#and now she's on a rampage to kill them or whatever
onyxalsolikesart · 9 months
nameless magician lady sketches (name suggestions are welcome 😭😭)
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i'm really bad at facial consistency i think. i think i prefer the orange pencil ones ???
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thecursedjazz · 5 months
Postal 1 dude isn't evil (and is genuinely the most morally grounded and decent person we've actually met in the Postal Universe)
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From what we gather he was living a very normal life prior to going crazy, not like the other dudes who go on senseless rampages when tasked with mundane everyday things. As Promo material does state he's a well educated and mannered person so it's only realistic that this man did have a genuine job and was generating a level of income prior to his decline in mental health and moving to Paradise.
And as stated before he is well mannered in the sense of being stated a "quiet nice boy" and "voted the most likely to succeed". From what we gather this guy was the text book example of a model citizen. The only "flaw" is that he kept referring to a girl he only dated once as his girlfriend but even then that could come down his delusions along with his lack of grip on reality causing him to genuinely think she's his girlfriend or  the fact he's canonically quiet (as shown from the Promo material and also the fact that he doesn't actually physically speak AT ALL during the game) and most likely doesn't understand social ques as of it.
But the most important thing is that he doesn't even have malicious intentions.
The very first thing he proposes after being "attacked" by "groups of lunatics trying to invade his home" is.....go the sherrif for help. The Dude didn't have any Intention to go on a murder spree, he'd rather of just went to the authorities like any other average Joe. The whole thing really tells us that he's not usually a violent person.
Even rewinding back to level one: the war journals (and Vince) did state that the Dude was entirely convinced that he was being attacked by group of lunatics, one of which even firing rockets at him, goes without saying that self defence is really the only option here.
Course it remains solely as self defence until the Dude reaches the train station, the significance being his war journal where he writes "if I can get out i can warn everybody...YES, I CAN WARN EVERYBODY!". The dudes goal has shifted into saving the country as a whole rather than himself which ultimately steers him into going to the air force to find out what has happened to cause the supposed hate plague. The dudes actions represent him more as selfless now with him now doing this in the bigger scheme of things rather than his own self preservation. If its not clear already: maniacs wouldn't care about warning/ saving people from a hate plague, Dude 2 most likely wouldn't give a shit and let it spread since he was totally cool with nuking the entirety of paradise and its innocent civilians.
Furthermore he openly states that he doesn't want to kill people. At the trailer park he writes that "There must be others like me, immune to this...germ warfare or whatever it is". Practically he's saying that he'd much rather run into some normal people instead of having to kill them, it's a stark contrast to the other dudes with the Postal 1 dude appearing as genuinely empathetic whereas the others will literally kill people for something as simple as waiting in line and afterwards not think anything of it.
Also very worth noting that when he enters the ghetto he mentions he's genuinely worried he'll get mugged, we're really getting the picture that he's literally just some normal ass guy with the idea of going to the rough side of town shakes him up.
(Even worth pointing out that only for the ghetto does he go back to calling it a diary like he's momentarily lost his soldier/war mentality at the thought of going into the rough side of town).
So simple and short:
Postal 1 dudes literally just some average everyday guy (who's been through some really fucked up shit that's forever gonna remain unexplained beyond the veteran theory) who's trying to do the right thing but he's woefully misguided due to his deteriorating mental state as well as being possessed by an entity beyond his broken minds comprehension.
He's literally the complete opposite to every other postal dude (and if anything he's one of the most morally grounded people in the franchise as crazy as it is)
Oh and if this wasn't enough: rws did say on a twitter post that he's literally Just some average guy who's had some shitty days.
(I wrote this at 4am so soz if it's all over the place)
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 6 months
Hi I hope you’re well 😊 I’m here to request your thoughts on Tommy Shelby as a father. Like how many kids you’d think he would have had if he only had one love interest (no falling in love with Grace or marrying Lizzie). Or if you think he’d be a girl or boy dad (personally i’d like to think he’d be a girl dad and have a big family haha). You can make this headcanon or just simply respond to this ask however you’d like! Thank you for taking the time to read and answer 🥰
Thomas Shelby as a Father
Tommy x Fem!Reader
Trope: Wait till your father gets home Warnings: Angst, spoilers for most of the series, period-typical sexism, references to past ab-se.
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What we see of Tommy as a father is that he's distant and seemingly detached. This, I feel, is because of his trauma in losing Grace and his growing obsession with obtaining power.
We do see that Tommy is aware of his children's emotional state but seems unable to comfort his son. He goes as far as to have Arthur be the one to talk to his son about why he had to shoot his horse.
Tommy clearly cares about his children. He runs through a field of landmines to save his son, when he had almost stepped on one to purposely end his own life. Tommy goes nearly mad when he finds out Alfie Solomons was involved with the enemy that kidnapped his son. He shot Alfie for that betrayal with the intent to kill.
When Ruby became ill and he thought was all due to a curse, Tommy hunted the woman down. He went on a bloody rampage because he thought it would save her. With all of this, we know he is a loving father. But without Grace, he doesn't seem to know how to show that love.
Let's say that there is no Grace, only you, and that no sapphire is ever put around your neck.
That Thomas might be different than the one we saw parenting Charles and Ruby. I think he would want more than two children. I think he would be the sort of man who would say "one is enough," but really he wants four.
He would never raise his voice in his home without good reason. Tommy knows what its like to have a father that rules through fear and honey. He won't be kind only when he wants something. He won't make his children afraid of him.
Personally, I do see him as prime girl-dad material. Like he would have one son and three girls. Regardless of the birthing order, he calls the boy his "heir," but spoils the girls. They each have their own horse, a wardrobe of beautiful clothing, and freedom to do literally whatever they want. He has opened his briefcase to find dollies and teacups from your youngest girl's tea set before. She thought he would be lonely at work.
His girls would be the sort to follow around staff and ask them intrusive questions. Tommy would not be immune. His daughters would probably ask him questions like: "Do you not grow hair on the back of your hand daddy? Is that why it's only on top?" At least one of his daughters would have a "I'm totally a witch," phase where she's flinging curses just like he used to. Only with her, it's cute because she's only nine.
The only son of Thomas Shelby would be safely tucked under his wing. At your imploring, he would take your boy on long car rides or out into town without his sisters to bond. The boy has a lot of pressure on him to succeed, Tommy doesn't always sympathize with that.
All four of his children would be little hellions. He would be dragged to see their school's headmaster on a near weekly basis. To the point where he isn't always sure which of his kids is in trouble sometimes. He just drops a donation to the school and the problem goes away. That's not to say your children are bratty or terribly spoiled. Well, they are, but not unbearably so...
Tommy makes sure his children understand where he came from. He brings them all to the Cut to watch the ships come through. Loves to leave them at Charlie's yard for an afternoon of mischief and bonding time with "Grandpa Charlie." They also get dropped off at Aunt Polly's home for weekends every now and again. The girls always come back with a new swear word.
They are new money, not old money. There are those who will look down upon them based on this alone. He makes sure his children are educated and well-rounded individuals. Tommy often worries about the state of the Shelby Empire after he dies. You remind him that he "isn't allowed to die," before you say so.
Tommy is still more distant than you would like him to be. He's so focused on his goals, it's like he forgets all about Arrow House and the family that lives there. The oldest two girls have said as much to his face once before. He took the family on holiday after that. You knew he would go right back to long nights in the office, but it was still sweet.
Life with him is hardly perfect, but it's closer to it than you could have with anybody else. And that's enough.
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24kvlaks · 3 months
Haunted House
(Michael Myers x Fem reader!) WARNING! Fluff, Angst, Worded gore, Killing, Flash backs, S3xual! frustration.
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Alone in Haddon-Field, It was early October and you lived in the Myers house, sounds dumb but it was listed for a cheap ole' price because of the history and that's what you needed in order to get back on your feet.
Though you could've never expected what was awaiting you, now you're feeding some mysterious presence who swoops up the food you leave around.
At first you were spooked, thinking it was some huge rodent but then came to your senses and realized no mere rodent could demolish such food in ease and in such a barbaric way.
You even thought about calling the cops, but then it made you realize it could've just been some poor child or teenager that had been starving for the longest, so you kept feeding them.
Yet the longer you fed them, you began to wonder what huge child could be devouring this much? They nearly ate six meals a day! And seemingly was still hungry.
So you called the cops and came to the best conclusion some homeless man was living in your home!
Sadly they found nothing, not a single trace of a person or even a rodent! You were never into anything that revolved around spirits but eventually you thought you might've had a hungry one.... Sounds dumb you thought.
So you tried not feeding them, keeping the fridge empty and only ordering takeout, whilst throwing the left overs away,
It must've angered whatever you had been feeding, because there was broken glass scattered everywhere when you woke up, and the trash created by you're leftovers had been rampaged and eaten.
You almost felt bad but the police commanded you to stop feeding whatever it was a stating it would likely go away on its own. But it was clear the poor thing was starving, so reluctantly you kept feeding it.
One day you decided to be smart about it and leave a note. stating "Whoever you are, or what. You clearly are hungry I'll continue to feed it as long as you don't bring destruction to my home, our home.''
Though you couldn't help but wonder what they were thinking... If only you had known.
"Our home? this is my home." It thought, demolishing the food and writing on the note with the blood on his hands stating. "ThIS IS nOt YoUr h0me" in sloppy writing.
And he refused to listen and broke the plate anyway, yet what he least expected was to come. He heard small footsteps jog down the stairs and a lower voice commanding him.
"Hey! What did I say about destruction?!" she yelled, she had her eyes closed trying to be brave by not looking at the stranger, yet she heard a loud thump as it stood.
she opened her eyes trying to be bold only too cower in fear as she realized the size of the thing, not just anything, a man. A myth? He wore a pale mask and a jumpsuit. He stared at her.
"Holy shit." she gasped, backing away slowly, only for him to walk slowly towards her. Knife in grasp.
"Food, I bought some more food for you in the fridge."
He was starving even though he knew you were just trying to manipulate him, so he started walking away, though suddenly she called his name.
"Michael, is that you?"
she was curious, wondering if this man was the reviving legend she heard so much about. He knew she was oblivious to how utterly dangerous he was, and he was not a person any soul should be around.
So he drew his knife, and walked towards her. As scared as she was she bolted upstairs, locking the door. Though if he was Michael Myers, this was his home so she had no way of escaping.
He knew this place better than you could ever.
Scared? Yes you were. The man was nearly 7'0 and he was big and burly. If he wasn't such a maniac he would be considered attractive.
You heard loud thumping, coming towards your room. Well whoever it was before it belonged to you. The door slammed open, breaking the lock as you cowardly hid under the blanket like a child.
Peeking out of the side of it to watch him, he walked right past which was so obviously you. Just too stand near the window.
Was this what they were talking about? They said he didn't attack kids, because he didn't see them as a threat, even though you were an adult did he not see you as a threat?
So you carefully lifted the blanket and spoke.
"I'm sorry for intruding its just this was really the only place in my budget!"
He thought you were stupid for talking to him, to a killing monstrous machine. No emotion what so ever, but its not his fault. He was born this way.
"I'll move out as soon as I get stable, I swear!"
Move out? For some odd reason he didn't want you too, likely for the food he thought.
You didn't know what to do so you just sat there.
Eventually you found yourself asleep. And God did he think you were stupid, going to sleep, in front of one of the most evil individuals known to Haddon-field.
Obviously you were weak and dumb, so he had no interest in killing you.
He stood over you, you were so fragile and small compared to his frame. He walked out, and into the new added basement when they re-modeled the house.
He just couldn't understand why would she easily go to sleep around an  individual 'like him?' did she feel safe? No fucking way, he cursed. almost slashing himself for that pitiful thought.
And why would someone like him want that anyway?
Eventually this became a common thing for the two of you, to randomly see him in the corner of your eye, and making food for the two of you.
Leaving his plate in the microwave wrapped up for him to eat, he at least had enough sense to put the plate back.
Though the farther you went into October, the more he disappeared. And sometimes there would be tiny red smudges that resembled blood, yet you didn't dare call the cops.
Well because it could be your blood on his hands next if you do.
You started to notice he hadn't been eating your food. And honestly you began to worry, wondering if he was hurt or captured. So as dumb as you were you went out too look for the missing murderer.
At night, so it'd be more likely to see him even though he was hard to spot in general. Though u didn't see him so you just put all the plates in the mini fridge in the basement. You notice his little things down there so you left it alone.
As you walked upstairs you heard a knock on your door, and hoping it was Michael you jogged to it, opening it you were met with an unfamiliar face, they wore a police uniform.
"There's been a series of murders ma'am we have reason to believe he's coming here soon, so evacuate."
"What? No way! I live here and no ones gonna drag me out of it."
Of course you knew what he was talking about and honestly you had hoped the killer would come back home, it got lonely with him gone.
"Jeez I wonder if he's okay"
you accidentally said out loud and the officer questioned what you meant but you obviously dismissed it. Taking a closer look at the officer you realized he had a warrant unfortunate for you he had a asked to come in.
So you agreed, and walked him to the table, completely unaware someone had been watching the both of you.
He wondered if you called the police, angered he still watched. But realized you didn't so he calmed, yet he couldn't but help realize how flirtish you had been with the officer.
Smiling, giggling and seemingly the officer shared the same feelings, for some odd reason he was filled with rage, wanting to grab the man by his vest and slice his throat but he knew it would be a dumb move.
So he waited, the officer explained since she didn't want to leave the house he'd patrol it for twelve hours of the day, she reluctantly agreed and bid her farewells. The officer was on his way out and Michael had vanished, waiting for night to come.
Though on his way out, Michael heard something. "Poor Michael, I hope the poor guys okay." He never heard someone speak of him so fondly before, not even as a kid.
He ignored the beating in his lower area, and the throbbing on his heart and went away, he thought so fondly of that woman he didn't know how to react,
obviously he was a grown man so he had gotten aroused and angry because of it. He didn't know how to deal with such a thing, he ignored his thoughts yet not his actions, watching her sleep and shower.
Just to make sure she didn't drown, or die in her sleep.
He had no clue why he cared, or why she cared about him but the feeling was mutual.
He went into the basement and ravished on the food she had put in his little fridge, she even put snacks and drinks, new blankets and pillows. So odd that she really cared.
He noticed everyday before he left out she did too, he followed her as she went to the library, and he watched her look him up, he almost found it amusing, she wanted to know about him.
He remembered she looked up if teleporting existed because of how fast he moved, to be honest he didn't know how he did it, he really just left when he wanted. And he was so big he wondered himself how people didn't notice him.
He was interested in you, you were funny, and considerate.
Sometimes he shamefully let his guard down around you and your comfortable presence, he didn't notice he just did it. Like all his senses went blank once he was with you.
He was a psychopath, he couldn't enjoy something. So what was this? Obsession, Desperation?
quickly it got late, and the officer had been on his phone in the car. Not patrolling shit. Michael stood in front of the car, and eventually the officer took notice of him, stepping out the car with a taser in hand.
The officer told him to speak, which obviously he didn't do. Michael pulled out his knife and the officer tased him, obviously it didn't do much. So Michael put his knife right in the mans abdomen,
the man collapsed, on his knees, Michael being as ruthless as he was he ripped of the mans dispatch so no one could contact him until he bled out.
He put the bottom of his boot in the mans mouth and placed on his weight down on one foot dislocating the whole of his bottom jaw.
Quickly Michael vanished into his home. Hearing a thud and scream come from upstairs, he went towards the sound, wondering if you had been in danger.
And he supposes he was right you had attempted to lift your bed on your own and was crumbling under its weight.
Michael scoffed and lifted it, you were surprised he had helped but you thanked him. Yet you smelled a strong stench of metal and you had blood stains on your mattress.
Yet the most obvious sign was the knife dripping.
A gasp left her lips and the taser head was stuck in Michaels stomach.
"You didn't"
She was backing away, what did she expect. He was a cold blooded murderer.
"I thought-"
Thought what? That he'd just stop killing all of a sudden?
You can love a monster all you wish, the monster can even love you back, but that doesn't change it's nature.
she took a deep breath, inhaling the stench of death, what did you expect. You mentally cursed yourself, and for a glimpse Michael saw a hint of disgust in your eyes.
Yet he stood there breathing heavy, covered in blood and sweat. You turned your back to him, grabbing the blankets and pillows throwing it on your bed.
Trying to pretend you weren't terrified even though he saw your body shaking.
He took a step towards you, your back on his chest and breath on your neck, his knife near your arm when suddenly both your eyes snapped towards the sirens.
And to his surprise even though you were terrified you told him to hide in the closet. The police barged in the door, yet instead of hiding he grabbed you with a knife to your throat.
You were a fucking idiot because even in this position you trusted him, so you didn't fight back.
The police kicked the door down and aimed the gun at Michael.
"Let the woman go!"
He pressed the knife on your throat, not deep enough to cut you. He tossed you towards them causing most of them to drop their guns, quickly you rolled out the way running down the stairs. You were going to fast and knocked yourself unconscious.
You woke up dizzy and in a bed, Michael standing in the corner. He was drenched in blood, and it was obvious it was not his.
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
I hade an idea for Jake x fem reader x Neytiri. Reader is Lo’ak and Tuk’s mother (Lo’ak still calls her mama) and gets shot instead of Neteyam trying to save spider because she cares for him like a son(she doesn’t die but she gets close to it and is going in and out of consciousness)And you know how Neytiri and Jake reacted to Neteyam getting shot they react the same with Neytiri going on a whole rampage and after they get the gurls back they rush to the rock to get to the reader and get them help.(Lo’ak blames himself and feels guilty because he feels like his mama is the only one that understands him) The reader is in a coma for a little bit but Neytiri never leaves the readers side and Jake only leaves to take care of the kids, until the reader wakes up like kiri did from her seizure crying and Jake and Neytiri are right there to comfort her and Lo’ak and tuk are attached to the reader like a leech when she gets better.
🪷 — Toxn'ong
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୭ ˚. Pairing : Jake x fem!Navi!reader x neytiri
୭ ˚. Summary : request
୭ ˚. Warning : war, gunshots, getting hit, mention of blood, blacking out, angst, coma, lo'ak being sad, crying, fluff ending, let me know if more.
୭ ˚. Word count : 2.2k , kinda proof read.
୭ ˚. Note : "word" - dialogue, **word** - flashback
୭ ˚. Extras : finally I'm done with this request, this is my first polygamy fic so please if there are any mistakes let me know, enjoy 😄
୭ ˚. Glossary : [tawtute] - human, [eywa] - Navi deity.
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The battle raged around you, Dodging the bullets flying towards your ikran, trying hard to escape the firearms by swiveling around the ship, soldiers swarmed around the waters, losing the ones behind you but now even more were standing in front of your face, quickly dropping down and shooting most of them out, you hide yourself behind a metal wall, you peaked, seeing them come forward you pounce at them, hitting them right on their faces with your bow, turning around and knocking the others out as well, you walked over to the other side of the deck cautiously to see tsireya, lo'ak and tuk strapped to the railing,your heart racing, running forward you pulled out your knife but stopped as someone shot up from the side of the ship, blocking the way between the three kids to protect them from the oncoming danger but sighed in relief at the sight of neteyam walking towards you.
You cut open lo'ak's handcuffs while neteyam undid tsireya's, the waves were crashing into the ship and sprayed over the deck, drenching you all, tuk was crying when you pulled her to your chest , she should not have been here, she should be at shore at Awa'atlu , far away from all this, shushing her down and kissing her forehead to stop her from crying, when lo'ak said "mama, we have to save spider, we can't leave him here" you looked at neteyam who was a bit hesitant but agreed, spider was like your own, even if neytiri disliked him, he was like your own son, you knew who his father is, the man who's trying to kill your mates right now for eywa's sake but that didn't mean his son would be same.
You got up, ushering tuk to go with tsireya, treading your way towards the hallway of the sinking ship, halting now and then when a guard passed around in your surroundings, after a lot of crawling around you finally got to the lab or work space or whatever those demons called it, dropping down you all knocked out each and every soldier within a few minutes, grabbing spider you ran towards the moon pool but blocked lo'ak's way as few soldiers ran into you, killing them off one by one, you ran out of arrows, bending down to draw one out of the dead tawtute, but gunfire rang through the air and you immediately pulled back against door to block your view, your eyes widen when you saw lo'ak with a gun, quickly pulling it out of his hands, you settled the boys behind you, gunshots where still raining down, looking out from the corner you fired up your gun as well, taking down as many demons as you could.
You yelled at the three of them to jump down in to the pool quickly, when all three of them dived in, you looked out once again, the shoot out stopping for a moment so you took your opportunity and ran towards the pool, hitting the water surface you sank down, gasping for air but only water surrounded you, a white hot searing pain shot through your shoulder, breaking the surface the air felt like needles in your lungs as you grunted in pain, agonizingly you rasped out "I'm shot" but soon you sank down again, lo'ak's face fell when he saw your state and pulled you up neteyam helping him, it was getting hard to breathe, your vision fogging but your heard some specks of words lo'ak said "mama…..eyes open…..keep" the world moved slow and you fought to keep my eyes open, you were being moved , alot faster than you expected, you groaned before you blacked out.
Lo'ak was screaming for everyone to move as he, neteyam and Jake lowered you gently on the rock "watch her head!" Jake's heart was beating a mile per second, his thoughts were jumping to worst possible conclusions, he fell to his knees beside your body, as gently as possible he picked up your side to look at your back to see any possible exist hole, he physically sighed in relief as he found no wound but as soon as he laid you back down, you woke up from your blacked out state screaming at the burning sensation, he pushed you down as you looked up at him gasping to catch up on the depleted air level in your lungs, he cupped your cheek forcing you to take deep breaths even if it burned like hell, neteyam was putting pressure onto the wound but it was no were near sealed from bleeding.
you reached for Jake and sputtered out "ma' ja- Jake, i see you-" but he cut short "No! Everything is fine, we are going to get you out of here, just hold on honey, do not close your eyes please" and you fought your hardest but everything felt week, like you were being lulled to sleep but you held on, a screech bellows through the air as neytiri landed, her eyes widened as the sight and she immediately fell to her knees " No, NO, NO , NO NOOOO! Please great mother, nooooo" she screamed pulling your head against her chest, you coughed out, blood spilling from your mouth, she put your head down as Jake helped to wipe the blood, your head rolled back eyes falling close, it was getting harder to stay awake, so you finally looked at neytiri, squeezing her hand you gasped out "tiri, i see you, Jake i-" but exhaustion took its toll, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you went slump in their arms, neytiri's cries turned to sobs , wrecking her body as she pulled you close, lo'ak stayed near his mother tears streaming down his face, neteyam sobbed for his mom as well , Jake looked around, gears kicking in, he placed a hand on neytiri's shoulder pulling her back, as she just looked at him with sunken eyes, whimpers escaping in agonizing cries, but he grounded her "neytiri, strong heart! Strong heart!" patting her chest , she looked one last time at you and got up aiming for her ikran, Jake saw as she flew up, face stone cold as her heart right now. He prayed for the men she killed to go to hell. Lo'ak got up too behind Jake as he tried to convince him to let him fight as well but he was stopped "you've done enough" with that, Jake walked away to rescue his girls that were stuck with that monster……
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(Time skip cuz i don't remember the whole sequene😭)
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Neytiri sat with your head in her lap, wiping your face with a wet rag slowly, Ronal sat in a corner working on her pastes and salves while keeping an eye on you, tsireya had called for help and you were immediately taken back to the healers mauri, when you're family came back, Jake quickly called for norm, the humans checked your body and vitals were low but still there ,so all of them got to work straight away, Ronal had to shoo them away as she worked on you, the bullet was extracted and the wound was stitched and bandaged but there was still no sign of you waking up, even after hours of waiting, no inkling of a move from you.
When Ronal was done with her rituals, norm scanned and took some readings for Jake's peace of mind, but when he saw the results he feared the reaction he would get when the news unfolds. Jake and neytiri were stunned with the outcome, her face crumbling but she held back. Due to the shock and extensive exhaustion your body went into lockdown, easily said you were in coma, with no way of knowing when you'll wake up.
The whole family was lament over your state but the ones most hit were lo'ak , tuk and neytiri, the three of them never left your side, lo'ak blamed himself for even requesting to save spider, if he wouldn't have said that then this would not have happened, he silently cried by your side at nights, Begging for you to wake up. Tuk was confused at why her mama wouldn't wake up even when she cried for you, neytiri was holding back tears almost every time she saw them by you, Jake was in a whole another state, his mind a total chaos, he sat by your side every minute he got the chance too but his work came in between, then too he tried, he was never a religious person but he prayed to eywa every single minute for you to wake up, to get up and embrace him , pull him close and tell him that everything was alright and you were fine but that didn't happen…yet.
After three days and three nights ,of both the metkayina family and your family who were taking rigorous care of you, sagged in relief when you finally opened your eyes, neytiri who never left your side instantly held you closer, but moments of the war flooded your mind as you choked back on your tears, your mate immediately pulled you in as you cried in her neck, every horrible death, the lives you took in matter of seconds, all came back in a huge wave, you crumbled in her arms as your whole body violently shook with sobs, two more pair of arms of your children wrapped around you as you cried, Jake , kiri and neteyam followed suit hugging you. All of you sat there in the middle of your mauri, huddled together, no one spoke a word, just comforted in the fact that you had woken up, and everything was going to be fine, everything was going to be okay.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
Neytiri, even after you woke up, didn't leave your side while lo'ak and tuk didn't even get up from you body, lo'ak was at your right side hugging you close to him, he had told you everything what he felt.
** "I'm sorry mama, i shouldn't have asked to go save him, I'm really sorry, i didn't mean-" but you cut him off by pulling him close to you, rubbing his back you whispered "it's okay baby, it was not your fault, spider is our family too, and it was our job to save him, you do not have to apologize for this, it was my decision, sweetheart, to come with you, and if it wasn't for me , you or neteyam would have gotten hurt, i wouldn't want my babies to be hurt, would i?" You said laughing but he just cried harder in your neck. Kissing his forehead you pulled both of your kids tightly against you, they were your world and even the thought of them getting hurt made cold shivers run down your spine, your family was safe and that's all you needed even if it meant you had to go through all this you would without hesitation.**
Neytiri made you warm broth, blowing on to the hot liquid she brought the spoon to your lips for you to drink. Why was she feeding you? Obviously lo'ak and tuk haven't left your side plus to add to it, now Jake, kiri and neteyam were attached to you as well, the only time neytiri wasn't beside you was when she got up to make something for you to eat.
Lo'ak made it his life mission to help you with each and every task, even when neteyam and Jake tried to have some time with you, lo'ak was always in between. He was not gonna let his mama get hurt again and this time he will keep his promise at all cost even when you made it clear you can eat your lunch with your own two hands. At night neytiri and Jake fought with their kids on who will sleep besides you, tuk always won while everyone got one chance every night. Jake got a lot more protective but his two sons surpassed him in that as well, neteyam and lo'ak were becoming your two personal bodyguards.
Life was becoming normal again, your family was granted access to stay with the metkayina, you sat near the shore with your mates as you watched tuk search for pretty shells, your other children were swimming with the Olo'eyktan's kids, you sighed placing your head on Jake's shoulder and intertwined you fingers with neytiri, she scooted closer to you and kissed your forehead, you smiled at her touch, turning your head to look at her, her smile melted your heart even now, after years of being together your love for her never faltered, Jake just pulled you both closer, him just happy his life was finally at peace, both his mates happy and contented, all three of them sat on the shore, full to the brim with love for eachother, overlooking their children as the sun casted beautiful shades of pinks, oranges and reds throughout the sky.
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A/n : i love Jake and neytiri with my life 🥹 they are my babies, if you wanna be tagged in my fics comment on my pinned post on my blog💚✨
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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niiine · 2 years
Character(s). Xiao x GN!Reader, Scaramouche x GN!Reader, mentions of Nahida in Scaramouche’s part.
Synopsis. On moments that all they could think of was that they’re not deserving of your love, how will you tell them that they are?
A bit of angst but Fluff overall.
 Self-sabotaging Xiao, Harsh and mean Scara
Soft Chars. They deserve the whole world.
Feeling so longing lately for these two because I keep seeing edits of them on Tiktok 😫 GIVE THEM TO ME AND I’LL SHOW THEM WHAT LOVE IS. COME ON! 
It’s the sixth time this week. Sixth time that you have called out his name and yet he’s nowhere to be found. Not once did he miss your calls before, and he makes sure that you’re well aware if he will be off to a long mission before disappearing for days, that’s why you’re worried sick for the yaksha.
But he’s always there. On the roofs, above the cliffs, behind the trees— he’s there upon seconds of your every call, making sure that you’re alright and not in any grave danger. He promised that he will be there at the moment you utter his name, and he will be, trust me. Just not before your eyes.
He’s decided to put an end to whatever it is in between the two of you. The relationship that you’ve been saying in the past few months is just an excuse for him to indulge in your touch and comfort, an excuse for him to see you everyday without guilt and longing. It doesn’t benefit you, it’s only for his own good to hold and look at you in short distance. At least that’s what he thought, because there’s nothing good when it comes to him, and you? You’re everything to him. 2,000 years of fighting and killing, and yet only now he’s glad for his skills because he can protect you.
And that is why he’s gonna keep you away from his selfish desires. He can’t let his karmic debt corrupt you, he can’t let the danger that lingers in his life reach out to harm you, he can’t be the reason why you’re hurt. Xiao will not let it happen.
But so will you. You’ve asked Verr Goldet one afternoon about your lovers whereabouts, and she told you that he’s been coming home late than usual this past days, as if avoiding an interaction with anyone, as if avoiding interaction with you. No, you’re not going to let it slide. If he’s not in love with you anymore, then you at least deserve an explanation, right?
Xiao didn’t expect you to be there, sitting at his bed, in the dead of the night. Eyes piecing his golden ones the moment he entered the room. He wanted to teleport out, to go anywhere without you because no, he can’t lose his resolve now. But he can’t even move an inch, mesmerized by your gaze. Archons, he knows that if you open your arms and call out to him, he will crash into you. Millenia of strengthening and hardening his heart only to be crushed down by a second of your hug. Unfair.
“What are you doing?” you broke the silence first, giving him a chance to say what you want to hear, that he’s just busy and he will not abandon you. But of course, the universe find it lovely to hear shattered hearts echoing.
“You’re not supposed to be here” the adeptus muttered, averting his gaze anywhere but you. Scared that you will see how happy he is to see you eye to eye.
Your heart tugged; tears threaten to fall. Oh, so he’s done with you now?
Head hung low, eyes dedicated to the floor you whispered your acknowledgement. Remorse, regret, and even a bit of hate plays in your voice “Fine. I guess I shouldn’t have bothered knowing you in the first place. I hate falling in love with you.”
You should’ve have seen how fast his head whipped at you. Eyes tender and glistening. No, please don’t say that. Getting to know you is the best thing that has ever happened to him all throughout his ridiculously long life, and to hear that you regret it? His heart rampaged in his chest, and he can feel his hands shaking at the thought of not knowing you.
You steal a glance at him for one last time, and what you saw added turmoil to your now chaotic emotions.
If he doesn’t want you anymore, then why the fuck is he crying? His porcelain face, so gentle yet stoic, now adorned with tears that reached his chin. Mouth slightly agape as if words are aching to spill out, and his eyes, looking at you and begging. But begging for what?  
You can feel your chest tightening a bit more, and you think of the only that could make the both of you alright.
“Xiao,” you dragged your feet towards his direction, arms reaching out to catch his neck, placing his head in the crook of yours “Why are you doing this?”
You heard him whimpered, his own arms finding its way around your waist. Ahh, he hates the fact that he’s melting into your touch again. How come that he’s an adeptus and you’re a mortal and yet you have this power over him?
“I don’t deserve you,” He started as you rubbed his back, easing the tense muscles. He missed this, he missed you. “I’m not deserving of whatever you’re giving me, of everything you’re giving me.”
You lifted his head and cupped his cheeks, staring straight right through his misty orbs.
“Listen to me—you can take my life, my love. You can take everything from me, and my only complaint is that I’m not enough.”
He shook his head, attempting to disagree, but you beat him to it.
“I love you. And I know I’m selfish but I want to spend my punny lifetime with you. Please, let me.”
Warmth spreads through his body as he heard your words. Warmth that’s always present whenever you’re around, And as you seal the night with a passionate kiss, he knows that this feeling will be stronger that anything else from now on.
“What are they doing here?” The way the lad before you sneered as he asks the Dedro Archon made your stomach drop a little. Now, you aren’t one of the softs, you wouldn’t be able to date the Wanderer if you are, but the way he looks at you makes your knees buckle and your eyes a bit misty.
“Now, now, Wanderer. They’ve taken the trouble to come and visit you. Please drop the mean.” Nahida reprimanded him, of which he returned with a tsk. The former then turned towards you and bid you a gentle goodbye, hoping that whatever you’re planning will work because she herself can’t take it anymore how the Wanderer being extra mean for the past few days.
And now, you’re left alone with the said mean guy. He’s looking at you as if disgusted by the sight, lips in a frown and eyes sharp. “What do you need?” His question came out icier than expected, earning a flinch from you. He regrets the action right away but kept his composure. He can’t lose it now after enduring it for weeks.
“You haven’t gone home for a while now. I just visit to see if you’re doing good.” You offered him a sheepish smile. He hates it, that’s not how you smile, that’s not how you should smile.
“Now that you’ve seen me doing good—better than ever, you may leave.”
You let out a dry laugh and attempted to joke about his particularly harsh words, but his next words irked something within you.
“Seriously (y/n). Your presence irritates me” he doesn’t mean it, of course. Oh, archons your presence is heaven to him. Everything is just better, if not perfect, if you’re around. Mellifluous, light, comforting—and that’s the more reason he has to distance himself from you. He can’t afford tainting every good thing in you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You exclaim seems to have taken him aback because he was silent for a moment, before returning your anguish with his own.
“My problem is you. You’re always clinging to me, going after me. You keep on nagging me. What? Can’t leave without a man now, (y/n)?” Now it was your turn to be shocked, you didn’t know that this is the way he feels about you, a baggage, a burden.
The hurt is vivid in your eyes, and heavens he felt like dying right there. Scara swiftly combed his indigo locks in frustration. He wanted to take it back, to tell you that it’s a lie, that he loves everything you do to him. The way you reach out to him every day, the way you call out his name even on trivial matters, the way you dotes on his necessities. But this is a must, so he doesn’t end up hurting you in the future.
He would rather see you happy and contented in the arms of someone else rather hurt in his. Although the thought alone sent him grasping for air.
“You’re so fucking selfish.” You turned to him, eyes going from hurt to a touch of hate. His chest tightens at the sight of tears streaming down your face. No, no, no. This isn’t supposed to happen. You should be happy; He’s doing this for you to be happy. So why in hell are you calling him selfish? At what part is he selfish?
“Shut up!” he roared, indigo orbs piercing to what’s already broken. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t know how much I’m working hard for you!”
“You’re working hard for me? This is you working hard for me? You’re blind! You’re blind and you're selfish!”
There’s an exchange of a few screams here and there. Both of you are hurt and broken because he decided that it is better to keep things to himself, thinking that it’ll only hurt him and not you. You’re not thinking straight as well. Yelling your heart out, hoping that it’ll wake up your lover, that he’ll realize that he’s so wrong for trying to dump you like shit.
Until he let go of that one phrase you always hear him say on random moments.
“I don’t deserve you!”
Now, the best thing to do in this moment is to hug him, reassure him that he’s wrong. But it only added to your anger; but it’s something more than Scaramouche has seen before.
Your tear-stained face contorts in an uncontrollable sob, but veins pulsating in your tender arms. Your shouting in between hiccups and he hates himself for putting you in such form, though he can’t say anything about it as he was silenced by your outburst.
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up!”
“I keep telling you, why don’t you ever believe me? What? You think you’re so high and mighty that you can’t listen to me? Your partner?” you paused a little, taking in the surprised look on his face. He’s so beautiful, you thought.
“You deserve me. You deserve me, my love, my everything! You deserve the world and more! And I hate you. I hate so much for thinking otherwise!”
Your knees failed you and you drop to the ground, crying. Hurt at the thought that the man you love the most thinks that it’ll be better for you if you’re not with him.
The man crouched down at your height, taking you in his arms and muttering strings of apologies. His own eyes now watery, regret filling his form at the memory of what he has done to you.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“If you are, then please don’t do this again.”
You craned your neck to see his eyes. The love and affection once again present, with a hint of guilt as he caress your red cheeks. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Scara. You’re the only best thing in my life.”
Your words shook his world. It’s better than any I love yous you’ve said before, before than anything else. How idiotic of him to think such things, how lowly of him to hurt you— his life, the one whom he swore loyalty to.
“I won’t. I promise. You have my life in your arms, love.”
He planted a soft kiss on your forehead. Determined to make it up to you and show you his love, because you’ve done more than that to him.
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chuuya-kisser · 2 months
im finally free so that i can fucking scream abt bsd 117 and tell my thoughts on this heartbreaker of a chapter (will def make another post feeding my delusions)
(spoilers utc)
Uh yeah so anyways basically heart broken for multiple reasons so we'll go in order
1- aya. oh my gosh aya. shes what, a ten year old?????? and in the span of a day, she has found out about a vampire lord who is responsible for destroying or saving the whole world, shouldered the responsibility of getting said vampire lord away from the enemy to save the world, developed a father-daughter relationship with said vampire lord, sacrificed herself and got saved by him, believed that the world could be saved now, saw her new father figure's body be torn apart and replaced by a greasy ratass who wants to destroy everything or whatever, with said new father's last words telling her to run to save herself, being saved by said father, then having him dissolve and die again in front of her eyes again. shes a ten year old. what the actual fuck. oh and don't forget, she doesn't know that she lost her other father figure too!
gosh she is going to be SO traumatised and even that is an understatement i really hope she has the strength to recover
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2- so akutagawa is back huh? about time, about time (though im not very happy about the cost it took- but atleast he's back?)and he has agreed to protect aya on brams wish? thats surprising honestly, so im wondering if the stuff atsushi told him while fighting him at the airport or whatever affected his subconscious or something so that he consciously wants to start protecting people?
OR maybe! he sees a bit of himself in aya or smth? i mean look i dont exactly remember what happened before he met dazai and was taken in by him okay, dont come at me. but maybe he sees that terrified little kid and something stirs in him or smth anyways go akutagawa go you're her third father figure please dont die again ‼️
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(also he looks so good-)
3- and the biggest bombshell
just- THINK ABOUT EVERYONE. think about atsushi and tanizaki. who saw him disappear slowly in front of their eyes, to buy them time. think about fukuzawa. who wished for kunikida to be the next president because he was the most ideal. who cares so much, even if he doesnt show it as much. think about aya. she has such a deep bond with kunikida, and now she'll have to face the devastating news that one of the only people who truly believed in her is gone too. think about ranpo and yosano.
think about dazai. who is much too far away to do anything right now, who miscalculated once which led to him being too far to stop fyodors rampage in any way. who was truly doing all this because he wanted to keep the detective agency safe. who, when he realises what will happen next, his first thought is to warn them. who was his new partner, kept him alive, even made him a part of his schedules. who i think he must have to care for, even a little bit.
dazai, who thinks that anything worth wanting is always lost the moment he obtains it. and its happened again. and by the looks of it, it will happen again.
i genuinely want to know how he'll react but i dont want to at the same time. gods i cant fucking do this man
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like huhhh asagiri are you tryna make me cry or some shit???? Because youre succeesing SPECTACULARLY
also- are we gonna see tanizaki get liquefied too next chapter? because this panel sure looks like it
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im scared for september now like what else are you gonna throw at us, huh asagiri? and what do you mean i have to wait a whole month this is crazy
and i am STILL in denial and will continue to be in denial guys wdym, ofc kunikida is alive and well! hes coparenting aya with bram, having fun at the agency and stuff ‼️‼️ hes perfectly peachy theres no helicopter singularity out for everyone's lives!!! (wow this post is LONG)
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lee-hakhyun · 3 months
「“Uriel. What were you thinking when you brought those 'lambs'?”」
Archangel Uriel still remembers that day.
「“Could it be that girl didn't know what the 'lambs' that the Scribe told her to bring meant?”」
The whispering voices of the Seraphim as she arrived with the lambs in tow. Uriel frowned at those guys and thought. Why try to understand what 'lambs' those 'lambs' meant? It's better to get another demon's head than waste time agonizing over something like that.
「“At any rate, I brought ten?”」
Her calling was to hunt demons and kill Demon Kings. Archangel Uriel was born solely for this. Countless beings of evil fell under her famed swordplay. Demon Kings. Demon Lords. Devils. Any star containing the character of 'evil' did not escape her blade. After hundreds or thousands of years passed, the light of the stars belonging to 'Absolute Evil' began to go out. During that unimaginable period of depravity, the universe she belonged to gradually darkened.
「“Why are you killing demons?”」
When was that question asked? Was it when she heard of rumors of a new Demon King at the border?
「“I've been ordered to.”」 「“Would you kill anyone if ordered to?”」 「“Mm.”」
As he said, Uriel had also killed the Demon King's lover. Because that was also an order she had received.
「“Archangel. You are like a demon.”」
Holding his lover who no longer breathed, the Demon King spoke a quiet curse.
「"Archangel who loves nothing. Someday you too will love something. When that time comes, the fire you have started will judge you.”」 「“Whatever.”」
Uriel jeered as she cut the Demon King's throat.
'demon-like judge of fire'.
her modifier, of which the archangels revered and absolute evil feared. she killed demon kings like her modifier. over and over and over, in so many ways. and after so long, she got a new order. "uriel. halt the 'demon hunt'."
too many demon kings had died. a ceasefire was signed, yet uriel thought it a joke. a year passed. a decade. after half a century, uriel finally realized.
this can't be right.
she was born to destroy evil. she didn't go so far just to end up with this 'peace'.
after going on a rampage and ending up restrained by jophiel, she's forced to swear on her name as an archangel to not touch another demon king without the scribe's permission. ■ck, what was she supposed to do now?
she's told to take care of the sheep.
seriously? an archangel who used to defeat demon kings, now forced to be a shepherd? as a sheep walks up to her, she reflexively hits it and as the sheep slumps over, a low rank angel runs up to her in shock. she no longer remembers the angel's name, but only their title— teacher yang.
(yang/양 = sheep)
there were so, so many sheep. the 10 lambs uriel had brought had multiplied, and at this point the lambs of eden are quite popular. those sheep that appear in dreams? they're from eden :) teacher yang says that this is all thanks to uriel. thanks to the peace she brought.
counting the innumerable sheep, uriel finally admitted that she had really been released from her mission 'temporarily'. what should an archangel who had dedicated her life to hunting demons do now? she can watch sheep for a while, but this can't go on forever—
it's then that she sees teacher yang watching someone on a portable device. later, she learns that teacher yang was a 'star stream broadcasting' addict. looking at the screen, a video was playing.
「“Calm down, Yoo Sangah-ssi.”」
and right after, she learned for the first time she learned of the 'lambs' metatron wanted were.
「“Think about it. We are in a game right now.”」
a lot had happened since then. the great war of saints and demons broke out, and <eden> fell. she watched metatron, the archangels, and the seraphim who had laughed at her die.
「“What about the sheep?”」
teacher yang's last words.
「“I was supposed to shear them today...”」
the low ranking angel died, leaving behind no story. uriel never learned their name.
after the scenarios ended, she spent a lot time in a small garden. she was left alone in <eden>, where not a single sheep was left. sometimes she descended to interact with the incarnations or gabriel, she danced and sang when she was in the mood, but most of the time she stayed in the garden. she slept in the garden, and sometimes she ate. and she watched a story.
「“Uriel, you know. This is just a story.”」
she watched as one star died once more. in this ruined world, this was the only story she managed to keep.
the main character of that story was gone. no one knew where he went. though she knew that— or maybe because she knew that, she continued to watch that story without doing anything.
and sometimes she thought about sheep.
she dreamed of a man who became a sheep, living somewhere unknown to her. in that world, that man will meet new companions, and gain a new history. a new family would have been formed, without her knowing.
someone starts speaking to her.
she recognizes the voice. but that can't be. the owner of that voice had found his ■■ and died. no, did he really die? she didn't know. she knew nothing of the last ■■ he had reached. and she didn't particularly care.
the voice continues to speak. commenting on how she was still interested in this story. asking if she was curious about the next chapter.
the next chapter?
there's a place she can see the next chapter. she couldn't intervene, only watch. and she'd new a new modifier.
but if she could see that star again.
and that was how uriel came to this 'scenario'.
with a temporary modifier of 'The One Who Brought Ten Lambs', under the role of 'teacher yang' in this academy scenario.
uriel was grateful for her history she was grateful she had brought ten lambs to eden at that time. she was grateful she met teacher yang. she was grateful that she was the 'demon-like judge of fire', that she was an archangel of eden.
"Thank you, Uriel."
as lee hakhyun spoke her name, the door to the teacher's office started to close. uriel stumbled toward the closing door.
spraks fly. even if that name was allowed to be spoken in this worldview, the worldview had caught on. the name she had called was not just of this world's 'actor'.
it was the name of her favourite story. uriel shouted his name.
the door did not open.
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dekusleftsock · 7 months
This is your hazbin hotel warning so sorry 🫶🫶🫶
OKAY SO, a thing I haven’t seen this fandom consider is that Alastor doesn’t deal in souls. Or, not often at least.
If there has I’d honestly like to see the posts bc this is a thought I’ve seen basically just me and my sister talk about. He doesn’t care—I’d even argue he thinks he’s too good to do so, thinks it’s too easy.
There’s a couple reasons I believe this, one of which being his backstory arriving in hell. Let it be known, the reason all of hell was impressed by his takeover as the radio demon was solely because he does not own any industry. He doesn’t have some company he’s been building for several decades. He didn’t join in with other overlords for shared power. He arrived in hell, and disrupted the power structure of overlords, and sinners. (We’ll get back to this later)
And the reason all of these overlords own major industries, famous for their insane production value and craft, is because the way that overlords gain power is through souls. Employment therefore being THROUGH these contracts (I’m going to refer to deals having to do with souls as contracts from now on, just to make a distinction). This is why Angel is owned by Valentino as a pornstar. It’s why Vox can just “call up the lowest earners this month” for Valentino to shoot for sport. It’s why Velvette can call her models hideous and let Valentino tear apart her best model. None of these souls, these employees, have any say in what or when or who their employers say they have to do. They simply do not have the autonomy to do so.
Now this calls in the question then, how did Alastor gain his overlord powers? If he owns souls, they are either ones he was given or earned from other overlords (ex, Alastor wins all of husker’s souls in a game of poker, leaving him powerless, and making his deal in the first place), or they were given to him by an overlord themself. Alastor CAN make souls stay at the hotel, but presumably, it’s not because he owns them.
If Alastor owned any other souls than Nifty and Husk’s, they would already be working at the hotel. We get back to that employment dynamic, contracts are means of living. None of these sinners had a choice because sinners have to make contracts to live.
Now, okay, we’ve established why Alastor’s overlord status is confusing and honestly makes no sense, why overlords are even overlords in the first place, the class metaphor and dynamic of the whole situation, AND why we know Alastor doesn’t own that many souls.
Now, I present you this: Alastor does not want Charlie’s soul. Alastor, wants to be rid of the overlord class completely.
LET ME PREFACE THIS BY SAYING: I KNOW The current ideas in the fandom of Alastor are that he wants more power. But, to be honest, the last scene with his character feels disingenuous to this idea.
Clearly, he’s in a deal with someone else. Clearly, this system has affected him too. Clearly, he just wants an out in the first place.
So, let’s go back to when Alastor first arrives in hell. Mimzy narrates how people dismissed him. How he wasn’t taken seriously. And then, proceeds to imply that targeting overlords for his radio show was to show said strength. Because Alastor was not someone to be dismissed.
And this characterization furthers in the episode itself: Alastor immediately has some beef with Lucifer because he’s a far more powerful being who wanted to dismiss his presence in the first place, preferring his daughter. Where they then have a pissing contest musical number, and Alastor generally dislikes him afterwords. My man even wipes his hand on his shirt after shaking his staff.
Not only that, but when Husk even IMPLIES that he’s not strong enough to handle whatever Mimzy has gotten herself into this time, that he’s still someone on a leash, he rampages on a killing spree to prove that he’s “still the baddass radio demon”.
This isn’t even mentioning when Carmilla said she wasn’t curious as to why he was gone. He needs to be important, to be noticed.
I understand that Alastor is genuinely someone who must prove themself and show their strength. It’s probably why he became a serial killer in the first place.
However, I think there’s a deeper intention with solely targeting overlords—one of his only contracts is with Husker, an ex overlord. The question would also be, why would he not put husk in his radio show as well?
Clearly, based on the fact that he warns him that Mimzy is just using him, that she’s a fake friend, they at the very least were amicable with each other. At some point. Maybe even still are. They STILL banter. And this isn’t to say it’s some weird “I’m in love with my kidnapper uwu” situation, this happened well before they were in a contract together in the first place.
Not only that, but Husker earned his souls, and therefore his power and overlord status, through gambling. He didn’t have some big scary industry, he wasn’t trapping people in these forever deals because they had no choice, he gained these through the unethical means of others. Maybe… Alastor believed that the ways in which he dealt souls, were different.
I can’t help but think that the company entirely surrounding taking away consent is the ONE COMPANY/THREE OVERLORDS that Alastor simply does not fuck with.
Not only that, but the only other overlord he’s friendly with is one that… just genuinely helps the people she employs? Just give them advice? Makes it THEIR CHOICE to march with someone else into battle? I love Rosie.
This isn’t to say Alastor is some saint that cares super oober deeply about consent. He doesn’t. If he did he wouldn’t be associating with overlords in the first place. He wouldn’t be taking advantage of people in such lowly positions.
All of this is to build the argument that Alastor does not own souls, nor associate with people who own them in irresponsible or unnecessarily cruel ways.
And, to further this point, Alastor most likely thinks it’s stupid in the first place.
In the pilot (which I understand isn’t COMPLETELY canon but it’s still Alastor’s character so. Whatever) Alastor almost immediately tries to jump Charlie with a deal. Work at the hotel, in exchange…?
But notice that this does not include ownership of her soul. At all.
In episode 7 before Charlie makes her deal, she asks, “You want…my soul?” And while he has this weird radio-y affect that goes all over the place while he says “your soul”, he also immediately replies in the most babying voice ever “Heavens no!” Like the very idea of needing her soul was silly. Ridiculous. Idiotic.
And, not only this, but when Vaggie bursts in to try and “save” her, he also rolls his eyes as he says “oh relax, she still owns her soul.” Again, babying. Infantilizing. Ridiculous.
It, again, feels like he doesn’t take the concept seriously. Like he thinks they’re almost too easy. To me, it’s clear he never wanted her soul. He’s always been far more interested in what Charlie can do for him, and what she can do with her dream.
Owning Charlie’s soul would simply give power over her, and her alone. Even in the interpretation that he “wants more power” she’s still just one person, one soul, one hell born. It’s so small inmemorable in the grand scheme of things. If he really wanted power through means of souls, he would fight the upward battle of capitalist destruction that is the overlord monetary system.
SO THIS IS ALL OVER THE PLACE, AND I ALSO WANTED TO WRAP THIS UP WITH ALASTOR’S TRUE MOTIVATION BEING DISRUPTING POWER—but this is also far too long and I’ve been writing for like. An hour straight lmao. I need a break and I wanna post this. So.
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rootsofdread · 1 year
I live for goofy moments with survivors mid serious matches tbh. Nuthin'better than throwing the game because some guy found a way to jump on the table!
Ace, Rebecca, Feng and Dwight with a usually ferocious killer, who's easily amused and/or distracted? They basically see red at all times, running and slashing and tearing everything apart.. untill people stop running away and start doing something unconventional for the place. They see a survivor behind the counter in the Dead Dawg Saloon? Yeah, no, it's not a hunt anymore, it's a bar night. Someone watches TV at Lery's memorial? That's their favourite thing to do now, too! And the carnival games.. Don't even get them started on carnival games. So it's mostly the matter of "who can entertain the said killer for the most time possible" instead of "who can outrun them" most times :)
🦞 uhavefuntoo
this was a fun one to write hehe!! fun fact i based the dwight one off of an experience i had in-game, i can't remember if i was playing dwight at the time but i had gone to pet maurice with two of my teammates and while we were petting him our killer, a nurse, came over and just watched us for a little bit, then left. IIRC, she massacred us, but it was funny X)
(i also tried to amuse a sadako in a similar way...i pretended to be watching one of her TVs, crouched in front of it, was pointing at it, and so she teleported through it, which got me to laugh. she also ended up killing me though lol)
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Dwight Fairfield: 
For the most part, Dwight is so afraid of you that anything funny or distracting he might do is completely by accident. For example, when he was trying to hide from you on the grounds of Father Campbell’s Chapel. He ducked down by Maurice’s favorite tent, hiding slightly behind the horse hoping you wouldn’t see him. He began gently petting Maurice to calm himself down, because he swore he could feel something looming over his shoulder. The feeling kept nagging at him as he pet the animal…until he decided he should turn around, and saw you staring at him. But there was something different about your demeanor — you seemed to have calmed down. He was still petrified, of course. Especially when you moved closer and crouched down beside him. He almost bolted away, but you started petting Maurice with him. Confusing as it was, he decided…whatever keeps you from killing him. Maurice seemed happy, too.
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Feng Min:
Feng has quite the penchant for messing with killers. Whether or not they ever enjoy it could be up for debate, but it doesn’t stop her from doing it, and she always has fun with you. Every time the two of you are running through the Dead Dawg Saloon, she’ll make some distance between you and her and dive behind the counter inside the saloon, and when you finally catch up to her, she pops up from behind it and announces she’s here to take your order. Seeing the immediate change in your demeanor amuses her to no end, when you suddenly stop and politely approach the counter. Typically, you two will end up playing barkeep for the rest of the match while Feng’s teammates finish generators and everything. Sometimes, other survivors will wander in and either be confused by the scene or decide to join in your games. Either way, Feng loves having fun with you like this.
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Ace Visconti:
Of course, Ace is no stranger to testing his luck, especially when it comes to killers. He was testing wacky ways to lose you or direct your attention to something else long before he knew how easy it really was to distract you. He didn’t truly discover this until one day, when running from you around the carnival grounds of Father Campbell’s, he decided to stop at one of the booths. It was a milk jug ring toss game, he figured if he landed a shot, maybe it’d amuse you enough to leave him alone for now. To his surprise, you actually stopped your bloodthirsty rampage to watch him play the game, and you even took a turn after he’d thrown a few. He soon realized, after a couple rounds, was actually having fun with you. A killer…! If he would’ve known this was going to work, he would’ve done it a long time ago.
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Rebecca Chambers:
Rebecca doesn’t tend to goof off during trials, not even with other survivors, especially not with a killer. Normally, she wouldn’t be particularly inclined to waste time either, but during a trial between the two of you inside Lery’s Memorial, as she was running from you she was quickly realizing she was running out of ways to keep you distracted. She noticed a television up the hallway, and as a last-ditch effort, sprinted towards it and called a time-out to watch TV together. She didn’t think it would work. But you actually stopped and lumbered towards the TV with your head cocked, and you stood next to her in front of the screen. She was still tense, but internally, she heaved a sigh of relief. Somehow, it had worked…she had gotten you to calm down and stop terrorizing everyone for a few minutes. In a way, it was nice, almost….
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So, your Infinity Train crossover got me to watch the show, and... woah. Woah. I would love to know if you had any more ideas, blurbs, thoughts, anything about that crossover, because now I can't get enough of imagining the viciously murderous cat and accidentally-fratricidal robot on the train.
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I'm glad you liked Infinity Train too! (and thank you!) More on the crossover... I gotta admit I haven't thought of much other than the initial "haha what if" idea. Maybe I can speculate though:
Spoilers ahead!
There were many hilarious and thoughtful takes on how Pebbles could possibly end up on the train, in the notes of the initial post. I joked that it'd just tear a hole through his structure, but there are more (and less) sane options than that.
Since we only see human passengers on the train, a lot of people would probably mistake Pebbles and Arti as denizens. Simon and Grace would probably not take to them having numbers well. I feel like they'd most likely think it was a trick, but it could shake up their perspective too.
Man humans look kind of similar to ancients maybe. That doesn't mean much to Arti - and I think humans look dissimilar enough from scavs to be spared by her wrath. But to Pebbles...
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Also, iterators haven't communicated with another civilization-era sapient species in a quite a while probably. Some interesting stuff can come out of that.
How many migraines do you think Pebbles gets from trying to figure out what the hell is up with denizens? Or the train itself? I feel like he'd have an aneurysm if he had to interact with Alan Dracula. If he goes home and tries to tell the others what happened without any proof, they'd think he'd had a rot-induced fever dream.
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Numbers are dependent on how close a passenger is to solving their problem. Arti, having already killed the scav chieftain, according to Rain World has hit the point of no return. So her body is completely wrapped up in numbers. But like Amelia, with enough time and determination it might be possible. The main problem is... Arti has to want to fix her problem first. The setup for her to do that is there. She's with Pebbles, so she has less of a reason to go off on a rampage unless she's being threatened. The lack of scavs wouldn't stop her from resorting to violence at this point, but the pure strangeness and unfamiliarity of her surroundings should at least baffle her into a different mental state.
I think in order to get an exit, Arti needs to make peace with herself. She must acknowledge what she has become, and to truly believe that she needs to change. It has little to do with the death of her children at that point. She needs to escape the self-perpetuating circle of violence.
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Pebbles' number is much smaller (but still huge) because he's entrenched in rage and isolation and frustration on a massive timescale, but we see him eventually come to a resolution in Rivulet's campaign. How would the train define his problem though? It could be his anger at Moon and Suns, blaming them for his current state (even if Suns is partially at fault). It could be his tendency to close himself off, his refusal to talk to others or accept help. It could be his denial, believing he can handle and fix everything by himself. It could be his overall arrogance or ego. There's a lot of options there. Ultimately I think whatever brings him to think similarly to how he does in Rivulet's campaign would do the trick.
The sad thing is that Pebbles would probably be better off staying on the train too. I'm not sure if he'd be affected by the rot there, but he'd at least he could (literally) get out of his own head. And he has no choice but to touch grass interact with new people and situations. But to deny his exit would be to deny responsibility for what he's done. If he's really gotten better, that means he knows he can't run away anymore.
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If Pebbles went to the train without Arti there's a chance he'd get killed or ghom'd two days into the trip. We are assuming his puppet is capable of walking for this AU, but also I do not think he knows how to walk. Good luck pink guy!
On the flipside. Pebbles could... probably take over the train even more than Amelia ever did, especially as a (bio)mechanical being himself. The only thing that could limit him are taboos maybe. Any iterator could do this, really. Lots of potential paths with that one.
Something something, One-One and iterators both solving people's big problems with varying amounts of success, and both engineering weird organisms...
...does a RW character that gets ghom'd return to the great cycle? Their soul gets devoured, or their life essence, it's not clear. I guess which one could determine what happens. But also they are in another universe where there is probably no cycle. Are ghoms a triple affirmative? Is crossdimensional travel? The latter wouldn't fit the "portable and generally applicable" part but still. This is a whole rabbit hole and a half, isn't it!
The train is dangerous and all, but that just makes Rain World characters a hilarious fit for it. Like this is just their daily life. Honestly I think their home world is more dangerous than the train, just in less wacky ways.
Lastly: I haven't even touched upon what introducing other characters could do for this narrative, or how they would react. So many possibilities!
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If anyone wants to do more with this, please feel free!
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thatgirlstrawberry · 2 years
Sick Surprise pt. 9 - Spell Eloise
In which Spencer finds Eloise
Warnings: angst, cursing, crying, guns, fluff, lmk if I missed anything!
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
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Spencer and Hotch stood side by side in FBI vests with their guns out in front of them. They had reached Jake Kelly’s apartment.
Morgan broke through the two of them and pounded on the door. “Jake Kelly. FBI, open the door or we’re coming in!” He called, his voice angry. He pounded on the door once more when he didn’t get an answer.
He looked at Hotch and Spencer who nodded and he stepped back a few steps and kicked the door in. Spencer was the first one to move. He held his gun down by his side as he walked through the apartment. He looked around every corner and looked in all of the room son his side of the apartment.
“Clear.” He heard Hotch call. He shut his eyes when he realized that Jake Kelly was not there. And he wasn’t there, that meant the Eloise wasn’t either.
He sighed and holstered his gun as he entered what seemed to be the master bedroom. He looked around and began to turn around but spotted something on the carpet.
He bent down and picked it up, calling for Hotch. His eyes stung with tears as both Hotch and Morgan came running into the room.
“What is it, Reid?”
He covered his mouth. “It’s her shoe.” He spoke, his voice begging to break. But he wouldn’t let it. “I know it’s her shoe because I bought her these for her birthday— these coloring book shoes. She colored them, look— and she wrote her name on the bottom.” He flipped the shoe up so they could see the illegible handwriting on the bottom of it. But Eloise told him that it was her name so he just went with it.
Hotch saw that Spencer was on the verge of tears so, he took the shoe from him and handed it to Morgan. “Reid, we need to find this man. In order to do that, we need you at your best.” He nodded.
Spencer stood up and looked at him.
“And if you can’t be the best, I need you to go home to Y/N.” He finished, placing his hand on his shoulder.
The man swallowed and shut his eyes. “I need to find her.” And I’m gonna kill Jake when I find him. He only thought that part because he would for sure be thrown off the case if he said it out loud.
Hotch nodded. “And we will. Go call Y/N and then get your head in the game.”
Y/N was sitting in Eloise’s room, holding the girl’s favorite stuffed animal. Of course, it was a bird. It was blue and had pretty glass eyes.
Her tears had fallen on to it by now but what else could she do? Spencer damn bear demanded that she go home and let him handle it. At first, she was willing to go on a rampage and track the mother fucker that took her down all on her own.
But no. Spencer told her that she needed time to think about what was happening.
JJ and Penelope went back to Y/N’s apartment so she wasn’t alone during this time. They were in the living room, giving her space because that’s the one thing she asked for. Emily was out getting food for everyone.
Penelope’s phone rang and she picked it up hurriedly, not looking at who it was. “Did you find her?” She asked, being very loud. JJ nudged her with a warning look on her face right before Y/N walked out of Eloise’s room.
“Is that Spencer?” She asked, moving quickly across the floor. “Oh my God, what is it?”
Penelope looked at her as she sat on the floor on her knees.
“Penelope? It’s Spencer.”
The blonde nodded down at woman. “Did you find Eloise?” She asked, trying not to glance at the mother who had fresh tears pooling in her eyes.
“All we found at his place was her shoe.”
Garcia’s eyes got wide and she tried to hold on a gasp. “O-okay.”
“Can I talk to Y/N?”
She handed the phone to the woman and she took it quickly. “Spencer? Did you— find her? Eloise, is she there?”
“Baby— She’s not here.” Spencer answered. “Our next option is to track his cell and his card payments.”
“Well then do it, Spencer. Do whatever you have to.” She snapped. She didn’t realize how mean she sounded but if she did, she wouldn’t have cared. “Please, Spencer. Find her.”
Spencer’s breath shook. “We will, Y/N. I’ll find her.”
Y/N let a soft son fall from her lips and she shut her eyes. “Spencer, listen to me.” She paused. “If she has even a single scratch on her, I want you to fucking kill him. Do you hear me?”
JJ and Penelope looked at each other worriedly.
“Y/N, you know I can’t do that.”
A sad breath left her and she nodded, her lip. “I know— it’s just, she is my entire life. If she doesn’t come back to me I—“ Y/N couldn’t finish her sentence. She covered her son with her hand and squeezed her eyes shut.
JJ took the phone from her and Y/N let her. “Spencer, call us back when you find her. Y/N needs to rest.”
“Hey, Reid. We got a hit.”
Spencer looked up from his phone. JJ had just hung up on him after he’d spoken to Y/N. “What? Where?”
Hotch sighed. “After we put that picture of Eloise on the news, a motel manager downtown called and said that he saw her with a man.”
Spencer patted his lips and reached for his gun that he’d set on the table, tucking it into his holster. “Did you tell him to—“
“Yes, we told him to disconnect the cable in Jake’s room.” He nodded. “But, we have to get going now, the manager said it doesn’t look like he was planning to stay long.”
He nodded and grabbed his bullet proof vest off of the table. Morgan and Hotch noticed his face harden. “Reid—“ He already started walking away.
“We roll in, lights off and silent. Take this guy by surprise.”
It was dark by the time they reached the motel. Hotch got the room number from the manager when he called. Hotch decided the the SUVs would pull in in a sort of crescent formation. If Jake came out of the room, he would be blocked from leaving with Eloise.
Once the headlights of all of the cars were off, Spencer got out and shut the door quietly, walking in front of the car. He was in the middle of the crescent formation.
Morgan, Hotch, Rossi and Reid looked at each other, agreeing on waiting for him to come out rather than go in.
Spencer saw movement shadows moving quickly on the window. This was it, he was about to come out.
Spencer pulled his gun from his holster and held it out on front of him. The rest of the BAU plus the police force behind them did too.
The door to the room opened quickly and the first face that Spencer saw was his Eloisey’s. She had tears running down her face and her tiny fist balled up by her mouth.
“Jake Kelly, freeze and drop the girl!” Hotch shouted. Jake walked out of the room the rest of the way, his face changing from determined to terrified.
He still held on to Eloise as he looked around. He had a bag hanging on his shoulder. “Wh— What? No, man. Come on, this is my daughter!” He shouted, looking around all of the faces.
Spencer so desperately wanted Eloise to look at him but with all of the tears in her eyes. His heart broke at just the sight, this girl had to be scared out of her mind.
“Kelly, put her down, drop the bag and hands up.” Morgan instructed.
The man shook as a pitiful tear rolled down his cheek. “N-no. I can’t— this is my daughter. She should be with me.”
Spencer furrowed his brows. “What changed, Jake?” He asked, stepping forward. He lowered his gun and put it back in his holster. He didn’t want Eloise to see him like that.
The man’s eyes shot to him and he back up. “What— what the hell are you doing— back up.”
He saw little Eloisey’s eyes widen. “Spenther!” She shouted. She began wiggling in Jakes arms. “I wan’ Spenther— no wet me go!” She screamed.
Spencer put his hands up. “Eloisey, it’s okay honey. Just wait a minute, okay?” The girl whimpered when Jake pulled her harshly closer into him.
“No— stop talking to her!” Jake shouted. “My daughter— please, just let me have her.”
Spencer shook his head. “What changed, Jake?” He asked again. “Why do you want Eloise so bad now?”
Jake scoffed. “Because— I’m alone, man!” He cried. “I h-have no one! And this is my daughter, I mean— she loves me!” He looked down at Eloise. “Right honey? You love your daddy?” The girl let out a loud scream and tried to push herself away from him.
Jake roughly pulled her back and Spencer took another step forward. When he got a closer look, it seemed that Jake was on something.
“Spell Eloise for me, Jake.” Spencer nodded.
Jake glanced at the girl in his arms before looking back up at Spencer. “Uh… uh E… L… L-O-W-E- E-Z.”
Spencer clicked his tongue. “Wrong. When’s her birthday?”
It was literally just a few weeks ago. “M-may 10th.”
Spencer shook his head. “Wrong, June 13th.” He answered.
“This is stupid—“
“Her favorite food?” Jake was silent. “Her- her favorite color? Her least favorite food?”
The man holding the girl was red, angry looking. He sniffled. “Come on, man. You could never be her father. You never will be?”
“And you will be?” Spencer almost laughed. “I mean, Jake, you’re not leaving here with Eloise. Face it, it’s over.” He nodded. “So let’s not make a bigger scene and just put her down.”
Eloise’s breath stuttered and she reached up slowly to touch the man’s face. “P-pwease, I wan’ go home.” She said quietly. “I wan’ my mommy, mithter.”
Jake’s lips quivered and his face softened— like he’d realized something. “O-okay.” He looked up at the people in front of him, pointing their guns. He bent down slowly, letting Eloise stand up.
He kept his hand around her wrist as he dropped the duffel bag by his feet. He shut his eyes and let go of Eloise’s wrist and she hurriedly ran away from him.
Spencer kneeled to the ground, his arms opening and waiting for her to run into him. “Come on, Eloisey, I got you.” He smiled as the girl ran faster and jumped into him. His arms immediately closed around her tightly. He shut his eyes and rocked her back in forth. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
Spencer looked up at the exact moment the Eloise answered. He looked over the girl’s shoulder. His eyes widening as he saw Jake reach into his pocket.
“Kelly, no!” He heard Hotch shout. Spencer pulled Eloise away from his neck and put his hands over her ears.
“Look at me, okay? Just me.”
“Kelly, don’t do it!”
Spencer glanced behind her again just as he was raising the gun and then a shot rang out.
He tried his best to look calm and smiled at Eloise when she flinched. Officers started to walk past them and Spencer picked Eloise up and walked back behind the SUVs.
Suddenly, a car swerved to a stop not far from them. The door opened and Spencer heard Emily’s voice.
“Y/N, wait! We don’t know if the scene is—“
Before she could finish her sentence, Y/N stumbled out of the car. She looked distraught her eyes glancing all around.
“Mommy!” Eloise screamed.
Y/N stopped and looked at her, covering her mouth with her hand. “Oh… my— Eloise!” Her feet were faster than her mind.
She ran over quickly and wrapped her arms around the girl, taking her from Spencer’s arm. “Baby, a-are you okay?” She looked up at Spencer while kissing her daughter’s forehead. “Are you hurt, Eloisey?”
The girl held up her arm and Y/N saw a forming bruise there. “Oh, baby. It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay. You’re safe now.”
Spencer watched how Y/N was shaking with Eloise in her arms. An ambulance rolled in, it’s sirens louder than ever.
“Can w’go home, mommy?” Eloise asked. The woman looked at Spencer.
He smiled and placed his hand on Y/N’s back. “Uh we have to get you checked out first but after that, we can go, okay?” He nodded with a comforting smile.
Y/N bit her lip and kissed Eloise again before they headed towards the ambulances.
Eloise other than the harsh bruise on her arm was fine. Now, they were all sitting in her bedroom. The girl was on her bed and Spencer and Y/N kneeled in front of it.
“An’ I tol’ him i wanted my mommy and my Spenther but he was so mad.” The girl squeezed her blue bird as Y/N and Spencer nodded along. She insisted on telling them what happened to her.
When she was waiting to be picked up, she was playing with a toy that Y/N packed in her bag. She wasn’t paying attention and just… got in the car. She only realized that it wasn’t Spencer when she asked him to play her mom’s driving song and he wouldn’t do it. When he turned around to face her, she became scared.
“It’s okay, baby.” Y/N nodded. “You’re with your mommy and your Spencer now.” She leaned forward and kissed the girl’s cheek. “Are you ready to have the best sleep over ever!?” She asked.
Spencer chuckled. “I sure am, what about you Eloisey?”
The girl giggled and clapped her hands. “Yeth!”
Y/N smiled. “I will go get the ice cream and the hot fudge and Spencer will hook up a movie on your TV, okay?”
She nodded and Y/N stood up, leaving the room. Spencer sighed and stood up, going to Eloise’s TV to put in her Tangled CD.
Spencer glanced back at her. “Yes, Eloisey?”
“Was the mithter who took me was my dad?” She asked. Spencer froze and let his hands fall to his sides.
He turned around. “Um… he w—“
“‘Cause I don’ want him to be my dad.” She shook her head.
Spencer let out a breath. “Well, Eloise—“
“I wan’ you to be my Dad.” She smiled. Spencer’s eyes widened and he smiled. “Because mommy tol’ me dat dad’s wuv their babies.” She breathed. “You love me?”
“Of course I do—“
“And she also told me dat dad’s wuv their baby’s mommy. You wuv my mommy?
“Yes, very much but I—“
She go off of her bed and waddled over to Spencer. “An’ she said dar dad’s protet their baby.” She lifted her arms above her head, wanting him to pick her up. He did and propped her on his hip. “An’ you proteted me.” She touched his nose and leaned forward, kissing his cheek.
Spencer’s eyes stung with tears. “Of course I protected you. I will always protect you and your mommy.”
Y/N walked into the room with three bowls of ice cream and tears running down her face. She had been listening to their conversation.
“Mommy, why are you crying?”
Y/N pressed her lips together. “I’m— I’m just happy to see you guys.”
Spencer bit his lip. “Y/N?”
“Will— will you marry me?”
The woman stood there, frozen. “I-I know I don’t have a ring but the second I get a chance I will go and buy you one. I just—“
“I don’t need a ring, Spencer.” She smiled. “Of course I will marry you.”
Spencer smiled and looked down at Eloise. “Isnit okay if I marry your mom?” He asked, putting his forehead against hers.
“Um… Fuck yes!”
Also just so you know, Jake isn’t dead but he will not be a physical problem anymore!
This is not the end of this series! There is more dad!spencer to come! I hope you enjoyed this! I know I did— also, give me ideas of future chapters! I’d love to hear them and possibly write them
Love ya bunches ❤️❤️❤️
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bluginkgo · 9 months
I know I'm late here with this one, but man does this make me all the more excited.
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Ramble warning ahead and spoilers I guess
Oh hai, Cyn! Haven't seen you in a while! Now, this post could be another one of those N posts glitch made to promote the N plush dog. And I'm not gonna lie, they got us good. (Not discarding the theory that shot might still come up in eps 7 and 8, but I highly doubt it.) But this is coming from Liam himself! So I'd like to put more faith in the little snippet he gave us.
I've seen many people theorize that this might be what the absolute solver host's mind might look like when full possession takes place. I'm sold, I love that. I can imagine it, N and Uzi fighting whatever the thing is in the Cabin Fever labs. Uzi somehow ends up either being knocked out or full possession occurs, either way, her subconsciousness is transported into this realm of red. This might be the place where all the hosts' minds connect- the hive mind/cloud based system. Here, Uzi might meet Cyn and even Nori- I know I'm stretching it, but this is just me rambling my own thoughts. And keeping on with my belief in good Cyn theory, Cyn might help Uzi out. She might tell Uzi the origin of the absolute solver- how the AI error came about.
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Because the technicians knew about this issue. Improper disposal of worker drones, and the rejection of the kill code causes future OS issues. And in the tiniest print possible, show the 0.7% chance of a hazardous mutation. They might not know what brought this on though. Artificial intelligence is what we make it to be. If bad information is given, then we are given bad results. It'll be interesting to see if in fact the mutation is just that, a one time off chance, or if something is lurking further, or if the absolute solver has always been around and only has been able to take control via the worker drones that JCJenson built because you know, humanity is really good at orchestrating their own demise.
But back to the other crack theory. Uzi might end up chatting with Cyn or directly with the Absolute Solver, all the while her body is posessed by the said Absolute Solver. She'd be going on another rampage, probably fighting N. At the last possible minute, snap back and somehow resolve the issue with the Absolute Solver- cliche I know, but hey, if those cliches are done well, I love them.
But the red fits really well. Seeing as the Absolute Solver always ends up making some sort of red flesh webs.
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So for the consciousness/hive mind to conjure up an all red place for its hosts, it'd be a cool design choice.
Or, as per usual, I could be looking in too deep with a single image that Liam graciously fed us with.
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moodymisty · 9 months
little lorgar angst
lorgar mortal lover who manages to give him peace and love. who helps him to heal from the shit kor phareon did to him. Who acts as a positive influence on both him and the legion to the point she's beloved by even his own sons. Who manages to stir him down a path that will see monarchia and all the tradgidy born from that event never happen. And because all that will ruin the plans of Erebus and Kor, they have her killed. Thinking they will get away with this assassination. only Lorgar knows. somehow he knows it was them. So does the entire legion. And for the first time, he feels such ahtred and anger for his father... How dare they take away that which gave him such comfort? And gods help them once the rest of the legion learns their beloved mother was taken from them... Just this utter sense of quiet cold rage...
I personally always write that the main sticking point as to why someone doesn't just kill their beloved at any point is simply that, you're going to have a primarch on a rampage coming right for you. And including a legion that liked her too? The carnage that takes place would make other events pale in comparison.
I would imagine that they manage to do it while Lorgar is off planet. Either they manage to overpower the defenses he has protecting her, or they hire an assassin more than capable of sneaking by. Perhaps Erebus does it himself, he's the type.
Lorgar ends up finding out via vox, when he's light years away from Colchis. Whatever was being done is left in the hands of one of his commanders and a small fleet of marines, and he turns the Fidelitas Lex back towards Colchis. The ship is basically silent the entire time. the legion had actually begun warming up to her quite a bit, and to see their Primarch in shambles (held together for now but he's clearly cracking at the seams), it turns them all into angry, vengeful, mourning astartes; Ones eager to act upon their Primarch's orders for retribution.
When he gets back, Kor Phaeron or Erebus, perhaps both, would find it key to quickly redirect Lorgar to whoever the 'murderer' is. If they can't and Lorgar figures out it was them, I imagine it would take quite a bit for them to convince him to not wipe the floor with their heads. Though I doubt they'd be able to, given his extremely mercurial nature.
The Word Bearers end up in shames, and it's unknown if they'll ever truly recover. The other legions can only watch on and take heed.
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spiralgirlblu · 11 months
When Janice got home Thursday night after a nine hour day at work, she was surprised to see two other cars in his driveway, as only her husband should be there. She grabbed her work bag and went inside, expecting their normal Thursday night couples dinner night. She had chosen tortellini alfredo for her meal this week, which is her favorite meal, and she had been very excited about her husband’s cooking, since she normally made them dinner.
It was also a big surprise to her when she walked inside and there was no smell of cooking roaming through the house, the table was not set, and her husband was nowhere in sight. She wandered through the first floor and there was no sign of Jeff. She checked the basement to the same result. As she went upstairs to check their bedroom, she was very curious where her husband could be.
As she opened her bedroom door, she was met with a sight that truly scared her. Her husband was fully clothed between another woman's legs who she had never met. She stopped herself from fainting just in time, then yelling “Jeffery, what the fuck?!”
Her husband seemed completely uninterested in her, keeping his head buried in the mystery slut’s cunt. 
Then the woman who was dominating her husband's attention spoke to me. “Don’t be too upset with your Jeff, Janice. He didn't choose to be my obedient servant. No, I just have something of a disease… power…virus… curse? whatever it is. Although… he did cheat on you, and you're not going to like who it was with either.”
Janice was in tears, anger seething, shown vividly by her expression. “Jeff.. didn't… No… what’d you do to him?! He’s not right.” Her hands balled into fists, a bad answer sure to set her off onto a physical rampage.
 The woman smiled, moaning before continuing. “Well it's not what I did to him, it's what I did to your next door neighbors. Sweet little Erica had gotten her husband's permission to try sleeping with another woman since she hadn’t yet in her life. Well lets just say…”
Janice cut her off. “Enough out of you bitch. If I have to kill you to make you stop I will.” And with that, she lunged at the intruder. 
Just before she got close to the two, she heard her enemy say the words that struck fear into her soul: “Mistress Delaney’s Slut.” Janice instantly ground to a pace like she was going through molasses. The only thing that kept her awake and standing was her heated passion, slowly pushing forward.
“Wow, a strong one. Stop, Jeff. We have something more interesting.” the naked woman walked up to her slowed thrall and started to feel her up. “Still fighting huh? This is new, maybe Jeff couldn’t program you right. I’ll have to punish him for that. Earth to Jan, can ya hear me, slut?”
“Yes…… you…… bitch…” she responded, still trying to fight off the foreign feeling of being stuck and not moving freely.
“FREEZE Janice!” Instantly her body got locked in place below the neck, like all the molasses around her froze and she was stuck still inside of it. “Aw, there she is. Got that one right. Let me tell you how my… infection works. Anyone I have sex with, when I cum the first time, their brain goes completely numb and it's ready to be programmed. But the best part is, I figured out all my cum slaves share my infection, and can program whoever they fuck too.”
Janice was more than just stuck in place, she was now also frozen in fear. If what this bitch- Delaney- was saying was true, how many people was she in control of.
“Hey Jeff, bend your wife over the bed and fuck her while we talk. Don't cum til I say honey.” Delaney snapped her fingers, and Jeff snapped into place immediately.
“Yes, my love.” Jeff grabbed his wife by the hair and threw her down, draped over the very bed he fucked her on last night. He ripped her pants apart and quickly started pounding her.
In Janice’s sexual daze, she vaguely heard Delaney talking to her. “I’ll save you the whole story. So I had sex with your neighbor and programmed her that day, and then when she had sex with her husband, more of the same. I had them become the swingers of the block, slowly infecting the rest of your neighbors into more and more of my sex slaves. I only had your house and one more left before yesterday.”
Janice had heard everything her lover… her assailant had said to her, and a part of her was scared of what she had heard already. Unfortunately, that part of her had no control over her body, and was completely covered by the sex crazed demon inside of her.
“Your husband realized and wanted to be their little sex pet of the night, too bad my virus broke him completely. Who knew that two of my infectedss’ cum would melt someone’s brain that thoroughly. Well then he took you last night, I’m just here to finish the job. Fun right?” She giggled, rubbing herself inches from her face. “If you’re ready to give in, give my pussy a lick.”
It didn’t even take Janice a second to take to licking her lover’s slit. Then she heard another set of important words from above her. “Jeff, cum!” And the second her husband unloaded his jizz into her, her world started to fade to black. Right before she went fully out, she heard her lover-Miss Delaney- say “Now let’s see what you two can do about finishing the block for me.”
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
gosh im such a huge fan of your warlord!sanji au esp all the wonderful angst recently <3 is there anything you have to share abt these executions, failed or successful? the pain is delicious >:)
i adore all of ur work so very much ^^ thank u!!
I'm glad you're enjoying everything so far! There is more in the works, for many people to parent Sanji.
Like, they've probably talked about this very frankly growing up with Sanji. He's already guilty by association so becoming a pirate is the worst thing he could have done and then his parents turned against the government or got sent to Impel Down by him and his crew? Sanji would be the first thought of execution by the government, with how interwoven the cook is into piracy and some of the top pirates in the world.
As for the executions? I had a thought, since the warlords and Luffy saved Ace(they still have scars, just no death) I thought about Sanji's execution where they do make it but Sanji's smiling at them, all of them, blood dribbling out of his mouth as he collapses lifeless on the platform. Or Someone gets him out and Sanji can feel the heat from Akainu's lava fast approaching and turns just in time to lose his hands and maybe his life, blinking at the admiral as people scream.
Maybe they get the whole family up there? Jinbei and Sanji went missing and all of a sudden there's a news article about Sanji, Jinbei, and the others' execution. All lined up and put to death with seastone bullets, or injured heavily. But either way no one ever really recovers from it. Mihawk who was supposed to die by Zoro's blades. Boa who was supposed to die of old age because almost everyone fell in love with her. Jinbei watching everything he's worked for backslide. Doffy who thought he would die by his kid's hands or Law's. Crocodile who was supposed to amass so much wealth he and the others could retire without worry. Sanji who was supposed to find the All Blue and open a restaurant.
Imagine if everyone was there? The White Beard fleet, Luffy and his volunteer fleet, Shanks and his crew, Perona, Law and his crew? Just everyone trying to get to the execution platform and save them. Sanji gives Luffy his biggest smile and thanks him, asks him to find the All Blue for him, and then just slumps forward after a bullet exits the front of his skull. His parents follow one by one as Luffy screams as he loses his cook and his helmsman. Loses his friends and family.
As a sanlu truther through and through Luffy watches the love of his life die and after whatever war happens, as they all leave to recuperate. Luffy is shattered and nothing is helping. Shanks, Ace, maybe Sabo is there but nothing is working until Zoro grabs Luffy and asks him if this is what the cook would want. They have to fulfill his dream too now and Zoro will make sure they do if Luffy can't. Luffy nods and wipes his face. Perona says she'll help, Sanji was her baby brother after all. Then everyone realizes they watched the cook and his family die one by one.
Or maybe they save one warlord. Doflamingo goes on a crazed rampage because of his child and then just shuts down after they leave, just a complete dissociative state. Boa who sobs as she takes out marine after marine and can't stop. Crocodile who doesn't shed a tear and kills quickly, not in a rampage but methodically and pats Perona as she looks at him with tears. Jinbei gets everyone out quickly and safely, he watches the waves in silence. Mihawk who kills efficiently and with no mercy and then Shanks asks why he's crying because he hasn't seen Mihawk in years and didn't know. Mihawk blinks and touches his face to feel the wetness.
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