#and it just shows how much care there was dealing with such sensitive topic
3hks · 2 days
How to Write the "Black Cat" Character
A trope that's becoming increasingly popular right now is the "Black Cat and Golden Retriever" dynamic! And with good reason: their opposition in character makes such a cute and fun relationship! So today, let's explore the "Black Cat" character and how to write them!
The Black Cat is known to be introverted and can seem harsh at times; they tend to avoid people and might not talk a lot. They also dislike showing vulnerability or sensitivity, which results in their genuine emotions getting concealed more often than not. In general, they aren't great at dealing with other people.
In general, the "Black Cat" is not known for making a lot of friends and getting along with everyone. One of the main reasons for this is because of their communication, which we'll explore!
Like I said, this character archetype is not honest about their true feelings towards people. When talking, they have a tendency to avoid or lie about the topics they may find sensitive or don't want to share. Thus, their dialogue isn't all that reliable.
So instead, subtext is the key to portraying their emotions.
They could lie and say, "I'm not scared", but their tenseness and darting eyes betray their words, offering the truth without speaking. Those actions are the subtext.
This creates a contrast between their words and their actions, forming a more dimensional person! I'm not saying that they're dishonest all the time, but they will absolutely make something up if they have to, which makes communication with them just that much harder.
Everyone has their distinct speech patterns, and this trope is no different! The "Black Cat" is concise and terse with their speech. They're the type to respond with short, curt answers, which makes holding a conversation difficult because they don't feel the need to butter up their words. As a result, they can be quite blunt.
Obviously, that can pose a problem.
Additionally, more often than not, they're unaware of their ruthless honesty and/or struggle to understand why it could hurt someone.
On the other hand, they may say stuff they do not mean (much like word vomit), which can also be hurtful.
Tone-wise, they tend to have a blanker manner of speaking. Not necessarily in an emotionless way, but they speak more to get their point across than to express their emotions. So naturally, their tone is more consistently calm (or even cold) and involves less emotion.
Lastly, there's vocabulary. These characters are unlikely to use slang and generally don't stutter. They might have a richer vocabulary but also may not show it off when talking.
Let's break down some of the standard characteristics of this trope!
Stubborn (Unwilling to accept help)
Closed off
Lack of communication skills
Struggles with empathy
Sometimes (unnecessarily) mean
Unbiased (Unless it the "Golden Retriever" is involved)
Highly skilled (Or a wide range)
This is just a quick overview of their characters as a whole; the tsundere generally is softer compared to the other two. Although they act disinterested, they care deep down. On the other hand, an apathetic is one that strongly lacks empathy and emotions. They typically don't care about anything and may or may not be mean--it's up to you! And finally, there's the mean/cold type. Obviously, they have more hostile tendencies but sometimes it's a defense system in which they have no control over.
If you can't tell, this archetype is introverted with a more neutral temperament (it depends on how you write them, but the point is that they aren't all sparkles and butterflies). Most of their struggle consists of connecting with other people and building on that relationship. Normally, this is because they may feel that others weigh them down--especially if they themselves are gifted--or that they don't need anyone else because they can sustain themselves just fine. However, when they are close with someone, they're protective, if not overprotective of them.
Another important aspect to keep in mind is that because the "Black Cat" won't show as much emotion and is considerably more serious, this character can easily seem too robotic. So how do we avoid this? We give them some more personal traits!
For starters, slowly establish any fears and/or weaknesses that your character has. The fact that they have their own vulnerabilities demonstrates that they are still human while adding some depth! I also suggest including backstory and dreams to build onto the dimension.
Following that, when they do open up, I recommend not skimping out when it comes to describing the importance of the moment! It doesn't have to be every time, but it allows you to demonstrate the value of their honest expression! Yes, it's mainly just for fun and fluff, but it doesn't hurt to be a bit dramatic about their elusive smile or laugh!
To finish up, the point of view the story takes place in is also crucial. If you're telling it from the "Black Cat's" POV, you have more access to their thoughts, which is pivotal when developing the character. However, they may be less self-aware about how their demeanor affects others.
On the flip side, if you're telling the story through the eyes of the "Golden Retriever", you get to establish how the other looks from someone else's angle and how they handle such a character.
Personally, I prefer to switch the perspective from time to time to get the full picture!
Here's the fun part! How does the "Black Cat" and "Golden Retriever" trope really function?
Most of the BC's character development actually happens around their partner or loved ones. This is because alone, they have no reason to change and they're perfectly fine with how they're functioning. However, with the GR, they must put in more effort into communication, opening up, asking for help, etc.
That slowly builds character development!
As expected, in their relationship, the BC is the most reliable and organized of the two, balancing out the GR's more reckless nature. Part of their enjoyability is the sheer opposition in their persona, but they should also break out-of-character for each other every once in a while.
What do I mean?
Well, like I mentioned before, although the BC is stoic and distanced, they should be willing to express their vulnerabilities and might even act uncharacteristically shy with their partner. Conversely, the happy and loveable GR may have serious moments when concerning their loved ones. That's how you can tell they do care about each other and that's what makes this dynamic so cute!
To summarize, the "Black Cat" is terrible at dealing with emotions and communication. As a result, their actions speak louder than words, so subtext is vital when their writing dialogue! Most of their development happens around their partner--not everything will change, but that's the beauty of this character!
Guys, I'm SO, SO sorry for uploading less recently; school is a mess right now so I'm trying my best to make it up! Homework is getting a bit overwhelming, and my tennis season is starting so I'm still trying to figure things out. With that being said, fall break is only a week away and I understand very well now that I need to prepare beforehand 😅 I genuinely apologize, and I'll working hard to clean my schedule up!
On a separate note, I appreciate all the asks I've been getting, it makes me so happy, so if you need something, please reach out! Thank you so much for making it all the way to the end, expect a post on writing "Golden Retrievers" soon! ;)
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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b0rninh3ll · 6 months
Summary: Rollo with an opposite kind of unhinged partner who always says the most out of pocket things out of nowhere when they are alone and no one believes that they actually like each other.
Warnings:obviously English isn’t my first language plus I posted this the moment I finished it, reader is gn, reader is INSECURE, very self inserty, Rollo is decent at comforting, small injury, reader says out of pocket shit because it’s funny. Tell me to add anything if I forgot :P
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Rollo groans as he wakes up from his sleep to start another day at school, he takes his phone to turn off the alarm and sees a message from his partner.
”I want to get you pregnant”
Rollo just sighed and didn’t open the message and went to the bathroom. As he was making himself coffee a specific ringtone erupted his peace, he answered the call and didn’t say anything waiting for the next surprise.
”about the preg-“
”Please seek professional help”
it’s too early for him to deal with this, he hears giggling from behind his door. Smiling to himself only, he sighed, hid his smile and opened the door with a frown only his partner would see right through, and that partner is smiling like an idiot. He had to fight the urge to smile back, he doesn’t want to encourage her behavior even if he doesn’t mind it that much.
”hey baby girl” “don’t call me that” 
He smiled very slightly as he looked at them. How can someone who claims to be lazy have so much energy very early in the morning? Unless… Rollo’s smile disappeared and he crossed his arms with his head held high.
”You didn’t sleep didn’t you?” His partner flinched and looked anywhere but Rollo’s eyes, swinging side to side “whaatt? Of course I did- no I didn’t” one look at Rollo's eyes made them tell the truth, they already knew that lying won’t get them anywhere with Rollo. Especially with his very unconvinced face.
”buutt the new character was about to be released” they whined as they explained themselves, knowing at it wouldn’t change anything but trying won’t hurt “you know how long I have waited for it-“ Rollo raised his hand, noticing his partner’s worry “I’m not mad, I just don’t want you to tell behind on your studies.” He said it as a fact, not afraid to somewhat show his worry.
They looked at him for a moment before smiling, knowing even when he said he wouldn’t, he would lap them even when they didn't help themselves. They hold his arm, almost spilling his coffee with how much force they hold him. He walked around the school doing his work while his partner walked close by, his assistants joked about them being a package deal.
After classes at the student council room, Rollo was doing his work while his partner was (forcefully by Rollo) doing their homework. Saying that he's around he can help them instead of them calling in the middle of the night to help with a simple math question. 
He looked to the side as he noticed the sound of pen writing had stopped for a while, he saw his partner looking down in deep thought. Not in the “if I used that weapon one that character” kind of thought but something must have happened to leave them with such expression, kind of thought.
He called their name multiple times, raising his voice every time until they answered him “what are you so in deep thought about?” He looked at them in the eyes, in a way trying to tell them there is no way of getting out of this.
They stayed silent for a moment, just looking at Rollo’s eyes. As if begging him not to open that can of worms, Rollo’s eyes didn’t give them a chance to escape, equally begging them to open up.
”have you.. heard what everyone has been saying?” Rollo frowned, he was confused. This is not something they usually worry about, they always told him not to care what others say especially when it comes to their relationship. It seems to be a sensitive topic for them, from their actions. Avoiding eye contact, stuttering, heavy breathing and biting their nails. So he tried to be patient.
”No, I have not.” He’s too busy to know or care about what anyone thinks about him or his partner. “Care to tell me?” He slowly holds their hand, to stop them from hurting themselves. Which was a little late. Their fingertips are already bleeding, he sighs and opens one of his drawers, taking out bandages and helping them.
They hissed, not enjoying their current situation. “They say I don’t deserve you” they looked away, feeling ashamed to even entertain the thought “they think you are with me because you pity me or that I’m annoying you” Rollo listened to them without interrupting, wanting to hear everything from them before speaking his thoughts. “Am I.. Too much?”.
He stopped for a second to process their question, “what do you mean?” He looked them in the eyes after finishing putting on the bandage, trying to figure them out. “You know like.. Too much to handle? Annoying and insufferable.. A nuisance?” They kept their eyes away from his, the shame killing them inside out.
Rollo knew how insecure his partner can be, but it surprised him it reached their relationship. He didn’t even give himself to think and answered them.
“no, I don’t think of you this lowly” He awkwardly tried to comfort them by holding their hand with both of his, looking around just as awkwardly to try and find his words. “If I did, I wouldn’t be here with you, right?” He’s trying his best and he knows his partner understands, to them that he’s trying is more than enough but they kept silent.
He raised his hand, to emphasize his point. “Just because you would, doesn’t mean I would” He smiled, a barely noticeable one as they laughed. They know it’s true, they didn’t have the best relationships with almost anyone in their life so they assume that everyone is like them, it’s nice to be reminded that it’s not normal.
”May I ask, from whom did you hear it?” Rollo said as he went back to do his work, wanting to get to the bottom of this situation. “Oh, will usually when we are walking or just sitting alone I tend to hear people talk” “oh so your hearing decides to be good when it’s people bad mouthing you?” At that they laughed loudly, holding their mouth to keep it down.
”I can’t even disagree on that..” They looked down and smiled a small one “I’m sorry, really. It’s just they came at the worst time” they smiled apologetically, looking at Rollo  begging for forgiveness. Even though he wasn't mad to begin with “don’t worry about it,just like how you handled my worst, I’m here for yours.”
Their smile turned warm, putting their head on Rollo’s shoulder “Thank you, truly” they closed their eyes and sighed. “No problem” he smiled, knowing they can’t see it.
”so, about the preg-“ “sigh…”
“Did you take the pic??” “Yeah!” Two students peaked through the door, they chuckled and left the two love birds on their own. “They owe us so much money!” “Thought that was to stop the rumors so it would stop upsetting them?” “Oh yeah that too!”
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One day I AM using my artistic skills to draw me getting him pregnant
Also high coms are open :3
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sykoangels · 1 month
Pslspslpslsls write a Logan howlett x ftm or male reader 🙏🏾🙏🏾 breeding kink….??
hi anon!! I have been playing to write this since I'm trans myself! (genderfluid afab) I'm pulling this out of my drafts so I hope you enjoy 🩷
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Logan Howlett, there are many words to describe this man most people will call him egotistical a narcissist, and have a bit of a stuck-up bitch with anger issues. Some people might say he’s the most violent creature they have ever met, is some of that slightly true yes but do you care not because you’ve seen sides of him you thought he would never show anybody. It’s probably different because you guys have been friends for so long and that friendship turned into more later down in life. You and Logan have been knowing each other for years it almost felt like when you met him for the first time he was some attractive hothead with a smoking and drinking problem with some form of family issues.
And you were right when you first met him he was all of those things, but as you continue to talk, he was a vulnerable man dealing with his emotions in the worst possible way. You saw how much she was hurting and would comfort him every day even though he would hate it, but slowly he warmed up to you. Quite nice seeing him smile and giggle from time to time you guys kind of just kept each other company. He would also worry about you a lot. He swore to you that he would always protect you no matter what even if you and him weren’t talking anymore, he would go out of his way to protect you. Later on and your friendship you came out to him as transgender.
This was one of the most nerve-racking things you have done in a while, but it went surprisingly well. Logan didn’t care he still thought you were you. He was happy that you felt like you could tell him and ever since you told him he’s been doing everything in his power to make you feel comfortable. After that, your relationship continued to grow, but while it group platonically, it grew romantically. You and Logan would hook up occasionally kind of in the realm of no-strings-attached sex because you guys thought dating would ruin the friendship. As you guys continued to hook up you guys discovered that you had feelings for each other and wanted it more than just casual sex on the weekends you guys started dating and everything changed after that.
Logan was very protective over you and always had been and you always help Logan with several things around the house and also dressing his wounds, even though he doesn’t need to do that due to his regenerative healing, but he always found it cute that he would put little Band-Aids on his wounds. Overall, your relationship is flourishing, but there was something that was still ticking at you and it would always happen anytime you saw Logan even if he wasn’t talking about anything sexual racking thoughts in your head that He could breed me and I wouldn’t say anything about it or He could hold me down and breed me, and I wouldn’t even bat an eye. In some ways, you thought you were going crazy because no way in hell that was a normal thought especially when your said boyfriend is talking to you about a failed mission and all you can think about is him ripping off your clothes and breeding you till sundown.
In reality, you thought you were good at keeping this kind of secret to yourself. you wanted to tell Logan, of course, because he was your boyfriend and there was nothing wrong with experimenting sexually, but it was just the pure thought of it all and how it made you feel that freaked you out more than anything, especially for Logan’s reaction. having such a perverse thought, like this one that constantly racks her brain for days weeks, and months on end wasn’t healthy to keep in. After a while of trying to suppress this kind of fantasy, you just couldn’t anymore you would especially think about this type of topic if Logan was away for a little while. You would slip a finger inside your cunt and circle your sensitive cock dreaming about Logan’s cock filling you up like some make-shift Twinkie.
Logan wasn’t stupid. He knew something was up with you. At first, he thought you were just going through some things because he would be talking to you and it would just look like you weren’t paying attention. When he would try to get your attention, it was almost like you had seen a ghost. He had also noticed you were being weird around him kind of like lingering and looking at him when he would be doing normal tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and even smoking. He noticed that you would stare harder than usual when he would come out of the shower the type of stare where it felt like someone was burning into your skin. You noticed the lust and desire in your eyes constantly, but he wasn’t ready to give in to whatever fantasy you were playing out in your head. He wanted you to work for it or at least come clean him about it. He knew just the perfect time on when you might confess he just wanted to give you a little push.
The air was thick with the scent of stale cigarettes and whiskey as Logan stumbled through the door, his combat boots heavy on the old wooden floor. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows across his rugged features. He tossed his keys onto the table, not bothering to look at me as he made his way towards the kitchen. "Hey," you called out, my voice hesitant yet tingling with anticipation. "Rough day?" Logan grunted in response, pulling a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. He didn't offer you any, which was typical. This night could either go two ways and you hoped it was the first option. "You want to talk about it?" I asked, leaning against the doorway, watching him pour himself a generous amount. "Nah," he muttered, taking a long swig. His eyes met mine briefly, dark and intense, before he looked away. "Just need to relax "You nodded, understanding more than he realized. "Well, let me help you with that." Without waiting for a response, I stepped closer, reaching up to unbutton his shirt. He didn’t stop me, his gaze now fixed on my hands as they worked slowly, revealing the hard lines of his chest. Each button undone felt like a small victory, a step closer to the edge you were both teetering on.
You always know how to make things better," Logan murmured, his voice rough with desire. You smirked feeling the heat rise in my face staring into his eyes. "That’s what friends are for, right?" He shot you a dirty look slightly annoyed, setting his glass down. "Isn’t that what we are? Friends?" Before you could answer, his hands were on you, pulling you close. Your bodies pressed together, the heat between the two of you palpable. His lips found yours, hungry and demanding, erasing any doubt about what we meant to each other. "Logan..." you gasped as he broke the kiss, trailing his mouth down my neck. “We’re just friends my fucking ass” he whispered, his fingers deftly undoing his belt. "no friend is gonna pleasure you like I do bub.” Your chest heaved with each rapid breath, your eyes locked onto his. "I want you. Right now." He grinned, a wicked glint in his eye. "What exactly do you want, my prince" Your voice caught in your throat, the words you wanted to say tingling at the tip of your tongue. "I... I want you to bend me over and breed me. P-please, fill my cunt until you can’t fill it anymore.” Logan's grin widened, his eyes darkening with lust. "Is that so?" he murmured, his fingers trailing down your neck, across your chest, and lower still, until they reached the waistband of your jeans. "Show me then. Show me how much you want it."
With trembling hands, you undid your belt, unzipped your jeans, and pushed them down along with your boxers, exposing your eager, throbbing cock. Logan's eyes flicked down, taking in the sight, and he gave a low whistle. "Fuck, you look good like that," he praised, his fingers circling your erection, stroking gently. You gasped, leaning your head back against the wall, your body arching into his touch. "ah fuck Logan," you whined, your voice hoarse with need. "Please, baby.” He chuckled, the sound deep and resonant. "Oh, but I thought we were just friends bub. Now you are begging your friend for his cock? How much of a dirty whore are you huh? Why don’t you learn some patience mhm? But his actions belied his words. With one swift motion, he lifted you, wrapping your legs around his waist. You cried out as he slammed into you, the sensation overwhelming, primal. Logan pinned you against the wall, his thrusts deep and relentless, each one pushing you closer to the edge. "That's it," he growled, his face buried in the crook of your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin. "Take it. Take every inch of my fat cock.”
You clung to him, your fingers digging into his shoulders, your body rocking with each powerful thrust. The world around you dissolved into a haze of pleasure, the only reality being Logan and the fierce, unyielding rhythm of his hips. "Logan, I'm... I'm close," you panted, your vision blurring with the force of your impending climax. He pulled back, his eyes fierce and commanding. "Then come for me, bub. Let me see you fall apart." That was all it took. With a strangled cry, you came, your release washing over you in waves, your body convulsing around Logan's pulsing cock. He followed soon after, his own climax hitting him hard, his seed filling you completely, sealing your mutual satisfaction. For a moment, there was only the sound of your ragged breathing and the pounding of your hearts, both of you lost in the aftermath of your passionate encounter. You could feel Logan’s warm seed slowly spilling out of your cunt. It felt so good and oddly comforting having your greatest slutty fantasy come true. Logan looks down at you with a smirk before speaking
“Oh bub I’m not finished with you I think there is enough space in that cunt of yours for more of cum. Why don’t you let me fix that for you my cock drunk baby boy.”
Logan says brushing hair out your face making sure he can see you. You look up at him with a faint smile nodding your head as well. Who would say no too Logan breeding you like a slut?
Absolutely nobody.
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wtftarot · 2 months
PAC: How can you face your demons?
Thanks to @lifeofaie for the inspiration for this one!
Demons. We all have them and they come in all shapes and sizes, what are yours? Are they tiny ones on your shoulder, whispering in your ear? Are they hulking and bloody and hunting you down? Only one way to find out!
TW: We are talking demons if you think this is gonna be an easy-to-read-easy-to-swallow reading, then you may wanna look up the definition of demons. This reading WILL deal with sensitive topics, I will put warnings for each group but DO NOT READ IT IF YOU ARE IN A BAD PLACE OR FEEL LIKE THE TOPICS MAY FUCK WITH YOU. I AM NOT A THERAPIST. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF PLEASE.
as always this reading is for entertainment purposes ONLY and is not a substitute for professional advice in any capacity.
Pick Group One, Two or Three and head to your reading.
ps I don't know why I'm hearing the Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction theme right now but I am? Sound off in the comments if you watched that growing up
Group One
Eight/Cups Rx, Three/Wands, Three/Cups Rx, The Devil, Ace/Swords Rx and the Hanged Man Rx on the back of the deck.
Demons (TW): Isolation, Abandonment, Not feeling Real, self-identity If you came to this reading and are having delusions or something about not being real, please find guidance from a professional. As soon as I pulled the first card for y'all I heard 'stop running'. It looks like y'all maybe, possibly avoiding/sabotaging relationships and you don't realize how much this is fucking you over. Some of y'all have friends/relationships but are not truly letting them know you. Others are self-isolating full-stop. I don't know why you're doing this, maybe you've had shitty relationships in the past. Maybe you've just convinced yourself you're a loner and that maybe true, here's the thing though, you're taking loner to an extreme. You never let people know you and then have this inner turmoil because you feel unknown, abandoned, and alone. It's also making you feel like you're not really Here or not Real. (Side note: Yall are TOUCHSTARVED) You're questioning the reality of yourself. Like somehow you're separate from the rest of the world. When you're not being your true self with others they treat you as someone else, so you start to feel like someone else BUT at the same time, your true self is SCREAMING at you inside, dying to come out. Honey, you can't keep abandoning yourself. Now this next bit ain't a call out, but you may be projecting the resentment you feel about not being your true self onto others. Angry and wondering why can't they see you? The REAL you. You may even be feeling like they're asking too much of you, asking you to be someone you're not. (For some of y'all I don't doubt that's the case. ) Thing is, they can't see you if you don't let them. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of times when people refuse to see you wholly as you are. (wholly is a fuckin weird word) When that happens though, it seems like you're taking others' word as law on who you are. All of this is giving this weird disconnect between you and others. Then it's like, what's the point in trying to build relationships with others? You end up drained and having to keep up a facade, why keep doing that to yourself right? There's a side effect of avoiding (authentic) relationships though. You see, friendships are very good at keeping our inner narrative in check. When we self-isolate there's no one to challenge our downward spiral-shit show (only scrolling, never talking to others online counts as self-isolating btw,) Our relationships help us see the world and ourselves clearer, but only if we can be honest. I'm saying all of this because I'm getting the feeling that y'all are REALLY fuckin hard on yourselves. Ok, ya know what we're gonna take a minute and breathe. Are you breathing? Nice, slow breaths. Cause that was a lot, wasn't it sweetheart? We're on to the easier bit now, alright? Ok, with this energy, I'm betting y'all get told you need to do more grounding a lot, Right? Like, no matter how many grounding techniques you do, you can never seem to actually get grounded? It may have more to do with grounding who you are into reality. I mean, it doesn't matter how grounded in the moment you are if you're not behaving as your authentic self you're not going to feel connected at all. It may be that you only really feel like yourself when you're alone. There's no way around this, babe. You have to try to build genuine connections with people. I'm talking heart-felt, emotionally-connected friendships and relationships. I know, I know it SUCKS. Good thing is, those relationships take time to build. You should go slow and build that type of trust over time. If you have people who you feel like you could start to be more authentic around, take baby steps. Be honest with how you feel. I also just heard 'learn to lean on others' . Spirit's making me a fuckin hypocrite. Y'all know it's okay to receive support right? Connections make you stronger. You can't isolate yourself into being the person you want to be.
random ass vibes: GOAT, papertowels, Justice, swords
If you liked this reading or want to support me, you can leave me a tip with the thing at the bottom of this post or tell me what you thought in the comments
Group Two
Three/Cups Rx, The Magician, Ten/Cups Rx, Ace/wands, Five/Swords Rx and the Five of Wands on the back of the deck
Demons (TWs) Bullying, Negative self-talk/ self-hate
I'm getting the sense that y'all beat yourselves up a lot without realizing it. Y'all seem to think that everyone berates themselves as much as you do and that's just not the fucking case, honey. I feel like y'all are a prime example of if you hear a lie often enough you start to believe it. With the Three and Ten of cups both in reverse, y'all have been around some SHITTY people. And I don't think y'all had enough positive voices in your corner to help combat the shit you were being told about yourself. What's more concerning is some of you, most of you even, don't see how you're shitty inner dialogue is a problem. I'm not going into what I'm feeling y'all are saying to yourselves, that shit doesn't deserve to be voiced. Y'all are so fuckin talented and wonderful but every moment of every day is filled with these thoughts that you're horrible and you wonder why you can't seem to get shit done. Or why you don't feel that motivated to do anything. Then when you can't seem to get anything done, you use that as evidence that those shitty thoughts are right and beat yourself up EVEN MORE. Goddamn honey. Your mind is incredibly powerful and you're using that power against yourself. Maybe at one point you did argue with the shitty people or shitty thoughts but it got so overwhelming that you stopped fighting it. I keep hearing 'take up your wand'. It's time for y'all to push back against the thoughts a bit. One thing I'm getting might be helpful is to listen to positive affirmations. I'm not trying to say that they'll fix your life but if any of what I'm feeling is accurate, some of y'all have NEVER had any consistent positivity in your life and just listening to someone talking positively about you would help balance the scales out a bit. You don't even have to believe what they're saying, it's like that saying I mentioned earlier. You probably disagreed with the shitty things people told you about yourself at first too. Or at least felt like they were being mean and unfair, but you heard it over and over until you believed it. Listening to positive affirmations can do the same thing. I just heard 'don't let it get to you' I feel like y'all were really passionate and cared a lot about what people said, so you fought and you may be told parents/teachers and they gave you the whole 'they're only doing it to bother you, so don't let it' bullshit, instead of helping you. You may have even gotten in trouble when you tried to fight back. Cause people being shitty SHOULD bother you. That's not you being too sensitive, it's you knowing that you don't deserve to be treated like shit. I think it would be helpful for y'all, if you have a therapist or someone kind and honest and who you trust, to tell them some of those lil tapes you have on repeat in your head. Seriously just ask, I have this thought in my head about myself can you tell me if it's grounded in reality or not? Cause, the fact is that y'all don't even fully realize how horrible you're being toward yourselves and need some outside perspective. I'm also seeing you may have a habit of really seeking out romantic relationships because you're really wanting to be treated with some gentleness and kindness but have never been shown that in a platonic relationship and media really only shows that level of intimacy in romantic relationships. I hate how cliche this will sound but y'all need to surround yourself with positivity. Cause y'all are starved for it. I don't mean toxic positivity or the 'live, laugh, love' sunshine and rainbows positivity. I mean kindness. I mean warmth and acceptance.
random ass vibes: bitchy kindness lol, lighthouses, lions, 1414
If you liked this reading or want to support me, you can leave me a tip with the thing at the bottom of this post or tell me what you thought in the comments
Group Three
The Empress Rx, The Sun, Seven/Swords, Ten/Swords Rx, The High Priestess Rx and the Four of Wands Rx on the back of the deck.
Demons (TWs): Abuse.
If you are currently in an unsafe situation the phone number for the abuse hotline is 800-799-7233.
I'm smelling old cigarettes. Which will seem a little random but with it came the image of my great-aunt's house, she was a heavy smoker (and not to overshare) but her house was one of the few places I felt seen and safe growing up. Her house was warm and welcoming, and she was into all the weird dark shit I was fascinated by then (and now). The smell of cigarettes always makes me feel safe, even now. I feel like y'all need to cultivate an environment where you feel safe because you will be a safe place for others. Y'all do or will have an energy similar to my great-aunts Why is this coming out in a 'how to face your demons' reading? All of the reasons I felt so safe at her house were all of the reasons most of our family didn't like her. I think, that y'all have been wounded in a way where people have taken and taken from you. Have convinced you that you're nothing when they're the ones draining you until you have nothing left. My great-aunt was in an abusive relationship before I was born, from what I've been told she was totally unrecognizable, he made her small, meek. As long as I've known her she's one of the loudest, boldest people I've ever known. If someone's made you feel like the only way you're allowed to show up in the world is by being small or hiding yourself, I'm here to tell you that that's not the case. I don't know your situation exactly or at all. The Empress and The High Priestess are in reverse here, I feel like y'all are meant to embody those cards in the upright but whatever you've gone through has made you feel like it's not safe to embrace them. Or maybe apathetic toward them. I'm getting a lot of apathy, actually. The demons you're facing are parts of your past that you feel like broken you to the point where you'll never be able to 'be vibrant' again. I hear the be vibrant part, maybe you feel faded? You will, though. Be vibrant, again. Hell, the Sun came up in the reading, babe you're already on your way. Maybe only in small ways so you haven't noticed yet, but you are. All of the traits you've been told make you unwanted are the ones that will make the right people feel safe around you. I feel like y'all are genuinely warm and kind people and you've been treated like shit for it. Some of you haven't lost those traits but some of you have, that's alright. Lastly, for most of y'all, it seems this situation is over, but you're still sorta living in it. Living as if you're still trapped in it, that you'll never escape, or that they were right. Listen to me, an abuser is NEVER right. Sometimes our bodies just need time to learn that we are in fact out of a shitty situation. Going back to the first bit of the reading, it's time y'all get to learn what safe feels like.
random ass vibes: campy Halloween vibes, cats, ducks, pasta.
If you liked this reading or want to support me, you can leave me a tip with the thing at the bottom of this post or tell me what you thought in the comments
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elliespuns · 2 months
hello!! first of all, i don't intend to say this as a way to create a fuss or anything like that, i just see your blog as a space where we can debate a lot of tlou related topics and i want to know your opinion about it :-) anyways, while i did enjoy the hbo series, i also think it was very flawed in translating both joel and ellie's personalities - but i want to focus on joel's atm.
i don't think joel is "insensitive" on the game, but i do believe the fact that he tried so hard to hide his feelings and barely ever showed his soft side is a SUPER important characteristic of his.
i don't mind the way pedro played joel but at the same time i just cannot see both of them as the same man. and i don't talk only about the scenes where joel was visibly anxious or cried, but also the torture scene. i think it is one of the most iconic scenes on the game (also, I'm the one who asked you to take pics of it a couple weeks ago LOL) specially cause it shows us joel doesn't have to go out of his way to be a menace. the fact that pedro had to scream and etc to make them fear him bothers me sooo much.
i think pedro was more than capable to play a joel that is both too much of a father figure for his own good AND a tough son of a b*tch that can and will kill people with his bare hands to protect whatever is important to him.
from my point of view, crying during the "i saved her" scene is really out of character for game joel. when the guy just confesses he killed a bunch of people, "doomed" the whole world just to keep his little girl safe and then lied straight to her face, but his expression shows no hint of sadness whatsoever, that, for me, is the peak of his character.
"if somehow the lord gave me a second chance at that moment, i'd do it all over again". of course he's hurt that ellie doesn't trust him anymore, and of course he wasn't exactly happy to kill those fireflies, but he did what he thought was right and he'd rather have ellie hate him for another thousand years to come than know he just left such a sweet girl to die in the hands of a crumbling group, in the name of a cause he never really cared about. he knows his actions will have consequences but he doesn't cry cause he is willing to die for it (and he really did).
sorry for rambling but i really want to read other people's opinion about it!!
First of all, I love how perfectly you've just described game Joel. This is exactly how I feel about our man, and even if I tried, I could never put it into words like this. Hands down, bro, this is so well said.
Both Ellie and Joel were portrayed differently in the show (it's not the worst thing; I know that people who don't follow the game fell in love with these versions of them, and for them it's as magical as it was for us when playing), but I guess, for the game lovers, it's harder to see past this fact simply because getting to love a character and having to learn everything there is about them, growing up with them only to find out the creators (people who gave them this exceptional and amazing character) didn't care enough to stick to what they came up with is kind of a bummer. I mean, you can choose to ignore it on the screen, but yet it's something so 'palpable' you have to watch with a little *sigh* in your mind.
"It shows us joel doesn't have to go out of his way to be a menace. the fact that pedro had to scream and etc to make them fear him bothers me sooo much."
I agree. Game Joel has this death stare that makes people fear from miles away while show Joel doesn't. I think Pedro could pull it out without a blink of an eye—if only they'd given him this Joel to play.
People say that making show Joel more "sensitive" was to make him more realistic because in the game, the characters are portrayed as having to deal with the impossible (like killing 10 clickers and a bloater without any damage, etc.), while in the show, he's a real man, so real attributes and emotions are needed. I get that; that makes perfect sense. But I still also agree with folks who say that keeping Joel's "detached" and "thin-skinned" characteristics wouldn't hurt anyone because what's unrealistic about that?
Game Joel and show Joel are completely different characters in my head. I love them both. I can switch them in my head and tune into both Joels, but I still prefer the game when it comes to the story and the character Joel is.
It's funny because when I watch show Joel, I can't help but see a puppy version of game Joel, tbh. Pedro is literally able to play anything, so his version of "sensitive" Joel serves me just right when I tune into the show. But knowing Pedro would kill the "callous" and "unaffected" version of Joel, and it bugs me so much we'll never get to see it.
Btw, I'm working on your request, more photos of Joel torturing David's men are coming!
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dottores · 1 year
summary: a background for all of the segments in heliotropes, if there is a ??? it’s something that will be revealed in the fic
warnings: mentions of anxiety, unpleasant home life, violence, my own hcs ab dottore’s background & how it fits in with the fic
do not steal my segments! i put a lot of thought and heart behind them.
dottore’s youngest segment, in the mindset of his 5 yr old self—before he was outcasted from his hometown while he was still living in a harsh environment with his parents who tried to keep him locked inside, stifling all of his curiosities. he is rather quiet most of the time, only enjoys physical touch if he initiates it and just wants to spend all of his time outside exploring but the thought of it makes him anxious because he’s stuck in the mindset that his parents put him in. he was created because iota was unable to see the aranara anymore. he thoroughly believes his soulmate will show up one day and is very eager to meet them. he still doesn’t fully understand why the other kids in the village & the adults were so awful to him.
the second youngest. he was created right after he was chased out from his hometown, scar fresh across his face and emotional wounds still very very fresh in his heart and mind. he is extremely closed off and cold to anybody new, at least at first. he craves love and affection but at the same time he’s incredibly hostile when offered it because of what happened with his parents. his favorite thing to do is explore, which he can now do freely without his parents monitoring and restricting his every move. he’s particularly interested in old khaenriahn technology regardless of how dangerous it might be (hint hint). he’s very sensitive regarding the topic of soulmates—kappa was too young to really understand why he was being treated so poorly by the other kids and adults but iota is very well aware.
the oldest of the young segments. he was created after he was accepted into sumeru’s akademiya but before he officially enrolled. at this point, he had been on his own for nearly five whole years and while he had learned how to take care of himself, he is awful with social interaction and doesn’t know what to expect going into the akademiya—all he knows is he is adamant on finally getting the chance to research khaenriahn society and technology. automatons are still his main interest, but he’s also beginning to dabble in elemental research. he doesn’t talk much about his research/interests, he’s not really comfortable with it. he’s less sensitive than iota when it comes to the topic of having a soulmate but he hasn’t given up hope yet, he’s still certain that they’ll eventually show up.
the first of the adult segments! zeta has around three and a half years under his belt at the akademiya and plenty of experience dealing with other students and the professors/sages. he hates everyone around him but he’s come to realize that social connections are really all that matter in sumeru city and if he wants the proper resources for his research, he has to get in with the right people and make them like him. butttt he’s at the point where there’s only so much longer he’ll be able to fake it all before he snaps, he’s already becoming a bit colder and more standoffish. he was created approximately one year before the sohreh incident. soulmates are a taboo subject, he has realized now that even if his soulmate is born, there’s more than a twenty year age gap and he doesn’t want to think about that.
yes, this is webttore. he was created a few years after being cast out from the akademiya but before pierro brought him into the fatui. he is on his own again but he’s far more unstable this time. he’s given up on trying to blend in with everyone else & controlling his emotions. his only focus is his research and he lets no morals stand in the way of progress. he’s rash and unpredictable and has very intense mood swings—he can go from pleased to highly irritable in a second. the other segments describe theta as having been created at the lowest point in their lives. the delta segment particularly cannot stand him. if soulmates were taboo with zeta, they’re even more taboo with theta.
hateful, aggressive, antagonistic, just not as flamboyant as theta. this segment was created in the mindset from right after pierro brought him into the fatui. he’s come to learn, again, that if he wants to advance the ranks and obtain the freedom & resources to do whatever he wants, he’s going to have to have at least some semblance of self-control. despite this, he is by far the most violent of all the segments—having to force himself to restrain all of his urges makes him eager to lash out when someone displeases him. if there is a trail of mangled bodies, you can safely assume that delta will be found at the end of it. he is the most antagonistic toward the theta segment, solely because he is the closest in mentality to him and does not want to be associated with him. he usually looks after the iota segment. at this point, he has convinced himself that soulmates are a weakness anyway but they’re still a rather sore topic.
driven. that’s really the only word to describe rho. he was created in the mindset of dottore post-harbinger promotion. he is tunnel-visioned on success in whatever project he is focusing on. failure is simply not an option to rho. because of his propensity to obsess and hyperfixate until a goal is completed, rho is typically the one that dottore sends after rouge underlings or bold enemies—nothing escapes him. rho took in the gamma segment to assist with his research. soulmates are no longer a sore topic for rho but he would still rather not think about it.
EPSILON | 40 YO | ???
BETA | ??? | ???
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howlsofbloodhounds · 17 days
Erm so I. Accidentally started ranting. Oopsies
I think it's silly to draw Killers soul in a constant target shape in erm found family kinda trope. Yk. When everyone gets along and is happy and they also jokingly bully Killer and excessive amount. And Killers in stage 2 through all of it. How honest is Killer truly being?
And also (going off track) why does he get bullied an excessive amount, because I see no love coming from that,, to like jokingly shit on someone, yeah, sure I understand, people do that, it can be funny, but it's just.... so much..... like. Killer can't even breathe without being shit on. Maybe saying he's getting shit on is not the best way to word it but,,,,,,, anyways Killer gets bullied so much I don't even. I can't even see it as funny anymore. He gets bullied, and no affection given, and it's even more deprivating seeing how the others who surround him, the group he's supposedly a part of, is all love and affection and they obviously share affection and all 'at
And then there's Killer. Only there to mess things up and harass everyone. He talks too much, and when getting ignored he starts talking about sensitive topics for something to come out of the other. Just something to say he's real, something to show he's somehow still a part of whatever this is. He's not treated as an outside, but he sure as hell ain't being treated as someone that matters. It shouldn't bother him though. The treatment isn't new, he's used to this, he's fine. He shouldn't be petty about not getting a lil affection
Killers literally so hated that the version of horror that's so desperate to keep everyone healthy and to not let anyone starve, literally leaves Killer to starve for a day. Sighs idk I'm just not dealing with Killer constantly getting bullied all the time,,,, it's funny every now and then but Jesus it's so excessive I can't even— anyways I have no solution for this because the best situation is to leave the ones hurting you but. Sighsssssssss
I'm just. Stopping myself here, imma go eat
No, i completely understand you, anon. I used to also be a target of excessive bullying (both in school and in my family unit), so that shit doesn’t appeal to me. It’s not funny or cute, especially when it’s done to a character whose use that type of treatment and far worse, and keeps seeing examples of what the dynamic should and could be, but for some reason he’s not allowed to experience that??
I also hate it when in Bad Sans Family dynamics they treat Killer like he’s an idiot or an annoying child, always messing things up and everyone just fucking hates him for some reason despite claiming not to??
In my mind, if Killer is excessively in Stage 2 during these types of dynamics, then his ass is just playing along. They treat him like shit despite claiming to care or be family or be friends, no different than what Chara did, there’s no way he’d allow himself to be in Stage 1 around them. He can’t trust them not to fuck him up anymore than he already is.
And Stage 1 is excessively a lot more emotionally fragile and sensitive than he is in Stage 2. Killer doesn’t need bullying and degrading comments when he’s in such a vulnerable, fragile state. That’s not a sign of love or affection for Stage 1.
A lot of people don’t seem to understand that Killer is a victim of awful, prolonged abuse and torture—he’s not just a violent stupid serial killer, he is a victim of forced perpetration. He is not going to react to these things like Horror or Murder would.
In fact, even with a Bad Sans Family, his circumstances still mirror the one he had with Chara—killing people, hurting people, doing it with people who claim to be friends or family, even all those violent bloody fights people portray Killer and Murder having is no different than what likely happened with Chara.
Stage 1 is not going to be stabbing people to show affection or licking blood off knives or doing anything that he does in Stage 2. Because that is a version of Killer that is more Sans-like, you know, a Sans that never wanted any of this. A version of Sans who is constantly filled with overwhelming fear, guilt, shame, pain, longing for his home and his brother. Who is still out there, looking for him.
It reminds me of a quote a came across, but can’t quite remember. Something about how a girl wakes up in her bed in a house, screaming and crying about how she wants to go home—but the speaker and the family is confused, because she already is home.
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cyborgfoxcripple · 2 months
In celebration of Solar coming back and his new birthday, here is more of my Cryptid Solar AU!
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As you can see, I borrowed my dear friend @lil-kat2002 's design for Nexus for this AU.
Nexus's current design was sorta ugly anyway-
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Now, onto the juicy stuff!
1: Yes, Solar and Eclipse can co-exist in the same universe. Solar’s atoms got mixed with another universe's, which is why he's a cryptid, so Eclipse can stay without the main dimension collapsing.
2: When Solar finds out what happened to Nexus, his mate, he is FURIOUS. Mainly towards Dark Sun and Moon himself because in this AU, they both played a huge role in Nexus's mental health spiraling. He is also disappointed in Sun, Earth, and Lunar for giving up on Nexus so quickly when he'd done so much for them in the past.
3: Solar, while having much more primal instincts, is still a genius. With Eclipse’s assistance, he is able to track Nexus down and find him in the dimension DS is keeping him in.
Warning: sensitive topics ahead.
4: In this AU, Nexus has been emotionally and verbally abused by Dark Sun. DS doesn't HIT him, but he does have a profound hatred for Moons, as we all know, so he emotionally manipulates Nexus by convincing him that his family hates him now, and he shows clips of Old Moon being embraced by the family to "prove" it.
Nexus, of course, is crushed. He feels like he was only a replacement in his family's eyes. Like he was meant to be thrown away if OM ever came back. This, of course, only drives him further into DS's grip.
And then, Solar arrives.
5: Solar had left SEVERAL bombs to go off to disturb DS's Witherstorm. He had originally planned just to distract DS with the bombs, but upon discovering the Witherstorn, Solar saw a golden opportunity to keep DS away for a while longer until he and the Celestials could come up with a more permanent plan for getting rid of DS once and for all. (And yes, Sun and Moon told him about DS and Nexus.)
Solar eventually finds DS, Ruin, and Nexus in the lab, and Nexus is SHOCKED, as is Ruin.
Solar was back?! How?! It didn't make sense! NEXUS had failed to bring Solar back, so how was this possible?!
Nexus soon realized that he didn't care because he had immediately run towards Solar, sobbing, and Solar embraced him, whispering the sweet words he'd used to say to Nexus every night.
Naturally, Solar confronts DS and Ruin for everything they have done. Manipulating everyone and using them for each of their own goals; for the pain they'd both have caused for HIS family.
Ruin, for once, begins to feel remorse for his actions; but DS only feels anger towards Solar for interfering with his plans.
And then the bombs go off. The Witherstorm roars, absolutely PISSED.
Solar, equipped with a special device, teleports back to the house with Nexus in his arms. Leaving Dark Sun and Ruin to deal with a very, VERY angry Witherstorm.
It was time for Nexus to go home.
Let me know if y'all have questions! I'm honestly in love with this AU. :3
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cokoweee · 5 days
Heavens to Betsy I’ve been meaning to go on this rant forever but I keep forgetting for some reason
Quick disclaimer- I’m not analyzing your comic at all, I just notice little accuracies that make me happy.
Ok coming from a psychology major student, your description of PTSD and mental health issues is actually pretty dang good. Idk if it was intentionally researched or not but there’s like a ton of stuff that’s consistent with real life trauma and it’s quite frankly impressive
Again not sure if this was intentional or not but the thing on his back reminds me so much of old school electroshock therapy which I adore bc
A: it causes confusion and memory loss which you’ve shown and
B: kinda implies that maybe he did his own research when deciding how to deal with everything or
C: again is incredibly accurate in the fact that most trauma patients continuously seek pain out, and in turn report feelings of extreme boredom and numbness when not actively experiencing pain or reliving trauma. In his case going borderline catatonic when he’s not freaking out.
On the topic of “freaking out” a lack or decrease in serotonin leads to a more reactive and intense episodes in PTSD. Or, because the little guy is like mega depressed coz of the whole situation, he gets way more intense and violent episodes that someone who was on like Prozac. And would tend to be more on edge and sensitive to triggers.
Then there’s his family. For some background, there’s a part of your brain called the amygdala. It typically works to control basic emotions, but responds very well to fear. In traumatic experiences, it pairs with the hippocampus (the memory center of the brain) to store vivid and occasionally sensory memories.
When a memory trigger is provoked and brought back into consciousness, it actually changes slightly depending on the context of which it recalled. Those memories are changed to fit how we make sense of them. So if he feels guilty for his brothers death, then his memories will reflect it whether or not it’s actually true.
Essentially, him having his brothers showing up all the time (looking the way they do) is really bad for him on multiple levels, and not just because they’re triggering visually. They’re like actually impeding his ability to recover by keeping him in an aggressive form of already intense fight or flight that comes from trauma.
On a happier note, one of the best ways to improve is to establish and nurture caring relationships. Awww
Aight ima stop here so I don’t bore you to death with random psych facts, but like kudos to you my dude because I could go on forever about some of the stuff in there
Uh yeah
-writing anon 🤡
Bein real I dont do much research on shit even tho I should. I just go off what I’ve seen/ learned throughout the years. It’s always good to hear I’m doin ahit right tho!
Lowkey right with the shock tho. Or high key lol. Seeking pain there’s other ways people do it but mmm somehow this seemed the tamest way. Oh writing anon u silly lil saltine cracker
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pixelkip · 3 months
Before June is over I just wanna mention some kinda shit things I've faced specifically bc I'm arospec ace (and sex repulsed) and that I don't think I've seen many other people talk about
- having any opinion at all about a sensitive topic that's sexual in nature and being told "oh well of course this bothers you so much, you're ace/sex repulsed"
(And yes I've had this done to me even by people who meant well, the treatment of asexual people like they can never handle sexual topics goes beyond obvious "but you're so innocent uwu" type shit)
- people misconstruing being ace/aro as "well you're just too focused on important things to care about that kind of thing" that's not how this works, that's now how any of this works.
- this could also be an anxiety/not getting social stuff very well thing, but the constant worry that showing any kind of affection could come off as flirting or creepy, and generally not understanding what people consider inherently sexual or romantic
- being called too sensitive or being told "well I'm sure they didn't mean it that way!" when calling something out as feeling aphobic, intentional or not. (also have had even people who mean well do this) even if something isn't meant that way I can still acknowledge that it's hurtful
- sexual shit being like half the crux of a lot of people's sense of humor. Even as someone who believes that sex might be even funnier from an ace perspective sometimes, ffs when it's such a large portion of what people find funny it gets really annoying. Not even just like high-school level humor (that I am self admitted to have LMAO) but even well thought out jokes about people's sex lives or romantic issues are so fucking dull to me a lot of the time.
- this one is gonna sound silly to a lot of people, but liking any media where sex and romance are just about never present, but nearly everything fandom wants to do with it is sexual and romantic in nature, can't have a character analysis without talking about all the implications of why this character should be shipped with this one, etc. Yea a real head scratcher what i of all people could possibly be referring to here shuttup
- might just be me but like. People not understanding that sex repulsion doesn't just mean "ewww never talk about sex around me!!!!!" But can still mean "I get uncomfortable around sexual topics even when its not specifically about me"
I just thought I'd share bc it feels really isolating sometimes, and I figured if anyone else deals with this then you're definitely not the only one
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vernonioideae · 3 months
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 𝓐 𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓫𝓫𝓸𝓻𝓷 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽...
╱ albert wesker x reader, fluff, poor sick albert can't say no to his wife:( tbh i dont know what this is i was half conscious writing this god. anyways i believe in softie wesker🙏🏻 enjoy ⪨ ࣪ ׅ
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"stop acting like im dying, im telling you it will pass. i can handle it." the harsh tone of yours husband's voice echoed in your head. lately, albert wesker has been feeling terrible. his whole body ached, he had a severe cough and obviously a runny nose. but in his head, albert wasn't weak. he couldn't show any sign of discomfort from all these things. he was a man after all, right? a tough, confident, brave human being that wasn't supposed to be so attached to showing any emotion.
in your eyes, his way of thinking was a bullshit. of course you loved him but sometimes he was too much. he wasn't a machine, but a real person having his own sensitivity that was hidden under his cold facade. you could see his deep hidden nature sometimes, especially when it came to you. he loved you deeply. the problem was that he just wasn't able to show it properly. but he was always trying for you no matter what.
"come on, albert... i can see you're in pain. just take one or two days off and let me take care of you." another problem about wesker was the fact that he overworked himself a lot. you knew he was a scientist at umbrella. this was all you knew about his job. you never really talked about it with him... you didn't know what was he exactly doing in his work, what he was researching, or other lab shit. it wasn't that you didn't care – of course you did. but after a long and exhausting day at work, wesker doesn't really want to talk about it. he always brushes off the topic by saying "as usual" or "good" and quickly asks about your day. there was a moment where you really thought he could be cheating, but there was no evidence of it. looking back, it was dumb to assume this, knowing how he's feeling about you and how deep is his love for you.
"oh no, no, no." the man scoffed. "don't even think about it. i repeat myself for the hundredth time. im not some weakling that can't deal with cold." god why was he so stubborn? you didn't know what you should do to convince him. it was hurting you a little. even if he was sick, it was finally an occasion for you both to spend some time together.
"please, albert." you looked at him. and the gaze was just showing so much. the care, love, and slight sadness. you grabbed his hand, like you didn't want to let him go anymore. you didn't want to argue anymore since this whole talk was going for twenty minutes straight. albert looked down at you. he felt your gentle yet firm touch on his hand, wesker felt defeated. he realized that even if he's all tough he can't be always like this towards his beloved one. if it meant so much to you – he was willing to give in. that was just excuse. he couldn't stand a fact he was always a softie when it came to you. he moved your hand towards his lips, placing a soft kiss on it.
"fine. but only this time." you never felt so happy hearing such a simple few words. you almost jumped at him closing both bodies in a tight embrace, making his body even more sore but it was worth the moment. he heard you mutter "i love you" and his heart slightly skip a beat.
"go upstairs okay? i'll make you some hot tea. then i'm gonna make some soup for you while you rest. and maybe we can cuddle later" albert smiled at all of those words. the way you became so gentle and soft towards him. he already liked the idea of every form of affection that he could receive from you. he nodded his head and placed a kiss on your cheek before walking away towards the stairs. "of course, i will be waiting for you my darling."
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sasagehoes · 5 months
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐈 ;𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𓅨˚₊‧⁺⋆♱;; The fruits of necromancy start taking roots inside of you, and your older sister's warnings didn't prepare you for the horrors that were to come.
masterlist | series masterlist
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CW; This series contains a LOT of sensitive topics. Just like the show, there will be individual warnings for each chapter, I'm not responsible for what you read.
graphic depictions of blood and gore/ canon typical violence / assault/ murder/lots of change in POV/ war/ assault and rape/ mentions of purity culture and virginity / arranged marriage/ typical game of thrones warnings.
3.6k words
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As soon as the boat arrived with her on board, everyone went crazy. It wasn't that big of a deal, I was planning on rejecting the proposal,
why would I marry a complete stranger?
I knew they would make me go receive her and her family, so I hid until they left, I knew my mother would reprimand me, but as much as I could avoid her, the better.
I came down from my hiding spot to see my older sister, Sansa, standing there with her arms over her chest. I was clearly mad, I tried to run, but she caught up to me
"Don't you know just how in trouble you are right now," she said, pulling my ear slightly to not injure me, but enough that it would hurt
"Let me go!" I said."Stop whining! mom's gonna give you an earful"
As we entered the mess hall, i could see my mother standing with a displeased face, looking directly at me
"Why do you not want to see her, Bran?"
My mother said, annoyed. I just ignored her and looked to the side
"Answer me, Brandon," she repeated herself, this time mad.
"Why would I marry someone I've never met!" I snapped, now standing up
"You think she chose to get married, chose to be sent away from her family to come into this one?" She replied hastily looking into my eyes.
I stopped, and I never thought about her situation, I knew my sisters would have the same fate. Yet I still couldn't stomach the thought of being with a complete stranger for the rest of my life.
"...no, I'm sorry," I said, embarrassed, looking at my mother
"When she gets here, treat her nicely, you don't have to like her immediately.. you'll have time to learn how to love and cherish her."
With that, she left, leaving me there pondering on how my life would be with a stranger.
The harsh cold wind was unfamiliar to me. My fingers felt like falling off. I couldn't imagine how it would feel once winter came.
The Lord of Winterfell, Eddard Stark, got off his horse and came up to us. He looked around, clearly expecting more people
"I thought Lord Caius would come to send you off, I guess I was mistaken," he said sincerely
at the mention of my father's name, my eyes went wide, coming out of my trance. My sister noticed and grabbed my hand firmly.
"My apologies, Lord Stark, some..commotion has started in our land, both our parents had to stay to re ensure the safety of our people."
He nodded, "No worries, I understand. You'll be taken care of here, until your leave." he said.
Robb, the oldest, helped to mount my stuff on the horses. I smiled at him, muttering a small 'thank you'
The man I've learned to address as Theon tried to start small talk once in the horses,
"Bravoos is a beautiful place from what my friends say," he started
"I suppose it does have its own flare,"
I say out of it, just mentions of Bravoos made my stomach churn.
not wanting to seem rude, i forced the conversation to continue
"Winterfell is even more beautiful than what I had imagined. You must feel proud of being born here, my Lord," I say, looking at him, his eyes drop for a second too long.
"I'd have to agree with you, my Lady, it is indeed a beautiful place, yet I'm not form here, I'm form the Iron Islands, a Greyjoy"
"Oh, well, it must've been hard getting used to the weather," I say, mustering up a dry chuckle. He nodded and was about to continue till Robb told him something, and he stayed by his side until we arrived.
It seemed my betrothed was nowhere to be seen.
Once you arrived at Castle Ward, you couldn't believe your eyes..it was beautiful, a sense of comfort and warmth that radiated from it.
All of the remaining family that didn't go out to receive you and your sister were all lined up, two girls, two boys, and a woman.
As all of you approached them, you heard whispers in the crowd
'She's to marry the little lord?'
'Isn't she a doll'
'so beautiful'
'Bravoosi ey?'
you payed them no mind as you plastered a small smile on your lips and bowed to the family, waiting to be risen you looked up briefly, and the boy, who seemed your age was already looking at you, as soon as the two of your eyes met, they disconnected.
So that was to be your husband, your salvation.
"Rise child," Lady Catelyn said sweetly, and so you did. Looking at her in the eye, you smiled. "Pleasure to finally meet you, my Lady." you say.
"Likewise, you are more beautiful than what the books described... So glad you could make it safely,"
"This is Sansa and Arya, my only daughters, and I've seen you've met Robb, my first born already, we'll this is Rickon, the youngest and Bran, you're betrothed" she continued, pointing at each one of the children as she named them.
"Pleasure to meet you all, I hope we can get along." Your eyes met Bran's as you finished. He avoided them as soon as he saw you.
"I can't wait for us to be sisters," Sansa exclaimed in her place as she went up to you to pull your hand. "Would you like to see your room?" she asked hands, holding yours. You nodded, and she took off running with you in tow.
"Careful not to fall!" Catelyn yelled at the both of you.
Ophelia looked at Brandon and walked up to him.
"I trust you'll take care of her, My Lord?"
she said to him, a trail of worries behind her words.
"I promise, she won't be sad as long as she's with me" Brandon replied, with a smile looking up at her, she nodded and bowed slightly l, mouthing a small 'thank you'
The food was wonderful, the smell of wine was everywhere in the dining room, and people danced and sang, up until Lord Stark stood up and held his cup of wine and hit it with his spoon
"Today, we celebrate the soon to be union between House Stark and House Corvus!" he said loudly, everyone followed suit, cheering and clapping rather obnoxiously.
Your face was dull and expressionless, staring off into the abyss that were the walls. You couldn't escape it.
You heard her everywhere, like a taunting reminder that you got a better chance that she could've ever gotten, you hated yourself, even if it wasn't your fault.
a hand on your shoulder helped you out of the trance, Arya. If you remember,
"Want to spar outside? If you don't know.. I can teach you!"
You smiled genuinely for what felt like the first time in weeks and nodded, running off with Arya outside.
"Grab one!" she said to me, throwing me a wooden sword that was left on the floor. I caught it after it almost escaped my hold, Arya giggled, "Just you wait," I told her jokingly, making her get into a stance, a bad one, and so did I.
We sparred for almost an hour when their Septa walked out of the mess hall and froze in her steps
"Arya Stark!" she yelled in disbelief
"Oh no.." Arya sighed
"What do you think you're doing, young lady?" the septa said as she dragged Arya by the arm
"Im not a lady," Arya bickered
"Your father is a lord, making you. a lady, now get inside!" the old woman said, annoyed, clearly having dealt with this more times that she could count. Once Arya made it inside, and after she flashed you a smile, the septa came up to me
"My Lady, please don't humor her, I hope i won't have to deal with the both of you from now on," she voiced out as nicely as she could
"I promise i won't become a problem." My eyes squinted as I smiled at her.
Pleased with my answer, she bowed slighly and left.
'maybe this wouldn't be so bad' I thought as I gazed at my surroundings, the tall grey walls of the castle were mesmerizing, although the castle back home was more lively and more colourful, on the inside it was dull and bleak, now even more so, with everything currently going on.
"Lost on your thoughts again, little lady?" a man whom i've never met said to me almost invading my personal space."Please don't call me that sir, " I say, trying to sound as polite as possible.
He got closer. "Your father sent me," he said, and my eyes went wide, I opened my mouth to scream, but he covered it "Scream and you'll end up like Leiana, understood?" He asked, I nodded as tears escaped my eyes,
"Your brother ever told you what I did to the little whore?" He continued now moving to the stables, I couldn't breathe, "Answer me!" he screamed.
"NO, no he didn't please let me go, I won't say anything!" My words were rushed, I didn't want to end up like that, broken and destroyed.
He threw me down on the hay that adorned the floor of the empty stable, my cries were drowned by the music that played in the mess hall and the cheers.
"Oh, I'll let you go, just after im done with you," he said, standing up, undoing his belt.
As I tried to scream once more, trying to get anyone to listen to my cries, a sword pushed through the back of the man, blood falling on my skin.. I froze.
"Are you alright?! Did he touch you?!" The man with dark shoulder-length hair said, picking me up, the sword now thrown on the floor.
I hugged him tightly "Thankyou, thank you!" I sobbed trembling.
"What happened?!" I heard Ophelia yell from the doors of the mess hall, once she saw my sobbing figure and the man dead on the floor, she ran to me.
"Please tell me he didn't touch you," She said now on her knees in front of me, holding my face. Her voice was shaking, I shaked my head.
"He asked if Amadeus had told me what he did to Leiana." I tell her as much as my hiccups would let me. Her eyes went dark for a moment.
"Those bastards!" She yelled
The music had stopped, and people were coming outside, Lord Stark came out worried, and once he saw the scene, he hurried to ask what had taken place.
Once everyone calmed down and explained what had happened, I saw Brandon looking at me with worried eyes from afar. He came up to me and offered his coat and left, not knowing what to say. After that, everything was a blurry mess.
When I woke up, a sleeping Ophelia was at my side sitting on a chair. Feeling a shift in the bed, she woke up. "Are you alright, my dear?" She asked me worried, I nodded
"I'm leaving today sister..I can't delay my trip to house Reed" she spoke, my eyes went wide
"What if another one comes after me or worse you!" I exclaim
"I'll be protected by some guards, and so will you, Lord Stark was very understanding"
I sat up abruptly "You told him?!"
"No! Not the whole truth.. I have to be careful"
I relaxed, it wasn't safe for anyone to know as of now, anyone could betray us. Anyone.
You hugged your sister tightly as she bid farewell to everyone, not knowing if this would be the last time you two would see each other
"We'll meet again" she said caressing your hair
"Once snow comes"
"Blood shall fall"
This would be the last time you heard of Ophelia..alive.
The days went on rather banal, nothing new, taking sewing and embroidery lessons with Sansa and sneaking off to play with Arya in the courtyard once you got bored.
Everytime you went to talk to Brandon he was dry and cold, sometimes just flat out ignoring you.
you couldn't care less, most royal marriages were only for one thing - unions.
or that's what you told yourself.
One particular day, you noticed you were feeling rather drained, not having done many physical activities you felt worried,
Apparently someone noticed and left you a snack with a note that said 'rest, you look tired', with an apple next to it.
You asked around thinking it was either of the sisters but none knew what you were talking about so you just left it at that.
At around noon, you where playing with Arya on top of some tables, pretending to be knights, when a puncturing pain burst in your lower abdomen making you almost fall off. Arya, worried, dropped her stick and went to you thinking she had hurt you
"Are you okay??" she said panicking "Yes I'm alright just an old bruise I suppose"
you knew it wasn't a bruise, you knew what this pain entailed. You were petrified. this was only the begging.
your sister, Leiana, had explained what happened go the woman in the family once their first blood takes fruition, it's not only blood and pain, it the nightmares of death that plague you, and the smell of blood everywhere. it was too early you thought..way too early.
One morning you woke with the pain gone but a slick feeling in your thighs, you uncovered yourself and saw the crimson red stain that now adorned the bed sheets.
Although you wanted to think you were saved, Leiana also had gotten it, yet that didn't stop them. Nothing stops them
"You know what this entails right my dear" Lady Stark asked you, as you told her what was happening. you nodded slightly, she smiled.
"Don't worry, I know other houses make the girls marry as soon as there first blood occurs, but not here, neither of you are ready so don't fret, your still a child, I couldn't do that to you" she said empathicly. you just nodded and thanked her, and as she left you could only smell blood, it irked you, you felt disgusting.
Sansa was next to you at dinner talking about how wonderfull this was, you could have children now, give birth to little lords and ladies, which made Brandon's cheeks dust a light pink. You giggled, but there was a part of you that felt a nauseating feeling at the pit of your stomach.
If you had a girl would she deal with the same thing your sister did? Would she be chased down the streets and tainted by the men who swore to protect her?
No. you'd make sure she'll never go through that horrible, thing you'll make sure. Even if it's the last thing you do.
The following day you could barely walk, the pain was getting worse and Maester Luwin said ot was normal. saying it was because you had gotten it sooner than it should.
If only.
As you were walking with Sansa trying to withstand the cramping pain, talking about how you two would want both your futures to play out, the pain got worse, in an instant it felt like soemone took a blow to your lower stomach, making you bend over and groaning in pain. Sansa noticed and went to your aid, but before you could say anything everything went black.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
You opened your eyes and the bright light blinded you briefly, your head throbbed as the distant noise got closer.
You weren't quite sure where you were, but it wasn't Winterfell. It was red, everything, the snow was crimson red, the dew falling off the trees was red everything was red. You looked at yourself in the nearby bloodied river.
it wasn't you.
you felt around the face that was reflected on the river, it wasn't yours yet you could feel it, it was c aked in blood as well as the hair that came with it.
before panicking you remembered your sister's words;
"apart from the normal symptoms, you'll be ridden with nightmares for days might even be weeks"
You felt and indescribable hunger and as you saw the crimson snow it became appealing - appetizing even.
you took a handful of it and ate it, and then another, and another until your hunger was satiated.
everything went black for a while and when you awoke, you still weren't in Winterfell, but in the palace of Corvus. Castle Ravenna.
It wasn't you, you had to remind yourself before any panic would settle in your bones.
It all looked so different, The sigil on the banners was the old one, the walls were relatively new, even the throne looked more polished
this was clearly long before you had been born, who's body you were inhibiting, you didnt know, but it felt... different than in the snow earlier, the blood on your veins wamer, and faster.
"Amelia! are you listening?" the voice of a man said
Amelia? if the stories the women in blood told your sister were true, she was the first necromancer of house corvus.
"Yes dear?" you answered, the voice not your own.
"What have you been doing in the outskirts of the city, I've told you a hunded times. do not." he kept going
"The snow, i helped get rid of the red snow"
You didn't know how you knew what to say. You just did. It was automatic.
"We can't keep escaping from our marital duties.. we need to produce an heir"
Your stomach churned at the thought.
The blackout ensued again, yet this time you were in the garden, your hand was bleeding profusely, and a white rabbit squirmed on the floor, its head was detached.
You wouldn't move, couldn't, it felt as in a second your body was still and then you were looking through the rabbits eyes.
You've heard of wargs, yet they manipulated live animals.. not the dead.. as you snapped out of it, you gasped and quickly jid the beheaded rabbit in a bush, washing the wounded hand on the fountain.
The night you finally consummated your marriage with your husband, he was gentle, truly, he was, but we both longed for someone else. We didn't belong to the other, yet our destinies were written long before our conception.
Another black out. Gods, did you hate them by now.
You held your first born in your arms, a beautiful baby girl, eyes like the forest and caramel skin. She cooed at you and you smiled.
Her father seemed mad, only came in the room to corroborate the gender of the child and left.
Your nightmares showed the many children you or better said, Amelia, had through out the years. Five boy and five girls, only two made with love, the other out of necessity.
The last one was the most brutal of them all
Your body was now old and wrinkly as you could only stare in shock as the torture that was inflicted on your daughters was laughed at, and sang about, the remaining two sat on the table ridden in fear that they would wake up with a man in their chambers, putting the through hell, and you couldn't do anything.
Their daughters' daughters would go through this hell, and their daughters after that. Amelia couldn't bear it. You could feel it in her veins. She mustered any bit of energy left in her old bones and killed the man whom she had married all those years ago
The man who let men do whatever they pleased with your daughters for the sake of the kingdom. It was her last straw.
"You stand here accused of practicing the dark arts, and the worst crime..regicide, how do you plead?" The man asked loud for the whole city to hear
I stayed silent.
"Any last words then?" He asked
I looked up and said:
"My daughters will not be able to use their gifts, but be worry of the ones to come, one will be born so fierce, she'll fear no man, as no man will come to harm her, the loss of her sisters will only strengthen her, and the downfall of the tyrants of Bravoos will come"
The daughters cried as they were held by the perpetrators as your neck was sliced from ear to ear. Everything went black for the last time.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
When you finally woke up, it was in a cold sweat, pawing at your neck with one hand. You looked hastily at your surroundings and saw a sleeping Bran at your bedside, a hand holding yours. Your heartbeat slowed a little, and you smiled
"Brandon, wake up," you say softly, shaking him
He woke up slowly, eyes groggy, but when he laid his eyes on your figure, his eye widened, and he jumped to hug you. "I thought you wouldn't wake up," he said distraught
You hugged him back and said, "Didn't know you missed me," grinning.
He glared at you playfully "Maybe..maybe not, are you okay? you were gone for days, mumbling things in your sleep.. you had me worried, " he said the blush in his cheeks eminent.
You couldn't stop the giggles that exited your mouth. After being cold and distant for so long, who could've thought he would be so concerned for your well being.
"Don't laugh." he added as he tried to storm out the room, but your hand pulling his stopped him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude," you say in between laughs. He furrowed his brows and quickly kissed your cheek, making you shut up. your brain malfunctioned, and you just stared at him, eyes wide and cheeks red.
Before you could say anything, he bolted out the door, yelling, "She woke up!"
And you just stared at the door in disbelief.
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𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ Thank you so much for getting this far, can't wait to continue this series!! If you'd like to be added to the taglist,let me know ♥︎
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡
taglist: @etyaty @tcapter
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clairebishop6226 · 11 months
Trolls 3: Band Together Spoiler!
Warning: I watched the film so this spoiler has context
Can we talk about how interesting it is how much Viva looks like Poppy and Branch at the same time?
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Viva is determined, energetic, very happy and is not ashamed to show her affection and personality to other people, she wants to embrace the world like Poppy.
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But the fact that she was the older sister also made her go through traumatic experiences in life, she did everything to be on Poppy and Peppy's side and fought until the end to not leave anyone behind and ended up being left behind, She has a lot of feelings stored inside her and sometimes prefers to constantly interrupt people who ask about her past because she prefers to keep everything to herself and avoid being hurt by bad memories, it's a trait very similar to Poppy's in both first films, sometimes she doesn't want to hear an opinion that is more pessimistic than her desire to solve things in her own way and especially it's something that reminds her a lot of Branch throughout his journey in the trilogy, at the beginning of the film Poppy realizes that he is going through a difficult time and asks him to share his feelings so that he doesn't have to deal with all this alone, but instead of revealing his past Branch backs down and comes up with a completely different excuse to make Poppy forget the question what she had done.
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Fear is also an extremely sensitive topic for Viva and Branch, their traumatic experiences have affected the way they see life, they both hate this overprotective trait they have in common but they also know that this is precisely what makes them survive, the problem is that this excessive protection makes them lose the qualities of a carefree life just appreciating the beauty of things even though they know that the world can be cruel like Poppy does, Viva and Branch feel afraid but this doesn't allow them to think only about themselves, they both do They will do everything to protect the kingdom and the people who live in it because they think that others will not be strong enough to deal with reality as they do, they want everyone to be safe even though they know that they will be judged for their drastic decisions.
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That's where Clay and Poppy come into this side of the story, they are both the balance of the people they admire, Poppy can sometimes be proud but has always appreciated the care that Branch has for people, and Clay knows that Viva can sometimes being the type of girl who doesn't listen to others but he makes it very clear that he admires her courage and her love for taking care of others.
Viva and Clay may not be confirmed as a couple but I think the similar dynamics they have with Broppy are really cute.
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And we can't forget the most important topics of this post, both Viva and Branch love Poppy so much and immediately approve of each other when they realize how important they both are to her life.
If I were to ask for a dynamic for Dreamworks to delve into in any future project, it would definitely be Viva and Branch's friendship
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Letting Go: How Shinkai Succeeds where Lucas Fails
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After reading that essay on how Kung Fu Panda did the “letting go of attachments” story way better than Lucas did, I was inspired to write this. The problem with SW is that it tries to apply what is spiritual advice to a hero’s narrative when it’s not about heroism. It’s about coming to terms with grief, preparing for death or letting your child grow up. I want to talk a bit about two of Makoto Shinkai’s films that are both favorites of mine, Weathering With You and Suzume as both delve into this topic. The latter has its title character come to terms with her grief and trauma while the former is a rejection of the utilitarian view of letting one person die for the “greater good”.
Suzume succeeds with its “letting go” message because it focuses on the journey and shows the importance of a true support system and that it takes time to come to terms with grief. Expecting people to just let go immediately isn’t fair and unrealistic. Suzume’s whole journey is about exploring new places, meeting new people and learning joy can still come from grief.
Shinkai based this movie off the 2011 earthquake which was a real source of trauma for Japan. Suzume is a survivor who lost her mother and her home. She has to learn to not dwell on her past hurt but at no point is she shamed for missing her mother or told to just let Souta rot as the keystone for “the greater good”. She’s allowed to mourn. She and her aunt, Tamaki grow as people and as parent and child through emotional experiences, both in the movie during their argument and reconciliation as well as in the booklet that revealed a bit about their past. Tamaki had the responsibilities of being a parent thrust on her and resented it at times but communication was what helped their relationship become healthier and she never shamed her niece for having negative emotions. I’ve written an essay about this too.
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The reason this movie succeeds at its message is that it treats its characters and audience with sensitivity. Suzume heals by remembering the happy moments with her mother and Tamaki was willing to adapt to her needs, unlike the Jedi Council. I think @abla-soso’s written about this but George doesn’t have the healthiest view of human psychology and trauma or of relationships nor is he a good writer. He’s sympathetic to Anakin, sure, but he and much of the fandom treat him as just greedy for holding onto his attachments when he doesn’t have a support system that validates his emotions and won’t help him heal except for telling him to meditate. A child healing by remembering their mother while going on a road trip to come out of their shell is not the same as being forced to go and help slavers that caused you so much pain. How can one heal from that?
The other movie in question, Weathering With You, is sort of a response to the ultra collectivism in Japan. Hina is expected to die so the rainfall will stop but what about the people who know her and have to deal with her loss? The little people are always forgotten about in these greater good arguments. Kind of like Trace and Rafa in TCW. Hodaka may have been selfish, yes, but Hina was the one person who treated him with kindness and affection as opposed to how his parents and the kids from his hometown did. Not to mention she still had a brother to take care of with their mother dying a year before the film was set. To just die would be abandoning those who needed her. Hodaka’s trauma and anger is treated with respect by Shinkai as opposed to just being written off as evil like Lucas or Jedi stans would.
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Some have interpreted the movie as a climate change denial story with the rains and flooding being treated as natural. But it’s really more of a response those who put all the blame and pressure on one person to fix the problem, especially the young being forced to do so by the older generations. It’s not fair for the older generations to create these problems then put all the burden of solving it on the youth. The Jedi council was plenty guilty of that with how they treated their padawans. And it’s okay to live your life to the fullest, even if the world is falling apart.
I’m sure the Jedi apologists will probably respond by saying “Jedi aren’t against love or emotion, just possessiveness” but that’s not what the movies show even if Lucas didn’t intend for it to come off that way. Maybe these movies treat the subject with more sensitivity and nuance because they’re written by someone who understands Shinto philosophy unlike a 70s hippie who blends stoicism with eastern beliefs. Yes, SW was intended to be black and white, but that’s not how real life works. What may not affect one person will affect another and it’s not wrong to need time and unconditional love to heal. You can’t just slap labels like selfish attachment or greed on someone when you don’t know or refuse to understand their circumstances and motivations and it’s not fair to judge or write them off.
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dayurno · 3 days
sorryyyy for bringing some type of discourse to your inbox but I just giggle whenever anyone brings up the fact that nora soad andrews a misogynist and their only argument is the fact that he's friends with renee and dating neil who said women are the strongest ppl i know, like i don't personally think he's a misogynist, but i feel like there has to be better arguments for it😭
maybe it's bc the fandom gets on my nerves so I'm more sensitive to any attempts a defanging and making characters more palatable bc I'm not a fan of the widespread fanon versions of the characters also it's sad I feel like the fandom made some sort of progress where discussions were being had about the problems in the series and now after tsc came out it feels like we're back to where the author can do no wrong and it's hard to criticise anything
what do you think about tsc being a triology, I feel like two books can hopefully give Jeremy the depth he needs i remember you found him a bit flat as well when you read the book, I see a lot of people saying he needs to have a mean side or a traumatic past but I feel like a kind, nice character can be interesting without those things and not every kind character needs to have this secret mean side anyway, personally I groaned out loud when I found out it was a triology bc that would mean the fandom would be alive for longer and it's so crazy out of any book fandom I've ever been in for some reason the aftg fandom feels the most obnoxious maybe it's bc the books deal with heavier topics close to the heart so there's more feelings involved🤔the only book fandom who has pissed me off a comparable amount would be asoiaf but that's a whole different thing
I really do try and be happy I'm not even in the fandom anymore and I've never followed aftg twitter accounts and I don't even check the tags I just go on certain blogs but i still see things it's horrible💔like I can't believeeee we're still discussing if Kevins a coward or not and how selfish he is for leaving the nest like we've already argued about this to death on tumblr back in like 2016 now it's the same thing again💔
LOL i understand honestly so many of these discussions are repackaged wide-spread 2015 opinions which don’t reflect the original text that it’s hard to do anything except use the we have this thread every week comrade image and let it go. andrew being misogynistic is not even hard to come to terms with considering it’s not an interpretation or a headcanon it’s the author’s own words and will for the character incorporated into canon. there are things to disagree with nora sakavic for, but ultimately there is a difference between disagreeing with the author and willfully ignoring the intention with which a character was written
& i didn’t really care much for the news, i think the lack of planning and the rushed way the books are coming along are grating on both the author and the fandom, but i don’t blame her for wanting to get this done and over with. it will show more insight on jeremy hopefully, but unfortunately i already don’t care 😭 i think the route tsc took was in general uninteresting and pedestrian enough to not warrant a second thought, and i’m not particularly interested in any plotline beyond what pertains to kevin and the ravens. what surprised me really is the total lack of impact tsc had on the fandom, which is to say, i think it was so in line with the same 3-5 headcanons passed around the last 10 years that it has genuinely done nothing for anyone aside from the people who were already very invested in jean and/or jeremy. it feels like a different fandom from aftg altogether, which i’m happy about if only because it keeps us all locked in different cages, but it still baffles me to see people dedicate so much thought to a book whose characters bar jean are, as of now, the very definition of Nothing burger. all in all the answer to that question and most questions pertaining to tsc is Who cares. because literally who cares
LMFAO staying away from aftg twt is really good for you & honestly all of us. it’s still so funny to me that not even nora sakavic herself wanted to touch that mess. mentally ill white suburbanite teenage shut-in echo chamber ass fandom
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dewracle · 1 year
Headcannons with the sleepy boys with a fem reader - they find out about her healing/healed SH scars and give her extra attention/treat her like a princess. Nsfw allowed and encouraged for a bit of it. Feel free to not do this request if it hits too close to home 🫶🏼
Hey love! I didn't feel comfortable doing NSFW on such a sensitive topic so I hope the comfort and princess treatment is enough! I kept everything vague so it's easier for others to read as well. I also hope you're doing well! <3 Warnings: Mentions of self-harm, Self-harm scars, Slight suicidal ideation.
Vessel will notice her being shifty, hiding certain body parts, and acting defensive. 
He takes note and catches her off guard, telling her almost forcefully to show him what is it
He’s upset obviously, but he pushes it aside to ask her why. Vessel just wants to understand how he can help in this area.
He’ll pull her into a hug, crushing her into him, and gives her gentle kisses.
He’s unsure of how to properly give her the love she needs without going overboard. So he’ll do his best, always checking in on her, getting her her favorite foods.
When the days are rougher than the other, Vessel will sit down with her and gently apply creams to the healing scars. Sweet whispers while he kisses away the tears.
It starts out with II noticing the beginning stages of depression slowly slipping into her
He puts it off hoping that it’s all just down and that she can get back out of
Unfourntaly he notices it's not and then starts to heavily pay attention to her
It's when they’re cuddling he notices the hiss and flinch when he touches the area.
II doesn’t push just lets her open up to him, letting her tell him whatever she is comfortable with.
He’ll guide her to the bathroom to clean them cut and kisses some princess bandaids on the smaller ones
After that, he’s careful of how he touches her and always offers to take her places when he can see it's getting worse
III always likes to play fight and with that a lot of things happen, he gets scars and scratches often
When he notices hers at first he believes they are from similar things, maybe she was playing fighting with someone who has claws. 
He truly didn’t understand what it was at first but after she explains it to him through tears, he’s crying with her.
He asks her how much an amazing person could do that to themselves and tries his best to comfort her.
It does take a while for the two of them to calm down enough for him to ask to see them
He places little star stickers on the scars and says he’ll do it till she realizes how much she is truly worth
III of course goes and buys any sticker he deems is worthy of his person
My version of IV has experience with this personally, he has a few of his own that he hides
He almost forgets about his own most of the time which is amazing truly
But when he catches the slight off-colored lines on her, he panics
The deep dread kicks in and IV is doing his anxious best to try to pull her into another room with just them
When he finally manages after almost a week of trying, he gently prompts the quiet
The room is thick with tension and he’s doing his best to calm her down to tell her it's okay and he just wants to make sure she’s stopped
IV is compassionate about the topic and expresses better ways to deal with it in case the urge comes up again
He doesn’t make it about himself but implies he understands the struggle.
If he ever notices her struggling with the urge, he does his best to place his hand in hers so she can distract herself with them.
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