#and send him to hell
Emily Axford they could NEVER make me hate you
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alkalamity · 3 months
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Hear me out. Ratiorine AU where Aventurine is a mer captured by a group of researchers and Ratio is the scientist brought on board to teach him how to speak and access his intelligence levels.
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sentient-stove · 3 months
“I grew up without parental supervision in a mansion filled with stolen magical artifacts right next to the mundane not magic ones. Of course I was gonna develop my own magical signature.” He popped the lock, and Elle watched as Tim spit into his hand, using it to smudge the charcoal wards on the window frame. “I want a Mr. Whippy.”
She’s starting to see why Mr. Constantine is supposed to be watching them. Tim was clearly hyper independent, and didn’t seem to be worried about falling to his death, clambering out of the window to perch delicately on the fire escape. Elle also considered herself to be decently hyper independent but Danny had said to ‘trust Constantine and lay low’. Heading out to find whatever a Mr. Whippy was seemed like the opposite of laying low.
“What’s a Mr. Whippy?”
“Cheap ice cream with a Cadbury Flake. Best London’s got to offer. Want to help me find a place that sells them?”
“Did you really use necromancy? More than once? And try to clone someone?”
“I’ll tell you about the first guy I brought back if you help me annoy Constantine by breaking out. Never cloned anyone though. Like, I mean,” Tim trailed off and pulled his hoodie sleeves over his fingers, nervously fidgeting. “I looked into the schematics of possibly doing so. But cloning him wouldn’t have brought my friend back. So I never followed through.”
Previous miscellaneous section here
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
more clone^2 memes because i think they're funny
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#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#danny fenton is not the ghost king#so canon to clone^2 and clone damian the portal that ends up transporting damian to amity park is left pr ambiguous#so really how he got there could be one of many things whether it be through divine intervention or clockwork's doing or hell#it could've also been quite literally the 1 in 1 millionth chance that a natural portal opened up beneath him and sent him to amity#and was a happy accident#but the idea that the laz pits or another adjacent such entity heard damian wanting an older brother (he meant og damian but oops never-#specified) and then sends him to the one person who could fulfill that wish and make him happy at the same time.#was really funny to me within the context of the lilo and stitch meme. the meme can also be seen the other way around with danny as lilo#and damian as stitch. but danny being stitch was infinitely funnier and ~technically~ more accurate imo#danny technically IS a nice angel but also. he's a developing menace to society (just ask wes) and he's going to make damian one too#danny being from the midwest means he has a midwestern accent and thats not something the bats know how to handle when they finally meet hi#hey look at that! my meme making skills are steadily improving. im no longer making the same joke six different times in different formats#those first two images i made a few days ago the rest i made in the last thirty minutes in a spur of clone^2 induced inspiration#and procrastination of writing the cfau rewrite of the first post. we are 10k words deep folks and just barely got past the 1st gala reunio#dunking on the giw is a god-given right and danny WILL pass it down to damian
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crybaby-bkg · 6 months
you know what’s absolutely terrifying???? having to cut a baby’s nails………
Katsuki has to cut your baby’s fingernails when he discovers a tiny little scratch by her eye one morning. it’s barely there, a small thing, but it’s there, marring her little face nonetheless. he frowns at her when he holds her the next morning, her dreamy eyes alert and blinking up at him, she smiles.
“Now I gotta cut yer claws down,” he mutters to her, voice quiet as to not wake your sleeping form in the bedroom. he pads throughout the house with her chubby face resting on his shoulder, her gums gnawing at his bare skin, but he doesn’t seem to mind it.
he finds himself in a conundrum though, once he realizes just how fucking—how sharp the damn clippers are. they’re tiny, lavender in color, but they’re meant to cut though the nail with such precision. and yes, he’s a pro hero, has had to adopt the title of EMT, firefighter, emergency surgeon a few times in his life when need be.
but…those people weren’t his baby girl. they weren’t this tiny and precious, and they never looked up at him with a face so similar to his, it makes his heart squeeze tight in his chest. he frowns at her again, even deeper, and this makes her hiccup a little giggle, gummy smile spreading wide.
“You’re only gonna wear mittens from here on out,” he grumbles after a while, finally daring to pick up a tiny hand that she instantly curls around his thick finger. it’s the cutest image, he thinks to himself, but he catches sight of the jagged nail, the culprit. his heart squeezes even tighter though, when he realizes that he can’t protect her from every hurt in the world, even if the hurt comes from her own hands. and the realization is an aching one, but he tells himself that he, at least, can patch her up.
you walk in minutes later, find Bakugou curled over your daughter in the rocking chair he built for her room. his tongue pokes from the corner of his mouth in concentration, his eyebrows furrowed. your daughter babbles to him the whole time, her sweet voice cooing the softest little noises that he responds back to.
“I know, I know,” he mumbles to her. “Ya don’t like baths, and don’t like your nails cut, either. What other shit do you hate, huh?” he asks, and she seemingly responds with a long, sighed out coo. it makes him smile, despite the way his hands slightly shake when he cuts the next nail. he’s terrified, of somehow hurting her even more, of cutting too close, of scratching her. but he treks on, and kisses her fat little fingers every time he clips another nail.
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akitalockwood · 7 months
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Here I was, ready to do a cool drawing with Fearne and Ash as the Emperor and Empress AND WHAT'S THAT? TONIGHT'S EPISODE COMES IN WITH A STEAL CHAIR
Commissions OPEN
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ghostbsuter · 8 months
Can be read as a continuation of this
.・゜-: ✧ :-
It's been a few weeks, really, since the day he met his biological father.
The oversized hoodie drowned him, a perfect haven while he waits near the entrance to arkham asylum.
The whole week rushed by after the event. His mom, wonderful, black belt, kickass mom had fretted over him the whole time, messaging his therapist not long after and getting an appointment.
His dad had been clingy, giving him bear hugs left and right, it felt nice. Jazz hadn't let him out of her sight for one moment, always searching, always studying.
Man, he loved his family.
"Are you going to visit him?" The gruff voice of Batman asks, and danny shrieks, jumping away as he looks at the vigilante with wide eyes.
"Oh Ancients—! Don't scare me like that!" Danny scolds, hand over his chest and breathing hard.
He can feel the amusement wafting off of Batman. Or something.
Huffing, the child leans against the brickstone pillar holding the gate again.
"No," he ends up answering. "I'm not here to visit... him."
Batman listens quietly, simply standing next to him. He doesn't pressure nor demand anything. If danny thinks more of it, he might get a headache.
"My sister is an intern in Arkham, we're gonna have dinner with Harley and Ivy today." A shrug, and the wind lovingly pushes him.
"Good." The man states, he hesitates a moment before he stretches his arm out towards danny, opening his hand and showcasing the items.
First is a lollipop, famous for being handed over to children after being saved by the bat himself. Second is a pin, in the shape of Batman's signature bat, it had a red button on the other side however.
"It's an emergency alert, in case anything like this happens again." Is quickly explained and Danny takes them, if not a bit tense.
He is unused to the trust the man shows him despite how short their time was spent together. Danny wonders if the bat already snooped around.
His head snaps to the gate opening, brightening up as Jazz runs through and hugs him.
"Jazz!" He eagerly hugs back, thank looks up at her.
"You gotta meet Bat—" He trails off when they turn to the empty spot next to the pair, wind rustling leaves just as he finished. "man..."
Damn batman.
Danny huffs and tugs at Jazz's jacket. "Nevermind then, c'mon let's get a nice present before we visit harley."
Simply bringing her up seems to have Jazz excited. "I still can't believe we're having dinner with THE Dr. Harleen Quinzel!!!"
"And her wife."
"aND THE Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley!!!"
Her enthusiasm is rubbing off on him, he grins, hooking up his arm around hers, and they're skipping towards town, laughing like maniacs.
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
Fun little silly thought I had about the Lair Games and specifically Leo deliberately losing is all the reasons he could have for doing so.
My favorite headcanon for his main motivation is that Splinter wasn’t proud of him anymore.
I imagine that, in the beginning, winning the Lair Games was Leo’s opportunity to shine. He wasn’t artistic or the baby of the family like Mikey, wasn’t a tech genius who created amazing inventions like Donnie, wasn’t the eldest who was insanely strong and dependable like Raph. So he had to shine somewhere else- anywhere else- and what better way to get attention than to be a winner? A champion?
And then he won too much. And it wasn’t special anymore. He got too big headed, too cocky, he knew this was his element and he ran with it.
Splinter’s words of congratulations slowly petered out. Suddenly, there was no real reason to win.
Winning feels empty when the only one cheering you on is yourself.
So- Leo schemed. And he’s a great schemer, fooling his whole family (and Donnie did deserve a win- people were way happier when he won.)
He even gave up his prized possession! His room!
Though he knows his brothers probably think it’s a bad prize. A terrible one, even.
Leo doesn’t sleep much as is, though. So Dad’s snores were more comforting than anything. It was reassuring to hear him so clearly alive and close by.
Even if the distance between them was larger than Leo’d like.
He’d just have to find something else, something more to show his dad that Leo was someone to trust, to be proud of, to love.
He gets his chance soon after, when he needs to pull off a plan against Big Mama at his dad’s side. Leo can only hope this victory is one that has a lasting effect when his father looks at him with pride once more.
Victory, for Leo, is a pretty loaded term.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#everything Leos do almost always ties back to Splinter send tweet#anyway imo if I was Leo winning every lair game I would be bored as hell#and add on to my own dad joining in with my brothers on being disappointed when I do well?#yeeaaah id be my own biggest fan too#tbh Leo’s big brain plays both in Lair Games and Many Unhappy Returns are his real victories#I will say I was proud of Donnie for doing so well!#he deserves a win definitely#but looking at this from Leo’s perspective and realizing this is JUST before the ‘why don’t any of you trust me’ line hurts#wanna make this hurt more?#how about Leo purposefully wanting to lose…but he was a bit miffed that DONNIE out of anyone won#why?#because Leo makes jokes all the time but Splinter says DONNIE is the funny one#because althroughout Many Unhappy Returns Splinter says how he’d prefer if DONNIE were there instead of Leo#makes me wonder y’know? if there’s any scratchy feelings there#nothing that Leo has against Donnie so much as the assumption that Splinter would prefer him over Leo#which if I was Leo…I’d definitely think so even if Splinter absolutely loves his sons equally#just as Donnie probably assumes the opposite as well#splinter bro plz talk to your sons#but yeah victory for Leo imo is equivalent to acknowledgement#just *seeing* him#so he very easily gets wrapped up in the obsession for being the champion#*lou jitsu* always wins and Splinter wants them more like Lou Jitsu so LEO has to always win or…#or…
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deoidesign · 3 months
Hm... I'm feeling benevolent...
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somecunttookmyurl · 4 months
i love it when shows write out a character (not dead, just... away somewhere else) and then promptly forget they ever existed it's so fun
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Tw: Death, abuse
Villain Tim AU to Abusive!Bruce
Bruce hits, psychological tortures, and verbally/emotional abuses his kids. Tim, who's a villain, is fed up with this.
Tim twirls the revolver as he lazily peers at the man beneath his foot. He's bleeding, the head wound leaking into his eyes, and his breaths are coming out fast. The man is certainly not in a decent state and can't fight back.
"Recognize where we are, Batman?"
The man glowers at his son above him, his jaw clenched as he refuses to answer.
"No answer, B? Typical." The younger man rolls his eyes and presses his foot harder into Bruce's broken ribs. The father doesn't even grimace in pain. Tim's disappointed.
The gun finally stills in the younger man's hand, but his grip is loose. He uses that hand to gesture at their surroundings.
"It's the alley that created Batman and the place that caused an entire section of the city to fall into poverty. I wonder if Joe Chill realized he'd be damning entire city blocks by killing two people."
Tim shrugs as a coy smile suddenly appears.
"Say... this is also where you picked up Jason, right? The child you cared for, drove out to die, and then viscously beat when he returned?"
Tim grinds his foot into Bruce's torso as the smile drops from his face.
"I'm not a fan of those who hurt my siblings. I never retaliated against you in the past because it would've hurt them. No matter how much abuse you dealt out, they still loved you. Hell. I loved you too."
Tim's eyes drift down to the weapon he holds. Bruce's eyes follow and the grin Tim bears is cruel.
"Ah. You know this gun, right? For the two bullets it fired, you're intimate with its make, model, and the scratches on its handle. I bet you could recreate it perfectly from memory."
The man's eyes narrow, and his voice is hoarse when he speaks. Blood beads at the corner of his mouth, and his face is filled with barely contained rage. "Where did you get that?"
Tim snorts as he twirls the revolver in his hand again.
"You melted the original one, correct? Turned it into a symbol of protection after you bought it from an auction?"
Bruce doesn't bother to respond. Tim didn't need him to.
"You're not the only one who can replicate a weapon precisely. When you have a speedster for a friend, time travel is easy as well."
For a second, devastated horror flashes on Bruce's face. A moment that meant a lot to the older man was ruined with a fake. That, more so than the bruises littering his body, pains the older man.
Tim leans closer to Bruce and presses the barrel to the father's head.
Arctic eyes frozen in fury stare at resiliently bitter blue eyes. The teen's face falls to impassiveness as he regards his once mentor.
"You should've kept your hands off of my siblings. When I see you in hell, tell me how it feels to die the same way your parents did."
Three gun shots ring out in the alley. When the police arrive at the scene after a slow response time, they find Bruce Wayne sprawled out in the same spot Martha and Thomas Wayne were killed over three decades ago.
They never find who shot the Prince of Gotham.
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hamletshoeratio · 8 days
In season 4, I demand more Benedict and Hyacinth interactions. Gregory's off to school, Anthony and Kate are off to India, Eloise and Francesca are off to Scotland, the other two have married and moved out, so these two are the last ones under Violet's roof, I love what we've gotten of them but I need more bonding scenes. They're both hilarious and completely unhinged at times, I need more of this chaotic sibling duo.
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buubsii · 5 months
Did some lucifer fanart.. so imma give it to yall!
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milimeters-morales · 4 months
୨⎯ ♡ Dating Miles Morales ♡ ⎯୧
Warnings: None
A/N: First time doing one of these... >_<
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He ditches you for Ganke
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neptunesailing · 5 months
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this is what i meant by 'back on my shit again' btw. d20 fantasy high has taken over my mind. do you forgive me
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reallilystuff · 7 months
*e's your clipse*
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY @pillowspace 🎁🎉🧁🎉🎈🍰🥳🎂 GENTLY THROWING SO MUCH CONFETTI YOUR WAY. it is sea slug shaped. does sea slug shaped confetti actually exist idk but it does now regardless!!
still not sure if i shouldve sent this as an ask but like.....fuck it we ball
i made u a little dancing guy. a little friend. eclips..... seems to me he can't dance for shit /ref
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a few bonus variations below readmore teehee
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and at last
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