#and tell me by proxy
clownattack · 9 months
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scouring MANLY forums like car sites and knife sites etc to try and find out what the best epoxy glue is and these cunnies are just arguing over each other and nitpicking offhand takes in some weird glue knowledge dick measuring contests. Babes im just trying to narrow down my options pls just say what glue worked for u good omfg
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wolfythewitch · 3 months
My thoughts on the champion!Patroclus au are so disorganized I have not slept, but know that the main reason for its existence is that fictional men are infinitely more attractive when sweaty and covered in blood
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yawningama · 1 year
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ummm some proxy hcs I’m gonna change a bit more but ehehdhehwhehehehehehehehehsgshehhehehsheheehe
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moeblob · 1 year
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I spent way too much time on this for it to be mostly beans.
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heckyeahponyscans · 4 months
If you are wondering how to order from Taobao and Alibaba if you don't live in China, the best way is to use a proxy buyer.
The proxy buyer is located in China, you give them money and they order the goods. The items are stored in their warehouse until you choose to have them shipped to you.
My proxy buyer is BaseTao, I've been using them since 2017 and they've been great! Their site has a reverse image search, and they will take pictures of all arriving items for free, which not all proxies do.
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askticcitobyshit · 6 months
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((wanted to redraw an outfit meme I did back in 2018/2019))
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poolboyservice · 2 months
liek,,, im ngl kinda tired of seeing the little "reblog or else you're a bad person" and "reblog or else you're going to die" things at the end of posts like babe,, can stop that babe >.< you're making me really anxious and you know i don't like that!!!!1!1!! >_//
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infiniteorangethethird · 10 months
fav kind of interaction is when a neurotypical comes up to me with "omg we are SO similar we're practically same" and then prove their point by listing off traits I only possess as a part of my masking
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tallymali · 10 months
i have such a morbid fascination with those weird reddit dudes who rate their attraction to a woman by working out the ratios and proportions of her features. i want to know if it has ever occurred to them that this is not how other people experience attraction
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adhdo5 · 2 months
Eight's hand turns from motioning Six into the office to negotiating lurid-smelling steam away from himself. "Can you not fucking vape in here?" He coughs, rolling his eyes at the ceiling. "God! I liked you so much better when you smoked normally!"
Six doesn't say anything, just follows Eight past a gaggle of aides and couriers, flipping the vape over in his fingers.
One of the aides hands Eight a fan. "Worst thing to happen to this Foundation in twenty years," Eight continues irritably as he takes it. "And you're setting an abysmal example. You're why so many staff think this is just fine, you know!" He points accusingly at Six. "Hazardous particulate in sites up obscene proportions, Six, and whose problem is it? Mine! Three and Twelve taking out my brain about it! Everyone thinks they can do anything they want. Four vapes now!"
"Four smokes," Six points out, and takes another drag.
"Four smokes exclusively socially."
"He does everythin' exclusively socially." Six exhales more fog, annoyance leaching into his voice.
"Not that you'd know anything about prosocial behavior, anyhow--" huffs Eight, cutting off to cough and fan again. "Not a single agent has an ounce of respect for what goes on on the dancefloor. Fuck you."
Shit, and tell me all about how social you are, Six thinks but doesn't say. Eight'll live; the water might not be able to cure his lungs, but it'll keep them from worsening for another three hundred years. "Y'wanna talk about what I came here to discuss, or are ya gonna tell me more about your damn emails?"
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planetary · 7 months
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aeon’s gaze
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quibbs126 · 2 months
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*sigh* screw it, I just want to complain more
So I’ve been trying to draw Menos (he is said favorite character above) yet again today, but it just keeps not working. I don’t really even know what I’m doing wrong, though at the same time I don’t really know how to do it right either
He’s just so difficult for me to draw for some reason. Actually no, I know the reason. It’s because he’s big and buff and has a different body shape to the rest of the main cast, and I don’t really know how to draw that. Also, there’s that godforsaken neck chain of his, that for some reason is impossible for me to draw
It doesn’t look that hard to draw in the game’s concept art, hell he doesn’t look hard to draw, especially considering his clothes are awfully simplistic compared to his companions and other characters
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It’s literally just that he’s buff, I swear. But I just can’t draw him!
And this summer, I actually did somehow manage to make a sketch of a character with his body type this summer, and I keep looking at it for reference, but it just ends up looking trash
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I don’t know how I did it that first time!
I know you people don’t really see my art of him that often, mostly just Ceres (though in all honesty I have been drawing a lot of her recently), but that’s because I either keep deleting it or I don’t post the never to be finished page that I drew him on, and only my Discord server that’s for Cookie Run and not this gets subjected to it. I have been trying and failing to draw him so much, including today
Speaking of today’s drawings, I actually did manage to make something halfway decent today, that being this
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I’ve previously mentioned being at the dentist today, and drawing this while waiting (not entirely sure what I was waiting for, other than the thing to fill my cavities I guess? Since we were finished drilling holes in my teeth. Ah well, not important). I wanted to recreate the style drawing thing I had done above, while also maybe attempting to give them eyes closer to their canon designs
And quite honestly, I think they turned out pretty well! Maybe not the best, and I really don’t know what Ceres is doing with her arms, but it’s still not horrible
Then later today, I was trying to draw Menos similarly. And it crashed and burned (I’ve already erased what I was drawing, so I can’t show you). I’ve also been kind of trying to draw something else on the page, but it just isn’t working
I think I can only draw decently when I’m not at home, like when I’m at the dentist. Because it just isn’t working for some reason. I mean, I guess I won’t have much longer to wait, since I go back to school one week from now, and I always do my best work during lecture. Which isn’t great since I need to pay attention in lecture, but I at least will be able to draw outside of my house, and presumably do better
And yeah, I was able to draw that Dark Cacao and Choco picture yesterday, and it turned out pretty fine. And also, I’m a Cookie Run artist, I should just stop complaining about all this, making it a bigger deal than it is, and just go back to what I can do relatively well
But for one thing, I’m still stuck on this quest to draw Menos good, and I still haven’t gotten there, because I literally don’t know how to achieve it
And second, quite honestly it’s those Cookies’ fault I can’t draw these guys anymore!
I tried to learn how to draw the Cookie Run characters in a style similar to how they’re officially drawn. It took me a while, but I can pull it off I think pretty well, or at least decently (it just depends on how lazy I feel with the designs). But in the process, I have forgotten how to draw human characters properly/other beings with similar proportions. I may be able to draw them and it look semi decent by the end, but I don’t actually know what I’m doing in the sketch layer, and it feels like far more of an ordeal than it should be, and that quite honestly, I don’t have the skill anymore. I’m sure you can see it with how limited the poses of most human-ish characters I’ve drawn recently tend to be. Or at least, I’ve noticed it in drawings that I’ve done but haven’t posted because they weren’t done or I didn’t like them
And I struggle with applying what I’ve learned from Cookie Run to these human designs, because in my mind at least, they aren’t applicable here, because the proportions are all different and they have hands and necks now, and it’s all completely different so how do I apply it? Not to mention the fact that I’m semi-remembering how I used to do it and trying to copy what I used to do, but not knowing how I’m supposed to actually do it, so everything becomes a jumbled mess, and I get something that might look decent out of pure luck. I want an actual stable process for drawing human characters that looks good, but because of Cookie Run, I don’t have that anymore
And I can’t just draw in the Cookie Run style, because that’s basically like a Chibi art style, and that just wouldn’t look proper when it’s entirely different from the actual art of the game. Cookie Run you can get away with since that’s the canon art style and also just what the characters look like, being living gingerbread people. But I can’t do that with Evoland 2, it’s just not true to the game and quite frankly would just look embarrassing
What was I talking about again? Right, being unable to draw Menos. Well, that’s why you have to deal with this right now, because Cookie Run is in some way the reason that I am having this problem. Also, I really like Menos and want to draw him, but I can’t and it’s so endlessly frustrating
Yeah there’s the other characters, but I want to draw him specifically, since he’s the one on my mind most of the time, along with his family and also Velvet. It’s mostly Fina and Kuro who aren’t on my mind that often. But even then, I struggle with drawing the other characters too. Though that might be because I run out of steam by the time I decide to draw them, and so I just don’t want to draw them. I don’t know
I hate that I’m an artist who’s whole purpose is to draw, and yet I cannot draw my favorite character, who frankly isn’t that difficult to draw, all because I currently lack the ability to
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intertexts · 2 months
also really funny to me that i wasn't very interested in most pd ships until new haven wards. ghostkicks insane qprisms obviously but now i'm like over here shaking and sobbing thinking abt evildead & ghostknife & all their dreadful intricate messy bestfriends little polycule. as mallard conway calls it.
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pink-key · 10 months
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You know, I am such a dinosaur I didn't realise that the eyeless jack story kinda changed. I always thought of him as some dude eating your kidneys and your siblings at night. Not a furry demi-god supernatural being who is also a surgeon in his spare time.
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docholligay · 3 months
(I've only seen season one, please don't spoil me. I've read all the Chronicles (I think) but clearly they have changed things)
Man I could never discuss Interview on Tumblr dot com because I can already imagine the half baked takes and accusations of whatever which is such a shame because I love love love how much everyone fucking sucks in this show
(another problem. Who is the victim? Who is the asshole? Yes! Yes is the answer. God I hope we are going some of the places rice does with Armand fuck that guy I am so excited. But yeah, a show that seems to opine that memory is fleeting and we tell versions of stories that make us the hero, while SIGNIFICANTLY changing Louis to make him less of a poor little meow meow-- which I hated in the books, I love Louis not just being a victim all the damn time* is just going to be such a problem for the crew. It's going to result in someone being the "good guy" on this hell site when the real story is they are all abusive and toxic, manipulative fuckheads and THAT IS THE POWER AND THE GLORY OF IT.)
*and I actually avoided watching the show for a long time because of the changes to Louis! I was so sure they'd taken out him being a slave owner and made him black because GOD FUCKING FORBID we ever have a negative thought about Louis du fucking pointe du lac but they didn't do that!!!! LOUIS FINALLY SUCKS TOO I was so delighted to be wrong (I have competing opinions on changing Claudia's turning into his idea versus lestats bid to keep Louis, but I think ultimately I like it)
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myearts-uwu · 11 months
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@lombxrdi HERE!!!
Also it sucks ass that the stuff you get if you buy it physically is this
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