#idk i think the titan just wanted SOMEONE to take him down and he seen this little brown head pop out in different times
oorevitcejda · 1 year
maybe, when luz and hunter had their truce to save the palisman from kikimora and he excitedly started talking about wild magic before he cuts himself off, the titan was watching him too. i mean why wouldnt he? he knew belos killed his brother in cold blood and made grimwalkers with his corpse, so maybe he knew that all the grimwalkers would eventually 'turn' on belos and did try to show them his glyphs after they left/fled/ tried to fight, but bc belos always got to them quickly the titan never had a chance to truly get them to realize the magic is right in front of them. maybe he also likes that luz not only taught the first real victim of Phillip how to use glyphs, but retaught the whole isles how to use glyphs (and then some! since all humans can use glyphs as long as theres a big enough titan around)
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mysterycitrus · 7 months
You’ve talked about how fandom treats jtodd & dick, so what are your thoughts on how fandom treats dick & tim?
There’s this post that’s asking about people’s batfamily hot takes, and I was scrolling through the reblogs bc I love drama. One of the “hot takes” was calling dick a bad brother bc of the bruce lost in time comic era. Specifically saying that fandom excuses dick’s shitty behavior towards Tim bc his dad (Bruce) died and because of the stress of taking care of the city by himself. While Tim was hurting because of the deaths of Kon, Bart, Jack, Steph, and Donna (idk why they included Donna as Tim’s grief and not Dick’s??) and therefore Tim’s & Dick’s hurt and stress aren’t the same. According to this person, Tim was going through it and Dick was making it worse.
Now, I’m not going to claim I know how everything went down since I haven’t read those comics yet, but this feels like a gross misunderstanding of the arc.
From what I’ve seen, fandom tends to invalidate and villainize Dick during this time in favor of Tim. Dick is not being excused, in fact he’s being blamed for things that are either not his fault or just made up in order to whump Tim. Idk that “hot take” just rubbed me the wrong way because of how one-sided it was, and I guess it made me wonder about your thoughts about Dick & Tim since I tend to agree with your opinions lmao
fundamentally the issue is this — dick grayson existing and being a good person is an obstacle for fanon angst. dick grayson being a good brother means that jtodd can’t just slot into his pre-existing relationships with tim and cass and damian. dick grayson being a good friends means that he’s close with the titans and the league because he’s competent and trusted. dick grayson being kind means that he didn’t abandon tim, he was literally trying to keep everything together after bruce’s death.
not to try and make it a grief olympics but as much as people talk about everyone tim has lost (and i think they must have been talking about dana winters in that post?) people seem to forget that dick’s city just got nuked + the fallout of nightwing 93 + donna dying + jade dying + the titans falling apart + he was just locked in arkham himself. like… his dad has just died, he’s had to fight off his brother who’d just tried to kill both tim and damian and been given custody over a kid who doesn’t trust him
red robin 2009 has done irreversible harm to tim drakes character. people using that as the starting point for reading about him is bad. it’s a comic about a grief spiral, and it isn’t an amazing depiction of him either. but even then, people just seem to love straight up fabricating what’s in it.
dick tells tim that therapy might be a good idea. tim tells dick that he’s leaving because he trusts dick to let him do what he needs to do. even at his lowest point, dick is who he trusts most. those takes that’re like “tim drake was at his lowest point and then jtodd sees him and realises that he’s cool actually and they bond #jasontoddisagoodbrother #dickgraysonisabadbrother etc” because they like to posit that dick threatened to throw tim in arkham are so silly
that’s even ignoring how people just straight up lie about damian’s actions and how weird everyone is about ra’s al ghul. no, tim isn’t the only one he refers to as detective aside from bruce. no, tim isn’t one step away from being a mass murderer. no, damian didn’t try to kill tim— he was reacting to tim being suspicious of him. tim was beefing with a ten year old. why are u being so mean to the ten year old? (We Know Why)
ur right — it is extremely one-sided. im not one to pretend that canon is flawless by any means, but acting as though fanon is better just because someone online came up with it is also stupid. there are many many racist undertones with how jtodd and tim are interpreted, both separately and with each other. a lot of it is yaoi baiting dynamics, that a lot of fans don’t seem to want to admit. i won’t comment on how white people writing jtodd as latino and tim as asian can be Bad but like…. it’s all tied up together. people want these two characters to have suffered the most, because that justifies everything fans want them to do. they want them to be wronged. they want their idea of justice in their name
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hi, congrats on 1000 subs! ♡
BTW I'm sorry if there is any mistakes it's my first time requesting and english isn't my first language.
1.My pronouns: he/they
2.Fandom: attack on titan, obey!me and tokyo revengers
3.Gender I prefer be match-up with: male characters
4.Romantic match-up
5.I'm ENTP
6.I don't know a lot about Zodiac sign but I'm Taurus
7.Someone understanding, patient but that is ready to put me back on the right track, someone who I can talk to about something I like and listen to me, communication, having fun, have high morals
8.I don't really have one but longs hairs are nice
9.I joke around a lot, I'm really mature emotionally, I have high morals but I still know when it reaches a limit, I always try my best to understand and support others while keeping up boundaries or/and a reminder to go back and what the person needs other than talk, I'm an ambivert, I also like to play around when I'm not telling jokes, I can be loud sometimes and repeat a lot
10.I love reading, sleeping, explore new things, I have a liking for science
11.I worked in retail, I graduated highschool in 2022 and I'm in cegep where I'm studying to go to university in 2 years (I study french litterature) , my room is my safe place, my bsf and is my favorite person, I have a lot of siblings, I have ADHD, I have glasses, I want to become a teacher, I have a good friend group not to big but it's not just 1-2 people, I'm half Canadian/Italian, I have a lot of issues like anxiety, depression things like that
12. For AOT I would like what they do when our anxiety gets bad, for Obey!Me I would like what they do when you have a fight with your family and for tokyo revengers what they do when you overwork yourself because of school
Thanks a lot have a great day/night! ♡☆
1000 Follower Event Matchup #19
This event is CLOSED. You can see the masterlist here.
Note: Yup here you are :) sorry for taking so long. Hope you enjoy.
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I match you with: ARMIN, LUCIFER, and MITSUYA
Runner-ups are: Jean, Beel, Draken
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I think Armin would be a great match with you
He’s caring and intelligent; definitely checks your box of being understanding and patient
You can talk to him about literally anything and he’ll give you the best advice to help you get through your worst moments
He loves how you hold yourself and I think in a way you’d both benefit from each other
You help him open up more and he keeps you grounded
What does he do when your anxiety gets bad?
He’ll take you somewhere where there aren’t a lot of people so it’s just the two of you
He’d hold your hand and probably tell you stories of the world outside the walls, a world of freedom that has scenes of beautiful things you’d never seen within the walls
Really just wants to calm you down and distract your mind from your anxious thoughts
Sneaks you some of your favorite food and watches you happily once you’re feeling more calm 
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Is this a shocking choice?
Idk but I think you’d be cute together 
Luci loves having long conversations with you, he’s loves how your mind works and you always manage to keep him thinking and viewing things in a different way
He loves the way your glasses look on you, he thinks they make you look extra studious and cute (he also wears glasses whenever he’s in his office so you match!)
What does he do when you have a fight with your family? 
He instantly provides you with a space place with him
You’re from the human world and if you’re ever there when you have a fight with you parents, he appears before you instantly and takes you away to the Devildom with him
You’re his special person, he won’t tolerate anyone bringing you down, even if it was your parents
Once you think things through though he’s be ready to take you back home so you can sort things out
He’s ready to step in if things get out of control again 
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And lastly I think Mitsuya would be a great match with you as well
He’s super understanding and patient, I think he manages to understand what you want to say or so without you ever having to say anything…he just knows 
He’s your biggest supporter through everything, including your dream to become a teacher one day
Mitsuya is always encouraging you and can’t wait to see you with your own classroom filled with students one day. 
What does he do when you overwork yourself? 
Well if he sees you constantly studying without taking breaks he shows up at your place and forces you to relax for a bit
He’s pull your books aside and have you focus on something else for a while, whether it he on him or getting out out there house for a few minutes 
The last thing he wants is for you to harm yourself while studying, everything needs a break to do well. Overworking will just hold you back and make you sick overtime 
So Mitsuya makes sure to keep an eye on you at all times (not in an overwhelming way, but he watches over you to make sure you’re doing well and keeping a healthy balance of studying and relaxing time) 
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Posted: 6/2/2023
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queen-boudicca · 2 years
First up in the nuwho rewatch, Rose!
It's ya girl! 
I love how RTD sets look like actual places people live. Like that looks like an living room
Love the music so much omg
MICKEY i love you and your dorky dancing
This music is an absolute bop
Wait did she forget to bring down the till or did she hope nobody would notice before she left and didn't have to do it
Why is the ceo's office in the basement? And she knows him on a first name basis? Oh wait i bet that means chief electrical officer or something (judging by how there's the lightning sign on his door idk)
Don't like this music as much
Oh okay so it did stand for that
Rip Wilson
"I'm gonna go up there and blow it up! Which might well kill me in the process, but don't worry about me; go on home and have your beans on toast"
God i missed nine so much omg he's so sassy 
Lol their cute bickering it's amazing
"You need something stronger let's to go the pub"
"There's a match on isn't there?"
"Well I've got no idea what you're talking about how dare you even insinuate—"
Wakes up, goes back to bed
"I know she is Greek but that's not the point" amazing
"Well anything could happen" "no" the doctor is ace af and we stan 
Love the implication that nine hasn't seen his reflection, when later we get a whole series of audio dramas that took place after he regenerated and before he met rose so he hasn't looked in a mirror or anything in all that time
Jackie blow-drying her already dry hair for... reasons?
God he's such a bitch i love him
NINE'S THEME (which yes is basically the same as tens theme shut up his is softer and just has the vocals)
Rose googles "doctor" expecting anything other than a list of doctors and then goes to an internet stranger's house and would've gone alone if Micky hadn't insisted on coming
Also how the fuck is that picture supposed to look anything like nine
Also why was the doctor at the Kennedy assassination? 
Oh look another photo that looks nothing like him at all
At least the drawing does, though that's mostly bc of the outfit
'His constant companion is death' dude didn't you just say that he visited a family who then decided not to go on the titanic and thus survived? 
Oh i love these effects
Not gonna blame Rose for not realizing Mickey was sus bc nobody would think someone they know would be kidnapped and replaced by an evil plastic replica
lol love rose running right out even though fake Mickey is chasing them
She's so beautiful
And nines purposefully avoiding caring about Mickey bc he's jaded and doesn't want to be distracted and wants to think that sacrifices are justified bc that's how he copes
And rose is rightly like hey wtf how can you forget about him
God I love how a character calls out the doctor on his flaws (which are justified and understandable and make even more sense the more we learn about him) and it's actually true and not immediately criticized by the narrative certain showrunners could never
Nine in the middle of the London eye I'm gonna cry
I love how the doctor always cites the specific article or whatever from the shadow proclamation. Like even when alien species are governed by it do they really know every article and shit? I could cite maybe like five articles of my country's founding documents there's way everyone knows what part of whatever law he's citing
Hc that they just name random numbers and shit and nobody knows enough about it to contradict him
The grief in his voice holy fuck and how he's choked up and stuff
God Eccleston deserves an Oscar for this
People say he should get one for dalek and they're right but this is fucking incredible too
Aww Clive no
Jackie you are not doing a good job of running away
Rose i love you taking time to monologue before you save the day king shit
No i can't even lie i actually love her little speech you go queen
Mickey my beloved are you all right
Rose maybe tell your mom you're okay before you hang up lol
Rose maybe consider that Mickey didn't have any time to adjust or anything and he was just kidnapped and didn't really get to talk to the doctor at all
Aww nine is so sad :-(
Anyway the other possibility is that this was right after he regenerated but then he left w the tardis and had all the audio adventures before coming back and telling rose that it also travels in time
Now I'm filled with an overwhelming desire to read some nine fanfic (if only I fucking had any someone please rec some to me)
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rufusbear · 2 years
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I posted 1,205 times in 2022
9 posts created (1%)
1,196 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 924 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#jason todd - 148 posts
#eddie munson - 109 posts
#steve harrington - 104 posts
#tim drake - 94 posts
#steddie - 60 posts
#dick grayson - 54 posts
#stranger things - 42 posts
#battinson - 40 posts
#the mandalorian - 38 posts
#red hood - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
#one of the only reasons i can even do it now is because of maturity (old age?)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Listen, I’ve read a lot of stranger things Steve/Eddie fic the last few months. A lot. And I cannot believe the amount of times I’ve read either of them, or the kids, yelling, “Oi!” Just. Stop. I don’t care if you don’t get a beta reader but please, for the love of gob, please get whatever the opposite of a Brit-pick is. Americ-pick? Idk. I can’t take it anymore. American’s don’t say “Oi!” Ever. The equivalent would be “hey!” I can handle “mum” or an extra “u” in a word, but “Oi” is the quickest way to take someone out of a fic. HEY!
0 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
SHARE MY PAIN; Rufus recs
I'm currently suffering from a fic hangover. I slammed this badboy yesterday and cannot get it out of my head. I'm aware this is the worst time to rec anything on tumblr because tags or whatever but I'm doing it anyway. I've thought about sharing more fic recs because I've been reading like crazy lately so here's my first. More to come, probably.
LIKE A BAT OUT OF HELL by allacesandeights~87k. Tim Drake/Jason Todd. Jason POV.
Jason always thought that Gotham was hell. Now he has proof. When the God of Death arrives in Gotham, Jason and the Outlaws come up with a plan to take him down. When their plan brings them into contact with the Titans, Jason ends working with his Replacement. As Jason and Tim get closer, Jason has to figure out whether he can ever move past their history.
WHY YOU SHOULD READ IT The pacing is excellent; a great balance of action, story movement without any drag. I could actually follow the fight scenes and visualize what was happening, which is refreshing.
While it is action packed, there are enough breaks that fit naturally and give the boys time together that's needed for their character and relationship growth. I personally really love the characterizations. Jason is an ass without being too much and Tim holds his own. He isn't written in that way that seems to diminish him to the "weaker" one, which I've seen a lot in this pairing.
HURT/COMFORT/WHUMP LEVEL Solid 7: some blood, concussions, broken/sore ribs, one fixing up the other's injuries.
WHITE STREAK Yes, Jason has the white streak in his hair. The Streak is important to me and I shall now track it in fic.
RECCER NOTES I’m guessing one of the reasons this fic doesn’t have thousands of kudos is because it’s RHATO comics instead of post-crisis. I’m still new to this fandom but I think I have a pretty good grasp on the universes/timelines/whatever now. While I agree that post-crisis canon, and thus fic, is superior, don’t let that keep you from reading this story. I’ve only recently started reading RHATO but I think this story captured their team dynamics really well and makes me want to go read more.
The author is from the UK and I don't believe it was beta'd, so there are several UK-isms that can take you out of it. I just ignored them but it was also kind of fun to see Jason yelling "Oi!" at someone... that feels in character in a weird way.
If you can get beyond that, it's worth the read!
0 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman (Comics), Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jason Todd Additional Tags: Arson, Fire, Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, and possibly a fire extinguisher, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, i guess Series: Part 1 of Open Flame Summary:
He wasn’t sure what it was about fire he found fascinating, maybe the possibility to forge something strong and lasting, or the potential to destroy so completely that it was erased from being. Either way, he liked to see how far he could push fire before it bit back.
— Or, the one where Jason likes fire and becomes an arsonist.
2 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
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[podfic] falling in love in reverse read by @rufusbear (me!)
part 1 of the let's do the time (loop) again series by @alchemistc
part 2 is now up: [podfic] 35. live like there's no tomorrow
6 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Podfic of Steve Harrington's Guide To Planning a Party (Without Blowing Up)
written by @written-mishaps read by @rufusbear (me!)
7 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Could you please do a fanfic for a male version of Yandere! Lady Dimitrescu (from Resident Evil Village game) with the reader.
I really like the Resident Evil franchise but I'm too lazy to know what the hell is happening in the older games XD I'm so sorry about that-
I loved watching playthroughs of Resident Evil Village (can't buy the game ;-;), but I felt like it was a bit empty, idk- I felt like the lords weren't really explored enough.
Also the Duke is the best husbando in the whole game- Fight me! >:3
TW/Tags: GN = Gender Neutral, I normally forget to properly name it when it's gender neutral, most of the time I just say "reader" // maybe ooc // lazy genderbent, I'm terrible with names // size difference // servant reader // mentions of gore/cuts/bruises/blood and deaths (and torture- I'm so sorry-) // reader gets hurt // mentions of vomiting
It's Dinner Already [Yandere!M!Dimitrescu x GN!Reader - Short Fanfiction]
It's dinner time already, unfortunately for you, of course.
It feels almost like a routine at this point- Which in a way, it is! You always take care of your tasks during the day, while dreading the inevitable time for dinner to arrive again.
Everyday, at this exact same hour, you and the other servants would prepare a meal for Lord Dimitrescu and his lovely… Sons…
As someone who has started "working" for their family only a month ago, you can positively say: Starving in the cold woods next to your village would have probably been a more merciful death than the ones you have witnessed at this place. You weren't as accustomed to such brutal executions at your village, actually you hardly even witnessed so much death, at least not so up close.
When you came here, you didn't expect to be instantly comforted and treated with respect- You were a commoner looking for an possibility to thrive in a noble's house, you were basically an easy target for any entitled selfish lord to easily belittle you and make you work for them until your hands would turn to dust. Yet nothing could have prepared you for such an odd situation.
Vampires. Monsters. Fiends if you were bold enough to insult them. You weren't exactly welcomed as much as you were snatched in and now forever trapped inside this castle. You can still hear their laughter… Their insane expressions of pure glee, the way they have bursted into maliciously laughing at your pain as you screamed for help trying to open up their door again and be free from that nightmare.
The chase didn't last even a second, they stabbed your legs with their scythes and brought you deeper inside this hellhole, as you cried your eyeballs out. The sons had brought you back inside so their father could take a look at the "intruder".
An absolute titan amongst the mortals. His height was only a sick reminder of how much power he had over the castle, over his sons, and now- Over you.
He may not have been as massive as he was threatening as you remind him to be, but at the time you were just in awe of his height considering you have never seen someone as tall and as mighty.
Then again- You have never seen vampires as well. Were they the same vampires as the books you've read as a kid? You weren't so sure of it…
You were hoping that if you begged for life and for forgiveness for having disturbed their peace, that they could spare you and let you go back to your village. Sadly enough, you commented on how you were only trying to look for a job as a servant.
You probably shouldn't have given them ideas, but it's too late to think about your mistakes now, however.
The sons begged to see your blood spilled, yet Lord Dimitrescu was merciful enough to grant you your "wish", as he said.
It has been a month ever since you were trapped inside and forced to work as a miserable little servant, and even if you didn't suffer the worst forms of punishments that they had in-store for you, you couldn't help but fantasize about just running away and never turning back.
You're so tired of this castle, of the smell of carnage, of the undeserved and over the top punishments, and especially of the people who would subjugate you to such things.
But at last, it's dinner time already, and you can't keep them waiting.
You feel your hands shaking as you walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room where the masters of the castle were so graciously waiting for you. You know what they're waiting for- But you can't let them distract you, for those that commit accidents are faced with fates worse than death.
Although you would rather do this process quickly, you can't afford mistakes to happen, so you take your time to set not only their meal in front of each one but to also pour "wine" into their glasses. You do all of this without looking directly into their eyes, only bowing down to each one and saying "excuse me"s in what they would call a "decent tone", as the smell of their disgusting beverage starts to irritate your nostrils. If you didn't know the main ingredient to Sanguis Virgins is, you probably wouldn't have this immense disgust over it, but right now just the thought of it makes you want to gag.
Only villains could so easily drink blood, and still make a living out of it.
Your internal thoughts of pure hatred against this whole situation almost completely blinded you to the fact that they were eerily, very quiet.
On most nights they would be talking with each other while occasionally making comments about you or your presence. Obviously they were all pretty nasty comments that they somehow expected you to back it up in some way or another, it's when they try to insert you into their conversation that makes you hate this occasion so badly, but it normally ends as quickly as it begins.
But as you are pouring wine to Lord's Dimitrescu, you notice that they haven't said a single thing while you were there. You stop what you're doing as you realize that they were silently observing you this whole time, and as you look into their expressions you come to think that maybe you have messed up-
Somehow, in some way or form, you may have messed up- And the fact this mistake could cost your head only agitates your already very worried mind.
A small moment of silence continues before the middle son, Cassandro, starts to chuckle in an almost innocent way- As if he was a kid who just said a bad word for the first time- And as he bursts into sudden laughter, Daniel leans towards Bello and loudly whispers:
"- I told you, they do this every time." To which Bello only replied with:
"- It's almost like hypnosis in a way."
The three sons were mesmerized by your ability to trap yourself in your own mind. They're probably aware that you do this as a defensive mechanism but they still find it comical in a weird way. You feel yourself get more tense as you look up at Lord Dimitrescu and see him staring back at you, with an unreadable expression across his face.
Before you could come up with an excuse to whatever you may have caused to disturb their dinner, the Lord himself spoke.
"- How inappropriate. As my sons, you three should know better than to laugh at our servant's airheaded mind-"
And as he said that, their smiles begin to disappear and be replaced with frowns and a bit of shame as they become stiff at their father's words.
"- And how inappropriate of you, too. To be so distracted in the presence of your masters, that's quite rude don't you think?"
But as he continued their bodies begin to relax once again as they realize he wasn't focusing on them- He was focusing on you.
Words have completely disappeared from your vocabulary as you start to think that maybe you won't be able to see another day after their meal is over. You try to mumble some possible responses before getting interrupted by him once again.
"- It's very rude, so very rude in fact that I think we deserve some answers. What were you so distracted about? What were you thinking that could have possibly taken over your small little head?"
Right now, he was sounding a bit condescending, thankfully not as angry as he would have been with the other servants right about now. Every little mistake was used as excuses for punishments- And if you were walking on thin ice before, right now you are one-step closer to breaking this entire lake and getting yourself killed by the freezing temperatures of the water below you.
Thanks to your luck (or maybe lack thereof, depending on how you see this) Daniel came to "your rescue" by coming up with an excuse for you.
"- Maybe they were hungry." He said without any indications of it being a joke or a lie- As the youngest yet craziest of the bunch, he always had that weird "naive yet dangerous" energy coming from him. He was naive enough to make that statement when it's very clear that you actually despise being near them, but he still was a son of Dimitrescu.
You know better than to underestimate any of these people.
The Lord didn't seem completely convinced as he side eyed Daniel who was blissfully eating his meal without acknowledging his dad's glance or his brother's looks of disapproval.
Without a warning you were pulled closer by your wrist and forced into sitting next to the Lord, who made a sign for another servant to bring you your food. This… Doesn't feel right at all, you're waiting for the worst to come yet you don't feel like you can ever prepare yourself enough for what they have in store.
"- M-My Lord- This isn't needed, I'm fine. I'll just continue my duties, if you can excuse me-" You plead, while trying to get up from your chair.
"- Oh but what host would I be if I didn't take better care of my guests? Poor thing, you must be starving if you can barely serve us wine-" And as his tone gets progressively more sarcastic and a bit louder, you can hear his sons snickering from the other side of the table, but you can't see them since you can't take your eyes away from him.
You're worried that if you look away for just one second, that you may not be able to see ever again.
"- It's so sad when one of our guests feels hungry- What's worse is when we are also very, very hungry."
"- Thirsty, even!"
"- Oh, I can feel my throat drying just at the thought of such misery!- Our dinner seems to be ruined."
You hear their whispers, you hear how they are clearly joking about this- How overly dramatic they're being over something so miniscule as you just- Ignoring them.
Let me remind you this is all because you refuse to look them in the eyes, that you refuse to give them any satisfaction for the heinous things they have done! You've seen so many people get hurt inside this castle only for their sick and twisted thirst and entertainment.
"- Indeed, my boys. My appetite is ruined, though dinner is not over yet-" Lord Dimitrescu spoke as he looked at his sons clearly enjoying your inevitable pain, but before he could continue he turns himself to you again, putting a hand on your arm and saying:
"- Wouldn't you agree?" Loud enough so that his sons could hear it, but soft enough to send the tiniest shivers down your spine.
"- …!"
"- No, no- Please, not again!-" He wouldn't dare do this, would he??
But before you could react he had already done it, you barely noticed how fast he had grabbed that knife to slice your wrist- His hand firmly gripping your arm as he made a deep enough cut so that your blood could be easier to access.
It somehow hurts just as badly as the first time his sons have stabbed your ankles and dragged you across the floor- At least you're not bumping into things like before, and even if it's a deep cut it's not as big as it could be if he used his claws to actually do this.
Oh, oh those claws- You almost thought he would use them on you… Those were something else. You can't remember exactly what happened, and why it happened, but you remember seeing him use those on another servant who may have crossed the line at some point.
Well "crossed the line"- More like "casually inconvenienced him". Lord Alcino may act like an incredibly high noble but he acts so childishly and in such an egotistical manner that you are surprised he can even have a castle like this in the first place! You don't remember what the servant has done to be so cruelly dismantled, but you don't doubt that it was for a stupid reason!
You miss that servant actually- Probably the only person who you actually talked with, and the first one to actually taught you how to do your job… You two could have been friends if he didn't intervene.
You briefly remember those moments before getting to experience the most weird sensation of all- Having your bloody cut be licked and sucked on. It hurts and it stings in a way that not only makes you want to cry but to also gag at the thought of you feeding this monster.
You refuse to look at him even in this scenario, you refuse to see him feeding off your blood… Sometimes you wish you were just as poisonous as some species of frogs, poisonous enough to make his mouth burn so he can experience a fraction of the pain he causes to others.
You tried fleeting away, you tried getting up and moving away but his grip on your arm only helped you in getting closer to him- You have your eyes closed as your only option is to cry and muffle your agony.
But as always, he is not satisfied with you just ignoring him. This was supposed to be a lesson, yet you're clearly avoiding your teacher as best as you can- But not today, little flower, you're not getting out of this so easily.
This is the first time he ever got to really taste your blood, as normally you would be behind the other servants while trying to learn how to please him, the only moments where he gets to see you is when it's dinner time, but oh- You're just so cruel!
Escaping inside your own little head while he has to content himself with just your image. Your presence is very much appreciated around this hour, little one-
He has noticed this before, of course, but it was only when he noticed his son's curiosity over the way you behave around them that made him organize this little trap. He didn't have everything planned actually, his plan only involved getting to this moment no matter what- And oh boy, has luck been on his side!
Your blood tastes better than expected of a commoner, your delicate and fearful whines of pain are just as delightful but what really gets him is this tough persona you try to convince everyone you have- You despise him, and it's clear to see why- But he knows his charms will probably work on you one way or the other.
He gripped your face trying to make sure you'll get to him in the eyes as he has a taste of you. Absolutely delicious, especially after you so gracefully "ruined" their dinner.
His sons were just watching as they continued to drink from their crimson glasses. They were just enjoying the show, as everything seems to easily amuse them- Their father was just showcasing how they were so much better than the common folk, and they have no other option but to take notes and to remember what they have to do if they ever feel ignored by the servants in the castle: Show who are the true masters of this place.
None of them were really interested in drinking from you, considering how all three seemed to recognize how their father has taken a liking towards you. No one would dare mess with their father's prey.
If you had enough strength in you, you would start vomiting as soon as this has started, but the more he takes from you the more you feel like you can barely stay conscious.
He wasn't supposed to take so much, at least not so soon- He wanted to just take a sip but he can't deny the fact he would rather drown himself in your blood than to let go.
He sighs, as he notices that you're slowly getting less and less aggressive, getting more and more tired as he drains you from this cut.
You're not unconscious yet, just barely stable enough to understand what's going on.
"- Sigh… Now that was a decent enough meal." He can't praise you for being tasty, can't have you being cocky around him.
"- Here, since I'm done here I'll take you to the servant's living quarters- And because I'm so kind I'll make sure that wound is safely secured and cleaned, so here- Come along now."
And as he stood up he offered you his hand so you could get up yourself, but you don't have enough energy to walk yourself to your room, thankfully you're already ready to go to bed and wish to never wake up again.
And as the nightmare never ends, he decides that if you are going to be difficult then you leave him no choice but to carry you there. How much has he taken from you?? Jesus, he should learn some self-control before doing this again- The absolute brute that he is.
Your vision may be a little screwed over because of the lack of red cells running through your body at the moment- But you have a weird feeling that you two aren't heading towards the servant's living quarters, as you feel like you two are quite literally going in the opposite direction.
Oh but it's fine- Right?
It'll be fine. Surely. After all, he already took what he wanted from you, and he doesn't seem to need more so- You probably won't have to worry about anything right now, dinner time is already over, you can finally relax now….
So I'm sick again- Sorry y'all, I just have a horrible immune system and I really don't understand what is wrong with me-
I'm sorry if you didn't like this boo :(
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bakugohoex · 3 years
Idk if you have heard of aot 2 final battle, and it's great if you do. It will help with my request if you know the ending. Can I request a Jean x reader where he meets her at Marley when he thought reader died? (You can ignore it if you want)
“you’r…you’re alive”
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pairing: jean kirschtein x female reader
cw: language, flashbacks italicised, kissing, fluff
word count: 3100+
a/n: this was going to have some nsfw but i just couldnt find a place for it, it felt weird to just have it randomly through the oneshot lmao, also a thank you to @admin-in-residence for having explained the games ending to me
summary:  in which after risking your life to fight the titans, four years later having assumed you died, jean finds you in the most unlikeliest of places
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist 
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Eren’s body laid limp in the cart, the dozens of titans ran closer and closer towards the horses. You saw Jean sitting breathless to the side, his soft eyes looking at the success of having Eren but the failure of bringing about Ymir. You watched the titans bombard through the trees, you would never make it out, you knew it, the people between you and titans getting smaller and smaller each time they killed someone.
You watched; eyes fixated at how close they were. There was little chance of success, you turned to Jean seeing him look with fear at the approaching titans. “I’m sorry, Jean.” At the sound of those two simple words he watched as you leapt out of the cart, using your gear to have a hold onto the trees, the titans that were just about to grab the cart were cut down by you. 
“Y/n, no, Y/n, get back here right now.” He shouted back at you, ready to join you but had seen how you had picked and fiddled with his gear. “For fucks sake Y/n, get back here now.” He watched at how the distance between you both grew. 
“I love you.” It was inaudible, he probably never even heard it, but he saw your mouth move, saw the words flow out of your mouth, tears welling in his eyes.
He sobbed, “Y/n...please.”
They had watched how you jumped out, how you had risked your life for it all, for them. Tears welled up through their eyes but all you could see was titans, their figures getting smaller at how the titans had congregated to you. You would die saving your friends and that was all you truly wanted to do.
“Y/n, wake up.” The sound of Reiner’s hand moved to your shoulder shaking you awake. You sat upright in bed, tears having pricked down your face, you watched the grown man sitting beside your bed, looking down at your smaller frame. 
“Nightmare.” He mutters seeing you wipe the tears away; you give a nod not meeting his gaze. “What was it?”
“About our past.” If all you murmured out, how could you tell him, 4 years later that you were still hung up on Jean. How you missed the boy and the future you two could’ve had, how you hated being in Liberio, how you wish he had left you for dead outside the walls. 
How dare he make the decision to bring you along, his stupid crush of you had gotten in the way? Even Zeke knew that and here you were in his house, where him and his family lived, acting like his lover, acting like you were another Eldian like them. You hated it, Reiner’s emotions got the better of him, you and him both knew that, and seeing the hatred the people outside the walls had for you, made you resent this hell hole. 
“Y/…” Before Reiner could even say anything, his mother’s voice had interrupted.
“Reiner, Y/n, are you both awake?” You hated her, hated her voice, her face, the way she called you all devils, you hated her. You would never grow to love her, you had hoped to have had a fake breakup with the boy, but the realisation you had nobody had dawned on you a couple years back and here you were. Still in his bedroom, sleeping beside him, you hated him even more than you hated his mother.
The disgust that you had at having to be near him, to have to pretend to be in love when all you wanted to do was slit his throat. Slit his family's throat, even his cousin who’s whole purpose stemmed from killing your people. She may have been a child, you knew she was a kid, but sometimes you just wished you could strangle that piece of shit. 
“I’ll wait for you outside.” Reiner muttered, seeing how you barely even looked at him. He remembered the first time meeting you, he, himself knew that he shouldn't have gotten infatuated with you. But at the sight of seeing you lay limply he had to take you home, care for you but all you had for him was aggression. 
You both barely talked now, the years hurting you both, he had gone off straight to the war with the Mid-East, forcing you to come and stay in the military base. He knew you'd hate it, but still you were made to stay. You wished he had just taken you back into the walls, but he was a selfish prick. 
You wore the trousers and shirt, having refused to wear the dresses that had been forced onto you. You didn’t care, the stupid armband around your shoulder that Zeke had gotten for you, it was an ugly thing. 
Reiner had told you about the festival in a couple days, you didn't want to attend, it seemed a bore. I'd much rather go out on your own, but the glare he had given in front of his mother had made you reluctantly agree. 
Stepping outside, Reiner glazed his eyes across your frame, even though he knew he didn't love you. He knew you had no feelings for him, and his teenager crush had made him bring you along when he should've left you to die. He couldn't confess it though, the risk of being found out would make his mother be turned into a titan and left to wander the land of Paradis. He watched you comb your fingers through your hair, a tired sad look on your face. 
“I’ve got to go meet Zeke today…”
“I’m going on a walk.” You mutter not caring about what he did in his day, he would never be the boy you had trained with, the boy you had fought alongside with. He just never would, and he had the exact same feelings towards you.
He nodded looking down, even with the boy of you growing in the years, you both retained some part of you from Paradis. A necklace clinging around your neck that you had refused to take off in these years. The one thing you had from Jean, you remember his face when he saw it and how he bought it with so much ease. How he moved your hair, kissing your shoulder with his tender lips and put it across your neck. 
The feeling of his lips and fingers would never return to you, you'd never see his face again. The face you had been through hell and back with, he would never see you, never know if you survived. Maybe you did regret fighting those titans, but the look and fear Jean had had sent an urge to protect him through you. 
Reiner’s mother gave a smile which you faked back at her, she spoke about her plans for the day and how Gabi had offered to come and help her in her free time from training. You hoped they’d both have an accident falling into the river, giving a nod, you spoke about needing to buy some stuff yourself but on the other side of town. It was easy to get away from the family, easy to walk away with your coat and shoes and leave with a tamed step.
There was always the fear of being caught, fear that you weren't an Eldian or even human. You had had those recurring dreams for the past four years, every day reliving a moment from your past. You wondered about your family, how they were, how your friends were and captain Levi. You wondered about Jean, what he looked like now, if he had become the leader you had praised him for being. 
You kicked a stone walking down the alleyway into the main street, gaining a breath of air. You scoured through the stalls and shop windows, it may be a disgusting place to be in with the humid air and ugly people. But it was a home for these people, a home that you wished to destroy. The sound of Eldians shopping in the district filled the air, you stopped beside a newspaper stand, looking at the new news of the day. Another piece of indoctrination, you smiled at the stall owner, putting on an act as you wanted to light the newspapers on fire.
A cold wash of air hit the back of your neck, you ignored the sensation, moving to the side for the person to get past. “Sorry.” If all the man muttered, you didn't look at his face, instead putting your hair up to stop the heat from attacking you even further. You couldn't see his face even if you had looked, the fedora covering half his face.
He looked down at you, watching as your fingers moved through your hair. He barely caught a glimpse of your face before catching the glint of the silver around your neck. The silver necklace with the rose pendant around it, the flower that he had bought the girl he had lost all those years ago. Trying to meet your eye, he knew it couldn't be you, you died, your body eaten up by the titans, but even then, he followed you as you left. Watching each turn you took, thinking that he was being coy about it all until he heard you stop in front of a boy. 
“Y/n, what are you doing so far out?” The boy spoke to you, Falco was a nice kid, better than Gabi any day but he had the same ideals in him. The same hatred for your people, how could you ever feel bad for him when he never considered your people’s feelings. 
That name, the name of his first love, the name of the woman he lost. But it couldn't be, the man kept at it, watching you converse with Falco before the boy ran off. “Are you going to keep following me then?” You finally spoke directed to the man, you still could barely see his face, but he could see yours now. As clear as day, you were his girl, his first love, his everything.
“You’r...you’re alive.” He stuttered still with caution, still vary of how you were even alive. He removed the fedora, meeting your gaze, you stared up at the man and you just knew you had been saved.
“Jean.” You whispered, he nodded before you ran up to him, his arms out as your body hit his own. Tears welling up in your eyes, as you sobbed to him, the way he soothed you, his hand in your hair. 
“Y/n, it’s really you, right?” He whispered softly, you nodded feeling his own tears prick down his face. “You’re really here?”
“I’m really here, Jean, wh...what are you doing here?” You whisper letting go of him, he had grown, the hairs across his chin were a lot clearer and his hair had grown. 
He met your own gaze, even if you were older, there was no showing it, you looked like the girl who had risked her life to save the scouts. “I...wait.” He met your gaze, “what are you doing here? Ar...are you one of them?”
“God no, Jean, I promise you know who I am, I’m one of you, you’ve met my parents and they weren’t from him, please believe me, I'll explain what happened, we just need to go somewhere safe.” You rambled out; Jean nodded putting his hand out. 
You took it with so much ease, it was unlike the times Reiner had put his hand for you and you reluctantly agreed. This time you were with the man you loved, the man who had finally found you. He led you past the allies and through the streets before arriving at a building, it looked more or less abandoned, but the lights were on and people were inside.
“This is gonna be a shock.” He whispers, you give a smile up to him, he had missed that smile of yours. The cheery grin you always had with your plump lips and soft touch you had with him.
He opened the door, leading to silence. “Jean did you bring the f…” Sasha stopped mid-sentence, all eyes fell onto you, even Hanje and Levi were in shock at you. “Y/n.”
“Sasha.” You whispered.
“You’re alive.” She ran up to you, tears brimming her eyes on her best friend being alive, hugging your frame as you hugged back happily. “But how, what are you doing here?”
She had let you go, allowing for you to breathe, “captain before you say anything, I’m not one of them.” 
You knew the glare Levi had given you, having seen it often all those years ago. But you had to prove your story, Jean led you inside letting you sit in front of both Hanje and Levi. Both having been silent after the interaction, “explain then.” Levi spoke coldly even if Jean was wary, he trusted your word.
“Let me save her, please Zeke.” Reiner’s voice boomed from the outskirts of the wall, you were listening into the conversation, after nearly being eaten by a titan, Reiner having swooped in. Your body leant against him as he tried to persuade Zeke.
Zeke looked cynical, the stupid boy having gotten a crush so easily and now using it against him, “leave her to die.”
“Zeke, for fucks sake, I won't carry out this mission until we keep her safe.” Zeke knew the risk of this, he took a sharp breath before nodding, Bertholdt could barely even look at you. Memories flashing through his head of your past together. All you could remember after that was being placed inside a cart, a blanket placed on top as you fell into a deep slumber.
These gaps in your memory had been a torment for you, the fact even Reiner refused to tell you what happened made you think the failure would fuel your hatred even more.
The sound of waves crashing was the first thing you heard, the sight of the sea. The sea that Armin had rambled out to both you and Jean months ago. “Finally awake.” You squealed your head hurting at the sight of Reiner meeting you, you had been lying against the ship, the salty air engulfing your lungs.
“Reiner, stay away from me.” You shouted ready to fight him, your hands up, but you had nothing to fight with. A one-to-one combat with him would be a sure win for him and he looked tired even. 
“Y/n, sit down, I’ll explain it all.” And that's what he did. He explained his past, Marley’s and the story of the walls. It felt like lies but having seen the sea now you knew it was the truth and after he had finished speaking you felt even more on edge.
“You haven't told her the best part yet?”
You looked up to meet a blonde hair man, his thick blonde beard and glasses encased his eyes. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Zeke Yeager.” That surname, you recognised it, you gave a hostile look as he continued speaking, “Eren’s older brother and the beast titan. Go on tell her then.”
“We...were taking you to Marley.” Your eyes widened.
You pushed him away from you, his arms having moved to comfort you, “You...you could've just let me go, let me stay within the walls, why Reiner? Why?”
“I had to protect you.” He whispered.
“Protect me, bullshit Reiner, i...I’m never going to see Jean again thanks to you.” Reiner’s grip moved to your face; he held your jaw tightly as you squealed at the pain.
“Jean never loved you, I do.” It was an inaccurate statement, but tears had welled up in your eyes before he let go, leaving you on the ground. 
You looked between the disgusted faces of your comrades; the way Jean’s jaw clenched at hearing what Reiner had said to you. How you had had to live with him and his mother, be around these people who hated you. He hated how you had had to share a bed with Reiner, act like you were in love with him. He hated how Reiner had stripped away four years of love for both you and Jean.
“We should’ve looked harder for you.” Hanje muttered lowly, you gave a small smile shaking your head.
“No, I knew what I was getting into when I went to go fight those titans, you guys thought I died. Hell even I thought I had died.” Mikasa puts a hand to your shoulder as you smile up at the girl, they all had changed, and they had realised you had as well. 
“We should explain why we’re here.” She spoke as you nodded all turning to Levi.
Levi looked down at you, he shook his head before speaking, “Eren…” By the end of his explanation you had been caught up to date on everything, knowing about Eren’s will and the letters he had been making Falco send for weeks now. “...this leads me to ask Y/n, are you still a part of the survey corps?”
You stared at your captain, taking a sharp breath, “I better have one of these cool black uniforms.” Sasha and Connie both smiled brightly at your comment, even Levi shook his head, you could almost see his upper lip twitch, but he had stopped himself. 
“One of the spares should fit you Y/n.” Hanje spoke aloud, in a matter of half an hour the plan had been explained and your job to remain normal before leaving just before the speech that would occur at the festival. “Welcome back Y/n.” 
You had gained everything that had been taken away from you, gained happiness and your love back. Jean had been quiet since you're welcome back, walking up to him and grabbing his hand softly as you gestured for him to follow you into an empty room. 
“I missed you Y/n.” You smiled at the boy, moving your body closer to his taller frame.
“I still love you Jean, I never stopped, every night I’d imagine it was you beside me.” You confessed, he looked down at your face. The same pretty eyes that filled with so much love, his hand moving to cup your cheek. On instinct, your face nuzzling into it, he softly brought his face down to meet yours, only a mere inch away from his own.
“I love you.” He whispered before capturing your lips on his own, his soft palm holding your face as his lips moved with yours, his tongue gliding inside with so much love and care. It was a happiness that you hadn't felt in years now, a happiness that could only be brought about by the love of your life. You had forgotten what it felt to be loved and now here you were, kissing the man you thought you’d never see again.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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ahugenerdynerd · 3 years
So I think a lot of us can agree that Titans isnt a great show. But not just with their portrayals of the characters but also with the writing.
I personally can forgive what Titans has done with the different takes of the characters, don’t get me wrong it’s still shit but that’s not what this post is about.
The show is just packed full of bad writing. This coming from someone who has studied film for over 4 years. But anyone who knows anything can see how bad the writing is.
(I will be waiting to pass judgment on season 3 until the entire season is out, so this will be focusing of season 1 and 2)
Analysis under the cut
Firstly they will establish something, only for them to completely forget about that fact next episode. Case and point in episode 7 of season 2 Dick finds out that Deathstroke has been stalking them and is in the tower. After that he rushes back, visibly distraught with a gun in hand dramatically declaring that Deathstroke was there in the building. Only for in the very next episode for that fact to have been completely forgotten and now they’re all just leaving and it never gets brought up again.
This isn’t the only time something like this has happened but it’s the most glaringly obvious one.
Something that they also do which is most prevalent in season 2 is the spacing of the events between episodes. Titans will dedicate entire episodes just for one part of the story. This may work for some shows, specifically sitcoms that are aired on tv. Shows like The Big Bang Theory or Friends that viewers generally aren’t going to be watching in the correct order so they’re made to be stand alone episodes. But Titans isn’t a sitcom nor is it being aired on tv. What they really should have done is spread these scenes out over several episodes as flashbacks rather than to condense them down into one episode. Because by having the full flashback episodes it makes the show feel disjointed and they interrupt the drama and the suspense. It’s like getting to the climax of a film only to be interrupted by a 40 minute ad. You end up not really caring for the episode because you just want to know what happens with the cliffhanger from the previous episode. When really the events of these flashback episodes should be the most important and interesting part of the show. Where we get to see what happened between the Titans that made them brake up and character backstories and the like.
I think the most disappointing use of this is with the episode ‘Connor’. Rather than condensing Conners entire backstory up to meeting the Titans into one episode leaves a lot to be desired. I would have much preferred to have seen his backstory of escaping Cadmus and his relationship with Eve spread out over sever episodes in tandem to what was happen with the main cast. It would have created a lot more build up and anticipation for him finally meeting up with the rest of the Titans. Whereas what we got was one episode where we could easily guess exactly what was going to happen and where too distracted by Jason supposedly falling to his death to really appreciate the episode.
Secondly, is the shows pacing. It is all over the place. Season 1 was especially bad when it came to this and season 2 was only marginally better. Obviously I’m going to be talking about what happened with Trigon.
Fist of all the decisions for Trigon to be the big bad of the fist season was an interesting decision to say the least. But let’s forget about the comic book aspect and look at what made this season so bad writing wise.
Basically it all boils down to set up and pay off. The set up obviously being how the show sets up the climax, in this case the battle against Trigon. And the pay off basically being how rewarding the climax feels for the audience. With good writing you will have a pay off that is equal to or greater than the set up. If there’s not much set up then it’s easier for the pay off to be worth it for the audience. However in Titans case they set up the battle against Trigon right from the get go slowly building it up over the season, painting him as this neigh unbeatable force. Admittedly Titans was already of to a bad start with their decision to include Trigon in the first season what with the comic fans already knowing about his character and having to live up to the pre existing show Teen Titans as well as the animated movies. In a way they set themselves up for failure.
However where they really let themselves selves down was with the pay off. After having all this build up for the battle against Trigon, the final product falls extremely short. Where they really went off was not including the finale for the season in the actual season but instead moving it to the fist episode of season 2. I don’t know about any one else but when I went into season two after how season 1 ended I was expecting a majority of the episodes to be about the trying to defeat Trigon. But not even 40 minutes in and he’s defeated. This felt extremely unrewarding and underwhelming after waiting an entire season and the time in between to find out what’s going to happen next, only for him to be defeated almost immediately with little to no fuss.
This battle should have definitely been drawn out more. Taking place over several episodes or at least and entire one, where all of the Titans have to work together and struggle to defeat him. Rather than Raven just going out there herself and beating him instantly. There was no reward there. It was just over.
They had a similar problem in season 2 with Deathstroke, one of the Titans main villains. Going through all this build up and emotional turmoil only for him to just be stabbed and oh look he’s dead. You don’t just kill Deathstroke.
Side note: no one checked for a pulse, so I am personally of the opinion that he wasn’t actually dead but was just laying there playing dead hopping no one realised
Finally in this list of examples of bad writing is their tendency to introduce something new out of nowhere with no previous foreshadowing. The most obvious example being in season 2 episode 7 where out of no where we find out that Dick is hallucinating seeing Bruce. This came out of absolutely no where when there should have really been some build up to this. Maybe we could have seen Dick acting oddly, or Talking to no one or really anything. But we got nothing. It felt like someone had just come up with the idea on the day of filming with no previous forethought. Not to mention the fact that it basically only lasted the one episode, with it briefly coming back in episode 11.
Tl:dr: Titans had so much potential to be a great show but they just fell short with the writing. Everything just feels very rushed and not very thought over and they definitely could have done better.
P.S There is definitely still good writing in Titans however. Mostly to do with their portrayals of mental health. So don’t take this post as me just dissing on Titans. Maybe I’ll write another post about the good writing or analysing their camera usage, idk.
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im-in-vin-ci-ble · 3 years
Heyy could I possibly request f!OC x Mark, in which the OC is Red Rush’s daughter who also inherited his powers. Set before the events of episode one maybe at a Guardian’s work party or smth. Mark and OC are hitting it off in a ‘Idk what’s going on my dad just works here’ solidarity during the party; while her doting and protective father Josef is keeping an eye on them, unsure about how he feels about his favorite sidekick growing up on him. Maybe Olga and Debbie try to be matchmakers too lol
A/N: okay well this is CUTE AF, I love this sm thank u for requesting <3 also josef and olga are married here, no one dies (yet) and everyone is happy!!!
Pairing: Mark Grayson x Fem!OC
Rating: T
Warnings: mild swearing
The annual Guardians of the Globe Founder's Day party was never really Zasha's scene. It mainly consisted of the Guardians and the Global Defense Agency's families, and more often than not, she was the only one in her age group. Her true purpose there was to really just pay her respects to the people — including her father, who people knew as Red Rush — who protected the planet.
This year's Founder's Day event was different, however, as Omni-Man finally accepted the party invitations he'd been ignoring for years. Although there were jokes that he had accidentally RSVP'd to the party, or that his wife had accepted the invite behind his back, everyone seemed happy, and still pleasantly surprised, when he and his family walked in.
Sitting down with a non-alcoholic beverage in her hand, she watched as everyone shook hands with the powerful Nolan Grayson and his loving family. Zasha's mom, Olga, walked over to say hello and immediately dragged the three to where Zasha and Josef were. The two male superheroes first exchanged pleasantries, followed by Olga forcing her daughter to get up so she can properly be introduced to the teenage boy standing across from her.
"Zasha, hi," Debbie said with a wide smile as she gave you a warm hug. "This is my son, Mark. I don't think you two have properly met yet."
He extended his arm, "Oh, hi, uh, I'm Mark," he replied with a sheepish smile.
"Hi, I'm Z," she said as Olga gave her a soft push to move her forward. The young girl's eyes threw daggers at her mom before politely shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you."
"Are you all hungry? They've got a lot of food," Olga told the Graysons, leading them and Josef, who squinted his eyes at Zasha and Mark, over to the buffet table.
Zasha and Mark looked at each other awkwardly and exchanged nervous smiles. He began to rock back and forth on his feet, shoving his hands into his pockets as he attempted to think of what to say.
"So uh, how's... superhero training?" he asked.
"Uh, good," Zasha answered, nodding her head. "We managed to take down Titan yesterday so that was pretty cool."
"Oh yeah? That's great," Mark exclaimed. "How about, um..." he scratched the back of his head, "Is the, i-is the drink... good?"
She looked down at her cup and clicked her tongue, "You know for a party that's sponsored by the government, you'd think they'd have better catering."
He chuckled, "If I knew this was going to be a boring party with adults and toddlers and no good food, I would have at least brought a snack and some comic books."
Zasha sat back down and looked up at him with a smile, "Well you better take a seat, buddy, because the next few hours are going to make you wish you were being hurled at buildings instead."
She gently patted the seat next to her and Mark accepted the offer. "Do you go to these things a lot?" he asked.
"Unfortunately, yes," Zasha replied. "You are so damn lucky your dad never wants to come to a Guardians event."
Mark laughed, "You know what, I used to be really jealous of all the families who got together during these events but right now, I'd do anything to just go home." He looked around and sighed, "I don't even know most of these people."
"Me too, and I've seen their faces at least thrice a year ever since I could remember," she agreed. "Actually, I think this is the first solid conversation I've had with someone at these things."
"Really?" he asked in shock.
"Really," she answered, taking a sip of the bland orange juice that now mostly tastes like water. "Most of the guys who are my age that have attended aren't really cute, nor are they interesting, so meh."
Mark's head snapped up at that remark and he felt the warmth rush up to his cheeks. "The other guys aren’t... cute and not... interesting?"
"Hell no," Zasha laughed. "Have you ever tried connecting with a person who has no special abilities but know you're a superhero? It feels like talking to a wall."
He crossed his brows, "What do you mean?"
She sighed and leaned forward, "They usually ask me what being a superhero is like, but when I tell them that I managed to take down a man with rock for skin, it's like I'm a freak."
"You're not a freak, Zasha," he replied. "And any guy who feels that way about a girl who's trying to save others sounds like a shitty person."
"And they're not even cute!" she added.
"And they're not even cute," he repeated after her with a laugh.
Zasha sighed again and sat back up. She looked over at him and briefly examined his face, "Well it's a good thing you are."
Josef turned around and watched as the 17-year-old boy chatted up his daughter, as well as literally take his seat at the table.
He held on to Olga's arm and leaned in, "I don't like what I'm seeing over there."
Olga turned to look then laughed at her overbearing husband. "They're just talking, Josef," she said. "It's not Zasha's fault she can enjoy a pleasant conversation and you can't."
"Mm..." Josef groaned, "I don't like it."
"Don't like what?" Debbie asked from behind.
Olga walked over to her and excitingly yet subtly pointed at Zasha and Mark, who were now facing each other now laughing. "Josef's worried that Zasha won't have time to be his daughter anymore if she ever started dating boys," she explained to Debbie. "You know he scares off every single boy Zasha introduces to us? I'm worried she'll never have a boyfriend!"
"She doesn't need a boyfriend, Olga," Josef chimed in grumpily, crossing his arms as he watched the two like a hawk. "No one will be good enough for Zasha anyway. She can literally outrun all the boys she dates."
"So are you saying that my Mark isn't good enough for Zasha?" Debbie asked with half a smile, momentarily shutting Josef up before he nervously tried to form a sentence. "I'm just teasing, Josef," she followed, winking at him and almost warning him not to underestimate her son.
Olga chuckled, "It's good for them to bond. They're both teenagers and superheroes, if they ever date at least they won't have to worry about keeping secrets."
"Whoa, wait," Josef exclaimed. "They just met, who said anything about dating?"
His wife rolled her eyes at his remark. "We should, what's the term... hook them up," Olga said. "Debbie, ask Mark what's going on and I'll ask Zasha."
Debbie agreed to the plan and walked over to Mark and Zasha while Josef huffed in annoyance but stayed in his position; there was no way in hell he was going to keep his eyes off of them.
Debbie offered Mark some food from her plate but he kindly declined. "Good choice," she said. "For a party paid for by the government, you'd think they'd have better food."
Mark laughed and nodded in agreement, "That's what Z said!"
"Oh really?" Debbie replied with a playful smirk.
Mark and Zasha looked at each other as if they were sharing an inside joke before Olga called her daughter over.
"Sorry, mama is calling me," she told the Graysons as she excused herself.
"So..." Debbie trailed off, raising her eyebrow at her son whose cheeks were rosy red.
"Mom, please don't make it weird," Mark begged.
"You and Zasha seem to be hitting it off."
"I begged you not to make it weird," he groaned, covering his face.
"I was just asking!" Debbie said with a giggle. "Why are you being so offensive?"
"I'm not, mom, I'm just... ugh," he groaned again. "Please don't say anything to Josef and Olga. Don't make it weird."
"I won't, I won't," Debbie reassured him. "Are you gonna ask her out though?"
"Okay, okay, I'm leaving," she said with a hearty laugh, nodding at Zasha who was walking back to her seat.
"Sorry about that, my mom was being strange," Zasha said. "Everything okay?" she asked Mark, who now looked like he'd been slapped over and over again.
"Yeah, yeah! Great! Everything's great!"
She smiled at him but Mark leaned over and kept his head down. Another moment of awkward silence fell upon the two; Zasha looked around while tapping her toes and Mark's sight was glued to the floor. From the corner of his eye, he could see his mom and Olga delicately signalling at him to make his move. He covered the sides of his face and continuously mouthed "No," but the two were unrelenting. He took a deep breath and finally sat back up, and looked over at Zasha who was still pretending to casually look around.
"Hey, uh, Z?"
She quickly looked over at him with wide eyes, "Yes?"
Mark looked behind her head and watched as Olga and Debbie were giggling and whispering to each other, like a bunch of high school girls who just saw their best friend talking to their crush.
"Uh, I'm hungry."
The smile on Zasha's face was quickly replaced with a look of confusion. "Okay... and?"
"Oh! Um," he cleared his throat, "do you... like burgers?"
Zasha giggled and nodded, "I do like burgers."
Controlling his urge to fist pump, Mark cheekily bit his lower lip and moved a little closer, "You wanna head out and grab a bite?"
"Uh..." she turned around and watched as Olga and Debbie quickly nodded their heads, her mom giving her a sign of approval to leave the party. "Sure, I'm starving."
Josef looked on as the two of them stood up and began to make their way to the exit. Sighing in defeat and sadness, he called them over to the place where he's been stationed at since the Graysons arrived.
"Papa, we're just gonna get something to eat," she informed him nervously, knowing his scare tactics when it came to the guys she introduced him to.
Josef's eyes softened as the sight of his little girl, who he knew and finally accepted was growing up. She was making her way into the world and as much as he wanted to always protect her, he knew that she was just as smart and as capable to start doing it herself.
He took his daughter's hand and held it tight, "Okay, call me if you need a ride home."
"I will," Zasha said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Love you, papa."
"I love you too," he replied with a smile that was immediately erased when he focused his attention to Mark. "Bring her home by 11:30, and no sneaking into her room by the window," he ordered the teenage boy sternly.
Caught by surprise by the sudden formality, Mark straightened his back and nodded. "Uh yes, y-yes sir, Red Rush, sir."
"Papa!" she exclaimed. "No more scare tactics."
"I'm sorry," he chuckled, "that was the last one, I promise."
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aetheternity · 3 years
i got a request! which i do hope you like since it took a while for me to think of ejdj:
so hc’s for Levi and/or Mikasa ahsjd
they wasn’t there to protect you. They felt so stupid and useless. They couldn’t hold in their tears. you were gone. They couldn’t hold you in their arms. He couldn’t laugh at your stupid jokes. you were the heart of the survey corps. Now that you’re gone, the survey corps went all dull and colorless. They would curl up into a ball in their bed (which Levi has for some reason idk why, and if you’re wondering, no mikasa and levi don’t share a bed wtaf👩🏼‍⚖️👩🏼‍⚖️👩🏼‍⚖️) and think about their favorite moments with you. He would remember you fall down into a hay stack and that you would immediately laugh after. They would remember you falling asleep while reading a book with them. they would remember all that. weeks go by and you were still gone. The survey corps was still colorless and dull. There were many still crying after you ‘death’. But on the 18th week you were gone. it turns out. you weren’t dead. The survey corps were on an expedition, they had no expression on their face after your ‘death’ .. they still couldn’t get over the fact that you were dead. Oh they missed you so much .. but their sadness faded when they saw you, alive, hiding in a bush. now that the survey corps has found you. There was color and happiness once again.... // i hate this plot but it was all i got
(My last two requests have been angst so I would genuinely like to ask from the bottom of my heart. Are y'all ok????)
Word of warning: Angst, Missing reader (found)
•She had always assumed the most painful thing in the world would be losing either Eren or Armin. (Or both!) She'd already lost her mother and father but losing you was like a whole other level of painful.
•She'd always seen life as both beautiful and cruel but right now it just felt cruel. Like someone had stripped the world of its color.
•Keeps every single thing that you've ever given her or held in her bed under her blanket so she can hold it at night in a little pile.
•Cries while rereading the last chapter you bookmarked in your favorite book that was always on her nightstand. (Definitely reads it every night before going to sleep)
•Armin and Eren's moods are also drastically effected. People you probably didn't even know were coming up to Mikasa with condolences.
•If you had a living family all of your belongings that Mikasa didn't possess would go to them. But if you didn't Mikasa would add it to the growing "shrine" for you.
•They hadn't found your body and a part of Mikasa had held on so strongly for the first couple weeks that you could be alive but the surrounding area had been titan city and they found your horse without you.
•Mikasa would retell every memory she has of you to Eren and Armin (sometimes to anyone who will listen).
•She doesn't want to look like she's dying inside but she is and literally everyone can tell. (The entire Survey Corps seems to be mourning for weeks with her.)
•When she thinks no one's paying attention or when she's alone is when she'll really give in. Hugging her knees, pretending it's you and just rocks back and forth with deep heavy sobs.
•Around week 18 when the search had been completely given up on and everyone had begun to live normally again (aside from Mikasa.) There you were, in a bush.
•Jean had been the one that found you. Breathing, slumped back against a tree and behind a bush.
•Somehow you'd survived and here you were like a mirage. Except-
•Alive.. real. So so very here.
•Mikasa was already tearing up as she pressed a finger over your pulse. Then pulled you forward into her lap. Your body a little pale, but warm.. so so warm like it'd been every night she'd ever held you.
•Remember in S1 when Mikasa was holding Eren after he emerged from the titan and she put her head up to his chest then cried as she held him? That's you and her rn.
•Girl's sobbing so loud she's attracting the other Survey Corp members that had come out beyond the walls.
•Everyone else starts to tear up too as she just rocks you and cries into your dirty shirt.
•You can bet she's not letting you go either. "We need to put them in the wagon Mikasa. They need treatment as soon as we get back." Cool. She's got you in her lap, arms around your waist.
•Over her dead body will you separate her from you especially in this state. She's combing your hair back with her fingers, placing a hand over your heartbeat and sighing sweetly as she listens to your pulse.
•Please don't take them away that's my emotional support human. 🥺
•You can bet she's gonna follow you around like she's surgically attached until she feels like you're genuinely ok and that you're not gonna leave her again.
•Know that she does it because she loves you.
•Everyone else is balling their eyes out over your death. You've even got some of the toughest looking men in the Survey Corps balling like little kids.
•He's not though.
•At least not during regular business hours.
•Alone at night in his room he's got your favorite book in his arms. Tears spilling over his cheeks with little sniffles as he holds the pillow you love alongside your book.
•He makes your favorite tea every morning and places it on your side of the table before remembering but he can never bring himself to drink it or throw it out so it just sits there till someone else gets rid of it.
•Your laugh never leaves his mind. In fact it practically haunts him. He's all alone but there's that sound. It's always you.
•He's lost so many people but the first week you were missing he refused to believe it. He's a little harsher in his words as he speaks to people for that whole week.
•You can't possibly be gone..
•He finally stops making an extra cup of tea for you and when he does the normal chores he stops saying he's doing your chores.
•To everyone else it just seemed like Captain Levi was being Captain Levi. But to Hange and Erwin they could see the slight difference. (I'm betting Erwin is the one who throws out the extra cup of tea Levi made every morning.)
•On the 18th week of you being gone a cadet comes yelling boisterously. Panting as they try to speak. "Captain! We found something!"
•When Levi sees you something swells in him. His heart is beating a mile a minute. Erwin is holding you and for a split second Levi's resolve slips and he's down on his knees next to Erwin.
•"Are-Are they?.." Erwin nods. "They're alive, Levi."
•He doesn't let you out of his sight for even a split second. He's riding a horse next to the cart you're kept in all the way back home. He's in your hospital room every free minute he has. He's fluffing your pillows every night and placing your favorite book in your arms.
•He made you tea even though you're not awake to drink it 🥺
•Holds your hand and stares at your still face for hours.
•Probably cries late at night when everyone is definitely asleep. Whispering soft, You're ok.. you're ok's Next to your ear.
•Listens to your heart beat because he'll never get tired of it.
•He's so mean once you're awake. He's probably forcing you to take on more work but know it comes from a good place.
•Don't ever do that shit again. But with his frowny pout that's too cute to look at.
•Please don't leave him again. You're one of the few things he has left.
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obeymematches · 3 years
Could i request 😘😳📺💌🌧 for lucifer and belphegor?
yesss thank youuu <3
belphie do be popular at this hour ig, i got 2 requests for him within a couple of minutes, usually it takes days-
emoji asks!
😘 - Where does he like to be kissed?
This might sound like a vanilla a__ take but i don't think you can ever go wrong with kissing him on his lips. Be a little rough sometimes. Stay gentle. Do your thing. He won't complain.
If you want to be more spicy attack his inner tights instead <3 yes that is going to take some planning and waiting for the correct timing but if you want to catch him off guard there is no better way
😳 - Him realizing you have feelings for him
Ok out of all the characters in the game he is pretty much the first who can tell if you have something going on. (no that is called bending the truth actually. i think he just assumes after he notices like one or two signs even if he might be wrong.)
If he feels the same he just falls in love a bit more than he already did. Blushing a little when you are on his mind. He has to make sure to spoil you just a little bit. Definitely teases you about it though! Which might make you feel like he doesn't reciprocate your feelings but don't let that fool you- That's just him being him
In case he doesn't feel the same though... I think his ego likes the feeling of it & because of that he isn't turning you down on the spot but I feel like he wouldn't lead you on. So he doesn't have the talk with you right away but what's late doesn't mean it'll never happen.
📺 - Movie night with him
Oh that is a rare treat. Unfortunately with him this can't be made a weekly thing, but once a month it can happen probably.
I feel like he'd want to watch old goodies like Seven Samurai.
He does not like silly popular ones of this age though. Like if it's romantic then it's a strong maybe?
Can't watch Bad Movies with him because he'll snap within the first half hour. Or just opt to make out with you instead as tonight's movie is a waste of time and money. Might as well do something better.
He stays quiet most of the time so you can pay attention to the movie though, so if you are into that he is the ideal movie night buddy
💌 - Making the first move! Is it him or you?
Listen you might think he'd make the first move but if we are being real, you taking the lead goes a long way. So if you are 100% sure he is into you pls just shoot your shot. go for it. catch him off guard. be the first. trust me!!
on that note if you want to make the first move pls make it as romantic as you can. don't have to be over the top but don't be too casual.
🌧️ - Getting caught in the rain with you
Hm it's unlikely that he forgets to check the weather so if this happens you can assume it was intentional
The only reason he is not annoyed is because you are there with him
Definitely time for the cliche making out in the rain scene & he is living for it. Secretly wanted to do this with you for such a long time but timing was never right.
Makes sure to warm you up properly once you get home! all the acts of service you can think of if you let him. But pls do the same for him :(
😘 - Where does he like to be kissed?
😳 - Him realizing you have feelings for him
He has assumptions but he is going to act oblivious for a long time so that's something you have to deal with
If he isn't into you that much though he'd be blunt about it. Maybe a bit too blunt. No hard feelings though
If he likes you back he's just sitting there. smiling to himself. Beel catches up on this instantly but nobody else could tell what is going on. Suddenly starts thinking about his life choices, leading up to this moment. I mean you and him have quite the history, if you know what I mean- He is just so glad you could work it out though & he never would've expected it to turn out like this. Might think it's a bit too much & he isn't so ready but don't worry leave that talk up to Beel
📺 - Movie night with him
Okay unlike with Lucifer, you can have a regular movie night with good old Belphie.
He is very much into horror though so if that's not your cup of tea idk how to balance this out-
With him you can watch the Bad Movies and actually have fun picking on it so that is something to keep in mind.
I feel like he would fall asleep during romantic movies.... or long movies in general... no way he has seen the Titanic in one sitting
In general he doesn't talk a lot; if you are watching a horror movie he might scare you on purpose though :(
💌 - Making the first move! Is it him or you?
Oh in this case it's almost definitely you. Unless you act very oblivious thus tease him into it, he wouldn't make the first move. Ever.
🌧️ - Getting caught in the rain with you
Well someone doesn't find this romantic all that much- but now that it has happened he might as well make the most out of it?
I mean the getting wet part he hates but the after part at home? hehe
Definitely loves to take a shower with you once you finally get home then cuddle in the clean sheets of your warm bed. this is life.
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danny-chase · 3 years
Warnings: violence, blood, realism in comics, me mentioning things stans want to ignore to make a point, you don't have to consider them canon, I'm just making a point don't hurt me
Right. Been seeing dialog about Jason's decision to give up guns that i feel is missing a few points.
1. Bruce is traumatized by guns. Yeah he jumps in the line of fire every night but that doesn't mean he isn't scared of/triggered by them:
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[Image ID: Oracle!Babs and Robin!Tim roll/walk through the clocktower. Babs: (about guns) Hates them. But doesn't fear them. Tim: Not the way he jumps in the line of fire night after night. Babs: Line of fire... Babs: I was afraid of them for a long time. I'd go faint at the sight of a gun on TV. Tim: You have reasons, Barbara. So does Batman. Babs: But I. worked through them. Babs: Maybe Bruce hasn't. Maybe he's not the rock we thought he was. Tim: He bought a gun as therapy? Babs: Look at the facts. He bought it just like any other citizen. Like he wanted to experience it as someone else would. Tim: I don't think- Computer: Keyword media search alert. Tim: What's that? End ID]
Birds of Prey (1998) #40
Bruce's opposition of guns is partially based in trauma - it's not completely a moral stance or completely logical rule. Jason giving up guns is for himself, but it allows him to be closer to Bruce and for Bruce to be more relaxed in his presence -> can make their relationship closer.
2. [X] weapon isn't even lethal. Getting cut/hurt + no health care = possible death from infection -> shooting a henchman with regular bullets in the foot can be lethal. Or cutting them with a batarang.
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[Image ID: A girl walks home getting off the school bus. Girl: "Mama, I know you don't want to hear this, but --" She opens the door to an empty run down house. Girl: "Mama? Mama are you --?" She opens up the bathroom door, revealing her mother sweating and bleeding out on the ground, trying to press a towel to a wound on her side. Her mom is wearing a henchman outfit for the H.I.V.E. Girl: "Mama!" Mom: "Why -- Why are you home so soon?" The girl holds her mom in a sitting position. Girl: "This isn't the flu. You said you had the flu." Mom: "I -- I will be better soon. I just need to rest." Girl: "You need a hospital, mama." Mom: "No. If they find out -- they'll take you away from me. Send me back to Guatemala." The final panel shows a wisp of Ravens cape, the view zoomed out. Girl: "I know you want to protect me, but you need help now -- no matter what happens later." Raven: "Maybe I can help." End ID]
Titans: Titans Together #4
Similarly could ppl stop acting like rubber bullets are non lethal, everything the batfam uses can be lethal and cause scenes like above. Literally none of them can claim moral high ground they've all thrown batarangs in people's faces (off the top of my head, Jason nailed Dick with one in the face in BoC and Bruce got Jason in the neck in UTRH so there's the two characters at odds).
3. Jason/Bruce has never hurt an undeserving person. Jason isn't a mass murderer and you're slandering him. Bruce is the best dad ever you're an idiot for thinking otherwise.
...did you miss the times he tried to kill Tim? Or sprayed Dick with fear gas? Or shot Damian in the chest (not rubber bullets mind you). All of this happened in Battle of the Cowl. He poisoned 82 prisoners indiscriminately in Batman and Robin (2009) #23, went around killing random "thugs" in Brothers in Blood arc of Nightwing. Is it slander if he did it? Idk. If anyone can answer that lmk but everything is canon now so the point is moot.
And let me also say if everythings canon Bruce has also hurt/hit/abused his family (i don't have the specific issue numbers but runs that I've seen bad dad Bruce in are The New Titans, Batgirl (2000), Nightwing (1996), Tom Kings crap, RHATO rebirth, etc. I don't feel like going into detail but if hard pressed i will) don't try to paint me as a Bruce or Jason apologist/hater please
Also literally see the panel above 💀 the mom is an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala with an engineering degree she can't use because the US gov is literally fucking flaming garbage, so she had to take that job to provide for her daughter. Quit thinking extrajudicial murder/vigilantism is a woke take. No. Stop. Bad. Criminals have rights for a reason.
Can you choose to call the above things Jason and Bruce have done ooc and bad writing. Yep. Go ahead, be my guest. Just it's weird to me that ppl always seem to do it for one character and not the other. Like... that's not productive dialogue? And yeah both Jason and Bruce stans do this i just happened to see a post from a Jason stan so he got to be shamed first. If you think i think my fave is wrong, i literally made a post publically shaming him at one point, and wrote an entire fic dedicated to me pointing out why i think characters would hate him the most 🤷‍♀️ if someone read a comic that shows your fave in a bad light don't call them stupid for not liking that character just point them in the right direction and if you don't want to. Don't. Just block them. I'm tired of watching ppl act like their better than each other because they don't consider things canon (unless you stan a minority character and don't consider their racist/sexist writing canon in which case, same, you're the best ppl in this fandom)💀 or referencing fanon as canon and telling ppl to go read more comics 💀
Anyways the takeaways I've come out with are, this debate between the two is more than just morals, they've both wronged each other, and trying to simplify it down into victim and abuser is just - missing nuance and ignoring their full histories in my opinion and kinda just ends up flattening both characters and making both of them less relatable
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dionnaea · 3 years
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pairing: kenny ackerman x reader (platonic), slight levi x reader
warnings: angst, character death, mild swearing
wc: 4.4k
a/n: so, so sorry this took so long!! i decided to combine these two requests and change them up a little, so i hope that’s okay! i’m really proud of this piece, so i hope you all enjoy it, too. xx
side note: technically this is a sequel to my other fic Pot Meet Kettle but it’s not entirely necessary to read that first.
Your writing’s so good I’m cryin’... Also, I’d LOVE to see what you have in mind for Kenny and Reader’s background! 👀 Were they both underground? was Reader already in the Corps when they met?? did she learn how to punch creeps from Kenny?? Plus I’m very curious about what he meant by her fixing broken hearts!
could you do a part 2 to the pot meet kettle levi fic? i really loved it and i think it would be cool if you could write a part 2 based off the kenny vs levi scene in season 3? like maybe kenny sees the reader and he's like good to see you again and levi is like mf what idk im not creative :(( sorry if this isn't enough
attack on titan masterlist | general masterlist
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After Rod Reiss had been taken down, the scouts were sent to search the ruined fields for survivors. It was unlikely that any were left, but Erwin was adamant that no soldier would be left behind. You respected him for that, and went on your way to do your job. 
As you wandered, you ran into a returning scout, someone you didn’t know the name of but were sure had been paired with the Captain for this mission. His head was down as he walked, like there was something he had seen that he shouldn’t have, and your mind began to fill with worries for Levi. Had something happened? 
Making your steps slightly heavier in the grass so that he would notice you, the man finally looked up, quickly saluting to his superior. You brushed him off, instead getting down to business. 
“Where’s Captain Levi, cadet?” 
The man’s eyes darted away from your own before he answered. “Taking care of something, I think.”
You raised an eyebrow in suspicion at the soldier’s weary tone. “Oh? And what is he taking care of, might I ask?” Everything about this seemed peculiar, and you weren’t having it. 
“I don’t know. Something… personal.” When he finally met your gaze, he relented, sacrificing the Captain’s privacy for his own sake, too scared to see what your reaction would be if he kept playing coy. “He’s that way, by the big oak tree,” he stated, pointing in the direction he came. 
You squinted, making out the shadow of the tree in the setting sun. You dismissed the cadet, and quickly made your way towards Levi, his body becoming clearer as you approached. Once you were a reasonable distance away, you called out, but were met with silence. As your worry grew, you moved faster, only stopping when you realized what was going on. 
Levi was kneeling, his body covering the person in front of him. It didn’t matter, you’d recognize those spurs anywhere. 
“Kenny?” The name was uttered in disbelief, and as you stepped around Levi, your eyes grew wide with fear. “Kenny!” 
Immediately, you jumped into action, your scout training taking hold of your body as you knelt by your friend. Your hands hovered over his burnt and bloodied body, not knowing where to start but ignoring the possibility that it was too late. “How… How do I help you? I-I don’t know what to do.” Your eyes were tearing up, and your breathing was getting ragged as you struggled to find some solution. “Please, Kenny, tell me how to help!” 
“Kitten…” His voice was rough as he spoke, his usual tones of confidence and charisma gone. You met his half-closed eyes with your wet ones, begging for him to give you some answer, some, any sort of reassurance that things would be alright. 
“Please,” you pleaded. You had never sounded this pitiful in your life, but you didn’t care, and as his shaking hand grabbed your own, a sob wracked your body. “Kenny, please. Please stay.” You couldn’t help, you knew that, but you hoped for once in his life he would listen to you. 
His eyes began to shut, and his voice fell to a whisper as he said, “Stay safe, kitten.” With a barely there squeeze of your hand, his body went limp, his hand dropping from your grasp.  
You stared in silence, shock overtaking you for a moment. But then, all you felt was anger. “No. No! You promised!” You were yelling at this point, fist reaching out to bang on Kenny’s chest in retaliation. A strong grip on your wrist stopped you, but you weren’t done. As if he could read your mind, Levi wrapped his free arm around your waist, pulling you back from the now dead man. You were screeching obscenities at both Kenny and Levi as you struggled to break free. Soon, your screams turned into sobs, and as you fell limp into Levi’s arms, you let out one last whimper, a last cry for help. “You promised.”
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Later that night, as you pulled a camisole over your head, a knock sounded on your quarters’ door. Truthfully, you had absolutely no desire to talk to anyone. You had had a long day, you had just changed into your pajamas, and you weren’t in the mood to join your fellow soldiers in celebration. Still, you pulled the door open a few inches, hoping it would be someone you could easily send away. To your surprise, Levi stood outside dressed in plain clothes and hair wet from what you presumed was a shower. Even more surprising was the newly formed bruise on his cheekbone. The reddish-purple mark stood out against his normally flawless skin, and you found yourself staring, only Levi’s sharp voice bringing you back to reality. 
“You did that, you know,” he commented with a blank face. 
“What?” You opened the door a bit more, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. “What do you mean?” 
His left eyebrow cocked up just barely. “When you went berserk earlier. Before I managed to snag both of your wrists,” he explained. He reached up a hand to brush against his cheek. “Damn, you hit hard.” 
You weren’t sure, but the tone in the man’s voice made you think that maybe, just maybe, he was trying to cheer you up. Against your will, the corners of your mouth turned up the slightest bit. “Did you expect anything less?” You quipped, wondering what his answer might be. 
“No.” He shrugged. “Just surprised it took you this long to punch me in the face.” 
At that, you let out a laugh. It was true, the man had managed to push every single one of your buttons during his time with the Scouting Regiment. The two of you were in constant conflict, arguments over the smallest things popping up out of nowhere. At some point, Erwin had decided that Mike would be the babysitter of you two, keeping you both in line during training and even more so during squad leader meetings. You started to smile at the memory, but when you remembered that Mike, like so many of the others you loved, was dead, your expression fell. 
Moving your eyes to stare down at the uneven floorboards, you spoke quietly, but sincerely, “I’m sorry.” 
Levi knew you weren’t just apologizing for hitting him but for everything, and as he studied your face, he made a decision. “Do you want some tea? I keep a special brand in my room.” It was the only thing he had to offer, and both you and him knew it. 
You froze as you tried to figure out the best course of action. Follow the Captain to his room or mope around alone until you cry yourself to sleep? In the end, it was an easy choice. Still, your heart stuttered in your chest while you gained your composure. You took a breath before responding, “Um, sure.” 
There was a beat of silence, as if the two of you were readying yourself to take on some new, mysterious foe. And in a way, you supposed, you were. About a month after Levi had joined the scouts, there had been an… incident of sorts. It wasn’t disastrous or anything like that, but Erwin had quickly ruled that the two of you weren’t allowed to be in the same room together without someone else present. A wise decision on his part, if you were being completely honest, and something that Levi nor you argued with in the slightest. But now, years later, it seemed both of you were ready to break that rule, Levi making the first move as he turned on his heel and waited to see if you would follow. 
Out of all of the scouts, you were known to be the most stealthy. Mike was usually the only one who could sense you were coming, claiming you had a distinctly pleasant smell that his nose had no problem picking up on. One time, he had even claimed that you were the best smelling person in the Survey Corps, and you couldn’t help but swell with pride. Hange had whispered to you later that evening that that was his way of flirting, but you never took her seriously. You weren’t interested in dating anyways. No one had ever really caught your eye minus one man, but you always said it was more of a fascination than a crush. 
Even your ODM gear seemed to be quieter than the rest, and you once managed to spook even the Commander when you landed on the same tree branch as him without him knowing. You naturally existed silently and sneakily so when Levi picked up on the sound of your sock-clad feet shuffling behind him, the pit of concern in his stomach grew. 
Reaching his quarters, he unlocked the door wordlessly, holding it open so that you could enter first. Your eyes widened as you took in the space. First of all, it was much bigger than your room. While you only had a bedroom and bathroom to yourself like the other squad leaders, Levi had a small living area with a couch, small coffee table, and even a desk. There were papers neatly stacked on top of it, and the rest of the area was just as orderly, his tea kettle sitting in the exact center of the coffee table. Only when you sat down on the couch did you see the small fireplace he had. It was just big enough to fit a tea kettle over it, and that’s what Levi proceeded to do. 
You let out a low whistle, capturing the man’s attention. “Wow. When did you get so important?” You asked, motioning lazily about the room with your hand. 
Levi scoffed and placed a hand casually on his hip. “Erwin gave it to me when he moved into the Commander’s quarters. Reward for the highest kill count or something like that.” His voice was so nonchalant that for a moment, you didn’t realize that he was insulting you. No, you thought, it was more of a tease than an insult. 
Now it was your turn to scoff, well aware that your fellow Captain was just trying to get a reaction out of you. Levi watched as you rolled your eyes playfully, firelight glinting off of your irises. Had they always been such a pretty color? 
The whistle of the kettle broke him out of his reverie, and he swiftly turned back to take it off of the heat. When he brought it back to the table, he was pleasantly surprised that you had already prepared the teacups, him only having to pour the water in and wait for it to steep. Hesitantly, he moved around the table to take a seat next to you, wondering when the two of you were ever this close. The events of the day popped into his head, and he did his best to ignore the fact that the thing he remembered the most about it was you being in his arms. Still, a question had been lingering in his mind, and he figured now was the best time to ask it. 
“Y/N,” he started, and you looked over with wide eyes at the use of your first name. You honestly weren’t aware that he even knew you had a first name. “Can I ask you a question?” You knew what was coming, but you forced yourself to nod anyways, giving him silent permission to know your secrets. “How do you know Kenny Ackerman?” 
It was a loaded question, and you let out a breath as you tried to figure out the best way to tell the story without getting either you or Kenny into trouble. Even the secrets of a dead man needed to be protected sometimes. Despite it all occurring years ago, the government’s threat towards you regarding the release of information hung heavily in your mind. Both you and Levi would be in danger if you revealed too much. He could swear himself to secrecy, and you would trust him, but the risk would never be worth the reward. You fiddled with your fingers in your lap, worrying your lip as you thought of how to start to explain. 
“Well,” you bit the inside of your cheek, gathering your nerves before continuing, “About a year and a half before you joined the scouts, I got myself into a bit of trouble.” He raised an eyebrow in surprise as you were widely thought to be the most well behaved and well intentioned scout there was. He thought he was the only person who could get you riled up, your scoldings from the other squad leaders and the Commander always leading back to him. You sent him a small grin. “I wasn’t always the goody two shoes I am now, Levi.” 
“Anyways, it became kind of a big deal in the Capital, and a lot of higher-ups were calling for my head.” You let out a light chuckle. “Imagine just turning 19 and having almost every MP looking for you. Scary stuff.”
“Wait.” Levi held up a hand to stop you before you could continue. The story had just started, but he was already having trouble believing that this was the truth. If not for the darkness that rested just behind your eyes, he would’ve called bullshit as soon as you said your first sentence. “What exactly did you do?” 
You looked away from the intensity of his gaze for a moment, an internal debate raging on inside your head. With a sigh, you relented. “I… I can’t tell you everything, but let’s just say it had to do with a certain Premier and confidential papers being stolen from his office.” Levi’s eyes grew wide, and you took that as a sign to continue. “No one knows except Commander Erwin, but I spent most of my teenage years in the Underground. I was born within Wall Sina, so I had papers to be up top, but I much preferred being below gro—”
“Why?” Levi was quick to cut you off, his expression hard and tone almost offended.
“My parents owned land in Wall Sina, and when they died, they left none of it to me, so folk got the idea in their head that I was a problem child. I wasn’t wanted there, so I left.” You shrugged, and Levi’s face softened. “I admit, the Underground wasn’t easy, but I was quick on my feet and smart for my age. I survived and I survived by myself. Help wasn’t something I wanted, but when you’re suddenly being chased by the royal government, it becomes something you need. That’s how I found Kenny, and it’s why I owe him my life.” 
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It had been a week since you had completed your assignment, already turning in the materials to the man who had hired you and returning back to your comfortable life underground. All had seemed to go swimmingly, and your confidence had grown tenfold. The feeling of being unstoppable was addictive, and you craved the sensation of that feeling again. You let your thoughts drift to what you could accomplish next, but sudden screams quickly snapped you out of your daydream. Straightening in your chair, you peeked out of the window of the tavern you currently resided in. Fear grew in your chest at what you saw.
Standing right outside were five MP’s, fully equipped with ODM gear and holding up a wanted poster with a poorly drawn sketch of your face on it. It was clear that they were asking for your whereabouts, and you were thankful to see that every person was shaking their heads to say no, they had no idea. Even with the solidarity of your fellow Underground citizens, you knew you had to get out of there and away from the sharp swords that hung off of the men’s waists. Before you could move, though, two of the men entered the bar, their eyes sweeping over the patrons. 
Right before their eyes could meet your frightened ones, your world was encased in darkness, the only light you could see coming from below you. You blinked, trying to understand what exactly just happened, but soon realized that a large hat had been placed over your head. Carefully, you lifted the brim so that you could see, and were met with the piercing silver stare of a man a good amount of years older than you. Apparently your confusion showed on your face because he quickly pushed the hat back down so that it shaded your features. 
He spoke in a quiet voice, only letting you be privy to whatever information he was about to share. “I’d keep that on if I were you, kitten. Don’t want the MP’s seeing your face, now do we?” You didn’t dare speak, but quickly shook your head, showing him you were listening and following instructions. “Good,” he dragged out the vowel, and the table shook as he placed his leg onto the table. Were those cowboy boots and spurs? You were pretty sure people only wore those in stories. “Now,” he stated, “We’re just gonna have a nice, pleasant conversation. Lots of giggles, ya hear me?” You nodded, the hat moving up and down your forehead. 
As the man started spewing nonsense, you did your best to play along, laughing like he said to and keeping your face covered as best you could. You could hear the MP’s getting closer to your table over the man’s rowdy voice, and the hand gripping your drink began to shake in fear. Smoothly, the man took your hand in his, making some weird comment about how soft it was. You frowned. Your hands weren’t soft at all. What was with this guy? 
The realization of what his plan was smacked you in the face, and you let out light giggles in response, putting on your most fake voice as you thanked him for the compliment. The things you were saying to each other became sickly sweet, so much so that you almost laughed at one point. As the soldiers approached your table, the mysterious man leaned in close, his alcoholic breath fanning over your face. Calmly, he swept the hat off of your head and placed it so that it covered both of your faces from the men who were now only a couple of feet away. 
A swift kick from under the table spurred you into action, and you let out a girlish moan followed by an exaggerated giggle. He followed suit, making a comment about how nice your lips were. If it were any other situation, you would punch this man in the face, but for right now, you’d listen to every command he gave you. From behind the hat you heard one of the MP’s mumble about ‘couples these days’ with a gagging noise coming from the other. With one last lovesick comment from the man in front of you, the MP’s retreated, leaving the tavern with muttered curses leaving their lips. 
Your savior leaned back into his chair, a smirk adoring his features as he placed his hat back on his head. For a moment, you both just stared at each other, you in shock and him in some state of glee. You decided to speak first. 
“Who are you?” 
“The name’s Kenny.” He kicked his other leg up on the table with a thwack! as the spur hit the cracked wood. The silence grew again, but this time you were at a loss for words. Sure, his name was Kenny, but was that all he was going to say? Apparently not, but when he spoke up again, it was entirely unhelpful. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”
You frowned, unamused. “Maybe for you. I should punch you for some of the things you said. Strange men shouldn’t talk to unassuming ladies like that.” Your tone was laced with a bit of sarcasm, and he guffawed.
“I don’t think fugitives from the crown can be considered ladies,” he shot back, and you huffed. His face grew serious. “I’ve been watching you for a while, kitten.”
You raised your eyebrows at the nickname. “It’s Y/N, and, uh, what?” Once again, this man completely took you by surprise. 
He shrugged. “You may not know it yourself, kitten, but you’re well known down here in the Underground. A mysterious girl who arrives without a sound, stealing from the above-grounders and sharing the wealth with the rest of us? You’re practically a legend; some people don’t even believe you’re real, but those that do would protect you with their life.”
This was all news to you. Yes, those were things that you did, but people recognized you for it? You furrowed your eyebrows and blinked quickly as you tried to puzzle the situation out. “I…” You struggled for words.
Kenny held up a hand. “It’s true whether you believe it or not… But, it seems that you’ve bitten off a little more than you can chew this time, my friend. Stealing from the Premier? Tsk, tsk.” His tone was more playful than condescending, and you gave him a weary grin. 
You sighed and finally relaxed back into your own chair, studying the man’s face. It showed his experience rather than his age, and you wondered just exactly who he was. Taking a chance, you pried for more information. You hated being in the dark. “So, you didn’t answer my question. Who are you?” 
His smile grew at your curiosity, crooked teeth appearing under chapped lips. “Someone who can help you. If you want it, that is. It seems clear you like to work on your own.” There was a challenge laced into his words, and you wondered what the right decision was. On one hand, getting involved with someone else, someone else you knew nothing about at that, was a dangerous game. On the other, you were in trouble and you needed all the help you could get. 
Taking a chance, you slowly nodded. “Okay. What do you have in mind?” 
He explained his plan. The MP’s didn’t know your name, so it would be easy to get above ground using your old Wall Sina papers. After you expressed your concern and with a chuckle, he dismissed their drawing of you, stating that once you got above ground and cleaned up, you would be unrecognizable from your old self. Then, with his next words, you lost your confidence in his plan. 
“You want me… to join the Survey Corps?” You shook your head in disbelief. “Uh, no way. That’s right under the government’s noses!” 
He brushed you off. “Eh, not really. The government already dislikes the Corps. They’re not gonna care who’s in it; they figure you’ll all die soon enough.” At that, you gave him a very blank stare, and he just laughed, stealing a swig from your mug. “You’ll be fine. You don’t seem like the dying type.”
It was true, you had escaped the jaws of death on multiple occasions, but you weren’t in the business of actively riding towards your demise. That seemed plain idiotic to you, and you made that known. “This isn’t a joke. It’s my life on the line,” you countered.
With a swift movement, his legs were off of the table and his body was leaning in towards yours, the weight on his elbows making the table creak. His eyes turned dark, levelling your gaze. “It’s your life either way. Would you rather die by the hands of the Military Police after they’ve done God-knows-what to you? Or would you rather die on your own terms, possibly fighting for Humanity’s freedom?” 
It was a good question, a fair question, and one you immediately knew the answer to. You sucked in a breath as you resigned yourself to your new fate. “So, how do we do this?” 
With another grin, Kenny explained the rest of his plan. It really wasn’t a bad idea, and you were grateful for the help. But still uncertainty settled in your stomach.
The day you were to join the Corps, Kenny had told you he would meet you before you left. You hadn’t seen him in about a week, and in that time, you had completely changed yourself, moving up top, getting a haircut, and finally wearing clean, untorn clothes. It was weird and different, but a part of you enjoyed it. This was a new start, you had chosen to believe.
“Kitten!” You turned towards the easily recognizable voice with a roll of your eyes, but the playful smile that toyed with your lips gave away your true feelings. “Give me a spin!” He requested, and when you did, he let out a loud whistle. “Damn, you really look like you belong up here.”
You raised your eyebrows with a grin. “That’s the point, right?” 
“Precisely, my friend, precisely.” Slinging an arm over your shoulders, he began to walk with you towards where the ferry would pick you up. His pace was slow, obviously not in a rush to say goodbye, and you felt the same. Somehow, the two of you had grown close over the past month. Even with all of the secrets you both kept from each other, there was an air of freedom when you were in the other’s presence. No lies, no false personalities, just friendship. 
It was refreshing, to say the least.
For once, you both were quiet as you walked. The weight of the future hung over both of you, pressing your mouths shut. He managed to speak first, his voice cracking for the first time since you met him and giving away his true emotions. 
“Stay safe, kitten.” The words were serious, and something in him couldn’t stand to let that be the last thing he said. “You’ll kick those Titans’ asses.” 
Normally, you’d laugh, or at least smile, at his cheesy jokes. Instead, you stopped walking and turned until you both faced each other, looking up to meet his eyes. With a swallow, you asked something of him that you knew was unfair, was selfish, was wrong. Yet, you still asked, knowing Kenny wouldn’t hold it against you. 
“Promise me you won’t die before me.” 
His eyes softened in understanding, crinkles forming around their edges as he gave you the most gentle of smiles. He knew what you needed to hear, knew it would be a lie, knew you’d hate him for it. But, he said it anyway.
“I promise.”
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constellationmelody · 3 years
Beauty and the Guard AU
An AU on Beauty and the beast but there’s no beast unless you want to count belos as one but he’s not the focus character Hunter just refuses to take off his mask the whole time.  
Takes place when luz is trying to save Eda from petrification, Luz strikes a deal with Belos, Giving the portal but manages to destroy it. She’s instead taken captive and warned by Belos that if she escapes, He’ll send an army to capture not just Eda but everyone she ever met and befriended. 
- Has to stay in the Castle as to answer Belos’ questions about the human realm and any other information gathering.
- Hunter is assigned as her chaperone but not all the time. Not when he’s on missions. Steve fills in. 
- Luz agrees with Hunter to not ask about his mask. She says that she doesn’t have a desire to get to get to know him and Considering how the majority of citizens are under the monster category, she understands that he doesn’t want anyone to look. Hunter is not sure if he’s relieve that she will keep her promise not to look under his mask or feel insulted that she basically called him ugly. 
(Long post)
- When not 'helping’ Belos information gathering, She puts to work as a cleaning lady, Luz is furious about it. She can’t believe she has to clean more there than she does at home in a dusty castle. The other cleaning witches can do their job well with magic, meanwhile it’s all manual labor. Not to mention she shares quarters with them and they snore.
- Tries to convince Hunter to let her go out even if its around the castle grounds, of course, He says no and shuts down her attempts.
- While doing her cleaning duties, Luz wanders around the castle to look around any valuable information on Belos for any way to help eda/or whatever without the Golden Guard following her. She finds the forbidden library and is amazed by the goldmine of BI’s forbidden knowledge! She only gets to look through some books before she gets caught by Hunter which he angrily yells at her about being in a place where she’s not supposed to be in. Drags her out and locks the library.
- She tries to run away but often gets stopped by Hunter, the threat of going to the dungeon doesn’t scare her (”I escaped there like twice”). He relents and allows her to go on these ‘adventures’ when he’s not in a mission, He finds it to be fun but would not admit it.
- Luz manages to get the freedom to go back to school but is secretly spied on by Hunter, though he sometimes get caught by the monsters or students roaming around. Hunter picks her up after school. (weak sauce, idk what to put here to make it more interesting)
- When he’s not chaperoning her in the outside world, Hunter gets envious how much fun Steve is having with Luz when they go on an adventure. Detailing their bounty adventures, using the snails to shop and buy things. He can’t really do much about it but when he does go, Steve gets sad; Luz promises him that she’ll get him souvenirs.
- Somehow finds out that Hunter is a magicless witch and Luz shows him that she can do magic through glyphs. Hunter is amazed and they start geeking out about it until he stops himself since it’s a forbidden knowledge.
-  Luz had succeed running away from the castle but its to the beach to stare at the boiling waters. She tells Hunter that the castle life was suffocating her and needed to go out. Hunter stayed with her until they were ready to go back. 
- Hunter secretly takes her to the forbidden library to cheer her up so she can learn more and the boiling isles history. Hunter is happy to have someone with the same interests as him to talk to about wild magic. Gets more comfortable around her and talk in secret more about it. During their time together get bond over varies subjects, the library becoming their sanctuary when its not in use, which is most of the time. They share about each other’s realms constellations, history, what kind of magic is around, creatures and about the titan. Luz scolds him for this, referring back when he got angry at her for being curious when he basically did the same thing in secret.
- After some time getting comfortable and know each other through mutual interest and deep talks. Hunter gets bothered that since she doesn’t know his name, She has no choice but to call him by his title. When they are coming back from doing errands, He tells her his name and she’s allowed to call him by it when they are together/in private. His heart fluttered when he hears her say his name.
- Luz starts to grow feelings for him despite not knowing what he looks like. She had opportunities to see what he looks at the times when he’s asleep during their time in the library or when his mask gets knocked off during a temp job but kept her promise to not look at his face which leads to uncomfortable situation where she accidentally gropes him when she was looking for him to give him his mask back, luckily never below the belt. What she finds is his built felt normal. No hidden spikes, slime or what-have-you to suggests that he’s in the monster/demon category. Hunter obviously flustered. 
- (Following the plot of Hunting palisman w/ some changes to the plot cause obviously Eda)  At school Luz can’t find the palisman that suits her and is upset about it. Hunter, although he still hesitant about his feelings towards wild magic, tries to comfort her. (convo from the Hunting palisman) Luz  talks about What happened at the school, and questions Hunter about how he manages to know what he wanted for his future and How he came to the emperor’s coven, to help her get some guidance from him. He tells her about himself and lack of future and Although she isn’t sure about hers, at least she gets to choose. Luz feels sad for him and hugs him. Hunter melts in her embrace. 
- Just as he’s about to fall asleep in her arms, Rascal pops out of his hiding place and gives Hunter a heart attack. Rascal chooses Hunter to be his palisman. Obviously Luz feels a bit disappointed that hunter got his palisman when he doesn’t want it, the look of uncertainty he has with the palisman makes her determine to get him used to it. She can always be a teacher since she has experience with Owlbert.
- With his new staff that he’s still unsure of, Hunter decides to take Luz out somewhere out of the ordinary routine after school, somewhere special (think like events like the wailing stars but something else) but that turned romantic. At some point he slightly lifts his mask to kiss Luz’s hand. She’s obviously swooned. May have peeked and sees that he has loose strand of medium blond hair sticking out and that his Lips felt like normal. Starts to think he looks like more like human(or witch?) like some of her classmates.
- They become even more friendlier as it becomes a usual thing for them to be seen together in the castle when Luz is or isn’t working, even the coven members are noticing this, especially Kikimora. Coven leaders are just shocked that someone liked him enough to be his a friend. 
- Kikimora start planting seeds of doubts in Luz’s mind about whether Hunter really is being her friend or just fulling his duties as he was told by Belos. What if their talks where his manipulative ways to get her to tell him about her and other information gathering. Was he really talking to her as she clean because he’s really saw her as a friend or just keeping guard to make sure she doesn’t run away. Kiki does this to mess whatever good thing Hunter has since she can’t kill him.  Luz tries her best to ignore her, rationalizing that that’s quite an investment for Hunter to go through to manipulate her.
- Somewhere a long the line, Luz finds out the truth about day of unity and the truth of Kikimora’s words of Hunter’s actions that she assumed was just lies that Kiki told her. She’s hurt to think the guy she grown to love had any knowledge about it and betrayed her. “I though you were a good guy [mentions all the stuff they do together and such] I guess You’re not my friend, you’re just the golden guard.” It kills him when she said that.
- alternatively he finds out that she has the key to the partially fixed portal door. Is conflicted on whether to break their bond for belos or not especially after learning that she’s homesick and wants to see her mom again. Fought with Kikimora over it with lead to Luz finding out their fight and gets heartbroken that Hunter has it, assumes the worst that kikimora was right.  Again, “I though you were a good guy I guess I was wrong. You’re not my friend, you’re just the golden guard.” His feels his heart breaks. 
- Luz gets rescued by Eda, Lilith, king, hooty, her friends. Hunter doesn’t try to stop her but apologizes to her for everything and for what it’s worth, he’s happy to got to know her and that he loved her, whether she feels the same or not. Luz obviously shocked but couldn’t give a response because the gang were fleeing.
- Back in the owl house, Luz is a mess because of the mixed feelings she has for hunter. In one hand, she knew him as this cold person who was very dedicated to his job while the other as an intelligent, funny, (other more things) and is confused on which hunter is the one she grown to love. ( Feels devastated about it because she thinks that he faked his feelings for her to get knowledge on the key or whatever although hunter didn’t really know she had it.)
- Lilith is dumfounded that Luz has feelings for him because she known him to be a brat. Luz argues that He is but much more than that. As she explains why, she gets hits with the epiphany that she does indeed had fallen in love with him. Eda laughs, “Not sure If I approve catching feelings for your nanny, I thought you were being tortured or something but I see now what you have been really doing.” wagging her eyebrows. Luz: “They have me clean the castle from top to bottom! By hand!” “I don’t approve then.” Luz shares her knowledge of wild magic with the group that she learn from the castle’s library.
- Weeks later, Luz tries to sleep but hears small knocking on the window, She opens it and sees Rascal with the key with him and a note from Hunter apologizing again for what happened. Belos doesn’t know about the key. She sends a note back, telling him to meet her. 
- idk how they makeup. (Working on it) Luz walks up to Hunter and asks if she could take off his mask which he agrees to. Luz takes his mask off and smiles, “well look at that, Magenta eyes. You aren’t ugly as I thought to you were!” hunter frowns, “But you’re handsome as I imagined,” leans up and kisses him first. Hunter tosses the mask away for good and hugs her close to kiss her better. Luz pulls back,  “and... I love you too.” Hunter isn’t sure what his new future holds but knows for sure that Luz is a part of it. 
( Had an idea in an alternative story plot around the part where they went out to a ‘date’. They confessed their love and started to kiss lol imagine them having to use a blindfold to keep her eyes closed. But it was a bit too sensual? Or Sensuous? It just didn’t fit in the flow of the storyline. Why did this became a dabble? )
Hunter, for the first time, gets self conscious about his looks. He tries not look into mirrors, though hard when his mask reflects the face he tries hard to avoid looking at when putting it on, He doesn’t really thought much about his looks, except for the scar that’s plastered over his cheek. The ugly scar that he rather forget he has.
As Hunter looks down at Luz’s face, blindfolded to prevent her from accidently opening her eyes during their ‘make out session’, He’s starting to believe that Luz lied about being magicless. He can’t help but feel enchanted over how beautiful she looked by the way the moonlight cast a heavenly glow over her cute features. He can only imagine how her eyes would look like if she didn’t have the blindfold on. “I wish I can stare into your eyes,”
“Why can’t we?”
“You know why”
“Right, I’m not allowed to look under the mask.” she pouted.
“And... well,” Luz attentively waits for him to continue, “I may not look... pretty as you think I imagine. If that makes any sense.” He sheepishly confessed
As Luz wraps her arms around his shoulders, Hunter feels her hands feeling up up his neck, tenderly cradling his face. Hunter fails to resist the blush spreading across his cheeks and the warm pleasant feeling in his chest
“I have other senses to “see” you,” She says sliding her fingers along his jawline, “Strong jaw, ... No scales, or slime... just soft skin” 
She found one patch on the left of his face in particular that caught her interest but before she could take her time to feel it, Hunter quickly shook her hand away from it. Sensing its something he feels uncomfortable with, she decides to leave it alone. 
She continues, “I can hear your voice; sound hot,” He suddenly felt shy at the comment. He was always self-conscious as he has been told that it was annoying. He felt relieved that it wasn’t the case for her.  “Heh, Thanks”
“I can smell you, " She nuzzles against his neck and scrunches up her nose, “... you need a shower.” Hunter frowns, that was certainly killed the mood a little. She pulls back, “But I like that you smell like pine forest sometimes,” weak save.
 “And,” she hums as grazes her thumb over his lips, licking her own. Hunter subconsciously sucks in his breathe, feeling himself getting hotter by the second.
“I can taste you.” finishing off her sentence by pressing her lips against his; briefly misses his lips by kissing the corner of his mouth before correcting herself. 
Hunter smirks in amusement. 
Alright, He admits that was pretty smooth of her to end it the way she did, even though she fumbled at the end. 
He feels a bit confident on that fateful day where he feels brave enough to show her his face, He just hope it lives up to her expectations despite her reassurance to the contrary. 
Luz, on the other hand, is glad that he’s feels like a normal person underneath the mask, she can’t help but feel a bit disappointed that hunter possess no fangs. 
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xtodorcki · 3 years
Could you Maybe write something about marcos girlfriend finding him dead with jean and like comepletely breaking down? Just Lots of heartbreak 🙃❤️ly
“Heartbreak,” Marco x Reader
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Summary: You, being Marco’s girlfriend, and Jean come across Marco’s body
Warnings: none
Marco x Fem!Reader
It was told to the scouts that Titans had stormed into Trost, making everyone get suited up and put out to try and protect as many citizens as possible.
While suiting up, you made sure to talk to Marco, knowing you two would be separated for a while but it was a habit of yours to always say goodbye and wish him luck. The way your anxiety would make you feel as if you needed to let him know before every mission that you loved him.
As you stood in the doorway, watching him tighten the ODM gear on his waist, his eyes had moved up to yours and a smile instantly appeared on his face. You began to soften up, some of your anxiety washing away as you smiled back at him.
“I know we’ll see each other afterwards but I wanted to wish you luck... like always.” You said quietly, your feet making their way inside the bedroom and he nodded.
“I know how you are.” He chuckled, his arms instantly embracing you in a tight hug and your face pressed against his chest as you took in his scent.
Your eyes had fluttered shut, taking in every second of this as you wrapped your arms around his torso and held onto him as you sighed under your breath, the overbearing anxiety floating over you again.
“You know we’ll meet back up afterwards.” He assured you, his large hand rubbing up and down your back to relax you a bit but it never really worked before any mission.
“Yeah but in case something happens, I won’t forgive myself for not telling you bye and loving you up before you go.” You admitted, turning your head upwards to look up at him and he frowned slightly.
“Nothing is going to happen, I promise. Once we’re back here, I’ll give you all of my love tonight.” His voice was low, the alarm that rang throughout the base had signaled that it was time to go.
“You better. I just want you once we’re back. No distractions.” You leaned up, pecking his cheek and he gave you another big smile.
“I promise... You know I love you, Y/N.” He tucked the loose strands of hair behind your ear and pressed his lips to your forehead then placing them on your lips.
“I love you, good luck.” You gave him one last quick kiss and walked beside him out the door to head outside with the rest of the scouts.
Time had went on, the scouts separating and doing the orders that were given to them and soon enough after everything had stopped and most of the Titans were killed, it was over and the scouts began to meet up.
“Some cadets are still missing, be aware.” One of the Captains said and you glanced around, trying to find Marco but he was nowhere.
It had made your heart race but you didn’t want to worry so soon, Marco was great at his job. He’s probably helping someone out.
You had glanced beside you at Jean once all were ordered to take a look around at the casualties while looking for missing members and the both of you had the same thought- stick together and find Marco.
Marco and Jean were pretty close, he was just as worried as you were and he didn’t want to think he was dead or eaten- he was a better scout afterall.
“Where should we look?” You stumbled out, the nerves kicking in and Jean had shrugged.
“Let’s just start off on the roofs and check between buildings.”
It had taken you two a while to look, seeing all the scattered blood and bodies but finally your eyes had landed upon a body laying down with a scouts jacket on. Your eyes had widened but you couldn’t make out the face so you didn’t want to assume.
You called Jean over, landing on the ground and the closer you stepped towards the slumped over body, the more noticeable that it was a guy and you seen the black hair, making you freeze on the spot.
Your heart dropped, your hands beginning to shake and your eyes filling up with tears.
“Marco?” You whispered, suddenly you were on your knees practically crawling over to the body and the loud scream that had escaped your lips had made Jean drop to the ground behind you and freeze as well.
The scream you had let out was painful to Jean’s ears, even scouts from pretty far had heard you as clear as day. The loud sobs escaping your lips had made Jean more afraid to approach you than ever.
Your hands had grabbed onto his body, or what was left of it and you couldn’t wrap your head around anything at all. The way your eyes were blurred from the amount of water in your eyes, the way your heart had felt like it was ripped out of your chest.
Jean had finally stepped forward, kneeling behind you and grabbed onto your shoulders. He was in just as much pain as you were, his eyes watered at the sight but he kept himself together and tried to grab onto you.
“Y/N..” He mumbled, his voice cracking and he tried to pull you back- you didn’t need to be around this.
But you stayed put, clinging onto his limp body and cried into his hair. The way your sobs had sounded, it made things more painful for Jean to try to pull you away from his corpse.
He hated this, he was angry. There was no way Marco could’ve gotten caught up by a Titan, his gear was gone and that had made him think this was intentional.
Finally the other scouts had found their way towards your screams, seeing Marco’s body and everyone stayed quiet as you laid there on the concrete.
“Jean, grab her.” Levi said, making him reach down and grab onto your body.
This time you had let him, letting go of Marco’s body as you fell limp in Jean’s arms. He had held onto you, embracing you in a hug as you cried in his chest.
Jean had tried to lead you away from the scene, walking with you to the end of the street he was at and tried to calm you down a bit.
He understood your pain, he wish he could take it all off of you though, knowing how broken down you really were.
“It’s okay.” He mumbled, shushing you and keeping you pressed against his chest.
The scouts had taken his body, making sure to be careful and bring it back for a burial. You had finally calmed down, watching them put him on the carriage and they took off his coat, handing it over to you.
You stared down at his coat, running your fingers over the badge and sighed to yourself, Jean’s hand still on your shoulder.
The emptiness you had felt deep inside your chest was huge, especially when Jean had mumbled to you how he thinks Marco was murdered and it was intentional that he was dead.
That had made you angry the more you stood there and thought about it, you knew Marco more than anyone but even still, everyone knew how much of a great scout he was- he wouldn’t let himself get caught up by a Titan.
Someone did this to him.
This is short but idk what else to really write out🤧
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momowho34 · 3 years
So that story about Dionysus being the son of Persephone is awful and gross for like 10 different reasons but can we stop and just appreciate how amazingly they would get along? Like dionysus has mysterious chthonic connections on his own and both of them show evidence of being preceded by really old and dangerous figures and they both have rebirth themes and agricultural themes and I just keep imagining
(This isn’t for a fandom it’s just straight up Greek mythology btw)
Styx: Yeah idk, I just... found him here?
Dionysus, after wandering into the underworld and passing out next to the river Styx, wearing dramatic grape vines, drunk as fuck, tired, entirely oblivious to anything ever, should be totally harmless but still has the faintest aura of the maddened screams of the dying and the roar of lions drifting around him: hnngh???
Persephone, tearing up: *gasps* new bestie!!!!
Styx: ??????
Persephone, during their weekly visits, painting his nails: *sighs* it’s just.... so exhausting to be raised from the dead every year, y’know? Really fucks with my beauty routine. I love seeing my mom but being brought back to life is just a little tedious. Dying is like so much easier.
Dionysus, feeding Cerberus ghost pork chops under the table with his other hand: oh sweetheart I know. I’ve died and been reborn three times, did you know that? Exhausting. Every. Single. Time.
Persephone: omg dish!!!!
Persephone, on the way to the fields of Elysian with Dionysus: I just don’t understand why you had to kill him! He was so close to reuniting with his wife... er- whatever her name was, but they were really cute and you know how I am about love stories I just... I’m so upset!!!
Dionysus, carrying Orpheus’s soul over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes: look, he was ruining my vibe, okay? I really value my vibe! That’s just how it is. Besides, he lost his chance to find her in the living world when he turned around and saw her. Now he gets to reunite with his lover.... dicey-universe or whatever her name was.
Orpheus, weakly: Eurydice, my beloved that I lost, oh how her beauty was- ack!
Dionysus, frowning, wacking Orpheus over his shoulder: hush, you. We’re almost there. If you start waxing poetic or singing about tragic love again I will throw you into Asphodel so fast-
Persephone: oh don’t pretend that you didn’t come down here to save your wife a long time ago.
Dionysus, scoffing: okay, but that’s different! I am allowed to be here. Ariadne just came down for a little visit, she wasn’t planning to stay dead!
Persephone: .....I’m not entirely sure you understand how death works, dionysus.
Hades, sighing: honey I don’t want to limit your friend circle, it’s just that it’s dangerous for someone to traverse between realms like this!
Persephone: I’m telling you though, he is a death god!
Hades: darling I’m finding it hard to believe that the god of wine and partying is-
Dionysus, turning the corner, with his horns and thrysus and slit pupil eyes and leopard skin and somehow giving off ancient old god eldritch abomination energy despite wearing sunglasses and drinking a smoothie: ‘Sup fuckers.
Hades, backing away: dear fucking Kronos yeah that’s a death god, that’s a really old death, that’s an old as Tarterus death god, holy fucking shit okay have fun sweetie he’s free to hang out down here whenever he wants I’m going to go throw up have fun you two bye no way I’m fucking with this shit not today-
(tw: people talking about sex)
Persephone: okay but you can’t have had sex with that many nymphs! I know those girls! Boroe, Khonoris, Nikaia, Methe, Pallene-
Dionysus, sighing: Okay, okay, it wasn’t that many nymphs and humans! Just... look, let’s stop talking about my love life and talk about yours, hmm? Like did you have any other romantic escapades other then Mr. Scary Pants here?
Persephone: hmmm.... well there was this one really cute guy that I hung out with for a while, Adonis. He was pretty great, honestly.
Dionysus: ooh, Adonis... I remember him, he was really cute- shit, sorry, I had a fling with him too but this isn’t about me, go on.
Persephone, rolling her eyes: ugh, of course you did. Anyway, he’s no use to me dead, and he got killed by Ares.
Dionysus: oof, Ares. Fate worse then death. Why was he killed by Ares?
Persephone: because he slept with Aphrodite, Ares really hates it when people sleep with his girlfriend.
Dionysus, reminiscing: oooohhh, Aphrodite. Now she was definitely something, I remember this one time we- why are you looking at me like that?
Persephone: you.
Persephone: you never told me you slept with aPHRODITE- *assorted sounds of screaming and crashing*
Demeter, exasperated, during the summer months: oh by the Titans, you can’t seriously be telling me that you’re friends with Bacchus of all people.
Persephone: but why! He’s an agriculture god, you two should get along! Plus he’s not dangerous- ok, he’s a little dangerous, but like, not to me!
Demeter, sighing: sweetheart I assure you, it’s not about if he’s dangerous-
Dionysus, popping through a window, looking at Demeter: heeeyyyyy! yo, it’s Bread Basket, my favorite bestie!!! I’m doing real good at this domesticated planting thing, I’m a born natural at it hahaha!!! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been taking really good care of the vineyards you helped me plant, absolutely no fires or villager beheadings so far! I promise no more screw ups- *glances behind him* oh my gods you stupid fucking satyr’s, that is the ONE plot of land that you’re not supposed to- Sorry Demi, gotta go good luck with the.... whatever it is you do, bye!!!
Persephone, staring in awe as Dionysus runs back to the fields and desperately tries to corrall the satyr’s in his cult that are munching on grape vines as the maenads cheer and throw sticks in the background: wow. I’ve never... ive never seen this side of him before.
Demeter, putting her head in her hands: yet another reason why I wish I had your luck, Kore.
Dionysus, standing next to persephone, watching Psyche skip away with a box of beauty cream tucked under her arm: ....You know she’s gonna open that box.
Persephone: yep.
Dionysus: and that it’s going to kill her?
Persephone: yep.
Dionysus: and that doesn’t bother you?
Persephone, sighing: look, have a little faith in Eros. He’s a resourceful little shit, he’ll figure something out, and watching Aphrodite realize she’s been bested by her own son will taste like poetry. I can’t wait to see it.
Dionysus, whistling: damn gurl you hold a grudge.
Persephone, narrowing her eyes: only against Aphrodite. Only against Aphrodite.
Dionysus: anyway I was *Baby Melinoe grabs his arm and he freezes* oh my god what is that
Persephone, laughing: that’s just my daughter, Dionysus. I think she likes you.
Dionysus: fuck. Oh gods. um- uhhhhh- what I do with it, I don’t know- I don’t know what to do with it-
Melinoe: *laughs*
Dionysus, sweating: oh no. Why did it make that sound? Did I break it? Is it- is it broken??? What am I supposed to do with this??? Is it okay????
Persephone: gods this is so going in the fucking scrapbook.
Melinoe: *latches onto Dionysus’s arm as he continues to panic*
Dionysus: persephone is it okay? Is it broken? Persephone I’m not kidding your husband honestly freaks me the fuck out I don’t wanna break your kid oh my gods
Persephone: she usually doesn’t like people she doesn’t know-
Melinoe: *starts to climb on him*
Dionysus: oh fuck, no no no what is it doing, Persephone I’m not kidding what is it doing, what is it doing Persephone get it off me oh my gods I’m not joking perSEPHONE-
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