#and none have tried. u know. being rude with me
luobingmeis · 8 months
like. on the one hand. i get when my supervisors are like "be sure to be personable with your students in a way that still maintains the fact that u are the authority figure bc, since ur all young, it will be easier for them to not see u as a professional" but also. it is very funny when one of my students comes into the TA office, tells me that my undecorated desk is lame compared to the other desks, and then within 30 minutes is like "idk if ur the type of neurodivergent who [proceeds to say something that i absolutely do]" like. they clocked me! they got me there!
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My roommate was telling me how I’ve been up until almost 6am every night and how she tells me all the time to be quieter and when I told her that coming out of her room to ask me when I’m going to bed and telling me she doesn’t know when I ask her if something is wrong doesn’t tell me to be quiet is apparently gaslighting??
#bestie has been moved around 5 times now for housing bc she can’t get along with anyone#I’m seeing why#literally. first time she’s said she wants me to be quiet. and I’m like oh yeah for sure#and then she’s like I’ve told you so many times to be quiet at night just because you’re up all night doesn’t mean I have to be#and she was like I want to change our roommate agreement bc ur such a problem#clearly you’re only doing this bc I enforced the overnight guest rule that they can’t stay past 1am#and I’m like. none of that is true?? and she’s going on and on#and then she’s like well how would you like people being awake when you want to sleep?? and I’m like that’s something I’m super used to#and then she’s like well you have no empathy at all you’re so defensive and rude it’s just not nice#and it’s like. bestie. i knew all about u before u moved in. there’s a reason we had to fill out our agreement with the housing coordinator#she’s like and you should know I’ve been in contact with our ra. and I have someone one the phone right now as a witness#this was like 20 mins into the conversation like buddy if that’s the route you wanna go I will go#also me and our ra? besties. i make her cake pops and desserts. she really liked the lemon cake pops I made#and she can’t stand my roommate bc she goes out of her way to cause problems and lie#so like. we were already talking about her today when she stopped by for a cake pop#she was just telling me earlier like hey you really should email the housing coordinator for her doing those things it’s really not alright#the things being every time I have a conversation with someone she cracks her door open to listen in#but now I can’t send that email or else it’s retaliation#this girl is an absolute trip. universally hated by every ra on this campus#also she tries to freak my ra out by telling her we talk about her all the time. i do by best to not interact with her at all if I can help#oh oh oh. and she texted my ra saying I was having people over past what’s allowed every night for a week straight. which I haven’t at all#she really underestimates how good of friends I am with my ra. I’m dating a very close friend of hers and on top of that she used to be at#my apartment like every other day until roomie moved in. and she’s a known liar! why would either of us listen to a word she says about us#so yeah. those r the updates that I’m battling against#soup talks#no but for realsies tho. bestie has been moved so many times. her old roommate is an ra friend of mine and they cannot Stand each other#I’m pretty sure this is her last chance with campus housing. and god do I see why#also girl hates sound. Hates it. calls the ra on call whenever there’s wind bc we have old windows that r noisy#oh it’s also important to note we aren’t roommate roommates. we have our own bedrooms it’s like a normal 2bd apartment#so if she wanted to shut herself in her room she could. but noo she’s gotta crack open the door to listen in to everything I say and do
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 1 month
hi! me again, i know it hasn’t been that long but i just rewatched one of my favorite anime’s, Komi can’t communicate, it’s about a girl named Shoko Komi who has extreme social anxiety or also known as social-phobia and has trouble speaking to others and making friends as well, i’m serious, anytime the girl tries to speak, she gets nervous and overwhelmed and just starts stuttering a LOT!
So! i was wondering if you could do lil something with the rottmnt boys and a reader who acts like that? you don’t have to! and don’t worry, i’m almost finished with the lil gecko’s design!
i also recommend watching the anime, it’s really good and funny!
have a nice day/night! ❤️
❝ dulcet vibes. ❞
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— ‧₊˚ 🎐✩ 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐞𝐬𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
❝l a/n !! : bro how many coincidences will we encounter ? I LITERALLY ADORE THAT ANIME SO SO MUCHHH AAAAA !!!! i binged the entire series over the course of time and finished it during the summertime last year ! such a wonderful anime. the slice of life feel to it, the equal parts humor and heartfelt, and not to mention the characters are all absolutely adorable and lovable !! especially komi. bro she's such a sweet cinnamon roll i just :(( my baby gorla :((( entire show is just *chef's kiss*
also darling this is like. YEARS late i hope u don't think i forgot abt you ?!!!! thank you soso much for your patience + i really hope you like this waaa !! also, psst. this is probably one of my favorite layouts~ the colors came together soso pretty !! ^^
ᝰ genre !! : fluff, a bit of crack, slice of life, platonic :)
ᝰ precautions !! : none, I don't think 🫡 if I am wrong however, pls pls let me know!! *smek* love y'all. hope you enjoy~
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i imagine the gentleness is which they all unanimously develop when interacting with you, developed on day one of meeting you.
they're all quite protective over you !! that much goes without saying, of course.
it started out with you becoming a close friend of april's :'))
seeing as she was the first to understand that you weren't some unreachable individual w/ some uppity "holier-than-thou" complex,
but rather, a kid. just like the rest of them. :')
she recognizes her peoplez. 😤✊🏾 probably finds a kindred spirit in you for feeling a bit like an outcast.
whereas you garner attention for your stoic, quiet demeanor and mysterious beauty, that's usually all people see you as.
some don't even see you as much of a fellow person at all. based on your aura alone — you've been described as an equal mix of cold, stuck up, unreachable, boring or flat out rude . . . as well as absolutely stunning, dark, debonair, sleek, attractive, godlike even.
whatever the case, you garnered the attention of all kinds wherever you went, whether you liked it or not.
they just ain't know you, babes. 😞
and april is all too familiar with being simultaneously judged (solely based on appearances) and ignored or pushed aside because you're different.
and homegirl don't run that way 🫡. she a real one.
i imagine she took/takes on the role of being your tadano at first !!
she was chosen as your guide to show ya around the school and upon seeing y'all's chemistry build instantly throughout said tour, you both were paired up for a project in your shared classes! ^^
at first she was a little off-put by your silence and sharp gaze, and even more so at the loud attention you were given the instant you were introduced into the classroom, but a little time is all it took :)
it quickly became apparent that that simply wasn't the case.
you had pulled out your phone, showed her a message typed out in a cinnamoroll-themed digital notepad,
" thank you for your help :')) i'm sorry i don't talk a lot! i'm just shy. thank you for being so kind to me. 💛🙏 "
yeeeaaah she knew you were a good egg.
and the rest is history!
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LEO gives me madddd najimi vibes, i'm gonna be so fr. so let's imagine that dynamic here !! as soon as y'all met, there was probably a little miscommunications at first :'] ofc april had told the guys beforehand that she was bringing you over, and he was positively stoked at finally being able to meet this "new friend" his best gal had been talking so fondly about !! and yes, she had given them all the rundown (but him especially. he was sweat-dropping at all the enunciations in her spiel being directed so openly at him. he ain't even met you yet 😔 why is everyone bullying him he is not that bad please he just wants a new friend this isn't fair ple- #justiceforleofr ✊🏾) but with leo, there's always something happening. (/aff /lh)
y'all know ts that najimi stayed pulling in the show? giving komi these complicated orders to go collect on her own in efforts to help her overcome her social anxiety? THIS HAS LEO WRITTEN ALL OVER ITTTTTTT. he'd definitely verbally note down the most diabolical pizza order and only gives enough time to make sure you even heard it before he's shoving the phone in your hands.
now if you start shaking and hesitate, he'll wait until like the very last second before he's chuckling and looking at you with gentle eyes. he takes the phone back into his hands, confirms the order, then pats your head. he's proud of you for trying!!
(he promptly dissolves into good-natured laughter when you start cuffing at his arm, face as red as a tomato.)
tbh thinks you're a cutie pie and tho he teases you, it's all in good nature !! let someone else try to come at you for your shyness. big "only I'm allowed to tease them" energy from this blueberry.
you know leo as your charming and obnoxious but fun-loving best friend who always smiles and jokes around you. but he can be brutal when he's upset. it's like a complete 360 when he's coming to your defense; his gaze turns hard and all traces of his bubbly self. GONE.
fiercely protective over you. whenever you're with him (or any of them really) he's your protector. and you can count on him to celebrate like it's the 4th of July whenever you manage to overcome your verbal barriers.
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RAPH. our red angel of preventing harm. the backbone of our society. he is such a mother hen when it comes to you awww :(( when y'all first met & you responded to his amicable greeting by beginning to tremble and stare up at him with wide, shiny eyes, not a word of reply, he thought it was most obvious that you were scared of him. of them. ☹️
it made his heart ache but it was a familiar hurt. this may be New York, but this whole situation isn't the exact norm. (well, not yet anyway!)
then april went and pushed you forward-- closer to him, enthusiastically encouraging you to "go on, say hi!!" like some excited mom with her shy kid 😭😭. it was a few moments of tense silence, you could literally see the ". . ." in the background. then finally, in a hushed but determined whisper, you respond in kind.
yeah. he's hooked.
you bring a sense of stability and tranquility; a welcome pace to the constant chaos of his everyday normal. he's so used to all things loud and rambunctious and completely fizzy pop frenzied on a great day, that when your sweet little molasses self shows up and becomes a regular part of their everyday lives, he finds a haven that he didn't even know he wanted. much more needed.
raphie carries you in his arms to make a quick getaway? you force urge him silently to rest his head on your lap/tummy when y'all chill in peace.
he's effectively babying you? you take it with a stoic grace and appease his ruffled mother hen feathers with gentle sympathy pats to his arms when he finally relaxes.
he especially loves when you both go on little best friend dates !!
you have a tranquil, 'insider' type outlook on life so when you share your vision with them, he can't help but feel honored. being who you are in the modern world has left you with devices that conspire of the affinity to finding very cool hideaway spots!! & the more time you guys spend with each other, the closer you get. it develops into a very wholesome and loving friendship :(( ICONS, THE BOTH OF YOUSE. 🫶🏾
he loves you sm bcuz he feels like he can truly be himself - you're not the type to judge. he feels completely at ease with you and goes the extra mile to put you at ease too!!
—and you can bet he's allllways keeping leo in line as well 😭☠ like, bro can barely breathe. he can, has, and will tackle leo in mid-air because he went to tackle you in a running hug. 😪
blue bro means well when he plays around with you, but raph can only take so much before he gets tense 🥹 he just wants you to be comfortable!! :(( like, always.
he's like your teddy bear. a safety blanket. teddy blanket?? mm ^^ he's got it all for you. would bend over backwards at so much as a slight breath from you. completely whipped and unashamed of it.
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DONNIE understands you on a spiritual level. he's your twin flame. your soul brother. bro's your down b, bro's your solider, he's got that thang-thang— *loud 16-wheeler horn passes by*
no but let's lock in. donbon becomes your saving grace, whether you like it or not (but i mean c'mon, who wouldn't like it? :] bro is him.) out of all the siblings, donnie understands your apprehension to socializing the best. it's not that you don't want to interact with others, it's just . . . hard. and scary. he gets that too.
donnie himself is sociable in the way that he's not afraid to interact with others nor is he scared to; he's just an introvert and if the feeling doesn't strike him, he won't. simple as that. 😆
but you're a bit of a different story. it's not that you don't want to, it's just significantly difficult for you </3. and donnie is nothing if not persistent and a fix-it felix in his own right, so! 👏 what does he do?? what he does best, of course!! he builds. he invents. he creates.
he would absolutely create different gadgets and such to try and make things easier for you. they can range from tiny things — automatic digital/magnetized notepads, tiny flying robots that have neurotransmitters embedded within so it speaks for you in the moments your voice croaks, to literal AI robots that do close to everything for you.
once he had gotten caught up in the excitement and pure influx of creative juices + had drawn up a prototype for a replicate robot of you — purely intended on doing the things that you couldn't in a way of helping out!! — and barely survived the crossfire that he was immediately subjected to by his siblings. he snapped out of it and locked tf in after that and, after a lengthy lecture from raph, he allowed leo to rip the blueprints to shreds & mikey to burn it. yes, he might've gotten carried away in his inventions, but it's all from a place of care!!!
he buys you snacks and gifts you a cute handmade keychain the next time you come over after that. you're confused but delighted. he sticks just a little closer that day, and you allow it.
i feel he'd see himself in you. as a result, he'd want to provide you with more things and protect you a lot!!! he ain't afraid to speak up on your behalf either. trust me, he's given such poetic lip to some stuck up assholes in the social world that it rendered you genuinely speechless. but they stay as inside jokes between y'all and best believe it makes the others so jealous 🤣😭.
also not afraid to tell his own brothers off if they're crowding you a little too much (*coughleocoughcough*) — he's a lot less lenient than raphie tho 😅
he cares. a lot. maybe. he's got a soft spot for you, what can I say?
when everything and anything starts to become too much for you, he's usually pretty good at recognizing it and offers you a place of solitude in his lab! it's cool and quiet (well. quiet-er than the wipeout episode that is his daily life outside those very walls.) and generally gives a very chill vibe.
he also loves the fact that you listen to his ranting and rambling without interrupting, not even once. sometimes he thinks it's because you can't, but when he pauses and goes to inquire as much, he's met with your warmed and focused gaze, a slight quirk to your lips as you nod along and. the message is there. i'm listening.
you're lowk his bestie and he can't really live without you from now on, he thinks. it's like the grumpy cat x golden retriever trope, but you're more of a cat too. two moons coexisting! two cats drenched in purple moonlight.
y'all just get each other i made myself sad. /lh + /hj
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MIKEY aims to make you feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible !! at all times, all day, everyday. he even set up a cute little personal nook for you in the lair!! (he's such a sweetie pie y'all i'm 💔)
he was the most excited to meet you!!!! (you're his friend now. y'all are having soft tacos later!)
well, all of them were, but he was (and is) the most amicable and the most emotionally adept at understanding you and your shyness. apart of the "Save Y/N from Leo & His Shenanigans" pt 2. (i love the blueberry y'all i prommy bullying him is my love language). ofc he's just a bubbly glass of fizzy orange juice when y'all come face to face; he's all smiles and going "hi!! I'm Mikey!! what's your name??" even if april alr told them 🤦🏾‍♀️ HE'S JUST EXCITED OKAY???
hesitates for just shy of a second when you begin shaking, but then, you pull out your phone and shove the cute sanrio-themed greeting note in his snout and, the second it registers, he's beaming brighter than the sun and immediately welcomes you in, both physically and emotionally.
he makes you feel seen and heard, even when you try to chameleon your way through situations, as you've done countless times before. even when you assume your "better to be seen, not heard" posture, as you've done countless times before.
mikey being the most emotionally available of his family certainly comes with its perks!! he helps them navigate their individual friendships with you as well, and even tho there are a few hiccups along the way, you all develop a strong and lovely bond— & a large part in that is owed to mikey and his empathetic prowess.
particularly loves baking for/with you!!! it's always worth it to see your eyes light up, and he really does think you have a cute face. it's been described in a more debonair light by others, but to him, you're the sweetest little baozi and he just wants!!! to wrap you up in a blanket burrito and!!! keep you in his metaphorical pockets forever!!!!!!
he has definitely dedicated murals and different art pieces to you. sometimes you'll be minding your own business, just chilling together, and feel him staring at you. but before you can get self-conscious he always speaks up and sheepishly rubs the back of his head while pointing to the sketchbook in his lap. now, you're used to feeling his warm yet concentrated gaze on you, but your face still hasn't changed in the lobster red it becomes when he shows you the finished product :')) what can he say?? you're a one of a kind muse.
gives you cute nicknames. pinches your cheeks (if you're aiight with that.) soso affectionate with you, the fact that he loves you is unshakable and unquestionable.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hi, thank you for your work! may I ask you for fic about manager meets bllk boys's parents/siblings and they either think that manager and their soon/brother are dating or just want to be their wingman(woman)? and boys are embarrassed.
Author: Thank u sm for reading! And thank you for this request too, I really enjoyed writing this one! Hope you like it🩷
Warnings ⚠️: none in particular. Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
Characters: Isagi, Reo, Chigiri, Bachira and Rin
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"So Blue Lock is becoming something like a reality program? And Ego-san agreed to it?" Isagi asked as both him and (Y/n) were facetiming each other. Last night Anri informed (Y/n) of the new idea the JFU and Ego agreed on. They both found the idea rediculous, having the whole of Japan and maybe even beyond monitor all their work and training was just... bizarre.
"Yeah." (Y/n) answered, biting into one of the cookies her dad left on the counter.
"It sounds so rediculous, I wouldn't wish to be you guys. The whole idea of someone watching me training is bad, but having millions of people do so..." (Y/n) cringed, an act that made Isagi blush a little.
"Cute..." He muttered.
"I-I mean... Yeah it sounds very scary. I still can't believe it will be a thing."
While Isagi tried to pull himself out of the mess he made, he didn't notice his mom walk into the room and her hearing the name '(Y/n)' come out of his mouth. The woman's eyes lit up and she walked over to Isagi.
"Oh! You are (Y/n) (L/n), right?" Isagi jumped at the sound of his mom's voice.
"Huh? I am, good evening ma'am." (Y/n) answered in a startled manner, confused how this woman knew her name.
"Mom? What are you doing here?" Isagi asked, flustered from being caught.
"In the living room?" The woman laughed and turned to look at (Y/n).
"It's so nice to finally meet Yoichi's girlfriend. You are just as lovely as Yoichi described you." The said boy felt his face grow pale and his world crashing.
"Girlfriend?! No ma'am, Isagi and I are just friends-"
"No need to hide from me that. I can see it from the way Yoichi talks about you! I can already heat the wedding bells-"
"Alright,(Y/n) we need to go! I will talk with you later!" Yoichi said quickly and the girl nodded, too embarrassed to say anything. Once the call was over Isagi took a few deep breaths, then flinching as his mom pinched his cheeks.
"Why so rude, Yoichi? I wanted to talk with her, she really seems lovely."
"Mom, please (Y/n) and I aren't dating... we are just friends..." Isagi said, trying to calm his mom down.
The woman kept quiet for a moment and the nodded her head.
"I see how it is... My little Yoichi is embarrassed talking about his relationship!"
"What?! Mom, no-"
"I will leave you and pretend you don't have a girlfriend... for now! But you better bring (Y/n) over here soon."
"We are not dating-"
Isagi bit his tongue and his mom giggled at him.
'I do wish (Y/n) was my girlfriend though... I hope I didn't lose my chances tonight...' Isagi sighed as he looked down at his phone.
When (Y/n) agreed to meet up with the purple-haired boy she expected them to visit an arcade and fast food restaurant. And while the first part did happen, the second part was more jarring. Instead of going to a local fast food place, Reo brought her to a very high-end expensive restaurant, where some waiters were oddly familiar with him.
"I really don't think we should eat here. I am sure there are other, cheaper places." (Y/n) said as the boy kept pulling her to their seats.
"Huh? Do you not like this one? I know a better restaurant down the road-"
"N-no... I meant this place is a little bit over my budget..." (Y/n) admitted, embarrassed as she looked around the place, but Reo paid no mind and sat her down, then he took the chair opposite of hers.
"Don't be rediculous, I am paying anyways."
"What? No, please don't-"
"(Y/n), you are doing a lot for us at Blue Lock and I really want to thank you somehow. You never ask for anything, just let yourself go." Reo said calmly as he sent (Y/n) one of his grins, the girl wanted to protest again, but a woman's voice stopped her.
"Reo? What are you doing here-oh?"
The boy's eyes widened as the duo looked up to find the heir's mother looked at them in shock. The boy gulped, recognizing the look she sent him and (Y/n) just felt awkward.
"Good afternoon, ma'am." The girl spoke up awkwardly and Reo felt like he wanted to die the moment his mom grinned at (Y/n).
"Reo, why did you never introduce me to your little girlfriend? She looks lovely. Hello dear, is my son treating you right? I hope he is being a gentleman-"
"M-mom you got it wrong. (Y/n) here and I are just-"
"(Y/n)? Finally I can put a face to the name." The older woman grinned and leaned down to the girl's eye-level.
"My son loves you a lot, he talks about you whenever he has the chance."
"I... Thank you?" (Y/n) said nervously and looked between her and Reo, who felt like dying in that moment.
'Talk about having no luck...'
The woman then spoke up again.
"I will be going now. Have fun you two, and Reo don't be stingy, we will talk about this tonight too."
The flustered teens looked at each other as the woman left and Reo started profusely apologizing.
'Wonderful... mom ruining my chances with (Y/n) wasn't on my plan today.'
There are two things Chigiri knows about his sister: 1. She is very beautiful and 2. She can be quite a handful when it comes to his love life. He didn't know which one he hated the most, the part where random dudes would ask for his sister's number or the one he was witnessing right now. Manshine city was having their first match this season, and the redhead decided to invite his mom, sister and (Y/n) to the game. The last one caused him to get death stares from Reo and Nagi, as they wanted to be the ones to invite her. And at the current moment he really wished he wasn't faster than the two.
It was half time right now and both teams were on their break when Chigiri's phone started to go off. In confusion he read through the messages, when his face started turning into a horrified one.
His dear sister had somehow started chatting with (Y/n) during the game and after finding out who she was, the older sibling decided to be the wingwoman for him.
'She is so sweet, Hyoma! Don't worry, with my matchmaking skill I will get you both together in no time!'
'Sis please don't do this to me now! It's humiliating and you are probably making (Y/n) uncomfortable.'
'Don't be rediculous she is enjoying the stories mom and I have been saying about you.'
'Mom is in on it too?!'
'Of course! Anyways, I need to come up with some strategies rn. Talk to you after the game... Btw (Y/n) told me she finds your gameplay today extraordinary good.'
Chigiri read the last message and inwardly sighed, knowing he will later have to deal with all the possible misinformation his sister or mom said. But one thing he loved about the older right now, was her telling him the last part. It was a good boost to his ego.
'If she found that impressive, wait for what else I have in store.'
"Meguru, my dear you did a phenomenal job! I am so proud of you!" The yellow-eyed boy grinned as his mother gave him a tight hug. It was right after Blue Lock finished their match with the U-20 and the boy still had so much adrenaline in his system. He felt like on top of the world after Isagi scored then the final point, he loved it. Loved the defeated look on the JFU and the U-20 team, the cheers and praises and he loved the look of joy (Y/n) had sent them from the benches. It was a look he will cherish forever and the one he will do his best to see again and again. He talked to his mom for a bit and the conversations they had were rather normal, until someone caught the older woman's eyes.
"Oh! Is that the girl you are crushing on? (Y/n), right?" Bachira froze in his spot and told his mom to be a little quiet, since he didn't want her to know that... well, not yet at least.
"Aww my baby is all grown up now, by the way she is coming over here. Be on your best behavior and let me deal with it."
"She is what? And what do you mean deal-"
"Bachira, Ego-san said we need to pack up." The boy slowly turned to look at (Y/n) and gulped nervously.
"A-alright! Let me just say-"
"You are (Y/n) (L/n), right? My son told me so much about you!"
Cursing to himself, Bachira watched in horror as (Y/n) turned her attention to his mom.
"Yes, you must be his mom. Bachira said a lot of great things about you to me. I heard you like to paint!"
"Yes! It's a big passion of mine, are you into any arts form?"
"Well, I do like literature and music. But painting is interested as well..."
Bachira felt his tension ease a little as he watched the two converse and slowly tye panic formed into relief. He really hoped they would get along and by the looks of it his prayers were answered. Although his mom would drop off some embarrassing statements about him, it looked like (Y/n) didn't mind.
'Maybe I could handle mom being a wingwoman... she seems to know what she is doing.'
"Ahhh that's so adorable! You two are like the Romeo and Juliette of football, Rin." The boy spat out the water he was drinking and looked at his mom in disbelief. He was slowly regretting inviting his parents to the match PXG had with Bastard München.
"Mom, the heck? Don't say that so casually!"
"Language, Rin! And I have a point, both your dad and I saw the way you were sending her looks during the game, especially when you would score." His mom said while his father was chuckling from behind her.
"No, I wasn't! The sun was just annoying me." The boy said, clearly not believing the excuse himself.
"It was such a cute thing to see. I never expected you to have a crush and on the rival team's manager at that." His mom continued speaking as his father nodded his head.
"Well, the boy started crushing on her while they still were on the team." His father argued and Rin felt like dying any second.
"Regardless, can you invite (Y/n) to have lunch with us 3 tomorrow?" His mom asked.
"Why would I do that? She probably has better things to do, anyways." Rin said back, he normally had a lot more patience than this.
"Just ask her, Rin. You clearly like her, don't waste your chances. "
"It was an order, Rin." His father said more strictly now and the boy sighed in defeat.
"Alright, I will text her later. She is busy right now." Rin said, sounding bitter as he pointed at the girl, who was talking to Kaiser and Isagi over God knows what.
"Great!" His mom said and Rin didn't like the look she had on her face, he knew she was planning something awfully humiliating.
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lolhex12 · 11 months
we don't talk enough abt akutagawa's cough / lung disease (chronic&terminal) yet it has so much angst potential?? anywayy
after the current arc, atsushi knows akutagawa is actively dying and he's the only one who does bc akutagawa didn't tell anyone else abt it. (altho, in all honesty, the amount this man coughs should at least hint at it. i'm honestly amazed not more ppl in the story are concerned abt it)
so, the next mission they have together, akutagawa coughs and atsushi is now aware what it really means, so he wonders out loud with nonchalance masking his concern: "hey, so like, do you think yosano's ability would help with your cough and all? would it go away then?"
akutagawa, wiping his mouth, slightly annoyed: "how would i now? i'm not well-acquainted with your coworkers, weretiger, therefore it's none of my concern. and even then, i wouldn't trust any ada members with my issues, nor my life."
atsushi finds his words a bit sus bc 'u do trust me tho', but doesn't say it out loud and they leave it at that.
somehow, it becomes a regular thing. every time they have a mission together and atsushi hears his partner cough, he presents more ideas of how they could cure a terminal lung disease, and they vary in absurdity as he runs out of inspiration.
his ideas range from mere "have you tried going to a doctor?" (<- at which akutagawa stares in disbelief: "you either think i'm an idiot, or you are the idiot. which one is it?" and atsushi pouts bc 'ok yeah, fair... but also, rude') to insanities like "maybe witchcraft would help! i could look up witches in the area and see if black magic or something has any luck." (<- at which akutagawa is so done he doesn't even entertain the idea and just keeps walking)
they never follow through with any idea tho, bc akutagawa stubbornly refuses to waste time on trying to find a cure when his time on earth already is very limited.
it should also be noted that each time the cough gets worse; louder, rougher, more persistent and even bloody, which only makes atsushi more and more worried.
so one time, akutagawa's particularly annoyed by atsushi's insane and stupid ideas. he turns to him and point-blank asks: "why do even care so much whether i succumb to my illness or not? surely, my death should only leave you overjoyed to see the world be rid of one more evil."
that makes atsushi think bc 'why? why does he care whether akutagawa lives or dies? he's right, a bad person like a mafioso dying should be a good thing.'
after lengthy contemplation he comes to the conclusion that he simply cannot have his sworn enemy/rival/partner die from something as pathetic as a disease. someone as strong as akutagawa has to die in a more memorable way - not alone, in a bed, coughing, with nothing more to be remembered by. if anything he'd have to die fighting atsushi or something. yeah that's it. that's why. (<- it's not, but they're not quite there yet)
so atsushi tells him as much. akutagawa accepts it bc 'yeah, makes sense. what else could the reason be?'
the whole routine of coughing and brainstorming a solution in vain continues as the ideas get even more insane, the cough even worse and atsushi more concerned than ever.
the next time akutagawa is annoyed enough to pose the question again, atsushi is close to tears from anxiety as he holds up akutagawa who collapsed and can't seem to subdue his cough properly.
atsushi struggles to get out the water bottle and cough drops he'd started carrying around on their missions together. he's so scared bc he's never seen akutagawa look so sick and frail before (but not weak. never weak. akutagawa could never be weak in atsushi's eyes. it's impossible, bc akutagawa being strong is a simple, unchangeable fact, constant in any possible universe).
what would he do if akutagawa actually died there? in his arms? on a mission? which would probably get cancelled. would the pm think atsushi killed him? does he bring back the body or just bury it somewhere? pretend he got killed on the mission and not by his own body that had turned on him years ago and was in reality a long time coming? he couldn't even bear to think abt it.
"why tf do u care so much??" akutagawa yells with a scratchy voice before his cough continue despite his best efforts to stop.
atsushi can barely breathe anymore. "because i don't want you to die, you idiot! we're a team! you're my partner. who will i be left with if you go?" tears stream down his face, mainly from how overwhelming his anxiety feels. or maybe bc he really doesn't want his partner to die? nah, it's the anxiety. definitely the anxiety. (<- #denial)
akutagawa, at first embarrassed how his collapse derailed their mission bc goddammit he's supposed to be a professional and not let his issues interfere with his job, pauses when he sees atsushi crying... for him? because of him? ???
he's very confused bc he's pretty sure his rival/enemy/partner should not be so concerned abt his health and impending death, but something abt atsushi's expression and that whole situation makes him rethink his outlook on life.
that's when akutagawa starts taking his health more seriously and actively looks for possible, feasible ways to cure his disease, even if there's only a small chance it'll actually work. bc seeing atsushi like that made him realize there are a handful of people who care abt him and would mourn him if he died; more than just his sister and higuchi.
it made him realize his life had a bigger impact on others than he'd previously thought, not all of it bad.
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luvfy0dor · 8 months
hear me out. how abt nikolai as a dad!!! other parents gender can be up to you <3 thank you so much, feel free to reject !
"Tea Parties and Tiaras" - Dad!Nikolai x Reader ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Warnings; None, just fluff!!
Description; Dad!Nikolai headcannons and a cute little scenario revolving around a very dramatic tea party.
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A/N; Tysm for the request!! I have a lot of thoughts about him tbh, I'm glad I get to post them! Also omg u guys since Halloween is coming up what do you think nikolai would be??? I know he's definitely not sitting out in every day attire to hand out candy; brother has gotta be costumed up and causing mischief I just know it.
Headcannons !! ༊*·˚
★ I could go on all day about how he uses his ability as a father rather than a villain. He uses it to quickly fetch things from other sides of the house, like a bottle or a blanket, stuff like that.
★ But he also definitely uses it to mess with them sometimes. If they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing and he finds out, he's gonna stick his arm through the portal, grab their shoulders and laugh when they jump. Then he'll tell them to knock it off, unless it seems appealing to him at the moment. He might join in if it looks fun.
★ Nikolai also does magic tricks for them. He really likes pulling a rabbit out of his hat. He loves the surprised look on his kids faces. He also robs stores of candy sometimes.
★ However, Nikolai isn't afraid of saying no to them. He really doesn't want them to grow up spoiled little pricks.
★ He lets them dress him up. If he's with the kids while you run errands, you'll come home and see your man with that glittery gel eyeshadow smeared all around his eyes and a tiara on his head. The dresses didn't fit, and neither did the little plastic heels, but the hair clips, tiara, and makeup will suffice.
★ I said this for Fyodor too, but Nikolai does his children's hair. He paints their nails too.
★ Nikolai loves to bring his kids to fun places, water/amusement parks, circuses, fairs, trampoline parks, etc. He has NUMEROUS pairs of the trampoline park socks and he loves walking around in them everywhere.
Scenario !! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
(P/T is parental title because I want it to be gender neutral, d/n is daughters name, s/n is sons name)
When you thought about relaxing after work, partaking in a tea party wasn't exactly your first thought. But there you sat, cross legged with a pretty tiara on your head, courtesy of your young son and daughter. You could hear Nikolais little giggles as d/n tried to pull his hair back into a very messy ponytail.
"Oh, papa, you better brush your hair some more, this is way too knotty!" Your daughter exasperatedly says and let's go of Nikolais long hair, making him feign offense and turn to her. "Hey! You're very rude! It's okay though, because my tea party outfit is much better than yours is." He says, a mocking tone of voice as he squints his eyes while talking to her. She pouts and gets up sassily, retreating to s/n's side as he rummaged through their little play kitchen.
"Did you hear that? I can't believe she would say something like that to me!" He says to you with an exaggerated frown. You just scoff and pat his shoulder in support. "I wonder who could have taught her such wit." You sarcastically say. You both watch them search for enough teacups for the four of you, all of them being strewn throughout their play room. They eventually skitter back to the table with only three cups and saucers in hand. S/n places one in front of you, one in front of his sister, and one in front of himself.
Nikolai sits waiting for his, but when both s/n and d/n sit down without getting him HIS teacup and saucer, he's a bit annoyed. "Hey, where's my tea?" He asks them. The kids exchange a glance before d/n speaks up. "Mean, knotty-haired clowns don't deserve tea." She huffs. He's even more taken aback this time. "You guys are so mean! You're gonna make your papa cry." He says, his lip quivering a bit as his hand slaps over his heart for dramatic effect. He starts sniffling and you just snicker, watching d/n expression change to one of slight guilt.
She groans and begrudgingly gets up to grab another teacup and saucer from the kitchen, returning it and placing it in front of Nikolai. He stops pretending to cry and grabs her, pulling her into a hug and swaying her excitedly. "Aw, thank you! I knew you loved me enough to look past my messy hair." He says with a giggle. She eagerly tries to wriggle out of his hug, but s/n runs over and hugs Nikolai too, knocking him backwards and onto the ground. He lets out a soft "oomph" before they all start giggling.
"Hey! Now you're both gonna crush me!" He says, the kids getting up off of him while laughing. He lets out a loud sigh before sitting back up. "Okay, I think we're even now, yeah? I came to your lovely tea party with messy hair and you two just knocked the wind out of me in retaliation!" He says, patting their shoulders. They look at eachother and look back at him.
"Okay, I guess you're forgiven." S/n says, his hands on his hips and d/n nodding in approval. "Okay, good. Now, I think we should continue our tea party before we have to eat dinner." He says, pretending to sip on the plastic glass. They murmur soft affirmatives and sit back down. You lean your head on Nikolais shoulder as you pretend to sip on the tea too, content with the little family that the two of you have made together.
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A/n; when u think of the word 'skitter/skitters' I hope you think of me 💔🫡 credit to @ilovechuuy4 for influencing the magic and candy stealing hcs thank you schmoopie 💞🙏
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aku-babe · 2 years
“the agency’s new assistant”
ranpo x fem!reader smut , -16 dni !
this was actually my first post here but i felt too shy so i kept it in my drafts 🧍‍♀️ but it's actually my favourite one so far!! ranpo is just so,,, 😩🤌 hope u enjoy <3
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you had been working at the agency as an assistant for a while now, which meant you should be pretty close to everyone there, right?
well, you were close to almost everyone, just not him. you had been avoiding him ever since you first set eyes on his ridiculously hot figure.
the detective who could read your thoughts from just two seconds of a glance; you had heard all about him and it terrified you, because absolutely none of the thoughts you had about him were appropriate.
he was unlike anyone you had ever seen before, and if you're being honest, he made you soaking wet from just his voice. he was the hottest man you'd ever laid your eyes on and you were quite embarrassed to admit you had formed a crush on him. with blushed cheeks and weak knees, you knew talking to him in this state would be the same as throwing yourself all over him.
so for both his and your own sake, you avoided him as much as possible. but of course, this didn't go unnoticed by him.
he tried many chances to get you near him, but it always ended in you finding excuses and running away with a red face.
but not today. he was determined on having you today, all for himself.
as you walked in for work, you immediately noticed how silent it was. glancing around the empty office, you nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a voice behind you.
"they're all gone for an emergency mission," ranpo said as he lightly grabbed your waist to move you from the doorway.
"oh, i see.." you internally squealed as his arm stayed on your hip for far longer than necessary.
"looks like you're all mine for today then," ranpo flashes you a grin.
shit, this was exactly what you dreaded. but looks like there's no escaping it now, so you straightened your back and tried to act professional instead. "yes sir, what would you like me to assist with?
"sir?" ranpo stopped eating his sweets to glance at you. "while that does sound quite nice, you can just call me ranpo."
"o-of course, uhm, ranpo," you fiddled with your skirt nervously which immediately caught his eye.
"no need to be so nervous. i've been watching you for some time now."
"you have?"
"of course, who wouldnt be interested in a cute little thing like you?"
your cheeks were painted crimson by now and you quickly turned away from him. "i'm not sure what you mean"
you yelped as he grabbed your wrist to turn you back around and made you look at him. "don't look away from me, that's rude don't you think? his hand slipped down to rest at your hips once more, pulling you closer.
"this is extremely unprofessional, sir-" you gasped while trying not to blush.
"is it? he furrowed his eyebrows. "what i think is unprofessional is how you keep avoiding me. you're meant to assist everyone in the agency, how unprofessional of you to not uphold your job. do you dislike me?"
"no, of course not!"
"then tell me why you refuse to even talk to me hmm?" he laughed softly as you opened and closed your mouth again, unsure of how to reply.
"you're so cute, you know that?" his hands traveled down to your skirt, slipping under it. "of course i already know why you avoid me. can't hide anything from the world's best detective now, can we?"
you hid your flushed face in his chest out of embarrassment. of course he knew. all this time, he knew, and now he was teasing you for it.
"looks like i was right once again," you jump as he suddenly presses a finger against your underwear. "you're wet. is it because of me?"
you mumbled incoherently against him, making him click his tongue. he quickly pushes you up from his chest, cupping your face to make you look in his twinkling eyes.
"cmon now, don't let me do all the detective work. lets get a confession, yeah?"
you looked away from him in shame, ears turning pink.
"there's no need to be shy," ranpo tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "i'll let you in on a secret."
leaning down in your ear, he whispered, "i always think of you too. whenever i see you walk past in that cute little skirt of yours, i can barely resist myself from grabbing you and bending you over my desk right then and there."
your heart felt like it was gonna explode. this was too much, too fast-
but he was just getting started. leaning further down, he pressed his lips against your neck, softly sucking on your skin. you let out a whimper as he dragged his teeth across, before gently biting.
"don't keep me waiting," he pulled away after creating a hickey.
accepting defeat and pushing away your embarassment, you gave in. "i didn't avoid you because i dislike you... i avoided you because each time i talk to you, um, my heart gets all warm and tingly.."
"oh yeah?" he smirked and prodded a finger down there again. "and here?"
"uh, i get wet.."
"evident," he runs his fingers across you to prove his point.
"wh-what now?" you look at him shyly.
he smiles. "i finally have you to myself. only a fool would waste that opportunity."
grabbing you suddenly, he turned you around and pushed you over his desk. he stood behind you, eyeing your ass that was barely covered by the short skirt you wore.
"i like skirts," he commented. "wear them more often."
"okay.." was all you could mumble while you hid your face in your hands, anticipating his next move.
you felt his large hands rest on your skirt, pushing the fabric up and bunching it up around your waist. you flinched suddenly when he landed a sharp slap on your ass. you couldn't hold in your moan when he did it once more, and you could practically hear him smirking as he landed his hand down again and again.
finally satisfied with how red your skin was, he pushed your underwear to the side and bent you more, putting your wetness on full display for his sharp green eyes.
"you have no idea how long i've been waiting for this," he breathed out as he traced your slit and played around with the slickness.
"me too."
all shyness was thrown out the window once he slipped a finger in, and you were immediately begging for more. he moved his finger in and out at a steady pace, while rubbing circles using his thumb. you cried out when you felt him lean in and press his tongue against you, while pushing a second finger in and increasing his pace.
he sloppily sucked and licked at you, while pushing his fingers deeper each thrust.
"i'm close, ranpo-"
"don't," he muttered, pulling away.
"what?' you cried out in disbelief.
"ah im sorry love, but we don't have time for this. the others will be back soon, and i need you to come when i'm inside you."
"what do you- ahh, oh my-"
he had pushed himself inside you before you could even realise, and no words could describe how good it felt.
"are you okay? do you need me to stop?" he gently rubbed your back.
"i'm okay, it feels fucking amazing," you reassured him to move.
grinning, he started out slowly fucking you against the desk. soon enough it changed into him pounding into you at a brutal pace, sounds of skin clapping and desk creaking filling the room.
"you feel so fucking good, ah fuck," he groaned as he threw his head back, before raising one hand to slap your ass.
you moaned loudly as he railed you harder, his grip on your hips getting tighter and would definitely leave bruises. a few more thrusts and you felt his dick twitch inside you, and then he was leaning over to suck your neck desperately as he became sloppier. his hand slipped down to rub you, and you couldn't take it anymore. your legs were shaking as you came down from your high, and you would've fallen over if not for his arms supporting you.
ranpo groaned loudly as he pushed into you one last time, cumming inside and filling you completely with his warmth. he did a few more thrusts to fuck his cum back into you, making sure none of it got out. you cried out from the overstimulation, but he just shushed you and continued licking over the hickeys on your neck.
you heard the ding of the agency front door, and immediately came back to your senses. ranpo also sighed in frustration, and pulled out. he carefully placed your underwear back in place, and pulled your skirt down. offering you his hand to stand, you stumbled to stand straight as your legs were weak and sore. he smiled at you as he quickly fixed your hair and clothes, smoothing them down.
just before the door opened, he quickly pecked you on the lips, surprising you and making you blush. that was your first kiss..
"y/n! there you are!" dazai walked into the room followed by the others. "wait, why are you red?"
"oh um its just hot in here," you mumbled, rubbing your neck.
"it sure is," ranpo cheekily muttered from his desk, sending a subtle wink.
you turned away from both ranpo's smug self and dazai's confused and but seemingly knowing look, and got back to work.
it was a bit hard to focus though, not when your underwear was all sticky and you were throbbing because of a certain someone.
sitting at your desk, you glanced at your skirt which was now a bit crumpled. smiling, you decided to wear skirts more often. and maybe you should talk to ranpo more.
after all, the feeling was mutual..
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sanriokamabodo · 11 months
i think it would be cute if one of Douma's worshippers had a kid that was non verbal and can't communicate all that well. So, when it's their turn to talk to Douma, he and them just play board games to help them speak.
CW's: none, reader has loving parents, douma is really good at card games, not proofread bc i hate reading my own works heehoo, dm me if i missed a tag or if u want to confess ur undying love for me
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Your parents are lovely, really. They make sure your every need is met, they spoil you and always tell you how much they adore you.
There's however one thing that frustrates you to no end.
Your parents would beg for years to their lord in the hopes that one day you'll speak.
It's not like you were stupid, absolutely not. If only people would understand how clever you were.
Douma, being the kind person he is (he claimed that title himself) took it upon himself to "help" you.
That's how you ended up in his quarters. Your parents waved goodbye as they left and telling you to be good. You hated it when they treated you like a small child.
Your face had a sour expression as you looked at him. This was the guy who was supposed to "cure" you?
"I don't think we've met before, have we? I'm Douma, but I think you already know that." He jokingly winked at you. "What's your name, kid?" He tried.
Douma points a finger at you. "Speak now and I won't tell anyone." He smirks.
Yet again, silence. You quirk his eyebrow at him. Was he really his stupid?
"I'm your lord y'know, it would be rude to just ignore me." Douma whines before throwing himself back against his mountain of pillows.
A smile grazed your lips. Normally you'd just be annoyed by these desperate attempts to get you to talk, however you never expected this side from your lord.
Douma stared at the ceiling for a moment before sitting up, he looked at you.
"Well we've got an hour to kill, what would you like to do?"
You shrugged.
"Would you like to play a card game?"
Your eyes lit up at the idea and nodded excitedly. You loved card games, better yet, you were undefeated at them. Douma looked excited at this opening.
He grabbed a stack of hanafuda cards and shuffled them before dealing them between the two of you. "Are you familiar with koi koi?" He asked.
You nodded, of course you knew what koi koi was. You were the best at it.
"Now, I will warn you that I'm really good at it, but I'll go easy on you, kid."
You snorted at him, making Douma cock an eyebrow at you an amused expression on his face.
"What was that? Are you doubting me? You know I won't let you go off the hook now, huh?" He laughed, shaking his head. You had guts, he liked that.
You beat him. Hard.
"I want a rematch." He demanded jokingly, despite his ego being bruised a bit.
He lost, again. And again. Until finally the time ran out.
"Same time, tomorrow?"
And so you did, everyday from that point on. He'd always make time out of his busy schedule for the two of you to play a quick game, despite getting his ass handed to him everytime.
Douma grew alongside you, he grew comfortable enough to not hide behind fake smiles and playful teasing, he was true to himself around you. He didn't feel like he'd have to fake feeling emotions around you.
"Thank you," you spoke hoarsely, barely above a whisper after months of playing cards with him "for making me feel normal."
Douma, not bothering to look up from his cards, almost like you spoke everyday, returned the sentiment. "Thank you for making me feel normal too, kid."
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pineappleciders · 1 year
Could you do omori x reader thats rich and spoils them with gifts and trips and stuff? 💛Thanks
A/N: i already did this with aubrey but i'm gonna redo her part cuz it was awhile ago
RW OMORI characters with a rich S/O who spoils them
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SUNNY hates it
not because he doesn't like gifts or money or anything, but he truly thinks he doesn't deserve it. you can spoil anyone in the world, why him?
he'll get flustered and look away mumbling "thanks" if you hand him a gift
concerned as to why you can just. blow money on him
he'll accept these things, because he doesn't want to be rude, but it's still awfully embarrassing . he has no idea how he scored someone like you
he wants to scream into his pillow whenever u show up to his house with his favorite drink/food
tries to go all out and hand-make you gifts for your birthday and such but he feels bad since it can never out-do your gifts
he's kinda scared you're gonna betray him and you're trying to get on his good side or something, so it helps if u reassure him you just love him a whole lot
she doesn't get it, why would you do something like that for lil old her??
but she cherishes everything you do for her to the fullest extent.
she spends a lot of time at ur house and has lots of sleepovers with u to get away from her own home life
she rlly thinks she doesn't deserve you. like at all
tries to take you places and pay for your meal but she can't do it all the time, so she makes the most out of every date and trip
gets embarrassed if u show up with a gift and just hugs you until she isn't flushed anymore,, she can't have you seeing her face!!
she doesn't have a lot of money so she really appreciates everything u get her, especially food
gobbles on any food u get her or dinner u buy,, she isn't passing free food up!!
"oh! for me?? are you sure??"
he'll be awfully confused every time you randomly show up with something he's been wanting
if you buy him food or take him to GINO's a lot he'll try to cut down his order to make you pay less but gobbles it all up
gets embarrassed if u ask him if he wants anything else,,, like stop !! spending!!! money!! on! me!!!!
"haha, no, i don't wanna make you pay more... wait, where are you going?!"
he tries to tell u not to get him anything but he is a big growing boy that needs his nutrients. he gobbles up whatever you buy so you know none of it went to waste
he accepts your offers and gifts gladly, but not without hesitation!! he hates being a bother
"hah, i'm supposed to be paying for your meal.." lowkey damages his masculinity
he's also confused. why are you buying him all of this?? cookbooks??? new, fancy silverware??? paying his dogs medical bills??? what the fuck
he's actually kinda skeptical about it at first,, like what if you're breaking up w him?? are you trying to soften him up so you can backstab him?????
but he realizes that's stupid and awkwardly accepts anything u do/give him. he gets all blushy about it and starts stuttering though
he spoils you back. to an extent because your family is richer n all that, but he still tries to spoil you by getting you gifts and flowers and chocolates and stuff you like/need
it's weird to him because he's usually the spoiler/gentleman in the relationship,, so he's lowkey swept off his feet
he would've done that for you anyway, but now he has to do it extra so it isn't unfair!!! he feels like he's taking advantage of you or something
she always denies everything u do/get for her,, but she'll eventually accept it and kiss you on the cheek as a thanks
like SUNNY she doesn't think she deserves that kind of treatment,, you shouldn't be wasting your money so fast like that!!
she does love the romantic aspect,, like if you went on a trip together all alone and romantic,, or if you show up to her house with flowers and chocolates and... is that a diamond ring?
it gets her all blushy but she tries to hide it by being devious and teasing u,, then she goes home and goes crazy over you in her room
"oh? is this for me?? why, if i didn't know better i'd say you're in love!"
teases to cover up the fact that she's embarrassed as fuck
he's constantly telling you not to spend any money on him
he tries to spoil you back by giving you home-planted flowers and drawings and pictures, but he never feels like it's enough
"really, you shouldn't be spending this much money.."
makes him super flushed if u show up with something he said he wanted,, he didn't mean for you to actually go out and buy it!!!
always insists that he pays for dinner. always
gives u lots of hand crafted things and drawings,, he really hopes you think it's the thought that counts
cherishes everything u give him,, new garden shears? he's going to use these the rest of his life
if u two go on a trip he takes lots of photos of you and the scenery, and has an entire album dedicated to you
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judeswhore · 11 months
Jude getting all pouty when you don’t want to show pda infront of his family cuz u think it’s ‘disrespectful’. and he’s all ‘they don’t care now let me spoon you’
u don’t want to make them uncomfortable or have them think ur rude so ur always dodging his kisses when they’re around. like ur okay w little pecks but whenever he tries to go further ur pulling back and glaring at him. and ur having movie night w them and he wants to spoon u but when that happens he always ends up groping ur boobs so ur like no we’re just gna sit normally like trying to just snuggle into his chest while sitting up but he’s having none of that and he knows ur refusing bc u think his mam is gna be offended. so he’s like “they couldn’t care less it’s not like i’m fucking u in front of them” and ur smacking his chest for being so vulgar and he’s just grinning all “just lay down w me woman ur doing my head in” but it’s so full of affection bc he finds it cute how u just wna make his parents happy. they wldnt be bothered at all when he finally gets u to cuddle w him, finding it adorable, especially when u fall asleep together
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shamelessboiledwater · 9 months
Mario finally managed to get the kid to sleep slowly creeping out of the room and flying up to the ceiling to not get spotted, Mario looked around as he flew around the halls he almost got spotted by flying koopas he was still confused about that soon he found himself in a army room full of shy guys and koopas when Mario got an idea as he waited for everyone to leave he grabbed some power up that were in some lockers he even managed to find a picture of Bowser in a weird pose he described to do something awful and doodled on the poster giving Bowser some big eyes and a text bubble calling himself sticky (so rude Mario!) Smirking and quickly flys away
Luigi noticed that Bowser would look at him with this soft stare he tried to look back but Bowser always looked away at the last minute "Is my music off-key?" Luigi asked softly stopping his music "No...it's just I never had someone different play along with me especially someone who can play the flute so well... How did you get so good at that?" Bowser asked looking at the smaller human Luigi looked down blushing from nerves "U-um well I guess I-I had a good teacher?" Luigi said smiling and looking back at Bowser, Luigi looked into his eyes never noticing how calm they were he would usually be scared staring into someone's eyes but he felt calm and safe almost but it was strange staring into the Koopa king's eyes "your eyes...remind me of a rose" Bowser's eyes widen a small blush fading onto his face he's not used to those kinds of words being used on him of all people "you are just saying that because you're scared..." Luigi suddenly grabbed his face "Would I...be able to do this..if I was scared?" He asked as Bowser stared at Luigi thinking of his next sentence carefully "No..no I don't think you could...but that doesn't mean I didn't scare you, by my actions no less.." Luigi slowly nodded "I will admit you did scare me when we first met...terrified me even but that wasn't the real you, I met was it?" Bowser looked away "No... it wasn't because I was angry," he said backing away "Mostly because...that's all I know" Luigi looked at Bowser he felt sorry for him grabbing one of his claws "May I ask why?" Bowser looked at him It was best to tell a short story so as to not get a lot of questions "My mother she...was always harsh than my father, he sheltered me sometimes, but what my mother did I'll never forget....." Luigi listened quietly "I'm sorry for pushing you" Bowser got closer to him pushing his face into Luigi's stomach "You didn't push me It felt nice to finally talk about them..." Luigi somewhat hugged him running his hand through Bowser's hair "you are free to leave" Luigi looked at Bowser "what?" He asked as Bowser looked into his eyes "you are free to leave I won't stop you and none of my troops will stop you either" Luigi didn't know what to say holding his face "will I be allowed to visit?" Bowser looked at Luigi a bit surprised nodding slowly "yes if you want to that is" Luigi nods smiling "thank you I hope we see each other soon" Luigi said slowly standing up staring into Bowser's rose like eyes
Mario flew around then whole place looking for Luigi when he noticed him walking around a little hesitant to get his attention thinking it was a trap but decided to do his best looking around for anyone before dropping a mushroom in front of him Luigi jumped squeaking then looked up seeing Mario he gasped smiling then quickly covered his mouth seeing a guard chuckling a little bit and waving but all he got back was a glare as the guard returned to his position Luigi sighs softly as Mario picked him up getting them both out of the dark lands Luigi looked around seeing some other floating islands but with life and green "are you ok down there?" Luigi heard looking up at Mario nodding and smiling at him they definitely have a lot to talk about (:>)
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slytherinshua · 1 year
now to the req…. hehehe….. let me tell u how excited i was when i saw you’re taking k-dramas KMG!!!! so obv…
YUL FROM AOS!!! yul my beloved he’s such a cutie patootie– anyways… fluff: 39, 53 and other: 30!! idk i just feel like it suits him!!
genre. fluff. master x pupil trope. warnings. kissing. spoilers for aos ig? its not rly set in any particular episode but park jin is still the leader of songrim so i'd say loosely around ep 10-12. pairing. seo yul x fem!reader. wc. 2.1k. a/n. ahhhh axe tysm for requesting smth for yul 😭 our baby 🫶 i kinda got carried away with this and then didn't proof read it so idk how good it is lol but i had fun writing it!!
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“Give me one chance. I can hold my own in a fight. I will do anything it takes.” You pleaded, practically begging at the steps of the training centre in Jeongjingak. 
People from low class families, and especially women were never accepted into Songrim Jeongjingak. Everyone in Daeho knew that, and you’d have to be a fool or stupidly brave to try to say otherwise. You were probably both given that you were standing by the doors of the training centre at the moment, your slightly scuffed up clothing and long hair giving you no favours. 
You wanted to blame your father for your current situation, but since he was currently cold in his grave and you respected him too much, you didn’t let your thoughts wander in that direction. 
He had always insisted that you needed to know how to defend yourself, starting at a young age. After years of burdensome training, you started to finally feel the rush and satisfaction of a fight. After years of complaining about the lessons your father taught you, you finally wanted to learn spells. You wanted to use the energy inside your body. You desperately wanted to feel like you were useful, powerful, capable. 
You excelled in all the ladylike areas, from sewing and needlework, to gardening, to singing and dancing thanks to your mother. But they were all just so boring. Your habit of spending your entire day in the public library reading all the books on spells started when you were 14. It only grew over the next few years until your father knew you wanted more than he could offer you.
He wasn’t a highly skilled mage, and in his lifetime had not needed to progress beyond Jipsu, the ability to gather the energy of water. You had mastered that years ago and had progressed to tackling the skill of Ryusu. You tried hard to master it on your own once your father taught you all his lessons, but it was a near impossible task.
You needed a master, but none would accept you as their pupil. After almost every master in the country turned you down for various reasons, you turned to your last option - Songrim.
Face to face with Lord Park, one of the most renowned mages in the capital, and the current leader of Songrim, you held your head high as he refused your pleas.
One look at you had him and the other mages glaring you down and shaking their heads with disapproval. They wouldn’t even give you a chance. Dozens of remarks were thrown at you. You let them pass through one ear and out the other, not letting these men get the chance to see you turn away defeated. You were already risking your pride begging them, but you wouldn’t leave without being able to showcase your skills first. 
“You really think our masters would waste their time and energy on a girl like you with no potential?” One rude young mage sneered, and you bowed your head further, finally feeling your blood boil with rage. You gripped your sword tight enough that your knuckles turned white, resisting the urge to unsheathe it and hold it to his neck. 
I have more potential in my left pinky finger than you or any of your ancestors have had for the past 300 years, you whispered under your breath in spite, making sure it wasn’t loud enough for him to hear it.
You were unaware of a party of mages returning to the training centre at the moment, and the one leading the way seemed to have picked up on what you were mumbling. He stood next to you, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he glanced at you.
“Cha Beom is an asshole, but I wouldn’t waste your words on him.”
You glanced to the side, surprised that someone was taking your side. As you looked him over, you were sure you had seen him somewhere before. His face was fair and handsome and his clothes were neat. He looked pristine and well-mannered, but more than anything, he looked like he stuck to the rules. He was probably the last person you pictured sticking up for someone like you. You also thought that the word ‘asshole’ didn’t fit coming from his mouth.
“I’ll spar with her. If she can beat me, let her train here. If she can’t, then I’ll train her myself.” The mage said confidently. Your eyebrows furrowed at his brazenness. Wouldn’t he get reprimanded for speaking such an outlandish thing?
But he didn’t.
You watched as Lord Park sighed and waved the young mage off. An older man, Master Heo, started to protest, but upon Lord Park’s clear disinterest in continuing the situation, he was silenced.
“Do what you wish with her, Yul. Train her yourself.”
The mage smiled at Lord Park and bowed before turning to you, “So, Y/n. Let’s see those skills, hm?”
“How do you know my name?”
“I know a lot of things.” He remarked.
“Do you really have what it takes to train me? Aren’t you just another mage at Jeongjingak?” You questioned with uncertainty, earning a scoff from the young mage. 
“You don’t know who I am, do you?” He asked in disbelief. 
“Should I?”
He nodded, “Let me explain it. I have always been the top student at Jeongjingak; I mastered all the books, reached Chisu in a short amount of time, and people always come to me when they need help. That is me, Seo Yul.”
“Ah… I see. You’re smarter than you look, then.” You concluded, walking forward.
Yul paused, eyes blinking and head turned to the side in thought, “Is that a compliment for my intelligence or an insult for my looks?” He called out to you, making you turn around again.
“It was meant to be neither, though I suppose you are… decent.”
“Mm… Your looks aren’t exactly my style, but even I can’t deny that you’re not too bad.” You continued, smile widening every time his face further scrunched in confusion. Teasing him was more fun than you thought.
“Is this how you’re going to treat your new master?” 
“Why? You don’t like it?”
“You’re just very… blunt.”
“I’m sure you’ll get used to it, Master Yul.” 
Yul’s eyes widened slightly, the formality of the new name was far from the regular “Young Master Seo” he was used to hearing. Hearing it from you brought him some strange satisfaction and warmth. It was strange.
Yul was a hard master to please. More often than not, you felt like he was disappointed with you because he always kept a straight face. He always forced himself to hide his affection for you for fear that it would distract from your training, which frustrated you. You clinged onto the moments where he let his true emotions shine through just a bit. The lingering stares and little smiles— from those small moments you were sure that he was actually a warm person, and not the cold, strict master like he appeared on the outside. You just needed to find a way for him to break the facade. 
Because he was so skilled himself, impressing him only happened once in a blue moon. You tried your best, and improved quickly under his guidance. He would train you rigorously every weekday after his own training at Jeongjingak. Usually you would be by the river, using the rough and difficult terrain to your advantage. It definitely helped with your dexterity and swiftness. After just a few months, you had mastered Ryusu.
The bright smile on Yul’s face when you were finally able to gain energy from the water was one you would never forget. He even laughed a bit, and you swore you were happier about making him happy than progressing in your training.
Your love for teasing Yul never went away. His expressions were just too adorable to make you want to stop, and you felt that they gave him a small break from the pressure he was under as the eldest son of the Seo family. 
You were thinking about all your little habits you had picked up around Yul, when it hit you. How you felt that warm fluttering feeling in your stomach when you saw him smile, and the heat crept onto your cheeks whenever he had to touch your hand to show you a proper placement for a spell. That wasn’t a normal master-pupil thing. You liked him. 
As you packed up your supplies one late night by the river, his perfect face kept flashing in your mind. His cute smile curving on his lips like when you mastered another spell, the subtle curve of his nose, the plush berry colour of his lips, the softness in his eyes. He was truly one of the most pure humans you had ever come into contact with, and your adoration for him only grew everyday. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” You scolded yourself under your breath. Now that you were aware that you were in love with him, how much harder would it be to go to training with him? You were sure you were going to be flustered and tripping your own two feet the next time you tried to work on your spells with him.
“Who are you calling stupid?”
You flinched and turned around, seeing Yul sitting in one of the trees by the bank, watching you pack up intently. 
“Myself. Why’re you still here?” You asked, cheeks heating up when he jumped down from the tree smoothly and crouched down next to you to help you pack the rest of your things.
“Because my pupil is still here even though the sun has already set long ago.” He said, a smile playing on his lips but he suppressed it like always. His hand moved to pick up the bottle of medicinal herbs you had to put in your bag and his fingers brushed against yours, your cheeks heating up even more at the action. In a panic, you realised the moon shining down on you was just enough light for Yul to pick up on the colour of your cheeks. You silently cursed him for noticing every little detail about you.
“Wait… Are you blushing?” He asked with uncertainty. You backed away slightly, whispering a hushed “no” and hoping he would drop the subject. You weren’t used to this side of him, and your nerves grew every time his face inched closer to yours. How was he always so calm and collected while able to make you so flustered?
“Let me check your breathing technique, Y/n.” Yul said quietly, hand gently resting on your stomach. You looked up at him with wide eyes, breathing in short fast puffs. You saw his lips stretch into what looked like a smirk. “Your breathing is completely off. What did I tell you about practising it even when you’re not training?”
“I… I’m sorry. I must’ve… forgotten.” You mumbled, mind spinning as you wondered why his hand was still touching you.
“Do I need to remind you more often?” He asked, head tilting as he looked at you fondly. You stayed silent, wide eyes staring into his like he had put you in a trance— as if you were incapable of looking away.
Your eyes moved faster than your brain as they flickered down to his lips for a split second. If your brain was able to make a sound, it would be screaming at you right now. Why the heck would you do that? There was no way Yul wouldn’t catch on to it. You’re screwed.
You couldn’t think or even breathe when you saw him leaning in, eyes blinking closed until his soft lips finally met yours. Your cheeks burned as you kissed him back. You couldn’t think about anything but him - the feeling of having him so close, your hearts racing in sync, him pulling you closer by the waist. Your hands moved on their own, gently carding through the soft hairs at the back of his head until he eventually pulled out, still holding you close.
You caught your breath and calmed your racing heart, whispering a soft, “...Did you just kiss me?”
“Yep.” He smiled. You wondered when he got the power to steal all your confidence.
“Can you… do it again?” 
“I didn’t know you liked it that much.” He smiled, eyes glimmering, moonshine reflecting off his face, "I guess my looks are a bit more than just decent?" He teased as he leaned in once more, pressing another soft kiss to your lips.
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11queensupreme11 · 7 months
One thing that I adore about Sukuna and Hime’s bond was that from the minute these two met, this relationship was bound to end horribly. They were never supposed to have a good ending no matter how many times you try to look at it through different angles.
At first, it tricks you into thinking that they COULD have a hopeful future together if they evade the obstacles coming their way (ex: Junichiro, Suiten, the villagers, jujutsu society, etc.) so that they could be alone and finally be truly happy, making their own happy ending together.
But it just never happens.
The hard part to swallow here, is that it wasn’t even because of Junichiro that the pair wasn’t able to stay together and be meant for each other. It was Sukuna.
Bear with me here, let me explain.
Ever since I read the full backstory on Shisui back in the first book of “A Fish Out of Water”, I suspected that the relationship between Shisui and Sukuna seemed to act like a mirage.
I don’t know why, but it just struck me as fake no matter how many times I tried to reread the Shisui arc over and over again (I kept rereading to make sure I wasn’t actually overthinking).
Shisui was fine on her end. She acted like any good friend would do and was true to herself when she voluntarily stayed with Sukuna.
But that’s the problem. Unlike Shisui, Sukuna wasn’t acting like his true self.
And no, I’m not talking about the fact that he was being fake “sometimes” because he had his eating urges.
I’m talking about the fact that his humanity was never actually there to begin with.
We see his real self through some small glimpses LIKE the eating urges or when he had the sadistic idea to pour salt on his aunt’s soon-to-be lover when he was questioning him about the Uchiumi clan. Even the smallest things like stealing some snacks from some stands made him seem less sympathetic. His rude and uncaring demeanour wasn’t made up by the villagers’ cruel treatment to him. This guy just didn’t care from the start. Even when he was a kid, his aunt precisely stated that he wasn’t a normal kid. He learned quickly, he spoke correctly, he studied well and had control over his abilities which held a lot of potential for becoming a future jujutsu sorcerer. He did all of this when he was just a kid.
It always confused me how Shisui kept saying that Sukuna was kind-hearted and selfless, when he was none of those. None of his actions made him look like a possible good person but then again, this is Shisui we’re talking about. She speaks a lot with her heart and not with her head (like how she told him that she’ll still love him even if he was a curse).
So then, if Sukuna was never supposed to act like a real human despite being born as one, what made him act like one? Well that’s easy, it was because everyone around him was looking and acting like a human. (did u rly think I was gonna say Shisui??? omg that’s so cute-)
Shisui was the one who encouraged him to continue faking himself. That’s why his body was slightly physically different (ex: red hair, black claws, red eyes) but not too different to the point that he looked like a monster with four arms and eyes already. His body felt like it was stuck in the middle of his growth, not reaching his fullest potential but not being at his lowest either.
Ever since his birth, he was supposed to ascend and yet he didn’t because his growth got sidetracked by his aunt who tried showing him the rights and wrongs (basically taught him self-awareness and stuff that a parent should teach their child) of this world. Then, Shisui came and pushed that narrative of “showing sympathy and selflessness” in his agenda, slowing his growth process even more.
That’s why he still looked human enough back when he was a kid.
When he was older, that’s when things started to complicate for him. His body was sick of not receiving the food that he needed, so it began to retaliate and grow without his control (ex: the mouth that appeared on his stomach that one day). And after all that, Sukuna was still trying to keep it together. It was literally like dealing with a ticking time-bomb: you don’t know when it’ll set off but you just know that when it does, you better hide cuz that bitch will hurt.
That’s why Junichiro wasn’t the cause of Sukuna and Shisui’s downfall. He was only the one who discovered the bomb and underestimated it. Like a kid playing with a knife or a pair of scissors.
Sukuna secretly craves blood, fresh meat, and disorder. He doesn’t care about selflessness or caring. He only practises these two things with Shisui because “someone once said ‘If you love someone, you let them go.’”In the end, he was still pretending for the sake of pleasing Shisui, someone who has said she’ll love him unconditionally, someone who still wanted to be with him despite the fear and evil aura he emits around him, someone who has shown physical proof that he’ll still be loved without his human form when she started cooing at his stomach mouth, someone who he wants all for himself. He was acting like a selfless human because he thought that was what you were supposed to do.
Her death was the fire that set everything all up. Why keep pretending when the source of your pretending ceases to exist? Just let yourself go and grow up.
And that’s what Sukuna did. He literally grew up and reached his true form. There were no shackles or restraints anymore. He could do whatever he wanted without any restrictions or rules, HE was the one that ordered around.
He even said that he wished he would’ve ascended sooner in order to reach this form. (“WHO KNEW YOU WORTHLESS MEAT BAGS COULD TASTE SO GOOD?! I SHOULD’VE KILLED YOU ALL FROM THE START!”)
In the end, it didn’t even matter if Shisui had died on that day or not. He would have still eventually stopped himself from believing in his own crap and ascended. Because he secretly needed to AND wanted to.
When I finally read chapter 6 of Bloodflood and saw Hime distraught at the fact that she had truly lost Sukuna for good, I found it sad.
The old Sukuna would’ve understood her fears. He would’ve vowed to help set her free. He… he wouldn’t do this.
She finally got the message.
The Sukuna she loved was long gone.
When she died all those years ago, she had taken his heart with her.
Hime still does not understand that there was never even a sympathetic Sukuna to come back to. Sure, his human self is long gone, but it only grew to become an ascension. If Sukuna could do it all over again, he wouldn’t listen to her and try to set her free. Not at all. The thought wouldn’t even cross his mind.
Hime didn’t lose Sukuna. He’s right there still alive and breathing.
There never was a “selfless Sukuna”. It was all in Shisui’s head.
Her reaction felt like losing an imaginary friend.
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there's so much i wanna say but i fear i run the risk of accidentally spilling something i shouldn't, so i'll just say this:
i REALLY love your asks, cocogum. they're always so deeply thought out and analytical.
i can tell just from this ask alone that you know my story well; you remind me a student prepping for a discussion for a book you're required to read for english class.
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sereves · 6 months
Tsubaki and Lawless Sibling Headcanons
After reading that meme about what woulda happened if Lawless and Tsubaki were on good terms I had to make these headcanons
This. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought about this-  Allow me to do a small rant/analysis-
Lawless is canonically referred to as having a family root according to Gear in this panel
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Yall no one can change my mind Lawless got fat daddy issues that run deeper than a black hole
As shown in these panels he has a deep respect and gratitude to Saint germaine for reviving him, and even goes as far as to lecture Kuro for being "rude"
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I also find it interesting how of all the siblings Lawless is pretty much the only one that was happy to be revived, aside from Ildio who was more or so neutral on his new life. Lawless pretty much took his new life and appreciated his second chance-
Personally in my opinion, I believed because he was a lower-ranking prince who was killed in a conspiracy he may have never gotten a chance to live life? He looks like he died pretty young and since he was a lower ranking prince, he may have lived with a silver spoon in his mouth, but likely was never able to go out to much and was probably very lonely. He probably only had Guil by his side which is why I love and adore their father/brother dynamic 😭
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dAWG- WHYD KURO DO HIM SO DIRTY 😭Bro straight up just lost Ophelia, is about to lose his "second father", then gets dumped by his own god damn brother- Like Kuro pretty much told him "we shouldn't have been born". Like bruh lawless got done so dirty in a span of like a week, like even after this he goes back home  Ophelia's kingdom was destroyed 💀
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Also he had to walk to the meeting stop for about 10 days+ and then walked back on his hedgehog stubby legs like is this man okay, IMAGINE WALKING ALL THE WAY ON FOOT AND JUST BEING DUMPED LIKE THAT- no wonder bro held such a fatass grudge against Kuro. Centuries later they meet again and  Kuro really had the audacity to be like, "why u mad at me" as if he didnt kill Saint and told Lawless they shouldn't really exist 😭
Anyways, moving onto the actual Tsubaki and Lawless siblings headcanons-
Lawless desperately wanted a family and tried seeking that through his new found Servamp siblings, but sadly none of them really wanted it aside from Ildio and Freya. Love the headcanon that Freya canonically thinks of Lawless as her "dear brother"🥺
Tsubaki later down the road looks like he craved that too? In fact it looks like he went to every sibling and tried asking them who he was and none of them knew. But what Im curious is about is this
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Lawless already knew about Tsubaki? When we got Lily's POV, he stated that he was visited by Tsubaki, and Tsubaki started laughing because none of his siblings knew about him. Now Im curious, because if Lawless had met Tsubaki in the past, what was it like? Did he just know of Tsubaki from C3? Given the fact that Lawless has spied on them sometimes when he was bored, is that how he found it? But I have a weak heart, so lets make some headcanons on had they met earlier and actually became close.
In a perfect world, Id had pictured Lawless helped Tsubaki escape from C3 and they both became close since both craved familial love. Its been revealed that Tsubaki is trying to protect his little sister so for sure, bros in the same boat as Lawless trying to make found family
There was also an old book called, "The Hedgehog and the Fox" where a quote is stated, "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." Reference: https://www.jimcarrollsblog.com/blog/2018/5/23/are-you-a-hedgehog-or-a-fox#:~:text='The%20fox%20knows%20many%20things,various%20wiles%20of%20the%20fox.
I like to think this very similar to Lawless and Tsubaki. Tsubaki, is likely one of the strongest siblings and can clap cheeks instantly. He has many skills and is canonically the only one that can "kill" his siblings, but Lawless is older, so I believe the "the hedgehog knows one big thing" is really cute, but it feeds into the dynamic that, yes although Tsubaki is superior to Lawless in terms of power, he has a lot more to learn.
Considering Tsubaki was locked up in C3 for a while I would like to think Lawless took him out and immediately tried getting him situated in the modern era. Thats my perspective on "hedgehog knows one big thing" like imagine being locked up and experimented for ages, and finally being introduced the modern day, like when was the last time Tsubaki saw the sun 💀
I also headcanon Lawless is probably pretty well off considering hes greed and judging from the fact hes constantly wearing rings and bracelets like I doubt those are fake, and he literally shops at Shibuya. Lawless is canonically a bougie bitch 💀
Please give me cute shopping montage of Lawless dripping out Tsubaki in modern Japanese styled clothing LIKE I WANNA SEE HIM WEARING THIS
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Anyways thats all I have for now, but TLDR: I love servamp sibling interactions, strike please stop depriving us
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jolynesmom · 19 hours
I am sorry if I sound rude but it's tiring seeing the blogger repeating same thing again & again. Whenever we have some problem like if I say something to them " hey I tried everything to enter the void subliminals' - scripting - loa but I can't enter it " and their response be like " you're limiting beliefs- you are not persisting - you are not taking break - void is easy u just need to lay down affirmin - you don't need anything- u are using too much "
I know man those all things If I summon the void community they are facing the same problem but the thing is that we are not limiting beliefs neither we are overconsuming. We not keeping the void on PEDESTAL (what probably the other blog says) and also we are persisting through one method and afterwards being restless with those failure's we are also talking break .
Damm I hate it when someone post their succes story and when we ask what they did ' they be like I did nothing and oh my god I was floating when I close my damm eyes ' just say it dude " I used this this method or this resource"
P.s - none of this words are toward you . I really like your blog and they way u motivated people.
hii, thank you I’m glad you like my blog <3
I know where you’re coming from, I’ve experienced this exact same scenario before :((
I know you’re tired of hearing the same things over and over again, but the truth is that there isn’t really anything else to add. entering the void is easy and getting rid of limitations is also easy if you put in the work. also people won’t know what exactly you’re doing ‘wrong’ or what you need to do next because they can’t read your mind or completely understand what your thoughts process consists of
sometimes instead of asking strangers for help you should try to analyze the situation for yourself and try to find a solution, because strangers on the internet may not always be honest with you not to upset you, but you can be honest with yourself. that’s what I did to identify my shortcomings and fix them. so do shadowork and actually put in the effort rather than hoping for a miracle to happen. also meditate - it doesn’t have to be a specific meditation just choose something that relaxes you
the void state is = alternate state of consciousness + intention; you don’t need anything else
I was kinda facing the same thing where I was like ‘why am I not shifting/entering the void? I have a perfect mindset, I persist and don’t put anything on a pedestal’, but after some self reflection I realized I was a control freak and needed everything perfect and if it wasn’t I would just give up when I was close then I was wondering why nothing was working. I had to teach myself to RELAX and LET GO then I entered the void right away. when I would do intricate methods to a T I never got any results, all it took for me was to let go of this need of control. I was half asleep and told myself ‘man I kinda wanna get into the void’, went back to sleep and boom I woke up there
so yeah I suggest doing some self reflection. sending you love 🤍
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Hi, I am having some issues with my friends and I feel like I keep bothering them if I stay. I was wondering if you could write the reader distancing themselves from mitsuri and giyuu because they feel inadequate in the relationship and how they would comfort them when they found out.
you don't have to do this if you don't want to
# mitsuri kanroji & giyu tomioka
tags : gn!reader, comfort, i don’t state explicitly if r is dating them so it’s up to you, insecure mitsuri & insecure giyu, lemme know if i forgot to tag something pls + not proofread.
a/n : sorry for the delay !! i hope it helps <3
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she deserves being around someone better than.
that’s what you repeated to yourself more and more often. you found yourself feeling unfitting, not enough, inadequate. you had to distance yourself from her. so mitsuri would be able to see that she really was better off without having you around her.
what really happened is that she started overthinking everything. did she said something too pushy? did she make you feel uncomfortable? was she… rude?!
she started crying at the thought of treating you in such manner, feeling so bad. she even thought that you straight up hated her that much to the point of ignoring her and trying to avoid her in any kind of social situation.
but when she spoke with shinobu, who offered her point of view, she learned that she in fact didn’t do something to make you “run” away from her. you distanced yourself because of something else.
she needed to discover the truth.
now mitsuri didn’t need to wait for you to casually show up to some place to talk. she came right to your house, knocked on the door and wasn’t willing to give up anytime soon. she would burst the door open if needed.
she needed to see you. she needed to know.
“oh, kanroji-san,” what? she frowned but entered inside none the less. you let her, there was no point in stopping her after all. you went sitting down with her and tried to avoid her eyes as she studied your every movement.
“y/n-chan, i must confront you on this! it’s literally breaking my heart,” she whined and moved closer to you, gently taking your hands. you missed her gentle touch, you couldn’t lie about it. “w-what is it?” you knew damn well what she was talking about. of course she hated you.
“you distanced yourself, y/n-chan! i spent the whole week trying to find a reason for it, i thought that you did it because i was rude! i wasn’t rude, right?” she checked then, worried that she was mislead by shinobu. “you were never rude to me, kanroji-san,” you assured her, looking at her at last.
“then what happened?” she pleaded with her teary eyes, it was clear the situation was making her sad and she felt stressed about not knowing what was going on with you.
you took your time to explain yourself, it was hard opening up about your feelings but it was even harder seeing mitsuri so sad.
“but darling!” she hugged you suddenly, burying you in her chest. “how could you think such things?! you’re one of my favourite people, i love spending time with you and my heart beats so fast when we’re together…” she caressed your back as she comforted you.
“if you have a problem, something that’s bothering you, or maybe some kind of issue with me, i assure we can solve it together, y/n-chan. i’m here for you, i don’t wanna lose you,” she explained in a soft tone, trying to reassure you and reason with you. “are you sure you don’t feel like.. i’m bothering you or something?” you searched into her eyes the truth, even if you knew that mitsuri wasn’t capable of lying.
“this is total madness! i just told you, i won’t get tired of you,” she smiled widely, nodding. “and if you ever need time by yourself then i accept it… next time just tell me, please,” she frowned again before hugging you once more.
you did miss her a lot the past week. and seeing that mitsuri was ready to help and meet your needs filled your heart. she truly was one of the best people in your life.
now giyu usually had difficulty showing his emotions, it’s not something he does easily. and that probably affected your choice of distancing yourself from him.
that’s also why, tomioka couldn’t be too surprised. he felt bad, inadequate himself, because he knew that being around him was hard most of the time, so his inner self was probably counting down to the moment you would get tired and walk away from him.
on the other hand, you distanced yourself because you thought that you couldn’t be helpful in your relationship with giyu, that he deserved someone better than you, someone who could help him better.
if you think about it, that’s quite funny. because it took a lot for giyu to confront you. he would think “i know they’re doing better without me, i’m just a negative person they can get rid of.”
when you two met, after a long time spent away from each others, giyu discovered that he actually missed you so much that his eyes started filling with tears. he hid them amazingly though, so you didn’t even noticed he was that happy to see you again.
“tomioka-san, what can i do for you?”
tomioka-san? he told you to call him giyu since you were very close. what happened?
“can i talk to you?” he asked in his usual tone, as if talking with you or not didn’t make any difference. “sure, what is it?” you nodded, a bit nervous. he came to put a serious end to your relationship, you could feel it.
“we used to spend a lot of time together, you seemed happy to be around me even if i’m not the best of people to have around… i was wondering if i did something to upset you?” you were surprised, not because he shared his thoughts so easily, but because he wanted to know what was wrong.
you stared at him in silence for a long moment, giyu didn’t lost his composure not even for a moment. when you finally decided to open up about it, his expression showed surprise. he listened carefully and wanted to find a solution, because as i said… giyu loved having you around.
“i can give you space if you need it, i won’t push you to do anything. but i want you to know that i’m here for you and that i’m not here only to hear your silly stories and funny adventures. i want to be… helpful, be there for you if needed,” he even tried to smile at you, a genuine smile.
“oh, giyu-san…” you hugged him and waited for him to engulf you with his strong arms. “i’m so sorry for making you doubt yourself.”
yeah, you missed giyu too. as he said, he’s here for your ups and downs. giyu would always try his best to help you.
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reblogs & comments are super appreciated! thank you for taking your time reading it, i hope you enjoyed it. have a good day / night <3
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