#someone she wanted to spend her life with
enchi-elm · 3 days
Inception is funny because the final heist is a wildly different experience for everyone involved.
Yusuf drives across town under gunfire and voluntarily drives off the edge of a bridge. He probably has a resting heart rate of 180 for the duration and it’s over in, say, 15 minutes.
Arthur finally gets to snap at his boss, something we get the sense he’s been wanting to do for a solid year now. He vents the rest of his frustrations on unsuspecting goons, then spends the rest of the heist quietly problem solving around his unconscious and therefore uncomplaining teammates. This is probably his preferred way of dealing with people.
Saito gets shot and dies an agonizing death for anywhere from a few minutes to about an hour. Instead of being allowed to peacefully suffer, he volunteers to lead his business rival on a mountain expedition that involves driving pitons into rock, then survives a free fall down the same mountain before holding off enemy fire with his dying breath. His reward for finally kicking the bucket is aging fifty fucking years.
Cobb literally goes through every stage of grief and dies twice. I mean he’s not my favourite but he’s certainly suffering for his art.
Ariadne is on the steepest learning curve of her life: by the end of this learning abroad experience, she’s a certified psychiatrist and also she’s shot someone.
Eames is going through every single one of his employable skills like an intern hoping to be promoted at the end of term. This includes hitting on two billionaires and firing a grenade launcher to impress a coworker. By far having the most fun.
Robert Fischer has been the CEO of a Fortune 500 company for a week. He’s been sedated, kidnapped, conned, betrayed, led mountain-climbing, shot, resuscitated, and resolves an adult life time worth of daddy issues in the time it takes to order coffee. Possibly fires his uncle when he lands for reasons he can’t explain even to himself.
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solemnarration · 18 hours
𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐘 𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐍? | chapter six
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: art donaldson x female!reader x patrick zweig 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you’ve always been content being second place to your best friend tashi duncan, waiting for the day you can quit tennis. your world is upended when you meet art and patrick, and you’re forced to embrace a life in the sport you’ve been too afraid to claim for yourself. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.2k 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): challengers content warnings, swearing, reader is mentioned to be wearing mascara at one point, use of y/n 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
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Art dropped to the ground, letting his racket clatter to the floor beside him, and groaned loudly. On the other side of the net, you grinned at your boyfriend’s dramatics and shouted, “Get off your ass, Donaldson! This is why Duke wiped the floor with you over the weekend!”
“Fuck off!” Art’s response was half-hearted and bookended by giggles. While the Duke men’s team destroyed the Stanford men’s team two days ago in Chicago, you and Tashi led the women’s team to victory at every tournament that season. “It’s not my fault you’re only serving aces! And then when I’m serving you chase me all around the court, it’s insane! What’s the point of practising with someone you can’t beat?” His complaints were only lighthearted, as he loved that you were good enough to beat him at tennis.
Tashi cackled at that, coming to stand beside you. She had been playing a practice match with a girl on the team for the last two hours and couldn’t keep it together after seeing you annihilate Art for forty minutes. “It means you need practice and Y/I doesn’t,” Tashi yelled across the court at your boyfriend.
“That hurts, Tashi,” Art called out. “What if I had self-esteem issues and you just ruined my love of the game?”
“Then I’d say you’re not good enough for my best friend,” Tashi retorted. 
Since you and Art started dating, Tashi enjoyed Art’s company more. Without the competition between him and Patrick for your attention, Art was easy to get along with and made you incredibly happy. Seeing her best friend so overjoyed was enough for Tashi to let Art stick around without any complaints.
“Truth hurts,” you chimed in, teasing Art. 
He scoffed, sitting up and pouting. “I’m feeling very vulnerable right now.” His blond curls were sticking to his forehead from the exertion of losing to you. “I only intended to come by to support my precious girlfriend, and then I got roped into a public flagellation. I need my precious girlfriend to comfort me. Immediately.”
“I’ll be over to wipe your tears in a second, Gollum,” you replied, playfully rolling your eyes. You grabbed your water bottle from the side of the court with Tashi. “Men, am I right?”
“They’re the worst.” Tashi nodded in agreement, grinning. “Your serve has gotten incredible, Y/I! I can hardly believe how consistently you’ve been hitting those aces since the season started. You’ve really taken your game to the next level.”
You chuckled, taking a sip of water. “Is this your I-told-you-so speech?” you wondered, knowing Tashi had insisted that you would fall back in love with tennis with the distance between you and your mother. 
Tashi smirked. “Why state the obvious when I can just enjoy my victory?” she questioned. 
You laughed, bumping her hip and approaching Art on the other side of the court. “Hey, are we still getting lunch after this?” you asked.
The three of you had made plans to catch up during lunch because your schedules had been crazy that quarter. Your classes were different, and between having a steady boyfriend and the tennis season starting, you didn’t see Tashi as often as you wanted to. Of course, you still studied together in the afternoons and hung out in each other’s dorms, but it never felt like you were seeing enough of your best friend. You simultaneously saw Tashi all the time and didn’t spend enough time with her.
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss my dinner party with the Donaldsons,” Tashi teased you, putting on a posh English accent to mock you as you rounded the tennis net with her.
She always joked that you and Art would be the perfect insufferable rich married couple one day, and you always shuddered at the idea. Even though it was a joke, it reminded you too much of your odious mother.
Art had gotten to his feet and was smirking as he packed your tennis bag for you. “Mrs Y/N Donaldson, huh?” he said, kissing your forehead. The corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled. You wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. “I like the sound of that.”
“Very funny, both of you,” you murmured into Art’s chest. He and Tashi barely made out the words, laughing when they saw how happily you nuzzled your face against his t-shirt. As Art wrapped his arms around you, you felt the warmth of his embrace seep into your skin, his familiar scent enveloping your senses and instantly calming you. “I’m so hungry, let’s hit the showers and get going.”
“Sure thing, angel. Demolishing your boyfriend in the sport he plans to make a living from must really work up an appetite,” Art replied proudly, pleased with your impressive abilities.
Tashi didn’t bother to cover up her snort when you nodded, resting your chin on Art’s chest to grin up at him. 
Being with Art was as easy as breathing. In the last four months, he’d become a truly vital part of your life. In the quiet moments between classes, Art walked beside you, his hand gently brushing yours as you strolled through the campus pathways. His presence was a steady anchor, grounding you amidst the chaos of assignments and exams. When you studied together, he let you work uninterrupted, and his unwavering support allowed you to dominate every academic and athletic challenge Stanford threw your way. 
Over the winter break, you went against your better judgement and brought Art home with you. While your mother expressed her distaste for a boyfriend who would distract you from tennis, she mostly held her tongue and barely spent time with you that winter. This allowed Art to get to know your father, whose warm approval of him reassured you of your relationship. Knowing your dad saw the same kindness and determination in Art that you did meant everything to you. He was more than a boyfriend; Art had become your confidant, your cheerleader, and the one who made every day brighter with his infectious laugh and genuine care.
It was so easy to fall in love with him. 
You were never one for romance and relationships because you never found a guy interesting enough to keep around, but this was different. Rather than a fling or hookup, Art was someone you couldn’t leave behind even if you wanted to. Your relationship with Art had the innocence and excitement of a teenage romance, and you had the security to navigate adult realities together. Both of you had so many responsibilities as scholarship students, and – in the absence of the wealth and privilege of your home – you had become mature and independent. 
“Alright, I think I’m going to throw up,” Tashi complained, finally breaking the heavy tension that crackled in the air between you and Art. “Let’s get ready for lunch.”
With your and his tennis bags hanging from his shoulder, he gently squeezed your hand, enjoying how your friendship bracelets adorned your wrists. His had Y/N ❤️ on it, while yours said ART ❤️ with an identical pattern. Tashi didn’t mind that Art was included in your tradition of making friendship bracelets, especially because she thought it spoke highly of him that he always made some for you. As long as Art remained utterly mesmerised by you, Tashi would let him do whatever he wanted to make you smile.
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“You should have seen Y/I play UCLA over the weekend, she was like a woman possessed,” Tashi narrated what Art missed while the men’s team was in Chicago. “The last girl she played was actually afraid of her. She was shaking like a leaf before the game started, it was amazing!” Tashi chortled happily.
You sat beside Tashi and across from Art – both of them wanting to be as close to you as possible – as the three of you dug into your lunch. Opposite you, Art reached over to squeeze your hand and beamed.
“That’s my terrifying girl,” he praised, chuckling when you rolled your eyes. “I wish I had been there, I hate that my away games are always scheduled during your home games. Luckily I’ll be there for the next few. Can’t wait to see you kick some ass next week,” Art added.
“I don’t know about kicking ass but I’ll do my best,” you said modestly. 
Art kissed your hand before letting you get back to your meal. “All right, so when are you going pro?” he asked, addressing Tashi across the table.
You paused, heart dropping at the mention of Tashi leaving Stanford to pursue a professional career. It was something you knew was inevitable, but you were enjoying your time in college and knew it wouldn’t be as special without your best friend.
Tashi paused, chewing her food. “Um, well, if we win the championship, then I’ll leave,” she replied. 
Art nodded. “So, May.” 
“I said, if we win,” she corrected him.
“Right. So, May,” Art maintained. He grinned, knowing Tashi had no need to be humble after the season she had played so far. She chuckled, pleased with the implied compliment. 
“You’ve been playing better than ever, T. We’re definitely going to win the championship,” you encouraged your best friend, not wanting the fact that you would miss her to hold you back from supporting her. “It’s like you can read your opponents’ minds these days, you’re unstoppable.”
Tashi felt herself grinning widely, unable to suppress her pure joy at hearing her best friend’s encouragement. “Thanks, Y/I. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you cheering me on. And beating all the girls in your own games, too,” she added happily.
“Turns out tennis is fun when the woman who gave birth to you isn’t trying to crush your spirit,” you replied, shrugging. “Who knew? Speaking of going pro, have you heard from Patrick recently?” As you changed the subject to Tashi’s casual but exclusive relationship, Art tensed across the table. His grip on his fork tightened as he heard his best friend’s name escape your lips.
“Yeah, he calls whenever he can. It’s like once a week,” Tashi recalled, eating her salad. She turned to Art, “Did Patrick tell you that he’s coming to the Pepperdine match?” 
You and Tashi stared at Art when he did nothing but glare at the table. “Hmm. Yeah, he told me,” he replied, smiling a little.
“That’s so exciting, less than two weeks, right?” you recalled, grinning at Tashi. “I bet you’re really happy to see him again.”
“Yeah, it’ll be good,” Tashi agreed nonchalantly.
The truth was that Tashi did like Patrick, but not nearly as much as Patrick liked you. The two of them were very aware of the dynamics in their relationship. They both served a purpose for each other, mostly sex and someone to talk tennis with whose feelings wouldn’t be hurt by their honesty, but neither of them saw each other as long-term partners. 
“We should all get dinner after the game to celebrate T’s victory,” you suggested excitedly, grabbing Art’s hand across the table. “It’ll be like a double date!” 
Art maintained his clipped tone. “Sure. If you want,” he said, picking at the vegetables in his salad. 
You and Tashi exchanged identical confused frowns. Even though he barely talked about Patrick these days, you were under the impression they were on good terms. It was odd then that Art would have such a terse reaction when discussing upcoming plans with Patrick. 
“Last I heard from him, he said he was in Missouri for the Joplin Challenger. How did that go?” you asked Tashi, trying to salvage what was left of the conversation.
That caught Art’s attention. With wide eyes, he said, “You’ve been talking to Patrick?” Instantly, a wave of panic and dread washed over him, his heart racing as if trying to escape his chest. 
You nodded. “Yeah, we’ve been talking since October. You knew that, you gave him my email.” 
“I know,” Art recalled. 
You raised an eyebrow, perplexed by his curt responses. “And he’s been using it.” 
Art defended himself, “I didn’t realise. How come you never mentioned it?” 
Swiftly, you locked eyes with Tashi and noticed she was just as lost as you. “I don’t know, I guess I thought you knew,” you replied slowly. “I didn’t think I specifically had to mention that we were in touch, I just assumed we were all talking to Patrick.” 
Art nodded, attempting to collect himself. “What do you guys talk about? Tennis?”
You chuckled, recalling all the times you and Patrick had talked about tennis. “Maybe in the first two emails, but not since then. We talk about everything but tennis.” 
“Everything but tennis?” Art echoed.
A pang of unease settled in his chest. It wasn’t that he was afraid you’d cheat on him, but rather a fear that you and Patrick might discover you had a deeper connection than what he shared with either of you. Art trusted you both implicitly, yet the thought of you realising a compatibility that surpassed his own made his heart sink. He tried to dismiss the nagging worry, reminding himself of the unique bond he cherished with each of you.
“Pretty much,” you confirmed. As you observed your boyfriend’s distant demeanour, a knot of concern tightened in your stomach. “I mean, that’s okay, right? The four of us are all friends, I figured it wasn’t a problem.”
“It’s not a problem,” Tashi stepped in quickly. “You’re right, the four of us are all friends. I think it’s great that Patrick can come to you to talk about something that isn’t tennis,” she added. You smiled, relieved that Tashi was okay with it. 
“Of course, you can talk to whoever you want,” Art agreed, hoping he hadn’t made you feel bad. The last thing he wanted was for his insecurities to negatively impact you. 
Tashi narrowed her eyes on your boyfriend. Even though he wanted to sound casual and supportive, there was an edge in his tone that she sussed out right away. “What’s up?” she asked bluntly, always the first to voice something uncomfortable. 
Art looked up from where he was cutting his food, gazing at Tashi with innocent eyes. “Nothing,” he replied unconvincingly.
“Art.” Tashi put down her fork and maintained her stare. “This whole thing you’re doing– 
“–I’m not doing anything,” Art interjected, putting his utensils down and grinning. You didn’t like the cold, borderline vicious smile on his face; it was unfamiliar and unsettling.
“You’re not good at it. It’s fucking stupid,” Tashi added.
“What are you trying to say?” you wondered, putting your fork down and shifting uncomfortably.
You were unsure how to mediate or even comprehend the conflict unfolding before you. You thought Tashi and Patrick were on excellent terms, just like Art and Patrick. This suggested otherwise. Glancing between them, you silently hoped for a resolution that wouldn’t strain your relationship with either of them.
“I’m just surprised that you guys are still seeing each other. That’s all,” Art declared when you were done talking, the smile falling from his lips as he and Tashi shared a strained look.
A beat of silence passed.
“Okay–” Tashi said calmly, crossing her arms. 
Simultaneously, Art realised how harsh that was and added, “–I’m sorry.”
“Art, what the fuck are you doing?” you asked bluntly, appalled by your boyfriend’s behaviour. Art was clearly meddling in Tashi and Patrick’s relationship, and you couldn’t understand why.
Tashi leaned back in her seat and glared at Art. Her voice was calm and clear when she wondered, “Why did you ask me to come to lunch with you?” She was right. It had been Art’s idea to get lunch.
“You’re my girlfriend’s best friend and I thought we could all catch up,” Art replied, blinking innocently and keeping his voice even. His Adam’s apple bobbing nervously told you that Tashi was right. Art had a hidden motive to ask Tashi to have lunch with the two of you. 
In one confident breath, Tashi said, “Don’t be such a fucking pussy. Is he seeing other girls on tour?” 
“No, I mean–” 
Tashi interrupted. “–Is that what this is?” 
Art smiled so widely that you knew he had to be nervous. “I don’t know–”
“That’s not what I’m trying to say.” 
“Then what are you trying to say, Art?” you interjected, sick of all the games between them. “You’re not in a relationship with Tashi or Patrick, so I don’t know why you’re so worried about the parameters of their arrangement.”
“This isn’t about me or Patrick,” Tashi said, scanning Art with uncaring eyes. She clocked your boyfriend the second you told him you had been talking to Patrick for the last few months. His fake smile and clenched jaw gave it away. He may not have been worried that you and Patrick would cheat on him, but Art was jealous because – for once – your attention wasn’t on him. “Isn’t that right, Art?” When he said nothing, Tashi grabbed her phone from her lunch tray and got up. “Okay. I’ll see you tonight, Y/I.” You nodded.
“He’s not in love with you,” Art called out to her before Tashi could get very far. You kicked him under the table, glaring at him and furiously shaking your head. 
Tashi halted, taking a deep breath before turning around and approaching the table again. She challenged Art, “What makes you think I want someone to be in love with me? Did I ever say I was in love with him?”
Art stared back, matching her tone, “You didn’t.” 
“So why would I give a fuck if he loved me or not?” 
“I guess you wouldn’t.” 
Tashi nodded. “Cool.” 
“Cool,” Art parroted. When Tashi spun away from him, he spoke again. “Don’t you think you deserve it?”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Tashi groaned, irritated. 
Art questioned, “Why are you settling for the guy who wanted your best friend first? He asked for Y/N’s number and she rejected him. She’s who he wants, and she’s probably who he’s in love with.” 
His words were like a slap in the face. You were jolted in your seat, gaping at your boyfriend incredulously. The sharpness of his words cut through the air, leaving you and Tashi momentarily stunned and reeling. Yet, beneath the sting, there was a flicker of realisation. Tashi was right. This wasn’t about her or Patrick.
This was about you. 
After the initial shock subsided, Tashi shook her head and frowned at Art. “I think you might be the worst friend in the world,” she mentioned as she headed for the exit.
“Maybe,” Art called back.
“Definitely!” Tashi retorted, raising her voice. “Worst boyfriend in the world, too. Thank you. For lunch, Art.” 
When the door to the dining hall slammed shut, Art finally met your eyes. An indescribable coldness in his gaze made you want to wither like a dying flower. Instead of doing that, you held your head high and stared right back.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” you asked. When Art said nothing, you sighed. “That wasn’t a rhetorical question, Arthur.” He swallowed harshly when you called him by his legal name. Usually you said it as a fond joke, but this time you meant business. “What exactly were you trying to achieve? You just felt like attacking my best friend for no reason?”
“Tashi will be fine,” Art replied coolly. 
“No thanks to you, asshole. Seriously, Art, you can’t just be a dick to my friend and think I’ll let you get away with it,” you declared, getting up from your chair. “I expect you to apologise and explain to her why you momentarily lost your mind.”
Standing with you, Art furiously defended himself, “I overheard you the day of the Junior US Open, and I know that he asked you for your number. I just wanted Tashi to know the truth!” 
“No, you wanted to humiliate my best friend, and by extension, me!” you replied, seeing right through him. “You think I don’t know you well enough to know when you’re purposely being cold? Well too bad, I do know you. You revealed something you thought was a secret because you wanted to have something over us. So what the hell, Art? Does me talking to Patrick really bother you that much?”
“I thought you and Tashi didn’t have secrets?” Art deflected. “You always said that you tell each other everything.”
“We do tell each other everything,” you insisted. “She already knew. We talked right after Patrick asked for her number and I explained everything that happened. Do you really think I would keep that kind of thing from my best friend? Especially when I encouraged Patrick to pursue her?” You raised an eyebrow, waiting for Art to come up with something clever or defensive to retort. 
Instead, a look of realisation crossed his face. His eyes widened with shock and regret, face paling as he realised the weight of what he had done. A deep furrow formed between Art’s brows as he ran a hand through his hair, unable to meet your eyes.
“Fuck,” he cursed.
You sighed, dropping back into your seat, eyes searching his face for answers. “Why does it bother you so much that I talk to Patrick?” you asked softly, your voice tinged with concern. Art’s lips parted slightly, but no words came out, the silence amplifying the guilt that now consumed him. “And don’t try to come up with an excuse, just be honest with me,” you requested. “Hiding the truth won’t solve anything; it only creates more problems.”
A moment later, Art sat down, his posture heavy. “It’s not that I don’t trust either of you,” he began, his tone void of all previous coldness. “I cherish our relationship more than anything. But when I think of you two effortlessly continuing your connection from the night we met, I can’t help but feel like an outsider. I’m terrified you’ll both realise you’re more compatible with each other than you are with me,” Art admitted. “I love you so much, but there’s always this nagging fear that I’m not good enough for you.”
Your heart ached at his confession. You moved to the chair beside him. “Art, you are more than enough for me,” you whispered, taking his hands in yours with his permission. “I love you for who you are, not for some ideal you think you have to live up to.”
Art looked into your eyes, doubt lingering despite the sincerity in your irises. “All I want is to hold on to you,” he said desperately. “I can’t bear the thought of losing you to anyone, especially not to my best friend. I love him too, you know.”
You pulled him into a tight embrace, lovingly kissing his cheek. “You’re not going to lose me, Art,” you murmured affectionately. “We’ll work through this together. You’re the one I want, now and always. Forget about me and Patrick, we’re friends. He’s not in love with me, and he’s definitely not going to steal me away from you.”
Art held you tightly, as if you might disappear if he let go. He took a deep breath, feeling the steady beat of your heart against his chest. “I don’t want to lose him either,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. “He’s been my best friend since we were kids. The thought of things changing, especially now that he’s been gone for so long, it scares me.” 
You pulled back slightly to look up at him, your gaze filled with understanding. “You won’t lose Patrick. I don’t know what you’d have to do to get rid of him, but he cares about your friendship way too much to let something like distance get between you. You should talk to him, let him know what’s going on in your head.”
Art nodded, swallowing hard. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lashed out at Tashi earlier. It’s just... between school and the pressure from tennis, I feel like I’m drowning sometimes. But that doesn’t give me a free pass to take it out on anyone.”
“I get it,” you said reassuringly. “Things are intense right now, but you can’t just lash out when it gets too much for you. We’ll get through this, okay? I’m not going anywhere. And I expect you to apologise to Tashi.”
Art nodded frantically. “Of course I will. I was a jerk, she deserves an apology.” 
“A really good one,” you emphasised. “This is Tashi Duncan we’re talking about. Grovelling will be involved, and bribery. Like, free-frozen-yoghurt-for-a-week level of bribery.”
Art chuckled. “I’m going to be so broke by the end of this week.”
“Then don’t be such an asshole next time,” you pointed out, raising an eyebrow. 
With a mischievous grin, Art pulled you close and planted a soft kiss on your lips, turning it into a playful nibble that made you laugh. Your giggles faded into a tender smile as you wrapped your arms around his neck, lips meeting again in a sweet, lingering kiss. You pulled away, eyes twinkling, your argument forgiven but not forgotten. 
“I love you,” Art whispered tenderly. “I’m never going to love anyone the way I love you.”
“Then you better not go anywhere,” you replied happily.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said kindly. “Not even a hurricane could move me.”
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You weren’t sure how long you’d been standing there, crying into Art’s chest. When your sobs finally subsided, you felt utterly drained and exhausted. Sniffling, you pulled away and saw that you had completely soaked through your ex-boyfriend’s white t-shirt with your tears. You were grateful for waterproof mascara because black tear streaks would have made this even more humiliating. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Art wondered, studying your expression like he could still understand you perfectly with one glance. Unlike Tashi, who had forgotten many of your nonverbal cues after so many years apart, Art still knew how to read you like an open book. 
He and Patrick always had that in common. 
Your heart ached at the sight of Art’s tender expression. His arms had felt so familiar around you, not only reminding you of how safe you felt with him when you dated in college but how genuinely cared for you were, even now after everything you went through. That typical sympathetic look of genuine concern on his face was identical to when he used to be yours, and the reminder of your past was tiring and disheartening.
He looked better than ever, with broad shoulders, cropped hair, and a gorgeous face that looked even better with age.
Even though you didn’t want to, seeing Art made you think of seeing Patrick less than an hour ago. Where Art was clean-shaven, perfectly sculpted, and neat hair cut so short his curls weren’t visible anymore, Patrick was rugged with scruff, tousled curls, and less tailored clothing. They were so different from the men you were once in love with. You had thought you would spend the rest of your life with the one you were dating at the time. Now you were as good as strangers.
You wondered how you had changed in their eyes and tried not to dwell on the fact that they were no longer familiar to you. The only thing that stayed the same was how you felt when they looked at you. Desired and loved and cared for. But that had been then, this was now.
You cleared your throat, your tear-streaked face reflecting anguish. “I didn’t expect to run into you here.” Art handed you a tissue, watching with an affectionate smile as you wiped your eyes and took a deep breath. 
“Outside my hotel room?” he said with a raised eyebrow, smirking teasingly. Art’s eyes sparkled with mischief, the corners crinkling in a way that indicated how much time had passed since he used to smile at you like that at Stanford. “It’s more likely than you might think.”
Twelve years ago you would have laughed and fallen into his arms, but now you averted your eyes and tried to separate the Art you knew from the man standing before you. “Yes, well, I’m leaving,” you declared. “This whole evening was a giant mistake. Goodnight, Art.”
“Hey, wait,” Art pleaded. “I’m glad we ran into each other,” he said softly. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot, and I think we should talk.”
You shook your head wearily. “I’m exhausted, Art. And we have nothing to talk about.” 
His gaze didn’t waver. “We have a lot to talk about, Y/N. Especially about the last time we saw each other.” 
You stiffened at the mention of your meeting in Paris three years ago. The day you both won the French Open was seared into your mind, and it was the last thing you wanted to talk about.
Your eyes narrowed. “Paris is exactly why we have nothing to talk about, Art. Everything ended then. I have no reason to speak with you.” You sighed. “I appreciate you letting me fall apart in front of you without pointing or laughing at me, but I have to go now.”
“I just want a chance to explain myself,” Art pleaded with you. “So much happened that night and I never wanted anything to turn out the way it did–”
“–But it did, Art,” you interjected. “That’s how it turned out! Has your situation changed since then?”
He shut his eyes momentarily. “No,” Art stated, blue eyes glistening with unshed tears when they opened again. 
“Do you have anything to say that you didn’t already say that night?”
“Well, no, but–”
“Then we are where we are, and I don’t need to hear it again,” you denied his request with a bitter edge to your voice. “I’m done listening to people apologise tonight, it’s exhausting. I’m sick of having people I love hurt me and then forcing myself to sit through their half-assed, selfish apologies. First Patrick, then you?” If you had taken a breath, you would have realised how much harsher you were being on Art than Patrick. However, he did deserve it. 
Art’s deep blue eyes widened in surprise, the genuine shock within them as clear as a sudden flash of lightning. His entire body went rigid, every muscle frozen in a tableau of disbelief. “You saw Patrick tonight?”
In your frustrated stupor, you ignored him. “If you need to talk about anything, including what happened in Paris, you can talk to your wife because I’m done,” you gave up.
Art looked at the floor, the weight of your words settling heavily between you. “Y/N, I–”
“Goodbye, Art,” you said firmly, turning away and walking down the hall to the elevator.
As the doors closed behind you, leaving Art standing in the hallway, you ignored the echoes of your past and left a man you once loved behind for the second time that evening.
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i hope you enjoyed 2019 reader standing up for herself!!! it was very cathartic to write. art/patrick/reader stanford scenes coming next chapter 👀
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Sevika as your work wife🤭
ohhhh yesss
With the amount of time you spend together you might as well have gotten married
Say you work for Silco too, you'd be hired as another second hand when shimmer sales were booming just to maximize profit
You and her didn't even get a proper introduction, you just...started working together
She didn't mind you, you kept to yourself and didn't need babying (unlike a certain blue-head lol) so you were mostly partnered up with her
She worked better with you than Jinx so why not?
Even at the beginning, you wouldn't speak to each other, maybe a
"Pass me the vials?"
But for what seemed like ages, she seemed to only be interested in getting the job done
That was fine, because all you cared about was the pay check waiting for you afterwards
That was up until she started nodding at you when she passed you, so subtle that you'd miss it if you blinked
Then she started saying a quiet "hey."
During jobs you'd chit chat about the smallest of things...until that turned into deep conversations about life beyond zaun
"You regret doing this, Sevika?"
"I regret a lot of things."
She'd actually sit next to you when Silco called you into meetings to the point he'd even gone as far as call you her friend
You kept getting closer
and closer
and even closer
Granted, it took almost a year but you were happy to not have a shitty and stuck up co-worker like everyone warned you about
It got to a point where she'd let you sit in when she was doing paperwork in her office
Especially after a tough job, where going back to your apartment sounded like the loneliest hell on earth
You found out her favourite pastime at the last drop, gambling and smoking cigars and she asked if you wanted to come with one day
one day turned into two
then you went with her almost everyday
She found it odd to admit she trusted you, with your uncharacteristically calm demeanour for someone who lived in the undercity, she found herself subconsciously doing things for you when you worked.
"Where's all of barrels Silco wanted me to move?"
"Already done, sweetness."
Sevika found out about this specific drink you liked that the last drop stopped serving when you were talking to her one day in the office, her head down, focused on the paperwork.
You didn't even think she was listening
But she walked into Silco's office with a bag, walked towards where you were sitting, handed it to you silently then sat next to you as Silco started explaining the next job he had for both of you.
"What is this for-"
"Don't mention it."
Mutual trust was a massive thing in this little endeavour you guys had
There were things Sevika would tell you and vice versa, that were never to be mentioned to anyone and somehow that always stuck
She felt almost good working with you.
Someone at the last drop made a bold joke about her being your work wife, since you were always together and seemed so close yet so far at the same time
"You their work wife or something?"
She looked from above her cards onto the man, blowing out her cigar smoke out her nose and scoffing.
"Guess so."
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AITA for taking my dog to sniff in the grass near an apartment building?
🐶 for reference so i can come back to it
I (20) am back in my home city for the summer while i'm away from college, and i'm staying with my family which includes my dog (almost 4f) who is the love of my life. she's very sweet and cuddly around people but requires a lot of exercise and LOVES to sniff around, but we can't take her to dog parks because she was a covid puppy and was never socialized properly and thus ends up pretty aggressive towards other dogs. (this is an us problem and i am trying to work on this with her this summer).
i'm trying to reinforce some of the training i did with her before i left for college, which my family hasn't really kept up. part of this is recall training, which she always responds to if there's treats involved. i want to keep that ingrained in her in case of an emergency.
there is an apartment about a block away from my house, which has this huge lawn right next to it and a couple of benches. i never see anyone there, but it's a really nice grassy area and my dog loves to go sniffing around there. since there aren't any significant triggers for her around, usually what i do is drop the leash (i keep it connected to her) and follow her around for a bit. i also always call her back every so often and treat when she comes to reinforce her recall. it's a fun time for both of us: for her because she likes to sniff and roll around in the grass, and for me because i like spending time with her!
today we were doing what we normally do when i heard some knocking. i looked around and saw an old lady in one of the ground floor apartments knocking at me (i knew it was at me because nobody else was there). once i finally made eye contact with her, she made this aggressive pointing motion with her hand for us to go away. she kept doing that until we left (i'm super conflict-avoidant so it didn't take much).
i'm worried that i might have accidentally broken a law or something. as far as i'm aware, anyone is allowed to just go hang out there. my dad says he's seen other people and their dogs there as well, and i also know for a fact that the building is pet-friendly as there are a couple of dogs who bark from inside sometimes when my dog and i walk by (this doesn't bother her). i also am never more than 15ft away from her at any given moment, and she's very well behaved and comes when she's called. the worst she'll do is pee on the lawn or poop, in which case i'll pick it up and throw it away. i think i'm a responsible dog handler, and i don't do anything with my dog that could potentially danger her or someone else.
so AITA?
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yournightmary · 3 days
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Loser!Ellie HCs
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content warning:: fem!reader, modern!AU
AN:: first time writing, literally scared shitless🔥 english isn’t my native language🙏
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who made a pasta recipe once (probably from instagram reels), and became a self-appointed master chef. Forgot about the fact that it took her 3 tries to even cook the pasta.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who can’t stop saying flavor instead of scent. She just genuinely doesn’t see the difference.
“What flavor do you want?” she asks you while holding up two colorful packs of wax melts. She bought a wax burner and used it to melt chocolate so she can have chocolate covered fruit anytime she wants. Used it 2 times total.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who vapes. I’m sorry but that’s the truth. She just loves to puff on her cute little mixed berries disposable. Also, keeps saying she can quit anytime she wants, she can’t.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who uses axe body spray. If someone asks about it she just says it works better, but she actually likes the scent. Kind of her guilty pleasure.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who hated on the sims franchise her whole life only to find out you’re a fan. She pirated the whole series (DLCs and all) off of some russian website in one night. Got like 20 different viruses but at least her girl could play the sims 2 happily.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is terrible at foreign languages yet has a duolingo streak that over 500 days. She knows how to say ‘the apple is red’ in german and can barely pronounce her order in mexican restaurants.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is chronically online. Constantly posting shit to her insta stories, sending you tik toks 24/7 and all that stuff. One time she got so invested in a facebook group drama that she didn’t reply to your texts for the whole day.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who wears the most unfunny-funny shirts you can imagine. Stuff like ‘women want me, fish fear me’ and ‘eat, sleep, game, repeat’. And they’re always either way too big or way too small.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who always said she doesn’t want any pets, that it’s too much of a commitment for her… Then she found the ugliest kitten she’s ever seen on the street and took it home without thinking. Let you choose the name but calls him ‘stinky’ no matter what. Like mother, like daughter.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who couldn’t tie her shoes until she was 15. That’s it.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is so lovestruck for you that I can’t even explain it. She’ll always do the cheesiest things possible, like standing before your house with roses, a bluetooth speaker and a promposal poster or bringing you every little thing she found on her walk that ‘reminded her of you’.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who doesn’t like to go out on dates. She’d rather stay at home with you, watch a movie, make dinner together (you’ll be the only one actually cooking), maybe paint something or just spend time together doing nothing… Would really enjoy a date at the planetarium though.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is a total yapper. Can and will talk about anything and everything for hours on end. And if you mention an interest of hers? Oh god, get ready to see a powerpoint presentation about it. Literally the definition of ‘☝️🤓’ but in a good way.
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I’m so scared to post this it’s not even funny☠️ Hope you liked it <3
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darcytaylor · 3 days
Are people mad that Luke Newton has a girlfriend? Or is it something more? A deep dive. Part 1 of 3.
I want to start out by saying, I have been following the Bridgerton train since the season one release on Christmas day. It was a show that I knew nothing about and I became enamoured.
I have followed along with the show and the actors since the release. I find looking at human behaviour fascinating, as I work in a very customer service based industry. It is so interesting to me to see how the actors have conducted themselves, especially Luke Newton.
This post will be about why I think people are truly upset by his behaviour.
(some of which I agree with and some I don't)
Luke Newton has been quite the monogamous dater. He dated his fellow co-star from The Lodge, Sophie Simnett. They were both very young at the time, it seemed like a sweet relationship, but young love normally never lasts.
Then he got into a relationship with Jade Davies. She is very active in the Theatre world and it seemed like this was a very good pairing. I think they complimented each other well. You could tell they loved each other. Ultimately they broke up at the beginning of 2023, because they 'grew apart', or so the tabloids have stated.
I do know that Jade did receive some hate (which is fairly common in the industry that Luke is in). I personally don't think that it was as bad as people made it out to be. A lot of people loved seeing Luke in love and proud of his girlfriend. They supported them as a couple. They supported it because there really wasn't anything to not support.
After the breakup is where Luke Newton went off the rails (in my opinion). He decided to become the typical fuck boy and didn't keep it secret.
This is where he made his first mistake - he made his dating life public and it definitely looked questionable. (and yes he made it public by following certain people and posting about all of his vacations). He had a 'type' going into this time in his life (young dancers). But ultimately fans were forgiving because he just got out of a long term relationship. He was hurting and it's okay to spiral a little at a time like that. Fans supported him because they wanted him to have a 'hot girl summer'.
At some point he meets his confirmed/unconfirmed girlfriend Antonia. She seems to get a long with his close friends and people took notice of them spending time together. But I think fans thought he was still spiralling, so he wouldn't actually get into a relationship, he was only have fun.
Then the New Years kiss video was released. Fans did not like this. But ultimately I don't think that was what caused the biggest issue, I think his second mistake was befriending her on Instagram. This is what sealed them as an unconfirmed relationship. Had they decided to not make this decision, I think people could/would have left them/her be. It could have been summed up with 'it was just a New Years' kiss.
I think that Luke had every intention to make this relationship public. I think that, that was his ultimate goal that day. But because of the press tour coming up, he was told not to. I also think that made Luke spiral even more, he was upset that he couldn't show off his girlfriend (and when you like or love someone you do want to do that) and decided to take some of his issues out on his career and fans (by liking everyone of her photos, letting her post photos with his clothing, letting her post photos with his arms and legs).
His third mistake was mentioning that he was the most like his character on Bridgerton (he has said this multiple times) and his cast-mates also say the same thing. Hear me out on this one -
It can be easy to separate the art from the artist. That is simple enough for people to do (I have seen it happen on many occasions). But there were multiple times that he would say he is the most like his character (saying this made the task of separating difficult) - and lets be real Colin was made for the female gaze. He is charming, attractive, loving and isn't superficial. He fell in love with the 'outcast', the one that isn't the 'typical' beauty. Fans held onto this, because Colin as a character made them feel seen. They couldn't separate Luke from Colin because he kept saying he was like Colin.
When they look at Antonia they don't see the outcast, they don't see the girl that looks like them, they don't see a 'regular' woman. She is the opposite of who Colin would end up with, so that would mean that Luke wouldn't go for her. Antonia looks like the girl who made fun of you in high school, the girl who on the outside looks like she hasn't had a trouble in her life, a girl who's social media is all about vacationing and looks staged, she doesn't seem real.
(I want to note that I have no idea who she is as a person, she could be the nicest person).
So now that Luke has made a bunch of people mad they will go on a deep dive. The first thing that people will look into is the age. And she is quite young. Too young in fact. I am on the side that someone his age shouldn't be dating someone who's brain isn't fully developed (this is a scientific fact), ESPECIALLY since there is also a power dynamic. (It's okay if you do not feel the same way).
Luke's fourth mistake was letting his friends post things about himself on social media. Yes, I know that you can't control everybody in your life. But they are his BEST FRIENDS, Luke could have asked them to not post anything about himself. That would have been the smart more.
Luke's fifth mistake was not having Nicola and the Bridgerton Instagram posts with notifications on. He should have liked every single god damn post that they posted. This would have appeased the fans, the fans love that shit. But instead he would like every single one of Antonia's photos and forget about his job. This decision further bothered fans because he stated that he was moving his social media to be work related. I will be honest - his social media is kinda a mess. His social media presence is definitely a mistake he has made.
He goes on the Bridgerton press tour with Nicola (who is amazing at her job), and all of the imperfections of his life are even more exaggerated, because Nicola is fucking great. Even though Luke and Nicola are a pair when it comes to Bridgerton, people will still compare them.
When looking at this whole situation I think that Luke is continuing to spiral. I think that he can be a bit stubborn and he is doubling down. He has to know the mistakes he has made. He has to realize that he could have dated Antonia and not made it a whole situation/scene. If a celebrity doesn't want you to know something about their personal lives, you won't know.
Final thoughts - I think that Luke didn't think about how some of his actions would/could have been perceived, I think he was ill prepared in some of his actions, I think that he is still learning to be in the spotlight, I think he is somewhat immature, I think that he is being destructive to his career.
I'm convinced Luke wanted to come forward with his relationship months ago. I believe he was told not to and he didn't like that answer. He has shown some spite because of it. There are also other mistakes that I didn't get into, if you want a part 2 let me know? haha
Have I lost some respect for Luke during the past year? Yes.
Do I realize that it must be hard to be in the spotlight? Yes.
Do I think that if Luke continues on this destructive path he will regret it? Yes.
Should we also give him a bit of grace? Yes.
Do I think he is talented? Yes.
His actions sure are questionable though!
If you have gotten this far, congratulations and thank you for reading! It's been a fascinating deep dive!
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basilpaste · 1 day
was talkin to some pals about it so... imagine loop nille post game friendship in your mind.
(755 words below.)
You are out of Dormont. For the first time you can remember with any clarity... you're free. Are you free? What does that even look like. There's still a weight in your chest, still a burning star where your heart should be. Still just a star where something resembling the hollow corpse of a human once was.
You go. You flee. It's what you're good at, isn't it? Hiding away from all of your problems, putting on a show, becoming someone else? Nothing you've ever done has given you any reason to believe that would change. Stardust's "it's thanks to you" was a nice sentiment, but...
You're on the road. You move quickly, now. It's not as though you need to eat. Or to sleep, really. You're more of an idea than a person, after all! So it's easy to move, to keep going, to not stop until your body gives out on you.
You head for the coast. You follow no maps, no roads, just moving on instinct. Just following the brightest star in the sky. You try not to think about why doing so seems so simple. If you do, you'll lose it. You head for the coast, as if tugged along by some invisible string. Or by anything else that doesn't bring to mind a pull on your stomach.
You head for the coast. And eventually you do not just head for it, you make it there. You stare into the sky on the shore of a town you did not pay attention to the name of. You can see an island in the distance.
That place is gone. You know that. Of course you do. You can't spend forever searching for a place that does not want to be found. You can't waste your life on remembering something that can't be remembered.
Yet, still... you look to the brightest star, how it hangs above a place the world forgot. And you mourn. You bend down, grabbing a handful of darkless sand in your lightless fist, and toss the powder-stone into the sky. It hangs like dust in the air for a moment that feels eternal, and then plumets into the sea.
That is the moment you meet her.
"Hey there, stranger. What brings you to town?"
You spin on your heel, water lapping at your ankles. For a moment, it's like you've seen a ghost. For a moment, it's like seeing a vision of the future.
A young woman stares down at you, an eyebrow raised. Her hair is split into twin braids, she slings an oversized hammer over one shoulder. When she smiles at you, you see a face much younger than her own.
You are possessed by the urge to run away. To vanish into the night, to dive into the inky water and to never, ever resurface. Instead you plant your feet into the sand and wave as casually as you can bear to manage.
"Who, me? Just... ah... Fishing."
She laughs. Her shoulders shake with it, eyes crinkling into something fond. She looks weary far beyond her years despite it.
"Well." She says, putting a hand on her hip, "I'm not sure how much luck you're gonna get with your hands, stranger. Not unless you're trying to find a tidepool."
... Ah. Yes. You suppose you didn't think your little excuse through. You know that. You know how to fish. You did, once. You're not stupid.
"Hah! How true." You say. You can hear it fall flat.
She sizes you up. Despite yourself, you feel suddenly very exposed. What a strange stranger you are, right? Not even human. Most rational people keep a healthy distance from you. Some assume that you're merely a Sadness. You suppose that's not too far from the truth.
"It's late." She tells you after a long moment. "Bambouche is plenty welcoming. Don't stand in the sand all night."
A moment of understanding seizes you. You look at this woman and see something familiar. Not like before, no, something far more personal. Like a tidepool distorting your reflection.
She is asking you to stay. You've already made it to the shore, what reason do you have to flee? You look at her. She looks right back. You swear that you can see your eyes reflected in her own.
She grins and gestures for you to follow. You don't even have to think about it. Despite everything... you are still being led.
"You got a name, Stranger?"
You don't.
"Loop." You say.
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reigningqueenofwords · 21 hours
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 2,530 Request: @jessicalynnann Okay when you have time how about Dean is a cop and he and the reader are established well she thinks Dean is pulling away cause he is working a lot and there is a new partner who is pretty. Well she and Mary are shopping and she breaks down and tells Mary that she thinks she is losing Dean. Well what about there is a robbery where the reader works and she gets hurt and Dean risks his life to save her. I had this dream last night. Can you make the ending something like this I love you so much but I guess I’m doing this here. And he gets down on one knee… no rush.
Read on AO3
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You’d been with Dean nearly 7 years. You were by his side all through the academy, and when he got his badge. Things had been really good, and while there’d been no proposal or talk of a family, you felt you were on the way. One day you knew you’d call Dean your husband, and the father of your children.
And then Dean’s hours went up. Fine. He was busy. That happened. However, after the first couple weeks of the new hours you felt like Dean wasn’t your Dean. When he would crawl into bed he was out. No pulling you close, no holding you. Instead of eating breakfast with you (on the mornings he was there at the same time), he’d grab something on the way to work. You couldn’t remember the last time he had taken you on a date, either. Or surprised you with flowers ‘just because’.
After a month of this, you found out that he had a new partner. He hadn’t even told you. You’d met her at the cookout he and a few of his coworkers had now and then. It was them, and their significant others. She had walked up to you, a big smile on her (too beautiful) face. “You must be Y/N! I’m Kelly.” She held out her hand, clearly excited to meet you.
You shook it, not wanting to be rude. “Nice to meet you. Are you dating one of the guys?” You knew a couple of them were single, so maybe they had met someone?
She chuckled and shook her head. “No, I’m Winchester’s new partner.” She chuckled. New partner ? What happened to his old partner? “For about a month now.” She moved to stand next to you. 
“I honestly didn’t know he had a new partner.” You admitted, feeling embarrassed. “He hasn’t talked much about work recently.” 
“It does get really busy.” She nodded, a tension settling between the pair of you. “The guys have been so welcoming, too.” 
Her bubblynes was so odd to you. Not in general, but at this moment. How could she not feel the awkwardness? That you clearly had no idea that she even existed before today? “They’re all great.” You agreed. “I always look forward to catching up with all of them at the cookouts. I haven’t been able to have any of them over for dinner lately.”
“Oh, if I would have known I would have invited you when I had everyone over last Wednesday.” She shook her head. 
“Everyone? Was Dean there?” Your heart clenched. Dean said he had work, so just make yourself something. Was that ‘work’ spending time with the guys at Kelly’s?
She nodded. “Yeah, him, Cas, Sam…most of the guys.” She shrugged. “We hung out for a couple hours, had some beers.” You couldn’t be angry at Kelly. She didn’t know that she was pouring salt in your wounds. 
Dean came over, grinning. He had a beer in one hand, and a plate in the other. “Hey, babe. I see you met Winters.” He said happily. “I told you you’d get along.” 
You gave him a funny look. “You never told me about her.” You said awkwardly. “I didn’t know you had a new partner. She is nice, though.” That was something you couldn't deny. It still didn’t alleviate you feeling off about the entire situation. “Oh, I see Donna. I’m gonna go say hi. I haven’t seen her in what feels like forever.” You excused yourself, rushing to talk to her. 
Chuckling, Dean watched you go, sipping his beer. 
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A couple weeks later, you were lounging when Mary texted you. Up for some shopping with your mother in law? You sighed at her wording. Mary and John were like your second parents, and you adored them. Would you lose them, too?
Always! Let me shower and get ready. Want me to meet you at the mall? You got up, making your way to your room. 
I’ll pick you up in half an hour :) She replied. 
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You felt you’d done well hiding how you were feeling, but when you were in the second store, Mary brought it up. “You seem to have something on your mind, do you want to talk about it?” She asked, concern lacing her voice. “I can get it if it’s Dean being a cop. I mean, John just retired. Every day I worried about him coming home.” 
“I think I’m losing him.” You admitted, tearing up. Quickly wiping your cheek, you focused on the dresses you were looking at. “I can get long hours, but it’s him feeling gone even when he’s home. He doesn’t pull me close anymore, doesn’t take me on dates, doesn’t surprise me with flowers, or anything. And have you met his new partner?” 
Mary shook her head. “No, I’ve heard he’s good, though.” 
“ She’s gorgeous.” You huffed. “I can barely get him to eat dinner with me, but one night he told me he had to work and just to make dinner for myself. He was at her house with some of the guys hanging out for a couple hours. And having dinner. I hate feeling so insecure and like he’d rather be with her.” 
She pulled you into a hug. “Dean loves you so much.” She tried. “I don’t know what’s going on with him.” 
You hugged her back, welcoming the comfort. “I might go stay with my parents for a few days. I don’t think he’d even notice.” Which hurt even worse. 
“Our house is closer to your job. You can come stay with us.” She pulled back to look at you, hands on your arms. “John will love having you around, too.” 
After a moment, you nodded. “Okay, sure. Let’s finish up this shopping, and then I’ll go pack a bag. I’ll make dinner tonight. It’s been a bit since I’ve cooked for anyone but myself.” That alone gave you something to look forward to. 
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Dean got home just after 11 that night, and wasn’t surprised to see all the lights off. There was no sign in the first floor of the house that anything was different. He toed off his shoes, hung his belt on the coat rack, and made his way to the kitchen. Sometimes he got lucky and there were leftovers from dinner that night. When he didn’t see anything, he assumed that there hadn’t been anything left over. 
After he had a quick sandwich and a glass of milk, he made his way upstairs. He froze when he noticed the bed was still made. You weren’t in it. His nightstand lamp was on, and there was a paper folded against it. Walking over to it, he sat on the bed and lifted the paper. Did you leave him? It took him a moment for him to open it. 
I’m staying with your parents for a few days while I do some thinking. We’ve been together almost 7 years. 7 years in two weeks, actually. Did you have any idea that our anniversary was coming up? 
I barely see you, and when I do? You aren’t even *here*. It’s like you’re somewhere else. When you started working more, I understood. Your job is important, which meant the times you were home would mean more. Instead, those times hurt worse. 
When was the last time you held me at night? When was the last time you held my hand? Took me on a date? Cuddled with me while watching a movie (even if you fell asleep, I would be over the moon for that time with you)?  
Do you know how badly it hurt to want you home for dinner now and then, just to find out you went to your new partner’s for dinner? A new partner I didn’t know about, might I add. You’d rather go spend time with your gorgeous new partner than make it home for one dinner with the woman who has been by your side for everything, and that says a lot. 
I’m not saying I’m leaving you, but I do need to figure some things out. 
I love you, Dean. 
He clenched his jaw as tears rolled down his cheeks. Looking back, he knew this wasn’t out of left field. He knew what you were talking about. He’d seen the hurt on your face lately, too. He’d pushed it away, though. He’d told himself it was something else. It wasn’t about him. Dean sniffed, opening up his night stand drawer to pull out the tiny black box he’d put in there two months prior. Lifting the lid, he looked down at the ring he’d bought you, and wondered if he missed his chance. All he saw when he pictures his life was you by his side, and probably a kid or two. You’d be a great mom. 
“Fuck.” He breathed. He had an early shift the next day, so he’d go straight to you after work.
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It stung when you woke up to no texts or missed calls from Dean. You knew that by now he would have gotten your note. Unless he didn’t go home last night . The thought caught you off guard. He’d never not come home. Even if he came home late. Pushing those thoughts from your head, you got ready for work. You worked at a high end jewelry store, and had been promoted to manager 6 months prior. It paid well, and you liked all the people you worked with. 
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Dean hadn’t slept well the night before, and knew he’d be powering through his shift with a lot of (bad) coffee. He also wanted to talk to his chief about cutting back his hours, even just an hour here and there. Anything to be with you more. If he even had you more. 
It was nearly 4 when he was alerted to a robbery. At your job. “Shit!” He flipped on the sirens and lights before speeding off. He was only a few minutes away, but it felt like ages before he pulled up in front of it. He could see through the glass, where you were being held at gunpoint. The only other worker wasn’t someone he recognized, so he assumed they were new. What a way to start a job! 
“Isn’t that your girlfriend?” Kelly asked as they parked. 
“Yes, it is.” His voice was betraying him. He was trying to sound calm, but he felt like he’d lose it at any moment. “I’m going around back.” He told her. 
She whipped her head to look at him. “What? Why not wait for backup? Can you even get in?” 
“I can’t wait and risk her getting shot.” He pulled off his jacket. “And I can. I know the code. She’s the manager, so she told me.” Did you have a gut feeling he’d need it at some point? 
“And do what in there? I can see the door to the back of the store. Which means he can.” She opened her door to get in place. 
“I can distract him. Or maybe I can talk him down from inside. The storefront has bullet proof glass. She was really excited when it was installed. It’s supposed to be basically unbreakable.” He explained. 
“This isn't procedure!” She tried. However, she watched him rush around the back, gun drawn. “Damn in, Winchester!” She hissed, hearing other cops arriving.
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You were shaking, tears in your eyes, while the man in front of you aimed his gun at you. You’d heard the cops pull up, but that didn’t seem to phase him one bit. Someone must have called, because you didn’t even have a chance to trigger the silent alarm. He had to know that there was no getting out of this without being arrested, right? 
The door next to you busted in, making you and Alice scream. The robber whipped his gun towards the door. The door blocked whoever it was from view, but only a few people had the code. You quickly looked out the front of the store and saw Kelly. But no Dean. 
Just as it registered that your boyfriend was the one that came in, you heard two gunshots. The robber went down, and you rushed to the door. “Dean!” You sobbed, pulling off your blazer to press it against his chest. “Oh God.” Moving, you rested his head on your lap as you could hear people rushing into the store.
Dean hissed in pain as you kept pressure on his chest. “Fuck, I didn’t want to do it like this, but I gotta ask. I love you more than anything. Will you marry me? Your ring is in my nightstand.” He wanted you to know, just in case he didn’t make it. 
You nodded. “Of course I’ll marry you.” The feelings of the past month or so were pushed from your mind. The only thing you could focus on was the fact that Dean had been shot. “I love you so much.” You sniffed. 
“Ma’am, we need to get him into an ambulance.” Came a voice. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You gently moved his head off your lap so you could get out of their way. You watched as they got him onto a stretcher. 
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You’d stopped at home on the way to the hospital. You wanted to put on your ring, so when Dean woke up, he saw you wearing it. You also knew that you wouldn’t be seeing him right away. Mary had already been called, and told you that they would meet you at the hospital. 
Once there, you didn’t keep track of how much time you had been sitting there. All you could do is stare at the double doors that a doctor would come out of to talk to the family of Dean Winchester. John held Mary’s hand, both worried for their eldest. Sam was currently at work- at the police station, oddly enough. There was no telling when Dean’s coworkers would come flooding into the waiting room. 
“Dean Winchester’s family?” A doctor called out. You, John, and Mary stood. “Hi, I’m Dr. Micheals. Surgery went well, and he’s awake now. Groggy, but awake. For now I’ll ask that you go see him one at a time.” He gave you a comforting smile. 
“Go.” Mary nudged you. “We’ll see him after.” 
Nodding, you followed the doctor to Dean’s room. “Thank you.” You said softly before stepping in. 
“Hey, babe.” He smiled. 
While a few tears had slipped out while you waited, hearing his voice broke the dam. Sobbing, you went over and gently kissed him. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” You cupped his cheek. 
“You’re stuck with me. For life.” He gave you that smirk that he knew just melted you. “I’m sorry about this past month. I had planned to talk to the chief after my shift about cutting back my hours some.” He rested his hand on your leg as you sat on the side of his bed. “And I know I’ll be on leave while I heal. So, I’m all yours. I’m not leaving your side.”
You smiled at that. “Alls forgiven.” You promised him. 
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owlwithanapple · 3 days
The First Sweetness 🔞❤️‍🔥
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Content : Adult Content/Kissing/Romance/In love…
Characters : Bruce Wayne x Y/N
"You and Mr. Wayne...? How things going?" Your assistant enthusiastically brings the work documents to you and asks.
"Have you finished your work? So free enough to gossip about my private matters?" You take a document flip through it, concentrating on work.
"A young and beautiful woman with a mature man in love, what a perfect match!" She describes her feelings in an exaggerated tone.
"Bad news, just friends. Your fantasy is shattered." You curl your lips smile, using reality to prove it.
"Are you two secretly….?" She takes your document away.
"I am enjoying current life and work." You snatch the document back from her hand.
"A woman like you successful in career, young and beautiful is really popular." She stood aside dejectedly, playing with her hair restlessly.
"There is no need to revolve around love in this world. I enjoy the pleasure of being sought after, at least I am shining." You expressed your views frankly.
"Aren't you afraid Mr. Wayne will be snatched away by some woman?" She said a sentence to attract your attention. This question is simply nonsense.
"He doesn't belong to me. If you want, please feel free." You smiled indifferently and threw the file aside, looking directly at the confused assistant.
Your few straightforward and humorous words awakened her. She hurriedly took the file, saluted you and left the office. You leaned back and pondered for a while. What she said was right and wrong, but still kept your original intention. Just enjoy it, don't love someone too deeply. The phone rang, picked it up and saw it was Bruce Wayne.
After thinking for a moment, you answered the phone. "Hello, dear Mr. Wayne, what's up?"
You heard his chuckle. "Hey, missed you. Working?"
The playboy's mouth is so sweet, you curled lips and smiled. "Mr. Wayne, we just ordinary friends. What do you mean by missing me?"
He couldn't help laughing and sighed. "My love, you really know how to tease me."
You played hard to get with him. "I am not your love, just a friend. I accept your kiss, not love."
He calmed down but heard a soft laugh. "I know. I am more selfish. I want all, body and mind, even everything about you."
His domineering confession is too hot, you are a little overwhelmed. However, can't take the initiative to get along with people like him. Flirting is freshness, but feelings is another realm. "I love to hear your lovely confession, but..."
He was confused. "But?"
You whispered in a flirtatious tone, "I enjoy how wonderful when you pursue me. Keep going, dear Mr Wayne."
This time, his voice turned into a confident answer, "Haha, enjoy, my love."
You hung up the phone first to let him experience the taste of the sweetness after eating it. It would be boring to accept his confession directly. Have fun, don't just want to possess others. If you have a strong possessiveness, he won't want you. Women should not revolve around love. Knowing make and spend money to buy happiness is the most important thing.
After left, you passed by a men's suit store, stood at the door for a while, then walked in. You found the tie specialty area. You liked a dark blue tie, Mr Wayne's figure appeared in mind. You held back your smile, bought the tie, found a time to give it to him in person.
A few days later in the afternoon—
You came to Bruce Wayne's company, thinking of giving him a surprise. After arriving, you asked the front desk if he was in the company, learned that he was in a meeting. The front desk staff took you to the lounge to wait. This was the first time you came to his company for personal reasons rather than business.
"Ms. Y/N, Mr. Wayne is back in the office."
You walked towards his office with joy and enthusiasm, knocked on the door walked in. You saw a girl standing in front of him wearing a shirt with two buttons unbuttoned, revealing her collarbone and cleavage. Fucking shit, you saw something really exciting. The girl adjusted clothes and stood straight in front of you, looking very arrogant and superior.
"Excuse me, do you have anything to do with Mr Wayne?" She looked surprised. You can tell she is a bitch at first glance. If hadn't ruined her, might have done it in the office. What a damn good timing.
"Are you Mr Wayne's representative?" You didn't look at her, but at him who was flirting with you. As soon as you saw him, you felt sweet in heart. Not only he didn’t help you out, but sprinkled sugar behind you.
"Mr Wayne and I are going to have lunch. Please come back later." She tried to get you out of the way reluctantly.
"It’s that true ?" You won't lose to this kind of person in terms of momentum, it's boring to snatch the desires of this kind of girl. You ask him with a longing face, hoping he wouldn't make you regret it.
"Ahem, you go out first. Y/N, stay." He said and continued to work without expression. The girl wanted to speak but couldn't. She took the documents unwillingly and glared at you, deliberately bumped your shoulder before leaving.
"Ouch..." You locked the door and glanced at your shoulder.
"Why are you here?" He put down his work and leaned back in his chair with a pouty smile, the table was full of piles of documents.
"Hmm... came to see you. Am I disturbing you and her...?" You walked to his side stroked him from hair to his ears.
"Jealous?" He took your hand and kissed it.
You are intoxicated in this sweet and loving atmosphere. His rough hands grab your waist and pull you onto lap. Such behavior in the office makes you excited. You sit on his lap, look at his handsome face, smile and touch it. His hands run from your back to hips, which makes you have a strong temptation.
You get close to his handsome face, put your hands on his shoulders, smell the faint mature smell on him. "Emm...jealous, that's not the case."
He smiled, hands still touching your body. "Hehe, just an intern."
You look at him in surprise and kiss his cheek. Your fingers run across his suit to disturb his mood. "Wow, my God, Mr. Wayne. You are so sinful~ What would happen to the two of you if I didn't come in?"
He licked his extremely sexy lips, held your hips with his rough hands and lifted you onto the desk. He stood up hugged your waist and pulled closer to him, your chest pressed against his strong body, there was not even a centimeter of distance between his thighs and yours.
"Definitely not us now." He said confidently.
"Wow~ I'm so happy." You smiled sweetly.
He leaned in close and kissed you passionately. He carefully savored the fragrance on your lips. He put the tongue into your mouth and blended it with saliva. The hot breath was disrupted by this passionate kiss. You hugged him and felt that the hungry body was burning, begging each other to release.
His extremely strong body made you impressed. Felt the temperature of the parts of body that he touched was getting hotter. His hands invaded your shirt and touched your skin until your underwear. He smiled wickedly. He reached behind you and stopped at the underwear buckle. You untied his black tie and threw it on the table.
"This tie doesn't look good." You kissed his white shirt and left a pink lipstick mark.
"Wow, what color tie do you think suits me?" He smiled dotingly at the mark you left.
"Tada~" You took out a gift box with a tie in it.
"Let me see." He opened it and smiled.
"I heard from others, when a girl gives a boy a tie, means she wants to tie him up and never separate. Do you think we are like that?" You put it on him, and pulled over by the tie.
"Why not?" He admitted without any concealment.
You pulled him over and kissed his lips. He unbuttoned your bra reached out to knead your breasts. His fingers pinched and rubbed the sensitive nipples, making you moan shyly. Enjoying this behavior with him in the office was worrying and hard to resist. This kind of physical pleasure really made you climax.
You touched the hard cock between his thighs with hand, rubbing it gently to tease and ignite his lust. He lifted your chin and kissed your neck, lifted your shirt to expose your breasts, his fingers kept teasing your nipples. You were about to come and wanted to moan loudly, but suppressed the sound in mouth.
No matter how excited you are, you should stop,"Hey, handsome, not now."
He leaned in and kissed your breasts "Don't like it?"
You moaned and breathed "I have a date."
He stared at you in confusion "Male? Female?"
You pushed him away, buttoned up your underwear, and tidied appearance "What? Jealous? It's a secret~. I came here to give you a tie today."
He shook head slightly and smiled, didn't look away from each other and exchanged glances. You got down from desk and adjusted skirt. He gently stroked your hair and kissed. You pulled him over peck him on the cheek. The sweet fruit was right in front of you, but didn't want to eat it so quickly.
"I'm leaving now~ Bye~ Dear Bruce~" You blow a kiss standing by the door.
"Bye, my love." He winks at you.
7pm -
You dress up and come to a high-end restaurant to meet ex-boyfriend who is entangled with you. You have broken up for a few months but he is still fucking annoying. You decide to meet him for last time to break up completely and not disturb each other's lives in the future. You see him waving at you, you are reluctant but still smile to greet him.
"Hey. Long time no see." Your ex-boyfriend said. He is one of those male chauvinists and self-superiority types, with a fucking false face.
"What do you want from me?" You laughed. It was really disgusting to face a man with such a bad character.
"We had a fight, but now we are no longer angry, let's make peace." He held your hand tightly and stroked your palm.
"I don't like you anymore, there is no need." You took hand back and wiped off the traces of his touch with a tissue under the table.
"Y/N, we just had a fight, not a breakup." His tone became heavier.
"You were the one who broke up first. I am willing to break up, so game is over." You took the drink he ordered and drank it.
After several rounds of negotiations, you felt dizzy. You covered forehead and took a deep breath to try to wake up. You noticed his drink was not touched at all. This guy really drugged your cup. You pinched your thigh try not to fall down.
"What did you put in drink?" You face it calmly.
"If I don't do this, you won't go back with me obediently." It's this dead man's abnormal personality and excessive possessiveness that suffocate you.
"Hehe, fucking great, I'll excuse first, go wash my beautiful face."
You walked away with bag, staggering into the toilet, wash face several times on the washbasin, the dizziness is still there, you have no choice must find someone to help while still conscious. Bruce Wayne's name appears, don't know if he will answer, but you take a gamble with hope.
You press the dial button and wait for him to answer. While waiting, you tap your feet anxiously until the call is connected. "Hello? My love, what's wrong?"
You lean against the door and cover forehead, trying to ease your nervousness. You stay rational and talk to him. "Mr. Wayne, no, Bruce... I need help. Can you come and pick me up right away?"
His voice turns serious. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"
You take a deep breath to stay awake. "You may not believe me, I met my ex-boyfriend, he put something in the drink that made me feel dizzy."
You hear the sound of his deep breathing, the sound of the keyboard reaches your ears. He stays calm and says to you, "My love, listen carefully. Don't hang up this call, let me hear the conversation, I'll be there now."
You want to cry, but cover your mouth, "Bruce, please, you must come."
He tells you in a gentle voice, "My love, I promise will come. Just keep delaying, I will deal with it when get there."
You looked at the mirror and clenched fists. "I'll try."
You put phone back in bag without hanging up, and splashed some water on it to stay awake. Damn, still feel dizzy. You staggered after walking a few steps. At this time, your ex-boyfriend came over to support you. He kept saying wanted to take you home. You dragged yourself back to seat.
"Huh~ It's so fucking hot~" You smiled calmly and took off your coat then put it on legs, leaving only a dress, revealing your plump figure.
"Y/N, it's been a long time since I last saw you. Your taste in choosing clothes and body management are as good as always." He stared at you intently, which made you feel unhappy.
"Thanks for the compliment. You too." You smiled.
"What do you want to do next?" He stroked your hand.
"Do what you want to do?" You held his hand and responded to him.
After a while, your vision starts to blur, body becomes weak as paralyzed, breathing becomes uneven, cold sweat begins to appear on forehead. You shake your head to wake yourself up, but the situation still the same, almost at your limit, Bruce... he will definitely come, he promised you.
"But don't dress so revealingly next time, I don't like it." He is self-righteously thinking that he is right again. "
"I dressed up for my man today." You smile.
"I know. I am grateful." He curled his lips and smiled.
"You misunderstood. Not you, I'm talking about my man." You take your hand back.
"Your man is me." His face changed.
At this time, someone puts a coat and hand around your shoulder. You are really familiar with this smell and touch. At first glance, it is your protector Bruce Wayne. What makes you very happy, he kept his promise and still wearing the tie you gave him. This is a thrilling situation, let him handle it next.
"Sorry to kept you waiting." He said in a heavy tone.
"No. I missed you." You held his hand on your shoulder tightly, feeling so relieved and at ease.
"Are you her friend?" Bruce said with a serious face.
"I'm her boyfriend." He said confidently.
"Oh no, ex-boyfriend, he broke up with me few months ago..." You leaned on Bruce to clarify your ex-boyfriend's lies.
"Who the hell are you!" He pointed at Bruce angrily.
"I don't need to tell you about our relationship, but I have to intervene her matters." His tone very heavy and oppressive, and attitude was determined.
"I feel dizzy." You kept shaking your head.
"I know. Close your eyes first." He held your head and stroked your hair.
"Take your hands off her!" He yelled.
"I don't care who the hell you are, you have no right to ask me to do anything. And you shouldn't treat women like this, especially her." He responded in a tactful way.
"You don't have any evidence that I drugged her!" He was furious and cursed you.
"Drug? Did I say that?" He played a video from his phone and put it on the table, saw your ex-boyfriend put something in your drink before you arrived.
"How did you get it!" He stood up tried to snatch the phone.
"Don't wonder how I got this video. Take care of yourself first. I will send her to the hospital for a physical examination soon. The drug components remaining in her body enough to be evidence that you have harmed her personally." He retracted phone, this time he became serious, with a dignified and serious look on face.
"Y/N! Are you treating me like this now?!" Your ex-boyfriend complained to you.
"The past was before. The present is now. You have committed a crime now, Mr. ex-boyfriend. I am always welcome to file a lawsuit. My legal team will not lose to people like you." He expressed his position confidently.
"You fell in love with someone like this after we broke up! You are so fucking shameless! She is doing it for resources and money!" He cursed and raved.
"Luckily I have a lot of money to keep her by my side." You were so touched by what he said, his hand on your shoulder to comfort you.
"Fuck you!" Your ex-boyfriend took a drink tried to pour water on you.
Bruce quickly snatched his drink, pressed him on the table, leaned over and whispered, "Mr. Ex-boyfriend, I only say this once. If you ever touch my woman again, I can kill you any time. Just know what to do."
He let go of your ex-boyfriend, knelt on one knee in front of you, holding your cheeks and gently stroking them. You were confused but Bruce's warmth was transmitted to your face. You opened eyes slightly and smiled. He picked you up and took you away from the suffocating ex-boyfriend. He opened the passenger door and put you in.
After he got in the car, you heard him say to the communicator, "Oracle, I'm taking her back now. I need her test report."
A female voice came from the communicator, "I understand. I will handle it here."
You hold his arm and he turns to you. Even though the dizziness persists, you still want to look at his handsome face. Even though you are weak now, still want to flirt with him. "You are so awesome, you beat Mr. Ex-Boyfriend"
He curled his lips and kissed your lips. "Of course."
The next morning, woke up in a strange room. Bruce fell asleep sitting on the bed with a report in hand. You secretly took it and took a look. The report said the drug ingredients in the body were sleeping pills. Noted that it was not a dangerous drug ingredient, but will caused temporary dizziness. It was the physical examination report he made for you yesterday.
You give a morning kiss and shake him gently. "Wake up, my handsome Bruce."
He wakes up and sees you back to normal, a smile on his face. "Good morning, my love. How are you?"
You sit on his lap and hug him. "Much better, no disgust. Thank you, you really showed up last night."
He touches your waist. "I said would be there, I will definitely be there."
You lift his chin and smile slightly. "If you keep loving me like this, I will really fall for you."
"Why not? What are you waiting for?" He pecks your neck gently with sweet lips, his hand strokes your thigh. He is fanning your desire.
"I'm waiting for the moment when I really fall in love with you." You hug him tightly and moan in his ear.
He threw you on the bed, and you pulled him close to you for a passionate kiss. His tongue kept turning and licking your tongue in mouth, which was much more intimate than before. His hands moved from your waist till your buttocks. He was so hungry and eager to fall into each other's embrace.
This time you decided let him have you wantonly. During the passionate kiss, you deftly untied his tie. He lifted your skirt and took off your lace panties threw them. He kissed your neck fiercely until your breasts. He licked your erect nipples and couldn't stop licking them with his tongue.
"Fuck—Bruce—" It was so good till you squeezed the pillow and moaned.
"Your moans are even sweeter." He grinned.
"Ah—ha—Fuck—" Your body was shaking with pleasure because of him.
"Release yourself, my love." He fucked you with his fingers.
He unzips his pants and takes out his cock to play with your clit. His hard cock makes you salivate. You pinch your nipples to seduce him. He smiles and inserts his cock into you. If you weren't wet enough, wouldn't be able to handle it.
"Bruce—ah—fuck—" He keeps fucking you as soon as he enters your body. His cock reaches the deepest part of you. You reach a state of satisfaction. His cock keeps hitting you hard. You lift your hips enjoy the impact. The room echoes with panting and your moans.
Until the moment you reach orgasm and cum. His cock fills with your love juices. It feels so good. The temperature in body keeps burning. He speeds up the pace and fucks inside you. Feeling his cock push too deep makes you moan even louder. His skills in bed are really fucking as good as those young people. Bruce Wayne make you climax countless times in bed. It's so fucking good and juicy.
"Inside?" He took a breath and smiled.
"Fuck—come on—I want it!" You moaned even louder shyly.
He slapped your ass and smiled with satisfaction. You touched your skin with hands, enjoying another orgasm. You pinched your nipples and twisted them to feel more. He saw you playing with yourself, he reached out to pinch your breasts and push more harder. Your body trembled constantly. He leaned over and hugged you until his body trembled. A hot and thick liquid gushed into your body. You knew it was his fresh juice. Your body was filled with love from him. He lay on top of you take a breath, his cock had not left your body yet.
"Ah ha - fucking so good -" you fell on the bed tiredly.
"Hahaha, it's great inside you." He kissed your cheek and whispered.
"A little older but super good in bed - it's not bad to be fucked by you - hahahaha -" you held his face with satisfaction and smiled.
"It depends on whether your body can enjoy it. I still have many sexual positions you haven't tried yet." He smiled wickedly.
"Hmm... I'm tired. Next time." You smiled.
"Don't accept my love first?" He was a little confused.
"I don't want to settle down so early. I want to enjoy being pursued by you and physical pleasure. But if sex, we must be willing to each other. Can't force." You smirked.
"Selfish woman, wanting to have two pleasures at the same time. Aren't you afraid I will be taken away by someone?" He teased by playing with your nipples.
"Ah ha - Bruce - just finished -" you panted.
"You are so easy to feel, don't worry, I am full of energy. You haven't answered my question yet." He was confident, and hands twisted your nipples, feeling his cock swell and erect inside you.
"Ah - fuck -! If - you are taken away by someone - then you are not as special as thought - ah - fuck! -" You moaned while enjoying the touch and the pleasure inside your body.
"Indeed. I like you to suck my appetite. It makes me unable to stop and want to possess all of you." He pushed into you and climaxed again.
"Fuck—Bruce—I'm coming!" You climaxed again.
"Do you want to continue?" He teased you playfully.
"No! I'm fucking exhausted! I'm sticky with sweat and semen!" You covered face and smiled shyly.
"Then you come with me to take a shower, I'll help you." He pulled out his cock and picked you up with strong hands. You hugged him with a shy smile and pecked his handsome face.
At this time, there was a knock on the door "Master Wayne, do you and your friend want to eat something?"
"Alfred, in an hour. I have something to do." He said to the people outside then cast his eyes on you. His lecherous expression made you more shy. He definitely had a bad idea. It seemed not as simple as taking a bath.
"Bruce, I will accept everything from you, but not now." You bit your lip.
"I know. You enjoy the days being pursued by me, and I enjoy the sweetness you give me." He smiled to maintain the sweet happiness with you.
"Good boy." You held his face and kissed him.
"I love you so much, my love." He kissed your lips sweetly.
When he carried you into the bathroom, you reminded him again, "Hey, it's just a bath, right!"
He held you and turned around in the bathroom for a few circles, "I don't know~ If you incite me again~"
"Hahaha! I can't promise~ my dear Bruce." You hugged him tightly, it felt really good spoiled by him.
The voices both of you came from the bathroom. For the first time, enjoyed the love and physical happiness of each other, your were filled with sweetness and satisfaction by his love. The two of you have not yet reached the relationship of lovers, but you both promised to have each other, first enjoy the double pleasure of the body and the soul, then make a lifelong partner.
— The End —
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AO3 Heroes in Love by owlwithanapple
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No One's Around to Judge Me
College parties, they were your least favorite thing to do. And yet, here you are, your best friend ditched you, and the person you want to talk to the least shows up.
A/N: Seb is kinda a creep, Kate is off in La-La land. AU, frenemies sorta deal. Fingering, smutty stuff. Have fun, y'all!
3.7K Word Count
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Will Never Let You Go This Time
Bodies were pressed against bodies, music blared, and the air was thick with the heady scent of sweat, jungle juice, and cheap beer. There was a cacophony of voices as people talked and yelled all over the room. Currently hiding yourself in the corner of a large living room, you watched the mass of people in various states of intoxication interact. Kate, your best friend, had long since left your side, and she was now dancing with Clint, to try and make her love interest jealous. You looked down at the liquid in your plastic cup, swirling the offensive liquor around what remained of the ice. The party scene was far from your thing, but Kate insisted you needed a break and to meet someone. 
Part of the reason you didn't want to come, was because you knew that Natasha Romanoff would certainly be present. You had been the best of friends growing up, but something changed towards the end of middle school, and by the time you were both attending high school, she made your life hell. You simply could not stand Natasha; clearly, the feelings were mutual.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone moving through the crowd, their figure familiar even from behind. Your stomach clenched as you recognized her long, lean legs and how she moved with such confidence and grace. It was her. Natasha. You briefly considered making a run for it, but the thought of leaving a very inebriated Kate behind, and possibly causing a scene, made you hesitate. Unfortunately, Natasha caught your gaze - the devilish smirk on her face made your gut drop.
She made her way over to you, weaving expertly between the people on the floor and the couches. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, revealing her delicate, pale neck, and her sharp cheekbones. Her eyes were a piercing shade of green, surrounded by smoky makeup. She looked you up and down, an amused smile curving her lips. "Well, well, well," she drawled, her raspy voice like cutting through the air. "Look who's here."
You forced yourself to keep your expression neutral, even though you wanted to cross your arms defensively. "Natasha," you replied, tilting your head to the side. "I wish I could say I'm surprised."
She raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side as well. "And why is that?" she asked.
You shrugged, feigning indifference. "I guess I thought you'd have better things to do on a Friday night than come to parties where the only reason people even know who you are is because your daddy's rich."
Natasha's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, really?" she drawled. "And what about you, Y/N? What do you do for fun? Hide in your little corner over here, nursing that disgusting concoction?" She gestured dismissively at your drink. "Or do you just spend your nights wishing you were someone else?" She held her finger to her chin, mocking you in a fake contemplation pose. "Oh! I know, you just want to spend your Friday night wallowing in self-pity and wondering why no one loves you?"
Her words stung, but you refused to let her see that. You forced a derisive laugh, shaking your head. "Oh, Natasha," you said, rolling your eyes. "You're really not that clever. But I guess I should thank you for reminding me why I hated having you around in the first place."
She leaned in closer, her face mere inches from yours. You could feel her breath on your cheek, and it made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. "You know, Y/N," she purred, her voice a low purr, "I've always wondered why we ever called you 'Little Miss Perfect' in school." She smiled, her teeth a sharp white line against her dark lips. "I mean, you were always so..." She paused, seeming to search for the right word. "...insignificant."
The venom in her voice was unmistakable, and it sent a shiver down your spine. You forced yourself to keep your expression neutral, to not let her see the hurt in your eyes. "Well, Natasha," you said, trying to keep your voice steady, "I guess some people just aren't cut out for the spotlight."
Her smile widened, and she leaned even closer, her lips almost brushing against your ear. "Oh, really?" she hissed. "And what about you, Y/N? Do you think you could handle it?" She paused, her breath hot against your skin. "I mean, you could always try to be more like me. You know, do something with your life besides sit around and wait for people to notice you." With that, Natasha turned and walked away, the crowd of pulsing bodies swallowing her as you caught your breath.
You glanced down, noticing that your cup was almost empty. You needed another drink.
As you made your way back to the makeshift bar, you couldn't help but overhear a group of girls talking about you. "Oh my God, did you see the way she was looking at her?" one of them whispered. "I swear, those two should just fuck and get it over with." You rolled your eyes and tried to ignore them.
You had just reached the bar when you felt a familiar presence behind you. "Y/N," a deep voice rumbled, and you turned to find yourself face-to-face with Sebastian. His dark hair was disheveled, his eyes hooded with lids, and he was wearing a tight black t-shirt that showed off his toned arms and chest. "I've been looking for you," he said, his lips curving into a cocky smile. "I thought we could dance, maybe?"
You hesitated for a moment, glancing around to make sure no one else was nearby. "Sure," you said, deciding to play along. "Why not?" Sebastian led you onto the dance floor, his strong arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you close. The music throbbed against your skin, and the crowd around you blurred into a sea of moving bodies. You were slowly losing yourself in the music and the feeling of the party around you. 
The familiar feeling of someone's gaze brought you from your slightly drunken haze. Sebastian was still behind you, his arm wrapped around your waist, his other hand clinging to his cheap beer. You scanned the room, trying to find the source. You finally found it, Natasha glaring at you from across the room. You sent her a wry smirk, grinding yourself further onto Seb, just to prove a point.
He groaned into your ear, the sound making your stomach churn. "Oh, you like that, huh?" he growled, his lips moving against your ear. "You want more?" He pulled you closer, his hips grinding against yours as he expertly mimicked your movements. The feel of him pressed against you, the heat of his skin, made you instantly regret this decision. You glanced back over at Natasha, hoping to catch her reaction. She looked...disgusted. Maybe a little jealous. It was hard to tell with her expression. But it didn't matter. You had nothing to prove to her. Nothing at all.
Finally, Tony stood in the middle of the room, teetering on the back of the sofa, cupping his hands around his mouth to make his voice louder.
"Alright, everyone! Time for a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven! If you want to ‘press your luck’, meet me upstairs!”
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, the thrill of the unknown clearly getting to them. You exchanged a glance with Sebastian, both of you seeming to share the same thought. "I... I'm gonna get a drink," you said, trying to slip away so you wouldn't have to be upstairs. You thought you had slipped away successfully, but a firm grip directed you back towards the stairs. 
"Nuh-uh, Y/N, we go upstairs!" a very, very drunk Kate signals towards the direction that a few partygoers were heading.
You roll your eyes, trying to think of a way out of this as you trail after them. The second floor of the house is dimly lit, with only a few scattered lights to guide the way. The floorboards creak underfoot as you and the others make your way down the hall. You hear the sound of laughter and muffled moaning coming from one of the rooms, and your stomach does a flip. Great. This is just what you need. You pause outside a closed door, apparently waiting for an invitation inside.
Kate barges in, the intrusion causing everyone to look at you. Sebastian grins at you, his lips curving into a wolfish smile as you enter the room with Kate. Natasha rolls her eyes, Clint seems to be the only somewhat sober person here.
"Rules are simple, people!" Tony started.
"Oh, fuck the rules!" a drunk guy yelled out, and everyone laughed.
"Ah ah!" Tony shushed the roar quickly, clearing his throat before he continued. "We are going to mix this up a little bit." He smirked as he looked around. "Let's make this interesting. I'll be blindfolding all of you. You will all put your name in the bowl, so you'll be paired up randomly. I will guide you into one of the closets around the room with your partner. The catch? You'll have to rely on nothing but your senses and instincts to explore each other. No talking, no peeking! I will sound an air horn to start the clock!"
As the crowd cheered and the bowl began to fill with folded paper, you felt a sudden hand on your shoulder. It was Clint. "Hey, if you get paired up with Sebastian..." he trailed off, glancing at you meaningfully, "just remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to."
You nodded, trying to muster up a smile. "I know," you said, more confidently than you felt. Inside, your stomach was in knots. You couldn't believe you'd come up here for this. You scribbled your name onto a piece of paper, and as you stepped back from the bowl, a black cloth was placed over your eyes. A pair of hands pushed you towards another part of the room. You could hear the rustling of the paper as Tony picked the first pairing, ushering them into a closet.
All you could hear was more rustling, grunting, and shuffling as more people were ushered into various rooms and closets upstairs. Finally, a rough pair of hands guided you into the room where you were about to waste 7 minutes of your life. You could hear someone else shuffling around, but you couldn't tell who it was. 
Tony's muffled voice rang out, reminding everyone that they could not remove the blindfold and not talk.
You could feel the heat emanating from your partner beside you, as they shuffled closer. the air horn sounded, and they were pressed up against you. Their deft hands feel around you, once they find your body, they begin to feel around you, grasping at your hips, before drifting upwards. They were soft, gentle, but firm. They were most definitely sure of what they were doing. You soon felt thier hot breath on your neck as they leaned into you.
They placed their hands on your chest and began to slide them upwards. The feel of their skin against yours was electric. They gently traced the line of your jaw, and up to your ear, where they nibbled on it gently. You shivered at the sensation and leaned into their touch. They continued their exploration, their hands moving lower, cupping your bottom before sliding up between your legs. Their fingers were so warm, so soft. You were thankful when you could tell that this wasn't Sebastian. The lack of overly musky cologne made you sure of that. Your senses were soon overtaken by the smell of cinnamon and vanilla. 
You gasped as a hand grasped at your breast, tweaking the nipple as the feeling of a pierced tongue was dragged across your neck, gently nipping and sucking at it as you let out a breathy, raspy exhale.
As your partner continued their exploration, their hands gliding over your stomach and lower, you couldn't help but wonder who it was. The heat from their body was intoxicating, their touch was sending shivers throughout your bodies. You felt a tug at the waistband of your pants, and then a warm hand sliding between your legs, teasing at your folds.
With a gasp, you arched your back, pressing closer to them as their fingers found their way inside you. The sensation was overwhelmingly good, and you found yourself quietly moaning into the darkness that surrounded you. The warmth of their breath on your neck and the feel of their lips against your skin sent shivers down your spine. You wrapped your arms around thier neck, feeling the hair that was down past thier shoulders. Of the guys that were up here, there was only one person who had hair long enough, but this person was definitely NOT Thor.
Their touch was expert, their fingers knowing just how to stroke you, tease you. They slipped a finger inside you, finding your entrance and pressing against it, before slowly, carefully, beginning to thrust. The sensation was incredible, and you could feel your body beginning to respond, your hips beginning to move in time with theirs. You could feel your orgasm building, a tightening deep inside you, as your partner continued to touch you, their lips moving lower, sucking and teasing at your nipple. You cried out, wanting to release. Your partner continued to move, their fingers still inside you, their mouth finding yours in a hot, hungry kiss. They pulled away, finally, and you could feel them smiling against your cheek.
"I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss you," they whispered, their voice so close that you could feel the breath against your ear. "You taste so good." You could hear them sucking off thier fingers, a groan leaving you that was quickly muffled by thier mouth. The hand that had been inside you slid down, finding your entrance once more, and slowly pushed back in. It was so slick, so warm, and it felt so good. You arched your back, moaning into the kiss as your hips began to move in time with theirs. The sensation was overwhelming, your body on fire with desire. They continued to kiss you, their tongue dancing with yours, their teeth nipping gently at your lower lip.
The feeling was incredible, and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. You could feel the tension building deep inside you, your muscles tensing, your breath coming in short gasps. Your partner seemed to sense this too, as they began to thrust harder, faster, their hand gripping you tightly. You cried out, your body shuddering as the release finally came, wracking through you in waves. They held you close, their body pressed against yours, their lips still moving against yours as you came down from the high.
"I know you're not allowed to see, but I want you to look at me." They whispered, their voice husky and low. You could feel the heat from their breath against your neck. You hesitated for a moment, but when they gently pushed your head to the side, you felt their fingers slip free of you. You reached up, feeling blindly for their face as thier hands found yours. You could feel that they were smiling, and you both began to slide the blindfolds off. Of course, the room was dark, but with the tiniest bit of light creeping from under the door.
As your eyes adjusted to the new level of light, your eyes shifted to the person, the woman before you. Your stomach dropped when you realized it was Natasha.
"I knew it," she said, her voice laced with amusement. "I could tell it was you, even though I couldn't see." She leaned in, her lips brushing against yours in a soft, gentle kiss. "I've wanted this for so long."
You felt a mixture of emotions as you kissed her back. Part of you was surprised and confused, while another part felt a strange sense of rightness. Despite the circumstances, you couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of her body pressed against yours. Her fingers tangled in your hair, pulling you closer, and you let out a small moan into her mouth.
As you continued to kiss, you became aware of the weight of her breasts against your chest. She shifted her hips, grinding against you, and you felt a familiar stirring in your own sex. It had been so long since you'd been intimate with anyone, and the desire was overwhelming. You reached down, cupping her through her pants, feeling her warmth and causing her to moan. She arched her back, pressing herself against your hand, and a shudder ran through her body.
You broke the kiss, breathing heavily. "I can't believe this is happening," you whispered, your fingers still exploring her body.
She smiled, running her hands up and down your back. "Believe it," she said, her voice low and husky. "I've wanted this for so long."
Her words sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but wonder what had changed. Had she always felt this way about you, or was it simply the confined situation that had brought them to this point? You didn't care. All that mattered was the way she made you feel, the heat that seemed to radiate from her body whenever she was close.
"N...Nat?" you whispered, tilting your head towards her. "How? How long, I mean?"
She smiled, running her fingers through your hair. "It's been building for a while," she admitted. "But I think it started when our parents sent us both to that summer camp in middle school."
You felt a pang of memory at that. It had been a terrible time for both of you. The other kids had teased you relentlessly, calling you names and making fun of your differences. But it had been worse for Natasha. She'd been the only other kid there who was as... unique as you. You'd spent a lot of time together, talking and confiding in each other. Even then, you'd felt a connection with her.
"Yeah?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "What happened then?"
She laughed softly, the sound musical and inviting. "Oh, you know, the usual teenage hormones. I just... started noticing you differently, I guess." She paused, her eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort. "And then, then I got scared." she continued. "I was scared of my parents, scared what Yelena would think, what you would think. So I decided it would be better to cut you out. Distance myself, make you hate me. Clearly, that worked." she chuckled, leaning down and nudging you with her nose.
You felt your cheeks flush at her words, the weight of what she was saying settling heavily in your chest. "I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you," you confessed, your voice barely more than a whisper. "I never meant to hurt you."
Natasha's eyes searched yours, and for a moment, you thought she might cry. But then she smiled, shaking her head. "It's okay," she said, her voice steady. "I was pretty nasty to you too." She leaned in, pressing her lips against yours again, her tongue dancing with yours in a newfound intimacy.
You wrapped your arms around her, feeling the warmth of her body against yours. The kiss deepened, and you could feel the desire growing between you. You slid your hands down her back, cupping her bottom, and she moaned into your mouth. Her hips moved against yours, grinding against you. The air horn sounded, and you groaned at the interruption.
"We'll have to continue this later," she whispered, breaking the kiss and breathing heavily. "There's still so much I want to do with you." Her fingers traced circles on your chest, and you could feel yourself blush. Suddenly, the door was ripped open, drowning the space you were just occupying in light. You both squinted, turning your faces away from the light.
"What the hell is going on in here?" Tony quipped a cocky smirk etched on his face as he eyed you wrapped around Natasha, your sworn enemy.
You gulped nervously, trying to find the words to explain yourself. "Uh... We, uh... we were just, you know..." You trailed off, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Natasha cleared her throat, trying to sound casual. "We were just having a friendly conversation, that's all." She shot you a sidelong glance, her expression a mixture of amusement and worry.
"Uh huh, sure..." Tony started. "You were having a friendly conversation, and I'm a virgin."
You cringed at his bluntness, but Natasha seemed to take it in stride. "Well, we were just having fun," she said, her tone defensive. "There's no harm in that." With that, Tony nodded, walking away. Nat turned and looked at you, her eyes holding a glint you could no longer hate.
"Look, I know it was... unexpected," she started, running her fingers through her hair. "But I've been feeling this way for a while now, and I just... I couldn't hold it back any longer." She paused, her lips parting as she let out a shaky breath. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, or if I hurt you in any way. That was never my intention."
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. You knew she was telling the truth; you could see it in her eyes. "I'm sorry too," you said, finally finding the courage to speak. "I've always felt some sort of way about you, Natty," you whispered, and a shy smile shot across her face at the use of her childhood nickname. "I'm glad this happened."
She leaned forward, her lips meeting yours once more. The kiss was soft and tender, a far cry from their earlier passion. You could feel the weight of the past few minutes lifting from your shoulders as you wrapped your arms around her and pulled her close. As the others filed back into the room, you didn't care who saw you or what they thought.
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agirlwithglam · 2 days
how to stop being so obsessed with them.
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heyyy bestieees! heres a few tips to stop you from being so obsessed with them cus honeyyy its just not worth it. it doesn't just have to be romantically btw!
"she's literally perfect.. like how??" <- affirmations! More resources:
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༄ ✬ move on! ༄ ✬
numero uno. move on. okay hear me out! there are 8 billion people in the world. (8 billion freeky deeking people). do yk how much that it? a lot of 0s. and i know for a fact that SO MANY of them would be thrilled to know you, to spend time with you, to love and respect you! if that 1 person out of 8 billion people doesn't seem to recognise your worth, so what?!
"oh but they're perfect and i just love them so much!" ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... sorry, what do you love again? the fact that they don't care enough to return a text, treat you right, make you feel loved?
"i just want them to love me back and treat me the way they treat others because they are so funny and always seem to make me and other people laugh!" oh ma lawd. ur not serious r u? you are?! okokok i won't make fun of you. i can relate to how that feels. but sweetheart, 8 billion. trust me, you'll find a lot more people who are twice as funnier and caring who will love you to the moon and back and make you feel like the most specialist person ever and massage ur crusty musty toes. jk about the last one- unless u want that?
༄ ✬ not everyone will know your worth. ༄ ✬
so asking questions like "but why can't they realise how great i am? or how funny i am? or how loving i am? i would do anything for them, why can't they realise that and treat me the same way back?" im sorry honey but the world doesn't work that way. if someone doesn't feel or treat you as if you're the most glamorous girl in the world, then you need to stop giving them sm energy and importance.
heres an analogy that i got from simonesquared on youtube: in gilmore girls, Rory has this super rich boyfriend Logan right? (who has the most cutest smile ever i might add) and he buys Rory a birkin bag. now to Rory, she doesn't realise the value of a bag like that! to her, its just another bag. she's grateful of course, but she doesn't fully realise the immense value this type of bag has.
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༄ ✬ have a life outside of them.༄ ✬
lemme repeat that. have. a. fleeping. life. outside. of. them. they should NOT be the center of your life or the cause of all your actions NUH UH ABSOLUTELY NOT! its okay to do SOME things with the thought of them, but that part is separate from the rest of your life. your life is your life, not theirs!!
this can mean going to the gym, working out, finding new hobbies, educating yourself, self care, etc etc! but don't go about your life, thinking about them. you go about your life thinking about YOU.
༄ ✬ stop chasing them. ༄ ✬
"gee, thanks vanilla. thats so helpful! how did i not think about that earlier?" im assuming thats sarcasm, but whateverr. okay so if they know that you're chasing them, that you're obsessed with them, yk what they'll think? they'll think that 'oh! this person is chasing me, so she really wants me. so she'll stick around. i dont really need to try too hard to keep her cus i know she'll stay. i'll explore my options in the meantime :)'
GIRL do not so available like this! BE BUSY (which relates to the point before). once you glow up, work on your life, not taking it so seriously, and just being happy and enjoying this beautiful gift of life, they will start to think: 'oh! this person (you) is actually quite fabulous. i better try to make her feel happy/ be friends with her before i miss this awesome opportunity!'
cus girl, cmon, you've got things to do, places to be, and people to talk to. i've got goals and dreams and my bucket list. you don't have the time to sit here and be crazy obsessed. so like, if they just leave, um okay and? "yes, and?" what about it? am i meant to be bothered? likerrr okay, byee? i mean, i've got a lot of things to do so i could try to fit in a "help i need you" session between my pilates class and my cooking class? jk <3
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༄ ✬ give yourself the damn love. ༄ ✬
why are you obsessed with them? why are you head over heels for somebody who literally couldn't care less? its because they have something that you feel like you're lacking.
is it the fact that they always seem so happy and laughing-y with people around them? that they get super high marks on their test? they are attractive? they have a high status? money? what is it?? often, we can actually give these things to ourselves. some, easier than others. but not impossible. if you really wanted to, you would get up, dust yourself up, and give yourself the love you crave. What you want in others, give to yourself first.
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More resources:
How to stop comparing yourself & feel fulfilled without needing external validation.
Thewizardliz: becoming selfish was the best thing i did
Lumma Aziz’s videos
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halleyscomet14 · 2 days
the edge, the end.
relationships: billie eilish x female reader
warnings: none! just fluff and comfort
word count: 2010
summary: collage applications seem to be harsh, good thing you have an amazing girlfriend to support you.
life is a doozy for everyone. there always seems to be an issue in every area, small or big. whether it’s small things, like not being able to decide which top you should wear for the day. or maybe larger things like going through a tough breakup. its impossible to live a carefree life, it didn’t matter in which circumstances you lived in. everybody, and i mean everybody; rich or poor, gay or straight, trans or cis, black or white, old or young.
so, what was your deal? well, life sucks basically. and someone people need a break. thats exactly what you did! you had graduated from high school at the age of 18, then realized you just wanted to exist without exams for a while. which was the year you met billie. you had grown closer to her in secret, not daring to make a single move on her until she does something herself. the gap year was amazing, it was really everything you wanted. and one day, days before your nineteenth birthday… billie makes the move. for all you know the next morning you’re in her bed, clothes on the floor as you woke up next to the sweet girl.
in short you were nineteen now, and university applications were starting soon. of course you had a collage in mind. a college which was so impressive that the campus made you jaw drop, the professors offered 24/7 help, was perfect for your major and most importantly provided online support, so you could spend time with billie on tours and such. it was a serious relationship! it hadn’t been long into the relationship, yet billie was attached to you, and you were absolutely no different.
it was a fairly windy day, with light grey clouds above you. a cool spring breeze was making the oak trees around make a calming rumble noise. you were sitting at the end of the dinner table as you sat there working on your computer. the clicking sound of your laptop’s keyboard could be heard with the human ear. it had been a couple of weeks after you sent your collage application to your main and backup university’s. every day went by as you nervously sat down at your computer taking small notes of the university’s reputation and the chances of you getting in. another tab was opened where you would write your feeling, mainly to pass time but another reason was so you could relieve yourself as you laid down the words onto a word document.
your leg bounced up and down, writing notes as you switched between your inbox and the document where you would write. you were sure that somehow you’d be able to catch the exact time you get your mail to see if you were rejected or accepted. you applied for seven colleges, six of which were collages you didn’t care to go. they were just there, just in case. just so you’d make a good background. you got rejected by three of them. you didn’t care though, your main dream collage was right on the line. you didn’t worry about the scenario of rejection, you knew, you were confident you would get in.
a quiet *bleep* sound was heard from your computer. a notification popped up at the right bottom corner, from the gmail app saying you got a new mail. it could be spam mail, or just a random subscription, but you were so caught up in the whole collage thing, you quickly clicked on the notification. the mouse redirected to the gmail tab, and your eyes grew in shock. your dream and main university had replied to your application. your heart started to race. billie wasn’t home, maybe you should’ve waited for her. but you were just too excited. you clicked on the mail, hands shaking and leg bouncing up higher than ever. you read the first couple of lines:
“Dear Y/n Y/l/n,
We thank you for your gratitude in waiting for this very message and we’re honored to say that we are very glad that you chose our collage to apply. Yet, we are very sorry to say that we won’t be seeing you this fall.”
those few lines were all you needed for everyone in your head to stop. your eyes opened even more as you read the mail once more.
“It seems as though you, miss Y/l/n, aren’t the right fit we look for students…”
the mail continued, it can’t be… you said to yourself. you read it once more, making sure you hadn’t gotten it wrong. you felt despair, you didn’t know what to do. you pushed the laptop to move out of your way, as you laid your eyes on the coffee pot. you stared, not knowing what to think. disappointment, dissatisfaction, sadness and disbelief were only a couple of things you felt at that moment. you didn’t stop the eye contact with the plastic coffee pot as you fidgeted with your fingers.
it most likely had been minutes, maybe around 15 minutes and you just couldn’t move. this had been your dream, during all of gap year… okay. you finally moved your eyes off the pot, ad you got up to take your laptop to another room. leaving the laptop on the couch, you went back to your original spot at the table, suited for 6 people. the dim lighting hit perfectly as you heard the wind outside of your window. it was such a beautiful calm day, wasted for such a stupid reason. you sat on the chair, your eyes drifting around three main spots. the left center of the table, the left edge of the table and your fingers, who kept fidgeting. you didn’t want to do anything at that moment, not lift a finger.
a while you heard a key enter the keyhole, as someone jammed it in. the rattling could be heard. the door creaked ever so slightly as it opened. small steps echoed across the hall as someone walked towards the entry of the living room. “babe?” said a familiar voice. you didn’t move, you just kept sitting at the table doing the same rotation with your eyes. “babee..?” the familiar voice was billie’s, she lengthened the e in babe as she stepped into the kitchen.
she saw you, sitting still as your eyes flashed across the pattern. she swiftly went towards you as she pulled out the chair right next to you (diagonal to the end of the table where you sat). she most likely sensed the bad mood in the room, or your odd movements. signs of denial flood across your memory as you replayed the mail in your mind, really not knowing what to think. all of those took a break when you felt the cold touch of your girlfriend on your hands, which were fidgeting. she gave you a little squeeze with one of hand. “what’s wrong?” her voice seemed to have dropped in worry.
you didn’t mutter a word, you couldn’t. billie stared deep towards your eyes in worry, yet you didn’t look up. you rejected any type of affection from another person at that moment. you were crushed. probably, in a couple of days you wouldn’t feel this way. time has its affects. its the strongest form to ever exist. time tears people apart, yet also heals. “y/n?” billie inquired once more. “you know you can talk to me.” she said. you crumbled at her words, thinking that she got the wrong impression. you pursed your lips as billie continued, “i hate seeing you like this, all upset…” her voice was very calming.
you sat still, not talking. you were afraid to say something out loud. billie kept making small movements such as flashing her eyes across places, moving her head slightly or squeezing your hand. “i…” you started, yet couldn’t continue. billie stud up straight, preparing herself for what you were about to say. “is this about us?” billie said, more worried than ever. you snapped out of your trans. you pulled away her hand, making a small defending move. “no! never!” you said, emphasising your words.
“i’m not following then, what’s this about?” billie said as you let both of your hands fall onto hers. you gave in a deep breath. “is this about collage? i know you’ve been very on the edge.” billie said. she cracked the code. you sigh, “i… didn’t. i didn’t get in.”. you made eye contact with billie through her small, fragile glasses. she let her jaw drop, “what? from your main?” she asked obliviously. you nodded.
billie seemed upset with you, “oh, baby…” she said as she drifted up from her seat, standing up. bringing your head closer to her chest, she pressed your head against herself, pulling you in for a half hug. you let your hands snake around her waist as you hugged her abdomen tightly. her hands went up higher to your head, holing you as you leaned against your dear girlfriend.
you could’ve stayed at that very position till the day that you die, but billie pulled away to lay a small kiss of your forehead. it wasn’t that your complaining though. she let herself fall to her knees as she grabbed your chin. she redirected it, making both of your foreheads touch. you felt her warmth radiating from her body. she had gotten warmer, adjusting to the higher temperature of the house. “wanna lay down?” billie whispered towards your lips. your breath hitched at the sensation. you nodded, making your foreheads rub together. billie always took the best care of you.
she got herself up with the help of her arms. you pulled your chair out to get up. you went in for a kiss on billie’s plump, pink lips. closing the gap between the two of you, you pressed on her lips. she replied as you moved even closer to her with the help of your arm around her neck. she suddenly stopped the kiss and in very fast sudden movement she picked you up from the floor, into her arms. “ah!” you let out a yelp from the unexpected movement. you never let go of her neck though. she carried you through the doorframe and towards the couch. the weather had started to get rougher, and the clouds darker. she laid you down as she softly let you go of her arms. she reached for the remote, and the print covered blanket folded neatly on the edge of the couch.
you got comfortable in your sadness, yet you couldn’t help but blush at the cute acts of your girlfriend. she laid the blanket on top of you, “are you cold?” she asked as she fixed the curves on the blanket. “no” you replied simply. billie went out of the room, to the kitchen. you watched her movements. she came back with a small tip of ice cream and a spoon. you smiled, she really knew how to lift up your mood. she gave you the ice cream and placed a small peck on your forehead. later, she walked away. “wait!”
you yelled towards billie. your frown had disappeared by the time. “you’re not gonna stay?” you asked in a very slight baby voice. she smiled at you with both hands placed at her waist. she walked towards you, grinning at your manners. she laid, and you snuggled right into her shoulder as she picked up the remote. your hand kept towards billie’s lap, onto her very warm skin. you got comfortable and so did she. billie seemed to open a tv show the two of you were watching.
“bils?” you said, looking up and locking eyes with your girlfriend. her ocean blue’s could even hypnotize you in this mood. she let out a “mhm?”. “thank you…” you said, really smiling in gratitude. she pulled you in by your cheek into a short kiss, leaving inches between the two of you. you really had found the one.
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jji-lee · 2 days
Hey love , I was wondering if you could hit us with a nct dream x bridgerton short blub 💞
this is clearly not a short blurb (im so sorry) but i wanted to describe them each as suiters, i hope you still enjoy! <3
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dearest readers,
last night’s ball was filled with chatter on some of this season’s fine young ladies however, one lady in particular, lady y/n bridgerton, seemed to be the belle of the ball.
the bridgerton estate was bustling with life as it hosted the most anticipated ball of the season. chandeliers set the mood as the candles adorning them cascaded a warm glow throughout the hall. the air was filled with a light scent of lilies and the sound of the live orchestra. guests were wearing their finest attire, excitement radiating off their bodies as they awaited tonight's matches.
tonight lady y/n bridgerton was a sight for sore eyes. a beauty in her long shining gown, figure defined by the lining of her handcrafted dress. her heart raced with excitement at the sight before her. this was her debut season, and she was anything but excited to have some time in the spotlight but little did she know that this season had some of the finest suitors on the market.
as she strolled around the ballroom lady y/n came across her first suitor, lord jeno lee. she had caught his eye as he spoke to some familiar guests, her smell of vanilla pulling him in. he was confident, his charming smile easily making girls weak. he lightly tapped lady y/n's shoulder hoping she would spend some time with him. as she turned she was pleasantly surprised by the figure in front of her, a tall handsome man, eyes shaped like crescent moons as he smiled wide at her. he introduced himself a light hand coming up to grasp hers. she immediately felt at ease opening up and telling him about her hobbies and interests. she felt like she had spoken for a lifetime, feeling warm as he nodded and smiled at her words, his hand never leaving hers. as she realized she had been the one speaking she blushed softly asking lord jeno what his interest were. but as he opened his mouth to speak a charming fellow approached them ready to steal her away.
"may i? lady y/n is not yet taken by you i assume?" lord jeno was all too kind allowing you to spend some time with your next suitor. you soon discovered he was duke of ashford, haechan lee, notorious for throwing the best balls and well, secret after parties. he ducked his head down as he brought your hand up to his lips. you flinched at the contact slightly tugging your hand away, but his grip only became stronger, a grin growing on his stupidly handsome face. "you're the talk of the ball tonight lady y/n, might i add your mother did a beautiful job decorating this place." you smiled at the compliment towards your mother, swayed by the idea that he had kept her in mind, "that is a great compliment coming from you duke, maybe you can invite me to a ball of your own someday?" he pulled her near as he got close enough to whisper, "you do know what goes on in my balls don't you m'lady, if that is the type of entertainment you seek, then just let me know now, i’ll have everything ready for you." he gave her hand one final kiss and danced away, proud that he left her red and flustered.
a cold touch jolted her out of her shocked state, as she turned to see the owner of this touch her eyes widened upon seeing the one and only lord renjun huang. he had pushed a cold glass into her arm to catch her attention, "excuse me, m'lady you were looking a bit hot, would you care for a drink?" she was relieved by the sudden change of demeanor between the men feeling comfort as she reached for the glass and muttered out a small thanks. "i'm surprised to see you here my lord, i hear you never come out to these sort of events." he blushed at your comment, knowing of the rumors of him being 'forever in solitude.' "yes, well, i saw someone this season who has caught my eye, maybe she will be the one to dismiss these rumors." she giggled at his comment knowing he was clearly talking about her, she was flattered that she was the one to finally get him to come to a ball. as their drinks emptied lady y/n excused herself to the ladies room to fix up her fading lip tint. as she walked through the ball she heard a familiar voice call her name…
a tall figure pushed through the crowd of guests hand in the air to stop her, “y/n, oh excuse me, y/n, pardon me, lady y/n, oh will you get out of my way” she stopped to see who was causing this disturbance. finally the man reached her, mumbling under his breath something about an annoying duke that needs to learn manners. “y/n i requested they play our song, let me have this dance?” lady y/n’s long time best friend lord chenle lee stuck his hand out awaiting her answer. she giggled at his disheveled appearance, he’d never been one to dress up for these kinds of occasions, and accepted his dance. he pulled her into the dancing crowd a familiar up beat tune playing. some would think they were long lost lovers finding each other again as they laughed, swayed, and twirled around the ballroom. but do not be fooled my dear reader, this lord seemed to be a temporary distraction for sweet lady y/n as she was seen shortly after with someone else to fill her cup…
as she caught her breath, a small smile still resting on her face, she heard a small voice behind her, “care for a refill m’lady?” she turned to see a very tall dark haired boy standing in front of her, he was dressed in all black a towel draped over his forearm, hands holding a bottle ready to refill her cup. as he looked up at her through his bangs she saw his features, a beautiful nose and lips adorning his face, “can i ask your name? lord…?” he quickly put the bottle down to wave his hands dismissively, “ no no, not lord, just jisung, jisung park, your mother hired me for this event” she smiled warmly at him causing his shoulders to relax and a light blush to form on his cheeks. “my mother has fine taste in bottle servers then” she held her glass out to him and giggled as he scrambled to pick up the bottle and pour the fizzy liquid into her glass. she gave him a light wink and walked out to get some fresh air in the garden.
as she wandered deeper into the large maze of a garden she began to hear distant giggling, as she continued to walk the sound grew louder. when she took a right turn she was greeted by a pair of strangers intertwined with one another. she gasped, quickly turning, well as quickly as her gown allowed, to shield her eyes from what was occurring in front of her. she heard the male laugh and the bushes rustle which she assumed was the girl running off, not wanting lady y/n to recognize her. lady y/n cleared her throat, “are you decent?” the male laughed again humming in approval. as she turned to see who this frisky male was she was met with a bare chest in front of her, buttons undone. she quickly put her hands over her eyes, “i asked if you were decent!” she felt his hands tug hers down. she looked up to avoid eye contact with his chest and was met with the beautiful face of duke jaemin na, this season’s biggest playboy, his sparkly teeth on display, “well hello there pretty lady, are you lost?” she backed away from him afraid she’d fall into his trap, “duke i actually am not lost, i will be finding my way out immediately!” she turned to exit the maze, hoping some magical force would guide her out. and unsurprisingly the duke followed behind her pestering her with questions from “what do you do on your free time?” to “have you ever been intimate with yourself?” she tried to ignore him, only answering the appropriate questions until she finally escaped the maze leaving him behind calling after her.
she finally thought the night was over and rushed to her mother’s side to find some peace, however, her mother had other plans. “my sweet girl, come, come!” she ushered her over, “i’d like you to meet sir mark lee!” a gentle looking man stood next to her reaching his hand out to lady y/n. as she took his hand he gave it a kiss and pulled her away from her mother to talk. “i’m sorry about all that, it’s getting late, i’m sure you’ve had a long night of suitors rushing your way” she smiled at him grateful that he acknowledged her struggle, “no worries sir, your company is welcomed, after everything i’ve been through your presence is soothing” he gave her a small smile before asking lady y/n to recount her night, giving her loud and exaggerated reactions to the stories, causing her to laugh at his expressions. they seemed to hit it off well, finding comfort in the others words.
the night seemed to end too early for lady y/n bridgerton, but it seemed she had done more than enough work for herself this season, as the next morning she was greeted by seven handsome men wanting to speak with her. now it is far too early to say which man has infiltrated the heart of our darling lady y/n. but patience my dear reader for tomorrow is right around the corner.
yours truly,
lady whistledown
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bethanydelleman · 1 day
Bingley was at fault too.....
Bingley's "modesty" is mostly just the result of Darcy's bad influence on him . Darcy said it himself; Bingley kept relying on him so much because it made life for him easier, he knows that he's impulsive and instead of dealing with his flaws, he just relies on Darcy to check him. He knew Jane loved him and the only effect that Jane acting like a lady should act is simply him not knowing how much she liked him, he knew love was there. And because Darcy thought she did not , he decided that she does not love him after all.
Both Darcy and Bingley are irresponsible; Darcy knew Bingley falls out of love all the time and yet he did not think that Jane might form a serious attachment because of his advances. He only cares about Bingley because it's HIS friend not out of a desire to help others.
Bingley hits on Jane immediately and courts her in front of everyone ; then left her after knowing everyone was expecting marriage ; if he wanted to leave, at least he shouldn't make it seem like he was running away from her, this might affect her reputation . I know he had planned to return but Darcy convinced not to; but he should at least claim an excuse that had nothing to do with Jane so he would not embarass her.
I disagree with most of what you are saying here. I don't think Bingley could have possibly been that confident or known that Jane loved him.
Elizabeth admits that Jane is hard to read and no one would have been entirely sure of her love:
He declared himself to have been totally unsuspicious of her sister’s attachment; and she could not help remembering what Charlotte’s opinion had always been. Neither could she deny the justice of his description of Jane. She felt that Jane’s feelings, though fervent, were little displayed, and that there was a constant complacency in her air and manner, not often united with great sensibility.
And also, Jane & Bingley don't spend a ton of time together in the two months that Bingley is at Netherfield. This is not modern dating:
“Perhaps he must, if he sees enough of her. But though Bingley and Jane meet tolerably often, it is never for many hours together; and as they always see each other in large mixed parties, it is impossible that every moment should be employed in conversing together. Jane should therefore make the most of every half hour in which she can command his attention. When she is secure of him, there will be leisure for falling in love as much as she chooses.”
I think you are greatly overestimating how well Bingley would understand Jane's heart. He can't ask if she likes him either, it's all about subtle encouragement. We don't know what Darcy and his sisters said to him, but I can see how someone would be persuaded that Jane didn't actually love him. I think modesty is one of Bingley's strengths, not a fault. And, he's also not as persuadable as people sometimes say, we see him stand up to both his sisters and Darcy.
Mrs. Bennet said that Jane was ill-used, but she doesn't suffer any reputation damage. Mrs. Gardiner basically says, "These things happen" and moves on. We have no evidence at all that it hurt Jane in any way except emotionally. Also, Bingley & Jane don't act like Marianne & Willoughby or Wentworth & Louisa, we do not hear that everyone who saw them expected an engagement. It did not go that far. It was a fervent hope, not an honour-bound expectation. It was also a lot of Mrs. Bennet telling everyone that it would happen.
Darcy was wrong, but after the Bennets' display of vulgarity at the ball, he thought he was doing the right thing for his friend. Was he biased? Yes, the narrator tells us so, but that doesn't mean he was irresponsible. If Bingley hadn't been truly in love, he would have been doing the right thing.
That said, both Bingley and Darcy do have flaws, but Bingley is young and being impulsive when you're 23 and filthy rich isn't that bad. Darcy protecting his friend isn't a flaw, though his reasoning wasn't without bias. And I'm sure he does often have a good influence on Bingley.
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xcerizex · 2 days
Don't you ever wonder about how lonely Cael gets sometimes?
She cannot love him. This is not a warning, or an option for him to avoid. It is a fact, how can she love him after everything he's done? He tried not to hurt her, but he's hurt the people she cared for.
She has lost...someone, because of him. Someone so incredibly precious and she may lose someone else in the future because of him, what else can she think of except for hatred against him during every autumn?
He said it himself, he is lonely without her. When you think about, what happens to him then, if she chooses someone that is not him?
He would be so, so lonely.
It's not that the other boys would be as happy without her. Ayn may forever be in search of a whale that sounds as the same frequency as him. Alkaid may forever live his whole life haunted by the eyes that look after him. Clarence may live his whole life as another shadow on the wall. Lars may spend his whole life in a monotonous routine filled with burdens.
And Cael?
If she were to choose someone else, he will spend the rest of her life, making sure she is free.
He may spend the rest of eternity, an eternity without her, all alone. Because how could he ever force her down a path of immortality, when eternity can become such a horrific thing?
He will spend an eternity alone with his feelings kept to himself. His emotions will boil under a lid, painfully and passionately. But can he do that? When he's already had the sweet taste of human warmth? Even if it was just an illusion?
Either that, or he may die early, sacrifice himself to keep the Infinite Empire away from her. He will end his eternity for her without hesitation.
Maybe he'd be happier if he died first if it's for her sake, rather than watch her die before him in the arms of another man, while he alone is left with his immortality. He will love her, even when she loves someone else.
And if she chooses him, that would be a true miracle in his eyes.
But does he think about it? About the fact that she may die first before him while whispering the words "I love you" so sweetly?
Once he loses her, alive or no, what else does he have?
He would have the world she lived in, and a world that will destroy it.
And what else can he do but rebel against the Infinite Empire? Regardless if she chooses him or not, he does not want to do anything she disapproves of.
If she chooses him, he won't be lonely anymore, he would be happy.
But if she doesn't? Then Peter Pan will forever spend the rest of his timeless life in Neverland without his Wendy.
And he would become nothing more than a sparse memory of her life. Despite her meaning so much to him, within that small frame of time.
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tubbytarchia · 10 hours
new jim hardcore smp....... 30 days...... watching the vod............ this is so long im so sorry. i cant stop noting every little detail.
members (might miss some. just saying ones that join or are mentioned): jimmy, martyn, bekyamon, sneegsnag, fwhip, mogswamp, joel, sausage, lizzie, oli, "all the life series crew (but none of them responded)", scott, aimsey (jimmy says later theres "about 14 of us")
martyn almost dies immediately i think. he joins and almost instantly starts complaining about a zombie at spawn.
bekyamon DOES die immediately via skeleton. jim does the thing where he goes dead silent.
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jimmy revives her after a moment of trying to figure out how to. he got someone to do it for him (i think an off-screen admin. like sonam life series)
he places down a crafting table ONLY to craft sticks then picks it up again. this isnt important i just thought it was funny. he then places it down again 5 seconds later
on the way to find stone hes met by sneeg and martyn in a boat. they all spend the first night together. cute. sneeg gets inside their makeshift cave and immediately goes afk (to talk to his chat i think)
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jimmy: two dudes chilling in a dark cave, (places 2 dirt between him and martyn) two blocks apart...
martyn: NOT IN PRIDE MONTH!! (runs around the dirt)
^ they then both do the AYYYYY! thing which i think is cute.. big dogs will always be real. they keep talking about league of legends and i dont know whats happening.
jim and martyn go out at night to get resources. jimmy crashes while mining coal around some gravel and he crashes....... he has the falling block glitch,,, martyn crashed too i think (update: they all have it. i think its caused by mods not installing properly but its probably server side since its everyone? or fwhip messed up since jim said fwhip organised a folder for everyone to install.)
jimmy finds a village! on the way he has a close call with a creeper and he then raids it. he mentions football but then hes like "you dont care do you. no worries" TALK ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS ON YOUR STREAAMMMMM i mean what
chat keeps telling him to kill a golem. he resists for a bit before doing it. "you know what. ive gave in to peer pressure. im going to kill him." he then kills the golem and he goes ooo or yeah for every hit.
lizzie joins and he starts BEGGING her to not die first. "lizzie, lizzie, listen to me, if youre watching the stream still. you CANNOT be the first one to die. lizzie, please. please, please. do not be the first one to die, please. you cant have that title. you cannot have this title." (lizzie then says im gonna live so hard and he laughs. but jimmy what the hell was that about)
lizzie then mentions in chat that theres powdered snow at spawn and jimmys IMMEDIATELY like not my fault. the server did that. ???????????? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM LIKE ACTUALLY i need to study him get in my lab boy
chat asks if its gonna be made into videos. he says its only going to be streamed. jimmy please hire someone to edit down your streams. please
jimmy makes it very clear that he wants to survive all 30 days. i believe in him
LIZZIES HERE shes in her empires season 2 dress skin. ?????? she forgot to install all the mods
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she then leaves and sausage arrives by yelling DADDY JIM?????? (jimmy then says "first time someones called me daddy! wow!" to which saus goes "LIES. LIES. LIES!!" and jim says "well. you know. we dont talk about what we do in our spare time-" ?!!?!?!!?!?!)
lizzie then rejoins and it makes both of them jump. lizzie explains the skin by saying she likes to use the skins she doesnt wear much in between series. thats so cute i cant do this
sausage says his sos builds were him "holding back". i am scared of him i think
lizzie wants to test if you can still jump off cliffs in boats. she then goes into a ravine (and lands in water so it isnt even a test) and realises that she did just jump into a ravine with a total of 0 resources. she gets out fine :)
they talk about saving the villagers and lizzie tries to. seduce one of them into going inside the house. then sausage tries to seduce the SAME villager.
sausage has a gapple already???? he tries to give it to jimmy but jimmy gives it back.
jim and lizzie talk about joel. jimmy: "i wish i could spend some quality time with him, you know?" lizzie: "yeah me too, me too man" they then start talking about him. like wanting custody over him. like some strange pet. jimmy and lizzie and the weird thing they found on the street. jimmy explicitly refers to joel as "our man" which i think is kind of gay.
jimmy and lizzie and sausage go mining together. this is such a great trio im so happy. they go into one of those shitty little caves and mythical "builder" sausage starts texturing the entrance. someone put him in a creative world its good for his enrichment.
sausage picked the seed :) every biome is close by
lizzie keeps taming cats and im scared she isnt going to stop.
honestly the mining trip is really chill... its just the three of them hanigng out and talking. very fun. sausage meows when hes nervous. lizzie has just found out that hardcore means the server is set to hard. they also all remember that cats scare creepers and theyre having a great time. lizzie has no armour and reaches 1 heart.
sausages texturing is an ongoing bit and its so fucking funny they keep encouraging him. sausage this whole cave needs texturing.
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oli wants to know where jimmy is. this gives hey girl i mean they energy and i cant explain it. jimmy says "we" are in a hole atm and oli goes full jealous bf mode on him. he calls him kitten. i cant do this
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the gang finds a lush cave and sausages texturing bit gets even funnier. hes so happy about moss. unfortunately theres like a million mobs.
aimsey asks in chat if someone can sleep so jimmy does. he says it was him and aimsey says "YAY!!!!! you are my new favourite" while scott says "youre so hot for that". jimmy does not acknowledge either of them. winning the idgaf war.
sausage combat logs in between a bunch of mobs. lizzie combat logs a moment later. leaving jimmy alone to fight all the mobs (its like a single creeper and skeleton) and jimmy is SO annoyed about it. he'll never forget this.
they both join again but lizzie has to leave :( she goes back to the surface to log out safely
sausage is visibly upset about caving day 1. he yearns to build. he really really wants to build. did you know he wants to build. he wants a starter house. he doesnt want to be in the caves.
they see some gravel and jimmys like be careful. dont touch it cuz of the glitch. sausage then goes wait can i hit it here? and the game IMMEDIATELY crashes. jimmy is devastated. like clutching his head hitting his desk. hes worried hes gonna fall to his death cuz he was placing blocks.
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they both rejoin at about the same time. turns out what saus did (i think) is he tried to break a single piece of gravel that he THOUGHT wasnt connected to anything. but it was. it was connected to a lot of things actually. so they both crashed
they start to go back up and they find oli!!! oli starts playing the oli and jim theyre just two guys song. hes actually so jealous boyfriend "explain to me why i have that song ready and youre spending time in a hole with OTHER men by the way!?" he also says kitten again. i cant do this. oli tries to modify the oli and jim song to oli and oli. he chills out quickly then starts playing their talent show song
they go back to the surface and oli starts talking about wanting (armadillo) scutes (for dog armour) and a dog. while oli is talking about dogs jimmy is just. zoomed in on his feet. sausage just says he will give oli 10 gifted subs if he shows his feet on stream. they get on him for being too direct and not being pg. as if they were being perfect little angels. ok oli and jim.
they all start talking over each other about lore and i cant hear anything except jimmy going "IM THE DADDY OF THIS SERVER!" and oli going "NO YOURE MY KITTEN YOURE MY KITTEN YOURE MY KITTEN YOURE MY LITTLE KITTEN MAN"
jimmy leaves to get food. he comes back and briefly passes oli and saus and i just hear oli calling sausage kitten too. i dont know what this new bit is and im too scared to ask.
all three of them go on a little boat ride to find more people. jimmy wrote a sea song yesterday and its really fun and catchy.......
they eventually run into martyn and sneeg. i think a thing about this smp is going to be me not being able to hear anything. theres a minimum of 3 people talking at any given time. the boats end up as jim/martyn, sneeg/oli, and saus. oli changes oli and jim to oli and sneeg.
i genuinely think theres like maybe 2 braincells between them all because as soon as someone says something they all start repeating it
oli and jimmy separate off. theyre looking for some place to live and they realise the spot they want is where scott is. so they make a bit out of trying to move into the area without anyone noticing theyre there. scott tries to talk to them and theyre like heyyyyyyy we didnt notice you here aha. ahaha. for context the area is like. a massive hole in the ground thats not a cave but its just. a pit. scott and aimsey call it the donut jimmy and oli call it the disc.
oli says "has there ever been a disc war" and i was thrown so hard into 2020. they then speak over each other but jimmys like (to scott) YOU FRUSTRATE ME! I AM FRUSTRATED! and oli says that oli/jim are the disc heads. surely nobody is going to mispronounce this. just a couple of disc heads. ok mr pg. their house is the discheads disc den and they keep saying it really fast and i think somethings going to go wrong.
martyn and sausage and sneeg turn up and within like a second olis like "we love riding disc in this house" and saus says "ill ride that disc" i dont like either of them at all. then oli shoos jimmy away to convince sneeg to call it the disc and not a donut (probably to say something not pg). whatever he said it worked cuz by the time jimmys back hes calling it the disc. mog turns up at some point during this too.
jimmy walks off and finds a whole bunch of dogs.... he got one of the new ones. woods wolf? idk its very cute. he goes back to the group and mog gets exiled for calling the hole a donut. jimmy mines for like 5 minutes then ends. :p next stream monday and theres another build and seek video tomorrow
Me and Liau read this ask together a few days ago and all of this OOC is the funniest shit. But also I don't think it'd be bearable for me to watch lol (minimum of 3 people speaking at a time sounds god awful. I'm just not the type of person to be able to watch that without getting really overwhelmed. Sobs) so I lay you extra thanks for updating me!! Also the humor sense is uhh. This is really starting to feel like one of those fan-made Life Series where it's mostly kids whose humor sense is primarily sex jokes. Once again OOC this all gave me a good laugh but oh my god I would not personally be able to get through this
Aughhh him and Lizzie talking about Joel though.... their man... yeah it's gay. Jimmy needs to be adopted into hermitcraft so bad dude these two never stop proclaiming how much they miss each other. End my misery
How dare Sausage and Lizzie combat log and leave Jimmy to fend for himself.... Jimmy should start murdering... also the bit with Sausage hurts my brain noooo all I can think is that miserable Jimmy does just. fuck Sausage I guess. Because he gets little affection from anyone else and Sausage is the only one to actively reach out to him and offer anything of the sort and Jimmy just takes it and has led himself to believe that he likes it this way when he just doesn't have any other options to get the affection he desires but is unable to ask for it from anyone himself. The trauma and all. Ugh I'm sorry Sausage enjoyers I cant with him
And Oli is so weird about him too lmao what are they doing!! But I can accept Oli, he's funny to me. The way he goes to comedic extremes at any inconvenience in his relationship with Jimmy to quickly switch back around is funny to me. He doesn't compare to Sausage. He could do Jimmy some good. The blonde boyfriends have my approval even if Oli is the way he is
I love when Jimmy just proclaims how he's feeling. "THAT FRUSTRATES ME. I AM FRUSTRATED" why is he such a stupid little thing I love him
Mog getting exiled immediately for referring to the hole wrong is really funny. I'm so sorry Mog
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