#and just before it started I had a brief moment of second guessing my choice to ride it haha
hellodarjeeling · 8 months
Like Bruce B before us, @emmynominatedmullet and I rode the TRON Lightcycle / Run today at WDW
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awriternamedart · 1 month
“No, Wukong, you don’t get to worry about me anymore.” 
Wukong froze, eyes shocked wide as Macaque spat back at him, still clutching his upper arm. Thin, fragile lines of contempt lined his voice, fangs peering over curled lips as he straightened up.
“This is the fourth time, Macaque! What are you even doing?!” Shaking his head, Sun Wukong groaned before he pulled a chunk of hair, the gold flash echoing as it shifted into a roll of bandages. “I could smell the blood clear from my house!”
“I can take care of it myself.”
“Sure, whatever, now come on, you need to clean it out.”
“I know that.” Macaque bit back, recoiling as Wukong tried to reach for him. Smacking away the outstretched paw before he rounded around the king, Macaque kept the grip on his arm tight, purple glitching and fizzing away as glamor fell to reveal tattered clothes and a scarred face, eyebags deep under golden irises. His ears twitched as he turned away. “Leave, Wukong. You'll only make it worse.”
“Ouch.” And still, he trotted after him, slipping the roll of bandages into the fold of his clothes. “Cmon, Macaque, can you stop being stubborn for literally 30 seconds? It won’t even take a paragraph to write!”
Macaque just pulled his lips tight as they approached one of the many rivers, pulling off his cape and armor to tug the shoulders off of his outfit. 
Wukong couldn’t hide the wince that ran through his body. Macaque’s dark fur made deep scars all the more obvious, shocks of skin where fur will never easily regrow dotting his shoulders and back. He was just lucky that Macaque was very obviously ignoring him right now, casting his gaze aside before sighing and sitting next to Macaque anyway.
“I know I dont have the right to worry about you anymore but you aren’t giving me a choice here, bud-! You keep showing up with these cuts and bruises, even the little ones have noticed!” Macaque hissed as Wukong snagged his wrist to stop him from using his paw to clean the bloodied cut, easily breaking from his grasp as he went to rip another chunk off the end of his cape. “Tell me whats going on, if your in danger-”
“What, you'll get the kid involved in more of your fucked up shit!?” Wukong fell back as Macaque rounded on him, snapping before immediately recoiling with a grunt. Blood fell dark against his black fur, hard to notice if it weren’t for how big the wound itself was. “Just- just leave it, Wukong. You're the last person I want to see right now.” 
“Bud-!” Hesitation consumed Wukong. Ice gripped at his shoulders, halting him from reaching out- helpless but to watch as he turned away, slipping through his paws again, again- Just when he had just started to get him back-!
He grit his teeth. 
Macaque yelped when he was dragged back, fangs bare as he went to snap at Wukong- before cold water seeped into the wound, another hiss escaping his throat. The pressure wasn’t too heavy, just startling, gentle swipes to begin cleaning out the dirt and fur muddied in red. 
“Oh, shut up, Macaque.” It was just a slight grumble, Wukong’s gaze never once flickering up to Macaque’s face as he pulled away the cloth to dip it back in the stream, wringing out excess water before turning back to the wound. A brief moment passed before he returned to gently wiping away the grime left behind. “You can slap me later, relax.” 
And.. Macaque did just that. Tense muscle and tight shoulders drooped ever so slightly, just the slightest hiss escaping his teeth when he got a bit too deep into the wound- though he didn’t fight it. It had been so long since he had let someone else help him lick his wounds, yet it felt so natural to let Wukong help him out, this innate part of him just… felt safe.
He hated it so much.
“Soooo.. You gonna tell me why you keep popping up all bloodied or am I just gonna have to guess?” Startling out of his swirling thoughts, Macaque’s ears perked up before he glanced over at Wukong. The withering look in his eyes was enough to make Wukong snicker at the very least as he unraveled the bandage. “Oh, don't you worry bud, I can absolutely keep guessin until the sun comes up tomorrow!”
“Please don't, it's grating enough.” 
Wukong had to laugh at that, missing the slight smile on Macaque’s face as he ripped the bandage and tied it off. 
“Excuse you, there are tons of people who’d love to listen to me yap their ears off!” 
“Keep telling yourself that, Wukong.” A paw landed on his forehead, playfully shoving the king back as soon as the tie was done before Macaque went to stand up, pulling on one of his sleeves and simply tucking the other one away. His fur was still wet, ok, no way he’s dealing with it getting on his outfit more. Cleaning was a pain. “Maybe someday I'll actually believe it.”
“So where are you going?” 
“Who knows, somewhere where I don’t have to hear you anymore.” Macaque just shrugged, shaking his head and mane out. Ugh, his fur was so rough now- he hadn’t had a moment's break. Who knows who could be lurking now? Either way, he had to get back, now that blood’s stench wouldn’t stick to him to badly-
“Back to beating up threats behind the kids back, then?”
Macaque froze before he could open a shadow, paw still outstretched as Wukong stood up behind him, arms folded. The playful lilt in his voice had vanished, simply watching as Macaque glared at him over his shoulder. Something mournful took its place- something that lingered in the shadows of golden eyes, that made Macaque quickly look away.
“Bud, the kid can handle himself-”
“The world is more dangerous than ever. MK doesn’t need more hell on his plate- and I sure as hell don’t see you helping him out.” He spat at Wukong, growling in his anger. Adrenaline had made him more snappy than usual already but this- this was deeply seeded. “Someone has to do the dirty work so the kid doesn’t have to.”
“Then why does it have to be you, Macaque?!" 
Black fur puffed up, his tail swinging back and forth, back and forth. Wukong just watched, almost wanted to reach out- but he fell back on himself as Macaque’s agitation dropped, tail falling still. 
“Look, bud- I can’t stop you, I know that and all and I trust your judgment and everything but-” Wukong pushed a paw through his mane with a sigh, trying to pick out his words carefully- he wasn’t good at that, but he was trying, ok? He just.. 
He found himself just staring at Macaque. Yellow and black worn fabric looked back, dirty and well worn. The red cape he always wore was slung over the warriors shoulder, scars running rampant across his body- and those were just the ones Wukong could see. Just how many of them had he gotten for others, for MK, for.. He didn't like it. He didn’t like it one bit, but- did that even matter to Macaque anymore?
“...just. Just try not to overdo it. Get help when you need it.”
“....tch. Can’t even admit it.” With a gentle vwoomp, the shadow under Macaque’s paws dipped into purple-orange, something that surprised Wukong. But before he could say anything, the other just glared back at him, sadness lingering under his scarred eye. “...You're pathetic, Wukong.”
And before Sun Wukong could say anything, he disappeared, the shadow closing up on the ground and vanishing as if it were never there. The wind rustled among the leaves, the babbling rush of the river’s flow his only accompaniment as his shoulders sagged, pushing his mane from his face.
“...I know.”
Worry Is A Hell That Haunts You - awriternamedart
KoFi - Socials
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dragonflydestiny · 2 years
Letter from your Soulmate 🌻
My second pick a card. This pick a card is going to be about letter from your soulmate. What would they write to you?. Would their letter respond to yours? (you can reread 'your letter to your soulmate' in my first pick a card I post earlier). Let’s find out. Pick from 1-4. Thank you.
P.S. This is a very long pick a card for me and I put in a lot of work so I would be very grateful if you could tip me, only if you have the means to. It would encourages me to do more. Thank you so much.
Disclaimer: This is meant as entertainment only. Takes only what resonate.
My Master Lists
💌 Letter 1 🦋
The Lovers, The Chariot, Father of Swords in reverse and 4 of Pentacles (back of the deck).
To (Your name),
I knew from the moment we first met, I felt a sense of familiarity. Your presence alone brings me a feeling of nostalgia. When our eyes meet, I feel like I am existing in the present, the past and the future all at once. It is very strange, and for a brief second it feels like time didn't exist. At that moment, I’m sure was confused. Hesitantly, I introduce myself to you, half expecting you to somehow recognise me and say that we've met before. I'm sure we did, this meeting doesn't seem like it's our first. Would you believe me if I say that there are histories and memories of us buried deep inside waiting for us to uncover it again?. It wasn't love at first sight with you, but more like remembering I have loved you all along. All these time I was waiting for you to show up, a piece of my puzzle I was missing and when you did, I felt so relieved. Yes, I thought to myself, I know it's you, it is going to be you. My soul recognises yours because it is the same stars that we were born. Even though It took us so long to meet, I know I would've been much more happier if we've met earlier.
Before you, I used to dream about having someone by my side, someone I can experience both the joy and pain of life together. And we would travel to every corner of this world but I guess I was naive. My biggest and most painful lessons came from those desires. Through the union with my past person, I had dealt with such malice and hostility. Loving another person became a game, it became dangerous for me. I learned it the hard way of how not to love someone. I'm not proud of what I did and what I had to do to get out of my previous relationship. But that story had long ended. I didn't know it myself but I was searching for you. I was searching for you in everyone that I'd dated/met. But with my past person/people we couldn't see eye to eye. We lacked communication and eventually drifted apart. At those points, I start to wonder if that is it in life, was that my peak of happiness. And sometimes, I'm not going to lie, I did believed that was it. Nothing else can make me happier, until now.
Finally, now I can see the sliver lining. I used to resent my past choices and always play the blame game, if only I'd know that those same choices I made would lead me here to you. I would've been more than willing. I would've been able to make peace with it sooner. Like I said before, if we'd met sooner, I would've be a very very happy man/woman. But I know life doesn't work like that. Seeing you makes me want to try again, to give this 'love' thing another chance. To practice lessons that I learned. I still have a lot to learn but it is very hard for me to hold back from pursuing you. Just know this, when we first met, I wanted to go after you right away but half of me know that I am not ready. I still need to learn to be patient and less impulsive. I need to learn to see situations from different perspective and to control my emotions. I tend to let emotions blind me from seeing things clearly. I can't go to you yet if I don't learn these things. So please wait for me, know that I will find my way back into your arms again.
The torments and pains I will have to face, I will face them with courage and determination just to be with you again. And when I am lost, I will find myself again with your love. Although I don't remember our love, I have never forget it "cause I loved you than and I love you still". I can't wait to remember how to love each other again together in this life. I already know though, that I am right behind you in all that you do, I pray for you to be safe and taken care of when I can't be there with you. When your heart breaks know that mine break too. I promise that it will be easier once both of us let go of things that are too heavy to carry. Gently, I will go with the flow, like a river then eventually meeting the vast ocean, where it is wide and free. And what it is that you have to say I will listen to you, my heart will be open and ready then. Ready to listen to you and only you.
With love,
(Their name)
Channeled song from them to you: Woodlock - I Loved You Then (And I Love You Still) "And I'm right behind you in all that you do. And I spoke with God. He’ll Take care of you. Find me. Stone on a hill. Cause I loved you then. And I love you still."
💌 Letter 2 🌷
6 of Swords, 9 of Cups in reverse, Son of Wands and 6 of Pentacles (back of the deck).
Dear You,
Life was hectic lately but thankfully it is getting calmer. I can finally see the rainbow after the storm. Now I want to take a little get away trip for the weekend to celebrate the end of this tough cycle. It was difficult because of the work that I do and unfortunately there were misunderstandings as well. So much was going on, I was up the wall and didn't have much time to write to you before. Even though, it is settle now, I am still not satisfy with where I am at. Between you and I, I want to confess that I am unfulfilled, with my life, with my job and with what I do. I would never say this out loud or to anybody about how unhappy I am with my life. There is so much conflicting energy around, both on the outside and within me. I tried so hard with my work, my business, working slowly towards my wish but I don't see much progress. So now I am frustrated. I wonder if you can understand what I am going through or at the very least sympathise with this frustration too.
Thankfully, slowly it is getting better but it took a lot out of me and now I am burnt out. I need to rejuvenate or else I won't have time or energy to meet you. I need to rest to revitalise and go on a vacation to somewhere nice and relaxing. I do wish you could come with me. After the rest, I will come back stronger than ever. There's this new project that I want to start. Even though I have to wait to be replenish first, I am just so excited to get it started and I want to tell you all about it. But sometimes, I can get ahead of myself and tend to focus a little too much on the future such as what I have to do next. It's hard for me to focus on my rest when all I want to do is jump start on my next project/adventure right away. Do you have something you are passionate about as well?. Don't you get these impulses too?
All in all, I work hard and I always want to play fair to others. I would tell myself to be kind and treat others how you want to be treated. But unfortunately, some people just want to screw you over. There were times where my kindness were being taken advantage of and it did led me to my downfall. I used to give too much but it only left me with nothing and for that I learned to hate unfairness and unfair people. I still resent those people who took from me and left me out in the cold. I will be hesitant to give because of my past and I hope you can be fair to me and understand my hesitancy. I also want you to know that it was hard work and it still is hard work for me to learn to be kind to myself. It was because I was being unfair to myself first that allowed others to do the same to me. For the longest time I ignored my own heart and in turn, I was the cruelest person to myself. But I thought I was being selfless, ultimately those 'selfless' acts I wrongly perceived only led me to resentment and bitterness towards others especially when they don't give back to me what I have given them. And when my cup was empty, my demands from other was out of hurt and desperation. It was not an easy realisation coming to term with the fact that I was mostly responsible for my own misery.
It was a hard lesson but I learned it now. To get away from the turmoil, I stopped ignoring my heart and I strongly urge you to do the same. Choose and act with love, follow your truest desires because I believe it would eventually lead you to me. Please believe that your purest desire will never lead you astray, it will forever guide you. I believe that to be true for me and in turn, I believe in myself. I will also believe in you too. When I look at you, I can see how brave and strong you are especially when you go after those desires. I truly believe you can achieve anything. You want to reach for the heights so don't be afraid to fall. I know you can see my wings and I fly high in the sky but "little birdie, you are also a bird in my eyes, when will you realise that you can fly too?”. So let's fly and conquer the world together and when your wings are tired, I will carry you. Just like you, before I was a flightless bird, scared to fly and scared of the heights but when I learned that my wings wasn't broken, only disregarded, I began to daydream of all the wonderful things I deserve. Things of divine essence, I began to daydream about you, "to dream of you even when I am wide awake". To be curious about you and see with my own eyes how will you spread your wings and start your flight because I want to be by your side. And this letter to you will be proof of my daydream come true.
So see you in a while my little bird.
(Their Name)
Channeled song about them: Iron & Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth "Have I found you? Flightless bird, brown hair bleeding Or lost you?"
💌 Letter 3 🪲
2 of Pentacles in reverse, 5 The Hierophant in reverse, 2 of Swords in reverse and 10 The Wheel of Fortune in reverse (back of the deck).
Dear (your name),
It’s truly harder now for me to believe in true love. There were chains of events that led to my pessimism. Changes that weren’t pleasant. I understand that two people can love each other but eventually, they will change and become a completely different individuals. So what then, would that two specific people love each other’s new selves still?. Do you think they will still love each other?. Because I don’t think so. They might’ve loved that person for the person they used to be but that doesn’t mean they would love their new selves as well. Because of these facts, I am scare of change, people changing, it can break a relationship, taking away people you used to care for most. They can change into a completely new person and you wouldn’t recognise them anymore. So you are forced to mourn the death of that person’s old identity and be forever parted. As you can tell, I have a negative connotation with change, it is one of my deep rooted fear. However, deep down I know that change is very necessary. But this fear is still lingering and deep within me, subconsciously affecting how I view my life and my relationships. So, If I change, would you still love me the same?. Or would you resent me instead?.
Nonetheless, I do find the growth rate of a person fascinating, whether it’d be spiritual growth or emotional growth. But I have to admit that it also scares me. Subconsciously, it terrifies me. To think that one day people whom I loved and know most will turn into strangers and become unrecognisable. So I am scare to go deeper and to open my heart. I am afraid that I would be left behind if I am the only person in my relationship to open up. I would become oblivious to the mask my partner can wear. I don’t want to be oblivious to the fact that truly, I didn’t know the person I was with at all. They never show me who they truly are but is only pretending to be somebody they’re not. It is very hard to come to term with this fear especially when it comes to choosing a life partner. So if I open my heart to you, would you let me in and crack my guarded heart open?. Would I be able to be vulnerable with you?. Teach me to show you “the stranger” in me, even if I resist. Do you have a part of yourself hidden away as well?. Would you let me see too?.I want to be brave together and get rid of this blockage we both have. Blockages of our secrets and truths that we didn’t want to face. We hide part of ourselves because we are insecure, we don’t want to be judge because of how we look or how we live our lives. I didn’t want to be judge, only accepted. So I pretended to be someone I’m not just to fit in and over time I, too, became a stranger to myself. I regretted a lot of my past decisions because it was chosen through falsehood. Failed relationships were also a result of that as well. Ironically, I became the manifestation of my deepest fear. It is funny how the universe works. But not anymore, because with you I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not. When I get to know you, you accept me as I am and you make me value my true self. You don’t judge me and you let me live my life. The least I can do is to give you the same respect.
So, no more falsehood, no more illusions. I start to become greedy with life again. I decided to disregard my miserable destiny and doom mindset I had curated for myself. I want to face the truth and become my authentic self even if people do judge. I want to stop waiting for the wheel to turn, I want to gather all my courage and turn the wheel myself and become the master of my own fate and the captain of my own soul. You can do it too. The universe had been silent with me for far too long, I asked for guidance, for a message and I received none. I asked them to show me who I am and what my life purpose is, there was no answer. I felt lost and I became passive, just letting life dragged me along. I can no longer sit back and waste away my time anymore. Let’s take control of our lives together, you and I, realise that because we are more than capable of forging our own path and choosing our own directions. We are both so worthy. We are worthy of love and success, worthy to receive love, to give love and becoming successful. I don’t want to be indecisive anymore. I used to believe that my opinions didn’t matter, no one cared. I was also scared of the consequences it would cause. Because decisions can be life altering, it could change the course of my life path, for better or worse. I was scared of that risk so I shifted the accountability and the responsibility to the divine and by doing that, I also shifted my own powers. And my life became really really dissatisfying. I don't want to do that anymore, I want to break the cycle, I want to be empower. Now I learned to respect myself and my decisions. I will respect your decisions too, without judgement. Whatever you will choose, whatever it is regarding, know that I will support you no matter what. You are so worthy of everything, loveable things I want and will give to you and I'm sorry if you and the people around you couldn't give that love to you before. Yours and mine’s journey are mirrored and all those past "could've beens" and missed opportunities taught us enough pain to not let it pass by again. Still, I am so proud of both of us for everything we have to go through.
All the promises I made, in this and last lives, will be kept. The promise that we will protect each other, that we will be safe in each other's arms. No wrong or harm of me turning into a stranger to you and stop loving you. When I know you, I can never stop loving you. If you or me become strangers to each other, I'm certain that I will fall in love with you again and again and again. Because our bond is spiritual, it goes beyond this life time. A stranger we will never be because you are a part of me, a piece of my soul. We will live this life together like we did the last. Although I know this to be true, I am sometime skeptical. I will ask for proof that magic is real, that you are real. But we both know that we have to believe in magic to see it. And I will, I will believe and trust in this connection. I will try my hardest to have faith and believe that it is meant to be. And when we face difficulties, I will make my choices with love. I will make decisions with your heart in mind because "my heart is so full of you I can hardly call it my own". And when the time comes for me to be with you, I would know that my internal fire was guiding me all along just like I had asked. It will be proof that magic is real because my choices eventually lead me here, back to you where I have always belong. Won’t be long until we meet again.
From your biggest supporter,
Sorry no channeled song for this pile.
💌 Letter 4 🌹
Sorry I forgot to write down your tarot cards 😥
Dear my love,
Lately, I’m suffering a lot, especially mentally. Things are not doing so well. My dreams turn into nightmares and now all I see are dark visions. I don’t think my future look very bright. Am I destined to fail?. All these fears creeping in every night and they are eating me alive. I feel like everything is against me, all my friends turn into enemies. Slowly, they’re waiting for my downfall. When will these sufferings and struggles end ?. But little by little, through these sufferings, I get a spark of clarity. Especially when my demons come into light and manifested in people around me. I can see how demanding, power hungry and greedy they can be. People around me mirror back what I don’t want to become. When I interact with them, I realised that I am stronger than I thought. If I can deal with these malicious beings, I can deal with anything. I can face hard challenges. With will and determination, I can get through a lot of obstacles. Overthinking and worrying wouldn’t do me any favours. I can learn through these hardships, learn to become more resilient. And every time I have to face those negative thoughts again, I will fight against them. I hope you’d do the same and remember this my love, “the clouds in your confusion comes from your own mind and thus, it can only be taken away by your own mind”. And when you are aware of this, clarity will come. With clear visions, you can learn to ”bend the world to your will”.
Unfortunately, for me, my cycle of self-destruction haven’t end. It is still lace and exacerbate by my environment. When I asked for help and support, it was only met with betrayal and abandonment. All my life, I was left alone. People had abandoned me and now I nearly abandoned myself as well. All these doubts and fears run too deep, they were instilled in me since childhood. People around me have hurt me and now the pain has become unbearable. I couldn’t take the pain and the anxiety anymore. I decided it was best for me to leave and go my own way. I distanced myself from everyone around me. If you are curious about my past, forgive me if I am reluctant to share, it is still hard for me to revisit them. But more importantly, I want to tell you that I have started to work on myself. Controlling those fear-based thoughts. I sit with those thoughts and instead of being consume by them, I entertain them. I try to find and see different perspective to these worries. I ask questions to find the root, to find objectivity because most of these fears are so subjective and self-induced. And someday, I hope, my mind would become my greatest asset instead of my biggest enemy. Slowly, I will learn to do exactly that. I will work through the self-sabotaging thoughts, slowly changing my narrative. To really believe that things are not against me but they are actually working in my favour. And positive mindset will help me build harmonious relationships, with myself, my friends and most importantly, with you.
I want to work on myself because I want to show up as my best for you. I want to be there for myself and stop this cycle of self-abandonment. I want to be brave, strong and confident. To know that one day, I can show up for you and help you fight against those negative forces too. I want to be there for you wholeheartedly. To tell you that you are always supported, by your spirit guides, by the universe and by me. You are never alone. I want to tell you that I am proud of you for fighting with your demons and thank you for when you would help me fight mine too. You have never abandon me and I will never leave you. All the hardships I will fight through it with you. And every time you smile, it only gives me more reasons to fight.
I want to transcend and face whatever life throws at me just to see the light ignited in your eyes again. My dark visions turn bright when now I see that you are a part of my future. You have lend me the stars in your eyes so I can walk through these dark roads, you are so kind. I have never felt a love so powerful. All those pains I’ve been through, when I saw you, I feel like I’ve finally awaken. At last, you brought me light and shifted my world. My world is new and the whole sky light up. You are my light, my sunshine. Through your light, your presence, your being, it is warm and bright. “Everything looks different now that I see you”.
You brought me true love and true happiness. Your name replaced the word “love” in my vocabulary. I can say that I learned so much from you, I learned what true love and true compassion is, it is surely the definition of you.
Your true love,
Channeled song from them to you: Found by Zach Webb “I, I found life When I found You”, “All the times that I cried, I know. You were there. Holding me tight”
Thank you so much for stopping by, please do not hesitate to comment and leave a tip if you want. Any constructive criticism is also appreciated. See you on the next pick a card, you can leave any topic suggestions.
Kind regards,
- Dragonflydestiny 🪲
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midnightblues444 · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers; as tropes
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Cast list: Draken, Ran Haitiani,wakasa + shinichiro and Mitsuya Takashi
Notes: first work yay!! Fem reader
Content warnings: suggestive, brief harrassment, love triangle(but there's no choice), weed consumption
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childhood friends to strangers to lovers
The first time you ever spoke to Draken you challenged him to a race, claiming that your shoes gave you super speed. To test this theory the two of you ran around the brothels makeshift daycare until your little legs gave out, panting and debating who was the winner. From then on you became a formidable duo; fighting and going on adventures was daily routine . Inseparable was the only way to describe you two, and with age you only grew closer.
Until the day you left Tokyo. You stared at your life long friend with matching tears staining your cheeks. You never wanted to let him go, even when your parents called, you hugged him tighter. You both whispered promises of never losing touch,before you gently kiss his cheek after you're finally forced to let go.
Those promises were lost as the years went by but now you stare at the man across the hall of your new apartment. You thought it would be impossible for him to grow any taller but here he is, giant with dark strands hanging loosly in front of his face, big arms dropping his grocery bags ."ken ken?" The nickname compels him to start moving, like he's wearing super speed shoes. In only a few long strides he's scooping you into his arms. The familiarity of him alone almost makes you forget that's it's been 10 years.
Second chance romance (cw, brief harrassment, cursing)
Ran Haitaini hated parties, he hated how late and tiring they were. Which is funny because he now co owns a nightclub, and with that title its apparently etiquette for him to attend the big new years event. He leans on the balcony overlooking the dance floor,sipping lazily at the drink in his hand. From there he has a clear view of the party, he can spot Sanzu dancing like a maniac and Kokonoi obviously turning a party into a business venture.
Ran almost thinks he hallucinating when hes sees you. Of course you came tonight, run ins with each other have become very frequent as of late. And fuck,do you look gorgeous. He cant help but notice your making way to the exit and a not so friendly looking gentlemen is staggering after you. Its Rans instinct to go after you.
And thank god he did, because when he reaches you, there you were telling the creep to fuck off. "Cmonnnn dolllll" the man slurs. But before the guy can get closer, Ran pulls him back by the collar and lands a fist right in his face. It doesn't take much for the asshole to start running.
You look at the guy then at Ran. "Why did you do that Haitaini" you scowl. "force of habit I guess, besides this time it was necessary" he admits. He knows you hated when he threw himself into fights especially on your behalf. You take his hand, gently running your fingers on his bruised knuckles, letting out a sigh.
"C'mon I have bandages in my car" you say as you drag him to your car. Ran cant help but feel nostalgic, him being hurt and you pretending to hate fixing him up. He thinks just for a brief moment this how things are supposed to be.
Shinichiro and wakasa
love triangle
You had met wakasa a while back when he still ran with his own gang Kodo Rengo, the night he watched your band perform at some random club, he was mesmerized by your rockstar mystique and found you back stage. The two of you shared moment, pleasantly spending the whole night together. But once he drove you home, you never saw him again. You thought about him constantly, catching yourself searching for him in the crowds of your shows.
Until you saw him again, this time through the sweet boy from your math class. When Shinchiro introduced you guys, it was wordlessly agreed not to mention how you already knew each other. Shinchiro was sweet, and would drive you home from school daily. You couldn't help but feel a bit giddy around him as time passed, but you couldn't shake your feelings for wakasa.
The more you spent time with each of them you felt your confusion run deeper and deeper. Until one drunken night you found yourself playing truth or drink with the gang. During your turn you were asked: who do you want to fuck in this room?
Your eyes widen as you look between the two, who stare at you,their gazes are piercing and almost daring you to choose one of them in this very moment.
You tilt your head back gulping down your drink thinking you dodged a bullet. It wasnt until it was just you three left did wakasa push for an answer .
strangers to fwb to lovers (cw, smoking weed lol, suggestive)
Mitsuya was a workaholic through and through. Spending countless hours in his studio, even sleeping there on occasion. Hakkai was worried, just like any friend would be. He then decided to force him to have fun and distract him from his work so he invited him to a house party.
At some point in the night, Hakkai had disappeared with one of his model friends. Leaving mitsuya to wander aimlessly through the home in search of a break from the headache inducing pop music.
Finally finding a room (that wasn't occupied by Busy guests). He wasnt suprised when the familiar scent of weed filled the space. There you were on the floor, taking a drag of the blunt between your fingers. You turned to him with a dazed grin, wordlessly inviting him to come in.
The two of you ended up smoking and talking about whatever shit came to your clouded minds. Inching closer and closer until you crawled into his lap. Giggling when you were right in his face, the heat of the kiss that followed made the room spin. Your hands gently tugging his hair . His hands on your waist guiding you as you rock back and forth on his crotch. Groaning into your mouth, you could taste the weed on his tongue.
When you pulled away breathless. While he was kissing at your neck and exposed chest he whispered six simple words.
"Wanna come back to my place?"
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kimberly-stocks · 8 months
I’ve got a nsfw literati prompt 🙏
could you write something along the lines of Jess helping Rory de stress after constant studying? 👀
Canon compliant. Set in season 3, sometime in spring I guess? At the time Lorelai started seeing Alex. Not in any way connected to my story Things I'd never say.
Rory heard a light tap on her window and stood up from her desk, stretching tired muscles to open the window for Jess. She pushed the frame up and looked outside to find her boyfriend standing there with a to-go cup of coffee from Luke's.
"Hey," he said giving the coffee to her.
"Bless you!" She took it gratefully, gulping hungrily.
"You didn't come by the diner after school, thought you might need some fuel."
"Yeah, I had to study. I have this stupid history test tomorrow," Rory groaned.
"When do you think you're gonna be done with it?"
"About ten, maybe?" He nodded in response.
"I'll leave you to it then," he gave her a small smile and almost turned to leave, when she tugged on his arm, and pressed her lips to his in a brief kiss.
"Thank you for the coffee, you're my hero."
"No problem."
A little after ten Rory stood up from her chair, every verterbra creaking in protest from being in the same position for too long. She was just putting her books and notepads away when she heard a tap on her window once again. She smiled to herself and went to open it for the second time that night.
"Hey, how's your studying going?" Jess asked intertwining his fingers with hers through the frame.
"I just finished. Wanna come in for a bit?"
"Where's your mom?"
"She's staying at Alex's tonight."
"Huh," he smirked at that piece of information. Coming here was a right choice after all. He sneaked inside with the grace of a cat, closing the window behind him. Rory plopped on her back across the bed.
"I'm exhausted, all those dates and names, I have no idea how I'm gonna remember it all tomorrow, so much cramming with only one cup of coffee is an impossible task." She whined. Jess came to lie next to her, taking her hand in his.
"I know a great way to help you relax," he started.
"Which is?" She turned to look at him.
"Orgasm," he smirked.
She gulped nervously. She let him touch her boobs through her clothes for the first time a few weeks ago, and since then Jess was dropping hints about doing something more, but she still wasn't ready to have sex with him. She didn't want to offend him, but didn't want to go all the way either. It was quite a predicament.
"Uhh... I'm not... You know..."
"I know. You don't have to have sex to get an orgasm, you know?" He turned to look at her only to catch her turning away from him, her cheeks flaming red.
"Oh..." She didn't know how to react to that. What did he expect?
"It's okay if you're not ready for that either," he squeezed her fingers tighter in reassurance.
A long pause followed. Jess seemed relaxed, enjoying just being next to her, while Rory's thoughts were racing a mile a minute. Was she ready for anything sexual at all? It sounded kind of enticing. Scary, but enticing nonetheless. And her mom wasn't going to be home till morning. But she had a test tomorrow, so she couldn't be late for school. She didn't want the repeat of her first year with that meltdown about a Shakespear test. Then again, it wasn't awfully late yet, and she could use some relaxation.... She squeezed Jess's fingers to get his attention, and asked "What else can we do for... You know, uh, orgasm?" She could see his smirk out of the corner of her eye. She still didn't dare to look at him directly, too embarrassed and shy about the whole conversation.
"Remember how I touched your breasts the other day? I can touch you like that down there too. Through the clothes. Or not. If you want."
"Okay," she whispered after a moment of hesitation. She felt him move to hover above her. They locked eyes before he pressed a soft kiss to her lips, coaxing her to relax. The very next second her instincts kicked in and she lost herself in the kiss, like she always did with him.
They were making out for a bit until she felt his palm covering her breast gently. He started massaging it, kneading and rolling her nipple between his deft fingers. She moaned into his mouth. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath her sweatshirt, so she could feel everything. Encouraged by her reactions he went to kiss and suck on the sensitive skin of her neck. His hand never leaving her chest, alternating between her soft mounds. Rory was clutching at his back, threading fingers through his hair, pulling his head closer to her neck. She loved it when he kissed her neck. Then slowly his hand started travelling lower until it came to the juncture between her legs. She pressed them together, losing focus for a second. He looked up at her "May I?" She nodded shakily and relaxed her thighs. His palm landed on her pubic bone and just settled there, his fingers between her legs, applying pressure and heat to the most intimate spot even through her sweatpants. His eyes went completely dark, contrasting to his usual hazel shade. Her lips parted in anticipation, and he started rubbing her softly, careful not to scare her with overwhelming sensations. It felt weird in a way that she never let anyone do that to her, but she still didn't quite understand what she was supposed to be feeling. And then.... He found her clit and everything changed. She gasped suddenly at the shock of feeling like an electric current went through her limbs.
Jess focused on that spot he found, and started rubbing her there in circles, increasing the pressure some. Her eyes closed and she was washed with pleasure she's never felt before. He kept caressing her methodically, tirelessly until her breathing got shallow and with one final moan she climaxed in front of him.
"There you go," he whispered pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, extracting his hand from between her legs slowly.
Rory was lying there with her eyes closed, breathing erratic, her mind completely blank of all the thoughts and concerns. She blindly reached for him, and he intertwined their fingers one more time. Watching her was such a treat. Looking at her pale cheeks gaining color, and then shining bright pink with arousal, her lips parting, her tongue darting out to lick them, her chest rising and falling, nipples hard, poking through the fabric. She was a vision. And he was pretty sure he just gave her the first ever orgasm of her life.
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leofrith · 7 months
hii so i‘m way to invested in everyone‘s baldurs gate plays. can we see your tavs? I would love to see them haha😭
YESSSSSS i will happily take any excuse to talk about my tavs. 🥰 i'm sorry this took so long. i wanted to have their Lore™ a little more set in stone before answering this, but then i proceeded to make uhhhh 2 more tavs and a durge. 🤡
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i am listing my characters in the order i created them. they're all good/neutral aligned because being mean in video games makes me break out in hives. aaaaand this is going under a read more because it got really fucking long. 🥴
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marqwyn stoneheart
race: human
class: eldritch knight fighter
background: soldier
romance: gale
my first tav who i adore. ❤️ i stole her name from the very first character i created for a now abandoned dnd campaign (though she's nothing like og marqwyn). she's a former flaming fist who left their service due to the corruption she witnessed there. after leaving the city she became an independent soldier for hire—but she's a terrible mercenary because she's a bleeding heart who will help people because they need it, regardless of whether they can pay her or not.
she has dragged the party into many an unnecessary brawl because her charisma is literally in the negatives. we love a girl incapable of talking herself out of Situations. she also used to have two brown eyes before deciding to get herself volo'd during a brief moment of desperation-fuelled insanity.
her backstory has changed a lot since i first made her, mostly because i didn't really have anything in mind when i started playing. 😬 i also had no fucking clue what i was doing when i first started and it certainly shows (tons of missed content, didn't take enough long rests, completely missed lae'zel for the first ~30 hours of gameplay, have done quests in an extremely questionable order, etc.).
i romanced gale with her because the wizard had me by the jugular the second he opened his mouth, and buff wife who hits things with her big sword and her squishy wizard husband who casts counterspell is something that can be so personal. that being said, i do want to rework her character and do another playthrough with her, probably romancing wyll, because her playthrough is a mess.
i will now dip into the alternate canon that lives in my brain in which my next three tavs are allowed to coexist, so just stay with me here and trust in the vision ajgjsdgf
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meadow moonwillow
race: mephistopheles tiefling
class: storm sorcerer, bard of the college of lore
background: entertainer
romance: karlach (or enya in the canon that exists in my head)
i made her specifically for my karlach romance run, because best girl deserves a little sunshine to match her own. meadow was born to play gigs in dive bars, but was cursed with a natural talent for magic. 😔 she'll use it because it's useful in a fight, i guess, but she'd much rather insult people to death. if there is shit to be disturbed, she will disturb it.
her and gale are best friends, because i think having some friendly spell caster competition with his bestie who (begrudgingly) lets him teach her wizard spells would be good for his mental health. her and wyll butt heads a bit at first, mostly because meadow's way of trying to comfort people is through humor, and her attempts to make him feel better about his new devil form come off as insensitive (inspired by the way i accidentally insulted wyll at the tiefling party in my meadow playthrough by joking that i was jealous of his horns. king i swear it was meant as a compliment!! 😭). eventually they become really close, which is certainly a necessity when you're both going on a vacation to hell with no set end date.
also my choice of name for her definitely has nothing to do with the fact that i am in the middle of watching the sopranos. definitely not.
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landric sparrowsong, "the wrath-bringer"
race: human
class: oath of vengeance paladin, tempest domain cleric of ilmater
background: sage
romance: gale
his backstory is probably the one i've thought about in the most detail, mostly because he's a walking tragedy and i live for that shit. 🧍🏻‍♀️
he was once a school teacher and wasn't much of a fighter at all before his little village near baldur's gate was razed to the ground and his wife and (or so he thinks 👀) daughter were killed, at which point he took up his oath of vengeance. his favourite pastimes now include self-sacrifice and violently murdering evildoers, hence the "wrath-bringer" epithet.
he has been alone—mostly by choice, because he can't lose any more loved ones if there is no one left alive that he loves—for over a decade by the time he's infected, but the forced proximity means the companions very quickly get under his skin. he's very protective of meadow especially (when they're both in the party at the same time in the universe that exists in my head) because she reminds him of his daughter.
he is god's favourite sacrificial lamb, and is consistently the first to go down in a fight (inspired by me, constantly getting him killed by taking far too long to figure out how to play a support class). naturally i paired him with gale because i think the idea of a guy finally opening his heart to the love of another after over a decade of self-imposed solitude out of fear of being hurt again, only for gale to decide to take on a suicide mission just as they're finally realizing their feelings for one another, is soooooo good and tragic. ☺️
he has a soft spot for children, but being around them makes him sad and withdrawn (for obvious reasons), something that the companions notice pretty quickly once they get to the grove and see his cold exterior totally melt around the kids there. he carries a journal which he adds to often, either little blurbs or sketches of people he meets in his travels, ever observing from afar as an outsider.
he was actually a war cleric of mystra when i first multiclassed him because the idea of this man finding solace in his goddes during the worst years of his life only for that same goddess to tell the first person he's truly loved in years that he needs to kill himself is sooooo. anyway. but i decided to change it because war domain just wasn't doing it for me and also have you seen ilmater's whole deal?
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also if he bears a close resemblance to my favourite unromanceable assassin's creed npc, that's just a coincidence (lying).
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enya sparrowsong
race: human
class: beast master ranger/circle of the land druid
background: urchin
romance: lae'zel (or meadow in the canon that exists in my head)
enya is landric's very alive daughter. i made her in the character creator with no intention of actually doing a playthrough as her, which is a lie i tell myself every time i open the character creator. 😔
ideally she would not even be filling the role of tav at all, but that's obviously not an option for an actual playthrough. she spent her childhood hunting and gathering in the wilds and later pickpocketing her way through the darkened alleys of baldur's gate to survive. in the version of her backstory that lives in my head, she eventually caught the attention of jaheira (by trying to rob her), who then took enya under her wing. the harpers became a family to her, and she is with them in the shadow lands when we meet them at last light in act two. also depending on my mood on any given day, enya and meadow are either bitter exes or couple of the year.
she is generally very abrasive with most people she doesn't know well (her and lae'zel are very perfect for each other), but has a soft spot for animals and orphans. she likes her solitude and it takes a lot of effort to earn her trust (there's a reason she's survived alone as long as she has) but once you do, she's ride-or-die.
she has a raven companion and her preferred wild shape is a wolf, but i've also had a lot of fun using her wolf wild shape and a wolf companion for twice the mauling in combat (and twice the torment for shadowheart—thank you sam for pointing out that she would fucking hate this 😭). i also like to think that she's been helping shadowheart get over her fear of wolves.
her relationship with her dad is deliciously complicated!!! but that's for another post.
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race: high elf
class: necromancy wizard/gloom stalker ranger
background: haunted one
romance: astarion
i haven't played as her much yet, and she's my first durge so i don't really know a ton about that whole background. but her brain is currently scrambled egg and she doesn't remember her past so i figure it's fine if i don't know anything about it either.🧍🏻‍♀️
she's trying so very hard not to kill people, and making up for the lack of murder by being incredibly rude to everyone she meets [astarion approves]. i named her idunn because i like the name but also in large part because i think associating the dark urge with the norse goddess of rejuvenation and vitality is really funny.
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aelius lucilius
race: drow half-elf
class: light domain cleric of selune
background: acolyte
romance: shadowheart
he's my newest tav and the one i've played the least, so i'm still working out his backstory. i honestly just really wanted to romance shadowheart as a selunite, which is working out great so far because the shar is already out of the bag and now she loudly and openly hates his fucking guts. 🤪
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fakeagatha · 2 years
hey! i’d like to request any larry johnson x fem reader. he’s like my all time favorite, and is very underrated in my book! thank you for all of your works!
Hey anon! I have to agree, Larry was a pretty awesome character.
It's my birthday (Oct 10) while I'm starting this and it's currently 2:28 AM, and I have to be up in less than 4 hours 🥲
Sorry this is so short! I've been quite busy lately
Requests: Open
Words: 367
Guitar Lesson|Larry Johnson x Fem! Reader
Your boyfriend, Larry, had always loved music. With various instruments lying around his room and his music player on.
His favorite though, was definitely the electric guitar. You'd seen him play a few times and you always thought he sounded amazing. Needles to say, you were inspired by his raw talent.
So, one day, you were determined to learn how to play. You were laying together in bed, before you spoke up.
"Hey, Larry?"
"Hm? What's up?" He replied.
You hesitated for a second, before answering.
"Could you... Teach me how to play some chords?"
His face immediately lit up, "I've been waiting forever for you to ask me!" He smiled.
He walked over to where his guitar was sitting and picked it up, bringing it over to the bed.
"Come, sit here, I'll sit behind you and guide your hands."
You did as told, crossing your legs as your boyfriend wrapped his arms around you, holding the guitar.
"Let's start with something simple." He thought for a moment, "An E Minor."
He played it once himself for you to see, then guided your fingers to the correct frets.
"If the pressure starts to hurt, just take your fingers off."
You carefully strummed it, smiling at the sound you created.
"Sounded great for your first try!" He exclaimed, kissing your cheek.
He took your through a few more chords, you were able to play them out quite well.
"Y'know this always reminds me of the first day I met you." You spoke.
Larry smiled at the thought, "That's right, you were watching our school band perform!" He exclaimed, replaying the memory in his head.
You watched in amusement as they played in front of you. Your school band had decided to give a performance for a special event. You were too focused on this guy with long brown hair to notice any of the other members. You locked eyes a few times during their performance, and to your surprise, he came introduced himself at the end. It was brief, but you knew you'd fallen for him.
"Guess I made the right choice coming up to you, eh?" He smiled, sharing a kiss before laying back down together.
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wingedwhirlwind · 9 months
In a recent conversation with The Direct, Iman Vellani dropped some truth bombs about Marvel needing to reconnect with its audience by making them care about the characters once more. She expressed, "I don’t know if it’s about just getting bigger and bigger and bigger because then, like, what’s left? You know, I think it’s just about making the audience care about their characters."
Well, guess what? I'm here to pick up the care baton, especially for those underappreciated characters from Captain Marvel that deserved a proper sequel. And where do I start? Deleted scenes, of course! Starforce edition.
“HEADING TO TORFA” Also known as the Starforce banter scene because it unveils glimpses into the diverse personalities of the elite Kree team. This scene begins with all six members returning to reality after seemingly communicating with the Supreme Intelligence. Here are their individual reactions:
Yon-Rogg and Korath emerge as the epitome of calm and composure, a rational response befitting their roles as commander and second-in-command. It’s reasonable to assume that the Supreme Intelligence is engaging them in strategic discussions, sharpening their minds before embarking on their mission. The camera skips Minn-Erva's reaction. (In an interview with Jude Law and Gemma Chan this question popped up, but they only talked about who Yon-Rogg sees) Moving forward, Vers exudes an air of control, her immediate attention directed towards the chip at her neck. In contrast, Bron-Char's sharp exclamation upon opening his eyes suggests a momentary disorientation or surprise.
Yet, Att-Lass clearly takes center stage. Att-Lass, my poor blue boy, is depicted blinking through tear-filled eyes, a solitary tear tracing a path down his cheek. WHAT could evoke such a strong response from him? The Supreme Intelligence is known to be cruel, but in this context, it doesn’t make any sense. So I have no clue, but here’s a quote from the actor Algenis Perez Soto, “He looks up to her [Vers], as a big sister, and I’ve really liked this closeness that they have in the film.” Considering Att-Lass's reputation as someone who shares deep connections within Starforce, it’s possible that the emotional impact stems from the sight of all his comrades assembled together? I bet they had to remove this scene because the test audience liked it too much, and because it makes Att-Lass’ last line “Don’t make me do this” 100x more heart-wrenching.
“STARFORCE RECRUITS”. Now this stands out as my favorite scene for numerous reasons. Brie Larson's words that Vers and Yon-Rogg share "a very loving relationship" isn't an exaggeration; this scene, clocking in at under two minutes, serves as living proof. Here are a few noteworthy observations that have already resonated within the fandom:
Yon-Rogg assumes a surprisingly gentle demeanor akin to a teacher addressing children, prompting a smile from Vers, who then teases him not once, but twice. Yon-Rogg reciprocates with laughter, seizing the opportunity to commend her greatness. Interestingly, he appears entirely comfortable with being teased. However, when a question surfaces that he knows has the potential to hurt Vers, he immediately shifts gears, halting the conversation and maintaining a vigilant gaze to ensure her well-being. This brief scene captures the nuances of their relationship, highlighting moments of warmth, banter, and a protective instinct. But of course, there’s something more. Here is a quote from Vers I keep coming back to: “The Commander is right about the Skrulls. They took everything from me. My HOME, my family, my memory. Our leader, the Supreme Intelligence SAVED me, gave me purpose, and this implant-...”
It's not the specific choice of words or how Vers delivers the lines that perplex me; rather, it's the subtle yet intriguing background action that unfolds. At the precise moment she utters the words emphasized in capital letters, Yon-Rogg's head abruptly whips around to look at her. And what makes this all the more intriguing is that it happens not just once, but twice. Whether it's a matter of timing or editing decisions, I initially found it somewhat humorous. However, with time, the humor faded, leaving behind a sense of sadness. Let me explain.
Vers, indoctrinated by the Supreme Intelligence, firmly believes that Skrulls were responsible for the devastation in her life, including the loss of her family. Yon-Rogg, on the other hand, is entrusted with selling this fabricated narrative. He feeds Vers the lies, and she, in turn, echoes them to those around her, continuing the circle of lies that only intensifies with each retelling. So back to the observation. Is Yon-Rogg cringing at her words because they were scripted for her, or is he discontent upon hearing Vers credit her salvation to the S.I? Whatever the case, the scene should’ve been included.
“WHO DO YOU SEE?” Each member of Starforce, and indeed every Kree warrior, has a distinctive relationship with the Supreme Intelligence. Jude Law even says, "My character has a very particular relationship with the Supreme Intelligence which becomes revealed and is quite complex, ultimately very revealing of what motivates. I’ve kind of based him almost on a sort of, not religious fanatic, but he’s got a kind of divine sense of purpose because of his relationship with this greater being."
Complex is a good word because I don’t think I can fully explain the scene, but it changes everything. This scene serves to confirm Yon-Rogg's feelings for Vers, particularly evident in the line "You were blinded by your feelings for her." Throughout the movie, he consistently makes decisions in her favor, showcasing a stark departure from his earlier stance on "not letting emotions rule one's head." This shift becomes strikingly apparent when she’s in peril, and Yon-Rogg takes decisive action to protect her. His choice to mislead Ronan the Accuser is one example. The scenes also shows the brutality of the Supreme Intelligence and it’s uncertain what happens to him after the film. I’m hoping he could return at some point in the future of the MCU.
As if the included deleted scenes weren't enough, the mere thought of what's been shot but never published has me on edge. But that’s for another post.
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b-radley66 · 1 year
WIP - Lament: The Aerie
A little thing I’m working on that will probably appear months from now. All the stuff with the Willow series, encouraged me to write some more Enfys Nest, Jade’s sister in Chaos and from another universe, a year or so before Solo.
As always, #save willow. Enjoy!
Enfys follows Pags to the small chamber that Weazel had pointed to. There are three couches along the walls; they choose the one opposite the door. Enfys pulls out a small card she had been given and inserts it into a slot in a table nearest to where she has sat and buckled in. 
She looks at Pags before inserting the card all the way in. Pags takes a deep breath and nods. Enfys finishes inserting the card. There is a pause, then her stomach drops as the lift car starts to move downward. For a moment there is darkness, then the transparisteel windows change their tint. 
Beside her, Enfys feels Pags draw in a deep breath at what they see. The expanse of the planet, with the backdrop of tiny lights in a vast velvet curtain shows through the windows of the car, as well as the maglev tube that runs all the way down to the surface. 
Pags pulls out a datapad and punches in a sequence of buttons. She stares at the ‘pad, then looks up at Enfys. She gives a brief nod at the results. 
“So what are we doing?” Enfys asks.
“Sitting on our asses in the vastness of space, with only a few centimeters between us and eternity?” Pags replies, her voice clearly unsure. 
“Not too much different, really, than jumping on an unfamiliar speederbike, drunk, and taking off after an armed freighter,” Enfy replies, her voice as dry as the desert world that feat had occurred on.
“I knew what I was doing,” Pags protests sharply. 
“Obviously,” Enfys retorts. 
“Asshole,” Pags ends the conversation with. 
“Takes one to know one, Lowest.” 
Enfys is quiet for a moment, then reaches out and takes Pags’ hand gently. Pags turns to her and nods, smiling for a couple of seconds. She turns back to look out at the view. Enfys sees her face darken as her eyes fall on something. She turns to focus on that something. 
An Imperial star destroyer, moving slowly and stately towards an orbital graving dock. Enfys squeezes Pags hand and says, “I’m here with you, Pags.”
Pags nods and turns away. Before she does, a slight smile comes over her face as their view shows one deactivated engine of the three main ones; the damage to it is apparent from the burn marks, as well as the fact it is exposed downward at an angle from the rest of the ship. 
The datapad beeps. Pags pushes a button and smiles as a hooded figure comes up over the device, after a couple of seconds of processing. Enfys notices that Fulcrum doesn’t wear her masker; her true face—or at least what Enfys knows as her true face—breaks into a wide smile. 
“Hello my babies,” Fulcrum, or Jana Roshti as at least Enfys knows her, says. “It’s great to see you both.”
“You, too,” Enfys and Pags say at the same time. They look sheepishly at each other, then turn to see Fulcrum’s Smirk. She grows serious after a couple of breaths. “Ina asked me to call you, Chieftain,” she says, using Meglann’s codename. “I’m sorry about your mother. She was a powerful woman. She also loved you dearly.”
Enfys feels her eyes tickle, as she thought she had finally move past whenever her mother was mentioned. Pags takes her hand in her other one as well. 
“I guess that jet-jockey is trying to get you to talk me out of this whole thing.”
Fulcrum’s eyes gaze at her. Enfys turns away slightly, to break the gaze of those powerful blue eyes. “No, dear,” she says. “She respects your choice. I just called to say that I know this path you’re on. It can lead to even more pain, if you let it consume you.” The Smirk returns. “Though I would never say it to them, you’ve got some other powerful women who are there to help you. They’ll have your back. And Ina cares deeply about you.” She looks at Pags. “I think this one might, as well.”
“Meh,” Pags says. 
Enfys rolls her eyes. Jana looks away from the pickup and nods. “Gotta run. Love you both.” As the holo fades, she adds, “Don’t let the Dragon intimidate you. He respects strength, even though he might be a cantankerous asshole about it.”
The lift slows. Enfys realizes they had passed through atmosphere into the dark of the night. She barely has time to register the high, shining buildings, before the car passes to the inside of an old, stately building. They both get up and exit the car. A young woman with skin the same hue as Enfys’ nods and points towards an exit. 
A landspeeder waits there, the rear door open. Enfys looks at Pags, then gets in. She stops short as she sits and sees the older human male sitting opposite them. He looks at them with piercing blue eyes set in craggy features. She half expects him to stick his tongue out like his nickname suggests and draw it back in. 
After a moment or two, he reaches over and holds his hand out. “I’m Bel Iblis,” he says in a voice with a mixture of accents, not the least is an Outer Rim drawl mixed with a Corellian. “I understand you want to join my sons and daughters of chaos.”
She doesn’t say anything, but can feel Pags grinning at her discomfiture. She steels herself and says. “If they’re worth my time, old man. And if you are.”
Enfys wonders if she is going to dissolve into a pile of ash from the look he gives, while Pags sits next to the pile laughing like a hellhound on the scent.
After a moment or two of making her squirm, the look in his eyes soften with a broad grin. “You’ll do, Chieftain. You’ll do.”
She still doesn’t relax, though. 
“What you and those other ingrates are planning, will require some subtlety—probably a bit more than you’re used to.” He looks at Pags. “I think Tionn, the matriarch of the Sal-Solo faction will be impressed by your title, your Lowest. You might work on that angle. Princess Intense, here, might work on her whelp, Thrackan. Hammer already might have an in with him as well, on Jadenia through Fulcrum’s strip joint.” He stops, growing thoughtful. 
Enfys and Pags look at one another, wondering how he knows all three of their nicknames for each other, mostly coming from Meglann—Hammer. 
He looks up. “How do y’all feel about boloball?” 
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medicallymercury · 9 months
Just seen the Casualty spoilers for next week, I don't know how to describe my feelings. The first Teddy-related spoiler made me so physically excited I had to start jumping around my living room to be able to keep reading. The second one made me throw my phone across the room. Mixed feelings and general nausea.
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The first one? More than I even hoped for from this episode. I honestly just expected that this episode would be him in his feelings, maybe telling Paige about it but probably Jodie (I'LL GET TO THAT). Instead, Jan asking him to come collect the ashes? How interesting it is for his characterisation that he still hasn't forgiven her enough for that? Paige finding out he only proposed because of Gethin? The role of family in Teddy's entire existence? MOST IMPORTANTLY: SAH TRYING TO GIVE HIM ADVICE. We're finally getting a Teddy and Sah scene, and it might go horribly but I honestly thought he'd just never talk to them again and the writers would try and pretend they'd resolved that storyline so I genuinely will cry about this. Expect so many edits. I am so fucking excited to see them interact again, I am shaking like one of those little dogs. I am foaming at the mouth. You will never shut me up.
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The second one? Exactly what I dreaded would happen in this episode. I'm not happy about the Teddy/Jodie storyline and I don't shut up about that. I've said before that if I ship something I usually ship it forever and in the case of Teddy that means being very tied to Sah/Teddy/Paige for the good times and Sah/Teddy (no Paige) for the bad times, so I'll never really want to see him with anyone else (I'm not even really very big on Teddy/Paige with no Sah). To be fair, I can objectively see why this does kind of make sense in the moment if not on a whole. Teddy and Jodie are the hospital's nepo-babies and I say that as a joke but I do think it can put them in somewhat similar situations. On top of that, Teddy has just lost Gethin, Jodie has been kinda actively losing Max - I don't think their situations are that similar but I think they have more common ground with each other than they do with a lot of other people. So I see why this works but I don't care, I don’t have to be rational or reasonable about the medical drama if I don’t want to. (And incredibly subjectively? There is no main character in the show whose family life makes for more interesting comparsion with Teddy's than Sah's, even with this storyline.)
I'm not gonna lie and pretend I'll accept it as a plot choice because we've known about it for months now and I still don't like it. But I might've found a way to ignore it if they hadn't decided to make it happen this quickly. I always knew that the Gethin stuff would lead to the infidelity somehow, but I wanted an episode of Teddy grieving that didn't feature that. I wanted them to give Teddy and Jan a little time before they went that way. Just to properly establish things before rushing into a very new storyline, if anything. Even a brief acknowlegement in today's episode would've been better than this. I think I'm getting too into it because personal life things, there's a reason why Teddy is so me and let's keep it at that.
Oh and, yeah, I guess technically he does it under the assumption that he and Paige aren't together so it's kind of not cheating. But it is cheating, isn't it? And he's gonna keep at it. So I feel like even if it kind of isn't cheating now, it will be cheating eventually.
mixed mixed mixed feelings.
(Also, I forget how much I disagree with Casualty Twitter and then Teddy does anything and the response reminds me. I’m not saying he’s not done anything wrong, but the stuff he’s done wrong is so interesting and people there seem to just want him to disappear entirely if he won’t play the role of “Sah’s Best Friend” for them.)
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mommymothma · 1 year
It's that time again I'm dropping something
But no, it's not a new part to The New Manda'lor, sorry. This next part is very particular and I want to get it right.
That being said, I am providing content for a WLW ship that is severely lacking in content so... a win is a win?
Anyway, here is Celadon, Part one. Also available on AO3 Hope and Love Chapter 2
Mon Mothma x Kleya Marki
Celadon Part 1
Trigger warning, mentions of sexual assault
Rated M
"I don't think I've ever seen you dress up," Mon said, looking Kleya up and down.
"I dress for work all the time." Kleya argued, swirling her glass. 
"Sure, but not like this." Mon had admittedly been blown away when she saw her. Kleya was almost always in the same clothes or same style. She often stuck to dark blues and grays, perhaps the odd white or red strip of color. 
But she'd never been in green before, or at least not in front of Mon Mothma.
It was still a muted shade, but it stood out enough to catch her eye. She'd put money on it that Perrin would ping the color as Sage Green, but Mon on the other hand suspected a nice Celadon. 
"We shouldn't even be talking," Kleya told her, trying to look inconspicuous but failing miserably. 
Deep down Mon knew she was right, but she'd been having a hard week. 
Everyday she'd get home and have to gaslight Perrin into thinking there were rumors of his gambling addiction. And every day she wished those rumors would come to fruition. It would be so much easier for her, but alas, the work was never done. 
"Kleya if you keep looking around like an Owl in the daylight people are going to get suspicious. Just relax for another forty-five minutes and then you're home free. Luthen will make his appearance and no one will be looking at you."
"Except Luthen is always late." Kleya said abruptly.
Another true statement. But he was a man of the minute, he did things as they came to him. It was efficient but unpredictable.
To be perfectly fair Mon had no idea where they were and why. Every Friday she was invited to something or other and she didn't keep track anymore. When the car pulled up out front she knew to throw on nice clothes and smile and the driver would take her to whatever party her assistant accepted the RSVP to. 
When she'd walked in she made her rounds, she talked to three senators before she was offered her first drink. Seven senators by her second drink, and she was to a total of seventeen on her third. On her way to find number four she'd found Luthen's shopkeeper attempting to fade into a corner. 
"Well why don't you try to actually sell some stuff. Make some money for… Luthen's Projects." 
"Because I'm off the clock and here as a courtesy. If Luthen wants to sell old junk to rich people then he should come here and do it himself."
"Charming as ever, Kleya." Mon told her. 
"Why don't we get another drink? You don't seem to be a fan of the wine."
"Oh this water with dye in it." Kleya answered, finishing the glass with a shrug. 
"On the job. Don't want to inhibit my thinking." 
"Right because then you might agree to do this for free," Mon said, catching the other woman in her own trap.
Kleya rolled her eyes ever so slightly. The eye roll of a professional. 
"I heard about your daughter," she started, "she's really going back to Chandrila huh?"
The sinking feeling at the bottom of Mon's gut returned. For a brief moment she'd forgotten about her daughter's choices, and now she was blindsided by it all over again. 
"Let me guess," Kleya said, moving to stand right in front of her, "she thinks it's romantic." 
"It would appear so."
"Did you tell her otherwise?" 
Mon stayed quiet, not willing to admit the answer. 
She loved her daughter, and she hated that she was making this decision. But it was an overwhelming positive thing for the sake of the rebellion. That's one less set of eyes on Mon.
She hated how rational it was. She hated that she was the one who had to make this sacrifice. 
"I'm really sorry," Kleya told her, "I know you've been trying to keep her as far away from… that, as possible." 
Mon smiled, glancing at the other end of the room where her husband made small talk with a businessman. 
"Thank you Kleya." She said, heartwarmed a bit at the idea that someone acknowledged her suffering. 
"I think I'm going to leave." Kleya said, prying herself from the wall.
"Yeah, I have a sense Luthen is doing something more important without me. He needs supervision."
"I should come with you," Mon Mothma argued, knowing the attempt was futile. 
"You don't believe that's a good idea," Kleya told her, snatching a glass of Champagne off a waiting Droid as it passed. 
"I know, I guess I'm jealous you're not trapped here." She explained, accepting the glass Kleya handed her. 
"Change is coming, Mon. But you know better than anyone we have to be patient. We might not even be around to see it, but the spark on Aldhani set a fire, and it's spreading."
"And it must be extinguished," Mon said, her voice slightly raised. A man to her left looked at her, raised his glass with a nod. She accepted the gesture, satisfied with her ability to cover their tracks. 
"I agree," Kleya said, "because it's a lot harder to put out a fire than a spark. More expensive too, and the last thing we want are higher taxes." 
Mon smiled, a slight chuckle building at the edge of her mouth. 
"Speaking of Aldhani, are we?" Perrin asked, surprising her by placing a hand on her shoulder. 
"Oh, yes, it's truly awful what happened. Betrayed by their own General. It makes you think about how many more… abolitionist terrorists are out there."  She told him. 
Kleya eyed Perrin skeptically. Mon could see the other woman's visual analysis on her face. 
And Kleya did not look impressed.
"Saw Gerrera and his 'rebellion' are nothing but ants. They can't touch us here. They'll continue to blow things up and make scenes on outer rim worlds, but that's all they'll ever be." Perrin told them, and Mon wanted to roll her eyes.
Saw Gerrera was not the only spark. 
There were other snakes in the emperor's garden. 
"I don't believe we've met," Perrin said, extending a hand to Kleya. Mon watched as the icy woman took it, undoubtedly using a firmer hand then her husband. 
"Perrin Fertha," he said.
"Kleya Marki." She replied, retracting her hand. 
"Do you know each other?" He asked.
"Kleya works with Luthen at the treasures and antiques place I like. She sold me your birthday gift."
"Ah, you have good taste Kleya. In both art and career. Luthen's work is well renowned and highly valuable. I appreciate the work you do." 
Kleya smiled, going as far as to add a small curtsey.
Mon couldn't wait to tell Luthen. 
"Well I try. I like to say that every piece tells a story, and my job is to do my best to convey that story to the customer. I must be pretty good because your wife keeps coming back." 
Perrin just smiled, taking Mon's shoulder and attempting to usher her away.
"Just give me a moment, would you dear? I have another matter to discuss with Ms Marki regarding Luthen's new Alderaan collection.
"Of course, join me by the stairs when your finished. I have some friends I would like to introduce you to."
When he was out of earshot, Mon returned her attention to Kleya, who seemed to be chomping at the bit to leave. 
"Sorry about that," Mon apologized. 
"Why? You're not responsible for his behavior."
Mon smiled, but it wasn't a typical smile. It was more of an acceptance of defeat than anything. 
"I shouldn't have talked to him that way," Kleya said, "I'm sure I just caused you trouble."
"It's okay, I'll manage. I wish you were around more often, it would take the heat off me." 
"You know where to find me." Kleya told her plainly.
The words rolled off the tongue like an invitation, but Mon wasn't sure to what. 
"You should go," Kleya told her. "Don't worry about me, or Luthen. Go appease the senate, senator." 
Before Mon could reply Kleya reached forward, extending a hand to the edge of her face, brushing past it to her ear.
Ever so gently Kleya rotated her earring, fixing the position it had mistakenly shifted to.
"Can't be anything less than perfect, can we?" Kleya whispered in her ear as she moved. 
Mon simply sighed, shaking her head. 
"I'll see you around, Senator." Kleya told her, before removing herself from her corner and disappearing into the crowd. 
Mon took a second to collect herself, then followed the cold trail left by Perrin towards what was undoubtedly another round of his friends making political or sexual passes at her. 
Passes he would ignore. 
And for longer than a moment she wished Kleya had stayed with her, even if only to share the burden. 
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yallmakemyassitch · 2 years
A Game Of Cat & Mouse
After an eventful day of exercising and running around the park, the two finally get to enjoy some R&R back home for the evening. After they showered, Ayana took this as the perfect opportunity to present the new outfits she bought for her and Tabi.
“Tada! 😸”
She hops into the room wearing a cute tiger onesie with perky ears and a little tail, striking a playful kitty pose in Tabi’s direction.
“So, whatd’ya think? Don’t we look adorable?😺”
Tabi looks down at the grey mouse onesie he had on, still feeling a bit unsure about the choice of animal for him.
“Eh, it’s cute, I guess...” He shrugs, “Though I still don’t understand why you made me be a mouse.”
“Because *I’m* already the cat. And this cat wants to have a tasty treat~ ” She giggled, creeping closer towards him in an almost predatory stance. Tabi takes a step back, the look mischief in her eyes suddenly making him wary.
“H-Hey. You shouldn’t corner a mouse, Aya. This mouse will fight back,” he warns.
“I’d like to see you try. 😼” With that, she pounces, pushing him back onto the bed and climbing on top of him before he even has time to react. Despite his startled protests and squirming, the little mouse was stuck there, successfully trapped by the playful tiger. Ayana leans down to whisper something in his ear.
“A little known fact you should know about tigers, Tabi: When killing their prey, they always go for the neck.” She then blows a strong raspberry right into his neck, followed by a fierce barrage of nibbles and kisses that had him cackling like a mad man and squirming even more desperately.
“Dh-HAHAhahahaha! Ahayaa-hahaha! AH-! NOHO STAHAHAHAP! I CAN’T TAHAKE IHIhihihit!!”
“Hahaha! Nope! You’re all mine now~!” She grins with pure glee as she starts clawing at his ribs. Tabi was running out of energy; he knew he needed to do something to defend himself, and fast!
In a last-ditch effort, he reaches up and firmly grabs her sides. It actually surprises her enough that she stops tickling him for a brief moment. Tabi took his chance and flips them both over on the bed so that their positions are now switched; Ayana looks up at him in disbelief.
“Wha-!? H-How??”
Tabi chuckles at her, albeit breathlessly, since he was still recovering. “Hah... I already told you. This mouse fights back,” He wiggles his fingers at her, a new revengeful desire quickly restoring his energy, “and this time, he’s not going to show mercy either.”
And with that, Tabi attacks. He uses a variety of methods: clawing at her ribs, kneading her tummy and squeezing her hips. Within seconds, Ayana was reduced to a blushing, giggling pile of jelly, much to his delight.
“Now I get to enjoy *my* tasty treat. The sweet laughter of my sweet little kitty~♡”
- The End.
I PROMISE Gypsy, I will be getting to that final part some day! I just had to get this out. 'Cause the idea has been swimming in my head for a while now.
The concept was very much inspired by this bit in Cougar's comic dub compilation (at 1:58), with my own personal spin on it. ^_^
Poor Ayana. She thought she had it but the tables got turned so, so badly. 🙈 (She still had fun tho.)
Hope you guys like this.
I wanted to end today on a good note (last post today I swear) so...
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You never cease to amaze me with these cool ass stories, anon ⊂⁠(⁠´⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°
Keep up the good work :)
Ash boutta loose their damn mind I know it
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Favorite snippets from chapter four of Repentance. (Already posted.)
This gets a little long so... Read more thingie.
Tia and Claude are almost immediately swarmed by the gentlemen of the night looking for dance partners, and with a warm warning from Papa to not get eaten up, they waltz away with their top choices.  Logan quit dadding everyone jfc.
“Dani Dear, come dance with me?” Diego pleads, and Papa glances at Uriel.  “We’re in public.” Papa says, which Uriel guesses is his way of declining Diego's invitation.  “I’ll behave.” The general promises, pouting. “You’re one of our best captains, the highest decorated of the night! It would be shameful of me to not get a dance with you.”  Papa sighs. “Aurora is too busy tonight to watch Uriel…”  “What?! I’m a big kid!” Uriel protests. “That’s why you’re being mean and telling him no?! I can watch myself!”  Diego is honestly too nice for Dani. He's a dick. Uriel lmaoooooo, sassy little guy.
Papa’s mouth opens and shuts, and for a brief moment he looks so distressed Uriel almost regrets the tricks he’s pulling. But he sighs and his face goes flat before he smiles softly. “Alright. Fine, I’ll go dance with Diego.” Oh reading into this one is so fun. What's goin' on in your braincase Logan? Putting your own comfort on the line to get your son off your back lol.
Diego and Papa are actually kinda cute together. But whatever. Uriel needs to go find Rorke. Uriel is trying to find another dad.
Damn. Uriel don't curse. I don't care that it's your internal dialogue, you know how scandalized your Papa would be?
“What? Hey! I’m not a kid!” Uriel complains, digging his heels into the floor.  This guy is gonna wrinkle his suit!  Yes you are a child, and no I don't think this jackass wrinkling your suit is the biggest problem.
Uriel might have gone for his balls if he were feeling cruel, but as it was, the guy hadn't pissed him off enough for that. He could reach his armpit so that’s where he aimed.  *Logan wiping away a tear.* "That's my boy!"
Before the guy can actually get to him though there’s an arm around his waist and Uriel is picked up. Hefted onto someone’s hip who turns to keep them between Uriel and this other jackass.  “Getting a bit rowdy tonight?” A voice drawls, and Uriel realizes Rorke’s the one who scooped him up.  Rorke being a knight in shining armor is something I forgot I had written. Very funny. (Him having a soft spot for kids? No. Him not being a total dick? Yeah. Also knowing that Dani would probably actually gut someone if he had to intervene. Too much paperwork.)
Time for the dick punch.  “Are you drunk!?” Uriel asks, very loudly, very clearly.  With already a dozen eyes on the fandangle, that statement draws about two dozen more.  “No!” The guy protests, now a bit red in the face.  “Go sit down and cool off, soldier.” Rorke orders, and the guy is quick to dart off elsewhere.  *Logan, hooting hollering and cheering wildly.*
“What are you even wandering around for?” Rorke asks him, taking notably fewer steps to let Uriel keep up with him. “You seemed like you were looking for someone.”  “I was looking for you.” Uriel admits, then he processes what Rorke said. “Wait, you were watching me?!”  “For a little bit.” He pinches the air.  Uriel glares at him.  Rorke being a little bit of a guardian angel... when in reality he's just a nosy bitch. lol.
“What really happened?” Uriel asks. “Dead people don’t just… come back.” And ghosts aren’t real.   “The stubborn ones do.” Rorke tells him.  Rorke can't stop talking about himself for three seconds jfc.
“What?” Rorke says, like he’s complaining. “I didn’t do shit.”  Papa sighs so hard it sounds like he’s hissing, starting off on Rorke in english. “You stupid whore–”  Rorke being a moody teen and Logan forgetting he taught his son English lmaooooo. Whore.
“Papa!” Uriel shouts, scandalized. “Don’t be mean! He helped me!”  Papa’s eyes are on him again, but more curious than angry.  “Did I?” Rorke asks.  Pls, Rorke you dumbass. Yes you helped him, just because you got to be a dick to someone doesn't mean you're the only one to benefit.
They wait a few minutes for Tia to come out and she gets in the back seat with Uriel, seeming equally confused as to why Dani isn’t back there with them. But she doesn’t ask any questions, just says. “Me and Claude didn’t get a chance to dance with each other…” in a bit of a disappointed tone.  Awwww, poor Tia didn't get to dance with her sister. :(
“Papa told me not to leave the table while he went to dance with Mr. Diego, and he told me not to talk to Rorke, but I did anyway!” He tells her.  Uriel doesn't know what last names are apparently. Diego is his first name lmao.
Tia brushes her hand through his hair, sighing fondly. “Well, your Papa loves you too much to hold a grudge. I’m sure he’ll get over it by the morning. Let’s get these braids out and this tux off so you can shower and sleep, okay?”  Uriel nods, letting Tia wipe away the last of his tears before she starts in on his hair, unwinding the braids with her fingers and giving him a nice head scratching.  “My handsome little Angel.” She tells him, before sending him off to get a change of clothes, taking his tux once he’s in the bathroom for his shower.  Tia is honestly the best person Dani could have chosen to help look after Uriel. She's such a good mother figure for him. Oml.
After the patch is tucked away in his desk, Uriel is tired, but too restless to sleep. His brain is too loud behind his eyes.  Awwww, Uriel overthinking so hard he can't sleep. Poor baby.
“You’re supposed to be sleeping.” He tells Uriel, and Uriel nods as he crosses the room, clambering up on the bed.  Papa grunts and flops down, grumbling quietly as Uriel climbs over him and curls up on his back, but doesn’t kick him out or off.  Pls, Logan just accepting his fate when Uriel picks to sleep //on his back.// Like homie can't breathe but whatever, he'd do anything for Uriel.
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tornioduva · 11 months
You know what? fuck. radical opinion on Zelda TotK. i'm probably never gonna make a video about it so might as well write it.
Link should not even have had the master sword in this game. this duology already has given it all to devalue, depower and demistisy the iconic sword, she might as well been removed.
Shoving aside the idea of a reimagined saga, starting from BotW; it was ok in BotW, good, cool, i have my infinite mining stick that sometimes can kill evil. awesome. but.
If they wanted to do something cool with the sword in TotK and to try to recapture some of the magic in having her in the story, they should have made the radical choice of not giving it to link, but to zelda instead. let me explain:
first, we have to aknowledge that no power up coul dsave the sword in this gameplay loop; while watching the trailer and that green decoration on her i imagined we would get a transformed sword, maybe like a laser/magic one with new powers and stuff. what a naive idiot. still, even with new powers, that wouldn't have changed the fact that this system is designed without the master sword in mind, and so, either you ignore it and continue farming weapons and ingredients, or you just use her as a jolly, but like, is not particularly satisfying or efficent; it's just a somewhat aesthetic option.
instead of trying to shove her where she is not wanted, since we already tried it in the first game, this time around zelda should've been the wielder of the master sword. Like, we can keep all the time shenanigans with her sealing herself away to restore her power, but.
What if all of this came with the change that she gets the broken blade at the start, and most of the flashbacks are her trying to restore her, care for her, half repairing it, training to use her, earning her trust as a chisen wielder and then using it again as a last resorts against ganondorf before getting sealed (so this way he would have seen the sword and the emotions of a new confrontation with it could have beenmore personal and less abstract) AND THEN she decides to seal herself with it. Plus, in all of this we can keep all the time power stuff, sure, maybe as a power up to the sword so that it make sense why she can repair it and reuse it so quickly against him the second time.
Then, after all of this, when link learns of truth, there' still the quest to find her and the sword, but at the last moment there is a fake out and zelda throws link away and disappears for the rest of the game (i'm not thinking of what it maight be good gameplay wise, i guess this would be pretty unsatisfying, i'm just thinking of cool scenarios); this way it makes more sense why you can't help her after learning the truth she isn't there anymore.
as you can imagine, she then only reappears at the end in the final battle, maybe after phase 2 and before ganondorf going bananas. at that point she has being able to gain control on her powers and can transform at will for a brief period (maybe because link "awaken" her while trying to take the sword, something like that, no less worse than the canon solution) and in this you fight briefly side by side with her while she's wielding the sword. after this, either it's just the sky fight as it is, but with her at the end trasforming and stabbing ganondorf with link's help, or maybe she remains human and both link and her need to fight on the body of the dragon in a race against reaching the head for the final blow (i honestly would kinda prefere that, maybe sometimes you would fall over, she transforms and captures you and then back again racing to the head)
This is a furious and anxious rambling came from lack of sugars, i don't know, it probably would suck gameplay wise BUT, i do firmyl believe the master sword is useless in this game and it would have benefitted to remove it from link's hand in order to strenghten zelda's character and the sword power.
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theunauthorisedauthor · 11 months
The River
It’s a dark and cold night, the street is dimly lit with the orange hue of streetlights. Rain is falling slowly, gently. If out for too long I would be soaked to the bone but for now it is no bother. I take no notice to the way the denim of my jeans starts to stick to my skin. That is not important right now.
My pace is slow, there is nowhere i need to be right now. I had left the comfort of my warm bed and ventured outside because I felt a calling. A need to be by the waters edge.
The night is still except from the hum of the occasional car in the distance and the sound of an odd university student still up in their dorm.
I had made it to my destination, a single bench that looked out across the river.
The loudness of my head seemed to dissipate when I came here and that was the reason I came.
The music in my headphones reflect the emotions that I am too stubborn or unable to feel for myself. A calm but melancholic tune which makes me feel oddly at peace with the situation.
I sit for a while, my thoughts somehow racing and completely still at the same time.
I know why I’m here tonight i just don’t want to think about it too much incase it makes me back down.
I breathe in deeply feeling the cold and damp air in my lungs, wondering why the air doesn’t normally taste this sweet.
My hoodie bunches uncomfortably from where I have scrunched my sleeves up but I don’t even think to adjust it.
I roll a cigarette and smoke it while gazing across the water, wanting, hoping that maybe that will fix everything, but it doesn’t it just makes me cough.
I wonder what my loved ones are doing right now and if I should reach out to them but then decide I’d rather not, I don’t want them to pop this little bubble I’m in right now. This is a time for just myself. A moment that if I make it to tomorrow I will think back to for years to come.
But in my selfishness I still crave to say goodbye so I write to them, nothing that could give my plan away but enough to feel closure.
Once i have felt that I have left it long enough and got the experience that I want I make my move.
I stand, my body more tired than it’s felt before, I walk up to the railing.
I stop to consider the choice I am making but only for a second for I had tried so many times for the same exact reason.
I was never cut out for this life and that’s okay because I will be at peace soon.
I’m calm as I grip the ice cold and wet bar of the railing, readying myself for what’s to come.
A brief thought crosses my mind of all the people who have done this and survived and how they say that the second they actually do it they are filled with regret when it’s far too late but I shake those thoughts away and steady myself, readying myself for what’s to come.
I am ready now.
I am lifting myself up onto the railing ready to do it, I imagine what’s about to happen but I won’t let that scare me, it’s now or never and I won’t let this chance slip through my hands.
And then I look down, expecting to see deep, violent water and bracing myself to face my fate but instead I see river bank.
The tide is out and being so caught up in my head and my plans I realise I never checked.
I sink to the floor defeated.
I guess today is not the day I die.
I pick myself up, annoyed with myself but too tired to fight, and take the small walk back to my apartment. I guess tonight wasn’t the night after all.
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He’s one of the good ones
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Nurse Reader
Warnings: Curse words, one (1) dirty joke, mentioned boss-employee relationship, objectification, brief description of a fight, stab wound, light spoilers for the movie, Bruce is actually a sweetheart 🥰
A/N: The prequel is now posted 😊 This will hurt 😊
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“Wait, wait, wait...I’m not sure if I understand you correctly. Not only are you working for him, but you’re also sleeping with him? What the hell, girl?” Your friend asked, looking pointingly at you. 
“I’m in a relationship with him.” You corrected, giving her a small glare. “But yeah, that’s the gist of it.” 
“Are you insane?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Look, I know the last guy was a loser, but even he was a better choice than Bruce fucking Wayne. He’s a broody loner, holed up in that tower. I’m pretty sure a wall is more entertaining than him. I never said anything about it when you said you got a job with him, but now I gotta say something. What on Earth are you planning on doing with him? You have nothing in common and your personalities are completely different. Did you even think about the future?”
“Also, really, sleeping with your employer? How many times have you seen that having a happy ending?” She paused. “Although I’m pretty sure he has a lot of happy endings right now.” She laughed at her own joke. 
“You had to go there?” You glared at her. 
“Oh, lighten up.” There was a moment of silence as she stared at you. “Well, are you gonna start talking?” Your first response was an eye-roll.
“You are right, we have little in common, he is reclusive and he doesn't have friends. But he treats me better than any of my exes ever did and he doesn't object to me going out, having fun or meeting friends, even if he doesn’t join. He is kind, smart and surprisingly funny, so he’s more entertaining than a wall. What I feel when I’m with him...I have never felt like that before. There is no second guessing or doubts. I...he’s one of the good ones, you know?” You met her eyes as you stopped describing the man you were now seeing. 
“Oh God...you’re really in love with him, aren’t you?” Your friend commented as she watched a small smile tug at your lips as you described Bruce Wayne. 
“I am.” Your smile deepened. Your friend raised her glass and you clinked it. 
“To you, for finally falling in love. Even though I still think it’s a bad idea. But I’m not going to stand in love’s way.” She smiled. 
“So tell me, more about him and how you met.” 
You didn’t tell her the whole story. The story you told to your friends and family is that he saved you from getting mugged. But in reality you both saved each other. Kind of. 
It was raining again. It shouldn't have surprised you, this was Gotham for Christ's sake...yet you still went out without an umbrella. To your defense, you didn't plan on staying out as long as you did. You just went to meet with your now ex to break-up with him. That was over quickly, but then you met a friend and decided to grab lunch...and then coffee and then drinks. So now it was 3 am and you were walking down the street completely drenched after 2 minutes in the rain that dulled the shine of your yellow sweater.
"Hello, Sunshine." The man, sitting on the sidewalk slurred. He had a long night as well. You gave him a curt nod before passing him. You found that if you just briefly acknowledge them, they tend to leave you alone. Unfortunately for you, sometimes you were wrong, just like in this case. But usually you have an umbrella with you...
"Come on, Sunshine, don't be rude. At least say hello." He caught up with you. Your hands balled up under your arms, as you were trying to hold back a shiver from the wind on your damp skin.
"Hey, I'm talking to you." He grabbed your elbow, pulling you towards him. You yelped in surprise, your eyes the size of saucers.
"Let me go." You finally managed to let out, as the shock let its grip of you go.
"Why don't we have some fun. I promise, you won't regret it." The man smirked when you started trashing in his grasp. Your body tensed up and you kicked at his shins and he released you, cursing you out. You started running, the man right on your heels. He was gaining on you and you whimpered as the idea of what might happen next creeped up on you.
*THUMP* was heard and you looked back, to see the man lying on the ground. Another man was standing above him. He briefly met your eyes, nodding, before the drunk man got up, taking a knife from his belt, swinging at your savior. Your instincts told you to run, but you decided to stay and try to help. The two men were engrossed in the fight and you were just trying to spot an opening. Unfortunately when you found it, your savior was the one that got startled and the drunk man managed to stab him in the shoulder. 
There was fortune in misfortune, as even though your savior was just stabbed, you were still close enough to the drunk that you managed to get behind him and put him in a chokehold, holding him until he stopped trashing. 
"Hey...thank you. And I’m sorry." You stepped to your savior, offering your hand. He looked at you and you finally registered who was kneeling in-front of you. 
Bruce Wayne.
He took your hand and you pulled yourself out of your daze, pulling him on his feet. He stared at your bright yellow sweater, before meeting your eyes again.
"Are you alright?" He asked after a few moments of silence. His voice matched the broodiness he exuded.
"Yeah. Yes. Um, I guess I'm a bit shocked about everything that just happened.” You paused, waiting for a response. "It's just I didn't know you actually go out. No one has seen you in years." You continued when the elusive man refused to speak. He kept his gaze on you. You swallowed down everything that you wanted to add.
"Just...thank you. There's not many people that would help in this city." You smiled at him, your face lighting back up again. Bruce looked at your hand that was still holding his and you quickly let go. He brought it over his wound and nodded at you. He wanted to leave, but you touched his un-hurt shoulder, stopping him. 
“My place is just down the block. I have medical supplies at home and I can stich you up. I promise it won’t leave a scar.” You smiled at him. 
“You don’t have to.” He gently shook his head. 
“I want to. It’s the least I can do, since I’m the reason why you got stabbed.” You sheepishly said.
When Bruce entered your apartment, you quickly made him change into dry clothes and made him tea to warm up, before really patching him up. He left pretty much the next second, but stopped by a week later with the clothes and an offer for a job. 
Bruce was out when you returned, which was weird, since you didn’t notice the bat signal in the sky. But you figured that either you missed it, or Bruce just decided to check some thing out. Saying hello to Alfred, you made your way to the “bat cave” with your book The Midnight Library and propped up on one of the chairs, waiting for your boyfriend / boss to come back. 
You were startled awake as the entrance to the “bat cave” opened and Bruce returned. 
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He ignored you, taking his mask off and pulling his contacts out. Stretching, you made your way to him, your arms embracing him and kissing the back of his neck. 
“Sorry I was out so long. You should go to sleep, I’m fine, just a couple of bruises.” Bruce commented as he rewound the footage. 
“It’s fine. What happened?” You sighed as you looked through his shoulder and gasped as you saw the murdered mayor. Bruce turned to face you, blocking your view. 
“I don’t want you to see this. Please, go upstairs and I will join you shortly. I just want to review what happened.” He caressed your face, before kissing you softly. 
“He lies still.” You said after you parted. Bruce nodded and leaned his forehead on yours. Your hands traced the black paint he used to fill in the eye holes once his mask was on. 
“You go through more of my make-up remover than I do. I should really get a raise.” You smiled at him, making it bigger once he smiled back at you. 
“I think we can work something up. I can be persuaded.” Bruce chuckled. 
This was the Bruce you loved. This was the man no one saw. Which was equally heart-breaking and heart-warming.
Thank you for reading! 😊🙏
The GIFs are not mine, they belong to the amazing creators 😊
I think I might do a second part to this...at some point 😊 I saw the new Batman movie this week and I was pleasantly surprised! I really loved the movie, so much so, I will go see it again this week 😁
Also I am reading this book right now and I am so pumped up about it, can't wait to finish it! 😊💙
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