#and she notices and forces him to back up from his agreement!!!!!!!
randomname3 · 8 months
Not my aromantic ass seeing aro themes in a rom-com
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vanteguccir · 4 months
Opposite | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Y/N and Matt are polar opposites.
Warning: None.
Requested?: Yes, by @lightsgore
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
PS.: This accidentally took a turn for a kind of "grumpy x sunshine", but I hope you like it either way!
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Matt was not an extroverted person. Unsurprisingly, he was a quieter, more reserved guy who liked to have his own space and took his own time to say what he wanted if he was asked to do so. His mood would change drastically if he was forced to talk when or with whoever he didn't want to.
Y/N, on the other hand, looked like a little ball of light that wouldn't stay still. She had a habit of talking a lot in a short space of time, uttering words until she was out of breath. In addition to always seeming to be in a good mood, a smile decorating her face like a permanent tattoo. Energetic was the word that defined her.
Therefore, when she and Matt revealed their relationship to the public, many fans didn't understand the origin of their love, as they were very different, literally polar opposites.
"... Stop! Stop protecting your insecurities because you know you have an ass haircut, so you're projecting what could possibly happen to me! At least I'm willing to take that change." Nick screamed next to Y/N, moving his arms comically in exaggerated despair.
Chris laughed loudly at his speech, leaning his back against the car door from the passenger seat so that he could have a better view of the back. Matt smiled as he shook his head, watching them in the rearview mirror.
Y/N quickly nodded her head, her eyes wide as she raised her hands, showing that she wanted to initiate her own opinion on the matter.
"Exactly! You only try to diminish others because you are insecure about yourself. It's impossible to be friends with people like that. They are always trying to diminish someone, saying absurd things that cause so much discomfort." She spoke quickly, gesturing with her hands as her eyes darted between Nick and the rearview mirror, or rather, Matt's blue eyes.
Matt watched her with eyes full of love and affection, nodding his head in agreement to what she was saying.
"They're always talking bad about someone, have you noticed?" Y/N turned to face the blonde next to her, pointing her right index finger towards him, who hummed.
"Yes, exactly!" Nick shouted, slamming his hands against the back of Chris's seat, earning an angry shout from the boy.
"People can only give what they have inside themselves." Y/N finished her train of thought, shrugging as she licked her lips, wetting them.
Matt quickly reached for the bottle of his own tea in the cup holder between the front seats, opening the lid and turning his upper body towards the back, silently offering the drink to his girlfriend. She smiled big, sending a wink as a "thank you" before taking the bottle.
"It's good to have Y/N in a video with us. She speaks for both of them." Chris commented briefly, pointing to Y/N and Matt, letting out a hysterical laugh when he saw Matt rolling his eyes - but still not denying anything.
Matt was fast asleep. His head buried in the white pillow, and his body curled up like a burrito around the fluffy duvet. His mouth was half open, low snores escaping from between his lips. His eyelids trembled slightly, showing that his mind was sailing through dream land.
Y/N slowly opened the door with her elbow, her hands occupied by a wooden tray that held a simple but nutritious breakfast for two. The girl had a big smile decorating her face as she walked with light steps towards the bed.
She placed the tray on the closest bedside table in one quick movement before going to the windows, opening the black-out curtains, allowing the sunlight to illuminate the room completely.
A grumbling sound was heard from the bed, Matt lifting the duvet to the top of his head, still half asleep. Y/N smiled at his reaction, quickly walking to the bed, kneeling on the mattress and pulling the blanket off the boy, laying her chest on her boyfriend's bare one, bringing her face closer to his.
"Good morning, my love." She murmured against his cheek, sealing her lips over his skin repeatedly.
Matt grumbled again, his brow furrowing in false anger but pushing his face against hers lightly, enjoying the feeling of being showered in affection by his girlfriend.
"Come on baby, wake up!" Y/N asked a few seconds later - after seeing his eyes closing again -, her fingers pulling Matt's eyebrows up slightly, watching him forcefully open his blue orbs.
Her laughter echoed through the room as the boy pretended to go bite her, a smile spreading across his face instantly.
"It's such a beautiful day outside. I thought we'd have a picnic. Or we could go to that golf park. Oh oh oh, or we could cook that blackberry pie you wanted. We could also-" Her words came quickly, excitement evident in her voice.
Matt's sleepy brain took a few minutes to process what his girlfriend was saying, his head just nodding in agreement without even knowing what he was agreeing to.
"Can we?" Y/N's question caught his attention. Matt only opened his right eye, looking at her for a few seconds, trying to search in his mind what she was asking him to do without achieving any results.
Matt didn't understand how Y/N woke up with so much energy, while he needed at least 20 minutes to really feel alive.
"Yeah, sure." The brunette mentally shrugged his shoulders. She wouldn't have asked him to do something risky to their lives, so it was okay for him to accept it without knowing what it was. Right?
Y/N knocked twice on the door of her shared room with Matt, the sound almost imperceptible. She turned the handle and opened it, entering the room slowly.
The sound of loud music escaped the brunette's headphones, which rested against his ears. The boy was sitting in his gaming chair, and his upper body bent slightly forward as his hands worked on the keyboard, probably answering emails sent to the Sturniolo Triplets inbox.
The girl walked with light and quick steps towards her boyfriend, a small smile on her face in excitement. She gently touched his right shoulder, alerting him to her presence.
Matt looked up, his eyes instantly brightening as he noticed Y/N there. His hands pushed the headphone back - leaving it hanging around his neck - while his feet moved on the floor, turning the chair so that he was facing her.
"Babe, it's raining." Y/N quickly said, without even waiting for him to talk.
Matt frowned, his hands moving up to her hips, lightly squeezing the covered area.
"Yeah, I know, honey." He nodded, confused as to why she would be telling him the obvious, the sound of heavy raindrops hitting the windows from outside filled the room.
"Can we dance in the rain? Please, please, please?" Y/N clasped her hands in front of her body in a sign of prayer, pleading with her eyes.
Matt raised his eyebrows, the thought of getting completely wet with the freezing rain made him shiver, his mind already imagining his clothes sticking to his skin.
He sighed, closing his eyes momentarily.
"What I wouldn't do for you?"
"What do you guys want?" Madi asked as she stood up from her seat at the table on the fast food restaurant, ready to place the triplets' and Y/N's orders besides her own.
Nick quickly said what he wanted without taking his eyes off his phone, choosing the photos that he would put in that Friday's photo dump. Chris mumbled his order, resting his left cheek on his hand - which was supported on the table by his elbow -, his eyes focused on the digital menu on his own phone.
Madi nodded to the two before turning to Matt and Y/N, waiting for them to say what they wanted.
"For me, it's just going to be a cheeseburger and a Diet Coke. And Matt's going to have a double cheeseburger and a root beer." Y/N counted on her fingers as she said each food, watching Madi nod when she finished. "Thank you, Madi." She blew the brunette an air kiss.
Matt pressed his lips to the top of Y/N's head lightly before pulling her to rest the back of her shoulder against his chest.
"No, Chris, I don't want a blueberry donut." Matt rolled his eyes, huffing as he leaned his hips against the table, his arms crossed.
"You're hungry, and it's the only thing we have right now, Matt." Chris rolled his eyes back, exchanging looks with Nate, who smiled, amused by his reaction.
"What happened to you today? Did you wake up with the wrong foot?" Nick asked, his tone full of annoyance, wrinkling his nose.
"Why don't you shut-" Matt's sentence was interrupted by Y/N entering the kitchen, humming a Taylor Swift song under her breath.
"Oh, hi guys! Good morning." Y/N smiled brightly at the four of them, her eyes shining as she met Matt's, approaching him with quick steps - throwing smiles towards Chris, Nick, and Nate as she passed them. "Hi baby." She rose on her tiptoes, sealing his lips in a quick kiss.
A smile automatically grew on Matt's face, his eyes taking on a lovestruck look, all the anger he felt vanishing.
"Did you eat? I didn't see you eating breakfast earlier. You must be hungry." She asked, still facing him, her brow furrowed in concern as her right hand rested lightly on Matt's stomach, stroking the covered skin.
"No, baby. There's nothing interesting here." The boy sighed dramatically, ignoring his brothers' murmurs of disgust.
"We still have blueberry donuts, honey. There are some left over from the video you three made yesterday." Y/N pointed to the counter, where the box of donuts sat next to the stove. "You liked them, right?" She moved slightly away from Matt, reaching out and taking one before handing it to the boy.
Matt instantly smiled, taking the sweet from Y/N's hands with his right one and bringing it to his mouth, biting off a small piece. His left hand rested on Y/N's hip, caressing the area.
"It doesn't even look like he just-" Nick began his sentence, a look of disbelief on his face.
"Thank you, my love." Matt cut Nick off, sending a glare in his direction over Y/N's right shoulder before opening a big smile to her, biting off another piece.
"Hi, good afternoon! How are you?" Y/N greeted the McDonald's attendant, a big smile lighting up her face, as her eyes went to the board where the menu was displayed, mentally confirming what she was going to order.
The attendant smiled back quickly, her heart warming at finally being able to have a kind costumer who wasn't in a bad mood.
"Good afternoon! I'm great, thank you." She nodded momentarily, placing her fingers on the computer screen, ready to select the order. "What can I do for you today?" Her eyes went from Y/N to Matt, who was standing behind the girl.
His hands rested in the front pocket of the hoodie that covered his upper body, while an awkward smile spread across his face, nodding briefly.
Y/N started ordering calmly, including Chris and Nick's orders that she had already memorized - even though they both said they didn't want anything, she knew that Nick would end up biting a peace of her burger and Chris would steal Matt's fries -, giving the attendant time to select everything without rushing.
"Is that all for today?"
"Yes, that's all." Y/N confirmed, taking Matt's wallet out of her purse and taking out her card, quickly paying for the order. "Thank you so much. Have a nice day!"
Matt quickly mumbled a "thank you" before intertwining his fingers with Y/N's, allowing her to pull him toward a table.
Yes, they were polar opposites, but Matt and Y/N showed every day that opposites really do attract each other.
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My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all 🩷💋
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
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~ taglist:
@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @worldlxvlys @earth2starkey @remussbitch @freshloveforthefit @il0vebeingdelulu @sturniolowhore @mimi-luvzyu @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @domizzzsstuff @sturnizd @hearts4chris @cupidzsq @dracoflaco @leah-loves-lilies @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @rootbeerworshiper
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Rumoured Nights | S.R
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This was written for the lovely and wonderful @foxy-eva milestone celebration. Congratulations love! 💕 I used the prompt - “someone has to unexpectedly share hotel room with their favourite coworker - who apparently really likes to cuddle.”
Set during 5.21 Exit Wounds - this ep just lends itself perfectly for a one bed fic.
Summary - a case in a small town in Alaska forces you and your favourite coworker into sharing a room and a bed. And according to Morgan, Spencer likes to cuddle.
Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Category - smut NSFW Minors DNI
Warnings - one bed trope, friends to lovers, sex dream, cuddly Spencer, swearing, making out, Spencer is touch starved, canon compliant death, meddling BAU team, interruptions, fingering, handjobs, penetrative, protected sex.
WC - 7.5k (don’t ask me how, she’s wordy)
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“I’m not sleeping with Reid.” 
The comment was probably meant inoffensively, an off the cuff remark to make his coworkers laugh but instead only caused the youngest member of the team to blush furiously. 
Spencer Reid shrunk down in the armchair, attempting to hide his embarrassment from the eyes of his fellow team members who now all looked upon him. 
As far as he was aware, Morgan had never told the team what happened the one and only time they’d shared a room during a case. The confused looks being sent his way went to further that, thank god. 
It happened a few years back when they’d been on a case in a town equally as small as Franklin, Alaska where they found themselves now. Like tonight, the BNB was small and they’d had to double up. 
And Morgan had woken in the morning to find Spencer’s arms wrapped around him like he was the genius’s oversized teddy bear, and one of Spencer’s legs draped across him. 
Morgan had pushed the younger man off of him and apparently Spencer hadn’t even so much as stirred. It wasn’t even until a while later Morgan had filled him in on what he’d subconsciously done in his sleep. 
It was perfectly innocent. There was no more to it other than the fact that Spencer was painfully touch starved. He didn’t allow himself to dwell on how long exactly it had been since he’d had another warm body to share his bed with, but if he did he would be able to recite how long it had been down to the minute. 
It was an involuntary reaction. His subconscious must have gravitated him towards the body in his bed and held them without thought to who it was. In his unconscious mind, it didn’t matter who it was, just that he needed the comfort of holding somebody. 
He was glad Morgan hadn’t woken him because he would have been a hundred times more embarrassed if he had to remember his inappropriate middle of the night cuddle. 
While he relented to his own mortification, the rest of the team silently paired off. Garcia was quick to place her hand on Morgan’s arm, nabbing him as her roomie before anyone else had the chance.
Hotch and Rossi exchanged a look of understanding and JJ smiled at Emily, the brunette nodding back at the blonde in response. 
Spencer felt his stomach coiling into thick knots as he let his eyes glance across the room and land on you who had also noticed the non-verbal agreements taking place. You met his gaze and offered him a meek half-smile.
“Guess you’re with me, Doc.” You got to your feet, grabbing your bag off the floor. 
You tried to hide the look of sheer delight from your eyes, tried to pretend that this wasn’t the best outcome to you. There had always been something about Spencer that you found magnetic, his brain intrigued you and he wasn’t at all hard on the eyes. 
Through five years of working together you had kept your little crush underwraps, your poker face was second to none. 
So you had to play it cool. You couldn’t show how utterly thrilled you were that the chips had fallen in your favour. 
One by one the rest of the team stood with their bags and collected their room keys from the kindly innkeeper and headed towards the staircase. 
You hung back for Spencer while he procured the key and with an awkward smile he followed you to the stairs.
“Good luck, mama.” Morgan smirked at you, clapping a hand down on your shoulder as you went to pass him by. “Pretty boy here is a secret cuddler.” 
“Morgan!” Spencer’s voice pitched, around five octaves higher than his usual cadence. 
“She’s gonna find out sooner or later, kid.” Morgan winked at the younger man, causing Spencer to turn beet red again. 
You shook your head with a soft laugh, averting your eyes away from Derek and towards the bottom step.
“Uh, thanks for the heads up. Goodnight.” You started up the stairs, hearing Spencer following behind you. 
You met him at the door to your room and stood aside so he could unlock it. Like the gentleman he was, he held it open for you to enter first. 
It was you who first noticed the initial problem. When Spencer sidled up next to you a moment later he saw it too. 
One bed. There was only one freaking bed. 
“I’ll sleep on the floor.” He was quick to speak, dumping his go-bag on the dresser. 
“You’ll put your back out.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I’m not Rossi.” He scoffed, indignantly. “I’ll be fine.” 
“Spencer, your knee still hasn’t properly healed. I cannot in good conscience let you sleep on the floor.” 
“I’m fine,” he waved a dismissive hand. “I’ve been walking without my cane for months.” 
“With a limp.” You clucked. “If it makes you uncomfortable to share a bed, let me sleep on the floor, please?” 
“It is statistically improbable that I will let you sleep on the floor, Y/N.” He folded his arms across his chest in defiance. 
“Fine,” you shrugged. “It’s one night, Spence. We can share a bed can’t we?” 
For the third time in ten minutes, Spencer’s cheeks burned bright red with his embarrassment. 
“I, uh, you see…” he swallowed. “Morgan wasn’t lying about the cuddling thing. We had to share a bed once on a case and apparently I cuddled up to him in my sleep.” 
A smile tugged at your lips and you felt a little guilty given how mortified he looked. But honestly you thought it was incredibly adorable and plenty endearing.
Spencer was known for having an aversion to touch, always citing how many germs could be passed in a single handshake and how it was actually safer to kiss. So the thought of him hugging anyone made you smile, even if it was when he was asleep. 
“I just so happen to not totally hate that idea.” You tried to encourage him, not wanting him to be embarrassed. 
“Y-you don’t?” He stuttered with a frown. 
“It’s cute.” You smiled.
“I think the word you’re looking for is pathetic.” He sighed. “Who knows it might have just been a one off anyway. If you’re lucky, I’ll leave you alone.” 
Lucky? Some luck that would be. 
You hid your expression from him, the one that desperately loved the idea of him snuggling up to you in his sleep. You pushed it down, simply offering him a nod. 
You just might be disappointed if he didn’t cuddle you.
The two of you took turns in the bathroom, brushing your teeth and changing into your respective pyjamas. Usually you slept nude, or at the very least just in your panties, but thankfully you kept a pair of shorts and a tank top in your go-bag in case you ever found yourself in this position.
You were already in bed scrolling on your phone when Spencer stepped out of the bathroom. He wore a set of dark green flannel pyjama pants and a matching long sleeved top, buttoned right up to his neck. You smiled in amusement at him as he padded across the room.
“Why does it not surprise me one little bit that Doctor Spencer Reid even sleeps in a button down?” You giggled a little as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I get cold easily.” He shrugged, his back now to you. “And we are in Alaska.” 
You didn’t reply, simply watched him as he slid his legs under the sheets, his mismatched socks still adorned on his feet, and laid his long, messy hair on the pillow. He kept his back to you and he reached out and switched off the lamp.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered, tucking one hand beneath his pillow. 
“Goodnight, Spence.” You smiled to yourself as you closed your eyes.
It was still dark out when you stirred in your sleep, eyes fluttering slightly as you pulled the duvet further up to your chin. You would have fallen straight back to sleep if it hadn’t been for the sensation of something heavily draped over your ribcage. 
You were on your back, the ceiling staring back at you when you opened your eyes. It was then you realised there was something hard between your head and the pillow. 
You looked to your side and blinked against the darkness, trying to adjust your vision. A messy head of hair was next to you on your pillow, so close you could feel the soft breath coming from parted lips tickling your face.
It was then you pieced together that the thing that was under your head and across your torso were one in the same: Spencer’s arms. One was tucked beneath you, holding you close to him while the other cautiously rested over you, just below your breasts. 
His right leg was bent at the knee, slung over your bare thighs. His whole body was pressed up against your side and it was then you registered that something hard was digging into your left hip…
Oh, your eyes widened. Oh. 
You looked back at the ceiling, body going rigid in Spencer’s arms. It certainly did not take someone with a genius level IQ to figure out what it was. 
You tried to ignore it, willed yourself to go back to sleep and put it behind you. Maybe you were still asleep, perhaps this was just a really vivid dream. In the morning you would pretend it never happened, not wanting to embarrass the poor man. 
But then the situation somehow grew even more awkward, if that were possible. Spencer nuzzled closer to you in his sleep, his face buried against your neck. His breathing started to grow frantic and his hold on you tightened. 
And then he moaned. 
Your stomach tightened at the delicious sound, equally trying to commit it to memory and forget it at the same time. But then it happened again, the sound deeper this time. There was no denying it was a moan of pleasure. 
The third time he made the sound it was followed by the whimpered utterance of the word fuck. 
And when his hips started to gesticulate, grinding his hardness against your hip, you had to do something. 
“Spence?” You hissed, wriggling in his arms. “Spencer, wake up!” 
His eyes shot open suddenly and he huffed out a breath. His eyes were hooded with his sleep, his plump lips parted in confusion. 
For a few moments he just laid there, not registering his position or the bulge in his pyjama pants. He simply stared blankly at you. 
“What happened?” He groaned sleepily. “Another body?” 
“No….no. Not work.” You swallowed. “I uh, I don’t really know how to say this so I’m just gonna say it…I think you were having a sex dream.” 
His eyes got really wide, really fast. As your words registered with him he also realised he was holding you, snuggled tightly against you. And at the same moment he also realised the part of his anatomy that had woken up long before his brain had. 
And it was pressing right against your side. 
He scrambled away from you suddenly, drawing all of his limbs close to his torso and burying his face into the pillow. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled against the cushion. “Fuck, I am so unbelievably sorry. I’m going to…” 
He trailed off and quickly rolled to the edge of the bed but you were faster and you managed to grab his arm before he made it out. 
“Spence, it’s fine. These things happen. Let’s just go back to sleep and forget it ever happened.” You gently guided him back to the mattress and he flopped onto his back. 
“This is somehow more humiliating than when I cuddled Morgan. At least then I didn’t have a, uh…yeah.” He shook his head, not willing to finish that sentence. 
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Spencer. You were dreaming, and apparently it was a very good dream.” You couldn’t help but laugh, trying to cast light on the situation and make him feel less uncomfortable.
It had the opposite effect.
“I really don’t see how this is funny. I’m lonely ok? I’m so painfully lonely that the only kind of physical contact I can get with a woman is in my sleep.” He blurted out, his brain not quite awake enough to stop the words coming out of his mouth. 
The room fell silent. Spencer stared at the ceiling, you stared at the side of Spencer’s face. 
It wasn’t exactly a surprise to hear. Spencer never talked about dating or anything of the sort and although Morgan had speculated he just kept his exploits quiet, you were never so sure. 
Spencer was awkward and shy and had a hard time talking to anyone he didn’t know unless it was in statistics and facts. 
So it didn’t surprise you to find this out, but it did surprise you that Spencer was offering that information out to you. 
“I, uh…” you croaked. 
“It’s ok, you don’t have to say anything. I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry that I had a sex dream about you but in my defence I can’t control my-”
“Hold up,” you cut him off, leaning up on your elbow so you could look at him properly. “Did you say you were dreaming about me?” 
His cheeks turned impossibly redder and he buried his face further into the pillow. 
“I assumed you knew that part. I thought you said…'' he wracked his brain.
No, you didn’t tell him he’d said your name. He’d added that part, assumed that you knew who he’d been dreaming about. Fuck. 
“You were dreaming about me.” You croaked, staring at what little of his face wasn’t covered by the pillow. 
“Y-yes.” He whispered. “As if the situation wasn’t already awkward enough. I can just go and sleep in the bathtub or something. The lobby even.” 
“Spence,” you gave his hair a gentle tug, trying to get him to look at you. 
Reluctantly he lifted his head and his eyes were wide and guilt ridden, his bottom lip cushioned between his teeth. 
“Do you…have you…” you couldn’t seem to finish that trail of thought. 
“Yes.” He clearly knew what you were trying to say. “It has happened before. More times than I care to admit right at this present moment.” 
“Oh.” You swallowed thickly. 
“So bathtub or lobby? How bad is this situation exactly? Does the bathroom put enough space between us or do I seriously need to leave the room entirely?” 
“My preference would be that you don’t go anywhere.” You confessed, causing Spencer to frown. “I mean, unless it’s closer to me.” 
“I…I’m not sure I understand.” 
“Sure you do.” You smiled, shuffling closer to him when he wouldn’t move. “The real thing will be so much better than even your wildest dreams, Spence.” 
An air of confidence washing over you, you finally got the chance to do something you’d been imagining for years and pressed your lips against his. 
He whimpered at the contact, momentarily dumbfounded by what was happening. But he soon managed to snap himself out of it and quickly took hold of your face and parted your lips with his tongue. 
As he deepened the kiss he rolled himself on top of you, already straining at the front of his flannel pants again. This time he was happy to roll his hips against you, really allowing you to feel him. 
You gasped into his mouth and he swallowed the sound down into his lungs. He held your face with care but the kiss was all frantic tongues and the clashing of teeth. 
It was years worth of pent up sexual tension for which neither of you had ever realised the other felt too, all spilling forth against the others lips. 
You wrapped your arms around his waist, fingertips brushing beneath the hem of his pyjama shirt, he moaned into the kiss when your hands glided over his back, across his shoulder blades and back down his spine. 
His own hands wandered at the same time his tongue hungrily explored every crevice of your mouth. His touch was featherlight down your biceps and forearms before falling towards your torso and following your lead, under the hem of your shirt. 
His finger brushed delicately over the sides of your ribs, up and down and up and down the skin, his fingertips making a mental note of how every dip and curve felt beneath them. 
His teeth grazed against your bottom lip before nibbling on it lightly and then pulling away. He sat back and looked down at you, your hands dislodging from under his shirt.
His pupils were blown out wide and his lips were puffy and red. His chest heaved his haggard breaths while he fought for air. 
You smiled up at him, reaching for the top button of his pyjama shirt. He let your deft fingers do their work, popping each button in turn and moving lower and lower down his abdomen. 
When the final button was undone he shucked the material off his shoulders and tossed it aside. His long curls hung around his face, framing him perfectly and you didn’t think anyone had ever looked as delicious as he did right now. 
His own hands brushed under your tank top again, palm flush against your stomach for a moment or two before he hooked his fingers in the fabric and started drawing it upwards. 
He let out a feral moan as he peeled the top away to reveal your bare breasts beneath. You helped him get it over your head and it soon joined Spencer’s shirt on the floor. 
He was open mouth staring at you, not even trying to hide it. You rolled your eyes with a soft chuckle, reaching for him and pulling him close.
“What’s the matter, Doc?” You spoke as you kissed him again. “Never seen a pair of tits before?” 
“None that magnificent, that's for certain.” He mumbled in reply. 
“Flattery will get you everywhere Doctor Reid.” Your hands moved to cup his clothed ass. 
“Fuck,” he hummed, rolling his hips against you. “Keep calling me Doctor Reid and it’ll be over before it begins.”
You laughed at the insinuation, wrapping your arms around him and expertly managing to flip you both over so his back was to the mattress and you were straddling his hips. 
His hair splayed out against the pillow and from this angle you were able to get a good look at what the good doctor was hiding in his pants. 
You involuntarily hissed at the sight and his eyes never left your chest. His hands were pawing at your hips, cloying at the fabric of your shorts. 
You raised your eyes to his face and waited for him to meet your gaze. When he did you made a show of grinding down against his lap, his mouth falling open as a moan erupted from his lungs. 
The friction caused by his pants rubbing against him was nice in a way but he would much rather a different kind of friction. 
He reached for your neck, pulling you closer so your bare chests crashed together and he kissed you deeply. 
You continued to grind against him, feeling his hard member between your legs and wishing for fewer clothes to be in the way. 
But before you could think about helping him undress further, Spencer’s hungry fingers were trailing up your thigh and grazing beneath the leg of your shorts. 
His hand wove higher, he could feel the heat emanating from your core. His fingertips lightly brushed against your pubic bone and you whined into his mouth. 
“Is that what you want?” He spoke against your lips, his other hand gripping the back of your neck tightly. 
“P-please…” you whimpered, nibbling on his lip and trying to move yourself closer to his waiting fingers.
Spencer chuckled almost darkly, brushing his fingers over the same spot. 
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for this?” He whispered as your lips latched against his neck, sucking deep marks in his flesh. 
“About as long as I have. Please Spencer, please for the love of god!” 
The way you moaned so desperately for him made his head spin, no one had ever reacted like this for him. 
He inched his fingers nearer to where you wanted them, but as he was about to give you everything you’d been waiting for, an ear piercing scream reverberated in the room. 
You fell back as Spencer sat up, ears pricked and waiting in silence that now shrouded the room. Seconds passed that felt like hours until you both heard it again. 
“Help! Somebody please help!” 
“Is that…?” Spencer’s chest heaved in panic. 
The two of you were suddenly out of bed and on your feet, scampering around to dress as quickly as possible. You threw a pair of jeans over your shorts, foregoing your tank top and tossing on a sweater instead before your coat. 
Spencer grabbed his pyjama shirt and fought with the buttons whilst stuffing his feet inside his converse. He grabbed his jacket and scarf on his way to the door, before quickly doubling back and picking up his revolver. 
You got your firearm as well, toeing on your boots as they two of you quickly dashed from the room. In the corridor you saw Morgan ahead of you, running towards the stairs. 
“You heard it too?” You asked as you ran to catch him. 
“You bet your ass I did.” Morgan hurried down the stairs with you in hot pursuit. “Pretty boy, wake the others. Y/N and I will check it out.” 
Spencer nodded though no one was looking at him. He fell back, his hand holding the gun dropping to his side as he made his way back to the other rooms.
His head was still spinning, dizzy with the lust from previous moments ago. Maybe this was a sign to him not to cross that line with his friend. The line was blurred, sure, but not yet so much as it couldn’t be rectified. 
All he could hope was that he hadn’t destroyed your friendship to the point of no return. 
You followed Morgan hurriedly towards the front door of the inn, guns pointed in front of you. You could still feel an electric current pulsing through your veins from Spencer’s touch, your lips still tingled from his kiss. 
You pushed it aside as a blast of frigid air hit you when Morgan opened the door and the two of you descended the front steps. 
“Help! Someone help!” Cried Penelope off in the distance. 
Morgan’s head whipped around almost three hundred and sixty degrees, eyes taking in the dark landscape to find what he was looking for. 
“Over there!” He barked, nodding his head towards two silhouettes in the trees. 
He quickened his pace, so did you. 
You found Garcia on her knees on the ground over the dead body of a man. She had tears streaming down her cheeks, her mouth hung open.
“I…and he…and then…”
“It’s ok baby girl,” Morgan crouched down next to her, stuffing his gun in the back of his jeans and helping her to her feet. 
You tucked your own gun away, leaning over the body and placing your index and middle finger to the side of his neck. 
No pulse. You didn’t think it needed to be spoken out loud. 
Garcia was sobbing, head buried against Morgan’s strong chest while he held her. The sound of crunching leaves alerted you to your company and you spun around to see the rest of the team running your way. 
Hotch and Rossi still wore their usual daytime attire but JJ and Emily wore sweats under large coats. Spencer looked an absolute picture in his pyjamas, coat and scarf hanging limply from his neck. 
He briefly made eye contact with you, but you broke it swiftly, glancing over at your boss who looked even more annoyed than usual. 
“Get her inside.” Hotch spoke to Morgan. “Someone call the sheriff.” 
Emily pulled her cell phone out and stepped away to make the call. 
“He knew we were staying here. This was a big risk.” Rossi huffed, glancing at the faces around him and lingering a little longer on Spencer. “Kid, why do you look so flustered?”
Spencer’s eyes widened and you saw him swallow thickly. You looked away, focused on the body on the floor. 
“I…” he squeaked, rolling his lip between his teeth. “I’m fine.” 
And if anyone noticed his voice was several octaves higher than usual, they kindly didn’t say anything. 
Over an hour later you all trudged back inside from the cold. The coroner had taken the body away and you would continue your investigation in the morning. 
Penelope was fraught, never having seen a dead body in real life let alone having to witness someone die. Morgan tried to keep her calm but even he couldn’t bring her back from this spiral.
When she stormed upstairs you all watched her go. Morgan looked over at you, his eyes asking you questions before his words did. 
“Can you…?” 
“Yeah.” You nodded. 
You moved past the others towards the stairs, you hadn’t so much as looked at Spencer in the last hour. He tried to make eye contact with you as you walked by but you kept your gaze forward.
Once you were up the stairs, Morgan sidled up to Spencer who was still watching you walk away. 
“You gonna tell me why you’ve been looking like a lost puppy for the last hour?” He cocked an eyebrow at the younger man. 
“What? I’m not! I’m…tired. I was sleeping when I heard Garcia.” Spencer averted his gaze.
“I hope that isn’t true.” Morgan scoffed. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Spencer frowned looking back at him. 
“It means,” JJ stepped forward, an amused smile on her lips. “We’ve all spent the last five years trying to get you and Y/N to see what the rest of us can see.”
“And what’s that?” He turned to JJ. 
“Oh please.” Emily chuckled. “You think we don’t notice the tension between the two of you? Morgan’s been single handedly trying to get the two of you to bone for years.” 
Spencer’s cheeks instantly turned red and he felt his chest tighten with his embarrassment. 
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He turned his back on them and headed for the stairs.
“Go get her lover boy.” Morgan called after him and they all fell about laughing while Spencer shrunk away. 
He was at least glad you hadn’t been privy to that. But he didn’t relish the idea of seeing you right now, that would surely be one awkward encounter. 
You found Penelope pacing the length of her and Derek’s room, muttering under her breath frantically. 
You cautiously entered, not wanting to startle her. 
“I watched him die.” She spoke when she saw you. “I watched him take his last breath, Y/N.” 
“I know.” You nodded slowly, coming close to your friend and placing your hands on her shoulders. “I can’t imagine how scary that was for you.” 
“I just…” she whined a little. “When I was shot, all I could think was that if I die the last face I’m ever going to see is the man who killed me. I didn’t want that for him.” 
“You’re too good for this world, Penny.” You squeezed her shoulders. 
“I don’t know how I’m ever going to sleep again.” She pulled free of your hold and started pacing again. “Tell me something, anything. Something to distract me.” 
“Uh…” you scratched the back of your head. “You did everything you could to help him?” 
“No, not that. Not about this.” She quickened her pace, arms flailing about as she walked. 
“Uh…I’m pretty sure after tonight you can get Morgan to spoon you. All you need to do is tell him how scared you were.” You tried again. 
“As delicious as that sounds, I don’t think Kevin would be too pleased about that.” She was a blur of colour, like a rainbow flying through the sky. “Please Y/N, I need to think of something other than this horrible night.”
You had the exact thing she was looking for, the perfect piece of information to take her mind off of this. 
Goddamnit, here goes nothing. 
“I almost slept with Spencer tonight.” You blurted out before you could change your mind. 
As expected she immediately stopped pacing, halting in her tracks and glaring wide eyed at you. Her mouth hung open like she wanted to speak but couldn’t find the right words.
You rolled your lip between your teeth, awkwardly waiting for her to say something. Slowly she stepped closer to you, eyebrows raising towards her hairline. 
“You…and boy wonder?” 
“It’s about time!” She slapped your bicep and you growled at the impact. “Wait…did you say almost?” 
“Yeah, we didn’t quite get that far.” You rubbed your arm from her assault.
“Why not?” She sounded incredulous. 
“Because…the screaming? The cries for help?” You huffed. 
“I…I ruined your first time with Reid?” She gasped. “No, no that won’t do. You are going to march back to your room and resume all previous activities. Right now.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” You shook your head. 
“It was a dumb idea, Pen. We’re friends, we work together.” You sighed deeply.
“Friends who are utterly infatuated with one another and have been for the past five years.” She clucked. 
“Guess my poker face isn’t as good as I thought it was.” 
“It is not. You make heart eyes at him every time he walks into a room. And he’s just as bad!” Garcia sounded exasperated. “Go to him. Finish what you started. For the love of all things pink and sparkly.” 
“Penny, I love you but it’s not gonna happen.” You shrugged. “I’m not ruining one of my closest friendships for one night of passion.” 
“Ok…I do not like thinking of boy genius and the word passion in the same sentence.” She pulled a face. “That’s like thinking of my brother…gross.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the way her body shuddered at the thought. You were pleased at least you had managed to get her to calm down. 
“You gonna be ok if I go?” You smiled at her. 
“Morgan will probably be up soon, I’m sure he can protect me.” She smiled back. “Just let him down gently ok? Reid is fragile.” 
You rolled your eyes, backing away to the door. 
“Goodnight, Penelope.” You blew her a kiss as you opened the door and stepped out into the corridor. 
Across the hall your own door loomed. Your chest tightened as you pushed forward, hoping Spencer may already be asleep so as to avoid an awkward conversation. 
But you knew he wouldn’t be and that was confirmed when you entered your room and found him sitting on the edge of the bed as if waiting for you. 
He looked up from where he’d been staring at his lap when he heard the door close. He pushed himself to his feet, his jaw set tightly. 
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” He blurted out suddenly. 
“Me either.” You agreed, stepping closer to him as you got out of your jacket. 
You unsheathed your firearm and laid it on the dresser next to Spencer’s. 
“But uh…” he frowned, fighting an internal battle with his own thoughts. “Friendships are overrated right? I have plenty of friends…”
“Way too many friends.” You smiled and nodded as he reached for you, large hands cupping your face. 
“I don’t want to be your friend.” He whispered and then proceeded to crash your lips together. 
You immediately parted your lips and his tongue slid inside of your mouth while he pulled you back to the bed. You both fell to the mattress, you on top of him while never breaking the kiss. 
He didn’t want to waste a second, didn’t want to risk being pulled away from you again and so his hands quickly found the hem of your sweater and helped you out of it. 
You got his buttons undone and he guided you with a hand on your back, down to the mattress. He slipped the garment off of his shoulders and rolled himself on top of you, kissing you again. 
His hands wandered down your torso to the button of your jeans. His lips trailed to your neck and brushed along your collarbones. 
They moved lower, down to your right breast where he placed kisses on the swell of it before moving on and taking your hard nipple in his mouth. 
You moaned and bucked your hips to meet his erection in his pyjama pants. He popped the button on your jeans and you helped him shimmy them down your legs. 
When his lips moved to your neglected breast, you reached out and blindly groped him through his pants. He grinded against your hand, moaning around your nipple. 
His large hand glided back across the plains of your stomach before inching lower. His fingertips brushed over the waistband of your panties before disappearing beneath the fabric. 
His index finger located your clit and pressed firmly against it, another moan erupting from your chest. He pulled back from your nipple and looked down at you with a sinful smirk. 
He started rubbing deft circles between your legs, his nimble finger a thing of magic. Wanting to return the favour, your own hand slipped inside of his pants and you grasped the base of his cock in your hand. 
He moaned deeply, his finger working more frantically as you started to stroke him. He met your gaze, his lips parted and soft moans escaping between them. 
“F-fuck.” He stuttered, moving his finger from your clit and running it through your folds, collecting your arousal on his digit. 
His middle finger joined his index and pressed against your entrance. You increased your movement on his shaft as he pushed them slowly inside of you. 
“Jesus Christ.” You muttered as you clenched around him. “Jesus fucking Christ.” 
“Why the fuck have we never done this before?” He whined, pushing his fingers as deeply inside of you as he possibly could.
You whimpered, bucking your hips against him as he moved in and out of you hurriedly and your strokes of his member were becoming frantic. 
His head was already leaking with pre-cum and you swiped your thumb through it causing an animalistic growl to leave Spencer’s mouth. 
It was too much and not enough all at once. You needed more, you needed everything. 
His fingers slammed into you roughly, the sounds of your slickness filling the room. You twisted your fist as it moved up and down his cock and he was snapping his hips back and forth, practically fucking your hand. 
“Fuck…I don’t suppose you have a condom?” You panted, desperate to feel more of him. 
“Uh, embarrassingly yes I do.” He nodded, his cheeks flushing a little. 
“Why is that embarrassing?” You slowed your pace and Spencer slowly removed his fingers from inside of you. 
“It seems…presumptuous? It wasn’t like…I didn’t think…it’s not like that I swear. It’s, uh, a long story.” He stood up, locating his wallet on the dresser and unsheathing the small golden foil packet from inside. 
“I believe you, Doc.” You smiled at him as you shimmed out of your panties. 
Spencer’s mouth fell open at the sight of you laid bare for him. His hands started to tremble as he moved them to the waistband of his flannel pants. 
He wouldn’t look at you as he pulled them over his hips, down his legs and kicked them off of his feet. 
When he did look back at you, you were staring right at his crotch. 
Your chest heaved with frantic breaths and you were rolling your lip between your teeth. 
“Good god, Reid.” You smirked. “I need you like yesterday.” 
He shuddered at the desperation in your voice and shakily ripped the condom wrapper over. He moved closer to the bed again, holding the base of his shaft in one hand and rolling the rubber over his tip with the other. 
You spread your legs for him, welcoming him between them and wrapping them around his waist. He leant on his hands either side of your head, the veins in his arms pulsing as he held his weight above you. 
He eyed your face, an almost delicate smile on his lips and you weren’t sure what it meant. 
“What is it?” You asked him, reaching up to tuck his long hair behind his ears. 
“You’re sure about this?” He asked softly. 
“Very. Aren’t you?” 
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He breathed. “But I really don’t want things to change between us.”
“Spence,” you brushed your knuckles across his cheek. “Things have already changed between us. But not in a bad way.” 
Linking your hands at the base of his neck you drew him close for a kiss. He moaned into your lips and you felt him finally pressing between your legs. 
He held his shaft again and guided him where he needed to be, his blunt head penetrating you, stretching you to accommodate him. 
He slowly sank into you, a long and shaky breath leaving his lungs. Inch by inch he ebbed deeper, your walls fluttering against him as your body made room for him. 
When he bottomed out he stilled, glancing between your bodies at where he was now sheathed inside of you. The look on his face was pure bliss, as though nothing in the world had ever felt this good to him. 
He lowered himself onto his forearms as he drew his hips backwards painfully slowly. But then he surprised you by roughly thrusting back into you. 
After that there was no holding him back, like a man possessed he started fucking you hard and fast into the mattress. 
He pounded against your cervix with each thrust, kissing you with a newfound ferocity. The room was encompassed by the sound of skin slapping against skin and your moans which were being swallowed by the other's mouth. 
He already knew he wouldn’t last long, but that was ok. He didn’t plan on this being the only time he fucked you tonight. 
It was completely unexpected, out of the blue for the mild mannered doctor to be such a stallion. But it was electrifying, dizzying, the way in which he pounded into you like his life depended on it yet kissed with such gentle passion.
Resting all of his weight on one arm, his other hand manoeuvred between your sweat slicked bodies and his finger pressed deftly against your clit again. 
He started rubbing intricate circles on your bud, hips still snapping back and forth, stretching your walls around his length. 
He had a few beads of sweat trickling down his forehead which was scrunched up much like his nose was. 
His chest was flushed beet red and his left arm which was holding him up shook with the exertion. 
Your legs tightened around his waist, walls clenching around his cock. A combination of his rough thrusts and ministrations on your clit we’re bringing you rapidly spiralling towards your orgasm. 
You assumed by the look in his face that he was close too and by the way in which he started to lose his rhythm a little, his thrusts becoming a little frantic. 
You drew him in for another kiss. It was slightly messy, teeth clashing together and tongues fighting their way into the other's mouth. 
He moaned deeply against your lips, his finger now rubbing against you rampantly.
“I’m s-so close.” He mumbled. “Can’t…don’t think I can…”
“Me too.” You agreed as you felt the tightening in the pit of your stomach. “Don’t stop. So close, don’t stop!” 
And he didn’t. 
The pressure was building and between his cock burying deep inside of you and his finger never letting up on your clit, you teetered on the brink. 
And then as if a volcano erupted, you reached your peak, moaning into Spencer’s mouth as your body convulsed beneath him. 
He felt you clenching around him as you came, causing a pressure to shoot through his member. He thrust deep one last time and whimpered as he felt the come shooting from his head in ropes, filling the condom. 
His hips continued to buck lazily as if he simply couldn’t get enough of this feeling. His hand fell from its spot between your legs and he collapsed on top of you, panting and sweat slicked. 
You could feel his heavy breaths as his chest moved against yours, could feel his heart erratically beating at his rib cage. 
He nuzzled his face into your neck, his breath fanning across your skin. His hips were still rolling, grinding against you not ready to stop despite how worn out he was. 
You stroked his cheek and moved your head so you could kiss him sleepily. He mumbled something incoherent against your lips. 
Eventually his movements stilled briefly before he cautiously pulled out of you. He rolled onto his back and peeled the condom from his softening member, tying a knot in the end and tossing it lazily in the general direction of the trash can. 
He shuffled a little, his arm finding his way beneath your head how you’d found it when you woke up in the night. 
You curled into him, resting your head on his chest and listening to the still slightly erratic beating of his heart. 
“I never like being friends anyway.” He mumbled, making you giggle. 
“Me either.” You slung your arm around his waist. “Whatever this is, it’s so much better.” 
He placed a kiss of agreement in your hair and snuggled closer to you as his eyes fluttered closed. 
He decided, as he drifted off to sleep, being a secret sleep cuddler maybe wasn’t so bad after all. 
Down the hall, Morgan flopped on the armchair in his and Penelope’s room, eyeing the blonde as she stared at her laptop screen. 
“What a night huh?” He ran his hand over his head. 
“Yah huh.” She nodded, bouncing a little in the bed as she did so. 
“You seem oddly chipper. Y/N manage to take your mind off of things?” He cocked an eyebrow at her. 
“Something like that.” A small smirk played at the corner of her mouth.
Derek sat up straight, scrutinising her curiously. 
“What?” Her eyes snapped away from the screen and over at Morgan. The guilt was written all over her face. 
“You think I don’t know when you’re hiding something, baby girl? Spill.” He sat forward, leaning his elbows on his thighs. 
Penelope huffed out a breath, chewing on her bottom lip. 
“Promise not to tell anyone?”
“I promise.” He frowned. 
“I think…I think Y/N  and Spencer might be…you know.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. 
Morgan’s eyes widened as he stared at her. 
“No way.”
“Yes way. Apparently they almost and then, you know, everything happened. But I’m hoping that they picked up where they left off.” She was grinning from ear to ear and it must have been contagious because a smile broke out on Morgan’s face too. 
“My man.” He smiled brightly, a glint of something in his eyes. 
“What was that?”
“What was what?”
“I too know when you’re hiding something Derek. Now you spill.” Garcia eyed him up, Morgan’s smile only grew. 
“I’m just happy is all,” he beamed in amusement. “And I’m really glad I made up that story about him cuddling up to me in his sleep now.” 
“You did what?” Garcia gasped, wide eyed. 
“It started as a prank, just to wind him up a bit, embarrass him. And I thought if I brought it up tonight it would put ideas in his subconscious. Guess it worked.” Derek looked exceedingly pleased with himself. 
“Derek Morgan, you are evil! Pure evil.” Penelope cackled, shaking her head at her chocolate thunder and his mischievous ways. 
“I was just giving him a nudge in the right direction, he needs all the help he can get.” He grinned happily, pushing himself up and sighing wistfully. 
“True, I love Reid and Y/N but they are so oblivious sometimes.” Garcia shut her laptop screen and laid back against the pillows. 
Her eyes closed and as such she didn’t see the playful look spread to his eyes as his smile somehow grew, encompassing his entire face. 
“And with any luck,” Morgan shuffled to the bed made up on the floor. “Pretty boy still had that condom I gave him.” 
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kenntolog · 1 month
Other than CoolBF! sukuna and loser gf! Reader, I can't believe many people aren't talking about loner! Choso 😭😭 it's so cute?? 😭 The MYRIAD of things that can happen to them like reader asking choso to do make up on him because 1. It's cute and 2. She wants to practice her make up skills 😭 both are cute
𝝑𝝔 an: thank u thank u thaaank uu, lovely anon!! hope you enjoy this <33 read more here!!
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choso literally teleports to your side as soon as you call out for him from your bedroom. he puts away every task he had in hand and walks into your room, giving you a questioning look before he notices you sitting on your bed with a pile of cosmetic stuff by your side. you beckon him to come sit with you and crawl on his lap, making him hiss from the unexpectedness.
"choo~" you cup his cheeks with both hands and beam at him brightly. "can i do your make up?"
honestly, you can do anything you want to him as long as you're in his lap and he can run his hands all over your body, just like he's doing now. so he just smiles at you lovingly and nods in agreement, his heart warming when you squeal in happiness and lean down to peck his cheeks repeatedly.
it's also a bonus that he gets to be so close to you and listen to your endless rambles and watch your expressive face, one of his favorite things to do. to be honest, half of the things you say he doesn't understand generally, but he still nods and says 'sure' whenever you look at him for confirmation.
you put a lot of stuff on his face, he has no idea what is a 'primer' or 'conceaaler', but he knows what is a moisturizer since you force him to at least do that every morning and night. you dab about a million products on his face with a spongy thing while you hum along to your favorie songs and tell him to shut up whenever he joins you too.
"choso! you're gonna ruin the lip combo, stop!" "sorry, pup."
when it's time to put on eye makeup, choso has the opportunity to witness the cute face you make whenever you’re extremely focused on something; brows pinched together and the tip of your tongue sticking out of your mouth as one of your hands tilts his face to the right angle while the other glides the eyeliner over his eyelid. it kind of tickles and he has the urge to tickle you back, but he doesn't want to ruin your hard work so he just stays silent until you are finished.
"oh!" you exclaim as you pull away to look at him. your eyes are glimmering with joy and pride so he takes it that he doesn't look like a clown. "cho, you look so pretty!"
you give him a small mirror, "i do?"
one thing that surprises him is that his dark undereyes are almost fully covered while the tattoo on his nose is visible. his lips are also not colourless anymore, now contoured with soft pink and a covered with a lipstick that's a bit darker and a gloss. there's a matching shade of artficial blush covering his cheeks and his brows look more neat. his eyes have curled lashes and drawn ends, looking more graceful than ever.
"do you like it, choso?"
"if you like it, then i love it."
your smile is so wide that choso can't help his own from stretching on his coloured lips. if you're going to smile like this for him every time then he's ready to be your doll forever.
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talaok · 8 months
A new lesson
Pairing: step-dad!Joel miller x step-daughter!reader
Summary: Your step-dad generously offers to give you another lesson. (this is part of a series but can be read alone)
Warnings: step-incest, manipulation, straight-out lying, hence dub-con, Perv!Joel, predatory behavior, very very naive and innocent reader |Smut| oral sex ( m receiving), face-fucking, dacryphilia, and daddy-kink. And please for the love of god read the warnings and just scroll if you don’t like what you see.
a/n: @thesummerpetrichor I believe we had an agreement…
Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3
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He'd been obsessively looking at those photos he'd taken of you yesterday every time he could.
It didn't matter if he was at work, or if his wife was right next to him, he needed to take a look at that pretty pussy of yours or he felt like he was gonna go crazy.
He'd always known that once he got a taste of it, it would never be enough, and yesterday just proved him right.
He was so lost in the picture on his screen that your mom's voice startled him.
"what have you been doing on there for 20 minutes?"
"nothing" he shrugged, quickly switching apps "Just work stuff"
"you sure?" she raised a brow, smiling "There's not another woman I should be worried about?" she joked
Only your daughter
"never" he forced a grin, leaning closer to her on the couch to kiss her.
"good" she nodded, patting his thigh "I'll go shower more serenely then"
He watched as she stood from the couch, and waited until he heard the water running before he quickly made his way to the only place he'd been wanting to go since he came home: your room.
His dick was already hard, so what better time for another lesson?
"Oh, hi daddy" you smiled at him as he closed the door behind him, noticing how he locked it.
You were sitting on your pink bed, resting your back against the headboard while you read a book. A big t-shirt draped over your body and some soft pajama shorts underneath it.
"hi sweetheart" he smirked
"do you need something?"
"no baby, but it's time for another lesson"
He watched you frown in confusion
"but mom's home... and you said you couldn't help me when mom was home"
"I know what I said" he nodded annoyed at your sudden need to ask questions "but I was feeling generous and I wanted to help you now." he explained "If you don't want my help anymore you can just say s-"
And just as he'd predicted, you interrupted him before he could even finish that sentence.
"No, of course I want your help daddy"
"good" he nodded "then come here"
You obliged immediately, setting your book to the side on the bed and standing up to walk over to him.
"take off your shirt" he said once you were right before him.
You did as told, observing his eyes fall to your naked tits, just for his hands to reach them, feeling them as his thumbs played with your perked nipples.
"you've got pretty tits sweetheart"
"t-thank you" you blushed, your eyes falling to where he was touching you.
"Today is gonna be different from last time" he explained softly 
"ok" you murmured
Oh how he loved how small your voice got every time
"get on your knees"
Once again, you obeyed.
He looked even bigger from down there, and you felt even smaller.
"now undo my belt and lower my pants"
You swallowed nervously, looking up at him
"go on" he urged
So you did. You took care of his belt, then of his zipper, and then as he said, you lowered his jeans, and they fell, pooling at his feet.
What was now in front of you, was the perfectly clear shape of his dick, hidden only by a pair of thin black boxers.
"take them off"
your fingers seeped through the waistband, and slowly, you took them off for him.
You still hadn't gotten used to it. He was just so big,
how did all of that even fit inside of me?
no wonder I'm sore.
"w-what do I do?" you asked, looking up at him with those innocent eyes of yours.
"spit on your hand, and then just like last time, wrap it around my cock"
You hesitated a moment, before bringing your hand to your lips and summoning some spit from your dry mouth.
You were so nervous your hand was almost shaking as it wrapped around him, and it might have had something to do with his expecting eyes looking down on you.
Your thumb didn't even reach the rest of your fingers, that's how fucking thick he was.
"up and down, like last time" he instructed, clearly getting impatient.
"l-like this?" you asked, gently stroking him.
"just like that baby" he breathed, his hips pushing forward a bit "Now use your mouth"
You tried to swallow some of the sand in your mouth, but all you could think of was how fucking huge he was and how he was never ever gonna fit, and how he was gonna be disappointed of you and-
"We don't have all day sweetie" he murmured 
"I-I'm sorry daddy, it's just that... I- I don't know if it's gonna fit"
He stifled a smile as he answered
"we're gonna make it fit sugar, don't you worry your pretty little head about it" he cooed, seeing some of the concern melt from your eyes "Now be good and suck my cock"
You nodded obediently, and just as he'd taught you last time, you widened your mouth and took him in, or better, you took his tip in.
"you can do better than that" he tilted his head, "go deeper"
So you did, you forced him more and more into your mouth until it was halfway in.
Your hands on his thighs balled into fists, and your face started to redden.
"breathe through your nose" he instructed, watching you do it "and hollow your cheeks for me, baby"
You did as told, and a loud breath fled his mouth.
"good girl" he whispered, making that weird feeling in your belly rise all over again.
"now- just like you did with your hand, go up and down"
Your mouth felt already incredibly full, but somehow, as you started bobbing your head, more and more of him started fitting inside of it.
"that's it" he groaned, his right hand moving some hair out of your face and fisting them in a makeshift bun at the back of your head.
You internally smiled at that, and you got so focused on trying to do even better that your eyes fell down to his groin.
"No look at me" he corrected you, using his leverage on your head to pull it back so your eyes were on his again "You look at me when you're sucking my cock"
You blinked in surprise, but before you could say anything he'd told you to "go on" and so of course, you did.
Up and down 
up and down
always fitting a tad more
"fuck" he murmured, trying to remind himself that he couldn't show you just how good you were making him feel, but fuck but that was a whole lot
Either he was an amazing teacher, or you were a natural. 
"A-am I doing good?" you asked, leaning away, while you tried to catch your breath.
"yeah baby" he breathed, seeing that need for reassurance in your iris
"really?" your eyes lighted up, as a huge smile spread on your lips
"yeah" he cut it short "but sweetie... less talking and more sucking"
"o-oh, right" You let out a soft laugh, slowly taking him back in, but before you could get back to your old rhythm, his hand at the back of your head, had pushed his cock all the way down your throat, making you gag and cough like a maniac.
Your eyes watered, and tears started flowing from your eyes as you looked up at him, confused and a little scared
But all you could see in his eyes was fun.
You looked so pretty choking on his cock...
"it's ok" he murmured, gripping your hair to guide your head up and down like he wanted, "just-" he forced you to gag on him again.
You looked up at him pleadingly as your hands tried to reach where he was holding your hair to try and get him to let go of you without succeding.
"fuck, that's good" he groaned, finally letting you go
You broke into a coughing fit, trying to get your lungs to work normally again, but he didn't even budge, actually, he was sadistically enjoying it.
"wh-why did you do that daddy?" you whimpered, sniffling
"oh baby" he murmured, "If you want Chad to make love to you you're gonna have to learn how to do that" he explained, stroking your wet cheek " Plus, I did it to prepare you for what we're gonna do next"
Your eyes widened slightly
"w-what are we gonna do?"
A grin pulled at his lips
"Now, darlin'," he spoke, "I'm gonna fuck that pretty throat of yours"
"Wha- I"
"shh" he shushed you, placing his thumb on your lips "it's ok" he calmed you down "Relax baby, I'm here, I'm only trying to help you"
"I know but-"
"But what?" he asked, frowning as he looked down at you.
"nothing" you immediately took it back.
"that's right" he nodded "Now open your mouth and stick your tongue out f'me"
And the moment you did... the moment you did, he realized he wasn't gonna last long
"You gotta stay like that ok, you don't wanna hurt daddy, do you?"
"uh-uh" you shook your head, your mouth still open 
"such a good girl" he smiled, before gently, (a gentleness that was gonna be forgotten in seconds) he placed a hand on the back of your head, and trusted his hips forward, making you gag softly.
"shit" he breathed, and then, as if he got possessed, he started going faster, and then faster, and then faster again until rivers were flowing from your eyes and the room filled with the filthy noise of your abused thoat.
"f-fuck" he groaned, forcing your head all the way down so that your nose was almost touching his crotch "Look at you... so fucking pretty like this"
You only had the time to remind yourself to breathe through your nose, and then he was already starting to push in and out of your mouth just like he'd done last time but down there.
You enjoyed seeing him breathe heavily and groan in pleasure because of you, so much so that your panties were drenched... but god it was hard to do as he asked.
"choking on my cock like a good little girl" he hissed, his hold on your head only tightening and his thrusts only fastening "Being so good f'me" he groaned "Always so good"
Your jaw was starting to hurt too much, and you just needed a little break, but the moment you tried to speak he stopped you.
"not now" he spoke, his voice hoarse and filled with pleasure "I'm about to cum baby" he explained, "you know what that means?"
You shook your head, eyes wider than ever.
"it means I'm gonna cum in your mouth" he breathed "and you're gonna swallow every single drop of what I give you," 
His chest was heaving, and you didn't think you'd ever seen him that blissed out
"but not until I say so, ok?"
"mh-mh" you hummed around his cock
"attagirl" he bit down his lower lips, trying to keep his grunts and groans down as much as he could "such a good, fucking, girl- fuck"
And looking down at you, ruined completely for him, he couldn't help but let go, filling your mouth up, until you were choking on the liquid and his cock combined.
He pulled out, his dick softening and his breathing calming down.
"show me" he ordered,
You widened your mouth even more and showed off its contents to him 
His hand grubbed your chin, tilting your head up more to him, as his fingers kept your mouth open.
His eyes were fully dark with lust as he grinned, stroking your bottom lip.
"Now swallow"
Your eyes never left his as you ingested his salty spent, and the moment you did, his dick threatened to harden again.
Fuck, he should have taken a picture
"good girl, now c'mere" he gestured, inviting you to stand up, which you gladly agreed to
Your knees were killing you.
He tucked himself back into his boxers and put on his pants again, while you stumbled to your feet.
"H-how did I do?" you asked, as he busied his thumb by caressing your pretty lips.
They were all puffy, just like his eyes, and the pleasure he got knowing that he was the reason for it, was unimaginable.
"you did good" he said, making you smile "But not that good" he cooed, lying through his teeth. he honestly didn't think he'd ever come that hard from just a blowjob, " If you want Chad to want to do this, you're gonna have to get better at it"
"yeah" he winced, faux empathy tracing his tone "you really need some practice" he explained "so I think it's best if we do this once a day at least"
Your eyes widened in surprise
"Once a day?"
"at least" 
"y-you'd do that for me?"
"Of course baby" he smiled, before leaving a quick kiss on your lips "what kind of step dad would i be if i didn't help you?"
And at that, you couldn't help but hug him, intertwining your hands behind his neck.
"How are you feeling?" he murmured to your ear, kissing you neck, and forcing a whimper out of your mouth.
"M-my throat's a little sore"
He smirked, softly chuckling "That's normal sweetie, but what I meant was..." he explained, his right hand traveling lower on your body until he was cupping your clothed pussy "how are you feeling here?"
You moaned softly "I-I feel tingly, like last time"
"mhh, that's good" he hummed, inhaling your scent "that's real good sugar, but we don't have time for me to take care of you, so here's what we're gonna do" he said, leaning away, until you were eye to eye "I want you to take one of your pillows and hump it for me"
"h-hump it?"
"yeah sweetheart, hump it until come"
"it's ok" he stroked your cheek "It's just me"
"Y-you right" You nodded
"that's my girl" he kissed you "and while you hump it real good, I want you to film yourself, and then send it to me ok?"
"why?" you frowned, a little bit confused
Again with the questions
"Because I need to know if you did it right"
Your mouth parted at that, as the realization hit you
He was just too nice
"of course" you smiled "thank you so much daddy"
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
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triple threat * fem!driver
it’s always the three of them against everybody else
pairings: oscar piastri x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver
warnings: swearing
notes: i’m such a crybaby for all those long live edits on tiktok so here i am crying over a fictionAL SERIES THAT I CREATED ALL ON MY OWNNNN
(series masterlist) | (📂 pre-formula 1)
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-> 2016
“i can’t believe it,” oscar says, appearing behind her. she turns around and meets the two pairs of eyes she’s been looking for. “you finally beat me.”
her eyes are teary, cheeks flushed as her hair stuck out from her ponytail. “did you let me win?”
“of course not!” oscar pulls her in, wrapping his arms around her. “you did it all on your own. good job, mate.”
“finally,” logan appears from behind oscar, replacing him for another tight and comforting hug. “congratulations on the win. you did amazing today.”
“thank you. i can’t believe it,” she giggles, a hand covering her lips. “i finally won a race. i might actually have a shot at this.”
oscar raises his eyebrow, tilting his head slightly. “you’ve always had a chance. you’re wonderful on the track.”
“yeah, but i’m a girl,” she mutters, sighing as she watches the crowd build up for the podium announcement. “it’s not very often someone like me is accepted around here. you guys are my only friends.”
logan smacks her shoulder. “we don’t care if you’re a girl. i’d beat you at any competition any day.”
“i will continue putting up a fight, though,” oscar grumbles in a frown, giving her a side eye. but upon meeting her eyes, his lips spread into a proud smile. “but not today. today is all yours. embrace it.”
she sighs, closing her eyes as the sun shines brightly above them. “it’s not every day i get to beat you on the track.”
-> 2017
“i can’t believe it! i’m so happy for you!” she shrieks, arms thrown around oscar’s shoulders as she sways their bodies. “another win in your pocket.”
“i’m sorry you crashed out,” oscar frowns as he pulls away. “you would’ve caught up with me and won if you hadn’t.”
truthfully, crashing out in a karting race dropped her morale by a lot. walking back to where her parents were, she had to hold back her tears and bite her quivering lips to hide disappointment.
but she can’t do that with all these eyes on her. so while her two friends made it on the podium that day, she forces a smile to her face and opened her arms wide to congratulate them.
“doesn’t matter. i’m proud of you,” she smiles. she turns, noticing logan walking towards them. “and you!”
“thank you! it was a good race, don’t you think?” logan beams. “i’m sorry for your crash, though. was it bad?”
she shrugs as she scrunches up her nose. “doesn’t really matter. today is about you guys! you made the podium again!”
“it’s not a podium i consider successful if you’re not on it with us,” logan drops his head with a frown. oscar nods in agreement, giving her a small smile. “you’ll come back next race.”
“of course!” she smiles, taking the hug logan is offering her. “go on the podium. i’ll wait for you guys right here.”
“ice cream still on for after?” oscar grins as he takes a step away. “take my good side, okay?”
“and mine,” logan adds. “i know you’re not a photographer often. but please, i beg you to take good pictures for once.”
she rolls her eyes, pushing logan towards the direction oscar is already walking. “i promise you will look good in your pictures today. blythe’s here to take pictures — she’s good at taking pictures of you.”
-> 2018
glancing through the small gap between the makeshift wall and the curtain, logan towers over her smaller frame as they watch the crowd gather beneath the elevated stage.
“this is a sight to remember,” she says excitedly, turning to meet his eyes. “this is so fucking cool.”
“i know. you think anybody important is down there?” logan mutters, raising his eyebrow. “where is oscar?”
“i’m here,” oscar giggles from behind them, prompting the two to turn around stiffly to look at him. “i was in the bathroom.” he raises his eyebrow as he realises where they are. “the hell are you guys looking at there?”
“the crowd for the podium,” logan smiles, beckoning him to come forward. “look, dude. it looks amazing.”
“i would hope so,” oscar grins, hopping over to them to peek through the gap they were looking at.
his smile drops, developing into a stare of awe and shock. the crowd has developed since he last glanced at it on his way to the bathroom.
“oh,” he says as he breathes out. “you’re right.”
she squeezes herself between oscar and the curtain, phone held out between the gap to snap a quick picture. “i’m remembering this moment for life. first of many.”
-> 2019
oscar rips his helmet off his head, running over to crowd that’s formed behind the barrier ahead of him.
“i did it! i won in formula 3!” he cheers, pumping his fist in the air as he runs over to where his team is gathered. he jumps into the crowd, choosing specifically where she stands, just slightly taller than the barrier that separated them.
“bitch!” she shrieks, falling backwards as his weight falls on her. “i’m proud of you, but god, oscar!”
“i won! i won!” he cheers as his feet meets the concrete floor once more. he jumps on the spot, grabbing her wrists. “did you see me on the track?”
she jumps, grabbing his wrists tightly. “i did! you raced an amazing race today!”
“dude, you won!” logan’s voice approaches them, joining the jumping huddle they’ve formed. “i can’t believe it!”
“i did!” oscar screams, one of his hands smacking logan’s shoulder. “i’m sorry for pushing you off track, though.”
“doesn’t matter! you won, you won!” logan cheers. he turns to the girl behind the barrier. “today, we eat a meal. not ice cream. i’m starving.”
“dude, same,” oscar says calmly. he turns to her. “you choose where we eat.”
“what?” she cries incredulously as she throws her head back. “you guys raced today. you choose where we go after the race.”
“no, you’re always here during our races to support us. this time, we give you a choice,” logan grins, leaning on the barrier towards her. “our way of giving back to you, of course.”
“i’m here because i want to be here,” she smiles. “i want to be able to support you from the sidelines! i’m your biggest fan.”
watching her friends progress to be in a league higher than her hurt, of course. but there are some facts she’s come to terms with and it’s that they will never have the same opportunities.
all she can do is swallow back the bitterness of it all and look at the brighter side. if racing doesn’t work out for her, there will be other opportunities for her. surely, somewhere else if it’s not here.
oscar hums, raising an eyebrow at her. “fine.”
logan sighs, shaking his head. “stubborn. let dalton choose, then.”
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“i can’t believe it!” she drops her helmet onto the cushioned chair. her hands are quick to cover her eyes, catching the tears that fell as she heaves with every breath. “i could’ve won that race!”
logan and oscar, stood behind her, are speechless as they follow her to a spot without cameras. the race was brilliant, overtaking countless cars and climbing her way to a good spot.
but then she made a mistake and stalled, causing her to lose out on a couple of positions. realistically, she could have won the race.
“everyone makes mistakes,” logan says softly. “it’s okay.”
“no! i raced like it was my first time in a stupid car! i’ve never stalled before!” she cries.
logan quickly pulls her into his arms, rubbing her back as they try their hardest to comfort her. “this was the race! this should’ve been the race that did it for me!”
“there will be more races, you know,” oscar tries his luck at saying something.
despite growing around many women in his life, comforting any of them is a feat he has yet to meet. he never know the right words to say to them.
she breaks free from logan’s grasps, falling into a squat as she continues to cry. “i’m never making it to f1.”
“hey, don’t say that!” oscar scolds her, tapping her shoulder softly. “i stalled the other day in an f3 car. it could happen to anybody.”
“it shouldn’t be happening to me! i’ve got a lot more to prove than you guys,” she sobs, rubbing her tears all over her face. “you know that. i’m never making it out of this league after that. i fucking-“
logan squats right next to her, rubbing circles on her back. “you’re too hard on yourself. one race doesn’t define you.”
she frowns, rubbing her eyes. “it’s over for me.”
-> 2020
she takes a deep breath as her name is called, tears filling her eyes. she walks past the wall and out onto the elevated stage as the crowd erupts in cheers.
in the crowd below her, she spots her parents standing against the barriers with oscar and logan behind them.
a smile stretches her lips as she catches their eyes, phones held up to document yet another achievement from her in the sport.
logan gives her a thumbs up, while oscar gives her a simple smile and a nod. but it tells her more than it needs to.
her parents are in tears once more, watching their eldest achieve things people never thought she could and would.
after the podium celebration, she pulls her hair out of her ponytail as she approaches the two boys that’s come out to support her. “hey! thank you for coming to watch my race!”
“i wouldn’t have missed it for the world, stupid,” oscar smiles, turning immediately at the sound of her voice. “that overtake you did in the last corner? masterclass.”
“dude, i thought you were gonna crash out with that move,” logan says through gritted teeth, shoving her back slightly. “you were so good!”
she flips her hair over her shoulder and bats her eyelashes. “i learn from the best.”
“you’re very much welcome,” oscar grins. “how was it up on that podium? hearing your national anthem and all? cool, right?”
“amazing, actually,” she says exasperatedly, throwing her arms in the air. “okay, let me be a good daughter. i’ll find my parents, let me get changed and we’ll head out to dinner like we planned.”
oscar nods. “be pretty. you’re going to be all over our snapchat and instagram, mate.”
-> 2021
she taps her card onto the reader, the gantry opening up for her. when she crosses that line, oscar appears next to her with a smile.
“the f1 paddocks look so much better than i remember,” she whispers to oscar as they start walking. “this is so cool.”
“oh, look who finally made it,” logan sasses them, approaching them with his hands on his hips. “never changing out of being tardy, i see.”
“you were early for marketing, stupid,” she scowls, walking further in with them.
her lips part as she looks around in awe, a smile spreading her face. “i want to be here every weekend someday.”
“we’ll get there,” oscar grins, nudging her slightly his his elbow. “but this is fun, isn’t it?”
“i could get used to this,” she nods, folding her arms over her chest. “but it’s unrealistic. i will stay in my lane, actually. maybe f2 is the furthest i’ll get?”
“i’m not making it to f1 without you.”
-> 2022
she frowns, looking at her phone screen as chaos ensues in her living room. dalton and oscar are battling it out over a game of just dance, screams passing their lips as they continuously miss dance cues.
her team has just announced her entry on their socials, and the comments are less than ideal. there were a few supportive ones, but they are all from known figures in the sport who are technically obligated to put a positive word in.
“hey, you’re awfully quiet,” ciara says softly, crawling towards her end of the couch.
which is true, because a couple of minutes ago, she was hurling insults at oscar’s ability to deliver a convincing performance to beat dalton at a game of just dance.
she locks her phone, resting it on her stomach as she forces a grin to her face. “nothing. just looking at something.”
“no, something’s bothering you,” ciara frowns, sitting on her feet.
logan pops up behind the couch, leaning on the backrest. “is it the instagram post for your announcement?”
she smiles weakly, nodding. “did you read the comments they had on there? i’m a good driver,” she says softly, slightly discouraged by the comments she was unlucky enough to have read. “i worked hard to be considered for f1.”
“they will never care about that,” ciara says.
her eyes snap up to her younger sister. how naive can she be to think that ciara would have toned down her harsh words for once?
but ciara slumps her shoulders and continues to speak. “you know that,” ciara says, resting an elbow on the back of the couch. “but you were chosen to be in f1. it’s now up to you to prove them wrong.”
logan smiles, poking her cheek. “she’s right.”
“i know, but it’s just unfair. all this hate because i’m a girl? like i haven’t had enough of that since i started karting.”
“they’re always going to say the same things,” logan sighs. “but now you made it to the big league. you’re going to be amazing.”
she doesn’t notice the game is over. immediately, dalton tackles ciara and oscar is sitting on her feet.
“what ‘cha talking ‘bout?” oscar asks, grinning at them. upon meeting her downturned lips and sad eyes, he drops his smile immediately. almost as if he already knew.
and he actually does, suddenly remembering that she mentioned her team will announce her transition some time today. “oh. i’m sorry. they already posted it, haven’t they?”
she nods, pressing her lips together.
he pats her knee. “they’re not in f1. don’t let it get to you, mate.”
-> 2023
“look at me!” she shrieks, jogging out of her racing home, jumping in front of oscar and logan. sebastian follows shortly behind her with a small smile and a phone held up.
“oh, purple is your colour,” logan agrees as she twirls with her arms out to show off her racing suit. “look at mine.”
he copies her actions, twirling around for them. “oh, let’s go, williams driver!”
oscar laughs, covering his mouth before stopping abruptly when they stare at him blankly. “what?”
“show off your race suit, duh,” she says, giving him a knowing look. “it’s your first year as a racing driver! do it!”
“no. i was here last year,” oscar smiles, trying to wave off her request. but their stares gives him the impression that they will not let him pass without doing it.
so he slumps his shoulders with a sigh. he twirls around slowly, arms out to show off his race suit halfheartedly and sebastian’s laughter prominent above his friends’.
“cute friends,” sebastian laughs. he puts the phone down, handing it to the younger girl all suited up for the test session. “welcome to f1, guys.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @inejismywife @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @love4lando @sadg3 @bborra @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1
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gigabyte-flare · 1 year
Insatiable (Part 2)
Part 1
Summary: Your collages should have listened to you.
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: yandere plagas!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Actions depicted in this story are not condoned in real life. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: Extreme violence and gore, biting, dubcon, forced breeding, gross las plagas-y things, death, mentions of un-aliving. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT.
A/N: Huge shout out to @chanif-art who's artwork continues to inspire me and this story. I am completely blown away with how well part 1 was received. Thank you to everyone who's liked, reblogged, commented and even simply read it. I didn't do a tag list for this one because I think well over 50 people asked and I completely lost track. Anyway, I hope this meets your expectations! I was listening to Little Girl Gone while writing this... for some reason it just fits plagas!Leon.
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“Honey, I’ve changed so much since I last saw ya.”
You open your eyes, finding yourself inside Leon’s cell. You dart your head around, looking frantically when you realize you’re chained to the chair, the same chair Leon had previously been chained to. You hear Leon chuckle, a low chilling sound as he walks up from behind you, taking long, slow strides. He turns to face you, you notice the black veins sprawling his body have gotten darker, his eyes more red. He grins as he kneels down to be at eye level with you, his four canine teeth noticeably sharp. He runs his tongue along his teeth.
“There you are, sweetheart. I didn’t think you’d wake up,” Leon says with a purr. 
Your eyes are wide, taking labored deep breaths before you attempt to struggle. Leon laughs, shaking his head.
“That won’t do you any good I’m afraid, but don’t worry, I’ll get you out of those chains so we can have some play time.”
Leon stands back up, walking back behind you. You hear him break the chains apart with his bare hands. You waste no time bolting out of the chair and to the door. No matter how much you pull, the door won’t budge. You turn around to find Leon standing directly behind you. He grabs you by the waist pulling you to him. You flail your arms at him, trying to fight him off. Out of the corner of your eye you see Bryan on the other side of the clear panel holding a clipboard, taking notes.
“Bryan?! Get me out of here! I’m trapped in here with him, please! He’s going to hurt me!”
Bryan lifts his head, shaking it, “the data you’ll provide from this is too valuable to pass up I’m afraid. We need to know if he’s capable of procreating with a un-infected human and what the offspring will look like.”
“WHAT?!” you scream, “Bryan have you lost your mind?!”
Completely ignoring your pleas, Bryan continues, “remember what we agreed on, Leon. You are not to infect her with the plaga until she gives birth. After that, you can do with her as you please.”
“I remember the agreement, you fucking prick,” Leon growls next to your ear before he licks your earlobe. 
“NO I DID NOT AGREE TO THIS BRYAN, YOU LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!” you continue to scream as you try to fight Leon off.
Leon, however, is much more powerful than you; he bites into your shoulder and makes short work of pinning you to the floor, his hands gripping your jeans and ripping them off you, leaving you with your pair of lace panties. You attempt to crawl across the floor towards Bryan, but Leon drags you back by your hips. Leon flips you over to face him, caging you with his body. He simply stares down at you, his smile wide. You watch as drool drips from his face onto your shirt, which he promptly rips apart to reveal your matching bra to him.
“Aren’t you just delicious to look at?” Leon says, licking his lips before locking his lips onto yours in a hungry kiss. 
To your horror, you’re returning his kiss, his hands grasping to both of your breasts. He pulls away after a couple minutes, sitting on his haunches as he pushes your legs apart, noting the dark spot that is now on your panties.
“Oh? You don’t want this? Then tell me why you’re so fucking wet, sweetheart?”
Leaning forward, he grabs your panties with his teeth, dragging them off you before tossing them aside. He then begins undoing the belt on his pants; before long he is pulling his hardening cock from his pants. He wastes no time climbing back on top of you, pushing himself inside you balls deep with ease. 
When the head of his cock kisses your cervix, your eyes roll into the back of your head as you let out a soft moan. Leon growls, thrusting into you with an insatiable ferocity, causing you to grip his arms, scratching into them with your nails. You felt like he was fucking you for an eternity when he let’s out another growl, pressing into you as deep as he could possibly go. You feel your cunt clamp around his cock, milking his cum into your body.
Leon stares back down at you, his eyes and grin wide as he laughs maniacally.
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You wake up screaming, covered in sweat and tears streaming down your face. You take deep breaths, laying your hand on your chest to ground yourself.
It was just a nightmare.
Once you get yourself calm, you climb out of bed and go into the kitchen of your apartment, making yourself coffee and some toast for breakfast. Afterwards, you get ready for work and head out the door. On your way, you decide to stop at the pharmacy. Walking the aisles, you find the feminine hygiene products, grabbing an ovulation test off the shelf and paying for it. Once you get to HQ, you trap yourself into one of the bathroom stalls, taking the test and waiting for the results. You watch in horror as a little smiley face shows up on the little screen, confirming your hypothesis.
You collect yourself before briskly walking into Bryan’s office. You don’t knock, you simply push the door open aggressively, startling both Bryan and the researcher he’s meeting with, you think his name is Pierce.
“I am not going back down there, Bryan,” you say sternly. 
Pierce shifts uncomfortably in his seat before standing up to leave, “I’ll go check on the camera feed downstairs.”
You and Bryan stare at each other as the door swings shut. Bryan rubs his eyes.
“Not this again, I’m sorry but I need you to go down there, you’re still the only one Leon talks to. Is this about what happened yesterday? I assure you, we have taken extra precautions to ensure that doesn’t happen again.”
You stomp up to Bryan’s desk, slamming the positive ovulation test onto the desk. Bryan looks down at the test before looking at you and raising an eyebrow.
“The fuck is this?” he asks.
“I’m ovulating, this is why Leon keeps saying I smell good and wants to practically throw himself on me whenever I’m down there.”
“That’s absurd.”
“Can you think of a logical explanation, then? I’m all ears.”
“This is not up for debate, you are going to continue working with Leon; that’s an order!”
Suddenly, the lights go dim before red emergency lights come on followed by a loud, screeching alarm.
“What the hell?!” Bryan exclaims, looking around confused.
You’ve never heard this alarm during your entire time at D.S.O., you rack your brain around what it could mean when suddenly, Pierce bursts into the office.
“Pierce! What the hell is going on out there?!” Bryan asks.
“Kennedy’s escaped, sir!”
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Leon opens his eyes and lifts his head, looking around his cell. Deep down he was seething in rage; he had gotten so close to getting out of this chair and having his way with you. Now, his chair had reinforced steel plating welded to it and they strapped a god damn muzzle onto his face. He could see he now had two men with guns guarding the door at all times. 
Fucking beautiful.
He tested the chains again, but found they had been tightened recently, angering him even more. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and hoped he would see you today. He hated the thought of you seeing him like this, but he desperately wanted to see you and inhale your sweet, sweet scent.
Out of nowhere, an excruciating pain jolts down Leon’s spine, causing him to cry out and writhe in his chair. His four canine teeth grow sharper, his fingers turning black and now taking on a claw-like appearance and a new, sharp appendage was peaking out of his lower back. The guards turned around to look at Leon. They immediately unlock the door and come into this cell to check on him. Leon stops writhing, slumping over in his chair, pretending to be passed out. One guard stays by the door, facing away from them while the other comes over to check on Leon, checking the chains to make sure they’re in place.
Unbeknownst to the guard closest to Leon, Leon’s new tail was extending from his back, coming around from behind the guard. It was very similar to a scorpion’s tail, but instead of a barb on the end, it looked like a blade. Within an instant, Leon’s tail wraps around the guard’s neck, snapping it instantly as four claw-like appendages burst from Leon’s back, breaking the chains holding his arms in place. Hearing the other guard fall to the floor the other guard turns around only to be faced with Leon, who is now up out of his chair and walking towards him, ripping the muzzle off his face, flashing a maniacal grin at the guard. The guard goes to shoot Leon but Leon is much faster, his tail whipping forward and impaling the man in the chest before flinging him aside. 
Leon strides out of his cell, looking down the hallway to see a pair of researchers coming down the hallway. Upon seeing Leon out of his cell, they start shouting at each other and turn to run in the opposite direction. Leon smiles, breaking into a sprint. He leaps, pinning one researcher to the ground with his body while his tail grabs the other by the waist, lifting him into the air.
“Where is she?!” Leon asks with a growl to the researcher he has pinned to the floor.
“Where’s who?!” the researcher stutters.
“Don’t play dumb with me! Where is she?!”
“Up-Upstairs! In Br-Bryan’s office!”
Leon’s mouth clamps down onto the researcher's neck, ripping out his throat as his tail squeezes the other until his spine snaps, falling to the floor as Leon lets him go. At that moment, all the lights dim before red emergency lights come on. Leon breaks back into a sprint to the elevator however, it was not working no matter how many buttons he pushed. He uses his tale to rip a hole into the ceiling, leaping up into it and climbing the elevator shaft. 
Once he reaches the top, he pries the elevator door open, swinging down, landing gracefully in the hallway. People are scrambling to get away from him, bumping and tripping over each other to run down the hallway. Leon’s red eyes scan the area, however, he sees no sign of you. More guards with guns show up, firing at him. His tale whips forward, deflecting their bullets with ease as he lunges forward. He impales one operative with his tail while his hand thrusts through the chest of another, gripping the man’s still beating heart in his claws before crushing it.
“Take her and get out of here!” he hears a man yell from down the hallway.
Leon’s attention is immediately drawn to the man that yelled, immediately recognizing him as Bryan. At one time, he liked the man, a brilliant scientist. Too bad he has to die. Leon watches as Bryan pulls out a pistol, firing shots at him. Again. Leon’s tail and back claws deflect the shots as he stands face to face with Bryan, his tail whipping around and decapitating the man with ease. He brings his tail’s blade to his lips, licking off the blood as he proceeds to walk down the hallway towards the entrance of HQ. 
A researcher is leading you out the front door, shoving you through the door with his back turned to Leon. He’s about to head out himself before Leon’s tail goes straight through his chest. Leon hears the man’s death gurgles as he flings him behind him, his body falling about 20 feet away with a loud thud. 
And there you are, cowering in the entry vestibule, your eyes locked on him, looking up and down his body. Leon straightens out his posture in hopes of making himself alluring to you, his tail whipping back and forth while his back claws flex. 
“Do you actually think you can escape me?” Leon coos, watching as you press your back as hard as you can into the glass doors as he comes closer.
“You never will, my love.” he continues with a grin, licking his sharp canines.
You stumble out of the door, bolting into the street and running as fast as you can to your car.
“I will find you.”
Part 3
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imloyaltoscoups · 1 month
club night | choi seungcheol
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As you enter the club with Seungcheol by your side, the pulsating beats envelop you, igniting a rush of excitement. You exchange a knowing glance, both aware of the unspoken agreement to enjoy the night separately, free to mingle with your own friends.
You nod to each other before parting ways, disappearing into the crowd. Seungcheol's figure quickly blends into the vibrant sea of dancers, his easy charm drawing people towards him effortlessly.
You find yourself surrounded by your own circle of friends, laughter and chatter filling the air. Drinks flow freely, and the music pulls you into its rhythm, washing away any lingering inhibitions.
As you chat and sip your drink with your friends, you catch sight of Seungcheol across the room. Your gaze lingers as you notice him engaged in conversation with a girl, her laughter ringing out above the music. She leans in close, her body language unmistakably flirtatious.
You watch, intrigued yet oddly unsettled, as Seungcheol reciprocates her advances with a playful grin and a witty retort. Your stomach twists with an unexpected pang of bitterness, the casual nature of your relationship suddenly feeling uncomfortably real.
"Can you believe him?" you mutter to your friend, your voice tinged with a hint of resentment.
But just as you're about to turn away, Seungcheol's eyes flicker in your direction, catching you in the act. His smirk deepens as he holds your gaze, a silent challenge in his eyes that sends a shiver down your spine.
"Looks like someone's not having as much fun as they thought," he teases, his voice barely audible over the music.
You swallow hard, feeling exposed under his penetrating stare. Despite your best efforts to maintain a facade of indifference, you can't shake the sting of jealousy that courses through you. With a forced smile, you raise your glass in a mocking toast before turning back to your friends, determined to bury the unwelcome surge of emotions that threaten to overwhelm you.
As you take a gulp from your glass, a plan starts forming in your mind. You can play that game too. Your friend's invitation to accompany her to the bar station is the perfect opportunity to observe Seungcheol's next move. With feigned curiosity, you agree, your eyes never leaving his figure in the distance.
As you stand at the bar, deliberating over your choice of drink, a tall, handsome stranger sidles up beside you, his presence commanding attention. You steal a quick glance towards Seungcheol, noting the scene unfolding with the girl at his side, her touch lingering on his biceps as she leans in closer.
Feeling a surge of defiance, you grip your glass tightly, the cool surface a reassuring anchor in the midst of the chaos. You refuse to let Seungcheol's antics unsettle you, determined to hold your own in this impromptu game of cat and mouse.
The stranger turns to you, a charming smile playing at his lips as he engages you in conversation. Despite the distraction of Seungcheol's flirty interlude, you find yourself drawn to the stranger's magnetic presence, his confidence infectious.
But as the conversation progresses, you sense Seungcheol's eyes on you, his gaze unwavering even as the girl's touch inches closer to his lips. You hold his gaze, a silent challenge passing between you, unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.
With a subtle smirk, Seungcheol lifts his glass in a mocking toast just what you did a while ago, his eyes never leaving yours as the girl's fingers brush against his lips. It's a daring move, a silent declaration of intent that sends a thrill of anticipation coursing through you.
With a coy smile, you started to engage again in a conversation with the stranger beside you, matching his flirtatious banter with ease. You lean in closer, mirroring the girl's actions with Seungcheol, your eyes never leaving his as you deliberately provoke a reaction.
You watch with satisfaction as Seungcheol's expression shifts, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. It's a small victory, but in this game of tit for tat, every move counts. And you're determined to show him that you're not one to be played with so easily.
As the guy beside you leans in, his voice barely audible over the thumping bass of the music, he whispers, "Hey, want to go somewhere a bit quieter?"
You meet his gaze, a mischievous glint dancing in your eyes as you nod in agreement. "Sure, why not?"
With a playful smile, you follow him through the crowded club, weaving between bodies until you reach a more secluded corner. The dim lighting casts shadows across the walls, providing a semblance of privacy amidst the chaos.
As you settle into the secluded corner, the guy leans in closer, his breath warm against your ear as he continues to flirt shamelessly. You play along, matching his enthusiasm with a hint of seduction, all the while stealing glances at Seungcheol across the room.
You catch his eye once again, and this time, there's a flicker of surprise in his expression, a hint of realization dawning in his eyes. You hold his gaze defiantly, silently daring him to make a move, to acknowledge the game you're both playing.
Seungcheol's lips are now occupied with the girl's, but his eyes remain fixed on you. It's a silent acknowledgment of the game you're both playing, a subtle challenge that sets your pulse racing.
As the girl leans into him, lost in the moment, Seungcheol's gaze intensifies. There's a depth to his eyes, a silent communication that transcends words. It's as if he's saying, "I see you, and I raise you."
You meet his gaze head-on, refusing to back down. There's a fierce determination in your eyes, a defiance that matches his own.
And as the girl continues to kiss him with her eyes closed, oblivious to the silent exchange between you and Seungcheol, you can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Turning your attention back to the guy in front of you, you lean in teasingly close, your lips just grazing his as you playfully evade his attempts to kiss you. His hands begin to roam, tracing patterns along your thighs, the fabric of your dress hitching up with each movement.
You revel in the thrill of the moment, the anticipation building as you toy with him, teasing and tempting with every touch. With a mischievous smile, you finally give in, pressing your lips to his in a heated kiss, your mind buzzing with the knowledge that Seungcheol's eyes never once left you, even as he indulged in his own distraction.
As the guy in front of you moves from your lips to your jaw and down to your neck, placing soft kisses along the way, you find yourself getting lost in the moment, forgetting momentarily about the game you were playing with Seungcheol.
But before things can escalate further, you're suddenly pulled away, the guy's touch vanishing as this person grabs your arm and guides you towards an empty room. You stumble slightly as he pushes you through the door, the cool air of the room hitting you in contrast to the heated atmosphere outside.
"Having fun, are we?" Seungcheol's voice cuts through the air, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
You bristle at his accusation, your defenses rising instinctively. "I'm not the one who started this," you retort, running a hand through your hair in frustration.
"You're talking back now?" Seungcheol's voice carries a teasing edge, his amusement evident as he grabs your face in his fingers, forcing you to lock eyes with him.
You can feel the heat of his touch against your skin, his proximity sending a shiver down your spine. But instead of backing down, you decide to play the brat, knowing it will provoke him further.
"Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" you challenge, a smirk playing on your lips as you meet his gaze defiantly.
"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" he says, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
Seungcheol's grip tightens slightly, his jaw clenching as a flicker of irritation flashes across his features. But there's something else there too, a primal desire that you can't ignore.
You lean in closer, deliberately pushing his buttons as you revel in the power play between you.
"I'm not the one who fucked up, Seungcheol," you declare, refusing to back down as you move closer to his face, the tension crackling between you.
But instead of acknowledging any wrongdoing, Seungcheol's gaze darkens with possessiveness. "You let others touch and kiss you," he accuses, his voice low and dangerous. "You belong to me. Every inch of you is mine."
You bristle at his words, his attempt to gaslight you only fueling your defiance. "Oh, do I?" you retort, your tone dripping with sarcasm. "Last I checked, you weren't the only one in this game."
But he doesn't back down, his grip tightening on your face as he leans in closer. "You fucking allowed someone to kiss you, Y/N," he growls, his voice laced with barely contained anger.
"Like I said, Seungcheol, you're the one who started it. I'm just doing my part," you shoot back, refusing to let him intimidate you.
With a defiant tilt of your chin, you move your hand above his chest, tracing a teasing swirl with your fingertips, a bratty challenge in your actions. You're not about to let him dictate the terms of this game, not when you're just as capable of playing dirty.
Seungcheol's breath catches at your touch, his eyes darkening with a mixture of desire and frustration. But you hold his gaze, unflinching in the face of his intensity. This may be his game, but you're determined to show him that you're not one to be controlled so easily. (but you were dead wrong)
As Seungcheol leans closer, his lips brushing against your neck, his words send a shiver down your spine. "You should have rushed towards me when that whore began flirting, but you just watched, isn't that right?" he whispers, his breath hot against your skin. "You should have claimed me right there."
His words strike a nerve, and you can't deny the truth in them. But before you can respond, he continues, his lips trailing lower to your collarbone, eliciting a soft moan from you. You tilt your head back, offering him more access, but he abruptly pulls away, his gaze piercing as he faces you head-on.
"But instead of running to me, you chose to flirt with someone, huh?" he accuses, his voice tinged with anger and disappointment. "And you even had the guts to fucking kiss that shit. And now you're telling me it's my fault?"
You open your mouth to protest, but before you can speak, Seungcheol's lips find their way to your ear, his teeth nibbling gently as he moves his hand to the exposed skin of your back, tracing slow circles along your backless dress. He leans back once again, his gaze pierces through you with a mixture of anger and desire, a storm swirling in his eyes.
"Did you enjoy making out with that fucker, huh?" Seungcheol's voice is low, his lips almost touching yours, sending a jolt of heat through you. You can feel the wetness forming between your legs as his dominance overwhelms you.
You lick your lips, feeling the dryness as you try to find your voice. "It wasn't like that," you protest weakly, but the desire in his eyes leaves you breathless.
Seungcheol's gaze darkens with lust as he continues, his knee pressing gently between your legs, a tantalizing pressure that makes your pulse race. "Did you use your pretty tongue of yours?" he demands, his voice dripping with possessiveness. "When I went there, you had your fucking eyes closed. Did you fucking enjoy his company that much?"
You struggle to respond, his words sending a surge of arousal coursing through you. But before you can form a coherent reply, he leans in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours as he whispers, "Did you let that fucker touch you?" His tone is laced with lustful desire, a primal need that ignites a fire within you.
Seungcheol's eyes narrow with intensity, his desire evident as he waits for your response. He knows, and you know he knows, but still, he wants to hear it from your lips.
You're torn between defiance and desire, your body craving his touch even as your pride fights against it. But in the end, it's the intoxicating mix of jealousy and longing in his eyes that wins out.
With a sudden surge of boldness, you grab his collar, pulling him closer, and press your lips to his hungrily. Your kiss is hungry, fueled by a primal need to possess and be possessed.
He finds your eagerness amusing, a smirk playing on his lips as he allows you to take control. But he doesn't kiss you back, his lips remaining passive against yours, a silent challenge that only serves to heighten your desire.
You find his refusal to respond maddeningly arousing, the thrill of the chase driving you to push him further. But deep down, you know that no matter how much you crave his touch, Seungcheol is the one in control.
As he remains passive against your hungry kiss, a whimper escapes your lips, betraying the frustration and desire swirling inside you. You can sense his arousal, feel the heat radiating from him, yet he remains strangely calm despite the anger simmering beneath the surface.
"Why won't you..." you start to protest, but Seungcheol interrupts you with a low chuckle, his eyes dark with amusement and desire.
"Because I know you want it more," he murmurs, his voice sending a shiver down your spine. "And I'm going to make you beg for it."
His words ignite a fire within you, a mixture of frustration and arousal that threatens to consume you. You know he's playing with you, teasing you with the promise of pleasure, and you can't help but fall deeper under his spell. With a frustrated growl, you release his collar, stepping back slightly as you try to catch your breath.
"But if you want to do something with that mouth of yours..." Seungcheol's voice trails off, his tone low and suggestive as he brushes his thumb against your parted lips.
Your breath hitches at the touch, anticipation coursing through you as he inserts his thumb into your mouth, pressing against your tongue with firm insistence.
You look up at him, meeting his gaze with a mixture of desire and defiance, the intensity between you reaching a fever pitch. The taste of his skin against your tongue only serves to fuel the fire within you, igniting a hunger that can't be ignored.
As you suckle gently on his thumb, you can feel the tension in the air crackling with electricity, a silent acknowledgment of the power play unfolding between you.
Seungcheol's eyes darken with desire as he watches you, a smirk playing on his lips. "That's it, be a good girl" he murmurs, his voice husky with arousal. "Show me what that pretty mouth of yours can do."
As you try to suckle on his thumb further, Seungcheol gently stops you, His gaze flickers down to his pants, a silent invitation that you understand all too well.
Without needing any further instruction, you drop to your knees in front of him, your eyes locking with his as you face his obvious arousal straining against his pants.
With practiced ease, you reach out, deftly undoing the button and zipper, releasing him from his confinement. His erection springs free, and you can't help but lick your lips in anticipation, the sight of him already making you throb with need.
Desire coursing through you as you meet his gaze, silently asking for permission. Seungcheol's eyes darken with lust as he watches you, a primal hunger burning within him. With a silent nod, he gives you the approval you seek, granting you permission to satisfy his every need.
As you begin to slowly suck his cock, Seungcheol's hand gently tilts your chin upwards, forcing you to meet his gaze. His eyes burn with intensity, a silent command for you to maintain eye contact while you pleasure him.
With his erection in your mouth, you comply, locking eyes with him as you take him deeper, savoring the taste of him on your tongue. Each movement is deliberate, calculated to elicit the maximum pleasure for him, but your gaze remains locked with his, a silent exchange of desire and dominance.
"You like that, don't you?" he murmurs, his voice thick with arousal as he watches you. "Being watched while you please me."
You can only respond with a muffled hum, your mouth too full to form words, but the hunger in your eyes speaks volumes. As you continue to swirl your tongue along his cock, Seungcheol hisses with satisfaction, praising how good you are.
"Fuck, that's it," he groans, his voice rough with desire as he sets the pace. "Just like that, baby. You know exactly what I like."
His words only serve to fuel your desire to please him further, and you redouble your efforts, determined to make him lose himself in pleasure.
But just as you find your rhythm, Seungcheol holds your hair up, tilting your head back slightly. With a soft groan, he begins to move his hips, setting a pace that you eagerly follow.
You struggle to maintain your balance as he sets the pace, your hands instinctively reaching out to grip his hip and thigh for support. The feeling of him moving within your mouth, filling you completely, sends waves of pleasure coursing through you, and you moan around him, the vibrations only serving to heighten his arousal.
Seungcheol's praises continue, his voice thick with desire as he urges you on, each movement of his hips driving you closer to the edge. You lose yourself in the sensation, completely at his mercy as you surrender to the pleasure of pleasuring him.
As Seungcheol's hips rock into your mouth with increasing force, tears begin to trickle down your cheeks. The roughness of his movements, combined with the demand to not stop using your tongue, sends a wave of mixed sensations coursing through you.
"Don't stop," he demands, his voice low and urgent. "Keep using that pretty tongue."
You try to comply, despite the ache in your jaw from the force of his thrusts. With every movement, he pushes you further, driving you to the brink of pleasure and pain.
"Fuck," he groans, his grip tightening in your hair as he moves faster, his movements becoming more frantic with each passing moment. "Just like that, baby. Don't you dare stop."
You do your best to obey, your mouth working tirelessly to pleasure him despite the strain. But with each passing second, the ache in your jaw becomes more pronounced, tears streaming down your face as you struggle to keep up with his relentless pace.
As Seungcheol's thrusts become more urgent, you can sense that he's getting closer to the edge. Bracing yourself, you prepare for what you know he wants – for you to swallow it all for him.
"Fuck, I'm close," he grunts, his voice strained with ecstasy as he approaches the brink of release.
With a mixture of anticipation and submission, you continue to obey his every command, your mouth working tirelessly to bring him to the peak of pleasure.
As Seungcheol reaches his climax, he pulls his cock out of your mouth just as you're about to swallow all of his cum. Instead, he places it on your lips, his juices still dribbling out from his pulsing cock.
"Keep it there," he commands, his voice thick with satisfaction and dominance. "Let me see you with my cum on your lips."
You obey without hesitation, holding his spent cock in place as his essence coats your mouth. The taste lingers on your tongue, a potent reminder of his control over you as you look up at him with eager anticipation, awaiting his next command.
He looks at you with satisfaction, a smirk playing on his lips as he observes your submissive state.
"You know," he says, his voice laced with smugness, "you can never beat me."
You swallow hard, feeling the weight of his dominance pressing down on you. Despite your best efforts to resist, you know he's right. He always seems to have the upper hand, leaving you powerless to his desires.
With a firm grip on your chin, he reminds you of your place. "Next time a girl flirts with me," he says sternly, "you need to claim that I'm yours. No more flirting with fuckers who approach you."
His words are a sharp reminder of the rules of this game, a game in which he always seems to come out on top.
Seungcheol kneels before you, catching your lip and tasting his own cum on your tongue. His actions are possessive yet tender, a contradiction that leaves you breathless.
"I hope this will be the first and last time you'll act like this, okay?" he murmurs against your lips, biting gently as you nod in response.
He kisses your forehead, his voice softening as he asks if you want to leave the club now. His eyes hold a warmth that belies the intensity of the moment, leaving you questioning the nature of your relationship.
You've asked him about being official before, but he always seems to evade the topic. As you stand there, caught between desire and uncertainty, you can't help but wonder if there's something deeper between you two, something more than just a casual fling. The question lingers, unanswered, as you follow him out of the club, the night's events leaving you with more questions than answers.
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....... ≿━━━━━༺S.COUPS༻━━━━━≾ .......
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slut4thebroken · 4 months
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary | Tommy’s been so busy with work that he’s been neglecting your needs… So you come up with a plan to finally get some attention.
Warnings | Smut, semi public sex, rough sex, spanking, creampie, degradation, humiliation, praise, brat taming, gunplay, established relationship.
Words | 2.3 k
Notes | I feel like I still don’t really have his characterization down tbh :/ oh well😭
Ao3 link | <3
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Smut prompts 4. "what would they think if they saw you right now?" 36. “You know I’m holding back from fucking you over this kitchen counter, don’t push your luck.” 48. “no panties. you need me that bad?” 50. “i bet you think you’re real cute letting them put their hands all over you. we’ll see how cute you look later when i get you home” 52. “you keep acting like a brat and i’ll take you over my knee right here. i don’t care how many people are watching” 75. "You wanted this. You can take it."
This definitely was not your proudest moment… but you’re pent up and Tommy has been too busy to take care of you for almost two weeks now. You’re desperately craving some rough, hard fucking. And you know exactly how to get it.  
Placing your hand on the man’s bicep, you laughed along with his “joke” and glanced at Tommy from across the room. He still hadn’t noticed you yet and you prayed he would soon because you’ve never met a man more bland and boring than the one in front of you. He’s also either completely stupid, or just doesn’t know that you’re with Tommy since he’s openly flirting with you. 
“You know, you truly are very beautiful.” He said, the joking tone now completely gone. 
“Oh- thank you..” You smiled, trying not to cringe. 
“May I dance with you?” You glanced at Tommy again— still nothing. 
“Sure.” He led you over to the center of the room and grabbed your hand, placing his other hand on your back, far too low. He started up another conversation and all you could do was nod or hum in agreement, too focused on looking at Tommy every chance you had. 
When you finally, finally met his gaze.. you immediately recognized his expression. You forced your eyes back on the man in front of you and smiled, trusting that Tommy would be over here any second now. 
“Hello, darling.” You stopped and tried not to smirk as you turned around. Tommy was looking between you and the man who quickly let go of you and stepped back. 
“Mr. Shelby.” He greeted, giving an awkward smile. He looked between the two of you and seemed to suddenly understand the situation. His smile slowly dropped as he took another step back. “I- I’m going to..” 
“Yeah, you do that.” Tommy sneered, waiting until the man scurried away before turning to you. He didn’t bother asking before grabbing your hand and pulling you into him by your lower back. 
“I bet you think you’re real cute letting him put his hands all over you…” He murmured, making you smile a little. “We’ll see how cute you look later when we’re home.”
“We were just dancing.” You said, in a tone that implied that you weren’t just dancing. 
“Right.” He scoffed. 
“There’s no need to get insecure, Tommy.” You said innocently, watching as his cheeks tensed when he clenched his jaw. His piercing blue eyes practically stared through you and if it were anyone else, they would’ve backed down immediately. 
“You keep acting like a brat and I'll take you over my knee right here. I don’t care how many people are watching.” He spoke in a low, menacing voice, making your stomach flutter. 
“Really? You’re not too busy for that?” You snarked and his expression shifted into one of realization, then amusement.
“Is that what this is about? My girl is a bit needy so she turns into a whore?” As soon as he started teasing, you knew you had to do more for this plan to actually work. 
“Screw you.” You spat, pushing him back by his chest. His eyes darkened and without paying any attention to the people who were now watching this encounter, he grabbed your wrist and started dragging you somewhere. “Let go!” You tried yanking yourself free, but his grip wouldn’t budge. He pulled you through a few hallways until you reached the kitchen, then shoved you into the room and slammed the door shut. 
“Quit it. I won’t tell you again.” He warned. 
“I didn’t even do anything! You’re the one who made a scene and dragged me away from the party.” 
“Oh, I made a scene?” He chuckled and you clenched your jaw, letting out a heavy breath through your nose. “Does no cock for less than two weeks really turn you into a complete brat?” He was still so fucking amused, so you shoved his chest again. He suddenly gripped your neck and pushed you back a few steps until you hit the counter. “I said quit it.” He growled, tightening his grip on your neck. 
“Fucking make me, Thomas.” You spat, purposefully using his full name. 
“You know I’m holding back from fucking you over this kitchen counter right now… Don’t push your luck.” 
“Oh, are you? Do you even have time for that?” You don’t think you’ve ever sounded more bratty before in your life. 
“Fine. You want to be fucked?” He quickly spun you around and pushed your chest down onto the counter, then bunched your dress up, letting it rest on your back. “Really, no panties? You need it that bad?” He snickered, making your cheeks flush in embarrassment. You don’t regret your decision to go without them though. 
The sound of clothes rustling as he opened his pants had you squeezing your thighs together, eager for what was to come. Without any warning he fully sheathed himself inside you, making you cry out and scramble for purchase on the counter. 
“Fuck! Tommy— what the hell?” He didn’t even give you a second to adjust before starting a brutal pace. Grabbing your hips tight enough to bruise, he bucked into you wildly with little care for your own pleasure. But for some pathetic reason that only made all of this hotter. “God- Tommy, slow down.” You whined, trying to squirm away. 
“You wanted this. You can take it." He gruffed, letting out quiet grunts now. Honestly, you’ve been a little horny since the moment you decided not to wear any underwear, but it’s been longer than usual since he’s been inside you and he didn’t do anything else to prep you, so the stretch burned a little. It was quickly turning into overwhelming pleasure though. When you reached a hand down to rub your clit, he twisted your arm behind your back almost painfully. 
“Brats don’t get to touch. You’ll be lucky if I decide to let you come at all.” You cursed under your breath and closed your eyes, only getting more worked up by his words and the way he said them. 
“Fine. When we’re done, we’ll go back out there and I’ll tell everyone about how Tommy Shelby can’t make a girl come.” You snarked. He pulled out with a low growl, making you smirk a little. You watched him walk across the kitchen, opening and closing drawers quickly. When he picked up a wooden spoon and started walking back over, you smirk dropped and you lifted yourself off the counter. “Tommy… Not here.” You warned, stepping away from him when he approached. 
“Get the fuck over the counter or I’ll make you.” When you didn’t move, he unholstered his gun and pointed it at you lazily. “Now.” Your eyes widened and you swallowed thickly, glancing between the weapon, the spoon, and his face. Even though you knew he’d never actually shoot you, the fear was still there. So you tentatively walked back over and leaned on the counter again. He lifted your dress, then immediately resumed fucking you, dragging the spoon over your ass to make you tense up. 
“I have responsibilities other than satisfying your needs.” He started, placing a firm smack on your ass with the spoon, making you curse loudly. “I run a business,” another smack, this one even harder, “I have a family…” The third hit brought tears to your eyes. “You are not my only priority, you understand?” You whimpered at the fourth smack, but even through all of this, he never stopped fucking you. 
“Answer me.” He growled, and this hit forced a choked sob out of you. 
“Yes! I- I understand.” You cried, clinging to the counter to ground yourself a little. 
“Your libido is inconsequential,” He continued, landing another hit on your already burning ass, “and I will not tolerate my woman acting like a whore because of it.” 
“Tommy..” You whimpered pathetically. 
“Do you have anything you want to say for yourself?” He spanked you twice in quick succession and you let your head fall onto the counter as a tear finally escaped your waterline. 
“I’m sorry!��� You sobbed out, only crying harder when he hit you again. 
“Try again.” 
“I’m sorry, Tommy.” You whimpered. 
“Last fucking chance.” He spat, spanking you again. 
“I’m sorry for… acting like a whore.” You choked out and he landed one more hit on each cheek before dropping the spoon onto the counter. 
“There you go.” He cooed, rapidly snapping his hips into you, adding more pain to your already burning ass. “What would they think if they saw you right now?" He asked amusedly and you whined as your cheeks heated up. “Bent over some random rich asshole’s kitchen counter, getting spanked and fucked stupid…” 
“Tommy…” You whimpered, voice barely audible. Your hips were digging into the edge of the counter painfully and your legs were trembling from the intensity of the pain and pleasure. With each thrust, his balls were smacking your clit, teasing you with the slightest amount of touch where you really needed it. 
“From now on, when this cunt is needy, you come to me before whoring yourself around, got it?” You nodded desperately, feeling so close to pleasure that was just out of reach. 
“Yes— yes.” You choked out. “Please, Tommy, I can’t take this.” Your voice was a weak whimper and you hoped it’d be enough to get him to cave. 
“Do you need to come, darling?” He cooed mockingly, making you frown a little. 
“Yes! Please make me come,” 
“You can come. But you’re not using your hands.” He said cruelly. 
“Tommy, please..” You whined, needing more. You knew he wouldn’t give it to you though. 
“Better hurry too cause I’m getting close.” He chuckled quietly, obviously enjoying your suffering. 
“I can’t! Please!” You can count on one hand the amount of times you’ve been able to come from penetration alone. 
“Do you need help, my love?” He asked softly, voice contrasting his actions as he fisted your hair and yanked your body up until your back was against his chest. The cold barrel of his gun dragged down your cheek, making you stiffen and close your eyes with a strangled whimper. “Is this better?” You let out a choked sob even though, yes, it was helping you get closer to the edge. “You’re trembling… Like a little lamb.” He murmured against your ear, sounding uncharacteristically endeared. 
“Tommy..” You whispered, unconsciously flinching away from the gun. 
“Are you scared?” He whispered back and you just barely nodded in response. “Good girl. I like you like this.” He placed a gentle kiss on your cheek and you mewled, feeling your orgasm barreling toward you. He never stopped thrusting, but based on his breathing and the quiet sounds he was making, you knew he was close. Which meant that if you wanted to come, you had to do it now. His lips moved down to your neck and began kissing and licking the sensitive skin, occasionally sucking it into his mouth to leave a mark. 
“Come on, love. Drench my fucking cock, I know you can do it.” The gun brushed over your trembling lips teasingly. “This cunt isn't useful to me if it can’t come.” The degrading words forced a strangled moan out of you. When he cocked the gun, your body immediately went completely rigid. “If it’s not useful, then I don’t need it...” He said coyly and you whimpered in response, feeling so incredibly close to release. 
“So be a good toy and let that cunt show me why I should keep you around.” That was all you needed to finally fall over the edge. You sobbed out a moan and your whole body tensed up, then started almost shaking as all of the tension was finally released. This was your first orgasm in almost two weeks and it had you struggling to breathe properly and keep yourself up with the way your legs were beginning to feel like jelly. 
“Good girl.. I got you.” He cooed, holding you in his arms but never faltering in the movements of his hips. “Let it all out, darling.” 
“Tommy.” You whimpered through all of the moaning. 
“I know. I know, love.” He whispered, holding you tightly. “Ready for my come?” His words made another strong wave of pleasure roll through you and you were mumbling out incoherent pleas before you could stop yourself. You probably missed the feeling of him coming inside you the most out of everything. 
Without another word, his hips stuttered, then he bottomed out, pushing you almost painfully into the edge of the counter with a low groan. You whined at the faint feeling of his cock twitching inside you as he painted your walls with his come. He was grunting quietly, his breathing growing ragged and fanning your neck, getting you worked up again. But he was done far too soon. 
Panting quietly, he set his gun down on the counter, then kissed the crook of your neck, filling your stomach with butterflies. You loved his soft moments like this, especially after how rough and mean he was being. 
“Good girl…” He whispered. “So good for me.” Your cheeks heated up at the praise. 
“Don’t let me go, I’ll fall.” You warned quietly and he released of soft chuckle in response. 
“Lean over the counter, darling.” He murmured, giving one last kiss on your neck before letting you lean back down, resting most of your weight on it. He dragged out slowly, making both of you hiss at the sensitivity. “Fuck… I missed seeing this.” He groaned, enjoying the sight of your walls wrapped around his length. 
You whimpered in pain when he grabbed your sore ass and pulled you open to get a better view of your fluttering holes and his come leaking out. At the first sight of it though, he kicked your legs together, making it drip down your thighs instead. 
“Tommy...” You whined and he gave a teasing slap to your ass as he let out a half hearted chuckle, then pulled your dress back down. 
“Try not to leak all over the floor, love. I’m not sure how you’ll be able to explain that.” 
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priniya · 1 year
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synopsis. james gets jealous when you tell him a story about your first kiss.
notes. james potter x reader. (former) remus lupin x reader. mentions of underage alcohol consumption
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“wait, y/n. you’ve never told us who were your first kiss?” dorcas frowned, earning you a frew curious glances from people present in the room, james included. “drink up and speak the truth.” sirius words were accompanied by a chuckle as he handed you the small bottle.
“we have to specify the question though.” marlene added, throwing an arm around her girlfriend’s shoulder. “first kiss as in a full makeout session, right?” the girls nodded in agreement, watching carefully as you took a sip of veritaserum. “tell us the story, ravenclaw.”
you could feel james staring at you, his curiosity intensifying each second, when you gave yourself some time to think of an answer. catching you crack a soft smile, sent him a painful jolt. things got only worse when you finally replied.
“a story?” you chuckled. “m’kay, it happened at the end of year four when you were involved in throwing a party, remember? well, remus bumped into me, spilling all his drink on my shirt and refused to let me go until i agreed on getting one of his. we went upstairs and it happened.” you shrugged as if it was nothing, but you smiled beforehand so it definitely meant something, didn’t it?
“MOONY?” sirius shouted in surprise, shifting his gaze to the mentioned boy, his mimic changing almost immediately. “wait it was you? no wonder why there were so much tension between you the next year.” his slurred words made the werewolf blush lightly, but he laughed it off quickly.
“well, there’s a story behind it too.”
“y/n, sweetheart, care to elaborate?” dorcas smiled at you sweetly, mischief flickering in her eyes, revealing her investment in the secret story behind your relations with remus.
“we were dating.” you confessed your little secret, probably too drunk to feel how your boyfriend tensed up upon hearing your words. “not long though, till late january, then we were just hooking up once in a while.”
“you were dating ravenclaw, and you didn’t tell any of us?” mckinnon looked at the blonde boy with a faked upset, shaking her head in disappointment. “i mean… to defend remus, he actually told me.” lily sent him a smile, averting her eyes to james for a millisecond only to catch him looking all unfazed.
“we wanted to keep it on the low in case it didn’t work out.” remus shrugged, taking a sip of his beer, involuntarily noticing how potter dropped his arm from your shoulder. “then she dropped me for james.”
“potter one, lupin zero?” peter chimed in, snaping the beverage from his friend’s hand, taking a turn in drinking. “geez ravenclaw, you really went for your ex’s best friend.”
“you act like you weren’t the one who decided to stop, ‘cos you wanted to make a move on sirus.” you wiggled your eyebrows, arms crossed at chest. “not that i don’t wanted to, you were just quicker.”
the conversation died down quickly after you were forced to spill all the secrets about your past relationship, someone quickly changed the topic to something more interesting that you weren’t a part of. at first, you didn’t even notice the change in james’ behavior, but then when you were falling asleep next to him, and he turned his back on you, you realized somethung was bothering him.
james avoided you almost all week, always finding excuses to bail on your suggestions to hangout or canceling them last second, having you wonder what was going on. he even skipped some of the classes you’ve had with him, while sirius was trying his hardest to convince you that nothing was wrong.
to be honest, you were stressing out, vivid images of your break-up flashed through your mind every time that your mind wasn’t occupied. so, after lots of consideration, you decided to bury yourself in studying for newts, while waiting for the boy to come and talk to you.
“merlin, prongs. what’s wrong with you and ravenclaw, have you fought or something? you’re sulking and she doesn’t even come here nowadays.” sirius rambled, taking a seat next to james on his bed, and frown when the boy doesn’t reply. “mate, i’m for real worried, so is your girlfriend. talk to me.”
“i just… can’t stop imagining her and moony together. whenever i look at her, the image of him is somewhere in the back of my mind. it bothers me so much, i can’t think straight.” he sighed. “i can’t stop thinking about the what if’s. i can see her breaking up with me to get back with remus.”
mentioned boy just walked out of the bathroom quietly, taking in the entirety of the conversation and let out a laugh, catching his friends’ attention almost immediately. “she indeed may break up with you, not for me though, but because you keep avoiding her like fire.” lupin plopped onto his bed.
“listen, you’d do the same–” james’ words were cut off.
“sirius didn’t, and he’s in the same position as you are.” he shrugged. “my point is, she wouldn’t break up with you to get back with me, because she loves you so much ever since you started hanging out, she told me she loves you after your second date, she always wakes up at four to watch your quidditch’s practice and you think she would choose me over you? buy yourself new glasses.”
“and, the reason we broke up was that we realized we were just horny teenagers that could fulfill each other’s needs, that we weren’t in love.” remus scoffed, ruffling his hair. “and you know what? i decided to stop hooking up with her, because i wanted her to finally make a move on you, merlin, prongs all she ever talked about, since your first tutoring, was you.”
when james stood up so suddenly, lupin knew he succeeded on knocking some sense into the seeker’s mind. “she’s at the library.” werewolf murmured as the seeker was on his way to leave the dorm.
you were burying yourself in tons of books, trying to get in as many informations as possible, occupying your brain with anything that wasn’t james potter. speaking of the devil, you didn’t even realize when he sat beside you with a scowl on his face.
“love,” you jumped at the sound of his words, eyebrows knitted together. “can we… talk?” james spoke, embarrassment ringing in his tone as he couldn’t bring his eyes to look into yours. he would be a fool if he expected you to fall into his arms, apologizing for nit telling him earlier — all in the most dramatic manner you could only pull out.
when you didn’t reply nor move, his shoulder sulked, eyebrows knitted together as he still waited for an answer. it took him more than five minutes to realize you weren’t going to continue the conversation, making him the one to talk. “i get that your upset, i do, you have every right to be upset with me and my behavior towards you. i was jealous, i’d never known you were together and it got to my head and i couldn’t think straight. i’m sorry, really.”
“james.” a sigh escaped from between your lips as you finally looked at him. “it was something completely different with remus, i thought i liked him, but with you — i’m certain i love you.” a smile lit up his face upoin hearing your words — it was the first time you were the one dropping the L bomb, not him.
“so… are we fine?”
“we are, if you won’t pull out something like that again.”
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adore-u-ls · 4 months
just talk to her - luke hughes
this is self indulgent. i didn’t know the ending when i was writing. i’ve forgotten how to write so i’m sorry. lukey boy!
“Luke.” Quinn hissed out, having been trying to get his brothers attention for the last 3 minutes.
“What? What do you want?” Luke grumbled being forced to drag his eyes away from her.
“Jesus christ, just go and talk to her man. Stop staring at her, it’s weird.”
“Quinn, I can’t. I don’t know what to say. I’m not Jack” the other boy let out, his eyes flitting to his brother who stood just behind Quinn.
“Lukey boy, just go.”
With some unhelpful words that Luke assumed was Jacks attempt at motivation, he looked back over to the girl who was currently browsing the aisles and said “Fuck it.”
He approached with confidence he had managed to pull out of thin air and prayed that carried over in to his voice when he approached her.
He reached out a hand to tap her shoulder and the girl let out a small gasp of surprise before turning to her left. Luke noticed a small flash of annoyance in the girls eyes and realised right there that he would happily get lost in those eyes forever if given the chance.
Confusion overtook the annoyance and before he could back out, she smiled. And Luke swore his heart soared and as he swallowed thickly, he willed himself to speak.
“Hi, I’m Luke. I was just wondering if I-“
“O-oh, I’m sorry, was I in your way? Did you need something from here?” She gestured vaguely to her front and took a step back from him, assuming he was asking her to move.
“Oof. That’s not good” Jack breathed out, arms leant over a clothes rail as the two older Hughes took in the scene of the girl stepping away from their little brother. Quinn let out a wince in agreement, wondering what Luke had managed to say if he was already making the girl back away.
Luke hadn’t even seen what she was looking at before he interrupted her and threw a quick glance at where she was gesturing before following up with “No, no sorry! I was- I just- Okay. I’m nervous but I’ll come out with it. You’re very pretty and I was wondering if I could get your number and if we could arrange a date. I completely get if you say no or like think I’m weird…or something.” Luke felt his confidence fade completely by the end of his rambling and was wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans and could already feel his cheeks heat up knowing there was no way she would say yes now.
Another smile graced the girls face and she let out a little chuckle, hand reaching out to soothe Luke’s bicep. “I would like to go on a date with you Luke so yes, you can have my number”
The boys eyes widened and he was silently thanking the universe for this. He quickly nodded and pulled out his phone to share his number with you. After the two of you exchanged numbers and you told Luke that you needed to get going but not before throwing him a wink and telling him you looked forward to your date. Glancing at what you had named yourself in his phone, he let his eyes drift over your name, letting out a puff of amusement as he saw the “🛒” emoji at the end of your name.
Luke let out a breath he hadn’t realised he was holding before turning on his heel to walk back to where his brothers stood. A smirk now placed firmly on his face as his brothers looked at him a shock, neither having said a word after the exchange they’d just witnessed. Jacks jaw hung open and Quinn just looked bewildered.
Jacks jaw snapped shut and let out an incredulous“How on earth do you not have any game at all and STILL manage to get a girl, a pretty girl nonetheless, to agree to a date with you?” Luke knew the chirping was coming and he only stuck his tongue out in response. Quinn, on the other hand, just whistled lowly and said “Wait till mom and dad hear about this.”
With that final comment, Luke ushered out a quick “Shut up.” and spun around to look through the rails of clothing, hellbent on ignoring the snickers coming from his older brothers.
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aweina · 7 months
ᥫ᭡. school boy crush , mike schmidt ( fluff )
wow, she’s really pretty …
tags fem reader. mutual pining. strangers to crushes. awkward older brother mike. abby has a new bestie.
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the doorbell buzzes. three times exactly, few second pauses in between each of them — ultimately forcing him to wake up with a blank mind.
shuffling towards the door, mike tiredly opens it and finds a woman, seemingly around his age, and some younger girl patiently waiting on his doorstep. he’s confused at first, just woken up from a heavy snooze — the curls on his head are frizzy and his mouth dry from crashing into bed without some water.
his brain doesn’t register anything other than the woman on his doorstep, you, was the prettiest person he’s ever seen. he scans your face carefully — making sure to rub off the blurry haze that his slumber brushed over his vision while keeping his gaze subtle. tracing over your eyes and mouth. a pink hue stains his freckled cheeks when you finally caught him staring, a soft laugh escaping your lips as he profusely apologizes in an incoherent manner.
you formally introduce yourself, pointing towards the young girl who happened to be your younger sister — a new friend of abby’s. mike is relieved, his sister finally making friends that are actual living beings and not some ghost lingering in her head. but he’s also conflicted, seeing how pretty you are and how hard he could contain himself around you.
suddenly, mike’s smitten trance is shattered when he’s pushed away from the door, where abby happily greets your younger sister and yourself. her voice upbeat and her small arms wrapped warmly around both your bodies. the young brunette turns around towards her brother, a sour look on her face.
“don’t creep out my new friend.” abby warns, sticking her tongue out to mike while she protectively holds your sister’s hand.
“yeah, he was staring at my sister weirdly.” your sister shyly mumbles, intended for only abby to hear but both you and mike heard her clearly.
he’s embarrassed, being called out by a child of all people. even worse, it was in front of you to hear — now biting back a pleased laugh while ruffling the messy locks of your sister out of the act to comfort her.
“now don’t be rude. he seems like good company.” you assured your sister with a smile so radiate, mike swore he saw a reflection flash in his eyes.
you gazed up at him, eyes so soft and holding no malice — not one’s he usually sees. he nervously gulps at your lingering eyes, dragging towards his pursed lips and tired eyes, the same thing he did just moments ago. wait, are you checking him out too?
mike couldn’t help but gaze away shyly, a big grin on his face. your staring was too intense, but at least he knew the attraction wasn’t one sided. then you do the same, noticing your own fleeting gaze and the knowing smile on his face, your polite smile quivering and nervously coughing.
both the young girls quietly observe your nonverbal flirting, confusion knitted into their small brows.
“umm actually, i think both of them are weird.” your sister faintly yells as she gently nudges abby, who nods in agreement.
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add. note : mike is just being lovesick is so precious. he also needs to make a new ‘friend’ just like abby aka YOU ( ¯▿¯ ) !!
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maraudersmyloves · 2 months
hii! i have a request i thought of a few days ago, fem!reader x slytherin boys (mainly mattheo riddle) where they noticed something wrong with her and she lies about it and mattheo says something along the line of “cut the bullshit”
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CW: cussing, Angst, insecure reader, screaming, Arguing
You've been hanging out with the Slytherins less and less, not eating with them or hanging out at Blaise's Dorm after class.
That Fact alone wouldn't be unusual. It's exam Season after all and you often spend that time holed up in your Dorm, Studying and Eating what your Roommates bring you up.
The Problem occurs when you stop coming to Sunday Hangouts.
It's not an actual Agreement or anything, but it's become a Routine never broken.
No matter what's going on, on Sunday at around 9 PM you all meet at the Greenhouse.
Mattheo's always the first there and Tom's the last.
Pansy never figured out a certain time she would arrive while Draco always turns up at exactly 9:06:56
Down to the motherfucking Second
Blaise always brings a Book he doesn't read, Theo always forgets the Snacks he's supposed to bring and brings the sweets only he likes instead, while you always bring a Sketchbook.
It's 9:34 and you're not here.
You weren't there last week but Blaise convinced the others to talk about it Today.
Mattheo was stressing about talking with you and got into an all-time high of fights all week.
Now, you're not here.
Everyone is here
Except for you
It's pissing Mattheo off and at this point, the others are just as peeved
You are in your room crying
You know you should be at the Greenhouse rn, and doing anything else feels weird
The last 3 years you have spent every Sunday at the Greenhouse
For two weeks you haven't
The Slytherins loudly knock on your door and you quickly wipe away the tears, taking a few deep breaths to seem more collected
Mattheo sees your red eyes and is immediately worried although anger quickly overcomes him
Why didn't you tell him something was wrong?
God, why can you never just talk to him??
"Oh, hi guys!"
You force a smile but they see through it
"Wtf, y/n. Where have you been, what's going on???"
"I've just been studying, you know how i get"
"Cut the crap, wtf is actually going on?"
Blaise pulls him back a bit to not make you feel cornered
Theo steps forward, missing the point of Mattheo getting pulled back "We worry!! You can't just cut contact for two weeks. We excused you not coming to hang out last week but two times in a row?!"
"Calm down guys, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation to all of this, Right?" Pansy says, but the last words have some venom you didn't expect.
Not from her
Your best Friend
Hot tears fall from your eyes and Tom pulls Pansy to the side while Mattheo steps closer, his eyes filled with worry
"Mi Vida? Can I hug you?"
His Voice is soft and his open Arms look so inviting.
You want to step back and say no so badly when you remember the words that caused this, but you can't bring yourself to do so. Silently nodding
He wraps his arms around you in a matter of seconds pulling you as close as he can.
You can hear Blaise's annoyed voice talk the others into leaving you alone
He is the only one smart enough to realize how overwhelmed you are
One after the other they usher out
All with various amounts of Backtalk, while you and Mattheo stay still. Standing in the middle of the now empty room, Papers and Books scattered all around you, Mattheo buries his Head in your Neck.
"Wanna tell me what's wrong, baby?"
Pt. 2 with Backstory and more Angst?
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amiableness · 1 year
At Last
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pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
summary: jj's cousin comes to town and attempts to get with y/n, pissing off jj in the process.
wc: 7.6k
warnings: dean turns out to be an ass, pet names (baby & sweetheart), oral (m & f), dirty talk, language, and p in v {there might be more, let me know!}
a/n💌: she's here! thank you for all your patience while i worked on this fic, hit some writers block while working on it. some of the smut might be familiar if you've read some of my old work, it's because i copied it from gentle. i will be deleting that fic and 'replacing' it with this one!
JJ Maybank couldn’t remember his childhood without Dean Maybank in it. There wasn’t a time he could recall when the nearly identical blonde wasn’t by his side. From diapers to teens, both boys spent most of their time together. Separated by only two months, the boys were practically brothers. There were mistaken for siblings nearly everywhere they went. Whenever one went, the other one was sure to follow. Their moms used to pretend they couldn’t tell the boys apart when they were little, sending both boys into a fit of giggles as they desperately tried to get their moms to remember their sons.
He was twelve when his mom left, and everything fell apart instantly. Luke turned to bottles upon bottles of alcohol to soothe the ache she left in her wake, and JJ was forced to grow up quickly. Andrew and Cecelia Maybank weren’t far behind, taking Dean with them. JJ never knew why his mom left or why his aunt and uncle followed him closely behind. But he was left alone to wonder for many nights why he was left behind.
JJ had years of practice burying the hurt and anger he felt, but as he sits across from his cousin at a table of The Wreck, he can feel the anger simmering. He’s not particularly fond of his cousin being back in town, but that’s not getting under his skin. It’s the fact that Dean has been eyeing you for the past twenty minutes.
“Wait, how long since you have been here?” Cleo asks Dean, attempting to break some awkward silence between JJ and him. Cleo slides into her chair next to Pope while she sends a welcoming smile to Dean, who sits across from Pope.
“Been a while, about seven years now.” Dean Maybank answers with a soft smile. He’s got the same blonde hair as JJ, but he keeps it a lot shorter and has dark blue eyes. They look like they could be twins.
“No wonder I haven’t met you then; I haven’t been around long.” Cleo supplies as Pope tosses his arm over her shoulder and presses a kiss to her temple.
“And Y/n?” Dean asks as he glances back over at you as you laugh with Kiara and Sarah while waiting for your order. Cleo’s lips part a little, and she spares a glance over at JJ, who has pulled his attention away from his phone at the mention of your name. His eyebrows are furrowed, and his body is tense as he stares down at his cousin. Dean doesn���t notice, his eyes glancing back at you.
“She joined the group about six years ago.” John B answers just as the three of you walk over with full hands. John B is sitting next to Dean, saving a spot for Sarah. From the look his best friend is giving him, he’s glad he sat next to Dean.
“Kiara, I love this place, but it’s so slow when you aren’t working here.” Sarah sighed as all the plates were set down and passed around. There’s a rumble of agreement at the table, and Kiara laughs loudly before sitting beside Sarah.
You slip into your spot between Cleo and JJ. JJ would never admit it out loud, but having you fall into the seat next to him and speak softly to only him sends a spark of possessiveness. He loves it when your attention is only on him.
“I got us a milkshake to share,” He watches as you rip the wrapper off the straw before pausing, eyes darting between the straw in your hand and the milkshake sitting in front of you. “They only gave us one; I’ll go grab-”
“We can share.” He grabs the straw from your hands before plunging it into the chocolate shake between you and taking a quick sip. You flush, realizing that you both will be sharing a straw. This wouldn’t bother you in any other case, but it’s JJ. You wouldn’t have thought twice about it if it had been anyone else. But something about him fills your stomach with that giddy feeling that makes you almost jittery with nerves.
His grip is still on the straw as he gives you a slight nod to take a sip. Your cheeks flush when you realize that he’s holding the drink, expecting you to take a sip like this. You lean forward, taking a tentative sip, ignoring how JJ watches you so closely. Having his eyes on you sets off that flurry of butterflies again.
“So cute, guys.” John B teases, making a heart with his hands, and your cheeks burn. You fight the urge to toss a fry at him. John B was notorious for calling out any moments you shared with JJ, which always left a hot flush on your body. Were your feelings for him that obvious? Did JJ know?
You peek over at JJ, who is flipping his best friend off.
The table is quickly drawn back into the conversation as your friends try and get to know Dean more. JJ stays quiet, instead choosing to eat and mutter things to you occasionally. You can’t help but be curious about why he avoids talking to his cousin. John B said that they used to be close, but from how JJ is acting now, you can’t help but wonder what happened.
“Y/n isn’t much of a surfer either.” Your ears perk up at the mention of your name. Sarah is giving you a pointed look indicating that you totally missed out on something.
“I was saying I’m not a big surfer,” Dean supplies at your confused expression. “Maybe we could do something else so everyone heads out to surf later.” The soft smile he sends your way makes your cheeks flush.
You open your mouth to answer, but JJ cuts you off.
“You used to surf all the time.” JJ’s tone is flat, surprising you that he finally decided to speak during this lunch. He had spent the last hour not saying a word to Dean. You glance over at him to see he’s sending an unimpressed look toward his cousin.
“Used to. Not anymore.” Dean shrugs, and you can tell he feels a little unsure around JJ, and you don’t blame him. If JJ was looking at you the way he was looking at Dean, you would feel a bit unwelcome too.
Ever the people pleaser, you send a smile over at Dean. “I would love that, Dean.”
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“Dean Maybank is cute.” Sarah breathes out dramatically once all four of you are alone in her room. The boys are all at the Chateau; Cleo thought this might help JJ warm up to Dean more. You highly doubted it.
Your cheeks flush when you realize Sarah is directing this comment at you. You give a little shrug as you sit on the edge of her bed.
“Are you calling JJ cute then? Because they look like brothers.” Cleo teases as she pulls her bikini out of her bag. In front of the mirror, Kiara braided tiny pieces of her hair, laughing lightly at Cleo’s comment.
“Is that what we’re really gonna talk about right now?” You ask, feeling apprehensive about comparing the two. There’s no way you wanted to compare the two, mainly because you knew that JJ would always come out on top in your eyes.
“Yes! He seems pretty damn interested in you.”
“Maybe, but Dean isn’t the Maybank she wants.” Kiara sings songs, and your mouth parts as your sputter out a reply, but you can’t seem to deny it.
“I-no! JJ and I are just friends; we always will be.” You wanted to be sick saying these words.
“Are you serious? He looked ready to kill Dean when he asked you out.” Kiara glanced over her shoulder at you making your cheeks burn.
“He did not ask me out.”
“He made a move for sure,” Cleo called as she headed towards Sarah’s bathroom with her bikini. A sigh passed your lips just as the door clicked shut.
“Nothing is gonna happen whether he made a move or not.”
“Why not?” Sarah asked, tossing herself on her bed next to you.”
“I just-it feel wrong.”
“Because it’s not JJ,” Kiara states this like it’s the most obvious thing in the world as she finishes her hair and turns to face you. Sarah and Kiara nearly scream at the expression on your face, giving you away.
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Maybe it was selfish, but JJ had been hoping you had forgotten about agreeing to spend time with Dean while the group went surfing. But here he was, watching the two of you walking up the beach and away from the group. Surfing with his friends meant you would be sat higher up on the beach immersed in one of the many romance books you owned. 
Not this time. He watched as you walked away, this time as his cousin held your bag for you.
“JJ, you comin’ or what?” John B hollered. JJ sighed and headed towards the beach, aware that this was the first time in his life that he did not want to go surfing.
“It’s not a date, man; quit pouting.” His best friend mumbled, clapping JJ on the shoulder. The blond sent him an irritated look.
“But he damn well wants it to be,” The thought made JJ’s stomach tighten with discomfort. “She could want it to be.”
“I doubt it,” John B shook his head in disagreement. All the different times he had caught Y/n or JJ pining after each other had proved otherwise. But that wasn’t his place to tell. “Listen, if you like Y/n, you need to tell her. I’m not saying she’s gonna end up with Dean, but I know she won’t be single forever.”
“It’s complicated,” JJ grumbles as he rakes his hand through his hair. He needs a haircut but refuses to get one after he overhears you say you like long hair on guys. Maybe that makes him pathetic, but so be it.
“It’s really not; you’re just making it that way by avoiding telling her.”
“John B, fuck off,” JJ snaps, but his best friend knows not to take offense. “Telling her how I feel could mean losing her as my best friend, and that’s not worth it.”
“But what if telling her means you get her as your girlfriend and best friend?” John B’s words cause his stomach to flip at the thought.
“Wishful thinking, man.”
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Your time with Dean was going well, and you were thrilled that you got on with him so quickly. Part of you wanted to ask, but you were scared of making a fool out of yourself if he told you no. Not that you were hoping it was; you just genuinely weren’t sure how Dean viewed this hangout.
He had taken you to a little ice cream shop, one that he said his mom used to bring him and JJ to all the time. Your heart had squeezed in your chest at the reminder that you weren’t there to watch him surf, one of your favorite pastimes. Quickly reminding yourself to enjoy the present moment, it was fair to Dean if your mind was caught up somewhere else.
“This is the best ice cream I’ve ever had; how did I not know about this place?” A quick moan of appreciation slips pasts your lips as you bite, proving your statement true. Dean laughs at your reaction, thrilled to see you enjoying one of his favorite places so much. The last time he was here was with his mom and JJ to have a quick treat after dinner. They left two days after that.
“One of the best places in OBX, hands down,” He replies, studying you with a soft fondness that you are oblivious to. Your entire focus was on stirring your ice cream to make it nice and smooth.
“Totally out of my comfort zone today,” You confess as you take another bite of the cotton candy ice cream. But the soft pink color was so pretty you just couldn’t resist. “JJ and I usually share mint chips.” Dean drops his eyes down to his ice cream at the mention of his cousin. 
“Can I ask you something?” He finally asks, and you quietly hum to tell him to go on.
“Are you and JJ..?” He trails off, unsure if he should continue his question by the look on your face. You place your spoon in your bowl and sigh.
“We’re just friends,” By the shrug of your shoulders and the way you naw on your bottom lip, Dean can tell you aren’t a man of this.
“And you’re alright with that?” He asks, hoping for an answer that could turn this into a date between you.
“I-uh-” You clear your throat and glance at the window towards the ocean, hoping to catch a glance of JJ. To no avail. “I’ve liked him for years, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t interested, so we’re just friends.”
Dean gives you an understanding look, but inside, he’s thrilled about your answer. You weren’t JJ’s.
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It had been a couple of weeks of hanging out with Dean: trips to the beach, talking about books, getting ice cream, and movie marathons. You knew how this looked, but it was purely just as friends. You knew that, and Dean knew that. Or so you thought.
“So let me get this straight, you guys have been going on dates pretty much but just as friends?” Cleo asked, totally confused by what was happening between you and Dean.
“Yes, just friends,” You clarified as you attempted to fix your hair in a way you liked for tonight’s party.
“He brought you flowers this morning.” She deadpanned, glancing over at the bouquet of pink poppies on your bedside table. They were placed next to a picture of you and JJ, making Cleo snort quietly.
“He was just being nice,” You sounded exasperated, and Cleo wasn’t sure if it was because of your hair or her nitpicking. “Nothing is going on.”
“Maybe for you! He’s clearly interested; he’s been taking you on dates -“You open your mouth to cut her off. “Yes - dates, all week. He’s interested.”
“I thought you were team Dean.” Your hair fell from your hands as you gave up on making the perfect bun; it just wasn’t going to happen tonight.
“That was Sarah. I’m team whoever makes you happy.”
“So, would you be happy if I went out with Dean?” You nibbled on your bottom lip as you waited for her response. Her eyebrows rose, and she stared at you for a second.
“Thought you were just friends.”
“We are! I just-“You paused, taking in a big breath of air and holding it for a second. “I don’t wanna miss a chance with a great guy because JJ doesn’t return my feelings. I can’t hold out hope forever.”
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“First party of the summer, Dean! You excited?” John B asks as he presses a beer into Dean’s awaiting palm.
“It’s not the first party of the season,” JJ grumbles, and you shoot him a look, hoping he can control his anger towards his cousin for the night and enjoy the party.
“The first one he’s been to; he’s been too busy with our Y/n here.” John B taunts, sending you a wink when he sees you looking flushed. JJ feels sick. Are you blushing at the thought of being with Dean? Have you actually been going on dates with him all this time?
“Baby, leave them alone,” Sarah admonishes, giving a light slap to his arm. He lets out a laugh and drops his arm over her shoulder, leading her in the direction of the house.
An awkward silence falls over the three of you. Pope, Kiara, and Cleo had already headed inside to get drinks, and you were now desperately wishing JJ had too. Anything would be better than the way he is currently glaring at Dean for standing too close to you.
“Want a drink?” Dean leans to whisper in your ear, and you send him a grateful smile.
“Yes, please,” You smile up at him, watching him for a second longer as he slips through the crowd. JJ clearing his throat is what brings your attention away from him.
“What are you doing with him?” He asks, taking a step towards you. 
“We walked here together, and I-”
“No. What’s up with you spending so much time with him? I’ve hardly seen you in the last few weeks.” He steps closer and closer until the two of you are standing so close you can count all the freckles on his nose.
“We’ve been hanging out.” You supply, not wanting to give too much away. It’s not that we’re trying to be secretive, but you knew that JJ had a habit of getting protective over you. Guess what happens when you’re friends with someone for so long.
“Hanging out or going on dates?” His hand pushes the stand of your hair, blowing in the breeze. At the proximity of him, your heart squeezes, and your breath catches.
“Hanging out?” You answer in nearly a whisper, so focused on starting up at him. The heat of his fingers touching your skin feels like you have been branded.
“You don’t sound so sure.” There’s that cocky tone. He can tell you’re flustered by how close he is to you. You’ve always reacted to him this way. It’s moments like these where it doesn’t seem unbelievable to him that you might like him back.
“We’ve been hanging out, but it might be becoming more and-”
“Y/n” At the sound of Dean’s voice, you take a step away, startled. There’s a tone to Dean’s voice that JJ doesn’t like. He sounds possessive, too possessive for a guy who has only met you a couple of weeks ago.
Dean’s eyes flicker between the both of you, quickly picking up on the tension and closeness. In an act of jealousy, he slips his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side, something he’s never done before. Your features flash with surprise that JJ quickly notices.
“Have a goodnight, JJ.” Dean bites out before steering you toward the direction of the house.
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“I thought you said that you and JJ didn’t have anything going on.”
“We don’t.” You glance up at Dean, who still has his arm wrapped around your shoulder. His jaw is tense, and you feel a flash of discomfort at seeing this new side of him.
“Didn’t look that way. He was close enough to kiss you.” Dean grits out, squeezing your shoulder that makes you wince.
“But he didn’t. I don’t understand-”
“You said that he wasn’t interested. I thought I clarified my intentions when I started taking you out on all these dates.” Your stomach flips, and you glance around at the crowd. None of your friends are nearby.
“I didn’t-“You clear your throat, willing yourself to make your voice come out stronger. His shift in personality has really thrown you off. “I thought we were hanging out. I didn’t realize you thought these past few weeks were dates.”
“They were dates, Y/n. Does John B or Pope ever take you- just you - out for ice cream or to the movies?”
“No, but JJ-”
“Jesus, Y/n! JJ doesn’t view you as a friend. If we’re gonna be dating this summer, I don’t think you should hang out around him.” You were utterly confused. There was never a time when you two were hanging out. Did he act like this or make his intentions about dating you clear. And there was absolutely no way you would give up being around JJ, even if Dean’s attitude hadn’t done a 180.
You were beginning to panic, unsure how to handle his growing anger. 
“Dean!” Your shoulders immediately relaxed at the sound of another Pogues voice. You were sure his name was Noah, and that he was friends with the boys, but other than that, you didn’t really know him. You watched as Dean plastered a smile on his face and greeted his friend. Without warning, you slipped away from Dean and slipped through the crowd towards the bathroom.
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Usually, a party like this is just what JJ needed, but his mood was much too sour to enjoy it. Not when you had shown up with Dean and disappeared into this run-down house on the Cut nearly an hour ago. He has tried desperately to shake you from his thoughts. But nothing has worked in the past couple of weeks, so he has spent this entire night pathetically sober and on edge.
John B and Pope had tried to include him in the conversation with other guys from the Cut, but he didn’t have the energy to pretend to be interested. So instead, he sat next to the fire along the group and continuously glanced back at the door as if somehow he could keep an eye on you that way.
Dean’s voice catches his attention and pulls him from his thoughts of you. Dean comes jogging down the steps carrying a beer and quickly finds an open seat amongst the guys. JJ ignores the urge to tell him his seat is taken; it feels too middle school.
“Where is she?” JJ asks, sounding terribly protective, but he can’t help it. He’s sat rigid in his seat, waiting for his cousin’s answer. He wouldn’t have left you alone at that party even for a second if he was with you.
“She wanted to spend some time with the girls.” Dean looks flatly at JJ, both boys growing frustrated with each other. Dean is becoming sick of JJ only acknowledging him when it has to do with you. He doesn’t want JJ’s thoughts to be of you at all. The tension between the two is glaringly apparent to the group, so Pope incessantly glances at the house door for about twenty minutes before JJ incessantly glancing at the house door finally pays off.
There you were.
Standing on the porch with tears streaming down your pretty cheeks and arms wrapped protectively around your stomach. JJ felt his stomach drop and the immediate desire to kill whoever made him feel like this. But it seems his cousin has the same desire because both boys stand up at the sight of you.
Dean is the first to step towards you, softly muttering your name. You don’t even glance in Dean’s direction. It isn’t until he repeats your name again, louder this time, that you finally look over at him.
JJ watches as you descend the steps, whip away a stray tear on your face, and stand a couple feet before the group of boys. You don’t take your eyes off Dean, and JJ prepares to watch Dean take you home and knows he will comfort you.
“I just wanna go home,” JJ doesn’t think he has ever heard you so broken up, and it makes him feel physically sick. “Can you please take me home?”
Dean immediately turns to grab his jacket that it tossed over one of the logs he was sitting on. “Of course, let me just-”
Then, you make eye contact with JJ, and the brief eye contact causes your eyes to tear up again. Without thinking, JJ jogs over and wraps you in his arms.
JJ has hugged you plenty of times, but he doesn’t think he’s ever felt you hold him this tight. Your arms are tossed around his shoulders as his arms are looped around your waist. Dean turns, ready to take you home, and falters when he sees you wrapped in JJ’s arms.
“JJ, I’ve got her. She asked me to take her home.” Dean’s voice is flat, and you tense in JJ’s arms. Hoping to get a look at Dean, you pull away from JJ slightly so you can look over at him. While hugging JJ, both of you had shifted so JJ’s back was no longer to the group. Instead, Dean has a clear shot of both sides and how you and JJ are so intertwined. He feels sick watching you grip JJ so tightly.
“I was talking to JJ.” At this, JJ’s grip tightens around you as a possessive feeling strikes through him. He wants to be smug; rub it in Dean’s face that you chose him. But he would much rather get you home and figure out why you were so upset.
You turn your head, looking up at him, with his shirt clenched between your fists. Looking down at you, he can see the tears glistening in your eyes. “JJ, I want you to take me home.”
“I know, baby. Let’s go home.” He places a gentle kiss on your forehead and leads you in the direction of the Chateau. 
It wasn’t until you got to the Chateau that you finally let JJ know that happened, and he had been pacing around his bedroom ever since.
“I’m gonna kill him,” JJ practically grits out, his jaw so tense from anger.
“No, you’re not,” You sniffle as you stay wrapped up in JJ’s hoodie and sheets. The second you had reached his room, you climbed into his bed, you’re ultimate comfort place. There were so many times when you ended up in JJ’s bed, feeling wholly protected just by being next to him.
“Y/n, he acted like you were his. He didn’t even ask you! He was-fuck!” The bed squeaks as JJ tosses himself down at the bottom edge of the bed. His head is buried in his hands, and you can see the tension in his back. You slip out from beneath the covers and crawl towards him without saying anything. He tenses when he feels you wrap your arms around him and rest your head on his shoulder, but then he shifts to hold you to him.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with men in my family.”
“You don’t have to apologize; you’re the only Maybank man I care about.” JJ nearly melts at the kiss you place on his cheek.
“This wouldn’t have happened if I had told you sooner.”
“Told me what sooner?”
“About my feelings for you.” Your heart feels like it has given out when you hear him say this.
“No.” Your voice is a whisper as you look up at him.
“No?” His voice is just as soft as yours.
“That isn’t fair to put on yourself; Dean did what he did because he’s a dick.”
“I should have told you that I’ve been in love with you for a long that I can’t even remember when it started. It feels like I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you. I’ve loved you so for so fucking long, and I never told you,” He pauses, tucking a stray hair behind your ear like he did earlier in the night.
“I never thought I’d have a shot with you, and then I saw you with Dean. God, Y/n, I wanted to kill him. He had everything I ever wanted,” A soft sigh leaves his lips, and you simply watch him, your stomach fluttering at his confession.
JJ, you sigh, “Everyone knew my feelings about you; I don’t know how you didn’t. Why do you think I was always the first to clean you up after a fight? I would always share the couch with you if I had to. Not like it was a problem for me. I invited you to stay at my house; when have I ever invited Pope or John B to stay in my bed? I’ve always liked you, J, and always will.”
He stared at you as you talked, and you moved closer to him, taking a chance, sitting in his lap, and interlocking your hands behind his neck. His hands quickly found your waist and held you in his lap.
“I’ve always been in love with you,” You whispered softly, too nervous to say the words too loud, worried you might scare him off despite his previous comments. He didn’t say anything at first, simply tugging you into his chest so you had your legs wrapped around his waist as you hugged him. He pulled back to look at you, and your stomach flipped when you saw how he looked at you.
As close as you and JJ always were as friends, you had never been this close as you stared at him. Your heart was racing to see him stare at you like he found you stunning; he had never looked at you like this before. If he had, you had never gotten to see it.
“Can you kiss me?” When his lips meant yours, it wasn’t rough, or fast-it was gentle and soft-like he wanted to take all his time in the world with you. He brushed his lips against yours, slipping his hands into your hair. Relishing in the feeling of you pressed against him. His lips were soft and slow against yours, making you melt into him. Of all the times you had pictured kissing him, it had been quick and heated. But as he laid you down and pressed gentle kisses to your lips and neck, you preferred this to your fantasies.
He brushed his lips against yours, mumbling about how much he loved kissing you, making you smile against his lips. His hands trailed all over your body, barely touching against your skin, but enough to leave goosebumps behind. When he reached your hips, he would give a gentle squeeze. Sitting up, he used an arm to bring you up with him. You had waited so long to kiss JJ; now that you were, you didn’t want it to stop. His hands trailed along your thighs as you sat in his lap, leading the kiss.
“Arms up, baby,” He told you as he pulled your sweatshirt over your head, tossing it to the ground. Watching his eyes raking up and down your body made you dizzy. You let his eyes take in your body before tugging at the hem of his shirt, silently telling him that you wanted it off. This was your chance to admire his body’s dips and curves. There was never a time that you could admire him up close, and that you had, you never wanted to stop. You knew he was muscular from the countess times you had watched him surf and walk around shirtless, but getting to touch him this way was entirely different. Being alone meant you didn’t have to worry about your friends catching your longing looks; there was no John B to relentlessly tease you. Just you and JJ.
“You’re fucking beautiful,” He said as he slipped his fingers under your white bra straps and let them fall down your shoulders.
“Thank you, you’re pretty beautiful too,” Your voice teased as you threw your arms around his neck. Quickly, he leaned forward to kiss you, not wanting to waste another second without tasting you.
“Damn right,” He mumbled, making you giggle. You were about to reach around your back to rid yourself of your bra when he stopped you.
“That’s my job from now on,” He shot you a cocky grin and pushed your hands away from your bra to do it himself. He reached one hand around you, and you felt your bra drop.
“One hand, baby,” He joked. You laughed loudly, remembering that JJ and John B had borrowed yours and Kiara’s bras years ago, hoping to learn to do it one-handed. They eventually did know after you and Kiara stepped in to teach them.
“Pure fucking talent,” You sarcastically answered him, but he wasn’t really listening anymore. He groaned when he saw your bare tits and perky nipples. Your mind blanked as you heard the noise that came from him. 
His mouth closed around your nipple, biting gently, ripping a gasp from your throat. Their back arched into his chest to give him better access. He wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. Beneath you, you could feel how quickly this was turning his hair wild from when you had your fingers through his hair. Soft sighs were filling the room as he licked and sucked, alternating between both of your tits. The wetness between your legs grew more apparent as he touched you.
He grabbed your waist and moved you off of his lap, pushing you down so that you were laid out underneath him. His hands slipped under the waistband of your shorts, tugging them down, bringing your underwear with them. Your first reaction was to close your legs; you were not used to having someone see you like this. But he gently placed his hands on your knees and pushed them apart. 
You sat up as he stood at the end of his bed, slipping his shorts down. Oh fuck. Wetness pooled between your thighs as his cock was released from his underwear. You had always wondered whether he would be big or small, and you weren’t surprised he was in the bigger size. A quick kiss was placed on your lips before he touched your chest, pushing you back on the bed. With your back against the pillows and your legs spread, he finally got to look at all of you. All bare and glistening, and he swore he had never been harder in his life. He glanced up at you, asking for permission, and you nodded. Pressing kisses from your ankles to between your thighs, he slowly made his way to where you wanted him most.
“God baby, you’re soaked for me,” You could only answer with a whimper as he slipped his fingers over your clit, causing you to arch your back. He was slow as he began to circle your clit, adding fingers to pump in and out of you.
The moan you let out was pornographic when he replaced his fingers with his mouth, letting his tongue slide along your pussy. From the bottom to the top, he licked through your folds. You could feel yourself dripping down your thighs, but you knew he wouldn’t if you asked him to go faster; he seemed pleased to take things slowly and gently.
“Your pussy tastes so good, it could eat you out for hours,” He mumbled against you, causing you to moan loudly. Your fingers twisted in the sheets as you continued licking and sucking your clit, bringing you closer to your orgasm. Your legs began to shake, and you were momentarily embarrassed. It had been months since you were last touched, and without warning, JJ between your thighs was bringing you to your orgasm embarrassingly quick. Without warning, he pulled away from you, leaving you a little confused.
“Lay at the end of the bed,” You were still shaky, but you did as you were told and glanced up at him, kneeling at the foot of his bed. He kissed your lips before standing up, and you realized what he had in mind.
You watched as he grabbed his cock between his hand and guided it into your mouth. The moan that left his mouth as he felt your mouth had you squeezing your thighs together.
“Holy fuck, you look so pretty like this,” Desperation laced through his voice, making you feel entirely feral for him. You were willing to do anything that he told you to do.
His hands were in your hair as he created a makeshift ponytail to hold you in place as he fucked your mouth. Youhines were muffled b cock, and from the sounds that were leaving him, you could tell he was enjoying this. A quick peek up at him let you know just how good he was feeling. The flush on his cheeks and his furrowed eyebrows were your indicators.
You pulled away from him with a pop, leaving a trail of salvia attaching you to him, “I need you to fuck me; I’ve waited too long to do this.” 
Your voice sounded incredibly desperate as you begged him. He said nothing, just leaned down to kiss you before reaching beside the bed. He dug around in his shorts before grabbing a condom from his wallet. You sent him a soft smile and laid your back against the pillows, waiting for him. He sat before you, then situated himself between your legs and used his arms to hold himself above you. He looked down at you, and you sent him a giggly smile.
“I love you, J,” You told him, causing him to gently lean down and kiss you.
“I love you, baby,” He whispered against your lips, sending butterflies throughout your stomach. 
He sat up, grabbing your thighs with both hands, moving your legs so that you could slip between them. Your knees were bent, and your legs were on either side of him as he brushed his fingers against your clit again.
“God, you have the prettiest pussy I have ever seen,” His simple words caused a gasp to be pulled from you.
His cock replaced his fingers, teasing your clit before sliding the tip inside you. At the feeling, both of you let out satisfied moans. JJ quickly grabbed your hands and intertwined your fingers before fully pushing inside of you slowly. “Jesus Christ,” He was nearly gone. “So fucking good.” All you could do was moan in response.
His thrusts began slow, sliding in and out of you at an agonizing pace, making you cry out at him to go faster. He didn’t listen.
“You look so pretty getting fucked,” He reached his hand down, using his thumb to rub against your clit in the slowest circles. “You’re doing such a good job, sweetheart.”
If you hadn’t been so fucked out, you would’ve been embarrassed at hearing how wet you were desperately cried a pathetic, moaning as he quickly flipped you over and grabbed get enough of you.”
When he slipped out of you, you desperately cried in protest. But he was quick to flip you over and grab your hips, pulling you onto all fours. He gave your hips a gentle squeeze and placed a few kisses on your shoulder. Your skin prickled with goosebumps as he ran his fingers down your spine. Lifting yourself up so your back was pressed against him and your neck was exposed so he could press kisses against you. His arms slid around your waist, his right hand going up to grab at your tits as he nipped at your neck. Your legs felt shaky as he held you up and against him. The moans that filled your ears being this close to him drove you crazy. You didn’t think you would ever get used to hearing him like this. So fucked out and close to coming.
“Fuck J, please go harder.”
“You want me to fuck you harder, baby?” You babbled incoherently in response, making JJ grin.
“Beg me, sweetheart.”
“Fuck, JJ! Please, I need more of your cock. I want you to take me, be rough with me.”
He pushed you forward, forcing you back on all fours. You let out a loud ‘fuck’ when he shoved his cock back into you, not sure how long you could hold yourself up. His hands gripped your hips tightly, keeping you in place, and he slid his cock in and out of you, the room filling with both of your moans.
“Is that what you wanted, baby? Wanted to fucked rougher?”
As he quickened his pace, you stuck your ass in the air and pressed your cheek against the bed, raising your arms above your head as he fucked you. Your fingers were tangled in the sheets, and you knew the neighbors could probably hear you. Out of all the times you had been with a guy, you didn’t think you had ever been this loud. Each time he thrust into you, you let out a high-pitched moan, unable to stop yourself.
His name and curses fell through your lips, and you got closer and closer to coming. You knew you would come quicker than you usually would since you had spent years fantasizing about JJ. You had spent countless nights getting off to the thought of getting to be with JJ, and if you knew him at all-he did too.
“Fuck JJ, I’m getting close,” You whined, your voice shaky as he pounded into you. “Gonna cum!”
“Fuck. Cum on my cock, sweetheart,” you knew you could let go with him. You could tell by his quickened pace and sloppy thrusts.
When you felt him grab your hips hard and pound into you a few more times, you knew you could let go with him.
“JJ! Fuck, I-”
“I know, fuck. I’m gonna cum.” that admission, your back arched as you felt your pussy squeeze around him. The moans leaving you were beyond loud, and you hoped to God none of your friends had decided to come back from the party.
“Fuck.” He grunted as he thrust one final time into you before squeezing your hips tightly. The feeling of him switching inside you sent you over the edge. You let go, pleasure coursing through you as you felt your whole body shake as the feeling shot through your entire body.
“Jesus, baby,” JJ mumbled as his head dropped to your back. You let out a giggle, understanding how fucked out he was feeling.
He slowly slid out, falling onto the bed next to you. You let your hips drop, moving so that you were on your side facing him. You were both breathing hard and knew you would need a shower and clean sheets after this.
“God, I love you.” He kisses your head before standing up and heading into your bathroom. You hear him come back after a few minutes.
“Turn over, baby.” You turn to see him with a warm washcloth; he slowly moves your legs apart and cleans up the mess between them. Your heart melts as you watch him take care of you. Once he’s done, he tosses the rag and lays beside you; you move so that you’re lying against his chest, and he throws his blanket over the both of you.
“Yea, sweetheart?”
“Thank you for taking me home.”
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“Be fucking quiet; you’re gonna wake her up.” JJ snapped, sending a glare over at John B. It was nearly 9 am, and they were the only two awake, the rest of the group fast asleep after the party.
“I am being fucking quiet, dumbass.”
“I don’t need her finding out what happened this morning,” He grumbled, glancing down at his bruised and bloody knuckles. John B’s snort caught his attention, and he glanced up at his best friend, who was looking at his hand.
“Like that won’t give it away?”
“I’ll just say I got into it with some kooks.”
“You’re gonna lie to her?” John B sent him an unimpressed look.
“Jesus, John B! I don’t know what I’m gonna tell her yet.”
“Tell her the truth. That you beat the shit out of our cousin for her,” He shrugged like it was the most straightforward option. “Where is she anyway? Did you take her home?”
JJ faltered at that question, the memories of last night running through his head. He still needed to update John B that your friendship had been properly ruined. But he didn’t know what the two of you were now. Were you dating? Casually seeing each other for now? That was something that he should clear up soon.
“No, she’s uh-“His door creaked, and you were wrapped in his sheets. Your hair was a mess, a couple of marks littered your neck, and your eyes were squinted with sleep.
“J?” You called quietly, and JJ nearly melted. How did he get so lucky? How did this angel have feelings for him? “Can you come back? I miss you.”
You must have been delirious with sleep and not have even noticed John B because there was no way you would’ve felt comfortable looking and speaking this vulnerably in front of him any other time.
“Yea, baby. I’ll be there.” You sent him a sleepy smile and closed the door. JJ nearly jumped up from his spot to get to you.
“Baby?” John B let out, sounding incredibly smug and wearing a grin. “Looks like you finally told her.”
JJ didn’t say anything; he just flipped him off with a smug smile as he closed the door to his bedroom and slipped into bed with you.
“Hi,” He quietly greeted as he settled into his pillow facing you.
“Why’d you leave?” Your voice was laced with sleep as you scooted closer to him.
“I went and saw Dean,” He felt you tense in his arms, and for a second, he wondered if he had made the wrong decision by telling you. He would never regret punching his cousin for the way he treated you.
“J, what did you do?”
“I punched him, and I know you aren’t a fan of that, but-“His words were cut off by pressing your lips to his.
“Thank you, he deserved it,” You quietly mumbled before snuggling back into his chest.
JJ had never loved you more.
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queenshelby · 5 months
Business As Usual (Part Six)
Pairing: Dark!Thomas Shelby x Wife!Reader
Warning: Arranged Marriage, Angst, Cheating
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During the drive, you distracted yourself from the pain by discussing what happened and why. You wanted to know whether your family was working against you and Shelby Company Limited and, much to your surprise, your husband admitted that certain members of your family strayed from the original agreement between your respective families. They had put you and Tommy's family into grave danger and Tommy told you that he would not stand for it.
Then, after a short drive, you arrived at the hospital. The building was a maze of corridors and staircases, filled with medical staff bustling about their duties. Despite the circumstances, you found solace in the familiar smell of disinfectant that hung heavy in the air.
The doctor attending to you was a woman named Dr. Miller. She was kind and compassionate, offering small smiles of encouragement throughout the procedure. You winced as she removed the bullet from your arm, but her soothing voice kept you grounded, helping you endure the excruciating pain with Tommy by your side.
His presence brought comfort, yet it heightened the sense of betrayal that lingered between you, and you were unsure by this point as to whom you could trust. 
He was there, yet he seemed miles away; distant, detached. You noticed that in his posture, his voice, his mannerisms—even his scent, masked by the sterile hospital environment.
"Considering the circumstances and the fact that you are currently with child, I recommend that you stay here for the night, Mrs Shelby," Dr. Miller suggested gently but you hesitated and shook your head.
"No, please, I want to go home," you insisted, your voice quivering with the weight of the events that had taken place. With everything that had transpired, you did not feel safe at a public place like this, but Tommy reassured you that he would arrange for appropriate security, even if you were to decide to stay at the hospital. 
"You should stay here Love. You need to rest, and you most certainly need proper medical care, eh," he insisted, running a tender finger up and down your arm, a light touch that sent chills down your spine. His sudden tenderness surprised you as, ever since you were forced to marry one another, he had been rather cold towards you, and yet, you shook your head and pulled your arm away from him. 
"As I said Thomas, I want to go home," you repeated, this time more sternly and with a glare thrown in his direction. "You either drive me back to Arrow House or I will make alternate arrangements," you said while watching as the muscles in Tommy's jaw visibly tensed and clenched, a sure sign that he was annoyed by your obstinacy.
"Fine," he grumbled reluctantly, casting a brief glance at the nurse stationed near the entrance to your room. "I'll take you home. But you must promise me to rest, eh?" Tommy demanded and you hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.
"Mr Shelby, with respect, I strongly advise that your wife stays overnight for observation," Dr. Miller reiterated her suggestion, a firm conviction echoing in her voice but Tommy explained to her that you were determined to leave.
"I will arrange for her to be monitored at home by one of your nurses," he told her before producing a bundle of cash from his pocket and placing it discreetly on the counter.
Dr. Miller casted a questioning glance at Tommy and then at her nurse, silently communicating the unspoken agreement.
"Very well, Mr Shelby," she conceded reluctantly while accepting the payment without batting an eyelid. "I will send Nurse Dawson over to administer medication and monitor your wife's condition. Please remember that she needs complete rest and should avoid stress at all costs."
"Thank you, Doctor," Tommy responded curtly before guiding you out of the ward.
You glanced back at the enigmatic doctor, who gave you a warm smile and a nod, wishing you a speedy recovery. Once you were seated in the car, Tommy fastened your seatbelt carefully, his expression softening as he studied your face. "Are you alright, Love?" he asked softly, concern evident in his voice.
You swallowed thickly, fighting back the tears welling up in your eyes. "I am fine," you croaked, raising a weak hand to wipe away the stinging wetness accumulating near your right eye.
You'd always been tough, steeling yourself against whatever life threw at you, but the relentless strain of recent months had worn you thin.
A gentle nod was your only response, the understanding in Thomas's eyes mirroring the pain in yours. It was difficult to believe that just hours earlier, you'd been embroiled in a dangerous standoff, armed with pistols and ready to strike down your enemies. Now, as you sat quietly in the passenger seat, your thoughts drifted back to the turbulent three months that had transformed your life irrevocably.
The car accelerated smoothly through the foggy streets of Birmingham, weaving effortlessly through patches of damp road. You stole a sideways glance at Tommy, only to find him gazing out onto the rain-slicked pavement, lost in his musings.
The tension between you was palpable, the air thick with unsaid words and pent-up emotions. A single tear trickled down your cheek, mingling with the sweat on your skin. You reached up and wiped it away with the back of your hand, hoping desperately that Tommy wouldn't notice your distress.
You wanted to seem strong and unbreakable, uncaring about what he had done to you, but holding up this kind of facade had become increasingly difficult. 
Every time you blinked, you could see his betrayal staring back at you like a slap in the face. He slept with the enemy, cheating on you and you wished for things to go back to the way they used to be before you were thrown into this life. When the first few weeks had passed after your marriage, you thought that maybe things would change some day, but you had been foolish to think that someone like Tommy Shelby could ever change. 
Just like you, he pretended to be invincible. The veneer that protected him from real feelings seemed cracked now though, and underneath lay raw nerves. His eyes flashed, and he gripped the steering wheel harder. The Bentley purred along the roads of Birmingham, cutting through the misty weather like a hot knife through butter. In the dim light, his profile was illuminated by the dashboard lights, showing a man wrestling with inner demons.
Then, suddenly, he pulled over at quiet intersection, near an abandoned estate before parking the Bentley under a tree.
You were startled, and your eyes widened as the engine cut off. You could feel the awkward silence filling the air between you. The wind whistled loudly, causing the trees to sway.
"We need to talk," Tommy said, his voice breaking the uncomfortable silence. He opened the car door and helped you step out. He guided you towards an old wooden bench sitting under the shelter of a sturdy oak tree.
The bench creaked under your weight as you sat down gingerly, wincing from the residual pain in your arm.
You glanced sideways at Tommy, noticing his troubled expression.
"What exactly did you mean by 'we need to talk'?" you asked cautiously, sensing the seriousness of the conversation to come. "And why here?" you wondered, and Tommy's shoulders stiffened visibly, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he gathered his thoughts.
"Because I feel as though someone is listening to us, in my own fucking house," Tommy growled before offering you a cigarette, an offer which you declined. "Love, I know I have made mistakes..." he then trailed off, his voice cracking under the weight of his guilt.
"You have. You betrayed me and you cheated on me," you interrupted bluntly, refusing to sugarcoat the truth.
Your tone was accusatory, carrying the weight of a betrayed spouse. The words tasted bitter on your tongue, but you refused to shy away from confronting the issue head-on.
Tommy flinched noticeably, his grip tightening on the armrest. He looked down, avoiding direct eye contact. "I know," he murmured quietly, shame coloring his cheeks. "I was...confused. Things got complicated and I..." he began to say before inhaling sharply. "You were forced to marry me, and I tried to honor our arrangement after the night we shared, but in order to protect you from your own fucking family, I couldn't. I had to ensure that you were not involved in any of my business deals knowing that you were pregnant with my child, and you hated me for that. So, tell me Y/N, how could you have possibly expected us to be anything other than fucking acquaintances, eh? You don't love me. You were forced to be with me and I was not going to live to honor my vows with a woman who shows no fucking interest in me and no fucking respect either," Tommy explained, his voice heavy with resentment, though his words carried a certain amount of justified bitterness. He had done everything he could to protect you from your own family's devious schemes. They were planning to sacrifice you for personal gain and screwing over the gang in which you were now involved. What more could you have possibly expected from him?
"As soon as I figured out your uncle's plan, I realized that you were a liability to me, and that fact alone made me distance myself from you, not out of hatred, but because I wanted to protect our child," Tommy continued, his voice softer now.
"So why did you sleep with Laura Manning then? What did she have to do with protecting our child?" you countered, still unconvinced that his intentions were pure. There was no denying that Tommy was a complex individual, capable of displaying immense kindness and compassion while simultaneously engaging in brutal acts of violence. You couldn't quite wrap your head around his motives, and it frustrated you to no end.
Tommy hesitated, his brow furrowed in concentration. "For the same reason I sleep with whores Y/N," he confessed, his voice strained and laden with regret. "To get some fucking release, after a long day of handling business" he added, before taking a deep breath and, immediately, you slapped him across the face. 
The sound of flesh connecting with flesh echoed loudly in the chilly night air. He flinched, surprised by your sudden reaction but not entirely unprepared. The sting of your palm burned against yours, the intensity of your anger shocking even you but, what you did next, came more of a surprise to him than anything before.
"You are being selfish Thomas, seeking release outside your marriage after all you did to me," you told him while reaching for his belt buckle, you undid it swiftly, and then slid his zipper down, before he could utter a word. 
"Fuck!" he gasped, his eyes wide in shock as you slid your hand beneath his briefs.
You leaned forward, wrapping your hands around his shaft and squeezing firmly. His cock throbbed in your grasp, swelling larger under your skilled fingers.
"What the fuck are you doing?" he stammered, struggling to form coherent sentences while being confused by your actions while trying to stop you. 
"Quiet!" you snapped, squeezing him tighter. "I am your wife and I need you to remember exactly that," you spoke swiftly while his eyes went wide as saucers, mouth hanging open, but he bit down hard on his lip to suppress an audible groan when you stroked him expertly. Each stroke of your fingers teased his erection, causing it to grow thicker and longer. You knew how to handle a man, how to manipulate him, and how to please him in ways he hadn't experienced before.
"No more whores!" you shouted, grabbing Tommy's erection even tighter. "No more fucking other women!" you snarled, pumping his cock faster. "I'm it, Tommy! Only me!" you told him before adjusting your position in order to take off your undergarments.
"I am your fucking wife and I expect you to treat and respect me as such," you said angrily before reaching beneath your skirt and slipping your panties off. 
You straddled Tommy, your knees pressing against his thighs and your moist pussy brushing against the head of his cock.
"Y/N," he protested feebly, his voice hoarse and trembling and, before he could say anything else, you pressed your index finger onto his lips.
"Ssh," you cooed seductively, grinding your hips against his groin, but Tommy would not relent. 
"Please, Y/N," he pleaded weakly, trying to push you away. "You're too delicate to handle me right now. You are injured and traumatized," he reminded you calmly, but you shook your head. 
"That's just it, Tommy," you purred, gripping his erection tightly before guiding it to your entrance. "I'm not delicate. Not anymore," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the rustling leaves overhead.
 "I know what you want, Tommy. What you need," you told him, your voice husky with desire. You felt him squirm beneath you, his cock growing impossibly harder against your sensitive flesh.
"And I'm going to give it to you at my discretion," you moaned, grinding your pussy against his swollen member. "Understand?" you asked while Tommy whimpered softly, arching his neck to lick your lips hungrily, but you pulled away, leaving him wanting more.
"Y/N," he whispered, his voice thick with lust and pleading. "Please..." he begged but you shook your head, teasing him with your eyes.
"You've got to prove yourself to me, Tommy," you smirked wickedly, rubbing your pelvis against his throbbing erection. "Show me that you're worth my time, effort, and affection."
He frowned, his brows knitting together in frustration. "How?" he asked, desperate for a way to appease you.
"Well," you purred, cupping his cheek. "First of all, you will give me authority to handle the liquor export division. I want you to give me full control over it and not interfere unless absolutely necessary."
Tommy stared at you in disbelief before heaving a sigh. "I'll consider it," he agreed reluctantly, following which he asked what else it was that you wanted. 
The air between you crackled with tension, the scent of sex and desperation mingling to create an intoxicating blend. You knew that you had him hooked, and now it was time to reel him in.
"Secondly," you continued, leaning closer to his ear. "If, what you told me is true, I want you to help me get rid of my uncle and his acquaintances. They pose a threat to our family, and I won't tolerate it. Understand?" you asked, seeing that it was them who put you into harm's way and, without giving it a second thought, Tommy nodded. "Agreed," he muttered gruffly, his voice barely audible.
He was caught in your web, ensnared by your demands and desires and you licked your lips, savoring the taste of power and dominance before making your final demand.
"Finally, I want you to stop sleeping around," you stated bluntly. "From now on, you're mine and only mine. Agreed?" you asked and Tommy pursed his lips, contemplating your request.
After a few moments of silent deliberation, he nodded slowly. "Agreed," he said softly, his voice cracking slightly. "No more whores," he muttered, and you smiled triumphantly, feeling empowered by your newfound control over him.
"Good boy," you cooed, planting a fleeting kiss on his lips before, finally, lowering yourself on to his hardness. 
"Oh, God, yes," he moaned, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. "I'm...I'm yours, Love," he gasped, his voice hoarse and broken as he felt your flesh surrounding his hardness.
You chuckled softly, feeling satisfied with your victory. "Yes, you are," you purred before you began to ride him.
You took his cock inside you with agonizing slowness, relishing the sensation of being filled by him. You let out a soft cry of pleasure as your walls tightened around his thickness.
"You feel so fucking good," Tommy moaned, thrusting his hips upward to meet each of your downward strokes. You reveled in the sensation of being impaled by him, his erection pulsating within you.
Each movement drove you wild, your juices flowing freely, lubricating your passage. You wrapped your arms around his neck, anchoring yourself as you bounced on top of him.
"You see, you could have had this all along, Thomas" you panted, your voice ragged and hoarse. 
Tommy's eyes narrowed, his breathing becoming labored. "I promise to make it up to you Love," he murmured, his voice shaking slightly.
"We shall see," you replied coolly, your gaze locked on his.
With each stroke, you grew more confident, knowing that you held the reins.
"I am close," Tommy muttered, his voice strained and breathless.
You smirked, enjoying the power you wielded over him as, suddenly, you pulled away and slid off his lap.
"Well," you drawled, standing up and dusting off your skirt nonchalantly and picking up your panties from the dirty floor. "Maybe I will let you have your release later, if you behave yourself."
Your words hit him like a punch in the gut, and you saw the hunger in his eyes intensify tenfold.
Tommy simply sighed, his gaze fixated on your every move. You knew that you had him where you wanted him. His cock twitched impatiently, yearning for release, but you decided to tease him further.
"Get up," you command, and he does so immediately, his movements swift and obedient. "When we get back to Arrow House, you will call Boston and introduce me as the new export liaison. Then, after that, we will go to OUR bedroom and you will fuck me like a good husband fucks his wife. Understood?" you asked him, your voice low and seductive.
"Yes, Love," he breathed, his heart thumping wildly in his chest and you arched an eyebrow, your lips quirking upwards mischievously. "Do you?" you challenged, stepping closer to him.
The scent of your perfume wafted towards him, intoxicating and alluring.
"Let's go home, Tommy," you murmured, reaching out to trace your fingertips down his arm and he shivered, goosebumps erupting on his skin.
He had never seen you like this - commanding, dominant, and utterly fearless. You had somehow managed to turn your situation around, seizing control and positioning yourself as the puppet master. And he was your willing marionette, dancing to your tune.
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lokigodofmyheart · 4 months
Help me
Loki x F!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Loki went on a mission to retrive some information for HYDRA, but Loki got attacked by one of the soildier with sex pollen. (1.899 words)
WARNINGS: Sex pollen, dub-con. (I guess that's it.)
Loki and Y/N were sent together on a mission to retrieve some important files from HYDRA. As they tried to go as quiet as possible, some problems happened, and they got separated. Loki covered Y/N as she retrieved the files. Loki was attacked by one of the soldiers with some kind of power. He didn’t told Y/N what happened as they both got on the jet to go back to the Tower. 
Y/N could notice Loki’s discomfort “Are you okay, Loki?” 
Loki tried to hide his arousal, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult. His heart race as he looks int your eyes, feeling a heat building up inside him “I-I’m fine, really. It’s just...this damn mission.” 
She looks at him with a smile “I know. We all thought it would be easier.” Loki nods in agreement, but his mind is elsewhere as it struggles with the unwanted deside. He can feel his pants tightening around his throbbing member and sweat beginning to for on his forehead. Y/N looks at him just as the jet land on the ground “Are you sure you’re okay? 
Loki shakes his head lightly, trying to focus on anything but the ache in his groin “I-I’ll be fine. Let’s just get back inside where it’s cooler.” She just nods at him as they both walked back. Loki follows her back, his eyes drifting to her ass every step. He tries to keep his distance, but the need is becoming too much. His minds fill with thoughts of having her under him, feeling her warmth around his cock. 
As soon as they got closer to their room, Loki quickly run to his, leaving a confused Y/N behind. Once inside his room, Loki slam the door shut and locks it behind him. He can’t contain himself any longer, he needs release from this torment. He starts undressing his pants, his hands shaking as he struggles with his belt and pant buttons.  
Y/N had found his behavior odd, but she shake her head as she enters her own room. She takes the time to actually read the files they got from HYDRA. 
Loki, in his room, gives in to his desire, reaching down to grip his aching cock as he tosses away his pants. His breath hitches as he finally frees himself from the confines of his pants. Loki tried to stroke his member, but it wasn’t working. It wasn’t giving him the relief he needed so much. He pants heavily, his eyes closed as he tries. He knows what he needs to but is too ashamed to ask for it. His cock twitches and begins do leak pre-cum, the scent driving him wild with need. 
As Y/N was reading the files, she found something actually interestinting about the new HYDRA project: Sex Pollen as a weapon. So, she decided it was a good idea to talk to Loki about it and she went to knock on his door. “Hey Loki, it’s me.” 
Loki growls, trying deperately to control his lust as he hears her voice. His shirt is now tatters on the floor and he’s with a very noticeable bulge in his pants.  
“Loki?” Y/N called him again. “Please, I need to talk to you about the files we retrieve.” With another groan, Loki forces himself to open the door. His face is flushed, and he can’t meet her gaze as he steps back to let her in. He’s aware of the state he’s in and tries to hide with an illusion, but it’s not easy. 
Y/N smiled at him, entering his room and sitting on his bed “So, I was reading the files that we got from HYDRA, and I found something quite interesting. They created some kind of sex pollen to use as a weapon.” 
Loki’s eyes widened, his heart racing at the mention of sex pollen. “I am aware what sex pollen is, Y/N.” He tried to act casual, but his arousal is clear as he leans against the door. “What about it?” 
“According to this file here, if the person doesn’t get relief, their body would warm up so much that they will actually die.” She says as she looks at him. 
He cursed under his breath, his mind racing. He can’t very well go to anyone else in his current state, and the last thing he needs is for someone to see him like this. His heart sink as he realizes there’s only one person he can turn to. 
Y/N closes the file and put on her side as she looks back at Loki, noticing his behavior “You’ve been acting so weird since we left the mission.” 
Loki swallow hard, his throat dry. He hates asking for help, but he has no other choice. “Y/N...I’ve been exposed to sex pollen.” He winces at how embarrassing is to admit it. 
She was confused “What? When? How?”  
“During the mission...when I left to deal with the soldiers, one of them attacked me with it. I didn’t know what it was.” He shifts uncountably, feeling the heat in his body intensifying. “I need relief or...well, you know what happens.” 
Y/N looks at him thinking about it and what she could do to help him. Loki bite his lip, trying to control the growing desire with him. His eyes flicker nervously around the room, unsure of what to do or say. “Please, Y/N. I don’t know how much I can last.” 
“You’re using an illusion, aren’t you?” She asked him. Loki nods his head at her. “Take it off.” Y/N asked him and he actually does as she days. She can now see how hard he is beneath his pants, and shirtless. “Are you sure you want this?” 
Loki’s breath hitches as he feels the fabric against his throbbing member. He nods slowly “Yes...please.” She nods and walks to him, her hands opening the button of his pants. 
Loki grits his teeth, fighting against the wave of pleasure that crashes over him as her hand brush against his skin. He closes his eyes, unable to look at her as she undoes his belt and slip his pants off. Y/N gets his throbbing member on her hands as she starts to stroke him slowly at first, but soon the find her pace. A loud groan escape Loki’s lips as he feels her soft yet skilled hand stocking his cock. His head rolls back, eyes fluttering shut, and he lets out a deep sigh of pleasure “Oh, Y/N...” 
She keeps doing that as she looks at him. Feeling the warmth of her gaze, Loki’s eye snap open to meet her. He licks his lips unconsciously, lost in a haze of desire “Please, I can’t take much more.” 
“What do you want, Loki?” She whispers in his ears. 
His voice is rough with need as he looks at her, his eyes filled with lust and longing. “I want you...Y/N. I want you to take me inside that sweet mouth of your and make me scream your name.” 
“As you wish.” Y/N smirks at him as she kneels in front of the god, putting him in her mouth. Loki’s breath catches as he feels the warmth of her mouth enveloping him, her wet lips sliding up and down his lenght. His hips jerk foward involuntarily, driving his cock deeper into her mouth. As he does that, Y/N moans with his tip hitting the back of her throat. 
Feeling her moan vibrate against his cock, Loki’s head fall back with a groan. His hand finds the way to her hair, tangling in as he begins to thrust into her mouth “Oh god, Y/N....that feels so good...” 
After a few more seconds, she stops and take his cock out of her mouth with a ‘pop’ and got back to her feets. Loki’s eyes fly open in surprise as he stares at her. “Y/N...” 
She takes his hand and sit him on his bed before she took her own pants off. Following her, Loki’s mind is filled with all the dirty things they could do together. His eyes trace every curve of her body as she takes her pants off, revealing she’s not wearing any underwear. “I’m all yours, Loki. Do as you’re please.” 
Loki smirks back at her, his gaze burning with desire. He crawls up to her on the bed, his fingers trailing lightly along her inner thighs. Slowly, he pushed her legs apart and she moans when he does that. His tonghe darts out to tease her folds, tasting her sweet nectar. He circles her clit with his tongue before finally plunging it deep into her core. His other hand gently caresses her stomach, moving up to cup one of her breasts. 
“Loki, please...” She moans. 
Loki’s month and hands work in tandem, driving Y/N wild with pleasure. He increases the intensity of his tongue movements inside her, matching her pleasured moans with his own. His fingers begin to tease and pinch her nipple, sending shivers down her spine. She didn’t last long with Loki doing that and soon she came in his mouth. Loki doesn’t stop as he continues to lap at her folds, tasting her sweet release. When she finally subsides, he pulls back to look at her flushed face “Mmm...you taste divine.” 
She was still trying to catch her breath after that orgasm “I thought that I was supposed to be helping you, not the other way around.” 
“Oh, Y/N, you have no idea how close you actually made me.” Loki’s hand slip between their bodies, finding his hard length. He begins stroke it slowly, the head already leaking precum “But I suppose I should reciprocate.”  
“Please Loki, just fuck me.” She says desperately to his cock to fill her. 
With a smirk, Loki position himself at her entrance. He begins to push inside slowly, feeling her walls stretch and adjust around him. He thrust into her deeply, eliciting a moan from both of them “Like that?” 
“Yeah, like that.” She moans as he thrust her. Loki picks up the pace, slamming into her with a growl.  
His hands grip her hips tightly as he takes her roughly, their bodies slapping together in rhythm. “You feel so good...I could lose myself in you.” 
All she could do was moan as she felt her second orgasm approaching. “Don’t stop...” 
“Never.” Loki continues to pound into her, his hips slapping against her in a primal display of lust. He feels himself getting closer and closer to the edge, his breathing becoming ragged “Y/N...I’m gonna cum.” 
“Inside. I’m on birth control.” She manages to say as her orgasm finally came with Loki’s. With a final thrust, Loki releases himself inside her, his hot seed filling her up. He pants heavily, their bodies still connected as he tries to catch his breath “Fuck...” He leans down to place soft kisses along her jawline and neck. 
Y/N was also trying to catch her breath “Do you feel better?” 
“I do. But I must say, I quite enjoyed this side of you.” He says as he pulls out of her. “Perhaps we should do this again?” 
She chuckles “I thought you only wanted me because of the sex pollen.” 
Now it was Loki’s time to chuckle “No, I was...am. I am interested on you, Y/N. I wanted to ask you on a date first, but...” 
“You can still do that.” She smiles at him. 
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