#and in 30 minutes we are going to have a show LMFAO
lgcsujin · 5 months
JUICE BOXES @lgctaeha
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After the incident, Sujin spent some time Googling about love confessions, and if a girl running off meant you got shot down. The results of his research was inconclusive, so he figured he could just...wait.
While he never actively sought out Taeha, fate had them bump into each other multiple times. Like now, just as he returned from buying drinks at the convenience store, they ran into each other again. The girl crouched down to hide behind what was a small plant that did nothing to shield her from his vision.
"...Should I pretend I am not seeing you?" He asked with a slightly arched brow. "Am I that scary, Park Taeha?" She was running away from him as if he was Slender Man himself. Perhaps he should take that as an answer, but Sujin had never been the type to feel safe making assumptions.
"It's not like I said oh, now that you've seen my body, take responsibility and become my lawfully wedded wife." He was referring to that unfortunate mall situation which happened some months ago. It involved a lot of screeching, a half naked man and a mascot head rolling across the dirty men's washroom floor. "If you shoot me down, it's fine." He reached into his messenger bag and took out one of the two juice boxes he'd purchased. "If you want a week or a month or three to think of an answer, it's also fine." Sujin bonked Taeha calmly on the head with the still cold strawberry juice box. "I am not fragile." A part of him did recognize this might be difficult, since they'd known each other since teenage years. "Just know I want out of the brother zone, so start seeing me as a man."
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lylianrae · 2 months
A list of all the things I have manifested ⋆˚⟡˖ ࣪
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We manifest everything in our lives btw - the good and the bad which is why I will be including both to prove that the law does not discriminate. If you can successfully become poor, you can most definately become rich with the same ease because everything is just a state.
Long hair
AHH this is one of my favourite manifestations. Ever since I was young I had a weird bob with a fringe (often crooked) and I wanted long hair like all the other girls (lmaoo) but my mum was strict so she didn't let me grow it out. Although I didn't know about manifestation back then, every new year and birthday I would wish for long hair and I would pretend I was a princess with butt long hair. Guess what, somewhere along the line, my mum let me grow it out and now I have butt length hair (don't really know what to do with it tho </3).
As all kids do, I went through an emo phase where I chopped off like half of my hair like 4 years ago. I literally grew back 7-8" of hair within a month because my parents got too mad. I knew about manifestation here so I just assumed my hair always grows unaturally fast. Same with when I cut bangs, they grew past my chin within a couple of weeks.
Manifesting my way into a private school
Honestly this just shows that you dont need 2430430 hours of working on your self concept to manifest. Literally so many celebs, including Marylin Monroe (the queen), manifested their fame with awful self concept. Likewise, here I was possibly going through the worst time of my life back then. I would wake up at 8 am and start studying and end at 11 pm despite being only 10 at the time. I was so freaking stressed and envious of all the other children and went into a depressive spiral where my two options were pass or die. I didn't even have enough practice and I cried my self to sleep on most nights. Anyways, when i did the exam I was deathly calm and even after the exam I was apparently so chill so my parents thought I failed.
I literally left 9 questions on one paper but throughout the summer, everytime I found a dandelion I would make a wish and imagine digging a tunnel to the examiners room where I secretly change my answers into the right ones (lmfao my tiny 10 yr old brain - idek how it worked). Anyways my results were sent back to me a month later on a random October evening and I got a really high mark. Even after 7 years of going to this school I havn't met anyone who has gotten a mark higher than mine.
Curly hair / straight hair
Sigh. We always want things we don't have. When I was younger I had really straight hair like 1A asian hair but when I was like 10, I really wanted curly hair and I would try to curl it often. After a few months, I manifested a curling iron and my hair literally became naturally curly like right after a wash it would curly af when before it was dead straight. Naturally I grew bored of it and I wanted my straight hair back and for ages I began overcomplicating the law and struggled to manifest it. It was only recently when I actually let go of the 3D that I manifested the silky, shiny straight hair.
Social life?
This is also a funny one, just shows how easily you can manifest. So back in 2021 after lockdown I felt so lonely and felt so left out of my friendship group so after a few months I began stressing myself out and spiraling for like 30 minutes, sobbing to myself about how I was so lonely and how nobody loved me (💀). Anyways it became reality, I found myself uncomfortable in many social situations and found myself becoming forgotten far more easily. I don't really remember the details but it was so bad that I think I accidently manifested social anxiety (oh well we still up tho).
However I am a loa girly so I found myself listening to popularity subliminals and slowly (but surely) my mindset change from having no friends to being the most popular girl in the year. Like no joke I became friends with like 3 people from different social circles so at lunchtime we had to join up like 3 different tables so we can all sit together. Overall I got myself 20+ close friends and even my ex friends began to admire me although it had ended badly. Even now, when someone says something thats untrue - for example saying that they are dumb when they are not, they would be like "ahaha so its like when Rae (me) says she has no friends, the whole school knows who Rae is".
Clear skin
This was sort of in the beginning of my loa (law of attraction back then) journey, I just randomly found out what subliminals were and was still quite new to everything. Now I don't even understand how it happened but I had busted some capillaries under my skin and it looked like small red viens under my skin and bro I was freaking out at the time. One night I was like just, I had enough, I'm going to get myself better skin and so I listened to a sub once for 3-4 days and on like the 4th day, my cheeks began to heat up which was odd and the next day it was 90% gone. Just like magikkkk.
Desired university?
Guys. Feeling is the secret. Don't you ever forgot that - not feeling as in emotions but rather the feeling of knowing. I had 2 entrance exams to do to apply for my universities and it was a stressful time where I wasn't getting enough sleep and wasn't eating enough simply because I didn't have the time. Like I come home from school and would have 3-4 hours of homework, then I need to revise for tests and then the remaining time would be spent on the entrance exams. Each past paper took 2 hours and I have around 13s per questions and I was already struggling on time. Anyways, I began to hate them and I would often complain to my mum saying things like "My score got even lower!!" or "I hate it so much" or "My head hurts / eyes hurt".
Guess what? Not only did I see my score decrease over time but I also made such a silly mistake on the most important entrance exam which I needed for 4/5 of my universities. I left a question and completely forgot to mark on the answer so when I finished the section I realised I had one more space on the sheet with like 10s to spare. I didn't have enough time to go back and fix it and lemme say that I did so badly in the test. Even while waiting for results I was just like "ah it would be a miracle if I scored above this bla bla".
I got the score back and it was so freaking bad like I did not stand a chance at my university at all. However, I started to affirm for a place and to my utter shock and surprise my desired university reached out and offered me an interview. I knew people who had like scores which were 50% better than mine and they still got rejected pre-interview. Anyways I began stressing about the interview and the results of the whole thing and boom. I got rejected 3 days after my birthday lmaoo. But its okay because I'm reapplying and I learnt so much more. I'm redoing the entrance exam and my score is a loooot better than it ever was last year.
A key take away would be thoughts are the result of the state you are in. Your dwelling state manifests and I was focusing on the unrealness and the difficultly of getting into this uni and thats what manifested. At the time I was heartbroken and literally went through the 7 stages of grief and spent so many months trying to revise it only for me to focus on the 3D. Just know that everything is done in imagination and it appears in the 3D as a result.
Photographic memory
So this is also something I had manifested before I actually knew about loa but the takeaway here is that manifestation is always instant. I was around 11 reading a random book on my tiny kindle and the book was on how to develop a good memory and I was like ah that'll be useful. Anyways later in the car, I asked my dad about photographic memory and he sort of explained it to me. I just assumed that I have that and I told him I do. He just laughed at me and said thats something that you have to train for and I was not impressed lmao. Inside my tiny brain, I was just like nope, I already have photographic memory and I dropped that thought. Let me tell you, my memory is actually photographic and has helped me out on so many occasions like my brain just takes pictures of things.
Learning fast
This is also something I did before I knew loa, I was just always wondering why the other kids couldn't grasp concepts as easily as I did. Literally in every lesson I would be like ah I learn so fast and now I am actually blessed with the ability to grasp complex subjects so fast. A favourite example of mine would be when I was obsessed with music but to take it to a higher level you need to be able to play an instrument. I couldn't at the time and my teacher told me the requirements a week before the actual deadline. I have never actually played piano with both hands but one day I sat down and worked through the entire song (fur elise by Beethoven) which is a grade 5 (I think) and it normally takes people months / weeks to learn. I learnt the whole thing in 3 days and from then on, I could play piano like I had been doing for ages. Again the memory thing was so helpful because I never actually used any sheet music, I learnt it off a youtube video and I remembered every single note I needed to play.
Hourglass body + 22" waist
This was a couple of years ago when I actually didn't understand loa. Anyways long story short, I would do a 3 minute workout and then flex infront of the mirror all day (💀) and be like omg I have abs. Overtime, I actually got so skinny everyone around me kept pointing it out to me and my mum got so concerned that she took me to the doctor like 4 times. It was so funny, I would loose like 2-3kg overnight and my parents would have to buy better fitting uniform.
Bigger boobs
This was also back in the day (2021?) when I didn't understand how to manifest things easily af. I had an A cup but I wanted better boobies and I listened to like 2 subs for a week and I went to a B cup. But I just assumed I have a bigger cup size recently and I just skipped C and went to D+ (haven't measured in a long time).
I'm not done but I'm tired now bye bye
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akihikosanada · 2 years
finished the boys s3 last night and i have a lot of questions but not none of them are particularly good
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aphidclan-clangen · 5 months
you don't have to post this, but I thought it would be funny!!!
Nimblekit: I just scream a lot... I just, scream... a lot
Goldshine: With all due respect, which is none,
Sparkspeckle: You know how someone can say “I respectfully disagree”? What about “I disrespectfully agree” for when you hate someone but they are unfortunately correct.
Shadebreak: I am always up for potential rule breaking.
Goldshine: Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself, I do it regularly.
Nimblekit: 80% of people are actually ugly because of their face, you know.
Pearlstar: Trans people? In my clan? It’s more likely than you think.
Blisswhistle: For the last time, you can’t die of adhd.
Sparkspeckle: You can do whatever you want forever :D
Stormwhisper: I love you, but that is not helpful.
Stormwhisper, too nervous to ask for emotional support: Man, it smells like wrongdog in here.
Gravel: Aren’t you like 5’2?
Firebeetle: I self identify as tall.
Pearlstar: Every day my joints are shocked and disgusted that I would use them for their intended purpose.
Sparkspeckle: You can never lose an argument if you say “shut up nerd” at the end.
Icesheep: Yes you can.
Sparkspeckle: Shut up nerd.
Goldshine: In my defense, your honor, I simply do not care enough.
Nimblekit: Your honor, in my defense, who cares like omfgggggggg who cares????????? Like come onnn.
Skykit: Are you a girl or a boy?
Shadebreak: Uhh, well some people aren’t girls or boys!
Skykit: Wow, just like snails...
Shadebreak: ???
Straight Man: Hey
Titania: That’s enough.
Lilacpaw: I respect perfume commercials being like, we can’t show you a smell, mind if we just go insane for 30 seconds?
Shadekit: Hey we are all really small, do you wanna sleep in a pile.
Icekit, Stormkit and Sparkkit: Yes.
Blisswhistle: “Fuck it, we ball” (Malnourished, heavy eye bags, dehydrated, on the verge of insanity.)
Goldshine: Evil infodumping where you just tell lies.
Sparkspeckle: Tiktok
Icesheep: 5-minute crafts
Shadebreak: Resume
Stormwhisper: Men
Nimblekit: I fucking hate the hand that feeds me, I think i’ll do something fucked up to it.
Nimblekit: Sick injury bro, would be a shame if i added insult to it.
Pearlstar: I laugh at my own jokes because I am my target audience. Y’all just happen to be there fr.
Gravel: I wish they sold offbrand cars, get me a damn honder.
Firebeetle: Pulling up in the revolver.
Shadebreak: When two buses pass each other and the bus drivers don’t wave at each other, like omg... did you guys break up...
Blisswhistle: I can still crack a joke mid-breakdown, that’s why everyone is lucky to have me in their lives.
Gravel: They don’t kill the presidents like they used to.
Berrykit: The LMAO+ community.
Nimblekit: It’s LMFAO+ this is party rock erasure.
Sparkspeckle: It’s harder than you think to communicate with someone who isn’t familiar with the world of spongebob.
Goldshine: Pipe down your honor, you weren’t even there.
Goldshine: JFK?? Like from umbrella academy?? Haha... you know he’s not... real, right?
Stormwhisper: Wait, I though JFK was from clone high??
Sparkspeckle: JFK, as in Jesus Fucking Khrist, from the bible?
Icesheep: Isn’t JFK that fried chicken fast food chain.
Shadebreak: Guys cmon, it’s Jennedy Fennedy Kennedy, you gotta know this.
Goldshine: Mfs be named “James” and it only be one dude.
Nimblekit: Does violence have to be the last resort, can’t it be like third.
Lilacpaw: Free my man, he did all of it but I don’t care.
Pearlstar: Let me get this straight. Grabs the nearest heterosexual. Now, where were we. (He is holding nobody)
Blisswhistle: I’m so done with self care, it’s time for others harm.
Shadebreak: Fun fact. Shut the fuck-
Sparkspeckle: Nuh uh
Icesheep: FYM “NUH UH”???
-⚡ anon
Genuinely made me laugh, I love these
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iworshipsappho · 6 months
s3 ep6 thoughts
56 secs in and. nej stop i cannot take this my babies oh gods i need to hug both of them fuckk
sara coming in clutch and making simon think things every fucking season
HOLY FUCK THEY SPOKE TO EACHOHTER less fucking go. we keep winning <- trying to hold back a fucking mental breakdown
oh shit ok
please the girls are pissing me off each fucking second
NOT THE KARIN BOYE wille i will cease existing fuck
these bitches will party for literally anything and everything man istg lmfao
LOVE OF MY LIFE!?!??!??!! fuck they really be doing everything possible to break everyone's hearts huh
malin u absolute g loml
bitchass august finally apologized
NOT THE S1 PARALLEL with felice and sara im screaminggggg
shut up ive creied far too much in these 30 fucking minutes
simon's song and then wille's song please this is going to emotionally wreck me istg
holy shit. HOLY FUCKING SHIT he threw the fucking frogprince snowglobe OMFG
why does ludvig have a frog in his hand????!?! ew its for august
i dont like how wille forgives so easily- in this essay i will
are htey not endgame?? :(( is this goodbye fr??? nejjjj
wille you absolute amazing gem im so proud of you fuck i need to hug him and thell him he is so so good
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Evening all :) This is the second to last ep of s2. Unreal. I LOVE this episode. For so many reasons. I think its underrated which tends to be some of my fav moments and eps with them. Love this one for couple reasons. One of them being we’re re-tapping into why Tim is the best T.O. for Lucy. Little more look into Tim’s growing feelings for her. Also their continual growth as friends and their deepening bond. I love them so much. Like I said already this ep is underrated and one of my favs and you’ll see why. Let’s get started on this goodie.
2x19 The Q Word
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We start off with Lucy's alarm going off for her shift. She turns it off saying how she doesn’t want to work today. (Me either girl...) We see she has a special guest with her. Heh. It's Emmett. Dude still fine as hell. Guess she finally took him up on his offer. Damn girl proud of you cashing that card in haha Way to come back into the dating world.
He tells her to be few minutes late continues on to say ‘Bradford's chill’ LMFAO Not even a little and definitely not with training Lucy. You'll experience that soon enough and see how wrong you are sir. Lucy tells him she’s in the final stretch of her training. Just 30 more days and she’ll be free. (Like you really wanna be free of Tim…we'll let you believe that though.) She is excited to be free of the mind games, Tim tests and being chewed out in public. I can’t blame her there even though it molded her into who she is now as a cop.
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Emmett jumps on the chance about making her late after her probation. Lucy has to basically say down boy LOL It’s honestly really nice to see how happy she is. Like I said in the last ep with Tim. With not being Lucy level happy. In this case not Tim level happy or comfortable but nice to see none the less. She clearly has allowed herself to not let Caleb drag her down as much anymore. That's a massive victory for her. Should be noted and appreciated.
Can truly appreciate the relationships they had prior and what they had to give to them before they’re together. Lucy NEEDED someone like this post-Caleb. Needed a sweet goober. I am thankful for the role Emmett played in that. Helping her start to move past Caleb and the damage he inflicted. Her commitment issues showing themselves hard when she asks him to play it cool if they run into each other. To keep them on the DL. Also I don’t blame her she’s in the home stretch of this. Wants to do a final focused push to complete her training as well.
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We get to roll call. Grey announces today is the rookies one year mark in the program. He tells them congratulations on not washing out. Tim can’t help himself and poke the bear. Saying ‘We’ll see’ that shit eating grin of his and heart eyes I can not. How proud he is of her projecting off him.
Excuse me sir you’re doing a work flirt right in front of everyone. Look at the way he’s looking at her when he says it. A blind person could read his intentions. Her reaction is perfection. Like she can’t believe he’s doing their banter unabashedly in front of roll call… for all to see LOL Our marriage scene of the episode please enjoy.
Grey says this is the start of their 30 day push. To remind them they’re not there just yet. That they shouldn’t be celebrating until they cross the finish line. Pretty much a foreshadowing for Lucy in this ep. All of them but mainly Lucy and the SL her and Tim have in this one.
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Immediately following roll call we join them in their shop. Lucy mentions it’s weird they haven’t had any calls yet. Tim puts on his T.O. hat and barks ‘Crime doesn’t have a schedule boot.’ Lucy just smiles his T.O. company line having no effect on her. Tim notices it right away and asks ‘What she’s so happy about?’ Lucy plays it off says nothing. Can’t she just smile? Tim doesn’t let it go. (Wonder who he learned that from?)
Tells her she’s been doing it a lot lately is all...Lucy bites back she didn’t know being happy was an impediment to being a good cop. Tim remarks he’s just surprised she hasn’t talked his ear off about whatever it is. Tim Bradford speak for he actually wants her to. Whether he likes it or not he’s come to enjoy her sharing things with him. When she doesn't he gets antsy like in this scene. Questions what's going on with her.
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Tim acts like he can’t stand how chatty she is. When really he can’t handle it when she isn’t sharing stuff with him. Doesn’t want to feel left out in her life. Especially since she "granted" him re-access to it in 2x17. (He always had it she just had to remind of that fact) Lucy doesn’t budge on any info. So Tim starts taking shots in the dark. Asking random questions. 'Did she rescue a kitten?' 'Adopt a star?' LMFAO Timothy what? Haha god I love this man.
Lucy tells him what early s1 Tim would’ve been thrilled to hear. That her personal life is none of his business. He smiles and says there’s hope for her yet. Ok Tim I’m sure that’s EXACTLY what you want. Smh. My god these two. Do they even realize how much flirting just went down in that interaction? The banter, the looks, the cute little smiles. Look at them in those last two gifs above. As transparent as glass. These idiots I love them so much.
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If you needed to see their chemistry in one glorious shot. This is it. What a beautiful shot of these two. How the sun shines mostly on her is lovely nod to them as characters. They're checking in with one another silently as they hear a ‘shots fired’ call come over the radio. Processing the severity of the call together. The lighting is beautiful, the looks glorious, that silent communication ever present. I adore it.
They can hear how amped up the rookie on the radio is. Tim attaches them to the pursuit. Harper and Nolan attach themselves as well. Jackson hears his friends panicked voice. Tells Angela they we’re in the academy together. He the follows suit of the other two. Such an intense drive to where Chris and his T.O. are in pursuit.
Sadly Chris disobeys his T.O. to stay in cover while backup arrives. This kid has something to prove and leaves cover. His T.O. shouting at him to stay back. Unfortunately he’s shot instantly in the chest multiple times by their assailant. The guy takes off leaving Harper/Nolan to chase him as they arrive on scene. Tim and Lucy show up after all the chaos has ensued. Tim pulls Martinez Chris’s T.O. to the side. Says he’s going to need to talk to him since he was a witness to the shooting. Jackson decides to ride with Chris easing Martinez to go talk with Tim.
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Tim then does what he does best. Deescalates the situation. This man is trying to justify himself to Tim. Tells him how he taught Chris better than that. That he’s made mistakes before but not like this. Tim is incredible in this moment. This scene shows us how good Tim is at his job. How important he knows training rookies is to T.O.’s Why Martinez is panicking like he is. Feels like he failed this kid and is spiraling.
Tim uses that common bond to get through to an emotionally heightened officer. He's coming off his rookie being shot. He's not seeing straight and blaming himself. So Tim calms him down using logic and listening to get the statement from him. The empathy and understanding that follow are a skill that was sharpened by a certain rookie of his. (So damn proud) He's trying to relay to him this wasn’t his fault. He doesn't need to defend himself to him.
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I love how he relates to Martinez in this moment. All the while he is looking at Lucy. His words carrying extra weight to them. Almost like he's telling himself this as well as his fellow T.O.. This is hitting closer to home for him than he'd like. His look says so very much to anyone who is watching closely. Eric crushing it per usual saying so much with so little. The depth of how much he cares for her at this point. The man was gone for her long before they got together. (He just hasn’t been clued in yet about that fact.)
The way his eyes dart over to her while he’s comforting Martinez. What happened to this man is Tim’s greatest fear on the job. Not preparing Lucy enough and she gets hurt as a result. If he could only realize how much he’s already impacted her. She would not have survived 2x11 if not for his training of her. 'The Cop Eyes' he instilled in her to drop that ring for him.
She had the grit and determination all her own to survive no doubt. That 'No quit' paired with his training is why she made it. If you wanted to see Tim’s PTSD in action it’s this next portion. That deep fear of losing her the way he almost did back in 2x11. This next entire scene is screaming that PTSD from that. This moment a stark reminder for him that he could lose her just as quickly on the job due to a mistake. That it would be his fault. Again.
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Some may think Tim is too harsh here. He’s being a dick etc. That’s not what I see here at all. I see a man in emotional panic. A spiral really. Talking to Martinez shook him more than he’s leading on. Watching his biggest fear happen to someone else is triggering his PTSD more than he'd like. We all know even with Lucy’s forgiving him how he’s still haunted by her almost death. Tim is still learning how channel his emotions. Lucy has opened a floodgate of having them and he hasn’t learned to control them just yet.
I can relate so very much. When you’ve repressed feelings for so long, then allow them to the surface they can be overwhelming. The anxiety of drowning in those emotions comes out in one of two ways. Anger or a complete shut down. For Tim anger is an old friend of his. He can’t seem to tamp down how this situation is making him feel.
Nor does he know how to deal with why it is. So he sees a small mistake she makes and lashes out. His current anxiety is manifesting into anger right now. His fear taking a life of it's own. Losing it on her over something he wouldn't necessarily been happy about but not to this current level of anger.
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He is panicking because after the final 30 days elapses he won’t be by her side to protect her anymore. Its a harsh reality he isn't handling too well right now. Rios being shot bringing that into sharp focus. That this could happen to her without him there to guide her. So naturally he’s going to be hard on her especially in this moment. His way of controlling it and his emotions. He just watched a rookie get fatally shot and carted off to hospital due to a small error in judgement.
All those emotions and all that panic are coming through in spades in this moment. Tim isn’t handling his emotions about potentially losing her well. It more than shows in this scene. If he was trying to hold his emotional cards close to his chest about Lucy in this scene he failed miserably. It comes out when he asks her if she wants to end up like Rios? Showing his hand so much in this scene emotionally.
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Now Emmett making the mistake of trying to intervene bites him in the ass badly. It’s bad for a couple reasons. The road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say. Reason one it was a terrible idea. Don’t get between Tim and his person. Emmett caught an emotionally exposed Tim and ran into an actual buzz saw doing this. Today was the WRONG day to interfere with him. Not gonna lie I do love Tim going all alpha on him. Saying she’s HIS boot. Destroying Emmett completely asking if 'He's got it? Before walking away.
Second reason it was not his best idea. Lucy. I adore her telling Emmett she didn’t need him to save her. Damn right you don’t. She is capable of defending herself especially with Tim. That's one of her super powers really. It was more embarrassing for Lucy he tried to step in to "protect" her. Not only that but mess with her work dynamic with Tim. She asked him to be cool at work and he wasn’t. Lucy makes sure he knows that before she takes off herself. She isn't a damsel in distress and lets him know. Leaving Emmett stunned.
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Nolan and Harper get a finger print ID off the ditched car they pursued. They’re gearing up to break into Serj Derain's. Tim knows Lucy is shaken up for multiple reasons. Her friend Chris being shot, Him chewing her out and her mini fight with Emmett. He is always thinking of her first even when he doesn’t even realize he’s doing so. It's second nature at this point. He does this by resetting her mentally before they walk in the door of this man's house.
Saying how they already lost one cop today. She’s not going to be another. He refuses to lose Lucy by her potentially losing focus in this moment. This man just knows her like the back of his hand. It always floors me. Knows innately she needs these words of focus. That her mind is elsewhere and he needs it shifted back to the task at hand. The continuous proof of why he was the perfect T.O. for her. Tim reading her emotional state and directing her emotions. This is his version of taking care of her. By telling Lucy exactly what she needs to hear before they start this.
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Her look of understanding after he dispenses his words of wisdom to her is perfection. Complete understanding of what he's saying and doing for her in this moment. ❤️ Everything this man does for her has her best interests at heart and ultimately to protect her. (Just like she does for him) It’s a beautiful thing to watch honestly. The two way support these two have for one another. This is an underrated moment for them. I wanted to expound on it. It shows that bond they have.
That even though they’re closer than they used to be with how she can sass him from time to time when it comes down to it that instant respect she has for Tim and his guidance. It is evident in this scene. His wisdom is guiding her right now emotionally and she knows it. That when he is serious like this she takes notice and listens immediately. She would follow him into hell if he asked her to.
They get inside with no issues. He isn’t home and the house is cleared. They’re searching his home office. Lucy asks Tim what they’re looking for? He tells her anything that can tell them where he is. It’s then Tim runs across some disturbing info. Confidential Police files on the Derian’s. Makes sense why nothing has stuck to them now. Someone’s been leaking info to the Armenian mob. A dirty cop in their midst…
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We rejoin them in their shop. Lucy asks if they can talk about earlier? So much has happened today he’s not sure what she means. Lucy says about Emmett. Tim is immediately defensive. Tells her nothing to say about it. He tried to tell him how to do his job. On today of all days. Tim says he doesn’t care if he’s her BF. Lucy instantly cuts him off and corrects him. Says he’s not. (ahhh Lucy your commitment issues are showing again my dear) Tells Tim he’s a little dead to her right now anyway. I’m sure in the back of Tim’s mind that gives him a little peace.
Then comes one of the best parts of the episode for them. In not so many words this scene is Tim revealing something. Showing Lucy he cares about her in the most Tim way possible. He voices in a much kinder way his fears from earlier in the ep. That yes she’s only 30 days from the finish line. What scares him is when she crosses it he won’t be there to keep her from washing out anymore. 'Or worse...' The way she looks at him when he says this *heart clutch* Tim Bradford speak for I don’t want to lose you.
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He solidifies it by reinforcing yeah he’s going to be tough on her. That is a straight fact. Then rolls a compliment into it as well. (How far we’ve come. *wipes tear*) Tells Lucy he’s only doing that because he KNOWS she can handle it. No one one knows her better than he does. No one will ever look out for her best interests better than he will. Or will prepare her the way he can. He only has 30 days left with her. Tim is going to make her as sharp as possible. So he can let her go when the time comes. Only way he will have peace of mind is if he does it this way.
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Lucy’s reactions says it all. Beaming a little as she explains how sweet it is. She knows how he struggles with his emotions. That he tends to show them through actions rather than words. The fact that he told her this means so much. Tim in a roundabout way, told her he cares so much for her he’s afraid losing her after they're no longer riding together. That he can't protect her anymore after that. So he’s going to do everything in his power to safeguard her from this jobs worst moments and possibilities like today.
She makes sure he knows how 'oddly sweet' she finds his words. Tim is trying to bite back a smile above. That sunshine of hers seeping in just a little bit more. Trying to be a grump and be like 'That's not what I meant' when that's exactly what he meant. Revealing more cracks in that emotional wall of his. God I love it so Much.
Lucy continues on and says he’s not the one she’s mad at right now. That’s she’s used to Tim. Then he does something S1 Tim would be appalled at. Gives her advice on her personal life. Doing it not to please her or get her to stop talking. But because he genuinely cares about her. Giving me all the feels in this one. My shipper heart may implode.
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Tells her Emmett is a fireman. So naturally they’re idiots LOL He makes Lucy smile in a way only he can. Tim forges on saying they mean well and Emmett is a 'not bad fireman'. Tells her not to write him off just yet. That he meant well by it. Look at our boy. I’m legit beaming with pride as I write this. How far this man has come in 2 seasons hell just this season alone. Leaps and bounds all due to the the sunshine human to his right.
Lucy being herself can’t help but rib him about this. That the reason he’s giving her this advice is cause they’re friends. Honestly yeah. At this point they are. S1 finale was the start of the friends foundation but they weren't there yet. It was the beginning of that deeper bond of theirs and we’re nearing the end of s2. All that foundation has now been laid. The fruits of it are they are friends now.
Best part of this section Is he doesn’t even deny it really. He scoffs a little af first (denial isn’t just a river in Egypt Tim) but concedes at the end. The light in his eyes and the crooked smile. You know this man is happy to be considered her friend. Her confidant. Once again Eric saying so god damn much with so little. I’ll never be over how good he is with that. Like ever. Could go on for miles and miles but I won’t do that to you all haha That wraps up their scenes together in this one. SO much good content thought. Oh my lord.
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Sadly Chris passes away and Jackson is distraught. Lucy being there for Jackson is so sweet. Taking care of her business with Emmett but putting him first. I love their friendship. I do admire he came over to apologize and say he was wrong. Saying she’s the strongest woman he knows. That the last thing she needs is a protector. Well you as her protector yes. sorry Emmett lol That role is not meant to be yours. She has her fierce protector already. Tim is that but her emotional protector first and foremost. I mean he would smash a dude's face in for her LOL but she doesn't need that. That's it for this one. Such a good episode for them I can not.
Side notes-Non Chenford
Longer than normal cause the entire episode is so good. The Chenford would’ve been enough but the ep being so good on top of it I’m happy.
Angela seeing Smitty’s cam footage LOL he’s such an idiot and we all love him haha sadly how she finds out Erin Cole is a dirty cop though. Or one of them…
The whole SL with Chris, Derians and Armstrong it’s so solid and stressful to watch baha his SL was shocking when I watched it the first time. Watching this squeaky clean cop fall from grace and become a dirty cop. Tragic af but compelling as hell.
Rewatching it through the eyes of knowing you can see how much he was giving away in his scenes. So sad the ending for Cole. Debt erasure is a huge motivator for most it’s truly so sad.
Watching John and Grace continue to fall apart sucks. I truly liked them more so than him and Bailey TBH. Their chemistry was evident.
Harper thanking John for all his help in getting her kid back. That she wouldn’t be here if not for him. The impact he had. Such growth for her. Since day one she has marched toward growth and where she is now. I adore her arc and how far she has come in this moment. Such an overall amazing episode. Hell of an ep before the finale.
Thank you all for the continued support through likes/comment and reblogs. Means more than I can ever say. Our next ep is the finale. Woo. I’ll see you all then :)
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annies-ring · 2 years
jjk characters reacting to you staining the bed
notes: heyy! im extremely inactive rn LMAO but slay! i think ill be doing the self intro soon,, i hope ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
characters: yuuji, nobara, megumi, gojo, sukuna
warnings: swearing, gojo called reader babyboo as a joke 💀
-omfg he would be so anxious
-he would make sure you're okay 😭
-"o-OH... y/n are you okay?? you stained the bed.. do you need painkillers? hot water bottle? i'll clean you u-up! you're okay right?"
-HE'S SUCH A SWEETHEART, it'll take a whole 30 minute talk to convince him you're okay and you don't have period cramps
-would be fumbling over her words, asking if you're fine
-would keep swearing and pacing around the room LMAOOO
-"shit, fu- y/n, are you okay? god, you're all bloody, let's get cleaned up.. you sure you're okay right? right?"
-tries to hide her nervousness but fails, this has just never happened to her before :((
-eyes widen as he sees the bed covered in red, frantically checks you're body for injuries
-sighed in relief when he realised your cycle just started
-"y/n? wake up.. you stained the bed. are you feeling alright? no pain? y'know, we could cuddle if you want.. but only after we clean this up."
-he comforts you when you're on your period and always lets you pet and hug his dogs
-he would be scared at first since the bed was like covered in blood but when he realises your period just started he wants to make some fun out of it
-"rise and shine babyboo! looks like you stained the bed! go get yourself cleaned up."
-feels bad as you walk out of the room, obviously grumpy
-buys you your favourite food and whatever you want after that, apologises with more kisses and cuddles 😋
sukuna <3 :
-would be kinda awkward
-but with just a simple hand movement, uraume comes in the room and cleans the bed immediately
-"uhhhh y/n? you stained the bed. yeah, i got uraume to clean it, it's fine."
-whispers "how are you feeling?" because he doesn't want to show that he cares (awww)
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fratboychrissgfn · 2 months
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plot; you & chris been dating for months. he’s been called the biggest player & heartbreaker his whole life. but he changed for you.. or so you thought. (part 2 in the master list 💕.)
⚠️; cussing, breakup, idk lmfao but don’t take this serious, it’s just fiction 😊.
you, chris and his brother planned to hang out today. you got ready, curled your hair , did your makeup and headed to the triplets house as you all hop in the car.
about 30 minutes later, you guys got to the fair. aswell with madi and nate coming along. you all paired up. madi with nick, nate with matt, you and chris.
chris spots a basketball game, if you win you choose any stuff animal you want. “hey, wanna try that out?” chris says, “hm, yeah let’s go!” you reply. you guys held hands walking to the game.
chris concentrates on trying to win, it’s his last shot. he makes it in, and lets you choose whatever stuff animal you want.
you guys are having a great time.
about an hour later, you decide you wanna go on the ferris wheel. you guys wait in line, chris checks his phone a bit frequently but you ignore it since you trust him.
you guys get on the ferris wheel, taking photos on your phone together, talking, having a great time. “take some photos on my phone too!” chris says, “okayy” you reply. you get his phone and turn it on.
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you read the message as your heart sank. you stare at it for a few seconds, realizing that’s your bestfriend that texted him. your eyes start to water a bit.. “ you gonna take the photos?” chris asks. “chris. what the fuck?” you say in anger, showing him the message.
he stammers, “i— i’m sorry. i- i can explain alright? just let me explain everything.. i swear she means NOTHING to me.” he emphasizes the “ nothing “ with guilt on his face.
but you don’t believe him. “everyone was right.. how could you? i loved you chris.. i gave you my all? you’re just throwing it away to be with MY bestfriend? you’re saying she means nothing yet she has a heart next to her name? are you fucking serious chris. ” you feel tears drop down your cheek.
you throw his arm off your shoulder throwing his phone onto his lap scooting as far as you can on that ferris wheel. “ y/n please.. can i explain?” chris says pulling your hand to interlock with his, “chris don’t fucking touch me” you say throwing his hand to his lap with your voice cracking as tears stream down your face. you’re sitting there hoping the ferris wheel goes down already, wondering why you didn’t listen when everyone called him a heartbreaker.
you weren’t just mad at chris, you were mad at your bestfriend. how could she do this to you? why would she do this to you?
the ferris wheel finally reaches the bottom. you get off and walk away from chris as he follows you trying to keep up with your pace. “ please y/n..” he begs, you ignore him as you continue walking, you’re walking towards madi, nate, matt and nick, wiping your tears. “ can we go?” you ask the group. chris still afar from you walking with his head down. “ chris is cheating.. ill explain when we’re away from him. let’s just go please” you say, tears still streaming down your face. in the car chris asks to sit next to you. “ fuck outta here chris”
you say as he tries to sit in the back with you. madi goes to sit next to you instead. “i’m sorry y/n you deserve so much better. do you know who the girl is?” madi says rubbing your back trying to reassure you. you sniffle before speaking, “y-yeah.. my bestfriend natalie.” madi’s eyes widen, “ are you serious? what the fuck.. he really doesn’t deserve you at all. i can’t believe he would do that to you. it’ll be okay y/n im here for you.” madi says
you guys finally get home you get out the car last and chris is in front of you. he holds the front door open for you as he stares back at you, you don’t even bother to stare at him. “when you calm down can we please just talk..?” chris says pulling your wrist back to him. “talk about what? talk about the fact that you’re a cheater and a liar? you said there wasn’t other girls. and look who’s in your phone. we’re done chris, get that in your head.” you say firmly throwing his hand back to him.
you explain everything to the group, everyone comforting and reassuring you. later that night you’re sitting on the couch alone, madi and nick in nicks room watching a movie as nate and matt play fortnite. chris in his room. you’re on your phone and you get a text.
you read the text and you feel anger build up in you again. you reply to the text feeling tears build up in your eyes again.
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awesomehoggirl · 1 month
Tomorrow's game plan kinda makes me feel sick here we go
- get up abt 7? maybe?? pay my rent and download some powerpoints i need to look at while im on the plane, also movies and whatever (basically getting all the 'from my bed' tasks out the way to set me up well)
- at like 8:30 my mum will be up to start work but beforehand shes gonna help me narrow down my clothes ☠️ so. choose clothes is the next step
- 9am babe time for your final zoom therapy! Let's all celebrate me being officially cured. So glad I am cured! Very very happy to be cured. this finishes at 10, might need 15 minutes to cry
- bring clothes downstairs, sort into piles, konmari fold, put into packing cubes. this will take longer than i expect without a doubt. i will watch vlogs and superstore and try to think as little as possible
- hopefully will be done with clothes, underwear, socks, accessories and shoes before 12, 1 at latest. and will have eaten my overnight oats
- i get a break to uhhh bang my head into a wall / download some more shows and music / bawl my eyes out Then I'm pouring an energy drink I already bought into a glass with ice and frantically gathering & sorting Other Bits eg toiletries im bringing, swim stuff, extension cords Whatever whatever basically everything else i need that i donr wanna repurchase when i get there :P
- when that's done i just have to. Wait for my suitcase to be fuckinf delivered. in the meantime i must check in for my flight, plan the exact route i am going to walk through the airport and look at pictures, also look at pictures of the airport im flying to so i know what to expect
i also need to do a big shower, do my nails, and do a big skin cleanse at some point LMFAO and trim my hair bc my hairdresser forgot one of my layers 😭 im sure a million other bits and pieces are gonna come up too but i needed to block out at least the first part of my day lol I BELIEVE I CAN DO IR AND NOT EXPLODE
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tauforged · 11 months
we wanna try and get back to streaming dnd sessions soon since we were doing it for a while before shit started hitting the fan and we took a break from livestreaming (though we still record sessions regardless. one of these days i’m gonna go through and upload them all somewhere. just to have it out there) but i guess this is just like. an interest check?
we’re tentatively planning on getting back into the swing of things next sunday, with weekly sessions starting at around 7:30-8pm EST, and we’re gonna do a recap session to pull everyone into the loop since it’s been a hot minute since we’ve gone live.
for the recap, we’re take it from the top and go back over not just everything that happened during our break (because a LOT happened during the break) but if a decent amount of people are interested in tuning in that haven’t been around for the past couple years we might just go over the whole thing — it’s a really wonderful campaign, pretty much entirely homebrew and crafted with love and care by vik who has been a fantastic DM all this time and really goes the extra mile to bring the whole show home (and i’m NOT just saying that because we’re married)
if y’all are interested i could try and whip up a short-ish summary to lay some groundwork. it’s a feywilds-centric campaign with a party of 6, though a few of us also play double duty by acting as NPCs we’ve created along the way too, and it’s been in the works for… god. a couple of years now. (we started this campaign back during my petco era. it’s outlived three jobs LMFAO) with the main overarching conflict being between the twin queens of the winter and summer fey courts, and the winter queen’s sudden pivot into attempting to invade and lay siege to the mundane realm in an attempt to gain the upper hand over her sister. from the perspective of a handful of near-total strangers who met for the first time at a funeral and all happened to get dragged into this mess while trying to help a new friend find a missing loved one and now they’re all inescapably entwined by the strings of fate forever. it’s been an absolute blast and i really do miss sharing our shenanigans with eachother, so i’m really looking forward to starting it back up again
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x3aspiration · 2 months
hazeldine bacc intro + rotation 1-1 pt.1
hai guys im starting an eras (kind of) themed bacc!!
it's pretty much a typical bacc but all of the following items are locked to start: electricity, phones, tvs, computers, cameras, kitchen appliances, indoor plumbing, cars, all alarms, and all phone services; and they all have their own special rules to be 'invented' :-)
i might make another post with all of the rules i made but it's a lottt so im not gonna do that here! + this post is already gonna be super long
here is our founder henrietta hazeldine !!!!
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her traits are adventurous, loves the outdoors, ambitious, lucky, and nurturing (should i also show their personality points when showing info abt them?)
she ran from the village she was from with only 4000 simoleons to start off her new life in this uninhabited neighborhood that she named Hazeldine , after herself of course
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here is her little house to start !! the plants in front are from the sun&moon mod spice of life and the roses might be from a different one of their mods i cant remember :t
you can see the inside of the "house" with this picture of bald mr. humble :p i have no idea why hes bald now lmfao idk what happened hes always bald now
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the birdwatching pic is literally stunning but that stupid stinky thing(???) is in the background
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she was talking to craig ray and as you can see by the memories it really was not going well like at all LMFAO
since no phones i had to wait for him to walk back by the house and then i like immediately tried to have him move in and apparently that was the wrong move
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craig ray didnt walk back to the house (actually until after she got married) and so she ended up meeting this jason guy and they really needed to start moving things along so they started dating and got married in ten minutes!!
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baby bump!!!!!
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bigger baby bump!!
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our sweet babies were born!! and a set of twins :D meet wilma and jack hazeldine <3
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they grow up so fast!!!!
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i didnt get like any pics of them as toddlers ): but heres this , they were such cuties
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man they really Do grow up so fast
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look at the babies :P
heres their traits: (sorry for switching where the text is its being annoying D:)
wilma - shy, genius, lucky
jack - social butterfly, athletic, loves the outdoors
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updated house pics :P the easel is mostly jacks, his oth is sports but he lovesss to paint
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welcome to hazeldine's handmades!!!!! jason has a gold sewing badge so heres where that goes to !! this also means we unlocked another cas!!!
however this part doesnt end here (completely at least) bc i needed their week to get back to monday morning . the households not being in sync would drive me nuts
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oo also heres jason's traits, they're randomized
no sense of humor, star quality, lucky, night owl, light sleeper (that shit is aggravating)
rrrrr only 30 pics allowed per post buut im almost done soo
part 2 :)
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anonil88 · 4 months
Under the bridge (hulu) finale liveblog/reaction
- Jo is an asshole and Kelly is just stupidly vile as hell.
- I will say these young actors are all good as hell and have acted their be hinds off.
- I couldn't be in a gang cause I would roll my eyes so fast and just leave before one speech.
- Oooo "Mercy Alone" is a cold ass title. Pop off writers.
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- He really became like a little brother and she is wrestling with getting wrapped up in the momentum kind of like Warren did.
- Thank god this house is getting shut down even though I'm sure they did goor and I appreciate that we finally see Cam in this house. We never saw her as a teen in the house and only an outsider looking in. But, now she's in it.
- Sigh they shouldn't have lied about that.
- Fuck you Kelly.
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- Lmfao she said "ain't you a cop?" but this isn't just cam the cop this is cam the former 7 oaks girl. Kelly set them all up the minute they got to that police station knowing none of those girls had options or legal resources except for her. She was an awful friend if they can even call her that and did an evil action. What amug ass, fuck.
- Good job Cam, her relationship or not, its not yours to manipulate the hell. That's her symbiotic relationship.
- Well he ain't wrong Becca, you involved yourself the minute you walked into seven oaks.
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- The more realistic non hear say versions of the fight is horrible. Teenagers are led by their short impulses and peer pressure. Easier to say "I don't know" than no, and thats not an age thing that I'd a human thing.
- Again these young actors are fan fucking tastic. I hope and wish them all to get many roles post this show. So nice to see budding quality talent.
- It's just a case to her dad but to his daughter it's her life. It could have been her if it was 30 years before. He sees what he wants to see but not the reality outside of his own. You're her dad but this is something she will now wrestle with her entire life and could've been prevented. There's other ways like as soon as she's in your care tell her about where she came from and ask if she'd like to establish a relationship or connection with her family and community. Delayed her sense of self, for what?
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- Grief has finally hit her mom, Suman, whereas it hit dad the minute his daughter was missing. The minute the cops showed up he knew it in his gut. I hope the real Virks have gotten so much healing and peace in their life since then. The grief will never leave any of them and it is likely embedded into every moment, but I hope they have found some peace.
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- The right person. Whew great direction here 👏🏾.
- A little kindness goes a long way and can change your entire life. I say it often but a lot of crimes no matter the age of the assailant are made by very angry children. Some are trying to inflict the same pain onto others or release their own. Others well others just are too angry to do anything outside of anger.
- Insanity plea? No, she's just got no kindness in her heart.
- What a sweet baby, sigh he doesn't really understand why they're all dressing up.
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- Cam looks great out of a uniform.
- 5 years, in actuality she got way more later, and he who feels remorse for what he did got life. I'm talking about the initial rulings, not what occurred after of people gettibg more time or getting paroled. Kelly here only feels upset that she was caught.
- Sit with a bunch of fuck ass dickheads. No. Ayyyy cam out of uniform !!! We love to see it!
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- I love that they end on a cordial note and found the beauty. The beauty of giving yourself mercy and trying to forge a new path.
- Becca's shoes and jeans look like a little kids. He really did just slip 😢.
- Jo and Kelly. Nah Nicole and Kelly, them real hoes are birds of a feather. I hope someone calls them cunts to their faces at least once a month. From prison cell to 9-5 them two are nasty pieces of work. Took Kelly another infraction and two kids to go huh okay let me finally admit my guilt now. Now that my fate is sealed.
- Ooo that end got me, i aint cry but ooo i teared up as soon as the cd skipped. R.i.p Reena Virk, i wish you had better friends. Real friends.
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Final thoughts:
- Fantastic end to this show and phenomenal acting from everyone involved. Not just this episode but the entire season the acting has been metered so well even if i missed it at first. The soundtrack and editing in every episode has been so good. Timing of certain tracks and score was really effective in swallowing the viewer these last 3/4 episodes. Absolutely fantastic finale.
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mischas · 2 years
pod thoughts/quotes
I swear this took me least two hours to actually watch fully from start/stopping for quotes and going back for context and then I had to pause for a few minutes while I made dinner. But that was incredibly cathartic, I must say. I feel like I’ll be ready to do a deeper dive on the podcast in the coming days but for now here are my thoughts as I watched.
07:30, re: “Whoever you want me to be” it’s interesting that Mischa says they shot her lines so many different ways to establish tone. As if Marissa really is so into her role as lead deb/social chair/etc when Sandy mentions the fashion show. Rereading the pilot script, I can see where this was changed in the direction once it came to shooting it.
16:42, “The thing about the sports or something” made me LAUGH re: hiatus because of baseball in 2003
@ ferris wheel scene, do they know this show is avail in hd? 🥴👀
24:15, re: 2x01 lawn chair scene “I was so frustrated with some of the character writing and not knowing how to play it at that point” omg “Didn’t know what to do with some of the writing” 
What kind of vapid ppl are listening to this drivel if this scene was their #1
31:57, Mischa didn’t know there was an SNL skit based off Marissa shooting Trey. IF ONLY I WERE SO LUCKY
33:28, I swear to christ 😭 Mischa has no recollection of Marissa’s various traumas (re: almost r*pe). And I don’t blame her for this, I think she had to keep this show out of sight out of mind for so so long for her own sake, but I hope being reminded of these things will help her perception of Marissa as more than a strung out angsty teen with poor decision making. She seemed so shook being reminded by Melinda that Marissa was sexually assaulted.
35:40, MB seems to be saying something else behind her expression about shooting on the Mount St. Mary’s campus for 3x24. What do we think she meant by this? Just that she was uncomfortable being paraded around in that skimpy school uniform? Or something else? This location doubled for Harbor, right? She also acknowledged feeling uncomfortable in the explicit Volchok scenes.
37:54, 3x25 model home pool scene, “Oh my god her tattoo, I can’t” I really thought this was Mischa’s tattoo they wrote into the script! I’m truly surprised they even cared about continuity at this point.
38:33, same pool scene “It’s nice when you have days where you can just, like, do stuff that’s not quite so heavy” and Mischa/Marissa deserved this so much more!!!!
44:25, they’re watching the d**th scene, and I have always thought Mischa’s arms look so weird just dropped back like that. It’s probably more realistic than if they were tucked in, but it’s always taken me out of the scene
I haven’t seen this scene in years. literally
I’m tearing up but only a little. It’s too melodramatic for me this time. I know what I’m supposed to feel but it seems so detached from reality that I can easily act like Marissa survives this. There’s almost 40 min left of this pod ep what are they gonna talk about
“This is the culmination of their whole love story, it is” okay wait 🥺
“I don’t wanna see the part where he gets all emotional, I’m done now” real
49:31, Melinda: “Truth be told, there was a huuuuuge part of the audience that tuned in just for Marissa and the ratings did go down in season 4 because you weren’t there. I’m just putting that out there.” *elmo fire gif* 🫡 
55:40, 1x10 Missoni dress “They got the dress and I was obsessed, like ‘she has to wear this dress.’ It’s beautiful, like my dream dress at the time. That’s the way I felt about it. It’s all sparkly in person and just very Missoni. You know, after the fact, I became quite good friends with the family but this was like my first introduction to a Missoni piece and I was like ‘Oh my god I’m obsessed with this dress’ to the point where I begged them. This was like one of the first things they let me wear off set and it was my first date dress with, like, one of my ex-boyfriends. I was so excited I got to wear it out. It was special. So that dress has a special place in my heart, that’s for sure.”
1:01:40, fan question, “What do you think is the biggest misconception about Marissa? What’s the one thing that you just wish people would understand about her?”
“That she’s a caring– a very sensitive person. That’s the main thing about her, she’s just this sensitive and– that she wants to care for people and help them. she has a big heart like that.” 🥹
1:05:36 “Originally, they wanted her to be more like Legally Blonde.” 
Melinda, “Like bubbly?”
Mischa’s fucking face here lmao
1:06:00, to find Marissa’s character “They had me watch Kate Hudson in Almost Famous again and again, certain scenes.” Why is this actually making sense to me ljkhgf
1:07:04, Marissa at the party post-fashion show in the pilot was filmed many different ways drunk, “I remember I was asked to play that every way to Sunday. ‘Like now she should be fall down drunk, like she’s stumbling through the party’ and then there were takes where I was, like, completely composed. A little bit slurring my words. That was all find it as you go.”
1:08:10, “A lot of opposing types of direction” re: doug, mcg, josh
1:09:36, “Remember when they started shooting two episodes at a time and they would just hand me pages–I don’t know if you guys had as much of this– But they would be like ‘this is gonna be probably in the next episode and since we’re on this set we’re gonna give this scene a go so here’s a couple pages from what’s probably gonna happen’ and I’d be like ‘this is wild! what have you written for the next episode?’ You'd read it and be like ‘holy shit where are we going with this?’ so I remember a lot of that.” She mentioned this in the E! interview but hearing it again is super interesting.
1:10:27, fan question, “I wanted to ask you if there are any storylines you would’ve wanted to see more of for Marissa or if there’s anything you would’ve liked to have seen of Marissa explored.”
“Yeah, I feel like definitely the Alex storyline is what jumps to mind. I feel like that could’ve been explored more. Also there’s not a lot of her and her sister, really. You know? That could’ve been explored more.”
1:11:39, mentioning that the Alex storyline really was ‘her thing’ ie. something I’ve said in the past. The Alex storyline was the only one that was ever Marissa’s alone.
1:12:26, fan submission “Marissa was my favorite character. One of my favorite moments of her was midway through season 2 when Marissa shows up to the Cohen house with bagels and they take her in and comfort her.” real!!!! theeee sweetest scene of all time
1:17:20, Tacking on that fan question at the end about Marissa and mental health. Mischa has such an eloquent answer and to answer my own question from above I feel like this may change the discourse with which MB speaks about the character. At least I hope so. Love that caller for sending it in and honestly the pod for including it. 
“Obviously she suffers from depression and anxiety and all sorts of things. That’s what I was saying about the overdose scene. I do not remember what we think she’s on or what we really think her biggest problem is. Ultimately it’s rooted in mental wellness, isn’t it? I mean, so much of anything is. Any kind of addiction, it’s not really about just one thing or vice that she has. It’s about being at that age and being so overwhelmed about the world around you and not really feeling like she had the tools to cope.”
MC: “The episode is called ‘The Escape’. So she’s escaping that pain that she’s living through that the parents are oblivious to.”
MB: “Right. There’s nobody. There’s never, like, a counselor there or a teacher there. It does feel like she’s always grasping in different directions. It’s not properly defined and I think, maybe in today’s terms, we would handle that differently. But I definitely think that she’s going through all of it and searching for herself.”
Whew, you guys. I need to decompress. 
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wack-ashimself · 8 months
'Code 46', or as I call it...
"Psychic in the dystopian fascist multicultural future investigates fake passport making, finds the criminal, falls in love with her, frames an innocent man for her crimes, knocks up the criminal 19 years his senior in a one night stand, comes back when his frame job doesn't work, finds out the criminal (cuz she did get some people killed even unintentionally) had a forced abortion AND mind wipe with a virus because they broke code 46 (sharing 50% DNA! She somehow was a clone of his mom...?), then he ditches his completely innocent wife and kid to run off to a shady city with his new love after he breaks her out...the end."
No, not really. The ONLY redeeming part of this shit show was the ending. Everything up to the ending was fucking dumb.
<or the new title: 'Millennium minder reading mother fucker, literally." lmfao>
I'll get to the ending, but this movie was uneasy in a 'who the fuck needed to tell this story?' Like, a dad, happily married (never shows ANY signs otherwise), falls in love with someone, who could be his kid based on age, for a one night stand whom he is attracted to because they share 1/2 the same DNA, because she's a 100% clone of his mom, BUT because she...went thru some shit (they basically say that) she's only 1/2 his mom? WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP BRAIN NEEDS THIS STORY TO BE TOLD?
You don't understand. I found this by looking for unknown trippy movies. And tho poor ratings, tons of people said this was an 'unknown classic' and a 'great love story.' Tho haters on it said the leads had no chemistry. I would say that they didn't have chemistry AND it's a FUCKED UP LOVE STORY. Like, who gives it all up for a one night stand when he isn't unhappy? Just spur of the moment cheating? I dunno. "They're naturally attracted." HE WAS BORN OF ANOTHER VERSION OF HER VAGINA!
So since I am bitching, I'll say the good parts. Great background and side actors. Set pieces, theme, and shots were perfect. They created a world you genuinely felt surrounded by. There wasn't anything that felt off, ya know? And they had this melting pot of the world. Not just culture, but language. They interwove, smoothly, between so many languages. <And with no captioning because the captions were like 2 minutes further than the movie (never saw anything like it), I had to guess what they were saying, but posture, tone, and facial features actually made me feel like I was learning a few new key phrases in other languages.> And it was consistent with that. Everyone would say the same hellos, goodbyes, and greetings. It was back and forth between one language and another, and not in an unnatural (for the audience) way.
Now back to why it's shit. lol
At the beginning they say 'if you are 25, 50, or 75% DNA match, it is a crime.' So....if we were 77% related, it'd be ok? Why didn't you just say 25% and above? Like, it makes more fucking sense.
They set up this beautiful world (i mean, terrible, but it looked realistic), but never explained a fucking thing. Ever. Why is there worldwide accept fascism? Why clones; I mean, if you monitor who fucks, why are you still cloning? Shouldn't you also be monitoring the cloning more, based on this EXACT situation? How do you control these viruses <it's how he can read minds>? You get extremely limited travel passes; they expire, you're stuck? FOREVER? Like, what? "I'm going for milk honey." Be back in 30 or you're stuck on that side of town for at least a couple weeks...
And they just shrug off how both of the leads are TERRIBLE fucking people. Actually, more the psychic cop than the criminal. The criminal did the passports to help people get to their dreams. People died cuz they didn't prepare for where they were going. Not really her fault. The guy? Cheats, twice. Frames an innocent guy. Lies to everyone. And looks like he EASILY would abandon his kid. For absolutely no god damn reason. His motivations were ALL over the place. Like someone rolling the dice and doing whatever it says. He was inconsistent and selfish. Love story my ass.
So, finally, to my probably 3 people over 5 years that like this, here's the fucking ending that made this shit show decent (cuz I like being surprised, and I was.)
I didn't mention, the female criminal was narrating the whole movie. Never understood exactly how/why. Remember that...
They run. Skeezy hotel. She asks about his family, he tells her, and again shows no fucking remorse like the bitch he is. They try to make love but, WAIT! In addition to wiping her memory, the virus they put in her made her subconsciously NEVER want to have sex with the man who impregnated her again. She fights and squirms like...she's being raped. So....BDSM comes in. I'm fucking serious. Her line? "Make me want to make love to you." UGH. So he ties her up, she screams the whole time, till slowly she just repeats 'I love you.' YOU JUST REMEMBERED HIM! WTF. And you barely knew him before also. Oh and they showed her vagina. Guess I don't look for movies like that, but I swear, I didn't think you could do that rated R. <I thought it was boobs only...but wait, boogie nights showed his dick, right?>
<Anyways, after that, THIS is where I started to like it. And it was funny cuz I saw this moment in the trailer, KNEW it was said, but....didn't put 2 and 2 together.>
Morning. She wakes up like a robot. Marches downstairs. Calls the cops on herself and the man for a code 46 violation, and walks back up to bed and falls asleep. The guy is watching the whole time in shock. Turn out, the virus she was given also forces her to do that after a code 46 (also, WHY not immediately? Why wait till morning?) WHAT!? OMFG! She narc'd on herself! WHAT! Guy spends the rest of his money on a car, and they flee. With the cops hot in tow (in a helicopter, in a desert: they don't have a chance.) They flip the car (tho it was avoidable if they just slowed down for 2 seconds), crash, and are caught.
Guy is waking up from the accident, criminal narrates that because of his virus to mind read, they think he went haywire. So with other viruses they delete the mind reader virus, delete memories of the girl, and made it look like he solved the case and simply got into a car crash. The WEIRD part of this all? His wife knows EVERYTHING (or at least MOST of it), and just makes out with him and fucks him later at home (which, by the way he touches her, subconsciously, he is still thinking of the criminal). He...he left you and your son.....you're that desperate to get back to what you had? How could you? Cuz, IMO, logically they would let the wife know the basics of the situation if only to make sure those two 'lovebirds' don't ever meet up again. So his wife will forever know what he did; he won't. That's fucked up.
And FINALLY...criminal was banished outside the walls again, but LEFT with her memories (since she can't get into the city). And she was narrating the whole movie cuz the memories of him were the only thing that kept her going...(they, ya know, less than a week they knew each other.)
So that's it.
Worth it, barely, cuz of the special effects, sets, and ending. The rest, including most of Tim Robbins's acting, was kinda like 'well, they got the job done. Not good, but done.'
'Code 46': 5.9/10. <I give these reviews & numbers so you can judge if you wanna watch it>
ps-best part? Hm...can't say fav scene, but most memorable was them, singing terribly, while she's taking a piss. Like...you can't say you see that in every movie. lol Piss singing.
side note: I just think with this universe alone, the fascism, multicultures, and especially those viruses, you could write a whole other fucking movie! I just felt like they ruined their own world with a boring story. Oh, and it's called code 46 cuz of chromosomes. They don't say that in the movie, but I found out while looking into it. Kinda smart.
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thegeminisage · 2 years
i got tagged by @runawaymarbles, tyvm i lov doing these
What book are you currently reading?
no books atm but i'm actually getting through the entire tag of a rarepair from ff13...only 41 fics :(
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theatres this year?
did i go to a theater this year...? surely at least once. OH YEAH i went to see sonic 2. since that's the only movie i saw in theaters this year that'll be my favorite one
What do you usually wear?
comfy-at-home clothes: tank top, shorts, no-show socks, hair fork, & bandana. out & about clothes: bandana & hair fork if i'm working or my hair needs washing, otherwise i keep it loose. a lot of black pants/shorts and bright glittery monochrome or tye-dye tank tops w/ black or rainbow choker, rainbow earrings, pride bracelet, smiley face ring, rainbow ring, ace ring, and sometimes my triforce necklace. if it's cold i will also wear rainbow arm warmers/socks and fingerless gloves with the pink peace symbols on them. if i'm REALLY dressing up i will wear rainbow tights under a long shirt or short dress. wow sorry this is the longest answer so far i just really love bright fashion!!! i can't believe god nerfed me by making plus sized clothes fucking suck so bad
How tall are you?
5’1 :/
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
i think i'm actually a cancer LMFAO. and stuck with this username...idk about any celebrities but my birthday IS on the summer solstice which is absolutely bitchin' in my professional opinion. i could not possibly have asked for a better date although i do wish it didn't have to fall on father's day sometimes
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
i go by liz which is not my legal first name. technically my legal middle name isn't liz either it's like elizabeth obviously but my first name is cringefail and nobody can spell it OR say it so i just don't tell most people what it is lol. i started going by liz when i was in 8th grade and sometimes my mom STILL messes it up...
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
no BUT as a kid i really really really really REALLY wanted pink hair. as an adult no one can stop me. kid me would be so jealous of adult me's look in EVERY way
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
good at: dreaming. you know how in the 40s-60s most people dreamed in black and white because that was how tv looked? apparently if you play enough video games you'll get so good at controlling a simulated environment you can simply wake up on command. i never completely mastered lucid dreaming but it's a neat trick anyway. bad at: sleeping. exhibit a: i am answering this meme at 2:30 in the fucking morning, and i have not had 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep since december 10. that's like 28 days!
Dogs or cats?
CATS!!!!!!! i like dogs too tho
What’s something you would like to create stuff for?
i would love to draw some zelda art. i just need a new tablet sadly none of the old ones work with my pc
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
UGH i can't post it, it's in the undisclosed project
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
so a very long time ago when we were teenagers my brother showed me minecraft. i played half an hour of it and then gave the controller back and told him i couldn't keep going because i would quite literally never put it down if i did. unfortunately i did NOT show that same level of foresight and self-restraint when downloading the demo of SLIME RANCHER. in my defense i was utterly unprepared for its sheer potency. i played exactly four minutes of the demo before i caved and bought it - $5 was a steal - without realizing how absolutely lethal it is to combine adhd with a farming sim especially during seasonal depression months. this thing has been churning out dopamine so fast my stupid little rat brain can't keep up. i'm frying every last pleasure receptor i ever had as thoroughly as i possibly can. i am begging one of you to physically come to my house and uninstall it from my pc.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
andor 🙏 sorry to all andor enjoyers but it fucking sucked (except for the prison break)
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
i'm freakishly good at packing things. items into boxes, boxes into vehicles, organizing drawers and closets, etc. at my house we call it "tetrising" since i guess that's a pro gamer move that translates to the real world..................
Are you religious?
no i am disqualified for being gay <3
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
a completed copy of this photo album i'm supposed to be making. i got behind bc i was playing slime rancher :(
ok im tagging @slaygentford @maulthots @brownbicon @machidielontheway @paty-ofarrell @ozymandiasdirge @moogleterra @marcelgerard @elsa12tmnt @smellslikebot @youngbenkenobi and anyone else who wants to do it, do it & say i tagged you!!
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skeilig · 1 year
diary entry lol
had a really good night the other night, there was a party in the rec room for one of the sous chef's bday and before i showed up with my friends jim (my boss who i've been semi-secretly dating for 2 weeks for anyone who missed the memo) texted me saying "i've been here 5 minutes and someone already asked me where you are" LMAO so i show up with my friends, we have fun, jim is wearing a patterned shirt and matching patterned shorts... my friend goes up to him and asks about the fit and comes back to me to say "he said he bought the shirt and shorts separately, a year apart." 😭 anyway at some point i start hanging out with him playing flip cup and whatnot. at 11pm-ish I'm debating joining the afterparty to kips for karaoke but jim isn't gonna go bc he's opening (work at 6:30am) the next day. anyway, my friend ripley literally just drags me out of rec and i'm like "OK FINE I'M GOING" and everyone is like YAY JENNI! and they drag me down the hill to kips. jim doesn't go but he texts me "door's unlocked if you don't want to walk all the way up the hill later" 🥺 so kips was FUN (even though ripley and i did a whole slapstick routine before getting there in which i lost their ID (which they trusted me to hold onto) then they said "give me my debit card back" and then once we found the ID, ripley had lost the debit card.. somehow we lost and found both within like 20 minutes), my buddy isaiah SLAYS at karaoke, he brought the house down with "fuck you" ceelo green. later after 1am, isaiah wanted to go again but we also wanted to leave so i gave him $5 to bribe the host to bump him up in the lineup and it was a very ineffective bribe. i think we left by 1:30? should've just stayed for closing time at that point. at some point during the night i'm talking to my cabinmate maggie who previously knew about my crush on jim and i said something like "i'm not going back to the EV tonight" and she goes "ooh the jammers? no... the MCs!" [manager condos] and i go 😊 and she goes "you're fucking jim!!" LMAO anyway, walk back up the hill with my friends and i just swerve off to go to the MCs where jim lives instead of having to hike ALL the way back up the hill. i let myself in, go upstairs, crawl into bed. he kinda snuggles up to me half asleep, wakes up a few minutes later and is like "i didn't think you were gonna come" 🥺 we talk for a WHILE like long enough that he's fully awake and we hear closing time blasting from the bar across the street and we hear everyone stumbling up the hill afterward. then he's like ok my alarm is going off at 5:30 i need to go to sleep, i just got excited that you're here. so we go to sleep, he leaves for work around 6, gives me a little cheek kiss. i sleep there until like 7:30 and then go back to my cabin to get ready for work at 9. when i walk in the front door, maggie is getting ready for work and she looks at me then double takes and gives me a Knowing Look bc i'm still in my kips fit from the night before. what a night lmfao.
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