#and it’s not like I’ll sleep anyway there’s fireworks going off outside and it’s fucking hot and nothing matters.
southislandwren · 1 year
The next genius move my family has pulled is making me, notorious for losing my shit when I get hot, sleep in an un-air conditioned house when it’s literally 85 degrees out at 11pm. And this is AFTER making me go to fireworks (loud, boring, annoying) and go to a whole different stupid family party (boring, awkward, fucking hot)
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avocado-writing · 2 years
Cut You A Piece Of Me
Part 2, Winter
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| Beetlejuice x GN!Reader
| 5k
| Rated: E. MINORS DNI
| Summary:
A college student finds a cheap room in an old house, and soon finds out why the rent is so low.
Part 1 here
a/n: i believe beetlejuice is jewish in the original show, so there’s mention of that in the end as this fic takes place around the holidays - however people mostly say ‘happy holidays’ to keep everything inclusive! Also, reader is gn but afab, so they have vagina for the smut
The cold begins to trickle even further past autumn. Nights get longer and earlier, you have to wear more layers to even brave going outside. Uni drudges on. 
Things stay about the same in the house. About the same. You and Lydia and the Maitlands all get on well, but there’s something weird happening between you and Beetlejuice. He’s being… nice. In that he’s not stealing entire boxes of cigarettes and flushing them down the toilet in front of you. 
He is still stealing your cigarettes but, hey, at least he isn’t showing off about it. 
You hate it. You preferred when he was an asshole. At least you knew how to deal with that, you could give it as good as you got it. This is just… weird. 
You were going to say something. You were. But every time you turned to talk to him when he was, fucking, holding a door open for you or some shit, he got this look of just absolute innocence on his face. As if he didn’t think what he was doing was out of the ordinary at all. 
Things are going to come to a head. Something will click and this whole thing will shatter, like ice over a frozen pond. And someone will be the skater who caused it, who ends up drowned in the freezing water. 
Is this a good metaphor? You don’t know. Probably not. You’re a photography student after all, not an English student. 
All you know is something has to give. 
It’s November and you come down to Lydia disagreeing with her father in the kitchen. 
It’s happened a couple of times so usually you just skirt around it, sticking to a wall while you grab some toast and get out of there as soon as possible. 
“Come on! It’s once a year and you’re gonna make me miss it! Don’t you want me to have friends?! Who aren’t dead!?” she asks. It’s the most petulant you’ve ever heard her sound. She’s almost speaking like… an average teenager. 
“I know it’s once a year. But Delia and I are busy and we can’t take you, and you’re too young to stay out that late without a chaperone.”
“Too young? I’m almost seventeen!”
“Almost seventeen is still sixteen, Lydia,” Charles says. He’s being incredibly stern. Even you are a little bit scared. 
Lydia desperately looks around and her eyes fall on you. You have the feeling you’re about to be dragged into something. 
“They can chaperone!” she says, pointing towards you. Charles looks surprised, as if he didn’t even realise you were in the room. 
“Oh, good morning,” he says with a smile, “I didn’t hear you come down. Did you sleep well?”
Before you can answer Lydia storms across the kitchen and grabs your hands, pleading. 
“Please take me! The fireworks are only once a year and my friends from school are going.”
You stifle a sigh. You don’t really want to get into the middle of a family argument, but at the same time you were a teenager once too. You have to have some compassion. 
“When is it?”
You turn to Charles.
“I’ll be happy to do it, if you’re happy to let me,” you tell him. 
Lydia fucking beams. It’s disconcerting. 
“Are you sure? It’s a big ask…” Charles begins but you wave it away. 
“It’s fine. I’d kinda like to see the fireworks anyway.”
Charles forces a smile. At least he’s happy there’s a compromise, you suppose. 
“Well, count yourself lucky, Lydia,” he tells his daughter before heading out for the day. 
“Thanks,” she tells you when he’s left. 
“It’s okay. I was young once too you know,” you tell her. 
“Hard to believe,” a voice says, cutting through the happy atmosphere in the kitchen. Beetlejuice is sitting on the counter, tying your Marlboros into knots and flicking them at Lydia. The insult makes you smile and you hope there’s about to be some semblance of normalcy between you again. “What are you nerds talking about?”
“The fireworks on Friday. You coming?” Lydia asks. 
“Fireworks? Fuck yeah, I fucking love shit that explodes!”
Oh god. Things are going to come to a head. 
The week hurtles towards Friday before you really have a plan. 
You want to say something to him, anything, but every time the words get stuck in your throat whenever you try to speak to him seriously. So, like an adult, you spend most of the week hiding from him until Friday rears its head.
It’s evening and you’ve just gotten in from uni. You’re tired and really you don’t want to go out again, but you’re met at the kitchen with Lydia’s eager face, all bundled up in her winter coat. You haven’t got the heart to tell her that you’ve been dreading this evening. So you send Delia a text to let her know you’ll be back by 11pm latest and head back towards your car.
For a moment, it looks like he might not follow you. Maybe you can get out before he realises, slip away and not have to deal with this -
“I call shotgun!”
He manifests by your car door. Your heart sinks.
“No fair,” Lydia pouts, but relents and sits in the back anyway. You climb into the driver’s seat and he grins at you.
“Can I pick the music?” he asks.
“No, you can sit there and be quiet,” you reply. He huffs and sits back in the seat, making you crack a smile. Maybe this can be okay after all.
The ride there is fine, the three of you talking and mostly letting Lydia share her excitement, but you still have an uneasy feeling. It’s only amplified when you park up and Lydia sees her friends and starts rushing over to them. (They’re the gang of teens all also dressed entirely in black. You aren’t surprised.)
“Hey!” you call after her, “meet me back at the car at ten forty okay?”
“Okay!” she calls back, the most gleeful you’ve seen her since… well, ever.
And just like that you’re left alone.
With Beetlejuice.
Luckily, if the waves of tension are as palpable as you think they are, he seems to ignore them.
“So when do these fuckin’ fireworks start?” he asks, looking up at the sky and squinting.
“Uh, in a while I think. There’s like a bonfire and food and stuff too.”
“You wanna eat?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
The whole thing’s been set up in a park. There’s a pretty tall bonfire going, at least three metres tall, and it chugs smoke up into the inky night sky. A few little stalls are set up around where people are getting warm drinks and snacks. You pick up a hot chocolate to share. It has little marshmallows in it.
“So can people like, see you?” you ask as you step away from the crowd, taking a swig of the cocoa.
“Nah, not unless you say my name three times…?” he says it hopefully, like a question, but you fix him a stare that suggests that will never happen. He blows a raspberry.
“Worth a try,” he says with a shrug. At some point you’ve handed him the hot chocolate and he’s taken a glug too. He goes to hand it back to you, but then you decide maybe it’s best not to actually share a drink with him because you don’t know where he’s been. You wave off the offer and he shrugs and downs some more.
“So do people just like… see a floating cup right now?”
“Breathers see what they wanna see. Which is probably you talking to yourself,” he tells you. He’s taken the lid off the cocoa and fished out one of the little marshmallows, throwing it up in the air and trying to catch it in his mouth. It misses and bounces off his nose. You laugh and for the first time all night he looks at you properly with a huge smile on his face.
“Oh, you got something right there,” he says, reaching out his thumb to wipe the corner of your mouth. It’s as if neither of you quite realise he was doing it and you both freeze when it sinks in.
Something’s giving.
And just like that you’re on the lake. 
The ice splinters out from under you in beautiful fractals. 
“Beetlejuice, do you think we’re on a date?”
He’s thrown another marshmallow. When the words leave your mouth his gaze snaps towards you and it hits him on the head.
He makes an ‘I don’t know’ noise. “Are we?”
“I’m not… sure,” you answer honestly. Because you aren’t. If you are on a date it’s the weirdest one you’ve been on for a while. Then you consider that guy you dated back during undergrad whose idea of a date was making you watch his band perform in a shit bar all night and not even buying you a drink and you think hey, maybe fireworks with a demon isn’t so bad. 
He has some whipped cream on his nose. Quite without thinking, in a mirror of his action earlier, you wipe your thumb over it to clean the spot. 
Unlike earlier, though, he grabs your hand and licks it off your thumb. 
There’s… something in the air. He doesn’t let go of your hand, instead looking up into your eyes. It’s the most intense moment you’ve had together. God, in the low light, he really is fucking handsome. Plus points for the bold move. He’s probably fifty-fifty if you’d be into it or slap him.
You’re into it. 
You open your mouth to say something when there’s a loud bang and you’re both shocked out of the moment. Colour lights up the sky and you both look up to see the extinguishing remains of the sky’s first firework.
He stands next to you. Close. Your arms are touching. You don’t mind.
You watch the fireworks together.
You get another hot chocolate at some point, making sure to drink at least half before you give the rest for him to finish off. It’s really fucking nice. 
His hand reaches out and entwines with yours. You think your heart might explode. 
The fireworks slow to a stop. It was actually a pretty good show. You wish you could have dwelt in the moment longer, standing next to each other and just... being there. But that’s not how the world works.
“We should go find Lydia,” you say, with a heavy heart. 
“Yeah,” he mutters. You go to walk off. 
You turn, watching him struggle with what he’s trying to say. His hair changes colour in the low light. You can’t quite make out what hue it is. 
He follows you to the car where Lydia is dutifully waiting. 
“Thank you so much,” she tells you again, face full of glee. It’s a bit unsettling. But you’re happy to see it nonetheless. 
“It’s fine, kiddo.”
“Hope you didn’t have too much of an awful time stuck with this one,” she says, cocking her thumb at the demon who flips her the bird. Before you can answer she shouts “shotgun!” and scoots inside. 
“Beej you coming?” you ask. 
“I uh, I’ll catch up,” he tells you.
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I gotta, you know. Think and stuff.”
You furrow your brow, shrug, and get into the car.
You drive away and watch him disappear in the rearview mirror. He watches you leave. 
It’s a long couple of days after. Beetlejuice doesn’t come back on the first night, nor on the next. You’re kind of worried. You ask the Maitlands if this is normal behaviour, if anything by him can be classified as ‘normal’, but they’re just as lost as you are. 
“He’ll be back,” Barbara tells you, going to put a comforting hand on your shoulder but instead passing through you. A chill goes down your spine. 
“Thanks,” you say, quickly disappearing before they read too much into your concern. 
But life goes on. You have uni, you have to work. And then there are...
Other things. Things you’d shoved into the corner of your mind for the time you’ve been here. You’re so fucking horny. You figured it was probably impolite to jerk off in a stranger’s house but everyone alive is out and you have to do something about it. 
You bring your wand out of your suitcase you’ve stashed under the bed and pull your jeans down. You turn it on and lie back. 
God it feels good. That familiar vibration between your legs. Your body reacts immediately and you keen into it, muttering a moan. You can feel the wetness pooling at your sex-thirsty cunt. 
And then you feel… something. A change in the air. Like someone’s watching you. You furrow your brow. But you don’t stop. 
The tension gets thicker, palpable. 
“Are you watching me?” you call out. No reply, but the taste of ozone in the air. 
“Look, if you don’t come out, I’m gonna stop. And that’ll suck for both of us.”
He manifests at the end of the bed. He’s obviously been watching you. His pupils are blown wide and rather than that smirk you’re used to, his face has a strange intensity etched on it. His eyes rake over your body, pause on where you’ve thrown your pants down to your knees, then up to meet your gaze. 
There’s something between the two of you. Saturating the air. Something that’s been dwelling. You want to ask him where he disappeared to but you don’t. Instead what leaves your mouth is:
“You know how to use one of these?”
You hold the wand out to him. He reaches out, tentatively, and takes it from you. 
“Yeah. I have an idea.” His voice is lower than usual, more gravelly. It goes through your spine and straight to your already wet cunt. 
“Then use it.”
He shucks off his jacket and rolls up the sleeves on his shirt. It’s fucking hot. Slowly he kneels on the bed and comes over to you, planting himself between your spread legs, cracking his knuckles as he goes. You furrow your brow. 
“Are your nails painted black or rotting?” you ask, snapping you out of the moment somewhat and back into the usual banter you have. 
“Which answer will let me put my fingers inside of you?” he asks, deadpan. You roll your eyes and kick him playfully but he catches your foot in a surprisingly strong hand. He gives you this look like he’s going to fucking devour you. You can’t bring yourself to make some snide comment about it. In fact you find it pretty fucking sexy. 
The mood is now back to something… heavier. He switches on the wand and watches it vibrate in his hand. He touches the tip of it to his tongue. You’re not thrilled by that, you’d really rather he used some mouthwash first, but then you realise it’s so he can taste you and fuck. You let out a little noise and there’s that smile. 
It’s annoying. You don’t want him to think he has any power over you but if he doesn’t touch your pussy in the next half minute you’re going to fucking explode. 
Luckily you don’t have to wait long. He doesn’t tease you with it. He just brings it straight down and presses it into your clit. 
Ah man it’s good. It’s kind of better than when you were using it yourself even though he isn’t actually doing anything different. He moves it down further into that most sensitive area of you and you let out a little sound. He clearly likes what he hears because he presses it harder, rubbing the head up and down your lips as if he was using his own cock. You grind up against it and, as you do, his leg. 
His breathing is heavy. You don’t know if he needs to breathe but he’s certainly panting now. He rearranges how he’s kneeling so he can push his dick up against the wand too, get some of the feeling from it. Your eyes dart down and you see he’s fully hard in his pants, bulge straining against the fabric. You smile. You like knowing you’re the one causing it. 
He presses in further, shoving the vibrator as hard as it will go against you while still moving. Your head lolls back as you feel him grind on it trying to get as much stimulation as he can. You can feel the pressure building at your core, curling up like a spring ready to be snapped —
You moan as you come, reaching up to grab him by the lapels and hang on for dear life as you ride out your orgasm. From the look on his face he isn’t far after, his hips involuntarily jutting forwards as he releases in his pants. 
He falls down next to you. You’re both breathing heavily, coming down from the high and to terms with the fact your relationship won’t ever be the same again. 
There's silence for a moment. You break it. 
“If we’re gonna do this again, you have to take a shower,” you say, turning to look at him. You don’t miss the way his eyebrows raise. 
“Again?” he asks. 
“Shower,” you double down on, “especially because you just jizzed in your pants like a teenager.”
He makes a flourish with his hand and suddenly his suit is clean. Well, cleaner. Well. Doesn’t have jizz on it. 
You hitch your pants up, reach over the side of your bed for your backpack and fish around for your cigarettes. He glares at you as you light up. 
“Come on. It’s after sex, let me have this,” you beg. 
“That was barely sex. That wasn’t even second base,” he tells you, harrumphing. 
“Why are you so up at me about smoking anyway? What’s the big deal?”
“Because,” he says, “every time you smoke one of those things you make your life a little bit shorter. That much closer to being dead. And speaking as someone who has first hand experience you do not want to be dead sooner than you gotta, babes.”
You consider this. You don’t like to admit it but he might actually be coming from a place of… reason. With a sigh you hand over the cigarette. He puts it out on his tongue again.
“And you’re definitely brushing your teeth,” you say with a grimace. A beat. “Would it be better if I got a vape?”
“I will eat a vape. And that is not something you want to see,” he deadpans. It’s quite a surprise but you find yourself laughing out loud. He grins at the reaction. 
“So that happened,” you sigh, eventually. 
“Knew you couldn’t resist me,” he boasts. 
“Dude, you were the one spying on me.”
“Hmm, not how I recall events,” he tells you, feigning innocence. You roll your eyes. Of course his pillowtalk is cocky. It’s how he always is, huh. 
“You wanna go again?”
“No, I’m taking a shower. Something which, as discussed, you also need to do,” you snatch the wand from his hand (where it’s still been vibrating quietly) and poke it at him like an interrogation tool. He stifles his laugh with a huff. 
“Fine, be a buzzkill,” he says, then waits with an open-mouthed smile for you to cotton onto the vibrator joke he just made. You roll your eyes again and bop him on the head with it. 
“Get a job,” you call over your shoulder as you walk into the bathroom. 
You slam the door shut before he can finish. 
And that’s how it starts. 
It… doesn’t stop.
You’re happy it doesn’t change the relationship the two of you have. The banter is still there but now it just also includes mentions of his dick. (And he likes to talk about his dick). The two of you aren’t fucking, not really - nothing ever goes further than a handjob. Well, apart from the time you do get out of the shower and find him perched on the toilet cistern with his feet up on the seat, grinning at you naked and dripping with water.
“What do you want?” you’d snapped.
“Eh, I think you can guess, doll.”
He’d held you against the bathroom wall and eaten you out like his life depended on it. Well, death depended on it. You didn’t want to admit it but the things he could do with his tongue were… well.
You’d buried your hands in his hair and hung on for dear life, feeling him smiling in smugness against your cunt.
Lydia cottons on pretty quickly. Well, then again, it can’t really be called ‘cottoning on’ if when she asked you and him if you were having sex you’d shouted “I’m not answering that” while he grinned “fuck yeah!”
Everyone else seems oblivious. Well the Deetz parents do, maybe the Maitlands know but they respectfully choose not to ask. Probably just as well. You really don’t want Beetlejuice to boast about all of your sexcapades.
The end of the year hurtles towards you before you really have any idea what’s coming. Suddenly all the shops have their Christmas decorations up and the nights have become longer than days. You can’t leave the house for even five minutes without bundling yourself up like you’re going to the arctic. That’s not what you’re worried about though. You’re sort of worried about presents.
You hand make stuff, it’s a good way to make presents and it also shows you actually thought about the person you’ve gifted to. But you’re not sure what to make Beetlejuice. You’re not sure how to handle the holiday season with him at all, actually. Because you’re not sure what the two of you are. Just fucking? More than that? Will giving him a gift make it more than that? It’s something you can’t get out of your head and more to the point he’s beginning to notice.
He gets up off of you one night, wiping his mouth on his sleeve as you come down from the third orgasm he’s given you with his tongue. God he’s good at that. You try not to let him know too much because he’s already cocky enough as it is but in the height of passion sometimes you can get a bit… out of control.
“What’s up babes? You didn’t look like you were as into it as usual,” he tells you, making an extravagance of picking a pube out his mouth. You fake-retch and kick him.
“It’s nothing, Beej,” you tell him because you know he’ll rip the shit out of you if you tell him you don’t know what to get him for fucking holidays. He’d probably just be happy with you sucking his cock. Something you still refuse to do until he showers. He’s not particularly amenable to bathing. But you want to do more than that.
“Come on, talk to me. I want to know what’s up.” He rolls over onto his front and puts his head in his hands, swinging his legs upwards, like a teen girl on the phone.
“Because you’re my -”
You look at him as you wait for him to finish that sentence. His mouth clicks shut. He doesn’t know what to say next either. He’s sort of dug himself into a hole where whatever he says has the potential to be very bad. 
So he disappears into thin air. Just like that you’re left alone with soaked sheets and no more answers than you’d started this whole thing with.
He hides from you for the next couple of days. Which is fine. You’re sort of hiding from him too. Because while the Deetzes have kindly offered for you to stay at theirs over Christmas, you’re going home for the holidays. Another thing you don’t really want to breach with Beetlejuice. Your next term doesn’t start until the beginning of February, so you won’t be back for a couple of months. You’re not quite sure what it’ll mean for your… arrangement, so you simply don’t address it.
The day you’re leaving is looming. You’re still sort of hiding from each other. It’s a mirror of after Halloween all over again. You’re so fucking pathetic.
At least the Deetzes are thrilled with the bespoke modern art tree ornament you made them, as are the Maitlands with their ‘attic sweet attic’ embroidery. It’s nice to see your gifts are appreciated.
“I think Christmas is over-commercialised,” Lydia sniffs as she looks at the ten-foot tree Delia erected in the living room. It did have live candles on it but after about five minutes she realised it was a bad idea and replaced them with plastic ones. There’s still a burn mark on one of the branches.
“Oh really? Then you probably won’t want this…” you say, flourishing a present from out under your jumper. Her eyes light up and she lets out a laugh when she sees the spider-web scarf you’ve knitted her. She puts it on, thinks about it, and hugs you before running off. 
You like Lydia, you think with a smile. You like everyone in this house.
It’s December 22nd. You say a quiet goodbye to Lydia and the Maitlands and try to sneak out the front door into the cold night. You haven’t seen Beetlejuice really since he disappeared after he ate you out. Maybe you’ll get away scott free.
“You thought you were gonna slip away without saying goodbye?”
He’s waiting by your car, one eyebrow cocked. He has an overcoat on. You’re not sure why. You’re not sure if he can even feel the cold. Maybe it’s just for the aesthetic.
You sigh and a little puff of frost escapes you.
“Uh yeah. Sort of, actually.”
“Too bad, sugar.”
“You were hiding too!”
“Yeah,” he mutters, looking at the ground sheepishly. At least you’re both in the same boat.
You put your suitcase down and breathe into your hands to warm your face up. You want to look at him but at the same time you feel a bit awkward. You really don’t have an idea of how to interact with him. You feel a bit shitty that you tried to just run away.
“If it helps, I did make you this,” you say.
You hold out a little present towards him. His eyebrows skyrocket. He takes it from you with uncertain hands, as if he thinks it might be some sort of trick, shakes it against his ear, and tears it open.
“You made these?” he asks, tugging on the pair of black and white striped gloves he finds there. He seems to be in awe. Any irritation of you trying to slip away before has gone completely from him. 
“Yeah. They’re not great.”
“Nobody’s ever given me anything before,” he says. There’s a note of pure honesty in his voice you aren’t used to.
“I figured I should get you something. It’s the holidays, after all. You don’t have to get me anything, it’s chill.”
“Hey, remember how you haven’t touched a cigarette in months? Happy Holidays, babes.”
You open your mouth to object but then you realise… fuck, you haven’t. Not only haven’t you had a cigarette for ages you haven’t felt like you needed one.
The demon helped you fucking quit smoking. You let out a little ‘hah’ of surprise and he grins.
“And you say you don’t need me.”
“I never said that.”
The conversation lulls as the two of you meet eyes. There’s something you can’t quite make out about the way he’s looking at you. A way you’ve never seen him look at anyone before.
He breaks the silence, walking over to you and taking your hands in his, warming them up. You make a little noise.
“You made gloves for me but not yourself?” he asks, a hint of mockery in his voice. You roll your eyes.
“It slipped my mind, okay? I’ve been busy.”
“Mm-hm, sure,” he chuckles. It’s a nice sound, you think. It’s grown on you. Like moss grows on him. But saying that, his face looks remarkably… clean today, actually. 
“Sorry,” you say. Because you are. It was kind of petty to try and run away. Whatever this thing is, it's gonna have to be addressed sometime. 
“Me too. I get it. I’m not great with the personal stuff either.”
He hasn’t let go of your hands. He looks up. You follow his gaze. There’s mistletoe hanging above you. 
“Good grief…” you mutter and he grins.
“Come on. It’s the holidays.”
“Do demons celebrate those?”
“Well, I’m specifically a Hanukkah guy myself. But the celebrating part is about to be down to you, babes.”
You kick yourself for not knowing that - next year, you promise, next year you’ll make it up to him (don’t think too hard about the fact your lease is for a year only) - and you move your hands out of his and up to his collar, smoothing it out and then pressing gently into his chest. 
“Close your eyes then.”
He does. You hesitate for just a moment, then do the same. 
Come on. The worst thing he can taste of is dirt. 
And, because you actually want to, you reach over and kiss him. 
It’s… okay. Soft. You can tell he wants to kiss you a lot harder than you’re kissing him, but he holds back. A hand on each of your arms. Slipping round to your back to hold you closer. The press of his lips into yours, moving gently. A small clack of teeth together. A tiny brush of tongues. 
He doesn’t taste as bad as you worried. 
You pull back after a moment. He opens his eyes, slowly, heavy-lidded. He’s got a little smile on his face. 
“Well, that’s going in the spank bank until you get back.”
“For fuck’s sake,” you laugh, giving him a playful shove. He grins at you as you pick your things back up and head to your car. 
“Yeah?” you pause, opening your car door. 
“Happy Holidays.”
“Happy Holidays, Beej.”
He watches you as you drive away, standing at the end of the drive, hands tucked into his pockets. He looks a bit sad but it’s hard to tell in the darkness. 
You feel a bit sad. 
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Bakugou’s daughter brings home a Boyfriend
Bakugou x wife!reader
Ft. Bakugou’s daughter
Warnings: fluff, lowkey Crack, sexual mentions, small angst, cursing, Bakugou being such a dad
A/N: This is one of my favorite types of Bakugou. Domestic father Bakugou!! So bc of that fact, this piece was born. Hope you enjoy!
Bakugou as a boyfriend? Bliss. Bakugou as a fiancé? Heaven. Bakugou as a husband? Euphoric
Bakugou as a dad?.......he sure is something
Don’t get me wrong, Bakugou would be the ultimate dad
Baby crying in the middle of the night? Sleep love, daddy’s got it. Baby needs a bottle? He can warm it up with his hands. Baby’s feeling bored? Look at these mini fireworks in his hands!! Katsuki’s got it all
But that’s a baby Bakugou
Bakugou with a teenager
Katsuki’s teen will be either one of two things
His best friend
Or his mortal enemy (whom he still loves endlessly)
His 16 year old daughter, Katsumi, was both
And yes they loved each other very much, but they also got into battles on who could cook dinner better, who Y/N loved more, hell, when y’all came back from a restaurant THEY FOUGHT OVER WHO MADE IT TO THE FRONT DOOR FIRST
But this battle? Y/N might just let them Kill each other...just this once
*SMACK* (thx Y/N)
“Daddy, this is Izuru! Izuru this is my lovely mother and that’s my shitty dad that I love so dearly!”
Katsumi definitely inherited her guts from the Bakugou’s
“Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. Bakugou!”
Ah man, here we go
Silence. Pure, awkward, scary, silence. And of course Y/N’s nervous twitching HOPING that her dear husband doesn’t murder the green haired boy. As the young couple stand infront of the doorway smiling, the older couple is staring at them, one in nervousness, and the other in shock. (I’m talking Denki going 4 million volts shocked)
“Well.....Welcome Izuru! I knew you’d be coming over soon but I didn’t expect it tonight. It’s lovely to meet you,” Y/N ever so kindly said once she let out a sigh.
Her husband almost got whiplash from how fast he turned to look at her. “Knew?!? You knew about this kid?? And didn’t bother to tell me?!??”
“Well if I told you, you woulda stopped this meeting from happening ya jerk!” Y/N visciously explained.
“YA DAMN RIGHT CUZ-“ silenced with another smack from his wife. Y/N sure learned a lot from Mitsuki. “Please come in you two, I’ll start dinner.”
As the young couple sat in the living room speaking, the older one was in the kitchen preparing food. Well one of them was, the other was too busy burning a whole into the poor boy’s body with just his eyes.
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“Ow.” Continues to stare
“Suki stop that, you’re gonna scare the poor boy.” Y/N said.
“Contaminating? Love, we don’t even know if they’ve had sex. I doubt he’s “contaminating” anything any time soon.” You said with attitude.
Bakugou just stared at you know with the same look.
“Hmph!” And turned to look back at the kids.
“HEY!” Bakugou screamed.
“Heyyyyy~” Katsumi replied.
“No not “Heyyyy~,” Katsuki began and replied with a girly impersonation of his daughter as he walk towards the couple. “I mean, HEY, as in have you had sex with this kid?” He sternly asked.
“KATSUKI OH MY GOD,” Y/N screamed as she dropped something in shock.
“.......Yeah, so what?” His daughter replied.
Y/N wasn’t even mad. She already knew. She could tell. Mother’s instinct I guess.
Katsuki was fuming.
“NOPE! NO! THIS RELATIONSHIP WONT GO ON! YOU’RE TOO YOUNG TO BE HAVING SEX!” The older blonde screamed while looking at the now blushing green haired teen and his rebellious daughter. And Y/N was just giving him this...look.
‘What a fucking hypocrite’ you thought to yourself.
“How old were you when you fucked mom?”
Pure and utter silence.
Katsuki started stepping back from the couple while facing them and nodding his head. “.....use condoms,” and walked back to his deceased wife.
As dinner is placed on the table and everyone takes their seats, Katsuki can’t help but stare at this boy. Why does he seem so familiar?
Everyone just ate and talked. Grades, school, when did y’all meet, how long has it been? The usual. But Katsuki remained silent while thinking. And then..it clicked!
Katsuki slammed his hands on the table and stood up from his seat looking at the boy across from him. “What’s your last name?!”
Izuru was nervous because he was well aware of who Katsumi’s father was and how her father’s relationship with his own father was kinda iffy.
“M-Midoriya sir.” He nervously stated.
Katsuki saw red.
“DEKU?!??????!!!!!” He screamed
“Oh come on Katsuki! Like that wasn’t obvious!” You said rolling your eyes.
“There is NO WAY IN HELL I’m gonna let the Bakugou line be contaminated with Deku’s genes! Our family line only brings in the best of the best!” Katsuki proudly and loudly stated.
“So what am I?” Y/N asked.
“The best of the best! You were and are the perfect one for me Y/N! You know this, I know this, everyone knows this. And look at what we created-“ he was interrupted by his wife.
“A mini you?”
“A MINI ME! And who wouldn’t want that?!”
“Dad.” Katsumi said.
Now that caught Katsuki off guard. For the past 16 years, Katsumi has always been a daddy’s girl. She never called him “dad,” ew. She said “Daddy,” or “Shitty dad.” As Katsuki turned to his daughter he could see the look in her eyes.
“.......you really wanna be with this kid?” He asked.
“I really do.” Katsumi said while grabbing onto Izuru’s hand.
“...Ok then. You can be with him.” Katsuki calmly said.
Katsumi excitingly got up and ran towards her dad’s seat giving him a hug.
“Thanks daddy,” she said while giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Dinner continued on as normal as it could. Katsuki was just gonna have to learn how to let go.
As the married couple got ready to sleep, Katsuki was hanging outside their balcony.
“What was up with you Blasty? I haven’t seen that kinda Katsuki since UA.” You jokingly said as you went to stand beside him.
“You’re not scared?” Katsuki asked.
“Katsumi. She’s growing up. She has a boyfriend now. That girl is having sex! She’s not daddy’s little girl anymore.” He sadly said.
“That’s what this is about? Katsumi growing up? Suki, this was always gonna happen. She’s in her prime teenage years. She’s 16! A lots gonna start happening.” You began.
“I know that but-“
“But nothing Katsuki. You can be scared of her growing up, I am too, but we can’t be so scared that we try and stop her. You just have to know that Katsumi will always come back to us no matter how old she is. And she will always, always be a daddy’s girl. Her entire world revolves around you Katsuki, but we gotta let her go at some point. We have to let her grow. That’s how the best of the best are made after all, right? It’s what we look for in a Bakugou.” You finished.
Katsuki couldnt do anything but smile. You were right. He knew you were. And he was willing to let his little cub grow.
“......You’ve gotta stop interrupting me when I talk.” He laughed.
“And you’ve gotta stop saying the dumbest shit in the world.” You teased back.
He pulled you in for a quick peck and just held you there in his arms. He was so glad he had you to keep him grounded. You’re the best of the best after all. It only makes sense.
“Daddy?” Katsumi walked into her parents room, unnoticed.
As the two broke the hug to see their daughter, looking a little timid, Katsuki spoke.
“Katsumi, hey princess. What’s up with you.” Katsuki asked as he walked towards his daughter.
“You’re not...disappointed in me, right? You know, for who I chose to be with. I’m sorry if I chose Izuru but I-“ this time, it was Katsuki who interrupted.
“Hey hey, no of course not baby bear. I would never be disappointed in who your true feelings pulled you to. I don’t want you to apologize for anything when today I caused most of the trouble.” Katsuki said while wiping one of his daughter’s stray tears.
“You know I’m never gonna leave you guys. Right? I’m gonna grow up but I’ll always want to have a close relationship with you and mom. I love you guys, and I’m not going anywhere.” Katsumi said.
“We know Katsumi. And we love you too. And we’re far from disappointed in you. We are so proud of the young woman you’ve become today.” Y/N joined in.
Katsumi ran to her mother and gave her the tightest hug, and Katsuki couldn’t help but stare at his two girls. His world. His entire reason for living. All right there in his arms as he pulled them in for a bigger hug.
“Thanks you guys. Well, I’m gonna head to bed. I’ve got a date with Izuru tomorrow and I don’t wanna be late.” Katsumi began walking towards her parents door until Katsuki called her.
“Hey baby bear,”
“Izuru. He seems alright. He’ll be good for you.” Katsuki admitted.
“Yeah. He really is. He’s the best of the best after all. Reminds me of someone I know.” Katsumi said while leaving the room.
Yeah. Katsuki will be just fine.
A/N: Sheesh. This kinda sucked but I did this in my literature class sooo....it’s still credible work since I was writing, right? Yeah..?....No?...yeah ok. Anyways, HOPED YOU ENJOYED IT BEAR CUBS🧸💗
P.S. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!! And I PROMISE I’ll get better and produce more work. Feel free to leave requests!
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loousir · 3 years
[Oni] Stealing a Prince
Pirate Oni Male x Male Reader
Warnings: Smoochin, some desk pinning, the smallest sliver of booty grabbing, prince thieves, nothing bad really
Ugh... What..?
Where am I?
Panic suddenly coarsed through your body as you got up from what you assumed to be a bed. The blankets fell to the floor and you quickly looked around the room.
Wood everything...
Circle windows...
Blue outside the window...
Wait blue outside the window?!
You quickly went over to the window, nearly tripping on the blanket as you did.
"Blue outside the window..."
The door suddenly flung open. To reveal a slim man wearing loose, slightly torn clothes. "So ya are awake!" You glared at him. "Who the hell are you. And why am I here?" The man laughs. "Boss likes em' fistey!" He grabs you by the wrist and drags out out of the room.
"Hey! Let-go of me!" You tried to get out of his grasp but for being so thin he was WAY stronger than he looked. Once he pulled you out of the room, several eyes were staring at you. He still held on to your wrist when another crew member went and knocked on a door.
You still tried to get out of the man's grasp and away from prying eyes. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal a tall and sturdy yet slim man wearing all black. He adorned a pure black pirate captains hat with a large black feather. You couldn't see his face at all and any skin was covered. You glared at the man and finally ripped your hand away from the one that held you, gently rubbing your sore wrist.
"Now now, Fisher, that's no way to treat our royal guest." He said, scolding who you would assume was the one holding on to you.
Why does he seem familiar...
That question was quickly answered. When he looked up to you. His golden eyes along with his cheeky smirk against that red skin of his. "Its been a while hasn't it?" You glared harshly at him. "Takumi..!" You ran over to him and practically jumped onto him, hugging him tightly.
He laughed and hugged you back, spinning you slightly. "I've missed you so damn much Takumi." You pulled back and looked up to his eyes. He smiled and looked to yours as well. "Sorry I didn't send a letter in advance. But I did promise I would steal you away." You shook your head slightly and rolled your eyes with a smile on your face.
Takumi removed his gloves and rested one of his hands on your cheek to which you leaned in to. Suddenly, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to look you in the eyes. "You stole me from the castle in the middle of the night." He smiles and rubs the back of his head. "I ah, may... Have?" You pushed him away and took a few steps away. "You fucking stole me in the middle of the night Takumi!?"
You looked back to him and he nods. "Well, I can't break promises... And plus your a heavy sleeper. You didn't wake up at all..." He mumbled out. A cough caught both yours and his attention, making both of you realize that his crew had just watched all that happened. You went over to Takumi and hid your face in his chest before he began explaining.
After the short while that Takumi had explained the situation, the crew seemed to understand the situation they were in. "Takumi, can we talk in private?" Takumi nods and gently grabs your hand, taking you to the door he emerged from not too long ago. He closed the door and turned around to you sitting on his desk, facing him.
"Do you understand how much trouble we will be in when that sun comes up fully?" Takumi sighs and takes his hat off, setting it on a hat stand. His mid sized horns that were the same colour as his skin stood out against his short back hair. He took of his other glove as he continued to walk over to the desk. "I know full well how much trouble we'll be in my Prince." He sets both of his gloves down on the desk next to you before pinning you to the desk.
He had you between his arms as he leaned into you. "But I am fully prepared to take on the challenge of running from your naval fleet for years." He smiled and looked to your eyes. "Plus it helps I have someone oh so familiar with them." You smiled as well and pulled him into a kiss. He pressed himself into you and placed a hand on the back of your head, deepening the kiss. You moaned into his mouth slightly as he grind his knee against you. Both of you pulled away for a moment of air.
He smiled and licked his lips. "I missed you so much. Ever since that day you helped me I've been falling deeper and deeper in love with you." He sighed and presses his face into the crook of your neck. "I can believe how much both of us have changed since our last meeting." Takumi breathed in your scent for a moment before kissing at your neck. "You have no clue how long I've waited for this. For us to finally be together. I know I might sound crazy but, I'm just so happy."
You smiled and hugged his head to your neck. "Takumi. I've never experienced someone like you." He pulls away to look at you with confusion, your hands rested wrapped around his neck. "Not in a bad way. I just... Love how different you are from everyone I've ever met. You captivated me the second I heard about you. Thank gods that guard couldn't keep his mouth shut around me. If it wasn't for him we never would of met."
---When They First Met--- (Past)
"Oh man, did you hear about that pirate kid that got caught trying to steal from the castle? What a wack! Who the hell in their right mind would try to steal from this place!"
"Idiot! Keep it down, you aren't supposed to be this loud in the middle of the night! Especially in front of the Prince's room..."
You heard the conversation from the other side of the door, you were about to sneak out anyway to go watch the night festival but this pirate kid seemed so much more, fun.
With a roll of your eyes, you checked the halls to make sure there was no surprise patrols before making your way down to the prison cells. There was a guard at the door but he was sleeping. You carefully snuck past him and looked around the cells for the pirate kid. You almost instantly noticed him. "Woah..." He looked up to you with scared yet fierce eyes. "What the hell do you want." His tongue was sharp. You didn't say anything and kept walking towards the cell he was in.
"Y-you're an Oni, right?" His eyes widened slightly before glaring. "Yeah? So what about it." You shook your head and leaned against the bars. "I've just... You're so... Woah..." He rolled his eyes again. "Is that all you can say? If you want to punish me or whatever then just do-" "No!" You quickly slapped a hand over your mouth and looked to the guard to see if they woke but fortunately they didn't. "Sorry I-" You looked back over to him to see he looked a bit shocked.
"I'm actually not supposed to be down here but when I heard that there was a pirate boy in our otherwise empty prison I was shocked. You have a lot of guts trying to steal from my family." His eyes widened and he crawled over to the iron bars. "Your family?!" You nodded. "Yeah. I'm the Prince." His jaw hung slack at your comment. You reached through the bars and closed his mouth. You could feel his face getting hot before pulling your hand away.
"As someone who had experienced it, having a fly land in your mouth is disgusting." His hand went to cover his mouth as he looked away. There was a moment of silence between you two when you decided to be a bit more ballsy than usual tonight. "Do you wanna go see the festival with me?" He looked back at you with eyes as wide as saucers. "And I promise I won't bring you back here once we're done. They won't ever know it was me who did it either. The guard will probably get punished but he's a... Uh..."
"A bitch?"
"Does that mean really rude, mean, and incredibly annoying?"
"Then y-yeah... A, b-bitch..."
The Oni boy smiled and you quietly snuck over to where the keys hung and found the one to unlock his cell. "Did I say a bad word?" You asked looking up to him. His face was shrouded in the moonlight, letting you see his bright golden eyes. "Words are only bad because people say they are. Bitch is a bAd WoRd." He said with a smile. You smiled as well and carefully grabbed his hand, leading him to put the keys back before whispering, "Stay close to me, ok?"
That night the two of you watched the festival in town with all the performers, lights, and just over all merriment.
"What's your name?" You asked, looking away from the fireworks to your new found companion. "Takumi." He said, looking to you as well with a smile. "I know you know my name but. I just want you to know me as (Y/n). Nothing more nothing less." Takumi smiled even more and tackled you into a hug, both of you giggling like school girls. Takumi pulled away and was hovering over you.
"Let's meet up here every festival." He said to you. "And I'll just say this now cause I know there will be one day when I stop showing up but... I promise I'll steal you away, and make you my co-captain."
---Present Time---
Takumi smiled and picked you up, holding just under your ass. He took you down a small set of stairs into a decently sized room. He laid you down on the bed before hovering over you. "Hey." He said, looking down into your (e/c) eyes. "Hi." You responded while putting a hand on his cheek, gently rubbing it with your thumb. You sighed and closed your eyes, getting comfortable in the bed before pulling Takumi down on top of you.
"Let's take a nap. I'm tired."
----- 1778 Maybe part 2
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Best friends Brother - G.W
Part 1 of my slow burn mini-series, inspired by and dedicated to @amourtentiaa , want to be tagged? Let me know!
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
Part 2
George Weasley x Fem Reader 
About: The Reader is falling for her best mates older brother, she confines in Ron who is already afraid of losing his best friend to the brothers he’s so pressured to be like.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, mention of food and eating, but of angst, George punching a creep.
Walking away from Hagrid’s hut towards the castle, thoughts about the more quiet Weasley twin filled your hazy head - you were planning on shooting your shot, but first you needed some advice and the only person who could do that right now is your best friend Ron - currently chewing your ear off about Hermione and the house elves. 
“She doesn’t know when to stop does she? All the S.P.E.W nonsense, if she brings it up one more time-”
“Hey, do you think George likes anyone?” you asked as cool as possible, trying to contain your nervousness and excitement. 
Although you and George had only spoken few words to one another, he was all you could think about, all you ever thought about, day in day out. You would share sweet glances and looks across the common room in the evening, the beautiful amber glare coming from the flames projecting onto George’s face, making him look like an angel. 
As much as you liked him, you were terrified that he wouldn’t feel the same, that he only saw you as his little brothers best friend - you hated it. 
Ron slowed down from his brisk walk and he continued to stare at the ground “George? As in.. my brother?” 
“yeah” you smiled shyly, swallowing hard. 
Ron could feel his heart flutter, the idea of another person - his best friend - favouring one of his legendary twin brothers over him made him sick to his stomach, he couldn’t lose anyone else, he wouldn’t let it.
He pondered his thoughts, perhaps you were asking for someone else, someone Ron didn’t care about - the desperation in his stomach kept churning to find out. 
“I don’t know” he replied in a huff “we don’t really talk much, why you asking anyway?” 
You went quiet, suddenly finding interest in the scenery as the two of you edged closer to the castle. 
“uh, no reason” you lied, running your hand through your hair. 
For all of Ron’s flaws, he could tell when his best friend was lying - he never failed calling you out for it in the past, you learnt not to play any card games with him - especially when galleons were on the table. 
The two of you entered the loud castle, pushing past students in the hall, making your way to the Gryffindor common room.
“you like him, don’t you?” Ron muttered under his breath, making sure everyone else around you couldn’t hear.
You sighed and made eye contact with Ron, his facial expression even more sour than when he puked up slugs in first year. 
You walked up the stairs and held on to the rail, looking around for the Fat Lady “I suppose I do, I was thinking of asking him to-”
Ron could feel the sweat form in his palms and under his arms, images of you and George being together all the time instead of him flashed before him.
“I don’t know, Y/N, you’re two years younger than him, you haven’t spoken more than ten words to each other.” 
Your heart pained for a moment, your spirits crushing like the ingredients in one of Snape’s potions.
“I just don’t think he’ll like you that much, I don’t want you to get hurt.” he finished, the two of you finally reaching the portrait. 
“I guess so” you mumbled “you know him better than I do.”
Over the next few days you couldn’t stomach being around George, each time you looked into his gorgeous eyes and seeing him smile, caused your heart pain, a lump forming in your throat, and hot tears filling your eyes. 
At first George didn’t notice but when he would wave and smile - only to be ignored, he couldn’t help but overthink; wondering if he had done something wrong. 
It wasn’t just George who you ignored, you kept away from your best friend Ron too - Ron felt like shit but you were away from George and that gave him enough of a clear conscience to sleep at night. 
You couldn’t sleep, you missed your best friend even when he hurt your feelings, you also felt hopeless, the only person you ever showed an interest in wouldn’t even give you a chance.  
“What’s been up with Y/N lately? George asked his younger brother, buttering his toast, causing Ron to almost choke on his. 
“What you on about?” 
George rolled his eyes and swallowed his food, “unbelievable you are, she’s been avoiding you like the plague and she won’t even look at me.”  
“So, did you make up your mind yet?” 
You swore silently under your breath, recognising the voice who called out to you - an attractive and charming Hufflepuff student in George’s year with short black hair kept asking you over and over to go on a date with him in Hogsmeade, each time you said no had failed to satisfy his desire. 
“Uh” you were trying to figure out the best way to tell him to fuck off, but then again, what did you have to lose? “yeah, I’ll be there” you faked a smile. 
Ron watched in the distance and felt relieved, from his perspective, the possibility of you and George seemed incredibly slim to none. He walked over towards you as soon as the lad split, a smile creeping up on his face. 
“Y/N, alright?” he smiled, his hands in his pockets. 
You stared at him, yes you were hurt, but you missed him - he could do much worse to cause a much bigger fall out between the two of you. 
“I suppose” you sighed “walk with me to Transfiguration class?” 
Ron smiled “can do”
“and took your bloody shirt in!” you scolded him, bumping into him playfully. 
As much as you enjoyed visiting Hogsmeade, you couldn’t help but want to go back home and climb back into your warm bed, hiding away from the world - but your habit of trying to see the best in people lead you here - waiting outside Honey Dukes for your date to arrive. 
“Look at you!” he called out, walking over and kissing your hand “ready for the best day of your life?” he grinned.
Best day of my life? with you? I should’ve stayed in bed.
“Sure” you replied, plastering a fake smile on your face. 
The best day of your life wasn’t too bad, you had someone new to talk to, to try and get your mind off things - but your heart couldn’t help but yearn for George. You looked around the shops thinking of the products he liked, disliked, and what he bought for Ron at Christmas. 
Your date had more to blab about himself than get to know you, he held your hand and bought you a much needed Butterbeer - but he talked so much that he didn’t even get round to drinking his own. The more he had to say, the more he tried to impress you, the more you disliked him, making you fall for George even more. 
Finally breaking out from the busy and overwhelming pub and out into the cold, your date stood in front of you with a strange expression on his face. 
“So?” he shrugged
“so, what?” you stared at him, your patience wearing thin. 
The shared laughter between George and Ron came to a halt when George spotted you with his classmate, he knitted his brows together. 
“Why’s Y/N around that plonker?” he asked his younger brother. 
Ron looked at you then back to George “she’s on a date”
George shook his head “he’s an absolute creep” 
The two of them stared, the student took a hold of your hand and tried to pull you in for a kiss, you pulled away and glared at him, trying to not make a scene. 
“Fucking pervert!” George hissed, storming over towards the two of you “Hey!”
George clenched his jaw, his nostrils flared and his glaring gaze settled on on the lad, he bunched his right hand into a fist and swung, everything went in slow motion as George punched him in the face. 
You were speechless, you didn’t know what to say, all you could do was stare and watch the fight unfold. 
“Stay away from her or my foot will rip you a new one!” George threatened him, he turned to you, his facial expression instantly turning soft.
“th-thank you” 
“you don’t need to thank me love, are you alright?” George searching your eyes with his, full of care and concern. 
Your heart fluttered, his voice, him speaking to you sounded like the most fascinating birds chirping, and his caring face caused fireworks in your stomach to erupt into the sky. 
You wanted to take your chance, ask him out and start over but before you could do any of that, let alone reply, Ron hurried over and interrupted; putting you back in your place and making you remember how his brother felt about you. 
“Proper shiner he’ll have in the morning” Ron laughed “sort your knuckles out George, if anyone sees they’ll send a letter home.” 
The fluttering in your heart died down, the chirping of the birds instantly turning into the most dreadful squawks, and the fireworks in your stomach burning out, starving the embers before they could relight.  
“Thanks again” you murmured quietly, flashing George one last smile before walking away, wanting to retreat to your bed and hide away. 
George had to admit, he felt quite hurt that you went back to ignoring him after he had your back the other week - he knew that you didn’t owe him anything, not even an explanation - but he couldn’t understand why even after making up with Ron, you still refused to look at him.
Sitting on the sofa in the common room in your pyjamas, you flicked through your Quidditch magazine and blinked over and over whilst you looked across the page, sleep trying to pull you in. 
“Georgie, I’ve already said-” 
Jolting awake, you looked behind you and stared at the twins, long roles of parchment in one hand and a map in the other, you yawned and rubbed your eyes, closing your magazine. 
“It’s okay boys, I’m going to bed anyway.” you yawned again, slowly getting off the sofa. 
Fred and George shared a look, the older twin nodding his head towards you “go on then, mate, I’ll be upstairs.”
Fred walked past you, he whispered a “goodnight!” and went off to his dorm, leaving you alone with the person you wanted more than anyone in the world. 
George pursed his lips, standing around awkwardly before approaching you “Y/N, can we talk?” he asked softly. 
You nodded slowly, the nerves piping up in your tummy. 
“What’s up?”
“You’ve been ignoring me, love” he said softly “have I done something wrong?” 
This was your moment, not to ask him out - but to tell him the truth. 
You pushed your stray hairs out of your face and sighed, the lad of your dreams standing beside you, looking down on you. 
“I have feelings for you George” you admitted, your mouth going dry “and that’s why I have to stay away from you, because I know you’re never going to feel the same.” 
George went quiet, the embers from the fire spreading and making it set alight, the amber tones coming from the flames resting on his face. He smiled for a moment and licked his lips, looking into your eyes.
“Tomorrow night” he whispered softly in your ear “where we first met”
Tag list: @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @alwaysnforeverfangirl  
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Eeep! I loved those Monoma hcs 💜💜💜! I have another request for him, but I'm really trying to not be annoying ^^;. How about Monoma with an s/o who's terrified of/sensitive to loud noises, such as fireworks? I, myself, am terrified (and currently wanting to hide from the fireworks), but this is what I just thought of requesting involving my boi, Monoma. Like last time, I don't mind if you include NSFW or not. Thank you, and sorry for being annoying 😅!
Hi again! I'm glad you've requested. You aren't annoying at all, so feel free to ask for more.
I myself don't do well with loud noises because of my GAD, so the sound of a cabinet slamming shut or even someone yelling makes me jump. These fireworks are going to make my already sleepless nights even more sleepless.
I hope you don't suffer all that much anon!
Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Monoma and His Scared S/o
Pro Hero! Monoma x Reader
(Gender isn't specified here. If it is, please tell me.)
W: Minor American slander (it's look, i'm american)
Pure Fluff, no smut here. Tempting, but not today Satan!
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Monoma could be incredibly loud but nothing could compare to the loud as fuck fireworks that were going off today.
Monoma made the mistake of booking a vacation to the U.S. around the same time the Americans celebrated their independence.
The flashing and banging lights that would go off every so often fascinated him.
He's seen fireworks before, it was just the sheer amount of them that got him all giddy.
"The Americans are insane my love! Ooooh look at that one!" He was exited to be surrounded by all of the commotion.
Something about this chaotic mess made him want to jump around like a child.
He would grab onto you at times and shake you around.
The two of you had the unfortunate (fortunate for him) opportunity of being stuck on a train when the festivities started.
Throughout the day, fireworks would be set off even though you couldn't see them in the daytime.
The amount of them only increased as the day went on.
You hid yourself in your own jacket, zipping it up fully and then pulling it up to cover your ears.
You could practically feel the bangs of the fireworks in your chest.
You hated everything about this situation.
You kind of hated Monoma in that moment as well.
He just kept going on and on about the bloody fireworks!
"My love, look!" Monoma looked over at you, a wild grin appearing on his face as he spoke to you.
He noticed he couldn't see your face and started to tug on your jacket trying to pull it down.
"Loooooveee, you're missing it. Look, pretty colors are covering the sky!"
You really didn't want to be there anymore, the constant banging was starting to induce more fear then stress at this point.
Once you got to your stop, the two of you walked towards the hotel you were staying at.
To be honest, Monoma was running and practically dragged you to the hotel.
"The sooner we get there the sooner we can look at them from high up!" Monoma didn't notice how distressed you became at the thought of just dealing with more of the noisy contraptions.
Once at the hotel, the two of you got into your sleepwear.
You decided to settle down in your shared bed, turning on the television, unlocking your phone, and getting a pair of earbuds to put on as you selected what you wanted to listen to.
Monoma in the other hand was glued to the window in only his bottoms, to exited to even put on his shirt. (Get it? cause he's a bottom. Ok, i'll stop.)
His eyes would move around franticly as he looked at each and every one of the new color lights that would add themselves into the jumbled mess in the dark sky.
"Love, look! That one was shaped like a heart!"
Monoma continued to stand by the window till he noticed that the television that was turned on at first was now off.
He turned to look back into the pitch black room, noticing that your back was facing him.
He decided to walk up to you slowly and peered over your shoulder to see what you were watching.
It was a boyfriend audio
....He's immediately frowning at that. What. The. Fuck. He's right there!
Why do you need these low class strangers to help you fall asleep?
He was just as good!
He jumped onto the bed, startling you in the process.
You turned around to look at him, your eyes red from the crying you did as you tried calming yourself down.
You gave him a frown.
Monoma decided to give you a kiss instead.
You couldn't hear anything he was saying to you but you could see he was getting irritated.
He pulled out one of your earbuds and suddenly you were welcomed with a loud bang.
You jumped up and flinched as Monoma tried to touch you.
He wasn't sure if it was the fireworks going off outside or him that caused you to react that way, so he decided to just give you a bit of space.
"My love, is something wrong?"
"Yeah! Those fucking fireworks are the problem. Now give me my earbud." You took your earbud back from him and laid down on the bed. This time taking the covers and pulling them above your head.
Monoma wasn't having any of it and decided to follow you.
He watched you return to your "BoYfRiEnD" audios and just wrapped his arms around your body.
He was warm and it made you relax a bit more.
For a 6'0 ft giant (giant irl, not so much in this world) he was really cuddly.
And soft.
And pouty.
"So you're afraid of fireworks?" He spoke to himself.
He decided to pull you in closer to him.
When he noticed that you jumped at another firework, he decided to make an executive decision and pulled you on top of him.
Your weight was comforting to him, for however much you complained about how heavy you were he never saw it.
You were the perfect weight to him, so he would just kiss you silent. (YES YES YES! PLEASE DO SO! Also, Monoma doesn't care about your weight. He cares about your person. You're perfection itself no matter how much you weigh because did i fucking stutter? YOU ARE PERFECTION!!)
He relished in being able to feel your heartbeat as well as you being able to feel his own.
Your warmth helped ease him to sleep as he did the same for you.
The bangs and booms became nothing in the distance as you both fell asleep.
Before Monoma fell asleep, in his haze, he took your phone and changed it to an ASMR video he did for Vogue.
He honestly found it funny how many people found it surprising that he could be quiet.
Many of the comments on the video saying that he gave them something called "tingles".
He didn't really care about the comments but he did care about you.
He gladly put on his own video, not because he was insecure, no not at all.
He just wanted you to have pleasant dream, that was it!
He watched you for a moment, you were so beautiful like this.
All curled up on top of him, snuggling close to him.
He could practically feel how his heart melted with your cuteness.
The lights of the fireworks outside illuminated the room and basket the both of you in this beautiful colorful glow.
Different blues, reds, and yellows.
The colors didn't matter much to him but all he knew was that you were the most beautiful being he's ever been given the pleasure of being with.
He fell back asleep, he himself being lulled to dreamland with the feeling of you on him and the banging outside.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
“You can call me whenever you want… Even if you don’t have a reason to.” with Javi 😩 OR marcus moreno bc I think it fits him too
Personal Number (Javier Peña x f!Reader)
Summary: You’re lonely working as the American ambassador’s secretary. You miss the days of being down with the agents as a receptionist. At least you get to talk with Javier Peña on the phone somewhat often.
W/C: 1.5k
Warnings: language, brief mentions of sexual content. this is pretty tame.
A/N: I LOVE JAVIER. can you tell?? thank you for this idea Thea!!! I love it so much and I hope you like it too. Also, can you tell I like writing phone calls? I just think it’s so fun and a medium that isn’t covered super often.
it’s definitely not because I like not having to write about body language or action.
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Javier Peña was a flirt. You knew that from the start, from the stories you’d heard from the other women around the embassy. He was cute, you admitted. Tight shirts and equally slim-fitting jeans, dark hair, lean and strong. He walked with power in his stance.
You liked him. He was a nice man, respectful. He flirted with everyone, but he never went too far. Sure, he’d slept with a solid chunk of the women who worked here, but he was supposedly a wonderful lover. His methods were unorthodox in the field, but he got what he needed. He was incredibly clever, setting up traps and getting information by any means necessary. You talked occasionally, when he’d stop by because you had a message for him at the receptionist desk. He was good for conversation. He liked the cinnamon candies you kept on your desk.
The other women talked with you more than he did. You and the other women chatted, ate lunch together. The rare female presence was much appreciated in such a testosterone-laden environment. You all got along well. Even compared stories of sleeping with certain agents, how their skills at finding the clit ranked, how snuggly they were after, how receptive they were to certain acts. It was fun.
Javier was a busy man. The phone on his desk rarely rang. If someone needed someone around the embassy, they went and talked to them in person. It was an excuse to get away from your desk, people figured. You rarely used the phone too, even as a receptionist. You’d answer calls when they came, but they were usually directed other places, with specific extensions. People here were more direct.
That was before you’d been appointed as the ambassador’s secretary. It was an honor. It meant you were good at your job. You’d taken it, bragging to the other girls over lunch. Everyone was excited for you.
The job, you found out, was dry. It consists most days of making phone calls. Stechner, Ambassador wants you. Ambassador? Stechner’s here. Yep. I’ll let him in. Hi, we’ll take three orders of arepas- sorry, yes sir? Scratch that, he wants four. And can you throw in a coffee- one second, yes sir? Got it- with four creams and two sugars.
You doodle on a notepad many days. You read newspapers or reports. You proofread memos for the ambassador before he sends them off to someone important. It’s draining and dry and you have to admit you hate it.
“Peña,” a voice answers the phone.
“Hi Javier. Are you busy?” You ask.
He smiles a little as he hears your voice, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs. “When am I ever around here?” He asks, and you chuckle.
“I know the feeling.”
The two of you had talked a few times before. He was nice enough, if curt. Usually, he was busy. People only came to you when they needed something as a receptionist, and now even more so as a private secretary.
“How’s the promotion treating you?” He asks. He’d heard word as he talked with others. Noticed your spot was empty for a day or two before being replaced by another woman. He missed the little candies you kept on your desk. You always kept cinnamon disks stocked in a separate jar from the seasonal candies for him.
“It’s… good,” you nod, drawing a little fish on your notepad. “Kind of feels like a demotion sometimes. It’s boring up here. And lonely. I miss being around to talk with people.”
“We miss you,” he admits with a smile. “You still keep those cinnamon candies on your desk up there?”
You shake your head, holding the phone between your ear and your shoulder. “No. Ambassador doesn’t like them, so I switched over. I did get some new fun caramel flavored stuff though.”
“Damn,” he chuckles.
“Would it make you come up here if I had them?”
“I may have to visit the ambassador more often if you did,” he teases, and you chuckle softly. “Poor little social butterfly, cooped up on the highest floor, away from humanity.”
“I do feel like Rapunzel some days,” you sigh, still smiling. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. I was supposed to ask if you were busy for the ambassador, not for myself. He wants to see you if you have a minute.”
“Yeah, I’ve got time. Right now?”
“Right now.”
You can hear shuffling on the other end. “Let me put my signature on one more paper and I’ll be up.” He hangs up and you sigh. There was the most interaction you’ll get for the day.
It seems that the closer the men get to Escobar, the more the ambassador needs to see Murphy and Peña. You don’t mind. The two men are funny, and the way they interact makes you smile.
Peña talks to you more than Murphy. Steve is more likely to go outside to smoke, while Javier smokes at his desk. That means you dial him more often simply because there’s a higher probability he’s at his desk. Not because you enjoy talking with him more.
The two men had picked up on calling you Rapunzel. Your energy and excitement was draining day by day, and they compared your new position outside of the ambassador’s office, high on the top floor of the embassy, to Rapunzel’s tower.
You playfully called them Javi and Stephen in return to annoy both of them. It didn’t work on Javier. It turned out he liked that, and you could tell by the way his voice softened. So you kept that.
“Guess who?” you ask dryly, tapping your pen against your notepad.
The man chuckles. “You must be having an exciting day up there. I can hear it in your voice.”
“Ha.” The word is humorless and flat. “Ambassador wants to see you two.”
Javier groans. “Kind of busy.”
“Well, I’ll tell him that,” you nod and write down on a legal pad- separate from your doodling pad- Peña busy. 11:30. “How are things going down there today?”
“Annoying. Steve is a pain in my ass- hey, shut the fuck up,” you can hear him say even as he removes the receiver away from his phone. You giggle at that, smiling as he speaks again. “Sorry. Can you guess who that was?”
“What was he saying this time?” You ask, twirling the cord to the phone around your finger.
“Nothing,” he insists, but you can hear Murphy shouting. Some message he’s trying to get to you.
“Well, alright. Call up when you’re less busy,” you ask him and hang up.
You really want to know what Murphy was going on about. You dial his desk and he picks up. “S’this Rapunzel?” A southern accent twangs.
“Of course,” you chuckle. “What were you shouting into Javi’s phone?”
“Oh, nothing. Oh, hey, wait,” he says, pulling the phone down and pressing it to his chest. You can hear the muffled voices of the two men, but not what they’re saying. He puts it back to his ear quickly after. “Anyway, it’s nothing. We’ll call you back when we’ve got a minute to come up.”
Odd, you think, before going back to your work on your desk.
The phone rings again an hour later. “Ambassador’s office,” you say with a gentle lilt to your voice.
“Hey, Rapunzel,” a kind but rough voice speaks through the phone. Javi.
“Hey,” you chuckle a little. “You guys ready to come up?”
“Uh, no, not yet. But I do want you to write something down for me.”
“Anything,” you nod, priming your pen above the piece of paper.
Javier rattles off ten numbers, and you diligently write them down on the paper. You repeat it back and he affirms that it’s correct. “Got it. What is it?”
“It’s my personal phone number.”
“Javi, the ambassador already has your phone number.”
“No, I know. It’s for you.”
Oh. Your heart flutters excitedly in your chest, causing you to let out a soft giggle.
“I like talking with you. Our phone calls are the highlight of my day. You can call me whenever you want… even if you don’t have a reason to. I just… like hearing your voice. I like you.”
You clutch the paper, grinning ear to ear. “Well, I like you too, Javi. I’ll be using this,” you assure him, looking down at it and beaming. “Now, you said you’re busy. Get back to work.”
“Yes ma’am. See you in a bit.”
Click. Dial tone. Your heart fills with sparks and little fireworks, sending you into a loud laugh of excitement.
The thick oak doors swing open. The ambassador looks at you with concern. “Everything alright out here?” He asks you.
You nod, biting your lip and looking down to hide your grin. “Yeah, yeah. Great, sir. Peña and Murphy aren’t ready yet. They’ll be up later.”
The man gives you a nod and closes the door behind him.
The grin returns. You trace the freshly-dried ink, the nine numbers that will connect you directly to Javier at any time you want. You pull your contact book from your purse, sitting beneath your desk, flipping to a clean page.
Javier Peña, you write.
personal number
You go back and draw a small heart next to his name.
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George Weasley x Reader
Request:  Hi! Could I please request situations #2 & 4 from your prompt list with #7 from the fluffy/funny section with George Weasley? 💗💗💗 @thatdumbbitchxx
2.Truth or dare with a twist
7.  a: “That's going to hurt in the morning”  b: “It hurts now actually” 
A/N: This sounds so cute! Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: FLUFF OH MY LORD THIS IS SOFT, George injury, Swearing, so many commas IDK how to write, slight Angelina x Fred if you squint, I think that’s it!
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“You did not convince Mcgonagall to do a prank with you, that’s a straight up lie” Oliver said, crossing his arms in disbelief.
“Its true! She made me promise never to tell, I swear it’s my deepest darkest secret! It would have never worked without her help” Fred said dramatically, making the group laugh.
You and the Gryffindor quidditch team where currently in an enchanted tent on the pitch. It was nearing the end of the semester, and since you were all really close, you decided to spend the night on the pitch to spend some time together. (With Madam Hooch’s permission of course)
“Anyway moving on!” Angelina said loud enough to get everyone's attention. “George, truth or dare”
Now truth or dare with the quidditch team was brutal. The truths were intense, the dares were near impossible, and if you couldn’t complete either, you had to confess a secret about yourself (Fred's being that his ‘best prank’ was actually executed by a professor).
“Dare” He said with a grin.
“All you’ve done are dares!” You complained, making some of the other team mates laugh.
Secretly you were wanting him to choose truth so you could discover if he has a crush on anybody. More specifically you. You have had a crush on the younger Weasley twin for some time now, and it seemed that no matter how many hints you gave, he never seemed to get the hint, only ever treating you as a friend.
Angelina was aware of this, and tried to think of a dare risky enough to make him cave and confess a secret.
“I dare you, to do a backflip on your broom” She said, a grin spread across her face.
“That’s it?” He asked.
“I’m not finished” She replied, causing the other team members to look at each other nervously. “I dare you to do a backflip on your broom, blindfolded”
You glared at her. She was basically saying confess or break your neck, and as much as you wanted to know if George liked you, you weren’t willing to risk him getting hurt. You opened your mouth to protest, but George beat you to it.
“Fine” He said, standing to leave the tent, broom in hand. Angelina's face fell, not expecting to actually agree and you quickly stood to follow him.
“George its a stupid dare, come on we can figure something else out” You practically pleaded, walking alongside the boy.
“What, worried about me Y/L/N?” George responded in a joking tone.
“Yes! I mean, yeah” You shouted before correcting your voice, causing George to laugh.
“It’ll be fine, I have my lucky charm with me” He said smiling at you, causing you to blush a bit.
You reached the middle of the pitch and stopped. You along with the rest of the group stood in a line, watching as George mounted his broom before using his tie to cover his eyes. 
“Absolutely brilliant idea Ange” You heard Fred say from beside you, causing you to turn and glare. “What? He’ll be fine, and then you can give him a congratulatory kiss, and maybe a little extr-” You punched his arm, swiftly shutting him up before he rubbed the spot you struck.
“Ouch! Yeesh I’m just teasing, or am I?” He asked smirking
You shook your head and turned your attention to the other red head, your heart pounding in your chest as he took a deep breath and set off on his broom. He started getting higher, going almost vertically before completing the flip, leaving plenty of space between him and the ground. Cheers rang out through the group.
“Absolutely brilliant!” Fred shouted, you cheering and clapping as well.
“Well done George!” You shouted, noticing he was still moving forward a bit fast. “Do you think he-”
You watched as Georges arms flew up in victory, taking off the blindfold just in time to watch as he ran into the middle quidditch goal, knocking him off his broom and sending him to the ground. He wasn’t too far off the ground at this point, but it still looked rough.
“George!” You yelled, sprinting to the other side of the pitch, Fred and Angelina following close behind you.
You ran up to the boy who was now sprawled out on the ground, kneeling beside him to look him over, only to be met with the sound of laughter.
“George what the fuck, you had me worried sick!” You yelled pushing his shoulder, only causing him to laugh harder.
“I’m sorry, but that was wicked” George laughed
“Wicked indeed brother” Fred congratulated as he got closer, reaching out his hand to help George stand.
You quickly stood and watched George got his footing, noticing how he flinched at the action, Fred and Angelina taking notice as well. You opened your mouth to ask if he was ok, but Fred spoke first.
“Say George, you do look a little worse for wear, maybe you should take it easy” He said in a worried tone, slinging an arm around his shoulder.
“He doesn’t seem to bad” Angelina started before looking towards Fred who was now giving her a knowing look, darting his eyes to you, then George. “Actually you know what, better play it safe”
“Should we take him to the hospital wing?” You asked
“Oh no, no need for that, but you should stick by him just in case” Fred said, pushing George to stand next to you.
“Yeah, in fact, you two should share a room! Broom related injuries can flare up at night so Y/n should be there just in case” Angelina said in a feigned serious tone.
The pieces started to click in your head and you glared at Angelina, who was desperately trying to hide her grin.
“Ok, that's absolutely not true, and where would you sleep?” You asked Angelina, trying to get her to give up on her little plan.
“See! You’re so knowledgeable on medical stuff, even more reason to stay with him! As for the sleeping situation, Angelina is more than welcome to bunk with me” Fred said cheekily, making you roll your eyes.
“I’m still here you know, and I feel fine” George interrupted
“Of course dear brother, but you may be in shock. Believe me you’re in good hands” Fred said as he slung an arm around Angelina before making their way back to the tent, leaving you and George standing next to each other, wondering what the hell just happened.
After a few moments, you and George snapped out of your stunned silence and started making your way back to the tent, joking about how this was most likely all some big excuse so Angelina and Fred could get together. You continued to joke with each other until you reached the tent, the other members of the group all having disappeared to their own rooms, leaving only one remaining for you and George.
And of course, there was only one bed.
One bed, with George, who you’ve had a crush on since fourth year, who was completely unaware of your feelings.
You were going to kill Angelina
“You know, I feel completely fine so I can just take the floor” George said after a moment, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“What, don’t be ridiculous George, if anyone's taking the floor its me” You argued.
“Well I don’t want you to sleep on the floor either, so looks like were sharing” George started, before quickly adding “Unless you’re uncomfortable, because I don’t want you to-”
“George its ok, we’re both adults, it’ll be fine for one night” You said with a humorous tone that you hoped would help hide your nervousness.
“Yeah totally” George replied.
“I’m going to get changed” You said
“Me too” He said
You left the room and stood outside, face palming yourself. ‘What the fuck is wrong with you’ you mumbled to yourself.
You made your way to the main room, seeing your pajamas were already set out by Angelina, which you were somewhat thankful for. You quickly got changed into your large Tee and some shorts before heading back to the room, hesitating before you walked in.
George was sitting on the edge of the bed, now wearing sleep shorts but his shirt from earlier was still on. He looked up when you walked in, giving you a soft smile before returning his eyes to his hands, which were currently fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
“You ok?” You asked, walking further into the room.
“Yeah, yeah I just messed my shoulder up a bit so I’m having trouble getting this off” He mumbled, motioning to his shirt.
“...Can I help?” You asked, sitting next to him.
“You don’t have to, I’ll figure it out I just-” He started, 
“George” You interrupted, holding his face in your hands so he would look at you. “Please let me help”
He didn’t respond, just looked at you before letting out a sigh and nodding his head. You moved you hands from his face to the bottom of his shirt, slowly starting to lift it. You let you eyes dart to his exposed skin, before re-focusing yourself. George lifted his arms and your fingers brushed against his back as you lifted the fabric off his body, making his breath hitch.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?” You ask, stopping your movements.
“No, no you’re fine” George replied quickly.
“Ok, just let me know if anything hurts” You said before continuing to gently lift his shirt until it it was finally removed.
“Thank you” George said softly, turning to face you but your eyes were glued to the shirt in your hands, too nervous to look him in the eyes.
“Of course” You replied, giving him a quick glance and a smile before returning your gaze to your hands quickly handing him the shirt which he took. “Is your shoulder ok? Because I can go get some ice or-”
You were cut of my Georges hand finding your face, making you look up at him before his lips were suddenly on yours. Shivers ran up your spine, and all you could feel was him, his soft lips on yours, the smell of sweets and fireworks, his warm hand on your face. And then just as soon as it was there, it was gone.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, shit I’m sorr-” George started pulling away, but you didn’t let him finish.
You moved your hand to his face and pulled him in to re-connected your lips. His hands moved to your hips and he pulled you onto his lap so you were now straddling him. Once again, you were lost in the kiss, only feeling him. And once again, he pulled away.
“Wait wait hold on, are you kissing me because I ate shit or because you actually like me?” George asked, making you hold back a laugh.
“I actually like you, I have for a while actually” You replied, making a smile spread across his face.
“I’ve liked you for a while as well” He responded, making your eyes widen in shock.
“Seriously? I was giving so many signs and I thought you were never going to catch on, that’s why Angelina tried to get you to confess a secret” You said
“No, Fred started the game to see if he could you to confess a secret” George said, realization suddenly washing over the both of you.
“They are truly evil” You said, almost impressed by their ability to secretly work together.
“True, but I also owe them my thanks” George smiled, re-connecting his lips to yours, poking your sides which made you giggle into the kiss, allowing George to slip his tongue into your mouth.
Ok, maybe Angelina and Fred deserved a thank you.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I wasn’t sure which direction to go with this for a while so that’s why it took so long to post, either way I hope you enjoyed. Also, I wasn’t sure if you wanted this to be more Fluffy or smutty, so I left room for a part two if you’d like. Thank you again for the request!
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yarichin-imagines · 3 years
Hi!!! okokok, how bout a s/o who has a kind of quirk (just like bnha!), how do you think they would react? Like, I think they'd probably integrate into something related to sex or develop a kink (? LMAO
y'all i am so into bnha you have no idea!! also, for neutrality purposes, i'll be using the quirks of deku, todoroki, bakugou, uraraka, kirishima, denki, sero, iida, and satou, all from class 1A, mostly just because none of their quirks rely on physical appearances!!
tw: impact, dubcon (drugging, somno), dummification if you squint
Toono – S/O's Quirk: One for All – This Quirk is a union of two different Quirks, one that stockpiles power and one that passes itself on to another. The user can momentarily gain strength and speed far greater than any other Quirk and hero.
thankfully by the time he'd met you, you'd mastered the use of your Quirk
you were never the prance about type to flash around your power anyway
you preferred to use it for more mundane tasks – like opening pickle jars and carrying the groceries into the house in one trip
he found out about it on accident
he was on his way out when he caught you in the parking lot coming in––
with your car in hand, two feet off the ground
you'd dropped your fob somewhere underneath it and couldn't see
toono passed out
when he came to, his first questions revolved around whether or not the car was okay
once he wraps his head around it though..
he's way more into it than he tells you
but it also fuckin terrifies him
so much so that he really doesn't want you to use it on him
definitely has watched you use it so intently that he can nut off to it later
maybe one day he'll pluck up and ask you to activate it for some pictures he can keep
Kashima - S/O's Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot – This Quirk splits the user into two, half of the user's body can emit ice, the other half emits fire.
honesty is a pillar to kashima's relationship
your quirk came to light a month or so into seeing him
and at first, he was mostly excited about the health benefits
he decides then and there that you gotta do him a solid and chill his side of the bed
that way he can keep cool when he sleeps
even if he's half asleep
he'll grab your right hand with a lil soft tug
and in your drowsy stupor you chill his pillow so there's no need for a flip
makes him grin like an idiot every time
when he comes home from practice or from the gym he has you freeze and unfreeze the bathwater-- saves you guys a whole lot of ice
he doesn't mind letting you ease his muscles with your left side after all the heats works wonders that would make any rice pack green with envy
as a top, kashima's got complete control in the bedroom
all day, he'll ask you to close your eyes and heat something up, maybe it's a vibrator or a dildo
or when you chill something, they're usually beads or a plug
all for him to torment you with later on that night
Yacchan – S/O's Quirk: Explosion – This Quirk allows the user to sweat a substance similar to Nitroglycerin from the user's palms and ignite it to create explosions.
kyosuke recognizes it's too dangerous to use in the bedroom
but that being said, there's plenty of other stuff around the place to let you show off
your firework shows are always the best on the block
especially when he sets some off right when yuu isn't expecting it
mainly, yacchan appreciates your quirk when it comes to pulling pranks
It's really funny when you're popping ziploc bags full of nothing right outside tamura's dorm when he's trying to power nap before exams
and even funnier when he storms out in just tighty whities to yell at you
only to meet the flash of yacchan's cellphone
toono will fall asleep during study sessions sometimes and yacchan will facetime you so you can let out a boom and wake him up
he will most definitely fall off the bed and yacchan will most definitely record it
the two of you are the best of the worst that way
Shikatani – S/O's Quirk: Zero Gravity – This Quirk allows the user to cause people and items to float on contact. There is a weight limit on how much the user can levitate, and if this Quirk is used to much, it will cause the user to get sick.
it's really helpful when you help him deep clean
after all, if the supplies are gracefully floating behind him, that leaves his hands free to do twice the work, saving him half the time
but you're content to watch the beautiful boy work
if you help him clean like that, he won't ask for much more that day
he is very very conscious of how much you use your quirk
because he cares about you too much to let you get sick
since he knows for a fact that because of his ocd he won't be able to take care of you
and that stings
so on the days where the chores have all been done he gets the honor of experiencing the effects of your quirk in bed
he likes how it feels when your tease him from the air above
your throat feels more open
but it's not like he can do too much about it since the instant he gets too eager you always float just out of reach
sometimes if he's behaved very well, you'll suspend him
the headrush he gets is euphoric
but the best is how good you are when you blow out his back with your strap
after all, without gravity, your stroke game is literally out of this world
Akemi – S/O's Quirk: Hardening – This Quirk allows the user to harden any part of their body. This shell can withstand several tons of metal falling on the user, along with shock waves, explosions, etc.
there's nothing cuter to akemi keiichi than a brat
if you want to misbehave?
by all means
go right ahead
he'll leave it to you to exhaust yourself
that's the first time he saw you use it
he wasn't aiming to cause any major damage, he was only spanking you with his hand
but he'd been at it for almost an hour
then suddenly he'd pushed you off him after he'd slapped what felt like a solid rock
not that it could stop him
his eyes only grew darker
from then on out, it was all a game to see how far he could push before the shell wore down and you gave into him
Itome – S/O's Quirk: Electrification – This Quirk allows the user to discharge electricity out of the user's body. It goes out in all directions around the user, and can be used to even charge objects, such as batteries. There is a limit to how much this Quirk can be used, and if used too much, the user will short circuit their own brain, and won't be able to do anything for an hour.
of course you can charge his phone in a pinch when it dies at the worst possible moment
hotwire his car when he's already running late
restart the fusebox when there's a power outage
after hours, itome's not a hard dom
not in the slightest
but every once in awhile, he can be particularly malicious
like when he has you overcharge your vibrators to give him the liberty of overstimulating you for longer
really it's less about the scene and more about what comes after
due to the limits of your quirk, aftercare is all on him
that's what he likes the most
taking care of you completely
being able to coax you through your braindead state
clean you off and pose you all comfortable
you're all the sweeter when you come to, when you come back to him
Yuri – S/O's Quirk: Tape – This Quirk allows the user to shoot extremely strong tape from openings on the user's elbows.
the tape is good for fixing most messes yuri gets himself into, clumsy fuck
also waxing!
of course he's gonna be into it
he loves the sting it leaves when you pull it off him the most
and he feels it all over again when there's red rectangular patches all across his skin the next morning
though the gluey part is a bit of a pain to wash off
sometimes he'll leave it for him to pick at throughout the day -- that way he'll get the shivers, makes him hot all over again!
he literally cannot get enough
when you do your school work or anything that diverts your attention from him, he'll be tugging at your elbow
this way you can restrain him until you're ready to ahem
put him to use
you can also use your tape to toss him around, floor to bed to floor to wherever
sometimes you even tape up his face, cover his mouth until the drool renders the tape into a thin flimsy strip
you tie his hands tighter and tighter every time, and it never breaks him
he loves it
on the other hand, yuri can be quite the slippery fuck
for emergencies, you've got some of your tape stored away
you've woken up more than once hogtied, your quirk turned against you
like it or not, yuri can easily turn the tables and you're almost never expecting it
you might have an unlimited supply, but he's too quick for your own good
Tamura – S/O's Quirk: Engine – This Quirk gives the user incredible speed by engine-like protrusions in the user's calves. The engines are fueled by orange juice, and carbonated drinks will mess the engines up.
he calls a 40 meter dash every single weekend
he sets his treadmill to train for it the whole week
but he never beats you
and it seriously pisses him off
you're always faster, no matter the game
if anything, it motivates him
he'll take the bruised ego if it helps him get into better shape
the fact that sometimes, you let him win makes his "engines" overheat faster than you can blink
he'll chase you and chase you for hours
fueled on adrenaline and testosterone, there's no way he'll tap out before you
expect a long, hard bite once he catches you
he goes absolutely animalistic
that lilt in his voice when he finally gets to sink his teeth into your shoulder, even if it's through a shirt, that doesn't matter to him
"caught you"
Jimmy – S/O's Quirk: Sugar Rush – This Quirk allows the user to become stronger and faster every 10 grams of sugar they eat for three minutes. The more the user uses this Quirk, the dumber they get.
every time he catches you snacking on a chocolate bar his whole brain turns off
he's practically jumping, the way he bounces around
waiting for you to inevitably choke slam him against the nearest surface
wall, couch, bed, anything
he likes it when you just toss him over your shoulder
even more the way your hits are harder than usual
he antagonizes you on purpose
making sure to stuff a grocery cart full of sweets he knows you like so that he can catch you snacking and make him pay through the nose
he always asks so nicely
but when you won't give in, well that just won't do!
doses your miso with sugar, drops in three extra cubes in your milk tea, encourages extra flan for dessert
for the next three minutes, you're nearly tripping over yourself
everything is lighter
and then when the crash hits---
jimmy can finally take what he wants
and karma is quite the bitch
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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What Happened?
(Story Post)
“…A severe weather anomaly in the Thunder Bay area took place last night, at 11:45pm…” Dax heard the sound of the radio as he slowly woke up. He was exhausted and rather sore all over, his body feeling like a pile of bricks. “…Locals reported seeing a big bird made of light fly through the clouds while scientists are saying the lightning, in combination with Canada Day fireworks, may have appeared similar in shape to a bird…” Dax couldn't ignore that and he sat up straight, looking around for the source of the news broadcast. There was a little clock radio on the bedside table reading out 5:44am. Moments later, he realised he didn't recognise his surroundings. He wasn't at the hotel but he was in a bed. He was alone in a room with wooden walls and big glass windows. There was a closet and a dresser, with little wooden animal figures lining the top. Outside, he could see over a small lake. It was awfully familiar.
The bedroom door opened and Kent stuck his head in, glaring at Dax. “So you're awake.” “What? Where am I?” Dax asked. “What happened?” “This is my room, dumbass,” Kent said. “Now get the fuck out.” “Um, how did I get here?” Dax asked. Kent narrowed his eyes. “You don’t remember flying in here like a bat out of hell?” Dax shook his head. Kent huffed. “Best you don't, then...” “Please, I... All I remember was going back to the hotel with Nathan, and then... Then...” He wracked his mind. “I don't know... I don't remember a thing.” “Again, it's best you don't. Get out.” “You don't understand!” Dax said desperately. “I never lose control like this anymore! This isn't normal for me! I need to know what happened. I can't let this happen again. It sounds like a whole city saw me!” “At least the bird's all they fucking saw...” Kent grunted. “You came falling in like a shootin' star and then barge into my house and into my bedroom.” “Really?! I'm so sorry!” Dax apologised. “Please tell me I didn't hurt you!” “Hurt me?” Kent scoffed. “Fuck no... You think you could hurt me, veggie boy? Get fucked.” “So, then... What?” Dax asked. “What did happen last night?” Kent clenched his jaw. “Nothin'. You went to sleep.” Dax blinked. “...Seriously, Kent. What happened?” Kent just set his jaw and didn't make eye contact. Dax started to panic. “...Don’t tell me... We didn't... You and I...” Kent just retreated and closed the door behind him. “Get your clothes and get the fuck out!” he called through the door. Dax dropped his head into his hands. “No... Shit, shit, we can't...” The aches of his body told him otherwise though. He got up with the blanket wrapped around his waist, and looked for his clothes. He found them on the floor and pulled on his boxers before hobbling to the door, opening it again. His eyes found Kent standing in his kitchen watching his coffee pot drip. “Kent,” Dax said getting the bear man's attention. “We need to talk about this.” “We absolutely do not,” Kent growled. “Your bags are there.” Dax looked down to find his and Nathan's overnight bags at his feet. “I need to call Nathan... Let me borrow your phone.” Kent huffed and went through his kitchen drawers before he pulled out a smartphone and tossed it to Dax. Dax wasn’t prepared and fumbled it, but his managed to catch it. “Be careful! These things are fragile and expensive...” Kent just shrugged. Dax tried to turn it on but he got nothing but an empty battery symbol. “It's dead...” “Yep.” “You have to keep it charged up,” Dax said. “Where's the charger?” Kent frowned. “Don't know.” Dax groaned in frustration. “Have you ever charged it?” Kent shook his head. “Nope.” “So, I imagine you never took the charger out of the box,” Dax assumed. “Do you have the box?” Kent opened the same drawer again and pulled out the box onto the counter. Dax went over, giving the bear man wide berth, and took the box before going through it. He pulled out the phone charger and looked around for an outlet. “Hopefully this thing charges fast,” he said as he found an outlet by the light switch and plugged it in. “Although it'll be a pain if you never even set it up...” “It's set up,” Kent said. “It went off a whole lot before it crapped out.” “It just lost charge,” Dax said. “It's probably like brand new. They even provided you a case and screen protector. I wish people gave me free thousand dollar phones...” “That thing costs a thousand dollars?” Kent exclaimed. “You have to be kidding me!” “No, this looks like the latest device...” Dax said. “I can't google it right now, but these big brand ones can run you anywhere from $1000 to $1900 depending on if it's the fancy version or not.” “Shit, you ain't joking...” Kent went over and picked up the phone where it was charging. “If I'd known, I would've pawned it off immediately...” “Good thing you didn't since you're going to have to use it if you want to be in contact with your kids,” Dax said crossing his arms. Kent sneered. “I’d just buy a normal land phone.” “Um, you're off the grid. Your house literally isn't near any telephone lines. It's a miracle you have cell reception in the first place.” Kent groaned and put the phone down. “Still though... How am I supposed to use this thing anyway? There's no real buttons and my hands are too big." “No, they're not. Look, there's accessibility settings in the phone to help you out if you really need it,” Dax said, picking up the phone to see if it had enough charge to turn on. He got a happy little jingle and the logo appeared. “Yes! Alright, after I call Nathan, I'll show you how to use it.” “Don't need it,” Kent said firmly. Dax frowned. He stood up straight and looked Kent dead in the eyes. “Look, asshole. You have been nothing but rude to me this entire visit. I get it. I'm the other guy. I'm the one Nathan chose to raise his kids with. I'm the one in the way of you having a happy little family or whatever... But I'm really not your enemy. Nathan has said a lot of bad things about you, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt because I didn't know you. I even tried to convince him to bring the kids up to meet you in the first place. And now that we're here, I still think you deserve to see your kids, but you need to show me at least a tiny ounce of respect. I'm literally just trying to help you. Nathan, like everyone else in the ‘First World’, is smartphone dependent. If you can't use one, he's not going to bother trying to reach you some other way, and you're not going to see your kids. Let me show you how to use the damn phone.” Kent crossed his arms and didn't say anything. Dax sighed and just tried to figure out if he could access his contacts online through Kent's phone. When he managed to log into his own account, he found Nathan's phone number and called it. After a couple rings, Nathan picked up. “Hello?” “Nathan, it's me, Dax!” “Dax? Oh, thank god... Are you alright?” “I think so... I'm at Kent's. I'm using his phone,” Dax explained. “Yeah, I'm on my way over now. APID tracked down your location, but they insisted on me waiting until they had everything under control around here before they let me come get you... I'm really glad you're okay. You really scared me last night.” “Nathan, I'm so sorry... I honestly have no idea how I even ended up here,” Dax said. “The thunderbird took over and I...I don't understand what happened to me... It's been years since I've lost control like this, and it's never been this bad...” “It's okay, babe. What matters is you're safe and it's over. I'm coming to get you. Just relax, okay?” “Yes, alright...” “Can I talk to Kent for a moment?” “Sure.” Dax offered the phone to the bear man. Kent took it and grunted into the receiver. “Nate?” “Yeah, hey... I'm coming to get Dax and you better be nice to him. He's freaking out, and I'm kinda freaking out too, so give him a break.” “Veggie boy's fine here,” Kent said. “Don't get your knickers in a twist.” “What state was he in when he got to your place? Did he cause any damage?” Kent hesitated. “...No, he just swooped in and passed out...” “Okay... Well, we're ten or fifteen minutes away. You can tell me everything when I get there.” “There's no everything, that's it. You should be telling me what the fuck happened for sparky to come bustin' in here in the middle of the damn night.” “Aw, did he ruin your beauty sleep, big boy?” “Shut up... Come get your boy toy and y'all can get the fuck out. Go back home and get my kids for me.” “That's pretty much the plan,” Nathan said. “You just have to uphold your side of the deal.” “I already trained you some, damn dog. I earned my time with my damn kids.” “You're gonna see them. Relax.” “I better.” “Give me back to Dax.” Kent handed the phone back before going to his room and closing the door behind him. “Nathan, I want to apologise again if I hurt you at all...” Dax said. “I never wanted you to see me at my worst...” “Dax, you've had to be there at my worst countless times already. I'm willing to do the same for you. I care about you.” “...Thank you, Nathan. That means a lot.” “I'll see you in ten, okay?” “Okay. See you soon.” “See you.” Dax hung up the phone and walked it over to Kent's bedroom. He knocked on the door gently. “Hey, let me show you how to make a call before Nathan gets here... Then you can show him what you learned.” The door opened and Kent stood there, looming over Dax. “...Are you plannin' on tellin' him what transpired last night?” Dax shuddered. “...I still don't know exactly what happened last night. You still need to fill me in on the details.” Kent set his jaw. “What do you want me to say?” Dax pursed his lips. “...If I cheated on Nathan, I need to know.” Kent glared at him. “Nothin’ happened!” “I know you're lying to me,” Dax said. “I know you're scared of being gay or having feelings for men and whatever, but this isn't just about you. My relationship is at stake here!” “You think I don't fuckin' know that?” Kent growled. “Do you think Nathan would let me see my damn kids if he found out I fucked his limp dick boyfriend?!” Dax stepped back, his body feeling weak suddenly. “Oh god... So we did... We actually did...” Kent grabbed Dax's shoulder. “Listen, celery stick. Nothin' happened if no one says anythin' happened. Got it?” Dax shook his head. “But what did happen? I don't remember a thing... Did you...did you take advantage of me?” “Advantage?” Kent snarled. “Are you insane? You came on to me! You came into my fuckin' room and tried to ride me!” “Maudite château de marde...Sacrament...” Dax rubbed his temples. “But you let me?” “Don't try to fuckin' blame me,” Kent growled. “There was something wrong with you, you had all these damn pheromones reekin’ up my damn room, I didn't have any damn control. The bear had control!” “I fucked a bear?!” Dax felt like he was gonna pass out. “Well, no. I was still mostly human,” Kent said. “It ain't that time.” “If you didn't transform, you were in control!” Dax said. “You didn't fuckin' transform and you weren't in no damn control!” Kent said. “I’m not a therianthrope, the Thunderbird has different levels of control, it's all complicated!” “Well, I'm complicated too, damn it! I ain't fuckin’ no man on purpose!” “Bullshit!” Kent grabbed Dax's arms and turned them both around before shoving him against the wall beside his bedroom door. “Listen, you little bitch!” Dax gasped in pain. “You're hurting me...” “Nathan ain't going to hear about this,” Kent growled. “Nothin’ happened. Do you understand?” Dax frowned looking up at Kent. “I'm not going to lie to him.” “I will fuckin' kill you,” Kent threatened. Dax didn't back down. “And then what? Nathan will be here in minutes with agent Hanover. You'd be arrested on the spot, sent back to the US, and they will execute you for real this time. You'll never meet your children and they truly will be the kids of a murderer.” Kent just glared at him a few more seconds and then he squeezed Dax's wrist, digging his thumbs in. “Why do you want to tell Nathan? You want to lose him?” “Of course, I don't, but I...” Dax bit his lip. “I understand what it's like to be cheated on. I know how horrible it feels to be lied to and to be made to feel guilty about something someone else did. But I love Nathan, and this was a mistake. The best chance for this all to work out the best possible way is to be honest and work through it together.” “...That's hippy crap,” Kent said. “He's going to kick your ass to the curb.” “Then...so be it,” Dax said. “But I trust Nathan to be a better person than that.” Kent just let go of Dax and walked back to the kitchen in a huff. He opened the fridge and pulled out a beer. Dax exhaled, his heart racing faster than he wanted to let on. He rubbed his wrists and found small punctures where Kent had dug in with his sharp nails. They bled a little. “I can still show you how to use the phone...” Dax offered, trying to be the better man. “I'll need a couple Band-Aids first, though...” Kent popped the lid off his beer with the edge of the counter. “Bathroom, under the sink. But don't bother with the damn phone. Nathan’ll be here soon...” “Well, if we got started, we'll at least look like we're getting along when he gets here,” Dax said as he went to the bathroom. Kent grunted. “Fine. But get dressed.” “You don’t have to tell me twice…”
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We would name our children Jackie and Wilson
Relationship: Loki/Female Reader (Hozier did the gender first, don't @ me)
Warnings: Major Character Death, Mourning, mental health, alcohol.
Summary: Your relationship reminds you of a nice soft song. But things are not always so sweet.
Notes: this is part of a somewhat Collab with @lucywrites02, her part is done and can be found here, read it to soften the pain. I would say that I'm terribly sorry for the pain ahead, but I'm not. Meaning of the song can be found here, I used it for reference
Read On AO3
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So tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
Loki fights for a deep breath.
It's just your face, you idiot. What are you afraid of? This mean voice from the back of his head asks.
They manage to draw a shaky inhale and puff it out, finally opening his eyes and staring at the reflection.
But those hateful crimson eyes staring back is too much, even though they look at them behind tears.
"Maybe another day…" he sighs and wears the illusion again. But the bloodshot eyes stay, this time not because of the Jötunn form.
No better version of me I could pretend to be tonight
For how long will you hide from the monster you are? This same voice asks in the dead of the night.
Once again, it's not mistaken.
"I can't walk amongst mortals like this. This illusion helps me avoid some of the staring," they respond. It's a beautiful lie, Loki almost believes it.
Still, it will break down. Like everything does.
This argument stays and torments him for the rest of the night.
Soul deep in this swill with the most familiar of swine / For reasons wretched and divine
Stark had suggested another night out on a bar. Loki usually declines, but comes to this one.
Soon enough, everyone is drunk and happy. Alcohol from Midgard is like a beverage for Æsir, and Loki can barely get tipsy. But Loki still decides to drink.
This period had some very successful missions, and the avengers are celebrating it by drinking. Little do they know that Loki drinks for a whole more different reasons…
She blows out of nowhere, a roman candle of the wild
It's late. Loki's surely past the tipsy phase, but still has control. So, they just sit on a bar and watch the others have fun.
"Would you mind some company?" you yell from a part of the crowd. Loki tries not to flinch, loud sounds do no good at him.
Then they see you, all smiling and beaming like a firework, drink in hand as you walk closer and point at a stool beside him.
They have to admit, you look ravishing.
"You're free to sit, if you want to," he smiles back and nods at the seat. You grin and slide there, placing your drink in the bar and having your attention to them.
"Are you not afraid someone might drug the drink?" Loki winders, eyes on the cocktail.
"Sitting beside an Avenger is safe enough, don't you think? And it's rubbish anyways, I probably won't finish it,"
Midgard has different communication patterns, and Loki's inability to catch up in time has made their silver tongue rusty and useless. But you make a conversation with him out of nowhere, like it's the most easy thing.
Laughing her way through my feeble disguise/ And Lord, she found me just in time
A few days later after the night out, the sparks of happiness you casted on Loki's heart have died out. But Thor insists that being out of the four walls of their chambers will do good to him, and Loki gives in. They wear an illusion to hide the mess that he is in and join Thor on their afternoon walk around for some food, mostly.
During the hours long conversation, you didn't mention that you work for Stark, in the Tower. They smile and call your name the sparks igniting inside his heart once again. It gets stronger when you give them this glowing smile and walk closer.
"Brother, will you mind if I get stolen for a moment?" he turns to Thor.
"Have fun, brother," he smiles before greeting you and leaving.
"You know, there's a nice coffee shop with a big tea collection, what do you think?" you beam, knowing it's an offer Loki cannot resist.
It's not far away, and truly a sweet little place, crammed between the offices. You order your drinks and settle on a table nearby. You give Loki the chair with the view on the passers by, sitting so you can only see them and the wall behind him.
"You didn't say you work for Stark," they hum, taking a testing sip of the dandelion tea that caught his attention.
"That's cause I work for the Avengers, technically, not Stark. Mission support agent, Romanov brought me here," you shrug one shoulder. Loki can't hide a smile, they always had a soft spot for humble warriors, for they're so rare on Asgard.
"Odd, I don't remember you in any field," he mutters.
"I haven't gone on a mission with you. I find it insulting for a God to be supported by someone who learned how to tie their shoelaces at age 12," you laugh. Loki doesn't share the enthusiasm for the 'joke'.
"You'll be the best support, if you ask me," they smile, and change the subject. And then, you throw this damned question.
"So, how are you doing?" you trail off.
"Just fine," he scoffs. You see through it like they're the worst liar ever.
"I know we're somewhere public, but you are allowed to be honest," your eyes scan him.
He takes a deep breath and makes an illusion of you and them just talking. Then, he lifts his own.
Your face stays almost unreadable as the green glow reveals the mess of them. Expect for the eyes that speak of sympathy.
Underneath the table, you cup his right hand, your thumb petting it. "If you want to, we can go somewhere more private. Your call,"
"Only you can see this. Don't worry, I'm not making a fool out of you," they laugh without humour, voice almost breaking. You now squeeze the hand.
"You'll have to actively try to make a fool out of me, your highness. It's your boundaries I'm worried about," the playful tone leaves you as you speak.
You've barely done anything, but Loki is already determined to kill for you.
Cause with my mid-youth crisis all said and done / I need to be youthfully felt 'cause, God, I never felt young
"Forget it, I'm not doing it. It's stupid!" he tries hard not to yell at you.
"But it's going to be fun! Come on, you can cast an illusion if you're embarrassed. Didn't you have fun as a teen?" You grin, pleading for them to come.
Little do you know that the last question feels like a knife in the guts.
"No," he whispers.
"Okay then. I'll be there with Sam, you can pop up if you change your mind," you sigh. It takes some minutes for them to realise what you just said.
"Allow me to rephrase it. No, I didn't have fun as a teen, I had to prepare myself for the throne I wouldn't take. And… this park will do nothing but remind me what I've lost. I'm sorry but I can't come nor change my mind," he fights against tears as he talks, your eyes on them. You walk closer and cup one cheek, letting them rest their head.
"Society says that you must have certain experiences at certain time frames. It's wrong, especially for someone who will live for as long as you. There's always time to replace things you've lost, the question if if you'll do it or not,"
Loki gazes at you and takes a deep breath, in, holding it, and out. Almost like he's smoking the air.
"Fine. But don't force me to stay if it's too much," they smile weakly, but it's genuine.
"Have I ever forced you?" you grin and place your forehead against his. "And anything critical to your physical health doesn't count,"
They laugh before nodding a no, a small kiss being blown in your nose.
Lord, it'd be great to find a place we could escape sometime / Me and my Isis growing black irises in the sunshine
Out of all the things Loki expected his fallen heart to do, daydreaming was last on the list.
They're a realist, always have been.
But the image of him and you in a nice stone castle in the middle of the woods is too perfect to resist. How you two would wake up and sleep together, have no one and nothing to make you feel anything but bliss. The two Monarchs in your little kingdom of two residents
Norns, they haven't even talked to you about these feelings. And he's already scheming his retirement with you.
How are you doing this to them?
Every version of me dead and buried in the yard outside / We'd sit back and watch the world go by
"That's it, Laufeyson," he's glaring at the mirror, one finger pointing at the glass, "no more lies. Fuck those illusions and games and just say the damned words!"
They sigh and run their fingers through the hair, testing if the smell of smoke is still in there, after five sessions with the shower. He has noticed that you don't like the smell, when you keep some distance on his bad days. And stinking on a moment like this is the least they want.
"Alright… into the battlefield…" he conjures his weapon, a bouquet of black irises, your favourite flowers. They finally teleport themselves on the field, outside your door.
Goal of the mission: be vulnerable.
He rings the bell, fixing his already perfect posture before you open the door. This smile they know and love so much is on your lips.
"You didn't have to! Come in," you exhale, beaming as you make space for him to walk in.
They call your name, the tone making your smile drop. "I have to tell you something I've been hiding from you for a while…" he sighs.
You nod, the agent face on. A green shimmer makes the flowers rest in a vase on the coffee table, Loki's hands now free to pick on each other.
"I appreciate your friendship, more than you can ever imagine. You're the only person who has reached out to me like this for eons. But, my heart has started to yearn for more. I've fallen for you, hard. And I can't keep the illusion anymore," they recite, eyes scanning your unreadable face. You stay dead serious, making Loki's nerves eat him up.
"Took you long enough," you grin and bring them down to a kiss.
It's nice and warm and slow, one devouring the other while also offering the best you can. Then, a salty taste makes you break the contact and cup Loki's face.
"Love, why are you crying?" you whisper, wiping away the thin paths the tears have crossed. He hasn't even noticed he's been crying.
"You can't imagine how happy you make me… I love you," they whisper.
You barely have time to say anything before he pulls you into the tightest hug possible, tears streaming down to your shirt and those three words coming out of their lips again and again like a prayer.
Loki has no idea how many lifetimes he washed off within just one hug, but a weight they never noticed they carried was gone when you break the embrace and stare deep into his now puffy eyes.
"I love you too,"
She's gonna save me, call me baby / Run her hands through my hair
"I'm telling you, you have to be more careful in the missions. Yes, you are a God, but don't be so reckless," you groan as you rinse them with water and try to remove the blood and dirt from their hair.
Just the right amount of strikes, and he now can't lift his hands enough to wash his own hair. If you weren't so good at it, they would refuse to stoop so low.
"It was supposed to be abandoned. How would I know that it wasn't? I'm a God, not a prophet," he sighs, holding his sides. Even talking is making their scattered ribs pierce him… "And I did call you to save my arse, that's the exact opposite of recklessness,"
"If you say so. But what will I do if one day my baby comes home with something more than a wretched ribcage?" you laugh.
They try to answer but both the pain and the pleasure from your fingers on his hair, massaging his scalp with shampoo, are making his tongue a knot and his throat release one moan of pleasure after another.
She'll know me crazy, soothe me daily / Better yet, she wouldn't care
You walk through broken mirrors and scattered furniture, reached out to Loki, who's hiding their head between their knees.
You don't say anything, you just play with his hair. It's cold, much colder than usually. But you don't care.
"Leave, please. You'll get hurt," their voice is growly from the smoking but weak.
"Forget it. I'm not leaving you alone in this state," you declare matter–of–factly. A sound comes out of his throat, something between a chuckle and a cough.
They snap their head up, blue and scarred cheeks wet with tears and flaming red eyes with blue veins all over them drilling holes in you. "Do you dare say this in my true face? Declare that you care about a monster?" He spits, lips shaking as they try to hold back another crying fit.
You face stone, you grib his cheeks to stop them from breaking eye contact. "I am not leaving you alone like this, because I care about you and I love you. And, I don't give a fuck what others have made you think of yourself, you're anything but a monster," you keep your voice steady, trying to physically pin those words in his mind.
They sigh and lean against your hands, eyes closed and breaths slow as tears start rolling down his cheeks again. They turn to kiss your palm, now the rest of his body relaxing and hands bringing you close to a hug. "Thank you," they breathe out against you, the weakest of smiles forming slowly.
We'll steal a Lexus, be detectives / Ride 'round picking up clues
"Feet off or I'll chop them off and put them in the truck," you snap, eyes on the road as you try to find a place to park.
"Relax, it's not ours," Loki brushes off the threat. You sigh and park the car among some trees on the edge of the road, hoping no one will see it. He tries to mask it, like always, but you can see how the pain is making their features harsh.
"You can drop some spells, we're well hidden," you point out, watching as the pale skin starts melting and dark azure replaces it. Your skin crawls, you don't know if it's the cold or the awe. Loki breathes out, head resting back on the seat. "I didn't know the illusion is so painful," you think out loud.
"When running so low on rest, everything is painful. Now, where are those files…" they mutter and turn around, searching for the yellow case in the back seat. "Here. Do you have any idea?" he asks, giving you the file.
"I'll probably find something to milk. Now get that rest before you pass out on the field," you glare at them with that Look. He grins and nods before laying against the window, a thin layer of frost already forming.
Then, they start laughing.
"What's so funny?" you ask, not looking up from the report you're reading.
"Before I even talked to you, I had the honeymoon trip already planned in my brain, with too many versions to count. This wasn't even on the list," he straightens up and smiles. You laugh too.
"Well, it's not exactly as bad as you make it sound,"
"Norns, are your standards so low or are you so disappointed in me?" They raise one eyebrow.
"Neither, love. Now get rest before I have to knock you out," you smile through threatening him.
"Kinky, might try it later," they wink and lay back down, his breathing deepening some minutes afterwards.
We'll name our children Jackie and Wilson / Raise 'em on rhythm and blues
You're laying against them, smiling like an idiot as he runs a hand on your stomach and feeling this new anomaly.
"Are you sure?" you ask, watching a small wrinkle from between their brows.
"Yes. Two of them. Perhaps boys but I can't tell yet," he whispers, hand still resting there even though the spell is over.
"Twins… we will become parents," you smile, breathing out and laying against their shoulders.
Loki calls your name. You turn around and he rests his forehead against your own. "I love you so much, you know that? All three of you," they grin. You chuckle and close your eyes, accepting the kiss that's definitely coming.
"You know, we'll have to name them something," you point out after they break the kiss.
"Narfi and Vali," he's… quite fast on picking up the name.
"No way,"
You freeze. "It's silly…" you mutter.
They cup your face, glowing green eyes on yours. "It's bothering you,"
"It's the myth… how Narfi and Vali suffered in the myth because of your… because of Loki's mistakes… I don't want this to happen to the little guys," you sigh.
"Then, do you have to suggest another name while I'm trying to think of a second choice?" he smiles.
"It's even more silly," you giggle.
"At least it won't be your mythological dead kids,"
You take a deep breath. "Jackie and Wilson, from the song," you are ready to hear them laughing at you for the suggestion. But he just smiles.
"Jackie and Wilson…"
Cut clean from the dream that night, let my mind reset / Looking up from a cigarette, she's already left
Loki has no idea how long they've been staring blankly at the ashtray, the suit in front of him mocking him.
It's maybe the first time they're so hesitant about wearing all black.
It was supposed to be a small mission, nothing dangerous. You were supposed to be back, safe, within an hour.
You were supposed to raise your sons and retire in that castle in the middle of the forest.
Why was he so foolish to believe that he deserves a happy ending?
"You have to collect yourself. You have to say the farewell, a fucking thank you for all you've got from it, you coward!" they spit at the mirror opposite to them, hand tensing and breaking the cigarette in half.
A deep breath, in and out, a tight squeeze on the wedding ring hanging from his neck, and they stand up to put the damn suit on.
I start digging up the yard for what's left of me in our little vignette / For whatever poor soul is coming next
The funeral is over, the farewell has been said. But there's a small dinner coming afterwards.
Out of all the public appearances, this is by far the worse. Malevolence is something Loki has learned how to deal with a long time ago. But these eyes of pity are unbearable.
The strangers, probably reporters or Stark's acquaintances, coming to express their "condolences" are at least few enough to allow Loki to slip away to the bathroom.
He sits on the cold floor, this numbness drowning him. They hoped you had made it go away, but you just suppressed it. He wants to cry, to scream, to beg to whatever cruel Deity did this to bring you back. But their mind cannot give the order.
He takes your phone out, opening the music app and wearing your earphones. They press play on the last song you listened to, only to hear some familiar chords echo from the small device.
You were muttering this song all the time since you found out about the pregnancy, it's no wonder it's the last tune you listened to. But the upbringing melody of the song and the dark emptiness in Loki's heart are painfully opposite.
He sits there and listens to the whole song in silence, trying to milk some happiness out of it.
But they only manage to whisper along the last two lines, or an alteration of them. Just before he starts weeping at the tile floor until Thor finds him.
"We would name our children Jackie and Wilson, Raise 'em on rhythm and blues,"
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Cuddle Buddy
Summary: You decide to download a cuddle buddy app and the rest is history. (Based off Shane Dawson’s cuddle buddy app video)
Tumblr media
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Oral (f receiving), Unprotected sex, dirty talk (Kinda badly written sry), Dom Jungkook
Words: 1.5k+
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Today I finally downloaded the cuddle buddy app. 
A few girls texted me, since I set my preference down as females. I’m straight, and that’s exactly why I’m terrified about cuddling with a man. One girl that got my attention in particular is Kookie69, and her name is actually Jungkook. I had never heard of the name before, so I brushed it off thinking it was just a foreign name. I was wrong.
On the day when she was supposed to show up at my front door, a handsome bulky man appeared with an agenda of his own.
“Who are you?” I ask, a little bit intimidated by his bunny-like smile. I don’t trust it.
“Hi, I’m Kookie69, I thought we agreed today was the day we met in person so we could cuddle?”
“Whoa, okay buddy, let’s take this slow. There is no way in hell I am letting you into my hou-”
“Nice place. Where’s the bedroom?” He strolls right in past me, like I don’t even exist. I may be 5”1, but he’s not that much taller than me. He’s got pretty sparkly eyes. That’s the first thing I notice about him. Sparkly brown eyes but it’s not a dull brown. He’s quite thick too, his thighs look well-toned through his loose sweatpants. He looks very comfortable.
I have to take a moment to compose myself before he notices me checking him out. He turns around anyways, looking at me with confusion as I avoid his gaze. “Cuddle time?”
“Why the hell not? Come with me.” I pull him towards my cold, dark, isolated bedroom in the corner of the apartment, breathing in the fresh detergent scent of lavender as I pull my blankets apart.
“You didn’t know I was a guy?” I shrug, fixing the pillows so that we can both lie comfortably on them.
“I didn’t expect you to be a man. I thought you were a woman because I selected that on preferences.” He crawls next to me, and I feel a small tug in my empty heart as the warmth of his arms spread throughout my body. I like this feeling.
“Are you scared of me?” I move back, inching closer to him as he spoons me. Why do I feel so comfortable in a stranger’s hold?
“Do you think I am?” I turn around, facing him carefully. Our noses touch, and it’s like fireworks go off in my mind.
“N-no.” I smile as he lets me bury myself in his embrace, basically pressing my head against his chest. He’s so soft and warm, with the scent of pumpkin spice candles on his skin.
“I’m terrified of inviting guys over, because what if they overpower me and do more than just cuddle?” I ask. Jungkook gulps, I can hear his heart beating rapidly now.
“Yeah, you have a point there. I wouldn’t do that. I go over to people’s houses only to cuddle, and a lot of them expect more. Sometimes with girls wearing practically nothing when I go over. That’s why I decided to hide my gender.” It makes sense why I didn’t see it sooner. He kept that info from the website so they threw him into the mix of matches. He’s cute, I’ll give him that much. But people taking advantage of him sounds horrible. He’s so innocent, so small, such a bean. I just wanna protecc.
“This is nice. Sometimes you just need the warmth of another person to recharge, you know what I mean?”
“Mhmm.” He pulls me closer, a gesture so intimate as he wraps his muscular arms around my waist and lets his hands drop to the small of my back.
“Are you gonna sleep over?” I ask.
“Maybe not tonight, but I would like to.” 
We end up cuddling the whole night, and the next morning is a mess as our bodies get hot and sticky throughout the night so when we wake up we both smell like each other. It’s not a bad thing, but still enough to make us cringe at the strong musky B.O scent.
“You can take a shower first. It’s okay, I won’t look.” I smirk as he blushes in response, bowing to me slightly before running into the bathroom. 
After he’s done, I stretch and take my turn. I breathe heavily, feeling my slick on my fingers. Since when did my body release this much gunk? Gross...but I guess it was Jungkook. He unconsciously invaded my pussy without realizing it. I try washing it off, but I’m surprised to find it’s still dripping. There’s a lot of it. 
I hear the door open. Quickly, I turn the water off. “Jungkook? Is that you?”
“You said you wouldn’t look. I didn’t say I wouldn’t,” I blush, opening the shower door so he can come in. He’s fully undressed, his skin perfectly smooth and silky under my touch. “Such a pretty pussy, can I touch?” I nod, slightly spreading my legs apart as he closes the glass door behind us and kneels down. I groan when I feel his fingers spreading out my labia, gathering the glistening juices with ease and smirking mischievously when he sees the shock on my face.
“I did this? All of it?” I wanna deny it, but I just can’t.
“Yes.” I hum, moaning like a slut as he licks a stripe. A bundle of nerves just snap inside of me as the sensations of his tongue on my wet lower lips feels unreal. The effect he has on me is out of this world. I can’t even tell how long we’ve been in here. 
But apparently my roommate can.
“Hey loser, I’m going shopping! You coming with?” Why now, of all times?
“Answer her,” Jungkook coaxes me, making sure our eyes are locked as he swirls his tongue deeper into my velvety folds. “Don’t wanna let her know I’m in here.” He smirks, making me bite my own tongue as he knows exactly what effect he has on me.
“N-no thanks! I’m just gonna finish shaving…” I hiss, shivering as a loud smack resounds from Jungkook bringing his fingers down to my clit.
“Okay beau, see you later!” I have a sneaking suspicion that she knows, since Jungkook’s shoes are outside and his clothes are strewn around the hallway or something.
“So tasty. Could eat you all day.”
“Jungkook...I need you to fuck me.” He stands up, eyes blazing with desire and lust as he pulls me out of the shower and then sets me down on the wash basin.
“Is this good enough?” I gasp from feeling his hard length against my inner thigh, looking in anxiousness as Jungkook forces me to look up. “Don’t worry. You can stretch. I’m gonna make sure I can fit,”
I let out a scream as he inches the tip inside of my dripping core, spreading me with his fingers first and then making sure I’m okay before moving onto the next phase.
“How long has it been since you were last fucked? You’re so fucking tight.” I smirk as he looks at me with lust-hooded eyes.
“Since highschool. That must’ve been about 3 years ago?” Jungkook slams his entire cock into me without warning, and my face twists into one of pain.
“Consider this your last time starved. I’m going to ravish you, babygirl.” My head falls back in pleasure as he starts moving slowly, speeding up gradually as I loosen up. This is something so carnal, animalistic, in fact, as the feeling of my ass on the cool porcelain contrasts to the burning from the heat of Jungkook’s body. 
“Jungkook, ruin me! I wanna be wrecked by your dick.” I let out a screech as he digs his nails into my ass, holding me as he fucks into me.
“You asked for this, baby. Now take it like a good girl!” A smack resonates through the room as he leaves a red handprint on my ass.
“Yes!” I cry out in pleasure, as he looks at me with the firey passion in his eyes. The lust never dissipates, even as he’s hitting my g-spot, rubbing my clit, and making me climax right on the bathroom sink, it never fades.
We finish in bed, with his juices leaking down my thighs mixed with mine, which come out when he pulls out of me, and he watches as a pool of cum forms beneath me.
“I didn’t think you did this often?” I ask with a teasing smirk.
“I don’t, it was more of a feeling with you.” I snuggle into his chest as he pulls me in for a hug, naked yet soft.
“Am I an exception then?” He checks me out shamelessly, before putting his hands behind his head.
“Oh baby, you are way more than just an exception. What about girlfriend?”
“Wow, at least buy me dinner first, asshole!” I playfully hit him.
“I think we’re way past the point for normal dating. So, what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?” I consider my options. Hot guy or total solitude? 
Everyone knows the obvious answer.
“Yes, you dork.” He cheers a small “yay” before pulling me on for a long-awaited kiss.
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redevenir · 4 years
faintheart in the dark
hoshi x reader
wc : ~ 1800
a/n : @tearsofsyrup let’s just say it’s for you dear, since your tiger agenda blog inspired me. i wish you the best as usual, and hopefully this will feel like a little treat after a good day! not at all a horror au bc that dumb fucker doesn’t know what fear is anyway. Very self indulgent. Also I didn’t proofread so sorry for the faults! 
The bus ride is quiet, a nice relief after Soonyoung’s busy day. Still, it’s not as satisfying as it would be to go home, cook up something quick and warm, drown himself under the shower and crash into his bed. He wonders when he became like that. Working for school after working for a minimum wage, and feeling like this is it. The bus stops pass one after the other until he finally reaches the humanities’ campus. Despite his fatigue and his hunger, he wastes no time in going to the cafeteria – it’s almost closing hour and he knows how annoying last minute customers are – and makes his way directly toward the library. He mindlessly watches the humanities’ building as he passes by. He notices the glass door of the library, goes in, allows himself a brief nod of the head to whoever is at the front desk – maybe a new one ? And they still haven’t fixed that broken ceiling light. He heads to the history of art section, he takes his things out of his bag and sets them up on a table, his pencil case, his notebook, takes out an imposing History of rural theater from the shelves and resumes to work. The pipes are unusually squeaky, but he manages to focus on his task, takes notes for his paper. There is a charm to his subject, he thinks. It is a nice change, to be able to talk about less conventional art, a more popular one. It reminds him of home. He allows himself a quick look over the rest of the tables. A usual, empty Tuesday night. The light flashes in irregular patterns. There are enough others so it’s far from dark, but it is annoying enough to distract Soonyoung from reading. Sighing, he scans the hall again, as a treat. Far away, in the medieval History section, he notices your bag and his lips twitch upward. It’s true you chose that Colors from the Middle-age class, but it’s so unexpected he keeps forgetting about it. Jun sometimes reminds him when he talks about whatever assignments the professor gives you. It’s still weird to think that you and Junhui see each other every week, regardless of Soonyoung, whereas he would go out of his way to go the same parties as you, to get a chance to see you. He closes his eyes, just for a bit. Once he’ll be done, he’ll come over and say hello. As a treat.
When Soonyoung wakes up, he is in the dark. He narrows his eyes in hopes of seeing through, and notices the flickering light by the entrance. Pressing his lips together, he rubs his fingers on his temples. There is no point in staying any longer. He doesn’t bother to look at the time on his phone, puts everything back in his back, leaves the history of theater on the table, and, before leaving, tries to remember where the bathrooms are. Following his foggy intuition, he slaloms among the tables, bumping a few chairs on the way. There is something unsettling about being there after hours. Libraries are supposed to be quiet places for sure, but the dark silence in which he is really far from his habit. He licks his lips, tries to be careful, and with a yawn he reaches the corridor. The soft green light of the emergency exit illuminates it. Here is his way out.
Dum. Dum. Dum. The sound of your heart is deafening. Your bronchi burn, yet you try to control the rhythm of your breathing, the sound of it, even though the alarm ringing in your head shrieks there is no time for this. From what are you even hiding yourself? Sweat runs cold down your spine, you smell it. You want to go home. You want to get out. You want to slap Soonyoung and you want him to pay for a fucking well-deserved brunch. No, you want him to ask you out on a brunch. In an attempt to get a hold of yourself you hide your face in your clammy hands, close to your nose to mute the sound of your fear. Nothing is heard but your restrained breath. One, inhale, one two three four five, six, exhale. You try to change the focus of your mind. You close the toilet seat and sit on it, swallowing saliva. You press your finger on your temple, all trace of sleepiness long forgotten.
Sometimes, Seungcheol says you’re dumb. It’s true. You are. You think back to where you left your belongings, earlier, and that essay on red pigments. Hopefully no one will steal it.
You were already in the last bus when he had called you, voice loud and way too urgent for your state of mind. Asking where you were, and if you had seen Soonyoung or not. You knew very well who Soonyoung was. Jun’s roommate, a theater kid. Phases out a lot, cute. Even though you’re both humanities’ students, you barely see him on campus – you assume it has to do with your respective part time jobs taking up most of the free time you have. But you meet at parties. It feels like whenever you go out, he’s always there, and you usually spend most of the night with him, talking until you stop feeling your head and catch yourself staring at him. That’s when you go home. Dizzy, happy, horny. The feelings linger a few days, until obligations push them out at the back of your brain again. Yet, every now and then, when you are free enough, you remember how vibrant it is to be with him and your skin becomes a boiling veil and your head is full of colors.
So when Seungcheol asked you if you had seen Soonyoung, you told him you had, he was working at the library tonight too. And when he asked when he left you told him you didn’t know – your bus line ends before the library closes, and he was asleep on his table when you left. You heard Junhui’s Oh my god in the back and began to chew on the inside of your lip. And sure enough, they had asked you to come back for him, just in case. And when you had arrived back at the library, all lights off and dark, you had known it was not going to go well. From breaking a window to get back in to the rush of adrenaline induced by the flashlights of the security agents you’d noticed outside, you felt your evening spiraling in a very wrong, irrational way. You didn’t know the library as well as you thought, lost your way of few times, until exhaustion, the fear of getting caught and and increasing worry about Soonyoung’s whereabouts had you disheveled and hiding in the bathroom for a lonely brainstorming session.
Until you hear the flush. The sound of falling water crushing your train of thoughts – you hadn’t even noticed someone came in. Noticing your little cry of surprised, a very tired voice asks who is there, and you give up. Trying to make up a story that wouldn’t make you look like a lunatic, you stand up and push the door open with your feet, wondering how high would the fine be for breaking into the library – and mostly breaking that window.
Only to face Soonyoung, eyes wide, drying his hands with toilet paper. Your mouth agape, you let out a sigh. Your heart skips a beat, maybe because of him, maybe because you’re dead. You feel the embarrassment soaking in. He watches as you close your eyes, lower your head, biting your lips with a little, uneasy smile. You twist your finger until your knuckles are white, licking your lips one last time before clearing your throat.
« Sorry, hum, sorry about… That, I guess. You don’t look at him. Apparently Jun got worried about you and they asked me to check if you were okay… So I-I hum, I, hum, I came back and got scared wandering in the building… Hum. »
You hear your name in a whisper. Two warm hands cup your face, their heat on your frozen ears. They pull you a bit until you gently bump against his chest. Soonyoung whispers your name again. You feel his warmth, and you smell the sweat of his day at work. The soft fabric of his sweater hugs your cheek and you restrain yourself from leaning in more.
« I’m alright, fell asleep, that’s all. His left thumb gently strokes your cheek. Don’t you work morning shifts ? » You shoot him a surprised look from his shoulder, long enough for him to meet your gaze.
« I do. Why do you ask? » He feels your uneven breathe on his lips, it’s warm and shaky. He should kiss you now, but there are fireworks in his head, still in awe at your apparition. His hand goes to your hips, hugging you for good. He then softly takes your hand.
« Let’s go home. You can crash at my place, he tugs at your hand and you hum in agreement. Quick, he makes sure you’re not looking at him as you both head out the bathroom. I’ll call for you tomorrow. To tell them you’re sick. » He avoids your eyes before you can meet his. You should ask him more. You should refuse. Both of his offers. You watch him as he opens the fire escape door – of course – and you watch his hand holding yours. You say nothing and you walk closer to him until you arrive to the bus stop. Sure enough, your bag’s still there, on the floor, where you’ve thrown it the same way you’ve thrown your hours of sleep away. You ponder and you ponder, and Soonyoung looks at you an your face doesn’t look too bad so he doesn’t push you.
« Okay then, let’s do that. I’ll sleep at your place, and before my shift you call them saying I’m sick or dead, as you please. » He smiles and it’s like dawn already.
« Don’t you want to go back ? After, I mean ? I mean, to keep working there ? »
« I’ll do it Jesus style then. » He laughs and you finally look at him again. Even now, as you sit on the bench and he stands right in front of you, he still has your hand in his. He shifts his balance, holding your gaze, and how many times did he get the occasion to kiss you ? Proper occasions, not intoxicated ones. His free hand reaches to cup your face once more, the tips of his fingers caressing greasy strands of your hair.
He really should kiss you now.
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choco-mark · 4 years
if you’re still open for the reactions and mtls, could you do ‘what they would get/do for you for your 1st anniversary’ please? i was debating whether or not to send in a second post but i ended up convincing myself to do it anyways bc i know writers block is just so annoying and if this is a way to help you out then i’ll gladly do so 💛
this is definitely a way to help my writer’s block so go ahead!!
remembers it’s y’all’s anniversary the day before because jaemin jokingly said something along the lines of ‘you guys have been dating for too long’
kind of internally freaks because he has absolutely no clue what to do, and doesn’t know if you want to do fancy or casual like he’s going full mental breakdown
ends up taking to you to a local carnival because last minute plans, but y’all both love the energy so it was fun and a way for y’all to spend time together
had no clue what to get you and also didn’t have the time to get anything for you, so he ended up giving you one of his sweatshirts for long term (not like you steal them anyway or anything) but you didn’t really care because he was a gift himself :((
wins you one of those huge plushy stuffed animals from a water gun game and feels like a whole boss
has another mental breakdown when he sees you jumping up and down with that stuffed toy and cannot process that you are actually his girlfriend of an official year :(
tells you he loves you on the top of the ferris wheel while the fireworks are going off like ‘boom, i love you y/n, happy anniversary’ and then gets all shy because he usually doesn’t say things like that
y’all have a fun night after that ;)
was away on tour during y’alls first anniversary and feels like absolute shit because he wants to be with you so he flies over, yeah, fans are a lil confused but you were first priority
what was ten times worse was that you were sick and you didn’t tell him so there was like a mini argument that eventually ended up with him cuddling you for like three hours
you guys don’t even go anywhere, it’s just a cozy day at the (empty) dorm and y’all just made a lil meal together and it was just the two of you
took his time to make a polaroid collection of just you, there’re just a buncha candid pictures of you that you don’t really remember him taking at...all but there’s a little message at the end that puts all of junnie’s feelings into words and it’s just :( 
has to fly back literally the next morning but he blows your mind that night hehe ;)
was a nervous pup for about a week prior to the anniversary date because he was just afraid nothing would go right :(
planned a whole picnic and even got renjun to cook for the two of you (also because he didn’t want to end up blowing up the dorm), and stresses over what he’s gonna wear like ‘will y/n like this??’ ‘nah, i look like shit’ and couldn’t sleep the night before because of it
but when he sees you all smiley when y’all walk down the street to the little field he had set up just for you, that’s when he finally relaxes and falls in love with you all over again
filled a jar full of candies and paper hearts that he cut out himself and has you go through them and read through the little messages he has on them, and then gets all shy from the way you find it really cute
makes love to you for the entire night and it’s just such soft sex because he’s so in love with you omg :(
went insane almost a week before trying to find you the perfect gift but feels like you wouldn’t like his gift and kinda gets frustrated
you guys already live together, so it’s not a surprise when you come home and see him laying draped across the bed with rose petals all over the floor and himself, while he’s just watching you get all shocked
you thought he was gonna propose to you from the way he was looking at you, but gives you a promise ring with his initials engraved in them and you cry because omg that’s :( even i’m upset while writing this, it’s just so pretty and the way he looks at you and promises to marry you in the future :(((
he didn’t really have a plan to do anything because he knows how tired you already are from your day and runs a bath for the two of you
yeah you guys end up fucking after that, but it’s slower than usual and he takes his time to make sure you’re properly pleasured ;)
you already know jaem’s is a romantic lil shit, so he shows up at your house wearing the hottest suit you had ever seen on him, like ever, and is like, ‘get ready baby, we’ve got a long night ahead of us’
you guys end up missing your dinner reservation because he offers to help you get ready but he just ends up eating you out on the couch and doesn’t regret shit because he needed that
he takes you there anyway (and has to pay extra for his horny ass) and y’all are fine dining outside with the moonlight as your view, and there’s a nice lil river flowing underneath the bridge y’all on, yes he paid money for this, rich nana am i right?!
gives you a 24k gold necklace as a gift and you are about to explode from the way he’s fastening that shit around your neck when it’s literally worth more than you and you feel like a broke bitch for your gift to him
kisses on your way home :( and him just whispering to you every three seconds that he loves you, holding your hand, running his hand through your hair :(
and he eats you out for like two hours after that since the meal wasn’t enough ;)
cannot process that it’s been a year since the two of you started dating and isn’t sure if he should buy you a phone or a house, but opts out of both when renjun tells him not to objectify the gift too much 
thinks about what to get you for so long and even searches up ideas (it’s his first anniversary ever, okay?!), and then thinks about your and his relationship deeply and then BOOM he knows exactly what to do
has mark help him write you a song, though he does most of the writing reminiscing on the whole year you guys had together and mark is shedding fake tears of ‘my son grew up’
you spend the night with him the day before and you wake up to him singing for you while watching you with the most love-struck eyes, and plays the whole song he wrote for you off his phone, while you’re like, bawling your eyes out from the way he sang your name
you guys don’t actually do anything except cuddle in his bed for hours after that, just softly talking to each other and stealing little kisses every now and then
has gone into cardiac arrest too many times for it to happen again, so he’s definitely not letting it happen on y’all’s anniversary!! right?! that’s right, confident jisungie in the house now!
thought about what he wanted to get you for so long, but his surprise is kind of ruined when he accidentally leaves it out when you’re over one day, and gets a lil flustered and upset but you didn’t see that much!!
bought you a huge hoodie, since you’re constantly wearing ones that are way too big for you or his own, but decided to go all artist jisung™ and stitches his name like in really baby font on the front :( and it comes out a lot better than he expected
overthinks it on the actual day and wonders if you think it’d be weird that he wrote his...name on your clothes, decides that it is weird, goes to discard of it but turns around and sits down because he had nothing else anyway
you love it anyway :( and you give him the phattest kiss after you put it on and yeah, his heart stopped beating for a lil watching you smile and giggle and all
his heart is doing flips everywhere in his body watching you and kinda just hugs you thigh like you’re his world (you are), and doesn’t let go of you until you give him another very requested kiss 
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hadenodom-stories · 3 years
Clair’s Voyage, Part 1
Clair woke up in a cold sweat.  There was no light breaking through her open window, and her heavy dark Navy curtains made no noise as they wavered in the summer wind.  It was the 5th of July, and she was freaking out.  Have you ever had a dream that stays on your mind and colors your mood for an entire day?  Clair had just endured the second such dream in as many nights.
Regardless of the dread her dream had instilled in her, she knew she had to get up and moving.  Yesterday's dream had nearly sapped her of all of her energy, and her friend Elaine had noticed at the neighborhood 4th of July cookout.  "I've never seen you in such a foul mood", she'd remarked.  She couldn't let that happen today.  She had a very important interview, and her entire future potentially hinged on it.  She couldn't be in a dour, depressed state -- 'Then I'll have to fake a smile', she thought, 'and I'm absolute shit at that'.  
Despite a grim determination to force herself into a better mood, she found herself dwelling on the previous day's events as she trudged through the hallways of her quiet house towards the kitchen.  By the time she was sitting down, her head full of frizzy auburn hair slumped forward beholding the sight of a depressing bowl of some "healthy" cereal that'd been sitting in the cupboards well past its expiration date, her mind was busy replaying  and reliving the most traumatic part of that day.  The part that she'd seen before in a nightmare just hours before it happened in real life.  The part of the day that was at first clouded in a sense of Déjà vu -- a surreal "I've seen all of these events, in this exact order, before..." sense -- until it burst into traumatic realness.  The pops and whizzes of fireworks zooming into the sky.  The cheers of the neighborhood kids as one particularly bright, low, and loud firecracker exploded.  Her younger brother looking at her with a cheeky "watch this" expression as he prepared to light a cobbled-together collection of old fireworks that he'd taped together and put into a small pipe to launch.  His uncomprehending, still-excited face as the spark ran along the fuse far too fast and the pipe began to tilt back towards him.  The flash and screams afterwards.  And everything going black once she saw the blood and exposed bone.  Once she realized how bad it might be...
She neatly placed her spoon back on the table and stood up.  'No way I can fucking eat now', she thought.  As she walked out onto the back patio and tossed the now-soggy cereal out into the yard for the local cats to enjoy, she remembered her mom's instructions:
"Look, go home.  Just go home.  You heard the doctor, honey.  He's going to be alright.  They're doing their best.  We won't be able to see him for quite a while.  I'll stay here for now.  Just go home and sleep in your own bed.  Get you mind off of it and come back when you're able."
Clair slammed the patio door shut behind her, furious now.  She understood that her mother wasn't exactly a master of emotional understanding or empathy, but how could she be so fucking stupid?  How could her mom just think that she'd be able to go home and be comfortable knowing her brother was in surgery, having seen what happened to him?  'I'm an adult now, but goddamn, how do I even process this on my own?  How do I just move on with my life?  How can she expect me to just go home, forget all about it, and then get ready for this interview?"
She continued to ruminate and curse her mother's lack of empathy - or at least the kind of empathy Clair expected - as she lazily got ready for her interview.  It was only 5 AM and her interview wasn't until 9, but there wasn't anything else to do and she certainly couldn't go back to sleep.  She was going to put on a frightfully awful dress - she hated dresses - with a pair of shiny black businesslike pumps - which she also loathed - and apply more makeup than usual, and then go spend a couple of hours at the hospital trying to get an update on her brother's situation.  'I'll go ahead and let mom know that I can't handle this on my own while I'm there', she thought.  'She won't care, but I'll let her know'
In her old, grey Civic hatchback with the paint peeling, she barely focused on the road or on driving.  The static-filled dulcet tones of an NPR reporter reciting headlines momentarily calmed her, but she wasn't processing any of the words.  She was just busy thinking of what she could remember from last night's dream.  It was a mess - all she could remember was some boy she barely recognized (but couldn't place) talking to her mother, and her mother suddenly displaying more emotion than Clair had ever seen from her - but she still wasn't able to actually identify the emotion her mother was feeling in the dream.  Something like shock - or confusion - or betrayal - or all of those.  Clair tried in vain to figure out who the boy in the dream was - his face looked very familiar, but she couldn't remember where, other than the dream, she'd seen him. And as for what emotion her mother had been reacting with or what the boy had been telling her mother, she was at a complete loss.  Her eyes flashed upon a sign and her brakes squealed.  Lost in thought, she'd almost missed the exit for the hospital.
The hospital was a tiny rural hospital on the edge of town, a decaying building full of old doctors and young underpaid nurses, kept alive on a shoestring budget despite the exorbitant prices it charged you for the simple privilege of remaining alive.  Clair was sure that her mom wasn't ready for any of the financial burden her brother had just incurred -- at least not on the meager retirement checks and alimony they'd subsisted on since her dad had left.  Walking into the main waiting room, she was mentally prepared to hit her mom hard with three questions:  "How is he?", "When can I see him?", and "You're not going to make me stay at the house by myself for another night".  The last one wasn't a question, but she expected, at the very least, her mother's acknowledgement.  Instead, she was met by the face from her dream - the unfamiliar boy - walking out of an empty waiting room.  She couldn't help but stop in her tracks and stare at him.  "You're Micheal's sister, right?", the boy said, seemingly unphased by her glare.  "Yes", she finally managed to respond.  "He's not here anymore", the boy replied.  
"They took him to a hospital in Jacksonville.  He's stable.  Your mom didn't call you and tell you?"
"Oh, well.  They left about 30 minutes ago.  He's stable, but your mom's kind of a wreck.  I stayed to meet up with his friend Lisa who wants to ride with me to Jacksonville.  He's going to go into another surgery to try to save his face and they said he'll probably be ready for visitors by later tonight."
'This is absurd', Clair thought.  'How can this random boy know more about my brother's situation than me.  How could my mom be so detached as to not tell me any of this?  And I'll be goddamned if anyone's going to finally visit my brother's hospital room before me'
"You can ride with us if you'd like", the boy offered.
"No, thanks, I actually have to drive to Jacksonville this morning anyways.  I have an interview at 9..."
"Say no more... I guess I'll see you there"
With that, the boy walked past her.  She turned and followed him outside.  "So... who are you?"
"Oh, we've met before I think.  I'm Cavill, Micheal's... we're friends.  I've been here since last night worried sick about him.  I guess your mom wanted you to be home so you wouldn't worry yourself sick like her."
"Fat lot of good that did", Clair replied drearily.  "And yeah, we have met... Micheal just never bothers to introduce his friends to us.  I guess he gets that from mom, the habit of keeping everyone at a distance"
"Cigarette?"  Cavill was holding out a crumpled pack of smokes.  It was odd to think that anyone Micheal hung out with smoked -- to Clair, she couldn't think of her brother as anything but a kid.  Hell, she had a hard time calling herself an "adult"
"No thanks", she replied, waving sheepishly.  
"I quit like a month ago - most on your brother's insistence.  But sitting here waiting last night and stressing out... I just couldn't do it.  I went and bought a pack of smokes.  Micheal would be ashamed of me."
"Don't say that.  I've never known Micheal to be anything but supportive"
"Yeah, but he..."  Cavill's voice trailed off as he began to choke up.  "He's the only person that really ever cared, you know?  And I care about him too.  I don't want to let him down."  A single tear ran down his cheek.
Clair was at a complete loss.  She always came to a complete loss when anyone cried or became vulnerable around her.  'I guess I'm not too unlike my mother', she thought.
"You won't.  You know he talks about you sometimes?  The other day he told me that you're learning guitar and that you're pretty good"
"I'm not, and he knows it.  He just..."
She wasn't sure why Cavill was trailing off now.  She'd met friends of her brother's before, but something was different in the way Cavill talked about his bond with Micheal.  What was it?  
Suddenly, some neurons firing in her brain or some semblance of emotional intelligence came to her, and it made sense.  Months before, Micheal had confessed to her that he was in a relationship but said it was a secret and refused to give her any more details.  It'd annoyed her at the time - she hated secrets in any form and saw them as puzzles or riddles that she needed to solve - but now, with her brother's somewhat-secretive friend quietly crying over a cigarette in front of her, an uncomfortably vulnerable figure, she felt like she was close to unraveling this particular puzzle.  She eyed Cavill again, taking him in.  He was a bit taller than her brother, and thinner.  His hair was golden-brown and jettisoned out from his head at odd angles, like some sort of anime character's.  His face didn't quite match it - soft angles, a small button of a nose, and thin lips.  Blue eyes.  He looked absolutely sad, and she couldn't stand to leave him here on his own.
"You're going to Jacksonville, right?", she said.
"Yeah, but I'm waiting for Lisa, remember?  She's my ride"
"Well, you can ride with me if you want.  I'm going right now."
"That's probably more convenient.  Lisa lives between here and Jacksonville and hasn't even left her house yet".
"Well, I'll make some room in my car.  And I have an interview later on, so I won't be able to give you a ride back until after lunch"
"That's okay, I'm staying at the hospital for the day if I can help it"
Clair looked at Cavill, who'd extinguished his cigarette between his fingers and was starting to walk behind her towards her car.  "Go wash you hands and splash some water on your face", she said.  "I don't want the smell of cigarettes in my car, and besides, you look tired"
Cranking her car, her head disappeared in thought again.  What was the meaning of the dream she'd had the night before?  What kind of secret life had her brother been living?  Who is this Cavill kid she's seen around who's suddenly very attached to her brother?  Why would her mom not tell her that her brother had been taken to a hospital an hour's drive south for surgery?  What was Cavill telling her mom in the dream she'd just had, and why did it make her mom so... upset?  
She couldn't sit there with her thoughts for a second longer, so she reached for the pair of pliers in the center console and used them to twist the metal stub on which her car radio's volume knob had once rested.  The dulcet tones of the NPR announcer now filled the silence:  
"Next on NPR:  We talk to an experimental psychologist about a new study on the phenomenon of apparently precognitive dreams.  Can dreams predict the future?"  
Not even NPR was going to give her a moment of escapism. 
This is part one of my unfinished series about a girl named Clair whose dreams begin to mirror reality (sounds fun until it happens to you!), which for now is going to be titled “Clair’s Voyage”.  I started writing a story along these lines, with much less detail, a few years ago until it was apparent that I was writing a longer story than I’d set out to write.  At that time, I just saved the draft but left it unfinished.  Now, I’m adding more details and breaking it out into different parts.  It may become a book by the time I’m done.  Clair, you see, is an aspiring psychiatrist - she loves studying the mind and how it works - but right now she’s just trying to struggle through community college and get a job as a secretary at the local psychiatric hospital.  She’s also trying to struggle with the traumatic events surrounding an eerie July 4th, on which her brother was grievously injured in a scene that played out exactly how it had played out in her nightmare the night before.  With her brother’s boyfriend, Cavill, at her side, she’s about to embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment filled with ups and downs and unspeakable trauma.  So be sure to tune in for the next Part of Clair’s Voyage. 
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captainchrisstan · 4 years
My Leather Guy
Summary: Bucky has to make things right, even if it means losing you.
words: 1935
Warnings: none... a little bit of Smut... (but if you find any please let me know)
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x Reader.
A/N: This was made with love for @saiyanprincessswanie​ !!! My prompt was “Nice ass” / “it´s all yours”
Hey guys! <3 my mother language is not English, so if there is any mistake please help me to improve. Also, my work is not allowed to be on other platforms. Just comment, like and reblog <3
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Bucky kisses your lips for the last time to see you leave for the club stairs that lead straight to the rooms upstairs, with a sigh he turns around to see his best friend Steve and almost friend Tony at a table watching him expectantly.
Bucky knows their faces too well to know what they want answers to their questions, today would be the sixth time you've stayed with them in less than two weeks. The problem wasn't that you stayed, they loved you, the real problem was that you lied to your father who was also the leader of one of the New York City motorcycle clubs.
"I hope you got it right this time Bucky," Tony says as he brings his beer to his lips but stops halfway through. "That you stood in his driveway like a decent man" as the silence drags on Steve lets out a big sigh.
"He escaped out the window again?" Steve asks what Bucky nods to. "Bucky... I understand that you love her I went through the same thing with Natasha... the thing is we can't get into trouble now that they've agreed to ally themselves with us to corner the Hydra club"
"If it were up to me, I would have told his father by now." Bucky interrupts.
"Does her father beat her?" Tony asks, and the blonde looks at him expectantly.
"No! It's just that she doesn't want to disappoint him."
"Bucky, you're the best man in the club-"
"Steve I'm not saying that... It's because of his mother... since his mother died his dad has made sure he doesn't follow in his footsteps" Tony and Steve look expectantly at Bucky, waiting for answers. "That doesn't end up with a biker.”
"Oh God too late!" Tony says quickly as he grabs his leather jacket on the back of his chair and stands up. "Looks like the conversation is going to get sentimental so I'll see you tomorrow" and without further ado, Tony walks away from the door.
"Look Buck... if you want some advice... You'd better go to his father and tell him" Bucky opens his mouth to say something but Steve raises a hand "Let me finish please, Hydra has been up to our asses since they got to town, they have been trying to wipe out our business and theirs. If he finds out you're sneaking around with her daughter and goes crazy and finishes the deal; we'll be in danger, not just us as a club, but our partners as well"
A few minutes later Bucky thoughtfully climbs the stairs, what Steve was saying was true, he was putting the whole group, no, his family in danger with his selfishness and that could not continue to happen. When he got to the door of his room a soft humming could be heard through it, when he opened the door he found himself with y/n with his headphones lying on her stomach in bed with his back to the door, his pajama shorts barely covering his ass and he was wearing one of Bucky's t-shirts to sleep, closing the door to lean on it, Bucky simply watched his girlfriend and how much he was going to miss being with her once they told your father.
Feeling a change in the air y/n realizes that she is not alone, turning quickly in bed she sees her boyfriend leaning on the door, she smiles but her smile does not last long because of the look in Bucky's eyes. y/n knows that something is wrong.
"What's wrong, love?" she quickly gets out of bed to go to her boyfriend.
"We have to tell your father"  I knew that this day would come, I knew that the moment those words came out of Bucky's mouth their lives would have to go their separate ways forever. 
"Tomorrow we'll both go together, I promise," hugging Bucky around the neck and he's hugging her around the waist. "Would you kiss me?" one last time she thought 
Bucky's lips feel like feathers on the skin, they both know this could be goodbye and they would both make the most of it. Without rushing, they take off their clothes and throw them away so who knows which part of the room, when y/n's legs touch the bed he gently pushes it. Skin on skin meet and fireworks explode as the moaning fills every corner of the room.
In the large double bed, they try to calm their breaths, both have their heads full of possible scenarios of what could happen tomorrow, but in Bucky's head are the most tragic.
Little whispers of 'I love you' and 'I'll always be with you' fill the room until y/n's voice is interrupted by a yawn from her, Bucky puts one arm around her shoulders and draws her as close to his body as he can.
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Bucky goes down the stairs with the little courage he has left in his body, when he sees the time on the wall clock he deduces that his father-in-law could be in the club's bar, without wasting any more time he goes to Steve to communicate his decision. This one is on the same table where he left it a few hours ago.
"Steve, I'm gonna go tell y/n's dad" Steve looks up from the documents to focus on Bucky.
"Give me 5 minutes and I can join you" with one hand on his shoulder Bucky stops his best friend.
"I don't think you understand me, Steve... I'll go alone," Steve looks at him not knowing what to do. It wasn't that they were afraid of Y/N's father, only that he was a man respected by many, almost a legend. "If I'm not back in three hours... you know what to do." Without saying anything else, Bucky hands Steve a sealed envelope with Y/N's name on it. Bucky always so dramatic thought Steve as he saw Bucky's figure coming out of the bar.
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The road to the other side of New York was long and tense for Bucky, his Harley stopped just outside the Death and Co Bar as he took off his helmet hesitantly for a couple of seconds before grabbing what's left of his confidence and going in.
The place reeked of alcohol and cheap cigarettes, and the place was barely visible in the dim light of the tavern. In the distance, he could see a group of men in leather jackets with the symbol of the American flag on their backs. 
As he approached the group of men he could quickly make out the father of Y/n, with a soft cough by Bucky the men at the table stood still and quickly looked in Bucky's direction.
"But look who we have in this fucking place... Nothing more or less than the right hand of the famous captain", your father was looking bucky in the eye who wished he was 3 miles away from that place.
"I've come to talk to you, sir," Bucky mentally kicks himself, his voice must sound firm. "Alone." Without further ado, Jim "The King" stands up from the table with a head taller than Bucky. 
“Follow me”
As he leaves the bar Jim leans against the wall and pulls out a cigarette, Bucky is nervous, his hands are sweating and his breathing is labored.
"It's about my daughter, right?" Stunned Bucky doesn't know what to do or say so he just nods. "I've known all along," Bucky's soul leaves his body. "Ever since my Betty died and left me with the task of raising our daughter I always knew this day would come... I always knew you guys had something because Y/N is the spitting image of her mother, and she's not too quiet when she escapes out the window either" the latter brings a smile to Bucky's face. Jim takes his last breaths into the cigarette and drops it, putting it out with the sole of his shoes. "Your mother and I were doing the same thing you do... We were running away and lying to our parents... Come on son, let's go have some beers", without further ado Jim opens the door of the bar, Bucky perplexed, expecting everything but that, so he just follows him inside the establishment.
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Two hours later Bucky finds himself saying goodbye to all the club members and heading for his bike, Jim is waiting for him at the door.
"Hey, son," unprepared Bucky feels like the right side of his face is hit with something, "This is just a precaution, okay?. If I see my daughter crying over you, the beating will be much bigger." When Bucky comes out of his trance he just nods and pats his shoulder. "Perfect!, have a good trip boy" the door of the place closes and Bucky throws a spit to throw the blood in his mouth, touching his jaw he realizes that Jim didn't manage to break anything, fortunately, but he won't be able to put the helmet on because of the swelling that is forming on his face. Was too good to be true
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Upon entering the bar Bucky can see that the place is almost dead without counting Natasha who is cleaning the bar and Steve leaning on this flirting with her. 
"Shit Bucky I think you lost the fight man!" Natasha tries to hold back the laughter, but she can't and Steve just shakes his head.
"Yeah, anyway... I'll see you guys in a little bit" walking up the stairs to Bucky's rooms doesn't stop thinking about how well the situation turned out, about Jim's reaction that he didn't grow up and that now they practically had a free hand so they wouldn't be hiding like two teenagers.
"What the fuck happened to your face, Bucky?!" Bucky had unwittingly entered the room and found y/n at the edge of the bed, wiping her eyes.
"I've gone to talk to your dad" without more y/n gets out of bed and throws Bucky by his wrist to the bathroom of the room, when Bucky enters he can see his reflection in the mirror, his cheekbone was already taking a purple color and his eye was swelling more and more without counting with the little cut under his eye, with a pressure in the chest y/n makes Bucky sit in the toilet while she takes out the first aid kit. 
A few seconds later she finds herself delicately touching her boyfriend's face with a wet cotton ball to get the dried blood out. A little sobbing gets Bucky out of his trance and he realizes that he's screwed up, with his hands he touches his girlfriend's naked legs to somehow comfort her.
"I didn't want the three of us to talk in case it got too big, I just wanted to protect you." He whispers
"Bucky, he's my dad, he wouldn't hurt me and you know it.
"The situation could have gotten dangerous and you know it," bucky sighs, "I just want to make things right... besides, your dad already knew about us."
"What?!" y/n stops wiping Bucky's face and waits expectantly for an answer.
"He said you weren't very quiet going out the window.”
"Oh, God... What a shame" they both laugh and the atmosphere relaxes a bit.
"Does this mean I'm forgiven?"
"I'd have to think about it a little bit more" playing bucky up his hands and grabbing his girlfriend's ass through his pajama shorts.
“Nice ass”
“It’s all yours, baby”
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