#and made my nonna cry
“Grandmother!” Adam shouts dramatically, practically kicking her door open and striding inside. Abuela comes hobbling out of the kitchen, cane in hand and eyebrow raised.
“Who?” she says, hands on her hips.
Adam grins, walking over to kiss her loudly on the cheek. “Hi, Abuela.”
She clasps his hand in hers and squeezes it. “Better, mijo.” She heads towards to chairs on the porch, tugging him along. He keeps a hand on the curve of her elbow to help her down the stairs, guiding her to her rocking chair and curling up next to her.
The late summer air is sweet, a welcome relief from the staleness that permeates every room in the Garrison. He’s not sure if the sunlight feels soft because it really is or because he’s relieved it’s Friday, but he revels in it anyway. It gently warms his skin, and he closes his eyes and basks in it, aware of Abuela doing the same beside him, smile slight and wrinkles deep and beautiful.
“I was thinking of you.”
Adam opens his eyes, glancing over. The sun glints off Abuela’s glasses, half blinding him, but her grip on his hand tightens, callouses scraping familiarly across his knuckles.
She hums. “Always. Lots to worry about with you.”
Adam scowls. “There is not.”
She looks at him with an expression that is simultaneously deeply fond and deeply judgmental. “How many times have I picked you up from a principal’s office, Pomposo? Ten? Twenty?”
“Eleven,” Adam says huffily. Past him is a bozo. He should have simply suffered in silence. Besides — he was justified! Having a smart mouth is something teachers and bosses make up as tools of oppression. Calling his tenth grade English teacher a self-important fool was not having a smart mouth, it was a perfectly understandable response to a bullshit grade.
But then Abuela laughs and he forgets to be annoyed. She has a raspy laugh, left over from years of cigarettes before anyone knew they were harmful, and it has always fascinated him; distinctive and joyful.
“You take exactly after your mother.” she says, and Adam doesn’t doubt it. “Her sister, too.”
“And you?” Adam asks cheekily.
She flicks him in the forehead. “Down to the core of you,” she agrees.
They watch for a while as cars pass by on the quiet street, waving at bikers and cooing at dogs walking by with their owners. One particular dog is being pulled along by a young girl half his size, and her determination makes them both giggle.
“Have you talked to your cousin, lately?” Abuela asks as the little girl disappears down the corner.
Adam purses his lips thoughtfully. “No, was he asking for me?”
“Oh, no,” Abuela dismisses, still half-focused on the road. “He just loves you.”
Adam freezes.
Abuela looks over at him in concern. “Everything okay, tesoro?”
Adam thinks he is three seconds away from bursting into tears.
“Yeah, no, I’m fine,” he tries to assure. His voice wobbles. Abuela squints at him, half concerned and half suspicious, but eventually shrugs, letting it go.
As soon as she’s leaned back into her chair, Adam slide show phone out of his pocket with his free hand, tapping open a contact.
to: the boy
Lance answers immediately
from: the boy
Adam grins at the proper punctuation, the capital letter. Lance has just barely had a phone for a couple months — he doesn’t know how to text like a normal person yet. He once sent Adam a text with a semicolon. He laughed until he cried.
to: the boy
are u busy tomorrow
from: the boy
I don’t think so what’s up
Adam doesn’t actually know what’s up. He doesn’t have a plan. He just knows that he has to see his cousin immediately, basically. Squeeze his cheeks, perhaps. He’ll hate it by virtue of being thirteen, but something tells him he’ll tolerate it.
from: the boy
I have to do my homework now so my phone is forbidden
from: the boy
So text my mom instead of me
Adam snorts, dutifully pulling up Tía Marcela’s contact. She’ll be pleased. She’s very gung-ho about Lance doing things that aren’t video games all day.
to: tía marcela
hey tía!! is lance busy tonight?
The message is quickly marked as read. Adam sets it aside for a moment, knowing she’s probably rushing around to find her reading glasses that are almost one hundred percent resting on her head. After a few minutes, a message dings in.
from: tía marcela
from: tía marcela
I don’t think so. He has some homework, but it’s math, so he’ll be done soon. Why?
Adam snickers. Nerd. He probably got excited about the homework. Last Christmas Adam got him a math workbook as a joke and he was unironically obsessed with it. It was adorable.
to: tía marcela
i’m gonna come pick him up when he’s done maybe
to: tía marcela
we’ll get ice cream and go for a drive
The typing bubbles flit across his screen for a few seconds. Adam watches them, humming to himself. They could go to that old place off highway seven, maybe. It has that pineapple flavour Lance likes like the little weirdo he is.
from: tía marcela
O.m.g. he would love that!
from: tía marcela
He’ll be done in an hour.
Adam sends one last confirmation text, then tucks his phone away, sighing happily.
“Making plans?” Abuela asks.
“Yep! Gonna take Lance for ice cream.”
Abuela beams. “Oh, he’ll love that! He was talking to his friend on the phone last time he was here, bragging about how his cool older cousin thinks he’s funny. He thinks you hung the moon and stars.”
Adam has absolutely zero control of what his eyes do in response to that.
“Why would you tell me that,” he asks, sniffling, blinking rapidly to try and cool the re-emerging tears.
Abuela smiles, leaning over to kiss his forehead. “I think you needed to hear it, amor.”
Adam turns down the music as he turns into the neighbourhood, conscious of the slowly setting sun. He rolls to a stop in front of the oldest brick house at the end of the block, door paint peeling in bright blue flecks, bicycles and skip ropes strewn about the lawn.
He lays on his horn. Immediately, like he was waiting, Lance’s face peeks out of the open window, grinning wide enough to show off his braces.
“Get in, loser, we’re going shopping!” he shouts.
Lance doesn’t waste a second, throwing open the door with enough force that it bangs into the wall.
“Bye, Mamá!” he shouts. He pauses. “Sorry about the door!”
Adam doesn’t hear Marcela’s response, but seconds later Lance is sprinting towards the car, backpack swinging madly, throwing open the door and practically diving into the seat. He puts his seatbelt on so enthusiastically he brains himself with it.
“Hey, Metalmouth,” Adam teases, not even attempting to hide his laughter.
Lance flaps his hands. “Hey!” he shouts, way too loud for a small car. Adam can’t bring himself to care, grin stretching across his face so widely it aches. He digs his phone out of his pocket and tosses it at his cousin, waving at Marcela who’s watching from the door and putting the car in gear.
“You may queue three songs,” he says, craning his neck to check his blind spots. “If you choose terrible songs I am revoking the privilege for eternity.”
Lance pouts, knowing exactly what incident Adam is referring to. “It wasn’t that bad.”
Adam cuts him a dry glance. “It was gorilla noises set to loud drums.”
“It was alternative!”
“You’re alternative, brat.”
Lance taps determinately at the phone. His dark eyes are narrowed in the same concentration Adam has seen him apply as he decides whether or not he can get away with deliberately infuriating his older siblings. Adam pokes him in the cheek because he can, and because he is simply so fun to bother. Lance bats him away.
“I picked songs from the movie you said I should watch,” Lance says eventually, turning off the phone and putting it on the dashboard. “I watched it yesterday. I liked it!”
“That’s because you’re as much of a dweeb as Gabriella,” Adam says sagely as Bop to the Top starts blaring. Lance sticks his tongue out at him.
They get to the ice cream shop pretty quickly, Adam poking and prodding at Lance every three seconds because he can and because gentle bullying is the best way to show affection. Lance doesn’t seem to mind, and amuses himself by kicking Adam’s ankles and stealing some of his ice cream.
He tries to offer Adam money for his scoop of ice cream, no doubt from the pokémon cards he trades. Adam, in response, traps him in a headlock and gives him a massive noogie.
“I don’t need your money, you goober! I am an adult! With a job! You are an infant child!”
“Blegh! Get off of me! Butthead!”
But he’s laughing when he finally wrenches himself away, sprinting back to the car.
Adam takes the long way back.
By the time he finally makes it back to Lance’s house, it’s well after dark, and Lance’s eyes started to drift shut somewhere between the soundtrack of Mamma Mia and Victorious. He blinks awake when the pull into his driveway, yawning into his elbow. Adam shuts off the car and walks around to his side to help him out. He’s half-asleep on the way up the steps, leaning heavily on Adam’s shoulder.
“I’m so gonna brag to Rachel,” he mumbles to himself.
Adam smiles softly. He vows to take Lance out more often, and especially when the school year starts back up in the fall. It’ll certainly help with the homesickness.
“You do that, kiddo,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Love ya.”
Lance is too out of it to answer. But his hand, clenched rightly in the fabric of Adam’s jacket, speaks loudly enough.
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sweetcollywobbles · 3 months
more leon headcanons
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i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him
i miss my wife, tails.
so lets talk about him.
⟢ leon was 6 years old when his family was murdered. there was a time when he could remember all of their faces. yet as he gets older, their faces have become a lot more blurry. sometimes he catches himself staring into the mirror. did nonno have the same nose as he did? was he the same blonde as his nonna? does he have his moms' smile? were his dad's eyes just as blue as his? when they looked at him, did they see themselves in him as he's so desperatley trying to remember them in him?
⟢ leon is the italian version of a "no sabo" kid. he knows the language, yet doesn't seem to be able to put the words together himself. he just kinda stands there nodding his head with a blank stare. then when he has to respond he's just kinda like "uuuhhhh tbh idk". he knows how to correctly pronounce some words and phrases, but that's about it.
⟡HOWEVER, he will call his lover with italian terms of endearment, i.e., amore mio, cucciolotta, cuore mio, piccola, etc. he might even say some phrases that he does know in italian, i.e., Io e te per sempre (you and me forever), sei la mia vita (you are my life), ti amo tanto (i love you so much), etc.
+p.s. sorry for any misinterpretations, i'm not italian but i am mexican so spanish and italian are not too different (???) but please correct me if i'm wrong!
⟢ leon has always been a dinosuar guy. he's watched probably every dino documentary thats ever been made and rewatches them whenever they're on. so, naturally, whenever he travels for work, he'll try his best to visit every museum he possibly can to see their dino exhibit and nothing else. of course, as het gets older (probably DI to RE6) he'll explore the other exhibits but for rn he'll just stick to the dino exhibits. and if you must ask him what his favorite dinosuar is, he'll say the answer he said as a kid, a spinosaurus. it's common enough for people to know and not give him a strange look of confusion. but really, his heart belongs to the pachycephalosaurus.
⟡ of course, in its natural progression, leon will also delve into a fascination of raptors and reptiles. he'll go to zoos and spend his time in the reptile exhibit. he'll also go bird watching for any avian raptors he can find. this also does mean that he has nice pair binoculars and will buy a native bird identify guide when he travels. his documentary options have now expanded with his two new interests which really excites him.
⟢ whether you believe it or not, leon is actually more of a fruity cocktail kinda guy. he doesn't mind beer or hard liquor, especially when he needs something strong and to the point. something to help him drink away the bad memories and all too realistic nightmares. but if he's just in the mood to enjoy himself, leon will cook up a salty dog or a cranberry vodka.
⟢ leon oh so terribly wants kids. but before he forces you into his life, he never thought that to be possible. so in his off time, he would volunteer for the NICU at the local hospital to be a baby cuddler. he got into it after he tried it with rebecca. it gave him the sense that everything will be okay, that even if he can't have a few of his own, at least he can be there for little ones that need someone, even if its for a moment.
⟡ TRUST, that once you do have a baby with this man, he's all over them. that baby will never not be in his arms or in the proximity of him. he's on spit up and diaper duty. baby wakes up late at night crying? no worries, he's already in the room (he was sleeping on the nursery floor). you will almost have to battle this man to hold YOUR baby.
⟢ leon is actually a really big fan of romcoms and time pieces. in fact, his favorite time piece movie is pride and prejudice. oh he absolutely adores romantic pieces like that especially because he's a hopeless romantic at heart. he's fallen in love with the idea of falling in love with a girl he's just met and having soft intimate moments with them. his guilty pleasure romcom is 13 going on 30, especially since after the whole plagas incident, the movie was just released and he binged that movie on repeat.
⟡ BUT, just because he likes time pieces and romcoms doesn't mean he doesn't like action or thriller movies. leon's a really big fan of the matrix series and star wars series. also the fast and furious franchise is actually where his love of fast cars and motorcycles stem from. he just can't do any horror movies because baby has trauma :(
₊˚⊹ ᥫ᭡. 𓂃
it's not much, but i thought these were silly and gave him a little more character. please let me know what you think or if you have any headcanons of your own!!!
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tiethenott · 4 months
Nott so nice
toxic!theodore nott x reader
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The walk to your boyfriend"s dorm is filled with dread,contemplation and a part of yourself trying to convince yourself that you're being stupid,to turn back.But the other part of you continues to drag your body to his dorm.You enter his room,not knocking because he told you before to just enter,because you were his cuore,his angelo,his dolce ragazza. Entering his dorm,his face lights up in a smile as he looks at you "Ciao tesoro" he says patting the bed for you to sit next to him.However,his face mars into confusion when you shut the door and walk to lean against his desk,an unreadable expression plastered on his pretty girlfriend's face. "Sweetheart,come sit" he retorts again,laughing "Teddy,we need to talk" you mutter in a soft tone,finally making eye contact with him His smile falls and it's replaced with a stonic,monotone expression."About what,love?" "Theo..I don't want you to take this the wrong way but..." you sit on the bed,taking his hand in yours in an attempt to calm his impending anger that's about to come "Theo,we need to take a break." you blurted out.You expected him to yell,cry,beg for you to stay but didn't expect him to smile and laugh "Sure!I've been needing a break from everything,school has been killing me!We could go to Greece,no Ital!ymy nonna has the most adorable villa on the sea coast-" he starts to ramble 'Fuck.This was going to be harder than you thought.' you inaudibly thought You let out a nervous laugh,"Erm no theo..not that type of break,i mean a relationship..break" you say nervously,watching his face contort to anger. "Fine." he says with no emotion his voice in contrast to his evil stare that sent chills straight down your back "Thank you,theo." you say hesitantly,not fully believing it but not wanting to waste time before he changed his mind.You squeeze his hand and hurry out of his room,your heart ready to jump out of your chest with how rapidly its beating.
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The following days were filled with dread,why would he just let you go?the man who hexed people for looking at you,who checked your ohone almost every day,was he done with you?bored? The third day of you being single,youre sat in the library,studying with Harry who you havent been able to talk to for 3 months!As you're laughing about a joke he made,you hear a ping coming from your phone.Mindlessly checking it,your heart drops.Its a notification from theo..? You open the chat and your eyes widen,heartrate severly increasing as you see a video of him fucking you,your face shown fully on camera.You didnt even remember him taking this!But the scariest part is that there was no follow up text,just the video.Was he threating you?blackmailing you? You excuse yourself from Harry and rush to theodore's room,flinging the door open to see him working on a DADA paper,unbothered "What the fuck theodore!?What is this?!" you exclaim,showing him your phone "What do you mean love?its us?its beautiful isn't it?." he says spinning his chair to face you then standing up,his frame towering over you "When did you take this?i don't even remember this!why do you have this-" you're cut off by Theodore placing a finger against your lips,shushing you he tsks before finally speaking,"You remember after Draco's birthday?you were a bit drunk,begging me to fuck you?Ring any bells?" he coos tapping your head "Delete it,now." your words make him laugh as he puts your phone in his pocket before placing his hands on your hips "Now,i've given you some time to think so are we back together?" he questions calmly,ignoring your words "What?No!" your voice is filled with confusion and the want for answers "Wrong choice,cara." he says grabbing his phone "Hey-what are you doing?" you question with worry "About to send everyone we know the video,what dont want everyone seeing you be my slut?" he replies snarkily
"No stop!" you interject,trying to grab his phone but his tall frame holds it high "I'll stay with you!" the words blurt out of your mouth,causing a smile to plaster on his now elated face "I knew you'd come to your senses,vita mia." he throws his arms around you,englufing you in an embrace as if he didn't threaten you a minute ago. Theo pulls away from warm hug and cups your face,brushing strands of hair out of your face with his finger like a lover would do.He tenderly kisses you and reluctantly you kiss back,not wanting to upset him. "Why dont we make another video,sweetheart?"
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forsoobado137 · 19 days
🍩donutdaddy Follow
I was researching the American Revolution for my final and came across this gem.
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🦄uminamina Follow
I need to see that fucking letter or I will die unfulfilled.
🦍caraismogging Follow
Alfred when Jefferson wont let him send his illiterate letter with doodles of toy soldiers to the British head of state
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#nation people #npusa #np archives #holy shit nothing has changed
8,846 Notes
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🥬my_cabbagessss Follow
🧚🏾‍♂️mywifeleftme12235 Follow
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love how confidently wrong you are op
🥬my_cabbagessss Follow
You write Russia x Stalin fics your opinion is worthless to me
🧊ivanbragnskymybeloved Follow
🚀brainblast64 Follow
They even wrote a Russian translation. I love that they made it accessible to Russian people while still having the audacity to write a fucking Russia x Stalin fic without any irony whatsoever.
#nation people #nprussia #ivan braginsky #i need a lobotomy now
7,041 Notes
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🎨callmepicasso Follow
Okay put a finger down if you were visiting family in Rome and while at a restaurant you saw the NP of Italy walk in and then he sat down at the table behind you and your grandmother who is kind of senile whispered to you about her secret steamy affair with Veneziano and you said "okay nonna" and a few minutes later the NP of Italy turned around and shouted "ALESSIA?!" and the two spent the rest of the night catching up in front of your family.
🎭dwugdimmadome Follow
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🎹moonlightdenada Follow
What's up with nation people rizzing up all of our grandmothers?!
🍄champchampi Follow
In my country (France) almost everyone at my school have a story about the NP getting freaky with one of their relatives.
🧅beterheys Follow
15,233 Notes
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maryleclerc · 1 year
𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥, 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 — charles leclerc
pairing: prince!charles leclerc x reader ; prince!charles leclerc x princess!reader ; prince!dad!charles leclerc x princess!mom!reader
summary: in which prince christian arthur first day to school and i guess it’s went well
warning: english is not my native language, use google translate, i did not own any of these images. this is just a imagination, please do not take it too serious!
read my royal series here
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Liked by y/n_leclerc, pierregasly and others
charles_leclerc Brunch with my mamma and papà
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y/n_leclerc My mamma and papà 😂
⤷ charles_leclerc Our mamma and papà
everythingdif Notice how Charles called his parents in-law in Italian is so so so sweet. It’s really proves the relationship between them is very good, once when Prince Charles Leclerc and Y/n were just engaged, a few reporters asked Mr. Y/l/n about Prince Charles, he said that he really thankful to know that his soon to be his son-in-law because Prince Charles Leclerc is not only kind and polite but also very caring and especially the way he treat his daughter, Y/n.
⤷ charles_leclerc I love them too, they are the most fun people to be around with
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Liked by arthur_leclerc, kellypiquet and 452,033,711 others
y/n_leclerc Baby bump update and having a brunch date with my husband and my whole family (sadly without Christian, he’s not so happy if he know that we went to visit nonna e nonno)
and during brunch today I just discovered a secret that made me want to cry but Charles never told me (crying happy tears). It was my father who told me, he said that when Charles was about to propose to me, Charles went to my parents' house and asked their permission to let him marry me. I just keep loving him more and more.
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charles_leclerc And thankfully papà give me his permission
⤷ y/n_leclerc You’re his favorite now, Prince Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc of Monte Carlo
⤷ charles_leclerc Oh I… I know, you don’t have to type my full name like that Princess Y/n
⤷ y/n_leclerc 😂 haha you scare huh?
⤷ arthur_leclerc No, he’s not scared BUT I AM
⤷ y/n_leclerc @charles_leclerc 😂😂😂
kellypiquet Your baby bump is so 🥰
⤷ y/n_leclerc I know I know 😂
pinkblushh How is your baby doing Y/n?
⤷ y/n_leclerc It’s doing great, and keep craving for Charles cooking 😂
euginemckayla REAL GENTLEMAN 😩🤌🤌
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Liked by landonorris, y/n_leclerc and others
charles_leclerc Y/n and I just picked up Christian from kindergarten, I have to say I feel like he'd rather go to school than stay at home with his parents. As soon as he got into the car, he said to us in a very excited voice, “maman, papa, I had a lot of fun going to school today? I've made a lot of friends… there's a girl who's very beautiful, when I grow up I want to marry her.” Y/n was in shocked and turned to see her smiling... Maybe he just like his father 😂
I don't think Y/n expected him to have a girlfriend fast, even faster than his father. He even “suggested” us to let him go karting with his father, we accept his “suggestion”.
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y/n_leclerc Exactly like his father, got so much attention from women in all ages
milanie My daughter told my that she had a crush on your son Prince Charles Leclerc
⤷ y/n_leclerc You’re Carlotta mother?
⤷ milanie Yes, I am 😂
⤷ charles_leclerc Oh gosh he talk about Carlotta all the way home
george_laurent Uhh I can’t handle the cuteness of this family
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TAGLIST: @xcinnamongirl @jaydaaasword @heartsfromtaeyong @bladacci1 @magical-spit @champomiel @greigreyhiyyih @cherrieverstappen @okurtics @georgiagasly @booksobsess
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janeyseymour · 8 months
Tough Philly Girl- pt 2
Summary: Melissa has always been tough. Why? She'll tell you.
Part 1
WC: ~2.2k
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“Well,” you sigh as Melissa stares at her feet now that she’s in the hotel room. You’ve since given her a towel to dry off, and she’s sitting across from you at the desk while you sit on your bed. It’s been five minutes since either of you have said anything. “I’m waiting.”
“I know, I know,” she grumbles. “I’m just… nervous.”
“For what?”
“My vulnerability,” she admits quietly. “That I’m going to tell you all of this, and you’ll still leave.”
“Have some faith in me, Schemmenti,” you roll your eyes. “Or don’t. I don’t really care anymore. This better be good.”
“It all started when… when I was little,” she starts.
Melissa was four years old. Four years old when this all started. Kristen Marie had just been born, and Melissa Ann was no longer the baby of the family. Her parents were always exhausted and preoccupied with the baby, and all the little redhead wanted was her father to play tea party with her like he usually did.
“Not now, Melissa,” he would say as he cracked open a beer. Being a persistent little girl, she continued to ask. “I said, not now,” he would grit through his teeth.
Melissa shriveled away, tears blooming in her eyes as she made her way to her bedroom. Her father came into her room a few minutes later to chastise her for crying.
“You’re not a baby anymore, and big four year olds don’t cry,” he huffed. That only made her cry harder.
Melissa was used to being the center of attention in her family when it came to gatherings at Nonna’s house. But now nobody gave her a second glance as they all gathered around her mother to fawn over Kristen Marie. 
“Nonna!” the little redhead squeaked, trying to get her grandmother’s attention. She couldn’t get it though, and she immediately burst into tears- despite her willing herself not to cry. She couldn’t help it. Her small body held a lot of big emotions. She stormed off into the other room, grumbling as she went, and before she could stop herself, she threw her doll. It hit the wall with a loud thud before crashing down to the floor.
“Stupid Kristen Marie,” she muttered to herself. She heard footsteps approach, and it was Nonna. The warm loving eyes that were usually looking at her granddaughter were filled with fire though.
“Melissa Ann Schemmenti,” her grandmother barked, and the redhead immediately knew she was in trouble. After quite a stern talking to from Nonna, and a few punishments, Melissa knew her place- she was no longer the baby of the family. She was a big girl now- and big girls don’t cry. 
From that day on, Melissa knew to put her walls up and knew not to shed tears around her family, even with all of the drama. And as she got older, she would only realize that her family held way more drama than she could ever imagine. 
At five, Melissa was diagnosed with dyslexia. Her reading skills were never quite up to where her peers were, and she realized the words and letters moved around on the page to the point that she couldn’t make sense of anything. Letters were upside down, they were backwards, they were all over. Her eyesight was tested, but she could see just fine. When they did the different benchmark tests, her score in knowing the sounds for each letter was perfect, but she could hardly identify the looks of the letters. So they had her tested for dyslexia.
She overheard her father and mother talking one night.
“Stupid kid,” her dad grumbled.
“She isn’t stupid,” her mother argued. “She’s just challenged, and she’ll need to hunker down to be like the rest of her peers.
“That shit won’t work,” he groaned. “We’ve just got a dumb kid on our hands. Hopefully Kristen Marie will be the smart one in the family.”
She should’ve been in bed, and had she, she never would’ve known what her father thought of her. But that night, she vowed to herself that she would fight to be able to read, and even excel. 
Growing up in an Italian family when you were expected to be a small, stick thin girl (even at a young age) was tough. Nonna fed everybody like it was her job, and Mom made sure her girls ate hearty servings of everything. Melissa kept the weight, while it didn’t matter how much food Kristen Marie was given- she never gained a pound. She was a stick, even at the young age of four.
The redhead was eight when she wanted to join dance classes. Of course. Kristen Marie also wanted to do dance because, “If Melly is, I wanna too!”
So, Mom signed both girls up for dance lessons, despite Dad saying that it was a waste of time and money. The girls went down to the thrift store to find some used dance attire, and then they headed for local dance studio that their own mother went to.
Upon entering, Melissa couldn’t be more excited. She was practically bouncing on her toes with excitement as she walked through thee front door to the studio. That was the first and only time she would enter that place with a grin.
“The little one can dance,” the Russian woman looked over Kristen Marie. She then glanced at the redhead with a look of distain. “She cannot. She is too big.”
“But you have classes for eight year olds,” Mom pointed out.
“She is too big,” the teacher stressed again. Now Mom understood. She gave Melissa a shrug. The redhead acted like she couldn’t care less despite that fact that her chest was aching and her heart was breaking inside of her little body. Her mother marched the older sister out, but left Kristen Marie to attend the lesson. Her younger sister quit two weeks later. 
At nine, Melissa’s parents got divorced. She took it hard. But big girls don’t cry. So she didn’t mourn her parents’ marriage ending. And with the divorce went the house. That meant moving into two different apartment complexes and being shuffled from one place to the other every other week.
Her parents weren’t home as often, and she rarely saw either of them. She was forced to take care of Kristen Marie more and more often. Her comfort food was bread and butter with cinnamon.
At ten, she realized if she didn’t learn how to cook, she and Kristen Marie would starve- or survive off of bread, butter, and cinnamon. So Melissa taught herself how to cook. It was easy, in all actuality. The redhead had watched Nonna cook for the longest time. Quickly, Melissa and Kristen Marie were eating well again- so long as Mom and Dad were stocking up on food. She would make sure the two of them were fed properly- and thus began her love of cooking.
When Melissa was fifteen, she started dating. The boys in her school had started to take notice to the fact that she had quite a body for a young thing. Repeatedly, she would be pressured into various activities that she did not particularly want to partake in. She never let it get to her though. She allowed herself to be used, abused- she saw Mom handle it, so she could too. She was a Schemmenti after all. 
With one particular boyfriend, he would constantly point out all of her quirks- things she didn’t even realize she did until he pointed it out.
“Jesus, Mel,” the teen rolled his eyes.
“What?” she asked.
“Can you stop doing that?”
“Doing what?” she glared at him.
“That.” He pointed to the way that her knee was bouncing incessantly, and she was playing with the fraying ends of her denim jacket.
“I’m not doing anything,” she sighs.
“All I’m trying to do is hold you, but you can’t keep your damned body still!”
“Sorry,” she mumbled. It took everything in her to stay still for the rest of the night. She fought every instinct in her body, every itchy feeling, to sit still 
(You don’t mind that she can never sit still. Usually, you’re bouncing right along next to her and are playing with her hands so the two of you can focus together. If that doesn’t work, the two of you go for a walk.)
The redhead was telling a story, but she lost track of where she had started off and was now off on a tangent about god knows what.
“Can you make your point already?”
“I’m getting there!” She scrunches her nose while she tries to figure out what made her start talking about cooking pasta the right way in the first place (it was the idea of feminism).
(You love when she does this. She gets so passionate about everything that she’s talking about, and it makes you grin when she finally figures out where her story was headed in the first place.)
“Why do you constantly mumble to yourself?” he rolled his eyes once again at her.
“What?” she breathed as she made dinner for herself, her boyfriend, and her younger sister that night. She mutters a few things under her breath as she stirs the contents in the sauce pan.
“Like that!”
“I-” Her face turned a bright shade of red. “I don’t know. I just- have to get my thoughts out, and sometimes it helps if I say what I’m doing so I stay focused.”
“You’re so weird.”
(You don’t mind when she does any of this. You know it helps her stay on task, and her voice mesmerizes you anyway, so the more you get to hear it, the better.)
For the rest of that relationship, she fought to hold back those little stims.
Two months later, she would be tested for ADHD and come back positive. 
Melissa and Joe had married when she was young. It was foolish love, but it was love nonetheless. About a year in, they began to have issues. 
She suggested couples counseling because she was going to fight for this marriage- leave it to Melissa to always fight the fight. 
Joe flat out refused. He came clean and told her that he was sleeping with Jolene, and that he was in love with Jolene. 
Melissa had the divorce papers the next day. She also had a good amount of gasoline.
Barbara was there to pick up the pieces- to convince the redhead to continue on with life and to be the badass woman that Melissa Schemmenti was- is. 
Nonna got sick. And Kristen Marie ran.
“It’s too hard for me to see her like that, Melissa!” her younger sister had yelled at her before turning on her heel and leaving.
So Melissa stayed. She took care of Nonna until her last days. She stayed right there with her family.
And then at the funeral, her sister showed up with a dish that would quite literally end up in flames. Melissa fought that fight. Kristen Marie had gone too far. First, leaving when it got too hard- not very Schemmenti-like if you asked the redhead. And then she had the audacity to show up at the funeral with her beloved Nonna’s signature dish- and it was wrong. 
She wouldn’t speak to her sister again until their paths crossed through the schools. And even then, she fought that pretty hard. And then, when they had to… the Schemmenti sisters would join forces again and fight the fight together.
Gary was a joke. But she still fought that fight. She lost.
And then you came around. You shook up her whole world and changed her life. She fought herself and her feelings for you for about six months before you finally said something to her. She fought the different stims that had slowly made their way back into her life- convinced that you would leave her or think she was weird for always having to bounce her leg, never being able to sit still.
Slowly, with a lot of reassurance from you, you told her to stop fighting it all. Stop fighting against herself and the things that made her who she was. So she did, and the two of you fell absolutely head over heels in love.
“And now you’re trying to leave me,” Melissa whispers. “And I don’t want that. So, I’m fighting for you. I don’t want you to be the one that got away.”
You stare at her for quite some time. It makes sense why she was always so guarded now. Her life was tough, from the start. You had no idea.
“Mel,” you sigh softly.
“Please,” her voice cracks just slightly, and she has tears welled up in her eyes. “Please let me fight for you. This is one fight I actually want.”
This is the most emotion you’ve ever seen from your girlfriend, and you honestly hate seeing it. It’s shattering your heart in your chest.
You stand from your bed and make your way over to the chair she’s sitting in before wrapping your arms around her gently.
The dam breaks, and your girlfriend softly weeps into your chest. “Please don’t go. Please.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you promise her gently. “I’m fighting for you, my tough Philly girl.”
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nataliawrites · 2 years
TikTok on the Clock // Daniel Ricciardo
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One of the best things to come out of the pandemic lockdown was finally giving in to the urge to download TikTok. You had quickly grown addicted to scrolling through the mix of eclectic videos that popped up on your “for you page” and soon enough decided to start posting some yourself.
It did not take long for Formula 1 fans to make the connection between your account and who your boyfriend is — Daniel Ricciardo was many things but subtle was not one of them and he had a tendency to “accidentally” interrupt you while you filmed.
You kept the account going long after restrictions eased and hopped on many of the trends that made their rounds on the app. This year, you were feeling slightly evil. You have been putting together a compilation of hilarious (if you did say so yourself) pranks that you pulled on your boyfriend since the season began and were just about to hit upload as the countdown began.
You put down your phone and turn to give Daniel your full attention.
His lips taste like champagne.
Happy New Year!
“Hey Dan?”
“Maybe stay off TikTok for a bit.”
“What did you do?”
You loved the Australian Grand Prix. Your boyfriend’s home race was a spectacle on the track and a great opportunity to spend time with his family off the track.
As usual, you flew out to Perth a bit early before switching coasts for the race. You were busy in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on dinner as you prepared to host everyone that evening. When everything was mostly done, you started recording on your phone and leaned it against the wall inconspicuously before calling for your boyfriend.
“Hey, babe?” You pour a heaping pile of salt on a spoon.
“Yeah?” You can hear Daniel from across the house.
“Can you come taste my sauce?” You dunk the spoon in a pot of your tomato sauce and pick up just enough to hide the salt.
He basically runs to the kitchen, “test taster reporting for duty.”
You bring the spoon to his mouth, “I used your nonna’s recipe.”
His eyes screw shut and his mouth puckers, “my-my nonna’s recipe?”
“Your mom shared it with me. Isn’t it delicious?”
“Yeah,” his voice cracks. “Delicious.”
You look at his face again and fight a losing battle not to laugh as he desperately tries not to offend you and his grandma.
You reach towards your phone as giggles escape you.
Daniel finally realizes he’s been tricked, “are you serious?”
You point the camera towards your boyfriend, “you should’ve seen your face.”
“You’re so mean to me,” he pouts.
“Babe?” You questioned coming through the front door. You had spent the day loading up on groceries and stopping by a few boutiques that caught your eye. This was the perfect opportunity to finally pull one over on your boyfriend.
“I’m in here,” you drop your bags in the foyer and follow Daniel’s voice to where he’s lying on the living room sectional.
Your phone is stuck in your bra, the camera just peaking over your shirt. “My car told me I needed windshield wiper fluid while I was out.”
He lowers his phone but keeps his focus on it.
“So I pulled into a gas station and the guy working there gave me a really good deal. He told me I got it for 50 percent off and it was only $150 for me because of how sweet I was.”
Daniel’s head snaps up as he drops his phone.
“You paid $150?”
“Yeah …”
“For windshield wiper fluid?”
“Yeah? He told me it was a good deal!”
“Love,” you can’t tell if he wants to laugh or cry, “I could’ve done that for free. He ripped you off.”
“But it was 50 percent off?”
“It costs less than $5 to buy and then you just pour it in!” He gestures wildly, “this is my fault. How do I race for a living and literally collect cars without teaching my girlfriend how to change her own windshield wiper fluid?”
By this point you’re silently laughing which Daniel finally notices.
“Really? Really?” He turns around to face the back of the couch, “don’t talk to me.”
“Awww, baby. Don’t be mad at me,” you coo. “I think it’s cute how protective you got.”
“Still mad at you.” It’s hard to take him seriously with his face shoved into the leather couch, muffling his voice.
You walk into the gym, your phone hidden in the pocket of your leggings, and take in the view of you shirtless boyfriend.
The fans will appreciate this one.
He pauses his juggling on the stationary bike.
“My back’s really been bothering since I came back from my run. Do you think you can help me stretch it or something?”
He gets off the bike and walks toward you, “do you want me to call Michael? He won’t mind coming over to help with your back.”
“Don’t bother him. It’s nothing major,” you turn away from your boyfriend and quickly stick two pieces of pasta between your molars while he can’t see, “just need to loosen it up a bit.”
“Okay …” he spreads his palms across your back and applies some careful pressure. You bite down on the pasta, timing the crack with his movements.
“Oh my god.” You let your body go limp.
“Love? Are you okay?” He tries to hold you up but you collapse on the padded floor of the gym.
“Is it your back? What did I do? I knew we should’ve just called Michael. Oh my god.”
You take pity on your boyfriend, not wanting him to think that he actually broke your back for longer than a few seconds, “it was just pasta.”
“The sound. It was just me biting pasta. It’s a prank trend.”
He lets go of your body and you fully drop to the floor.
“Are.” He pelts you with one of the balls he was juggling.
“You.” And another.
“Kidding.” And another.
“Me?” And another.
You run out of the gym laughing as he continues to chase you through the house, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
“I thought I broke your back!”
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jackhughes I’ve never been one for sappy posts, but this past year with this little one has been heaven on earth. I’ve heard so many parents complain about lack of sleep, crying, and so many other things, but how can you complain when there’s something so innocent looking at you like this angel looks at us? I’d do this over a million times if it meant you stay this little forever. Happy first birthday. Always and forever going to be my little girl.
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lhughes_06 Thanks for making me the favorite uncle, bro.
_quinnhughes You’re not the favorite.
lhughes_06 Oh my bad, I’ve never heard her say your name so I thought she just didnt know you existed🫢
_quinnhughes she’s one. How tf is she supposed to say a “q” when she’s one?? I wasn’t the one that was 2 days late to the birth because of “plans that you couldn’t get out of.” 🫢
jackhughes if Quinn didn’t live in the middle of nowhere Canada he’d be the favorite by a long shot🫢
elblue6 I could not have chose a better daughter-in-love or granddaughter for my sweet boy. Nonna and Poppa love all three of you beyond words! Also, is my little angel walking yet?
y/nhughes We love you more! She’s not quite able to walk on her own yet, but Jack is making sure she learns to skate before she walks😉
elblue6 I expected nothing less coming from him lol!
trevorzegras it’s cute watching Quinn and Luke argue over who the favorite uncle is when I’m holding her right now. She may not be able to say my name, but she sure as hell cries when I’m not holding her 🫢
_quinnhughes you traumatize her so much when you hold her that she has to let it out when you’re not.
lhughes_06 she probably has ptsd from looking at your face
trevorzegras anyways, happy birthday to my sidekick. Can’t wait to piss your mom and dad off together when you’re older🫶
nicohischier the best thing to come from a Hughes brother. Happy birthday, love!
jackhughes that was a very unnecessary backhanded compliment, Nico.
lhughes_06 I once brought you brownies to practice. I’m hurt.
nicohischier You’re brownies were burnt.
_quinnhughes are you comparing our niece to burnt brownies Luke?
lhughes_06 Quinn, you’re irrelevant.
colecaufield since everybody else ruined your sappy post…Buddy you’re the best dad. She’s absolutely perfect, just like her mom.
trevorzegras I’m deceased
jackhughes I may not be perfect, but at least I’m not Zegras’s bitch
jackhughes sorry I meant caddy. Damn autocorrect.
y/nhughes love you coley!
jackhughes really y/n?
_alexturcotte happy birthday to my favorite baby. make another one so I can have 2 favorites.
jackhughes gotta talk to y/n about that. If it were up to me we’d have 12.
y/nhughes you can have all the babies you want when you push them out :)
y/nhughes our beautiful little family. You both make life so precious.
jackhughes we would be lost without Mama💜
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y/nhughes On the left was our first day home, and on the right is you just now. They weren’t lying when they said time is a thief. I went through the worst pain in my life bringing you into this word, little girl, but you made me forget about it the second I heard your first cry. Happy first birthday, angel. Mama and Dada love you infinitely times one hundred.
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nhl Happy birthday Baby Hughes!
fanuser1 she’s so perfect. So happy for the Hughes family! Happy birthday!
_quinnhughes Uncle Q’s favorite girl. Happy birthday!
_alexturcotte The sweetest little family. Now add more. ps happy birthday beautiful.
y/nhughes We love you, Turcs! Our favorite babysitter😉
_alexturcotte the true favorite uncle doesn’t have to brag about it🤷‍♂️
fanuser2 I didn’t like y/n at first, but she’s grown on me.
jackhughes same tbh
y/nhughes Jack I stg if you don’t shut up…
bff.user you may have a lot of boys arguing about the favorite uncle, but I’m secure in knowing I’m the best aunt😙
trevorzegras we can be the aunt and uncle power couple😛
bff.user @jackhughes put your friend on a leash
jackhughes I’ll put a muzzle on him while I’m at it.
trevorzegras you all love me ;)
jackhughes unfortunately
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Liked by jackhughes and others
elblue6 Happy birthday to Nonna and Poppa’s favorite girl! You’re little heart is too good for this world, but we are so blessed for you to share it with us. You look so much like your mama, but you act just like your dada! (I’m saying a prayer for your mom). We can not wait to celebrate you this weekend! With love, Nonna and Poppa.
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duck-in-a-spaceship · 10 months
Relistening to The Adventure Zone Amnesty and listening to Duck's french onion soup story and like idk fuck dude. It's kind of a cheesy (ha) sentiment of "living for the little things" but like...
Alright bear with me for a moment but I was making some soup the other day. Potato soup, not french onion, and I was on a call with a friend the whole time, for some company while I cooked. And man it took like 2 hours to make this soup that was supposed to take thirty minutes. I didn't have half the stuff for it, I put pumpkin spice in to try and substitute for old bay because we decided that checked out, had to improvise a potato masher, the shallots made me cry. But the point is, I had a really nice night just talking to my friend and making soup.
And it kind of makes you think, what would I give up for more nights like that? What would I turn down? For potato soup? For french onion soup?
Also I forgot their nonna comes in at the end and tells them the best french onion soup she ever had that was very SWEET
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neuroprincess · 2 years
Crying Over Broken Pasta - Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Summary: A romantic evening cooking together. Melissa overloaded. Y/N commits the crime of breaking the pasta and things go wrong after that. A fight brings out insecurities.
Classification: Light angst, Fluff
Warnings: Some harsh words, Swearing
Note: Idk, Melissa might seem a little exaggerated in this situation and out of character? But I would be super pissed off if someone broke the pasta, just saying
Word count: +2600
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There would be no better date for Melissa than cooking with her partner, the kitchen being a very intimate and important place for her, where she grew up, watched her parents fall in love again and again, made her first lasagna with nonna, had her first wine drunk with Kristen Marie, where she used cooking to take out her daily frustrations. Nothing better than a Pomodoro Penne after an exhausting and stressful day, to forget it all by enjoying the family recipe. But she never considered it a place of romance until Y/N, Joe, although he loved Schemmenti food, never shared this space with the redhead, much less in a romantic way. He ate, he complimented, sometimes he washed the dishes, and that was it. The arrival of this new person in her life also brought her a new vision for the sanctuary, she simply loves to see the girlfriend sitting on the countertops having breakfast, preparing the teacher's tea wearing only short pajamas, almost melting completely when she offers help, either to cut some ingredient or stir the pot. It's just adorable, very special, especially since there are dozens of kisses and hugs exchanged as they prepare breakfast/dinner. This is why, staging a romantic setting, Melissa has prepared the kitchen for the site of a monthly date with her girlfriend. There are fresh tomatoes scattered on the cutting board, bowls full of freshly cut ingredients, the kettle of water boiling behind the couple, while the teacher stands next to her girlfriend, one hand firmly on her waist as the other instructs Y/N how to cut the tomatoes in a correct way.
- Great, amore mio. - she celebrates seeing the little cubes, all the effort was worth it and this would be perfect on spaghetti, she decided to teach the simpler Schemmenti recipes first, hoping it would become a routine couple program - You are a good student. - and left a gentle kiss on the other woman's lips, taking a long time to purposely leave her lips.
- Thanks, Mel. - Y/N laughed, feeling happy and heartwarmed to have such a captivating and patient girlfriend, the task had taken more than five minutes and at no point did she get upset, not showing any irritation - What should I do now?
- The water's already boiled, you can put the pasta in the pot. - the redhead smiles and moves away, making room on the counter to prepare the rest of the ingredients for the sauce. - Meanwhile I'll finish chopping the onion. I should have prepared the pasta, but you know, this week has been really crazy. So we'll have to make do with the store-bought stuff, the fresh ingredients will save our recipe. - she shrugs, taking a sip from the glass of wine she had left there, trying to pretend not to be upset, but feeling guilty deep down for not being able to give her girlfriend the full experience.
- It's okay, love. Seriously, just the thought of tasting your family's sauce makes my mouth water. - Y/N tries to reassure her and walks by Melissa, giving her a half-hug along with a kiss on the cheek - Let's have spaghetti tonight! Made by us!
- Made by us! - this cheered her up again, after all, this dinner has been scheduled just to spend some time together in the kitchen and that's what matters - Amore mio, do you want to wi...? - Melissa turns to ask if she doesn't want more wine and can't finish the word, disbelieving in what her eyes see, the pasta is broken in two in Y/N's hands, that anguishing sound unmistakable for any Italian - What the hell are you doing?
- Putting the pasta in the pot. - she answers simply, not realizing what has just happened, and puts the pasta in the boiling water - Now I stir?
- Yes, you stir. - the redhead controls herself not to sound rude, suddenly very upset and offended by what she has just witnessed. SHE BROKE THE PASTA! And Melissa can't handle it. - It was supposed to stir anyway. - she whispers turning her back, low enough not to be heard, trying to control her own personality in order not to make Y/N upset and sad for cooking the pasta absurdly wrong. But not being able to express herself made her even angrier.
Minutes later they start the sauce when the pasta is ready, Melissa no longer asks her girlfriend for help, putting in and cooking the ingredients on her own, in her own way. No matter how much Y/N offers help every minute, she refuses every time, too focused on not letting her indignation show. She doesn't even respond when her girlfriend appreciates the smell of onions frying at the bottom of the pan, when she is hugged from the side no reaction is shown either, she just rolls her eyes and goes back to watching the sauce.
- I'm ready to eat our spaghetti Schemmenti. - the youngest celebrates, gesturing to the dishes on the table, perfectly presented except for the... incident - Wine? - she offers, shaking the rest of the liquid at the bottom of the bottle, they were sipping until Melissa drank the rest practically by herself.
- No, thanks. I need sobriety for this.
- What?
- Nothing, Y/N. Let's eat. - the two sit down, facing each other, the candle placed there earlier has been forgotten to be lit, Y/N takes a big gulp enjoying the spaghetti, groans that would once have been sinful to Melissa, but now it irritates her. She just stares at her own plate, being sure that her nonna would disinherit her if she ate that.
- Something wrong, love? - Y/N asks, finding her silently staring at the plate.
- Who taught you how to make spaghetti? - the redhead asks rhetorically on automatic, not expecting a real answer.
- A college roommate, I think, I don't remember making it before...
- I get it. - Melissa throws herself back in her chair and takes a generous sip of wine from her girlfriend's glass, sighing. The tension has taken over the environment.
- Did I do something wrong?
- You broke the fucking pasta! - Melissa's voice came out louder than she expected, almost like a scream, and as she gestured with her hands she ended up bumping into the plate, throwing it to the floor, smashing in pieces. - Oh, shit!
- Mel, why didn't you tell me anything? - Y/N asks staring at her girlfriend kneeling on the floor and cleaning the pieces angrily, carelessly - I...
- You don't know how to make a simple spaghetti correctly, that's it. - she rolls the eyes and watches the orange stain start to form on the floor, which frustrates her even more, the night that should be perfect is going down the drain faster than she can keep up with it - You are not from Philadelphia, not Italian and now spaghetti... My family would....
- Oh! - Y/N chokes in realization and looks away, trying not to look at her girlfriend who rubs the floor fervently, knowing that if he saw her in that state any more, she wouldn't be able to stop the tears from falling - I'm going to... I'm sorry. - she picks up her bag from the coffee table and leaves the house, unnoticed by the woman, too busy taking out her frustration on the cleaning to notice.
Walking back to her own apartment, since she is without a car because Melissa used to give her rides from work to her house and from her house to work, Y/N reflects on the night's events, mentally cursing herself for having done that stupid thing, she should have paid attention to the pasta and not taken the easy way out, although she was loving the night, the girl was as tired as Melissa after the school chaos and automatically broke down to save time, without thinking about her girlfriend's culture and much less her reaction. When she didn't show any reaction, Y/N didn't even realize what she had done. She wondered if she should send a message apologizing for the culinary crime or let her calm down first before making any moves, rare were the times she saw the redhead act this way, never a behavior directed at her. At the end of her ramblings she thought it best to give the woman some time to calm down.
And then Melissa's words came into her mind. She had talked about family, about how she is different from everything the redhead expected in a partner, Y/N still remembers the teacher's face when she admitted she wasn't from Philadelphia and had no Italian blood (or just distant family), a smile that died halfway through followed by another that didn't reach the eyes. Still, two months later a relationship began, secret both to her co-workers, except Barbara, and to the Schemmenti. Insecurities began to surface, some that she drowned out so many times so as not to affect the nearly two-year relationship, and some new ones. Several "What if..." took over. What if she is ashamed of her? What if being from Philadelphia is that important? What if dating a non-Italian bothers her? Y/N sighed and decided to try to let go, the tears already dry on her face, leaving a smeared trail of makeup. When she gets home that's the first thing she notices as passing by the mirror in the entryway. And she feels miserable.
The next day, Sunday, she is awakened by the doorbell ringing several times in a row and as she walks to get it she hears the wood being punched, almost getting accidentally punched as it opens. Melissa controls her arm to avoid hitting her and backs away, being very embarrassed by the desperation. Even trying to be rational the fear took over, Y/N hadn't answered any message or call, the redhead is trying to communicate with the girl since the night before, at first she thought it was grief and decided to give her time, but when she didn't get answers in the morning she started to get worried, finally deciding to run to the apartment to check her.
- Amore mio...
- What do you want, Melissa? - Y/N asks rubbing the eyes and then tries to stop Mel from touching her, failing, as she has a thorough check for Melissa to be assured that she is physically okay, she would never forgive herself if something happened to the girlfriend because of her, feeling extremely guilty for letting her go home alone and walking late at night.
- I... I should have come after you as soon as you left our house. - she takes the girl's face between hands and stares into her eyes Y/E/C, noticing the redness and swelling pointing out that she had cried the whole night, she knows this face very well - I made you cry, My God! Y/N, please forgive me. My reaction was disproportionate, there was the stress of school, the kids.
- Melissa... - Y/N quickly corrects herself - Mel, I can't say it's okay, but I understand you. I just didn't realize I broke the pasta. On automatic.
- It's okay, I made a mistake, if I could go back in time I would never say what I said. Nor would I act the way I did. I just wanted our night to be perfect and then everything was going wrong, I was frustrated, I didn't know how to act. - Melissa steps forward and hugs her lovingly, carefully, tenderly, as if her lover were made of glass. And closes the door behind them with a free hand, placing her against the wood, deepening the hug.
- So you're not ashamed of me?
- Where did that question come from? - the girl tries to get out of the woman's arms, but the redhead pulls her to herself again, a confused expression on face.
- You grumbled yesterday about me not being from Philadelphia, not being Italian, and that made me think about it all night. About the secret relationship and the reasons why. - she let the words flow and felt a little more relieved, finally speaking out loud and not in whispers to herself in the middle of the night.
- I was frustrated, it doesn't matter to me, I don't care where you come from and your blood. Well, at least not anymore... - Melissa confesses - If you weren't such a piece of work you wouldn't have convinced me. I'm serious. Forgive me.
- I know... - Y/N whispers and bites her lips, which does not go unnoticed by the teacher - Forgive me for breaking the pasta.
- All right, but I still can't believe you were eating spaghetti like that. You have to roll it on the fork, when you broke it, you can't do that, it's just wrong, unnatural. A crime! - both laugh and Melissa advances a kiss, pinning the other against the door again - I want to teach you again, properly.
- I wouldn't deny it, you're a great teacher.
- Amore mio, does keeping our relationship a secret make you unhappy? Insecure? - Y/N just nods positively and stares at the floor - Then let's tell everyone.
- What?
- We can organize a dinner with my family, formally introduce you to them. - a quick kiss - We cook together. - Another kiss - My parents will love you.
- Are you sure about that?
- Yes, they'll see what I saw in you. - Melissa interlaces her fingers and kisses her girlfriend's hand - And I will officially make you mine.
- Really? - the girl held her breath trying to think about the meaning of these words, when Melissa says "our home" is because she sleeps more at the teacher's house than at her own apartment, there is a space in the closet for her, they even share the dressing table and in the kitchen Y/N has a cup for herself, matching another one belonging to the teacher. But officially making her Melissa's could mean many things, including putting a ring on the ring finger and saying yes at the altar.
- Seriously, I'll make you a Schemmenti, but first you have to learn how to make spaghetti. - they laugh - It's almost noon, sleepyhead. We can try again today...
- I'm not in the mood now... - Y/N caresses the corner of the woman's lips and deposits a not so innocent kiss, pulling her lower lip between the teeth as she finishes, then finds a pair of green eyes staring at her hungrily - We have better things to do now.
- I think I understand you... - she is pushed against the wall by Melissa and feels a pair of hands grab her by the thigh, easily lifting her against the wood while coral painted lips wander up the neck, kissing and biting the skin carelessly, not caring about marks. Not anymore.
  Communicating better was something they both learned from this situation, Melissa hated herself for making the woman she loves cry and felt extremely guilty for every word, when frustration took over she didn't know how to handle it, so it's something she plans to work on and improve. For the sake of their relationship. Y/N, on the other hand, may have learned not to break pasta, but she would definitely come to repeat it if it led to reconciliation sex, which she found to be one of the best experiences. Even though she had to walk awkwardly the next day and hide the hickeys for weeks.
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halevren · 8 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 5
okay so I'm watching it late again because I had bowling. i actually did really well today if anyone cares🔥 there was also a few other personal things that stopped me from watching it for a bit.
hey hey hey hey let's go ♪♪
the synod is so blue
I don't think I'm emotionally ready for this episode idk how to explain it I just don't feel ready.
The art team is so powerful
"Someone grab those teeth"
It's spicy in the dome tonight ‼️‼️
the hat on adaine and boggy make me want to cry they're so cute
ally chomp noise is so good
I love Brennan just rolling stuff and not saying what it's for
"(Murph whimpering with uncertainty)" that's how I feel every second of my existence
Fabian dancing upset is so funny
twenty five armor class 🔥🔥🔥
dancing between the legs of a centaur?!??!??
oh thank god he made it
Riz is so good at hiding
murph reading the spell description is so satisfying, I need him to narrate an audio book
200% blood D: good god
Riz flossing
"is that allowed?"
"And I'm stuck with her and her minus 3 Dex"
"I'm useless" "no, you're not" "I'm useless!" "no, you're not!"
Riz fornite dancing
"I want you to profile them"
"he's on the security detail now" oh my god
"he's my intern" OH MY GOD
"He's gonna leak it all on discord" hhehehehehhehe
"I rolled a zero initiative" ON THE BATTLE ABOUT HER GODDESS???? oh my god
"Is this what Ragh's mom absorbed?" Zac Oyama you are a genius
"It just sounded loud because of all the plastic breaking"
"Don't spoil it, is it a buff Kristen?"
"Roll on the back of my motorcycle, I love you!"
there's so many good one liners
worth a try
not nightmare king related?
attack the orbs!
Kalina is actually so hot, I need her
"I think this is someone else's fault and not mine"
"This is some Gilear shit" "I think I need to go to the hospital"
oh my god I feel unwell from giggling so much
"Do I suck?" "You? No!"
rage Adaine sounds powerful I need her to multiclass into barbarian /j
rage conor kinda 🫦
18 doesn't hit kalina??!?!??
AND KALINA DOES WHAT??????? HUH??? HUH HUH HUH???? HUH???? WHAT???? HUH?????? WHAT? KALINA WHAT???? HUH???????????? HUH??????????????
lower than a nine pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
THAT'S A 3 🔥🔥🔥
evil kalina is still hot
"oh come on man!"
i miss ayda aguefort
every stage of grief in ally beardsley they're such a mood
just looking for nat ones....
bop bop
the ball has gotta go (but not The Ball™)
"Interesting. Well. I'm done talking to you I think."
he still listens to his ex's mixtape.........
three point stance...
no pressure kristen
does Cassandra need to accept her anger and manage it healthily...?
i need to be hugged by buff Kristen I think that would fix me
there is so many box of dooms...
wait. wait. Kristen is channeling rage to her advantage..... what if she multi classes into a barbarian that would be kinda sick
omg they're switching it up
"Girlie, are you still mad at me, girlie?"
nonna crit
"he's gonna blow up the world"
i don't like this dramatic music
"Oh gross"
fig nat 20 on understanding time loops
AT WHO'S SIDE????????
"a master you deserve" WHAT.
oh no.... did adaine's job place just got ruined? does she have to show up to her job now? is she still going to get paid???????
"Did your god get turned into toxic positivity."
"I buttered up!"
"(Gasp) oh my god!" Hangman is so cute
oh my goodness my face hurts from giggling from the party
I miss Ayda Aguefort so much
wait I don't think fig should be doing the shrimp jump because her luck is so unbelievably bad. this could go South so fast.
I don't like how epic Brennan is describing it because I have a bad feeling with fig and her condition
"This is gonna be a great year."
Mother of Tartar Sauce
oh my god that was an incredible episode
See you it the Tartar
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ramberjambers · 7 months
I’m American.
I was born in this country years ago in a hospital, in a city, in California. I’m American.
I grew up watching PBS Kids and listening to music on my iPod with a Fruit Roll-Up in my hand, waiting for my older sister to come back home from soccer practice so I could ask her to play with me. I’m American.
When I was in middle school, my teachers taught me about 9/11. I came back home and told my dad about it, and he said that when he saw it on the news, he almost signed up to rejoin the military. For weeks after that, I wondered how anyone could ever kill so many innocent people.
A couple months after that, I learned about my great grandmother.
My great grandmother was not American. She was born in Ramallah, Palestine. The West Bank. She was kicked out of her home by soldiers, and had to flee her country to live in El Salvador. To make sure they would let her in, she changed her last name to Cortez. When I asked why she had to do that, my mother told me that countries don’t like Arabs.
My nonna is American. She is my great grandmother’s daughter, and she moved to the U.S. and got her citizenship a long time ago. She kept her last name as Cortez until she got married, because 9/11 happened and because countries don’t like Arabs.
My mother is American. She was born here like me, and she grew up in California for most of her life. When she was in school, the kids would make fun of her and my aunt by screaming “Watch out! The terrorists are here! I see a bomb strapped to their chests!”
I’m American. One time in school a teacher told the class to share our family histories. I told everyone about how my family was Palestinian. They didn’t know what Palestine was. I told them I was Arab. One student told me I looked too white, another asked me if I was a terrorist.
I’m American. In my freshman year, I found out that we still had family in Palestine. They’re dead now.
I’m American. One time I met a woman who came from Ramallah. I told her my great grandmother’s story. She told me that she hoped I could go home soon. She said it was beautiful, and that everyone is family there. I almost cried that day, and after that I would dream of what it would be like to visit my family’s home.
I’m American. In high school, I made a presentation about Palestine. I told everyone about the olive trees and the community, about our culture’s history with weaving and about the occupation. None of them had known we were dying until I told them.
I’m American. I watch as our news anchors spread lies about my people while they nod along to IOF representatives calling my family animals.
I’m American. I see photos of my people lying dead in the dirt, their faces white with ash from the bombs that killed them.
I’m American. I repost videos of little kids, younger than me, begging for food while they cradle babies even younger than them. I want to make people listen to them.
I’m American. Every time I see people drinking Starbucks or eating McDonalds I feel sick to my stomach and think about the family I used to have, whose bones lie under rubble.
I’m American. I want to cry when I think about the weapons our taxes fund, the families our money has killed. Families like mine.
I’m American. I want to scream at my representatives and my president, who see my people as nothing but statistics and the cries of their citizens as nothing but the buzzing of flies.
When I was a child, I wondered why 9/11 happened. I wondered how anyone could ever do something so evil.
It’s 2024 and I’m watching my people die.
How could anyone be so evil?
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purrincess-chat · 9 months
Call It What You Want CH 2 (Era's Fest (Love-Square Version) (Final)
It's New Years Day!! (iykyk) Here is chapter 2 of my fic for @theerasfestlovesquareversion As a reminder warning for those that maybe want to skip it, there is a mild sex scene toward the middle of this chapter. I've marked it on AO3, but if you prefer reading on tumblr, it begins around the time that Adrien says he needs a distraction and is over at the next *** break. It's very short and T rated for sure, but if that's not your cup of tea, totally fine.
Anywho, I hope you all had a good New Year! Please check out and support the other works from the Era's Fest and show them some love. I'll see you all again sometime in the near future hopefully with something new. ;)
Read on AO3
Chapter 2
Marinette led the way to a quiet apartment across town, and Adrien quirked an eyebrow as she fit a key in the lock of apartment 613. He followed her in as she flicked on the light and hung her keys on a tiny hook. Seeing his bewildered expression, she flashed him an apologetic smile.
“My grandma rented it for me as a birthday gift. She thought I was graduating university this year. My parents refused to let me live here, but she already signed all the contracts.” Marinette shrugged. “It’s small, but no one should find us here.”
“You mean, you’ve had an apartment since your birthday, but we’ve been putting up with Felix interrupting us at my house for months?” Adrien placed his hands on his hips.
“Well, it’s kind of out of the way. Besides, you only ever get frisky when we’re alone in your room.” She brushed his nose with her fingertip, and his heart skipped a beat. “Make yourself comfortable. I think my grandma has some tea in one of the cabinets.”
Adrien settled on the small pink couch while Marinette rummaged through the kitchen. The entire apartment was one room, but it had everything she needed. A kitchen, a small sitting area, a bed tucked in the corner. The empty walls lacked Marinette’s signature decorative charm, but even still, Adrien felt at ease there. It was just the two of them. No cameras, no microphones, no questions. Safe. It was safe.
“It’s all so strange,” he said. “I’ve never had to be on the run before. When you spend your childhood being marketed to make people like you, it’s terrifying when they don’t anymore. It’s a long fall off the pedestal.”
“It’s not fair. You shouldn’t be blamed for the actions of someone else. I mean, you were fighting against him every day, for crying out loud,” Marinette said around the clanking of glasses as she dug through a cabinet.
“Yeah, but it’s not like we can tell people that.” Adrien sighed.  
“Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t hate you.” Marinette peeked over the counter to offer him a smile.
Adrien leaned against his fist on the arm of the couch. “My reputation’s never been worse, so you must like me for me. I just wish the rest of the world could see what you do.”
“Well, I can’t make you any promises, but I can make you a drink.” She held up two glasses and a bottle of white wine. “Looks like my nonna strikes again. We really should get her memory evaluated.”
“A drink sounds nice right about now.” Adrien stood up. “Although, last time we drank you made fun of the way I say m’lady.”
“Oh, come on, you should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk.” She giggled as she poured. “It just means I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Adrien rolled his eyes and took a glass. “If you weren’t so cute, I��d have been offended, but your impression of me is adorable.”
Marinette mimicked one of his theatrical bows, looking up at him with a smirk. “Why thank you-”
“Don’t.” Adrien sighed.
“M’lady,” she purred.
Adrien took a sip of wine, shooting her a playful glare over his glass. “Bold talk coming from Miraculous Ladybug herself.” Adrien mimicked her transformation stance. “Lucky charm!”
“At least I didn’t come up with my own theme music.” Marinette shot back. She brushed past him, taking a sip of her own glass and heading for the balcony.
Adrien followed, pressing a playful kiss to her cheek before leaning against the railing. It was late, and the city was asleep, the calm a direct contrast to the storm waiting for him back home. It was in the silence that Adrien realized just how impulsive and rash it was to leave without telling anyone, but what else was he supposed to do? He just wanted to put an end to all the endings, but he knew he couldn’t run forever.
Marinette seemed to notice his change in mood and linked her arm through his, resting her head on his shoulder. At least he did one thing right. Even if it was just for a little while, being with her mended his broken bones. She didn’t need fancy stuff, and truthfully, neither did he. Out on the balcony with the girl of his dreams and a cheap bottle of wine — it was enough.
“What would you do,” he asked, swirling his glass thoughtfully. “What would you do if…if my whole world ended down tomorrow?”
Marinette turned to face him, eyebrows knitting together. “Adrien, it will all work ou-”
“Just, answer the question. Please?” He cupped her face. “If the world never forgives me for what my father did…if my ship sinks completely, what would you do?”
She squared her shoulders, taking a deep breath. “I’d ask you to dance with me.” When Adrien’s eyebrows raised at her reply, she continued, “I’d kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down. I’d hold you as the water rushes in. I’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town, or if you strike out and you’re crawling home.”
Adrien had never loved her more than that moment when her earnest, ocean blue eyes were looking in his. His heart fluttered, and he felt like he might sink and drown and die. How could he help himself when she said such beautiful things to him? He leaned down to kiss her, lacing his fingers in her hair. Everyone thought they knew Adrien Agreste, but they knew nothing about his true character. No one bothered to look behind the curtain, preferring to spin whatever narrative they found suitable, but the girl in his arms had seen every side of him. He was hers to keep, and more frighteningly, he was hers to lose. The truth of the matter was he didn’t know what would happen when he went back home. Would he go to London? Would the public put down their pitchforks and proof? He didn’t want to think about it.
He pressed his forehead to Marinette’s with a sigh. “I need a distraction.”
“What kind of distraction?” Marinette asked.
“Any kind. I just…don’t want to think right now.”
“Mmm.” Marinette took a sip from her glass. “Well, as you pointed out when we came in, we do have the place to ourselves, and you conveniently omitted how I made up for making fun of you last time we got drunk.”
“Me-ow, m’lady. You whisked me away in the dead of night and brought me to a secluded apartment. Now, you’re getting me drunk, so you can lure me to bed.” Adrien smirked, holding up his wine. “What kind of cat do you take me for?”
“Oh, well, if you’re not in the mood, I guess I can go back inside and-” Adrien caught her waist as she turned to leave, pulling her back in. “You know, I only made this dress, so you could take it off.”
Adrien’s heart jumped up to his throat, and he took a big gulp of wine to wash it back down.
She smirked behind her glass. “What was it you said earlier? ‘It was going to be a graduation gift, but now’s as good a time as ever’?”
She ran a hand up his chest, sending a shiver down his spine. God, he loved her. She tugged his collar gently, pulling him back into the apartment. His lips found hers, hands moving down her arms and over her hips as they clumsily stumbled over to the bed. Hands shaking with anticipation, he fumbled with the zipper on her dress while her tongue danced around his own. Finally finding his grip, he tugged it down, pulling at the fabric until the dress fell to her ankles. She didn’t waste time unbuckling his belt, and Adrien kicked off his pants as they fell into bed.
Heart pounding, he kissed her neck as she straddled him and lifted his shirt, only pausing to pull it over his head. It was far from their first time, but every time with her felt like the first. The excitement, the anticipation, the warmth of her bare skin against his own. The taste of her lips was Adrien’s idea of luxury. No amount of money in the world could take him quite where she did. She was everything he’d waited for growing up, the one he trusted more than anyone: The queen of his heart, body, and soul.
“Marinette,” he sighed her name like a prayer as she kissed his jaw, running her hands down his abs to tease the rim of his underwear.
She pulled back, flicking her gaze down with a smirk. “Ladybug boxers? I didn’t realize you were such a fan.”
“What can I say? She really has my heart.” Adrien winked.
Marinette met his gaze again, eyes sparkling and warm. Her lips curled into a smirk as she pushed him onto his back, pinning his hands to the mattress, and he gazed up in awe of her beauty. The apartment might be small, but with dark fair falling loose around her shoulders, Marinette was a mansion with a view. His heart pounded as she unclasped her bra and tossed it on the floor, freeing his hands to worship her bare breasts and thighs. The Ladybug boxers and Marinette’s frilly underwear followed suit, and all the pieces fell right into place.
It was enough, for the moment, the softness of her skin, the taste of her lips. Their shaking hands twined, hips moving in perfect sync, turning her bed into a sacred oasis in the middle of a drought. For a few minutes, Adrien’s deepest blues were painted golden, and all he saw was her. She was all he wanted, and no matter what lied ahead of them, he’d never let her go.
“The world moves on another day, another drama, but for the people of Paris, all they think about is karma. Gabriel Agreste, former head of the Gabriel fashion brand and the supervillain Hawkmoth, was found guilty after only one day of his scheduled three day hearing. Agreste confessed on the stand to his role as Paris’s supervillain Hawkmoth and was sentenced to life without parole-”
Adrien clicked off the TV, leaning back in bed with a sigh. Marinette slept peacefully beside him in the shirt he’d been wearing the night before. Part of him wanted to curl up beside her and sleep forever, but the morning light trickling in from the windows was a reminder that time marched on. His problems wouldn’t disappear overnight, and the storm was still raging on.
He’d left his phone at home on purpose, so no one could find him. His aunt was probably beside herself with worry, but if Adrien was going to run away from the noise, he wanted to do it on his terms. He could apologize later, but as the birds chirped and the cacophony of traffic sounded below, he knew he’d have to face the world eventually. No one could run forever.
For the better part of his childhood, Adrien had been locked away and hidden from the world. He wasn’t keen on returning to that arrangement, especially not after spending so many years in the sun. Not after meeting his friends and the girl of his dreams. He was tired of running. Sometimes it was better to turn around and face challenges head-on. To strike like a snake hunting its prey. The public all had their receipts and reasons to hate him because of what his father did, but Felix was right. Adrien’s friends would always have his back, no matter what. The right people knew the truth, and that was all he needed. So, they could light him up for all he cared. He had everything he needed.
Marinette’s phone was on the kitchen counter, and Adrien slipped out of bed to retrieve it. He swiped in her passcode — their anniversary — and scrolled through her contacts. With another glance back at Marinette sound asleep, Adrien slipped out onto the balcony, closing the door behind him. Nadja Chamack answered on the third ring.
“Nadja, it’s Adrien Agreste. I’m ready to talk.”
An hour later they were dressed and in a taxi headed up town. Marinette squeezed his hand three times, her eyes seeming to ask if he was sure about this. He could tell it was going to be a long road, but he had hope that it would be worth it in the end. Running felt wrong. He was still a hero, even if no one but Marinette knew. Fighting the bad guys was his job, and whether Adrien ran or stood his ground, people were going to talk. He might as well speak his truth and go out on his terms.
When they pulled up to the news station, Adrien’s heart dropped to his feet. Standing just inside the lobby was Aunt Amelie, arms crossed. They locked eyes, but Adrien stood his ground, holding tight to Marinette’s hand. He was sure of this, and he’d do everything he could to convince her. She seemed to realize his resolve because after a moment, she lowered her gaze with a nod.
“I’d ask where you’ve been, but I’m just glad you’re safe,” she said.
“I can’t go to London,” Adrien said.
Aunt Amelie offered him a weak smile. “I know. I didn’t come here to make you.” Adrien’s eyebrows raised, and she continued, “I only wanted to protect you. You’ve been through enough already, but I can’t protect you forever. If this is what you feel is right, then I’ll stand by your decision.”
Adrien pulled her into a crushing hug, leaning his head against hers, and she squeezed him just as tightly. He couldn’t fault her for wanting to shield him from the public outrage. She’d stepped in when every other adult in his family had failed him and taken him in as if he were her own son. He understood her actions, but having her approval meant the world.
“Thank you, Aunt Amelie. For everything,” he said.
“I’ll always be here for you, no matter what happens.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek, wiping a tear before it could spill over.
“Me as well.” Marinette stepped forward to place a hand on his back. “Good or bad, we’ll be right here.”
“M. Agreste? Your dressing room is ready,” the receptionist said.
“Go. You’ve got this.” Marinette nudged him on. “See you after, okay?”
Adrien took a deep breath and squared his shoulders before following the security. His father had taken a lot of things from him over the course of his life. His freedom, his image, his agency. But as the elevator doors closed, Adrien felt a surge of calm wash over him. Gabriel Agreste had no power over him anymore, and he never would again. Healing would take time, but no matter how harsh the fallout became, Adrien was done running. This time he would stand and fight, and he was taking his reputation back with him.
In the months following Gabriel’s conviction and Adrien’s interview with Nadja, Adrien and Marinette had taken to keeping to themselves. The disgruntled masses had dwindled over time as his father’s trial became old news, and Adrien could finally breathe a bit of fresh air.  Upon graduating, Marinette moved into the mansion with Adrien and his family while she attended university. Adrien was taking a gap year to figure out what he wanted and mostly just enjoying his freedom. Nobody had heard from him for months, but he was doing better than he ever was. Occasionally, he’d hear an insult or two on the street, but with the girl of his dreams walking with her head down beside him, the insults just rolled right off. They could call him what they wanted to. He had everything he needed by his side.
On New Year’s Eve, Adrien and Marinette hosted a party for all of their real friends who stuck by them, locking the gates to the rest of the world who didn’t. Bass beats rattled the chandelier in the dining room, everyone swimming in a champagne sea as midnight approached. Even Felix had come out of his hovel to socialize. Things weren’t perfect, but they were as good as Adrien could have hoped.
“Pre-countdown shots for everyone,” Alya said, presenting a tray of shot glasses. “You especially haven’t had nearly enough to drink, Adrien.”
“I’m trying to stay in the moment,” Adrien said.
“Well, this moment is taking a shot.” Nino placed a glass in his hand.
“Okay.” Adrien chuckled. “But let me propose a toast first.”
“Fine, make it quick.” Alya rolled her eyes.
“Here’s a toast to my real friends who didn’t care about the he-said-she-said earlier this year.” He wrapped an arm around Marinette’s waist and pulled her closer. “And here’s to my lady for never reading what they call me. And here’s to my aunt, who had to listen to all the drama. And, lastly, here’s to my father…because forgiveness is a nice thing to-” Adrien trailed off with a laugh. “Sorry, I can’t say it with a straight face, but seriously, here’s to you guys!”
“Cheers!” His friends all clinked their glasses together.
“Alright, 1, 2, 3, let’s go bitches! Happy New Year!” Alya shouted, and they all tossed their shots back.
Adrien winced against the burn, but the tingly buzz that followed was nice. He kept hold of Marinette’s hand as their friends moved back to the dance floor for the countdown, pulling her instead out to the foyer.
“Ya know, it might be the alcohol talking, but you’ve never looked more gorgeous,” he said.
Marinette smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and stretching up to kiss him. “You’ve barely even had anything tonight. That’s the first shot you’ve taken.”
“Must be you then.” He nuzzled her cheek, then more soberly added, “I’m just feeling a bit…reflective of everything. I want to remember everyone who stood by me when my world was falling apart. To hold onto the memories. To hold onto you.”
“Adrien.” Marinette cupped his face, and he leaned into her touch.
“Just promise me that you’ll never become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere,” he murmured.
“Of course, I won’t,” Marinette said. “I’ll always stay even when you’re lost, or I’m scared, or you’re turning away. I want your midnights, your Sunday mornings, your Wednesday afternoons. I’ll be here tonight cleaning up bottles with you after everyone goes home. It will always be you and me against the world.”
Adrien touched his forehead to hers, unable to contain his smile as the chants from their friends grew louder.
“10, 9, 8…”
“I love you,” Adrien whispered.
“5, 4, 3…”
“I love you too.” Marinette stretched up until their lips brushed. “Happy New Year, Adrien.”
He closed the distance between their lips, savoring every aspect of that moment. The chorus of cheers from their friends in the other room, the pillowy softness of her lips, the taste of champagne on her breath, even the glitter sparkling on the floor when he pulled her into his arms. For a long time the mansion had felt more like a prison than a home, but after the storms had past, new life had been breathed into every aspect of his life. On his darkest nights, she was always there building fires just to keep him warm, and the towering walls that had once caged him in were now full of warmth and togetherness.  It was a new year, a new life, and although the path forward was uncertain, he knew the people around him would always be there for him. And as for the public’s opinions on his family’s reputation, well, they could call it what they wanted to. He had everything he needed, and they were enough.
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changingplumbob · 6 months
York Household: Chapter 9, Part 4
Time for a York family brunch!
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The Yorks are Italian so if you see them using words that don't look like English it's Italian, or what google assures me is Italian. Caro/Cara: Dear Buongiorno: Good morning Piccolo: Little one Tesoro: Treasure Nonno: Grandfather Nonna: Grandmother Si: Yes Grazie: Thank you Per Favore: Please Buon Compleanno: Happy Birthday
Paris has been watching some kids TV in the apartment she shares with Deanna but, eventually getting bored, starts playing with an infant toy she found in Kelly’s toybox. Perks of being a childish sim.
Deanna: I’m done!
Paris: You are?
Deanna: Well 3 out of 4 lots of homework but I’m to tired to do more
Paris: You can always do it tomorrow
Deanna: And how about you? Can I do you tonight?
Paris: *coyly* If you want
Deanna: I do want
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Aaron: Think we can woohoo without a kid barging in saying Kelly made them cry
Calista: I think the kids he hangs out with are tougher than that
After the pair are satisfied Calista cuddles up beside Aaron as he plays with her hair.
Calista: Por favore, can you be in good Nonno mode for brunch
Aaron: What do you mean
Calista: No telling Rilian he’s coddled or Alfred that he's the better twin. They’re speaking now, they can catch on
Aaron: *sighs* Rilian cries at the drop of a hat
Calista pinches Aaron.
Aaron: Fine, fine! I’ll try keep my annoyance to a minimum
At long last the whole house slumbers.
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Devin: Buongiorno pa
Aaron: Cara, you’re here
Devin: Forget fashionable late I’d far rather be fashionably early
Deanna: Shh! They’re sleeping
Devin: Why is the lounge full of sleeping kids at almost 11am
Aaron: I think Kelly kept them up late with his spooky stories. We should probably get them up before brunch starts though
Devin: Yep. I don’t need any kid stealing all of ma’s omelettes
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The family arrive for brunch and while Calista gets the last of Kelly’s guests on their way Aaron puts the toddlers in the high chairs.
Aaron: Here we have some omelettes cooked by your nonna, just for you
Alfred: For me
Devin: Si. Make sure you eat it before it gets cold
Alfred: No eat. Talk mama
Devin: Rilian, will you please eat
Rilian: It poison?
Calista: I don’t know what your cheeky Zio Kelly told you, but I would never give you poison. I promise, I made this with love and it tastes very good
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Devin takes time to encourage Rilian to eat, he’s a picky eater, but eventually he starts to nibble on the omelette. His little face lights up and he begins to tuck in happily. Of course nonno Aaron is oblivious to this show of superior twin power as he’s over with the second generation of Yorks to eat.
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Luna: How is the nectar garden going
Calista: We’re still waiting for the fruit to grow but-
Rilian: I DONE
Luna: *tuts* Rilian it is not good to interrupt. I am happy you finished your meal though
Alfred: This good nonna
Devin: What do we say
Alfred: Tank? Tank nonna
Calista: *smiles* at least he’s trying
Luna: We figure we’ll teach them grazie and danke after they know what thank you actually means
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Aaron: How are you today Rilian? *looks at Calista deliberately*
Rilian: *smiles* I good good nonno. I eat up
Aaron: Oh? Molto bene
Rilian: *looks puzzled*
Devin: It’s Italian caro, you’ll learn in time
Rilian: Oh. Nonna can I out
Calista: Since you have finished eating sure
Joey: I see you also ate yours Alfred
Alfred: Yes Zio Joey *blows kiss*
Joey: aww, thanks piccolo
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Freed from his chair Rilian toddles around and toddles right into Kelly.
Rilian: Zio Ke, Zio Ke! I eat up
Kelly: Did you now? How do you know it wasn’t poison
Rilian: *thinks* it taste good, mo bean (molto bene)
Kelly: That’s good news. You’ll have enough energy to survive then
Rilian: Huh
Kelly: See I was bitten last night and now I’m a MONSTER
Rilian: *jumps out of skin*
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Rilian: *wailing*
Kelly: Shut up you’re fine
Rilian: *cries loudly* NONNO ZIO KE MEAN
Aaron: *sighs* Coming Rilian
Rilian: *sniffles and smiles at Kelly*
Kelly: Oh you little poop you're totally acting
Aaron: What’s going on over here then
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Alfred: Up nonna up
Calista: Here I come. Uh oh, sounds like Rilian might be having some trouble
Alfred: I help, I snuggle
Calista: *hugging tightly* That’s right, you’re a snuggle bug aren’t you piccolo. All right, down we go
Alfred: I free, I free
Aaron: Kelly what did you do?
Kelly: He’s fine, he just smiled at me!
Rilian: *sniffles* Nonno Zio Ke scare *pouts*
Aaron: *sighs* You decided it was a good idea to scare a three year old?
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Kelly: I said I was a monster and he overreacted
Aaron: Kelly he’s a toddler, of course monsters are scary
Rilian: *sniffles* Nonno I sad
Aaron: Don’t worry Rilian, we can find something fun. As for you Kelly, time out
Kelly: *sighs* nobody has a sense of humour in this family
Defeated he goes and sits. Alfred comes over and tries talking to him but like normal Kelly prefers to ignore his nephews. Meanwhile Aaron scoops Rilian up and plays with him until he’s calmed down properly.
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So what do we reackon folks? I'm still not 100% certain what happened with Kelly and Rilian. Reminder to read the whole option before clicking (it's me, I only read half the sentence then realise I was too eager to click)
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dearmrsawyer · 1 year
hello! it has been a long time since i've talked through my day! this one had such a big turnaround that i needed to document it, mostly for myself.
i had an appointment with a 'root canal specialist' today bc i had my first app with my new dentist a couple of weeks ago and his xray revealed an abscess wow how fun :) i couldn't feel it bc that tooth has a decade old root canal so there are no nerves to reveal there is anything going on!! fun!!!! he's a super nice dentist, i like him but he made me very panicked lol he was showing me how close it is to my sinuses on the xray. so he was like 'go see this guy asap' bc he wanted to know whether there was a chance my old root canal could be redone or if i'd have to get the whole tooth removed/an implant, all for the low low price of $5-6000 🙃 but obviously you can never see specialists asap!!! so i've been walking around for 2.5 weeks with dread/phantom pains that by the time i saw him the infection would've spread and idk had catastrophic consequences??? and then today when i went there was CONSTRUCTION at the turn i needed to make and the road was closed and i was like i don't know how to get there from another street??!?!?!??! i spent 10 minutes driving through suburban streets and my navigation kept trying to take me back to the original route with the closed road, and its the middle of town so there was nowhere i could just temporarily stop and look at the map, and i called them almost crying to let them know i'm coming but i might be late bc i just can't navigate these streets jegjkdgkjdkg
anyway i MADE it, i think i parked in another business's parking lot and just hoped they didn't care lol and then the lady at the desk was like 'our other specialist will have to see you bc the guy you're here for isn't here' so i was feeling uhhhh not good after my dentist talked him up so much. AND my dentist didn't send over my electronic referral and i had LITERALLY been stressed that he would forget to do exactly that for the whole 2.5 weeks oh my god, thankfully they didnt even seem to care. but then as i was filling out the paperwork in the waiting room 'no judgment' came on, and then 'wolves' right after??? and i was like this seems deliberate to try and calm me down 😂 and when the substitute specialist called me in he was so extremely calming and talked me through my options, one of which is indeed to try and redo the root canal bc he's confident he can, it would still cost a lot but wayyyyy less. he also said i could 'do nothing' (which is obv risky, and i would never do nothing, but that made me realise my infection is not about to bust through and spread across my sinuses any second, one fear down!). he was just softly spoken and super relaxed and he made me feel like this was not in fact a crisis and said i could go and think about what i wanted to do, and just call for an appointment when i decided. and then when i went out to pay 'i want to write you a song' was playing 😭 i asked the receptionists if there was a 1d fan in the house and one of them said it must just be a random playlist on spotify, so this was all a complete coincidence????? i told them i was enjoying it very much.
anyway long story short i had already taken the rest of the afternoon off work to go work in the garden, but figured there was a good chance i'd be so down about an unexpected and immiment $5000 hit that i wouldn't want to do anything, but i drove home feeling extremely reassured that i had options and i was not on the clock to decide, and also very relaxed by 1d playing in the background the entire time. i have also been extremely stressed that i would need to take the next step asap and this would be such a bad time as mum is working 50 hour weeks right now bc of the referendum, so i am on caring duty with nonna/nonno anytime we don't have carers here. but there's time! i had a v good afternoon in the garden after all!
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mentalhells · 2 months
Sick Sick シックスティーン - Sick Sick Sixteen
Sick Sick, you there crying, yeah, you’re
Sick Sick sixteen
Sick Sick, nice to meet ya,* on nights listening to
Ding Dong drug music
Hack Hack, that’s real hip, you’re already a
Hack Hack harlequin
Until the point you Crack Crack, the world is
Crack Crack, so pitch black
Sick Sick 泣いてる 君は そう
Sick Sick シックスティーン
Sick Sick 夜露死苦 夜に聴く
Ding Dong ドラッグ・ミュージックで
Hack Hack ハクいね 君は もう
Hack Hack ハーレクイン
Crack Crack するほど 世界は
Crack Crack 真っ暗くら
Sick Sick nai teru kimi wa sou sick sick shikkusutiin
Sick Sick yoroshiku yoru ni kiku
Ding Dong doraggu myujikku de
Hack Hack hakuiine kimi wa mou
Hack Hack haarekuin
Crack Crack suru hodo sekai wa
Crack Crack kurakku makkura kura
However, whoever to you sickly write “love”**
Even if you read it as “me”
Just being in love with love
That’s so not me
Jeez, I’m not a kid anymore
I’m not, not, not, not
もう 子供じゃない
Yamaidare ni koi to kaite
Sore o “atashi” to yonde mo
Koi ni koisuru dake
Atashi janai
Mou kodomo janai
Nai nai nai nai
Your face is so sick, I so get your heart tho,***
We’ll hold each other like we’re trading blows
To live is like, literally messed up
Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick
I’ll get you, not with the heater****, but with with my heart
Let’s not kill each other, but love each other
To live is like, seriously sick
Even sicker than dying
Sick Sick Sick sixteen
顔はヤバいよ ハートをやんな
殴り合うように 抱きしめ合うよ
生きてくなんて 本気(ガチ)でヤバいよ
Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick
ハジキじゃないよ ハートでやんな
殺し合うより 愛し合うんだ
生きてくなんて 本気(ガチ)でヤバいよ
Sick Sick Sick シックスティーン
Kao wa yabai yo haato o yanna
Naguri au you ni dakishime au yo
Ikiteiku nante gachi de yabai yo
Sick sick sick sick sick
Hajiki janai yo haato de yan na
Koroshiau yori aishiaunda
Ikiteiku nante gachi de yabai yo
Shinu yori yabai yo
Sick sick sick shikkusutiin
Thug Thug, talking all gangster, you wanna be called a
Killer Killer killer queen
Thug Thug, with your brass knuckles
Yo Yo, Throw the punch, you Hell’s Angel*****
Thug Thug サグいって 言われたい
Killer Killer キラークイーン
Thug Thug メリケンサックして
Yo Yo 投げ 暴走天使(よばしり)
Thug Thug saguitte iwaretai
Killer Killer kiraakuiin
Thug Thug merikensakku shite
Yo Yo nage yoba shiri
However, whoever to you sickly write “dreams”**
Even if it’s a real thorn in your wrist
Only dreaming your dreams
Only pinky-promising
Even though I’m already all grown up
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
夢に夢 見るだけ
Yamaidare ni yume to kaite sore o tekubi ni irete mo
Yume ni yume mirudake yubi kiru dake
Mou otonananoni
Hai hai hai hai
It’s super cringe to just wait, don’t get driven all the way back
Ride it out until the next hell
It’s seriously cringe to laugh at others
Go laugh at yourself, jerk
Go give yourself a smile (lol)
待つのダサいよ 後ろに乗んな
次の地獄まで 乗ってきなよ
誰か嘲笑(わら)うの 本気(ガチ)でダサいよ
てめえで 微笑(わら)えよ(笑)
Matsu no dasai yo ushiro ni nonna
Tsugi no jigoku made nottekinayo
Dareka warau no gachi de dasai yo
Temee o warae yo
Temee de warae yo
Sick Sick, your sixth sense runs wild
You’re scared of the world, a hate, hate, hated child
Your world of sensitive sensibilities, the world’s not all that bad
Sicks teen is all, is all but idiocracy
In this world running rampant with no-name goods
You’re surely damaged goods, you lunatic
Break away from the Kimagure Sixth Road******
Unsellable sickness, Cut Cut, give it a buy!
Sick Sick シックス・センス 蔓延る
憎・憎・憎まれっ子 世に憚る
繊細センス 世・渡る世間は
Sicks teen ばっか ばっか 莫迦ばっか
無印良品 蔓延るこの世で
キ印の君 きっと不良品
鬼魔愚零 シックス・ロード仏恥義れ
売れない病気 Cut Cut 買ってやれ
Sick sick shikkusu sensu habikoru
Niku niku nikumarekko yo ni habakaru
Sensai sensu yo wataruseken wa
Sicks teen bakka bakka baka bakka
Muinryouhin habikoru konoyo de
Kijirushi no kimi kitto furyouhin
Kimagure shikkusu roudo futsu hajigire
Urenai byouki Cut Cut katte yare
However, whoever to you sickly write “die”**
Rather than flying off the rooftop
Go fly with music
Go fly with a song
Give flying a try
Right, right, right, right?
That’s right, Sick Sick Sick Sick
そうネ Sick Sick Sick Sick
Yamaidare ni shinu to kaite
Okujou kara tobu yori
Ongaku de tobeyo
Uta de toberu yo
Tonde mi na yo
Ne ne ne ne
Sou ne sick sick sick sick
Your face is so sick, I so get your heart tho,***
We’ll hold each other like we’re trading blows
To live is like, literally messed up
Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick
Let’s not face off, you’re not my foe
And don’t you beat up yourself
To live until you die is
Seriously, like, literally
Even sicker than dying
Sick Sick Sick sixteen
顔はヤバいよ ハートをやんな
殴り合うように 抱きしめ合うよ
生きてくなんて 本気(ガチ)でヤバいよ
Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick
タイマンはんな てめえではんな
Sick Sick Sick シックスティーン
Kao wa yabai yo haato o yanna
Naguri au you ni dakishime au yo
Ikiteiku nante gachi de yabai yo
Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick
Taiman han'na temee de han'na
Temee jishin to taiman han'na
Shinu made ikiru no gachi no gachi sa
Shinu yori yabai yo
Sick sick sick shikkusutiin
So don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, Sick Sick
So don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, Sick Sick
Don’t cry
泣きなよ 泣きなよ 泣きなよ Sick Sick
泣きなよ 泣きなよ 泣きなよ Sick Sick
Nakina yo nakina yo nakina yo sick sick
Nakina yo nakina yo nakina yo sick sick
Nakina yo
This song has a teen delinquent (or yankii) motif (see music video<3) and as such uses a lot of slang and puns associated both with historical delinquent groups and with current day teens. One thing popular with teen delinquent gangs in the past was puns using phonetic pronunciations of certain words, but with kanji characters that hold other meanings, so there’s a lot of those and references to that practice. There are also some instances where certain kanji are written, but provided with alternate readings.
*: This first instance is a pun on “yoroshiku/nice to meet you”, written with the characters meaning night, tears, death, and suffering, respectively. It was popular with members of Bosuzoku biker gangs.
**: These lines are written in katakana (only phonetically) so their meanings are more obtuse, but (I believe) they’re puns on yamaidare, a kanji radical (used to construct kanji characters) and yamai, dare, meaning “sickness” + “who/whoever” respectively
***: I think it’s so funny that the closest english equivalent to the either really really good or really really bad popular slang term yabai is… Sick. This song is too sick. Yanna is a little trickier but as I understand it, it’s something like “y’know?” or “right?”… I hope
****: Hajiki is slang for gun, so I tried to pick appropriate matching slang…
*****: Literally meaning “acting recklessly” plus “angel” tagged on the end cuz it’s cute, this is a reference to the earlier mentioned Bosuzoku biker gangs. We do a little appropriate localization as a treat
******: Pun on a manga featuring delinquent characters, but “kimagure” in the name, usually meaning fickle or selfish, is changed to be spelled with the characters for demon, devil, foolery, and voidness respectively
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