#and negative splits my beloved
nyoomfruits · 9 months
Here’s how I spent my day:
- Read your snippet of the Landoscar Fake Dating AU and nearly died from anticipation??!!
- Made myself a cup of tea and rewatched Landoscar McLaren reels on instagram
- Read Lacey’s Lestappen & Landoscar Mission Universe sequel and cried tears of laughter followed by tears of pain
- Took a nap because I was emotionally challenged
- Read Celine’s Landoscar Happily Ever After fic and died from cuteness overload
- Binge watched Oscar’s prema videos because, again, was feeling CUTE
- Read Leaf’s Negative Splits AU while watching a hockey game in the background (fitting!)
And I just want to say: you Landoscar fic writers are KILLING IT. I love that there aren’t a TON of fics (though that number is rising!), all the fics that exist are absolutely top notch. Thank you for your service.
I’m also sorry if I assumed people’s names here, I know people have Tumblr names that aren’t actually their real names 🙈
anon that sounds like an absolutely top notch day very very jealous. i too am obsessed with landoscar fic writers dO THEY KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM genuinly lie awake at night worrying about this
thank you for this wonderful message anon, hope your tomorrow is just as great as your today <3
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cheriboms · 2 years
Tumblr media
i have genuinely never drawn anything so fast in my life
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redriotinggg · 5 months
I'm giving you some angst because I was thinking about it and made myself sad and needed to share with someone :') and because we all love Usopp and need to hurt him a little bit lmao
(Established Polycule between Zoro x Sanji x Luffy x Usopp) a situation where they face a devil fruit user who can mess up with their minds, and (maybe they separate them?) one of the things he attacks Usopp with is telling him that his boyfriends don't love him as much as they love each other, or they're not as devoted to him as they are to Luffy. And maybe Usopp brushes it off (with a casual: "is that all you got? I tell myself worse things for breakfast every morning!"), but later after defeating the enemy and when they're partying Usopp cant stop thinking about it and wondering if maybe its true but trying really hard not to show it (maybe with sucess, he is a good liar. Or maybe not so successfully, his boyfriends know him too well)
What happens next? I don't know, I made myself sad and didn't know how to fix it lmao. Maybe a deep conversation to show Usopp they do love him as much, and to not listen to random enemies that try to wage psychological warfare on you?
ZoLuSanUso my beloved!! How dare you do this to me, I love it.
They split into pairs to find the Devil Fruit user: Luffy & Sanji and Zoro & Usopp. The user's power clearly has a wide range--it's affecting them no matter where they go on the island. If it's a psychological power picking on insecurities, Sanji struggles slightly. He has plenty of regrets and deep-rooted issues; scars that may never fully heal. But having Luffy (who is almost completely unaffected) with him and singing his praises, he snaps out of it pretty quickly. Luffy showers him with cuddles n kisses and they go off to go find the asshole who's doing this to them.
Meanwhile, Zoro and Usopp aren't together anymore because surprise, surprise! Zoro got himself lost. He's pissed because 1.) he lost Usopp, which means he can't protect him and 2.) he can already hear the damn cook screeching in his ear for not watching over their precious sniper.
He ends up finding Usopp, who has used his Observation Haki to find the Devil Fruit user. The marksman has him cornered and tells the guy that his attempts at attacking them are pathetic! His crew aren't so weak to be affected by his measly powers. He ends up telling a ridiculous story about having so much negativity stored within him that his insecurities cannot be tampered with by outside forces. It is easily Zoro's least favourite story the sniper has told, so he makes his way over and knocks the guy out, releasing them all of the echoing voices in their heads.
Once the man is slumped on the ground, it's like a weight has been released from Usopp's shoulders. Zoro is surprised by the force with which Usopp launches himself at him, wrapping him in a hug and searching for comfort. With the confident way he'd spoken just moments ago, Zoro thought Usopp might've escaped this encounter unscathed. But with the way he's clinging to him now, it's obvious that whatever he was hearing has shaken him up. Not for the first time, Zoro is genuinely scared by how good Usopp is at hiding his true feelings. Zoro has gotten better at sussing out Usopp's real moods, but it's worrying that the sniper could be hiding at any moment.
By the time Luffy and Sanji find them (which is not much time at all), Usopp has pulled himself together and is acting like nothing's wrong. He's blabbering away as he ties up the Devil Fruit user and presents him to his captain to be dealt with. LuSan can instantly tell that something is off, but they trust Usopp to come to them if and when he needs to.
The time comes later on when the Straw Hats are back on the Sunny, partying as they sail toward the next adventure.
Toward the end of the night, Usopp is leaning against the railing, gazing out into the dark sea, a frown on his face as he's lost in his thoughts.
Sanji's the first to approach--coming with a mug of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, marshmallows, and cinnamon. Usopp's favourite. Zoro's next, standing on his other side so that their arms are pressed together. Luffy's last, jumping onto Usopp's back and wrapping his limbs around him. They stand in silence, waiting.
"I don't know about you guys, but that guy's power was super effective," Usopp says eventually. "My head got super loud and there were voices telling me that everything I'm scared of is true. But the loudest voice kept telling me that you guys don't love me. Or that you don't love me as much as you love each other. Because I'm not strong or useful enough. Or for one of the million other reasons why you're too good for me."
"You defeated him, though," Zoro reminds him. "You're plenty strong. And useful."
"And none of what he said was true," Sanji adds. "None of us are 'too good for you', Usopp. We love you as you are."
"And that's all there is to it," Luffy concludes. "We all love you! The way I love you is different from how I love Zoro or Sanji. Not less or more. Just different. And it's the same for them," he says definitively, the other two nodding. "So don't listen to that guy. He was mean and stupid! He doesn't know about you or us, but we do, so only listen to what we say, okay?"
Usopp nods, but that's not enough for his captain or their other partners. They squeeze and pinch and tickle him until he laughs, promising aloud that he will believe his boyfriends when they say they love him. They shower him with cuddles and kisses and words of reassurance that he responds to in kind, telling them all how much they mean to him.
By the time the sun begins its ascent, the four of them have forgotten all about their doubts and fears. They're ready to share another day of love and laughter by each other's side.
Sappy happy ending because that is the kind of person I am. Thank you for the angst, anon, this was great and I had so much fun!! Everyone else send me asks and prompts I live for them <3
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cyle · 11 months
It is really quite maddening how there are all these interesting and useful features being worked on in @labs to be released at some indeterminate future time and all the updates we are getting now are things that make great swathes of the userbase angry
I think it would make people a lot more willing to trust staff if you could release the highly asked for features alongside the annoying changes, rather than giving the annoying now and promising the asked for later
But I emphasize with how hard it is to convince management to listen to reasonable criticism. Could you do me a favor and shake your fist at them for me?
if i could wave a magic wand and make Breaking Even as a Business not a reality, then yeah, i would argue to split tumblr's efforts into a classic "tick-tock" schedule: for everything we build to attract new users and innovate, we build something to make existing users' lives better.
but i've made that argument and lost many times, and for good reason. tumblr is not a business that's breaking even! we aren't making enough money to survive! and our current audience (me and you) aren't helping us enough with that, i'm sorry to say. we've tried catering to our existing audience, and unfortunately it won't sustain the platform. even discord is having to abandon their beloved early adopters! every social media company seems to go through this, and it's a miracle it's taken this long for us to do the same.
and while some of the things we're working on in @labs are things we hope will be cool with existing users, probably a lot of them won't be. one of them was already "leaked" and generated a ton of negative reaction on tumblr. but that's why we're doing a lot of user research with people who don't use tumblr, and people who do. because we need to make some money to pay the bills around here.
if we can find a solution that appeals to both audiences, then we'll chase it as hard as we can, but the odds of that are very slim. it's much more likely that "the tumblr that can survive as a business" doesn't look entirely like the tumblr we're using today. we're trying to keep the core part of tumblr alive, though. that's the gauntlet.
as for "convincing management" -- @zingring is right over there. she's the COO of tumblr. i've already convinced her! i don't have to shake my fist at her! she's great!!
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umeboshi--bones · 1 year
dont imagine shattered dream>:)
CW: yandere
Don't imagine that you're sitting, by yourself, brain mired in negative thoughts, the stress and pain of your life drowning you.
Don't imagine the overwhelming wave of negativity suddenly rising around you only to be succinctly silenced.
Dont imagine that everything goes silent around you, unnaturally so, you can't even hear your own heartbeat; tendrils crawl into your vision, you feel something press against your back.
Don't imagine a smooth, velvet voice, cooing to you almost lovingly?
"Oh, darling, sweet girl, what darkens your heart so? I could taste it, so far from me. Tell me, whisper it if you find it easier."
Don't imagine breaking under the thoughts in your head, and tearfully you whisper to the darkness.
Don't imagine the darkness clicking its tongue and the tentacles hovering around you begins to make a cocoon around you.
Don't imagine the edge in his voice when he discovers that the source of your soul splitting sadness happens to be downstairs.
Don't imagine the darkness condensing before you, a skeleton made of darkness and sludge emerging. He smiles at you, it is sad and doesn't match his voice.
Don't imagine he turns and takes your headphones from your desk, placing them snugly to your ears, a tentacle scrolling through your music list on your phone, to choose one with the most plays.
"You do not want to listen to anything but what is in these headphones, my dear."
Dont imagine the smile on his face sharpens, he turns back to undulating shadow and slips out of the cracks of the bedroom door.
Especially don't imagine he returns to you moments later, to bring you up to him as he floats supported by two thick tentacles, pressing a kiss to your forehead, murmuring that you will be so much happier with him, this universe doesn't deserve a soul like yours.
And what ever you do, don't imagine that the surge of happiness that floods you feels a little tinged with dread as you look into that burning amber eye studying your face.
Or the smirk that stretches a crescent of brilliant white across his dark face, as your vision blurs and a nothingness takes you, as you are taken from the universe by his arms, by his kiss.
Oh and don't imagine the absolute wipe of your AU, ending in terror and blood, all for you beloved, all for you darling.
All. For. You.
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utilitycaster · 8 months
In the course of a couple of conversations I think I have hit on some of the fandom weirdness this campaign, and it's notable because I realized it when it was my answer to both a question about why the fandom response to "Party of NPCs" was pretty negative at the time but I don't think it would be now; and someone pointing out to me how there was a sudden massive spike of enthusiasm for Ashton and Fearne as a ship without a particularly large corresponding boost in any sort of fan works.
I suspect that many of the people who came to C3 as their first CR campaign came through the avenue of shipping; either because Shadowgast and Beauyasha both broke containment to some extent; because of TLOVM (which as a scripted TV show where they know the relationships and how they shake out, there can be foreshadowing), or because of the influxes of people shipping Imogen and Laudna circa May and September 2022. This is in contrast to Campaigns 1 and 2, where a lot of the fanbase came via D&D fandom, fantasy fandom, voice acting fandom, and more general word of mouth. This time, people showed up to ship; of that segment of the fandom, shipping is a major if not the primary way in which they interact with fiction.
Here's the truth: this is a terrible campaign for shipping, and indeed, one of the worst shows for shipping I've seen in a while. This, to be clear, is not a critique of quality. It's merely an observation that this is a terrible campaign for shipping specifically, but a great one for many of the myriad other reasons why one might watch long-form actual play. It's plot-heavy, with a pretty intricate network of laid groundwork over eight years of storytelling, two past campaigns, and two miniseries finally paying off. It's been heavy on showing the unexplored corners of the world in Marquet, rural Issylra and the Shattered Teeth. It's taken risks with the typical D&D campaign structure and with party composition and splits, to varying degrees of success. It's allowed a revisiting of beloved NPCs and locations from the past. It's the lore campaign! It's extremely not the shipping campaign.
I think most people have picked up on that by now, even if it's only subconsciously, and so those who watch with the express intent of shipping, are grasping at the most tenuous of straws because that's pretty much what they have. Two canon ships and one noncanon but hinted-towards ship are with guest characters who are not present and so are necessarily very quiet. Chetney and Fearne is a lot of fun but it does not fit the usual shipping-above-all preferences of monogamous love to marriage/partnership to babies, plus Chetney is weird and old. (This has always been an issue with this mentality, incidentally; for all I think the popularity of Shadowgast is why some of these people are here, the fact of the matter is that many of the people who like Shadowgast like a completely foreign to canon concept operating under that name that erases the frequent long-distant nature and the almost certain lack of children and the deliberate choice to end the relationship amicably due to different needs.) However you may feel about Imogen and Laudna it is incontrovertible that there's been little to no movement in what is now a calendar quarter. And so: two people doing something that is not explicitly romantic while two other characters say "emperor and empress" is a paltry, miniscule - and I hate to use the word but no other will do - crumb; but it is a crumb to a starving populace.
In case my feelings aren't abundantly clear...I say let them eat cake. I enjoy ships and shipping! I enjoy seeing characters recognize themselves through the other and develop over time as they fall in love with another character; I enjoy seeing a deep romance unfold slowly so that I can savor it. But this campaign just doesn't really have that, and that's never been the most significant reason I watch, let alone the main one. I'd rather have no romantic relationships in a work than rushed ones that strain credibility or lack chemistry, and those who do want romance can either find other shows, or focus on transformative work. For those who came to Campaign 3 on the basis of rumors of the great romances in Campaigns 1 or 2, those are still there for you! And while I think we're too far in for a campaign-length romance, there are plenty of ways for the existing ships to become something more interesting. But I think this explains a lot of the weirder patterns in the fandom conversation as of late.
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chenford77 · 15 days
Chenford/Lucy analytic rant at 4 AM
Long rant, I apologise in advance if u disagree or dont care because u are so fanatically addicted to chenford u cant see the forest for the trees or are in such denial u refuse to aknowledge what is right in front of ur nose. Hope is good, I have it too, and I pray for them, and will wait and see, and give it the benefit of the doubt.
But I will not be silent, because it offends ur comfort show, which btw is also mine. I dare say I love chenford more than anyone and they are all I think about since finding the show 5 months ago after rewatching Dark Matter for the third time.
If u dont like 'negativity' which is how s6 actually went down, and prefer to remain in denial and not aknowledge what we have been shown in all of s6 so far, what Alexi has said in interviews, what Alexi has done in previous work that broke up Castle's beloved couple too, then just ignore it pls.
I grow tired of seing all ur twitter posts about wanting to block posts about anything negative about chenford and wanting to block those ppl. Do it! It doesnt make it less true, and we are hurting JUST AS MUCH as u are, probably more, because we see it and u prefer not to. Which will only lead to an even bigger heartbreak in the end, or worse. Aknowledge it, dont ignore it.
You might want to block all the posts and comments saying all the bad about what happened and what Alexi did to chenford, and us, and not want to hear anything opposing ur strong belief that because chenford sat in a car together or Tim tells Lucy he will be kind to her back which in ur eyes 500% mean THEY ARE SO BACK TOGETHER OMG OMG THEY ALMOST KISSED OMG OMG. Sry but I think a lot of us want to just do the same by now, because that shit hurts to see and its clear u dont get them from a mature and real point of view.(oh to be young and in love again)
Thats not what happened, and we are doing chenford, expecially Lucy, and dishonour by pretending otherwise, in the name of hope.
Hope is good, I have it too and hope Im wrong in some things, but s6 spoke a lot of truths, and everything I predicted has come true so far, in the show and behind the scenes that cant be ignored and deserve to be recognised so that Alexi hopefully fix it all in s7 and onwards, instead of repeating D.B and Weiss' GoT fuckup or continue with the woke hollywoods 'Hitchhikers guide how to create the biggest gasp and cause the most hurt, and most importantly Confusion and Inconsistancy'.
There are real ppl with feelings behind the screens, pls remember that. Goes for both sides!
I mean no hurt or disrespect to anyone, but dont invalidate mine, or half the fandoms ' feelings and views on what really happened and why its happening pls because u wish to not see what happened because it hurts.
It does hurt, Im depressed and know what its like better than anyone and have been through a LOT in real life and have seen a lot of fandom couples get killed off or break apart. So I know what I see when I see it!
Every post I see about 'they are SO bk together omg they almost kissed, omg Tims 'kindness' line was sooo sweet and such a love declaration', I scroll past, fast. I dont want to see it, That is MY comfort zone u just stepped on, pls see both sides :)
Dont make public posts but then hate on any 'negative' comments u get, because u prefer to remain in ur happy place. All u do it hurt half the fandom that does not agree with u and split us up. This goes both ways, dont be mean just to be mean, let them be happy and positive unless its seomthing that really needs attention. Alr most dont bother anymore because u just dont seem to want to admit what u really saw and what Alexi's INTENTIONS were. Its very hurtful tbh and all it does is make ppl stop voicing their oppinions, both good and bad. Ofc downright rude and mean posts and comments should be removed, but pls dont make public posts if u dont want honest oppinions, or expect newcomers to know u dont want it if they dont know u.
You might feel hurt by our take on things, but we feel the same about urs. You might want to remain positive, great so do I, but I also guard my heart and I dont ignore what is obvious or stay silent so our side dont get heard too. By not voicing it and AKNOWLEDGING it, Alexi gets a free pass for future seasons repeat performance. And thats not ok!
It might be that Alexi do a 360 for the fun of it and fix it all in s7 and prove us 'nonbelievers' wrong, but what we saw in s6 was NOT what the denial and comfort zoners saw. Its just not. Perhaps on the surface but not beneath where it matters.
By ignoring what we saw in s6 u disrespect and devalue everything that came b4, as well as chenford.
We can be in our happy place and still pretend and hope for the best, but dont ignore it or say it didnt happen when it did. Its ok to want to be in ur happy place and keep our comfort show intact, I still am and have despite seing what is there for the eyes to behold. But by not aknowledging it and wanting to shut down every negative or opposing oppinion, u help ensure an even greater heartbreak later on if they choose to take that turn which is very likely. because u mislead and essentialy create false hope, when instead it should be rephrased into posible outcome instead of plausible deniability.
That doesnt mean u should hack down every denial post living in pretend land, dont be mean, let them have their happyplace and hope, I want it too, but dont make public posts saying 'omg almost kissed' and then get mad if we remind u that no, they really didnt. It doesnt work that way, it just makes it worse tbh.
My feelings based on all the various twitter and tumblr posts since the finale, from no particular individual but all chenford tags that I payed notice to and have seen others pay notice to who have stopped speaken up because u yell at us to shut up in 5 gifs daily.
Not validating our take and what really happened is the same as what Tim has been doing all s6, not validating and respecting Lucy.
Tim is no longer our Tim and has been disrespectful, careless, indifferent and and even mean to Lucy in s6. Something we NEVER would have seen in previous seasons. It is, as Northsky7 wrote, completely inconsistant and out of character for Tim what he has said and done in s6. NO his mental health and 'growth' excuse has nothing to do with this, its just how Alexi wanted to write it just because he can and think we want drama and that Lucy should be 'challenged', and to head us into a 'will they wont they' era of pining, which no chenford fan said they wanted After they got together, finally, after 5 years. That we miss the pining era doesnt = lets break them apart and start over lol. I mean..
I too dont give a fart about how much 'kindness' Tim will give her in s7 , if he cant mature, respect Lucy, truly apologise for the massive hurt he caused her cause without still having talked to her, it matters not. I will never like Tim the way I did b4 after what they made him do. I too have a very hard time picturing how they will make this right again, and shallow 'kindness' lines or Lucy saying 'water under the bridge lets move on' will NOT count. I will dislike him more and more for each episode of silence. I alr dislike Nyla, John and Angela more and more for each episode in s6, for being so uncharactaristically mean and indifferent and unsupportive to Lucy. Which still hasnt been aknowledged, and Lucy continues to be used as a doormat for the sake of Tims 'mental health growth'. Mel said somewhere that Lucy has other friends outside of work to lean on also in defense of this. Does she?? Because we havent seen them. We havent seen anyone support her and be there for her in the entire s6. If we dont SEE it, it didnt happen. Even what Grey said to her when they wrote together was just more icing on the cake tbh. He basically just said 'yeah go tell that to Tim instead wont u'. What?!? Again, was that it?? Thats not being supportive either, its a poorly written script line to further step on Lucy and not agree with and support her feelings. But the fandom loved it, sucked it up raw like it was mothers milk straight from the tit.
In all previous seasons the team has been there for each other, we have SEEN it, on work and off work.
We didnt see a single scene with anyone supporting, truly supporting, Lucy that season, just for the fun of it it seems, Alexi? Lets destroy the most emotianal and empathetic character in the show just to create tension and drama cause thats what the generic audience like to see? Said no one, ever.
Remember Nolan stopping by after Celina moved in? Again, 0 support from him, he basically just rolled his eyes and didnt seem to care. This was SO out of character for Nolan. In all previous seasons he would be there for her 100%, hug her, talk to her. And Angela calling her about Mad Dogs death? How Lucy said, in almost utter disbelief, that Angela was calling her. Her? Why on earth would Angela be calling Lucy, sure that makes sense, its not like they are friends and have gone out b4, so why on earth would Angela be calling Lucy?Making it sound like its not a normal thing to do ever. It just further isolate Lucy and they want us to see, to FEEL he pain and that she is alone, because thats what she is now.
I am close to the point of not caring about Nyla, John and Angela, almost hating them tbh, because we havent seen any aknowledgement of how and why they treated her like that, and it seems to just all be water under the bridge and she brushed it off and moved on. And I used to love them so much.
When she in no way should have brushed it off, it was mean, and downright cruel. But they want to dehumanise and desentisize Lucy because she cares too much, is too empathetic and is the shows real star, not Fillian, and that just wont do!
Remember Angela and Nylas fun phone scene? Where normally I would have laughed about it and felt good?
I didnt. All I did was say out loud 'are u kidding me'.
The elevator scene after Lucy and Tim hugs and they step out to be greeted by Angela and Nyla, who says they need her for a case. No asking, no 'can u pls help us' no it was a 'we are detectives now so we rule over u come here and do our bidding low human'.
Then when Lucy who gives it her all not just on working hours but also off, had set up numerous identities for UC work that took a long time, to use one for the op, this could have been a superb time for Nyla and Angela to aknowledge her good work and praise her, just a little bit. Just a tiny bit, we dont ask for much tbh!
The old Nyla pre s6 would have said something there.
But it was skipped over, like so many other important 'should have been' scenes and lines because the season was so short, and they instead wanted to focus on the most boring couple (sry but its true) Bailey and John and they very sudden and rushed kid sprout storyline that took up time that should have been spent on more important stuff, like sayd, perhaps a short scene of Tim talking to his therapist so we can SEE his process?
Alexi: And so I think we just need to keep challenging her and and navigating her profesional and personal life, while he what he does what hes got to do .
Okay? Why does she needs to be challenged exactly? Does it have to be done like it was done, tearing her down like that, and us with it? No, it really didnt. You can challenge her without destroying her entire character ffs.
Alexi: And then also just, how do they find their way back to each other
You tell me, I legit cant see it anymore unless u unfuck Tims charcter ASAP, and I mean in the first episode in s7, it doesnt have to take longer for Tim to apologize, show us he means it, show us therapy scene and then him falling to his fucking knees to beg for her forgiveness. Nothing less will suffice by now tbh!
Eric was right tho when he said Tim needs help, and his story needs more bkground, he absolutely does. But not this way, not while simultaniously destroying his character by making him inconsistant, disrespectfull, indifferent, and UNkind.
It was so very badly executed and poorly written, I just cant get over how anyone can think this was wholesome and done well. Sadly it dont seem like u can hire a new writer and Alexi runs the show, but I suppose we can hope the rest of the team listens and demands he steps up, and stop hurting his fanbase.
No personal hate, only professionally.
Instead they also toss in 15 new bad guys on a mission that made no sense, that I could not follow and did not give a flying squirrel about tbh. Because it didnt make sense, and because the time should have been spent on chenfords process instead. Even if I wasnt a chenford fan I would say the same.
Tims bday cart and the song fixed it a little, made him look like he felt bad. But I think mainly because the fandom called it out and wanted Kojo back and Lucys bday stuff. But it was so left and right, I got a whiplash from trying to keep up with their choices in each episode that keep contradicting what they have previous said, done and felt.
Even their dance scene early in after they made up and Lucy tells Tim she loves him, I didnt like it. Unpopular oppinion Im sure, but I didnt like it. It felt off.
It felt off, shallow, the editing was cut badly and didnt clip in well, and it just really felt superficial and not REAL, and was all so RUSHED, with the way they said it, and the lines they gave us.
Tim loves her, no doubt about it. But enough I wonder now too, because u just cant do what hes done, and still seem to be doing after they broke up without talking to her, tell her all she needs to know, let her help him and man up and actively seek therapy, and not just a second after Grey tells him he needs to fix it or he will be moved to another station. Tim needs to reliase he loves her and RESPECTS her, and fast, or they will loose half the fanbase and there will be no s8!
That therapy with London also doesnt really count, it made it look like a last minute forced descision from Tim because he was ordered to, when he in all ways should have sought that out himself by that point. Or we should have seen him 'break down' instead of just being indifferent?!?
Then in the car in the finale, after everything they have been through together, after he hurt her like that and knows she wants to talk about it, after he has been to therapy with London and hopefully grown up a little bit more and since he says she did help him realise some things, the one line he can give her when she asks him if he told her anything about Lucy, is that shes a 'freak in the sheets'. I mean, what?!? Did he seriously just further prove he hasnt learned anything after the breakup, still cant be honest with her and tell her maybe something like 'yeah that u are amazing and have been trying to help me and blablabla', AND again just seem to joke around the serious issue and seeming indifferent, again, and just calls her a 'freak in the sheets' ?!?
I wanted to SLAP him for that. And I love Tim, and Lucy, so that was just a slap in my own face instead tbh! :( Not only does that sexualise her and all of the above I just wrote, but its so out of character and RUDE considering their situation and feelings. Just to please the fanfiction fandom with that line? For all the E and M rated fics? Thats not what we want! Sure it would have been a nice bonus but not as the main story line. We want Tim to grow some balls and TALK TO HER, not further invalidate her feelings by continuing to ignore them and give her a bullcrab line about 'kindness'.
And Lucy saying 'u dont have to do this', eh what, excuse me?? Yes he does? Yes he fucking so does? All is by gones now or what? Its ok what he did? No its fucking not grr. Dont disregard him needed to talk to her and explain himself just because time has passed omg, that wont work in the long run. Arent Lucy a psych major, with 2 therapists for parents?? It hasnt come in handy so far.
This show can do 20 seasons easily! Its better than all the other similar shows, has only great memorable and fun characters and, despite the really poor writing which is full of plotholes and flawed timelines, it has good stories and archways too, that is when they dont push some big conspiracy plot thats rushed through in 2 episodes with so many new characters we have no clue is, then to end.
But it needs less plotholes and they need to make baylan more interesting and fix chenford. And for gods sake stop posing Nolan as a superhero so much, its too much and overly done by now its getting annoying to watch and ruins his character!
Like that finale where he toppled some FBI dude over and ran off, with none of said FBI dudes tried to stop him, despite being in clear violation of 911 laws and putting everything at risk and proving he hasnt learned anything in the past years about recklessness? Bro… Pls.. Stop.
I legit skipped that part, I facepalmed myself in real life and zipped ahead, it was annoying to watch, then it made me sad because how the writers keep ruining it all.
And give Bailey less screentime, even Luna barely has any and she is far better overall?Also isnt she a firefighter? Which morphed into her being some top emergency ambulance doctor out on every single scene more or less? Huh?
And yes the writing IS bad, its very poor writing. But we still love it, for the most part and will continue to watch because its great in so many ways, its my favourite show in a long time.
The first 2 seasons were amazing, the best!
Season 3 was a huge woke propeganda focussed bs, but chenford was great at least.
From there is went downhill, but still with so many great scenes and chenford ofc. But overall, it gets worse and worse and s6 I pretend never existed. I dont even go bk and rewatch the episodes, hardly even the chenford ones cause it was so broken and uncharactaristic. It just hurts to watch.
But we only continue to watch if they correct course, stop creating death and gore (GoT reference), confusion and drama for the sake of death and gore, confusion and drama. We also dont like the term 'shock effect' very much, its a rude word. We also dont want u to depict real relationships that struggle, used as excuse to create whatever the fuck s6 was. Or anything else so its politically corrrect and woke enough, keep that shit out of our comfort shows.
I have so much more but Im on my way to bed and just wanted this off my chest.
Sry for ranting at 4 AM but half the fandom is hurting, maybe worse, and nothing, NOTHING Alexi or the rest of the cast has said so far has made >me< feel any sense of relief and real hope for chenford so far. Especially not Alexis seemingly careless take on what we want and how he completely torn down the best characters in the show.
I say careless because thats what they are. Remember the pregnancy test image they chose to release for promo pic? Or the scene where Tim 'proposed' and didnt seem to see what he did there that hurt Lucy as well? How can Tim be so careless there as well, it didnt make sense for him. But they chose to do this to fool us with false hope, knowing full well how it turned out.I t was a hurtfull mockery when u look back on it tbh.
I want a s7 too, as many as they will give us as long as chenford is there. But NOT if its gonna be another mocking bullying shitfest like s6 was with deteriorating writing, then I rather go without and remember the first 5 seasons and go to fancfiction from there.
PS Nyla has information on her computer stored for 5 years that could lock Monica up for good. Just, u know, saying, in case the writers forgot..
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deadn30n · 6 months
happy early 2024 !
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posted a bit early as i'll be going to bed relatively soon, but i wanted to say something to usher in the new year!
as some of you know, i've been in the RPC for a very long time, but took a well needed hiatus a year or so back. i only recently returned mid-November && have not regretted that decision for a second. ♥ it's only been a month and a half, but it's been the best month and a half i've ever spent on this site. i admit i was nervous to return for a variety of reason ( mostly avoiding some rather negative people i originally split from this site to escape from ) but i've come to find that this space space i've built has fostered so much positivity for me, and i'm very grateful for that. i'm grateful for all the new friends i've made, all the connections i've forged, the writing i've done, and the plots i've gotten to explore! && as the new year approaches, i'm walking it into with quite a few new aspirations and hopes. i'm really, really thankful to everyone who's given me the time and chance to reach out and make a connection. to the people who've talked to me and told me they're excited for the release of my book, for my return to the vtubing community, for the times we play games together and just goof off.
i hope you know how much you all mean to me. i wish i could tag EVERYONE in this post but tumblr would kick my ass, but just know that i'm truly and honestly grateful and honored to have met the people that i have and look forward to talking more with all of you and getting to know you better. there are a few people i want to single out to shower with love who've supported me or have even known me from the LAST TIME i was on the site lmao
@goldenfists : you should already know you'd be the first on my list Joo Joo Bean. my beloved. we've known each other for what... 3 years now? roughly that, give or take, but you have no idea how much you really mean to me. from the moment we met i knew you were someone i wanted to keep in my circle. i adored you and still do; you've seen the changes i've gone through, the growth i've made, and supported every positive decision i've made. even when i finally built my first oc, and your first incentive was to foster a relationship between sett and eden and letting me know that you LOVED my creatives when i was so scared to take that first dive into making an oc. i love you so much dude. ;_; i'll never forget how you teased me on stream about my pronunciation of your name but then insisted i kept pronouncing it like that because you thought it was cute. i wish you knew just how much you mean to me, because words aren't enough to justify my feelings toward you. i love you Joo Joo Bean, i love you to the moon and back, and i can't wait to see what 2024 has in store for you and i, and our little blorbos @empyreous : ELLE!!!11 ELLE!!!!1 MY BELOVED PARTNER IN CRIME ON LEAGUE!!!! we haven't known each other for very long but god have i LOVED writing with you and goofing off in my favourite games. you've given me a brand new love for league and you're so fucking talented with your ocs and your writing that i'm just chomping at the bit for us to keep going. i literally can't wait to see what we end up developing for these silly little dudes and it makes me so very happy to have you in my corner. i wish you only the best in the world and i'm certain 2024 will give us so many more funny memories to cherish. save me eboi.... eboi save me....
@seeksmoon / @seekslight : softie you loveable little shit. you boyfriend stealing monster ( affectionate ). actually, if i was gonna share my boyfriend with anyone, it'd gladly be you. BUT JOKES ASIDE i'm really delighted we met and hit it off as well as we did. the way you write both alune and lux have me going GRRRRR BARK BARK BARK and i adore the dynamics we've started to built between yonealune and ezlux. we haven't had nearly enough time to hang out yet and that's a fucking CRIME if you ask me. i'm sure come 2024 though we'll have plenty of time to be a couple of goobers and mess around in league here on tumblr. you're such a sweetheart and even my bf talks so positively of you, and anyone that can make him happy makes ME happy. i hope you know you won't get rid of him and i so easily ♥ we enjoy hanging out with you, and we hope you do too :>
@ayahimes : astrid u ain't getting away from me i'm rapidly approaching ur location at mach 10. LFKDJASLKJDF i'm teasing i'm teasing but MAN i've had so much fun playing weague of wegends with you ( and looking forward to when we start playing ffxiv too ) but you're such a sweetheart man. a good energy, positive presence that i love being around ;v; i hope we'll get to play more in the future and chat more and get to know each other!! ♥♥♥
@mellodiies : misha all i'm gonna say is this year... you will be boiled.... ( this ask forever lives rent free in my head and i'm never going to stop laughing at this i hope you know ) ok but in all seriousness i'm so glad i worked up the courage to follow your blog because it's been a bucket of laughs and also seeing one of my childhood faves being doted over so lovingly just makes me so!!!!!!!!!!! i hope this year we'll be able to write ( and even if we don't i'm also content just observing your shenanigans bc they always brighten my day ). thank you for filling my dash with the little pep in my day that i need, you're a fucking goober and i adore you for it
@vulpesse : hi bunnie!! we never really got much of a chance to chat before ( we did get to write a bit in the past though, which i enjoyed! ) but i want you to know that you are one of my biggest inspirations on this site and i was so goddamn happy when i found you again that i hit the follow button so fast i think i broke my finger LMAO but seriously.... you're great. you have such a wonderful energy about you and you're so unbelievably talented with an indomitable spirit. i love seeing your posts every day, and i'm glad to share this same space as you! ♥ please never change, you truly are such a bright light in an otherwise murky world
@heartate : plum u know i couldn't forget about my favourite edgy thot. i fuckin love u dude. it's crazy to think we've known each other for like what? 10 years? like christ. and even though those first few years weren't filled with the happiest of memories, it's been my honor to be able to make amends with you. i always appreciated you for approaching me with that heartfelt apology. i never resented you, and even less so now that i knew the kind of awful situation you were put through back then. you didn't deserve the pain and abuse you went through, and i'm glad you're finally able to break free and grow. flourish and fill the world with your light, because you're a good person and i firmly stick by that notion. no matter what happened between us in the past, you've grown and i've adored watching it. i only hope you'll be able to continue to grow and enjoy the newfound freedom you have, and i am glad to be able to be by your side through it ♥ i'll always have your back miss rina, you can count on that :>
&& to some other lovelies who've made my time pleasant here; @lightshielded / @yoakkemae / @chiheru / @fairesky / @darkflyers / @attroxx / @mythcaels / @knifvd / @killerhubby / @erabundus / @mundmutter / @goddessrisen / @inhumann / @penddraig / @hiisfire / @raytm / @elicertis / @liightbringr / @un1awful / @vonerde / @gunrising / @cyneris / @trattcria / @cmdrace / @lovehungered / @trattcria / @pearlcure / @dnangelic / @starsenna / @nulltune / @toxichem / @longerhuman / @volonata / @misreputed / @ferinehuntress / @florspinae / @inufangs / @bishonenprince
&& to all of my lovely followers too! ♥ may your new year be filled with all the joy and love you deserve. may the new year treat you kindly and give you solace when you need it most. may the new year bless you with every bit of happiness you deserve c:
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PerthChimon have a lot potential and have grown a lot in their abilities. But I feel like Dangerous Romance, whether right or wrongly, didn’t live up to the audience expectations. I’m hoping that they will get another series this year and it will be better received. If it’s not, I admit I will be alittle worried about their status within Gmmtv. I don’t like seeing good actors go to waste. My personal preference is for them to do a mafia AU, with two warring families sort of like Romeo/Juliet. But I will be happy with anything. Anyways just my two cents, love your meta!
Hi! Thanks for sharing all this! LOVE the warring families, Romeo & Juliet idea!!
I had to sit with this ask a bit because my brain wanted to write a novel about how wonderful Dangerous Romance is in so many ways and how I think it has been judged more harshly and unfairly than any other piece of media I’ve seen so far in my time in BL. But I have written a lot about it (all tagged here) and spoken about that at great length on the @criticallyobs podcast and I have to think anyone reading this already knows how I feel about DR, so I don’t want to distract from the actual point of this ask, which is PerthChimon’s future.
Regardless of how their next show performs, which I’ll come back to, I feel very confident they have a long future ahead for several reasons:
-Their popularity is clearly on the upward trajectory. Just this year to start they’ve had two fan meetings in Japan, one in Hong Kong, and one in Taipei. They themselves have showed us in videos how amazed they are by the crowds turning up at airports and waiting outside venues.
-GMMTV has invested a lot of time and resources in them since Nov 2022. They have an established brand (in terms of color, logo, etc) a new mascot (SOL CUTE MY BELOVED), are being featured at LOL, and had a role in the GMMTV fan weekend in Japan. While I don’t think it’s hard for GMMTV to split up a pair like Mark & Neo who’ve done one show together, once any two people are an official couple within the organization, I think GMMTV has almost no vested interest in splitting them. They would lose years of promotion and time developing the brand assets. Things like shared merch are a sign that GMMTV has faith they will continue to SELL for a long time.
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-And on that note, their merch has been selling! The box set for Dangerous Romance is sold out. The photobook sold out and had to go to reorder. Money talks!!
-PerthChimon want to stay together a long time!! And given that I believe every branded pair breakup we’ve seen so far has been initiated by one or more members of the pair, I think that is important to note. Here’s just one quote:
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Taken from this amazing PC translation blog.
Okay and then I want to talk about how DR performed and how their future show will very briefly. My number one takeaway is I don’t think all the negative voices on social media are a good marker for how it performed and that while it wasn’t a smash hit, I think Dangerous Romance did well by several markers:
-Views on YT are consistently over 1 million and many have cracked 2. Chimon’s OST is over 3
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-DR did regularly trend in Thailand and several other countries on Twitter
-it consistently performed in the top 10 on the Viu streaming app; including being ranked number one (and P’Tha took notice!)
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I also have spoken with several new people who are discovering it now and aren’t biased by the constant negativity towards it that was happening in the fall last year, and absolutely loved it (in fact, who couldn’t understand how there was backlash at all), so I think it’s going to be a show that becomes more popular and well regarded over time.
But all this aside, it’s hard to know how PC’s next show is going to do. A whole lot of people online already seem to have made their minds up about them based on their physical intimacy in a show set in high school. I however, am confident of two things:
1. They have only gotten closer and more physically comfortable with each other. That has been clear in their recent interviews and fan meetings.
2. They are absolutely amazing actors who are committed to their craft. They wouldn’t be this excited about their upcoming show if they didn’t feel confident about it. And they won’t give us anything less than their all!
This is way more than you asked for, I am just incredibly fascinated by the behind the scenes of branded pairs and why they exist and how they make money so I think about these things often!
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agent-8449 · 8 months
Agent Logos CJverse chatroom summary.... REAL!!!!
Clears throat. This may be a long post, be warned. Actually, yeah. Bwoink.
The OG AU: Voice of Reason
Whole: Dead as fuck. Sort of. Way before the events of the comic, their Whole 'died'. We refer to not-dead Whole OOCly as 'Hope', but he also sort of exists afterwards as a figment of himself-- the 'shadow' called Cast. Cast can only speak in song lyrics, and currently resides in... the TMAverse, as a cursed item. Woaw.
Heart: Would kill you if you called him Heart. Ozzy/Oz/Ozymandias is a real piece of work. Sourceless guilt incarnate, magically influenced by a cursed mirror to eat it, in a symbolic attempt to erase himself. He's so chill. So fine. So cool. Definitely not so close to collapsing at all times. Got glasses though.
Mind: Tinker/Ulysses. So violently soggy, but hides it under his inexplicable British accent and polite demeanour. Made the transmitters that allow Thirds to traverse between their Surrealities. He half-regrets this. The only one of the three fully aware that Cast is an actual sentient guy. Hid his Soul's trident in his hand after the comic, and so that hole is very much still there <he's 'fixing' it atm...>
Soul: Coda. Coba. Coba Cola. What a disaster. After the comic, it <he/it> was kept in his room as much as possible. Then Oz left, and he completely lost it. It was a big storyline, so feel free to ask about it. Coda is really fun because he's not sane
Me-only AU 2: The Negatives
Whole: Eris... also known as Chase. The Negatives are a sort of "reversal of personality". Eris is a shitty content farm-making YouTuber, and generally hates this too. He also has to deal with the Cold War he sort of constructed with his own Thirds. He remembers what his Thirds do, which is good because he split <past tense> often... like. Every day. They called it 'shifts'. Yeah.
Heart: Phobos, ahhhhh my horrible boy Phobos. Personification of egoism, self-aggrandization, imagination, and intrusive thoughts. Green. Mean. A bitch and a half. Generally sadistic. The de-facto leader of the Negative Thirds. Wears crocs. Idolises Whole.
Mind: Deimos. That is all. Personification of logic, reasoning, and thinking ahead. He is also an absolute goon and pushover. All too happy to be Phobos' lackey.
Soul: Nemesis, though he hates that nickname. Personification of 'cringe culture', self-doubt, second-hand embarassment, and critical thinking. Basically ignored by the other two. Does all the work in the Vessel. Clinically annoyed by everything all the time. Very spiteful.
ASSORTED GUYS <from co-op AUs>:
Allen: Soul from Voib, Andy, Shade and I's AI AU, also known as Reification Initiative: Apotheosis. Yeah I came up with that. My bad. Allen is shitty. So very shitty. Ran away. That's all I can say for now.
Valentine: Heart from WAAAILSSSSSS IT'S ONLY ME BUT HIS COUNTERPARTS ARE ALL DEAAAAD. The Bachelor AU, a 'Lonely' AU. He is trying to live his life now that he fucked up and he's alone. He committed arson. He has to go to government-mandated therapy. He is beloved.
Nyx: Whole from Xanadu AU. Haven't done much with him, but he's in space, and he's an idiot.
Vlinder: :>
Thyme: Mind from the Aonaran/Apocalypse AU. The world ended. It be like that sometimes. And the stress got to their Whole. Thyme killed multiple people.
Pursuit: Heart (2) from Voib's Labyrinths AU. He is big kitty cat lad. Does eat people. Tries to maintain the status quo. Genuinely satisfied with the state of things.
Magna: Mind from Demersal AU. Basically, he got pitted instead of Heart for being a delusional little shit. He did not get any less delusional. Conspiracy nut, drowning 1/4th of the time, and generally horrible person.
Brevity: Soul from Voib and I's Syncopation AU. Olde Mann. No legs, they froze off. He is not mentally well at all, but he's got to keep it together if he wants to continue being 'him'.
Crawl: Heart from the Asides AU. Fourth-wall breaking eldritch horror. Collector of things. Collector of extinct things. Full name 'Crawl of the Horizon'.
"Quinn": Soul from Good Day. Very new AU with me, Voib, Q-ott, and Ledge <@/nitroish>. Meant to be close to album guys. He's denying his halves exist and matter atm.
There you go! Not including the alternate timelines because jesus christ
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ober-affen-geil · 2 years
This Pride I would like to take a moment to acknowledge/point out that a lot of the terms the ace community uses? Can and *should* be used by the rest of the queer and beyond community.
I am, of course, referring to my beloved split attraction model for things like “heterosexual aromantic” or “pansexual homoromantic” and the frankly infinite combinations that can come out of it.
But. I’m also referring to “sex repulsed”, “sex neutral”, and “sex favorable” indicating one’s personal interest in having sex. *Note this is different from “sex positive” and “sex negative” which reflect one’s views on sex, not interest in it.
The act of having sex or the desire to have it is not and never has been tied to experiencing sexual attraction. A person can BE bi/hetero/homo/pansexual and also sex repulsed or sex neutral because of trauma or low libido. If an asexual person can acknowledge that they have and enjoy sex while still being asexual, then an allosexual person should be able to acknowledge that they do not want to and are uncomfortable having sex while still being allosexual.
An allosexual person is not, by default, sex favorable. And that’s ok.
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We have a community now. And a lot of it has popped up in New Orleans. I suspect that is my fault, after all it is my city and it was my interview that inadvertently began the journey that ended in a vampire society of sorts. But as it is there are now gathering places for our kind in the French Quarter! We can drink and revel with the rest of Bourbon Street now! They serve.....well...our cuisine.
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We were splitting a local Oneg and they brought us a flight of negatives, on the house. Lestat and I cannot pass in these places unrecognized anymore. He's infinitely popular. Our beloved prince.
Oh, and like any dive bar on Bourbon Street they post warnings in the restrooms:
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eaglefangz · 1 year
quinn what happened to the hot king
short answer: he died
long answer:
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it is august of 2018 — no actually. our story begins in september of 2017. voltron: legendary defender is released by netflix to widespread acclaim. a community forms on tumblr, and then immediately shoots itself in the foot face and ass as horny people move to make suggestive content of this preteen space lion show. the community not only splits, but implodes and descends into rabid frenzy. in the year that follows, and as the quality of the source content declines, death threats and callouts and blacklists become not only ordinary, but daily. but, as einstein or some other guy said, matter and energy cannot be destroyed and this rabid energy of hundreds of annoying gay teenagers must be redirected — somewhere close, and quick.
enter me. one of them. not doing great in college. yes, academically i was excelling but socially isolated. lonely. i needed some distraction. netflix releases a teaser for an upcoming animated show. the look of it — dramatic set pieces, colorful magic use, armored knights — piques my interest. i haven't had any good medieval content since kalots's release in 2017. the teaser is short, provides only a taste of whats to come in the approaching season. some words, some characters.
one character specifically grabs my interest: the king. i look online, searching for a name to the beautiful face. i find none. not quite discouraged, but rather engaged, i decide he will be my favorite. the other characters are children, and this man is beautiful. i cannot resist the allure. i find like minded individuals. we are all love the unnamed dragon prince king. and this is where i must remind you of the reformed voltron gays. we'd been slighted. we'd been hurt. netflix cartoon had already broken our minds spirits and sanity once, but this was a different netflix cartoon, different animation studio, different creative team. in fact, it was the child show of the men who created avatar: the last airbender, which i had not watched, but which i know was beloved. i had faith. i had trust! surely, this unnamed king would be given grace and dimension! surely, they would not waste such a great design with shallow writing and a cold hard future in the fridge! <- this is what we in show business call foreshadowing.
days pass without a name for the king. not unexpected, netflix puts out only minimal effort in promoting a series. its usually up to whoever created it to hype it up. in this case, the offender is wonderstorm, who quickly realizes there is a large, jilted audience in their target demographic (teens and teens adjacent) itching for a new series to latch onto, like eels being given a pizza. they get to work, setting up both a twitter and tumblr account. here is their best work, and arguably the peak of the entirety of the dragon prince experience: the hype harvested by the dragonprinceofficial account before the release of the show.
see, they'd done their homework, learned from the blunder misstep and nuclear detonation of voltron's more than lacking, downright insulting pr team. dpo baited. dpo waited. they released bits and pieces. hints and riddles. they were tuned into the biggest memes of the moment. they capitalized. and i was not immune. at the time, it was fun. thats the first tragedy, i think. the pre-show era was actually fun, while the show itself became such a slog, a heavy weight on the experience when it should have been the reward it was promised to be. but, im getting ahead of myself. show release is still a few paragraphs out. we finally get a name for the face: king harrow. a frantic google search for the etymology of the word harrow leaves us worrying for this guy. the king, the father, associated with such a negative connotation.
nonetheless, we stan. edits and art and even some fics — mind you, we still only have the name and a brief teaser, nothing in the way of actual characterization — sprout. hype builds. the first episode is screened at a convention and i turned into fucking sherlock holmes finding posts and tidbits about it. about my beloved harrow. i am able to sleuth. the man has promise — a king who made a mistake so grave it'll send him to his. in this day and age we'd call him doomed by the narrative. its wonderful. im latched and hooked and pack bonded. and in this looking around, i find something else that's interesting: a character by the name of viren. someone we haven't seen, but who has an important dynamic with the king. im 👁👁 because the only thing better than a good character is a pair of them.
anticipation continues to build. the delirium only deepens. news about the show is promising, engagement with dpo is rewarding. golden age. the good old days. the official trailer comes out, and, to put it biblically, i go batshit. here, finally, more harrow. some viren! drama! call me a tick, call me a feral cat shown kindness because babey i form some unhealthy unbreakable unshakable bonds. i turn into wonderstorm's bitch. "the king is in danger" some promo material warns, but do i miss the red flags? baby, i miss the entire red dawn. my faith is will be rewarded. there is no doubt in my mind: harrow will be fine. he's a good father, great man. the power of love or friendship or some other adolescent bullshit will save him.
i have hope.
and then, right on time at 12:00am PST, Friday, September 9th, 2018, the series is released.
google, look up synonyms for disappointment. no, that's not fair. disappointment is too mild a term, too mild a feeling for the experience. it was brutal, gutting, a crucible of fire and blood that only made me worse. i stayed up until 4am, swallowing as much of the show as i could stomach. i didn't even finish that night. i could have, but i was feeling the effects of sleep deprivation and, much worse, the pain and embarrassment of being so completely and utterly wrong.
in the nine episodes of wonderstorm's the dragon prince season one, harrow is in three of them. technically, his lifeless corpse is in the fourth, but exists only to be desecrated and disrespected by his white friend.
harrow is a frustrating character — given the illusion of depth, but given little to do with it. he's more plot device than person, here to die to kick off the story, to launch character arcs, to be the big sad tragedy that everyone brings up every other episode. he becomes an abstraction, his death used as motive and purpose. he dies to showcase that this isnt your dad's animated series! suck our dick nickolodeon! see we have depth!
but, despite this, his death feels temporary. there is ambiguity, shadows, a fade to black that leaves us with a wink and promise. he dies, but we're told he dies, never shown final moments, never confirming it for ourselves. like yesterday's leftovers, he's shoved in the fridge.
to give a name to the tactic, i'd call it shrodinger's representation. its the writers putting a foot in two doors. we didnt kill the kind black father, they say, because he isn't dead! but at the same time, frustratingly, we're told there isnt a way to bring the dead back to life. viren rushes to cremate the body, and you think ah there is more afoot but there is nothing afoot. there is no mystery to solve. in the same breath that they ask us to look more into harrow's death, they also say, without question, that he is dead. he has to be dead for the story to work sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nevermind that several, MOST other characters cheat death. the writers ask, beg, and whine for you to pay no mind to these future instances. harrow is dead.
harrow dies less than sixty minutes into the saga, and my interest in the show hould have been taken out into a patch of quiet woods and killed as well, but it isnt. having nothing else do to, i engage in behavior that can only be described as Bitchless. which nets me two thousand followers and a callout post but hey. i have my fun in the month after the show is released. making gifs making theories getting into scraps in the tag. its a different kind of experience than before. i may have lost the rosy film, the romantic lens with which i viewed the show before it was released, but nothings so broken it cant be fixed. tdp would get another season, there was a plan, there was the chirpening theory, there was angst to write. viren was a weak, confusing character, but i could fix him. i could take out the interesting bits, polish them until they shined.
i was promised everything, and given nothing, but that didnt stop me. because im a dumbass.
months pass. s2 looms as a threat. i try to move onto other things but its only a few, short months before the new season is released. i go in knowing harrow is dead, but, unfortunately i also go in knowing there will be flashbacks with him.
even worse: flashbacks with him and his wife.
queen sarai. i must at this point remind you i am a lesbian so you see the kind of strain i was under. trapped between a beautiful man and his epic wife. i never stood a chance. and she was [unintelligible gibberish]. another of tdp's weak characters with some interesting attributes. her relationship with her husband was at points stupid, but they loved each other and Did I Mention I Was Lonely. throw viren into the mix and baby. unhealthy coping mechanisms thy name is quinn daggerons. it was at this point i divorced canon for the most part. i took these three characters, all the characterization that tickled my brain, and just went hog wild with aus. second golden age. sure, sarai was dead, harrow was dead, and viren was [unintelligible gibberish, sounds of violence] but that didnt matter. here on tumblr dot hell they were alive and well and i wrote a 20,000 word, four part au where they were the main characters of the series. next level brainrot. multidimensional brainrot, even. embarrassing.
by the time season two's ending credits rolled, i had given up on the show. another season or four was something that was going to happen, but not happen to me. and mix in some Controversy: a fun little case of bury your gays, some elements that felt racially insensitive, white men showrunners behaving like white men and i was ✌️ checked out. i would keep these characters, thank you very much, but i would not say anything nice to the people who made them.
s3 unfortunately, eventually came out. more of the same. viren was.... doing Something. what? i didnt care. harrow was still dead. someone told me there were some flashbacks with him, again, and i was like good on luc roderique getting that netflix money. genuinely hope he has good luck with other projects, he was too good for this show.
but i sat my ass down and watched said flashbacks. they were alright. thanks for giving us harrow depressed about the death of his wife. im gonna hit you with my car aaron ehasz. viren's fun time war crimes happen. it sucks knowing the thing that will eventually get harrow killed wasn't even something he wanted to do. it was something he agreed to only after having his grief for his dead wife exploited by his white friend. i giffed my beloved man one last time. and blurred out viren because it was funny.
so, to answer your question, dear friend. what happened to the hot king? he lived, he served cunt, he died, and then his corpse was dragged around for the rest of the show.
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gojoest · 10 months
Hey, sorry for the non-horny ask, I wanted to know your thoughts on this. Do you think it is unreasonable to want a partner who accepts me being into fictional characters? Not like the basic 'yeah x is hot' but like selfshipping and stuff?
hi beloved! first of all — there’s no need to apologize — i’m always open to non-horny topics, too :,)
i’m sorry in case someone made you think it’s unrealistic or bad to selfship with fictional characters while in an irl relationship. selfshipping is literally for everyone regardless of their relationship status, and besides being a very personal experience, it is also a hobby, something you enjoy doing, sometimes even something that helps you cope with unpleasant situations taking place in your life.
personally, selfshipping for me is also like a safe space i can use as a shelter whenever i feel bummed out for whatever reason literally. and i’ve come to realize it’s not the actual scenarios i create in my mind with my faves but the process of daydreaming itself that calms me down during weird times. bc during that timeframe my mind is completely offline, i am away from any negativity coming from the outside world or the one within myself even. it’s like i’m reading this amazing book inside my brain and i’m so much into it and that scene unfolding in my imagination that i, for a split second, forget what or who i was pissed at earlier that day. and when i close the book, i feel oddly better. kind of relieved yk? if that makes any sense. so if someone tries to take this away from me, i will let them, even make them, take their belongings and leave, will hold the door open for them if you will.
but rly i can’t find a logical reason for someone to be against their partner being involved in this unless they can’t separate reality from fiction. which is a huge problem and a major red flag imo. it’s very unhealthy and controlling, i think, to make you stop doing something you enjoy just bc they feel “uncomfortable” for whatever sick reason that is none of your problem but theirs alone. it’s not like you’re actually cheating on them, we’re talking about non-existent characters from anime, manga, books, movies etc.  like if your partner is immature and delusional enough to get jealous over literal pixels, imagine how much their behavior might eventually escalate whenever you interact with actual people from flesh and blood. that’s just alarmingly toxic i think.
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walkawaytall · 8 months
For the fic ask game:
16. Is there a commonly held misconception about one of your stories that you’d like to correct for the masses? (I know of one and thought you might want an excuse to say it. 😎)
17. What does your editing process look like?
16. So, I think I actually may have touched on this answering number 20 (at least if I'm thinking of the same conversation that you are about Han's motivations in Purpose of Heritage thus far)? And, aside from that, I don't think there have been many widely-held misconceptions -- though there have definitely been different responses to certain things than I expected (like, more than one person saw Reconstitution as a bit of a downer and that was...the exact opposite of my intent with that story...but we all bring our own experiences to the stories we read, so I'm not going to say their reading is wrong per se, just that I intended for the ending of that rather melancholy fic to have a hopeful slant to it, even in the midst of life's imperfections).
Oh! Actually, I though of another one: there are moments in Purpose of Heritage specifically where Leia's straight-up wrong. Like, she is our heroine, our main character, our beloved space princes, but she's also 19/20/21 years old and traumatized and very specifically not dealing with said trauma in healthy ways at least 50% of the time (her eschewing therapy repeatedly is not supposed to be viewed as a super-great alternative to, you know, going to therapy), and there have been moments that people have clocked as Leia being a badass -- and they aren't wrong -- but I also see them as Leia's cool, together facade cracking in a way that isn't good technically.
Like, we love Leia, so the scene at the shooting range where she uses Varner Coy's blaster to shoot a line of bullseyes does feel badass and empowering and a little cathartic because that guy has been a jerk, but it's also Leia losing her cool entirely and giving into an impulsivity that I don't see as a good thing for someone in leadership to do. I didn't stick immediate consequences in there because I'm not writing an after-school special, but...just because Leia doesn't always have negative consequences for a thing doesn't mean that I included it with the intent that it was supposed to be seen as totally awesome, full-stop. Sometimes it's partially awesome, and partially a big red flag. And maybe I should be more obvious about this; I don't know. I just am not writing a morality tale exactly, so I don't want to steer the narrative into an area that makes it feel clunky or preachy.
17. For normal-length things like one-shots or Collateral, a multichapter with chapters that are a sane length (4K-6K words): I write the thing, I read the thing and edit as I read. I may or may not edit while I write; it depends on how long it is, how long it takes me to write, if any parts are giving me issues. (Like, if I get really, really stuck, I'll start on a fresh document and copy/paste different sentences and paragraphs until I can get back into a good rhythm, and in the midst of all of that, editing happens as well). I basically read and edit things several times until I'm either 1. Entirely happy with it (rare) or 2. Tired of looking at it and no longer debating about changing anything (more common).
For Purpose of Heritage, I did an unhinged and probably short-sighted thing where I wrote what was originally two chapters, decided I preferred them together, and combined them, setting a precedent for myself to write chapters that are 8K-10K words long (and that is legitimately where I've felt each chapter has a natural stopping point -- like, I'm not padding stuff to get to a certain word count. Most of the chapters, I suppose, could be split in half, but we're so far beyond that at this point, I'm just resigned to writing giant-ass chapters until this project is complete). I used to reread everything every time I set out to write a new chapter to try to ensure I didn't go off-the-rails tonally, but when that became too cumbersome, I think you were the one that mentioned having your phone read what you'd written aloud, and I use that not just to review past chapters, but also to edit (so, thank you for that suggestion if that was you, DP!). It helps me identify clunky wording and sometimes straight-up inconsistencies.
So, I usually write and edit as I write, then reread the whole chapter and edit, have my phone read it and mentally dogear what needs to be looked at and edit those pieces when I can, and then read it another time and occasionally have a beta reader (thanks for the times you've helped with this, by the way!) assure me that I haven't gone off the rails entirely if I keep worrying about one particular aspect, edit again with any beta reader suggestions in mind, and finally publish when I'm either as pleased as I'm going to be with it or I can't bring myself to read it again. I do usually try to make sure there is at least a night where I ignore the chapter entirely before doing one final editing pass-through before I post. Giving my brain a chance to not think about it helps me catch errors I missed on earlier read-throughs, and also usually helps me realize that I haven't, in fact, written a pile of garbage.
Thanks for the questions! Sorry these answers are so dang long!
fanfic writer asks
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doom-patrolling · 21 days
Silver Age:
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"I'm almost to Steve's first issue. I'm on #90"
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"daddy how come she's so much bigger than you if she's only a girl?"
"I'm on #91 now and it's called 'Mento, the Man who Split the Doom Patrol' 😭"
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"So do you think it's a different negative spirit or did Larry's go to Rita for a little bit? They didn't really have things set out that way initially in Silver Age they kind of treat it like the negative form came from Larry instead of like an external being that merged with him"
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"I am so close to Gar
I am on #98 he's in next issue"
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Mr. 103 in 1969 - "Oh, a new element! I should change my name."
One year later
Mr. 104 in 1970 - "Oh, a new element! But I just changed my name last year. Ugh" /silly
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Stay tuned for my liveblogging of the kid the son boy my beloved Gar Beast Boy Logan
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