#and once a son who was ALSO A SERIAL KILLER
dannybobany · 5 months
Really old oc of mine I decided to draw (because he kinda looks like Basil omori)
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He’s so old in fact I was never a good enough artist to draw him how I wanted when I still used him so. Here’s a gift for my younger self :}
#he was an rp oc for a group I don’t talk to anymore#he was so fun though#he had like 5 adopted daughters through his run#the main one he had in the longest rp thing I used him for was so sad#she watched him die a horrible gruesome death and was never the same#and then in his next life he had a boyfriend who was a serial killer so that’s something#not just a serial killer a serial killer who KILLED ALL HIS PREVIOUS BOYFRIENDS#my guy was the only one he didn’t kill.#he had a couple other boyfriends in his time.#many very whorish men were drawn to him because of the religious trauma#he threw a wine bottle at a drunk girl#the drunk girl was ALSO MY CHARACTER#it was because she pie faced him with her pirate girlfriend#that’s not a metaphor#she literally put a pie in his face#she’s a whole other story though…#monster hunting drunken lesbian#ANYWAY he had this other daughter who was ALSO a serial killer#and once a son who was ALSO A SERIAL KILLER#it’s not like there were a lot of those it’s just they’re drawn to him for something#and he made enemies a femme fatale#he had a few enemies actually….#and 1 entirely platonic friend (except for that one time)#people around that guy either tried to fuck him kill him or got adopted with just the one exception#there was also that time he tried to kill a robot and she shot a tranquilizer at him#and once when he bit a guy….#and once when he stabbed a girl. who was his adopted daughters sister#OH THERES A MAX TO TAGS??? ok then#oc#danny’sdrawings©️
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kame-writes · 5 months
Some Hazbin Hotel Head Canons I have:
Alastor was both a moonshiner and bootlegger when he was alive. He would have been in his prime during Prohibition, and the hoof prints on his shoes were actually common among bootleggers. They were used to trick police that might try to track them by their footprints.
Those shoes are why he was mistaken by a hunter for a deer. The hunter was tracking the hoof prints.
Mimzys club was a speakeasy, and she was fully aware of Alastor being a serial killer. She used to provide alibis for him when he was alive, which is a reason he covers for and protects her now in their afterlife.
Angel and Husk probably crossed paths in life, but are completely unaware of it. Husk was born and raised in Las Vegas, and the mob was very heavily involved with running most of the casinos. Angel being a mafia son, would have definitely been in Vegas a fair amount before his death.
Sir Pentious used to be seen as a very powerful and dangerous Overlord. Then technology and electronics were introduced, making his steampunk innovation style outdated and people started to see him as a joke. He tried to keep up with the times, but it very bad at it and doesn't understand modern things.
The reason Vox has so many aquatic things and likes sharks, is thematic. The envy ring is aquatic and Vox is a very jealous and possessive person.
Valentino uses his saliva and smoke to make people more pliable and willing to agree with him, this also includes Vox. This is partly how they got together, because Valentino saw Vox as a way to further himself and grow his own power.
Nifftys Soul isn't actually owned by Alastor. She sticks with him because of mutual benefit for the both of them. He's also such a bad boy that she's drawn to being around him and helping him with his schemes.
Husk lost his soul because Alastor made him play an honest game, while Husk was a notorious card shark. The little gold token on Husk's hat is the dealers chip from their game as a reminder.
Husk was not a nice overlord. His redemption is going to rely on him admitting how bad he was in the past and accepting himself as a changed person.
Charlie is the only one who still doesn't realise Alastor is a cannibal. Which is why she was surprised he had a friend in Cannibal Town.
Lucifer knew full well who Alastor was, he was just being an ass. He correctly assumed that implying Alastor was a nobody or not important was the biggest insult he could throw at him.
Angel Dust is always broke. This is partly because before coming to the hotel he was renting an apartment from Valentino with ridiculous rent, and he's still working/paying off his debt.
Before meeting Valentino, Angel was more mafia with his brother. They had a very turbulent relationship, since they weren't very close when they were alive due to Arakniss being more Conservative and serious like their father. They have barely spoken since Angel became a famous porn star, and Angel just assumes that Niss now hates him for being 'an embaressment'.
Part of the reason Angel let Valentino take his soul and lead him to where he is now, is because Val was the only/first person to really encourage Angel's more feminine side and sexuality, and find it attractive. He fell hard for the love bombing, and then had a very rude awakening once Valentino no longer needed to play nice.
Fat nuggets is very special to Angel. He was never allowed pets, and despite him being one of Vals love bombing presents, it reminds him of how happy he was before he learnt the truth about why Val was so loving to him.
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amostimprobabledream · 3 months
You know, I know people like to meme on Homelander like "bro is beefing with a baby haha", but with S4 Ep4 revealing more context to his backstory, it's really not surprising and adds an extra tragic layer. (Note this isn't excusing him, it's just a little analysis.)
We already know early on that Homelander's childhood is a public fabrication and that he was raised as a lab rat, with Vogelbaum being his primary father figure. Despite raising John from birth, though, Vogelbaum has never seen him as a son or even a child - he's a product, an experiment that needs to be managed. Every day, Vogelbaum would go to work, do experiments on Homelander with his team of scientists, Stan Edgar, Barbara, and then go home and play happy families. Billy Butcher manages to get Vogelbaum to give him intel on Homelander specifically by threatening to hurt Vogelbaum's daughter if he doesn't comply. Once again, Vogelbaum puts his biological child over the one he spent most of his time with, and doesn't bother warning him or Madelyn of what's coming.
We also know now that the scientists who tortured him also had families - Frank is forced to go in the oven because Homelander overtly threatens to burn them too if he doesn't. We don't know about Marty or Barbara but it's easy to assume they do too. But none of them thought anything of sticking a little boy in an oven or testing nuclear weapons on him.
Then you have Madelyn. And we don't know exactly how long they've known each other, but it seems like it must be a long time for Madelyn to be in the position she is in Vought and by how well she knows Homelander. She's the closest thing to a mother figure he's ever had, and his unofficial handler/mentor. Whatever Madelyn thinks of him, Homelander is close to her.
And then Madelyn gets pregnant.
Something that always stuck out to me in Season One was when Homelander comments that Madelyn's baby is just a prop to make her feel like a good person. This always seemed like a really astute and oddly specific, personal observation, because mostly Homelander seemed pretty selective with Madelyn's unsavoury qualities until she lies about something too major for him to ignore anymore. But it does seem, to me, that he was right - whether Madelyn felt genuine love for Teddy or not, it does seem like these scientists and other people who work at Vought use their loved ones to convince themselves that they aren't really bad people - look, they have a good relationship with their kids! They're happily married! Yes, they experimented on a child, but that was just a job. It's what he was made for. But that's not who they really are, right? In particular, Madelyn's determination to make Teddy breastfeed from her seemed less because it was what's best for him, health-wise, and more because she saw it as something she was failing at as a mother so early on, and because she wasn't happy about her motherhood plans being derailed by her baby's refusal to comply with them. I feel like down the line, Madelyn would have probably ended up being emotionally abusive or at least extremely manipulative as a mother - loving your child and being a controlling parent aren't mutually exclusive, after all.
Vogelbaum's affection for his daughter doesn't change what an awful person he is. Stan Edgar adopting and grooming Victoria into being, well, Victoria, doesn't mean he isn't a sociopath - he's fond of Victoria because she's a successful project he raised. He still fucked her up and turned her into a serial killer and Victoria has now demonstrated she's willing to violate Zoe's bodily autonomy if she thinks it's necessary (or rather, convinces herself it is.) Frank was a family man 'just doing his job', but that didn't save him from Homelander's wrath. Did their families know about the atrocities they were committing? If they didn't, would they be able to look at them the same way?
So no wonder Homelander hates Madelyn's baby - he finally had a parental figure in his life who didn't have a family taking away what he saw as the love and attention he deserved like Vogelbaum did, and then she goes and has a baby anyway, and once again, someone else is receiving all the affection and care that Homelander has never, ever been given by anyone.
tl;dr: Homelander hating Madelyn's baby makes perfect sense and makes me sad. EDIT: If I've made a some mistakes in this post it's because I haven't watched S1 & 2 in a while so my recollection is a bit fuzzy, excuse me for that lol.
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
Part Six of the Catboy in the Village AU
Parts: 1|2|3|4|5
There's something in the castle, and it's weird.
It's silent save for its footsteps. It follows Cellbit and his forcibly-assigned guard wherever he goes, but it doesn't follow Roier and his guard. It isn't the queen, because she has been there several times when the Something has been hiding in Cellbit's shadow.
It isn't doing anything. Maybe it's just spying on Cellbit, but that's a given. He's been watched for a long time, probably, based off of how much the queen seems to know about him, but the Something just... doesn't feel like a spy? Its presence feels too small to be a threat, and yet it's been following Cellbit for at least an hour every day since his forced stay in the healer's quarters. Why? And, more importantly, what?
Since his stay in the healer's quarters, and since Roier was finally given permission to make himself and Cellbit their own (non-poisoned) meals, Cellbit has slowly, but steadily, begun his investigation of Castelo do Gato. He's been accompanied by his guard the whole time, but his guard also doesn't give a shit about what he's doing so long as he isn't escaping or trying to kill the queen, so Cellbit really doesn't think that he needs to be concerned about any information leaking to the queen.
His information as of day four of his investigation, and as of his eighth day of being kidnapped, is as follows:
The queen has only been queen for a couple of months now, and her first directive was a global search for her long-lost twin brother. Her name is Bagi, and she is very annoying, and Cellbit kind of hates her a lot.
There aren't as many staff in the castle as there should be. This makes sense; the previous king and queen were famously secretive, especially after their son's disappearance and the outbreak of the war. More staff is being hired, but there's a thorough screening process involved that the queen herself oversees.
The castle's healer's name is Niki. She's very nice, and she's better at potion making than Cellbit is. She's one of the queen's closer friends, and she's been with the castle since the previous king and queen were in charge.
The castle's mage's name is Mouse. She claims to be a demon, but not the demon, and she thinks that the demon haunting the castle needs to go to therapy because earthquakes and flames are not healthy forms of self expression. She draws her sigils with blood, and Cellbit really likes her.
The demon shows up once a week and shakes the castle and tears through the halls screaming. This only started when the queen took the throne (go figure.)
The missing brother went missing at 11 years old, and his name... was Cellbit, but he's a different Cellbit. There are no portraits of him in most of the castle upon the orders of the previous king, who was with the prince the day he vanished.
Everybody keeps talking about empanadas for some fucking reason, especially Niki and Mouse. The queen goes silent every time.
The investigation would probably be easier if Cellbit could force the queen to, like, act normally and tell him the truth, but she's a lost cause. She nearly threw her bowl of soup at Cellbit at dinner when he casually mentioned to Roier wanting to get a new pair of goggles to pin his ears back with, she's crazy.
But Cellbit isn't an idiot. He may have been a serial killer in his previous life, but he also spent a few years doing odd jobs and investigations around his and Roier's hometown. It's how they met, and it's how Cellbit is going to get them back home and to their kids.
So Cellbit investigates. He gets himself a notebook from the queen, who seemed relieved that he was doing something other than trying to murder her for once. He snoops around the castle, claiming that he's trying to get to know the building and the staff now that he's been "brought back home." (Saying that is enough to make him gag, but it's what works.) He goes to the library. He takes a nap in the courtyard on Roier's chest.
He steals Niki's spare pair of potion-making goggles, and he puts them on. He ignores the pain; he's used to it, after all.
And he's followed by the Something in the shadows.
Roier thinks that it's the queen stalking him, but Cellbit really doesn't. He's been in the same room with the queen and the Something, and stalking isn't the queen's style. She's bold with her moves, something that Cellbit almost admires about her. Almost.
(It's just nice to see a queen talk to both her staff and her citizens. That's all.)
But Cellbit goes to the library even with his little stalker, and that's where he is now. Researching. Looking into the royal genealogy records for any depiction of the prince- a painting, a sketch, anything.
There's a Something under the table by his knee. He can feel it breathing on him even through his trousers; its breaths are short and warm and almost panicked, hm. Maybe it shouldn't be creeping around if it can't handle the psychology of being a creep.
Cellbit's guard is almost asleep on a nearby sofa. Cellbit lets him sleep, he doesn't give a shit.
He flips through Volume Seven of Família De Gato. He's at the old king and queen's grandparents, so he's getting close. He can practically taste the prince: bitter, and dead.
So dead.
Absently, Cellbit adjusts his legs under the table. He crosses them, accidentally kicking the Something in the head as he does so.
And then he hears it: a near-silent little, "Ouch!"
"Desculpe," Cellbit tells it, because he isn't that much of a monster.
There's a gasp, tiny, and then the chair across from Cellbit shoves itself back from the table in a clear panic. The pages of Cellbit's book fly as a running breeze hits them as the Something takes off.
Cellbit glances at his guard. Asleep, wow, great!
With a grin, he licks his lips. And then he's out of his chair and running after the invisible Something with his pen clutched in his hand like a knife and his notebook held in his other hand.
The Something screeches as Cellbit swipes at it with his notebook hand. He whiffs, but his fingers brush against what is clearly hair. Human hair, he knows what human hair feels like, he's brushed his teeth with it plenty of times!
The Something blows through the library's door, Cellbit close behind. He can hear his guard shouting somewhere behind him, but fuck him. He fell asleep, this is clearly his fault!
Sometimes in the war, the Enemy would cast a spell that sent a dark fog over the battlefield. Cellbit had to rely on his hearing to survive.
He doesn't need to see the Something to know where it is. He can even guess how tall it is based off of how loud its footsteps are. It's... small. Light. Very fast, but still slower than a grown man.
Cellbit blinks as the air in front of him flickers. Something appears before him briefly before fading out again: something, indeed, small. Pink. Yellow.
Cellbit knows a fading invisibility potion when he sees it, he's tested them on himself enough times.
It's enough to give him the confidence to lunge and scoop the Something up and into his arms. He holds it against his chest and can't help but let out a brief, triumphant laugh.
"Finally!" he cheers.
And then a foot is driven backwards and right into his junk.
Cellbit groans and drops the Something, and then he drops himself right onto the floor and watches as the Something becomes a Someone in front of him. Their potion wears off fully, revealing a red-faced and exhausted little girl standing above him with her hands on her hips.
"Don't touch me!" she shouts.
Cellbit nods. Fair enough. "Yeah, okay. Hello."
The girl takes a step backwards. Her dress, pink, is made of fine silk. Her skin, dark, has little golden stars painted onto her cheeks like freckles. Her hair, wavy, falls into her face. Her hat looks like pancakes, clearly custom-made. It sits right on top of her head between two twitching, nervous, fuzzy little cat ears.
Only members of the royal family, and Cellbit, have cat features. So does this make this girl...?
Slowly, Cellbit sits himself up. He looks down at his notebook, flips to a clean page. Puts his pen to paper. Looks back up at the girl.
She looks... upset. Mildly so. More uncomfortable than anything, she keeps patting her dress down and wiping at her abdomen with the palms of her hands.
"I'm sorry I grabbed you," Cellbit tells her.
She glances up at him with a small frown. "It's okay. I probably scared you."
Cellbit shrugs. "Eh, only a little. I've been followed by worse things than children."
Her eyes widen. "Really?"
"Mhmm. One time, I was followed around town by a half-man, half-spider for months."
She gasps. Cellbit nods. (He's sure Roier wouldn't mind being called a Spider-Man. He'd probably take it as a compliment, knowing him.)
"I'm just curious, really," Cellbit continues. "You live in a castle, what are you doing following a weird guy like me around?"
Immediately, the girl shakes her head and sticks her chin out. "I can't tell you. It's a secret."
Cellbit nods again. "That makes sense. You were invisible and everything. I didn't know you were there until a few minutes ago."
"Yes! You just need to work on your timing. Even if I didn't chase you out of the library, I would've found you because your potion would have run out right next to me."
The girl's face falls. "Oh."
"Don't worry, I'll write down some information on invisibility potions for you for later," Cellbit assures her. "Here..."
He scribbles out a simple potion schedule for a potion of average strength. Potions last for fifteen minutes, no potions for six hours after you take three potions in a row unless you want your skin to vanish but your insides to remain visible.
And then he tears the page out of his notebook and holds it out for the girl to take.
The girl stares at it.
"You... aren't angry that I'm following you around?" she quietly asks.
"Nope. You seem like a nice girl, even if your mom is kind of a weirdo. Just don't follow me into my cell with Roier, and you can keep following me around."
Her nose wrinkles. "Don't you mean your bedroom?"
Cellbit opens his mouth to argue, but he's stopped by his guard turning the corner and running towards them shouting vague assertive noises.
Cellbit rolls his eyes and puts his pen and notebook away. So much for today's research...
The guard's eyes widen as he takes in the scene before him.
"Your highness!" he gasps.
He drops to his knee and bows his head, his fist to his chest in a salute.
Cellbit huffs, but the girl just smiles and skips forward to pat the guard's helmet and tell him to stand.
"Yes, Princess Empanada," he says. "Whatever you say!"
...Princess Empanada.
Well. This explains a lot of confusion.
But... if the queen is sure that Cellbit is her brother, why hasn't she introduced him to her daughter? Unless... she isn't sure.
Unless she isn't sure.
Bingo. Maybe she can see reason, after all.
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bethanydelleman · 4 months
I was really fascinated to learn recently that there was once a serial killer who was heir to a throne of Joseon (now Korea). Like legitimately, he killed around 100 people, mostly servants. And they didn't know what to do about it because there are laws against harming the royal family but also his son might die too because of communal punishment. So eventually they forced him to get into a huge box and just waited for him to die of natural causes. And then they pretended that he was actually a cool guy so that his son could still inherit. And his son was actually a great king so that worked out well in the end I guess.
But yeah, you always have in the back of your head, "Maybe primogenitor is a bad plan because what if your heir wouldn't be a good king?" Well the worst case scenario did happen, at least once.
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xaharadesert · 10 months
10 of my Favourite Horror (Adjacent) Movies and Why You Should Watch Them
(Not in any particular order or subgenre. TW are super vague, spoiler-free, and from my memory, but I would recommend looking up more specific ones before watching any of these if you are easily triggered. Not all triggers are listed because these are horror movies, so stuff like death and murder is to be expected.)
Let me know if y’all want a part 2, because I’ve got about 7 more! (It could have been one post if Tumblr didn’t limit my images to 10)
1. Parasite
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A struggling lower class family slowly integrates itself into the household of a rich family without their knowledge.
Most of you have already seen this one, or been told to watch it. I am no different: this movie is popular for a very good reason. Divided into 3 clear acts, starting with comedy, and making its way through drama into horror. Also, great commentary on classism, very psychological at times and makes you wonder who you should really be rooting for.
Scary: 2/10
Gore: 3/10
Disturbing: 5/10
Psychological: 6/10
Actual genre: Dark comedy thriller
2. The House That Jack Built
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Serial killer Jack recounts some of his most influential murders.
A bit infamous and controversial for being very messed up, but still really good. Highly psychological, with a lot of narration and use of metaphor. Especially fun if you have any knowledge of Dante’s Inferno. Definitely not one to watch if you want a protagonist to root for.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 6/10
Disturbing: 10/10
Psychological: 8/10
Actual Genre: psychological horror art
TW: sexism, corpse mutilation
3. Creep (1&2)
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A man is hired to help film messages from a dying man to his son.
I’m usually not a fan of found-footage, but there’s something special about Creep. On top of that, this is one of the few movies where I can confidently say I like the sequel more, which is shocking because the first one was amazing. Very funny and off-beat, with a sense of foreboding underlying the whole thing.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 1/10
Disturbing: 3/10
Psychological: 4/10
Actual genre: found footage psychological horror
4. Mother!
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A woman and her poet husband live quietly in a secluded house away from society.
Very metaphorical and highly feminist; definitely not a movie that everyone appreciates, but if you enjoy analysis or just being really weirded out then this is a good for you. Starts slow and snowballs toward the horrific climax.
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 7/10
Disturbing: 7/10
Psychological: 8/10
Actual genre: psychological horror
TW: cannibalism
5. Perfect Blue
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Mima is a young pop star looking to join the acting industry.
Brutally realistic to the point where I had to stop watching and take a walk at one point. Very much “female rage” and a protagonist that will live in your head rent free for the next 6 years (or maybe that’s just me). Very triggering in a lot of ways, but worth it if you’re not sensitive to the topics it covers.
Scary: 5/10
Gore: 4/10 (animated)
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 10/10
Actual genre: psychological thriller
TW: depersonalization/derealization, nudity, stalking, rape scene (she is acting in a tv show but it is still the most uncomfortable scene of the movie), inaccurate portrayal of DID
6. Midsommar
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A couple and their friends go on a vacation to their friend’s remote hometown for a Midsommar festival.
Probably the best-known out of this list, and again for a good reason. 90% of the film takes place in broad daylight, and the visuals are absolutely gorgeous. Once again will bring up the question of who is in the right and who is in the wrong (I have the answer to this question and I will fight you in dms if you’d like).
Scary: 3/10
Gore: 8/10
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 7/10
Actual genre: folk horror
TW: long and graphic sex scene, nudity, close up and graphic gore, cult stuff, suicide
7. The Call
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A woman moves back to her childhood home and receives a call from the woman who lived there 30 years prior.
I got really into modern Asian horror films a few months ago and this is one of my favourites. The dynamic between the protagonist and antagonist is one of my favourites, and finishing this movie felt like finishing a 3 season TV show because of how well paced it was. Really hoping there will be a sequel with the same concept, even if it is not likely.
Scary: 6/10
Gore: 3/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 6/10
Actual genre: psychological thriller
TW: abuse
8. Incantation
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A cursed woman takes back custody of her young daughter and does everything she can to keep away the effects of her curse.
This one was popular on TikTok for a while, and for good reason. Another found footage in a more traditional sense, and a bit confusing at times, but overall a really solid scary story. Very cool effects as well.
Scary: 6/10
Gore: 4/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 5/10
Actual genre: supernatural horror
TW: derealization
9. Pearl
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A farm girl dreams about leaving home and living as a show girl.
Mia Goth is a national treasure, but we all knew that already. I watched this one before X (the actual first movie) because I didn’t know they were connected, but I much preferred this one. The Wizard of Oz vibes combined with Pearl’s unsettling behaviour made is a really creep film to watch.
Scary: 4/10
Gore: 4/10
Disturbing: 6/10
Psychological: 5/10
Actual genre: horror
TW: porn
10. The Platform
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A man is stuck in a prison where a platform of food is lowered through the layers of cells for inmates to eat as they please.
I’m a sucker for psychological movies that take place in a very limited space. If you’ve ever played and enjoyed the game Presentable Liberty then I’m gonna go ahead and say you’ll like this too. Not every question is answered, but the film is more about the human condition than the prison they inhabit, so it’s not too much of a problem.
Scary: 2/10
Gore: 9/10
Disturbing: 8/10
Psychological: 9/10
Actual genre: social science fiction horror
TW: cannibalism, suicide
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rvllybllply2014 · 1 month
Hi~ Here with a new idea! Well one with two versions, both involving de-aging, which I hope is okay! So the first one would involve lord blackwood drinking some fancy wine from the free cities that was found on the ship of pirates his men managed to capture while they were raiding a village. At first nothing is amiss other than the wave of exhaustion that suddenly hits him. But when he awakens, he finds himself to be the same age as his youngest teen son! Of course chaos follows with him at least able to hide who he is to everyone but his sons, and as they leave Raventree Hall to look for some information on the wine, lord Bracken runs into teen Amos who mistakes him for Willem at first... Now for the second! The battle of the burning mill never happens, but both houses still pick their sides to support, with samwell & amos agreeing to meet in an inn near the border to talk things out. Both share a bottle of the wine and soon after fall into a bed in a deep sleep, only to wake as young men again, the same ages as davos & aeron! Both naturally panic, and while leaving the inn, hoping to avoid their families, they run into Willem, who looks right at Amos and sees him as he was back when he broke off their relationship... What do you think? If you don't care for de-aging then I understand! Heh and for a smaller little idea, imagine lord blackwood somehow waking up as his little son's samwells age while lady tully is visiting? Unable to really do anything as she and another blackwood take over in his absence? I feel like she'd for sure pick him up and cuddle him just like she would her grandsons XD
This is going to be so cute. And honestly de-aging is pretty tame compared to the other things I’ve written. I mean I’ve written about a serial killer/black widower Davron au and also Willem raping Amos along with Raylon being raped by multiple men. Kind of older Brackenwood, Samwell x Raylon Rivers, and a hint of Davron. Sexual situations, older men kissing younger men who are of age but still. Oh yeah lord Blackwood being lord Blackwood.
1):Honestly lord Blackwood should’ve know better, especially when his men told him that the bottle of wine came from the shadow lands of Asshai. But lord Blackwood didn’t believe in magic outside of the powers the old gods occasionally granted his family members. So he drank half the bottle, the only side effect being that he was suddenly super tired and super drunk.
He only notices something is wrong the next morning when he wakes up. His clothes don’t fit him properly, his head doesn’t pound with the expected hangover, and his body doesn’t ache with old age. His first instinct is to dismiss the no headache and body aches as the wine being medicinal, but with the clothes not fitting properly he’s slightly concerned. It only escalates when he’s able to look in the mirror he looks eerily similar to Willem.
He doesn’t scream but he does let out a somewhat manly yelp of surprise. He also has one of his men send for the maester at once, he needs to see him. At first his man doesn’t want to fetch the maester thinking that it’s just Willem playing a prank, it’s only after lord Blackwood gets stern does his man follow the orders.
The maester enters the room and at first assumes that the teen standing in front of him is Willem and starts to ask where his lord father is. Lord Blackwood cuts him off explaining that he drank some wine from Asshai last night and he woke up like. Could the maester look into what the hell happened to him? He can’t lead his men as a teen, and Samwell is too soft to lead, took too much after his lady mother and may the gods rest her soul.
Unfortunately for lord Blackwood the maester tells him that this is too far out of his knowledge, he’ll need to go to the citadel to hopefully reverse this. And it’s as the maester is explaining this that Willem and Samwell enter their father’s chambers. Both boys are startled, especially Samwell he always knew that he took more of his mother’s Tully/Brackens looks while Willem was almost an exact replica of lord Blackwood. Lord Blackwood explains what happened and for both boys to not touch the wine, it’s cursed.
Samwell asks what the plan is, while Willem just stares at him in shock. Lord Blackwood says that he’ll fake an illness and that he’s not to be disturbed for at least the next two months. Samwell will take over the lordship while he’s at the citadel finding a cure. Willem will come with him, he doesn’t need him to accidentally tell anyone else what’s going on. Yes Willem you do tend to brag too much and tell people information that they do not need to know. Lord Blackwood has Willem go prepare his trunks, he needs to pack two of everything and get the wagon ready, and have the tents packed too. If anyone asks or challenges him he’s to tell that he’s going on a months long scouting/hunting trip.
Lord Blackwood grabs a cloak to hide his identity and tells Willem to meet him at the border, he needs to scout and make sure the Bracken cunts aren’t there to stop them.
It’s while lord Blackwood is waiting for Willem at the borders, that Amos sees him and mistakes him for Willem. It’s only at the last second that he realizes it’s not Willem this person is just slightly taller with a more intimidating presence. But lord Blackwood sees Amos and tells him to run away like the craven Bracken that he is. Amos does listen he falls back to the windmill, waiting to see what exactly is going on. He doesn’t have to wait long for Willem to show up, with the wagon. Lord Blackwood yells that it took him long enough they’re wasting precious day time. Willem apologizes but lord Blackwood doesn’t want to hear it. As a punishment Willem needs to walk behind the cart until nightfall.
And with lord Blackwood gets in the carts seat and has the horses start to move. Once lord Blackwood is out of earshot Amos calls out to Willem asking what on the seven hells is going on? Willem tells him the bare bones, his father drank cursed wine and is now the same age as him they’re going to the citadel to hopefully fix the issue. They’ll be back soon and he’ll explain more. Amos accepts the explanation and gives him a quick good luck kiss telling him there’s more where that came from once he’s back.
It takes them about three weeks to reach the citadel, they camped in the woods to avoid seeing anyone who might recognize them. The maesters and the grandmaester are also stumped as to how best help the de-aged lord Blackwood. It’s only after a maester returns from Asshai, that he gets the news that the curse will slowly work its way out his bloodstream, in fact it already looks like lord Blackwood is older then Willem and Samwell, not by much but at least a few years.
So it’s with frustration that lord Blackwood orders Willem to start packing everything back up they’re headed back to Raven Tree Hall to wait this out. On the way back lord Blackwood continues to age, he’s eventually aged up enough that he has Willem stop at the nearest town to find him clothes that will fit his body now.
It’s only after the two months are up and Willem and lord Blackwood return to Raven Tree Hall, that lord Blackwood is finally at his proper age. Everyone is surprised that night when Samwell explains that his father’s illness has passed and they are to hold a feat in honor of his returned health. The feast is wonderful and Willem thinks he’ll be excused from guarding the border at night. But he’s not so lucky he’s order there by his father.
But his luck returns when he sees Amos also guarding the borders too. Amos asks Willem what happened to his lord Blackwood. Willem tells him it was a waiting game for the cursed wine to work its way outside of his blood stream. Willem also says that those two months were torture for him, his father may have been younger but he wasn’t any less stern in fact at times he seemed to be even worse.
Amos expresses his sympathy and asks how he can help relieve the tension that Willem is experiencing. He doesn’t hesitate to drag Willem to the windmill and drop to his knees to suck Willem off when he asks.
2): There’s a long standing rumor that the inn close to both Bracken and Blackwoods lands is owned by a wood witch, but it doesn’t bother Amos or Samwell they agree to meet there to avoid more bloodshed between their houses. The inn keeper brings them a bottle of wine telling them that it’s on the house, hopefully they’ll each reach an agreement that keeps everyone safe. They drink it without any thought of the rumor, the only thing is they both get extremely tired faster than usual. For the both of them it feels like they each drank two bottles of wine, they’ll tease each other saying that of a Blackwood/Bracken is such a light weight.
So it’s with light hearts each goes to bed.
The next morning both wake up and instantly know that something is wrong. Their bodies don’t ache with middle age like they usually do. Thinking that the other placed a curse on them they each seek the other out. It’s only after they see the other de-aged that they realize the witch rumors are true. The next logical step for them is confront her.
The woods witch explains that in order for the curse to wear off they each need to confront past heartaches. They also need to make sure that the impending battle doesn’t happen, if they can achieve both those goals then the curse will lift if they can’t well they will continue to de-age until they’re no more. That process will only take months.
It’s the woods witch explains this that Willem walks into the inn looking for his brother, its hours past the time that he was supposed to meet with Willem and well he was worried. Willem sees Samwell first and instantly thinks Amos did something to his brother, that is until he sees Amos as the young man that broke his heart.
Willem asks what sorcery they are attempting to pull. Samwell explains that the rumor about the woods witch is true and that they need to heal broken hearts and avoid the impending battle for them to age back up. Willem is pissed thinking that Amos broke someone else’s heart along with his. Samwell leaves Willem and Amos to talk things through.
Amos explains that he loved Willem so much, it nearly killed him to leave him. He still has a deep love for Willem, and he also doesn’t want his nephew and Willems nephew to follow the same fate or worse one dying in front of the other. Willem ask what he’s supposed to do? He hates Amos so much, his heart is irreparably broken and words are wind. Amos having grown frustrated with Willem and wanting to protect his nephew and his people he does the only thing he think to do which is grab Willem and kiss him.
After the kiss Amos asks Willem if he has no feelings for him why did he try to slip his tongue into his mouth and why is he so hard? He felt his cock poking into him. Willem can’t deny it any longer and asks for a room, after he pays he pulls Amos into it while telling Samwell that he needs to find his person to lift his curse Amos will be fine. Samwell congratulates them both on their hopefully renewed love. It’s as Amos is stripping that he re-ages and spends the whole day in Willems embrace. They had a lot of catching up to do.
Samwell sneaks off to Stone Hedge knowing that he needs to find Aerons father Raylon. Which is easy enough he just pretends to be a sell-sword looking and needs to speak with the lord of the keep. The Bracken men bring him to Raylon. Samwell explains that he’s been cursed and he needs to cure their broken hearts and avoid the battle to re-age.
Thankfully Raylon is easier to convince than Willem. He tells Samwell that he never stopped loving him, even after they broke up to save their brother’s further heartbreak. Samwell is relieved and pulls Raylon into a kiss. After they break apart Raylon pulls Samwell to his chambers while telling the guards to leave them alone for the rest of the day. Again it’s only after they start to strip that Samwell re-ages and they also spend the whole day in each other’s arms.
Once the de-age curse lifts Amos and Samwell tell Aeron and Davos that they know about how they love each other. But they shouldn’t panic they can stay together as long as they fulfill their duties to their houses, i.e marry and produce heirs. They also tell everyone the battle is not going to happen they’ll follow whoever lord Tully tells them to.
3): Lord Blackwood blames lady Tully’s handmaid for him waking up as the same age as his son Samwell. She’d muttered something about how he needed to learn a lesson. The lesson comes when he gets into a fight with Samwell over a book that they both wanted to read. Lord Blackwood started to throw a temper tantrum and lady Tully not wanting to deal with it pulls him onto her back to give him a spanking. It’s only after the spanking with lord Blackwood agreeing that he’s learned his lesson that he re-ages.
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Hannibal Lecter X Teen Son Reader
second request sorry for the wait.
request: There's not many Hannibal having a son it would be interesting how he takes care of his kid through the years maybe when this kid grows up he moves to Paris in his teenage years but yet he has not met will graham, Then he gives Hannibal a call saying he will come visit and he meets will Graham and Abigail Hobbs then chaos from there.
i love this idea!
Fir the Lithuanian I will be using Google translate and Lithuanian will be in this font
Third person pov...
Not many people knew, well only one person knows that Hannibal has a Son and that person was Bedelia Du Maurier.
Y/N Lecter was Hanninals son, years ago Hannibal was close to one of his former patients before she became one of his victims as the cheasepeak ripper.
She had left behind a Son, a H/C haired baby with Hannibals eyes, when the man first held him in his arms he knew deep in his heart he loved this child and would keep him safe.
Young Y/Ns childhood was strange to say the least, having a physiatrist/ Serial Killer/ Cannibal as a Dad made it strange.
When Y/N was around 5 he witnessed his father kill one of his patients as they began violent with him. Hannibal hadn't noticed his son in the doorway of the office as the body slowly became cold.
But it didn't frighten Y/N only intrigued him in the anatomy of the body, Hanniabl knew from that moment on that his son was special, of course to him he had always been special but then he knew.
When he was 8 Y/N learnt of his family history and that he had an aunt but she died when his Father was young, Hannibal had also taught his Son Lithuanian, the two regularly converse in it.
When the boy was a teenager he left for Paris to study anatomy in on of their prestigious schools of art, Hannibal didn't want to let go off his child but knew it was what Y/N wanted.
The man paided fir everything so his son would be comfortable as he studied and the boy was thankful to his Father, He had promised to visit every once in a while, he kept that promise.
Years later...
Currently Hannibal, Will and Abigail were in Hannibals home watching the man cook in his emaculate kitchen as always, Hannibal had his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves to work.
Abigail rolled her eyes as Will watched Hannibals every move his eyes never leaving his hands, the curly haired man was sitting on one of the bar stools opposite Hannibals workspace.
Hanibal could feel Wills gaze and had a smirk on his lips, Abigail groaned her Dads were so obvious it was sickening.
Then the door bell went, Will got shaken out of his daydreaming a blush on his face, Hannibal looked to the clock '7.40pm who could that be at this time' thought the man as un the corner of his eye he watched Abigail move towards the door.
Y/N wrapped his thin coat around his body tightly, cupping his frozen hands and blowing on them, he forgot how cold Baltimore was, taking a second he cursed remembering he had a key.
"šūdas!(1)" He hissed finding the key finally using his shaking hands to open the door, he rubbed his shoes on thr welcome mat and closed the door behind him.
As he began taking his rain ridden jacket off he called into the quiet house "Aš namie Tėti(2)" He hung his coat up, he was confused usually his Dad was already at to door to greet him.
"tėvas?(3)" He called again, getting no response the first time, the teen grabbed a scalpel he keeps in his pocket for sketching he held it in his hand held down at his side just incase, he then heard foot steps in thr hallway.
The surprise was clear on his face as he saw a strange girl in his home, glaring at the teen he held the scalpel out in front of him. "Who are you?" He exclaimed, this made the girl glare suspiciously at him.
"I should be asking you that, who are you?" The brown haired girl glared back at the strange teenager holding a scalpel like a weapon. "Abigail what is going on?" Came a smooth Eastern European voice from behind the teens.
Y/N gasps at the voice and looks up behind the girl, the girl also turned around at the voice. "tėvas!" Exclaimed the teen throwing his arms around the tall frame of his Father.
Behind then Will and Abigail looked confused almost worried for the boy who had a death wish for touching Hannibal, but to their surprise the man wrapped his arms around the boy.
"tėvas aš namie, aš tavęs pasiilgau(4)" whispers the boy as he held onto the man tightly, he relaxes when he hears his dad mutter back in Lithuanian.
"Mano sūnau, tu grįžai namo, maloni staigmena, aš taip pat tavęs pasiilgau(5)" whispers the ash grey haired man, holding the teen tightly in his arms, after a few moments Will finally broke the awkward silence.
"Hannibal, who is he?" Askes the Agent a hint of jealously in his voice makes Abigail snort, this made Hannibal break the hug but kept his arm wrapped around the boys shoulder, he was a couple inches shorter than the older man.
Said boy looks at the man betrayal on his face. "tėvas! Have you not told then about me! I thought you loved me" complains the boy eyes pooling with tears.
Will and abigail watch Hannibal wearly, but his expression didn't change apart from him sighing softly and tapping the boys head the teen sticks his tongue out childishly.
"Oops" he says, will breathes a sigh of relief he was joking, the man blushes at his reaction to the boy saying he loved Hannibal.
"Will and Abigail this is Y/N, my son. Son this is Will Graham and Abigail Hobbs I apologise for the late introduction I was not expecting him for a few more days" Explains Hannibal eyeing his son out of the corner of his eye.
Abigails jaw drops while Will is silent. "What's! You have a Son!" Exclaims the girl making Y/N smile at her. "Yep nice to meet you tėvas has told me alot about you and his Dear Will" Says the teen cheekily.
He dodges the slap let his way by his father making Abigail laugh, Hannibal sighs at his son, over joyed to have him home finally.
Over dinner Y/N told Abigail and Will and bout himself and how he was studying in Paris in anatomy, like his father he loved sketching bodies and learning about the anatomy.
Y/N and Abigail became close, the teens loved to play pranks on the two men and secretly hint at them liking each other.
The end!
Hope you liked this oenshot I enjoyed writing it!
Requests are open!
Word count: 1264
Lithuanian translations
šūdas! (1) - Shit!
Aš namie Tėti(2) - I'm home Dad
tėvas(3) - Father
tėvas aš namie, aš tavęs pasiilgau(4) - Father I'm home I missed you
Mano sūnau, tu grįžai namo, maloni staigmena(5) -
My son, you have come home, a pleasant surprise
Mano sūnau, tu grįžai namo, maloni staigmena, aš taip pat tavęs pasiilgau(6) - My son, you are back home, nice surprise, I miss you too
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 11
Had a few days off from watching anything while I attended the Up All Night asian drama convention. Ironically I talked a bit about this drama on a panel about time travel in dramas, even though I haven't actually finished it yet 😅
Anyway, now I'm ready to resume. I think I can more or less remember how the last episode ended...
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What does renting an adult movie have to do with him kissing his girlfriend in public? Is that frowned upon in Korea?
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Sunjae has just found out that Im Sol is from the future, and in that future he dies when he's barely into his 30s. All he is concerned about is that Im Sol's mother saw him kissing a girl on the street and might not like him now.
God, I have missed these idiots.
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Sunjae doesn't know how he dies but what he does know is that there's no way it could possibly be Im Sol's fault
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Oh shit I totally forgot Sunjae's dad currently thinks he's on a plane to the US. This is not going to go well when he finds out...
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He is so gone for her. I love him.
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Oh, yeah, he missed the audition for the band so he's no longer on the path to becoming an idol now. That means no expensive skincare products for free because looking good is your job
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Oh my god all his stuff is on a plane to the US even if he isn't
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Hehe! Well, at least the reveal was mostly comedic
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Wait, I thought she didn't want him to become an idol to keep him safe
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Oh no are we going to end up with another totally different version of the future where Sunjae isn't an idol and her brother and bestie don't end up married.
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And now a bag full of condoms intended as a joke wedding gift has ended up in Sunjae's bag by mistake. I'm glad we've eased up on the angst for a bit to do some more lighthearted nonsense
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Oh my god he bought them matching phone charms. He is such a loser (affectionate)
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I know something terrible is going to happen soon. They're all happy and in love and there's still another 5 episodes to go. I'm glad they get this for a little bit at least.
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I am getting so much secondhand embarassment from this whole scene, but also I can't stop laughing. IT'S RAINING CONDOMS 🤣
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I am crying I'm laughing so hard. Two star-crossed lovers torn apart by a shower of condoms
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He just went into his mind palace to figure out how the condoms got into his bag. This might be my favourite episode so far, as much as I'm enjoying all the time travel and the angst.
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I love that grandma is heading up this whole intervention
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Well, after that delightful little subplot we are now back to the serial killer who may or may not end up killing Sunjae
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Did his dad really get him to go and update Im Sol on the case and tell her that she's in danger. THAT IS LITERALLY THE JOB OF THE POLICE NOT THE FASHION HOUSE SON OF A DETECTIVE. The cops in this really do suck even by k-drama standards.
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He is honestly the most sensible character in this whole drama
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Uh...you haven't even tried though? The first time he got you it's because you went outside to stop Sunjae getting rained on in the park. Take Sunjae and find a cabin in the woods or something. Or go to America with him.
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Okay, dude, you need to dial that back a bit
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Taesung is like 'we spent the night together we're bros now'
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Aww now they're both drunk and pouring their hearts out to each other
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Well if they were buddies after Taesung slept on Sunjae's couch I don't know what snuggling in the same bed like this makes them
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Ooh is Sunjae going to sing at their last gig and get back on the idol path?
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Ooh they caught him! Except there's still another 5 episodes to go so clearly it's not over yet
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Aww there we go he's back on stage
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Oh sweetie...
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Yep, there we go. Of course he escaped.
But, hey, we got through a whole episode without the sad Jongho song playing even once.
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tartrazeen · 4 months
I am once again insisting that the "Naked guy covered in flammable jelly has to put a super long code into a safe using only a tea candle for light so he can get the antidote to the poison that Jigsaw stuck him with and also there's glass on the floor ouchie" is
✨A Good Trap✨
This was Saw 1, people. The irony was in full high-concept fever.
What was this guy's crime?
Faking a work injury to scam his insurance (aka the genius way to take a vacation in no-sick-days America)
Why does Jigsaw give a shit about insurance companies with everything we see in Saw 6?
'cause the guy was getting insurance money when insurance said no to jiggy 😞 (also jigsaw's a serial killer who preys on people already going through the shittiest time of their lives, like how he not-murders a dude for the crime of - i guess - pussying out of suicide? that's canon btw. that's the guy they show us immediately before naked-jelly-safe man)
So what's the irony in this otherwise impossible, bullshit trap?
The door's open, the guy can leave, he's not actually poisoned
Jigsaw likes to lie. Especially Saw 1 Jigsaw.
Jigsaw also likes making his win conditions exceedingly obvious in hindsight.
Sometimes it's a straightforward, "Jump into the pit of needles and find the key. No riddles. Gogogo." And then you're like, "ohhh damn, i really should've just done that faster"
Sometimes it's an uwu troll of, "I dunnoooooo detective, i guess maybe if you talk to meeee you'll find ur son somewhere................ SAFE?!?! uwu" And then you're like, "ahhhhhh (⁠☞゚⁠∀゚⁠)⁠☞ you got me with word play again"
And then sometimes he's like, "I'm gonna need you to speedrun some brain surgery. no no, on your own brain. It's ironic because you can't. Also I'm going to melt your face in an Aztec face mask 'cause i'm also like... i'm ngl, i'm a little racist uwu. plus the irony's that you live in a hot country or something i guess idk i have five these in this movie, hurry up and fail jfc"
So here, Jigsaw didn't say the door was locked. He told the suicide-guy that, so he will say it if it's actually going to happen. But here, he just said the guy had to carefully step around the glass and crack the code.
You know.
The insurance fraud guy.
The scammer.
Being - ironically - scammed.
Buddy could've left right away, but he was very, very sure he'd actually been poisoned and stayed (then burned) to try to get to an antidote he didn't need.
$5 says the safe would've been empty, too. Like that was the cure: nothing, because he wasn't sick in the first place.
... also this means Jigsaw only targeted him because he was jealous someone else was getting insurance payouts.
So who's the REAL jelly man now, John?!
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
It is still so wild to me how many people go to bat for Noah Stilinski. He's flawed. He's not perfect. He's a single dad, yeah, but he still left his son alone in the hospital with his dying wife, who attacked Stiles at least once before.
He's an alcoholic! He thought Stiles was a serial killer. But these flaws just don't register with people.
i know we've talked about noah stilinski and the fanon sanctification of him before. it's always interesting to watch the evolution of how fandom perceives characters compared to how they actually are. it's also an interesting how this is something of a dichotomy with claudia in canon.
the sheriff is a flawed man and father which what i like about him.
he tries his best but sometimes what his best is isn't good enough and i think it's important to recognize that. sometimes it happens like that.
stiles and the sheriff are shown to already have a gulf between them before the supernatural comes into their lives. they don't communicate or talk to each other properly
we know stiles is left alone for long stretches of time, he was alone with claudia when she died at eight years old. stiles also is incredibly anxious not just about his father's health but about his friends which only gets worse as things get more and more dangerous and the emotional enmeshment he has with his father isn't healthy at all. all of which stem from his mother's death.
stiles acts like an adult and more of an equal partner than a child which when this comes to head in season 5 you can tell it crushes and horrifies the sheriff to realize but there they are.
their emotional arc hits so hard and resonates with people because it felt the most real. it's no coincidence that for stiles to be brought back to his reality in season 6a his father has to finally acknowledge the things they don't speak about and see stiles for who he is and what he means to his life. it's really relatable to a lot of people. a parent seeing their child for who they are and a child going through the transition to adulthood especially when stiles has the arc about being afraid of the changes that are coming with becoming older, graduating and change.
i also like how much a fucking hypocrite busy body it all makes rafael mccall. like, sure the sheriff isn't perfect but rafael mccall shouldn't be looking down his nose at him from his high horse.
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symphonic-scream · 1 month
New Arcana Swap
(tag for now is Transboy Haru I need a new name for this I know)
Anyways. It's been like 2 hours here's everything I have so far
So it's a Fool Haru au, but as a trans guy. He's been transitioning since the year before he started high school, and he's had top surgery. Now he's in his final year, and he's being shipped out to Tokyo after a summer in Juvi, all for something he didn't do
Toranosuke Yoshida as the Hierophant with Goro as the Hermit too it's. This ex politician who has been adopting these kids who's rich and important parents abandon them
Emperor Makoto. And then with Makoto, she's been "staying" with Kobayakawa as a pupil and StuCo Prez, and once he's confessed, she reaches out to her sister and returns home to live with Hanged Man Sae. She's sorta non-binary genderfluid? She doesn't have a term coined yet. But pronouns vary each day
Makoto: thanks, so much. For saving me, for helping me find my sister again, for accepting who I am, and- and for loving me,
Haru: oh, Mako dearest,
Makoto, crying: d-dont look at me like that, Loverboy. Just- let's hurry, the others are waiting
(in case you couldn't tell yet, this is Okujima)
Haru: hey why are you so close with that pharmacist?
Yoshida: oh, cause. I take pills?
It's cause Goro's on anti-psychotics lmao
It's how he so easily got Haru in with the counsellor Death Maruki
Maruki: yep, I see your files are completely true. So, I'll get you set up with your old regime of hormones
Haru: just like that?
Maruki: yep, but I also have to give you anger management sessions. Your parole demands it
Haru: ...I understand. Just, thank you. For understanding who I am
Chariot Shiho and Lovers Futaba, and the Temperance is Kanji-
Cause his husband is the Judgement and their wife is Fortune-
Moon Joker, Magician Ryuji (he's a lil lizard), Star Ann, Empress, uh, Yusuke?
Shiho a recovering amputee. She got in an accident that ended her volleyball career, but she's trying to not get too depressed about it
She cost them the national title. She ends up starting her training again to aim for the Paralympics, and manages the school team
Shiho: hey, why was Shit Head calling you a girl?
Haru: I, I'm trans,
Shiho: THAT BASTARD! Urgh, I'm so sorry, I know a teacher who'll help report that bullshit. I'm Shiho Suzui, school cripple. Nice to meet you, transfer boy
Haru: thanks, I'm Haru Yoshida. Thanks for not, freaking out on ke
Ryuji's a little bearded dragon in the real world
And MORGANA! He's like, Shinya's age? Human
He's playing the hero, trying to take down the Yakuza that ruined his family and left him alone, but he's young and scared, and the group saves him and he moves in with Yoshida too and he's like Haru's little brother
Goro: you're getting soft, old man.
Yoshida: maybe I am. Or maybe, I'm finally doing what I was meant to all along
He runs a homey beef bowl shop and Haru helps out, and Morgana sits at the counter slurping his noodles and Goro studies away in the back booth. Little family of three brothers
Goro: thanks for changing my heart, I guess
Futaba: no problem, man
Goro: ...I, feel like I need to tell you all. My mom was schizophrenic, and I've been being treated for it since Yoshida took me in. I, I'm gonna get myeds adjusted too. So I can be reliable for you all as navigator
Shiho: whatever you need to be yourself, and to be healthy
Haru: and if you end up like that again, we'll race back in and save you
It's shown in how his palace would change every other day. Like if you wait too long the infiltration route changes
Once he's doing better again, he gets back into school, and ends up in the other third year class with Makoto
Goro: your partner is a pain in my ass. They're making it hard to get that #1 spot
Haru: isn't my love so smart?
Goro: fucking gross. Bleh. I'm going to go watch a documentary on serial killers.
Toranosuke and his three sons, such a proud dad
Haru doesn't leave Tokyo at the end of the year. He gets formally adopted, and moves from the attic to the proper Yoshida house
Naoto: so. You're the leader of the Phantom Thieves?
Haru: ...what's it matter how I answer? They got their signed confession.
Naoto: I knew it, there was no way they'd have gotten a genuine one so quickly... Those bastards... Well, hopefully our chat can clear things up. Tell me, why'd you do it? How? The more I know, the better I can help you out
Naoto recognizes the boy from his husband's class roster, from his chats about the transfer boy that seemed to affect everyone around him
Naoto: so. Your dad kicked you out?
Haru: yes. Not for being a boy, he accepted that part of me. No, I caught on about some of his shadier business deals. So, he framed me for assault, disowned me. I got lucky, that Mr Yoshida agreed to house me, otherwise I would have probably ended up back in Juvi,
Okay. More
Shiho with her slight hobble cause of her prosthetic, and when she just *can't* wear it, she's on crutches, Like at the beach
She wears her leg to the beach, but takes it off when Makoto and Morgana egg her into running out to the water with them. Makoto loads her onto their back until they reach the water and then it's just. Splashing and fun
Goro's reading a book while Ryuji lies on a towel in the sun, soaking in the heat. Haru and Futaba are munching on popsicles and watching the others
Two Jokers
Moon is Akira, and Ren was in Shiho's role
They're Futaba's foster brothers. So that's why Futaba really wants to join up. To avenge Ren. And it's why Akira helps out
Futaba: hey, so Ren's awake. He's going to need physical therapy, but he's keeping all his parts. He's, also going to testify. He won't be returning to Shujin,
Akira: he's going to finish at Kosei. It'll be a better fit for him
Makoto, fluid, having more they or he days but still having she days. Masc she days, but still
Coloured bandanas around their upper arm for their different days. Now embracing their baby punk side
And smiling so much more, back home with their sister and able to be themselves with support, and having friends and a sweet boyfriend
Hifumi for the Faith and. Justice Kasumi and Sumire TRSUT ME
Haru: hey!
Makoto, wearing a dark red bandana: hey Loverboy, can I get a kiss?
Haru: course, love. How's my girl today?
Makoto: feeling great, Sis and I are going out tonight. She said you're welcome to join if you want? And then maybe come over after later to "study"?
Haru: how can I say no to you?
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greenhappyseed · 1 year
Thinking again about how parents play such a major role in MHA and how they shape the trajectory of their children’s lives. I feel like the Shimuras and Todorokis are pretty obvious, but I was thinking of how Inko was devastated and told Izuku she was sorry when he got his quirkless diagnosis. She believed Izuku’s diagnosis ended his dreams (because that’s how hero society worked) and she was sad for her boy. But he kept dreaming anyway, and she didn’t try to squash it. She may not have believed he could succeed at becoming a Pro Hero, but she didn’t ban his hero obsession either. Inko certainly fears for Izuku’s wellbeing more than Izuku, yet she doesn’t deny Izuku his inner world or his humanity.
Then you have the Aoyamas, who went to AFO to get their son a quirk so he wouldn’t be “different.” Aoyama himself says his parents fretted more over this than he did. His parents pushed him to conform, and so he dreamed of fitting in and giving back to the family and society that accepted him. But AFO denied him that dream. The quirk that his parents wanted him to have so badly also put Aoyama under AFO’s thumb. In his head, Aoyama wanted to be a a selfless hero. In reality, he behaved like a criminal — he couldn’t escape his parents’ fears he was different and was bound to AFO.
Now we have the Togas, who also insist on their daughter not being “different.” They push Himiko to mask her desires and hide her quirk, fearing society would deem her a monster. (It seems they would prefer if she was quirkless.) Once again we have parents fretting more than their child and not letting their child simply exist. In her head, Himiko wanted to be full of love. In reality, she behaved like a serial killer because she never learned healthy expression — she was confined by her parents’ fears she was a monster.
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chelemlem · 8 months
Landoscar flatmates au ? For the au prompts!
OH HELLO. ok this is more neighbours au than flatmates but !
lando moves into his first london apartment trying to get his new streaming company off the ground. it's Not a nice place exactly. the stairwell is a fire hazard and there are water stains wrapped around the smaller-than-he's-used-to kitchen and he's pretty sure his downstairs neighbours are serial killers with the odd hours they keep & passive aggressive notes they leave around (wdym "kindly refrain from yelling when ppl are trying to sleep" who goes to bed at 7pm m8? but ok FINE he can schedule his cod streams for earlier in the day 🙄)
but that's what you get for wanting to "make it on ur own". so to speak
one sultry summer afternoon his doorbell rings and oh worm? it's the fabled downstairs neighbour who he's never met before. he's got floppy hair and bags under his eyes and apparently he's going to be late on rent this month bc he lost his second job. internally lando's like uh ok sure? what's that got to do with me but then Floppy Hair gives him a slow once-over and says: "or i could maybe. blow you?"
and that's??? fuck, why not. the guy's fit. what the hell
he figures out what that was all about later: oscar the downstairs bloke thinks LANDO owns the apartment bc he coincidentally shares a last name with their landlord ?
which brings up like: The Ethical Conundrum. on one hand: honesty, yeah? but lando's morals are fluid at the best of times and tbh the convenience of having dick that good only a floor down is nothing to sneeze at‼️ besides, between his delivery job and engineering coursework, oscar seems to have enough on his plate without adding apartment-hunting to the mix. it's win-win, really? what oscar doesn't know won't hurt him. lando can cover his share
cue 3-5 months of some of the best sex lando's ever had, partly for the normal reasons and partly bc of how Down oscar is to try all the weird kinky shit lando is into (which he chalks up to the fact that in oscar's mind he's essentially selling his body for shelter...... insert vague guilt)
and the problem is lando's growing fond of oscar's like dry sense of humor and his surprisingly good cooking (when he's got the time) and ends up doing all sorts of throat-constrictingly domestic stuff like dropping oscar off at class and ordering extra groceries for him and one day when they're sat in oscar's apartment waiting for the kettle (a shmancy new one lando bought) to boil, oscar jokes "oh am i officially a sugar baby now... a rentboy if u will" lando has a mild (read: severe) crisis about it and just. blurts out the truth
oscar's quiet for a bit. and then he's like: yeah i know
and hi what? the? fuck? but oscar's like uh so i ran into our real landlord a couple of weeks after we started shagging and i know i should have said something when u began paying a third of my rent but. shrugs. i looked u up and it seems like you can afford it (pure electric advert). also i... like hanging out with you. i like cooking for you. i like having sex and enough free time to sleep. i wanna keep doing it if you... (he's blushing now) don't mind
and lando's lowkey like youuu son of a bitch but he recognises he doesn't have a leg to stand on and hey does this mean oscar can actually spend nights at his place instead of walking back to his own apartment ? cut to future oscar cameoing in the background of lando's streams as Anonymous Boyfriend and maxf being like why the hell do you still have him saved in ur phone as "rentboy 💕"
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joanofexys · 3 months
Please I must know more about Angel…
I’m gonna do a mix of fun facts and extra Angel backstory/PSU stuff so hopefully there’ll be something good in there
Some fun facts abt Angel:
Cuts the sleeves off most of his shirts
Crop. Tops.
Basically I wanted more men to dress like whores
Except he lowkey does it in a dad, rock band in someone’s garage, hot mechanic kind of way if that vibe makes sense in any capacity
His nose is crooked
Has a lot of scarring across his body, most of it has keloided (idk if that’s a word but I have keloid scars so leave me alone rip). He’s also got a few on his face
Because they’re raised and pretty prominent they tend to weird most people out and even though most of them are from when he was 10 or younger (courtesy of his father) they haven’t really faded. Some of them hurt some of them don’t
He doesn’t really like them or think they’re cool, he’s learned to feel neutral about it. However, Phoebe loves his scars
He’s built like a fucking brick wall. Just absolutely massive
gonna put it under the cut cause partial nudity ig but this is an idea of his body build:
Tumblr media
also real quick the closest I’ve gotten for a good face claim for him is Isaiah Baumgardner
His hands are really cut up/scarred (I’ll explain this in a sec)
Cat and dog person. He will argue very passionately for it too and how unfair he thinks it is whenever people try and demonize cats or dogs
Queen would probably be the top artist in his Spotify wrapped
Hoards different editions of classics
Okay yeah moving on from the random bullets to me writing another essay about him
I did NOT get into this in his initial post but yeah his dad is a serial killer. For years his mom is labeled as missing (went missing when he was 4 years old) and then at 10 years old he’s removed from his dad’s home and moved into foster care. It wasn’t until 14 that his mother was confirmed dead upon his father’s arrest and confession.
When he was 14 years old the police randomly showed up at the door of his foster family at the time and took him down to the station. He was questioned for 7 hours, wrapping up at 3 in the morning, while the police tried to figure out if he had any knowledge or involvement in his father’s murders. All it resulted in was a crying Angel begging for his mommy to come home. With how young he was and the fact that he had been out of the home for 4 years (and his father continued killing during those 4 years) they declared there was no way he was aware. He was offered a chance to testify against his father. He refused to show.
When they dropped him off at his foster home he very nearly got the cops called again. He destroyed his room. Every personal belonging he had bought or been given by former families. He moved to a different home within the week. He breaks a lot of glass. And insists on cleaning it up himself. He cuts up his hands bad doing so. They have to take him to the ER.
Because he was a minor and had basically no ties to his father he was largely kept out of the media. When his father’s arrest and plea of guilty made the news it was mentioned that he had a single son but there was never a name. Obviously with Di Fiore anyone who looks him up is likely to get his dad in the search results instead. But he does his best to keep it hidden. It’s pretty easy for Wymack (and Andrew rip) to dig it up but Angel keeps it buried until he ends up at Palmetto. Once Andrew drops that he knows then Angel gives up on trying to keep any secrets from the foxes pretty much
He spends most of his time with the monsters. Phoebe’s favorites of them end up being Andrew (much to Aaron’s dismay since Aaron babysits more) and Kevin. However, like how cats can tell when people don’t like them, she is prone to asking for Neil and refusing to let anyone else hold her. Neil has no fucking clue what to do with her
When he goes to Eden’s with them if he can’t leave Phoebe with Harper then his go to babysitters are Dan & Matt and Wymack
He spends more time crashing at Wymack or Abby’s places than in the dorms
Resisting the urge to dump about my oc x canon ships but he and Allison are fwbs. He and Kevin are something (he’s basically a weighted blanket as a person which is something I think Kevin needs)
Uhhhhh fuck what else is going on with him. Idk he keeps to himself. He and Harper go on double dates with Katelyn and Aaron despite being broken up. He’s both very obviously a fucked up teenager and a good dad at the same time. He’s prone to cheating at board games. He doesn’t yell at people. His hearing’s a little fucked but he’ll probably never get it checked out. He’s very physically affectionate when he’s given permission (but he’ll always ask first. it’s good for setting healthy boundaries but it’s especially for Phoebe and to make sure she knows her boundaries will always be respected at home even from a young age). He likes RPGs (he’d be a huge fan of BG3) and is a fantasy nerd. Yeah that’s just a bit more about him
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Why "Beyond Evil" is an enemies-to-partners-to-lovers story❤️, a (very) brief timeline (for those who haven't watched the show):
In the first episode, Han Joo-Won (our main lead + sweetest flower in the entire Korean police force + son prince of Deputy Commissioner to-be) goes to the little merry town of Manyang, hellbent on arresting Lee Dong-Sik (our other Main Lead), local dilf and renowned lunatic, whom he believes to be the serial killer from a string of murders that started 20 years prior;
Our Joo-Won (who also coincidentally happens to be a collector of stylish coats and has hair softer🌷than any woman in the show) is obsessed with said dilf already before the start of the series but we don't get to see that (but the obsession was definitely there much earlier than when he moved to Manyang);
Once he is in the merry town of Manyang (where everyone seems kinda sus and in need of therapy tbh) he breaks inside Dong-Sik's house multiple times, uninvited and casually making himself at home. DS is often annoyed at him but never throws him out, which says a lot about DS's already compromised + whipped state of mind™️;
In the course of the first episodes, Han Joo-Won (our boytoy) keeps accusing Dong-Sik (our crazy dilf) of having murdered his own sister (ffs Joo-Won) and other various women (without any evidence whatsoever). As he repeatedly accuses DS without rhyme nor reason he ofc thinks he's being such a clever officer - because telling the person you believe to be a serial killer he's a psycho the first time you meet him and repeatedly grabbing him by the colllar and shaking him is how investigating murders works in his seasoned police officer mind;
As JW fulfills his need for approval (stemming from Daddy Issues™️) and sense of justice, Dong-Sik taunts, manipulates and messes w/ his head and has him wrapped around his little finger, making Joo-Won think he's the killer;
Joo-Won ofc falls for that bc he has tunnel vision and can't connect shit.
Romantic drama tropes (x 2): (1) Han Joo-Won staring at DS under the rain (1st appearance of the Rain Trope™️) as the man whom he believes to be the serial killer smiles sweetly and shields a boy who has lost his way with his umbrella - cue longing, lustful stare from JW and the moment he falls in love w/ his partner (which he doesn't realize yet bc he's clueless); (2) Han Joo-Won disobeying DS's orders not to get involved and protecting him from a local band of thugs, potentially sabotaging his career and his relationship w/ his father - start of Protective Boyfriend Arc™️.
At some point Han Joo-Won (our clueless flower inspector who's oblivious to his feelings for DS) slowly slowly starts connecting the dots (finally) and realizes that the dilf he's been repeatedly accusing of murder is - in fact - not a serial killer (in spite of his dubious morals, his tendency to tamper w/ evidence and move amputated fingers & cellphones around town), and learns to slowly slowly trust him;
JW & DS finally pair up and arrest the killer together - beginning of Partner Arc™️.
Han Joo-Won goes berserk when Jin-Mook (local full-time supermarket guy, part-time serial killer) tries to strangle Dong-Sik in the interrogation room bc he's the only one who is allowed to manhandle his sugar daddy and wrinkle his coats;
He then decides to take a vacation (as he often does bc he's a delicate flower 🌸 who needs lots of time off) and comes back with stylish clothes and a newfound bratty attitude, flirts with Dong-Sik more than once and uses Dong-Sik's methods to manipulate him back because he has learnt from the best teacher and he is such a good student;
Joo-Won (who has now officially been adopted by the local, dysfunctional Manyang family) discovers that his bad abooji is the one who killed his boyfriend's sister 20 yrs prior; he then proceeds to drop on his knees in front of said boyfriend, whispering: "I will go to hell for you" (cue 2nd instance of Proverbial Rain Trope™️ + tears + sad puppy eyes);
He and his soon-to-be husband make a plan to ruin Han Gi-Hwan's (JW's bad abooji) career and they end up exchanging wedding vows on national television at his father's hearing to spite him (and also to take the spotlight bc they are such a power couple);
JW willingly goes into the trap his dad later sets for Dong-Sik in order to protect him and to take the blame in his stead (cue boyfriend's angry reaction "How dare you put yourself in danger for me" etc.) - continuation of Protective Boyfriend Arc™️;
In the final episode - after Joo-Won has arrested his father and Dong-Sik asks him to arrest him too (which is the main reason why JW went to Manyang in the first place, as he's been continuously reminding Dong-Sik since the start of the series) - he starts stuttering and saying "H-how could I??", all while crying like a little baby.
He finally arrests his boyfriend on charges of obstruction of justice, cries with his handcuffed hands in his hands, and they meet a year later and smile at each other and DS says goodbye with the words: "eat well, sleep well, poop well" (which is, as it is widely known, the Korean version of "I love you").
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