#and im actually gonna get so emo about the last one its on there because its one of my moms fav songs of all time.
digirainebow · 2 years
Spotify wrapped!! 7, 24, 51, 72, and 96!
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aphroditarian · 5 months
Hate words for your moon sign <3
Aries moon- i seem to attract them, which is a problem because i hate these fuckers. Immature, selfish and irresponsible, they are oblivious to the fact that they need to work on themselves ( like literally all of us ) because they perceive themselves to have some sort of moral advantage for “always being right” ( my ass ). They also love weed and probably alcohol too ( cause god forbid they actually feel their emotions ). Theyre just big babies.
Taurus moon- unmovable, unshakable, will die on the stupidest of hills out of sheer stubbornness. They know everything since they were 3 and so theres no reason for them to get out of bed. Movies? Seen them all and if they havent, they already know the one you wana take them to is no good. Music? Pfft. Do you even know who bach is?
Gemini- yall have commitment issues the size of pluto and youre not doing anything about it. You are a menace. Basically draco malfoy but if he wasnt even rich and hot so he had literally no redeeming quality.
Cancer- even i, a particularly sensitive and emotional individual, cant handle your crying ass. Mommy issues WE GET IT!! Friends with this placement will make everyone in the group baby them and partners will suck your tits FLAT. Not to mention how EMO they truly are. Like 6 pete wentzs on the emo scale.
Leo- thank god none of yall seem to like me cause i swear to god you need 15 times more attention than the average human. Your redeeming quality is that youre funny. But if you dont stop acting like rachel berry im gonna laugh at you and not with you. Did i mention theater kid?
Virgo- youre so wrecked emotionally that i actually feel bad for you instead of wanna make fun of you. Like jojo siwas career. Its like you have the meanest most insidious person in your head judging every single thing you or anyone says or does or feels or thinks. Jesus christ, we all need therapy but you neeed therapy.
Libra- i dont trust a single word that comes out of yalls mouths. Youre people pleasing, co dependents, and eeeeverything must lead to you being good and nice. Youre no fun. And when you are its for other people to think youre fun. Also youre deeply delusional and limerant ( look it up ), and i can just sense you falling in love with everyone and everything for no reason. Ew.
Scorpio- listen here you piece of shit, i know you want everyone to be scared of you but im no fool. Literally no one finds you mysterious and intimidating, your just no fun. And yes, we can tell you cry to evanescence every night. Redeeming quality is that youre hot, but looks dont last and youre gonna be one cranky old peson.
Sagittarius- every time you tell i joke i can see tears behind your eyes. Youre not fooling anyone with your pseudo esoteric shit. Also chill tf out!! Please!! Youre either angry or excited.
Capricorn- like virgo, no amount of hate words coming from me will do a capricorn moon justice, because they are already hating on themselves so hard. They are under the delusion that its everyone around them that is the problem but deep inside they know, its themselves they feel bad about. And no you dont actually enjoy being productive, its just that your self worth is entirely dependent on being useful.
Aquarius- you are literally insane. The most delusional people ive met. None of your reactions make sense. You are constantly running away from being actually vulnerable and open, coming up with either brilliant or extremely dumb excuses, and your love life is suffering the consequences of your avoidant ass. At least your social life is good, but hey, at what cost??
Pisces- thank fucking god youre a rare species. Kind of like virgo, i almost dont wanna make fun of you because i feel bad. But in your situation i also have no desire to help your overly dramatic ass. Youre not just anxious, youre something on a whole new level and you probably require huge amounts of food/alcohol/tobbacco or something to keep it all bottled up. Good fucking luck to anyone who falls in love with you!! Ps if you wanna be a poet be a poet, dont be like umm UwU can i show you my poetry UwU 👉👈
If youre mad about this post, complain to my mother.
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Random shit I had or others had said as prompts.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of sus, dark humor(probably), dark themes(also probably), Sensitive topics
"Motherfucker is high on cat nip at the top."
"Imma just kick this fish then-"
"Let me sleep with you!"
"Let me throw your child!"
"I smacked a bad guy's booty."
"That was a good ass slap!"
"Give me all these delicious batteries!"
"Everybody died in this family!"
"I got stuff on my neck!"
"Be honest, am I hot?" "I'M GAY-"
"Not the duckussy"
"Already sus gonna hide in the ooc"
"Okay I got my happiness, bye"
"I like me some Among Us"
"Can someone hold me please"
"[Name] stop searching. I wanna search something up to on him!"
"You're more grosser than I am."
"Ohh~ Hee got the rizz~"
"I love dying screaming"
"I will slap myself if I say something sus"
"Let her scream lmao."
"Being force to talk by a 14 year old"
"Such a beautiful break up"
"Anyway does anyone want to get slap by me?"
"Damn she hot"
"Actually *SHITTING* himself would be pooping. *PISSING* himself would be peeing."
"Why did you eat mah stick?"
"I think u just pissed him up even more"
"And why are you creaming [Name]?" "Damn tell me how you really feel about the cream jesus"
"One of them is: What the fuck is going on at this point and why am I still here for it?"
"I just love killing people!"
"I want to fuck Optimus Prime."
"Allergies are kicking me ass"
"I would've given you some but you didn't talk fast enough /j"
"Why is [Name] robbing [Name2]"
"Enjoy your last peaceful moments"
"You were the chosen one"
"Then speak it"
"And [Name] just set himself on fire"
"I feel like I am being judged now,,,,,bye." *disappears*
"The shame has already been done there is no going back"
"My mom used to buy me robux before she mcfucking died"
"My gaydar told me"
"What the fuck are smiley fries."
"Rice with beef broth because we have no chicken"
"Anime cat girls are canon within Spongebob now."
"The Cat Has Ingested The Wall"
"Split dat chicken wingg"
"Oeuur... digs chicken wing out of the carpet"
"They have been bestowed the name [New name]"
"I love the fumbling with the remote"
"Literally vibrating in my chair, I’m really excited for the game"
"That's so sad imagine someone hated you so much they wouldn't even spend more than 5 bucks to hire a hitman"
"Bro's gonna be willing to die after that"
"I wanna invite them for tea and crumpets
The best type of relationship"
"Like damn dude you don't need THAT much eye liner"
"This is so emo"
"My dude needs to look fabulous"
"They got a little too silly"
"They just need to put some ice on it"
"Aww noo they spilled the cranberry juice" :(
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emo-gremlin · 2 years
Me, @ravenpoefan, my bff (you know who you are), and my F/os as memes (feat my bffs f/os)
Bailey: stop dating attractive women
Thunderhoof: Alright, bet. Where all the fine men at?
Bailey: stop dating women
Me: no. *dabs*
Bailey: Stop dating women
Ravenpoe: yes I 100% agree, leave us alone, thank you
Steeljaw: *picks up a visor masquerading as sunglasses* how much is this?
Me: 9.99
Steeljaw: *puts it on* you think I can get some bitches with these
Me: you radiate the same energy as a 100 gecs song and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing
My bff: I like to think its both
Me: I just realized something
Jack: what
Me: every single odd number has an e in it
Jeff: oh dear god what have you done
Me: Listen-
Strade: not all of them. 30 and 50 aren't spelled with the letter e in it
Jeff: oh father god
Strade: if you can split a number in half evenly, it's even. 30 and 50 are odd.
Jack: *questions life choices*
Strade: *scoffs* 15+15=30 and 25+25=30
Atlas: 25+25=30? You sure about that?
Jeff: lord have mercy
Me: ok bye
Peter: 3 days into 2020 shaking my fucking head
My bff: *probably dying from laughing so hard*
Ren: one, three, five, nine. And since everything else after is a variable of these numbers, then all odds have the letter e
Jack: you forgot seven
Jeff: it just keeps getting worse
Ravenpoe: WHA- WHAT IS GOING ON *laughs* I can't even-
Thunderhoof: you whole ass forgot about eight - a number with an e and it's pretty fucking even
Ren: why would 8 be brought up if its EVEN in a conversation about ODDS?! Emo said 'every single odd number has an E in it' not 'every single number with e is odd' WHAT THE FUCK
Me: 3 days until 2021 and we're still here
My bff: happy new year's eve
Steeljaw: I'm going to bring this flaming dumpster into 2022 so future generations can see what a mistake this entire madhouse was
John: uh, guys. 2 is odd and doesn't have an e, just saying
Thunderhoof: did you just deadass try to tell me 2 is odd? I'm fucking crying throw this whole household away
Bff: Dying from the last one
Viren: the one thing I notice is no matter how much you want to throw this whole household away you just...can't
Gabriel: wait what about zero that's an odd number no?
Jack: *intense regret*
Strade: ok but hear me out, 30 and 50 make up for the fact they have no e by the way they're pronounced third e fifth e
Alan: what the actual fuck is happening
Robin: one is an even number
Me: I'm gonna smack you
Steeljaw: -30 and -50 have an e in them
John: zero isn't a number
Guzma: it can't be divided by 2 though can it?
Ren: it can??? 0/2=0???
Both Jack and Jeff: *in sheer awe of all the stupidity*
Me: OD NUMBERS 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Gabriel: OD NUMBERS huh?
Elijah: anything that ends in 0 2 4 6 8 is even and the rest is odd 1 3 7 9 stop freaking out yall
Dimitri: WHAT ABOUT 4
Elijah: what about it
Dimitri: that doesn't have an e in it
Me: are you guys ok
Alan: I'm honestly so confused right now
Ravenpoe: what is going on
Jeff: this is the height of our stupidity, it has to be, or future generations cannot exist
Ren: you need to stop thinking that you're ugly.
Ren: you are but stop thinking about it
Strade: 2 tickets please
Bff: what movie?
*camera pans to Strade dressed up as a whole ass minion*
Alex: I'm so alpha, that I drink BULL'S MILK for breakfast. Keep crying betas.
Lawrence: Shiiiit, look out betas, we got ourselves a badass over here. This motherfucker swallows 🌟 Bull Semen 🌟 *cackles*
Vegeta: don't expect me to chase you, I'm dominate.
Slappy: *looks at a picture of him* is this him? Now who the hell is this salt and shaker sized man dominating? I don't understand why it's always the men who can't reach the top shelf who try to be all macho macho. Imagine, now you're being dominated by someone who needs a step to climb into bed. And you know I really thought maybe I shouldn't throw insults at this shoebox sized man, maybe I should try to rationalize some of the problematic things he was saying. But then I realized, he literally can't reach that level.
Strade: *walks in the middle of shot* Leprechaun sized ass
Slappy: now imagine being dominated by a man whose feet dangle when he sits in a chair. Why is it always people who cannot reach the overhead compartment in an airplane that have trouble with self worth?
Me: sorry first time being kidnapped, kinda nervous
Me: so like, why did you pick me? Do you think I'm cute?
Strade: I'm gonna kill you
Me: ok daddy vibes, we love abad boy king and I wanna die ;P
Strade: there's something wrong with your generation
Robin: freeze! Police! You're safe now ma'am
Me: ok we police it's not that deep, chill and did you assume my gender? Because that's offensive
Robin: but I'm here to-
Bff: show me one tiny small object that you pointlessly have
Bailey: ...
Atlas: *cackles* Small dick mother-
Jak: Are chicken tenders vegan?
Jack: No, Jak, chicken tenders are not vegan
Jak: *goes to speak again*
Jack: chicken wings aren't vegan either
Jak: *filming a great forest view*
*Lawrence appears in frame*
Jak: hi
Lawrence: ok
Bo: I love you bitch *strums guitar*
Me and my bff: oh my god
Bo: *strums guitar* I ain't never stop loving you....bitch
Strade and Jak: yo Gabriel!
Gabriel: *quickly dabs*
Strade and Jak: OOOOOOOOOOO
Slappy: *screams*
Whitney: you got something to say clown?
Jack: your mother has a job and is a respected member of the community
My bff: just think about it, Emo. All the control, all the power, all the FREE CHICKEN
Jeff: how come every time I take you to the mall it burns to the ground?
Spamton: I blame the economy
Kylar: I'll be anything you want me to be!
My bff: *whacking him with a huge stick* I WANT YOU TO BE DEAD
Elijah: why do the good die young?
Strade: mostly because I get impatient
Jack: I love helping kids, Jeff! I love kids. I LOVE KIDS!
Jeff: Jack, uh I really would not be screaming that at the top of your lungs
*trying to give Lawrence a makeover*
Lawrence: how do I look, guys?
Ren: o.0
Peter: you look like you just told your friends not to come to school tomorrow man
Jack: more espresso, less depresso
Robin: *downs 3 iced coffees* I'm still depressed but now I'm fast.
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fxirybun · 4 hours
too damn true!!! i also feel like with ur last point that ppl dont seem to remember as easily compared to previous times? for instance whenever theres a "new" tiktok trend i look at it and realise its not actually "new" just something that the newer generations seem to think they created or made it new again.
its like kids or teens nowadays are so focused on their online life that they forget things have been done before in a less than new way so to see aesthetics that have been around long before thenselves come back as an aesthetic more than a lifestyle baffles me. particularly with y2k, not only do the 00s feel too long ago ngl we had so much good stuff but its like if you search it on youtube all ppl say is how trashy it was just because they didnt live in the era of it or they put an importance of aesthetics without realising they really wouldnt cope without the internet but its more so they prefer how something looks from that era, than anything else, i dont think anyones whos chronically online (myself included) would realistically want to have zero internet in current times it really gives fomo honestly its so bad.
if u arent doing what everyone else is doing its so bad making us feel further behind bc time aint slowing down for nobody. we 30 somethings had a lot too but i feel that gen z just dont realise the difference in society between then and now and it seems vastly different i cant explain it? thats why i feel like we were in some sort of time alteration device in or around 2019 cause nothings felt normal since then and even ppls behaviours and just the way they "think" has been altered so much and it always has to accomodate to whatever is going on both online and irl, the fact we have to try to mentally separate the online version from our physical selves is bonkers. thats whag i mean its totally different and idk if its a good kind of different or bad. im even seeing this crop up with new generation kpop groups and my faves ultimately they still are very much chronically online even if they are on a break. its actually hard to keep up with this stuff going on all the time hbu?
that reminded me of the whole baggy jeans & flared jeans trend and how my mom told me that these jeans used to put a chokehold on them back in the 90s lol. we be following the 3 Rs rules 😆 : reduce , reuse , recycle.
well.. if the shoes fit , fits them 🤷‍♀️ and the majority of teens are usually in their experimenting phase wherein they get to try new things that they're curious about. been there , done that ◔_◔ an example would be my little brother who's in his mid-teen years. he's experimenting with some clothes and would mix n match them cuz it's "trendy". i find his fashion questionable because of the layered tops and pants he's wearing 😭 like bro it's freakin hot outside and you're going to wear that ?? tho i'm not gonna stop him , letting him explore and find his niche (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
you know the whole "emo phase" back in the early 2000s and how people would throw shade on it ? well surprise surprise cuz tara yummy , johnnie guilbert , and jake webster are trending , and how their goth / emo fashion is making its way on trends.
gen z's are individuals who aren't afraid to express their opinions and are pretty much self-aware as to what's going on in this world. i find it admirable because their voices are being used to change the current societal expectations of what the govt or any politician had established.
i do feel that the whole pandemic was a major catalyst for all of us and how everything seems to be happening too fast. but i kid you not with this one cuz some of the millennials and gen x peeps i know irl has been noticing how we gen z's have no presence in mind and that we have short attention spans 😭
well , they're right with that one cuz i noticed it from my blockmates , the younger students , and my skibidi toilet siblings. and you shouldn't feel bad about not being able to catch up cuz i'm on the same page as you lmao ( T_T)\(^-^ ) i had no idea what a "fanum tax" meant not until my little brother who's a gen alpha told me its meaning 💀 there's a new wave of slangs too and how i was left in confucius at first but i got a hold on it over time.
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blkkizzat · 3 months
Hiii babes <33 I'm back with another long message bc i cant shut up so buckle up ig hsjsjs
Not the hand in the panties reading the Naoya fics LMAOOO bc deadass me on this blog soooo…. When i say i had 2 minutes until my morning alarm while i was reading plug!choso and i turned that shit off and went back to reading like, the all nighter was worth it!! It's the weekend so im deadass trying to re-read it again and take it in properly now that im not sleep deprived hehe
FRRRR the nicki quote like deadass im tryna be someone villain origin story LMFAO. Nahhh because it's always the cheating fics or virgin reader fics that are phD level written and i can Not read those personally lmaoooo. I got too much fire in my chart to deal with that bullshittery 😭
No bc why do i kinda love unredeemable reader??? Like yes girl be on ur thot shit AND get the man !!! It's fiction!!! Pop out!!! Istg every time i think of that scene in plug!choso where she humiliates him and its deadass 'everyones watching her but shes looking at you' Like choso is soooooo down bad and MY GOD HDJDKSK like he didnt care what anyone thought he just wanted a lil luvin from herrrr, istg when i read that i was instantly transported into the story and like in chosos pov and i felt everyone laughing around me and staring and pointing, in my lil emo get up while everyone else is in their polos and mini skirts and just like lookin at reader with so much yearning and expectation like bih I FELT THAT!!!! My head gets so cloudy when i think of that scene tbh like i feel like it actually happened to me!! Ngl i think its bc i was sleep deprived so i was already on some loopy shit and i was still thinking about it up until the point i took a nap so i feel like i dreamed i was in the story??? Like i went to sleep w it on my mind and then it played out like a movie 😫 plug!choso indeed bc that fic feel like a HIT
Big yes on gojo being an introverted extrovert. I feel like if he's not careful it can ruin his self esteem too where he doesn't let himself properly be happy or have the things he wants yk?? Like deadass carrying the weight of the world on his shoulder and its more self inflicted than anything. Like NO he doesnt want to swim in pussy, he wants someone to go home to who will make him sweets and give him lap pillows and play with his cheeks and remind him to wash his face before bed!!! Stg im out here tryin to beat the fuckboy gojo allegations by printing out otaku!gojo on printer paper and dropping it off door to door so everyone can read the TRUTH 😔. Im campaigning that ishh
Okay but the bonnet x anime shirt fit is such a vibe too?? That's what u wearing when toji bring home the hitman salary and is like "go get dolled up kali we goin out to eat tonight, n wear them lil black gloves i like" 😚 i can get behind the kalji (??) agenda lmfao. Tbh toji was the jjk character i seen when he first came out bc my shithead ex was a japanese otaku boy but like actually an incel jsjsjsk ANY.WHO! yeahhh i like my 2d men to be virgins bc im on the 'first, last, best pussy u ever had agenda' shrugs they dont call me cherry nonie for nothing!! But toji hot as fuck like id def smash at least once to say i did before hopping over to shiu hehe. But deadass i always do so well with the playboys and the jerks bc i got that 'angel until you give her a reason to bite' genetic. Wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove 😙 but men stay tryin me so the serpent do be takin over sometimes lmfaoooo
Nooo pls its so much fun talking to u like im sorry for clogging up ur dash and this obnoxious ass long ask lmfao!!! I'm prob gonna send another ask so you can reply to that one without my long ass paragraph on ya blog bc u the main star baby 🥰🥰🥰
Hope u enjoy ur weekend!!!! Im all tucked up in bed and bursting at the seams bc plug choso here i come!!!! Again!!!!
🍒 anonnn
🍒 my pookies! Sorry for the delay im just starting to feel like a normal person rn lol. 
Omfg tysm tho, ahhh not you losing sleep 💗😭. Im really tryna make p3 good for y’all so I really do hope y’all will like it lol. I gotta get it over to be beta read soon cause I have two endings and im not sure which one to keep lol, they aren’t different its just where im choosing to end it that is lol.
LOL omfg no fr. Like im a cancer but baybay my mars is in Aries so I don’t take no shit and definitely not from none of these men out here (especially too cause my Venus is in gemini so im already going to be bored of a man lol. Im not gonna sit around and be cheated on lolol). Also omg you into horoscopes too? I love my natal readings they are so accurate imo.
Yeah! Idk I wasn’t event trying to necessarily  make reader irredeemable but I do like making characters with flaws. Not that I don’t enjoy a good fairytale type perfect damsel reader fic (because those give the warm and fuzzies) but I also love the idea that no matter how big a bitch/meanie/etc you are that whatever person you are really supposed to be with will end up seeing past that and inspiring you to bring out the best in you. Like reader in plug choso a people pleaser and dating choso even on the dl was probably the first thing she’s done for herself that wasn’t part of a “plan” to live up to others expectations. Ahh not you dreaming about it, im so jealous (legit never dream about the stuff I write I want to so bad haha). But I’m so ecstatic that it really did connect with people. LOL I remember saying when I made this blog I wouldn’t write angst but I also think I was thinking of angst where the reader gets screwed over.  I really enjoyed putting Choso through hell (lmfao I mean he’s just so babygirl I need to be a lil mean to him, love to see those tears 😫).
LMFAO! Not you spreading the gospel of otaku!gojo. Haha but I feel you. Even as a confident adult who would come off playboy he’s still a big dork underneath that. Which reminds me I have a CEO!Gojo/guest!professor Gojo fic with MBA!Reader. He comes off as a charismatic playboy but he a dork lol. 
“N wear them lil black gloves I like” AHHH I SCREAMMMED. Im wearing the gloves and NOTHING else we aint making it out the house!!! We can just fuck on top of the money lmfao. But I love a gown. I buy all my gowns from this site called ‘miss circle’ and the more casual ones from ‘mistress rocks’. Yasss tho it’s kalji! 
LOL I do like some virgins like otaku!gojo and my lil chosito but I like that Toji a hoe cause im definitely going to be talking to him crazy as hell. “Bring me that dick big daddy slut.”
No it’s okay!! I like talking with you you’re funny haha so drop by anytime!
LOL im in bed too hungover but im feeling better so imma start on plug choso p3, send me good vibes!!! You have a good weekend too!! 💕💕
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cantdance · 1 year
10 fandoms 10 characters tag game
rules: name 10 of your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people (i wont do that)
tagged by @lolotr almost a month ago. it took me a while to get to this, half because i kept forgetting and half because i legitimately struggled to come up with ten different fandoms i can claim to be in, but whos going to pass up a chance to rave about their blorbos
Final Fantasy XIV Online (FFXIV) - i love so many of the characters from this game. its not hard, the game is designed to make you love them. they feel like real people, especially in the last two expansions which emphasized their relationships with each other and with the wol (aka the player character). its difficult to choose one favorite but if i have to id say its gotta be alisaie leveilleur. despite not being relevant to the main story until the second expansion, her character is so rich and compelling. shes just a girl who wants to understand why her beloved grandpa left her to save a bunch of strangers, and she also wants to find out who she is and become her own person out of her familys (and especially her brothers) shadow. she also likes violence and explosions and how can you not enjoy that in a girl. unlike a lot of people who like alisaie, i also love alphinaud, and i love the way they interact. alisaie is my preferred twin but only by a slim margin. you can blame the backwards ass way i played this game for the fact that i love alphinaud even in 2.0
Marvel Comics - obviously its loki laufeyson! name a bitch more iconic. canonically genderfluid since 2014. your doomed by the narrative fave. raised by a father and a society that hated them for who they were, forced into the role of a villain to juxtapose their brother who was the only person to ever believe they could be more, at least until he didnt. killed and ate and burned themselves over and over to become something new. literally broke free from the narrative to become their best self but still a morally dubious shithead trickster in any (well written) form. my absolute blorbo of all time, dm me for a reading list
Norse Mythology - loki laufeyson again lolol. name. a bitch. more. iconic. canonically genderfluid since the viking age. born from a forest fire after lightning struck a tree. canonically hot but in a fucked up and dangerous way. odin was like "whos this hot weirdo" and decided they were brothers. your ultimate doomed by the narrative baddie. prophesied to end the universe. the god of fucking around and finding out. there are so few verifiable facts about this bitch, he is a complete enigma even among the rest of norse mythology which is already so fractured and weird. we straight up dont know how, why, or even IF he was actually worshipped. hes the only god to not have a single village dedicated to him. there are, like, two or three runestones depicting him. snorri made him into a jesus figure in the eddas but he serves so much cunt that he is repeatedly misinterpreted as literal satan. your fave could never.
LegendLark/Dames and Dragons - this is another difficult one because the characters are all so great, but im giving it to laika because i have a funny story about it. my first listen through i was in the middle of the gray manacle arc when i started asking myself who my favorite was. i decided it was laika literally the episode before she leaves 🥹
Dungeons and Daddies - i feel like my favorite should be scary, as someone who was once a goth/emo teen girl. however im gonna have to give it to my boi normally lee oak-swallows-garcia, the perky peppy chipper cheery mixed up mascot who doesnt know who he is anymore. imagine knowing your parents are disappointed with you at like, 14. imagine inheriting a generational curse except its a literal eldritch curse that you cant do anything about. imagine connecting with the mind of an incomprehensible eldritch being that is killing your reality out of loneliness and fear and hatred and deciding to show kindness.
The Locked Tomb - probably an obvious pick but its gotta be gideon nav. shes your butch sword lesbian. shes your jock trapped in a science convention. shes your tragic unloved child. shes your doomed by the narrative/came back wrong double threat. shes everything to me.
Paranatural - im not actually current, unfortunately. ever since zack changed formats ive found it difficult to read. i understand why they decided to do it the new way, but my attention span is simply not long enough. eventually i will catch up probably maybe. that said, my favorite is of course max. i just love how sassy and exasperated he is. he literally didnt ask for any of this shit. like he just moved to a new town where he doesnt know anyone and suddenly theres ghosts and he has to join an organization to fight them and his bat has a monster inside of it and he almost gets run over by a train, how fucking exhausted must this kid be all the time
Hunter X Hunter - its the only anime on the list baybee. i thought about including others but none are super current and hxh is the one that i still feel strongly about. my fave from hxh is the one, the only, killua zoldyck. my son. my angel. my precious catboy murder child. a boy who was tortured by his own family and trained to not care about other people and who was so lonely he latched onto the first boy his age that hed ever met. he is so full of love and he would do anything for his best friend, including kill people, but to be fair he would also kill people for literally any other reason
The Wheel of Time - my most recent experience with wot was rereading the eye of the world in preparation for the amazon show, which was a huge letdown for me and a lot of fans of the books. my last experience with it before that was when i was, like, 12. as a kid my favorite character was egwene, and now my favorite is...still egwene. she is a strong, confident young woman who knows what she wants and doesnt shy away from going after it. shes very strong-willed and doesnt bend to the will of others, she is unrepentantly herself. she also reads very heavily as a lesbian despite being in a (rather annoying imo) het romance with the mc. i dont think this was intentional (given the aforementioned het romance) so i wouldnt call it coding but like. shes a young adult who eschews traditional female roles and aspires to be unmarried and spend her time with other women how ELSE am i supposed to read that
Homestuck - very much NOT a current fandom, but it defined a great deal of my life, so i feel like it should be included. my favorite for this one may be the most difficult to predict, or maybe not idk, but its kanaya maryam. i remember the first time i was reading, waiting for my patron troll to pop up, and it was her. at first i paid attention to her just for that, but i fell in love with her pretty fast. i have a thing for female characters who go through arcs of self discovery and learning to value themselves outside of the opinions of others. something about starting out thinking youre a prop for other people and ending as a whole ass person is so *chefs kiss* also shes sassy and wields a chainsaw which is badass. i personally think her arc fell flat and she was underutilized in the end, but shes hardly the only one that got overlooked tbfh
im not tagging anyone mostly because i have no idea who i would tag. if youre reading this and want to do it, please do!
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okkotszn · 3 years
Hii helloo i saw that your request is open and i'm new to your blog also and it's pretty cool!! Can i ask for like a fantasy type for haikyuu?? Like them as seven deadly sins? What sins they are and how they handle it with they meet their soulmate, Your choice of characters!! I hope it makes sense )): take care!!
YEAH SURE IT MAKES SENSE i've never done smth like this with the sins so im gonna try my best :,) my apologies if its not what you expected
haikyuu characters as the seven deadly sins
characters ; tsukishima kei, oikawa tooru, kuroo tetsurō, bokuto kōtarō, tendō satori, kageyama tobio, kenma kozume – their timeskip selves
warnings: slightly suggestive in the lust section for obvious reasons, a few curses here and there but everything else should be fine
notes: i tried my best 😭 anyways i hope you enjoy :D (yes i thought of the obey me! brothers while writing this.)
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❦ tsukishima kei as the sin of pride was something he was well known for. he walked with his head held high and with a thick air of arrogance surrounding him. people whispered wherever kei went. one deathly glare would shut them up though, and he would go about his day like normal. of course, never in a million years would kei admit it, but those small comments hurt. even the sin of pride gets a bit insecure at times. but then he met you. you were the one person who actually accepted him for who he was. you could put a smile on his face and there was this softer side of himself that he only showed you. he didn’t let the quiet whispers that followed him everywhere get to him, because the only thing in kei’s head was you. he’d still never tell you that, though.
❦ oikawa tooru was the greediest person one could come across. whether it be money, food, power, etc, he wanted it. oh, that new line of clothes that gucci just came out with? he needs it. and he’ll get it…after pulling a few strings. tooru’s spending habits often leave him broke, but what can he say? it makes him happy seeing that new porsche in his front yard. having you by his side, he’s still greedy, but for something else. your love and affection, of course! he catches you eyeing that new Louis Vuitton bag in the window and it's in your hands a second later. His love language is gift giving, with a hint of physical touch too. please hold him in your arms! tooru is a sucker for that. (just be prepared to be spoiled rotten until he has half a penny left in his bank account)
❦ kuroo tetsurō was known as a master of provocation. is there really anyone better to hold the name as the sin of lust than him? of course he’s slept around, sending flirty winks and sultry smiles towards anyone surrounding him regardless of gender (pan king bc i said so). he has to fulfill his needs somehow! being with you is enough for him though. generally without a partner, he’ll have a couple of one night stands here and there, but always remains devoted to his partner whenever he has one. even if his partner is asexual, that wont make him love you any less. cuddles will happen often, though! he loves praising you and bragging to everyone about his stunning and handsome s/o. tetsurō loves pda, but will always be sure to tone it down a notch if you aren’t comfortable with it.
❦ bokuto kōtarō can get envious very quickly. doesn’t matter with what – if someone gets the last cookie instead of him or if his pet gives someone else more attention than he gets. he will get jealous. he’ll get all whiny and pouty and his emo mode appears often. hugs from you help him of course! if someone flirts with you while kōtarō is around, he’ll wrap his arms around your waste and glare at the person until they walk away. he has two love languages – words of affirmation and physical touch. he tries not to overstep your boundaries and will give you space whenever you need it. he feels a sense of pride whenever someone stares at you and he thinks, “wow. i have an amazing s/o, and they’re all mine.”
❦ tendō satori was a chocolatier, which is both the best and worst job for the sin of gluttony. he makes chocolate and has to try and resist the thought of eating it all up, even when he’s painfully hungry. sometimes his urges got the best of him, and he’d have to redo a very large order of chocolate truffles just as he was about to call his customer and tell them the order was complete. the poor client was so confused as to why it took him longer to complete. you, however, always help him out. you helped him make a stash both of you can eat from whenever he feels a bit hungry while making chocolate! tendō absolutely adores you, the void in his stomach is full when you’re around.
❦ kageyama tobio basically embodied wrath and was always scowling wherever he went. he has an “angry pillow” he keeps in his room that he absolutely beats the shit out of whenever someone strikes a certain nerve in him. his revenge plans are lowkey the best and he always enjoys watching people get what they had coming. even so, you help him keep his anger in control! he cracks the smallest of smiles when he’s with you if nobody is around. if someone bothered him while he was out, he’d go to you and just hug you, face buried in the crook of your neck. doesn’t matter if you’re taller or shorter, tobio will find a way.
❦ kenma kozume was the sin of sloth. his eyes were always drooping and ready to fall into a deep slumber even if he got an abnormally large amount of sleep the night before. it was just so pleasant! warm blanket surrounding him, soft pillow under his head, nothing could beat that comforting feeling. well — maybe the feeling of you hugging him, under the covers with him, soft breath fanning the back of his neck was a clear winner. kenma loves putting his head in your lap as you brush your fingers through his hair as he listens to you talk about your day. his breathing would calm and he’d fall asleep to the sound of your soft humming, only to wake up to you cuddled into his chest.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
bonjour! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ i was wondering if you could write some headcanons of iwaizumi, oikawa or bokuto reacting to their s/o (he/him pronouns) who dyed his hair like a pastel pink :)) if you don’t have the time or energy to write about this, pls don’t force urself :( also i’m convinced bokuto would start calling his s/o strawberry the moment his s/o dyed his hair pink ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
have a nice rest of your day/night :)))
Salut, mon ami! Comment ça và? Idk if I said that right, ‘s been a while since I took French HAHA BUT THATS ACTUALLY SO CUTE -
(Since I’m in a trip and and don’t have my computer, it’ll take me a while to cut the post and add it to my masterlist) (sorry LMAO) (at least u get content right hehe)
Headcannons - Iwaizumi, Oikawa, and Bokuto with an s/o who dyed his hair pink
⚠️Warnings - none !!
Pronouns - male, he/him
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As big dick tough as this guy might try to seem
you walked into the club room with pink hair, and immediately Oikawa was tryna touch it and shit
“Wow! It’s as soft as it looks, (Y/n)-chan!”
He was petting ur head
He wanted to be the first one to compliment u 💔🥺🥺
He pretty much threw Oikawa off and was doing the thing where he leaned on the wall and tried to look cool n casual n whatnot HAHAHAHA
“Y-you look nicE.”
He wanted to FUCJFING DIE
“Thank you, Hajime-kun! I did it myself!”
U fluffed out ur light pink hair
It looked like pink clouds sitting on ur head ugh
Iwaizumi wanted to just sit down and nuzzle ur hair for ages
But they had practice, huh
“*grumbles* Stupid practice...cockblocking me from my boyfriend... *grumbles*”
But nothing was stopping him from cuddling you later, at his or your house and just letting your hair for ages while y’all did homework, right?
You bet your pink ass there isn’t
It’s not like you had a choice anyways he was going to drag you to his house for his cuddles no matter what
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Ok unlike iwa-chan’s one you didn’t dye yours willingly
It was the result of you losing a bet to Matsukawa and Hanamaki those bitches
Smth where the loser had to dye their hair pink for like, a week at most (and then they can dye it back if they wanted to)
Yah no you were definitely gonna dye it back like u were so embarrassed
You pulled up to practice, and you could practically already hear Makki and Mattsun fucking dying
Everyone there either just ogled at you for a sec then went back to what they were doing, or saying sum like “don’t mind” or “nice hair, man”
Ok but like then Oikawa pulls up
“Hey, everyone, sorry I’m laaa...”
Oikawa fuckin stops dead in his tracks
He sees his boyfriend, with the most embarrassed, flushed look on his face, gripping his shirt tightly and to top it all off, with BABY PINK FUCKING HAIR
Little bit of background Oikawa literally begged you for weeks on end 2 months ago to dye your hair pink because “you’d look so cuuute!”, but you never entertained the idea
“Dear heavenly mother...thank you...”
“D-don’t start praying! I...I didn’t do this for you or anything it-it-I lost a bet, that’s all!”
He would not stop praising and giving you affection all practice
You kind of liked all the attention ngl
“You’re soooooo cute, (y/n)-chan! My cherry! My cherry slushee (y/n)-chan!”
“S-s-stop it...!”
Would not stop fluffing out your hair when he was around you
Actually he wouldn’t take his hands off your fuckin head everytime he was next to you HAHA
You were eating up all this attention don’t try and hide it you tsundere-
Ok, maybe keeping the pink hair for a while wasnt such a bad idea...
You later found out that the bet Hanamaki and Matsukawa proposed to you was rigged in order for you to dye your hair, and Oikawa paid them each 3 pork buns for their services
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This bitch
Like Oikawa, he begged you to let him dye ur hair
Except this man didn’t Stop like Oikawa did
“But (L/nnnnnnn)! You’d look so good with pink hair!”
“But I don’t wanna dye my hair.”
Mans would be all emo n shit everytime u rejected him
dw that wouldn't last longer than like 1-2 hours at most
ok but like one day you just got fed up with it
“Fine! Ok! If I dye my hair pink, will you stop asking?!”
Bokuto nodded as fast as humanly possible
he wanted to dye it with you
by that i mean watch as you dyed it yourself bc this man would Ruin It if he tried to help
“Im gonna wash off the dye now.”
“Dude can you like get out real quick i’m gonna step in the shower-”
when u rinsed it off and blow dryed ur hair doe
Bokuto went Speechless 
“D-don’t give me weird nicknames-!”
Despite how much you protest and say you don’t like it, you practically melt each time he calls you Strawberry
its such a cute nickname hhdjhkdfs
the others at Fukorudani teased the hell out of you though
“finally got tired of Bokuto’s whining?”
“shut up, Konoha.”
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maschotch · 3 years
The Web + The Eye for Hotch, please! 🤗
the web: what would your character least like to be forced or tricked into doing? what would it take to get them to do it?
i think it’s hard to trick hotch into doing anything, whether he wants to do it or not. he’s too perceptive and too “no nonsense” for that. like morgan, he’s more likely to submit to constant pestering with a fond, but begrudging, eye roll. he’s more likely to affirm boundaries, if only to uphold some half-assed attempt to cover up the fact that their boss is a complete pushover. but thats conditional and mood-dependent, so it’s a toss up at best.
and hotch has a lot more bullshit that he has to say “no” to. he’s given up trying to tell whether the requests are genuine or just to annoy him—mostly because he’s afraid of the answer. no, you cant run gambling ring at the round table after hours. no, we aren’t doing “booty short friday,” please go change. no, you cant play paintball in the bullpen. no, we're not installing a speaker system or rave lights in the jet.
ok i brought up scratch in the last ask and tbh now thats all im thinking about lmao. ig this is technically a horror ask game, so lets get into ttrue emo shit: what is the thing he is most afraid of doing? hurting his family: jack and the team. think of how much guilt he has any time one of the team is injured. he’d go to any lengths to protect them. we already saw that the initial fear scratch explores is the team dying in front of him. the concept of actually hurting them? terrifies him to his core.
i love to imagine what scratch made hotch experience before the team arrived, and one of my favorites is a nightmare of hotch as his father abusing jack. i’ve said it before and ill say it again: i think hotch tries so so hard to be the opposite of what his father was. he never wants jack to look at him the way he looked at his own father. and hotch is so so gentle with jack, taking care not to raise his voice or speak in anger or move quickly in a way that could startle him. an unexpected but welcome bonus scratch wasn’t anticipating is that hotch has already had nightmares of this exact situation. the thought of hurting jack in any way… it cripples him.
i dont think anything would convince him to willingly do it. even if someone held a gun to jack’s head and said they’d pull the trigger unless hotch kills one of the team, he wouldnt ever make a move to hurt his family. it’s a line he absolutely will not cross. it’s something that’s physically ingrained in him at this point: when scratch tries to get him to shoot at his team under the influence of drug-induced delusions, hotch—even though we’ve seen that he’s susceptible to the drug—still doesnt do it. he’s incapable. and nothing is as heartbreaking as the fear in his voice when his trembling hands give the gun to rossi, begging “take it,” with the most distress and genuine horror we ever hear him speak with. its either because he’s still drugged and the command to shoot at the team remains, implying it really was an extreme mental feat to defy the order. or its because he’s so afraid at how close he got to actually doing it, showing how even the thought of hurting them was so debilitating it almost broke him.
the eye: what does your character not want anyone to know? how would they react to people finding out?
oh my god. his homelife. what else could there be? we get absolutely ZERO information about his childhood. and its not like the others are exactly keen on sharing the secret parts of their lives, but it comes out in one way or another. not so for hotch. he keeps that shit locked up tight.
everyone has their own take on hotch’s childhood but we can all agree he’s been abused in one way or another. because it’s something that hotch never says a word about, you know it has to be brutal. i want to keep the response relevant to the question, so i’m not gonna go into the specifics of what i think happened. but whatever it is, he wants to keep it far far away from the team. its an era of his life that he wants to leave firmly in the past—not something he ever wants to acknowledge.
it kills me that we never got an episode that drags them through hotch’s past, bc honestly i cant even imagine how hotch would react. there are just… so many options. is he away from the team, like morgan was? is he there as they piece it together, like with emily? is it something he actually has to tell them about bc theres no other way around it, like reid? whatever the sequence, the end result would be the same: he wouldnt fucking talk about it again. “embarrassed” or “upset” doesn’t quite cover it.. he would be ashamed. not that its anything they would shame him for, but its something he’s kept secret for so long that its unsettling for anyone else to know about it.
im just thinking about how he has no one in his life now who knows anything about his past. even the people he’s known for a long time, like haley or jess, don’t seem to know the extent of it. sean was too young to remember. everyone else on the team has someone from their childhood that they interact with at least occasionally (if we wanna get more specific, everyone else has parents they interact with at least occasionally). but hotch is worlds away from his past. i guess it just worked out that way, but its also probably at least somewhat intentional. and i think thats why its so distressing for anyone to find out. because not a single living person knows.
send more character asks!
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chainsawing · 3 years
Would you please tell us some niche mcr related trivia? :)
omg ok so heres just a bunch of stuff off the top of my head, & ig how niche these are depends on how deep you are in mcr lore
-my favorite mcr fact of all time is probably mikey whispering "disenchanted" while everyone slept so it would get put on the album, it was almost cut
-2nd fav mikey moment is when he said "gerard has always been my older brother" in lotms like . yeah .
-mcr once got interviewed for an emo porn dvd in like 2003 ? and the interviewer was the girl from that "lemon stealing whores" vid. they spend the whole time talking about dnd & action figures and thats where the famous "your moms comin'!" gerard quote comes from
-frank almost drowned during the making of the ghost of you while he was in full army gear, he said he didnt get scared "until the water reached his balls", and even then he said thats when he found out he wasnt afraid of dying. the next day (?) he got his "forget me not" tattoo (which is a hand with fingers crossed sticking out of an ocean of blood)
-joe rogan is gerard & mikeys' cousin
-gerard was really good at science in school & he has a big fear of needles
-their old tour van got pulled over a lot because police thought "my chemical romance" was a drug thing
-bullets is the only album without a parental advisory warning, but i think it has the most swearing in it? actually i think danger days might have more (but dd does have a warning)
-frank is really jealous of how good gerards voice is, even though he did nothing but drink black coffee & smoke cigarettes
-hey im in the middle of writing this and i JUST remembered that super weird fanfic set in the i dont love you (?) universe where everyone was either literally black or white and you couldnt have relationships outside your color ??? does anyone else remember that what the fuck was that. i could go on for a long time about super weird fanfictions but im just gonna leave it at this i think
-my favorite fake fact is that conspiracy that gerard locked frank in a tower at the mansion they stayed at to record the black parade ??? i think about that so often
-gerard wrote the first song, skylines and turnstiles, after seeing 9/11 while at his job as a cartoonist for cartoon network in nyc. imo the demo of that song is one of mcr's best ever made
-bob used to be the sound technician for the used, and replaced matt pelisser
-gerard went to art school in drag multiple times
-bullets was produced by geoff rickley of thursday. the original anti-piracy message of the album warned any unlawful duplication would result in "gerard coming to your house and sucking your blood" (.... promise...?)
-gerards old myspace (?) had "interests: fucking bats" listed on it, which was my desc quote for a long time LOL
-right after revenge was released, gerard described their genre as "violent pop"
-while writing this just now i rewatched the burning angel interview & gerard paints little orcs (like me!) while frank "doesnt go on quests"
-this doesnt really count as a fact but its a video of frank just being . violent that ive had saved on my computer for the last 6 years
-underoath (who i have seen, theyre so good!) supplied mcr with food, clothes, & beer during one of their first tours. they toured again together at the 2005 taste of chaos (which is a whole separate can of worms)
-bert mccracken did all the backing vocals for you know what they do to guys like us in prison
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musubiki · 4 years
do u have any chilumi hc’s ?
aaa sort of!! but again i havent played his quest yet so some of these may in inaccurate and/or confirmed/unconfirmed!!
- they sparr at least once a week. this was childes proposition, and he looped her into it by promising lots of rewards (which she wasnt sold on at first), with paimon being like “no!! no trust!!” and then he threw in a free dinner afterwards and paimon was like “HHH LUMINE..JUST A FEW TIMES A WEEK...WOULDNT HURT...” so now its a regular thing. think of it like the golden house fight (except he doesnt use the foul legacy), and its somewhere in the mountains where they wont get in trouble with anyone
- and then they go to various restraunts afterwards (he is a man of his word)
- lumine never asks him for mora. even though hes offhandedly said “come to me for mora anytime~” she feels uncomfortable about it and/or thought he was being an ass again. instead she works vigorously on commissions for the guild
- (BASED ON THAT LAST PIECE) sometimes he cant make it to their little sparring “dates,” and she finds him at the northland bank suffering because he has to do paperwork, which he hates. he stares at the wall for 5 hours wishing he could go fight someone instead
- so she helps him with paperwork stuff. once it was after she did like 16 commissions that same day and just passed out.
- childe has a little suite in his office at the northland bank that he stays in. that time she passed out he let her rest in his room because god knows when was the last time she had an actual bed instead of just sleeping in abandoned treasure hoarder camps (you know the ones)
- he spoils her LMFAOOO!!! he always says “gotta make sure my sparring partner is in top shape, otherwise its boring!” which is the same excuse he convinces himself is the reason. deep down he kinda cares about her. 
- i just got the black sword in-game and it looks so much like a fatui weapon, so i like to think its a gift to lumine from childe after she complained once about her sword getting too old and damaged. 
- she looks at the lore, “hmm it says this sword makes the user thirst for violence...” childe just replies “i know right?!?! isnt that badass???” hes so happy. right up his ally
- (she uses it anyway)
- but she also gave him a bow she pulled from the gacha because she doesnt use bows and his heart skipped like 5 beats its such a nice bow (THAT ONE NICE BLACK AND RED BOW THAT MATCHES HIM SO WELL)
- lumine doesnt know that exchanging weapons used to be a courting gift. childe doesnt tell her. he uses the bow regularly
- they go walking in the city a lot
- they also play theatre mechanics against each other and its brutal
- sometimes on his day off he tags along in her adventures!! catch him running up to her at the city gate going “ahaha im free today, need an archer??” and shes like “ok”
- he gets jealous when she tells him she has OTHER people she sparrs with. he acknowledges its a dumb thing to be jealous about, and its a normal thing but...,..,,. hes lowkey seething in his office, filling out new recruit forms while his girlie sparrs with xiao. he’ll kill that dumb bitch
- i think scaramouche knows him and lumine are “friends.” he tried to hold it against childe once but then childe was like “oh yeah what about you and that water witch from mondstadt?” and now scaramouche shuts his stupid ass up. catch them being emo about their cute not-girlfriends 
- (I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THAT CUTE COMIC OF CHILDE WEARING LUMINES FLOWER AND SCARAMOUCHE IS LIKE “lmfaoo bro whats that on your head???!!!” and childe goes “...whats that on your head?” and its MONAS HAT)
- everytime lumine kicks someones ass and/or does/says something violent, childes reaction is either “thats hot” OR “when are you joining the fatui?”
- childe told the northland receptionist to give her vip access to the bank and if she ever asks for him let him know IMMEDIATELY. he also gave her full access to withdraw from his account whenever she wants (she found out via the receptionist. lumine dare not touch his savings)
- people at the northland bank who know are like “has....has he lost his mind?” and someone else goes “what, are YOU gonna confront childe, the 11th harbinger, about his mental health?” and the answer is no.
- hes very attracted to her. and she is to him too. lumine hides it better/doesnt act on it but catch her checking him out lowkey when hes not looking
- theres a 100% chance they made out at some point but im not sure what point or how it happened
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nessschurch · 3 years
Booth & bones
lmao that the two replies that i have thus far are both B&B lmao.. I guess i have a brand.
good for me and everyone i guess that i have such a long "bones feels" playlist (also i loves the angsty era up until like season 6?)
anywayssss im gonna make them all diff but yeah here goes! heres part two if anyone cares lmao
1. The Reach by Miranda Lee Richards is always gonna be my number one i think just bc i cried the first time i heard it bc i related it to them so much
"No, I could not forgive myself thinkin' I held you back. Go ramblin' like a freight train and get yourself on track. In being who you are there is no shame, And through the eyes of compromise it never looks the same."
like this song just works so well for them from both perspectives and ill never get enough of it.
2. Water by Pentatonix - it just works so well for them... like esp like from booth perspective like during the 100th??? Then also after they get back from their 7 months apart from Brens perspective??? i just love it a lot lmao
"My voice cracks, I wait for it to pass Heart beats fast for words I can't take back And so I pray I don't drive you away 'Cause I'm scared of what I have to tell you
Timid heart, hide my scars Make me stronger
I can't take this any longer I need, I need you like water It's on the tip of my tongue I'm not asking for much"
3. Get Sick Soon by Hello Saferide - This is a bit of a funny/sweet one thats just very cute about taking care of your otherwise tough s/o when theyre sick, and i love the repeated lyric at the end of "just lay your weight on me and ill be your backbone" and i actually really wanna make an edit with this as like the theme.
"I'll fluff your pillows, I'll buy you a Spiderman comic and read you 'til you fall asleep Sleep on my shoulder! I won't wake you even if My back turns crooked and I have to walk with a limp for a week I'll make you soup and none of that kind that you get in a jar cause I Know you don't like those"
just utter cuteness and tbh both of them vibe with both the ppl in this song lmao
4. There is a Light that Never Goes Out by Sara Lov - This song is like super depresso but sometimes thats just a vibe you crave yknow??? Also yeah i know this was originally The Smiths but this version is the one i always listen too lmao. I just wanna quote this whole song omg. Its v hard hitting though so be warned.
"Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never, never want to go home Because I haven't got one Anymore
Take me out tonight Because I want to see people And I want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their home And I'm welcome no more
To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die
To die by your side Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine
And in the darkened underpass I thought, "Oh God, my chance has come at last" But then a strange fear gripped me And I just couldn't ask"
ok i think i did the best i could with this one but yeah i mainly relate it around the doctor in the photo and yeah it just makes me emo
5. You & Me (Acoustic) by James TW - I figured we'd end w a cute happy one bc the last one was heavy hitting. This is such a cute sweet song that fits them super well and i like to think of it as post 100th song but also it works really well post fight in 08x15???? Again this is another song i just wanna quote all the lyrics from lmao.
"I didn't mean to hurt you So why'd I let you walk out the door? You say that you don't know me You don't know who I am anymore But if you knew the truth, then Then you wouldn't feel insecure 'Cause if I didn't have you I wouldn't have nothing at all
I wish you could see yourself through my eyes I always forget that you can't read my mind
As long as I got you and me Moving through this world as a two-man team I'll always have everything I need You don't even realise what you mean No one could fall for you quite like me No one could get me so perfectly You don't even realise, You're all that I need 'Cause I want you and me, you and me"
i think the verse after this will fit them better towards the end of the series but i still have that to look forward to i guess? i think imma leave it with these 5 for now ahhh feel free to let me know what ya think if ya want?
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uchihashisuii · 4 years
god wait im tryna fall asleep and still thinking about v and vik and to shoot off that last ask where they said their v being with an older guy makes sense like god yeah it does. the parallel of v and vik is so good its a crime it isnt explored in the actual game. because v, regardless of her life path would also constantly be moving forward all her life and then once she hits night city its a constant gogogo. get a job, do it and do it well, on to the next. no slowing down unless its to sleep and we know she doesnt get a lot of that, and then w the relic and trying to fix it its more moving and fighting and sneaking and johnny talking in her ear, head splitting bc of him and what have you. and then she gets together with vik and she finally has a few moments of peace. and she knows she should get going, knows she cant spend the night but she does it anyway bc vik is sweet and solid and comforting, grounding just like his voice. and he takes care of her, and she hasnt had anyone do that in a long time, and she gets to feel loved and like she matters, like really truly matters in this city thats out to kill her for this small little bubble of time and we know that vik would make her understand that when shes with him she is the only thing that matters. and like, not to say v hasnt been in any prior relationships or anything bc theres no text canon wise (that i know of?) and then personal headcanons exist but like. v is supposed to be young right? like early twenties so whether shes had long term relationships or not you know that hers w viktor would hit different bc hes been around this block before, hes not here to play games. hes even said hes dropped all illusions, so hed know what he wants and be realistic with her, and would absolutely treat her right from the getgo. i feel like v would have a little 'oh' moment and that she gets it, that she think this might be worth leaving the living legend ideal behind (and then vik being an actual living legend and wanting ppl to forget it ties in here somewhere) anyway god their dynamic is just so good and sets up such a good romance of mutual comfort and Obtaining That Which Has Been Absent For So Long. god im just so emo for them 🥺
“WAIT also yeah end game vik convo but youre dating vik it would hit so much harder. like i dont think it would necessarily end the same but would largely be similar, at least at the start. him being angry and taking it out on v when its him and the situation hes upset about. and vik obviously knows the most about v and johnny outta everyone i mean he literally stitched her back together. but in all the romances you can kind of shrug the thing off and give vague answers about the relic, basically be like 'yeah ive got leads im following' or 'dont worry im working on it' because she doesnt want to worry them or get them caught up in this anymore than they are, but also keep some distance in case it really goes south. and v would do the same with vik, tell him shes working on it or that they dont have to worry about it right now, she just wants to spent time w him. and hed respect that at the time, but when the end game convo comes you know hed be upset also because he didnt push further, let her talk to him about it. he should have been helping in some way, i mean theyre dating. why didnt he say something sooner before it got this bad? and he cares for her so much and has for so long, and theyre reaching the end and they both know it. god the potential angst there is so good, vik wanting to pull away and be upset at her but he ultimately cant, and theres nothing he can do for her at this point but be there for her, but its right when she has to make a decision and not look back, so she cant really seek comfort in  him other than that one moment (and potentially for the last time ever). god they wrote such a good character and such a good dynamic we were robbed!!!! how did they not plan this as a romance from the start!!! 😔”
dawg i dont even have a gd word to say this is every thot ive had abt vik and v summed up absolutely perfectly your MIND dude im just gonna leave this as is holy shit
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justsomefluff · 4 years
hello!! i found your blog not so long ago and i already love it so much, i was wondering if (if your request are open) you could do an ateez reaction to their s/o crying/pouting because they(atz) got jealous and they were ignoring their s/o (almost like the hwa reaction to you dancing w/ another member) 🥺 i love your blog so much.. hope your staying safe!!! 🤍
Okay, my sweet anon, this ended up being shorter than I originally wrote it bc it got deleted last time but I think I hit all the important stuff anyway! Also, I appreciate the positivity and I hope you are staying safe as well! <3
Summary: Ateez gets jealous of your conversation with another member. During a group dinner. Since they are feeling neglected, they decide to give you a taste of your own medicine.
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Okay so Hongjoong is totally calm about his bitterness
Like he’s definitely staring daggers at whichever member you’re talking to
But other than throwing a dirty glance in their direction every once in a while
No one will even be able to notice that he’s remotely upset about anything
I think that he’s probably used to covering his emotions well since he’s the leader and he feels like he needs to be the most mature and stuff
That can lead him to being kind of reserved about his emotions though and that might bug some people
And so when you finally start giving him some attention
He’s gonna turn away from you and just flat out pretend he cant hear you
But when you finally get home at the end of the night and you’re sulking because he hasn’t said a word to you since before dinner
He starts to feel hella guilty
Like he never wants to hurt you but his jealousy really just took control of him that night for some reason
And if you’re making big, sad eyes at him and following him like a puppy as he does his nightly routine…
He’s done for
But I feel like once you actually start having a conversation, he’s very good at keeping it from turning into an argument
Good at “I feel” statements you know?
But both of you recover from this rather quickly and just make it up to each other by snuggling for the rest of the night
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So Seonghwa is the type to act normal enough that the guys won’t notice that anything is wrong
But you know him well enough to know that he’s being kind of cold to you for some reason
And if you notice he’s being super low-key rude to another member then you can kind of connect the dots and understand why he’s upset
He will never let any of the guys see his anger though
Mostly because he’s the oldest and he feels that responsibility to them to only show them his good side if he can help it
So he will talk to you, but only like one word at a time
And he’ll brush you off if you touch him
But he will disguise it by reaching for food or something
He’s good at this okay
But if you just keep staring at him and the guys notice enough to ask you what’s wrong, then he’ll tell you to fake it til you get home
And you do because you don’t want to upset him more yk
And when you get home though, you’re almost in tears bc hiding it like that was so exhausting and painful
When he sees you starting to break a little, then he’s hugging you
Like .5 seconds to cross the room to get to you okay
Drama Mama Hwa to Protective Boyfriend Hwa that quick
He’ll explain why he was upset and you’ll explain your side as well
And once you’re finished, you’re both calm and forgiving about it
Even if you don’t fully understand each others point of view, you get it enough to let it go
Then you both just pass out together bc emotions are tiring
But you definitely wake up with smiles on your faces the next morning
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(this is how he sulks at you okay its adorable, i just wanna give him the world)
this jealous baby
Like did you guys see that video of him and Wooyoung eating cheese tteokbokki like San was just tryna help no need to get your boxers in a bunch sweetie
But anyways, I digress
If he’s jealous, he’s gonna let you know straight out the gate
Like he’ll literally tap you on the shoulder and then act like he did nothing
And at first you’re like aw cute he’s being playful
But really he just wants you to know he’s ignoring you on purpose
Like how dare you not notice that Im ignoring you purposefully… He’s not gonna put in all this effort just for you to not notice okay
And when your brain finally connects those dots its like ugh
But Yunho is easy to break okay
Like the second you pay him even a lick of attention he’s so happy
Its just really hard for him to stay upset
But dammit he’s gonna try his best to keep it up until he thinks you have both neglected each other for an equal amount of time
But both of you are kinda clingy
So even if you both know this won’t last for very long, you still get kinda sad about it
And the second your lip juts out and you’re pouting
He’s smooshing your cheeks and just going “aigooooooo” and babying you and stuff
All the other members are disgusted but they’re just jealous okay I said what I said
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(Kang Yeosang character summary: will ignore you for chicken)
Okay I don’t think Yeosang is the type to ignore you on purpose
He just gets really in his head when he’s jealous and gets quiet
And I feel like we see more of Yeosang’s quiet side rather than his expressive side
So maybe he’s shyer about emotions? Idk this is all speculation anyway
So if he’s in his head, he’s definitely not trying to hurt you or anything
He’s just thinking about everything and feeling neglected and insecure
Poor baby
Like he’s only gonna notice that you’re sad about him ignoring you once youre alone
Bc nothing else can distract him from you aw
And if you’re even the slightest bit teary, all of his insecurities fly out the window
Like all his focus will be on making you feel better
And when you say that you’re upset bc he was ignoring you
He’ll literally be like… you were ignoring me tho???
Also he strikes me as the type to laugh in serious situations so he will deadass burst out laughing 
Like full on cackling
You’re half crying and just staring at him like ??? Wtf???
What the hell’s so funny about that you absolute crackhead
But then youre laughing too bc you realize that this entire situation is kind of ridiculous anyway
And both of you get over just like that, and spend the rest of the night giving each other all the love and affection you have to spare
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Okay San’s type of jealousy is more aggressive I think
Like not that he’s aggressive towards anyone about, just it impacts him way more than anyone else
So it can really take a toll on your relationship sometimes
But I do feel like, if he’s gonna ignore you, it’s only gonna be while you’re in front of the members
But as soon as you get home, all the emotions are gonna come out at once
Like as soon as you step through the door, word vomit all over the place
And if you’re eyes are glossy too then both of you are gonna end up crying
And neither of you are really sure why you’re crying, you’re just soft babies okay
But I do think that San is more accusatory in these situations
Like a lot of “you did this” instead of “this is how I feel”
So it can start arguments sometimes
This time though, you’re both just emo and soft
Since you’re both a little bit weepy, you’re both just apologizing profusely 
but neither of you really know why you’re sorry
You just are
And no formal resolution is reached because you both fall asleep all cozied up to each other with tears drying on both of your faces
And you wake up in the morning, kind of giggling at each other
All the negativity got washed out of your systems anyway :)
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this BABY
he’s jealous but if he ignores you omg
its so hard for him to do
god like he's not even good at it
like he’s ignoring you but still holding your hand??
like how does that work
but anyway, even if you're pouting at him and stuff
he will be the one who ends up crying
like “why did you ignore meee”
and you're like... I didn't even realize I was??
so you decide to tell him what you and the members were talking about
and then all of a sudden, he’s distracted
like “ooh that interesting”
tell me more
or if it was a debate he’ll pick a side and have a full discussion with you
or if he agrees with you, he will playfully diss the other members for being wrong lmao
basically, just distract him and everything will be all set
just don't make a habit of ignoring him bc then he will really feel unloved and no one is allowed to hurt my Minnie
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So, Wooyoung is more exaggerated with the way he expresses his emotions
And we all know that I mean we’ve seen it
So when he gets jealous, he feels it in his chest
Then those emotions bubble up and come out in the form of hysterics
So he goes extra crazy for a little bit
Like not showing anger or anything, just being excessively crackheadish
And obviously not giving any of that attention to you
You notice it immediately
Like if he’s super excited, he always gives you most of his attention bc he really wants to share that happiness with you
But if he’s ignoring you, its really obvious
And you really feel the hurt bc its like… he never acts like this normally
So once you get home you’ve pretty much had it
Like your eyes are welling up and he’s just kind of looks at you like “oh nooooooo, I done messed up”
And he’s holding you and apologizing and being sweet and explaining why he did it
Literally swears up and down he will never do it again
Bc when he feels guilty it’s overwhelming for him too
Especially when it comes to you
So you end up snuggling each other the whole night to make up for the time you lost ignoring each other
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Jongho is definitely more reserved about his emotions and we see that a lot
I feel like its probably because he’s the youngest and he doesn’t want his hyungs to think he’s immature or incapable of handling his emotions
So he is gonna try to maintain that tough facade in front of his members at all costs
And they won’t really notice if you guys are having problems bc I feel like he tends to keep things about your relationship more private in front of them anyway
So if he’s ignoring you, the other guys will just assume that he’s trying to keep being tough
No one is allowed to see Jongho soft okay
But you will be seeing him turn soft the second he notices that you’re hurting
If he notices that you’re upset when you’re with the guys, he will take you home early
The second you’re alone, protective and soft Jongho combine to form that side of him the guys arent allowed to see
He hates that he’s the reason you’re feeling hurt
Will try literally anything to make you feel better
He is not gonna stop touching you and holding you and babying you all night
Has to be in contact with you in some way or he’ll cry
But either way he’s gonna be the best boyfriend to make up with
Bc he behaves this way after every conflict you have
Forever a sweetheart
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sexy-monster-fucker · 4 years
Eddie Brock|Venom NSFW Alphabet 
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Eddie is very very caring after sex.  He knows Venom can be rough so he wants to make sure you are okay.  He LOVES to cuddle after sex.  Very touchy.  A lot of forehead kisses.  
B - Body Part (Their favorite body part of their partners)
Eddie loves your hands.  He loves intertwining fingers with you.  Venom, on the other hand, loves your neck.  He loves to wrap his hand firmly around it.  
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Venom loves finishing inside you.  Eddie would never admit it, but he does too.  
D - Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory)
Secretly, Eddie has a HUGE daddy kink.  He never told you, but one time you let that name fall from your lips and it drove him mad.  He adores being called that.  
E - Experience (How experienced are they?)
Eddie may have a tough guy exterior, but he actually does not have that much experience.   He always tends to wait until he has rather strong feelings for the person he is with before deciding to sleep with them.  Obviously, Venom is only as experienced as his host. 
F - Favorite Position
Any position where they get to be the dominant one.  They adore being on top for real.  
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Eddie and Venom are both very serious in the moment.  They love having sex and consider it to be very intimate.  They do everything to make sure it’s perfect for you.  
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Well, Venom does not really have hair.  That one is self explanatory.  Eddie keeps himself groomed, but there is hair always.  
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Eddie is one of the most caring people on the planet.  He loves to make sure you know how much he loves you.  
J - Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Venom has a very high sex drive, so sometimes he ends up getting Eddie worked up.  Eddie often has to take care of it as not to bother you.  It often happens at the worse times, so Eddie does not like bothering you with it.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Eddie has a secret daddy kink.  Venom himself has a breeding kink.  He gets off on the idea of his seed impregnating you.  He longs to reproduce with you.   
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Eddie loves to do it in the bedroom.  Call it old fashioned, but he loves taking you into the bedroom after a night out and ripping your clothes off you.  
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Eddie loves to be seduced by you.  When you graze your fingers up his arm or chest it gets him going.  He also loves when you kiss his neck.  
N - NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Neither of them want to share you ever.  They both are super overprotective and only want you to be their’s.  
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Eddie and Venom both LOVE to eat you out.  They love being in control and watching you squirm under them.  
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Both Eddie and Venom tend to be rough during sex.  Eddie is more on the sensual side, usually taking things slowly before getting rough.  But Venom loves to get rough real quick.  He slams into you as hard as he can and moves quickly inside you.  
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Venom would have sex with you anytime anywhere.  Eddie, however, prefers to take you home first.  So when Venom gets him worked up in public, Eddie usually rushes you home.  Whispering in your ear, “He’s decided it’s time.  We gotta go.”  It sends chills down your spine.  
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Eddie is usually down for anything.  There are a few things Eddie won’t do.  But most of the time, Eddie loves to try anything you want.  He always has to be careful thought because Venom can get out of hand.  
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
Eddie can go a few rounds, but does not want to overwork his partner.  Venom can go all night if he is feeling it.  He goes until he decides he is done.  After a night with Venom, you are usually so tired and worn out you are seeing stars.  
T  - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
U - Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Eddie adores teasing you in public.  Like if you are out at dinner, he loves inching his hand up your thigh.  He gets achingly close to your opening and just sits there.  Or he will lean into your ear and whisper something rather nasty.  “I’m gonna rip that little dress off you when we get home,” or “You have no idea what’s in store for you when we leave here.”  He loves driving you crazy.  
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
They both are not very loud.  Grunting and whispering your name or curses is about the loudest they get.  
W - Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Venom loves to wrap his long tongue around your neck.  He loves choking you with it.  The taste of your skin drives him crazy.  
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Venom can be any size he wants.  Eddie is packing himself.  
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very.  Eddie wants to do it multiple nights a week.  Venom, however, would do you multiple times a day if you would let him.  This sometimes leads to Eddie having to take care of things himself.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Eddie loves to cuddle afterward.  He will stay awake until you fall asleep.  He wants to make sure you are comfortable and cared for.  
@odetteacanto ~ @chasecharmer ~ @gliderbudgie ~ @ihaveaseriousclownproblem ~ @melancholy-applesauce ~ @katnisswa ~ @true-king-of-monsters ~ @tastemybuns ~ @ashycole~ @raposinhachan ~ @weebiemo ~ @syiamorea ~ @danielsbransonx~ @haurashaave ~ @kurochan3 ~ @skrilltia ~ @cutebutpsycho83 ~ @mai-sun-and-stars ~ @lucacangettathisass ~ @mababees ~ @bossyboyd03 ~ @more-than-a-little-sinister ~ @its-sexy-beastington-to-you ~ @emi-leigh16 ~ @sir-skelly ~ @kittywillcutyou ~ @centerhabit ~ @that-mom-friend ~ @lil-brown-furred-boi ~ @thirsty-venom-posts ~ @itaddict ~ @peculiar-monstar ~ @grotesquegabby ~ @sylinica ~ @mccrps ~ @hopelessdisasterr ~ @sarasxe ~ @deaths-maiden ~ @magicaldoremimimi ~ @venomsprincess ~ @sebastianmichaelisthedevilwith ~ @gae-artss ~ @piinkitydrinkity ~ @wintar1234534 ~ @kiratsuyoshi ~ @forgets-me-nots-blue ~ @legoticatrevosa ~ @grand-fanfic-ing-central ~ @therealautobotgirl ~ @raginghealer ~ @avaeda ~ @xcasiferx ~ @goth-pigeon~ @pale-butterfly ~ @abigfanofyours ~ @red-writer13 ~ @meganthemug~ @winterwendig0 ~ @nicimixerxoxo ~ @fandomtrashgoddess~ @cinnabearice ~ @moose-squirrel-asstiel~ @caughtyoulackin ~ @ellar21 ~ @snow-massacre ~ @iliketurtles1022~ @crazyfreckledginger ~ @impossiblepickleherringsoul ~ @roman-reigns-princess ~ @sincerelysinister ~ @hey-its-caroline ~ @torntaltos ~ @izzyd ~ @siliethkaijuy ~ @killercatastrophe ~ @tattoedgipsybunny ~ @orphan-kilig ~ @sassysergeant ~ @kellendriaaa ~ @mrshiddlescumberbatchlove ~ @undertaleandotherfandomlover ~ @bijou-pomme ~ @allkundsofwrong ~ @bloody-jinxx ~ @skywolf-kink-boy ~ @rueinn ~ @skatedate67791 ~ @the-sea-hawk ~ @pendent123 ~ @emmamikaelson95 ~ @markusstraya ~ @tifablog ~ @im-marie-poppins-yall ~ @lets-venom-and-chocolate ~ @homeiswheremykittyis ~ @taliarozlyn ~ @douchecrypt ~ @sierra884-blog-blog ~ @abundant-chaos ~ @chanderefk ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @symbiote-queen ~ @thirstyforvenom ~ @starguardian319 ~ @shadeyenora ~ @brokenpizzapiez ~ @marvelfangirllll ~ @waltz707 ~ @cherubclover ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @midnightwritingrussiancoffee ~ @vengealis ~ @majestic-kpoppanda ~ @izzy-the-ginger ~ @cryalluwant2idc ~ @weirdfuckingtrainwreck~ @cart-disguised-as-a-buggy ~ @jaxcliffaconda ~ @ceylon-morphe286 ~ @war-and-chaos ~ @captaindrholmes ~ @xsmallplum ~ @sinningsummers ~ @nmagawida ~ @baoxiii ~ @strawberrysuperhero ~ @queen-of-eggyolks ~ @that-one-smart-american ~ @seachelle-the-tideborn ~ @pennysgirl ~ @richietoaster ~ @whitestar-16  ~ @omg-the-nutella-queen  ~ @that-one-smart-american  ~ @cosmic–dragon ~ @shaderwaii ~ @yangfire08 ~ @raceylacy ~ @emo-kitty-love ~ @sadboysclub11 ~ @mawkishmondays  ~ @sthorkronstrangy ~ @bokchoishota ~ @voyagestothestars ~ @the-lululemon~ @bear-rose123 ~ @mynahx3 ~ @alli-cat99 ~ @onebymanynames ~ @hebambi555 ~ @cassiopeia-barrow ~ @alledeglyfunny ~ @roryshitposts~ @x6-15 ~ @alex–awesome–22 ~ @deepdarkvoidchild ~ @nickyl316h ~ @nomajdetective ~ @randomshizzles101 ~ @fillechatoyante ~ @venoms-cave~ @shadymegan ~ @ultrasparkledeath ~ @infinitytheproxy3 ~ @whitestar-16 ~ @coralineexz ~ @i-like-dark-stuff ~ @missotaku34 ~ @momostuffsblog ~ @crazyminnesotagirl ~ @the-cake-isnt-a-lie ~ @sebastianstanslefteyebrow ~ @fosterthe-peter ~ @heif ~ @smilingthroughmysnarls ~
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