#and ofc nobody's messaging me either
strhwaberries · 10 months
idk why people keep their distance with me, even people i consider as friends, do i come off as weird or arrogant or awkward or just plain boring and uninteresting? why am i so unlikeable? why can't i form meaningful bonds with others? i feel like i'm always nothing more than an afterthought, like everybody has someone else they consider more important than me :((
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vagueiish · 1 month
look, i cant even strike up conversation and begin forming connections with people i indisputably have things in common with and who (ostensibly) find me agreeable (or at least not disagreeable enough to unfollow/not follow back) under the thin veil of semi-anonymity i have on this hellsite
how am i meant to find My People in meatspace if i cant even figure out how to do that here?
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fanon-canon-idfk · 4 months
Using this as an excuse to ramble abt it more in the form of scenarios!!
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Cuddling at night:
Dazai is the triple little spoon
The order goes you, Chuuya, then Dazai
Chuuya’s back against your chest as you spoon him all the while you’re both simultaneously spooning Dazai
Occasionally you switch it up and Chuuya still likes to be in the middle then
Dazai and you playing rock paper scissors for who gets to hug his waist
Dazai usually unfortunately wins….
It’s ok bc the way Chuuya plays with both of your hair as you lay on his chest and Dazai lays on his stomach is heavenly
Lap sitting
Dazai is a lap sitter yall
Chuuya won’t be thinking abt it as you’re all sat on the couch until Dazai comes back from the kitchen and sits right on one of your thighs,
Knowing well why he left your other thigh free
Chuuya was nervous the first time he did so he really just begrudgingly scooted closer slowly until you helped ease him onto your lap
But now when he sees it he just chuckles and scoffs before sitting right on your leftover thigh
Dazai also likes Chuuya’s lap a lot
He has really muscular thighs it’s the perfect chair
Imagine him forcing both of you to put one of each of your legs together so he can sit on both
He’s spoiled like that
Chuuya is a slow and sensual kinda guy
Meanwhile Dazai lives to be sultry and teasing with his kisses
Chuuya and Dazai ofc make it a competition to see whose kisses you crave more
They tally down how many times you lean back in after they part a kiss or how many times you initiate a kiss first
That’s when they both realized it was a tie by the end of the day
Then they end up bickering
And making out afterwards
Working together
If you’re in the port mafia
Dazai sneaks in (by sneak I mean cockily waltz right in) and comes to bother both of you in either of your offices
You’ll come to talk to Chuuya and the second you open the door be met with them kissing with Dazai in Chuuya’s lap
Now, if you’re in the ADA
Chuuya brings you both lunch to work
Nobody stops him ofc they know better
Dazai will send him photos and videos of you both in the office or cafe together in your group chat
These messages vary from him using funny filters on your face as you work to you two kissing (with Kunikida watching in disgust)
Going out
Not even just dates
You guys get up to enough trouble just being at the grocery store
Within 10 minutes you and Chuuya lose Dazai and have to play Marco Polo to figure out which isle he’s in
Dazai stuffs a million meaningless things into the cart and Chuuya puts them back right after
They bicker about it in the middle of the store
You’re just trying to push the cart but have to be stopped by their shenanigans
It is a very challenging process
Now as for dates
Dazai is so open to PDA
Chuuya is blushing in pure embarrassment as Dazai clings onto him (nothing outside his boundaries however!!)
If you’re ok with it then it’s you and Dazai making out or kissing both sides of Chuuya’s face in a restaurant as his face heats up
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abacus-jpg · 15 days
Anyone else not understand why people are moving to cara. Like I understand it’s because ai and shit,, but like. What confuses me is as long as your art is on the internet, aslong as you chose to post your art online anywhere, doesn’t matter where, it is prone to being stolen by ai. To me ai is nothing more then when people trace your art and call it their own. Ofc I don’t want people to do it, but ultimately that will not stop them. I do have a cara account, I was the first to claim abacus. When I tried posting there a few times I’ve been met with an error message, alongside that the app is really buggy and slow. I don’t see why people feel the need to come up with new apps to post art on when you could just use tumblr, but then the argument with tumblr is that there’s no engagement. But if we all flock to tumblr like people are flocking to cara then I don’t see why engagement would be such a big issue. Even then, if engagement is your main concern with your art I feel like you should reevaluate why you are pursuing art in the first place. I had this struggle ages ago where I didn’t feel my art was worth anything because I couldn’t cap 10 likes. But I realized, my art is for me. I’m the one that should be enjoying it, and my reason for posting now is for other people to enjoy it, so if they don’t,, I really don’t care all the much. I understand it is really detouring to post ocs and to have zero engagement, but that’s just the way art is. Unless you are producing fanart consistently of shit that is made into content farms, I really don’t see how you can garner a following just doing ocs. That’s why, doing art for your own sake is more important than trying to please everyone. I can guarantee there’s atleast one stranger on the internet that will fw your stuff the way you want. And the more you post, the more the number will grow. Most of the time it’s gradual, but one goes to two, two goes to three. And maybe you’ll only get one or two. But the important thing is, there’s someone. If you feel like you have no one, remember your art is for yourself. You’ll always have one, even if that is yourself. This might all seem contradictive. But trust, only you matter when it comes to your own artwork.
This “speech”, if you can call it that, isn’t to deter people from drawing and posting their ocs. This is just to say, engagement shouldn’t matter. As long as you’re happy, that’s all the matters. Post and draw what you want aslong as it’s not straight ripping from someone else. Idc.
This whole thing was supposed to be abt Cara but it turned into a uhh,, Ted talk of sorts. I’m not saying people shouldn’t use cara, if it works for them then by all means go for it. But personally I will not be making it my main form of social media. In my opinion, it’ll be like that other art app people were using for a week before they forgot abt it, I forget the name of it but I remember the interface was a light pink, similar to Instagram,, but somehow worse.
IM GONNA SPECIFY THAT I DONT CONDONE AI STEALING PEOPLES ART EITHER,, just putting that out there because some people have a way of misunderstanding or misinterpretating things. Which is okay!! Because some people genuinely get confused and that’s alright. But like please don’t use so first handedly. With that being said, I’m just a nobody on the internet so why would you listen to me,, you won’t. But i uhh,, am gonna put that there anyways
Thanks if you read allat,, idk why you would but that’s anyways I guess😭😭😭
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c0la-queen · 4 months
I absolutely LOVE your writing, it's so nice to see eddsworld content especially this good <33 can I request Tord with a very shy partner? No pressure ofc, take your time!
Thank you!!! My neurons were absolutely firing with this piece, for realsies. It may not be exaactly what you envisioned? And I was trying not to make the Reader be the stereotypical "uwu im so shy sowwy" kind of shy? You know what I mean? Either way, I hope you enjoy, and if its not quite what you wanted, PLEASE feel free to send me an inbox message letting me know !!!
Run, Rabbit, Run. | Tord x Shy! Reader
Warnings: Mostly Tord's POV, not the fluffiest? it has a happy ending, but Tord is naturally a kind of fucked-up person.
Tord had a problem.
He doesn't have problems often, and certainly not problems he can't solve.
It wasn't every day that he wanted to be around someone - craved it. He acted like he only tolerated his roommates, kept the truth locked away under thick layers of steel.
But you. He sought you out, needed you like it ached. Your presence.
You, however, ran from him. Every time. Fled like a rabbit that had caught a glimpse of the stalking wolf. Scurried back to your burrow, safe and protected by densely packed earth. Where he could not reach you. It grinded at his patience, made him clench his jaw hard enough to crack a tooth. He walked into a room, you found an excuse to walk out. It was a constant among the chaos and unpredictability of their house.
The one thing that he needed like a dying man, and he couldn't have it. You wouldn't give it to him.
A problem.
He was going to fix this problem, if it meant the death of him.
And who was he but a stubborn man?
His opportunity came during a lazy Sunday afternoon.
The other three were all out, running errands and such. You were still home. Doing laundry, from the sound of it. He wasn't surprised, you liked to use Sunday as the day to do your household chores, reset for the coming week - not that he had been paying attention to your habits. No. Just coincidence.
From the garage, he could hear you. The wall that his workbench sat against was one that was shared with the laundry room, so it wasn't difficult. If he sat still, focused enough, he could practically imagine it. You, in your crop t-shirt and little sleep shorts that you always wore when you did laundry. Hair pushed out of your face. Dancing along to the music that he could hear playing from your phone - doing those silly, awkward dance moves that you did when you thought nobody was looking.
He wanted to be there. It was selfish, he knew. But that little undamaged piece of him sitting in his chest longed to join you. Insert himself into the little life that you had carved out for yourself in their house. Slot his own being so nicely beside your peace and quiet. You were so… unlike him. You were soft, sweet. Like the skolebrød of his childhood. You were vanilla and sugar. Unmarred by anything horrible in the world. That self-centered part of him wanted to take. To clamp his jaws down around your hind legs and sink his teeth in when you tried to escape.
Tord was moving before he even realized it.
You had moved out of the laundry room. Your music faded as you walked further into the house. If he remembered correctly (That phrase tasted bittersweet on his tongue. As much as he craved you, he didn't want to admit how actively he was chasing you. A wolf that resented the rabbit.) you would set about doing the dishes after depositing your empty laundry basket in your bedroom.
His mouth was dry. So he moved to the kitchen. To get water. (That's what he would tell you. That's what he would tell anybody who asked.)
The switch from the garage to the house was always jarring to the senses. The garage was cold, unprotected from the autumn chill. But the house was warm. Welcoming. Safe. (You were inside.) It was like sitting under a hot shower after catching hypothermia.
He stopped in the doorway.
There you were. In the kitchen. Dishwasher open. Your smartwatch was discarded on the kitchen table alongside your phone and water bottle. Music was still playing from the device's speakers. You were, just as he guessed, wearing your crop tee and shorts. (The collar was hanging low on one of your shoulders, bearing the skin to his vision. His hands itched.) You hadn't noticed him yet. Little rabbit unaware of the danger that lurks in the forest underbrush.
It was something beautiful watching you in your own little world. In public, you were so small. Reserved. Put a cork on your personality so that nobody could truly see who you were. To you, it felt like security. If nobody had access to your identity, then nobody could take it away. Nobody could judge you. Even home, with the boys, you were less than yourself. Not to the same degree, but still limited. They didn't take offense to it, they knew it wasn't you distrusting them. It's just how you were. But here, when you thought you were alone? The cork was removed and he loved to watch the bottle overflow.
You spun on your heel and nearly dropped the bowls in your hand from how hard you flinched at the sight of him. He could see the way that you drew in to yourself, made yourself smaller.
"Oh, um, hey. Tord. I didn't… realize you were home."
There was something tight in his chest at the way you looked so nervous. You shifted in your spot, looked anywhere but at him. He wanted you to look at him.
"I am."
You only answered with a soft 'oh' before turning back to the dishwasher. He remained still, watching. Clearly, you were looking for a way out, a chance to flee. Something he wasn't going to let happen.
"I should probably-"
"You keep avoiding me."
Your head shot up, looking up at him with wide, pretty eyes. He dug his fingernails into his palms.
"What? No, no I haven't- I haven't been-"
"Do not lie to me."
It was cruel, yes, but it gave him the desired effect. You clammed up immediately. Shoulders slumped. Gave him just a little inch, but that was all he needed to take a mile. He stepped closer. You stepped back.
A snarling, drooling, hungry wolf, closing in on its prey.
Your back hit the counter. He stepped forward again.
A trembling little rabbit, cornered with nowhere to go.
He stopped a foot away from you.
"I have tolerated this for months. For months I have watched you run from the sight of me alone. As if the very idea of being in the same room as me is too much for you to bear. Do you even have any idea what you do to me? Do you know how it kills me?"
He could feel the way that you tensed up. A spike of anger stuck into his chest, burning hot. You weren't looking at him. You were looking at your shoes again. He forced his words out of his throat in the form of a growl.
"For fuck's sake, look at me. Look at- Look. At. Me."
Frustration boiled over, bubbling and spilling over the sides of the pot and he wasn't able to put the lid on it fast enough. He reached up and grabbed your jaw, holding it firmly between his index and thumb. Forced your eyes to focus on him. Only him.
A sick part of him preened at the little gasp that came out of your throat.
But you kept your eyes on him. Good girl.
"Tell me why you have been avoiding me."
His voice was softer now. He hated how much pain he could hear in it. How it trembled. He had hoped you wouldn't notice. But you did. Your mouth opened. Then closed. You swallowed thickly. Then you spoke.
"I thought…. thought you didn't like me."
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Him? Not like you? How could you think that? He could only hate you as much as a hunter hates Mother Earth for blessing him with food.
"You just… always seem so.. annoyed at me whenever I try to talk to you. And you never really… really talk back.. Just kinda… give short answers. I thought you found me annoying. I didn't want to keep annoying you. So I just… just backed off…."
He took a moment to process that. Let it all sink in.
He couldn't help it.
Tord began to laugh.
Through his laughter, he noticed you pout, heard a soft whine leave you. A groan ripped through his laugh at the sight. As if his body was working on autopilot, he surged forward. Pressed his lips to yours. He felt your gasp against his lips, then felt your melt into the kiss. You kissed back.
When his oxygen began to run short, he pulled away. Not too far, though. Kept his forehead pressed flush to yours. Took in the sight of you. You, panting softly, lips swollen from the kiss. Looking up at him through your pretty eyelashes.
"I have never hated you, kjære. I am… aloof. I have a resting bitch face. You are not the first person I have unnerved. But.. you are the first that I have wanted to be close to. If you would have me."
Courtesy. Formality. Tord was a stubborn man, and when he managed to get a taste of blood, he clamped his jaws down tight and didn't let go.
And this rabbit laid down in his teeth willingly.
You smiled.
"I'd like that. Yeah."
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ultimateyapper · 29 days
anyway, here's wonderwall. | chapter one
[ chapter 2 ]
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were you truly mentally prepared for what would unfold in hotarubi? it couldn't be any worse than having a gun to your head right? despite the late hour, it's nearly impossible to get what taiga said out of your mind.
there's a mole.
but why would there be a mole at darkwick? who would it be? someone you know? a friend? how does taiga even know this?
there's officially too much on your mind to get any sleep.
yawning, you turn over to pull your phone off the charger. it was cute with an adapter shaped like a cat paw. the smile kaito wore as he handed it to you was full of pride. he said he got it "just because". it was clearly a lie after luca suggested it was consolation for skipping out on training but it's funny remembering how red he got afterwards. it was a sweet gesture but how does he expect to pay off his debt if he keeps buying things "just because".
the screen lights up and after blinking away tears from the initial brightness you read the time. ten minutes after midnight. maybe there's something interesting on wickchat? there wasn't a lot of time to check during the last mission.
eventually you make it to your messages. only a select few people are active due to the late hour and kaito is one of them. you can see him typing in your group chat. the one he made after the mission in frostheim. you temporarily left the chat while talking with taiga. although, in all honesty, trying not to get killed by taiga would fit better. you had texted him more than 10 minutes before you came to his room. yet still a gun was pointed to your head for the third (maybe fourth, you were losing track) time that week.
with complete and utter seriousness he claimed he "didn't know any honor student".
how many times did he expect you to introduce yourself exactly? you considered being a smartass and just saying a fake name. instead you decided to move, slowly so you didn't set him off, and show the texts.
suddenly the blonde started spamming the group chat in all caps, lighting up your phone with vibration after vibration. something about getting his point across to that dumbass, who you're assuming is probably luca. in hindsight, you could've just turned notifs off but when taiga was clearly starting to get pissed off you went with the quickest option. upsetting the guy with a machine gun for a special artifact isn't exactly at the top of your to-do list.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
im surprised to see luca up this late
the conversation comes to an abrupt halt. three dots circle at the bottom of your screen followed by a cat emote waving hi.
( kaito ✮ )
hiii : D
i added you back earlier btw i dunno why you left but it was probably an accident right??
wait sorry did i wake u up
mb 💔💔
( Lucas Errant )
I suppose it is a bit strange, yes? My conversation with Kaito must have made me lose track of time haha
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yeah you're usually knocked out lol and dw kaito i was already awake : )
( kaito ✮ )
ohh ok lol
i can't sleep either
( Lucas Errant )
You can't? I thought you said you were going to sleep because I was boring you.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
bro you were talking about fun facts and shi
ofc i was nodding off
( Lucas Errant )
My apologies. I assumed because of your life at home you'd be interested in it.
( kaito ✮ )
no not really
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
he was telling me about farm life as if i didn't get enough of that at home
( #1 peekaboo fan )
wait you grew up on a farm!?
( Lucas Errant )
I'm really interested in the culture. In the U.K I took horseback riding lessons but I've never seen any other farm animals in person.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
ooo that does sound fun
pigs are really cute
( kaito ✮ )
you would take horseback riding lessons
( #1 peekaboo fan )
you didn't like it there?
( kaito ✮ )
i mean... i liked being able to help my grams.
she's older so she needs that support
but in any other scenario??
nobody is getting that muddy for free
like you won't say that when you have a bull sprinting at you full speed
( #1 peekaboo )
this visual... 💀
( kaito ✮ )
bro 😭
( #1 peekaboo fan )
nah but fr
luca if ur interested you should volunteer at jabberwock
it's not the same but it's close
haru could use the extra help
( Lucas Errant )
Working with anamolous creatures would be an interesting learning experience. I'm not familiar so one day if you're free?
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
i'll show you everything i know ^_^
( kaito ✮ )
just the two of you?
( Lucas Errant )
I'm glad! I'll be available tomorrow during advisory. We have the same class right?
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yeah I'll meet u and we can go from there!
it's a date :3
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
u coming with?
( kaito ✮ )
yeah I'll come
( Lucas Errant )
I do worry if this is suited for you Kaito, but if you feel up to it I won't stop you.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yea u don't like getting dirty right? you don't have to if you don't wanna
( kaito ✮ )
no it's fine i'll just try not to get anything on my uniform and
...keep an eye on him
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
right so
see y'all tomorrow
im gonna go to bed
( Lucas Errant )
Yes, me as well. I wish both of you a good night's rest.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
seriously get sleep kai or im gonna to get you
( kaito ✮ )
promise? 😳
an emote of a cat waving goodbye signifies the end of the conversation. that's that you suppose. haru wouldn't mind right? he did really need the help. he's impressively good at what he does but you can't help but feel that he overexerts himself. maybe before you go you should text him to—
you nearly jump out of your skin. below you a soft yet prickly sensation is revealed to be a cat, pawing at your leg. the cute little thing is an orange cat with light spots along it's body and tail. as soon as your attention is fully away from your phone it jumps on your leg making you laugh.
it makes no complaints as you scoop it into your arms and cradle it close. it's a bit surprising to see one of the campus cats being so cuddly. they're friendly but very independent as chancellor cornelius had said. most of them don't linger for long, always busy with something else. this one is is a bit smaller though so maybe it was still new to the school.
the vibrant orange of it's coat of fur is reminiscent of the cat who fixed your window. where did that one go off too?
you finally lay down for the night. the warmth from your new companion lulling you to sleep as he settled on top of your chest.
in the morning you'd call haru to let him know you'd found some extra help.
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viviennelamb · 1 month
Hi Vivienne!
I just started reading your blog and so far I love it. I just have some questions and I hope this doesn’t come off as mean spirited but I’m not very good with words and I don’t know any other way to say it: How do you cope with knowing that you may never have a friend group or a significant other because of your strong believes? Do you plan to live a hermet lifestyle or plan to pray for god to send you someone? Do you believe that we are meant to live a solatary lifestyle or that god would want us to commune with others who share the same believes or at least some of the same believes? How do you know? Could you tell me what qualities you think are good to look for in a friend? I didn’t have any friends in school and my Gran would always ridicule me as if it was my fault when I really did want friends but no one liked me because I was quiet and weird. She would say that humans are social creatures and too much loneliness makes you sick. She’s a single Christian lady with no friends herself if that matters. I never believed her because I thought I would be miserable either way. Until last year I made a friend with this girl in my physical therapy group (I shattered my leg skating) and we’ve been on many friend dates and FaceTime almost everyday to talk about everything and anything. We only known each other for a 8 months but I now finally believe what my Gran meant by humans are social and do better with companionship. I don’t know how to explain it but I feel so free, happy and loved around her. I feel like god answered me after years of wishing for a real friend. I won’t get into details but she really came into my life at a time where I almost lost all hope for myself. The only thing is before we were friends she used to have a boyfriend in high school for several years. We’ve never talked about boys or sexual things besides that I’m a virgin and she isn’t and ofc the boyfriend. After reading your blog I feel like maybe I’m wrong for being friends with her. Do you think I should ask her if she plans on getting another relationship or just wait and see? I heard her mom mention something once but she said she’s focusing on herself which I am too. I tried praying to god about it but I feel like it’s just radio silence. I erased a lot of my message because it was just rambling and oversharing but I hope this is enough for you to give me some advice. Thank you!
Hello, thank you for your question.
To clarify:
God doesn’t need coping mechanisms, but if an individual needs a coping mechanism, God will allow them to depend on it.
God is a friend of all, but if nobody wants to be friends with God, that makes no difference to her to perfection.
God loves and is loved by all, but if nobody loves God, God is the same with or without their emotions.
God is the community, but God is also the lack of a community.
God doesn’t need anybody to believe anything, but if an individual wants to believe something is true, God will allow them to have that belief.
God allows all free will, even if that individual wills to become a slave.
God doesn’t need prayer. God is omniscient and already knows what you want and will give it to you exactly when you need it.
God doesn’t beg for a person to come into her life, the person who wants to be in God's life will make the effort to do so.
I'm not trying to be a socially acceptable human being, I'm becoming God.
Found a new friend
I don't plan anything. The ego “plans” for a false sense of control.
If you believe that humans are social creatures, then it's true. If you want friends, a significant other and community, you're free to embark on that journey.
If you believe that being alone makes you sick, you can believe that as well.
Everything you believe communicates your state of consciousness, but there is no scientific evidence for anybody's “belief systems being true.” What is factual is irrefutable because it happens in real time. In other words, there's nothing to discuss about reality, let alone opinions to hold.
God gave you a friend, which is what you asked for. And you're asking me this question because you've become afraid of losing her, or you're thinking, “now what?” My following response will be in this context:
God typically gives somebody a reason to keep God alive in their hearts. You have a frame of reference on how to achieve the feeling of happiness, but if you depend on the material world for that happiness, it will become fleeting and a source of pain. What you feel with your friend is what I feel with God, except it's everlasting. I don't have to worry about God leaving me like a friend, family member or community would, and that has removed every burden from my life and resolved all of my deficiencies.
Your grandmother was right about what she said about loneliness, but are you sure she was “single” and “had no friends”? Do you think she was referring to God in these aspects? Most lonely people are married and have a large circle of friends. Most people that I've met who were dealing with depression and a lack of motivation got the world they wanted and plenty of support, yet they couldn't do anything notable with what they had.
One's loneliness is 100% dependent on their relationship, or lack thereof, with God. Period. I don't consider myself single and without friends, but an ego would. I consider myself experiencing life.
You should remain present with your friend. If you really feel the need to ask about her situation with her boyfriend, you can ask. Don't get attached to the outcome of this question, but if you keep this question burning within you, your health will pay for that as well. Now your state of happiness is at her will.
God is waiting for you to return your attention to the present moment. God is only right here, right now. If you pray with something else on your mind, God will stand to the side and allow you to pray to that thing. The nasty part is you genuinely believe you are praying to God, but you've made a material item (including people) your god. You're praying for that thing to centre in your life instead of praying for God, who is omnipotent, to become the centre of your life.
Once you start sincerely praying to God because you genuinely see God as a friend instead of someone to ask things for, then God will talk to you. This may take months, years, decades, lifetimes, depending on how long it takes you to realize that nothing in the world will give you lasting happiness. God is generous and forgiving, but shy.
If somebody only talked to you when they wanted something, but they never felt free and happy around you, would you be excited to talk to them? You would just give that person what they asked for and go back to placing your attention on people who adore you. Most people treat God like a shopkeeper, so that's the relationship they will have.
My experience with egos
If God wishes to place friendship, a significant other or community in my life, I will accept it and when they dissolve, I will accept that as well. I strongly prefer solitude right now because I want to place my attention on becoming a perfect meditator.
For the average person to feel good about herself, she needs to hold the idea in her mind that she is valuable because she has followed society's rules. When an individual can live completely and totally in the present moment without intrusive thoughts from the past, or how life "should be," she has attained consistent inner calmness and becomes soul-conscious.
It's impossible to be happy when you're not at least soul-conscious because the ego always has a new desire which will cause you to, define yourself by the outcome of those desires. This leads to an unstable sense of self, and many people are diagnosed with this ego-condition (such as BPD, narcissism, psychopathy, etc) when this state of mind becomes severe.
You know how some people are codependent and require somebody attached at their hip to feel secure? People who have always had their ego stroked everywhere they go in life? I've experienced the polar opposite of that. I've never felt close to anybody, nor have I wanted to. This blog is primarily for those people, as few as they are.
One time, while I was in a "friend group" I tried to communicate my feelings and a chick I wasn't talking to started yelling at me about “You know what I do when I feel left out?! I put in my fucking earphones” and she demonstrated her putting in her earphones in an exaggerated manner while berating me and foaming at the mouth. She hated my guts for whatever reason. There was another time I went to dinner with this group. Everything was fine until the same chick started yelling at me over of people's food about something random. Nobody cared. I told a dude who was also abused by this chick about the situation, and he couldn't believe that nobody said anything to her and said that they were all fake and enjoyed it. He was right. Anyway, it's my responsibility to leave when somebody shows red flags, so I did. Guess who the bystanders came running to when they became targets? Guess who didn't give a fuck?
I had another friend group make a separate group chat just to talk shit about me, even though I was the glue of the group. I went to each person's home to pick them up and dropped them off to maintain the relationship. The last time I engaged in free labor was when one of my friends was an hour late to walk out of her front door. I told her I waited forever, and she shrugged her shoulders and said called me her chauffeur. Couldn't even offer a pity apology.
My desire for a social life is at an absolute zero.
I have people in relationships ask me how I achieved emotional stability, yet they're all in relationships... Shouldn't they be the pinnacle of health? They tell me about their sadness, loneliness, their infections, etc, and I have nothing to say to that because when I tell the truth, I'm told I'm living life wrong and that I'm unhealthy. Now I'm keeping my unhealthiness to myself.
Since I live in the present moment, if somebody isn't right in front of me communicating with me, they're out of sight, out of mind. I don't feel any sort of emptiness or desperation to gain anything because nobody has anything I want. I don't feel the need to control others either, so their opinions don't matter.
Furthermore, I've never received validation, other than surface stuff. I don't see a purpose in having friends/a community; this is based on the constitution of my life path. Most may say it's unfortunate, but I got social liberation. I regret ever trying. I would've been so much farther along spiritually, but it is what it is.
The lifestyle you're living right now is what God wants for you because you want it for yourself.
My belief system:
Everything is perfect.
Everybody is precisely where they should be.
God doesn't make mistakes.
I don’t have any coping mechanisms because I’ve cleared my Karma. I’m in a constant state of happiness/calmness. It's impossible for the Ego to find happiness. The Ego likes to overcomplicate life, trying to have his cake and eat it too. The day you realize you can't have the world and God, and live accordingly, is when the Ego dies.
Coping mechanisms are preferable to the Ego because he can still gain validation from the world while feigning a connection with God. Women’s collective Karma is being social slaves. I’ve transcended that. I do not gain what other people gain from relationships. Relatability, connection, and the like are what I constantly receive from God. Now I’m only interested in gaining complete control over the body and realizing the Truth.
In person, I'm friendly and agreeable because it's easy to be that. Resistance brings conflict and problems, I don't care to deal with. Most people mistake this for friendship when I'm indifferent to them. Even if somebody agreed with me… so? This level of freedom is intimidating to people because they're used to their egos being worshipped and ooh'd and ahh'd at.
Whether they’re nice or mean, both friends and enemies pretending to be friends have placed me further to the Truth, so I'm thankful for all of my experiences. They have murdered every false desire within me, and now I'm free. I don’t pray for egos to come into my life, I don't hate myself anymore.
I have God and Guru and that’s more than enough.
What should you do?
If you are doubting your friendship with this person, there’s a lesson incoming. Somebody who is satisfied with materials and worldliness wouldn’t read spirituality blogs, so your soul already knows you will not achieve everlasting happiness with this friendship or any other future relationship. The key word here is "lasting." Temporary ego-boosts are highs, but you will hit a low and that usually results in fallout within the relationship, which you will compromise to maintain. You probably won't understand this now, but you will when the time comes.
When you are ego-conscious, you’re a slave to vanity. You want your life to look a certain way so that you feel like you’re socially acceptable, but this is non-presence. Instead of thinking about your happiness, you’re thinking about how well you fit in. Having doubts about a relationship is a sign of fickleness. If you think this friend will abandon you because of her boyfriend, there is likely some type of discussion going on between your friend and her boyfriend that you’ve picked up on.
Everybody has their own karmic path. You can either find a way to live where you achieve permanent happiness or continue on the rollercoaster of fear, doubt, and uncertainty.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 7 months
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 12
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Prayers to Broken Stone
Rating: M - Minors DNI
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 4k
Warnings and tags: lots of fluff; tiny bit of angst; borderline SMUT but mostly just suggestive; a gross situation involving rotten fish; two idiots refusing to acknowledge the truth
Suggested Listening:
Summary: Rex and Echo receive some intel from the Batch; the scouting team returns from Raada; Gregor and Cerra go on a supply run.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings and "Do It Again," but all three fics can be read as stand-alones.
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Lips that would kiss form prayers to broken stone.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
Rex sat alone on the sofa, staring at a datafile on the holoprojector as Echo entered the garage hours later. Cerra was nowhere to be found.
“You see this?” Rex asked.
Echo moved closer and peered at the hologram. “No. What is it?”
“Came in from Tech while you were away.”
Echo checked his comlink and saw that there was indeed a message from Tech. “What’s it about?”
“Seems they had a run-in with the same type of creature that attacked Coruscant early in the war. The empire is,” Rex hesitated before continuing. “... cloning them.”
“What?” Echo asked, incredulous. “What does the Empire want with that thing?”
“Hard to say. That’s why Tech sent it to us—to find out.”
Echo grunted quietly in acknowledgment, staring at the hologram. “Where do we even start?”
“With this file,” Rex said. “I think it’s best to keep this between us until we know more.”
Echo glanced at him in surprise. “You don’t want to tell the rest of the team?”
“Nothing to tell. Yet.”
Echo waited a moment, uncomfortable with the idea of withholding intel from the rest of the team. When Rex showed no sign of continuing, he asked, “And when we do have something to tell?”
“Then we’ll cross that bridge,” Rex replied with finality.
He and Echo reviewed the extensive data that Tech had been able to retrieve, but it was clear that it would take a significant amount of time to analyze it all. They poked at it for a few hours, until a soft sound emanated from inside the barracks. Rex closed the datafile abruptly as the barracks door slid open and Cerra emerged, looking groggy and disheveled, sheet marks crisscrossing her face.
She mumbled an incoherent greeting and headed straight to the refresher. Echo glanced between her and Rex, wondering exactly what the captain was playing at with this secrecy. It didn’t sit well with Echo; he’d grown accustomed to the more open dynamic of the Batch, where intel was freely shared, and every member had a say in the final decision. Still, he was sure Rex had his reasons—even if keeping intel from teammates did remind him uncomfortably of his time in the GAR, when he simply followed orders and hoped that those in command knew what they were doing.
It wasn’t the first time Rex had withheld information from the larger group, Echo mused, recalling their earlier conversation about the rumored secret intelligence network. Rex had mentioned Admiral Yularen, and based on Cerra’s reaction to the name, Echo knew there was a story there. He wondered if she would ever feel comfortable sharing it with him. 
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“I don’t know what the Empire is even doing as far out as Raada, but it’s nothing good,” Fireball said.
“It’s remote even by Outer Rim standards,” Gregor added. “Sort of place where nobody goes unless they’re either hiding or out of other options. Hardly any population.” 
“Tell me what you found,” Rex said.
“There’s an Imperial base there, all right,” Gregor said. “Big. Secure. Bit of overkill, if you ask me.”
“I couldn’t even contact Nemec,” Fireball said. “Comms were jammed.”
“They’re still setting up the base,” Gregor said. “That’s our ticket in. Only saw half as many troops as I’d expect for a base of that size.”
“So what, we stow away on a transport ship?” Echo asked. “I don’t know about you, but my armor might stand out a bit.”
“Cerra can work around it,” Gregor said confidently. “She’ll find us some of that junk stormtrooper armor. All we have to do is sneak into the Imperial military headquarters and get onto one of those transports.”
“Is that all?” Fireball asked drily. “While we’re dreaming, can I get a large Blue Milkshake and legal personhood?”
Cerra’s eyes crinkled and she nudged Fireball, shooting him a tiny, amused smirk. He held up his fist, and she bumped hers against it as Rex looked on with a markedly unamused expression.
“It would be easier for just one person to infil HQ,” Echo said. “We could send a team with a ship to Raada to stand by, and our man on the inside will smuggle Nemec out of the base and rendezvous at predetermined coordinates.”
“I’ll go,” Fireball said immediately. “He’s my brother.”
Rex shook his head. “My intel says they’re scanning the identifying number of every clone trooper before they board the transports. Every one of us is either presumed dead or wanted by the Empire. We’d be executed on the spot. It will have to be a nat-born.”
“Agreed,” Cerra said. “Echo, do you think you could slice into the Imperial database and plant fake orders? Every base needs a supply officer.”
“You can’t be serious,” Gregor objected. “After what happened at 79’s?”
“Rex is right. It has to be a nat-born,” Cerra said.
“Then send Rafa!” Gregor said. “Or one of Chuchi’s guards.”
“Not a lot of Pantorans in the Imperial army,” Echo said.
“It needs to be someone familiar with military protocol,” Rex added. “Rafa would get arrested before she ever made it through HQ security.”
“It has to be me, Gregor,” Cerra said quietly.
“I don’t like it,” Gregor growled.
“You don’t have to like it,” Rex said. “It’s not your call to make.”
“It’s not yours, either,” Gregor retorted.
“It’s my call, and I’m doing it,” Cerra said firmly.
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As it turned out, they had more than a week to plan the mission, which felt unfathomably luxurious. While Rex waited for his contact to confirm the schedule, he, Echo, and Fireball went to investigate a lead on a possible ship for the Balmorra mission. In the meantime, Cerra had a secret weapon to coax Gregor out of his sullen mood: a grocery run, his absolute favorite kind of mission.
Coruscant was a planet of many wonders. Home to trillions of beings, it was a vibrant hub of culture, and where there was culture, there was food. In the galactic capital, one could find any kind of food imaginable, and Gregor had a vivid imagination. Cerra would have been happy enough with whatever bland ration bars she could find in CoCo Town, but Gregor had eaten enough industrial food to last him for a lifetime, and now that he had the freedom to eat whatever he wanted, he refused to settle for rations unless it was an actual emergency—and even then, it was subject to debate.
To find the sorts of ingredients he required, he and Cerra had to venture to the upper levels, to one of Coruscant’s vast, sprawling open-air markets. There, vendors from across the galaxy offered up a dazzling array of wares: everything from fresh produce, meat, and fish, to baked goods and confectionery, to hand-made soaps and candles, to antiques and artwork, to an entire market district dedicated exclusively to cut flowers. 
During the war, Gregor had heard about the market but never been allowed inside. The first time he’d visited, he could hardly believe such a thing existed in the same galaxy as Abafar. The opulence and abundance of the market contrasted starkly with the impoverished, hardscrabble planet where he’d spent so many months with no memories or identity. He’d learned to cook from Borkus, and he once told Cerra that as far as he was concerned, that was the only good thing that had ever happened on that Maker-forsaken rock.
Now, as he wandered through the market with Cerra’s fingers laced between his own, he made no attempt to disguise his wonder and delight at the bustling, colorful surroundings. The heady scents of roasting peppers, fried food, pungent spices, and hot sugar permeated the air, making his stomach rumble.
“We should get a snack first,” he said.
“Yes, please!” Cerra agreed. “Otherwise, I’ll just buy everything in the market.”
They found a food stall that sold griddled ronto wrappers stuffed with traladon cheese and a variety of meat and vegetable fillings. The cheese was melty and stringy; and the flatbread was crispy and a little greasy; and on the whole, it was absolutely delicious. They ate as they walked, taking in all of the sights, smells, and sounds of the market. They passed a vendor piping rings of batter into a gigantic vat of hot oil, and Gregor made a note of the location.
“We’re getting some of those on our way home,” he said.
“To share with the boys?” Cerra asked
“Sure, we’ll go with that,” he replied with a wink.
She laughed, and he grinned at her, his earlier surliness forgotten as he draped his arm over her shoulders. They stopped at every stall that offered samples, tasting and testing. 
“Candilin oranges!” a vendor called out. “Get them while they’re fresh! These won’t last longer than a day, folks, so don’t miss out!”
Gregor tugged Cerra toward the stall.
“We can’t afford those, Gregor,” she whispered.
“The samples are free,” he whispered back.
He snagged a small piece of the fruit off of the vendor’s sample tray and sniffed it curiously. 
“Smell,” he told Cerra, holding it close to her face.
She leaned in and inhaled deeply, her eyes fluttering closed. It smelled fresh and bright and zesty, and it reminded her of the sun. “It smells delicious.”
He slid the fruit into her mouth, and she took a bite. Sweet, tangy juice exploded across her tongue, and she made a tiny sound of pleasure as an expression of utter bliss settled on her face. Gregor beamed at her as he popped the rest of the fruit into his own mouth. The vendor, a Nithorn, regarded them with shrewd little eyes.
“Ah, young love,” she squawked. “I’ll give you a special discount for being such an adorable couple.”
Cerra’s eyes snapped open, and she pulled slightly away from Gregor. “Oh, we’re n—”
“Not made of credits,” Gregor cut in hastily. “You know how it is when you’re just starting out.”
Cerra flicked an uncertain glance at him, but she didn’t resist when he pulled her a little closer and wrapped his arm around her waist. The Nithorn nodded sagely.
“Of course, of course,” she said. “But nothing is too good for your girl, am I right? Come on, I’ll cut you a deal.”
“How much?” Cerra asked.
“Fifty credits apiece,” the vendor replied.
Cerra choked. “I’m not saying it’s not worth it, but we don’t have that kind of money.”
“Twenty,” Gregor countered.
The vendor guffawed. “Sorry, kids, but I’m running a business, not a charity. Forty credits.”
“Come on, Gregor,” Cerra urged. “We can find something else.”
“Twenty-two,” Gregor said.
“Are you trying to destroy my livelihood?” the vendor asked. “Thirty, and not a decicred less.”
“Twenty-five,” Gregor replied.
“You are breaking my heart,” said the Nithorn. “Fine, twenty-five. Be sure to eat it today, or it will rot.”
As they walked away with their prize, Cerra said in a low voice, “We don’t have that kind of budget, Gregor. What were you thinking?”
“I’ll make it up somewhere else,” he shrugged. “It was worth it.”
They wandered through the produce stands, selecting an assortment of fruits and vegetables as they caught Gregor’s eye. He spotted a table heaped with round, russet-colored fruits.
“What are these?” he asked the vendor.
“Kavasa,” Cerra replied, recognizing the fruit immediately.
“That’s right,” the Twi’lek vendor said. “Fresh kavasa, straight from Corellia. Just got a huge shipment this morning. I’m selling it for half price, if you’re interested.”
“We’ll take a kilo,” Gregor said.
“Are you sure?” Cerra asked. “Don’t you want to taste it first?”
“Do you like it?” he asked.
“Yes, it was my favorite when I was little,” Cerra admitted. 
“Then we’ll take a kilo,” he repeated.
Gregor found a vendor who sold freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, and he insisted on buying several cartons for their off-world missions. “If we have to eat rations, at least we can buy some that resemble real food.”
Their last stop was the meat market. He’d been wanting to try his hand at cooking brualki brisket since he’d first tasted it at Dex’s Diner. 
“We’re all out of brualki,” the butcher said. He was a burly Devaronian with two broken horns, and his arms bulged with muscles developed over years of breaking down enormous primal cuts. “But I’m sure we can find something that will suit you. Ever tried joopa?”
Gregor was intrigued. “Never heard of it. What’s it like?”
The butcher launched into a detailed sales pitch about the merits of joopa rib roasts, and Gregor asked a number of pointed questions about preparation techniques and flavor profiles as Cerra let her attention wander.
“Our joopa is wild-caught, from a place called Seelos,” the butcher said. “Never been there, myself.”
Cerra didn’t understand a word of the conversation, but one thing she did understand was sticking to a Force-damned budget. “How much per kilo?” 
“Ten credits,” the butcher replied. “It’s about half the price of brualki right now, so you’ll save a decent chunk of creds.”
“I’ll take a five-kilo roast,” Gregor said. 
The bags of groceries were heavy as they headed to the freighter, but Gregor wrangled them with ease. They were nothing compared to the weight of the armor that he normally wore. The market had become even more crowded as the day advanced, and beings of every imaginable species jostled around them. They retraced their route back to the ship, and as they passed through the fishmongers’ market district, disaster struck.
A large, boisterous family of Gabdorins blocked most of the path as the parents haggled with a merchant. Gregor and Cerra squeezed by them single-file. Suddenly, two of the youngest children broke free of the larger group and began chasing each other. Gregor tried to back up, but it was too late. The children ran straight into him, taking him out at the knees. As he fell, he collided with Cerra and knocked her down beneath him. They landed with a splash in a reeking puddle of water and rotting fish. 
“Sorry, mister!” the children shrieked as they ran off to continue their game.
Cerra gagged at the stench, and Gregor quickly scrambled to his feet. By some miracle, he’d managed to keep the grocery bags out of the splash zone, but his clothes were saturated with the putrid liquid, and Cerra’s were even worse.
“What the kriff?” Cerra sputtered.
“Watch your language, lady,” one of the adult Gabdorins snapped.
“Are you serious?” Cerra demanded, incensed.
“Hey, easy,” Gregor intervened. “It was just an accident. Let’s get home so we can get out of these clothes.”
Cerra grumbled mutinously, but nevertheless she followed Gregor as they hurried back to the freighter. Fortunately—if anything about the situation could be considered fortunate—the miasma of rotting fish guts cleared a path through the crowded market, and they made it to the ship in record time.
“In, in, in, in, in,” Cerra chanted, her words blending into each other in her urgency. “Put the groceries in the conservator. I’ll get the ship powered up.”
Gregor hadn’t even finished stowing the perishables by the time they were airborne. Cerra breathed through her mouth, but she couldn’t escape the fetid stench. The flight back to the garage felt like the longest of her life, and from Gregor’s occasional retching sounds, he was suffering just as much as she was. She piloted them down the underworld portal, and as soon as the ship touched down on the landing platform, they stripped out of their garments and ran for the refreshers.
Luckily, nobody else had returned to the garage yet. Cerra got there first and tugged her bra and briefs off before making a beeline for the farthest shower stall. Gregor was right behind her, pulling off his boxers and leaving them in a pile with Cerra’s things, then claiming the second shower stall.
“Uuuuuuuugh, that is the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me,” Cerra grunted. “Thank the stars I don’t have any hair; otherwise I’d have to shave my head all over again.”
“I’m not so lucky,” he said. “I hope I can get the smell out.”
The refresher began to fill with steam from both showers running at once. Cerra soaped her entire body from head to toe, and still the stench lingered. On the other side of the narrow tile barrier, she could hear vigorous splashing that indicated Gregor was scrubbing himself thoroughly. Cerra let out a low groan of pleasure as she stood under the hot spray. 
“At least it happened at the end of the trip instead of the beginning,” Cerra said.
“Mm-hmm,” Gregor said noncommittally.
“We might have to burn our clothes,” she observed. “I don’t know if the smell will ever go away no matter how many times we clean them.”
“Yeah.” Gregor’s voice was strained.
She shut her shower off and stepped out. Gregor was facing the wall of his shower stall, his back to her as he stood under the water. 
“Ah, kriff, I forgot a towel,” she said. “Do you need one?”
“No!” he said, keeping his back turned to her. “I mean, I’m not quite finished. I think I need to wash my hair again.”
“Okay,” she said, crossing to the bank of lockers where they kept a supply of towels and toiletries. “I’ll leave a clean one for you on the sink.”
“Thanks, Cerra,” he said. “You should go get something to eat. It’s been hours since we had those ronto wraps.”
His tone was brusque, and she hoped he wasn’t still angry about the Raada mission.
“Good idea,” she said. “I need to send the cleaning droid into the freighter anyway.”
She went to the barracks and dressed quickly, then powered up the cleaning droid and programmed it to decontaminate the ship. She lugged the groceries into the kitchenette and began to stow them away just as Gregor exited the refresher and headed for the barracks, wrapped in nothing but a towel. Droplets of water beaded across his broad shoulders and chest, and her gaze slid down his body, just for an instant, before she jerked her eyes away, focusing on finding space to fit the joopa roast in the conservator.
Nothing I haven’t seen before, she thought. Though if she were honest, Gregor was built differently from the other clones, even from the ARC troopers. He was thicker and denser, and she tried not to think about the way those shining droplets had slid down the planes of his—What the hell? This is Gregor! You know, your best friend and the one person you can count on in the galaxy? Stop thinking about his muscles, damn it!
She shoved the roast into the conservator and slammed the door, leaning against it to make sure it sealed. She swallowed. What was wrong with her? First sex dreams, and now this? She must be losing whatever tattered shreds of sanity she still possessed. 
This is all Echo’s fault, she thought irritably. I never even thought about Gregor that way until he put the idea in my head.
She sighed and dug through the bags of groceries until she unearthed the candilin orange and a kavasa fruit. She sliced them with unnecessary violence and arranged them on a plate as Gregor rejoined her.
He was dressed—thank the Maker for small mercies—and he looked far more relaxed than he had in a long while. Now that she thought about it, he had been tense ever since the night they’d gone to 79’s. A wave of guilt washed through her at the realization that she’d caused him that much distress.
“Want to catch up on the Bake Off?” he asked.
“I think we’ve earned it,” she replied. “Don’t tell Fireball we watched it without him, though.”
Gregor flopped down on the sofa and turned on the holotable, and Cerra curled up next to him. As the show’s opening jingle played, she passed him the plate of fruit. He tasted a slice of kavasa experimentally.
“That’s delicious!” he exclaimed. “No wonder it was your favorite.”
She swiped a slice and popped it into her mouth, enjoying the familiar burst of juicy sweetness across her tongue. It tasted like childhood. It tasted like home. She closed her eyes to blink away the tears that pricked behind her eyelids, and when she opened them, Gregor was watching her with a small, satisfied smile. He reached over and tugged her legs onto his lap and balanced the plate on top of her knees as he turned to watch the show.
The show hosts were droning on and on in some ridiculous opening skit about being turned into tookas. Cerra’s attention wandered, and her eyelids grew heavy. Gregor shifted her legs and stood to take the empty plate to the kitchenette, but before he could leave, she snagged his hand and tugged him back down onto the sofa with a sleepy grumble that sounded suspiciously like “No. My Gregor.” 
He laughed quietly and set the plate on the floor, then lay down next to her. It was a tight fit, and she wiggled up against the back of the couch to make room for him. He wrapped his arms around her and began to rub small circles on her back, and within minutes, the pair were asleep.
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The room was dark as Cerra floated toward consciousness. She felt wonderfully warm and safe, held securely in a strong embrace, and she closed her eyes again, drifting on the border between slumber and lucidity. Soft, even breaths fanned across the skin of her chest, where a head rested heavily against her. Their legs tangled together, one strong thigh trapped between her own, and she realized two things at once: first, that thigh was pressed against her achingly aroused sex; and second, he was hard as a kriffing rock against her hip.
“Fives,” she breathed.
She tightened her arms around his shoulders, determined to savor every second of their time together, knowing that they would have to wake up and return to their duties all too soon. She flattened her palm against the hard muscles of his upper back, stroking him languidly. Where were they this time? Florrum? Cato Nemoidia? Did it even matter? She pressed her lips against his forehead, inhaling deeply. Something was different about his scent. New soap? She liked it. It smelled comforting, somehow—familiar. 
“Where are we?” she whispered, but his only answer was a soft snore.
She shifted, inadvertently dragging herself along his thigh and moaning quietly at the friction. Fives, responsive even in his sleep, rumbled deep in his chest and rolled his hips, grinding his cock against her. Gods, it had been too long. She’d forgotten how damned big he was. How long had it been this time? Weeks? Months? She couldn’t even remember. The campaigns blurred together, punctuated by those brief, rare occasions when they both had shore leave at the same time. Where are we?
 Kriff, she was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of being away from him. She missed him so much that it poisoned their time together: even now, with him lying safe in her arms, the knowledge that he would be gone again soon weighed heavily on her chest. How long do we have this time? 
Where are we?
Her breathing settled into a regular rhythm, and she drifted back into oblivion. She was deep asleep when the man in her embrace shifted with a quiet, drowsy grumble and then went abruptly rigid. In the darkened garage, illuminated only by the Are you still watching? message on the holoprojector, he carefully disentangled himself from her and pulled away. 
Hours later, Cerra awoke, disoriented and utterly alone.
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signed-loni · 1 year
Could I request Sal with a s/o who's recently relapsed with sh? Preferably in a case where s/o doesn't want to bother Sal because they dont think it's too big of a deal, but he notices/finds out anyway (maybe by them being careless or something).
Thank you if you decide to do this, and have a nice day either way <3
Ofc anon. And if ur going thru anything, feel free to message me <3
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Warnings: Mention of self harm, cussing, angst(?)-comfort
You knew you shouldnt have. You knew how long you were clean, but today was a bad day. You didnt know what else to do, so you relapsed.
You let out a shaky sigh and began to roll your sleeves back down. You slowly got up from your place on the floor and quickly hid the knife you just used to break your own skin. You got up and walked out of your room, deciding to get some wayer just to calm you down a bit more. Walking out of your apartment, you walked over to the elevator and pressed 4, you were going to sals.
The elevator stopped with a loud ding! and you walked over to sals place. Hesitating just a bit, you knocked on the door. Sals dad got the door for you, opening it wider once he saw it was you at the door.
“Hello y/n. Good to see you.”
“Hi Mr.Fisher, good to see you to.”
You walked into the apartment while henry told you sal was in his room. You uttered a small “thank you”and walked over to his room.
Knocking on the door, you heard a bit of rustling, probably sal putting on his prosthetic, then a muffled “come in!”
You let yourself in while sal looked up at you from his bed. “Hey babe, whats up?” you plopped yourself next to him and said “nothing, just wanted to see you.” Sal got a small feeling that something was up, but decided to ignore it.
Stretching your arms up, your sleeves fell down just enough for sal to notice the fresh cuts on your arms. His heart sank.
You put your arms down sighing, you needed that stretch. Looking over to your blue haired boyfriend, sal was looking at you with a bunch of mixed emotions in his eyes
Sadness, disappointment, and ever so soight anger in his mood. He grabbed your hand, and took it in his, he looked at you with a sad expression, and you wete beyond confused. “Why was he acting like this? What happened? Is he ok?”
Sal slowly started to utter his sentence, shakiness apparent in his voice. “Y/n.” He thougjt before he spoke. Then,carefully, he asked “have you..been slitting your wrists again?”
The room went quiet. Oh.shit. You stumbled over your words before saying “what? No of course not! W-why?” You said, stuttering like there was no tomorrow. “I can see the cuts.” Fuck. “Uhm..” he tightened his grip on your hand. “Y/n, why? What happened? Did-Did someone do something? Did..i do something?”
You thought before replying. “I had a bad day.”
Sal, not wanting to pry, pulled you into a hug, squeezing so tight you could barely breathe.
“My love, please, stop doing this to yourself. You don’t deserve it. Nobody does. You are perfect, and no matter what anyone says, don’t listen to them. They aren’t worth it”
Picking you up, he took you to his bathroom to get you cleaned up. Carefully turning on the faucet and running you arms under it. You winced and sal looked up at you before continuing. He dried your arms and put Neosporin on the cuts. He put disney princess band aids on all the cuts. Kissing each one after he covered them. Once again picking you up and bringing you back to his bed, cuddling you and whispering sweet nothing into your ear before you both fell asleep.
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ok this is super half baked idea but it just occurred to me as a fun idea perhaps for next year.
concept: advent calendar. i.e. twenty-five days including the 25th of the month. could possibly be combined or connected to something with the twelve days of Christmas as well if it was wanted to go on for longer. could be modified with more traditional advent concepts (not very familiar with it myself but open to suggestions)
suggestion: a short story for each day of advent, from a combination of different authors (ideally one story per author but could be modified). either all standalone or a possible joint Christmas Day story that pulls multiple different threads together. if we got enough authors/artists together (or one or two very dedicated artists) there could be a story with an accompanying piece of artwork.
could be scheduled ebook release each day and/or posting on a website at a scheduled time each day, with possible purchase of the whole ebook or physical book in one go on the 25th / preorder so that physical media is slated to arrive at the right time.
this is kind of cobbled together but what are people's thoughts? re:word count, brief google suggests 70-90k is common as a total for the average novel, which would mean an average of 3.2k per story, or somewhere between 2000 and 4400 words if we were being a bit more loose with length.
also note that if art was involved prints could be made and shipped for a moderate sum ($27AUD at time of writing to send internationally if using a single prepaid satchel*, $3.75AUD to make 25 6"x4" prints, total cost rounds to $31AUD assuming a single satchel could be used). also possible to look at print on demand services that could cut down on shipping. (this also assumes artists would not be paid)
this is very rough in calculation ofc but what do people think about it? (frankly, it sounds like a fun sort of project for myself if nobody else wants to join me lol)
(re:financial aspect - I know in some things like audiobooks done for him my dad has paid all the costs, and any income above cost level he splits 50/50 with the audiobook reader - has a given flat rate/percentage per sale that's cost, and anything additional is royalties. unless I could pitch this to an established author or publishing house (impossible, though if there were others in on the scheme we could possibly look into the option) it would not be worth making the serial itself only available for upfront paying because I simply don't have an audience at all lol. however the possibility of making an ebook or physical book that could be sold later would have the possibility in the future to recoup costs. )
*large letter format is $15AUD but uncertain if that would be sufficient, would require more research
(trying to gauge even vague interest; if there's interest of basically any kind I can expand on my thoughts. also if anyone's interested and has discord please message me for my discord lol)
please reblog and or offer any thoughts you have!
EDIT: note that 'contributing' encompasseses both contributing and reading whereas reading does not encompass contributing
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andydrysdalerogers · 9 months
Your Submissively - Solitude
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, loss of virginity, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
A/N: the taglist is open!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Realization
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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As the end of Thursday approached Belle couldn’t help but fell a sense of sadness.  Steve has called or texted every day but as graduation grew closer, all she could feel was the weight of missing her dad.  As she left her final exam, she messaged Lilia.  
B: I’m going to be in Brooklyn tonight  L: Same Place?  B: Yeah. Feeling it today  L: Be careful.  Call a cab if it gets late  B: Thanks Li.  
Belle took the subway into Brooklyn, headphones in, getting lost in the music.  
Meanwhile, Bucky and Steve made their way to Jersey.  They decided they wanted to surprise Lila and Isabella for the end of finals.  “Can’t believe we’re dating college seniors,” Bucky said with a laugh.  
“I didn’t expect that either but her we are.”  Steve knocked on the door.  
Lila opened the door.  “Mr. Rogers? Bucky, what are you doing here?” 
“We wanted to take you and Belle to dinner,” Bucky explained.  “To celebrate the end of finals.”  
Lila chewed her lip.  “She’s not here.”  Lila looked at the men nervously.  “She went to be alone for a bit.” 
“Where?”  Steve demanded. “Miss Stevens, tell me where she is now!” He took a step towards her.  
“Pal, be calm,” Bucky said, placing himself between them. “We can track her phone. Its fine.”  Bucky tapped on his phone.  “She’s in Brooklyn.  At some piano bar.” 
“Just leave her be,” Lila pleads. “She’s missing her dad and needs a moment alone.  The owner and the bartender know her.  They’ll keep an eye out.  Please?” 
“I have to know she’s ok.”  Steve went downstairs, not waiting for Bucky.  He climbed into a passing cab and gave the address to the only piano bar he knew of in Brooklyn.  
Belle sat in a booth on the side, hiding in the shadows.  She sipped her drink, a coke, not wanting to get list in the alcohol.  
“Next up, we have the extraordinary talents of Belle Davis.”  
Belle got up and went to the piano.  The overhead lights made it impossible to see anyone in the crown but she could still hear them.  But it was what she needed.  To have people hear her but not anyone she cared for.  They would want to help when there isn’t anything they can do.  She touched the keys and played the intro to a song that resonated in her heart.  
I tried to talk to my piano  I tried to talk to my guitar  Talking my imagination  Confided into alcohol  I tried and tried and tried some more  Told secrets ‘til my voice was sore  Tired of empty conversations  ‘cause no one hears them anymore 
She thought back to her dad. Making her practice.  “Belle, you practice and it make it perfect.  Try again.”  
A hundred million stories  And a hundred million songs  I feel stupid when I sing  Nobody’s listening to me  Nobody’s listening  I talk to shooting starts but they always get it wrong  I feel stupid when I pray  So, why am I praying anyway?  When nobody’s listening 
Phil watching her train at kickboxing.  “Don’t pull your punches sweetheart.  The dummy can’t hurt you back.”  
Anyone, please send me anyone  Lord is there anyone  I need someone, oh  Anyone, please send me anyone  Lord, is there anyone?  I need someone.   I used to craze the world’s attention  I think I cried too many times  I just need some more affection  Anything to get me by 
On the last day she saw him.  “Dad, you seem nervous.”  
“Don’t worry sweetheart.  Easy peasy.  I’ll be back in a few days.”  
“Cool, I have a new receipt I want you to try.”  
“Looking forward to it Bell.  Love you.” He kissed her forehead.  
“Love you too Dad.  See you in a few days.”  
A hundred million stories  And a hundred million songs  I feel stupid when I sing  Nobody’s listening to me  Nobody’s listening  I talk to shooting starts   but they always get it wrong  I feel stupid when I pray  Why the fuck  am I praying anyway?  If nobody’s listening  Anyone, please send me anyone  Lord is there anyone  I need someone, oh  Anyone, please send me anyone  Lord, is there anyone?  I need someone  Oh anyone I need anyone  Oh anyone I need someone  A hundred million stories  And a hundred million songs  I feel stupid when I sing  Nobody’s listening to me  Nobody’s listening 
Belle finished her song to loud applause.  She went back to her booth but she was surprised to find it occupied.  “What are you doing here?” 
“Lila told me you went out and I tracked your phone.”  Steve put his face in the light, taking in the obvious tears that were still in Belle’s eyes. But they changed once Steve mentioned that he tracked her phone.  She grabbed her bad and stormed out.  
“Isabella, stop,” as the made it outside  
“You had no right! I’m not your submissive yet.  I still have my free will.” She was angry.  Angry that he had found her and listened to her sing.  Only Lila had ever heard her really and she asked that it be kept a secret.  
“I needed to know you were safe,�� Steve said, trying to reason with her.  
“By violating my privacy? I wanted to be alone.  This is hard for me, ok?  I’m all alone on the edge of one of the most important weeks of my life.”  
“You’re not alone!” He grabs her and kisses her.  She pushes him away and slaps him.  
“I’m nothing to you but a potential sex slave! Please leave me alone.”  She runs for the subway but he catches her again.  
“Don’t ever say that again,” Steve growls.  “You mean more to me than you know.  You aren’t a sex slave.”  Belle struggled against him.  “Please sweetheart, stop. Stop.”  He held her closer to him and she kept struggling until she started to sob.  “It’s ok my Belle.  Its alright.” He stroked her hair as she clings to him.  “I’m right here.”  
“I miss him,” she cried.  “He’s supposed to be here.”  She held onto Steve tighter. 
“I know baby, I know.  I’m so sorry.” He kissed her hair, trying to get her to calm down.  
“I can’t do this without him. I don’t know how.”  
“I’ll help you,” Steve whispered. “I’ll be right here.”  He scooped her up and hailed another cab.  He took her to the penthouse.  She was asleep by the time he made it upstairs.  
“Seriously punk,” Bucky started before he saw Belle in his arms.  “Is she ok?” He whispered.  
“No, she’s not. But she will be.  Goodnight, Buck.  You can yell at me in the morning jerk.”  
Steve took her to his room and laid her on the bed.  He carefully took off her clothes and slipped a shirt over her head. He got her under the covers and he stared at her for a moment, taking in her youthful expression, eyes slightly swollen from crying.  He sighed and quickly changed climbing in next to her.  He pulled her close and drifted off to sleep.  
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Belle’s alarm awoke her like normal for a Friday.  She stretched until she felt her arm brush up against something warm.  Her eyes snapped open and turned to see Steve’s sleeping face next to her.  She looked to see that she was in Steve’s bedroom. 
She crawled out of bed and head to her room.  She needed to get ready and didn’t have time to go back home and changed.  She looked through the clothing Steve has gotten her, selecting a blue dress with a white sweater and wedges.  She jumped into the shower and came out.  She was startled to see Steve sitting on her bed. “Hi.” 
“Are you ok?” 
“I’m fine.” She fiddled with her towel. “I’m so sorry that I hit you.”  
“Super soldier Belle.  I can take a hit.” He took her hands. “I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry that I did that.  I didn’t mean to violate your privacy. I was just worried about you.”  
“I know I’m sorry.  Not a lot of people know I go there.  I just need to get away sometimes.”  
Steve pulled her to his lap. “You are amazing Belle.  Your voice is beautiful.”  
“Thank you.” She nuzzled into his neck and he held her tighter.  
“Stay with me today. We can talk, figure this out.”    
“I can’t. Its my last day at Stark.” She moved to get up but Steve held her close.  “Steve please.” 
“I know, I just… wanted to feel you.  You were so angry and scared yesterday.  Tell me please?” 
“I just miss him.  I don’t even know what happened.  They just said an accident at work and I was taken from my home, my friends.  The bar… he used to go there… the owner knew him.  So, Dad, he used to take me in and I would sing when I was nervous about anything.  Its where I go when I’m scared.”  
Steve closed his eyes, realizing the mistake he made. He took something of her father from her. “Belle, I am so sorry.  Really, truly.  When Lila said you just needed to get away, I didn’t realize it meant that you needed to be closer to your dad.” He kissed her forehead and she turned to look at him.  He leaned in to kiss her, softly at first but then deeper. “Please forgive me Isabella,” he whispered against her lips.  He kissed her again, deeper still, moving her to lay on the bed.  
“Steve, please, we have to stop.  I have to go to work,” Belle gasped not really wanting to let go.  
“I’ll drop you off, plenty of time,” he said between kisses to her neck. His hands moved down to slide up her towel. “Let me show you how sorry I am.”  
“Steve, please,” she wasn’t sure what she was pleading for anymore.  She needed him, her lifeline.  
“What do you want Isabella?” She couldn’t decide so Steve continued to tease, listening to her moan, arching her body to his touch. He undid the towel, allowing him to touch further.  He groaned when he could feel how aroused she was. He swirled his fingers on her clit and picked up some of her nectar on his fingers and brought them to mouth.  
Isabella watched him and felt the fire in her belly grow.  “Steve, please, fuck me,” she pleaded, reasoning gone out the window, responsibilities trampled on the floor.  
Steve smiled as he ran his nose down the length of hers. He ghosted her lips and said, “watch your language young lady.” He reached down and pulled his sweats and boxers down and was in her in no time.  She gasped at the sudden fullness and cried out.  He worked her hard, lifting her legs to wrap around her waist so he could go deeper.  
He reached to play with her clit at she cried out more and more, the overwhelming desire flashing white in her eyes.  “Let go Isabella.” Steve could feel himself ready to let go but wouldn’t until she did.  She needed to know that she was first in his eyes, always.  He leaned to suck on one of her nipples and that was her undoing.  She clenched around him, sucking him in.  Steve pumped a few more times before he pulled out and cummed on her belly, remembering at the last second that he hasn’t put a condom on.  
Only the sounds of their heavy breathing punctuated the room.  Steve got up and got a washcloth to clean Belle up.  He was gentle, worried he crossed another line.  He laid down next to her.  “I’m sorry.”  
“Don’t be. I wanted that too.”  She kissed him gently. “Please don’t tell anyone about my secret ok?”  
“I’ll never tell.” He brushed a hair away. “C’mon, get ready.  I’ll get you some coffee and take you work.  Tonight, we’ll talk and some other things,” he said flashing a wicked grin.  
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Isabella walking into the Avengers Tower and headed up to her desk.  She took everything in, not sure when she would see it all again.  
“How was finals?” 
Belle jumped and turned to see Tony standing next to her desk. “Mr. Stark, hi.”  She fidgeted between her feet.  “They were fine.  Should have the results on Monday.”  
“Good, that’s good.  I hope you had time to study between your galas.” Tony inspected the girl.  
Belle flushed.  “I’m always studying Mr. Stark.  I have a position at MSA in the fall.  I start training in a month. So I need to keep on my toes.”  
“Congratulations.  I’m glad to see you focus on your career. And not on your non-existent boyfriend.” He started to walk away.  
“I’m sorry, is there a problem Mr. Stark?”  Belle could see he had something else he wanted to say.  
“Nothing Belle.  Schedule in a few?” 
“Yes, Mr. Stark.” She started up her computer and saw an email from Steve.  
From: [email protected]  To: [email protected]    Subject: Last Day  Congratulation on finishing your internship.  I made us reservations for dinner at 8. Bucky will take you to the apartment to pick up whatever you need and bring you back.  I have a meeting at 630 so I will meet you at the restaurant.  Call me if you need me.   Steven Rogers  CEO, Grant Industries 
Belle smiled and was quick to reply.  
From: [email protected]  To: [email protected]  Subject: Last Day  Looking forward to it Mr. Rogers. Please let Bucky know that I am off early today at 4PM. Lila will be home if that is an incentive. Thank you for this morning.   Isabella Davis  Intern to Tony Stark  CEO, Stark Industries 
Belle heard a huff behind her and saw Tony looking over her shoulder.  “So, he is a boyfriend?” 
“Not that it’s any of your business Mr. Stark but yes he is.”  She wasn’t sure why she said it but the look she got from Tony and his tone made her defensive.  
“You should stay away from him Belle.  He’s not good enough for you.”  
“What I do in my private life is my business.”  Isabella stood up. “And you have no right to have an opinion on it!” She shouted, drawing the attention of the other person on the floor, his wife.  
“Tony, leave her alone.  We talked about this.  She has every right to see whomever she wants,” Pepper scolded.  She turned to Isabella.  “I’m sorry Belle.  Umm, could you get the reports from legal for us.  We have a meeting in 20.”  
“Not a problem Mrs. Stark.  I’ll be right back.”  She glared at Tony and left.  
Pepper turned to her husband. “Tony, seriously, what the hell was that?” 
“Petulance gets you nowhere.”  
“I don’t want to see her get hurt.  She’s a target if she gets seen with him.” 
“Why would she be a target?” Pepper looked confused.  
“Doesn’t matter.” Tony shook his head. He walked into his office and closed the door. 
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neewtmas · 6 months
24 days of Appreciation
Hello! We are on day 6 of 24 days of appreciation this month, where we shine a spotlight each day on those we appreciate in this fandom!
If you want to submit someone or something (for more info read here), you can do so here or just message me! If you wanna stay anonymous, either tell me or submit on anon.
Appreciation by me:
today I wanna appreciate @wellgoslowly! honestly, I'm so proud to call you my mutual, because if someone were to ask me 'who's the fandom celebrity?' I would say that's you. You've done of course so much for this fandom, and what I associate with you most are your edits. Seriously, they are SO GOOD!! so well done, so emotional, so heartbreaking, they make me feel so many things!! Also your writing ofc - I have to admit I haven't read them all in full bc I wasn't really in a Lockwood mood for a while but I read parts and those I absolutely adored!! Also don't even get me started on your locklyle fics oh my goddd ajjdkjqls if you ever write for George I'll be the first on your doorstep🤭 love you!🫶🏻🫶🏻
Appreciation by others (submissions):
by @krash-8: hi!!! can I submit @lucy-j-carlyle ? no introduction needed, y'all know her >:D she's one of my fave people I've met in this fandom fr, ILY KATH!!! she's funny and an absolutely amazing artist and always right ever and generally just amazing to be around. she's great to have in the fandom and a great friend :]]]] I want to submit @my-mask-of-sanity-is-slipping as well!! she keeps changing her url so nobody knows who the fuck she is, but she is also one of my favorite people in this fandom. she's very funny and her posts are criminally underrated. ig the world just isn't ready for her insanity 😔 ily scar !!!!!
Show your appreciation and submit someone or something here :)
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kunikame · 2 years
helloo! i love ur work and was wondering if i could request your last leo work with izumi and natsume? thank u have a wonderful day/evening<3
hellaur hellaur! im so glad you liked it! ofc you can dear, please enjoy!
[ leo ver. ]
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bandaids - s. natsume & s. izumi
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he was reading one of his spell books when you stormed into the house in tears, which was surprising in itself.
naturally, he got up to follow after you and find out what had you at your wits end. hopefully nothing a little magic trick couldn't fix.
when you agreed to tell him he made you both a cup of hot chocolate (or tea, whichever you prefer) and sat you down in the living room, ready to listen to whatever troubles could have possibly dimmed your shine.
you told him about your day and how shitty it was and mans was flabbergasted
what do you mean your boss mistreats you??? he couldn't believe what you were saying. this random dude with a company was being sexist towards his s/o? by what right??
"now now, kitten. if it was so, you should've told me sooner. this is nothing the mighty sakasaki natsume can't possibly fix with a little di-"
"you can't make him disappear, sume."
"what do you mean i can't?"
good job, now he's the one grumbling.
"i still don't like you working there anymore. don't you want to look for a different job? you could manage switch, though i don't trust tsumugi near you either. he's not as bad as your boss of course, but he's... tsumugi. either way, if anything like this happens ever again, please let me know sooner. i want to be able to help you. however, my offer of managing switch still stands. if you ever decide to accept it, we'll welcome you with open arms."
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izumi already knew how bad your work space was from when he visited you one time, he never told you to quit because of how happy you seemed when talking about your coworker and how you were happy your paycheck was big enough to help him with paying the bills so it didn't feel like you were using him for his riches.
which, by the way, nobody thought in the first place. izumi wouldn't mind paying everything himself, he would never use that against you. he had tons of cash he didn't even know what to do with, it would honestly be the least he can do.
anyway, he figured one day you'd also realize you need a better job, and he's prepared for when that day comes. when today you weren't replying to his messages, he thought maybe the day has finally come. oh how right he was. he just wishes it didn't involve you having a mental breakdown.
"it's alright dear. come, let's sit down and talk about it, alright? please don't cry."
with each word that came out of your mouth his anger increased. he knew it was bad, he just didn't think it was to this extent.
"hm. your boss and coworkers need someone to talk some sense into them. what? oh, quit looking at me like that. i won't do it myself of course, i have a reputation to uphold. doesn't mean i don't know people who will do it for me. now you're glaring at me, but if you had listened to me and applied for that other job i told you about, this could've been avoided. ow! i'm just saying!"
if glaring fails, simply elbow him. always works. he may sound condescending or whatever but i promise he means well. he just wants you to be happy.
".. shi .. you 'nt..."
he sighed, "i said i can't offer you a job since we just got a new manager- leo's girlfriend or whatever- but arashi mentioned she needs a manager or something like that. the other agency i told you about have no offers anymore, but since it's arashi i'm sure she'd hire you in a heartbeat. if you want, that is."
he's a little hard around the edges but he loves you more than anyone, and you can bet on that.
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ੈ✩₊˚TAGLIST : @hugs4shizu @mikctp @meiquipo @ibaraluvr @venusflwers @tokusaatsus // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you’re in bold i can’t tag you)
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alicenttully · 7 months
these are my thoughts on the teaser.  now normally i tag my posts if I happen to be critical of a character (i.e. daemon) but i’m not going to do this here.  If you don’t like what I have to say, just ignore the post or block me.  i don’t care. spoilers below for those who haven't watched it/read fire and blood.
i did not realize that none of rhaenyra’s children appeared until i read someone pointing it out.  granted this is only a teaser but if any of rhaenyra’s sons should have been present, jace deserved it.  on the other hand no sign of daeron from what i can see so nobody’s getting fed in that area i guess.
baela on moondancer.  people are right, she looks so much like laena. looks like they’re changing some things, which could work well.  or not.
now when I first saw baela, i got excited and thought “oh shit, NETTLES!”.  because I wasn’t paying attention to her hair,  I’m sorry! I made a similar mistake with alys rivers and helaena.  both of those shots i thought was meant to be alys. 
if they decide to cut nettles or try to reduce her importance, then @ripley-stark is right.  just because the show has some things going for it doesn’t mean it is actually completely flawless in its messaging of feminism/misogyny/patriarchy. in fact, it's a joke.
because imagine claiming to be a “feminist” show and removing a character like nettles.  there’s no justification.  
rhaenys made my eyes roll.  not because what she said isn’t true, but because anyone could have said it and idk after episode 9 i struggle with her character even though i have considered other interpretations for her actions that give more nuance to her.  season 2 might make me change my mind on her again.  we’ll see.
at least rhaenys’ hair doesn’t offend me as much lol.  everybody looks good, but i’m not really an expert on costuming so idk.  had no fears about alicent, the costuming department does right by her, even in a scene when she’s being attacked she’s still giving vibes on always passing the assignment. if being beautiful was a crime olivia cooke would get a life sentence.
people are either predictably gloating or getting upset over said scene.  and like.  the direction of that scene is very likely not going to be what these people hope it is.  if I’m right, they’ll be rioting because of FOOD SHORTAGES (caused by a blockade that was ordered by you know who), they could give less than two shits about rhaenyra’s crown being “stolen”, same for whenever aegon is actually a usurper or not.  ofc the smallfolk are not a monolith, but i’m not going to be shocked if that’s the point of the scene.  and this is something greenies need to understand as well, sorry.  just because they rioted against rhaenyra in the text doesn’t mean they’re not capable of doing it to the other side.  like I don’t know what to tell you.   
I have no idea what that scene of alicent in the white dress is meant to be.  i don’t keep up with the leaks/speculation.  but she looks good. and her voice, OMG. i had not realized i missed it.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
can you do head canons on what it would be like to date Layla keating? Preferably female reader but gender neutral is also good! It’s okay if you don’t want to ofc!
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A/N: why not? It’s nothing too long but there’s some cute moments in there. I think present Layla…like end of season 5 Layla would actually make a good girlfriend once she knows what she wants that is! But let me take that back, most of the previous relationships kinda did her dirty so she was somewhat valid. Anyways we’re talking about Layla with a fem! Interest here and I wrote this pretty quick which is why I love HCS so thanks for this request, hope you like it!
It takes a minute for the relationship to kick off since Layla’s been lost in love before while also feeling like her previous relationships didn’t value her as a person or really get her they way that they should.
With you, the love was patient and kind and Layla’s actually the first to initiate your very first kiss.
She’s horrified by the impulse she’s pulled and a stuttering mess, “oh my god, I can’t believe I just did that, especially when you were just mid-sentence—I—I don’t even know what that was—
“Yeah, how rude.” You comment, lips swollen and Layla almost appears as if she wants to melt into a puddle and crawl away like a 90s cartoon, which makes a smile spread over your own lips, “Nobody should ever cut me off when I’m trying to show you Rihanna’s iconic pregnancy photos but—if it’s only by your lips, I’ll let it slide Keating, so come here.”
And now she’s shocked because you’re actually kissing her!
You establish what the relationship is going to be that same day after the first kiss, not making any assumptions and always laying it out on the table.
The communication between you two? *Chef’s kiss*
Patience is all grins and prideful when she gains knowledge of the relationship when you stop by with lunch one day, “you bitches! Am I the first one out of the Vortex to know that this is actually a thing?”
You did greet Layla with a kiss and a cup of her round face that she almost forgot Patience was even in the studio (she was practically melting by your touch) with you so yeah!
Layla’s all starry eyed as she rests her neck into the palm of her hand, lounging on the couch beside a curled up you, your hand on her thigh, smiling.
“Yup! But just know, she’s mine and I don’t plan on sharing her with you, or Coop.” Layla warns, not daring to envision a break up with you and the glare she sends Patience let’s the raspy girl raise her hands in surrender.
When coop does find out she’s all for third wheeling dates, hanging out with you guys—which is fine sometimes but ofc you also love your alone time as well.
Layla is the protective gf, someone staring at you weird in public? she makes sure to stay close and block you from their eye sight.
Taser is never too far from her reach, believe that!
If someone upset you? She’s ready to call them up and cuss them out/read them to filth or locate their whereabouts? She’s pulling up, might even throw a restraining order in their face—if it’s harassment status because hello business woman about her shit who doesn’t play!!! especially when it comes to you!
She loves your nose kisses, especially if you’re shorter than her.
Staying over at her place? She likes cold sheets and room while you prefer warm no matter the weather in California (yeah it still doesn’t make much sense to her either, maybe you’re anemic) and it’s no different in her bed. So ofc you’re gonna use her long legs as body heat.
She also likes playing footies and sleeps with fuzzy socks on?
“Layla! Why are the fuzzies in the bed?” Your eyes are wide with bewilderment while Layla chuckles, replying to one last text message before placing it back on the night stand and turns around so you’re face to face.
“Is there a problem?” “Yeah! Who goes to bed with socks on?” “Your girlfriend.” Layla blinks, waiting for you to challenge her more. “I think we should break up.” “Is the break up in the room with us right now?” Basically she knows you’re not going anywhere and will learn to love her quirks, which you already do and it’s likewise on her end so the both of you fall into laughter.
Lots of pillowtalking. Y’all love to just talk with each other about any and everything. If you get to do it laying down somewhere? You’ll be the first two to sign on the line!
Queens of taking naps as dates for 10 points Gryffindor!
She’s the big spoon! Occasionally she’ll let you spoon her if she’s under the weather or having a bad mental health day.
You do have to remind her to take breaks now that she’s reaching big heights as a record producer.
When she’s really stressed out about a track or anything circulating around a certain artist, you take her mind elsewhere for a mental break for at least an hour—usually giving her some sense of direction on how to handle the problem.
Both great at problem solving but mainly Layla is—you’re always team “I’ll figure it out later!” While Layla’s mind is always running until it reaches the edge and slamming right into a brick wall—but it works for her somehow.
The both of you enjoy board games with Layla liking games like scrabble, puzzles, and monopoly and you like clue, LIFE, and card games. If the both of you are on the same team with the rest of the vortex? You’re always the top two couple that’s hard to beat.
Lots of hand holding and chin pressed into your shoulder.
She likes having you as her passenger princess, enjoying the thought of you being beside her and she looks just as gorgeous whipping her ride around with ease, hand in yours.
She’ll spoil you with shopping sprees and always wants your opinion when she’s trying on clothes. She loves trying on clothes while you hate it but do it because she hates the return process since most high-end stores have shitty policies.
Idk I can see Layla getting involved with someone who wants to go into the medical field so while she’s got her career figured out, she’ll help you study for all your lab exams.
“I can’t wait to have my own personal Cristina Yang…or are you more of a Miranda Bailey?” Layla wanders while you just laugh tiredly at the dining table, head collapsed along your arm.
Definitely a supportive gf: will encourage you with clues that she’ll relate to any of your obsessions to help you get the answer right, massages, kisses, and strip teases.
Loves you in her clothes but she actually steals more of yours.
Always has you help her curl the back of her hair with her curling wand when she wants to wear it curly.
Starts wearing it more that way when you tell her how pretty in curls she looks, which you notice.
You’re the most active gf out of the two (you were a complete gym rat in high school and gave the boys a run for their money. You were also on the volleyball team back then and loved the whole gains aspect and working on your arms) and layla tends to only turn to exercise when she’s having a bad day.
You’re not as deep into the gym now thanks to declaring biomedical sciences as your major but you kept your workouts to at least three times a week and doing at home workouts every now and then.
You’ll have to drag Layla to take hikes with you—she rather do the hikes since the scenery is quite beautiful and you in cycling shorts?! is always a great sight to witness but 🤫
She prefers hot yoga or Pilates tbh.
The always busy couple who never find a reason to be bored and definitely keep each other entertained.
Want to go on a road trip or night drive? Layla only questions if it’s going to be a 24 hr thing or a couple of days so she can pack accordingly and make sure things will be handled at the studio in her absence. Any chance she gets to spend one on one time with you? She’s doing it.
You come up with spontaneous adventures, Layla just needs to know how far and the weather so she can prepared.
Whatever she wears, you’ll be sure to tell her how much you love something on her.
Words of affirmation are big in this relationship. 
I do feel like she’s more physically affectionate and you may be more verbal, perhaps that has to do with your professions/desires with Layla always having her hands in music and you constantly thinking out loud when it comes to the sciences and simple human nature—if we’re looking into it deeply.
You’re always reading world science articles to her btw and even if she doesn’t quite get it…she listens just like you do when she lets you listen in on the beats that get sent over to her by the engineer.
She doesn’t mind PDA at all, most of the time she’s always the one touching you and finding some way to touch you unconsciously.
Layla’s never felt like this before, a fresh love that didn’t have to feel complicated, questionable, or suffocating. She could be herself around you and knew she was falling in love whenever she would daze off just staring at you while you talked or just simply listening to the sound of your voice.
“You’re my favorite person, I hope you know that.” Layla finds herself saying on one of your many drives.
You pause in your balled up side of the car, “I’m starting to believe you…why else would you listen to me damage my vocal cords to a Whitney Houston song?”
Layla snorted, “…you have a nice tone.”
“Sure but I’m no Whitney.”
“You can be my Whitney. Because I’ll always wanna dance with you, my somebody who loves me.” She lightly sings
Gagging at Layla, you slap her thigh, “the cheese! I can’t take it!”
“Oh you love it! Don’t you wanna dance! Say you wanna dance!”
You wiggle your shoulders and flip your hair forward and over your face making Layla whoop and snap her fingers, twinkles in her dark eyes.
Laughing you smooth your hair back and reach forward to meddle with the staticky radio before looking for the aux cord.
The silence was just as comforting with the both of you driving down the dirt road, side by side but it was even better singing the lyrics to songs declaring your love for each other.
A love that’s worth it, deserves to be screamed together into the sky, to be felt and genuine
and you were sure a love with Layla Keating was just that.
・❥✧.* ・❥・・❥✧.* ・❥・・❥✧.* ・❥・・❥✧.*
Continue along with my spring anthology series here.
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starjxsung · 1 month
I am a firm believer of Stray Kids ending their contract with JYP and I will die on this hill. I don’t mean it in a mean way ofc, bc I love them so much, but I mean in a Fuck JYP way. What the fuck has JYP done for them besides put money in their pocket? All he has done is given them problems with their personal image (body, face), harsh restrictions as well as has gone out of his way to make not only himself look bad but his group. Why should SKZ continue to work with someone like him? I mean he has silenced them SO many times, like the Chan’s room situation where he made Chan APOLOGIZE for something other people took out of context. And don’t even get me started on when Hyunjin was forced to say that he was fine in Italy without any bodyguards when we all know as a fandom that you can.not.send.your.idols.anywhere.ALONE. Hyunjin is a very attractive and popular man and people are CRAZY, something could’ve happened to him there. JYP sucks and I hope that not only Stray Kids but the other groups see this as well. Personally, I would not want someone like him over me. I want Stray Kids to be an independent group because honestly a lot of kpop groups nowadays are just trash and untrustworthy, and I stand by that. JYP should not have a platform the way that he does and anyone can honestly fight me over it because I will rot on this hill!!!!!!! He’s not a good person AND he’s not a good manager whatever the fuck he is. Also fuck all the JYP staff idc I don’t like them either bc why is Minho dressed in the same white shirt, black tie combo every time for every fucking thing? A NYC Fashion student has more dress sense than they do sometimes. AND HOLY FUCK can they lay off the bleach for Felix’s hair, I’m not being a hater but DAMNN I just want to see his hair some other color and nobody can’t tell me he doesn’t want it either cos if I were him I’d grow so tired of being blonde. If he likes it then I’ll take it back but there’s no way he likes being blonde all the DAMN time.
But I’ll always be with skz until the very last step out. It’s a blessing and a curse, a blurse if you will. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
The “Ugh!” that prefaces this message is everything to me. I love you and I love this ted talk
I would be fascinated to see skz under an independent label as well. There’s been such a rise in cases of it happening likely since the CBX departure of EXO and I really appreciate all of the freedom and creative liberty that comes along with if. I honestly don’t think I know enough about JYPE to say that one decision would be better than another one, but I definitely understand the concern with the current state of things and the want for them to depart from the current label. I think aside from skz they also seem to be struggling a fair bit right now, stocks fell 11.52% within the last quarter at almost twice of what Hybe’s fell. Which is really saying something considering the sheer decline Hybe is currently facing
I think all your reasons are very valid and your concerns make total sense. And I would especially be interested to see Minho in something other than white shirt/black tie combo !!
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