#and now they’ll be there but yk how it is……
hobismilitarywife · 2 years
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godofstupidsentences · 6 months
I have SO MANY THOUGHTS about the new heartbreak high s2 trailer
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robiinurheart33 · 1 month
Johnny gets ghost a tiktok for the very first time and the first thing he sends him is a video of two butterflies circling each other.
Us <3
Ghost is understandably confused.
Those are butterflies.
No that’s us
That’s the concept of us yk
Those butterflies remind me of the both of us
I think I get it.
Soap highly doubts he does, but Ghost proves him wrong the next day, when he sends Johnny a video of two seagulls fighting for a piece of food and texting:
Look, it’s you and Garrick.
It’s not even online too, whenever Ghost and Soap are deployed together or when they’re outside, Ghost will find something that represents the both of them, or the people around them. They’ve turned it into a little game of sorts, actively looking around their environment for things to compare themselves with.
Two uneven rocks leaning against each other. “Look, that’s us.”
The shared mass hall microwave exploding because some recruit thought it was a great idea to place a whole fish in there. “That’s Price.”
A kite getting stuck in a tree. “Me for real.”
Most of all though, they’ll be pointing out things that remind them of themselves. Clouds, cats, plants, any inanimate objects they see that reminds them of themselves, they’ll just point it out. It’s proven to be incredibly adorable, but it also gives Ghost a little more insight on how Johnny looks at the world. He really looks at his environment now, actively seeking out anything that could resemble their relationship. The trees are a little brighter, the sky a prettier shade of blue, the sound of a certain someone’s laughter sweeter than anything else in the world.
It’s no secret that Soap means everything to Ghost. But Ghost doesn’t know if Soap feels the same way. Soap has so many people in his life that love him, appreciate him for who he is and what he stands for. He could bend the whole world to his knees if he wanted to. Ghost has no one except Johnny. And for a while, that thought scared him. But now it feels like he has the whole world, because he has Johnny.
He loves his quirks and how his little mind works. He loves that Johnny thinks about him in his day to day life. Ghost loves Johnny, and Johnny loves Ghost. It’s that simple. He doesn’t know when it all suddenly became so clear, that his feelings had suddenly felt so much lighter, but he knows it’s all because of him.
Johnny, who sends him a TikTok at 3am captioned: it’s you and me!
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catscidr · 18 days
// what's the difference between scotch and whisky anyways //
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i. note — /edit/ i said i would fix the formatting later and Now is later hi hellooo. sorry for not posting, i suddenly couldnt bring myself to write for more than five minutes at a time lmaoa ദ്ദി ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ) but i hope the dottore enjoyers like this at the very least. rn im working on chapter 3 of fbbts and a darker, separate dottore/reader one shot and a couple of jjk fics if anyone would even be interested in reading them lol. but in the meantime, here's drunken shenanigans ft everyone's favorite war criminal ii. includes — dottore x gn!reader, webttore (beta) and omega cameos. various mentioned harbingers iii. cw — fluff, crack sorta, alcohol stuff, dottore is ooc because he's Not Sober, everyone is clingy. fun stuff yk iv. wc — 3,5k -> ao3 link
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It’s a popular stereotype that Snezhnayans are heavy drinkers, but the fact lies within the fatui. They’re shameless; whether it’s showing up to work inebriated or drinking on the job, they’ll hold onto the ‘snezhnayans have a high alcohol tolerance’ stereotype with clenched fists and a bottle at their lips. 
However, that fact only applies to the lackeys—agents that are stationed for hours on end without a break, agents that, at times, need liquid courage to face the horrors that come with the job. The Harbingers are an entirely different case. 
They balance each other, in a way. Where Tartaglia can down three shots of fire water and come out virtually unscathed, Damselette would rather not be caught within a hundred meters of a drop of alcohol. Where The Knave occasionally enjoys a glass of wine in her office, The Balladeer sneers at the choice of drink. 
None came together to go out for drinks, if not because of their job taking up a lot of time out of their days. No, none of the Harbingers were really close enough to let themselves be seen so vulnerable, if one dared drink themselves to the point of being unable to walk in a straight line. 
Thus, there had only been rumors circulating the halls of Zapolyarny palace. Hushed speculations spoken between coworkers, told with an air of excitement. No one has ever seen their Lords in a state other than wholly glorious, so it’s only human nature to wonder just what they would be like if their dignity were knocked down a peg—how they would be if they indulged in simple human vices. 
There are two kinds of Harbingers; ones that lack any rumors about their drinking habits, and ones that are so intriguing that if you were to strike up a conversation with a fatui agent, you would start theorizing about what kind of drunk they’re like before saying hello. Tartaglia and The Knave are part of the former, along with The Rooster and The Fair Lady. The latter consists of (unsurprisingly) The Balladeer, our sweet Damselette, and the two big shots at the top. 
Rumors of The Captain’s drinking habits are usually quite short-lived. People either have too much respect for him to speculate about something as childish as how he acts when he’s had too much to drink, or fear him too much to risk spreading rumors. 
But regarding The Doctor... 
It’s no secret that, even if he is eccentric and has a penchant for unconventional research methods, he has quite the loyal following. Agents will rally to defend him if they hear anyone slandering him, insisting that he’s reasonable and logical. ‘If you simply do your job, you have nothing to worry about’ is what they’d say. 
Although he’s amassed his fair share of fans within the fatui, they’re unlike The Captain’s loyal following; The Doctor’s subordinates are the first to whisper theories about their boss’ drinking habits. He’s only part human now, so maybe alcohol doesn’t affect him the way it does normal people like Tartaglia. Oh, but he seems the type to need to unwind occasionally, so maybe he has a secret stash of wine somewhere in his office? What if, in his free time, he creates various concoctions and cocktails to drink? 
Seeing as he understands science deeper than anyone else, mixology should be a walk in the park for a scientist as lucrative as him. 
“Shouldn’t you be working?” 
The glare sent your way is nothing short of vicious. There stood in front of you one of his segments, the one with the infamous short fuse. “Why are you here?” 
You internalize the sigh you want to let out, deciding against making him mad when it seems he can’t even stand straight for longer than a few seconds. 
“Lord Pantalone dismissed me early.” You strategically omit why he let you go in the first place. “Where’s Prime?” 
As per anything retaining to Il Dottore, your relationship was unconventional at best. The term closest to what you were, if you wanted to describe said relationship, would be lovers—but... not quite? Still. Neither you nor Dottore cared enough to put a clear label on it, so you’ve resorted to letting people speculate— it can be quite entertaining to listen to people guess while being loud and wrong, anyways. 
You used to work under him as one of his many researchers. When you both started taking your relationship seriously, he threw in the idea of promoting you to being his personal assistant; that way he could (give you special treatment) have someone more competent than his last assistant take care of “menial tasks” like his tedious paperwork. 
You refused the generous offer, insisting that it would be unprofessional to work under him as his partner. After many late-night discussions (and stubborn headbutting of differing opinions) you both have come to an agreement in which you would work for Lord Pantalone as a financial planner. 
(You finally managed to convince him by bringing up how you could, hypothetically, pull some strings on your end in his favor—that you could persuade Pantalone to allot more funding for his research. If he had any shame left, it would have been embarrassing how quickly he shook your hand to accept your conditions.) 
Now, while you spent most of your time in an office in The Regrator’s office building near the Palace, you occasionally came by to drop off documents. Of course, you would use your short trips as an excuse to go see Dottore (even if you could do so at any time anyways, given how much authority he had.) 
However, sometimes you just want to work. 
You’ll leave the comfort of your cubicle to go see him and the extensions of himself, sure, but you still had a job to do. Papers piled up, clients grew impatient, and even your boss wasn’t immune to their nasty attitude whenever he held a meeting with a particularly irritating client. Thus, sometimes you wished you could truly focus, lose track of time and work until your wrist forced you to take a break. 
This wouldn't happen today, clearly. Seeing as one of Dottore’s lackeys rushed to your office to bring you to the Haeresys, you most likely won’t be seeing your desk until further notice. 
Now you were stuck with a cryptic Beta, trying your best to use what little knowledge about the clones’ machinery you managed to wring out of your stubborn lover. 
“Where’s Prime?” You run a hand over your wrinkled coat sleeve, keeping your voice calm and steady. Patient, else you’d be subjected to the segment’s indignation. 
You sigh. Is he a scientist or a child? “You do know. Where is he?” 
“I told you I don’t know!” He throws his hands up, accidentally striking his mask in the way—effectively leaving it to rest at an angle on his face. Most of his mouth showed now, instead of the half you’re used to seeing. And the holes for the eyes don’t quite go where they should... 
Blinking, you take in the sight in front of you while he calms down. His crimson eyes were glassy, and his lips formed a permanent pout, vastly out of character for a segment that supposedly represented The Doctor at the most volatile stage of his life. Azure locks curled around his cheeks, though they were usually tucked out of the way. His clothes were all wrinkled, in a way that left you wondering if you shouldn’t tend to him instead. Dealing with his attitude is annoying, but it’ll be amusing to think about later, I guess. 
“Do you really not know...?” 
“Then, do you know why I was called to the lab?” 
“No. Yes... probably not. Uh,” he crosses his arms over his chest and loses his balance for just a second, “I think I do.” 
You raise an inquisitive brow, silently encouraging him to continue. 
“Give me a second.” Beta shuts his eyes, shoulders slumping. His mask was still crooked—you had half a mind to fix it, but held back the twitch in your fingers. After a few seconds he pipes up, uncrossing his arms to reach out to you. 
The segment grabs your wrist and drags you into the hallways of the Palace, ignoring your yelp of surprise and the stares of various agents lingering in the halls. You pass by ornate statues and paintings, the sight more unfamiliar than not. 
“Beta, where are we-” 
“Hush, I can’t walk when you’re talking my ear off.” 
...Right. Something is definitely wrong. 
After about five minutes of running around like headless chickens you tug your arm back, making Beta turn around indignantly. You lift your hands up in front of you before he can speak. 
“Did you mean to bring me to Lady Signora’s office?” you ask, lips curled up into a small smile seeing his mask still laid crooked on his face. With a gentle hand you fix it, cold fingers grazing his burning cheek. 
Beta’s brows furrow as he avoids your gaze, huffing dramatically. Poor guy, you mused. 
“Alright, let’s go to the lab, then. He must be there, right? Where was Prime last time you saw him?” 
“...his office, probably,” he murmurs. 
With a nod and a smile akin to someone doing some gentle parenting, you place a hand on his back and help guide him to Haeresys. The stairs were hard to walk down, but with just a bit of patience and a bit of Beta clutching your arm while shouting that you were trying to assassinate him, you make it down in one piece. 
You remove your gloves and place your palm into the scan, then input the lengthy password to open the laboratory’s large doors. They slide open, revealing the absence of normal researchers and noise. You spot Omega standing over the remains of a ruin machine with a clipboard in his hands and look back towards Beta. 
“Go sit, I’ll go ask Omega about Prime’s whereabouts.” 
The clone nods, trudging his legs along to lay down on the leather couch tucked away in the lab. 
As you put away your large coat and hang it up in the small rack near the doors and make your way towards Omega, you notice the slow rhythm of his handwriting—when he’s usually seemingly speedrunning writing down notes, he’s now leisurely writing away, unaware of your presence. 
The latter turns to you, masking his surprise with a small smile instead. “My dear,” he practically purrs, putting away the clipboard in a swift movement, placing the pen in his coat pocket. 
“I was alerted that something was... off, with Prime. Do you know where he is?” 
And where you thought Omega would pick up on Beta’s lack of decorum, you were sorely mistaken. The clone walks up to you with that same smile brightening his features, placing both hands on your shoulders oh so gently. 
“He’s in his office. But enough about him, I haven’t seen you in a while, beloved. Why must you keep me away from you?” he muses, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. You tilt your head to avoid being stabbed by his mask’s beak, raising your hands to press against his chest to make some distance. The action proved to be futile, of course. 
We saw each other yesterday, you murmur. “I’m sorry, I’ll get back to you in a moment, alright?” You offer him a warm smile in hopes that he’ll listen, seeing as he seemed to be quite... mushy. 
It works, and he lets you go with a curt nod, retreating to go... somewhere. You didn’t linger around long enough to figure it out, since you knew where to go now. 
Walking across the lab, you note how things seemed to be more out of place than usual. It couldn’t have been a researcher, they always had to clean up after themselves, courtesy of their boss. So, the mess had to be caused by them... 
You finally stand in front of his door, raising a fist to knock. A yelp leaves you as you’re whisked away, the door slamming shut just as quickly as it swung open. 
“Can you fucking believe how inept these agents are? They dare speak to me with such disrespect after delivering the lousiest job I’ve ever seen.” Dottore rambles, pulling you deeper into his office. You observe the state of his workspace, namely the papers scattered onto the ground and the... bottlecap on the floor, right next to his trashcan filled with crumpled up paper...? 
“Showing up in the lab with their damn hands empty save for the half empty bottle of scotch they tried to hide. Idiots were too shitfaced to notice how I noticed.” 
“Okay, Dottore, what are you-” 
He gestures wildly as he speaks, his hands the only way for you to read him as his mask hid most of his features. The blue lines taunt you; though you’re tempted to take it off, you feel like he might just lunge at you if you did. 
“And then they had the gall to insist that the bottle was theirs when I confiscated it.” Dottore pushes you down to sit on the couch, a small oof leaving you in consequence. “Anything that enters this fucking lab belongs to me, I’m the boss, I decide what flies and what does not.” 
Absolutely unaware of your muffled giggles as you piece things together, he keeps ranting, turning his back to you as he stomps away towards his desk. “Not to mention these damn lackeys have had multiple warnings up until now,” he spits out. “Lord Harbinger, we’re sorry! We’ll clean up the lab to make up for this offense! Lord Harbinger, it won’t happen again! Who do they take me for, a moron?!” 
The higher pitch he uses to imitate (and make fun of) the agents almost makes you lose it. But you keep your composure, sitting demurely, listening. 
Dottore comes back with a bottle in hand, orange liquid swirling around the thick glass as he stumbles closer to where you sat. He joins you without warning, creating a dip in the sofa next to you—almost forcing you to lean onto him for support. His free arm drapes over the back as he sighs loudly, making you stifle a laugh behind your hand. 
A pregnant pause stretches between the two of you as his anger simmers down to embers. You lean forward, attempting to take a look at the label on the bottle in his hand. 
“What’re you holding there, love?” you ask sweetly. Glancing up you’re able to steal a peek at his eyes from underneath his dark mask—Archons was he absolutely gone. 
It takes him a second to respond, almost as if he forgot you were even there in the first place. 
“I thought it was scotch.” 
“Same thing.” 
“No it isn’t.” 
“Yes it is.” 
“No it’s n-” 
“It is.” 
Maybe it wasn't the brightest thing to do, messing with him while he’s this inebriated. But it sure was entertaining. 
“Alright. Well, how much did you drink?” 
“A sip or two.” 
As if on cue, he brings the bottle up to his lips and takes a swig. Your grin widens, thoroughly entertained by the show; who else had the privilege of seeing The Doctor so drunk he could barely formulate something that made sense? 
You bring his attention back on you as you place a hand on his knee, leaning close. Dottore immediately snaps into place, gaze flickering down to your lips from the proximity. 
With a swift hand you grab the scotch from his hands, inspecting the amount still left in the bottle. If he said it was half empty when he confiscated it, then... 
“Dearest, did you drink a quarter of this bottle?” You're not even supposed to drink it straight from the bottle, either is what you wished to add, but seeing how defensive he was already, you figured it would just make things more complicated than they needed to be.
As if stung by the Tsaritsa’s delusion, he immediately stiffens and defends himself. “I did not, I told you I only had a sip.” 
The way his bottom lip jutted out was almost cute, if you dared to describe him in such a way. Compliments could wait though; you had answers to seek. 
“Mhm, a sip. Well,” you put the bottle down on a coaster on the coffee table and turn to face him properly, “what happened to the segments? They’re all a little... woozy.” Your fingers trail his arm, tracing circles in their wake. 
Dottore swallows, Adam's apple bobbing as he opens his mouth to speak. “We’re connected, albeit loosely. They could be affected by the few sips of scotch I drank, though I would have some work cut out for me if that were the case. I can’t let them be so weak after all.” 
The way he spoke sounded, for lack of better words, pouty. 
Was he... sulking? 
“And since we’re connected, I know you spoke to Beta ‘n Omega earlier.” 
He most definitely is. He's even slurring his words, now...
“Yeah? I was asking them where you were so I could check up on you, baby.” You chuckle softly, taking the liberty of putting his mask away. Bright, glassy red eyes stare down into you, and you hold back the urge to smother his face in kisses. 
“You didn’t have to talk to them, you could have just asked me.” 
“I was looking for you, so I couldn’t have.” 
“Why not?” 
You scoff, smiling as you adjust yourself on the couch. Dottore notices and takes the liberty of pushing you down, laying his head down so his ear is on your chest, cheek pressed up into you. “I’m sorry, I’ll ask you next time,” you respond. 
That satisfies him, enough to render him silent for a handful of seconds before he speaks up again. 
“...I need to get back to work,” he huffs. 
You bring a hand up and run it through his disheveled locks, careful not to tug at the small knots in the hair at the back of his neck. Twirling the hair of his mullet you hum, noting how his weight seemed to grow heavier as the seconds passed. No way is he going to get any work done if he falls asleep here. 
“Take a break, you deserve it. In the meantime, you can think of a suitable way to punish those stupid agents from earlier, right?” 
A quiet hum is all you get in response. You look down expecting to see his unnerving red eyes to be staring up at you, but you’re met with the sight of his features completely lax instead. Azure hair pools around his face, settling on your chest where his face rose in time with your breaths. 
You would have dimmed the lights and turned off his computer if you knew he was going to keep you hostage on the couch. Though you can’t really complain at the turn of events; it’s rare for Dottore to be the one to initiate skinship in the relationship. 
It was quiet, but you managed to hear the low dear? that left his lips. You hum, not wanting to speak as to not break the quiet atmosphere lulling you to a sense of peace. 
After a minute of silence, you decide to repeat yourself—this time a little louder than before. “What is it?” 
Another minute passes, just as quiet as the last. The sound of his slow, deep breaths fills the room, accompanied by the low scratches of your nails on his scalp. His hair parts where your fingers tread through it, and you quietly note that you should trim his hair soon. 
Il Dottore’s poor alcohol tolerance will always be a mystery to the public, because there’s no way you would ever let anyone in on the way he cuddles up to you when he’s had too much to drink. 
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can you pls do a hobie brown x Male reader? Like yk how every Spider-Man has like a Gwen or an mj and all the other spiderman ask hobie like “what abt you do you have a gwen or mj?” And he introduces his bf to them?
Pairing: Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) x male!reader
Requested: yes / no
Warnings: ///
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I'm finally getting back into the mood to write again. This is the first x reader I've written since a long time but I'm always happy to get requests to better myself
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“Aaand MJ and Mayday are finally back home” Peter said when walking back into the main hall to look at his team members. “But she really liked finally meeting all of you. Even you, Miguel.”
Hobie looked over at Miguel with a slight smirk, watching how Miguel clearly seemed unhappy with this whole situation. But it wasn’t like he could stop Peter at this point. He brought his daughter to work here so why not his wife too? At least for a visit. 
“We’re not going to make a habit out of getting visitors here, understand?” Miguel spoke in a stern tone. 
“I think we should do quite the opposite. Get more visitors”, Peter grinned, now finally turning to Hobie. “I mean you haven’t brought anyone over yet. You got a MJ or Gwen?”
Hobie let out a scoff. Most people seemed to be having a MJ, or even a Gwen, even if that one seemed to be working out less. He still shook his head. “No MJ or Gwen. I have a (y/n).”
Miles now also moved closer. “(y/n)? Who’s that?”
Apparently this was a community meeting now since Gwen sat down with them too. “Are we talking about (y/n)? He’s Hobie’s boyfriend. The absolute coolest really. We played the drums together one time and–”
“You got a boyfriend? How didn’t we know that before?”
Hobie shrugged. “You didn’t ask.”
“You gotta invite him.”
“Didn’t you just hear how I told you that there shouldn’t be more visitors.” Miguel clearly looked annoyed with his colleagues.
“Well now I really have to get him.”, Hobie smirked.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You walked into the compound looking around, dozens of spider-people walking around everywhere. “You really didn’t overdo it, Hobie” you grin, while walking next to him. 
“When have I ever overdone anything, love?”, he smirked at you. “We’re almost there.”
“Gwen’s there too?”
“Gwen, Miles, Peter, Miguel, Pavitr probably. They have all been excited. Well most of them. I don’t think Miguel ever gets excited.”, he looked over when he realised you were slowing down a bit. “You don’t gotta be nervous. They’ll love you. And if they don’t it’s their loss”
You nodded, but still grabbed his hand before you two entered the room together. It was almost a comfort to have him this close. And it was almost a comfort that he didn’t seem to mind. He never said anything about it, he didn’t judge you for anything. 
The only person you recognized in the room was Gwen who immediately ran over to you. 
“(y/n)! Good to see you!”, she grinned, giving you a classic fistbump. “Come on. You gotta meet the rest”, she said, pulling you along.
“Hey Gwen. Try not to steal my boyfriend.” Hobie just chuckled, just walking after you two. It wasn’t like he wasn’t used to you stealing everyones attention wherever you went, even if you didn’t mean to. He couldn’t quite blame anyone for being fascinated by you either. 
Every day he looked at you, he fell in love all over again. You once asked him if he didn’t get tired of that one point but he had just shaken his head before saying ‘How could I ever get tired of you?’
And now all of that proved itself true again. You, Pavitr, Gwen and Miles had hunched over in a corner, snickering about something for the first part of your meeting. He was glad you got along with everyone so quickly.
With Peter it was easy too, even if the amount of Baby pictures he tried to show you was almost concerning. You handled it well though. And then it was time for the big boss fight. Miguel, who had menacingly stood in the corner the whole time, watching closely so you didn’t touch anything.
“If you manage to keep him under control I don’t have anything against you being here from time to time.”, Miguel simply said.
“I don’t keep him under control. No one can do that, trust me.”, you grinned, looking over at your boyfriend. Sure he was chaotic, constantly getting the both of you in trouble but honestly? “I wouldn’t have it any other way”, you lightly patted Miguel’s shoulder before moving back to Hobie. 
“Already done with meeting everyone?”
“You told me there was a cafeteria.”
“Now that’s what I like to hear.”
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pedal-writes · 11 months
Lloyd garmadon hcs (romantic & reg hcs)
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A/N: This is first post on here 😭 I’m super into ninjago right now so I might as well write abt it. And Lloyd is super pookie bear 🫶
-When you guys first start dating, Lloyd is a bit awkward since A. He’s never been in a legitimate relationship before and B. He has insane trauma from Harumi.
-But over time, he’ll start to warm up to you! You just gotta be patient with him.
-Loves to read comics with you, it’s such a guilty pleasure (and he’s a big nerd.)
-When he’s with you, he’s always holding your hand or resting his hand on your lower back. He’s protective in a casual way rather than a possessive way, yk?
-Very prone to venting to you.
-Every once in awhile, he takes you out in ninjago city for a date on a rooftop of a building. It’s not the best place for a date but he’s not much of a romantic. But he does try for you!
-Always takes care of you when you’re sick. He makes soup and tea for you, and sits by your side, holding your hand while talking about whatever.
-He’s such a cuddle bug!! He loves laying on your chest while you tangle your fingers in his hair. And vice versa.
-Loves to kiss you on your face, esp your cheek and your nose. Seeing your face get all blushy after he surprises you with a kiss really makes him happy.
-Feels a little self conscious around you about certain things, like his dad, his oni form, or the idea of being a master since those things bother him deeply. But a little reassurance and kind words from you will help his self esteem a ton.
-He likes it when you braid his hair or play with it in any way.
-If you’re up to it, lloyd loves training with you. He’ll go easy on you considering he doesn’t want to hurt you, but if he does he feels so bad 😭
-When you two are together, Kai will do EVERYTHING in his willpower to embarrass Lloyd for funsies.
-One time, he totally showed you a picture of when Lloyd was little and he had that atrocious bowl cut. Let’s just say Kai was locked out of the monastery for a good 3 days 😁
-Doesn’t use many nicknames but does like to use a shortened ver of your name, to keep it simple. But he doesn’t mind calling you “gorgeous” or “beautiful” once in awhile, since to him you definitely are.
-Misako and Wu would definitely love you immediately after Lloyd introduces you (more so misako), no questions asked.
-Garmadon though? It depends. If you get to know him a bit better, then he’ll probably warm up to you. He’s just a bit weary because of his trust issues.
-Kinda same with the Ninja honestly, but they’ll warm up to you super quick when they see how you treat lloyd and how happy you make him. They just want the best for him is all.
-Lloyd really values his hair, like a ton. He takes super good care of it. And I really like to think after the events of crystalized, he started to actually grow his hair out.
-And by the time of dragons rising, his hair is all the way down to his lower back (he puts it in a low ponytail most of the time for combat reasons.)
-He’s both Japanese and Chinese!
-Demiromantic/sexual and omnisexual!!
-Looked up to Nya as a mother figure when he was little, and still does. He loves misako so very much, but resents her deep down.
-Has a little stubble in DR, kinda canon but whatevs.
-Has a pretty good singing voice, but only really does it in private.
-Outside of his Gi, the clothes he usually wears is just a jacket, a t-shirt and jeans 😭 he has like 15 jackets in his closet (he’s just like me fr)
-Has scars like all over his body, and some on his face from like the millions of battles he’s been in.
-He’s a little chubby, but has pretty muscular arms (🤭)
-Lloyd has like small non-human features that nod to the fact that he’s half oni and dragon.
-Like pointy ears, sharp teeth, and slitted pupils.
-Still has an adoration for candy.
-Every once in awhile, he still heads to Ninjago Doomsday Comix to buy a new issue of a comic he likes.
-He would probably enjoy music like Radiohead or some other sad stereotypical man music.
A/N: I can’t think of much else but I hope you guys enjoyed these!! I’ll write at my own pace for a little bit and then I’ll open requests. I gotta make a carrd sometime soon lmfao 😭
( @weirdotaku1000 these are the hcs I was working on!!)
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coquettetoji · 10 months
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★ general toji hcs ★
— let’s just pretend in this world he doesn’t have a son to actually care for yk.
— biggest beefiest juiciest (ok i’m exaggerating) but holy shit this guy is huge. i’m talking mma boxer huge, he takes great pride in his physic. and is guilty of being a gym rat.
— cockiest mf ever but in a hot way, he does that cheek tongue thing unintentionally and omlllllll
— toji definitely wasn’t the smartest in school, neither math smart, science smart or reading smart. he fucked most of his teachers but i mean he passed?
— although he wasn’t very academically smart, his skill in business and negotiating led to him earning a high position for a large financial group. drugs like hand over that amex????
— drives a motorcycle, i’m thinking ducati, as a hobby. 😏😏
— smokes cigarettes and drinks, his fav is hennessy, but other than that he’s a clean man
— was an emo in highschool, we don’t talk about that though. and neither does he.
— multitudes of tattoos across his body, mainly on his chest and arms though.
— his dream job as a highschooler was to open a tattoo parlor. he was surprisingly a good artist when it came to sketches.
— silver chains and silver jewelry, he’s pale so his complexion matches the colors better.
— sarcastic humor that would make kids cry. this guy treats everyone the same as if they’ll understand his humor and that makes him not so great around kids
— has a soft spot for cats, really wants to have a kitten but won’t ever commit to it/taking care of it
— has every single dating app downloaded not to date but just to get validation from everyone who swiped right on him. (gets at minimum 83 swipes per day)
— speaking of, his most used apps on his phone are phone (calls), messages, and instagram to watch his instagram reels 😋
— respectful towards women. although he seems like a d bag he does know how to treat a lady right
— drives a blacked out mercedes benz s class, ofc with tinted windows in case of.. yeah
— the scar running from the middle of his cheek down the side of his lip is from a fight during high school that got violent, he won though don’t worry
— grey/silver/green eyes, with jet black hair. he was genuinely gifted with godly genetics
— when he does smile, his lip corners turn up sharply giving him that joker smile type of look, my legs are wide open
— the most laid back chill guy ever, he doesn’t take life seriously enough for him to actually give a fuck
—6’4. argue with the wall.
— his hands are huge and the veins 😩😩😫😩😫 HEHEHE
— wears black compression shirts or black t shirts with sweat pants all day everyday, it’s his signature look
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— he smells a bit like cigarettes and Maison Margiela Replica Jazz Club, just an overall eye rolling back into head type of scent
— makes dad jokes all the time minus the part of him being an actual dad
— played basketball growing up just in his neighborhood, was good enough to go pro but his grades were ass lol
— he listens to these actual underground rock bands that literally no one has heard of or the sports podcast on the radio like a true dad
— kinda behind on everything going on in the world right now, but it’s okay bc we love toji for it regardless
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💌 new message from mica ‧₊˚✧
my favorite incoming dilf with a midlife crisis 😫
honestly one of my fav boards yet, i tried so hard to find the perfect resemblance of toji and omg the scar too kinda works perfectly
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kamii-2 · 5 months
hii so as yk i wanted to make an requesttt. i wanna know if you can do ice brady hc (maybe a lil spicy iykyk)
i chose ice brady because i honestly because she’s literally so underrated i see no fics abt her and i feel like i need some(desperately)
its ok if u cant do it know js take ur time mll💋💋
love u smm have a amazing day ❤️❤️
hi lovelyyy, i love this request and i agree, ice is super underrated (she’s so fine omfg)
warning(s): cussing, smut
genre: fluff & smut
pairing(s): ice brady x reader
always making dirty jokes
like that one live where kk, paige, snd ice were talking about height and kk says that her and nika were face to face and ice goes “mouth to mouth.” 😭😭
big and little spoon, depends on the day
you guys barely ever get into arguments so when you do it’s bad
shes the type to say stuff that purposely makes you mad
a bully 😭
definitely scream sings dirty songs ALL THE TIME
like she will be in the kitchen and youll be in the bedroom and all you hear is her screaming the lyrics to all i need by lloyd
calls you names all the time
“okay little ugly.” “you tell me the opposite every day.”
records you eating and posts it with the big back audio
now every time you eat you hide from her 💀
lowkey (highkey) slow as hell
loves to facetime you when you can’t come over and play roblox
falls asleep on the phone every time you guys call
LOVES taking showers with you (in cute ways and in dirty ways)
dramatic as fuck
my blurb about ice being sick is a great example of her being dramatic 😭😭
tells you that she loves you before bed every night
loves kisses and hugs
“one more kiss?” “i just gave you like 4.” “well it’s an uneven number so-“
kk and paige are always with you guys
they’ll all come to your dorm, go to your room, then go live 😭
ice is the type of person to say “do you wanna fight” every chance she gets
“no.” “do you wanna fight?” “let’s go then.” and you stand up and she starts screaming before your even do anything
takes absolutely nothing seriously
sends you tiktoks all day long
you guys make tiktoks together all the time
lazy and only does stuff if you give her things in return
“can you do the dishes?” “not unless i get something in return.” “like what?” “head.” “ice.”
posts you on her instagram story all the time
smut hcs
i don’t see her degrading you in bed, like making fun of you as a joke yea but never calling you a slut
she loves giving praises
telling you how good you’re doing and stuff like that
absolute clown
if you wear glasses and they fall off while you guys are fucking she will play around and put them on
same thing goes for lashes 😭 like if they fall off she jsut puts them on your body some where
and if you wear wigs and it comes off, guess what … she wears it
ice is definitely a switch
shower sex is 😩
she doesn’t really care for toys
you guys have a strap and vibrator but use them every once and a while
loves edging you and getting edged
def has a sex playlist
dirtiest of dirty talkers
like nobody has talked to you the way she does
takes pictures of you guys fucking and has an album in her phone full of them
fucking everywhere but the bedroom
car, bathroom, restaurant, anywhere
ice is always horny 😭 especially at night
sends dirty messages all day long
she also sends those red thoughts tiktok videos (pls tell me yk what im talking about)
she loves when you eat her out
her moans are actually angelic
thinks scissoring is too much work so she never does it 😭😭
when she uses the strap she doesn’t hold back
tells you have much she loves you as she fucks you
loves to make you squirt
i hope you enjoyed, anyway i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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roturo · 1 year
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lovers to exes to lovers, smut, breeding kink, name calling, possessive behavior, and more yk.
Loving Gojo Satoru had always come with its challenges. He was a Jujutsu Sorcerer, an unstoppable force, and his unwavering devotion to his duty often left you feeling like an afterthought. Lately, however, something had shifted, and the cracks in your relationship had grown wider. His once frequent messages had become rare, and the days between your meetings felt like an eternity– It was as though Gojo had become a ghost, lost in the relentless warfare against the curses that plagued the world.
"Gojo, we need to talk," you started, your tone dripping with resentment.
He raised an eyebrow– the use of his last name instead of his name or any nicknames making the air thickening with tension. "Alright, what's eating you up babycakes?" His teasing attitude never leaves him, someway always making you feel comforted by it.
You took a deep breath, struggling to keep your emotions in check. "I can't do this, Gojo. I can't be in a relationship where I'm constantly fighting for your attention, where I feel like I'm not enough." 
"What do you mean by that?" He scoffed, his eyes narrowing. "I have responsibilities, you know that."  He couldn’t believe you’re being serious, you always knew how important work is for him in these moments. "Come on, it's not that big of a deal."
Your anger flared, and your voice rose. "Not that big of a deal? It's been weeks since we had a decent conversation, and I haven't seen you in ages! Do you even care about us anymore?"
He crossed his arms, frustration etching his features. "You're overreacting, as usual. I'm doing my job, protecting people from curses. It's not personal."
You clenched your fists, feeling like you were about to explode. "It is personal, Gojo- We- Shit.. Our relationship is personal, and you're treating it like it's nothing! I can't do this anymore."
The tension hung heavily in the air as Gojo stared at you, his expression a mixture of frustration and disbelief. The love that once united you now felt like a distant memory, replaced by the searing anger of a relationship on the brink of collapse.
Gojo's expression hardened, and he took a step closer, his voice lowering dangerously. "You don't understand the dangers I face every day, the lives at stake. You're being selfish, demanding my attention when I have more important things to worry about."
Your anger flared, and you stepped forward to meet him. "Selfish? You're the one who's being selfish, Gojo! You're using your duty as an excuse to push me away, to avoid dealing with our problems."
He clenched his fists at his sides, his eyes blazing. "Maybe you're right, maybe we should just end this."
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Weeks turned into months, and life without Gojo Satoru had become a strangely bittersweet existence. The initial days were a whirlwind of emotions, a mixture of relief and sorrow. You no longer felt the weight of his absence, but the void he left behind was undeniable.
At first, you struggled with the solitude, the quiet nights where his laughter used to fill the space, and the empty side of the bed that seemed to taunt you with memories. It was as if you had lost a part of yourself, and the healing process felt agonizingly slow. You tried meeting new people, but everything fell into broken pieces.
Shoko decided to invite you to a party to close those wounds, never expecting they’ll be fixed up in another way.  The second you lay eyes on him your heart sinks. His bright blue eyes behind those small black glasses forming little crescents, his pouty lips curled up in an amused smile, his moles sitting on the side of his face. After that long, you would have thought that you had forgotten such details about him but you didn’t.
His smile faded when he noticed how long you stared. You locked eyes with him and somehow it felt different… Somehow you felt like you were going to be alright… Somehow you felt at home…
"You want something to drink?"
The sudden voice of your best friend woke you up from the staring fight between the handsome guy seated at the couch and your broken heart coming alive again. "Uh- Wha?- Yeah… Vodka is okay." Everything felt unreal, like it was a dream.
Shoko came back but couldn’t find you anywhere to be found. You thought that it would have been awkward that you wouldn’t know what to say but… The truth was that you didn’t need to say anything. You already spent hours speaking already. It was like you already said all the words in the world. And no words could ever make it right anyway. What was done was done and reality can’t be sugar coated anymore.
"I know you would come back for more baby-"
"No-" you lifted your hand to stop him. "Don’t. All I know is if I walk out that door again, I would be coming back for more again and again… So let this be the last time."  But before you can open your mouth to say anything he crashes his trembling lips on yours. Trying so hard not to cry too. But the truth is that he missed you just as much.
You found yourself at his bed again.. at his mercy again. "I’m so sorry babycakes, please, let me show you how much you mean to be." When he pulls away to look at you, his eyes translate a thousand emotions. Guilt, sadness, remorse and maybe, just maybe, even love. Or maybe you only want to see that in his eyes.
This was against his life plans, against his priorities. But Gojo himself just knew that he wanted you. And that he didn’t want to let you go ever again, especially not to another guy. It was then when he realized that letting you go was probably the biggest mistake he had made in his young life so far. He realized you were his more important prioritie, he would kill the higher-ups if he needed to fuck- the entire world if you asked him too, all to have you in his arms again.
His hands vanished under your shirt, making their way up with the light fabric between his fingers, then taking it off entirely. You wouldn’t ask anything anymore. Even if this was only a one time thing, if it made you that happy only for a few moments after sorrowful past weeks, then you were willing to take everything that came after.
"I missed… this… so much…" he murmured against our skin when he kissed down to your cleavage.
Taking off your bra with one fluid motion, Gojo wanted to work on your breasts when he suddenly stopped.
You got scared that he’d interrupt everything he had just begun and just walk out of the door, but the thought was pushed aside quickly when he laid his mouth on your left nipple, cupping it with his wet lips.
"You had another man kiss your body?..." Gojo suddenly asked, pulling on your sensitive tip with his teeth.
"Ah!” you yelped. "Wha—" What is he talking about?
"Apparently no. Good."
He grinned before he left butterfly kisses on the breast he had just bruised like he wanted to apologize, making you shiver in pleasure. Rubbing his thumb around the right peak, he was grinding against your hips. You quickly got wet all over before he suddenly grabbed your other breast tightly, crushing his lips onto it like he had just discovered something he had never seen before.
"Gojo–!" You squealed. 
It wasn’t painful at all for you, it was only surprising. But he just smirked against your skin, moving his tongue around your nipple, sucking and licking on it.
"Who am I?" he suddenly asked, bringing his head back up to your face again.
"What?" you breathed.
"What’s my name?"
"Sa…toru…?" It was more of a question than a confident answer.
"Yes, and I am the one who is doing this to you. The only one. Don’t you dare to forget it."
" ‘Toru, what are you…?!"
He unbuttoned your pants, removing them along with your panties before undressing himself entirely and tossing all clothes aside. Gojo  then pressed his length against your entrance as he laid himself back on top of you, sliding his hard-on up and down your folds. A grin appeared on his face as he felt you dripping wet from his movements.
"I’m not even in you yet," he teased.
"Shut up."
He played with streaks of your hair, making sure every inch of your face was touched by his lips before he went down to your neck, his hips still rocking with yours as quiet moans fell from between your lips, but he was reluctant to fill you all up.
"God… I missed this pussy s’much"
But Gojo’s whining was cut off when he felt the sudden change of position– by the feeling of wetness and tightness around his length. You sunk down on him, slowly adjusting to his girth after such a long time. He held onto your hips with both hands, grabbing them tightly as you began to rock your hips back and forth, your upper body following wavy movements.
Gojo had almost forgotten how hot sex with you had always been during your time apart in the past weeks. He had almost forgotten how much pleasure you gave him just by looking at you, and above all, he had almost forgotten how beautiful you were. And he didn’t mean it in the content of sex only.
Why had his eyes just opened now? Why hadn’t he seen earlier what was right in front of him the whole time? He didn’t need anyone else. No matter how many girls he fucked, he would always only want and need you.
You leaned back, bringing yourself up just to slide down on him again and again while Gojo simultaneously thrusted upwards into you, but not with his full strength yet, and you knew it. He was still teasing you.
You cried out his name, desperately bouncing up and down on him, searching for the pleasure which was slowly turning you impatient.
"Kiss me now," he demanded.
When you didn’t make a move to, he stood his knees up, letting you fall on top of him with a little squeal. Chest on chest, body on body, he made sure that you wouldn’t withdraw again.
He grabbed the back of your head and crushed his lips back onto yours after having pulled you down to him. While you were occupied with kissing, Gojo brought his hips up with a hard thrust, causing you to gasp against his lips, and he smiled into the next kiss.
With another strong thrust which filled you up to the brim, he knocked the air out of your lungs and your face landed on his right shoulder, desperately breathing for air. He did it several times more, and every time, your voice would get a little higher and your breathing a little faster.
Your mouth was formed to a silent scream as you dug your nails into his skin when the overwhelming feeling shot through your body. You were soaking and pressed your opened mouth on Gojo’s shoulder, keeping your eyes shut when the pleasurable spasms took control of your body.
Gojo was holding you tightly during your climax, your walls tightening around him and nearly pushing him out of you. His arms rested on your back, giving you a reassuring feeling while he kissed your temple, your head still dizzy.
Gojo smiled at you and rolled on top without pulling out. Well, it was his turn now.
His length plunges inside your sopping center and his warmth pulls a small gasp from your lips. Finally reunited at last. 
He seizes the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth. Both of your body match up a coordinated and pleasurable rythme. His rough and hungry hands convey how much he missed you and even after all this time, he still knows you by heart… Of course he does… and you do too because the truth is that… You and him… You could never forget each other. Forever damned to be together, forever cursed to be apart.
Your hands roughly pull on his hair as he thrusts up inside you, making you moan his name in a shaky whisper. He whimpers into the deep and messy kiss. Your hands run on his warm skin, desperate to find under your finger the soft sensation you used to know.
"Fuck baby you’re so tight" he moans "You’re gonna make me cum" He says pushing his hip up fucking you back while you both sync up, fucking each other and at a beatiful matching pace.
"Say you love me" you plead, desperately wanting to believe him.
"I love you. I love you y/n" his hoarse voice whistles in your ear.
"I love you too"
You feel him let go, huge amounts of thick cum rush inside of you, filling you up to the brink, reaching the deepest part of you, doubting how you’re not going to get pregnant to the amount of his seed feeling you up.
You throw your head back, toes curled up and eyes rolled back as you bite hard on your bottom lip, fully enjoying the delicious full sensation spreading to your body as your heat uncontrollable twitches in a powerful orgasm. 
"I’m sorry sweetheart, I’ll make sure you never leave my side again, i’ll make youre I never leave yours."
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hp-hcs · 10 months
Um, yeah, I don't really have a specific character in mind (so you can ignore this if u want to!), but how would some characters react to a male reader who listens to muggle music, but like- metal?? yk
this is the kind of shit i wanna see in my inbox hell fucking yeah
❕i’ll be honest, my vibe has always been more punk/pop punk/metalcore/hard rock 🤷‍♂️ i did my best buttttt these are all just songs from my playlist so- (i adore my slytherin babygirls but they’ll always be second to my lord and savior glenn danzig)❕
also accidentally wrote gn reader again so that’s pretty girlypop
requests open
i’ve never actually written one of these like, group headcanons for a whole bunch of people, but i keep seeing other people doing it so we’re trying it out ig. do we like it? yes? no?
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slytherin boys: gn! muggleborn! reader’s music taste is rather…unexpected
mattheo: die, die my darling — misfits
i’m of the opinion that mattheo would fucking LOVE the misfits (once you introduce him)
he walks into your dorm to ask you a quick question, and you’re just dancing around in your room screaming the lyrics to:
he’s like 🧍‍♂️😦😍
and that’s when he falls in love with you
jk, unless????
you show him the misfits’ entire discography, and bitch about jerry only (as u should)
he takes a bit too much of a liking to helena 🤨
yk, the song that goes “if i cut off your arms, and i cut off your legs, would you still love me, anyway? if you’re bound and you’re gagged, draped and displayed, would you still love me, anyway?”
interesting, mattheo. interesting. not concerning in the slightest.
he adores them and you guys listen to their music together when you study <33
y’all start running around screaming I AINT NO GODDAMN SON OF A BITCH
your teachers love it <3
theodore: nazi punks fuck off — dead kennedys
y’all were showering together
(is that really like a sexy thing? i sure as fuck don’t know 🖤🩶🤍💜)
you started singing to yourself and babygirl was like 😳☺️
he loves ur voice <3
even when you’re singing “nazi punks, nazi punks, nazi punks FUCK OFF”
(cause like……yk…….he’s a wizard nazi himself 😬👍)
he always lets you put on your music
to be honest, he doesn’t really care about the lyrics, he just loves that you love it
(*cough* simp *cough*)
draco: possessed by satan — gorgoroth
you’d just come back from winter break and had brought one of your holiday presents back with you: a new record player and a shitload of vinyls
you set it up in your dorm and asked your roomie, draco, if he’d mind if you played something
he'd never admit it, but he was wildly curious what muggle music sounded like
so of course, you blessed him with the sweet sweet sounds of gorgoroth 😌🥰
(aww, nostalgia <3)
he just looked at you like 😨
you then proceeded to educate him on gaahl beating the shit out of someone (a l l e g e d l y) and threatening to drink his blood
he’s now even more concerned
(do you or do you not tell him about the gogoroth concert ft. alive ‘crucified’ actors & impaled sheep heads vs. the country of poland?)
((idk babe that’s for you to decide))
blaise: boogie woogie wu — insane clown posse
i feel like blaise is chill enough to give any music a shot before deciding if he likes it or not
you weren’t that close, just acquaintances, but one day you just offered up your other headphone to him in the middle of a really boring class
oh, he’s in love
you make him a playlist of songs you think he’d love, and he lowkey almost starts crying and that’s how he asks you out on your first date
(is it terrible to think that this might be your wedding’s first dance song?)
enzo: custer — slipknot
it’s your ringtone for someone 😌
like ur mom, or something? idfk
“incoming call from: birthgiver” 🎵CUT CUT CUT ME UP AND FUCK FUCK FUCK ME UP🎶
he doesn’t even know how to react
he’s only a bit terrified
he’ll listen to a few other songs you play for him, but will make you play the weird sisters afterwards
tom: reincarnate — motionless in white
he’s bitching about how much muggles suck and muggle music is trash blah blah blah
and ur like “oh really? wanna bet?”
you whip out your phone and start blasting your playlist
he would absolutely eat that shit up
it’s cheaper than therapy ig 🤷‍♂️
he hates being wrong about anything ever so he’ll never admit out loud that he likes it, but he will just show up at your dorm at like eleven pm like:
“do you have any more uh……song recommendations or something…..uhhhh” 🧍‍♂️
babygirl 💞
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
Heeeeey! First of all, I wanted to say that I love your writing style! It's amazing and it's making me feel emotions♡! Second - I hope you have an excellent and nice day or night!
Can I request headcanons about Leo crushing on reader? And that he is so in love that it causes annoyance to his brothers, especially Donnie, that he decides to help his twin get the Reader?
If it's too much, you can ignore that, that's totally fine!
(and I'm sorry for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language, Haha!)
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Rise! Leo x gn! reader crush Headcanons + Drabble
fluff :D, contains swearing
- literally eats up any and all attention you give him
- maybe just slightly very delusional
- like you could just brush past him and he’s like
- “did you guys see that? they’re sooooo into me.”
- whatever you gotta tell yourself, pal.
- Him? Laying awake at night thinking about you? Whaaaat? That’s crazy, couldn’t be him.
- except for the part where it is, and it’s interrupting his precious beauty sleep.
- def would wake up one of his brothers *COUGH*DONNIE
- “Psssst…Donnie~..DONNIE! Are you awake? Great! Hey, did you notice earlier when Y/N-“
- someone tell him to shut the fuck up about you. Jk not that they haven’t tried, Leo just doesn’t listen.
- ABSOLUTELY believes that he is incredibly smooth
- The worst pick-up lines you have ever heard in your entire life + just him (trying) to flirt with you ALL DAY EVERY DAY bitch doesn’t let you have a moment of peace
- You have no idea what you’ve done. To him sure, but mostly to Raph, Mikey, Donnie, and even April.
-“Aaappprriiilll, did Y/N say anything about me when you saw them?…No? Oh.🥲”
- Leo is forward and confident towards you, he ain’t trying to hide anything. Trust me, you don’t know how anxious this makes him because of his deep rooted insecurities BUT THAT’S A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME-
- esp if he can’t tell if you are feeling what he is, yk?
- MEANWHILE, Donnie is one “Y/N” away from finally snapping (and becoming a mad scientist)
- EVERYONE is growing tired of this. It’s not that they aren’t happy their brother found someone he’s interested in, but oh my god.
- But Donnie would do anything, and I mean anything, for more than 5 minutes of peace.
So there Donatello was, peering around the corner watching you, Mikey, and Leo in the kitchen. It had been a lovely afternoon! You guys watched a movie, and now you were making brownies.
“You know, Y/N..” Leo had a cocky smile, leaning against the counter, “I don’t know what’s sweeter…you or these.”
You and Mikey both rolled your eyes, “Shut up, Leo.” It was completely fair for Mikey to be annoyed, he’d been listening to this all day. Like, take a hint.
Donnie was fiddling with the door, and glanced down the hallway, making sure to look out for Raph because he wasn’t sure his eldest brother sound agree with his…plan.
“Oh, Angelo, could you come here for a moment?” Donnie stared intently at Mikey, motioning his head towards you and his twin.
Mikey looked back and forth between you and Leo confused for a second, before shrugging and heading towards Donnie who then pulled him straight out of the room. He slammed the door shut, and activated his digital lock. No one was getting in or out unless Donnie disabled it, which he did not plan on doing anytime soon. This ended NOW. I mean, he thought it was pretty obvious that you both liked each other and just needed to get it over with! Mostly because Leo’s painful obsession was getting really old.
Banging and muffled yelling could be heard from the other side, and Mikey grabbed Donnie by the shoulder. “Donnie! What are you doing? My brownies are gonna burn!”
“Trust me, Michael. This is for the best and they’ll be thanking me later.”
“ Dammit…we’re locked in.” You let out a deep sigh, letting yourself slide down the wall to sit, the smell of baking brownies still in there. Why would Donnie do this?
“Yeah…” Leo was trying really hard to keep his cool, but the panic coursing through him was undeniable. I mean, he was actually alone with you. There was always someone else with you two, whether it be one of his brothers, his dad, or April.
“But…I mean, it’s not all that bad, just you..and me.” He winked, with his usual confident, sly smile even though his hands were shaking.
“Ugh, will you stop that?” Your tone and expression was annoyed, and confused, Leo’s stomach sank.
“Stop whaaat?~” His voice trembled a bit, but he was still keeping up his playful demeanor.
“The…the flirting! Seriously, it’s not funny.” You looked away from him. “I’m not trying to be funny-“
“Seriously, shut up! Stop playing with my feelings, Leo. You’re so confusing…I can’t tell if you’re just toying with me or what- God, why do I even bother?” Of course you were frustrated, who wouldn’t be?
Leo was taken by surprise at your outburst, and it was obvious. As soon as the realization of you were saying hit, you were embarrassed. “Just…forget it, Leo. I shouldn’t have said anything-“
“Wait, no- Y/N, it’s not like that!” What the hell was he saying? Was he really about to do this right now?
He kneeled in front of you, taking in a deep breath. “I care about your feelings, ok? I’m not ‘toying’ with you, I really do like you!” Even as his anxiety rose, Leo felt like a weight was be lifted off of his chest. He couldn’t believe he really just said it…
Now, it was your turn to be surprised, staring into his hopeful eyes. “Leo…I don’t know what to say…I mean..” Leo swore his heart stopped, and he felt like he imploding right then and there. He couldn’t handle rejection like this.
“ I like you, too.” You grabbed his hand, taking it in yours. “What? For real?” He swiftly wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. “..ohgodthankyouthankyou…”
“So, what now?” You couldn’t help but smile, leaning your head into the crook of his neck.
Leo laughed, “I don’t know, I never really thought I’d get this far.“
Some requests from my inbox will be posted very soon. I stared school again this week, so I’ve been busy but I’m trying to catch up! Sorry it’s been taking a hot minute. :)
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
laila dermott
laila dermott is muslim!! i've had this headcanon since i read the king's men for the first time in 2019 hehe and now is my time to push it.
nabil & laila are besties. they're both muslim and both in same-sex relationships which leads to them having an understanding of each other like no one else on the team could have with them.
ntm laila fr was his standing pillar when he was figuring out his sexuality
nabil mahmoud
nabil is gay!! which is something he really had to deal with and accept due to him being muslim too (bc what am i without the religious trauma due to sexuality lore)
nabil and tony are dating each other in the socmed au!! even without the au i would like to believe and headcanon there's something happening there :))
i've written a bit more about them in another headcanon post tho.
antonio "tony" jones
tony is what like a year or two older than the rest? he's an assistant and i'm not sure how old they're supposed to be in the book tbh so i would like to think it's possible or he's an intern (i love him being an intern either way tho so i'm very much leaning into that one)
jeremy knox
JEREMY KNOX USED TO PLAY FOOTBALL (soccer), but due to him playing so aggressively and due to him always being guilty of too many fouls he switched to exy :))
cody winter
cody doesn't know what sleep is and they don't care to find out. they're living on like 2 to 4 hours a sleep a night and surprisingly enough it works for them too.
cody is also SUPER competitive which is why they have managed to be part of the captain gc. their competiteviness has led to them pushing the backliners as much as cody can and the backliners actually listen to them too.
shawn anderson
oh shawn. shawn shawn shawn.
you were supposed to be no one. a random guy on the team.
you exist to me now. i feel like i could make a whole post about just him atp.
shawn was supposed to be comedic relief for the posts i felt were too out of character for the rest of the team LMAOO, but now he actually has a personality (to me)
shawn works a part time shop at a café. even though he's surrounded by coffee at all times and drinks so much of it he's the sleepiest guy to ever exist.
like that man gets about 8 hours a sleep every day and still takes nap, but still ends up with bags under his eyes.
he's always tired for some reason and everyone is so used to it atp. like he will ALWAYS sleep on the bus/airplane, no matter how long the drive/flight is.
but when he's finally awake he's so hyper. he says the silliest things. repeats the same phrases over and over again and has about zero filter.
most of the time the zero filter has to do with the fact he speaks before he thinks. it even catches himself off guard sometimes.
i feel like this is too long and we haven't even gotten into jean and shawn dynamic so i'm just gonna cut it off here and they’ll get another part i think
derrick allen
bro we don't even know who derrick is, but apparently he's someone to me now too.
this man has crazy attachment issues, but is also the biggest simp for shawn too.
he likes going around kissing shawn and making out with shawn, but whenever shawn mentions something serious derrick acts like it's just a joke. which i guess is easy to do, because shawn is always treating everything as a joke anyways. except he's really not trying to when it comes to derrick.
jean falls victim to shawn ranting and crying about derrick. so jean respectfully ignores derrick til he gets his shit together.
and i just realised i have SO MUCH to say about derrick and shawn too so let me cut myself off.
derek thompson
same as shawn and derrick. derek is supposed to be a no one, but here i am and suddenly derek is being perceived by me too
SOOO derek was supposed to be like the third party with derrick and shawn. it was supposed to be the three of them flirting and making out and being little shits but then y'all were asking about derrick & shawn and i decided yk what let's do it. then later the short oneshot was written by oomf and derek got mentioned as the one shawn is in love with and i was like oh... i fucked up the dynamic. but in another universe it would've been the three of them ig
ANYWAYYSS derek takes medication. i haven't really decided on what kind of medications, but while thinking about him i always imagined either depression or adhd or both idk
and i have so many more headcanons for the au, but this is too long so i´ll post part 2 another time :))
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lume-nosity · 2 years
mellow hearts
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prompt: how would they act if they realized they had a crush on you
characters: heizou, xiao, kazuha, ganyu, yoimiya, albedo, scaramouche, eula, venti
style: fluff
song inspo: sweet by cigarettes after sex
an: sweet is a really good song and i was writing while listening to it on loop at night! i actually wrote for so many characters.. but i like writing this way, it’s short and sweet. i don’t have to make it too extreme. though i still hope i don’t make them too ooc as i just thought it’d be cute to write a prompt like this & wanted to try out more characters to write. do let me know if these are alright! feel free to give me some pointers for any of these characters backgrounds and such! just don’t turn it into harsh criticism. little ol’ me is trying (-。-;
notes: not proofread, gender of reader is your choice, lowercase intended, ooc???
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‘started off as a joke, but now it’s not’ kind of guy. being a detective, it’s surprising how it took him a long time to realize his true feelings for you. even he himself is surprised. the way he had to connect the dots, connect every possibility as to why he feels comfortable around you, and then it clicked. he likes you. so expect him to tease/play with you more often, but he silently wishes you get the point. while also being flustered deep inside.
he’s in denial. why would he, an adeptus, fall in love with a mortal? he doesn’t want you to concern yourself with him. but these feelings of his are making that belief 10x harder. he’d shove his feelings aside, but they’ll always come back to bite him. knowing him, he will take a really long time to be honest with his feelings. not only are they foreign to him, he doesn’t want to hurt you. so give him some time.
he goes with the flow. in his travels, he’ll always bring a souvenir back for you. so let’s just say he’ll bring you gifts. every night when you both stargaze or just admire the night sky, he’ll throw in a few ‘flowery’ words here & there. oh and maybe a bonus, he’ll make a haiku on the spot for you. he knows what he’s doing, but even though he cannot stay in one spot, he’ll always find a way to make it back to you. accompanied with some gifts/trinkets.
very flustered. she’ll ask cloud retainer about why she feels at ease whenever she’s around you but after doing so she gets teased. which makes her flustered even more. what she’ll do is try to find some time in her schedule to spend time with you. whatever activity, she will join you. whatever location, she will follow you. she may even go the extra mile to cancel her work and make the entire day dedicated to you.
she’ll be more cheerful. oh she has a crush on you? she’s planning a firework date! the fireworks she’s prepping are going to be the best ones ever to be used. she wants to make this date special, so she’ll have to make it count. with some pizzazz if you will?
he’s confused. like xiao, he doesn’t know what his ‘warm’ feelings are. ironic how he’s an intelligent guy, he wasn’t taught the concept of love. so he turns to sucrose for advice. but after learning what he really feels for you, and what love means, his cheeks turn red and he covers his mouth in embarrassment.
he disregards his feelings and thinks of them as ‘stupid.’ after being abandoned time after time, he doesn’t want the same thing to happen again. many times has he fallen prey to abandonment, he wasn’t falling for it again. he believes he has no time for love…but you’re right there. so he’s pretty conflicted about his ideals. in his mind there’s a whole war going on whether he wants to be upfront with his feelings or leave them. but he wasn’t aware of the light shade of pink that’s obviously shown on his face.
appalled but also blushy at the same time. she’d put her hands on her hips, raise her chin, and say stuff like ‘i’ll seek vengeance on you for making me feel this way.’ she wouldn’t admit it, because that’s just eula yk? a tough nut to crack. though on certain occasions she’d invite you to go ice skating in dragonspine and if you have no experience in ice skating she’ll be happy to teach you. she may say things like ‘hmph. i’ll see to your punishment.’ but don’t worry. she may have that rough exterior, but she’s really kind.
he’ll be more clingy. oh yeah. expect him to follow you around like a lost puppy. you’re going to liyue, he’s going. inazuma? sure why not. sumeru? nice, he’s ready. whenever he’s drunk he comes tumbling towards you and latches his hands around you, slurring out nonsense as you stand there like: ‘you must’ve drank again have you.’ and he goes ‘oh? i’ve only downed a.. couple. *hiccup* it’s not a lot, ehe.’ basically, he’ll just be more clingy to you and he isn’t shy to show that. a bold bard he is.
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satoruzlove · 2 years
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- attractive things he does
suna rin , atsumu miya , kuroo tetsurou , sakusa kiyoomi
! the word d3ath, boys inlove, gn reader !
≈suna rin
•he talks about you extremely often
god bless anyone who asks ab u when u n rin r together,, holy shit. rin notices a lot of things about u, and even the tiniest , littlest details about u are so precious to him. u stick ur tongue out when ur focused? noted . ur good with kids? he’s absolutely inlove with u and thinking of u when he plays with or sees a child at one of his games. the boys will ask him yk, how’s yn, and all of a sudden they’re stuck for 1/2 hrs listening to tim talk about u.
“oh yeah how’s yn? it’s been a while”
“atsumu -”
*cracks knuckles*“ i am so glad you asked.”
he literally cannot help it , he doesn’t even realise that he’s talking sm bcus he just has so much to say about u? everything u do is just precious so now the guys just know not to ask or they’ll be screwed , lmao
•always makes eye contact when talking / loves eye contact
it lets him show u that he’s listening , since he’s not a huge talker . he doesn’t want u to think he’s bored of u speaking , or what ur saying , so he’s always, ALWAYS looking you in ur eyes when you talk. he does expect the same from u, ofc. if he’s talking and he catches u looking down he’ll stop, and when u ask why he’ll just flatly say ,” you weren’t looking so i assumed you stopped listening😐 ” and you just look at him like 😦 because it was only for like FIVE seconds .he truly doesn’t care what ur doing , he wants u to look at him when he’s talking - if you give him the eyes he will start stuttering 😔his gaze is always half - lidded, lazy almost, but it makes you feel like he’s seeing right into you. sometimes he’ll raise his eyebrows or scrunch them- but his main thing is eye contact.
•doesn’t treat you like everyone else
we all know rin is emo ☹️,so he does tend to give people the cold shoulder a lot . but u? never. if he’s stone walling his friends and you come up to him, he’s all smiles and ‘ hi, baby’ s . you just make him so so so happy. he’ll never call u annoying even as a joke like with his friends or act aloof- he expresses himself as much as he wants with u bcs ur his favorite </3 even his sister was so shocked when she over heard- y’all talking cus hes never that sweet to ANYONE. he’ll be clingy, he hugs u as soon as he sees u ( atsumu asked for a hug and rin flipped him off 😔😔😔✊), he wants u to know how much he loves u 24/7 cus you fr are special to him.
≈atsumu miya
•tucks your hair behind your ear/ brushes it out of your face
tsumu listens to u very tentatively when u talk, like he’s memorising everything that ur saying - the way ur saying it- what he’s feeling as u say it. he genuinely does wanna keep every moment with u tucked into his brain, so that when he’s lying awake at night thinking of u, he can day dream about u. when you glance up at him, chirping happily about your life to him, he can’t help but hesitantly move a large hand to your face and move away any hair in your face. his eyes flit away only for a moment- he’s still looking at you- just at a different part. he’ll blush a little when he does it for the first time , mumbling a ,” sorry, it was in your eyes.looked like it was botherin’ you.” truthfully,he wants to see your face properly, especially if you have bangs or something, tsum is moving it so he can see the way your eyebrows shoot up in excitement or knit together in frustration. he drinks in your expression, the story, everything in that moment he captures like a polaroid bc he just loves you so so much.
•doesn’t hold your entire hand- just a few fingers
because tsumu is tall it is kinda hard to lose him in a crowd. he will NEVER STOP using that excuse when it comes to holding onto u tho. he loves how your hands feel in his, the squish of your fingers, the way your fingers curl around his entire hand ( or attempt to. cus he’s so bloody large for absolutely no reason) without a thought. if your hands r smaller, he finds it so precious how your tiny little fingers are kinda just like , SWALLOWED by his hands . he thinks it’s so cute. if your hands are bigger/ the same size - it just makes him feel like a little kid to be holding a couple of ur fingers . bonus points if u run ur free thumb over his knuckles , he’s internally dying
if you have little kids in ur family they adore tsumu bcus he knows just how to entertain them lol. if he randomly gets tagged while theyre playing tag you best believe he’s SPRINTING. if they’re playing sally in the saucer , he WILL be sally and he absolutely will cheat and choose whoever he wants to be sally. secretly likes playing with nerf guns and is rly dramatic if he gets shot😔 he’ll fall on the floor and hold his ‘wound’ and choke out “ tell ,,, tell my yn,,,,, that i love them,,,,” “uncle tsumu it was a foam bullet🧍🏽” “shhhh hush yer trap” LMAOO he’s rly good with kids . also is amazing at calming down babies when they cry, like he’ll cradle them and make the most stupid noises, nuzzle them and all of a sudden they’re the happiest child alive.
≈kuroo tetsurou
•quips back at sarcasm
if there is no banter, tetsu doesn’t want it. keep ur relationship ✊😔. he literally adores the attitude, if he’s bullying you and you bully him back he’s already SMITTEN CUS WDYM ‘ you would be short too, if you weren’t made up of 90% bed head’ ?? WDYM BRUH THATS SO???🤭 if you tell him to stfu he’ll start giggling he’s literally insane. tetsu cannot help the goofy grin on his face when you don’t even hesitate to hand his attitude right back to him 10x worse, because it feels like you’re just his best friend having fun with him. it also shows him that y’all are similar and can relate to eachother, he rly eats it up. he’ll start pulling out scientific facts to cover up that he’s losing lmao💀
•knows you like the back of his hand
kuroo can read u like an open book, u can hide NOTHING from him. if ur upset he knows , if ur sad he knows, he knows when ur lying. you often times don’t even need to tell him if ur feeling uncomfortable or sad bcus he can just tell and will do anything to fix it. he understands ppl really well without them having to say much, he’s very perceptive. you being his partner means that he can do a lot more than just tell when you need some comfort- but he also knows exactly what you need to hear. so if ur upset, and if you’re comfortable, he’ll settle you down and ask what’s up. he’ll listen, comfort you and then tackle the problem. he is also ready to throw hands if someone’s upset you
•is a lovesick idiot with zero shame
when kuroo likes you, he likes you💀 the whole world, their mothers, their fathers and their sisters know about it , because of the way he acts around you. his face will contort into a sappy grin accompanied by dreamy eyes whenever you’re in the room, he’s always a lot more bright when you’re around, and suddenly when you’re around, everything is funny. even in a room of people he knows, you still get his undivided attention even if you aren’t speaking. everyone knows just how much he cares for you, and the best part is that he doesn’t even express anything verbally, it’s his actions that showcase the pit of admiration he holds for you deep in his heart . kenma’s heard everything about you atp, his grandma is SICK of hearing “ today yn and i-,” ,” nana you wont believe what happened with yn today-!” ,” nana, yn said i looked handsome today, can you believe it?”,” yn laughed at a joke i made today, they’re so smart, it was literally a college level chemistry joke and- HEY DONT ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME NANA”she’s EXHAUSTED 💀
≈sakusa kiyoomi
•pulls his mask down real quick to kiss you
as much as kiyoomi is stoic, it’s just because he isn’t super comfortable around a lot of people and he HATES anything socialising. it makes him feel icky, like everyone is watching him and it’s just too foreign. seeing you in a crowd makes it a lot easier for him, because he’s made you aware of his boundaries and discomforts, and you respect them as well as protect them. he values it a lot when people don’t see him as weird but rather particular. it’s honestly more of a comfort to him to be near you in public, but he would absolutely never say that. he’ll spot you, walk up to your group, put a firm hand on the other side of your head and pull his mask down☹️places a little peck on your forehead, muttering ,” hey , you” and then pulling it up again. you smile at your friends and take him aside - he swears you’re an angel for not making him talk to your friends. it’s a little gesture, but truthfully that’s what being with omi is. little gestures full of care, tenderness and understanding </33
•gets excited about small things
okay nOW listen to me . it isnt just any small thing . if the flower he planted sprouts a rose, you’ll hear a shout of ‘ YN, COME OUTSIDE RN’ coming from the yard and you SPRINT BCUS OMI RAISING HIS VOICE?????? but when you get there and you’re HUFFING, PUFFING , BLOWING THE HOUSE DOWN . his eyes are wide and he’s holding his phone up saying ,” yn, look. my roses are blooming,” he says in a tone that’s seemingly floating between excitement and wonder. your posture relaxes, seeing your 6’3 scary dog boyfriend fawn over his yellow roses just warms your heart </33 when you guys get a new cat together ( he is a cat person argue w the wall) he feels a part of him explode when the cat rubs it’s head all over him. he KNEELS to the floor of the adoption centre and holds the kitty’s head in his hands, stroking the little flat area in front of it’s little ears. he glances as you, eyes smile as he’s smiling behind his mask. ☹️☹️☹️END ME.
•picks up on small things
omi is observant as hell , so even when you guys are just friends he picks up on tiny things u do. when u make a weird face when u touch a weird texture or the way u try so desperately to end a convo with someone you ‘ like ’ he absolutely knows what’s going and he’s like “ huh, didn’t know they didn’t actually like that person” but doesn’t say shit. next time that person is around he magically remembers he needs new wet wipes for his gym bag and funny enough it’s on the OTHER SIDE OF THE MALL😔🤞🏻 oh you don’t like the yellow lemony candy in the bag?? that’s weird, funny how it’s all of a sudden omi’s fav one and now he’s eating it all from the bag so u don’t have to. ( he puts in his wedding vows that he actually hates them too but he did it cus he ‘ unfortunately is inlove with you’ , lmao)
raine’s thots ୨♡୧;;
the rose thing was inspired by my mother, she’s a cutie):also maybe one day i’ll proof read this,,, 🤭who knaaaurrrss n e ways this was fun, byebye <33
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brackishkittie · 1 year
crazy in love, dina woodward
— dina woodward x black!reader
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synopsis: dina as a gf whose literally infatuated with you.
c/n: pretty suggestive, but mostly just fluff!
a/n: was so excited to finally write smth for my bby dina I love her sm!!!
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☆゚— gf!dina who loves physical touch and quality time. she loves just laying next to you and admiring all of the features on your face while caressing your face with a big smile on hers.
☆゚— gf!dina who helps you get ready when you guys are going out anywhere, like on a date.
“baby can you help me please?” you ask her while struggling to put on your earrings because you two were kinda late. “was waiting for you to ask me.” she giggles and quickly helps you put your earrings on. “you look beautiful..” she says as she stares at you through the vanity mirror, she adores her gf so much.
☆゚— gf!dina who lovessssss kissing you to wake you up, kissing you before bed, and kissing you even when you’re wide awake and focused on something.
“are you done yettttt?..” she whines, she’s been trying to get your attention for awhile but you were too busy doing whatever you were doing. “almost done baby..just give me like five more minutes.” you say to her but she no longer wanted to wait and just started kissing all over your face which made you two erupt into laughter. “hey stop! that tickles! diiii get off of meeee!!!” “try to stop me then!”
☆゚— gf!dina who loves playing with your hair. she loves playing with your braids, your twists, locs, etc. she oils your scalp for you and even learned how to do cornrows for you anytime you felt like wearing a wig. she’s always ready and willing to do something for her girl.
☆゚— gf!dina who rewatches your story every single time you post yourself. she just be cheesin at her damn phone, watchin her gf look good. ( she don’t even care abt the music startin over, it doesn’t even bother her. all she cares about is her beautiful gf on the screen. )
“dina it’s been ten minutes take ts off now.” “ok fine one more time…OUUUUU look at my baby! I gotta watch it again just hold on.” “DINAAAAAA!!”
☆゚— gf!dina who sets you as her lock and home screen wallpaper so EVERYBODY and I mean EVERYBODYYYYY knows that you’re her girl and if they don’t get it by then, then they’ll be sure to know by the way she CONSTANTLY brings you up in every single conversation she has with anybody even if it has nothing to do with what they’re talking about.
“so I’ve been deciding on whether I should surprise my-” “omg my girlfriend loves surprises!” “???..what?..”
☆゚— gf!dina who loves baking and cooking with you. you guys made cinnamon rolls one time and all you two cared about was just the smell of cinnamon and love in the air. the faint noise of summer walker playing in the back from the tv and you two laughing.
“yk what this icing reminds me of baby?” “dina you are absolutely insane…” “OH COME ON!” “YOU ARE A NASTY NASTYYYY WOMAN DINA.” “you love me though.” “shut up.”
☆゚— gf!dina who gets jealous when she feels as if someone is gettin a little bit too friendly with you…if they compliment you on your hair in a way she thinks was flirting, she’ll take matters into her own hands and start mean muggin them, palming your ass, grabbin your waist..she would do anything to make it known that you were hers.
☆゚— gf!dina who I personally believe is a switch, she loves taking control most of the time but when you’re in control? GODDDDDD THAT WOMAN TURNS FERAL. she turns into putty in your hands, like she’s literally in love with you. you can just touch her in the slightest and she’ll already have goosebumps trailing up her skin.
☆゚— gf!dina who has you as her gorgeous passenger princess. she keeps her hand rested on your thigh or when at a red light, takes it as a chance to just admire you and take in your beautiful features once again. ( sometimes she doesn’t even realize the light is green and snaps out of it once she hears the loud honk of another driver behind you two. 😭😭 )
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tags: @mariefilms @machetegirl109 🫧
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swiftsgirlfriend · 11 months
𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗍𝗈𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍.
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𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌&𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌. bradley bradshaw x reader, no use of y/n mentions of alcohol, swearing, allusions to sex, mentions of porn/pornstars, fluff, 18+ only, mdni
𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝖽𝖻𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽.
You sigh and roll your eyes as yet another cheesy fake 70s party song comes on. (a.n: yk the songs that arent from the 70s but sound sort of disco-esque so they’re on every 70s party playlist ever. those)
This was certainly not what you were expecting when you decided to go to The Hard Deck’s “70’s themed night” although you scold yourself for not knowing better. 70’s themed nights are never what you hope they’ll be.
You look around at everyone happily dancing, clad in their god-awful hippie and disco costumes and wish you were back home. At least then you could listen to some good music. But you’d already had a couple drinks, and were warm in your barstool so decided to stick it out for a bit longer.
You felt so out of place in your outfit (an actual vintage 70’s outfit) and the music was almost literally making your ears bleed. One more drink you tell yourself. Then you can call a cab to go home.
You swivel your barstool around and ask Penny for another drink.
“Hey, Penny, next time you have a decade-themed night, please let me be in charge of the music.” you tell her, only half-jokingly as she begins making your drink.
“Terrible isn’t it.” a voice says, startling you.
You turn your barstool around to see a tall, handsome man, standing behind you.
“The music I mean.” he continues “Most of it isn’t even from the 70’s.”
As you listen to him, you notice what he’s wearing. He may be the only other person who isn’t wearing a silly costume and is actually dressed like he was from the 70’s. You also notice his thick moustache, which makes you laugh a little. He really could be from the 70’s with that thing.
“I know right.” you answer. “Honestly it’s like no-one appreciates the art that is true 70’s disco.”
He smiles and chuckles, and it makes you smile too. It also makes your tummy flutter. You turn around to get your drink to avoid the embarrassment of him seeing your rosy cheeks.
“So what are you supposed to be? A… groupie for Led Zeppelin?” he asks teasingly.
You turn back around and say:
“What are you supposed to be? A pornstar from the 70’s?” you say, smirking.
That makes him laugh even louder which, consequently, makes the butterflies in your tummy flutter even harder.
“Exactly.” he replies, playing along. “The best in the business.”
“Oh really?”
“Really. I mean, are you surprised? Who wouldn’t want to see all this.” he says while gesturing up and down his body.
“Oh no, I get it” you start, standing up finally. “That moustache just really… does something to me.” you say flirtatiously, not really lying. You wouldn’t mind feeling that moustache in… places.
He smirks.
“Hey well, maybe you could be my co-star then.”
“Bold thing to say when you haven’t even told me your name yet.” you reply.
“Nice to meet you Bradley.”
“So what’s your name, baby?” he asks back.
Oh fuck. The word baby coming from his mouth made you weak behind the knees.
You tell him your name almost stuttering as you do so and he smiles his pretty smile.
“How come I’ve never seen you here before?”
“I’ve only been here a few times.” you answer honestly. “I’m sort of, new to Miramir.”
“Well, I’ll bet you’re glad you moved here. Now you can say you’ve met the best pornstar on the West Coast.”
You giggle. He likes that sound. He could get used to hearing it.
“Oh I’m extremely glad… what’s your name?”
“Forget already?” he asks, sort of disappointed.
“No I mean your pornstar name. You gotta have one.”
“Rooster.” he answers quickly.
“I feel like you’re trying to tell me something here.” you say, eyeing him suspiciously.
“No.” he laughs, “No, it’s my callsign.”
“Ohh, I see. You’re a flyboy.”
You’re honestly not surprised. Half the population of Miramir (aka Fightertown) is aviators. Plus, you could imagine him being in the Navy. Tall, broad, most likely muscular judging by the way his arms bulge out of his button up.
A silence falls between you for a moment, before Bradley speaks again.
“What do you say, me and you have a little boogie. Show them how it’s done.” he says, nodding his head in the direction of the people currently on the dance floor.
“You know, I really would, but this music is like, impossible, to dance to.” you say.
You cannot dance. And this man is basically perfection. There is no way you’re embarrassing yourself like that.
“Right, yeah fair enough. But just to be clear, if there was good music, you’d dance with me?”
“Of course I would.”
“Okay… you know what, I’ll be back in a second.” he says before hurriedly walking off.
Fuck. You think. He wanted to dance with you and you turned him down. Are you actually stupid. He’s probably not coming back.
You take a long sip of your drink, finishing it off, and just about ready to call a cab, when all of a sudden you hear the start of a familiar song.
You smile as the intricate and funky guitar solo of Get Down Tonight by KC & The Sunshine Band plays.
Then Bradley is in front of you again.
“Wanna dance?” he says, feigning nonchalance, and holding his hand out.
“Fine. But only because I really like this song.”
You take his hand and he brings you ro the dance-floor.
“Just a fair warning though, I can’t dance. Like at all.” you tell him.
“Sure you can baby. Everyone can dance. Did you not watch Dirty Dancing.”
That makes you laugh, and he swears he feels his heart melt a little.
“Just follow my lead. I’ll teach you.” he tells you reassuringly.
At first, you’re hesitant to let yourself relax, but the longer the song goes on, the longer he’s looking at you with his puppy-dog eyes, the more difficult it becomes to stay tense. After a minute or two, you’re lost in the song and the feeling of his hands on your hips goes straight to your head, making you feel more tipsy than you are.
When the song finally ends, you’re hot and sweaty but also extremely giggly and honestly impressed with your and Bradley’s dancing.
He takes you back to the bar, both of you laughing.
“Baby, I thought you said you couldn’t dance! You were amazing!” Bradley tells you.
“It was all you!” you tell him.
“Nah. You’re a stellar dancer, babe.”
“Maybe it was the song. Brings out the best dance moves in us.”
“I knew you’d like it. Honestly thank god you did because I paid that DJ $10 to put it on.”
“You paid him? Why?”
“Well, he told me he couldn’t change the setlist but I wanted to dance with you.”
“Bradley you didn’t have to-”
“Give me your number.” he interrupts.
“You know, as a thanks. Since I taught you how to dance and all.” he responds, almost shyly.
He gives you those puppy-dog eyes again, and well, how could you say no?
He smiles his gorgeous smile for the millionth time that night, and you have a feeling, a nice warm feeling and you’re sure you’ll be seeing that smile a lot from now on.
(top gun) mutuals:
@notroosterbradshaw @sunlightmurdock @floydsglasses @its-dee-lovely @tongue-like-a-razor @teacupsandtopgun @hangmans-wingman @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @southpawbitch @sebsxphia @mak-32
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