#signed a therapist
alsklingwille · 4 months
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i wonder if this scene has something to do with wille’s grief. wille appears to have all of his walls up and seems really angry or shut down in this scene. it could be directed at simon, but i think it’s likely and in character for him to be going through something deeper internally and unable to express that others yet. maybe it’s some kind of pressure building that he’s disappointing erik if he’s considering abdication? and maybe simon said something that hit a nerve and that’s why simon feels helpless - cause now wille’s shut him out. we’ve seen this behavior before in wille quite literally shutting his mom out of erik’s room to have a moment of missing his big brother, so it’s safe to say that’s a defense mechanism when he feels like someone doesn’t understand. and he seems to be having other moments in s3 where he’s also extremely frustrated and dysregulated, so could be a bunch of things boiling up at once.
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nerdpoe · 9 months
Danny got caught by the GIW, tortured, and managed to escape.
Unfortunately, he didn't escape without damage.
And he can't tell his parents or they'll get suspicious.
But the damage is....obvious. He always hurts, now. He can't feel his right pinky or move it. Walking for long stretches of time is impossible, and his legs physically won't hold him up if he tries. But he can't use a wheelchair, or his parents will find out. So he resorts to floating and pretending to walk. He can't bend over as much; his core muscles are too damaged to allow it. So he phases through himself to pretend he is, or lies and leaves before someone asks him to.
He definitely can't fight.
The other ghosts know this, and ease off so that he can recover. It's a respect thing; going after another ghost when they're weak and incapable of fighting is shameful.
So he and Jazz do some research, and make a list of the medical equipment he needs to start recovering. Jazz tries to teach herself how to be a physical therapist on top of everything else in her life; college, her job so she doesn't rely on their parents, etc.
But that medical equipment is so frickin expensive.
So Danny plans for being out of commission for a week or so, visits Jazz in Gotham indefinitely, and decides to rob one of the largest suppliers of medical equipment.
Drake Industries.
His first few heists go off pretty well, but then on the final one, he finds himself face to face with Red Robin.
A noise from behind him alerts him to Nightwing.
And, again; Danny cannot fight.
He's already shaky, using his powers so much. The pain that's always there has flared to levels he can't ignore, and he knows he needs to leave immediately.
He also can't afford to be chased.
"Please. I just want to get better, and it's too expensive otherwise."
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froggymagician · 2 months
I would just like to say a little love letter to qsmpblr
You guys have been the most realist people through this whole situation and I couldn't be grateful to be in a community where we're not jumping to out of pocket conclusions or fighting with each other 24/7 and we in a place where handing out valid criticism and responding reasonably isn't an invitation to get jumped on. We have been through the fucking ringer these past 4 month and we fucking need a hug or something since it's been one swing to the head after. For that I say we need to thank fucking god that we arent just a clone of qsmptwt because unlike them we actually are sane in our way, we may be odd as a community but are strong as a god damn army, and best thing is that we actually love and appreciate each other.
Thank you
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any camelopardalis fans in chat
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irrealisms · 1 year
tagged by @arisingonmorningsinnocent
Rules: shuffle your On Repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
It's All Futile! It's All Pointless! by Lovejoy
In the Shadow of the Western Hills by the Mountain Goats
Nobody by the Crane Wives
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Never Quite Free by the Mountain Goats
A Burning Hill by Mitski
Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod by the Mountain Goats
Be Calm by Fun.
Autoclave by the Mountain Goats
His Theme by Toby Fox
tagging @spiritunwilling @circuit77 @risingape @existentialterror @scientificalstories @erstwhilesparrow @adhdo5 @roundearthsociety @lepertamar @wolffyluna and anyone who sees this and wants to-- feel free to say i tagged you ^_^ and on the flip side if you were tagged and don't want to do it feel free to not!
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laniidae-passerine · 8 months
what I love about the Ushers is, yes, some of them didn’t deserve it. Leo was just any drug addicted asshole who treats the people around him like shit but he clearly cared about his family even when they hated him and he grew up around drugs and addiction. Tammy was emotionally and verbally cruel to Bill and coerced him into a life he didn’t want but she did love him no matter how hard she tried to hide it and she wanted to be a better person. Lenore was just a girl who hoped for a kinder world for her mother and herself, who did nothing wrong but trust in her grandfather. That’s the point. Some of the children are horrible and violent and unkind and some of them are just people, messy, disturbed people. They deserved a chance just like anyone else. But they don’t get one. When somebody gambles your life before it begins, before you’re even conceived, you lose. When we let the rich and the powerful play God and do awful things, the poison seeps all the way down. Even to the good ones. Even to ones who could have been good. Nobody ever wins.
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saltygilmores · 8 months
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Just me and the Tumblr girlies psychoanalyzing Jess Mariano
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clockwork-stars · 4 months
"Which level of insanity have you reached ?"
I just opened Canva and made a divorce certificate for Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr...
I believe that @fancychaostraveller cherik propaganda is working a little too well. I am now stuck in a brainrot.
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Look at that thing, it's magnificent. Also yeah, Erik signed nothing, @fancychaostraveller said it better than me :
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softichill · 10 months
The Sounds of Nightmares unofficial transcript
Chapter 3 - The Theater of the Mind
(Once again made with @queen0fm0nsterz!!!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
[Otto sighs, shifting]
OTTO: Noone vanished last night. 
[Another sigh]
OTTO: As she slept, I was monitoring her ultradian sleep cycle. There was no REM/NREM oscillation; instead, involuntary spasms grew progressively worse. [shift] As I was about to wake Noone, her… body… evanesced. For a split instant- then returned, calm as can be. 
OTTO: [deep breath, loud exhale] Lacking sleep, I can’t be sure I wasn’t hallucinating. Yet the image of her sheets deflating… is imprinted upon my mind. [Sigh] After yesterday’s session, no less, when she claimed to hear this:
[Click, tape plays]
Recording of NOONE: “The faraway drifts near. Tread long, then, sink deep. Two flows from one, and here, is whole again.”
[Click, tape stops]
OTTO: A coincidence? [light clinking of ceramic/glass] Or, synchronicity? …(Scoff) Is that that bloody moth again?! 
[Loud smack, Otto sits back down] 
OTTO: Riddle piles upon riddle, and answers continue to elude. [Tape rewinding] I’ll sift through every word if I must. 
[Intro plays]
[Loud clicking and clacking, electric humming, Otto screwing something in]
OTTO: [Humming drops, returns] It’s clear. Noone’s symptoms go beyond parasomnias. [Continuing to build] Her retellings are too detailed, vocabulary too advanced, as if derived from the oneiric itself. 
[Humming raises in pitch, clicking] 
OTTO: However, what I find impossible to believe is that Noone’s seen who you saw, Cici. [Chair creaks, clattering] If two people, without any contact, shared the exact same observation, is it proof of transpersonal dreaming?
[Otto’s building continues]
OTTO: But such implies concurrence! And these dreams are years apart! Then… no. [buzzing picks up] I cannot be taken to metaphysical backwaters. Sounding like my old professor. [building] I’ve remained balanced over the years by clinging to the notion that my recollection of what happened years ago was wrong. [click, humming gets loud again] But now, those memories are coming home to roost. 
[Clicks, electronic humming, building stops]
OTTO: [Shift] Before I began at the CPI I promised to finish this apparatus. I let it fall away, convinced that attempting it was fool’s work. Now struggling to put myself in her shoes, well. Fool me twice. 
[Humming gets louder, buzzes out completely as it shocks Otto and he lets out an “Oh!”]
[A small pained noise from Otto before he starts to put the apparatus away]
[Door opens]
OTTO: (Gasp) Noone! [Scoff, he walks away from the recorder] You’re meant to wait outside. 
NOONE: (Far away) What are you working on?-
[Audio cuts]
[Click, blank noise]
[Audio starts again]
OTTO: We’ve come to know each other better over the past weeks, haven’t we?
NOONE: Because we’re friends! That’s why. And, friends tell each other things. 
OTTO: Friends. That’s right. One of the absolutes I’ve come to realize is that, the more time you spend with someone, the harder it becomes to hide who you really are. The only exception to this rule is with the company of oneself- we willfully hide what we’d rather not face. Like, the Candleman you mentioned seeing, under hypnosis. 
NOONE: I don’t like that. 
OTTO: What?
NOONE: Hiding things from myself. 
OTTO: Nobody likes it. That’s why it’s important to reveal your inner face. “Depth analysis”, we call it. And so, I’d like you to think of this session as a dialogue with your unconscious mind- you are asking the questions, not me. 
NOONE: …Asking myself questions?
OTTO: I’ll help! But, as you go, I’d like you to try. So! This… Candleman. Did you see him again?
NOONE: I-I did. 
OTTO: And what was this meeting like?
NOONE: …He was much clearer. Not just him, everything about it. My nightmare. 
OTTO: Elaborate, please. Was it worse? More vivid?
NOONE: What’s it like- Uhm… as if I’m watching a film, that I’m also the star of. And when I woke… it was here, in the Coppy, that felt more like the dream. 
OTTO: Hm, more palpable. The Candleman-
NOONE: I can’t talk about him without the rest. …If this is an interview with myself, might I begin where I want?
OTTO: Of course! Let your imagination run. But don’t be afraid to interact with the dream. This is an important step in our process- the dialogue. Bring together the divided parts of yourself. 
NOONE: …The mirror. 
OTTO: Pardon?
NOONE: The one off your shelf. If I’m meant to speak to myself, well…
OTTO: [Pause] …Patients aren’t meant to have mirrors, but, here you are, my bright girl. 
[Otto gives her the mirror]
OTTO: Begin as you please. 
NOONE, Narrating: …In the dark… a hand let go of mine. 
[Slip noise, Dream!Noone gasps. Dream ambience begins.] 
NOONE: Opening my eyes, I lay on hot concrete, staring up at a sky with- no sun. And… before me was, endless grey, broken by- yellow lines of paint, all the way to the horizon!
NOONE: Standing, in that carpark, I heard a silence. So silent, my own heartbeat was a marching drum in comparison. …It was followed by… a loneliness, so lonely, I could hardly bear it. I had to turn away. 
[Dream!Noone walking on gravel]
NOONE: Behind me, I was glad to see a building! A shopping mall, so large I- I felt half my normal size. Its doors opened, [sliding gravel] and I ran to them. 
[running footsteps, transition from gravel to tile. Doors close behind Dream!Noone.]
NOONE: Inside the promenade, [lights click on] the lights flicked on, one by one, greeting me as the PA speakers came alive with music. 
[Tinny, slightly off-sounding mall music]
NOONE: It had been ages since I’d visited a shopping center. I didn’t know where to start!
OTTO: You saw no need to find an exit right away?
NOONE: I felt like I was in good hands. But many shops were closed, though. There were no doors, and… no displays in the windows. Or, there must have been a private entrance, because- I could see shadows beyond the glass. 
NOONE: …A-after passing by several shops this way, I grew disappointed, but that’s when… a cowboy’s voice came over the speaker. 
COWBOY, slightly overlapped with Noone: “Sale at Jujube’s Toys! Dolls, games, puzzles, and more! Ground floor by the fountain!”
NOONE: I could see that fountain in front of me! And on the other side, was… a bright green storefront, with bubbles floating out the entrance. 
[Dream!Noone walking over, doors hiss as they open. Different tinny music.]
NOONE: Shelves and- shelves of wonders lined the shop! The toys on the first shelf were very old, but… deeper shelves held the same toys I had back home, and deeper ones held exactly those I’d wish for, even Little Lotty Potty! But… these Lotties had black eyes, not blue. And their skin was… yellow, like autumn leaves. 
NOONE: The shop owner wasn’t present, so… I grabbed one and began playing on the carpet. 
[Dream!Noone humming Six’s Theme. Doll makes automated noises.]
NOONE: But, it didn’t take long for me to grow… bored. That was the first time I… I felt too old for dolls. 
OTTO: (distant-sounding) Maturity is natural as you approach adolescence. The brain loses interest in things once held dear. 
NOONE: The idea of growing up made me sad. And as if reacting… Lotty’s dress became wet. The doll was doing as its name said, but… [doll chattering] the liquid was- dark and thick. I put her down to find something else. But the choices were almost too many! Towering shelves extending deep in- the gloom of the impossibly long shop!
NOONE: I settled on the games section, but, most were meant for two. Suddenly, a staticky whisper said,
Voice, overlapping with NOONE: “I’ll play with you.”
NOONE: I-I thought it was the shopkeeper, but… nobody was around. My eyes fell upon a jewelry-making kit, with a red necklace on the cover. I took the box back to where I left Lotty, only… she was gone. The shelf above, where the other dolls had been, was completely empty too. I wanted to make the jewelry, I really did, but… I felt weird, so… I put it down. Then, the PA crackled, a woman’s voice this time:
Voice, ov. NOONE: “Jujube’s Toys is now closing.”
NOONE: [Lights clicking off] The lights shut off, bubbles stopped… and, the last thing I saw before exiting… [toy train noises] was the train set crashing to a stop. [quiet fake bell ringing, toy engine stops] 
[Dream!Noone walking out of the store]
NOONE: The promenade was empty, still. Each step [steps become echoey] echoed across the walls and floors, which were- pearl white, and had patterns like… veins. 
[steps and music continues]
NOONE: I came to three sets of stairs, side-by-side, leading to the next floor. I chose one, and, reaching to the top, I saw another open shop. Mademoiselle’s… (saying it wrong) bijottery. 
OTTO: (still distant) Bijouterie. But, regardless- you could read this?
NOONE: Yes. The letters were quite big. 
OTTO: …Have you been able to read in your dreams before?
NOONE: I’m not sure. That’s not a question I would ask myself, though, Otto. 
OTTO: Apologies. 
NOONE, Narrating: The glass case in the center of the room… pulled me in. Full of… gold, and silver necklaces. Hanging in the middle, was… an enchanting red pendant. And before you ask, yes, it was just like on the box at the toy store. T-The PA came on again,
Voice, ov. with NOONE: “A free gift to all little girls 10 and under!”
NOONE: Without asking, I put the necklace on, glowing, like a ruby teardrop. With my gift, I set to leave, but… someone must’ve left the speaker on because… I heard arguing. 
NOONE: (overlapping) “Don’t overdo it!” Said a first voice, followed by a second, (overlapping) “One more prize can’t hurt!”
[something being set down, wheels across tile, whoosh]
NOONE: From the back room, a rack of dresses rolled out. All, exactly my size.
[Dream!Noone looking through the dresses]
NOONE: It’d been ages since I’d been allowed to pick out my own dress. The telly people chose them for me. These ones were very pretty, with lace and, and bows and stitching but, one… it… it was the plaid dress I wore the day I arrived at the Coppy. How could my dress be here? [lowering pitch of voice, asking questions to herself] Your real life doesn’t have to mix into your dreams Noone, why now? 
OTTO, interrupting narration: (astonished) Pardon?
NOONE: (giggling) I’m asking myself questions. Well, the only explanation is that they could see inside my head.
OTTO: I’m not sure that’s logical.
NOONE: Let me finish! Please. You’ll see.
NOONE, narrating: Back out on the promenade, the shop gates began to slam shut. [Gates slamming] I was worried the mall was closing, but on the floor above, a set of spinning bright lights came on [Lights turn on]. The music stopped and, the PA crackled with a sing-songy voice, 
Voice, ov. with NOONE: [music] “Showtime’s patrons! Our daily motion picture will begin shortly. Hot popcorn’s popping and the seats await in the playhouse!” 
NOONE: [Lights shutting off] The rest of the mall went dark, making the lights more enticing to follow. 
[Dream!Noone walks across the mall]
NOONE: The lobby was- red from floor to ceiling. Buckets of popcorn overflowed on the concession stand. I grabbed one, and hurried to push open the huge golden doors leading into the theater.  
[Running steps, doors creak. Slightly off organ music plays.] 
NOONE: The velvet seats went for rows and rows, full of people. A spotlight hit the stage, illuminating an organ, but… there was no organ player. Only tall curtains swaying in some breeze. I tiptoed down the aisle, and sat centered with the screen. The chair seemed to hug me, and the room fell dark [crunching] as the first buttery bit hit my tongue. 
[Music stops playing, sounds of projector booting up]
NOONE: Without adverts or introduction, the film began. Images of… trees on fire and… white hooves galloping. I recognized the picture instantly because I’ve seen it a hundred times. “The Healing Horn”. [Movie plays] Only the scenes were out of order, and the unicorn… her horn was misshapen, like… a rotten tree branch. The evil prince’s face, too, was… was wrong. 
NOONE: Feeling out of place I – I looked around. The audience, I… I realized, was not people but… mannequins. 
NOONE: All of a sudden, a familiar scent entered the dream. Ocean. I was no longer alone. The dusty projector light made it difficult to suss, but a few seats over… was the Candleman. His eyes and mouth were… deep black pits inside a mess like a wet gunny sack, sagging down the floor. Without turning, he spoke. 
[Growing noise stops]
OTTO, interrupting abruptly: He – what?! [Shifting] What did he say? 
NOONE: [Sighing] It was like a – a voice underwater. The words could hardly escape the folds of skin. He repeated them to me. 
NOONE as the FERRYMAN, glitching: “The faraway drifts near. Tread long, then sink deep. Two flows from one, and here, is whole again.”
OTTO: And then? [shifting in the chair] What else? 
NOONE, as the FERRYMAN: “Here. Here. Here.”
NOONE: He just repeated over and over.
OTTO: There must be more! Try, try! Interact with the dream!
NOONE: There was no more!
OTTO: (raising his voice) Ask who he is, ask what he wants!
NOONE: (raising her voice) It doesn’t work that way!
OTTO: You were right there! Don’t tell me you did nothing?! Not a damn thing!
NOONE: Stop!
OTTO: [farther away] I’m beginning to doubt you’ve seen this Candleman! [Noone struggling] Perhaps you’ve invented the whole story! 
NOONE: Please, stop- my head!
[Otto hisses (gets hit?), sounds of something being knocked over, Noone runs out of the room.] 
[Otto huffs and stops the tape]
[Click. Blank noise. Another click]
[Various shifting noises. Silence. Door opens and someone walks, then closes it]
OTTO: [far away, stern] What are you doing? With the mirror. [Steps] You’re up to something, but we’ll let it slide. I know girls like you. 
OTTO: You’re upset with me, aren’t you? [plastic clacking] Here. A pill for your headache. (Sigh) Earlier, that was… awfully…[Otto sits] that- that was not how friends act. Sleep has evaded me too. I’ve grown worried, trying to… please, forgive me. I’d very much like to hear the rest. I won’t interrupt, you have my word. 
NOONE: … Fine. 
OTTO: So… you were in this theater with him. 
NOONE, narrating: … All kinds of pictured* flashed on the screen, and then he was gone, leaving me alone again. Or so I thought. The projector flickered in the booth. I dashed up, and found the door ajar. A new voice came over the PA, angry. “No patrons in the projection room!” The door was stuck, but I pushed and pushed. The PA boomed, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “You must not enter!”
[Crashing, door opens]
NOONE: The projector I saw first was shaped like… a deformed eye. Then, my attention fell to… the mass on the floor. [Slimy sound] A brain? A heart? …No. It’s muscles pumped and pumped, and its tubes ran into the walls. The voice came, both from inside the room and over the PA: 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Happy day, No One.”
NOONE: It… it knew my real nickname. The ones kids at school scribbled all over my books. How? Because it was in my head. …I asked, “You’re the one who’s been talking? All those voices?”. Then, I saw countless film cans around the room, and understood. It was so alone, it took to imitating. Then it said, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Are you going to leave? Like all the others?”
NOONE: I managed a… “Yes”. The thing began pulsing and, upset, it sort of cried out. 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “So many, they take what they want and go, or get snatched away or worse!” 
NOONE: It paused, then went on, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Whatever you desire, it’s yours.”
NOONE: … But I didn’t want anything from it. The PA belted, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “The pendant! You wanted that!”
NOONE: The pulsing worsened until another voice came within the first,
VOICE 2, ov. with NOONE: “You’ve driven another away!” [Not overlapping, repeating: “You’ve driven another away!]
NOONE: I felt bad for it. Or them… this place had been warped by pain, and wanted so badly to keep me. Even the walls began throbbing. What could I do?!
[Noise intensifies, Dream!Noone breathes heavily] 
NOONE: I – I ran. Down the stairs, out of the theater. 
[Dream!Noone runs away]
NOONE: On the promenade, the lights were flashing so as to be dizzying. The PA screeched, 
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Everyone needs someone! Don’t leave me alone!”
NOONE: The walls began to cry that dark thick liquid, pooling around me, I looked up. From the floor above, the Candleman stared, pointing at my chest. At the pendant. I flung it down into the liquid, then he reached a hand toward me and – 
[All noise stops]
NOONE: And all faded, as the PA sobbed,
VOICE, ov. with NOONE: “Don’t take her! Not this one, too…” 
[Narration stops. Silence. Shifting]
OTTO: T-There was um… uh, e-excuse me, a curious phrase. “Warped by pain”. Is that how you feel, sometimes? 
OTTO: Noone? Are you still angry with me? Or… distracted by the mirror? 
NOONE: Behind my ear…  there’s… a sore. 
OTTO: Is that why you wanted the mirror all along?
NOONE: [Hum] It’s like the ones I used to get. I need to see it. 
OTTO: Nothing’s there. It’s red because you’ve been picking at it. 
NOONE: …I have one more question for myself. Why do I have these dreams? Water sickness, that’s my answer. 
OTTO: Noone. It’s wiped out of your system. There have been no known reinfections. It’s in your mind. 
NOONE: (with increasing distress) What if the cure is the cause? I never had nightmares or headaches before all of this, before going on telly, before – before this! –
OTTO, interrupting: (whispering) No, no, come, come, come, come here, my girl. [Shifting, Otto hugs Noone] You’re not sick. You’re perfectly fine. You’re a perfectly wonderful little girl. This time I will protect you. 
[The mirror falls on the ground and breaks]
NOONE: I’m sorry! I’m sorry, uh, you were squeezing so tight and… it slipped. 
[The mirror shards are picked up. Otto throws them away] 
OTTO: You asked why you dream. The truth? Nobody knows. My studies always assumed they were more than the brain’s way of filtering unconscious thoughts. But I had no answer either. An old professor of mine thought he did. He believed dreams come from an ever shifting plane, a quiddity of consciousness. 
NOONE: Quidd-i-ty…
OTTO: Quiddity. The essence of a thing. In this case, a semiatangible plane outside the mind. 
NOONE: Is it the same as mutual dreams? I don’t understand.
OTTO: My colleagues didn’t either. I’ve flip-flopped over the years, but I figured it was impossible to prove.
NOONE: Will I ever get rid of them, then? Will I ever leave the Coppy?
OTTO: You must understand, you are a unique case. I want to let you go, as soon as – 
NOONE, interrupting: I’m better?
OTTO: (sighing) Yes. As soon as you’re better. [Otto stands, picks something up] Now – 
NOONE: I know, I know. (Lower pitch, mimicking Otto) “Sweets for my sweet”. …Do I have to go back to my room?
[Sounds of plates] 
OTTO: I’ve- got to tidy, [wrappers] and, you reminded me there’s something I need to find. On you go. I’ll come by later. 
[Shift, audio cuts]
[Audio starts]
[Otto looks through papers, and sighs] 
OTTO: Ah, I found it. The paper that stained my professor’s career. Kept it all these years, hoping and dreading there was truth in these words… 
OTTO, reading: “We know now that there is no center to the universe. Previously we thought it was the Sun, before that we thought it was the Earth. Our species always insists that ours is the quintessence of experience. Yet scientific observation proves our folly ad nauseum. If geocentrism took centuries to disprove, the question is not if but when the same will happen to reality itself. That which we are equipped to perceive may not be the only world. Let alone the predominant one.” 
[Outro plays]
*This is what she actually says. I have no idea why.
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aj-lenoire · 1 year
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starfruityyy · 2 months
homophobia (plot twist: theyre all gay)
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noritaro · 10 months
having a strange lack of impostor syndrome recently
what's up with that??
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goldkirk · 5 months
it’s so scary and so freeing to just be a person.
#the discovery and fulfillment of my curiosity as I go#trying to scientific observational field researcher my way through discovering#What Existence Includes#while I’m in this state to experience it#it’s like being back to my very youngest days before I started learning the major rules#when I was just sensation and experience and curiosity#making sense / making an ongoing story of the world and time itself as it flies past#personal#cult escapee#katie.txt#past me: thank you thank you thank you for holding on through the nightmare. thank you for riding out the huge world-ending pain. thank you#it was worth it it was worth it#of course it isn’t perfect but I SAID it’d be better within a few years didn’t I?#you signed up for this you made the commitment when you knew.#you tried allowing yourself to trust yourself again for the first time since age 7 or so.#you knew you couldn’t hold it all up front for that long if you were gonna survive transplanting yourself like an organ.#you knew you’d be giving up a lot. and you did it anyway because you were brave and you cared that much about how very very little you#deserved better for her world#and here you are. and here we are.#you told the therapist ‘of course not!!!’ so instantaneously and so full of belief. so dead sure on deep reflex that you could NEVER#trust yourself in a million years because even if the supernatural surveillance state wasn’t real and you didn’t have innate evilness#just from the Doctrine Is Saying So#where was I going with this. I’m typing tags on mobile and it’s religious for me but it’s also impossible as a ui#anyway my POINT WAS: it is so hard and so scary but it’s like walking into the world of Sesame Street for real.#you were right. it IS good to be alive. the whole thing all the way through is a bewildering baffling marvel. you’re ok to be delighted#about it and marvel at how wild it is that there’s so much about it all and so many things to see and think and meet and feel and do during#our spans of time#no matter what came before or what might come next#what a goddam marvel of it all. ain’t it just the strangest thing of all that we’re alive. what a marvel. what an absolutely magnificent hit#existence is an absolute absurdity
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renmarrr · 4 months
So now the newsletter gave me ideas… while I have some sketches to share… oh boy.
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wolveria · 8 months
Writing Update
There will be no updates for The Raven's Hymn for the month of November. I haven't decided if I'll do Nano this year (I've been doing it since 2015 and honestly I've been pulling Nano-speed writing for most of this year and I Am Tired), but I may use this month as a breather and maybe do some slower-paced writing for TRH.
So no worries, we will be back on track in December 👍
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vvictuss · 7 months
so im totally pro therapy but we should really talk about therapist abuse outside of inappropriate relationships/direct SA because the other stuff will supremely fuck you up too man. like this guy came into my life when i was a severely psychotic and vulnerable teen with a genuinely impaired grasp on reality and 4-5 years later he’s handing me a loaded handgun at a park. if i had known what to look out for, maybe it wouldn’t have gone so far and led to the more common types of therapist malpractice. maybe i could’ve spent those years actually healing instead of getting pulled into codependent insanity with him
fuck u allen you fuckibg creep weirdo. go to mormon hell. i wish the heart attack had booked you
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