#and snow white fell into a death-like sleep
aphroditelovesu · 6 months
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Winter Solstice | Yan!HOTD
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❝ 🐉 — lady l: Merry Christmas, my dear readers! I wish you a great day and a prosperous New Year! I hope you enjoy this Christmas special with our yandere family from HOTD! Good reading, forgive me for any mistakes and once again, have a great holiday to you ❤️🎄.
❝warnings: yandere themes, mention of death and obsessive and possessive behavior.
❝🐉word count: 1,941.
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A long, long time ago, when the Earth was young and the days were short, people looked up to the sky with wonder and awe. They watched the Sun rise and fall over the horizon, its heat bringing life to the earth and its dark nights bringing a deep sleep to the world.
In the ancient realm of the seasons, each cycle marked the eternal dance between light and dark. As winter approached, a whisper spread through nature. Leaves fell from the trees, animals sought shelter and the nights extended, enveloping the world in a blanket of darkness and cold.
It was the time of the Winter Solstice, a magical moment when the Earth seemed suspended between extremes. People gathered around campfires, telling stories of times gone by, sharing warmth and hope amid the impending darkness.
On the eve of the longest night of the year, eyes turned to the sky, waiting for the miracle. Slowly, the Sun began its journey towards the horizon, fighting the darkness with its golden light. The stars twinkled above, bearing witness to the celestial spectacle.
And then, in the most sublime moment, the Sun began to rise, rising majestically into the sky. The colors of dawn painted the landscape, and people celebrated the rebirth of the Sun, knowing that light and warmth would return to the world. It was a symbol of renewal, hope and the continuous cycle of life.
On the Winter Solstice, people came together to celebrate the courage of the light that faces the darkness, remembering that even in the darkest moments, there is always the promise of rebirth and the light that returns to warm the hearts and illuminate the souls ways.
It had always been your favorite time of year, you loved how the snow fell from the sky and painted everything white, the food, the exchange of gifts and most importantly, it was when your whole family was together. You appreciated more than anything the few moments of peace that your family spent during that date, all happy and together. Like a big, loving family.
Having them all together was what you loved most as you grew up. All the disputes, the fights seemed to disappear during this time of year. Your heart and mind were at peace.
The green of the forest and the fiery red of love and passion. Its fabric was as soft as a spring breeze, a harmonious blend of silk and cotton that moved like leaves dancing in the wind. The predominant green was reminiscent of treetops, its hue varying from a lush emerald green to softer nuances, like newborn buds. The waist was accentuated by a deep red belt, as if it were the blush of the petals of a passionate rose. The intense tone stood out, creating a magnificent contrast with the lush greenery, and a decorative bow added a touch of elegance.
Something beautiful and elegant, with both of your family colors. Of the Targaryens and the Hightowers. There was some small, discreet blue embroidery that symbolized the Velaryon, subtle but standing out in its own way.
You turned to your maid who was looking at you with affection, you smiled at her, ''What do you think, Diane?''
She smiled widely, ''You looked incredible, my princess/prince. A suitable choice for a dinner with your family.'' There was a hint of worry in her tone, but you just held her hands and squeezed them gently.
''Don't worry, Diane. Everything will be fine.''
She nodded, ''Yes... Do you want me to accompany you to where the banquet will be held?''
You politely denied, ''No, but thank you.''
A hint of disappointment flashed in her brown eyes, but she just smiled and after a simple bow, she left the room. You took a deep breath and looked at the ring that adorned your finger, a gift from your grandfather, Viserys. He was sick and you swore to yourself that you would do everything to make this dinner enjoyable for him. He deserved it.
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Just as you expected, everything was impeccable and your family was already waiting for you. A majestic dining room, adorned with golden chandeliers that hung from the vaulted ceiling, casting soft light on long solid wood tables.
The walls were covered with richly embroidered tapestries, depicting scenes from Targaryen history and grand festivities. The polished stone floor gleamed in the light of the torches that adorned the walls, reflecting the grandeur of the space.
In the center of the room, a long table stretched out, covered in an immaculate linen tablecloth and decorated with wildflower arrangements and heraldry of noble families. Silver candelabras exuded a soft glow, while golden goblets glittered in the dancing light of the flames.
Music filled the atmosphere as skilled musicians played lutes, flutes and harps, entertaining guests with happy melodies and lively dances.
''(Y/N)!'' Your mother's excited voice called out to you and you smiled at Rhaenyra, who quickly hugged you, placing her head against the crook of your neck, ''You look great, sweetheart.''
''Thanks, mom. You look great too.'' And indeed, she did. Rhaenyra wore a dark red dress decorated with gold that fit her perfectly. She pulled back a little and smiled at you.
''(Y/N)! We're here.'' On one side of the table, your younger brothers sat. You looked at Jacaerys, Lucerys, and little Joffrey, who were smiling at you. You kissed Rhaenyra's cheek and went to sit next to your brothers. Or you tried, for that matter.
For you were quickly pulled to the side as Aegon grabbed you and pulled you closer to him, Aemond, and Helaena. You smiled at your aunt and uncles and greeted them.
''Sit with us.'' Aegon asked and pointed to an empty chair next to Helaena who was smiling sweetly at you. You looked nervously at your brothers, who were staring at Aegon with disdain.
Aemond frowned and placed a hand over your shoulder, ''Come, stay with us.'' His tone said there was no room for argument.
Luckily for you, the doors opened and revealed Viserys along with Alicent, both smiling when they saw you. You apologized to your aunt and uncles and quickly walked over to your grandparents, helping Viserys sit down.
''Ah, (Y/N)... You look great!'' Viserys praised you, as soon as he sat down. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek in thanks.
Alicent pulled you into a tight hug, ''My husband is right, you look great. This shade of green suits you very well.'' She murmured and walked away hesitantly, adjusting your clothes. You kissed your face.
''Thanks. You look amazing too.'' She smiled in response and held your hands, squeezing them gently.
After a few minutes of talking to your grandparents, you walked over to your father and uncle, who were sitting next to each other. Laenor smiled widely and pulled you into a tight hug, not wanting to let go. He only let go when Daemon cleared his throat, irritated.
Laenor rolled his eyes and let go of you, staring at Daemon with an iron gaze. Daemon returned the same look and you acted quickly before they fought.
''Happy Solstice to you both.'' You said, twiddling your fingers nervously. Daemon smiled and patted you on the shoulder twice, pulling you into a hug. You hugged him back.
''Happy Solstice, my child.'' Laenor said after you and Daemon parted ways.
''Happy Solstice, (Y/N).'' Daemon said, looking at you softly. You thanked them and apologized as you left them, wanting to greet your other family members. You spotted Baela and Rhaena sitting near your brothers and quickly walked over to them.
''Finally. I thought you would never come and talk to us.'' Baela complained and got up from the chair and hugged you tightly, ''I missed you, cousin.''
You returned the hug tightly, smiling at her words, ''I missed you too, cousin.''
Rhaena cleared her throat and stood up, hugging you as you and Baela separated.
You smiled at the squeeze and said, ''I missed you too, Rhaena.''
Joffrey got out of his chair and jumped into your arms, laughing loudly when you caught him in a tight hug.
''You're getting too big for me to keep doing this.'' You laughed and rolled him over, placing him on the floor. Russing his dark hair, you smiled when he laughed. You hugged Luke, who seemed especially clingy today. Jace also hugged you tightly and wished you a Happy Solstice.
After talking for a while with your brothers and cousins, you went to greet your paternal grandparents. Rhaenys and Corlys were sitting next to Otto, oddly enough, and the three of them looked at you with affection.
''Grandmother.'' You kissed Rhaenys's cheek who kissed yours back.
''Grandpa.'' You hugged Corlys and he hugged you back and complimented the blue details on your outfit.
''Otto.'' You greeted your great-grandfather, who smiled warmly at you. He seemed relaxed and calm, more so than he normally was.
''Shall we have dinner in honor of this happy day?'' Viserys's loud voice sounded in the room and everyone focused on the King. There was a bit of tension about where you should sit, but you chose next to Viserys and Rhaenyra, who shook your hand under the table.
Servants brought silver trays loaded with delicious delicacies. Large roasts of meat browned on skewers, exuding a tantalizing aroma of exotic spices. Tables were adorned with fresh fruit, from crimson apples to juicy grapes, and freshly baked bread that looked like it had come straight from the oven.
Plenty of wine circulated among everyone and soon everyone was laughing and talking. Your heart felt lighter when you saw your entire family happy, getting along for the first time in a long time.
After the banquet, you all went to one of the rooms of the castle, where the gifts were. The exchange went well, you received gifts from everyone individually and you presented them with what you carefully chose. Ser Criston was present and you gave him a gift too, under the watchful eye of your family, a pure Valyrian steel sword. He smiled in thanks and said he would give you a gift later.
When it seemed like the exchange of gifts was over, Otto said, ''We have a special gift for you, (Y/N). From all of us.'' He gestured to your entire family, who looked on expectantly. You took the gift from his hand, a wooden box with gold details, which was well packaged.
As soon as you opened it, all the color in your face disappeared. It was a head, a human head. You felt like you were going to throw up when you recognized the head. Diane, your servant.
''W-What is this?!'' You groaned, the words stuck in your throat as you held the box, your legs shaking as terror invaded your body. Everyone seemed calm, even Viserys.
''This is our gift to you, my child.'' Rhaenyra said and approached you, placing a hand on your shoulder, ''To remind you not to approach anyone.''
''They can't be trusted,'' Alicent began to say, ''Diane couldn't be trusted. Criston was the one who cut off her head and Rhaenyra, Helaena and I cradled her. The choice of the box was Daemon's.''
They looked at you expectantly, as if they hoped you really liked the gift. Your hands were shaking so much that the box fell to the floor, Diane's severed head falling to the floor.
A perfect ending to a loving Winter Solstice with your family, from their perspective.
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phoward89 · 4 months
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Based on this ask
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Coriolanus Snow knew firsthand the deadly risks of childbirth, considering he watched in horror as a young child when his own mother and baby sister died, but he knew that he needed an heir to carry on the Snow name. When he planned on marrying for hate, well, he could care less what happened to his wife during the delivery.
But, somehow, all his plans and views on marriage changed when he met you. You were hired as his secretary, so you spent a lot of time with him. Coriolanus never planned on falling in love with you, but he did. Hell, he even killed your boyfriend in order to make you single again so you'd be able to go out with him.
And when you accepted his offer of dinner, which came with a single white rose, a few months after the death of your longtime boyfriend, he did everything in his power to make you fall in love with him. Coriolanus was successful, you fell hard and fast for him. He was too charming not to let wiggle into your heart, and into your bed.
The president needed a first lady, so he proposed and married you. But it was a bit scandalous, considering you were his secretary. After a couple of negative articles in the media, well, Coriolanus got rid of the writers and made sure that the studios and printing presses in the Capitol (all of Panem actually) knew that if another foul word was printed about his relationship with his wife then he'd kill every single person in the media office.
Safe to say, only articles praising President Snow and First Lady Snow’s love and glamorous life hit the press after that.
And then, of course, came the subject of children. After discussing it, you stopped taking birth control. And you ended up getting pregnant right away.
Seeing you so round with his child gave Coriolanus joy. Gave him an ego boost because he was the one to plant his seed in you. You were carrying his child. His precious baby.
The baby was no longer looked at as an heir, but as a baby to love.
And it was all because of you.
“Coryo, I have my top list of baby names finished.” You told your husband, who was lounging in bed wearing only a pair of sleep pants.
Coryo watched as you sat across the room, placing his fountain pen back into its holder after writing down the final name on your baby name list.
After discussing it, you both decided to wait until the baby was born to discover the gender. You wanted to be surprised and Coriolanus just wanted you to be happy.
“Are you going to let me see it, my darling?” Your platinum blonde husband asked as you slowly stood up from his corner desk.
Placing a hand on your large belly, you smiled, “Of course I'm going to let you see it.”
Grabbing the list, you slowly walked over to the bed. After getting into bed, you handed the list to your husband. “Tell me what ones you like, Mister President.”
Coryo kissed your cheek and smiled. “Of course, First Lady Snow.”
He read over the list, only to discover that you had more boys' names than girls written down. After giving it some thought, he told you, “Cassian Xandros is perfect for our son. It's a strong name.” Mulling it over, he pointed to a name on the paper and announced, "Cersei sounds nice for a girl.”
“It's not nice, Coryo, it's beautiful.” You countered, pulling the list out of his hands. “Looks like the baby has a name; all we need to do is wait for it to come.”
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The day your daughter Cersei Snow was born was the day that your husband decided to hate her.
The day didn't start out with him hating his baby girl.
No, it started with your water breaking and a trip to the hospital. Coriolanus canceled all of his meetings, briefings, and work for the day just to be by your side.
He was very supportive during your labor. Letting you hold his hand during painful contracts, smoothing your hair back away from your sweaty face with a damp rag, and buzzing the nurse multiple times for both ice chips and pain medication for you.
The nurses all gossiped amongst each other about how President Snow was the perfect doting husband and and father to be. That he'd make a very good father.
Little did they know.
Little did anyone know what would happen once the doctor came into the room and announced that it was time to start pushing.
Coriolanus was by your side as you pushed and pushed. With every push he noticed you were getting weaker and it worried him.
Looking between your weak, pale form, and the doctor that was sitting at the bottom of your bed, Coriolanus asked, “Dr. Wellock, my wife's growing weaker. Is there something you can do to get the baby out?”
“There's nothing to be worried about, President Snow. Labor’s a strenuous event; many first time mothers grow fatigue and can push for a while before the baby crowns.” The doctor told your husband, more or less blowing off his concern.
You were exhausted but determined to have your baby. Even tho you were feeling dizzy, you continued to bear down and push every time you were told to.
Then, when you felt that you didn't have any more strength coursing thru your body, you gave birth to your baby.
You saw Dr. Wellock hold up the baby and announce, “It's a girl.” Suddenly, your vision began to get fuzzy as you heard the doctor ask your husband, “President Snow, would you like to cut the cord?”
Coriolanus was about to answer whenever he saw you faint, paired with blood pooling around your legs and staining the bed.
“What's wrong with my wife?!” Coriolanus asked, fear filling him as the doctor quickly cut the baby's cord and tossed her to a waiting nurse. “Dr. Wellock, is my wife dying?!” Coriolanus asked in a panicked scream, while the nurse quickly cleaned the baby and wrapped her into a blanket.
“Your wife's hemorrhaging, President Snow.” Dr. Wellock told your husband, only to point to the nurse and tell her, “Give him the baby and get him out of here.”
So, the nurse dumped the baby in Coriolanus' arms and pushed him out of the door. Before the president could blink, the door was slammed shut I'm his face.
As Dr. Wellock and his nurse worked to staunch your bleeding; save your life, your husband stood outside of your room with your newborn baby girl in his arms.
Coriolanus looked down at the tiny baby wriggling and crying in his hold, only to look at the door of your room and realize that you're dying because of the thing in his arms.
Cersei’s what the two of you decided to name her, when she wasn't a danger. Wasn't the reason you're dying.
Coriolanus felt disgust and hatred for the newborn in his arms. He didn't want to hold her anymore. She was the reason why you're knear death right now.
So, your husband found a nurse to pawn the baby on.
Coriolanus swore to himself that he'd never touch that evil little creature ever again. That he'd never love her.
It didn't matter if you lived or died, he was going to hate your daughter until the day he died.
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You didn't die in childbirth, but it was a close call. The doctor explained that you had bad hemorrhaging due to your uterus not contracting correctly after the birthing process, causing uncontrollable bleeding. You were given a blood transfusion, once Dr. Wellock managed to stop the bleeding, due to your blood pressure being too low after such a large blood loss.
You were out of it for days, but you survived.
You were happy to be alive and with your family. Coriolanus and Cersei.
But it didn't take long for you to notice that Coriolanus never picked up your daughter. He never held her, hell, Coryo never seemed too interested in her.
Unless it was for a photo op. Then he turned into the perfect hands on dad that would pose for pictures. But as soon as the cameras stop flashing, the president stops caring about his daughter.
You thought that Coriolanus would get over it; would come to accept your daughter in time. But…sadly…your daughter's first birthday is fastly approaching and your husband still doesn't seem interested in her, unless it's for a photo op.
It saddened you, knowing that Coriolanus was offish to Cersei because she wasn't the son he probably wanted to carry on the Snow name. You loved your daughter and you were sure that your Coryo loved her too, but was just disappointed that she wasn't the strong son he probably had his heart set on.
He did pick out a boy name right off the bat when you handed him your list of baby names last year.
Maybe if Coryo had a son to carry on the Snow name, he'd be happier in his role of fatherhood?
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Coriolanus walked into the sunroom only to cringe when he saw you coddling Cersei. The damn little creature nearly murdered you during the birthing process, but you were holding her as she napped on you.
Goodness, there was a portable cradle in the room for a reason.
“She's nearly a year old, you shouldn't be letting her sleep on you like that.” Coriolanus told you, taking a seat at the small tea table. He never even tried to hide the disgust in his voice.
“There's nothing wrong with holding her, Coryo? She's my baby girl.” You responded, causing your husband to just shake his head while reaching for the teapot that was in the middle of the table.
“She's a toddler now, darling. She's not a baby anymore.” Coriolanus scoffed, pouring himself a cup of tea. “Do you want to have afternoon tea with me, or are you going to coddle Cersei all day?” He asked, grabbing a macaron and placing it onto the small plate that was in front of him.
“I'll have tea with you, Coryo.” You thinly smiled, only to rise from your spot on the sofa and place your daughter into her portable crib.
As you made your way over to the table, your husband fixed you a cup of tea and plated you macarons. When you sat down, you decided that now was the time to bring up the subject of having more children.
Little did you know, after your near death experience, Coriolanus got himself snipped. So…it was impossible for you to have any more children.
But he wasn't going to tell you that.
Reaching for your teacup, you told your husband,“Coryo, I think we should have another baby.”
“No.” Was Coriolanus’ quick and cold reply.
“But, we could have a son this time “ You pressed, knowing that your husband wanted a son. Wanted the Snow name to live on.
But you were wrong. Coriolanus didn't want a son to carry on the Snow name, he wanted you alive to be by his side. He loves you to the point of obsessive possession. The love Coriolanus has for you is all consuming, like a plague of locusts devouring an entire field of crops in District 11.
Coryo took a long sip of his tea, only to cut eyes with you over his teacup and firmly say, “I said no, Y/N.” placing his teacup down, he gave you the lame excuse of, “I'm a very busy man, my little dove. Being president takes much of my time away from my fatherly duties; we can only handle raising one child. More than one would be too much for us, considering you refuse a nanny.”
“I told you when I was pregnant with Cersei that I want to raise our kids. I don't want somebody else raising them, no matter how it might be easier considering your role in politics.”
“My role in politics?” Coriolanus chuckled, biting into his macaron. “I'm the President of Panem, that's more than just a role in politics.”
Sipping on your tea, you sighed, “Fine, Cersei’ll be an only child.”
Grabbing your hand in his, Coryo promised, “Our daughter will never want for anything. She'll be showered in a life of luxury.”
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That wasn't true. Your daughter grew up wanting her father's love, but she never got it. Coriolanus was always so distant and cold with Cersei.
She hated him, but that was fine with your husband since he hated her right back.
You always thought that your husband resented your daughter for not being a son, for not being able to carrying on the might and noble Snow name.
But that wasn't the case at all.
Coriolanus Snow hated his daughter, Cersei, because you nearly died in childbirth with her. Nothing would every change that. He'd hate her til the day she died.
At least when your daughter died, it was bringing your beautiful granddaughter into the world.
A granddaughter Coryo named Celeste Snow, since your daughter was unwed at the time of her unexpected death.
Your husband was a better grandfather than he was a father. You thought that he might've felt guilty for being so distant and busy during Cersei’s childhood, that he decided to right his wrongs while you raised Celeste.
Little did you know, Coriolanus loved his granddaughter because she killed her mother in the birthing bed.
President Snow was a horrible, heartless man with a soul darker than a black hole. But at least he loved you and loved his granddaughter.
Too bad he hated his only child her entire life.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis, @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer, @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans, @sudek4l, @wearemadeofstardust0, @mashiromochi, @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503, @shari-berri, @aoi-targaryen, @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch, @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons, @qoopeeya, @mfnqueen1, @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88
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dilemmaontwolegs · 6 months
The Bucket List - Bucket Moments || CL16
Warnings: fluff WC: 1.2k Main Story || Death Scene || Two Years Later || Bucket Moments || Five Years Later
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1. Sleep under the northern lights
Charles found another blanket in the storage box and draped it over your shoulders as he joined you in the clearing. 
“Have you ever seen something so beautiful?” You asked the question quietly, fearful that your very voice could disturb the peace of the night. Overhead, green and orange light danced to the music of the universe that you could almost hear. 
“Every day,” Charles whispered too quietly for you to hear. Swallowing the lump in his throat he recorded the northern lights illuminating the wonder on your face. You were mesmerised as you reached for the colour like it was a ribbon you could catch if you were quick enough, but it slipped through your fingers. 
“Make an angel with me, Cha,” you giggled as you tossed the blanket aside and fell back into the snow. Charles fell down beside you and waved his arms like you made him do whenever he took you skiing. “I could stay frozen here forever.”
“Me too, mon ange.” 
8. Go to India for the colour festival  
“Don’t you dare,” Charles warned as you filled your fist with a dark blue powder. “Amour!”
You bent in half with the burst of laughter that cut through his faux annoyance and his own laugh joined yours. His white shirt was splattered with the colour of his biggest competitor and you grinned as you took a photo, sending it to Max. A burst of powder hit your front and you gaped at the explosion of red clouding your vision before it cleared to reveal Charles’ smug face. 
“That’s better,” he hummed as he pulled you into his arms, the colours of the rainbow dusting your face as he dipped his head down to yours and kissed you. “None of those Red Bull colours for you, mon ange.”
A peal of laughter sounded as you were pushed apart and Lorenzo ducked between you, a burst of yellow hitting Charles and raining over you. “Sorry, chére!” Arthur apologised as he bolted off again, chasing the eldest brother. 
Charles wrapped his arms around your waist as he stepped up behind you, watching his brothers race through the energetic crowd to find Joris and Pierre. His soft laugh warmed your cheeks as the three guys made an absolute mess. “Snow fights will never beat this.”
Your eyes widened with an idea. “Imagine colouring the snow balls!”
“Except yellow,” Charles pointed out, chuckling as your nose wrinkled at the idea.
“No, definitely not yellow,” you agreed. “But it would be funny to prank them if you did…”
Charles turned you in his arms and smiled fondly as he wiped away some of the coloured powders from your cheeks. “I love that mind of yours.”
“Just my mind?”
His eyes trailed over your shirt that was no longer white and his pupils darkened by the second as he bit his lip and continued to survey you with a look of hunger. Slowly he dragged his eyes back up until he reached your face again and released his plump lip from his teeth. “Yes, just your mind.”
He rocked back on his heels with a loud laugh that came from deep in his stomach and you gave him a little push against his chest. “Cha!”
Your feet disappeared from the ground as he picked you up and your hands came to rest on his shoulders as he looked up at you in awe. “There is not a single part of you I don’t love, mon ange.”
12. Teach Charles to cook
Charles would rather go swimming with sharks again, and he had not enjoyed that. He knew it would be a hell of a lot better than what you were about to make him do though. 
“I look stupid,” he complained as he placed the toque on his head. 
“You look stupid?” you laughed, pointing to your own head. “I have a hairnet on and I don’t have hair. So put your big boy pants on and let’s go, class is starting.”
You had debated trying to teach Charles to cook yourself but after a few mishaps and burned tea towels you decided you needed professional help for the task. This culinary school for beginners promised that it could teach even the most incompetent cooks to master the basics and most importantly, pasta. 
Thankfully putting Charles in a class setting made him focus and take note of the instructions. You could always count on him to become the teacher's pet and by the third lesson you watched with pride as he kneaded the pasta dough to perfection. 
“Can you dust a little more flour please?” he asked as he held the dough up.
“Yes, chef,” you saluted as you took a handful and scattered it over the bench. “Oh, you’ve got a little something on your cheek.”
“Can you get it?” he turned his cheek towards you as you tossed the rest of the flour at him. “Non…run.”
You turned and squealed as he grabbed a handful of flour and gave chase. “You’re going to get us expelled!”
He ignored you as he herded you into the huge pantry and you armed yourself with an egg in each hand. “We have ourselves an old-fashioned standoff, huh?” he teased. “It’s a good thing your aim is terrible.”
Charles moved first, showering you with the flour, and you launched the first egg. He deftly dodged it by jumping aside but it put him right into the trajectory of the second and it splattered over the chef’s jacket he wore. He looked down at the bright yolk and slimy whites that dribbled to the floor before looking back at the door where the chef was standing with a red face. 
“Both of you, out of my kitchen now!”
You tried to keep a straight face as you shuffled through the mess without slipping over and rushed to grab your handbag. “I can’t believe you got us expelled!” You burst into laughter as you exited the building and raced Charles to his Pista in the parking lot. 
“Me?” he laughed as he caged you between the car door. His eyes sparkled with amusement and he couldn’t help stealing a kiss when your happiness was as pure as it was in that moment. “Since I ruined our dinner plans, what would you like to eat? And please don’t say pasta or I will take you over my knee and spank you.”
“I mean, don’t threaten me with a good time,” you winked. “How about cake? You are already wearing half of the ingredients.”
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small-sinclair · 6 months
Snow and Rose
An idea by @violettelune
Reformed!Johnny Slaughter x fem!reader
Welcomed readers: @sup-im-blue
Tw: mention of blood and death, him being a dad, mainly his pov, just something fluffy, not prof-read
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He woke up to another nightmare. Johnny dreamt that he found you dead in the sunflower field, your blood stained on his hands, lifeless eyes looking up. Then he heard his daughter crying in the distance. No matter how fast he ran towards her cries, he was never close enough. He was never there in time. It always ended with Nancy standing over the crib and a wicked smile on her face.
“Freed ya, Johnny. Now you can come home,” she would say. “Now you come back home. Come home.”
At his feet, barbed wire and chains wrapped around his legs and arms, pulling him to the ground. He felt roots sewing him to the wooden floor into front of his mother as he looked upon her and her smile. He felt chainsaw blades strangling him as he tried to scream your name, but sunflowers and daisies poured from his lips. His world filled with his victims, his deaths, and they all look at him with empty, lost eyes. He knew their names; how could he forget them? Then his eyes focus to the center and sees you and his child in a broken marble block, red tears falling from your eyes as you look on your child. He tastes your blood, your flesh between gasps and teeth. He hates this. He loves you. Stop. Stop it!
Wake up.
He would wake up in sweat, sometimes shutting, sometimes falling out of bed and pushing away from the bed and from you.
Tonight, however, he woke up with a start, breathing heavily, his dark eyes looking around like a scared wild animal. He looked down at your sleeping form then up at the cracked door leading into the hallway. He needed to check. Johnny just needed time check.
He got out of bed, put the blanket over your shoulder, and crept out of the room but something in his chest didn’t sit. He came back and kisses your head. “Be back, y/n,” he promised. “Keep my side warm.”
He may not be a hunter, but he still kept his talents. He can walk without noise, he can move without sound, and he can be hidden without being seen. Johnny uses that talent whenever his daughter is asleep when he comes home from a long day from the butchers. That’s why he got the job in Wisconsin; the butcher need another slaughter, and he’s good at it. Why waste a talent? He’s used to the blood, to the kill, but these are animals, not man. But he got the job to leave Texas. He swore to the stars he’ll never go back.
Johnny made that promise in a burned down church two years ago, and he stuck to it still.
He snuck out the room and down the hall to the open white door to the cotton candy pink room. He lets out a deep sigh as he came over the little white crib he built and looked down. Ophelia Rosemary Sawyer, his 5 week-year-old daughter, slept like a rock in a pink onesie with a bear in the center. Whatever fear he had, the nightmares, the shadows and ghosts— it all faded when he saw her sleeping in peace. Shes his rock, his world, his reason.
Ever so slowly, he lowered his hand and touched her head, and his heart fluttered when she moved into his hand. She’s not scared of him. As if she’s glass, he picks her up slowly and cradles her. He sneaks to the wooden rocking chair in the corner and rocks back and forth. The moonlight lit the room as the snow fell gently over the evergreens.
“Hey there, little sunshine,” he whispers. “Don’ worry. Daddy’s just needed ya.” He looks down at his world and rests his forehead against hers, kisses it, and holds her close. “I swear you’ll never be alone, ever. I love you… I’ll never not love ya.” Then he looks outside, stands up, and takes her to the window. “Look at ‘at, Ophelia,” he whispers in her small spot of brown hair, “it’s your first snow. So pretty an’ bright.” He looks out at the fields and forests, the farmlands and homes, and he thinks about the fireflies and waving weeds he left behind. “Daddy ain’t goin’ away, sunshine. I promise.”
He closes his eyes breathed out slowly. “Texas can keep the fireflies,” he looked down at his child, his blood and flesh, and his heart swelled, “I got my snow and rose.”
“Johnny?” Your voice was enough to make him jolt but he relaxed. “Why are you up? Is Ophelia okay?” You joined his side and looked down at your child. “I didn’t hear her.”
“Naw,” he answers, rocking on his heel, his eyes not leaving his child. “Sleepin’ like a lamb.”
You rested your head on his arm as he looked outside. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” he said as he laid his head on top of yours.
“Is this your first snow?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Is it everything you’d imagined?”
He thought for a moment as he took in the land before him. He could imagine Ophelia and her friends running wild outside with sleds, building snowmen, having a snowball fight out back. He could see himself with you during a star filled night while the children sleep, slow dancing with you in the snow, kissing you sweetly while whispering praises. He thought about Texas and the heat, but he thought about you smiling while it snowed, his kids playing, and him giving you a cup of cocoa.
“Everything and more, moonbeam,” he whispers, meeting your eyes. He leans down and kisses you tenderly. “I love you, y/n.”
“And I love you, Johnny,” you said back. You looked back at the snow, and you both watched it fall over the moon lit snow.
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lawlietscaramels · 2 months
Married ╾ L
I made the mistake of Thinking.
There are some parts that don't seem very L-ish to me, perhaps because of the perspective I wrote from.
It was only a little thing.
Lost between the aisle and vows, the rows of empty seats that weren't really rows or seats because does a tree really fall if nobody needs it for timber?, it was only a little thing.
L cut the cake and he gave the first slice to you. It tasted like frosting and unevenly cooked chocolate batter. It was delicious.
L took you home. You failed to consummate. Can you fail, if you don't try? It was only a little thing, of no matter. You were tired. You cuddled instead. Both start with C. Interchangeable. You had a husband. You only had to hold him close.
One year later – just under – and it was winter on the other side of the globe. Summer where you sat, winter where L crouched. It was cold in a big bed alone, but what's to be expected married to a workaholic and you only needed a little thing, that voice call every other week.
Very soon, he returned.
Everything was perfect. It WAS perfect, what a little thing, that capitalisation, but how it changes the meaning. L returned, and because he did, everything was naturally perfect. Meant to be perfect, because you were meant to be. L held you close for a minute. Your husband. You only had to hold him.
Yellow. That was the colour of the cushions you bought together. Yellow. L's favourite colour wasn't yellow. Considering the shade and pattern, it wasn't yours either. But they brightened up the place. Brightened up the mood.
Only at night did the colour sap out with the warmth, dark blue through the house. Dark blue between the two bodies on the bed. Space.
Until death do us part. It's only a little thing. A promise, we will part.
Four more months and four more days. Kisses on the cheek when cooking dinner. Trying to be closer. He scooped you up in his arms one day and took you dancing around the kitchen, held your hand.
Only for a night.
Random, wasn't it? How we met? you asked. Random, wasn't it? How we fell in love?
Everything that seems random, seems chaotic, has pattern and reason when viewed in a big enough frame, he answered, and went back to his ramen. No magic. Only a little thing, that bit of wonder in life. L, do you see the magic? is what you ask, hand left hovering above the paper towels. But L, do you understand me? Do you sympathise? is what you mean.
Verfremdungseffekt, he tells you with a grin, and just laughs when you don't understand.
Even the prosperous inevitably decay said your grandma, sic transit gloria mundi if you had asked L, all that's fair must fade said the writer. Same phrase different words. Same words different phrase?
Regardless, the autumn leaves always begin colourful, dancing in the dusty wedding photos on the mantle, but they fade by the end of the season. Outside the brown leaves crunch, die, are ready for white snow to hide away the misery. A little thing, a leaf. How little in the breeze. It falls off the tree to die. It's only a little thing.
Awake all night. Usually that was L's job but tonight it was yours. Look at his face. His body, curled up in defence. His face, the tightness in his expression even in sleep. Look. How closed off he was. You reached out and brushed his hair. He turned his head away.
No matter. You turned your head away and stared out the window. No magic. No yellow cushions to brighten it up. A cold chill, L's skin, the thin blankets and the air. Winter. Winter where you sat. L was as far away as the summertime. Spring was fair. Autumn was bitter. Winter was dead. Summer had hope. Perhaps you ought have been married in summer. But it was still autumn, the last day, so very close.
Dull. But you had a husband, and you held him close for a night. He gave you the cake. A little thing. Danced with you. But there was dark blue space. A little thing again. Verfremdungseffekt. L, you say and he doesn't stir, L, do you hear me?
Air void of an answer. It was cold. L's skin was cold. There were warm clothes in the cupboard. There were warm cafés in the nighttime. What music was out there tonight?
December. Winter.
A little thing.
You left.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
tags → @maevearcher @rinneroraito
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hanihazeljade · 3 months
Three Weeks
As the snow fell into the streets of Gotham, covering her land with white sheet, he stepped out of the plane. He shivers. He missed the deadly coldness of his hometown. The pollution never seemed to change back when he left 7 years ago. He sighed, white mist blowing out of his mouth. He will only need to stay here for three weeks. Three weeks and he will go back to Japan.
After many years of being away to his adopted family, Tim comes back to Gotham for Cassandra and Stephanie's wedding.
(CW: flashbacks, negligence, swear words, a badass Timothy)
Tim looks outside of the bus. His eyes watch the streets of Gotham. Christmas lights are on as it was 5 days away from Christmas. He watched and watched, like he always did, as classical music blasted to his airpods until the bus hit the stop to Bristol.
In all honesty, he could ask Alfred to fetch him but the man is now too fragile to his liking to be doing him favours. He rather takes the 40 minute walk from the station to Wayne Manor. He doesn’t mind the cold, he actually prefers to be freezing every single moment of his life. He doesn’t want to be reminded of the burning desert in Iraq.
With his suitcase on his tow, he started walking to the peaceful street of Bristol. The snow gently falls into his face and quickly melts but some falls into his lashes and brows and he couldn’t bring himself to wipe it off. He likes the small blur on his sight, it shows that he doesn’t have to stay vigilant in this city. Twenty minutes into the walk, he saw the Drake Manor, still in its pristine shape, hopefully. He walked as he tried to look past the gates of the once house of his, snow is piling up but he will be visiting it once he gets his stuff unpacked.
As he starts to get closer and closer to the Wayne Manor, nostalgia hits him. The good memories flood his mind. Bruce giving them a small pat or rarely hugs, Dick trying to spoil all of his siblings, Cass putting glitter bombs to the most unique places together with Stephanie, Jason joking his death again and again, Damian giving them Alfred the Cat as a stress reliever, and Alfred giving them hot cocoa on the worst days and cookies on the best.
But obviously, if it's all just good memories, he will not leave Gotham. The bad to the worst memories starts to resurface. The threat of Arkham, the throat-slitting episode, the pushing to his death story, the I choose to follow Batman rather than to be honest with you thing, the hellish training with Lady Shiva and many more that he couldn’t remember. He shook his head to remove those memories. It’s been more than a decade since that happened and he has healed already. No need to reopen old wounds.
His time in Japan definitely made him more aware that he doesn’t need other people to love him. He can just do it himself. He starts to sleep for more than 6 hours a night. He eats three times a day, sometimes with a balanced diet, sometimes just pure sodium for ramen or just straight up scooping Nutella out of the jar. He now prioritises himself over others. He works for himself and not to get approval from anyone. He is now him, just Tim. A simple Tim that loves to photograph and now be the object of his photographs. 
Many things change over the course of time. He forgives the Waynes but he will never call himself one. Waynes never treats him like family, except for Cass, bless her pure heart, and he is now giving it back, the treatment of an acquaintance. Not family. Not friends. But acquaintances. That’s all the Waynes are to him now. Because god forbid that his teenage self is simply obsessed with them. He rolled his eyes on the thought.
As he was letting his thoughts wander, he finally arrived at the prestigious Wayne Manor. The gates are open so he let himself into the other five minute walk of the driveway. As he stared at the old oak wood door, he sighed, trying to compose himself as he will be in their presence for the next three weeks. After trying to console himself, he knocks hoping that it will be Alfred who will open the door for him. After a few minutes of waiting on the porch, the door opened, revealing the foyer of the Manor and Alfred standing in front of him.
“Hi, Alfred.” Tim smiled at the old man.
Alfred, still in shock but smiled back to him, “Welcome back, Master Tim.”
And then suddenly there is a commotion behind Alfred, making the two gentlemen on the doorway look. It shows Damian and Jason. Seems like the two are trying to race to see which one will get to the door first. Childish competitions, like what brothers do. Jason and Damian look at them, first to Alfred and next to Tim. And he looked back at them, giving them a gentle smile.
“Hi, Timmerly. You look different.” Jason spoke out of the blue.
“Thank you, Jason.” He said, “You look different, too.” he added. Jason has indeed changed. The white stripe of hair due to the dip is still there but the face and the body itself evolved. Jason looked taller than he last saw him, The tight wool sweater emphasises the bulk body of Jason. And that face of his, is always exceptional but more relaxed.
There he heard a cough and gave his attention to the person. “Timothy, you look alright.” Damian said, standing in his glorious 6 foot 3. His tanned skin is honeyed perfection and his build is more similar to Bruce and Jason. Green eyes looked at him like it was captivating his soul. The Demon Brat is gone and was replaced by a hulking man.
He was shocked for a fleeting second before replying, “Thank you, Damian.”
“Young Masters, as much as I like that the three of you are conversing like normal human beings, Master Timothy needs to go inside first. It is freezing out there.” Alfred interrupts them and tells Jason and Damian that he is still indeed on the porch. Jason without waiting a moment, went and grabbed his suitcase and he proceeded to go inside the manor. 
Tim asked Alfred, “Where will Jason put my suitcase?”
“In your room, Master Tim. I mean, your old room.”
“Oh.” He just said as he took off his scarf and coat and gave it to Alfred, as he left the three on the foyer.
He starts walking into the Manor and walks past the library with the rest that didn’t meet him on the door. Steph and Cass are cuddling each other on the couch while Bruce is on the loveseat fiddling something in the tablet, probably about Wayne Enterprise, and Dick is on one of the bean bags that is scattered in the library. The first one to notice him is Cass, of course.
“Little brother, welcome.” She said as she reached out one of her arms to him. Her acknowledgement of his presence makes everyone in the room aware of his existence.
“Timmy!” Dick shouted as went to him and hugged him. It kinda still startled him a little bit, but he awkwardly hugged Dick back. 
Bruce gave him a smile, “Welcome back, Tim.”
Steph hit his back, “When Cass actually told us that you will come for our wedding, we didn’t believe her.“
Tim touched the spot Steph hit, “I would not miss it for the world.” Then he walked to Cass, “Hey, sis.” Cass smiled back at him. “Winter wedding, really?” 
“Hey, winter weddings are beautiful. And Cass will look like an angel.”
“And you are the demon that made Cassandra fall down from heaven.” A voice joined them, it’s Damian.
“Hey! That’s mean!”
The chaos and noises are relatively relaxing but when he yawns, he excuses himself. “Going to sleep, Timmy?” He nodded and replied with, “Jetlagged.”
Tim tried to remember where his room was. And thank god, he found it with no anomalies. He entered the room and saw the room that he left. The room is completely gone with cans of energy drinks or packaging of junk foods. The bed is comforting as he remembers, he saw his suitcase next to the nightstand. He opens it and gets a fitted cashmere turtleneck and fleece sweatpants. He took a quick shower and changed. He laid down on the bed and let sleep take him.
 He woke up the sun already down and darkness already took the city. He grabbed his phone and looked at what time it was. 8:05 am. Huh?? Oh, his phone is still in the Japanese Time Zone. He quickly changes it and freshens up. He looked at the wide mirror in his bathroom, and assessed himself. He knows he changed when he moved to Japan. His toned body was dissolved into a more lean one. His hair was maintained into a shoulder length, but his hair is shining with a red undertone in the right light. He has an ear piercing. His face was more round and yet still sharp. He got taller but still the smallest to Wayne, even Cass is taller than him. No, he is not salty about it.
He scooped up a handful of water and splashed his face and hair. Once he could feel his rationality and sanity came back to him, he dried his face and went down to the kitchen. He needs something to ingest in his body, anything. He saw Alfred was making something in the kitchen.
“Master Tim, you are finally awake. Will you please call the others for dinner?”
“Sure, Alfred.”
He found everyone in the largest living room. Damian and Dick playing chess, Damian is winning. Stephanie is doing something together with Duke. Bruce is with Cass flipping in the catalogue of whatever they still need to add to the wedding.
“Hey, Alfred told me to get you all. Dinner is ready.”
Dinner is rather peaceful, but rather uncomfortable. Whenever his eyes linger for a little second longer on a dish, Dick is already putting it on his plate. Damian kept on giving him a piece of whatever Damian thought he liked. Jason is spoon feeding him on dishes on what Jason thinks he will like. If this continues, he will be fat and as a model he would rather not have that. The Japanese Modelling World is so strict when it comes to thinness of their own.
But after that dinner, he sighed as walked to his room, he grabbed a velvet box and went to what he thinks is Cass' room.
He knocked, then he opened the door. Waynes are known for just busting your door open before coming in, because apparently, privacy is a social construct. Tim is not a Wayne anymore and also he is one of the decent people who actually knocks before coming inside of someone’s personal space.
“Hey Cass. I got you something.” he said as he looked at his sister.
“What is it?”
Instead of answering, he pulled a velvet box and gave it to Cass. Cass accepts it and opens the blue velvet box, revealing a silver hair comb pin. Cass looked at him with huge eyes. He smiled at his sister, “My mother wore that at her wedding. She says my grandmother and my great grandmother also wear that to their wedding, and I feel like I am not the rightful owner of such a piece.”
Cass hugged him. He missed how tight Cass hugs him. The comfortable warmth that brings pleasant memories only, none of those scorching heat of Iraq. Maybe, maybe he can stay here for three weeks for Cass. For Cass.
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
Just an Intern // Part 3
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pairing: austin x makeup artist!reader | word count: 8.7k-ish
warnings: angst, smut, FLUFF???, confusing arrogant asshole!austin, one bed, alcohol, hot tub 👀, fingering, play fighting, lots of dialogue, fries lore lol, truth or dare, name calling, physical altercation, yelling, screaming, crying, i am so sorry (but not really), 18+ MDNI
summary: while the set of Bikeriders remains buried under snow, you're imprisoned at the nearest ski lodge, in the last vacancy with none other than your arch nemesis. as the novelty of a packed resort wears off quickly, you find yourself on a drunken adventure led by an unexpected partner in crime... literally.
PART 1 | PART 2 | see my masterlist for all other fics ♡
vibes: just an intern spotify playlist ⛓️
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Let's cause a little trouble Oh, you make me feel so weak I bet you kiss your knuckles Right before they touch my cheek
But I've got my mind, made up this time 'Cause there's a menace in my bed
Can you see his silhouette?
A glaring white morning light lulled you from your slumber. You were so warm and comfortable…. too warm and comfortable. Your eyes shot open and your body stilled completely the minute you sensed a heavy arm that was wrapped around your waist and a body pressed against your backside.
What the fuck
Last night’s events raced through your mind, remembering your transgressions with the actor vividly, but the end was quite fuzzy. All you remembered was going to shower then coming out to a completely dark room with Austin sleeping at the far edge of the twin sized bed, facing away from you. Then you slipped into bed, turned the opposite direction and fell asleep.
How the fuck did you end up being little spoon to the man that told you he’d rather rot in hell than sleep next to you. You stared at the wooden wall, following each swirl as if it would give you the answer to get out from this death trap of impending doom. You decided to take the plunge and try to slip from his grasp. A slight sleepy groan rumbled behind you made your eyes squeeze shut, like you were expecting a bomb to go off.
You knew exactly the song and dance it would ensue – some furious accusation and an insult.
Much to your surprise you felt him freeze just as you did then try to escape quietly. The realization hit that he perhaps didn’t know you were awake either. I mean realistically what would he reprimand you for? He was wrapped around you, what was he going to claim? That you forced him to play big spoon?
You chose to keep your place, taking advantage of the predisposition that you were still asleep. Besides it would give you just a sliver of peace before you had to go back to his ‘Intern’. There was a slight tug of sheets, then a cold emptiness when he pulled from the mattress.
He let out another hushed grunt then, “Fuck.” He mumbled to himself silently. You curiously opened one eye to observe him. He rounded the bed going to the dresser, tapping his fingertips across the top like he was looking for something. His hand landed on a pair of black rimmed glasses you hadn’t noticed when you went to bed in the dark. You couldn’t help but prop up a subtle brow.
Wanting to savor this little secret you stumbled upon, you decided to ‘wake up’ giving a performative stretch before cocooning yourself in the duvet. “Glasses huh?” You held back a ‘caught ya’ smirk, then a stifled giggle when you noticed him jump a tiny bit at the surprise.
He turned at the startle and instantly rolled his eyes. He hadn’t been awake not even 5 minutes and he was already annoyed with you. “Yes, I wear glasses, big whoop.”
“Well, I just didn’t know.” You tugged your bottom lip in trying not to laugh at his obviously embarrassed reaction.
“There’s lots of things you don’t know about me, Intern.” He spat back, turning to the phone ringing – to the tune of… Burnin Love? by Elvis? You were learning more about this man than you cared to know. He snatched his phone so fast, before it even got to the ‘hunka hunka’. Another thing he was clearly embarrassed about.
“What’s up?” While he spoke into the phone you found yourself distracted by the muscular lines of his bare back, just then noticing he was shirtless. His skin was golden and was toned like a swimmer. You followed the curvatures of his body down to were they met small dimples in his lower back then disappeared into blue stripped pajama pants.
His evidently aggravated groan snapped you out of your expedition down his body.
“Fucking great.” Bringing his hand to both temples. “We’re still fucking snowed in. We’re stuck here until tomorrow at least.”
“I take it there are no other rooms available?”
“No Intern, obviously not, the roads are closed. Nobody can fucking leave.”
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You both went your separate ways and you couldn’t have been happier, finally getting a moment to breathe and relax. There was a tiny café within the resort that you hid in most of the day taking time to catch up on the book you had been neglecting. The snow outside continued to pile up with no end in sight. Your odds of escaping Austin weren’t looking very promising. While it was what you wanted, there was a part of you – the machoistic part of you – that didn’t want it to end, just yet.
Before you knew it, it was evening and you were trying to avoid the hotel room at all costs, not wanting to risk running into Austin. So, you found yourself at the same bar from the Landon incident yesterday. You pressed your palms against the bar ledge that was littered with your coworkers, including Landon out of the corner of your eye. He sent a chill up your spine, but he seemed distracted by some giggly extra.
“Vodka soda please.” You ordered from the rather attractive bar tender. Maybe you could end up in someone else’s bed that night, maybe it would stave off the remnants Austin’s touch left on you. Regardless you had a mission - getting fucking wasted. How else were you supposed to deal with the confusion clouding in your head?
About 2 vodka sodas in, an aggravated sigh came from your left, “You would be here.” Said the exact voice you were trying to elude.
“What the fuck does that mean?” You rolled your eyes turning to him. He wore a plain black shirt that hugged his toned arms, tight dark denim jeans and leather boots.
He shrugged, “You just would.” Evading the question. “I guess I don’t blame you, there’s nothing else open in here at night.”
“Exactly.” You agreed taking a sip of your third drink, sending a warmth through your veins, then down to your core at the sight of his skilled fingers wrapped around a half-drank bourbon on the rocks.
“Last call!” Boomed from the tattooed bar tender.
“What?” You questioned, surprised. You tapped your phone screen to wake the time, “What, it’s only 12?”
“Bar closes at 12 on Sundays.” The worker informed, beginning his closing duties by wiping down the counter.
“Augh.” Austin groaned easily downing the remainder of his drink and harshly landed it on the bar. Without another word he was already out the door, likely at one of the cast’s room parties that had been going on.
You were in no rush to be alone in a hotel room but after a stroll through an uneventful empty lobby you decided to call it a night.
Opening the door to your room you noticed something that had been hiding behind a curtain, a wide open door. Being under the impression that the actor would be in some room party, you hesitantly tiptoed across the room. Your mind ping-ponged between the possibilities.
Maybe a resident had found the wrong room
Maybe you found the wrong room
Maybe the door hadn’t been locked and was swung open by the vicious snowy winds
Maybe it was a ghost
Finally at the door you peered through it from the edge to find… a hot tub? The jetted pool sat on a wooden platform covered by the room above’s balcony. And there sat the asshole right in the middle with another full drink in his grasp.
“Where have you been!” The blonde called out in a playful tune, the alcohol evidently taken over his body. “Did you know we have a hot tub?” His voice almost excited.
“Uh…” The entire scene threw you completely off, you’d never so much as seen this man smile and now, he was lightly playing in the water. “Am I hallucinating or are you actually having a good time?”
“C’mon get in here.” He gestured to join him hurriedly, ignoring your question.
“Austin it’s fucking freezing, you’re insane.” You thought he was even crazier when you realized that he was shirtless, because what else would you wear in a jacuzzi. “I’m not getting in there.” Shaking your head vehemently.
“It’s warm in here c’mon.” His gestures even more exaggerated through the steam that brewed above the water.
You shifted from one foot to another and chewed on your lip weighing your options. What else were you going to do? And who were you to turn down a hot tub?
“Augh fine.” You huffed, peeling your shirt over your head and unzipping then dropping your jeans. A blast of cold wind hit your bare body, covered only in a bra and panties. Your arms immediately wrapped around yourself shivering as you shuffled across the wood slats and up the short stairs.
You let out a relieved sigh once your shoulders were below the warm water across from him. “You’re fucking crazy.”
He gave you his signature eye roll, “Loosen up will ya? You’re always so stiff.”
You couldn’t help but let out loud scoff, “Me? Nah, that’s all you Actor.”
He let a chuckle as he lulled his head back, his arms resting on the edge of the tub. “Yeah, I guess I could stand to loosen up a little.”
“That’s a fucking understatement.” The edges of your lips tied into a smile.
“Hey,” He furrowed his thick brows at you, his face only illuminated by the blue tone of the pool. “That’s not very nice.” A light flick of water propelled at you from his fingertips.
“Hey!” You dodged the attack, “That wasn’t very nice.” Splashing warm water back at him.
“Oh, I don’t think you wanna play this game, Intern.” He brows propped up throwing another wave of water at you.
“Oh, I think I do Actor.” Swimming diagonal from him giving you a new angle to battle him with a rush of water.
He feigned surprise, “You’re goin’ down.” Mimicking your actions, getting you good that time, soaking you completely.
A giggle left your mouth as you attempted to swim in the opposite direction splashing him back once more. You heard another foreign laugh from him matching yours. “No, you’re goin’ down buddy.”
In some miscalculation you ended up near him and mid splashing war you felt familiar sizable hands take hold of your waist pulling you into his lap.
What kinda twilight zone were you in when this menace was play fighting and giggling with you?
After the initial stun of the move, you caught your breath your eyes meeting his. The ebbing waves from the tub reflected into his aqua eyes, the ripples of the water seemed to swim in them.
Silence fell between you both as the laughter had dissipated and the only communication was in your stare. You tried to place his thoughts by analyzing his eyes. At that point you had gotten fairly good at reading him though this sight was new, and you had no clue at what was behind it.
His eyes flickered between yours and your lips, the proximity of him now very apparent. The scent of bourbon laid thick on his breath. Your own air lodged in your throat as you took in the sight of him. Under the glow of the moon, he looked so soft, a lens you’d never seen him through before. He was so exquisite like that - flushed rosy cheeks, drunken glossy eyes and all.
Your entire body froze when his lips met yours, his arms wrapping around your torso. Whether it was the alcohol, the moon or your genuine desire, something let yourself melt into it fully. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you deepened the kiss. You expected him to escalate it with his tongue the way he did before, but he didn’t, his lips just took yours in completely.
You decided to take the plunge and slide your tongue against his bottom lip asking for entrance and he complied. His hands slid up your sides pulling you closer and your hands tangled into the little curls at the nape of his neck. The entire experience was different than any other time you’d hooked up with him, it mirrored his current demeanor – soft, gentle. He wasn’t groping and squeezing like he normally did, he just held you as your tongues danced together.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and found a not surprising prominent bulge beneath you. A groan rumbled in his chest when you pressed your panty-covered warmth against his boxer-covered erection.
As you grinded against him, the feeling of his tip nudging your bundle made you so desperate to relieve the rampant buzzing in your core. It was making you weak and was distracting you from the kiss. You reluctantly pulled from his soft lips and fell onto his shoulder letting out tiny whimpers as he rocked his hips against you.
He pressed full kisses in the curvature of your neck causing a churning in your tummy that wasn’t arousal, but something different. Something familiar but you couldn’t quite place. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.” He mumbled into your shoulder, his voice deep and dripping in liquor.
A short breathy whimper involuntarily escaped you, “You think so?” Your inner voice taking no time in reprimanding you for seeking validation from such a douchebag. His names for you weren’t normally so kind, nevertheless a compliment.
“Mhm,” He hummed against your shoulder, his hand tangling in your hair as he peppered kisses across your skin. “The prettiest.” He whispered below your ear, unleashing a kaleidoscope of butterflies throughout your chest, your ribcage locking them in. You knew it was the alcohol talking but you clung to every word.
You were so needy for him that only small moans left your mouth, “Please Austin, I need your cock.” You breathed out, your heart beating so hard you thought it might pop out. Your hips rutted against his length the wet material of your panties allowing your lips to part around his shaft, teasing him with your entrance. “Please?” Exaggerating your whine.
He groaned at your actions, fingers harshly digging into your thighs. “No.” He said simply, his touch now gliding up your thighs, “Let me take care of you.”
His response took you by surprise, “W-what?” You stuttered but didn’t pull from him. A hand drew up your inner thigh, scorching the skin it passed, then fingers up your panties.
“Let me take care of you baby.” He repeated, his fingertips easily pulling your panties to the side and rolled the pads of his fingers around your clit. A gasp left your lips at the sudden pleasure.
“Fuck.” You faintly muttered against his neck and leaned into his touch. “Please. I need you.” Your right hand tugging at his hair and the left curling into his shoulder.
“I wanna try something, do you trust me?” He asked, the question throwing you off, both at what he could possibly be thinking and whether you knew the answer. It occurred to you that it was the second time he’d asked you that impossible question, the first time in the saloon on set. You wondered on what planet he was living on where he had given you any reason to trust him. If anything, he should be the last person on earth to trust. And yet, you lied, “Hm- Yes.” Curious to find out his idea.
He purred against your shoulder and gently lifted your hips off of him then placed you across his lap. With one hand he slid your panties down your legs and draped it over the edge of the pool. You held onto him by an arm around his neck as his hand slid up your thighs again and spread them wide.
The pads of his fingers once again found your core, rounding your swollen nub then down dipping into your entrance. “Fuck.” You breathed out as his digits curled into your sweet spot. You let him float you to the edge of the tub, it was unclear to you why until you felt the strong stream of water from one of the jets. A sharp gasp fell from your lips at the immediate pressure.
“Oh my god,” Your chest was heaving, and your nails dug into his back. While the jet took care of your clit, his fingers were taking care of your core, fucking you in a way you never thought fingers could. It was rhythmic like a choreographed dance, every pump into your pussy landed in a curl into your g-spot and you never knew you could feel so much pleasure from so many areas at once. Your heart was thumping in your throat with a tight knot in your stomach threatening you to unravel already. “Oh my god Austin.”
“I know baby, I know.” He continued his plight on your neck, trailing passionate kisses all over it. “Feels good doesn’t it?” He asked.
“Y-Yeah- Fuck.” You could barely hear him over the pounding in your ears. His little experiment with you was overriding every nerve, waves of tingling pleasure washing through you, even causing your toes to curl. “Fuck Aus, I’m close I’m so fucking close.” You whined, squeezing your eyes shut barely holding on to your sanity. The bliss was practically numbing your brain, every thought was him, only him. His eyes that could make you wet with just one look, his plump lips that stamped kisses all over you, his skilled tongue against your own and even better on your clit, the curve of his neck and collar bone where you’d place your own kisses, his agile hips that allowed him to drill his perfect fucking cock into you. Right then you could’ve sworn he was some Greek god from the insurmountable euphoria that possessed your body.
His mouth pulled your skin into a suck while his tongue swirled over the darkening spot. “Let it out baby c’mon, cum for me.” His deep voice rumbled against your neck. That and a perfectly synchronized hit of the jet stream on your throbbing bundle and his fingers curved into you, set off your climax. The height of your orgasm ripped through you so violently that your moans were completely silent – which you we’re grateful for because you knew your coworkers were just above you. Your nails dug into his shoulder and your thighs clamped around his hand and you heard him let out a sort of entertained chuckle. If you weren’t underwater your juices most definitely would’ve soaked his thigh completely.
Once fully spent, you fell limp on his chest, heavy breaths flowing into his neck, “Fuck.” You murmured. His arm curled around your waist, pulling you closer against him. The act was so intimate compared to… well any other interaction you’d had with him. He was always so cold and rigid, now he was tender and warm. You blinked up at him, his focus on the stars above you. Even his moonlit features were soft compared to his normal sharp edges. “You sure like to use water fixtures as sex toys huh.” You tugged a lip between your teeth hoping the joke would land.
He took a moment to respond, his brows scrunching together before looking down at you, “Huh?”
You let out a tiny giggle, “Because the faucet on set-“
“Oh oh, yeah!” He boomed a drunken laugh straight from deep in his chest, “Yeah, I guess I do.” Looking down at you, for a moment you couldn’t tell the difference between the stary midnight sky behind him and the twinkling navy in his eyes. “Did you not like it? Because it seemed like you did-“ His voice sounded almost insecure, as if he was worried about disappointing you. The hint of insecurity echoed the one from earlier in the hotel room, about his glasses.
“No, no I definitely do.” You laughed, pulling yourself up to wrap both arms around his neck, straddling him once again. “I’ve just never been with someone so… innovative.” Your lips pressed together to stifle a chuckle.
The joke earned you another hearty laugh from the glowing blonde, which made you realize you’d barely heard him laugh before, nonetheless smile. And right now, he was a grinning mess, and he hadn’t even cum. From the lack of stiffness beneath you it seemed that the alcohol had taken its toll. Under any other circumstances, if there was a more competitive game at play, you would’ve tried your hardest to return the favor. But he was giggly and touchy and the nicest you’d ever seen him, you didn’t want to cut it short, so you laid against his shoulder again just taking in his breathing.
“You’re pretty funny.” He said once he caught his breath from laughing.
“Yeah?” You blushed and a giant grin pulled at your lip’s edges, for some reason you felt embarrassed and hid further into his neck. “I’m glad you think so.” You whispered beneath his ear and molded your body further around his, taking advantage of his warmth. He reciprocated, wrapping you up in his arms.
Silence fell for what felt like an eternity and you thought for sure the moment was about to end, and this unicorn version of asshole actor would disappear. But he surprised you yet again.
“I’m hungry.” He stated simply, “I want fries.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “What?”
“I want fries!” He repeated, matter-of-factly. “We should go get fries.”
“Austin, where the fuck are we gonna get fries? The kitchens are closed and it’s not like we can DoorDash in a snowstorm.” You stated the obvious, sitting up in his lap.
You watched the gears churning in his head as if it was a difficult equation before the most mischievous playful smirk spread across his face. Immediately you knew it couldn’t mean anything good. “Austin,” You warned, propping up a cautious eyebrow, “What are you thinking.”
He practically threw you off of him, landing you to be floating alone in what now seemed like a giant empty ocean without him in it. He scrambled quickly into the hotel room, dripping water across the carpet, only in some plaid boxers. Once the blur of the action caught up to you, you followed suit, nearly flying out of the tub into the freezing cold air. “What are you doing!” You called after him as he hastily dried off with a towel and changed into sweats and a hoodie faster than you’d ever seen anyone move.
The mischievous smile never left his face in his hurried actions and stayed focused on his mission. In that moment you realized you were now babysitting a drunken toddler. Like any good caretaker, you matched his speed but soon remembered your limited wardrobe choices. He was already halfway out the door and the only reasonably warm and accessible choices were another hoodie and pair of sweats from his duffle.
“Austin!” You first shouted loudly after him, stumbling out the door trying to slide fully into your sneakers. Then in a more hushed yell, not wanting to wake the entire lodge at 2 am. “Where are you going!”
“Fries!” He threw over his shoulder as he booked it down the stairs.
“Hey! Slow down!” Taking a moment to catch your breath before following him down the two flights of mahogany stairs. “You couldn’t have taken the elevator at least?”
Finally, you caught up to him, standing in front of the restaurant that hosted the rotating buffet during the day. You leaned over attempting to catch your breath gripping your chest, reminding you that maybe a weekly gym day wouldn’t hurt. “They’re clearly closed Aus.” You huffed out, gesturing your arm at the darkened restaurant. The way it was laid out was that the floor was open so the buffet serving areas and seating were open, but the kitchen was locked. He was bent over eyeing the lock. “You’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you?”
“Hmmm.” He hummed and stood up to face you, he held his tongue between his lips as he seemed to analyze you, then reached into your damp hair and plucked out a bobby pin you had forgotten was in there. He went back to his crouched position, unfolding the metal accessory in his sizable hands.
“No no no.” You whispered, “Austin you’re gonna get us in trouble what are you doing!”
“I’m opening a door that we found, already open y/n, obviously.” He slid the pin into the keyhole and wiggled it around.
“Oh god you’re really doing this aren’t you.” You brought a hand to your temple.
It didn’t take long for the doorknob to click open, probably because the hotel didn’t think patrons would be breaking in. “Aha!” He proclaimed, flinging the door open and turning on the blinding overhead lights. Relief washed over you when you didn’t hear immediate alarms blaring.
“I fucking can’t believe you’re doing this.” You exasperated, dropping your arms at your sides, “You know there aren’t going to be just magically fresh fries right?”
“Relax Intern,” His mission stayed focused on pillaging the stainless-steel industrial kitchen for his desired snack. “I know what I’m doing.” Waving you off.
“Oh,” You placed both hands on your hips, “You break into kitchens often?”
He shot you an unimpressed look, “No, if you must know,” He somehow miraculously found the frozen fries. “I used to work in a kitchen, I know how to make some pretty fuckin’ dope fries.” He inspected the knobs of the deep fryer and clicked it to a high setting.
“Oh, you mean before you were just an actor?” You sassed, crossing your arms across your chest and popping out a hip.
He rolled his eyes at you, “Believe it or not I was once a struggling actor.” The fries sizzled in the oil when he dunked an obscene amount of into the appliance.
“Ah, I see the humbleness didn’t stick around.” You teased back, walking over to the wall and flipped off 3/4ths of the blinding fluorescent lights, leaving only the one’s above the counters.
He shot you another glare, “Keep talkin’ like that and ya aren’t gonna get any fries.”
You contemplated continuing your defiance but ultimately decided the midnight snack was more important. They were already in the fryer after all, might as well follow through.
He drew the fries from the oil, threw them into a giant silver bowl, and salted them like a pro, tossing them in the air and everything.
You ended up on the floor of the dark kitchen, sat across from him binging on the perfectly golden fries and a random wine bottle you’d found. For someone who was evidently wasted, they were beyond impressive. “Damn, you weren’t lying, these are so fucking good.” You complimented then shoved a handful of salty fries into your mouth. On a first date, you’d never eat like that in front of anyone, but this wasn’t a first date, this was a drunken adventure with an asshole.
“I told you.” He went for another fistful of salted potatoes. “I was the best damn line cook that surf and turf place had ever seen.” He sassed, waving a fry for extra attitude.
Your eyes rolled involuntarily, “You so would work at a surf and turf restaurant.”
He feigned insult with a dropped jaw, “What is that supposed to mean!”
You giggled and shrugged, taking a sip from the wine bottle. “You just give that typa vibe.” You teased, covering your mouth to hide the chuckle that threatened to erupt.
“Well, that’s not very nice.” He picked up a fry and tossing it at you. He shot a smirk at you then stole the wine bottle, taking a long swig. His plump lips molded around the bottle opening, his adam’s apple bobbed with his swallow.
You gasped, “You’re not very nice.” You plucked a fry from the heap and hurled it back at him. His gaze turned to a playful one, moving slowly to the bowl scooping a bundle of fries and heaving them at you.
“You’re a fucking child you know that?” Your tone serious but gasping an equal bit of fries while he was focused on your expression, throwing it right back at him. First the water fight and now this? Who the fuck abducted Actor and who was sitting across from you?
“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that.” He sat up on his knees, taking a fistful of your improvised dinner and aimed a bit too close to your face. Your hands immediately covered your eyes, “Ow!” You whined, sitting back on your legs, “You hit my eye!”
Instantly you heard him move the bowl and wine out of the way to cross the gap between you. “Oh my god I’m so sorry.” The hands that normally had been so rough on you, now delicately holding onto your wrists.
“It really hurts.” You whimpered, not moving your hands from your face.
“I didn’t mean to y/n, I swear.” He said softly then gently tugging at your hands. “C’mon let me see, we can wash out your eyes or something.”
A mischievous smirk spread across your lips beneath your hands, taking the fries that landed on you and smushing them into his chest. “Ha! I gotcha!”
Utter shock softened his face once he realized he’d been played. “That’s not fucking funny, I thought I- that I had-“ He struggled to find his words amidst the swirl of competitiveness and deception. It seemed as though his thoughts had halted as he watched your expression. The silence bounding around the industrial kitchen was haunting, unsure as to whether he was actually upset or if he would counter your move.
While you were attempting to decipher his motives, he abruptly took your cheeks into his large hands and pulled you into a kiss. The way his lips felt pressed against yours sent flutters down into your tummy, but they were different than the usual flurries of desire he gave you, these almost made you sick.
It took no time for your own hands to find a home tangled his hair. He inched forward indicating that he wanted you to lay back and you obeyed the silent request, slowly leaning back to land flat against the thankfully freshly mopped floor.
The kiss was tender, not hungry or ravenous, not even pushing to enter your mouth. In that moment, he wasn’t looking for anything more than that.
Your lips stayed locked for what seemed like a lifetime. A part of you almost grew uncomfortable at the intimacy, reflexively wanting to deepen the kiss. That’s all he’d ever wanted before after all, wasn’t it? You’d never had just a kiss before, with no ulterior motives. Why would he?
So, you wanted to fast forward to the part you knew was coming, not wanting to linger in a meaningless moment longer than necessary. You couldn’t afford to hold onto a fantasy, nor did you want to. But every muscle in your body ceased to function. His hands held your face and drew the pads of his thumbs across your cheekbones gently while your fingers traveled through his hair like a maze.
He was the exactly that - a maze, a human embodiment of one. You followed each path of his thinking you figured the way out, only to find you had no idea what you were doing or where you were going. You were trapped within an impossible labyrinth you never meant to enter.
His lips struggled to demagnetize from yours and hovered above your face. His navy eyes swirled reluctance, seemingly lost in some maze of his own. “I uh-“ He sat back on his legs, scratching the back of his head and eyes diverting from you. “We should probably head back to the room.”
And just like that, you reached another dead end in his labyrinth.
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When you woke the next morning, the bed was empty. At first it took you by surprise, then a pit formed in your stomach. It was naïve of you to think that your drunken adventures with a rare Austin would change anything, foolish to think that version of him would stick around in the sober daylight. You wanted so badly to believe that wasn’t the truth, but you knew it was.
It dawned on you, why did that pit even form? This was the shithead that tormented you at work, treated you like shit and called you insufferable. In what twisted reality should you be sad that the illusion of a decent human fueled by alcohol didn’t stay for breakfast. At what point did you decide you wanted that version of him to stay? That’s not really what you want, was it? Of course not.
You brought your palms and pressed them into your eyes in a feeble attempt to clear out the thoughts swirling in your head. In a swift fling of the thick bedding, you unglued yourself from the bed, shuffling over to the window to check on the snow status. Thick snow still coated every surface, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as before, which meant that you’d probably be freed from this prison in the next day or two.
“Thank fucking god.” You mumbled to yourself, instinctively tucking your arms into your sides when you felt a chill. It was only then that you realized that you were still wearing his clothes. For whatever reason, you did a quick scan of the room as if someone would see you pulling up the collar of the hoodie taking an inhale. It smelled like him mingled with his cologne, a woodsy musk. You mentally scolded yourself when the tinge of longing filled your chest. Why the fuck would you miss him?
Then the memory of you sitting with him on the kitchen floor flashed across your mind pulling a giddy grin across your lips. “Fucking stop it.” Smacking your palm into your forehead. You shook your head trying to shake out whatever fucked up disease had taken over your mind, that was the only explanation for what you were feeling. The best way you could think of trying to remedy this ailment of yours was to take a long, hot shower. Maybe it’d wash it all away.
Once in the bathroom you let out a groan when you noticed all the towels were used and thrown about. “Fucking men.”
You headed down to the lobby and got the attention of a clerk. “Hi sorry to bother you but could I possibly get some more towels?”
“Sure of course! It’s no bother sweetie.” The middle-aged attendant sweetly smiled before heading into the back office.
She returned with a tower of fresh white towels. “There you go hon.” Placing them on the granite counter in front of you, “Your boyfriend use ‘em all?” She questioned in a joking tone.
You reflexively scoffed, “He’s definitely not my boyfriend.”
“Hm.” She pressed her lips together as if she had more to say but didn’t want to divulge.
“What?” You asked curiously, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Well it’s just- well I remembered you both from the night the snowstorm first hit so-“ She seemed to be trying to piece together some pieces of a puzzle in her head.
“…Mhm?” You urged on curious as to where this could possibly be going.
“So, when we had a vacancy open up yesterday, we called and asked him if he wanted to take it.” You knitted your brows together as you now tried to piece together the puzzle. “And well… he declined. So, I just assumed…”
“He turned down a room to himself?” You repeated for clarification, which was met with a timid nod, obviously feeling guilty for sharing personal information. “I uh, I have to go.” You stated shortly, snatching the tower of towels, “Thank you so much!” You thanked while you quickly made it back to the room.
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After your much needed long, hot shower you decided to roam the all-inclusive resort. The only perk of being there was that there was decent amount of things to do during the day. From bars to in house casinos, arcades, spas, even a bowling alley. While you told yourself it was because you were bored, in the pit of your tummy there was a part of you that hoped you’d bump into your…enemy?
You wandered around the wooden halls of the resort with a pamphlet of all your options. Each corridor, room and lobby were decorated in typical lodge décor, animal heads on the wall, buffalo print everything, luxurious fireplaces. Everything except the deer heads was stunning, if you visited under different circumstances the mini vacation would’ve been a tranquil little getaway.
Since Austin supposedly hated you, Landon was a creep and Tom had his own friend group, you were alone. There was a door at the very end of the hallway that intrigued you. Once you peered in you saw a much cozier den-style bar, a huge square sectional couch facing a stone fireplace. On the opposite a very quaint bar. As you scanned the room for possible acquaintances you landed on a group of familiar faces.
“Y/N!” Called Tom, “You’re just in time. We’re just about to play truth or dare!”
What we were in 6th grade?
You locked eyes with your resident tormentor, because of course he’d be there. There was a split second where you thought things would be different after last night but when he gave you a warning look to decline the game offer, you knew it was a pipe dream. That gentle, playful man from the hot tub and the kitchen was gone, just like that. Then, the hatred you’d always felt before piped back into you, like a coffee pot filling with molten hot caffeine. Keeping eye contact with him the edges of your lips curled into a cocky smile, “Sounds great.” You sauntered over to the place next to Tom that faced opposite of Austin.
A few rounds of the game ensued, nothing too juicy at first but the game soon heated up when the group had downed a fair number of drinks. It was a stagehand’s turn to dare Austin. The brunette male, who had been working near many of your interactions together, gave him a playful smirk, “I dare you…” His eyes landed on you, “To make out with y/n.”
How fucking juvenile
You weren’t sure why the absolute jarring panic settled into your stomach, but Austin’s expression of immediate disgust didn’t help.
“I’m not doing that.” He said sternly, his tone oddly irritated.
“Oh, c’mon dude, it’s just a kiss.” The stagehand, Ryan, prodded jokingly.
“No. I’m not fucking doing it, give me a truth.” His brows low and knitted, eyes dark and mean.
“Fine.” Ryan, clearly annoyed and drunk, matched his unnecessarily angry tone, “Have you fucked the intern?” The question hushed every person around the fireplace, an uneasy tension filled in the air.
Blood rushed to Austin’s face and a vein pulsed in his forehead. He was trying to restrain his anger, squeezing his fists to stave it off. Your own steaming coffee pot was on the verge of overflowing.
Whether it was the tequila or something else that fueled you was unclear but you balled up your own fists, and before you could stop yourself, the words flew out, “I’m not a fucking intern!” You boomed out louder than intended and shooting you straight up on your feet.
Austin rolled his eyes, sharply pushing off from the couch, “I’m fuckin’ outta here.” He scoffed, headed for the doorway.
“Answer the question you fuckin’ pussy!” Called a way too far gone Ryan. “We already know the answer.” He added in a cocky snide.
Any sinister look you’d ever seen on Austin didn’t compare to the one that bore into Ryan. You were surprised his fist wasn’t bashed into his face already, if there weren’t so many witnesses he probably would’ve been pummeled to a mush.
 “Let’s get this fucking straight.” He hissed, his eyes locked on Ryan, never once glancing at you, like you weren’t even in the room. “I have never and will never put my hands on such a low budget, low level, filthy whore nobody of an Intern.”
Your jaw nearly hit the floor at his words, a consequential dagger speared right through your intestines. You knew he hated you, he called you insufferable. You knew he hated you, you knew it even after last night, but you never expected him to say such vile words about you. A lump formed in your throat and tears welled in your eyes, but you couldn’t cry there – not in front of all your coworkers, not after being completely and utterly humiliated. Every ounce of alcohol in your bloodstream fueled your stomp over to him and didn’t even realize what you had done until you felt your palm stinging like a bitch from landing on his face. His hand instantly reaching to cover his newly red cheek from your slap, his eyes wide in disbelief, then narrowed with furious realization.
“Fuck you,” You attempted to hide the quiver in your voice, “You fucking rotten, disgusting, repulsive human being.” Your teeth clenched, you knew your little outburst could very well get you fired but there was too much rage and liquor in your body to care.
He did nothing, not a brow raise, not a twist in his face, nothing. Perhaps he’d never had someone talk back to him like that. Without further explanation he just pushed past you, knocking your shoulder back with his weight. The gravity of what just happened settled into your chest, having such a cruel intimate moment in front of all your colleagues was probably the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you. Something you’d never be able to forget, something you could never forgive. Blood rushed to your cheeks as you felt all eyes on you and your heart began to race feeling the purest form of ‘flight’ mode you’d ever had in your life.
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When you escaped there was no sign of Austin in sight. You knew he had to have gone back to the room, hopefully to pack his shit and leave. And if he wasn’t then you would, even if you had to beg to stay in someone’s room. All the way up the elevator your heart thumped against your rib cage, shaking out your hands and taking deep breaths mentally preparing yourself for confrontation.
You unlocked the door and found him standing there, looking like he got there just before you did. The anxiety of the confrontation dissipated the moment you laid eyes on his hardened face. “Get out.” You stated harshly, brushing past him yourself mimicking his actions from before.
“Intern there’s nowhere for me to fucking go.” His voice already raised and ready for battle, “I’m not fucking happy about it either but-“
Your brows scrunched together downwards, steam practically pouring from your ears. “You’re a liar! A filthy fucking liar! Get. Out.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not lying-“ He began but his incessant voice was driving you more livid by the minute.
“I know about the fucking vacant room Austin.” You growled, using his name and not Actor to let him know how serious you were. Just from how he opened his mouth to speak you could tell he was about to lie again so you beat him to it. “The front desk lady told me. Tell me Austin, if you hate me so goddamn much then why didn’t you just take the room? To fuck with me? To take me on some stupid drunken adventure to trick me into thinking you actually have a heart?”
He stayed silent, which only made you angrier. You just called him out on his bullshit, and he couldn’t even react. “Actually no, you know what? I’m the fucking liar. Because out there I called you a human being, but you’re too fucked up to be a human, you’re a fucking cockroach – I try to stomp you out but you keep fucking coming back.” When the words left there was an immediate sense of release, everything that had built up in your system spilled out.
“Oh, I’m a cockroach? If I’m such a cockroach, then why do you keep coming back for more huh?” He hissed, his arrogant scrunched face pissed you off even more. He had no right to talk to you like that after what he did. “I didn’t hear you complaining when I was making you cum.” Purposely using jarring sexual defenses to hurt you.
You thought lava was about to start seeping through your skin, what made it worse was that you didn’t have an answer. “Augh!” You grunted, pacing in a short lap, your fingers curling around air. “You are so fucking infuriatingly heartless it’s nauseating!”
He scoffed, “Well, I may be heartless, but you’re fucking naïve.” He snarled. “Naïve to think I would ever actually enjoy your company outside of your body.”
Your jaw dropped, tears pricked your eyes again realizing how senseless you were to have thought he was anything else but the arrogant, cruel man you met that first day on set. The building rage turned your tears into a terrifying laugh, “Oh, my body huh? That’s funny because out there you said you’d never touch me, when in there” Pointing to the back door leading to the hot tub, “You touched me with nothing in return for you. You were the one who wanted to ‘take care of me’, you held me, you called me pretty!” The ending sounding so pathetic, instantly regretting the vulnerability knowing it would be used as ammo.
He cackled, “Oh c’mon Intern you can’t be serious, nobody ever taught you not to believe the things men say when they’re drunk? It didn’t mean anything, I was drunk, I lied.”
The words sliced like blades and every ounce of restraint drained from your body. “You are by far the worst person I’ve ever had the disgrace of knowing. I wish I never fucking met you. If I could go back in time, I would turn down my apprenticeship. My apprenticeship, because I’m not and have never been a fucking intern!” Your voice raised into a yell, “I would throw away my entire career if it meant I could avoid ever crossing paths with you.”
A few moments passed and he was still there, silent and blank. You couldn’t read him at all, if he was angry or sad or insulted. He could’ve easily turned it on you, but he didn’t. He just stared at you.
Everything from the first day on set to the day of the snowstorm, yesterday and everything in between, compounded in your mind. Every insult, every backhanded comment, every accusation replayed in your head. No one had ever made you feel as low and as shitty as he did. The lump from before reclaimed its place in your throat and tears began to pool in your eyes, finally needing real answers. “Why do you treat me like this huh? Why do you say the horrible things you say to me? Call me all the vile names you do? What did I ever fucking do to you?” While you were holding back tears your voice remained furious and combative. “Why do you fucking hate me!”
His brows furrowed and his sharp jaw noticeably clenched, “You’re just fucking infuriating and annoying and it- it just drives me fucking insane!”
“What does! What the fuck do I do that bothers you so fucking much!” You nearly screamed out.
“You- just-“ He was grasping at straws, “No matter how much I try to hate you I fucking can’t!” His words darted from his tongue faster than he had time to process. His widened eyes gave away how much he regretted his slip up.
“W-What?” You stuttered out confused, that being the last thing you expected him to say. The rapid thumping of your heart accelerated, allowing only short breaths and you even felt a little lightheaded. You were overloaded, angry, confused, hurt, heartbroken, embarrassed. The small bit of control you had left was gone and the tears made their full appearance.
The minute he noticed the tears streaming down your face, Austin’s twisted face softened right before your eyes, even softer than the night before. “I-“ He stepped towards you but you immediately winced and recoiled from him.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You cried out wiping the tears from your face in an attempt to halt them.
In true Austin fashion, he didn’t listen, and his hands found your own on your cheeks. In an even stranger turn of events, he leaned down and placed a long kiss on your lips. Then he gently pulled your hands from your face, you looked up at him with watery puzzled eyes. You instinctively smacked his arm to push him away, but his strong arm didn’t budge.
He cupped your cheeks in his hands and placed a tender kiss under each stream of tears. “I’m sorry.” He said quietly after each kiss. Every single action he did was like a twisted turn on rickety rollercoaster ride. He returned to your lips, pressed another kiss followed with, “I’m sorry.” He whispered, an extra pillowy light kiss, “I’m sorry.” He repeated, another kiss, another apology. He trailed his lips down to just below your ear, stamping additional kiss there, “I’m sorry.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as he pressed another sloppy kiss below your ear, “I’m sorry.” No matter how furious you were didn’t stop the butterflies in your tummy. A longer, sloppier kiss further down your neck with a raspy, “I’m sorry.” Sent a buzzing through your chest and directly to your hips.
Maybe it was the same for you, no matter what horrible things he did or said to you, no matter how much you tried to convince yourself you hated him, you couldn’t. Maybe you were just as fucked up as he was.
“I’m sorry, let me show you how much.” He muttered against your skin, his fingers delicately smoothing down your sides like he was plucking a harp.
The shift from abhorrent to sweet gave you whiplash, not knowing which one was genuine. You squeezed your eyes shut, forcing any tears out, the salty liquid dripping off your chin. “Austin, I can’t.” You breathed out, the panic attack-like heaving never left. “Austin, you literally just humiliated me in front of everyone. You called me a filthy whore nobody, in front of everyone.” Reluctantly pulling from his grasp. His once venomous eyes now soft and apologetic, but that’s exactly what he did wasn’t it? He’d wrap you back in his hold like prey, constrict you until you were blue in the face, still hypnotizing you with snake eyes. You were a rat and he a cobra trapped in a 10 gallon tank, and he was still convincing you that he wasn’t trying to consume you whole. “I just can’t. I just- I respect myself too much. And I need you to go. I need to be alone.”
He stepped towards you once more, his fingertips ran down the back of your arms reaching your hands, taking them tenderly into his. “I’m so sorry y/n. I won’t do it again. I promise.” He bargained in a tone so quiet you’d think he was paranoid of people hearing him from behind the walls. “I’ll never talk like that ever, ever again.”
“Austin, I don’t know what you want from me.” You slipped from his hands, “But there won’t be another ‘again’. You were right the other day on set, this shouldn’t have happened.” Your voice cracked, “I need you to leave. Now.”  
His look faltered, a look you’d only ever seen on the faces of defeated Olympians. “Okay.” He said lowly, stepping forward and cupping your face then pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. His misty blue eyes looked down at you, “If you ever wanna cash in that apology, you know where to find me.”
Without another word he gathered his things and left to find the other room. The minute he was out the door, every emotion you had suppressed from the event took over. You doubled over gripping onto your stomach as you heaved, rivers of tears pouring from your eyes. Tight twists and knots wrapped around your abdomen, constricting you like the snake he was.
You stumbled to the bed and fell in it, wrapping the sheets around you and like a 15-year-old with their first heartbreak, you wailed into the pillow. You never felt so worthless, so pathetic, so stupid. You were so fucking stupid for letting him slither his way into you the way he did. How could anyone talk about someone like that? Someone who just last night was so sweet and gentle with you. Someone who said they didn’t mean any of it but then wanted to apologize so tenderly?
It made you sick to think how you let such evil into your body. You weren’t even able to say that you missed the red flags, you didn’t, you saw them clearly and raced past them. He showed you exactly who he was, and still let yourself believe he was something he wasn’t.
Yeah, your house was now haunted, but you were the one who invited the demon in.
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taglist: @lindszeppelin @steph-speaks @sagesolsticewrites @presleysdarling @purejasmine @slowsweetlove @powerofelvis @pennyroyalcreep @navsblog @eliseinmemphis @cryingabtab @ab4eva @samfangirls @julie181 @ccab @denised916 @katelswan @amaliking @michellelv @butlersluvbot @coloradohighs @rairaielv @centaine @babyminghao @h3ll0k1tt9 @tchalametishot @austinbutlerinleather @softsatnin @lillypink @babyhoneypresley @richardslady121 @emmymaehereeeeee @18lkpeters @rairaielv
@soundslikediamonds @someonedateme @bxxbxy @xmusse @kingdomforapony @galaxygirl453 @marlowmode @oldermenluverrr @saesire @thatbanditqueen @ariana-c-c @dellibean @verstappenmax1 @melodysfilms @mazzystarwhor3 @angiedawn02 @kpres2875 @dylanobandposts21 @tommydarlings @inner-monologue @samfangirls @elvispresleyisfit12 @guacala @xstrengthxinxtragedyx 💓
If you'd like to be tagged in a potential Part 4 please comment 💗
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author notes:
thank you all SO much for all the love and support on this story, it has truly been overwhelming. i know my numbers aren't as big as others but they're big to me - appreciate EVERY comment, message, ask, etc. i love you guys so much - i never expected this fic to get that much attention so again, thank you xx
if you enjoyed this story/my writing pls consider giving my main fic, Forever Winter, a read - if you like angsty sad smutty you’ll probably like it lol
also pls consider giving this a like, comment or reblog ♡
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sailor-aviator · 7 months
Til the Summer Comes Again: Prologue
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Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Reader
"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'" — Lewis Carrol
Summary: Bob was a winter spirit who loved what he did. He loved making individual snowflakes. He loved the way the snow sparkled in the winter sun. He loved the laughter his creations brought to people around the world. What he didn't expect, was to fall in love with a human girl from a small town. He has until the summer comes again for her to reciprocate his feelings if he wants to remain on earth, but will the shadows that haunt her get in the way of happily ever after? (JackFrost! AU)
Trigger Warnings: Language, Talk of the supernatural, Winter spirits, Winter themes, Bob watches reader from afar, Demon-like entities, Fluff, Pining, Yearning, Father Winter, Talks of death. I think that about covers it.
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: And here it is! The prologue that I've been so excited to write for weeks now! I really hope you all enjoy this one because I already know it's going to be a personal favorite of mine. As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! You can find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator where all of my works will also be published! If you enjoy my work, please consider sending me a tip!
Series Masterlist || Robert "Bob" Floyd Tag List
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Bob didn’t know why more humans didn’t like the wintertime. It was his personal favorite, and he wasn’t just saying that because he was a literal embodiment of winter. Bob loved everything about this time of year. He liked the untouched snow as it rested softly against the ground, and he loved the children who would clamber out of their warm houses to play in it. He liked how soft and fuzzy everything felt as the snow fell from the sky, and he liked watching people stick their tongues out to catch the flakes. He liked watching people dance across the ice of the ponds, sliding unseen alongside them. He liked the laughter of the children as they got the day off from school. He liked winter.
But he always wondered what warmth felt like.
He wondered what it would feel like to be snuggled under a blanket with a loved one. What it would feel like to wear a cozy sweater. What it would feel like to sip on a cup of hot chocolate. What it would feel like to embrace a lover by the fireplace.
“It’ll do you no good to dwell on it,” Tom had told him one day, eyeing him knowingly as Bob sat perched on a branch by the pond. He had been watching the children play a game they called hockey for quite some time now, his mood growing more sour as the want to join became stronger. But he couldn’t. Because they couldn’t see him.
“I know,” he grumbled, his knees pressed close to his chest, the lower half of his head buried in his arms, muffling his words. “But I still want to join them. Why can’t they see us?”
“Because humans lost their ability to see and use magic a long time ago,” Tom explained patiently, resting a hand on Bob’s shoulder. “And it would do you no good to grow attached. You’ll live as long as there’s winter. They’ll live as long as they can. Count your blessings, Bob, for there is no joy in losing that which we love.”
It was moments like those that Bob remembered why Tom had been deemed “Father Winter,” having been nicknamed “the iceman” by the sprites his own age. The younger sprites, however, viewed him as a father figure.
“But how can I know what love is if I never get to hold it?” He mumbled. Tom let out a long sigh.
“Love is not something you can hold, Bob. It’s something you feel. It’s the feeling of never wanting to part from someone, of wanting them to be happy.”
“I feel love for you,” Bob mused, thinking about the man he would call father if he had one. He thought of his fellow winter sprites, running around the woods and through the streets. “I feel love for the other winter sprites too.”
“That’s because we’re your family,” the older sprite smiled. “We love and care for each other. Now, come on, Bob. There’s still work to be done.”
Bob thought about Tom’s words often, wondering if the feeling of something missing inside of him would ever go away. Was there something wrong with him? The other sprites didn’t know what he was talking about when he mentioned it.
“I feel just fine,” Ellie would say, looking down at herself.
“No missing parts from me,” Ivan confirmed.
So Bob stopped talking about it, and years passed. It wasn’t until one winter day years later that he realized what it was that he had been missing.
You were a tiny thing, old enough to walk and talk, but still young enough to discover the world. Your eyes were wide as they watched the flake fall from the sky, breath coming out in small clouds as you gasped.
“It’s snow, Mommy!” You grinned, tugging on the older woman’s hand. She chuckled, crouching down to meet your eyes.
“That’s right, baby. The winter sprites are working extra hard this year!”
“Winter sprites?” You asked her, head cocking to the side in curiosity. Bob leaned in to hear better. It wasn’t every day that the humans talked about his kind.
“Yes, honey,” your mother smiled. “The winter sprites work hard every year to make sure that we have snow. Without them, we wouldn’t have winter at all.”
And then she had stood, walking off to talk to a neighbor. Bob floated down from his perch on the tree branch, eager to see your wonder at his work. You dug your tiny feet into the snow, kicking up experimentally. You paused as you watched the snow settle, a grin breaking out onto your face. You leaned down, scooping as much snow as you could in your tiny arms. You sprung upwards, jumping as you scattered the snow about you, giggling with so much glee that it pulled a laugh from Bob himself. You stopped, eyes wide as they zeroed in on him, an act that took Bob completely by surprise.
“Who are you?” You called out to him, eyes wide as they took him in.
“I’m,” he started, glancing around. “I’m Bob.”
“Bob?” You hummed. “Why are you dressed like that? It’s cold out. Mommy says we have to dress warm or we’ll get sick.”
A smile tugged on the corner of Bob’s lips. “I don’t get cold. And I don’t get sick.”
“You don’t?” You gasped, taking several steps towards him. He crouched down so that he was eye level with you.
“That’s right,” he smiled. “I’m a winter sprite.”
Your eyes grew so big, Bob worried that they would fall right out of your head.
“You are?” You exclaimed, smiling excitedly. “You made the snow?”
“Some of it,” he nodded. You grabbed his hand with both of yours, and Bob gasped at the feeling. Was this warmth? How could a creature so tiny create such a wondrous sensation?
“Thank you,” you whispered, eyes wide as they stared up at him, squeezing his hand tightly.
“Y/n! It’s time to get going!” Your mother hollered from over by her car. “We’re going to be late for your dance lesson!”
You glanced back at Bob, smiling softly as you let go of his hand, dashing off towards where your mother stood.
That wasn’t the last time Bob saw you, but it was the last time you saw him. He wasn’t sure why you had been able to see him that day and no other after that. But, he had sat back and watched you. He had watched you grow as a dancer. Had watched you go to school. Had watched you blossom into a beautiful, young woman. Every time winter would come, he’d be right where you were, clinging onto you until Spring forced him to let go.
The colors of the leaves had just turned when Bob appeared again, waiting for the time when he could stick around longer than a couple of hours as the autumn sprites finished their work. His visits this time of year were limited to the bitter cold nights and the frosty days that were becoming more frequent as the months went on.
“Son, it’s time to let go.”
Bob jumped, turning to see Tom standing behind him not too far away, a gentle smile on his face. He felt his cheeks turn red as he turned back to watch you through the window. You were curled up on your couch underneath a blanket, a mug of what he assumed was tea sitting on your coffee table as the fire crackled in the hearth. You looked content as your cat, Harlow he had heard you call it, dozed away on your lap. He imagined that was what cozy looked like, and he wished with everything he had that he could be curled up next to you, holding you in his arms.
“I don’t want to,” he murmured, eyes shining as he fought back tears. He heard Tom sigh, drifting up and sitting down next to him with nary a sound. “I want to be with her.”
Tom said nothing as Bob thought back to what the older sprite had told him almost twenty years before. He certainly didn’t want to part from you, and he certainly wanted you to be happy. If that was what Tom had called love, then Bob wanted to know what he felt for you because there was so much more to it. He wanted to hold you, to celebrate with you when something good happened, to dry your eyes when you cried. He wanted to press his lips to yours, spending a life together with you. For the first time in his existence, he felt envious of the men who grew up and grew old. He wanted that with you.
“Is there no way that I can stay with her?”
A beat passed before Tom sighed, sitting back on the branch.
“There’s one way,” he admitted reluctantly. Bob perked up, eyes widening with hope as he looked at the old sprite. “But I can’t guarantee that it’ll work.”
“I’ll do anything, Ice,” he pleaded.
“I can use my magic to cast a spell,” Tom started, staring at Bob thoughtfully. “It’ll turn you into a human temporarily, but it’s up to you to make it permanent. I have a friend who lives in town. He can see us, and he’ll be able to get you settled while you work on making the spell permanent.”
“And how do I do that?”
Tom turned to face him fully now, blue eyes serious.
“She has to return your love by the first sign of spring. If she doesn’t, then you’ll turn back into a winter sprite for good.”
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Tag List: @seresinsbrat @fanficfandomlove @bobgasm @goldenseresinretriever @hopip99 @lemmons1998 @yuckosworld @theamuz @rosedurin @kmc1989 @linkpk88 @deliriousfangirl61 @nouis-bum @topherwrites @lightdragonrayne @number-0-iz @princessofglitterland @agentorange9595 @reidshearts @pittbull-enthusiast
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joels-shitty-puns · 6 months
Pins and Needles - Chapter 6
Pairing: Post-Outbreak!Joel Miller x Reader
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Series Summary: Joel has known you for several years, but it was always strictly business, which was easier and preferred. However, after you run into him in Jackson, avoiding him is more of a challenge than you'd like.
Series Warnings: 18+ only (MDNI). Alluding to sexual scenarios. Mention of masturbation. Kissing. Age gap, reader is 39/40 Joel is 56/57. Violence!!! This features outbreak day memories. Blood, stabbing, cannibalism, death, infected. An airplane crash. Spoilers from season 1 of TLOU HBO. Deaths from that season are mentioned. Nightmares. Angst/tension. Let me know if I missed anything!!
Other stuff: Reader is referred to by the nickname Needles, but other than that descriptors are avoided! Reader is fem.
This series was based on these two anon requests! Here and here
Series list: Here
Word Count: 1.2k
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The next day, you met Joel at the patrol office and the two of you made your way to your assigned shifts. Somehow, the weather seemed less icy than the tension between you. But of course, things went fine, just like they always did. Returning home, even Tommy noticed there was discomfort between you.
This went on for weeks. Joel's jaw set in that hardened line, and you couldn't help but notice some hurt in his eyes. You did your best to ignore it. Patrol after patrol… scavenge after scavenge… business as usual.
Until one night, you were planning to head home from a trip, when a particularly bad storm took over. The wind whipped, swirling huge flurries of snow, icicles falling from the roofs of buildings with the force of it. The sky and the ground blended together in a sea of white, making it impossible to see and burning your eyes with frost. You were forced to take shelter in an abandoned cabin for the night.
It was only supposed to be a short day’s run, so neither of you had sleeping bags. The cabin had a fireplace, which Joel tended to, and you managed to scrounge up a meal from some supplies you found. But when it was time to sleep, things became tricky.
There was only one bed.
“I'll sleep out here on the couch,” Joel offered.
“Joel. Don't be ridiculous. I remember how bad your back gets, and that couch is practically wood and springs. Just share the bed with me, it's fine,” you rolled your eyes. 
Joel looked at you as if you had grown a second head. “I'm not so-”
“Joel,” you cut him off. “Get in the bed, we're both adults. We just need to sleep.” You pulled off your shoes and jeans, climbing into bed in just your shirt and underwear. Joel swallowed, but followed suit, taking off his shoes and jeans before climbing into the bed on the opposite side, turning his back to you.
It wasn't long before you both fell asleep, exhausted after another long day and warmed by the covers. Unfortunately, this night was no different than all the other nights before it, and you woke up with a start, breathing raggedly and sitting up straight with a chill. 
Another. Fucking. Nightmare.
But this time, you weren't alone. Joel quickly woke up with your stirring, immediately sitting up and turning to you in concern. “What is it? You hear somethin’?” He asked, ready to leap out of bed and grab his gun.
“No. No, sorry… just a nightmare. Go back to sleep.” You yawn, trying to seem nonchalant, and like the nightmare wasn't a repeat of the most traumatic event you've ever experienced. You were surprised when Joel touched your arm gently, asking if you were okay.
You were so rattled from your nightmare, that you didn't pull away from his touch. Instead, you started crying. Uncontrollable tears poured down your face and you were practically hyperventilating when Joel pulled you into his arms, rocking you back and forth. His hand stroked your back gently. You leaned your weight into him, your face resting on his chest as he slowly slid the two of you down the bed to lie down.
He continued to hold you in his arms, letting you cry it out and squeeze him tightly around his waist while he brushed his hand over your hair, whispering soft words of comfort. “You're okay, baby. You're okay.”
That night was the first night you fell asleep in Joel's arms. 
It was the first night in over 20 years that you had slept without nightmares. You actually slept… soundly. And so did Joel.
After that day, you began talking more. Things felt… different. Whether you wanted to avoid closeness or not, you slept peacefully for once, snuggled in the arms of a big strong man who has always protected you. The next patrol, you were riding your horses to the resting point when Joel asked “Why do they call you Needles?”
You shuddered, but decided to open up and tell him your story. Joel listened, respectfully commenting or asking questions when needed, but he never judged or seemed to think of you differently. He never thought you were a monster, or a badass, or a psycho. Instead, he told you that you were brave.
When you finished your story, a silence settled in the crisp winter air before he asked, “Do you like being called Needles?”
“No,” you admitted. It was the first time anyone ever seemed to care about what you wanted to be called. It was the first time you said your actual name since right after outbreak day. From that moment forward, Joel never called you Needles again.
After admitting that you both slept easier than you had in years, it became a habit to sleep in each other's arms during patrols. Nobody knew, although Tommy and Ellie suspected something was different between you. But it was your little secret.
Eventually one night, snuggled into his chest, you admitted to Joel your fear of getting close to someone, and he just sighed in response. “I was scared too. But I have Tommy, and Ellie, and this town. I have you in my arms. And for once, things don't feel so bad,” he stroked your hair.
You pulled away from his chest to look into his eyes and in turn, they softened under your gaze. For just a second, those beautiful brown eyes drifted down to your lips. Only a second, but you saw it. You slowly leaned closer, edging into the last few centimeters of distance before your lips melted together in a soft kiss. One that's been waiting for years. One with all the unsaid conversations and shared trauma and love that has brewed over protecting each other. Feelings you never knew you needed or had.
For once, your mental stability was not being pulled on a thin shred of yarn by a needle, but instead, rolling back up into a neat little ball. He kissed you with a passion and yearning that you had never felt, even with your boyfriend pre-outbreak. This wasn't a childish crush.
As the kiss developed more desperate and frantic, clothes were quickly thrown off and you spent the night with Joel Miller. The two of you made passionate love, slow and sensual. It wasn’t sex as a trade deal. It wasn’t a quick fuck to rid the tension. It felt good for once, and you both fulfilled your urges that night.
After you both finally reached the height of your pleasure, the night was filled with more kisses and talks. It didn’t feel uncomfortable or uneasy. You didn’t feel like you needed to flee. It somehow felt right, like being held in his arms was the place you had meant to reside. As Joel began to drift off, wrapped around your body in a naked embrace, you sighed, nuzzling your face into his chest and feeling at ease for once in your life. You had always run away from this feeling before, but you finally realized you were running from the wrong things. It seemed the tension and issues you faced were not fixed by running away from it, but running directly into its arms at full speed. This wasn’t anything you had allowed yourself to experience before.
This was love.
Thanks for reading this short series! Let me know what you thought!
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fairy-verse · 7 months
I just realized out of Murder Time Trio...has anyone asked about Murder/Dust Sans yet? If not perhaps what is their season and role..?
There once was a fairy of summer so pretty, with a radiant ecto body of blue and lilac and eye lights so tender, his gaze could render the brightest of flowers dull and weak, and yet none of it mattered as he fluttered too close to the borders of Nightmare’s domain, blinded by his playful hunt for brown rabbits that hopped along the grassy floor. Captured and bound he’d been and forced into a small cage with other fairies, some of the seasons, others not. Within there, he met Papy, a faerling just shy of reaching his full growth, yet ever the small one despite his size. He cowered and shook from fear, but the summer fairy so fair took him and cared for him, promised him they’d be safe.
He would protect him.
Alas, he could not keep it. Days turned to months turned into years and torture unimaginable chipped and chipped at his mind, until one day there was a loud crack within his skull, and he laughed and laughed as the poison forced into him ran its course, twisting his magic and making him feral and tense; ready to kill everything that moved.
He only did it to save them. They were all so broken and their light had gone out. They wouldn’t have survived a day out in the free anymore. They wouldn’t have… surely… but killing his adopted little brother had been the most terrible of all. He reached the day when he came of age, and yet he wasn’t given a chance to even attempt a celebration as the summer fairy’s once fair hands sliced across his throat, severing his skull from his neck.
Papy cried as he died, and the summer fairy once fair and kind cried with him, even as he smiled.
Dull and lost he wandered for many moons after, not knowing how he’d been freed; let go? It’d all been for naught or had it… he could scarcely remember anything anymore, dazed and broken as he was. He’d found his way home, to the valley of warmth and comfort, but fairies fled at the sight of him, fearing his crackling and unstable magic. He left, not even given a moment to attempt and regain his mind.
What did his firstborn look like again?
It was so cold. His wings were frozen, and his legs were numb and with each step taken, he leaned ever more forward, at the brink of unconsciousness. He knew not when the first days of winter arrived, but it mattered little. Death by the cold was a just fate for him; for what he’d done. He would gladly have accepted it even as the world tumbled, and he fell upon a soft bed of glittering white. The snow was cold for a moment, but only for a moment before too soon, it turned comfy and pleasant, and hands were upon him; gentle and careful, and warm.
First, there’d been a flower, kind of face, and soothing of hand, but he’d not been fully present at the moment to take her in. She passed and a new face took her place. This one must once have been soft, it bore memories of softness, but the jagged hole that took up the top of his skull made him rugged, yet even so his touch was that pleasant heat he longed for.
“pretty… summer fairy?”
Oh, this fairy of winter called him pretty, yet it was the fairy of summer who had never seen anyone more beautiful.
He couldn’t remember the face of his firstborn.
“.. dust,” he croaked, weak from desiring winter sleep, yet he refused to close his sockets again, willing them open. “…’m dust…” He’d forgotten his real name.
“dust…” the winter fairy said his name in that deep, pleasant voice of his. Dust loved hearing it. No one had spoken to him in… in…
“i’m…” the winter fairy hesitated. “… i’m axe.”
Dust was held close to a warm, soft body, and he involuntarily nuzzled closer to it as a shiver passed through him; the last of the cold leaving his bones. Such luxuries were spoiled on him, yet he couldn’t force himself to move away; to part from Axe who was so, so warm and good.
A clawed hand stroked Dust’s face and all willpower ebbed out of him as he relaxed, falling asleep before he could even notice it, yet not before he heard Axe speak up again.
“sleep... pretty summer fairy. sleep.”
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Okay, so this is something I started and I'm not sure I'll ever finish it. It's basically like a Snow White au.
Just thought I should share it here.
Sera sat at her desk in her office alone, the lights turned out. She didn't want anyone to see what she was holding in case they just happened to stumble inside. Especially Emily, sweet girl as she was, she didn't understand how to take risks for a nessacary good.
She knew that she should put it away, no one else knew where the halo was. Lute had brought it to her nearly a year ago to the day. The news of Adams death was surprsing, but not unwelcoming. He was getting to be too much to handle.
Sera figured with him out of the way, there was no one left that knew about her devine plans of getting rid of every sinner and hellborn in that unholy pit in the ground.
Instead of exterminators going toe to toe with demons, they would use long distance weapons to shoot them with holy light, making them disintegrate. No more angels would die at the hands of hell spawn and heaven could be rid of most of Hell for good. Adam had been one of the few behind her plan supporting it. Others who knew, and didn't want to be apart of it were delt with promptly.
Sera stood up and went over to her bookshelf and pulled on the only red book there. The case moved to reveal a hidden room. She walked inside, door closing behind her. With each step, a light came on show casing the items on the wall.
Halos and wings of angels that either went against her or tried to rise to over throw her, name plates above the halos.
It was recently brought to her attention that Adam had respawned in Hell as a sinner. He was staying at Lucifers daughters hotel. Seras grip on the halo threatened to snap it in half. This could ruin everything, if Adam decided to give Lucifer a heads up on what she was planning to do, the backlash would be too grand. She reached the end of the very long room, the only thing on the wall in front of her were hooks and a name plate.
Adam, it read.
Sera hung up the halo under his name and looked the remaining empty hooks.
She needed to figure out a way to get rid of Adam once and for all. Not only to secure her plans, but to fill the space for where his wings will go.
Lucifer stood in a completely white room, Adam stood a couple feet away from him. He held no expression on his face. "Adam, what's going on?"
"Will you be able to wake me up?"
"Huh? What are you talking about, you are awake."
"Promise me, you'll wake me when the time comes Luci." Adam pleaded, this was too weird.
"Adam I don't understand."
"Don't let me go to sleep." Adam produced an apple, it was red but was dripping in golden liquid. Adam rasied it to his mouth.
"Adam wait-''
The sound of the apple crunch rang out, the golden liquid glistened from Adams lips as he chewed slowly. "Won't you wake me?" Adams eyes rolled in the back of his head, he fell to the ground. The apple slipped from his hand not that far away.
Lucifer couldn't move as he watched in horror, like some invisible force kept him away. "Adam!"
"You can't save him Lucifer." Came a womans voice.
Lucifer gasped as he was startled awake. Looking around he noticed he was in his room. A dream, it was only a dream. Or a nightmare.
He looked to the sound of soft snoring coming from beside him and sighed in relief. Adam was sleeping peacefully, face relaxed and hair mused from sleep.
What the fuck was up with that dream? This was the third time he had it come to him and he was just as confused now as he was the first time.
The only thing that Lucifer could think of was maybe it was left over guilt from Eden. For having Adam bite the apple and get punished for it.
You'd think after ten thousand years it would stop bothering him.
Groaning, he flopped back in the bed and watched the sinner beside him sleep. He didn't think he'd ever date anyone again after Lilith left, especially Adam. After he respawned as a sinner in Hell they struck a deal for Adam to have his protection.
That had been nearly a year ago and some how they ended up in a relationship that started out are stress relief to one with more feelings.
Lucifer knew how he was feeling about Adam, he loved him. He hasn't told him that yet, not wanting to scare the guy off in case it was too much. Adam was very emotionally constipated and it had taken a lot to get anything out of him.
Lucifer sighed, he reached out a tucked a stray strand of hair behind the sinners ear. Maybe some day soon he could tell him, but how soon was too soon?
Adam sat as he watched Lucifer create a new duck, no detail spared. He'd find it endearing if he wasn't so fucking board.
He let his mind wander, starring at nothing in particular. Adam thought about heaven, his old home and life. For the most part, he wasn't really missing the pearly gates much these days. He no longer had to listen to Sera and her bullshit at every meeting.
His last meeting her came to mind and he could barely remember what it was she said she was going to do. Something about a weapon, maybe? Adam couldn't fucking recall. It was over a year ago he didn't give a shit.
What he did remember was that it spelled big trouble for Hell if she ever got that thing up and running. Adam knew he should probably tell Lucifer about it, but in the beginning he didn't care.
Now though, too much time has passed and nothing has happened that Adam didn't think it was worth bringing up.
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annemiek19 · 2 years
Heat wave - Jay Halstead
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The city of Chicago was currently in the middle of a heat wave, and the AC in your apartment broke last night. You barely got any sleep, and now you were working a case.
“Why can’t these bastards just hold off for a few days? These aren’t circumstances to commit a felony,” you said while looking at the crime scene.
“I wish it was that way,” Kevin mumbled.
“What have we got?” Voight asked.
“White male around 40s. Three gunshots to the stomach, one in the head,” you said.
“Time of death?”
“Around 3 am last night. Someone from the neighbourhood heard gunshots, called it in, but didn’t see anything,” you informed Voight.
“Alright. Let’s head back to the district and see what we can find.”
You hopped in the car with Jay. The AC was fully on and cooling the vehicle. “I am going to sleep in here tonight,” you said as Jay drove away.
“Long night?”
“A hot night. The AC in my apartment broke. This is the coolest I have been ever since last night.”
“You should’ve come over.” Jay hands you a bottle of water, which you happily take a few sips off.
“Yeah, I should have. But I didn’t have any energy to get out of bed.”
Jay chuckled.
Once you returned to the district, it was just as hot inside as it was outside. “Sorry, guys. All of the ACS broke last night during a power outage. Nothing is useful,” Trudy said as you walked in.
“That’s just great,” you mumbled.
Jay opened the gate, and you followed him upstairs.
“I don’t get how people in Africa do this. I’m not made for this weather.”
“You say the same in the winter,” Jay laughed.
“Yes, because that’s too cold. I’m a spring kind of gal, or maybe the beginning of fall. I just want sun, not warm weather. No rain and no snow. That too much to ask?”
“Yes. Way too much.”
You walked to the coffee room, where you grabbed a cold water bottle from the fridge and held it against your skin. You just hoped it would be easy today.
It was not an easy day. It felt like it was getting hotter by the minute, and the suspect even had you chasing him down. You got him, but man, it felt like you were going to pass out any minute. You were standing in an alley in the shade, trying to collect yourself before walking back out.
“Hey, you okay? I saw you coming down here,” Jay said.
You looked at your boyfriend. “I was just in need of some shade. That fucker had me chase him in this heat,” you panted. You were still out of breath, which wasn’t normal for you.
Jay handed you a bottle of water, but you waved it away.
“I’m going to throw up if I drink anything.”
Jay looked at you with concern. “You sure you’re okay?”
“No,” you mumbled. Your ears started buzzing, and you knew what was coming next. You tried to reach out to Jay before you fell to the ground.
“Heat exhaustion,” Jay said to you. “You passed out due to heat exhaustion.”
Doctor Natalie Manning was also standing in the room. “We want to keep you here for a few hours until your stats go back up. Jay can stay. Just take it easy, and make sure that bottle of water is empty before we release you,” Natalie said.
You smiled at her as a thanks before she walked out.
Jay sat down next to the bed.
“I told you I wasn’t made for this weather.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “It’s not funny. You almost gave me a heart attack.”
“Sorry I scared you.”
“I’m just glad it’s nothing more serious.”
“You and me both.”
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shady-tavern · 1 year
Vampire’s Lullaby Part 2
Part One
Warnings for implied harm and death that happen off-screen. Otherwise, this chapter turned out to be rather soft.
The morning came, pale and peaceful and nothing was amiss. If anything, when she passed by the other hunters of their street on her way to work, they were in good spirits. They wished Dion a speedy recovery and told her to talk to them if she or her family needed anything.
She did not walk too fast, as she did all mornings now since saving the monster boy, making sure the shop was bathed in pale light by the time she arrived. It was almost strange, how normal everything was. She set the shop up as usual and greeted Mr. Bell when he arrived.
She had half expected things to go wrong, for some kind of punishment to come down upon her head for mingling with night creatures. Or that the vampire herself was going to do anything. But nothing.
The day passed like any other and that night the vampire was back once more, sitting on the roof and keeping watch. They spoke with each other for a moment and the vampire was polite and even friendly. Annabelle once again fell asleep to soft singing and woke to pale morning light, everyone she knew safe and sound.
A week passed in this manner and Annabelle started to look forward to the nights a little. To how quiet it had become and to the soft bit of conversation she shared with the vampire.
Right up until Mr. Bell sharply called her name during work, startling her out of her focused work.
Hurrying out of the back, she drew to a stop when she saw the man standing on the other side of the counter. Dressed in expensive, embroidered brocade, a necklace heavy with emeralds hanging about his throat and buttons gleaming golden. He must be one of the nobles and he looked very impatient.
His attitude did not improve as they took his order. The baron, as he introduced himself, was less than eager to be here, but apparently he needed to get something done fast and they had been recommended to him. He promised a pay hefty enough that Annabelle nearly gasped out loud and left them with a handful of gems he wanted to be part of the front cover.
"You're a true treasure," Mr. Bell whispered as soon as the baron had left, getting into an equally gleaming and elegant carriage, drawn by two snow-white horses. "You worked so hard even the upper crust heard of us."
Annabelle felt a small, hysterical giggle escape before she bit back the rest. Mr. Bell and she stared at each other, before they both started grinning and bustled into the back, chattering back and forth as they rapidly got to work.
If this man was satisfied or even happy with his order, they might get more expensive clientele. Mr. Bell was singing a cheerful song that usually was usually heard in taverns over an ale and Annabelle joined in, neither of them caring that they were not great singers in the least.
The day passed far too fast and even though Mr. Bell stayed until the final bell of the evening, they weren't quite done with the baron's order yet. The baron wanted to retrieve his book first thing in the morning and while such an order would have been nearly impossible for anyone else, they really wanted to get it done.
"We best get going," Mr. Bell said with great reluctance. "I'm sure we can finish it at dawn."
Annabelle glanced down at the book, then outside, gauging the position of the sun. "I'll finish up and run home," she said. "It should be done in just a few more minutes, right? Half an hour at most, it will still be bright enough that not many night creatures are out and about."
Mr. Bell hesitated, then sighed, "If you are sure?" At her nod he grabbed his things. "Alright, but don't come in first thing in the morning, understood? You deserve to sleep in after all this. And no matter what, your life is more important than money, understood? If you get worried or scared, go home right away."
She couldn't help but smile and nodded, focusing back on the book as he left. It was going to be a beautiful piece, made of dark green, thin leather, embossed with gold letters and decorated with the gems the baron had left them with.
When she was finally done, feeling satisfied and her back cracking as she straightened, she looked up and felt her heart drop into her stomach. It was pitch-dark outside.
How? How had she gotten so lost in her work that she had missed the way light had disappeared, only replaced by the lanterns and candles Mr. Bell had left on. Her mouth turned dust dry.
There was no way she'd get home safe. Maybe, if she was really, really quiet, managed to extinguish all light and hid under her desk, no night creature noticed her in here. Maybe she could hide here and hold out until morning.
The tinkle of the bell of the front door made her flinch and startle onto her feet. Had Mr. Bell not looked the door? Had he left the lights on out in the shop as well?
"Hello?" a woman's voice called out, curious and a little befuddled. "I saw the lights on, are you still in?"
It took her a second to recognize the voice over her panic and pounding heart. It was the vampire she had asked for help. What was she doing here?
"You didn't return home," the vampire continued and Annabelle heard the muffled sound of steps, as though the night creature was walking slowly up and down the shop. "If you are done for the day, I will wait outside for you. Unless you'd like to walk home alone?"
And be eaten? Surely not. "Thank you," she found herself saying, her pounding heart finally easing a bit.
"I told you I'd look after you and yours," the vampire said and Annabelle heard the tinkle of bells. "Those books are beautiful, by the way."
Then the vampire was gone and she exhaled in a rush, sagging a bit as tension drained out of her. Her hands shook a little when she rubbed them over her face, before she reached for her shawl.
She was scared to go outside, but she couldn't stay here. If she stayed, so did the vampire and then who would look after her family? Extinguishing all the lights, she wrapped the shawl tightly around herself and stepped outside.
Nerves made her hands a bit clumsy as she locked the door, glancing around. It was quiet and no street lights were lit in the crossroads, since no one lived here and the city had considered it a waste of resources. It took her a moment to notice the large shadow in the dark, wings half unfolded for balance as the vampire crouched on the ledge of a roof.
"I'm ready," she whispered, shoulders tense and heart still pitter-pattering nervously. She tried to calm down, taking a few deep breaths until she felt less like she was going to scream in fright at the next thing that moved too fast and too unexpectedly.
When she started walking, the vampire followed easily above her. It was surprisingly calm all around and she neither heard nor saw anything. The vampire didn't have to snarl or hiss, just paused once and tensed, clacking her claws warningly against shingles, then moved on like nothing had happened.
It made her wonder how powerful the vampire must be, to so easily command the space she walked through. By the time Annabelle hurried down the main road towards home, she felt...safe. Unexpectedly so, considering she was outside in the dark.
The other hunters of their street were worried and glad to see her, escorting her to the front door of her home and reprimanding her for staying out so long.
"You were very lucky," a rough looking woman said, the one Dion always chatted with while waiting for the sun to disappear. "What would I have said your brother if you got yourself killed while he's not there?"
"It won't happen again," she promised, before the door swung open and her ashen faced mother dragged her inside and into a hug.
Annabelle endured the scolding and worrying of her family and after a quick dinner, she excused herself. She hesitated, then opened the window.
"Miss Vampire?" she whisper-called, leaning forward a bit.
When the vampire appeared, upside down, between one moment and the next, she bit back a startled scream by the skin of her teeth. Instead she inhaled sharply and flinched back a step, pressing her heart over her chest.
"Was that necessary?" she found herself gasping out, glaring at the vampire who tilted her head, mouth opening into an impish grin and wings twitching. "You're impossible." She took a calming, deep breath. "But, thank you, for bringing me home safe."
The vampire chittered at her almost softly, then waved a hand towards her bed in a shooing motion.
But Annabelle was a bit too awake now to consider sleeping. Instead she lit a candle and glanced between the clothes she had to mend and the book she had intended to read. With a soft sigh she reached for thread and needle first. Work before pleasure, her parents had always said.
A tap of claws against iron made her glance over and the vampire was gesturing at the book. Did she wish to read it? Annabelle hesitated, then picked it up.
"Return it to me before you leave," she said as she walked to the window. "Treat it well, please. Books mean a great deal to me."
The vampire took the book with visible care and disappeared. Annabelle turned back to her sewing, when she heard the vampire's voice, clear and close enough that she must be right above the window on the roof. Reading the book out loud.
Annabelle sat still for a long minute, then she found herself smiling a little and started to sew. Two chapters in however, the vampire had clear opinions on the book.
"Is this considered romantic?" her voice was full of disbelief and offense. She pitched her voice, re-reading a sentence she had just read out loud, "'Not to say you aren't beautiful, however this hair style simply does not match you.' Who asked for this fool's opinion?"
Annabelle had to bite back a startled laugh and she couldn't help but agree. The book was dreadful. However, as the vampire continued reading it genuinely got better from there. Not because the book got better, but because those affronted comments were quite funny and very amusing.
The vampire got increasingly more offended at the contents of the book and Annabelle found herself laughing at last, quickly clapping a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound.
"I'll bring you one of my books," the vampire groused, audibly thumbing through the book at rapid pace. "Three hundred pages of this nonsense? How are you still sane?"
"I haven't read it yet," Annabelle answered, mirth bright in her voice and that was when she realized that she had stopped being afraid. 
Somewhere between being guarded for a week, being brought home safe and being read to in an increasingly incredulous, pained manner, she had stopped fearing for herself. "I have another one you could read instead," she offered.
Instead of answering, a pale hand appeared at the top of the window, still holding the book with care. The vampire wore a delicate gold ring and a golden bracelet studded with topaz. The long sleeve that fell down to nearly her wrist was black with pale, shimmering embroidery.
Annabelle took hold of the book and traded it with one Mr. Bell had given her a couple of days ago. She settled down again as the vampire began to read and she seemed far happier with this book. In all honesty, Annabelle enjoyed this tale far more as well.
She listened to the story of a young boy who found a lost star and their journey to bring the star back home. It was the first time in far too long that an evening truly felt peaceful.
It was quiet outside, no monsters to be heard and the breeze drifting inside was cool and brought with it a refreshing scent.
Had the world been like this once upon a time? Before the dark had to be feared like it was feared today? Had there been a time when people sat together to read and chat beneath the starry sky? She had only heard about such things in stories and in this moment, she couldn't help but dream of a world so different to her own.
Something gentler, something almost peaceful. She wasn't foolish or naive enough to believe danger would disappear forever just because she wished it, but there had to be a way to make the world better than it was now.
"May I have your name?" she asked when she finished mending and the vampire paused, having read the last sentence of the book. "I would like to call you something."
The vampire hummed softly, thoughtful, but answered, "I'm Charlette, and who are you, sweet human that I guard?"
Feeling a little surprised and quietly flattered at those unexpected words, Annabelle hurriedly put away her needle and thread. "I'm Annabelle and I can honestly say that it is nice to get to know you."
Charlette chuckled. "You're the first human to say so." Annabelle heard her close the book. "Are those the sort of stories you enjoy reading?"
"Among others." Annabelle leaned back, her chair creaking softly. "I mostly love stories with happy endings."
Charlette hummed thoughtfully. "I see. I think I can find some of those." Her arm appeared at the top of the window again. "Here, I quite enjoyed this one."
Annabelle accepted her book and her breath caught in her chest when her fingertips brushed Charlette's accidentally. She was cool, but no colder than Annabelle's hands would be if she were outside right now.
"Why do you night creatures hate us so much?" The question slipped out unbidden in a soft whisper.
"I don't hate you," the vampire answered without a moment's hesitation. Then she added, "I've never had much of a problem with humans."
"Then what have we done to earn such wrath from the others? So much bloodshed and death?"
Charlette was quiet for a long moment. "I've heard rumors," she answered at last. "That humans killed the Night King."
That was the first time Annabelle heard of such a thing. "Who was the Night King?"
"A powerful and old night walker," Charlette answered. "You wouldn't find them anywhere anymore, he was the last one. I don't really know what he was like, but I know that the night folk felt safe under his protection. I don't really know much else, I haven't been long in the city and I lived in a remote, rather isolated place before that."
Annabelle frowned to herself in thought, absentmindedly tracing the letters of the storybook. "Is there a way to find out what happened? Or how to change what's happening?"
Charlette hummed, a strange, inhuman note underlying the noise. "I could look into it, if you'd like," she offered and Annabelle heard the faint tink of claws tapping thoughtfully on shingles.
"You would?" Annabelle couldn't stop the hope from singing through her voice. 
There was a soft, near chirping kind of noise. "I find I'm...I quite like you, Annabelle. It won't be much trouble to bug some acquaintances or to poke around."
Relief made her feel lighter than she had in years. She peered out the window, though she saw nothing of the vampire. There wasn't even a shadow to watch tonight, not with clouds gathering in the sky and quiet disappointment shadowed the relief. She would have liked to see her face right now. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Charlette shifted on the roof and a moment later, Annabelle saw half of an elegant, black shoe dangling into view, along with the hem of a black dress, studded in clear crystals.
"Would you like anything in exchange?" Annabelle asked, finding herself leaning forward a bit and peering up, as though she could finally spot a glimpse of the vampire's face. "I would owe you a great deal if you could uncover this mystery."
And possibly bring an end to all the death and pain and horror.
Charlotte chuckled, low and darkly amused. "That's a dangerous promise to make to my kind. What if I'd like a sip of your blood? All your good dreams for a year? An invitation to your house so I can feed on you and your family while you sleep?"
Annabelle frowned, head tipping to the side. She didn't feel worried, not when Charlette had never done anything to her or threatened such a thing.
"I don't think you would." She swallowed and stood up straighter, even if there was no one to see her posture. "Not if I asked you not to."
This time the chuckle sounded less dark. "You seem to have me figured out. Then I'll think about what I'll ask for," Charlette answered, then her voice turned mock-dry and she sighed theatrically, "Since eating you is so evidently off the table."
Annabelle had no idea why that made her laugh, the sound quickly muffled by the hand she lifted to her mouth, half horrified at herself for liking such a macabre joke. It seemed Dion wasn't the only one in the family to enjoy such humor. 
"I'd be pleased to find them all alive in the morning, thank you very much," she answered.
"Then you shall." Charlette sounded both amused and unexpectedly sincere. "I would hate to never hear your laugh again."
Annabelle felt surprised and touched at those words and found herself biting back a smile, lifting the book as though to hide her face from prying eyes. She hadn't known that night creatures, no, the night folk, could be so...sweet. Strange and frightening, yes, but also sweeter than she had thought. And kinder.
She didn't know what to say to that, lightly clearing her throat. "Well, if you keep doing what you're doing I guess I'll be laughing more in no time."
"Oh, consider it done," Charlette answered in a near purring tone that made heat gentle rise to her cheeks. "I don't think I could spend my nights any better than I currently do."
Flustered and flattered and having no idea what to do with any of those feelings, Annabelle shuffled away from the window.
"Speaking of night, it's, um, it's pretty late. I think I'll head to bed now," she said, pressing wind-cool fingertips against her heated face. "Good night."
She hurried to get ready for bed, accompanied by Charlette's quiet, throaty laugh.
"Good night," Charlette said as she slid beneath the sheets. "I'll keep watch until sunrise."
Curling up beneath the blankets, Annabelle kept watching the window. "Thank you." Ever since the vampire was there, Annabelle had felt safer than ever. Had slept better than ever.
When Charlette started to sing, the song was quiet and soft and Annabelle fell asleep, silently wishing the vampire could stay forever. Could be here every night, even once Dion was all healed up.
Annabelle visited Dion the next morning, using Mr. Bell's order to show up late to drop by the clinic first. 
"Is everyone well?" her brother asked in a heavy voice, while looking as though he was going to fall asleep again at any moment. "Mama and Papa don't seem to be very alright."
Their parents looked worn and tired and Annabelle worried they weren't sleeping well. Her other brothers were quiet and withdrawn, faces tense and marred with deep frowns. It made her wish she could tell them that she had a deal, a promise, of safety from a vampire. At least until Dion was fully healed.
They would not react well to that at all, however. She'd be dragged to the priests right away, to make sure she hadn't been thralled or otherwise influenced. Someone would then stake out in her room to try and kill Charlette. The very thought made her stomach clench and her heart ache.
"They're fine," she reassured Dion, offering a calming smile. 
She quickly distracted him by telling him about everything that had happened yesterday. She had visited him on her free day last, her parents and older brothers dropping by more often, since they were a bit more flexible with their time.
Halfway through her tale about the baron's visit, his eyes fell closed and his breathing deepened into slumber. Annabelle exhaled quietly and smoothed an edge of the blanket down. Sunlight shone through the windows, the bars casting thin shadows across his sickbed.
Her mind kept snagging at what Charlette had told her last night. The hope that had been ignited within her that this horror could end. That Dion could heal and go home and never again would he or anyone else be forced to pick up cold, hard iron in order to keep their loved ones alive.
She got up after another minute. Dion was fast asleep and he would remain like this for a while. He needed his rest. She left with a polite, grateful goodbye to Dr. Under, who waved her off with a vague noise, taking care of another injured hunter.
Mr. Bell was bustling around the shop when she arrived, in high spirits and praising her for how beautiful the book had turned out. The baron showed up an hour later, turning his ordered book this way and that, sniffing in acceptance, somehow simultaneously looking satisfied and not happy at all. He handed over more money than Annabelle had ever seen at once.
"It will do," the baron said in parting, sweeping outside as he added, "I think I shall be back."
Mr. Bell and she watched him leave with wide eyes, before they looked down at the money, at each other and then they were giggling like children, excited and almost speechless.
"Look at this!" Mr. Bell exclaimed, immediately starting to divide up the money. When he handed her what he said he owed her, she felt her breath catch. That was more than they had agreed upon first.
"You'll be able to hire a hunter now, while your brother heals," Mr. Bell said with a smile, waving off her sputtering protests. "We can always buy another printing press later, don't you worry. Besides, I'm sure we'll see that sour fellow again sooner or later."
She felt her eyes sting a little and couldn't help but pull Mr. Bell into a hug, who laughed and gave her a grandfatherly pat on the shoulder.
"Now, none of that, you hear me? There is no need for tears. Besides, we have more than enough work to take care of."
She nodded, sniffling once and pulled back, quickly pocketing the money before she took a deep breath and got to work with renewed determination. Mr. Bell chuckled and sat down at his desk, humming a soft, happy tune under his breath.
It was a good day and they kept working in high spirits, the other clients who dropped by to pick up their orders remarking on the good atmosphere. Mr. Bell left as he always did, a spring in his step and he told her not to stay too long, that she deserved to go home early as well.
Annabelle sang to herself as she finished up the last work of the day, the bell of the clock tower warning her about the setting sun. But for once she didn't feel scared, didn't startle into a flurry of hurried motions in order to get home in time.
She cleaned up and locked the door and went home with a smile on her face, nodding at people along the way and wishing neighbors a good night. The hunters on their street waved at her and she waved back.
Her family looked exhausted when she arrived, but they were glad to see her happy.
"We're safe," she tried to reassure them. "Everyone says they'll keep an eye out until Dion's back."
Guilt ate at her like sharp teeth when she kept the money she had made a secret. She wanted to save it, for when Dion was healthy again and Charlette wouldn't watch their house anymore. She wanted to buy her brother some more restful time if possible.
Charlette didn't show up that night, to her surprise. Instead, Annabelle heard a rumbly sort of growl and looked up, inhaling sharply in startled surprise.
"It's alright, you're safe," the large werewolf across from her on the other roof said quickly. "Charlette asked me to keep watch tonight." 
Then the werewolf straightened, ears perked and placed a hand on its chest. "Thank you," it said with utter sincerity. "For saving my son."
Oh, this was the boy's mother. Now that she took a closer look, her heart calming back down from it's frightened beat, she did recognize the werewolf.
"You're both well?" she couldn't help but ask, remembering the limp, whimpering and bleeding lump the werewolf had been in Charlette's arm.
Those ears flicked once and the werewolf grinned, making her look even more frightening and fearsome, but her yellow eyes held a spark of warmth. "We are. He's been talking about you, you know. Says he forgot to ask you if you liked his picture."
"I did," Annabelle slowly, cautiously approached the window. Just because Charlette hadn't hurt her didn't mean other night folk wouldn't take the chance when they got it. "He seems to be a sweet kid."
"He is." The werewolf preened in pride, then settled down, looking relaxed. "And don't worry," she said, a growl slipping into her voice. "I'll keep you lot safe." She snorted, amused. "Not that I'm necessarily needed here, considering Charlette thoroughly claimed this area. But she said you'd feel safer if I was there."
Annabelle felt her heart warm at those words, a smile tugging at her mouth. "That's sweet of her."
"She can be," the werewolf agreed, elbow on her thigh and chin resting in her palm. "But only if she likes someone. My son and I were the only ones she cared for for a long time, so I'm glad to see she's found someone else whose company she enjoys."
Annabelle's smile grew. "Well, the feeling is mutual. Tell her I'll miss her and that I hope she's safe. And thank you, for being here."
The werewolf grinned again and this time it looked a little less frightening. "She'll be very happy to hear that. And of course, after you saved my son and made Charlette's nights better, it's the least I could do. But don't let me keep you up if you're tired."
It was probably for the best to get some rest. "Good night. Oh, if any of the hunters notice you, just leave, they won't abandon the houses they protect."
The werewolf nodded. "I'll be careful not to be spotted, but they don't have to fear me either way. I never hurt people who don't try to kill my family first."
Fair enough, Annabelle would not act very kindly or sweetly if someone tried to harm those she loved in front of her eyes. She got ready for bed and decided to leave the window open, in case the werewolf needed to get her attention for something.
When she laid in bed, she found she struggled to fall asleep. It was simultaneously too quiet and not quiet enough. There was no pleasant singing, no vampire on her roof and somehow that absence was loud in the gentle, calm of the night.
She fell asleep after long minutes of staring up at the dark ceiling, trusting in a promise being kept and a fierce werewolf guarding the house.
It took three nights before Charlette came back. By then Annabelle had gotten to know the werewolf, whose name was Ophelia.
Since Charlette had apparently claimed this part of the city as hers, Ophelia pretty much had nothing to do. They had ended up talking quite a bit with each other as a result and Annabelle had put books on her windowsill for Ophelia to read.
Still, Annabelle had missed the vampire, had missed her company and singing and the steady, calm and unshakeable safety she brought with her presence alone. 
It had been a bit of a shock at first, to realize just how fond she had grown of Charlette. How there was a quiet sting of disappointment every night she saw Ophelia instead of her, even if she liked the werewolf.
"Welcome back," Annabelle said when she saw the large bat land quietly, a glad smile appearing on her face before she knew it.
"Finally," Ophelia said with good humor, leaning closer to Annabelle since she was sitting right across from her on the edge of the roof. The werewolf lifted a hand in front of her face to mock-whisper, "This one's pinning had gotten bad."
Pinning? Annabelle barely had a moment to properly process that, before Charlette tackled the werewolf straight off the roof and into the alley. There was growly laughter and hissing and startled shouts from a nearby hunter.
The two night folk quickly fell quiet after the hunter's warning yells and a few moments later, Ophelia hopped back onto the roof, while Charlette appeared suddenly in front of Annabelle, hanging upside-down in front of her window.
Annabelle smiled again, not even startling a little. Others probably considered this to be the height of foolishness, but she didn't fear Charlette. She didn't even find her nightmarish bat-form terrifying anymore. Oh, she knew Charlette was still frightening, that she could rip any human apart like wet paper, but Annabelle didn't think it was going to happen. Not to her, at any rate.
"I hope you're well?" she asked and Charlette swiftly ducked out of sight again, her voice answering a moment later.
"I am. I hope my friend took good care of you?"
"I'll take offense to that," Ophelia answered dryly. "But I'll forgive you this once. Now, please excuse me you two, you can make moon-eyes at each other without me having to bear witness."
With a jovial wave, the werewolf left, easily hopping across roofs and Annabelle heard a soft, aggrieved grumble from Charlette.
"Meddling friends," the vampire muttered. 
"I wouldn't know," Annabelle found herself saying, Charlette falling silent. "I haven't really had a friend in years."
Not since their old neighbors had moved away when she had been twelve. After that it had been hard to connect with others and nowadays she spent all day at work and was locked up at home afterwards. It didn't leave much time for socializing and the few times people had flirted with her at work hadn't really led to anything.
"We could be friends," Charlette offered. "And Ophelia likes you as well, she said as much every time she came back at dawn. I'm pretty sure she already considers you her friend."
"Are other humans and night folk friends as well?" Annabelle asked, genuinely curious. Charlette and Ophelia couldn't be the only nice night folk in the world, after all. "I've never heard of such a thing."
Charlette huffed, amused and wry all at once. "Of course not. From what I could gather, you humans don't take well to such connections. But there are a couple of friendships and relationships across the city."
There were? So she wasn't strange or alone in not hating or fearing the night folk? Or rather, Charlette and Ophelia. She still feared the others and what they could do.
"Speaking of which," Charlette continued before Annabelle could answer. "I think I found out what happened to the Night King and why there is such carnage now."
Annabelle stepped forward, fingertips brushing the windowsill. "Please tell me."
"It's not pretty," Charlette warned, then continued, "The night folk demand revenge for the murder of their king. Until the price is paid in blood, there will be no peace."
Annabelle knotted her fingers together in worry. "I understand that, but it isn't fair to punish all of us for the transgression of a few." Then she frowned heavily. "And it's been so long already since the attacks started, the ones who did it are most likely already dead."
A moment of heavy silence followed. "I forgot," Charlette murmured, an unhappy note to her voice. "You humans don't live all that long."
"We live plenty long enough," Annabelle answered, feeling a little affronted. "It's you lot who live a ridiculous amount of time."
Charlette huffed a gentle, amused noise. "I guess you're not wrong."
Annabelle felt her lips twitch into a small smile, before it fell again. "Is there something that can be done?" she asked softly. "To make the night folk stop?"
Charlette exhaled heavily, almost sighing. "Someone strong enough could." She sounded reluctant now. "Once someone seizes control and calms the frenzy, things could change."
"Why won't anyone do that?" Annabelle found herself staring up, as though she could will Charlette into view to look straight at her. "Hasn't this gone on long enough?"
"It doesn't feel that long to them," Charlette answered. "Many night folk have fallen into mindless bloodlust and they cannot regain their senses by themselves anymore. There are only a small handful left who could take control, but they like to eat and drink as much as they please. They like terrifying humans too much to stop."
Annabelle was silent for a long moment, arms wrapped around herself in a imitation of a hug. "So this is it?" she found herself whispering. "We just have to endure this until one of the strong night folk decide they've enjoyed themselves enough? Or until they've killed us all?"
A low snarl curled through the air. "I would not let them," Charlette answered, voice hard. "Nothing will happen to you."
"I believe you." She really did. "But...this is no way to live, Charlette. To cower and hide and...and just endure until I'm old and frail and at last my bones return to the earth."
She felt exhausted and bitterness wrapped around her like a too-heavy cloak. Annabelle closed her eyes, trying to fight back the burn of tears. Weeping wouldn't change anything, no matter how much she wanted to cry.
Shattered hope was a horrible feeling, she realized as she stared down at her hands, cold and ink stained. She had only realized how fiercely she had hoped for an end for all of this now that there was nothing to be done. All she could do now was endure and that...that was no way to live, was it?
Charlette was silent for so long that Annabelle started to get ready for bed, her heart a heavy weight in her chest and her mood dreary and dark. She just wanted to lie down and not get up for a long while. She blew out the candle, casting the room in darkness when the vampire spoke up.
"You're right." Charlette's voice was soft. "I want more for you. And better."
Annabelle swallowed past her dry mouth as Charlette added, "That is really no life worth living."
Annabelle made a quiet, slightly rough sound in agreement. She couldn't keep living like this for the rest of her days. Frightened, small, scurrying. Scraping together what coin she could, working herself to the bone during the day, only to be terrified of all that came at night. Worrying she'd bury her brother, then her parents, then her other older brothers, until she was all that was left.
Even if Charlette would guard them all her days, something could always happen. Besides, other people still died. She would see the blood in her way to work, would see the haunted faces of hunters who stared at the sun like it was pure salvation.
"I'd do anything for things to change," Annabelle found herself saying, voice hollow and tinged in bitter sadness.
"A dangerous promise." Charlette's voice was soft and utterly devoid of teasing. "Don't give that promise to someone else, they'll ask for things you won't wish to give."
"Like what? My blood? My beating heart?" She'd give both if it meant the night folk stopped their rampage. 
"No." Charlette sounded grim. She was quiet for a second, then asked, "Would you invite me in, Annabelle?"
"I think the bars are in the way." She wouldn't go and unlock the door, not when Gerard was still awake and weaving and Charlette could be seen entering the house by one of the hunters.
Charlette huffed, darkly amused. "Those are child's play. They don't keep me out, but I cannot enter a home I'm not invited to. No vampire can."
She hadn't known that, but it explained all the warnings to never answer any luring, sweet calls. And why one should never get thralled. Did she want Charlette in the house? In her room?
She did, she realized. She felt so cold and hopeless, she wished to at least finally see Charlette's face. Annabelle turned towards the window.
"Charlette, I invite you into my home, please enter," she said, soft but clear. A moment later that elegant hand came into view and slowly, steadily, pried the bars out of the brickwork.
Charlette was careful enough to avoid making a noticeable amount of noise, taking the time to wriggle the bars out bit by bit, until she could pull them away entirely. Annabelle found her heart beating a little faster. She had never invited anyone into her room since she had been twelve and her friend had left.
A moment later, a tall shape dropped onto the windowsill. For as much as Charlette looked like a human now, she did not move like one. There was a predator's grace as she smoothly stepped inside, feet utterly silent on the floor. Only her long dress made a soft sound as the fabric fell down to her ankles.
Charlette stood with a confidence Annabelle had rarely seen, something unshakeable and true. The vampire knew she was powerful and dangerous and saw no need in proving either by needlessly puffing herself up. For everyone else would know she was dangerous by simply looking at her.
"You don't look at me anymore as though I'm frightening," Charlette said, voice soft and clear and she took slow steps closer, bridging the distance between them. 
There was just enough light cast by the moon outside for her to see her face. She was beautiful, her red hair long and her eyes the color of blood.
Annabelle looked up at the vampire, who stopped in front of her. "I don't fear you."
"I'm glad." Charlette's voice softened further, gentling into a near whisper. "I like seeing you happy."
Annabelle found herself smiling a little, almost shyly. "I think I owe you a favor," she said softly. "For finding out what you could about the Night King."
Charlette was quiet for a moment and Annabelle saw the the humorless smile appear on her face. "There is one thing I would ask, but not now. I think I need to earn a bit more of a favor for that."
Surprised, Annabelle tipped her head a little, trying to see her face better in the dark. "What do you mean?"
Charlette didn't answer and instead reached out, hand hovering near Annabelle's face without touching her. "May I?"
Annabelle felt her heart beat a little faster now, realizing it did so in the best of ways. "Yes." Her voice was quiet but clear in the silence of her room and the quiet of the calm night outside.
Gently, almost reverently, Charlette's cool hand settled on her cheek. "I don't think you know how much you captivated me," the vampire said softly, red eyes warm where her skin was not. "Your bravery, your laugh, your sweetness. How fearless you are and how much I enjoy speaking with you."
A cool thumb brushed along her cheekbone ever so gently. "I want to ask for something very brazen," Charlette continued in a near whisper. "Once I earn more of your good graces."
"You could ask now," Annabelle answered just as quietly, eyes caught by that blood-red gaze and she tipped her head a little, turning her cheek into that sweet touch. "Because I don't think you realize how much I enjoy your company, how fond I've grown of you."
This time, when Charlette smiled, it revealed a hint of fangs that would have looked frightening to Annabelle in the past. Now she was merely curious, knowing she had nothing to fear.
"What if I asked for a kiss?" Charlette said. "One you want to give me because you like me, not because you feel indebted."
"Then I'd say you should kiss me," Annabelle whispered back, her heart beating faster in excited anticipation. "If you like me as much as I like you."
"Oh, of that there is no doubt," Charlette breathed the words more than she said them, leaning in and Annabelle rose up on her toes. Long, soft hair brushed her cheek before lips ghosted across hers for just a moment. She smelled like fresh air and something soft and sweet, like flowers.
Before Charlette could pull back, Annabelle rose to her very tiptoes, pressing their lips together gently. Her hands came up, one lightly touching Charlette's arm and the other reaching up to cup her face, fingertips lightly tangling into silk-soft hair.
"Will you let me court you?" Annabelle asked in a soft whisper, opening her eyes. Charlette looked almost unbearably soft and it squeezed her heart in the best of ways.
Charlette laughed, quiet and brief and achingly fond. "I think I'm meant to ask you that. If you allow me to court you as well, I will gladly say yes."
Annabelle found herself grinning, the previous heaviness of her mood gentled and lightened, even if it wasn't gone entirely. 
Charlette brushed a feather light kiss against the corner of her mouth, as though tasting her smile, before pressing another one to her forehead. She then gently rested their foreheads together, free hand rising to take Annabelle's, tangling their fingers together.
"I think I know what to gift you," Charlette said. "If you're willing to accept something intangible."
Now that made her curious. "Of course." She gave Charlette's fingers a little squeeze. "I think I have an idea for a gift as well."
They smiled at each other for a long moment, until Annabelle had to pull back, hiding a yawn behind her hand. Charlette smiled softly, brushing fingertips over her hair.
"Rest, my love," she said. "I will stay until dawn."
"Can you sing for me?" Annabelle asked. "I find I sleep better if you do."
Charlette's eyes seemed brighter, now a liquid red. "Of course."
And sing she did and when Annabelle woke in the morning, she found a red rose lying on her desk, on top of a letter.
A letter that held the promise to change everything.
Part Three.
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illusionarylibrary · 3 months
𝓥𝓲𝓮𝔀 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓞𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓭𝓮
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CW: Metions of death, spoilers, panic attack(?), implied suicidal thoughts, dark chapter overall
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✶⊶⊷⊶°.•☆•.° ✶⊶⊷⊶⊷❍⊶⊷⊶⊷✶ °.•☆•.° ⊶⊶⊷✶
- He hadn’t seen the dragon in ages. It had been several weeks, and he couldn’t find it. But then again, it was a Light Fury.
- Its purely white scales were perfect for camouflaging into the blankets of snow that fell each night.
- Was it so bad that he kept searching for the warmth? Was it so bad that he sought out the Light Fury? He must be delusional.
- Was it so bad…that the Light Fury reminded him of Cora in a way?
- Cora was aloof in the beginning, just like it had been. Cora had grown warm to him, though, just how the Light Fury had before it disappeared that one night. Cora had a dopey smile when he looked to him. The Light Fury had when it saw the boy flailing his little arms to get out of the snow.
- Cora was kind enough to give him hope of surviving his Amber Lead disease, to which the boy’s slowly been scraping out of his system.
- The Light Fury had saved him from being turned into the World Government.
- It gave him hope that almost matched Cora’s. Of course, his late father figure still lingered in the back of the little one’s mind…but ever since that day, the day Cora was taken away and the Light Fury made itself known, He couldn’t help but reach his arms out.
- Desperate for that warmth.
- The days were growing colder and colder. The northern islands had constant snow, but these nights it was below freezing. More so than ever. The boy still hadn’t found shelter, the villagers knowing him as ‘the runt’ or ‘the rat’ from how they saw him scamper away after digging through their trash.
- How cruel. He was still so young. So young to the life he had been given, and yet he just couldn’t seem to get a jump start.
- The moon was high at its peak, the snow clouds covering its soft light. The child was huddled against a familiar tree, one he had once seen pearly scales dangle like Christmas ornaments.
- He wanted to cry, though nothing came out. He was just so tired now. So tired and wanting sleep. It was so cold, his mind felt numb. He tried to move his hands to bring the cloak closer to his body.
- But he couldn’t even feel his fingertips.
- He was so, so tired. The boy didn’t even notice his eyelids drooping. His head felt heavy. It was all so quiet. So quiet and cold. Cold. Cold like the ice he trudged through when wailing after the murder of Cora. Cold like the feeling of his heart being ripped in two. Cold like when his town was destroyed. Cold like- like the fire that burned down the hospital.
- Cold like the fire. Like the fire? Fire? Fire was hot. Hot. Warm.
- Warmth. The snow must’ve gotten to him. Everything felt so warm now. So hot. He was burning up.
- Was he dying?
- Not yet! He couldn’t die yet. The child had it live on for Cora. For Cora. For the one who save his life. For the one who saved him. Who kept him from being thrown to the wolves. The World Government.
- He was given a second, a THIRD chance. To live. To thrive. He was dying. And their sacrifices were all in vain. Cora’s death. The Light Fury’s existence.
- His eyelids had closed, he felt warm.
- He couldn’t die yet. His body craved the warmth. The soft warmth. He can’t. He can’t.
- Not yet.
- Warm like a hug.
- The boy couldn’t help himself.
- He welcomed it.
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azsazz · 2 years
A Court of Four Horsemen
Rhysand x Reader
Summary: Based off of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse featuring Rhysand as Conquest, Cassian as War, Eris as Famine, and Azriel as Death.
Warnings: War, famine, death, smut...a little bit of everything.
Word Count: 5,319
Notes: So so excited for this one. I've worked really hard on this and I hope you all enjoy it. Three parts to follow. Welcome Rhysand to Azsazz.
I. The Lost Girl
It was the day the moon fell.
A cry that could be heard across Prythian, halting the townspeople in their tracks, conversations falling quiet as the hairs rose on the back of your neck, the pure anguish in the scream, streets shaking and birds flocking away in its wake.
The High Lady of the Night Court was dead.
Word had spread fast, the angry High Lord of the Night Court had lost the one thing in his life he thought he’d have forever, and now he was going to avenge her by taking over all of Prythian. 
If they wanted a war over his declaration, he welcomed it, forming a group of his most trusted warriors, mounting their steeds and setting out across the lands, ready for whatever the other High Lords were set to decide. They could join him and perhaps rule under him, or they could die.
They rode for six days across his lands, spreading the word and dealing with those who did not agree. All four were skilled in the art of killing, each had their own interesting ways to convince the fae that did not want to stand under his reign.
On the seventh day they reached a small town, your town. It was nearing nightfall, and they had traveled for such long hours that day that they knew there wasn’t another city for hours, considering themselves lucky to have found this one, as not even the High Lord had known this little village thrived off of his lands.
Thrived was not the correct word to describe the settlement you lived in, but it would have to do until the morning.
He rode into your town on a horse as white as the freshly fallen snow with a babe on his hip. He was the stark opposite of the wild creature beneath him: smooth, tanned skin, hair as silky dark as the night sky, wearing only the most expensive onyx fabrics. He did not look ready for war, no, he was dressed to conquer.
Following him were his comrades; a warlord who donned gleaming crimson siphons, face set like he hadn’t smiled in centuries, eyes harrowed with too much battle. He sat atop a stallion reminiscent of the red mountains of the Night Court, a large, gleaming sword settled comfortably in his grip, as though he was born holding the saber.
An auburn haired male followed on a well fed dark horse, reflecting that of stormy midnight. Your eyes widened as you realized it’s mane and tail were made of flame, hot, red and wild like his spirit, carrying the weight of his torturous father, how he hoped to kill the male and any High Lord that stood in thier way, bodies turned to ash and swept away with the wind they left on.
Ending the pack of powerful males was death incarnate. A pale horse below him, its coat the sickly pallor of a corpse, and you knew without a doubt that he would be the last thing you see when your time comes. The animal's hair seemed alive, made of dark mist, curling around Death's ear like they were whispering secrets to him, and when his hazel eyes cut to yours from underneath his black hood, you looked down immediately, bowing your head in the presence of them.
They had come with word that your territory was now under the rule of the future High King, who passed his babe off into the awaiting arms of the warlord as he addressed your town. The crimson glow washed across the babes sleeping face as the commander shifted him in his arms, asleep against his chest, still looking as menacing as battle itself, even with the fragile child in his grasp.
No one dared object as his violet eyes scanned the crowd, waiting patiently for some poor soul to do so. Death’s grip flexed on his knife as his shadows slithered through the crowd. They stopped when they reached you, and you stood completely still as they twisted up your legs and torso, reading your body language. One stalled in front of your face and you stared directly into it, into death itself, before they skittered away and back to their master.
You watch intently, nervous, fingers clutching at the fabric of your pants as you observe what seems to be a silent conversation from the party above. They stand tall upon their steeds, eyes going unfocused for only a moment, before the leader’s stormy violet eyes fall upon you.
Something happens then, your muscles lock up and you can’t move, can’t look away from that intense gaze. You’d heard about him, his powers, the male upon the white horse could shatter a mind with half of a thought. Maybe that’s what he was trying to do with you.
Show us where we’ll be staying, his silky smooth voice echoes in your mind instead, his abilities caressing against the inside of your head, goosebumps breaking out across your flesh. You can’t nod, too tightly under the wrath of his powers, so you think your response and he lets you go.
You gasp a short breath, swaying in your spot. He’s not the sort of male you keep waiting, as you slink your way through the crowd and towards the four warriors. The closer you get the more you notice; the dark crown resting upon his head, the bow stretched across his back. They are all incredibly beautiful and command attention with ease. You are sure that they will not fail their mission. These are not males to be messed with, and the crowd is dismissed as soon as you break from the mass of people, stepping up to face his horse.
He looks down upon you, you eye the jutting structure of his jaw, he looks as if he himself is in need of a hearty meal and a good night’s rest.
“What is your name?” he asks, and it’s the same silky voice that had purred in your head only a moment ago.
“It’s (Y/N), my King,” you respond politely, giving them all a bow.
“(Y/N),” he tastes your name on his tongue and finds he quite likes it, smirks as he speaks next, “Lead the way.”
It’s nothing much, your town, small and poor and not even on any map. How they had found it and why they thought making the trip here was beyond you, but you didn’t question it as you led the way to the best inn for travelers.
The babe awoke with a cry and Death immediately took him into his arms, singing him a harrowing song in a beautiful voice, low and raspy until the youngling settled, staring up at the male with wide eyes. 
The male on top of the black horse takes note of the fae within your town, most wearing ratty old clothes that do nothing to block out the bitter cold, their bones jutting out from hunger. He will not have much to do here.
The warlord scans the scared passerby, but stops only after seeing a few. He’s come to the same conclusion that the fiery haired male has, that these people were hungry, and they were not fit for war. He’d have to recruit warriors from somewhere else.
“This is the nicest inn we have,” you don’t know why you’re embarrassed. Perhaps it was the intimidating and spectacularly clean foursome before you, clothes thick and pristine, made for the harsh winters wind. You didn’t have a say where you grew up, how poor you were, but your cheeks reddened nonetheless as you gestured to the decaying boarding house.
The leader dismounted the horse with ease, landing lightly on his feet beside you, reins of the white beast held tightly in his hand as the horse shook out its blinding white mane. He was even more beautiful up close and you had to turn your head away to control the pounding in your heart.
“Where can I tie up Glory for the night?” His voice is soft, thankful even, as he pets his steed on his nose, admiring his animal.
“There’s a post just around the corner,” you start, turning on your heel to lead the pack to the stumps in the ground. The earth should be frozen enough to keep them upright all night, for you knew in the summer with the rain turning the dirt to mud the posts would fall over.
“No need to show us, (Y/N), I’m sure we can find it from here,” he gives you an easy smile, eyes gleaming like the stars about to appear in the night sky. “Though we are in need of something to eat, if you would be so kind as to point us in that direction.”
You swallow harshly, knowing full well that the only restaurant in your town was closed, the chef having succumbed to the illness that struck the town this time yearly. Thinking quickly on your feet, your respond just as nicely, “No need to worry about that milord, I will fetch you all something, even the babe. Why don’t you all get warmed up and settle in while you wait?”
He eyes you curiously and you wonder if he thinks you’re going to poison them. You wouldn’t, didn’t have the resources if you really wanted too, but you can’t help but fidget underneath his gaze.
“Very well,” he nods his head to his comrades, who take off on their horses in the way you’d pointed, “Formalities are unnecessary. Please, call me Rhysand.”
“Very well Rhysand,” your response is curt, and he dismisses you with his own nod, turning on his heel to follow the direction his friends had gone. You miss the glance he takes over his shoulder as you walk back towards your own home.
You scrounge up just enough to make a pot of stew for the visitors after pleading to some of the people you trusted. When they were weary, needing food for their own families and thinking you wanted it for yourself, a simple lie on the behalf of the soon to be King helped you out. One of them even offered you milk from their family goat for the babe.
The owner of the inn you knew well, and offered up the dirty kitchen for you to use, even going so far as to scrounging up mismatched bowls and utensils to serve the food in.
One by one you ascended the rickety stairs, creaking with every step you took, delivering the food to the warriors.
Famine eyed the bowl and then you hungirly, as if it was you he wanted and not the food. You clutched the bowl and cup in your hands tighter to stop them from shaking beneath the gaze of the gorgeous male. He took the food without a word and closed the door in your face.
Death offered to help you, taking his own food as well as the babes bottle while you carried the warlord's portion. He moved silently and kept on your heels, your heart racing just a little bit faster as you felt his shadows swirling at your ankles. You shuddered as one slithered up the back of your spine, nearly tripping on the stair before you, but he steadied you and you caught a glimpse of his massacred hand, white-knuckled around the glass before he snatched it away, pulling down his sleeve over it with his teeth.
You couldn’t see the look on his face as he towered over you once you reached the top of the stairs, back pressed tightly to the wall behind you. Your breath was stuck in your throat, all you could see was the sharp smirk on his pink lips, hood pulled down and shadows swirling around the rest of his head. It was all you could wonder if his scarred hands matched the skin of his face.
You were both curious and terrified and you think he can tell by the way his smile lifts higher, catching the loud beating of your racing heart in his ears before he’s turning away, his robe swiftly following like his shadows down the hall.
The babe is with the warlord again, who’s shirtless, tanned skin glowing in the dim faelight. You know he could warm you in an instant if you were tucked up beside that large, muscular body, and your cheeks heat as you stutter out your words, passing him over the food.
He gives you a cheeky smile in return, looking you up and down once before stepping back and letting Death sweep into the room, thanking you for the meal. You nod once, spinning around on your heel as fast as you can before you’re making your way back down to the kitchen, nearly tripping down the stairs for an entirely different reason.
You lean against the counter trying to get your bearings. The utter beauty of these males was one thing, but they were dangerous, very much so, and you didn’t need to be getting caught up in the middle of it, no matter how desperate you were.
You scoop up the last of the hot stew and dump the pot into the sink – you’ll clean it when you come back down – you make for the stairs one more time, legs burning with underuse. You catch your breath at the top of the stairs, slowly making your way down past the other three rooms to his own.
You knock on the door with your foot, both hands occupied, and you need to catch your breath all over again once he’s opened the door.
His hair is slicked back and tousled, wet from washing up, like it was all he could bother to do to wrap a towel around his waist and run his fingers through his hair before opening the door. His skin is still dewey, and you swallow hard as you follow a drop as it rolls over his collarbone and down his pectoral.
“(Y/N),” his smirk is filled with mirth, eyes dancing with mischief, the very one that hadn’t been emoted from him since the passing of his mate. He hadn’t felt much of anything since then, only anger and the burn to avenge her the only way he knew how, to become the King of Prythian, and no one could stop him.
But you were something else. Kind and caring like his mate had been, treated so poorly by the people of your town, not sure where you really belonged, though you knew it wasn’t here. You were a dreamer and he noticed that.
“Here you are my King,” you bow your head once more, offering him the bowl and cup, praying that he takes it instead of staring down at you as he leans against the door like he’s doing now.
He likes the way you call him King, even if he hasn’t taken over the other courts yet. It has a nice ring to it, especially the way you say it and his cock awakens as you do. But you needn't call him King quite yet, for now Rhys will do just fine. He tuts, crossing his arms over his chest, causing those muscles to bulge and your mouth to run dry. “Now, now, I thought I told you to call me Rhys.”
“Sorry, Rhys,” you squeak, flushing bright red as you stare into his intense eyes.
The side of his mouth quirks up into a smirk as he finally takes the food from you with a gracious smile. “Tell me (Y/N), have you eaten yet?”
And you want to lie to him, to tell him that you’ve eaten before they arrived or that there’s more food waiting downstairs, to turn around and run and never look back. Surely you’d be gone from his mind by this time tomorrow, and you could pleasure yourself to the thought of any one of these males everyday until the end of your terrible life.
But you can’t lie, because he will know, and by the look he’s giving you now as he retreats a step backwards into the room, he already does.
“Ah, no,” you clasp your hands together in front of you nervously, wavering in front of the door.
“Come on, I don’t bite,” he grins as he settles on the edge of the bed, nodding for you to join him. His voice purrs in your mind, making your heart jump, Hard. 
You fist your hands in your dress, taking a steadying deep breath that doesn’t calm your nerves at all, and you step inside of the room, closing the door behind you.
He was a beautiful male, and you wanted this – wanted to spend any amount of time with him that he’d allow, only if it even were just talking and sharing a bowl of stew. He needed this just as much as you did.
So that's why you join him on the bed, taking a seat on the edge, springs squealing as you sit, a leg tucked up under you. Rhys gives you a lopsided smile as you settle, cheeks pink with the embarrassment of your town’s awful everything.
He offers you the first bite, wiping the drips over the edge of the bowl and leaning in close and holding it out to you. As you part your lips you wonder if this is how he feeds his own babe, who’s being taken care of by the other members of his group.
You can’t imagine what he’s gone through, having lost a mate he’d spent so little time with. Finding your own mate has long since left your goals in life, exchanged for keeping yourself alive by any means necessary.
Taking the spoon into your mouth, you grimace at the taste, immediately embarrassed about serving this slop to males who had clearly eaten better than this their entire lives.
Quirking an amused eyebrow at your expression, Rhysand scoops up a bite of his own, and he tries to keep his face schooled in a calm expression, but you laugh when you see his lip curl slightly.
“It’s horrible, isn’t it?” you ask, though you know the answer. You want to know what kind of a High Lord he is, one that will lie to his people, or one who won’t sugar coat his thoughts.
“Oh, it’s absolutely awful,” he scoffs with a smirk and you glare back playfully, “But I won’t complain about a hot meal served to me by a beautiful female.”
And then you’re blushing again, looking down at where your hands rest atop your bent knee. This male…Gods, he was something. His sensual smirks and bright eyes, his way with words, you could see how he would be a great High King.
He reaches out gently, placing a hand beneath your chin and lifting so you’re looking into those earnest violet eyes again. 
“It’s true,” his voice is soft but you can hear the raw honesty of his statement, the silent suggestion behind his words.
Maybe he was just hurting. Missing the mate that had been taken from him and his child too soon, wanting to think about something other than the gaping wound in his chest, the empty feeling where she should be…
“Don’t,” he shakes his head, “Don’t think that.”
He cuts you off with a hum, “Nuh-uh, please,” he requests, bringing the spoon to your mouth again, “Let’s just enjoy this.”
“As much as we can,” you mutter, taking the bite of food.
He huffs a laugh, eyes glimmering, but he keeps quiet.
And he won’t stop looking at you like that as you share the rest of the meal. It’s gone before you even know it, but it’ll be enough to last you until your next meal…whenever that should be.
“Let me,” you offer, trying to take the bowl from his hands but he’s leaning back, keeping it from your reach as you lean further and further into him until you’re nearly toppling over into his lap, using your hand on the bed to keep you upright.
“No need,” he whispers, and he’s so close his breath causes your eyelashes to flutter. You watch the dirty bowl disappear into thin air, swept away in a dark mist and when you look back at him you catch his eyes flicking up from your lips to settle on yours.
“That’s a–” you swallow harshly, suddenly all too aware of how close you are to him, but you don’t want to back away, “That’s a neat trick.”
Your heart is pounding in your chest and you can smell his arousal like the candle he’d lit across the room and you wonder if your own scent is as captivating as his. It’s all you can do to not shut your eyes and lean into his neck, sucking in a hearty breath straight from the source.
He clears his throat a little, leaning in just a bit more and you nearly go cross eyed looking at him as he purrs, “Do you want to see another?”
“That depends,” you murmur, “Does it involve anything else disappearing?”
Rhys’ smile is feline, “It involves my cock disappearing into that tight little cunt of yours.”
His mouth is on yours before the words even register, taking your face in both of his hands as he leans backwards to lie flat on the bed, pulling you with him.
You settle across his hips, one leg thrown over each side of his own. The towel he miraculously still has tied across his waist is thin and you can feel his hardened cock beneath the cloth.
It’s dizzying. His feverish kiss, tongue poking out and asking for permission, his fingers gentle with just the right amount of pressure as he explores the length of your body. You’re in bliss, drunk on lust as you courageously swirl your hips in a soft circle, a noise of pleasure escaping the High Lord.
“Have you ever…” he asks as you kiss down his torso, licking a hot stripe against his freshly showered skin. You can feel his muscles flexing beneath your tongue and your pussy throbs with anticipation.
“No,” you admit, cheeks flushing as you look up at him, wide-eyed. The innocent look on your face has him groaning, tossing his head back into the pillow for a moment, his cock pulsing from it confines.
“Don’t worry,” he’s breathless, tugging you back up to his lips and kissing you desperately between words like you’re a drug he can’t get enough of, “I’ll take good care of you.”
He brushes your hair back from your face messily, fisting it at the nape of your neck as you climb back down his body. His other hand rips the towel away, his cock red and stiff and dripping at the tip. He circles a large hand around it, giving it a few rough tugs and you swallow thickly at the sight. He grunts, nudging your head towards his cock.
You poke out your tongue, giving the head a kitten lick that has him shuddering beneath you at the unexpected sensation. You don’t know why, surely he wouldn’t have been expecting you to take him completely when never having done this before. Your pussy clenches at his reaction and your heart pounds in your chest, nervous and excited to feel him in your mouth.
So you did another thing he wasn’t expecting, taking him as far into your mouth as you can, hitting the back of your throat pleasurably. Rhys’ hips bucked up instinctively, his hand holding your hair firmly in place and you gagged slightly, a wet squelch coming from the back of your throat where his cock hit and he rumbled with pleasure.
You plant your hands firmly on his hips, eyes watering as you let him take control, conquering your mouth and abusing it like he owns it. You whimper at the taste of him, heavy on your tongue, swirling around as much of his cock as you could, using your hand to twist around the base of it.
He moans. Your mouth is so warm, and so wet. It had been too long since he’d fucked, he can feel his orgasm building rapidly.
But he is nothing short of a gentleman, as he lifts you off of him with a hiss at the loss, the cool air of the room caressing his throbbing cock as he flips you over onto your back, a squeal leaving your lips, fingers scrambling for purchase, clawing as his back. 
He kisses you because he can’t stop himself, moaning at the taste. You let your hands slide up his torso, smooth and soft as butter, and you moan at the feeling as he lowers his chest against yours when your hands wrap up around his shoulders and bury in his midnight hair.
He parts your legs with his own, rutting his firm cock against the crease in your pants. 
You gasp at the sensation, mouths pressed firmly together, his tongue hot against yours. Your heart is racing in your chest and his hands climb up your sides, exploring, shoving your shirt up as he goes. You struggle to slip your arms from the fabric, lips still moving feverishly against his own, but your naked torso arches up into his, skin burning against yours.
Rhys moves from your lips, dragging them across your cheek, down under your ear, sucking a mark harshly into the soft skin while you turn your head away in bliss to give him more room. His hands snake up your body again, a fistful of your breast in one hand while the other jerks your thin shirt from around your neck, mouth back against your skin in an instant.
You moan as he sucks your nipple into his mouth, tongue swirling sensually around the pert nub as he rocks into you again, the material of your pants against his sensitive dick has him grunting. He needs you out of those immediately.
He takes his time, kissing every inch of you on the way down, fingers playing with the waistline of your pants, dipping below the fabric. It has your stomach clenching, swooping with want, whining when he removes his hands completely, only for him to rip at the laces of your pants a second later.
And he’s tutting as you clench your legs together, the coolness of the room an icicle against your exposed cunt. His large hands spread your legs apart and he eyes your pussy like it’s such a prize.
“You are exquisite,” he murmurs, kissing along your thigh, nipping and suckling, dragging his lips across the soft skin.
His eyes watch you, returning the favor as he licks tentatively across your clit, your low moan and arching up into the air has Rhys going back for a second taste.
It’s too much but not enough at the same time. This clearly is a male who knows his way around a female’s body, but it’s driving you nuts the way his tongue swirls and fucks, pulling you just to the edge but never quite letting you freefall into orgasm. No, he wants you to beg, like all of the High Lords will beg for their lives when he comes to take over their courts.
And you’re a female of survival, will do what you have to to make it through the night, to get what you want out of the High Lord who’s bowed down in front of your cunt, lapping into it like he was made for it.
“Please, Rhys,” you whine, burying your fingers into his hair and twerking your hips against his tongue, trying to get him in the perfect position. It almost works until he stops your movements with a palm settled across your midriff.
“Fuck,” he moans, licking a hot stripe across your pussy, “Say my name like that again.”
“High King Rhys,” you lower your voice, eyes half-lidded and looking down at him where his face is buried in your cunt, “Please let me come.”
He does, adding his fingers into the mix, fucking into you with abandon, dragging against the bundle of nerves that has your breath heaving, body tensing as he helps you topple over into your climax, fist in his hair, the other curled in the sheets, legs shaking as you come with a cry of utter pleasure.
He’s climbing up you while you try to catch your breath, sated from release. Rhys holds your face in his hands, kissing you too softly like it’s all over. It can’t be, you feel too good but you haven’t even felt his long cock inside of you yet, and you go to speak, but he’s pressing his cock into you and your mouth goes lax at the sensation.
It seems like it lasts forever, him pressing into you so slowly, the drag of his long cock pushing all of the air from your lungs.
And you feel so good that he can’t even kiss you, pressing his forehead harshly into yours as his hips settle against your own, nothing but the sound of your shaky shared breath filling the room.
Shit, you didn’t think you could ever be so full, and its pure euphoria, the starbursts behind your shut eyes, Rhys’ lithe body pressed firmly against yours, your legs wrapped around his waist, holding each other so tightly you don’t want to let go.
Can I move? He asks into your mind because he can’t speak. Because he’s using every ounce of resolve he has to keep himself from ravishing you completely. 
Gods, please, you respond mentally, and then he’s pulling out and slamming back into you just as quick, ripping a moan from your throat that settles deep within his bones.
He sets the pace, rocking into you rhythmically and with fervor, like he hasn’t enough time. His kisses are all teeth and sounds of arousal, but you can’t find it in yourself to mind while he’s fucking into you like the God he’ll be when he takes over Prythian.
It’s nearly too much to handle, the way his chest glides across yours with each thrust, his lips searching for yours in a desperate kiss, his hands everywhere as if he’s mapping each and every single thing about you, admitting it all to memory like the first and last time you’ll be together.
And you claw at his back because it’s the only thing you can do besides moan. You can’t even put words together to form a complete sentence, a plea of his name here, a cry of pleasure there as the feeling of your orgasm starts building within you.
Rhys hits that spot everytime without fail, no matter what position he puts you in. Leg lifted up around his shoulder, flipped over on your stomach, riding him. It’s like he’s inside of you somehow, knows exactly where his cock feels the best, buried deep within your tight cunt.
You come with a howl of his name on your lips and you’re sure everyone in the inn has heard you begging the future High King for release. And he fucks you through it, drawing out your keen as long as he can, cock somehow even harder as he praises himself.
He pulls out with a grunt and then he’s coming all over your stomach, spurting across your chest until he’s spent, collapsing back on his haunches as he stares down at you. His pupils are blown wide as you look up at him through half-lidded eyes, swirling a finger around in the come on your stomach, then ever so slowly raising that digit up to your lips and sucking on it lewdly.
“Oh,” he breathes, and his cock twitches with interest even though he’s just orgasmed, “You’re coming with us, (Y/N).”
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bcbdrums · 3 months
A Touch of Warmth
A Soul Eater fanfic. Read on: AO3 | FFn
Sixth in my series of 31 prompt-based one-shots (filling them out of order; this is prompt 5). Prompts from this list.
A/N: More of the academy days for my faves, but super early this time. I wanna say...maybe just a few months of partnership here. And living in cheap academy dorms haha. Imagine a sad college dorm room I guess. Stein is only 10 years old and Spirit is 13. Long, long, rambly stream of consciousness relationship stuff that I wrote like...in the first week of December. And then didn't finish until just now (late March) and there was only a little bit left to go. Oops. Wonder how much that gap impacted the story/writing style... If you like long rambly things that don't really have a point, well, here you go. Enjoy. 5. Puzzling
A Touch of Warmth
An icy chill like breath across his cheeks was what roused Spirit from sleep. He shivered and then blinked twice before tightly closing his eyes again. Even the air was cold, assaulting the tender moisture beneath his lashes like the slap of cold water.
After taking another moment to realize he was awake and not dreaming, he fully processed the freezing sensation as one he should not be feeling on a desert morning. He clutched his blanket close to his chest and sat up in bed, squinting. White was what overwhelmed his blurred vision, and he snaked an arm out of his warm cocoon and felt almost blindly along the windowsill until his fingers met something very cold and wet.
He gasped and drew back, blinking until his sight clarified to reveal what it was he had touched.
Gathered on the sill near the open window were a line of melting snowflakes.
Spirit's jaw fell slack as he reached out to touch a cluster again, watching it turn to water rapidly even as it cooled his fingertips. But when he looked up and out the window his eyes went wide.
Where there should have been dirt, stone, and dried grasses in the backyard of the dormitory there was only white, and the sky was gray as snow fell in lace-like curtains, thick and silent, covering the landscape as far as the eye could see.
It was several moments of staring, captivated by the scene and breathing the icy air, before Spirit reached out to slide the window closed. And then he spun around to face the bed of his roommate.
"Hey Stein, wake—"
Spirit blinked. His very young meister was not in his bed.
The red-haired teen took stock of their tiny dorm room quickly, noting the boy's blankets uncharacteristically tossed back and his pair of shoes sitting neatly next to his desk. It appeared as though Stein had gotten under his bed at some point, because the corner of a box was sticking out near where the blankets were carelessly draped down to the floor. Then Spirit noticed the door to the hallway was ajar.
"Stein?" he said again as he glanced once more around their small room. The boy was definitely not there.
Spirit threw his own blankets aside and hurriedly dressed, selecting warmer clothing than he would ever choose for a day in Death City but something he was more likely to wear on an extracurricular assignment far further north. He gaze was continually drawn to the astonishing view through the window as he fumbled with a pair of boots, still not quite believing that a seeming winter had arrived in the middle of Nevada.
He had experienced snow a couple of times in his life, but never at leisure, and nothing at all like what he was seeing outside as it seemed to be sticking to sand and stone, transforming the barren landscape to one of wonder and quiet mystery.
"Stein?" Spirit asked again, peering down the hallway after pulling the door open. The dormitory was dark and silent.
Spirit's brow furrowed as he turned toward the bathroom that all the students in his wing shared, wondering if that was where the boy had gone. His meister operated like clockwork, and it was the startling deviation from the norm that had Spirit perplexed and was driving him to find his partner almost as much as the desire to share his newfound excitement at the change in the weather.
Most of the students in their building had gone home for the holidays, but both Stein and Spirit had declined that privilege, neither offering any explanation to the other. And Spirit was glad for his decision, knowing the snow wasn't anything he would have seen otherwise.
"Stein?" he whispered, peering into the darkened bathroom but already fairly certain of what he would find. Every stall door was open, the showers and sinks were silent, and the lights were off.
Spirit stuck his lip out in annoyance at the same time his brow furrowed in worry. He'd wanted to enjoy the experience of the fresh falling snow with his meister. But as Spirit turned to walk toward the front door concern began to overtake his initial elation. Just where was the boy?
It wasn't that he didn't think Stein couldn't handle himself; the few combat training classes they'd already had proved that he could. But the meister was just so young, and he looked it. Spirit was barely thirteen and this was the first time he'd been on his own, but in the few months they'd been roommates he could tell that the silver-haired ten-year-old was already accustomed to fending for himself.
Spirit had no background on his meister, and the boy was distant without being blatantly rude. He seemed to genuinely not know how to interact with their peers along with something else Spirit couldn't yet place. But the teen was patient, and Lord Death had specifically chosen Stein to be his meister. That alone was worth everything.
He pushed through the front door of the dormitory and a biting chill rushed in along with a few flurries of snow. Spirit grinned, a chuckle rumbling in his chest as he closed his eyes and took in the feel of the ice hitting his face like unforeseen kisses, softly leaving their mark before vanishing and stirring his thoughts toward the ethereal and imaginative. There was a promise of something new in the snowfall, and Spirit wanted to take advantage of every moment of it.
He stepped fully through the door and into the wall of white, his boots almost soundless as they pushed through the drift that had already built up in the uncovered entryway. And that’s when he saw the single point of color: a telltale shock of silver hair.
Next to one of the benches that lined the sidewalk to the dorms knelt Franken Stein. Snow had collected in a thin layer atop his head, shoulders, and the backs of his legs, though one could hardly tell for the plain white pajamas he wore, causing the boy to be almost invisible in the newly whited-out landscape. He was bent over some small mechanical device placed on the bench, his concentration so full that he didn’t notice when Spirit closed the door. Another point of color were the pale soles of his feet; he wasn’t wearing any shoes.
“Stein?” Spirit asked in surprise, hurrying forward. His delight at the weather had wholly evaporated at the sight of his young meister barely clothed out in the cold. “What are you doing?”
The boy didn’t reply, but scowled at whatever it was he was looking at. He reached for the device and Spirit recognized a microscope as he approached. Stein had picked up a small glass slide, and Spirit watched as he leaned back from the bench to slowly wipe it on the hem of his shirt, and then hold it out to catch a few falling snowflakes. His hands shook as he replaced it under the lens and quickly leaned down again, turning the focus knob to bring his subjects into clarity. As Spirit finally stopped next to the bench he could see it wasn't just Stein's hands, but his entire frame shaking from head to toe, and his usually colorless lips were a frightening shade of blue.
“Stein!” Spirit cried in protest, his voice rising in pitch.
“Don’t breathe.”
Spirit blinked, the harsh but monotone directive confusing his train of thought.
“What?” he asked, but held his breath nonetheless.
“They melt too fast if you breathe.”
Spirit rapidly went through the arguments in his head that he wasn't even near the snowflakes on the slide, and that Stein himself was so cold now that he'd be surprised if he had any warmth left in his lungs. But none of those words came out as somehow, as always, he was drawn like a magnet to his meister's side and knelt down, curiosity rising in him despite the chill beginning to penetrate his coat.
"What are you looking at?"
"The structure of the snowflakes."
Spirit looked at the cluster of white that had in fact already begun to melt on the slide under the lens, and then back to his meister, his face hidden as he stared down through the microscope.
"So far they are perfectly symmetrical and each one has six branches, but no two are alike. The probability of two being the same eventually is strong, but..."
Stein stopped suddenly, and Spirit watched the meister move his hand away from the focusing knob, place it between his thighs where his left hand was already hidden.
Spirit frowned.
"Get up."
Stein was still peering into the microscope.
"Get up or I'm picking you up."
That got the meister's attention. His eyes snapped to Spirit's, confusion overlaid by defiance and something else hard and threatening. It had only been three months, but it had taken less than a day of acquaintance for Spirit to learn that the boy would not tolerate being touched without express permission.
"You can't do this like this," Spirit continued. "You're going to freeze to death."
Stein's expression didn't change.
"If you want to be helpful you could get me a notebook to record my findings. You don't have a camera, do you?"
Each word was spoken through trembling blue lips, and Spirit noticed that the rest of the boy's unnaturally pale skin was rapidly changing hue. His heart began racing as he made his decision, not knowing what the ramifications would be but knowing that he had no choice.
Stein didn't speak when Spirit stood, but when the weapon's gloved hands came down under the meister's armpits he jerked away with a strength Spirit wouldn't have thought him capable.
"Don't touch me!" was the protest that sounded before the boy began fighting back, pushing and beating against Spirit's shoulders, but the weapon was determined.
It was a battle of hands and arms and legs and feet as he half-fought, half-dragged Stein back into the dormitory hall, tuning out every word of protest that was laid against him with each step. He only finally paid attention again when Stein managed to free one arm just inside the door and landed a glancing blow against Spirit's cheek.
He shuddered in response, not letting go but halting the movement of his feet. The hit may not have fully connected, but it was still hard and for a moment the world was spinning and Spirit's only point of focus were his hurried breaths and the heavier panting of the younger boy upon whom he still had an iron grip.
When his eyes refocused on Stein's face the meister appeared shocked—quite the change from his typically guarded expression—but his skin was still unnaturally blue, and there was something off about his eyes even past the unusual expression. It sent a wash of fear through Spirit that rapidly overrode the pain of the punch.
He reached past Stein and kicked the door closed hard.
"Stein. I'm not going to let you die out there because you were too stupid to get dressed before running out to play in the snow."
"I... I wasn't..." Stein began, still breathless and something definitely off about his vision.
Spirit ignored the pulsing of pain in his cheek and while Stein was distracted, he scooped the smaller boy up like he would a toddler and stalked hurriedly down the hall.
"Hey! Stop it!" was Stein's weak protest this time, and Spirit noted he was struggling a lot less than when they'd been pushing through the ankle-deep snow outside.
When he reached the bathroom he all but dropped Stein for how much he was twisting to escape. When the meister's feet hit the tile he slipped on his wet, bare soles and would have hit the floor had Spirit not still had his hands on him. Stein clung to Spirit's arms in surprise, not having expected the backward plunge, and when Spirit had righted them both he finally let go.
He reached back to hit the light switch and Stein flinched away, holding a hand up to cover his eyes as his breaths still came far too heavily for the minimal exertion of the struggle to get indoors. When he finally squinted at Spirit his expression fell to shock again. It finally occurred to the red-head that there was something other than the fact that he'd interrupted Stein's ill-conceived experimenting that had shaken the boy, and he turned around to see his face in the mirror.
Spirit nearly gasped for how utterly terrified he looked. Terrified and furious, perhaps in a way that his young partner had never seen another person look before, if the way it froze the boy in place was any indication.
Spirit knew he needed to calm down, calm his expression and be reasonable so he could explain to his meister just how dangerous his actions had been. But as he turned back to face the boy he only felt the anger swell to a greater presence in his soul.
Stein's clothes were nearly soaked through, the white of the pajamas turned gray from moisture and his hair darker for it. The color of his skin was wrong. He was visibly shaking from head to toe, and his vision was hazy and seeming unable to really see Spirit even though his eyes hadn't left the red-head since the moment he'd let him go.
Spirit opened his mouth to speak, but the movement of his jaw caused his cheek to sting where Stein had punched him. He hissed and reached his fingers up to the spot before jabbing his other arm past Stein to point, the motion causing the boy to jump.
"Get in there," he commanded coolly, his voice low and laced with threat. "Get under some hot water and sit down. I'm going to get you some dry clothes."
Stein's expression of shock remained, the boy still frozen by the look on Spirit's face. They remained unmoving for several moments, but when the meister's breaths began to even out he finally turned toward the showers to comply with the weapon's words.
It wasn't until Stein had fully obeyed, letting the shower run until the water was warm and then stepping under the stream and sitting down to lean against the tiled wall, that Spirit finally turned to go.
He let his anger carry his feet briskly back toward their shared bedroom, blindly going through the motions once there of making Stein's bed, dragging the only spare blanket from the closet to place atop it, and then yanking his own bedding free to add on top of that. Horrible scenarios were racing through his head of what he might have found out in the snow instead of his insatiably curious young meister studying the patterns of snowflakes had he slept in a little later, or decided to enjoy the surprise of the weather from the comfort of his bed.
Spirit stopped abruptly from where he'd been casting off his winter outerwear and blinked at nothing as the realization struck.
Stein had been looking at snowflakes.
The fear crashed fully over Spirit's anger, obliterating it as the teen sat down on the floor and began to cry. He could have lost his meister, might still lose him, because the boy had been just as excited about the snow as he was.
If he hadn't immediately gone outside to play...
Spirit didn't know how long he cried, but the sudden realization that he could still lose Stein drove him back to the present. He didn't know anything about frostbite or hypothermia or any other manner of freezing-induced ailments. They were all alone in the dorm and he had no one to call for help since everyone had left for the holidays. And just how long had he left Stein alone in the shower with his vision hazy and his pallor looking near death?
Spirit stood so fast it made him dizzy, made his cheek throb where he'd been hit, and he rummaged through Stein's drawers until he finally found the boy's thicker socks for winter assignments along with underwear and more pajamas. As an afterthought he grabbed his own thick bathrobe and then both of their towels before turning to run back down the hall.
He slowed his step before entering the bathroom, terrified of what he might find. At least he could still hear the shower running, but...was that a good sign? Instead of entering he peered cautiously around the doorjamb.
Stein looked exactly as Spirit had left him, seated against the tile and curled tightly in on himself as the warm water poured over him. His arms were folded atop his raised knees and his hands were tight in fists, and his face was hidden where it lie on his arms. Spirit licked his lips and took a cautious step forward, and then another. There was no reaction from the meister.
Spirit paused, took in a silent breath...and then he flicked his eyes sideways to the mirror. He didn't look angry anymore, although he could still see it rise behind his eyes the moment he thought about it. No, now he looked every bit as scared as he felt, perhaps even more than when he'd drug Stein back indoors, and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying.
Any other time Spirit would have been annoyed by his transparency, but since it had seemingly helped to get his meister to comply he decided he didn't care.
He turned back toward the small, gray form in the shower, felt his heart rate quicken as he mustered the courage to speak.
Stein lifted his head.
The relief Spirit felt was enough to make his knees go weak, and he leaned on the counter to steady himself as he set the clothing down and draped the two towels over his arm. He sucked in a few breaths, looked up to the mirror again and saw a brightness fitting itself behind the fear in his eyes, and he grimaced before turning to approach the meister.
"You, uh... You ready to come out of there?"
Stein didn't respond, only watched Spirit's approach, watched him stop about five feet distant, his expression having returned to its usual dull, esoteric impassivity. And as his eyes locked on Spirit's the red-head thought he looked even more withdrawn than before. But, blessedly, perhaps less hazy.
He didn't know if staying under the warm water longer would be better or worse for Stein's recovery, but his own anxiety couldn't stand the inaction. He pursed his lips and stepped forward, reaching around the stream to turn the water off.
Stein slowly began pushing himself upright, his eyes not having left Spirit's face even to blink.
"Uh...here," Spirit said, holding out the two towels. After a moment, Stein slowly reached across the distance to receive them. "There's clothes on the counter, uh..."
Spirit realized he needed to give the meister some privacy to change, and he thought quickly.
"I'll go get you something warm to drink. I'll uh...I'll be right back."
Spirit turned and hurried out of the bathroom as quickly as he could, making long strides down the hallway.
The tiny kitchen that could hardly be called such was at the other end of the building, and Spirit didn't want the meister out of his sight for any longer than was necessary just in case there was some delayed danger to whatever cold-induced condition he'd brought upon himself.
As Spirit passed the main entry he took careful steps to avoid the melted snow that had found its way inside from the struggle through the doorway, and then something occurred to him that halted his rush.
He turned and dashed back out into the icy air, his breath catching instantly as cold assaulted his body. He grimaced at the irony that it was now he who was under-dressed and risking himself in the elements, but he picked his way through the piling snow to the bench where the microscope was gathering a larger collection of specimens than it was designed for. Spirit tucked the freezing object safely against his chest and hurried back inside to be free of the snow falling into his face and the chill already seeming to seep into his bones.
He didn't hesitate but to close the door behind him, and then took the microscope the rest of the way down the hall and into the small kitchen.
Inside the narrow room he quickly opened the freezer and considered a moment before pulling out a few boxes of frozen meals left by other students to make space, and then he carefully placed the heavy instrument inside. He turned the freezer's temperature lower and then quickly closed it, blowing into his hands to warm them as he tried to remember his original purpose, his mind still awash with fear.
The microwave dinners on the counter was what returned his focus, and he quickly filled two mugs with water and set them to heat as he considered the beverage options. It took less than ten seconds to decide on tea, considering he didn't even know if there was hot cocoa mix around and he still really didn't want Stein out of his sight any longer than necessary.
Another thought occurred to him as he watched the microwave's timer tick down, and he turned and ran silently on his toes back to the bedroom. Once inside he didn't even look before diving for the box sticking out from beneath Stein's bed, and sure enough it was the box the microscope had been housed in. He carefully removed every delicate glass slide that remained tucked in the Styrofoam, and then cradling them gently, he ran back to the kitchen.
Once there he opened the freezer and carefully brushed a few snow clusters from the microscope onto each slide, including the one still beneath the lens which he removed. He brushed the remaining snow off the instrument into the freezer, and then carefully lifted the heavy device out.
He was methodically drying it with a dish towel as the microwave sounded completion, which he ignored in favor of caring for the delicate equipment. He didn't know for sure that moisture would damage it, but it seemed a fair guess, and he went at its crevices carefully with paper towels until the microwave beeped a second time.
He realized with a jolt that he had left Stein alone for well over five minutes now between all he'd been occupied with, and he hurriedly grabbed the mugs from the microwave and then pocketed a small handful of tea bags and sugar packets from the basket on the counter next to the stove.
He forced himself to keep his pace to a brisk walk this time, mindful of the steaming mugs in his hands. He was so lost in the anxiety of too many what-ifs and the need to hurry, hurry, hurry that he almost bumped into his meister as the younger boy was standing waiting outside their bedroom door, chin dipped low to his chest. Spirit gasped and startled back a step, then hissed as a splash of hot water hit his hand.
The meister had no reaction to Spirit's pain, looking downright sullen in the oversized bathrobe. But Spirit noticed his hands were tucked deeply into the pockets, and his hair was still wet although it showed signs of having been towel-dried.
"Stein..." Spirit breathed, continuing his visual assessment; was he imagining it, or was Stein's skin less blue?
The boy met his eyes through a curtain of damp hair, and Spirit sighed. As ever, his young meister was unreadable, except Spirit knew that somehow, in some measure...Stein was very displeased with him.
"Come on. You're getting into bed."
Spirit carefully gestured with one mug, and he expected to have to put forth an argument, but atypically Stein simply obeyed. Spirit watched for a moment, and then followed the boy a few steps inside the door and pulled it closed with his heel. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until his chest began to burn, and he let the air out slowly in hopes of not drawing Stein's attention.
The meister had paused in the center of the room, clearly making note of all the changes and liberties Spirit had taken before he seemed to resign himself to his fate and climb into his bed. But instead of lying down, Stein shifted his pillows up against the wall to sit and face Spirit's bed and the window on the wall between them. Once he was settled with too many blankets piled atop his lap and tucked up to his chest, hands buried deep inside the cocoon he'd made, he drew his knees up and shifted his eyes to settle on the window. Spirit didn't need to look to know it was still heavily snowing, and his breath hitched again when Stein slowly dragged his dull gaze back to him.
Spirit covered the gesture with a slight cough and then stepped forward to set the mugs on Stein's desk.
"Do you like sugar in your tea? And uh..." He pulled his small hoard from his pocket, some of the packets falling to the floor in the process. "I grabbed... Earl Grey, chamomile, mint, peach oolong... What's oolong..."
"Mint," Stein replied quietly, and Spirit realized it was the first word his partner had spoken since he'd deposited him unhappily in the dorm's bathroom.
"Sugar?" Spirit asked, after putting the tea bag into one mug.
"No, thank you."
The meister's voice was somehow more void of inflection than usual, and Spirit felt his stomach twist in unease as he ripped into one of the packets of sugar for his own mug and poured it in. He realized he'd forgotten to grab any stirring sticks and stepped back to his own desk to procure a pen to use as a substitute. He had decided on the peach oolong, the only other flavor appealing to him being the mint, but apparently he'd given the sole bag to Stein.
When he stepped nearer the meister's bed to hand him the tea, it was a moment before Stein moved to extricate his hands from the blanket-nest he seemed to be burrowing deeper within. His fingers brushed against Spirit's when he wrapped them around the mug's handle and the distinct chill the weapon felt at the contact set his heart racing in fear again. Stein had been under a hot stream of water for at least fifteen minutes if not longer, but he was still cold. Should Spirit have let him stay there longer? Was that even the right thing to do?
Spirit felt his head begin to ache and he rubbed his brow, feeling the pinch of his skin where it twisted in worry. He absently stirred the sugar into his mug with the back of the pen and tried to push his feet out of his boots. The laces were too tight however, and the result was him stumbling against his mostly-stripped bed and barely preventing the tea from spilling as he lost his balance entirely, his knees hitting the floor hard.
He cursed under his breath and then bit his lip in regret. His young meister had likely never heard such foul language, and he shouldn't be the one to introduce him to it.
He set his tea on the windowsill and then reached down to loosen his bootlaces just enough to tug them off, and then pushed himself back on his bed against the wall in a mirror of Stein's pose. The room was still chilled from the window having been open all night, and he shivered despite himself as he drew his knees up high to his chest, tucking his hands under his rear for warmth.
It was only after another shiver that he let his gaze travel across the room to meet his meister's eyes. The boy looked slightly more curious than he had before, but overall he still appeared more detached than the weapon was used to seeing. What Spirit didn't know and wished he did was whether it was just from the upset at his pulling him away from his fun, or if it meant the fun had already had a dire consequence.
"Uh..." Spirit said, feeling suddenly very awkward. Stein lifted his head slightly, sipped from the tea, but his expression didn't change. "Are you, uh... How are you feeling?"
Stein stared at him blankly, and while Spirit thought three months had gotten him used to how unfeeling the meister seemed from his countenance, he realized that it only counted in a predictable context. In class or on a mission, Spirit was learning what to expect. But Stein was about as antisocial as anyone he'd ever met, and it suddenly pressed against his mind just how little he really knew about the boy he lived and partnered with.
"Cold," Stein finally said, so quiet Spirit almost didn't hear.
He looked at just how very small Stein looked wearing the large bathrobe, bundled as deeply into the blankets as he could get while still upright. His hair was looking less wet but still a darker shade of gray than its usual mystifying silver. When he lifted the mug to take another sip of tea, Spirit noted how small the meister's hands were as they clutched tightly to the cup for the extra heat.
He tried not to think of Stein as a child. He hardly thought of himself as more than that, when he was honest with himself. But between the two he was the far elder and more experienced, and as the weapon it was his responsibility to protect his meister. Even from himself.
Spirit glanced away and out at the snow falling less in thick curtains now and more just in scattered flakes, still dense but allowing a view toward the other dormitory buildings before the scene faded into a white haze beyond which he knew the rest of Death City rose up above the sand. But for the moment it was as if the tiny bedroom existed separate from the rest of the world, and Spirit and Stein the only two people in it.
"Have you, ah...ever seen snow before?" Spirit continued, fishing for conversation.
Stein looked up past the rim of the mug again, seeming to analyze Spirit with every question, and then shook his head no.
Spirit swallowed under the scrutiny, and continued. "I've seen it a couple of other times, but...nothing like this."
The red-head shivered again and watched the way the flakes fell, most tiny and notably slower than rain, but others in large clumps that hurried past their smaller companions. It was captivating, and when he turned back to Stein the boy had resumed looking out the window.
"I had hoped we would see it on the assignment to Alaska, but...then that got canceled," Spirit said, dropping his gaze to the gray of his jeans.
There was still only silence in response, and this time Spirit let it linger, only briefly lifting his eyes a couple of times to find Stein still watching the display through the window. The curiosity in the boy's eyes had turned to something deeper; there was a longing now, and endless questions racing somewhere behind the brilliant, green eyes.
Spirit's gaze snapped up to focus as he realized with a flood of relief that the clarity was returning to Stein's vision. It had to be a sign, he hoped, that the surprise winter wasn't going to steal the life of his young meister after all.
The red-head looked at the window again and sniffed once, his nose starting to run due to the cold air in the room. The wonder and beauty of the snowfall began to fade as he considered again the terrifying possibilities of what could have happened. Suddenly the soft, white landscape seemed just as barren as the desert sands.
And yet...
"I'm sorry."
When he looked away from the window Stein was watching him, his brow risen in slight surprise. Spirit dropped his gaze as he shivered, moving his arms to wrap around himself and tuck his fingers under his armpits. He focused on the lines of denim across his knees as his eyes burned with the threat of tears, hoping that in saving his young meister he hadn't irreparably damaged their relationship when it had hardly started.
It was true they had been able to resonate practically immediately upon partnering, surprising everyone except Lord Death. But Spirit knew that the road ahead of them would require far more from them both than the superficial connection they had made so far. And in dealing so harshly with the boy, he could have undone their three months together and hurt the chances for their future.
"I'm not sorry for saving you, Stein. I was just so scared, and... Your face was all..." He gestured briefly to the still-unhealthy hue to the boy's skin. "But I... I probably could have...done that differently... And, you're not stupid. I shouldn't have said that. Sorry."
He didn't look up, only pressed further back against the wall and tucked one set of toes under the other in search for warmth as he became more aware of the chill to the room. He suddenly realized that since all of the students had been expected to go home, the heating had likely been shut off to the dormitory. That, in addition to his window having been open all night to the unexpected winter weather, explained the bitter chill he was feeling in the usually comfortable room. It wouldn't reach dangerous temperatures, but it was still a bit much for the simple jeans and t-shirt Spirit had hurried into after waking.
Stein didn't reply, and Spirit sniffled again, grateful the cold air at least gave him an excuse as he fought back tears. His mind began racing with a whole new set of horrible fears. What if Stein decided he didn't want to be his partner after this?
"You didn't need to give me your blankets and pillows."
Spirit sniffled again and looked up. Stein was watching him and the weapon studied his blue-gray pallor, the rising brightness in his eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat as concerns of illness rose and shook his head.
"You need them more than me."
Spirit had no sooner rested his cheek—the uninjured one—on his knee, than he heard faint slurping across the room. He raised his head again to see Stein tilting the mug all the way back and finishing the tea, after which he settled his head back against the wall, continuing to clutch the now-empty mug. He shivered.
Spirit frowned and considered offering to microwave another mug, and then looked at his own forgotten tea on the windowsill. Steam was still rising from the liquid.
He slowly uncurled himself from against the wall, feeling the little warmth he had gathered seep away in seconds as he slid his feet back to the floor and picked up the mug.
"Here, I didn't drink any," he said when he offered it, Stein's brow rising, and then, "...Oh."
He pulled out the pen he'd used to stir the sugar in and frowned, making a mental note for the future that Stein preferred his tea without the sweetener. After a moment the boy reached out with a shaking hand and they exchanged mugs. Spirit set the used one on Stein's desk with the pen inside before turning back toward his bed.
"You can sit here."
Spirit stopped and looked at the meister, blinking in confusion as he failed to process the words.
There was silence for a moment, the weapon watching the meister's small hands clutching tightly to the cup for the warmth it provided as he sipped the steaming liquid. Then the green-eyed gaze rose again.
"You can sit here, too."
Spirit's mind slowly pieced the meaning of the words together, his brow rising in surprise as he considered. It wasn't the sort of offer he would have expected from the meister in any typical situation, and especially not after he'd manhandled him indoors and ordered him around. But he was growing too cold too fast to find any reason to protest, and after a moment he climbed onto the bed and pulled the blankets back to tuck himself in next to Stein, his back against the wall and a few inches of space between them.
Stein tugged one of the pillows from behind him and pushed it toward the weapon, and Spirit gratefully shoved it behind his back, his spine instantly feeling the relief. He adjusted the blankets perhaps more than was necessary, making sure Stein still had enough to bury as deeply beneath them as he wanted, but grateful for the added warmth immediately.
The view out the window wasn't nearly as good as it was from his own bed, but at least Stein had the better position to continue watching the snowfall. He peripherally observed the meister take another tentative sip of the tea, purse his lips at the taste, and then balance the mug on his knees, both hands still wrapped tightly around it.
Spirit sighed lightly. If nothing else, at least it would help keep Stein's hands warm.
"Thanks," Spirit said quietly, suddenly finding he couldn't meet the meister's eyes. After the way he'd treated him, Stein's kindness was startling, and he wasn't sure how to respond other than accept the offered protection from the cold and continue to hope the younger boy would be all right.
"My microscope cost almost three hundred dollars."
Spirit was startled by the non sequitur and turned to look at the meister. The boy's eyes, definitely no longer glazed, were hardened in the way they looked when they were in class and he was frustrated by something their professor was saying. Spirit swallowed nervously just before words bubbled out of him faster than his brain could keep up.
"I was very careful, I promise! I didn't touch the lenses and I got every crevice. I even went over it twice to make sure it was dry!"
Stein had turned to look at him during the rush of words, and it took Spirit a moment to realize his expression had changed. The hardness had left his eyes, his usual aloofness now the dominant expression, but there was question and curiosity and surprise hidden beneath it. The boy's lips were parted, his jaw ever so slightly slack as he stared unblinking back at Spirit. The intensity of it startled Spirit so much that his words stopped for a moment before he licked his dry lips and fumbled for something else to say.
"And I...I put snow on each slide for you to look at later. They're in the freezer, I turned it down so they shouldn't melt. Sorry I... I should have asked before touching your things. I'm sorry."
Spirit licked his lips again and looked down. He should apologize for going through Stein's clothing too, he knew, but he was suddenly feeling very self-conscious and like he was the one under the lens of a microscope as Stein continued staring at him.
He thought the three months had gone well, all things considered. He wasn't used to being around someone as stoic as the partner he'd been assigned, but he had been trying very hard to learn what made the boy tick and how to be the best partner he could, responding to the meister's quirks and for the most part simply staying out of his way since privacy was what Stein seemed to value most. And Spirit had violated that repeatedly that morning.
He suddenly felt a yawn coming and restrained the action with effort. As his heart raced with the excess of nerves he glanced over to check the time on Stein's alarm clock on his small nightstand. It was just after eight o'clock. He chewed some of the dry skin from his lower lip and considered how to voice the question pressing against his mind after the embarrassing outburst of moments before.
It turned out he didn't have to, because when he turned back he found Stein had been following his gaze.
"I was outside before seven," Stein offered.
Something was different about his tone, and Spirit shifted his gaze to meet his partner's. Stein's expression had changed again to something the weapon had never seen and didn't know how to interpret. His eyes had lost the hardness almost entirely and seemed to be seeking something. Before Spirit could even try to figure it out, Stein surprised him again by handing him the mug of tea. He took a sip and then immediately a larger swallow as the liquid coated his throat, soothing some of the strain he hadn't realized was there as he continued worrying.
When he returned the cup to let Stein keep using it to warm his hands, his fingers brushed against the meister's cooler ones. He frowned at the contact and looked away, his gaze flitting between the window and the clock as he worried.
He wanted to believe that Stein would be fine. But he'd been out in the snow for over an hour and his hands were still cold, despite the heat of the shower, despite having been wrapped around the mugs of hot tea for several minutes.
Spirit felt the sting of coming tears again. He bit his cheeks in attempt to fight off the instinct, let his eyes dart over the room in search of some anchor that would help distract him from the fears and anxiety swirling through his soul. But just as he felt his emotions would collapse, Stein surprised him once more.
"I'm sorry I hit you."
Spirit's brow rose. He had nearly forgotten about the glancing punch and lifted his fingers to lightly press to his cheek. The flesh was tender, but it was nothing like the hits he'd taken in their combat classes or on missions. Of course those were different too, having been taken in weapon form.
"It's okay," he answered.
Stein was looking up at him almost like he'd never seen him before. The curiosity in his eyes was different somehow—not the clinical gaze he favored most things with, nor the apathy that came after the boy determined something held no value to him. There seemed to be almost more color to his eyes as they remained locked on the weapon's, and fascinated by the meister appearing so human, Spirit held his gaze.
The fear that had been consuming him changed somehow, under the inquisitive look that Stein had set upon him. The situation no longer felt hopeless or beyond control. In fact, the way his meister was looking at him now, his eyes held perhaps more life than Spirit had ever seen.
"Hey, ah..." he said, his voice quivering suddenly from an emotion he couldn't place. "When you're feeling better, maybe we could have a snowball fight."
Confusion joined the curiosity that Stein had fixed him with.
"...Snowball fight?"
Spirit smiled. "Yeah. You make balls out of the snow, and throw them at each other. For fun. Snowball fight."
Stein finally blinked, once, but didn't break eye contact. The intensity of his gaze was starting to feel unnerving, but Spirit found he couldn't look away. Not when he was so worried. And not after the long months of trying so hard to understand the enigmatic, private boy. Something had finally seemed to spur the beginnings of a mutual connection, and he wasn't about to waste the opportunity.
"Or...or maybe build a snowman?" he suggested, realizing suddenly that throwing hard-packed snow at his meister after nearly freezing was probably not a good idea, even if it would be several hours later. "I've always wanted to play in the snow..."
Stein continued to stare at him. He offered the tea to Spirit again, who took it and only sipped from the mug this time, not wanting to steal away the hot liquid that was helping Stein warm his hands. He held the eye contact, and Stein didn't so much as blink even after the mug was handed back.
Spirit began to feel self-conscious under the meister's gaze, though he couldn't determine why. He reached up to run his fingers through his hair and watched Stein's eyes follow the motion, linger on the spot where he'd briefly scratched his head, and then slowly return to his face again.
"O-Or...if you just want to play with your microscope, that's fine too. We don't have to play together, if you don't want to. I was just thinking—"
The train of Spirit's thoughts that had started running out of control was suddenly halted.
"A snowball fight sounds interesting."
Stein abruptly handed the mug back to Spirit, who blinked and sipped from it obediently; the tea had begun to cool. Stein's eyes finally left Spirit's face, and he buried his hands under the blanket and tucked it up higher to his chin as he turned his gaze toward the window.
Spirit looked back to find that the snow was falling in thick curtains again. If Stein did feel up to going out later, at least there would be no lack of the stuff to play in.
He leaned his head back against the wall, sipped the sweet tea again, and sighed. He felt Stein look up at him, but he kept his gaze on the window. Part of him wanted to fill the space with talk about the few times he'd seen snow in the past, but a wave of tiredness was hitting him rapidly. For once the best choice seemed simply to remain silent. He was sure Stein would appreciate it.
His eyelids began to feel heavy as he stared at the continuous rain of white flakes that left the room feeling small and isolated, and he realized he was no longer focusing on holding the mug. He swallowed down the last of the cooling liquid and then reached to set the mug down on Stein's nightstand. He knew he shouldn't doze off sitting in the meister's bed, especially since he should still be watching him to make sure his health wasn't in jeopardy. But the snowfall was hypnotic, and coupled with the sugar and the rising warmth from the blankets, and probably an adrenaline crash, it was suddenly very hard to keep his eyes open.
"It's pretty."
Spirit blinked and glanced down, surprised to hear the quiet voice. Stein was watching the unusual weather, but then looked up to meet his eyes again. His expression was still curious and seemed more relaxed somehow. The usual, calculating tension was absent from his jaw and forehead, and his green-eyed gaze—brighter now—slowly slid back to the window when Spirit didn't say anything.
Spirit was the one to stare now, noticing that Stein looked less tense overall. Only his head and shoulders were visible above the blankets, but he wasn't holding himself coiled up anymore the way he so often did, like a snake ready to strike. An ease that Spirit wasn't sure he'd ever before seen in the boy had settled over him, and he looked far more his young age as he looked out the window, his thoughts apparently having drifted back to scientific interests rather than being upset with the weapon.
"Yeah," Spirit said.
Stein glanced up briefly, as if expecting more, then returned his gaze to the snowfall. And then, wide-eyed and curious as he appeared staring out at the world of white, he yawned.
Spirit slowly let his head rest against the wall again as he watched his meister, and he smiled.
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