#and im also a man. and i have a round face and big eyes like venti and it's just important to me okay
boy-above · 8 months
venti is already an adult i am so tired of some people insisting the 2600(+) year old depressed alcoholic god is a child because he looks feminine. i'm tired of people doing "adult venti" designs as an excuse to make him more masculine. there's female characters that have the same proportions as he does but they dont "look like they're 12" to these people because they're women therefore femininity is acceptable, but a male character having feminine proportions means immediate infantilization for any male character no matter how obvious it is that they're an adult. "adult venti" my ass you just made cisgender venti / adheres to gender roles venti 🙃🙃🙃
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jasmines-library · 6 months
Hey, I love your Batfam work! Is there any chance you could do a whump/angst one of batsis being kidnapped by a villian(you can choose whoever you want) and she’s tortured for days with it being broadcasted to the Batfam while they try to track the footage. I feel kinda bad but can you do maybe some head trauma md severe burns? Maybe she has to be put in a medically included coma or smth because of the damage? Also is there any way you could include Barb and Duke along w/ the four robins? If not that’s totally cool! Sorry for the long request but I hope you have a great day!!
Anonymous Requested: batfam x batsib reader whos the youngest and newest robin and is just really goofy and doesn’t take anything seriously (ex: them blaring “who’s the (bat)man” on the comms during patrol [that songs stuck in my head i had to mention it]) and something happens, maybe their first close encounter to death or a run in with the joker and they just become a shell of who they were and stuff
Jokes On Me
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Note: My god im so sorry this literally took me forever to write, thank you so much for being patient. I've been trying to write this all week but just couldn't sit down for long enough to finish it.
Warnings: Torture, blood, burns.
Word Count: 2.5k
“Y/N, turn that shit off.”
Jason grumbled at you over the coms. You had been blasting some wretched song that you’d found on the internet over and over again and it was beginning to drive him mad. 
“Nope.” You said, popping the ‘p’ loudly. 
“Seriously.” Dick deadpanned. He had found it amusing at first, but it was now beginning to test his patience. 
Agitated, you sighed and turned off the music. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” Jason expressed gratefully, turning his eyes back to the road he was patrolling. The night was cool and quiet besides the odd dog walker or couple returning from an evening out. It was one of those nights where patrol would end early and he could return home to take a warm bath and read a book before turning in for the night. Or so he thought. 
You were rounding the corner, humming that tune that was still stuck in your head when his laughter ricocheted across the walls. You stiffened, eyes widening and hands fumbling for your weapon as your breath hitched. No amount of turning and craning your head allowed you to catch a glimpse of the dreaded figure, and you thought for a moment that perhaps it had just been a trick of your mind, or one of your brothers playing a cruel joke on you as payback for winding them up earlier. But then you heard it again, only this time to your left. You clutched your weapon tighter, eyes scanning the area with a new found sense of urgency. 
“Wing…” You whispered into the coms so quietly that you were surprised he heard it.
“What now?” He somewhat snapped. 
“We have a problem.”
Dick’s heart sank through the floor, his ears pricking up and his demeanour changing completely. “Where are you? What’s the matter? He was trying to let his panic show, but you hadn’t been patrolling as a vigilante for very long, and while you were well trained, you lacked the experience to deal with something big on your own. And from your tone of voice, he could tell that you were in some deep shit. 
Jason worked his legs harder to push himself to reach the direction he had seen you head off in. Albeit it seemed even his hardest wasn’t enough.
When he stepped out of the darkness, the first thing you noticed were his eyes. Wide and bright, easily mistakable for a cat’s as they flashed in the darkness; wild. Rabid. As he emerged fully with that infamous twisted grin splayed out on his face, you felt like a cornered animal; a deer in headlights. You froze, unable to move despite how your heart screamed at you to run as it pounded, trying to break free from your ribcage. 
“He’s here…” A mere whisper sliding over your tongue, so fragile that you weren’t even sure if you had actually said it aloud. Jason had heard it. 
The Joker was circling you now, dragging out his strides in lazy circles. You should have fought but in that moment all of your training had drained out of you, along with the colour in your face. He smirked, leering down upon you as you tried to keep your trembling hand still. He pouted in mockery and at your silence, Jason repeated his question to you, but you never got the chance to respond. 
“Oh…Just an old friend, Jay-bird.”
“Joker.” Urging his body to move faster, Jason grit his teeth. 
Dick paled. “You leave them alone.” Dick spat. It tried to be a command, but the effect was lost somewhere in transmission.
The joker pursed his lips, tilting his head as he analysed. One of his hands had found his way to your jawline and he trailed it with a cold, gloved hand. You wanted to lean away, to run and find your brother but you knew that now he had you in his grasp there was no point in even trying. “And why would I do that? They’re right in front of me. I could just…snatch them up.”
“Don’t you dare!” Dick was frightened now. “Y/N, you stay there as long as you can, okay? You fight. We’re coming, you hear?”
The Joker frowned at you. “D’you hear that? Big brother birdy coming to the rescue. How sweet.”
His grip on you tightened. “Too bad you’ll be long gone by the time they get here.”
With one swift motion, he had thrown you harshly to the side, your head colliding with the wall with a sickening crack. 
The two boys skidded to a halt just a second too late. You were already gone. 
Your head hurt when you woke up. Your eyes squinted against the sterile light. They did no favours to your pounding headache. With a groan, you tried to twist, to roll over and soothe the crook in your neck but instead all that happened was the jinging of a metal chain. You craned your head and spotted the thick chain that had been wrapped around your wrist, confining you to the chair. Struggling, you tugged on them, trying to free yourself only for them to rattle and scrape against your skin. 
“Yeah, that’s not going anywhere, birdy.” The joker chided.
You glared at him through narrowed eyes, trying to mask the thumping of your heart. The joker grinned wildly at your frightened complexion. 
“It was such a shame that Grayson and Todd didn’t get to you in time, but it was far too easy to catch you, little bird: you completely froze.” He snapped his fingers to emphasise his point. “Didn’t batsy teach you better?”
“Don’t talk about them.” You snapped. 
The joker raised his hands, palms facing toward you in surrender: taunting you as if you were the one with the power in the situation. “Touchy subject I see. Too bad.” 
He gestured above you to an incessantly blinking light. “Smile for the camera, you’re live.”
Babs had been monitoring the street cameras when the computer beside her flickered to life. She had been searching for any sign of you ever since Dick and Jason came flying through the grandfather clock. Everyone was on edge. 
The moment the screen flashed on, her eyes perked up to watch it, alarmed. She hadn’t turned it on. And there were very few people who could bypass the caves system. So when she saw a small frame curled up in a chair she knew immediately what was up. 
“Duke…” she called to the dark haired boy who was trying to help decipher your whereabouts. “Go and get B.” 
It did not take long at all for everyone to gather around in the cave. Duke was fast, and everyone dropped what they were doing to race down: even Alfred had taken his leave from his duties to see. 
It was almost like some sick irony because as soon as they were all there, you began to scream. A guttering, perfect scream that cut that through them like a knife: unclean and pinging into them messily again and again. 
The joker had taken a knife to your left thigh, his smile dripping with malice as he watched the camera, somehow knowing that at least one of them would be watching. 
Your face was contorted in pain, twisting in agony as tears rolled flatly down your cheeks from fearful eyes. Damian felt sick, his stomach churning. Jason wanted to leave. But all of them were stuck watching. Barbra was tapping away, trying to locate the signal from the video to no avail. 
“I hope you’re watching this Batsy…” He moved round to trail your face with the edge of the knife. You whimpered. “I’ve got your little bird here and I must say, you need to work on their training. They were far too easy to catch.”
Bruce felt his jaw tightening and Tim had to place a hand on his arm to remind him of his place. 
“Anyway I thought we would play a little game… how long can little y/n survive for. I wonder if it’ll be any longer than our very own Jason Todd.”
Jason twitched. 
“I’m testing you here, Bat. Tick Tock.”
The transmission cut to black. 
It seemed hopeless. Even though they had been searching for days, they were no closer to finding you. And to make matters worse, they could see you. Not long after the first transition ended did it start up again. It had been lifestreaming since then, and although they had tried to block it from their minds, it was hard to ignore. Especially when your agonised screams ricocheted throughout the halls. 
You looked like hell. Dark bags occluded under your eyes and there wasn’t an inch of your skin that wasn’t marred or stained with drying blood. The burns were worse. Damian could still hear the scream you let out when the joker first brought the hot poker to your skin. It had bubbled and blistered as the skin peeled away; you had thrashed against your restraints violently. Tim was certain that they were going to get infected if they didn’t reach you soon. 
It felt as if they had searched everywhere. Dick and Jason had even asked around to see if anyone had heard anything, going as far to talk to the Jokers closest associates in Arkham, but even if they did know, nobody said anything. Duke had even gone as far to go back to the area to use his powers to see if he could trace anything, but nothing seemed out of place; they had hit a brick wall. That was…until a small light appeared on the monitor. Babs had managed to trace the signal to a small building on the outskirts of the city. 
They were suited up in minutes, making a beeline for the building. They stormed it, recklessly taking down the Joker's goons before Batman chased wildly after the Joker, his face stony and his fists burning with anger. The other four boys chased down the winding corridors, flinging open the doors until they found one that was locked. Tim wasted no time, picking the lock with ease he peeled it open. His breath hitched when he saw you. 
Your face was gaunt, hanging low by your chest. Your suit was torn and there was less of it on your body than there was ripped away. You looked so fragile as your chest heaved sporadically. 
Jason nearly had to take a step back. This place reminded himself too much of his own encounter with the Joker not too long ago. But he pressed forward, fighting his instincts. He had to be strong. Instead of turning back, he kneeled in front of you, whispering your name. His hand came up to cup your face. You flinched away. 
“It’s okay kid. It’s us.” He tried to reassure you, but you shrank back into yourself. 
“We’re so, so sorry kiddo.” Dick tried placing a gentle hand on your arm before moving to work on the cuffs around your wrists. “We’re going to get you out.”
You said nothing, just continued to stare at the black space before you, and Dami wasn’t sure if you even knew they were in front of you. But when Jason moved away from you to help remove your restraints, your fingers latched onto him and you squeaked in protest. 
He sighed shakily. “Don’t worry kid. I’m not going anywhere.”
Damian twisted from where he was guarding the door. “We need to leave.”
Dick nodded bluntly, finishing with the last of the locks. “I’m going to have to pick you up, okay sweetheart?”
You barely registered what he had said. Everything had grown numb, you nodded anyhow. Moving his arms underneath your legs and slipping one arm behind your back, Jason began to lift you. He nearly recoiled when you cried and whimpered with the way your wounds jostled as he sprinted out of the building to get you back to safety. 
You were yet to say anything since you came home. You had been back a few days and your wounds were healing up nicely thanks to Alfred’s handywork, but the air was eerily silent around you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t been communicating with them; you spoke to them with gestures or writing but no one was used to not hearing your voice. The stark contrast between your loud and bustling personality and you now was unsettling. No one wanted to push you too far but the manor was beginning to grow lonely. 
It was one particularly rainy night when you finally spoke.  You were curled up in a large armchair by the window in the library, sinking back into the plush leather as you watched the raindrops race down the glass. Jason had been watching you from afar, contemplating whether to talk to you or not when he walked over. 
“What are you up to?” He asked you, making sure you knew that he was there before he spoke. 
You gestured toward the window,then to the half opened book at your feet and shrugged. 
“I see.” He nodded, taking a seat on the armchair opposite you. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you. Jason wasn’t much of a talker. He knew more than anyone what you were going through, which was why it was nice just to know that he was willing to sit with you, just so you knew that he was there if you needed him. It made you feel safe. But you also couldn’t help but feel guilty, and frustrated with yourself for being in a place that made him feel as though he had to do that. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. 
Jason had to do a second take. His heart swelled. “What for?”
You sighed. “This. When I saw him…i-i froze. If I had run then this would never have happened.”
“Shh. This isn’t your fault.”
“I promise, Kid. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
You nodded, looking away from him. But then you furrowed your brows and turned back to him. “How did you do it? How did you deal with this, Jay? Every time I close my eyes he’s there.”
“I guess I don’t, really. Or sometimes it feels like I don’t. I still get scared sometimes. I still see him in my dreams. But over time it gets easier. I had people around me to help me. And so do you, kid. We’re here. We’ll always be here.”
Jason shifted to brush away a rogue tear and you leaned into his touch and then wrapped your arms tightly around his middle. 
“I’m here. Always. We’ll get through this together.”
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff @alicedawitchbish
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jenosbigtoe · 11 months
brother’s best friend!lee jeno x reader
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minors dni
summary: your overprotective big brother's best friend is just too irresistible. too bad you have to keep your relationship a secret from him. established relationship au!
warnings: jeno is a freak lowkey, creampie, breeding kink, possessiveness, unprotected sex, size kink (if you squint), mating press, jeno fat cock, jeno is a simp, squirting, pussy eating, literally just pwp
wordcount: 2.4k
a/n: intentional lowercase (i hate autocaps) and not proofread so if you see any grammar mistakes lmk. IK THIS IS A WORN OUT TROPE BUT IDC BROTHERS BEST FRIEND JENO FTW this is just so self indulgent so if its ass um ☠️
pretty pink lip gloss, fresh set of french tip acrylics, short white mini skirt, strawberry scented lotion, and a pink lacy camisole. you, na y/n, were going to be the death of lee jeno.
"dude stop looking at my little sister like that you freak," jaemin threw a dirty sock laying around at his best friend's face as jeno stared at your plump ass like a piece of meat while you were in the kitchen making yourself a snack.
"shut the fuck up man," jeno grumbled as he proceeded to knock jaemin off course in moo moo meadows in mario kart.
you smirked knowingly with your back turned. you knew exactly what you were doing. it was 10 pm on a friday night, meaning jeno and jaemin were having their weekly guys night and would crash in the living room, playing video games, drinking beer, and eating pizza.
and it also meant you would get to dangle yourself like a piece of meat in front of your boyfriend and oblivious brother as you watch your hungry boyfriend try to behave himself.
"jaem let me have a turn," you whined, inviting yourself into the living room, and sat between the two boys on the verge of beating the shit out of each other over mario kart.
"y/n you know damn well you're shit at these types of games now why would i let you play when im about to rock jeno's shit," jaemin didn't even look over at you and continued to focus on the screen. "FUCKKKK JENO THOSE GODDAMN SHELLS. FUCK YOU DICKFACE”
jeno on the other hand glanced over at you, eyes never looking once at yours and instead focused straight on your plump titties popping right out of your push up bra. and he drove right off course, leaving jaemin to yelp in victory as he finished in 1st place.
"fuck you jaemin. here y/n you can play on my controller," jeno rolled his eyes and passed his controller to you. his character was already pink yoshi, making your heart melt because he knew that was your go to.
“thank you, jeno. at least some people are actually nice and considerate,” you rolled your eyes at your older brother.
"well okay you asked for it. prepare to get your ass kicked like our dear jen over there, y/n," jaemin said with an evil glint in his eyes.
as the game was about to start, you suddenly had an idea and paused the game. "wait jaem, i don't really know how to play. can you go easy on me?"
"hell no. you wanted to play with the big boys so now you gotta face the consequences."
you turned to look at jeno, who was very obviously just staring at your tits the entire time. "jeno, jaemin is being a bitch to me. can you teach me how to play since he doesn't want to go easy on me?" you tilted your head and pouted your lip in a way that you knew he liked.
you knew damn well how to play and beat the shit out of jaemin at mario kart but you also knew how good you looked right now and how this would be the perfect opportunity to tease your sexy boyfriend.
"aw hell no that's cheating, y/n," jaemin whined.
“too bad. it ain’t up to you, sore loser.” you gave jeno a smirk with a knowing look in your eyes.
"well i don't mind. plus you won the last round anyways, jaem," jeno spoke up, shifting around and subtlely fixing his sweatpants. you were teasing him so bad and it was going straight to his cock.
jaemin looked at jeno, then you, then right back at jeno, narrowing his eyes a bit. "hey since when did you two get so chummy?"
"jaemin stop being a bitch and let's just play. i don't even know how to play and jeno helping me isn't going to suddenly make me become a mario kart god."
jaemin rolled his eyes. "whatever man."
jaemin unpaused the game and the race started. you pretended to freak out, not knowing where to go as jaemin left you in the dust.
jaemin started laughing his ass off as he quickly climbed the ranks as you were left in dead last. "kiss my ass, y/n."
jeno leaned over to show you the controls but you took this opportunity to yank him to sit behind you, causing you almost be sitting in his lap as his arms wrapped you. "now show me the controls," you grinned evilly and shifted around so your ass rubbed against his dick.
jeno was stunned. doing this literally right in front of your brother? who forbade you two from ever seeing each other? he could just smell your sweet strawberry perfume, which had him wanting to just gobble you up. and your cute little outfit, god he just wanted to rip it right off of you and mark your body up, claim you as his. and not gonna lie, the thrill of being right next to your brother and his best friend had his heart pumping blood straight to his boner.
you both were lucky jaemin had tunnel vision when it came to video games, his face literally glued to the screen. otherwise he would've seen how your little white skirt rode up your thighs and your panties were literally grinding against his best friend's cock.
you let jeno take the controller and pretended to still be the one playing, occasionally screaming out curses at your brother and let out cheers when you hit him with shells. meanwhile you were really just shifting around on jeno's cock through his sweat pants as you ran your manicured nails up and down his veiny arms that were wrapped around you. his hands just looked so big and meaty on that controller, had you fantasizing about what they would be doing to you tonight.
as you neared the final lap, you in 6th place and jaemin in 2nd, you suddenly grabbed the controller out of jeno's hands and shoved him back beside you. he let out a loud grunt as he fell to the ground. jaemin suddenly took 1st place and finished the round. you were 8th. you gave jeno a fake apologetic look as he glared at you.
“oops,” you whispered, sticking your tongue out.
jaemin looked over at you and gave you a triumphant look. "now what did i tell you?"
you rolled your eyes and stood, your skirt rode up almost all the way and on the verge of exposing the little cream panties with red hearts on them that you knew jeno loved. the way jeno was sitting, you standing up gave him the perfect view of the way your puffy pussy fit in your little panties, making him even harder than before.
"whatever loser i'm heading back to my room. have fun being bitchless on a friday night." jaemin threw a pillow at your turned back. you sauntered back to your room, making careful sure to sway your hips as you knew jeno's eyes were trained straight on your ass.
it was 1 am and you were still up, bored out of your mind and scrolling through your phone. he should've been here by now, you pouted. you got frustrated and started ripping your clothes off, leaving you in just your push-up bra and panties when a voice from behind startled you.
"baby, you already starting without me? i'm hurt," jeno wrapped his arms around you, pressing his body against yours, and whispered softly in your ear, causing you to shiver.
you puffed out your cheeks. "waited for so long. was about to go to sleep because my shithead boyfriend left me needy over here."
jeno started groping at your body, squeezing your juicy tits and lightly grinding his erection against your barely clothed ass. "sorry sweet girl. jaem wouldn't fall asleep because that girl from his econ class finally texted him back, corny ass." he left a trail of kisses down your neck and sucked at a particular spot on your collar bone that had your knees weak.
you smiled to yourself. you couldn't pretend to be mad at him for long, not when you're so whipped for him. you turned around and looked up at him, admiring your sexy boyfriend. he finally listened to you and dyed his hair back to black, leaving it long and messy just how you like it. he was wearing a black compression shirt and grey sweatpants with the simple gold chain you bought him for his birthday. he knew just how you like it. what a fucking manwhore. you were ready to devour him whole.
you smashed your lips on his, messy and hot, tongue everywhere and spit dripping down your connected mouths. suddenly, you pushed him down on your bed and started straddling him, grinding your pussy directly on his cock through his sweatpants, causing him to groan into your mouth. one hand gripped at your hair and the other groped your ass.
"baby i need you. i missed you so much," you whispered, looking into his eyes.
he connected his lips to yours with a renewed fervor. clothes started flying off as you kissed each other passionately. he reached for a condom in your nightstand but you stopped him.
"raw baby. i need you in me right now." you grinned at him.
he cursed, flipped you over on your back and used his weight to press you against the mattress. his thick, muscular body pressing you to the mattress had you breathless and in need for more. "is my baby needy? is my baby needy for this cock?"
he reached down and began to lightly caress your pussy, gathering your leaking juices and spreading it around. his fingers teased your hole, rubbing circles around it and occasionally deciding to stick one in for one pump before going back to rubbing and teasing.
"had me thinking about this pussy all night. fuck. love you so much baby. you're so sexy and you get me so hard. no one does it for me like you. you looked so cute today, just wanted to eat you up. didn't care if that shithead was there, just wanted to love on my girl." he continued to tease your little pussy and alternate between fingering and rubbing you.
then he crawled down until he was facing your wet pussy directly. staring at your pussy like a piece of meat in front of starved lion, he gave one long lick all the way up your cunt and started sucking, making sure to make lewd noises. your legs were shaking with need as you gripped his hair.
"fuck you taste so good. all wet just for me. this pussy is mine," he groaned into your cunt.
at this point, your pussy was gushing so much you felt a puddle beneath you. his fingers and lips felt so so good on your pussy but you were tired of his teasing. you got up and suddenly looked down at him seriously. "jen if your cock isn't in me in the next 5 seconds i'm seriously going to break up with you and fuck haechan or something."
this lit a fire within jeno, whose eyes darkened. he lifted his body and gave his impossibly hard cock a few pumps, rubbing your juices all over his massive cock. he grabbed your thighs, lifted your legs over his shoulders, and shoved his cock into your little pussy with one big thrust.
you both moaned out, your pussy leaking happily as he bottomed out, balls deep. he set out on a fast past immediately, pounding your pussy deeper and harder with each thrust. you could feel his heavy balls slap against your ass.
"yes, jen yes yes yes! oh god more more! love you so much baby," you grabbed at his hair as he pounded your pussy into oblivion. in the deep mating press he had you in, you could feel the tip of his cock kissing your cervix with each thrust. his cock was just so so big, you could never get enough of it.
you could see the veins pop out of his neck and his beefy arms were pinning your hips down as his hips were pounding you with each powerful thrust. he looked so so so sexy and he was all yours.
"god baby your pussy was made for me. love you so so much. mine. all mine. everything about you all mine, just for me," jeno kissed you passionately, both moaning into each other mouths.
he used one of his hands to press down on your lower belly, making your pussy leak and throb around him. "you feel that, princess? you feel me deep in your tummy? only i can do that to you, only me."
your mind was blank at this point, body completely numb to everything except the pleasure he was giving you. you could feel yourself about to get sent over the edge, your pussy spasming and clenching hard around every vein on his cock.
"bout to cum baby don't stop don't stop!!" you orgasmed with a loud scream, pussy squirting all over his stomach.
jeno continued fucking you through your orgasm, grunting at the feeling of your little pussy spasming all over his cock. "baby m close too, fuckkk."
fat tears rolled down your face at the overstimulation of pleasure. "jen please cum inside please."
jeno groaned, thrusting every harder and deeper than before. "such a slut. you like that huh? you want your boyfriend to knock you up? you want to have a baby with your brother's best friend? fuck. how about you just get pregnant? he wouldn't be able to disapprove of us when you're already round and waddling around with my baby."
with one loud groan, he bottomed out inside of you and let out his thick load. he collapsed on top of you, cock still balls deep inside, crushing you under all his weight with your face pressed against his sweaty chest.
you stayed like that for a few seconds before you tapped on his back, signaling that you couldn't breathe. still keeping his cock deep inside your leaking pussy, he flipped you over on your side and cuddled your back, wrapping one arm around your waist and the other pushing your hair out of your face. you panted, eyes closed in bliss. jeno drew circles on your arms and left kisses up and down your jaw and neck.
"just saying, you would look sexy as fuck pregnant with our baby." jeno whispered.
you opened your eyes to turn back and swat at his chest but what you saw made your blood run cold in horror.
it was your brother standing right in the open doorway staring at your naked bodies with a look of fury, surprise, horror, and shock that you had never seen before.
the three of you screamed at the sight of each other in unison.
a/n: i intentionally wrote the ending like that because i'm unsure if anyone would even want to continue reading this lmaooo so lmk what you think
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mayearies · 1 year
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˚ʚ property of ��hiimayee ɞ˚
genre: fluff (angst if you really squint) | warnings: spanish request: “a miles morales x reader, with the reader spoiling miles because a bunch of fanfics have him spoiling us, like reader has a job, and when she gets her paycheck; she decides to spend it on her man, because he’s always spending whatever he can on her; so to make up for it she brings him to one of his favorite stores and is like ‘get what you want’.” requester tag: @gw3ndyswonderland a/n: I POSTED THE DRAFT ON ACCIDENT AND LOST THE REQUEST IM SO SORRY but here you go hope i did it justice 😞
summary: miles’ girlfriend spoils her man after her shift translations: mi corazón / my heart . no te preocupes / don’t worry . amor / love . déjalo, por favor / drop it, please . no tenías que / you didn’t have to . gracias / thank you . mi teroso / my treasure
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e42 miles and you were laying on his bed, you watching tv while he was scrolling through his phone laying on your lap. you would peek at it from the corner of your eye once in a while to see what he was looking at but it didn’t peak your interest that much. that is, until he came across an ad on his homepage.
“mi corazón, you like those?”
miles turned his head to you and flipped his phone upside down on your lap, “yeah, but i can buy them myself. no te preocupes.”
you felt a little guilty with the same answer you would get every time. yoou offered to buy something for him. after overhearing a conversation about his mom struggling, you wanted to start making it up to him—buying him the things he would buy you.
“that’s not what i asked.” “c’mon amor, i can’t have you spending money on me.” “nuh uh. do you want the shoes or no?” “… no.”
and that happened every time too. he would switch his answer last minute. but you could tell he didn’t mean it and he did want those shoes. but also knowing him, he wouldn’t let you buy them for him.
thats when you had the idea. “wait, sit up for a second.” you grabbed two jackets of his—one for you and one for him. he was skeptical until he heard your keys jingling and some rustling.
“are you leavin’, ma?” “no, but we are.”
☆ you took him to an outlet down a couple of exits, encouraging him to pick whatever he wanted and you would pay for. you didn’t want anything, and you didn’t want your paycheck to just be lying around or else you might get the temptation to buy something you don’t need.
☆ after some back and forth, he loosened up and confied to your offer. he didn’t want to be too greedy with his choices , so he intentionally stayed where the cheaper shoes were (even if they were ugly as fuck) until you caught on and had to push him further out of his comort zone when shopping with his lady.
“mami, i mean-” “you don’t want sketchers, miles. they aren’t even in your size. déjalo, por favor.”
☆ he left with two pairs of new jordans that night, and in return he gave you a bunch of kisses all round your face.
“gracias, mami. no tenías que.” “it’s no big deal, only the best for mi teroso.”
after he kissed you delicately on the lips, you saw a crocs store only a few stores down and your face lit up. he smiled when he saw it. “you want matchin’ crocs?”
“do i??” “haha, only on one condition—i pay for ‘em.”
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victoria-grimesss · 1 year
tear you apart - part I
->Pairing: König x fem!reader
->Words: 2.2k
->Warning: sexual thoughts, use of Y/N, close proximity, and tension, eventual smut
->Summary: König is kinda mean, dark and a little possessive but it’s all in good fun! A new girl catches the colonel's eyes, and he won’t let her go. Inspired by my favorite song Tear you Apart by She Wants Revenge.
->A/N: please let me know what ya’ll think, this is my first time writing anything spicy so im open to feedback. Also my requests are always open :)
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The base is cold as it should be at this time of year, you transferred from the states to the Austrian KorTac base against your own wishes, you are a specialized stealth agent that the higher ups thought could be a valued member to the KorTac team. Wishing to be back in the sun but alas your new skies are clouded and mean.
It is what it is, you thought to yourself, lacing your boots, and emerging from your room. It’s always a weird adjustment process when you transfer to a new base, learning the way around like learning a new maze each time. The people were friendly enough although you didn’t know if it was because you were a new soldier or just because you were a new pretty face around that hadn’t heard any rumors about the seedy guys and their proclivities.
Altogether you have heard one rumor,
One big, tall, menacing rumor.
“The king”
Curiosity killed the cat and God help you, all you wanted was to know if what they said was true. Before you left for transfer you heard whispers when they found out where you were going.
“She’ll be miserable under his watch.”
“He’ll have her running laps and doing reps the first day for sure.”
“He’ll eat her alive.”
 “He’ll eat her alive.”
 Did these whispers make her shiver? Yes
Did these whispers make her restless? Yes
Did these whispers make her ache in anticipation? Absolutely.
 It’s been a long while since the last body occupied her bed, a touch a century ago, a kiss eons ago. All these fairy tales about this big, tall strong man that could throw her two football fields didn’t help her desperation at all.
She knew these thoughts weren’t appropriate, sleeping with a superior was frowned upon. He was probably married and happy, men like that don’t stay on the market for long. And from the stories she heard she obviously has no shot with him.
She rounded a corner from the barracks and exited to the outside courtyard, the air nipping at her skin. Dark clouds looms and the trees are barren of leaves ready for life anew. Approaching the main building the smell of sweat and metal entered her nose making way to the meeting room.
The debriefing was the same as all the others, the captain explaining what to do and who goes where. She nearly fell asleep until the doorknob turned, that’s weird, usually people don’t barge into these things halfway through… unless they’re king of the castle.
He enters the room, his aura dominating those around him. His stature is something to behold, well over six feet of pure muscle. He could break me over his knee like a glowstick and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it…
He stalks into the room greeting the captain, his voice it deep and dark and you want to hear more of it.
His gear makes him all that bulkier, his mask concealing his face and yea, if I were the enemy and I saw him running towards me I would definitely shit my pants.
He stands at the front of the room observing everyone in it and maintaining concentration on the presentation the captain is giving for the next mission. You try your hardest to maintain the same concentration but he’s just so tall and all the rumors are true he’s an enigma. You find your eyes drinking him in, from his shoes to the metal plates on his shins, to his..oh god… his broad broad shoulders. You imagine taking your hands and tracing over them feeling the thick muscles underneath his war-torn skin as you bring your hands lower-
 He shifts in place.
 Your eyes quickly dart away then to his eyes, his eyes locked on yours like a predator watching his prey.
You immediately break into a sweat, his eyes like a spotlight and they don’t move from you.
You look again to see if he’s still looking, he tilts his head a bit to the side and raises an eyebrow teasingly. Shit. oh no he’s hot. Like really hot.
Shifting in your seat, nervous beads of sweat dripping down your neck, the meeting is coming to a close and people start tucking in their chairs. König is still standing by the door, his eyes still locked on yours, I wonder what he’s thinking. I mean, surely if he’s a married man he wouldn’t be looking at me so hard….right? Maybe no one told him you were transferring so he’s just confused on who the fuck is this new girl in here I didn’t approve this. By now most of everyone has left the room, the projector is turned off, the map put away, the captain gone. You move your gaze to the floor and get up and tuck in your chair, clearing your throat, now realizing how eerily quiet the room is and you haven’t heard König make a noise since he greeted the captain. You make your way to the door, preparing to walk by him and out of the room.
An arm shoots out to block the doorway and you are forced to stop dead in your tracks keeping your eyes dead set on the long dark hallway in front of you.
“Your name soldier.” He barks, his voice smooth and dark like black coffee. The sweat beads up again and you know for a fact your face is growing hot.
“Y/N, sir.” You straighten your back and maintain my straight state.
He leans down. You can tell he’s looking at you and you raise your eyes to meet his and your heart is racing a million miles an hour and nerves are on fire you breath is uneven and you know he knows, I mean who wouldn’t be uneasy this close to him.
“I-I’m the transfer from the states sir, from the stealth unit.”
“I know who you are hübsches Mädchen, read your file. Approved your transfer myself.”
He replied, his eyes never leaving mine. He’s even more intimidating this close but something deep within you wants to reach out to him and quell this thirst for his touch.
“I appreciate you thinking me worthy to serve on this team, I won’t let you down.” You affirm with the little strength you have left. His gaze is piercing but intoxicating all the same.
He removes his hand slowly from the doorframe and straightens his back standing at his full height again. His begins again,
“Training at 0700 tomorrow morning be there, I’d like to see you demonstrate some maneuvers see if you need any additional training. I will be watching closely, do not disappoint me.” His arms are crossed now and he’s even larger than before.
“Yes, of course sir, I’ll be there.”
“I look forward to it.” His tone is light now, maybe even teasing.
You swear you saw him wink but maybe it was just the lighting and how it hit his mask.
“Well run along kleiner Hase; you need your beauty sleep after all.” He motions to the hallway and you take quick steps back to your room, cheeks still hot and breath still quick. It was going to be difficult to have him as your commanding officer.
Sleep didn’t come easy, tossing and turning and thinking about the way König devoured you with his eyes made you sweat and frankly being that close to him and replaying that moment over and over again didn’t help with your insomnia. You thought of him a lot that night, more than once, enough to make your hand cramp up. By the time it was daylight you were running off 4 hours of sleep and a large coffee you picked up from the mess hall. You trudged your way over to the main building again where the gym and training room was, once again passing through the courtyard.
The trees are still barren, and you almost slip on the sleet left on the pathway cursing to yourself and hoping to god no one saw.
The gym smells musty, the air vents clearly working overtime since the gym has some activity. A couple groups of pairs work on sparing on the far side and others work out alone. You walk over to the mats and stand to the side watching the two pairs fight for the upper hand, takedown training great, you knew how to do it most of the time on missions you were equipped with a silenced pistol and other quieter tools. Stealth takedowns are your forte but it can’t hurts to get more practice with face to face takedowns.
The fight with the two are done and you were too busy thinking to hear your voice being called.”
“Sergeant L/N!, to the mat.” König barked, his authority shaking the ground, not the best first impression on training day.
You apologize quickly and step onto the mat, your opponent being someone a bit taller than you but not by much, a weight to weight equal, should be easy enough.
König’s eyes watch you as you grapple with the opponent twisting his arm and throwing him over your shoulder onto the mat, you brace your knee on his neck and apply a small amount of pressure, the opponent taps out. He won’t lie, König felt his pants get tight from seeing you work so effectively. Your work is certainly good, he won’t lie, taking down someone so easily.
“Again, another.” He barks once more, his accent thick.
You take down another three opponents, you clearly are growing restless from the muscle exertion and signal to take a break. König watches with amusement.
“A break? What if this was real combat kleiner Hase, will you beg your advisories to adjourn their dissatisfaction for you? Beg them for a time out?” By now he’s stepped onto the mat with you, today he’s shed the outer layer of his gear just wearing his mask and usual military uniform, he still looks just as hot.
“There’s no time for breaks out there as you know, and when you come up with a larger enemy you must be able to take them down as well.”
He wants you to take HIM down, your muscles are already weak from the last three fights he surly knows you’ve exerted yourself right? Right?!
“Go on schatz, I’ll let you make the first move.” His voice has an edge of teasing to it and you want to rip off his mask and see the smirk you know he’s displaying.
You huff
“Very well sir.”
You move to grapple his middle trying to take out his legs, he’s sturdy like a tree and you think if you can take out his legs he’ll go down like one. He budges only slightly when you hit on a pressure point and just when he’s moving and you think you’ve gain the upper hand he sweeps your legs from underneath you and has you pinned. Your wrists are bound by one of his hands above you head and he’s got both of his very thick thighs straddling you.
Your face grows hot at your defeat, especially all your other coworkers seeing it too. But it burns even hotter when he comes down close to your ear and whispers to you,
“You look very pretty underneath me schatz, so pretty when you are short of breath.” He laughs, that bastard.
You can’t admit it but your panties grow damp at his words and your body is on fire, although to those around you it just looks like you’ve over exerted yourself with a tad too much training.
König stand, his height from down here is astonishing. He reaches a hand down and lifts you to your feet but he’s so strong you accidentally collide with his chest before taking a quick step back. You mumble an apology.
“You fight well L/N, no doubt you will be a fine addition to this team. Although you will need to know how to take down large adversaries so I can help you with additional training of course.”
He holds his hand for you to shake it and you meet him halfway, his large hand grips yours and you get a flashback to feeling it wrapped tightly around your wrists, you shiver.
König’s gaze casts down upon you, no woman has yet to capture his attention the way you have. Many have tried. Thrown themselves at him in an unsavory manner, but you, oh you’re different. He admires the way you speak to him, although not many words have been exchanged between the two of you he prays there are more.
Your hair, your eyes, your body, all of it has entranced him and the moment he laid eyes on you, the others know. The way his gaze is steady and dark on you the others know you’re off limits. He yearns to learn more of you, to hear of your history as he strips your clothes off one article at a time under the dim lights of his office. He must be patient though. You are like a deer, scared in the spotlight and he must not spook you, he stands still until you come to him. For now he stares.
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octoberautumnbox · 10 months
Yasss, time has come for more Yuri fics, looking forward to a Yuri ult stan :>
Thing with Yuri is, you can never know what to expect next. One moment she's a fluffy puppy cuddling with you then the next she's got you in her grip edging you all day. Just a crazy switch brat. Though that's why I fell hard for her
IZ*ONE/Soloist Jo Yuri & Male Reader
Word count: 2882
Categories/warnings: smut, alcohol, implied violence & blood, very slight dubcon, blowjob, handjob, breast play, cowgirl, kiss-and-fuck, only a little bit rough, okay maybe a tiny bit more rough. 
a/n: got way too into the setup im so sorry ill put a marker down there for the actual smut. also big thank you to @iznsfw for the pic ive been looking for this forever. lastly not proofread nor beta’d bc i still haven’t reached out to anyone seriously for writing tips and stuff yet aaaa
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Everyone said Yuri was a good person: all sweet-looking, nice to everyone, takes a joke just as well as the next girl. Wouldn't hurt a fly even if she wanted to. There was something about her though; you couldn't place exactly what, but you were convinced nobody was that naturally sweet. Something was up with her.
It's a good thing then that she wasn't anyone particularly important. Jo Yuri was just another person that you'd never needed to talk to in the six months since class began. It was easy enough to ignore her, and ignore her you did. 
"You've been cooped up for way too long. Come on, 8 pm. Round of drinks on me if you show. Leave right after if you want. I swear. Just enjoy yourself." Your friend loomed over the table, blocking the light from your copy of 1984. Putting your palm on the top of his head, you closed your grip around a handful of his hair and pulled his head to where your book was sufficiently illuminated. "I'll think about it," you mutter before looking back to the yellowing paper. "Ryujin will be there too." Your friend occupied the seat next to you, rubbing his head where you grabbed. "And her friends. Isa, Minjeong, that cutie from ours you hate so fucking much," he says with a smirk, as if it was the checkmate that would make you drop everything and go. "Didn't take her to be into that type of thing," you say without looking up, "Ryujin, sure, but – what's her name? Yuri? – Feels like she just couldn't say no." He shrugs. "Maybe. What matters in the end is she'll be there, she's single, and she's got a hell of a rack." "Fucking perv. Anyway, I'll think about it." He smirks at you again. "Not because of Yuri, god dammit."
You shut your laptop and stretch. You rub your eyes for a good minute before wiping away the fatigue to find your clock striking 7. You stare at it, as if intimidating it to go faster and faster to past 8 pm so you wouldn't have to go. Defeatedly, and with regret already seeping into your mind, you get up from your chair and grab a towel. 
“Hey, long time no fucking see!” Ryujin swings her arm around your shoulders and spills half her drink onto the floor. “Hey, Ryu. Glad to see you're already half-shitfaced this early into the night.” “Fuck you. By the way, meet Isa,” she says as she drags you towards one of the booths. “We've met. Hi, Isa.” She waves and downs a shot of gin. “Who convinced you to come all the way out here?” Isa slams the shot glass onto the wooden table, nearly cracking it and probably denting the wood. “Ah, also shitfaced. I was just free, that's all. Nice to see you again.” She waves again before burying her face in her hands. You drop Ryujin onto an open space in the seats before heading for the bar.
“There he is! Fuck you, man. Stay a little!” Your friend turns around and yells, “Round of drinks on me!” The bar roars with cheers as you take a seat on one of the stools. “Glad you could make it, dude! It’s been forever! Hey, enjoy yourself. See any chicks you like? Maybe enjoy someone else too?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you obnoxiously. Thinking he’d be distracted within the next five seconds, you mutter to the bartender an order of a bottle of beer. Just then, you watch as your friend is approached by another guy, talked to a little, and then dragged off in a semi-drunk daze away to some other group. 
“Three margaritas, please.” You turn around to the stool on the other side of you. “Oh, you’re in my class, right? I don’t think I’ve introduced myself. I’m Yuri,” she says with the cutest smile you’ve ever seen. The bartender places her three drinks on the counter and pops the cap off your own before setting it in front of you as well. “Right, I like your top,” gesturing to a little chain by the neckline. “Do you need help carrying those, by any chance? Or are all three of them for you?” She chuckles shyly. “Would you mind giving me a hand bringing these over to the booth with Isa and Ryujin over there?” 
Your phone reads 11:00 pm. Ryujin’s face is practically glued to the table, and Isa continues mumbling into her palms about her teddy bears wondering why she hasn’t come home yet. Your friend is sitting next to and has his arm around Ryujin, and you can guess where his free hand is. Knowing you’ve drunk a few yourself, you get up and walk cautiously yet in no straight line towards the toilets. After doing your business, you wash your hands and leave. On the way out of the bathroom, you set your mind to wake up Ryujin and offer to see her and Isa home. 
As you make your way back to the booth, you find a pair of guys huddled by a corner. You see between them a familiar figure. In your daze you fight to recall why it’s something you can recall, and then it hits you. The glint of the chain on her neckline catches your eye and you walk over to them, for the second time regret seeping into your mind before anything even happens. You’re way too drunk, you think to yourself. Whatever happens next is a bad idea, but you steel your resolve that it has to happen.
“Oh, Oppa!” She turns both guys’ attention to you, and they start throwing you dirty looks. “Hey, come on. Everyone’s drunk, we’d better go.” You make for her wrist, but one of the guys pushes you back. You notice the other guy has his hand on her shoulder, keeping her against the wall. “Why don’t you look after your friends, and we’ll look after her?” “Don’t make me do this,” you quip as you take a step forward again. After hearing them chuckle, the alcohol takes over you, your vision flashes, and finally fades to red. The last thing you remember is swinging high and kicking low.
You slowly come to, raising your head from the headrest. A stinging pain and a cold touch on the corner of your mouth greet you as your vision stabilizes from quadruple, to triple, and to double, before settling your focus on a bottle of antiseptic solution on the coffee table in front of you. Immediately, you shut your eyes as tight as they can go, deciding wherever you are is too bright, and deciding that the pain on your temple and across your forehead has something to do with how hard you’re shutting your eyes. 
“You didn’t have to do that. I was just about to leave.” You hear pieces of ice clink against each other as the cold touch moves to your forehead. “Hi, Yuri. They didn't do much worse to you did they?” “No,” she says in a relieved tone, “you saved me. It was a lot to take in honestly, but they’re worse off than you are. Thank you.” The cold spot again moves to the corner of your mouth. 
You struggle your eyes open and find her right up in your face, inspecting what you think is a wound by your eyebrow. She notices you staring at her and she backs off quickly. “Sorry… That one looked pretty bad.” “Thanks for looking after me. Where are we?” You try to sit up, only to be forced back down by a number of painful spots all over your back and torso. “You fought them, they fought back,” she pushes you down firmly onto the sofa and brings the ice bag back onto your face, “you won. We got back to the booth, and you made me call a taxi. You carried Isa-unnie and Ryujin into the taxi,” she hands you a glass of water, which you begin sipping, “and I got the other oppa. We dropped off Isa-unnie, then your friend. You wouldn’t tell me where to drop you off,” she takes the empty glass, “so I had no choice but to bring you here. Ryujin is upstairs in her room.” 
You sit up more comfortably. “Thanks, Yuri. I owe you one.” You check the time, and find it’s 2:00 am. “Sorry for intruding so late. I should go–” “You’re…” she interrupts. “You're in no condition to go home alone. Spend the night. Please?” She looks at you with a pair of puppy dog eyes and flashes a heart with her hands to you. “I… Thank you.” You lay back onto the sofa, the fatigue you didn’t know you had overwhelming you into oblivion.
(smut starts here)
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You open your eyes slowly, taking advantage of the darkness.The first thing you notice are the closed pink curtains, and next is the fluffy scent of baby powder and fresh shampoo. You continue trying to get your bearings, and an immense wave of pleasure shoots up your spine. You look down and see Yuri licking your dick up and down, savoring each stroke of her tongue and letting her spit cover every inch. 
You place a hand on her nape, and she looks up at you. “Oh, good morning. Am I doing this right, Oppa?” She takes another long drag of her tongue from the base to your tip, causing you to moan lightly. “I’w thake that ash a yesh,” she mumbles as she places the head of your cock onto her tongue. “Yuri, what are you…” She takes half your length into her mouth and hollows out her cheeks to suck you off. She releases your dick with a pop, “I feel like I haven’t thanked you enough for last night. Call it even?” She smiles as innocently as can be, and then takes your cock into her mouth again. “Please tell me if you feel uncomfortable, I’ll stop if you want…” “Keep going, baby.” She blushes at the sudden use of her pet name, but returns to her work of thanking you much more profusely than you ever imagined. 
As she continues sucking you off, you snake your hand towards her nightgown and onto her left breast. You ease back into the bed and fondle her through the smooth fabric, earning her own little moans vibrating through her throat and onto your shaft. She lets go of your cock once again, and pulls the straps of her gown off her shoulders. She pulls the smooth dress down, exposing a cute and perky pair of breasts. “Please ogle me a lot, Oppa…” She grabs your shaft again with one hand and makes long and slow strokes up and down your entire length. With her other hand, she takes yours and places it onto her left breast. “Just enjoy… Just enjoy me.” 
“Jack me off faster, baby,” you command her, and she moans slightly at the name again. She goes faster and her grip grows just a bit tighter. She maintains eye contact with you as best as she can despite you pinching her hardening pink nipples, drawing her to close her eyes and let her head lull back. You motion for her to use her mouth again and she obeys immediately, bending over to your dick and granting you easier reach to fondle her other breast. You pay special attention to how she likes her nipples played with, tracing circles along her areolas before taking her nubs between your index finger and thumb to squeeze and tug. In return, she grows a bit more careless with her blowjob, letting her mouth leak more and more saliva, as well as taking in more and more of your length before finally hitting the back of her throat. You accidentally tug on her boobs a bit harder, causing her to moan onto the tip of your dick. You start feeling guilty when she starts sliding your cock out of her mouth, but as you get ready to apologize she lifts up the bottom hem of her nightgown, showing you her clean shaven pussy. She gathers her whole gown into one bunch by her waist before pulling it over her head to leave herself completely naked for you. 
“Please tell me you like me, Oppa…” She pleads slowly and carefully, while bringing your hands to her chest once again. You relish on the warmth and softness of her breasts that you only realize she’s already straddled you and has started stroking your cock again. “Tell me… I want to hear you say it, please.” “You’re so,” she gives you one rapid stroke, “fucking,” she moans as you fondle her more roughly, “hot,” she forces herself to look straight into your eyes again, “Jo Yuri.” She speeds up her handjob, finding it harder and harder to maintain her eye contact in favor of shutting her eyes and letting the pleasure overtake her. “I’m close.” She strokes you rapidly, noticing how your legs are starting to shake, her gaze growing more intense, her squeezing you tighter, your moans getting louder, your grip on her boobs getting rougher and rougher and rougher, until–
She lets go just as you’re about to cum, “Oppa… did you cum?” “Not yet, baby, why’d you stop?” You groan disappointedly at her. “I’m sorry… It’s just… you have to enjoy me more.” She brings her soaked pussy above your cock and rubs the tip all over her lower lips, smearing your precum and her slick together on her hot cunt. You groan again, and she gets the message. Bit by bit, she sinks herself down onto your dick, relishing in the sensation of a huge and girthy cock filling her up. You accidentally squeeze her soft tits too hard again, and with an apologetic harsh tug on both her nipples downward, she abruptly slams herself down onto your waist, taking in your cock to the hilt. You feel every inch of your dick being squeezed by her pussy and soaked with her love juices, and at the end of it you feel your tip prod against what must be her cervix. 
“Never got my toy this deep into me before. Do you like it, Oppa? Does my slutty little fuckhole make you feel good?” She grins evilly at you as she leans forward for a kiss. You barely process her amazingly naughty words before she starts riding you, lifting herself up until only your tip remains in her, before slamming herself down again, taking your entire length into herself. You relish how her cunt clenches around you so lovingly, how tight she is that there’s no way this doesn’t hurt her, how loud she moans while you feel your cock quickly entering and exiting her pussy. 
She plants her elbows on either side of your head and cradles your face right in front of her bouncing chest. You take her right nipple into your mouth and she moans all the more loudly, rides you all the more violently. Your right hand grabs her left breast, fondling it the way that drives her crazy, and your last free hand gripping her ass as a hold to guide her up and down your cock. “Yuri,” you mumble with her nipple between your teeth, “I’m close again…” She rides you harder and you find it more difficult holding it in. You pray she lets you cum this time, calling upon a God you once knew, but also you pray that she lets you pull out first. Or not. As long as you cum. 
You begin sucking more harshly, and she responds by riding you faster; she grinds on your dick and drags your cock over every inch of her warm, wet walls. Her moans grow louder, more desperate, aching for her own release as well. Your grip on her ass tightens too, so much so that her cheeks spill out between your fingers as you pull her closer and pump into her as deep as you humanly can. 
You must’ve hit every last one of her good spots. A scream tears through her throat as she lifts herself off of you. Her cum sprays all over your waist, your cock, her bedsheets, and she even has the indecency to rub her clit all throughout, causing more and more of her cum to spray everywhere. You watch her through her climax, admiring the way her thighs jiggle with every jerk of her hips, the way her nipples stand erect on top of her bouncing boobs, the way her face contorts with an ungodly amount of pleasure she’s never experienced in her life. She falls forward, pressing her still-leaking cunt on your dick, and her breasts onto your chest as she heaves deep breaths through what should be a now-bruised throat. In a raspy yet sweet voice, she asks, “Was it good, Oppa? Did you like the feeling of pounding your horny pleasure girl’s tight little cunt?” She snuggles into your neck and plants little kisses along your jawline. “I haven’t cum yet, baby…” you admit quietly and out of breath. “Oh? That’s fine, Oppa. It just means you can enjoy me more.”
a/n: whoa that was way longer than I ever thought I could write at this point. all of that just this afternoon and only in response to the ask lol. this wasnt in my WIPs tbh and it was just a random BFH that accidentally took me... five hours to write? again im glad how it turned out thanks for reading all this youre awesome
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tan1shere · 9 months
Ellie williams x female reader !
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A/n: ahhh new series alert ⚠️! Hope you guys enjoy part 1 I'll be working on part two over the next few days MUAH
Summary: Ellies the bad girl in the school but she takes a liking to the reader, everyone's worried but the reader somehow changes her for the better
Warnings: fluff, bad girl Ellie, not really anything flirting, swearing? This is set at college/uni so they're a bit older then 19? Mighttt have smut in future chapters !
Masterlist || pt 2 ! Pt 3 !
It was frightening being the new girl. You were shy, very shy. You didn't know at all how to make friends, wandering the halls with your books clutched to yourself. It was overwhelming with how many people there were, you just wanted to get to your last class then go to your second home. The library. You had been waiting all day to finish and head straight there. You had heard good things about the schools library. It was massive, full of so many books. Old and full of memories, it was ancient.
You just sat down in a chair for your last class of the day when some girls approached you. "Oi, dork." You look up from your book seeing a tall brunette with a few blue streaks in it. You await her words, wondering what she wanted. "You new here or something? I don't recognize you." You nod. "I am yeah." She looks down at your books. "Stella." You keep your gaze on her. "Oh- im-" She gets down to your level. "I don't care. You're in my seat." You look at where you were and giggle just a bit. "What are we 16?" You fucked up. She slams her hands down on the desk making you jolt back.
"Wrong. Answer." You widen your eyes, swallowing. "S-sorry." You stutter, going to get up when a hand gets placed on your shoulder. You turn your head to a tall copper haired girl. "Leave her be Stella." She stares coldly at her. Stella just smirks. "You haven't called me back Williams." You look at the girl beside you. "Yeah cuz I don't keep in contact with egotistical sluts like you." You almost gasp, shocked by her language. "Harshhh. No need to get bitchy." The girl chuckles. "Youre one to talk. Pestering someone so innocent. Just sitting there minding her own business." Stella looks at the girl like she's crazy. "And you're so different? You bug anyone and everyone." The girl pouts. "Sad it's not you? Is that burning your ego even more?" Stella rolls her eyes. "Whatever." She spits going to leave.
"You alright?" The girl asks. You nod, putting your hair behind your ears. "Thank you." She nods also. "I'm Ellie. You're new huh?" You nod again, not use to all these people conversing with you. "Well I'll see you round new girl." You watch as she walks to the back of the class to her seat, sitting by another man and woman. She intrigued you for some reason. You had no idea what it was but, you wanted to know.
You were happy, smiling and walking briskly to the library, ready to wind down from a day of classes. You open the old wood doors, they were tall, with carvings and designs. You step inside taking in everything, the smell, the quietness. It was your new happy place. You stride in going over to each section. You were just admiring it all for now but you were determined to find this book you've been meaning to read. As you browse you suddenly come across it, your smile widens, getting on your tip toes to reach it. "Curse being so short." You mutter to yourself.
"Need some help there, new girl?" You turn around to be faced with the copper haired girl yet again. "Oh uhm. Yeah actually." You laugh a little embarrassed. "Struggles of being short." She nods, reaching to grab it with ease. "Glad I was here to help then." She smiles giving it to you. "What're you doing in here?" You ask, not even knowing why you did, anyone could go in here. "Ouch, do I not look like the reading type?" You shake your head. "No no no I just-" She giggles. "I'm teasing you love. And I am a big reader actually." She looks at the book she gave you. "You're going to really enjoy that." You look at the book yourself. "I've been meaning to read it for so long." You admit.
"Well it's worth the read." She smiles. "So what's your name new girl?" You hug the book to your chest. "Y/n. But I- i don't mind the nickname you already give me." She smirks. "New girl? Alright then I shall call you that." It went silent. "So-" You then hear stomping, turning your head. "Ellie leave this poor girl alone." A dark haired woman comes by her. "I'm not even doing anything just casually speaking." Ellie replies. "We should get going anyway, come on." The woman begins to walk off. Ellie looks at you. "I'll see you around, again. New girl." You keep your gaze on her as she goes. Thinking about how most people view her, confused by it all.
Knocking on the door of your dorm, you had just found it. Watching as the door opens. "HI can I help you?" A girl is in sight, giving you a toothy smile. "Uhm im your new roommate." You give her a smile also. "Ahh, well come on in." She moves out the way inviting you in. "How come you didn't do this, this morning?" She genuinely asks. "I wanted to get straight into it, I decided to come back and unpack later." You look around at the cute little dorm room. "Well, all your stuff is in your room, make yourself comfy." She smiles at you, going into the kitchen. You return the smile, heading into your room. It was tiny but just the perfect fit for you. You begin to unpack setting everything out nicely and to how you like.
Once you're happy with how everything looks, you go out into the main area, seeing your roommate. "I'm Angela by the way, everyone just calls me Angie." You nod. "I'm Y/n." She nods. "Its nice to meet you. How has your first day been?" She pours herself a coffee. "Want a drink?" You shake your head. "I'm ok, thank you though. And it was good, classes were good. I got to see the library which was probably the highlight of my day." You smile, going to sit on the couch. "Its pretty cool isn't it." She smiles sipping on her coffee. "Hey, do you know someone called Ellie Williams?" She stares at you. "You don't wanna get involved with her, she's bad news." You furrow your brows. "Wait why?" You inquire. "She's a complete asshole. She will hurt you, and you're too sweet to be involved with someone as putrid as her."
You look at the couch in thought. Why was she such an asshole, she seemed really nice. "Can you tell me more?" You ask, looking at her. She strides over to the couch taking a seat next to you. "Ellie doesn't care about anyone but herself. She'd hurt you just to please herself." You ponder. "But she was nice to me-" She shakes her head. "Its all an act, don't fall for any of it ok?" You just nod. She gives you a reassuring smile. "Right well I'm going to start on some dinner, you in the mood for anything in particular?" She begins to go back into the kitchen. "I'm not fussy." "Awesome." She smiles.
Voices. You heard voices as you woke up, rubbing your eyes as you sit up. You put a brown robe on, peaking your head out the door to see. "No Williams. You're fucking creepy." You try to make out more of the conversation. "I'm not being creepy I was just wondering if she was here or if she had left already. Is that a crime?" Angie let's out a dry chuckle. "Yeah with you it is one. Leave her alone Ellie. Shes a sweet girl, she doesn't need your games." You hear the door shut. What did Ellie even want? You shake your head out of your thoughts, deciding to ignore it and get on with the day.
"New girl wait up!" You hear from behind you, fast footsteps coming closer. You turn your head. "Oh, hi." Ellie comes to a halt. "I've been looking for you all morning." You furrow your brows slightly. "Whys that?" You ask, still keeping your text books close. "I wanted to show you another book that you might be interested in." She starts to walk with you to your first class. "We can go to the library later and check it out." You nod, but suddenly think about why everyone is not fond of her when she's so nice to you. "What's it about?" "Just like the one you had yesterday but a different style and author. I think you'll like it." You nod, coming to your class. "Well I'll see you later, Ellie." She smirks. "See you, new girl."
It was on your mind all day, could you really trust this mysterious woman. You had only met her, and from what you had heard it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. You were walking down to the library as it was now the end of the day, you were planning to study a little bit in there also. Going in you spot Ellie immediately, she gives you a smile signaling to come over to her. She was sitting in one of the maroon colored chairs. "Hey." You say setting your stuff down and joining her in one of the chairs. "Have a good day?" She inquires. You nod. "Yeah it wasn't too bad. Yours?" She nods also. You look at her hands, at the book she held. "Right yes, the thing you've been waiting all day for." You sit up a bit, looking at her. "Give the one you got yesterday a read first then read this one, and let me know what you think about it."
She hands it to you, you give her a smile taking in her words. "Thank you for this." She leans back and smiles. "You're welcome angel." She looks at all your other books. "You going to study?" You nod. "Yeah just some history stuff I'm going to work on." You bring out all your supplies, stuffing the book she gave you in your shoulder bag. "Want some company?" You look at her. "Sure, company can't hurt." You smile still at one another. "I'll just be doing my own stuff." You watch as she gets out her own book, you look at it further. "Are you studying too? What subject." She looks at you. "Meh no just personal pleasure." You look more at it, it was a sketch book. "You draw?" She gets the last of her supplies. She nods at your question. "Yeah I do, guess that's another thing you didn't peg me to do huh?" You laugh a little bit. "I didn't, no. How long have you done it for?" She fully looks at you now.
"Since I was young." You look at the book again. "Can i see some of your work?" She nods, opening it up and giving it to you. You examine them, flipping the pages, she was incredible. "These are amazing." You continue to flick through, coming across some colorful ones. You admire them. "You like that one?" She noticed how you looked at it. "Its so beautiful the color, is this done with paints?" You trace your finger over it lightly. "It is yeah, you like paintings?" You look at her fully. "I actually paint myself." She sits back in the chair again. "Well what do you know. Learning new things about you every second new girl." She smirks at you intrigued. "Well, Ellie what about you." She leans forward. "What do you mean by that." You contemplate on whether or not you should ask.
"Why are you so nice to me. You don't even know me." You state. "Well, that's a good question, and I know exactly why you've asked it. Don't listen to them I may not be perfect but I'm not a monster. You interested me. No one here's, ever interested me like you have, so I took liberty into getting to know you." That's it, why do people hate her so much. Which brings you to your next question. "Why do people not like you." She let's out a tiny laugh. "You're very interested too huh. I'm not a sweet angel. I don't follow by anyone's expectations, or rules. I make some not so great choices, but I dont really care most of the time." You listen to everything. "But why me, im so ordinary." She looks at you, deeply this time. "Not to me. I see something in you, I'm drawn to it."
You look at her shoes, something you always did, it always told you about the person. She had worn out converses on. "I want to get to know you more." She grabs your hand, making you look at her. You look into her eyes as she does so. "I want to get to know you too." She smiles, letting go of your hand and sitting back in the chair. "What do you paint?" She asks, but looking at her sketch book. "Nothing special I just normally work with water colors and some paints, I just do whatever is on my mind, it may not make sense to others but I envision it and just, do." She looks up listening. "I admire that. I might have to check some of your work out sometime." You smile and nod. "Yeah I'm sure that could be arranged." You wanted to continue studying but you couldn't help but get distracted by her.
She was without a doubt beautiful she had a messy half way mullet looking haircut. Green eyes like emeralds. Light freckles coating her face, as she concentrates. Her grungy clothing, hanging baggy over her body. You were so mesmerized by this woman, so far she's made you feel so, real. "What're you drawing?" She doesn't respond right away. Still looking at her paper, but she looks up at you. Keeping silent and looking back at the paper. You look at her with confusion. "Ellie?" She continues to sketch whatever it was she was scribbling at. But once she was done she looks at you, flashing a smirk. She moves, keeping the book to her but ripping one of the pages out and handing it to you upside down. "See you tomorrow new girl. You'll have to give me a tour of your paint work, I'll hold you to it." She smiles as she goes to leave. You watch but then you look at your lap, at the drawing. It was of you. You smile to yourself, looking at every detail. You keep looking, spotting a note in the corner. 'Meet me at my dorm ####, tomorrow morning -E' you keep smiling to yourself. This was just the beginning.
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Sophia Loren (Marriage Italian Style, Houseboat)—Major Italian star, first actress to win an Oscar for a performance not in English (for Two Women (1960)) and later when Roberto Benigni won an Oscar in 1999 he jumped over the chairs towards the stage going "Sophia Sophia!!" because he was running towards Sophia Loren and said he cared more about her than the Oscar, that's the effect she had on people. She was big in the 60s already even though she gained a lot more notoriety after that. And I mean. Can we take a moment and just.
Reiko Sato (Flower Drum Song)— ok so I might be unaware of her other movies but I watched flower drum song and she was soooo pretty!!!! and she’s like. amazing??? at dancing???? the swinging and stuff like what!!!! and the gauzy shawl thing at the beginning of love look away and actually the entire love look away is sooo cool [video below the cut]
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Sophia Loren:
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im submitting her in honor of my dad bc she was the first celebrity crush of his he ever admitted to me and my sister :) and he was right. shes so pretty
She has maxed out all her stats: beauty, elegance, sensuality, she's got it all. her mesmerizing eyes, her sensual mouth, her sharp face shape, her everything is so striking and unlike any other beauty in films. she was also voted the world most beautiful woman when she was freaking 65
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OSCAR WINNER. Worked with some of the hottest leading men in Hollywood but remained faithful to her husband whom she had a loving marriage with till he died (even though Cary Grant almost tempted her once, it's complicated)
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One of the most well-known sex symbols of the Golden Age of Hollywood, and unlike some unfortunate others, she seems to have been pretty well at peace with occupying that status. She made assertiveness and a tempestuous temper seem glamorous, and although she's famous for side-eying Jayne Manisfield's cleavage, honestly? She's one to talk.
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Absolutely, drop-dead sexy, also a hard working, extraordinarily talented actress who didn't shy away from the less glamorous roles to gift us some gritty, memorable performances
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Submitting this on behalf of my dad, who knows nothing of tumblr or this blog, but I remember being a kid watching Houseboat while my mom thirsted after Cary Grant, dad thirsted after Sophia Loren, and I was excited that they lived on a boat. Anyway, she's extremely beautiful and was an international star, doing a ton of movies in Italy before being recognized in the US.
Big in the chest, snatched in the waist, pretty in the face 😳
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Very smart and beautiful, the characters that she played (I mean those in the movies that I put in the previous question) are as strong and determined as her which I think adds to her hotness.
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Global superstar and my late grandfather's long time movie star crush and for a man as quiet as he was, and as hopelessly devoted to his wife as he was, the fact that I know that means she was EXCEPTIONAL.
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Sexy, beautiful, deep. A real star.
Her performance in "Man of La Mancha" is just so very captivating. Dubbed as "the Italian Marilyn Monroe", she looks beautiful in any movie and at any age.
Forget the exotic sexpot of her Hollywood films and go back to her Italian career: sparking with Marcello Mastroianni as the woman who drives him mad and outwits all his fumbling attempts at macho posturing in their early films, and showing a tender side in their 1970s films. Sophia isn’t self-conscious about who she is or her beautiful body: she enjoys being herself and she wants us all to enjoy ourselves too.
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She starred in films as a sexually emancipated persona and was one of the best known sex symbols of the time. She is a great cook and her filmography is immense.
On the misattributed quote that Sophia owed everything to spaghetti: 'Did you actually say the quote frequently attributed to you, "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti"?' "Non è vero! It's not true! It's such a silly thing. I owe it to spaghetti, no, no. Completely made up."
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Reiko Sato:
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miniisunshine · 6 months
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~𝓣𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓹𝓮𝓽~
Warnings : teacher x student relationship, fem reader, age gap (not mentionned, but still), both consenting adults, slight humiliation, slight dom, inspired by the movie Miller's girl
You were always aware of the power you had on the boys your age, how you would make their heads turn as you entered the room. Almost every girl would have die to have this much attention, but not you. You wanted something else, something more mature.
Not a boy, but a man, someone with history, knowledge and wisdom. A man with long brown hair, round glasses who went by the name Samuel Lafferty, your english teacher. And somehow, you knew he wanted you too.
Being a bright student you quickly peaked Sam's curiosity, leading him to assign extra homework to you; a way to add a little more to your academic portfolio in hope of helping your university's admission application.
M. Lafferty's last assignment was to write a short story in the style of your favorite author, in which you chose Henry Miller: a man whose work was filled with explicit language and sex. A controversial choice, but also a provocative one, which is what you wanted.
You sat patiently in the back of the big auditorium, waiting for your teacher to finish his lesson so you could give him the somehow nasty tale you had wrote the night before. You made sure you looked your best for Sam, not too sexy, but also not too prude, just enough to satisfy his desire.
You fiddled with your papers standing by as the other students left the room. Heart almost beating out of your chest you made your way to his desk where he was focussing on his work, probably correcting some exams.
"Mister Lafferty?"
Samuel jumped from his chair, looking at you while chuckling.
"Ah! So sorry young lady, i forgot we had a meeting after class. So.. Which author did you land on?"
You extended your arm to gave him your assignment as he removed his glasses.
"Henry Miller."
He glanced at you with a confused yet intrigued look.
"Interesting.. I didn't even know kids your age knew about him. Shall i have a look?"
You nodded, smiling shyly as you sat in the chair facing his desk.
Fidgeting with your fingers, you already apprehended what he would say about your story. Sure choosing an author known to write sexual stuff was a peculiar choice, but writting a teacher/student relationship in his style was a complete different situation and that's what you chose to put yourself into.
You watched your teacher carefully reading every words you put on the papers he now had in hands. His body changed as the story evolved.
Samuel's straighten himself up, cleared his throat and looked at you, cheeks redder than usual.
"What were you hoping by making me read this type of work?"
"Im afraid i don't know what you mean M. Lafferty."
His tone hardened
"Stop acting so clueless, we both know what you tried to insuniate with this story and it is wrong, i can't accept that."
"But is it really wrong if both parties really want it sir?"
With that question, his gaze changed from neutral to angry, with a little envy behind his eyes, as he made his way to you, grabbing your jaw and forcing you to stand up
You were shocked, scared, but somehow kinda excited by this burst of brutality, your knees becoming weak.
You kept eye contact with him, trying to understand what was going on behind his as Sam's opened his mouth a couple of times to retort, but in vain nothing came out. He sighed, brushing your arm with his fingers as he slowly made his way to the lower part of your body.
You were heating up, excitement visible in your eyes, while you follow his movements. M. Lafferty then quickly grabbed your cunt with his hand, making you jumped and squeaked from the sudden move. You felt his fingers slowly rubbing your folds still hidden in your pretty panties, revealing the wet mess you were since the beginning of this interaction.
"Just like i thought.. Are you always this wet when you see me?"
You avoided his icy blue gaze, not wanting to face the embarrassing, but true, fact he just discovered.
"I'm afraid so.."
Samuel wasted no time as he made his way into your underwear and introduced one finger in your hole while rubbing circles onto your throbbing clit with his thumb.
Whimpering, you placed your hands on his shoulders, brassing yourself for the wave of pleasure he was putting yourself to.
"Is that what you hoped for?"
You nodded vigorously as you moaned his name into his ear. You didn't care to look if the classroom door was open or if people could hear you, all you care about was the blissfull experience you were now having with the man you dreamed so much of.
He grabbed your chin once more with his free hand, forcing you to look into his eyes as he pleasured you, before colliding his lips onto yours. The kiss was rushed but still passionate. Samuel removed his fingers from your now soaking cunt, leading yours to find his hardened bulge in his pants as he deepened the kiss to hide his own moans.
Feeling the power you had on him, confidence hit you and you pushed your teacher into his desk so you could climb onto his laps. He placed his free hands on your ass, slowly rocking your hips on him as you unbuckled his pants to reveal his throbbing member waiting to be taking care of.
You wrapped your fingers around his length, making his head sway back as he growled from the simple touch you offered him. Having choosen to wear a skirt today, you didn't felt the need to undress yourself, so you pulled your panties to the side and placed your entrance right to his tip, teasing him by grinding on it.
Not being a patient man, Samuel quickly guided you down on him, his rough but soft hand on your waist, making you both moan in unison. Realising the situation you were now in, he put his palm on your mouth, muffling the dirty sounds coming from it as you began to bounce on his dick.
Kneading your ass with his other hand, Samuel burried his face into your chest, whimpering as your picked up your pace. It was hot, really hot, neither of you could comprehend how you ended up in this situation but you both couldn't deny the attraction you felt from one another.
"Lay on my desk"
Commanded your teacher out of breath. You did exactly as he asked, climbing down from dick, whining a little as a void took place in your lower area. Now on your back, this was the perfect position for him to admire your pretty pussy, carressing it slowly with his long fingers.
"P-please.. M. Lafferty.."
You couldn't take this teasing anymore you needed him to fill you up once more. Grinning he inserted himself once more, slamming his length into you. A loud gasp escaped from your lips even if you tried to stay quiet.
Hands on your hips, nails digging in your flesh, Sam kept pounding mercilessly, feeling your wet walls slowly clenching onto him.
"You're gonna cum for me young lady?"
You nodded, replying with a soft cry of pleasure.
"Use your words"
His pace slowed down as his thumb made his way to your engorged pearl, rubbing steady circles on it.
He chuckled before increasing his speed, making your vision blurry. You could no longer hold back your orgasm as you came undone on his dick, bitting your lips hard, enough to drew blood, to hold back the scream who would have come out.
A few thrusts later, Samuel followed you, filling your cunt with his white hot liquid.
Out of breath, you both looked at each others, contemplating the damage you had done. He helped you cleaned yourself up, as he did the same for him before giving you back your papers.
"Your story was beautifully written, but i still can't accept it for... obvious reasons."
I'm kinda proud of this one!
Also i can't lie anymore, i think Sam has become my favorite character, its a problem!!
Also pt.2 thanks to @kappasbbgirl for the idea
Tell me what yall think! <3
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sentoooo · 8 months
as i write this i am also actively writing a smut fic for him so oh em GEE thank you for reading my mind anon i love you i also hope you dont mind the projecting im head over heels for this man
cw: amab reader, NSFW, body worship, praise, light bondage, sensory play, blindfolding, breath play, edging, slight mention of orgasm torture, can you tell i have a favorite?, proofread MINORS DNI
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ᴋᴇɴꜱʜɪ ᴛᴀᴋᴀʜᴀꜱʜɪ || ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀʙᴇᴛ
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Kenshi is a saint. Beyond one, actually. It's almost like he commits the sex to memory. He knows exactly how to take care of you, every. damn. time. He's holding you close afterwards, kissing your forehead. Then he's picking you up, still holding you close to his chest. As he's carrying you to the shower, he's whispering all sorts of praises in your ears, as if you two aren't alone. He also asks you to be his eyes, even though he's remembered the layout of the room. He thinks it's intimate. He also loves washing you up, touch is a big thing for him. He's all soft and slow with it, scratching at your scalp in a very affectionate way, lathering your body up with soap. He loves it when you reciprocate it, as well. Having your hands wander down his body, from his face to his collarbone to his chest, and even further, shit, he's already moaning.
After the shower, Kenshi insists you wear one of his older shirts. Yeah, he can't see it, but he still likes the idea of it. Visualizing you in one of his shirts and your boxers, it almost gets him off. And once you two are laying back on the bed, he's going to give you a massage. He takes his time, even if you complain your tired. He doesn't care, he's taking in every bit of your body as he runs his hands down your back, tracing every single little divot in your definition.
Once that is all done, he keeps you in his arms. He'll fall asleep almost too quickly, but he needs another moment where he can hold you after sex, he wants you to know how much these moments mean to him, and he wants you to know exactly how much he loves you. Just don't kiss his neck, he's sensitive, and he's more than ready to go for another round.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Kenshi's proud of his hands and his arms. He remembers them being big, and shit, they still are. But now, they are his guiding force, and part of the way he sees the world. Of course, Sento offers him vision in the way of spiritual outlines, but Sento doesn't do your body justice like his hands do. He knows your body by fucking heart, love. He's traced your body a million times over, and you're still not over his touch. He knows how much you yearn for it, and he won't ever deny you.
He loves your stomach, specifically just above your dick. He finds it to be soft, and inviting. But he also loves how sensitive you get when he traces his hands from your waist to your stomach. He loves just running his hands up your body, in general. Of course he does. He also loves your thighs. Kenshi is 130% a thigh man, all the way. Especially stretch marks. He loves just running his hands on the inside of your thighs, making you squirm and moan. You always catch a smirk on his face whenever he earns one of your pretty noises when he does this.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He doesn't mind where he's cumming, as long as he is. Whatever you're comfortable with, he'll do. Of course he loves to cum on your thighs if you want him to cum outside. Or on your stomach. He can't see it, but he likes to use that as leverage to show you what he loves about you. And if you're okay with him cumming inside, he's going to fuck his cum right back into you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Oh, he doesn't keep any secrets in the bedroom. He loves telling you all the things he wishes to do with you, to you. He's a cocky asshole in bed, and for good reason. He's always love the thought of you tied up, at his mercy. Or having you ride him till you physically can't anymore. Using a vibrator on you, orgasm after orgasm. He tells you it all.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Kenshi's got the second most experience next to Johnny, I like to think. He's had his fair share of lovers and quick fucks, but nothing quite like you. He knows your body more than you do, he knows that small hitch in your breath when your riding him means you're going to cum, or the fact that your collarbone is the most sensitive part of your body. He's doing you a favor, really. Knowing you this well.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Cowboy, Prone, Spooning, Eagle, he's got a whole arsenal of favorites. But, above all, he loves Lotus. He prefers whichever positions gives you the most pleasure, but he also loves being face-to-face. He loves being able to kiss you, so passionately, full of lust, adoration, and hunger. He loves feeling your breath on his face while he makes you feel good.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's serious. Yeah, he'll be cocky and confident, but he won't crack any jokes or anything of the sort. He's going to let you know you're all his, and just how much he appreciates that. Kissing down from your jawline to your neck is another thing he finds intimate, it's something he does when he's not only needy, but he wants you to know just how much he wants you. Even if he's in you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's got some hair. A little arm hair and a fucking magnificent happy trail, but he's relatively clean shaven pubes wise. If he ever thought about shaving his happy trail, you let it be known that you wouldn't fuck him for at least a month.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Kenshi's a romantic at heart. Yeah, he's a devious guy, and he truly yearns for you with a lust like no other, but he's also making you feel loved in every. single. way. He's telling you just how much he loves you, and everything he loves about you. Your hair, which always falls in your face when your riding him, your waist and just how perfectly it fits his hands, your thighs and how warm and inviting they are, all of it. And there are always breaks in the moment, where he'll push his body up against yours, and kiss you till he can't breath. Quiet moments, where he runs his hand through your hair and rubs your thighs, just listening to your breathing. Shit, makes me weak in the knees to think about it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He's got a moderate sex drive, so if he can't have you, then he's jacking off about four times a week. But, if he can, he'll hold off until he can have you. Especially if he knows it'll be soon. He always has and always will prefer you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Body Worship. With his sight gone, appreciating your body has a whole new meaning. Especially if you were with him before he lost his sight. Foreplay takes an HOUR, I mean it. He's loving on every single inch of your body, grazing over it with his warm fingers, kissing down your body and back up. He's a tease, like this. But he insists it's a crucial part of sex. And it is. Without it, he almost feels lost. He likes to go over your body as if he doesn't remember it. But god, he does. Sometimes, he can even make you cum like this. By the end of it, you're a whimpering mess, begging for his touch.
Praise is another one. With just how lustful and horribly unfair he is, he likes to praise you for doing such a good job and holding out for him. Waiting for him. He loves getting extremely close to your ear, and whispering "good boy," all breathily.
On that note, breath play is another one that he can't not use. Paired with sensory play, he likes blindfolding you and just tracing his mouth down your body. Breathing soft, heavy. Down your neck, listening as you shiver in delight. Knowing that you are at the same disadvantage as he is at sex, it actually really gets him off.
And finally, light bondage. Having you completely at his mercy, open to him. Even the mention of it gets him off. He loves it when you beg, actually. It's exciting, he always has to take a couple moments to figure out what he wants to do with you. Leaving you whining, begging for him to at least touch you when he's thinking.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
At home, anywhere. He prefers to fuck you in his bed, but he also loooooves it when you ask for him to fuck you on the counter. The bed feels more intimate, and that is where you two fuck the most often. But like I said, as long as it's in the comfort of his own home, he's happy to fuck you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Touch. All of Kenshi's senses are heightened, but he is just extremely sensitive. When you come up from behind him and place your hands on his shoulders, and trail them down his body, that's almost like a death sentence. Anything you do in a teasing way, rubbing up against him, placing kisses against his neck, all of it. You can always feel his boner rise from his growing lust.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hurting you. Now, he's all for edging you, overstimulating you, and overall just torturing you with his touch. But anything that could leave so much as a dent on your body is a hard no. It's something he's quite afraid of, actually. He wants to protect you, not harm you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Kenshi loves receiving. He loves the warmth of your lips, and how they wrap around his cock so perfectly. He's also a little insecure about giving, mainly because he's unsure if he still has it like he used to. But, if you offer oral, shit. He'll practically beg for it sometimes. It's hard for him not to buck his hips, he always tries to restrain himself, but he just can't.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Kenshi will always fuck you slow and sensual. As devious as he is, he NEEDS to take his time with you. Sex with him lasts almost the entire night, really. Don't worry, he'll fuck you till you see stars, but he prefers to keep the mood intimate. You don't mind it, no. He makes you feel good and loved in whole new ways.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hard pass. Kenshi hates quickies. Like full on hatred, despises them. He needs ample time to love on you and explore your body, he just can't properly get off in any less time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Kenshi's comfortable where he is, and doesn't really like to experiment. He thinks what he's doing is just fine, and that's that.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Shit, he could go on all day and night if time permitted it. A full session for him lasts the entire night. He's going to make sure you cum at least twice, if not, more. Not just because of his stamina, but because of his yearning and lust for you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
All sorts. Mainly stimulation ones, like a vibrator wand and a vibrating cock ring. He threw out his fleshlights after you two first fucked. He prefers to use them on you, but to be honest, he also enjoys fucking you with a cock ring. It makes him all kinds of loud. And it's especially pleasurable when he pushes all the way into you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Kenshi is a fucking DICKHEAD. Like the definition of one. Some nights, he feels like edging you. Over and over and over, he likes to see just how far he can push you, until you can't take it anymore. But sometimes, he's merciful. He'll let you cum whenever you wish. However, there are a few times where he needs you to ask him to cum. And if you cum without permission? Hm, He's just not going to fuck you. You can figure it out, baby, you're already on his dick.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Kenshi's rather quiet, but he still moans. All in your ear, sometimes he can't even get proper words out because he's just so caught up in your body and your touch. Sometimes, especially with his toys, he'll get all loud, moaning your name over and over again.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Kenshi is rather possessive of you. You're his, through and through. And he makes it known. Sometimes, he can get a little primal during sex, holding onto you with such a purpose, whispering "mine" with every thrust into your ear. Trailing hickies from your jaw to your waist, he doesn't care who sees. He's not embarrassed. He wants- no- he needs people to know you're all his.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Kenshi's biiiiig. He's a grower, 6.8" in length when hard, 1.9" across. He's moderately veiny, and leans slightly towards the left.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
While he has a pretty high sex drive, it's actually malleable with you. He wants you all the time, yes, but he's also more than fine with waiting. He will always make his lust known to you, though.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
After his aftercare ritual is complete, he's almost out. You can hear his voice drop and get all sleepy, and his movements become more lazy. Regardless, he wants to hold you a little before he falls asleep, so he does. He loves it when you rest your head on his chest, with his fingers running through your hair. He'll pass out after like a minute of that, actually.
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grievedeeply · 2 years
Omg yes I will gladly request something for Banda he is so underrated 😭. Can I request general dating headcanons for Banda? Can it be fluffy there isn’t enough fluff of this man! Feel free to add in a couple stuff I hope you have a good day or night!<3
im gonna be honest. i dont care if this is ooc this man is so babygirl. those shoulders.... those hips.... that face. damn put me in the ground already 😭😭 also, you might know me from an old writing blog.. @/saebyeoked. i moved over here awhile ago, so i figured i'd write for aib here instead :)
gn!reader | tws: banda is a murderer... that's really it. overall pretty fluffy !! season 2 spoilers, and probably ooc banda | join my taglist !!
dating banda sunato headcanons
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you met in the solitary confinement game. he immediately caught your eye. you weren't too sure on what it was, but there was something about him that had you captivated from the beginning
you, banda and matsushita form a trio, telling each other what your symbols are. your relationship with both of them is pretty simple, and you don't get closer to banda up until the game is over
chishiya had asked you to tell him his symbol, as his partner died in the previous round. he had told you that banda was a murderer, and you shouldn't put too much trust in him. he had yet to lie to you.. so you brushed his comments aside
so what if he was a murderer? wasn't everyone, at least in this world?
though, you would be lying if you said the information didn't put a pit in your stomach— one that was growing with each passing day in the borderlands anyway
you caught his eye back in the jack of hearts game, too. mostly keeping to yourself, he could tell you were scared of dying. he wasn't, but it didn't mean he wanted to by any means
you, chishiya, yaba and banda end up living through the game— and you feel something pulling you to banda. for some reason, you decide to go with him instead of chishiya
your relationship begins to progress after it's just the two of you alone. you become friends surprisingly quickly, for a man who was a murderer in the real world.. he isn't the worst company
he's intelligent, quick on his feet and able to read situations really easily. it's nice to have him around for those reasons, if nothing else
banda has a very hard time expressing his emotions. he isn't big on friends, so it takes awhile for you to get close enough to him for him to think of you romantically
he knows what that feeling in his heart is, and he pushes it away until he can't ignore it anymore
neither of you really.. confess. you two just flirt— a lot. you insist to yourself that it means nothing, and flirting is just a fun way to pass the time or something. but it does become something more
you realize you like him romantically when he saves you in a game. it's nothing big, not in his eyes, anyway. he pulls you out of the way of an object that otherwise would've crushed you, and he acts like it was nothing
neither of you ever say you like each other romantically. it just.. happens
you're initiating the first kiss, obviously. he acts so cocky in every situation and he tries to hide the fact that he has no idea what to do from you
over the time you spent together, you're able to read each other really well. it's a major benefit in your relationship, as you both know whenever the other is feeling upset or angry about something
as a boyfriend... i will say he has experience. he knows what to do to get you flustered and hiding your face in your hands, and that's at the very bottom of the list of things he does
he tries not to be cheesy. but he will set up makeshift dates while the two of you are out scavenging. he never plans them beforehand, but you don't care. he doesn't even have to do it in the first place— as long as you get to spend time with him that's enough
he isn't big on pda. there's no one around in your world, but it's a general thing for him. it makes him feel really exposed.. and it bothers him
though, if it's something you enjoy he'll hold your hand occasionally. that's really all he'll do, but it's more than you ask for
he doesn't mind physical touch in the moments where it feels right. if you're having trouble falling asleep, he'll pull you into his chest and just.. talk to you to help you relax
his voice is the most relaxing thing in the world in your mind. he could be reading out the dictionary to you and it would help you in some way
banda's VERY protective. he knows you're more than capable, but he does want to keep you safe
as much as he tries to act tough, he has a soft spot for you and your safety is a priority to him. he'll go out of his way to make sure you're okay, even if he's injured
he's a surprisingly sweet boyfriend. despite his.. history...
taking everything he sees that he thinks you'd like or reminds him of you to give to you at some point, picking out your favorite food at a store if he sees it laying around.. all simple, yet noticeable things to show he cares
most of the time, you'll be the one initiating physical affection with him. he has other ways of expressing his feelings for you, but if it's a love language of yours he learns to not mind it too much when it's appropriate
boundaries! super important in any relationship, and he sets them up with you really quickly. always respectful of you, and will back off if you tell him you're not feeling something
as strange as it feels to admit it, he feels himself warming up. becoming a better person. that doesn't mean he changes his attitude, though
it just means that.. he is more willing to help people struggling, even if you aren't around. if he walks away, he'll picture your smiling face in his mind and turn around
he has a guilty conscience okay
teases you whenever he sees an opportunity to. if you're staring at him? he's teasing you. it happens more frequently than you'd probably like to admit but you looove how he sounds whenever he teases you
his voice is just... so soothing. even when he's using it to embarrass you somehow
teaming up in games because you're the only person he trusts with his entire being
if you ever say you love him.... he's lucky he can hide his emotions on his face because WOO he's a bit flustered
he doesn't say it back right away, but it doesn't mean he doesn't feel the same way. when he does say it, it's a very special moment, probably after a game where you both almost died
he expresses his love in other ways, mostly. quality time is his biggest love language. it's easy, and meaningful at the same time :")
reading books in silence <3
overall, he's a good boyfriend. he knows what you need when you need it and he's willing to learn from you, which is more than what some people are okay with
he admits when he's wrong. he's okay with making mistakes, and you never judge him for it
he's different. but you like it. and you like him, obviously
he lucky. he knows that, and he repeats it to himself over and over in his mind sometimes just to ground himself
he wakes up in the morning and has you? someone as kind as you? loving him? it baffles him, but he doesn't complain
he really does love you. he has trouble saying the words, but he will say it verbally when he feels the need to
he's nice to only you, normally
you make him feel good. he won't ever throw it away, and he makes that promise to himself
if he ever looses you, he's really messed up. you're so GOOD and he can't ever let you slip through his fingers
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itsjustjackie55 · 8 months
Sweetness & Sweets | Justin Herbert X Reader
Warning: Smut ahead!! 18+ Minors DNI
A/N: this is shorter than what I thought it would be, I also gave up proof reading. I’ll fix it another day. Also to the anon that requested something I will work on it when I have a chance school is starting and Ive been busy im sorry. Anyway enjoy! 🫶🏽
🪽 ⋆ ⟡ 𓂃 ゚。🪽 ⋆ ⟡ ゚。🪽 ⋆ ⟡ 𓂃 ゚。🪽 ⋆
Justin and you had a natural way to pet names when your relationship had first developed. You two went out on dates and had casual talks where you’d refer to each other as basic nicknames and pet names. He’d call you baby or babe and vise versa, occasionally you’d refer to him as amor, “J”, or even by sweets.
Overall your names for each other were fairly natural, but as your relationship grew your list of names for each other grew with it. Especially during your shared time in the bedroom.
There were nights where you’d want to be as close as possible to Justin. Where you’d give him soft kisses everywhere and melt into him. Feeling the heat from his body while you tried cock warming and failed, leading to a round of slow love making. During nights like those he’d pull you much closer and call you sweetheart or princess.
On other nights where he’d have you on your hands and knees begging for him to stop licking you and just fill you up. Those rough nights where he had been upset with work. His overgrown beard scratching at your thighs when he ate you like he was starved and where he left you bent over so he could easily pump into you from behind. Pounding mercilessly while he’d pull you to his chest by your hair or by his huge hand wrapped around your neck. Then he’d whisper how good you’ve been for him and tell you how beautiful you were while he was deep inside. On nights like that he’d look at your fucked out expression and call you beautiful or baby while he helped clean you up and tuck you in right next to him.
Now on this one night when you two were on the bed, he’d decided it was time to have a corresponding pet name for the one you had given him, Sweets.
You had only given him the nickname because he was very sweet, a true sweetheart and gentleman.
His new pet name for you worked perfectly with how you tasted to him. It also resonated to him with amount of love that exuded from you, you were Sweetness in his bland world.
This time in the bedroom he was laid flat on his stomach, you on your back, legs spread open to make room for him in between.
He had licked you up and down several times kissing and teasing your opening and clit. You couldn’t help but feel lightheaded as he continued to edge you. All you could do was look down and moan at the sight of him looking up at you while his tongue lapped up your juices. Moaning out “Sweets..” hoping it’d convince him to satisfy you with what you wanted.
“You taste so good baby, I can’t get enough…”
All you could do was throw your head back and grip his hair a little tighter grinding yourself onto his freshly trimmed face harder.
“My little honeypot.. all sticky, and sweet”
Moaning out “Sweets!” once again as he sucked on your clit hard, hallowing out his cheeks. One of his hands letting go of your hips and reaching up to grope your tits. He only answered, teasing.
“Sweetness, my sweetness..”
“Oh so sweet,”
You only felt yourself get closer to the edge, you were on high from him talking and moaning on your folds. The feeling of your body betraying you as the hunk of man you got to call yours pleasured you.
That’s when you felt his big hands go up the side of your hips and wrap around your thighs as he latched himself onto your swollen, puffy nub eager to get you to finish. Alternating between sucking hard and flicking his tongue.
Your eyes squeezed shut and mouth spread wide open, chest rising up and down as your legs shook. Justin couldn’t help but look over her tummy and mounds to admire his Sweetness looking as beautiful as ever.
Licking her clean and smashing a kiss to the inside of each thigh. Taking them into his hands, dropping them from his shoulders and placing them gently onto the bed. He made his way up kissing your body, when he got to your lips, placed a passionate but harsh kiss, bringing you back to reality. All you wanted to do was stay there, in his arms. Wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders, kissing him back as you came down from your high. His hands moving to caress your jaw and hip. All you wanted to do was sit him down and satisfy him the way he just did to you.
Reaching to pull his shorts down he couldn’t help but pull away and hiss because of his growing erection. Grabbing your hands kissing each one as he moved to kiss your forehead he pushed you to lay down with him so you both could get some rest for what would come later.
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lazy-writer-owo · 11 months
A Pirate Live.. (Ch. 1)
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Shanks x OC! fanfic
Summary: How young! Shanks and young! Josephine met for the first time when her father Edward fought Roger. feat. Buggy and this is like an epilogue to a long story of Josephine Edward.
Warning- (non)
P.s. English is not my first language so please bare with me, this is also me attempting to break my comfort zone of writing an x OC fic and my first one piece fic :'D Enjoy!
Third pov.
Josephine sits by the railing of the ship looking at the luscious forest Infront of her, Marco stand beside her keeping his sharp eyes on the young lady.
Her mischevious behaviour could have slip pass by him any moment but after an order from pops have made him stay behind to babysit the adorable little lady. Josephine Newgate, a ripe age of 8 years old the little lady have spend since her birth on the ship surrounded by pirates and the danger of the marines. But nothing could sway her as she knows her father and her big family would keep the danger away from her.
"Marco, can we pleasee go there? i want to see the fight so bad" Josephine begs at the blonde haired man after a few rumble and explosion happened deep in the forest, she have always want to see the notorious pirate that her father would always complain about name Monkey.D Roger. She never met the Roger Pirates, her father forbid her to ever come near them because of their dangerous nature.
"No, you know pops would kill me and he would grounded you from going on the docks yoi" Marco says as he lean on the railing beside her, bored at his babysitting duty and all he ever wanted was to join pops and the others.
The little girl pouts at his answer and the worst thing to be punished that she can't explore any island that they docked at. The little girl then do her best 'puppy face' towards her brother with her hand clasp together infront of her "Pretty pleasee Marco, i promise i would hide and stand far awayyy i just want to see them fight pleaseee"
Marco let out a sigh shaking his head and frown at the girl "No means no, you cause enough trouble this week". Marco crosses his arms over his chest, his demeanor now serious.
"But-" Josephine try to reason with Marco again before she was shut down quickly by Marco harden glare at her. "Okay..i guess i be in my room until they come back" the girl says defeated as she hops down from the railing and walk towards the stair leading to the lower deck.
Marco shakes his head with a sigh
Josephine pov.
I open the door to my room before shutting it and lock it, i glance around my room before ducking down of my bed reaching my hand under to retrieve my stash.
A sword that was supposed to be put away after training session and a small pouch for with a small sketchbook in it, Im determined that today is the day that i will see Roger and my father in action. I will draw the fight in real live!
After my body is halfway through the small round window beside the ship i glance back whispering "Sorry marco I promise i be quick" before pulling myself before slip and fall with a yelp into the shallow sea water.
After succesfully went on to the dryland,making sure pineapple head is not on the deck. I waste no time but make a dash into the luscious forest heading to the loud noises of swords clashes to one another and angry war cry. My lips broke out into a big smile, excitement course through everysteps i take as the noises grew louder and louder.
A Clearing come into view with 2 people quarelling one another, one is a familiar silhouete of my father while the other is a man with a red coat and a red pirate hat sat upon his head. But the most noticable about the other man have a long black moustache "wow he can rival father with that moustache of his.." i duck behind the thick branch of a fallen tree peeking at them.
My mouth open in awe at the sheer power that the other man can withstand my father's attack and his haki, no doubt that is the man that rival my father. Monkey.D Roger, every each time their swords clash blew a gush of wind that blew my hair only widens my eyes and mouth to watch the 2 most dangerous pirate of the sea fought in-front of my very eyes!
But the blast blew and cut through some of the trees around me, i let out a yell as the trees fall around me before a warm hand grasp onto my hand and pull me up and dash away from the clearing to behind a rock. My eyes closed as the debris and dust stings, as we lean behind the rock catching our breath after the slight run of adrenaline. Then i realize that im with an unkown person before i reach for my sword and point it at them with a yelp "W-who! are you!?".
Standing before me is a boy same age as me with both of his arms raised in defense as the tip of my sword point at him. A strawhat rest on his head covering his fiery red hair, what an odd color. Is the boy also a pirate? i mean he have a sword strapped on his waist. Finally! a kid who is also a pirate like me!. He look at me with a tint of red on his cheeks before he snap us out of the state
"What are you doing here? do you know how dangerous it is here?!"
Taken aback by his outburst i lower my sword pointing my finger at him voice raise "and why do you care? im here to watch my father!"
The boy tilt his head confuse at my word "huh? your father?" his eyes blinking looking at me weirdly "No way, your father is a pirate from Whitebeards Pirate?"
i huff, a sword still in my hand as i put my other hand on my hip "Duh and he is-"
"Shank duck!" a voice cut through my sentence before another boy jump from on top of the rock straigh to me. I let out a scream as i see a flash of blue before a body just slam on to me knocking me on the ground, my sword flew from my hand. i let out a grunt as a ringing in my ears and hea throbing at the hard impact of the ground, the red-haired boy panic to see his best friend knock the defensless girl "Buggy! what are you doing! get off of her!"
The boy on top of me then scream aswell at his friend "She was pointing her sword at you! im only trying to help!".
i open my eyes and see a boy with a big red nose, we make eye contact before i let out a scream "GET OFF OF ME YOU WEIRDO!!" i push the blue haired boy ontop of me away before scrambling bakwards hand reaching for my sword before the red-hair quickly come near me to stop me from getting to my sword "Hey hey wait dont!"
"Stay back!" i point my sword at them, i though that i could be friend with the kid but they just want to kill me at this point "Y-you were with the roger pirate right, that's why your friend try to kill me!"
The red hair boy quickly shakes his head along with his hand as he grew nervous "No no! trust me im only trying to keep you away from the battlefield!" i snap back with "Then why is he trying to snap my neck?!" i point back at the blue haired kid
"Because you were trying to kill Shanks!"
"No i wasn't!"
"You were pointing the sword at him!"
What a good first impression huh. We glare at one another like you can see the electric connecting our intense staring contest before it was broken by Shank stand in between of us "Okay, okay stop it. My friend here can be a bit of an idiot since he does not have any common sense in his brain"
"Hmph clearly, what kind a man knock down a lady" I huff as i lower my sword. "You're not a lady! what kind of a lady handle swords!" Buggy as his friend says his name yelled pointing his finger at me.
"A kind of lady that can beat your ass!" i scream back as i went near him. Shank facepalm at the scene infront of him before he reach between them and push them apart slightly "Buggy please stop insulting her, it has been forever since we met anyone that are the same age as us in a pirate crew" The red-hair smile widely before turn his head to the girl.
"Im shanks, the idiot that knock you is Buggy we're from the Roger Pirate crew" He says still wearing the big smile as he extend his hand for a proper shake. Josephine look at the boy eyes widened slightly as she heard him, they are from the Roger Pirate? no way!
"W-wait i didn't know that the Roger Pirate have children on the crew, my father never mention that" The girl blinks at the new discoveries before buggy bugs in (hehe) "Well who's your father??"
"Oh its-"
"Josephine!!" a gruffy voice yelled as the three children tense and look up to see a figure of non other than Whitebeard descend with his weapon raise aiming at the two younger roger's crew. The boys scream frighten by the sudden appereance of the very angry Whitebeard, Roger appear infront of the children using his sword to block the attack creating a loud blast of wind that almost knock away the children.
All three of the children were shaken, buggy knees weakened as he sat on the dirt eyes wide. While Shank have wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and cover her head eyes closed by the debris and dust. Out of instict Shank have quickly pull Josephine close shielding her away from the danger, a sense of protectiveness over the girl.
"Get your filthy hands away from her!" Whitebeard voice booms as he aims at the two boys before the girl pull away from Shank's embrace spread her arms wide "Father don't!" she screams loud with her eyes close. Whitebeard weapon then stopped once again by Roger's hand hold tightly on the handle "My my i didn't know you have a daughter Whitebeard Hahaha! This is interesting my friend!"
"You're whitebeard daughter?!" the two boys yelled out shock to know the girl infront of them are no ordinary daughter to a common crew member but THE Whitebeard daughter.
The girl says nothing as she open her eyes to meet the glare of her very upset father, before meekly says "Im sorry Father.."
(To be continued....)
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isa-loves-you · 1 year
How you meet and realizing you like them | The group chat.
You were a semi-big youtuber and twitch streamer; you mostly got popular from you and your friends playing dumb games and making eachother laugh, and it seemed to make other people laugh too because now you're making money from it. You weren't doing anything really, just scrolling through your social media to see what was going on in the world, then you saw that you had a new friend request on discord. 
Isaacwhy: Hi im isaac. I don't know if you know who i am but me and my friends do youtube and i have an upcoming project that includes me putting my friend Tanner also known as BigT through my version of the bachelor. The reason I am messaging you is because my friend Tanner has a big crush on you and we want to surprise him with you for the last round. If you don't want to participate with my idea that is totally okay, please message me back if you have any questions.
You sat there and thought about it for a second; It sounded like so much fun and you could make someone happy and also gain some new views yourself from it. You messaged Isaac back to tell him that you would do it, you guys spent a couple minutes chatting explaining what would be going on and when they would introduce you. Basically they would put you in a secret discord with the other contestants and once tanner is down to the last to the last rose he will choose the winner. Once he chooses then isaac will pretend that the game is over and that tanner and the winner will get a date, but then he will tell tanner that he could choose the winner or you then you will get five minutes to convince tanner to choose you for the final rose. Seems pretty easy you thought, and it sounds really fun you couldn't wait to shoot the video.
After waiting a week it was finally time to record the vid.isaac had gathered all the contestants into a chat with him and tanner and you got to sit in a secret one with isaac so when it got down to the last person he would message you to join. An hour went by until Isaac told you that Tanner was picking the winner. “Yayy congratulations emmi you have been gifted the last rose on the discord bachelor, how do you feel tanner?” “it feels so good isaac now i don't have to cry myself to sleep because i'm so alone “ everyone laughed and pretend to cheer tanner on but thats when isaac dropped the bomb on him “ wait what's this we have a secret contestant that i may or may not have placed last on purpose”. Everyone got quiet to listen to what Isaac was going to say next “ladies and gentlemen, let's introduce our secret contestant Y/N!!!” “hey everybody im super excited to see yall” no one spoke at all, they were in shock that isaac got you to come. “OH MY GOD AHHH'' tanner screamed like a teenage girl meeting taylor swift “ok ok ok tanner calm down i know i'm the best, but since we now have a new player we still have to play by the rules” “ nuh uh i know who i choose, i give you y/n this rose as a symbol of my love”. Tanner stuck out his hand at his camera with a funny seductive look on his face. You and others bursted out laughing, man you don't know who this guy was but he sure could make your stomach hurt from laughing and it was a bonus that he was super cute. “No tanner dont forget about emmi over here. Since you already got 5 minutes with emmi alone, i am giving you 5 minutes wut y/n then you will decide who you will actually pick”. Oh god you're actually getting nervous, your hands got all sweaty and you stutterd like an idiot when isaac asked if you were ready, isaac moved you and tanner, and himself into another chat and tanner changed his background to look like a fancy restaurant. “So tanner, isaac told me that you have a big crush on me. Is that true?” Tanner just looked at you with eyes wide and mouth open like when Roger Rabbit sees Jessica rabbit. You couldn't laugh at his goofiness , you have to admit that you were actually having a good time.
Five minutes passed and it was nothing but talking and laughing at tanner being silly “Okay boys and girls now it's actually time for tanner to pick the winner” isaac interrupted. “Hmmm it's a tough pick isaac. Emmi i did have an awesome time with you and you were my first choice, but I'm sorry y/n is my choice. I WILL ALWAYS CHOOSE THEM NO MATTER WHAT GIRL COMES UP TO ME!”. Everyone laughed as tanner acted like a wwe wrestler at smackdown, but you were just staring at this man that chose you over 10 other people you couldn't help but sorta fall for.
You’ve been really go friends with isaac since highschool and you guy stayed to be really good friends out of highschool. Isaac had always talked about being a youtuber and you always supported the idea and even offering your help with the editing; which was also helping you since you really liked working you on your own time, working with a good friend of yours, and also make pretty good money from your passion. Not only did you work with isaac with his editing but you also did the editing for the group chat podcast; even though you did all the time consuming work for them they had no idea who you were since you didn't live in austin and only complicated through isaac. You were editing on a Friday night so Isaac could upload the video the next day. You were almost done. All you had to do was look over the footage to make sure everything was good but you kept on getting distracted by yumi. You have never met Yumi but you see him everyday and you get used to his face, sometimes it makes your day better. He always had something witty to say or had a good joke to tell, and you sorta started to have a crush on him. Isaac knew about your little crush even though you never said anything he could just tell whenever you asked how they all were and you always asked about yumi first. You were done and just sent the file to isaac when he texted you.
Mr.Famous: Thank you!
y/n: no problem. Just text me when you have something for me
Mr.Famous: I actually do. How about you come to Austin and come on the podcast?
You couldn't believe it. Going to Austin and maybe seeing Yumi for the first time, and also seeing your friend that you haven't seen in a long time.
Two days passed since you talked to isaac about coming to austin and now you just got your suitcase from baggage claim and stepped into your uber. Isaac said that he was setting things up for you at the house so he couldn't come and get you from the airport, some friend he is.
At the group chat mansion:
“Tanner don't spill that cereal on the couch they are almost here” “Whos almost here” tanner said with milk dripping out of his mouth “y/n” “whos dat?'' Larry chimed in as he and the others walked in behind him “Are you guys serious i told you two days ago. Y/n my very good friend since highschool that edits my videos and the podcast”. Everyone all passed a look pretending like they knew what their friend was talking about “ you know what i'm not going to say anything-” isaac was cut off mid sentence by the door bell ringing. 
You heard isaac shouting from the other side of the front door so you decided to help out whoever was getting their ass chewed out by isaac and ring the doorbell. The yelling stopped and you waited a second before Isaac opened the door with arms wide open and a smile. You and Isaac hugged for a good second since this was the first time you've seen him in almost 2 years since he moved from pennsylvania. You guys finished your hug and grabbed your bags to come in, you were a nervous wreck due to it being the first time meeting the others. You stood in the living room looking at the 4 in front of you “ hey everyone, it's finally good to see your guyses faces' ' you went up to hug them all. Larry took the hug with a big smile on his face, tanner put on his seductive face like he always do and gave you a hug like a like a rich person would, nick gave you a hug then i medentalty put the camera in your face and asked you to say hi to their fans. Now it was time to hug yumi, now yumi did not like physical affection and everyone in the house knew that besides you. Everyone watched and waited for you to make your way to yumi, but you could tell that yumi was uncomfortable with the whole hug thing so you just dabbed him up;which surprised him but he was okay with it.
You spent the rest of the day with the boys but it wasn't long since you didn't show up to the house until 6. Isaac had to go get the mail from the Po. Box before the mail office closed (wait a great friend honestly!) Larry and Nick went with him and Tanner had decided to stream. It was now going on 11 and you were getting tired so you texted isaac where you were supposed to sleep.
Y/n:Hey i tried to stay up but im really jet lagged, where am i sleeping?
 Mr.Famous: Sorry I won't be back for another 30 mins. Ask yumi to show you the guest room.
OH great, now you have to disturb someone because you finally get out of the house since you work from home, and the person you do have to bother is your crush. That's soooo awesome. You hyped yourself up before you stepped into the kitchen where yumi was eating something “hey i don't mean to bother you but could you show me where the guest room is because isaac won't be back for a while” “yeah no problem”. Yumi put his food down and walked before you did so he could show you, he was about to walk up the stairs until he looked back at you to see you struggling to put the handle on your bag down so you could carry it. Before you could react to what was happening Yumi grabbed the handle and pushed it down so he could grab and carry your bag up the stairs for you. “Oh you don't have to do that i would have gotten it but thank you” yumi didn't say anything until you guys got to the top of the stair “it's no big deal just being a help” he continued walking until he got to an open door. You looked into the room to see a bed, a closet, a desk that had a pc with a bunch of different electronic stuff around it, and next to the bed was a pile of plushies that you've always seen in the back of videos. “Sorry Isaac made us put some stuff in here since we don't use this room, but all the stuff on the desk works if you need to use them” Yumi said as he walked past you to put your bag on the bed. “Oh no it's okay i don't mind” you smiled towards him to assure you that everything was okay by you “well goodnight then” yumi said as he just stood in the doorway staring at you “yeah you too have a goodnight”. You guys just stood and looked at each other for a second until the unthinkable happened; yumi reached down and awkwardly hugged you “sorry i just feel bad for earlier”. You just watched him walk to his room with a dumb smile on your face, you couldn't believe it. Thee Yumi, the man you have a little crush on, gave you a hug. Man life is great, you thought to yourself while you drifted off to sleep.
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xxizombiexx · 1 year
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Bachelorette Party
STRIPPER! Gojo x FEM! Reader
Daddy's Home 😫
Well not anymore
Warning- oral (male receiving), praise, food play, cursing, cheating
The (h/c) girl bit her lip as she looked out the window of the Uber she and her friends were in. Y/n was worried: It was the night of her Bachelorette Party and also her soon to be husband's bachelor's party. What was she worried about? You may ask, well, it was the fact that her soon-to-be husband's Bachelor party was going to be at a strip club. It's not like Y/n had a problem with that, cause she already knows her friends are taking her to one also, but it's just the fact that her husband could easily see another beautiful women and sleep with her. That's what bothered Y/n.
"Come on, Y/n!" Kekio exclaimed, grabbing the girl out from the Uber. "We book the best of the best for you!"
"Yeah, Y/n!" Rika said, grabbing Y/n's other arm. Y/n smiled at her bridesmaids. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad. Thought Y/n.
"Hi! We have a reservation for a Bachelorette!" Rika practically yelled in the poor man's face. "For Y/n L/n!" The man nodded.
"Follow me." He muttered, walking to the back.
"We booked you the best dancer here! Your gonna love him!" Aoi shouted over the loud music as the group of girls walked into a room. It had pretty white couches and the walls of the room were covered with mirrors. There were L.E.D lights that lined the top and bottom of the mirrors.
"He'll be here in a minute." Said the man, before leaving the room. The were about eight girls in the room--including Y/n.
"I'm so excited!" Exclaimed Kekio. "From the pictures I seen of him, he's so hot!" The other girls in the room agreed with Kekio, except for Y/n. She had never since this man, so she doesn't know what to expect. In fact, she has never been to a male strip club.
Suddenly, three tall men walked throught the doors almost all the girl's were screaming. One was a guy with kind of long black hair, the other a guy with tattoos all over him, and pink hair. Finally, the man in the middle, wore black round glasses, and had white hair. He only had black boxers on, but the outline of his cock was very noticeable. In his hand was a can of whipped cream. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the tall, handsome man. He then started to walk towards Y/n, placing a finger under her chin to make her look up at him. Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat.
"So I heard your the special person this party's for, huh." Gojo said. Y/n couldn't help but to turn red, she couldn't even looked into his icey blue eyes without blushing. She looked behind him towards the other girls, noticing that they're veing occupied with the two other men in the room. "Don't worry pretty girl, I'm all yours tonight. No need to get jealous of the other girls." Gojo said, noticing her wandering eyes.
"O-okay." She mutters. Gojo only chuckled.
"Wanna do the honors, baby?" He asked, referring to his boxers. From where she sat, his--man area was directly in her face. She nodded. "Then go ahead, baby." Oh the nickname got her weak in the knees. Good thing she was sitting down because she would have fell if she stood up. She slowly brought her hands to the hem of his boxers. She looked up at the tall white haired man. He smiled at her and nodded his head. With a little hesitation, she started to pull down his boxes. His cock sprung up, making Y/n flinch at how big he is. Bigger then her fiancé that's for sure.
Gojo chuckled. "Scared ya, huh?" He asked. Y/n rolled her eyes and smile at him. Gojo then began to shake the whip cream can in his hand. "Let me give you something sweet for someone sweet." He said, popping off the lip with his thumb, and spraying the whipped cream on his pink tip. Y/n's eye widened, hesitantly reaching her hand out towards him. "Don't be shy, baby." He said, looking at her with his icey blue eyes. The girl bit her lip, started to slowly jerk off the base of his cock. She then put his tip towards her mouth, sucking the cream from his tip. Her hands went up and down, the whipped cream, going down his base, also.
Gojo groaned, his hands gripped Y/n's (h/c) hair. He threw his head back in satisfaction. He started to push your head down. His cock was thick, it hurt herr jaw just to put half of it in your mouth, let alone almost all of it. She choked around it, tears forming at the sides of her eyes. "You're doing so good." Gojo chuckled. His cock base was now getting sticky from the whip cream.
Gojo lifted you from off of his cock. He hooked a finger under Y/n's chin, and lifted her head up to look at him. Gojo shook the can once more. She opened her mouth for him to put some whip cream in her mouth. And he did. Right before shoving his cock down her throat once more.
"Your throat is so nice. It's fits my cock almost perfectly." Gojo said, tucking a piece of Y/n's hair behind the girl's ear. "You wouldn't mind me cumming down your throat would you? I think you could take it." His words were so hypnotizing. She nodded, or, at least tried to. He then began to thrust, practically fucking Y/n face. She places a hand on Gojo's muscular thigh. Suddenly, his cum filled her mouth, mixing with the whipped cream that was in her mouth pier. "Good girl." Gojo groaned. "Good fucking girl."
The next day, she woke up in a hotel room next to that white haired man. When she checked her phone, a video of that dirty thing she did was sent to her by Kekio.
Damn you Kekio.
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rodolfoparras · 11 months
Omg that thing you wrote about old man Price and younger reader who gets upset about grey hairs kinds struck something with me cause I'm turning 23 in like a week and I'm already greying so much (and have been since I was like 16) 😭
I dye my hair so you can't really see it but oh Gods imagining Price being so soft about it is making me w e a k
Friend I totally understand you I have so many gray hairs supposedly u get it from stress, my hair is rather short so I don’t really mind it much but whenever someone’s like woah look at those grey hairs I’m like haha yeah🥲
ALSO hear me out
“What are you looking at love ? Are you this enamored with your beauty” he says with a smile on his face, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“No look,” you say with a horrified look on your face while pointing at the small patch of gray on your head.
It takes him a moment to see, cerulean eyes squinting to get a closer to look before a big smile appears on his face, hand reaching out to gently grab at the few strands “you got some grays in your hair”
“Im getting old” you huff out, pushing his hands away.
He looks surprised by your words before he bursts out in laughter. “It’s not funny” you complain while continuing to scan your hair in the mirror
“I’m sorry love” he says still laughing, arms once again wrapping around your waist. “I’m not laughing at you I’m laughing at what you said, if a few gray strands make you old, what am I then?”
“It’s different “ you say swiftly turning around to face him.
“Oh really now?”
“Yes you make it look good,” you say looking at the older man who’s still got a soft smile on his face. “We cant all rock the silver fox look you know”
“I’ll have to dye it soon, maybe tomorrow what are doing -“
“Love “ he says, cutting you off in your rambling “you don’t have to dye anything , you look good with it,”
“You’re just saying that “
“Ah ah ah” he says while gently pressing his thumb against your lips “I’m not just saying that, I mean it, you look more mature with some grays in your hair, more handsome even” he whispers in your ear before gently nibbling on it.
“Yeah?” You croak out.
“Mm” he says, nose nuzzling up against your neck and smile getting wider when he feels your boner pressing up against him.”how about I show you just how handsome I think you look?”
“Come on old man, show me you can keep up” he says slowly backing away and rounding the corner.
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