#and my sister's health is so bad i dont wanna ask her
xxlelaxx · 5 months
My daughter is in a screaming phase. She just spends the whole day shrieking and screaming and I have had the most terrible headache. The last night's she cried for a Minimum of two hours because of the teeth and today everything was fine. I did everything I could and it was fine. We fell asleep. I wake up 45 minutes later to her screaming again and I just can't take it anymore. I've had too little sleep and I've been around her for the last 3 days... Even when I was interacting with her she was still in the same room screeching. My husband complained after two hours and honestly next time he does I'm gonna tell him to shut up about it. I haven't stopped crying for an hour cause now I can't sleep again cause I'm so agitated. I hate mother hormones. I hate not being allowed to sleep. I hate headaches. I don't want to get up and finish all the chores.
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sensitivegoblin · 15 days
Tw: sewerslide and SH
#....i really miss being 4yrs without a care in the world and my family loved each other so purely#fuck its not fair that she does this to me#im shaking over how upset this is making me#i cant always be the one at fault thats IMPOSSIBLE and not fair#she sees it as im lazy n dont like being told to do stuff#i see it as she literally picks on me everytime her health anxiety gets to her or her fiance......i watch it happen like fuckin clockworm#but im the bad guy im the lazy emotional youngest sibling whos life was sooooooo perfect cus mom n dad treated me different#I WAS HIGHLY AUTISTIC#im sorry that you wanna feel special so you gotta pretend my life was just so great cus i got extra attention#I NEEDED EXTRA ATTENTION#Dad did his best to make us all feel equal and you know thst#i du no im jjst fucking done with the littlw comments#i read over my dads shoulder so i already knew but my sister brought up what he said to her before sending me here since the waters broke#he said “please dont say anything to her she has enough on her plate”#and she just got all snippy with me about it#....i literally came to your house with 3 big slashes on my arm when do i get a fucking break from the picking????#next time ill do both my arms maybe then shell have nice emptions for me#im literally frozen in my seat sweating cus of how upset im trying not to bw#its very rare she has a soft moment with me and she completely ignores my scars or my mental health#shes now crying in the other room......#like....i dont even know what to do abymore its not fair im always the bad guy#i shouldnt have to deal with a shitty attitude ontop of the other stuff i got going on#its like shes allowed to stab me but i even react to the pain suddenly im a horrible person#its times like these i just wanna end myself cus im tired of trying so hard and having no one to unmask with#im constantly performing for other people only to not get the same energy back im SO tired#update: i escaped#i love my sister but when shes struggling she acts bitchy towards me and thats not fair#literally did the oppisite of what my dad asked her lmao#i bet she stopped crying and is now finding any lil mistake to bitch about#now im blasting sad music into my ears in hopes of not spiraling
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faithful-diaries · 3 months
Assalamu alaykoum sister. I hope you are good alhamdulilah, i am a 20 year old sister. I did put my hijab in 2019 when iwas 15, i had a bad past but 2 years ago i came to the right path alhamdulilah. I have t4ouble overthinking about my past, if maybe some pics ( very sinful pics) got leaked or something. I repented to Allah subhana wa taala so much, i started praying again and reminding myself with my akhirah. But i overthink so so much that maybe something got leaked and 4 years later i may havent found and iam living here peacefully while i may have been gaining sins and maybe my parents find out. 2 years ago when i started my deen journey again i didnt even remember. This days i have cried a lot and i do remember quite a few details about what happened when i sinned and i dont quite remember if that person had screnshoted those pics or anything. I am so scared that my sins may come to light or its just my mind giving me a hard time while overthinking. I am fully making duaa and crying in my prayer mat and i wanna calm myself but i dont know how. Any tips or duaa so i can have a relief and ask Allah for forgiveness and to cover my sins if they have been leaked online? Howncan i improve? Jazakallahu khair ukhti.
Walaikum assalam my dear sister 🤍
Jazakallahu khair, I am good
I will also turn 20 this year🤝
Reading this, I remembered how my best friend went through this same thing earlier this year and how she used to be so low about it, her mind was occupied by the whisperings of shaytaan like yours is now,
But wallahi trust me when I tell you this that a person who returns to Allah with sins that reach up the sky but with a sincere heart, Allah swt accepts them and turns their sins into good deeds, just imagine Subhan Allah
You needs to know that ALLAH never abandons His friends nor does He ever let them get crushed by this duniya.
Just never stop asking for his forgiveness, yk there’s this word in arabic “Raja’a” that in English is translated as "hope" but the meaning of this word is - "to return" so being hopeful is to return to your Rabb. No matter what happens in this Duniya just make sure that your mind stays firm on the struggle for jannah and to never despair of His mercy.
We can’t forget what happened in the past but we can use it as a motivation to do better for our akhirah.
But we can’t waste our time overthinking about something that we don’t have any control over right, imagine this thing you are overthinking so much about, if you have truly repented from this, know that Allah swt has changed it into a good deed. How reassuring is that!
So don’t fall in the traps of shaytaan, He very well knows a person’s weaknesses and he triggers those emotions that can make a person fall into hopelessness and despair.
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Here are some beautiful and beneficial duas that will help you in sha Allah,
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This is called Sayyid al-Istighfar (the best way to ask for Allah’s forgiveness)
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I will also recommend you to watch this series called “change of hearts” by Ali hammuda and especially this episode where he talks about Tawakkul (Reliance upon Allah swt)
May this finds you in the best of health and Imaan🫶🏻🤍
Fi Amanillah ukhti🌷
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wolfiewuvs · 5 months
VENT WARNING ( swearing )
Ok this is a small vent, not sfw considering im about to swear in this because im so angry :3 so my apologies.
Venting about Chronic Illness and the Mental health support system they offer ( dont offer ) in Hospitals.
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so this past month has sucked so bad. Ive had flare ups, constant nausea, being sick at my stomach, etc. Calls with doctors are annoying, I hate doing it, even if its online idc i hate it, i hate i have to actually do that shit. I hate having to schedule appointments for shit i dont want to do, having to go into the hospital AGAIN HAHA, while I live with my sister who doesnt have to go through ANYTHING LIKE THIS. im so jealous i hate her for it. I love her but im so fucking mad that she got all the good genes. Its not fucking fair, its never fucking fair. It makes me feel like shit, absoulte shit. Not to mention she gets compliments whenever we go out, when i go out with her, and no one EVER FUCKING says shit to me. That really hurts, ontop of being self concilus of my body, health, and the overall mind crushing fear no one will ever fucking love me. My looks, my health, i have nothing to fucking offer. It hurts, it really hurts. Aside from that horrific reality, i wanna rant about mental health. When I had a huge thing happen to me in the hospital at age 12, no one offered me shit. No one helped me mentally, no one reached out and told me to ask for help. So ofc i was like yeah okay guess this is how it is, and that was the worst thing i could have ever of done for my mental state. Im in shambles, I cant reach out for help now even at 22, idk how, idk who to go to. I dont want to look weak and vulnerable cus like “hey shes been doing this since she was 12” i was a fucking kid, i was a child man. Thats so fucking unfair. Dont call me a trooper, dont praise me for doing the bare fucjing minimum, it feels so condescending and hurtful. So pitiful. I dont want their stupid fucking pity, yet now somehow i depend on it, i need it and fucjing crave it at the same time. Its pathetic. Im a horrible person, I hate myself and I hate my body, I hate doctors, I hate that they dont force you to get help, i hate that no one helped me.
I guess what i wanna say to anyone, if anyone reads this, if you need help, even if you dont feel like you do, YOU DO, AND YOU WILL. reach out and get some help, talk to someone, get a therapist. please reach out and get help. This is so exhausting. I hate showing vulnerabilty esp when it comes to my mental health, idk why im so ashamed of it. It doesnt make sense.
Reach out, get help, heal.
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usertiff · 2 years
TLDR: no rent money, last time i was late w rent by 2 days i got an eviction notice, my cat needs urgent medical help, i’m out of work due to severely debilitating pain. extremely disabled, indigenous lesbian desperately in need of help. also a paragraph about how much i am sorry
my friend said, “nah bestie asking for help isn't shameful in any way. there's strength in knowing what you need,” but i still feel like crud
i am literally sobbing as i post this because i just feel... i feel like a loser, i feel worthless, i feel so many emotions right now because i’m so terrified and tired of asking for help. i’m terrified of people just being sick of me because i’ve needed help before, and i don’t know. i would never shame anyone else for needing help, and i know realistically it shouldn’t be shameful, but i personally feel shame because i feel like a failure. i feel like a loser/worthless/failure because of something that’s completely out of my control, and yet, the feeling is still there. i’m exhausted. i’m exhausted from being in this stressful, urgent situation. so i’m sorry. i’m so sorry i’m asking for help again, i’m so sorry. i feel horrible, i really do. i feel guilty for needing help. i feel sick. i’m trying not to, and i’m trying not to cry, but i’m typing this through very blurry vision rn.
as i’ve mentioned on my blog, i’ve been out of work due to severe chronic pain. i was able to work through my other disabilities. narcolepsy, my shitty mental health auDHD/bipolar, etc. but this chronic pain has been completely fucking debilitating. medical fatphobia tw incoming: i saw a neurosurgeon today and they won’t give me surgery because of “my weight being a risk for post-op complications, such as stitch rips”, so i just have to deal with the pain until i can lose enough they’ll operate on me ????????? i dont know what the hell i’m going to do........... this sucks so fucking bad i just wanna go back to work i hate living like this
my fiance needs her wisdom teeth removed really badly, but we had to cancel her appointment because the money we saved for it had to go to our cat.
possible animal death tw: my cat has bladder stones now................................. last time he had stones it costed almost $1k in surgery. the bladder stones will kill him if not treated, because toxins build up in the body and if he cannot pee... just sldfksldfkj i don’t wanna talk about it. he’s miserable. 
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i’m going to have to dip in to our rent money, which was actually our tax money because i’ve not been working so tax money was our saving grace this past month, to keep taking him to the vet. however, last time i was late on rent just 2 days, they gave us an eviction notice and only 7 days to come up with rent. that was a fucking disaster. so i’m TERRIFIED!!!!!!!
i need help so bad. with just surviving being out of work, and now my cat... i’m super annoyed because i was desperate to get my baby sister a doll for her birthday but there’s no way that’s happening now. 
anyway, i’m sorry. i’m sorry for everything. i’m sorry i need help. i’m sorry if you’re sick of seeing me on your dash for like the 3rd time needing major help.
i have set up a gofundme here https://www.gofundme.com/f/uwkhj-help-my-family-survive?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1
however, if you’d prefer to donate directly, due to the fact that gofundme takes a big portion of funds, here are my accts:
pypl: [email protected], v: @oraclelauren (3177), ca: $selinaaakyle
every donation is going to be greatly appreciated, and i promise to pay the kindness forward in every little way that i can
please don’t put yourself out to help, but if you can help, my heart goes out to you with forever gratefulness 
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bpdbunnyy4ngel · 11 days
my middle sister is moving in the beginning of november. this is a very weird situation since me, my mom and my sisters have all lived here for every moment of our lives. none of us want to live in this place. and it is t healthy to live inside the walls that traumatized and fucked you up. we were never able to heal here. but to me, esp having avpd, i end up in some sort of stockholm syndrome state. i dont want to leave here, even if it is all i dream of. i dont want my mom or sisters to leave, i want to always live with them. and we all think that if we lived somewhere else, and had moved from this bad place years ago, we wouldnt have these issues. not to this extent. but everything here has gotten toxic, unhealthy, dysfunctional and infested. it only keeps degrading year by year. but still. i am so scared. scared of change. especially when i feel im getting left behind, because i am the biggest failure out of all of us. my mom is taking university classes, and she is stressed but she still manages. my sister who is moving is doing so bc she has started university. my youngest sister has been working since she finished high school, and now has a high paying job (even if she does work so fucking hard and gets absolutely used by her shitty awful boss who talks bad about her to her face, she got this particular job bc like one of the higher ceos is one of her old schoolmate's mom. and bc my sister contacted her she talked to her mom and then my sister got this job). they do have it hard - as they tell me. im not the only one struggling. but my avpd is a disability. like i cannot function properly. and then i beg for help from the health care, but they tell me im too high functioning. i wanna cry. idk what to do. what if i end up homeless? what if i just cant do it? and im starting to lose sight of what "it" is? i dont get it i dont get it at all wtf?
anyway so yeah... my mom is so sick of this place that they've decided that she will stay here sometimes, and then stay at my sister's place sometimes. so it will be a huge change. she wont be here as much. and i have to be alone..... bc me and my youngest sister arent talking. and i am too deep inside an anxious state that i cannot deal with it or try to fix it i just cant. but also i have to like talk to my social worker and see if i can get more rent money bc my sister isnt living here anymore. only that is too much for me. i just cannot be a person i cannot. i cannot. i wanna die. like everyone only thinks im pathetic and stupid but why am i like this? i never asked to be like this. i WANT to live, i WANT a life, but i cant. i dont know how. i hate it i wanna cry because i dont wanna die but it seems like the easiest thing to do.
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i mean. mostly just the recent stuff is fine. and possibly the current setting ? thank youu ! :3
also. same. its just that im. very embarrassed lol
-🍈 (if u dont already have any anons w that sign off ,,)
I think youre actually my first anon with a sign off!!! :D:D:D
Imma put everything under the cut bc im prone to rambling about ocs so idk how long this will be ehehehe
So just a short recap of previous lore, not too in detail:
Zee is Sou's younger brother (in this rp, Sou is transfem btw!). He kinda idolized her growing up, even agreeing to work at Asu-Naro but in his late teens he kinda realized. How bad she was.
As soon as she turned 18 he dyed his hair black and moved out, trying his best to hide his identity but obv it got out lol.
More recent stuff:
Zee is Not Doing Well since his sister died (Shin ended up killing her, tbh i dont remember why ive slept since then DSLKJ). Right before, he graduated college to go from working as an assassin to a biomedical engineer at Asu-Naro. Once he learned that Shin was the one to kill her, he kinda. Attempted to kill him. He made a poisonous medicine. Shin lived. I think after that, Zee left the cult Veritas Aurora and completely devoted himself to Asu-Naro. He works with Kaiser @ ask-thealchemist i believe it is to prepare for the next death game.
But like Zee's mental state has been getting worse and worse. He was extremely unstable, he threatened to kill Shin at least one other time. But it got Bad and he ended up cutting his arm off (he has a doll replacement). He was having Shin get rid of the evidence bc he couldn't do it himself and I think thats when Shin kinda. Sibling adopted him? That was a little bit ago. But afterwards his mental health was starting to get better.
Then.. Misty (aka Mars, or Mist-Shift) died. She was someone Zee was close to, one of his adoptive siblings. So then his mental health tanked again. After learning this, he grabbed some stuff and ran away from his home.
If you want to see the most recent Lore Video i made, i believe its under the hashtag 'lore'? ive made 3 videos but the other two are a little older ehe, theyre around when Zee started making the medicine that he ended up using to poison Shin.
Anyways long story short he ended up cutting his leg off. Shin found him (Zee was Not There Mentally and gave the poor man a concussion SDLKJS), he and Keiji got him to the hospital. He's doing a little better, but he's still a little unstable.
His current situation is technically at the hospital rn I believe? Shin is also there, Keiji is in the lobby last I was told. He's planning on staying at Shin's place for awhile until his mental health is better.
His normal residence is an apartment, nothing fancy.
A few other Fun Facts owo bc this is my Main Oc rn so I wanna ramble since i have the opportunity.
So when he worked as an assassin he actually would. Dress feminine to lure targets in. It was originally a little joke but fuck it, its canon now. People with a gaydar would often call him a lesbian. No honey, you got the gay in the wrong direction SDLKJD.
He has a tad bit obsessive boyfriend. Just a smidge obsessive. Yup. Nothing more. But its not Toxic, more just Clingy.
I absolutely fucking LOVE the symbolism im trying to make between Zee and Sou and im very happy its kinda working out
idk if ive said this but. zee doesnt honestly HATE Sou. most of it is surface level. like yes sou did some Bad Shit, but shes still his sister. he's angry he never got to reconcile with her.
last thing i think: theres this niftly little guy, the Zee AI back from when he was 12. He's currently with Shin right now, and he's besties with the Riley AI. his at is zee-ai I believe?
sorry thats a lot!! have a good one anon!!!
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for dating Rue Bennett
Rue Bennett x reader
warnings: its not 100% soft. its rue, so theres a lot of triggering content ahead, drugs, mental health/illness, alcohol, violence/fighting, nsfw(ish), and then some.
prompt: anonymous: “can i request a headcanon for dating rue bennett ??”
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it wasn’t always easy, but you did love each other dearly
you had to look out for her (her mom had asked you to, anyway)
there were ups and downs to your relationship
lets start with the ups!
she couldn’t stand being away from you
“can we just cuddle in bed for a while? please? watch some netflix, too?” -rue
“duh, what else would we do?” -you, kissing her forehead
she loves ur kisses
but she also loves giving kisses
specifically when you’re feeling down because she likes to feel useful and cheering you up is like, the greatest reward to her
“rue....get off me....” -you
“not until you cheer” *kiss* “the fuck” *kiss* “up” -rue
“you cant make me” -you
“oh yes i can!” -rue, going koala mode and latching onto you while she peppers you with kisses until you cant hold in your laughter
you remind her to take her meds
no matter where you are
“babe, don’t forget to take your meds” -you
y/n ❤️: remember you meds! miss you! 😘😘
dear rue, please take your meds today. i love you! -y/n
at least she knew you cared
but she did get agitated you “didn’t trust her” sometimes
“babe, it’s not like that! i just want to make sure you—” -you
“i what? i become a fucking zombie? i don’t go fucking crazy and decide to go smoke crack or some shit? give me a goddamn break, y/n!” -rue
“i’m just looking out for you, rue” -you
“i don’t need you to look out for me, i can look out for myself!” -rue
“oh yeah, is that right? is that why your sister had to call 911 for you when you OD’d?” -you
“you know what? i don’t need this shit! get the fuck away from me! go!” -rue
but she’d usually come back to you in tears and apologize
unless you were in the wrong, if you were you’d give her some space and let someone know to keep an eye on her
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry. god, i don’t wanna drive you away, you’re the only person on my side. please forgive me, please” -rue
“i forgive you rue, it’s okay. come here” -you, letting her fall into your arms
her mom always had you over for dinner on fridays
and she communicated with you daily, either to check in on you yourself or let you know she needed help with rue
going to parties together, even if you didn’t enjoy them that much
“wanna find an empty room and have some fun?” -you
“yes i really fucking do” -rue
you two take turns sitting on each other’s laps
when rue OD’d, everyone reached out to you thinking she died, you had to clear it up without giving up too much of her business, but rumors still spread
and when rue was in rehab, you’d sleep over in her bed just to feel closer to her
gia kinda fought for rue’s attention at times, she was a lil jealous at how much the two of you hung out
but gia liked you still!! you were like family to her
“i really wish my dad could’ve met you. he wouldve liked you” -rue
“you don’t mention him that much, wanna talk about him?” -you
sometimes you and rue would stay up all night talking about anything
and just fall asleep mid sentence
you were very well informed when it came to her mental illness
sometimes you’d accidentally get into arguments with her mom while trying to explain what’s going on inside rue’s mind
“mrs. bennett, she can’t just stop having an episode! this isn’t something she’s doing on purpose, you have to understand that or else she’s never gonna get any better!” -you
“you are not her mother, i am! she’s fucking crazy, i’ve been dealing with the same old shit for seventeen years, you have no idea how bad she is!” -leslie
“but this isn’t helping her, it’s making it worse! what if you drive her away? all she wants is for you to try to understand what she’s going through and let her know that you’re there for her!” -you
“no, y/n, all she wants is to get high and kill herself” -leslie
you could tell when rue was getting worse
and when you found her stashes, you got pissed
“what the fuck is this?” -you, holding up pills
“are you going through my shit now?” -rue
“i was actually trying to find the forty bucks you stole from me, i just happened to find this” -you
“give that back, those are mine!” -rue
“no, no, no! i believe i paid for these, didn’t i? why don’t i have some?” -you
“dont you fucking dare” -rue
“why not? are you worried for me or for your pills? which is it?” -you
she talked about you when she went to NA
and how much you meant to her
and how she thought you were disappointed in her
and how bad she felt that she was “dragging you down”
but how you’d always lift her up and she didn’t know if she could live without you
ali told her that relationships wouldn’t be good for her right now, especially if she depended on you like that
but she didn’t give a FUCK she’d just love you harder
and honestly you guys always bounced back
sometimes she’d even set up “date night” which was usually just eating ramen in her room, watching r-rated movies, dancing in the dark, getting naked (or just shirtless), and making out
whatever works for yall amirite
but the way you two held each other was something that others should envy
and you’d never get tired of seeing each other smile
**disclaimer: don’t romanticize mental illness and addiction and don’t force yourself into a relationship with someone just to help them with their struggles! have a nice day/night!!**
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove //
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chibicalzones · 4 years
what the characters of haikyuu smell like pt. 3
featuring: 𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐚, 𝐟𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢, and 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢  
read part one and two! 
DISCLAIMER: (just in case) this is my sister’s first impression on some of the boys so don’t take it too seriously! 
warnings: touches on gender and sexuality at some parts.
post made by: alex 🍒 - ALSO I FIXED OUR ASK BOX AND SUBMISSIONS! i didn’t even realize they were disabled i apologize :c but yes, feel free interact with us!! maybe we shall open requests? or at least on my end hehe 
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— kuroo: nail polish
a strong aura
has a superiority complex but he knows bc he genuinely believes he’s better than everyone else
a cheater... in every way
wanted to be cool but then he created his own level of c00L B)
was popular - like the freshman that was friends with the seniors for nO reason
wears platform shoes
prefers vans over converse
drinks straight up expresso shots instead of coffee
uninterested in finding a relationship
(little does she know that this actually geeky science loving nerd is the loml so)
— kenma: wet fall leaves
tired of everyone’s bs
wanted peoples’ approval when he was younger but he’s grown out of that. already figured out it doesn’t matter 
“i dont care if my roots grow in”
hangs with the boys
has a mysterious vibes
his old friend group kicked him out and is now a lone ranger
started playing volleyball to find friends and get his emotions out
has his own superiority complex because he wants to feel that he’s better than everyone else but he knows it’s unhealthy 
acknowledges his own problems
likes edgar allan poe
— yaku: apple cocktail with vodka
mix of things: nice but also gets ticked off real easily
if he went to parties, he’d just be playing beer pong
has a girlfriend - one of the few things keeping him nice
doesn’t look he cares for people’s approval of him but he really does
B student
likes science but thinks astrology is stupid
jealous of vinnie hacker on tik tok
straight now but will become gay
— yamatoro: leather
grew up in a uhm... unfortunate place? 
originally dyed his hair to look cool but went with the mohawk 
people think he’s cool but just wants approval
dresses different than everyone else 
but now since it’s becoming a trend, he’s really annoyed that he used to get bullied for it
had a michael jackson phase
likes edm
really bad at showing his emotions
— lev: pool / chlorine
the kid that pushes you into the pool when you didn’t wanna be there in the first place
makes fun of you for watching anime but recently started watching it
grew up watching pokemon as a kid but he only liked team rocket
ALSO has a superiority complex
capricorn energy, moon in aries
actually dresses up scary for halloween
parents are sweet but he can be a bit of a meanie 
had a toxic relationship with a woman... because he’s actually gay
— bokuto: gasoline
infatuated with cars
specifically owns a tesla in which his dad probably bought for him
spoiled as a kid
the popular kid
every popular person has at least dated him twice
everyone thinks he’s attractive 
the class clown but may unintentionally make fun of people in the process
“iTs mEnTAL iLLnesS isN’T IT?”
has rich parents but at least he has morals!!!
but also might take your lunch money
taken, straight
changes girlfriends every two weeks
my sister basically thinks he’s your every day local fuckboi
— akaashi: burnt pasta
really trying his best 
has good intentions but his execution’s either subpar or just awkward
likes science, specifically physics
really likes making paper airplanes and that’s how he flirts: he writes love notes and sends them your way 
bad at showing emotions so he writes them
doodles and writes in class a lot
a transfer student
hasn’t had his first relationship yet
doesn’t like swimming but he likes pool floaties
knows how to play piano
straight... for now
— konoha: miso soup
a warn person
people who don’t know him are afraid to approach him but to people who are friends with him thinks he’s very comforting
hard on others because he’s hard on himself
has an arch nemesis that fights for his position
passive aggressive but means well
was bullied for the smallest reason... like he owned a spiderman lunch box in third grade
one guy stole his girl and his is SALTY
he’d be very startled if someone came up and hugged him
with that being said, his love language is acts of service
— kita: ink
he does calligraphy
dabbles in spray paint
a bit conservative 
enjoys watching skateboard falls, parkour gone wrong, etc.
cheated in elementary school
a- a bully
doesn’t let people get close to him
people don’t know what to think of him
rather good at things that people may not realize, but he really doesn’t care if they realize or not
prefers iced tea over lemonade
takes health very seriously and doesn’t drink soda
uses they/them and states he doesn’t need a relationship
but he’s had one in the past and that’s how he figured out
— osamu: cotton
a reliable person
doesn’t necessarily have a lot of friends but cherishes to make sure they feel appreciated 
has a creative side
specifically sketches using pencil
likes movies and goes on movie dates
people like him for how forgiving he is
a hopeful person
has a realistic outlook on life 
very practical 
has several friends that are girls that think of him as an older brother
a lot of people like him but he he already has his eyes on set on someone 
a closeted bi
— atsumu: butter beer
a popular kid with a quirk
a marvel geek, his favorite superhero is the th3 classic iron man
likes girls who don’t wear a lot of makeup, also goes for bruh girls
genuinely a nice person
tries his best to be a approachable person but his geeky-ness gets in the way
has strange intentions?
puts a lot of thought into what he does but does it in a not-so-logic way 
needs guidance
questioning life
is NOT like his brother
wants people to like him but he portrays himself weirdly
also questioning his sexuality
takes a gap year before college because he doesn’t know what he wants to do yet
— suna: battery acid
“there’s a potency to his presence”
takes all AP classes
does things for himself but he’s not that full of himself
wants to make it far in life
he doesn’t know what he wants to do but he knows he wants to make a difference in the world 
always chooses to pick up trash for volunteer work
likes math because it’s straightforward
his dream significant other is someone just like him: he needs someone to care for him and soften him up
people say he’s intimidating but his friends say otherwise
into alternative rock
he would dress the way he wanted if he didn’t get bullied :(
pan and single
— sakusa: the inside of a missionary
overwhelmed by his own thoughts but whatever he thinks, stays there 
not much of a talker 
he tutors people in math and science
reads a lot of fanfic
has a famous tumblr account - swashbuckler26 and posts abstract and contemporary art
desperately wants to graduate
wanted to become a doctor until he actually started researching
now wants to be an artist
owns peacocks
he has one best friend because they share the same interests but that leads them to argue a lot 
goes by they/them and doesn’t care for a relationship 
this is the last part but i’m sure i missed some :/ if you guys have any other characters that you would like her to react to, lmk! hopefully i’ll be able to write for them soon!!! - alex 🍒
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lifewithborderline · 2 years
Trigger warning
Life never fails to throw things in my path when life is going well. My mental health has been up and down and my relationship with my gf has been up and down but more up lately as ive felt more connected and open with her. My relationship with my little sister has been a bit strained as i did not want to be around her jerk of a boyfriend and her girlfriend. But they broke up with her and needed my support so i had her over and we had a great open conversation. She opened up about a flashback she had and had questions about. She said she was about 5 and she was under the table with no clothes on and just me and my dad were home with her, mom came home early and me and dad came out from somewhere else in the house. We talked about how i have very few memories with my dad but i remember that day. I remember before mom left she put a phone in the bathroom bottom drawer and told me if something happened i should call and she would come home. Well i have no memory of what happened until mom came home early and dad freaked out. I know i called her but i do t remember why or what i said to her. I remember being scared. But being scared wasnt a new feeling when i was with me dad. I dont know why i was scared of him either. I have so many memories of going out with my dad but dont remember what happened when i got in the car. Only one memory i have was being pulled over by a cop because we didnt have seat belts on. My dad told me not to tell mom and if i did i would be in trouble and it was my fault that we got caught. So when my mom got something in the mail about the ticket she asked me and told me it was dads fault for not being responsible and i should have told her. Anyway, my sister bringing up this memory led to an immediate migraine. After she left i started crying, part from the pain in my head and part i didnt know why. I ended up having a panic attack but thankfully my partner was able to help get it under control fairly quickly. Many people have told me that i seem to act like i was abused as a kid and i never believed them. But now im not sure. Did i block memories because i was and couldnt handle it? Theres not much information on repressed memories or anything like that that ive been able to find. But looking up things that kids do when they have been abused sexually it was like describing me to a T. I dont know how to process something that only my body remembers and i dont know if i want to know what happened. It brings so many questions up and so much frustration. Nothing gives me answers. Mom doesnt remember, she has had brain surgery and lost a lot of her memories and she probably blocked some too if it was that bad. My little sister has blanks too. My older sisters dont know or wont say anything. And i dont talk to my dad anymore and dont really want to. I had a few really rough mental days but now i just dont know where to go from here. I havent seen my counselor in a while and am waiting for my appt to come up. I feel so lost, and depressed over something i dont know really happened. Its frustrating that i dont want to be at work, i just wanna crawl into bed and stay there. I cant seem to sleep. When i do sleep its that awful surface sleep that i can head everything happening around me and when i wake up it feels like i havent slept. Now it doesn't help that im getting sick.
Sorry that this probably is long, boring and doesnt make sense. But that how my brain is now.
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be-good-to-bugs · 11 months
guess whos definitely sick with something new :)
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dandeliononthemoon · 3 years
RIP @ your mental health after NWH
girl for real there were so many nice light moments and the comedy was great, but the shit that happened near the end god it ripped my heart out
amnesia trope always hits for me and this time it was so bad, man i cried and i just lkdjflakfhlfh
i feel sooooo bad for peter, he now has no one who knows him. the way he tried to explain everything to mj but decided in the end not to 😭😭😭😭
also when may died, i cried
spoilers end
i almost wanna watch it again
i might, cuz my sister hasnt yet and she asked if i wanted to see it again with her but then in normal 3d lol, 4dx was really cool but dont wanna do that with a rewatch
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lunar-fey · 3 years
been trying to nap for almost 2 hours but i gues im just not done . so much below cut. mostly incoherent and unspaced.
for one thing im just like. i dont know how to word this but like if your hr....... you should do. that. literally got told i wasnt approved to keep working after i move bc i didnr work all my hours last month but its like ya i have medical problems thwre on file and i EVEN used to get days off w fmla for it and like. few months ago i requested to have my hours lowered so i could miss less work and they were like. no bc you need to start working what you have first like...im asking for a solution to the problem of i cant work this many hours and in order to let me be allowed to work less. first i habe to "prove" i can work more. like that makes sense
and its lime my supervisor has been teying to figure out who exactly handles rhe approval all MONTH and its this new hr lady ive never met before and since his supervisor refused to tell him that its like. you know probably no one bothered to even inform her a little bit abt my entire situation and its just.. why as an hr person would you make that decision without speaking to me first? it is so easy? so easy to fire someone after 6 years who has a clean no violations record and is just very sick? and parently no one even knows if im "fired" or "quit" anyway so idek if i can apply for unemployment i gotta look into it ig
and its like my mom im so pissed at bc i guess she was talking her dr and telling him ant this other dr i saw once who wouldnt do testing just said my pain fake go home. and her dr got pissed on my behalf so cool but literally we wouldnt be here right now if she had taken my health seriously as a child instead fo trying to cure me w home remedies of pouring peroxide steaight into my ear and leaving it for 5 minutes and stuff. ya the sizzling sound means its killing the infection yeah SURE and im gonna be so psychotic whilw im there too bc im like barely. coherent rn but the first time someone screams at me im either gonna deck them or dissociate (bad timeline) or they may even push me into an episode. and its going to be sooo funny bc rhey thonk hallucinating all the time and sometimes be in g delisional is just normal. everyone hears their name being called from a dismbodied voice multiple times a day yanno normal :)
and theres like more but im getting less and less coherent. im just tired.
edition with more coherency: in short i been like on the Verge of breaking down for the last couple months with my only hope being if i could keep my job i could move back out after just a couple months and now i may very well be stuck living with my parents at least until sister graduates high school bc skerples doesnt wanna move in w me while she still has to deal w our parents. which is 2 more years unless she emancipates herself (well she is already getting a job anyway but i can barely support myself let alone a minor is the point and my parents like. own a house and i dont so something tells me the courts wont wanna give me custody of her)
but like im fine. im fine i can take it one day at a time and im FINE im just. tired and angry and. stuff.
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twinferns · 4 years
the tfatws first ep came out and im screaming
if anyone hasnt seen the first ep go watch it and come back bc there will be major spoilers below the cut!!
- was that?? sam getting ready for cap's funeral?? we just hopped right in and broke my heart huh
- sam is literally so badass omg im so glad we got to see him in action and see his full capabilities
- i love torres and how he cheered for sam
- not the cap being on the moon conspiracies but like that made the situation feel more realistic bc let's be honest in this situation everyone would have some sort of conspiracy theory
- flag smashers sounds like theyre gonna be the main big bad and theyre "one nation no boarders" thing kind of remind me of zaheer from legend of korra
- im actually screaming it makes me so sad to see sam give up the shield like he would be the perfect new captain america, and it breaks my heart to see him being so self doubting, and overcome with grief
- while it makes me so sad for bucky, i appreciate that marvel is portraying his PTSD and nightmares and not glossing over them
- these are some weird camera angles in bucky's therapy session
- listen, im glad that bucky is getting therapy but she's being very blunt lmao
- so he's making amends? idk but i feel like that's not the best idea for the soul purpose that he's going to do something rash and self destructive that'll make everything worse
- bucky going to dinner with the yori is making me so soft
- i see tension with sam's family being a big part of his art
- the whole "how old are you" "106" absolutely sent me
- sam's nephews are absolutely precious and i love them
- ok bc that visit with the bank was so realistic. the audacity of the banker to ask ab selfies and such and then blatantly doing nothing for sam and his sister makes my blood boil
im so excited for the next ep. the major highlights for me were meeting sam's family, and seeing bucky's mental health. plus bucky actually having a personality lmao
anyways see yall next week im so excited
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
Firstly to start off with, ummm a white kurtan, yes please, I know this bitch looks good whatever hes wearing, so it dont matter, BUT THE BLACK TANK TOP OOFFFF YOU BETTER STOP, ITS NOT GOOD FOR MY HEALTH. But moving on, I've finished reading the whole thing now, and I'm writing this in notes, so if you're getting thing like 40 minutes later it's because I'm drafting my ask. Basically I'm just gonna skim read it again and just give you my thoughts and any feedback, if that's okay with you, you can ignore this if you want to, I completely understand. I dont mind at all 😊😊
Ok to start off with, the exposition was really good, you've set the tone and introduced the Ackerman family really beautifully. When I read it initially the fact that Levi did not want a family or to get married was quite emphasised upon to me, and I'm really looking forward for the inevitable development and how his view changes as the chapters go on. I also love how you introduced Farlan and Isabel, and lightly touched upon how they met, you didnt go into too much detail and I really like that, it kept me focused on the actual story itself, which is about Levi and not Farlan. And Farlan wanting tto marry her 😢😢. I think it's really really sweet and I cant wait to see more of them. I love it so much.
The transition from setting the scene to their father being poisoned was not something I was expecting and made me go oh shit he dead. Part of me felt like it was moving too quick, but the other part of me loved the shock factor of it since it happened so suddenly. I didnt think of it as too big of an issue though, it was still enjoyable to read.
The whole encounter with the peasant guy made me wonder just how many more people there are like him, that dislike the Ackermans and would try to kill them. And whether y/n would be one of them. Also I got a bit confused as to who was speaking whether it was Farlan or Levi, but I read the sentence again and it was fine, I understood, so maybe I was just being a dumb bitch.
Oooh a quick point Levi sympathising with the criminal was really touching and made me feel warm and gooey. It shows that hes not a dick and does actually care about his people. But it also shows he has clear boundaries and is really firm. He will make a great leader in the future.
Carrying on, I love the whole Erwin/Levi/Farlan interaction, of course Erwin knows everything, why wouldnt he, hes a boss ass bitch. Also again, reaffirming that Levi does not want a wife, nOicE. Really builds up his future development.
The difference in Levi's and Farlan's reaction is comical. Ones there waving and smiling and the other ones there like fuck off leave me alone. ALSO WHOEVER SAID THEY'LL GIVE UP THEIR VIRGINTY SAME GURLL SAMEEE, I WOULD TOO YOURE NOT ALONE. AND YES FARLAN IT IS FUNNY, IT MADE ME LAUGH.
Awww the people are so nice, offering things for free, that's how you know you're loved by your people, I rate it, rate Levi sm.
Okay my guy, imma need you stop for a second and relax. Taking your top of??? And your scarf??? Okay big man, I see you, I see you, looking fine af. Ahhh I love imagining this in my brain, so stimulating.
Nanaba being my sister is absolutely exquisite *chefs kiss*. I really thought you'd maybe put Petra, and then Petra would like Levi as well, but no its Nanaba and I fucking love her so so much. Also not really relevant, but I dont have any older sisters, but I do have older cousin sisters and I call my favourite one didi mooni (I think that's how you spell it, or muni idk) and yeah it just reminded me of her. I haven't seen her in so so long because of the pandemic and I miss her :(
Ah. So. Y/N does hate the royals. I wanna know why?? Does she think they're overrated?? A bad experience maybe?? Everyone else seems to love them. I'll just have to wait and see I guess.
The whole meeting with Levi and Y/N was so adorable. It felt really short and I want more, but its okayyy, hopefully there are more chapters. Them locking eyes, him following her to get the leaves, HIM HELPING HER PICK UP THE BLOODY LEAVES, THE HAIR PART REMINDS ME OF IN BOLLYWOOD MOVIES WHEN THE PROTAGS HAIR GETS STUCK IN THE GUYS WATCH OR THEIR DUPATTA OR SOMETHING. OMGG Y/N IS ONE LUCKY BITCH.
Also since you havent specified the race of y/n, just wanted to ask is she Indian?? Or it it unspecified?? You wrote that she blushed bright red and many dark skinned readers wont be able relate. So yeah I'm not too sure whether that was intentional or not, I'm sorry if I'm mistaken though. I mean no harm at all.
Farlan's relationship with Levi is just beautiful, like I know I'm using the word beautiful a lot, but their broship is immaculate. Something else that I love.
Both Levi and Y/N not wanting to get married is hilarious. I really like how you've characterised her, shes really fierce, independent and seems really kind and caring as well. I really like this Y/N, very family oriented.
If I was her dad I would've taken the money. 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ Not complaining about it because my dad would've done the exact same thing, but if I was him I wouldve taken it. Sis is broke, sis needs all the money she can get.
Both parties questioning Levi and Y/N is hilarious, fucking Erwin, I love him so much I stg. I'd sacrifice my life for him. Hes best boy 😇😇
I feel like this is really really long already so I'll quickly sum everything up, if you got this far you deserve a clap on the back and a medal, because I've basically just waffled. I really really enjoyed this chapter, it was very good in terms of introductions and getting to know the characters, I loved the initial meeting between levi and y/n and it did make my heart flutter quite a bit so that's that. I dont have any complaints really, just small minor things I've mentioned before and that's it. I really look forward to the coming chapters!!! Thank you so so much for writing it. Please make sure you're taking regular breaks and keeping hydrated and healthy. Thanks sweetie xxx 🥰🥰🥰
I’ve read this WHOLE thing..twice. I can’t stop smiling omf you’re so sweet! But, yeah minor shit I didn’t mention and I left it up to reader. Like the skin tone, sheesh. I don’t want any problems with that, I just said red blush to signify embarrassment. Reader is reader no matter what.
Aren’t we all broke af? But I liked the idea of the father being humble about it. Lol. Idk.
I don’t want to get into too much detail because that will obviously ruin the story but I love your ideas. Tea dates?! How cute! Erwin is the best, of course. He knows ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and he’s the kind of person who would follow his princes no matter what. Till the end, you know?
As I said, highly inspired by Bollywood movies lol.
You took your time and wrote all of this and I’m so fucking happy that you did. I can’t wait for all of you to see the upcoming chapters. I hope that you’re staying happy and hydrated as well. Also, happy Shivratri! (If you celebrate for it) and to everyone else celebrating.
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tsukidotcom · 4 years
Haikyuu HC to COVID-19 (Karasuno edition)
This is horrible 💀 im just so bored so I made whatever this mess is KFJSJDMSK enjoy
Hinata Shouyou
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huh? isn’t it just the flu?
“No, hinata. People have died from it-“
goes bananas
whenever someone sneezes or coughs, his soul leaves his body as he runs away to sanitize/wash his hands for a miserably long time.
eats an expired can of peaches thinking it’s his last resort
lowkey happy school is closed because homework sucks
but also highkey hates it because now all volleyball tournaments are closed
then gets all angry when he realizes he’d have to do online school???!!?? like wtf he got jipped.
thinks they could still do volleyball if they did online calls cus if the school can do it,, then vOLLEYBALL CAN
will probably miss half of the class calls from oversleeping/forgetting anyway.
sheepishly ask yamaguchi, yachi or tsukishima for help on assignments/notes. (he will NEVA ask kageyama. he’s always in competition with him here!)
still practices volleyball 24/7 in his backyard or room (maybe even with his baby sister??)
He’s really good at practicing all by himself from practicing all alone in middle school—
but will probably go crazy being alone all the time with his family. he just wants to play volleyball with the team again.
looks up “what to do when you’re bored” or “what to do at home while in quarantine” on youtube
Kageyama Tobio
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probably says he’s immune to the corona because he’s just better than everyone else
doesn’t really think it’s real until school shut down because of it
When he sees that corona is airborne he wont know what that means so he’d probably think it’s produced by air itself?? which makes him think air is trying to kill the human race?? and will be so confused as to why it decided to pop up now???
DESPISES online school. He had enough trouble understanding it from the gecko, so now he has to learn it basically all by hiMSELF?!?
And no way is he just gona email the teacher for help. If he does it’s gonna be only once in his lifetime. Anymore than that he thinks he’s doin too much. He doesn’t want his teachers thinking he’s dumb 😭
he says literally nothing during the calls he just tries to pay attention? and fails because he’s on a computer. in his room. alone. he’s bound to daze off or stare at a pen for 5 minutes.
Obvi still practices volleyball. Very much misses it. At least Hinata had his sibling to practice with him. tobio is a lone wolf in his household.
When his mom goes out to get groceries he gives her one of those doctor masks so she doesn’t catch corona.
Few moments later through the internet he realizes that corona is smaller than air molecules so if you can breathe through something you could still get it so he struggles for an hour thinking he just killed his mother
When his mom is back he keeps his distance in case she’s carrying the plague
omg did she just cough or am i imagining things no she definitely coughed she has corona oh oh god
In reality she was just clearing her throat.
is lowkey worrying about everyone and how they are 🥺 (yes, maybe even hinata).
thinks he’s science smart by calling it covid-19 than corona.
Asahi Azumane
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He just worries about everyones health
like he just imagines the worst case scenario’s and starts to get really worried if people got it. Always checks on everyone and asks if they’re feeling any symptoms of corona ❤️
He’s either not gonna get it or he gets it and dies there’s no inbetween
but he’s jesus himself so theres no way he nor anyone in his bloodline can get it
is very happy to know that dogs can’t get it.
Takes online school seriously and tries his best
And is honestly so sad school just ended??? even if it’s temporary, he could be learning, playing volleyball, and going about his day instead of staying in a cage. he’s a third year so—how would graduation even go..?
always is up to date on the news !! and notifies everyone if anything important is added/changed.
Always tells everyone to stay safe! Whether through text or before ending a call.
only buys a lot of toilet paper from the fear of there being no toilet paper in stock since evERYONE IS BUYING IT-
Starts to try new hobbies that he put off for the longest time cus quarentine is rlly getting to him.
Is all out a family guy so he doesn’t mind the extra time with his family.
Nishinoya Yu
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420 blazin’
thinks going outside means you’re instantly gonna die from corona attacking your white blood cells (????)
but also probably doesnt care as he goes outside like everyday to run around and get rid of energy (and to practice volleyball, of course).
also why is it called white blood cells when blood is red ☠️ smh
Buys 101611018320129 bags of chips because that’s his comfort food
yay more gaming time!!!
Noya🐒: Tanaka do u wana play minecraft 2getr latr?
Tanaka🍌: HELL YEAH!!
doesn’t shower for three days straight because screw personal hygiene!! No more school!!! Can do whatever he wanted!! It’s basically summer!!!
until he’s forced to do online school.
Is def the class clown. Probably somehow kicks the teacher out of the call through a little bit of hacking.
“alright guys so i’ll be you’re substitute teacher for the day-“
tbh acts the same as he would in school. maybe a little more rebellious because, i mean, what is the teacher gonna do? send him to DETENTION? call his mOMMY?
Calls/spams literally everyone in his contacts because he’s so bored and lonely. Answer him!! Y’all will be on facetime for hours!!
He’s fun to facetime.
Will call you a loser if you don’t have an apple iPhone because then he can’t facetime you and facetiming is one of his favorite things to do to pass time (besides gaming)
Okay but he lowkey still tries at school for the sake of his grades and his future ;-; maybe calls asahi or sugawara for help??
always looks up his homework on the internet to see if he can get an answer key or something (he did that anyway even before corona but)
will do one subject for 3 hours thinking he’s finally done with everythinf till he realizes he has like 4 other subjects and needs to do those too.
Sending memes all the time
Tsukishima Kei
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oh, what about corona again?
honestly could give NO fucks??. like ABSOLUTELY ZERO. nonxistent.
doesn’t even remember it’s still happening half the time.
is surprisingly very knowledgeable about corona.
he’s just smart and sciency¿ so he understands the ins and outs of corona like how it works and how its spread.
so if you tRULY want any update or background info on the corona virius, ask Tsukishima.
bitch don’t touch me you have rabies.
doesn’t care that he’s obligated to stay at home because he would have stayed either way. he very much likes being alone.
might go a little crazy cooped up in his room so he’ll hang with his brother/family or go outside before he says ‘okay that’s enough’ and goes back to his room.
isolation? oh okay *puts on headphones*
he rlly gonna be rocking it out in his room cus he can listen to music all day any day
developes a really bad sleep schedule since he had no way to get rid of the energy he got rid of at school.
still a huge tease so he says everyone has the corona virius.
is never online on social media which means he’s never up to date with his frIENDS. Doesn’t have a clue what those dipshits are doing and could care less (besides yamaguchi,, they probably facetime or call thru skype or something).
I bet the whole volleyball squad has a groupchat and honestly he puts all notifs on mute cus his phone keep goin DING DING DING DI DING ID DID IDKNG DING DIG
Brother: Omg why are you getting so many text messages?
Tsukki: Shut up
if he is online on the gc and he texts it would be simple replies like “Hi” “Okay.” “No.” “Goodbye.” and then he’s gone for another week
every first year is begging on their knees for tsukishima to give the answers or help them out and he obviously says: go do the hw yourselves idiots
besides yamaguchi!!!! again!! cus theyre gay for each other
maybe practices once in awhile with his brother or alone in his backyard but he doesn’t care
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
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buys 101817 pounds of toilet paper because everyone else is? but not because of the same reason as asahi. he thinks toilet paper is the cure to corona.
probably has a part time job at a grocery store so he still has to go to work 😭 i dont even know how he could have a job in the first place he’s probably always late-
still gamin with noya of course
also buys like all the junk food thats in stock. and since he works at the grocery store he gets a ton of coupons and deals.
texts Kiyoko everyday goodmorning ❤️❤️❤️ and goodnight 😘😘 texts just to be left on read.
“i love it when she ignores me !!!”
scrolls through tiktoks for 1000 hours to pass time
School Is For Losers!!
similar to noya, he thought it was basicaly summer until he realized they were gonna be doing online school. literally had a fit and said he didnt wanna do jack squAt
Laughs so hard when nishinoya somehow kicks the teacher out of the call he’s like laughing so loud and hard he starts crying
all of the sudden has a better view on school
gets excited when he sees nishinoya on the call
makes funny and ugly ass faces when the teacher isn’t looking. everyone laughs and the teacher’s like 🤨
probably uses the green screen effect so he can change hus background (somehow) and accidentally misclicks a file so a girl wit a bikini becomes his background for .5 seconds before changing it to a cursed meme:
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doesn’t get half the shit the teacher is talking about
but it’s okay because the half he doesn’t get is the other half noya gets
and the half noya doesnt get is the orher half tanaka gets
they’re two peas in a pod 🥰
until they try explaining it to each other and suddenly get confused?? mental malfunction ¿?
yeah im SMART!!!
s -
m -
a -
r - penis
t -
Daichi Sawamura
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quite calm about the whole coronavirus
like he knows it is serious and understands how it is spread but he’s still calm about it??
tells everyone to sanitize and wash hands on a regular. and social distancing!!
honestly still wakes up like he does on normal school days and does all his academics just fine.
he even does gym activities (besides volleyball) for 30 minutes to an hour!!!! he be running on that treadmil! getting stronk!
does each subject on his own for 20-40 min each day. he’s really good at self discipline
makes sure sugawara and asahi are up to date on school work and will gladly help.
sadly can’t help the first years (and probably second years) because that info is deep in his brain and basically forgot how to do it after a year or two of not using it.
VERY VERY VERY sad that volleyball nationals are cut off. this is his last year and for it to be??? gone??? just because of some flu?!?! hates it.
he wishes school to go back and still has hope that school will go back to normal in a couple of weeks (even though it’s a slim chance).
asks the teacher questions whenever he has questions. He’s also vv considerate so he’ll ask questions he knows the answer to but asks them for anyone who’s confused ab it/wants to ask but is too shy. (literally i lov daichi sm)
Eats a healthy amount of everything
asks asahi for any updates on corona even though he’s quite up to date himself. he just wanna make sure he didn’t miss anything.
also doesn’t mind being around his family. he’ll do more chores around the house to help his parents out :> he’s literally perfect wtf
def does worry about everyone in the volleyball gc and anyone else he has contact with. Will also email classmates and ask if they’re doing all right. Even away from volleyball he’s a team player ☺️✌️
Is happy for the rest of the day when asahi tells him dogs can’t get corona.
Yamaguchi Tadashi
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doesn’t know what to believe anymore
keeps in touch with everyone!! always online 24/7 on social media, vball gc, you name it.
Literally everyone is acting so normal why are people so calm am i the only one worrying about this and the worlds future like this year has been really bad so far for not just me but the whole nation actually the entire world honestly like war almost broke out in january and now this corona stuff is really buttering my crissont the wrong way-
Even though tsukishima literally gives No Fucks, yamaguchi is the complete opposite.
like tsukki and yamaguchi call on skype and eVERY TIME yamaguchi starts with ‘how have you been? do you feel sick at all? have you drank enough water today?’ and so on
“What are you even worrying about?”
“Well...what if you get the corona virius?... it can be deadly, you know!! Thousands of people have died from it!!! The fact school is shutting down and people are panicking is making me feel like i should be panicking-“
Tsukki will then snarkily reassure him it’s fine and people their age are the least likely to get it bad.
Yamaguchi will feel a little better afterwords
“Thank you, Tsukki!”
Tsukki will ‘tch’ it off
Even though he gets really good grades he has triuble finding motivation to do any school work?? doing school work in his own home? 😐
His home was kinda a place he can chill whereas school is a place he can be fully focused
but now his home is ALSO school??!!?
Luckily he understands the work, at least.
When he sees tsukishima on the call, too, he instantly says hello.
“Tsukki!! Hey!! 😁”
“Shut up.”
“Gomen, Tsukki.”
Yeah. Even when they aren’t at school, he’s still the same as always.
He takes extra care of his family and always stays in touch with other relatives. Especially grandpa and grandma. THE SECOND he learned elderly people are at more risk you bet your ass he’s calling them making sure they’re okay. He checks up on them everyday now.
He peobably practices volleyball a little, too. He’s more focused on schoolwork though.
Sugawara Koushi
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Have you guys ate dinner yet? 🥺
obviously checking up on everyone
he would fail as a mother if he didn’t.
Actually reads in his free time?? He finally has time on his hands to read these books so.... here we are!
Wakes up at a scheduled time everyday (minus weekends. Maybe sleeps for an extra hour or so).
He dresses in pjs rather than actual clothes because he’s not going anywhere with this social distancing thing.
Always tries to lighten the mood when all the students are on the online call. Maybe crack some joke or innocently play around with the effects.
He still pays close attention in class and does quite well on his own. No help from his parents! He can do everything on his own! He a big boi!
Does homework really well, too. Probably does extra work or more work than needed just because it makes him feel good afterwords.
Honestly i can see him cooking in his free time. If he doesnt feel like reading or scrolling mindlessly through his phone, he gonna cook.
Will make the best cookies in the universe.
Honestly isn’t too good with exercise so he might gain a few pounds or grow the smallest chub 🥺🥺🥺 he would be so cute omfg.
is realy involved with his family!! they play a board/card game every friday night and have the best time.
if he has a dog, cat, or literally any animal you know he’s gona be hanging with them since he has more time.
Still! Playing! Volleyball! I mean by now every boy is practicing at least a little bit. He would probably be in his backyard playing volleyball with his family. Theyy’d set up a net and everythin! They’re all rookies at it but he still cherishes the moments with them.
It’s honestly still practice. Better than nothing
He talks about how his family plays volleyball and everyone is so jealous like 😭😭 makes him more grateful hearing half the volleyball team saying they have to practice alone.
Watching youtube videos of random videos/vines making him giggling.
“Hey, Dachi, look at this video.”
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