#and not have to worry about disappointing readers by accidentally disappearing for months at a time
only-in-december · 1 year
Y'know, being in my brain 24/7 is a wild experience. Especially when it comes to fandom related stuff. Because like. On the one hand, I'm rewriting/editing all my Danny Phantom fics so I can reupload them, but better. On the other, I'm still working on my SG1 AU. But also, I want to keep writing the three different Star Trek fics that I have going right now. Plus, I'm reading LOTR and just really want to read that. And I also am starting to get back into Doctor Who again??? Because y'know. THe rest of that wasn't quite enough for me. I'm going to drive myself insane with all of this. I might as well fall back into the Les Mis fandom too! (I won't though. Don't worry.)
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𝑲𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉 𝒐𝒏 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅! 𝑭𝒆𝒎 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Just watched Baywatch again and OMG C.J. is SO PRETTY I got so inspired and remembered that Kagami surfs so here you go. This is set after the Vorpal Swords movie by the way. I was listening to "Accidentally In Love" by Counting Crows (Yes from the Shrek movie it slaps) because I just feel the vibe fits this idea so much <3 Or No Lie by Dua Lipa and Sean Paul works too <3
Pairing: Kagami Taiga x Fem Reader Warnings: Curse words Genre: Fluff. Might get suggestive idk.
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The beaches of California especially Los Angeles were always crowded. Whether that's on weekdays and most especially on weekends and holidays. The white sand beaches were always filled with portable lounge chairs, towels, umbrellas, and sunbathing people of all ages.
And most of all, It was Kagami's favourite place to be after coming back to America earlier that year. Whenever he wasn't at school or playing basketball, he would be surfing the waves at the local beach. No better way to spend your free time than going against big ass waves that could potentially swallow you whole and drag you down to the deepest depths of the ocean. If you had to ask him about his favourite beach? Definitely Malibu. Not only are the waves large enough that you can surf but also because you're there. The attractive and beautiful lifeguard. You were also a student, like him from what he's heard and you're only a part-timer there. But my oh my did he love seeing you.
He actually thought of pretending to drown but he knew that he wouldn't be able to convince you especially after you just saw how agile he is even in the water, even complimenting his surfing skills!
Kagami knew that if he wanted to take you out on a date, he would have to do it the classic way.
It was Saturday and he didn't have practice. He decided to catch a bus to go to the beach and catch some waves, trying to convince himself that it was just because he wants to surf even if he knows, deep down, that a huge factor of why he actually wanted to go is because he wanted to see you. He hopped off the bus and inhaled the scent of the seaside, the sounds of the waves and the chatter of the locals and tourists. He dropped off his bag somewhere he could see it and slipped his shirt off. The redhead looked around and to your usual post if you were there, but he couldn't see you anywhere. He sighed but decided to go on with his plans anyway.
“Hey, Cassanova~! Lookin’ for name?” f/bf teased as she passed by him, making the redhead roll his eyes.
f/bf had known about his (not so) little crush on you for AGES. She never failed to notice how Kagami’s gaze would linger a little longer on your figure or how he would instinctively search the beach for you and sigh in disappointment once he realizes you were not there. And she also never failed to tease him about it in your absence. 
“Get out of my hair.” He said, his face heating up as he grabbed his surfboard to go catch some waves.
It was f/bf’s turn to roll her eyes as she watched him jog over to the water. She was so so tired of playing middle-woman between the two of you. She’s been watching you two ogle at each other for MONTHS and you still haven’t gotten past the small, fleeting talks. 
Meanwhile, you were actually supposed to be on the beach. But traffic caught you on the way and thankfully, you didn’t have to worry about your superiors yelling at you because you had informed them ahead of time. Once you arrived, you jogged to the locker rooms and hurriedly changed into your swimsuit before sprinting to your post. 
“I���m so sorry I was late, Jeana!” You said to your coworker, with who you would exchange shifts. She smiled in understanding,
“It’s okay! No biggie~” She said before you watched her form disappear.
You took your place and monitored the beach. Your shift was gonna be a little longer today. It wasn’t too hot that you were sweating like a sinner in church but not too cold that your lips would turn blue. It was a bit windy though and the tides were a bit higher than usual but thankfully, most visitors were professional swimmers, athletes, and surfers. But it was still your job to make sure that they will only be leaving the beach with good and happy memories. You had to stand up a few times since there were still kids that underestimated the tide but thankfully, they were all fine. 
A few hours into your shift, your best friend’s voice was heard as she slid next to you, handing you your favourite snack and a cold drink. “Guess who I saw today~?”
You scoffed playfully, “That British Girl you’ve been flirting with since she arrived?”
F/bf gasped, hitting your arm, “Gosh no! I wish... But not the point! I saw Taiga today!” She said excitedly, knowing your not-so-secret crush on the basketball player.
Your figure visibly lightened up, eyes started to twinkle. This didn’t go unnoticed by the girl next to you as she smirked, “12 o’clock,” She said suddenly, catching your attention.
You became alert, thinking that your friend was pertaining to an emergency, a drowning person maybe as you stood up abruptly, grabbing your binoculars and trying to look in that direction.
“I didn’t know you were that eager to see him.” f/bf whispered next to you as you removed the binoculars and came face to face with Kagami’s figure rising from the waters, his surfboard held in one arm and pressed against his hips as water droplets ran on his body, just meters away from you.
“Oh,” You muttered absentmindedly. 
Your gaze lingered longer than it should as you watched him take a towel to dry himself with.
“You should probably go ask him out. Your shift’s ending in…right now actually. Ask him to go grab a bite to eat with you.” f/bf encouraged you.
You looked at her, then back to Kagami, then back to her again before you looked at the clock. She was right. Your shift’s over. You thanked her before you went and jogged towards the basketball player, feeling your heart hammer in your chest as you got closer to him.
His back was facing you so he didn’t see you coming, but he did sense a presence behind him. He turned to look at you, expecting your menace of a friend but his eyes met yours. You were smiling so sweetly at him, your hair already a little dry but still a little wet, clad in your lifeguard uniform.
“Hey,” You greeted him, grinning in his direction. 
You giggled at his awkwardness, finding it adorable. “So my shift’s over… And I was wondering if you wanted to get a bite to eat. My treat. Like…a date,” 
Kagami’s mouth hung open as his gaze flicked to your previous post, seeing your best friend holding a thumbs-up with a grin on her face. 
His lips curled upwards, face heating up as he nodded, “Sure yeah. I’d love that.” 
You perked up, smile widening as you said, “Great! I’ll just change out of my swimsuit and we can go.” Kagami nodded as he watched you skip over to the locker room, with your best friend high-fiving you on the way. He couldn’t help but feel giddy. He just couldn’t believe it! He was gonna go out with his crush, from the beach! He honestly thought you were out of his league. 
But now? Sitting across you at a local diner that serves THE BEST burgers in town? Maybe he did have a chance with you after all. You did ask him out. 
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𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
𝑲𝑵𝑩 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
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misscarolineshelby · 3 years
Roommates – Part Sixteen
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Fluff, Smut
Note: This plays in 2020. It’s all fiction and not based on Cillian’s real life and family.
A week had passed since you told Cillian that you loved him and, whilst you were strongly under the influence of pain medication, you remembered it.
You had, in fact, developed strong feelings for him and whilst the words left your lips accidentally when you were drowsy and half asleep, you were somewhat disappointed by the fact that he didn’t say anything.
Of course, he didn’t share the same feelings for you, you knew that much. You’ve been friends for so many years that you could hardly be surprised that he liked you as a friend and for sex, but nothing else. But, what you had expected was that he would say something, anything at all, even if it was simply confirming what you already knew.
You did tell your sister about it and, whilst you were surprised by the feelings you had so suddenly developed for your long-time friend, she wasn’t surprised at all.
She saw it coming as soon as she found out that you were sleeping with each other and she believed that you always had some sort of feelings for him.
In the same vein, she was sure that he felt the same about you and was probably reluctant to tell you and, with that in mind, you continued on as usual and acted as if nothing had happened.
You weren’t willing to give up your friendship and the amazing sex you have for maybes and thought that, if your sister was right, he would come around eventually, at least so you hoped.
Then, another week had passed and nothing had changed. At least so you thought.
Cillian asked you whether you wanted to travel to Cork with him to see his parents now that Ireland, once again, came out of lockdown and visits to family were permitted provided that you had a permit.
‘I don’t think I can Cillian. Only spouses’ you said, pointing to the pamphlet he had printed out from the Irish Covid Information website.
‘Well, we are living together, you can pretend to be my girlfriend if the police pulls us over’ he chuckled, before pleading with you.
‘You just want me to drive, don’t you’ you then said and he nodded. He hated driving long distances and it didn’t help that he had only gotten his drivers licence five years ago and failed his driving test three times when he moved back to Dublin.
‘I suppose it’s safer if I drive…so yes, I am coming’ you said somewhat amused.
‘Should I ask Ma to prepare two or one room for us?’ Cillian then asked and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
‘Your mother is strictly catholic and I suppose that the answer to your question depends on what you are willing to reveal to her about our little arrangement’ you joked and, of course, Cillian hadn’t even thought that far.
‘Two bedrooms’ he then confirmed before picking up the phone to let his mother know that you would be coming with him.
Three days later, you hit the road for the three-and-a-half-hour drive to Cork after you both had received a negative COVID test result which you took as a precaution.
As usual, Cillian’s mother was excited about the visit and you were excited too. You hadn’t seen her for about 18 months and the last time you saw her she had cooked you and your fiancé a lovely a meal.
Things were different then and you talked about your wedding and all the plans you were having in the future.
There was no pandemic to worry about and you weren’t aware of your fiancé’s indiscretions at the time while Cillian was still happily dating your somewhat crazy friend.
Now, your engagement had ended but your friendship with Cillian had evolved into something else entirely.
After a smooth three-and-a-half-hour drive, you pulled up in front of Cillian’s parents’ house.
They both greeted you with excitement and told you to come in quickly as it was raining.
Cillian’s father quickly carried your small suitcase to one of the guestrooms while Cillian placed his into the other. There wasn’t much space in the house and, whilst the house had four bedrooms, the corridors were rather narrow and the living area was small.
‘It’s so good to see you Y/N’ Cillian’s mum said before offering you a cup of tea which you gladly accepted.
‘The last time you visited Cork was under better circumstances, but I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless’ she then said and you thanked her for her hospitality.
You had always gotten along well with Cillian’s mother and Cillian was simply happy to see his parents again after such a long time, even if it meant that his siblings couldn’t visit them at the same time as him due to the visitation limits imposed.
As you were sitting on the sofa with Cillian’s mother you soon noticed that Cillian was gone and so did his mother.
‘He better not be stealing food’ she then huffed out sternly and, sure enough, Cillian had found the freshly baked scones in the kitchen and couldn’t resist.
‘But they are so good Ma’ you heard him argue as his mum told him to get out of the kitchen and leave the scones alone, which made you laugh.
‘He will never change’ you chuckled and his mother nodded in agreement.
‘No, he won’t’ she then said before informing you that she had made a roast for dinner.
After dinner and a few glasses of wine with Cillian’s parents, they headed to bed at around 8.30pm as usual, leaving you and Cillian to watch TV in the living room.
You were quick to spread your legs out over Cillian’s laps, getting yourself more comfortable but being vary that his parents might walk in on you.
But, Cillian seemed to think that, once they went to bed, they would pretty much go to sleep right away and proceeded to pull you onto his lap.
‘I missed this today’ he said before he caressed your face and kissed you gently.
‘Me too’ you then giggled before returning the kiss rather quickly.
‘Do you want to go to my bedroom or yours?’ he then winked and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
‘Your parents are in the house Cillian’ you then said and, just as you did, you heard some footsteps in the hallway behind you.
You quickly jumped off Cillian’s lap and sat on the lounge like a well-behaved schoolgirl as his mother walked by to get a glass of water while Cillian covered up his erection, poking against the denim of his jeans, with a cushion.
‘Night Ma’ he then said and she couldn’t help but laugh before saying ‘good night’ again.
‘I am not going to have sex at your parents house’ you then huffed out quietly when his mother had left.
‘Alright, let’s go for drive then’ he suggested.
‘A drive? And how will you explain this to your mother tomorrow?’ you laughed and Cillian suggested to tell her that you forgot some toiletries and he drove to the shop to get them.
‘Supermarket closes in 30 minutes, let’s go’ he said and you couldn’t really say no to him.
Ten minutes later you arrived at a secluded area near the beach and you could just tell that Cillian had been there before.
‘Is this where you used to take your girlfriends when you were at high school and snatched your parents’ combi even though you didn’t have a driver’s licence?’ you asked, having heard about these stories from his brother before.
‘Yeah, it’s a good spot, nice and quiet’ Cillian winked as he reclined his seat and you quickly stripped down to your bra and panties.
‘Oh my god Cillian I feel like an 18-year-old again, sneaking out of the house to make out’ you laughed and, just before you could protest, Cillian reached inside your panties and slowly stroked your mound.
‘Just that, this time, it will actually be worth your while’ Cillian smirked as he ran his forefinger between the crease of your pussy and noticed the moistness which had already built there.
‘Hmm yes, it will be Cillian’ you moaned as he was rubbing your clit with his left hand and with his right hand was caressing your breasts.
You were quick to release his hard cock from his jeans as well and began jerking him in time with his clitoral stimulation and the heat inside the car was palpable.
‘So naughty…what if we get caught?’ you huffed out, knowing that Cillian had a kink for semi-public sex.
‘It’s worth the risk’ he groaned and, before long, you were gazing up from the seat with that wanton look in your eyes, pulling Cillian closer and uttering cues while he fingered your pussy and mouthed your firm nipples with his welcoming mouth.
‘I need you inside me Cillian’ you moaned as you were welcoming two fingers into your waiting slit and could not be distracted, even by the crackling sounds outside and the sound of the radio.
‘Come on then’ Cillian groaned as you continued to stroke him and, just as he invited you to take what you needed so badly, you let go off his cock and climbed on top of him.
He pressed the head of his cock against your awaiting pussy and you slowly sank down on him.
‘Oh god yes fuck’ you moaned as his cock disappeared into your tight vagina, expanding your love tunnel while he met your lips with his. Your mouths parted and your tongues communicated the instant of union as Cillian’s cock drove slowly into your warm pussy. You were lost in their unity while your reality transformed around them.
‘You feel so fucking good’ Cillian groaned as you were moving in perfect motion with Cillian’s penetration and your thighs were even perforated with the moisture that was coming out of your pussy.
Your rocking continued and you were now joining orally with diatribes as Cillian’s cock bottomed out again and again inside you. ‘Fuck’ you uttered as his big balls pressed against your bottom.
Your warm tunnel was wide for his cock and your eyes were fixed on the mechanistic ramming of Cillian’s body in its hedonistic role.
‘I am cumming…fuck’ you moaned with the ever fastening in and out rhythms that Cillian was delivering to your womanhood. Cillian too was groaning and you put a hand underneath his balls while he pounded you and the car shook.
With your screams and loss of control inside erotic orgasm, Cillian too lost control and filled your cavity with his warm seed.
‘Fuck, Y/N, I love…’ Cillian began to say but, just as he did, there was a nock on the window of the car on the driver’s side next to Cillian, interrupting what he was about to say.
‘Please lower your window…’ a man said from outside and you could see some flashing lights behind where the car was parked.
 Tag List:
@lilymurphy03 @deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-your-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985@peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15 @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r @tellingyouastory @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @namelesslosers​ @littlewhiterose​ @ttzamara​ @ttzamara @cilleveryone ​
@peaky-cillian @queenyshelby ​
@severewobblerlightdragon​ @ysmmsy​ @midnightmystic
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sunshineandaisies · 3 years
Dirty Paws & Wet Kisses
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Modern AU)
Words: ~3.7k
Warnings: language, floofs and fluff
Note: if you ever read anything written by me that includes dogs, their names will always be kinda extra or related to historical figures (i.e. my dog is actually named Theodore Roosevelt) and I will try my best to make their names increasingly extra with every fic that involves dogs
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You’d argue that your four year old sheperd mix was the most well behaved dog in all of New York until your dying breath.
Most days.
During your weekly trips to the park on Sunday afternoons, she would sit at your feet, lounging in the sun as she watched joggers go by and playfully saying hello to anyone - be they human or dog - that stopped by to pet the pretty pup while you read whatever book you’d picked up from the bookstore earlier that week.
Sure, there were a few times that she would whine and stare down any squirrel that strayed too close to her, but she never left your side.
Maybe that’s why you had grown so complacent, why you’d stopped looping her leash around the bench to secure her to your side and simply kept the leash within your reach beside you on the seat of the bench.
And it was because of that complacency that you were sprinting across the park, chasing your naughty dog and drawing judgemental stares from other park-goers.
“Hazel!” you called after her. “Hazel, I swear to god I’m taking all your toys away when we get home!” Right after you took a nice long bath to soothe your aching muscles. When was the last time you’d run this much?
You lost sight of her when she disappeared around a hedge, and the internal panic that set in was almost worse than the time that you accidentally emailed your creative writing professor the Harry Potter fanfiction you’d written instead of your final paper. (You still got an A on the assignment, but that’s besides the point).
You see her as soon as you round the corner, happily licking at a stranger’s face as she sat between his legs, and-
Holy shit, your dog led you to the most attractive man you’ve ever seen.
The stranger took note of you before you had a chance to say anything, and he raised his brow at you while angling his face away from Hazel’s kisses. “Does this belong to you?” he asked, pinching the tags on Hazel’s collar between his thumb and two fingers. “Hazelnut Mocha.” He snorted. “Is that your dog’s name or your Starbucks order?”
You weren’t sure if it was the amused smile that curled his lips or the quirk of his brow, but his teasing made you feel personally attacked. You crossed your arms across your chest. “Maybe it’s both.”
He shrugged, scratching the spot behind Hazel’s ear. “I suppose that’s one way to never forget your dog’s name or your coffee order.”
You hummed noncommittally before approaching and tugging Hazel away from the handsome stranger. It took considerably more effort than you had thought it would. “I’m really sorry about her,” you apologized. “She’s never like this. I don’t really know what happened.”
He brushed your apology off with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. If a cute girl wants to give me kisses, I certainly won’t complain.” He winked at you, and you wanted to just melt on the spot.
“Well, uh, I should, um-” You cleared your throat, stepping away and dragging a disappointed Hazel along with you. “Again, I’m really sorry. Even if you didn’t mind.”
You turned and hurried away before his smile made your mind any more frazzled.
Two weeks passed before you decided to show your face at the park again, and this time, you were sure to secure Hazel’s leash to your bench, ensuring that there would be no chases across the park and embarrassing encounters with handsome strangers.
The pup resigned herself to her fate and laid at your feet in the grass, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and her golden eyes shining in the sunlight. She greeted the other dogs that passed, and you thought nothing of it until you heard someone call her name.
Well, shit. You knew that voice. That voice had haunted your dreams for three nights straight after the incident two weeks ago.
“How have you been, pretty girl?” he asked, and you hesitantly lifted your gaze from your book to see him knelt in front of you, patting Hazel’s head as she yipped happily and dragged her tongue over his face in sloppy kisses.
Despite your proclivity to stare at handsome men that showered your dog with attention, your eyes were dragged away from the pair when a wet nose nudged your leg. “Well hello there,” you greeted the brown and white dog that sought your attention. You quickly marked your page and returned your book to your bag before petting your newest furry companion. “What’s your name, handsome?”
“Bucky,” the stranger answered.
You glanced up at him briefly before turning your attention back to the brown and white dog. “Aren’t you a handsome boy, Bucky. Yes, you’re so handsome,” you cooed. The stranger chuckled, and you glanced up expecting to see Hazel mauling him with more sloppy kisses, but instead, he was staring at you, amusement dancing in his blue eyes. “What?”
“I’m Bucky,” he clarified before nodding towards the dog. “That’s Dodger.”
“And you just assumed that I was talking about you when I called him handsome?”
And in complete contrast to how he had acted in your previous interaction, he actually looked embarrassed, nervously scratching the back of his neck while fending off even more kisses from Hazel. “I seem like a complete asshole, don’t I?” he asked sheepishly.
You laughed. “Well, I mean… Don’t let this go to your head or anything, but I suppose you are kind of handsome, too. You know, in a handsome stranger kind of way.” You felt your cheeks flood with warmth, and you averted your gaze, hoping he didn’t see just how flustered you were after your admission. You tried to breeze past it altogether by giving all of your attention to Dodger once again, petting him and praising him for being such a sweet boy.
After a moment of you and Bucky speaking only to each other’s dogs, you cleared your throat and commented, “I didn’t realize you had a dog. Was he at the park with you the day that Hazel practically assaulted you?”
“He’s not my dog.”
You blinked. “Oh. Is he your girlfriend’s dog?”
And just like that, all hints of embarrassment disappeared from his face. He quirked a brow and smirked at you. “My girlfriend?”
“Or boyfriend,” you added hastily.
He snorted and shook his head. “It depends on who you ask.”
You cocked your head to the side, and the action conjured up an image of Hazel doing the same whenever you would try to hold an actual conversation with her. “Uh, what?”
His gaze flitted to the ground as he smiled an amused little smile that had you biting your lip and shamelessly staring at the man. “It’s a bit of a joke among my friends,” he began. “Dodger is my buddy Steve’s dog. Some of our friends like to make it seem like we’re dating, but we definitely aren’t. We just know each other way too well.” His smile widened when he looked back up at you. “So to answer the question that you indirectly asked-”
You furrowed your brows in confusion. “What?”
“-I’m single, sweetheart.”
You gaped at him, trying to form an appropriate response. This man was frustrating - frustratingly handsome, frustratingly smug, frustratingly able to read you like a goddamn open book. How dare he correctly assume you were trying to figure out if he was single or not?
The sound of a phone ringing interrupted your thought process, and Bucky gave you an apologetic look after glancing down at his phone. “I gotta take this,” he told you. You heard him greet the other person on the other end of the call before calling for Dodger. As he turned to go, he paused for a moment, pressed the phone against the front of his shirt to muffle the receiver, and called over his shoulder. “See you around, Hazel and Hazel’s mom.”
Right. You never gave him your name.
You were cursing yourself for nearly a month for not getting his phone number before he disappeared, and you’d be lying if you didn’t admit that you had a smidge of hope that you’d run into him at the park again... But alas, no luck.
You were starting to think that you’d never see your handsome park stranger - although, he wasn’t really a stranger anymore, was he? - but exactly 37 days after your last encounter with Bucky (aka handsome park stranger), Hazel brought you back together in the most heart attack inducing way she could manage.
You’d been sitting on the patio of your favorite little cafe, catching up with Carol and Val over coffee and fluffy pastries, and Hazel had been behaving herself aside from the occasionally whining and begging when any of you would touch your food.
She was behaving until she wasn’t.
You still don’t really know what set her off, but one moment she was sitting prettily and staring up at you with her golden eyes and the next she was breaking free from her leash and sprinting down the street and out of your sight.
You posted on social media asking everyone to be on the lookout for your Hazel and called your friends to help you search for her. You spent hours walking up and down the city streets and through the park that you frequented with Hazel. You called all of the shelters and animal control to see if anyone had brought Hazel to them instead of calling you. You talked to anyone and everyone that you passed on the street, asking if they’d seen your girl.
You tried so much to get your girl back, but nothing panned out.
You were in tears and your feet were sore from walking all over the goddamn city by the time you and the others returned to your apartment, resigned to wait for someone to contact you. Just as you were about to say goodnight to everyone and turn in for the night (read: cry yourself to sleep), your phone rang, and an unfamiliar number flashed across the screen. You shushed your friends and answered the phone.
Please be someone who found Hazel. Please be someone who found Hazel. Please be someone who found Hazel.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Your heart leapt into your throat at the sound of his voice, and for a moment you forgot that you had just been on the verge of a panic attack. “Take a deep breath for me, okay. I can practically feel you panicking through the phone. I have Hazel. She’s okay.”
“Thank you,” you breathed, nodding at your friends in response to their questioning looks. “Thank you so much, Bucky. Is she okay? Where did you find her? Should I meet you somewhere?”
He chuckled. “She’s fine. A little dirty, but she’s fine. As for where I found here...Well, I think your dog has a little crush on me, sweetheart.”
You grabbed your jacket from the coat rack and slipped it on before grabbing your keys. “What does that mean?”
“I came home and found her wandering around the courtyard at my apartment.” He sounded far too amused with the situation, and you definitely weren’t feeling up to dealing with his smug attitude. “She certainly made herself at home here. I may need to fight for shared custody after this.”
You rolled your eyes. “Just tell me where I should meet you.”
“I’ll send you my address.”
And just as he had told you, as soon as you ended the call, he shared his location with you. You swiftly assured Carol and Val that Hazel was okay, and you asked them to lock up when they left before beginning your walk to Bucky’s apartment.
Ten minutes later, you were sat on the floor of his living room, holding Hazel close to you and alternating between scolding her and telling her how much you love her as you tried to hold your tears at bay. Bucky sat on the couch, arms rested on his knees as he watched the teary-eyed reunion with a small smile curling his lips.
“You know, sweetheart,” he spoke up, drawing your attention away from Hazel, and you finally noticed the muddy paw prints on the front of his white tee. “I’m not much of a dog-person but-”
You gasped, covering Hazel’s floppy ears. “How dare you say such nonsense in front of Hazel!” You pressed a kiss between her eyes, whispering, “It’s okay, girl. Bucky didn’t mean it.”
“I did,” he countered, chuckling when you glared at him. “I’m more of a cat-person, but I suppose I can make an exception for Hazel. After all, she seems pretty attached to me. Not that I can blame her.”
You snorted and rolled your eyes. “She has awful taste in men,” you teased.
“I don’t know,” he argued. “People say that dogs are impeccable judges of character.”
You stood, dusting your jeans off and turned to face Bucky. “Thank you,” you told him, the sincerity clear in your voice. “I don’t know what I would have done if I couldn’t find her. I- I seriously owe you. Whatever you want, just name it.”
His blue eyes twinkled with mischief, and you immediately regretted your offer. “What about shared custody of Hazel?”
“Whatever you want that’s not that, just name it,” you amended.
“What about a date?” he asked instead.
Your eyes widened in surprise and you gaped like a fish, mouth opening and closing, opening and closing, over and over again as you tried to form a response. You certainly hadn’t been expecting that. He watched you with curious eyes, waiting patiently for your answer. Finally, the gears in your brain began to turn again and you answered, “As flattered as I am, I’m not really looking to date right now.”
Disappointment flashed across his features, but he smiled and all trace of disappointment was gone in an instant. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. You don’t owe me anything for being a decent person and making sure Hazel got back to you.”
You smiled softly at him, your fingers carding through Hazel’s fur. “Thank you, Bucky. Really.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”
After that night - and after you and Bucky officially had each other’s numbers - you and he would text throughout the week, and you often sent him pictures of Hazel being increasingly goofy as the days wore on. You’d even invited him to the park one Sunday to see Hazel again, but he’d quickly turned you down, asking for a rain check.
He had a date, after all.
So instead, you took Hazel to the park and sent him pictures of the pretty pup lounging in the sunshine, greeting other dogs that passed by, and even licking the camera lens on your phone when she finally noticed you holding your phone out towards her to get the perfect angle. A smile never failed to appear on your face every time he sent a heart eyes meme in response.
Despite the near constant texting, you didn’t see Bucky again for over three weeks, and you’d only seen him because you had run into his friend Steve at the dog park.
It took a moment for you to realize that the brown and white dog that Hazel had instantly greeted once she’d been released from her leash was Dodger, but as soon as the realization sunk in, you looked around for Bucky.
There weren’t many people present, but you couldn’t find Bucky among the dog parents that lingered around the edges of the dog park.
You crouched down to greet Dodger, scratching him behind the ears and happily accepting his greeting kisses. “Hello, handsome. Is your uncle Bucky here?”
You turned your head in the direction of the voice, and you furrowed your brows when you saw a tall blond man that you didn’t recognize. Holy shit, was Hazel a handsome stranger magnet? “Do I know you?” you asked, doing your absolute best to keep your voice steady.
“Right, sorry,” he laughed. “I’m Steve. Bucky’s mentioned you a few times.”
You put two and two together quickly. “You’re Dodger’s dad!”
You spent the better part of the next hour chatting with Steve as Dodger and Hazel chased one another around the enclosed area, and you sent a picture of you and Steve to Bucky, happily claiming that Steve was telling you all of Bucky’s most embarrassing stories. (Bucky had sent a text to Steve within seconds of reading your text, but Steve refused to tell you what Bucky had said all while laughing so hard he nearly cried).
By the time Hazel and Dodger were laying at yours and Steve’s feet, panting and entirely worn out from an afternoon of playing, you were ready to say your goodbyes, but Steve quickly caught your attention before you could go.
“I’m meeting Bucky and a few other friends at the bar in about an hour. Would you be interested in getting a drink?” he asked, smiling so widely at you that you just couldn’t say no.
And that was how, after dropping Hazel off at home and making sure she was fed and had a full bowl of water, you found yourself at a sports bar, slinking through the Friday night crowd towards a table in the back.
You spotted Bucky immediately, and you smiled widely when his eyes widened and he choked on his beer before promptly standing to greet you. “What are you doing here, sweetheart?”
“Sweetheart?” you heard one of the men you didn’t recognize ask the others.
“Y/N,” Steve explained, and as if that was all they needed to know, the other two nodded. Steve smiled up at you, greeting, “Glad you found the place okay.”
Bucky quickly ushered you into the booth, sticking you between him and the only other woman present. As he introduced you to the others - Clint, Sam, and Nat - his arm snaked around your shoulders casually.
“So you’re the famous Y/N,” Sam asked, a teasing smile on his face as his gaze flitted from you to Bucky, and Bucky groaned in response.
You chuckled. “I wouldn’t necessarily say ‘famous’.”
“Oh, trust me,” Sam said, “as much as this guy talks about you, I’d say you’re pretty damn famous in our circle.”
You glanced at Bucky, biting your lip in a futile attempt to hide your amused smile. “Is that right?”
He huffed. “Hazel’s the real famous one, sweetheart.”
“Liar,” Nat accused. She turned to you, one perfectly shaped brow raising. “For weeks, it was Hazel’s mom this and Hazel’s mom that, and after that it was Y/N sent me this picture and Y/N told me this joke. I feel like I already know you, and I just met you.”
“So how’s Hazel?” Bucky asked in a clear attempt to change the topic. “Did she have a fun day with Dodger?”
You spent your evening getting to know Bucky’s friends better, sharing stories about Hazel, and listening intently anytime one of them told you a story about Bucky that had your sides aching from laughter. At the end of the evening, you had four new contacts in your phone and plans to meet up with Nat for lunch the following week.
“Need me to walk you home, sweetheart?” Bucky asked when you walked out together, but you shook your head.
“Nah.” You held up your phone, showing him the screen. “I got an Uber.”
He shoved his hands in his pockets, nodding. “Okay. Text me when you get home?”
“Of course.” A red Toyota Camry pulled up to the curb, and after confirming it was the car that was supposed to pick you up, you stepped towards it. Ever the gentleman, Bucky opened the door for you, and you slid into the backseat. “Good night, Bucky.”
It was while you laid in bed that night, unable to sleep while Hazel snored beside you, that you realized that the handsome park stranger - the one that was more of a cat-person but would make an exception for Hazel; the one that was dating Steve depending on who you asked; the one that was constantly talking about you to his friends so much that they felt like they already knew you - had wormed his way into your heart.
Did that make Hazel your wing-woman? She certainly did have a proclivity for bringing you and Bucky together, even in indirect ways.
He was on your mind all night and throughout the following day, and by the time your customary trip to the park rolled around on Sunday afternoon, you were buzzing with anticipation. Would he be there again? Would Hazel inexplicably get loose from her leash and lead you straight to the man that had you feeling like a teenager with a crush again?
As romantic as it might have been, you didn’t want to leave those answers up to fate. Instead, you sent him a text not long after you woke up, letting him know where he could find you if he wanted to see Hazel that afternoon.
Unsurprisingly, it was Hazel that saw Bucky first that afternoon when he arrived at the park, and unsurprisingly, she tore her leash from your grip and sprinted towards him, nearly tackling him as he crouched closer to the ground to greet her.
Surprisingly, you were actually jealous of your dog as you watched her give him sloppy, wet kisses.
“What’s that look for, sweetheart?” Bucky asked, angling his face away from Hazel. “Everything okay?”
“Quick question,” you told him. “Is that date still on the table?”
He grinned at you with that smug grin that you had scoffed at the day you first met, that same smug grin that made your heart flutter in your chest and made your breath catch in your throat and made you want to press kisses to his face and-
“I was wondering when you’d take me up on the offer, sweetheart.”
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dorimena · 3 years
Hello hello! Your blog is beautifully constructed. I hope there will be more dom reader blogs like yours in the future. If you aren’t busy could I please have g/n reader brat taming Bakugou or Shinsou? I’ll leave it up to you to decide. Remember to drink water!
Hello! Thank you! (´ ω `♡) I chose Bakugou, but I might do something similar for Shinsou later on huhu~ And thanks for the reminder! I hope you’re hydrated as well! ╰(*´︶`*)╯
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯; bakugou katsuki
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 1.5k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; gender neutral reader, impact play (not too hard though), brat taming, crying, mentioned overstimulation, implied edge play, paddle, dom!reader, sub!character
𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰; sex toy (cock ring), lowkey headcanon Bakugou being into impact play, some aftercare before round 2, mentioned safe word (cues like the traffic light colors), aged-up character, Bakugou is 18+
𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢; I hope you enjoy it notwhatiseem. I might’ve had to do some investigation, as I was unsure if my plan on how the story was going was a correct, or as correct, portrayal. Maybe in the near future Mr. Paddle will make a comeback-
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𝕸𝖗. 𝕻𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊
“Baby boy! What has gotten into you today?”
You scold Bakugou as he glares at you from the couch, arms crossed and body relaxed on the cushions as he tries not to show how his anger is making his body tremble.
Unlike you, because you’re quivering in anger, in utter disappointment with the stunt he decided to pull during the Bakusquad’s monthly game night.
It was a fun time, a casual time and place where everyone could leave behind their prohero responsibilities before somehow being dragged away to missions, patrols, paperwork, all the glorious hero work.
But Bakugou decided that this very night, in the very moment Kaminari ‘accidentally’ placed his hand on your thigh, that he’ll be a brat. A jealous brat, which is worse than his usual bratty behavior.
But he isn’t usually a brat? It’s confusing and a whiplash for you, not really expecting to punish him after months of him being so obedient, so nice, so docile with you and everything you wanted or needed.
“Answer me, Bakugou.”
Okay, that made him furrow his eyebrows in worry, wondering if he’s crossing a line, but that already happened the moment he began sassing back at you and insulting you. Not even playful banter, it was just outright rude and degrading.
He went against opening his mouth or talking in general, just huffing as he slouched a bit more into the couch, as if he wants the cushions to swallow him in or maybe he’s trying to keep riling up your mood.
“Sit up correctly.” You snapped, halting your pacing as you standing in front of him, hands on your hips as you take in his sitting position. He’s barely such a slouch; he’s taking this too far.
Or maybe you got too used to him being such a sweet baby boy that you forgot just how impatient you can sometimes get.
This is one of those times.
“You’re not gonna talk?”
He shakes his head. Well, at least he answered, but his posture remains the same.
Sighing, you leave the living room and head to the bedroom, rummaging through your closet to find- aha!
Bakugou, in the meantime, is trying not to let his nerves get to him, not wanting clammy palms and possibly causing more harm with his reactions. All he can hear is stuff being moved around in your shared bedroom and then hearing a small shout of victory.
But for what- wait, why the fuck did you take that out?!
“Alright, baby boy. I hope you remember Mr.Paddle. He will aid me in your punishment.”
No, no! Anything but the paddle! You’ve never used it, at all. Even if there were some close calls, you still never had it anywhere near his skin, or him. It was a gag gift you gave him out of the blue.
“No!” Bakugou yelled, getting on his feet as his arms fell on either side of him, eyes wide in shock and slight fear. How hard could you go with that? How bad will it hurt?
But your amused chuckle seems to make him even more confused. Aren’t you angry at him?
“So you speak when threatened, but not when spoken to nicely? I told you to sit correctly-”
“I will!”
“Baby boy.” Oh he’s done it. He interrupted you just as he was kind of redeeming himself.
Well, shit.
“I’m s-sorry…” He trailed off, slowly sitting down on the couch as he never loses eye contact with you, waiting to see if you’ll finally use the paddle or you’ll continue trying to talk things out.
But you made a good point: why does he only speak up when threatened with punishment instead of avoiding all of this anger?
“Baby boy. Today you’ve gotten bold with your actions and your words. But you’ve been terribly rude with Kaminari! Isn’t he your friend? What did he do wrong?”
You do know, but you wanted to hear it from him.
But Bakugou kept his silence, fidgeting on the seat as he battled his inner, mini Bakugous about the pros and cons of speaking up and answering.
The main pro is that he’ll be given attention.
The main con is that that attention will be given with the paddle.
Well, his pride be damned.
“He was touching you! I hate it when other people do!” He spoke out, voice raising in volume just a bit at the end, but he shyly whispered, “you of all people know how jealous I can get.”
“Oh~ so baby boy was jealous?”
He groaned, covering his face with his hands before taking them away in a flash, grimacing at how sweaty they are and how sweet it smells.
“Don’t make me repeat myself, goddamn it.”
He grumbled, pouting as he looked at you again, slowly averting his gaze to the paddle as it just stared back at him.
Why does he feel like even if he spoke, he’s going to get that touching him?
He was right after some time, his body moving forward with every hit you landed on his ass with the paddle, a cry of the number he’s on leaving his mouth as more drool lands on the bed, more tears wetting the sheets, more precum falling in stringy drips on the sheets.
He can’t even come to care about the rapidly dirty sheets, or even come to think about anything really. Not with how every smack he receives, the hornier he keeps getting. The tighter his hands grip the bed sheets, and if he were at least conscious with his actions, he would’ve heard fabric tearing up and smell a bit of burning.
Is he into this? Has he always been into this? Well, yes. But he didn’t think taking the paddle instead of your hand would be so much better.
God, please-
“H-harder! Please! H-hardeeeeer- ugh fuuuuuuuck.”
You snicker before rearing back into a serious expression.
“Excuse me? You’re not allowed to speak, baby. Keep counting.”
Bakugou groans before it ends in a sob, a weak ‘68’ coming out as you land the last spank on his bruising ass and a small ‘69’ squeaks out of his throat as he falls forward, face resting on a nearby pillow. And if you somehow catch his hips gyrate slowly against the bed and small, hoarse whines leave his body, you decide to ignore and let him come down from the high the way he usually does.
You’re quite surprised at how he hadn’t used his safe word, or any safe cues, within the spankings, and actually asked for you to go harder. But his bruises are enough to make you feel kind of bad, just a bit.
“You know,” you speak, throwing the paddle on the floor before rounding the bed, squatting to look at his tear stricken, blush decorated, sweat sticky face, “I knew you were a slut for impact play, but I didn’t think it’d be this much.”
Bakugou just mewls weakly, voice lost in his trance as he tried recollecting any thoughts of his, especially the coherent ones so he could speak. Even if they’re just curse words.
“Sh-shitty y-y/n…” He blinks a couple of times, trying to unblur his eyes with the tears that seem to stubbornly stay on his lash line.
“Th-think tha-at be ‘nough? Hah… y-yer cute.”
Blinking yourself, you stare as you shake your head. So he wants to act difficult today, huh?
“Oh baby, baby, baby. All you had to do was ask nicely instead of being mean to your friends. You know I would do anything to keep you happy, to please you.”
You reach to pet him, scratching his scalp as soothing as possible, watching as his eyes slowly come back to being sharp, the fuzz lingering leaving as his mouth twitches into a smile, a relaxed, serene smile as his once tense body slowly melts into the bed, the small shudders from the intensity of the situation for his body slowly disappearing as he lets out something close to a purr.
How cute, he thinks he’s off the hook.
“Since baby boy isn’t satisfied with what I gave him, guess I’ll just have to fuck the brattiness and attitude out of you, hm?”
You slowly lift your hand, standing up as you go back to the closet, leaving him with enough time to gather his thoughts back together and come to realize how you’ve tricked him, how you’re not even done yet, how he’s still gonna get punished.
But, he loves overstimulation? How is that punishing?
“Oh! Forgot to mention: you’ll be wearing this until I feel like taking it off, okay?”
And in his line of vision is his cock ring, the horrible toy that vibrates in teasing tempos and makes him pathetically cum, humiliating him. God he hates that fucking thing.
He growls lowly, as if he’d have a threat ready between his teeth, but then you flipped him over gently, the coolness of the sheets soothing his ass as you flick one of his nipples.
He whimpers, puffing his chest out more for you to keep playing with.
“What’s your color right now, Katsuki?”
“Green m-master.”
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fanficsandthings · 3 years
Through the Years, Ch. 7
A George Weasley Fanfiction
A George Weasley x Slytherin reader story.
Each chapter shares events in one year of George and reader’s life together.
Word Count: 6.1k
Author’s note: i know i’m like 3 months late on posting this chapter, but i promise i haven't abandoned this fic. 
Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 
Year 6, Part 2:  Fireworks
 The heavy rain soaked through your clothes as you made your way into King’s Cross. It had been raining hard since early that morning, and the heavy gloom that hung over London was starting to take hold in your chest. The events of two weeks prior were impossible to purge from your mind, and on days like this the memories slowly crept their way forward. You swore that green skull could illuminate the sky again at any moment, so instead, you forced yourself to think about other things. 
You uncle and dad had been talking for weeks about an event happening at Hogwarts this year, but they wouldn’t give anything away. All you knew was that you needed a fancy dress, which you bought a week ago at a second hand store. It now sat in the bottom of your trunk, its intended use unknown to you for now. 
You no longer needed the motivation to run through the brick wall that separated platforms 9 and 10, like you did in your first year. You and your father casually waited by the wall, wringing the water from your clothes, as you watched the muggles pass by. When all was clear, you casually leaned against it, disappearing suddenly to anyone who might’ve cared to notice. 
The steam from the scarlet coloured engine filled the platform, the people rushing about looking more like ghosts than corporeal beings. You searched briefly for a family of redheads, but quickly gave up and turned your attention to the items you had brought with you. 
You checked quickly on Minnie, whose carrier was concealed under your rain jacket on top of your trunk. She was dry, just a little perturbed at all the movement happening on the trip here. 
“You packed the camcorder, right?” your father asked. “And the extra tapes?”
“Yes,” you told him, “they were the first things I packed.” 
“And you’re sure you know how to use it?”
“Yes, I’m pretty sure we went over it about 100 times.”
“I just don’t want you to get there and then not be able to capture anything,” he said, looking around at the people on the platform. He lowered his voice a bit to speak the next part. “It’s going to be a very fun year. I don’t want you to forget any of it.”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Will you please stop being so secretive, and tell me what’s going on?”
“I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough,” he told you. 
You were about to protest and beg for more information when three more people came through the platform portal. Ron, Hermione, and Harry appeared before you, squinting through the steam. 
“Oh, look!” your dad cut you off, ignoring the annoyed look on your face. “Friends! Now, go get on the train with them. I might see you sooner than you think.”  
You said a very quick goodbye before turning to the three newcomers. They were still looking through the steam, trying to orientate themselves before heading to the train. You snuck up as quietly as your trunk would allow, thankful that the train engine was letting off some noise. 
“What’re you looking for?” you shouted, right in between Ron and Harry’s heads. It caused all three of them to jump; the owls in the cages they were holding hooted frantically as they got tossed around. 
“Please don’t do that,” Hermione voiced as she clutched her chest. 
“Sorry,” you said, smiling, “I couldn’t resist.” You turned your head to look at the brick wall briefly. “Where is..”
“Your boyfriend?” Ron butt in. He turned to Harry and made a fake gagging noise. Harry let out a laugh, amused at his friend’s actions. 
“Right behind you,” a familiar voice said. You turned to see Charlie, Fred, and George. George was smiling brightly at you. “We just passed your dad on the other side of the barrier.” 
“Charlie!” you exclaimed, giving him a quick hug. “I expected you to be back in Romania by now.”
“Do we even exist?” George whispered to Fred. 
“Apparently not when Charlie’s around,” Fred answered. 
You rolled your eyes as you turned to the twins. “I’m gonna see you two constantly for the next 10 months. I rarely see Charlie.” 
“I took extended time off,” Charlie said, answering your question, “because I’ll be working a little extra in a couple of months.” 
Ginny, Bill, and Mrs. Wealsey made their way through the wall behind the twins. 
“Hello,” Mrs. Weasley greeted upon seeing you. 
“Molly, it’s so good to see you. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to see you at the Quidditch Cup,” you told her, giving her a hug. 
“Quidditch isn’t really my thing, dear,” she informed you. “But I might get to see you all again soon.”
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” you asked. 
“It’s nothing,” she said, pushing you back towards Fred and George. 
“We should get going,” you said to the twins. “We need to find Lee and seats” 
The twins said goodbye to their family, and you all headed off through the steam towards the train. You found Lee, who had already boarded and was saving a compartment for the three of you. You stuffed your trunks above the seats and put Millie’s carrier in the seat next to the door. 
It was a weird feeling, purposefully sitting so close to George on the train; him next to the window and your head leaning on his shoulder so you could watch the countryside pass by. Really, it’s not like much had changed from being just friends to dating. You had always sat close to each other before, even holding hands when the situation allowed for it. Something seemed to change over the last couple months, though, and now you felt more comfortable than ever resting your head against George. 
Maybe it was the fact that you could hold hands now without people whispering in the background and speculating about you. Or the fact that you could run your hands through his hair, which he had let grow a little longer over the summer, and not be worried about accidentally looking into his brown eyes and having to hide your embarrassment over the matter. You could freely count the freckles splattered across his face and name the constellations you made in them. Freckles that would always remind you of the falling snow on the night you first kissed. 
At some point, you let Minnie out of her carrier, letting her roam freely around the compartment, careful to make sure the door was securely closed. She eventually found a comfy stop on the seat between Fred and Lee. You watched as she curled up into a ball, her tail carefully covering her eyes, as if to block out any light. 
As the train rolled on and the rain outside got heavier, the windows fogged up, making it impossible to see outside. You turned your full attention to the conversation happening. Lee was talking about what he did over break, and brought up the Quidditch World Cup. 
Your eyes moved briefly to the window, thinking you might see the bright green light shining through the rain. George saw your movement and squeezed your hand in reassurance, a small smile on his face. You smiled back at him, telling him that you’d be alright. 
Lee mentioned that his father had been cheated out of money over a bet he made with Ludo Bagman at the Cup. 
“That dirty little cheat!” Fred yelled at the mention of Bagman’s name, causing Minnie to startle beside him. 
“He took our money, too,” George added on. “He paid us back in leprechaun gold.” 
“That’s exactly what he did to my dad,” Lee said. 
“You bet all the money you had saved, didn’t you?” you asked Fred and George. 
“Yeah,” Fred sighed. 
“We’ll have to find another way to open the shop now,” George said. 
“I still have some money saved up,” you told them. “About 20 Galleons when converted from muggle money. It’s not much but maybe we could find something to invest it in.”
“We couldn’t ask you to give us your money,” Fred said. 
“Yeah, I’m sure there’s other things you could use that money for, right? ” George inquired. 
“Not really,” you told them. “I’ve always planned to help you with Weasley Wizard Wheezes one way or another. Whether that be through money or inventing inventory.” 
“Oh,” George said rather quietly beside you. “Thank you.” 
You leaned up and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. “Anything for you, Georgie.” 
“And you know I’m always here to test out products,” Lee chimed in. 
“Oh, speaking of which,” you voiced, “did you finish those Canary Creams in the last two weeks?” 
“Not quite,” George told you. “There’s still some kinks to work out, but give us a few weeks and some of Snape’s potion supplies and we’ll get them done.” 
“But!” Fred said, pulling a small, wrapped treat out of his pocket. “We did nail down the yellow hair color.”
“Now we have all the house colors down,” George finished. 
“And I think we should take advantage of that,” you said with a grin. You grabbed the sweet from Fred’s hand. “This one’s yellow?” He nodded. “And you guys still have a beef against Cedric for winning the quidditch match last year?” 
“We should’ve gotten a rematch,” all three of them said in unison. 
“I know, I know,” you said, faking sympathy. 
The rest of the train ride was spent slipping sweets into other student’s train compartments and hiding in the hallway until you heard a couple screams. Cedric didn’t really seem to mind too much; being more embarrassed of the attention his friends were giving him because of it, opposed to being mad. You did manage to slip a pink one into Draco’s compartment, but one of his oversized bodyguards ended up eating it instead. 
You found Adrian Pucey, who was trying to rekindle your friendship a little bit. He had written to you over the summer a few times. You gave him a blue haired sweet just because you wanted to see if the color would look good on him. It really didn’t, as the Ravenclaw blue didn’t mix with his complexion very well. You made him promise to sit next to you at the welcome feast, and you’d reverse the effects then. 
Overall, you were very happy to be going back to Hogwarts where you’d be able to hang out with your friends again. 
The term seemed to pass too quickly with all the Tournament excitement going on. You had been concerned for Harry ever since his name was pulled out of that blasted goblet, but ever since he won the first task, he seemed to be in a much better mood. 
You had snuck out of the castle the night before the first task with Fred and George to meet up with Charlie. He had excitedly shown you the dragons they had brought from Romania, their fiery breaths keeping you warm in the cool November air. You had never seen creatures like this upclose before, and they intrigued you enough to think for just a moment that maybe you wouldn’t mind working in Romania with Charlie. 
A month after that, you found Hogwarts covered in snow, the winter chill finally settling in the castle corridors. Fireplaces blazed in every room, warming you ever so slightly as you sat by them. The fireplace in your dorm room did little to help fight the cold of the Black Lake. Again, just like last year, you spent most of your nights in the Gryffindor common room, curled up next to George by their roaring fire. 
Minnie took to spending her nights in George’s room. She seemed to be making friends with Crookshanks, as you would sometimes find them cuddled together in the common room. 
At times you felt bad for the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. Their carriage and ship didn’t seem like the warmest of homes. You’d look across the school grounds and see them covered in ice and snow, and it would send a shiver down your spine every time. 
Christmas Eve came, and the entire school was filled with excitement over the Yule Ball the next day. You were excited too, but there was one more thing you needed to do before that day came. 
You had told George to meet you in the Astronomy tower in his pajamas at 10pm on Christmas Eve, a surprise all planned out in your head. You had stolen the radio from the Slytherin common room for the night. It had taken you and Adrian over a week to figure out how to get muggle radio stations to play on it, but eventually you got past all the magical interference and were able to listen to muggle music for the first time in almost four months. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy The Weird Sisters, but sometimes you just missed the music your mum would listen to at home. 
You set up your camcorder in one corner of the tower by the stairs, getting as much of the room in frame as you could. With no one else in the room to film, it would be the best shot you could get with the camera. 
You met George at the base of the tower five minutes before 10, confusion etched on his face. 
“I see you wore the pajamas with a little lion embroidered on them,” you teased him, reaching for his hand. “My cute little Gryffindor.” 
He blushed at your words, but he took your hand nonetheless and let you lead him up the stairs. 
“You’re literally wearing the same ones but with a snake embroidered,” George said. 
“Hey, your mum made them, and I love them,” you told him. You squeezed his hand as you both laughed. 
Music from the radio played softly from the top of the tower, a song that neither of you had heard before. When you reached the top of the stairs, you paused briefly to press the record button on the camera. This caused a confused look to make its way onto George’s face, but you reassured him that nothing harmful was going to happen.  
You pulled him to the middle of the room, the chill from the winter night just barely reaching you. Pulling him close to you, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. George instinctively put his arms around your waste. You started to sway to the slow song coming from the radio.
“We haven’t been up here in a while,” George whispered. 
“Not since fourth year when we flew right into the middle of Professor Sinistra’s nighttime class,” you said, laughing. 
“Hey, we both expected her to have a midnight class that night,” George said, “not an 8pm class.” 
“I didn’t even mind the detention we got from it,” you told him. “I was just happy that I beat you in the race up here.” 
“I remember you cheating to beat me up here,” George said, wrinkling up his nose to tease you. “You and your old money Malfoy broom nearly knocked me into the castle wall.” 
“All’s fair in love and war, Georgie,” you said. “I was just using the speed that broom gives me to its full potential.” 
“If I didn’t love you so much, I’d still be mad about it.” He leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. “I still can’t believe you finally let me kiss you a year ago now.”
“You can thank Charlie for that actually. He gave me a little pep talk before I came outside that night.” You rested your head against his chest, listening to him hum along to the music. “Do you know this song?” 
“I’ve heard you play it before while you were at my house. I quite like it.” 
You pulled yourself as close to George as possible, trying to absorb his body heat. You hadn’t really thought about the open balcony and the winter weather when you planned this out. You leaned against him and swayed with the song, only really listening to his heartbeat through his chest. When the song was over and a more upbeat one came on, you pulled away just enough to look at his face. 
“Do you think Dumbledore really got The Weird Sisters to play tomorrow night,” you asked. 
“I hope so,” he said with a small laugh. “It’s all everyone’s been talking about the past few days.” 
“Speaking of the ball,” you started, “Did Fred ever ask that girl he likes to go with him?” 
“He asked Angelina a few days ago,” George told you. You wrinkled up your face in confusion. “What? They’re going as friends.” 
“But what about that Hufflepuff girl that he talks about constantly?” you asked. “I expected him to ask her, and I thought Lee and Angelina would go together.” 
“Lee’s going with a Ravenclaw fifth year, actually,” he informed you. “One of Cho Chang’s friends. Cedric actually set them up.” He seemed to have a hard time admitting that Cedric could do something nice for someone. George and Fred really held a grudge when it came to quidditch. 
“Cedric’s a good person, you know?” you said. “He wanted to have that rematch. But back to Fred; why is he being an idiot about his crush?”
“Because he is an idiot in general,” George said laughing. “He asked Angie just to prove to Ron that he had a date. He didn’t think it through.” 
You let out a sigh. “He’ll never learn.” 
The next song started with a familiar tune. “George, I think you’ll love this one!” 
You pulled away from him and grabbed his hand. There was no rhythm to your dancing, but it was fun nonetheless. George left all his worries behind and danced with you, not caring that you two definitely looked like idiots. He did really like the song that was playing, and he enjoyed it even more knowing that you loved it. 
You turned your camcorder off after that song, saving room on the tape for the next night too. You walked with George to the balcony, braving the cold to look over the snow covered grounds. Hogwarts really did look beautiful at this time of night. The moon reflected off the white snow and shone brightly over the Black Lake. The ship and the carriage looked like mere children’s toys from this far away. 
You rested your head against George’s shoulder as you both leaned against the railing. “Thank you, George.”
“For what?” he asked.
“For being my best friend, I guess,” you said. “It means a lot to me to have someone like you in my life.” 
“I’m glad I have you too,” He kissed the top of your head. 
You moved your head to kiss him properly, his body heat warming your face as you leaned in. The smell of potions clung to his skin, as he had been working on new products the entire last week. You caught the scent of a rather sweet one, and breathed in deeply. You pulled away reluctantly, but the cold was getting to you and you needed to head inside. 
George picked up the camera as you grabbed the radio, turning it off. You walked quietly down the stairs, hoping not to run into anyone at the bottom. He offered to walk you to your dorm, but you knew that Gryffindor tower was a lot closer than the dungeons, so you walked him there.
“Keep the camera for tomorrow,” you told him. “Record whatever mischief you get up to in the morning and then put it in the Great Hall.” 
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow night.” He leaned in for one more kiss. “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
You hurried off down the hall as he climbed through the portrait hole. Sneaking down to the dungeons at this hour required a bit of stealth and luck, but you had done it enough to basically know the patrol schedules. You made it to the common room after only one near run in with a teacher, but you ducked behind a statue, just barely avoiding them. 
There were a few students left in the common room, so you casually put the radio back in its spot on the table. Hopefully no one had missed it too much. 
You made your way to your dorm room, opening the door quietly to not wake your roommates. The last embers of the fire were still burning in the fireplace, and they gave you just enough light to be able to see your way to your bed. The light from the moon didn’t reach this deep into the Black Lake when there was a layer of ice on top of it, so your windows remained pitch black. 
You laid in bed, pulling the quilt from last Christmas as close to you as you could. You breathed in the earthy smell and let out a content sigh. Sleep found you easily that night, and your mind raced with dreams of what tomorrow might be like. 
The buzz and excitement in the air was contagious as everyone got ready before the ball. You had spent the morning in the common room with Adrian, trying to get him to tell you who he was going with, but he refused, saying that you’d find out in a few hours anyway. 
“Why won’t you just tell me?” you asked, leaning forward and narrowing your eyes at him. 
“Why does it matter so much?” he asked in return, ignoring the look you were giving him. 
“Because I want a picture of us and our dates,” you said, “and if I don’t know who your date is, then I can’t force them to take the picture.” 
“I promise you’ll get your picture,” he said. “I’m meeting up with him in front--”
You nearly sprang to your feet, but kept yourself in your chair when you saw the look of embarrassment on his face. 
“So it’s not the seventh year Ravenclaw girl that has a crush on you,” you said, putting your hands over your mouth to think a bit. “I really thought it was her.”
Adrian looked flustered, his cheeks turning red. “What? No, no, she doesn’t have a crush on me.”
“She does,” you told him bluntly. “She asked me if you had a date about two weeks ago. I told her yes, but seeing as you won’t tell me who, I couldn’t give her more information.” 
Adrian sank back into the couch, wishing this conversation would end. You looked at him, still thinking about who he could be going with. 
“The Beauxbatons boy who wouldn’t stop staring at you on their first night here?” you pondered, but he remained quiet. “The fifth year Hufflepuff who ran into you in the hall last month? He’s cute and rather shy. I remember him apologizing profusely. I noticed him ducking his head away from you when we’d pass him in the hall after that.” 
You watched him for a reaction that would give you a yes or no answer, but all you noticed was his face getting redder. Adrian never really talked about crushes and who he liked. This conversation about people who maybe liked him seemed to be a little much for him. 
“Alright, one more guess,” you said, “and then I promise I’ll drop it until tonight.” He looked at you out of the corner of his eye. You took it as a sign to go on. “It’s not one of your dorm mates, is it? They’re rather all kinda assholes.”  
You finally got a laugh out of him at that. “Absolutely not. I know them all way too well to ever want to go on a date with any of them.” 
“Good, just checking to make sure you were still sane,” you said, standing up. “I’ll see you in a bit. Meet back here before we head up?” Adrian gave a small nod as you headed towards your dorm. 
You got ready while the rest of your roommates chatted around you. The dress you had picked out just before the school year started hung from a hanger on your four poster bed. The purple fabric of it was accented nicely by some small gold details. You had added a little bit of magic to it over the past few months, making it more your own, rather than just a second hand find. 
You found Adrian a few hours later, sitting in the same spot you had left him; his casual clothes now swapped out for dress robes, and his hair neatly styled. 
“You look nice,” you told him, causing him to look up. 
“Thanks.” He stood up, scratching the back of his neck. He looked at you, taking in your dress. “You look great. Did you get the sparks to work?” 
“Yes!” you said excitedly, looking down at the gold details. “Technically not sparks, but you’ll see. Wait till George can see them too. Can you carry this?”
You handed him your disposable camera, and he quickly put it in his pocket. He held out his arm, and you easily linked yours in it. You headed out of the common room, ready to meet up with your dates.
Walking up the stairs from the dungeons, the first person you saw standing in front of the Great Hall was Ron in his interesting dress robes. He was staring angrily at two people as they walked into the hall. It took a second to realize the girl was Hermione, having never seen her with her hair done like that before. You recognized the boy as Viktor Krum when he turned to greet one of his friends as he walked past them. 
Viktor’s friend turned in your direction, and his face lit up with a smile as he saw you and Adrian. You turned to Adrian, who was smiling just as brightly back at the Durmstrang boy. 
“A Durmstrang boy?” you whispered to Adrian as you made your way over to him. The boy was tall, at least a few inches taller than Adrian, and his long dark hair hung to his shoulders. When he reached the two of you, he turned his attention to you and took your hand, kissing it softly. His green eyes looked into yours briefly. 
“Adrian has talked a lot about you,” the boy said, dropping your hand. He looked back over at Adrian, the softest expression on both of their faces.
“This is Georgi,” Adrian introduced you. You looked at him, trying to hide your expression of slight shock. 
This is exactly why he wouldn’t tell you the name of his date. He knew you would tease him about going to the ball with a boy who shared a name so similar to your boyfriend. In all honesty though, the two boys were almost nothing alike. Georgi seemed a little more subdued and quiet, opposed to George who, though quieter than his brother, was still too loud for his own good. 
While making polite conversation with Adrian and his date, you were also trying to find the twins in the crowd of people. You noticed them coming down the stairs with Lee and Angelina, Lee soon hurrying off to find his date. 
You nudged Adrian in the side and gestured towards the twins. “I’ll be right back.” He nodded at you, and you set off through the crowd. 
“George!” you called as you ran up and hugged him. He and Fred were wearing matching outfits, probably passed down from their uncles to them.  
“Hello.” George pulled you back from the hug, looking at you fully. “You’re beautiful.” 
You ignored his statement, trying to hide the heat rising on your face. “Come on, I want you to meet Adrian’s date.” You looked at Fred and Angelina. “You too. I want a picture.” You pulled George’s hand, leading the group back through the crowd. 
“You put the camcorder in the Great Hall, right?” you said over your shoulder. 
“Yeah,” George confirmed. “About an hour ago. You’ll just need to hit record.” 
Meeting up with Adrian again, you gestured to George, introducing him to the Durmstrang boy. “George, this is Georgi. Georgi, George. My boyfriend.” 
They stared at each other for half a second before Fred butted in. 
“Well, isn’t that fun,” he said with a grin. 
You just grinned at Adrian, a smug look on your face.
You introduced Fred and Angelina and chatted for a bit before pulling another student over, who you knew was muggleborn, to take a picture of the six of you. Adrian nudged you and pointed to your dress. You looked down at it before realizing what he was suggesting. 
“Oh,” you said, catching the attention of the group. “I almost forgot. I added a little magic to my dress. Adrian, do you mind doing the honors?”
He pointed his wand at your dress, and a translucent, almost invisible smoke came out of the end. Tendrils of smoke reached out, attaching themselves to the center of each little gold detail and then disappearing into the dress. Each gold detail began to shake, as if filled with an immense energy. Suddenly, the details exploded across the dress, mimicking fireworks to the best of their ability. After a moment, they settled into their original shape. 
The group was staring at you, transfixed on what had just happened. 
“I’ve never seen a spell like that before,” Georgi finally said, a look of wonder on his face. 
“That’s because Adrian and I invented it, just for this,” you told him. You smiled as you looked over at Adrian. “We’ve been working on spells and such all of term in our free time. So far we only got the radio to work, and now this. This one isn’t perfect though. The smoke isn’t supposed to be there; it’s supposed to just be an immediate effect.”
George could tell that you were rambling now. He could see that your ramblings were bringing your excitement over the fantastic job you did down into doubt about how it didn’t work exactly how you wanted it to. He reached out and grabbed your hand. 
“It was beautiful,” he said. He looked into your eyes, trying to bring your attention to only him, trying to calm you down. “You know I love fireworks. Maybe they could be a part of the uniform at our shop.”
You smiled at him, giving a small laugh. “That would be wonderful.”
You turned back to the group and noticed Angelina standing by herself, Fred nowhere in sight. “Where’s Fred gone off to?” 
“He said he needed to talk to someone,” Angelina said, pointing towards the stairs that led towards the kitchens. 
You turned, expecting to find Fred putting a firecracker in someone's robes, but instead found him trying to get the attention of the Hufflepuff girl. She was standing close to another Durmstrang boy, but looked rather uncomfortable at the whole situation. She kept trying to scoot closer to Cedric, but every time she did, the Durmstrang boy would scoot with her. Cedric said something to her before he took Cho by the hand and led her into the Hall. Fred called her name again, but she continued to ignore him, instead saying something to her date before they too walked to the Hall. 
“Why didn’t he just ask her?” Angelina asked beside you. “I would’ve been fine going with someone else.”
“Because he’s an idiot,” you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You’re not wrong,” Angelina agreed. 
The entrance hall was getting emptier as everyone filed into the Great Hall. You took this as the cue to follow suit. You stood in the large crowd, pressing play on your camcorder as the school champions were ushered to the dance floor. The dancing started, and George almost immediately pulled you to the dance floor as more people joined in. 
The night went by quickly, but you would always be able to watch it back thanks to your camcorder, and look at pictures that you took. 
Your favorite picture by far was one of Adrian squished in a hug between the twins, their red hair and gold vests standing out extravagantly against his all black outfit. Adrian and the twins were still not the best of friends, but over the past few months they had all agreed to try to get along for your sake. The twins liked to show their progress through aggressive acts of friendliness. 
The videos were another story. They showed the night in motion and sound, something you were eternally thankful for. You could never give enough thanks to your dad for buying the camcorder for you. 
The video of the school champions dancing showed Hermione being the happiest you had ever seen her. It was quickly interrupted by you laughing as George pulled you onto the dance floor, followed by Fred grabbing Angelina to dance with him. It even caught a bit of McGonagall dancing with Dumbledore, a surprising sight, as you had thought you would never see either of them dancing in your life. 
You caught a video of Percy, zoomed way in on his grumpy face as he watched his ex-girlfriend dancing with someone else. Penelope looked happy with the boy she was dancing with though. You knew in a few years, hopefully, Percy would be able to laugh at his emotions too. 
You got Fred and George pulling Percy, Ron, and Harry out of their seats as The Weird Sisters started to play. Ginny joined their group to dance with her brothers; the three excited Weasleys trying their best to dance the grumpiness out of the others. You set the camera down on a table, facing the group and ran to grab Adrian and Georgi. Passing Angelina and Alicia on the way back, you told them to come with you too. Your large group now took up much of the dance floor, but no one seemed to mind as you all jumped around to the song the band was playing. 
The next video had the band playing a slower song in the background. The camera just sitting on a table, having been accidentally turned on by someone. It showed the Hufflepuff girl sitting at a table with Percy. They were talking, but the music drowned out any words that they were saying. Percy looked a little happier than he did earlier. Fred came into frame, sitting next to Percy, but putting his whole attention on the girl. She said a few short words to him, but when it was obvious she didn’t want to talk, he got up and walked towards the camera. He must have noticed it was on, because he mumbled a few words at it before the video cut off. 
There was a short video of you and Adrian walking outside in front of the castle, lights sparkling around you. George and Fred were a few paces ahead of you, talking about something you couldn’t hear. Georgi had offered to record for a bit, even though he wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. The video cut off abruptly when the camera was dropped. 
The last video on the camera was George recording you as you were leaving the Hall for the night. 
“How was your night,” he asked from behind the camera. 
“I had a great night,” you told him, walking backwards. You were holding up your dress so you didn’t trip. “Better than some people.”
The camera panned over to Fred, who flicked it off. He had a smile on his face, though, so you knew he still had a wonderful time. George moved the camera to catch Angelina in frame. 
“Did you still have a good time,” he asked her, “even though your date was kinda a drag?” 
“I had a wonderful time,” Angelina said as she put her arms around Alicia and Katie, who were walking beside her. “I still had my best friends to lift the mood.” 
“And what about you,” George turned so now he was walking backwards, camera pointed at Adrian and Georgi. They were walking hand in hand, Adrian’s head resting on Georgi’s shoulder. 
“It was alright,” Adrian said, smiling up at his date. Georgi squeezed Adrian’s hand. 
You had now reached the base of the stairs that led up to the Gryffindor common room. Everyone stopped walking to say their goodbyes. 
“One more thing,” you said to the camera. “I wanna get my spell on record.” You grabbed out your wand and pointed it at your dress, setting the fireworks in motion. 
“Beautiful, as always,” George hummed behind the camera. “I think this is where we part ways.” He took your hand in his. “Goodnight, love.”
The video stopped as you leaned in to kiss him. 
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lilyrachelcassidy · 3 years
Draco x Reader One-Shot
Summary: This is based off the song ‘Moonlight’ by Ariana Grande. During the bad times of War, not everything has to be so black-and-white. Both Y/N and Draco know it just too well.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: language 
tags: @drawlfoy @eltanin-malfoy
Composing yourself had been more than a hard thing to ask for lately.
The Death Eater had finally taken Hogwarts under their control; famous Harry Potter, who was allegedly supposed to play a hero, disappeared in the depth of the unknown; the plan of escaping the school turned out to be an utter failure since the Dementors encircled and blocked every passage of absconding, escalating the disappointment over students.
Yet you hadn't thought of the plan B as an alternative solution, but you were sure, even if you managed to find one, it might take a few more months to figure things out. And you had to admit that increasing anxiety about your parents made you cry yourself to sleep at night. Despite your insistent pleads of the letters to contact you, you hadn't received any response or other sign of life ever since over two months of a constant worry.
And yet, it wasn't the worst part.
The Carrows, who unwarrantedly preferred to call themselves professors Carrows from now on, had decided to introduce their new methods of teaching everyone. And punishing for any triviality.
Once, for example, in Charms class -- which was the worst nightmare of a week -- you had been asked to stand up in front of the class and demonstrate a Crucio curse on the First Year who happened to accidentally bump into Alecto in the corridor. Obviously, you hadn't obeyed an imposed task to which Carrows only reacted with unrestrained rage. Instead of punishing the eleven-year-old boy, the lesson had turned out to be your disciplining session of torture for not being submissive enough. Although the feat had brought you more renown later on, which served to make Carrows more flustered, you still couldn't get out of the Hospital Wing for whole three days.
All of that also led your Occulumency to suffer, which was doubling the struggle. There was for sure no doubt it was an important skill to have, not only to create a mental barrier protecting yourself from uninvited intruders; but also preventing others' thoughts from leaking into your head. It was already enough of bearing the non-stopping suspense in the air. So, the idea of accumulating more emotions on your account would probably navigate to an outburst.  
One thing, however, surprised you. You had found out that people who outwardly seemed to have quite a reputation of cruel tossers were actually more decent and human than you could think. In particular, certain Draco Malfoy, who had been selected as a Head Boy in terms of this year.
Wandering around the school and doing the night patrols, he had happened to find you sitting hunched over, face buried in your knees, and sobbing brokenly at the fate the Wizarding World was faced to deal with. He had flumped next to you, without question, silently accompanying and comforting you in moments of solitude.
Two other times of your encounter had been in the library: spotting you among the crowd of students, he would come over and take a nearby place. You didn't know whether it was a matter of pride or disposition, but he had never spoken up, which you, in fact, didn't mind. At first, you had been a little bit dubious about his sudden influx of approachability. However, as to mute your suspicions down, you tried not pondering about it too much.
Funny, how the real nature of the boy who you had known for a nonchalant sneer and teasing remarks, could suddenly become so interesting and mysterious.
It was on a Thursday late that you were strolling up to The Astronomy Tower to see the Thestrals soaring in the air. Normally, it was around the time when you would be putting yourself to the bed, but too many thoughts were buzzing in your mind, and you knew it wouldn't give you much space to sleep anyways. The only optimum, instead of staring aimlessly at the ceiling and flipping from one to the other side of the mattress, was busying yourself with something else. The lack of sleep was due to nothing else than today's lesson with Carrows. They had thought up an idea of having some practice with a Confrigo spell which, rather unfortunately, was presented on a living phantom. As always, a whole hour of torments was disastrous, to say at least, and even after classes, you couldn't shake off the echo of troubled screams and beggings, which carried over the petrified room of students. That's why you were thinking you could swallow your emotions down, quietly and undisturbedly, in the only place you could wish for some private space. Besides, it was the only spot resembling the old Hogwarts you had known from the previous years, showing the calming extent of green grounds.
However to your surprise, when you pushed the door to The Astronomy Tower, noiselessly, you could notice a silhouette of a man already standing at the barrier, which made you momentarily flabbergasted suddenly considering an option of running upon a teacher. To save yourself from much too unwanted detention, you decided to change your track, rushing straight into your dormitory. But almost as you succeeded doing so, in the last moment, a person shifted in their place and spoke up before you had room to move.
"Pretty late for a casual stroll, huh?" At once, a feeling of dread ebbed away, and you exhaled deeply air you didn't know you were holding as you recognized none other than Draco with his back turned towards you. His tone was as usually taunting, but something in a timbre of sadness was hitched to it as well. "Shouldn't be sneaking out of the room on the patroling hours, you know? I'm the least of who you could come upon today."
Your dignity told you to say something in order to defend your harmless saunter to calm down your nerves, which benefited only your mental account. However, he made a point -- you could have been caught not only by some random teacher but Currows themselves who, you were inexorably aware, wouldn't let a chance of dehumanizing others slip away. And besides, you were a little too dumbstruck to speak, realizing it must be the first time Draco fucking prince Malfoy had uttered more than a word to you. What was a coincidence of meeting up with him just on the same day as you had been wondering about your atypical relationship formed within this school year?
Before your contemplation ended, Draco's voice carried on with a conversation, echoing off the walls. "Care to join? Seeing as you're already here."
Frowning to yourself at how surreal the situation can become, you stepped off the stairs with no more hesitation. You truly wouldn't have suspected the things would turn out that way -- embracing his Head Boy position, you thought he would send you off back to the Hufflepuff Tower with his dismissive attitude as it usually was. Inviting you over to company him was a top cherry you hadn't even considered. Truthfully, it made you feel a little thrilled to accept this offer.
As you walked over to him, his facial features became much sharper than from afar. Now, as you looked at him closely, you could define the contours of his face were even more angelic yet still masculine than in daily light. The platonic hair glinted accordingly to the moon above; his blue eyes were focused on a black void in the sky, clearly pondering more than concentrating on a particular object; a mouth pursed into a line, not a mocking expression he was usually carrying himself with. Eyeing him like that and still not being capable of deciphering him suggested he must be someone between a completely unemotional git or an excellent master of Occulumency. You preferred to presume the second one.
Quickly, realizing you were staring, you turned your head to behold a collection of vivid stars hovering above your head. You knew it was only in the Wizarding World that sky flickered so brightly -- your father was a muggle, and a whole family dwelled among a non-magical society, which you didn't mind at all. And that's why you were able to recognize... differences existing between those two worlds.
"Why are you here?" you asked curiously, not quite capable of restraining yourself from doing so. You were standing close enough to him to smell his sandalwood cologne.
He gave you a perfunctory smile, and although it was a three-second gesture, it somehow made you lighter on the chest to know he was convenient with a conversation. "Needed someplace to think," he explained, not darting his eyes away from where he was looking. He took a pause there. "You?"
"The same reason," you answered simply, shrugging. "My roommates can be too loud sometimes, and I needed some silence to sort out...stuff."
Draco nodded in understanding, not interfering any further into the topic. Brushing your hair habitually with fingers, you scolded yourself for coming up here in the first place. How could you act so irresponsibly to think you could smoothly break a regulations' rule and without anyone finding out? Although you were desperate to hide it, the presence of Draco made you inexplicably nervous, and even though you tried to gulp it down, your stomach was churning when he was around. Time proved his intentions weren't bad after all, and you confronted with the truth ever since he first happened to find you at the moment of your meltdown in the corridor, clutching to him as if he was your sanity. But that didn't dispel your doubts about him becoming a fully active Death Eater, who praised with a Dark Mark on the left forearm like with a reward for some kind of acrobatic stunt.
Your gaze swept briefly over the rolled-up sleeves of his snow-white shirt only to assure yourself the mark didn't disappear off his arm with some help of the power of your imagination. Yet it was still there -- as always, tinted coal-black, scary and blood-curdling every time you looked at it.
That evidently didn't escape Draco's notice who, as though reading your mind, started. "You know, I didn't want this." He didn't have to show what he meant by saying so because you instantly figured it out. You looked up at him, and almost invisibly, his skin pale as it already was, changed even to the whiter shade. "He has bait on me. All of this: assassinating Dumbledore; obeying his will -- it's not because I want that."
The sudden shock welled up at these words, and you gawked at him stupidly, not quite able to process what he had just told you. Swallowing with some difficulty, you coerced yourself to a mutter. "Why... why are you telling me this?"
For the first time this night, his steely stare landed at you, scanning your face to detect signs of emotion. You attempted to conceal it, but he could see you were thunderstruck by his unexpected confession. Without preamble, he smiled slightly at you. "I thought you ought to know."
Ignoring the clenching in your chest, you did your best to not break eye contact with Draco when his eyes were intently locked on yours now. You could swear, something on the verge of interest and sympathy flickered in them for a second. "Why?"
"Because you're the only person who doesn't freak out when I'm around," he explained carefully. "Every time I go to the library or appear in any other public place, you're the only one who doesn't glare."
He closed his eyes, clearly relived with the fact he could confide the worries he had been carrying for a long time. Breathing out through the nose and his lips flinching a little, his head spun again to the blank of the sky.
It was a depressing sight to see him in such dejection, and the images of him being cast aside by his former group of friends with who he had been laughing merely a year ago rolled into your head, try as might to suppress it. You could only imagine what it must feel like to be rejected by everyone around; to play the main role in something you never wished to participate in.
For a moment, you thought he was going to continue because he grunted enigmatically, but the silence remained. Unable to restrain the urge to offer physical comfort, you affectionately grabbed his palm, squeezing it in the reassurance that you were there for him. He didn't attempt to break himself out of the grip, which presumably was a good indication.
"I believe you," you stated, for some reason, satisfied with the fact you're the one to comfort him. "You are a good person, Draco."
This time, it was he who clasped your hand, and he glimpsed at you once more, towering over you with his long legs. "No. In the past, things happened, and to say, I'm not proud of them. Jeering, mocking, insulting -- that wasn't fa-."
"Past is a past, Draco," you cut him off, knowing where it all was leading, and you wanted to bring it to an abrupt end. It was the least adequate moment for apologies. "You can't fix it. Good that you understand your mistakes by now."
He hummed in comprehension, smiling, and his grasp tightened around your palm as if you were about to run off from him, which he couldn't be more wrong about. Admitting to yourself, you loved his smile -- though it was seldom, it much differed from a smirk you were accustomed to at that point -- and you secretly hoped he could do it more often. You also loved that even if he didn't talk much, he was very successful in lifting you up.
Therefore, there you were: standing arm-to-arm with your ex-bully who you had happened to run across; observing the moon in its full exposure; holding hands in reassurance. Both of you clearly enjoyed this gratifying moment and were lingering towards it not to end.
"Thank you," Draco finally choked out. "Thank you for...everything."
Ultimately, smashing the wall of uncertainty down, he wrapped his arms around your neck, hunching a little to adjust to your height, and buried his face in the crook of your neck. At first, your body stiffened at the sudden touch and a skip of the boundary, but as not to agitate him, you adapted yourself soon enough by reciprocating the hug. You started to rub the slow, steady circles on his back, and little by little, he began stroking your hair, softly grazing your scalp.
How long you stood clinging to each other like this, you didn't know. Hearing Draco sigh quietly, feel the rise and fall of it against your hands. Your heart sunk when you heard him breathe out, and you prepared yourself for him to mix out of the embrace because of sudden consciousness he was cuddling with a half-blood Hufflepuff he had been mocking for half of a decade ('I should get going'; 'I didn't mean what I said earlier; 'leave me be, Y/S'). But none of this happened, and he was only murmuring into your ear.
"I presume I should escort you to the dormitory. I could tell you were the whole time with me so no one would get any suspicion if we run into...anyone," he offered, yet you felt him almost grimacing at the thought of ending a moment you were two having.
"Mhm..." you agreed with no more opposition. "But let's give it one more minute."
A/N: This is so typical of me to do something other than what's necessary lmao ;) The second chapter of Summer Nights is almost up if anyone interested. As I think of it now, this one-shot gives me such a vibe of Loud Places/Turn. However, I hope you enjoyed it :) Oh, and I'm explaining the sudden change of schedule with posting: 1. I'm very irresposible; 2. I got the super inspo to scribble this one-shot. Hah, sorry...
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absurdthirst · 4 years
I want to second (or 3rd/4th/whatever) the request for a sequel to Awkward! Or really a sequel to any of the overhearing the boys moaning your name ones? (Pero? Marcus? Din? 👀👀) They’re all 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵
***Now we find out how the Reader feels about the entire situation. Follow up to this HC and Awkward
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You sigh and drop your head into your hands when the door closes behind Frankie. That had been the most awkward encounter of your life. Even worse that the time you had accidentally flashed half the senior class at prom when your dress was stepped on and tugged down.
Ella squeals and you lift your head, smiling at the happy baby. You huff a laugh at the way she has decided to smear the rest of her banana into her hair. “Oh nina.” You sigh. “I guess you wanted a bath this morning huh?” You ask as you get up and unclip the tray and pull the squirming kid out of the chair and haul her off to get cleaned up.
You didn’t have time to think about it while you were dealing with Ella, but soon enough she was yawning and ready for her nap. Rocking her in the chair in the nursery you think back.
You had been disappointed when you found out Frankie had been married when he moved it. He had been nice and Lord knows the man is handsome. Gabriella had seemed nice, but a little caught up in herself.
It had seemed that you were more excited about the baby than she was when she found out that she was pregnant. You had fun helping Frankie sand down and paint the antique baby furniture he had found, both of you joking and laughing while Gabriella complained about the noise and smell of the paint.
You had fallen in love with the tiny squirming little bundle when they had brought her home from the hospital. So when Frankie had gone on a trip and Gabriella had asked you to watch her for a while, you hadn’t hesitated.
Except, Gabriella hadn’t come home in a few hours like she had told you she would. She didn’t answer her cell phone, and when you had gone into the master bedroom to search for more diapers, you had found it.
She hadn’t gone out to the store. She had left Frankie and Ella. Your heart had broken and you felt guilty for reading words that weren’t meant for you. But you had known then that you would be there for Frankie and the precious little baby you were holding. So you had strapped Ella in her car seat, Gabriella had been thoughtful enough to take it out of her car, and gone to the store to get what she needed.
Frankie had come home five days later. It was longer than he expected to be gone and he looked incredibly sad when he had woken you up. So much grief was shadowed in his eyes you hated handing him the letter when he asked where Gabriella was.
You hadn’t said a word when he disappeared into his bedroom for a few hours. You heard the curses and a few loud bangs. Instead you made sure that Ella was taken care of, strapped sleeping to your chest as you had taken to carrying her around like that during your six day adventure by yourselves. He found you in the kitchen, making omelettes at ten o’clock at night.
You also hadn’t commented on the redness of his eyes when he took Ella from you, cradling her gently and staring at her sleeping little form like she was the only thing in the world. You had blurted out your plan.
Your job allowed you to work wherever. And as you had proven over the last week you could work and take care of Ella. So you would continue to do so, letting Frankie not have to worry about paying for childcare, which was so very expensive for a baby her age. He had weakly argued, but in the end he had agreed.  
Over the past nine months you had fallen hard for both of them. Frankie was so damn grateful for everything that you did for him. Even if it was something as simple as washing a load of clothes for him.
You spent more time at his house than you did your own, but you wouldn’t change a thing about it. Even if at night you were lonely in your bed. You didn’t have time to date and even if you did, you really only wanted one guy.
Noticing that Ella was firmly asleep you transferred her to her crib and smiled to yourself as you watched her throw an arm behind her head when she was on her back. It was something you had noticed Frankie doing when he had fallen asleep on the couch.
You made your way out of the bedroom and closed the door behind you. Heading to the kitchen and the mess that awaits you there. Frankie had known you had heard him. The fact that he had rushed out without even finishing his coffee told you that. That man thrived on caffeine.
You hadn’t minded it. Not really. In fact you really wanted to see him wet and hard in person, you in the shower with him as he pressed you up against the tiles. His cock deep inside of you and taking away the ached that could never be satisfied by your vibrator.
Now that you knew that Frankie at least thought of you like that, it was hard to keep those feelings that you had for him contained. You only the day to figure out what you were going to say to him. Hopefully something that would perhaps be a little more eloquent than ‘take me to bed’ but still give him the same permission. Because you really, really wanted to hear him say your name like that he had in the shower right in your ear.
Part 3 Outcome
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haechanhues · 3 years
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pairing : enhypen x reader (mostly platonic but can be open romantically) 
genre : friendship tingz (is that a genre?) social media. bullet points. 
warnings : swearing a bit and slightest mention of sex like once or twice. some are longer than others. 
summary : these are your friends. cherish em. love em. pick on them. make connections. 
Not too long before ENHYPEN’s new comeback, are you all excited? 
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You met Heeseung when you were younger - he was playing with three lizard toys and you had wanted the pink one and so, being the nice kid he was, gave you the green one instead 
Has been your best friend ever since 
You once stepped on a broken glass bottle and he cried more than you did 
When you were waiting for your dad one afternoon after school (your dad was always ridiculously late) you both made a long handshake that you couldn’t remember the next day 
You’ve caught him trying to act cute multiple times by making eye contact in the mirror and he yelled at you for judging him 
Ramyeon addict 
Everywhere you two go 
There’s ramyeon in his bag 
You’ve kissed each other a couple of times 
Never done it again 
Thought about it once, and then fed yourself and that thought disappeared 
You’ve had some stupid fights 
eg who has to pick up the rubbish on the ground 
Serious fights 
Past partners and their boundaries 
Why you ate his leftover ramyeon he was saving for a ‘special occasion’ that special occasion being Friday night 
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When you became friends, Heeseung was jealous of him and thought Sunoo was trying to take his best friend away from him 
Twitter demon 
Sweeter in person
Always running around and trying to sell you off 
‘Do you know of a Y/N Y/L/N? Well you’re absolutely lucky because she’s absolutely single, hit her up’ 
Got you two both cute matching character PJs 
You both co-own a Tik Tok account 
too be honest you’re just a featuring act at this point 
One time you were sick for a week and he had made a video on all the stuff you missed out on 
Because he gets sick often, you buy him a lot of thick blankets, clothes and always get him jackets because you’re worried he’d get sick 
Literally the bane of your existence on Twitter 
He gets away with it though and he knows he will (him and Niki) 
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The other boys get jealous of how nice you are to him 
Comes to you for daily cuddles 
Sometimes doesn’t get it 
The baby knows how to guilt trip you 
But when you want cuddles, he’s suddenly too cool for you 
Teaches you swear words in Japanese to say to Jay and the other boys 
Uses your email when he thinks it’s spam or for his own orders so you had to make another email 
People always ask if he’s your little brother 
You’ll both be bored one day and sit side by side on the floor 
He’d offer his airpod for you to listen and you’d both be red in the face trying not to giggle at try not to laugh videos you two are always watching
Both go to the movies together
You’re paying
He always gets the biggest size even though he can’t finish it
‘It’s a popcorn party’ 
Always throws the leftovers on Jay or Sunoo
Whatever he wants, he gets. 
You’re his best friend. No shit you are. He loves you. He really does. 
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Always squeezing his cheekies 
Your girl friends always ship the two of you together (NO) 
They saw him in the background of your video call
You take a lot of photos together 
A Yes-Man when it comes to your ideas and is literally the hype man you want 
Lost a bet to him and so he signed you up for a soccer tournament where you’re not exactly good but you’re decent 
You do a lot of planning together but you don’t really execute it unless Jungwon, Heeseung or Jay are involved 
Tend to bump into each other when you walk side by side
Heeseung refers to you both as Thomson and Thompson from Tin Tin because you’re both really smart 
But he makes you act dumb 
And he reassures you a lot 
Got you waxing strips because you wanted to try it and accidentally got it stuck on the hair of the back of your neck and so, being the nice boy he is, did it to himself 
His eyes watered :( 
But it was funny :) 
Always bringing you out into the world more so you don’t cramp up inside 
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He’s a little mean to you - all in good fun of course
You go to him for advice about this boy or girl you’re talking to 
Don’t tell him but you love talking to him 
About his day 
Ideas for a new movie 
About this new boy/girl you’re talking to 
Sometimes you feel distant from him in comparison to the other boys 
You always go for little walks with him every now and then 
One time he grew out his hair purely so you could play with it 
In his sleep you drew cat whiskers on him with eyeliner 
When you moved into your own apartment, he was the only one that could help out and collapsed on your bed and stayed the night with you 
Again : people asked if you were dating 
Once again : No 
Should really write a FAQ and just staple it to your forehead 
When the washing machine is full at yours, you both take your washing to a laundromat and chat away - you get pizza delivered to the laundromat and scoff it down so the others don’t catch you out - you both turn to each other to wipe the crumbs off and spray perfume on your clothes - for the memory box he writes it down on the receipt
Always full of laughs 
Never a dull moment 
Can just chill together or do something mischievous and fun 
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Accidentally confessed that you’d f*ck him if you were the last people alive on Earth and he’s never let you live it down
Made a collage of all the photos you have on your phone and others and his mother wanted her own copy to hang in her living room 
‘Can you wear this?’ 
Always trying to style you when you go shopping because your fashion sense isn’t up to par apparently 
You always catch him taking selfies and always clown him 
Argued about the shape of an elephant nose once 
Said your apologies with snot running down your noses 
When you made up and came out of the room, Heeseung and Jungwon mimicked elephant noises 
Spams you with celebrities that pop up in his feed that he knows you like 
You don’t like to talk about it  but once when you were doing a speech assignment, you had to hold his hand to refrain from crying and he rubbed his thumb over the back of your knuckle and didn’t let go until class had ended and you were more relaxed
Although you kind of sort of like to make fun of him 
He’s always the first one to look after you if you needed someone 
The type to message you if you were doing okay 
Can’t look at you when you’re crying so awkwardly has to angle his head the other way and comfort you without looking 
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A lot of past 
At first you both had crushes on each other (he was the last to join your friendship group, tall, handsome, really kind, always wanted to make him smile) 
Considered the Dark Ages 
Jungwon likes to rehash the memory every now and then when your guard is down 
For your birthday he gifted you a stool so you can ‘grow’ 
That ruffled your feathers 
Always the one to make short jokes when in your opinion you’re not even that short 
Tried to teach you how to ice skate but was slightly disappointed you knew how to stay upright 
Girls tend to give you their numbers and little notes made for Sunghoon because they’re too shy 
He’s super comfortable with you. You always make sure he’s included and make sure his voice is heard and he’s not being taken for granted. 
You checked him out once and he caught you. 
‘You’re blushing.’
Jungwon laughed cause he sees and knows everything 
Silently protective of you - one time a guy tried to ask you out and he laughed like 
ha ha ha 
until he left 
tells everyone it’s your birthday on the wrong date so you’re getting your birthday wishes a month earlier. 
also gets the freebies because apparently it’s your anniversary every other thursday. 
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moonhavenn · 4 years
Javier Pena x Fem!Reader
Summary: Javi is ready to ruin is “heartless” reputation for you. 
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: insinuation of smut
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Javier Peña was trouble like you’d never known before. On your first day of the job he’d mistaken you for an informant. He’ll never forget the sting of his cheek after you slapped him when he offered to trade sex for information. In his defence he’d never meet an agent with an ass like yours (his words). But after that encounter he learnt never to underestimate you again. You did find him incredibly attractive and extremely distracting. You wanted him. But you let your pride get in the way of that ever happening.
Javier had developed a morning ritual for you. His own way of letting you know he wasn’t a total douche. Now when you show up to work, he’d be waiting for you by your desk with his signature smirk and a brown paper bag filled with your favourite pastry. You’d yank the bag from his grasp, telling him to get off her desk with a glare, but muttering a ‘thank you’ nevertheless. You had work to do, they both did. And there was nothing more distracting than Javier and his sinful lips. Steve would always tease the man, arguing about where his breakfast treat was. Javier always brushed his comments off. When they would get too serious, he’d simply tell Steve you’d be a good time in bed and that’s it. Once he got what he wanted out of you the special treatment would stop. Steve would let out a low whistle and mutter, “That’s heatless Javi.” And Javier knew it too. But he couldn’t let people know that he had gone and caught feelings.
The workday had finally come to end. Another boring day sitting at your desk filling out paperwork had left you feeling tense and fatigued. A glass of wine, a bubble bath and thinking about a certain DEA agent should do the trick. You’d almost made it out the door when your name was called by your two partners. “What do you two want? I’m done for the day.” You groan turning around to face the pair. They both wore the same troublesome look on their faces. “We’re going to the bar.” Steve tells you, “And you’re coming with us.” Javier adds, his tongue swiping over his lips making you take notice.
That was how you ended up at the bar and ditching your bubble bath plans. The music was fine, the whiskey in your glass made it tolerable. Steve had ditched Javi and you at the bar to dance with his wife, and that was more than 15 minutes ago. You’d spent the whole time sipping on your drink wondering if you’d actually have the guts to sleep with Javier. It seemed like more heartache than it was worth for you. A girl had come up to him almost as soon as the group had arrived. But he waved her off and offered to buy you a drink instead. You had scoffed at the women’s eagerness, but only because you were slightly jealous.
Javier ordered his fourth beer as he watched you out of the corner of his eye. You hadn’t spoken much in the last 15 minutes and it was beginning to make him nervous. Steve had conveniently disappeared with his wife and now it was just the two of you, alone. Javi never had an issue talking to women. That was usually because he didn’t care what they thought of him, so long as they distracted his mind for the night. But he cared what you thought of him. So much so that he hadn’t been with a women in months. And while it was driving him crazy not being able to release the tension. It was better than having a girl run out on him halfway after he had called her by your name on accident.
Javi cleared his throat trying to get your attention, “Hermosa, you want another drink?” he asks noticing that yours was now almost empty. You shook your head causing a few pieces of baby hair to fall from your ears. “No, I’ve probably had enough.” You admit finishing the last few drops off. He had noticed that your cheeks had become rosier and you’d cracked a smile at some of his jokes which you never usually did. Taking you to the bar was the only way to get you to open up to Javier. “You feelin’ okay?” he asks wondering if there was something bothering you. You were quiet, but never this silent. Always burring your thoughts away. Never wanting them to burden others.
“Yeah, I’m just a bit tired.” You sigh, maybe you should have that other drink. Clearly the first few weren’t perking you up but winding you down. “I can take you home if you’d like?” Javi suggests now feeling guilty for dragging you to the bar in the first place. He’d done if for selfish reasons, wanting to spend time with you. You pause and think for a moment. You really do want to crawl into you bed and get some rest. “Would that be okay?” you say politely not wanting to hurt his feelings. He nods, sliding some cash onto the table and escorting you to his car outside.
The drive back to your apartment was short. Javier knew the way to go as he’d dropped you off countless times before. He always wanted to make sure you got home safe. He wouldn’t leave until he saw you wave to him from the window of your living room. You had dreaded the moment he put the vehicle into park outside your home. You weren’t ready to say goodnight yet. You gave Javi a shy smile as you felt your heart beating in you throat. “Do you wanna come up for some coffee?” You ask finally spitting the words out. Javier’s brows raise as his mind wonders and you slap his arm, “Not like that. I mean actual coffee. That’s it.” You scold him and his dirty mind. “I guess I could spare a few minutes for you.” Javier teases checking is watch like he had somewhere else better to be. In reality Javi was grinning from ear to ear. He’d never stepped foot inside your apartment and was thrilled that he was being allowed into your home.
Javier waited patiently in the hallway as you dig through your purse to find your keys. His watchful eyes made you anxious as you opened the door and let him enter first. He drank in the details of your apartment. It was simple, and much cleaner than his own. Javi shrugged off his leather jacket and took a seat on you couch as he waited for you to brew the coffee you’d promised him. He’d never gotten this far before and he could feel his emotions for you boiling over the edge. Javier gripped the side of your couch trying to push them down. The last thing he wanted to do was scare you off. But all of his efforts washed away when he sees you carefully walking over to him with two steamy mugs. You gently offer him the mug, your fingers brushing against each other during the exchange. Even the briefest touch made Javi’s heart flutter and he knew he was in deep trouble this time.
You couldn’t stand the way Javier looked sitting on your couch. His shirt was slightly unbuttoned allowing you to peer at some of his chest hair. He had his arm stretched over the back of the couch, dominating the space. You took a seat next to him wanting to be close but still kept you distance. You both sipped your drinks in silence, occasionally stealing looks from one another. It suddenly began dawning on you as you sensed the tension in the room that maybe Javier was expecting something from you. He was watching you intently. His gaze burned your skin. It felt good, but what was the consequence of getting what you wanted.
“I’m sorry if you thought maybe something would happen.” You speak breaking the silence. Javi choked on his coffee at your honest approach and shook his head as he tried to recover. “Don’t worry I don’t want you like that” Javier explains putting his mug down trying to reassure you that he wasn’t going to use you.
The noise accidentally slips through your mouth. You had a suspicion, but finally hearing it from the man himself that he didn’t like you that way solidified it in your mind. Javier almost jumps out of his seat when he sees the disappointment wash over your face. He’s confused at your response, he thought he was trying to make you feel better, but it was clear that had no idea how you were feeling.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I do want you. I just um – didn’t know you felt the same way” Javier stutters out taking your hand in his. He was trying to hold onto you just in case he’d already lost you.  “You do?” you reply wide-eyed, still not even sure what Javi was really admitting. “Of course, I do Cariño. You just made it very clear when we first met that you weren’t interested.” He explains his brown eyes staring into yours trying to find any sign of disgust, but all he saw was admiration.
You bite back a smile as you remember the memory. It seemed that your strategy to hide your feelings had worked too well.  “You have a certain reputation for being trouble Javi, I was trying to protect myself.” You explain squeezing his hand in yours, reminding him that you were still there with him. You had been warned countless times by other women around the office that Javier was bad news, but that hadn’t stopped you from feeling the way that you did. “Fuck that. I’d give up everything for hermosa.” Javi admits, his voice deepening from his serious tone.
“Kiss me then.” You ask boldly. You’d wasted enough time already. Javier didn’t need to be asked twice as he pounced on you pushing his lips against yours. His nose bumped against yours as he sucked on your lower lip, encouraging you to open up more to him. Your hands reached up for his hair trying to pull him closer to you. Javier couldn’t contain his excitement as he kissed you. Having you under him gasping for more was his new favourite thing. Your lungs began to burn, and you let go of Javi briefly to catch your breath. He kept littering you with kisses though, the hairs of his moustache tickling your neck. He didn’t want to miss an inch of skin. You grabbed his cheek pulling him away from his assault on you neck so you could gaze into his chocolate eyes.
“You’re mine now, you know that right.” You smile and his eyes light up as his lips turn into a smirk. “All yours.” He hums moving down towards you pants going to rip them off. You were in for a long night.
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nonstoplover · 3 years
accidental reunion ~ joe liebgott (band of brothers)
my masterlist  |  my hbo war masterlist
pairing: joe liebgott x female reader
short summary: they met in Austria on V-J Day, it was just one night, they still can't forget the other
words: 2.4K
a/n: not gonna say much just that i'd do anything for joe liebgott, even if it includes giving up my whole life
taglist: @how-are-those-nuts-sarge @50svibes @pennyllanne @liebgotttme @nowinnablewar
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One fun night on one of Easy's last nights in Austria. With lots of drinks, games, and the company of residents of the small village that was Kaprun who were willing to spend some celebratory time now that the war was actually, finally over.
It was undoubtedly one of the best nights the soldiers had in the past couple years - at least for Liebgott it definitely was. He accidentally bumped into a girl about his age in the small pub when on his way to get a new round of alcohol and then spent the rest of the night with her.
They never shared full names or addresses with each other, all they got to know were mentions of small things dropped by accident. Now Joe's back in San Francisco, back to life in peace and he can't get the girl out of his head. There's nothing he regrets more than not asking for only these basic pieces of information. He let the possibly only good thing that war gave him slip through his fingers.
There's not a day he doesn't think of her. He sees the sparkle of her eyes in the street lights, the colour of her hair in the polychrome autumn leaves, hears her giggle in a random girl's voice on the street that makes him do a hopeful double take only to be left disappointed a moment later. When he's in a pub on a night out, the swirling booze in his glass reminds him of her and that one night they got to spend together. When a young woman gets in his cab with hair similar to hers, his heart always skips a beat as he looks back over his shoulder with sudden high hopes, his eyes always connecting with a pair of orbs that are clearly not hers.
He doesn't even know why he feels this way - he truly doesn't know her after all. Still, it's like in a matter of only a couple hours a connection has been created, one that's about impossible to break. If he believed in soulmates, maybe he'd say that it is just that. But he doesn't.
So he just lets the days pass with the occasional but somehow still almost constant thoughts of the girl. Every other week or when he just has the next day off, he might try to forget about her, find some inner peace with another woman, even though he knows that the next morning he'll wake up with her first name on the tip of his tongue just the same.
(y/n), on the other side of the planet tries to go on with her life after the war - she truly does. But still, it feels like there's nothing left for her in Austria anymore. Everything's changed. The village, the people living there, even her own perspective and thoughts on life has changed. Enough to help her make the decision of moving to the United States.
To her family she says it's only because of the seemingly endless opportunities there, in the process trying to convince even herself that it's not because of the fluffy brown haired paratrooper she met on the night of V-J Day.
Of course it's not because of him, all she knows about the young man is that his first name is Joe, that his fellow soldiers called him Lieb or something like that once or twice throughout the night, that he wanted to be a cab driver back in America, and that he was from San Francisco. It's nowhere enough information to give up her whole life and start a completely new one on the opposite side of the world.
Still, somehow it is enough for her, and it also gives her a starting point when six months after they first - and by far last - met she appears in the enormous American city all by herself, all her life packed up in two suitcases she drags behind herself, heart beating frantically as she eyes the buildings and hears the unimaginable street noise around her. To say she's anxious is an understatement - hell, she doesn't even speak English that good.
After the first and most important things are settled - a place to live in, a job to earn money with -, she's unable to stop herself and flips the telephone book up and calls a few of the cab companies around the city, trying to ask about him. But seemingly there are too many Joe's around who are driving taxis, and after the fourth or fifth unsuccessful try that leaves her feeling all stupid and naive she gives up.
She tries hard to fit in, makes friends at work and with the two girls she's rented the room she's now living in from, spends every evening improving her knowledge of the language. The more time passes, the better she feels - and the more she feels like she belongs -, though the feeling of missing something from her life never goes away. The feeling of missing somebody, to be more precise.
About two months later one day she oversleeps and is in a hurry to get to work in time so she decides to catch a cab instead of her usual choice of travelling by public transport. Almost practically falling down to the seat as she scrambles inside, she's already saying the address whilst also trying hard to catch her breath - she can only hope the driver can understand her panting words.
She closes her eyes, pressing her palm to her forehead and focusing on slowing her heartbeat back down to normal. Only half a minute passes though before she leans back in her seat and lets her eyelids open again, and her glance subconsciously falls on the cab driver.
Silently examining his features from diagonally and behind she can't help but feel a weird feeling tingle in her chest, as if her whole existence has suddenly found something familiar. Her eyes move back up on his profile, on the elegant line of his nose and the way a strand of brown hair has delicately fallen in front of his forehead.
"Joe," the name she still hears in her sleep every night leaves her lips in an almost breathless, subconscious whisper.
Then the next moment his head whips around - so fast that she can't help but worry he'll have whiplash - and the oh so familiar eyes connect with hers.
"(y/n)?" Comes the equally disbelieving, quietly muttered answer from him.
He remembers her.
Suddenly all the frustration of leaving her home behind and moving across the world, all the frustration of trying to find him feels worth it. She's found him. Or has he found her? It was most likely fate bringing the two back together, giving them one last chance to see what they would do.
"What are you doing here?" Joe exclaims excitedly, his glance moving back and forth frantically between the road in front of him and her face.
"I moved here," (y/n) shrugs.
"You what?"
She only giggles in response to his reaction - she's too overwhelmed with happiness to actually say something.
"It's good to see you," he admits, mentally adding that it's not only good, more like the best thing that has ever happened to him. He knows he can't just attack her like that, she probably didn't move here because of him anyway so he keeps his mouth shut to keep these thougths in.
"You too," she beams at him in the rear-view mirror before quietly adding one more thought, mainly to herself. "By now I thought I'll never find you."
And just like that the previous thought almost fully disappears from his mind, his breath hitching in his throat. "You tried to find me?" Joe asks with a smug grin on his face, one that's supposed to hide the swirl of his true and not at all like him emotions.
"Well, yeah, of course," the girl shrugs sheepishly, earning a joyous hum from him as a wordless reply.
For a couple long seconds they stay in silence, both of them deep in their thoughts as their minds try to process the sudden emergence of the other. Some previously never felt tension rises slowly in the air of the car, suddenly neither knows what to say or what to do. What they've been dreaming about for more than half a year now has just come true - and they weren't ready for it.
"Where're you going?" Joe speaks up again to break the quiet. "I mean, why are going there, 'cause I know where you're going."
This earns him a mental slaps from himself for behaving so stupid. What is he doing? Why is he like this? Where's his usual confident cockiness?
Maybe it was worth it, coming here just to see him again, but there's no guarantee that he hasn't found someone else by now - even if he does remember her - or that he would even want to see her again after today. Doubt reappears in her mind, keeping her from speaking her mind and ask him about all the things she's been dying to ask him ever since that night back in Austria.
"When did you arrive here?"
"Two months ago."
"Sorry if I'm asking too much, I'll stop," Joe glances at her in the mirror, taking her reserved, short answers wrong, thinking that she just doesn't want to talk with him.
"No, no, it's fine!" (y/n)'s quick to reassure, eyes opened wide. "I should be the one apologising for not answering more or asking back. I'm just- ugh, I don't know. I've been thinking about this moment for so long that now I'm scared it's just a dream again. I don't want to get too empathized in case I'll only wake up in my bed again."
"This is real life, I swear," Joe chuckles - her words have managed to calm him down again. He lets go of the steering wheel with one hand and reaches back above the car seat - nothing but a simple signal towards her.
Mindlessly holding back her breath she raises a hand of her own and lets her skin bump into his for a short moment before daringly fully wrapping her fingers around his. An immediate smile takes over his features as he loosens into her touch.
"See? It's not a dream," he grins to himself, thumb moving over the back of her hand in soft small caresses.
"I'm glad it isn't," (y/n) giggles and Joe lets out a chuckle himself.
Before they could truly let go and enjoy the drive to the fullest, he pulls over outside a building that (y/n) realises as her work place when finally looking out the window.
Swiftly letting go of his hand she starts rummaging through her reticule to find her purse. When she pulls out the proper banknotes and tries to push them in his palm, he just shakes his head and moves his hand back to the steering wheel.
"You don't have to," he shrugs. "Take it as a welcome in San Francisco gift."
"Thank you," she mumbles with flushing cheeks before collecting her things and moving to get out of the cab.
She closes the door already when the sudden realisation hits her - she still doesn't know either his full name or his address, or anything for real.
Her hand rises almost on its own and her knuckles rap a fast rhythm against the glass next to the front seat. Joe's eyes are already on her as he scoots closer to roll down the window.
"I just wondered if I could have your phone number," she blurts out before she could think twice leaning down so her head pops back into the car.
With a raise of an eyebrow and a teasing smirk sitting upon his lips he nods in acknowledgement. "For the better part of this past minute I've been trying to find the courage to ask for your number."
(y/n) can feel the blood rush to her cheeks as she realises how truly straight-forward she's acted, but before she can raise a hand to hide her face in utter embarrassment, Joe starts moving around inside the car, and only a second or two later he retrieves his hand with a pen in-between his fingers. With his free hand he reaches out to gently grab her wrist and pulls it fully inside, pushing the material of her coat and long-sleeved blouse up towards her elbow.
Then he scribbles something on her soft skin, hissing whenever the pen doesn't want to write and he has to press the point of it deeper into her arm even though he really wouldn't want to hurt her even the slightest bit.
"There you go," his glance moves back up to her face when he finishes, winking at her.
(y/n) bites back a giggle before straightening back up, pulling out of the cab fully.
"See you later, Joe," she smiles at him one last time before turning around and rushing inside the building - the pinkness of her cheeks and the not erasable, wide smile on her face being true proofs of her emotions.
Later, when she's finally at her desk, coat removed and body gently slumping into the chair, her eyes catch sight of the writing again and she finally takes a better look at it. There's a phone number, completed with a simple Joe Liebgott and a don't you dare not call me under it.
A soft giggle escapes (y/n)'s lungs as she reads the last line, shaking her head in happy disbelief whilst also wondering how he could write so much in such a short time and without her even noticing. She must've been too entranced by the sparkling of his eyes, the way that one strand of hair fell and bounced in the air and how he - probably subconsciously - stuck the tip of his tongue out past his lips in concentration.
Then with a blissful sigh she lowers her arm again, eyes staring out of her head, looking at nothing in particular - instead picturing his face again inside her mind.
"Liebgott," she mutters to herself, tasting the name rolling down her tongue. She finally knows his name.
.::the end::.
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
Prince!Kokichi headcanons
request; may I request Kokichi as a prince and his female S/O getting engaged head-canons?<3
warnings; prince!Kokichi, female!reader, reader uses female pronouns, cussing, Kokichi is a fucking dumbass, is scrabble a thing in the royal au? well, it is now! this turned more into scenarios lmfao sorry bouT THAT ACK- unedited and all over the place, kinda passive aggressive hh
note; sorry for the long wait! I also apologize if the royal au isn’t too detailed, or if it even makes sense- I haven’t written anything like this before, so you’ll have to forgive me T_T Thank you so much for requesting tho!
◊ Prince Kokichi is a little shit, we all know that. So you need to know the disclaimers that come with loving a little shit;
◊ c h a o s
◊ Readers be warned. 
◊ Once Kokichi realized that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, he becomes more clingy. He says it’s because he wants to spend more time with you, but he actually spends more time with you so he could try and study you to see if you felt the same about marriage and because he loves you, that too.
◊ He kind of acts like even more of a little shit, constantly teasing you and pretending to get on one knee, only to pick something up. 
◊ “Hey, S/o, there’s something that’s been bothering me for a while…” He fidgeted, faking an expression of nervousness. “Will you…” Your eyes widened, ‘is he going to propose??’ Answer in mind, you started nodding immediately, “Check out my horse’s butt? Mmm, I think he has some sort of anal fizzure, or something, but I can’t be certain-” He watched as your face dropped, a hint of a smirk on his faux-innocent face. 
◊ You cut him off, “No.” Kokichi looked at you in betrayal, “Ehhh? But s/o, you already agreed to it!” Gulping nervously, “I thought you said something else..!” Your suddenly timid voice, barely audible. Kokichi had to move his face closer to yours sneaky hoe,suddenly his voice dropped low, “Hm? What did you think I said?” His chuckled mischievously, laugh sending shivers down your spine. “I am going to throw my shoe at your face.” Kokichi’s earlier teasing demeanour seemingly disappeared after you threatened him, “Aw, S/o-chan is getting feisty- S/O WAIT-”
◊ Once you’ve unknowingly confirmed that you’re as whipped as he is for you(?), he starts his evil plan.
◊ He really wants to wow his future wife with his proposal, he wants all the other kingdoms to fucking wail because they’ll know they won’t ever be able to top his proposal off. 
◊ Although he’s almost 100% confident you’ll say yes, he still has some doubts. He is human after all, he’s bound to feel human emotions like fear of rejection. Though, as a master liar, he lies to himself, “She’ll 100% say yes, I am amazing after all, why wouldn’t she? H a h a h a-” making him feel waaay better about his doubts.
◊ It’s not healthy, but hey! It works!
◊ He lied to himself so much that he didn’t even think about the part where your dad would kill him- He forgot to ask for his permission beforehand, and he was going to regret it(whooops).
◊ He does months of preparing before his final plan. I don’t want to give it away but… It has something to do with animals. And uh, paint.
◊ Whenever you spotted Kokichi being suspicious, he somehow always successfully lies his way out of your accusations. Mostly charming you and diverting your attention from his sus-ness. 
◊ Kokichi does many, many foolish things to try and catch your attention, and almost never gets caught for it because of his amazing skills at lying. But this time, oh ho ho.
◊ The man had spray painted all the horses, animal-safe paint… I think, spelling out, “will you marry me?” Turns out, horses don’t like spray paint(who knew?), and so they made loud neigh noises while Kokichi painted their huge chests, unwantingly attracting the squire because of the noise.
◊ Once he was caught by the squire, his finger ‘accidentally’ slipped and he fired a gun in the air to scare the horses- Don’t worry! The horses knew where they were going. Prior to spray painting them, he had trained them to go to your kingdom every time they hear gunfire. Which explains why horses always come running to you whenever someone goes hunting-
◊ Luckily for him, the question mark horse waited for Kokichi to hop on before it had run away with the others, leaving enough time for Kokichi to escape and nearly trample the squire- 
◊ When you saw the jumble of horses and letters outside your window, your mind immediately thought of Kokichi. Oh wait, there he was! Your knight in shining armour, riding a distraught horse with a question mark on it’s back. You find yourself wondering, why did you find him attractive?
◊ Though, you’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t do flips when you saw his purple head in the crowd of horses.
◊ You rolled your eyes playfully as you saw Kokichi beckoning you down with his hands, smiling when you saw how silly he looked. He was covered in dirt yet you’ve never seen someone so excited.
◊ Trotting down the stairs, your eyes caught sight of Kokichi’s stained back as he desperately tried to get the horses in order. “Kokichi?” Feeling your face heat up as you saw the way he turned and looked at you, he’s unsure how but, you always make him go speechless when he sees you. Maybe you’re a witch? “S/ooooo, why are you so fast?” He snapped out of his daze as he puffed, turning back around to move the horses in order. 
◊ Seeing as how you’re not stupid(and you play a lot of scrabble), one look at all the horse letters and you already knew what was happening. Kokichi peaked back behind him, sneakily glancing at your face that seemed to be… constipated? Wait no, you were holding in a laugh. “... You know don’t you?” He glared at your trembling form, your hand covering your mouth in an attempt to hide your giggles. “N-no, no! Go on, continue and uh, arrange that horse! Pfft-”, you said as you raised your fist in the air enthusiastically. He pouted, taking a couple steps towards you, “You didn’t even try to lie. This is offensive to me, you know?” He said in a faux-disappointed tone, only making you laugh harder. 
◊ He lightly pushed your arm, “S/o, why are you so overly intelligent? All those word games make you seem like a nerd.” You gasped dramatically, “I’m a nerd? Look behind you!” Frustrated(bc bitch knew he lost-), he quickly pecked you with his dirt-covered lips. Once he pulled away, he was granted with your beautiful, flustered expression he had grown to love.
◊ “Just answer the question already S/oooo!” He whined, pulling at your sleeves like a child. “F-fine, fine, I do. I will marry you.” He felt his whole body shiver with relief, face suddenly lighting up and giving you whiplash at the change in his mood.
◊ “Yay! S/o-chan looooves me~!” He leaped into your arms, covering your nightgown with dirt. Though neither of you seemed to care about how dirty and un-noblelike you both acted, as you were both too invested in the other to even think about anything else. Including the horses that were now running away. 
◊ Though he lies about many many things, he is never lying when he says he wants to court you. He’ll say it a million times until you believe him, he doesn’t care, he just loves you so much.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Letters To A Stranger
Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Summary: The story of a girl who loved a boy, but couldn't talk, so she wrote.
Warnings: fluff for a bit, but then massive angst, and i mean massive, STOP READING HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT ANY SPOILERS BUT I WOULDN'T FEEL OKAY WITHOUT LISTING ALL THE ANGST FACTORS 
(mentions of ED, mentions of self-harm, implied character death, mentions of social anxiety)
Word Count: 1.3k words
Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes
A/N: did you miss me?
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February 21st, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
Are you new? Or was I simply too oblivious to your presence until now? I've never seen you before, you're really pretty.
 I don't think I've ever used the word "pretty" to describe a man before. Well, boy, but my point stands.
But you really are. With your caramel eyes, and artistically tousled hair. You're cute. Kind of like a puppy. Not that I'm attracted to dogs, of course, but there's really no better way to describe you. Your face lights up when you talk on the phone, like an excited golden retriever who'd just been told he was going for a walk. I wonder who you're talking to. Is it your partner? Please, say you're single.
You get off after me apparently, so I guess I'll just keep my pining to my letters and hope to see you again tomorrow.
Kinda wishing I was yours,
Your secret admirer.
February 22nd, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
You're back! Is this a simple coincidence or are you a regular? 
From the backpack on your shoulder, I'd say maybe you're a student. I don't go to school. You make me wish I did if only to see your face every day for more than the short ten minutes of our joint ride.
I wonder how old you are. You look old enough to be in high school, but which year are you? I know I'm only nineteen, but I'd feel a little bummed about crushing on a fourteen-year-old.
You're smiling again today. I'm glad. I don't see a lot of smiles at the diner. Mostly glares, impatient huffs, and tired, distant expressions. It's a nice change.
I have to go now but thank you for making my day.
Hoping to see you again tomorrow, 
Your secret admirer.
February 23rd, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I'm starting to think that smile is permanent. It's the third day in a row that I've gotten on the train and was immediately greeted with your beaming smile as you watched some video on your phone. It made me smile too.
Your sweatshirt's pretty. It says "Midtown Tech" on it. Is that a school? Is it your school? 
I may have to do some digging later.
Please don't think I'm a stalker.
Your totally not-stalker secret admirer.
March 1st, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I was late this morning so I didn't get to see you. My boss was not happy about it, I felt like I was walking on very thin ice.
And then this guy grabbed my ass while I was taking his order. I acted on instinct, tried to remember everything they taught me at my self-defense class. I ended up accidentally punching him in the face. 
So yeah, I lost my job today. Which is why I'm here so early. I might stay on the subway just to see which stop you get off on. 
Yeah, maybe not, that'd be weird and I should start job hunting as soon as possible.
Thank you for making me smile on a bad day.
Thank you for being you,
Your secret admirer.
March 17th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I got a new job! I'm working at this coffee shop/bookstore and it's honestly the greatest thing in the world. I get to be around books AND get free hot chocolate, how much better can life be?
You looked a little down today, I wonder if you're okay? Is everything well at home? Maybe school's the problem? Maybe you got a bad grade, but you look really smart so I don't know.
I hope you're feeling better tomorrow,
Your secret admirer.
March 19th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I wish I knew your name, that way I'd know who to address this to. But I guess Cute Boy On The Subway will have to do. 
You were smiling again today, that's nice. I haven't seen you smile in a while, I was starting to get worried. The sweater you were wearing looked a little too big to be yours, the collar slipped down a little when you moved. It looks like there's a massive bruise on your upper chest. Does it hurt? Are you okay?
I wish I was brave enough to ask you in person.
Get better soon, 
Your secret admirer.
March 25th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
You're back to not smiling today. I don't like to see you frown. Not at all. I want you to tell me what's wrong. I want to help you get better, see you smile again.
I want to talk to you.
I'll do it tomorrow, 
Your secret admirer.
March 26th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
You were sad again today. But that's okay, cause I said I'd talk to you. 
Except I didn't.
My stomach started doing uncomfortable flips and I had to get off the train earlier than usual so I could throw up. It was not fun. 
Maybe I just have the flu?
Hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow,
Your secret admirer.
March 30th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I've tried talking to you for three days, every time I had to get off and empty my stomach's content. I started to see a pattern so after a half week of that vicious cycle, I went to see my doctor.
Turns out I have social anxiety tendencies and you simply trigger them a bit. So, basically, my body won't let me talk to you.
I'm a little sad but also kind of relieved. At least I know I'm not voluntarily letting you slip through my fingers.
Not that I ever plan on doing that, you've become too important.
I hope you smile tomorrow,
Your secret admirer.
April 7th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I'm worried about you. Your sleeve rose a little when you held onto the pole. There are scars there, familiar ones, ones that I recognize as scars left by one's own hand. Physical marks of a person's suffering.
Why are you doing that? It hurts to know that you feel down enough to resort to that. I want to help, but I can't bring myself to talk to you.
Please stop this,
Your secret admirer.
April 12th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
Your eyes were red today. You've been crying. There are dark circles under your eyes, how long has it been since you've last slept?
A lady asked you if you were alright. You said you were just a little tired. I've never heard a more obvious lie.
I wish I could talk to you,
Your secret admirer.
April 16th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
The dark circles haven't gone away, if anything they've gotten darker. But now there's a bruise on your cheek. You seem to be getting thinner too.
What's going on?
Your secret admirer.
April 28th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
How much weight have you lost? Your cheekbones are more prominent, and your arms are getting thinner by the second. Why don't you eat? 
The bruises are more frequent now. Cheek, eyebrow, lip... 
Who's hitting you?
Who's making you suffer?
Your secret admirer.
May 6th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I haven't seen you in a few days. I wonder where you are.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry, that's a stupid question, you probably aren't.
I've decided that next time I see you I'm gonna talk to you. Ask you what's wrong. Force you to tell me if that's what it takes.
I hope you're safe.
Your secret admirer.
May 27th, 2024
Dear Peter Parker, 
I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to talk to you when I had the chance.
I hope you're in a better place now.
I'm sorry you were alone when you did it.
I'm sorry you had to do it.
With love,
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yes, i'm one of those authors that post something an then disappears for two months, i'm sorry. i've been super busy with school and i haven't really had the motivation to write lately but i got this idea and i just needed to get it out.
also, i may be getting a new computer in like 1 or 2 weeks, so that's cool! it'll be better to write and stuff cause this one's getting kinda slow and sometimes it's hard to post stuff cause it won't load lmao.
anyway, i hope you liked it and if you did don’t forget to reblog/comment/like
love you all!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────» 
Taglists: (if your name is striked through it means for some reason tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you) 
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ohallthecrushes · 4 years
That one day... // Arthur Fleck x Reader
A/N: I’m tired, my lower back is in pain and I should be sleeping, but my hyperfocus didn’t let me. xD So somehow I made this one shot that I was pretty sure I’d never finish. Arthur is sweet, but dark and creepy and in love with reader.
Summary: You and Arthur just became friends. He fell in love with you from the beginning, but because you were hurt before you want to stay just friends with him. You thought he’d be ok with it, but of course he’s not. Soon you start falling in love with him too, but having in mind what you decided before, you try to ignore your feelings for him. When you finally let him know, he doesn’t believe you and it turns out into a little disaster. Can someone teach me how to write good summary?
Word counts:2293
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You and Arthur were friends for some time now. One month to be more precisely. It all started with you coming up to him and asking if he was alright after you saw him standing before a building you lived in...
Looking lost in thoughts. 
In the middle of a pouring rain.
Without an umbrella.
Broken down and beaten up.
It was a simple gesture of kindness that you took him to the nearest donuts shop and bought him a hot coffee to warm him up. You sat down with him and made him to talk. Reassuring him that you wanted to sit there with him and you actually wanted to help even by just lending an ear.
It was a gesture of kindness, but it was a magic moment to Arthur.
His life had changed that day.
You gave him your phone number, just in case he ever wanted to talk again and he thanked you and apologized to you for the trouble at least seven times before you two left the shop and separated.
He didn’t call you the next days, weeks even, which felt somewhat disappointing. You were hoping that he would call to offer you a coffee or something like that. Not that you wanted him to repay you. You just... You felt like he was a good sensitive man, a gentle soul so hard to find in Gotham that you would like to know better.
It was a shame that he wasn’t interested.
But then, you couldn’t know that he spent two whole weeks following you around, getting information about you and learning your daily habits.
You couldn’t know. He made sure of that.
It was that one day when you accidentally bumped on him when you were going back from work that he invited you to your favorite coffee shop down the street. You agreed with a smile, lucky you felt that day.
He appeared to you as a shy, timid man with daily struggle and mental problems but also with big hopes and dreams.
He was always polite and considerate of your feelings, and he asked you a lot of questions about you and your life.
Some were simple and silly like your favourite color or songs you often listened to.
Some were more intimate and even inappropriate at times. But you were never upset with him for asking such. You knew he didn’t have any friends that he could learnt from what healthy boundaries were.
Until now, of course.
You became his friend and you two began to meet more often. He opened up to you some time later and you could see how much more comfortable he started to feel around you.
You even noticed that he felt comfortable enough to gently brushed his hand over yours when you two were walking through a park. Something was in the air...
That was when you had to stop him.
- Arthur...
- Yes?
- Remember when I told you about my ex boyfriend? And how fucked up our relationship was?
- Yes...
- You know... how... hurt I was. I’m not ready to start dating yet. I hope you understand that and you don’t take it personally, I...
- Oh, it’s alright - he nodded his head a little to vigorously to fully hide that he’d been hoping for something to happen between you - I didn’t try to do anything, just... I get that you’re not ready, I do. I’d like us to stay friends too.
- You’re sure? 
- Mhm - the way he lowered his head and avoid the eye contact told you he wasn’t fully honest.
- Artie...
- I’ll be alright, really. I have feelings for you, you know, but I don’t want to destroy what we already have. You’re my friend... You’re my only friend. I don’t wanna lose you.
You wanted to say something, but he smiled at you softly.
- Don’t worry about me, Y/N, I’ll be fine.
That day you were foolish enough to think that he actually would be alright about you two being just friends. He seemed fine at that moment and you thought that because it was just the beginning that his feelings for you weren’t strong enough yet, so they would be easier to suppress, easier to ignore. As if it was something he could just take back.
But he was already far too deep and beyond the point of turning back.
You didn’t get back to that topic ever again.
You kept hanging out with each other everyday you could, and everyday when you couldn’t you were talking by phone, telling each other how your day was and sharing your thoughts on different topics. He was telling you jokes and listening you laughing. While you were feeding him with your home made cookies and watching him dance in his Carnival costume. You kept each other company as friends do, ignoring the fact that sometimes, just sometimes he looked at you with an old hope and longing.
You stayed just friends.
But your smile was his favourite thing in this world to look at.
And he occasionally told you a few compliments to make you blush as well - his second favorite thing to look at.
But his voice was the last thing you heard before you went to sleep and the first thing you heard when you woke up.
But “goodmornings and goodbyes” became your daily habits. Something you couldn’t get through a day and night without.
But he sometimes surprised you with small gifts, like your favorite cupcake or something related to your hobby. Smallest things so you wouldn’t forget about him.
But everyday you were getting more and more excited to see him.
And before you know... You were far too deep and beyond the point of turning back.
It was that one day when you two were chilling on his couch, drinking tea and watching old comedies. You were facing each other and silly laughing about... oh who cares what.
You felt happy when he was around you. You felt excited when he looked at you or called you by your name. You felt things towards him a friend shouldn’t feel.
You had realized that a week before, but you’d tried to ignore it. You’d managed to ignore it somehow even though it hurt you inside. It burnt a hole in your heart when you also had realized that you couldn't tell him. After all you were the one that had insisted to stay just friends. You were the one thinking foolishly that feelings can be easily repressed or forgotten. You should had knew better than that.
Your eyes were wandering all over his face as you tried to silence your heart at that moment.
But his small hiccups were adorable and his smile was so wide and his crooked tooth looked so cute.
But you couldn’t look away from his lips as well.
You couldn’t take it anymore. How could you be so naive? How could you deny him and yourself something you both felt so deeply?
You stopped smiling and started screaming inside.
- Y/N? - he asked puzzled and concerned as he reached out to touch your arm - What’s wrong? You look like you’re in pain...
You were in pain, indeed.
To stop yourself from crying you started laughing. But it was a sad laugh that Arthur wasn’t amused with.
- Y/N?
- Oh god! I can’t... I can’t do this anymore - you shook your head as you dramatically covered your face with your hands and put your head up. You couldn’t just sit there pretending anymore, hurting your feelings like that.
Arthur stared at you confused and worried, wondering what made you say that and what did you mean.
He’d noticed that you’d been acting weird lately, that during conversations your head had been somewhere else and it was as if you'd been hiding something before him. He didn’t want to pry, but he couldn’t help but felt that whatever that was, had something to do with him.
Suddenly he felt insecure again. His old demons started barking.
Did you just... agree that you couldn’t stand him and pretend to be his friend anymore? Did one of his fear just became a reality?
- W-what are you saying? What d-do you mean you can’t?
You spread your fingers to look at him. You didn’t want to take your hands off your face, cause you knew you were blushing like hell.
- I can’t just... - you took a deep breath - i can’t just be your friend...
Something in his eyes told you that you just hurt his feelings in an awful way. You didn’t mean to! Oh no, let me explain!
- I mean I... I didn’t want to sound... I find it hard to... - you struggled with your words and you saw how the light in his eyes slowly disappeared, replaced by something much darker and empty.
He thought he was right, his brain hadn’t lied to him this time. You really did despise him, didn’t you? You had just pretended that you liked him, because you felt pity for him, when in reality you couldn’t even stand him. He was right from the beginning, wasn’t he? He clutched his fists and felt like his lower lip began to shake as well as one of his knee.
You couldn’t see how scared he was, how disappointed and hurt, cause you shut your eyes closed, trying to focus on the right words. But the right words just couldn’t came out and you felt frustrated with your own disability to handle this conversation that you’d just started.
- Oh, for fuck’s sake - you said as you opened your eyes and leaned forward, letting your lips express what your mind couldn’t. You kissed him or more likely pressed your lips to his in a little desperate manner, silencing you both from racing thoughts for a brief moment. Then you leaned back, opened your eyes and waited. He looked at you confused and anxious and you knew what was coming next.
He pressed his hands to the place where your lips had been just a second ago and burst into a very loud very hurtful laughter. His body turned away from you shaking as if he wanted to hide himself from you, from your sight, so you wouldn’t pity him even more. He could feel your hand gently caressing his back as you always did when he had his fit, but you did this only because you had to, right? You didn’t really want to be there with him or for him in that matter. He was just a freak to you. He was just. A. Freak. A very naive freak.
- W-why... are... why are y-you... mocking me... like this?! - he managed to gasped out as his laughter scaled down. He was siting with his head lowered and his eyes on the floor. His eyebrows were knitted, his leg was bouncing fast and he was seriously upset.
- What? I’m not... - you were confused now, his sudden outburst made you withdraw your hand. Wasn’t you clear enough with your kiss? - I’m not mocking you, Arthur, I’m...
- You know I have feelings for you and you’re mocking me with that kiss!
- I’m not! That’s not what I wanted to-
- You said - he interjected you - that you can’t do this anymore. That you can’t be my friend! What you meant is that you can’t pretend anymore that you like me. You said that! And then - he glared at you with a hurtful look in his eyes - then you kissed me to mock me - he added with a lower much more quiet voice. For a moment you were afraid to speak up.
But you started to grasp on his way of thinking. And... oh boy.
- No... You’re wrong, Arthur. I didn’t kiss you to mock you. Why would I.. - you sighed - What I meant by that is... I have feelings for you too and that’s why I can’t pretend to be just your friend anymore.
He looked away and took a moment to process your words. He didn’t look at you and you were afraid that he wouldn’t believe you, but his leg slowly stopped bouncing and when he finally looked at you, his eyes were soft looking and his voice didn’t sound so dangerous. 
He didn’t fully believe you, but he was getting there.
- You... have feelings for me too? - he repeated very slowly as he was still processing what he’d heard.
- Yes, I do. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear enough with that before.
Slowly his body turned to you and he became visibly more relaxed. His eyebrows twitched as he finally got what you were saying.
- But you said before that you wanted to stay friends...
- I know and that was... well, very stupid of me. 
You took his hand in yours.
- I fell in love with you Arthur and if you still feel the same about me... Then I’m ready to start something new.
His face lightened up with a big smile and you saw tears in his eyes.
- Y/N... Oh god, I’m so sorry I reacted like that! I thought that... I let myself thought things I shouldn’t have. But that was my...
- ... your fears talking, I know.
He gently squeezed your hand and leaned down to assure you that he still felt the same about you.
He cupped your face and kissed you with an overflow of passion.
That day your life had changed.
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hercleverboy · 4 years
I read 'Butterflies' and really enjoyed it. I was moved especially by the reader. I have a headcanon question, if you don't mind. Did the reader ever forgive Spencer? What did Spencer do after the conversation? Did he atone for his mistake? Did the team? Did this experience change Spencer forever? Thank you!
first of all, thank you so much! I’m very happy you enjoyed it, it’s one of my favourite pieces.
secondly, admittedly I’ve never given much thought into what occurred after the reader and Spencer’s conversation. however since you asked, I revisited the story and have come up with some thoughts/hc’s that will hopefully answer your questions:
(this accidentally got super long, sorry if this was more than you wanted!!)
((read ‘butterflies’ here!))
tw // mentions of death, slight suicidal thoughts.
- after their conversation, Spencer left with an unimaginable amount of guilt weighing on his shoulders. he also found himself selfishly disappointed.
- it was silly, he knew. he couldn’t have expected her to welcome him back into her life with open arms. Not after what he’d done. He had to be prepared to face the reality that the forgiveness he sought may never come.
- of course it was going to take time to earn back her trust, her friendship, her love. and If he loved her as much as he claimed he did, he’d be willing to wait.
- and wait he did.
- but the reader was struggling with an internal debate. she could see the sincerity in his words, the remorseful look in his eyes. She’d almost wanted to cave and accept him back into her arms immediately at the sight of the tears that had spilled from his eyes. but how does one even begin to process something like that? how should she forgive someone that had hurt her so deeply?
- Spencer threw himself back into his work, the best form of distraction for him. he worked tirelessly on cases and even acted recklessly in the field at times, a product of his own all-consuming guilt. after what he did to Y/N, his best friend, the woman he loved, wouldn’t it be better for him to die in the field? was death the price he’d have to pay to atone for his mistakes? would anything else feel good enough?
- anytime the team tried to call him out on his recklessness, he’d snap back at them, with snarky comments under his breath.
- really, it was just an attempt to alleviate the weight of his guilt by passing it onto his team. it was wrong, and Spencer knew it, but it was how he was coping.
- the fear of never receiving the absolution he craved kept him up at night. He knew very well that the reader didn’t owe him forgiveness, not at all. his apology didn’t mean everything was suddenly fixed, that things would go back to the way they once were.
- but it was a genuine mistake, one that wasn’t exactly avoidable. they had every reason to believe she was the culprit. the evidence was mounted up against her.
- he especially suffered with feeling as though he’d let her down.
- he let his profession cloud his judgment, trusted the profile more than his best friend.
- eventually, after taking the time to think over everything and consider her options, the reader approached him and they began to rebuild a friendship from there.
- at the end of the day, the reader still loved Spencer. despite what she’d said, that kind of feeling didn’t just disappear. and her love for him seemingly outweighed the bad enough that she would be willing to give their relationship another shot.
- though she secretly hated the part of herself that loved him. she hated how no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t seem to hate him.
- and it was that love for him that convinced her to stick around and attempt to revive whatever could possibly be rebuilt from the ashes of their relationship.
- as for the team; they overcompensated for months afterward.
- JJ easily felt the worst out of everyone. She’d seen first hand how much prison had impacted Spencer, and she wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone. She’d call reader frequently, and they’d talk about anything that either of them wanted to. JJ desperately wanted to relieve her own guilt, to take full accountability for her part in the readers conviction. after all, forgiveness is earned and JJ had certainly done just that.
- Penelope went into overdrive trying to compensate for her part in the readers wrongful conviction. She was definitely the most hands on. She brought gift baskets to the readers door, beaming as she spoke about how the nuts increased serotonin levels. the reader had to tell her eventually that her forgiveness could not be bought. however, Penelope needn’t worry. It didn’t take more than one look for Y/N to see how extremely apologetic the woman was. Her willingness to prove her sincerity was moving, and the reader was quick to reassure her that all was certainly forgiven.
- Morgan felt more liable that he cared to admit. However, he didn’t want to overstep or force her to forgive him by repeatedly turning up on her doorstep. and so, he wrote letters. though he only ever wrote three. the first was the longest, detailing an explanation for his actions that he felt she deserved. the second was slightly shorter, and asked her more generally how she was doing with rehabilitating back into society. he knew his guilty conscience wasn’t her problem, but he couldn’t help but feel even more awful every time he looked at how miserable Spencer had been ever since. the third letter was the shortest, just a few simple sentences ‘the kid is a mess. nearly got himself killed in the field last week. you don’t need to forgive him, that’s well within your right to decide. but if there’s anyone who deserves vindication it’s him.’ the reader eventually wrote back, confirming that she forgave Derek for his part, and that she would consider what he’d said about Spencer.
- and Spencer certainly was a changed man following the experience.
- for a long time aftward, he struggled internally with forgiving himself. something that he wasn’t sure he would ever fully come to terms with.
- because how could he expect Y/N to forgive him if he couldn’t even forgive himself?
- ultimately, I’ll leave the decision as to whether the reader ever really forgives Spencer up to you, the audience. you decide, is he worthy of her forgiveness? if not, would he become worthy of it in the future?
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justjeonday · 4 years
Remedy | jeon jeongguk
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After a disappointing call from his manager, Jeongguk opens up to you about his life as an idol for the first time. No longer the happy and energetic boy you’re so used to, he lets everything out - and his words make your heart heavy with sorrow. 
— 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤; jeon jeongguk x reader
— 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 1,808
— 𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤; PG
— 𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢; angst, ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ, idol!au, jeongguk and reader are friends for now
— 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; none, just sad jeongguk to make your heart ache :(
— 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔰; this is a repost cause I accidentally deleted the original one -.- anyway, this fic is inspired by the meaning behind jeongguk’s solo my time. This was also meant to be a scene in a longer fic I’m planning so if you like this please let me know! I’m really proud of this piece so please enjoy <3
(gif above is not mine!)
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Your eyes fall down to the reflection of the city in the black abyss of water beneath you, arms laying against the cool metal railing of the bridge as Jeongguk stands beside you with his shoulder brushing against yours.
The atmosphere had been light all night until just a few minutes ago, when he got a call from his manager. He had suggested for Jeongguk to discontinue with his midnight adventures he’d been having with you, preferably before someone notices it’s him hiding under the bucket hat and black oversized jacket. Jeongguk understands the reasoning of course, knowing it’s only to keep everyone including himself safe - but still he can’t help but to be disappointed.
“What’s on your mind?” You ask as your eyes land on his figure beside you, gaze falling down to study the way he fiddles with his hands.
He sighs, looking up at the sky. “I don’t know, I’m just a little gutted I guess.”
The two of you stand there in silence for a small while, then he speaks again - his voice breaking the silence in your shared bubble.
“Doing this,” he says, gesturing with his hand between the two of you. “It brings some sort of normality to my days in a way, and when we’re out like this I just forget how crazy my life actually is, and it feels so nice to just be with you like this. It feels like I’m just Jeongguk. Not anyone or anything else, not Jeongguk who’s on stage, not the guy who’s good at everything - just me.” He has a small smile on his lips as he finishes, eyes meeting yours.
“I’m happy to know you feel that way,” You smile back.
Yet again, the two of you fall into a comfortable silence - and despite the big city you’re in it actually feels silent, peaceful.
Seoul is never really silent. Behind you on the bridge, outside the walls of your bubble, there’s still plenty of cars driving by even though dawn is slowly approaching. Groups of friends still pass you by, loud from the exciting buzz a Friday night out brings. The city never sleeps and there’s constant sound filling the atmosphere.
However with Jeongguk next to you, every noise, every person fades into the night - and left is just the two of you and the stars.
You tune back in with reality as he speaks again, his tone suddenly a little different than before. “I just get lonely sometimes… living like this.”
Your look up at him, his smile now nowhere to be seen. You watch as he lets his gaze wander over the night sky, the lights of Seoul reflecting in his eyes. His dark orbs create galaxies of their own, stars shining in them just like the celestial bodies in the dark above you. And without realizing, you’ve come to prefer stargazing into them rather than the sky.
He exhales, his parted lips making way for a shaky breath before he continues speaking. “It almost feels like I exist in a different time and space than everyone around me.” He gathers the courage to meet your own gaze, voice weak as he talks.
A feeling of concern starts growing in your chest and your heart starts to ache as you see the sorrow in his eyes, a sight you’ve never seen before. The man in front of you, whom you’ve spent almost every day with for the past month, suddenly feels foreign to you. There’s no playfulness hidden in his features, no witty comments lingering on the tip of his tongue - waiting to be said just before the two of you break into laughter. His warm, dark irises almost seem sombre to you and the dimple you’re so used to seeing next to his bunny smile is now visible in a different emotion as his lips press together into a line.
It breaks you to see him like this.
“It all happened so fast, you know?” He says along with a sigh, looking out over Han River again as his fingers curl around the railing in front of him.
You turn towards him slightly, wanting him to know he has your full attention. You admire his features as he searches for words to say, deciding not to interrupt and just let him speak his mind.
“I started working to fulfill my dreams at such a young age I missed out on so much, and even though I’ve come so far - to a place I never even imagined I could reach - there’s still traces of losses, like something’s missing in here,” he lays a hand over his heart, a crease forming between his eyebrows as he fists the fabric of his hoodie. “It’s a strange feeling to miss something you’ve never known in the first place, something you might never know. I never had the chance to do all the things other guys my age have done, like dating or spending time with friends downtown at an ungodly hour and just messing around and being a normal teenager. Even just the simplest things, boring things, like studying for an exam along with other students and going to study groups.”
You feel your heart shatter into two as you notice his eyes becoming glossy, the stars in them shining brighter before they start fading - the fuel keeping them alive slowly disappearing.
You can’t even begin to imagine what he must feel like, not knowing mundane experiences that close to everyone his age has experience - things that most people experience daily. How lonely it must get when you can’t relate to anyone around you no matter how much you might want to, and the only one who’d really understand what you’re feeling being yourself. No one to turn to who’d be able to help or give advice.
You feel your eyes starting to sting as you stand beside him, but you’re quick to blink the tears away - wanting to stay strong for him when he’s weak. Knowing Jeongguk, if you’d let a tear fall he’d immediately put you first and do everything in his power to comfort you and make you feel okay. But he needs you now, more than he ever has before.
You reach out and take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers with his. This makes him look down at them, a subtle smile tugging at his lips as he sniffles quietly.
“I don’t want to sound ungrateful because that’s so far from what I am, the life I’m living is more than I ever dreamed of and to have met the six people who now mean so much to me, and have raised me, makes me feel so lucky.” He smiles, eyes still glossy. “And the fact I have so many people supporting me in what I love to do means more than anything. It’s all just bittersweet in a way, but I’m sure my time will come someday.”
Your gaze moves from your interlocked hands to his eyes, and only then you realize he’s crying. Worry blooms in your chest and your hand leaves his to rub over his bicep as you search for his gaze.
“Hey,” you say softly, the volume of your voice barely above a whisper.
He looks down, wanting to hide his face from you but your hands come up to cup his jaw. This makes him look up and turn towards you, a pained expression painting his features. With eyebrows scrunched and his lips quivering he shakily inhales.
The stars sparkling in his eyes just minutes ago have turned liquid, swimming in his eyes before they spill down his cheeks - leaving his eyes dull and empty, like how you imagine space would look like without its galaxies.
“Sorry,” He chokes out, eyes closing to avoid meeting yours as more tears run down his face.
“Stop, just look at me,” you say. After a few seconds of no response you proceed to wipe the wet paths on his cheeks with your thumbs before whispering, “Jeongguk, please.”
At your soft pleading voice, his eyes flutter open.
“It’s okay not to be okay,” you tell him. “It’s okay to cry.”
He nods as you wipe his tears away, only for more to fall as he bites down hard on his bottom lip - his breath erratic as he inhales.
The pad of your thumb comes up to his lips and soothingly skims over the pink of them, making him release the sore skin caught between his teeth to let you caress it softly.
The sight of him like this breaks your heart a little more for every tear that escapes down his cheeks, and all you want to do is make him feel okay. You’ll do anything.
You’d put every single star up in his sky if he asked you to.
Removing your hands from his face, you put your arms around his neck and pull him into your embrace. Before long you feel his arms around your waist, your body ending up even closer to his as he hugs you tightly.
You softly run your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and you feel him relax against you at the touch, his head falling to your shoulder as he inhales and exhales deeply to calm himself down and steady his breath.
“I wish I could take it away,” You say quietly, tears yet again stinging in your eyes as you think of his words.
In all your life, you’ve never met someone like the person in your embrace. Jeongguk, in spite of his success and achievements, is the most humble person you’ve ever known. No matter where you are, or what situation the two of you have stumbled into, he never fails to be kind and polite to those he meets.
His heart is so big he apologizes for anything that might be an inconvenience to others when he hasn’t done anything wrong in the first place. Just like right now, how he felt the need to apologize for crying. You’re certain his heart is made of pure gold.
You feel him pause for a moment, trying to figure out what your words are referring to. “Take what away?” He asks, pulling away to look at you while keeping his arms around you still.
“The pain…, the loneliness.”
His eyes linger on you before he pulls you against him again, his cheek pressed against your temple.
“You being here with me is more than enough,” He says, and you sense the small smile on his lips.
You feel warmth spread through your body as you hear his words, hugging him tighter. You shiver as he leans down to rest his face in the crook of your neck, his hot breath making goosebumps appear on your skin before he whispers;
“You’re my remedy.”
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