#and my mum already wears glasses
codgod · 1 year
sometimes i think i might need glasses but i’ve decided that i will have perfect vision forever and ever out of sheer willpower (i do not want to book any appointments by myself god bless)
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canirove · 2 months
The invinsible princess | Chapter 1
"Champions of Europe"
Index | Chapter 2 (coming out next Friday - September 20)
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“C’mom, go talk to her. Look at how miserable she looks.”
“Why don't you go talk to her?”
“Because she doesn't fancy me, Gavi” Ferran smirks.
“That's something the press made out.”
“Or not” Ferran shrugs. 
“If you don't go talk to her, I will.”
“Fermín, don't you have a girlfriend?” Gavi says.
“Yeah. And?”
“You can't go talk to the princess. That's cheating.”
“It's just talking, Gavi. Relax” he chuckles.
“Unless the press sees you and then boom! Fermín the Prince” Ferran laughs. 
“Fermín I of Spain. Sounds cool, I like it. What do you think, Pedri? Pedri?” he says, looking around for his teammate.
“Where is he going?” Ferran asks.
“He’s… Oh my God, he's walking towards the princess!” Gavi gasps.
“There he goes. Pedro I of Spain” Fermín chuckles
“And then it all had been a mistake!”
“That is so funny” my dad laughs. “Isn't it, Sofía?”
“So funny” I say with my best fake smile. 
Why am I stuck with a bunch of old men? This is a party to celebrate that Spain just won the Euros. I should be out there mingling with the young people, talking with the players and their families, getting to know them all a bit and properly congratulate them. But no. I'm stuck with a man telling us about his latest golfing trip to Scotland. 
“Something similar happened to me last time we went to Mallorca” my dad says, making me already disconnect from the conversation. I know which anecdote he is about to share. I probably already know it by heart just from hearing him telling about it to everyone he's met lately. So instead of listening to him, I start looking around.
There are some players dancing with their partners, others playing with their kids (which is the cutest thing ever), others are just chilling… And then, there is someone wearing red and a medal around his neck walking towards me. Or trying to. 
“Right, Sofía?” my dad says again.
“Yeah, yeah” I nod. 
One of the good things about him having told this anecdote so many times is that, by now, I also know when he asks for my support and how I have to react to it, what I have to say. Which comes very handy when your eyes are stuck on the guy smiling and standing in front of you, and who is currently moving his head to one side to make you follow him somewhere. 
“Dad, do you mind if I go get myself a refill?” I ask him.
“Yes, sure. But just beer.”
“Just beer, I promise” I smile before finally leaving the group of men and following Pedri. 
Oh, yes. Because the guy who had been smiling at me and asking me to follow him, was freaking Pedri González. 
“Ma’am” my bodyguard says behind me. “Are you going somewhere?”
Shit. Fuck. I had forgotten about him.
“I'm just going out to get some fresh air. I'm feeling a bit dizzy” I say with a nervous laugh.
“Alone?” he says, looking at the glass door that leads outside the room, Pedri waiting on the other side.
“I… Ummm… It'll be just five minutes.”
“Five minutes, Carlos. It's not like he can kidnap me or something with his leg like that” I chuckle. 
“He cannot, no. But what about others? You are Spain's Princess.”
“But not the heir. No one cares about me.”
“Don't say that, ma'am.”
“It's the truth” I shrug. “Anyway, can I go outside for five minutes? Please? He may just want a photo for his mum.”
“Ok, fine” Carlos sighs. “But don't leave the building.”
“I won't, I promise” I smile before basically running towards the door. He may still regret letting me go.
Once outside, it takes me a moment to find Pedri. When I spot him, he is resting against one of the huge windows, checking the brace he has to wear on his knee. 
“Is it too uncomfortable?” I ask him as I walk towards him.
“Uh?” he says, looking up. And maybe, just maybe… I gasped when the lights from outside illuminated his face in all the right places.
“The brace. Is it uncomfortable?”
“A bit, yeah” he smiles. 
“I'm sorry about what happened.”
“Thank you” Pedri smiles again. “Though everything worked out in the end” he says, touching his medal. “Do you want to try it?”
“Oh, I, ummm…”
“Here” he says, taking it off before walking towards me and putting it around my neck, carefully untucking my hair so it doesn't get tangled with the strap. “Perfect. How does it feel?”
“Heavier than I expected” I chuckle.
“It can't be heavier than a crown” he laughs.
“I don't know. I've never tried on one.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah. It's not like I'm gonna be the one who is gonna have to wear it. That's my sister, the heir.”
“But you still are a princess, aren't you? Don't all princesses wear crowns?”
“Nope. I may get to wear a tiara one day if I'm invited to a big event like a royal wedding or a reception for someone important, but other than that…”
“I'm sorry.”
“Oh, don't be. Sometimes being the second born that everyone forgets about actually comes with its perks. Like being here today, for example.”
“I thought it was because you liked football.”
“That too” I chuckle.
“And football players?” Pedri asks me. “Do you also like them?”
“My friends were talking about you fancying Gavi.”
“That's my sister, not me.”
“Ha! I knew it! I knew it was her and not you. But they were so convinced they didn't want to listen to me.”
“I'm used to people mixing us, don't worry” I say while playing with the medal. “And I actually am more into dark haired guys than brunettes like him.”
“Are you?”
“Yeah” I shrug, still focused on the medal. 
“Anything else you like in your men?” 
“Why are you interested?” I ask him, looking up and at his face, a little smirk on his lips. 
“Just curious about how the future Prince of Spain could look like” he shrugs.
“Well… I like men with interesting noses.”
“What?” he laughs.
“Yeah… I don't know how to explain it. But if you look at the list of men I'm attracted to, famous or not, they all have that in common. Yours would actually make the cut.”
“My nose?” he laughs again.
“I… It is too weird, isn't it? Urgh” I say, covering my face with my hands. And that, my friends, is how you ruin things with the guy you are trying to flirt with. 
“No, no. Not at all. Is just that no one had complimented my nose before. Most girls talk about my lips.”
“Your lips?” 
“They say they were made to kiss and be kissed. What do you think?”
“What?” I say, still covering my face.
“Are my lips kissable or not, your royal highness?” Pedri says, his hands suddenly on mine, moving them away to rest at my sides. But he doesn't let go once they get there. He keeps holding them, his fingers playing with mine, his thumbs sometimes caressing my knuckles or the inside of my wrist and sending waves of heat all the way up my arms. 
“They are ok” I manage to say.
“Just ok? I think I'm gonna have to move closer so you can see them better” he says, closing the space between us a bit more. 
“They just look like lips” I shrug. But that's a lie. Because his lips do look made to kiss and be kissed.
“Maybe if we moved towards the light…” he says, his hands suddenly on my waist, moving me until my back is against the big window, the light once again hitting his face in all the right places. 
I knew Pedri was handsome, but this handsome? Wow.
“Better now?”
“Let me see…” I say as I move forward a little bit, the medal doing it with me and hitting his chest. We are so close right now… “Nothing. Just lips.”
“Well, if you can't see anything, I'll guess we'll have to try with a different sense. Like touch, for example.”
“How does this feel, your royal highness?” he says, gently taking one of my hands and kissing it, the other still resting on my waist.
“You can start calling me ma'am now. Royal highness is just for the first time you address me.” And how I've managed to give him a protocol lesson while feeling my skin burn on the spot where his lips have been, will forever be a mystery.
“Ma'am sounds like something for someone old. What about my lady?”
“You could also call me by my name” I shrug. 
“We just met, my lady. Aren't you going too fast?” Pedri smirks.
“Me? Who is the one looking for a way to kiss me?” I smirk back.
“Busted” he laughs. 
“Though if you want to kiss me, you just have to ask.”
“Ok, then. May I kiss you… my lady?”
“You may” I whisper. 
“Thank you” he smiles. “But…” he says, stopping just as his lips brush against mine. “After I've done it, will you tell if my lips are made to kiss and be kissed?” 
“I will.”
“A princess must keep her promises.”
“I will, I promise. Now are you going to kiss me or not?”
“As my lady commands” he smirks before finally doing it and kissing me. Pedri… the Pedri… is kissing me. And it is… wow. Just wow. “And?” he whispers against my lips.
“I haven't told you to stop.”
“So bossy” he chuckes.
“Well, I am your princess, am I not?”
“You are, yes.”
“Then as your princess, I'm telling you, Pedri González, to keep kissing me.”
“With my lips made to kiss and be kissed?” 
“With your lips made to kiss and be kissed, yes” I say, making him smile before kissing me again and… Oh, my God.
I thought winning the Euros earlier had felt amazing, but I was wrong. Being kissed by him, and in the way he is right now, is what truly feels amazing. 
“I think this is yours” I say, giving Pedri his medal back.
“It looks better on you, tho.”
“Oh, stop it” I laugh, putting it around his neck, the place where my hands were resting not that long ago.
“It's the truth” he shrugs. “And do we seriously have to go back in there?” he says, nodding towards the party.
“We do, yes” I sigh. “But, we are meeting again tomorrow.”
“We are, yes. And you've promised me a tour of the palace. And a princess…”
“Keeps her promises” I smile.
“Exactly” Pedri smiles back. And we stay like that, just smiling like two idiots, until someone clears his throat behind us. Carlos, my bodyguard. “I think that's our cue to go inside.”
“I think it is, yes.”
“Do you think he will send the secret service after me if I kiss you one last time?” he whispers.
“There is nothing like trying” I shrug.
“Ok, then. Bro, look the other way!” he says to Carlos while I just laugh, his hands suddenly cupping my face before kissing me one last time. “No secret service?” he whispers, opening one eye. 
“No secret service.”
“Thank God” he sighs, making me laugh again. “Anyway… I should probably go in first, shouldn't I? Distract everyone with my limping so they won't look at you.”
“Oh, don't worry. No one looks at me, I'm the invisible princess.”
“Only someone blind would not look at you, my lady.”
“Thank you” I say, feeling my cheeks getting warm. We've been kissing and flirting, and him saying that is what finally makes me go shy. “But like I told you, I don't mind being invisible sometimes. This” I say, playing with the strap of his medal. “Would have not been possible if I was the heir. And the secret service would have definitely jumped at you the moment you got too close.”
“Lucky me, then” Pedri smiles.
“Lucky us” I smile back. “Now go. I can see Carlos getting impatient.”
“Urgh, fine… See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
“Ok. Good night, my lady” he says, kissing my cheek.
“Good night, sir” I giggle as I watch him walk back into the party, laughing one more time when he turns around to look at me and blows me a kiss.
“Feeling better, ma'am?” Carlos says behind me.
“Much better” I smile. 
“Then I'm sorry about what I'm about to tell you, ma'am.”
“What?” I say, turning around to look at him.
“It's about him, about Pedri. Something I heard his friends talking about when I went back inside to give you some… privacy.”
“Carlos, you are starting to worry me.”
“I… I'm sorry, ma'am.”
The next day…
“My lady.”
“I wasn't expecting to be offered croquetas at the royal palace” he chuckles, nodding at the table in front of us.
“Yeah, well.”
“When we met earlier it was kind of awkward, wasn't it? Shaking hands with your parents and your sister, acting as if we didn't know each other and nothing had happened last night…”
“Did something happen last night?” I ask, eating an olive and finally looking at him. “Besides you winning the Euros, I mean.”
“We… you… what?” he says with a confused look.
“I don't remember anything important happening” I shrug.
“You don't… Oh. Oh, I get it. You are teasing me because out here someone could hear us” Pedri says, looking around at his teammates. After meeting the whole team inside the palace, we are now in the gardens, everyone chatting, having a drink and relaxing before they have to go to Cibeles to celebrate.
“I'm not teasing you, Pedri. I don't remember anything” I shrug again. “Wait, no. I do remember one thing” I say, moving forward. “That you are a dick” I whisper in his ear before walking away.
“That I'm what? What are you talking about?” he says before following me. 
“Is your hearing also injured?”
“My hearing is perfect, my lady” he says, struggling to keep up with me. “What I don't understand is why.”
“Why what?” I say, suddenly stopping. We've walked away from where everyone else is, kind of hidden behind some bushes.
“Why are you calling me a dick? What did I do?”
“Do you seriously have to ask?” I laugh.
“I can't believe it” I laugh again. “You fucking used me, Pedri!”
“You used me to have a laugh with your friends! You made a bet with them to see who could get a kiss from me first!”
“What?” he says again, looking more and more confused by the second.
“Carlos heard them talking about it, so don't you dare try to deny it. I'm sure you all had a laugh this morning when you told them everything that happened between us.”
“We don't… I…”
“I was an easy target, wasn't I? The poor princess that no one looks at, the one who always is in the shadow of her sister, who always is the second option. I'm sure you felt so proud when you told them how easily I fell for your charms, how stupid I was. But not anymore, you hear me. Not anymore.”
“That's not what happened” Pedri says, grabbing me by the arm when I try to walk away, earning himself a even more deadly look than the ones I was already giving him. “Sorry. I'm sorry” he says, letting go. “But please let me explain myself.”
“Why? Why would I do that? You manipulated me once, you could do it again. I am that stupid.”
“You aren't stupid, and I didn't manipulate you. I…” he says, running a hand through his hair. “The boys were talking about who could get you out of your misery, that's true. We were watching you talking with your dad and those men, and you looked so… Bored. Like you wished to be anywhere but there. But I wasn't part of it, I swear. I actually was getting mad while listening to them and the way they were talking about you. So before any of them found the guts to go talk to you just for fun, I did it myself. Not the go talking with you for fun part. The one about finding the guts to go talk to you. Because I… I have a bit of a crush on you.”
“What?” I laugh.
“Yeah” he says, nervously touching his cheek. A cheek that had turned almost as red as his Spain's shirt. “Here, look” he says, taking his phone out of his pocket. “I have proof.”
“Proof of what? You being an idiot?”
“An idiot for you, yes” he says, showing me what he had been looking for on his phone. “It's a WhatsApp conversation I had with my brother yesterday before the game when it was announced that you were attending. You can check the date and the time, it isn't fake.”
Your girlfriend is gonna be at the game tonight 🤭 If you win she may give you a kiss 😚 Instead of Casillas and Sara Carbonero, Pedri and the princess ⚽👸🏻👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 
“This… This means nothing” I say, giving him his phone back. 
“I can show you more messages from him teasing me about it. Look.”
People are shipping Gavi with the princess after the game 😂 Maybe he could introduce you to her little sister 😏 Gavi king and you prince 😂
“I… Pedri…”
“Everything that happened last night was real. I swear it” he says. “I didn't kiss you because of a bet with my friends. I kissed you because I wanted to. Because I like you.”
“You don't know me. Like, you barely know anything about me, only what the press publishes.”
“I know enough. Because to me” he says, taking one of my hands on his, his thumb caressing my knuckles like he had last night. “To me you aren't invisible or someone's shadow. To me, you shine brighter than anyone else. King, queen, heir to the throne or whatever.”
“That's so cheesy” I chuckle.
“But the truth.”
“Pedri, I…” I say, meeting his eyes. He isn't lying. Everything he's said about kissing me because he wanted to and not because of a bet, about liking me, about me not being the invisible princess I always believe myself to be… All that is true. I can see it in his face, on his blushed cheeks, in his eyes. He is being honest about it all. “I believe you.”
“You… You do?”
“I do” I nod.
“Thank God” he sighs. “I thought any moment now you would call the secret service and they would send me to… Where do they send people when they arrest them?”
“Can't tell you. It is the secret service for a reason” I wink.
“Makes sense” he chuckles. “But does this mean that I am not a dick anymore or…?” he says, closing the space between us a bit.
“Well… There is something you could do to make me completely forget about it” I say, also moving closer towards him.
“Something like what?” he asks, his other hand finding mine, now both his thumb caressing my skin, bringing back the waves of heat I felt last night. 
“You could kiss me with those lips of yours” I smirk.
“Here?” he says, looking around. “What if someone comes this way and sees us? Like someone from the team, your dad or… your mum. Your mum is quite scary, you know?”
“Oh, I know” I laugh. “But if we move over here…” I say, walking us behind a big tree, my back against it. “No one will see us. We'll be… invisible” I smile.
“You are anything but invisible, my lady” Pedri smiles back, his hands letting go of mine and moving to rest on my waist.
“Then show me” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. 
“Will you then give me a tour of the palace? You promised it last night, and a princess…”
“Keps her promises, I know.”
“Exactly” he smirks.
“First we kiss, then we do the tour. But just so you know, Carlos will probably join us.”
“Wait, is he here?” Pedri says, looking around, his eyes wide.
“He may be hiding behind a bush, yes” I laugh.
“Shit. If he sees together after what he heard last night…”
“I'll explain everything to him, don't worry. But if you are being serious about getting to know me…”
“Then you better start getting used to his presence.”
“I think I can do that. Because you” he says, brushing his nose against mine and making me giggle. “Are worth it, my lady. So worth it” Pedri says before finally kissing me again, making me feel what he has been telling me since we met: that I'm not just someone's shadow, a second option. That I am not the invisible princess anymore. 
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moonstruckme · 11 days
Happy birthday and congratulations on 7k!! You deserve it. Thank you for sharing your gift for writing with us <3
Can I request apple pie- James potter + an airport terminal at midnight
I once saw a guy at the airport who looked a bit like James but I was looking busted and severely hungover from my last night of spring break to talk to him 😅
Thank you for requesting lovely!!
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 688 words
“Excuse me.” 
The voice is soft but still you wake with something like a growl brewing in your chest, fingers tightening possessively around the strap of your backpack. There’s a boy with brown eyes and a strong chin looking at you concernedly from behind a pair of glasses. 
“Sorry,” he says, setting a hand on your suitcase. You’ve got your leg hooked through the handle, but he doesn’t look like he’s trying to steal it, only resting his hand there. “Would you like this?” He holds up a clumped-up mass of fabric. 
You blink at him, trying to puzzle out whether he’s really making no sense or whether you’re just that tired. 
“For your head,” the boy clarifies. “You just, you don’t look very comfortable.” 
You lift your head, feeling the imprint that something poking through your backpack has left in your cheek. “Sorry,” you say blearily. “I don’t understand.” 
“That’s my fault,” he owns immediately. “Sorry, I meant would you like to use my hoodie as a pillow? So you can sleep properly.” 
“Oh.” You still feel odd, and it doesn’t help that this is the sort of thing that might usually only happen in a dream. Since when do attractive strangers walk up to you in airports? “Um, thank you, but you don’t have to.” 
“No, it’s really alright.” With your head lifted, he starts positioning it atop your backpack, fluffing it as though it’s a real pillow. “It’s my spare. I’m warm enough without it, see?” He gestures to the hoodie he’s wearing as if to demonstrate. It’s a deep red color that looks nice against his warm skin. He does look very warm, overall. “Anyways, there.” He steps back, grinning almost bashfully as he takes a seat across from you. “Now hopefully you can sleep better.” 
“Thank you,” you say quietly. 
He nods, still smiling much too brightly for this hour of night (or morning, you suppose. Is it morning yet?). 
You close your eyes, trying to ignore how pleasantly warm your makeshift pillow is, like he’s been carrying it around in his arms all day. It smells nice, too, the scent of a shampoo you vaguely recognize and also pine, maybe picked up from wherever he’s coming from. You open your eyes again. 
“When’s your flight?” 
He looks back at you, pulling his headphones off one ear. 
“When’s your flight?” you ask again. “So I can make sure to give it back in time.” 
“Oh, not for a few hours yet.” He waves you off. His headphones come down around his neck. “We’re suffering delays. When’s yours?” 
“Five-thirty.” You feel weary at the thought of it, though you can’t wait to get out of here. You’ve been dying to leave this airport since you’d arrived, grievously regretting your decision to save money on a hotel for the last night of your trip. 
He makes a sympathetic hissing noise. “That sounds truly awful. Early bird gets the worm, though?” 
“Something like that.” 
He smiles, and maybe it’s the fluorescent lighting but you think that if you weren’t already lying down it would take your knees out from under you. “I’m James.” 
You tell him your name, and he nods like he’s tucking it away. 
“Are you going on holiday?” he asks, crossing one of his legs under him, getting comfortable. 
“Sort of,” you reply. “I’m going to see my mum. But she makes it feel like a holiday.” Something softens around James' eyes, and for reasons unknown it makes your face warm. “Where are you headed?” 
“My best mates are spending the holiday in France. They’ve spared me a pullout couch.” James tilts his head, looking far more content than anyone traveling at this hour ought to be. You wonder if his lips just lie in a permanent uptilt. “So where you’re going to visit your mum, is that where you’re from?” 
You reposition your backpack so you’re propped up a bit more, James’ hoodie still under your cheek but suddenly feeling less keen on sleeping the hours until your flight away. Oddly, you’re no longer dying to leave this airport quite so badly.
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tinycoffeeroom · 6 months
thank god for bikes | arthurtv
inspired by @mrstelevision 🤍
face claim: steph bohrer ♡
request: here !
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📍 london
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liked by gkbarry, max_balegde, and 98,302 others
y/nsworld about last night ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
view all 3,392 comments
user1 i'm in love with you
gkbarry cant believe i didn't even get photo creds ↳ y/nsworld please forgive my sins oh great gkbarry
user2 y/n!! i think the guys u mentioned on ur twt was george clarke and arthurtv!! arthur posted on twt about george getting hit by a bike on a wall!! ↳ y/nsworld !! let me check his twt <3
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liked by y/nsworld, wroetoshaw and 29,492 others
arthurtv first pic taken moments before disaster (at least this one won't leave a scar)
georgeclarkeey don't know what was worse, the bike ptsd or you dribbling down your shirt ↳ arthurtv your mum doesn't mind my dribbling ↳ y/nsworld the dribbling was funnier to watch tbh ↳ georgeclarkeey take that mr television
gkbarry i didn't even notice it was you guys hiding in the corner ↳ georgeclarkeey just wanted some alone time with my boyfriend x ↳ arthurtv stop telling people i'm your boyfriend!!
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👤 max_balegde liked by max_balegde, arthurtv and 38,028 others
y/nsworld wine in coffee cups and classic literature in a park, my idea of heaven ꕤ
max_balegde got home off my head and now andrews mad i've ruined dinner plans ↳ y/nsworld andrew baby im so sorry :( ↳ andrew_spanndy could never blame you xx ↳ max_balegde god just date her already wooooow
gkbarry regret introducing the two of you, my poor ears will never recover from this ↳ y/nsworld thats your fault for putting two professional yappers together xx
arthurtv pretty sure that's bride you're reading... wouldn't call werewolf smut classic literature ↳ y/nsworld and how do YOU know what's in the book? 🤨
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👤 arthur_tv, max_balegde liked by y/nsworld, arthurnfhill and 30,395 others
georgeclarkeey totally normal photo to promote the newest useless hotline ep x
max_balegde rip my purple crocs... can't believe y/n stole them right off my feet... ↳ user2 !!! y/n at the arthurtv podcast recording?? my y/ntv senses are tingling ↳ user3 i'm pretty sure she was there bc her and max are friends... ♥️ y/nsworld ↳ user2 they've never randomly had their friends at recordings, dw you'll join the y/ntv cult soon
📍 ibiza
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👤 georgeclarkeey, chrismd, arthurnfhill liked by arthurnfhill, y/nsworld and 45,028 others
arthurtv thank you spotify for inviting us out! (photo cred: y/nsworld)
user2 i am going to scream from the rooftops, y/ntv'ers unite!!
y/nsworld should receive compensation for having to look at george's bare grippers the entire weekend ↳ arthurtv will bring round some wine this weekend ↳ y/nsworld good boy ↳ user2 ... y'all are fucking with me atp
📍 ibiza
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liked by arthurtv, gkbarry and 83,028 others
y/nsworld beach bum 𓇼
gkbarry happiness looks so good on you ↳ y/nsworld i love the bones of you
user2 !! WHO TOOK THE PHOTO I FEEL INSANE ↳ y/nsworld my friend! :)
📍 ibiza
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liked by y/nsworld, georgeclarkeey and 49,204 others
arthurtv decided to stay in the sunshine a few more days :)
user3 user2 i fear you may be onto something ↳ user2 i'm gonna eat glass. like i am actually putting shards in my mouth rn ↳ y/nsworld omg pls don't
y/nsworld looking good mr television ↳ arthurtv why thank you miss world
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liked by arthurtv, max_balegde and 83,028 others
y/nsworld use code ynsworld for 15% off ⋆⭒˚。⋆
max_balegde leaving my bf for you rn. ↳ andrew_spanndy not if i leave you first ↳ y/nsworld i can date both of you at the same time xx
arthurtv djsidjief djg ↳ y/nsworld you ok mr television?
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y/nsworld didn't even think about what i was wearing when i went to go see mr hill sing about cold coffee, sorry guys you got the wrong arthur xx
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👤 y/nsworld liked by y/nsworld, arthurnfhill and 93,294 others
arthurtv someone forgot to change over to their finsta so i guess it's hard launch time... somehow got the most gorgeous girl on earth to agree to date me, must be my fantastic sense of humour
y/nsworld lbr most of them already knew, we weren't exactly subtle ↳ arthurtv speak for yourself xx
theburntchip it's the big ol' hog you got in them trousers ♥️ y/nsworld ↳ arthurtv ah yes forgot about that
max_balegde take care of her or me and andrew are snatching her real quick ↳ y/nsworld ... i may have to do some rethinking
user2 i can't believe i was right... VINDICATION ♥️ arthurtv, y/nsworld
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👤 arthur_tv liked by arthurtv, gkbarry and 104,845 others
y/nsworld told him i forgot to change to finsta but really i just wanted to show that i bagged a hottie ✮⋆˙
georgeclarkeey still can't believe you snatched him from right under my nose ↳ y/nsworld we're still in the honeymoon phase so i may give him back x ↳ arthurtv what the fuck
gkbarry crying into a pint of ice cream thanks xx ↳ y/nsworld you know you're the love of my life xx
y/nsworld also user2 sorry for gaslighting you xx ↳ user2 i have never been so happy to be gaslighted could do a happy lil cry ↳ y/nsworld our fave y/ntv'er we love you ♡
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justlemmeadoreyou · 7 months
Hopelessly Devoted to You
In which Y/n just wants to leave her abusive husband, and Harry is hopelessly devoted to her
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: Mentions of an abusive marriage, domestic violence and abuse, crying.
This one is going to be angsty, with two lovesick morons who are too scared to admit their feelings for each other. There are going to be mentions of abuse, so read at your own risk.
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Dropping Ellie to school, she thinks this is her happy place. With her kid, talking about how she finds elephants interesting, how she loves eggos, and the girl who sits next to her bites her nails all the time.
She's smiling on the car seat all the way to the school, contrary to how she is at home.
She tries her best to shield her away from her god-awful marriage, but sometimes, it's too damn difficult.
Like last night, when as soon as Elliot was home, she had sent her to her room, which she had gotten soundproofed with the money she had saved for months. She had told her to lock the door tightly, because Daddy had come home.
As soon as he entered, she realized he was drunk.
That was just how he came home nowadays, drunk off his ass, not even understanding his surroundings. She wondered how he even managed to make his way back home.
He stumbled from the doorway, having struggled with his keys for over 5 minutes. She was already sweating by now, hands clammy and her heartbeat rising.
"The fuck, fucking-" he cursed as soon as he was in, throwing his shoes and socks away. He threw his bag away too, and stumbled till he reached the dining table, glaring up at Y/n.
She didn't say anything to him. Knowing he would get angry if she did.
"Give me water" he ordered, and she got one glass, holding it under the tap, filling it up with water. She turned it off, turning around, and giving it to him.
He drank it in one go, some of it falling on his shirt. Messily wiping his mouth, he threw the glass away, and she was startled.
"Where's my food?"
She went back into the kitchen, taking the plate she had already taken out for him, and placing it in front of him.
"What the fuck? How many times do I have to tell you, I don't like meatballs? Are you that fucking dumb that you can't understand?"
That's when he threw the plate away, and a couple utensils too, which were lying on the dining table.
She knew Ellie would've heard it, and she quickly took a few steps back, preparing herself to turn around and run away, in case he pranced at her.
And that, he did. Thankfully, she knew just how to run from him, so he wouldn't catch up to her, and locked herself in the room with Ellie.
He was banging at the door, screaming curses at her. Calling her everything she had hoped she would never have to hear again.
With Ellie crying in her mum's arms, with continuous banging on the door, that threatened to break it, she knew she wanted it to end.
She knew she wanted a divorce.
.       .       .
"I'll pay for the lawyer if you want. Money is no issue for me, you know that, Y/n" he said, genuinely wanting to help her out of this marriage. He wants the best for her, for her to be happy again. Whenever he looks at her, his heart beats faster.
He still doesn't understand why she still wears the wedding ring he gave her. She's moved on from him, but still carries pieces of him with her. Given, most of them are tears and hurt marks, and looking at them makes his heart cry. And the purple bruise on her neck makes him want to kill Elliot. Piece by piece. Break him, beat him up, to make up for all the times he did the same to Y/n.
Her hand is just inches away from his, resting softly on the armrest. His finger twitches, and he wants her to hold his hand, to tell her that she will be alright. But she won't.
And he can't.
She lifted her gaze, looking into his kind eyes. He was good...and sometimes, it felt as if he was too good to be real.
"Oh" she replied. It was the only way out for her, because getting money from her parents was a lost cause. Her friends couldn't help her too, because she was too deep in this shit to be pulled out easily.
"Think about it. Sleep over it too, maybe? You can tell me tomorrow, or the day after it. I'll be waiting" he says, and "for you, right here" remain lodged in his throat.
"Thank-thank you, Mr. Styles, I-You're so kind to me, to Ellie-" her voice breaks, and he knows she will cry if he doesn't stop her. "Everything you've done-"
"It's my job, Y/n. It's what I do for everyone. Some need less help, and some need more. It's no big deal" he reassures her, and she nods.
"But still, thank you so, so much. I'll-I'll forever be grateful to you for this" she smiles, and he smiles back. His dimples are on show, on soft, squishy cheeks, that she wants to caress, to hold, to place a soft kiss on.
"So, you can-you can call me when you've thought over it, and I'll get the paperwork started." he straightens his suit, and she clears her throat. "Yeah-yeah, I'll call you, Mr. Styles"
"You can call me Harry. Here's my card"
She smiles, taking the business card from him, and keeping it in the back of her phone cover. In case Elliot checks her bag, he's too dumb to look in her phone cover.
He smiles at her, despite knowing why she did it, and it breaks his heart even more.
. . .
Harry was a good person. She had met him at a summer camp she had taken Ellie to, where he had bought his niece, Evie. They were 4, and Ellie got super excited when she found out that their names began with "E". As soon as they met, they hit it off, holding each other's hand, and running away from Harry and Y/n.
"I'm sorry-she-she gets super excited sometimes, she doesn't listen" Y/n apologized, and that was the first time he looked at her. Into her pretty, pretty eyes, that made him seem dull.
"Oh-no, don't apologize, it's all right. She doesn't have kids of her age near her parents' home, so I took her here so she could have some fun"
"So-she's not your kid?" she asked, her hands fidgeting in front of her.
"No-she's my niece. My sister's daughter. I'm Harry" he said, offering her hand to her for a handshake.
She took it, smiling. 
“I’m Y/n” 
He seemed nice, bringing her niece for a weekend long camp. He seemed like the cool and care free uncle every kid wanted, who would let them do anything. As she looked into his eyes, an emerald shade with the brightest shine, she had no idea this stranger would be a lifesaver for her one day.
“So, you from around here?” he asked, taking his hand back. The handshake had lasted for much longer than they both intended, and to his surprise, his hand was all wet when he pulled back.
Y/n lowered her head, mentally cursing herself for being so weird.
“I’m sorry, Harry-I-sometimes get super nervous around new people, and my hands-they get all sweaty. I’m sorry”
“No, no, it’s alright. No need to apologize.” he wiped his hand on his beige pants, and she still felt bad for the faint spot that developed on which looked like custom tailored pants. 
She turned, getting hold of her purse, and opening the chain. She fished out a fresh handkerchief, which she had kept for Ellie, because she always eats messily, getting crumbs all over her face and clothes. But Y/n adores it, and she smiles everytime she cutely says, “Mumma, hanky” with a bright smile, so proud of herself for that.
“Here-take this,” she offered him her napkin, a white one with pink flowers laced on it.
He will to keep it forever, he thinks.
And that he did, too. The same handkerchief, unused by him because he couldn’t bring himself to do anything that would make the softness, and the smell of her perfume laced in it, go away. It sits in his cupboard, in one of the two lockers that he has. 
“Thank you” he takes it, stuffing it in his pocket.
They go for a walk after that, looking at all the camp-activities that were in the brochure. The swings, the activities, the areas allocated for different sports, with so many children running around with sports equipment.
“I think she really needed it, you know. She worked hard throughout the year, doing all her assignments and homework on time. She also did her science project all by herself, without even any help from me and Elliot. Can you believe that?”
She looked so, so pretty, talking proudly about her daughter.
“And Elliot is-?”
“My husband, yeah”
Harry thinks she would be proud, or happy, at least, while telling him that she has a husband. But she doesn’t, and she hopes he doesn’t notice the small frown that creeps up her face, her smile fading with just the mention of his name.
Unfortunately, he does.
.         .        .
Throughout the day, they spend time together. Sitting on the swings, talking bout their pasts and smiling and giggling, like a couple of teenagers in love. But, they’re far from that.
Y/n thinks she hasn’t been so happy in a while. She hasn’t laughed this much in a while too, nor had a normal conversation with an adult.
So, when Ellie told her there was going to be a week long summer camp, she made sure she was the one to go with he. She just wanted to step out of the house, and meet some new people, have normal conversations, unlike the screaming and arguing she endured almost everyday.
And Harry…well, he’s Harry. His heart skips a beat every time she smiles, so carefree and beautiful. The way her face glows in the sun, and the tiny crinkles that form when she squints them to see him in the sunlight. Her hair, that flows freely in the warm air, and the biggest smile on her face as she tries to tie them up, but they just keep slipping out of her grasp.
He can't help but be captivated by her presence, his gaze lingering on her with an intensity he can't quite explain. Her smile seems to light up the entire landscape, and he finds himself enchanted by the way she effortlessly radiates joy. Even though, she had been quite opposite of that for a while. He feels a warmth spread through him whenever she looks his way, a feeling he can't quite put into words but cherishes nonetheless. 
Yeah, he’s in love with her.
(next part)
tell me if you like this! i might consider a part 2, because this was sitting in my drafts and i know this isn't soo good!
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @me-undiscovered @tbsloneely @whoreonmondays @kathb59 @avalentina @kittenhere @speedywritingharrystylesjudge @mypolicemanharryyy @theendx888 @ladscarlett @daphnesutton @youcan-nolonger-run @prettythingsworld  @chesthairrry  @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs  @hisparentsgallerryy  @storyschanging  @selluequestrian  @islakp217 @swiftmendeshoran @princessaxoxo @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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harryslittlefreakk · 9 months
it’s just us
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(late night talking part 5)
summary: the 4th and final night of wembley, y/n and harry reflect on their week together and think about the future 🥹
warnings: super fluff, smut, bf!rry
a/n: i know these 2 are MY imaginary characters but i quite literally giggled and kicked my feet writing this !! i love these 2 so much 🤭 this will be the final ‘proper’ part but i have lots of extras planned! thank you so much to everyone for enjoying this series with me 🥹
you can join my taglist here! and find my masterlist here 🫶🏼 happy reading my loves!
part 1 2 3 4
“Hi, sunshine,” Harry smiled down at you as you awoke. His glasses were perched on the end of his nose, a crinkled and yellowed book in his hands. “Sleep ok?” he asked, setting the book down on the nightstand as you scooted over to nuzzle into his chest. “Meh,” you shrugged, draping an arm over his belly. “Miss you while m’sleeping.”
He laughed at this, pressing a kiss into the top of your head. “Mum and Gem are coming over soon, asked if you want to have lunch with us,” he told you. “Really? I won’t be intruding?” you asked him, nibbling at the skin around your fingernail. “No baby, never.”
“You already missed a whole day with them yesterday, H,” you told him as he tangled his fingers in yours, pulling you into his lap. “Missed it for you, and missed a whole day with you too,” he said, wrapping his arms tight around you. “Just want to enjoy all my girls together, f’you’ll let me.”
“I’ll allow it,” you smiled. “M’a bit nervous though,” you confessed, suddenly frozen with the fear of meeting his closest family. Harry pressed a soft kiss to your lips, pulling one of his arms from around your body to brush stray hairs out of your face. “Don’t need to be nervous darling, they’ll love you.”
You slid off his lap suddenly, rushing to into your wardrobe. “Harry,” you groaned. “I only have one nice outfit and it might be a bit much.” You’d packed with one intention - go to the show, go home, sleep, repeat. You’d bought one fancy dress to wear for dinner with Joanie tomorrow night, your show outfits, and pyjamas and loungewear for the day time. “Show me,” Harry smirked, sauntering over to where you were rooting through your clothes in a frenzy. You yanked the dress of its hanger, slipping Harry’s stolen t shirt off your body before stepping into the dress.
“You look beautiful,” Harry smiled, arms folded across his chest as you twirled for him. It was one of your favourite dresses, a white midi dress with a deep neckline and light blue beach-themed decals dotted all over. You loved the way it looked against your tanned skin in the summer, the way the elastic waist cinched you in. It was simple, but made you feel incredible. “It’s not too much?” you asked Harry, smoothing the front of the skirt with your hands. “No, it’s perfect,” he told you, tapping on his pouted lips to tell you he wanted a kiss.
You padded over to him, peppering kisses all over his face before planting one firmly on his lips and slipping back out of the dress. “Now this is even better,” Harry smirked, stepping forward to land a blow on your ass cheek as you bent to pick up the dress. His strong hands grabbed a hold of your waist before you managed to pick the piece of clothing up, flinging you over his shoulder and marching back towards the bed as you shrieked and kicked. “It’s gonna get creased,” you half-yelled, words almost incoherent through your laughter. “I’ll iron it,” Harry replied, dropping you down onto the bed before climbing over you. He kissed all over your body, holding your arms down as you tried to push him away. The beginnings of stubble tickled you from head to toe, snorting and squealing as you writhed under him.
He stopped suddenly, pausing to gaze over you like an animal planning its attack. Harry moved back towards your face, lingering before you wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him closer. Your noses nudged over each other’s, smiles mirrored on your faces. He kissed you deeply, pulling your thong to the side and sweeping a finger through your folds with his free hand. He always kissed you like every time could be your last, like he never knew how much of your lips life would offer him so he had to savour every moment. It was impossible not to fall in love with him - the way he gave you everything you needed, romantically and sexually, too much to resist.
His thumb rubbed on your clit as his mouth grazed over your cheek, lips dragging slightly before he nibbled at your earlobe. Harry was definitely more sexually experienced than you, evident not just from his skill, but the way that he anticipated what you needed even before you realised. The tiny nip of his teeth sent your back arching, the pain giving you just the edge you needed. “You’re so beautiful,” Harry cooed, his voice delicate against your ear as he rubbed faster at your button. He slid two fingers into you, thumb still rubbing persistent circles against your clit. He found your g-spot almost immediately, knowing your body like the back of his hand by now. “Fuck, Harry, I’m gonna c-” you moaned, hips pressing deeper into the bed as your body tensed. You were cut off by a loud cry tumbling past your lips, thighs clamping around his hand as you came. Harry finally pulled away as you came down from your high, kissing you deeply before padding back to the bathroom, satisfied with his attack.
Though he’d wanted to take you all somewhere nice, Harry had settled on ordering food in and enjoying the sun on his hotel room’s balcony, not wanting to risk being spotted with you again so soon, especially before anybody else knew. You were helping him to tidy up his room now, desperate to do something to combat the ball of nerves in your stomach. “Relax, baby,” he told you, pulling you in for a hug. “I can’t, Harry. You only get one chance at a first impression and I’m so nervous about messing up.”
“Did you mess up the first time you met me?”
“No, but I was awkward. And shy. An-“
“And nothin’. You were adorable, even though you w’nervous around me. Now look at us,” he said. “If it gets too much or you need any help just squeeze my leg or something, okay pet?” You nodded, feeling somewhat calmer. You knew Harry could be shy too, and he knew exactly how you were feeling right now. It wasn’t long before the door knocked and Harry pressed a quick kiss to your cheek before opening it, Anne pulling him into a hug as soon as she saw him. “Hi, my darling,” she cooed, eyes crinkling as she looked him up and down. He looked especially adorable today, wearing wide legged jeans with (as he’d told you many times that morning) his favourite brown duck cardigan, a tight fitted white t shirt underneath. You loved his snuggly daytime outfits, and adored what he wore to shows, but seeing him pick out his favourite pieces and the way he styled them was your favourite thing yet.
As soon as she saw you standing meekly behind Harry, Anne almost shoved her son out of the way to take a look at you. He greeted Gemma as she stepped towards you, immediately wrapping you into a warm hug. “You’re beautiful,” she gasped, gripping the tops of your arms as you smiled. “What on earth are you stuck with him for?” Anne laughed, winking at you. “He’s got his perks,” you said. “It’s so lovely to meet you, I hope you don’t mind me being here.”
“Nonsense,” Anne insisted, “we were so excited to meet the girl Harry’s been obsessing over.” He blushed at this, shy smile taking over his face. Gemma pulled you into a hug next, exchanging names and hellos as the four of you walked towards the balcony. Harry wrapped an arm around you as you lingered by the sliding door, calling out to ask if anyone wanted something to drink. “I’ll get them,” he said, fingers dancing against your skin. “You sit, it won’t take a second,” you told him, turning to walk towards the coffee machine.
“You are smitten,” Anne gasped as Harry sat down opposite her, eyes following your every move. He shook his head in his hands, bright smile peeking through his fingers. “I know,” he confessed.
It wasn’t long before conversation turned to the leaked photos, and Anne gave you both a motherly lecture. “It won’t be long until more photos come out. And it won’t just be your face plastered on the front of magazines,” she told you. “I’ve seen first-hand how this information gets about, they will know everything about you, more than you know about yourself sometimes. I don’t want to nag, but if the pair of you are serious then you need to start telling your family and friends before they wake up and see you all over social media.”
“I know,” you sighed, rubbing a hand on Harry’s denim-clad thigh. “I’m just so frightened to be painted as some sort of groupie, like this was my evil little plan all along,” you told her. It was something you hadn’t even spoken to Harry about yet. You knew your friends and family would just be happy for you, but the world wouldn’t see you as someone who just fell in love, you’d be blindly hated by millions of girls. Harry had confided in you a little about the stress that the media creates in a relationship with him, the hatred and vitriol of journalists and ‘fans’ towards any woman he was spotted with. You understood why he wanted to protect this relationship as much as you did, and truthfully you thought he could be even more nervous than you were about going public. “It’s a risk you’ve got to take,” Anne told you. “Besides, within 5 minutes of walking into this room I could see how besotted you are with each other, and you’d have all of us behind you both, sweetheart.” You knew she was right, and your first hurdle would be telling Joanie.
Harry had booked a car to take the four of you to Wembley, having promised his mum and Gemma a behind the scenes look at everything going on. It was one of their favourite parts of him touring, he’d told you, seeing the tiny touches of him in his dressing room and stepping out onto the stage, imagining what it was like for him. Even after seeing it so many times, it never got any less incredible. “This is amazing, Harry, I can’t believe you get to do this every day.”
“Joy of my life,” he grinned, watching the three best women in his life looking out across the empty stadium. He picked up the tiny blue polaroid camera that sat in the wings, ready to capture little pictures of his band and his team. “Smile,” he called out. The three of you shuffled into position, arms around each other as you beamed in his direction. Anne insisted on taking a few of you and Harry next, 3 different pictures so you could all hold onto a copy.
“You gonna stick around?” he asked you, pulling you tight against his front. You checked the time on your phone, sighing as your head lulled back onto his shoulder. “I should go, Harry. Want to get a good view for my favourite concert.” He laughed against the top of your head, promising to walk you out once you’d all exchanged goodbyes.
“I’m gonna talk to Joanie tonight,” you told him. Your heart hammered in your chest at the very idea, but you knew how hurt she’d be if she found out via the press. It just seemed so soon, despite the fact that you’d usually tell her everything about who you were seeing, from the second you’d first laid eyes on them. It was all so different with Harry, and you knew it wouldn’t change your friendship with Joanie but it would definitely take over things for a while. “You sure?” Harry asked, fingers dancing across your forearm. You nodded. “Just want to get it out of the way. Feel like you’re my dirty little secret,” laughing through the nerves. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, “you scared?”
“So fucking scared.”
With this, Harry grabbed your arm, pulling you in a complete different direction than where you’d been heading. He dragged you into his dressing room, locking the door behind you before pressing you up against the door, legs wedged between yours. He was looking at you with the same animalistic gaze you’ve grown to understand, his breath hot against your mouth.
His lips ghosted over yours, tongue slipping past your teeth and licking circles around yours. You could feel him growing against your inner thigh, the tiniest taste of your lips enough to make him want more of you. Harry slid his hands behind you, palming at your soft ass before scooping you up and placing you down on the vanity, eyes dark with hunger as he gazed over you. “So perfect,” he whispered, hand cupping the nape of your neck as he dived in for another taste of your soft lips. He was insatiable, starved when it came to your pleasure - always like it was the first and last time he’d touch you, needing as much of you as he could get.
Harry bundled your dress up around your hips, groaning when he saw the wet spot on your panties, crisp from where your cream had soaked into them earlier in the day. He’d insisted you keep them on, the heavy material a reminder of how good he could make you feel. “Y’already wet for me, baby?” he rasped, slipping your tiny panties from your legs and stuffing them into his pocket. “Got you all worked up, huh?” Harry smirked as you shivered, the slightest brush of his fingers against your entrance shooting electricity through you. He licked the pad of his thumb before pressing it to your clit, leaning down to nip at your jawline when you whimpered beneath him. “Too sensitive, just fuck me please,” you whined, hips rocking back and forth to try to relieve some of the pressure that bubbled up inside of you with his one touch.
“Daddy’s needy little princess,” Harry cooed, lips soft against your cheek as he unbuttoned his jeans and let his hard cock spring free. He spat in his hand and rubbed it over his tip, guiding himself towards the centre of your parted legs. He entered you slow, one hand slipping under the bundle of fabric around your waist to grip onto your hip as he stilled inside of you, a groan slipping out as he felt your walls relax around his shaft. “More, H,” you pleaded, hooking your ankles around his back. He pulled out of you, looking down to see his head enveloped by your folds, cock twitching at the sight of your pretty pink lips wet around him. He fucked into you fast, thrusts brutal as he slammed his hips into you, catching you off guard. Every single time his tip hit your sweet spot you were crying out, your earlier orgasm only leaving you hungrier for him. Your hands gripped at his shoulders, desperate for something to hold on to to keep you grounded. It was as if you were on the outside looking in, watching your head lull back as he fucked into you, soul hovering somewhere separate to your body. He shifted slightly, angling you slightly upwards to hit a new, deeper angle inside of you. “So fucking big, so deep,” you whined, words tumbling out as you lost yourself in his cock. Your thighs tensed around his hips, pulling him tighter into your core as if there were anymore of him to take. Your orgasm washed over you quickly, the heat in your core bursting apart and rolling into every inch of your body. You cried out his name as you reached your climax, eyes rolling back in your head and stars all around you.
He’d never get enough of seeing you fucked out, cheeks pink and rosebud lips parted as you panted. It could send him over the brink in an instant, the combination of your walls spasming around his length as you came down from your high and the sight of what he’d done to you forcing his hot come out of him, even taking him by surprise as he painted your inner walls white. A hot and dirty little quickie was exactly what you both needed to clear your minds, keep your focus only on each other.
“Helped your nerves?” Harry grinned, wiping away a stray tear from your eye. You laughed, still dazed from your high. He slipped two fingers inside of you as he pulled out, stuffing his come back into your entrance. “You okay, sweet girl?” he asked you, helping your shaky legs to land back on the carpeted floor. “Mmm,” you hummed appreciatively, wrapping your arms around his chest as you fell into him, unsteady on your feet. “Took my cock so good, huh? Left you all broken?” Harry mewled, words muffled against your hair. He slipped an arm around your waist as you stepped away from him, holding you up as he unlocked the door. “Come on, I’ll get my driver to take you home,” he smiled, content in his post orgasm bliss.
“I need to tell you something,” you said, words bursting out when you finally couldn’t bite them back any longer. “What?” Joanie asked as she dropped her phone into her lap. You handed her the same gift bag Harry had given you, the necklace and note placed inside with two of the polaroids you’d taken earlier. “There isn’t a pregnancy test in here, is there?” she gasped, blue eyes wide. “No! It’s about what I’ve been up to this week,” you smiled, eyes glinting, suddenly brimming with excitement to finally tell her everything.
Joanie pulled out the pictures first, squinting at them both she passed them between her hands. She looked up at you, back down at the pictures, back up to you. Mouth agape, brows furrowed as she reached back into the gift bag. She pulled out the note next, unfolding it gently before her eyes grazed over the writing. “What the hell,” she whispered, searching in your eyes for any hint of mischief, certain this was some kind of elaborate prank. You picked up the necklace box, turning it in Joanie’s direction before you opened it and showed her the pendant inside.
“What is this?” she murmured, frozen still except for her eyes wandering over each item. “This is who I’ve been seeing,” you squeaked. You peeked out through scrunched up eyes, unable to gage her reaction at all. She gasped suddenly, drawing a hand to her mouth. “This is where he was pictured, in this hotel.”
You waited for it to hit her, the pieces already slotting together in her head but not making sense yet. “Call him,” she demanded suddenly. “If this is real then you have his number.” You giggled, pulling up your text chain in your phone.
y/n: do u have a second to call? X
Joanie grabbed the phone from you as you turned it around to show her, scrolling quickly through your messages. She paused on the first message he’d sent you, his pre-show selfie. Just as she started to zoom in on the picture, your phone started buzzing with a call. She thrust it back into your hands quickly, whisper-shouting for you to answer. “Hi love, you okay?” Harry asked, his slight northern rasp a clear giveaway now. Joanie fell back into the bed, hands clutched over her heart as she kicked at the bed, all the pieces finally coming together in her mind. “I’m okay Harry,” you laughed, watching your best friend thrash around. “Just got instructed to call you to prove you’re real.”
“Hi Joanie,” Harry called out, laughing as she squealed in the background. “I’ll let you get back to your dinner, meet me later?”
“Of course sweet girl, let y’know when I’m done,” Harry said before hanging up the call.
“Oh my fucking god, y/n! What the actual fuck?” Joanie shrieked, bolting back upright. “I know!” you laughed, grabbing a hold of her hands as you squealed with her. You told her everything, from the way you met him by chance, to your first kiss, the ‘date’ he set up for you, and everything in between.
“It sounds mental saying it out loud, I’ve felt nuts all week,” you told her, running your hands over your face. “It is nuts,” she said, still blinking quickly, trying to clear some of the shock clouding her mind. “He’s incredible, honestly. It’s been the most insane week of my life, and it’s been so difficult to keep it from you. But it’s such a big thing, it’s like, life changing already even without people knowing,” you sighed.
“Do you think he could be the one? Joanie asked. “He could be,” you grinned. “If things keep going as they are, I don’t see why we couldn’t make it.”
“I need to fucking scream. Harry fucking Styles! The Harry Styles could be your one. No wonder he was looking at you like that the entire show, here I thought he just fancies you. Turns out you luuurve each other,” Joanie babbled, throwing herself back against the mattress again, shaking her head in her hands.
Harry really had been focused on you for the whole concert, your position only a few rows back in Jonny’s place meaning he could see you clearly throughout the entire thing. Knowing that you were going to explain it all to Joanie anyway gave him permission to be as flirty as he wanted, acting as if you were the only person watching. You were certain your pre-show activities had riled him up to end too, and thank god you’d jumped his bones before watching him up there. Shirtless under his overalls, thick biceps and tanned chest on display, he’d looked delicious. He got you hot under the collar anyway, but to see the way he was acting while looking like that, you could’ve easily blown off telling Joanie in favour of getting fucked into a coma by your favourite man. “Come on, let’s get you home,” you laughed, suddenly burning up as you thought about your man. “And not a word to Tom,” you warned, jabbing Joanie in the ribs as you stood up.
You messaged Harry to let him know you wouldn’t be long, you were only walking Joanie to the nearest tube station so just long enough for Harry to finish his meal with Anne and Gemma before coming to meet you.
Once you’d hugged Joanie goodbye and promised to give her the details of your evening with Harry, you lingered by the entrance of the station, bouncing on your heels as you waited for him. It was so silly but so exciting, meeting him in a public place and not worrying about prying eyes or how you’d explain your appearance on the front of tabloids to your best friend. You could hear laughter from across the street, and your heart bubbled in your chest when you looked over. There he was, laughing and joking with fans he’d bumped into. You strolled towards him, somewhat subconsciously, drawn to his presence. Harry glanced over to see who was approaching and his face lit up, a huge toothy grin taking over his features. “Thank you girls, I’ve got to run,” he smiled at the young fans, eyes sparkling as he watched you where you stopped, leant against the wall just a few feet away from him. “Hi darling,” he grinned, whipping out an enormous bouquet of roses from behind his back. You gasped, eyes flitting between the flowers and his smile as he held them out for you, planting a gentle kiss to your lips as your hands met around the paper-clad stems. They were the biggest and probably most beautiful roses you’d ever seen. Twice the size of the ones you’d see in supermarket aisles, the perfect pale pink and ivory. “They’re incredible, H. What did I do to deserve these? Or what did you do?” you laughed, taking a big sniff of the floral scent. “Jus’ saw them and thought of you,” he smiled, taking your free hand in his. “This is nice,” you told him, head resting against his arm as you walked. He hummed appreciatively, squeezing your hand in his.
“Look, H!” you pointed, spotting a familiar sight that you hadn’t noticed before. The starbucks where you’d first met, only 5 days yet somehow a lifetime ago. “Can you imagine if we hadn’t both gone there?”
“Can you imagine if I didn’t work up the courage to talk t’you?” Harry laughed, tugging you across the road to get a coffee.
“How many kids are we going to have?”
“Hm?” you looked over at Harry, swilling the last dregs of your latte around the walls of the cup. You were back on his balcony now, looking out over the city that had brought you your love. It was so comfortable now, so right between the two of you that even sitting there in silence felt like something you’d done so many times, for so many years. It was scary, terrifying and yet so exciting. You were almost waiting for the other shoe to drop, scared to look around the corner in case a secret girlfriend or personality change was waiting to trip you up.
Harry repeated himself, lips curving into a tiny smirk. “Start with one and see how that one turns out I think,” you told him. He laughed, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees as he looked over you. He watched you like he wanted to drink in everything about you, searching for any new detail to memorise.
“What are you thinking about, princess?” he asked you, noticing how lost in thought you were.
“I’m just frightened, H. It’s only been 5 days,” you told him, looking over at him with big brown eyes. “I know, sweet girl. S’a lot so soon, huh?” he replied, holding one of your hands to his mouth and pressing a gentle kiss to the skin. You nodded, “yeah. And I- not that I don’t think we could work but it’s scary. Having the world know my name and forever being associated with you if the distance is too much.”
“Then come with me,” he pleaded, “be my little groupie.” He was smirking now, though his eyes remained serious. “I can’t, Harry,” you groaned. “It’s too late notice to take any longer off work and not all of us are rich.”
“Then quit your job. Let me help you just until the tour finishes and then you can find something else.”
“You are so out of touch,” you laughed, shaking your head. “I can’t just quit my job, not work my notice and then expect something else to come up in a month.”
“Says who?”
“Says the world, you doughnut.”
“Marry me.”
“Harry! You are so insane,” you shrieked.
“I’m serious. Marry me, be with me forever, have my babies.” He really was dead serious, toying with his rings as he looked at you.
“I am not marrying you after 5 days.”
“Then we’ll just date.“
He stood up as you questioned him, suddenly rushing out of the hotel room. You followed him slowly, laughing as he knocked on the door. “Come in,” you called out. “Open it, woman,” Harry shouted, fist banging on the wood again. He was standing there grinning as you opened it to let him back in, totally confused by what he was up to.
“Hi, I’m Harry,” he started, holding out a hand for you to shake. “I know we’ve just met but I’m falling in love with you, and I’d love to take you out tomorrow night.”
EEEEE!!!!! my little loves. i thought this was a nice place to end it but rest assured i have about 7 ideas for extras already half drafted so this won’t be the last you see of these 2!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
taglist: @ameerakane20 @sleutherclaw @slutforcoffein @harrysolaf @opheliaofficial07 @dragonslayersupremacy @nikkisimps @michellekstyles @im-an-overthinker @fangirl7060 @indierockgirrl @palmettogal508 @thereunion1d @angstygyal @hannah9921 @harryshotpocket @daphnesutton @poojasdesk @averytermaat @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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natigail · 8 months
Dan and Phil share so many hours with each other and yet getting a glimpse of how they communicate when they are apart or just too tired to speak out loud feels like something so special. The fact that it's a series with multiple episodes now, and they openly acknowledge it as tradition is so lovely!
You can hear them in their texts - even as incomprehensible as some of them are - and the vibe of how they exist with each other in that space. On top of that, when they're filming these videos, they share the behind the scenes stories.
What do you mean Dan only talks to Phil on the phone when he's in a taxi and Phil makes up stories rather than having a normal conversation? What do you mean Phil took a photo of sleepy Dan wearing his glasses and then sent it to him randomly? What do you mean Love Game by Lady Gaga is one of their most listened to songs because they play it on a game? What do you mean Phil called his mum for Dan when he got burns in the shower while in Germany? What do you mean Dan sends selfies while across the world? What do you mean Dan's phone number is the one connected to Phil's Deliveroo? What do you mean they use emojis and try to make up the best sounding fake words? What do you mean Dan threatens to kill Phil for forgetting to shut a drawer?
And even with everything listed here, there's still stuff I'm forgetting. There's so much packed into almost every quip, a little window into how they are when they are at ease. At home and with their home person. The easy banter and playful teasing just compliment the vibes while they sit and laugh so loudly at stuff they've already seen before. Because seeing it again together and reminiscing will never not be funny.
I've watched their faces a lot this year with the return of the gaming channel and yet I barely could keep my eyes off them in this video. Several times I would rewind the video to carefully watch an expression again, or simply because I had completely forgotten to look at the text while staring at them.
So much life and love in the way their eyes creases, their smiles flash without abandon and they lean closer and closer to each other. Always in orbit, always tethered. This video was truly a gift and I am so incredibly happy that we got another one, and I hope it does become a tradition that continues for a while longer. Thank you, Dan and Phil!
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mydear-corinthian · 6 months
Dirty Little Thoughts || Michael Gray
Synopsis: You and Michael can't control thinking about all the dirtiest thoughts you can think of each other. Pairing: Michael Gray x reader Warnings: SMUT (18+), dirty talk, breeding kink, p in v Notes: Rushed, not proofread, there will be grammatical errors. Click here to find the main masterlist. Click here to find the PEAKY BLINDERS masterlist.
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Your marriage to Michael Gray was the riskiest thing you had ever done. You understood how filthy, frightening, and menacing the Shelby family and the Peaky Blinders were because you were born and raised in Birmingham. Michael appears to be a browbeat, tough, or frightening, and he is, but only when it comes to business. He was the complete opposite of himself. He was the nicest husband you could have, kind and caring..
You noticed that it was almost 6:00 PM when you looked at the clock. Since the party begins at 7:00, you still have time to get ready. It didn't take long for your blue silk dress to slip on. The dress flawlessly follows your curves. Shortly after, you arranged your hair and applied three quick strokes of the perfume Michael had given you while he was traveling in the US. Your lips were painted crimson lipstick, and your ears were adorned with gold earrings.
While touching up, Michael opened the door. He was already prepared. He was wearing his suit with his dark blue vest. His hair was styled the usual yet he looked even hotter. "You ready, love?" he asked. Grabbing your hips with his palms, making you close to him. His face brightened as he breathed in your perfume's fragrance. He wrapped his arms around your back and kissed your neck carefully, all the way up to your collarbone. You said with a low laugh, "Yes, I am."
Your body twisted so that you were facing him. His neck was found by your hands. You put your arms up against it and brought your lips together. The kiss was gentle, soft, and passionate until the kiss went deeper, steamy, and messy.
"My beautiful beautiful beautiful wife," Michael said in the middle of the kiss, his arm gripping your hips tighter.
Both of you craved for more, more than this but both of you knew you still needed to do something. You let go of the kiss. Both of you breathing heavily, trying to catch your breaths from the quick make-out session. "You look good but I prefer you taking it off." Chuckling, you said, "Mhm, but we still have a party to attend. We don't want to be late, do we?"
"Alright then. Let's go, love."
You both arrived on time for the party. Everyone was already at the venue, waiting for the party to start. The family was complete and Charlie's friends from school were there too. Polly noticed you and Michael arriving. She drew a breath from her long, black cigarette, closed it between her fingers, and released the toxic smoke. Polly approached you and greeted you both.
"Mum." Michael greeted, giving both of her cheeks a kiss. "Mrs. Gray." you shook her hands before giving her a short warm hug which thankfully, she accepted.
"Make yourselves comfortable. I'll just call Tommy," she said. Polly gave you both a smile before leaving the two of you alone.
A waiter bringing a full tray of champagne passed by and offered you both a drink. You took two glasses, giving one to Michael and one to yourself. You took a sip of your champagne and looked around. You were startled when you heard Michael mutter something to you while you felt a hot breath on the side of your neck.
"God, (y/n). I just want to fuck you already."
You nearly spitted your drink out of embarrassment. But you also wish you could do the same to Michael. It didn't help at all that your mind was racing with images of Michael taking you, praising you, and fucking you. You want to taste him right now, you want to kiss him on the spot.
You had a deep desire for him,
you can't control it anymore.
"Michael .. I can't take it anymore.." you begged. Your eyes pleading, your hands roam around his chest, caressing it with your fingers. He whispered again in your ear, "Let's go. I know a room." He took your arm and dragged you to the second floor of the house. Tommy's house was not a joke- it was big. You felt like there were thousands of rooms inside the house. Michael noticed there weren't any guests or family members on the second floor, making him drag you and open a door on the last room of the floor.
Once the both of you entered the room, he locked it immediately. He grabbed your face harshly, his lips meeting yours. You stumbled back until you felt the wall on your back. You grabbed his hair, crumpling it. The kiss was messy, fast, and hungry. Both of you want and are so eager for each other's taste. You felt pleasured but you were still craving for more. You want to take him. Claim him. Make you his. "More Michael, please," you pleaded. "You're lucky I want more too."
Michael carried you in bridal style before placing you gently on the bed. The making-out continued even on the bed. "You won't be needing this." he removes your blue gown quickly, leaving you in your undergarments. His lips went lower and lower with every kiss. His lips found your neck, kissing and sucking it harshly, enough to mark you.
You arched your back in pleasure, letting out a soft moan. Your hands gripped his hair tighter. He continued kissing you until he was kissing your inner thigh. Your slick found his finger, rubbing his finger into yours slowly, feeling how wet you were down there. "Very wet for me, huh?" he commented. You gasped, "Michael, please .. I need you," His hand unbuckled his leather belt and removed his trousers, tossing it on the floor. The huge bulge can be seen from his undergarment. He, then, removes his undergarment, leaving him with nothing on but his top. Michael aligned his shaft to your entrance, giving it a nice brush before pushing himself inside you.
He was massive. Your walls were stretching on the size of his shaft. You moaned out loud and he immediately covered your mouth with his palm, shushing you. He pulled out slowly before pushing back in again. This pace remained for a few thrusts before his pace became faster and faster.
"Oh god!" you moaned loudly, grabbing the sheets, curling them with your fingers.
The pleasure was immeasurable. His cock was driving you insane. Your eyes rolled in pleasure, arching your back.
"What a good girl. Taking my cock so well." Michael praised. His hands grab both of your arms and place in above you. Your arms were locked by his hand. You felt nothing but ecstasy. Your breasts bounce with every thrust he makes. Your mouth lets out a series of nasty moans. His cock hitting every spot there was inside you.
"D-don't stop!"
His pace fastened and fastened. Feeling a knot in your stomach, you knew you were close. Your walls clenched his huge shaft. He knew you were close. "I'm so - so close, Michael. 'Gonna cum," He didn't stop, he just kept on going. Abusing your pussy with his dick. His cock twitched inside of you, he was close too.
"Take all of it, love. Take me," he said in between thrusts. He let out groans and moans. His head rolled backward. Your grip on the sheets was so tight, that the bedsheet crumpled. You finally came, moaning his name out loud. A few more sloppy thrusts were made before he came inside of you. His body collapsed on top of you, he was still inside you. You felt his hot liquid inside you.
After a few seconds, he pulled out. His cum dripped inside your hole.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too, Michael."
You looked at the clock, it was 5 minutes before 6:00 PM. "Oh shit. The party's going to start." The both of you quickly wore your clothes again, fixing the bed right away before leaving the room. Polly noticed you and Michael going down the stairs. She curiously asked what happened and you just replied, "I was just having very serious period cramps, Polly. No need to worry."
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rustingcat · 11 months
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Lena sighed, picking up the toy train from the floor. She must've told them to pick it a hundred times already, not that she was deluding herself that any of them would listen to her today, no, they were far too excited to be doing that. She shook her head and cleared the rest of the scattered toys on the floor, and reached her work table. She had a last minute file she had to send before she could be free for the day.
"Muuuuuuum!" The shout from the hall got closer by the second. "Mum look!"
Lena turned her head to see her six years old son wearing an elaborate pirate costume, holding their new puppy up in the air.
"Mum, look at Krypto!" He said, biting his lip in excitement, practically vibrating from joy.
The dog had colourful cloth wings tied around his neck and a little hoodie with a beak and painted eyes.
"He's a parrot?" She tried.
Connor nodded enthusiastically. "Jeju dressed him!"
"Very cute. Then you were free to clean up the toys I told you to collect?" She raised an accusing eyebrow.
"Uhhh…" He started, but was cut off by his sister who quickly appeared on his left.
"Mum, you're not ready!" Lori pointed at her mother with her little hand. She was dressed in a pirate costume as well. It was their family costume after all.
Lena smiled. She knew full well her daughter tried to distract her in order to help her twin, but it was a rather exciting day so she could let them go this once. "I'll be ready in a moment, there's still some time. Go help your Jeju with setting everything for our guests. They should be here soon."
"Okay!" They shouted in unison and disappeared from her view before she could say anything else.
Lena let out a small chuckle and finished her work. She turned to leave the room when she noticed the crooked picture on the wall and stopped to fix it. It was a picture from their wedding day both smiling as they stood under the chuppah dressed in white Kryptonian dresses, Lena's dress had a small handkerchief tied to hers with a small embroidered shamrock. An Irish tradition she thought was beautiful. They decided to make a multicultural wedding, they exchanged Kryptonian wedding bracelets they specially made themselves, along with rings. J'onn, who acted as the pastor, married them, and they both broke the glass together. The kids were there as well, laughing and dancing with joy and delight.
Lena smiled at the memory, and continued to their bedroom. The costume wasn't too complicated to put on, an important aspect she insisted on after the year they all dressed up as astronauts. Getting in and out of that costume was a nightmare, not to mention the kids were three at the time. Lena put on her captain hat and went to join her family in the living room.
"How Rrrr you my beautiful wife?" Kara asked her in a very exaggerated pirate accent. The twins giggled at the attempt.
"I'm fine, darling," she said with a smile as she walked closer to her. "How Rrrr you?" Lena smirked, side-eying the kids who started laughing at her poor pirate accent. She tried to keep a passive expression, that was made harder with their children's laughter and her wife's growing smile. Lena went to kiss her on the cheek when her captain's hat bumped into Kara's. After a long family discussion that involved more arguments than necessary, it was decided that both Lena and Kara would be the captains of the ship, and as captains it was very important that they wear the hats.
Read the rest of the chapter on AO3
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violets-and-books · 1 year
The Crows at the beach
Ultimate mum friend
Doesn't go near the water but finds a spot for all their stuff and guards it with his life
Has 7 individual water bottles, each named and coloured a different colour
The only time you will ever see him in a T-shirt
This man wears jeans to the beach and you can't change my mind
Has 5 towels and also a picnic blanket to sit on
Has individual snacks for each person in tupperware
Only ever gets up from his seat to chase Jesper up and down the beach with suncream
Will deny being a mum friend no matter what but everyone knows the truth
Sits with her sunnies on a towel and reads a book
Has an appropriate amount of suncream on and never forgets to top up
Buys everyone ice creams at the end of the day
Plays volleyball and tennis with Jesper, Nina and Matthias
Wades in the shallows with Jesper and splashes him a lot
Tries to tease Kaz into building a sandcastle with her
Convinces Nina to put suncream on
Wears a cute top and shorts
Speedo. He wears a speedo (much to everyone's disappointment)
Refuses to wear suncream but after being chased all along the length and breadth of the beach by Kaz gives in
Teases Wylan on the car ride there and back and gets a towel in the face both times
Once he gets in the sea, you have to fish him out with a net
Plays volleyball and tennis with Inej, Nina and Matthias. He and Inej lose. Jesper's a sore loser
Decorates Wylan and Kuwei's sandcastles
Takes about 100 pictures of the beach, the sky, the sea, everything
Wears a T-shirt, swim shorts and sunnies
Will throw sand at anyone if provoked
Doesn't go in the water until Jesper drags him into the shallows. Then you can't get him out
Searches for rock pools with Kuwei
Finds and keeps any shiny rocks or shells or pieces of sea glass he finds
Has a very serious sandcastle-building competition with Kuwei
Tries to get Kaz to judge the competition and fails
Pushes Kuwei over in the shallows and then runs for his life
Wears a bikini and one of those massive floppy hats
Will not put suncream on, she wants to tan
Immediately throws herself down on a towel to sunbathe and falls asleep
Buys everyone fish and chips at lunch
Plays loads of sports with Matthias, Inej and Jesper
Takes a load of beach selfies
Will swim but only if she's not swimming alone
Buys one of those ships in bottles you get from the seaside. She has seven already
Won't drink water unless cajoled into it
Tries and fails to get Matthias to recreate a scene from Titanic
Always complains about being hungry and wanting ice cream
Tried to wear jeans to the beach but was attacked by Nina and a pair of swimming trunks
Spends most of his time building a model of the Ice Court in the sand
Puts on way too much suncream
Complains about the heat to anyone who will listen (no one does)
Don't let him near the water, you'll lose him forever
Judges Wylan and Kuwei's sandcastle competition
Decides it's a draw (so he doesn't get murdered by either)
Absolutely thrashes Jesper at volleyball, tennis and pretty much any sport Jesper challenges him to
Tries to climb the rocks in his swimming trunks and nothing else
Convinces Nina to drink water
Has swimming trunks with little flames on them
Goes searching in rock pools with Wylan
Snorkels for hours but gets too excited whenever he sees a fish and swallows a mouthful of water
Chases Wylan for half an hour after he pushed him in the shallows
Collects shells only to lose them before they go home
Talks to Wylan about all the fish he's seen. They try to identify them
Tries flirting with Jesper and gets pushed in the shallows (again) because of it
Builds too many sandcastles and then destroys them all on purpose, laughing at the chaos
Climbs one rock and declares himself King of the World
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Biggest grump
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Summary: Your best friend’s friend is not as annoying as you believed.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: banter, language, mentions of pegging and anal play (they play a game, okay), snowed in, enemies to lovers, fluff
<;< Part 1
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“So…how does this game work?” Bucky tries to buy himself some time. He doesn’t want to answer your questions. Especially when it comes to the girls he dated lately.
“Barnes don’t act as if you never played truth or dare before,” you slap his thigh. “Because you tried to trick me, I’ll ask you first.”
“That’s not fair,” he grumbles. Bucky looks at the glasses you placed on the coffee table. Drinking is out of the question for tonight.
“I don’t care.” You lean closer and stick your tongue out. “Fight me!”
He sighs deeply. “Fine. Whatever. I didn’t want to play this stupid game in the first place.”
You giggle at his pained expression. “Truth or dare?”
“When you first met Steve, did you already know you’ll become friends?”
“He was a weak and sick boy,” Bucky smiles at the memory. “But he had guts. I first saw him when he was in trouble. Three boys tried to rough him. Steve stood his ground. A damn tough boy. I knew we will get friends right away.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet.” You swoon. “I met him when he was all grown. I wish we grew up together.”
“My turn,” Bucky grins. You swallow thickly, fearing he will ask you embarrassing questions. “What's a secret you've never told anyone?”
“A secret? Hmm…” You ponder. “Oh, I know!” Bucky leans a little closer when you grip his arm. “I stole a lace panty when I was sixteen. It was red, and my mom didn’t want to buy it for me. I wanted to impress my boyfriend.”
“You naughty girl.” He grins. “Did he like it?”
You sigh and shake your head. “He broke up with me after I told him I wanted to wait a little longer. He was clumsy and I didn’t like how he groped me.”
“His loss.”
“What?” You blink a few times.
“What?” Bucky clears his throat. “I mean, if he messed up it’s his loss.”
“I enjoyed wearing it, though. I sometimes buy underwear only for myself. I love to feel sexy.” You run your fingertips up and down his arm.
Bucky swallows thickly. “Your turn,” he breathes out. “Shoot me with your best shot, doll.”
“Hmm…Truth or dare?”
“What's something you're glad your mum doesn't know about you?” You ask. “Tell me everything about your dirtiest secret.”
“You want the dirt, huh?” Bucky flashes you a smirk. He wrinkles his forehead. “I let a girl peg me once.”
“No!” You slap his thigh. “Really? Who was it? Was it good? Did you like it? I didn’t take you for a guy letting the girl take the lead.”
“If it’s the right girl,” he whispers lowly. His fingertips graze your cheek and instinctively lean into his touch. “I let her have control once in a while.”
“Did you like it?” You press on.
“It was…different.” He answers honestly. “Not bad or anything. But she was a little impatient and uh…it wasn’t that good.”
“I guess she didn’t do it right,” you nod to yourself. “I let a guy finger my ass while he fucked me from behind. It was hot, and I came so hard.”
“Y/N…we should talk about boundaries. No more questions about sex,” Bucky suddenly says. His pants feel a little too tight and he doesn’t want to cross a line.
“Aw, don’t be a spoilsport, Bucky,” you whine. “Your turn.”
“Truth or dare?” He asks.
“Have you ever cheated on someone?”
“No. Never. If I love someone, I do it with all my heart.” You grab one of the glasses to take a large sip. “If the love is gone break up. Don’t cheat. If he doesn’t fuck you right, talk. Don’t cheat.”
“You’re a good girl too.” His eyes drop to your lips. He whispers your name as you are engrossed in watching his long lashes flutter.
“My turn,” you stop Bucky before he can ask more. “Truth or dare.”
“What's the strangest dream you've had?”
“Dream…hmmm…” He closes his eyes and tries to recall the dreams he remembers. “I remember one dream. I had horns, and my skin was on fire.”
“You dreamed that you were the devil?” You ask.
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Steve was there too. He was wearing a suit made of cookies. And then there was this girl. She was wearing wings and looked like an angel. But she begged me to kiss her.”
You lick your lips. “Your turn.”
“Truth or dare?”
“What's your worst habit?”
“I fall in love with the wrong guy every time,” you dip your head to look him deep in the eyes.
“Do I need to break someone’s face?”
You laugh at his question. “No. I haven’t been with someone for a while. So, truth or dare.”
“Dare.” His reply surprises you. “Come on, challenge me, doll. Do you want me to jump from the rooftop or empty the bottle on ex?”
“No.” You scoot a little closer to Bucky. He watches you place your hand on his chest eyes widen when you whisper the words in his ear. “I want you to kiss me.”
“Doll…Y/N…I can’t. I…Stevie will kill me.” You smirk at his nervous state. Bucky wants nothing more than kiss you, but his best friend will flay him alive if he dares to put his hands on you.
“Bucky,” you whisper. Bucky gasps when you straddle his lap and cup his face. He tries to protest but you claim his lips, making a move before he can chicken out.
“Doll…” he mumbles against your lips. “Truth or dare?”
“Kiss me again.”
You wrap your arms around his neck to kiss him deeply. He slips his tongue inside, swiping over your tongue. “Stevie…will kill me.”
“Who do you think made sure that we end up stuck at his cabin?”
Bucky looks at you in his lap. “Stevie…”
“The one and only. Now...do you want to see my red lace panties or do you want to play another game.”
>> Part 3
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madridfangirl · 4 months
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fanfic)
Chapter 3
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader. No warnings.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Would she make him change his ways? Even though she resists him every step of the way, would he fight all odds (& her) to have her in his life? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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Sharp 25 mins later, her phone flashed with his name.
Jude: see you in 5.
She sent a quick thumbs up and made her way down to the mentioned parking lot. After getting lost a few times on multiple floors and somehow explaining to the security staff as to why she needed to access the private parking, Ananya finally reached the spot.
His car was already there - some fancy chauffeur driven one she didn’t even know the make or model of. She had specifically asked him to not get down so they don’t get seen together and she was pleased to note that he had followed instructions to the T. In fact, the back seat had tinted glasses for extra privacy.
She walked over and at the same time the back door opened, his head peeking out with an extended hand and an ear-to-ear smile. Ananya took his hand and he smoothly guided her in, the door closing automatically behind her.
‘Wow, you really did come, huh? Part of me still wasn’t sure.’
‘Honestly, I am surprised too.’
He smiled at her refreshing honesty, something he was liking more and more about her.
‘The jersey looks great on you.’
He nodded appreciatively. Her whole mood lifted - it was one of her most prized possessions. While Roma had insisted she wears something fancier this evening, she had stuck to her guns.
‘Mine would have looked better though. Especially tonight, with the goals, you know. The ones you loved. Still not too late, dove. I have a spare one right here.’
He smirked, while looking straight into her eyes. He was trying to play it off as a casual remark but she could tell it wasn’t that.
‘Not a good colour on you, Jude. Not at all.’
She was lying. Outrightly. Because this borderline arrogance suited him perfectly. This mix of confidence & cockiness was the reason he had done wonders at this club in the last few months. But she wasn’t going to say that to him.
Jude burst out laughing, raising his hands in submission, making her laugh too.
He looked particularly jovial right now, understandably so. The man had just scored two winning goals in his first ever Classico, which was crazy.
It just occurred to her that he still hadn’t let go of her hand. Her right hand was still softly engulfed in his large left one, and he kept grazing her knuckles with his thumb from time to time. The touch felt warm and comfortable, making her take a deep breath to gather herself.
Meanwhile, he kept yapping away about the dressing room and silly stories of his teammates. Then proceeded to show her some crazy photos from the celebration. One of the photos had him shirtless and visibly wet, either just before the shower or after. She quickly looked elsewhere in the frame and thankfully he scrolled to the next one.
However, the next one was THAT notorious photo. Right after the goal. With both his hands pointing down.
‘Ah crap!’
He quickly locked the screen and threw the phone on the seat, looking towards the window with embarrassment.
‘That celebration was….interesting, shall we say?’
She teased him, then giggled at his subsequent groans.
‘My mum’s gonna give me some solid grief over that. You have no idea.’
‘Oh, she absolutely should.’
He turned sharply towards her, pretending to be hurt.
‘That’s what I get for winning you the match, huh? Not even some sympathy?’
‘Should have thought about that before pointing to your genitals with the whole world watching.’
It was a spur of the moment comment, but she absolutely froze after saying that, deeply flustered. Even he wasn’t expecting that from her, she could tell.
She firmly shut her eyes, kicking herself for the loose words.
Jude squeezed her hand, which was still firmly in his grip, and leaned closer. Whispering next to her ear.
‘Not such a little dove then, are we? Need to change my nickname for you.’
She broke into a nervous giggle, trying to push him away with a hand to his chest, but he caught that hand too, letting her struggle playfully in his hold. Laughing at her antics. Trying to get her to meet his gaze.
‘Okay okay.’
He let her go, allowing her to calm down, then reached for her right hand again and gently covered it with his. She didn’t mind it at all. They stayed like that for the next few mins, soaking in the silence and enjoying the late evening views of this beautiful city.
‘We are almost there, reaching in two.’
They entered a gated, exclusive community. Ananya could tell from the looks of it that the USP was luxury and privacy. The houses were some distance away from each other, with big, gated yards and tons of natural beauty.
She felt a tinge of anxiety. The same feeling she had in the washroom before coming down to meet him. This world was very different from hers. But his hand on hers was a constant comfort in that moment.
When they pulled into his driveway, Jude thanked the driver with a smile and they both got down.
Jude got to the other side, guiding her inside with a soft hand to her lower back. It was the first time they stood next to each other and she realised how tall he really was. She barely came up till his throat. Barely.
The house, despite being big ofcourse, was not outrageously big. It felt nice and warm. Lived in. There were a ton of photos with friends, family and earlier footballing days. The place had a touch of his mom written all over it. All family photos, especially ones with his mom and brother, were full of biggest smiles and bear hugs. It was just wholesome.
Meanwhile, Jude switched off the alarm, turned up the lights and checked if the housekeeper had set some things in order.
Moments later, he walked over to her as she was still engrossed in the photos. Ananya turned around to greet him.
‘This is lovely. All of this.’
‘Thanks. All coz of my mum - she set up the whole place. I was quite useless to be honest. She shot all my ideas down, rightly so.’
He spoke so fondly of his mother, it made her smile.
‘Do you miss her? Miss the family?’
‘Uh-huh. A lot sometimes. But my mom keeps visiting and I go back every chance I get. Not too bad. What about you? Do you miss home?’
‘I do. It’s the first time I have been away like this. But we talk everyday and I am going to visit soon for Diwali. It’s a big festival back in India.’
‘Oh I know - told you have some Indian neighbours back home.’
As he started chatting again, she realised how easy it was to talk to him. One would forget who he is and his public persona when you get into a conversation with him. Again, so so normal.
After a few minutes, he guided her into the kitchen to get a drink.
As he picked up a bottle of red, she leaned against the counter and smiled to herself while he struggled with the wine opener. After 30 seconds, she decided to end his misery.
‘Here, let me help you.’
She strutted over and deftly fixed the opener as he stood behind her, rubbing the back of his neck & wondering how silly he would have looked to her.
‘Brainiac and resourceful - the list just keeps growing, dove.’
That earned him a few giggles which he gladly accepted.
‘In my defence, I mostly drink on vacation only. So.’
He shrugged and waived his hands, and she smiled at his goofiness while walking back to her spot at the counter.
She tried to sit up, finding the right angle to jump but somehow the counter was not the right height. Just then, she felt his hands on either side of her waist.
‘Here, let me help you.’
He smirked at the call back. Then, he effortlessly lifted her up, just with his hands, to help her settle on the counter. It took her a few seconds to gather herself and ponder over the physics of what had happened.
‘Want some music?’
Jude put on some Spanish music. Combination of melodies and flamenco.
‘This okay? I started listening to this stuff to help learn the language, but now I kinda like it. Got a nice ring to it.’
It did sound serene, and yet had catchy beats. She started waving to the tune without realising it.
‘Yeah, it’s nice.’
He leaned against the opposite counter, sipping his wine & just taking her in as she got lost in the music. The jersey did look great on her, and the dark blue denim jeans went perfectly with it. Her open brown hair completed the look, matching her brown eyes. There was something about her that was drawing him to her. Maybe it was her ease, her honesty, her being true to herself, her strong opinions - it was refreshing. Different. Sweet. It was also alluring.
She was too far though, he wanted to be closer. So he crossed the distance between them and hopped on to the counter, settling next to her. Shoulders and knees almost touching.
When Ananya felt him close, she broke out of her trance & looked up at him. Maybe it was the lights constantly changing to the music but somehow his eyes felt different. They seemed to be looking right through her, searching for some signs. She gulped the remaining wine and that’s when his gaze broke.
He reached for the bottle on the other side of the counter, his long arms coming into play. Making her scoff.
‘Tall people things.’
Amused, he turned around and smiled.
‘Ooh is that a sore spot?’
‘Don’t even start.’
‘Fine, but you are quite perfect the way you are.’
He said casually while pouring the second round for both of them. She didn’t know how to respond to that or process that.
‘Tell me, are you a dancer?
‘Where did that come from?’
‘Just a gut. Feels like you have the rhythm for it, from the way you were moving just now. I absolutely DO NOT have that rhythm, so deprived people like me can tell when someone has what we don’t have.’
Ananya burst into a fit of giggles at his explanation, and ended up holding on to his elbow to regain her balance.
‘What? It’s true. Though I am not half as bad as Cama and Vini claim.’
‘Oh yeah - they can bust some moves. Especially Cama, he’s so precious. Absolutely adorable. He must be the life of all parties, no?
Jude sipped his wine quietly.
‘Yeah he’s fine.’
‘Fine? He’s a sweetheart. And to top it off what a player, man. His….’
‘Yeah yeah - hasn’t scored a goal in years though.’
‘Heyy, behave. I won’t hear trash talk against him. Or against anyone in my team. Love them all.’
‘Great. Noted.’
‘Can you stop pouting, Jude?’
‘Can you stop calling everyone else a sweetheart but me? Is it not enough that I have to see you in someone else’s jersey?’
She couldn’t help but feel a tad guilty at that. But she wasn’t sorry. She would never be sorry for loving Ronaldo the way she did but she could see his point too.
She extended her hand towards him. He looked at it for a second, then shook it gladly.
Just then, she heard her phone ring in the living room.
‘Stay, I will get it.’
‘Thank you.’
She was liking her place on the counter too much to get off right now.
He jogged to the living room and quickly came back to hand her the phone. It was still ringing. Strangely, he didn’t sit next to her. Rather, he busied himself in heating their pasta.
When she looked at the phone, she understood why. Arjun was on the line, for a video call. The same person Jude had thrown a fit over a few hours ago.
Surely he wouldn’t have recognised him, having only seen his face & name once. Or did he? She had a feeling he did, with the way he had his back to her right now.
Also, why was Arjun video calling her? He had never done that before. She disconnected the call. Jude paused for a second, then got back to the task at hand.
Her phone pinged again, a text this time from Arjun. She read it & put the phone down.
Jude was done with heating the pasta by then, and he placed the tray on the counter. He still hadn’t looked at her.
‘You can say or ask what you want to.’
‘Nope that’s a trap. You will get mad, like earlier.’
He had heard the challenge in her voice the last time he asked her, wasn’t going to fall for it again.
She couldn’t help but smile.
‘I promise I won’t get mad. Say.’
He finally looked up at her, indecisive for a few seconds but then he just went for it.
‘It was him, then?’
‘Yes, Arjun.’
‘Don’t need to know his name, didn’t ask for it.’
She answered calmly, which made his temperament ease as well.
‘What did he want?’
‘The three of them are at a club. He was asking me if I wanted to join them.’
‘THEM? Sure, that’s what he meant. Subtle.’
Ananya chose to not address the last comment.
‘Has he asked you out before?’
‘Does he think you asking him to come to the match today is some sort of a signal from you?’
Ananya was still. She hadn’t thought of it like that, not till Jude put it so bluntly. She honestly had no idea what to make of it and she said it out loud to him.
‘The bottom line is, I am not going. I am not answering his call. Is that not enough?’
‘Yeah, whatever.’
‘Jude, c’mon.’
‘Look, he likes you. Don’t ask me how I know it. But I do. At some point you have to deal with it coz you see him at work everyday. All day.’
‘Listen, I..’
‘On second thoughts, I do know how I know this.’
Jude walked over to her in big strides, and stood right in front of her, with both his hands on either side of her on the counter. His body touching her knees. He leaned closer.
‘He looked at you like I am looking at you right now. That’s how I know.’
They stared into each others eyes for god knows how long, coz neither of them knew. Finally, he allowed his hand to tuck back some loose strands from her face. Something he had wanted to do all night.
She sighed audibly, and he loved that sound. And wanted to elicit more sounds from her. But he needed to address the elephant in the room first.
Food was long forgotten, going cold on the counter. He held both her hands in his & met her gaze.
‘There is something holding you back from this, back from me. Tell me, is it him?’
A pained expression plastered over her face. He was so right and so wrong in some ways. It was time to let it out, no more hiding.
‘It’s not him.’
He let out a long sigh - mix of relief and dread.
‘What is it then? Tell me dove, we can work it out.’
She shut her eyes tightly, unable to look at his face as she uttered the next words.
‘That’s the thing, Jude. I don’t know if we can.’
That was Chapter 3 folks. Lots more to go. Any feedback / comments are super welcome - would love to hear what you think :)
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Some plant news! I've been waiting impatiently to see if the stuff I planted last autumn had survived the winter, and it's looking good so far. All my young fruit trees are blooming (quince, cherry, apple, mirabelle)
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The persimmon has no blossoms but some microscopic leaves, I hope it grows more vigorous... I only lost one baby chestnut tree, which seems to have been massacred by a very angry animal. A boar having a bad day? I'll have to plant a couple more this autumn and protect them better. I can just use the remains of one of the many types of fences that Pampe has defeated.
My greenhouse now has to wear a blanket in the afternoons so it doesn't get too hot inside. I planted four flowering shrubs around it in November, so their roots will consolidate the new terraces, and I'm happy to say they are all accounted for—these two have already doubled in volume, they seem thrilled to be there:
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Whereas these two all but disappeared during the winter, the ground just swallowed them; I wasn't too optimistic but they showed up again last month, with timid new leaves :) (The pics are very zoomed in, the resurrected shrubs are about the size of my fist but I'm proud of them)
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Also I found wild redcurrants by the stream last year and I snapped a few small branches and just stuck them in a pot without really believing it would work. Internet said it would work but it seemed impossible. I left the pot outside all winter, never watering it or taking care of it in any way, with these four bare sticks that I sometimes looked at dubiously. It worked!!! They have leaves now! I made new redcurrant plants by sticking branches in dirt, it feels magical. They're my favourite berries too...
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(My project for next autumn will be to propagate elderberry cuttings alongside the fence.) And speaking of berries, I got to eat my first aquaponic-grown strawberry today, it was delicious <3 Congratulations to the 42 fish who are hard at work fertilising the plants in the towers. There are many more strawberries in preparation!
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I leave the greenhouse doors open all day when it's sunny so there are pollinators busily flying in and out, doing their job. I tried to relocate a few ladybirds to the strawberry towers to eat aphids but without success, I think they left immediately...
My lettuce and tomato plants are doing great, but the courgette plants got decimated by slugs despite my efforts to repel them. I ended up buying some organic antislug product a friend of my mum's recommended. I started new courgette seeds, and I'll wait until they're bigger to transplant them to slug territory.
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The little Mexican orange tree is blossoming, and finally making new leaves (the new ones are yellow) after looking worryingly bald for a while this winter. The blossoms really do smell like orange blossoms! I know it's right there in the name but I'm still like oh look at you you talented orange tree, you got the smell of your flowers right on the first try and everything
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Congrats to Mascarille who was looking for the greenhouse entrance in the above pic (she always has to walk around it a few times, she's confused by glass walls) and eventually triumphed over adversity.
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Oh and I'm still getting fresh peas, in homeopathic quantities. I found that they grow well in the middle of winter so I'll plant a lot more this autumn when the towers aren't full of strawberries and herbs; for now I've started just eating them raw like little green candy.
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Last but not least, Louise Michel the new hen has finally learnt how to climb my homemade stairs that lead to the greenhouse! Look at her showing off her new skill, all casually like this problem hasn't stumped her for weeks:
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
What are your favorite headcanons you have? I notice you always have asks about specific characters, but I think a post dedicated to miscellaneous headcanons you especially love would be a nice break!
Like out of the ones I've already done? I'd say these ones are my favourites
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Yuzuha offered to get a bike and drive Hakkai around (not to mention learn to drive) when she realised he was constantly riding with Mitsuya. Hakkai quickly said no though.
Kazutora likes his hair being played with but is too nervous to ask anyone to do it (luckily baji noticed this a while ago and occasionally when they're just hanging out and lying around Baji will play with it).
Izana anonymously donated to orphans in the bad toman timeline
Ran and Rindou both using Koko as their middle man when they're arguing. "Koko, please tell Ran to get his job done" "Koko, please tell Rindou his outfit sucks today" "YOU TWO ARE STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER"
Baji gets extremely excited for zoo visits, as a kid he actually used to frequently get lost at zoo trips since he'd run off to look at all the animals faster then his mum/ class. 
Kakucho used to make Izana crayon birthday cards each year as a kid
If Akane had known Koko had manged to save Inupi then she would've been happy that her little brother got out.
Hanma's the type of person who can fall asleep anywhere, chair, bed, floor, laundry pile. He can sleep on any of them.
South kept accidentally mixing up the Haitani brother's names when he first met them. 
The first time Mikey's toman friends heard him say "please" is when he was desperately asking them for some of their food. (After they said no the first time, he sighed then suddenly got serious and just said "please"
Sometimes when it rains, Chifuyu will glance around for anyone without an umbrella. Wondering if he'll get to have a manga moment with them.
While Sanzu was in tenjiku he kept his hands in his pockets a lot. This was to hide the way he'd clench his fists whenever they mentioned taking Mikey down. 
One time, after the Kawata twins learnt about the classic trope of twins switching places for a day they decided to try it. Despite their obvious differences they were so sure it was going to work too (it did not work).
Inui once called Shinichiro big brother by accident, Shinichiro was thrilled.
Shion couldn't read the room when it came to South, he thought they were good friends.
Rindou had a teddy bear as a kid that he was super attached to, so attached that he still has it (it's hidden in his room). Ran still teases him about it.
When Benkei's training people in the gym he can seem a bit loud and aggressive but he's actually very supportive, cheering people on and practising them to help with their motivation (he's just very enthusiastic).
In the good timeline Ran thinks signing a few pieces of paper for a few minutes count as a full days work.
Kazutora despises any kind of violence against women, it actually reminds him of the situation with his mother. So because of this he always steps in to beat the guys up stop the situation. (In the good timeline this actually causes problems between him and Senju since he frequently steps into her fights).
Yuzuha can hold her alcohol very well, Hakkai thinks this is unfair (he's more of a lightweight)
Kazutora secretly talks to the animals at the pet shop, telling them about his day.
Baji went to visit Sanzu in the hospital after the incident, he brought him magazines to try and cheer him up. 
South doesn't understand the concept of a water fight, will start punching 
Kakucho wasn't sure of his birthday so Izana assigned him one
Taiju hates hospitals, they just remind him of his mother and her death.
Hanma has stolen Kisaki's glasses to try on before (and did a Kisaki impression while wearing them)
During the good timeline Sanzu hinted he wanted a pet once. He was thinking like a dog or maybe a cat but Senju got him a hamster. He still ended up loving the little guy
Chifuyu was kicked out of a library once for having such a loud reaction to a twist in a book.
It actually took a long time for Wakasa's friends to figure out what he's scared of. They tried testing him with lots of different things and actually gave up before a house centipede just so happened to crawl by, scaring Wakasa.
Kisaki has yelled at Hanma for eating and leaving crumbs on his bed many times.
Sometimes while sleeping at school, Mikey will talk in his sleep (Draken always glares at the other students and teachers if they dare turn around to look at Mikey)
When Mochi's grocery shopping he normally gets asked by people to reach things on the higher shelves, he always gets them what they need.
Mitsuya has a few burn scars on his hands from where he learnt to cook at a young age and made a few mistakes 
The first few times Rindou decided to drive his bike, Ran forced him to wear a helmet. (Ran said he didn't need one though, only Rindou)
Mucho didn't actually give Sanzu his jacket, he just let him borrow it. But then didn't have the heart to ask for it back when he saw how much Sanzu loved it.
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Lime Green. (Soap.)
!CW! NSFW, fluff, flirting, babiessss (sorry if I missed any.)
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Lime Green is the mix of apple flavored liquor that sat in your glass, it was sweet, almost too sweet. His eyes have been drawn to you since you came inside the bar. He’s been eyeing you all night. It takes a good buzz for him to finally approach you, needing the liquid courage. You’re sat at the bar with your friends when he comes up to you, and the flirty smile you give him as he comes over tells him everything he needs to know already.
Lime Green is the color of marker you’d written your number on his hand with. He sees it the next morning, waking up with a pounding headache. You weren’t the type of girl to take someone home on the first night but didn’t hesitate to give him your number. He waited until mid day to call you, which caught you off guard. You figured he’d text you. He talked sweet over the phone, convincing you to go on another date with him. This was going to be the first of many dates, but you didn’t know it yet.
Lime Green is the color of your fluffy socks he’d bought you. They’d come in a pack of 5, all different neon colors. They were meant to be a joke but you actually wore them. Not knowing just how much it meant to Johnny. Although, your tone of voice when you called him over had him worrying, rushing to get to you. Only to find you standing in the doorway, tears streaming down your face. Grief too much to handle after having lost someone close to you. Johnny was there by your side for every single second of healing. Picking you up and bringing you up to your bedroom so you could cry it out with him there.
Lime Green is the bright keychain attached to the keys of your new house, the realty company printed in bold white text over the green. The countless hours of moving the both of your houses into one, starting your lives together officially. You’ll never forget the way he picked you up and spun you around in the empty living room. Excitement too much to handle for him. “This is so amazing.” He smiles, looking around. “Yeah, it really is. I can’t believe this is happening.” You laugh.
Lime Green is the color of that dreadful maternity shirt his mum had gotten you to wear for your baby shower, hearing Johnny complaining about how his shirts are always dirty because none of your own clothes fit you. You cried when you put it on. He tried not to laugh, it doesn’t look bad, but you think it does. After the baby shower, you stood in the mirror, picking apart your outfit. “Come here, lass.” He rolls his eyes, sitting at the end of your bed. You waddle your way over to him. “I think you look perfect. You could wear the most awful color out there and still pull it off.” He smiles. You roll your eyes. “You’re so full of shit Johnny.” You sigh. He pulls you in close, running his hands down your pregnant belly. “You look beautiful. I mean I prefer you in nothing, but..” he laughs when you punch his shoulder.
Lime Green is the color of the Halloween Costume your son sprints around in, you’re sweaty and tired. You’ve got a baby on your hip and a little boy that keeps tripping you up, leaving toys all over the house. “Johnny! Come on! We have to take him by your mums house or she’ll be upset.” You yell out to him, he emerges from the stairs, wearing a costume similar to your sons. “Dad!” He yells, slamming right into Johnny’s leg. “Steamin’ Jesus, you’re gonna take out a knee my boy.” He laughs, lifting him up. You turn away to finish dressing your daughter. When you turn back, you hear your son laughing hysterically and Johnny is holding him by his ankles upside down. “Good god, you’re gonna kill him.” You roll your eyes. He sets him down. “No, but. Look at you.” He smiles, taking your daughter out of your hands and looking at her. “Look at you, my little princess.” He smiles, rubbing his nose over hers, hearing her giggle. “A lil ladybug hm?” He smiles, setting her down. She waddles off, your son nearly knocking her over. You sigh. “You look beautiful too.” He smiles. “Thank you, you look.. amazing.” You poke his toned stomach through his superhero costume. “Yeah right. I gotta be doing something right, no way we’d have two of these little ones running around if it wasn’t true.” He winks, seeing you roll your eyes. “Oh yeah. The costume just does it for me.” You roll your eyes. And actually.. I think you mean three.” You laugh, looking down. It takes him a second. “Wait… what?” He asks. “Are you serious?” He moves closer, seeing you nod. He pulls you in for a kiss, rubbing a hand over your stomach. “We should be the incredibles next year.” He smiles. “Oh my god Johnny!” You roll your eyes.
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Like We're Made of Starlight
Roy Kent x Teacher!Reader
Warnings: Language, drinking, some angsty feelings, lots of pining
2.5k words
A/N: This chapter came out a biiiiiiiiiiit long because I had to combine two chapters; I couldn't let these two be angsty for too long!
Teach Me Tonight Masterlist
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Although a night of lesson planning and daydreaming about eating ice cream with Roy Kent sounded like the perfect Saturday night, Leanne Bowen had other plans. She had texted you just as you got home, insisting that the two of you needed a night out. So, you put on a cute little dress and some boots and hopped into Leanne’s car to head to some club for drinks and dancing.
After spending a few songs on the dance floor with Lee, you left her dancing with some handsome guy and made your way to the bar, desperate for some drink that hid the taste of its alcohol. As you waited for the bartender to return with your drink, someone leaned on the bar next to you.
“What, you already empty the flask you keep in your desk?”
Your mouth went completely dry as you turned your head. There was Roy Kent, holding a beer and looking nothing short of gorgeous in a black button-down shirt, unbuttoned just enough to show some chest hair, and slacks. You quickly recovered and flashed him a smile. “Coach Kent. What’re you doing here?”
He returned your grin with a soft one of his own. “One of the guys’ birthdays.” He nodded towards a group of young men who were taking shots and laughing loudly as people nearby stared and pointed. “Figured I’d be a good manager and actually celebrate one of my players.” When the bartender brought you your drink, Roy pointed at you and then himself, signaling that your drink was on him.
“You don’t have to do that,” you insisted. “You’ve bought me coffee, a drink, and ice cream already.” Your face went warm. “Seriously, I should be buying you a drink!”
He shrugged and slid the glass closer to you. “Next time,” he hummed simply.
Next time.
As you tried to figure out how in the world to respond to that, his eyes slowly trailed down your figure, eyebrows raising slightly as he did so. You resisted the urge to tug your skirt down, wondering if it was too short.
“Something wrong?” you managed to squeak out, shifting your weight nervously.
Roy’s eyes were on yours again. “Not at all.” He shrugged. “Just not used to seeing you outside your teaching outfits.”
You scrunched your nose in confusion. “Teaching outfits?” you repeated.
His face softened as he glanced away for a moment. “You know. The fucking dresses and skirts and sneakers. The cute shit you wear to school.”
He thought your outfits were cute.
“Oh.” Desperate to look like his words didn’t have your head spinning, you took a long sip of your drink. “And which d’you prefer?”
Suddenly grateful for the dark club lighting that hid his blush, Roy fidgeted a little, trying to keep his eyes trained on your too-pretty face. “I dunno,” he admitted with a small chuckle. After a moment, he added, “All I’ll say is, it’s a good thing there aren’t any dads here. There’d be some pretty pissed off mums.”
For a moment, you just stared at Roy Kent, fully aware that your mouth was in a perfect little o. The way he stared at you, all soft and smiling, had you fighting the urge to squirm nervously. Finally, realizing that you had probably forgotten how to speak, he opened his mouth again.
“Wanna dance?”
Immediately, every piece of advice your mother had ever given you about not being too eager with a man left your brain as you smiled brightly at Roy. “Sure.”
Drinks completely forgotten at the bar, the two of you walked to the dance floor, both blushing furiously and praying the other wouldn’t notice. Your whole body was vibrating with nervousness as you looked up at Roy, whose face somehow managed to be both tense and soft as he gazed back. You forced yourself to move your hips to the music, as if you danced with handsome football legends all the time. The ever-present tension in his shoulders seemed to relax as he watched you, and he began to move to the music, taking a tentative step towards you, not quite pressing his body to yours, but definitely closing the safe gap you’d left. His raised eyebrows asked if this was okay; your shy smile assured him that it was more than okay.
“D’you like dancing?” Roy asked over the music, delighted that he had to lean in close to speak to you.
His breath on your cheek had your entire body feeling warm. “It’s alright,” you answered, standing on tiptoe so he could hear you. “Kind of depends on my dance partner.”
Roy Kent’s grin could probably power a small town, it was so bright and freaking perfect. “How’m I doing?”
“Not bad,” you teased. “Not bad at all.”
As Roy ducked his head to say something else- or maybe be bold enough to do something else- a hand landed on his shoulder. When he turned his head, Jamie Tartt was looking at you with that stupid grin of his.
“Oi!” he shouted, a bit louder than necessary. “Aren’t you Phoebe’s teacher?” After glancing back at Roy for a fraction of a second, you nodded; Jamie’s smile broadened. “Oh shit, I remember you from that pub! Man, y’should see Roy, always rushing out to pick up Phoebe. I think it’s the best part of his day, seeing you!”
Immediately, Jamie knew he’d stepped in it; he wasn’t sure who looked more mortified, you or Roy. Your eyes were wide in panic, and Roy’s jaw was clenched tighter than Jamie’d ever seen it. Oops.
“Well, it was nice to see you,” he blurted, trying to salvage things and avoid Roy’s glare. With a little wave, the footballer was gone.
Alone again, you looked up at Roy, letting out an embarrassed little huff as you fiddled with your hair. “So-”
Before you could say another word, Roy glanced at his watch. “I should go,” he grumbled, not quite looking at you. “Let these guys celebrate in peace without their fucking manager hanging around, babysitting them.”
“Oh.” You nodded earnestly. “Yeah?”
Some silly little part of you wanted him to invite you somewhere else, maybe a pub or coffee shop, somewhere you could see each other more clearly and actually hear each other speak. Or maybe just offer you a ride home. Some little excuse to spend more time together, to talk, maybe even an opportunity for Roy to ask you out-
“Enjoy the rest of your weekend,” he mumbled, his gruff voice interrupting your hopes. “I’ll see you Monday.”
Not bothering to meet your eye, he turned and walked away, ignoring both the tight feeling in his chest and his players’ calls for him to stay. As Roy exited the club and walked down the street, he let out a growling sigh that caught the attention of the people waiting in line to get into the club.
You must be Phoebe’s teacher, Jamie had said. Phoebe’s teacher.
Roy was such a fucking idiot. Of course you were always nice and polite and never said a word about his flirting or buying you coffee and ice cream. You were just nice. This pretty little ray of sunshine that smiled at everyone, even the skeevy dads that flirted a little too hard. Fucking hell, Roy was just as bad as them, wasn’t he? There you were, trying to enjoy your weekend off, and he’d gone and been another drooling creep that you’d have to see at school on Monday. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Meanwhile, as Roy walked to his car and beat himself up, you found Leanne, flirting over a drink with that same handsome guy you’d left her with. She lit up when she saw you.
“There you are!” She glanced over your shoulder. “Are my contacts malfunctioning, or did I see you dancing with-”
“Gonna head home,” you interrupted, fidgeting with the strap of your little purse. “Not feeling well.”
She leaned in close, ignoring her conversation partner. “Oh shit, are you and-”
You shook your head. “I don’t feel well,” you repeated through gritted teeth. Her smile faltered when she took in the melancholy look on your face. “I’ll get myself a cab.”
“You sure?”
Finally smiling, you grabbed her hand. “Enjoy your night, Lee.” You gave a squeeze before letting go. “I’ll see you Monday.”
As you walked outside, you rubbed your suddenly aching temples, humiliation flooding every inch of your body.
Roy Kent. Roy freaking Kent. You really thought you had a shot with Roy Kent?
Fucking hell.
On Monday, you were almost relieved not to have morning duty; no awkward interactions with Roy Kent, no plastering on that fake smile and chirping good morning as if you hadn’t spent half your weekend beating yourself for being so naïve as to think a professional footballer would be interested in a schoolteacher. You were fun to flirt with, good for his ego, and you ate up his attention like candy. What guy wouldn’t enjoy that?
Of course, today was the day that Jack Harris, in the year above your class, chose to tell Phoebe O’Sullivan that the Greyhounds sucked, especially her uncle’s best friend Jamie Tartt. And Phoebe didn’t take that too well; by the time you’d separated them, both children’s uniforms were covered in dirt and Jack had learned a fun new four-letter word.
The office assured you that Dr. O’Sullivan would be in your classroom in about fifteen minutes to collect her daughter.
The sound of someone clearing their throat had you freezing just as you were pinning up some work on a bulletin. When you turned around, Roy Kent was walking into your classroom, looking bashful with his hands stuffed into the pockets of that leather jacket. His eyes traced yours carefully as he approached you.
“Hi,” he murmured, resisting the urge to tap his foot nervously.
“Hello,” you answered, tightly gripping the papers you held. “Um, so Phoebe-”
He shook his head. “Yeah, no, my sister told me on the phone.” He winced. “Gotta go home for the day, then?”
You shrugged. “If it makes you feel better, she was defending the Greyhounds.” You nodded to the corner table where Phoebe sat, working on her handwriting practice. “I gave her some work that she’ll be missing. Everything’s set to go in her backpack.” Without thinking, you took a small step closer to Roy. “You’re all set, I guess.”
Roy stared at you, mouth slightly open, not willing to move away from you. “I’m sorry,” he finally blurted out. “I am really fucking sorry. For-for the club. If I overstepped at all- and fucking Jamie- and I just-”
“It’s alright,” you interrupted, a little too quickly. Your heart fluttered when you saw the way his eyes shifted to your face and away, over and over, as if he couldn’t decide whether or not he could look you in the eye. “I, um, actually had a good time.” You glanced over to Phobe, who was too engrossed in her work to even glance up at the two of you. “Dancing with you… was nice.”
Ask her out.
Those three words played in his head over and over again as Roy stared down at you, doing that thing where he opened and closed his mouth, clearly trying to figure out what to say. Reminding himself that he was Roy fucking Kent he finally found his ability to speak.
“Listen, I was wondering if-”
“Hey- Oh! Sorry, you have a parent.”
Karen Selig looked anything but sorry has her eyes lingered over Roy, who quickly leaned away from you, cursing himself for hesitating.
Doing your best to not look as annoyed as you felt, you smiled at your colleague. “Need something, Mrs. Selig?”
She shook her head, gesturing to Roy. “Oh no, I can wait.”
When she lingered in the doorway, Roy resisted the urge to scream. Instead, he turned back to you, your pretty and expectant face leaving him hating his shit luck.
“Um, what was that you were asking, Coach?” Your voice was low, trying to keep this conversation as private as possible with your colleague’s gleeful face in the doorway.
“Oh. Shit, yeah, um the girls have a scrimmage on Saturday. Want to come? They loved seeing you at practice so…” He shrugged.
Your shoulders slumped almost unnoticeably. But Roy absolutely noticed. “Oh. Yeah, sure. I’ll be there.”
Roy nodded curtly. “Great. Great. Um, just send me a message and I’ll let you know the details. You still have my card, yeah?”
“Yeah, I have it somewhere,” you said casually, as if the little business card that read Roy Kent wasn’t sitting in your desk drawer, where you could see it every time you grabbed a post-it note or a paper clip. “I’ll text you?”
There was that wonderful smile. “Yeah. Yeah, text me.” He turned his head to his niece. “Oi! Pheebs! Let’s go.” With one more nod to you, trying to keep that smile from growing too large, Roy took his niece’s hand and led her out of the classroom.
Doing your best to suppress your own grin, you turned your attention to the still-waiting Mrs. Selig. “Right, so what did you need?”
Instead of explaining her interruption, Karen just waggled her eyebrows at you. “Ooh, going to text Coach Kent, hmm?”
With an eyeroll, you turned back to hanging up student work. “Oh fuck off,” you mumbled before breaking out into a secret smile.
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