#and it seems this one isn't on the wiki (or maybe it looks different from a different angle)
thunderzizi · 2 years
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think i got hit with the 2017 tumblr stanley lads
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bogleech · 3 months
Hello! as a fictional bug expert, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on Bloodflies from Dishonored 2? (fun fact: i searched your blog to see if you’d mentioned them and the only post that came up was an ask from years ago, also from me, talking about the river krusts in dishonored 1 lmao. i swear i play other games!!)
Oh yeah I remember the krusts, and how the wiki thinks they're mollusks and they even make "pearls" but they are definitely goose barnacles! The bloodflies are funny because officially they're supposed to be insects, from what I've read, but anatomically they're as different from insects as insects are from shrimp.
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Maybe that's just because it wasn't designed by anyone who really wanted to create a realistic speculative insect, but these only have four legs, each leg only has four segments, they have perfect ball joints that aren't quite like any current Arthropod, the mouth structure isn't anything like the proboscis of any modern fly or mosquito, the body seems fused into one large streamlined segment, they have no tarsal claws and their inner organs look totally alien. Then there's the fact that apparently these are a juvenile stage, and they become what the wiki calls a kind of wingless "beetle" when they mature. Do they call them beetles in-game? It doesn't look like that stage even has official artwork? In our world all flying insects are already adults. Except for one weird group of mayflies who go through two different winged stages, any insect you see with usable wings is finished growing for good, so for an arthropod to go backwards from that is completely alien!
Aesthetically I like how bird-like they look, like stirges from D&D
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Maybe that was even a part of their inspiration?
If they did evolve or mutate from an insect though, I bet it was a lousefly
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This is making me want to do more articles on my actual website that just break down a single creature or monster, without necessarily being part of a whole series like the Pokemon reviews. I did think for a while that I should do just "random" daily creature analyses or by request. I should probably go back to that.
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1218-814 · 3 months
Floyd's Nickname Analysis
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We all know that they can be correlated to how they look or act, but what if they were also actions or personality traits that each person has?
Riddle- "goldfish" or "kingyo"
He's red (Trigger for Floyd). He feels bad that Riddle is trapped in a "fishbowl" and hopes for him to explore the ocean. Can get violent, unlike what he seems (goldfish eat other fish; they can be at the top of the food chain depending on what fish you consider)
Ace- "crab" or "kani"
He's spiky and red (hair and personality-wise). Eels eat them; they are great prey for them (like in the 3rd arc, with the contracts)
Deuce- "mackerel" or "saba"
Mackerels are called "blue-backed fish", which spoil easily (In Japanese it can be translated to "Fast legs". Mixed with his track/field club). In France, I think, April Fools can be called April Fish day. Mackerels can be caught a lot in April. He is kind of... Stupid (Fool)
Cater- "snapper" or "hanadai" (This is from the wiki, which is correct, but I'll explain why I can't translate this correctly)
I can't translate his name because there isn't an actual fish; there are tons of fish that are called hanadai (just to name a few; akaobihanadai, sujihanadai, nagahanadai), kind of like a sub-family (different personalities). He is the only one so far who has a more vague nickname.The ones I think about have a tall nose, which reminds me of Pinocchio, whose nose gets taller the more they lie. They are pretty though.
Some of them are called “sea goldies” (a clue about how he could have been ex-dorm leader)
They eat shrimp... Maybe one day he'll hurt us
Trey- "sea turtle" or "umi kame"
They're smart, and they can also go on land (Secret?). He's the father of Hearts, and turtles and Disney remind me of a certain sea turtle in the Nemo series. And I think turtles are smart (glasses maybe?)
Leona- "Todo" or "Sea Lion"
As it's called, he is a lion. Sea lions can go on land... I wonder if he knows something outside of the ocean (Twisted Wonderland)..? Reminds me of Grim in a way.
Ruggie- "sharksucker" or "kobanzame"
He's always with Leona, like them with sharks. They eat scraps, and look out for a chance to strike, like for food.
Jack- "sea urchin" or "uni"
He's spikey with his hair. He's different than he appears; Sea urchins look inedible, but they are rich and creamy. I mean rich as with knowledge and mild as in personality in his case. And he is from the north, where I think good sea urchins are harvested. I wonder if the orange has anything to do with his dorm color. I can't say this for sure, but rich as in money.
Jamil- "sea snake" or "umihebi"
He's a snake. And like one, he is pretty, but with poison. I wonder if Floyd knows about the snakes' hint in the mirror. Anyways, I think Floyd thinks Jamil is similar to Jade (Sea snakes can be mistaken for eels sometimes)
Kalim- "Sea Otter" or "Rakko"
I wonder if his hair was brown, and not white... They are gourmets and can't eat without their favorite rock (Jamil). And he is hunted down because he is rich... (Sea otters were hunted down for their pellets). The turban reminds me of the seaweed they wrap around.
Epel- "guppy"
Not good with bettas, and loose to them. They are sensitive with temperature; Epel get heated up sometimes and is usually cool (faking his personality)
Vil: "Betta"
They get tired after flaring too much (overblot; with the issue with Neige). Really pretty, and aggressive. Not good with mirrors because of this (Mira with Vil)
Rook: "black-tailed gull" or "umineko"
He's in the sky, compared to the ocean. They can get wild and fast when they want. He's also a hunter (they hunt fish). He also has cat eyes. (they are literally called sea cats in japanese)
Idia- "firefly squid" or "hotaruika"
They glow like his hair. That's all I can say as for now
Ortho- "sea angel" or "clione"
He is an angle, but they can change rapidly with their looks to be quite... terrifying.
Malleus- "Nudibranch" or "Umiushi"
He's kind of cute with his personality, actually, he's more fluffy than cute though. They have something that looks like 2 horns.
Lilia- "flapjack octopus" or "mendako"
Like Azul, he is strong, unlike his looks. His hair reminds me of a flapjack octopus.
Silver:"jellyfish" or "kurage"
They're usually kind of white. They can hurt a lot when they attack. Unlike the people in his dorm, he is human so his life expectancy is short compared to them.
Sebek- "crocodile" or "wani"
Probably a reference to Sobek, the Egyptian god. He does remind us of a crocodile/alligator; he eats a lot, his phase in battle, etc.
The ones he adds -kun to (Cater, Jamil, Rook, Sam, and Trey) are a bit... troublesome in some way. I think Floyd sees Twisted Wonderland as the Ocean if you couldn't tell, so if they can go on land, they either know something or correlated in some way to MC/the lands beyond it. 
I was told to bring this post back by someone... But this is how I think
But Floyd is a lot more observant than most ppl think, and I will post something about that soon
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Having read and reread the Lackadaisy comic more then once and looking through the Wiki on the different events. Mostly on Rocky and the familial tensions surrounding the McMurray household and why Rocky got the boot?
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So the year 1921 was a big event of change. In which Rocky was kicked out at 16-years-old and within that same year Freckle dad died. It leaves me to wonder was this one of the " Family Tragedies " that Rocky mentioned in the chapter ' Breakdown ' I know that he was mostly delirious talking about his mom Sophie who was severely sick at the time and how his father was "working on the railroad~" most of the time which explains why Rocky spent a good half of his childhood at the McMurray house and was raised along side Freckle. But reading the lines and seeing some of the interactions between Rocky & Freckle, there's obvious some underlying issues and unresolved problems between the two cousins. Whatever happened between the two that Rocky took the blame for.
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Closely looking through the many letters Rocky sent Freckle during his time on his own and going through different jobs after another, one of them that stands out specifically. Is Rocky asking for the whereabouts of his father, bits of it mentioning his dad haven't written back to him in awhile. ( Seriously need to know more about Rocky Pop's Ransom) In the present timeline of the comic it apparent that his mom passed away. But what about dear Ol Dad, is he also dead? Or did the man just took off after the death of his wife and left his son behind in the progress because he didn't want to deal with Rocky eccentricities. I know the series is still on hatius, but so far Rocky dad sounds like a major dick.
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Of the many letters that Rocky has to sent Freckle before he ended up back in St. Louis again has a few words within it that is missing. One of them seems to mention a "Birthday" perhaps wishing Freckle a happy birthday but also one of the words from the letter that stands out to me is the " Your Fault " line the most. I got a feeling this could be connected to whatsoever went down between Freckle and Rocky that lead to Rocky getting kicked out in the first place. From the bits of missing words in the letter it sounds like Rocky is either telling Freckle that " it isn't all your fault anyway " or he's telling him that its " All your fault anyway ". It's hard to tell what Rocky might have actual meant in his 1923 letter, but from what I gather at it is that maybe he was wishing Freckle a good birthday and went a bit on some sort of one-off small tangent about whose really at fault for what take place at the McMurray house and what lead up to Aunt Nina finally having enough of Rocky and kicking him out of her home and her likely thinking he's a bad influence on her sweet boy and not wanting him around Freckle any longer especially when it came to his schooling.
I swear the more you look more in-depth when it comes to Rocky and aspects of his past, including him basically having been on his own since he was sixteen and been hopping from one odd job to the next as well as going from one place to another until he ends up back in St. Louis again later on is pretty real sad when you think about it. I feel like its very much deeply explains why Rocky tries so freaking hard at the Lackadaisy speakeasy when it comes to him taking on the bootlegging side of things of the business and wanting to prove himself useful to Mitzi and all. After everything he's been through thus far it makes sense.
Also the still up in the air question mark of whatever mess that happened in 1921 besides Freckle loss of his father, or when it comes to his mom illness that Rocky blames himself for and took the fall for something that happened in place of Freckle.
Whatever might happens in the next future chapters of Lackadaisy especially on the familial tensions that still lingers with Rocky and his relationship between both his cousin and his Auntie, which leaves me to wonders is how long will it take for Aunt Nina to eventually sense and finds out what her son and her 0ff-beat goofball of a nephew is truly doing for a " Job ."
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How long before things between these rum-running cousin danger duo goes south? Especially when it come to Rocky on his part because I feel things for him might slowly take a turn for the worse again unfortunately.
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animeomegas · 1 year
What if the alpha in MHA isn't a hero or famous person in general? And they met their omega when they already are an adult. How would the omega show their alpha to the paparazzi? OR MAYBE they try to hide their private life?
Oooh, interesting!
Keeps his alpha as far away from the paparazzi as possible. Never mentions anything in interviews, only picks dates at home or places you won't be disturbed, either no or heavily edited social media
Bakugou, for sure. The world knows he has an alpha that he's committed to, and they probably know what the alpha looks like, but that's it. It's his business, no one else's.
Shinsou. He's an underground hero, so he doesn't mess with paparazzi at all. For his and his alpha's safety, they both keep a very low profile.
Aizawa for much the same reasons as above.
Toshinori (post-retirement) loves to keep his relationship and family as lowkey as possible. He doesn't want any media outlet to know he's even mated. It's too risky for their safety, but also, he thrives being Toshinori, not All Might, in his own home and he doesn't want those lines to start blending.
Tamaki clams up when the public start prying into his personal life.
Finds a happy medium. Likes to brag about and post photos of their alpha sometimes, but still enjoys the privacy that comes come keeping strict boundaries.
Midoriya falls into this category, for sure. As number one, keeping his alpha a secret would be near impossible, so instead he tries to maintain healthy boundaries. He enjoys gushing over his partner in interview and getting fan art with his alpha in it, so he likes this balance.
Mic. I know it might seem like he should go in the 'no privacy' category, but I actually think that Mic is really good at saying a lot, but also not saying anything at all. Like he gushes about his partner all the time on the radio, but when you go to the partner section of his wiki, it's surprisingly empty, because he keeps a lot of information to his chest. It helps that he doesn't get recognised much when he's out of costume too.
I think Iida falls here too. His whole family are famous heroes and I think his PR team at the very least would play on that a lot with an active (but well curated) social media about Iida's life. Fancy events, birthdays, family gatherings, things like that, so his alpha would definitely pop up. He like to keep interviews on his heroics though.
Never stops talking about their alpha for even a moment. Constant pictures, videos, social media all the time, interviewers kind of end up hating their alpha because they can't get the hero in question to tal about anything else.
Denki, of course, is anyone surprised? His relationship is only one step away from being a YouTube couple lmaoo. He gushes and talks about his alpha, he gets caught with hickeys, he posts lovey dovey photos of lazy mornings and fancy dinners. The world is very invested in the 'couple goals'.
Kirishima slips into this category because he thanks his alpha for their support in every interview and lavishes them with praise about how supportive and amazing they are. He's also the kind of person to give out relationship advice to his fans lol. It's not as non-stop as Denki, but everyone knows about his alpha.
Mirio would 100% have the 'golden couple' image attached to him. Him and his partner are couple goals, but in a different way to Denki. Denki and his alpha are relatable, but Mirio's relationship is perfect (to outsiders.) I'm talking charity appearances together, pictures of their elaborate proposal and wedding, wholesome pet pictures, the whole works.
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Do you remember when the job progression quests had dialogue cutscenes and difficult quests? Each town had its own gear and you'd have to drop blue-background items to upgrade it. And it was character-specific too. Ice statues had to be crafted, and the ingredients would just pile up in your inventory. There was Unique equipment for every region you had a chance to drop after a boss battle, and it'd be shown in the chat. Plant Overlord's accessory was the top trending thing. Rena was blonde and did a flip when she double jumped. The first field introduced was the one between Hamel and Velder. The level cap was 40 and it was *hard* to get there.
I sure don't miss a lot of this stuff, but looking back, it feels like a wholly different game.
i played around when the game was still like this for the most part, except the level cap at the time was 70? and then over time it jumped to 90 but my middle-school/high-school ass couldn't keep up. actually, i remember seeing the new UI the game has for the health bars and that was already enough to throw me off. not that it looks bad, but i remember seeing this UI for the longest time:
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vs this:
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like as much as i miss the one i got acquainted with, this new one is a lot simpler and cleaner? yet it retains that cartoony vibe with the slanted bars so thats neat. and then there's THIS:
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i'll admit i havent played during this era but man this looks busy af. it was simple yea, but something feels off about it. like i love the look here too but it kinda clashes colors-wise. there's not too much of a difference between the original UI and the one after it but i could tell it needed slimming down.
while i was gone i also learned that the previous privately-hosted server VoidEls was shut down but was eventually replaced by another, which is fair enough i guess.
"Each town had its own gear and you'd have to drop blue-background items to upgrade it. And it was character-specific too."
this was both cool and annoying, for me personally at least. it's cool in that every town having gear gave you a way to progress before getting even stronger gear. sort of like a jumping-off point for every town you got to as they handed you their own version of stuff you could use. and you could emulate their aesthetic by wearing their gear. the annoying part is that constantly switching gear means item management is necessary to prevent your inventory from maxing out, and not every item looked good on you. if you didn't have skins? tough luck. (my memory might be wrong here so please correct me if i messed something up)
"...job progression quests had dialogue cutscenes and difficult quests?"
THEY GOT RID OF THOSE!? maybe im jaded but as a writer, i liked seeing the player-characters' personal struggle as they progressed through a job-specific mission. those short cutscenes let us see what they're really like. even if some of the requirements really were trash. i still remember spamming the same dungeon over and over hoping for a quest drop (or multiple) so i can move on. but after hearing the story was consolidated to be one singular, linear path regardless of who you played, maybe they streamlined the job class progression system too?
update: yea it seems you still have to spam dungeons to upgrade to Master Class but it looks less tedious than before for previous class ranks.
"Plant Overlord's accessory was the top trending thing."
boss accessories were the bane of my existence so this makes sense. it seems like it's unobtainable, as many overworld zones and dungeons have since been removed based on what i just looked up
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im assuming Plant Overlord isn't fightable anymore or only shows up in some elite zone now so rip
"Rena was blonde and did a flip when she double jumped."
i didn't know this. in fact when i checked her wiki page, the change was because her hair wasn't green enough despite her class art showing her as having green-hued hair.
speaking of the wiki,
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holy fucking shit thats a lot of classes
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possiblylando · 10 months
An 'Early' Analysis of Chainsaw Man Chapter 138
Woah hey I'm back, I didn't feel like talking about the past few chapters cause I didn't feel like I had anything to add since they all seemed pretty straight forward. That being said this chapter gives me alot of talk about. So we get a name for Sex Offender Girl. Boy this woman only gets worse the more we learn about her. Mifune is quite literally a government plant in denji's high school.
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It's refreshingly disgusting the type of shit these girls will put denji through. It's like Fujimoto keeps trying to one up himself each time he introduces a new "love interest" (Mifune is not a love interest she is a sexual predator let's keep this 100% clear). Maki was a groomer, Mifune is just a straight up Pedophile. She is going to have such a satisfying death I can feel it. This chapter goes on to confirm a few things. First off, Yoshida is apart of Public Safety. Which sorta debunks a previous thought I had of him being apart of another group. I am interested to learn 1. What Divison 7 does 2. Which Division Yoshida is in Given we know 4 was the rejects and 5 are hybrids. My best guess is that Division 7 is a sort of Espionage/Intel Division. Yoshida likely also belongs to Division 7 unless he's got some silliness going on, Which is very likely. Actually- I just now realized something. She calls it "Special Division 7" not Division 7. Looking through the list of Division members on the Wiki, That Special Prefix is very important. The Special Divisions are all full of freaks and monsters. This Sex Offender is more than likely a monster all to her own if she's apart of a Division we've never even heard of.
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Public Safety is just as fucked up as actual governments. It's great.
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I hate that she's winning me over. I want this woman dead stop making me think she's silly. Fujimoto is really good at humanizing horrible people. It mirrors real life monsters who tend to blend in with society and even seem charming on the surface. Moving on from this fucking Sex Offender. Asa continues to be the realest character in the series.
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I doubt I even need to say anything about how real she is. Asa is a deeply disturbed and neglected person who's shut off from the world despite her own need to validation and recognition. She and Denji are different sides of the same coin. While she tries not to show it, The fulfillment she receives from praise seeps through. This scene specifically resonated with me a ton.
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I wish we got a better look into Denji's thoughts in this scene. I can't even really get a grasp on what he must be thinking through all of this. In the last few days he's lost a major part of himself and has been replaced in face by a fraud and in action by a girl who he was forced to dump by his sister. There was a moment here before the reveal on this very page where I was thinking Swords was someone else. It was clearly someone from Part 1. He had a hoodie so maybe it was Violence? But that couldn't be real Violence was killed by Darkness. WAIT- BEAM? No I couldn't be beam he's been dead aswell. The Chapter is called Swordman so then maybe it's Katana man's return? No he wouldn't be on speaking terms with Denji after his testicles got mashed. So then-
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Turns out it's the Longsword Hybrid from the end of Part 1. Yeah turns out he's alive. Which as many people have pointed out, Means the rest of the Hybrids are alive. So is Reze alive? Certain fans seem to think she is. At this point she seems to be the only match for Denji who isn't a complete psycho. But she still tried to kill him. But then Denji was still willing to run away with her at the end of the fight. If she does come back I hope she and Denji don't rush into a relationship, Let them chill for a bit before getting into anything serious Fujimoto please. If Reze really is alive I'll talk about her more in depth when she shows back up. But I need to say my peace.
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The Whip Hybrid is going to be insane popular and so many of them are going to be just as Horny as Anime-Only Makima fans. I hope Swords ends up being chill with Denji and not another dickhead who tries to kill him. Denji needs another Male friend who doesn't treat him like shit. His only known ""friend"" in part 2 is yoshida and we all know yoshida has not been treating him well.
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rosiethedragongeek · 8 months
Rating the gang's dragon's mates (as shown by the Rise of Berk game I'm p sure) bc someone has to (also I'm sorry if the images look a lil weird I'm dragging them in bc it's just easier rn and idk what that'll do to them lol)
Okay up first, Stormfly's mate
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He's hardly the worst out of all of them, but I'm just not that big a fan of him being so green idk. I like the green and pink together, but I'm honestly not that sure how his colors look w Stormfly's just aesthetically
Hookfang's mate
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7.5/10 maybe? POTENTIALLY an 8 idk
I bounce between liking and hating the colors, but either way they look nice together. She's making a kinda derpy face but that's a postitive honestly. (Also I doubt this is true bc I'm p sure they have one Monstrous Nightmare model/drawing (depending on whether you're seeing a drawing or a model lol) that they use in game, but the fins on her back look spikier than Hooky's to me and her horns look smaller?)
Barf and Belch's mate(s?)
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I kinda like their colors, or,, I would if it weren't for the greyish silver that's just kinda everywhere. Idk I kinda associate zipplebacks w brighter colors and I just don't like the shade lol. Also the 'spikes' on their heads just don't work for me (not a huge fan of the spikes on their necks and back being so spaced out and also silver just meh). The little scales on their wings fading from red to orange to yellow is a nice touch though I like that a lot.
Also I just discovered that Barf and Belch are a boy through their mate's fandom wiki?? I was curious bc I've never been sure, so I checked to see what was up w these one's and they're female, so I was like ohhh Barf and Belch must be male, and I went over to their wiki and yeah they are. I just feel like there were easier ways for me to figure that out lol.
Meatlug's mate
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I hate him I hate him I hate him I HATE HIM. I hate that he's like, a greyish green and bright yellow. (I love Meatlug's color pallete, I love how soft and warm it is, this is NOT that) His ear things seem longer too, which I HATE. Also the bumps on his face and tail (which are few and far between for me) just being ORANGE is kinda gross. (I'm not gonna comment too mucch on the texture and stuff of them bc the game isn't THAT detailed and that's FINE, but in the picture they look like,,, pussy???) (Meatlug's, at least in the shows, are more textured and not straight up purrple and shiny idk)
Toothless' mate
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Like 4/10?
I like her tail fin being a different shape, but her ear thingies are too round and short, and I feel like all of her proportions are to softened you know?. Also she looks like she's wearing eye shadow which,,,, :/ (could just be the shadows but idk that's what it looks like) (also, her feet and the way she's sitting she just looks like they're trying to make her very feminine, which is okay, but like paired w the proportions and stuff idk it just feels wrong to me
(I'm joking around and wtv but honestly I like her so much more in the Rise of Berk art style, she's just a little more angular, and it cuts the sparkles and stuff, and she just feels a LITTLE more like what she should've been.)
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
my final request……. kanaya x reader x terezi (auspicticeship, kanaya and terezi looking for a third (pale)) they are INFECTING MY BRAIN
Orderly Anon [💉]
This is actually really interesting... wiki doesn't show if they had much of a relationship with one another so I will do what I can! Doing pale/moirails for this. I actually had a lot of fun with this, too. Hope I got this right.
Yandere! Kanaya Maryam + Terezi Pyrope Concept
Pairing: Pale/Moirallegience♦️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Poly Moirails, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Dubious/Forced companionship.
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So we all know Terezi and Vriska are moirails.
A concept of them sharing a third palemate may make more sense.
However, here's an AU where things are different from canon.
Maybe in this AU Kanaya was originally an Auspistice to Terezi and Vriska.
Then some event happened that lead to Kanaya and Terezi becoming Moirails.
That would leave things open to the two looking for a third.
Maybe Terezi still feels incomplete even with Kanaya as her Moirail.
So they discuss a third with one another... eventually deciding on you to join them.
You could be a troll or human, the two don't really mind.
You're most likely already friends with at least one or both of them, just nothing in the pale quadrant.
You and Kanaya do fashion, the jade blood often making you outfits.
You and Terezi also often role-play, usually something law related.
When the two are Moirails I imagine their interests mix.
For example, Kanaya makes Terezi outfits to fit her love of dragons and law.
The two would also try to give subtle hints to you, their friend, that they want you are their third.
For example, you're also given outfits that mix fashion and dragons.
Said outfits often share jade and teal colors.
Sometimes it's things clearly designed by Kanaya with help from Terezi.
For example, stylistic outlines of dragons surrounding a dress or suit.
Then there's outfits that have hoods and fake dragon wings, ones Terezi came up with because they are cool.
It's like their way of claiming you before you know it.
You take their gifts, even wear them.
You think the designs are cool and wearing them makes your two friends happy.
You are completely aware of the two being Moirails.
What you don't know is them wanting to make you their third.
The gifts are a good hint though.
Why else would they cover you in their blood caste?
You care for them as your friends.
Sometimes you even meet with them for role-play.
Kanaya isn't really that into it but will make outfits for you and Terezi to conduct court scenes.
Honestly you feel you're just friends, especially if you are inexperienced in pale relationships.
It isn't until you realize they do pale actions towards you that you find out what they're doing.
They're essentially manipulating you into the role they want.
Stuff like the gifts and Kanaya/Terezi shoosh papping you at times disguised as just an affectionate gesture.
Terezi probably even uses her powers to try and predict outcomes of the relationship she and Kanaya want for you.
Every action they do is strangely planned.
Kanaya acts motherly to the both of you at times.
Meanwhile Terezi metaphorically "oversees" every action to take to have you as theirs.
Also Terezi seems like she remembers your smell and can tell when you lie to them.
The two are overprotective and surprisingly manipulative as they try to convince you of being their third Moirail.
You may even settle into the role if they can play their cards right.
Terezi reassures Kanaya that they will... she knows it...
You're meant to be theirs.
Once you're officially Moirails, willingly or not, the two never leave you be.
Every outfit is made by Kanaya and their colors/interests are incorporated into it.
You may not want to wear the jade/teal dragon outfits... but Terezi can just tell when you aren't.
The two love you and are actually quite protective/attentive to your needs.
Terezi can just smell when you're upset and is always there to comfort you with Kanaya.
If anyone tries to tell you this Moirallegience is unhealthy or you don't deserve them... both of them aren't happy.
Terezi is already planning out justice and Kanaya claims she'll play executioner.
No matter how long it takes... the two will have you be their Moirail...
It's fate... all according to Terezi.
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the-real-maglev · 17 days
Dream BBQ Analysis & Speculation: the Reveal Trailer
Hoo boy, at least I can get this one out of the way early. This trailer was a massive piece of whiplash when it was first posted and its still very engrossing to this day. I dread covering this one because there's a lot of stuff shown here but there's virtually zero clues towards what any of it could be at all. There's so many things packed into 25 seconds that it's almost overwhelming. I'll see what I can unpack though.
[Flashing lights warning, this is a bit redundant since the trailer also has the warning, but I felt like it'd be courteous]
The Japanese text just reads Dream BBQ, nothing of note there, even with the wierd backgrounds. Speaking of which, we see minimal scenery in this trailer due to the backgrounds instead primarily consisting of gradients and other such designs. There's also a bunch of misc clips during the opening that don't seem to bear any particular significance (like the wall of Froggy talking and Taski's anxiety dance), so I'll trim it down to only the scenes I deem important enough to cover.
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The first notable scene is the rotating ENAs with the changing background color. Something I notice is that the uniform is rendered in grayscale here, but that's not the most interesting thing. First, one of the ENAs here has the season 1 colors despite wearing season 2's outfit and hairstyle. Maybe this is hinting towards them being one in the same rather than different characters like most people assume? The language the staff has used in regards to BBQ ENA's relation to season 1 ENA seems to point to that as well. Very interesting indeed, but that isn't even the most interesting part of this clip.
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Thats right, four brand new color combos: green+eraser pink, yellow+orange (who looks like cheese personally), purple+tan and wierd color I can't identify+cyan. Whether these are hinting towards us meeting more ENAs or are just funky trailer visuals, only time will tell. I think the purple+tan one looks cool though. Very miniscule detail, the ENAs on the left have their torso color reflect the right side of their face, while the ENAs on the right side have their torso color reflect the left side of their face, something that goes for BBQ ENA and season 1 ENA as well.
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That's not even all from this clip, since it gives the first look at Broken ENA. She curiously doesn't have her hat here, but that's probably just because she's upside down and gravity is active. I'll get into Broken ENA more when we get to the Steam trailer, there's a lot to say about her there.
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This may be a reach but I feel like this shot may imply a casino area. My main thought is that this may be linked to the neon alleyway shown in the screenshots on the Steam page, but I'm basically just spitballing here.
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Here we have the debut of a character I'll be dubbing Orca, since they bear resemblance to Peruvian orca carvings. Its details cannot be made out here due to the angle, however a clearer view of this character has appeared in the Fangamer merchandise, so I'll get into it more when I reach the merchandise. From this shot, though, I can assume this character isn't the most hospitable, considering our first impressions of them are them devouring ENA.
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Here we have this headless blue horse made of... threads? Some sort of winding material. I feel like this character may be based on Leghorse from Space Funeral, but I'm willing to accept wrongness there. It's also surrounded by these root pants characters that I have a feeling will be recurring minor NPCs throughout the game. Interestingly, they seem to be bowing in worship to this horse character. I have a bit of a theory as to why
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This here is a beta screenshot of the quest board, which was shown off in the 2022 ENA Day livestream (and archived on the ENA Wiki). I have far more to say about it when we get to the Steam trailer, but for now I want to draw attention to the icon beside the quest title on the left side, which depicts the horse character. Perhaps this horse will be responsible for quests? That would explain why the roots were bowing down to it, since it seems to give orders to others if it's a quest manager. The opening of the Steam trailer gives me other ideas though, which combines with the fact that the quest board has changed design to make me doubt that this is the case. Still an interesting prospect I think.
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I need you to really take in this egg, it will be crucial to understanding Dream BBQ
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Now we have a rather interesting character who hasn't been seen since. I feel like this might actually be a different character manifesting out of the clothes like how Phindoll just lives in and ophanim-esque residence. I'm thinking those birds could coalesce into a different NPC.
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After those incredibly dense 25 seconds, the trailer thankfully slows down dramatically for the next two thirds of its runtime, spent mostly on this screen here. There's still plenty to dissect here, though. I will be going over each panel left to right in the bulletpoints below.
• First up, Froggy makes his debut here. A bit strange that Taski Maiden was revealed before him when he's meant to be the secondary protagonist, but I digress. Speaking of digression, the ENA Wiki says that he bears a resemblance to Tsubakura Enraku from Len'en Project (mainly in sharing key colors in key places) and the comparison is bizarrely sound so I just have to share it. The visuals definitely seem to paint a laid back, possibly slacker picture of him, which lines up with how he was described in ENA Day 2023, being a foolish comic relief sidekick with a high opinion of himself. He was described as being based on comic relief characters in old Japanese detective dramas, which makes me feel like he shares an origin with Gumshoe from the Ace Attorney series, though his only two known lines (from the Steam page and the delay announcement) seem to imply that he's going to be rather commanding and rude. I must also draw attention to the docks he sits at. The green sky and gray terrain make me think this may actually be a more dreary version of the overworld from season 1, which was depicted with a green sky in Temptation Stairway and always had gray grounds. Quite a neat area regardless.
• This is the first time we see BBQ ENA with her iconic megaphone and the first hint towards Meanie ENA's personality. Not much to say about this panel other than I find the pose to be amusing. I'll take the opportunity to say that BBQ ENA and Teto in Mesmerizer wear incredibly similar outfits and I'm taking my followers down with me. I'll take this time to spout my 10000 years theory, as I call it, which states that Dream BBQ takes place... well, 10000 years after Temptation Stairway. Reason I say this here is because the very insistent terminology of the team makes me think BBQ ENA actually IS the same person as season 1's ENA after all, it's just that she's matured after spending eons in the realm of Runas. Likewise, the world and other characters have changed a lot in that time a well to a point of unrecognizability, going with the statement that we might be seeing familiar faces but very different from when we last saw them. I find it to be a very interesting prospect personally. I'll be getting back to this theory soon in this post.
• Here marks the debut of the little guys that Taski Maiden lugs around. I'll say that I see Taski being a child and thus they aren't her children, no idea what relation they could hold though. I have a feeling there will be a quest involving bringing Taski's little guys back to her. I have some other misc things to talk about with Taski while I'm here though. First, I just love how free-form her design is. Like, it seems that every pattern on her body and even those wierd whisker outline bits are able to move independently and I feel like that will lead to some very expressive animation. I'd also like to note an insane theory I had that I heavy doubt will be true but I must still share because of the strange amount of evidence: Taski Maiden could be connected to (or straight up *was*, following the 10000 years theory) Moony. Both have gray skin (with Taski's skin tone looking like a middleground between the halves of Primal Moony), a single rounded eye (with Taski's being on the right side of her face, just like with Primal Moony), some other iconic attribute in place of a second eye (Moony's geometric inclusion and Taski's mask thingy) and are voiced by Lizzie Freeman (this is admittedly the weakest point because Lizzie also voices Sad ENA but it's an existing similarity so I've got to say it). Taski's little guys are even split into dark gray and light gray halves, with the darker side on the left, just like Primal Moony, with their body shape resembling a chibified Primal Moony too. If there really is a connection, it'd explain why Taski seems to be quite a major character. This even ironically plays into the 10000 years theory, with Moony getting less mature being an amusing contrast to ENA getting more mature. Nonetheless, it's a bit of a crack theory, but it's there.
• Then we have the noteface guy, who I nickname Henoheno due to that being the start of the long name that kanji face has. He's always struck me as looking like sort of boss, however there's like nothing to go off of. All I can assume is that his appearance in ENA Day 2024 means he'll be in Lonely Door and he'll be more important than the average NPC.
• And lastly, the sea of blood area. This area has appeared in just about all the promotional material, likely due to just how strange and creepy it is. Curiously, the eye in the sky changes colors in the Fangamer lenticular poster. I wonder if that'll happen in-game or if that's just something Fangamer did to give the poster more movement. This area seems extremely important and I'm sure we'll be spending plenty of time here, as disconcerting as the area may be. Possibly we'll even be revisiting this area in multiple chapters.
Not even gonna bother talking about Clown anymore because I already said a ton about him in the teaser analysis. This post has been in my drafts for days and it feels amazing to finally have it posted. I hope you all like my insane theories. The next post will be about the Steam trailer... or more appropriately, only part of it, since the Steam trailer is so loaded with information that I'm splitting its analysis into multiple parts.
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periwinkla · 28 days
Major Spoilers for TGAA and TGAA2
I've been wondering about the visual resemblance between Barok Van Zieks and both Edgeworths recently - I thought I'd share my findings.
There is some talk about the ancestors of AA's cast. But, at this point in time we know for certain only of Phoenix's and Payne's ancestors. There is a remarkable resemblance, however, between Barok Van Zieks and both Edgeworths. The hair tufts? That's too deliberate a detail. But, that doesn't necessarily mean Barok is the Edgeworths' ancestor. In fact, it could be anyone from his family. I'm not saying it's not him, it could very likely be, as usually the simplest explaination is the likely one. Regardless, I would like to entertain another possibility as well, mostly for fun. Their ancestor could be Iris Wilson. Iris' father was very similar to his brother (hair tufts included), and sometimes certain features skip a generation.
- The Timeline -
Iris could have, sometime after the events of TGAA2, moved to Japan, most probably somewhere close to Ryuunosuke, Susato, and Mikotoba. Maybe with Sholmes in tow, maybe not. Let's look at the timeline (referring to the wiki for the dates here). Iris is born in 1892, she's 9 years old when Ryuunosuke and Susato meet her in 1901. So at some point in the future she has a child, let's say between 20 to 40ish years old - so between 1912 - 1932. Gregory Edgeworth is born in 1966-1967, so Iris of course can't be his mother. I would say she's be either his grandmother or great grandmother, depending on when she and her own child had children of their own (ex. she had a child in 1928 who had Gregory in 1966). Great grandmother seems more likely though, considering the time period. An interesting thing about this is that if Iris is Gregory's great grandmother, that also means.... Sholmes would be his great great grandfather (even if not biologically).
- The Gregory-Sholmes Resemblance -
Very funny how Gregory has a similar coat style to Sholmes', isn't it? Even the pose is similar! Could have been inspired by his family history, even though he couldn't have even met Sholmes. It's unlikely he met Iris as well, but I would think Iris' and Sholmes' legacy would pass down by simple virtue of Iris being an author who left her writing behind, passing the memories of their adventures down. Also, Iris herself made Sholmes' coat. so maybe she made something similar for her child who passed down their aesthethic taste. Point is: Gregory was most likely a huge Sholmes fan.
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- Why did Gregory decide to become an attorney? -
I don't believe this is ever explained, so this would provide an interesting answer. Gregory could have been inspired by both his family history and his family's friends' history. Sholmes was a detective, and Ryuunosuke, who was very close to Iris' family, was a defense attorney. Maybe the way he handled cases was a combination of his two inspirations (also remember here that Iris wrote Sholmes as way cooler than he really acted). And what about his assertions about prosecutors and attorneys not being enemies? That mindset could be inspired by Ryuunosuke's own, of course. Iris probably wrote about him as well, after all. Also Van Zieks (his great great granduncle) was a prosecutor, as well as Kazuma (a friend of Ryuunosuke, who Iris knew about). All this implies Miles is, at least in part, British. In the original, he would thus be Japanese and British. Which suits him a lot... tea obsession duplicated.. Also fun to note that Miles and Gregory's mechanic in AAI is named Logic (maybe a wink to the Logic & Reasoning mechanic? but probably a coincidence)
- Why are the connections between Phoenix's family and Edgeworth's never mentioned? -
Short answer - TGAA was made after the AA games. Long answer... Well, first of all, it's very much implied Edgeworth doesn't have any family left, much less family friends. So they both probably have no way of knowing, even his own surname is different now. And if his father told him, I'm not sure he'd remember, considering the horror of the years after his death. (Although, I would imagine Edgeworth at least knows Phoenix's connection to Ryuunosuke, since he likely studied him in law school and made the connection to the name) Second, family ties and connections can be lost. One of Ryuunosuke's descendants could have just decided not to associate with his own family (and thus his family's friends) anymore, for whatever reason. All we can say is, Phoenix never says anything about Ryuunosuke. So it's not so strange that he wouldn't know of any connection between his family and Edgeworth's. Although, something funny I noticed from an interview of Takumi's (link: https://gyakutensaibanlibrary.blogspot.com/2018/05/naruhodo-ryuichi-this-is-character.html ) He mentioned Phoenix was planning to go study theatre in England when he saw Edgeworth on the newspaper. That in itself wouldn't mean anything, but people are generally more favorable to go overseas if they have some sort of connection there, whether it's family or friends. Maybe he does have some remaining connections there thanks to Ryuunosuke? It doesn't have to have anything to do with Iris or Sholmes though, could be something to do with Gina for all we know. Or other people he helped there. Who knows. If anyone finds anything else about this, I would love to see additions to the discussion. I find this is a very interesting topic - the connections between TGAA and AA are very intriguing.
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alterundying · 6 days
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Sometimes you are going through an article and something so silly in it pops up that you question the validity of everything else in that article.
Such was my experience today. Oh yeah, this is a nerd fight but no hate to anyone involved, mistakes happen.
So What did I read? Someone actually said Zatanna Zatara is a rip-off of the Scarlet Witch.
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Okay so let's start unpacking this, let's take a look at the article itself.
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Okay, so this is a very aggressive start, DC and Marvel have a history of taking ideas from one another, including a whole team in Marvel that are basically a parody of the Justice League.
So I come in this article to number 12.
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Special Note: I tried to find this article not on my phone, but it isn't easily found on the website's desktop page. So what does this say about Zatanna?
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This is an interesting way of saying she makes things happen by saying them backwards, which seems a little misleading. At this point, one might give the benefit of the doubt and say the writer just isn't that familiar with the character.
The way this article is structured it's likely attempting to take Zatanna's base description and make her sound like the Scarlet Witch. So time to do some unpacking. Talking about Homo Magi sounds like they are comparing Zatanna being a Homo Magi to Wanda being a Mutant. These two were introduced in the 60s. According to the Superfriends Wiki the concept of Homo Magi was introduced to comics in the 80s.
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So Zatanna being a Homo Magi can't be a rip-off of Wanda being a mutant. Now maybe the implication is that because Zatanna has the same powers as her father it's the same as Wanda having her powers from being a mutant and Magneto being her father. This is very odd since inheriting traits from someone's parents seems like a pretty broad concept and not one that could be considered a rip-off.
But I will admit I am unable to confirm Wanda is the originator of the trope of a child inheriting superpowers from a parent in comics.
Next, we have the implied claim that being able to use mystical powers is what Zatanna is taking from Wanda, but this is an odd claim since when Wanda first showed up in comics her powers weren't magic-based, they were probability manipulation. Mutant powers, not magic.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about when Wanda's powers became magic.
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So Wanda's Powers likely became magical in the 70s, remember these two debuted in the 60s.
But the Article does keep going on about these two, so what does it say?
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Okay, so, the claims. Hypnotic Beauty? What Comic Book woman in the 60s wasn't beautiful? Ma Hunkel existed in the 30s so I am not going to discount it, Maybe it's something about their costumes or character designs being similar? Of course, the claim is that Zatanna is a Rip-off of Wanda so we need to look at what they looked at in their orinal costumes.
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So Scarlet Witch has a head piece, and Zatanna has a tophat. Scarlet Witch has a cape, Zatanna does not. Wanda has opera gloves, Zatanna has bare hands. Scarlet Witch is wearing a full-body leopard in pink, while Zatanna has fishnets. These two costumes have more differences but just look at these two designs. MAYBE you can point out they both have black curly hair, but most pictures I see of Wanda's first appearance have her with brown-red hair, NOT black.
So the next claim is them having a Dramatic Flair. Now I think there is a much more logical reason for Zatanna having a Dramatic flair.
Zatanna is a stage magician, a literal performer.
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Her not having a Dramatic Flair would be extremely odd. But where did Zatanna's inspiration come from?
Her father Giovanni Zatara who is a Golden Age character. His first appearance was in Action Comics #1 (June 1938), which means he predates the Scarlet Witch by 26 years.
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She has the same powers as him, she is a stage performer like him. Her look mimics his, but with a feminine flair a stage performer would have.
Maybe I am too much of a comics nerd, but I believe calling Zatanna a Scarlet Witch rip-off really undermines Zatanna's impact as a legacy hero who has surpassed her father in the public consciousness.
And the conversation about comic companies wanting to get their own versions of various titles is really interesting so it's sad to see it handled this poorly.
There is speculation the original Doom Patrol was created because DC Comics wanted their own Fantastic Four, and rumours are that the X-Men were created because of leaked information about what Doom Patrol would be.
From what I understand, The Fantastic Four was originally based on horror Comics and concepts, making them a body horror comic.
The Fantastic Four is one of the first comics to tackle superpowers as disabilities, with Doom Patrol picking up the concept and making it more blatant. The X-men then took this concept making it about marginalization and disability.
Anyways this massive rant is over I hope you enjoyed this nerd fight.
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entertext · 1 year
HGSN 17-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Asako: A-anyways! If you're ever in trouble, I'll help you out, okay!! If there's anything I can do!!
(sfx: stomp)
Asako: Bye!!
Hikaru: Sorry I'm late.
Yoshiki: ...Sounds like Asako has lost some of her hearing in her right ear
Hikaru: ...That's...
Hikaru: ...probably because I touched her a little
Hikaru: People, well...they break if I mess with them a little bit. And then after that, they start to hallucinate and die of their own accord
Hikaru: But Asako is mentally strong, so she didn't break, but...
Hikaru: Instead, the effects may have showed up in her ear...that's my guess
Yoshiki: That's something that you did to her though
Hikaru: ...I do think that it's good that it was only her ear
Yoshiki: *sighs*...how cold of you.
Yoshiki: Let's go to the library
Hikaru: Yeah
Yoshiki: (Shouldn't keep hiding it forever...I guess)
(sign: Cultural Center/Library)
Hikaru: That's a lot of books!
Yoshiki: We're looking for a map, an old one
Yoshiki: Ah, here's one...this map is early Meiji, from the later half of the 19th century
Hikaru: Kibougayama... isn't anywhere on here
Yoshiki: No wait, here's Mount Tenban, and if this is the shrine, that means this is...
Hikaru: Sute...? Huh...?
Yoshiki: No, you're supposed to read it right-to-left
Yoshiki: ...Darumasute*?
(* - 達磨 (daruma) - a Daruma doll (wiki); 捨 (sute) - to throw away)
Hikaru: "Darumasute"? What kind of name is that? Was Kibougayama actually named that all along?
Yoshiki: ...Let's line it up with the other maps. We have ones of Kubitachi and the other surrounding areas too right?
Yoshiki: Darumasute - there's a long and narrow region that extends downwards near the bottom. There isn't a place like that now.
Yoshiki: Udekari and Ashidori - these aren't any different from today
Yoshiki: Udeiri - this village has already been abandoned
Yoshiki: Kubitachi - the kanji for it is different from what it is now*
(* "tachi" - present day 立 (to stand/rise); originally 断 (to cut off/sever))
(Names and approximate meanings so far):
Darumasute - 達磨捨 - to throw away a daruma
Udekari - 腕刈 - to cut off the arms
Ashidori - 足取 - to take the legs
Udeiri - 腕入 - to contain the arms
Kubitachi - 首断 - to sever the head)
Yoshiki: Is this... the shape of a person?
Hikaru: Huh!?
Yoshiki: The names of the places even correspond to the body parts...The arm is where Udekari is...The head is where Kubitachi is...Then the "daruma" refers to...the torso?
Hikaru: What the hell!? That's so creepy!!
??: Um, excuse me...
Librarian: Your voices are a little too loud...
Yoshiki: Ah! Um...
Hikaru: Sorry 'bout that
Librarian: No worries...
Librarian: ...Is this a school project or something?
Yoshiki: U-Um... We're Kibougayama High students from Kubitachi...and we were looking up our local area...o-or something like t-that...
Hikaru: Pfft.. (He gets like this whenever someone scolds him even a little)
Librarian: Oh my... I'm also from Kubitachi.
Hikaru: Huh, how about that!
Yoshiki: Oh, really? ... Then maybe we might have met you before when we were little...ma'am
Librarian: Oh, no, you wouldn't have...I've been away for 20 years and only went back after my mother's recent death...
Hikaru: ("recent death"...Ah!)
(nametag: Matsuura)
Hikaru: Are you by any chance...Matsuura-san's daughter?
Next chapter: 2023/06/06
Twitter extra (link):
Yoshiki takes being scolded badly
It seems that it's more shocking to him since he's usually well-behaved...
Yoshiki: Ah! Um!
'Hikaru' (Hikaru) is fine with it
Hikaru: Sorry!
By the way, I've updated the place names in the previous chapter to match the correct readings.
There was also a typo to one of the lines in it that was officially corrected after the original translation was posted, so if you saw the original post and haven't gone back, you might want to double check, thanks.
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otakween · 2 months
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Digimon Tamers - Volume 4
The beginning of this volume flat out spoils things by putting characters that haven't been introduced yet on the character page. (MarineAngemon, the Juri clone, the D-Reaper queen...) Maybe that's a common practice with shounen manga...but it shouldn't be. Like, what's the point?
Ch. 22
Lopmon and Terriermon interacting will never get old. Love how they lift their ears with curiosity when they first see each other.
I think I prefer experiencing the ~sad~ part of Tamers better in manga form. I remember it being quite drawn out in the anime and I rather just blitz through it at this point. I think the whole Leomon death storyline just annoys me because they barely developed his character and then the writing expects me to be devastated. Juri was more developed, sure, but we barely got any insight into her relationship with Leomon so her deep, dark depression doesn't feel super warranted either.
Ch. 23
I think this chapter was pretty well done. They're giving an epic battle it's time instead of zooming past it.
It bugs me that there isn't a specific name for digimon/human digivolutions. In this translation they called it a "true mega form." On the wiki it's called both an ultimate and a matrix digivolution. IDK why it doesn't count as a jogress. I guess there's like...two different things: the way you digivolve (matrix) and the digivolution level (ultimate)? If it's confusing for me, I can only imagine it'd be confusing for a kid.
It's a bit weird for an English translation, but I like that Guilmon says "MMA!" a lot. I can totally hear him making that noise with his OG voice. Creative onomatopoeia.
Ch. 24
Grrr Jian said "crumbcakes," so done with this stupid translation
This chapter was hella short, not much to say about it.
Ch. 25
Okay, now they're calling it a "biomerge digivolution." I guess the localizers also thought "this needs a cool name!"
Casual 90s/early 2000s sexism sprinkled throughout this translation. Takato says he "screams like a little girl" in a previous chapter and in this one he says "easy to forget Renamon and Rika are girls when they're always kicking butt!" Eye roll...
SaintGalgomon looked super badass but for some reason when Sakuyamon appeared they chose to dedicate two closeup panels to her chest and high heels? Sus...
Ch. 26
Juri's face didn't look as sinister here as it did in the anime (when it's revealed she's possessed). I guess that's probably a good thing. More subtle.
I don't remember the sovereign digimon giving Culumon a "you're a real boy now" speech in the anime. That was sweet.
They cut the part where Beelzebumon gets zapped by a bunch a digimon. In this he just collapses after the battle with Dukemon, which I think I prefer. (But why'd he say he'd be "bunny chow?" He wasn't even fighting Terriermon...)
Ch. 27
The grotesque, over-the-top facial expressions the artist keeps drawing for Hirokazu piss me off. They're just so ugly.
Ugh...they really had to ruin a serious moment (Guilmon getting the ark to stop) with a poop joke. This manhua does NOT treat its audience with respect.
Hmm they completely cut out Juri's family. So much for developing her character I guess.
They kind of forgot to imply that the ark is sentient. I mean they showed it stopping on its own, but in the anime they really hammered it home by having Guilmon have a conversation with it and showing it's HAL-like eye. That was one of my fave parts so I'm sad lol
Ch. 28
Okay, this is starting to feel totally different from the anime, they skipped like 5 episodes worth of content. Also, IDK if the scanlation I'm reading is missing some pages because the ending with Dukemon being beat up was completely nonsensical (it cut from Beelzebumon being hit to a panel with Dukemon outta nowhere?) I'll give it the benefit of the doubt that there are missing pages...
The scene where Beelzebumon uses Leomon's attack to save Juri played out differently here. She doesn't seem particularly perturbed by it and Beelzebumon can't save her because he gets attacked, not because Juri recoils for too long.
Ch. 29/30
Lol they completely cut out Justimon. Makes Ryo's role even more pointless! Ryo doesn't even reappear at all...
This manhua series was crap to begin with but they really screwed the pooch with this ending. SOOO rushed. Grani appeared outta nowhere with zero introduction. Like they just went immediately to Grani's sacrifice. I still don't know if I'm missing pages or if the writing is just that garbage. Oh well! I tried.
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justepilepsy · 8 months
Do you happen to have any information on the Harding test and if any companies are required to use it in the US? Like if online ads are required to use it, games, etc.
I had a few seizures from Psychonauts 2, and the game does not have a flashing lights warning. I requested that to be patched in so no one else might figure it out by experience like me. The staff responded well, and mentioned that Microsoft should have done internal testing. I found Xbox's gaming accessibility guidelines for photosensitivity, and it mentioned the Harding test as what they use to check for photosensitive accessibility. I'm trying to find more information on how it works, but can't. All I can think is that maybe it is like PEAT (Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool) but more robust. I would ideally like to not send in £30 + a clip for checking how it works for their online testing with content I know can give me a seizure to see if it picks up on that.
- @crippled-kunikos
Hi Anon, I've been sitting on this for a while and been thinking on how to answer this. I don't have any additional information outside of what's available to the public regarding th Harding Test. I have some personal opinions by now on flashing lights however, so maybe this helps you in some way, but beware that this is all based on my own experience/observations:
To my knowledge the Harding Test was created to detect the worst of the worst flashing lights and photosensitivite effects. So this means, that there is a certain threshold that must be passed in order for it to be like "Beep boop this stuff bad!" So. What about all the other stuff that is very flashing lights, but not flashy enough to kick off this response? Well - that stuff is potentially triggering too, but less likely to like... to the average (non-photosensitive) person. Now - I am quotig wikipedia here, so not the best source but the wording puts it well:
"Any such over limit violations give rise to the media being failed. Otherwise the media is passed fit for broadcast and a pass certificate can be automatically generated." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harding_test
So, to me this means: The Harding Test has a specific limit/amount of flashing lights that needs to be reached for it to flag something as dangerous. It's basically detecting the worst of the worst. But it does not seem to be designed to catch flashing lights that are only dangerous for "some" part of photosensitive people. Photosensitivity seems to be a spectrum, when you look around on tumblr, users have a lot of different tolerance levels for this! Some get triggered by a still image that is otherwise pure red, others are mostly fine. Some people experience motion sickness via rapid scrolling, some people don't. So.. The Use of the Harding Test is no 100% guarantee that a game will be absolutely SAFE for every level of photosensitivity. Also - to my awareness, the XBOX accessibility guidelines are just that. Guidelines. They are not mandatory to be applied during development. They are a toolkit and ressource pool for Developers, but not a "Must have" for every game. It is great that this ressource exists!!! BUt it isn't a mandatory step within the development of games. I reckon, it's possible that Psychonauts 2 was run through the Harding test by microsoft, but none of the footage run through was severe enough to reach that threshold for the Algorithm to go "Beep Bop this sucks!" Hence the game made it in as is. On the note on how the harding test works - I think looking at movies makes it also clearer, that the Harding Test has a certain threshold that media needs to pass, but this revision won't guarantee absolute safety. Looking at Spiderverse and the Incredibles 2, the movie's intense strobes were certainly reduced for the UK movie theatre release. But the reduction of the effects in Incredibles 2 was only just enough to pass the test, it did not make the movie less dangerous to a wide audience with differing photosensitivity levels. I hope this helps!
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the-solar-system52 · 1 year
As an overthinker, media with complicated lore and mysteries are my lifeline so I've decided to contribute my thoughts to the wild west that is tpoh theories!
My working theory I will be going through today is.. (drum roll please 🥁🥁)
.......okay just hear me out-
Why would Time create Negative?
So, we know that RGB and Time are friends and Time helped him after he lost his first hero and also helped Hero, so Time does support RGB's mission and wishes him to succeed. (there also a modmad post you can find on RGB's wiki that implies he might have once been dating Time sooooo)
We also know that Time and Hate used to be friends but had some sort of falling out that resulted in them becoming enemies. Time actively worked against Hate by helping Hero and RGB.
Another thing we find out in Casting is that Hate never intended to give RGB any chance at succeeding in his mission. The game was rigged from the start, as RGB said. The Land of Make Believe is a very hostile place and its implied that Hate has quite a bit of control over the world so it makes sense that she intended to just kill RGB with a Fear or any other enemy.
All this considered, how I imagine it went is that Time knew Hate wouldn't let RGB live and created Negative to help RGB, protect the heros and go against Hate, which lines up with Time's previously mentioned character relationships.
This also explains Negative's behaviour. We don't know much about him but I am a believer of the theory that Negative is a good guy and doesn't mean any harm. All we've seen him do is protect himself when RGB died, defeat Fears and sandstorms and protect Hero. He is basically a characterised defensive mechanism for RGB. Which lines up with what Time would want him to be. He didn't want RGB to die so he created Negative to get RGB out of danger if he ever got badly injured so that Hate couldn't hurt him!
How would Time create Negative?
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With the memories RGB gave him in the trade for more time!!
Think about it! It always bugged me that Time took RGB's memories for seemingly no reason. When Hero needed Time's help, Time did some time-travel shenanigans free of charge! Hero didn't need to give up any of her memories, so why did RGB have to?
Maybe Time needed them to create Negative. This might be a bit of a stretch, but I believe that Negative is supposed to represent RGB's repressed memories.
RGB is a coward and runs away, but Negative is brave and fights creatures head-on. RGB tries to deny that he cares for Hero, but Negative openly protects her even if he accidentally ends up spooking her with his creepy appearance. RGB talks a lot, but Negative hasn't had a single line of dialogue and is theorised by most of the fandom to be mute.
Maybe the reason Negative is so creepy looking and has possible relations to RGB's weird dreams is because he represents the bad memories that Time took from him! Which may explain why RGB can't remember how he died or parts of his human life!
This also is why RGB doesn't know Negative exists and can't remember anything Negative does. And why he changed the subject when Hero tried to tell him about Negative on the train and why water is his biggest fear. Because he doesn't WANT to know.
Additional evidence!
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First all, blackouts are when the page goes dark and Hate can't see what the protagonists are doing. And if there was a blackout at the Plains of Hesitation (the place we first meet Negative) that means Hate can't see Negative and probably doesnt know he exists! This was probably some magic Time did when creating Negative so Hate couldn't hurt Negative.
But, we see Dial saying "Nah, he seemed the same as ever." implying that Hate asked him something along the lines of "was RGB acting differently?"
This makes me think that Hate knows something is up with RGB and knows that he isn't always himself, but doesn't know what exactly. This would make sense since RGB has been trying to defeat Hate for a very long time and is somehow always coming back when he should have died, so of course Hate would guess something was wrong.
My last peice of evidence is this:
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From Time's dialogue here, he can infer that Time is aware of Negative's existence. This could just be down to the fact that he is... well TIME, so he basically knows everything since he watches over everything.
But what I find really interesting is how he says "She doesn't learn that yet." when talking about Hero. Because Hero DOES know about Negative, she's seen him twice and even figured out that water getting into his circuits can trigger out Negative, so WHAT hasn't she learnt yet? I believe that the thing she has yet to learn in Negative's backstory and creation, so it makes sense for Time to say this.
(Also Time has one eye and so does Negative. That might be a coincidence since a few tpoh character only have one eye but its worth mentioning 🤷‍♂️)
IN CONCLUSION! I like this theory I think it has a good amount of evidence, but not enough that im completely happy with it. I'm currently rereading TPOH and looking for clues relating to the lore so if I find anything that disproves or proves this theory then I'll reblog with more info! And please feel free to do the same because I love theorising with other people!
Either way, i really really REALLY hope we get some more Negative screentime soon because I MISS HIM :(
Okie dokie bye now 👋
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