#and in the show timeline it really hasnt been that long
alsklingwille · 8 months
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i wonder if this scene has something to do with wille’s grief. wille appears to have all of his walls up and seems really angry or shut down in this scene. it could be directed at simon, but i think it’s likely and in character for him to be going through something deeper internally and unable to express that others yet. maybe it’s some kind of pressure building that he’s disappointing erik if he’s considering abdication? and maybe simon said something that hit a nerve and that’s why simon feels helpless - cause now wille’s shut him out. we’ve seen this behavior before in wille quite literally shutting his mom out of erik’s room to have a moment of missing his big brother, so it’s safe to say that’s a defense mechanism when he feels like someone doesn’t understand. and he seems to be having other moments in s3 where he’s also extremely frustrated and dysregulated, so could be a bunch of things boiling up at once.
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
Laios Backstory
I've been wanting to compile the comics that talk about Laios backstory for a while, especially after reading the "Laios and Family" extra from the new Adventurer's Bible that re-contextualizes it from Falin's POV.
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So I'll be posting and discussing parts from the manga and extras that talk about/show his and Falin's Backstory. Spoilers Ahead.
First, here are their timelines from world guide, its a nice way to situate whats happening and how old they are.
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Starting with chapter 52 - Bacon and Eggs, Laios tells his and Falin's story to his party for the first time, after being asked by Senshi why they came to the island.
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Laios left the village a year before Falin did. Falin was 9 and Laios was 12, they only met again 9 years later when Laios deserted the army.
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"That's why I decided that I would never leave Falin behind again. At least until she finds somebody new that she wants to be with."
Then there's the "Laios and Family" extra from the new adventurer's bible:
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I really enjoy the recontextualization from Falin's POV. Especially since we get to understand their parents better.
And Laios finally explains that he left so he could build a better life for them where Falin wouldn't be treated badly. Only to fail and realize she was doing better without him.
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They both want what's best for each other but they're too silly.
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"I thought if we parted ways at that point, I'd probably never see him again. So I went with him, without thinking about where it would lead."
Going back to Chapter 42 - Nightmare with this context.
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You can really tell how he feels like a failure.
Rereading those helped me appreciate the Caravan Extra and Arrival on the island from daydream hour better.
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This poor guy failed at everything he had set out to do at this point. And when Falin says "Long time no see, big brother!" she really means it, she hasnt seen a well groomed Laios in almost 10 years.
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thrileikur · 2 months
you know what? maybe it is a detriment to the rummaging values that season 1 tried to seep in to the watchers that the carmy richie freezer argument was when the show really started to tip over. it is melodramatic even if my overall opinion on it hasnt changed.
but one thing i dont think thatll budge for me is richies side of the whole story. like, carmy had sent him to stage to ever to get some formal experience and it did way more for richie than i think either had expected, since not too long in the show we see him at his lowest point and brushing off the idea that he would be anything without the beef, and it was all being taken away from him because the rest of the staff wanted a true change of pace. i dont think we like the richie arc because of how differently it flipped his values on high end dining just because of carmy, it was the fact that it wasnt late for him to do better at his old age of 45 which is what im trying to get across here. so when they started arguing like in season 1 in a much higher stakes environment (basically without facing each other), he was doing it because carmy wasnt practicing what he was preaching to him at the start.
i think him being so unadulterated in the scene, with his remarks his old impotent patriarchal-like character couldnt replicate earlier on in the series had to have been caused by his lifelong frustration with him for having more of a ordered reaction to incidents he couldnt afford to have because how he was brought up. carmy is the youngest of three siblings which mustve put him in some place growing up that richie couldnt since we wouldve known if richie even has one by now (probably not). that makes me think, even though carmy was chewed out and became the one thing he wasnt enthusiastic at all to become, at least he had become a different person who inadvertently knew how to bring together people once upon a time, to which in richie's eyes, if he was able to do it in an environment no one would naturally want to work at, even carmy, then maybe, just maybe he'd look up for once and have some fucking self-awareness of the situation hed put everyone he thinks he cares about in. the donna comparison was very shittily delivered when you give it context but like richie said, someone had to tell him, and he was dry out of options at that point
does this make sense? its very stream of consciousness and is almost a direct reaction to some of things about season 3 ive been seeing lately, but i just cant let the argument scene in s2e10 be caught in the crossfire with people saying that it was the start of the fall of the series or whatever. imo it was written exactly how it shouldve been within the timeline of things
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marrow-minded · 1 year
i know this is a dumb question because miles and kerryhave very famously said they dont keep a timeline of their show (which is so great and awesome and is just such great writing habits and definitely wont result in massive plotholes and issues /s) but do we actually have any sort of dates for how long jaunes been in the ever after? he should have been like. 18/19/MAAAAYBE 20 before he fell, and now hes got graying hair (which could just be the stress its not a proper indicator of age or time passing)
im just curious because i feel like if he survives vol9 (which im not totally sold on) theyre gonna not really address or have the effects of the timeskip for jaune be properly examined? like he potentially could have been living in the ever after for decades. would 'normal' remnant logic feel foreign and confusing to him? did he forget his families faces and voices? he hasnt seen most of them since BEFORE beacon even. does he remember the details of pyrrhas face? is he unsettled by the way things stay Linear or how you can simply *walk* to a place and not run the risk of being swept away somewhere? how will his ptsd from living as the rusted knight manifest when returning to remnant, and how will he reconcile decades of lived experience that he no longer shows with the decades of life he has still yet to live? will he miss the ever after? will he be able to return? would he want to?
these are all questions that i doubt will be answered but thats why im here ig
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So what do you think of the article that came out (TVline)? I'm not sure what to think?
I take the TV Line articles with a grain of salt. They saw the first two episodes and then promoted a whole slew of things that happened in a completely different timeline than they said they would. I only really rely on TVline when they announce what shows got cancelled or renewed.
The Rookie is a dramedy -the drama part of that is way more heavily weighted and tied to the crime being fought than in the relationships of the characters. Definitely happened this season - Rosalind, Elijah, Jake & Sava, Hajek and Vegas, the Collar bomber, etc. and while yes there’s been quite a bit of angst for Chenford to work through (Chris almost dying, Ashley dumping Tim after his surgery, them finally getting their heads out of their asses and realizing they are in love with each other), there hasnt been anything insurmountable. I believe Isobel and whatever “case” she brings them will follow that pattern as well.
I think Isobel coming back could be a good thing for Tim and Lucy. Isobel indirectly had a tremendous impact on the formation of Tim & Lucy’s relationship from the beginning of the show. She’s part of the foundation of their relationship. Lucy helped Tim heal and move on. Him seeing Isobel happy and we assume thriving and vice versa should permanently silence any lingering doubts either of them have about “did they do the right thing?” Whatever that “thing” is.
I hope that Isobel speaks with Lucy about UC and speaks to Tim about loving Lucy whether she does UC or not.
Based on the episode titles, I am assuming Lucy does a longer term UC assignment NEXT episode and we finally get resolution as to whether or not she follows that path. I think something goes wrong and she ends up choosing something else. At least, I hope she chooses a different career path - she has so many options other than becoming a detective. But that’s me.
Part of me would love to see BOTH Lucy and Isobel get into a situation where they need Tim (and Metro) to get out of it. So that if there’s even a smidge of lingering feelings on either Tim’s or Isobel’s side, they are quashed permanently because Tim will always save Lucy first.
Lastly, I think the next episode will have a more direct impact on Chenford than the Isobel episode. I’m a sucker for a season long story arc with parallels. Think back to Episodes 1, 2 and 3.
Episode 1 - Tim and Lucy being drawn to each other but in denial about what they want and feel, another kiss, almost fucking and Chris being the ultimate cock blocker.
Episode 2 - Tim pushing Lucy to go to UC school, she thinking he doesn’t want her, both of them breaking their own hearts by not saying what they want
Episode 3 - Lucy is back from UC school and her relationship with Tim is in tatters. They longing look at each other across the room, Rosalind is still a threat, and Lucy is on Rosalind’s trail.
I expect the last 3 episodes to be similar but opposite. They are in a strong, committed loving relationship. They aren’t going to break up, but this will be a test. I have no proof of the following - this is 100% my guess/wish.
Episode 20 - Isobel comes back and kind of forces her way into their relationship causing both of them to reconsider this whole UC career path and what it means for them individually and together. (we are here!)
Episode 21 - Lucy goes undercover for a longer assignment. Both of them struggle with the separation. Something goes wrong and Lucy’s cover is blown. She gets hurt, Tim panicky and rushes in to save her.
Episode 22 - Elijah and Oscar (with a little lingering help from Rosalind, you know Oscar would’ve figured out how to help er in some way) break out of jail and go after Very pregnant Angela. Lucy and Aaron get pinned down in a shootout and Aaron gets shot protecting Lucy. Lucy and Aaron get rushed to the hospital. Lucy is ok. She and Tim openly declare their love for one another, and we are left hanging for Season 6 when someone (not Tim and not Lucy) and their heart monitor flatlines. Dun dun dun…. Is it Aaron? Angela? Elijah?
Oh and Bailey bails on Nolan at some point.
Isobel is here for a single episode - so I expect her to have the biggest impact on Tim, but I also expect Chenford to have a profound impact on her.
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fipindustries · 7 months
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-of three
yuuuuuup, i think this is where i tap out, whatever was the comic i originally fell in love with this is no longer it, hasnt been for a long while.
in a sense it was kind of inevitable, if this comic intended to last any serious ammount of time and try to tackle a serious kind of story it couldnt stay as the wacky, histrionic, horny and chaotic extravaganza of cool body horror and funny silly characters it was when it began.
the later, more angsty, more complex, more... can i even say "grounded"? let's say heavy parts of the story were just not doing it for me, though not through any fault of their own, i should clarify. is just simply not something im in the mood for anymore.
i think something changed in me, in my temperament, in my tastes, in who i am. i think i lost the taste for highly dense, highly complex convoluted stories with thousands of characters and moving pieces and giant ambitious worldbuilding and deep lore. or maybe is not that i lost the taste for them, is that ive already involved myself in far too many of them. i am currently reading one piece, kill six billion demons, gunnerkrigg court, the locked tomb series, as well as watching dungeon meshi, yellowjackets and a bunch of other shows. maybe my head has just ran out of ram to keep all of those things straight in my head and still care and be invested in all of them simultanously.
or maybe feast for a king is just a little TOO damn chaotic and its cast a little TOO crowded with people and its timeline a little TOO convoluted. to be honest, after a while keeping track of it all felt more like homework than anything else, and after hitting a certain scale you kind of start hitting powercreep induced nihilism. like, between the five different types of hekatonks, the queen worms and the king worms, the kings seeds, whatever celadon is, cyborg powers, heart worlds, double hearted mandragoras, the weeds, hybrids, clones, mutants, gods??? it really feels like just about anything goes. death is kind of meaningless in this world, powerlevels are kind of meaningless, what is possible or impossible is kind of meaningless, we have shapeshifters and possessing bodies, and mind control, and astral projection, and ghosts, and time travel. anything can be anything anywhere all the time, it just becomes meaningless. insipid. there is no up or down.
on top of that the morality of any given character is so fucked and the scale of the horrors and sins commited in this story are so overwrought that i also fail to be morally invested on anything? are there good guys? bad guys? is there even a right or wrong here anymore? i know there are characters i nominally like, but i dont even know what version of that character do i sympathize with really, do i really like this character or do i like what who they were 500 years ago? or maybe i only liked someone else pretending to be that character, or maybe i dont like the character i like the worm they became after they were eaten by worms, etc etc and so on and so forth.
i just lost the plot. it got away from me.
i think you can be highly chaotic and ambitious in one or two things when executing your story. either worldbuilding, or the order of storytelling, or characterization, or morality, or nature of the cast. but not all of them all at once.
still, i do not want to leave this with a bitter taste in my mouth. i do still highly respect this strange beautiful beast for what it is and for what it tries to be. i wouldnt want it to be anything else. its just too strange not to like. im glad something like this exists. and by golly did it give me some great moments. let me say that again. it gave me some amazing moments, some truly magical experiences that i never got from anything else. and just for those incredible scenes and characters i will always have a corner in my heart where embers will burn dedicated to it. i dont think its flaws take away from the good i got and i would still enthusiastically recomend this to anyone who is mildly curious and has way more patience than i do
it was truly a feast, in all senses of of the word, and i had my fill of it.
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gmos · 1 year
i want to make solametro a real thing. awesome wrold inside my head (not awesome) (major geoeconomical collapse) (microplastics everywhere) yippeeee
i want to make it essentially like gta but with paradise killer graphics, and a 'main quest' campaign mode following the Big Stories. and i want to put out updates to the world periodically as canonical timeline updates. ive already written tons of quests you can do for people + factions that affect reputation, pay levels offered for gigs, lore your character knows + can draw from. i want the pc to be a character in the world with their own thing. i have tons of awesome modular gear designs cooking. i want character deaths to matter and change the story of the game like you have to be serious about killing someone. and of course absurd level of character customization.
OH AND THE UI. Basically every ingame day you start with a set of headlines, and you get to click on them to investigate. whether you investigate them or not, things still result from them. but time progresses by interaction/quest updates so you can take your time wandering. at a certain level of global reputation, you start showing up in the headlines, and clicking on that one takes you to deal with the outcomes of that (good or bad - often you wont know til you investigate). before this, things you did may be in the news, but you generally arent named. unless a news crew gets to you* and you get to share your story.
*news crews of all kinds - broadcast, radio, podcast, c u t s** influencer, corporate influencer, kidnapping scheme, proselytizing organization, edit-makers, government spies, etc - roam the world, acting as the sensor for your global repuation, sometimes asking you qte questions about the latest news. the player's reputation acts as a multiplier factor on the micro-rep changes caused by whatever answer you choose (which depend on the news team itself). **c u t s is the solametro version of twitter, owned by the media megacorp vuie (v-you-ii)
basic solametro lore for anyone who hasnt seen the two (2) other posts ive ever made about it: solametro is a city in mid-cal that's been essentially stripped bare and uprooted by technology. The rich and lucky live in the Upper Terrace, a picturesque solarpunk city floating over a kilometer into the sky. the rest live on the Ground Level, juggling job apps and praying for an opening in one of the 7 megacorps headquartered in the city. Unless you're one of the many who didn't want anything to do with the businesses that eviscerated your city, and now you sleep in the "seedy underbelly" (illegal agriculture networks) of the california hills. grow operations of mint, zucchini and mutant citrus feed the warehouses and tent networks full of disenfranchised people, anyone from wannabe-influencers selling their lifestyle as a fashion choice to actual mercenaries that regularly kill people and everyone knows it.
i have so many characters and factions and gear and set design and worldbuilding bricks that i created for this world and i want to do something really ambitious and long-term with it.
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It's okay if you don't want to answer the questions that i have send. But i have another one for you ( thats not about toxic armys and their shenanigans ofc) but there's that has been stuck in my mind lately.
I watched two Jackson Wang interviews and he pretty much talks about feeling lonely in life. For example, he confessed that he hasnt found any love connection and never had a serious relationship with someone, even though he really wants to. He even turn the ligths on in his house everytime he goes abroad. Because he wants to feel like somebody is waiting for him at home and is waiting to welcom him. Just the domestic normal stuff that normal couples in a serious relationship do.
Its definetly possible that most of the bangtan members are feeling this way too. The loneliness, longing for someone to their real personnality and not just the celebrity status. I'm curious to know who's longing for it the most.
There is no denying that being a public figure, especially some big star, can have an effect on the private life and interpersonal relationships. But also, difficulties are there, regardless of someone's position in society, except they can be of a different nature and some of the issues can be all the same because we're all just complicated people at the end of the day.
I know about those Jackson Wang interviews. I also saw recently how he invited some fans back to his place post-concert. Whatever he's going through, he's doing it all publicly and as much as it's a friendly get-together and Jackson wanting some chill time with the fans, he's still not some average person. So, things might get complicated or not. If this is one method of his of not feeling that lonely, then what else can I say?
But going back to how it relates to the BTS members and how they might find themselves in a similar situation, about feeling lonely, about wanting some connection with a partner and so on, that's something that we don't know. We might speculate based on their music and lyrics perhaps, or what they say in interviews and all that. But it would be nothing but this glimpse in someone's life that is pretty much private. None of them are as open publicly about the idol life in terms of romantic relationship as Jackson is. And as much as there could be commonality because they've all been working in the same industry and living similar lifestyles, it doesn't mean they all end up having the same trajectories and difficulties along the road. Maybe they're in happy relationships, maybe some of them don't want commitment and are into more casual situationships. Maybe some are currently dating, while others are not. This is really a topic on which there's barely anything there to talk about because it's simply a topic they don't acknowledge. And they're keeping that part pretty much to themselves. Who's to say that one member hasn't gone through a difficult breakup at some point, while being really cheerful on camera? In the 10 years that they've been active, I'm sure life wasn't all perfect.
Fans like to speculate and believe they know when something is wrong, especially in the case of those focusing on a supposed inter-band relationship, when something is going on, if they're going through something, or what's the period in a relationship when everything is going well, but somehow, they can't also tell when a member who is not majorly shipped with another, might be having love troubles with a partner who is outside the band (cause they're not all in a poly relationship, as much as fans like to joke about). That's something to think about because I believe it shows that theories are just theories and outsiders don't really have access to much and a lot of things can be deceiving. It's one reason why, when I used to read about ship timelines, I always thought about how could a fan/shipper be able to do one? Because it's like taking a step further from enjoying the interactions and the moments. It has a sort of fictional element to it. But I went too much of a tangent here, a bit unrelated to your ask.
The point is, I don't necessarily disagree with you because there are factors that can have similar effects on those who lead a certain lifestyle, but then again, generalizations don't always help and we have to look at the individuals as well. Who they are are, their temperament and personality and how much they are willing to share. If they want to or have any desire to do so.
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
If this isn't a spoiler, how long until Clarke finally loves Lexa in the act of falling in love?
Okay, I wouldn't say it's a spoiler, but there isn't really a timeline i can give you. Because id say since the painting incident Clarke has been falling for Lexa. She just hasnt fallen fully yet. And while the ending wont be ambiguous, the exact moment Clarke falls in love with Lexa will because Lexa doesn't know and this is from her pov. And even Clarke doesn't fully know, because there isnt any big moment that makes Clarke realize she loves Lexa. And I think that speaks a lot for the care Clarke shows Lexa and how she truly is dedicated to her to the point where the line where she fully finds herself in love with Lexa is very blurry and Lexa herself never sees a difference in the way she's being treated, their marriage has always been one where Lexa felt loved and cared for, even if she knew Clarke's feelings werent fully there yet :)
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willel · 2 years
I think the real question is why the UD doesnt get updated, but it just shows a particular time. If opening up gates&closing them was what changed the UD's appearence then its appearence would have been changed multiple times after El opened the gate or fought against the MF like she fought against the demogorgon, or after Vecna opened up the gates in S4 in some way. But the way it represents a specific time and it doesnt change even after El or Russians or Vecna opened up multiple gates over the course of the show makes me think that it has something to do with Will. Because since Will ended up in there, it hasnt been updated largely it still represents a current time even after all those gate openings and fighting against the demogorgon, the MF or its minions or in S4.
That is also true, but I will note that it feels like there's some inconsistencies.
THIS GOT A LITTLE LONG so I'll put it under a read more to save peoples dashes the stress.
Take Eddie's trailer for example. It appears to be exactly as it is in the real world. Has Eddie's trailer really stayed the same 3 years later? Same guitar and everything? I mean it's not IMPOSSIBLE but it feels unlikely. Does that mean the permanent gate opened in his roof updated his trailer and the surrounding area?
It'd be hard to tell for the other gates given one is in a lake which doesn't change much, a random street somewhere which doesn't change much, and the Creel house which has been locked up for 50 years so it didn't change.
There's also the fact that it appears the Upside Down updated for the Snow Ball in season 2, how did that happen?
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I used to think it wasn't the same night because it seems like only one of the cars there match in the Upside Down, but the lights are definitely from the Snow Ball.
We know for sure that most of the Upside Down is stuck on the day Will disappeared/El opened the gate. So why would the Snow Ball be represented there?
It is pretty clear that the temporary gates definitely do not update the Upside Down. El's first gate in 1979 didn't create Upside Down Hawkins. Although we didn't see the other side in season 3, it doesn't seem like the Russian gate in season 3 updated Upside Down Hawkins either.
El closing the gate didn't update the Upside Down. It's unclear if Vecna's gates do anything since the only reference we have is Eddie's trailer and nothing else got updated.
So yes, as we go down the list of oddities with the Upside Down, things just start to make a lot more sense if we assume Will was the one who created Upside Down Hawkins that one time.
But you know what, this discussion and the Snow Ball made me think of something. Maybe something obvious.
Maybe it's true that Will really is the one who can alter the Upside Down completely and totally by accident. And he's still doing it right now from the right side up.
Here's my timeline of events:
Will gets taken into the Upside Down and somehow, he duplicates Hawkins as it was the moment he switched over
No changes from the right side up appear in the Upside Down because Will hasn't seen them in person
Will returns from the Upside Down... and it continues updating in places HE goes to/sees with his own eyes
Ok ok. =pausing here as I gather screenshots and evidence!=
MY SUPPORTING EVIDENCE, actually nevermind I just debunked myself. XD Haha
I was going to say, it seems like all the wallpaper in the Wheeler home outside of Nancy's room was updated as of season 2. But it seems I was just looking at the wrong side of the wall, the wallpaper has not changed. The breakfast area is blue and the dining area is the yellow floral pattern.
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The wallpaper upstairs hallways is also the same. Everything is the same.
My newest theory has half crumbled to dust, only because of what they showed in the Wheeler's house in the Upside Down, only Nancy's room has changed since season 1. To be honest, this kinda surprises me. I kinda assumed Karen is the type of woman who'd be updating the house all the time to keep up with current trends. I remember in the BTS book, the set direction also said something similar to contrast it with the Byers who are still sporting mostly 70's furniture and design in their house. Odd.
Anyway, I suppose then the only evidence I really have here is the school and the arcade.
We don't know if the Palace Arcade existed in 1983 but the kids sure didn't mention it or talk about it. In season 2, the arcade was treated like the mall seems like. Is it safe to assume it is new? If so, then why would it be in the Upside Down?
Same for the Snow Ball appearing in the Upside Down?
Let me separate two difference occurrences. The first occurrence is Will creating Upside Down Hawkins. I think it happened in an instant and did not necessarily rely on Will's intimate knowledge of every little crevice in town. I described it like a radar in a previous ask for that reason. The moment he went through was extremely localized and only detailed around "hot spots", aka spaces that Will frequented leading up to his kidnapping. He didn't need to know what was in Nancy's diary for example, the "radar" just took everything in and near the Wheeler's house and copied it.
Oh I know. Let's compare it to El's powers. El powers don't focus on the details of locations and objects. El finds the person and everything near that person appears in her sight, giving her clues to where it might be. Imagine that, but even more detailed and not dependent on a person El recognizes being there.
Ok, so now imagine Will returns to the right side up, but he's still connected to the Upside Down. Now everything he sees gets updated in real time. His house. The school. The Palace Arcade. Anywhere he's been in the real world gets tied to the Upside Down, though that means anything he hasn't seen lately is stuck on the day he went missing, such as Nancy's room.
Is that a crazy theory? Unreasonable? At the very least, this could explain the Snow Ball and why the Mind Flayer knew they were there after the gate was closed.
Though I guess if that were the case, he wouldn't need Billy/The Flayed to track them down if everywhere Will went was constantly being updated and changed. Though I suppose at some point, changes in the Upside Down would become less obvious the more frequently Will has visited an area. Like his house or Mike's house or whatever.
Ah man, that was a long stream of thought sorry about that. I did end up debunking myself with the wallpapers so that's kind of disappointing. But I still feel like I'm onto something here.
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mare-sanguis · 2 years
Master Character analysis thread on Ryu Sunghoon Part II
Covers episode 3 to 4
We start episode 3 with a flashback. It highlights: Pain
The moment Sunghoon is gone, the group is in danger. Its easy to conclude that hes the member that binds them together- not just a simple leader or their guardian. But also the heart of their escape plane. If hes not there, everything seems pointless.
While the others kids in his group are working hes being tortured. This is the result of him trying to escape. Trying to get help until ultimately getting caught bei Yeom Kinam. He most definitely expected something like this coukd happen, yet he willingly put himself in danger- for the sake of his brothers.
Hes being shown in visible pain, in fear. At this point, hes been through more than anyone else from the kids in his group. The reason why he hasnt given up at that time and hasnt died? Simply put: he was trying to survive for the others. He keeps onto his life not because he wants to but because he needs to. He later laughs off his pain, his loss of hope and shows pretty clearl that he stopped trusting adults. That they r now on their own.
In the current timeline, he tries to keep watch on Sungjoon. Where ever he can, when ever he can. Even if it complicates his already thight schedule. He is, next to his father, the first one to walk towards Sungjoon once wakes up in the hospital. He waited- him staring out of the window instead of keeping himself busy (like their mom) indicates, he was worried. He continues his habit of looking away when the situation becomes uncomfortable for both him and Sungjoon. This happens again when his dad says „If it were your brohter, he wouldnt have acted so rashly“
He looks away because he knows himself the best. On the inside he knows hed either run away like a coward or get himself in danger to get himself killed- as deserved. In some scenes its pretty obvious he has a lower self esteem like the show makes it out to be. He doesnt really like himself. He dresses either in his suit- to merge into the masses – or wears simple black/dark clothes to not draw any attention towards him. While a lot of characters wear casual black clothes i think for him its more color coding than for others.
A short excourse into the meaning of the color black:
The color of power and sophistication. Black is and incredible strong and intimidating color that exudes authority and makes us feel secure and protected. Often seen at formal and prestigious events, this mysterious color arouses and seduces our senses. Black indimidates and mystifies. On the contrary it makes us feel depressed, sad and pessimistic. People wear it on funerals- in the 20tth century and earlier, it was also worn on weddings. It represents evil, death, grief, mourning, the occult heaviness, rebellion, fear and bleakness. As a „color“ of many sentiments its not easy to define it as negative or positive.
Its to note that black isnt a color. Colors refelct light and black does not- black is the absence of light and in nature can exist without any kind of light.
It concludes that black isnt just a simple choice of color but also represents what hes feeling on the inside. Everyday he wears the same. Just to not stand out. He doesnt want to.
When their mom scolds Sungjoon, Sunghoon looks right back at her. Almost as if he wants to challenge her. Despite everything and what his parents say („How long must we be worried about you?“) he is genuienly worried about Sungjoon.
Again, he looks away in visible discomfort. At this point, it has happened many times already. But why doesnt he talk back when hes actually worried? Because he probably thinks he has no say in any of this. He feels and sees himself as inferior.
At around 07:12, theres a short moment which can be quickly glanced over wher Sunghoon looks pretty ready to fight his mom. Because he knows who she really is.
There is that moment when the parents and Sunghoon are about to leave the hospital room- Sunghoon looks like he want to say something but he draws back. Hesistantly.
Something was on his mind.
Immediately after they left the room his mom gets back to him by saying „I know you must be busy but Sungjoon keeps causing trouble like this“ he smiles and looks down. By now we know what this means- hes uncomfortable. He doesnt like it. Or rather, he is overwhelmed. But the smile indicates something else- its a genuine smile. Directed toeards his brohter- he doesnt mind getting into trouble for him if it means he is safe. This is fruther highlighted by the facts that HE wants to ask the doctor instead of waiting for their parents to do so. He wants to know first. Like when they were younger, he was laway the firts to know when he was in trouble.
Getting back to his coping with nervousness. At around 26:11 there is a flashback which shows Sunghoon with a pen- yet again. Call back to one of the first scenes we see him in where he breaks the pen.
He taps it against his desk.
In psychology doing this has many meanings:
Twirling or tapping a pen is to relief stress or anxiety. Its a nervous habit but keeps the brain working. It also represents impatience. If done on someone eses desk, its more of a threat.
A short summary of Sunghoons other habits:
He holds intense eye contact. Intense eye contact usually means someone wants to dominate or intimidate. He feels the need to show others he does know things and if they get on his wrong side he can snap back.
He checks up on his brother.
He panics. On the inside.
Episode 4 starts with another flashback: This time it highlights hope and determination
As the guardian and protector of the group he makes sure the youngest are fed. So he gives up his food for them- even when one of them tries to decline. He did this all despite himself being still a child- being hungry and tired. He didnt give himself a break for the sake of the others. Hes determined to leave. His goal when they managed to escape? To go to school, do homeworks and play soccer like any other kid- something that never happened this way as his parents put him under constant stress to make the perfect throphy out of him. To not have (another) failure in their life. He was what Sungjoon was probably supposed to be.
In the current time, at around 05:15 he is seen staring at his his laptop- recognizing the chief police officer Yeom Kinam. There is visible pain and hatred in his eyes- he thinks of all those things he had to go through because of him. Its as if hes caught in a trance.
Mood swings are also a part of him. They vary from being cold, to feeling too much to „owning the place“- something pretty common found in trauma survivors of any kind.
When Sungjoon and his colleagues talk about a „possible theory“ Sunghoon enters the room by saying „The Kevin Bacon Theory“ it happens rather casually, and he feels pretty safe in what hes saying. His posture also indicates he feels good with what hes talking about.
Another interesting bits seen though episode 4:
When they leave the police station and Sungjoon mentions Baek Moonkang and Choi Songil in one sentence, Sunghoons posture shifts a little bit and he seems like he wants to know more- he knows them obviously but he wants to know what Sungjoon has to say about them. To Sungjoon it seems rather „judgy“ than anything else. So Sunghoon seems disappointed when SJ doesnt elaborate further.
He intentionally plays dumb when Choi Songil asks him if he remebers him (13:55) and plays off his anger tho its still pretty visible on his face. Accompanied with disgust. He even looks at his watch when CSG asks him if they could talk in private and tells him „lets talk here“. His words dont fit his actions- a common thing seen when someone is nervous or tries to hide something.
When he is being questioned by Dt. Kang about the incident at the hospital (Jung Manchuns death) his facial expression shifts from confusion to curiosity, questioning and confusion. He stands with his hands behind his back:
But what does it mean if someone is standing with their hands behind thei back?
-it makes someone taller/powerful
-it makes someone feel more approachable and is a sign of not being a threat
Sunghoon looks annoyed when Choi Songil tries to threaten him- as if to say „You wont success this time“ he tries to have the upperhand throughout their whole conversation.
When he visits his parents:
There is a photo of Sunghoon and Sungjoon on the latters desk. Sunghoon looks visible sad and melancholic when he looks at it.
Quick mannerism analysis of the interactions between him and his parents- else I would sit here until early morning (and i still have to finish my latin homeworks):
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„Sungjoon hasnt called“ he wish he had. But he knows he wont because he shouldnt trust him.
Sunghoon looks down, very displeased with the whole siatuation, especially when his mom says „Why must he (Sungjoon) do this now?“
When their mom asks wher he could be now he again looks uncomfortable. He wish he knew. He HATES how much he does not know about his brother. Someone he should actually protect.
And at last- a little rant about how their parents put all the pressure and burden on Sunghoon instead of taking care of Sungjoon themselves:
Why dont they know where their other son is? Why is it Sunghoons responsibility? Why is it the responsibilityof a traumatized boy to watch out for his brother? Why did they adopt Sunghoon when they couldnt even care about Sungjoon in the first case?Its not the responsibility of a kid. When their mom starts yelling at Sunghoon his voice gets notably smaller and more quiet. He feels inferior. He feels like he doesnt deserve to know more about his brother. But he feels like he deserves all the anger his mom is spitting at him. His eyes follow his body language- they get empty. And he looks distant. He feels like he failed his brother yet again. His only chance to gain back his confidence is by snapping back „Did the 2 of you really no expect this at all?“ his voice is accusing, rage filled and disappoined. Showing them they know as much about Sungjoon like he knows. Almost nothing. He wants them to feel as guilty as him.
And when his mom answers „Are you saying you knew Sungjoon would do something like this?“ he looks affirming but its not directed at his brother but himself. He would hvae killer if there was the opportunity, not SJ. He feels rage. Not SJ.
He wears a mask to hide the scars on his soul and body. Who he is, was, no longer matters . That old self of Sunghoon is gone- died when he was thrown into darkness. Now there is only one thing left: the manifestation of his pain, anger, and grief. The remains of his younger self are buried deep down- a dead and empty wasteland he has no idea to care about.
No one should ever find his younger self again- he wants to protect it so bad. To not get hurt even more. They should never see him again. Hes waiting for a moment in time when he can finally bring it back- to fullfil his younger self dreams and hopes.
If there ever would be an opportunity for his captors to apologize he'd never take it. He doesnt want an apology.
After all his current self is just a manifestation of trauma. He cannot accept. He doesnt accept and he shouldn't.
He is alone.
Part 1:
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red-elric · 2 years
can we see the iwaoi timeline :0
they met through their moms; like they just definitely have the vibe of 'our moms were friends' to me lol. lots of kids whose moms were friends are kinda whatever about each other, but i think in their case oikawa was clingy bc he strikes me as a kid who had trouble making friends, and iwaizumi has had a strong sense of duty for a LONG time so he felt the need to take care of him. they did genuinely get along as kids tho, and it grew into a really close friendship
i feel like oikawa started getting attention as a pretty boy in middle school, and it kinda inflated his ego a bit; meanwhile, iwaizumi was becoming Very Aware that most boys who are best friends dont hold hands and hug all the time..... i think they kinda drifted apart for a bit in that awkward middle school way. neither of them really wanted to, but they felt like they had to and noticed the distance the other one was creating. it culminates a bit when oikawa's mental health is going crazy over kageyama; i feel like the canon confrontation they have is the pivotal moment that brings them back together as besties again :,) especially since oikawa seems so much more grounded after that
they go into high school SOLIDLY best friends again, but not quite as touchy-feely as when they were kids still. no more calling each other first names, it's all iwachan and trashkawa lmao. they both start dating girls (oikawa much more often than iwaizumi, but the one or two relationships iwa has have a lot more depth to them than anyone oikawa dated) and they both get REALLY UPSET about the other one dating for reasons they Cannot explain. both of them had a girlfriend at the same time one (1) time in high school, leading to the most awkward double date in history and both girls dumping them within the next week aksjsjjsj. still tho, they stay tight despite the awkwardness and are fully unaware of their feelings this whole time theyre insane
i feel like iwa's realization moment is literally the night after their graduation party. theyre probably doing smth sappy like stargazing late at night bc oikawa's going to argentina soon and iwa's starting college soon after that and like. iwa has this full on crisis of 'oh shit i like him. oh shit im gay. oh shit i cant do anything about this bc he's literally moving to a different country tomorrow oh god oh fuck' meanwhile oikawas looking for aliens (and also sad bc he misses his bestie LOL)
im a freshman iwa and daichi roommate truther!!! not gonna get too deep into daichis story thats a different post but both of them are handling their 'oh wow im GAY gay' crises at the same time for a year or so. i dont see them going for each other at all but they do go to gay bars together and wake each other up in the middle of the night to rant about 'oh FUCK (random childhood story) i was gay the WHOLE TIME that was a CRUSH' aksjdjdjjdb. meanwhile oikawa thinks some of his new teammates are kinda cute!! he's starting to think hey maybe im not straight :) the full truth hasnt hit him yet
we saw oikawa get the ushijima/iwa selfie and get mad about it. we DIDNT see him scrolling through iwa's snap story showing him and ushijima attending a cali pride parade together. this is when oikawa learns that iwa might not be straight, and that iwa definitely didnt tell him, and he realizes that maybe they havent been talking much recently (of course not, theyre on opposite sides of the planet more often than not) and maybe theyre drifting apart and oh god does oikawa have ANY friends anymore did iwa and ushijima hook up oh god oh god (side note: i think itd be really funny if iwa and ushijima hooked up in cali. i dont think itd go anywhere but i think it leaves iwa with a lot of concerns aksjsjsjsbsh)
anyway this is the emotional state oikawa's in when he's visiting brazil and runs into hinata!! he latches onto him a bit bc hey, someone from home :) and flirts a bit just for fun and hinata flirts back and they DEFO hook up brazil fling ftw :) and then immediately after oikawa has a breakdown bc oh my GOD, he's in love w iwaizumi. hinata draws the line of 'were not hooking up again you cant handle this' and then makes a point to call oikawa every week bc he CLEARLY needs a friend ajsjsjjd. so now hinata is..... kinda oikawa's best friend? oikawa and iwa havent been talking less and less but theyre both sort of in love w each other? but its Weird
olympics are Very strange for both of them, bc theyre in the same space but iwaizumi spends a lot of time with the japan team and when oikawa's not w his teammates he gravitates towards hinata. i feel like the brazil fling story gets out around then too which gives iwa a Lot of feelings aksjjdjdhd
i kinda..... dont see them making much progress for a bit here, until oikawa has to retire bc his old hs knee injury starts acting up. i think he retires earlier than most of the pros in their age group, which kinda KILLS him but he's older now and a LITTLE more chill. anyway he decides to move back to japan, and the first person he decides to tell is iwa. even though they havent really talked much lately. and iwa asks him if he has a place to stay yet and he says no, not yet. and theyre both a little insane bc iwa offers to let him crash on his couch until he gets things figured out and oikawa says yes. even though they havent been best friends in years. HMMM
and they were roommates era!! oikawa spends some time wallowing but has too much energy to do so for long so he applies for some colleges! gets a degree, finally!! im partial to him getting an entomology degree bc 'the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle' KILLS me but no matter what late game academia oikawa feels good feels right. anyway they slip into being besties again RIDICULOUSLY easily, once they get past the awkward hump, and oikawa does that thing where he says he's looking for a place of his own but doesnt and iwa does that thing where he lets him
eventually they get into a fight, probably over smth stupid, but it blows up quick bc HEY THERES A BUNCH OF FEELINGS THEY HAVENT BEEN TALKING ABOUT!! i think what comes out here is the 'we werent friends for a long time and that hurt me' from both sides :/ and it ends w them promising to communicate better from here on out
things are better, and then they get drunk and kiss, and then freak out bc 'i dont think the other one wanted that' and then angst for a bit without talking about it bc theyre STUPID
anyway i think hinata talks to iwaizumi about it and is basically like 'hey dumbass oikawa actually likes you' which prompts iwa to Actually Talk About it
and then they kiss NOT DRUNK and live happily ever after :) :) :) and theyre like, 35 all their friends are married already theyre STUPID but i love them :,) they adopt twin daughters etc etc
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tezzbot · 3 years
applejack headcanons in a sort of timeline i have in my head based on the flashbacks/statements in the show lol this is gonna get long i apologise
aj is born in the sweet apple acres barn to bright mac and pear butter :D
we get the apple family reunion episode flashback where she is lichrally baby asking for apple fritters 🥺
she grows up a bit, just by family gene pool luck shes a strong little fucker and as she grows her family realises she's not just physically strong but strong willed too, it becomes a running joke that shes secretly part mule with how stubborn she can be :P
bright mac had a dog from when he was younger that he loved with all his heart, big mac loved him too but applejack thought was a grumpy old lump of a beast she just Did Not Like This Animal you know how kids can be lmaooo
applejack and big mac dont really leave the farm all that much, theyre homeschooled by their parents and granny smith so, generally they dont have that many friends their age in their childhood, they say hi and play a bit with fillies and colts they pass while helping out with deliveries, aj and rarity possibly have a few interactions through this but nothing really sticks at this point, they know each others names and thats probably it, the apple siblings are a big hit with usual customer and ponies who sell them things in the market
pear butter teaches aj how to play the guitar and she practices until her hooves hurt, her ma is very proud of her, they like to play duets when they have some alone time :] then, deciding to branch out from that applejack also picks up other instruments like the banjo and the fiddle, they find out she has quite a knack for music! (applejack is only slightly disappointed she doesnt get her cutie mark from it, but unlike applebloom would be in the future, she doesnt mind all that much, after all granny smith always said it'd come with time 😌)
not long after little applebloom is born we get the great seedling episode flashback which is a turning point in applejack, a moment like finding out santa or the tooth fairy isnt real, she matures a little bit that day, gains more of the work ethic we see in her as an adult
around this time is when bright mac and pear butter die :( i dont have a concrete headcanon on How they die but the dangerous trade routes the apples have to take to make deliveries may have had something to do with it, or maybe they were trying to protect the farm from something coming from the everfree forest, im not sure
the rest of the apple family make their way to sweet apple acres to give their condolences and help out in any way they can around the farm while our apples grieve :( its sad but it brings aj and big mac closer than they'd ever been
after shes recovered a little from that, i think aj kind of loses herself, i mean how can you not after losing both parents :(( so she decides to leave the farm in the hopes she'll be able to find herself again in manehattan, this is the cutie mark chronicles flashback and where she realises she belongs in ponyville, Runs home and gets her cutiemark
after a little bit, to help her become a little bit more social with foals her age, applejack goes to camp friendship where she meets little coloratura and the two Immediately click, aj gives her new best friend the nickname rara and they're practically inseparable the whole summer, their friendship starts to grow into something more but rara is heading back to manehatten after camp and applejack belongs back in ponyville, so they decide to give a lonb distance relationship a try, they manage to exchange letters back and forth for a long time, ultimately deciding a long distance relationship wasnt gonna work so they mutually decide to break up but still stay pen pals! after a while, the letters stop and they become just a memory in one anothers minds
sweet apple acres eventually returns to a business as usual state, with groups of relatives stopping by the farm now and again to give a helping hoof considering its now run by a late-middle aged lady, two children and a baby lol, applejack, while still doing a lot of tree bucking, is starting to take on a more maternal figure role in applebloom's life as well as being her sister, her and big mac feels more responsible and protective of the foal since she would be growing up with no ma and pa, they sort of took on those roles, applejack more intensely i guess i just see her as having strong maternal instincts embedded in her or something lol, but she for sure isnt "single mom"ing it, with granny smith and other relatives ready to take the little bugger when aj needs to get stuff done :P it takes a village and all that lmao
since at this time aj and big mac are starting to go into town more often and are free to do as they please as long as their chores get done, they start actually interacting more with teens their age in ponyville! applejack starts hanging out with fillies like rarity who she had known in passing but now could finally get to know and the cake's new apprentice and ponyvilles youngest party planner, pinkie pie
after starting to hit some awkward growth spurts as she reaches her teens lol, she starts taking an interest in the business side of the farmwork too, dealings with customers, looking into trade routes stuff like that, this is when the where the apple lies flashback takes place i fuckin love that episode please watch it, and this starts applejack's lifelong promise to never lie ever again which she keeps bc shes a legend as fuck <3
one day aj notices cloudsdale passing through probably to start preparing ponyville for the next season, and she hears a Thud coming from a row or two over from where she's working, she goes over to investigate to find a pegasus filly shaking off what aj can only assume was a crash, she asks if shes alright, n the filly is like of course i am im so tough toughest around actually thanks<3 and aj is internally like hm. this kids kinda annoying. they introduce themselves and applejack finds out rainbow dash is looking for her friend fluttershy, she likes to come down from cloudsdale to play with animals or something, but applejack hasnt seen any yellow pegasi fillies around so the little blue filly says thanks anyway and zips off at what aj can only describe as probably the speed of light, she somehow has a strange feeling this isnt gonna be the last she sees of this kid
she turns out to be right when shes invited to a happy visit to ponyville from cloudsdale party thrown for rainbow and fluttershy, apparently rainbow had bumped into pinkie while asking around ponyville for any idea where fluttershy and of course pinkie Had to make an event out of it once she had helped rainbow find her friend, the party was of course a lot of fun rainbow and aj somehow managed to turn every party game into a competition and despite their first impressions of one another they actually got along really well and gained a good amount of respect for each other, aj eventually found fluttershy sort of hiding away from most of the party and fluttershy actually opened up a little after talking with aj bc of how calming her presence was for her
over the next few years the five got to know each other quite well, anytime cloudsdale passed by rainbow and fluttershy would drop into ponyville to hang out or just say hi, and once they were old enough they moved into their ponyville houses and the five of them became just a regular friend group youd see hanging out on the streets of ponyville, fluttershy helps aj pick out a border collie puppy for help with wrangling critters on the farm (applebloom was getting too old to be sent off to mindlessly run after little animals all the time and she had started going to school so she wasnt around as much lmaoo) and just as a companion for applejack, she names her Winona :]
and then after those few years Twilight shows up! you know the rest from there :P
if i missed anything uhhh whoops<3 lol
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la-la-lavandee · 2 years
sadly for my own safety (and the fact that i dont support the station system anymore for non-drama related reasons i discovered on my own) i have to be on anon about this, but hi! im a third party for the drama and im rather neutral on the matter, but i was a friend of the system for a long time, so i can generally vouch for it (though again i did break off for more minor, unrelated issues). take me with a grain of salt and make up your own conclusions, but from my experience a lot of the callout blogs and those against the system ARE genuinely harassing it, purposefully misgendering it (and have been for years now), etc. this drama has been ongoing for years and i fear that a lot of the vitriol is just a ploy to stir up as much drama as possible, even though this whole matter should really be settled by now...
a lot of, if not most, of the evidence theyll show is outdated, cropped (like you mentioned previously), and/or taken out of context. a lot of these things the station system has apologized for. perhaps not in the way those who run the callout blogs wish it did, but it still did apologize and i believe it should count for something.
these people have even harassed me, a third party, about this. this is another reason i cant come forward publicly off anon, because both sides will have a bone to pick with me. i do heavily lean in the system's favor, but i believe this drama to be old, ridiculous, and it should really be settled. both sides should really just move on with their lives... i know the system wants to.
im not sure what to say to convince you to remain in the middle on this, as its been some time and i rather keep my distance from both sides myself and not involve myself in a drama that i have no place in. i dont want to be dragged into this, and i know for a fact that the callout blogs who harass the station system want to and are trying to drag unrelated parties into the mix, likely for no other reason than to create more hatred. their tactics raise a lot of red flags, and it seems they havent changed much by what ive read on your blog.
neither side is good. ive seen evidence on both ends to prove this. this drama was born of really early callout culture and it hasnt moved on from it. its best to leave it be.
sorry if this was unprompted, i just dont want anyone to have to go through what i did with this drama. its not fair for those of us who are third parties of this to be forced into it.
I'm gonna be real, this ceased to be "drama" in my mind when allegations of assault were brought into the mix. One side is providing extremely limited and cropped evidence, the other is providing none at all, allegedly the authorities are involved.
I don't have a solid timeline because people keep deleting their blogs or not sending me any evidence or just sending me advice and I have to confess, I'm not a person who's really worth winning over. I'm terrible at sticking to my guns.
It's my belief that as far as I know I don't think anybody here should be on social media. I just want to make sure I'm not making a severe mistake or missing something vital.
I have little to no stake in this argument I'm just extremely confused and worried.
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nothorses · 3 years
heyo! hope it's fine if i come asking for some advice on something?
im planning on getting my name changed around late spring early summer of this year. but thats not what im worried about. see i have this sister and she has...not taken my trans identity super well. its been about a year or sometime around that since she found out via my tumblr. and ever since then shes been not...the greatest about handling it. she still deadnames me. supposedly she uses the right pronouns for me but only behind my back? and again - supposedly does it.
but to make a long story short, she hasnt really shown me or anyone else any signs in changing this behavior anytime soon. itll be 'bout a year since she finally asked for my pronouns by the time i get my name changed (about late may or early june but nothings certain yet) and shes told me that she doesnt think she'll be able to use my pronouns or name for another few years. but im getting my name changed this year? plus ive been told i can correct her but not too much or else she might start avoiding me which...isnt good for personal reasons.
tl;dr my sister has essentially said that she wont use my proper name or pronouns for a "few years" but im getting my name changed this year. any advice on how to handle the continuous deadnaming despite my legal name no longer being that? anecdotal or otherwise? its something thats been pecking at my brain for a while now. thanks in advance if/when you do answer this (no pressure though :])!
Oh hey, congrats on the name change!! I just had mine legally changed last week, it's such a good feeling- I'm so excited for you!
(though I will say, if I can offer one piece of logistical advice: start booking DMV appointments and stuff to get everything changed over as soon as you know your court date; most things won't acknowledge your name change until you have your updated ID/license to show them.)
As far as managing family stuff goes- it sounds like your sister is trying to avoid trying, and like. That sucks, and unfortunately there also isn't much you can do to force someone to make that kind of effort, either. You sort of have to decide how much it matters to you, how much you can tolerate it, and what sort of effort you're willing to make on your end to either put up with her, get some distance, or try to push her on it.
I think the best advice I can give is to think about what's important to you here. What are your priorities? Why? What do you need from her, and what do you want from her? What can you tolerate? What's worth the effort, and what's not? What hurts more? What can you do to lessen it? - That kind of thing.
If you decide to talk to her about it, I'd maybe try framing it as a care and effort thing: it's not about getting it right, it's about trying to get it right. Maybe a timeline isn't important- what you need to know, and more importantly to see, is that she cares enough to make an honest effort. Maybe seeing that's enough for the mistakes not to hurt so much.
I've found that even with the people who really aren't trying, that tends to motivate them a lot more- but a lot of people in my life are very guilt-driven, so maybe that's got something to do with it. lmao.
Either way, I really wish you the best!! I'm sorry she's being so difficult about this, and I hope things turn around for you soon. 💙
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hatchetation · 3 years
Brace yourself pls cuz it's gonna be a long rant!
Tbh I actually don't mind the break-up scene but the writing was so.... I don't have nice words for it. Dont get me wrong, the execution was brilliant; Tori & Yas nailed it but the dialogue tho.... 🙃
I was talking to another tumblr buddy and we agreed that it was out of character for Kate to "let things fizzle out" because mind you this is the same woman who had no qualms telling Lucy they couldn't "be doing it again". I think what she did to Cara was essentially ghosting. She didn't want to have that difficult conversation so she ghosted her and then dragged it for months until Cara literally showed up at her apartment. Im going to digress here a bit and say CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW CARA MIGHT HAVE FELT NOT KNOWING WHERE THEY STAND FOR MONTHS??? HOW THESE WOMEN NAVIGATE RELATIONSHIPS IS A QUESTION THAT I DON'T EVEN WANT THE ANSWERS TO!
Then our precious Kate said smth like if she told Lucy about Cara, Lucy would end it. EXCUSE ME!! FUCKING EXCUSE ME!! (OKAY YOU CAN TELL THAT I AM FURIOUS) You know when she said that, it could mean that she actually considered telling Lucy because she knew deep down it wasn't officially over with Cara because she hasnt put it in words. Like yes it's over in your head but until you tell the other person, IT IS NOT!!! You're aware you have not ended it officially with Cara but instead of dealing with it properly, you chose to let it fizzle out?? Help me understand here pls! I'm mad at the writing!
Also it might feel like I'm shouting at you, I'm not. Hahaha.
Haha don't worry, I didn't take your capitalizations as shouting at me lol. I think your outrage is totally fair!! That last scene was chaotic and for me completely unexpected--I'm def STILL processing (and maybe will be processing for a while lol).
I totally agree that Kate is such an IDIOT and like breaking up with someone sucks and is hard but you have to bite the bullet sometimes and just do the hard thing!! I will say there is some new fic on ao3 that provides a timeline for Cara coming over and stuff that makes sense to me and leaves me being like, Kate is still an idiot but I get how this could happen.
Anyway somewhat related I know that I have posted a bunch of things about leaning into the angst, but I also just want to say that your anger (and the anger of many people in my inbox lol) is so valid! Especially for queer women, we've been burned so many times by tv shows (either by queerbaiting or someone being killed off or what have you) that it's hard not to feel a sense of betrayal when something like this happens. I will say it's so early on and I have overall thought the writing for #kacy is really good so at this point I'm just curious to see where this goes!!!
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