#and like yeah........YOU WROTE HIM THAT WAY DUMMY
milfgyuu · 8 months
writer friends, are you ever just like "omg, i know i made him up but i love him' ??????
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dimicul · 3 months
jealous smug ex bf ghost 🫡
this is not edited and i wrote this at 4am 😭
thinking about the silent smouldering confidence radiating off of ghost when he knows he’s better in every way compared to your new boyfriend.
he doesn’t understand you the same way. sure, maybe your relationship with him wasn’t the most perfect, but it’s gotta be better than this arsewipe you picked up from the streets. he just doesn’t get you; your little tics, what makes you smile, laugh, cry, snort — cum.
you see it in every subtle jerk of Ghost’s body, every glance he passes you. pure smugness when your new boy toy drops the weighted gun several times, snaps at you when you try to help him; you can’t even point it out or go berserk if Ghost breathes in your direction, because nobody else sees it - just you. he reckons that’s why you’re perfect for him. nah, he knows it.
you suppose it’s a curse of some sort - it’s not like your boyfriend is a complete dickhead, but he messes up once and you find yourself wondering if Ghost would have done the same. if he’d allow it all.
“You’re pointin’ south.”
Ghost rolls his shoulders back, head cocked to the side as he watches your boyfriend turn in LT’s direction, lips pressed in a thin line. You keep reminding him it’s the other fucking way, that he had to practice the day before, because he knew how important this was to you—
“Yeah, got it L.T.” He says through clenched teeth. Ghost says nothing, but the mask shifts a little and you want nothing more than to wipe the smirk off of his face.
It doesn’t help when he releases the trigger and misses.
“Just keep trying.” You urge your boyfriend through clenched teeth, offering a smile. Ghost watches it all, how quickly your mood plummeted, how you’re sparing him worried glances. he’s not gonna pity your sod of a boyfriend, but since you’re so worried, he’d consider it. well, he tries to, when that boyfriend of yours moves harshly out of your way and readjusts his pose. It’s humiliating and it doesn’t go by unnoticed.
“There you go,” Your boyfriend simmers to himself when the bullet pierces straight into the makeshift dummy opposite him.
“Good job.” You sigh out, weights rolling off of your shoulders.
“Didn’t need a compass either.” Ghost remarks, void of any emotion as he turns to saunter off.
Despite your mental efforts, you can’t deny the sex is… awful.
You feel terrible as you roll onto your side, a layer of sweat on your skin, looking all tossed up. You should feel… good, right? Yet it doesn’t. It wasn’t the same; no familiar ache between your legs, the immediate sleep after, the same large hands that knew every inch of your body.
“Fuck sake,” You shove your face into the small cushion next to you, voice muffled. Here you were, laying beside your boyfriend, thinking about how much you’d rather be sleeping on the cheap issue of Ghost’s mattress.
You were royally fucked up.
Everyone notices your bad mood the day after; you’re slamming doors, sighing irritably, cricking your neck to the side, knees jittery. Ghost drinks it in, God he fucking revels it. Poor girl.
“Needed this, didn’t ya?” He’s rasping in your ear later that night, your head buried into the pillow deep somewhere in the barracks, ass up in the air for him. Ghost hisses, hips snapping against you. He can tell you needed this — course that pretty boy’s not been takin’ care of you, he doesn’t know you. Doesn’t care to.
“Fussy thing,” Ghost grunts, large hand moving to fist your hair, earning a whimper in response. You’re clawing at the sheets beneath you, breathless, unable to conjure up some lame jab because he’s so deep in you you swear you’re seeing stars.
“Greedy too. Yeah, you fuckin’ like that,” Thrust after thrust, you clench around him, taking him so well, because after all; you’re his. His girl. You moan into the pillow, earning a chuckle from the man as he stills, gloved hands on your hips. God, you know he’s making you late to training but you can’t seem to care.
“Doesn’t fuck you right, does he, love?”
“Si —” You’re panting, lolling against the pillow, jaw slack when large hands spread your legs wider, tattooed skin against soft flesh.
“You got a fussy little pussy,” He groans, base of his cock stilling again, right at that spot you love. “Need’a be fucked proper.”
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redstarwriting · 1 year
happy birthday
miles morales x reader
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request?: yes
request: “I LOVEDDD THE HC’S OMG OMG WORK OF ART!!! i was wondering if you would write something expanding on getting miles’ doodles tatted as an adult!! i would love to read more abt it, it’s so cutee”
requested by: anon​
word count: 2.2k
genre: fluff
Warnings: language, tattoos, mentions of tattoos and needles, Miles is so sweet it's sick
A/N: GLADLY!! i've been itching to get a new tattoo since the minute i got my first like three years ago and writing this just made me want to get another one so bad LMAO. i hope you enjoy!
also in case you were wondering what hcs anon is talking about, it's my pda/general affection hcs i wrote for hobie and miles! you can check it out here if you haven't already and feel compelled to :)
“Miles! Baby, can you give me a tattoo?” you ask, and he smiles. This has become a common practice in your relationship. From the time y’all were kids in love to now, you would always ask him for a tattoo. Of course, he didn’t actually give you tattoos, he just drew on your arm. He’s mentioned you, and even urged you, to get a tattoo every now and again. Especially when he offered to design them, but you always say his temporary ones are more special than any other tattoo you could get. He isn’t upset about it. He genuinely loves drawing on you. “Of course, babe. Come here,” he says, motioning you over to him as he grabs his markers he has specifically for your “tattoos.” You go over to him, sitting between his legs and extending your arm. “Can you draw it right next to the uh… elbow pit?” you say, and he laughs. “Elbow pit?”
“Yeah, like the inside of my arm and not on the bicep part or the elbow pit part, but the forearm part by the elbow pit,” you explain, pointing to the area you’re talking about. He chuckles. “Elbow pit.”
“Well, what else would it be called?” you ask, smiling, and he grins, starting to doodle on your arm. “I’ll text and ask my mom what the scientific name for it is after I’m done here,” he says, and you lean your head back against his shoulder. “Oh, god, please don’t tell her I called it an elbow pit.”
“Oh, I’m totally telling her you called it that,” he teases, placing a quick peck on your lips before returning his attention to your arm. He draws a spiderweb, of course, but in the shape of a heart. He adds his Miles touch to it by making it look like the web was spraypainted, and having it pop with black and red. You don’t even look at the tattoo as he draws it, you just stare at his face. You love watching him when he does his art. You assume it’s similar to the way his face looks when he’s swinging around the city as Spider-Man. He’s in his element, laser-focused and yet has an ease about him that mesmerizes you. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he says, smirking and turning his attention to you. You feel your face heat up but roll your eyes. “Can’t, arm’s a bit preoccupied.”
“You can get creative; I have an idea. Maybe use the one I’m not drawing on?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say, and he shakes his head. “What do you think, amor?” he asks, and you look. You smile. “I love it, Miles. Thank you,” you say, kissing him on the cheek. He grins, wrapping his arms around your waist as you admire his art. “What time is it?” you ask, and he glances at his phone. “11:15. Why?” 
“Ganke and I are gonna go get some lunch today.”
“Should I be worried?” Miles jokes. “No, dummy. We’re just talking about… something happening soon,” you say, and a sly smile spreads across Miles’ face. “How soon?”
“I’ve said too much,” you say, trying to get up. Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend is Spider-Man and can easily hold you in place. “Nuh uh, how soon is this something happening?” he looks at you with a shit-eating grin, and you roll your eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know, spider boy?”
“I would. Is it, and this is just a wild guess… something happening tomorrow? A special something happening on a very special day?” he guesses, and you sigh. “Don’t tell Ganke you found out…”
“I knew it!”
“We’re supposed to be planning your birthday party, yes. For tomorrow. On your birthday. Are you happy you spoiled it for yourself now?” you feign annoyance, and he laughs. “I am, actually. Now I know to look good for you tomorrow.” You roll your eyes. “You always look nice, Miles.”
“Only for you,” he grins at you, turning your face to look at him. The two of you share a kiss before it’s interrupted by his police scanner going off. He frowns slightly. “It’s okay, Miles. I gotta go soon anyways,” you give him a quick peck for squeezing out of his arms. He sighs. “Fine, fine. Guess I’ll go save the city. Be the best thing that ever happened to New York and all that.”
“My hero,” you joke, and he grins. “You know it,” he says, slipping his mask on and sliding his everyday clothes off. “I’ll see you later, Miles. Stay safe. Love you.”
“You stay safe, too. Love you more.” He leaps out of the window, and you make sure he’s gone before you call Ganke. “Yo, what’s up?”
“You gotta plan Miles’ birthday party tomorrow.”
“Woah, what?” You sigh. “I already have the roof of our building booked out for it, I ordered the cake already and will pick it up tomorrow and have all the decorations. You just need to invite everyone, okay?”
“You mean I have to reach out to people in different dimensions, tell them to clear their schedules for tomorrow, and hope for the best?” Ganke asks, and you hum into the phone. “Yep! Thanks, Ganke! Also, if Miles asks, we went and got lunch, okay?”
“And where are you really going?”
“I’m getting a tattoo to surprise him for his birthday tomorrow,” you say, grabbing your keys and putting some money in your pocket. You put Ganke on speaker, sending a quick text to Hobie. “You need to stop using me as a cover-up, (Y/n).”
“Who else am I supposed to use? Gwen?” you say, and Ganke sighs. “I mean, yeah, you know she would be down to help you with something like this.”
“Ganke she is so bad at keeping secrets like that, and you know it,” you say, admiring the art on your arm again. “Then use Hobie.”
“Wait that’s actually a good idea,” you say, “Especially since he’s the one giving me the tattoo.”
“I PANICKED! He was asking questions! Just, listen, invite as many people as you can think of, alright? Please, and thank you.”
“Fine. Go get inked or whatever they say,” Ganke says. The two of you give some quick goodbyes before hanging up. You receive a reply from Hobie, and a portal opens in Miles and your bedroom. You step through it and find yourself in Hobie’s flat. “Can I just say it’s about damn time you got one of ‘is works tattooed onto ya,” Hobie says, motioning to his couch. You sit and he gets his whole get-up ready, all the cleaning wipes and gloves and the tattoo gun all ready to go. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m getting it now and that’s what matters,” you say, and he clicks his tongue. “I can guarantee ya this is just gonna be the beginning. Kinda becomes an addiction,” he says, sitting next to you, and fiddling with his gun. “Then I guess I’ll just need to have Miles draw on me even more.” He chuckles. “Lemme see it.”
You show him the drawing, and Hobie shakes his head. “Your man is corny,” he says, and you shrug. “I like it.”
“I know,” he dips his gun in ink, and looks at you, “Ya ready?” You nod, and he begins tattooing Miles’ art onto your skin. The two of you talk the whole time, really, and you let him know about the party tomorrow. He, of course, agrees to come, and can’t wait to see Miles’ reaction. It takes a few hours, but eventually he finishes up and it looks exactly like Miles just drew it on your skin. Hobie places fake skin over it and gives you the rundown of how to take care of it. He turns away from you to put something away, and you quickly slip $100 under a pillow on the couch. You know he won’t accept any money from you because he’s ‘not a capitalist pig,’ so you have to be sneaky with it. “Thank you so much, Hobie,” you say, and he winks at you. “Anythin’ for my mate’s better ‘alf.”
He opens the portal again, and you two say bye until tomorrow. You’re back home, literally, in no time, and you quickly throw one of the hoodies Miles left lying around on. This way he won’t see the tattoo, and you can play it off like you missed him. Especially since you did kind of miss him and it is sort of a staple in your relationship that you wear his clothes when you do. That’ll make him melt and he’ll forget all about the art on your arm. And you were absolutely right. 
It ended up being a late night for Spider-Man, and when he got home, he saw you curled up on the couch, sleeping with his hoodie on, and all he could think about was that you missed him. He carefully picked you up and carried you to your shared bed. You started to wake up as soon as he was getting in bed after taking a shower and cleaning up, and he began desperately trying to get you to go back to sleep. “What time is it?” you groggily ask. “It’s like 3am, (Y/n/n), I’m here now, we can go to sleep, okay?” he says, slipping into bed next to you and pulling you on top of his chest. “Happy birthday!” you sleepily say, burying your face into his chest. He smiles. “Thank you, amor. Let’s get back to sleep now, yeah?” You make a muffled mmhmm sound and are out like a light almost immediately. Miles smiles to himself, wondering how he got this lucky.
You can imagine his disappointment when he wakes up the next day and you’re not snug against his chest, but he feels better the minute he sees a little note on his chest that explains you’ll be home, you just had to go do something for him. He gets up and decided he can do his Spider-Man duties until you text him and let him know he needs to come home. It may be his birthday, but the city still needs it’s defender. So that’s exactly what he does. He cannot explain how grateful he is that none of the big bads were trying to start anything today, because if he didn’t get to see you and eat a slice of cake, he was going to scream. The day went slower than he wanted but also sped by when eventually he got a text from you saying to come home. He immediately obliges, swinging in through the window and putting on some of his nicest clothes. He walks out of your room and sees you chilling on the couch. “Miss me?” he asks, walking over and bending down to kiss your lips. You giggle. “Obviously. Hey, before we go up to the roof where there totally isn’t a party waiting for you, I wanna show you something, okay?”
“Okay,” he grins, and you grin back. “Cover your eyes.” He does as instructed, and hears you shift slightly. “Okay… open them.” He opens his eyes, and immediately sees his “tattoo” on your arm. Only it was covered in a clear wrap. And it’s real. His eyes get big, and he looks at your face. You give a small smile. “You always encouraged me to get a real tattoo, so… happy birthday.”
“Yo! It looks so good, hold up,” he gently grabs your arm and softly traces it through the saniderm. “When did you get this?”
“You weren’t actually with Ganke, were you?”
“No, I was with Hobie,” you say, and he shakes his head. “I got a little liar on my hands, huh?”
“It wasn’t lying it was covering my ass because you ask too many damn questions,” you say, and he laughs. “I love it, (Y/n/n).” You smile and the two of you share a kiss. “We should probably get up there. Some people are waiting. Oh, and pretend like you haven’t seen it yet. Hobie wants to see your reaction.” Miles laughs. “Alright. Well, I hope he knows I’m not gonna stop drawing on you. And that he fully traced my art,” Miles says, and you shake your head. “I’m sure he knows, Miles. You really like it?”
“Like it? Baby, I told you I love it. I love you; I love this tattoo; I love that this is a birthday present from you… everything about this? I love it. I don’t even need to go up there to make the day better because all I need is you,” he says, and you smile. “Hobie was right. You’re so corny.”
“Nah, hold on, he said that? Forget everything I just said it’ll be a perfect day when I punch him.” You laugh as the two of you make your way up to the party. But the whole time, Miles keeps finding his eyes drifting to your tattoo. Something about having his art on you permanently makes his heart swell with pride and happiness. And he and Hobie were both right.
It’s not the only “tattoo” that will become real.
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dotster001 · 6 months
For Tuna; Duel End
You can vote for the next ending here
Chapters One Two Three Choose a different ending
“I've had it! They're all worthless!” Grim shouted as he stormed into Ramshackle. 
You looked up warily from the book you were reading on the sofa.
“Who's worthless, Grim?” 
“They are!” He screeched, throwing some folders on the ground. You sighed at the mess you would no doubt have to clean up.  
“Well, why are they worthless?” You moved to start cleaning up the folders, and he hissed at you. You retracted your hand. 
He stared for a moment, before looking off into the distance. 
“I, uh, have to do a partner project, for extra credit. And I'd narrowed it down to who I thought I should pick, but all of them are stupid head poopy butts.”
“That's rough, Grimmy,” you sighed, noticing one of the folders had a familiar name. You raised a brow. “How is Silver a stupid head poopy butt?”
Grim scowled. 
“He just is. Don't ask too many questions!” he sighed sadly. “I don't know what to do,Y/N, everyone I thought was perfect for this project is awful. I feel like I'm starting over!”
“Well, can I be your partner?”
“That would defeat the entire purpose,” he pouted.
Ah, probably an assignment that was meant to build his independence from you.
“Deuce always needs extra-”
Not Deuce then. Got it.
“Well, what if you make a list of all the possible people who aren't, what was it?”
“Stupid head poopy butts.”
“Right. Then you can pick one randomly. If that one turns out to be a…well you know, you can pick a different one. And then if no one is good, please just go to Deuce. For the love of God, your grades reflect on me as well!”
“Go to Deuce?” He spat. “You have no idea what you ask of me, human! But still….your idea of picking randomly is not bad! Perhaps I have been putting too much thought into something that requires no thought at all!”
You highly doubted that. 
But he seemed happy again, putting together a list of seemingly unrelated names. You noted he wrote down your lab partner Alano’s name, before snickering and crossing it out.
Once he had all the names written down, he pulled a name out of a hat.
“Sebek?” You asked. “He's smart. He has a lot of life experience too. I bet he'd be a great fit.”
“Yeah, and his dad's a dentist,” Grim said with a worrying smile.
“Yeah,” you said, trying to sound excited for him, despite your confusion. “If you want, I can walk you over there. I need to give him back the notes I borrowed, anyway.”
“I don't know if that's a good idea,” Grim frowned.
“Okay, I can ask Mal Mal to bring the notes then-”
“I've changed my mind. Come with me.”
When Sebek wasn't in class, he was in the Diasomnia courtyard, dueling the training dummy. It was worse for wear; chunks of it were missing, and the parts still together had deep scars.
Never had he felt such painful turmoil in his life. Everytime he closed his eyes, he saw you on someone's arm, be it Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Leona, or any of the numerous people Grim had chosen, then fired, within the past week.
Fired. They wouldn't be with you. But still.
He was snapped out of his heated fighting with the clang of metal against his sword. He blinked back to awareness, and processed Silver standing before him, sword in hand, body in an offensive position.
“You need to snap out of it,” Silver said. Sebek snarled, and swung at Silver, and was deflected easily.
“Do you think you're good for anyone right now?” Silver asked, and Sebek swung again, blind rage building up in him.
What the hell did Silver know about him? Who did he think he is?
“Father and Lord Malleus are both worried about you. Is that any way for a knight to act?” 
Swords clanged against each other, one knight at peace, the other bursting with rage.
“If there's something you want, go get it!”
“You don't know anything about me!”
“I know the face you made when Grim told you he chose me, and the relief in your eyes when he changed his mind.”
Clang. Clang. Silver landed a hit with the flat of his blade, making Sebek fall back. His anger, if even possible, rose to new levels. He ran at Silver, sword swinging, only for Silver to side step and make Sebek trip.
“Y/N is a wonderful creature. You would be good together!”
“They bring out a gentler side to you that makes you a well rounded knight.”
“But you have to admit what you want, Sebek!”
Clang. Clang. Clang.
“What do you want!”
“I want Y/N!” Sebek shouted, finally disarming Silver, and knocking his feet out from under him.
He breathed heavily, wiping sweat from his brow as he stared down at his defeated senior. Silver, as always, was smiling peacefully. A little too peacefully. He pointed over Sebek 's shoulder, and he turned to look. He felt immediate horror as he saw you standing with your cat creature.
You shyly waved at him, and Sebek felt his face grow bright red.
“I, uh, came to give you back your notes,” you said with a bashful smile.
“And Grim wanted to ask you if-”
“It can wait, henchhuman! You two obviously have some things to talk about. Come Silver!” Grim turned on his heel to go, then turned back to Silver with a horrific glare.
“I said, let's go. You've clearly lost.”
Silver laughed happily.
“I'm not sure I did lose, Grim.” He stood up, gently clapped Sebek 's shoulder, and leaned in to whisper “good luck.” He hummed happily as he followed Grim into the Diasomnia castle.
Sebek stared pointedly at the ground, neither of you ready to break the silence.
After a bit, “You want me, huh?” Followed by a soft giggle.
“Who wouldn't want you? You're an excellent human,” he muttered.
“You're very sweet, Sebek.”
He looked up in shock, as you smiled at him. You weren't…rejecting his advances? And Grim wasn't stopping him? Had the world come to an end, and this was just a blissful dream in his last moments? No, Malleus would be in the dream too.
He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted as his ringtone played the Valley of Thorns national anthem. He apologized quickly and picked up, expecting Master Lilia or his royal highness. 
Instead he was greeted by the voice of your cat.
“I'm giving you a chance, crocodile boy. You know what that means right?���
Sebek grunted in affirmative, turning away so you wouldn't see his face.
“There had better be three cases of luxury tuna on Ramshackle’s doorstep tomorrow morning, or you can kiss Y/N goodbye.”
He almost completely derailed himself by imagining kissing you, in any capacity. 
“Understood,” he grunted. There would be no tuna. He didn't need Grim's manipulations to hold your love. But he didn't want to deal with the argument, not when he was seconds away from getting the one he longed for.
“Good.” Grim hung up, and Sebek turned back to you. 
“Malleus was just…it doesn't matter,” he ran up to you, wrapping his arms around you and burying his head in your shoulder. He held back the slight tremble his body wanted to give at finally having you in his arms. You wiggled a little bit, and he tightened the hold, not ready to let you out of his grasp yet. He was so unbelievably happy.
“Sebek, you're all sweaty!” You whined.
He pouted, taking a step back and placing a hand on your head.
“I am a knight, human. I train day and night to protect the ones I love. You're going to have to get used to the sweat of hard work!” He proclaimed proudly, before grinning. “After all, part of why I'll be training is so that I can be worthy of you.”
You gave a mock sigh, then opened your arms to him. He didn't hesitate to embrace you once again, tightly holding onto you, and the memory of this day, both of which he intended to hold onto forever.
The End
Tag list- @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @savanaclaw1996 @kazumify @fatally-incorrect @glo0b @alleykat2014 (I combined your idea with a second idea I had 😁)
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c0smoshit · 11 months
Back home with you˚₊﹅
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⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ≫ Leon S Kennedy/Reader
⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕝𝕠𝕥 ≫ Giving Leon a comforting massage on the bathtub after what happened in Spain <3
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ fluff, slight suggestive(?), kissing, bath with lots of massages, just tired Leon coming back home
⋆ ࣪. 𝔸/ℕ ≫ Short fluffy fic for Leon cuz I miss him so much. Sorry if there are like, a lot of spelling mistakes wrote this at 2 am lol. Not proofread !!
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ≫ 1.804
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Spain, a place you've learned to hate the moment Leon had stepped outside of your door a few nights earlier.
Couldn't the goverment leave him fucking alone for once? He already survived Raccoon City not so long ago. Why did he, out of all people, had to rescue the president's daughter??
You missed him, he was only gone for a few hours and you already wanted him back home with you, safe. After all the countless nights you had woken up to him sweating and breathing quickly just because he had a nightmare with Raccon City.
You had met him a year after the incident yet he couldn't get over it, not even six years later. And you didn't blame him, he was just a rookie cop whose luck wasn't at it's peak. He had told you everything, from Marvin to Sherry and that weird giant guy. At first he wasn't so talkative with the matter but the longer you had told him to just let it out, the more he told you about his worst nightmare. God and the things he saw, you sometimes wondered if he was just exaggerating, but the way he spoke, his voice toned down and that glint in his eyes. He wasn't lying, he knew that what he had seen sounded like some sci-fi shit, but it was real. He wished he was lying.
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You sat down on your sofa after you had finished your dinner, picking up your phone. He hadn't answer any of your calls and you were starting to get worried. He always picked the phone if it was you, it didn't matter if he was working, filling some papers or if he was busy talking with his boss.
What if something had happened to him? God it had been almost 2 days since he left and he promised you that he'd be home before you could even blink.
You tried to stay positive, he already had survived a zombie apocalipse before and this was just some random village in Spain... right?
Hours passed, it was already dark outside, the moonlight bathing your living room as you sat there patiently waiting. You wanted to do something special when he came back, something that could take the stress out of him. A bath came into your mind, he loved baths, the feeling of the warm water washing away all the dirt and relaxing his sore muscles. Yeah, he probably wanted that but you wanted to do something else for him.
A ruffling of keys disturbed your thoughs. Quickly getting up from your seated position you rushed to the door, not even putting on your slippers as you opened the door. It was really him, finally back home.
"Leon! "
Your squeal filled his ears huffing when you launched yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly. He was so happy to be here with you again, being able to feel you, breathe you in.
He returned the hug, securing his arms around your waist as he smiled softly while looking down to see your face smashed into his chest. He found it a cute gesture, hell, everything about you was cute, waiting for him at this hour of the night.
"You're not asleep"
He mumbled out and you pulled off him to face him, eyes finally locking again.
"Of course not, I was waiting for you dummie"
Your sweet voice was like taking a wiff of fresh air for him, he had waited so long to hear you again. But he felt a bit guilty, you should be getting some rest now, not waiting for him to come back home. That was one of the many cons he mentally listed about his job, it kept him away from you, sometimes for days or even weeks.
He couldn't bear the loss of your soft touch, your voice, your hair, your smell. Everything about you was perfect to his eyes and the nights he had spent alone at work, without your sweet reassuring whispers and the way you drew soothing circles on his back whenever he couldn't sleep, it made him crazy. He couldn't sleep without you, not as deep as you managed to drive him into Cloud 9.
"Why haven't you answered your phone? I was dead worried about you"
Right... his phone. With all the fights he got involved into in Spain, he wasn't surprised when his phone had dissapeared from his pocket. And he knows he should've called you, maybe someone could lend him their phone but he wanted to hear your voice as soon as possible, coming from your mouth and not some stupid device.
"I'm sorry baby, I must have lost it, I should have called you"
You shook your head telling him not to worry that he was here with you afterall. He felt himself being yanked inside your shared home and into the bathroom, your hands quickly unfastening his belt.
"Woah, I didn't think you missed me so much"
His smirk made your cheeks heat, cheeky bastard.
"You're taking a bath first"
You replied in his same teasing tone as you smiled back. You began filling the bathtub, putting some relaxing lavender bath salts inside. He got his shirt off his hand falling on your waist as he pulled your back into him by your belly, kissing your shoulder.
"I missed you"
His whispered words made your heart clench, you finally had your blonde back with you. You leant into his touch, now both of his hands enveloped your waist and his kisses travelled higher until they met your neck. He really missed you, he missed your kisses and god those hands of yours, he just wanted to hug you and smoosh every part of your body until he died. Giggling you pulled him off you, looking at the water.
"Water's ready"
You whispered out before placing a kiss into his lips, chuckling when he chased your lips again. He tossed the rest of his clothes off, getting inside of the water before you could even take a glance of his body. The water splashed a bit as he laid down inside of the tub, letting out a satisfied sigh as soon as the warm water made contact with his body.
Poor baby, he must have fought countless monsters or whatever the hell was in Spain. He had scratches and bruises that were already starting to heal on his body, you ran your hand through one of them before slowly kissing it, earning a small smile from him.
You adored kissing his skin, his bruises and his scars. He had been through a lot, kissing him just made you feel as if you were taking away all those bad times he had to risk his life in order to see you again.
You grabbed a sponge and poured some soap on it, rubbing it slowly over his arms first, carefully getting all the sweat off him. Trailing your sponge to his chest you smiled when he squirmed a bit when you reached his neck, slightly tickling him.
You were so good to him, taking care of him no matter how late it was or how tired you were. You were always there for him. He often thought that god himself had made you cross his path on purpose, made you just for him. You were there when he needed you the most, when he needed someone to lend him a shoulder for him to rest in, arms that wrapped around him so warmly. He never really thought he could have fallen in love with someone as hardly as he did with you, hell he thought he never could have fallen in love with someone after all the shit he had been through.
Soon your hands washed all his body, giving him soft kisses in the process, enjoying how he relaxed under your touch. You liked the feeling of his soaked skin touching yours, it was just so intimate, a cute gesture between the both of you.
It was silent there, the only sound that was heard was the movement of the water and the sponge rubbing his body so tenderly. He could get lost in this feeling, and this this was his favourite thing about his job, probably the only one.
You placed the sponge down, resting your head on your arm as you leant into the tub. You were sitting down beside him, your arms were soaked up and with little bubbles lingering on top of your skin. You both closed your eyes, breathing softly and just enjoying your quality time together for once.
Your hands found his right arm, lifting it up and off the water, looking at how the water trickled his skin. Starting by the forearm you began massaging it, making sure all the knots were freed from his muscles. He was literally up in the clouds right now, his arms ached, everything ached. And he was lucky he had such a precious girlfriend who also gave the best massages in the world, he adored your hands, how they worked magic with him.
"You're perfect darling"
He slurred out, so lost in the feeling to even pronounce what he said. You just smiled like a dork, chuckling a bit at his blissed out state, getting back to work on his hands now. You drew straight and firm lines on the longitude of his muscles, focusing on putting preassure on them as you rubbed your fingers up and down on his skin. He had calloused hands, a pretty normal feature thanks to the hard training he had to do with Krausser. He also was veiny, and he had thick ones too, poking out of his skin in a bluish colour. But his hands were pretty, you thought as you slid your fingers over his smooth fingers.
He was your priority right now, and you weren't going to stop until every muscle had softened up inside of him. You just wanted to make him feel good after all the stress he had to be under in that stupid mission. You kissed his hand after you finished, pecking it softly before grabbing his other arm.
He packed such strong arms, he was a tough guy after all. And that made him perfect, the way he could hold you up on his arms without any sign of pain for as long as you wanted to, how he enveloped your entire stomach with his massive arm, god he was so perfect.
He still had his eyes closed when you had finished, resting on the side of the tub as you watched his slow breathing. He was finally here with you.
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twyftwyt · 7 months
hey, guys, remember that one time i wrote a noah headcanon on manhandling? yeah, i’m bringing it back. enjoy the torture x
great heavens, what have i done…
ladies and gentleman 🦦
i’ll hop right in, cause i don’t wanna be a tease, we have enough of that in the eyes of noah sebastian.
now in regards to the manhandling thing, i don’t even mean it in a sexual way (but yes, i do but later on). i just imagine him opening and holding the door over your head so you can walk right under him. that shit makes him feel good and it makes you look even cuter in his eyes. i’m sure he loves to see his women in his shirts. someone mentioned wearing the band’s shirt and yes, i agree. seeing how arrogant he has admitted to being, i can totally see him making comments on you wearing his bands merch.
“look at you, what’s that say? turn around. bad who?” while smirking at you.
putting you in front of him in pictures so he can lock you in his arms. leaning on the door frame while talking to you (as a form of teasing, of course, this man will do just about anything to watch you suffer). getting things off counters that you have trouble reaching but i do believe he’d also enjoy watching you struggle to get it yourself. he’d deadass sit down and watch you climb the kitchen counter to reach the top drawer only to laugh at you. and i am sure he likes to fuck with shorter people. like putting things away in unreachable places so you have trouble getting them and whining for him to help you and practically having to beg him to give it to you? (don’t get distracted, i’m talking about the cereal he hid away)
now if we have to get a little spicy 🌶️
i can totally see him saying stuff like
“oh, you can’t take it? that little body of yours can take a little more pain?” while holding you down by the neck and slapping you all around
receiving texts in the middle of the day like
“missionary so i can wipe your tears from your eyes as i tell you how proud i am of you for being such a good little whore”
“you’re cute. i wanna train you to never cum without my permission”
“you’re too small and dumb to cum unsupervised”
“i think i’m just gonna use you as my little fucktoy tonight”
“oh, you feel embarrassed for what you did? then why are you so fucking wet, huh?”
“i’m the only one who’s allowed to do this to you.”
like he’d call you “dummy” and “silly” as a joke but he means it in a way that is “you’re not safe without my supervision”. and he likes to know you obey. and when you don’t, well…
let me tell you, this man reacts quickly and he reacts with violence, so you better do as he says.
oh yeah, and he’s definitely the “drop the attitude” type of boyfriend and he really, really wants to hear “and if i don’t?” type of answer, cause this man loves being tested. i just feel it in my bones.
oh yeah, and he will for sure smile at you while watching you beg for it.
yeah, this got a little out of hand and is not only “manhandling” but hey 🤷🏻‍♀️
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delcakoo · 1 year
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i choose you! ˚ᘒ ˖˚𓈒 n.rk
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SUMMARY ! at last, your journey begins on route 1 with your first pokemon by your side.. and your pesky neighbor who somehow angers a flock of pidgeys enough to chase the both of you back to where you started. but don’t worry, riki will be there to protect you.. probably!
PAIRING ! pokemontrainer!niki x gn!reader
WC ! 3.7k
GENRE ! pokemon au (dont need to know that much to understand) frenemies to lovers, fluff <3
WARNINGS ! riki’s nickname for you is dummy, mentions of scraped knews/elbows, bandaged wounds, blood, being attacked by birds
a/n: this has been in my drafts since january cuz i only wrote it for the pokemon nostalgia and im kinda iffy abt it.. i tried to clean it up tho so hope u all enjoy!
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ding dong! ding dong! dingdongdingdongdingdongdingdo—
you practically yank your front door off the wall in vexation, the ringing in your ears dissipating the moment your annoying neighbour comes into view. he has a cheeky grin plastered across his pale face as his finger drops from your doorbell, shoving into his short’s pockets mischievously.
he tilts his head, and his black wavy hair bounces along animatedly. “ready to go, dummy?”
you’ve had the misfortune (or fortune) of being glued to nishimura riki’s side since birth.
you were the same age, yet it felt more like you were babysitting than hanging out with a friend during most of the time spent with him. your neighbor was the definition of a dork; an impulsive idiot with no sense of limits or rules that you’d constantly have to take control of before he did something stupid (though, there was no harm in letting it happen and relishing in the entertainment every so often). in fact, you could dare him to lick the sidewalk in exchange for a single oran berry, and he’d do it without hesitation.
reckless or not, you couldn’t deny your vast soft spot for the raven haired boy, considering he’s grown up with you and all.
but today, riki’s grin and visible excitement shockingly held a valid reason.
“hell yeah,” you reply with a smirk, gripping your backpack tighter once you descend down the front porch.
riki’s arm finds its way around your shoulder, smile growing as he stares down at you. “can you believe it, y/n? today’s really the day.”
you chuckle and nod. “yup, all those years at the academy will finally pay off.”
at least, it would for you; it was a miracle riki even graduated, noting that he still didn’t even know what would beat a dark type pokemon if one were to jump in front of him now.
“wonder what type of pokemon our starters will be,” he ponders. “i hope mine’s a dragon!”
“eh.. i think a bug type suits you better.”
in reply, he violently pinches your arm. “ay, ‘bet you’ll get a poison type with that attitude.”
while the bantering continues, the sliding door to your town’s lab eventually parts for the both of you. the high ceiling building was filled with all sorts of strange machines and metal tubes, and it was rather quiet besides the occasional sounds of pokemon chirping and playing in the distance. you vageuly remember being here once before on a field trip, as well as the memory of riki almost releasing a wild pokemon from it’s enclosure and getting your whole academy banned.
ah, good times.
as you trail inside, you feel something enclosed around your hand and carefully lace through your fingers. you glance down to investigate, brows furrowing at the sight of riki’s hand clasping yours tightly.
“..what are you doing?” you mutter with warm cheeks.
he shrugs. “this is a big moment, so i felt like holding your hand.” riki didn’t seem phased nor flustered at all, swinging your intertwined hands back and forth. it wasn’t too surprising for him to initiate physical touch, yet for whatever reason something as simple as hand holding was making a strange feeling erupt in your stomach.
though before you could question him further, a feeble voice echoed blaringly through the laboratory. “my my, what do we have here?”
and in walks who you remember as professor bonsai, icy white lab coat nearly touching the ground as her frail fingers reach up to adjust her green glasses. you recall the old woman visiting the academy once or twice, and it was easy to tell she knew a whole lot more about pokemon than any of your teachers or trainers just by how she spoke of them.
to his disappointment, you quickly rip your hand from your neighbour’s, bowing politely. “professor bonsai, it’s an honor!” you exclaim with enthusiasm. riki quickly bows too, following you closely.
the woman’s lips raise, scanning you up and down. “ah, i remember you. y/n, correct?” you quickly nod, smiling. when the professor looks over to riki, her welcoming expression drops, wrinkles deepening unpleasantly. “and you..”
riki’s eyes widened, scratching his neck nervously. he seems to have made a bad first impression with the woman in the past, and you couldn’t say you were surprised in the slightest. “uh, hi again.. professor.”
“lord arceus.. ” she mumbles disapprovingly before clearing her throat. “alright then, both of you this way.”
with that, the old lady turns, walking away and leaving you and riki to exchange worried glances.
“she definitely hates me,” riki whispers as you follow her through the lab.
you raise a judging brow, pinching his side. “probably for good reason. i bet you played some stupid prank on her at the academy or something.”
comically, his eyes widen. “how’d you know?”
as you open your mouth to reply with ‘because you’re riki’, the professor stops, gesturing to a small table under a bright light behind her.
“here we are, i assume you’ve already had the lecture of what it means to have your first pokemon?”
you nod, while riki watches dumbly. “yes professor.”
“then, you may pick one,” she states.
instantly, you freeze up.
there lay three shining red pokeballs, each in their own little capsules on display to the two of you.
that’s when it hit you that this was fully happening. the moment you’ve been waiting for since your first day at the academy; the day you’d get your first pokemon — your partner for life.
you glance over at riki.
when it came to your childhood friend, it felt like you already had a partner for life, as cheesy as it sounded.
you shake your head, riki would tease the hell out of me if i said that out loud.
while you were in deep thought, riki had already walked closer to the three mystery pokeballs, ever so carefully grabbing the middle one.
he glances over to the professor, who’s studying his actions sternly. “do i just- can i..?”
“go ahead,” she deadpans.
you watch in awe as riki throws the pokeball in front of him, red light flowing out of it before a small, turtle like creature with a single sapling coming out of its head plops onto the ground. it was mostly a pale green with a hint of yellow on it’s chin and feet, and a small brown shell adorned it’s smooth back.
“oh my god, it’s so cute,” you squeak in awe, rushing over to pet the pokemon’s shell. riki grins, quickly kneeling next to you to do the same. you fail to notice how every so often, his gaze bounces over to thoroughly take in your beaming expression rather than the little creature before him.
“that one is turtwig,” professor bonsai informs. “he’s a grass type, and the shell on his back is made from soil, which hardens when he drinks water.”
when riki scratches under turtwig’s neck, the creature chirps in delight, leaning into his touch more than yours. “guess i’ll have to buy lots of water,” riki declares, “i’ll choose him.”
without another moment of hesitation, he picks up the small pokemon, holding it in his arms happily. turtwig wiggles around, licking riki’s fingers and making the boy giggle cutely.
you gaze at them in desire, impatience rushing through you. riki observes as you pace over to the remaining two pokeballs, hesitantly taking the left one. the ball feels stable in your grasp, so shiny that you could make out your reflection reflecting onto the red lid. “pick a good one, dummy,” he cheers you on cheekily.
you roll your eyes in fake annoyance, still smirking as you gently throw the ball before you. rather unceremoniously, a small blue penguin flops out of the ball, face planting right onto the hard floor with an ugly chirp.
professor bonsai sighs, and riki bursts into a mean cackle. meanwhile you gasp, rushing over to help the pokemon up and into your embrace. “poor thing, are you okay? i’m sorry, i must’ve thrown it too hard.”
in response, the penguin puffs out its chest stubbornly, yet its expression screams that it’s embarrassed. the creature’s tiny yellow beak was slightly in a pout, and it took everything in you to not boop it fondly.
professor bonsai rubs her forehead. “that’s piplup, her species is rather clumsy yet very prideful. she has a hard time accepting food from humans and bonding with trainers that try to get close to her — and as you can see, she puffs out her chest whenever she falls down, which is quite often due to her poor walking abilities.”
contrary to the woman’s words, piplup seemed to enjoy your presence, peering up at you in satisfaction as you rubbed her tummy. however, when riki walks over to pet her as well, there was nothing to prepare him for when she decides to rudely peck his hand.
riki jumps back, nearly dropping turtwig. “ow!” he whines, and you swear you see the professor snicker proudly in the background.
“that’s what you get for laughing at her,” you declare, sticking your tongue out teasingly. piplup, who was now completely relaxed in your hold, sticks her small tongue out as well, making you burst into laughter. “if it’s okay, i’ll gladly take her, professor.”
she nods, nudging her glasses up with the tip of her finger. “very well then. do you both know where to go from here?”
“yeah,” “no,” you and riki blurt in sync.
unsurprised, you roll your eyes. “don’t worry, i have him under control.” with piplup sitting carefully on your shoulder, you grab riki’s forearm, quickly leading him out. “thank you professor, we’ll be sure to repay you!”
“i wanna be the very best, that no one ever was! dun dun du-dun, to catch them is my real test, to train th—ow!” riki pauses his serenading, cradling the arm that you’d pinched rudely.
“shut up, i’m trying to read this useless piece of shit,” you bark. “seriously who drew this thing? even you could make a better map than this!”
it’s quiet for a moment as the four of you continue wandering to who knows where, piplup fast asleep on your shoulder while riki and turtwig searched around cluelessly. there were freakishly large trees surrounding every mile of land, and lots of patches with wild grass that you both made sure to steer clear of; the last thing you needed was to fight wild pokemon before you could even buy pokeballs at the next town.
originally, you suspected that going from the lab to route one would be a piece of cake, but clearly not everything could go perfect in a day. unless you were reading it wrong (which you probably were), your map sent you in repetitive circles — and of course, the boy next to you didn’t provide much support.
abruptly, turtwig lets out a small chirp of his name minutes later, gesturing backwards with a prompt nod. riki follows his pokemon’s guide, eyes widening a fraction. “hey dummy, we’re looking for route one.. right?” he suddenly inquires, tapping your shoulder.
you roll your eyes, “yes, i told you that like an hour ago—“ you finally look up from your map and follow the boy’s gaze, jaw hanging off your face when you see a giant, obnoxious white sign reading ‘route 1’ on it.
you feel your eye twitch in annoyance. you were supposed to be on map duty while he kept an eye out for the destinations you read off. “you’ve got to be kidding me! riki, you were supposed to be looking for that humongous thing right in the middle of the forest for the past hour, are you blind?”
“i don’t know, turtwig didn’t see it either! i was just.. excited,” he defends.
how on earth am i supposed to survive with this idiot? you huff, folding up the map and throwing it into your backpack’s side pocket. next to you, riki has a small, discouraged pout on his lips, walking with his head slightly down.
his posture makes your eyes soften, guilt rushing through you as you reach up to pat his shoulder gently. “it’s okay, ki. sorry for yelling,” you apologise quietly.
riki kicks a rock into the air out of impulse, and you watch as it rockets all the way into a near patch of grass with no mercy. “nah, i deserved it anyway.”
then, an angry squak rips from the grass in front of you, right where riki had booted that stone.
you grip his shoulder in concentration, patting piplup awake with your other hand. “riki..”
“no y/n, seriously,” he insists, “i really do need to start focusing. we’ve only just left and..”
while he blabbers, you’re busy witnessing a raging flock of pidgeys fly up from the tall grass, furiously glaring down at the two of you.
“riki!” you holler, yanking him by his backpack. piplup is chirping frantically, holding on tightly as you grab riki’s hand and pull him behind while you sprint for your life.
the wavy haired boy has barely processed anything; nearly tripping on his own sneakers. when he looks back and realises the situation, riki’s eyes double in size comically. one pidgey hurls a small whirlwind right at him, and he narrowly dodges out of the way milliseconds prior with the help of turtwig’s warning chirp. “holy shit! what the hell do those ugly pigeons want!?”
“that rock you kicked must’ve hit one of them!” you scream your reply, anxiously feeling the birds getting closer. they were all scowling aggressively, clearly not up to discuss or show mercy.
just as you prepare to speed up even more, you feel the warmth of your neighbour’s hand get pulled away as a strong, angry gust yanks you away and down to the ground, piplup rolling off your back in the process and leaving riki screeching to a halt. your elbows and knees burn from scraping against the dirt, and the spinning in your head emits a groan from your lips.
nonetheless, you turn yourself onto your back in determination, sitting up on your palms again achingly. “get out of here!” you order riki, “me and piplup can deal with it.” the blue penguin chirps in agreement as she gets up herself, stretching her tiny arms and puffing up her chest again in an attempt of intimidation.
the pidgeys have almost caught up to the both of you, yet riki refrained from standing down; instead rushing to stand in front of you defensively. “no y/n, i have to do something helpful today,” he snaps. “turtwig, use razor leaf!”
riki spoke confidently as if he’s done this a million times before, yet it wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that this encounter was both of your first ever real battles.
your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets at his command. “what— but— riki no! grass types are unaffective against flying types, we learned this in—“
it was too late — turtwig had already jumped in front of you in obedience to his owner, throwing an attack at the brown creatures with an angry howl.
but just as you’d explained, the normally sharp leaves had barely any effect on the pidgeys, only infuriating them further as they grouped together to summon another giant whirlwind at you.
right as the tornado spins towards you, you feel riki rush over and wrap his body around you protectively, shielding you for whatever’s to come. his arms felt surprisingly sturdy and warm, opposing the powerful body of wind firing your way.
at the same time, a new voice breaks the silence of your accepted defeat. “watch out, you two!”
you feel riki squeeze you tighter just before everything turns black.
it takes you a couple tries until your eyes fully open. the peaceful silence keeps you calm as you slowly but surely wake up, taking in the white hospital room accompanied with a quiet beep of a monitor next to you.
at your awakening, piplup coos in greeting from the pillow beside you. “hey cutie,” you greet with a smile, patting your pokemon’s head affectionately.
“oh, thought you were talking to me.”
you quickly turn over to your other side to see a dishevelled riki in a bed of his own, raven hair sticking up in all directions and a blue hospital gown adorning his figure. he has a couple bandages wrapped around his arms, and your chest tightens when you see slight hints of blood seeping through then.
at his words, you sigh. it amazed you how your neighbour managed to joke around even in a situation like this. “how’re you feeling?” you ask with worry.
riki looks away, staring up at the white ceiling emotionlessly. “useless, stupid, a failure.” you frown further. “besides that, just peachy.”
“it was just a mistake—“
“i’ve made enough of those, don’t you think?” he snaps, now completely turned on his other side to avoid eye contact. “and that time it wasn’t just another fuck up, y/n. you could’ve got hurt.”
your brows furrow, mind flashing back to how hard riki tried to protect you throughout the entire attack, no matter if he was endangered in the process. “and what about you, ki? sure, you messed up, but instead of running away like some people would, you tried your hardest to fix it and take responsibility.” the boy remains motionless, breathing slowly against his white pillow. “even when those pidgey’s nearly swept us off into a damn tornado, you still tried to protect me instead of yourself for some stupid reason.”
he scoffs. “c’mon y/n, you know damn well what that reason is.”
“what? no i d—“
“i care about you, like, a lot. i fucking like you, dummy.” at last, riki sits back up to face you, casually smoothing his hair down as if he’d just commented on the weather or what he had for breakfast. the boy scoffs as you freeze, rendered speechless with your lips parted dumbly. “geez, you’re acting like this is new information,” he deadpans.
in his head, you’d always known of his little-not-so-little crush, but just decided to stay quiet in hopes of not breaking his heart — which he secretly appreciated, even if it was the complete wrong approach to take.
meanwhile, you were spiralling. riki, as in nishimura riki — your idiotic neighbour, lifelong childhood friend, the boy who didn’t know that grass pokemon are useless against flying ones — liked you?
suddenly, you feel a demanding peck on your arm, which happens to be piplup sending you a ‘stop sitting there uselessly before something flies into your mouth’ glare.
you gulp, making hesitant eye contact with him. “i- i really didn’t know, how- when?” you exclaim desperately.
before your answers could be retrieved, the hospital room’s door is pulled open, revealing a handsome young male with jet black hair and sunglasses. a varsity jacket covers his built figure, along with a navy backpack thrown over his left shoulder. his features and demeanour were all extremely sharp and intimidating, which you suppose matches the charmeleon that follows close behind him.
the boy removes his eyewear, surveying you up and down before doing the same to riki and releasing an amused chuckle. “finally. you newbies were out all night.”
riki grunts. “who are you?”
“call me jay, the one who saved your asses.” he explains, leaning up against the wall with crossed arms. “which reminds me, you little dorks owe me big time. took me and my buddy here lot’s of energy turning those pidgeys into dinner.” his tone was too difficult to read to assume he was kidding around, no matter how aggressively charmeleon growled in agreement.
you and riki shared a disbelieving look while jay lets out a yawn, completely unaffected by your lack of response. “y’know, i wouldn’t mind a cash reward too.”
“sorry for the trouble, and thank you,” you gulp. “i had some in my bag i think, you can—“
another round of laughter cuts you off. “i’m playing with you guys, it’s all good. how about you repay me by accepting the poor guy’s confession? i heard there’s a great first date spot up in sandgem town.” riki’s eyes widen at that, an embarrassing tint of red reaching his ears at the idea of the older male listening in on the past few minutes.
relievingly, a doctor shows up moments later. “sir, i’m sorry to interrupt, but we need to check on these patients in a minute.”
before his fortunate departure, jay sends one more glance between the both of you, winking at riki and leaving a teasing salute behind.
it was awkwardly silent once he was gone.
until once again, piplup delivers a gentle but demanding peck to your arm, snapping you out of your daze. you swallow in determination, attempting to build your confidence as you sit further up in bed. “riki, i—“
“it’s okay,” the male swiftly intervenes, “you don’t have to say anything, i already know you don’t—“
he flinches slightly at your raise in volume, sending you a bewildered glare. “what?!”
“geez, i like you too, idiot.” you get a blank stare in response for a good minute, which only comes to an end once a proud, approving chirp from piplup snaps him out of it. riki swallows, clearly not prepared for such an outcome judging by his hands that fidget with each other endearingly.
“oh,” he replies uselessly, ignoring the headbutt turtwig punishes him with moments after.
of course that was all he had to say.
you roll your eyes, hopping off your bed to begin searching through your backpack. it’d be better to simply change the subject if he’s going to react like this, isn’t it?
“jay mentioned something about sandgem being the next town, and that only means one thing. we’re all the way back in twinleaf. so i guess we’ll have to—“ when you look up from the map, you freeze at the view of riki standing in front of you, holding a look in his eye that differs from any one that he’s given you previously. he reaches for the map and places it gently on the bed, taking another step closer to your figure.
your breath immediately hitches. despite the messiest bed-head imaginable, bloody bandages, and his outfit being nothing but an unappealing hospital gown, your best friend never failed to look good, and it was about time you pointed it out. “y/n, do you mean it?”
you didn’t need to ask to understand what he meant. “yeah.. do you?”
before you knew it, your jaw was being cupped ever so softly by his palm, and when you didn’t reject his touch, riki leaned down to connect his lips with yours. it wasn’t rushed or frantic — no, your reckless best friend managed to kiss you so gently, you think he’s imagining you poof-ing into the thin air if he moved any rougher. his other hand attempts to bring you closer by the waist, but the action only results in a pained hiss due to the bandage-clad injuries decorating his skin.
pulling away reluctantly, you reach up to squeeze his shoulder while desperately attempting to hide your giddy smile. “y’know, i always imagined you’d be a messy kisser.”
riki smirks. “i can be if you want me to, dummy.”
at the sound of his nickname that you’ve annoyingly got accustomed to, you pout. “you’re really still gonna call me that?”
his lips press against yours once more, effectively shooing your pout away. “of course, you think being your boyfriend would make me change or something?”
huffing, you reach down to put the map back into your backpack, accepting defeat. “whatever, we should get out of here before the doctors come.”
“okay.. wait,” riki’s eyes brighten mischievously, immediately sending a worried expression to your face. “so.. you’ve imagined kissing me?”
“…piplup, use water gun.”
if you enjoyed, reblogs + feedback are always appreciated n’ motivating!
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the-possum-writes · 2 months
I loved the fire fin stuff you wrote, Can you write more headcannons about him and the reader trying to keep finn distracted while also trying to turn him back, pls
Subdue the Flame
➼Character: Fire Finn (Finn Mertens)
➼Tags (warnings): headcanons, canon typical violence, gender neutral reader, mentions of servitude, sloppy kisses, misogynistic comments
➼Synopsis: Fire Finn headcanons about distracting him in a fight during the Elemental special.
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➼With the fire citizens heading for the Candy Kingdom it's up to you and Lsp to try and de-escalate the situation, mainly with you trying to defeat Flame Princess's newest champion while Lsp retrieves the jewel from Princess Bubblegum.
➼"Are you sure you can handle him? I mean he already beat you once, it’s like a more intense version of Finn... It’s lumpin hot." Lsp mutters as the two of you scout the area.
"Yeah, we just gotta improvise a bit. At least knock him off his sense until I use my secret weapon and defeat his hot headed butt for good!"
"You sound way too eager about this. But no dude you got it all wrong! the real Finn is still in there somewhere you just gotta play into his hero heart ya know? pull one of those 'I know the real you is in there somewhere' kind of speech."
It's hard not to roll your eyes at Lsp's dramatics, but if she's trying to tell you to solve things pacifically first, then sure why not. Like don’t get me wrong, of course saving Finn is a priority but knowing this prick fire version of him, it’s gonna take more than heartily speeches to subdue him.
"By all means, be my guest."
➼It goes as expected, Fire Finn just walks past her spewing something about war drums and threatens to slice her down if she tries to stop him. This is where you come in.
➼You're the only one who can confront Fire Finn either cause you're physically strong enough to match him in a fight or you have the mental fortitude to deal with the stuff he'll say in hopes of saving him.
➼Like, the guy was pulled in and created in a toxic and violent environment so that leads me to believe he's bound to say some hurtful things and make fun of you with low hanging fruit. For example, if you're a gal (or female presenting) he'll spew some misogynic comments about how he's biologically stronger "You don't stand a chance against me, I'm all hardcore muscle." or "You'll regret leaving your sewing room this morning."
➼If not, he'll still boast about how he's stronger than you and will wipe your face on the dirt.
➼Uses insults too. Mainly stuff like: nerd, loser, mouth breather, girlie, wimp, roach, useless scum, motherless bastard, to think of a few.
➼I don't know if he'll fight honorably (since the other fighters have kinda roman gladiator inspired designs) or fight dirty, but now that I think about it he'll most likely do the latter. He'll kick you in the shins and throw sand at your eyes, that's how he gets the upper hand when fighting you.
➼Dominant, ruthless and a huge show off. Overtime he gets too cocky.
"You're too much of a wimp, I bet I can beat you with nothing but my hands."
➼To mock you further he kicks away your bag and your main weapon but not without stabbing his own sword into the ground before approaching you with cracked knuckles, wrestling you into the ground as he continues to belittle you- albeit with suggestive undertones. "Once we're done with these candy nerds they'll be nothing left but cinders and ash. Maybe then I'll take you back to the fire kingdom as my personal training dummy... All for myself~"
➼You don't know if you're reading too much into this whole fight, but It's now that the physical contact makes sense. He tightens his hold on you, purposely grabbing you where you're most sensitive (that would make you blush any other day) before tossing you around like a sack of potatoes, the pain is real but it started giving you an idea.
➼If there's one mistake he's actively making it's that he's completely underestimated you and your brain power that compensates your lack of extra brawn to beat him on a one on one.
➼"Oh woo is me, you're obviously the better opponent. Might as well start getting used to serving you as you deserve." you cry out, causing Fire Finn to quirk a nonexistent eyebrow. He grips your hair by the back of your head, purposely raising you to his eye level.
➼"And how would you start serving me?" He asks, suspicious of your change of attitude but quickly allured by the promise of servitude.
➼You momentarily lick your lips, it's subtle but hypes you up for what's to come. "Like this," and you lean forward to kiss the fire elemental on the lips completely unprompted. It's a risky move, and considering Fire Finn isn't returning the kiss you're 90% certain that he's gonna slap or throw you away but the second you attempt to remove yourself from him he instead tightens his hold on your hair and pushes you back into his eager mouth, opening it up as his tongue dwells all around yours in unexpected wanton. You try your best to reprocitate but he's completely controlling in this situation as well, now holding your face with both hands as he gives you the sloppiest kiss you've ever had.
➼Underestimating how sharp his teeth are, you cut your tongue on it and has you groaning at the unpleasant metallic taste in your mouth, fidgeting in the spot as you try to pull yourself from his hold but it only served to rile him up further, running his tongue over the wound.
He eventually pulls you away to catch his breath, completely devouring your breaths as you exhale to take in the fresh air.
➼His reaction is more enthusiastic than you expected. In fact it's his crazed expression that ultimately snapped you out of your foggy daze, immediately taking advantage of his unguarded walls and you kick him where he counts.
➼Now he's the one falling like a sack of potatoes.
➼You suddenly rush to your discarded backpack as you hear him shout angrily behind you.
➼There's no time to ponder what kind of punishment he's talking about since he's immediately back on his feet and just a few steps away from you, but the second you grab your hidden weapon it's over for this fire elemental. You pull out a plastic water gun and spray it all over Fire Finn, watching him shout in agony as he steps back as you blast him into submission until he lays beaten on the ground. "This is why you need a safe word my dude." You finally spew a well deserved taunt.
➼And to make matters worse and more humiliating for the fire kin, you snap a fireproof collar around his neck, courtesy of Wizard Betty.
"What is this contraption?!"
"It's a little something from a friend, a temporary solution until we find out how to turn you back to normal."
➼With a sigh, you sit back as you watch the fallen warrior attempt to rip out the collar only for it's safety mechanism to activate and spray him with cool water, like one of those automatic car window things.
"You're not in a spot to make demands my dude, so unless you wanna turn into a popsicle you'll have to follow me." You eventually stand up with a more nonchalant attitude compared to earlier, still wincing a bit since your safety now doesn't take away that Fire Finn pulled a heavy number on you.
"I'LL KILL YOU!" He threatens, but the collar activated again before he could lay his blue hands on your neck.
"Maybe, if you say please~?"
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zairene · 1 year
nobody else, katsuki bakugou x black fem reader
synopsis: after his constant thoughts surrounding his personality, bakugou begins to question why you would even choose to be with him.
warnings: bakugou actually shows some other emotion other than anger + vulnerability + cursing bc it’s bakugou, come on now.
wc: 958
a/n: this is my first EVER like comfort-ish kinda fic? if this is like corny or shitty writing i’m sorry i’ve NEVER wrote something like this before.. but the idea was cool so i just went with it.
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IT WAS NO SECRET THAT BAKUGOU HAD THE TENDENCY to be a huge asshole. it was well known at this point, and everyone had seemed to get used to it. it wasn’t the talk of the class anymore, everyone grew less scared of him and more viewed him as the, hard on the outside but soft on the inside kind of guy.
knowing this, you still decided to test your changes with the hothead. looking for every opportunity to get close to him. whether it would be group projects, making both of your friend groups come close together during lunch, or even just being able to bring his things to him. just any reason to have some form of communication. and you knew bakugou was no dummy, so he treated you like the rest of him.
“fuck off.” was his usual response to you every time you came up to him. at first you probably would’ve been hurt by it, now you just find it endearing. you teased him quite often until his words toward you became normal? he used less curse words, his voice would be softer than usual, and he was nice. well as nice as bakugou can get, at least.
noticing this change, you took the opportunity to ask him out on a date.you expected his answer to be quite defensive and rude. along the words of, “no, why the fuck would i do that with you?”
yet, his real answer was, “sure, whatever.”
and after a few dates, you both had made things official. neither of you had told anyone but mineta had seen the both of you kiss outside of your dorm room before you had gone in one night and he decided to run his mouth to the rest of the class. and when things came out, you both didn’t deny it because there was no point. the news would’ve spread either way somehow because bakugou’s personality drastically changed after he asked you to be his girlfriend.
he never stopped insulting people or cussing them out, but he did it way less than he normally did. he was always more quiet than usual, staring in your direction all the time. watching you laugh with your friends and have fun. it gave him some comfort on the inside. denki kaminari swore he saw a smile creep up on bakugou’s lips one time while he looked at you.
although, behind bakugou’s face, was a mind that was overflowing with insecurities. sure, he was confident in every other aspect about himself. but his personality and how he treated others before you and even you, ate him up inside. he didn’t like that person and started to think that maybe the little shitheads had a point.
he couldn’t help but overhear jirou and ochako’s conversation about him.
“i’m shocked y/n would even wanna date a person like bakugou.” jirou said, while twirling a strand of her hair.
“maybe he’s just a different person around y/n. you shouldn’t really judge something that you don’t know anything about.” ochako came quick to his defense.
“yeah yeah, i know. but he was just an asshole who treated everyone like they were inferior to him. like he was a king or whatever. i just don’t get what she saw in him.” she continued writing down on her paper, oblivious that bakugou had heard everything she just said.
he didn’t get what you saw in him.
“why did you choose me?”
you and bakugou were currently in his dorm, it was day time and you both were just hanging out since it was the weekend. plus, hero training can take a lot out of a person so it was just natural that you both would look for comfort in each other afterwards.
you turned around, looking at him in confusion. he was looking to the side while he fiddled with his fingers. slightly embarrassed that he became so vulnerable around you.
“what do you mean?” you sat next to him.
“i just mean, like… how? how the hell did you like me? i was a dick to everyone, including you.” you sighed and thought for a second.
“because i saw you for who you were on the inside—”
“that’s fucking corny.” he deadpanned. you slapped him on softly on the leg.
“dude, let me finish.” you rolled your eyes. “anyways, i just knew that you weren’t just an asshole to be an asshole. sure, you were rude and i didn’t like it at first but i just got used to it. plus, i knew you started to like me too.” you smirked.
“oh really? how.” he found it hard to believe. he was a master of hiding his emotions.
“you see how you didn’t just flip out on me for saying that?” his eyes widened a little. “yeah, you like like me.” you laughed while you poked his chest.
“yeah yeah, whatever.”
“but seriously ‘suki, i liked you for you.” you scooted closer to him. “and trust me if i didn’t like you, i wouldn’t be here right now. i like your personality. i’m not saying continue to be rude to others, not saying you have, but i know why you do it. i understand. that’s why i ‘chose’ you.” you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him in for a hug, which he graciously returned. “and maybe you were just cute, i don’t know.”
“you don’t know?” he pulled back, slightly offended.
“i’m joking.” you pulled him close to you. “you are very cute.” you gave him a kiss on the lips. which made him look away, trying to hide the blush that grew on his face.
“better be.” he said, before pulling you into his arms to cuddle.
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TAGLIST :: @kisamekiss @kisminarii @planetlunaa
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astrozuya · 1 year
☆ PRETTY LIPS 一 c. sb
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✧ pairings: choi soobin x gn!reader
✧ genre: fluff. wc: 580. warnings: established relationship. lowercase intended. soft drabble about highschool bf!soobin and you kissing after a party. ♡
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it's late when you and soobin decide its time to leave. the party's not over yet, not by a long shot— yeonjun's parties are notorious for lasting from dusk till dawn— but soobin's social battery ran out a while ago, and you're sleepy, ready to go home too.
his brown eyes meet yours from across the room, and he jerks his head towards the door, mouthing 'can we go?' over the loud pop music blasting from the speakers.
you nod, stifling a yawn, and wave goodbye at your friends. then you make your way over to the door, soobin close behind.
he pulls on his coat, turning the collars up, before glancing at you. "ready to go?"
"yeah." you wrap your scarf around your neck and the two of you step outside, shivering.
as you begin walking up the road towards soobin's car, you playfully bump your shoulder into soobin's, whining, "why'd you have to park your car so far away? i'm tired!"
"a little exercise once in a while is good for you, dummy," soobin teases, laughing when you stick your tongue out at him.
there's silence for a while as you walk up the road. it's pretty secluded, with barely any people or cars around. you don't mind though— you're grateful for some peace and quiet after the overwhelming chaos of the party.
the cold breeze ruffles your hair, tickling your skin. soobin's shoulders bump into you, and his fingers brush against yours.
"if you want to hold hands just say so," you say, smiling when he blushes.
its not as if this is your first time holding hands— you've gone way further than just holding hands, if you're being honest— but moments like these are common, when soobin gets shy all of a sudden. you don't mind though. how could you, when he's so gut wrenchingly cute?
he wordlessly tightens his hand around yours, and his lips curve up into a pout. you bite back a smile, whispering "your lips are so pretty."
"hm? did you say something?" soobin asks.
you shake your head, embarrassed. soobin begins humming, swinging your hands back and forth, and you soon join in. it helps pass the time, and before you know it, you're at the car.
soobin starts to unlock the door, but you tug at his sleeve, hesitant. "soobin… let's stay here for a bit, okay? i don't wanna go home just yet."
he shrugs, and sits down on the hood of the car. "sure." he stretches out an arm towards you. "c'mere, baby."
you sit down beside him, cuddling close into his warmth as his arm gently wraps around you.
your gaze turns upwards to the sky. it's clear tonight, a blanket of dark midnight blue full of twinkling stars.
soobin looks up too, the corners of his lips curling up into a soft smile. "the stars are pretty…" he breathes out.
you watch him, mentally tracing the curve of his upper lip, admiring the way his dark eyelashes frame his cheeks, burning his face into your memory. "pretty," you agree, before leaning in to kiss him.
soobin's eyes widen a little, surprised but happy. despite his intimidating appearance, his kisses are tender, hands softly cupping your cheeks, lips brushing gently against yours.
there's no rush, and soobin takes his time, deepening the kiss. when you finally pull away, out of breath, he smiles, gently stroking your cheek.
"i love you," you breathe out adoringly, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. "i love you, choi soobin."
soobin smiles, dimples showing. "i love you too, [name]."
this time you don't hesitate to tell him, "your lips are pretty," before leaning in for another kiss.
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✧ notes: i was listening to pretty lips by winehouse last night & thought of soob's lips (the actual prettiest lips to ever exist. btw) so i wrote this lol. it was 1 am and this is not proofread (sorry) BUT considering i haven't written anything in two months i think this is pretty okay-ish?? idk. anyways live laugh love soobin's lips <3
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© astrozuya. do not translate, copy or repost my work. networks: @kflixnet @k-labels
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Eddie was even more dramatic now that he got turned into a vampire. He even wore a long black cloak. Steve bought him it as a joke. He regretted it a little bit, especially when Eddie stormed off and the cloak hit him in the face. Well, Eddie decided to do a reenactment of Dracula in Steve's living room with a script he wrote himself. He had Jonathan play, well, Jonathan Harker.
"Am I playing Mina?" Nancy asked.
"No. . .that roll belongs to. . . STEVE!" Eddie asked dramatically.
"Why?" Nancy asked.
"For. . . Reasons. Never you mind, Wheeler," Eddie said.
"I didn't even audition," Steve said, crossing his arms.
"Yeah, nobody auditioned, Steve," Eddie said as he hands out his scripts.
"Uh, Eddie, this says that Mina gets pregnant by Dracula in this. Also, she apparently has a dick. Okay, well, that's graphic. Hey, what are these names that are crossed out? That looks like an S," Steve said squinting.
"Wrong script! Wrong script!" Eddie squealed. "That is the rough draft!"
"Yeah, apparently very rough," Steve said as he continued to read it.
Eddie squealed and grabbed the script from him before handing him the correct one. Nancy giggled and finished reading the script.
"This is good, Eddie, very well written. Although, now I'm curious what the rough draft says," Nancy said.
Meanwhile, Robin was trying to sneak behind Eddie to grab it. Eddie rolled his eyes and stuffed the script down his shirt.
"I'm an actual goddamn vampire, Buckley," Eddie said.
Everyone practiced their lines, Nancy was, of course, determined to see it through, which is why Eddie made her director. It eventually came time to perform said play, although Eddie insisted on a test run first. As they ran through the play, Jonathan decided to improvise, knowing that Eddie had feelings for Steve and would have no choice but to act on them. Jonathan kissed Steve. Eddie let out an inhuman screech.
"There is NO kissing between Jonathan and Mina in this play!" Eddie exclaimed.
Eddie picked up Jonathan, pulling him away from Steve and then setting him far away from him. Eddie scowled at Jonathan and turned around, letting his cloak hit Jonathan in the face.
"Someone seems jealous," Steve said with a smirk. "Yeah, that's not the guy I was hoping would kiss me."
"Argyle?" Eddie asked in confusion.
"No, dummy, I want you, Eddie Munson, to kiss me, Steve Harrington," he replied.
Eddie grinned and held up the cloak to block everyone's view of him kissing Steve. Meanwhile, Nancy was getting onto Jonathan for going off script. She takes her job as director very seriously.
"Nancy, it's a play being put on in Steve's living room," Jonathan said. "And are you really more upset about me going off script than me kissing your ex-boyfriend?"
When it came time, the rest of the party arrived to watch the play. Even Joyce and Hopper showed up to watch. Everyone watched, eyes glued to the performance. They laughed, they cried and enjoyed it immensely. When it was over, everyone clapped.
"Eddie, quick question," Dustin said. "Great play, by the way. Did you perhaps write this play just so you could kiss Steve?"
Eddie scoffed, snorted, and glared at him before pouting.
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dainlovesrain · 6 months
YooHanKim and love - self-sacrifice. A loose analysis?
orv spoilers!
Self-sacrifice is the core theme of ORV. You can see it everywhere, not only in Kim Dokja and his mother. Every character decided to sacrifice themselves and I want to focus specifically on YHK.
- Kim Dokja -
His sacrifice is the most noticeable in the book. At every corner there's him dying, abandoning things just so others can achieve something with least losses. That man doesn't see himself as worthy enough, doesn't let himself think that he's important to those who are important to him. He doesn't fully comprehend the scope of his actions and how they impact people around him, he doesn't think he's all that dear to others. He doesn't like his emotions, his experiences, himself. So why would anyone even see him as someone of value?
This man, having experienced self-sacrifice as only form of love in his life, hating it, decides that self-sacrifice would be the best option to achieve what he wants - no losses of those important to him, a conclusion he'd always wanted to see. He doesn't mind that he's not there. In his mind he's not important, he can be omitted, he's just a reader, an observer, after all. And he's pretty much the only one thinking that. Others had to experience losing him time and time again. This was painful for everyone. But ultimately that is the way he chose to show his love, sacrificing himself to see the conclusion he'd always desired.
KDJ is often in denial of his own deep emotions, not being able to be vulnerable even just in front of himself. And even then, he decided to try to let everyone else have the best conclusion possible.
- Yoo Joonghyuk -
Yoo Joonghyuk's sacrifice was also very visible. You might think "well yeah, dummy, he endured 1864 regressions". While it comes to mind i don't do not consider this his self-sacrifice, not in this sense. While he did decide to regress in the 0th regression with hopes to meet KDJ again, his goal was also to learn about himself. His past, why his life is the way it is. Why did KDJ help him. I don't think it was in the name of the love. Not yet.
His sacrifice in 1864 arc was also not self-sacrifice. When YJH killed his avatar and decided to live. When YJH let his avatar kill himself and end his siffering. It was not for KDJ, it was for himself. He had hope he could be happy once again. He hoped he would find what he was looking for.
YJH's sacrifice was in the epilogue. Ah, finally I said it. But I truly believe that his sacrifice was large, and shouldn't be underplayed. He decided to regress with other people. Helped HSY write a book. Then underwent the mission of actually delivering the book. He did not know anything about how much time it would take him. Didn't know if it will even work. He would spend so much time, totally by himself, in a rocket in a space between worlds. Visiting different worlds. Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? Will that be enough? How would he know? It is terrifying but he was ready to pay that price if only it could save Dokja and therefore save KimCom in a sense. It was his dicision. And he decided that even if it will hurt him greatly it will be worth it. Even a small chance will be worth it. This was his sacrifice in the name of love. But there also was another factor - him wanting to ask KDJ "what now?". He believed in KDJ. And KDJ as well as the whole KimCom believed in him. And so he completed the mission.
- Han Sooyoung -
Always saved for last. Both in the book and in this note. She did so fucking much it's insane. I'm actually speechles when I think about it. Her self-sacrifice was of course writing books. 1864HSY wrote TWSA. 1865HSY wrote what we've read - ORV. She gave up her whole life to it. She gave up sleep and health, she felt the consequences for 13 years before the scenario. Then scenario struck. Was it her doing? Was she the perpetrator of this endless cycle? Was it her who allowed for so many people's pain, loss and death? Was it her who sacrificed a whole planet just for one person?Was her salvation also a grave? She didn't know if WOS would happen if she didn't write. But she decided to give up her life as well as everyone elses just to save one person. Just in case. She would rather lose a whole planet than this one frail boy she saw at the hospital. Then she wrote ORV. A love letter to her reader. She spent so much time just writing every time she got the chance. Again, she didn't know if writing this would be pointless. But she tried. She left her words on the wall, hoping that someone else might one day read it. She said that the story of how he was loved by all. The pebble, the flower, the twig, they all loved him because she did and she wanted him to know it. He was loved, he was important. The reader is supposed to feel hope to KDJ because she wanted him to. She said that it's not his fault. She said that in spite of everything, everyone still loves him. He's important. And with that very novel she spent all of her time on, she also managed to save YJH. He'd read the book numerous times in order to survive and he understood KDJ maybe just 1% better.
Through their self-sacrifice YHK saved each other time and time again. They love each other so much. Hoping and fighting for that one day, when they will achieve the end they all desired.
I think that's it. Sharing my thoughts on the internet is a bit stressful but I hope you enjoyed my little analysis. Thank you for reading!
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brattylikestoeat · 1 month
If my daughter ever came home or I seen the TikTok posted and I seen my daughter taking out a grown man braids when she supposed to be in class, I’m flipping the school over.
I’m snatching them baby braids out his head so he won’t need help taking them down again.
We keep telling y’all no grown man is going to ask a girl/woman for help.
What he did was 100% inappropriate and 100% blurring lines.
I couldn’t even step behind none of my teachers desk, let alone touch them.
No phones were allowed out, I don’t think I ever seen my teachers (outside of college) even on their phone.
So explain to me like I’m a fucking dummy, why black twitter thinks it’s okay that a male teacher allowed 4 girls to come to his class and take down his hair because he didn’t plan his week correctly.
If he knew they had press day on Wednesday and hair appointment Wednesday after school, wouldn’t it make sense to move the appointment? Or pay the stylist extra for a takedown and wash?
Also you only took down your hair, not wash it so you still wasn’t ready for the hair appointment.
But instead he wrote 4 girls a pass to come to his class to take down his dusty ass braids?
My grooming and later on sexual assault started out so innocent. My cousin knew I was really into music, loved it.
He asked me to come to his room (my mom and aunt lived together when it first started) to listen to music. Led to 5 years of being sexually assaulted.
So no I don’t think this is innocent. Couple with the fact that he didn’t ask any boys, didn’t ask any white girls, didn’t ask any upperclass girls. Most school still have cosmetology classes he could have went to.
Now he sitting on TikTok reading the messages they sent him. And he won’t answer how they are sending these messages, are they texting or emailing your personal accounts?
Yeah get this man away from our black girls and now.
If he serious about being a positive influence on the youth send him to an all male school and watch how quickly his tune change when he doesn’t have access to young girls.
And for the dumbass on twitter saying women are only responding in a negative way is because of our past trauma, ding ding! To many of us has been groomed or watch it unfolded real time to know what we are seeing.
Grown men don’t go out there way to ask a girl for anything unless they are after something. The predator playbook hasn’t changed much.
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galaxycunt · 4 months
My Dinner With Buggy pt 2
I love playing with dialog so I figured why not keep going. As with part one it’s all dialogue so enjoy the ride everyone lol
Tagging @gingernut1314 @gayafsatan as yall requested a part 2 a million years ago
Sea spray hits your face as you left the restaurant, “so, what’s the move?”
Hands appear in front of you holding two bottles of wine, “one for each of us.”
“Really? In front of a lieutenant like that?”
“You gonna handcuff me, officer?”
You giggle, “miss Impel Down that much, huh?”
“God! Let’s not talk about that fucked up place. Take the wine, honey.”
“I let you order steak and this is how you repay me?”
He wags his tongue, “I’m covering dessert.”
“You love it, shut up. So where’s this room you got?”
“Couple blocks down. You don’t wanna go to a bar?”
“I haven’t seen you in at least 6 years. I wanna make up for lost time.”
“Tch. Shooting for the stars tonight?”
Buggy frowns, “I thought this was a date.”
You falter, “hey. I thought we were teasing. Come here, Bug.”
Your lips taste sweet, “I missed you a lot. I’m not the only salty dog missing their lost love, but hey, you’re more important, so there.”
You kiss him again, “let’s go out for a little bit?”
“Sure, I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go. Oh shit! I forgot, I left something for you on the ship.”
“We got road wine, let’s go get it”
“This is nice, by the way.”
“It is. Too bad you ain’t a civ, easier. Even easier if you were a marine.”
“I’m gonna ask again. You’d like it.”
“I dunno, man. Lot of baggage with that. Especially on the Grand Line.”
“Not with me.”
“You already got captured once, baby.”
“I know, I know. But you hate this shit. Been in the game too long, why?”
“I dunno, maybe I felt we were doing something good. Too old for that shit, I guess”, the Big Top is as nice as you remember it, “there’s the old girl.”
He smiles, “my two girls, together at last.”
“I wonder if that note I left is still there.”
“Note? What-“
“-captain! Oh shit, look who it is!”
“-Cabaji! Glad someone’s keeping Bug outta trouble!”
He smiles at the two of you, “we should catch up. Later.”
“Thanks, man. See ya.”
“So what note?”
“Oh! It’s uh, not important. Just something I wrote last time I was here.”
“Where’d you hide it?”
“In the galley, deep, deep in the pantry.”
He kisses you, “let’s go find it then.”
“Buggy, no. Come on, you’re supposed to take me out.”
“Real quick. I promise.”
You tug him away, to no avail, “Buggy. It’s really stupid, you’ll enjoy it after a few drinks.”
“I got a few bottles in my room. We can read it there.”
“What about my gift?”
“Just a buncha jewelry, who cares? I’m finding that letter.”
Turns out he can find anything with ease if he wanted to, “aw. Your handwriting is so cute sometimes.”
“Oh, shut up.”
He kisses your temple, he’s getting very touchy, you realize, “lemme guess, treasure map?”
“Look, it’s something I wrote when we were like 18.”
“Uh huh.”
He jerks his chin toward his cabin, “let’s take this somewhere quiet.”
You hear your heart beat in your ears, cheeks on fire, “it’s really cringey. I was 18.”
“Do you really not want me to read it?”
“You’ll make fun of me.”
“I won’t. I really won’t.”
“I already know you love me.”
You laugh, “shit. Guess you’re right.”
He clears his throat, “Buggy, our paths are unwinding, the red string of fate tugging us apart.”
“Oh Jesus, it’s worse than I thought.”
Heightening his voice he continues, “if only I knew the devil’s pact I made, and the one you sold your soul to. My love I can’t bear it. You don’t even know I love you.”
“See, that’s why I didn’t wanna read it.”
“So why even give it to me?”
“Because I didn’t think you loved me.”
He grows serious, “I did. Why did you think I did that stupid shit? To impress you, dummy.”
“You’re such a clown.”
“Exactly! You liked clowns.”
You smile, “yeah, I remember that asshole at the pier.”
“Join my crew, I’ll marry ya.”
“Only if I join?”
“We been apart too long, I’m not waiting until I hit some shitty village every six months to see you.”
“Ah, that makes sense now.”
“Sometimes I’d lower the Jolly Roger, just see if our boats can pass by, if I can see you on the deck.”
“I didn’t know that.”
You stare at his lips, you wouldn’t be the only Marine turning, “marry me tonight then.”
“Don’t think captains can officiate their own wedding.”
“Let’s find someone.”
He looks at the clock, “and if we can’t?”
“Ask me again tomorrow. Do it for real.”
Buggy picks you up instead, “can we just skip to the wedding night?”
“I’m not gonna marry you then.”
He smirks, “according to that letter, we’ve been married for 18 years already.”
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bloodandtime · 1 year
savage good boy
uhhh inspired by this post of eddie wearing a skirt!! everyone say thank u @eddiemunsonwillbethedeathofme! wrote this in just a couple hours so this has not been edited whatsoever so have fun!! wc: 7.3k
cw: 18+ mdni, oral (m receiving) fem!reader (actually could be gn!reader i don’t think there’s description of r other than having hair!!) eddie wearing a skirt, ass smacking, bad writing, too many uses of the word ‘you’, too many pet names, weed, cum sharing, i think that’s it?
“Hey, Edwarrrrrd,” you say, letting yourself into the trailer. The music that was playing decreased in volume, “You in your room?” you call out, toeing off your shoes at the door.
You can hear Eddie grunt followed by an expletive before he calls out, slightly pained, “Yeah! I’ll be out in a sec!” Not feeling the need to respond you take a familiar path to the kitchen to grab two waters and back to the couch.
You’ll for sure be smoking, which means coughing so water’s always essential to have at your fingertips when you’re with Eddie.
You’re settled when his door creaks open, Eddie’s nervous voice rings out,
“So, I’m wearing something new.” He’s still hidden in the hallway, “Will you tell me if I look stupid?”
Your heart aches at the nervousness in his tone, “Eddie’s there’s no way you look stupid. You know I love your style.” smiling, even though he can’t see you, you continue softly, “Please come out, Eddie.”
Eddie steps around the corner and you gasp, warmth already spreading in your lower belly, and down, down, down. You grip the arm of couch, tight.
“Holy Shit, Eddie.” You sound breathless, looking him up and down, slowly drinking him in.
Eddie’s got a cropped faded black sleeveless shirt on, the exposed skin shows his happy trail leading down to a black plaid skirt that ends mid thigh, with a chain on the waistband. His pretty pale thighs are covered in fishnets that lead into his black biker boots.
His hair is in a half up half down do, with space buns. Dangling from his ears is a cross earring and two gold hoops.
You’ve been quiet a little too long and now Eddie’s nervous. One leg crossing in front of the other, closing in on himself.
You immediately stand up and take his hands, asking him to look at you. Once his watery brown eyes meet yours, you let it all out.
“Eddie, you look fucking insane.” You breathe out, he flushes a deeper red, “Like… un fucking real. You’re so beautiful.”
Eddie all but beams, finally squeezing your hands in return. He pulls you into a warm hug,
“Thank you,” he whispers, breath warm on your neck he continues “you being so kind, means a lot to me, loser.”
Pulling away to meet his gaze, you say, “I’m not just being kind, dummy” pulling on a strand of his hair teasingly, he glares but a smile is glued to his lips “you know I wouldn’t blow smoke up your ass, Eddie.”
You maneuver so you’re standing beside him with an arm around his waist and decide to be bold.
The smack you land on his ass honestly kind of stings your hand but look of shock and indignation on Eddie’s face is worth it, “Now let’s smoke sweet heart.” You smirk and move toward the couch.
“You just smacked my ass.” He deadpans.
Sitting and smiling up at him, “I did. Don’t act so scandalized, you’re a grown ass man.” Eddie finally sits, still pink in the cheeks and clearly shocked, “You’ve definitely slapped my ass too, so I really don’t know why you’re so shocked.”
He shakes his head and laughs, curls bouncing, “Why’d you smack mine though?” He presses, as he sits down, close but not touching.
You smile, shy. “I dunno, you just look cute, I felt the need to.” You finish with an embarrassed laugh, heat rising up your neck burning your cheeks.
Eddie splutters, “I am not cute. I am hot and sexy,” he finishes with a wiggle of his eyebrows and you laugh as you lean back into the couch.
You watch him roll, his long fingers make quick work of producing two joints, your eyes glued to his hands the entire time.
Watching him light up is a treat. Something about Eddie manspreading in this particular outfit sends your brain haywire. You’re usually better at hiding your crush on your best friend but today is going to be unbelievably difficult.
Eddie leans his head back on the couch as he releases the smoke from his mouth and passes you the joint, you’re too stuck in your head to notice him staring at you.
He’s curious about your reaction, smacking his ass and you really truly looked like you wanted to eat him alive when he first stepped around the corner.
Christ, if he knew this was all it took to get you going he would have bought a skirt a long time ago.
Eddie is ashing the joint and you’re both now thigh to thigh on the couch. Eddie had moved closer after he had put a movie on. Which you haven’t paid attention too, alo you can focus on is Eddie’s tummy sticking out of the crop top, and taking in every inch of his thighs that’s exposed when adjusts in his seat.
Watching him ash the joint pushes you over the edge, your self control vanishing.
“Eddie, can I suck you off?” He chokes on the exhale of his last hit, his brain just a little fuzzy so he’s worried he misheard.
“What did you say sweetheart?” He asks, brown eyes wide staring into yours. You want to fold in on yourself and run out the trailer door but you’re already in this deep.
“Can I suck you off?” Reaching out to run a hand on his thigh, you continue “I’ve not stopped thinking about it since you came out in that skirt.” You sound desperate, Eddie’s cock twitches at your tone.
“Please, Eddie.” You slide down to the floor between his legs, kneeling with your hands on your thighs.
Eddie can barely breathe, so he musters all his courage to nod his head. Placing your hands on his ankles you run them up to his thighs so slowly, then back down again, then up again, repeating. He thinks he could cum from the sight of you on your knees and the feel of your hands on him alone.
“Need your words, baby.” You say as you squeeze his thighs.
He inhales, “Please. P-please suck my cock.”
You press a kiss to the inside of both of his thighs right where his skirt ends, soft and sweet. “Good boy.” He whimpers in response and you flip up his skirt.
You gasp again.
He’s not wearing anything underneath other than his fishnets. His hard cock is stuck to his thigh, pointing up to his belly.
You groan, pressing your head against his other thigh as you look up at him. His pupils are blown wide, his cheeks are flushed and his buns are starting to fall out. He’s stunning.
“Eddie, I can’t believe you’ve just had your cock out this whole time.” You mouth at his thigh, nipping at it as you pull away and he sighs.
His cock is pretty, long and thick. It would be a stretch but you know if would feel so fucking good.
You lean forward to mouth at one of his soft balls, his cock still stuck under his fishnets. He gasps and lets out a long fuuuuuuuck as his hands find the back of your head.
“I’ll buy you new ones,” you say as you pull away and rip his tights, his cock springs up finally free. Eddie gasps, jerking his hips as you take the head of his cock in your mouth, tongue laving over his frenulum.
Eddie tugs at your hair with a long lew moan followed by, “Holy fuck, babe.”
Relaxing your jaw and pressing forward, you take him deeper. Eddie’s right hand travels a path to your cheek, his thumb stroking the apple of it.
“Look at me.” He says, voice strained.
You look up at him and he’s even more of a mess than before. You want to wreck him.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” His thumb strokes your cheek as you bob up and down on his cock, gazes locked “taking me so fucking well. You like sucking your best friend’s cock?” You groan around him and pull off.
Gasping, you agree, “I do, Eddie. Always want your cock” One hand goes to massage his balls and you lick long languid strokes up his shaft. “I especially love sucking your cock while you look so pretty in your tiny little skirt.”
He grasps at your roots and tugs. as you place your mouth back on the head of his cock and hum. You press further down on him, trying to reach the base.
What you can’t reach, you’ve started jerking off. The shlick sound of your hand loud in your ears, but all you’re really focused on is Eddie’s whimpers and moans and sweet nothings he keeps saying.
“Baby, baby, baby” he bables as you swallow around him, “i’m gonna cum, i’m gonna cum. Where do you want it?”
You hum in response, pressing further down.
He’s a whimpering babbling mess above you, gripping tight onto your hair he starts to jerk his hips up, fucking your throat.
He’s cumming in your mouth soon after, with a long pretty whine and sweet call of your name.
He yanks you up off him, and kisses you full on the mouth. You settle in his lap with a thigh on either side of his as your hands find their way to his hair. He moans as he tastes himself on you, practically licking your mouth clean of his essence.
Pulling away he licks up the rest of his cum that had leaked out and down your chin and neck. He pulls you back into a bruising kiss.
You both pull away to breathe, warm in the face and chests heaving. Eddie has both of his hands on your face, his thumbs take a gentle path back and forth on your cheeks. Closing your eyes you sigh happily and lean into his touch.
You feel his lips on yours once again and your grips tightens on his shoulders where your hands have made home.
Eddie pulls away, just enough thar you can hear him say, his lips still brushing yours with every word, “Give me 10 minutes, sweetheart and I’ll show you just how good I look in this skirt while I’m fucking you.”
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samutoru · 4 months
my love is mine all mine — 0.3 : this side of me
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pairing : akutagawa x afab!reader | warnings : none
a/n - this story is HEAVILY based off of horimiya ! if this makes you uncomfortable, please DO NOT read this smau :) also in this smau, reader goes by Y/n Nakajima!
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chapter below the cut ! | taglist is OPEN !
So we feel the same? I guess that makes the two of us? You placed the glasses of tea onto the table infront of Atsushi and Akutagawa, but Akutagawa started to speak again. "It kinda feels like 'This time is just for me' That's the type of feeling that I get," He said as he smiled.
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akutagawa left half of his body fall off the couch, "i'm never going to another sale event....." akutagawa complained.
"yeah but you went and brought 3 cartons! that's incredible actually, i was only expecting you to bring one," You giggled as you watched Akutagawa gather himself and sit on the floor with you and Atsushi.
"oh by the way—" akutagawa paused, "uh w-well— i ran into someone by accident—" he continued, as he looked at you nervously.
"huh?! who did you run into??" You asked desperate for an answer. your hands were on your table, leaning in forward waiting for him to tell you.
"that girl you always hangout with— yosano..? i don't know her name, she has short hair and has a butterfly hairclip in her hair,'" he answered.
"are you sure it was yosano? wait— and you met her looking like that??" you asked as you stared at him begging for an answer.
"Yeah but we didn't talk or anything," Akutagawa explained as he chuckled before patting Atsushi's head and leaned back to fix his button up shirt.
what the hell am i thinking?
"for some reason," you paused letting out a sigh,
" i don't want anyone else but me to see this side of you," you continued feeling that wave of relief as soon as you told him.
"sorry! it's nothing really, it's nothing," you exclaimed as you tried to brush if off as nothing. "forget i said anything"
"i'll make us some barely tea" You said as you got up, feeling his pair of eyes follow you to the kitchen.
"aren't you going to eat oni-chan?"
you opened up the fridge to see if you still had any barley tea left, then pouring into into 3 glasses "uh– nakajima-san"
you turned around to akutagawa calling out your name by surprise, "i— feel the same way. when your dressed like that, when your cooking, when you get all loud and when you're angry as well,"
"actually, even the way you wear your hair at home, and uh— i'm kinda into the whole thing you got going on here at home,"
your face flushed pink, "ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!" You yelled, throwing the nearest pillow at him.
He caught the pillow and chuckled before he could even continue "I don't know, I feel like I wouldn't want anyone to see you this way as well, or to put it— i don't want to share this side of you with anyone else as well."
So we feel the same? I guess that makes the two of us?
You placed the glasses of tea onto the table infront of Atsushi and Akutagawa, but Akutagawa started to speak again. "It kinda feels like 'This time is just for me' That's the type of feeling that I get," He said as he smiled.
"That's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard!" You joked as you sat back down onto the floor across from Akutagawa.
You grabbed Atsushi notebook and wrote "Akutagawa is dumb!" repeatedly on it."Y'know your dumb! dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb dumb!" You spat as you continued writing the same thing over and over again.
"Once Onee-Chan calls you dumb, she won't stop!"
everyone else has a side that they don't want to show to anyone ever, we may have stumbled to eachothers side by chance but—
He leaned his face on one hand and continued again,"Yeah don't get me wrong but, I'm not saying that I don't like this side of you are at school but I think this side of you is more cute,"
"you know what I'm just gonna let you say whatever you want you dummy"
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