#and that belos was forced to make them younger and younger to make them more impressionable and hunter truly was the youngest grimwalker
oorevitcejda · 1 year
maybe, when luz and hunter had their truce to save the palisman from kikimora and he excitedly started talking about wild magic before he cuts himself off, the titan was watching him too. i mean why wouldnt he? he knew belos killed his brother in cold blood and made grimwalkers with his corpse, so maybe he knew that all the grimwalkers would eventually 'turn' on belos and did try to show them his glyphs after they left/fled/ tried to fight, but bc belos always got to them quickly the titan never had a chance to truly get them to realize the magic is right in front of them. maybe he also likes that luz not only taught the first real victim of Phillip how to use glyphs, but retaught the whole isles how to use glyphs (and then some! since all humans can use glyphs as long as theres a big enough titan around)
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What would your direction be for The Collector? I find the show did a very hard retcon by turning him into an uwu fandom baby, despite the fact that he was shown to be astute in his earlier appearances. Actually, what's the point of his character beyond providing Belos the keys to that genocide spell on the Day of Unity?
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This one will be another two-fer.
For the first question: If I were Dana, and I just received news that my series was going to be cancelled and I only had 3 long episodes to wrap everything up, I would have done one of two things: either not include the Collector or actually make him the Final Villain.
Obviously, Dana did neither of those things.
His overall role is to provide powerful magic to Belos and hint at what happened to the Titans. If we're not going to include the Collector, then just have Belos be the one to have made the Day of Unity Spell since he spent hundreds of years studying magic, it's logical for him to have come across different and more powerful forms of magic. The mysterious fate of the Titans would then be left for the fans to speculate.
But if we are to have him, then he has to provide another angle than Abused Baby Character Is Yet Another Victim of Belos that we've seen multiple times already. If Belos represents the dangers of oppression and not allowing the Individual to reach their full potential, then the Collector has to be the thematic opposite. He needs to demonstrate how unlimited freedom for one person can be dangerous if the effect it has on others are not considered.
Belos is defeated with the power of individualism and self-expression but the show could have examined the other side of the coin. Freedom does not mean getting to do whatever you want. People still have roles and responsibilities to play if society is to function. Relationships don't function if it's all me-me-me. The Collector could have been that other side of the coin with his disregard of other's opinions and focus on things that entertain him. That would force Luz to actually realize that she can't choose herself every single time, that she has to be responsible and considerate of other people. It would be a great arc for her character and a fitting resolution for her to teach someone else about growing up. Otherwise, there's no thematic purpose for the Collector, who's currently just there to act as a Decoy Antagonist until the Real Villain can reestablish himself as a threat again.
Second question: If I had a full season 3, then the Wittebanes would definitely have their own episode. But even with the cancellation, Thanks to Them should have been a more Wittebane-centric episode instead of being crammed into the final 10 minutes.
I would avoid the Good Brother-Evil Brother trope like the plague; Philip is the younger brother here, he's going to look up to and emulate Caleb. They both became witch hunters to fit in, which implies that they were somehow different and this was the only way to gain community acceptance and safety. Philip is the most "unusual" of the brothers and is fundamentally dependent on Caleb, so he has more to lose if the community turns on him, thus he embraces witch hunting more readily. Caleb can outwardly fit in but the stress of raising his kid brother are taking its toll and he's growing disillusioned with the town's culture. Meeting Evelyn allows Caleb to relieve some of his stress but it also makes him blind to how radicalized Philip is becoming. The town loves his little brother! He can leave for a little bit and his brother will be in good hands :) I can finally be my own person! Pip is fine....he's fine....it's fine...
Except that we know the truth. Philip tied his grief over losing Caleb to the witches because it was ingrained into him that they're all evil and destroy lives. It's much easier to accept that reality than the one in which Caleb willingly left him.
The Wittebanes should be a tale about how young people are radicalized and how communities can fail vulnerable children. How grief can destroy us if not processed properly. Not "guess lil' bro got mad that big bro got a gf, lol!"
Finally, Belos' backstory needs to play into his ultimate demise. The Titan can reveal the full story while Luz only got the legend the first time around. She can remind Belos that he wasted his life for nothing, that killing everyone won't change anything. That he brought this hell onto himself and he's the only one to blame.
Basically this.
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tartsinarat · 4 months
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Meet Till Eulenspiegel, or Tilly
They’re a mischievous little palisman who loves spreading chaos but internally they deeply wish for a person who could fill the gap their original owner left so they’re always trying out new owners until that person gets tired of them due to their strong attitude and lack of interest in being used as a staff because they prefer to be flying about in their animal form rather than be used as a tool.
Their original owner was a huge human folklore nut (specifically German folklore) so when they carved them, he made them be a Wolpertinger which is basically the jackolope’s more chaotic looking cousin and even named them after a famous German folklore character/ possibly real person.
But their original owner got killed at some point (not too sure how but because of Tilly’s name being based on a guy who was famous for hating authority it was probably due to rebelling against the empire) and after attempting for many decades to find the perfect owner who doesn’t give up on them or find them hard to deal with and then abandon them, they ended up in the care of the bat queen.
Until Pip came along because he had to run an errand with Luz for Eda because she was too busy with other stuff to go help the bat queen.
Originally Pip wasn’t even going to come along because the bat queen has tried to kill him multiple times for reasons he doesn’t understand as he avoids being around her and palisman like if they were the plague but it’s because the bat queen senses that he’s a threat due to his curse and how there’s a palisman spirit stuck in him so she wants to kill him to avoid more palisman deaths and save the poor guy who’s stuck there but since this episode is during early season two, they really needed the snails and Pip didn’t want to just abandon Luz so he went over anyway to help out.
The bat queen didnt make too much of a fuss about Pip coming along with Luz because she needs all the help she can get. This is because a bunch of palisman that were under her care were found by scouts and were about to be delivered to Belos and she can’t leave her babies or the rest of the palisman behind just in case there’s more scouts so that’s why she needed their help.
One of the palisman who managed to escape being captured was Tilly, so they ended up guiding Luz and Pip to the rest of them but on the way they ended up taking a liking to Pip due to at first thinking he was a fair maiden (Tilly is slightly blind due to a part of her carving process going slightly wrong) because of his longer hair in comparison to Luz but ngl a funnier explanation is that Tilly immediately sensed that Pip is genderfluid before he even knew it lmaoooo.
But yeah anyways after the rescue mission goes successfully, Tilly ends up deciding to stay with Pip much to both the Bat queen’s and Pip’s disappointment because they really liked how he tricked the scouts by dressing up as one but also decided to play a couple of extremely dangerous (but only the scouts) pranks in meantime to distract the guards from noticing Luz speeding away with all of the captured palisman.
Even though Pip is extremely hesitant about the whole having a palisman thing, they still end up getting along swimmingly as Pip doesn’t really like using staffs or magic in general and so tilly is able to roam around as much as they want but they don’t actually mind being used as a staff by Pip after a while because they both end up having such a good friendship but Pip still always asks them first if they’re alright with doing a spell together or if she is comfortable with him using her to fly
Tilly is also sort of co-owned by Luz as Pip at the beginning didn’t trust himself enough to be around Tilly for long periods of time due to the trauma of being forced to munch on a palisman when he was younger so he has Luz look after them when he feels like he can’t cope with the situation at the moment.
Luz loves Tilly and takes care of them as if they were her own child/ palisman whenever she’s on palisman-sitting duty although Pip thinks she spoils Tilly too much (but to be honest Pip probably spoils her even more but doesn’t realise it.)
So Tilly really likes Luz and even occasionally allows her to use them as a staff when owlbert isn’t around.
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An example of a Wolpertinger so it shows I’m not making this shit up, this one is a mix of a rabbit, deer, a squirrel and a bird but I’m not sure of what type.
In real life they’re a joke mythological creature that was created for tourism so they have the most funniest lore I’ve ever read for a myth, for example the way to catch one of these bad boys is to have a fair maiden because they have an attraction to them but on the other hand they’re also tricksters who make tourists who explore forests lose their direction and starve to death…so uh yeah there’s more to them than that but those two are my favourite traits.
Tilly is specifically a mix of a rabbit, a deer, an owl and a skunk.
The owl part has a specific reason because the literal translation of “Eulenspiegel” is owl-mirror but is also garbled version of an expression for "wipe-the-arse"… This is because of the nature the character Tilly is named after as he was a legendary German peasant who later had a bunch of folklore created due to being a insane prankster who would defy any and all authority which I think fits into Tilly’s species and personality perfectly.
As well I designed her knowing that she’ll eventually ends up as Pip’s palisman hence why theyre a hybrid (just like him) but also I think by them being part bird it’ll be something that helps him feel more comfortable about having a palisman, especially one that’s part owl who hates authority like Eda who he has a great respect for.
Oh yeah and Rip Muffin, aka the original palisman I had originally planned for Pip to have but couldn’t because Waffles was a thing in season 3 and it felt awkward to have both hunter and Pip with Blue jays, but because I’m not bothered to design another palisman oc ever again due to how much it sucks to figure out their staff forms she’s now the Palisman that Pip got forced to eat by Belos when he was younger.
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tyrantisterror · 1 year
Can you give some advice on how to write scary/dark fantasy media for a younger audience, like Gravity Falls, Coraline, The Owl House and Trollhunters (to some extent) etc? How to balance scary and silly elements so it doesn't get too frightening but still keep an eerie atmosphere, and make the story feel like a folktale/have folk-tale-like elements.
I haven't written anything with children/young adults specifically in mind, so I don't know whether I can really be considered an expert in this subject, but I'll try my best.
So, the examples you listed all work in part because they don't talk down to their audience. They accept the idea that children/adolescents/young adults are still, you know, people, people who understand that there are things to be afraid of in this world and that it's not all sunshine lollipops and rainbows. Kids, even little kids, know the world can be violent and dangerous, even if they don't fully understand how harsh those dangers can be. 3 year olds will draw pictures of lions with red scribbles around their mouths to show they've been eating meat from their prey - kids know the world is dark.
The purpose of horror media is to allow us to explore the things that make us afraid in a safe, fictional context - to get the experience of confronting what lurks in the shadows without actually risking getting eaten by it. And it serves that function for kids as much as adults - kids LOVE a good scary story.
So good scary kids' media isn't really different in overall content than good scary adult media. The stakes have to be real, the characters have to react with real fear, et cetera. The difference is really just in how severe you make it.
Like, Gravity Falls had zombies, child-eating monsters, etc., but it didn't have, like, scenes of zombies tearing people open ala Day of the Dead, or cracking open skulls to eat the brains like in Return of the Living Dead. The Owl House has some pretty intense body horror, especially with Emperor Belos, but it's abstracted enough not to be too visceral, too real, too traumatizing for children. It's all about pulling your punch just enough to keep from actually showing children something they're not prepared for, but not so much that they don't flinch in response to it anymore.
Artists complain, mostly rightfully, about how corporations force censorship on them, especially when they're working in kids' media, but it's noticeable that often that censorship creates something exquisitely creative. Batman the Animated Series was barred from showing the Joker kill people, so instead he hits them with a nonlethal gas that leaves them with a horrible rictus grin - a nightmarish and unique image that still scared the piss out of many a kid, while never crossing that line into the inappropriately grotesque.
So I guess the rule of thumb is to write your story like you would any other scary story, but whenever you hit upon the normal scary payoff, think of how you could do something technically less gruesome yet more creatively awful. How can you take a normal horror scenario and replace "death" with, well, something like the Joker gas?
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
My Wig in christ, pour on some more TOH salt for me, I've entirely blocked out season 3 because I genuinely wished for something more. Like GD, they could've went all out with a bang but they ended with a whimper :|
Buddy, you've come to the right place!
"Ending with a whimper" is the perfect way to describe another element that I haven't gotten to talk about in-depth too much: Belos' death.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: a story is only as good as its antagonists. Without a really strong force to struggle against, your protagonists feel flat and the story feels kinda pointless. Belos, in the first half of the show, was set up to be an amazing antagonist. Beautiful, creepy aesthetic, killer design, incredible voice work, and, most importantly, major hints of complexity.
Seriously, of the modern age Disney villains that I can think of, none of their backstories even come close to the level of detail that Belos' has. From what we know for certain in the show, by his memories and Gravesfield's folklore/history, the Wittebanes were orphaned at a very young age and entered into the established Puritan commune in colonial New England. Which, if you know absolutley anything about Puritans, you know how hard of a thing that is to do. Philip, the younger of the two, was practically raised by Caleb, and looked to be extremely close with him.
Let's take a second to unpack this. You've got a young child, who may not even be old enough to quite remember what life was like with two parents and a permanent home. Everything revolves around his brother, the only source of comfort and stability, who navigates through the world, brings them to a new place, carves him a mask (which, in my opinion, speaks to not everything being especially neurotypical up there, but that's another thing), plays with him, makes sure they're properly enfolded into the town and its proclivity for witch-hunting. Caleb was Philip's entire world.
And then, when he's still a teenager, Caleb up and runs off with a witch. The thing that Philip's been told his entire life is a servant of the devil, whose only purpose on this earth is to beguile and bewitch the righteous to the path of evil, damning them to hell.
Look me in the eye and tell me that isn't a goddamn sympathetic backstory if you've ever heard one. Not every villain can or even should be redeemed, but fleshing them out as characters goes a hell of a long way when telling any story.
And what does the narrative do with this? Jack shit.
We have enough information from the background alone to stitch together this incredibly complex backstory for our main antagonist, and here comes the finale! Where we are told that Philip was always evil and always will be, nothing to be done except kill him.
He gets next to no speaking time as a giant monster, and gets kicked to death. That's it.
Just... everything about how Belos was dealt with in the second half of the season was so incredibly incongruous with what we've had revealed about him. The main-villain spotlight was pulled from him and given back so fast it gave me whiplash, and they couldn't even dredge up the skill to give him a death that at least felt satisfying any way, shape, or form.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
okay…. so um ah…… I wanna write for Steve from the Owl House. Usually for my fics I like to keep them grounded in the canon of the show or take my own spin and add in things that weren’t in the show.
Here’s one of them….
Spoilers for the Owl House (if you haven’t seen it)
What if Phillip (Belos) and Caleb had and older sister….she too had been curious about the world beyond her own and followed Evelyn, into the Demon Realm. Maybe, she fell in love with a witch just as Caleb had with Evelyn.
She fell in love and was expecting as well, but of course. Philip stabbed her in the back just as he did with Caleb, and she died along with her unborn baby. Her husband wasn’t lucky either.
(she isn’t too old maybe a two years older than Caleb was so let’s put her around 20-21) Idk how old Caleb was
so belos created grimwalker after grimwalker of them. each of them failures, destroying each and every single one of them. until his recent ones
Y/n and Hunter. Y/n basically becoming the babysitter for her younger sibling and she despises it. being forced to basically babysit him, he’s whiny annoying spoiled.
she just wants to be alone do her own thing, world with the other guys in the coven. but despite her being older she wasn’t allowed too.
but there was one thing they had in common their extensive knowledge of wild magic…..something they were very curious about despite having been told the dangers of it by belos.
it wasn’t until they failed in getting more palisman for belos. once they arrived back at the palace. a Phoenix landed on her lap and turned into a staff
she stared at it in shock having her first palisman. ember she named him. but whatever let’s get to the cute moment between her and Steve honestly.
she’d mostly occasionally accidentally bump into him. and would be occasionally laughing at his jokes underneath her mask honestly Steve felt comfortable around her she found him funny and hilarious
Steve was the first to find out about her secret palisman despite her doing everything to hide him. and he promised not to say anything
when she found out that she’s a grimwalker she’s horrified seeing the countless masks and ghosts of her past. she along with Hunter were horrified and ran off.
everything about her was a lie. she was a clone another clone. and if belos found her or Hunter he’d just destroy them and make another.
maybe she finds comfort with steve maybe, he keeps her hidden. she’s just absolutely broken just mumbling how she feels like she isn’t even real. how she doesn’t know who she wants to be or who she is.
idk I just came up with this and this took me 20 mins to write out this concept.. what do y’all think
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faelapis · 2 years
i've been putting off talking about the new owl house like a chore because... i honestly didn't have strong feelings about this episode? thoughts below - but don't expect a radical new perspective from me. what i like/don't like is pretty constant. it is, and remains, the owl house. the "feel" of the show, for good or ill, is pretty consistent.
"for the future" lives up to its name - its mainly about setup. its charging up for the big finale. and its a surprisingly laid-back ep for being the penultimate one. i don't have any deep analysis, just basic, knee-jerk reactions of "things i liked" and "things i didn't like."
i liked everything with luz. like i said in these tags, i think the owl house works best when it embraces its own simplicity.
TOH doesn't really have complex characters or plots, but that's fine. i feel like its aiming for a slightly younger audience than something like SU, SPOP, or AT, at least in spirit. but its still charming - when it lets itself just be what it is; a cute litle story about the dorky weird girl who wants to be understood.
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i think the shapeshifting palisman ties into what luz' story will end up being: embracing being young. not knowing what you want, like amity talked about. i highly doubt luz will actually have to choose between the boiling isles and the human world. she'll probably always have one foot in both. since the magic door uses titan blood, they can probably figure something out so that king can donate a little bit of blood every now and then without much inconvenience. so luz can travel freely, see her mom (who i don't think will end up staying on the isles) and be with her "found family" as well.
speaking of luz' mom - i wish we saw more sides of camila on the isles. so far she's just been in "mama bear" mode. i would love to see more personal, emotional reactions to this realm of magic from a geek whos way into sci-fi and fantasy.
of course, there's nothing wrong with having a character just be "the mom"... but i feel like they set her up as more, earlier on. they established her as this character with real flaws who will try to make luz more normal or pressure her to stay. but then that's just fixed now. she's just kind of a perfect, supportive mom. so that's a bit of a letdown. especially since she actually used a glyph, that would be a great moment of her either feeling empowered or scared by magic. or yknow. anything other than "protective mom."
i know some will protest that we did have camila feeling guilty about her previous actions, but i never accused the writers of forgetting about it. i just feel like she's become a little too perfect, now. i would love if the tension of her trying to control luz was carried over to the final episode.
i liked the little moment with caleb and phillip. we dont know if caleb is a ghost or hallucination, but its an effective moment nonetheless.
king and the collector... ok, there's things i liked and things i didn't. i like that their relationship has a bit of complexity to it - like, king IS genuinely scared, AND genuinely sympathizes with the collector and wants to help them. like. he is just a kid, but they're also a terrifying immortal force that can turn people into puppets and doesn't really have the emotional maturity to control themself.
however, that complexity feels a bit wasted when... sigh... belos creates forced misunderstanding drama. that part was so unnecessary. if you need belos to be your generic villain, fine, do that. but don't waste the potential of king and the collector, which could have real, character-driven conflict rooted in fear, abandonment, power imbalance, insecurity, etc... but no, we need belos to spoonfeed the narrative into a simple "didn't finish listening" misunderstanding.
sigh. ok. not like i expected better. i can't really bring myself to be too worked up about it, because yknow. its the owl house. its gonna cheapen drama to make it more digestible and with an easy, clean solution. we can't risk a single parent thinking its too mature. guess we might as well assume some blame on disney's part there, too.
huntlow is... fine? it's cute, i guess. its got that same simplicity as luz' overall story arc: just a very innocent, simple story of two underdogs who support each other and fall in love.
OH actually, i do have something to say about hunter: i'm known as a hater, but he was more tolerable this episode. i think it helped that he was more in the background? he's often the melodramatic "perfect abused woobie" center of attention. but this ep, he felt like an equal member of the main squad instead of the writer's darling. he even had moments of anger, rather than just sad and angsty, which i appreciated - even just for the sake of making him less perfect.
i still feel like flapjacks death isn't... for anything, narratively. it doesn't really serve any character development. or story developments. i've seen some people try to make it a problematic thing, in the context of hunter's lack of magic as a disability metaphor. so its weird that flapjack being absorbed into him "fixes" that. i don't know if i would go that far as to call it "yikes", but i can see it.
i think this could be resolved if maybe in the finale, hunter gives up his magic to give flapjack life again, or something along those lines. to show that he cares more about his friend than being "normal" or non-disabled. i'm sure some will disagree because they think it "cheapens" flapjacks death or whatever, but i'm gonna be real with you chief... his death is already bargain bin drama. shrug emoji.
what else... oh yeah, the old collectors being scary powerful, diamond-like Watchers of the World who can destroy anyone who gets in their way is pretty cool. i'm excited to learn how they got wiped out. it would be wild if the current collector is like the strongest of them, and either killed them all or sent them away somewhere.
forced misunderstanding aside, the most interesting drama is still king and the collector. they both have a lot of power, in a show that seems concerned with being against authority and unfair power structures. curious to see how that will be resolved. sure hope its more than just defeating belos together (again) lol.
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willowshimmer · 2 years
Hc's for ✨Aladarius and the kids✨
- Alador is definitely the little spoon and Darius is the big spoon
- When Hunter and Amity found out they're Dad's are dating, Amity supported Alador and Darius being together but she vows to kill Darius if he hurts Alador and Hunter was very happy but also vowed to kill Alador if he broke Darius's heart again
- Emira and Edric like to play pranks on Hunter but are sad that they're not the oldest anymore (it's a joke I made cause you know Hunter is a clone of a guy from the 1600)
- Amity asks Darius for dating advice whenever she wants to go on a date with Luz
- Darius and Alador's relationship in the past was okay but Alador's parents didn't approve of their relationship so they forced Alador away from Darius and forced him to marry Odalia and that's why Hunter vows to kill Alador if he breaks Darius's heart
- Whenever Alador has nightmares Darius makes sure to calm him down and to make sure he's okay
- NEVER try to hurt Hunter if you do Darius will make sure you'll be in healing coven for 10 years
- Edric and Emira love their new dad mostly cause Edric has a cool beast uncle and also cause Emira has someone to help her with fashion
- Darius teases Hunter about his crush on Willow
- Darius helps Amity get ready for her dates with Luz like give her makeup tips and helps her with choice of clothing
- Eberwolf and Edric are besties
- In the first week of Alador and Darius being together whenever they would go to sleep Alador would go to the sofa and Darius asked "Why are you going to the sofa?" And Alador was like "oh yeah well Odalia made me sleep on the sofa if I didn't finish work which made me sleep on the sofa for half my marriage" and Darius said "Oh...Mind telling me where she lives again...?"
- Hunter and Luz make little schemes sometimes to get back at Emira and Edric for pranking them
- When Amity told Darius about what Luz said when they had their first kiss he was like "Reminds me of you're dad when we younger" cause when they were younger and had their first kiss Alador said and I quote "Oh Titan" while with the face of a tomato ( I TRIED TO MAKE IT SOUND FUNNY)
- Alador and the kids have gotten closer and has gotten to know them better like he now he knows that Amity is dating a human and respects that, he knows that Edric likes beastkeeping and sometimes goes outside with him to find some animals and he helps Emira to learn more healing spells
- Alador is AMAZED by Darius's abomination form. At times he asks if it only happens when he's angry
- The ONLY person that can cook in this household is Darius
- Hunter invites Gus over to play games and practice flyer derby with him
- Hunter now attends Hexside in all the tracks like Luz
- Alador still makes Abomatrons BUT to only help rebuild the Boiling Isles and he doesn't overwork himself like how Odalia did to him
- Alador doesn't like to talk to his parents due to them splitting Darius and him apart when they were younger
- Edric, Emira, Amity and Hunter like to go on adventures with Eda even though Darius tells them not too
- Alador is DEFINITELY touch starved due to him not receiving alot of affection when he was with Odalia but with Darius he feels like he's in heaven
- Alador LOVES it whenever Darius peppers his face with kisses and when he gives him little pecks on his neck
- Darius tries to convince Hunter to ask Willow out but he's very shy whenever he thinks about it
- Darius is very concerned about the amount of coffee that Alador drinks per day
- Alador now takes better care of himself
- Emira and Viney have crushes on each other but they're scared that the other one will reject them
- After the day of Unity incident the CATTS went to their base with some other people including Alador. Darius felt repulsed cause of what Alador did to their relationship in the past but at the same time was happy to see him
- Darius made a little bird plushy for Hunter when he was little
- Darius was FURIOUS when he learned what Belos did to Hunter in the human realm
- Alador and Hunter are autistic
And That's All Folks❤️
Hope you're having an amazing day I love you all bye❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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me1-atonin · 2 years
in honor of both the owl house and the dragon prince trailers being released i bring you: the main characters and main villains of each show in each others’ universe
so basically for the owl house characters it’s just going to be which type of magic they have maybe of who i think they resemble in the series and vice versa!
the owl house as the dragon prince:
is obviously Callum in the sense that they are both the main character, kind of childlike, and want to learn magic when it is said for it to be impossible for humans
ends up learning sky magic like Callum does
i’m obsessed with the idea of her being Rayla, main character’s enemy turned love interest, badass, parent issues, great hair
obviously moon magic since i just feel like it fits and she has that moon necklace
i don’t really know who she would be in the dragon prince universe tbh
earth magic bc plants are kind of part of earth. idk if she would be an earthblood elf tho. i know there are other types of earth elves but it hasn’t been said what they are yet
he’s Ezran all the way bc he’s younger than everyone else and gets underestimated all the time, but is actually more than capable and was forced to grow up sooner than everyone else
obviously he would do moon magic and would specifically be an illusionist
Soren!!! both of them are my favorite blond white boys, and very skilled in hand to hand combat, have an abusive father figure (Viren and Belos) that they later got away from
no magic, sword fighter on the king’s guard
Ethari bc they were the best of their kind (in magic and fighting) and saw a child and immediately adopted it, she could also kinda be Lujanne
i could see Eda doing sky magic with the whole wing transformation thing (like harpy eda form)
Zym. hatched without his parents and is going to grow up to essentially be a god but looks so cute rn, and never knew their dads
because of all of that above he would be a sky dragon
as said above he’s viren. learned magic he wasn’t supposed to and was an abusive father figure that hates the magic people and betrayed his brother (i’m talking about harrow since viren called him a brother)
dark magic
The Collector
aaravos. ok so yeah ik that they are almost completely opposites personality wise but they’re both starry people that used the main villain of the first couple seasons as pawns in their game and were/are trapped in a prison by the cute little guy’s dad
star magic
the dragon prince as the owl house:
as said above, he’s Luz
he would definitely be so excited to learn magic that he would forget to choose a type and he would be in every track
his palisman would be an owl bc they’re nocturnal birds and it just makes sense
gus, as said above
he would be in the beastkeeping track instead of illusions tho since he can actually speak to animals
Bait is his palisman
i don’t think any of the tracks really fit rayla for some reason but maybe oracle?
her palisman would be a tiny little dragon
a titan like King
i don’t think any further explanation is needed
hear me out. Kikimora with a bit of Willow. too loyal to the human that shouldn’t know magic, but is also cute and goofy.
she would also start consuming palisman like belos did but idk for what reason yet. maybe she just plays the role kikimora did but is still a human.
Hunter, as said before
no magic without his palisman, which is a german shepherd
obviously Belos, down to his appearance being changed from the magic he’s not supposed to be doing and nearly dying from it
consumes palismen to keep himself alive, but turns into a monster
The Collector
too op and is having fun with it
not demon, which or human and is born from the stars
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
So I received a request recently asking for a Lindbergh x reader fic. To the one who requested it, I hope you enjoy it! For anyone else who like him, I hope you enjoy it as well!
Warnings: GN!Reader, age gap (no worse than Marco x Ace), mink-human relationship, insecurities.
Word Count: 1020
     The most stunning human he’d ever laid eyes on and you were just out of his reach. You were a close friend of Sabo’s and one of the more skilled members at espionage. He almost wished he were Sabo, the blond was young, handsome, and human. All great things to be when it came to you. He was a mink, he was too old for you, humans usually went for someone closer to their own age and, from what he understood, someone of their own race. He wished that his rank were all he needed to be with someone like you, he was the commander to the South Army and well respected within the RA’s ranks. He was intelligent and among his own people, he was desirable, but you weren’t a mink like he was. Even if you were, would that be enough to overcome the age difference? He’d heard of worse age gaps, but they were few and far between, they were also typically between two humans, at least, to the best of his knowledge. He yearned to be with you, he’d watched you from afar, but he’d never gone any further, never tried to be anything more than a friend to you. As much as he wanted to be more to you, he couldn’t bring himself to ask you for anything more than your friendship.
     To you, it didn’t matter if he was a mink, a human, he could have been a giant or some sort of amorphous blob for all you cared. He was smart, interesting, funny, kind… and out of your league. A highly ranked member of the RA and some nobody who specialized in espionage? Why would he ever be interested in someone like you when amazing members like Belo Betty or Karasu were around? Members who’d make infinitely better partners than someone so much younger than him. That isn’t to say you didn’t want him, he was the very reason you worked so hard. At first, you’d just wanted to help the RA, so you did your best, but now, he was your driving force. You wanted to be good enough to impress him, be good enough to be considered worthy of him. So you put your everything into every mission, anything to try and prove that you were good enough for someone as amazing as him. 
     Perhaps it was inevitable that your friends would get tired of the tension between the two of you. That they’d want to see the two of you together, want the both of you to be happy. You were their friends, they saw the attraction between the two of you, maybe this was inevitable. Even still, you hadn’t expected to now be sitting with him in a closet as he tried to pick the lock on the door. You weren’t even sure what had happened, to be honest. One moment you were walking down the hallway with Koala, glancing over to see Sabo and Lindbergh headed your way and the next, the two of you were being stuffed in a closet and the door locked behind you as Sabo and Koala wished you both luck. Neither of you had said much since then aside from apologies and a promise to get the two of you out. How could you when you were locked in a closet with the man you had the biggest attraction to? Taking a deep breath, you tapped the cat mink on the shoulder, drawing his attention away from his agitated muttering about Sabo messing with the lock. You had to tell him how you felt. Surely the two were still on the other side of the door listening in, right? They’d let you out if you told him how you felt, right? Granted, you’d kill them for this once he rejected you, but it was the only thing you could think of and it had been 20 minutes since you’d been locked in here. The mink turned towards you, his brow furrowing. He’d been trying to unlock the door for what felt like an eternity, were you finally pissed off that his attempts thus far had failed? In truth, he was annoyed with himself for not being able to unlock it. He knew he could, he was more than capable, but with you standing so close to him, his focus was more on your scent that seemed to surround him, your warm body mere inches behind him, and the cute way you were biting your lips. The words that left those cute, teeth worn lips had him wondering if he was actually in a dream instead of reality, if this was all some sort of hallucination. You liked him? You liked him like he liked you? He took one of your hands in his, placing a kiss on the back of your hands before staring into your eyes. There was fear there, fear that he’d reject you, a fear he understood all too well. But he didn’t, he could never reject you, you were far too astounding for him to hurt you like that. Instead, he allowed himself to admit his own feelings for you, to tell you how much he cared for you. Once he’d told you about his own insecurities, you couldn’t help but laugh and tell him about yours, the two of you now content to just sit there and talk, forgetting about the lock, forgetting about the fact that you were stuck in a closet. The nervous tension gave way to an easy, comfortable silence as the both of you sat there, his head on your lap as you ran your fingers through his hair, an ever so slight pur escaping him. There wasn’t any hurry, the others would let you out eventually and until then, you were more comfortable in the privacy of the dark closet. Nobody could object to the age difference here, nobody could object to the strange human-mink relationship, nobody could object to anything in here. You could be together without your usual worries or insecurities in here. You could just be together here.
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oftatteredwings · 1 year
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⸻  CODY FERN. THEY/THEM / have you ever heard of TALKIN’ ‘BOUT A REVOLUTION by tracy chapman, well, it describes LUCIAN CARTER to a tee! The thirty-two year-old, and BARTENDER AT CLOUD NINE CLUB/ESCORT was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say THEY are more careless or more PASSIONATE instead? anyway, they remind me of placards fighting for injustice, an ever changing wardrobe, an inability not to help, messy bedhead and scribbled out maths problems, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! 
time in notting hill ; 4 years, but are a london native.
tw: drug abuse, abortion mention, violence, drug overdose, sex work, suicide attempt
Name: Lucian Carter. Age: Thirty-two. DoB: April 23rd 1991. Occupation: Bartender at Cloud Nine Club/Escort. Sexual/romantic orientation: Pansexual/grey-romantic. Birthplace: Camden, London, UK. Current Location: Notting Hill, London, UK.
They’re a native to London and grew up in Camden.
Product of a one night stand who was treated like crap by their mother from birth. She didn’t want them, had planned to get rid of them and made that clear each and every day. The police were constantly getting called to their place because of the continual screaming and shouting.
At 7 they found their mum’s drug stash which suddenly explained why they had no money even though she was working all the time. It explained a lot.
Shortly after that they were joined by a younger sister, who their mum seemed to want this time.
Threw themselves into school. They were a bit of a brainiac. Maths club, constant tutoring of other students, cross-country running, anything to keep them away from home.
By the time high school had come to an end they’d found a passion for activism and spent all their time in the middle of the city involved in protests. Constantly spent their time clashing with the police, chaining themselves to buildings and locked away for the night after peaceful protests ended up violent.
At around 21 they came out as genderfluid. They’d never fit in any kind of box anyway. Started going by both they/them, something that has stuck ever since.
They spent the rest of their time working in bars, coffee shops, restaurants (whatever brought the money in) and a local homeless shelter.
Attempted a relationship for the first time. Failed. It lasted a couple of years but ended when they let them get dragged off by the police without helping at all. They are a bit of a hopeless romantic deep down, but have never really felt they deserve love because of how they were treated by their mother when growing up.
Spent the next couple of years flitting back and forth between London, Birmingham and Manchester constantly, unable to settle. 
Moved back to London permanently around five years ago after receiving a phone call from their younger sibling, who told them their mother had overdosed. Despite everything they still came running to take care of them both.
Picked up a job at a bar again pretty quickly, needing money to support themselves and their mother and sister, something they never thought they’d be doing. They live in an apartment away from them though, choosing to settle in Notting Hill, there was no way they were living in the same house as their mother ever again.
The bartending eventually led to escort work… something they hadn’t expected. But they actually kind of love it, even if it is complicated sometimes. They mostly deal with guys looking for a good time or middle aged women hunting for someone young to flash around the city. It’s not ideal, but it supported the lifestyle they were trying to hold down.
December 2020 and their newly found job took a dramatic turn when a client attempted suicide while they were sleeping. They’ve since been forced to rethink things a little, but have yet to make an effort to move away from it. They’ve fallen back into working at the shelter, though, knowing it’s probably where they belong.
Maternal Half-sister (0/1): Of at least half European descent. 7/8 years younger. Anya Taylor-Joy’s the dream.
Childhood best friend (0/1): This person was like Lucian’s family when they were growing up. That’s never changed.
Childhood friends (0/?): Anyone they knew growing up in Camden.
Sister from another mister/brother from another mother (0/1): They’ve never been close to their actual siblings (or don’t know them at all) so this is someone they’ve formed a sibling-like bond with over the years.
Close friends (0/?): Friends they’ve grown close to since settling in Notting Hill.
Getting to know you (0/?): They’ve only recently got to know one another, but they’re working on it.
The best kind of people (0/?): They’ve met on numerous charity/good will projects over the years and just made a bond.
Ex-partners (0/2): There have only been a couple, Lucian doesn’t have the best luck with lasting relationships.
You’re kind of special (0/1): Someone they’ve found themselves growing closer to recently, although it might all be one-sided, they’re not sure yet.
One night stands (0/?): There aren’t too many of them, but every so often they’ll spend a night with someone.
Friends with benefits (0/2): Same as the one night stands, though these two keep coming back to one another.
Roommate (0/1): They are by no means rich, so having a roomie helps with rent.
People from work (0/?): People they know through their work at the bar or others who may work with the homeless from time to time.
Not quite the best of friends (0/?): They just really don’t get along… at all. They could have clashed during a protest or something in the city at some point.
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ppw-rp-hub · 2 years
Persona au ideas so far
well not including the Arcana at least, adding that in a reblog, for my fanfic and for another verse for my Willow
feel free to use these ideas or alter them for your own fun, only Willow will have stated personas in this case.
This will probably get added onto further 
The Boiling Isles: The main landmass in the cognitive world of imagination and adventure, though they often just call it the Demon realm or Shadow realm. It had been around for a little while and has adult persona users who have done it for a while but they are not all very strong because they are affected by interpersonal relationships and your feelings of self worth and general sense of self
Palismen: Still exist as more of an evoker role and sort of a vessel for a person’s persona and help summon them and take the shape of the users preferred weapon
The Bad Girl's Coven (initially)
Luz: the standard Fool protagonist with the 0 number, discovers the Demon realm by following Eda through her portal and awakens her potential though her persona is faint and weak at first so she learns to form bonds with others while working on strengthening her own. She has trouble fitting in in school and her creativity sometimes has gotten out of hand. Her mom loves her creativity but thinks they should move for a fresh start. Luz is afraid to move because she doesn't want to leave her father's grave behind so Camila sends Luz to stay with an old friend, Eda, for the summer to see if she may like it there.
Eda: head of the self proclaimed Bad Girl's Coven. She has one of the strongest personas currently and takes Luz on as a men-tee while taking her in for the summer, though she has a chronic illness that slows her down she sticks by to help the kids learn
King: has sort of a role akin to Koromaru, Teddy and Mona he also has a persona of his own. He has the most experience besides Eda but is still young
Hooty: a persona freed from being a shadow by Eda a long time ago who guards the base in the other realm
Willow: first younger member to join, her persona had been weaker due to being taught in a way that she had trouble learning, once she was able to learn her way and feel better about herself her persona grew in strength. It starts out as Persephone using plants, healing and wind (I’m taking liberties on the standard persona elements, mixing both media’s elements). Once she comes into herself fully Persephone evolves into Jacheongbi (based on the Korean goddess of the earth and other things)
Gus: The navigator and support, he can use his persona to map out the land, make paths appear for his friends and see where enemies, allies and other things are, he also uses it for his typical duplication spells
Amity: Becomes the planner of sorts, the knowledgeable one, main persona esque element is fire
The Emperor’s Coven 
Belos: a self proclaimed Emperor of the Boiling Isles in the other world, has traveled there longer than anyone and has found a way to control the shadows there with one of his personas. Well he technically only has 1 that is his but found a powerful being he believed to be a persona bound to a round, reflective disk. This being has helped him to control the shadows and has now gathered a following of other persona users. He is trying to amass a large following to eventually break down the barrier keeping both worlds separate and take over with them to “cleanse the world and lead it on the right path” 
For the time being he is working his influence in the real world as a religious politician with a secret cult. He goes by Belos in the other world and within his cult and Philip in the real world. He had created a method of mind control or heavy brainwashing to force anyone he wanted to join him, it doesn’t always work as well as is believed such as for Raine, Darius and Eberwolf who are secretly against him
Kikimora: a willing member of the coven and one of Belos' most loyal. She also knows his identity in the real world and is his assistant there. 
Hunter: Belos' nephew and an unknown Fool arcana user. His number is 22 (akin to the female protagonist in P3P), the other number representing it. Belos has an idea that Hunter has a great amount of potential but doesn't tell him so that he can find a way to take it for himself. He limits Hunter’s abilities by "giving him a persona because he doesn't have one"
The Main Party part 1
Luz, Eda, King, Willow and Gus with Amity, Emira and Edric joining part time for the first while.
Part 2: Luz, King, Willow, Gus, Amity
And part 3, akin to season 3: would be Luz, Willow, Gus, Amity, Vee and Hunter with Vee and King switching out later
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The Owl House Series Finale Thoughts, part 1
So, now that I’ve had time to vent and gather my thoughts I can say that The Owl House series finale, was a letdown. 
There were strong elements: the animation, the voice acting, the music, all incredible. I do deeply appreciate the hard work and talent the crew brought in making this show and how many people have felt represented and seen by the show’s inclusivity and themes. I feel that this show will be beloved and remembered for a long time.
However, I feel like the show made critical errors that actually undermined what it set out to do. Before I get into my thoughts, let me explain how I got into this show:
I happened to stumble upon the show because it looked neat and heard that the show creator also worked on Gravity Falls, another show I enjoyed. The first season was fun; bright, clever, and you could tell it wanted to tell a larger story with deep and meaningful themes. Season 2A was also fun and it had begun to depict a darker, more mature world. I didn’t think too much of the show, it was just fun, a typical kids’ cartoon show with good storytelling and memorable characters. Nothing really grabbed me about the show.
Until Hollow Mind.
Long-term fans will remember people being disappointed by the episode because they became attached to Fanon Philip that had appeared during the hiatus and we got something completely different in canon. How did this seemingly sweet young man turn into Emperor Belos? Turns out, he’s just a dick. A huge, murderous dick with a hero complex. 
I wasn’t there for Fanon Philip but what drew me to Belos was that in HM, his apparent backstory was in the literal background of the episode and it sparked my imagination. I joined the fandom because, like many, I wanted to know what Belos’ deal was. Many talented and creative people came up with long and compelling theories about the Wittebane brothers, speculation that was further fueled by the grimwalker reveal and Caleb appearing in Belos’ memories in King’s Tide. That speculation grew and people wrote whole fan fics and drew art depicting the trials and troubles of the Wittebanes. 
I became invested in the Wittebanes because their story was so tragic: two orphan boys who grew up in a cult, essentially forced to participate in witch hunts in an adapt-or-be-hanged situation, only for the elder to actually see the error of his ways and leave his younger brother behind, making him think he had been bewitched and that it was his duty to save him. 
We got more scraps of information in Thanks to Them, the most important being how the brothers only had each other and became witch-hunters to fit in. In For the Future, Caleb’s apparition appears--whether a ghost or hallucination is unknown---above his specter is a bloody knife, Caleb stares accusingly at the wretched, shambling remains of his younger brother. Philip lashes out angrily accusing him that it was his fault and that he “tried to save his soul.” This is a highly interpretive scene, and many thought it implied Belos’ deeply buried guilt and how he always lies to himself to justify his actions. All the while, deep down knowing the truth.
With all that in mind, what did we learn in Watching and Dreaming? What made this young man who ventured out to what he thought was literal hell to rescue his brother? His only family? Only to kill him in a fit of madness and spend literal centuries trying to recreate the brother of his childhood, to erase his original sin, all the while descending into madness and depravity?
Turns out he’s a dick. A huge, murderous dick with a hero complex.
“You assume Belos’ goal comes from a genuine place,” the Titan tells Luz. And seemingly the audience because fans wanted to see this story, this foundation to all of the horror and trauma. To understand how a man becomes evil. 
Well, according to the show, he’s just like that. Luz attempts to reconcile Belos’ goal of saving humanity with her own and wonders if their morality is really so different. Silly human, the Titan says. Your goals and motives are genuine, he’s just delusional and evil. So you can take comfort in the fact that your enemies’ goals are just self-serving, but yours are the real deal. 
Sorry but this is lazy.
You can’t say people are complicated and then turn around and say actually, no some people are just delusional and power-hungry and we’ll leave it at that. It seems that, in the universe of The Owl House, only good people are complicated; Lilith cursed Eda because she was desperate to get into the Emperor’s Coven but then she spends the rest of the time trying to cure her sister. Amity bullied Willow, but only because her parents forced them to no longer be friends, Hunter was the emperor’s right hand man, but only because he’s an abused teenager. Meanwhile, the villains of the show don’t have their motives given such depth, they just act in selfish and petty ways because they just are. 
I wouldn’t be bothered by Philip’s flat characterization if the show did not waste so much time giving us hints and clues that there’s actually more to him. What a twist! The villain you thought had greater complexity is just a Standard Villain, how genius! Such clever writing!
If he’s going to be simply a metaphor and not a real character then don’t tease us with a story that suggests otherwise. Keep your story clean and concise. Don’t dangle a potentially amazing storyline that aligns perfectly with the protagonist’s only to yank it away.
This is a waste of the audience’s time and squashes what could have been a wonderfully twisted and dynamic villain. But the show wasn’t interested. It's much easier and more comforting to just say bad people are just bad and never explore why. You could never become the villain because you’re good; don’t bother worrying that you and the villain have the same goals because his aren’t genuine!
 Remember kids, people are complicated. Unless you’re a villain. 
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sepublic · 2 years
I dunno if there’s a name for this type of genre/setting, but. I’m really digging how S3 seems to be going for that type of story, often coming-of-age, involving a ragtag group of tweens investigating their suburban neighborhood, performing historical research and unraveling a mystery, in response to supernatural happenings. There’s a monster lurking out there, and they have not much beyond your typical, everyday household objects to defend themselves; And of course, the beloved flashlight!
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Obviously three of our protagonists DO have actual magic, but I have to wonder if prolonged separation from the Demon Realm will cause a witch’s magic bile to run out... Thus forcing the kids into a time limit and making them struggle even further against the odds, esp since even their original strength wasn’t enough to defeat Belos’ monster form. This might be why Amity has her Palisman; Willow and Gus have more innate talent and thus ‘bile’ to run off of, but Amity isn’t as gifted and so runs out a lot more quickly, and has to rely on her staff as a backup.
Which, I guess is not unlike Belos, perhaps; I can definitely see him focusing on the kids’ palismen, as he deals with his own dwindling time and energy... Anyhow, I dig this type of horror story where the kids are forced to confront the hidden sins of their town’s past, as a literal ghost comes back from the dead to haunt them.
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It’s a mystery and of course you have the occasional kind adult or parent struggling to make things right; Struggling against the danger that threatens the idyllic life kids are meant to have, because these types of stories I imagine are meant to shatter the illusion of a perfect suburban neighborhood, show there’s shadows lying beneath the picturesque surface and nostalgia. A critique of that nuclear family image, because of the skeletons in the closet... Typically the ones who don’t fit in, the outcasts from whom the protagonists are, and find acceptance in fighting the idyllic facade. They too relate to being unacceptable and hidden away, hence their connection to the hidden darkness they unravel. I guess that’s what’s at root behind the fundamental appeal of these stories, what makes them resonate with audiences so much, that and the rad aesthetic of course.
It’s all really a metaphor in a way for a protagonist’s struggle with their parents and their need to be accepted, even as the parent adjusts to a shaken-up status quo they’re totally unprepared for and how they can somehow maintain their duties as an adult amidst all this, accepting that this status quo isn’t so perfect after all. Like Paranorman, Stranger Things, Deltarune. I don’t know WHAT the name is for these type of stories is, but I’m delighted to see The Owl House naturally develop our protagonists’ circumstances into this kind of familiar, recognizable story. The perfect neighborhood isn’t so perfect actually, it’s all a social critique by the end of the day.
And of course, the beta AU aspects are noticeable, especially the baseball bat that is a common trope of these kinds of stories; Which just gets back to what Dana said about her original intentions for the show to be darker, even as it literally becomes so! She DID clarify that Luz and the kids were made younger and more cheerful, precisely as her own creative choice; To paraphrase, if everybody is edgy then nobody is edgy, the brightness of someone like Luz was chosen by Dana herself, not Disney, as a way to contrast with the surroundings.
BUT... That’s how it starts for the story! But as things develop and Luz’s character grows and is hurt, experiences the loss of innocence in coming of age stories... Yeah, I can see the vibes of the Beta AU always having been the intention for the crew, they just opted to have the cast evolve into that, instead of starting off that way! Which of course, creates the nice contrast between then and now that makes the darkness of recent events all the more apparent. I dig it.
It truly feels like such a natural and perfect way to portray Luz’s arc to evolve in her return to the human world, confronting what she’s learned of it since then, and coming to terms with how she doesn’t fit the mold that Gravesfield wants, recognizing its cruelty towards those outcasts, and unveiling the truth. All while finding her acceptance from her mother and peers... Because that’s what it’s really about at the heart of the story, what it’s a metaphor for. It’s the ideal and classic genre to explore and settle her issues back home, in a home that isn’t as normal as some might claim it is away from the Demon Realm.
This could easily be its own isolated, more mundane AU and I love the range this show offers; I’m almost surprised the show didn’t go for this setting earlier, but that’s only because there’s a time and place for it and the time is now after carefully building up to it. Luz is truly disillusioned with the human world after living in a different place and seeing how it easily could and should be better, which just allows her to really make a stand against it this time. Now she knows another life is viable and isn’t interested in returning back to this one. This could be the end of her hero’s journey with how Luz has come back changed; But unlike the classic version, the beginning is not her end.
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Yandere Raine Whispers headcanons? (From The Owl House)... Please?
Yandere Headcanons | Raine Whispers
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thank you for requesting, anon!
reader is assumed as gender neutral
raine is a pretty unassuming yandere all things considered; they wear their feelings for you on their sleeve, but not to the extent that you’ll be able to recognise how twisted those affections are.
more manipulative than violent - presenting themselves as your rock, as the only person you need to (and can) rely on at any time
starts off slowly and spends a long time pining after you - learning your routine and mannerisms by heart through constantly observing your every move
most people would call this stalking, but raine just sees it as normal crushing behaviour
it’s very much so a frog-in-a-boiling-pot scenario with raine as they pace themselves enough that you don’t really realise what they’re like and how deep their obsession with you runs until it’s too late and you’re already dependent on them
would never even dream of hurting you, which makes it that much harder for you to walk away or open up to anyone about what’s happening to you - only ever receiving confusion or outright hostility at your attempts at honesty because raine is such a sweetheart and you’re clearly not even injured so stop trying to hurt their reputation
raine is meek and shy, mouselike almost, in how they present themselves to the public - stuttering and stammering through sentences when they become coven lead and flushing at the slightest of praise
but with you, they can get almost bratty and guilt trippy at times
“of course you want to leave, i knew i wasn’t good enough for you”
“what are you talking about? i would never hurt you! i love you!”
gets flustered around you often, but that is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how you make them feel
may very well end up outright kidnapping you and forcing you to stay with them through their betrayal of belos and the day of unity
but when they have you, raine is an incredibly considerate and affectionate partner that will wait on you hand and foot (aside from letting you out of their sight or letting you go, of course)
has the younger members of the rebellion refer to you as their other parent
writes you songs and will perform them for you when they’re able to get over their stage fright - a task made much easier when it’s just you because of their overwhelming devotion to and obsession with you
eda is the only one that would know about just how deeply disturbing raine’s “love” for you is, but she loves them too much to stop them and won’t do anything to help you - will offer plenty of light conversation and company though!
raine can get surprisingly cruel and cold at times and that’s how they’ll punish you - depriving you of affection and conversation until you break and apologise to them (at which point they’ll reward you with ample warmth and affection for “finally understanding that they know what’s best for you”)
you’re their muse, for better or for worse, and nobody will come to your rescue - not when they can’t see anything to rescue you from
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writing-fanics · 1 year
*clasps hands together and inhales* Hear me out.. imagine if the Collector had an older sister (not archivists) but the reader is also a collector. who can’t stand their little sibling and who was basically forced to watch over them because of their jerk much older siblings.
but she’s different than her younger sibling, obviously much more mature having been around longer than they are.
but despite having been around longer, she’s never had much social interaction with well other people around her physical age. around 16-17.
but being trapped along with her younger sibling, and being forced to hear them whine and complain just almost drives her over the edge. both of them bickering like siblings when they start to complain about being bored to Belos.
y/n knew something was off about belos and could see the lying look on his face.
maybe somehow they end up in the human realm along with the others. since her powers aren’t working as well here despite being a collector.
she tries her best to make friends but it’s awkward some of them don’t trust her despite her having not done anything. she can’t control what her younger sibling does they don’t listen to her.
first, she becomes friends with Hunter who too struggled talking to teens around his age and making friends. Then Luz, then Willow, Gus, and finally Amity. she became friends with everyone.
(maybe maybe maybe maybe, she develops either feelings for Willow or Hunter idk) I’ve never written female x female stories I might do both or if anyone else wants to write Willow x collector!reader based of this idea just credit me and write it be my guess
But I may write the Hunter one
Idk what do y’all think about this idea?
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