#and still exists today I believe after having been shut down for a while
kikizoshi · 7 months
Feeling discouraged, so here's a short, unfinished Godos piece that will never be realised. Nikolai's attempting (read: failing) to write his first draft of a play (an adaptation of Dead Souls, Part 2). Fyodor was going to cheer him up and inspire him, somehow, but I don't have any clue how, so this is all I could get out of that idea. (I do at least like how it turned out, though, unfinished as it is.)
The words on the page taunted Nikolai like so many Sufi dervishes. They blurred, swirled into characters half-formed, who jumped and jeered just out of Nikolai’s sight. ‘Find us,’ they seemed to say. ‘Come and see our beautiful lives! And then depict us, reveal us to everyone, that we may truly exist.’ They beckoned him to find them, invited him to view their marvelous exploits, to laugh along with their absurd adventures—and then just as he reached to meet them, they slipped away, laughing. Unendingly they tortured him with scenes just beyond grasp, a perfect story hidden in the periphery of a dense fog.
Nikolai groaned, leaned back, and pressed his palms against his eyes. It was a perfect picture of agony, well-practiced and endlessly rehearsed. ‘Yet all the acting in the world won’t save a lacking script,’ he thought. ‘Ah, why can’t you just write yourselves? Hop along, I’ll even guide the quill, so long as you do something, anything, oh please…’ His entreaties, of course, prompted naught but more formless tittering. Nikolai sighed, and contemplated how effective bashing his scull against the door-jam would be at shaking something loose.
“Is something the matter?” an irritatingly calm Fyodor asked from behind him. Nikolai swung around in his chair, resting his arms on the back, and stared pointedly at his relaxed friend who lounged so serenely on the green recliner, a book nestled under his folded palms. The question itself was preemptive, a set-up, a frivolous first line of a three-line script which always arrived at the same conclusion. Nikolai recognised the offer for friendly—and perhaps even needed—advice, but took it no less bitterly. He smiled mirthlessly. Nevertheless, he played his part.
“Whatever gave you that impression? Was it the willful suicide of the last of my creative expression? Or perhaps you hear them laughing too?”
“Your characters won’t work with you?” (Here, the second phrase, to be replied with…)
“Oh, far beyond that. They won’t speak to me at all! I’m being shunned.”
“I see.” Fyodor concluded and stood, pulling the curtain on their impromptu play. Nikolai watched him go, mildly curious which remedy Fyodor would prescribe this time. “I need to visit the theatre,” he said finally. “Would you like to join me?”
Nikolai laughed flatly. “For what? The stage doesn’t—and I say this from great experience—do anything for one’s imagination. If anything, it’s worse, because you see everything that has been and none of what could be! Can you imagine that? I know, I know, you’re ‘not that way artistically inclined,’ but imagine for a moment that the sentences of your computer codes were jumping and jaunting about in front of your very eyes, and so to fix it, you decided to stare at someone else's pages. Well? Would that help you very much?”
“Most likely it wouldn’t.” Fyodor smiled. “But we won’t be going to the stage. I need to stop by the costuming department. Misha talked one of the women there into parting with an unused costume design for Verenka, but couldn’t pick it up himself.”
“And you just so happen to be free?”
“No,” Fyodor said, a bit dejected. “But I couldn’t stand to stare at my colleagues’ ‘pages’. As you say, it won’t do any good.” He sighed wearily. “Some fresh air and new scenery, tea, something else to think about… I need them greatly. And some company would be nice, too.”
Nikolai stood without ceremony (a shame, yes, but recall his lack of inspiration and forgive him), stretched, and said flatly, “Well then, what are we waiting for?”
As it turned out, Nikolai was quite quick to regret those words. A lovely stroll down the uncharacteristically sun-touched streets of St. Petersburg wound down into a bustling cafe.
Surprisingly, all went well at the theatre. The lady was quite nice, expressing her condolences and well-wishes for the ‘poor young woman’, and waved them on their way. Pattern safely secured, the two stopped by the next-door cafe, ‘The Stray Dog’, (home to aspiring and established artists alike), for a spot of tea. And thence all collapsed.
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ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
would you be able/want to do something with gojo where him and the reader are both teachers and are in an established relationship but the student (aside from megumi) don’t know and start trying to figure out who gojo’s in a relationship with? i feel like gojo would either mess with them or be honest that it’s you but they just don’t believe him cause. yk. it’s you?
Hey, thank you so much for that great request, it was really fun to write! I mixed it up a little with an already existing fic of mine, I hope you don't mind. Let me know what you think <3
Part l to this fic can be found here
Gojo going nuts when his students don't believe him that you are his wife
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Pairing: husband!Gojo x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,5k
Synopsis: When Satoru wears his wedding ring for the first time in front of his students, Nobara can't help but wonder who he's married to. But when Gojo confesses it's you, his students just don't believe him.
Warnings: language, sad Gojo lol, this is an absolute comfort fanfic so there you go if that's what you need today, read part l if you haven't yet <3
Tags:  @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3
„Itadori!“ Nobara hisses through gritted teeth.
“Did you just see that?”
“What do you mean?”, Yuji remarks with doe-eyes, gazing up at her with no clue what she’s even talking about.
“That ring on Gojo-sensei’s finger, you idiot”, she barks back at him while frantically running to the door in order to catch one last glimpse at him.
“Is he by any chance married, Fushiguro?”
Megumi signs to himself, staring at Nobara in nothing but annoyance. That talk from last week where she literally forced you to describe Gojo still doesn’t sit right with him. Of course, Megumi knows about your relationship. After all, he’s been with both of you for many years now, witnessed countless times how Gojo caresses your cheek gently in the darkness of privacy, how he calls you “darling” around the house and passes out on the couch next to you 10 minutes into a movie. And even though both of you never talked about this whole marriage being private thing, Megumi simply refuses to talk about your love life – even with his friends.
“I have no idea. But maybe minding your own business will help with your complexion or something”, Megumi bites back.
All of the sudden, Nobara smacks the back of his head hard.
“Hey, that’s pretty mean, you don’t have to be so rough!” Yuji complains in an instant.
“Both of you, shut up. I will just ask him when he returns. Why wouldn’t he tell me?”
“There are actually a lot of reasons not to tell you…”
“Huh, what’s going on here? I’ve been gone for a minute and you’re already smacking your heads?”
Casually, Satoru sits down behind is desk, long legs stretched out in front of him while nipping at the coffee you just made him. Oh, how much he loves to pay you a small visit during work. Just to be assured that you’re fine, that the second years don’t get on your nerves while training them. He just loves to adore you from afar. Yes, and the minute he gets home, you’re all his and his alone.
“You’re wearing a ring on your finger”, Nobara suddenly blurts out.
Satoru tils his head to the side, gaze wandering over his wedding ring. While he normally never wears it in fear of losing it during some stupid mission, today is your anniversary. The urge to proudly show off his ring became much greater than any anxiety. Also, today is a teaching only day and he’ll return home with you by his side after this lesson is over. The things he has planned for both of you tonight…He smirks to himself, joyful like a child when thinking about the surprise that’s waiting for you at home.
Megumi’s urgent voice rips him out of his daydreams.
“So what? A ring has many meanings”, Satoru replies calmly.
You never talked about this. While you seem to silently agree that showing each other affection at Jujutsu High isn’t what you want and that you are keen to keep your relationship private, you never talked this through. Last week when you described Satoru Gojo so well as your favourite type of men, you never said his name once, probably turned completely red when Yuji mentioned it so casually.
“Yeah, like being married for example!”
“Maybe I am, who knows?”
Satoru intertwines his fingers behind the back of his head, smirking at Nobara who is close to lose her mind widely.
“Maybe you should leave him alone…”, Yuji suggests in hushed tones.
“Maybe you should shut up, Itadori. This is far too important to let it slide!”
“You are way too dramatic about this.”, Megumi comments dryly.
“You guys just don’t understand the magic behind this!”
“So you want to know what this ring means?”
Nobara’s eyes light up in an instant, filled with so much unveiled curiosity that Gojo can’t help but wonder why she is never this invested when it comes to learning.
“Please tell me!”
Let’s see what happens.
“This is my wedding ring. I’m married to (y/n) for three years by now.”
Thick silence, utter speechlessness. The expression on Nobara’s face is so priceless that the urge inside Satoru to take a picture and show it to you later almost becomes unbearable.
“What’s up, Kugisaki? Did you see a ghost?”
“There’s no way in hell this is true”, Nobara mutters into Yuji’s ear, which earns a serious nod from the pink-haired boy.
Wait, what? Satoru furrows his eyebrows while gazing at the girl in front of him in disbelief. What did she just say?
“Why on earth couldn’t this be true, huh?”, he barks at her, hands clenched into fists.
“(y/n) is a real sweetheart with great taste. I just don’t think she would get involved with someone like you. Also, she said that she likes muscular man. And she never wore a ring”, Nobara explains briefly, earning a death stare from Satoru Gojo himself.
Both Yuji and Nobara eye him up and down, critical expression plastered on their faces while whispering unclear things into each other’s ear.
Satoru is on the brick of losing it. Did his students just suggest that you are too good for him? And that he’s not muscular!?
“I am muscular!”, he cries out.
“Megumi-chan, tell them I’m married to (y/n).”
If the ground would be able to swallow Megumi whole, he would take that offer in an instant. They already discussed this stupid matter for over 10 minutes now, when will the lesson finally start?
“Don’t drag me into this. Just do your job”, Megumi mumbles in annoyance.
Of course, Satoru is very aware of the fact that you are striking gorgeous, popular even beyond the boundaries of Jujutsu High. Damn, even here there might be some men who’d want you. But he is the strongest, he is good-looking, he is funny…Why on earth wouldn’t you be married to him?
“See? Nice try Gojo-sensei, but we don’t fall for your shit.”
He can’t believe his ears, face so red that Megumi slides back in his chair just in chase.
“You brats have absolutely no idea what love actually is! I won’t let you tell me who I’m married to or not!”, Satoru spits at his students, catching the attention of you.
Huh, what’s going on inside that classroom? You were on your way to grab some cursed weapons to show Maki, but the way your husband’s furious voice is heard through the entire hall makes you stop in front of his slightly opened door.
“Why are you screaming around here, Sir?”, you question, gazing at Nobara in confusion as she almost breaks down in tears from laughing her ass off.
“(y/n), darling, tell my students that you are my wife!”, Satoru demands.
Is that why he’s so stressed, because he wanted to tell his students that the both of you are married? What is going on here?
“I already told him multiple times we don’t believe him. Last week you said you like muscular man-“
You desperately try to hold back a laughter, the stressed out look on your husband’s face being enough to let a little giggle escape your lips. How on earth did that topic even pop up? Your gazer wanders to the wedding ring on his cramped finger, heart filling with warmth in an instant. Oh, he really wears it.
“Maybe he’s wearing that ring only for attention…”, Nobara whispers into Yuji’s ear.
“This is getting ridiculous”, Megumi comments.
“Why don’t we all just calm down a little? Your lesson started 15 minutes ago, why are you still arguing around?”, you playfully throw at your husband.
Despite the fact that you want to throw yourself in his arms right away, you keep your cool composure. This is what he gets for picking on you last week. You’ll make him suffer just the way he did it to you.
“You are supposed to help me with this!”, he complains.
“I am supposed to work right now”, you reply sweetly before turning on your heels and closing the door.
You can’t hold back any longer. Tears start to tickle in your eyes, that priceless look on his face. Oh god, you can’t stop laughing. This evening will definitely be entertaining.
-in the evening-
“Hello, stranger”, you playfully greet your husband as soon as he returns from work, blue orbs almost piercing through you.
“You are supposed to help me! Why didn’t they believe me? I’m I really that much of a downgrade compared to you?”
That little pout forming on his delicate face warms your heart in an instant.
“Maybe it’s better this way. I like to enjoy my time with you in privacy. Nice try though”, you playfully remark, your hands gently running through his soft white hair.
Suddenly he grabs your legs, pulling your body up in the air while all you can to is shriek and laugh out lough. He carries you into the bedroom, letting your body fall onto the soft mattress.
“I will make you pay for not helping me out today you traitor.”
“Then I’m happy to be a traitor.”
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keeplcving · 7 months
I absolutely fell in love with your wiring babe!!!
Can you do one where Coriolanus and fem!reader have been in an established relationship but they’ve never gotten intimate before so after a year of dating they’re hanging out at coryo‘s place and a kiss turns into lore and coryo indicates he wants to go further but reader is a bit intimidated considering she‘s never done it before and coryo is a bit experienced because reader‘s like 18 and coryo‘s like 21? Thank you sm!!!
thank you so much for your kind words sweet anon! of course i can! ! i bumped their ages just a bit up to 19 and 22 so there is no morality issues with them being 17 and 20 when they started dating! hope that’s okay with you, anon! enjoy xoxo ♡
(university!coriolanus x younger!virgin!f!reader)
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summary: she may love her man, but something’s holding her back from doing more with him.
cw: younger reader (reader is 19, coryo is 22), sweet!coryo, heavy kissing, dry humping, oral (f receiving), creampie, soft sex, cuddling, aftercare (kinda??)
Today had been more than enough for you. With your first semester at the University coming to a close, with final exams, you were beyond stressed, and all you wanted to do was curl up with your boyfriend and take a nap.
You quickly make your way to the Snow’s apartment, not wanting to waste any precious time that the two of you could have together. You knew that you would have to have dinner at home tonight, in celebration of you completing your first semester. Your parents were beyond proud of you, and your academic achievements, and you couldn’t spend the night at Coriolanus’, even though you’d much rather spend time with him.
“Darling?” You say as you open the door to the apartment, looking around for the blonde head of your boyfriend. You find him in the kitchen, holding a cup of tea.
“Hello, my love.” He greets you warmly, before passing you the mug with the press of a kiss to the top of your head. You smile, feeling so overwhelmed with love for your boyfriend. He knew you so well, that chamomile tea was one of the ways you relaxed.
“Thank you.” You whispered, taking a sip of the tea. You couldn’t believe that Coryo was yours sometimes, with how thoughtful and generous he was towards you. He showed you a love that you didn’t think still existed.
“You are very welcome, my dear.” He responds, before gently taking your hand and leading you into his (and yours most nights of the week) room. Gently shutting the door, Coryo turned the dim light on, which was used to soothe the migraine you usually had after class.
You walked to your side of the bed, setting the mug down on the nightstand that was beside the bed, and you began to change into more comfortable clothes, while your boyfriend watched from his side of the bed. You then climbed into the bed into Coryo’s waiting embrace.
You hummed in relief, finally at ease after a long day. You gently inhaled, curling up on your boyfriend’s chest as he ran a hand slowly up and down over the rungs of your spine, trying his best to soothe you.
“I missed you this week.” He tells you quietly, continuing his gentle ministrations on your back.
You usually spent the night (and most of the day), but for the past week, you had spent every night hunched over your desk at home, studying. Coriolanus had told you to come study at his apartment with him, so you weren’t alone all night, but you couldn’t. You knew if you tried, you would’ve been too distracted by your handsome boyfriend to do any actual studying, which wouldn’t fare well for your grades. Your grades were super important to you, and not even Coryo could have you skipping study sessions.
“I missed you too, Coryo. I missed your strong arms holding me at night.” You giggled, remembering your inability to fall asleep this week, even after being up for twenty hours straight, without your boyfriend’s strong frame holding you close. It was almost embarrassing, the way you were so dependent on him for even the most basic of actions, like sleeping.
“And I missed you keeping me warm at night. How are you always so warm?” He joked. You knew that he was always so cold, no matter what, and holding you always soothed him, as you were always warm. It worked out for the pair of you, creating the perfect temperature you both desired.
“My body just holds a normal temperature, Snow.” You bite back, pressing a kiss to his jaw. He let out a deep groan at the feeling of your lips against his skin. He hadn’t kissed you all week, and he was feeling needy.
“Want something?” You tease, and he instantly pulls you to meet his lips. You love kissing Coriolanus. He treats you like the delicate woman you are, but also allows for some of your not-so-innocent side to come out.
He sits up, and pulls your thighs apart to straddle his own, and deepens the kiss. His hands slide down, grasping your ass firmly as you continue to kiss. He squeezes your ass, and you let out a moan at the feeling. He’d only done that a few times, but every time it felt so good.
He takes advantage of your mouth ever so slightly opening, sliding his tongue against yours. The kiss turns frantic, and you experimentally slide your hips against his thigh, pressing down. He lets out a groan, and you can feel the tent in his pants through your shorts and panties. It excites you, but it also terrifies you.
You had never had sex, and Coryo was your first real boyfriend. You had met when you had turned eighteen, on your first day at the University. You were a little lost on finding a classroom, and he had so kindly offered to help you find it. From then on, you two had been together, even though it took two months of constant flirting for him to finally ask you to be his. He was hesitant, as he had just turned twenty one, and being with someone three years his junior, especially whilst at University, was daunting. It seemed wrong, you were still so innocent, had never even been kissed.
You wanted him (and you knew he wanted you) but at the same time, you didn’t. You knew that virginity was a social construct, but it still was special to you, even if Coriolanus was also special to you, you were so afraid after being told (and overhearing) many horror stories by other girls in your class.
You tried it again, and Coryo gripped your hips, halting your movements. “Darling, if you continue, I may not be able to stop.” He hotly whispers into your ear, and you tense up. He notices this immediately, and looks apologetic. “I’m sorry, my dove. I have gotten carried away. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You are in control here. What would you like to do?”
“I…I want to keep doing what we were just doing. It feels so good for me, Coryo. I don’t know if I’m ready to have real sex yet. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be a tease.” You tell him earnestly, eyes downcast with a matching pout upon your lips.
“Darling, you do not need to apologize to me. Whatever you feel comfortable doing, I am just fine with doing. Whatever makes you feel good. And, it feels good for me, too.” He smiles, and you nod. You should have expected this, he was always the gentleman, letting you take the lead on everything in the relationship. You knew he had experience, and you were grateful that he wasn’t controlling or demanding of you.
“Thank you for being so understanding, Coryo.” You tell him, resuming your movements, pushing your clothed cunt down and grinding on his clothed cock.
The pressure from the grinding feels so good, and when you move, you can feel him pressing against your clit through your panties. You feel animalistic as you speed up your movements, chasing that feeling deep in your stomach. It feels like a coil tightening, and you want him to make it snap.
He begins meeting your movements, pressing his cock up while you press your cunt down, and the groans that fall from his lips lead to your own pants and moans. Soon enough, you feel something inside of you snap, and you drench your panties with your juices, soaking his pants, too. You keep moving, though, knowing that you had just orgasmed. You wanted your boyfriend to feel the same pleasure.
Your rapid movements, along with the feeling of your juices soaking in his pants, make him reach his peak mere moments after you, grunting out your name. You both fall back, laying down, you directly on top of him, both breathing heavily. You collect your thoughts for a moment, allowing both of your heart rates to resume to normal.
“I think… I think I want more.” You tell him honestly, smiling. He smirks back, he had been waiting for this moment for a very long time, but he hadn’t wanted to pressure you, waiting until you were ready.
“If you’re sure, dove.” He waits for your nod, before rolling you over onto your back. He attacks your lips with kisses, trailing down to your neck, and to your collarbone.
He leaves a few love bites, and you shake your head at him. “How on earth am I supposed to hide these?” You jokingly chastise him, and he just rolls his eyes at you. You loved when he left his mark on your skin, even though this was only the third time of him doing it. It served you a reminder of him when you weren’t physically together, and you loved it.
He looks up, meeting your eyes. “Is it alright if I take this off?” He gestures to your (his) shirt that you were currently wearing. You quickly nod your approval, and he gently pulls it up, over your head. He had expected you to be wearing a bra underneath, but instead, he was met with your bare breasts. He lets out a groan, quickly leaning down to suck a nipple gently, swirling his tongue around the rapidly hardening bud.
You let out a series of mewls of pleasure, arching your back against the bed. Carefully, he lays himself over top of you, forearms holding him up so that he does not crush you. He switches breasts, lavishing both with equal attention. You grip the edge of his shirt, pulling it up until he gets the message, quickly pulling it off and throwing it somewhere you don’t see.
He continues kissing down your body, worshipping, until he reaches the waistband of your shorts. He looks up for approval, and you simply smile, and he gently brings the shorts down, over your ankles, and finally off, joining his shirt somewhere. You then reach to unbutton his pants, and he finishes the job for you, leaving the both of you in just underwear.
“Are you sure?” He asks you, giving you once last chance to back out, and change your mind.
“Yes.” You respond, smiling at him, and he smiles back.
He removes the panties, and groans at the sight of your wet heat. He palms himself through his boxers, before sliding further down the bed, so that his face was eye level with your cunt. Your heart was beating rapidly in anticipation, and when he licks that first stripe from the bottom to your clit, you let out a sharp gasp. It felt so unlike anything you had ever felt before, you never wanted it to stop.
Grasping the back of his head with both of your hands, you held him in place, and you could see him smirk. He knew you would enjoy this, and he was so glad you were taking charge. He circled your clit slowly, and you couldn’t take the teasing anymore.
“Please, Coryo. More. I don’t know what, but more.” You begged of him, and he then began eating at your cunt like he was a feral animal that hadn’t eaten in days, licking and sucking and it felt so so so good. You almost couldn’t take it, and you felt yourself quickly approaching your second orgasm of the night.
You could see him humping against the bed as he ate you out, desperate for some friction of his own. Just the sight of that alone, alongside his tongue dipping inside your dripping hole had you coming, and loudly at that. You screamed, clenching your legs around his head, coating his face with your juices.
Once you had relinquished the pressure of your legs, he brought his head out, and made eye contact with you. “Feel good, princess?”
“No, it felt awful.” You teased, ruffling his curls with your fingertips. “Of course it did, Coryo. But now, I want you to feel good.”
With that, you urged him back up the bed, and slipped your small hand into his boxers, grabbing his cock. Your fingers barely fit all the way around, and after experimentally pumping it once, you could tell it was long.
“Take your boxers off.” You told him, leaving no room for argument. He pulled them off, and your eyes widened at the sight of his cock, long, thick and painfully hard. You had felt it, sure, but seeing it was a totally different ordeal.
“Is that… Is that going to fit inside of me?” You let out with a laugh, looking up at him.
“Yes, princess. It may take some work, and some time, but I promise, it will fit.” He replies, looking so seriously at you.
You smile in response, and without further preamble, grab his cock, pumping it up and down. You surprise him, and he lets out a series of low groans that have the heat pooling up in your stomach one more. Once you are satisfied that you feel confident to take his cock inside of you, you seize your pumping.
“I’m ready to try, darling. Please, please be gentle. Don’t hurt me.” You plead, pouting lightly.
“I wouldn’t dream of hurting you, my dove. Just tell me if it gets to be too much. I will stop, I promise you that.”
With that, he slots his cock to line up with your drenched hole, and gently begins to press in. When you tense up after the first three inches, he stops immediately, meeting you eyes.
“Just give me one second, please.” You tell him, and he nods, waiting for you to tell him to continue pushing in. Once you do, he continues slowly sliding his cock into you, until he is fully surrounded by your tight, wet heat. He groans at the feeling, almost overwhelmed by how tight you’re squeezing him.
“Is it alright if I move, princess?” He asks, and you nod. He starts his movements off very slowly, trying his best not to hurt you by starting off too quickly, by getting too excited about finally being inside you.
It’s only when you beg him to give you more, that his pace quickens, and you can feel him push against a spot inside of you that makes you gush.
You had heard some girls talking about that spot, the g-spot, and how their lovers had never been able to find it. How lucky were you, your man was able to find it with ease. You moaned and gasped and writhed around, loving the feeling of his cock pounding relentlessly inside of you, hitting your g-spot every thrust.
You bring your two of your fingers down to your clit, circling it roughly while Coriolanus pounds into you, and you begin to see stars. You feel so overwhelmed, and clench around his cock. He lets out a groan, and is panting as he continues to fuck into you.
“I’m so close!” You scream, and he nods his head, not letting up. As you reach your peak, you look into his eyes, impossibly blue, and continue moaning.
You feel yourself come, but it felt like you had used the bathroom. There was so much liquid, you felt embarrassed. Coriolanus grunted as he continued his thrusts into you, and he didn’t let up until you felt him spurt deep inside of you. He slowly halted his movements, pulling out of you carefully as if not to hurt you further.
“What’s that liquid?” You asked him, confused and embarrassed. You had never done that the few times you fingered yourself, and were shocked.
“You squirted, my love. It’s totally normal, it just means your body felt so good it got overwhelmed.” He explains, running his fingers through your hair. You just nodded, allowing him to roll onto his side, pulling you flush against him, spooning.
You loved cuddling like this normally, but now, it felt all the more intimate. You had just given a part of yourself to your beautiful boyfriend, and you felt so good. Your body was so at peace, and you heard Coryo let out little snores. You realized he had fallen asleep, overexerted from your activities. You then allowed yourself to fall asleep in his arms, content with your first time.
So much for just taking a nap.
©keeplcving 2024. please let me know what you think, and feel free to send me requests! :) i’d love to write more of what y’all would like to see!!
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rantaroamamifuturegf · 2 months
Crushing headcanons!!
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A/N: Been playing Dr2 again and Fuyuhiko<3, Fuyuhiko’s one is a bit longer than the others so bc I got too into it and yes spelling do exist in this
Plot: Fuyuhiko & Rantaro & Shuichi crushing on GN!Reader
Characters being used: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Rantaro Amami, Shuichi Saihara
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He noticed immediately and started to purposely avoid you for his sake of not making a fool of himself in front of you and If he wasn’t able to avoid you he’ll just act like he doesn’t give a shit about you and would purposely be rude to you
Peko would notice this right away but at the first she just assumed that he didn’t like you in general but once she noticed that he would ignore you and avoid you, she knew something was up
She would question him about it and bro would completely shut her down about the thought and tell her you were just so annoying he wanted to not be near you and he thought she brought the excuse
She didn’t buy it for shit
He finally given up and told her about you and his feelings, she would just tell him to confess but he would tell her it more easier when you say it than do it
He obviously shuts her down about the idea of confessing to you and just says he’ll continue to treat you the same way he usually does until the feelings goes away
It never did, if anything the feelings grew more and more
Peko finally convinced him to at least try talking to you normally and he did but he couldn’t help be still be rude to even if he was just trying to start a simple conversation and you replied with a dry answer or was thinking of what to say did too long
It’s just that feels like he’s making a fool of himself seeing you act so calmly while he’s the one freaking out the inside
It did kind of annoy him how calm you were being like why did it had to be him flipping out on the inside and not you
He complained to Peko about it and she told him to practice talking to you like look in the mirror and pretend talking to you or see her as you and try talking to you
He did try it but got to embarrassed and just straight up stopped but right after that he somehow was able to have a normal conversation with you without getting mad or being rude to you
Peko told him to confess to you since he was now finally able to talk to you but he had to remind her he just befriended you and it would be too fast
plus he didn’t know how to but we ain’t gonna talk abt that
He didn’t really bring you gifts or anything that much of the matter but if you both had different classes, he would def sometimes wait for the bell to ring and pick you up from your class and walk you to your next one
If Kaz said anything about the way how he treated you he’ll quickly shut him up before he can even finish his sentence
Might tell you how he’s unsure if he really wanted to take the yakuza life or not since he trusts you and wants your opinion on his thoughts
Doesn’t try to be too vulnerable around you but also doesn’t try to be too vauge with you either
DEFINITELY FOR SURE keeps Teruteru away from you, last thing he want to hear is bro making the unexpected unnecessary perverted theory about you and doesn’t want to see him flirting with you anyways so if you ever question him about it he’ll just say Teruteru is being more perverted today than he usually is
Once he feels ready and once Peko gives him some confidence and says she believes you feel the same way. he’ll confess to you.
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Bro didn’t even noticed that he had feeling for you, like he just thought the feeling were just a feeling of being near someone you really care about as a friend but no it more
He wasn’t really used to feeling that way about someone since he usually treated everyone like their his little siblings or just friends or close friends but when he first started feeling this way about you it just didn’t feel like a friendship or family kind of love
Was really confused about it and didn’t want to immediately just to conclusions and believe he has feelings for you so he just kept believing he saw you as just a closer friend than he does to others
That act went on for a bit til you started being physically affectionate in a platonic way, such as placing a hand on his shoulder and sitting a bit more closer to him than usual he kept his cool on the outside but the inside of him was a mess
After mentally shutting out the thought with all his might, he finally came to the conclusion that he had feelings for you and didn’t know exactly what to do with it
He didn’t want to confess right away and just gave the thought some time so instead he’ll start being you small gifts from his travels
Would definitely ask you if you would like to come along and travel with him, and say he’ll bring you to amazing places across the world or just bring to where you pacifically want to go
He would get awkwardly embarrassed if someone called him or said he looked like a womanizer in front of you since he didn’t want to look bad in front of you
Definitely tells you about his sisters and asks if you would like to help him look for them, he would be really happy if you did say yes to it
He would do lightly teasing and say how his sisters would love you and how his family would love you but in the end would call it light jokes or just teasing
He doesn’t know when or how to confess to you so for right now he’ll just hope you’ll eventually feel the same way and once he’s 100% sure you feel the same he’ll confess to you.
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He didn’t notice it right away
Like he just assumed you being so nice and caring towards him just made him feel embarrassed and what not so he just ignored the feelings
But they kept coming back and every time when he’s near you and when you complimented him, he can’t but feel a heart warning feeling in his chest and feel flustered around you
Not for long he came to the conclusion that he liked you in a romantic way but he felt really bad for it, he was insecure about himself and how others viewed him while you were someone that everyone enjoys being around and he felt like him having feelings for you would ruin your friendship
So he kept it to himself as pry that nobody will ever catch on
Kaede and Kaito catch on real fast
Kaede was so excited when she founded out he had feelings for you and would telling him to confess right away and would say that both of you look cute together
He was flustered by the idea of him and you being together but the idea of you two being a cute couple just made him feel even more happy of them though
Unlike Kaede, Kaito didn’t tell him to confess right away but instead would try to give Shuichi some confidence about asking you out and would tell him he shouldn’t feel bad for a having crush on you and would tell him to ask you
Obviously he appreciated both of them trying to help him but he told them he wasn’t mentally ready to ask you out yet
If you and him aren’t that close of friends he’ll definitely admire you from afar, will absolutely hate it if Miu or Kokichi caught him and called him out on it
He would sometimes write little love poems about you but would never give them to you and kept it in a small notebook, Kaede would definitely tell him to give it to you or let her give to you. He obviously shut down the idea
If he gets too into a poem and seems really long, he’ll end up reading it later and cringe at his own love notes for you
Kaito would help him out by trying to get you two to become closer friends and would invite you to workouts with him and Maki and Shuichi
Would convince Maki and then purposely leave you and him alone together, bro was not ready to be alone with you and he felt nervous and excited about it at the same time
After Kaito done that over a couple of times more, both you and him got closer and he was actually starting to feel a bit more comfortable and confident when talking and asking you to hang out
He would die happily if you just started physically touching him in a platonic way, just simple gestures like putting a hand over his or sitting closer would lowkey just make his day lol
He wouldn’t confess to you even if he feels mentally right and has the right confidence and feels that you feel the same way because he’ll still have his doubts and think you deserve better so in the end it’s either you confess or he’ll have it wait til some of his friends actually make him do it
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swarvey · 4 months
paper rings | harvey x f!reader
You think back to when Harvey was your best friend; Harvey reminisces on how he fell for you.
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3
paper rings masterlist
chapter two: so high school -> "tell me 'bout the first time you saw me."
Harvey woke up with a groan, rolling over to turn off his blaring alarm. He rose from his incredibly comfortable bed while keeping his eyes shut, not ready to face the day just yet. The birds outside his window sang loudly, as if they were reminding him of something.
His eyes shot open, scrambling for his glasses and checking the date on his phone.
Spring 1.
He couldn’t believe it. How had time passed so quickly? He swore he felt like he’d just spoken to you on the phone. He began to pace around his apartment, hands running through his hair as the realization began to sink in.
He was going to see you.
He was going to see you, in front of him, for the first time in years.
Harvey wanted to scream. No, he wanted to crawl back into bed and pretend nothing about his life was any different. 
In reality, he knew he didn’t want to do any of that. If anything, he wished he had the confidence or the courage Elliott had spoken so passionately about so he could spill his heart out to you.
He sighed. If only he had the capability of doing any of the three options he’d presented to himself. Instead, he took a few deep breaths to center himself, trying his best to stay collected. What was he so anxious about, anyway? It’s not like he was talking to any other person, it was you , the person he once considered his closest friend.
More specifically, the person he once thought he could spend the rest of his life with.
Just then, Harvey’s phone rang, your name lighting up the screen. He cleared his throat and chugged the glass of water on his nightstand before answering, reminding himself to sound calm.
“Y/N, good morning!”
“Good morning, Harvey.” God , he swore he could listen to you say his name all day. He shook his head; what in the world was wrong with him? “I know it’s a bit early, I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, not at all. I’ve been up for a bit now,” he said, ignoring the fact that he was still in his pajamas. “You’re moving in today, aren’t you? What time will you be here? I’ll make sure to clear my schedule as much as I can.”
“Oh, right! I forgot to tell you, I actually got here last night,” you replied, voice bright as ever. "It was late, though, so I figured I would get some rest before unpacking.”
Harvey blinked, slowly processing your words. Maybe he should have downed a cup of coffee, too. “So, you’re here?”
You laughed. “Don’t sound too excited. Come over whenever, okay? I’m going to start unpacking in a few minutes.”
“Right, I’ll be over soon!”
Harvey got dressed into his usual outfit, even remembering to spritz on some cologne before leaving his home. He figured if he was panicking internally, he might as well try to look put together on the outside. After making sure he didn’t have any appointments throughout the day, he locked up the clinic and put up the ‘Closed’ sign, making sure to leave his phone number on the door in case of emergencies.
“Harvey! You’re up early.” Pierre waved, making his way over to the front of the clinic. He glanced at the sign. “Closed for the day, huh? I’m guessing you have errands to run?”
“Well, uh, I promised the new farmer I would help her move in,” he explained, trying not to cringe at the thought of how he reacted in the store the other day. “You remember Y/N, don’t you?”
“Why, of course! You two were running around the town before Pierre’s even existed.” Pierre sighed, a wistful look taking over his face. “I was in my early twenties then. Caroline and I had just started dating, but I was already thinking about what kind of ring I was going to get her. We were so in love.” He paused, frowning. “I wonder when that changed.”
Harvey cleared his throat loudly, desperately wanting to escape the awkward topic. “I should get going, I don’t want to keep her waiting.”
“Of course. I’ll see you around, Harvey!”
“See you! And remind Abigail to set up her check-up appointment with me!” Pierre nodded knowingly and waved goodbye, turning back to start opening up his own shop.
Harvey let out a breath of relief as he turned away, suddenly racing to get to your farm. Once he got to the entrance, though, he stopped in his tracks, waves of memories beginning to flood his thoughts. Sure, the farm was more beat up than he remembered, but for the most part, everything was where it had been all those years ago. He especially recalled the times when he had slowly fallen for you more and more, his sentiments only growing stronger as the two of you got to know each other better over the years. 
As he slowly made his way to your front door, he reminisced on the first time he realized he cared for you in a much stronger way than he initially thought.
“Y/N, wait up!” Harvey couldn’t make out what you yelled back as he ran to catch up to you, the farm animals unamusedly watching him through their fences. You had been so excited to show him all the “secret spots” on your grandfather’s farm. 
He’d only caught up to you after you tripped over a rock jutting up from the ground, scraping your knee. You looked up at him with big, watery eyes, lip trembling.
“Grandpa’s gonna yell at me,” you mumbled, wiping your eyes on your sleeve. “He always says I’m too clumsy.”
Not entirely sure what the right thing to do was, Harvey opted to squat beside you, shrugging off the small backpack full of “emergency supplies” his mother always made him carry around. He took out the mini first aid kit, grabbing the ointment and a bandaid before delicately treating your knee.
“You know,” he started, trying to distract you from the stinging of the medicine, “I’m going to be a doctor when I grow up.”
Your eyes widened, suddenly inspired. “Really?” He nodded. “Wow. How’d you think of that?”
He gave a small smile as he stuck the bandaid on. “Then, I can always help you whenever you get hurt. You’ll always have someone to take care of you!”
You grinned before tackling him with a hug, wrapping your arms tightly around his shoulders. Harvey’s face was burning, though he blamed the heat of the sun.
“You’re my hero, Harvs,” you stated confidently, your hold on him unrelenting.
Your hero.
He huffed a laugh to himself at those words, shaking his head. Well, at least he kept his word — after that summer, he’d gone home and begged his parents for books on how to become a doctor. His medical career had begun before he’d even reached middle school, much to his mother’s delight.
Just as Harvey was about to make his way up to your porch, a glimpse of blue caught his eye. Squinting to make sure he wasn’t mistaken, he peeked below the stairs, wondering if an animal had gotten stuck.
Instead, he was met with the face of a small, blue . . . blob? 
No, that was impossible. They couldn’t be real, could they? Harvey had only ever read myths about them.
As he leaned closer to double-check his hypothesis, the blob jumped toward his face, letting out a small squeak as it disappeared right in front of his nose.
He let out a shout and jumped backward, tripping on a thick clump of weeds and landing on his back with a thump. He groaned, readjusting his glasses as he sat up and rubbing the back of his head. 
He didn’t even notice you were standing in your doorway until you let out a laugh. 
You continued to laugh as Harvey stood up quickly, dusting off his clothes as he rambled on about some blue spirit he saw under your porch. You raised a brow — his excuses were becoming more and more creative. You spared him the embarrassment of calling out his ridiculous comment, deciding to walk over to him instead and fix the collar of his shirt.
“It’s good to see you,” you said, smiling up at him. Harvey stared at you for a moment before nodding and looking away.
“It’s good to see you, too,” he replied shyly. “It’s been about four years, hasn’t it?”
“Try five,” you corrected. “You left the city after med school, remember?”
His eyes widened. “That’s right. You were working while I was finishing up, weren’t you?”
You pursed your lips and nodded, thinking back to the period of your life when you had just begun working for Joja.
“Thinking back on it now, I should have just done more school, too,” you confessed. “Working for that damn company sucked the life out of me.”
Harvey laughed. “You think? You know, most people are overjoyed when they receive a promotion — you were miserable.”
“You remember that?”
“How could I not? You were in tears in the middle of the restaurant we were eating at.” 
You slumped in your chair, eyes burning with threatening tears as you looked at your childhood friend. 
“I’m doomed, Harvs,” you sighed, leaning forward to pick at your uneaten meal. “Is this what my life has come to? Working for some company that’s probably killing the earth as we speak?” You laughed, dropping your fork miserably. “At least one of us is doing something right for the world. Maybe you can share some of your good karma so I won’t be doomed in my next life, too.”
Harvey looked at you with an almost distraught look on his face. He hadn’t fully grown out his mustache back then, stubble trailing from his chin to his cheeks. You vaguely remember thinking facial hair would suit him.
“Y/N, please, we’re still young,” he pleaded. “It’s too early to be talking like that. Besides, everyone has different paths in life, and you never know where yours will take you.”
Sniffling, you’d shrugged, unable to get over the fact you were profiting from a company like Joja. Hell, you’d done such a good job that they’d given you a promotion, not that it was something you felt any pride over.
“Maybe we can run away,” you’d suggested idly, not noticing how Harvey choked on the soup he was eating.
“Wh-what was that?”
“Let’s move to a different country,” you suggested, smiling at the absurd thought. “Then, I can open a cafe, and you can open your own clinic right next to me. I’ll trade you coffee and cookies for free monthly check-ups.”
He’d laughed, though he wouldn’t meet your eyes for some reason. “That sounds like a plan. Now, you have to eat. I can only imagine the amount of sodium your usual diet of cup ramen consists of.”
You coughed, a bit embarrassed at your dramatism in the past.
“That wasn’t a great moment in my life, was it?” you admitted, shaking your head. “Well, now that I’m on the farm, I’m sure I can earn back all the good karma I lost working for that evil place!”
Harvey smiled, nodding. “I’m sure you’ll more than makeup for it.” He glanced at the singular box left on your porch. “Is this . . . all you brought?”
You laughed, turning and gesturing for him to follow. You opened your front door to reveal the cozy cabin your grandfather used to stay in, several boxes already piled up in the living room.
“So, I’ve already moved in some of the simple stuff,” you started, moving some of them aside, “but for the life of me, I can’t get a good grip on that last one, it’s a bit too heavy. One of the ladies in town helped me carry it to the porch — Robin, I think it was?” The redhead and Mayor Lewis had greeted you the evening before, going over some basics and helping you carry some of your belongings from the moving truck. 
“Yes, Robin! I’m glad you met her, I’m sure the two of you will get along.” Before you could reply, Harvey easily lifted the box off the porch, carrying it inside and placing it in your living room. 
You blinked.
Had he always been that strong?
“What’s in this one, anyway?” he wondered, looking at you curiously.
You put a pin in your thought and walked over to him, opening the box with a smile. After taking out the fragile items you had placed at the top, you revealed what you’d shoved to the bottom as cushioning. Harvey’s jaw dropped, amusement lighting his eyes as he laughed.
“I can’t believe you still have this,” he said, picking up the giant stuffed animal. “I thought you would’ve given it away by now.”
You gasped, feigning shock as you grabbed the weighted bear away from him. “You thought I would betray Mr. Biscuit? How could you!” You looked at the toy affectionately, placing him next to your bed. “We won him together, after all.”
Harvey cocked his head. “We did?”
“Is that not how you remember it, big guy?” you joked.
“Well, not exactly,” he said, laughing nervously. “You won him after beating one of those carnival games, didn’t you?”
You hesitated, looking at the ceiling as you thought. “I guess I did,” you stated, “but I like to think of it as a team effort.”
You smacked your forehead as you pitifully watched Harvey struggle to win the game once again, the younger kids around him giving him smug looks. 
You felt a bit guilty; this was your idea, after all. Harvey had been adamantly against going to the Stardew Valley Fair that year, claiming he had to regain his focus since school was starting the following week. 
“Junior year is critical when it comes to getting into colleges,” he’d explained. “I can’t mess up my applications because of some festival.”
“Harvey, come on,” you had begged, clasping your hands together. He frowned and looked away, trying not to give in. “Please, let’s just go! Think about it, when is the next time we’re going to go to the fair together?”
“Next year! After we pass our classes!” You rolled your eyes, knowing that “passing” for him meant acing every course he took.
“Fine then,” you huffed, crossing your arms and looking away. “I’ll go by myself and tell everyone about how you left me there, alone.”
“Y/N, don’t be ridiculous.” You ignored him, opting to look at the shape of your nails instead. “Stop this act, you know I’ve been planning on going home today for weeks. My parents are expecting me.” You hummed, wondering if you should clip them or let them grow out. “Fine, fine! I’ll go, just . . . let me call my mother,” Harvey sighed. You grinned, bubbling with excitement next to him as he reluctantly took out his phone.
After watching him play the games, though, part of you wished he had given up. Sighing, you stormed up to him, pushing him away and snatching the slingshot from his hands.
“What are you—”
Without hesitation, you began shooting at the targets in front of you, easily hitting them and just barely winning against your opponents. The kids groaned in disappointment, sulking away as you excitedly picked out your reward.
Harvey simply looked at you in amazement, unable to speak.
You showed off your new prize, barely managing to hold it properly. “Look at what we got! Wasn’t this worth it?” He nodded slowly, still in awe of both your performance and the size of the stuffed toy. You shoved it into his arms, laughing at how he nearly toppled over. Before he got the chance to steady himself, you were racing off to see the booths nearby.
“Come on, let’s try the other games!”
“Y/N, slow down!”
“We can go again this year,” Harvey blurted. You looked at him in surprise. “I mean, we could, if you want to,” he corrected, composing himself.
You smiled. “We should,” you agreed. “We can win some more prizes. For now, though, want to help me unbox my things?”
“Of course. I guess we got a bit sidetracked.”
It didn’t take long for the two of you to have everything in place. After an hour passed, your house was finally starting to feel a little more homey — plants lined the corners, and your old rug was spread in front of the TV. Harvey helped you dust and mop the floors, opening all the windows so it could air out. The sun reached its peak in the sky when you finally decided you were done, leaning your back against the wall for support as you took a breather.
Harvey wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve, setting the mop in his hand to the side. He had abandoned his jacket a bit ago, left in his white collared shirt and loosened red tie. You realized how grown up he looked. You darted your gaze away when he turned to you, looking accomplished.
“Looks like we’re just about done,” he said, looking around the room. “What do you think? Feel like home?”
“Just about,” you replied, taking in the amount of progress you’d been able to make with him. “Thanks a bunch, Harvs, I really owe you one.”
He shook his head, waving his hand. “It was my pleasure. Besides, take this as me making up for not keeping in touch all this time.”
“It was a two-way effort.” You grabbed his jacket and handed it to him, smiling. “We should sit down sometime and seriously catch up,” you suggested. “Are you free for dinner tomorrow?”
He looked at you for a moment — as if he didn’t realize you were talking to him — before nodding eagerly.
“Yes, I’d love to,” he said, pulling on his jacket. “There’s a place in the center of the plaza, the Stardrop Saloon. Does that work?”
“Works for me. I’ll buy you a drink,” you promised. You walked with him out the door, noticing how he glanced under your porch as he walked down the steps. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
He nodded, smiling. “I’ll see you, Y/N.” You sighed as you watched him leave the farm, brow raised and arms crossed.
“Yeah,” you decided, walking into your new home, “he totally doesn’t have a girlfriend.”
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It was so fun to read! The darling being a flustered mess was sooo adorable to read! YOUR WRITING OS SO NICEEE I LOVE ITT :DDD
Flustered breakdown will now be living rent free in my mind for some time
Asdfghjkl thank you so much though, I had a blast writing that fic and I'm so happy people enjoyed it! I hope you're ready for Breakdown to be living there for a while, because you inspired me to write some more...
Please enjoy Breakdown being sleepy and bashful along with some cows.
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Few people would have ever believed you without seeing it for themselves, but you knew the truth from increasingly ample experience; Cybertronians were utterly adorable when they slept, cuter than any human could ever hope to be, anyway. Even the surliest bots in existence turned to snoring kittens when in a much needed power down. 
You freely expressed how much you appreciated said cuteness to the two most important mechs in your life, and while Bumblebee didn't mind being referred to as such (if anything he seemed to brighten every time you said as much), Breakdown made quite a point of denying that he could ever be referred to as anything short of "badass". He insisted that he didn't take "cat naps" as you'd teasingly observed, but that he instead powered down only when necessary, and that he looked anything but cute while doing so. His determination for you to see him as cool and smooth went in direct contrast to reality, where he was an adorable nerd who grew easily flustered in your presence and napped often where he thought you wouldn't notice, but on most days you were happy to pretend for his sake. 
Today, however, you had stumbled upon something far too sweet to ignore. After coming home early from errands you'd been too tired to finish, you'd expected Bumblebee to be gone as he was conducting a training exercise, but the unexplained lack of Breakdown had compelled you to search your homestead when he didn't answer his comm. You hadn't needed to search far, as the sizable mech wasn't hard to spot in your cow field even at a distance, but it had taken a moment for you to believe your eyes. 
Beneath the broad branches of an apple tree, Breakdown was snoozing in the picture of absolute contentment, his servos folded behind his helm to keep it steady against the trunk at his back and his long frame stretched out in the shady bed of grass. That alone would have been precious enough, but his company of a half dozen dairy cows snuggling against him to share in the nap almost made your heart implode. Considering his chosen task for the day had been securing the weak posts of their fence, you could surmise that he'd taken a break beneath the tree afterwards only to drift off surrounded by his newfound friends. 
Quietly opening the gate and approaching the group, you were quickly noticed by the ever-alert herd, who lifted their heads as soon as the lock clicked shut behind you. Eager to see you as always, the heffers abandoned their nap and Cybertronian sized heat source to happily trot to you in greeting, mooing out their delight but thankfully not waking Breakdown in the process. You smiled as you were surrounded by happy cows, and when broad snouts started sniffing for treats you rewarded them with pats and a playful quip. "Hey girls, sorry to say he's spoken for." 
Conversational moos told you there were no hard feelings, and the group remained clustered around you as you entered the shade where Breakdown was still fast asleep, your smile softening as you felt the gentle stirring of his peaceful ventilations. You might have been content to let him finish out his power down and pretend you hadn't seen a thing, but one of your herd had other plans. The smallest cow let out an insistent moo at your side, one which quickly proved too much for the big mech to sleep through. Snapping open his optics with a start and instinctively ready for a fight, Breakdown sat up and looked around in a hurry. He looked far more mortified by the sight of you than he would have for an army of enemy bots.
"You having a good nap there, big guy?" you asked playfully, petting the head of a cow as she bumped against you for affection. For a solid few seconds the mech was silent and frozen before you.
"Don't know what you're talking about." he said suddenly, finding his voice in a rush and clearing his vents to keep it from cracking. Leaning back against the trunk and resuming a relaxed posture, he did everything not to appear concerned, fooling only himself as he tried to play the cool guy. "Just resting my optics after a long day…"
"I can see that." you replied playfully, smiling as a few cows left your side to return to his. Breakdown frowned to the point of pouting as the animals did little to help his case, setting themselves down on the grass at his sides to once more snuggle against the warmth of his frame. As displeased as he looked about the gathering, the mech didn't try anything to disperse the herd, and you chuckled as an especially affectionate cow laid her head on his pede. "Looks like you picked up a few admirers while fixing that fence."
"Yeah, uh… don't really know why they won't leave me alone." he said awkwardly, keenly aware the gathering of sleepy bovines was not helping his image. Still, he didn't dare move in any way that would disturb them, something you noticed even as he tried to puff up and revert to his chill persona, voice deepening as he smirked and gestured to the fence. "But you don't have to worry about any more escapees, I got that section of fence nice and secure."
Following his point to the poles it would have taken you an entire day to mount, you recalled the aforementioned escape that had sent you, Breakdown and Bumblebee halfway across the county on a cow wrangling escapade. Genuinely relieved that you no longer had to worry about a repeat incident, you moved a little closer to his upper body and put an appreciative hand on his arm before returning your gaze to his face. "Thanks, Breakdown. I really appreciate that." you said with genuine appreciation, cutting right through his charade and sending a blush blooming across his cheeks.
Coughing again, Breakdown pretended to be occupied brushing a few stray leaves off his broad shoulders, keeping his helm turned away while he willed his visible bashfulness to fade. "What are you doing back so early, anyway? I thought you'd be running errands all day."
You shrugged and watched the remaining cows cluster about the mech for warmth, their wide eyes closing peacefully as they tucked their legs beneath their broad bodies. "I'm pretty beat, I figured I'll take care of the rest of it tomorrow." you explained just as a yawn rose up from your chest, compelling you to stretch your arms above your head. It had been a long few days on the homestead, and even if the day was young you were absolutely beat, the residual sleep debt weighing down your body after so much excitement. Being so close to a big comfy bot in the shade didn't help, and in your exhaustion the solution seemed obvious, enough so that you weren't hesitant at all as you spoke your mind. Another yawn slurred your words as you stepped over a snoozing cow. "Speaking of which, these girls seem like they've got the right idea. Mind if I join them?"
The question took a moment to register, and when it did Breakdown briefly appeared to short circuit, expression going blank before it shifted to bashful uncertainty.
"Uhhhhhh…" he said with a stare, one you returned with a good natured smile to make it clear your request was sincere. Breakdown gulped, something he did often when your lingering touches or flirts proved too much for him in the moment, then regained enough composure to speak in a murmur. "Sure."
Taking the lead, you climbed atop his chassis and stretched out over the broad, flat expanse of his chest where he was warmest, earning a tiny gasp of surprise but feeling no kind of resistance to your presence. The spark beneath his armor went from humming to singing at your proximity, and as you got comfortable a glance at his face revealed an expression of dumbfounded but delighted overwhelm. Laying down and getting quite comfortable in the dappled light, you folded your arms to act as a pillow, able to feel the tug of sleep after only moments of respite. The mech had a wonderful habit of helping you relax even if the inverse didn't apply to him.
"Bee should be back in a few hours, he'll wake us up when he gets here." you said sleepily, loving how he melted beneath you and seemed to go from hulking speed machine to a staticky mess of want every time you overwhelmed him. Still, your presence was far from unwanted even if you cut right through his facade, as was evidenced by his frame leaning into every bit of your touch. Bright yellow optics looked over you with barely hidden affection in their depths before you closed your own eyes. "See you then, Breakdown."
Pretending to drift off rather quickly, you didn't move when a tender servo brushed over your forehead before settling over your hand, his broad digits forming a tent over your fingers as he whispered just loudly enough to be heard.
"See you then, Y/N…"
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mavsstar · 2 years
Summary︱Andy's twin, Ransom, came into town for the holidays but hasn't left. The two of you have gotten particularly close. After Andy made you mad Ransom recommends a certain type of training to blow some steam off.
Pairings︱Ransom Drysdale x Virgin!Fem!Reader, Andy Barber x Virgin!Fem!Reader
Warnings︱It's Ransom, cursing, kissing, pet name: kitten, daddy kink, cheating, oral (m!), handjob,
Author's note︱This is part 2 to Oh Brother but you can read it without having to read Oh Brother. I hope you guys enjoy! Also thank you for the 3k :D Because it is valentine's day it is longer and pure fluff towards the end! Follow my side blog @mavsstars-garden!
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Ransom always got what he wanted. New car? Got it. New watch? Got it. New one night stand? Got it. No matter the price, cash or morals, he always got what he wanted. There was only one thing Ransom truly wanted and was willing to work for. 
You. Except Andy took you away from him. 
Ransom had no morals. To him there was no wrong. It simply didn’t exist. He could easily take candy away from a baby and even be proud of it. He could stroll past a shelter of little puppies begging for a new home and he wouldn’t even bat an eye. The man was capable of cheating, lying, manipulation and so much more. Ransom had become such an amazing liar that you often can’t tell when he’s telling the truth and when he isn’t. 
When he informed you about Andy’s infidelity, you half bought it, half didn’t. You wondered if he was telling the truth. After all they were twins and considering how close they are it would make sense they tell each other everything. Though Ransom didn’t directly say Andy told him. Unfortunately it still didn’t change the fact that he said it. 
6 years ago
Ransom despised picking his cousin, Jacob Thrombey. It was nothing but a waste of his time. Jacob was the living reason he never ever wanted kids. 
“Little shithead,” Ransom cursed as he looked down at his watch. Jacob should’ve been out already. Having waited long enough, Ransom stepped out of the car and shut the car door and walked towards the front doors. 
Then you came out with Jacob in front of you. Ransom stopped in his tracks as he heard your voice. Jacob was on his phone, doing god knows what on it and completely ignoring you.
“Try to get the project in by Monday! It’s really important you get it in,” you told Jacob as he walked towards Ransom’s car. 
“Mhm,” he hummed, uninterested in what you had to say. 
“Have a great day!” 
“Yeah, you too,” Jacob waved you off. 
You turned to glance at Ransom, sending him a sweet smile and a wave. Ransom sent you his infamous smirk, lowering his sunglasses to send you a wink. Your smile turned into a bashful one as you walked away. 
The sudden slam of a car door broke Ransom's trance. He whipped his head and saw Jacob had just gotten in the car, no doubt slamming the door. 
“Hey! Don’t slam my door!” he exclaimed as he lightly jogged back to his car. 
“Who was that?” Ransom asked after he got in the car. “Hello?” He asked after there was no response. 
“That’s the substitute teacher for Mrs. Penny while she’s on maternity leave,” Jacob blankly answered. 
“And…” Ransom trailed off, wanting to know more. 
“She’s nice I guess, doesn’t make us do a lot of work,” Jacob replied, not peeling his eyes from his phone. “She’s single if that's what you’re wondering.” 
The entire car ride Ransom thought about you. He wondered what your name was and why were you a substitute teacher? Why did you have to be such a hot substitute teacher? Oh what he would’ve given to be a fly in your room while you changed. After he dropped Jacob off, he immediately called his brother. 
“Andy, you’ll never believe this.” 
“Are you in trouble again? I already told you Ransom, I’m not going to-” 
“No it’s not that!” Ransom cut Andy off. “I just saw the hottest woman today.” 
“This is what you called me for?” Andy questioned, very unamused at this. “Seriously?” 
“No you don’t understand,” Ransom began, “I picked Jacob off today and his hot substitute walked out with him. I can’t even begin to describe how she looks. I’ve found my future wife.” 
Andy laughed as he shook his head. “Yeah right. You say that about every girl with a nice pair of tits you come in contact with.” 
“I’m 100% serious Andy.” 
Ransom and Andy have very distinct tastes for women, 99% of the women Ransom found attractive, Andy didn’t. Though the way his brother rambled about the woman, Andy’s intrigued. It couldn’t hurt to look. Right?
The next day he offered to pick Jacob up from school. He leaned against his car as he waited for him to walk out. Andy didn’t like picking him up either, Jacob liked to take his time and was always the last one to walk out. 
When Andy heard the front doors open his head perched up. There you were, walking side by side with Jacob. There had only been a handful of moments where Andy was left speechless, this was number three on this list. His own body suddenly brought him closer towards you and he met you halfway. It felt like you were calling out to him, bringing him with an invisible rope you tied around his body. 
“Hello!” you greeted Andy, shaking his hand while you said your name. 
“Hello, I’m Andy Barber,” Andy eagerly repeated back. He couldn’t believe the beauty that was standing right across from him. 
Rarely did Andy ever go after anything Ransom wanted, he always preferred to take a step back and let his brother enjoy it. This time was different. Ransom couldn’t have you, no. Not this time. Andy for once was being selfish. 
“I hope this doesn’t sound too forward but what are you doing Saturday night?” 
“What’s going on in your pretty little head?” You heard Ransom ask you as he tapped your head three times with his pointer finger. 
“Nothing,” you mumbled. 
“Really?” Ransom sarcastically questioned. “Because the popcorn was done 3 minutes ago and you’re missing your favorite part of the movie.” 
“I’ve seen the movie a million times already, I can replay the scene in my head Ransom.” 
“Still doesn’t change the fact that everytime you watch it you recite the entire scene word for word,” Ransom said. “You were thinking about Andy weren’t you?” 
You remained quiet and bit the inside of your cheek. “What's wrong with that?” you questioned as you walked past Ransom to grab a bowl to pour the popcorn in. “He’s my fiance, I’m supposed to be thinking about him. It might be a surprise to you but when you’re in love you think about your significant other.” 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s all flowers and cuddles and all that colorful bullshit,” Ransom waved off. “Lately you’ve been in a bad mood, Kitten. Does Andy have to do anything with it?” 
“No,” you lied. 
Ransom snuck up behind you and firmly pressed his front to your hack. His hands were placed at your sides, trapping you in. “What have I told you about lying to me, Kitten?” You could feel his breath fanning over your ear. 
“You don’t like it when I lie.” 
“Exactly, daddy doesn’t like it when Kitten lies to him now does he?” 
“No,” you measly squeaked out. “I won’t do it again.” 
“You’re such a good girl,” he cooed, placing a delicate kiss on the tip of your nose. “I’ll rewind the parts you missed, let's go.” His hand intertwined with yours as he was leading you out of the kitchen. 
“Honey?!” Andy called out. 
You immediately snatched your hand away from Ransom and took 3 steps away from him. If you weren’t so panicked you would’ve noticed the flash of disappointment on Ransom’s face. You missed the warmth of Ransom’s hand even if you only held it for a couple of moments. 
“There you are!” Andy exclaimed when he entered the room, “I’ve been calling you.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t hear you, I was watching a movie with Ransom,” you replied. You noticed he was in a suit he normally wore for certain occasions paired with the watch you gave him last year as a birthday gift. 
“Why are you in your suit?” 
“I got a call, there’s an emergency meeting.” 
“An emergency meeting? At 7:45 pm on a Sunday?” you questioned with your head tilted to the side. “But you never work on a Sunday.” 
“I know Honey, I’m really sorry,” Andy began to apologize, “but I really have to go.”
“But you promised-”
 “I know I promised but,” Andy looked down at his watch and mumbled under his breath, “Fuck I’m going to miss the res-.” 
“You’re going to miss what?” you asked Andy with your arms crossed around your chest. When Andy didn’t respond you asked again though you got no response again. “Andy, I asked you a question.”
“I’m really sorry again Honey,” he apologized again. “I’ll make it up to you.” 
“What time will you be back?” you asked him yet another question, frustration building up inside you from him ignoring your questions. 
“Don’t know but I really really have to go,” he quickly said. Andy placed a kiss on your temple, “Don’t wait up for me.” 
“Andy?!” you exclaimed, following him to the front door but in response all you got was the door slamming shut. You quickly opened the door and stuck your head out. “Andy!” 
“Bye!” Andy yelled as he frantically got in his car.
“This is great,” you exasperated as you came back through the door. You turned to look at Ransom, “I can’t believe he blew me off for work. Again.” 
“You don’t actually think he had an emergency meeting do you?” Ransom asked you. 
“Well….yeah,” you answered with a shrug of your shoulders. 
“Oh Kitten,” Ransom sighed.  He then patted the empty spot next to him on the couch, “c’mere.” 
You silently obeyed and walked towards the couch. Just as you were about to sit down, Ransom pulled your hips and sat you right on his lap. “Ran!” You squealed, trying to leave his lap but his hold on your was firm. “Ransom! Let go!” 
“Or what?” Ransom challenged, “Andy is going to see us?” 
You gave up on fighting to get out of his lap and relaxed into his touch. “Why would he leave so abruptly?” 
“Because he’s out to see the other woman,” Ransom bluntly responded. 
“Really?” you asked. 
“Kitten it’s obvious! Andy is showing textbook signs he’s cheating on you.” 
Ransom felt your body tense up from the anger. He began to kiss your neck and you shrugged him off. “I’m mad Ransom,” you protested, “let go.” 
Ransom ignored you and continued to place kisses on your neck. “I know Kitten but just relax,” he murmured. “And I know just how to do that.” 
“How?” you asked, trying to pull away from Ransom. 
“Training always takes my mind off of things.” 
“Training?” you asked in disbelief, “Ransom I don’t want to work out.” 
“No, not that type of training Kitten.” His right hand left your hip and slithered his way up to your throat. “This type of training,” he said, lightly squeezing your throat. 
You turned your head and looked at him in bewilderment, “do you mean….” 
“You know exactly what I mean Kitten.” 
You gulped. To say you were nervous would’ve been an understatement. You were as clueless as one could be when it came to sex. Truth be told you were glad you would wait until marriage, it gave you more time to avoid giving a blowjob to a man. 
It wasn’t that you found it disgusting. No. You found it terrifying. You were scared you would do it wrong. Or accidentally bite down on it. Or even worse, accidentally throw up. You’ve heard stories from your friends how they hated giving blowjobs and all the horrors it came with. Now it was your turn to dance the tango. 
“I-I don’t know if I can do it,” you nervously stuttered out. 
“Relax Kitten, we’ll go nice and slow just for you.” Ransom's left hand began to massage your thigh sensually. “I’ll stop whenever you want me to stop.” 
“You want daddy to feel good, don’t you?” he added. 
“I do,” you replied. 
“Help me take off my pants,” Ransom demanded. As you began to get off his lap and unbuckle his belt he continued talking. “It’s not hard Kitten–well not yet–but think of it as sucking on a popsicle. You have to hollow your cheeks out.” 
“Will it hurt?” 
“No but your jaw will be sore,” he chuckled. “Oh and when I tell you to open your mouth, open wide and stick your tongue out.” 
You nodded along to what he said and took mental notes. Once his pants and boxers were pooled at his ankles you sat back on your feet and waited for his next instruction. Ransom was already hard, his cock was thick and oozing with precum. Just looking at it made your body tingle. 
“Open wide Kitten,” Ransom instructed. 
You immediately obeyed and opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out just how Ransom told you. He slapped the tip of his cock onto your tongue. It was heavy and you could taste his precum on your tongue. The action was dirty but god you loved it. 
“Okay now swirl your tongue on the tip.” You swirled your tongue on the tip of his cock. His eyes fluttered shut from the action and his head slightly leaned back. “Kitten, keep your eyes on daddy.” 
You peered at him through your eyelashes, your eyes looked innocent but your mouth told a whole other story. Ransom’s hand went to your cheek, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your cheek. 
“Now listen very carefully, if you can’t take it, tap my thigh three times. Got it?” 
“Got it!” you said. 
“That’s my girl,” he praised. “Remember to–” 
“To hollow out my cheeks like I’m sucking on a popsicle,” you finished for him. “I’m ready.” 
Ransom grabbed the base of his cock and began to guide it in your mouth. When you felt the tip go past your lips you knew your jaw would be sore the next day, it was so thick. As his cock went further into your mouth your nails dug into his thighs and you could feel the tears brimming your eyes. The second Ransom felt you gag around him, he stopped. He didn’t pull out but he wasn’t going to go any farther. 
“How you feeling Kitten?’ Ransom asked through a strained voice. Your mouth was warm and so inviting. You couldn’t give him a verbal response so you opted for a thumbs up. “Good–Shit your mouth feels so fucking amazing.” 
You were beyond tense. You had no idea how you were going to be able to do this. Scratch that, how were you going to take all of him? 
Without any warning Ransom’s hand went from your cheek to your head. He then guided your head up and down on his cock. It wasn’t fast but it wasn’t slow either, it definitely took you by surprise. 
Ransom couldn’t form a proper sentence, all that left his mouth were incoherent words. He tried his best to keep his eyes open but they would just flutter shut. You had no idea a blowjob could be so messy. Salvia was trickling down your throat, your mascara smeared your eyes and tears ran down the sides of your face. 
“I know you can take a little bit more,” he groaned out, pushing you further down on his throbbing cock. “You’re doing a good job for Daddy. Jesus Christ.” 
You tried to push back the gag reflex as best as you could. Anything to hear Ransom and make him feel good. By now you had taken only half of him but you could only do so much. You tapped on his thigh three times and Ransom quickly pulled out of your mouth. A string of saliva could be seen connecting to the tip of his cock all the way to your mouth. You gasped for air while you wiped the remaining salvia you had left on your mouth. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, still gasping for air. “I couldn’t take it anymore.” 
“You did perfect for your first time Kitten,” Ransom assured you. “That’s what training is for, so one day you’ll be able to take all of daddy’s cock in your pretty little mouth.” 
“I still want to make you feel good daddy,” you said. “You didn’t finish.” 
“You’re so eager to please daddy, aren’t you?” Ransom asked, to which you nodded frantically. “Then give daddy a handjob.” 
You knew what a handjob was for two reasons. One, you saw it in a movie. Two, Ransom gave you a very detailed and filthy explanation to you one day. 
Your dominant hand barely wrapped around the base of his dick, having a nice firm grip. You began to pump him up and down, making sure you got from the tip down to the base. Though you still felt like it wasn’t enough. You kitten licked the tip of his aching, leaking cock ever so slightly causing Ransom to jerk in pleasure. 
“Oh fuck!” Ransom groaned out. “Do it again.” 
You did it again and again and again. The sinful noise Ransom let out spurred you on. The way his body reacted to your touch made your pussy flutter. You never knew what desperation was until tonight. The moans Ransom would let slip out made you desperate for his dick. 
“Kitten, I’m so close.” 
You went faster and ignored the cramping in your hand. Instead of continuing licking his tip, you opened your mouth and sucked on it. The sudden feeling of your mouth made Ransom cum almost instantly. You pulled back and watched as his cock oozed with cum and hit your chest. You watched, amazed how his cock would bounce with every spurt of cum. By the time he finished, your chest was glistening with his cum. 
“That was…fuckingamazing,” he slurred, drunk off of pure pleasure. Ransom grabbed his phone and took a picture of your swollen lips and cum covered chest. “I’m going to treasure this forever.” 
“Ransom! Delete that!” you scolded him. 
“Yeah right, next time I have to record you,” he said, “you know to make sure you’re making progress.” 
“I’m not letting you record me,” you replied. 
“It’s not about what you want Kitten, it’s about what daddy wants. What daddy wants he gets,” he said in a low tone. “Let's get you cleaned up before Andy comes home and sees his fiance covered in-” 
“Alright!” you cut him off, making Ransom laugh. 
The next day you woke up alone in your bed. Andy had to leave early for work like usual and he left a card on your side of the nightstand. It was a simple card saying how much he loved you. You thought something was better than nothing, though you were still disappointed. You figured you would get ready anyways and spend the day doing something besides staying in the house. 
You had chosen the perfect valentine’s day outfit picked weeks ago. Just because Andy wasn’t going to take you out like you had originally hoped for didn’t mean you weren't going to wear it. 
“Don’t I look pretty this fine morning,” you said to yourself in the mirror, twirling around. 
“Indeed you do,” Ransom whistled. 
“When did you come in?” you asked Ransom, looking at him in the mirror. 
“5 minutes ago,” he replied, “you know you take forever to get ready.” 
“I’m so sorry Ran,” you sarcastically apologized, “I guess I just like to take forever knowing you were going to pick me up in my bedroom.” 
Ransom playfully rolled his eyes. “Something is wrong with the t.v and I don’t know how to fix it and yes I did unplug it and plug it back in.” 
“You can be such a grandpa sometimes,” you joked as you walked out of the room. 
“What’s wrong with the…” your voice faltered as you saw the array of different colored roses in the living room. 
“Happy Valentine's day Kitten,” Ransom said. 
“Did you do this?” you asked him with a smile on your face. 
“Of course I did,” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He walked past you and grabbed a certain bouquet of pink roses, “read the card.” 
You grabbed the card from the banquet and opened it. “Happy Valentine’s day Kitten, you’re my favorite girl in the world,” you recited, “p.s thank you for sucking my dick–Ran!” 
Ransom roared in laughter, “you should’ve seen the flower boy’s face when he was writing it!” 
“You can be so dirty sometimes.” 
“Yeah but you secretly love it,” Ransom shrugged. “We should get going though.” 
“What for?” you questioned. 
“We’ll be late to brunch and quite frankly I would like to spend as much time as I can with you today before Andy whisks you away.” 
“Andy won’t be back until 6,” you reminded him. 
“Thank god!” Ransom cheered, pulling you into his arms. “That means we’ll finally be able to go to the mall and get you the necklace I’ve been telling you about.” 
“Ransom I don’t–” 
Ransom shut you up with a searing kiss that left you breathless. “I said I’m getting you the necklace. Now let's go before we’re really late.” 
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callmeklair · 1 year
okay, i totally forgot to post this chapter and was almost about to post the new update and cause confusion kshakbsn, so with this chap, Tumblr is finally caught up with Ao3 and new chapter tomorrow on both the sites together :D
ALSO i really love how i was able to portray Yui in this chapter, my baby deserves better.
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Chapter four
“and now I'm finally free from his grip.”
Next day Yui walked down the corridors of the school hallway eagerly to reach the special classroom and tell Shin that she will accept his proposal, trying her best to stay composed, but the excitement won’t let her.
Many people mistook Yui as some crazy person as she was happily jumping up and down while walking in the hallway.
I mean who wouldn’t? Yui was always a shut-in, no matter how many people approached her. She rarely ever smiled and today they get to see this precious girl’s brightest smile. They were mesmerised by how delicate and soft her smile was. It was a surprising scene…
"Shu…?" Yui quizzically called out to the blond who suddenly took a hold of her hand, stopping her in mid of her little rendezvous. 
"I said don't go." His voice was harsh yet desperate, causing Yui to become more confused. The hold on her hand gets tighter and the next thing she knows is that she is in an unknown empty classroom and Shu is hugging her with his head down on her shoulder. 
To Yui, all the vampires' behaviour was starting to get stranger and stranger. A lot of emotions were starting to swirl inside her mind causing a knot in her stomach. This is weird and confusing…… and scary. She doesn't know why but the current atmosphere and behavioural she is encountering is making her shiver. 
"That tall guy from Mukamis told us about your little hangout today. ha… seriously can't believe he gave you permission without consenting others. and you… it's still dangerous out there for you, have you forgotten? the founders." 
ah! she knows what it is. 
The sudden change is causing her to fear. Just a few days ago she was considered nothing but a sacrificial bride, blood bag, food, eve, prey. and now suddenly they are…. 
is it because of the lunar eclipse and the threat involving founders as they are at their weakest now? Their worried nature for her suddenly doesn't settle well with her. until now all the things she has seen and been through with them… due to them, is causing her to fret over even to the slightest difference in their behaviour. 
she knows this feeling. the fear exists not because they are vampires but their sudden attitude. she doesn't want to go through it again…. after the truth about her father was revealed. 
what if their behaviour is caused by the lunar eclipse? what if they are just being worried because of the founders' threat and their inability to fight during this course of time? 
these thoughts always appeared at the back of her mind whenever she saw them being different. 
she was scared to make herself comfortable with their new way of behaviour, thinking it will all be over when the lunar eclipse ends or the threat of the founders'.
is that why she might have tried to find comfort in Shin's arms? is that why she is so unguarded around him because for once she wants to enjoy herself without any other thoughts than the moment happening? no fear of being bitten, no fear of losing her blood, no fear of angering anyone, no fear of watching her actions carefully, no fear of causing even the slightest mistakes.
she really was desperate huh
she bitterly laughed at herself, internally, with tears starting to threaten to form near her eyes.
"I have not shu-san"
"then why…" It was the first time Yui had heard him speak with such a low broken voice. this is making her own self cry at his state. why are things taking such turns that she can't even feel safe with their nice way of expressing themselves.
"what should we do then? keep hiding from them? keep running away? Aren't we just helping them by making things easier by doing all these?" 
"Shu…" with little confidence within herself, Yui reached out to him and took a hold of his face in her small palms as they made an anguished eye contact.
"If their goal is me, no matter what they're going to hunt me down. even if the new transferred students are founders', we….." Yui didn't know how to comprehend her words. she wants to convey Shu about her strong determination but she falls short on how, as she can't find the correct words to describe her feelings and thoughts.
"I think I understand where you are getting at" his tone was still lower than usual but a little relieved as he started to get what Yui was on about. She is trying to protect them in her own way by finding things herself as she is the main queen connected to all of these.
Yui still remembers, when she returned from the Mukamis and asking Reiji about the details of their plan as she is involved in it but only to be dismissed by him saying that it's none of her concern before getting bitten. 
that incident made her realise again how helpless she is in front of these vampires and even if she is involved in something, they won't tell her easily and keep her in the dark. 
it's risky but it's also the only way to find the truth herself.
after all, she has already given up on resisting these people as she is completely aware of her powerlessness against them. 
"I'll be taking my leave now" Yui politely excused herself without waiting for other's response as she left the empty classroom and rushed to the rooftop to calm her thoughts down. 
– At rooftop :
she can't visit Shin in such a state, he will obviously notice the cracks in her voice. she can't be vulnerable in front of him, especially if he is one of the founders', maybe. 
deep down Yui prayed miserably for Shin to not turn out a founder so she can keep drowning herself in their small cherishing moments with him.
so that she can finally be a little selfish. 
no she is already being selfish by ignoring the dangers and threats around her. 
w-why. Yui's thoughts start to become darker. it gets worse when she peers at the forest surrounding the school from all directions, through the metal bars which reminds her of a prison. 
Grabbing them, she symbolises how the scenery beyond looks like she is watching it from a cage.
an open cage, yet… it's still a cage. 
something small goes inside Yui's right ear and she hears a soft tune calming her down a little. Turning, she sees Chaewon giving her a small unsure smile fearing the blonde woman in front of her didn't want to be disturbed and she went out of her own way and still did it. But Yui was already too exhausted from her frenzy convictions to notice it.
Yui touches the small object in her ear, taking in its shape and realising it's an earpiece. and smiled.
this time, Chaewon again smiled but with certainty. 
a moment passed as both of them indulged themselves in the humming in their ears. 
finally Chaewon spoke. "I'm sorry for disturbing you. But when I saw you, it looked like you were getting farther from your own self."
"thank you" 
Yui finally took in the girl's appearance as she noticed how her delicate features and siren eyes glimmered under the moon. her deep black long hair, which reached until her waist contrasted with her pale white skin. she looked more fragile and weaker than last time she saw her on that day. is it because of her? is it because she interfered where she wasn't?
as if reading her thoughts, Chaewon shakes her head and calls out to her. "No, I should be the one thanking you, for that day. remember? you saved me from my horrible boyfr- no, ex. If it weren't for you, maybe I wouldn't be here and instead inside a hospital or worse. That day after leaving, I immediately filed a complaint against him in the school with the help of one of the teachers"
Chaewon paused to give a teary smile.
"and now I'm finally free from his grip. so, thank you so much again." 
For the first time in a while, Yui felt refreshed. a sense of achievement. No words can describe what she was feeling right now after finding that she was able to help someone to get out of their shackles that had bound them down roughly.
"uhm, I never got to know your name. mine is Ahn Chaewon, what's yours?" a new kind of energy was emitting from the girl in front of Yui and she giggled at it as she was reminded of past her. no. she is still her, just crushed between the circumstances.
"I'm Komori Yui" Yui has lost count of the times she has smiled now after conversing with Chaewon. 
She has made another friend. 
– At special classroom :
Yui was surprised to find the special classroom empty, but soon her expression turned sour as she thinks that she won't be able to go to Shin's house anymore and practise dance with him, if he has not come to school today. 
her thoughts were interrupted by echoing footsteps behind her and her expression turned back to glee and turned around.
"What are you doing here?" it wasn't Shin. but instead his older brother Carla. Again disappointed, she tries her best to not show it obviously on her face.
"I-I was looking for shin-kun. I h-had something-g to talk to him about" more than disappointment, Yui was trying her best to hide the overwhelming pressure Carla's presence was causing on her. why does she become like this everytime in front of him? 
an eerie silence befell upon the two of them and Yui inwardly begged Shin to show up as soon as possible. As on cue Shin finally showed himself.
"Yui?" the amount of relief and joy she felt just only by hearing his voice. she cried in happiness to herself in her mind.
"what are you doing here? with my brother?" his voice came out off-note. Yui wondered if anything happened to him, his usual cheery tone was very down.
"I wanted to t-talk to you a-about yesterday."  still pressured by Carla's presence, she tries her best to not stammer and get straight to the point.
"oh." his usual smile returned as he beamingly asked if she was ready and she nodded, signalling her acceptance of his proposal.
"what is this all about?" confused, Carla's demands to know what they are talking about as he doesn't like being kept in the dark.
"it's nothing much nii-san, she just wanted to learn how to dance with me" as he explained, Shin came closer to Yui putting himself between his brother and her like a shield.
"hmph. do whatever you guys want." and he left soon after not prying more in their business but not before giving Shin a doubtful look.
– At Tsukinami manor :
"and 1, and 2 and 3. now twirl around by taking hold of my finger" 
"like this?" Yui took Shin's finger as instructed by him and twirled.
"yes, very good, but your posture is a little loose which can make you disbalance and fall."
"okay, I'll take note of that!" Yui beamed as she looked around the room once again. She is still in disbelief that Shin lives in such a big luxurious yet classical manor with his brother alone. Isn't this place way too big for just two people? just like Sakamakis' and Mukamis' manors, least people but big houses. 
Right now she and Shin were inside a big hall which was totally covered in baby blue and cream white palette with specks of gold. a huge chandelier hanging above them like those she has seen in royal genre movies at her home.
this house is totally giving royal vibes. 
She secretly glanced at Shin and noticed how he blends so well with this colour palette, no. this colour palette blends with Shin. the gold lightening glistening over his strawberry hair as his pure golden eye shine with a sparkle and take the spotlight. 
his eye…. she has never seen any gold more shining than this. she might have never had any interest in gold before but now she does and he is the reason. 
"mesmerised?" Shin smirked as he observed Yui's reaction and her curious stare.
"very… it's beautiful" at this point she didn't know herself if she was talking about the room or Shin.
anguish. contempt.
it's that eye, which has brought her a sense of calmness, relief and freedom in the midst of all the chaos and hell she is living in. 
only if she knew, how that eye is also going to bring all the emotions opposite of what she achieved above in some time.
anguish. contempt.
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moldygreenblue · 5 months
An Account From The Man Over There
(In which I decided to write a Cats musical fanfic where the beginning of the Jellicle Ball is shown from The Man Over There's perspective.)
Thomas did not have a good day today. What makes it worse is that he knows it could have been a good day. And a good final work day would be the perfect start to his days off.
His penultimate appointment of the day was for a new patient; a dear little cat name Euthymia, or Mia for short. Mia has the biggest eyes Thomas has ever seen on a cat before. She was also the sweetest, compliant cat he cared for at the clinic. Mia is very much like her owner in that regards. Mrs. Covey is also kind and sweet. Both of them are a matching pair, and Thomas wishes they were the last appointment of the day.
But they weren’t.
The less Thomas thinks about the final appointment of the day, the better. He doesn’t want to think again about how the pet owner believed a cat could survive a no-meat diet. He doesn’t want to recall how the owner told him shamelessly about switching their cat’s diet without asking a vet about it. He doesn’t want to think about how lost his cool, and how he barely kept his job.
As Thomas slumps down to the floor, his back right up against the door, he sighs. He’s tired and hungry. But he doesn’t want to finish his leftover takeout from yesterday.
Thomas instead decides to go to sleep early.
Thomas stands back up, and goes to his bedroom. He strips out of his clothes, remaining only in his boxer trunks. Picking up his trousers, Thomas reaches into the right pocket and pulls out his keys, setting them on his nightstand. And after setting his alarm for eight-thirty, Thomas flops stomach-side down onto his bed. He can throw his clothes in the hamper tomorrow morning.
Thomas rolls onto his backside, and stares at his ceiling. He stares, and soon eventually finds himself drifting off into sleep.
When Thomas wakes up again, the first thing that he hears is soften sounds of unexpected meowing and screeching from outside his bedroom window, where the nearby junkyard is. While there is the occasional cat or two (or more; Thomas once when sick counted the number of cats there, and counted seven) at the junkyard, the noises never get on his nerves.
Until now. And Thomas is not happy.
I already had a bad day yesterday, thinks Thomas. This isn’t what I need now.
Thomas groans as he gets out of his bed, rubbing both of his eyes. He soon finds himself staring at the racks of shoes near his closet. With an idea flashing into his mind, Thomas walks towards the pile of shoes, and picks up his good boot from the top rack.
Thomas then goes to his bedroom window. He slides open it up, and chucks the boot out.
And there’s nothing. It’s just a beautiful silence.
“Oh for—”
Really? thinks Thomas. They didn’t scatter and leave? Well, that’s just great! Just great! Now I’m missing one boot. Why the hell did I threw my good boot? It wasn’t cheap!
Thomas slams his window close, and quickly goes back to his closet. He grabs one of his pajama bottoms and a knitted pullover, putting them on as fast as he can. Thomas then grabs his keys from the nightstand, slips his feet into a pair of slippers, and rushes out of his bedroom.
Thomas leaves his flat (but not without locking it; he’s not risking anything), and makes a dash to the junkyard. The quicker he finds his boot, the quicker he can go back home and get whatever shut-eye he can get before his alarm rings.
As Thomas approaches the junkyard, he can still hear the screeching and meowing. It’s louder than before, and more in sync, like a choir.
Now, when Thomas bought his flat from Mr. Faber, he was told the junkyard nearby is forbidden. No one can enter, unless they have a key. And Mr. Faber has the only key in existence. However, Thomas over time in his observation discovered that there is a way inside: through a broken fence piece at the entrance gate, located by the street lamp.
Thomas never thought he would enter the junkyard, especially by sneaking in. There’s a first time for everything, perhaps. And upon entering the junkyard —breaking into the junkyard— Thomas couldn’t help but think something is feeling…off.
He only took a few steps, but Thomas thinks that everything gotten bigger. A lot bigger, as if he shrank in size. And he thinks this more and more as he continues walking, realizing that it’s taking longer to walk to the center of the junkyard, where he knows his boot landed.
It’s at this point does Thomas realizes something isn’t right. Something about this night is wrong. The earlier meowing and screeching are gone. Instead, Thomas can now hear a group of people singing. And they’re singing. About cats.
“Romantical cats, Pedantical cats
Critical cats, Parasitical cats
Allegorical cats, Metaphorical cats
Statistical cats and Mystical cats!”
“I don’t think one can be metaphorical, cat or human,” mutters Thomas.
“Political cats, Hypocritical cats
Clerical cats, Hysterical cats
Cynical cats, Rabbinical cats!”
Thomas finally approaches the center of the junkyard. And he stops. He stops and carefully crouches behind something. A hat-box. He’s crouching behind a giant hat-box.
This can’t be real, thinks Thomas. This has to be a dream.
Thomas crouches behind the giant hat-box, and sees it. He sees it, and can’t believe it. It’s impossible, yet he’s witnessing it right before his very eyes.
Right before his eyes, Thomas sees a group of cats dancing and singing. The cats are singing like humans, and they look like humans. They resemble humans in stylize and detail costumes that are feline-like, fitting for a mega musical. The cats are dancing together in sync, their voices in unison. Voices he can understand; Thomas wonders anytime he was tipsy on a near or full moon and heard cats —or rather, one particular cat— speaking wasn’t his imagination.
“Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats!”
And out of everything to be thinking about in this moment, Thomas wants to know of one thing:
What is a Jellicle cat? Nothing of what I heard earlier actually define it…
Thomas makes the mistake of letting go of his hold of the hat-box. He slips and falls onto the ground of the junkyard. Thomas quickly scurries to hide again. If there’s a chance that one of those cats heard him falling—
A brown-greyish tom cat rushes to the front of the junkyard center. He slightly resembles the frail-looking cat who used to visit The Victoria—Gus. Gus is also incidentally, the cat who Thomas now wonders could speak all this time. But Gus is to use human terms, a senior. The cat up front of the junkyard center, is middle-age. Older than Thomas himself, perhaps.
“There's a man over there with a look of surprise,
As much as to say, ‘Well now how about that!’”
Thomas slowly sulks to the ground. He was not only spotted, he got ratted out, and he got ratted out through song. Thomas likes a good musical. In fact, he even participated in one in his younger years. But Thomas isn’t sure how to feel about being sung to in this particular context…
A younger silver-grey tom cat soon joins the other cat. He looks quite puzzle. And exasperated.
“Do I actually see, with my own very eyes…
A man who's not heard of a Jellicle cat? What’s a Jellicle cat?”
“What's a Jellicle cat? What’s a Jellicle Cat?”
Thomas doesn’t like the smirk on the brown-greyish cat’s face as the question was ask.
Despite being against all sense of logic, Thomas instead of running away from the preoccupied cats and their question, he decides to walk closer to the center of the junkyard. Closer to them. What in the world lead to his current predicament?
Oh right, thinks Thomas, smacking his hand directly onto his forehead. The BOOT. The BOOT that I THREW AT THEM.
Thomas is certain he hears a soft chuckle from one of the cats. It sounds very male. Thomas wouldn’t be surprise if the chuckle came from that cat from before.
The clowder of cats is now in a pyramid formation. They’re all staring him dead in the eye, ready to sing again.
There are so many different cats in the formation. Different colors, different markings, and different patterns, or having no patterns at all…they are so many. One of the cats is on the older side. She has white and golden fur, and a woven collar. The collar looks soft to touch.
The cat looks identical to Anne’s cat, Apricot. Anne could never make Apricot a permanent indoor cat. Anne always said that Apricot comes and goes whenever she felt like it…
“The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.”
The cats are once again in unison. But they are not singing, not really. They are all speaking low and solemn. The solemness in their voices matches their equally solemn faces. What they’re saying together sounds like a chant. It’s…terrifying.
It’s terrifying to hear this unexpected hush chant. It’s terrifying to hear the chant, feeling the many pairs of eyes on him. It’s terrifying to know that they’re looking at him due to being an outsider, looking inside a world he doesn’t belong to, and should never have learn.
This night is certainly going to be a different night from all others.
“First of all, there’s the name that the family use daily,
Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo, or James,
Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey—
All of them sensible everyday names.”
But what if one has a sister and she name her cat after a fruit, thinks Thomas. Apricot is a sensible name, sure. But it’s not exactly a formal name like the ones they just mentioned.
“There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter,
Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames:
Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter—
But all of them sensible everyday names.”
Well, that answers my previous question, thinks Thomas.
“But I tell you a cat needs a name that's particular,”
The collective of cats moves towards him suddenly. Thomas quickly walks backwards, and falls back on the ground. He quickly scrambles backward, hoping to feel something hit his back.
“A name that's peculiar, and more dignified,”
He feels nothing. Just the cold air of the night.
“Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular,
Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride?
Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum,
Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat,
Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum—
Names that never belong to more than one cat.
But above and beyond there’s still one name left over,
And that is the name that you never will guess;”
The pyramid formation breaks apart. The cats are separating into three sections. But they are still surrounding him. Do they think he’s going to attempt an escape? Thomas doesn’t think he even has a chance to escape at the moment.
“The name that no human research can discover—
But THE CAT HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess.”
One of the cats, a pure white cat with the most expensive jeweled collar Thomas have seen before, suddenly leaves her section. She slips away near the back and sits, staring into space.
“When you notice a cat in profound meditation,
The reason, I tell you, is always the same:
His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation
Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his name:
His ineffable effable—”
The white cat is now on her tiptoes.
Deep and inscrutable singular name.”
As the cats continues to whisper ‘name’ they all start to disperse. They disperse, and disappear. It’s now just the white queen and him in the junkyard. She’s standing up, prepare to dance. The spotlight —Thomas isn’t sure where it came from, as well as the music that he hasn’t commented on until now— is all for the cat.
It’s a very interesting dance solo. Thomas isn’t sure why the cat is obsessing with her foot. But Thomas admits that there’s an air of elegance to her dancing. It’s very similar to how a ballerina dances. The grace that she has reminds Thomas of a ballerina friend he had back in his university days.
A cat residing the pipe —he’s a tuxedo cat— soon sprints out. The spotlight gotten bigger and brighter. The tranquil music of the white cat’s solo is now livelier, and jazzy.
“Jellicle Cats come out tonight
Jellicle Cats come one come all:
The Jellicle Moon is shining bright
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball!”
As the tuxedo cat sings and dances along with the white cat —both of them are smiling, having a nice time together (very much how siblings who are having fun and enjoying the same shared activity), the rest of the clowder reappears.
“Jellicle Cats come out tonight
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball.”
The silver-grey tom cat from before makes his way up to the front. To where Thomas is at.
“Jellicle Cats meet once a year
At the Jellicle Ball where we all rejoice
And the Jellicle leader will soon appear
And make what is known as the Jellicle choice.”
Oh! There is a reason why there’s a clowder of cats at the junkyard tonight, thinks Thomas.
“When Old Deuteronomy just before dawn
Through a silence you feel you could cut with a knife
Announces the cat who can now be reborn
And come back to a different Jellicle life.
For waiting up there is the Heaviside Layer
Full of wonders one Jellicle only will see—”
As the silver-grey cat raises a paw...hand into the air, the rest of the cats —all have been dancing together again, all in the formation of a circle— are looking upward to the night sky. The white cat is in the center, and is also raising her hand into the air.
The silver-grey cat also sticks up his pointer finger, emphasizing that yes, only one Jellicle can go up to this Heaviside Layer. No exception.
“And Jellicles ask because Jellicles dare…
Who will it be?”
“Who will it be?” repeats the rest of the cats.
As Thomas feels the hard stare of the silver-grey cat, he decides on one thing:
He is going to have to embrace the unexpected weirdness of tonight.
He has a feeling that it’s the only way to keep his mind intact.
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cal-writes · 2 years
dont think i shared this black org au bit with agasa and heiji yet, enjoy
Kudou Shinichi’s face stares at him the moment he turns into the street. It’s a little unnerving. A few days ago Heiji had barely known that this guy existed and now he had seen more pictures of him than he had of Kazuha.
The missing person’s flyer is sunfaded and weathered, barely hanging onto the lamppost at the corner of the street. Two pictures of Kudou Shinichi are printed on it side by side and below were the words: Have you seen me? One of them is a scan of an actual picture of Shinichi in his preschool uniform sans the hat. Next to it is a digitally edited image, the text below stating that he might look something like this today. It lists the date of his disappearance and asks to contact the local police or a private phone number with any leads. Heiji takes a picture of it. It’s been hanging for a while but not longer than a year. Someone had put this up recently.
He files it away for later and continues down the street. It’s a posh and quiet neighbourhood, with rows and rows of giant mansions in European styles. The house of Professor Agasa sticks out like a sore thumb.
It’s a modern build, oval in shape and two stories tall. It reminds Heiji more of the ambitious concept sketches of a new architect than a real house. Giant frosted windows all around the rounded ends and a weird looking overhang over the door. Through the fence there is a modest front yard and a funky looking yellow car in the driveway, equally as round as the house.
Heiji pauses before he tries the gate, glancing over to the neighbouring house. The faded plaque still reads ‘Kudou’. The gate and fence are overgrown with shrubbery, paint chipping off the metal. It sits there ominously looming over the street like the haunted house in a theme park. Another time, Heiji thinks to himself and goes for Agasa’s front door.
He rings the doorbell and almost immediately a muffled booms comes from behind the door making Heiji jump off the stoop and back onto the path. He stands there bracing himself and flinches when the door opens.
Professor Agasa looks just like in the pictures, the years barely touched him but something covered his entire front in soot. He coughs a little, rubbing dust from his eyes and smiling sheepishly. “I’m sorry about the noise I’ll keep it down.” He says before he even sees Heiji fully. He blinks. “Are you a new neighbor?” He asks and Heiji manages to shake off the shock.
“No. Hattori Heiji. I’m a detective. I’m looking into the Kudou family case?” Heiji tells him, pointing toward the Kudou house sitting next door and braces himself for the argument to come.
Agasa is full of surprises. His mouth falls open, eyes wide and glassy. “You’re investigating that old case?” He asks as if he can’t believe it, lip trembling.
“Yeah.” Heiji says slowly, a little unnerved. “I heard you were a friend of the family and was hoping to ask some questions.” Agasa rushes forward to grab his hand, looking at him with so much earnest gratitude it makes Heiji dizzy.
“You are! I can’t believe it. Come in, come in.” Agasa says, full of manic energy. He tucks at Heiji’s hand, leading him toward door before he rushes inside, leaving Heiji to follow. After his earlier experience trying to get people to talk about this with him, he can’t help but feel relieved at the ease of being invited. “Don’t mind the mess.” Agasa tells him, running around wildly as Heiji shuts the door. And it is a mess. Different kind of mess from Mouri’s agency. This was the sort of organized chaos of a creative mind at work.
The interior of the house was equally bizarre as the outside. In the middle was a round kitchen surrounded by a bar counter and stools, one half circle of the oval was covered in bookshelves and fancy rugs, making a reading nook of sorts. Open in the living space further in the back was a bed, next to the door was a tv and couches, behind them a table with a PC.
“Make yourself comfortable, I will be right there.” Agasa tells him and Heiji looks as he runs towards a back door with something metal and smoking in his hands.
Heiji walks around, taking in the space. His feet carry him to the desk and the computer on top of it or rather the stack of freshly printed paper on the corner. Kudou Shinichi looks at him from mint condition missing person flyers. The older version of his face is slightly different from the one he saw outside. He takes one of the papers from the stack as Agasa comes back inside, a little less soot covered.
Heiji lifts the paper. “You made these?” He asks and Agasa deflates a little.
“Yes. I update them every once in a while. Hasn’t worked yet but-“ He stops himself, gesturing over to his kitchen bar. “Please, sit. Are you hungry?”
Heiji opens his mouth to decline but his stomach takes the opportunity to growl. “Starving actually.” He admits and Agasa begins to fly around his kitchen.
Which is how Heiji finds himself peeling carrots while Agasa browns some meat in a pot after offering to help.
“How did you know the Kudous?” He asks, sleeves rolled up his arms. It’s good to keep his hands busy.
“I met them both separately actually. Yuusaku’s agent got into contact with me when he needed a consultant for one of his books. Yukiko and I met over a shared acquaintance. Quite the surprise when they told me they were getting married!” Agasa says brightly. He wipes his hands on the apron he had donned on and grabs a picture stuck to the fridge with a magnet. It’s an old picture, Agasa’s hair still had some brown. He is standing next to a young Yuusaku and Yukiko, all of them in fancy garb and Yukiko holds some sort of award into the camera with a huge smile. Agasa smiles at the picture before putting it aside. “I still can’t believe what happened.” He says and Heiji cuts the carrots, dumping them into the pot as he goes.
“Do you know anyone who would want to harm the family? Bitter exes or scorned colleagues?” Heiji asks and starts to stir before the meat can burn. The sizzling startles Agasa to take over for him again so he can finish up cutting the vegetables.
“No. Yuusaku could be a lot- both of them could be really. Big personalities, those two but they were charming. Made friends wherever they went.” Agasa tells him with an absentminded smile.
Heiji finishes up the carrots moving onto potatoes. “Any of those friends around a lot? Anyone who might have known something going on?”
Agasa strokes his chin. “Not really. Most of their friends were overseas. Though Yukiko had an actress friend who was over frequently.” He closes his eyes to think. “I always got their names mixed up. Vineyard. A mother and daughter. The mother died very young and her daughter got into the acting business after. Chris and Sharon.” Heiji wipes his hands and writes the names down quickly. “I ran into the daughter a few times, nice woman but never talked much with her.”
“Was she in Japan the week of the disappearance?” Heiji asks before resuming his peeling duties.
Agasa frowns. “I don’t think so but I’m not sure.”
Heiji just nods, something to look into more later. They focus on cooking for a while, setting up the box curry mix to simmer and the rice to cook and settle at the bar counter as they wait.
“You said you knew Yukiko through a mutual acquaintance. Who is that?” Heiji asks.
“Kounosuke Jii. He was the assistant of a magician that Yukiko learned under. I helped him build some of the contraptions used for the tricks.” Agasa says.
“Kuroba Toichi, right?” Heiji asks to confirm and Agasa nods. “An actress learning to be a magician, isn’t that a little odd?”
Agasa smiles. “Yukiko was always like that, always looking to learn new things. She had a bunch of odd skills. One year she decided to pick up an instrument and learned to play the piano in a few months. Could never keep her mind still. She and Shinichi were both like that.” He says and his voice breaks a little by the end, eyes brimming with tears. He stands before Heiji can offer comfort, walking over to one of his shelves to grab a picture frame. It’s of Agasa, a little more gray than in the previous image and looking very concerned with a baby on his arm that tries to grab his hair. Agasa’s smile is trembling as he looks at it. “If I just hadn’t gone on that stupid trip. Or let him come with me.” He says with deep rooted regret it makes Heiji’s throat swell with emotion.
“I heard you were at an exhibition or something?” He asks before Agasa’s eyes spill over. The man clears his throat, setting down the picture frame with care onto the counter.
“I was asked to show off a drone prototype at an aviation museum.” He explains bitterly, shaking his head. “Shinichi wanted to come along so bad. But it was a school night.”
“He was into planes?” Heiji asks, a little surprised. So far the kid had seemed very aloof to just about anything but Heiji reminds himself that Shinichi was a six year old at the time. No six year old could be serious all the time.
Agasa beams at the memory. “Few things could excite that boy but any mode of transportation he was interested in. As a baby Yukiko would drive around the block with him when he couldn’t sleep. Drove the neighbors mad with her speeding.” The rice cooker chimes and they break to eat. Heiji scarfs his portion down quickly and Agasa has a similar pace, both of them admitting to each other sheepishly that it was the first thing they had eaten all day, too focused on their work.
“The night you came back from the trip. Tell me what happened?” Heiji asks carefully and Agasa takes a deep breath.
“Kogoro-kun saw me drive up and waved me down. He asked if I knew where the Kudous were, which I didn’t. I got my spare key and let them in when they told me nobody had gotten a hold of them.” Agasa closes his eyes, hand on his forehead. “Yuusaku could get absorbed in his work. I went to the library to check if that was the case and-“ He chokes and Heiji lifts his hand.
“I read the report.” He says to spare Agasa the need to retell him.
Agasa swallows hard before he lifts his head. “That big house has so many hiding places. I searched through it all night, twice when the rest of the police got there. Turned my house upside down. I was hoping Shinichi would have been hiding somewhere.” He says, lips a trembling line and as Heiji watches him struggle to speak he prays to every god he knows that Agasa is innocent in all this. “But he wasn’t.” Agasa adds eventually.
“Shinichi spent a lot of time with you.” Heiji says to prompt further.
Agasa nods, taking a moment to blow his nose and dry his eyes. “He had his own key. He’d come over after school and do his homework over there.” He says and points toward the living room area where a couch table sits between the two couches. “He’d be done so fast and then demand to be entertained. He was-“ He stops himself. “He’s-“ The words fail him again. “So smart. Smarter than some adults I’ve met, even at that age.”
Heiji smiles faintly at the adoration in every line of Agasa’s being. The Kudous really had been the man’s family. Heiji can’t imagine the grief that must have followed that terrible night. “I heard Yukiko and Yuusaku had been fighting before the disappearance, do you know anything about that?”
Agasa sighed. “Yukiko was a passionate woman. She could get angry quickly but she would calm down just as fast. It didn’t always pair well with Yuusaku’s aloofness.” He says diplomatically. “They fought sometimes but it rarely lasted longer than a day.”
“Did Shinichi ever mention anything?”
“Couldn’t hide a thing from that boy. He would come over and tell me when they were fighting as if he was disappointed or annoyed with them.” Agasa laughs a little and Heiji cannot help but find the image of a child complaining to his neighbor about his irrational parents. Precocious indeed.
He thumbs through his notes, looking for more things to ask and lands back on his wild scribbles from the police station. “According to the airport, Shinichi and his mother flew to China a few days earlier. Any connections there that you know of?”
Agasa thinks for a bit before he shakes his head. “I wouldn’t rule it out but most of their friends were from America.”
Heiji just nods. He doubts they actually set foot outside of Japan, at least not through official means. He blows out a breath. Now with a full belly and sitting down for a prolonged time, the day catches up to him. His head full of images and snippets, thoughts spinning wildly. That’s why he usually doesn’t do cold cases. Before he’s even started he feels like he’s already too late.
“Tell me about that magician. When did Yukiko stop working with him?” He asks.
“Before she started getting big into acting. She was discovered by her agent while acting as Kuroba’s assistant and she quit some time after.” Agasa says.
“Were they on good terms?” Heiji asks.
Agasa nods. “She mentioned him occasionally. They talked over the phone from time to time. Jii never mentioned him being bitter or anything about her leaving.”
Heiji nods, mind going faster than his pen. His notes of today were a mess comparable to Agasa’s house. Organized chaos. He just hoped he could find his way around tomorrow. “What’s Kuroba up to now? Do you know?” He says, halfway itching to look the man up on his phone but settles for writing himself a note about it in between his mad scribbles.
“Ah, he died several years ago.” Agasa says and Heiji pauses in his writing to look at him. He’s a little sad but not as devastated as he is when talking about the Kudous. They weren’t as close it seems. “A prop malfunctioned- not one of mine.” Agasa adds hastily and Heiji bites his tongue. It wouldn’t have been his next question but it had definitely occurred to him.
“Was that before or after the disappearance?”
“A few years after. I went to the funeral with Jii.” Agasa tells him and Heiji nods again, pinching the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. Only realizing now how much they burn.
“Right, okay.” He says trying to think of more to say but he can feel that it’s enough for today. “I should go but this was a huge help. Can I come back if I have more questions?” He asks, helping Agasa clean away the dishes into a concerning contraption of a dishwasher.
“Please, if I can help in anyway let me know. Where are you staying? I can drive you. It’s too late to be on the subway.” Agasa offers eagerly and with a look at the time Heiji doesn’t mind taking him up on it.
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
Lets begin:
Oh, how his mind drags him on, teaching him the steps to a dance he already knows, but loathes all the same.
Eclipse stiffens for the hundredth time today, eyes growing wider the deeper he falls into the memory.
His systems begin to overheat, vents coming in quick, short intervals that do nothing to prevent his impending panic.
He doesn’t hear the door click softly open, doesn’t hear the footsteps that approach him.
“Let him go.”
A hand reaches out to him, hesitating to touch his shaking shoulder.
My first thought? This was the point when Eclipse was being taken away to be decommissioned.
Clearly this happens after the Big Incident (i'm assuming Eclipse was blamed for a child or persons death) and the final two lines (Let him go) were spoken by KC who at the last minute chose to try and reach out to save Eclipse.
NOW THIS RAISES ANOTHER QUESTION - did KC believe also that Eclipse had commited a terrible sin, or was it holding back from interfering because of fear for its own existence? Maybe simply shock? Stuck in a state of processing that didn't quite click until he realised they were taking his son away to be literally killed?
When KC menrions Eclipse being stuck in that room (maybe the same room Eclipse had such panic over in the first fic?) was that room the same one Eclipse had been confined in before being inevitably decomissioned?
ALSO if i'm not mistaken, KC is the reason Eclipse managed to survive right? My guess is he was too late to stop Eclipse's chip from being pulled but he mayhaps did a murder of the humans and somehow managed to recover Eclipse's AI (either via backup or restoration from lingering code that survived)
I HAVE SO MUCH BRAIN WORMS OVER THESE TWO ASHDFS anyways that's my thoughts for now i'm gonna go back to reading your drabbles and fics so i'll be back if i get any more wormys ;D
(Side note: someone should 100% get Eclipse a toy wolf it would be very fun to see how he reacts to that - also did mr howls survive? Imagine if maybe Rays finds it during one of his raids in a storage room/lost and found ashdj or maybe he finds a different plush that is similar! BUT THEN AGAIN maybe KC still has the original somewhere himself? WHO KNOWS!)
I’ll answer these to the best of my abilities without spoiling too much :)
Q: Did KC believe Eclipse was at fault for The Incident?
A: For a while, yes. It struggled to find evidence that proved Eclipse innocent, and since it abides mainly by logic it didn’t really have any reason to assume the best of Eclipse, despite being his father.
Q: Was the room KC mentioned the room Eclipse was placed in prior to his decommissioning?
A: Yes. That was the room.
Q: Was KC the reason Eclipse survived?
A: Yes. It made it in time to hold him as his physical body shut down :( he then grabbed the remnants of Eclipse’s chip and scampered away.
Q: Did Mr. Howls survive?
A: YES! Mr. Howls is still intact, if a bit worn. KC has him and makes sure that the fabric doesn’t deteriorate too fast since it’s such a yucky room that it stays in.
I AM SO GLAD MY BRAIN-WORMS ARE CONTAGIOUS <33 they have AT LEAST 60% of my brain rn
Also, if you or anyone else finds other dialogue prompts, or perhaps makes a few, even, feel free to request them with either past or present KC and Eclipse! I will write so much for these two right now istg
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the-voldsoy · 9 months
Things That Go Bump In The Night
You know that feeling, like something is watching you? Like there are eyes on your back, prickling your neck, but when you turn around there’s nothing there? Or when you wake up in the depths of night to be greeted by a lone figure standing, still and silent, only to morph into an innocent stack of clothes on a chair when the light is turned on? Why you sprint up the stairs after turning the lights off, despite knowing there is nothing there? Or perhaps you've been woken by strange, unidentifiable sounds that you swear, promise, force yourself to believe were just your imagination? 
The figure in your room, the unseen eyes, the things that go bump in the night; these are dark creatures masked by deep shadows and the human fear of the unknown, the unexplainable. They reside in the darkest places of the home: in the drawer that refuses to open, under the beds, in the wardrobes. There's one above you right now, in the corner of the ceiling. Don't bother looking, you won't see her. She doesn't like to be seen. 
Did you ever wonder why children are scared of the dark? Why do they insist on checking under their beds, closing all the cupboards and drawers before going to sleep? They know. We are born with the ability to sense danger – to feel when things are near – even if we can't see them. As we age, this sense is slowly whittled away, as we are proved wrong every time when we are young. They know there is something there – we all did. And maybe we still do, an age-old fear tucked away and hidden in the deepest recesses of our subconscious. But today we ignore it, bat it away like a fly; we were ridiculed for it so often when we were young, we now overlook this presence of mind to avoid repeating this treatment. 
They say that when you wake up in the dead of night, it's almost always because something is watching you. This sixth sense, this ability to feel something watching you – it’s something that has kept humanity alive for centuries. And because of all these years of evolving and refinement, we have enhanced the ability to pinpoint that feeling and now the accuracy is unbeatable; never wrong. Never.
You might be wondering how I know this. Most people don't know. I don't, either. Not really. I cannot prove that they exist; I have never truly even seen one. If I did, I don't recall the experience.  However, they have been seen in rooms. Everyone has at least caught a glimpse of these nocturnal creatures in their lifetime, whether they remember it or not. Some have even seen them during the day, in a moment of unexpected and sudden flood of light in an unused room. 
This is why they are seen in old, large houses and mansions. There are so many wasted rooms – some never even stepped foot in – so they seek residence in these buildings. With so many hiding in one place, if a door is suddenly opened the creatures will all try to scatter and hide at once. This can result in a snatch of a ghostly face, footsteps pitter-pattering down the hall or doors slamming suddenly shut. Ultimately, this awakens the oh-so-human sense of curiosity. In order to quench the thirst for knowledge, people go looking in more rooms and startling more poor, unsuspecting creatures. 
These houses are then classed as “haunted” and one of two things can happen: the creatures get left alone, alive and well, only occasionally disturbed by a teenage thrillseeker or documentary maker. Or, more unfortunately, the residence gets turned into some sort of tourist attraction, where the creatures are poked and prodded all day. It’s only fair that they lash out once in a while, appearing out of thin air and disappearing just as quickly, tripping up tourists, scampering down halls while invisible and leaving writing. They love doing that the most, I’ve heard. Apparently, they most enjoy confusing the innocent souls that happen upon their homes. If they are feeling particularly rowdy they might write messages on the walls, throw books, pick up furniture or break anything within reach. 
But these are extreme cases, and very rare ones at that. Many are domestic, as stated previously. Even more live in obscure sections of forest and wooded areas. Some of these live a little too close to human settlement and when they venture out of their concealed dwelling at the darkest point of night, they have been accidentally spotted. This has been repeated so often that the time 3:00am-4:00am has become known as the ‘Witching Hour’, and is thought to be the time when demons and other dark creatures come out. This is a crude and uneducated view of these creatures as they are nothing of the sort and are generally quite docile, but with no proof of the matter other than the fact they don't usually attack people, or do anything threatening, there isn't enough to convince most.
I didn't answer the question of how, but that is because there is no way to answer it. There is simply no way to prove they exist, as there will always be critics claiming that any footage of these elusive creatures is ‘fake’ and ‘edited’. But, I suppose, they do look quite that way. And filmmaking these days has gotten so realistic, you could fool anyone. Or not, it seems.
The creatures are elusive in their own ways. Some can ‘cloak’ or ‘shield’ themselves from watchful eyes, and turn invisible. Some can mute themselves, also, and never go found unless caught off guard with no time to hide. Others are much harder to find, and are known as ‘Antimemes’. They are creatures whose presence can break the memory of anyone, and edit out the information of itself. It has proved impossible to describe these, as when viewers are asked to describe what they saw they find themselves wandering from the subject, or ignoring it altogether. Cameras set up in rooms occupied by antimemes short circuit, and artist’s depictions of them come out blank. It is only possible to record what they aren't. I know of two. First, a house with one in. I have been to see him many times. After many trials and tribulations, I have found out he isn't female, he isn't worried or scared by humans, and he isn't a threat. He isn't human – not even close – but he isn’t from space or under the sea. He doesn't know where he came from or how, and he isn’t bothered by me talking to him. Another wanders the town I live in, and I recognise him only by the jacket he always wears and briefcase he always carries. He is human, I believe, and his name starts with an E. Apart from this, I know nothing. But these are less important, as they are never really acknowledged by humans. If they cause harm or do anything at all we would never know, so there is no reason to worry over them.
The most common are beings of shadow. These are mostly found in houses, and are the cause for paranoia in the night. That's when they come out. Don't be concerned though, they aren't dangerous. If you happen to see one, you could talk to it. It probably won't reply, but they enjoy listening. If you ask it politely to leave your room and maybe offer it somewhere else to stay, they will usually oblige. They are grateful for a large, mostly sealed cardboard box. Leave it open for one night, with a blanket mostly covering the opening for it to enter. The following morning, put the blanket all the way over to achieve complete darkness, preferably in a place where it won't be disturbed, but can watch things happen around it through a small hole pierced in the box. You can even throw little scraps or toys and such in there for its enrichment. Also, dusting in corners of houses and removal of spiderwebs is appreciated, but only if given a warning an hour before to enable it to move out of the way.
They are generally good-spirited, but the constant fear of the unknown keeps humans away from them. So they are forced to hide while prying eyes are lurking, and come out during the night. They do prefer it that way, though, just as we prefer to emerge during hours of daylight. They don't mean to stare, but humans are such curious creatures themselves. 
Sometimes they get excited, or forget where they are, and make noise. They know this scares the humans, so they try not to. They hide under beds and inside wardrobes quite often – especially in the living space of a child, as they are much politer and kinder in general. They do get unwanted reactions sometimes, though, but that cannot be helped. In these cases, the parents of the child are summoned to “check for monsters”. The parents do not believe the “monsters” exist, so do a feeble and minimal search of the child’s space. This gives the creatures ample time to move to a new place where they’re better hidden, and vanish. They often will not bother to change houses after such encounters, though, because they don’t believe they need to, and instead vow to be more careful. The more clumsy type are usually the cause for childhood nightmares and a fear of the dark. 
The dark is known as a childish and immature fear, but it is a most sensible one, as the dark masks our arguably most important sense – sight. But it is not the dark itself that most fear, it's what lurks within, swathed in shadows. 
So, how did I come to discover that such creatures exist? It's a long story, but I will shorten it for the sake of time. You see, ever since I was a young child, I was fascinated by the concept of  “The Monster Under The Bed” and “The Things That Go Bump In The Night”. I have spent my life dedicated to learning about these things that every human has heard of, maybe even seen, yet never seemed to care about past reaching teenage years. I got an education and went to college to study myths, legends and folklore, specifically the darker aspects and creatures. Monsters of Hades, Hell, Jotunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, the Duat, Osiris, Set. I have studied the stars, ancient rituals and ruins. I have learned to read many runes, languages long dead. The first words of such in a millenium were uttered by me. I speak the tongues of skeletons. I delved further into folklore, in the Americas, across the UK, in Africa and various points of Europe and Asia. I found that of Britain, Russia and the Netherlands most interesting. Some creatures are quite recurring, such as the commonly known character dubbed “Slenderman''. He is said to have extraordinarily long arms and legs but no face. He wanders through forests, capturing people, especially children. He started as an internet “creepypasta”, but a figure similar to him does appear in Germanic, Egyptian and American folklore. Another similar character is named “The Boogeyman”. He doesn't have a specific form, but is the monster that appears in nightmares, on Hallowe’en, in dark rooms. He is blamed for many unexplainable cases and murders. These stories do not lead anywhere, though, and just put a name to the creatures previously described. The creatures are real, of course. There is a “slenderman” in every wood and forest, but most don't do anything specifically, and only have that form to better blend in with their surroundings. As for the “boogeyman”, that is just a label that humans have put on anything they cannot explain and are afraid of. It is very much an umbrella term, as all creatures of this sort could be called this. 
As for how I found out about these things, it was actually the antimeme previously described that explained a lot of it. Well, he didn't explain, but he proved the existence of the thing I’ve been searching for so long for – even if I can't actually remember a single meeting with him. I have collected stories of people all over the world who have had experiences with the creatures, but at the time of writing this I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to coax one out of the shadows. Just as is for humans, the fear they carry for our kind is too deep-rooted, and it is nearly impossible to just reach a hand out and grab one. So I just have to continue to try my luck at travelling to abandoned buildings and try to talk to them. The creatures present many challenges, as I must talk to a room for at least 20 minutes to ensure I've tried all I can, before I move onto the next room. I do not know which rooms contain a creature, though, or if they can even hear me. They can show themselves if and when they desire, so during my speech they can choose to remain silent and unnoticed, and have unfailingly done so in all attempts previous.
Sometimes I wonder why I even continue to try – if I do find one, find a way to prove them, then what? I suppose I just want to prove that I am right, that this hasn't all been for naught. 
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grahamcarmen · 2 years
hello. i have come here to inform you that. redcrackle
~ guess
...rys? Or rxc...
@rys-redcrackle ...
Or @redxcrackle ...(calender...)
Sorry if I got it wrong...
....yes. thank you them ☆.☆
Been rotating them on the brain...like the whole Himalayas scene is like basically one minute?? And it did all that?? Uhhh grays face drenched in red lighting and 🥺 while she says goodbye to his face and then him glaring at her back?? When she cant see ?? And she's like 🥺 as she's flying away like?? >:( he said enemies i can do this i-...glad you failed buddy
But also forever the way she just was like here to say sorry I couldn't attend my date with gray 🥰 and dgjdkdkd he's like slow your roll graham asked you out... and then she just goes :3 gonna go to the heart of this VILE building and just pick him up 😊 and dbndjdkdkd Iloveyou but youre skipping steps im in crackle mode
There's something so interesting how they're both on cloud 9 and the others grounding force. Do good and see truth.
And uuuuggggh like never gonna agree that the downward spiral to her learning to lose her trust just as he'd become trustworthy is a button for that AT ALL . I'm glad gray will be happy as long as she's ok but leaving it like that is ...no.
But I always LOVE! how happy! She is that he existed in her life! And when it gets dangled in her face that maybe again! Even if in a slightly different way! Shes like yes.
And he's such a little dude . He's so neat. Like he's very straightforward. He just. Uhhh today I think it is about how wholeheartedly he reaches for VILE and power and then just slips up and does this 🥺 at carmen. He owns all his bad choices . Gladly. Pragmatically. but OBVIOUSLY can't hide that loving carmen means something to him. Like actually him. * I was there * to 🎬 action
[And also lowkey how that relates to dark! Carmen b/c- stopping here thats a different thoughtprocess]
[its still...interesting to say the least to see gray casually use the fact that he's an orphan to shut chase's theory down]
And she's so ! Good. Like she loves the world a lot its nice to follow her for it.
And like operacaper is just so...soft to the possibility of him being more flirty and specifically that he would make sure he wouldn't forget her 😉 and she just // carmen vs what she wants and ONLY giving it up if she can conceptually see it as the noble choice rather than what she should do (player bff king looking out) and I think ? One of the few times she seems bummed that the noble/right choice IS the answer at this point in time. She goes [not seeking my mom rn is ok because I chose to do the right thing and she supplements it with she loves being with team red . Duh. They're great.and eventually she does get to do this :D] But she like flat out sighs when she's like . "It's the right thing to do...I guess. But because I'm protecting him ok don't twist it. I want it to be because protecting. "
And I think gray in his protectiveness is literally so funny. But also just in his straightforward. Means for my goal. Mindset.
1) he literally got told dont tell any one which he went well no one would believe me so thats easy. And then he's like ACME ☆.☆ might know where she is and SPILLS (dude like graham is gray is crackle he still has soooo much of his tendencies he just actually does the. Oh wait yeah we're not doing bad stuff right as graham. But only like after everything is done so dbfndjdkdk) because chance for carmen info? Say less. *opens his mouth*🤣
Chief: less
Never crossed his mind that they didn't think she was the greatest thing ever
2) AND WHEN I SAY CARMEN WAS RIGHT THAT HE IS LIKE HER I MEAN IN THE HE GIVES IT AAAAALL UP. ALL HIS CARDS. anything he can when he knows that freeing carmen is it. The right thing. And ugggh the line. Very baby steps but like when?? The rod?? How long?? But he's got a goal. Straight to it.
Sndjsk like he needs to solidify his moral compass by a lot but when he does he's just as active for it
Please come back...*flips a table*
😞dark! RC kinda pretty co captains couple tho...
Look at this ballet au pick rose gave me for them...
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And this isn't it either but I wondered if Anastasia had a ballet and It DOES but not n..ntotheversionofthestoryiwant. I was wondering if it even lends itself to that format but eh. Like even musical version had some trouble getting accepted? I hear?
Problems by mm for them but only if I can balance it with something sappy and happy af so hot tea by half alive for them being together (finally!) Has been it(tm)..but also someone who loves you by Betty who.
🥰think they should kiss and stay together forever /
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steezywrites · 2 years
The Crown of the Morally Grey
Part 2/?
Severus Snape ! Daughter Y/N
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Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Y/n had been pacing for hours. Draco was coming over today. Her father had told her what Draco’s mission was the day before- to Kill Albus Dumbledore. Y/n had known whatever he was ordered to do must have been horrific if Narcissa had asked Severus for help, but she hadn’t imagined a sixteen year old boy would be told to kill one of the greatest wizards to ever exist. She was sure Voldemort thought Draco would fail and it would be an excuse to kill him, but she was also sure she couldn’t let that happen. Not only would the unbreakable vow actually kill her if she didn’t do what she promised, but she’d known Draco since they were eleven. Her fathers life was also on the line if he didn’t help Draco.
She’d tidied up her room about ten different times, trying to settle the restlessness, but it didn’t work. A smart person would have asked what Draco was ordered to do before literally promising their life away, but of course the one time she didn’t question everything just happened to be the textbook reason she should’ve.
Her room had felt exceptionally smaller since the Vow. The dark green walls she usually found comfort in now only reminded her of the stereotype she’d fallen into in a matter of days. Hadn’t Ron always said she’d turn out to be a Death Eater just like the other Slytherins? She had heard students say she was going to marry Draco and become another family that followed Voldemort. No matter what she did, how many times she’d openly told Draco off whenever he uttered a word of blood purity-although she knew he didn’t truly believe it, Lucius Malfoy was a piece of work that Draco constantly felt the need to impress- the whispers never shut up. Unfortunately now, the whispers bounced around in her head.
She couldn’t decide if she was glad Draco was coming, or if she felt like his arrival would be one of the horsemen of the apocalypse. She could picture him showing up in a black suit, his hair so meticulously styled it annoyed her, but the thought of his white blonde hair brought back the image of the pale horses and she shoved it away.
What’s taking him so long?
At nearly half past six in the evening, Y/n left her room, the inclosing walls too much of a reminder of her soon return to Hogwarts and her soon to be mission. She had determined that she would feel better when Draco arrived. Her father wasn’t the comforting type, at least Draco would speak to her.
A pan was stirring itself on the stove when she entered the kitchen, some kind of pasta and sauce, but the rest of the house was silent and still which let her know her father had gone out again, probably to inform Dumbledore of what had happened a few days before. It made her glare at the innocent pot of pasta and debate on throwing it at the wall.
Maybe after I eat.
The rest of the house wasn’t exactly as safe as the cooking meal however. Y/n had created quite the mess while taking every book off the bookshelves in hope of finding any kind of information that could distract her without any luck. Even if somehow there was an answer in any of them, her brain refused to comprehend any of the it and the words turned into an out of focus jumble of letters. Y/n had never considered herself an angry person, but the last few days anger and anxiety were the only things she could focus on. Her Slytherin ambition only ignited the flames, knowing she’d do whatever it took to do what she signed up for correctly, better than anyone else could.
After the living room book shelves had been throw around the room, she took it upon herself to search her fathers study. Severus Snape wouldn’t have written down any other information, that would have been stupid, but she decided to go through it all anyway, yanking open drawers and not caring to put anything back in its place. Her father could fix it all with a spell anyway. Of course she found nothing, which only pissed her off more. Her searching was pointless and desperate.
A knock on the door interrupted the glare she was giving her fathers bedroom door, and she took a mental note to get back to it later. She slammed a drawer shut and walked to the front door, opening it with more force than necessary and only calmed when she saw her visitor.
He nodded in response and she let him in. Admittedly, knowing the first thing he saw when he entered the small home was the ransacked living room was a bit embarrassing. Draco looked out of place. His clean black knit sweater and trousers didn’t belong in the now disheveled room, but the dark circles under were fitting. A pale horse indeed.
“I see you’ve done some cleaning.” He chuckled lightly, giving her a smirk.
“I was pissed off.”
“Those poor books.”
There was a beat of silence between them, something that didn’t happened often but felt like it would become a new normal. Another thing on top of the ever growing list of changes that were to come.
“Y/n, you don’t have to do this.”
“I do.”
“You could run.
Y/n wondered if Draco actually knew all of it. She guessed Narcissa hadn’t told him about the Unbreakable vow. Draco would have been upset if he knew his mother asked someone to help him, his pride would have taken quite the stab. No, he couldn’t know, otherwise he wouldn’t have told her to run. If she tried, the Unbreakable Vow would kill her. She wasn’t sure of what Draco had been told about the situation and would need to get it out of him.
“I’d be hunted down if I ran, you know that.”
Draco nodded knowingly, his eyes glazing over for a moment as he thought. He knew all too well. Draco’s life was on the line if he didn’t do what he was meant to, probably his families too.
“So you really want to? To become a Death Eater? You never seemed interested in it.” So that was the story was it?
“The war is coming, and I’m not going to be on the losing side.” She nearly winced as she said it. Lying to Draco was going to be the hardest part of this whole thing. He knew he better than anyone.
“Does your father know?”
“He knows somethings. He knows I want to join.”
“Does know you’ve been given this test? Helping me I mean?”
Huh, not a bad story.
“No. He’d freak if he knew. My father isn’t very good at expressing his emotions but this…”
It wasn’t entirely a lie. This whole thing had sparked more emotion from Severus than anything she’d ever seen. She caught him glassy eyed a few times in the last few days. He’d put his hand on her shoulder whenever he could tell she was thinking too hard. It wasn’t the most comforting thing, but it was something.
“We’ll be going to Diagon Alley with my mother after we get our letters, like we always do.” Draco had sat down on a faded purple chair, Y/n’s chair.
“I want to go into Borgin and Burkes. I saw something there last time I went with father that I think could help us.”
Borgin and Burkes was known for having shady artifacts. Lots of the customers were Deatheaters or people interested in the dark and strange. Her father had taken twice, once to inform her of the shop and those who went into it and once because she had had a fascination with the dark and powerful objects it sold. She even owned a few small and rather harmless things from the store kept in a china cabinet in her room.
“Good idea. I’ll look through my collection as well.”
“What would you like to do until then?”
“Enjoy the last summer we might ever have.”
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spinningbagel · 2 years
This takes place after episode 22 of mutant busters 🫶🫶 (it’s just angst and hurt/no comfort. I tried I swear))
You deserve an apology (that doesn’t mean you’ll get one)
‘Monster’ the word had been floating around his head all through out the rest of their time on panic island. He can’t believe his friends said that. They had seemed so genuine with it too. He had grown to trust these people and consider them family but he feels as though that was for nothing. How they just so easily turned on him the moment they found out about his arm. How they easily accepted him back after Su defended him, completely disregarding what they said and acting as though those words were never spoken. He could almost believe that of the words floated and danced around in his head; echoing and reminding him of what he was. A monster. He didn’t say anything about the emotions he was experiencing, he pretended he was okay like their words had no impact on him. Like the lack of apology didn’t make him feel like he had been stabbed in the heart. He pretended. He had to. They needed him more than he needed an apology (oh but he did, he needed to yell and scream, DEMAND they apologise to him. For what the caused.
The group finally got back to the lab and they wasted no time in setting up a celebration. The doctor had already been told about his arm while the traveled so he wasn’t needed for anything which was nice. It was loud and he took the opportunity to slip away to his room, releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding. It was… nice to finally be away from those people. He used to love them like family but they sometimes are too much. He walked over to a corner piled and surrounded with various blankets it was one of his favourite places in his room besides his bed. He slumped down, back against the wall. He sighed. Why was it so hard? Was was it hard to fit in? Why was it hard to keep pretending he was okay? Why was it hard to ask for help? To reach out? To simply exist everyday? He didn’t understand. He took a shuddering intake of air. Oh. He didn’t even realise he had begun to cry, tears were flowing freely down his face, damping his blue shirt. God. He probably looked so fucking pathetic right now. To be breaking down and crying over some words and being apologised to
“Sometimes, words may hurt more than a punch to the face ever would.” He heard the faint voice of his mother, foggy from time.
“That makes no sense! A punch to the face hurts reeeealllly bad!” A younger, more innocent version of him spoke. Gesturing wildly as his mother laughed and patted his head.
“Maybe one day, when you are older you will understand.” He faintly remembers pouting at the vague explanation. He never understood it then but he does now, he understands what his mother meant by words hurting more that a punch to the face ever would. He sighed once more, rubbing at his eyes. He would have to leave his room eventually; go back to pretending nothing was wrong with him that he was still as carefree as before. Shut out any negative emotions. His ‘friends’ (did he still truly think of them in that way?) needed him more than he needed an apology.
Until that moment however, he could stay here and not be okay. To show his raw emotions to crave an apology he knows he deserves.
(But just because he deserves it doesn’t mean he’ll get one.)
The whole reason I wrote this is because I was thinking: Sheriffs friends literally called him a freak and turned on him but just as quickly accepted him back. but they didn’t even apologise to him for saying that shit??? and he just— went with it. It fueled me to write angst. (There was originally gonna be comfort but fuck it. Only sad people today.)
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twiainsurancegroup · 6 months
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