "You look so good, Jamie."
"Me?" he said incredulously, standing up and huffing out a breath of disbelief, "You look...fuck. I'm not good enough with me words for this."
His hands gesture aimlessly down your outfit and you feel a real smile blossoming under his attention. You take his hands in yours and place them on your waist, stopping his flapping from going further.
"I like your words just fine. And your face," you add with a grin that he returns, curling his fingers into the fabric he's found. A new wave of pain crests and you try your hardest to keep it off your face, but don't think about how your body must tense under his touch. His whole face crumples.
"Ah shit," he murmurs, running his hands down your arms to interlace your fingers together as he takes a step closer, "Why didn't y' say anythin' babe?"
"About what?" you ask pathetically, watching him fix you with a look that said 'cut the shit'.
"Cut the shit," he said, clearly deciding the look wasn't enough, "We agreed, babe, you tell me if it's a bad day so I can help. Or at least try to. Thought we were in a good place with it."
Your heart aches. He really does hate it when you keep your pain to yourself, even though you're not sure he yet understands just how much pain you would be sharing if you shared all of it. You'd been dating for six months, but still wanted to be careful not to scare him off.
"I am. I promise, Jamie, I do tell you it's just..." you struggle for a good explanation that doesn't create any pity in him, "Tonight's big, you know? I want to be a proper girlfriend and I want to burst into tears and kiss you stupid when they call your name for that award."
There is a little bit of pity in his eyes when you've finished, so you can't have done a very good job of it. He squeezes your hands tightly in his.
"Can't say it many more ways," he says softly, "But y' gotta believe that you are me priority, gorgeous. Jus' wanna look after you, y' know. I wanna be a proper boyfriend too."
You'd never thought about it that way. Another wave of pain hits and Jamie's instantly stroking your temple when your eyes clench shut. You feel his lips on the opposite side of your head as he whispers sweet little comforts in your ear.
If it wasn't so painful, maybe you'd be more willing to argue the point with him. It would have to be a battle saved for later, because lying down was the only option for the moment. You could feel the sting of tears; it couldn't have been a worse time for a flare up.
"I'll be there for every other award you win," you say forcefully, but you can't bring yourself to promise. Sometimes you worry you can't promise him enough, but then you see the way he looks at you as he leans backwards again and a lot of that worry falls away.
"You're way too sure that I'm winnin' this award, by the way," he says, a little bashful. It was one of your favourite versions of him, "I'm up against quality."
"None of that. The most creative player in the league this season was you. Hands down. I think you know that really."
He nods, but doesn't look sure still. Then he's stepping away from you as he shrugs off his jacket, throwing it onto the back of a chair and flopping down on the bed.
"Come on then, love. We can fit in a quick episode of whatever you want before the ceremony's on TV."
You stare at him.
"Well I'm not fuckin' going without you," he laughs, like that was never an option, "Duh. I'd be bored shitless. I know you need to lie down, babe, come on."
He holds out a hand to you. You take it, still dazed by the sudden turn of events, let him pull you onto the bed and into his arms on top of the covers.
"There we are," he breathes, pressing kisses into the top of your head, "Perfect. We'll have a much better evening bein' able to laugh at Roy makin' a fool of himself for the cameras from 'ere, right?"
Coming back to your senses, you pull yourself out of his arms for a moment so you can look at him properly. He's been acting normal up until now, but when he sees the tears in your eyes, his whole face softens.
"Let's not argue right now, love, please," he begs, "Wanna take care of you, so jus' let me. We can talk about it tomorrow."
"Your award..." you choke out, but he shushes you.
"Will be waitin' for me at the club tomorrow. Me speech would have been fucked anyway, so there's nothin' to miss out on."
There's no room for argument in his voice. It's as firm as it is comforting. Relenting as the pain hits once again, you snuggle back into his arms, kissing whatever parts of him you can reach.
"Like my guardian angel," you say, trying not to sound so teary, "So grateful for you, Jamie. Love you so so much."
"Yeah, yeah, love you too," he says, brushing you off as you expected but with fondness in his tone as he pulls you even closer.
"Hey...you just said the award would be waiting. You're finally admitting that you're definitely getting it?"
He chuckles.
"Course I'm getting it. That award's mine, babe," he says, cocky smirk firmly on his face that you can only see in the reflection of the TV. Then he gasps, comically, "Do y' think they'll make Roy do me speech?"
You gasp right back, already feeling better.
"Yes! If you put it on now, we might be able to see him flip people off on the red carpet beforehand."
Jamie grins as he struggles to reach the remote and turns the TV on.
"Fuckin' genius, you are."
please see this post if you would like to request your own roy/jamie drabble!! closing soon <3
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daydreaming-nerd · 4 months
Young Love and Old Money (Cassian x Female! Reader) Part 13
Young Love and Old Money Masterlist
AN: This is more of a filler chapter before shit gets fucking wild in the next one. I'm telling you I'm so pumped for the next chapter ahhhhh! It's not super exciting but I hope you all enjoy it! If you're new here from The Prophecy... Hi!🥰🖤
Summary: She was the most beautiful woman in Prythian, sister to the High Lord of Night, and now she is the soon-to-be wife of Eris Vanserra. Despite her many titles and her aura of unattainability, Cassian can't help but fall deeply in love with the princess of the Night Court. But will it be enough to stop her impending wedding to a man who is sure to destroy her from the inside out?
Warnings: Mentions of under the mountain and what Eris did
Word Count: 5,338
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Rhys POV: 
I had finally allowed myself to hope. 
The circumstances of which I had granted myself that hope was…well… unpleasant. I would never wish Feyre to be under duress for any reason, but it did bring her into my court for good. When Mor came back with her I had never felt so relieved. I wanted to say that I couldn’t believe that Tamlin would lock her up like that, but I would be lying to myself. 
It wasn’t the first time she had been to Velaris. Once I saw the state she was in at the wedding, too thin, too pale, I started calling in the bargain. I saw her improving dramatically since I started doing so, pink lining her cheeks, muscles building on her arms. She had yet to meet anyone but Mor. Y/n had been dying to meet my mate, but I didn’t want to overwhelm Feyre. She was still learning what it meant to be fae, still getting used to her new life, and still learning to trust me. 
“So you are both High Fae and Illyrian?” Feyre asks, messing with the leftover food on her plate. 
“Yes, my mother was Illyrian and my father was High Fae. That is why I can summon Illyrian wings when I want to.” I answered her question truthfully. I knew that no matter what I wanted to be honest with her, let her see every dark part of me and choose to love me anyways, I owed her that. 
“Were they mates?” she inquires further. 
“Yes they were,” I replied, secretly hanging on every word she said. I tried my best to act aloof, but when she was here? In my home? It was hard to keep my cool. 
“How do you know someone is your mate?” she queries and my heart drops. 
I know that she is talking about Tamlin in her own subtle way, wondering if the High Lord of Spring is her mate. 
“You don’t always know right away, take Kallias and Viviane, they didn’t know they were mates until they were married,” I explained to her, I watched her face lighten, no doubt thinking that there was still a chance for her and Tamlin. 
“I’ve never met a set of mates before,” she said with a hint of longing, like if she could just set eyes on a pair it might ease her mind.
“Would you like to?” My words slipped out before I could think of the implications of them. 
Her eyes flitted up in amusement and I swore I melted at her lighthearted gaze, “I would.” she said.
“My younger sister, y/n. She’s mates with my general, Cassian. We can go and see them if you would like.” I say thinking about how excited y/n will be to finally meet the cursebreaker.
“I would like that very much,” Feyre smiled. 
I stood and walked with Feyre to the edge of the property outside the townhouse. It wasn’t the first time I had flown with her, but I could still tell she was apprehensive of the height. I took the fastest route to The House of Wind and made sure to fly like I was holding my mothers china. Feyre was far from breakable, she was strong enough to withstand just about anything. But that didn’t mean I was going to be someone who challenged that strength, not like Tamlin did. When we arrived at the huge mansion I could feel the female's eyes glancing over the exterior in awe. 
“This is another one of my homes, but I tend to stay in the townhouse. My little sister and Cassian live here with Azriel.” I say opening the door for her. 
“It’s beautiful,” she breathed, her eyes taking in every single detail.
I try to pry into y/n and Cassian’s mental shields but I’m met with nothing. They were here though, their scents lingered in the library we passed on the way to Cassian’s room. I knock on the door and I’m met with silence.
“Cassian? Y/n?” I call out hoping for some sort of answer but hear nothing once more. 
As Feyre looks at me expectantly I weigh my options, which would make my sister angrier? Waking her up to meet Feyre or not waking her up to meet Feyre?  I let out a shallow breath and chose the latter, opening the door to reveal a giant heap of limbs. 
“Oh I didn’t know they were asleep,” Feyre said, moving away. 
“Don’t worry about it, y/n will have my head if I don’t introduce you two,” I laugh walking into the dark room, Feyre trailing behind me.
When I approach the bed I can’t even see my little sister, her body covered entirely by Cassian’s wing. The only indication that she’s even there is her small hand peeking out from under it and a tendril of hair on the pillow.   
“I thought you said that Illyrians were protective of their wings?” Feyre whispered, clearly questioning why Cass’ wing was draped over y/n. 
“They are,” I whisper back. “But she’s his mate. He would rather have his wings shredded than have anything happen to her.” I say fondly. I had to admit, while I was still getting used to Cassian and my little sister being together, it was nice to not have to worry about her safety as much. Anyone who dared to harm her would have to face Cassian. Gods spare that poor fool. 
“Even in his sleep?” she asked in a hushed tone. 
“Especially in his sleep,” I laugh, moving to shake my sister's hand, trying to wake her. 
The second I grasp that small hand to shake it awake Cassian’s eyes fly open and the next thing I know there’s a dagger aimed at my throat and a murderous gaze thrown my way. 
“Easy Cass it’s just me,” I chuckle as I hear Feyre gasping and taking a step back. 
“Cauldron Rhys you scared the shit out of me,” Cassian sighed lowering the dagger, beside him my sister stirred. 
“Cass what’s going on?” she asked, her voice laced with sleep. 
“Nothing princess, it's just Rhys,” he answered, smoothing her hair out of her face. It was strange to see my war general so docile and domestic. 
“And Feyre Archeron,” I corrected as Feyre took a step further. “Why don’t you two wake up and meet us outside.” I laugh leading Feyre towards the door. 
Behind me I can hear Cass gently explaining to a very tired y/n what’s going on. 
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y/n’s POV: 
“Do you think she saw me?” I ask frantically putting on my dress.
My older brother had just ambushed me with his mate and the first time she saw me might’ve been with a bed head. I was angry with him for waking me, but I would’ve been more pissed if he hadn’t done so, not when I wanted to meet the cursebreaker so badly. 
“I’m sure she did,” Cassian chuckled, strapping his daggers to his side, no doubt going to train when this is over. 
“Ugh,” I sigh, running a brush through my hair. “I probably looked awful.” I sigh, setting down the brush. 
I see Cassian walking up to me through the mirror. He wraps his arms around my waist and places a kiss on my shoulder, sending reassurance and affection down the bond.
“I don’t think you’ve ever looked awful a day in your life, princess.” he smiled into my shoulder. 
“You have to say that you’re my mate,” I laughed, turning in his arms. 
“And your husband don’t forget that title too,” he says, tilting my chin up to meet his warm gaze. 
“How could I ever forget that, husband.” I smile, pecking his lips.
Without another word Cassian and I walk hand in hand down the hallway to where Rhys and Feyre are sitting in the living room. I take a moment to survey their body language. While my brother leans on his knees, seemingly drinking in every breath and movement Feyre has to offer, the cursebreaker sits stiffly on the couch. I make eye contact with my brother and he stands immediately.
“Feyre darling I would like to introduce you to Cassian, the general of my armies and y/n, my little sister,” Rhys says proudly gesturing to the two of us. 
Feyre turns to see us and I swear my heart stops. The last time I saw the female she was prone on the floor underneath the mountain. Every High Lord had sacrificed a bit of power to save her. Becoming high fae seemed to suit her.
“Hello Feyre, it's an honor to meet you,”  I smile. 
“The honor is all mine,” she says timidly, giving a slight bow. “I’ve heard stories of your beauty before. Tamiln and Lucien used to talk about you a lot, I never believed them but now I see they were right.” 
“Oh really?” Cassian inquired brisling at her words and I considered elbowing him in the ribs. 
“You flatter me too much, Feyre.” I say and look to change the subject. “How are you liking Velaris so far?”
“I like it very much, it’s beautiful here.” she says looking around the townhouse. “Rhysand says that you and Cassain are mates?”
“We are, we just had our mating ceremony and our wedding last month,” I say happily. Cauldron, had it already been a month?
“Congratulations to the both of you,” she smiled stiffly.
“I was just about to take a walk through the city, there’s a pastry shop down there that makes croissants stuffed with this delicious chocolate and hazelnut filling. Would you like to join?” I ask, my brother gave me a weary eye, but I shrugged him off. What Feyre needed was a friend, a female friend that is, and I was more than happy to jump at the opportunity. 
“I would like that,” she smiles, the blue in her eyes lighting up ever so slightly. “May I walk with your sister oh so powerful high lord?” Feyre turned to Rhys, sarcasm dripping from her voice. 
Rhys barked out a laugh, one I hadn’t heard in quite some time, “Feyre darling I told you that you are not my prisoner, you may take the air with my sister if it pleases you.” he says gesturing to me.  
“Well then shall we?” the cursebreaker asked me. 
I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle as I looped my arm in hers, I had a feeling she and I were going to be fast friends. 
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“You’re right this is incredible,” Feyre’s words were nearly inaudible as flakes of pastry fell from her mouth. 
“I know right? I’ve been going there once a week for years. Well sort of…when I was growing up I wasn’t allowed to leave the house. My parents were weird and feared my beauty would be too tempting for males. So they locked me up tight and threw away the key. Rhys used to bring me these pastries all the time, he was my only real window to the outside world.” I divulge, almost regretting telling her so much until I remember how she came to be here in Velaris. 
“So you haven’t really seen the other courts then have you?” she asks, wiping some chocolate from the corner of her mouth. 
“I actually have,” I smile finishing the last bite of my treat. “When Rhys learned to fly the first thing he did was come and get me and take me to a candy shop. From that day forward he snuck me out whenever he got the chance, that’s how I know Tamlin and Lucien. It never sat right with my brother, what my parents did to me,” I continue, hoping to show a side of Rhys that I knew he would never offer up himself. 
Feyre continued walking beside me, for a moment there was silence, as if she was considering my story, comparing it with hers. If she had something to say about Rhys she didn’t divulge, instead turning the conversation to other matters.
“Can I ask about you and your mate?” she queries. “I’m not sure if it’s a personal subject or not, I’m not well versed in the customs of fae.” 
“Ask anything you like, I assure you I have no problem talking about my mate,” I laugh thinking of Cassian’s smiling face now. 
Feyre gives a subtle laugh, “How did you know he was your mate?” she says, turning her head to read my expression as we further walked down the Sidra, seemingly clinging on my every word just like Rhys had clinged to hers. 
“Well Cassian knew first, I didn’t know until much later,” I start recalling the moment the bond snapped, the joy followed by pure terror. “I was set to marry Eris Vanserra, an arrangement made by our fathers a long time ago. When Rhys and I returned from under the mountain we both grew apart as we were both processing what had happened in our own way. He found the arrangement in my fathers things and thought that we could use the Autumn Court’s armies if Hybern should come to call, and after he saved me under the mountain I didn’t want to say no.” 
“He saved you, yet you were still down there?” Feyre asked, and I paused for a moment. Rhys had not told her the conditions of his servitude. 
“You don’t know?” I ask to make sure. If Rhys didn’t explain to his mate why he took the actions he did, it would be a great disservice to both him and his character, one I would rectify.
“Know what?” she asked clearly not seeing the big deal as she finished off her own croissant. 
“The only reason Rhys was Amarantha’s whore was because of me,” I start, feeling the shame seep in. “When we first arrived under the mountain he was able to keep me hidden, but then Hybern paid a visit and he wanted to take me for his wife. Rhys begged Amarantha not to let him take me, she agreed on the condition that he would come to her bed willingly.”  
“I-I had no idea,” the cursebreaker stuttered as her eyes zoned out on something far away. 
“It’s not something he and I talk about much, but it’s for that reason I chose to marry Eris, to try  and repay his sacrifice. However, Eris was cruel, he hurt me and assaulted me, I was nothing more than a pet to him. Cassian was the one to take me back and forth to the Autumn Court during our courtship and I fell in love with him. One night we couldn’t stay away any longer and I found myself in his bed. I knew I couldn’t end the courtship with Eris without bargaining for armies so I kept our relationship a secret.” 
“That must’ve been torture,” Feyre gasped her eyes finally finding me. 
“It was,” I nodded. “I didn’t know we were mates, and I ended up finding out the day of the wedding, but it was too late. I married Eris to save Velaris and Cassian was banished from Autumn. That night Eris found out I was impure, he dumped me over the Autumn court border and left me to die. If it wasn’t for the bond Cassian never would have found me.” I finished telling the story. 
“I- I’m sorry that you had to go through those things. That you came to be with Cassian under such hard circumstances.” she says, as if she doesn’t trust her own words. “But things are better now right? You’re safe?” 
I let out a light hearted laugh, trying to keep the conversation from veering anywhere dark, “I’ve never been safer. Eris is out of the picture now that my brother and Cassian have chased him out of town. Now it’s just Cassian and I in our newly mated bliss.” I smile. 
“I can see how anyone would run from Rhys,” Feyre rolls her eyes dramatically. 
A warm chuckle rumbles through my chest, one so infectious it finds Feyre’s lips too, “I know my brother can be a bit of an ass sometimes. But give him a chance, he might be the king of sarcasm, but underneath all that he truly cares.” I tell her, bumping into her shoulder playfully. 
“I suppose I can try, at least I know I have you now,” she smiles looking across the way at a nearby vendor. 
My heart smiles at her words. 
At least I have you.
My mission was complete. I was able to get her to trust me, to feel like she had a friend in me. Maybe, just maybe, her knowing that there was someone else on her side would bring her closer to Rhys, maybe I could finally find a way to repay the sacrifice my brother gave for me. 
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I swing the wooden sword down at Cassian’s, the hard impact of them meeting causing a grunt to leave my lips. The hot sun beat down on us as we spared as best we could. He could easily beat me if he wanted to, I was still a beginner after all,  but he never made me feel like I was inferior. We had been out here for over an hour, the evidence of it being seen on my sweaty fighting leathers. My second set, to be exact. Once my first set got dirty and sweaty Cassian bought me another so I didn’t have to wash them so often. 
I had no clue where he got them, but somehow these were even more beautiful than the last set. My mate even got me a Illyrian steel corset that would keep me from being lacerated, as well as metal bracers to protect my wrists. At first they took some getting used to, the weight of them a new feeling, but now they were like a second skin. 
“Sword high princess,” Cassian instructed me as I felt the weight of the wooden sword start to bring my arm down. 
“It's heavy!” I protest swinging at him again, this time with both hands on the hilt to hit him harder, even though he told me not to do that.
His sword clashes with mine and in one swoop he uses his wooden blade to raise my own. My hands were high above my head as he stood inches from me. 
“I know it’s heavy just wait until you wield a real sword,” he says, placing a kiss on my nose, taunting me. “And don’t use both hands, in real combat you’ll have a shield as well, you’ll need to be able to use that sword with one hand.” 
I let out a low growl before stepping on his foot, earning a groan from him as he didn’t see it coming. My sword sits heavy in my hands as I swing it, knocking his legs out from under him and using my shoulder as extra force to put him on the ground. He lies on his back below me, wooden sword tumbling from his hand. I see him reach for it and lightly press the toe of my boot into his wrist and lower myself on top of him, placing the pretend blade to his throat.    
Cassian’s hazel eyes look up at me in pure awe and amusement and something I had only ever seen from him, pride. 
“Is it bad that this is turning me on right now?” he barked out a laugh causing me to break my menacing stare. 
I snort at his words, letting up the pressure I had on his arms in the process, “Cass you ruin everything!” I laughed, tossing my sword to the side and shifting my foot off his wrist so that I sat fully on his stomach. 
“You call it ruining the moment, I say I’m making it better,” he smirks as his hands find my hips. 
The Lord of Bloodshed leans up to place a passionate kiss on my lips. My hands find either of his cheeks needing him closer to me than he already is. As his tongue swipes my bottom lip and enters my mouth I let out a small moan that has him shifting beneath me. 
“Really guys on the training mat? Is nowhere sacred anymore?” Azriel’s causes us both to nearly jump out of our skin. 
“Cauldron Az,” Cassian curses, putting a hand over his heart like it might’ve stopped. “Enough with the spymaster shit you scared the piss out of me.” 
A smirk tugged at Azriel’s lips, “You deserved it,” he remarked, going to wrap his hands. 
I shift my weight off Cassian and stand offering him my hand. He takes it, even though he’s twice my size and if he truly used my help I would end up on the ground again.  
“You’re getting better princess,” Azriel praised me. “I’d say it’s time you wield a steel sword instead of a wooden one.” 
“Maybe,” Cass warns, dusting himself off. “The last thing I need is you slicing yourself open.” he said to me.
“What afraid I’ll mar my pretty skin?” I tease rocking back and forth on my toes, remembering how Cassian all but worshiped me last night, claiming that the stories of my rose petal soft skin were true. 
“No I’m afraid that you’ll accidentally bleed out on me,” he replies, flicking my nose. 
Azriel chuckles beside us, “You’re far too protective of your mate brother, she can handle a real sword if she can handle your ass.” he taunts. 
“You forget that if anything were to happen to her Rhys would have my head,” Cassian rolls his eyes, placing our swords back on the rack behind him. 
“I suppose you’re right, but she has to start sometime.” Az shrugs, finishing the wrappings on his hands. “Alright princess who you got today?” he asked me. 
I let out a laugh as our new tradition reared its head again. For weeks now after Cass trained me Azriel would come down and they would spar. I would always gamble on who would win the first match, sometimes I would win, sometimes I would lose, it was all in great fun. But lately the boys had been taking it much more seriously and I couldn’t help but laugh at them and call them “Illyrian babies”. 
“Hmmm,” I said, pretending to think. “Considering I just handed Cassian his ass I think you’ve got this one Azriel.”
“Pfft in his dreams,” Cassian scoffs, ripping off his shirt. Azriel copies the motion and I can’t help but feel my cheeks heat at the sweaty males in front of me.  
“Then let’s raise the stakes then,” Azriel boasts. “I win, y/n trains with steel tomorrow” 
“You’re on,” Cassian taunts as he squares up. “Baby, I hope you aren’t prone to splinters because you’re going to be getting them for a while.”
Azriel took two steps back towards me, “Wanna give me some good luck?” he asked with a cheeky grin.
I laughed and gave the shadow singer a playful kiss on the cheek. 
“Now we’re talking,” Azriel laughed, flipping his swords in his hands. 
“Oh you’re a dead male where you stand,” Cassian smirked.
In an instant they were a storm of steel. If it had been a real fight I’m sure wisps of cobalt and crimson power would be among that twister of metal. But their rule was no siphons when training.  In a weird way it was beautiful the way they fought. During the training sessions with Cass I had come to learn that fighting was much like dancing, it was about anticipating your enemies next movement. Knowing where to step when, how to move your feet. 
They were both evenly matched in every way. Even though I spent every day pretending to think about who might win I never truly knew. It was always a guess, or a gut feeling. So far I had bet mostly on Cassian, for obvious reasons, but whenever I put my money on Azriel he seemed to show up. 
As I watched them deflecting eachothers blows and grunting with the sheer force of striking and blocking, I couldn’t help but wonder if I would ever be as good as them. If I would ever be able to truly fight and win against the warriors. 
My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Azriel’s back hit the ground, his wing being pinned underneath him. Cassian stood above him, chest heaving and pointing his sword at the shadowsingers neck. 
“Do you yield?” Cassian asked out of breath. 
Azriel simply held up his hand to ask his brother for a lift up, silently admitting defeat. Cass took it and hauled the spymaster up in one heave. 
I clapped my hands slowly as Cass walked over to me knowing that this is when I typically took my leave to wash up for dinner.
“It was a good match,” I smiled at my mate trying to hide my disappointment about not being able to train with real swords yet.
Cass slid his fingers under my chin and tilted it up so he could place a goodbye kiss on my lips, “You’ll train with steel tomorrow,” he smiled before returning to his own training. 
I gave an enthusiastic whoop before retreating to The House of Wind to clean up and prepare for dinner with Feyre and Rhys. 
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Months Later…
It had finally happened. Feyre had found out that Rhys was her mate and she wasn’t taking it well at all. 
Rhys was distraught when he found me in the library reading. He told me what had happened, from the ambush, to the Suriel telling Feyre about the bond. I honestly spent most of the time being surprised that the cursebreaker had been able to find the Suriel in the first place. My brother told me that his mate sat in the old cabin in the Illyrian mountains and I knew instantly that I needed to see her. 
I had watched the two of them come alive for each other these past few months. Saw Feyre become stronger and more sure of herself. Watched my brother turn back into the male he was when we were just kids. I had befriended the Archeron girl all the while, offering her comfort when I could, as we shared many of the same experiences, being locked up, being in an abusive relationship, being under the mountain…
I ran to Cassian asking him to fly me to the cabin and he did so without a second thought. He saw the panic in my eyes, the need to be there with her, to offer her some sort of comfort. Because as if fate had intertwined us we now shared another experience… being the last to know about our mating bonds. 
As Cassian landed in the snow outside the cabin I wished I had brought more furs. The wind ripped around me, chilling me to the bone. I shook off the memories of being thrown into the Winter Court and marched my way up to the cabin door giving it a knock. 
Feyre opened the cabin door dressed in breeches and a thick sweater, her hands and face covered in paint. 
“I can leave if you would like some privacy, I just wanted to check on you,” I say earnestly trying to keep my teeth from chattering. 
Feyre’s blue eyes look to me and then back to Cassian who stands a few yards away. “Come on in, I could use a friend.” she said quietly and my heart warmed at the word ‘friend’.
I nod to Cassian who takes off into the sky before stepping into the cabin. The warmth of the raging fire immediately heats my cheeks and I discard my furs onto a nearby chair. It had been years since I had been back here. We used to spend solstice here, just the four of us. Of course that was before mother and father died, and I hadn’t been back since. 
I look around and gasped. All over the walls Feyre had painted our eyes, my family's eyes. Each so distinct I could name each one. Amren and Mors, Azriel’s, Rhys’ distinct violet, and at the end, Cassian and I’s painted together. 
“These are beautiful,” I say in awe, looking over each set again. 
“I just needed something to get my mind off things,” she sighed, collecting the paints in a box. 
There was a moment of silence as I tried to let her decide where she wanted the conversation to go. She closed the box with a sigh and then turned to me. 
“Did you know?” she inquired, her eyes flickered with hope and I realized she prayed that I was just as in the dark as she was, that she wasn’t alone in this. 
My heart dropped and her eyes faltered as she heard the answer in my hesitation. “I wanted so badly to tell you, but I knew it wasn’t my place to say anything, it was between you and Rhys.” I say sitting on the floor by the fire. 
“I understand why you didn’t say anything but I wish someone had told me,” she says solemnly before joining me on the rug. 
“Believe me I wanted someone to tell me too,” I chuckle as I lean forward more soaking up the heat of the flames. 
Her eyes shoot to me as she seems to remember how I was in the same situation not too long ago, “When you found out Cassian was your mate, that he had kept the bond a secret from you, were you upset with him?” she asked. 
I cocked my head trying to remember what I felt that day in the Autumn Court, “Honestly it happened so fast that I can’t remember what I was feeling exactly, but I know I wasn’t angry,” I chuckled. “I had loved Cass long before I ever said it. He kept the bond from me because he thought he was taking a weight off my shoulders. He didn’t want me to feel like I had to choose between my mate and my court. I wish I would’ve known, it would’ve saved me a world of trouble because I would’ve chosen him no questions asked. But I understand he had his reasons for keeping it from me.” 
Feyre gave a shallow nod, signaling that she had heard me. “But why didn’t Rhys tell me?” she asked, her words desperate and I wasn’t sure if it was a question I could answer.
“I don’t know for sure.” I said honestly. “But I do know this, Rhys has spent his whole life believing he is a monster because of the front he has to put on for others. I think sometimes he forgets why he puts on that front, to protect his people and his family.” 
I take a deep breath wondering if I should continue but I can’t stop the overflow of words coming from me, “I think he didn’t want you to feel shackled to a monster. All you’ve ever known is the darker parts of him, he wanted to give you a chance to let you know the good parts, then let you decide for yourself,” I place my hand on her arm and her eyes snap to mine. “All I can say is that Rhys wouldn’t keep it from you if he didn’t have a good reason. You don’t have to hear him out today, tomorrow or even next week. But I think you should at some point, if only to give yourself the peace of mind of knowing the full story.” 
Feyre nods again, grabbing my hand and squeezing it tight, “I’m really glad you’re here,” she confessed, her eyes going glassy. 
“Anything for you Archeron,” I smile, feeling my eyes glass over too.
I'm so fucking excited for the next chapter I'm buzzin' guys...
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moestavern · 22 days
The HOMOE Masterpost
Shoutout to @butchbarneygumble for oking me to steal this idea from their Moeney Masterpost! Go peep that btw.
I see almost no one acknowledge all the gay shit these two have going on so i have to ship them all by myself and honestly that's unacceptable given how much this show implies between them. And with a ship name like Homoe? You have got to be kidding me they were handed to me on a golden fucking plater.
Blah blah i know these are jokes or w/e but its a show, no one here is real, you are not affected by me wanting these middle aged men to kiss each other (more than they already do) so lets get on with it!
This is currently only clips from the show, i will go through the comics/books/etc. if anything's hidden in there and ill add it to this post in the future.
This is gonna be a long post so everything is gonna be under the cut.
Episode: (S2E11) One Fish, Two Fish, Blow Fish, Blue Fish
Homer Kisses Moe. Moe responds with "not in public". So in private then?
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H: Oh words wont do it- I love you Moe M: Not in public
Episode: (S8E3) The Homer they Fall
Just this whole episode.
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H: Are you an angel? M: Yes Homer, Im an angel. All us angles wear Farah slacks. H: But you stopped the fight. Wont everyone be mad at you? M: Eh, lettem be mad. The only thing that matters to me is your'e safe. - D: Homer, your manager obviously loves you very much.
Episode: (S9E16) Dumbbell Indemnity
Dancing together + hints throughout. "if you squint" kinda stuff but ill take my breadcrumbs.
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Episode: (S11E6) Hello Gutter Hello Fadder
Homer and Moe consider one another life partners.
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Ma: Well, the one sure cure for the blues is to talk it over with your life partner. H: You're right! - H: I cant believe it Moe. The greatest feet of my life is already forgotten. M: Geez, Homer. I never seen ya this depressed. As your life partner, Im very worried.
Episode: (S11E10) Little Big Mom
When Lisa calls the tavern, Moe asks if Homer is going to another bar like its a cheating situation. Look at me however you want that's how im taking this. Moe's clingy.
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M: Hey uh- is Homer there? L: No, he isn't. I dont know where he is. M: Im a little worried. He usually stops in for an eye opener on the way to work. L: He told us he'd been going to the gym. M: Uhahaha- Wow. Anyway, you dont think he could be at another bar do ya? Because i couldnt take that- i- i just couldnt. *crying*
Episode: (S11E16) Pygmoelian
Homer tells Moe his acting is a turn on.
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M: The one hole ive never been able to fix is the one in my soul. H: That was amazing Moe. Im actually a little turned on. M: Yeah, hey i gotta gift.
Episode: (S16E7) Mommie Beerest
The thing i dont say is that i primarily ship all three of them together especially during late seasons. Reading "Moe takes the place of marge" jokes as shippy is- a bit of a stretch? whatever, it includes Moe telling Homer "i love you" and Homer calling Moe "Honey".
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H: What would Marge say? M: Do whatever you have to do to save Moe's. I love my Homie. H: Ok honey, ill do it! Ma: What's going on here? M: Nothin- Nothing.
Also Homer and Moe sharing a bed 1/2.
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Episode: (S17E5) Marge's Son Poisoning
If i had a nickel for every time Moe and Homer were called life partners id have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice. (This has to be a lie, im certain there is a third time this has happened, i have yet to find it again) "They're lying, they're trying to hustle" um stfu- idc that's his life partner. he said so.
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RT: God dern it son- what tha hell kinna sissy are you? M: Hey are you calling my life partner a sissy? Cause a hundred bucks says he could whoop you in arm wrestling.
Episode: (S18E6: Moe n' a Lisa)
Moe tells Homer he loves him.
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H: Seriously Moe, I think you have a gift. M: Thanks Homer, I love you man. H: OoooOH you love a man.
Episode: (S20E8) The Burns and The Bees
Moe explains bees having sex to Homer and Homer thinks Moe is talking about the two of them.
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H: But how are we supposed to combine the DNA of two strains of the same species? M: Actually Homer *whispering* H: *gasp* You and me? M: No. The bees. H: Oh! Yeah yeah. That's what i meant too. I... have no... inclination...
Episode: (S21E30 The Great Wife Hope)
Moe takes Homer dressed as Marge to his class reunion. He says he took Barney the year before.
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M: Lets go Marge. My class reunion starts in an hour. H: Uh, Moe, i have a confession to make. Im just Homer dressed as Marge. M: Yeah, but last year i took Barney dressed as Marge. Think how much better they'll think you look. Hmm? H: Well you better not leave me and talk to your old friends all night. M: Keep talkin like that and ill leave ya here right now.
Episode: (S21E21) Moe Letter Blues
Homer kisses Moe.
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H: Moe, i dont know rather to punch you or kiss you. So im gonna do both.
Episode: (S24E2) Treehouse of Horror XXIV
Look, i know its a demon that looks like Moe and NOT Moe. But cmon what was this???
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H: Listen, pal, you seem like an honest guy. Is there any other deal you can accept? D: Three way. H: Hm- You, me, Marge? D: Demon, demon, you. H: Sigh- I guess its one of those things a dad has to do. - H: Now before we start, what's the safe word? D: Cinnamon H: Oh! I like that. Now, id like to try something new, if you dont mind. D: Cinnamon. Cinnamon! Cinnamon! Cinnamon!
Episode: (S25E12) Diggs
Ok- so the way Bart describes his feeling for Diggs is really queer and Homer immediately compares that to his feelings towards Moe.
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B: I met this kid. Little older. Kinda strange. I dont think other people get him but i just wanna hang out with him all the time. H: *gasps* Its even better than i thought. You found your Moe Szyslak!
Episode: (S27E10) The Girl Code
Homer kisses Moe.
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M: Hey what tha hell? Get your kisser off my head puss! H: What? Its how greek men say 'hello'. Non sexual guy kissing is the best.
Episode: (S28E4) Treehouse of Horror XXVII
Moe kisses a picture of Homer twice.
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Thanks @leibi97 for remembering this one for me!
--- Episode: (S28E13) Fatzcarraldo
Homer calls Moe his "sweet wonderful bartender"
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H: i had a great day and i really wanna celebrate with the boys so dont wait up for me my sweet wonderful bartender, Moe. M: Alright but whos the boys? H: Marge's boobs. See ya!
Episode: (S29E16) King Leer
Homer carrying Moe into the store. But also i like this episode over all from a Homoearge standpoint.
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M: When i cross this threshold i begin a new life! *Picked up by Homer* This is the first time that ive ever been carried into a store. Look at me now lady foot locker! Look at me now.
Episode: (S32E15) Do Pizza Robots Dream of Electric Guitars
Ok guys THIS is what im talking about when i say in later seasons i kinda ship all three of them.
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Ma: Did you see how he ate his breakfast? He doesn't shuffle his pancakes like a deck of cards. He doesn't air drum while driving, or race the dog in butt scooting across the carpet. And he always won. He's not my Homie anymore. B: We didnt notice any of that. Ma: A wife knows. M: And a bartender. Hes just- hes just not the same. He dont spin Barney around on the stool no more. He dont drink beer from a crazy straw just a sensible straw. What are we gonna do about our little man Midge? Ma: Were just gonna have to love him that much more. M: I didnt think that was possible. - B: Im used to seeing mom upset about dad, but Moe. That really shook me.
Episode: (S35E7) Its A Blunderful Life
They love each other :)
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M: How dare you show your face in here. H: Moe, its me, and beneith all the drinking and the jokes we have a real relationship. And that means something. M: What are you gettin at? H: C'mon man. Deep down, we kinda love each other. H: *thrown through window* M: Love you too
Episode: (S35E15) Cremains of the Day
Moe and Homer share a bed 2/2.
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M: Oh cmon Lenny, ghosts aint real. eh
Holding each other.
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Episode: (S35E17) The Tipping Point
Dont- Even- Get- Me- Started
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M: Exact change huh? Thats it? H: Aw, i really wanna tip ya Moe, but i promised my wife id quit. M: Heres a thought Homer. What if you took the moolah outta your pocket but you just stopped before anything happened? Ya know, everything but the tip. H: That dosent seem like it could lead to anything. M: Sure it couldnt. H: *slowly hands Moe ten dollars* H: We shouldnta done that. M: Does that mean- that you wanna stop? H: No *hands Moe more money* *moaning* It feels so good *hands Moe more money* M: Dont stop you generous man *handed more money* *moaning* Aw yeah give it to me big boy H: *handing Moe more money* You like that? M: Oh thats the spot H: I can do this all night M: Right there H: Tell me you want it M: Oh god- Oh god- Oh god- Oh god! H: Yes- Yes- Yes- Yes! *Wallet sprays money on Moe* C: I need a new bar. - M: *following Homer out of the bar* Where ya goin? H: I cant stop tippin Moe. Im hooked on tha rush! I gotta monkey on my back and hes got his hand out. M: But, what about us? H: No one service worker can satisfy my needs. God help me im a tip-phomaniac.
Jesus ok i dont know how to conclude this post. I will make updates to this. I know im missing stuff.
This is about a 3rd of my "moe is bi" list so maybe ill make that its own masterpost.
Someone asked me today what ship dynamic they are and i told them "the dumb one/the evil one/the woman". My spouse and i have been watching Futurama and they pointed out to me it was the same dynamic when i said i saw something between Fry/Bender/Leela as a trio.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
Don't fuck him.
Kali: Honey, I made this cake for the neighbors as a thank you for watering our garden when we were on vacation. Can you give them to them, please?
Blake: Ok *About to take the cake*
Kali: *Moves it back* Just one thing, don't fuck their son.
Blake: *Blushing* What?!
Kali: I've seen how you look at that Arc boy. I'm a little afraid that you're going to do something to him.
Blake: *Red* I won't do anything to him! Let alone do "that" to him!
Kali: I don't believe it. You are my daughter, and I know that if you are alone with that boy, his innocence will be gone.
Blake: Mom!
Kali: Don't "mom" me. Do you think your dad was the one who convinced me to go out with him? Of course not, I did. And you, being my daughter, know very well that if you have the opportunity, you will eat that young man. I mean, I would like some grandchildren one day, but right now it's too early for that.
Blake: MOM!
Kali: Anyway, if he is alone in the house. Don't even think about going in, do you understand?
Blake: But-!
Kali: Do YOU understand?
Blake: *Sighs* Yes mom.
Kali: Good, now go and deliver the cake.
Blake takes the cake and heads over to the neighbors' house. When she arrives, she rings the bell but no one answers. She rings it again and still nothing.
Blake: It seems that no one is home.
Jaune: *Happy* Blake!
Blake: Huh?
Blake turns to her left and she sees Jaune pushing the lawn mower into the driveway. Apparently Jaune is mowing the back garden and apparently he was getting a little hot. The young man had taken off his shirt and put it over his head to stop the sweat. Blake could see his chest of the exposed. Her gaze is glued to his muscles, she watches in detail as the sweat moves through his pectorals all the way to his abs. Unaware, Jaune had approached her and was calling her name.
Jaune: B... Bla... Blake? Hello?
Blake: *Blushing* I'm sorry! I zoned out for a second there.
Jaune: I understand, it happens to me all the time. But leaving that aside. You need something?
Blake: Well, my mom made this cake as a thank you for taking care of our garden.
Jaune: Oh wow! Thanks a lot! *He was going to take the cake but stops* Oh, I'm a little sweaty, I don't think it's a good idea to take it in this state. Why don't you go inside and leave the cake in the kitchen? And I can show you the bonsai that I am taking care of.
Blake: Well... (Kali: Don't even think about going in!) I'm sorry but I can't stay for long.
Jaune: It won't take long. Just let me put the mower away and I'll open the door for you. *Goes to the mower*
Blake: Seriously Jaune, I can't...
At that moment Jaune pushes the heavy mower. Blake watches his muscles flex and his butt move with each step. Seeing that, everything that her mother had said to her went overboard.
Blake: *Sweating* I think I can stay a few minutes.
A couple of hours later.
Jaune and Blake are lying on the bed, snuggled up naked.
*Ring Ring*
Blake: Huh? *Checks her phone* OH SHIT!
Jaune: What happened?
Blake: It's my mom! Shit Shit Shit!
Jaune: Is that a bad thing?
Blake: Kind of!! Just help me get dressed!
Jaune: Ok.
As Jaune helps Blake get dressed she answers the phone.
Blake: Hello… Oh no, I'm not at Jaune's house. I'm at, I'm at Yang's house!… *Puts pants on* Yes! I'm at Yang's house. I met her on the way to Jaune's house…. *Shirt on* What was she doing here? She only came to leave some things that Jaune lent her… *Shoes on* It's the truth! I'm with her right now. What do you want to talk to her?… *Walks to the front of the house* Well, she's in the bathroom right now… *Open the door to leave* Yes, I'll let you know when I'm back *Stops* home.
Kali: *In front of her* Did you have fun?
Blake: It's not what you think!
Jaune: Blake, you forgot your panties. Oh!.... *Embarrassed* Hi Mrs. Belladonna.
Kali: Hi Jaune. Blake, to the house, Now. *Leaves*
Blake: *Sighs* Yes mom. *Follows her*
Jaune: *Quietly* Blake wait.
Blake: Hm?
Jaune: *Kiss her* I text you later.
Blake: *Smiles* Sure *Leaves*
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majimassqueaktoy · 11 months
yakuza fans will have any mfers fucking, 1 million random ships with any random fuckin characters fuckin AND I RESPECT IT- SMASH THOSE PNGS TOGETHER BABY I SUPPORT YOU but then comes little Baba Shigeki with his snatched ass waist, nastygal.com black ribbed for his pleasure turtle neck big sparkly anime girl eyes and hes a femme fatale??? TRAPPED ON A MOUNTAIN TOP SNOWY SNOWY COLD WITH BIG STRONG WARM SAEJIMA?? AND HES OH SO EVIL he's got his scheme and its working Oh saejima youre so naive... I played you for a fool and you fell for it ALL you believed me.... but now you know... you have to die....... So only one of us can leave here alive then? STOP HESITIATIN BABA-CHAN PULL THE TRIGGER I DONT CARE IF YOUR A LITTLE LYING DECEIVER I WONT BE THE ONE TO KILL YOU BABA-CHAN so go on then- shoot me. I will shoot you... But why did you come back for me when I was lost in that blizzard. you should have ABANDONED ME you put your life at risk just for me.... WHY?????? I CALLED YOU ANIKI BC I LOOKED UP TO YOU !!!!!! you're my kyodai of course I went back for you. the bond we got? it's there even if we dont make it official with some dusty old ritual- YOURE MY KYODAI NO MATTER WHETHER YA LIKE IT OR NOT BABA-CHAN! STOP CALLING ME THAT IM GONNA SHOOT MYSELF IN THE FUCKIN HEAD IF YOU KEEP CALLING ME THAT. NO THE FUCK YOU ARENT, BABA-CHAN. I will beat your ass into the ground but then I'm gonna offer you my big ol calloused hand and we will share a cigarette and we WILL MEET AGAIN and you cunts saw all that and almost no one has shit to say??? ALMOST NO ONE IS FROTHIN AT THE MOUTH? MATE. mate. UNFATHOMABLE TO ME. Anyway.
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w2soneshots · 6 months
im sry if you keep writing stuff about jj but you're literally the only one who is writing for him rn 😭😭
so yeahhh ignore this if you want but can you please write where the reader is a youtuber and is doing a series where she pranks jj (or they prank each other like prank-war type thing idk). so the reader decides on a cheating prank with third person (i dont really mind who, could be in sidemen or troops). the reader and the person pretend to do IT on their bed before jj walks and he sees them then he gets all sad and mad and u can decide what happens after that im not rly sure lmao. preferably happy ending, tyyy love ur fics 💕💕
Prank -KSI
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words: 0.6k+
warnings: angst, fake cheating, argument, self doubt.
summary: you perform a prank on JJ with Calfreezy and it goes terribly wrong.
notes: thank you for requesting!! I literally wrote this within an hour of your request because I love the idea so much (I’m only posting it now because I already posted something yesterday). Anyway hope you enjoy🫶🏼🤍
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I've known JJ since we were teenagers. We started off as friends, moved to London together, I lived in the sidemen house for a little while and during that time we began dating. He asked me to be his girlfriend and we've been together ever since. I've been doing YouTube for as long as I can remember, that's how me and JJ became friends since not many people did YouTube at that time. I'm also great friends with the rest of the sidemen, Callux and Freezy.
Recently I've been doing a series on my channel where I prank JJ and he started doing it back. It started with little ones like: drawing a beard on him while he slept (because he can't grow one), then he bought a confetti bomb and scared the shit out of me with it. It continued on like that for a few weeks, me and JJ thought it was absolutely hilarious. Recently my comments have been full of people asking me to do a "cheating prank" so I decided to deliver.
I asked Freezy to do it with me since we've always got along well, he thought it would be funny so said yes. I asked him to come round to our apartment just before JJ was due to return home from a sidemen shoot. To make it look "real" but not actually touch each other we decided when we heard JJ open the front door Cal would make it look like he was quickly putting his clothes back on. I set up the camera so it was hidden but faced the bedroom door so it would catch JJ's reaction. Then me and Cal explained what was going to happen for the viewers.
When we heard the door click I jumped under the covers so my head was just peaking out and Cal rushed to take his top off. "y/n?!" JJ shouted through the apartment. I didn't respond. "y/n?" JJ opened the door just as Cal pulled his shirt back over his head. His face went blank as his eyes flickered from me and then back to Cal. "What the fuck are you doing!" He said stepping forward and harshly pushing Cals shoulder so he stumbled back slightly. I actually wasn't expecting him to believe it. I leaped up from the bed. "Woah, JJ it's a prank!" I stammered. His brows furrowed angrily. "Stop lying, I caught you!" He shouted. "No seriously mate, it's a prank." Cal stated. "Look." I lept around the bed to grab the hidden camera and held it up for him to see. His face calmed.
JJ shot a quick apology at Cal then he left, leaving me and JJ alone. We sat on the bed. I gently cupped his face in my hands. "Do you seriously believe I'd ever cheat on you?" I asked calmly. His eyes dropped to his lap but I brought his head higher so he looked me in the eyes. "I just- you're so amazing and I-" he started. I nodded my head telling him to go on. "I still can't believe someone like you would want to be with someone like me." My heart sank. "I love you so much. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you, and I never will." I said quietly. He pulled me into a hug and held me tight. "I'm sorry for reacting like that." He said into the crook of my neck. "No, I shouldn't have done the prank. I didn't think about the fact you might believe it, that was stupid of me." He pulled away "I love you." I smiled "I love you too."
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supahstarrr · 19 days
what i gout out of the recent episode of Drdt:
Eveeryone is useless
Whit "I dont have an alibi" ass is suspicious because how would he know Charles don't have one
"Shut your whore mouth"
You're all suswpicious everyone is very suspicious
Fuck you David dont you dare speak about Whit again...
David is a weirdo but I have a thought about where his mind was at. Excuse me for poor wording but. It could be possible that it is true that lying about being the murderer was to somewhat help with the trial while keeping the audience entertained. Attempting to imagine how David could be the killer with information that has already been gathered could help with deconstructing that imaginary path later on, in order to see how that information can or doesn't fit for the case. It could be likely that he thought even the cast would figure out his lie later on, because of the information not fitting correctly, being out of place, or missing. By knowing how the information doesn't fit with the case, the cast can guide themselves to find how the information fits with the case.
Noting that he mentioned about MONOTV explaining that DRDT is a show, he could be more confident in his method of finding the true killer of the case. Knowing the game & trial relies on entertainment as it is an extension of a show, he probably figured MonoTV would likely intervene if they're in the wrong direction, for the case of entertainment.
It could be possible that the purpose was to try organizing the information they already have in order to bundle it up into one case, only to deconstruct it later on in a way that's more entertaining to the audience.
I'm not a David stan or whatever, i dont think about him too much. but i was just curious and had a thought.
edit: but anyways, David attempting to justify Xander murdering Teruko is crazy... like i do believe that there is more deeper reasons for Xander trying to kill her off, but i feel pretty bad for Teruko like it genuinely does feel like everyone brushes off that she was one of the main people being targeted. Its like people ignore that shes deeply upset. Hardly anyone was even willing to speak about David's ramble about Xander being a good person. Like i get it that Xander has had such a big impact on David, but holy fucking shit just yikes. I feel so bad for Teruko.
just one more thing before i stop adding onto this... i feel very suspicious about David's words because when ramble about Xander... it was as if he was implying he remembered Xander before the game. Like did he regain his memories or...?
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prettypinkporkchop · 15 days
Can you do Embry X reader where jake and sams pack is one now and they're co-alphas together and every wolf in the pack has a imprint including Collin and Brady and Claire as quils. You can choose the plot and details
GOOD IDEA MY SEXY PORKCHOP! Okay bet watch this shit. Oh also, I'm sorry but I never write Claire as Quils imprint bc it makes me
✨️uncomfortable ✨️ but I'll add faces for everyone's imprint besides you, obviously bc YOUUUU belong to Embryyyyyyy! Ugh, he's so loveable!
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Collin's imprint: face - julia stiles. name- Amber
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Brady's imprint: face - Mandy Moore. Name- Sarah
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Seth's imprint: face - phoebe tonkin. Name- Brandy
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Quil's imprint: face - taissa farmigo. Name- Spencer
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Leah's imprint- face- Deborah Woll. Name- Marabelle
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Embry runs up behind you and dunks you into the water. You jump back up and take a deep breath in. "Embry! I told you I didn't want to get my hair wet today!" You wipe your eyes and then smack his arm. He laughs and grabs you, kissing your forehead. "Mmm, I forgot. Sorry, hot stuff." You roll your eyes. You feel a hand touch your back. You turn to see Quil's imprint, Spencer. "Girl, you won't believe what just happened." She has a goofy grin. You turn toward her, and Embry steps beside you. She looks at Embry. "Sorry, Em. Girl talk." She laughs. "AH! Okay, I see. I'm offended!" He puts a hand over his chest and then swims away. You pinch the bridge of your nose. "What am I going to do with him?" You chuckle. "Kill him." She jokes. "Thought about it!" You laugh. "Anyways, what is it?" She looks around and then whispers in your ear. "So, Marabelle and Brandy were sitting in Leah's truck, putting sunscreen on Marabelle's irish ass." She stops and laughs. You giggle, too. You guys love picking with her. But you always remind her she's stunning! "Brandy was trying to find chapstick but found a box with a ring in it! She quickly hid it." She turns back, looking around. Everyone is out of the water and hanging out on the beach towels. You and Spencer are the only ones in the water. "Marabelle doesn't know. Brandy asked Leah. Leah got upset that Brandy knew but got over it. Now she's telling every imprint. She sent me out here to tell you." She puts a hand over her mouth, bursting in giggles. "Oh my God, I'm so fucking excited." You squeal. "Shh! C'mon. Let's join them!" She grabs your hand, and you two make your way to the group. Embry is lying down on top of Jacob. "Dude, get the fuck off me." Jacob laughs. Renesmee is facepalming. "Embry, off your boyfriend." You snap. He jumps up and sits next to you. "Bossy." He sighs at you.
After the beach trip, you guys head over to Emily's place. Jacob took Renesmee back to the Cullens. "Dude, I actually do NOT want to go to school tomorrow." Amber groans. Collin puts his arm behind her and pulls her in. "AWE!" He playfully teases. "Shut up, Collin." She groans. "I remember when that was me. Trust me. It's over in the blink of an eye." You reply. Suddenly, screaming is heard outside. "What the hell?" You jump up. You all run outside and see Seth phased, fighting a vampire. Brady and Collin instantly phase. Leah, Sam, Embry, Jared, and Paul get ready, but the three wolves rip his head off. "God damn." You mutter.
The two packs go over to the Cullins to figure out what the hell that was about. The imprints stay behind. "Brandy, Sarah, Amber, I can take you guys home. You need sleep. School is tomorrow." You remind them. Kim checks her watch. "Where are your parents?" She giggles. Rachel finishes painting Emily's toenails. "I'll take them home, guys." Rachel offers. "How about you and me go! The girls can sit in the back. I'd feel more comfortable if both of us adults went. I'm not sure what's out there tonight." Your stomach turns at the thought.
After taking them home, you, Spencer, Kim, Marabelle, Rachel, and Emily are sleeping in the living room. You're on the floor next to Kim. The door opens, and you all wake up besides Rachel. The two packs step inside and start talking. You hit Rachel with a pillow to wake her up. "Guys, the two Russians that wanted to kill the volturi had made a clan. They're getting revenge on us." Sam says. You all look at each other. "How many are there?" Emily asks. "Don't know just yet." He replies. "Did you make sure my girl got home safely?" Collin asks. "Yes. All of them. We walked them to the doors and all." You reply. "This is going to end badly." Seth says sadly. "Don't say that. We've been going on strong." Emily says. Leah tears up and then sits on the couch next to Marabelle. Your gut starts to twist as you remember what she had planned.
Everyone slept huddled up at Emily's house.
2 days later:
Your mouth is taped, and you're tied up on the same pole as Amber. There's a singular lamp in the basement. There are other poles around the room. Brandy and Emily, Spencer by herself, Kim and Rachel, Marabelle and Sarah. You look around and see everyone panicking. You guys were taken by a group of Russian vampires. This is actually insane. There's one vampire standing in the corner of the room. "Girls, you are fine! We aren't going to kill you. Not just yet, anyway!" He walks around everyone. His legs walk in front of you and all around the poles, watching you girls. You roll your eyes at how cheesy this is. He rips the tape off of Sarah's mouth. She screams and kicks her legs. Emily starts screaming, but it's muffled. He rips her tape off. "She's just a kid! Leave her alone!" Emily screams. "God, I don't care if all of you were kids. We hold you hostage to bring the wolves here, and then we kill them and kill you! Easy." He tapes her mouth back up. Sarah starts wailing. "Shut up! I can already tell you're my least favorite." He tapes her mouth.
After a few hours, you're rubbing Amber's hand that's tied with yours. You're trying to let her know it's going to be okay. The basement door bursts open, and the Russian vampire hisses. In walks, Rosalie and Alice. "Let them go." Rosalie spits. "No." He simply says. They start to fight. You're so focused on making sure that no bodies start flying and hitting one of the kids. Spencer is by herself and closest to them fighting. You're getting anxious. Somehow, Amber gets the tape off her mouth. "Where's everyone?" She calls out. Alice stopped while Rose had the guy held down. "Batteling." She says and rips his head off of his body. "Come on. We have to light his body." Alice starts untying all of you. Rosalie is ripping off his limbs. "Is he the only one here?!" You ask. "Yes! We are going to run upstairs." Alice says. Once everyone is untied, you grab Sarah, who is having a mental breakdown. You hold onto her. "Y/n, is everything going to be okay?" She cries. "Yes." You kiss the top of her head.
Rosalie and Alice go back to the battle after bringing you girls to their house. Renesmee and Bella are there to protect you. "Alice showed me. It's going to be okay." Bella hugs Amber. Everyone is worried about their wolves. You are sipping on your glass of water. Renesmee shared some of her snacks.
Bella stands up and smiles. "Everyone is here." She says. You all stand up and run outside. You catch Embry's eyes and jump into his arms. "Baby, oh my baby. I was so scared. I'm so fucking sorry." He holds you so tight. "We had to send Alice and Rosalie. I wish I could explain the pain I felt. I still feel it." He starts sniffling. "Embry, please take me home." You softly sob.
You lay on top of Embry's chest. He's playing with your hair and rubbing your arm. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too, Embry." You look up and kiss his lips. His hands grab your face and pull you up so you're sitting on his waist. You pull away and kiss his neck, leaving wet kisses there. He sighs and leans his head back for you. You kiss lower to his collarbone. His hands make their way to your ass. You bite down, and he moans. You slowly make your way down his stomach, a trail of shiny spots of where your tongue has been. He looks down at you and raises his eyebrow. You start to pull his shorts off.
As a celebration of winning, Emily threw a party. The youngsters are playing in the water. Sam and Paul are cooking on the grill in the sand. You and Embry are sharing a towel, laying down next to each other. You lock your fingers with his and smile. "You're my everything, hot stuff." He smirks. You kiss his cheek and then his temple. "You're mine."
"Guys! I have an announcement to make!" Leah calls out. You and Embry stand up and walk over to Leah. You know exactly what this is about. Marabelle is sitting on the towel, smiling up at her. Everyone stands around them. "I love Marabelle. We all do." She turns to Marabelle and lifts her off the ground, holding both of her hands. "Baby," she gets on one knee and pulls out a box from her bag. Marabelle gasps and covers her mouth. Spencer, who's standing beside you, grabs your arm. "It's happening!" Quil leans into her and whispers, "What's happening?" You and Spencer look at him like, really? "Marabelle, will you marry me?" She asks. "Yes! Fuck! Yes!!!!" She screams. Everyone starts cheering. You scream and then hug Embry. Quil hugs Spencer and looks at her with a certain look. Oh gosh, her turn! You can't help but lift your hand and look at the ring on your finger. Embry whispers in your ear, "What're you thinking about, Mrs. Call?" He chuckles. "Our wedding day." You smile.
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good omens dashboard simulator
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new-aquarian follow reblogged 🔄 your-budd...
📰 new-aquarian follow
british government: got some straight gas 🔥😜 this strain is called "mass hallucination" 🌀😵‍💫 you'll lose your sense of reality 💯
me: yeah whatever i don't feel shit
5 minutes later: dude i swear aliens just stopped by to deliver a message of universal peace and harmony
my buddy john pacing: plato wasn't lying to us about the atlanteans' prowess
some random passer-by: i bet the tibetans in the ground are here to find out how to use sherbert lemons to power nuclear reactors so they can stop the kraken from killing my aunt
🏄‍♂️ your-buddy-john follow
i meant their ability to play quoits!!!!!!
📰 new-aquarian follow
we all know you want to fuck an atlantean, john
#still not convinced they don't exist #mass hallucination suuuure #and we all had coincidentally the same?
(4,004 notes)
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thin-dark-duke follow reblogged 🔄 aziraph...
🪩 disco-tony-fanatic follow
still an absolute crime that these are the only snippets of disco tony we have
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this video really is the pin-nacle of all human existence
🌌 wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey follow
i am telling you, this bloke looks just like the tenth doctor
🕺anthony-dancethony follow
I can see yet without spectacles and I see no such matter.
📖 aziraphale-fell follow
Oh, dear. Crowley, is that you?
🐍 thin-dark-duke follow
(154,790 notes)
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THE-ANTIC reblogged 🔄 percule-hoirot-dea...
🪦 ornithologeek-deactivated20240219
you're never gonna believe what just happened to me! there was a bloody nightingale. in berkeley square. SINGING. just like in that damned song.
🪦 king-dick-ii-deactivated13990929
what song?
🪦 ornithologeek-deactivated20240219
how do you not know 'A Nightingale sang in Berkeley Square'? here it is:
🪦 mr-fahrenheit-deactivated20240219
i don't think that is the song you wanted to post
🪦 ornithologeek-deactivated20240219
oh, sorry. dont know how that happened.
🪦 mr-fahrenheit-deactivated20240219
that is still not the song you mentioned
🪦 ornithologeek-deactivated20240219
okay, i really don't know how that happened. i swear i double and triple checked that i put the right song there
🪦 percule-hoirot-deactivated20240220
can someone please tell me who that guy is? every time i see them reblog a post everyone in the reblog chain is deactivated. im pretty sure they made the account of a mutual delete itself.
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thin-dark-duke follow reblogged 🔄 aziraph...
🍷 rizz-at-the-ritz follow
you are not gonna believe this, but my reservation at the ritz got cancelled again. this is the third time this month! and every time these ingnorant waiters don't even remember my reservation! im not superstitious but if i were id say there are demonic forces at work here.
📖 aziraphale-fell follow
Crowley? That wasn't you, was it?
🐍 thin-dark-duke follow
#c'mon angel #you really believe the ritz coincidentally just has a free table every time you want to eat there? #that person's a dick anyway
(150 notes)
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🔥 sponsored
🍆 mentula follow
You have difficulties making an effort? Your partner is not satisfied with the effort you have made?
Go to https://www.mentula.com/make-an-effort to get the help you need.
Mentula: We make making an effort effortless!
#make an effort #mentula
(69 notes)
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🪩 disco-tony-fanatic follow
#poll #cant believe there isnt a ginger dancer emoji #tumblr fix this
(666 notes)
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🐸 hastur-la-vista follow reblogged 🔄 aziraph...
🦀 crabby-posts follow
look guys, i redecorated my children's hospital 🥰🤪
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va va VOOM!
📖 aziraphale-fell follow
It really is a lovely colour! Very nice indeed. The children will feel very safe, i'm sure.
🐸 hastur-la-vista follow
looks like someone pissed all over it
(3,008 notes)
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👩🏼‍💻 not-my-fucking-business follow
wouldn't have believed it myself but team building exercises really work. ever since i shot my boss in the heart with a machine gun our relationship has drastically improved.
#work #he's downright nice to me now #tadfield manor
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