#and naturally it never. NEVER ONCE!!!! NEVER O N C E !!!!!!!! OCCURRED TO ME!!!! THAT PERHAPS!!! A SQUARE PEG EXISTED!!!!!!
clumsyclifford · 4 months
#stuff#without saying too much. i am really having a moment rn.#sometimes. i just#okay so like. the round peg fits in the square hole ykwim? so i was like. makes perfect sense#and those corners where nothing fits WELL nothing to worry about that is just Quirks and Idiosyncrasies!#and naturally it never. NEVER ONCE!!!! NEVER O N C E !!!!!!!! OCCURRED TO ME!!!! THAT PERHAPS!!! A SQUARE PEG EXISTED!!!!!!#TO FILL IN THOSE MOTHERFUCKING CORNERS!!!!!!!!!!#i want to bash my head into a staircase#perspective is literally just an ongoing realization that you were so fucking stupid every second until right now#duhhhhhh square peg exists. it exists specifically to go in the square hole. put the god damn pieces together you motherfucking idiot.#throw the round peg AWAY YOU DONT NEED IT!!!!#it's like it's like#okay it's like this#in neurochemistry. like in neurotransmitters and drugs and shit there's two ways a drug can act on the brain#there's agonists and antagonists#oh and inverse antagonists#an agonist binds to the neuron's neurotransmitter receptors and mimics the effect of an endogenous NT#antagonist binds to the receptors but doesn't do anything except take up space aka prevent real NTs from binding#however INVERSE antagonists. they will bind to the neuron and have. the OPPOSITE effect as the desired NT#you get an inverse antagonist to bind to your neurons and it's like yessss you feel this way you experience this thing#but now. like. get that inverse antagonist outta here. now the actual NTs flood in. and they are like#theyre like hey man you dont feel that way or experience that thing at all actually. idk why you thought you did but You Don't#anyway thats where im at#havin a normal one as you can clearly see#edit edit edit they are inverse AGONISTS i just cant read and cant edit the tags because mobile#inverse AGONISTS not antagonists#this matters to zero people
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pettydollie · 8 months
I Was Made For Lovin' You, Baby (Billy Hargrove x wheeler!reader) ♡.。.:*
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a/n: so happy it's finally out!! i did the first chapter AGES ago but i never knew where i wanted to go with this story. still kinda figuring it out but i already have some ideas tehe. the first chapter is the only chapter that will be in first person. there were some things that Everleigh (the reader) does that i think would be weird if it were written in her pov. so the rest of the chapters will be in third person :) hope u enjoy!!
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C H A P T E R  O N E
“Okay, okay next one! Hurry up already!” My sister Nancy giggled as we sat on her bed. I was helping (definitely not forcing) her study for her upcoming test. Pop music lightly played from the radio while I shuffled through her flashcards. “Alright, alright!” I smiled. I repositioned myself sitting cross legged on her bed. “Which polymers occur naturally?” I asked, looking up from the card. Nancy was looking up towards the ceiling, chewing on her bottom lip which was a habit we’d both had since we were little.
“Starch and cellulose.” She answered somewhat confidently. “Mhm.” I hummed, picking another card. “In a molecule of CH4, the hydrogen atoms are spatially oriented towards the centers of--” Nancy sat up straighter, interrupting me. “Tetrahedrons.” I smiled again. “Way to go, Nance. I think you’ll ace that test.” I concluded, handing her back her flashcards. She grinned happily. Nancy and I got along quite well as sisters, surprisingly. We didn’t argue that much and when we did, it was over something silly. I’m the eldest child in the family, so I mostly take care of my siblings considering my dad is always asleep or watching the television and my mother is only really interested in Holly. Don’t get me wrong, they love us a lot. We just feel like strangers sometimes.
I was going to ask Nance about her luck with Steve Harrington, but her door suddenly slammed open, revealing Holly with syrup all over her face. “Mommy says breakfast is ready.” She announced and quickly took off back downstairs. I wasn’t even dressed yet, so I quickly exited Nancy’s room into my own where I changed into a cute but basic outfit. I added jewelry and my signature perfume and ran downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table eating Eggos. I sat down, fixing my skirt. I grabbed a plate and started cutting my waffles. Mike was already about to finish, on the other hand. We all looked at him grossly. “Slow down, Mike. That’s disgusting.” Nancy mumbled, looking away. Mike rolled his eyes at her and continued to eat. 
I grabbed my backpack once we had all finished eating. I walked over to grab mom’s car keys which I borrowed while Nancy and Mike said goodbye to mom and Holly. I hugged mom and kissed her cheek softly. “Have a good day, guys!” She waved as we walked out the door. I drive all three of us to school every day since I was allowed to legally drive last year. Once we were all sat, Nancy pulled out her flashcards from her backpack and began studying quickly. I pulled into the parking lot in my usual spot, and we all got out, grabbing our stuff. Mike walked the other way to the middle school, greeting his friends while me and Nance walked to the high school. “Everleigh, what if I fail?” Nancy whined, gripping her books as we walked in. I rolled my eyes.
“You’ll do fine, Nance.” I waved goodbye and walked over to my locker, putting stuff away. “Hey, Ev!” I didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was. I turned my head, looking at one of my best friends. “Hi, T!” I smiled, giving her a small hug. Tina was the life of every party, her outgoing personality and beaming smile made people adore her. Many boys threw themselves at her, but who wouldn’t? She’s drop dead gorgeous. I loved gossiping with her, it’s always fun. But don’t get it twisted, we have a very deep and understanding relationship. I shut my locker and slung my bag back over my shoulder. “There’s a new boy coming tomorrow. I hope he’s cute.” We walked to our first period which we shared together. First period was always loud and fun to be in, which I loved. It’s all fun and games until Mr. Mundy calls the deans. “You want a piece of gum?” I offered, changing the subject. Tina grinned and nodded. I gave her a large strip of bubblegum and I opened mine. We blew bubbles and gossiped, the both of us strutting through the halls. It’s not that I didn’t like boys. Of course, there weren’t any boys that peaked my interest. I’ve had two boyfriends before and they both used me for popularity and my looks. I don’t mean to sound full of myself, but that’s just what happened. “Are you coming to practice today?” I questioned. Me and Tina were cheerleaders, which I forced her to do. I was a cheer captain along with the ginger Chrissy Cunningham. “Not today, sorry babes. My mom needs an extra pair of hands for the bake sale. She said if I help her, I can get a few bucks.” She boasted. I nodded in understanding, also smiling at a girl who waved. Everleigh Wheeler was one of the most well known names in Hawkins High School, much unlike Nancy who’s quiet and to herself. Within a month of joining the cheerleading squad, I was at the top of the pyramid and by the end of freshman year, I’d been promoted to captain. “Oh my god, did you hear about Brian cheating on Samantha?!” My face changed into a disgusted one. “Yes!! And with Tiff? She’s such a skank. I heard she’s slept with half of the soccer team.” Tina spat. We pushed open the classroom, smiling at others. We walked to our seats, getting settled in. Tina and I sat next to each other, thankfully. I sat next to the window so I wouldn’t really have to interact with anyone but her. Math was nowhere near the top of my list of subjects I enjoyed, but I tolerated it enough for an easy pass. The class’ attention was pulled by Mr. Mundy’s booming voice who took attendance while me and Tina continued talking, not really caring, only ever stopping to say “Here”. Mr. Mundy cleared his throat. “Valentina and Everleigh. Please quiet down.” We looked up and muttered “sorry”. And we did stop talking- for about five minutes. As soon as attendance finished, we continued talking again. We turned our bodies to face each other and chuckled loudly. Mr. Mundy’s attention turned back to us. “That’s it. Tina, your new seat is there.” He pointed to the seat on the right of the one she was seated in. “Wait no, we’ll stop talking! For real this time.” She pleaded. We stared at him with sad eyes. “I’ve had enough. Move NOW.” He scowled. Tina pouted and grabbed her stuff. She stood up, heads turned to face her and walked to the seat next to her. She sat down and folded her arms, angrily. I frowned. Now I’m alone. I changed my mind, math is my absolute LEAST favorite class.
C H A P T E R  T W O
The bell finally rang after what felt like years. Everleigh grabbed her stuff and walked out the door, happy to leave. Annoyed that she no longer had anyone to talk to in first period, she stomped through the halls; her happy demeanor slipping. Her soft glossy lips fell into a pout, and she pushed a strand of gorgeous silky hair out of her face with a manicured finger. Life was just so hard.
As soon as the bell rang for the end of the last class, Everleigh strutted to her locker to put stuff away. Sure, she had some homework, but most of it wasn’t due until Friday so she’d just put that on hold for now. One of her other best friends, Melanie, was leaning against the locker next to Everleigh’s, holding two books in her arms. “Carl’s picking me up tonight for a date. I’m so excited! I need you to help me pick out an outfit.” She squealed. Everleigh didn’t like her boyfriend, Carl. He was always weird whenever she was around. He also didn’t treat her right, which made Everleigh furious. But there wasn’t much she could do because Melanie was absolutely head over heels for him.
But Everleigh could never not be excited to help her friends get ready. “Okay, what time do you want me to be over?” She grinned, shutting her locker. The girls began to walk out into the school’s parking lot. “Maybe five thirty-ish?” Melanie suggested. Melanie was decently popular. She enjoyed roller skating, cheerleading, and fashion. She had beautiful lush blonde waves which complimented her oceanic eyes. “Sure! I’ll ask my mom when I get home.” Everleigh beamed. The girls separated into their cars. 
Everleigh walked to her car where Nancy and Mike waited impatiently. “Finally, why were you late this time?” Mike grumbled, getting into the car after it was unlocked. Nancy clicked her seatbelt in while Everleigh started the car. “Calm down, I was only like ten minutes late.” She hated having to defend herself to her idiotic brother. Normally, he’d continue to scold her about how he and Nancy could’ve been kidnapped or died, but this time, he let it go. While she was driving, she felt a tap on her arm which rested on the armrest in between her and Nancy. Everleigh looked over to the passenger seat where Nancy mouthed some words to her. She raised an eyebrow to say “Wait, say it again?” The brunette nodded. Then, Everleigh took in what she was trying to say. “We’re dating.” Nancy leaned back into the chair, waiting for a reaction.
“We” was Nancy and Steve Harrington. It seemed like the entire school knew who he was. Everleigh had wanted the two of them to date since Nancy mentioned he began talking to her, except it was different. He was kind around her. He listened to her and didn’t judge her for what she believes in. Everleigh grinned, satisfied. This was definitely coming up in girl chat when Mike wasn’t around.
As the siblings arrived at home, Everleigh pulled into her family’s driveway, being careful not to hit the mailbox. They all got out, grabbing their stuff. Everleigh unlocked the door where Holly was visible in the living room, playing with her toys. “Mom, we’re home!” Nancy yelled. Mike dashed upstairs into his room, slamming the door and locking it. “Micheal, stop slamming my doors!” Karen yelled from the kitchen. The sisters walked in, kissing their mom on the cheek. “Hey girls, how was school?” Everleigh walked behind her mom, with her arms folded, waiting for Nancy to respond first. “It was good. Same as always.” Nancy replied, shifting her body weight slightly. Everleigh wiggled her eyebrows from an angle so only Nancy could see, making the girl giggle slightly. Karen nodded, turning around. “What about you, Ev?”
She relaxed her face in time for her mom to face her. “It was alright. Mr. Mundy changed Tina’s seat because we were talking too much.” She rolled her eyes, hanging her coat up by the front door. Nancy had walked away to her room, probably to dream about Stevie poo. “I told you there were going to be consequences to you two chatting all the time.” Karen joked, smiling. Everleigh pouted, but then remembered about Melanie. “Can I go over Mel’s after dinner?” She asked, with begging eyes. Karen changed her position with her hand by tapping her chin above her arm. “What did you get on Mrs. Click’s assessment from yesterday?” Dang it. Of course she was going to ask this. Her lowest grade was in Mrs. Click’s class. History just wasn’t her thing. It was so boring and why did we need to know about The Great Depression anyways? “I got a B..” Everleigh muttered. Karen perked up at this.
“Well that’s much better than your last grade! A C- to a B? Good job, honey. Sure, you can go.” Everleigh stood up, proudly. “Thanks, mommy! Love you!” She ran upstairs into her room, shutting the door. She placed her backpack down next to her bed on the white carpet. She walked over to her pink telephone on her nightstand. She dialed Melanie’s number and waited. “Hello?” She heard. “Hey, Mel! Mom said I can come over after dinner.” Everleigh sat down on her bed. “Okay! Carl said he’s coming to pick me up at 7:00.” There was a loud knock at the door, interrupting the call. Everleigh covered the receiver with her free hand and took her ear off. “Yes?” She called. “Where’s my walkie?!” She heard Mike yell outside her door. “I don’t know, go away, Mike!” Everleigh snapped, rolling her eyes. “How am I supposed to know what you did with it..” She muttered. She took her hand off the receiver and put her ear back. “-and my parents don’t know about it so we have to keep it as chill as possible.” Melanie continued talking. 
Once the call was over, Everleigh put the phone back. She opened one of her drawers and pulled out a silky white hair tie, shutting the drawer. She held the tie with her teeth while she gathered her hair up with her hands and tied it into a bun. She walked out of her room into the bathroom to shower. When she finished, she dried off and changed into a simple white long sleeve shirt with a pink plaid dress over top. She put on lace socks and tiny black booties. By the time she was finished, it was time for dinner. 
She walked downstairs to sit at the table. Surprisingly, Mike didn’t come down for a few minutes. Karen looked at the stairs while everyone else ate. She sighed, picking up her fork. “Can one of you go get your brother, please?” She asked, waving her fork at Everleigh and Nancy. Everleigh nodded at Nancy and went upstairs. She knocked on the door. Once. Twice. No answer. “Mike! Come on, it’s dinner time!” Everleigh’s face scrunched up. She opened the door to reveal no one was there. He wasn’t in the bathroom either. Meaning he was in the basement. 
She ran downstairs past her family, opening the door to the basement. “Where’s Mike?” Karen called. “Hold on!” Everleigh replied. She walked in, seeing Mike under a blanket with his walkie talkie. He sat, frozen. He pushed the antenna down and cleared his throat. He looked… sad. “What are you doing? It’s dinner time. Don’t you hear us calling you?” Everleigh snapped, folding her arms. “Uhh.. well I was trying to talk to Dustin.” He lied. “Okay well tell him you guys will talk later, I’m starving.” She stomped back upstairs.
When dinner was finished, Everleigh cleaned her plate, rushing to grab the car keys. “I’m going now, bye mom! I’ll be back soon!” She waved, closing the door. She got inside the car, driving to Melanie’s house. When she arrived, she got out of the car and walked up to the porch. She rang the doorbell and stood politely waiting. Melanie’s father, who she’s seen a handful of times, opened the door. “Well, hello, Everleigh. How are you? Come inside. Melanie’s upstairs.” He moved over so she could enter the very homely household. “Thank you, Mr. Harris. I’m good, how are you?” She grinned with that candy sweet smile that almost everyone loved to see as she stepped inside. He nodded, smiling back and shutting the door.
Everleigh walked upstairs to Melanie’s room and knocked softly. The door opened revealing Mel in her pink nightgown with curlers in her hair. “Oh, come in!” The girls squealed, excitedly. Everleigh walked over to the girl’s divine wardrobe and began looking through. “Wait, where is he taking you?” She questioned, turning around. Melanie plopped down onto her queen sized bed, smiling dreamily. “He’s driving me to Enzo’s. How romantic, right?” Everleigh was happy for her friend. Happy that Carl wasn’t being such a punk and only taking her to his grandmother’s house. I mean, of course! Grandma’s cookies always scream “romance” to me, don’t you think so?
She turned back around, taking dresses out and handing them to Melanie. “Try all of those on! See which one you think fits.” The girls put on a mini fashion show, laughing and posing. Once they finally found a dress, Everleigh did Mel’s makeup. She sat down at a small vanity so Everleigh could stand over her. “One day, you have to teach me how to do more than just mascara, lipgloss, and blush.” Melanie half joked. Everleigh nodded, grinning. She spinned her chair around to face the mirror. “Like it?” She asked, hopefully. Melanie looked beautiful. “I feel stupid!” She laughed, staring at herself. “Well everyone feels stupid! Who cares?” Everleigh turned her chair back around, adding some finishing touches.
“Do you feel stupid?” Melanie asked, half smiling. Everleigh giggled. “Yeah I did, but then I chose not to feel stupid.” The girls smiled. They always had a strong bond together, feeling they could talk about anything and everything and never feel awkward. They took out Melanie’s curlers and waited for the phone to ring or a knock on her window, sitting on the bed. And they waited. And waited. And waited…
Everleigh started getting annoyed when it was already 8 and there was nothing. She scoffed. “That prick stood you up.” Everleigh’s face was disgusted. She stood up and kissed the top of Melanie’s head. Her mascara was ruined from her crying. Now she was just silent. Everleigh could tell the girl was thinking over her relationship and she didn’t want to interrupt it. She always knew Carl was a jerk, but this ends it. She was ready for her friend to find someone better. She knew she could stay and comfort her, but something was telling her it was time for her to be alone for a while with her thoughts. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out, babes.” Everleigh sympathized.
“I’m gonna go home. My mom’s gonna kill me if I’m out past 8:30 on a school night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mel.” Melanie nodded. She walked towards the door blowing a kiss. She walked out and into her car. She took off home. “I’m going to kill him.”
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a/n: soo what do we think?? if u guys have any ideas or things u wanna see, please send me a request or a dm and if i write it, i will credit u for the suggestion! im actually really proud of this so far! and ik billy wasnt in these chapters, but hes coming in the next one ;)
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
the long way home [miya atsumu x reader]
pairing: miya atsumu x fem reader
genre: fluff
warning(s): a swear word or two
word count: 2k
overview: the times when you and atsumu get to walk back from school together are few and far between, so, whenever you get the chance to have each other’s company, you take the long way home. while all of these walks are special, this one ends up being more so than the others.
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As students pour through the front gates of Inarizaki High, desperate to get home after a long week filled with seemingly endless days of mind-numbing lessons, you stand in solidarity at the base of a large tree just outside the entrance. While the shade of its long, twisted branches and green leaves provides you some protection from the warmth of the sun’s rays, there’s a chill in the air indicative of springtime that nudges you into the light every now and then. You tentatively press a button on your phone to bring its screen to life.
Where the hell is he? I swear, if he’s talking to those freakin’ fangirls again, I’m gonna--
"Looks like someone’s gettin’ antsy.”
A facetious comment stated by a familiar voice interrupts your thought and brings your attention to your friend as he saunters towards you with a smug grin on his face. You drop your phone back into a small pocket in your bag and roll your (e/c) eyes at him, feigning denial even though he’d hit the nail on the head, as per usual. It was quite annoying how perceptive he was since he had such a backhanded way of letting people know he was onto them.
“I don’t really like being around here for longer than I’m required to be, ‘Tsumu,” you mumble, gaze traveling upwards to meet his when he comes to a halt in front of you.
With a dismissive wave of the hand, he says, “I know, I know. Here, have some of my drink as a peace offerin’.” 
You glance at the half-full bottle of soda he extends towards you and shake your head. “Gross. I don’t want your leftovers.”
“That’s a shame,” he sighs and twists off the cap, “’cuz it was meant for ya in the first place, but I got thirsty ‘n drank some of it.”
Cocking your head, you rebut, “So, it’s a shame that I turned down a drink you bought for me but ended up drinking yourself?”
He nods at you as he takes a gratuitous swig, making his Adam’s apple bob beneath the tender skin on his neck with each swallow. You must have a look of longing in your eyes without even knowing it, since he removes his lips from the mouth of the bottle with a small pop and dangles it in front of you tauntingly. You hesitate before reaching for it and taking a sip.
His honey-colored gaze remains on you for a long moment before he turns it away to look down the busy sidewalks and streets stretching in either direction. A small chuckle bubbles in his throat upon hearing you fail to stifle a hiccup that slips out of your mouth from the carbonation. Though you know his amusement will be followed by a snide remark of some sort, you can’t hide the smile that spreads across your lips.
This time, however, he spares you the grief and instead suggests, “Hey, I thought ya were itchin’ ta get outta here, (f/n). C’mon, let’s take the long way home. We got a lot ta catch up on.”
Wordlessly, you agree with a nod and fall into step beside him once he begins walking away, starting your indirect journey back to your houses. As the two of you exchange stories about gossip circulating around the school, volleyball practices, and the strange, new teacher who’d just been hired, a familiar sense of comfort washes over you, relieving some of the tension you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding.
It was a feeling that you could derive from very few people, but you seemed to feel it the most whenever you were with your longtime friend, Atsumu. You’re unsure of what exactly it is about him that always brings these feelings of security and ease. Maybe it’s knowing you can talk to him about anything as a result of his familiarity and closeness to you. Maybe it’s the lighthearted nature of your conversation and the warmth of his tone that feels like a serenade after a long day of listening to teachers drone on and on about mundane subjects.
Or, maybe it’s that same thought that’s occurred to you multiple times only to be shunned and shoved into the deepest recesses of your mind the instant it resurfaces--as if even having it in the first place was too dangerous. You want to assure yourself that it’s nothing more than a silly, pipe dream that would fade soon enough, but it was getting harder to ignore each time it made itself known. And, it seemed to grow stronger with distance such as that you’d had from him this week due to your busy schedules.
You don’t even notice that your train of thoughts has led you off course until Atsumu brings you back to the station with a nudge. Suddenly, everything snaps back into focus.
You’re standing in front of the corner store that’s become yours and Atsumu’s old haunt after visiting it time and time again on your after-school adventures through town. To your right, his steady gaze is fixed on you and his thick eyebrows are furrowed in confusion.
He asks, “What’s up? I think I lost ya somewhere along the way here.”
“O-Oh, nothing,” you answer aloud, plastering a smile on your face and making a beeline to the front door of the shop.
Except for the fact that I might be in love with you, your inner voice continues. As you admit this in your mind, acknowledging the feeling rather than rejecting it, you feel the skin on your face prickle with heat.
He’s far from convinced, and he’s at the door in a flash so he can stare down at you inquisitively while you shuffle inside. “Somethin’s up with ya. Don’t know what, but yer actin’ funny all of a sudden,” he murmurs. You swear he’s trying to see into your mind with that laser-focused gaze of his, and you worry that if he keeps it up, you might just confess to him right then and there in the--you take a quick glance around--chip aisle.
“It’s really nothing, ‘Tsumu,” you lie with a dismissive wave of the hand. Before he can grill you on the subject, you quickly change it. “So, what’re we getting from here?”
He leans closer to you as he reaches past you to grab a bag of chips rather than asking you to move and says, "I dunno. Just wanted some snacks. Mind grabbin' a candy bar?"
"Am I gonna be the one paying for it?" you deadpan, crossing your arms in front of your chest and raising a brow at him in spite of the redness threatening to bloom across your cheeks.
He scoffs, “’Course not, princess. I got it.”
You’re quick to turn on your heels and march over to the candy bars another aisle over to keep him from seeing how affected you are by his comment. After taking a moment to calm your racing heart and gather yourself, you join him at the cash register so he can pay for his bounty of snacks. You thank him when he wordlessly drops a small bag of gummy candies into your hand.
He seems to have forgotten your flustered reaction earlier, since he starts yammering on about a fight that he and Osamu got into over who has the best quirk in BNHA, much to your relief.
You should know it’s naive to think he’s moved past it, however, since he never passes up the opportunity to tease you. As the two of you bask in the warmth of the sun on a bench in a nearby park, he brings it up once more.
“So, now that you’ve finished the candy I bought for ya, how ‘bout you answer a li’l question for me in exchange for my kindness?” he suggests, giving your arm a prod with his elbow. The mischievous smile he wears as he moves his head closer to yours makes your heart flutter in your chest.
“I should’ve known that shit wasn’t free,” you sigh, “Whaddya wanna know?”
His grin widens. “You’ve got a crush on someone, don’tcha?” You make no response, so he throws his arm around your shoulders and gives your body a shake, causing your head to sway back and forth. “C’mon! We don’t keep secrets from each other! Who is it?”
“It’s nobody, ‘Tsumu,” you whine as you give him a playful nudge when he moves closer.
He runs his hand through his golden hair and mentions, “Well, that’s a cryin’ shame, since there’s someone who has a crush on you.”
Your response is instantaneous: “Who?!”
The silence that befalls the two of you is deafening in spite of the environmental sounds surrounding you. He watches you expectantly, gaze steady and demeanor exuding confidence, as per usual. After a few seconds pass, you release a rather loud laugh that you try to stifle with your hands.
“You almost had me there,” you manage to speak between heaving breaths.
His air of confidence crumbles instantly, and his face turns bright red. “H-Huh?” he stammers.
“Oh, come on! There’s no way you can expect me to believe that given how much you love taunting me.”
“Nice try!”
He reaches out towards you and places his hand on your shoulder, putting an end to your fits of laughter. When you look into his eyes the color of fresh honey once more, he’s wearing an expression so serious that it almost shocks you--since it was one he usually reserved for volleyball matches. Your heart instantly drops into your stomach and any ounce of amusement you’d previously felt evaporates instantly.
“That wasn’t a joke... was it?” you utter stupidly.
He shakes his head. “I really like ya. Hell, I think I might even be in love with ya.”
Even though the response you should give--and that you’d been waiting to give--is glaringly obvious, you remain in an awestricken silence. During this time, he fidgets nervously and averts his gaze to look down at his slightly scuffed, black dress shoes. His face is growing redder with each second that passes. Feeling his hand retreat from your shoulder instinctively makes you grab it and hold it in your own to keep him from putting more distance between the two of you.
“’Tsumu,” you begin after taking a deep breath to summon your confidence, “I think I’m in love with you too.”
There’s a pause as you each take a second to let the words sink in, but his fingers intertwine with yours and give the back of your hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance. Your eyes travel from where your connected hands rest on your knee up to his once more as he wonders, “So... wanna give this a try, then? I think ya owe me at least one date after the way ya reacted when I confessed jus’ now. Damn near stopped my heart.”
With a giggle and a bright smile that sets his heart racing, you agree. “I guess I could let you take me out on a date.”
Instead of retorting with a smart comment, he wraps an arm around your back and pulls you into a tight embrace, as if he’s been waiting forever to hold you close to him. He nestles his face in amongst your (h/l), (h/c) hair as you press yours into his neck. You collectively let out a small sigh of relief as you enjoy one another’s warmth for another, peaceful moment before pulling away.
There are many questions to be answered, but the first that’s asked echoes from his mouth. “Wanna hang out at my practices every now ‘nd then so we can take the long way home from school together more often?”
Your lips form another, enthusiastic grin as you say, “I would love to.”
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e-luxion · 3 years
Can you please explain Johnny’s chart now that we know his rising? I never saw him as a Virgo rising but people say it makes sense and I’m like??? I’m not too into astrology to know
Yeah I agree with you, virgo was the last thing on my mind, even tho I think I first typed him as Leo Rising after thinking I was like 100% earth (more Taurus than anything) + 5th house placements so I wasn't wrong, but not right either 😂 I am actually excited to do this
𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙞𝙩 𝙈𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙅𝙤𝙝𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙑𝙞𝙧𝙜𝙤 𝙍𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜:
It is not the Virgo Rising itself, it's actually where his planets fall that makes perfect sense imo:
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Sun and Mercury in the 5th house 
I say Johnny has 5th house energy a little too much but I never actually explain why
Sun in the 5th house people are m a g n e t i c. Whether they want to or not, they unconsciously end up being the centre of attention. More times than not people with this placement feel like they were born to do ‘more’ and to shine
5th house suns are warm, generous, creative and for the most part, can be very confident in who they are depending how well or bad aspected this placement is
Even if they are less confident deep inside, they try to be confident and to be that light for others
MERCURY IN THE 5TH -- holy shit, I share this placement and yes, some people find us a bit annoying but we don’t talk about that 
People with this placement tend to be very talkative, they don’t seem to run out of topics to talk about, you could put them in a room with anyone and they’ll find a common ground. 
Natives of this placement tend to also talk almost with hidden meanings, there is always a tone of innuendo, there is always a joke in there somehow
This placement is very much “primary school teacher energy”
Not great at concentration cos there is just so many things they want to do, they always want to do something new and fun. Mercury shows us how we communicate but also how we think, and in this house it becomes... a lot.
Moon in the 10th house
This placement is very interesting, imo the moon is the most important thing in our chart. It shows you not only what makes you feel comfortable and how you feel, but your relationship with your mother, how you were raised, it’s a one of the most decisive pillars of “you”
It’s cause and consequence, it shows you how you were raised and how that affected present day you
This is stereotypical but his career and status is truly very important to him, he needs it to feel safe and fulfilled. It makes sense how no matter how hard it got, how much they pushed his debut to later, he persevered and is such a hard worker.
A m b i t i o u s 
People with this placement are actually very sensitive and have a natural need to care for others, they are easily affected by the outside world which makes them want to almost protect others
It’s honestly such a dad placement
Things associated with this placement are definitely a parent sort of vibe, they are responsible and caring, they worry about others around them
Fun Fact, people with this specific placement tend to attract admiration from others, they inspire security and trust. Other musicians with this placement are John Lennon and Kurt Cobain, both people who inspired millions of people and to this day are remembered
Venus in the 4th house
This is another thing that just painfully makes sense 
You know how this man is always like blah kids, marriage, sentimental shit?? THIS is why! This right here, is a big reason why Johnny is the way he is half of the time I swear. The homey romantic vibes? Heavy 4th house venus shit
4th house Venus people are so nurturing, sensitive and calm? Venus most commonly tells you how you are in love, what kind of partners you want but it shows more than that, it tells you how you look after things, your possessions, your aesthetic... 
Johnny’s love for soft toys, oversized fluffy clothes, all of that is due to his 4th house Venus. He is also probably very sentimental with things from his childhood, or things that remind him of home 
When they fall in love, it is serious because their mentality is for the long term, they are very family oriented hence why they can be wary of who they date
People with this placement have the nicest houses and rooms cos they just know how to make a house a home, it’s always so cozy and dating them would probably feel like like an early morning, wrapped in multiple blanket with the fire place on, hot cocoa and the rain outside
On the downside, people with the placement can be TOO sentimental, to the point where is hard for them to let go of things 
Mars in the 12th
Actually this was the only one which was surprising to me, but tbh this is not a side we would often see of Johnny since we don’t know him like that. And 12th house “hides” whatever it falls on, it internalises it to an extent that the native might not actually be aware of this energy
His Mars in Leo makes him quick to anger, but mars in the 12th house makes him hide that anger, bottle it up until it comes out in a scary way because it was left undealt with for too long
Other things in his chart tell us that he has no problem going after things, like going after his career or pursuing hobbies and success. But this right here shows me that in some ways, he is scared to fully express himself due to an unconscious fear to be vulnerable
Sometimes they focus to helping people too much to hide this vulnerability and their own issues
Coming to terms with his own sensitivity and release toxic mentality is something he probably struggled with at some point 
On a positive note, people with this placement tend to be very welcoming and open-minded towards other, they show the kindness to others that they don't necessarily show themselves
a lot of bitches with 12th house placements in nct damn
Jupiter in the 3rd 
At its most basic, this literally tells you that his talent (Jupiter) is in communication (3rd). Very agile minds, who love learning and acquiring information about different topics, people, things, everything
People with this placement lead the conversation, very positive and enthusiastic in the way they talk with others. Sometimes can be a bit preachy but for the most part they’re open minded, curious, and say what’s on their mind, super expressive when sharing their ideas
@/astroismypassion mentioned that Jupiter in the 3rd native might have moved hometown more than once in their life which I find very interesting as this man moved across the globe to make his dreams come true
Philosophy, arts, cultures, stuff like that is very interesting to them and travelling is a form of mind expansion for them
Jupiter shows us where we have privilege and here it’s education, and a larger than life mentality that them well received by others; they are gifted at communication which means that people usually take them seriously as they can be very eloquent 
Saturn in the 6th
Another placement I share with Johnny which I think would be a flex if it wasn’t for the fact that Saturn in the 6th is actually a very difficult position to have. Saturn is not necessarily happy in this house
It shows an obsession with work, keeping a routine, organising but also struggling in all those areas. For example, you obsessively plan your life because you really struggle naturally to follow plans, timetables and stay organise
People with this placement have a tendency to overwork themselves until they’re ill, so health problems might be occur often due to this. You fear failure so it feels like you can never stop working hard, just in case you fall behind. Anxiety, self criticism is very common here
Honestly he has a couple of placements that just scream chronic workaholic 
Pisces Descendant:
I don't know if this is weird but I thought he had to have Pisces in a “favourable” house, because he seems to attract or get along with people who have Pisces placements specifically so this is not surprising at all.
I’m ngl this man probably daydreams about his s/o, if he is single he’ll just make up little scenarios in his head or has a very clear idea of the kind of interactions or person he wants
Very idealistic, gentle and compassionate in love but also wants partners that match this energy. Heart on his sleeve kind of vibe
He probably attracts slightly chaotic partners, the dreamy artists types 
This man clearly doesn’t want just any love story, he wants the sort of fairy tale romance he can tell his grandkids 
7th house is also like enemies and shit, but I’m not going to talk about 
Gemini Midheaven 
When you meet someone, there is 3 main things you see about them and that is Ascendant, Mercury and Midheaven. Especially when it comes to celebrities, we see their midheaven more than anything 
Gemini MC people always have something going on, they have like 5 careers at the same time, very multi-faceted people. They’re not quite happy at doing one thing but they’re also very adaptable 
In the work environment, he could adapt to others and very much go with the flow of things, jack of all trades. Whatever happens, he can do it and does it well
For now I am going to go on more explaining why everyone is like uhh it makes sense and later I'll actually make a post with more information, in my drafts I have this one post by xx saved from like a year ago of their personality analysis of Johnny, in which they asked if any astrology people could you know back this up. I had written a whole response to it but now that we know I will make a more detailed response and analysis of his birth chart 👁️👁️
𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊, 𝕷𝖚𝖑𝖚 𝖝𝖔𝖝
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dolokhoded · 3 years
me starting to actually write this even though it still very obviously has some plot wholes
that ralbert au where race commits war crimes
i think it's really cute
so pulitzer is the big bad guy here for i'm basic reasons
has created some,, weird ass dumb ass evil empire
destroyed a couple towns
caused some battles
divided the world
y'know. stuff like that.
starting off with some spicy unfinished plot 🤩 but lbh it doesn't really matter anyways we're all just here for ralbert
anyways, race and al's families? pretty big part of that.
they're both supposed to take over their fathers' jobs when they grow up
said jobs basically being,, in charge of,,, unleashing people to raid entire towns and burn them to the ground
they grew up side by side, have always been best friends, never seen without each other
but understandably when they started growing up and understanding what was going on around them it,,,,,,, troubled them
and they dealed with it Very Differently
albert did Not like it
he was angry, and he was sad that this was what he was supposed to become and he was already never close with his family so it wasn't really hard for him to decide he didn't want anything to do with them anymore
race,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, okay look
deep inside him race knew what was going on was,,, s o wrong
but race was also from a big tight family, it was so much easier for him to just,,,,,, shut all of that out and pretend he was just doing what was better for them
it was hard for him, it was his family
still you can understand how well it went for them when albert left and race refused to go with him
they were 17 at the time
people against pulitzer's whole thing were obviously not very,,,,,,,,, well appreciated?
the moment albert ran away he was art of the defiance. he was a traitor.
but he was also still dasilva's son and they wanted them on their side, so they wouldn't seriously hurt him
doesn't mean they stopped looking for him
he shared an apartment with romeo and finch for a while, it was in a pretty lowkey neighborhood and they covered for him
and through them he met the rest of the newsies :) who actively helped in trying to help people who's homes were destroyed by pulitzer
there were people actively fighting him too but the newsies were mostly in charge of that
well, until albert and his non-existent impulse control arrived anyways
cause look,,,,, race was being trained for a reason, and eventually he took over
so when you see this ur ex-best friend who you're in love with but have a lot of repressed feelings for, both good and bad, that you decide to dump in the 'im angry' pile and just pretend you hate him and no longer care about him,,,,, fighting occurs
and there was a bit of controversy about albert joining them because "it's the dasilva boy romeo he was specifically trained to kick our asses" but that slowly turns into "yea ok he's very legit but for the love of god someone s t o p him the next time he tries to kiLL SOMEONE-"
that's a hyperbole, of course. even as rivals, albert wouldn't kill race. he barely even hurts him.
if anything, he even kind of looks out for him
he knows he's not supposed to but somehow he still can't bring himself to let race get hurt
besides let's be honest, most of their encounters are just an excuse to bitch at each other, they'd never do anything they know would seriously hurt the other
they know each other pretty well, they grew up together, they know each other's strengths and weaknesses
which is a pretty big advantage for them, honestly
enter,,,, albert dasilva's galaxy brain and the newsies' favorite game
Is Albert A Strategic Genius Or Is He Just In Love With Race
"no i've got this i know race!! i can use that against him!!!! i can guess his every move!!!! that's how well i know him!!!! i can recognize him in a room of like a billion people!!!!! it's my ultra strategic mind!!!! i can tell the sound of his voice from miles away!!!! it's because im so invested!!!!"
specs is like "in the mission or in race"
"you're chronically dumb"
"S T R A T E G I C M I N D."
albert really came in like well race's plan's gonna be ruined cause IM IN LOVE WITH HIM >:) what a fuckin loser
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all this aside,,,,,,, albert never stops trying to get race on their side .
now RACETRACK,,,,,,,,,
we have a WHOLE LOT of being an asshole as a defense mechanism from this boy
in race's eyes, albert abandoned him
in race's eyes, he was given up on. he just wasn't enough to keep him there.
he can't see anything but that and never in a million years would he bring himself to believe albert still cares about him
he'd be getting his hopes too high and letting down his guard, and he can't afford to do that.
race doesn't notice albert trying to help him, he doesn't notice albert very carefully avoiding injuring him, he doesn't notice how albert will never say anything that would hurt him
albert's always protective of race, regardless of if he's beside or against him
which leads us to how once race eventually does get hurt, seriously hurt, literally no one bats an eye when albert returns with race unconscious, demanding they get him help
which they do, cause albert has not shut up about race for like one second, the newsies might as well know as much about him as albert did
naturally when race woke up he,,, had questions
and then he saw albert
he was sat on a chair next to him, sleeping
and this is the first time he's seen him like this in ages
and he gets a little chocked up because holy shit he almost forgot albert was,,,,,like,,, a person
and it wasn't necessary to only see him when fighting
he still had a life and friends and people he loved and he wasn't just this dude who left them because he didn't give a shit about anyone
he could genuinely care for people and he could love people and race just remembered how much he wished he could be one of those people
and how much he wished he could be albert's favorite person again and just sit and talk and laugh with him like they used to
cause that's a part of albert he'd forced himself to just forget about
and then al wakes up and he sees him looking up at him and he's like
"how're you feeling"
and then he's sad cause it's much harder to know albert is a good person with real feelings and he's capable of loving so much and race thinks he's just one of the people who will never get that side of him and he just
"fuck off"
they fight
because of course they do
they're not really sure on what terms they are at this point, and there's so much they need to get out there
at first race is just,,,, stubborn
he won't listen, he demands they let him go back
"we can just let you go, idiot, i shouldn't have ever brought you here in the first place!"
"then why did you?"
and al just shrugs it away as if he hasn't been in love with him for years and would never forgive himself if he left him there to bleed
they just go yelling at each other back and forth for a while until inevitably albert's non-existent impulse control makes his return
and he,,,,, very angrily tells him he loves him
and everything just stops cause that's the one thing race though he'd never hear him say again
and race is literally holding his breath cause he's scared he'll ruin it if he moves in the slightest and it'll all turn out to be in his head but it's not cause when he tells albert he loves him back he's still there and he just,,
takes race's face in his hands and kisses him so softly it's like they weren't just screaming at each other's faces
romeo just fuckin pokes his head in like "i heard yelling but i also heard i love you so i'll assume some of those unresolved feelings were let out and we're all ready to have a nice long healthy chat, yeah? :D"
so they do
they talk. for,,,,,,,,, a long time.
needless to say, race stays
he loves his family and maybe he'll be back for them, maybe he'll help them but he recognizes what's the priority here
plus it's a little clearer now that he doesn't have all those feelings to worry about, and it's been a while since he was actually accepted and loved, which the newsies did instantly. it's pretty obvious where he belongs now.
this au still has,,,,, SO much to unpack, holy shit, but i decided to leave this post here cause,,,,, i can't do all of that now. i might at some point though, if people actually are interested, there's a lot of hurt/comfort from this point. there's the nightmares part which is v soft and i adore it, THERE'S JUST A LOT TO UNPACK. so yeah, i'm finally posting this, ralbert stans, come get y'all's juice.
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knowltonsrangers · 4 years
Alphabet: Lafayette
[a/n: Here’s Laf!! For the lovely @thefanficnerd ❤️Hope u enjoy! ❤️]
Marquis de Lafayette x reader
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Anytime, any place, anywhere. Between tucking loose hairs back behind your ears, to looping your fingers together in a tight hold, the answer to affection is always yes. Laf shows affection in his own ways, and it’s these little things that send you into a flurry.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Oh, literally the sweetest guy! He’s a good friend, because he’s an excellent listener and is brimming with amazing advice. He’d always give you a choice, and never turn his back. If something were to occur with your friendship, he wouldn’t get mad and blow you off. He’d like to talk it out and make amends, if plausible. Text him at 3 am? He’ll answer moments later. He’d be there every step of the way, no matter what!
The friendship could start literally anywhere. Laf is a little less shy then Baker, so he’d spark a conversation just based on the shirt you’re wearing. Sitting next to him in a long lecture hall is always entertaining, because passing notes or working on assignments together is almost a given.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
OH BOY YES. Switches between big & little spoon, but I’d say he’s 75% of the time big spoon in cuddling. Just cause he’s always wanting to show how much he loves you, and when he’s got you in front of him, it takes so much willpower to not kiss you silly. He cuddles in bed, and snuggles on the couch.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Oh yes! Yes to settling down, for sure! It’ll only take a couple months of dating to see how much of his heart he gives to you, so moving in together is a given if you are down for that!
About cooking & cleaning, man he is absolutely the best roommate on those types of things. While you both have designated chores and such when it comes to cleaning, cooking is where it becomes fun. Time in the kitchen is best spent, because of the shared meals and laughs. Getting to make dinner together is almost as fun as eating it together!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I hate to say it, but Laf is pretty loyal to a fault. He’s extremely trusting and maybe that goes over his head sometimes. If he had to break up with you for a reason, I’d take him some time alone to really think it over. It would most likely be an argument that would ignite the fire, but maybe a build up of things start the sparks.
Breaking up would be absolutely in person, and it would be calmly stated. No fighting, because his hearts already shattered.
(this made me so sad to type ffffs)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment is 100%! When you got him, he’s yours. He wouldn’t jump down your throat about marriage, but it would come up naturally. Because it only takes him a short time to know that your his soulmate, and whenever you’re ready, he’ll wait until then!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
GENTLE is like the word I use the most to describe Laf! (especially TURN! Laf) regarding physically, his touches are feather light and full of emotions. Emotionally, I’d say he has a better guard up than most. Similar to Baker, it’d take a low blow to see him get upset or angry. He’s careful with his feelings, but he’s very open with you about them.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
If y’all ain’t holding hands, y’all are hugging. Laf loves to slide his arms around your shoulders and squeeze you silly. He loves to mumble how much he loves you in your ear, and press kisses all along your temple. 🥺
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I’d say after six months, give or take. If one of you were to go away for a while, he’d probably say it then, because half his heart is missing when you’re not around. He’d either say it in a moment of confidence, or a moment of vulnerability. If you say it first, all his doubts vanish and he’ll reply energetically the same!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
35%? That’s a bit much, and I don’t see him as a jealous boyfriend type! it’s not so much that he’s insecure, but it’s that he enjoys and cherishes his memories with you. If someone else were to wedge in and divide your relationship in half, he’d be jealous of the less and less time spent together.
And on what he’d do? He’d talk to you about it. Pull you aside about it one night. He’s eager and willing to find a solution!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
ANGELIC. No cap! Soft and fluttery and warm. He loves to kiss you on the corners of your mouth, but kisses are never scarce just at the tops of your cheekbones. Kissing away any sad day tears :,)
He loves to be kissed on the underside of his jaw, but he melts when you peck him on the lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
BEST. Dad mode? Activated. He’ll sit himself right on the ground, no matter where, and carry on a conversation with a child for as long as they’d like. If you have family that is younger or an infant, he’s all over them at gatherings and such. His voice is so caring and soft, and his accent floats along with his words in such a calming tone.
Babies fall asleep in his arms INSTANTLY
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
smooching over coffee or tea. Just kidding! Well, kinda. Good Morning kisses are a must, and while it’s very difficult to get out of bed, y’all drag each other out. Monday’s it’s Laf, Friday’s it’s usually you. By the end of the week, you’re wiped out, and Laf is just a bundle of energy.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
MOVIE DATES AND DINNER DATES AND WALKS IN THE PARK AND HAND HOLDING AND FEEDING DUCKS. Could all be in one night or just several different dates. It doesn’t matter, Laf just enjoys doing the simplest things with you!
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Rather slowly, I’d say? It’s just by his nature to want to hear the most he can about you, because he’s throughly interested. He just wants to know your favorite color, food, season.. literally everything! And don’t be discouraged that he’s not sharing his favorites with you, just ask :) He actually doesn’t even realize that he’s withholding information. There is no keeping secrets with him!
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It takes a lot, and I mean a LOT to get Laf angry. He is so usually calm and collected, that seeing him in an angered frenzy is kinda shocking. If you catch him on a bad day, be careful to note that it’s most likely not his intention to direct any anger at you. If he catches himself being cross with you, expect a dozen apologies and kisses later.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He doesn’t have a photographic memory, but it’s pretty damn close! Birthdays, anniversaries, and important dates are always on his calendar!
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
when you said you loved him back 🥺 he’d be, for lack of a better term,,, apprehensive of your response? If you say you do in fact, love him? His heart leaps in his chest and he all but jumps for joy. He’s opening his heart to you, and he’d remember that moment forever.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
BIG MAYBE. He’s not overprotective-but if some guy or gal was getting up in your business, unwanted attention of course, he’d throw an arm around your shoulder and assert his relationship to you very clearly.
Him, on the other hand, will wave you off and say that he’s fine to handle himself in these situations, because he never wants to see you get hurt. But, by all means, glue yourself to his side and shoo the other person away. A sad Laf is a sad y/n.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
10,000%. See’s a daisy outside Washington’s HQ and brings it back home to you. Because it “reminded him of you”
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Leaves coffee mugs out until they stain the bottom with brown rings.
Hm. Also known to vacuum at odd hours.
OH and the only other thing he’s guilty of is sometimes forgetting to kiss you exactly every possible moment of the day.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s effortlessly extremely attractive. He’s about as concerned as a mouse.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Laf has a U.S. quarter collection. Don’t @ me.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He’s not a fan of a messy house. While he is so guilty of leaving small things about, he’d never scold you for leaving your keys on the floor because they just missed the hook. But he can’t live in a mess. His desk is always tidy and beaming with professionalism.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sleeps 8 hours a day! Snoozes with you are always a 10 on his scale. He’s always ready to fall into a nap with you, suffocating you into a hug to cuddle. Laf snores, just a bit. Not loud enough to wake you!
[tag list!: @shieldblacksailsonfrontier  @thefanficnerd  @simvez  @viper-official  @the-anxious-youth @boredthreatrekid ]
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Oo oo could u do a thrawn nsfw head cannon? If u haven't already?
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A/N: You’re actually the first.  Let’s see what we can do for my favorite Grand Admiral.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Thrawn is always so careful with you.  His voice becomes low and soft, praising you as he helps clean you up.  He doesn’t want you anywhere else, but by his side.  He doesn’t care if you’re room is just down the hall, you’re staying with him for the rest of the night.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your eyes. He loves catching every stray emotion.  He loves the way they shine when you smile and gloss over in want when he fucks you.  He could cum just by looking in your eyes alone.
As for himself, he likes his arms. He knows they’re strong and he loves how easily he can lift you into them. He knows how you watch them while he trains and you cling to them as he takes you. He has every reason in the galaxy to appreciate them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves to cum inside you more than anything.  For one, he doesn’t like leaving a mess and prefers an unimpeded view of your skin.  But, more importantly he feels it’s a way of truly prooving you’re his. He’s the one making you feel this way.  It’s your body clenching around him, begging for his seed.  And don’t even get him started on the sight of his cum leaking out of you pussy when he finally pulls out.  It’s enough to get him going all over again.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Thrawn takes great pride of having control over himself and his body.  The one time he fully lost control wasn’t long after meeting you.  You had gotten close too him.  He could smell the sent of your hair and detected the infrared glow of heat from your cheeks. You had spoken formally, but softly in a tone that was leaving him reeling. 
He all but ran to his quarters at the first opportunity and ran a cold shower.  But, even that couldn’t stop the different scenarios of your legs wrapped around his waist.  He had to take care of himself then and there or else he was going to burst.
He felt some shame at that, not from his thoughts of you, but his lack of reserve.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He actually has a rather limited experience.  My personal headcanon is that the Chiss are pretty culturally strict when it comes to sex.  So, having sexual relations outside of marriage is a bigger deal.  He’s had only one or two partners before you.  But, he doesn’t go into anything without doing at least some research.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position where he can see your eyes.  Even if he takes you from behind, he’ll make you turn your head to look at him.  He wants to know what you’re feeling even if you can’t voice it.  He wants to see what he’s doing to you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Thrawn is always serious when it comes to your pleasure.  His full concentration is on you.  He’s not going to be the one to break the tension.  Although, he’s not one to pass up an opportunity at a smug dry remark.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Hair is kept to a minimal, manageable level.  And yes, the carpet does match the drapes; all dark blue black down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
As I’ve said in previous headcanons, Thrawn has an extremely difficult time being vulnerable around people.  Sex is by it’s nature a vulnerable act, it leaves you exposed.  So, the fact Thrawn even wants to have sex with you is a huge sign of trust, and he wants to show you how much it means to him.  He makes love to you every time you’re together, plain and simple.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
As I’ve said before, Thrawn takes pride in having control over his body and impulses.  So, he keeps the jacking off to a minimum.  Even after years of not having a partner, he doesn’t really feel the urge to.  And when he’s with a partner, he wants to save his lust for them, not his hand.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Mirror Sex. It has everything he loves with the added benefit of you being able to see yourself as well.  He loves watching your eyes widen at the sight of his cock disappearing into your pussy. God, the sounds he makes.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His quarters on The Chimera. It’s a place where he feels most comfortable and in control.  It’s where his own power comes from with the added benefit of no interruptions short of imminent attack.  Nobody is going to disturb a Grand Admiral unless someone was literally dying.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Competency.  Any time you can prove just how capable you are, whether it be intellectually or physically, sends a thrill down his spine.  He cannot wait to get you back into his bed to show you just how awe-inspiring you truly are.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Verbal humiliation, from either him or you.  Insults to him and his capabilities are only going to get him frustrated and not in a sexy way.  And he cannot bring himself to humiliate you.  He’ll tie you up if you like it.  Spank you if you ask, but he’s not going to degrade you in anyway.  He doesn’t get it and he doesn’t like it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves giving.  If I haven’t made it clear, he takes pride in your pleasure.  He can get off just at the sounds you make under him, knowing he’s the one making you feel this way.  He’ll stay between your legs for hours, making you cum again and again until your trembling and begging him to stop.  He might not have much experience, but he learns fast.
That all being said, there’s something about you on your knees, looking up with him, praising him for all that he’s given you and asking if you can give him something in return.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual is his general M.O.  He wants to make the experience last for as long as possible.  But, if you ask, he’ll take you as roughly as you like.  It’s all a matter of what will give you the most satisfaction.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not his thing.  Like, really not his thing.  He doesn’t want to risk a quick escapade in his office and he’s not going to degrade himself to a supply closet.  It’s either your room or his, and if you’re already there, you might as well take your time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Thrawn is willing to try different things, so long as he’s given the time to prepare and read up on whatever it is you want to try.  And so long as it’s not anything degrading either for you or for him. And if it’s private.  He has a reputation with his crew he needs to uphold.  His private life is private for a reason.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man has amazing stamina.  He might only get off once or twice, but he can go for hours, holding off his own climax while he gets you off an average of three to five times between his tongue, fingers, and cock, if not more.  You’re not sure if it’s a Chiss thing or a Thrawn thing.  Either way, he’s not done with you until you either beg him to stop or pass out.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No toys unless you explicitly talk about it before hand as part of an experiment.  Call it pride, but Thrawn wants to do all the work himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He tries to tease you.  He really does.  He tries to keep you on edge, but as soon as your moans and pleads leave your lips, he’s gone.  He has to give you what you want.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not that noisy, unless his whispering praises in your ear in a mix of basic and Cheunh.  Mostly it’s heavy breathing broken up by grunts and soft curses.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Thrawn never really thought of having children before you.  His mind was always focused on what the Ascendeny required of him and then the Empire.  The idea of having something for his own never occurred to him.  But, there are times after you make love with you in his arms he wonders what might happen if you got pregnant.  The thought of you carrying his child is almost enough for him to wake you up and try for one in earnest.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
The man is hung and you cannot convince me otherwise. Again, unsure if it’s a Chiss thing or a Thrawn thing, but he’s certainly longer and thicker than the average human.  Not to mention completely blue with his cock turning a kind of purple at the tip when aroused.  It’s going to be nearly impossible to go back to humans after him.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not very high.  He’s able to keep his more erotic thoughts to a minimum and even if he can’t help it, he’s able to put them safely away until later.  However, when he does get in the mood, you better clear your schedule.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a while to fall asleep.  He doesn’t need that much sleep period and sex doesn’t exhaust him the way it does for others.  You’re more likely to dose off first before his eyes are even heavy.
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ladyblogger-margie · 3 years
James “Bucky” Barnes – NSFW Alphabet
***GN!Reader (Let me know if I slipped up anywhere)
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex)
He frankly isn’t the most attentive after sex. He tells you the experience was great and gives you a kiss when you’ve both finished, but he leaves you to clean yourself up and wanders away to do his own thing and work out the remaining aderline by getting some water or washing his face. But he will have a smile on his face for the rest of the day just thinking of how your bodies came together so perfectly.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part on themselves and on their partner)
He loves his thighs. They are strong and support his and your weight without shaking. He struts when he walks, and his thighs are front and center of that confidence display.
He loves your eyes. He feels like you are the only one who can truly see him, the real him, and those eyes just bore into him so knowing, so lovingly. He loves to watch you sleep and his heart grows so soft when he sees you lashes fluttering as you dream.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum - I am a disgusting person)
He wants to come on your face whenever possible. He loves leaving a mess you clean up with you hand and push into your mouth. If he gets some in your hair in the process, he will not tell you and let it stay there until the next time you shower, the thought of that making him hard again instantly.
D = Dirty Secret (What do they secretly want)
He would love to have a threesome with you. The gender of the third doesn’t matter, just wants to find someone that’ll make you happy too. He wants to watch you fuck someone else and he wants you to watch him fuck someone too. A threesome is the top of his special request list, even though he’s worried it would offend you to know that. You’ll really have to develop that bond and sense of understanding before he’ll feel comfortable enough to know that you won’t be upset by his request. It’s absolutely not that you’re not enough for him, it’s just about escalating the experience for you both and creating a shared experience.
E = Experience (Do they know what they are doing?)
He’s not as experienced as you might think. He may be over 100 years old but his time as a brainwashed Hydra agent was not spent exploring his sexuality. His experience before the war was varied, but he still has a lot to learn, especially when it comes to all the new inventions in toys and roleplay that have occurred during his time out of practice. He is an eager student though and happy to explore uncharted territory and experiment with you.
F = Favorite Position (Self explanatory)
He loves to 69. He loves how your mouth feels around his cock as he draws an orgasm out of you. It also is inline with how much he loves to finish on and around your face.
G = Goofy (Are they serious during sex or goofy?)
He’s a pretty serious person. He can be a little flirtatious which sometimes comes across goofier than he means, especially when roleplaying. Most of the time though he is as dark and brooding as ever.
H = Hair (Are they well groomed?)
No, he is not a detailed groomer. He is clean, but he does not manscape and is all natural. He likes his partner however they’re comfortable, regardless of if that is completely hairless or full bush. But he does love himself some pubic hair to get absolutely lost in, but will never force a choice on his partnet. He expects his partner to respect his grooming choices equally.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment?)
Most of the time when you two are intimate it is primal and urgent leaving his emotional connections feeling a bit detached from your physical actions. He is all about the release for both of you and that’s his clear objective. He shows his emotional attachment to you in different ways. At first it caused you some insecurity, but as you got to know him better you understood that his compartmentalization actually created different ways for you two to connect rather than to keep you apart.
J = Jack Off (Do they masturbate?)
He jack’s off almost constantly since he returned from his brainwashed state. He loves mutual masturbation as well. He sometimes uses his metal arm for a unique, almost out of body experience when it comes to self-pleasure. Though he’d always pick time with you over going solo.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He is very into spitting. He always spits in his hand before he jacks himself off and if you’re masturbating together, he’ll insist you spit in his hand for him. He loves to spit in your mouth and if you’re riding him, he begs you to spit in his mouth. It’s filthy and he loves it.
L = Location (Favorite place to do it)
He loves to fuck you in public. You’ll find a secluded path just off the trail and drop your pants to your ankles as he pushes you against a tree. He’ll cover your mouth with his hand and expect you to drool and pant into it as he thrusts into you hard and messy. He’ll be hard the rest of your walk as he knows his cum drips out of you as you continue forward.
M = Motivation (What turns them on or gets them going?)
It doesn’t take much to get him going to be honest. He’s always ready whenever you are. He especially likes when you slyly reference a previous encounter in a vague way in front of other people, faking innocence to your inside double entendre.  
N = No (Something they will not do. Turn offs.)
He does not want to engage in anything related to a piss!kink. It is just one of those things he can’t understand why people are into it, and while he respects everyone’s right to explore their own sexuality in their own way, it is just not something that appeals to him or turns him in. He supports it, but only for other people and not for his own experience.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc.)
He loves to give you pleasure, no question, but he never comes harder than when you give him oral. Something about him looking down at you with your lips around his cock just pushes him over the edge like nothing else does. He loves when you touch yourself while he fucks your face. He never lasts as long as he means to when you tease him like that.
P = Pace (Are they fast or rough? Or slow and sensual?)
He is a fast and hard kind of fuck. The kind of fuck that leaves your breathless and bruised unable to walk. He wrecks you so completely and so thoroughly so quickly that you don’t even mind that he leaves you whimpering and trembling alone on your bed when he’s finished with you because you’re so overstimulated by the time he’s done you don’t think you could handle much more.
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than regular sex)
He is the king of quickies. If anything, he prefers them. They keep him from getting too caught up in his own thoughts and insecurities and force him to be entirely in the moment where all that matters is your shared pleasure in whatever time span you two have available to you without interference from the real world.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He is up for anything you want to try. After discovering internet porn he came to you every day with a new idea to test out. Sometimes they end in complete bliss, and other times they are complete failures, but he loves the process and learning new ways to worship each others’ bodies.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
He is a super soldier; he can last much longer than you with more rounds in him than you can take. Some days you are totally beyond spent that he finishes himself off and cums on your face as you lay there and take it as a blissed-out shell of your regular self.
T = Toys (Do they own or use toys on themselves or partners?)
As part of his experimentation, you and he buy every toy that piques your interest until you have quite an elaborate and varied collection. His favorite is a remote-control vibrator that you use on him when you’re out in public. He likes the exhibitionist nature of that and he likes that you are in control of him in ways no one actually knows.
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
He thinks he is a big tease, but he can’t help himself when you’re naked in front of him. He’ll send you naughty messages with details on what he will do to you later in order to build up the anticipation, but when the time comes, he is full steam ahead at a rapid pace.
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
He is a grunter for sure. Doesn’t say much, but he makes animalistic, unrestrained grunts that awaken something primal deep within you. He sounds absolutely feral sometimes and it’s the best kind of dangerously sexy.
W = Wildcard (Random headcanon for your character)
He hard to get to know, but once he lets you in he becomes extremely clingy. He will never admit it, but it’s not a coincidence that he always happens to be in the same room as you and just happens to need to brush his teeth while you jump in the shower, or he decides he needs a snack while you’re in the kitchen baking, or why he decides to read in the living room while you doing yoga instead of in the library/den. When you’re working from home he has never been happier knowing he can be in the same room with you literally all day every day.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
He’s surprisingly average, not that average is bad. Frankly though all that matters is how he uses it which is exceptionally well. He fills you just right and always leaves you feeling good. He isn’t flashy in appearance, but who needs flash when there’s substance and commitment to pleasure.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He is horny all the time, he is always ready whenever you are and can get feral if denied too long. He always respects your consent of course, but he is all over you all the time. If you ever ask him to fuck he’s naked before you can finish your request.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
He usually gets up and putters around right after you two finish as he works some of the leftover adrenaline out of his system. Which is why you often find him passed out, snoring and drooling on the couch or slumped over at the kitchen table just crashing where he lands when he comes down from his high.
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hitchell-mope · 3 years
ABC headcanons. Ben LeRoi. Volume 3
His relationship with Mal will be included with this seeing as it makes no sense to me to not include it if you know what I mean
A - Acrobatics - How bendy can they get in bed? What is their favourite position? Mal’s magic coupled with Ben’s sports training results some very impressive acrobatics. Their favourite position is face to face
B - Bliss -  How big is the “big o” for them? How easy it is to bring them to it? Well. Magic light fills the windows when it happens so you tell me. And it’s fairly easy to ensure since they’re both very good at it.
C - Control -  How dominant they are? Who is more dominant? On a scale of 1-10. Ben’s about an 8 and a half. And Ben’s much more dominant than Mal.
D - Dedication - To what extent are they willing to go to make the night perfect? Ben’s willing to do anything to make the night perfect for Mal. So long as he doesn’t think it’s put either of them in danger that is.
E - Experiment - Are they eager to try new things in bed, or do they prefer more traditional love-making? Yes. They’re willing to try anything at least once.
F - Film - Have they ever documented their bedroom activities? Yes. It’s was a 19th birthday present for Ben.
G - Gooey - Anything related to messier aspect of sex, including cum. They don’t mind getting messy. Magic makes everything easier after all. Chocolate is involved more often than not. And they’re okay with it. Again. Magic makes everything easier.
H - Horny - How easily aroused that person is, and what drives them crazy? Ben’s able to keep himself under control better than most guys his age but when both you and your wife have magic and can turn into mythical creatures that the other is sexually attracted to. Then it doesn’t take much to get things started. And he adores it when Mal uses casual magic to either of their benefit. Provided he’s informed about it of course.
I - Innuendo - How good is their dirty talk game? Mal’s is great. Ben’s not as good. It’s still a little corny. But he’s getting better at it.
J - Jungle - How well groomed is their carpet, etc.? Ben is completely natural as well as purple. It’s a holdover from the beast transformation. Mal’s almost the same except she keeps herself trimmed.
K - Kiss - How are they skilled with their mouths? Tongue, or not? And how often do they kiss anything but lips? Both are skilled. Ben’s a freaking prodigy. Yes. Always when it’s the lips. And Ben’s a very big practitioner of forehead, cheek, nose and chin kisses. Those are much more chaste though.
L - Libido - How long can they go? If they didn’t have kingly duties or college they’d probably never leave their apartments.
M - Moan - How vocal are they in the bedroom (or elsewhere)? Do they turn to mush, or keep up the talk? Both are very vocal. Lots of cursing and grunts and screams and french cuss words. And they always keep talking.
N - Nature - Have they ever thought about having sex outside, or doing other inappropriate things there? They’ve done it outside. Abandoned dragon cave. At the enchanted lake. A couple hundred miles above the clouds. You know just the usual spots.
O - Oscar - Do they enjoy role-playing? Yes. Their most constant one is the knight and the dragon.
P - Protection/Procreation - How careful are they? Have they had any accidents? How eager are they to start a family? Magic keeps from any accidents that may occur. Which also means they don’t need to be carful if they so choose. They do want to start a family. But not for another decade
Q - Quirk - Does their love-making have any unique elements? Magic. Beast. Dragon. Sceptres. Wings. It’s pretty quirky.
R - Random - Any random fact about them. Ben likes to cover them in his wings when they do it. Mal has a thing for wearing his old tourney jersey when they do it.
S - Strip - What goes underneath their clothes? Thanks to his magic Ben’s got a body worthy of Thor himself and what was already king sized has now doubled in its majesty. As for Mal. She’s also in perfect shape for her age. Just as much as Ben is, if not more, since she did a lot of running on the island. And thanks to magic, neither of them have to do any work for it
T - Tempo - What’s their pacing like? Are they casual or more intimate? They go fast as much as possible but they always keep the romance.
U - Urge - How often does the desire to have sex strike them? What happens then? Well. They’re both 19 years old. So pretty often. And they always teleport into their apartments if they can. If not. They use magic to keep themselves in check
V - Virginity - How was that person/these people’s first time? They’re each other’s first. And it was a little weird but still very enjoyable.
W - Wish - What’s one of their wildest fantasies? Ben’s living it. It’s no secret that he’s downright obsessed with dragons are the ahem darker side of morality so Mal is his literal dream come true. Mal’s is to surrounded by ten different Ben’s in various costumes. And that was fulfilled on her 19th birthday
X - eXtra - Are they willing to bring extra people into the bedroom? And who that would be? Yes. Their most favoured choices are with Jane or Prince Tyrone of Maldonia.
Y - Yoyo - What does their toy collection look like? Mostly magic potions. Their sceptres. And some traditional toys.
Z - Zoinks - Have they ever been caught/compromised? How did they react? Only once. Now Jay will always knock. They were shocked but laughed it off the next day. And now they know to use a glamour spell when they’re doing it in the gala bathrooms.
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himbowelsh · 4 years
you writing a chuckler alphabet would melt me to a puddle!
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Enthusiastically. He doesn’t hold back  ---  Lew gives smacks on the back that rattle your teeth, hugs that lift you off the ground, and compliments that linger in your head for days afterwards. It never occurs to him to hold back  ---  he’s very open about his affection, 
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
I’ll put it this way  ---  little Lew was not allowed in his mother’s garden, because he was a walking hazard. Where he went, mud pies followed. Nothing has changed in 20 years. Doesn’t know what a nice bouquet looks like  ---   he genuinely thinks the bright, dyed rainbow ones you pick up at the drugstore are nice, and will bring them home sometimes just as a surprise.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
Chocolate? Where chocolate? Yes chocolate, give him all the chocolate today please! (He loves chocolate, but is unfortunately bad at sharing. He thinks he’s subtle, hiding them, when Hershey kisses are literally spilling out of his pockets.)
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Look, he’s happy doing pretty much anything, but has a soft spot for fireworks? Seriously. His perfect date is the 4th of July, by a lake somewhere, watching the sun go down while eating ice cream cones, waiting for those colors to explode in the sky. When they start, his partner leans against his chest, and he gets to hear every inhale, every gasp of delight...  it’s heaven for him.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Definitely a hugger. For as often as he ends up lifting people off their feet  ---  something he genuinely doesn’t mean to do, it just happens   ---   his hugs are extremely comforting. Their solid, reassuring, just the right level of tender...  Chuckler hugs like he’s trying to shield someone from exploding shrapnel, except in most cases the shrapnel is metaphorical. (Hopefully. He also will, and has, shielded people from exploding shrapnel.)
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Oh, buddy. This man flirts like it’s going out of style. His lead-in is usually a joke, and it’s usually stupid  ---   but if he can make someone laugh, he’s already won half the battle. Lew’s charming, and earnest in a way that’s hard to turn down flat. He’s got a particular twinkle in his eyes that draws people in, and when he winks at them...  well, flirting’s always come pretty easy to him.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Well, he’s not good at it, but he sure tries his best. Lew loves giving out gifts. He doesn’t need a reason  ---  if he sees some nice trinkets at the store, or something that just reminds him of someone, he’ll pick it up  (usually without much thought to the price  ---  not that he’s careless, just too generous with his own wallet). Unfortunately, these gifts range from bizarre to tacky. No one knows why he thought a box of alligator erasers was a good gift for his eighty-five year old grandmother, but hey, at least he was thinking of her. It’s a weird habit, but it’s sweet.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
Not as quickly as you’d expect. Lew gives pieces of his heart away, rather than handing out the whole thing. He’s not an idiot. Friendliness comes easy to him, but trust takes a lot longer to build, and love itself isn’t something he rushes into blind. Winning Lew over is like climbing a massive flight of stairs, one block at a time.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Did you mean his three favorite words in the English language? He loves saying it  ---  loves, loves, loves it. Not that he’ll be the first person in the relationship to say it, because this is one of the few things he’ll get self-conscious over...  but as soon as his partner says it first, his eyes just light up, and he can’t say it back fast enough. After that, he says it all the time  ---  sometimes casually, without even thinking about it; sometimes just to make them smile, murmured against their cheek in a teasing voice; sometimes just to remind them, whispered into the crown of their head at night; sometimes just to hear it, when their mouth is on his and breath comes heavily between them both.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Genuinely not? He seems completely immune to jealousy  ---  it has his friends a little worried. What human being can be that confident? The real reason, of course, isn’t that Lew doesn’t believe anyone would ever cheat on someone with abs like his (though lowkey he doesn’t), but his unshakeable trust in his partner. He doesn’t believe they’d ever hurt him, so he’s not consciously reading into instances of them being friendly with people  ---  or those people being overly friendly with them. He doesn’t see it as being naive, though some people might disagree.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
He’s the sort of kisser you write home about. One look at him, and it’s obvious he’s got a big mouth, but he knows how to use it...  and boy, does he ever. Chuckler isn’t shy. While one hand boldly explores his partner’s body, caressing every interesting curve it comes across, his mouth works hard at memorizing theirs. Lots of lip biting, sucking, leaving love marks without intending to...  he gets so into the kiss that he groans once or twice, and that might actually make him blush, but a bit of encouragement from his partner eggs him on. He does get worked up quickly...  but as soon as his partner draws a line, he scrambles to respect it. Chuckler doesn’t push, and he doesn’t demand anything his partner isn’t enthusiastically comfortable giving.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
So many people. He can’t make a list. Lew loves casually; he’s got the sort of big heart inclined to feel warmth towards good people. His love has various degrees, but it’s all still love, isn’t it? A grocery store cashier let him off twenty-five cents short, and he fell a little in love right there.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
Depends on his mood, and exactly how awake he is. Sometimes Lew’s one of those obnoxious morning people who want to be out at 7am to jog; sometimes he doesn’t get to bed until 7am, because he was up all night with his friends. Either way, he’s at his most mushy-romantic in those soft dawn hours, laying in bed beside his partner, where he’s able to just hold them close and smile down at their sleeping face.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
He’s a talker. It’s a little ridiculous. Even with his head between someone’s legs (a particular favorite move) he’ll still be muttering things up to them, wry comments and casual observations that get them blushing bright red. Thankfully, he also puts his mouth to work in other, much more effective ways. Loves having his hair pulled on  ---  his scalp is very sensitive  ---  and loves being ridden / guided by his partner. (A sub? Possibly.) Very vocal lover, because he doesn’t try to hold anything back, and he’d love a partner who was the same way  (the neighbors would hate him if he wasn’t so friendly otherwise). Has a lot of stamina, and a lot of power...  but when he goes over the edge, he goes over the edge hard, and needs to grip his partner to anchor him on the way down. Passes out very quickly afterwards.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
I’m not saying he wouldn’t try to write love poetry for a partner he’s head-over-heels with, ‘cause he’s exactly that level of corny...   I’m saying he shouldn’t. Lew isn’t...  bad with words, he’s just very blunt, in a way that sometimes hits like a rock over the head. His filter isn’t always there. He’s learned through experience that once words are out, there’s no taking them back, but he usually can’t help speaking his mind/feelings aloud anyways.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Someone who doesn’t take things too seriously. He’s attracted to bright personalities, warm laughs and beaming smiles; people who know how to laugh at themselves are endlessly attractive to him. Maybe someone with great hips (he’s crazy about hips). They’d have to have enough energy to keep up with him. Someone who he can take care of, but who will also treat him gently  ---   sometimes he just wants to feel someone’s hand stroking through his curls while being told that he’s good enough, that he’ll be alright, and his partner would need to be able to look past his strong surface and see that inner vulnerability. Someone who loves animals   ---   and if they’re small enough for him to pick up, amazing.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
Yes! Yes, absolutely, he’s going to propose, and he’d love to be the one to propose first. Actually, he’d lowkey start forming a plan about six months into the relationship. When it really gets serious, really starts going places...  that’s when his imagination sets to work. It starts hypothetically  ---  if he was going to ask, what would be the right way to do it? What would his partner like best? The thought lingers in his mind, a plan slowly but surely taking shape, until he finally buys the ring. Chuckler would let his partner choose the location, taking them to their favorite place, and find some way to slip the ring into something sweet  ---   if they go out for dinner, it’ll be dessert, but if they go for a stroll or somewhere exciting, he’ll make sure to get ice cream cones on the way back. Sure, there’s an off-chance that the ring could end up eaten, but...  risk vs reward, right?
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
Romantic to his core. Lew just...  isn’t good at the whole cynicism thing. He doesn’t have a bitter bone in his body. Plus, romancing just comes...  naturally to him? He’s not sophisticated about it, but he likes taking care of people, and has a talent for finding the color in mundane things. He’ll take his partner to a local firefly hotspot in the summer, or hide heart-shaped confetti inside a balloon and give it to them before popping it...  silly, exciting things that make them smile, which is all he could ask for.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
There was this cute little blonde girl in his third grade class, whose pigtails he always used to tug on (they were so bouncy!), till one day she reeled around and smacked him in the mouth. Ahh, young love.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
Sure he does! He sees all those old couples married after so many years together, and still as in love as the day they met  ---  if that’s not true love, then what is? That’s the kind of love Lew longs for. Even when he’s old and his joints crack when he walks and he always smells kind of weird, someone who’ll still love him like they always have. A love that grows with you, instead of letting itself be outgrown.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
...  no? A girl turned him down for a Valentine date once, but he figured she already had a date, so he wasn’t hurt. (Lew gets disappointed, but bounces back quickly. His brain is basically silly putty, it can stretch an excuse for anything.)
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
He loves it! A day just to go on dates, be romantic, and eat chocolate? What’s not to love? He’s made a game out of going store-to-store, trying to find the biggest stuffed animal, which he’ll then inevitably give as a gift to whoever will take it. (That’s why Leckie has a stuffed bear bigger than him sitting in his attic. No, he doesn’t want it, but no, he doesn’t know what the hell to do with it.)
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
Yes, of course! Even before he’s in a relationship, he knows for sure he wants to get married someday. He’s genuinely excited about it.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Sure, but not casually. If he has a pet name for his partner  ---  “baby” or “honey” being his favorites, he’ll only use them during teasing moments, or particularly intimate ones.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
He does, but he’s not, like...  aggressive with it. Lew isn’t out here to kick anyone’s ass unless he needs to. Can they talk it out? Yeah, let’s do that first. Does someone need to be escorted off the premises for causing trouble? He can do that, he can be hella intimidating when he needs to be. As a rule, Lew won’t swing unless someone else throws the first punch...  but he won’t sit around like a stone if someone he loves is being threatened, either.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
He’s no saint. This man’s got rock-hard abs and could lift another human being over his head with one hand. More people want to sleep with Lew than he has the energy to sleep with. 9 - 10 partners is a good estimate, but it might be higher. He honestly could not say.
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jocelynscloset · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet : Kylo Ren Edition
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– This is the Kylo Ren Edition of my NSFW Alphabet series! If you have any suggestions for who you’d like me to make one for next feel free to send me an ask, and if you’d like to be added to the tag list for Emma Roberts’ characters, let me know! If you’re unaware of the concept, NSFW alphabet is an unpacking of a person/character’s sex life, and it’s a small paragraph for each letter describing your personal head canons about them. Please like, reblog, and share if you enjoy it.
Warning(s): smut, cum, this is all about sex so…
Word Count: 1,883
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A - Aftercare
Kylo is as affectionate as he is aggressive, when it comes to you. Aftercare is a simple thing for the two of you, most of the time. He knows that you like to shower with him before bed and fall asleep wrapped up in his bare arms, with your face buried in his neck. He’s especially careful with you after a particularly rough night together, making sure to caress every inch of your skin with a feather light touch while he takes care to wash you in the shower, brushing his fingers gently through your hair and over your skin in small, rhythmic motions while you fall asleep on top of him, taking solace in the sound of your small puffs of breath against him.
B - Body Part
Kylo loves your hands. They’re tiny and fragile compared to his rough, calloused ones and he loves to hold them, stroke them, kiss them, etc. He particularly loves how they look when you’re asleep with one arm resting across his abdomen and your arm slightly bent so one hand rests curled against him, so small and delicate against his broad, muscular chest. He also thinks it’s kind of adorable when you’re stroking his cock and you can barely touch your thumb to your other fingers around him.
C - C*m
Kylo likes to release onto your tummy, watching you writhe underneath him and squirm at the warm liquid coating your skin. He never leaves you like that long, though, as he always wants you to be comfortable and doesn’t find joy in that kind of degradation for very long at a time.
D - Dirty Secret
Kylo is big into the predator/prey dynamic in the bedroom and he wants to introduce it to you in a way that doesn’t necessarily devolve into your regular sub/dom routine. He’s not into animal play but he does like the idea of resistance (ironically enough) and sort of earning his way to you.
E - Experience
Kylo isn’t super experienced, but he’s naturally intuitive when it comes to your body and his and how they fit together. He’s been with a few other people, and had the chance to explore a lot of his interests with them, but he’s been more open to the intimacy involved with a sexual relationship now that he’s with you.
F - Favorite Position
Kylo loves any position where one of you is in complete control. It depends on the mood of the night, whether you’re submissive or dominant, but if one of you is clearly in charge of the evening, he likes to keep that person physically in control because it adds to the immersion of the dynamic. He’s more often than not the dominant in your relationship, but when you want to take control he really embraces it and tries to support you by keeping you physically dominant over him, even if he needs to hold you up.
G - Goofy
Giggles happen between you and Kylo, but rarely. Things are fairly smooth when you’re having sex, so there’s not a lot of awkward situations that prompt one or both of you to react with humor.
H - Hair
Both of you take it upon yourselves to stay well groomed and fresh, because both of you kind of have a thing about hygiene. Maybe you didn’t before you two got together, but Kylo’s incessant neatness and order kind of seeped into your routine and now it’s a priority. You mainly do it because he likes it, and he mainly does it for his own comfort. Those pants are tight.
I - Intimacy
Kylo’s intimacy with you didn’t come naturally. He was cold and unavailable at first, but opened up at his own pace and eventually the warmth was welcomed by him. The same evolution occurred parallel with your sex life. Things at one point were routinely rough, cold, and to the point, but now he takes his time, praises you, and holds you close afterward. He makes sure that not only are you sexually satisfied, but you’re fed, clean, happy, and entertained. It took a long time to develop but it happened.
J - Jack Off
Kylo has a lot of pent up emotion and anger, and he usually channels it into his work or into just.. destroying things. He’s found over time, however, that the stress relief he feels when he gets himself off is far more effective, both in effectiveness and cost of replacing equipment. It’s not necessarily something he looks forward to because of the orgasm, but because he knows it will release the tension in his muscles and his mind and just give him some reprieve from his constant stream of thoughts and responsibilities.
K - Kink
He’s always been a little partial to roughness in the bedroom, but Kylo particularly loves restraining you, whether partially or completely, and then being torturously slow and gentle to the point where you’re begging him and whining and writhing for him to do anything. He also loves when you give him a little shit, like “Kylo, I’m busy, we can do this later” when he knows you’re absolutely on your own time and that you want him just as much as he wants you.
L - Location
Kylo will fuck you pretty much anywhere on Starkiller Base, including before the eyes of his subordinates. However, it completely depends on your comfort. He’s happy to get his hands on you, even if it’s confined within walls of your shared bedroom. He knows you like your privacy and intimacy, and he respects that. If you’re in the mood to get a little risky, though, he’s always right there with you.
M - Motivation
Kylo is almost always either annoyed, angry, or sad, and those are by far the easiest to convert into sexual energy. You’re an expert at this maneuver, and you’re usually the one who instigates sex because you are so good at flipping that switch. If he’s depressed, you’re gentle around him, loving, and that makes him want to give you pleasure because you’re just so goddamn precious to him and you make his life worth living. If he’s annoyed, you’re the first one to escalate it to the point where he’s full on snippy and you turn it into the kind of cat-and-mouse game you two enjoy so much. If he’s seething, murderous, etc., you tend to either ask him to take it out on you, you know, rough you up a little, throw you around, be a bit rougher than usual, or you calm him down and take control, straddling his lap and getting in a quick, tiring round that makes the tension flood from his body.
N - No
Kylo doesn’t have a lot of hard limits to your sexual endeavors, but he refuses to degrade you. He has so much respect for you that he can’t imagine even pretending that you’re below him. He truly believes that you’re a goddess that was given to him to love, and he doesn’t like the idea of that kind of dynamic being introduced. He’ll do subtle degradation, though, especially in more sub/dom situations, like mocking your desperation for him.
O - Oral
Kylo has a huge thing for having his hair tugged at, and there’s no better position for that than being buried between your soft, smooth legs. He loves to hear your unrestrained cries and screams and desperate panting. It’s the act that makes him feel he’s most in control, and he always likes to make sure you have at least two orgasms in a night, so this usually triggers the first one.
P - Pace
It really depends on the mood. Kylo has a tendency to be somewhat gentle with you, no matter the tone of your night, even if he’s throwing you around like a doll, he’s always careful to make sure you’re still comfortable. Kylo generally takes his time, unless he’s unable to, like if you two are sneaking in a quickie between two other events. If he’s going really rough on you, he still likes to drag it out, and if he’s worshipping you, he really, really savors it.
Q - Quickie
Not huge in your relationship, surprisingly enough. He’s the master of the castle, so there’s nothing he can’t push off in favor of spending time with you, so you two typically get to take your time. However, on really busy days where you both can’t spare two seconds, a quickie isn’t unheard of.
R - Risk
Since Kylo’s in charge of the First Order, there’s really no risk in you two bringing your sex life outside the bedroom, however, it’s fun to pretend there is because you don’t actually have to worry. Sometimes you just really need him and you two have a slow, sloppy make out session while he’s sitting on his throne and being addressed by different subordinates periodically. Sometimes it… escalates.
S - Stamina
Kylo has steadily built up his stamina over time and he can usually go once or twice in a night, but he also loves to drag out a night with you. Literally fuck you all. night. long. So, he has a lot of time to recover between the times when he’s inside you.
T - Toys
Not a huge thing on Starkiller Base, but he does use the force on you frequently and his lightsaber has seen some interesting places.
U - Unfair
Kylo doesn’t tease you very much, or at least not on purpose. He knows you find his uniform very sexy and that you love watching him work and boss around people like Hux, but your neediness in relation to these things is somewhat out of his control. He does make sure to take advantage of it, though.
V - Volume
Kylo mostly expresses his pleasure in low growls or groans, being especially loud when you go down on him. He likes to let you know you’re making him feel good, so he’s not shy with his noises of praise. Though, he loves to hear the whimpers and moans falling from your lips more than anything, so he restrains his own voice most of the time so he doesn’t drown them out.
W - Wildcard
Kylo loves when you help him train, especially because you two usually end up on the mat in a more… intimate position than most combat partners do. Oh, and he loves fucking you when you’re wearing his shirts.
X - X - Ray
Kylo is well-endowed. No doubt. His size took a while for you to adjust to, and it was a few times with him before you could actually take all of him at once, so needless to say, he’s impressive. Pretty looking, too.
Y - Yearning
It’s very, very uncommon for Kylo to reject your advances, and it’s rare that a night ends without one or both of you having an orgasm. Sex is just an organic part of your routine that neither of you really grow tired of, so yeah you’re both pretty horny for each other all the time.
Z - Zzzzz…
`Kylo falls asleep almost immediately after sex, especially on a rougher night. He always pulls you close and makes sure you’re clean and comfortable, first, and usually you shower together before passing out in bed in the warmth of each other’s embrace.
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mackenzieparker · 4 years
ok lets do this one more time, yeah? for real this time. this is it. my name is nika (she/hers, est). i like to write and hang out cool communities like this and for the last first time, i have brought a brand new muse to y’all. below you’ll find all the details on a ms. mackenzie “mack” rae parker, plucky country gal and badass babe. please love me and her and smash that like button or send me a dm (discord ichoosenikachu#4859 )  to plot.
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( tw: drunk driver, death, sexism )
B A C K S T O R Y →
meet mackenzie rae parker, born august 17, 1989 in grove, oklahoma. mack (as she’s gone by since she was a kid and it won’t be changing anytime soon) was born to two loving parents Steven and Margaret Parker, the youngest daughter of three boys: morgan, matthew, and merritt. yes, her parents did have a thing for m names--and no, it didn’t help her momma remember her name any better, like they told their kids growing up. 
Maggie and Steve loved their daughter--their whole family, really--to bits and pieces. It had been Maggie’s dream to have a little girl when the couple first got together and when they had first received the ultrasound, well, they were overjoyed. When Mackenzie came into the world, there was cause for joyous celebration and laughter. Everyone was happy the Parker’s finally had a little pink bundle of joy. 
Little Mackenzie’s personality was--well, let’s just say she had never been one to shy away from an exciting situation. Her brothers’ had taught her early on that life wouldn’t always be easy so she had to be tough enough to take it head on. In fact, they made it a point to remind her whenever they had a chance. Buts she was also their little sister, and fiercely protective of her. And while it annoyed Mack to no end, she adored her brothers endlessly. 
Mack may not have been the strongest Parker in the household, but next to her Momma she was the wittiest. Her comebacks were always sharp and as she grew up, she honed her sarcastic, dry wit in addition to her own athletic talent.
Mack loved her Momma. In fact, if she had to pick favorites her Momma would have won every time. It wasn’t that she didn’t like her father. Her father was a good man--he was a local mechanic at Grove Automotive, always greeted everyone with a smile and cared deeply for his family. But Mack and him were never as close as she was with her momma. Maggie understood her daughter’s firey nature but compassionate heart and saw the way it warred within her--especially after she’d gotten into a fight with one of her brothers. 
( tw: drunk driving & death ) When Mack was twelve, though--tragedy struck. Maggie was on her back from work after parent teacher conferences; she was the local kindergarten teacher at Grove Elementary, when a drunk drive t-boned her car and Maggie was killed on impact. thankfully (if one can say that in this situation) no one else was in the car. but suddenly the Parker family had lost its matriarch and Mack, the one person who might have been able to understand her. 
She had always grown up as a tomboy--a fact that even her momma, a woman who had been raised in South Carolina to rather traditional parents couldn’t stamp out of her. But even so, after Maggie Parker passed on, Mack became even more of one, almost shunning all that was feminine away from her, as if any reminder of her mother would be the end of her as she knew it. And, for her, it might have been. It was no secret she had been the closest to Maggie--and her death hit her the hardest. Mack got rid of all her dresses, all her skirts, anything that reminded her of her mother--save for the small box of photos and momentos she kept heavily hidden under her bed. On her worst days, she’d pull the box out and talk to the photo of her Momma--it was the only time the blonde ever outwardly expressed emotions, specifically crying. 
To distract herself from the grief, Mack threw herself into everything she could in high school--archery, debate, robotics club, anything to keep her mind off of the encroaching cloud that now lived around her heart. It was in Robotics club, though, she learned she had a real knack for using her hands. She had learned early on about cars and the like--her father’s occupation and brothers’ fascination with the thing gave her unparalleled access to a number of cars being torn apart and rebuilt from the ground up. But Mack--Mack was always more excited about what flew above their heads than right next to them. A junior in high school, she had made the choice that she wanted to be an engineer--one who would eventually design an entire new fleet of Boeing Jets for commercial use. She had only ever flown on a jet once--to see her grandparents after her momma’s passing--but it had been the only thing to give her relief from her sadness that day. It’s where her love affair with aviation began. 
Mack graduated top of her class (nerd, her brothers would always joke) and soon found herself enrolled in the University of Oklahoma’s prized engineering program (boomer sooner!). Of course, she wanted to stay close to home--one, to keep the costs down but two, leaving her family felt wrong, even six years later. And for the most part, Mack loved it. She got involved in all sorts of things--engineering clubs, intramural sports, and even, yes, a sorority. It went against all the things she hated in relation to femininity, but her mother had spoken so highly of her experiences in the organization, and Mack felt a pull to join her. To her surprise, she didn’t hate it--and it was with those women she really started to learn about feminism. 
You see, when Mack would go home, all the women in town would ask her about if she was seeing a boy. Mack had never understood why it mattered so much if she had a boyfriend or not--she was getting her degree in mechanical engineering, wasn’t that a tad bit more impressive than whatever guy she might be seeing? But soon, it occurred to her that the women in town would never understand anything other than her finding her future husband at school. The fact shocked her, considering it had never occurred to her in the slightest that she’d ever go to school to get a husband in the first place. After the shock worn down, it enraged her and made her work harder. Because now, she was getting disparaging comments from the folks back home and the men in her internships and co-ops. Women can’t build things--they’ll break a nail. Why are you in pants? Your legs would look better in a skirt. Mack had never been one to bit her tongue, and on more than one occasion was able to test out what her brothers’ had taught her growing up. No one was going to tell Mack what she could or could not do. And certainly not because of her gender. 
Mack eventually graduated college--though deeply in debt thanks to all those added fees for science labs #thanksUofOklahoma--but realized that going back home would never be realistic for her. So, she packed up her truck, Betsy, and headed west. Originally, she had meant to go to Seattle or Portland--that’s where Boeing was, that’s where her dream landed. But something about Charming, CA caught her eye--and she found herself intrigued. Plus, it sure didn’t hurt that no one seemed to care when she applied to work as a mechanic in their autoshop. Now she’s been here about 8 years and she hasn’t grown sick of it yet. She still has dreams of working for Boeing, but as she grows more comfortable in Charming, they seem to be slipping to the wayside. 
Mack’s vibe is...well, she’s a loyal friend, a good listener and kind, though not sunshine and rainbows. Growing up without her mom really changed her--she still had a compassionate heart but it’s not as obvious as it once was. She’s still sassy, sarcastic and witty, but she is friendly as well. Smart too--and a bit of a nerd, loves herself some comics and documentaries. all around, she’s genuinely a good egg, just a little...rough around the edges at times. 
H E A D C A N O N S →
Mack never, ever goes by Mackenzie. In fact, you’ll never know its her full name unless she drops her ID. The only person you’ll ever hear call her that is her father--or brothers--when something is wrong. 
Her favorite food is chicken cordon bleu. She knows it sounds fancy but literally, her favorite is the one where you buy it frozen and pop it in the oven. She is a simple gal, truly. 
Her favorite shoes are her various pairs of converse, although for work she can be seen wearing docs so she doesn’t get oil all over her shoes. 
Betsy, her truck, is very special to her--she takes extra good care of it. She’s a 1967 Chevy C10 Pickup in a robin’s egg blue color--and her pride and joy.
Even though she loves her truck no matter what, the woman has worked on enough bikes for the various motorcycle clubs around town to know that if she had even gotten enough money--she’d get herself a nice bike. Flying down the road on open asphalt? Doesn’t get better than that. 
Mack loves classic rock. Like love loves it--but also the women of the 90′s like Alanis Morisette, Liz Phair, The Cranberries--she loves a good women rock group. 
P L O T S →
any connections to the motorcycle gang
literally i suck at listing plots out, just hit me up and i’ll be EXCITED TO PLOT!
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anyawtf · 4 years
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hi hi hiii !! i’m wren and this is my lil nugget anya. im super excited to be here and i’m in love with all of you already ngl. i’d kill to get some plots going so pls feel free to hmu or like this and i’ll spam your ims !!
( PHOEBE TONKIN | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER ) have you seen ANYA VENTURI around icaria? they are the 27 year old child of AEOLUS. they remind me of a fiery sunset, waves spilling onto sunkissed sand and wind tangled hair. 
s t a t i s t i c s.
name: anya venturi. age: twenty seven. birthdate: november 30. gender: cis female. sexuality: bisexual. occupation: photographer. lineage: daughter of aeolus. abilities: aerokinesis.
b i o g r a p h y.
anya is the definition of a free spirit. she is super adventurous and audacious but also soooo goddamn reckless to the point where you’d think she constantly has a death wish.
she is incredibly strong-willed and does absolutely everything on her own terms which, as you can imagine, makes it near-impossible to keep her on a tight leash.
she’s the daughter of aeolus (the god of wind and air). she was raised by her mother and adoptive father, who had no knowledge of anya’s true heritage.
fun fact: her birth name is anastasia, named after her great grandmother of greek descent. however, she goes by anya now. this is because her younger self was incapable of saying her full name and it stuck. also because she thinks anastasia sounds pretentious af.
anya was a real piece of work as a kid (nothing much has changed tbh). she was a devious little thing—at every waking moment you could either find her causing mayhem or just being  a n y a  for the lack of a better expression. but she was adorable and could do no wrong in the eyes of her family.
cue the discovery of her magical abilities which only seemed to heighten her mischievous nature. she inherited the power of aerokinesis (the ability to manifest energy and control air).
her dabbling started off entirely innocent: creating small gusts of wind, making objects float, levitating a couple centimetres. but as anya grew so did her abilities.
over the years, her father had grown suspicious and eventually uncovered the truth that anya was not his biological daughter. this drove a wedge in between her parents’ relationship.
anya’s mother had also developed close ties to a criminal organization. everything became too much of a burden for her father. he tried to leave and take anya with him. but her mother threatened him and he had no choice but to leave without her.
the absence of her father made anya’s mother relentless; she brainwashed and manipulated anya for her own ends by twisting her way into the darkest crevices of their minds without any sign of remorse.
her powers were a valuable asset which anya was encouraged to harness for all the wrong reasons. she was essentially taught how to endanger a person’s life by sucking the air out of their lungs. this ability worked wonders when it came to threatening people. but the power posed too great for anya to handle.
like a weapon in a forge, her mother moulded anya to become cold and heartless; a sharp contrast to the naturally warm and vibrant demeanour the young girl possessed.
she only sunk deeper under the negative influence of her mother to the point where an altercation occurred which resulted in anya taking somebody’s life with her abilities.
for once her mother was actually proud of her and that fact made anya sick. anya knew she only had her mother to blame but she couldn’t muster the strength to confront her. so she ran.
anya spent months drifting from place to place and going pretty much anywhere she desired just for the thrill of it. travelling made her feel alive—it was total freedom and nothing could hold her back.
her carefree lifestyle was cut short when she was acquainted with her biological father and she was informed of the imminent danger facing demigods. the mandatory relocation to icaria didn’t sit very well with anya and let’s just say she didn’t go easily. if you’re not imagining her yelling at the sky bruce almighty style then you’re missing out.
she eventually settled down in icaria upon the realization she was fighting a losing battle. definitely made aeolus regret ever having a child in the process.
as far as anyone else is concerned, anya’s life-threatening powers are non-existent and she has sworn to never tap into them again. this is purely out of the fear of history repeating itself and she’ll end up hurting someone else. she would only use them in dire circumstances. even then she would be hesitant.
she resides in a lavish villa on the coast with her german shepherd kali (both of which were bargaining chips). if anya isn’t at home or hiking with puppers, you can safely assume she’s wreaking havoc somewhere or making someone regret being born by talking them to death.
c o n n e c t i o n s.
friends. anya’s loyalty is second to none for those she cares about and she would literally do anything for them, even if it meant endangering her own life.
enemies. holding grudges is one of anya’s many talents. she is generally quite an easygoing person but if you give her a reason to hate you and she’ll make you regret it.
exes. i’d kill for any angsty plots where they are romantic exes or ex-friends?? tbh any kind of relationship where there are lingering feelings that have been left unresolved. especially if it’s hatred.
romance. i’m headcanoning anya as a bit of a serial dater so give me all the flings, friends/enemies with benefits, all the thoughtless hookups and eventual heartbreaks when things don’t go smoothly.
i have a connections page here too (copied from a masterlist sue me). honestly i’m down for any plot ever so throw them all my way and i’ll love you eternally !!
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
Green Dragonstone
Fandomversary Fic Three - Brains and Pancakes for @vegetacide
Because this was for Veggie, it’s Warm Rain, Virgil/Kayo.
Prompts go here
“You’re kidding.”
“N-No, I’m n-not.”
“Brains, I’m sorry, but why?”
“I c-calculated that the combined w-weight would be e-enough to overcome their a-adhesive pr-properties.”
He looked up at the roof of the hangar cavern so far above them. “Again, why?”
“I-It should have been simple. Apparently not so.”
Virgil stared at his fellow engineer. Beyond him, Max tilted his head like a puppy trying to understand the conversation. The silly chef’s hat on his head fell even more crooked.
A sigh and Virgil once again peered up into the dimness far above. “How the hell did he manage to fling one pancake that high, much less forty-three?”
“A-Another error on my p-part. I underestimated his en-enthusiasm.” Brains shifted from one foot to the other. “Please, V-Virgil, they are too high f-for my c-comfort and with that m-mass they are a h-hazard to Thunderbird One.”
“Scott’s reaction would not be pretty no matter where a mouldy pancake might land.” He had to consider that it would be funny, though.
But not safe.
“Okay, Brains, give me a minute and I’ll climb up there and scrape the pancakes off the ceiling.”
“Thank you, Virgil.” Heartfelt gratitude.
Virgil couldn’t help but smile. Turning towards the stairs to his workshop and equipment locker, the smile became a grin at the ludicrousness of the task ahead. His days were always full of variety, but peeling forty-three half-cooked pancakes off the hangar ceiling wasn’t one that would have occurred to him in a million years.
Fifteen minutes later found Virgil geared up in his uniform and helmet and aiming a grapple gun at the roof. Extra rope, pitons and rubbish bags hung from his hip.
“B-be careful.”
“Not a worry, Brains. I do this kind of thing all the time.”
A flick of his finger and the gun fired. A solid thunk echoed through the cavern. Relay on his heads-up display confirmed a secure hold and Virgil fastened his harness to the line.
“Going up!” A flick of controls and he was airborne. The length of Thunderbird One flashed past him as he shot upwards. Seconds and he could place his gloved hand on the rough-hewed ceiling. He activated several air-powered pitons, some rope and a few D-rings later and he was safely secured to the rock.
A glance back down at Brains and...oh, what a perspective. The cavern was huge, he knew that, but from up here...wow.
But he had pancakes to contend with. Sure enough, forty-odd pancakes made quite a messy stalactite or two. Ugh, gross. One bag wasn’t going to be enough.
Clambering across the ceiling like a crab crossed with a spider, painted blue and green, he methodically wiped hardening pancake batter off the rock. It slopped into his rubbish bag, pale slush mixed with brownings, basalt dust, and the occasional actual cave spider.
Thank goodness for gloves.
He was starting in on his second bag of mildly vomit inducing grossness when the ceiling rumbled, a deep vibration and the clunk of familiar machinery. He knew the cause before it appeared on the hangar floor and he couldn’t help but smile as Thunderbird Shadow slid into her docks far below him.
Kay was home.
It took him another minute to realise she was going to find him a few dozen metres up in the air.
The mere thought of the resultant frown had him moving just that bit quicker.
The ceiling was made of mostly solid basalt, an extremely sturdy igneous rock produced by the now extinct volcano that had created the island. The majority of the cavern was naturally formed, but his father and Brains had used automated mining equipment to carve out the extra needed space in the hangars and model the caves into what they needed them to be. In this particular section of the roof, he could see the remains of the great rock grinders. There were also some areas of erosion prevention using a long life version of the same nano-concrete formula in Two’s equipment bay. As he moved across the ceiling, he came across a natural niche in the rock the grinders hadn’t tackled.
He reached in and scooped out the two pancakes that had managed to lodge in there.
Something caught the light.
He frowned and flicked on his lamp, pushing away the shadows.
There was something green in there.
Crab-like across the ceiling, he installed another piton and secured his rope in order to get closer. The niche was small, little more than a foot wide. The green caught the light of his lamp and shone back at him. What the-?
Comms crackle. “Virgil, what are you doing all the way up there?”
Okay, he jumped, snatching back the hand that was reaching for the green crystal formation hidden in the pocket of basalt.
“Uh, Kay?”
He looked down and sure enough, there she was staring up at him, hands on her hips. He couldn’t see the frown from here, but he didn’t have to. It was there, no doubt.
Brains and Max had retreated a few steps away.
“Pancakes, Virgil?”
“Hey, someone has to clean the ceiling from time to time. You wouldn’t believe the cobwebs.”
“Do you need a hand?”
He glanced at the crystal, still sparkling in his lamp light. “No, nearly done. Be down shortly.”
“Looking forward to it.”
He grinned. “FAB.”
Pulling his small laser cutter from his toolkit, he reached up and carefully cut the palm sized crystal out of the rock. As it landed in his hand, it’s rounded green glassy shape shone refractions onto his glove.
He stashed it in his baldric.
A few more pancakes and the ceiling was as tidy as it could be. He disengaged several of the ropes, withdrew the pitons and carefully lowered himself down to the floor.
Kay, of course, was waiting for him.
“Not what I expected to find you doing, love.”
He grinned as he drew her to him. “What did you expect to find me doing?”
“Uh, V-Virgil, one of the bags is l-leaking.”
He looked down to find a boot covered in grey pancake batter. “Ergh.”
Kay snickering behind a hand didn’t help.
It took him months.
He had studied sculpture at one point in his art training, but never gem cutting. So, random off hours found him researching, purchasing and, with some acquired crystal, practising.
His artistic flare served him well and his aptitude with tools even more, but he made sure to create several prototypes before even looking at the stone he had pulled from the ceiling.
A little investigation and a consultation with a mineralogist proved it to be olivine, peridot in this form, and a beautiful piece. He had had to lift the specimen out of the woman’s hand for fear she might run off with it.
Once he knew its properties, he could learn how to manipulate it. Like any artistic medium, he just needed to know how it worked and how to get it to do what he wanted.
Because he knew exactly what he wanted to create.
It was late at night, hidden away in his workshop, when he drew the green dragon from the stone.
It echoed the dragons on his engagement ring, but its tail wrapped around itself in the sign for infinity before dropping to a point. Half folded wings formed the atriums of a green heart bracketing that point and the dragon snarled out between them.
The gentlest touch, the finest polish, he held his breath as he cut and finished it. It was far from perfect. The crystal itself wasn’t pure, several ribbons of other minerals streaking through the green, but in his opinion that just made it more beautiful.
When he was satisfied with the result, he strung it on a silver chain and, wrapping it in soft cloth, placed it in a little wooden box.
He kept it in his bedside drawer.
He kept it for her.
For a very special day.
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cancerousjojian · 6 years
eddie brock fluff alphabet!
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a/n: i saw venom again last night and was DYING to write some eddie fluff. also please send me eddie requets because i’m literally in love with this man so LET”S GET ONTO IT I HOPE YOU ENJOY!
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Eddie loves your eyes. They’re the perfect color, and they always seem to reflect your mood. He loves your legs, and how the skin there is always so soft. You think his smile is adorable.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Well, yes and no. After he’d just gotten his life back together after the whole Life Foundation thing, he wouldn’t want to have a baby quite yet. Also with the whole monster-living-inside-him situation, that’s something to consider.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He cuddles you like a koala. Seriously. He wraps his arms around your torso, and hooks his legs around yours, bringing your entire body closer to his. Eddie would never admit it, but he loves to be the little spoon as well. It’s actually quite endearing.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
So fun and unique! He takes you places around town you’ve never heard of that end up being phenomenal. He once took you to a hole-in-the-wall sushi restaurant for one of your first dates, and it ended up being one of your favorite places to go to on date night. Eddie actually exceptionally well at planning dates. It surprises you sometimes.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are my rock.” Thats one that you hear a lot from Eddie. He’s always telling you how you were the only thing that made him keep going every day, you were the light at the end of his tunnel. You didn’t know it at the time, obviously. But Eddie swore up and down that you were his good luck charm.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
There was one time where he got hurt, really really bad. His face was a scarred mess, his hands were bruised and bleeding and his knuckles were busted. He was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, and you were crouched down next to him. You had a first aid kit sprawled out on the cold tile floor, tending to his wounds. He was so thankful for you in that moment, how you so delicately cared for him. He fell in love with you at that moment.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Listen. Eddie is so gentle with you. Like all the time. He almost doesn’t know how to behave any other way around you. It’s not that he feels he has to be gentle with you, it’s that he wants to. You’re the only calm part of his life, he feels like sometimes. That’s not to say that there isn’t a dark side to him. Of course there is, thanks to Venom. That dark side is rarely released, as Eddie does his best to reason with him.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Constantly and intimately. When you’re walking, laying in bed, driving. You hands usually sit in his lap and he traces the edges of your fingers with his free hand.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He thought you were awkward, kind of shy. Which you were, but only because you developed a major crush on him instantly. You thought he was dorky and cute, which proved to be constant through the duration of your relationship.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Not really. He doesn’t have anything to be jealous about. He gets insecure sometimes, but that’s about it. You’re the same way. You both feel secure in your relationship.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
A kiss from Eddie starts with a knowing look and a smirk. He leans in incredibly slow, forcing you to complete the gap between your lips. His kisses are warm and passionate. They seem to spark something in the pit of your stomach every time. You initiated the first kiss, though, since Eddie was too cautious of losing you to make a move just yet.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Eddie did. So much for not going too fast. He actually was talking to Venom and you overheard it. “Yes, we love her... No, I can’t tell her yet!” You happened to hear from the other room. You waited for him to tell you properly before you said anything about it.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
He remembers once when he couldn’t sleep. He had a huge interview the next day, and was too anxious to rest. You found him to be awake in the middle of the night, sitting alone at the kitchen table. You made him a nice mug of chamomile tea to help him sleep, and massaged his shoulders until he could relax. He loves moments like those.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Eddie spoils you when he can, yeah. He doesn’t so much as spoil you with tangible items rather than experiences. He takes you on business endeavors with him whenever he can so you can experience the world with him. It’s really sweet.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Neutral colors remind you of him. Black, grey, white. It’s just kind of his aesthetic. But yellow also reminds you of him, because it carries the same energy as his personality. Reds and blues remind him of you.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
You call each other babe, obviously. In the privacy of your own home, he’s partial to calling you more cliche pet names like sweetie, honey, darling. Of which Venom makes fun of him for, obviously.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Polaroids. Taking polaroids of you, specifically. You brought a vintage one home one day. You found it at a thrift store and decided to buy it to show Eddie. You tested it out on him, so now he loves using to take pictures of you when you look especially beautiful, he claims.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
On rainy days, he likes to stay in and hang out with you. He wants nothing more than that. He curls up with you and watches marathons of old TV shows that don’t come on anymore. Sometimes he’ll put on a song and bop around the kitchen with you. It’s cheesy, but you love it.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
He cheers himself up by distracting himself with work. Or, he’ll read a book. When all else fails, he turns to you. You’ll come over and make his favorite meal, which never fails to cheer him up in any situation.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Everything and nothing. Some of your best conversations occur when you’re laying in bed, about to go to sleep. Pillow talk became a nightly occurrence for you and Eddie. You would start off talking about your days, and your conversation would evolve into something completely different. All of the sudden, you’re talking about New York vs Chicago style pizza, or something of that nature.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
You always know how to help him relax. When he’s stressed, you cuddle up with him at the end of the day and knead his back, his shoulders, to relieve the tension built up there. When you do this, he find himself sleeping soundly in minutes.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He’s proud of you and your relationship. He likes to show off your relationship without exploiting it. He does this through small displays of affection out in public; holding hands, kisses on cheeks, etc.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Eddie thinks about marrying you all the time. He can’t wait to propose to you. He does it one night after a really sweet and planned out date. He does it inside your house, actually. He was fat too nervous to do it in public, he also wanted it to be intimate. He planned on asking you as soon as you got home, but he hesitated because he was so nervous. You went to the bathroom, already in pjs, to brush your teeth and get ready for bed when you heard Eddie whispering to himself in the living room. When you turned to see what was going on, Eddie was on knee in front of you with the ring in his hand. You were both so happy. Your night didn’t end until hours later if you know what I mean. *wink wink*
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Your Love - The Outfield. It came on over the speakers of your diner on your guys’ first date and you both claimed how much you each loved the song.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes. Eddie wanted to marry you pretty much from the day you met. He planned on him proposing for a while, he always knew he was going to marry you.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
You guys adopt a cat together. You find it roaming the streets one day, and it followed you home. You brought it home to Eddie, which he was a little apprehensive of keeping it at first. After begging him over and over to let you keep the cat, he finally caves. You name her Boots.
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straykidsreactions · 6 years
Reaction To: Their S/O is Insecure About Being Chubby
S T R A Y   K I D S   R E A C T I O N   T O : You, their S/O, being insecure about your body because of your weight
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Genre: Fluff
Reminder: You are all beautiful treasures regardless of size and shape, but I understand that it can be difficult to feel that way all the time. If you’re dealing with body insecurity, know that it’s ok to take your time, self-confidence and self-love doesn’t come all at once. Be kind to yourself. This reaction does not deal with dark or heavily insecure themes (it’s fluff) but nevertheless if it makes you uncomfortable or brings up negative thoughts please don’t read. Your health and well-being come first~
Chan: After a long day that left you absolutely exhausted, your adoring boyfriend had been sweet enough to invite you over to the dorm so he could cook dinner for you. When you got there you could immediately smell the gentle aroma coming from the kitchen, a small smile spreading across your face as Chan waddled out of the kitchen adorning a pastel pink cooking apron and carrying a large plate of food- which he promptly sat down on the dining table amidst several other heaping dishes. Your grin widened as you giggled, throwing your arms around him after he’d set down the dish, happy to be with him as he smiled wide and returned the hug.
“I know your day wasn’t that great, Y/N, so I made all of your favorite dishes! Well, I guess everything I could think of...and everything I knew how to make...but I hope you like it!” You smiled, nodding as you took a seat and stared out at the table filled with all of your favorite dishes, each handmade by a beaming Chan who took a seat across from you. Neither of you hesitated to dig in, enjoying all of the foods so much you barely got a word in edgewise. It didn’t hit you until you’d already eaten a substantial amount of delicacies that you stopped to think about the effect it might have on your body. 
Stopping mid bite, you placed your utensils down beside the bowl and frowned down at your already chubby thighs, sighing as you pushed the bowl away slightly. It would only take Chan a moment to realize that something was off, immediately finishing his bite and giving you a concerned look.
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Is something wrong with the food?”
*biting down on your lip slightly as you shook your head, feigning a small smile*
“No the food was great, Channie. I’m just full, that’s all.”
*raising an eyebrow as he glanced between you and the still remaining food on the table*
“That’s impossible, you only ate maybe a third of what you usually do, do you feel alright?”
*your cheeks heating up as you stared down at the floor, mumbling*
“I just don’t wanna be so chubby anymore...”
*his brows furrowing together in concern as he stood from his seat across from you, moving to the other side of the table and taking a seat next to you*
“Stand up.”
*eyes widening as you give him a look of confusion, hesitantly standing from your seat*
“Good, now sit down.”
*taking a hold of one of your hands, using the other to pat his lap as a gesture for you to sit there*
“Channie, no I’m too heavy I’ll-”
*scoffing as he swiftly pulls you closer to him, catching you as you stumble and placing you promptly on his lap as your cheeks flush*
“Wasn’t so bad now, was it?”
“cheeks turning rosy slightly as you turn slightly to face him*
“I’m too heavy, babe...”
*sighing softly as he brushed a strand of hair from your face*
“If you saw what I see when I see you, you’d know how gorgeous you are...inside and out.”
*blushing as you smile softly*
“Yah, don’t be cheesy.”
*smiling as he pressed a kiss to your cheek*
“I’ll stop if you promise to finish your food.”
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Minho: You and Minho hadn’t planned on doing anything that evening, you’d been content just cuddled up beside each other on the couch while you browsed through the channels on the TV and he rested his head lazily against yours. In fact, you were almost certain your boyfriend had fallen asleep, that is until you heard the faint rumble of your stomach growling. You’d spent most of the day lounging together, and neither of you had thought to get food- but you were thinking about it now. The moment he heard the soft rumble from your stomach, he sat up, eyes wide as though he’d done something wrong. 
“Yahh- did you eat today?”
*thinking about it as you shrugged*
“I guess not since this morning.”
*his eyes widening as he glanced at the clock on his phone*
“It’s 10:30 at night! You must be so hungry, Jagi! Why didn’t you tell me earlier we could’ve ordered food or-”
*giggling as you shoved him lightly*
“Yahhh, I didn’t think about it earlier, Minnie! Don’t worry so much...”
*scoffing as he got up from the couch, taking the remote from your hand and switching the TV off*
“I’m not worried because we’re going out to get food now. There’s a late night restaurant open not too far from here- it’s not fancy, just put on some shoes and a jacket. I’ll grab my wallet, just give me a second.”
    Once you’d arrived at the cozy restaurant Minho had basically dragged you to, he didn’t hesitate getting seated and ordering. You would’ve been aggravated at the fact that he’d brought you out so late when you’d rather be back at the dorm, but you knew his persistence was how he showed his affection. He was always like this with eating, getting enough sleep, and making sure you stayed warm- it was sometimes a pain to listen to, but you knew it was really his way of showing he cared. You decided to oblige him and your stomach despite the late hour, consuming a fair portion of your large helping of food with not much consideration for everything you were practically inhaling. In fact, you hadn’t thought about how much you were eating until Minho glanced up from his own food, smiling sweetly as he took his napkin to the corner of your mouth to wipe away a piece of food. It was a sweet gesture, but there was something about it that reminded you of the fact that your boyfriend was so fit and athletic, always eating the right things and burning it all off so easily- and that’s just not the way you are. You didn’t have the toned and tightened muscles or lean flat stomach and suddenly you felt nothing short of inadequate. Sighing quietly, you set down your eating utensil, staring blankly at your dish for a moment. 
Minho noticed your change in attitude almost immediately. Eyeing your carefully, he outstretched his hand across the table to take hold of yours gently. You gave him a weak smile, but it didn’t change your mood.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? You haven’t finished your food...”
*shrugging smally as you tried to brush it off*
“It’s nothing, Minnie, I’m just full.”
*raising an eyebrow as he eyes you further, a clear sign that he knew you weren’t being honest*
“No you’re not, I ordered exactly the amount of food I know you can eat and you’re not sick...so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to finish your food.”
*sighing as you avoided eye contact although a part of you appreciated how well he knew you*
“I just feel like you’re so good looking and in-shape and...I just don’t look anything like that. I-I’m chubby and I eat more than you...I guess I just feel like maybe I should cut down, eat a little less.”
*hearing the hurt in your voice, waiting patiently for you to finish before thinking for a minute before responding to you*
“Yahh, shut up. You’re the sexiest person on the planet. Now can you please finish your food? It was too expensive to waste.”
*grumbling as you blush*
“You don’t get it, Minnie...”
*sighing as he took a spoonful of the food from your dish, extending it gently out towards you and giving you a soft but firm look*
“Come here, jagi- we’re not leaving until you’ve eaten properly. Here, have a bite.”
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Changbin: Both you and Changbin had been looking forward to him having a little time off to spend together, so the moment he called and asked if you wanted to go to some shops with him you eagerly agreed, without thinking too much of what that might entail.
 You hadn’t been out in the shops of Hongdae very long, but before you realized it you were in a trendy clothing store and Changbin was handing you item after item that he thought would look nice on you. It had started teasingly, both of you handing the other the ugliest item you could find to try on as a joke, but it wasn’t long before he started pointing out things he thought suited you well. It’d been sweet and endearing until he urged you to try on a few of the items he’d selected for you, smiling brightly.
“Jagi, they’d look so nice on you, all together! You could wear them to my parents’ house this weekend when we go to visit them, it brings out your complexion really nicely.”
*laughing and nodding casually as you headed towards the dressing room*
“Ok, ok Binnie- I’ll try them on, but I’m blaming you if I look ridiculous!”
You listened to his good-natured laugh from the waiting area of the clothing shop as you entered the dressing room without so much as glancing down at the specifics of the clothing items in hand. In fact, it wasn’t until you were preparing to try on the new items that you realized there was a slight issue. They were all the wrong sizes. You hadn’t thought about checking Changbin’s clothing selections because you trusted his taste in clothes for you, but it hadn’t occurred to you that he wouldn’t know the correct size to pick out for you. Of course, that wasn’t his fault. You’d never brought it up to him- intentionally. It wasn’t because you thought he’d be bothered by it, it was more the fact that you felt a little self-conscious and embarrassed by fact that you were bigger than the stereotypical “standard of beauty” he must’ve been used to- especially judging by the items of clothing he’d picked out, most of which were “small” or even “extra small”.
*taking a deep, shaky breath as you picked up the small pile of clothing items and exited the fitting room*
“Yahh, what’s wrong jagi? Why aren’t you trying on the outfits? Did you not like them?”
You knew it was trivial and shouldn’t have made you upset in the first place, but there was a small part of you that was just the littlest bit frustrated at your boyfriend. In truth it was ultimately your fault for not telling him your sizes, but that didn’t cahnge the fact that it stung a little bit when he just automatically picked out the smallest sizes in the store without considering the fact that you clearly wouldn’t fit.
“It’s ok, Binnie you just grabbed the wrong sizes- that’s all.”
*frowning as he fell into step beside you, gently talking a hold of your wrist to stop you momentarily*
“Hey, Y/N- are you alright?”
*biting own on your lip as you stared at the floor, nodding smally*
“I’m fine, I’m just gonna go try to find my size, Changbin.”
*raising an eyebrow as he hesitatntly tilted your chin up to meet his gaze*
“You don’t call me Changbin unless you’re upset with me.”
“I-I’m not upset with you, Chang- I mean...Binnie. I’m not upset with you, Binnie.”
He’d give you a stern glance as he took the clothing from your grasp so you wouldn’t have to carry them, glancing quickly through the size tags that he’d chosen. After a moment of silence, he sighed, taking his cap off to run a hand through his hair before meeting your gaze.
“I’m sorry, jagiya...I wasn’t looking at sizes when I picked up them up, I just thought they’d look nice on you.”
*smiling softly and nodding slowly*
“I know...I guess it just made me feel kinda chubby, not fitting into them.”
*sighing as he set the clothes down before pulling you closer to him*
“Y/N, you know you’re beautiful...”
*mumbling softly as he brushed a strand of hair from your face*
“I think you’re beautiful, and you’re the coolest person I know.”
*smiling softly as chuckle at his attempts to cheer you up*
“Yahh- it’s ok, Binnie. Really, it’s no big deal.”
He stepped closer to you, your faces only inches apart now as you blushed, eyeing the very public area around you and watching for any potential onlookers at his obvious display of PDA. He didn’t kiss you as you’d expected, though, he just smiled and picked up the clothes once more before speaking up softly:
“Tell me your sizes, (babygirl / babyboy). We can find you something that’ll fit you and look nice, okay?”
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Hyunjin: He’d warned you not to wear your brand new sneakers out on your date to the park, telling you more than once that they would get dirty if you stepped in a puddle or damp grass. He’d even pointed out a few equally stylish suggestions from your closet that would look nice without getting ruined- so naturally, you chose the new pair he’d advised against. 
It’d been fine at first, both of you enjoying your time roaming and taking photos together throughout the scenic park you’d chosen to explore- that is until the rain came. You’d both scrambled to hide under an empty pavilion so as not to get drenched in the rain, Hyunjin laughing as you quickly realized puddles were forming everywhere and you were going to end up ruining your new shoes.
*frowning as you stared out at the afternoon downpour surrounding the small open pavilion*
“Hyunjinnie, did you maybe remember to bring an umbrella?”
*smiling as he walked up beside you, pulling a small wrapped up umbrella out from his camera bag and showing it to you teasingly*
“I don’t know, Y/N, did you maybe bring an extra pair of shoes?”
*rolling your eyes playfully as he laughed*
“Yahh, I don’t need a lecture right now, babe! I need help! How are we supposed to get back to the car?”
*smiling softly as he leaned his head against yours casually*
“Well, jagi- I’m gonna wait until the rain stops and then walk to the car. You’re gonna have to figure out what you’re gonna do.”
*scoffing as you shoved your boyfriend lightly for all his snarky comments*
“Yahh, Hwang Hyunjin! You don’t have to rub it in my face! It’s soaking and muddy out there, if I walk around these shoes will get ruined...”
*smiling as he wiped a few raindrops from your forehead, brushing back your slightly damp hair*
“Tell me I was right.”
You raised an eyebrow as you watched his lips upturn into a playful smirk. There’d always been something about your relationship that brought out the more teasing, playful and mischievous  side of his otherwise humble and generally sweet personality. 
 “You were right.” You obliged.
*smiling brightly at your immediate confession*
“Promise that next time you’ll listen when I warn you not to do something impractical.”
*smiling as your cheeks flushed red, sighing as you nodded warily*
“I promise.”
*smiling brightly as he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead*
“Wahh, you’re such a good (girlfriend / boyfriend). Ok, come here,”
*pulling you closer as he stares out at the sky for a moment to watch as the rain slowed and came to a momentary halt*
“The rain’s stopping for a bit.”
Without another word, he stooped down so that he was well below your eye level, hunching over as though he expected you to climb onto his back. In fact, that’s exactly what he was suggesting. You looked at him questioningly, folding your arms over your chest.
“Hyunjinnie, what’re you doing?”
*staring up at you as though it were obvious*
“Jagi, the ground’s too muddy for your shoes, just hop on my back I’ll carry you back to the car. It’s only a minute or two from here.”
Immediately your cheeks flushed red as your arms found their way around your stomach, staring down awkwardly at the ground. Of course Hyunjin could see that you weren’t the thinnest person on the planet, but he’d never really lifted you before. He didn’t know exactly how heavy you are, so he didn’t realize that giving you a piggy back ride to the car wouldn’t be the same as if you were petite.
“Ohh, Umm, you know what it’s fine actually. The grass doesn’t look that bad. I can just step around the puddles and-”
*standing up to face you as he gave you a confused look*
“(Y/N) what’re you talking about, I thought you just said you were afraid to ruin them?”
*shrugging softly as you stared down at the still perfectly clean pair of shoes you’d worked hard to afford*
“Yeah but...I don’t want you to carry me, Hyunjinnnie.”
“Why not? It’s not that far, you know. Plus I wore some older shoes that I don’t mind getting dirty, you don’t have to worry about me.”
*shaking your head softly as you met his gaze*
“I’m not worried about that, I just- I think I’m t-too heavy...”
*looking at you for a moment before a small smile crept onto his face in that contagious way it always did*
“Yahh, I don’t think you have a lot of faith in your boyfriend’s strength! I’m not weak, you know!? I dance for a living!”
*laughing as he watched a light blush flood your cheeks, shaking your head to correct yourself*
“That’s not what I mean, babe! I know you’re strong I just-”
In one swift motion, he bent down and wrapped his arms around your waist- lifting you up over his shoulder. Your eyes went wide as you looked down at your boyfriend’s face which was now below yours as he held you up, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
“If you won’t get on my back, then I can always carry you like this, Jagi.”
“Hyunjin! Stop I’m too heavy!”
*chuckling as he shook his head, looking away from you momentarily*
“If you really want me to I can’t put you back down, but you’re not too heavy. You’re...you’re perfect and I know I don’t talk about it, but I don’t like it when you’re hard on yourself just because of your weight. You’re perfect, jagi. So let me carry you, ok?”
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Jisung: You’d received a text from your boyfriend just as you were finishing dinner, asking if you wanted to come and visit him for a bit at the dance studio. Under normal circumstances you wouldn’t have thought much of it, potentially opting out so you wouldn’t have to clean up and get ready, but you knew when Jisung was at the dance studio (especially if he was practicing alone) he was particularly hard on himself. When he got stressed or nervous about an upcoming performance he’d often lock himself in the dance studio- and a lot of times you were the only one able to get him out. So when he texted you, asking you to come over, you read it as a sign that deep down he knew he was being to harsh on himself and he needed your help. You were still wearing sweatpants and an old t-shirt when you headed over to the studio, not much caring what you looked like since you’d been in a rush to get to him. 
When you finally arrived at the studio you texted him to tell him you were heading inside, barely taking notice of the few straggling fans that were lingering outside in hopes of seeing their favorite idols. You’d smiled kindly in their direction as you headed towards the front entrance with your key card and a few of the fans took notice as they realized who you were. Your relationship with Jisung wasn’t a secret and it hadn’t been for a while now- but as you heard a few soft giggles you couldn’t help but be reminded of what it had been like that first month or two after you originally went public. It got easier as time went on, but that didn’t change the backlash you’d both received when news first broke that the two of you were dating.
Slowing your pace as you neared the front door, listening quietly as a few of the fans pointed amongst each other in your direction.
*hushed whispers*
“That’s Y/N, Jisung oppa’s (girlfriend / boyfriend)!”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive, see here’s a picture of them together from a few months ago, it’s definitely (her / him)!”
*muffled words as you neared the entrance, debating whether or not to turn around and say hello*
“I don’t know, but if you ask me Y/N’s not right for him...I mean, just look at (her / him)...”
Somehow that stung more than you’d expected, halting in your tracks for only a moment before going with your better judgment that causing a scene and confronting them wouldn’t help anything. You don’t know why, maybe it was the fact that it was late and you were getting tired, maybe it was the fact that you were worried for your boyfriend- but you couldn’t help but feel a little deflated by the rude comment. Of course you’d seen your fair share of negativity online, but it somehow felt way more biting in real life. To add insult to injury, it was obvious they were talking about appearance- and while you didn’t know for sure what they were referencing you couldn’t help but assume that it had to do with your weight. 
Making your way inside the building and heading up towards the dance studio you did your best to put it out of your mind, wanting to prioritize Jisung since he must’ve been stressed to call you all the way out here. Opening the door to the studio he was occupying, you were surprised to find Jisung smiling as he pulled the black surgical mask down from over his mouth to rest below his chin. 
“Jagi! You made it!”
*wrapping his arms around you tightly and flashing you his classic toothy grin*
“Yahh, what’s wrong Jisunggie?”
You gave him a concerned look as you raised your brows, watching as your boyfriend’s face contorted into a look of confusion.
“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong- it’s the opposite, actually. Our manager is letting us submit some ideas for choreography for some of the B sides on the upcoming album, so I’ve been working on something for one of our songs and I think I finally came up with something good!”
*smiling wide*
“Wahh, really?! That’s so great, show me!”
*laughing as he nodded, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling his mask back up to cover his mouth and immerse himself in the music*
     His dance was amazing, of course, you knew he’d worked hard on it and it turned out so better than you could have ever imagined. Once he’d finished his mini performance he’d decided to take a break and the two of you sat in silence as he rested. Despite being thrilled for your boyfriend and all of his hard work, you couldn’t help but feel some lingering burn from the harsh words outside the studio. You didn’t say anything because you didn’t want to ruin his mood, but he must’ve been able to tell something was off when you fell silent and stared down at the floor.
“Are you alright, Y/N? I know it’s a little late and you’re probably tired...”
*glancing up at him as you as you shook your head, flashing him a quick smile*
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m ok. Just a little tired...I don’t mind though! I’m really glad I got to see your choreography, J.”
*nodding in silence for a second before scooting closer to you, giving you a  questioning look*
“Y/N...c’mon. What’s wrong.”
You hadn’t realized he knew you quite that well, but it didn’t really surprise you. The two of you never kept anything from each other, no matter how small.
“It’s not a big deal, Jisunggie...”
“It’s a big deal to me.”
*sighing and giving him a small appreciative smile*
“I just...I dunno, there were some fans outside the building and I guess they didn’t really like me that much, I don’t know why stuff like that still bothers me, anyway. They didn’t even come up to me and be rude so it’s not a big deal, I guess after a while it just kinda wears you down when so many people think I’m too chubby to be with you and-”
*stopping your soft rambling as he gave you a concerned stare*
“Yahh- did they call you chubby or say something rude to you?”
*shaking your head softly*
“No, I mean, not to my face. I just overheard them. And I guess they didn’t say I was chubby they just didn’t think I was good enough for you...because of the way I looked.”
*sighing as he wrapped his arms around you protectively, resting his chin on the top of your head and pulling you close to his chest*
“I love you, Jagiya. So so much.”
The two of you sat in silence for a bit, cuddled up together on the floor of the dance studio. After a while, Jisung took a deep breath, pulling his head away to look at you more clearing as you lifted your head from it’s resting spot against his chest.
*brushing a stray strand of hair from your face*
“I wish I could stop every negative comment from ever getting to you because they don’t mean anything- but I know I can’t. And I’m sorry you have to go through this, even if it’s not that often. But I’m mostly sorry that it got to you and made you upset, because you’re so beautiful to me and I wish you saw yourself that way.”
*smiling gently as you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting upright*
“I’m working on it...you’re a big help, J.”
*nodding as a cheeky smile spread across his face, glancing down at your outfit*
“And ahh, Jagi? When they said you weren’t right for me, and talked about your appearance...”
*giving him a questioning look*
“Uh huh?”
*holding back laughter*
“Are you sure they weren’t talking about your outfit?!”
*your cheeks flushing red as you stared down at your old grungy t-shirt and sweatpants, realizing you didn’t exactly look put together*
“Yahh, Han Jisung!”
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Felix: The recent warm weather had been unrelenting, and after a while it started getting to you and your aussie boy- which is why you were both particularly thankful when a few of the members suggested a group trip to the beach. It’d been a while since the ten of you had all spent the day together, so you were all looking forward to having a little time to just relax and enjoy each other’s company.
Once you’d packed up and made your way to the beach, it wasn’t long before everyone was laughing and enjoying their time together, even if in the warm weather. No one had even changed into their swimsuits, but the instant it was brought up a small part of you grew anxious. It’d been a while since the last time you wore your suit, and even though you knew no one would comment on it or probably even notice, you couldn’t help but feel a little self conscious with more of your body exposed than you were used to. Once you’d put it on and left the changing room you subconsciously found your self covering most of your body with either a towel or beach bag. All of the boys had already rushed into the water to cool down and even though it might’ve seemed silly to someone else, you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, taking a seat under the sun umbrella as you contemplated what you wanted to do.
*sitting under the shade of the umbrella with a towel over the lower half of your body*
“Jagi, aren’t you coming in? The water’s great!”
*feeling awkward as a soaking Felix approached you, toweling off his wet hair and sitting down beside you*
“Umm, I might dip my toes in later.”
You fiddled with the corner of the towel cautiously, feeling trivial for getting so insecure over your appearance in the bathing suit you’d put on. It’d seemed like a good choice in the store when you bought it, but now that you were wearing it you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed at the way you felt you looked. Felix would give you a questioning look as he glanced down at the towel covering most of your waist and legs, sitting a little closer to you and speaking softly.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Y/N? Because if you feel sick we can always go back, we don’t have to stay if you’d rather-”
*shaking your head and giving him a reassuring smile*
“I’m ok, babe- really. I promise.”
*not feeling fully convinced as he folded his arms over his chest*
“Y/N...you’re my (girlfriend / boyfriend), I know when something’s up. You might as well just tell me, because if you’re not having a good time then I’m not having a good time.”
*smiling smally as you shrugged, staring blankly at the ground*
“I guess I feel a little insecure...”
You voice was barely about a quiet mumble, but it was loud enough for Felix to hear and immediately react to. This boy would never ever want you to be said or self conscious, not even for a second- so expect a reaction that matches his big and bright personality.
“What?! Why are you insecure?? You’re Y/N Y/L/N! My perfect Y/N! The cutest person in the whole world! You’re a ray of, no- you’re the whole sun!”
*laughing as you shoved him playfully, rolling your eyes at his corniness*
“Yahh, stop being so cheesy!”
*smiling softly as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek*
“I just want you to know how much I care about you, that’s all.”
*nodding gently as you continue to fiddle with the towel covering you*
“You don’t have to keep that over you if you don’t want to, Jagi...you know how much I love you- and how gorgeous I think you are.”
“I know, I just...I think I look chubby without it.”
*placing his hand carefully under your chin and lifting your face up to meet his gaze*
“Hey. Look at me, Jagi. You mean the world to me, ok? And when I fell for you, I fell for every part. You’re already amazing the way you are, you don’t have to change anything, or hide anything- you shouldn’t ever have to feel that way. You don’t have to swim if you don’t want to, but I don’t want you to feel like you can’t.”
*giving your boyfriend a bright smile*
“Have I ever told you what a great boyfriend you are?”
*blushing as a wide grin spread across his face*
“Once or twice, but it doesn’t hurt to hear.”
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Seungmin: As the resident cleaner of Stray Kids, it didn’t come as a surprise to you when Seungmin mentioned something about the disastrous state of your closet. Of course you’d started out with good intentions of keeping it clean, but over time the clothes continued piling up and eventually turned into something of an uncontrollable avalanche. You’d laughed off his remarks about you needing to clean your closet at first, but when you came back into your room from the kitchen to find your boyfriend labeling separate hampers with post-it’s that read “keep” and “donate/get rid of”. 
“Yahh, Kim Seungmin we’re not spending our day together cleaning out my closet! If it means that much to you I can clean it tomorrow.”
*smiling as he shrugged, heading towards your closet and gesturing for you to go first*
“I don’t mind, Jagi- I like cleaning. Plus, I know if I let you do it on your own you won’t end up getting rid of anything. I’ll be your second opinion!”
You chuckled and shook your head playfully in defeat, heading into the messy closet as the two of you began pulling out items of clothing to sort through. 
You’d been cleaning for a while and, despite your protests, there was a fair amount of clothes in the “donate” pile. Sure, most of it you didn’t wear anymore or had fallen out of fashion but you still had a hard time parting with it. 
“Y/N, do you want to keep this sweater?”
Seungmin gently tossed you a pea green sweater that frankly you couldn’t even remember buying, but you gave it a fair inspection anyway.
“I don’t know,..it could be cute, Minnie!”
*giggling as Seungmin raised a questioning brow, eyeing the sweater that was very clearly not a necessary item for your wardrobe*
“I’ll give you 5,000 won to put that sweater in the donate pile, Jagi.”
*laughing as you watched your boyfriend crack a bright, cheerful smile*
“Yahh, the sweater isn’t that bad!”
*smiling as he watched you eye the sweater, a slight flush rising in your cheeks as he mumbled under his breath*
“Maybe not to you, I’m the one who’d have to look at.”
*your eyes widening playfully as you teasingly tossed the sweater at Seungmin who caught it midair*
Seungmin laughed as he handed you back the less-than-flattering sweater, pecking a quick kiss to your cheek as an apology.
“I’m just teasing, babe. If you really like it, I’m sure you’ll make it look really pretty.”
*rolling your eyes playfully as you smiled*
“That’s ok, you’re right- it’s not my style.”
*spotting a pile of pants you hadn’t gone through yet, gesturing to your boyfriend*
“Hey Minnie, can you hand me those pants? I think they’re kinda old but they look like they’re in ok shape.”
He nodded and handed you the small stack of pants, each of which you unfolded and examined for wear and tear.
“Do you think these would look alright on me?” 
*holding up the most salvageable pairs of pants that you vaguely remember purchasing a couple years ago*
“Mmhmm, they’re really nice. Go try them on, see how they fit.”
Smiling, you nodded and headed out to the bathroom across the hall to try on the pants. Admittedly, all of the pants he’d handed you were originally meant to have a slim and tight fit and you had purchased them quite a while ago- but as you pulled the un-budging material up your thighs those facts didn’t ease the pain of realizing they were no wear close to fitting. After several attempts with every pair in the pile with no success, you couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious. You don’t know exactly why it bothered you so much, it wasn’t new information that you were a little on the chubby side. Nevertheless, something about not fitting into the pants you’d once been able to stung- so when you changed back into your original outfit and returned to your room where Seungmin was sorting clothes you couldn’t help but feel a bit dejected. When he glanced up at you, he could immediately tell something was off.
“Is everything alright, Y/N? You’re not wearing  any of the pants.”
*shrugging softly as you placed them in the “donate” hamper*
“None of them fit.”
*nodding slowly as he eyed the new additions to the hamper you’d been so reluctant to place anything in before*
“A-are you sure? Because you don’t have to get rid of them, really. I was just teasing you about the sweater, it’s your decision ja-”
“They didn’t fit, Minnie...Like, they literally wouldn’t go up my fat thighs.”
The moment the biting self-criticism fell from your lips, he’d know exactly what was wrong. He’d always known you’d handsome insecurities about your body, but he’d never brought it up because to him it’d always been so obvious that you were perfect just the way you were. It didn’t occur to him that sometimes you didn’t see yourself the same way. 
*stepping closer to you and intertwining your hands with his*
“Hey...what’s wrong with your thighs? Or any part of you! You’re amazing, Y/N...you know how amazing I think you are.”
*biting your lip as you stared down at the ground*
“It just hurt a little -not fitting- that’s all. I’m just overreacting.”
*smiling softly as he pressed a sot kiss to your forehead*
“You’re not overreacting, I just wish you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself...you know I love you...”
*nodding and feeling silly for getting upset over something trivial, sniffling softly as you glanced up at him*
“Don’t work so hard to change yourself, jagi. If the clothes don’t fit, there’s nothing wrong with donating them and buying new ones. The measurements of the clothes don’t matter...you matter.”
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Jeongin: It had been storming all day, leaving you and your boyfriend with pretty few options for how to spend your time together. You’d settled for a comfy movie marathon, playing all your favorite films surrounded by plenty of snacks and blankets. 
After quite a few movies, and as the sun began to dip below the skyline, you could see Jeongin getting more visibly tired. He started by propping his head in his hands, and then on a pillow, until finally his he was completely horizontal on the large sofa with his head in your lap. He’d looked so comfortable and sweet laying on you as he watched the movie through sleepy eyes that you hadn’t bothered moving him, but you soon wish you had. As he began to doze off, his arms instinctively wrapped around your waist as though you’d become his living breathing body pillow- which may have looked endearing to an onlooker, but made you more than a little uncomfortable. You knew it wasn’t his fault, he’d never do anything to intentionally make you feel self conscious, but he inadvertently had as his arms pressed firmly against your tummy and his head propped comfortably against your thighs (neither of which you were terribly confident in). You tried to carefully pry him from you, but he was too firmly planted in his spot as he began to drift off to sleep. 
*shuffling away from him slightly as your cheeks flushed*
“Jeonginnie, c-can you move?”
*groaning sleepily as he waved it off*
“Mmm, Y/N I’m already comfy just let me lay here a little while...”
*sighing as you fiddled with your fingers nervously for a minute before scooting away more intently, letting his head plop down on the sofa*
“Yaaah, Jagi!”
*whining playfully as he adjusted his glasses and turned to prop himself up on his elbows*
“What was that for? Was my head really that heavy?”
*feeling embarrassed and self conscious as you shook your head*
“No...I just-”
The moment he heard the nervous crack in your voice he’d sit up, scooting a little closer to you and leaning down slightly to meet your lowered gaze.
“Did I do something wrong, Y/N?”
*giving him a soft smile and shaking your head, unsure if he’d understand your insecurity*
“No, of course not, Jeonginnie. I just- you were squeezing me so tight and-”
*giving you a concerned look*
“You couldn’t breathe??”
*laughing softly as you shook your head, feeling your cheeks flush at how silly your qualm must seem in comparison*
“I felt self conscious...about my body...”
The last part of your sentence was barely above a whisper, but your boyfriend heard it loud and clear. 
“Why would you feel self conscious?”
You could tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t just trying to appease you- he really had no idea. It’s not like he couldn’t tell that you were a little chubby, but it somehow made a tiny piece of you feel better. 
“I’m kinda chubby, ya know.”
Surprisingly, a toothy smile broke out on his face as you said this. Raising an eyebrow, you watched as your boyfriend stifled a small laugh.
You had to admit, you’d always been fond of the fact that Jeongin didn’t usually sugarcoat things. He didn’t feel the need to say cute or swoon worthy things and he wasn’t exactly smooth- but there was something about him that knew the thing you needed to hear, even if it wasn’t the thing you wanted to hear. 
“So I guess I felt embarrassed.” 
*shrugging as he gave you a genuinely perplexed look*
*frowning as you thought about it for a minute, growing slightly aggravated*
“Wh- I don’t know, because I don’t always like being chubby and-”
“So you want me to take you to the gym?”
*frowning as you folded your arms*
“That’s not what I said, I just-”
*smiling as he scooted closer to you, leaning his head lazily on your shoulder*
“Y/N, I love you- just tell me what you want, because I don’t know. I don’t know why you’d care about the size of your tummy or thighs, it doesn’t really have anything to do with how pretty or smart or funny you are.”
Things grew silent for a minute as you thought over everything he’d said, realizing you weren’t really frustrated at him- you were frustrated at the fact that you didn’t have any valid reason for being so embarrassed by your body. Jeongin was right- your size really didn’t matter. 
“I guess...I guess you’re right.”
*removing his head from your shoulder to face you, his lips upturning ever so slightly as he nodded*
“I know, Jagi.”
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