#and now i just feel like a huge coward. because it made it so much easier to live. for me.
palskippah · 1 month
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Hi! Over the last few months I've made these drawings of my Goldenheart fankid :D
He's Cyrus Goldenheart and he's my newest coolest baby and I love him very much.
Some stuff about them under the cut! And also other things and more drawings sjsj
-First off, know that Cyrus is his English name, because in Spanish he's Ciro Goldenheart- because Ambrosius is Ambrosio in the hispanic dub and that's very cool (also, I'm glad they didn't change Ballister's name to Trabuco and just left it as Ballister askdjsa)
-Also, I love the headcanon that in this universe family names come from the mash-up of last names to whatever sounds coolest. So Ballister and Ambrosius picked the last name Goldenheart (they could've been Boldloin but both were like hell no- And in Nimona's humble opinion, they were cowards)
>ALSO did you know that in the Latin Hispanic dub Ambrosius calls Ballister 'Balli' instead of 'Bal'? It makes it seem much more like a pet name and I love it.
>Also, headcanon that Ballister calls Ambrosius 'Ambrosito' when he's being particularly corny. (It works as a diminutive of his name with the -ito but also, osito means 'little bear' in Spanish, so it's a very cool pet name)
>Also, Ambrosoli, because that's a Chilean candy company, and I think it's funny.
>Now, since they're famous as knights and whatnot, imagine that Goldenheart was the name in which their fans referred to them as a couple- (I know that Balli had been considered a villain and an awful person and stuff after being framed, but I bet his fans came back after the movie ending and whatnot :''v) and then they got married and became the Goldenhearts for real, and people were like YEAH WAHOO bc they love them.
-Years after the movie, and after Nimona coming back and all the fixing their relationship thing, they got married and all, and had planned to adopt a kid some years later (because Ballister didn't want to have any babies himself), but then they found out they were expecting and were like 🧍🧍 (maybe my guy got too nervous and made the wettest wet cat eyes ever and that made Ambrosius be like Balli, it's okay, don't worry D: let's talk about this)
>Anyways there was the thing of do we have them or not, and then they had a conversation, like:
(Ballister, still with his puppy-under-the-rain eyes) "...do you want them?" (Ambrosius makes some noncommittally noises) "Do you?" "But do you?" "But do you? You should decide" "Yeah- I just want to know your opinion." "Yeah, but it's your body." "Yeah, but I wouldn't raise them alone, both of us would. Do you want a baby right now?" "But I don't want my opinion to affect your opinion, because you would have the baby and I know how you feel about that and I don't want my decision to affect your decision because it should be your decision... So, what's your dec-?" "For Gloreth's- Stop saying decision! (Ambrosius' stupid attempt at lifting the tension was successful, because Ballister's laughing) Do you want them, yes or no?" "Yes I do, but only if you want them too, and if you don't that's alr-" "I think I do!"
>Then, later that day, there's Ambrosius' like, so... are we going to have a baby? (doubtfully) and Ballister's like I don't know :( (apologetically, because he genuinely doesn't know pipipi)
>So anyways, after some more days of thinking (because he had the final say in it, of course), Ballister's like yeah let's have them and they're both like WOO WE'LL HAVE A BABY :D, and Nimona's like HA! You'll get huge! And congrats too, I guess, when she's told.
>And then like eight months go past and Nimona's like HA! I knew it! and Ballister's like shut the fuck up >:( I'm not in the mood right now and Nimona's like (waving her hands) fine, chill, boss. i'll make the joke later then. And Ballister stares blankly and goes ...thanks (y'know those silent stares he does like three times in the movie?) (I want to write down all the expecting headcanons I got but whwhwh)
-Ambrosius' like we have to name them something with C, so we're A, B and C :D and Ballister's like yeah :D! so they look for names with C, that's their only requirement.
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-Ballister and Ambrosius had a long as hell list with names with C and whenever Balli was like hey we should decide on one soon, no? D: Ambrosius was like yeah let's pick one :D, but it never led to anything because they couldn't decide.
>As a placeholder they called the baby Baby and then forgot about choosing a name, and then they were the same day in the clinic/hospital going through the list while holding their very much already born baby and being like this one? no- or this one? what about-? and the problem with having so many options was that they couldn't decide on one.
>They weren't truly that much of in a hurry, because they could name him later, but still they felt guilty because they had had several months to have that ready (literally everything had been ready for their baby's arrival, except his name)
>Finally Nimona, after taking a small peek at their list, was like, y'know what? he looks like a Cyrus, he reminds me of the sun, (bc he was wearing soft yellows and stuff, maybe, and the bed's sheets in which Ballister was lying were a light blue) and both Ballister and Ambrosius looked at their baby and considered the name. So, he's named Cyrus.
-The news refers to him as Baby Goldenheart though. Very cute baby, the public agrees on.
>Then there's the debate of which dad he looks like the most, and baby pictures are pulled from years back and they're like LOOK (posts a pic of baby Ambrosius with his Gloreth's descendant mom) THEY LOOK ALMOST IDENTICAL (and they actually do, same eyes and nose, same curlier hair and round cheeks)
>Then when he grows up, he actually looks too much like Ambrosius, but also a tad bit like Balli (it's the black hair and eyebrows).
-Even after he's all grown up, his family still calls him Baby instead of his name. And he knows that if either of his dads call him Cyrus is because he probably fucked up.
-I have a headcanon for Ballister's father, he looked almost just like Ballister but had a more hooked nose and curlier hair, but same big eyes, also had a beard and stuff. The thing is that Baby has black, curlier hair too and people think it's just like a combination between Balli's dark hair and Ambrosius' curlier hair BUT NO it's his grandpa's 😭 pipipi
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(Translation) Blackheart (in my head he's Blackheart idk why ashjds maybe Boldheart had been his unmarried name, and Balli changed his to that alongside his name): My love, you're the prettiest girl with that cloak! <3 Kid Ballister: Abba, but I don't want to be the prettiest girl :c Blackheart, grabbing Balli's nose: The handsomest then! Kid Ballister: Hehe! (thinking about Bluey's laughter for this one pipipi)
>Also, know that Ballister's name was an inside joke between the two, were his abba had said he was his 'ballister' (the pillar that kept him upright) (they usually talked in Urdu, not in English, Balli had a better vocabulary than him from watching TV and going to an English-talking school), and Balli had burst out laughing, saying 'abba, it's baluster!' and his dad was like 'nope! I'm pretty sure it's ballister!' just to see his little girl still laughing.
>Anyways, then he got arrested and stuff and Balli changed his name to that, and then there's this moment a year later where, in jail, he sees his girl (now a boy) for the last time in the news, where they show him as he will start his training as knight and Blackheart's super happy because his son is actually alright (he had been worried sick about him all this time) and y'know, point is that he dies shortly after that and Ballister finds out years later when he tried looking for him D:
>(If you tell me but Kym, ballister is already the correct word, I'll tell you huh because I actually have no idea, you know I speak Spanish :'''v I tried translating Balli's name and it got corrected to baluster each time ajsdka)
>By the way, Ballister's scar over his eye is from when he had been like three and had fell against a sharp end, causing a slash and a lot of bleeding that had almost made Blackheart die from a heart attack. He had hurried to take him to the nearest health center, all while Ballister had been crying with his face all drenched in blood, and his dad had been genuinely thinking that his little girl was about to die from his carelessness (he hadn't been looking when Ballister fell).
>The slash over the eye is the reason he knows for sure that that's his child on TV, standing beside the Queen.
>Anyways, I love angsty headcanons with parents.
>Got another headcanon that Ambrosius got two moms, both don't spend much time with him from being too busy, but they love their son dearly (and y'know that Ambrosius' voice actor said that the Director was his parental figure? Maybe since his moms weren't around much, he started to look up to her as a mother and- wa, IT'S JUST I read a headcanon/theory (?) about the Director grooming Ambrosius for her benefit and it made a lot of sense 100/10).
>Ambrosius' moms are cool, although they did sort of force him to start his training to become a knight when he was of age to go into the Institute (he either went to knighthood or the family business, his knight mom (who's currently retired from knighthood and working at their family company) showed him her cool sword to lure him in, and his businesswoman mom showed him some colorful statistics- of course the sword won), but he ended up loving knighthood (despite everything), so he doesn't hold a grudge against that.
>(wait i remembered that Korean tradition of sitting babies of a certain age in front of objects so they choose one and that dictates how they'll be in the future? pipipi)
>Random headcanon, but Ambrosius is actually a blond and dyes some parts a darker color to achieve the cooler hairstyle. Also, the 'every descendant of Gloreth was/is/gotta be blonde' is interesting and gives place for analysis and stuff, but I've got this one where every descendant of Gloreth has somewhat of bunny teeth or a silly smile, and that's better in this case because I don't have to make Baby a blond- but his smile, when he's older, reminds Nimona of Gloreth's.
-Baby is a sweetheart with absolutely everyone. He smiles and coos nicely whenever people try to entertain him.
>Except with Todd. Whenever he sees him he spits up his milk and Ballister's pretty sure that it's a very weird coincidence, but Ambrosius and Nimona hold up a debate, convinced that the hate for punchable faces must be genetic and untaught, given that Todd had always been nice with Baby. Ballister throws Nimona a look and she says, my trauma, my jokes, Boss. And Ballister has to reluctantly agree and accept that he can't argue with that.
>Headcanon too that Ballister had called his father abba (looked it up and that's a fond way to call fathers in Urdu, if I'm wrong sorry :'v), until he was arrested and eventually died, so he taught Baby to call him abba too, and Ambrosius taught Baby to call him daddy, and even in adulthood he calls them that. And then there's Nimona who tried to teach him to call them Boss and Goldie, but she never succeeded.
(Imagine Nimona and Baby sat in front of eachother on the floor of the living room or something) Nimona, who had turned to look like Ballister, pointing at themself: Who am I? Baby: Abbababa- (he's a lil confused but he got the spirit, he's getting there in understanding askjdsad Ambrosius is currently Dadada) Nimona: No, Baby, Boss! Boss, say boss! :D Baby: Abbababa (happily reaching for him) Nimona: No, Boss! I'm your boss! (a cutesy tone) I'm Boss, Baby! Yeah, who's a cute baby? :D It's you! (then she got distracted and started playing with him)
-Nimona is Baby's sibling/cool aunt/mentor/bad influence/babysitter/something something. She's not a Goldenheart (and she doesn't want to be, she's just Nimona) but she's happy to be a part of their family anyway.
>They're the Goldenhearts + Nimona :''v
>Also yeah, Nimona is Ballister's sidekick/child/lil' sibling/friend/little menace/something something. The point here is that they love and care for each other very much <3
>Also, Nimona is Ambrosius' first ever, #1 hater, and he doesn't blame her for that. (They got a cool relationship though, like they like to bicker and wrestle with each other, and Nimona always wins because Ambrosius isn't very trained in fighting snakes, crocodiles or gorillas or any weird animal for that matter) Both love Ballister and that's sort of their main point in common, among other things.
-For a very long time, Baby had thought that in the world existed several pink creatures named Nimona, just as several adults named Daddy existed, and many kids like himself were named Baby. His Abba's the only one named that though, it seems. Then, when he's like three, he starts to realize that Nimona is just one person, and that apparently his Daddy and Abba's names weren't that. Abba's name wasn't even Boss, like he had suspected, and Daddy's wasn't Goldie. And then, as if that wasn't enough for the day, they tell him your name is Cyrus. Imagine his surprise.
-Baby is a daddy's boy for real and he loves both of his dads so so much :'v He also loves Nimona very dearly.
>He sees both of his dads being affective with each other and he copies that, as well as other things. Holds Balli's face to look into his eyes directly (he doesn't know that what Ambrosius does is just touch their foreheads together), he smacks his mouth against Ambrosius' face, harshly, and leaving him full of drool as he tries to bite him (doesn't know how to kiss yet, but when he figures that out he's always giving them), smacks Nimona's head with his little hands (he's trying to pet her hair, like he usually sees his abba petting the pink creatures) and all that. He's very sweet I'm telling you waa :'''v
-Ballister and Ambrosius try not to make Nimona take care of Baby too much, but Nimona herself looks for chances to take care of him.
>Also when he had been just born, of course Ballister and Ambrosius were all sleep-deprived and busy, so she would transform to look like either of them and Baby wouldn't tell the difference. If all, he was happy when all of a sudden there were two of either of his dads :''v
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-Dumb headcanon that when Baby cried at night, they usually went 'ro-sham-bo' about it, and every single time they do the same hand gesture, and at the fifth or fourth (depending on how tired he is), Ambrosius will go ah fuck it >:( and just stand up himself to see what Baby needs. This happens way too much, and Ballister knows, and Ambrosius knows too. Baby doesn't but he's glad that every time he cries, it's very likely that his daddy will show up after a while.
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-I'm thinking that Ballister would be that kind of dad that used to be afraid of holding his baby when they were a newborn, and then plays with them roughly when they stop being too fragile.
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(Translation) First part Ballister (walking): Okay- Careful... (First day out of the clinic) Second part: Ballister: Do I throw him your way, Nimona? Nimona: Yeah, throw him!
-Ballister is one for darker clothes and all that, but when they found out about Baby, he started getting the most colorful clothes for them. Whenever he went out for whatever reason during those months, he came back with at least one piece of clothing, be it a onesie, a pair of socks, a hat, or some cute overalls. Baby's clothes drawer had already been overflowing with clothes just a few months before he had been born, and they had to get another one to fit in all the clothes because Ballister refused to stop getting more.
>Something something him only using darker clothes since he was a little kid and his dad not being able to afford him a bigger wardrobe and wanting to give Baby all the stuff he didn't have - thinking about my mom in this sense, she said she had bought me so many cute clothes when I was a baby bc she had had to share all her clothes with her sisters and their clothes had never been that nice bc of money and :'v
-Broskii I got more headcanons from when they were expecting Baby and I want to tell them all to you BUT I gotta make another post exclusively about that pipipi
-I know that the creator of Nimona said that the Institution most likely got dissolved, but I think this thing works as the cops and police of investigations and stuff, so maybe they didn't dissolve it, but rather stated new policies and values to be taught to the current knights and also to the future generations. And this change still takes a lot of time to happen but it does happen so- yippie ?
>Sorry I say this just so Ballister and Ambrosius can still be knights pipipi. Ballister is Sir Goldenheart and Ambrosius is Captain Goldenheart.
>With that, comes this thought that Nimona gave a knife to Baby once and was like, be free, my child! like taping a knife to a roomba, and then Baby used it like a sword and ran happily to show his dads that he too was cool and had a very big knife like they do when they use their shiny clothes.
>(debating this one bc yeah Nimona loves chaos and hurting people and breaking stuff but she definitely wouldn't like Baby hurting himself, but I still drew this waa I love when babies want to be like their parents)
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(Papi means daddy)
-When Baby grows up, he isn't very passionate about becoming a knight (like Ballister had been) and neither of his fathers were keen on forcing him on knighthood (like it happened to Ambrosius), so he dosn't become a knight when he's older, and takes an interest in sciences (blitzmeyer mentioned?? I know her design was used for the queen, but I don't care I'll fit her here one way or another she's my fav scientist) and goes to college and all that, he also likes mechanics and overall stuff that Ballister likes.
>And it's definitely because his abba had been talking to him about this stuff whenever he could (because he loves this stuff, and even before Baby was born, and since they were supposed to talk to the baby so they could recognize their voices, Balli just rambled about this and that, and sometimes even narrated what he was currently working on and stuff :'''v Expecting Headcanons my beloveds)
>And both Nimona and Ambrosius are like: Yeah, see? Even he agrees (about him forgiving Ambrosius a tad bit too quickly, even if both knights had been manipulated and stuff), while Ballister doesn't know if to be exasperated that they don't let the topic go, or laugh because it's pretty amusing how offended Baby is in his behalf over something that happened nearly five years before he was even born.
>Eventually they have to explain everything that surrounded the whole thing and Baby feels actually a tad bit bad for getting as angry as he got at Ambrosius. He's like oops sorry daddy 🧍(I'm still petty though)
>Baby hadn't talked much until he was around three or four, usually just answering things or repeating stuff whenever his dads tried to teach him new words, but then one day he answered a very long rant from Ballister about animals (nerd, had said Nimona) with more animal facts and both Balli and Nimona were like :0 And since then Baby hadn't shut up, and he's always talking.
> Since they share interests, he and Ballister talk a lot about stuff (Balli is like nice, there's two of us now, because Nimona doesn't have it in themself to listen to him talk 23348 hours about one thing, and Baby actually responds with yapping of his own, unlike Ambrosius who is glad to attentively listen to him for hours but doesn't do much more than be receptive of the information most times pipipi) (y'know when someone is talking passionately about something that they like but you don't, but you're happy to hear them talk anyways? that thing sjdj)
(is yapping the correct word? Over at TikTok they use it as talking a lot, so I picked it from context, I hadn't really looked up if it's correctly used sdjksd)
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-Baby is a simultaneous bilingual and learned English, Urdu and Korean from his dads and Nimona.
>With this, I'd think Ambrosius was one too (given that he was exposed to English and Korean since he was a baby), but Balli had had to learn English when he was past three maybe since his dad hadn't been very good at it and had mostly spoken in Urdu? Not sure how languages would work in the kingdom, but I guess it's the same as countries where there are different dialects or languages in different regions. (? La verdad no sé, toy chamuyando skjds)
-When he's 14 he gets a growth spurt as expected but then gets even taller than Ballister, and Nimona finds it hilarious (she got surpassed in height two years ago) And he was expected to be tall anyways because both his dads were tall too, but Ballister was like c'mon >:(
-When he got old enough and learned about the whole Queen's death thing, he spent the whole afternoon throwing Ambrosius angry looks, arms crossed and all. And after a beat of silence, he'd suddenly say: No, and you know what angers me the most? and then would ramble about literally everything the man had done wrong at that moment, all while Ambrosius himself nodded in agreement. Then Baby would say (to Balli): You forgave him way too quickly, abba, I would've burned his house down or- I don't know- but how?! And just like that?!
-Nimona was determined on teaching Baby all she knew, and Ballister was like yeah it's okay if he turns out like you, but turned out that Baby is the most chill kid ever actually, like he lacks this wish for mayhem that many kids have, like Nimona hoped he'd have (like she expected the antichrist/chucky or something). In execution, at least, because he has great ideas, if Nimona's willing to make them true.
Baby, about seven: Nimona, and what if *a plan in excruciating detail of the most deranged nature* Nimona: HEHE YEAH >:D Let's do it! Baby: No, but you do it :) Nimona: huh ??
>And this is because he knows that Nimona can do all this better and he thinks it's funny to watch her wreak havoc, while also not getting in trouble himself. (His dads tell him be a good kid and he's like yup I'll be a good kid c:)
-Nimona draws Baby like a little star because he's small (plus there's Ballister drawing over her drawings, thinking about him picking Nimona's drawing habits of scribbling on top whatever comes to mind)
(Nimona's saying: make your own drawings! while trying to push him away, and Ballister's laughing - their arms are like in a weird position that in my head made sense shdjdh)
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-Plus here's a drawing of Nimona having cat behaviors (becoming a loaf anywhere) (ronroneo means purring).
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>When Baby hadn't been born yet, she'd loaf right over Ballister's belly and simply sleep or make biscuits sometimes, and when he tried to take her off himself, she'd try to not use her claws but she'd grab against his shirt anyways, going BUT BOSS- Baby and me are chilling! And this translated as Nimona loafing on top of Baby whenever he's quiet enough, after he's born.
-I made another post about the comic versions of Ballister and Ambrosius on TikTok, and added a comic version of Baby too, following the logic on his current design (Balli's hair and eyebrows, Ambrosius' nose and eyes, and all that)
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>'Papito Corazón' in other countries means a very good, diligent father (? I think), and at least in Chile is used sarcastically for men that are emotionally or financially neglectful with their children 😭 Comic Ambrosius is one at the beginning, but he becomes a better father later on, promise sdjsjd
>This Baby had a hard time recognizing Ambrosius at the beginning because they didn't spend much time together, and Baby has no object permanence yet.
>Anyway, Ballister and Ambrosius aren't a thing here, it was sort of a enemies-with-benefits kinda situation that led to Baby :'v
>(also know that I haven't read the comic yet, so if this seems ooc I agree with you, because I really don't know these characters askdjsa sorry)
-ALSO here's the first drawings I made of him before settling on this design, also it's from when I was trying to draw Nimona sjjs
>He had brown hair instead of black, but the rest is all almost the same.
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And that's it so far!
If you read till here, I hope you liked it!
Have these sillies kissing, it's from a video I did 🧍 Ambrosius gives Ballister 23783 kisses and Balli gives him one (1)
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Also, the limit for images is 30, which is a shame because I wanted to add more stuff sjdjsd I'll make another post if I compile enough drawings to make a big post, or make that post about them expecting Baby
(I love the Nimona mains so so much, they're 24/7 in my mind)
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satorisoup · 8 months
ᰔ GLITTER GLUE ft. hajime iwaizumi
ʚ CW : “one sided” crush. confessions. cursing.
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ʚ hq valentine’s series mlist ಇ
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it’s valentine’s day, or rather, the most dreadful day of existence, if you were to say so yourself.
walking through the halls of school on a normal day was one thing, but now it seems that every corner you turn, you’re rather rudely reminded of your state of loneliness on the soul national holiday of relationships. bouquets of reds and whites, floral smells corroding your nostrils with every inhale, cute plushies holding little hearts, pretty cards with love written in sparkly pink gel pen. all gestures of admiration that are so sweet to any other person, but quite frankly, it’s just making you feel stupid for coming to school today.
you feel even stupider when you’re walking into class, eyes avoiding the gross kissing couples as you make your way to sit down, and you’re faced with exactly why you mourn valentines day so much.
hajime iwaizumi, the third year who sits one desk aside to you in class 5, who just so happens to be the person your heart decided to fall head over heels for. it was an unmistakable crush with the way your cheeks felt hot when he’d stretch in his seat, or the way your heart fluttered when he would make small talk when there was a particularly boring lesson. he’d even occasionally walk with you during lunch period in the midst of conversation or sharing a snack, before his friends would come and steal him away. he was sweet aside from looking intimidating, and it all the more so made you infatuated with him.
you watch him grumble outside of the doorway at one of his friends, a roll of his eyes before he’s striding into the classroom to take his proclaimed seat. you feel disappointed in yourself that you still haven’t been able to work up the courage to ask him out, too much of a coward to ever admit your interest in him. you take a quick glance at his hands, and what you see makes your heart drop even lower.
you catch a short glimpse of a pretty red valentine in his left hand before he’s quickly moving to neatly stuff it into the inner pocket of his jacket.
it looks like someone had beaten you to the chase, and it was only the first class of the day.
throughout the entire period, you notice the off behavior of your classmate as he sits in his seat. iwaizumi seems nervous almost, his leg softly bouncing up and down, and you also take into account that he hasn’t said a single word to you, or even looked at you this entire time. that usually would seem more normal on a regular class day, but today it was a free period, much to everyone’s liking. after dismissal, iwaizumi wasted no time to get up and out of the classroom before you could even ask him if he was alright.
classes today seemed to go by as if minutes were hours, and students had gotten even more enthusiastic as time went by as they all exchanged their thoughtful valentines to their partners. you think you’ve heard enough random “i love you’s” to last you 3 lifetimes in a singular day, but what you were seriously dreading was lunchtime. where everyone would walk around hand in hand through the courtyard, gifts, cards, flowers, big huge teddy bears to little tiny ones, kissing that should probably be saved for behind closed doors, and especially confessions. not wanting to be surrounded by the exact thing you were missing out on, you opted to stay inside for lunch.
the empty classroom you sit in is completely silent, the only sounds you hear coming from outside through the windows, voices of distant squeals and happy laughter. you sigh at your own demise when you decide to finally get up and wander around the halls. paper heart chains and pretty streamers litter the lockers and walls, and even some of your teachers had little decorations as their own way of getting into the spirit. it really was unfortunate that you weren’t able to celebrate today with who you wanted to so badly, as your fate lies in your own thoughts because you were too chicken to ever say it. and now, your crush was starting to act weird, which meant he had probably already accepted a confession, or maybe even confessed himself, to a person he was interested in. you wanted to be angry, you really did, but it wasn’t your place to be mad at him. he wasn’t ever yours to begin with.
as you stroll along and unwontedly admire the atmosphere around you, you hear the uncomfortable squeak of shoes against the wooden flooring, alerting you that you weren’t alone. when you look up from your feet to meet the eyes of the person who had interrupted your thoughts, you can physically feel your stomach sink to your feet.
iwaizumi stands at the end of the hallway, his hands behind his back with that same expression he had during class, even if it was barely noticeable. he looks at you before he straightens up.
“hey.” is all he mutters.
he takes a few steps forward to meet you where you had halted before and begins to speak.
“i was looking for you.” he voices.
“oh.. well you found me.”
you aren’t helping much with his attempt to cure the awkwardness around you two, but even so, he continues to talk nonetheless.
“why weren’t you outside for lunch?” he asks you.
“eh, didn’t wanna be around all that lovey dovey stuff. but, um.. why were you looking for me?”
you feel nervous when iwaizumi is silent, his hands now coming out from where they risided, holding that same red valentine from this morning.
“because i wanted to give you this.” he replies.
you notice the tinge of pink on his usual hardened face, looking down to where he held out the card to you.
you carefully grasp the messily accessorized card, studying it as you feel your heartbeat pick up to a faster pace. the red, heart shaped card stock proposed a simple question of ‘be my valentine?’
and as cheesy as it was, your lips pull into a wide grin when you look back at him, his hands tucked into his pockets while he waited for your answer.
“is this a confession, or am i reading the glitter glue wrong?”
“shut up, it was oikawa who dumped all of that shimmer shit on it…” he rumbles, recalling the short memory of his best friend tossing glitter onto his card while scolding him, “iwa, you seriously lack so much pizazz. girls love sparkles and glitter!”
you laugh at the thought of his friend taunting him over his card, and then you’re suddenly blushing at the concept of how iwaizumi had taken his time to make a special valentine, just for you.
“well, i accept your confession, iwa…”, “even if it’s twinkling in ‘shimmer shit’.”
it was iwaizumi’s turn to chuckle when he laces his arm around your shoulders, and he smiles as he walks with you.
yes, valentines day was usually a dreadful day. but the surprises it holds? those aren’t dreadful at all.
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inou-ie · 1 year
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Pairing: Cabernet x female reader (chief)
Warnings: NSFW, strap-on, mommy kink (reader is an innocent coward)
"Put the shackles on me. I choose to become a sinner in thrall to your power. From now on, I'll be forever in your command." The two of you exchanged promises, she won't feed on any souls, other than yours and she won't try to do any harm to others but you must not push her away, ever.
"That's not enough to satisfy me..." Cabernet always tells you whenever you give her those innocent and soft kisses. Sometimes she'd tease and lick your lips and it stops with that, she'll let you go after because she understands that you're not experienced enough.
But the past few days, Cabernet has been clingy and needy, too much even. She'd cling on you while walking, she would bite your ear just to get your attention and when she does she'll kiss your lips, it has been going on for days so you wanted to ask her what's wrong but she just brought you to her room and locked it.
"Come here.. I have a gift for you." Cabernet says seductively while gesturing you to come close. She opened a box and your eyes widen at the sight of various sex toys.
"What's wrong, first time seeing these?" Cabernet chuckled softly, she suddenly pulled a huge strap on and gave it to you. "I want you to use that on me.. can you do that, hm?" She says while caressing your hair gently with a seductive smile.
"I've never used anything like this, so I don't know how to–" you tried to back out but she hugged your head, pushing her breasts against your face... making you smell the faint fragrance of tropical fruit on her body. "Chief.. you promised me, don't tell me you're not the type to keep your promises..?" Cabernet purrs right into your ear, her fingers playing with the strands of your hair making you feel shivers down your spine.
"I'm keeping my word, I'm not feeding on any souls.. just yours." Cabernet eyes glow as she pulls away from the hug just to cup your cheeks in her hands, staring at your eyes and you swear you feel like you're being pulled by her, she takes your breath away. You nod in agreement and that made her smile warmly.
"Good.. let me help you wear that." Her hands were gentle, she helped you wear it properly and she steps back to admire you. "You look so beautiful, I can't wait to devour you and be devoured by you." With that, Cabernet removed her tight black dress. She stepped out of it before laying down on the bed, spreading her legs for you with an amused smile. You saw how wet she is, it's already dripping down her thighs, making you gulp thickly.
"Come, let us devour each other." The moment Cabernet opened her arms, your body responded automatically.. you crawled towards her and she quickly wrapped her legs around your waist.
"I'm wet enough, no need to waste time getting me ready. Just get wild and ravage me." Cabernet whispered, you noticed her grinding against your cock while her hands are touching her own breasts.
Cabernet grabbed your cock and guided it towards her dripping entrance so all you have to do is put it in, which you did.. slowly and carefully. Cabernet holds onto the sheets as she sighs, looking at you with a lustful gaze. "You're too soft.. and gentle.. I'm so hungry for you." Cabernet wrapped her legs around your waist tighter, using the heel of her foot to push you towards herself so you can bury the whole length of your cock into her. She let out a soft moan of pleasure as she moves her hips, her hands gripping tightly on your waist.
"Move, chief.. come on." Cabernet pulled your head down to kiss your lips deeply, her tongue pushing inside almost forcefully. Despite being your first time, you find your hips moving on their own and your hands are grabbing Cabernet's hips tightly.
Cabernet moaned into the kiss as she nibbles on your lips before pulling away. "Chief.. what a good girl, just like that. Keep going." You nod in response as you keep thrusting into her tight heat, her hands grabbed you down.. her hands wrapping around your neck possessively while her legs locked around you tightly but she gives you enough space to move. You kept thrusting and moving your hips in a fast rhythm while her moans get louder and louder in each thrusts.
"Fu..ck.. you're so cute, doing your best like that.." Cabernet whispers in between her moans until you felt her squeezing you inside her so tightly and then it happened.. she came hard around your cock with a long and loud moan that could be heard by other Sinners outside, you kept pumping inside her to prolong her orgasm.
"Are you okay..?" You asked her softly as you slow down. She pants for air for a few seconds before she pushed you off her and then down the bed. She quickly straddled your hips and she lowers herself on your cock before riding you fast and hard like an animal in heat.
"Make mommy feel good and move your hips..!" Cabernet leans down to kiss you deeply, her tongue exploring every corner of your mouth making you whimper while she's clinging onto you so tightly and her hips are moving so fast. "You're my good girl, aren't you? You're mine to devour." She added with a wicked smile, as if something inside her awakened.
She kept riding you for hours as you struggle to match her pace but she didn't seem to mind as long as she can feel good. Cabernet kept kissing your lips so deeply as if she's sucking your soul while whispering sweet praises against your lips. Every time she came, there's only one word she says after she calmed down..
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outivv · 3 months
I’m so disappointed with the natlan teaser because like. Girl. All of those characters would straight up look better if they had even the tiniest bit of melanin don’t even lie hyv.
I’m gonna go on a fat rant here so below the cut, fair warning because it’s messy as fuck I’m just pissed off
No because how are you going to straight up take the inspirations, and clear liberties from Aztec, Māori, Qichwa, Nigerian, Hawaiian, Native American, And Mayan (according to this image from @ HYVboycott on Twitter highly recommend btw they have good info imo)
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And then you’re not gonna represent them in terms of their skin color??? Yes there are pale people in all these countries and pale people apart of these cultures, HOWEVER the vast majority of people, or the native people are not typically fucking white. I am white and I literally am darker than the majority of the genshin characters, even in winter when I don’t fucking tan. Like the genshin characters don’t even look ALIVE for Christ’s sake. Hyv are a bunch of cowards who take inspiration from poc, and don’t properly represent them, even in their other games like honkai Star rail. Boothill is Native American. Blatantly. “Oh, no he’s not!!” Yes the fuck he is, his entire backstory is based off of native people, he’s also part Hispanic because the original cowboys were Hispanic people called vaqueros, his home planet in the original CN version of honkai Star rail is literally two native tribes put together I believe. He is Native American, and Hispanic, and hyv TOOK that inspiration and that culture and then was too much of a coward to AT LEAST make him tan. Don’t even get me started on aventurine. So it’s not just with genshin that they do this shit, it’s a hyv problem as a whole, but with genshin it’s so like… common, and genshin has so many issues that make it feel like a cash-grab kinda game, and like the devs are just spitting in our face CONSTANTLY, especially when it comes to characters, and representation. It’s so depressing to see a game that at first had so much fucking promise, now just be such a fucking letdown after like what? 5? 4? Years? Like you’ve built up so much hype, and lore, and excitement just for Sumeru and Natlan not having any representation like fuck off. Hyv CAN fix these issues, they just don’t want to and they have expressed that time and time again by making dark skinned enemies, and enemies with dreadlocks. They know that they can, they just don’t want to because they’re too pussy. And it’s not because they’re a Chinese company, I mean obviously I understand that there is a complicated relationship with tan skin and China, HOWEVER that is no excuse because genshin, honkai Star rail, zenless zone zero, and honkai impact 3rd are all worldwide games and they need to appeal to their WORLDWIDE customers, and I’ve seen plenty of CN players fucking just as pissed off that there isn’t any actual diversity for like any of their games. Plus other Chinese companies have made diverse games, like Dislyte which I’m honestly a huge fucking fan of because of their diversity. Having diversity would BENEFIT hoyoverse a hell of a lot, but they are just trying to appeal to greasy old white men who are the same men who have a tantrum while making a reaction video to a game trailer and go “OH MY GOD SHE ISNT GOT ENOUGH!! LOOK AT HER!! SHE ISNT SEXY!!”, “OH MY GODDD THEY HAVE PRONOUNS NOW!! THE WOKE SNOWFLAKES GOT TO THEM”, and “OH MY GOD ASSASSINS CREED IS MAKING A BLACK SAMURAI THE MAIN CHARACTER!! NOOOO THATS NOT HISTORICALLY ACCURATE!!” Because they’re all pathetic, and that’s who hoyoverse is trying to cater to.
Okay I’m done, this went all over the place but I’m so pissed off so fuck hyv, give them the feedback they deserve, have a great day.
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juyeonszn · 3 months
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PAIRING kim younghoon x f!reader
GENRES fluff,,, just fluff
WARNINGS mature language but are we surprised, the tamest thing i’ve written in what feels like years, uni!au, best friends to lovers, mutual pining but younghoon is kinda dumb and very dramatic, one (1) kiss scene but thats about it
SUMMARY younghoon has been in love with you since what feels like the dawn of time. he’s watched you fall for the wrong guys over and over again, too much of a coward to do anything about it. but you’re on the brink of graduation and he’s finally ready to let you know. he just hopes you feel the same.
MORE hi…. how yall doin…. LOL the juyeonszn comeback no one was expecting 🥳 i’ve been in a bit of a younghoon phase lately and i realized i was not showing him enough love so i present to u this lovely piece of younghoonery <3 this is also my submission for the @deoboyznet love letter collective event! huge thank u to @sungbeam for beta’ing i owe u my life beam </3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @/deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel @ericlvr
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Maybe he should’ve told you how he felt about you during your dinner before prom senior year. The words sat on the tip of his tongue, waiting to be spoken into existence. It was the perfect moment. You were each other’s dates anyway. 
But then he chickened out—he didn’t think he deserved you. And perhaps that was only slightly true: for letting you slip through his fingers numerous times? Absolutely. But for everything else? The universe couldn’t help but pity him, too. 
There was also the time that your ex boyfriend cheated on you and you came crying to him in the middle of the night. He woke up and stayed awake until early hours of the morning just to comfort you. It wasn’t because he felt bad, but because he would do any and everything for you. While you curled in on yourself, cuddled into the safety of his arms, he debated telling you then, too. 
Time and time again, Younghoon has sat there and watched as you dated different guys. He sucks it up and deals with it because he’s afraid of rejection, but he also doesn’t want to ruin your friendship. You’ve been best friends since middle school, and that made him afraid that you’d always only see him as that. There was that saying that girls and guys could never just be friends. Unfortunately, that was the case for him, but maybe not for you.
Now here you are, the day before your college graduation, and Younghoon is once again torn between mustering up the courage to confess and putting this puppy love to rest. 
He told himself during your first year of university if he didn’t tell you at all during these four years, he would give up. You were both preparing for true adulthood and if he couldn’t lay himself bare for the person closest to him, he didn’t think it was meant to be. And well, time is running out for him. He had to speak now, or forever hold his peace.
Younghoon watches as you scamper around your apartment, gathering your things for graduation tomorrow. It was a hectic enough day without you worrying if you were going to lose something, or run late. You hang your cap and gown on the coat hook near your front door before dashing back into your room to make sure your outfit is put together. 
Even in the chaos of your zooming around, Younghoon still finds you absolutely breathtaking. You’re slightly sweating from all of your movement and from the heat of the rapidly approaching summer, but nevertheless, you look so beautiful to him. The decision that seemed so hard to make over the years feels pointless. The answer has been clear from the beginning.
You pause what you’re doing to look over at him, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand. Your cute, caught-off-guard expression has him nearly melting into the couch. He doesn’t understand why it took him so long to get it together. 
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion when he starts walking towards you. “Wha— Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine,” he says, his frame towering over you in a way that is never intimidating, only comforting. “I have something I need to tell you, though.”
“Can it wait? I’m a little busy here.” Your hands come to rest on your hips and it takes all of the strength inside of Younghoon to not pull you into his embrace and kiss you. He thinks he would die, and he has to survive the duration of this confession if he wants to see the other side. (The side where, hopefully, you finally become his, in the way he’s wanted for years.)
“It can’t, actually,” he breathes, a newfound, unwavering confidence taking over. “I think I’ve waited for too long.”
“You’re kinda scaring me,” you laugh, scratching the back of your neck. “What is it, Hoon?”
Speak now or forever hold your damn peace, Kim Younghoon.
“Y/N, I love you,” he starts, and when you open your mouth to say you already know that, he continues. “And not in the way I’ve told you since we were eleven. I love you in the way that I can’t go to sleep at night without wondering if you’re sleeping comfortably, too. I can’t wake up in the morning without wondering if you did that cute, little whine that you do when your alarm goes off. I think about my future constantly, even though it’s fucking terrifying, and you’re always in it. Not just as my best friend or my partner in crime, but as my forever partner, too. I’ve felt this way about for god knows how long now, but I’ve always just been too afraid of what it would do to our friendship if you didn’t see me the same way. I don’t want to sit back and watch you date these other guys who end up hurting you anymore. I want to be the one you go to for everything.”
When he finishes, his chest is heaving a little, practically spieling without taking a moment for air. Despite the strength he collected to say all of that out loud, he was still nervous and looked away from you as he did it. He’s making eye contact now though, and he’s freaking the fuck out because he can’t read you one bit.
You aren’t saying anything, just staring at him with your lips parted, and he thinks that's tenfold more frightening than if you were to yell and slap him in the face. Each second that passes in complete silence has his hands clamming up and his heart racing faster. He realizes how close he’s standing to you and takes a step back, and then another, then another, until he’s grabbing his things and scrambling to get out of your apartment. 
You hate him. That has to be it. You see him as a brother more than anything else and he just ruined it all. 
But the moment he steps foot into the hallway, you’re calling after him desperately. 
“Younghoon, wait!”
Your voice, laced with emotion, has him halting in place. He turns around to see you standing in the threshold of your door, eyes welled with tears. He’s only ever seen you cry when you're sad, when you’re heartbroken, and he prays to whatever higher being exists that he didn’t do just that to you. (He tries to ignore how gorgeous you look even when crying.)
“I— You can’t just say all of that and run away!” You’re full on bawling now and it has his eyes widening. “You’re so stupid, you know that? I’ve been in love with you since we were thirteen and you lent me your hoodie inside of the movie theater when I said I was cold. You’ve always cared so deeply for me, so unconditionally. How could I not fall for you? You made it so hard not to.”
Younghoon is stunned. He had no idea you felt the same because you’ve been so good at hiding your feelings from him unless you chose to show him something. “Why did you date all those guys then?”
“To make you jealous, you idiot,” you sniffle, laughing at his obliviousness. “You’re such a guy; it’s endearing.”
He pouts at your low-key insult, but it doesn’t really upset him. In fact, he feels like he’s soaring right now. Your feelings are mutual and it’s as if all is well in the world. He closes the space between you once again, lifting his arm to swipe away your tears. You nuzzle into his palm instinctively and he’s sure he’s a puddle on the ground.
“Can— Can I kiss you?” He braves himself to ask, searching your features for any indication that you didn’t want this. You nod, your own hand covering his. The sparkle in your eyes is more than enough confirmation for him and so he leans in.
When your lips meet, Younghoon wonders if he did something heroic in a past life. He feels a pleasant buzz all the way to the tips of his fingers. It’s everything he’s dreamed of. 
You’re everything he’s dreamed of.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost. 
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― pairing : Chris x fem! reader ― content warnings : a tiny bit of angst, smut, fluff, vampire au, medieval settings, Chris is a vampire, soulmates au, mentions of blood, unprotected sex, fantasy au ― word count : 6.432
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix
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«I dare you to,» your friend pondered, before mumbling suggestively, «spend a night all alone at the haunted Manor.»
«What?!» you shrieked in disbelief as a chill ran down your spine at the mere mention of said house. The Forest Manor was a house surrounded in mystery; it didn’t look decadent, so it definitely had owners who looked after it, the gothic architecture gave it a mysterious and almost inaccessible aura and on top of this, the cases where people - blinded by courage, tried to enter the huge mansion were definitely not rare.
However, no one of them ever returned and so, through the years, numerous legends had been told: the most popular being about dangerous and thirsty vampires living in Forest Manor.
«You can refuse, if you want,» another one of your friends smirked mischievously, «but you will be called “coward” for the rest of your life.» they laughed, and your blood boiled.
If this was going to be your punishment for saying you believed in the existence of supernatural being, then you were going to accept it; screw your friends and their obnoxious and close mindset.
«Okay.» you simply said, clenching your fists together, trying to avoid acknowledging the fact that honestly, you were scared.
With your hands tightly gripping your skirt as your life depended on it, you walked through the most external part of the forest, ignoring the faint and frequent howls you heard not too distant from where you were, inevitably giving you chills.
“Why can’t I shut up,” you thought, trying to keep your breath even; walking alone in the dark through the forest was a terrifying experience, especially because - probably due to your fear, you had the feeling you heard steps every now and then. “I’m going to die in here, I know it.” you were about to trip in your dress, which unconventionally got stuck into a bundle of tree roots, and as you exasperatedly sighed at your own clumsiness and kneeled to untangle it, you could have sworn you heard someone chuckle just next to you.
Needless to say, you couldn’t see anything in the dark, and you finally regretted not to have brought a torch with you; it would have made you an easy target, but at least you could have been able to see something instead of letting your imagination run wild.
Probably, you spent hours wandering in the forest following the almost forgotten path that connected your village to the haunted Manor, but when you got there, no legend nor rumour could have prepared you for its singular beauty.
Rather than being centuries old, it seemed like it was merely a couple of years old, and you wondered whether you had walked on the wrong path; you carefully stepped out of the forest, and the threatening and dangerous aura made you froze in your tracks for a moment, almost making you feel like you were suffocating. You tensed up, feeling observed once again, your eyes rapidly scanning the iron gate and the stone wall running all around the house.
The Manor looked much bigger than you initially thought, and you wondered how many people could live in it; it was definitely too big for only one person. There was no sign of life inside; the lights were off, and the only source of light - beside the two small torches next to the iron gate, was the faint moonlight.
“I wonder, am I allowed to step closer?” you thought, and immediately, the threatening aura from the house seemed to vanish in thin air as soon as you took another step closer to the gate; you furrowed your brows, confused at what just happened. The feeling of being watched remained, but the tension and fear that you were feeling now were completely coming from your own soul; the Manor was now emitting an almost welcoming aura.
It was when you were about to touch the Manor’s gate that you stopped; what if someone really lived there? You could not trespass someone’s property like that, it wouldn’t be polite burst into someone’s house just because of a stupid bet.
With a sigh, you held your hand in mid-air, gradually retreating it until it was clutched against your chest once again; you made up your mind, you’d just climb on a tree and sleep there to be safe from the wolves, only to return in the morning and lie to your friends.
«Aw, leaving so soon?» someone near you chuckled, and you jolted your head towards your left in fear, not expecting for anyone to be there. A boy was looking at you with an amused smile and glimmering bright red eyes; he was sitting on the top of the stone wall, it being not too tall meant that the stranger was definitely a little bit too close to you.
«I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.» you politely bowed your head, nervousness momentarily paralyzing your body, and the stranger hummed, crossing his legs and partially balancing his weight on his left hand, so that he was leaning towards you.
«Someone dared you to come here, am I right?» he said, his head tilted on his side and his hair delicately falling on his face; from his annoyed - yet somehow amused, tone of voice, he was clearly used to this. A rush of embarrassment washed over you, realizing that you shouldn’t have accepted the bet in the first place.
«I’m sorry, I will be going.» you hastily said, turning around and starting to take your leave.
«The worst thing I could do is send a young lady back home in the middle of the night - while the wolves are on a hunt.» his voice made you stop in your tracks and you curiously looked at him. «And the house seemed to have accepted your presence already.» the stranger said while quickly glancing behind his shoulders; you furrowed your brows, before jolting forwards as you saw the boy purposely letting himself fall behind the wall.
Strangely enough, you didn’t hear any sound, meaning that the boy didn’t fall and hurt himself; in less than a second, he was standing in front of the now slightly opened gate with an unbothered expression and his clothes neatly in perfect order, utterly confusing you.
«Would you like to come in?» he offered you his gloved hand, and you were sure that as soon as your gaze locked with his from up close, your heart skipped a beat.
The boy - which introduced himself as Chris, was exceptionally handsome to the point that he almost looked inhuman; his pale complexion made him look ethereal, and his natural plump and rosy lips made him look like he just walked out one of the fairy-tale books you used to read when you were younger.
His eyes, however, were a bright crimson red, and the more you looked at him, the more you felt hypnotized with a weird feeling of recalling those warm, big eyes; it was definitely almost if-
«Have we already met before?» you mumbled more to yourself, but Chris heard you nonetheless; his eyes widened for a moment, before his expression turned incredibly soft for a few seconds.
«I’m afraid not,» he shook his head; you nodded at him, feeling silly because, if you ever met someone as handsome, you would have remembered for sure, «at least, not in this lifetime.» you thought you heard Chris mumble, but something in his sudden nostalgic expression made you refrain from asking further.
A sudden close howl interrupted the silence of the night, startling you and making you instinctively take a step towards Chris as if you were unconsciously looking for protection; you gently placed your hand in his and he smiled, leading you inside.
If you believed that the Manor looked huge from the outside, you were in for a big surprise; Chris led you through so many countless halls that at some point, you believed that the house was under a spell making it appear smaller on the outside.
Despite the fact that it was your first night visiting the Manor, you couldn’t help but feel a wave of nostalgic familiarity as you passed through a certain hall, which Chris simply skipped instead of leading you in it.
«Where does it lead?» you politely asked him, your gaze locking with a dark mahogany door.
«My personal chambers.» Chris simply explained, before starting to walk away; you nodded, not wanting to result too nosy since you were allowed to spend the night in a safe place instead of the woods.
However, the fact that Chris purposely avoided taking you there made you furrow your brows as a countless questions formed into your head; there were other people living with him, but he didn’t skip the hallways leading to their chambers, so why did he purposely avoid his?
«Don’t think too much about it,» Chris chuckled from next to you, successfully interrupting your thoughts, «maybe, one day, I’ll let you in.» you immediately adverted his gaze from his, suddenly finding his suggestion not so chaste and innocent, anymore.
Chris eventually led you to his study room, where he used to spend his time reading and researching about the most various things and so, that’s how you spent most of your night: sitting on two expensive armchairs next to each other while talking.
Something you couldn’t wrap your head on was the fact that Chris seemed so familiar, to you: the way he talked, the way he would gently lead you anywhere you wanted him to without ever letting go of your hand, the way he looked at you.
It was almost as if you knew him, but Chris had already said you never met before that night, so you decided that you probably should have stopped thinking about it.
Another thing that made you feel strange was the fact that you were indeed staying in a Manor supposedly inhabited by vampires, but you didn’t feel anything besides tranquillity and occasional nervousness, but the latter was completely because of Chris’ presence. From the moment he told you that you would have been safe, you believed him, and never doubted it ever again for the rest of the night.
The door of Chris’ studio opened without notice, slightly startling you, and a tall boy with blonde hair reaching his shoulders suddenly bursted in, looking distressed and definitely on a hurry; his eyes were a bright crimson red as well.
«Chris,» the boy said, apparently, he still didn’t took notice about the fact that you were in the room as well, «where are the necromancers? I have an issue afoot.»
«Hyunjin.» Chris simply answered, his stern tone completely different from the one he had been using with you; your eyes were still locked on Hyunjin, which immediately looked at you with wide eyes before his features eventually illuminated in a nice, friendly smile.
«Oh! You’re finally back!» he said, waving a hand towards you, which weakly waved at him as well, even if you were confused at his words.
«I’ll go ask Han, I bet he knows.» and with that, he left with the same hurry he invaded your small comfortable bubble.
Finally glancing at Chris, you couldn’t help but giggle about the fact that he was staring at the now closed door with an exasperated expression while he kept rubbing his temples.
«So, do necromancers exist as well?» you asked him, momentarily forgetting about the fact that Hyunjin just acted like you knew each other.
«As well?» Chris looked back at you, with a confused frown, and for an unknown reason, you decided to confess; after all, you were not the first one visiting the Forest Manor because of a bet, right?
«I said that I believed that supernatural beings exist,» you admitted, your gaze drifting to the numerous shelves filled with books adorning the walls, «my friends dared me to spend the night here, since rumours say it’s inherited by vampires.»
«And you believe in it?» Chris asked you with a gentle tone; you knew that, differently from your friends, he didn’t ask about it with the intention to judge you for your beliefs, and you also knew that common human people didn’t normally have bright red eyes. You shrugged, and Chris accepted your silent vague answer; despite the fact that he had so many things to tell you, he knew that it was still too early for that.
Eventually, somewhere during your talk, you drifted off to sleep, the vague feeling of a warm blanket being draped over you making you wake up for a second; you thought that your mind also registered the fact that Chris kissed the top of your head, but you weren’t sure.
«You’re alive?!» was the first thing you heard from your friends as soon as they saw you walk back into the village completely unharmed; you scoffed at them, before they started asking you a countless numbers of questions.
Of course, you didn’t say anything about Chris or your night, but simply said that a family lived there and gladly hosted you from the night.  
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Since the first night you’ve been at the Forest Manor, your visits became pretty much frequent; if at first you went there during the night, you eventually ended up visiting during various times of the day. Needless to say, you did it in order to see Chris, which was absolutely happy anytime he saw you walking out the forest and towards the Manor.
Two months later, you were absolutely sure that you developed a crush for Chris; he was gentle, caring, mature, funny. Chris was definitely everything you were looking for in a man, and definitely no one in your village had ever made your heart race as he could. Sometimes, you had the feelings that your crush was reciprocated, but Chris kept acting neutral about it, still leading you around the Manor while politely holding your hand and, sometimes, not leaving it as soon as you reached your destination.
By now, you’ve met every one of the boys living with him, and the fact that every single one of them acted like Hyunjin when he first saw you, confused you to no end.
However, they never explained what they meant with their «We’ve missed you!» or «Chris is finally in a good mood now that you’re back.», and eventually, you dropped the topic.
Even if you wanted to know, you knew it was better not to be too insistent about it; despite the fact that they never confirmed it, you were almost completely sure that they were vampires, and even if they somehow considered you a friend, you knew better than to get on their nerves.
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Strong arms partially held you up and you were instantly pulled towards a boy’s chest, which was holding you like you were made of crystal about to shatter in million pieces; you felt so weak that you couldn’t hold your head up, and the sound of the boy’s choked pleads interrupted by loud sobs made your heart clench in sorrow.
You knew you were dreaming, but even so, you couldn’t move as you pleased, you couldn’t do anything; it almost felt like you were remembering something from someone else’s life.
«Please,» the boy spoke, his voice sounding dangerously like Chris’, «I can’t lose you again.» even if you felt weaker each passing second, the only thing you wanted to do was to reach out and comfort the boy, which continued to cry while holding you up.
Eventually, he re-arranged your position, holding your head up in the crook of his neck as he held your body close like it was the last time. The feeling of his cold and gentle hands sliding from your cheek to your hair were the only thing you could feel, since the “you” in your dream still had her eyes closed.
«I’ll come back,» you heard yourself say, «I always do.» you felt hurt at your own words, knowing that any kind of pain the boy was going through, he didn’t deserve it; finally, you opened your eyes, looking up to see Chris’ shaking frame, his tears falling on your face as he repeatedly shook his head.
The crimson gentle eyes you were used to see were now wide and filled with desperation, and out the corner of your eye, you saw yourself weakly trying to lift your hand in order to wipe away his tears; however, you were too weak, and your hand fell back on your lap without managing to touch Chris’ ethereal features.
«Don’t go, not again.» he pleaded, «Not this time, not again.» he kept repeating, and as if you felt the “you” in your dream slowly dying, you felt yourself waking up in your own reality.
To say that you spent the whole day feeling distressed was an understatement; no matter what you did, you kept having strange glimpses of memories involving Chris that were definitely not yours. Or, were they?
Slowly, you spent your day re-arranging together the pieces you got: Chris seemed incredibly familiar and he acted as if he had known you for a while, his friends talked to you as if they had been waiting for you, you were the only human that was allowed to visit the Manor anytime she wanted, and now, you kept having random flashbacks about Chris. You were sure you were about to have a headache from thinking so hard, but you needed answers.
Contrarily to the other times you went to see Chris, this time you didn’t pay attention to your dress; you acted on instinct, your feet leading you towards the Manor, where you eventually found Chris sitting on top of the stone wall, exactly like the first night you met.
As soon as your eyes met, you were certain about your theory: Chris was your soulmate.
«How many times did you have to go through that?» you asked weakly, standing few steps away from him; Chris furrowed your brows in confusion, before his eyes eventually widened; in a blink of an eye, he was in front of you, his gloved hand ghosting over the outline of your jaw.
«I’m pretty old, by now I think I’ve lost count.» he admitted with a smile, and you felt your heart clench at his words; you felt angry at yourself – actually at your past selves, for being so selfish.
«I’m so sorry,» you mumbled weakly, before throwing yourself into Chris’ strong arms, the sensation foreign but yet so familiar; his arms circled your helpless frame, pulling your body close to his, «I’ve always been selfish, I’m sorry.» you were crying, your tears falling on Chris’ expensive shirt and your shoulders shaking.
«I always let you choose, and I always will.» he gently confessed, caressing your back and trying to help you calm down, «If you were to choose your human life again, I’ll wait for you and find you again.» despite the fact that in this life, you’ve known Chris for a little less than three months, you’ve never felt so loved.
That night, was the first time Chris let you into his bedroom, and you understood the reason why he never let you in the same moment he closed the door behind you; a wave of memories washed over you, consecutive fragments of moments spent with Chris. You felt your knees go weak, you were sure you would have fallen due to the intensity of it all, if it weren’t for Chris wrapping his arms around your waist.  
Chris was sitting on the bed now, his back resting against few pillow pressed against the headboard; you were sitting next to him but partially sideways, so that you could constantly look at him, your legs were thrown over his lap.
During all the time you spent at the Manor, both you and Chris kept a reasonable distance between the two of you, but since you somehow regained your memories, you wanted to keep him as close as possible. For the first time since you met, Chris had took off his leather gloves, his touch was as cold as ice and left shivers along your skin.
«I missed it.» he murmured, his eyes focused on the trail of goosebumps on your arms erupting anytime he ran his fingertips on your skin.
That night, Chris confessed everything to you; he was a vampire, and – confirming your theory, the two of you were soulmates. Somehow, he always managed to find you and every time, you always managed to fall in love with him; however, in the end, you’d always choose your human life, trusting the fact that you’d meet again.
Hesitantly, Chris answered to your question about the longest time he had to wait for you, saying that he was about to go crazy.
«Two hundred years are pretty long, I thought you wouldn’t reincarnate anymore, that I had lost you for good,» Chris’ gaze was unfocused, before he eventually erupted into a smile, «but then you walked out of the woods because of a bet.» you held his hands in a tight grip, aware that you couldn’t even imagine how much he had suffered because of your selfishness.
«You don’t deserve a soulmate like me.» you confessed, but he shook his head.
«What kind of soulmate would I be if I choose for you?» somewhere, deep in your soul, Chris’ words made you realize that maybe, this time you weren’t so afraid of living for eternity anymore.
«I’ve seen so many versions of you during the centuries,» he chuckled, distracting you from your thoughts, «It was like… seeing your adolescence’s stages.» you covered your face in embarrassment, asking him which one was the worst. «Oh, the vampire hunter definitely gave me a hard time.» Chris admitted with a sigh, recalling the time he had to physically fight you in order to defend himself.
«Did I hurt you?» you immediately asked, scooping closer to his frame, eager to listen to the things that you did in your previous lives.
Chris simply shook his head, looking at you with malice, «You got your memories back just in time.»
«During a fight? And how could that happen?» you scoffed, not believing to Chris’ words until you took notice of the emotions his eyes held; with extremely slow movements, he lifted his hand to your chin, his eyes repeatedly shifting from your eyes to your lips as he started inching closer. Judging by his sudden smug smile, you were sure that Chris could hear your heartbeat hammering in your chest, and you inched closer as well, meeting his lips halfway.
As you felt Chris’ full lips on yours, your head started to spin; you definitely couldn’t imagine that a wave of such intense emotion would fall over you as soon as you kissed him.
To you, his lips tasted like home, the familiar sense of security and love that had irremediably made you fall in love with him all over again, life after life.
To Chris, your lips tasted like a bittersweet déjà-vu; he’s had countless of first kisses with you, and he inevitably fell in love with each single different reincarnation of you, but still, you always ended up slipping away from his grasp. 
Chris’ hand moved on your nape in a swift, gentle movement, tilting your head just to deepen the kiss, as if he could kiss his own desperation away; he knew how the story would have gone, but nonetheless, he loved you enough to wait for you for eternity, if he needed.
Weakly gripping on the collar of his shirt, you sighed into the kiss, pulling Chris even further into you; even if you didn’t want to mention it, you kept having small flashes about your past lives, and so you wanted to keep on kissing him, just to know more about what you could not remember.
A hiss escaped your mouth as Chris unintentionally grazed your inner lip with one of his fangs, and you parted from him, finally taking him his appearance: not only Chris’ eyes seemed to glow a deeper shade of red now that he smelled a little droplet of blood, but also, his lips were slightly parted and his fangs were exposed.
However, the thing that completely felt your heart sink in your stomach, was the fact that Chris had signs of dried tears on his cheeks. Instantly, you reached out to gently cup his face, not caring about the fact that you were bleeding and he could have killed you, and Chris simply tightly closed his eyes.
«I’m sorry,» he sighed, «I thought you wouldn’t come back.» you hugged him without thinking, your eyes blankly staring at the wall.
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You didn’t see Chris for the next week, since you were forced to stay in bed due to a sudden high fever. Strangely enough, anytime you slept, your dreams were composed by a strange mixture composed of memories about your past lives and memories about your present life, to the point where you couldn’t tell what was the truth and what was caused by your fever.
Forced to stay at home, you definitely had enough time to think about what were your intentions, and day after day, you managed to realize what you really wanted to do and so, on a Thursday morning, despite your fever wasn’t completely gone, you quickly washed up and dressed yourself, heading towards the Forest Manor.
«Where is Chris?» you asked Seungmin, which eyes immediately widened over the book he was busy reading.
«Uh,» he said, his gaze nervously shifting towards Minho, sitting next to him on the leather couch.
«There’s a new restaurant in town,» Minho said, covering up for Seungmin’s lack of explanation, «He and the others went there.» With a scoff, you put your hands on your hips, rage and jealousy bubbling up inside you.
«I came here with a fever telling him I was ready to stay and he goes around feeding on other girls?»
«Girls?» Seungmin questioned, furrowing his brows.
«You’re staying?!» Minho exclaimed at the same time, excitement evident in his voice; you plopped yourself on the leather chair in front of the two vampires, which were looking at you with two different emotions plastered on his face.
«I made up my mind.» you told Minho, which eagerly nodded, whispering a soft «I’m happy, then.»
«Isn’t he feeding from… the ones who works… you know…» you tried to be as eloquent as you could with a simple hand gesture. Of course, you were thinking about the worst option: brothels.
Deep inside, you knew that Chris would never do this to you, but in that very moment, your fever suggested you that it was the most plausible excuse. Seungmin eventually interrupted your thoughts with his contagious laugh, and Minho snorted.
«I can promise you he’s not. He’s the shame of our family,» he said, shaking his head, «He feeds from animals.»
«Oh!» you replied immediately, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment. «Of course, animals have blood as well… I'm… an idiot.» you muttered to yourself, but they heard you nonetheless, and did their best to chuckle without sounding too disrespectful. Despite that, you decided to wait for his return.
«Oi, we’re home-oh, hi!» Chris said, entering the living room, and your eyes locked with his lips, still faintly tainted red.
«Yeah, we’re going out.» both Minho and Seungmin said, walking towards the other boys now standing behind Chris. Hyunjin and Changbin looked at each other with furrowed brows, while Han and Jeongin were already on their way to come and sit next to you, happy about your presence in the Manor, claiming that everything was more enjoyable anytime you were around.
«But we just came back?» Felix questioned, and Minho quickly grabbed his forearm, not bothering to repeat himself.  
«You’re gonna be alone until tomorrow night.» Seungmin winked at you, before patting Chris’ on his shoulder and exiting the room along with the others.
Despite the awkwardness of the situation, you couldn’t bring yourself to meet Chris’ gaze, nor to bring up your decision.
The awkward nervousness you felt, eventually, completely disappeared as you and Chris changed for the night and laid together on his bed.
It wasn’t the first time you spent at the Manor, but now that you made up your mind, it definitely felt way more intimate. Chris was sitting on the bed, balancing himself with his left hand lazily spread out behind him, while his right hand was draped around your waist, pulling your chest flush to his; you were straddling him, the thin fabric of your night dress not leaving much to the imagination, its fabric pooled around your thighs and your arms gently cupping Chris’ cheeks.
«I need you, I-» Chris mumbled against your throat; despite his skin was cold, his kisses made you feel like you were burning up. His voice was extremely hoarse, and you deduced it was from his hunger. «I need your blood,» he said, his hand tightly gripping your waist with a strained whine, «I need you.» his voice was low, and his arms were holding your body impossibly close to his.
Despite the fact that you were sitting on top of Chris and he was occasionally glancing at you with eyes full of desire, you didn’t have the slightest trace of control over the situation.
With a breathless whimper, Chris’ hand slid inside your nightgown, tightly gripping on your thigh as you completely sat on his lap in a silent answer; now that you were completely pressed against his body, you could feel that he was already hard. You knew Chris loved you, you knew Chris desired you, but still, knowing that only you could reduce him in that state made you feel incredibly powerful; knotting your hand in his hair, you connected your lips at the same time you hesitantly grinded on him, swallowing with your mouth the surprised moan that escaped your lover’s lips.
Chris eagerly returned the kiss with fervour, and it quickly turned into a passionate make out session, your body shaking lightly anytime you felt Chris’ fangs graze on your skin.
«I want to be yours, Chris,» you murmured against his lips, as he effortlessly rolled you on the bed, so that he was on top of you.
«You already are,» he murmured back, tilting his head just enough to deepen your steamy kiss, his tongue making you momentarily forget about what you wanted to say.
«No, yours… yours.» you whimpered, unsure whether what you were saying had any sense, but, in the moment you felt Chris’ knee spreading your thighs and his full lips closing on your lower lip just to pull on it as his head drew back, you swore you were about to lose all the traces of sanity you had.
The thing was: earlier, you didn’t have enough courage to confess him that you wanted him to turn you, but somehow, the feeling of Chris’ erection pressed against your inner thigh made you think that it was definitely the best moment in the world to ask your boyfriend - which happened to be a vampire, to turn you into one as well.
It was like you could hear the imaginary gears inside Chris’ head spinning as he gradually slowed down the pace of his kisses. What were movements purely driven by lust were now once again gentle, unsure and tender movements.
«What are you asking about, exactly?» Chris asked, kiss lips in moving on the side of your  neck; you took a big sigh, circling his waist with your arms.
«I want to stay with you,» you confessed, unsure on which words you should use, «for eternity.»
Chris’ body tensed up, and he slowly pulled away from you in order to sit back up, balancing himself on his ankles, he run a hand through his already messy hair, before eventually caressing your thighs in a loving manner.
«Are you sure about what you’re asking?» Chris mumbled, his red crimson eyes burning into yours, and immediately you nodded, sitting up as well.
«I spent a lot of time thinking about it. I’ve been selfish, and yet, you still waited for me.» you explained, holding his gaze, «I don’t want you to suffer again, and I don’t want to be parted from you again.» Chris attentively listened to you, before eventually, his serious expression turned into a soft one, a gentle smile adorning his full lips.
«If that’s what you want,» Chris gently pushed on your shoulder, not enough to hurt but enough to make you fall back on the mattress, «Enjoy your last night as a human.» he gave you a sly smile, before ripping the fabric of your nightdress.
«What a show off.» your laugh was cut off by a surprised moan, as Chris’ lips closed around your nipple.
Chris spent the night worshipping your body; he made sure to kiss almost every millimetre on your skin, mumbling praises and confessions of love every now and then. You didn’t know how much time he spent with his head between your legs, but you were certain about the fact that you already came twice and your legs were shaking.
The feeling of his fingers and tongue working together to lead you towards another orgasm made you squirm both in anticipation and both in a slight different need. As much as you loved the feeling of Chris’ tongue repeatedly teasing your wetness, you kept growing impatient with the desire of feeling him buried inside you.  Chris’ lips harshly sucked on your clit as his fingers curled inside you, and another orgasm washed over you unexpectedly, your legs tensing up before weakly falling back on the bed.
«Can you come again?» Chris husky voice mumbled, kissing your now sweaty body all the way back to your lips; completely aware about the fact that you probably created a small pool of wetness under your lower half, you nodded, running your thumb over Chris’ plump lips and smearing the remaining proofs about the fact that you came not one, not two, but three times thanks to his tongue.
With a smile, Chris tilted his head enough to suck your thumb into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the digit as he aligned himself with your entrance before bottoming out with a single thrust. Chris head fell in the crook of your shoulder, and you were thankful your thumb wasn’t in his mouth anymore because you felt his jaw clench at the point it sounded almost painful.
«I missed you so much,» you heard him murmur on your skin, and you gently caressed his hair, kissing his temple as a doubt made its way in your head.
«Did you ever-»
«Don’t even think about finishing that sentence,» Chris cut your words, lifting his head up just enough to look at you in the eyes, «I could never lay with anyone else,» he mumbled, shaking his head, «I would never.»
Even if you already knew the answer to your silent doubt, hearing those words from him made you feel incredibly better, and incredibly loved. Chris had started moving his hips in a slow pace by now, clearly holding back and being too concerned trying not to hurt you by being too rough.
«Show me how much you missed me, then.» you said, lifting your hips to change the angle of his thrusts just to make him reach a little deeper than before, action which earned you a choked whimper from Chris.
«Good luck.» Chris scoffed, his crimson eyes burning into yours as he was re-adjusting his position; from the moment he started moving again, you completely lost the ability to think due to how good you were feeling.
The fact that vampires were faster than human beings definitely came in hand; Chris’ movements were passionate, his fingers were alternating between stimulating your clit and your breasts, and his lips continuously made sure to leave an intricate pattern of kisses along the expanse of skin within his reach.
Needless to say, you quickly approached your orgasm, and as Chris felt you clench around him and gradually tensing up, he slowed his pace, but kept stimulating your clit with his fingers, just to bite on the side of your neck as you finally came with a loud moan.
The sensation of an orgasm was per se intense, but the bite of a vampire, somehow, prolonged the sensation as long as they fed from you; you were gripping Chris’ back, your nails sinking into his skin and drawing deep red lines, before eventually, you lost consciousness because your neck was burning.
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The first thing you noticed when you woke up, was Chris sitting on the bed next to you, quietly reading a book; you groaned, rolling on your side.
Despite your throat was burning as if you’ve never drank anything in your life, you also felt like your senses were heightened; you could hear what the boys were talking about from different part of the house, the sensation unusual but definitely something you could get used to.
With a quick movement, you swatted the book away from Chris’ hand, not caring about it flying on the floor, and placed your head on his thighs.
«Good morning, sunshine.» Chris chuckled at the fact that the first thing you did as soon as you woke up as a vampire, was cuddling on his side; his hand brushed your hair, and you hummed.
«Thirsty,» you croaked, ignoring the stinging sensation you felt in your lungs. Minho walked in the room few moments later, since he clearly heard what you said; he stopped on the doorway, holding to large glasses filled with blood in his hands.
«Oh my God,» he sighed, «You look dead.»
«Yeah?» you retorted, quickly sitting up in anticipation of finally drinking something, «Go look yourself in the mirror.»
«I fucking hate you.» Minho laughed, incredulous, and you could hear the others – which were curious about when you would wake up but they didn’t want to disturb you too much, laughing as well.
The moment when Chris held you tight to his body without having to measure his strength in fear to hurt you, you knew you made the right choice.
«I’m sorry it took me so much.» you confessed, eager to learn everything about your new life and eager about spending it with Chris.
«It was worth it.» you heard him whisper, followed by a content, soft sigh.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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hanzidanzi · 7 months
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Draw whoever you think fits perfectly in the rolls!!!!
(If you want. No pressure!)
Hello Val, hope you’re doing good💕 I’m assuming you mean to the boys!
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These are my placements!^^ (click for better quality)
Just the placements I thought worked best considering the boys and their s/o, I go into detail below:
1. Red and Dust;
Red being the flirtatious jackass he is, flirts with everyone and is known to do so... Sooo! When he finally gets a crush, the person he flirts with finds it difficult to take him serious. You might find he has changed his flirting slightly however, making less "dirty" jokes towards you and he might try more romantic advances...
Dust is so far removed from anything and everything, being caught in a circle of kill or be killed has really fucked with him sadly. It's been such a long time since someone flirted with him too... He definitely wouldn't take the hint if you did.
2. Blue and Classic;
Blue is such a sweetheart! He is definitely your biggest fan if you let him, if not he'll be your biggest fan in secret... He'll support whatever you like, whatever sort of hobby you have... and generally he'll be your number one cheerleader whenever he can!
Classic is a huge nerd, which is really no secret! He can ramble on on about anything in particular, can you blame him? He doesn't feel comfortable with just anyone, so when he meets someone like you?? He just can't help himself from gushing with all the exciting new information he just learnt.
3. Black and Edge;
Black loves a challenge!! Please, please challenge him! He won't admit how much he likes that you are better than him in certain areas, but he sure will admire you from afar. And the way you snap at him when he's being a jackass towards you? It lights something in him, what can I say!
Edge is a tsundere! Really he is! He takes some time to warm up to/takes a while for him to warm up to you. But he admires your passion and spirit! The way you don't take shit, the way you talk back. In his world it means you can survive without him being too worried about you, and that is a HUGE pluss for him! This man seriously worries 24/7.
4. Buns and Cream;
Buns my baby!!!;; On a serious note, don't mess with him. He is baby, but he'll fuck you up if he has to! Sadly your little Bun has been through hell and back and knows how to protect you if he has to. But please, he is so so tired of all the violence and inconsistencies! All he wants is a calm and safe life with you, where he doesn't have to worry about food and enemies.
Cream is tough! Like tough tough. Sure he hasn't been through hell necessarily, but he has been through tons of hard training to become a royal guard! Don't think Undyne goes easy on him, only because she has a soft spot for him. He also has such positive energy, whatever you go through he'll have your back! And he'll make sure you get through it unscratched!
5. Mutt and Stretch
Mutt is chaotic... but like in a chill way? He'll bring you along on the stranges of adventures: bring you with him to his shop, to the lab, to the store and so on. And pretty much each and every time you come out of it with the strangest of stories? Like you were going to the store and now you're in a completely different AU saving the world? He can't help it either, like these huge changes happens to his plans and he just goes with it?
Stretch is such a meme, man doesn't take anything seriously. He had to be a grown up from a really young age, so he could properly take care of Blue. Honestly, he's just so tired and he want to makeup for all the time he lost. It has taken a toll on him, so he's basically making it his life mission to just mess around with everything and everyone! Beware you'll be his number one target you know...
6. Dust!Paps and Axe;
Dust!Paps is really just a little coward, now it is a little difficult to place him! Since he is basically made up by Dusts imagination and insane guilt for killing his brother. But if we were to say he was his own body and soul for a second, this man is spiteful af. Tired of being killed because of Dusts complete obsession to kill the human and gain LOVE. So he is spiteful, but still the sweet and kind Papyrus deep inside. Something you will get to see if you're patient enough with him.
Axe is a dom daddy for sure... He probably wouldn't say it like that, but this man has literally no shame. And I'm not just talking with sexual encounters, but in general! He is the boss and he will let you know. Taking care of you the way you should, making sure you've eaten, gotten enough water, gotten enough sleep. Did I mention he is basically just pure instinct? Like sure, he is just a funny more morbid version of Classic. But at the end of the day, this man is also the most animalistic out of the bunch.
Now I'm so so late answering this!! I've been busy with college and barely gotten to draw for several months, but thats life. I'm happy I've gotten to this one at last💕
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farklelucas · 2 years
okay so. now that ive taken some time to breathe, compose myself, and gather my thoughts, lemme lay out why the teen wolf movie was a hot holy mess (besides, you know, the obvious) as a teen wolf enthusiast and expert.
a lot of the characters were really little more than set dressing. to be specific, i think liam could have been replaced by a mailbox with a hat and the movie would have been the same (and this is coming from a major liam fan). the same can be said for mason, malia, melissa, peter, and honestly even the sheriff (which i hate bc god he was such a core of the show). i think parrish was only useful in one specific instance and even that isn't enough to warrant him being in the film. the characters i loved felt like cardboard cutouts and that wasnt fair to me, to the characters, or to the actors. i would have rather they not been there at all tbh. like just leave liam out of this if youre gonna do him like that fr
a lot of the plot points felt... disjointed and weird. saraid said it felt like three different movies in one and i have to agree. derek and eli felt like its own thing, then scott and allison, and then everything else (whatever the hell parrish and malia had going on, the lydia and jackson buddy cop comedy, liam in... japan with a ramen shop i think? and some random girlfriend that happened to be a kitsune) kind of fell to the wayside in between.
this movie was truly so flat without kira. it was hard to make a nogitsune movie without stiles, but it was almost impossible to make without her. hikari unfortunately ended up just feeling like a woman they randomly shoved into all the plot points kira was supposed to be in. because she didnt have a character besides liams girlfriend (and because liam was barely a character himself), she just couldn't compare and so kiras lack of presence was really felt. she left a huge hole in the narrative. they didnt even mention her and you knew what was missing. if you had cut khylin and dylan sprayberrys checks entirely, im sure they would have had enough to pay her as much as the rest of her white coworkers :) but that's just my opinion xxx
this was supposed to be for fans of the original series, but really just felt like jeff davis's weird rare pair fanfiction. instead of focusing on the dynamics that already existed - melissa and the sheriff, malia and peter, scott and liam, derek and. anyone really - he ended up delving into all these new dynamics with only two hours to develop them. malia and parrish (which. i really had to mentally run through the show to see if those two had interacted before and i dont think they have), liam and hikari, and derek and eli. all of which had a shot at being interesting but because there were so many different plots going on, it all just felt. awkward and confusing.
that being said, im gonna move onto derek and eli generally. i like eli! i do. i thought he was funny, i thought the actor was super charming (although the timeline made no sense because if he was born fifteen years ago And allison died fifteen years ago he would be braedens and. hate to say it folks. thats not braedens baby. make him mixed jeff davis you fucking coward). really, i liked him. ... but not at the expense of dereks character. the derek i knew was an asshole. he was mean, he was sarcastic, he was a bastard (honorifically). its not to say that people cant change, but... the derek i saw in the movie was a complete 180 from the derek we last saw in the series. honestly, the derek i saw in the series probably wouldn't have made a good parent - we saw how he was with erica, isaac, and boyd. even with scott. derek was kind of a dick. i dont even think he would have wanted kids - i think he would raise them out of duty, and i think he would if a partner wanted him to. but i dont think kids were ever in his life plan. and i think that could have been super interesting to see with him and eli. i think making him a parent could have been really interesting and it just. crumbled.
i know i mentioned the timeline in that last bit but. the timeline. it hurts my head. when was eli born. what year is it. how long has it been since scott has been in beacon hills. im so confused.
lets talk about adrian harris. shall we. i have made a list of people who i think would have been a better villain reveal are you ready: allison, peter, theo, chris argent, kate argent (resurrected), matt daehler (resurrected), victoria argent (resurrected), kira herself, danny mahealani, rafe mccall, isaac's shit dad, coach, greenberg, me with a baseball bat filled with rusty nails, jeff davis in a wig. the list goes on. you could not have picked a more random and less memorable character to reveal as your villain. i almost felt like i was being mocked. "haha! you didnt expect it to be this guy? the chemistry teacher who also died fifteen years ago? who had almost nothing to do with the plot until season 3? stupid! idiot!" i have never been so mad in my life
speaking of villain. did they forget what a nogitsune is. it needs a host. its not some guy they can stab to death. its a concept, a feeling, a parasite. its a manifestation of mental illness. but no sorry excuse me i must be wrong bc now its also a werewolf??????? im sorry. am i the crazy one. give me void allison! give me allison as the host and shes being taken over and she has those bags under her eyes and that creepy void stare and grin! give me crystal reed emmy noms! while we're on the subject, heres some more questions about the nogitsune include: why was it in a jar? why was it with LIAM of all people (who didnt even know what that was)? why did its powers completely change? HOW was it a werewolf????????? i cant stop thinking about it.
i said it once and ill say it again: jackson fucking carried this movie. he was giving all season one jackson, he was bringing comic relief, he was even bringing up ethan when no one else would! king! he carried. but he shouldn't have had to. dont get me wrong, i think crystal reed ate and left no crumbs. this was allisons movie and it should have been. but when the other two standout characters imo were jackson (who arguably did nothing) and coach (who did even less)... you simply didnt use your characters well. i think i would put deaton up there and even chris, but... scott and lydia? this should have been their movie. but scott spent nearly the whole movie ignoring his friends, and lydia was reduced to 'woman whose plot was about a man,' again. it was horrible. lydia outgrew that song and dance by season two. and scott? hasnt been to beacon hills in twelve years? hasnt seen his mom or his friends? not the scott mccall i know.
this is not about shipping discourse this post will never be about shipping discourse so i say this as a completely objective party. that being said. st/dia was so strangely shoved in there at the end. how did harris even know about lydia leaving stiles. how did he know about her dream. how did it add to the plot. like yes the nogitsune feeds of chaos and strife but i think lydia was getting enough of that watching her friends get murdered. it felt like a weird way to explain why dob wasnt there and it simply didnt work. i would have rather they not said anything about stiles at all.
anyway, this is skipping over a lot of other little things that i thought were really bad (sexualizing malia who literally had the mentality of an eight year old for most of her life AGAIN, why was mason a fucking cop, peters lack of interaction with the hale family which is what made him interesting in the first place, the absolute insanity of allison coming back to life and just being absolutely okay even though shes been dead for fifteen years, died at the hands of her friend, and almost everyone she knew including stiles, isaac, and kira are all just gone now), but boy oh boy. for a while it was funny bad. like "oh this is bad but i can still enjoy this for what it is" bad. but those last ten minutes. what is actually absolutely wrong with jeff davis. there are very few times ive felt this betrayed by tv shows i held this close to my heart, but im there. im heartbroken. i wont go on about it here, bc honestly, it would need its own post considering how much i have to say. but if the rest of the movie was bad? that was shit was traumatizing.
anyway. so sorry this post is this long, and so sorry i couldnt come back with a positive review. this show died long ago; i think we should have just let it rest - nobody asked for a reunion, and now i can see that was with good reason. so the next time jeff davis opens up an email with a header titled 'sequel idea' and he ccs tyler posey, i think we should all just agree to ler arden cho beat him to death in a dennys parking lot instead.
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Azumane Asahi x Scary!Male!Reader [Fluff]
So, appearently, this one shot is not published?? somehow?? it doesn’t show up for me on desktop or mobile, so i’ll be posting it now i guess -_-
Requested by GaurikaDutta on Wattpad
Well, the day couldn't have gone better... well, it could have, if Nishinoya wasn't eavesdropping on Asahi's conversation with his boyfriend. But, was it eavesdropping? He just took a peek at his texts with (M/n).
"Asahi-san has a boyfriend?!" Was what he yelled at the top of his lungs after there were done stretching after practice was over for the day.
Of course, the third and second years had some explaining to do, since they didn't know about Asahi's sexuality. At first, he came out as bisexual, then asexual, and he finally got over his sexuality crisis, and realized he was demisexual. He never had a gender preference anyway, and he loves (M/n) as much as his family.
But, after the little explanation, everyone wanted to meet Asahi's boyfriend, something that made the brunette a little nervous, setting in just ask about it to his boyfriend. Even if he already knew what (M/n)'s answer was going to be.
Neither of them ever realize, well they kinda did, but Asahi never explained it to the rest of the Karasuno members.
(M/n) would go to every single one of their games, he was a scary dude in the audience, no one ever sat less than three seats away from him. His tough and intimidating appearance made everyone coward away from him. But the reality couldn't have been farther from that. (M/n) always tested him after every game, whether they lost or won, to comfort him or cheer him up.
They would meet up in an empty place, usually a deserted hallway, occasionally in one of the empty bathrooms, and no one ever found out. Like they had been dating ever since they met, which was when Asahi was still a first year and (M/n) a second year. Asahi knew everyone -except the first years- would recognize him immediately once they see him.
Well, back in his home, Asahi got a call from (M/n), wondering why he suddenly stopped texting him and Asahi explained everything that has happened almost an hour ago. Obviously, as Asahi already thought, (M/n) accepted meeting the Karasuno volleyball team, a cheerful tone of voice making Asahi's heart beat faster and they talked a little more, before saying their good night's to each other and falling asleep.
The next day, Asahi told them his boyfriend was going to come later in the day, since he had to work in the morning till the afternoon. Now, that made everyone though Asahi's boyfriend was way older than him, so they were kinda nervous now.
After a long way, their everyday practice came by, and they were all getting dressed and began stretching.
(M/n) walked inside the school campus, both hands inside the pockets of his leather jacket, he saw some students leaving the building since they didn't have club activities or just weren't in a club. He walked towards the gym where the volleyball team used to practice, since he had a feeling they still got to use it, and he stood outside by the door.
He took his headphones off, letting them hang around his neck and immediately, he was able to hear the squeaky sounds of shoes against the floor, followed by yells or the sound of the volleyball hitting skin or the ground.
The sounds reminded him of last year, during his last high school match at the Winter Cup tournament. Being the ace of the basketball team made him well known around the school, but people were also scared of him, mostly because of his looks and the way he dressed, but in reality...
He was such a cinnamon roll! Like a cute golden retriever!
And yes, Asahi always told him he was really adorable when he was happy, something that, inevitably brought a huge smile to his face.
But getting out of his thoughts, he heard who he presumed was the captain calling a break before another match, and he finally decided to make his presence known.
(M/n) slid the door open, targeting everyone's eyes. Hinata and Yachi flinched at the sight of the intimidating male, while the second and third years bowed with a loud greeting.
Asahi looked at everyone with a panicked expression, muttering that they shouldn't bow and be so formal with (M/n), which made them stare at Asahi with curious looks in their eyes.
"Asahi-san... you mean... that (L/n)-senpai is..." Nishinoya slowly spoke, causing the third-year brunette to blush and scratch the back of his neck.
"Uh, y-yeah... (M/n) is my boyfriend-" not even a second after, Tanaka and Noya were standing very close to the (h/c) haired male, an aggressive expression on both of their faces.
"You better treat our Asahi-san well, senpai." Boys said, causing Daichi to sigh behind them and Sugawara to chuckle at the duo's antics.
"Yeah, senpai, we're watching you closely," (M/n) kept his serious stare on them, making them tremble as they started losing their confidence, but the male just laugh and hugged them by the shoulders.
"I'm so happy I'm finally able to meet the volleyball team!!" He cheered loudly, a playful look in his eyes as he saw the small middle blocker hiding behind a stoic black-haired setter. "Hinata-kun~!"
He yelled as he rushed towards the smaller male, who flinched and shrieked as he ran away, but (M/n) caught him pretty easily.
"There's no need to be afraid, Hinata-kun, I'm not gonna hurt you." Eventually, the orange-haired male let his intimidating senpai hold him in his arms and soon enough, he was laughing out loud to his heart's content.
"Sugawara-san," the blond walked closer to the silver-haired third-year, and he looked at Tsukishima with a gentle smile. "Could you tell me who that guy is?"
At that moment, he realized that neither of the five first years nor the couch knew who (M/n) was, so he started calling out to everyone.
"Everybody, come over for a moment, you too, (L/n)-senpai." (M/n) had a pout on his lips as he set Hinata down, walking next to Asahi and the rest of his kohais. "Alright, this is (L/n) (M/n), he's our senpai and former ace of Karasuno's basketball team."
"Hi~," (M/n) said with a wide smile while he waved his hands.
Tsukishima sweatdropped at the male's behavior, but soon, everyone was having fun getting to know their senpai, while Asahi just watched (M/n) as he got along with everyone just fine.
Yes, (M/n) might look scary and sometimes he can be a little too much to handle, but that doesn't necessarily means is a bad thing. He was extremely kind and very, very sweet.
Just look at him, he even managed to make Tsukishima chuckle at a joke he told him.
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
"I regret the things I did..."
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Written by @lizaluvsthis
Inspiration from the song ' Kisame ' by Rhodessa
[Recommended song to listen to]
Summary- SMG4 finished his daily video and laid back down to his bed, he finds himself overthinking...
Note- Kisame in english means ceiling ^^
Chapter is only 1/1
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Pining, Angst/Self Comfort, Gay and Depression is real.
You opened this chapter and I won't say sorry once you did.
10:25 pm
SMG4 had finished editing his video, shutting off the lights and laying his back flat on the mattress.
Taking a huge breath from all the exhaustion he wasted on another brand new video, opening both of his eyes.
He began to stare at the ceiling for a while with a blank thought of his mind, trying to take a break after everything. Even how much he pushed out those problems, it kept bothering him anyway.
What was he supposed to do? SMG4 is a hard worker, to keep the fans entertained, worked out from his ass by 24/7 with every videos he'd make, he couldn't stop.
Oh, how he regretted every moment of that, how he hated himself, he could never say sorry. Even just a simple sorry was difficult enough to emphasize his own character.
What made it hard for him to apologize is that he couldn't say sorry to himself, never even forgive. He was selfish, a selfish man whose hopes are up to 'follow that dream' but he can't push all of those problems forever, he can't just forget about them because they were such a big deal when you're living.
He found it hard to accept, to live as a normal guy. He has such a big reputation to be in and yet he's stuck at some place built a castle with his name written on it.
He still has to pay, living a day in a world where you survive while time passes by... it's sad.
He wished he never existed in the first place, but what came in? Contents to make him keep alive, endless amounts of videos he'd make.
The passion he craved with, the goal he reached. He made it. What next?
What was his next goal? If he had everything to himself now, why did he feel so incomplete? Why did he feel lost? Something missing?
SMG4 knows that he'd already been miserable enough, why else would he be upset?
"We can make another!"
A memory echoed through his head, ears hearing this out from Three's voice were surreal.
Just seeing three by his side, was he actually telling the truth? Were they both really friends? Were the things he said are real? Did he ACTUALLY had that soft side that led him to open up his heart and spoke the whole thing?
Or was that all just to set him free and that none ever he said were true?
But if he did... then why else would Three help him even after and before?
If three considered him as a friend, friends always got their back. Like how Mario helped him, how every crew of his are like a family he never had.
SMG3 meant something... something special...
He was the first antagonist he met but became ex rivals with four even right after the whole "destroying your reputation" arc.
What made three change his heart of mind? What made him change his choice?
Wasn't he supposed to kill the guy- him?
Wasn't he supposed to be the evil one?
Weren't his actions to make Four's life a living hell?
Weren't all those things he did is to steal his youtube channel?
What happened to him?
Where did his old self go and whats this new him?
What took four this long to realize that three had done so much to save him? Risked his life? Literally.
He was sorry for him, sorry for everything. But he never even told him how sorry, how much of a bother, how annoyingly of a coward he was towards his feelings.
"R-remember what I said?" What did he say? What was that? What is four missing here? What did he forgot? What did he miss?
"We're friends!"
Was that right?
Were they both really friends?
After everything they've been through?
After... he destroyed him...?
"Ughhhh..." he tried to cover his eyes, planting his wrist to his view. Tried to keep himself calm...
A deep quiet sleep...
A silent evening with nothing to feel bothered of...
Just push them all away and never bother...
Opening his eyes back again looking upon the clock...
10:31 pm
Time passes by too slow... yet too fast at the same time...
It makes you go crazy and lose your mind...
Where did I went through?
How did I get here?
Why did I ended up like this?
A mind flooded questions, unanswered thoughts. Overthinking again and again and again and over again.
Why was he thinking about Three back there?
Why did it matter to him again?
He didn't know how or why...
There is just something... a thing that he isn't sure what it's called...
Sure they're friends but are they really?
There's so many things roaming through his head, sending him mixed signals from Three's complicated doings.
He found it quite interesting and exciting but at the same time- scary.
Intrigued and fascinated by how Three could do everything better, and that he never misses. All of it... impressive...
But wasn't four more better than him from the start? Back in memewarts he kept notice that Three had tried everything... yet... he got the attention all to himself again...
"You're an -sshole smg4..."
He said that to himself... everything is pretty bad to him... why did he have to do that? When you're already full of everything and you keep bugging into their life?
Came crashing in and picking up the pieces you can't fix...?
"You're so tsundere SMG3" "NO I'M NOT! YOU BAKA!"
Another set of memory flashed to his eyes, three is a tsundere... he looked at the meaning earlier ago, was this all true?
Three? Being an actual tsundere to SMG4... everytime... he gets back to him... a possibility he had feelings for...
No... no way... there's just no way...
His heart started beating faster, warmth from his face, his cheeks and his nose turning red. Felt like his eyes were burning, how he forgot to cry...
Felt like this was the first time from him in years to ever cry after so long... he gripped the sheets from the mattress, his heart felt torn apart.
Ripped up to bits, feeling it sunken deeper, like drowning from a breathable surface. Was that all he could ever wanted? Changing for the better person?
He was gay for him? Madly inlove? A reason why he RISKED his LIFE to SAVE HIM...???
"But why...?" Time and time again, why does Four even bother? It was all from Three... he felt so stupid... so oblivious that he is now realizing Three had this feeling for him...
"I'm... I'm just so lonely... I'm so stupid..." SMG4 hugged the only pillow from his head to his chest, "SO STUPID!" almost tearing the fabric. He lets go, fear that he'd been hurting...
Left for burden...
"I..." He didn't know what to do anymore, looking down at the small rips... in a depth of staring silently...
How long had he been too busy? How long? How long did Three wanted to admit he really love him? How long did three change?
How long was he also suffering the same silence just like his? How long did he hide everything from him? Being the coldest and meanest person? Becoming soft? How long?
How long didn't he express? How long had Four been ignoring his feelings? How long didn't he just act now? How long? How long could he stay like that?
How long would he keep on doing this?
Well one thing is for sure...
You can't solve everything from your problems...
You just... kind of did it... beyond repair... broken...
He knows he can't hide his pain anymore... why does he still deepen it when everything is collapsing?
Everything hurts...
Even if... how many times... he kept himself in strangles with the hardest things...
He still finds Three as his other way... like a pathway guiding him to the light like how he did when he was at his darkest moments of life.
Like how he saved him for not going insane...
Thats how of a person SMG3 is...
He hated it... he loved it at the same time...
He felt safe... yet uncomfortable...
Relaxed... panic...
Sad... happy...
Home... loved... and cared...
He didn't deserve all of this... but he is still greatful to have the people he's closest to by his side. Because they'll never leave him no matter what happens.
Four is thinking negative thoughts, but now it was replaced by Three and the positive outcomes of him catching up.
"Three you... you saved me..." Twice he said it... twice... yet Three saved him a bunch of times now, he had to thank him.
"Yeah whatever" how he nearly died during the chase with mario and the notebook, three flunging him out due to the missle's point.
He almost died, and three is just.
"You're gay for me?" he remembered the past, unsure if he really admitted that he has feelings for the man in purple. He was too scared to love, the most closest people he'd been with.
Made a thought of abandonment...
If he could've done more, he wouldn't be a burden to his friends and to him...
How does he tell Three that he also liked him? That he really really loved him...?
His thoughts can never get rid of him because he was someone special.
He wasn't sure if he's worthy for his love.
Why does it always have to end up like this?
He looked at his hand touching the air, notice of his tears stopping.
It's okay... even no matter what or how many times he ignored him, because the pain they both are baring now. Are insufferable to deal to.
Just for Three...
And to himself...
To live...
The water that dripped down from his tears dried, eyes widened and understanding. His heart now wrapped and covered with warmth and joy.
He finally smiled with those soft eyes.
He hugged himself and laughed, how he loved Three, how he just overthinked everything to question his purpose and living, then to him again.
It doesn't matter anymore.
What matters is that he continued living than choosing to die, his decisions are what he points at.
No matter now, if he doesn't know how to deal with his problems? He'll find a way...
He always does...
With a final exhale, relaxing his head and shutting both of his eyes.
How he loved it...
Dying from his lifeline with just a silent scream, daring not to tell a word or two.
Three is all that matters to him in the end.
A few minutes passed by as he drifting away to sleep...
Three however is also dealing the same problem... except it was the opposite. Crying himself to sleep...
- END -
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bengiyo · 9 months
I am requesting a ship twofer: Rio and Kido and Rio and Haruhiko
Ah yes, let's discuss The Novelist again.
Plainly: Rio and Haruhiko would not happen without Rio and Kido, but there's no way for Rio and Kido to work out. Kido is selfish and a coward, and Haruhiko is alarmingly devoted.
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When you watch the Novelist for the first time you think Rio is some sort of mastermind, but he's not. He's just a fucked up gay man trolling a college kid because he was bored and lonely. We don't really understand why he is this way, but we know something is wrong with him, and we're certain Kido has something to do with it.
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Then we go to Mood Indigo and realize that so much of what's wrong with Rio now is that Kido wouldn't let him remain repressed. Rio was clearly struggling before he ran into Kido again, but Kido brought him into the world of erotica and made him learn from a huge perv. Then Kido got way too horny about it and showed he knew a whole lot more about gay sex than I was expecting from him.
Kido is a mess. He thinks he wants to commit to Rio, but he values the appearance of normalcy so much. He's also selfish in that he always makes others feel like they're the reason he made some sort of big sacrifice. He lets Rio blow him so Rio can get a good job. He moves in with Rio to help with rent. He stays in erotica publishing to honor Rio. He's a liar! He let Rio blow him because he wanted to get his dick sucked. He continued living with Rio because he wasn't into the girl who wanted him to be a normie. He stayed in erotica because he likes it, but he likes making people feel beholden to him more than anything. I'm not a fan of this man! I was so glad when Rio went back to Haruhiko at the end of Mood Indigo.
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One of the smartest things they did with this series was give these guys time. We got to see Haruhiko age out of school and take on the work of a salaryman even as Rio left the city to try to continue writing. I love Pornographer: Playback because so much of it revolves around Rio grappling with the fact that every time he looks back he finds Haruhiko right there even when Rio is being so mean.
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I think I like Haruhiko because Rio woke something in him and Haruhiko loved it. It makes him happier. It seemed to give him purpose. Rio flounders constantly because being gay and smart makes him feel so different and separate from the world. Kido made him feel worse about it. He made Rio feel desirable, but then actively didn't choose him. He even has the nerve to get sad about it! Haruhiko, however, is so into Rio that he blew this man in a car because they hadn't seen each other in a while.
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I really do love Rio and Haruhiko a lot, because every creative needs a devoted simp to ground them in reality. I hope Kido finds meaning and purpose in being a husband and a father, because he cannot be anything sustainable to Rio.
Send Me a Ship and I'll Share My Thoughts About Them
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
Actually? Can't stop thinking about this possibly expanded Time-Loop Of Bad Ideas AU? Because EVERYONE could get one! That Idol was made for Life Lessons and good at it's job!
Why NOT Moar Loops~☆?
And? Was GOING to suggest the whole BatFam. But this time not together. BUT THEN? My muse(adhd brain) smacked me and called me a coward! Go BIGGER they demanded! That sexy, sexy genius(me)!
That bust was probably not in Gotham! Or at least, not FULLY in Gotham. Maybe it was Superman, maybe someone else, but SOMEONE saw the Idol when Bruce found it.
We have PROTOCOLS, Batman.
That YOU made.
GDI. He sighs, but admits it's true. And Magic Bullshitry means getting scanned for Curses and Compulsions. Everyone up to the Watchtower. *various Bat Children groans of annoyance* No getting out of it. Come on, better this then getting possessed.
They Zeta up. Annoyed but here.
It's late and they'll probably miss dinner.
Come to find out? Fuckin EVERYONE but Captian Marval and Wonder Woman, who knows Magic, is off doing "Magic". Just... unspecified, vauge, could be anywhere, "Magic".
AND they get pulled into a last minute, emergency, meeting about where they should store the Idol. Because all Wonder Woman and Marvel can TELL them about it? Is "Yep, Cursed. Probably."
And so they are annoyed. Everyone is arguing. Tensions are getting higher and higher. Somebody mutters a snide comment about somebody ELSE'S sidekick, and? Punching breaks out. Shoving. The big three stand to break it up.
But it's too late.
Some IDIOT throws a CHAIR. Their target, being a trained hero, OBVIOUSLY dodges. Which means it sails right across the table and HITS THE IDOL. Crash!
Everyone is slammed back by a lightshow and huge wall of air. Wonder Woman is FURIOUS. Marvel scared. Everyone gets checked out. Everyone, Go Home and isolate for AT LEAST 24 hours. Report any symptoms or strange thoughts.
They go home. Go to bed. Midnight.
Everyone locked in their own little Loops.
Now, some of those affected? Lesbians. Married and grossly, gooey, shmoopy, "No, yooou~♡" hang-up type In Love. Or just not in to him.
But! How many people in Loops? Do you think? Get that Bad Idea impulse~
Feel their eyes get drawn towards the Highly Competent and Sexy, Red Robin? Pretty-boy Tim Drake? Their Friend, colleague, or the son of such? It's a time loop. Who would ever know? They HAVE always been... curious.
I mean, they'd treat him right. It's not like they're HURTING anybody! Doing anything against his consent. It's just a Bad Idea.
Batman would murder them. Nightwing would help. Launch them straight into the nearest black hole. Or it would CHANGE things. Their relationship altered forever. Or... well, he's their Brother. Their Son.
So many reasons Not Too.
But it's a Time Loop.
They wear you down. Mentally and emotionally. You get lonely. A little bit crazy. Start doing things you know you shouldn't.
Like eating out your Boy until he's sloppy and ruined, fingering him for hours. Just to feel that sweet heat in your hand. Lazily resting you head on a trembling stomach, not letting him escape. Not hearing him ask for it to end, only whimper that it's too much. Because he's so good for you. And always has been.
Or finally breaking down, when the loneliness gets unbearable. And clinging like an octopus, as you bend your little Tim in HALF. Rolling and snapping your hips like you want to crawl inside his skin. Soaking in the pleasured cries your punching out with every thrust. How CLOSE you finally are.
Sneaking in windows, early in the morning. Teammates, Supers and Speedsters. Crimelords, here to pound him rough and sweet on his own bed. People who should NOT, but do~
Why so early? Uncle Clark?
What brings you to Gotham, Hal Jordan?
Hi, Roy, looking for Jason?
Even crossing paths, as choices diverge things. Ah, Aquaman! Your Majesty, what did you need me for?
All while Tim is, in his OWN Loop? Discovering that Sex is actually kinda awesome. And that he should never be left unsupervised. But mostly the first one!
And THIS time? Because I am a generous and benevolent Enabling Jackass? He DEFINITELY steals Dick's "time to threaten Deathstroke" burner phone. And uses it for purposes other then intended.
One stack of info, several shiny new crates of ammo, and showing up in Dick's Robin costume later? He's in Cairo getting his guts destroyed by a supersoldier. The day resets before Slade even breaks a sweat. Tim on the other hand? Passed "fucked incoherent" about three hours back and would probably shoot him, if the dick weren't making him too uncoordinated and stupid.
Nonetheless? Bats pull miracles. And Tim finds Constantine. Who refuses to TOUCH anything of the "learn a life lesson" variety. Since too many deity have it out for him.
But he is just a man.
And finds himself suddenly MUCH more agreeable and willing to try, after being dragged into another room and slammed against a wall. Blown by Batman's kid.
Nothing like face fucking a Robin to motivate a man to greatness, he discovers.
Which? Is when everyone gets their assorted bank of Loop memories. Lot of boredom for a few. Lovey Dovey bonding for others. Life lessons etc.
Oh My God.
Kon is panicking. As it filters in. Tim, bro, he can EXPLAIN! Constantine has cut off in amusement. Because, see? This? This right here is why he avoids- blah blah blah- *white noise* *Distant sound of Kon panicking and his Phone trying to explode itself with texts*
Because HOLY SHIT. Tim stares into the middle distance and realizes? So... SO many people jumped at the chance to fuck him. Like... A LOT.
So many.
His head is FULL of getting RAILED. Kon looks like he's gonna cry. Clark is ripping the door off the hinges. He can explain! Kon no longer looks like he's gonna cry. Explain WHAT, Clark?!
Tim fucked...So Many People.
Or was it Fucked By?
Does.... does he have Boyfriends now? Bootycalls? A harem?
*arguing over Tim only gets louder as more Heros show up*
all of them taking the opportunity to fuck tim- including some people tim's horny brain hadn't even gotten to considered but now had memories of fucking!😭😭
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under-my-pillow · 9 months
I really don't understand Hak anymore
Just reading this panel made me realize that Yona wasn't the only naïve person back then. Hak was pretty naïve too or should I say remained purposefully blind?
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Because in the next chapter we can clearly see that Hak overheard people in the castle talking about the Fire tribe buying weapons. A person with common sense, especially a general should know how dangerous this is if even people in the castle were aware of the fire tribe's movements— and Hak in the next few panels declares himself the next general— and what after?
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Ahem? Excuse me?
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You are right. He was no coward, he was more of an irresponsible idiot.
Despite being a General, the Princess's exclusive bodyguard, someone whose words the King had more chances of taking seriously, he said nothing, did nothing.
So it irks me when he of all people has the nerve to say to Soo-won - You're being selfish!
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Hak says he he can't think of him as a coward when King was hiding his injury? That small injury? There were people starving to death outside ridden with diseases, drug addicts, slave trading, human trafficking— the scale is just too huge to compare— what exactly did he think of when you he saw this mess and heard what the people were saying?
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King Il was the most selfish person in this story. Hak, was bloody delusional - He wanted an ideal future where - Soo won became king marrying the woman Hak loved because that was the only way the woman he loved could be happy - without ever even bothering to know of whit of what was going on around him! Even when the opportunity to change things around arrived, he ignored it to go cuddle with the princess?
Who here is more selfish among the two? It's not that the Soo-won he was friends with was a lie. From the beginning Hak only chose to see the Soo-won Yona loved. It feels like he was only friends with the image of the man Yona loved.
The day he saw the real Soo-won was the day he killed Il, and after over 200 chapters he still can't come to terms with the person Soo-won is?
If he for one moment can just put Yona out and actually be the friend he was supposed to be and understand the real Soo-won for who he is, and not some mirage he deluded himself with for over 10 years I don't understand why they can no longer walk by each other's side.
While Hak loves Yona very much, he was also supposed to be Soo-won's dearest friend - he claims he has known Soo-won longer than anyone else - but really? Why is he not burning to demand more answers that are related to Soo-won? He is just going to say something lame like will forget everything now?
If this had been Ki-ja or Jae Ha, I am pretty sure he would have hunted them down to demand answers, but when it comes to Soo-won, no?
So what does so many years of the so called friendship amount to then? I have begun questioning what was Soo-won really to Hak all this time? Because we can see that despite everything, Hak still means a lot to Soo-won without Yona being a part of that equation.
But does Soo-won still mean something to Hak without Yona in the middle of it?
Really don't get it.
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Seriously, Hak, what is Soo won to you?
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yb-cringe · 2 months
tell me about ur wra headcannons, tumblr user yb-cringe
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the whole qpr thing is not-- like none of them sat down and were like man this is a very qpr thing we got goin on. theyre in fantasy land and also suck at communicating. therefore it just sort of happened
fwhip and gem are twins it was kind of expected right. yeah see everyone else was Not expected. there just werent any good words to say to describe whatever codependent bullshit they had going on. someones probably asked them like hey are. are you all dating or. and the response is usually what are you a cop
i dont have time to make a webchart for the wra polycule. empires pearlgem real, theyve made out, fwhip and sausage have the most insane tension, gem and sausage are gem and sausage and pearl and sausage are bros who lift together and also yknow dont think i have to say this but clearly. no incest. :thumbs up:
theyre all just insanely dependent on one another iykwim
kicks rocksc i hate that we didnt get as much canon vampire fwhip as we should have. we SHOULD HAVE HAD more vampire fwhip. i fully believe gem invented vampirism to save her brother.
gem once and ONLY once called sausage 'angel' during alsmp and its Only on sausages pov and its NEVER happened again but im OBSESSED with this cute fucking nickname. he is angel to gem and soos to pearl and 'menace' to fwhip .
post canon pearl sent sausage back to be with the roseblings after the events of alsmp therefore he keeps his angel wings ! and this is how we get the santa pearla statues later on in the same universe as the og empires world (because technically sausage left that world and never found his way back AFTER he started world hopping to find a universe where he stopped doomsday)
essentially i smoke a lot of copium that pearl would recognize he spent his whole life trying to fix everyones mistakes and uses Godly Powers to send him back to the roseblings whove been just chilling in the sky for fuckin years now. because he deserves to be with them !!
remember when sausage drugged kidnapped tortured and then killed gem. hey what if that had consequences.
hey remember when sausage begged for death and gem killed him potentially forever. hey what if that had consequences.
hey remember when gem got freezered by everyones least favorite emo elf? hey what if that had consequ--
You get the point. i usually draw or imagine gem with a) a huge withered scar from sausage killing her (which he feels horribly guilty about all the time. hes getting better at letting it go because gem's assured them theyre pretty much even at this point)
AND b) gem still has a white streak of hair from the ice blast.
fwhip is also fucked up by that explosion btw. brother does NOT get to fuyckin be central to a giant ass BLAST and walk away. he's lost a hand, he's covered in scars, his hearing is fucked up-- I think if I was more knowledgeable and less of a coward id compare his scarring to like. ctubbo. he's okay though he's still a fucking asshole
he also knits. he knits gem gloves. however one time she knit him a scarf uh but she sucks at it so she was like well you dont have to keep it. and fwhip was like the stitching is loose this sucks so much and then never took it off
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witheredbonnie · 1 month
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@randoms-random-blog-of-random since you were a coward and blocked me after whining on my post, i'm making this here for you and everyone else still defending scott cawthon in 2024 since yes i "found something" and i'm letting you know. also next time, if youre scared of debate, keep your shitty little opinions to yourself.
i made this post three years ago when scott posted it. its picking up notes again because his actions have been so washed over by people like you that there are fans today who had no idea and are discovering this for the first time. for three years his minority fans have been argued down and our feelings belittled by people like you.
this is not a reaction for notes or popularity or for "drama". scott cawthon has not changed, he has in fact doubled down on his feelings about being "cancelled" with his shitty self insert fanfiction Monster. scott cawthon didn't just make "dumb mistakes". im frankly stunned at your lack of reading comprehension, that or your willful ignorance. scott cawthon donated as much as he legally could to almost every dangerous bigot in power in the american government, and also to Trump himself, one of the biggest catalysts in the popularity of facism and radical bigotry, and who is a bigot and a rapist himself.
scott admitted in his post that he doesnt care about all of this, in fact he might agree with trump when he mentions he wants "america to be strong against its enemies" which i find interesting because if you remember the "enemies" that Trump insisted were a threat to america, it was all just racism. scott has a huge Mexican fanbase, and yet he insisted that Trump had a great foreign policy, Trump's foreign policy being that Mexicans are all drug lords and rapists. scott has a huge LGBT fanbase, and yet he insisted that actually the monsters in power who want to take our rights away are better for us
scott admitted that although other politicians have "nicer things to say" about his lgbt and minority fans, he claims to actually know whats better for us and that happens to be the american economy, not having our bodily autonomy. speaking of that, he admitted to being against the choice of abortion, he probably popped the biggest fucking bottles when Roe V Wade was overturned. and when people expressed that he was literally contributing to the oppression of 90% of his fanbase, he pretended he was being witch hunted just like his favorite president did. he cried cancel culture because he will not and probably will never actually reflect on his beliefs and actions. evangelical christians are kindof like that.
these aren't "dumb mistakes". these are purposeful, unapologetic actions he's taken to fund facism and bigotry in america. he knows this, he's an adult. he's also not just "some guy" anymore, he's a fucking billionaire. he owns probably the most popular indie IP in the world right now. we already were willing to give grace to scott's imperfections, but what cannot be tolerated is using thousands of his fans dollars directly against them. being anti choice, loving racist predators, and acting like you know better for minorities when youre a cishet white christian man is not "being imperfect", that's being a proud bigot. he and you can both pretend and delude yourselves into thinking he ~actually cares and is a nice guy~ but no one who ACTUALLY cares about basic human rights would proudly admit to literally being against them and supporting every GOP freak that is actively stripping human rights away. i dont know what more to say. if that's something you can ignore, you live with an immense amount of privilege.
also, its funny that youre asking for proof when scott's public political donations were brought up June 2021 and are the WHOLE REASON that scott even posted this on reddit in response to the backlash. it appears he's managed to scrub his own information off of opensecrets which is, fucking incredibly suspicious, but here's the original screenshot of some of his faves that he thinks are sooooo much better for minorities actually because theyll make the economy better and nothing else matters right? i cant imagine anyone who agrees with Mitch Mconnel actually gives a shit about you.
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byyliss · 7 months
Cellbit's PDF and asexuality
So, i've read Cellbit's PDF and let me just say, i genuenly almost criend, my throat hurt after reading it. Btw, this is gonna talk about sexual assault and abuse, so please dont read it if you arent confortable with it.
Context in case anyone doesnt know:
Cellbit is a former youtuber and now twitch streamer from Brazil, whos now participating on the international minecraft server. And for the last 7 years, his ex girlfriend Sasa, has been posting on twitter about how he was abusive and a piece of shit. And recently, she made a huge and serious accusation that he had sexually abused her. And this prompted him to finally come out and show the proof that she was lying this while time, by writing a 19 page long pdf that is available on his twitter account.
My thoughts:
As someone that is still trying to figure out my sexuality (I genuenly believe im asexual but i dont feel confortable labelling myself just yet), reading his story hurt, so fucking much. I know what is like not being interested in sex and having people (in his case, Sasa) invalidate your feelings and make you doubt yourself, making you think you need to be fixed and something is wrong. I've also suffered sexual assault so this hit even harder. I've identified so much with his feelings regarding sex.
This guy has been shit on for YEARS, because he kept quiet about it. That was the main reason people didnt like him, so to know now that this snake of a woman was just lying and making herself the victim. That she was coercing him to have sex, that she cheated in all of her relationships and made them the bad guys. Its sick. Shes a disturbing individual, a monster.
Lets not forget that her attitude is why so many actual victims of SA arent believed in. She and many women like her, are part of the problem. Women like you, Sasa, are disgusting.
And she responded btw, with a 55 second story about how she doesnt like exposing people and that she will take this to court. When its her turn to get shit on, she runs like a coward.
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