#and obviously the presence of teddy
deadghosy · 7 months
DUUUDE OMG as someone who had a HUGE creepypasta phase I'm obsessed with your hazbin hotel x creepypasta reader fics omggg
Anywaysss could I possibly request a Hazbin Hotel x Sally Williams reader? Completely platonic obviously :)
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prompt: a small child with a bloody body accidentally visits the hotel of a cartoon she only saw once
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“BENNN! I wanna be in a cartoon..” you says whining to Ben as you grip your teddy bear. Ben rubs his chin thinking then smirks. “What kinda cartoon?” “One with friendship! Like My little pony.” You said with an adorable smile. “What about a better cartoon…” Ben said with a evil smile
And now you are now in the cartoon called Hazbin hotel as you just stood there sobbing at not seeing ponies. Where’s fluttershy? Where rarity? AND WHERE THE HELL IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE.
You must have caused a bad scene as Alastor had took your hand and brought you to the hotel for shelter. You told the “nice” man your friend made you come here making Alastor think you got killed by someone. But what’s a child like you doing here?…..
When the whole crew met you, they found you adorable but they were concerned on why a child, most likely a “human” child like you is in hell.
You have a room next to the next lesbian couple. After they cleaned you and having you wear shoes..which didn’t go well so they let you wear a new pair of white socks as you wore a cute pink dress.
Vaggie felt something about you was off. But she felt like heaven had not let you in. So she didn’t press any farther.
Angel gives you fat nuggets because he trusts you to look after him as he works. He never told you what he does for work but you enjoy keeping fat nuggets some company.
You dressed fat nuggets up as a pig princess. Angel found it cute and funny as he took a photo of it to remember the memory forever.
The most to baby you is definitely the Morningstars and Alastor a little bit. As Alastor felt to protect when he first seen you. He always tells you to smile at most to not let anyone see what’s underneath.
Alastor takes you on strolls at times. Even taking you to cannibal town where you can meet his dearest friend. Rosie, an overlord who takes on the cannibal town.
Rosie absolutely adores you! She called you sweetie pie all the time you visit her with Alastor.
I imagine you gave husk ponytails as he just grumbled drinking. He didn’t feel the need to scold you, you’re just a kid. Kids don’t know no better.
You and husk’s dynamic is “drunk uncle x pretty pink princess kid”
Husk hates to admit it but he likes your presence as you help him clean. Although he tries to tricks you to not clean the glasses so you won’t cut yourself.
Lucifer definitely tries to take care of you how he did for Charlie and it’s so wholesome as he would bring you ducks to your room that across of his.
He is such a overprotective father figure-
Angel and you have such cute fashion shows together as you both dress up like princesses💗
I headcannon that Charlie and Lucifer would spoil you rotten like getting you cute dresses or whatever you want as long as you are happy.
I can see that if it was your birthday, it’s as if Christmas and a birthday was combined as you get so much gifts😭
Niffty definitely teaches you how to clean as she always wanted to teach someone how to clean without ignoring her.
I can imagine you trying to contact Ben somehow as Ben is being interrogated back at the mansion as slenderman is chasing Ben with a pan demanding where you are at.
Sir Pentious lets you In on his machine shenanigans as you just smile with the egg boiz who hold your hands.
You showed your teddy bear to Lucifer who cooed at you as he made you a duck that had bear ears..you were weirded out at first but appreciated it. It was nice to get gifts! 💗
I headcannon you like greeting the residents in the hotel as they greet you back not excepting to se an actual human child in the hotel
I can see Angel dust having Velvette make cutesy outfits for you as he likes to see you as a little sister.
I can imagine you just doing that evil ass child laugh to scare the residents…you little ass menace
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weasleyreidstyles · 10 months
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chapter one
summary: it was only meant to be a purely transactional relationship. he would help her strengthen her abilities in return for her getting his friends out of his father's nasty path. he didn't mean to fall for her, but loving her was the easiest thing in his dark world.
no use of y/n, but your general nickname is Meadow. All characters are aged up to be over 18.
pairings: mattheo riddle x fem!ravenclaw reader; platonic!slytherins x fem!reader; platonic!golden trio x fem!reader
warning(s): none
series masterlist; next part
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The atmosphere surrounding the students on the Hogwarts Express differed massively in comparison to your fifth year last year, when everyone was wholly against Harry. Now, however, people whispered in their compartments about how he was right, the Dark Lord had returned. How everything was changing, especially with the rising death toll, wizard and muggle combined.
You were walking to the designated Prefect's compartment, which sat in the middle of the train, with Hermione at your side, your blue and bronze tie clashing with her burgundy and gold one. Your presence at the Ministry that summer prompted the two of you to be topics of few conversations, you sent glares their way.
"What do you think will happen this year?" the Gryffindor girl asked as you both made your way through the throngs of students in the hallway.
"Considering we almost died in June?" you say, a frown painting your face as your mind brings you back to your traumatic time in the Department of Mysteries to aid Harry in saving (and failing to do so) his Godfather. "We'll probably face certain death this year, Mione."
Hermione swatted your arm in feined annoyance at your attempt of a joke. "Don't put that thought into existence Meadow."
You only shrugged as you held the compartment door open for her. Ron was already waiting inside, glaring at Theodore Nott and Pansy Parkinson, who were sat diagonally across from him.
Unlike your Gryffindor companions, you had no issues with the two snakes, in fact they were two people you would consider your closest friends, if it wasn't for the prejudice that went both ways – from your friends and some of their's.
"Stop glaring holes into the sides of their heads, Ron." you scold. "I've told you before, they're my friends. They won't do anything to you."
He said nothing, but he did stop his glaring in favour of greeting the two of you.
The Prefect meeting went on for over an hour and you found yourself zoning out multiple times.
You're going to miss out on important information if you keep daydreaming, tesoro. Theodore. You admired that he was as talented as he was, but it was annoying when he would invade your thoughts. You narrowed your eyes at him.
Stay out of my head, Teddy.
But it's so fun, and so easy. He smirked and turned his attention back to the Head Boy, who was busy assigning roles to the new fifth year prefects. Pansy nudged Theo's arm, breaking his concentration, as she was obviously using her own legillimens ability to berate him. She offered you a smile in apology, which you returned with one of your own.
You'd taken to learning legillimens at the start of fifth year, having read about it in a book you'd taken from the restricted section of the Hogwarts library. You also wanted to protect your mind, especially with the knowledge that Voldemort was back after Harry had returned with Cedric Diggory's dead body at the end of your fourth year.
"Now onto you sixth years." the Head Girl announced. "Like last year, you're going to be paired off for nightly patrols."
She began pairing you off one by one. Hermione was with Ernie Macmillan; Ron was paired with Hannah Abbot; Pansy with your Ravenclaw counterpart and Theodore was paired with you. She then paired off the seventh year prefects before the Head Boy dismissed you all.
Ron yawned as he stepped into the corridor. "Thank Merlin that's over. I'm starving."
"You're always hungry, Ronald." Hermione muttered as she walked out behind him, rolling her eyes at his usual ramblings, causing you to laugh at his expense.
"My my, it's a wonder why Dumbledore chose you to be a prefect with that attitude, Weasley." Theodore spoke up from behind you, Pansy at his side, once again shooting you an apologetic smile.
"Piss off, Nott." Ron snarked, turning to face your snickering Slytherin friend, about to take a step towards him when you put a hand on his chest.
"Leave it Ron. He's only trying to get a rise out of you. I'll meet you both in the compartment in a bit." you say, turning to face a smirking Theo with a berating glare.
"Wanted to get me alone, tesoro? Finally. I've waited all these years." he said with a grin, stepping towards you as your Gryffindor friends reluctantly left.
"Don't flatter yourself, Teddy." you say with an eye roll before you turned to Pansy and brought her into a hug. "I've missed you Pans. Good summer?"
"Abysmal." she muttered, sharing a not-so-subtle look with Theo. You looked between them questioningly.
"What happened?" you ask.
Exchanging glancing, they seemed to come to an agreement and Pansy grabbed your hand, dragging you into the closest empty compartment. Theo followed behind the two of you, closing the door and spelling it from unwanted listeners.
"What's with the secrecy? Guys?" you look between them growing more confused by the second.
"Before I tell you, you have to understand, I didn't have a choice, none of us did." Theo emphasises. "I consider you one of my best friends, tesoro. But what I'm about to reveal....it cannot under any circumstances leave this room."
You look at him confused, but the nagging thought that had haunted you all summer suddenly creeped up on your subconscious. Your eyes widened.
"No. Theo don't tell me-" you stutter and he looks away ashamed.
His son is my best friend. My father wants to get into his good graces, I had no choice. Even his voice in your head sounds despondent.
"Oh Teddy." you mumble, wrapping your arms around his waist, hugging him tight.
"I'm to receive the mark during the Christmas holidays." he mumbles dejectively into your hair. "Hell of a Christmas present."
"How good is your legillimens ability?" Pansy asks you. "Can you block people out."
"I have my thoughts locked away into a little mental box, but I'm still working on fully blocking people out." you say, pointedly looking up at Theo, who smiles innocently at you.
"You'll need to practice it then." she says resolutely, but the look on her face indicates nothing pleasant. "Mattheo can help you."
You scoffed. "There is no way Riddle will willingly help me. His father's biggest threat is one of my best friends."
"And you're one of our best friends, Meadow." Pansy says. "Our loyalty to eachother goes both ways. He'll help you, he's the most advanced at it, besides Snape and Dumbledore of course. Trust me."
"What about Harry?" I ask. "And Ron and Hermione, the Order. What am I meant to tell them. They won't be thrilled that I'm taking lessons from you-know-who's son."
"You'll tell them that you're tutoring Mattheo. It's a believable lie. He's shite at Ancient Runes, no matter how much I try to help him." Theo says, nodding his head as a plan forms in his mind. That was true. You don't know how Riddle was still enrolled in that class. "We've already discussed this becoming a possibility. He's more than willing."
"Why are you trusting me with this?" you question, staring between your two friends.
"Like it or not, you're our one way ticket to the right side of this war, tesoro. You know as well as I do that Potter needs as much help as he can get. And you need to protect your mind so that the Dark Lord can't get into your head." Theo says.
"So are you in?" Pansy asks as she heads towards the door. "Because there's no backing out from here, and I really don't want to obliviate one of my dearest friends."
You know the risks. You don't know what this will mean for your current friendships. But you know that Theodore is right. To help Harry, he'll need as much help as possible. Having Theo and Pansy on your side could be a turning point in this brewing war.
"I'm in." you say, nodding your head in agreement. "Just keep the snarky comments to a minimum about Ron, Mione and Harry, please. And relay that message to the rest of your friends too."
"Already done, tesoro." Theo says, ruffling your hair, grinning when you swat his hand away.
You question what he means for a moment when the back of your skull begins to burn with a dull ache. You cradle the back of your neck with your hand, wincing at the sting as Mattheo's deep, raspy voice fills every corner of your mind.
Lessons start tomorrow night, Princess. Don't be late.
He was already in your head, you sighed. It was going to be a long year.
You reached the compartment that your other friends occupied at the same time that Harry and Neville seemed to be leaving it.
"Where are you two off to?" you ask as the two boys move away from the open doorway.
"To meet Professor Slughorn." Neville said, although he looked a mixure of nervous and confused.
"Who the hell is that?" you look at Hermione as you go inside, leaving Harry and Neville on their venture.
"New Professor, apparently." she replied. "What took you so long?"
You knew that your friends, minus maybe Harry, had little to no legillimens skills, but nevertheless, you cleared your mind of the conversation you'd had with Theo and Pansy.
"Well Pansy likes a gossip." you said flipantly as you pulled out a book from your never ending bag. "How else are we to know everything that goes on outside of our little circle, now that Lee Jordan is no longer in school?"
Ron and Hermione smile at that, before Ron's face drops.
"Listen, be careful around them this year, yeah." he said, his voice low. "We went to see Fred and George's new shop and watched Malfoy go into Borgin and Burke's with a bunch of known Death Eaters."
Your heart dropped. Theo would be participating in those meeting come Christmas time. That must mean that Draco was already involved.
"Well you know what sort of things they sell there." you say hesitantly. "It probably doesn't mean anything."
Hermione scoffed. "Try telling that to Harry. I think he's convinced that Draco and Riddle have been inducted."
You fall silent shortly after that. The conversation only picking up again when Neville came back to the compartment, Ginny following behind him.
Harry was nowhere in sight.
Harry was awol for the rest of the trainride.
When the Hogwarts Express pulled to a stop in Hogsmeade station and you all found a carriage to settle in, he still wasn't there.
"Where on Earth is he?" Mione muttered as the thestrals, that were no longer invisible to you all after Sirius' death, pulled onto the winding road up to the castle.
"He's probably already in a carriage and didn't wait for us. Wouldn't be the first time." Ron assured, although his face betrayed his words as he looked as worried as you and Hermione.
You were unconvinced, and more so when you split off towards the Ravenclaw table when the three of you arrived to the Great Hall and saw, not to your surprise, Mattheo Riddle with bloody and bruised knuckles. As you sat beside Luna Lovegood you felt that same prickling sensation that you did on the train. He was watching you, and he continued to watch you with his cold, unbothered stare through the sorting ceremony and Dumbledore's speech.
Your attention was brought to the doors of the Great Hall where Harry seemed to materialise, Snape's looming figure behind him. But what you noticed the most in the bright glow of floating candles that bothered you more than his lack of punctuality, was the bloody tissue he was dabbing at his recently-fixed broken nose, which he did not have when you last saw him hours earlier.
People stared and whispered as he made his way to where Ron and Hermione were sitting. But your attention was pulled to where Crabbe and Goyle were sat snickering from their seats beside Draco. You narrowed your eyes at Riddle, who was still looking at you.
Got a staring problem, Princess?
Merlin he infuriated you. You focused on him as you thought of your response.
Did you do that to his face?
He smirked. Did I do what?
You didn't give him a response, instead turning your attention to Theo, who was chatting to Lorenzo Berkshire. Did Riddle do that to Harry? You asked and you watched as Theo startled before maintaining the same facade of conversation.
No. It was Draco. Harry was eavesdropping his conversation with Blaise. Matt was with me and Enzo.
Your question was answered, but you were still left unsatisfied. And Riddle's stare had not faltered, which added to your growing bad mood.
Stop fucking staring at me, Riddle. And stay out of my head.
He smirked wickedly and finally looked away, taking the prickling sensation along with him.
first post on tumblr after lurking for a year 🫢
i've been a little hyperfixated on the slytherin boys (particularly theo and mattheo) so i thought i'd try out writing a short(ish) fic, but i couldn't be bothered with wattpad (i'm procrastinating finishing a fic on there lol)
i'm also writing this instead of finishing uni assignments that are literally due at the end of the week whoops
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eddiesghxst · 1 year
perv loser eddie is something that can actually be so personal. it’s in the way he’s such a loser borderline obsessed little stalker.
i’m not quite sure how to put this into words but he is whipped, the true definition. yes he loves you, blah blah blah. let’s go deeper into that love. it’s psycho, when he sees you for the first time his heart bursts, he follows you around in the halls when you’re in school even tho you don’t know him and he doesn’t even know you. you think it’s a weird coincidence that he’s always there. And when you confront him, his knees literally almost drop to the ground in your presence. when you go see him during a hellfire club session, he stops all d&d when he sees you wait outside the closed door. he ignores all protests from the guys that this is a huge campaign, one HE’S been planning. it doesn’t even matter, he would end all d&d sessions 15 minutes early if you asked him to, he’d cancel a session if you slipped him a note before saying you’d be home with no panties on, he’d forget to tell dustin that he had to blow him off because you needed him to take you out to a new chick flick movie.
like i said previously about the inspiration from an ex thing, i love the way cigarette smoke smells. my ex was a smoker and he knew this and it was “our thing”
i think eddie would be majorly turned on if he found this out. i’m not talking about something odd like this ex of mine would blow smoke in my face or whatever but i’m just saying it was a comforting smell. i’m currently out of the country in europe where everyone smokes and i can smell it drifting up to my apartment window. i can just imagine calling eddie who’s back in indiana and telling him how horny you are, how the smell reminds you of him. he’s such a fucking loser tho. he’s been desperate since you’ve been away, having withdrawals, he’s an addict. he fucks himself to sleep with his hand every night and fucks himself awake every morning trying to get some release, his flesh light and hand won’t ever compare. he smokes and plays guitar and thinks of you, each exhale of smoke and he gets anxious thinking about you.
but when you’re back, he doesn’t let you out of the trailer for a good 24 hrs. his only plan is to smoke with you and fuck your brains out. i mean fucking like a madman. he’s fucking his anger and stress out on you, stress about you being away from his side, anger that you’ve been touching yourself away from him. i’m not talking 2 orgasms and you’re done. we’re talking about several upon several chain orgasms he’s bringing you. he wants you sobbing, he never wants you to leave his side.
he’s a loser.
- 🫶 anon (i went overboard)
no bc ur so right stink. everything abt this is so fucking correct, i’m sick to my stomach i want him
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, eddie has no spine when it comes to his girl. meaning, he will drop everything he’s doing to please you or do whatever you ask for, no matter the request (if he’s in a mood, he might bitch about it a little, but he will bitch and get the job done okay).
so when you ask eddie if he can pick you up from the airport on the day he’s planned to have dnd, obviously eddie pushes his campaign back because hello, his girl needs a ride.
he’s waiting for you at your terminal with a single rose and a cute little teddy bear and you giggle when you see him because he looks so out of place wearing his usual black leather clothing and heavy chains whilst holding the soft items.
you tell him all about your trip on your way to his trailer, telling him about your time sightseeing and trying new foods and meeting new people.
you’re still rambling about your trip when you walk into his trailer, but it doesn’t last long before eddie’s got you bent over the edge of his bed, clinging to the soft teddy bear and moaning his name. “fuck, i missed this pussy. did she miss me? she miss how good i fuck her, hm?” he pants against your ear. you quiver beneath him, crying out for him as you push back against his hips.
“feels so good, eddie. gonna cum, please can i cum?”
and eddie’s shaking his head and clicking his tongue, “no i don’t think so, sweetheart. i gave you one rule—- told you no touching and you broke that rule.“ he says, low with a patronizing tone and you sob into his sheets as a chorus of sorry’s leave your mouth.
“so you don’t get to cum until i say you can, okay? and i plan on really taking my time with this precious cunt of yours since she seemed to miss me so much.” his hand cracks down on your ass cheek and you cry out as he lets out a satisfied hum.
and eddie kept true to his word, he didn’t let up until he was thoroughly satisfied and you were nothing but a cock drunk mess. you both wouldn’t have it any other way <3
more loser perv!eddie ♡
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harufluff · 1 year
types of hugs with txt
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warnings - none
genre - fluff, txt x gn!reader, established or unestablished relationship au
wc - 0.7k
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the type of hugs that just engulf you. the hugs that feel just so comforting so much so that you want to cry. the hugs that only come from your loved ones.
soobin’s hugs are the types that you long for in the morning. straight out of bed, and to the kitchen, you see him standing there in a simple white shirt and sweatpants. he looks so soft and cuddly.
you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your forehead on his back. you feel him flinch a bit just at the surprise. he turns around slowly and hugs you back.
‘g’mornin, love.’
the type of hugs that not only make you feel safe, but also at home. the type of hugs that feel like it’s straight out of a romcom tv show. his hugs feel like you’re the only ones in the world.
yeonjun’s hugs are like the ones that you can’t help but smile in. the types of hugs that you can be coming back from a date at a restaurant and are the most comforting.
you walk back to the car, hand in hand with each other smiling in the moonlight. he stops walking and started staring up at the moon.
you questioned why he stopped, until he pulled you into his embrace and tucked your head into his neck. it was peaceful. and despite not being anywhere near home, it was home to you.
‘tonight was nice. thank you, babe.’
the types of hugs that have so much warmth. the hugs that quite literally feel like a human heater. the kind of hugs that feel like a summer afternoon spent in pajamas.
beomgyu’s hugs we’re like hugging a teddy bear. soft and fluffy almost as if hugging a cloud. his hugs are those shared best in a comfy spot on the coach.
not doing anything for any specific reason at all. just basking in each others presence. guy’s arms warped around your torso with the back of your head lying against his broad chest.
no need for any words in moments like these. everything that you would need to say he knows just through that fact that you’re there.
no need for any words maybe except for…
‘i wish we could stay like this forever.’
the types of hugs that you want to be impossibly closer. the types of hugs that can only be expressed by yourselves. the kind of hugs that you never want to end. his hugs are the type that you can nuzzle your nose into.
hyun had the hugs of a friendly giant. although it doesn’t matter whatever the physical aspects are. his embraces have more love than any giants.
when taehyun comes back from the gym, tired and sort of sweaty still, is when you feel he looks most huggable. right when he walks into the house he drops his bag on the floor.
obviously you see this as your cue to run up to him and give him a big hug. his arms stay wide open until you come into his embrace.
you rub your nose into his chest which causes him to chuckle. you peek up at him and give him a small smile in which he returns happily.
‘glad to see me?’
the types of hugs that long conversations can take place in. hugs that are perfect for late night talks in the dark. the kind of hugs that give you the feeling you’re in the right place.
kai’s hugs are always available to you. no matter the circumstances, if you need a hug he will give it to you.
on nights like these where you come home from your long day just tired and worn out, are when he naturally knows that you need some cuddles.
he drags you to bed when you’re done getting ready to sleep and holds you in his arms. your arms hook onto his and his leg is thrown over your legs.
you’re head faces up at him as you talk about your day. venting about any little thing. you know in your heart that he will always be there for you when you come home.
‘tell me everything. i’m listening i promise’
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©️harufluff 2023
a/n - i love kai 🫤🫤
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tinandabin · 2 years
Yandere hashiras x modern reader PART 2
Part 1
@mikoz-u I woke up and wrote this.
Having your tongue cut off wasn't pleasant, especially from your own creations. All because you happened to talk about their oh-so-sad past.
But will that stop you? No. So of course, you have to learn sign language now. And you did.
The hashiras were baby-ing you more ever since they had to 'punish you.' Really now? PUNISH? Babe, that's not a punishment, it's a crime.
Did they care? No.
Mitsuri would out of the random start blabbering apologies and start crying saying of how she was just soo sad.. She really didn't wanna hurt you! But it was for your own good. But she promises that she didn't wanna hurt you! :(
And our dear Sanemi couldn't just get enough of taunting you, saying that those were the consequences of your own action. Sometimes Obanai would join him.
He would all be like, "See? If you hadn't talked shit and acted like a brat, none of this would've happened." All the while you would be cursing him off in sign language.
All of them learnt sign language with you, which was one of the most convenient way to talk to you.
But did the all of you ever have a civil conversation? No.
You would still be taunting them in sign language, obviously.
"Sabito died because of you, Giyuu!"
"Genya is all alone and is probably dead, just because you couldn't stay in your own world, Sanemi!"
And more and more taunts at their past.
You've made them cry NUMEROUS times. But they never cried in front of you, though.
They were now contemplating cutting off your fingers.
They do regret cutting off your tongue, a bit. I mean, they can't hear your sweet voice now.. Even if it was always insulting them, still.
They just wish for you to behave like a good girl so that all of you can live in peace and harmony.
Is that too much to ask now? They've gone through so much all because of you, and now you refuse to be their place for solace and calm? Don't act so selfish, now.
All you have to do is sit there and behave. They will take care of everything else. You wouldn't even need to lift a finger.
"Ne, [Name]-Chan, please open your mouth!! This is extremely delicious," Mitsuri swooned, hovering some mochi near your mouth. You couldn't do anything but open your mouth, still remembering what happened the last time you didn't.
In the background, you could hear Obanai and Sanemi chuckle saying how their 'punishment' seemed to work.
Like a doll, you were dragged from one hashira to another. All of them saying, '"It's my turn now with [Name]!" Were you some kind of damn puppet? You would say that, but you can't. I mean, your hands are tied and you can't speak..
Muichiro dragging you with him outside to your backyard to cloud-gaze so that he can lay in your lap.
Uzui forcefully making you model different clothes he bought for you, some of them too revealing for your liking.
Kyojuro making you watch a movie with him, thinking of it as a date and all the while ignoring the fact that you were tied up.
Mitsuri styling your hair and squishing your cheeks, treating you like some kind of Teddy bear. Man, you feel like biting her hand if she touches your hair once again.
Gyomei is the most tolerable, since all he wants to do is simply be in your presence.
And then comes Shinobu The Witch. She is probably secretly researching how to make a 'love potion.' If given the right materials, then man you are doomed. I feel like she would enjoy gardening with you. To her, it feels intimate.
All Giyuu wants to do is hold your hand and cuddle you. Anywhere. He doesn't care who is watching and where you are. Probably the neediest and clingy.
Sanemi would also likely make you watch him cook. Look, you can't tell me he isn't a good cook. I refuse to believe such bullshit. The food he makes is bomb, but of course, you would never admit it to his face.
Last but not least is Obanai. He is too shy to ask for your attention so he would most likely be stalking you doing different activities with everybody in the shadows.
You are just some doll for all of them. A real, breathing doll.
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serasheart · 16 days
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+ jjk men
Gojo. Satoru
Tbh, he would be all over you during valentine. He would buy you chocolates, flowers, teddy bears, perfume, all of that romantic shit and he would be so happy to do so.
He’s a very expressive man in relationships, he struggled to commit to you at first because he’s not very good with relationships and usually had to be held higher than most people with no close relations in fear of those people being used against him.
Being the strongest does have its perks aswell though, it’s not all gore and guts. For example; you never have to be scared walking outside alone, mostly because your boyfriend is a well-built dude who, if you were to be in trouble, would get there extremely fast.
That speed also playing a part in valentines, because even though he will spoil you to death, he will wait until last second to do all the shopping. He’s not attentive, and would’ve easily forgotten had that valentines post on instagram not woken him the fuck up.
The man gleams as he places all of the gifts on your average apartment table, your jaw almost drops at how much stuff there is.
“So there’s this, and this, and- Oh! This too!”
Geto. Suguru
Doesn’t have as much as Gojo does but he still buys you stuff like chocolates and flowers, instead of showering you in gifts he takes the chance to get to know you and get to know what you like.
Very affectionate, takes care of you and makes sure to make you feel special and valued because he loves you and cares about you.
His daughters really like you too so he buys flowers for all 3 of you, you have a vase you put them in (that he gifted you a while ago)
Just really lovely and affectionate in general, he cares about you and how you feel so he wants to show you that. Could give you everything for how you make him feel and he could talk about you for literal hours, so basically he’s a sweetheart that actually takes the time to get to know you even if he doesn’t get you the most.
You never have a plain day with him and you enjoy being with him just as he does with you, he makes sure your chocolates are your favourite and the flowers are the nicest smelling ones with the prettiest design. (All real flowers, no plastic because he don’t fw that monkey BS)
You guys spend your day together obviously, he wakes you up to breakfast in bed and is overall just a good boyfriend. Taking the time to care about you and your feelings whilst also putting effort into his gifts for you.
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”
Nanami. Kento
A lot similar to Geto, Nanami would buy you flowers and chocolate whilst also being thoughtful of what you would want. He’d treat you more like a wife on valentines than a girlfriend and he would make sure you feel nurtured and tended to.
He’s a hard business man so he wouldn’t want his woman to feel anything less than what she is, which, in his eyes, you’re literal perfection. He doesn’t know what he has done for this godsend of an angel to even grace him with her presence.
But he knows not to fuck it up, overall hes a good boyfriend and will also make sure you’re happy above all because he believes quantity doesn’t matter, more quality. He’s tender, affectionate and knows how to make you happy in all the right ways. The original gentleman if you will!
You don’t really care what he does for you on Valentine’s Day because you know he makes you happy, you’re special to him and he’s special to you aswell but that doesn’t mean he won’t try his best to make your valentines the best one you’ve had yet. (Winky face)
Also really likes calling you sweetheart and honey, he prefers pet names instead of calling you your actual name because it makes him feel closer to you. So yeah, basically he’s a hella good boyfriend and you don’t know how you pulled him lol.
“Feeling cold, honey? I can get you a blanket?”
Kamo. Choso
Has 0 clue how to treat a woman let alone one he’s in a romantic relationship with, he doesn’t even understand the concept of Valentine’s Day or how it could be such an important event. He’s already having a hard time processing whether or not Christmas is an important holiday.
Regardless though, when you tell him about Valentine’s Day he seems kinda shocked and confused, trying to process it as best as he can because he’s not trying to fuck things up between you guys and he wants to understand that it’s something important to you.
So, after that day, a week before valentines, he will do a shit ton of research on what it is and how he should handle it, not wanting to rawdog and go head first in to something he barely understands the concept of;
He will end up realising it’s a day about love (apparently didn’t process to him before) and will take it a lot more serious because he’s literal about his feelings towards you, he wants to make it special for you but it’s also his first valentines so he won’t grasp it completely, the curse is stupid when it comes to emotions and has never known feelings before he decided to live on as a human.
You guys will go out, he’ll probably manage to get his hands on something to give you even if it’s small but you’ll appreciate the gesture anyways because it’s the thought that counts. Literally loves you so much more than you’ll ever know and will feel bad if he feels like he didn’t do enough for you.
“Are you sure you like them?”
Fushiguro. Toji
Flat out, doesn’t remember or doesn’t care to wish you a happy Valentine’s Day. if you get upset he forgot he’ll dismiss it or give you a half assed “Happy valentines or whatever”
It wasn’t a good day for him to remember and he doesn’t like the day, you know he’s still grieving his wife and you were completely okay with that when you got with him. But to be honest, even if he wasn’t he wouldn’t care much about the event or day because afterall he’s a Zenin 😭
At the end though, you know he loves you he’s just too lazy or too inattentive to put in the work for Valentine’s Day, not to mention he’s dirt poor so he wouldnt be able to do much for you anyways LOL.
After the first valentines he might remember the second but that’s a gamble, either way you wouldn’t care as long as he were to fuck your brains out later on which he most definitely will do.
nothing more to really add here, also because I hate to write lovey dovey stuff for Toji 😭😭😭😭
“You still fuckin’ mad at me, slut?”
Ryomen. Sukuna
Much like Toji, he just genuinely does not gaf for it. Not gonna sugarcoat it, Sukuna only wants you for one thing and one thing only and that is not your personality girl, he doesn’t care whether you’re mad at him or inlove with him.
The event doesn’t hold much value to him and all he thinks of you as in the end is a plaything for him to dispose of later, he doesn’t really care for your feelings or think of a future with you. You’re just a pawn for him and you’re playing along to his game until you’re not.
Sukuna will grumble to himself when you’re mad at him because that means no pussy and he will start to get mad himself, even if he can’t bring himself to admit it maybe he holds the slightest bit of affection for you in his cold heart.
Doesn’t really care for things you would want him to care for but again, it’s Ryomen Sukuna so what the fuck are we expecting. He doesn’t love you and has never said he loves you, but maybe, just maybe you’re starting to grow on him a little more and he’ll entertain your valentines ideas if he weren’t to end your life when he got bored.
“Cut it out, brat.”
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
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"I know you can't keep your eyes off me but, darling, for the sake of my work I must ask you to stop."
His tone was ever so arrogant but laced with the slightest hint of amusement which never failed to make your blood boil. Even with his back turned towards you his hideous smirk still burned, even if you couldn't really see it but you knew Alhaitham better than anyone else did.
Your misery was a favorite past time of his.
Here you sat on the floor, chained and angry like a wild animal as your captor made himself comfortable on his large and cozy chair, millions upon millions documents places on the pristine wooden desk but his attention kept wavering from time to time and the sound of your voice was the reason why. He was obviously trying to cover up the fact that he actually wanted to get up from the stupid chair and come towards you and push your buttons more but work called and no one else could really handle the papers other than the Scribe himself.
Naturally, you made it your mission to make it as hard as possible for him, regardless of how petty your tactics were.
It started out with random little sounds and noises here and there, then you switched to full on talking but never shouting - that could lead to a serious penalty that you honestly didn't have the guts to take. You spewed random nonsense, just things that randomly came to mind such as how clean the floor is, how oddly pretty the plants in the corner were and just how dreadfully tacky Alhaitham's boots were.
That one amused him more than your other comments, much to your chagrin.
Instead of annoyance or preferably anger, Alhaitham hardly said a word during the entire ordeal but it actually made him slightly more productive. The sound of his quill sped up ever so slightly as he turned to you every few seconds, finally managing to shut you up after a few hours had passed.
Letting out a sigh you lowered your head and closed your eyes, letting out any and all thoughts go and the only thing you could feel was the rusty sensation of the metal chains that kept you at bay. A few dark bruises had formed ages ago and showed no sings of leaving, causing you to slightly wince from the few stings of numbing pain.
Your mind didn't even register the sound of a chair being scrapped across the floor and hectic footsteps that were charging straight towards you, not until you felt a cold hand on your cheek and the scent of cedarwood invading your senses. There knelt Alhaitham, a strange glint in his eye as he inched himself closer and closer, his presence suffocating as always.
"You have my attention now, darling."
You scoffed, a hint of fear creeping up your spine.
You hated it when he called you darling. It made you angrier than usual these days, especially as he was really your only company and window to the outside world...
"Why not share what you're thinking right now with me? It's clearly bothering you and telling me might make you feel better."
His thumb circled your cheek slowly as he maintained eye contact with you, his gaze heavier than iron. A part of you hoped that this was Alhaitham comforting you, that he was sorry for what he had done but... that just wasn't him. That version of him was an illusion. In reality he was probably doing this in order to soothe you and keep you behaved... which might as well be him comforting you in some sense of the word, with his own spin on it of course.
With your vision becoming blurry you could do nothing but lean into his touch and he happily accepted, both his hands holding you steady as he pressed you against the wall, his hot breath tickling your neck as he kept you close to his chest, in a similar manner of a needy child holding a prized teddy bear.
Sometimes, you wished you could break free. But on occasion, you couldn't help but to indulge in Alhaitham's company which lead you to your current predicament.
If you ever had the chance, you were going to throw yourself off the Akademiya roof, if not to escape his clutches than to just spite him.
🕊️ TAGS: @genshinarchives, @mod-kisa-blog, @morigumy, @juuuuuj101010, @kalopsia-sonder, @b10h4z4rd, @xiaopleasecomehome, @yumekos-gamble
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achaotichuman · 9 months
Sad little headcanon.
Baby Tamlin saw one of the children of the Court handing out birthday party invitations and asked what was happening, his family never celebrated any birthdays for themselves, except for the large gatherings for the High lord.
When explained Tamlin got really excited. He hand wrote four invitations and gave them to his family. His mother sort of smiled when she took it, but put it in a drawer without reading it. Tamlin, of course, just thought that meant she would look at it later, so off he went to the next person.
His second eldest brother screamed at him to stop talking and leave him alone. Tamlin nearly ran away but silently offered the invitation. He sneered at it but snatched it out of his hands. Tamlin quickly ran off after that but was giddy with excitement because yes! He took it! Clearly that meant he would join!
Then he went to his father and slipped it onto his desk. His father glared so frightfully at him that Tamlin ran off before he could see the reaction. But he had left it there so hopefully he would join in!
Then he went to his eldest brother. Who told him to go outside and not bother anyone with his presence. Tamlin still tried to hand him the invitation. He gritted his teeth, looking oh so angry but pointed to his desk where Tamlin then left it. He was left slight with energy because all his family took it which obviously meant all of them were coming.
Tamlin set up a little party in his room. One of the servants helped him make a little cupcake with a candle. Tamlin sat at a little table in the centre of his room, clutching his favourite teddy as he watched the door and waited.
And waited. And waited. And waited.
He waited, and waited and waited. Until it was so late that he heard no noise anywhere in the Court. No one opened the door. No one came in. No one joined his little party, no one even sent someone to tell him happy birthday. They all forgot him.
Tamlin didn’t give up. He gave little invitations to all his family every year. Making them very pretty and trying his hardest to make them want to join in on the party, to remember his birthday. He left little notes. He told his mother everyday the week leading up. He even briefly talked to his brothers about it.
Every year the same.
He watched the door and he waited. With one cupcake in front of him, with a single candle.
No one ever came.
No one remembered.
Only the teddy Tamlin was given as a baby ever came to his birthday party.
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strwbnnie · 2 years
ran haitani x black fem reader
wc: 5kish
Warnings: sensual sex, fuck buddies, fem reader, black coded reader!, friends with benefits, mutual pining, slight flirting, fingering, oral sex, mentions of creampie, squirting, unprotected sex, ouid usage, pet name usage (ex. pretty, good girl, pretty girl), chubby reader (big titties, fat ass, thick thighs, fat belly, etc.), ran has commitment issues, MDNI!
notes: school was whooping my ass, that’s why this took so damn long to write 😭 thank y’all for all the help @prtttycocobuttvr @pattycakes5516 🫶🏾 💕
I hope you all enjoy!
He tosses his phone in the cup holder after shooting you a text, drumming the fingers of his right hand against the center console. Droplets of rain begin to fall against the windshield and he’s hoping you bring your ass before it really gets to beating down. 
You’re finally walking out and you look good. Good as hell actually, in a chocolate brown, skin tight tube dress and the brown pair of those teddy bear slippers you seem to have in every color. Half of your hair is wrapped up in a bun and the rest is flowing behind you as you speed walk to his car. There’s some kids playing football in the street and a couple of other people on their porches, probably wondering who the hell was getting picked up in such a nice car.
Surely no one expects it to be you—you barely went anywhere, but school and work, and by the way you were cheesing from ear to ear as you reached for the passenger door handle , this obviously wasn’t an Uber. 
Your heart is in your stomach. This isn’t the first time he’s picked you up, but it’s the first time he’s picked you up in broad daylight. Ran notices your jean jacket is tucked away in the crevice of your left arm and the other is toting that big ass purse he wished you’d stop bringing. His room was small enough as it was and it just took up so much fucking space since you refused to sit it on the floor. 
You plop down in the passenger seat immediately pulling the door closed, not wanting to hold him up any longer. You hear the gear shift and he’s driving down the expanse of your street to get back onto the main road. 
“Hey! Been a while, thought you forgot about me.” 
It’s been so long since he’s heard your voice. A week, week and a half maybe? He wasn’t sure if he missed seeing you or if it was just what came with seeing you, but it did feel nice to be in your presence again. The only reason he went to so long without seeing you was because he’d been so busy scouting locations for the club. 
“Yeah..been busy. Stressed. My bad.”
Through his peripheral he sees you popping your AirPod into its case, dropping it into your bag. “I feel that, just finished midterms. I passed but they definitely whooped my ass.” 
What were you in school for again? Bio? Nursing? 
The gears are turning in his head but he’s still pulling blanks and deems it forgotten. If it comes up again, he’d probably ask tho. 
It seems like he’d forgotten how pretty you were too, sneaking looks at you every chance he gets. Did you have your lashes done last time he saw you? He’s not entirely certain but he can’t help but be captivated by how fluffy they are and how they just slightly flutter against your cheeks every time you blink. That sexy vanilla perfume you like is dancing through his nostrils as you inch closer to hoop one of the straps of your bag around his headrest. “Remind me why you insist on fucking up my vehicle.” 
You’d hardly call that fucking up his vehicle, but you did spill some of your sweet tea on his mat the last time he saw you and it seemed he’d never let you live it down. 
“Because, a woman’s bag should never touch the floor and your fast ass driving is gonna have my shit all over the seat as soon as you hit a corner.” 
As the two of you eased into the sixth month of knowing each other, you’re much more comfortable than you’d ever been with any man you’ve dealt with, but that still doesn’t stop the butterflies fluttering in your gut. 
“Whenever you upgrade from your learner’s, I’ll let you drive us instead.” 
He’s probably trying to be funny. It’s a nice ass car, real sleek and expensive most likely, you don’t even know what it is except that it’s a Benz. You highly doubt he’d even let you into the driver’s seat to honk the horn. “Kiss my ass, Ran. I’ll be driving before the year is out.” 
“I’ll hold you to it.” His eyes are on you and he has that dreamy look on his face. The one where he cracks the tiniest little smile only for you. The one that makes it impossible to look him in the eyes cause it melts your heart and fills your tummy with the biggest butterflies.  You never thought it’d get this deep between you and him, meeting him was supposed to be a social experiment. You and your friends all downloaded Tinder and the challenge was to link with the first guy you matched with.
Surprisingly, as soon as you swiped on Ran, it was a match. Not much conversing took place on the app, just small talk before you exchanged numbers and then plans to meet, chill, maybe smoke. It was so long ago and you don’t really remember all the details aside from how his skinny ass folded you up in the backseat of his car that same night. Ran gave you, hands down, the best dick of your life—choked you, spanked you, slapped you…all the kinky shit you fantasized about. Of course you fell in love. 
The ride is quiet as it nears its end, music playing faintly in the background but drowned out by the heavy drizzle of the rain.
A twenty minute drive turned thirty seven, since he avoided expressways and fought with traffic. Plus he always drove the speed limit when it rained, especially with you in the car. 
This isn’t the first time you’ve been to Ran’s place but it doesn’t amaze you any less every time you see it. From the floor to ceiling windows, marble tile and abstract art, the luxe apartment fits the eldest Haitani to a T. As soon as you step in, your first stop is the kitchen to wash your hands, a habit you picked up and passed on to him. After tossing your napkin you reach into your bag, passing him the Tupperware.
“I brought you some lasagna.” He’s shifting those lavender eyes down towards the pink plastic bowl then back at you again.
“Why?” It’s a genuine question and you hear no malice or sarcasm behind his tone.
“I- what? I‘m not putting woo on you, if that’s what you think, dickhead. Just had a lot left over and didn’t want to be wasteful.” You roll your eyes when he finally grabs the Tupperware from you. “Plus, it’s a peace offering for spilling the tea.” 
He’s weary to take it, for whatever reason. Probably because he’s never had anyone cook for him. Or because he thinks he’ll fall for you even harder if he does. “Thanks.” Is all he says before he slides it into the fridge to keep cool.
“You act like you’re not used to people being nice to you, weirdo.” 
He’s not. In his profession, he doesn’t think he’ll ever be. It’s never genuine and he knows it, why waste his time on fake love. That was before you at least, and it’s even more of a reason to stop whatever this was because seeing you has become more and more addictive and he’s in deeper than he’s ever been.
You follow him to his room like a little puppy, you know where it is but you always insist on entering only after he does. He’d done a lot of errands and running around so he’s peeling himself out of his outside clothes before sitting on the edge of his bed, eyes fixated on the TV that’s mounted to the wall. He chooses the r&b playlist you made, it’s what the two of you always use as background music. 
A few feet away from him, you’re sliding out of your dress, letting it pool at your feet. The band of your thong sits high on your waist—something about not wanting a muffin-top, he remembers you saying, and he’s gripping your arm, pulling you over to him before you have the chance to pull them down. He positions you to straddle his lap, something you used to dread, in fear that you’d be too heavy for him. You’re pressed against him, the warmth of your chest against the cool skin of his.
“I missed you.” You ran your acrylics down the length of one of his braids where you begin undoing the rubberband at the end. Both braids are unraveled and the french tips of your nails are moving along his scalp. You smile when he lets out a deep sigh and his eyes roll back into his skull. “Missed you too.” He presses his lips against yours and you do the same once he’s got your attention, pressing kisses along his neck and chest. He doesn’t even mind the lipgloss on his lips and chest, thinks of it as you leaving your mark on him. 
The both of you are skin to skin and everything about this is so mind boggling. Just a few weeks back you were a t-shirt warrior and an advocate for fucking in the dark, yet it only took one time—one night of Ran undressing you and kissing you from head to toe, caressing every single inch of your plush body and absolutely ravishing you in front of his full body mirror, chanting that you were beautiful until you understood. 
Who could blame you for falling in love?
You want him so bad but you’ve accepted that he’ll never be yours the way you want him to be. And that’s okay because nothing else matters when he’s staring down at you like a god. Lilac eyes hooded, braids unraveled and his two-toned hair is fanned out around his face, so pretty and wavy. You’re staring back, a pillow under your knees for comfort. 
His dick is big—thick and heavy, too heavy to stand on its own.  It curves down gorgeously between his legs, mushroom tip beaded with pre as he grabs it. “So cute.” He breathes out, tapping his dick against your cheek and then your tongue. “Can I use you?”
You stare up at him, mesmerized by those deep pools of lavender. “You can do whatever.”
He’s lifting your braids up and away, keeping it out of your face, the scrunchie that held your bun now wrapped around his wrist. His first thrusts are nice and slow, rubbing his cock against your tongue and slowly easing towards your tastebuds. You’ve learned to breathe through your nose when he’s using your mouth like this. 
Ran picks up pace and you’re gagging and drooling all over yourself. So much that you’re scooping it up and rubbing it on your nipples. He unsheathes his thick dick from your throat, cock twitching and jumping, slapping against your chin as he prolongs his orgasm. He’s enthralled by the sight you’ve become. Fat globs of tears pool at your waterline and snot runs down your nose, thick lines of frothy spit running down your chin and tits. He keeps a good grip on your hair, always makes it his duty to keep it nice and pristine when he sluts you out like this. You’re aware that you look an absolute mess and you know he fucking loves it, so much that he won’t stop staring down at you. Now your face is warm and you’re feeling bashful. “Want you to cum. Please.” Your tone is deep and sultry, yet your pleas are dipped in honey, deliciously sweet as they flood his mind. 
His dick is back in your mouth, he’s moving your head slow and steady. “I’ll cum for you, pretty.”
“Oh f-uhhhh-uck.” He’s still thrusting, just a little faster, more sloppily & unhinged, feral and desperate as he fucks your throat to release. “G’nna cum for you right now.” 
It isn’t long until he’s nearing his end, pulling out and giving his dick a few tugs until he’s shooting rope after rope, painting your face. You even catch some on your tongue and you’re swallowing it up as soon as he gives you your fill. You’ve learned to tolerate the bitterness and it’s much more pleasant now that you’re used to it. His toes are clenching into the carpet, his gut is tightening and the way you still wanna suck the life outta him even after he came is insane. But it feels so good to make him feel good. His hands are damn near trembling but he manages to fix your hair back into the half ponytail. Of course it isn’t as cute as when you did it, but it’ll do.
Ran uses his shirt to wipe your face for you, a little rough but very thorough, he doesn’t miss an inch so your eyebrows and the little bit of concealer you used to cover a couple of dark spots is long gone. He pulls you up into another kiss—a sloppy, messy kiss, the two of you are sucking faces like you’ll never see each other again. You don’t even realize he’s got you onto your back until he’s between your legs, sliding his fingers under the waistband of your panties. He’s peeling the damp cotton away from your folds and down the length of your legs, placing kisses against your calves as he slips the panties over your feet. 
“Mine?” You know exactly what he’s asking for and you contemplate telling him no until Ran runs his warm tongue up your slit, pulling the hood back with his thumb and sucking your clit into his mouth.
“Mhm, keep em.” 
His mouth morphs into a small smirk. You’d probably think he was an absolute fucking weirdo if you knew what he did with the panties he’s collected from you. His hands are trailing up your sides, resting against yours until they’re moving to place them on his head. Your nails move against his scalp, threading between those loose strands and gathering them up and out of his face. 
He’s pushing your legs up higher, your thighs are pressing into your belly, knees right up under your tits. Ran was on cloud 9 right now. Every breath is filled with your scent, tongue coated in your essence as he’s licking up and down your cunt, even sticking his tongue in and fucking you with it for moments at a time.
Then he’s got two of those long, nimble fingers knuckle deep, pussy swallowing them up as he slides them deeper and clenching when he pulls them out. He’s rubbing your clit with the cream coated digits, fitting his tongue into your cunt and slurping up the wetness that leaks out, blessing you with those sloppy licks until he’s trailing lower and lower.
“Mmmfff…wait that’s my-“ 
He almost laughs at the squeak you let out when his thick tongue begins lathering your asshole with spit. Licking and prodding, so sloppy and slippery from your own juices running down. You taste so good, so clean and fresh and he won’t let a drop go to waste. It doesn’t feel like much to be honest but the act itself is so nasty, so profane, and it just turns you on so fucking much.
His tongue is licking and prodding at your ass, just until it gives for him, until he’s able to-.
“Fucckkkk.” You cry out in pain and pleasure. He slips a finger into your ass, lips wrapped around your clit again and you’re wondering if it’d be weird to start planning your wedding so soon. 
You love how nasty he is, how he eats your pussy and ass with no issue, without you even having to ask. He does it cause he wants to. Does it cause he likes pleasing you too. You’re clenching on his finger as he fucks you with it, biting your lip to keep from letting out the most obscene of moans. 
“Ran…g’nna cum.” 
He pops his lips away from your clit, spitting on the bud and running his tongue around it. 
“Yeah, gonna cum all over my face.” 
It’s not a question, he’s certainly telling you, but you whimper out a pathetic attempt at answering him as he sucks your fat clit up between his lips again. It feels so good and you’re so sensitive that, that’s all you need to come undone. Your toes are curled indefinitely and he doesn’t let up until trickles of clear liquid flood his mouth, wetting his cheeks and the tip of his nose. Your legs are trembling in the air, buckling against his hold as you spray your release over the bottom of his face, a fountain of your essence and he tries his best to drink it all up.
Your breathing is hard, sporadic even and he doesn’t even give you a chance to catch it when he’s folding you up again, both hands at the back of your knees as he slides in slowly. 
“F-fuck.” You stutter as he bottoms out, the thick tip of his cock kissing your cervix with every roll of his hips. He’s staring at you amusedly—your face is scrunched up like you wanna cry, you’re gasping for air like a fish out of fucking water, the whites of your eyes on full display. Lips parted and dry. And even still, he can’t help but think how pretty you are. How he wants to see you make that dumb little face every time he fucks you stupid. 
“You love this dick?” The way Ran fucks you is so sensual, giving you those slow, deep strokes you love so fucking much. Leaning over to kiss and nip at your shoulder and jaw just like a lover would. 
“F-fuck yessss…I love it..I love y-you.” 
His dick is deep in your pussy, so deep it should be a sin, kissing your cervix with every single roll of his hips. It feels so forbidden—sneaky links shouldn’t fuck like this, but it’s so damn good, so dizzying you don’t even catch your mistake. 
The smell of him, his voice, his sexy ass face—you’re in love with every aspect of him, everything about him.
In love with a stranger.
It’s just a slip up. That’s what he’s telling himself as he pulls out and rolls you onto your belly because staring at your pretty ass face has him wanting to cum in you and say it back. To be fair, he loves your pussy just as much. The first and only pussy he ever ate was yours and you’re the first he’s ever fucked raw.
“Good girl,” He’s got a rhythm going, and he’s stuffing you full of dick every time you throw your ass back on him. “Don’t run from it.”
He’s cooing and talking nasty as he fills you with all eight inches, telling you you’re a good girl. His good girl. His baby. His slut. And it’s fine cause you’ll be anything as long as it’s his. His thrusts are getting harder, sloppier as he nears his end. He can’t keep his hands off of your ass. Your mocha colored skin rippling against ever thrust, every slap of his heavy palm against your rear. 
You think he must think he’s a fucking artist the way he enjoys painting your lovely skin with his cum. In reality, he’s marking you, laying claim over you like an absolute animal. Drips of translucent white run down your butt, settling into the dimples of your back, some running down the crack of your ass. He grabs that same shirt to clean you off, avoiding your pussy. 
“You definitely did a number on me.” You turn to show him the marks on your hips. There’s more on your neck, he notices, you’ll see them once you’re in front of a mirror. His thumbs are ghosting over the faint purple bruises on your skin. He never intends to leave those marks on you, but you bruise so easily even when he thinks he’s being gentle. It’s exactly why you deserve someone who’ll treat you better, handle you better. Someone who’ll really be gentle & make love to you, since he only knows how to fuck. 
“Gonna shower.” He hears you say after you gather your clothes from the floor. You gather his too and toss them into the 3-compartment hamper, separating his black pants from his grey boxers. 
He doesn’t see it, and you’re glad he doesn’t. You still felt a bit iffy about the lasagna situation and you really didn’t want him to think you were overstepping your boundaries. “You brought clothes or you need something to put on?” He’s still sprawled out on the bed, arm over his eyes. The cool air has him fully softened, and you love that he’s that comfortable. 
“Yeah, I packed some stuff cause I didn’t know if you’d feel like taking me back home tonight after picking me up, since I stay kinda far.”
“I would’ve.” He shrugs, finally sitting up. “But you can stay if you want.” 
“Do you want me to stay?” Your back is to him, as you’re shuffling through your bag to pull out a towel, panties and the oversized shirt you brought. It’s the first time he’s ever offered you to stay at his place, but you’re hoping it’s because he wants you to, otherwise you feel like a bother.
“Sure, I don’t care.” 
It’s not the answer you’re hoping for and your mood dampened. He watches as you step into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
He’s slouched over the railing of the balcony, smoking and enjoying the cool air. At least, that’s what he should’ve been doing—instead his mind is moving a mile a minute, his blunt long forgotten as he gaslights himself into disregarding what you said earlier. 
He knows it’s the worst thing you could’ve ever said to him and hoped you didn’t mean it, but in actuality, he loved hearing it. Loved watching your pretty lips contort to say it and couldn’t fathom the thought of hearing you say it to anyone that wasn’t him. 
Ran sighs heavily as the voice in the back of his mind scolds him. He felt like he was losing his shit. It was selfish, yet uncontrollable and he couldn't help himself. You were like a drug he didn’t want to give up. But this needed to stop.
He knew it would ruin you both.
He doesn’t expect to feel you wrap your arms around him, it startles him a bit and he almost drops his blunt. “You okay? Whatcha thinking about?” 
He shakes his head, offering you the joint, which you take. “Just business stuff.”
It's really you on my mind It's really you on my mind It's really you…
Frank Ocean’s voice is oozing out from the sliver of space in between the glass door and it’s frame and the irony is almost baffling, so much that he has to chuckle as he blows smoke into the cool night air.  
“You ever had sex out here?” He looks over to see you on your tip toes, leaning further over the edge to see more of the view. 
“You want me to fuck you out here?” He answers your question with a question, moving closer until his crotch is pressed right up against your ass. 
Your skin—and the entire bathroom for that matter, smells just like vanilla, he’s wondering if you actually wear perfume or if it’s just that body wash that sticks to you so well. Either way you smell so good, so yummy that he’s dying to bend you over this balcony and run his tongue over every inch of you. Instead, he opts for pressing his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply.
“Maybe.” You say after blowing smoke in the air and reaching behind until he grabs the blunt from between your pointy nails. “But it’s cold as hell out here.” In a matter of minutes it feels like the weather has dropped a couple dozen degrees and the cool wind makes it hard to keep the blunt lit. You both reside back into the bedroom and he closes the door behind the both of you, he heads to the kitchen while you settle into his bed to get some homework done.
He plops the chunk of lasagna onto a plate, sitting it into the microwave and letting it go for about a minute and thirty. 
While that’s heating up, he’s washing out your bowl and turning it over in the adjacent sink to drip dry. 
It’s so fucking good. He doesn’t even remember the last time he ate something home cooked. While he’s indulging in the stack of savory carbs, you have your headphones over your ears doing a case study assignment and listening to a lofi playlist. In your peripheral you see him on Tinder, and the fact that he’s sitting inches away from you, eating the lasagna you made and still swiping on bitches sours your mood even more, so much that you’re pulling your headphones off and shifting your entire body to face him. 
“You still be on there?” 
You don’t want to seem nosey, or delusional or whatever else somebody might call you, but your profile has been hidden for at least a month now, and the app deleted. After fucking with Ran you haven’t even thought of meeting another man. 
“Here and there.” He shrugs, locking his phone and tossing it on the side table. “When I’m bored.”
“When you’re bored.” You repeat it and yup, it sounds just as absurd coming out your mouth. “Have you fucked anyone else since our little arrangement?”
“Nah, haven’t really thought about it. What’s with all the questions?” He gives you one of those slow blinks and it pisses you off even more. 
“Just curious. I-I just wanna know what we are. Like, where I stand in your life, I guess.” 
“From my knowledge, we’re just two people that fuck. Not really friends with benefits cause I don’t fuck friends-.” His words are like a jab in the gut. 
“But you asked for friends with benefits, now we’re not friends?” “I said no strings attached, not friends with benefits.”
“No strings attached. Right.” It kills you to repeat it. “So in other words, I don’t mean shit to you.” You’re closing your laptop and swinging your legs over the edge of the bed. “Just someone you text when you wanna bust a nut, got it.” 
It’s the farthest from the truth and it nearly shatters his heart to hear you utter such nonsense as he watches you stuff your belongings back into your bag. But, what exactly could he say?
He wasn’t looking for anything serious and he doesn’t fuck friends—you were in a category of your own, even if he didn’t quite know what that category was. Either way, he doesn’t expect you to react the way that you do and he considers damage control but knows he shouldn’t.
It’d just confuse the both of you, he knows it. 
These messages have been green and undelivered for months now. They probably will be for the rest of his life but Ran can’t bring himself to stop checking them every so often. 
“Come on man, you’re still not over what’s-her-face?” 
Ran, usually so sharp and alert, doesn’t even know how long his younger brother has been standing there. He just hopes not long enough to have seen him scrolling up and down your old messages. All the way up to when he asked for more photos of you since you didn’t have many on your profile. Scrolling down to where you asked for more of him and of course he didn’t have many either, but he still found himself opening up his camera to take more for you. Every ‘wyd’ or ‘I’m outside’ and every ‘drive safe.’ He read through them all, and recalls ever single moment he’s had with you. “Do you live to fucking annoy me?” 
“Just saying. There’s plenty of pussy in the sea. Plenty of women too. Come on man, it’s a big night for us.” Oh how Ran loved the way life worked. Constantly putting off spending time with you to focus on the club, now the club is finally opening for its first night and he couldnt be bothered to care. He can’t get you off his mind. 
“Yeah..just a couple hundred people I gotta play friendly with all damn night.” The older brother sighs. Ran’s tone is so emotionless, so dull it’s like talking to a shell of him. It kills Rindou to see that he still hasn’t gotten over whoever the hell you were. 
Ran was always so secretive & Rindou is actually a little annoyed because had he known who you were he would’ve personally begged you on his hands and knees to take his brother back. 
“It’ll be well worth it in the end, just tend to VIP sections, I’ll keep everyone else entertained.” The two bump fists before parting ways.
The first VIP section that catches his eye is a group of women and he assumed someone was celebrating a birthday, judging by the big metallic pink ‘25’ balloons, so of course he wants to be there one bearing the gifts. A limited edition pink bottle of Clase Azul, champagne for a toast and a bouquet of pink roses are in his hands as he makes his way to the table.
“Ladies.” He greets you and your friends. “Enjoying yourselves?” 
Ran thinks he’s seeing things when his eyes meet yours, and he can’t tell if the universe is working for or against him.
You look so fucking gorgeous in your satin pink dress, it hugs your curves but slouches in all the right areas giving the illusion of wet silk draped against your body. Your makeup is beautiful, lips glossy, nails done, even your hair is sexy as hell—jet black buss down, or whatever the fuck it’s called, and it’s way past your ass. Long enough to pull. Fuck, he misses pulling your hair. He misses you. 
“Beautiful bottle for a beautiful lady. Happy birthday.” He plays it cool but his heart feels like it’s about to beat out of his chest. 
“Thank you.” You can feel your cheeks raising and you’re not sure if it’s because of the compliment or the free liquor. It took you months to forget about this very man only to have him catch you completely off guard on the night of your birthday. He looks good, so good you can’t help but stare. He’s stopped dyeing his hair, more of his natural black has grown out, and he has most of it pulled back in a messy high pony. He’s still into oversized clothes, donning a white shirt that was at least two sizes too big, black jeans and a flannel around his waist. 
When you grab the bottle from his hand, the tips of your nails graze his hand and Ran wonders if it’s crazy to miss them running down his back too. Both of you are surrounded by your friends, guests and workers in the club but it really feels like it’s just the two of you. 
He’s looking you up and down, drinking you in amongst the dim lighting and he can’t imagine how he fumbled you. He pops the bottle of champagne effortlessly, pouring you a glass and doing the same for your four friends, then himself. 
“To Y/N. More life to you.” 
He’s the last one you clank your glass with, your face warms up as you can feel his eyes bearing down on your as you finally take your first sip. Sweet and bubbly is how you’d describe it, most champagne’s are too dry for your liking, that much he remembers.
“Can we talk?”
Even after sharing some of your most intimate moments with him, it still felt like talking to a stranger. 
You tell your friends you’ll be back and then he’s leading you through the long corridor to a lavish office. This is Ran we’re talking about so you wouldn’t expect anything less. 
“Been a while.” He speaks after closing the door behind the both of you. Ran hates small talk, yet here he is trying his best to spark up a conversation with you. In the fluorescent lighting he notices you’ve lost weight too, hopes it’s cause you wanted to and not stress or anything like that. “Didn’t know today was your birthday.”
“You didn’t care to remember. I would’ve never guessed you owned this club.” You sigh, leaning against his desk, shifting your weight off of your feet. These heels were cute as hell but they were literally murder on your ankles and the balls of your feet. “How have you been?” 
It was his turn to sigh. “I don’t know, just been busy with the club, it was keeping me distracted. Keeping you off my mind.” If Ran wasn’t anything else, he was always honest, especially with you. 
Silence. The silence is smothering the both of you in unresolved tension and it only gets thicker as you contemplate what to even say to that. “Why would I be on your mind?”
“What? You’re always on my mind. Every time I think about you, I fucking miss you. But I know I fucked up so-“
“No, you did nothing wrong, nothing at all. When we first started messing around we agreed to no strings attached, no I love you’s, no feelings. But I fucked all of that up and I fell for you..and you didn’t catch me.” You twiddled with your thumbs, knowing when he asked to ‘talk’ this was coming sooner or later. “I wanted you so bad I was fine just being your friend, but to know I wasn’t even that, it hurt. It hurt so bad I thought I’d never get over you, until I realized that I was settling.”
He’s taken aback to say the least. “Settling? I made you feel like you were settling? What was it that I didn’t have? That I didn’t give you? Money, status?”
His expression is shocked, crazed even, and it feels so good to get some kind of emotion out of him other than indifference. But, you’re past this phase, and you no longer wanted to be involved with him romantically. Probably not even sexually to be honest. “Have I ever asked you for money, Ran?” 
Truthfully, you were probably the only woman he’s dealt with that didn’t ask him for money. 
“You never asked me for anything. How would I know what you wanted?” By now he felt defeated, pathetic, like he was pleading and you weren’t hearing him. 
“When you find the girl that’s for you, that special girl, she won’t even have to ask.”
He feels like it’d be crazy to admit that he thinks you’re that girl. That he knew you were special since the first night he met you. That he was just afraid of commitment and that’s why he pushed you away. 
This wasn’t like losing a friend, no, he knows that far too well. This was like losing a lover. A foreign feeling and he’s not entirely sure why, but it hurts. It hurts so bad. 
You prop your arms on his shoulders, reaching a hand behind him, looping one of your fingers around his hair-tie and slipping it out. He makes no move to stop you as his hair falls around his face, a curtain of black and gold. “Still so pretty.” You place your hands on either side of his face, soft fingertips running against his milky skin. It’s like you’re teasing him with those gentle gestures, only to rip his heart out in the end.
“Take care, Ran.” 
There’s burning in his throat and he wants to scream. To punch something.  
But you’re smiling up at him so cutely and he’s given no choice but to crack a fake smile for you too as he pulls you into his arms for the last time.
Is this closure? Is it supposed to make him feel worse than he would’ve had he chose to not speak to you at all? Is this how you felt?
In the end, he can’t even be mad. He wasn’t ready, but he had no clue how much it’d hurt when you didn’t wait for him. He squeezes you tighter and wants to hold you, feel you, even smell you just a little bit longer, but he hears a knock on his door and he knows it’s time to free you. To free himself from the shackles you kept around his heart whether you knew it or not. 
“Take care, y/n.”
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Well Llama, you’ve got me hooked on another one of your aus. That post about kids visiting the harpy aviary reminded me of my own field trips as a kid. I…may have gotten a reputation for wandering off and getting lost. NEVER on purpose, mind you, it just always seemed to happen! I can guarantee I would have found my way into Skull’s enclosure. With that in mind, what WOULD our loveable teddy bird do if a kid somehow wandered in?
I'll do you one better. Here's how all of them would respond to a child wandering into their enclosure.
Sans: Usually, when anyone who isn't Mc approaches the grouchy harpy while he's sleeping, he gets extra vicious at his sleep being interrupted and lashes out. Many staff who got too close/confident have the laceration scars to prove his favouritism toward Mc. Let sleeping dogs lie, as they say.
... But even though anyone watching can clearly see his sockets open a fraction at the approach of the child, he does absolutely nothing, continuing to lounge around like they aren't even there. The kid literally wanders up to him, touching his soft plumage, and he does little more than snore. He's like a lion dad with a fussy cub- they could cuddle up next to him, shout and scream, jump on him, pull his feathers, anything. He might even play with them a bit... pretending to roll over in his sleep and pinning them under a wing. Oh no, gravity is increasing on me...
He likes kids. He doesn't consider a child any kind of threat, unlike adults. This one is particularly funny. He also very much enjoys the attention Mc gives him for being so gentle.
Red: Kids find him cool so it makes sense one would eventually find a way to wander in. He used to not really care about children, but after he started courting a human woman, he's grown very fond of human kids. It's one of the reasons he seems so delighted when groups of them come to visit the aviary.
... But obviously, this kid isn't his biologically. So there's a worry he won't tolerate them in his space. Not the case, though! If Sans is the lazy lion dad, Red is the grumpy one. If a kid entered his enclosure and started following him around, he resembles a slightly annoyed older brother with their delighted younger sibling shadowing him absolutely everywhere, but he still lets them do whatever they want. He lets them clamber on him, tug his feathers, touch his cool teeth and claws. Despite his constant annoyed expression, when staff come to the rescue he's got the kid on his shoulders where they gleefully prod his face and talk about flying.
He's quick to let out little warning growls if they get too rough. But that's it.
Skull: A kid who walked into Skull's aviary would have to be suitably unafraid of him. Which is his dream. He immediately scoops them up, and they play together for as long as possible, climbing and 'flying' and exploring. It's the best time he's had in a long time.
Unfortunately... then comes the removal process. Mc tries to do it slowly, tries to gradually convince Skull to let the kid go so he doesn't lash out. And she almost gets it- she can see in his eyelight that he's close to handing them over. But not close enough... the other staff panic and tranquillise him.
... Skull goes to sleep holding his baby. And he wakes up no baby. Mc stayed with him until he woke to try and mitigate the inevitable fallout, but her presence does little to calm him. His distress is obvious, he tears up his enclosure looking for them... and once he realises they're gone, he becomes completely inconsolable, curling up in the corner of his den. You don't have to be a harpy expert to know that the sounds he's making are ones of grief.
For at least a week, he's utterly despondent. He won't eat unless Mc is there, he just stays in his den, cradling his plushie. He always keeps it tucked under one wing... like he's hiding it.
(He's scared he'll lose that, too.)
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slashers-and-rats · 1 year
Hello! Lovely evening, day, or night we are having! I have just the prompt for you, my friend! RZ version of Michael Myers (If you can write for him that is) with an s/o who is Russian! Just some headcanons or a one-shot if that's okay with you.
Also I want to see how Michael would react to being called "Big bear"! I personally think of Michael as a Big Bear and I love to see his reaction to the nickname! But anyways, have a lovely day and farewell!
a/n: this introduced me to a brand new type of micheal, and he is. he is one big boy, oh wow. thank you for this blessing anon. truly. that being said, i don’t think he’d react any differently to a russian s/o, so I’m gonna focus more on the big bear part, if that’s okey dokey.
Micheal Myers being called big bear [along with other fluff]
micheal knows he’s a big guy. he towers over nearly everyone he meets. he’s a very dominating presence. as much as he wants to be unnoticeable, it’s hard not to spot him in a crowd when his mask is bobbing high above everyone’s head. he’s intimidating to everyone. but you, obviously. no, you love this large hunk of man.
the nickname was a no brainer for you. at first, he hadn’t really noticed. you’d say it casually, sticking it in between your usual flurry of compliments. you’d be sitting on his lap, peppering his face with kisses, and giggling at how he squirmed in embarrassment at all the affection. as you’d kiss him, you’d mumble “by big bear, my big hunky man! so handsome, so nice! my big guy!” it always made him melt. you had a way of making him feel large but… soft. it was new to him.
to you, he was a gentle giant. he always paid extra attention to touching you, making sure he was being as gentle as he could be. when he held you, you really noticed his restraint. those big arms wrapped around you, your face pressed up against his chest; it was a miracle you didn’t suffocate in between his pecs.
the first time he did notice you calling him that, he had been cuddling with you. he was being big spoon, his mask having been thrown away, and his face hidden in the back of your hair. you were explaining a movie to him, and he was listening very intently despite seeming distracted. after awhile of you rambling, you had piped up and asked, “hey, big bear? do you wanna go grab some lunch?”
he sat up, looking down at you with a little confusion. you stayed looking at the movie, not really paying attention to the fact his face was bright red. something about you calling him that… it made his heart race. he was your big bear! it made him feel fluffy and light, like something you could squeeze and cuddle. he liked it.
he had kissed you then, in a soft and sweet way. you didn’t really know why. you had called him the name numerous times, but he had never really noticed until then. you went along with it tho, never one to reject his affections. especially since he was so quiet and stoic. he didn’t like being so overly affectionate sometimes, but this. it made him feel like he was some domestic man. he had a petname, a good one. it felt nice.
he took note every time you called him that after that moment. his favourite times are when you two were making out, and you could really feel the difference in size between the both of you. the way your soft body pressed into his, the way his fingertips sank into your plush flesh. it felt so nice. and when you whispered against his lips “touch me more, big bear, please…” oh, he was down for the count. it was like setting fireworks off, he couldn’t be contained.
with how guarded micheal is, and how scary he seemingly tries to come off, it’s nice for him to know there’s one person that sees through all of that. he does have such a gushy centre, deep down. at least, for certain people. and so when you give him petnames, it just makes him feel like he isn’t so terrifying. he’s just your big teddy bear, and that’s all he wants to be.
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madame-fear · 2 years
— ☆ amira speaks : happy valentine's day babes,, enjoy this <33
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• The very first of February our boy will already have all his gifts prepared for you, and his plans for Valentine's day.
• Chocolates, flowers, love notes, teddy bears/plushies, other gifts of your liking, etc — everything needed for the special day, he already has it prepared!
• The day before Valentine's, he would go to your house and have a sleepover with you only so the next day he can cook you breakfast. And he'll know exactly what you eat for breakfast, and how you like it. Of course, he lovingly wakes you up with tons of kisses, love notes, flowers (mostly roses), and with breakfast on bed.
• After having a sweet breakfast together full of gift giving and tons of love, he'd insist on having you dress with the very best of your clothing, and he would first take you out on a ride on his car.
• Literally, takes you to any part of the city you'd wish to see while blasting a very special playlist he made with your favourite songs so you can listen to it everytime you're out on a ride together.
• And of course, you'd probably go to the shopping mall, or buy things for each other in there and just have fun together! Also, his arm would be around your body delicately the entire time you were out. A bit shyly, but he won't admit that he feels a bit nervous around your presence, especially at seeing how pretty you look.
• When going back at your home, he'd offer to cook you your favourite food, whatever it is. Don't offer yourself to help, because he will immediatly reject your helping proposal. All you need to do is sit down, relax, and wait for your food — Jace would give you a literal princess Queen treatment that you deserve.
• Being the romantic gentleman he is, he would set the dinner table perfectly with your plates and cutlery, and would also place some candles with your favourite scent.
• Movie night and cuddling together after dinner! With some good tea, and your favourite biscuits and/or sweets. The movies are all of your very own selection, obviously. No matter the genre of the movie, or which movie you picked; he'll happily watch it with you while laying on bed together, full of blankets, and he plays with strands of your hair.
• Simply, spoils you the way you deserve to be spoiled, and every Valentine's Day he'll try to make it as special and unique as possible.
♡ LUCERYS : ♡ 
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• The moment you accepted his invitation to be his Valentine's, he was so incredibly overjoyed! Of course, he asked you through text so you couldn't see the way he fangirled at your approval, but he nearly dies of excitement.
• Much like his elder brother, Luke would also buy gifts with anticipation — but probably, a few days before Valentine's. He would gather information about things that you like (or want), and he would also ask Jace on how to impress girls... yeah.
• On Valentine's Day, he'd go to your home rather early to pick you up and spend the entire day together. And of course, he even brushed his messy curly hair for you! How sweet is that?
• He'd stand at your door with a bouquet of your favourite flowers and a box of chocolates (or any favourite candy of yours), and the second he sees you swiftly opening your front door, his heart would most definitely skip a beat at how mesmerising you look; which would leave him stumbling upon his own words for a bit.
• ^ All he manages to mumble is a very brief, quiet and anxious “you look very pretty” accompanied by an intense fluster — but his sweetness doesn't fail in making you giggle and fluster yourself as well, much like him.
• You'd probably go out on a walk together on the park or near a lake, and he would also take you out on a café and bookstore date for Valentine's. The entire time your hands are interwined together ♡
• Once it becomes a bit late and it's time to return back home, he'd probably offer you some good trash take away food and eat it back at his home. Because unlike Jace, I doubt Luke can cook without burning the whole house down, but at least he'd order your favourite food.
• Since he's taking you to his home, you'll have to prepare yourselves for all the teasing his family will give to both of you when they see you entering his home with your hands interwined. It embarrasses him a lot, and you can tell by his crimson fluster, but there isn't much he can do about it.
• Lucerys would take you to his room so you can have your own little Valentine's dinner in there, and basically you'd spend your time talking about whatever topic crosses your mind in there, and you'd faintly have music of your liking playing in the background meanwhile.
• Right after your little dinner, he'd basically fill you with all the gifts he got for you: jewellery (earrings, necklaces, bracelets with your initials, etc), books, flowers, plushies — literally everything you like, he got it specially for you! And the best thing out of all of this is the way you threw yourself at him, and filled his cheeks with tons of kisses. Ah, he could re-live that moment forever, and he wouldn't mind.
• The rest of the night is spent by both of you throwing yourself in his bed and eating sweet delicacies and chocolates, offering yourself to paint his nails (he can't say no even if he wanted to, knowing he'd get teased), listening to music together, lovingly kissing, and cuddling.
• Both of you were perfectly comfortable in each other's warm embrace, which was enough for you to fall asleep in an adorable cuddling position. Unfortunately, the next day after Valentine's, Rhaenyra found you cuddling together and took tons of photos of you in that position while gushing.
• And much to your dismay, you were intensely teased. But, what mattered the most was that you had never felt anymore loved in a Valentine's Day, and that Luke had indeed made you feel special.
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @tickle-euphoria @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @damatheirin @jacesvelaryons @mrsgrwy
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
I want some thing silly just absolutely goofy dorky fluff please it can be super short I just need a little giggle and to go “awwww”
Go to bed, seriously
Capri Donahue x fem! reader
Warnings: some coarse language, fluff. Just reader being a tad silly from lack of sleep
In which Capri comes home from a midnight shift to whatever the hell reader was up to instead of being asleep.
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Capri checks her phone as she leaves the supermarket, heading towards her car. It was summer, so she got a job in the meantime to help time go by faster and earn some money to feel good about herself. Anyway, as expected, you didn’t text her or anything. So she assumed you were asleep. Especially since you were still dealing with the tail end of a cold.
Boy was she wrong.
“Babe, what the heck are you doing?”
You froze like a child who’d just gotten caught for eating ice cream right out of the tub, turning your head to look at her over the shoulder. “Rearranging my room.”
“You’re sick.”
“I’m fine.” You replied, obviously still congested.
“It’s almost two a.m., y/n.” She sighs, arms crossed but fighting a smile.
“I’m boredddd.” You sulked.
“Because it’s the middle of the night. You should be asleep by now.”
“You’re not asleep.” You continued, shoving one of your teddy bears into a cubby, followed by another.
She huffs, rolling her eyes, “Because I had to work. And I’m not sick. Please get into bed.”
“Go to bed, seriously.” She insisted. “y/n, please get some sleep.”
You flat out ignored her, carrying on with your task of arranging all your plushies and collectibles onto the shelves.
“Is there anything I can do to make you go to sleep?” She asks, walking closer to you. Capri knew, she just wanted to tease you a little. “You want cuddles?”
To her surprise, you ignore her again. But she was no stranger to this little bit of playfulness from you. “I’m gonna go get changed then we can cuddle, okay? Leave the rest of it for the morning.”
While she changed, you finished off your arrangement of the items then when she got into bed, you did the same. “Come here, love.” She opened up her arms, gesturing for you to get closer to her, and you did. “Do you want to lay on me?” Capri asks.
“Yeah.” You nodded, shifting yourself so you were now comfortably laid on her chest. Well, as comfortably as you could with your still-achy body anyway. Capri wraps her arms around you, rubbing your back in an attempt to lull you to sleep. “What made you rearrange the room at this hour?” She asks.
“I told you.” You giggled, “I couldn’t fall asleep, and I was bored.”
“Eh, to be fair you only told me you were bored.” She grins, planting a kiss to the top of your head.
“Isn’t that a reason, though?”
She hums, “Yeah, it is. I just wanted you to be getting more rest, you know?”
“I’ve been having a lot of trouble with falling asleep.” You sniffed, “Sorry.”
“Did you take the cough syrup?” Asked Capri, her hand continuously rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“I did, guess it’s helping a little.” You told her.
“Pity it doesn’t make you drowsy.”
“Hey!” You gasped.
“It’s supposed to.” She points out.
“Didn’t go that way, did it?” You couldn’t help it but chuckle.
“Okay, close your eyes, you silly goose.” Her grip around you tightens, giving your arm a squeeze, “Go to sleep.”
You sulked but complied. “Just close your eyes and try not to think about anything.” She tells you quietly.
“Will you be home tomorrow?” You ask in a mumble.
“I’m all yours tomorrow, baby girl.” She nods, “So I’ll help you with your little makeover project for our room.”
“Okay.” You smiled, content. With your eyes fluttering shut, you stopped fighting the sleepiness, allowing the comfort of Capri’s presence to lull you to sleep. “I’ve missed you today.”
With one final kiss on the crown of your head, she says, “We can do whatever you want tomorrow. I promise. Sleep tight, sweet girl.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭A/N: I miss Capri😩 so I finished this fic a little early lol😭
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heavenlyhischier · 5 months
I feel like Nico love would be with a girl who needs his heartbeat and presence to sleep well. Like obviously he’d hate roadies but i feel like he’s just do any he could like putting his heartbeat in a teddy bear and spraying it with his cologne. Cause he himself just gives off massive teddy bear vibes
He is definitely the type of boyfriend to leave his favorite hoodie behind for his girl because he wears it so much and it would smell like him and she would rarely take it off when he was gone.
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saintsenara · 8 months
Do you think that Lupin puts Tonks on the same pedestal that he does with James (and Dumbledore)? Because it doesn’t really seem like it but it would make sense if he did
thank you very much for the ask, anon! what an interesting question!
and my immediate reaction would be that no, he doesn't put tonks on the same pedestal that he does james and dumbledore - which is to say that he doesn't regard her as someone to whom he is automatically willing to defer - but that he does still put her on a pedestal and interact with a version of her which doesn't really exist, it's just that the dynamic of that idealisation is slightly different.
and - above all - it is gendered.
we see, throughout half-blood prince and deathly hallows, that lupin's behaviour in his relationship with tonks is motivated - at least in part - by the idea that he is "unworthy" of her. his extraordinary self-loathing - and its connection to his lycanthropy - means that he regards himself as a corrupting influence upon her, as we see in his terror that teddy will inherit his condition. he is also hyper-sensitive to the idea that their relationship won't be approved of, that tonks is tanking her status in society, and that he places her in danger she doesn't deserve to be in by his very presence in her life.
we also see - in his reaction after the seven potters chase, for example - that he thinks of her as someone who ought to be protected, and that he is extremely uncomfortable with the idea of her experiencing any sort of risk.
this is obviously much less deferential than the way he idealises james and dumbledore - it's condescending and paternalistic, and it reverses the power-dynamic we find in those two cases - but it is still an example of him placing an ideal version of tonks on a pedestal and ignoring the real, human woman he finds himself in a partnership with.
because - of course - she doesn't think he's unworthy of her at all. she tells us the opposite pretty emphatically at the end of half-blood prince, and it's clear when she does that she's spent the course of that year trying to explain to lupin that his lifestyle, his age, his health and so on are meaningless to her. she is clearly delighted to be married to him, thrilled to be having his baby, and prepared to fight alongside him as equals.
he just doesn't listen to her. evidently because self-flagellating about how he's "ruining" the perfect tonks of his mind is more fun...
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sophie1973 · 4 months
Bloodstream - Chapter 3
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Here it is, chapter 3 of Bloodstream.
You can read on AO3, or under the cut.
Thank you so much Lauren @ash-morrison for the beautiful moodboard.
London, Drury Lane, September 1885
Alex Claremont-Diaz is nervous.
Never mind that he is a grown man of 28 years old (forever, although not by choice) and a big, scary vampire (He’s not. Nora says he’s a big Teddy Bear trapped in a vampire’s body. She’s not wrong.)
Tonight, he’s meeting Arthur Fox.
Or so he hopes.
He, June, and Nora saw him onstage when they spent a few months in London 15 years ago. After a decade in Boston—where June landed a position at a prestigious journal, and Alex settled for a mundane job at a small law firm—their eternal youth, conspicuous, drew too much attention. So, once more, they packed their bags and left.
Back to England.
This time, though, Alex doesn't quite feel the usual pang of regret at leaving it all behind.
It’s not that he enjoyed third-wheeling his sister and her partner, but she had been adamant he would come with them to England and not stay behind on his own in America.
He had not protested, understanding his sister's insistence and the importance of this new chapter in their lives.
Upon settling in London, one of his initial endeavors was procuring tickets for Drury Lane, specifically for the upcoming performance starring Arthur Fox in King Lear. Alex had also caught wind of a post-show tradition: Arthur occasionally emerged from the backdoor to distribute signed photographs to his admirers.
June and Nora had come to see the performance but had declined the backdoor. Arthur Fox was married to a slayer in one of the most prominent lines, so they were not keen on getting too close.
Not that Arthur Fox would be able to guess what they were, but whatever, Alex was still taking that opportunity. Obviously, it would be nicer to share his excitement with someone, but it is what it is. Vampirism was only a good basis for long-lasting friendships if you were lucky to meet and bond with another vampire sharing the same interests as you. Still, unfortunately, those were mostly keeping to themselves and not exactly shouting their condition over the rooftops. 
He had made his peace with that. Mostly.
So here he is now, at the backdoor, his heart pounding with eagerness and nervousness, eagerly waiting amongst a few other people for Arthur to appear, exchange a few words with him, and even - if Alex is lucky - shake his hand. He is surprised that there is not a bigger crowd, but it is all the better for him to get a few extra minutes with the great actor.
Discreetly, he wipes his damp palms on his pants.
The door opens, and Arthur appears, all golden hair and a roguish grin. Alex has never been sold on the eternal life schtick, but if it allowed him to live an extra 40 years to enjoy this moment, it was probably worth it.
Arthur steps forward, his presence commanding and his smile captivating. Alex, his heart racing, tries to maintain composure, suppressing the urge to giggle like a virgin debutante as Arthur asks for his name.
“Alex Claremont-Diaz. It is very nice to meet you,” he introduces himself, proud of his steady voice even though he is screaming inside.
“Lovely to meet you too, Alex. Did you enjoy the play?”
This is the moment Alex has been yearning for, a chance to delve into his profound admiration for the play, to share his thoughts, impressions, and interpretations of the scenes and the source material.
Arthur doesn’t interrupt him, even listen rapturously, until Alex catches the bored face of his assistant behind him and stops talking.
“I’m sorry,” he says with a sheepish laugh. “I have this habit of going on a tangent when talking about things I’m passionate about. Feel free to shut me up and send me on my way anytime.”
Arthur's smile widens, his eyes reflecting genuine interest. “No need for apologies, Alex. I would never dream of silencing such a unique perspective. Your insights on the play are truly fascinating.”
And Alex falls a little bit in love.
Arthur turns to the assistant to get a photograph, but the young man shows his empty hands. “I’m sorry, we ran out.”
Alex feels slightly disappointed but knows he's already taken too much time. Nevertheless, he still gets to have an entire conversation with Arthur Fox, which makes him feel incredibly fortunate.
“Oh, that will not do at all,” Arthur protests. “I know I have some left in my dressing room. Why don’t you come with me? You mentioned you saw Much Ado About Nothing a few years ago. What do you think of the conversation between Claudio and Don John at the masked ball in Act 2?”
To his utter astonishment, Alex finds himself following Arthur Fox through the corridors of Drury Lane, chatting about one of his absolute favorite plays.
He can't believe this is his fucking life.
Upon entering the dressing room, they find themselves engrossed in a lively discussion about the characters and happy endings in Shakespeare's plays.
Arthur swiftly grabs a photograph, scribbles his signature, and passes it to Alex.
"Thank you so much," Alex gushes with gratitude.
"Your insights are truly appreciated. It's heartening to know that even within the vampire community, dear old William finds admirers," Arthur remarks with an innocent grin as if he hasn't just dropped a bombshell at Alex's feet.
Fuck. Blindly following Arthur Fox, especially given his marital connections, might not have been the wisest decision after all.
"How?" Alex inquires, unable to conceal his concern. Not that he believes Arthur will suddenly drive a stake through his chest. Sure, being staked by his favorite actor would carry a certain poetic irony, but he hasn't anticipated his sorry existence ending tonight.
Arthur smiles and nods to Alex’s right hand. "Your daylight ring. I'm a Wizard, Alex. I've supplied a few of your kind with those."
Alex hesitates, processing the information before a quirky thought bubbles to the surface: "How does that sit with your mother-in-law?"
With a crinkle of his nose followed by a chuckle, Alex responds, "Let's just say she's not exactly a Shakespeare enthusiast nor an enthusiast of mine. But we have an understanding, and I try not to let her poison my kid’s brains.." He gestures proudly to the family photos adorning the wall. "Meet Philip, Beatrice, and the youngest, Henry," he says, a loving look in his eyes as Alex lingers a bit on the last photograph of a beautiful young man, all blond eyes and clear eyes, a soft smile on his plump lips. A small mole is on the upper right of his mouth, and Alex is strangely fascinated by it.
“I should head home to them now. Do you need someone to escort you back?"
"No need," Alex assures him. "Thanks again. It's been a pleasure."
Arthur smiles genuinely, extending a handshake. "The pleasure's mine, Alex. Perhaps our paths will cross again."
"If you ever find yourself performing in America, I'll be in the front row. Take care, Mr. Fox."
Exiting the dressing room, Alex's mind buzzes with excitement, eager to share the encounter with June and Nora.
London, Mountchristen-Windsor residence, Mars 1888
Philip has a bad feeling about this meeting.
It’s not unusual for their grandmother to call them into her office to discuss slaying business, but something feels different this time. He can’t quite put his finger on it, but he generally trusts his instincts.
After all, they’ve kept him alive in the field all these years.
It’s why he never revealed to his grandmother that the woman he recently married is a witch.
It’s not that he thinks she could hurt Martha or worse. Her magical practices have dwindled to innocuous potions and healing arts, but he’s not blind or stupid, and he notices how Gran sometimes looks at his father.
It’s not a pleasant look.
It's much like the one she’s wearing now, her face stern and closed off, her gaze piercing and frigid. She’s not a warm woman by any stretch, but something about her demeanor sets off all kinds of alarms in Philip’s head.
Judging by how Henry and Beatrice sit rigidly together on the settee, he’s not alone in his thoughts.
Mary sits behind her desk, looking like a headmistress about to severely punish her unruly pupils.
“It has come to my attention that Henry is spending time with Percy Okonjo.”
Philip’s stomach drops as he turns to his younger brother, whose already pale complexion has gone ashen. He purses his lips and lowers his gaze to his lap as Beatrice releases a soft gasp.
None of this escapes Mary’s attention.
Philip gestures towards Mary, trying to divert her attention while giving Henry a moment to collect himself. "Percy Okonjo comes from a well-respected lineage and is involved in numerous charitable endeavors. He recently inaugurated a new orphanage in Brooklyn."
Mary shoots him a piercing glare. "But he's also a vampire. How did you come to know him?"
"He's not a malevolent vampire," Philip argues, though Mary's expression suggests his efforts are futile. "We run in the same circles. Mom and Dad supported his orphanage initiative, and—" He cuts himself off mid-sentence because he knows he made a mistake just as the words are out.
How bad of a mistake he doesn’t know yet, but the look on Mary’s face doesn’t bode well.
The tension in the room heightens as Mary's gaze narrows. "Is that so?"
He doesn’t answer, a sour feeling crawling at the base of his stomach.
“There are no good or bad vampires, Philip. They are just filthy creatures, and it is our duty to get rid of them, no matter what they look like. Henry is not supposed to engage in any way with them, and he knows better than that, which is extremely disappointing.”
Realizing the futility of further discussion, Philip refrains from elaborating, wary of drawing Mary's ire or endangering Henry further.
Henry, silent until now, betrays his discomfort through tense posture and flushed cheeks. Philip senses his brother's simmering anger just beneath the surface.
“Am I being clear, Henry?”
“Perfectly clear, Gran,” Henry replies. The tone is dry, but thankfully, Mary doesn’t call him on it. 
“I hope so. I would hate to have to take matters into my own hands.” 
The threat is limpid, even ominous, and with one last warning look, she leaves the room, leaving the three of them in various states of shock and confusion.
“Fuck,” Philip mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose and ignoring the surprised looks his siblings throw at him. Indeed, he doesn’t swear often, and certainly not in front of them, but the situation seems to require it.
“She certainly did not seem happy to know about Mom and Dad’s involvement with Percy,” Bea says, her voice quivering slightly and her complexion drained of its usual color. 
“I should have kept my mouth shut, but I honestly thought she knew. Which, in retrospect, is a bit daft on my part,” Philip sighs.
“It’s alright, Pip. You were trying to defend me. Besides, it’s not like they hid anything. It’s only because I spent time with him that she took notice, and we all know why,” Henry chimes in, his face closed and somber. 
Bea reaches for his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.“I’m not sure what offends her the most: that you would shag a man, that he is black, or that he is a vampire.”
“Bea,” Philip chastises her half-heartedly, but when he hears Henry’s soft laugh, he lets out one too. “Probably all three.”
“So,” he adds, “I don’t want to sound alarmist, but I still think we should warn Percy. Just to be on the safe side.”
Beatrice’s eyes widen. “You think she could….? I know Percy is not a peerage member, but he is still a prominent name in society. His…disappearance would definitely cause some stir.” 
"It pains me to admit it, but I believe she could. And she will. I don't want to dwell on the negative possibilities," Philip emphasizes, noticing Henry's distressed expression. "But it's Gran."
"I suppose we should exercise more caution for a while. Percy mentioned expanding the shelters to America; perhaps it's the right time. Like you, I can't trust Gran to remain passive, even if Percy and I no longer cross paths," Henry murmurs softly, clearly disturbed by the thought of parting ways with his closest friend. Philip senses Henry blaming himself for inadvertently involving Percy in their predicament.
"It's just a precaution; I'm sure everything will turn out fine," Philip reassures, though he doubts his own words. Yet, seeing Henry and Bea's tension ease slightly, he feels relief despite deceiving them.
Philip has always trusted his instincts, and the fact that he has been so catastrophically right about them will haunt him for the rest of his days.
Two weeks later, Arthur Fox is found dead in an alley behind Drury Lane, allegedly the victim of a random mugging.
Six weeks later, with the help of Percy, who made arrangements from across the pond, Philip puts his siblings on a ship to America, wishing desperately it won’t be the last he will see of them.
Brooklyn, Prospect Park, April 1891
The situation isn't exactly dire, but with four vampires closing in on Henry, the odds aren't exactly in his favor. However, as they say in America, this isn't his first rodeo. (It's amusing how you pick up expressions when you befriend a Texan vampire with ridiculously long eyelashes, but that's beside the point right now.)
Henry swiftly dispatches two vampires (not that he's boasting). Dealing with the third requires a bit more effort, but he handles it easily (again, not boasting). As he prepares to face the fourth, stake at the ready, the vampire vanishes in a cloud of dust, revealing another vampire with glossy dark curls and an infuriating smirk.
“You’re welcome, your Majesty.”
Henry's heart skips a beat at the warmth in that voice and the mischief in those brown eyes, cursing the effect it always holds on him.  
“I was handling the situation. But I have manners, so thank you, I suppose.”
“Where’s Beatrice?”
“At home. She was feeling a bit under the weather.” 
Alex frowns. “Oh. Will she be alright?”
“Just a migraine. I’ll send her your regards. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”
There is no sarcasm in his voice, but Alex raises his hands defensively. “Hey, your sister likes me. She hasn’t threatened to stake me in a while.”
Henry’s lips quirks up. “Did she before?”
“Once. Not in so many words, but still. We were talking about you.”
“Ah, yes. Protective older sister.”
Alex rolls his eyes. “Tell me about it.”
"Was that where you've been these past few days? Visiting your sister in Washington?" Henry inquires.
Alex's grin widens. "Ah, so you noticed my absence."
Henry considers denying it but quickly decides against it. What would be the use? He simply shrugs. "Perhaps."
He heads back towards the park entrance, where his carriage awaits, confident that Alex will trail behind. He's starting to understand the vampire's patterns.
True to expectation, Alex follows without fail.
"So... Are you finished for the night?" Alex queries casually.
"I believe so. Why?" Henry responds.
Alex shrugs, a picture of nonchalance. "Care for a drink? The Club on Seventh Avenue might still be open."
Henry’s heart rate quickens its pace. So far, they have shared a few drinks at receptions, but this is different. He knows men often frequent such clubs for political discussions and entertainment over expensive spirits, and he wouldn’t even think twice about going with anyone else. But there is something in Alex’s eyes when he looks at him, especially since that evening in the library. A dangerous glint, a hunger that has nothing to do with his lust for blood and everything to do with pure, carnal desire.  
A temptation Henry knows he must resist, no matter how strong the pull. 
"I should return and check on Bea," he replies, listening to the voice of reason in his mind while silencing the one in his heart.
Disappointment briefly flickers across Alex's face but swiftly transforms into a smile. "Of course. I understand."
Henry's attention drifts as he catches sight of something behind his companion. He tenses, every sense heightened.
"Alex..." he murmurs, the shift in his tone catching the vampire's notice.
"What is it?"
"A werewolf is headed our way."
Alex pivots, spotting the creature further down their path, its fur gleaming in the moonlight.
It seems oblivious to their presence, swaying slightly on its feet and emitting low growls. Henry watches it closely for a moment. This isn't a predatory werewolf; it appears disoriented and lost.
Instinctively, Henry seizes Alex's arm and guides him behind himself. They retreat cautiously, seeking cover behind a nearby tree.
.“Please tell me you have that handy little pistol you pulled on me that first time,” and Henry feels Alex’s exhale of relief against his neck as he fishes out the gun from his coat. 
Alex is standing very close to him, closer than it is strictly necessary, but Henry doesn’t feel the need to call him on it. He already knows the werewolf is not a threat to either of them, but for some reason, having Alex squirming behind him is kind of thrilling. Also, it’s not as if the vampire doesn’t tease him frequently on all sorts of things.    
Alex clears his throat as the werewolf slowly approaches. “What the fuck are you waiting for, Fox? I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how fucking lethal a werewolf scratch would be to little old me, right? And that there’s no cure?”
“Of course I know,” Henry says, eyes still on the creature. Just because he enjoys this moment doesn’t mean he will take any risk with their safety.
“Then shoot it!”
Henry turns to him with a smirk. “Only if you say please.”
The disbelief on Alex’s face at that moment is priceless, prompting Henry to laugh, which attracts the werewolf’s attention.
“Oh shit,” Alex whimpers, and Henry decides to take him out of his misery and pulls the trigger, shooting the creature in the leg. There is a howl of pain as it falls heavily on the grass. 
"Wouldn't it be more efficient to aim for the heart?" Alex quips, dripping with sarcasm. Henry brushes off the comment, moving closer as Alex follows cautiously.
“You’re a little shit, you know that?” he calls out, his tone both exasperated and amused.
Henry laughs again—something that seems to happen a lot when Alex is around, but now is not the time to dwell on that —and by the time he’s kneeling next to the body, the werewolf has returned to its human form. Henry is glad to know his instincts were right.
Alex finally joins him. “Woah. It’s just a kid.”
Henry nods. “He's a fledgling, which is why I shot his leg. He’s been recently turned.”
“You noticed all that while he was walking towards us?” Alex asks, and Henry tries hard not to preen under his impressed tone.
“It’s my job, Alex. Though my Gran would have me exterminate them all, I've learned things aren't always so black and white.”
"Guess having half-demonic blood helps," Alex remarks casually, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
Henry whips his head around while tending to the young man's wound. "How do you know?"
“Your father told me he was a wizard when I met him in London a few years ago.”
Henry, taken aback, says, "I remember you mentioning seeing him on stage and meeting him once, but you never mentioned having a conversation where he outright told you he was a wizard."
The revelation puzzles Henry. While not entirely a secret, Arthur wasn't one to flaunt his magical abilities, especially after marrying into a lineage of slayers. Discussions about it were rare, particularly in the presence of his grandmother, who harbored evident disapproval of the union and her son-in-law, maintaining a chilly civility towards him.
Now, Henry realizes she was merely biding her time.
His father's openness with Alex that day suggests there was something about him Arthur found trustworthy.
Like father like son, right?
Shaking off the distraction, Henry refocuses. "Well, that's a tale for another day. Will you assist me in getting him into my carriage? I need to take him to Percy."
Alex does a double-take. "Percy? As in Percy Okonjo?"
"The very same."
"You're acquainted with Percy Okonjo?"
"He's my best mate, Alex. Haven't you noticed us conversing at recent gatherings?"
"No! Wait... Percy Okonjo is your best friend? Vampire Percy Okonjo?"
Henry, growing irritated, crosses his arms. "Repeating his name several times will not summon him magically. How do you know him?"
"I've been assisting him with the shelters, contributing financially when possible, and aiding newly turned vampires. I met him a few months after he settled in New York."
"Seriously?" Henry reflects on his recent chat with Percy, where the latter had played coy about Alex. "That little weasel," Henry grumbles, though he knows it's unfair. Percy was just respecting Alex's privacy, much like he does for Henry.
"Oh, come on..."
Henry sighs. "I wasn't talking about you. Never mind about that. Can you help me or not?"
"I can, but we're not done talking about this," he remarks as Henry grabs the unconscious young man by the shoulders while Alex grabs his legs, and they head towards the park entrance.
“I’m serious, Henry,” Alex persists, and Henry rolls his eyes. Does that man ever stop yapping? It’s endearing, but now is really not the time."I need to know everything about the slayer and his vampire best mate," he adds with a dreadful British accent.
"I fail to see why you're so surprised. You know where I stand on the whole slaying business. Plus, I'm here with you, right? And unlike my sister, I've never threatened to stake you."
"No, you threatened to shoot me instead, which isn't quite as lethal, but still. And we've only met in public places so far, and, most importantly, I saved your life earlier tonight."
Henry snorts. “Alright, let’s not get carried away here. And please tone it down. I don’t want to attract every vampire and their grandmother nearby. It’s already a miracle no one has shown up yet after the gunshot.”
They carefully place the body in the carriage, mindful of his injury.
"How long have you two known each other?" Alex queries as Henry prepares to take the reins, prompting a chuckle from the slayer.
“Good grief, you’re like a dog with a bone.”
"More like a vampire with a tasty neck at his disposal," Alex quips, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. "And yes, I know your stance on this, but you two are so different, even putting aside the slayer/vampire thing. And oh my God, I have so many questions. First, how-"
Henry is not sure what goes through his mind at that moment, but what is certain is that his brain is not involved in any way in his impulsive action.
His heart is. His heart wins for once in his life.
He seizes Alex by the neck, drawing him into a fervent kiss that leaves no room for words. For a fleeting moment, a serene quiet envelops them as Alex stiffens, then yields, wrapping his arm around Henry's waist to deepen the kiss.
Alright, maybe Henry was naive, thinking he just wanted to shut Alex up for a minute. He hadn't expected Alex to shove his tongue in his mouth so eagerly.
(He had absolutely expected it.)
A low moan erupts from one of their chests; Henry isn't sure whose. But he's acutely aware of Alex's body pressed against his, the softness of his lips, and the delicious way Alex's tongue slides against his own, licking, tasting, taking. He pulls back briefly, only to capture Henry's bottom lip, biting it gently.
Even in these circumstances, Henry should have known Alex would be a biter.
He pulls away as abruptly as he initiated the kiss, his breath erratic, his vision unfocused, and his senses reeling. Alex looks dazed, his hair disheveled, and Henry vaguely recalls threading his fingers through those curls. He had wanted to know how they felt for so long, but the intensity of the kiss left his memory a blur.
“That’s one way to shut me up, I guess,” Alex breathes, his voice barely above a whisper. His gaze is filled with wonder, and his fluttering eyelids stir something within Henry.
Stepping back, Henry puts some distance between them to quell the urge for a repeat performance. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It was highly inappropriate."
Alex rolls his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Didn't seem like I minded, did it?"
Henry swallows hard. "No."
“Well then. Feel free to shut me up like this anytime.”
Henry certainly will do no such thing, but he deems it more reasonable to drop the subject.
“Where is your carriage? Did you ride here ?”
Alex opens his mouth and closes it as if he wants to add something about what occurred between them but then thinks better of it.
“No, I walked.”
 Henry frowns. “At this hour? It doesn’t seem very safe.” 
"Henry, I’m a vampire. I can take care of myself, believe it or not. The worst that could happen is me tripping and falling on my own stake, which, admittedly, would be a very undignified way to go."
Henry crosses his arms and nods toward the unconscious form on the carriage floor. "And what about that werewolf?"
Alex shrugs. "I can run very fast," he replies, then adds, "I have trouble sleeping, and walking helps quiet my mind."
Henry shakes his head, a smile breaking the tension. He remembers Alex mentioning his mental struggles and understands the issue with sleep.
"Alright, hop on. We'll stop by Percy’s, and then I'll drop you off at your place."
The drive to Percy’s house is mostly silent—not uncomfortable, but Henry’s thoughts keep drifting to that kiss. The way Alex's body fit against his like two pieces of a puzzle, the sensation of his lips and tongue, the softness of his hair beneath Henry’s fingers—yes, he remembers it vividly now.
Henry also recalls that this is the sole and final kiss they will ever share, a realization that casts a heavy shadow over his mood and leaves a bitter, lingering taste in his mouth.
He unwittingly painted a target on his best friend’s back a few years ago. The thought of potentially repeating that mistake with Alex now fills him with a deep-seated fear and a resolve to avoid such a risk at all costs.
The logical course of action would be to sever ties completely before he’s too deep - even though he knows it's already too late. Moreover, considering Alex's nature, he's confident he would vehemently oppose such a decision. Alex is not one to surrender without a fight.
Bea’s words from that night months ago ring in his head. She was wrong, though. Alex didn’t break Henry’s heart. Henry did that all to himself.
But he has no other choice.
He’s relieved when he sees Percy’s house in the distance. 
Percy owns a terraced house in Park Slope, one side serving as his private residence and the other as the first shelter he established in the area. Henry parks discreetly by the side entrance, designed for horses and carriages. This was the safest way to deliver the unconscious werewolf to Shaan, Percy’s trusted assistant.
He and Alex are then led to Percy’s study, who welcomes them with a big smile.
“Well, this is an interesting development—my favorite slayer and favorite vampire. Seems like you've both had quite the night,” he remarks.
“What happened to your hair?” Alex interjects, pointing to Percy’s new lavender locks.
Percy chuckles. “Ah, just a little experiment. What do you think?”
“It’s... certainly unique,” Henry replies cautiously.
“So, what’s the story there?” Percy prods, gesturing towards the pair.
"I was out on patrol, and Alex here was..." Henry turns to his companion, arching an eyebrow.
"Feeding," Alex chimes in first, followed by a smirk. "And saving your ass."
Henry rolls his eyes. "We bumped into each other, then a werewolf showed up. Alex took cover behind me-"
Alex scoffs. “Hey, you pulled me behind you, and hello, vampire? Werewolf? Not my idea of a fair fight. Excuse me for having some infinitesimal shred of self-preservation. It doesn’t make me a coward.”
“I didn’t call you a coward, Alex. Don’t put words in my mouth.”
Which, he realizes belatedly, was the absolute worst thing to say. He sees the grin spreading Alex’s - so, so soft - lips and turns to Percy.
“I’m parched. Would you have anything to drink, perchance?”
Percy glances between them, amusement and curiosity dancing in his eyes. 
“Where are my manners? You two indeed look like you could use some refreshments. Alexander dear?”  
“Can I use your water closets first? I need to wash my hands.”
"By all means, babes. You know the way.”
Alex leaves, and Percy pours two drinks, leaves one on the table, and hands the other to Henry with a knowing look.
“What?” Henry asks. He knows he won’t escape the Okonjo Inquisition. His best friend knows him too well. And yet, he’s never wholly prepared for Percy’s shrewd mind. 
“You two kissed,” Percy states matter-of-factly rather than asking.
Henry chokes on his brandy, spitting half of it on his shirt.
“How the bloody Hell…?”
“Oh, come one, Hazza. The flushed cheeks, the starry eyes, and the extremely smug smile on Alexander’s face? This is the look of a man who finally had his dream come true.”
Henry shakes his head, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he rubs at his wet shirt with the handkerchief Percy just gave him. “If kissing me is his dream, the bar is not very high. It’s not exactly the grandest achievement.”
“Tsk Tsk, no self-depreciation under my room. Judging by the look on his face, it seemed highly satisfactory. How did it happen? Did you like it?”
Henry avoids the second question.."I kissed him to silence his incessant chatter in the middle of Prospect Park. He would have probably attracted all kinds of unsavory creatures. I had no choice, really.” 
“You could have just asked him to shut up,” Percy says, his dark eyes twinkling.
Henry lets out a brief laugh. "Believe me, I tried. But have you met him?"
Alex returns, and Percy hands him his drink, which he gulps in one go, eyeing Henry’s stained shirt.
“What happened to you?”
“Nothing. Are you ready to go?”
They bid Percy goodbye and head towards Alex's home. Conversation flows smoothly, ranging from Percy's latest hair color antics to the juiciest gossip from high society, all previous awkwardness seemingly forgotten.
Until they reach Alex's doorstep.
"Thank you for the company, Alex. I suppose I'll be seeing you soon."
Alex hesitates before stepping off, meeting Henry's gaze with a sly grin. "So, we're just going to pretend it didn't happen?"
"What are you talking about?" Henry feigns innocence, though he knows Alex sees right through it.
Rolling his eyes, Alex replies, "The kiss, Henry."
"Oh, that." Henry shrugs nonchalantly. "There's nothing to discuss. And it won't happen again anyway."
Alex remains undeterred, his smile widening. "We'll see about that, Lord Mountchristen-Windsor."
Alex exits the carriage, leaving Henry struggling to contain his amusement.
"You're a demon," He scolds.
Alex laughs, opening his arms, his eyes twinkling under the warm light of the lamppost. “Well, yeah. Literally, actually. But you like that about me.”
And then he has the audacity to wink.
Henry raises an eyebrow. “That is awfully presumptuous of you to assume.”
Alex flashes a knowing grin. "I'll catch you later, your Majesty."
Henry watches him climb the stairs toward his front door, his mind racing with thoughts. After a brief internal struggle, he makes up his mind and calls him back.
The vampire turns around, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s not common knowledge, for obvious reasons, but…there is a cure. If something ever happens…find Bea or me. Good night, Alex,” he says, shaking the reins lightly to get the horse going, not leaving time for Alex to answer. He doesn’t feel like being subjected to another barrage of questions tonight. 
Henry’s heart races as he guides the carriage through the dimly lit streets, the echo of their exchanged words lingering in his mind. He can’t shake the memory of Alex's playful demeanor, the warmth of his laughter, and the electrifying moment of their kiss. 
His revelation to Alex of a cure for a werewolf bite—even without disclosing its specifics—is not something he shared lightly. It is a close-guarded secret, known only to a select few inside the Slayer community. If this came out, the scandal and repercussions would be unprecedented, with Henry’s whole family at extreme risk.
It won’t happen, though. Despite their acquaintance dating back barely six months and their blossoming friendship a few weeks ago, Henry is not just convinced but unwaveringly believes that he can trust Alex completely.
Once home, he checks on Bea, who’s sleeping soundly, before retreating to his room, washing up, and sliding under the covers. Fitzwilliam settles on his calves, his weight bringing a sense of comfort.
His body still tingles with the memory of the kiss, and he almost feels Alex’s warm breath against his lips again. Euphoria, mixed with desperation, fills his chest, creating a dichotomy that leaves his heart and mind reeling. 
He knows his chance at happiness is within reach. All his life, he has dreamed of finding someone like Alex, the kind of love his parents shared despite the odds stacked against them. It might sound insane since Alex and he haven’t known each other that long, but every cell in his body calls out to the vampire whenever they are around. A yearning to touch his skin, inhale his scent, lose himself in his chocolate eyes, and create a bubble of bliss and peace for just the two of them. He could decide to throw caution to the wind and seize that chance, consequences be damned.
A pained exhale escapes his throat, the previous euphoria replaced by sudden emptiness. 
He’s not allowed to dream like this. 
It would have been lovely, though.
Portofino, Italy - April 1912
Henry shuts the front door behind him, eagerly unfolding the telegram just delivered to their villa. A smile graces his lips as he recognizes his sister's name at the bottom.
Ascending to the first floor, he steps into the living room, bathed in the soft glow of morning sunlight pouring through the wide-open French doors. The gentle breeze carries the sweet fragrances of blooming flowers from the garden and the unmistakable scent of the Mediterranean Sea, its turquoise waters sparkling in the distance.
His gaze lands on a photograph of Alex and him, captured at the 1900 World Exhibition. His mind drifts back to a spring in Paris, where they whispered promises of eternity on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. 
Twelve years later, their vows remain unbroken. 
Nearly twenty-one years have passed since Henry took a leap of faith, falling into Alex’s waiting arms, who caught him effortlessly and has never let go.
Henry steps onto the terrace, joining Alex, clad in scandalously snug shorts that leave little to nothing to the imagination. Despite questioning the point of wearing them, Henry certainly doesn’t complain, especially considering their secluded hillside home, a place blessed with privacy and a stunning view that stretches as far as the eye can see. The view from the terrace is truly breathtaking. They can see Portofino’s old harbor with its traditional Ligurian houses painted in shades of yellow, pink, and orange. 
Contrary to popular vampire depictions, Alex is far from the expected archetype. In fact, with his fair complexion, Henry aligns more closely with the stereotype. Currently basking in the sunlight, Alex embodies the essence of his sun-worshipping Aztec ancestors.
“Was it Bea?” he inquires as he hands Henry a glass of lemonade.
"Yes, she's due here tomorrow morning with Philip and Martha. They made a stop in London to visit Mum. And June mentioned that Percy and Nora will join us in the early afternoon."
Alex grins. "Looks like it's going to be a full house this weekend. I love it."
They had invested in the villa a few years back, envisioning it as a perfect getaway bathed in sunlight, with enough space to accommodate their entire family and circle of friends.
With a smirk, Alex grabs a towel from a nearby lounge chair and drapes it over the terrace stone railing. Then, he pulls Henry close, seating him on it and nestling between his legs, planting a deep kiss on his lips. Henry moans in his mouth as Alex presses his pelvis against his, making his intention clear.
“It seems to me your intentions are less than honorable, Mr Claremont-Diaz.”
"Oh, my intentions are positively scandalous, sweetheart. Consider it a reward."
"A reward for what?"
"For railing me thoroughly through the mattress earlier this morning. Definitely one of the best orgasms of my life.”
Henry smiles, recalling the morning's events vividly: Alex, a delightful wreck, surrendering to him as Henry pinned his wrists above his head and drove into him relentlessly.
Alex brings him back to the present as his hands grasp Henry's shorts and ease them down his leg.
"Leave my shirt on, please," Henry breathes. "I don't want to get a sunburn."
Alex chuckles and slips his hands under Henry's shirt, gliding up and down his back.
He wets his fingers, finding Henry’s hole and circling his rim before gently inserting one finger. Henry emits a soft moan as he wraps his legs around Alex's waist.
"Don't hold back, baby. Let me hear those lovely sounds."
There’s an exhilarating thrill in doing this in broad daylight. Henry tilts his head back, exposing his face to the sun, while Alex lavishes his neck with kisses and gentle nips as his fingers work their magic until Henry can’t take it anymore.
“I’m ready, love,” he pleads, heat spiraling low in his belly as he slowly loses the ability to think and revels in the myriad of sensations brought by Alex”s touch.
Alex pushes down his own shorts and puts his hands under Henry’s ass, lifting him, and Henry sinks on his cock as they both let out strangled, matching groans. They don’t move for a minute, Henry relishing in being filled, surrounded by Alex’s everything - his body, his scent, his dick, his mouth trailing on the sensitive inside of Henry’s elbow as he patiently waits to get the green light to move, which Henry gives him by raising his hips slightly before sinking down once again. 
Alex puts one arm around his waist and lowers Henry onto the towel again, his other hand settling beside him on the railing for support as he starts thrusting. Initially slow and steady, Alex quickens his pace when Henry tugs on his curls, eliciting another low growl from the vampire.
“You feel so good, sweetheart,” Alex stutters as their eyes meet, his gaze full of awe and devotion, vast and unending, brighter than the sun shining on them.
Adjusting his grip, Alex hikes Henry’s leg up, tilting his hips so that on his next thrust, he hits Henry's prostate at just the right angle. Henry’s cock is trapped between their stomachs, creating delicious friction with each push. Alex is so deep now that every movement brings them one tremor closer to an earthquake.
“Oh fuck…Bloody Hell,” Henry cries out. The tension in his gut is tightening, and an overwhelming rush of pleasure steals his breath as his cock jerks, and he comes all over their stomach with a soft laugh. Their lips meet for a messy, passionate kiss, all teeth and tongue, as Alex follows suit, falling over the edge right after him. Henry praises him sweetly, and Alex's erratic movements only intensify the aftershocks of Henry's orgasm.
"I love you," Henry whispers as the last remnants of pleasure course through them. They share another kiss, their heavy breathing gradually slowing. A blinding smile stretches across Alex's mouth.
“I love you more,” he replies, and Henry rolls his eyes fondly at their never-ending debate.  
Alex effortlessly lifts Henry and pulls out, and Henry can’t help but let a small whimper escape at the loss. Alex chuckles softly and moves him to a lounge bed in the shade. After wiping them both with a towel, Alex lies beside him, taking him in his arms, and Henry rests his head on his chest with a contented sigh. They are both sweaty and sticky, but Henry doesn’t care, lost in a post-orgasmic haze. Alex's after-sex scent fills his senses, mingling with his own, its unique fragrance enveloping them in a comforting bubble. Henry lifts his arm, offering his wrist to Alex, who kisses and licks it.  He lets out a soft gasp as Alex's fangs graze his wrist, a shiver running down his spine. The intimacy of the moment deepens as Alex tenderly kisses the spot, sending waves of renewed desire coursing through Henry. He feels the warmth of Alex’s body against his, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest soothing. Henry's breath hitches as Alex's tongue flicks over his pulse point.
Alex looks up, his eyes dark and full of mischief, as if sensing Henry's cock renewed interest."You taste amazing," Alex murmurs against his skin, the words vibrating through Henry.
Slayer and vampire stamina is truly a wonderful thing.
Alex delicately pierces the skin, savoring the taste of blood as Henry moans with pleasure. Alex doesn't indulge much, but once finished, he delicately licks the puncture wound before leaning in for a deep kiss. Henry never ceases to be amazed by the intoxicating coppery flavor of his blood on Alex's tongue.
“When are we supposed to leave?” he asks after a moment, their bubble bursting as he is reminded of their impending departure. 
Alex squints his eyes, still a bit drunk on Henry’s blood. “April 10th…We have to be in Southampton next Monday. We board on Tuesday morning.”
"Could we extend our stay until next Sunday? I'm not eager to return just yet. Would that fit with your work schedule?"
"I'll make it happen, baby if that's what you want,” Alex says, settling them comfortably on the chair for a nice nap. "I'll reach out to the White Star Line about a refund. Can't guarantee they'll approve it, considering it was the ship's maiden voyage."
Henry nods, a small smile playing on his lips as he relaxes into Alex's embrace. "Thank you. It's just... I want a bit more time with you, away from everything.” 
Their mouth locks together again, a chaste kiss only meant to remind them of the bond they share. It is a moment of connection, a silent promise of love. They pull away, but the warmth of that brief touch remains.
“What do you want to do this afternoon?”
“Alex, you just fucked my brains out. I’m not having any coherent thoughts right now.”
“If you are using the word ‘coherent’, I’m not sure I did such a great job. Still, you’re welcome,” he adds with a smug grin. “We should buy one of those fancy automobiles, see the countryside instead of having sex in here all the time.”
Henry snorts. “Indeed, what a chore.” 
Alex’s hand reaches for his, entwining their fingers, and Henry’s eyes trail to his forearm, where a mark lingers. A reminiscence of a haunting night over two decades ago that Henry will never forget, no matter how hard he tries.
Vampires are not supposed to have scars.
“Hey, where did you go?” Alex asks sleepily, sensing the shift in Henry’s mood.
Henry kisses his jaw. “Nowhere, darling. I’m here with you.”
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