#and put down some ideas for an AtlA AU
Not me putting my blorbos in AUs and situations to cope.
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yuwuta · 1 month
i have SOOOO many ideas you have no idea how near and dead atla is to me… i could rant about this day and night…. reader’s bending or non-bending abilities always change in the au for me, but i feel very strongly about everyone’s bending abilities teehee…. except satoru… i can pickle many aus for satoru bc that’s pookie <3
firebender reader that captures airbender yuuta to take him back to the fire nation as a reward and honestly he should fight back, he could fight back, and he probably shouldn’t blush when you’re rough with him, but you’re really pretty and stubborn and sure the ropes you put around his hands and ankles are really tight but it could have been worse. and you haven’t burned or scarred him, and you even give him some of fish you capture and cook along the way, so maybe you don’t really hate him that much. it’s so much of yuuta nervously rambling as you two travel and you not responding, but that doesn’t stop yuuta, nor does it deter him from thinking that you’re not all bad. clearly you’re strong and determined and you believe capturing him with worth something so he kinda…. let’s it be (also he thinks he’d lose a fight to you) and somewhere along the way he gets the courage to point blank as you why you’re taking him and i’d love to say he talk no jutsus you into not turning him in but also love the idea of someone else attacking you and yuuta turning on the airbending to choke them out which is insane bc you’ve done nothing but capture him but who’s to say that’s not a form of love too xoxo
or we can consider you and megumi growing up in the south pole together, it’s a small town so it’s not a coincidence that you two become friends, even if megumi is a little gruff at first. you two do everything together, even though your water bending abilities start to differ as you get older—you become much more mischievous, while megumi becomes focused on precision and healing. it’s why, despite the tradition being father and son to go out hunting, toji takes you out to sea to go ice fishing and you always run back home to megumi with your capture in hand, damn near tackling him every time and happily proclaiming you caught his favorite; and every time he tells you to calm down and not cause a scene, but you don’t, and toji and his mom chuckle as you tackle him and megumi tries to blush and wrangles you into a seat inside while he helps his mom with dinner. and really, all is well until some snobby prince from another town claims that your family is indebted to his and that you’re betrothed as collateral and everyone finds out very quickly that even though megumi spent all his time focusing on healing, that he’s still toji’s son and can make one hell of a tsunami if it calls for it. (and when the storm, literally, passes, megumi huffs as he digs through his belonging and stuffs a necklace in your hand and all you can do is blink and wonder what’s going on while his mom snickers in the background and winks at you “i think that’s a proposal, dear.”)
orrrrrr even though i firmly believe in airbender satoru superiority, i do make an exception for stealing yue’s plot line and making satoru a waterbender and prince who’s hair is only white because he blessed and saved by the moon spirit when he was very young. ofc, that’s not enough to make him nearly as humble as he should be, and satoru spends all his days ignoring his princely duties and bothering you and a nanami instead, ditching his masters and servants in favor of pouting at you to teach him your skills instead because satoru wholly believes his duty is not to serve as the bridge between his people and the moon, but instead to annoy you and hopefully make you mrs half-moon someday
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echoesofaheart · 2 months
:raises hand: I would like to know what the deal with creature au is !!
yippee! dw its very normal and easy to understand
first of all. they are not creatures. you need to ask @twig-gy if you want to know why its called creature au
au names are: harmonia - heart atlas - mind devotee - soul whole - whole there are reasons behind the names but. twig already explained it and i'm tired after writing the rest of the post out so. if you check the au tag you'll find it. its just a fun layer of Complicated
ok so. whole exists alongside hms. things proceed pretty much as normal (or like. as normal as they can be with soul's god living with them)
whole convinces soul to not blind heart after the juno incident, so creature au heart can see! good for him :). also because of this he and whole are actually pretty close
mind doesn't like whole, at all. he does however like sticking his problems in holes. recreationally
soul is Normal about whole. naturally. so normal that heart and mind decide that soul and whole are definitely going to form a suicide pact so mind does what he does best, put whole underground. specifically in their basement.
so they kidnap him while hes asleep and soul is out of their shared room (btw soul and whole share a room bc whole doesn't have a room. why doesn't whole have a room? we'll get to that :))
before doing this mind completely strips the basement. the only thing in there is a bare mattress and thats just because heart thought it was too harsh to stick him on the cold floor
heart sympathises with whole bc. apathy. whole used to sit with him. but he still agrees with mind that this is for the best
theres a solar eclipse wedding at some point. probably after whole is in the basement
soul is banned from seeing whole without being supervised. he gets searched every time hes brought down there to make sure he doesn't have anything dangerous. mind is obsessive over keeping dangerous things away from whole and his definition of dangerous probably gets a lot wider over time
also they have to bring whole upstairs to shower him. they don't let him do anything himself. its an entire operation
wholes eyes are deteriorating because of how dark the basement is so he ends up keeping his eyes closed when hes upstairs (mind removed the lights so the only light whole gets in there is from the crack in the door)
eventually soul learns to pick locks. starts preparing. from there its a wedding/murder-suicide (whole convinces soul to wear a dress because he knows soul is an egg and he wants soul to at least get this joy before he dies)
after whole and soul die, heart and mind start to die too (bc their lives are all linked). they gradually deteriorate, though it takes a few days at least. the idea of murder-suicide feels tainted, but they can't think of anything else to do. there isn't anything else to do. they can't stand watching each other fall apart
so they make a day out of it, where they pretend everything is normal. soul is just asleep, he crashed after drinking too much monster. they make breakfast and they garden and they pretend like they actually managed to heal
oh yeah also whole is from a different dimension with 'fake' hms that act like. flanderised parodies of themselves effectively. they had nothing really behind the eyes. so fake heart is pathetic, fake mind is mean for no reason, and fake soul is incapable of taking anything seriously. if hms act like the fakes then he gets pretty fucked up about it. this is also why whole doesn't have his own room
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Titans win au or smt
Warning: a 13 year old dies
Alabaster shifted from one foot to other, trying to relieve the ache, not that it did worked. His vision was getting blurry, his spine was on fire. He hadn't consumed anything for almost a day. Perhaps more? The council meeting had started somewhere around mid-noon yesterday and he hadn't left the side of Kronos's throne since, hadn't been allowed to. He had no idea what the time was. They were still arguing.
His mother sent him a brief sympathetic smile from upon her throne and went back to ripping apart Hyperion with her words. If he didn't know it would anger his lord, Alabaster would hold onto the throne's armrest to stop his legs from wobbling.
His head snapped up as the throne room's doors bursted open. A scrawny child with torn clothes and a thin jacket stood at the entrance, cursed loudly when they realised where they got in. Alabaster's throat constricted; the child couldn't be older than thirteen, might even be one that he had took captive, the faces had all started to blur together months ago, he wouldn't know. They probably found an opening to escape and took it, and gotten lost due to not knowing Othrys's layout.
'Run' he mouthed. Above him, as the top of his head barely reached the edge of the armrest, Kronos shifted. Alabaster stilled as he felt a hand placed on his head, standing at attention.
"What’s the saying, what the cat dragged in?" Kronos hummed, "An intruding rat."
The kid made a peeping sound, clearly terrified, eyes darting across the council members frantically. They held their dull blade between Kronos and them, chest raising and deflating rapidly as they breathed out loud.
"My lord," Prometheus raised his hand, "if I may?" He didn't wait for an answer.
"If we can not call mortals rat.. Of course some of them may be quite like them but I'd want to inform that I've worked hard on them and—"
Prometheus shut his mouth as Kronos raised his hand. Alabaster sighed quietly at the relief of the pressure on top of his head being gone. How nice of Prometheus to draw all the anger at him in his attempt to boast about his creations. Hopefully Kronos would remember that and take his frustrations out on Prometheus this week? Call him selfish but Alabaster didn't have a desire to inquire his lord's wrath.
"I am not a rat!" The kid cried out. "I will- I will get out of here and we will end your reign!" They pointed their blade straight towards the main throne.
An intense dread filled Alabaster up as Kronos tilted his head. "How cute... How naive. Demigods," he sighed, " always the same. Always acting like I didn't warn them: Pledge loyalty or die."
A few of the Titans chuckled. Alabaster's gut twisted as the kid inched on themselves, trying to back away, only for the doors to close with a crackling slam.
"You're a demigod!" The kid begged to him. "Why are you doing this? Why are you helping him?"
The kid was young, as young as his littlest sister.
They wouldn't be the youngest person he had killed.
"Torrington!" Kronos bid, waving a hand as if bored.
Alabaster pulled his sword out of his scabbard, watching the kid's eyes grow wide with increasing terror. He took a step forward—
Alabaster stared at the dark marble floor mortified as he collapsed to all fours when his knees gave out. The low chattering cut off. He could feel the scrutinising eyes on him. Kronos broke through the silence.
"Up." He commanded, like you would to a pet.
Alabaster helped himself up with the intricate carvings alongside the throne, but shamefully swaying on his feet even after that. Kronos clicked his tongue, and pushed him down to his knees with his two fingers. Near the back, Atlas howled with laughter. Alabaster stayed put, bowing his head, averting his gaze to not see the pure unadulterated disgust in the kid's eyes.
A gust of power breezed through the room. After a loud thud, and the following silence, the argument over the sacrifices re-began. Alabaster lifted his head slightly to see the kid's crumpled body near the wall, laying in a pool of their own blood.
At the sound of finger snapping, Alabaster rose to attention once again.
They had won the war, both of the camps were gone. His mother finally had the throne she deserved. He was as miserable than he ever had been.
I'll elaborate if someone asks or maybe later but for now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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atla-confessions · 1 month
I normally dislike a/b/o stuff (mostly because of how it’s usually an au for purely sexual reasons) but to be completely honest my brain has been stuck thinking about a/b/o in ATLA, to the point I’ve made around five plus google documents about it, three being unpublished and rushed fics plus two being rambles. My mind focuses on the weirdest of things. Anyways, since I can’t stop thinking about it, I just wanted to put it down here so that my mind hopefully starts being so focused on actual important things.
NGL, I’m an Omega Sokka and Alpha Katara truther. I just feel like it makes more sense to me than them both being Alphas or both being Omegas or whatever, ya know? I want to explain more but I, unfortunately, would make a fool of myself because it just shows goes to show much I’ve thought about this all if I already have an explanation prepared. But yeah, while I can handle the idea of an Alpha Sokka, whenever I think of him as an Omega my mind is quick to be all ‘Well, it makes sense, considering how he acts in canon, his choices, blah blah blah…’ same with Omega Katara v.s Alpha Katara.
Personally, I think that in ATLA, pups would present some time after they become 12 (can take weeks, months, maybe even a year or two), so for the entirety of ATLA Toph and Aang are unpresented. But in the comics and such, I’d say Aang would be a Beta and Toph either a Beta as well or an Alpha, but I lean more towards the idea of her being an Alpha.
I think Suki could be a Beta or Omega, but I usually see her as a Beta. She could possibly be an Alpha, and I wouldn’t mind hearing what people think she could be, but I mostly assume she isn’t an Alpha because I feel like it wouldn’t make exact sense. Her wariness of men and how she protects and supports girls so much makes me think if a/b/o were a thing, she’d also feel the need to protect Omegas/Betas from bad Alphas… and it would be a little strange to make her an Alpha if she was trying to protect her girls from them, wouldn’t it? I’m not sure. Either way, I think Sukka would still happen; Betas/Omegas can be with Omegas as well, not just Alphas.
I know that with most a/b/o ATLA fics people tend to make Zuko an Omega, but I seriously think he’d be an Alpha. It makes a lot more sense to me than him being an Omega does, but it’s hard to explain myself considering that this has been in my head for around a week or two now and this whole post is just a random thing I made. I’ll try my best though; I feel like he doesn’t embrace his Alpha tendencies much because of how Azula and Ozai (both Alphas) act and treat others, and he’s afraid of becoming like them. Before his redemption he was deadset on trying his best to be like them, but there was always an underlying disgust he felt at trying to fit into shoes that were a size too big for him. But he continued trying to be a manipulative Alpha anyways because he thought his feelings were cowardly and weak. Does that make sense? I want to explain more, I really do, but I already feel so awkward talking about this all. It feels like I’m nervously rambling to a judge who could throw rotten tomatoes at me at any moment and shout, ‘OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!’ for being dumb 🥲.
I’m not gonna give each of Ozai’s Angels a whole paragraph, nor the side characters, so I’ll just put what I think their second gender is here:
Jet, Azula, Ozai, Iroh, Hakoda: Alphas
Mai, Bato, Hama: Betas
Ty Lee, Yue, Kanna plus Kya, she’s important even if she’s passed long ago: Omegas
There’s probably more characters I missed but who cares! Sorry for the ramble and the scattered ideas, and if you guys don’t like a/b/o please don’t throw a tomato at my anonymous face. Still hurts, even if it’s not directly to me. I’ll maybe speak more about it if it interests others? Maybe? 😅 Like I have a whole document ready of stuff that isn’t even close to finished but that I’d still be willing to talk about!! But I don’t know, just like… if you care to know more… I DON’T KNOW!!! Ahhh! Don’t throw tomatoes and boo at me I’m a sensitive little dudeboygirlthing !!!!
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unfriendlyamazon · 15 days
i watched a bunch of videos on how bad the netflix adaption of atla is and anyway here's my ygo atla au thoughts
i guess yugi making the avatar is the easiest solution he is extremely aang-like (aang's kuzon speech and saying to zuko "do you think we could've been friends" is a stand out moment) and actually you know what his play tactics of evade and weave work well with aang's airbending (i was going to point to a specific fight with zuko but actually i'm watching the first episode it's every fight with zuko) so okay airbender it is
(i also like the idea of maybe pulling in some season 0 ideas of this alternate side of him that takes revenge and it's possible maybe he finds relief in his avatar state maybe he's so used to being powerless that feeling that powerful feels good and it scares him)
anzu is also a really good katara stand in ("DON'T YELL AT HIM") ultimate he asked for no pickles energy i actually think she'd do better as an airbender it would match her fairy deck and i think it'd be cute for yugi and anzu to grow up together in the air temple maybe he took her with her when he ran away it kinda muddies the whole "last airbender" thing and i like the idea of the yugi gaang representing all four elements so i'll stick with waterbender for her
honda is easy he's an earthbender look at him i do like regular guy honda and generally try to keep him un-magical in magical settings but that boy is an earthbender signed up with the earth kingdom army to fight firebenders and probably has a good reason for leaving and joining up with the gaang
katsuya firebender we all saw it coming i think it might be interesting to make him "mixed" and that also lets me do other things with serenity so maybe he's from an occupied earth kingdom town he definitely struggles to control his firebending he just gets too excited and isn't patient (much like aang when he learns firebending) and much like his arc in the show he gets stronger and more in control
seto kaiba is a zuko-esque figure to me, motivated by all the wrong things, pushing him to take extreme and harmful actions, even though deep down he is a good person, but actually you know who i love not giving magical powers to in a magical world? seto kaiba babyyyyyyy he has to scrap and create and bring himself up in a world where people have inherent magic abilities and that's just so him isn't it? i think it's possible he's a non-bender from another nation (i'm thinking earth kingdom? put your own thoughts in the replies) much like the mechanist from the northern air temple he was pulled and adopted by gozaburo for his technological mind and to create war machines, giving a position but no power, but seto kaiba is anti-war so he bounces the fuck out of there i guess that makes him not a villain and just like part of the gaang? maybe? idk i don't actually have like A Plot for this
yugi being the avatar sets up yami/atem as a roku mentor figure which i actually like
mai is just jun that's the character
make ryou a spirit i don't know which just do it
duke in a fire nation circus non-bender probably also an assassin sent to kill yugi it's okay tho they become friends
uuuuuh who else there's like 12 whole characters in yugioh i don't see any characters as a stand in for ozai except maybe alexander from capsule monsters??? is that a weird pull??? yeah i watched capsule monsters and not the final season of the show fight me nerds
pegasus.... definitely a sell out to the fire nation i don't know if i want him to be fire nation i kinda like the idea of him being like i see the way the wind blows maybe it's his quest to find the avatar and track down yugi that would put him in a better antagonistic role and have a reason for them to keep running into him
mokuba earth bending prodigy probably why seto had to get him out of there i guess that makes him the toph of this au??? unclear will reexamine
zigfried fire nation shill has a beach episode with seto who spends the whole time trying to drown him in the ocean
uuuuh got nothing for the ishtars sorry feel free to reply
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shortstrawberry · 9 months
I accidentally deleted a ask that was asking azutara headcannons. I'm so sorry annon!
Azutara is actually my favourite ship in ATLA! I made a hefty arranged marriage headcannons for them, please check it out here:
Anyway, moving on to some new juicy azutara headcannons!
Water and fire are opposites. One burns, the other soothes. But they are similar in one regard: protection. Fire will burn the world to protect you. And water? Water will freeze, flood, parch, to protect you.
This explains Katara and Azula's relationship dynamics very well, in a hindsight. Two years of time in asylum had left her in a precarious mental state. The nation she once loved considered her a lunatic who hallucinated her mother. Even her own brother, Zuko seems to give up on her. But then comes Katara.
Whether it's the guilt of putting Azula in such a state in the first place, or just her compassionate nature, Katara sought to help Azula out. At first, Azula spat on the offer.
"What? You want to have yet another victory on me! Oh, the great watermaster heals the crazy firebender!"
Katara, who was usually quick to anger, remained patient with Azula's many insults.
"Make up whatever conspiracy theory you want, Azula. At the end of the day, I'm here to help you, whether you like it or not."
It was like a unstoppable force meeting a unstoppable object. Eventually, Azula relented. And so started their sessions together. Azula expectedly freaked out when Katara's water entered her mind for the first time.
However, true to her word, Katara respected her privacy. Katara only soothed and cleared out the cogs and fog in her mind. She never poked where Azula didn't allow her. After four such sessions, Azula let her guard down.
"Have you tried the fried gizzard tongue yet?"
"The what?!"
"It's a delicacy here. My favourite."
Katara in her next visit brought fried gizzard tongue. They had their first meal together. Soon, it would become a daily routine.
Hell broke loose when Katara got to know how Azula was treated in the asylum. Katara had caught sight of Azula's nails, or rather the lack of. She put two and two together and stormed off, ready to confront the Fire Lord Zuko.
Azula doesn't know what Katara did, but soon her residence changed. She was moved to Katara's place, which didn't have any bars in windows or thin mattress bed. Katara assured Azula that she will make sure Azula never goes back there again.
Zuko one day showed up, after months of avoiding Azula. Both ended up crying, asking forgiveness from each other. War had made enemies of a brother and sister. Finally, they can heal.
Azula still suffers from nightmares. But now, she has Katara by her side, rushing to her side whenever she wakes up screaming. Sweet, protective Katara rubs her forehead with her soothing hand, promising Azula that her water will only protect Azula from now on.
Azula knows at this point she loves Katara. She thinks Katara loves her too. But like water and fire, they keep dancing around each other. It also doesn't help that Katara is still with Aang, even if Katara these days doesn't care much for him.
Rest would be continue in next part! If someone wants to take these headcannons up as fanfic ideas, feel free to do so!!
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writingrapscallion · 8 months
Avatar Ruby AU
Idea for Avatar AU inspired by this great fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50903554/chapters/128597659
So after reading this fic, I've been having an ATLA Whiterose AU in my head for days. The setting I've been thinking of is much like the regular show— the Fire Nation's at war with the rest of the world, and Ruby must act before Sozin's Comet returns. The Air Nomad Genocide was closer to 20 years ago than 100, and was done after capturing the previous Avatar rather than to kill the next Avatar. The Fire Nation believed that, by killing the entire Air Nation then killing the Avatar, they would forever break the cycle of reincarnation since there would be no Air Nomads to inherit the Avatar Spirit. This plot was only barely stopped by the survival of one Air Nomad: Summer Rose.
Team RWBY:
Ruby Rose:
Daughter of the last surviving Air Nomad, Summer Rose, and a Fire Nation soldier, Taiyang Xiao Long.
Taiyang, who had joined up in the Fire Nation army before he truly understood what they were, had done his best to save people from the Air Nomad Genocide. However, he ended up only being able to save Summer, whom he eventually fell in love with.
When Ruby was very little, she was identified as the Avatar. However, the Fire Nation found out and attempted to kill her, leading to her mother's death and her family hiding out on Patch, a small Fire Nation Island.
One of Ruby's oldest memories is her childhood home going up in flames as Firebenders attack— this leads to her repressing her ability to bend fire before she knows that she's the Avatar and, later on, a reluctance to use fire (much like Aang in the show).
Ruby fully believes that she's an Airbender, like her mother, since Taiyang and her Uncle Qrow didn't tell her she's the Avatar
Much like in the show, Ruby's a cheerful, mischievous kid. She uses her Airbender speed to rush everywhere, although she's been reprimanded for risking her identity enough times that she doesn't use it around people.
She works as a blacksmith's apprentice to her father, and is still obsessed with weapons— Crescent Rose very much exists in this AU, although it's unfortunately not a gun.
She hopes to be a freedom fighter like her Uncle Qrow. However, for all her hatred of Fire nation imperialism, she's not got the blinding hatred of someone like Jet (or in this universe Adam). She truly hopes she can bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict (even if she's not as violence adverse as Aang).
When she's 15 years old, she accidentally unleashes her Avatar powers to save Yang and has to flee her home to avoid discovery.
Yang Xiao Long:
After Taiyang left the army but before he and Summer got together, Taiyang had a relationship with a pirate named Raven. Although she's Fire Nation by birth, Raven's Raiders are really a scourge on all four nations, preying on whoever has something they can take.
Although Taiyang initially believed Raven to be someone like him, Fire Nation by birth but taking a stand against their Nation's evils, he leaves when he realizes that she's just motivated by greed and doesn't care who she hurts.
Yang remembers a bit more about Summer than Ruby does, and hates the Fire Nation government as much as her sister. She's not quite as idealistic as her sister, and is a lot more suspicous of people they meet (especially Weiss).
Taiyang taught her his own, very physical style of Firebending, and Yang took to it like a duck to water. Her flames are even fiercer than her father's, but she lacks some of his control— nothing that would be a serious issue against an unskilled opponent, but maybe down the road...
Does several missions with her Uncle Qrow to sabotage the Fire Nation war effort (she keeps her actions secret due to her father's fears). She's just as surprised as her little sister when, after a botched missions leads to her being almost killed, Ruby enters the Avatar State to save her.
Weiss Schnee:
Although a lot of people put Weiss in the Water Tribe due to ice being her thing, it only made narrative sense to me for her to be Fire Nation (also I love Zuko and she's now basically Zuko)
She's the second of three children of the Fire Lord Jacques Schnee and Willow Schnee. Although Willow is the actual heir to the throne since her father was the Fire Lord, Jacques Schnee, a powerful merchant, managed to orchestrate a subtle palace coup after Willow's parents death to take power.
Although the Schnees are Fire Nation royalty, blue is still the main color of their outfits, since blue is the color of very hot fire. As Jacques Schnee would put it: "common flames burn red, but Schnee flames burn blue."
Weiss' parents are much like in the show, with her controlling father orchestrating her childhood while her mother became an alcoholic to deal with her loss of power.
Her older sister, Winter, ran away years ago, and although Weiss doesn't know what happened, she's told that her sister betrayed the Schnee Family and the Fire Nation. Weiss has grown resentful of her older sister, pubicly because she's a traitor but secrelty she's more mad that her sister abandoned her.
The one person Weiss has found she can truly rely on is her butler, a retired Fire Nation soldier named Klein. Although Klein was a decorated warrior, he retired from the military (partially due to his disagreement with the military's new priorities). He was chosen to be Weiss' attendant, and pretends to be simply a servant in public, although he is in truth her closest confidant, a sharp-minded old man who's unshakably loyal to Weiss (AKA ripoff Uncle Iroh).
Much like Zuko, Weiss challenges a plan that would have led to the slaughter of innocent Fire nation Troops (as well as massive civilian deaths) and is forced into an Agni Kai, realizing only too late that she's facing her father.
I think it would be interesting for Jacques to be a non-bender in this, just because ATLA villains are always mighty benders and I think it would be cool to have a non-Bending villain. For this reason, Jacques either physically beats Weiss since she refuses to fight (with some kind of monologue about how all the Firebending in the world and she's still too weak to fight him) or a proxy like Cinder fights for Jacques. This is where Weiss gets her eye scar, as well as a lot of other, less visible scars.
Although Weiss was previously a Firebending prodigy, after months of recuperation due to her injuries in the Agni Kai she's become rusty, struggling to be as good as she once was. She's continually upset by her failure to live up to, in her eyes, "basic standards," unable to even conjure her family's signature blue flame.
Once she's healed, Weiss is sent into exile until she, you guessed it, captures the Avatar. She's accompanied by Klein and an old ship she'd commandeered on what seems like a wild goose chase, until, suddenly, she sees a pillar of light.
Blake Belladonna:
I feel like Blake should have cat ears, but I don't want to figure out how the Faunus into this universe, so everyone who is a Faunus in the original show will continue to be one but it will just never be commented on.
The White Fang are a radical anti-Fire Nation group (much like Jet's Freedom Fighters in the original). Although motivated by the very real misdeeds of the Fire Nation, the White Fang has lately begun indiscriminate attacks on Fire Nation citizens and even Earth Kingdom groups it views as collaborators due to their leniency.
Blake was a member of the group until Adam, the group's leader and her lover, plotted to collapse a mine that was being used to fuel the Fire Nation war effort. When Blake realized that most of the workers who would die in the mine collapse were Earth Nation and only working there out of fear for their families, she tried to stop Adam from but he merely stated that they were collaborators who deserved what they got. Blake realized how twisted he and the group had become and decided to leave.
When Blake encounters Ruby and Yang, she suspects that they may be Fire Nation spies and joins their group, attempting to deduce their purpose (imagine how Jet thinks of Iroh & Zuko except a lot subtler). Upon realizing who they truly are, she enthusiastically volunteers to join them, believing this to be a way to truly help defeat the Fire nation.
Blake is incredibly cynical and, while not as blinded by rage as Adam, still has a deepset hatred of the Fire Nation. Meeting Yang and Ruby, friendly people raised in the Fire Nation, caused her to rethink some of her assumptions about the Fire Nation, assumptions further challenged by Weiss.
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biconickyoshi · 2 months
I know taatfp come first, but I just want to let you know that your zukaang tgcf au definitely has a waiting audience.
As someone who ship zukaang and is in mxtx fandoms, I remember thinking "what brought this on???" when I first saw your fic but I was and still am curious about the premise. Then months later while brain rotting about how Zuko seriously worshiped Aang, the answer slapped me in the face and I could finally put one and two together.
So yeah, I have a mighty need to see where you want to go with that tgcf au
Aww thank you so much!! :) I’m happy to hear that, especially since that fic is not nearly as popular as TAatFP. I definitely have a lot of interesting ideas floating around in my head for TFoTLA, and I’ve got a whole document with a bunch of stuff brainstormed for how each AtLA character would fit into the world TGCF. I just need to figure out a direction for it lol.
Even though I don’t have any more chapters written yet, here are some of the plot ideas I have so far:
- Instead of butterflies, Zuko can summon silver dragonflies. E-Ming can also be split in half to be his broadswords.
- For the Ghost Bride Arc, Ju Dee would be Xuan Ji, General Fong would be General Pei. Haru would be Pei Jr. “Kya”, “Lin”, and “Bumi” (Katara, Toph, and Sokka) would be sent by Suki (Ling Wen) to help Aang for this mission.
- For the Banyue Arc, Meng would be Banyue, and she and Haru would have been friends long ago. This is where Zuko, appearing as his 16yo scarless self, would first show himself to Aang. This is also where Aang would eventually meet Mai and Ty Lee (Ming Yi and Shi Qingxuan), disguised in their male forms at first.
- For the Ghost City Arc, Sokka, Ty Lee, and Jet (Lang Qianqiu) go with Aang to Ghost City, where Aang sees Zuko’s true form for the first time as The Blue Spirit ghost king, the way he looked when he died at age 19. Aang and Ty Lee find Mai in a dungeon on Zuko’s property, injured.
- Don’t have a lot written down for the Fangxin Guoshi Arc, other than Jet is pissed bc he thinks Aang killed his family. Aang and Zuko meet the Yellow Calamity, Ozai (this story’s Qi Rong lmao)
- There’s a lot of arcs I haven’t written anything down for, but for the Blackwater Arc, it’s gonna be: Azula (the Shi Wudu equivalent, but not related to Ty Lee) sabotaged Mai’s ascension (by somehow making her family go destitute), and Azula and Ty Lee ascend together. In this fic, Azula would have had feelings for Ty Lee and been jealous of her closeness with Mai. Eventually, Mai would die and become a ghost, but like HC in the novel, still be able to ascend even after death. So she does, and Azula is like WTF but she can’t do anything about it, and Mai isn’t aware that Azula was the one who ruined her life. However, Mai eventually finds out and plans her revenge on Azula, but it won’t end as tragically as in TGCF lol. Azula would be the one to get her divine status revoked and banished to the mortal realm following this, while Mai and Ty Lee would remain gods.
Now that I’m reviewing all of my brainstorming stuff, it’s making me want to work on this AU again 😭 But I really need to finish the next couple chapters of TAatFP first lol.
We’ll see if I have the brainspace and energy to work on TFoTLA in my free time once I finish that, though…
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eponastory · 6 months
Heya! Me again! XD I might need some writing advice.
First of all, I'm trying to get back to writing something, but I want to write an ATLA AU retelling where the characters are older and it's Zutara/Sukka/and Taang-based! :) Problem is, I have like 23 unfinished stories on AO3(four more on FF.Net), and I don't want to like, make another story to add it onto the pile, but...well, in your expertise (I mean, I hear that you write really well), should I just focus on the ones I've written now?
Secondly, how do I get back in the groove of writing? I feel like when I get myself going back to it, it just makes my head feel heavy or something, or I'm just tired. ^^; I don't know, maybe I'm writing too much. I just got other stories to update that I haven't for a while and I want to like...not let everybody wait for the next update on those stories, and...well, I just need some advice on procrastination, I guess. ^^;
I hope I'm making sense. I want to write, but I can't seem to get it going. Maybe I'm distracted too much. What do you do when this happens? What should I do? :O
(Also, no worries about the crossovers! I have two one-shot fics of ATLA, but they're both Taang-centric. ^^; They also have Zutara and Sukka in them, but they're only minor. XD I also did some Taang Week stories that I did in 2020. :) Either way, if you don't do crossovers, there are those to read! :D )
I will definitely check them out!
When I can. Because I've got like... four papers to edit for these people in college that are too lazy to edit their own. That's okay, I get paid for it.
And then there is my current fic I'm obsessed (it's unhealthy, I know) with and then I have to start planning for ZKBB...
Please have mercy on me.
I'm also pretty hungry for Chicken Shawarma for some reason and I really need some ice cream. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate.
@omegansamurai *edited because I am a dingus*
I totally missed the middle part of this ask. I apologize for that... I feel like such an idiot for missing that.
So, a neat little trick I like to do is a word avalanche. It helps get the thoughts going and keeps you on track. You just start with one word, and then you find the words, emotions, or senses that go with that word. It helps with creating scenes and prompts, you name it. I've been doing it for years, and sometimes, it ends up being a whole outline for an epic adventure.
If you have the opposite problem of too many projects at once, cut back on the stories that you feel aren't cutting it. Don't try to force something if you get stuck. Let it sit. Think about it while working on another project. Then go back. I like to keep a journal of all my thoughts that randomly pop up when I'm having a difficult time with a story. I write down those thoughts so I can go back to them later. Most of the time, especially with some of my original works, I get really stuck, and they sit for months. With fan fiction, it can be years before I go back to them. But when I do decide to pick them back up again, I have a journal with everything written down on where I wanted to go with it.
Prompts are also a good thing to practice getting better at introspective and character analysis if you are having issues with that. Putting characters in sticky situations tends to develop them more.
Also, it's totally okay to let go of stories you don't feel connected to anymore. You can always go back to them later on if you ever get the drive for it.
But rule number one is always do what you can make the time for. Overwhelming yourself will cause burnout. One idea at a time. Develop it, write it down. Make it work. But don't try to do too much at one time.
Again, I'm sorry for totally missing the point of your ask... I think I had just finished up that chapter and was posting on both my phone and computer.
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bookgeekgrrl · 6 months
My media this week (10-16 Mar 2024)
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🥰 Art Thief, Heart Thief (odetteandodile) - 58K, stucky white collar inspired AU - enjoyed how author took the WC set up (fbi art agent, criminal consultant) and made it theirs & perfect for stucky
💖💖 +195K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Midlife Crisis (profoundalpacakitten) - MCU: stucky, 7K - reread, forever fave - the quiet, piercing, understated tenderness in this fic is unmatched
Progredi (justanotherStonyfan) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 37K - the next installment in the fabulous Honey Honey series
Pistachios and Rose Water (goldsaffron) - The Old Guard: kaysanova, 15K - J&N spend 10 years putting down roots, building a home & collecting a found family as Nicky learns to express his love through food
Consensual Catfishing (foresthearts) - Stranger Things: steddie, 32K - modern AU, told via social media - delightful story! adored these characters & their voices and using all different sorts of SM to tell it. brilliant idea, adeptly executed. the art is also pretty great
they're going to send us to prison for jerks (greatunironic) - Stranger Things: steddie, 16K - another really fun modern steddie with a strong social media AU premise
Os Impurum (the_deep_magic) - The Eagle | The Eagle of the Ninth: Marcus Flavius Aquila/Esca Mac CunovalMarcus/Esca, 18K - solidly good fic about marcus/esca post canon, esp marcus discovering some new things about himself 😉
Ghosts (US) - s3, e5
Game Changer - s6, e3
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "For the Hoard!" (s7, e15)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Treachery at Gramercy" (s7, e16)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Two Sides of the Same Coin (Part 1)" (s7, e17)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Two Sides of the Same Coin (Part 2)" (s7, e18)
D20: Adventuring Party - s3, e12-16
Um, Actually - s9, e2
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Cursed Out" (s21, e10)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Cool Ranch Communion" (s16, e10)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Big Little Crimes" (s4, e1)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Chicanery at Shoeby's Casino" (s4, e2)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Scheming and Scoring Fairy Dust" (s4, e3)
Agatha Christie's Marple - "The Secret of Chimneys" (s5, e2) [shout out to @leupagus for this rec; they were not wrong about the acting choices made here 🤩]
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep001 The Open Door
What Next: TBD - Instagram’s Pedophile Problem
Desert Island Discs - Cillian Murphy, actor
WikiHole - Lenny Kravitz (with Paul F. Tompkins, Drew Tarver, and Heléne Yorke)
This Cultural Life - Andrew Scott
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Our 2024 Oscars Recap
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Grave of XYZ
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Morgan Parker
WikiHole with D'Arcy Carden - Fear of Dolphins (with Kumail Nanjiani, Emily Gordon, and Jonah Ray)
The Allusionist - 190. Craters
WikiHole with D'Arcy Carden - Tetris (with Adam Pally, Jon Gabrus and Blair Socci)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Lighthouse Keeper
⭐ Vibe Check - A Special Conversation with Afeef Nessouli
Short Wave - What We Know About Long COVID, From Brain Fog to Fatigue
⭐ Decoder Ring - Why Stylists Rule the Red Carpet
⭐ 99% Invisible #573 - Toyetic
You Are Good - My Best Friend's Wedding w. Sam Sanders
If Books Could Kill - Lean In
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Law of the Tongue
Imaginary Worlds - The Nine Lives of Red Dwarf
Today, Explained - Lip gloss, gum, and the Pill
Dear Prudence - My Ex Had Sex With My Brother. Help!
What Next: TBD - Is TikTok Cooked This Time?
Short Wave - Are We On The Brink Of A Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough?
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Love Lies Bleeding And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - The Music Man, Part 1
Welcome to Night Vale #244 - A Multiplicity of Kevin
Today, Explained - Hollywood’s still not back
99% Invisible - The Power Broker #03: David Sims
Off Menu - Ep 233: Frankie Boyle (Live in Glasgow)
⭐ Hit Parade - Gotcha Covered Edition
The Donnas
Smooth Rockabilly
Respect: '60s Iconic Women
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lizardlicks · 9 months
one vague ATLA idea I have in mind for AU stuff is less specific but more of a broad AU spectrum and the general point is that instead of Team Avatar being a fairly small central group, they pick up people as they go along so that the folk who join them in the Zuko Friendship Arc and flee at the begining of the Southern Raiders stick around since their introduction; Haru, maybe a few members of Jet's crew, perhaps Jee from Zuko's crew following the end of Book Water, Chit Sang after the boiling rock, maybe even Iroh throughout Book One as a more extreme AU where Aang accidentally incapacitates Zuko and takes him hostage early on and Iroh and Zuko's crew go 'oh nooooo you have captured us and we're with you now I guess' while Iroh low key attempts to provide Aang perspective on the Fire Nation for dealing with them and some basics on Firebending philosophy, but anyway who else do you think would be interesting to see in this kind of AU joining up with Aang and his mission to free the world
Answering this TEN DAYS LATER OOPS
Personally I haven't thought about anyone else joining the gaang outside of Zuko joining the gaang early plots. First, I wouldn't include any of the adults. While yeah, there's something wrong with their world in the fact that actual teenagers have to save it from a century of war, if we actually stuck one of the adults into the group dynamics, they would alter the story and themes in a way I don't find satisfying. Too many of their own motivations and personal hang ups. Iroh works for Zuko because Zuko doesn't really have friends or any other social support, but even so to get to the core of Zuko, we have to separate Iroh's direct influence on him.
So for the other kids: NGL I think Haru as a character is boring. he's dry wheat toast. He exists only as a vessel for katara's hero complex. Teo could be a lot of fun; him and Aang play off each other really well, and it would give us more non-bender rep.
Jet I could not see willingly giving up his leadership role and joining the gaang. He might butt heads with Sokka first, but eventually he would piss off "everyone works together and does their fair share" katara, "I don't respect any form of authority" toph, and even "we're all friends and equals here" aang when he won't give any slack to the reigns-- metaphorically but also possibly literally. Similarly, I don't think smellerbee or longshot would willingly leave jet.
I love The Duke and Toph's relationship. I would have thought of anyone in the gaang for him to latch onto he would have gone with Aang or Sokka, but him looking up to and becoming really good friends with Toph is just really good. And him and Pipsqueak are more non bender rep too!
Suki joining the gaang earlier than canon would be great, especially if she brought a couple other kyoshi warriors along with and we got to see more of their dynamic as a group! Plus more sukka, and Sokka in the kw outfit.
Yue. Alright I apparently lied above, Yue is definitely one that I've thought about joining the gaang. In AUs where Yue lives, her getting out of the North and coming into her own as a person who can assert her expertise and authority is a big deal for her. Might also add some fascinating conflict: did she leave with Arnook's blessing or did she see an opportunity and leap??
Thousands of words have been devoted to the "zuko joins the gaang early" tag, but here's mine:
Zuko knows Azula. He knows not to trust when she puts her hands up and claims defeat. It's an old, old trick, not even a clever one, and they both know it. When her smile falls on uncle, Zuko doesn't even think twice. He's burned before. He knows how. Sinks into that familiar pain like an embrace from an old friend.
Iroh is horrified when Zuko drops like a stone (sick with guilt that he has to see this again, again, it never seems to end). Zuko stays down. His nephew never stays down. He begs the gaang for help, pleads for a mercy he knows neither of them have yet earned. They hesitate, but Toph also insists; Mushi, Iroh, whoever he is, he was kind to her. Whatever his nephew did, the other kids are alive and whole enough to bitch about him, so it couldn't have been so bad as to deserve a slow, painful death.
Katara pulls back his clothes, revealing the burns, the deep purple-black bruises from his fight with the earthbender soldiers, his starvation and exhaustion. It's abundantly clear to everyone that Zuko needs more help than they can give just standing around in an abandoned desert town, and the kids are exhausted. Iroh asks one more favor, a big one: watch over his nephew and keep him out of trouble while Iroh tracks down some old friends who will help find someplace safe for them to hide.
It's only supposed to be temporary, but now the gaang have to deal with wrangling a cranky, ornery firebender who's ass much a threat to himself as he is to them.
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sorenphelps · 2 years
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marauders x atla/lok AU -- remastered.
I’ve been rewatching atla with my bf recently, which really put me in the mood to revisit this old idea. So I present you a brand new fanart of Peter, Remus, Sirius, James, Lily and Snape (from left to right) designed as atla/lok characters. Also, have an additional sketchdump with some scenarios and whatnot.
Some further unreasonably detailed ideas:
James is an earthbender/metalbender, the only son of famous metalbending acupuncturists. He is also the pro-bending team captain of the Zaofu Saber-tooth Moose Lions. His teammates are Kingsley (firebender) and Xenofilius Lovegood (water/swampbender). He has a very obvious crush on Lily, non-stop trying to impress her with little gifts and dangerous stunts. He is a clever and resourceful prankster. His metalbending master was McGonagall, who is deep down a little disappointed that James became a pro-bender instead of a detective. She watches all of his matches anyways.
Lily is a non-bender from Republic City, who is a chi-blocker and a herbalist. Her childhood friend is Snape who also shared an interest in herbs and poisonous plants. Lily started learning chi-blocking because Snape became way too invested in bloodbending. She is secretly a pro-bending fan and is very fascinated by James’ seemingly failed attempts at flirting. She is estranged with her sister as Petunia hates benders. Lily developed a friendship with Sirius over both of them sharing a complicated relationship with their siblings. She bonded with Remus over their interest in healing.
Sirius is a powerful firebender who owns a motorbike. He met James while trying to fix a stubborn loose screw and they’ve been inseparable ever since, pulling off various shenanigans. He has an unlimited number of parking and speeding tickets. Because of this, he's been sentenced multiple times by Police Chief McGonagall to perform community service in Republic City’s Power Plant generating lightning. His family originates from the richest Fire Nation colony governors, who managed to maintain their noble status and money, but also their traditionalism. They enrolled Sirius to the Fire Nation Army so he could become a high-ranking officer as expected, but he eventually deserted to find real adventures. He still wears his military uniform jacket as a memento.
Remus is a waterbender who has a strong connection to the wolf spirit of the Forgetful Valley. As a little kid he was bitten by a venomous animal possessed by a dark spirit and became very sick. He could be eventually healed by the water of the lake the wolf spirit drank from that season. Hence during full moon his waterbending abilities are charged with the wolf spirit’s energy, forming the shape of the wolf’s head during attacks. He needs to drink from the Forgetful Valley lake waters during lunar eclipses unless he becomes sick again. He works at an animal clinic as a healer. He is dating Sirius, but they are both very awkward about their undeniable feelings.
Regulus is a firebender working as a double agent for Republic City’s Police and Triads. He is involved in various triad business, gathering information and handling pro-bending bets. He is quiet and introverted as opposed to his brother Sirius whose powerful bending abilities and fearless personality gained him quite a reputation. They are not in speaking terms with each other, even though they often get in trouble together when Sirius eventually interferes with his little brother’s operations not knowing he is a double agent.
Peter is a seemingly weak earthbender from Ba Sing Se who cares more about culinary delights than anything else. However, he is deeply involved with Triad business, handling bets, spying and other illegal activities. During a turf war his hand was injured, so he wears a Dai Li rock glove to cover it. As he looks rather harmless, prefers to hide his bending abilities and leaves a general cowardly impression of himself, no one really suspects that he is in fact a spy and a smart player.
Snape is a waterbender prodigy, who also knows much about poisons. He is still obsessed with Lily, even though she has ended their friendship when he demonstrated his self-taught bloodbending abilities on her sister. He spent years researching bending forms and developed his own techniques hoping to win Lily’s trust back. As a result, he is able to bloodbend without a full moon which is his preferred style despite knowing all other sub-forms of waterbending. His talent sparked the interest of Voldemort.
Voldemort is an energy bender who, alongside his mother, was attacked by an enraged snake spirit. His mother died, however he survived due to his awakening energy bending powers, somehow sealing the snake spirit into himself thus enslaving it as his servant. In exchange, his face developed snake-like features. He could turn spirits into dark spirits and seal their power into himself. He planned to find the next Avatar (Harry) so he could rip Raava out of him, corrupt and seal the spirit into himself. He believed this would make him the most powerful being on the world, as then he would gain the bending powers of the Avatar.
Dumbledore is an airbending master and spiritual guru. He has a pet phoenix spirit. He is the grand master of the White Lotus and the unofficial guardian of the spirit portal of Republic City. His main priority is to protect earth citizens as the new Avatar will be born as one of them. However, his master plan is to reconnect Raava and Vaatu and permanently fuse both of them with the Avatar, as only this could bring true balance.
You can find more atla/lok AU content with old ideas here, here and here. Anyone who is willing to write or somehow contribute to this AU, feel free to tag me. I’m in so deep, I might even draw more.
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commonpigeon · 9 months
its that time of year thats exciting exclusively for me. fanfic spreadsheet wrapped 2023.
this year i read 9,020,674 words :O thats over a million more than last year lol (7,815,414). i read 1172 fics total, which was less than last year (1325). so i suppose overall i was reading longer fics.
top ten fandoms
teen wolf - 405
fall out boy - 202
the untamed - 81
stargate atlantis - 53
the witcher - 50
the sandman - 48
x-men - 47
merlin - 46
ted lasso - 20
les miserables & atla & pride and prejudice all had 17 each lol
top ten pairings
derek hale/stiles stilinski - 389
patrick stump/pete wentz - 193
rodney mckay/john sheppard - 50
erik lehnsherr/charles xavier - 46
merlin/arthur pendragon - 45
geralt of rivia/jaskier - 44
dream/hob gadling - 43
lan xichen/jin guangyao/nie mingjue - 36
enjolras/grantaire, elizabeth bennet/fitzwilliam darcy, sokka/zuko - 17 each
aziraphale/crowley - 15
break down into months
top fandom was the sandman, top pairing was dream/hob. makes total sense because i was still clinging on from 2022.
top fic - And Not Ask Leave of Any - dream/hob 15th century faeries au. i have no recollection of this but january me loved it.
february & march
top fandom was the untamed, top pairing was lan xichen/jin guangyao/nie mingjue. i had been rewatching the untamed and was going insane despite not even getting to the best bits for that ot3 lol
Feb top fic - Some others I've seen - steddyhands established relationship - ed and izzy have a tavern and stede visits. again i have no recollection of this and i think its mostly sex
March top fic - An Elegant Solution - nie mingjue/wei wuxian/lan wangji. by far one of my favourite fics EVER and this was a reread and it still hurt me just as good as the first time. arranged marriage fic that fixes so many problems and weirdly the thing that hurts me most wasnt even the main pairing it was the nie minjue/lan xichen/jin guangyao. never has a fic made me pivot from hating to liking a character so effectively
crazy that neither of my fav fics were from my top read pairings lol
top fandom was x-men and top pairing was cherik.
my mum died in late march and i lost my MIND and could exclusively watch media i enjoyed between the ages of 12 and 14 and xmfc was The movie when i was that age
top fic - Weekend at Casterly - jaime lannister/brienne of tarth regency au. sorry i will always come back to these two altho ill admit this was rogue and came out of no where
may & june
top fandom was teen wolf, sterek
may top fic - Yes is a World - sterek. derek rejects stiles and then they get together after a few years and have to reassert boundaries. didnt finish where most fics finish and i enjoyed that extra insight into what happens after the get together
june top fic - it’s a long way forward (so trust in me) - geraskier. reread. geralt is an omega who wants too much. soooo embarassing to put omegaverse on here which i usually avoid but this fic is soooo good their dynamic is perfect
top fandom was the witcher, geraskier
Jinx Removing - sterek. this is saved as dr pepper fic on the spreadsheet which means nothing. another case of derek waiting for stiles and planning for them to be good for each other
bit funny that last month sterek was my top pairing but my fav fic was geraskier and now its swapped for july
august & september
top fandom was merlin, and merthur
august - Once & Future - geraskier, warlord au where geralt is a statue awoken by jaskiers kiss. really beautifully written
september - the devil's in the details - merthur. arthur lists the ban on magic and thinks merlin just learnt really really fast
i left a specific note for myself in september to lmk i was really into reece shearsmith but he simply has no fic. thanks past me
top fandom was sherlock, but the pairing was enjolras/grantaire. i simply have no idea how this happened
Epiphanies - enjolras/grantaire. modern au where they do a christmas reunion and enjolras isnt doing too well. i found this too relatable thumbs up emoji
november & december
ah. well this was the time of fall out boy and peterick. what a way to end the year
nov - Schrodingerverse - covid verse that was written during covid and the series that got me back into peterick. guilty pleasure fic for me
dec - time is luck - there was like 3 good fics this month it was very very hard to choose between. but this ons is the ultimate dynamic that im seeking from modern peterick fic where pete is entirely dedicated to patrick and completely accepting of their friendship and not wanting anymore. But What if He Could Have More???
in summary. when your mum dies make sure you read like a shit ton of sterek fic for 2 months in a tiny box room in a village itll be so good for you. and then go to see your favourite band from when you were 14 live and get back into rpf while trying to start 2 new jobs.
seriously though how did i read 405 teen wolf fics in like 2.5 months and then just never touch sterek again. i didnt even finish teen wolf
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
AU Bot Plots
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This is actually a story I've been mulling over for a while now (even though I can't figure out an end...or a beginning). I love the idea of the ATLA crew encountering aliens especially if the aliens are us. I have an idea for a story which would be a straight up alien encounter. I think it would be more Sokka-centered, which is probably why I'm having so much trouble with putting the story together. I am not used to writing for Sokka as a main.
Sokka took a deep breath as he drew deeper into the trees and away from his friends. He was the life of the party, but even he needed a break from time to time. It was a good thing he was able to slip away unnoticed. Then again, perhaps it was unsurprising. Katara and Zuko were to busy not being completely absorbed in each other to notice Sokka edge his way into the tangle of jungle bushes; Aang was to busy trying to get Katara's attention to see Sokka change directions away from the seaside villa into the overgrown woods; Toph...well, she had probably noticed, but she didn't care about Sokka's quickening steps as he broke away from the chattering of his friends and retreated into the raucous quiet of the night. Suki had gone to bed early, otherwise Sokka was sure she would've insisted on joining him. Not that Sokka would've minded.
Growing up in a village where everyone was constantly in everyone's faces, Sokka had long ago learned the value of alone time. Tonight, he had no real aim. He wandered along a meandering trail that he was certain had once been well manicured. The sounds of night creatures and the waves crashing on the beach were soothing. After weeks of seemingly non-stop talking and people interrupting special, intimate moments to seek his advice, and refereeing arguments between a raging hot-head and the guy who'd just joined the group, the sounds surrounding him were a balm.
Eventually, Sokka emerged on a cliff overlooking a lagoon. Zuko had mentioned it, but no one had cared enough to trek through the tangled vines and overgrown paths to find it. Until now, that is. Sokka gazed down at the water. It sparkled invitingly under the moonlight. If it had been daytime, Sokka might've tried diving off the cliff, but the moon did little to reveal any potential dangers in the water below. It would be just his luck to crack his head on a rock and drown with his waterbending sister not more than a hundred yards away. Instead Sokka lowered himself to the ground and let his legs dangle off the cliff-edge. He leaned back and sighed contentedly.
In spite of the nearly full moon that night, the stars glowed bright. Sokka let his eyes drift away from Yue after a few moments and traced the constellations he recognized. One star in particular caught his eye. It was one he wasn't familiar with. It was bright and pulsed in that strange way larger stars seemed to if you stared at them too long. If he focused a bit, it almost seemed to get bigger and brighter. It seemed to shift if he blinked.
Sokka blinked, and suddenly the star was much brighter. And bigger. Was it moving closer? Sokka gasped, and leapt to his feet. Was it a meteor? Was he about to be killed by the same stone that his sword was made of?
The star suddenly flickered out. Sokka squinted into the sky, trying to find it again. Then, suddenly, the stars directly above him were gone. It took Sokka a moment to realize that the stars weren't actually gone. They were being hidden by something large. Something large and dark. It was an airship of some kind, Sokka realized with a gasp. Had the Fire Nation found them? Had Ozai suddenly decided on a whim to visit the beach house he'd abandoned years ago? But how did the ship get there without notice? Sokka had barely blinked and suddenly it was there. The Fire Nation airships weren't capable of that...were they?
The racing thoughts in Sokka's head came to a screeching, crashing halt when the bottom of the ship began to open. A light was suddenly visible. It was red, and if he hadn't been standing directly under it, Sokka wasn't sure if he'd even be able to see it. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he should get away. He wasn't sure what exactly he was looking at, but he was sure it would be best not to be spotted by whoever was in that ship. Still, he gaped up at the dim red opening, his legs refusing to listen to his brain's urging to run.
A smaller circular shadow appeared in the opening, and to Sokka's surprise, it began a slow descent. Was this the Mechanist's work? Something he'd provided the Fire Nation before he'd come to his senses and defected ? It was too late to run now. If he caught the attention of whoever was on the platform, he might be spotted. He did his best to curl tightly into the shadows of the bushes and watched. The platform was close enough now that he could see who was on it. He blinked hard and then rubbed his eyes. What exactly was he looking at? The figure looked all wrong. The head was too big, the body too thin and lanky. Was it a spirit? Sokka peered closer trying to make sense of what he was seeing, but then the...creature's head turned sharply towards him, and Sokka did his best to swallow a yelp. The thing's angular black eyes took up roughly two thirds of its face, and it's mouth was non-existent. It must've been a spirit, Sokka thought. That was way out of his league. All thoughts of caution be hanged, he thought. He turned and fled back from where he came, crashing through the bushes and trees, heedless of anything but getting away from...whatever that was back there. He could hear it pursuing him. Panic flooded to Sokka and sent adrenaline rushing to his legs giving him a powerful burst of energy, but suddenly, he froze. It was like being bloodbent, but different somehow. Bloodbending he knew he could at least struggle against, but this felt as if his body had been completely shut down. He couldn't move. He couldn't cry out. Even his eyes refused to move at his command. Then suddenly, he was being dragged backwards, though no one was touching him. He was being pulled back towards the cliff and that strange airship that he was now absolutely certain was not a Fire Nation vessel.
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Good morning Bridgy. For the ship ask thingy: Frostbyte? Please have a nice day.
Also, I'm gonna put in a request for the next chapter of either blind or transfer student Weiss while I'm at it, please.
(I didnt forget you. For the shipping asks, Frostbyte is a fun one for me to explore, especially in an au setting where Weiss finds out about Penny before coming to Beacon. I have a couple of ideas regarding this ship that I still havent figured out.)
And for your request:
“I’ll take you both out on a shopping trip in Vale!” Weiss practically yelled as she stepped up onto a chair. “A change of scenery will cheer you up. And we can find a few things to help spruce up the dorm.” 
Yang sighed. “We dont exactly have room for anything more in the dorm. Besides, why the sudden interest in Vale now? For the last three weeks you’ve been here, you’ve done nothing but complain about how different it is from Atlas.” 
Weiss’s smile dropped for a moment as she stepped down from her chair. “Okay, I want to try to make things right with you. All of you. I know its been rough to deal with me and I-” her voice started to quiet as she continued. “-I… wanted to try to catch some of the visiting students for the Vytal Tournament.” 
Yang rolled her eyes. “I knew there was a catch.” 
“She has a point though,” Blake spoke up. “We havent exactly had an easy time getting along with her and maybe… going into town might give us a bit of time to get to know each other better.” 
Ruby nodded. “And we should start paying attention to who the competition will be for the tournament too. After it was delayed from last year, I’m sure the teams will be different.” 
“I’ll make it worth your while too.” Weiss pulled out her scroll and started to thumb through the itinerary she made. “We’ll stop by the weapons shop for Ruby to get her a new scope for her scythe, we’ll stop by the bookstore for you and Blake, and then we can have lunch at the new cafe that opened.” 
Yang took a moment to think things over and finally nodded. “Alright, we go to Vale, follow your plan, and that is all we do. Nothing more.” 
“I wont let you regret it.” Weiss smiled a bit as she led her team through the halls of Beacon and to the landing area to take the airship back to Vale, starting to relax as she walked. For once, she felt like she could start moving on, start getting to know her teammates and let others in where she was wounded. And yet… she still found herself starting to focus on Blake and the bow she wore. A small fear in the back of her mind started to rear its head around about what could be hiding under it. She shook her head to dismiss the thought, mentally berating herself for even thinking Blake was hiding anything. 
“Everything alright, Weiss?” Blake asked. “You’re not having second thoughts spending time with us, are you?” 
“No, of course not.” Weiss took her seat on the airship back to Vale, thumbing through her scroll to take her mind off her fears. “A little nervous, I guess, but that’s mostly since its my first time actually exploring Vale. Compared to Atlas, it’ll be like going to the underbelly of Mistral.” 
“Vale isnt some crime infested kingdom just because it’s not Atlas,” Yang said with a frown as she sat down. “We get it, Atlas is better, but Vale has its own charm. The sooner you give it a chance, the better it’ll seem to you.” 
“And I’m giving it a chance to show me what this kingdom has to offer.” 
“And what kind of a chance is that?” 
“A chance.” Weiss looked out the window of the airship as it started to take off, making its way over the forest and to the city. She had to admit, Vale had a lot more to offer in the way of scenery outside the kingdom than Atlas did, which was one of the few reasons Atlas made trips to the continent of Anima for training missions near Argus. 
Her heart started to thump in her chest as she thought about the last training mission she was on in a forest similar to the Emerald forest, her breathing starting to quicken as time seemed to slow down around her for a brief moment. Weiss gently pressed a hand to the glass in front of her, fingers shaking as she looked down, and then pulling away as her reflection turned into the White Fang member that had captured her. Red hair, horns just above a grimm-like mask, blue eyes that seemed to pierce into her the longer she stared. 
Weiss finally snapped out of it as she heard a soft alarm on her scroll, slowly fumbling through her bag for her medication and water bottle that she kept on her. It took a moment for her to open the bottle and dump a couple pills into her hand, shaking as she popped them into her mouth and washed them down with a little water. 
“You have anxiety too, huh?” Ruby asked. 
“We… we all have our own flaws,” Weiss responded as she started to calm, slowly putting her pills away. “But… yes. Though I’d prefer not to talk about it.” 
“Alright, but just know you’re in good company.” 
Not like you’d understand, Weiss thought to herself, keeping her eyes on the window of the airship as it started to make its way over Vale and to the landing pad near the far edge of the city. The first thing she noted that she hadnt noticed before was how much quieter the city seemed to be compared to Atlas or even Mantle. While there were still plenty of cars on the streets, there seemed to be more people out walking than driving. Though, what really caught her eye was seeing one of the SDC dust outlet stores with cops around it. 
As the airship landed, Weiss quickly pulled out her scroll and started to get a map app up to plot a course to the dust shop. It was on the way to the weapons shop that she had planned to take Ruby to and figured it’d be worth the look to see what was going on. “We need to take a slight detour. Something personal has come up and I need to check something out.” 
Yang sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I thought we agreed to stick to our original plan? Its not like we have a lot of time to be here before the last shuttle back to Beacon-” 
“And we’ll be able to make it in time,” Blake said as she put a hand on Yang’s shoulder. “Besides, maybe this will give us a chance to learn more about Weiss. Just like she’s been trying to do for us.” 
“It wont take long, just a quick stop to a dust shop and its on the way anyway.” Weiss started to walk down the street, glancing down at her scroll as she led her team to the dust shop. Once the dust shop came into view, she stopped and paused as she saw the damage to it. Windows were shattered, the door had been broken, and all the dust on the shelves had been lifted. 
“This is the third dust robbery this week,” one of the cops said to his partner. “No money or weapons taken, just the dust.” 
Another cop shrugged and finished taping off the building. “Maybe its a rogue huntsman trying to stock up. Wouldnt be the first time.” 
“Or maybe it was the White Fang,” Weiss said under her breath as she started to look up the other shops that were robbed. While none of the witnesses were hurt unless they fought back, the only stores that had been robbed in Vale were those that were in partnership with the SDC. Her blood began to boil as she frowned at her scroll, taking a look at a picture of a figure in the dark of one of the robberies. 
“Not everything that goes wrong is the White Fang,” Blake retorted. “All they want is to make things better for faunus and are a bit misguided.” 
“They’re a terrorist organization, Blake!” Weiss snapped. “That’s not just a bit misguided.” 
“Okay, very misguided.” Blake sighed and looked at the damage to the dust shop, her ears twitching under her bow. “If it was the White Fang, why take only the dust? That isnt exactly something they’ve done before.” 
“Because its not about the dust, its about sending a message to my family!” Weiss turned to look at Blake, glaring at her. “The White Fang are monsters. Killers. They’ve done nothing but hurt my family’s company and everyone we consider friends.” 
“Maybe if the Schnee Dust Company could quit taking advantage of faunus-” 
“We dont take advantage of them! We pay them just like the rest!” 
“And they’re the only ones your company ever sends out into the dust mines!” 
Weiss frowned. “We send more than just faunus in there. Besides, the White Fang are the ones that take things too far. If it were up to me, I’d put an end to them.” 
Ruby quickly rushed between the two, gently pushing them apart. “Weiss, why dont you and I go to the weapons shop and Blake and Yang can go to the bookstore. Then, we can meet up for lunch?” 
“Fine,” Weiss huffed as she started to walk off. “Our reservation is at one, dont be late.” 
Ruby quickly followed after Weiss. “What exactly was that about?” 
“Just putting the blame where it belongs.” Weiss felt her heart start to pound in her chest, her legs shook with each step as she angrily walked. After a few minutes, she found a bench to sit down at and started to fumble around her bag for anything to help her calm down. “The White Fang are a menace to everyone no matter where they’re at.” 
“Yeah but… they tend to stick to protesting here. Blake’s right, robbing a dust shop isnt exactly something they do-” 
“Its exactly something they’ll do if they’re willing to kill!” Weiss grabbed a stress ball out of her bag and started to squeeze it in rhythm with her breathing, trying to calm herself. “They’re the reason I’m here and not continuing at Atlas.” 
Ruby looked at her confused. “I… I dont think I understand.” 
Weiss stood up and started walking again, continuing to squeeze her stress ball to take her mind off of everything. “Forget it. Lets salvage our day and get you to the weapons shop. I still owe you a new scope.”
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