#and sometimes i feel like the way i am treated doesnt really help at all
0-hoony · 4 months
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pairing : yunjin x reader, karina x reader (comparatively less) genre : oooh. yeah. idrk. crack ish but also angst? cw/tw : classmate!rina and transfer student!yunjin karina doesnt really treat reader well + yunjin is manipulative + food mention + swearing + karina calls yunjin a rather unflattering word + suggestive -> kissing occurs + uneditted its 2.17 am n my eyes hurt.. :( wc : 1.5k this was supposed to be a fluffy rina 200 ish word hc wtfwtf notes : wtf have i written fr / wrote this while listening to farewell, neverland and stupid in love alternately
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classmate!karina who you've known ever since you gained enough coherent knowledge to retain information because, hey, it's a small town and she's a girl who everyone knows will achieve big things
classmate!karina who can literally do it all. she's the human incarnate of the song little miss perfect : straight hair, straight a's, straight forward,.. teachers more often than not swoon in her presence, she's voted class president on the first day and underclassmen and seniors are equally in awe of the enigma that she is; elusive but alluring.
it's only natural that you would fall for her; how could you not? with the way she slips her arm into yours everywhere you go and how she always makes it a point to greet you by being physically affectionate : hugs from the back, forehead kisses, head pats, nose boops and whatnot,. there's also those kisses which she places right at the corner of your mouth; her own so close to yours that if you were to move even the slightest you'd end up brushing against hers,,
but whenever you try to ask her about your relation, your sad little question of "what are we rina.." goes completely unheard.. :(
but then !!! comes along transfer student!yunjin :) this'll be fun :)
when the teacher approaches karina with the matter of showing the new girl around, helping her catch up to the syllabus, etc; you were with her and quite clearly able to feel the hesitation radiating off of her figure. so you, being the kind-hearted soul you are volunteer your own help !! the teacher doesn't really gaf,, as long as she knows you won't shower the new girl with worms or something she's chill w that :p
however, karina is still apprehensive because she's apparently heard rumours that yunjin was,.. notoriously known as somewhat of a delinquent. she doesn't really want someone so cute, so trusting like you around her..
but when the vivacious redhead greets you with a charming grin, your defenses immediately lower.. yunjin was so sweet! how could someone like her ever even be assosciated with those rumours?
you soon find yourself spending a lot of time with her,, karina always seems so busy nowadays.. you know how tough class president duties can be plus she's always working on a million other things as well, and you get it, of course. you support her fully!! it's just,.. sometimes you can't help but feel sad... it feels like she's avoiding you on purpose :(
like when you were having lunch with yunjin one day and karina walked into the cafeteria. you waved her over but her nose wrinkled as if she'd smelt something sour and with a brief smile (which was SO obviously fake) she left..
..??????? you need to put in all your strength to not breakdown in tears right there. but yunjin is there to comfort you~ she always is <3 she wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to offer comfort. her hoodie that you'd been wearing (it was coldd and you being in a hurry that day had worn only a t-shirt - she couldn't bear to watch her new friend freezing now could she :( so she ever so chivalrously gave it to youu <3) along with her warm embrace made you feel very comforted~
but your feelings for karina still reign strong. so you decide if she won't tell you what you did to upset her, you'll confront her yourself
except.. yunjin ends up talking to you out of it... her argument makes complete sense : karina probably just wanted some space from you. if you approached her right now, she'd only retreat farther away, and you did not want that
so whenever you're feeling particularly vulnerable, in a 'fuck it we ball' kinda mood she's always there to prevent you from making a mistake!! she's so thoughtful <3 she's over at your place pretty often + sleepovers have become a new norm for you two because hey who knows when you'll need a comforting hug from your friend right? :)
but then, against your better judgement - yunjin would be so sad for you if she found out.. :(( - you finally give in to your urges. you decide to properly confess your feeling to karina on the 14th of feb. you really miss what you had with her, you miss being her friend.. and even if she hates you now you'd rather at least get closure than be ghosted irl 😔
so you go all out! go big or go home by enhypen plays in the bg you make her favorite chocolates, write a letter explaining how you feel, decorating a cute red heart shaped box and wrapping it all up w a cute ribbon <3
there is now the dilemma of how to give it to her.. hmm you do know she has patrols in and around the sports ground after lunch every alternate day.. and by your luck 14th is one of those days!
you ditch yunjin with a couple of fake excuses, desperately dodging her offers to come with you when finally, looking extremely dejected she leaves
sighing with relief you make your way to the first floor into a classroom from where you can easily see the entire grounds. and oh! you see those familiar long locks of black!! rather ungracefully, you decide to just throw your box out hoping she'll see that your name is written on it and not immediately throw it away
as soon as you're ready to chuck it down : you hear a familiar voice, "yn? what are you doing here??" it's karina?! how is she here?? but in your shock you accidentally let go of the box; only managing to keep holding on to the letter
shock and dread fills you at the thought of someone else taking the box and thinking you were confessing to them you dont even bother to look at karina even though it's been ages she's initiated a conversation with you.. as you leave, in your frustration you ball up the letter and throw it in the trash, completely forgetting that the person it was for was right there??
you race downstairs but end up bumping into a whirlwind of red. it's yunjin. the sheer happiness on her face somehow settles into you and you can't help but ask her whatever happened to make her look so delighted
she immediately pulls you into a tight embrace, "oh yn i like you too!! i thought you were still hung up over karina and i was so worried that she'd steal you away from me but if you have feelings for me that totally changes things!! i was ready to completely isolate you so you would only have me to depend on but fuck- you're so cute confessing outright out of nowhere!! even kazuha said she could've never seen it coming - you always seemed so heart-struck around her after all"
this shouldve been a red flag but the dazed state you'd been thrust into made all her words pass right over your head. you can only reply with a weak "kazuha..?who- what do you mean.."
"oh are u jealous?? that's so cutee ynniee and i mean exactly what i said pretty!! shit does this mean we're dating now? i've been waiting since forever to be able to call you mine.. oh my god i could kiss you right now.." yunjin's overenthusiasm leaves you very flustered and honestly? a little weak in the knees?
"so can i then??" yunjin's still talking "can you-?" "can i kiss you yn please we're dating now right?" "we are..? of course then.." and she wastes absolutely zero time in immediately diving towards you, tilting your neck to devour your lips with her own, her other hand sneaking its way to your waist, pulling you closer, closer.. yes you're still in the middle of the hallway but yunjin would be damned if she gave a single fuck, not when she has you like this and you.. you're still lost in some kind of a daze that only becomes heavier as your gf's (?) lips work against yours, till her hands holding you are the only reason you're still able to stand
you gain some sort of consciousness, when you're completely out of breath (ironically-) and push yourself away from her gently
yunjin immediately moves as if to chase after your lips but then seems to notice something behind you which makes her smirk.. huh.. she's really pretty; are you just noticing this now?
she pulls you into her chest then, like she's down millions of time and you carefully place your arms around her shoulders as she pats your head, whispering something soft in your ears - which you sadly can't hear due to the slight sound of blood pounding in your ears.. but in the comfort of her arms you really can't seem to bring yourself to care, simply enjoying the comfort she provides you with.
unbeknownst to you, as you and yunjin were in the middle of that passionate exchange, karina had managed to track you down and witnessed in horror the painful sight of you with her. god she'd ruined everything, that fucking bitch. how dare she even touch you with such bad intentions? granted karina's thoughts about you weren't 100% platonic either but you were hers. and she intended to do whatever she could to make that happen..
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thehopelessexception · 2 months
how can a person know everything at 18 but nothing at 22 (almost 24)
warning: im writing this while im on my period and eating ice cream.
i've been dissociating for what now? half a year maybe more. i dont recognize reality. i feel im floating in this sea we call society and i've been feeling the wilson of the story here. i assume everything that's happening around me is real, ofc. but that doesnt make it any less a convenient arrangement i build for myself to try to act like a real person and not freak out. i am feeling out of reality. like the part of the game where you let the sim on auto-mode. i am the sim on auto-mode. and i don't know how to stop this stage of oblivion.
to make a vague introduction, the thing with me is that im a living paradox of a full time contradiction. i am flamboyant but i hate being perceived. i like to speak up for myself but i hate people thinking about me because of it. i have my own process of how i understand things. i trust logic and i question everything. im quite skeptical over things when there's no empirical evidence. i seek for knowledge. critical thinking, data analysis and the whole stuff. i know myself. i sometimes look like i am too obnoxious, frivolous, morally corrupted (people have told me that), when i obsess over something —because i sometimes treat people like they are stupid (not my intention really)—; but probably the only thing im completely sure of is myself. i tend to be a confident person, to have an ego, to not let the guard down, to calculate every single move. and lately i am noticing myself being impulsive, insecure, nervous, weird, saying stupid shit, nonsenses, feeling small. and i don't know how to make it stop. the thing is i put my whole self-esteem backed up by my intelligence, however im not sure of anything anymore. i don't know if the reason behind not recognising myself lately is the fact i have somehow a new crush —or a new hyperfixation for that matter— or just the natural act of growing, also known as the quarter life crisis.
i have this thing where i hyperfix on random stuff, i've been like this my whole life. one of my friends even made a powerpoint of all the things i've been obsessed with over the years. and the issue here is that this things never last that much, or maybe they do? i actually never though about it. the most random ones i remember are probably me buying ice-cream cakes of this specific brand every week for two months. i also got obsessed with eating too many scrambled eggs all day every day for a very long time. then it was that turkish telenovela on an airing channel. then ofc succession, and it grew into watching every single movie kieran culkin was part of. the world cup. mbti —im intj by the way—. red white and royal blue (i watched it five times in a day), then nicholas galitzine —did yk he has a lineage that comes all the way from the romanovs?— and his entire filmography. and also politics, i got way into politics; election campaigns, follow up candidates, history, economy, the law, etc (my candidate lost tho) (we're succumbing to disgrace) (like literally we collectively, as a country, haven't had any kind of good news since then) (please help me). and etc etc. but the thing is, i also hyperfix on random people, or not so random i guess. it doesnt happen very often tho, im quite picky, but the procedure is this: i meet someone, they draw somehow my attention, i want to know everything about this person, i talk to this person a lot (medium to long term) (week to months), and then this person becomes my friend or i get bored and completely ignore them for the rest of my life and move on.
but this time is different, or im feeling it different. i find myself questioning everything i know and i was convinced of. i dont know if it has something to do with the fact that i met someone, probably the first person wise enough to make me question if i was ever correct about anything. maybe i am hyperfixating on this person, idealizing them. but it's truly amazing how much more data this person has about everything i know of. and right now i feel way too insecure, because even if this person told me they find me smart and they enjoy talking to me, i am always thinking that if i say something not completely fact-checked they'll think im stupid. it's absurd. it's a boohoo situation, i know. and it's a process im having about who am i, or what am i supposed to be. some months ago the whole context around my life changed or i think it changed? i dont know how to explain it, —i mean i know how but i would have to talk about other things not related to this (politics stuff, things happening in my country, etc). i'll probably will make a new post about it someday—. but the whole issue is, i dont know myself anymore. and everything is crumbling.
im afraid the person i build for myself it's a fraud. or doesnt exist anymore.
i remember myself at 18, and i was this marvellous whole person. independent, smart, focused, driven. that girl spent their whole days outside her house. did everything she wanted to. wasnt scared of anything. and i look at myself now and think how? the pandemic has a lot to do with it i guess, but when i first heard taylor saying that in nothing new i thought "that wont happen to me". guess what, i was wrong.
for my fellow girlies being 23 —in my experience— is exactly how they say it will be. the worst age of your life.
next month is my birthday and im pushing 24. and i have to say my life is a mess. but i dont know if i can call it a mess because it is truly a mess or because i am a complete drama queen. because people probably have worse problems than mine, and i am what you call a white girl, only poorer —and a third world country citizen—. the issue is, i am almost 24, almost 25. almost 27. ALMOST 30. and i did nothing with my life. absolutely nothing. my mom had me at 29 for god's sake.
and by nothing i mean everything i do is not enough to feel it worthy of a life well-lived. should i look for a job and work while studying just to say i am extremely occupied because i have somehow a life? just to feel something? even if that makes my stress situation and anxiety even worse? should i somehow save enough money so i can move from my parents house? even if for my whole generation it's close to impossible? is studying something i (kinda) like enough to not feel like shit about myself? i've never had a boyfriend, nor girlfriend. shoud i look for one? get myself one? even if i dont think any of that would make me happy? i dont think i know happiness as a state of mind, nor the concept of it.
i dont feel like i have many anecdotes to tell in my future. should i measure the life-worth by anecdotes? my friends feel the same way i do, but they have a more organized life. jobs, boyfriends, careers, plans for the future, one of my closest friends move to the other side of the world with her boyfriend (!) in the blink of an eye. but they aren't much happy nor they have many anecdotes either. and i dont have the money or the guts or the available friends to create any.
every day i understand fleabag a bit more.
my favourite anecdotes about my life are from when i was about 13 and 15 years, also known as the worst time of my life. i didnt appreciated it back then, probably none of us did. but when we were teens everything was possible and we didnt have a care on anything other than mundane stuff or rebellious stuff but nothing more than yelling at people, drinking and smoking weird shit (i never had weed tho). not a real responsibility. being careless, free, avoiding consequences that mattered. i think that girl hates me right now. and i am not sure if that's the feeling i should have or if it's just utterly pathetic.
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utterdrip · 4 months
if it helps. i am also in the “astarion falls for high approval tav sometime around his little treat scene even if he’s not entirely sure what this fondness is quite yet” camp with u at least. people in the astarion tag scare me too much to ever say this on main though. that blorbo take seems to be catnip for people rolling into the replies to say he’d never fall during act 1 even though it’s true of every other companion including lae’zel and minthara, yet no one says anything about them 🤔
and welcome yes i used to be firmly in that camp as well!! and honestly mainly because i kept reading Those opinions about him before i really was able to,, mmm commit these hours of playtime myself and sorta experiencing all the different ways this game can play out because like
so i try to see all dialogue trees and even if i do the same things in my playthroughs i will do them in a different order and the game is so different every time, right? what im saying is i had that opinion before i spent all this time exploring early game relationship with him myself,,, does that make sense
BUT YES FRIENDO ! i am glad u were able to share with me at least and tbh i have a video idea for this to Spread My Truth (astarion cares more for the player character in early game more than he himself realizes and many players realize Agenda)
i think people get stuck on “didn’t care for you when we first met” but think that acts i & ii are… short? when they’re not?¿ it also feels weird bc his act ii confession scene, both ways (post araj or orthon) he admits that he initially didnt like the player character but then He Does and its like
sorry this is rambling but i really do not get it friendo like he plainly says “i seduced u bc it was easy but now i feel like an idiot because i have real feelings for you” and ppl are like “astarion doesnt even care abt pc until act iii let alone love them”
are we playing the same game are we romancing the same dude
WHATEVER I DONT HAVE TO DEFEND MYSELF IM HERE TO SPREAD MY “astarion is stupid in love with the player by the end of act i early act ii” AGENDA
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lemonadhe · 7 months
I'm really curious about your angelic PV hc, can you share more about it? (if you want to ofc)
About my Angelic Pure Vanilla headcanon, or, my theory on how PV is an angel
The "Light" is treated as a god in the game, the cookies in the republic are seen praying to it. Both Madeline and Financier Cookie mention how the light can help them, how the light gives them their powers. Almost like an angelic being they are praying to. Pure Vanilla, despite being the strongest user of light magic canonically, has never been seen praying to it. So maybe, he is the light.
Looks wise i dont think it needs much explanation. Angels are pure creatures of light. His color palette is very angelic, plus angels who show themselves to humans are described to be men in robes, which Pure Vanilla's default outfit
Angels are seen as a guidance and helper in dark times. Angels are associated having a polite and calm personality, purity in a way. Which describes Pure Vanilla perfectly. He only wants the good of the cookies, he thinks of the others before himself, which are personality traits of prophets and angels.
Also, for some reason his line
“May fortune be upon you today„
Stuck out to me. He says that as if he is granting the fortune. And, again, angels are associated with granting fortune in multiple medias. I also feel the mention that his characther takes inspiration from literal Jesus Christ.
(a long part of my process of writing got deleted, which i am pretty bummed about, so i apologize the writing seems a bit rushed)
So now diverting from my theories on the canon, here are my headcanons about angel pv
☁️Like most angels, he can shape shift. Which means he actively chooses to be a short old man. He can be anything else, he can be tall and buff if he desires but no. He likes being the short old man he is
☁️Despite walking around like a normal cookie, he has 3 sets of wings. He hides them for multiple reasons, one being he doesnt like looking out of place. Two, being the fact that he forgets to use them because of how little he uses his wings. He can (canonically) float so why bother.
☁️When he is feeling scared and or threathened, he instinctively starts looking more angelic, in a way getting on defense mode. More scared he is, more angelic he looks
☁️His true form is a mix of the Avatar if Destiny and just. Light. It is incomprehensible to cookies, cookies can pass out on sight of seeing it. Avatar of Destiny is like a toned down version of his true form. Only the ancient heroes know about this true form and even they were quite traumatized afterwards.
☁️He has mind altering abilities but chooses not to use it. He will only use it on emergencies like if an information is too much for a cookie to handle
☁️He can absolutely destroy earthbread if he wanted to. We saw a small bit of his abilities on the Dark Flour War. That was just to seal Dark Enchantress, imagine what he would do if he wanted to kill her. Which is why he is so stubborn about never using his powers for violence. Cause if he looses control, that would be the end of earthbread.
☁️Cookies pray to him sometimes, he doesnt enjoy thus, though. He politely warns the cookie praying to him to stop, he doesnt want to be seen as a god.
Aaaand i think that is all, i would make the post look prettier but I think if i work on this post more i am going to go insane, i hate loosing process😭
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pseudonymphomania · 1 year
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This is the first time I've made something for my own MC. "Dear Love" refers to my IRL partner, whom I pretend to write to about my adventures in the Devildom.
I play the game as everyone's platonic friend. I am asexual and enjoy Queer Platonic Relationships for myself. I also play matchmaker in my own Devildom universe.
My attributes: average height. Black hair styled with a medium hold matte pomade. Brown eyes. Beauty mark under my nose. Dimple on one side of my face.
Clothing: Prefer formal wear over casual. Suspenders over belts. Monochromatic colours or loud ostentatious patterns, no in-between. Comfy dress shoes in black or brown but open to other colours to match outfits; I'm wearing leather monkstrap shoes in the picture. Metal accents like tie clips are crucial. Got laser eye surgery but sometimes wears fake glasses to feel something on my face. Satchel contains good pens, quality paper, and workstation. Fitbit on my wrist to count every step I take to solve the problems of the day.
Personality: wry and dry humour. Workaholic. Lifelong learner. The Parent Friend. Always happy to help. Frontline tendencies.
Skills: technical writing, sewing and clothing construction, trades and mechanics, hair cutting, musician (piano and guitar), singer and actor (theatre), novelist, artist
Likes: obtaining new skills and making new friends. Justice. Equity.
Dislikes: misunderstandings, situations that could have been handled effectively but weren't. Unclear communication.
Occupation before I got Isekai'd: Director of Operations
Character I relate to the most: Lucifer
Character I would date if I was inclined: Diavolo, because he reminds me of my actual partner.
The reason I ship DiaLuci so hard: I love my partner the most and this is a mirror to that, right down to situations and actual conversations we have had in real life. The narrative potential. Other reasons.
My MC and OM Characters in my Devildom:
Lucifer: would smugly tell me that I've used a comma splice and I'd tell him to "shove a semi-colon in it". He's my bestest friend in the entire Devildom. We go to cafes and bookstores and go shopping for office supplies. I tell him to stop working so hard and he stares at me like "You're the one telling me this? The audacity." I needle him about his crush and he tells me to fuck off but his face is red.
Mammon: my other bestie but in a wildly different way. He brings out the shit-disturber in me. We play billiards together and play for treats. I disapprove of his gambling but am all-in on the shopping. He takes me out to all the best food places. "Try this, Beckett, you'll really love it." Meanwhile it's some sort of Devildom Atrocity, but somehow it's still good.
Levi: my nerd friend. I bring him offerings and leave them outside his door. We play games often with Mammon and I kick their butts at fighting games, but get wrecked when I have to make choices. We stay up hellishly late and I wake up with chocolate on my face. "Lets do this again: ive got the hottest new dating sim to try!" We are both groggy and destroyed and i have to go to work, but I agree to come back tonight.
Asmo: my favourite boy toy. He's stylish as hell and knows what looks good on anybody. Hes my personal stylist. I cut his hair in exchange. Just like with Mammon I go shopping with Asmo, except he knows all the good places for clothing and knows where all the thrift stores are. "It doesnt have to be new and expensive to look good honey!" I agree. I cuddle with Asmo the most because he loves touch.
Satan: my boy thirsts for knowledge and I do too. We skill-trade and fan over cats. Unfortunately I'm very allergic, but I appreciate them from afar and draw cats for him to hang in his book-filled room. "Do you want to come to the cat Cafe with me?" Oh Satan. He's his father's son alright, but he's just as much of a shit disturber as Mammon. He teaches me fun curses to use on people but I'm content with just knowing it.
Beel: when I'm tired Beel carries me back home and talks about the science behind calories and energy retention in relation to demonic body types. He enjoys cooking and I love testing recipes on him, but I have to swat him away from eating it before it's done. We do exercises together and buff up together. "I can almost see your six pack, haha".
Belphie: he's my sleepy boy. He can be irrational sometimes but I put a blanket over his head to shake him out of it and he snuggles closer. I play him songs on piano and guitar and sing him to sleep, but then I also end up quite sleepy. He's like a son to me and I lecture him often. I try to keep him and Satan from screwing with Lucifer too much. I'm a double agent in the anti Lucifer league lol
Diavolo: i enjoy it when he regales me with Devildom laws, traditions and customs. He speaks of how the executive branch and legislative branch operates in the context of his kingdom and I suggest to strengthen certain areas of his constitution to bring his vision of equity and interrealm relations to the forefront. I am also a shit disturber and needle him about his crush. "You are asking beyond your means, Beckett. Forgive me if I don't answer." Hm... yes, of course. Sorry.
Barbatos: I learn how to be the most efficient I can be from someone who is the most efficient. He is skilled in everything and I must learn from the best. I'm his best student and I'm a teachers pet so i love to hear it. He's been and seen everything and he is an excellent linguist. He is poetry personified in the every day. "Don't let Solomon ruin you too much." I won't!
Solomon: I use my knowledge of mechanics and trades and recontextualise it to be an artificier and create magical items. He is also one to bring out the shit disturber in me and I have almost become Thirteen just from the incidentally nonsense stuff I make. "Oh that's an interesting effect. I wonder what will happen if I give this to Barbatos". Solomon, dude. Do you want to get murdered. Is that what you're into.
Simeon: he is my sweetest and chillest boy. My bestie to talk about justice and relationality with. When I'm insecure and feel like people don't like me as much as they do, he reassures me and tells me stories of his own relationships. "There is nothing wrong with stepping back. Once you've regained your sense of self, you'll be able to pursue the path of friendship again and people will be ready to receive you."
Luke: he is like my son. I make sure he doesn't get nightmares because he seems to have a hard time acclimating to his demonic environment. He teaches me how to bake so that I can make some cakes that look like real inanimate objects and eat them in front of people, to their shock.
Mephisto: I am like Lucifer 2.0. He doesn't really like me but I have no hard feelings toward him.
Thirteen: my Bae. She's a delight but I have to make sure her shenanigans don't cause too much damage in the area or accidentally kill me. I would date her after Diavolo if I was inclined to do that.
I hope you enjoyed seeing my experience and interpretation of the game from my point of view. Everyone's MC journey is very personal to them and I do not believe there is a wrong way to enjoy the game. Thank you for reading. :)
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
hi uhh you dont have to answer this i mostly just need to say it but i feel like im giving up on getting a diagnosis. im doing a bunch of bloodwork and procedures that suck and i still dont have any solid diagnosis from my doctor and really, any possible result i could get from what we’ve narrowed down just doesnt have a cure and its easier to symptom treat fatigue and joint pain. am i still valid to say i have a chronic illness? i just can’t afford to keep doing doc visits with no results but i have no diagnosis. just symptoms. /nf thanks for your time
you're chronically ill regardless of diagnosis or results, and your feelings are valid. it's so tiring to search for an answer, and it's okay to use your money wisely - if symptom treating is most accessible, you can just do that. it's your health, and i encourage you to do what you think is best.
if it helps to know, im in a similar situation. some things, i have an answer for. other things, i don't - and the possibilities are all incurable. so i understand how you feel. i do my best to push through the doubt, and i keep trying for a diagnosis. i just give myself a break sometimes.
and that's all you can really do - try your best. fight when you can, rest when you need to, do what you know works... and remember you deserve support. it's hard to do it all alone, and if you are doing it that way: im proud of you. you've worked so hard, and i hope you get some relief soon.
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girlwithfish · 6 months
im sad too cuz i had some hoes i liked in raleigh and now im stuck in charlotte for three months i do not like this city that much and i do not like living w my mother like you kmow? i feel like a brat but it just fucking sucks i had a life and ive lived in raleigh 3 yrs now its my home i enjoy independence and space and i dont get that when im at home my mom kinda treats me like a teenager even if she doesnt intend to. and i still am a little afraid of her esp w my ex like forcing me to uncover and process trauma i have w her all at once it just overwhelmed me and put me in a bad place mentally bc he would try to force me to process my trauma the way he wants. and its just hard having my wjole life taken away it feels like my routije the places i like to go my freedom my apartment that I found and did all the work to apply for and all of the processes and reaching out to leasing and it was my home and i cant go back bc hes unsafe even tho je wants to claim i can still live there til i get a new place and well just be roommates but ik i cant trust him even tho sometimes i wanna just risk it and do it just so i have a place to stay but myfamily would prob not let me anyway which is understandable but like i said i feel powerless and like everyones making decisions for me or my life iso ut of mg hands now and my whole life is changed for now i feel dramatic but i am obsessed w routine and normalcy and it drives me crazy when i have to change that and im just sad. but i guess life just blows so cool. its hust unfair this is happening to me like it feels like punishment. nd i cant go to my program in raleigh anynore the therapy one my life just got too bad where its nkt even that beneficial so maybe ill switch to a diff one in this city but i still dont think itll help bc i feel i need really intense one on one therapy bc i am so like traumatized i guess lol and those programs can b impersonal or hard in a big group to get the care u need esp bc my plsce was understaffed and i dont wanna switch eother bc its a whole new place i have to grt used to but i guess thats whay i have to do
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liquidstar · 8 months
Question to the OC keeper, if my universe had a Goddess who ruled and protected women, and especially young girls, would it be alright to include a trans man in her sphere of protection? Not because he is a woman, of course, but because he stands risks of similar types of violence and discrimination. Maybe only when he's a child. Or would that be a bad thing to have regardless of how it's written? I am a cis girl myself, so sorry in advance if any of this is offensive.
dont worry about potentially offending! i think its good that youre making an effort, do not worry :)
see i think that stuff like that could be done well (wonder egg kind of did it! even though it was a very messy show so its hard to tell exactly what the point was...) but i also think that it would be veeeerrry easy to botch, especially if you dont have firsthand experience. and im not saying that its impossible to write for people w different experiences than you, im just saying it requires a lot more conscious effort. but youre being conscious by asking so thats good!
like you said, its tricky because it could imply that the misogyny trans men face via ppl seeing them as women is "binds" them to womanhood so to speak. and personally i think that my knee-jerk reaction to seeing that is skepticism about what the author thinks of trans people. THAT BEING SAID you could also work around this by just... also including a trans WOMAN in her sphere? i honestly would suggest doing that either way, if you want it to be clear that the goddess also stands for trans people.
but in regards to the child part: not every trans person thinks of their gender in the same terms, many people do think "i was a girl then, but now im not" rather than "i was always a man" (and sometimes its a combination of both, its complicated!). but i do think that if handled poorly the former could also translate to "since this character was a girl, then hes on some level still a girl even if he doesnt identify as such anymore" which is dangerous. the issue is that its a very very very common belief that trans men are actually just scared and confused girls who were manipulated or groomed in some way, and that they have to be PROTECTED from this terrible fate in which theyre mutilated and victimized. and since this is a /protection/ circle i think it needs to be made clear exactly what he is being protected from. it cant be just vague misogyny, because many could take it to be the former- that hes some sort of recovering victim of the trans mob forcing him to give up his divine femininity or whatever
it really would be a safer bet to make the trans character a woman, because transmisogyny is such a rampant issue and making it clear that trans women are welcome in women's safe spaces is important. that being said you could also do BOTH, like i said before. or even include cis men impacted by misogyny in other ways too, if you dont wanna make it a women's only club. if its moreso about the type of discrimination than the exact gender of the person experiencing it, i'm sure your oc wouldnt stand for any type of discrimination that hinges on the idea that things considered feminine are lesser. it could be as simple as an ostracized gay guy being treated like he's "unman", or a big cishet man who keeps all his emotions hidden for fear of being seen as weak, or a little boy who gets bullied for crying, or something. these are all just suggestions that i'm spitballing, you dont have to use them (its your story!) but it could help with not making the trans guy feel like hes either an "odd man out" or... like a hes woman. which is what you wanna avoid!
of course, if you wanna keep it generally women-only (and i still suggest including trans women in this) and you wanna depict him as a child pre-transition... i think that could work in a way. again i think its tricky, but it could be the sort of thing where, since he's a kid, he's afraid to leave the comfort of being a girl (all he's ever known so far!) in order to embark on the unknown transition into manhood. there's a lot there that's genuinely so scary. "what if i'm wrong? what if i'm not accepted? what if i lose everyone i love? what if ill always been seen as a woman anyway? how will i be safe?" and you can have it be the sort of thing where the goddess ENCOURAGES him to try anyway, and thats its okay if hes wrong, because the people who have loved and supported him so far wont stop. that he will still be welcomed and protected, not because hes a woman but because hes loved either way. that he wont lose his community over becoming a boy, and she will still watch over him. i think thats what you want to go for, right?
so good luck my friend... let me know if i was helpful or if you need anything else. i hope i was able to at least give some good ideas! and i hope your time with your ocs goes well :)
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kyywtii · 2 years
Tears Of Themis boys as ||𝚃𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙲𝙷 𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚁𝚂||
𝙰𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚖 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚐
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Chill and relaxing games
No screaming
No keyboard smashing
No table banging
No chair jumping
Just peace
Talks to his chat more than he actually plays tbh
Games like Unpacking and Townscaper where you don't need to use your brain that much
Sometimes... JUST SOMETIMES...
He feels like streaming for 7 hours to play all the Sherlock Holmes games humans have produced
7 hours playing the same game if he's really into it
Or if his chat is being annoying
Even fangames-
Every time there's a save point in the game he's just "Chat, let's take this opportunity to discuss all we've done so far"
Has an inside joke within the fandom about him having an OnlyFans account
Just cuz he attempted to make a joke once
"@Art3m1s feet pics when~"
"These are not for free"
"... guys what the-"
His mods hated him that day
Complete chaos
"@Art3m1s where did that picture of you and @Mariland go ? I can't find it on Twitter TT"
"Oh I just-... guys no"
"Omg is it what we think it is"
"Everyone... don't-"
Doesn't know how to deal with any of this istg
𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚎
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I don't know what he's doing either don't ask me
This man rage quit Stardew Valley once
"@LukeyCharm... you need to use the right bait..."
"... I'm not playing this game anymore the cat is ugly anyways"
Switched to cooking Mama instead
Professor Layton is his bitch actually
Once the light in his room turned off because, well, light bulb
And that was the day he got his "man who doesn't pay his bills" reputation
"Omg @LukeyCharm... we didn't know you couldn't afford to pay for your lights we failed you as a community TT"
"It's okay !! You don't have to be ashamed ^^"
"We'll make sure to help you in the future ! Guys, make donations !!!"
"Guys I made a petition to raise funds and provide enough money for his electricity bills, go sign it!"
"Let's go ! Let's go! Sign it !!!"
Is actually so done with his community it's hilarious
"Will the lights hold until the end of the stream this timeeeeeeee???~"
"... I'm banning you"
𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜 𝚅𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗
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Listen first of all
Cat and dog ears filters
A price
He got multiple filters with multiple sizes and multiple colors and multiple shapes of multiple species
Depending on how long you want the ears to stay on his head
The price is all types of wallets friendly
Screams 24/7
Plays horror games to scream even more
Gets bullied by his chat on a daily
"@Mariland gives such bottom energy"
"??? Excuse you ???"
"Ikr !!! I mean one glance is enough to tell that!"
"HELLO where did this COME FROM"
"Omg @Mariland looks so cute when he's scared~~~"
"... I hate yall"
He actually loves yall
Someone paid 50$ just to ask him to say "UwU" one day
He actually was shocked ngl
"I'd do anything to hear him say UwU"
"Huh- nah I'm not saying that"
~ilovemelon donated 50$~
".... what was it you wanted me to say-"
Plays Genshin impact
And the Sims
And anything that comes his way tbh
𝚅𝚢𝚗 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛
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H i m
Which one of you encouraged him to do this
I mean forced
His community is by far the most disciplined one
Wonder how he has a community in the first place he treats his viewers like absolute trash I'm sorry-
Love hate relationship with his fans
"OmG @Vynyl remember that day when you couldn't pronounce the main character's name ???"
"Remember that day when you got blacklisted and got restricted access to content on this channel? I mean today?"
"... I'm sorry"
Gives his chat the silent treatment everytime they start being annoying
"I'm not even gonna acknowledge seeing whatever it is I just saw"
Actually lets his fandom choose the games to stream every now and then
Once someone requested a game saying it was one of the funniest most amazing underrated games ever
It was neither fun
Nor amazing
And it wasn't underrated rather overrated as a matter of fact
That bs shouldn't even have existed first of all
Man was so disappointed he decided to play Subway Surfers for 3 hours straight
"@Vynyl... Can't we switch games..."
"This is so booooooring"
"Suit yourselves"
"Cant we just do something else already TT"
"Next time you'll make sure to choose wisely."
Don't try to get him involved in any drama fr
"@Vynyl is so problematic he's literally so insensitive and disrespectful"
"... I literally saw you barking in my live yesterday"
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limpfisted · 9 months
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WYLL’S FLAWED PERSPECTIVE. or, how to “read” my replies!
i personally believe wyll is a flawed character and its important to give him the full spectrum of emotions beyond “good” “kind” or “bad” “evil.”
i am personally working on trying to stay “ic” and true to my characters, without pushing the character into saying something that will like, be good for a ship, or like, be an “rp people pleaser” if that makes senses!
i don’t JUST want to have interactions where wyll is perfect. to me, wyll has flaws in the way he communicates and sees the world. this does not mean he is not heroic, or a kind, decent man—it just means i love him as a character for his layers. these things make him more REAL and complex than i think wyll as a PERSON wants to be, in a kind of “hide my truth, hide my feelings, elsa frozen kinnie” way
so without further ado, here are some things wyll might do or want to do or say incorrectly or percieve your character in the wrong way even tho i personally would not behave in the same ways irl On Purpose For Some Of These Things
CONDESCENDING. wyll believes he knows best. wyll believes he can say all the right words and “fix things.” he can make EVERYTHING better. he has a SAVIOR COMPLEX. while never being a perfect martyr, he really does think he can “ahaaha dont have depression ur so sexy” ur ass by being gentle and kind and roleplaying a fairy tale with you. additionally, if you seem “soft” in some way, or “meek” in some way, wyll want to “help you” more.
AVOIDANT. wyll does not want to talk about what he wants, what he notices, what he feels, except in poetryor tall tales or threats of violence. his pretty words sometimes hide an emptiness, a dreaminess. he speaks of things he cannot have and will not ask for. he is embarrassed to want, embarrassed to need, attention, desire, anything but charm and protecting the innocent and meek.
OVERLY ROMANTIC. this ties in with above. he idealizes people, he puts them on pedestals, he treats them like they are made of glass. he does not humanize others or himself enough, and prefers to live in a world of fantasies and pretend.
BOASTFUL. wyll tries to be humble—but this is to match a persona. if you dive even slightly deeper into things, he’s all too happy to tell you how strong and heroic he is, to the point of condescion and vanity. on the other hand, he will not take you seriously if you threaten him! he’ll threaten you back! he doesnt give a single fuck!
BLACK AND WHITE THINKING AND SNAP JUDGEMENTS. to wyll, you are either “hunter” “prey” “hero/villain” the person he needs to protect people from. he will bide his time—but it is difficult for him to trear villains kindly, and he will NEVER truly respect them as people, unless they prove they have changed or are not trying to hurt anyone currently.
WILL WORK WITH VILLAINS. WILL MAKE DEALS WITH DEVILS. WILL ALSO HUNT THEM FOR SPORT. easy to understand, wyll believes he can “control” devils, if they are useful to him. wyll can ally with evil—even if he is just biding his time to kill them later.
VIOLENT. ROLEPLAYER. if you are evil, he will just want to kill you and that’s that! he wanted to kill every goblin at that camp! he relishes in violence as long as it’s for justice. he gets off on the power and pomp of it n his heroism—even when its not actually heroic
WORDS GET AWAY FROM HIM. he will speak with intention, but has a tendency to ramble poetically. when angry, and threatening someone, sometimes he makes no sense at all bc he just wants murder myrder death death justice
A SILLY BILLY!! he can take himself very seriously, but also he is brainweird and skin hungry n loves to touch n be weird and wrestle n write funny poems and get drunk n dance under the stars. he’s a silly ex-(would have been a theatre kid but his dad wanted him to join jrotc instead) kid! he likes big bold gestures. he is EXTREMELY REPRESSED, but the closer he gets to u, the more ull see his joy n not just his “good hero”
DEEPLY LONELY AND APPROVAL SEEKING. wyll really likes it when people pay attention to him. nore than he likes actually doing good things, sometimes. note: there is nothing wrong with doing good things for recognition, everyone deserves recognition of hard work n pain. but it still makes him more interesting to me than generic hero!:
EASILY CORRUPTABLE / MOLDABLE / MANIPULATED. he approves of killing for auntie ethel n them immediatley goes. oh. fuck. oh no…. i fucked up. im trash…. he got i. cahoots with mizora and thinks he CHOSE that bc hes so so good!
NOT IN TOUCH WITH HIS FEELINGS. wyll doesn’t always know wgat’s going on his beain/heart, n honestly he doesn’t want to think abt it too hard! but i will! i always will, wyll.
SMART, BUT DOESN’T CARE ENOUGH TO QUESTION. i dont feel like writing anymore god free me. free me from the sin of my hubris. free me. no more writing
something so,ething hes traumatized and pushes people away n puts them on a pedestal so they can never know how scarred and scared and unworthy he feels bc of the deep loneliness inside him from his family’s emotional instability coupled with being homeless as a teenager with only an abuser to guide him thru his late teens, etc
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bitterbelphie · 2 months
{{ these are some notes for myself mostly dont mind them fjdjfj
that said, i am still alive! blogs not dead i am just throttled irl but i am out here. i am out here. im just very overwhelmed. i am thinking about belphie but have bumbled my goofy ass into some writing issues i want to put down somewhere that wont get lost fjdj so. so. }}
point one;
belphie is one of the most socially involved characters i've ever had in my hands wherein his relationships are so close and impactful on him, and that's considerable! he doesnt know or deal with a billion people all at the same time, but he DOES live with six brothers and a human, and has to worry about others (two angels, one other human, two other Very Big Deal demons) at least occasionally. i have an understanding why the writing team sometimes feels really very rushed the further they go on with obey me im going to be real with you NGJSJF
again, it isn't just the number or proximity; belphies brothers are really very impactful on him, not just in past tense but in the ways they interact with each other, the ways they bicker or support each other or even the human, how belphie perceives these things. he's a more introverted character, but just as he's notorious for his introversion (sometimes levi calls him a fellow shut-in, and hes declined outings several times unless they suited his own needs and interests specifically [before being forced anyway usually]) he's also notorious for watching and listening to the ways the others talk about what's going on, each other, TO each other, how their bonds strengthen or weaken. he's very sensitive to being replaced or forgotten about, or treated as though he's dangerous or like someone doesn't know how to interact with him anymore after the attic incident.
all this to say, to write a rich and satisfying belphie, takes shaking off a lot more rust and getting used to writing several characters in a situation all at the sams time, which i've for some reason been very squirrely to do??? like i'm not allowed or something???? up to the challenge, if only for breaking this very strange sensation of 'oh thats not allowed ):' ON WHAT PLANET. WHEN AND WHY DID THAT HAPPEN
point two;
winter.... oh winter. precious MC stand in. what am i going to do with you.
obviously the mc in a romancey otome game is supposed to move the story along in a way that's as generic and projectable as possible. there's still some personality there; a character that drives an entire family of fallen angels who've had repeated fallings out and coming together again moments and unites them is going to be a sort that's strong in mind and in heart, sure. this is a protagonist in a mushy gushy love game with some edge paint slapped over the top; something i love quite a bit, mind you, but... there's so much blank slate, and so much freedom.
what. am i going to do with you. somehow i did not anticipate The Main Character being something so potentially useful, but also requiring their own good bit of attention. so i should think about where they've been yoinked from and how that helps them adapt to the environment they're in. the mc also has quite the unique relationship with belphie, given the whole murder thing, and subsequent "oh btw the entire reason you did that? built on a lie. yeah everything you justified that with wasn't real. yeah now you both have to cope with that. and each other. yeah."
so winter being a big deal is sort of a big deal in itself. they both have made huge impacts on each other, and belphie's forfeited to them some of his JUST-FOUND FREEDOM to START his apology and that's. i mean god damn. winter knows he'd been trapped a long time, winter knows he'd been lied to, but that his feelings of neglect and betrayal aren't gone... but that also doesn't mean they're just fine now, either. he murdered their ass and he tried to do it again until he was told the truth and broke down as it sunk in fjdj not even immediately.
they have a lot of questions for one another, but also a lot of tension. delicious mix. how much i would love to really do something with that.
very good to get this out of my brain and somewhere i'll find it again fjdjgj
maybe ill noodle around with this??? try to practice some things and lean into that early canon feel i liked so much and base some things off canon events. augh please understand how much this sleepy freak lives rent free in my brain space even though i am so so quiet. trying to get unfrozen in so many ways
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Hiiiii lemon here, gonna drop a somnophilia ask in beforehand (and hope it doesnt get lost in the fanmail lmao) if thats alright bc im gonna be travelling around that time and will likely be in no shape to send it in then (its v exciting but its so stressful i swear im going crazy i wont be surprised if i turn into a motherfucking banana before this is over. A banana anon. Abanananan. If this doesnt characterise the chaos my life is rn i dont even know) (oh crap the banana is taken already. Am i a hybrid? Lemonana? Balemon? Banamon? It looks like a banana and then you take a bite and surprise surprise its evil?? I dont know i should get to the ask prbly)
So idk if this is weird actually but i was thinking seb getting to play with you while youre asleep instead of the other way around? 
I mean, he is an early riser and sometimes he would wake up unbearably horny. It starts out as him cuddling up to you, kissing your neck maybe, nuzzling into your shoulder insistently, and he always shakes you awake when he cant wait any longer because he would never do anything without your explicit permission. 
And some morning he shakes you awake, and you swing an arm lazily around his neck and tell him he can go on, so now he is grinding against your hip, and it’s so nice—it’s a steady pace that’s almost lulling, and you’re warm and happy and have your favourite boy here with you who is so cute when he is needy, and it’s not like you were fully alert in the first place, so you start to drift back to sleep. 
He stops and shakes you awake again.
The problem is, you really don’t want to wake up yet.
“What’s the matter, love, do you need something?” you mumble, and he hides his face into your shoulder guiltily, realising he isn’t letting you sleep when you probably want to. But what if you want him to stop or something and you can’t because you’re asleep? You hum and settle more comfortably against the pillows. “Wake me up if you want to come, but not earlier than in half an hour.”
It turns out to be pretty fun—most of the fun being how into it he unexpectedly is. Because you trust him with this? You trust him to be a good boy and do everything right while you’re not watching him, but also trust him with your body so completely? 
He is not allowed to come until you wake up and give him explicit permission, but other things may vary: sometimes you will tell him beforehand that everything is fair game but he cant wake you up before your alarm goes off (otherwise he doesnt get to come for the rest of the day), or that he isn’t allowed to touch you, only help himself. 
Initially the main rule sounds something like “no orgasms while i’m asleep” and he is puzzled by it. Turns out, the question is, should he wake you up if you’re about to come? You don’t think there is much use in this rule, surely you’d wake up if you were that close, but you keep it anyway—and turns out the little shit can be extremely sneaky when he wants to, and not a little bit smug about it, too. So sometimes you wave the rule on yourself. As a treat.
With love, 
Lemon 💜🍋
p s hope everyone is having a fun kinktober the 15th, will look at what yall were up to as soon as i can! 💕✨🥰
Okay so lemon sent this ask a while ago and I have been counting down the days until somno day because this ask is fucking AMAZING. Lemon you are an absolute genius this is incredible.
Also lemon, we need a travel update. I assume you've gone insane, but we need to know the level of insanity. Update us!! We require a debrief.
Okay anyway, back to seb somno!
Before you came along, seb never really woke up horny after he was like 15. But then he gets into a relationship with you and suddenly he's waking up horny all the time? Like his body is aware that he's next to you and knows you'll make him feel good.
And of course, you love waking up to a horny seb, and love being woken up by a horny seb even more. Because the times when Seb wakes you up himself are just the best. He's so painfully hard, whining into your ear and finally shaking you awake because he cant take it anymore.
Being able to grind against you feels so nice. Not just because it's getting some much-needed friction, but also because he feels so warm and safe? He can can cuddle into your side, head resting against your shoulder as he grinds against you.
But then you fall back asleep and seb panics?
I also think it would take seb a minute or two to realise that you've fallen asleep? Because he's just so wrapped up in how good it feels to drag his hips against you in the warmth and comfort of the bed.
And then he looks up at you to get a kiss and realises that you've fallen asleep? Seb panics so much.
Because he doesnt know when you fell asleep. What if he's been grinding against you and you fell asleep basically the moment you said he could?
He feels so bad. He has no idea what to do, but he's also still so hard and not moving his hips against you feels like absolute torture because now he knows how good it feels.
So he shakes you awake, because he figures if he's going to get in trouble, then he should own up to it. That's one of his rules: he must always tell you if he's been bad and if he's honest with you, he'll get a lighter punishment (you have never needed to punish him, but he insists that you have rules for that).
So he shakes you awake, and you're very confused.
"Close to cumming?" you ask him, still half asleep. You assume he's woken you because he needs permission to cum.
"No..." he mumbles, "you fell asleep, and I.. I didn't know so I kept on going."
Now you're even more confused.
"Yes?" you say, "I told you that you could? Seb, why would you think you'd get in trouble for doing something I gave you permission for?"
"Cause you were sleeping," he explains, "you weren't... you didn't know?"
You roll over to face him, cupping his jaw, "You're my good boy. I know that you'll always follow my rules, even when I'm asleep, and I know that you'd never hurt me. So you can grind against me when you wake all hard and achy, yeah? You're a good boy, and good boys get to do that."
Seb cries at your words, shuffling closer and hugging you tight because he cant he gets to have this, cant believe you trust him with something as precious as your body.
From there, he gets more used to it. He understands he's always allowed to grind against you, that he can get pleasure like that for as long as he wants until your alarm goes off. And he knows that when you wake up, you'll always let him cum.
It's actually him that asks about him touching you while you're still sleeping. Cause he wants to make you feel good?
You're open to the idea, and you know he'd never hurt you.
Seb loves it so much! Even more than grinding against you, just settling between your legs and licking you for a little while is the perfect way to start the morning.
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drpeppertummy · 6 months
I am looking respectfully at sunny's sister 😳
🎵, 🤭(for the kink one, can't find proper emoji)📅,🥘,👨‍⚕️,💝,🎈,😝,🚗 Sorry for so many I love her and I need to know more!
Thank Youuuuuu shes sadly not nearly as Situation-Prone as her knucklehead brother & im afraid ill have to disappoint u a little but ill do what i can
🎵 Do they have a noisy tummy? Is there anything unique or notable about the sounds their tummy makes? - only when shes hungry, but its nothing particularly noteworthy
🫢 Do they have any kind of belly kink or awareness of it? Do any of the characters around them? - no😔
📅 How frequently do they get into tummy shenanigans? - pretty rarely. i think the thing that gets her most often is taste testing (she cooks a lot) but also sometimes one does have to go a little overboard when good food is involved. doesnt generally get Ridiculously Overstuffed but occasionally finds herself a little too full
🥘 What's the most they've eaten in one sitting? How did they feel afterwards? - Good Question giuliana has a pretty good capacity & doesnt usually wind up too overstuffed even if her tummys stickin out a little. probably like some holiday dinner where there was way too much food & she had to eat too much to even try it all. she didnt feel Awful but her belly was definitely too tight for comfort
🧑‍⚕️ Do they usually ask for comfort when they don't feel good, or does somebody just know to comfort them? - shes one to dismiss it & walk it off for sure. i think the people close to her can tell tho & they make her stop & rest a little
💝 Do they want comfort when they don't feel good--even if they won't admit it--or do they prefer to deal with it alone? - she acts all tough but she does want comfort. even if she tells herself she doesnt. she generally deals with it alone tho😔
🎈 Do they ever find themselves feeling bloated from something other than food? (swallowed air, too much liquid, period, illness, etc) - been pondering this one i could see her being a little Overly Hydrated esp at work. i think she also gets crazy period bloating too tho which is Worse but of course Less Frequent
😝 How would they feel if someone teased them for being hungry? For being too full? - depends on whos teasing her. she can have a sense of humor with the people shes really close to & cares about but if the wrong person teases her she might bite their head off. full is less iffy than hungry tho
🚗 Does their tummy get upset from things other than food or hunger? (nerves, vehicles, etc) - maybe rollercoasters. which isnt a situation she finds herself in frequently but shes got 2 kids & 5 other nieces & nephews so its bound to come up once in a while
& some miscellaneous (non-kink) info
she runs a restaurant & her staff Love her bc she has no problems telling off rude customers
shes very blunt & opinionated. has No problem speakin her mind
she & sunny have 2 older brothers. they only picked on sunny when she wasnt around. they couldnt pick on her bc she was not above fighting dirty
shes like a Cartoon Tough Guy nobody fucks with her
sunnys one of the only people who can get away with bullshit with her. shes really protective of him bc he was always such a tiny sickly kid & bc of the way their dad & brothers treated him when he was little. theyre way closer with each other than with the older brothers theyre like besties
very protective of her loved ones in general. esp her family (not her dad tho he can get fucked)
shes very no nonsense & a lot of people are intimidated by that & theyre right to be but she can also be nice & loving & silly sometimes
u know that post about how east coast people are kind but not nice. thats her 100%. she has a good heart & she'll help people & do things for people & make sure the people she cares about are treated well but she just has such a like??? gruff way of doing it
shes a lot softer with her kids & the niblings tho
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Tw: mentions of death, war, murder, child abuse, slavery, lil blood think thats all but anything i missed feel free to tell me
Note: not very knowledgeable with the witcher fandom but i tried to investagate what i could, but even so ill probsbly get stuff wrong so my apologies here. Also good with writting so sorry if it sounds shitty XD
POV: u found out whose been stealing ur food
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Ana from Nilfgaardian: Backstory
Ana's life was filled by nothing but human's torment and survival. She only 3 years old when she was found with her mother's corpse and letter saying that whoever finded her to please took care of her. Samuel one of the prisioners in the group took the child as his own, felt pity to let it die in the middle of the forest like her mother.
And so for the next 3 years Ana would grew up being taught the best way to stay alive is to stay quiet and obey. Ana's only family was a grop of criminals but they loved her and took care of her as their own. But even so, child or no the guards wouldnt care less, once you become a prisioner you're treated like one...
They knew she wouldn't last long in this hell of a place....
When the heard the rumors of a witcher close to these walls, they decided to help her to escape, witchers protected people so if she could find the witcher she could find protection.
She met the group later on, they found her eating their food behind the bushes, she tried to run off and they were gonna let her go if she hadn't fainted duo to exhaustion. The decided to take her in until they could find someone who could take care of her. (Spoilers that day hasnt come 😃)
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(They gotted clothes for her cuz c'mon she was barefoot the poor thing :/)
Interactions with the group:
Avdol: He was the first one who she got the closets with his calm aura made her trust him, he likes to read her and share stories of their past hunts, he also tends to spoonfeed her a lot. Litteraly calls him mama XD (doesnt really mind, he thinks its cute)
Kakyion: The quiet duo. They mostly enjoy eachothers company, likes to play with his hair and observe him and avdol when they making potions (she sometimes gets handsy but backs off when told to)
Polnareff: she like his music, she sometimes ask him to sing her to sleep (specialy after having a nightmare) he like to tease her sometimes (which ends up her biting him lol) also because she so quiet she tends to scare him off HAHA
Alex & Yanyu: She loves them :3. Very affectionate with them and likes to sleep on Yanyu's lap. Although Alex gets a lil nosy sometimes so she just cover her ears to let her know shes being too loud (i feel like she tends to raise her voice without meaning to like me xddd)
Jotaro: Another one whose she's very affectionate with. Was scared of him at first but she gets very attached to him later on. Calls him papa (says he doesnt like it but he actually MELTS at the name) stays close to him the most and likes to put flowers in his hair. Loves being carried by him 💕
Ana: Da-ddy?
Jotaro: Do I look like-
Ana: :(
Ana: Papa! :D
He's like those dads that didnt want the dog at first, but treats them like their kid the next day lol
Joseph: He babies her the most and likes to tell her stories of his old adventures, he tells him about holly sometimes (mostly when jota isnt close) uses her as shirld whenever he pisses jota cuz he knows how soft he's become on ana (jota denise it but we all know how it is 🙄)
Overall they all love her very much and will fight anyone who hurts the child
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Note: Witcher jjba au belongs to the wonderful @ahoge-fish pls go and check it out on their blog! Cuz its thanks to them im just as hooked as i am to this fandom now ksksksksks
Also hope i didnt make the characters to ooc here (im sorry if i did)
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verm1c1de · 2 years
Hello please tell me literally anything you can about pradr :33
I have brain worms and they need sustinance.
ok ok. so im gonna be honest half of this is semi-related to the very specific fursion of them that i share with my furiend id beclaws were geniuses and if nyall had any idea HALF the stuff we wrote mew would be going bonkers
so basically the gist of them is "were furiends beclaws of mewtual hate but then find out that oh god oh no there are things we LIKE. about EACHOFUR!!! FUCK!!!!!"
more under the cut beclaws this is gonna be a bit of a looong post
in the show its already been shown that the tallest and dib will just. Willingly Hang Out on call and theyll vaguely entertain his nonsense ((if very confused about it)). so that can def escalate to regular chats while zims not there/when zim HAS to put up with dib also being there beclaws the tallest like this funny little dirtmonkey fur some reason. the reason is that this weird alien is so. Oddly Interesting and just Talks to them like normal people instead of as these higher beings so thats WEIRD they dont LIKE that but. at the same time. its intriguing? and this urth creature has a lot to say! and hell do just about anything fur a bit of irken info and a scrap of appurreciation
of course then these chats get longer and more furequent and at some point mewve gotta go "hey can we skip the middle man just take our number." ((to which anyone who could pawssibly find out would go what the FUCK since WHEN do the TALLEST like anybody besides themselves enough to do that!!!!!))
the tallest,,,, dont know when they started liking people besides themselves eifur. purple doesnt care too much lol he likes what he likes and doesnt give a shit what ofur people think. ((even if he mostly just sees dib as a funny little man without much sustenance atm)) reds a biiiit more appurrehensive. and by a bit i mean "oh god, what the fuck am i feeling. what the fuck. this shouldnt be allowed. this is supposed to be OUR((red + pur)) thing!!! when did HE((dib)) get here????"
dib doesnt know how he got there eifur. hes just being himself and kind of maybe enjoying these evil tyrants company. he doesnt LIKE them or anything no no hes obviously just mewsing them fur infurmation and little gadgets that they give him sometimes! ((its mostly just junk and completely useless info. mostly.)) but. mew know. hes kind of starting to figure out that theres more to their deal than just blowing shit up and eating snacks
red and purple have spent their entire lives staying close to eachofur to a codependent degree so fur, not letting anybody else get close. theyre just a unit ok!! they dont need anybody else! but then Suddenly this human waltzes in like "hi im going to completely ruin mewr whole dynamic by shoving myself in there" and they just. its new its weird it sucks its Fun and they cant help Liking his stupid ass!!
purple likes how hes funny and purretty stupid, obviously he doesnt like this inferior creature fur anything more than That! and the way dib doesnt treat him like hes Stupid definitely doesnt mean something to him...
red ((once he gets ofur himself a little bit)) does NOT like him fur his intellect WHATSOEFUR no. not at all. he doesnt think this non-irken is smart and Almost on their level ((nobody can be as good as the tallest, obviously)) and he Definitely doesnt enjoy being treated as equals
dib DEFINITELY doesnt like how these two listen to him or enjoy talking to them or how purple is so endearingly mean ((they both are, to be fair)) or that if mew play mewr cards just right red is a bit of a softie under all of that Pure Evil, and fur Sure he doesnt care fur them Actually Engaging With Him and his interests, even if they dont really care as much as he does, its not just Putting Up with him until he shuts up. and there is Absolutely No Way he likes the thought of being Special to the most pawerful people in the mewniverse ((and definitely, not at all, showing them that just beclaws theyre the tallest doesnt mean theyre almighty. hes got his own tricks up his sleeve))
tl;dr, Ough.
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
You make a really great point. Like for example, I specifically disclose its a female reader in most of my fics but provide no other physical disclosures. I absolutely try to make it inclusive, but almost none of us can say we never do those things. Especially with reader inserts, we typically imagine ourselves to varying degrees and so things slip in, like physical acts of running through your hair, or inferences to a reader who may not be thin, because accident or not, most of us will include descriptors beacuse its natural to do.
I don't subscribe to coming across reader attributes that arent matching to yourself and getting angry about it, beacuse most of them aren't done in malice or to be exclusionary. You are right that if you claim the reader has no descriptions then you should be more careful about how you write it, but when screw ups happen, people need to remember that we make mistakes and gently pointing it out so we can fix it and learn from it will ALWAYS be better then storming into the writers inbox with hateful rhetoric.
I think theres a tendancy to turn annoyance into outrage and claim that it comes from an negative place on the writers side when thats not true. We write readers to be inclusive, but if small mentions of things we may not even have noticed we wrote will upset someone so greatly, maybe they need to take some time away from reading fics and learn how to cope with that frustration, rather than taking it out on the writer. If I dont give any specifications about the reader one way or the other, it doesnt mean Im only targeting one type of person, it means I am trying to be as broad as possible and when there is a standout factor that matters more than others, I'll point it out beforehand (i.e female reader, plus size reader ect)
We as writers truly do our best to be inclusive but it will never be perfect, and I think the fandom needs to take a step back and rethink the tendancy to attack for small upsets to an aggressive degree as if they are ill intended. I just agreed with your take a lot beacuse sometimes writers in this fandom arent given the benefit of the doubt.
I agree with you. Nobody does this out of malice. And, *laughing at myself* I'm going to be honest here.
Sometimes I'm just frustrated because I have an instinct to reach out and help the author do better so their fic is better received.
In my day job, I assist new producers/writers/makers of theater. I help run an organization that helps put new work out into the public eye and we actually run marketing workshops. And one of the big things we teach new producers is how to correctly market their work.
If you promise something and don't deliver, or you pull a bait and switch, your audience may get upset because of that unmet expectation, and then you know what happens? Negative reviews.
The #1 way to please an audience (besides putting out stellar content), is to set up promises you can keep and fulfill any expectations you set before them.
So half of my frustration often sits not in that "hey, you offended me by not including me" it's in that "oof, this is bad practices for your art and you should not be setting up promises you can't keep" pet peeve of mine.
At the same time, as someone that's been making art for a long time, I still make the mistakes I warn new producers about. And as a fic writer I KNOW I've done these things. I am--as I believe everyone is from time to time--a raging hypocrite!
But. I think we're living in an age where any infraction is treated as a life-or-death situation and people can get really shouty about their criticisms. I understand that it's hard to see there's an individual behind the blog/counter/whatever and that emotions can us all feel like shouting at one person means everyone who should hear it will hear it. No.
And by that same token, it's easy to believe that everyone who comes to you with shouty, mean anons is attacking you and only you when in fact, they are just hurting and want someone to know it and fix it all.
That's why I wanted to clarify my post and say more here too. I think it's worth looking at myself and trying to see WHY I'm frustrated and where it comes from. And that any time I've been frustrated with an author that promises what they can't deliver, it's not a life and death situation. They're not doing it to personally offend me. They have learning and growing to do. I have learning and growing to do.
Gentleness is key. We should--as the post that's been circling lately says--approach every situation as if best intentions are meant. And be gentle with each other.
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