#and maybe have npd
theghostown · 2 months
To me love is puddles and relaxation and soft pillows. Love is being around comfortable people, not people you care about, not people you love. Love of humanity is love of myself, not love of others.
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littleoddwriter · 4 months
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this is exactly why it's so important to educate. this is why we "police" language and tell you what words to use instead. because this is how you actively perpetuate stigmas and demonise a whole group of people. and this is how it keeps spreading because within three days this first comment has received 25 likes, which may not seem like much now, but those 25 people spread this "knowledge" to 25 other people and so on and so forth.
again: narcissists are people with narcissistic personality disorder. a cluster B PD that is usually developed through abuse trauma (and genetic predispositon). gaslighting is a term used for the act of knowingly making somebody doubt themselves and their sanity (how they perceive events, their memories, etc.). being self-absorbed and not taking responsibility for certain behaviours is something every person is capable of. it's not "narcissistic abuse". it's emotional abuse. every person is capable of it.
stop calling everybody a narcissist because they've done something like this. it's not right. it's just another term y'all picked up on the internet without ever doing research about what it means or where it really comes from. and of course it's just another way for y'all to demonise people and stigmatise mental disorders you think make somebody abusive and unworthy of being part of disability and mental health activism...
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
adhd reigen not in a “hes so goofy and silly” way but in a “he has a tendency to hyperfixate on things then drop them the moment he gets bored, has trouble forming genuine relationships with people because he’s so dedicated to making himself likable, is terrified of rejection and actively self sabotages to avoid it” kinda way
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npd + plural culture is feeling completely apathetic/unemotional and your& partner texts you looking for love and because you& love them you reply in a super loving way because you& want them to feel loved by you even if youre having a hard time feeling a specific emotion at the time.
side note: does this make them my EP?
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clowngore · 1 month
hi fellow cluster b personality disorder havers. um. does it get better
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eclaire-went-bam · 3 months
sometimes i think of how people will often criticise public apologies because "it's clear they don't actually feel bad" and sometimes i wonder if the same would apply to me if i got into an interpersonal dispute
would my apology still be invalid if i don't feel bad, but still make an effort to change? would they believe i'm making an effort to change, if i don't feel bad about it at all? in a space of the internet that stresses empathy for others, while also advocating for action over words, i wonder where that would stand
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art-student-rants · 16 days
i hate when authors CLEARLY dislike one of their characters and give them no real backstory or character development. it’s so annoying. like dude you created this thing at LEAST give it some attention. no wonder it’s misbehaving it’s crying out for HELP!!
#read this stupid book that i HATED called#four weeks five people#and i was really curious about how they would portray npd because i basically know nothing about it#and there was this character named mason and he was the FLATTEST NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AWFUL PERPSN#BUT ALSO THE MOST INTERESTING PERSON IN THE ENTIRE BOOK#AND THE AUTHOR DID NOTHING WITH IT#anyway after i was like huh is this what people with npd are really like???#so i went down a rabbit hole and literally NO. it’s NOT. the author literally did the worst job she could have#within twenty minutes of research i understood it better than she let on that SHE did throughout the WHOLE BOOK#the book was so annoying overall the mc stella was literally AWFUL#HATED HER#the book was weird asf i just read it cause it was suggested on my library app and i had to kill time while i was waiting#but literally SO BAD#the whole thing ANNOYYYEDDDD MEEE#and the even more annoying thing is that people were like I LOVE YHIS!!! on goddess’s#like bro#did you even READ it???#idk maybe i’m the problem but that book drove me CRAZY#not to mention the ridiculous glorification of alcohol as a means of escape?? wtf?? aren’t you guys supposed to be 14-16??#ALSO the romanticization of an extremely controversial setting that many people have spoken out about being HARMFUL and ABUSIVE is crazy#idk i just think it’s very interesting#the author clearly did basically no research#literally tons of the the information is infactual#ugh like BROOOOO#COME ON#ITS JUST BAD THE PLOT ISNT EVEN GOOD#thoughts#books#bookblr#writeblr
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dsgustng · 1 year
I rlly hate how every abuser has to be a "narcissist" now. It just feels like everytime the topic of abuse comes up people feel the need to blame the abusers behavior on mental illness and it's fucking annoying and I'm sick of it. Like blaming the abuse on a personality disorder fucking sucks and also hurts victims more than it helps them.
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the-npd-culture-is · 5 months
Questioning NPD culture is waiting for your friends to compliment you, but having to ask for it just feels so pathetic and uninspiring, like dude you KNOW i'm awesome what are you waiting for?
—🪐 🪽
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will-pilled · 3 months
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Who wanna bet they gonna get mad?
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Cluster B culture is “Wow Quora hates me”
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bxrberry · 3 months
[plain text: narctonic]
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a gender relating to Toni storm’s wrestling character and narcissistic personality disorder! This could connect to your NPD impacting your view on Toni storm’s wrestling character, Toni storm’s wresting character and your NPD intertwined in your gender, and such but you can interpret this however you like!
coin and flag by me!
plain text below cut! No flag desc for now i have no energy to write one rn
[pt: a gender relating to toni storm’s wrestling character and narcissistic personality disorder! this could connect to your npd impacting your view on toni storm’s wrestling character, Toni storm’s wresting character and your npd intertwined in your gender, and such but you can interpret this however you like!]
[pt: this is only for people with narcissistic personality disorder. op had has npd!]
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clusterblood · 2 months
I think this might be first time in my life when I was sad to leave.
it hurts.
how do people do this? is that what everyone has been feeling all along?
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daz4i · 11 months
once i finish the bpdazai thing (<- hasn't worked on it in so long .) i will write a narcissistic nikolai thing of the same sort fr fr.
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Lol totally not planning my post-semester attention grab isolation to make my friends have to Intentionally reach out and show they care and want me around and also to show that I don't need them and would be fine without them
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antiendovents · 3 months
im so embarrassed,,, probably gonna head to bed, anons please forgive meeee
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