#and that he kind of doesnt expect him to help him
dnangelic · 6 months
sometimes i think abt towa and argentine in the very last manga chapter n cry
#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#waaaa waaaa my lucifer my boy-king and the respect and power he doesn't even want but deserves sm#dark wouldnt want towa n argentine's help if he could go without it!! all his theft has been bc he cared#n its the fact he n dai care tht they genuinely deserve the sort of trust respect n acknowledgement from the niwa fam#that the rest of the world who doesnt properly or intimately know the likes of dark n dai doesnt afford them#i justttt wooooughhhh towa argentine gratefully graciously bowing themselves with fealty#to dark who's always been bearing all this insane burden and self-expectation alone#all by himself#afraid even of that solitude but nevertheless doing everything he could for the sake of#what he felt was right saving the artworks saving precious things even if he had to steal them away and disparage himself#more and more (the more he succeeds the more he disgraces himself as a villain and a criminal)#aaaa waaaa INNER NIWA FAM CHARAS r just so special.... THEY GET TO SEE IT ALL...#how heavy the pressure is on dark n dai both actually despite the superficial layers like elmroot says#the 'outer self' that enjoys being a phantom thief and then the inner that 'hunts his own kind'#how tired dark is sometimes...#well. w/e. point is niwa fam chara writers who ever take this into account ill kiss u forever#dark can be annoying or behave in spoiled/lazy/belligerent ways sometimes but it rlly makes him and dai more like the#rebel angel leader / boy king example i try to write them as. they still care ofc they doooo#it's just they're the equivalent of the highest seat holding together their little country#their miniature empire that dark n the niwa have built up over yrs n yrs n yrs!!#dark never claims himself a king or a prince he doesn't throw his weight or titles around like that#but between paradise lost and POTO's occasional angel of darkness/PRINCE of darkness#the vibes are there in between the lines. they r right there. this dude has so much hes taking responsibility for#even though he doesn't even Have To. but in doing so- he is. and SHOULD rightly be supported#in the manner of someone in service demonstrating loyalty to him#ok. ramble over
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infizero · 5 months
like he's literally their guard dog do you get it. do you understand. this shit is making me crazy
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#there's all this talk in the show about the power he had over people but none about the women who had power over him#note im not saying that it excuses his shit either im just saying the eshow never really holds the women accountable#as a woman that annoys me#esp as one with a mom who has often made me feel worthless#i also found the writers to get way too insecure in s5 about how people viewed their main character that they felt the need to double down#give mc a sympathic backstory and will feel bad for him what were they expecting?#heck i felt kinda bad for beatrice and i dont hate her but her dad sucked you cant help but pity her esp as an old lady#angela diaz#scary women#she was so damn convincing#for a show about accountabiity its justall on one mans shoulder and it just doesnt feel like it was that fair shrugs#dont believe me?#ana his publist sexually assaults BJ#this is ignored and brushed off as if it never happened#beatrice his biggest abuser next to his father is given the sad old lady treatment that he acutally ends up being kind too#diane fucks pb who is with pickles and is mostly absolved of any wrong doing on her end#pc agrees to work with vance gets bj to a doc that gives him the opiums and does nothing to stop him from hurting gina#angela is gay the whole time and still fires herb then berates and offers a man who is mentally unstable more alchhol#it also felt tacked on in ep 10 of s5 to me like it came of super insecure#oh he def did shitty sshit that is unforgiveable but it felt like they were just throwing a bunc of random x//a/s to double down
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uraniumglassgirl · 1 year
I love aokiji from one piece. Hes my little swimbly bimbly
#i like him a lot. i love how one piece gets a lot of morally gray antagonists#like. aokiji is kind of a really good guy in certain moments.#like he cares a lot about civillians . he just works inside of a really shitty system . hes like the idea of a ‘good’ cop#who like joined the marines with the intent of helping people but he does more harm than good .#i think it makes a lot of sense for him to have quit after the time skip. i know hes rolling with the blackbeard pirates now though#which is weird to me. bc that doesnt seem to suit his ideals. i think he’ll turn out to be undercover or some shit or a sword operative#im excited to learn more abt sword bc its apparently really important in the manga rn#but im not caught up so it’s just like. a vague thing i know now#*thinks about robin backstory* dereshishishishishi…..#also it makes me so mad how oda does so many of his black characters bc. aokiji is right there. you know how to draw black people#give that same treatment to usopp!!! or blackbeard. its lame. it sucks#related. hes a minor antagonist but i wish they did more with mr 5. hes another black character with a good design (at least in the manga)#the anime kind of connects the corners of his lips and makes them look bad but in the manga its natural yet still cartoony#he has such an underutilized devil fruit too T_T he can basically explode any part of his body.#and its usually used in the form of flicking exploding boogers at people (funny) but i was expecting him to get a cool moment where he just#fuckin. BOXES someone with explosions and some cool kicks. sadly we never get that though
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Free story idea I'll probably never write but am kind of obsessed with: Scott and Lightray role reversal where Scott grew up on New Genesis and Lightray was traded to Apokolips.
Basic set up: Scott, as a little baby child, was supposed to die when Steppenwolf killed his mother. He survived, narrowly, but Izaya hid that from Apokolips in fear of retaliation. So when the pact happened, Izaya's son, presumed dead, wasn't on the table; instead, (quite literally) the brightest child on New Genesis was traded.
So Scott grows up hidden on New Genesis as the son of Highfather, with his big brother Orion. And the thing is, he loves his home, his father, his brother, but by the time he hits young adulthood he's positively gnawing at the bars. He's going stir crazy from his limited movement; even in New Genesis he has to be careful, because after all these years, he's still hiding from Darkseid, who might change the pact if he hears Izaya's son is still alive, or even flat out kill him, breaking the truce in the process. It's not something anyone is willing to risk, least of all Highfather and Orion.
But Scott is not the type to accept limitations on his freedom, and on top of that, the longer he hides away, the more guilty he feels. He's not stupid, he knows that he should have, by all rights, been the one traded in the pact. But Highfather prioritized his safety and took the out that him being presumed dead offered, and another kid took the fall instead. How is that fair? It's not like Lightray is any less important than him. Scott may have been too young to make informed decisions or understand what was happening when the pact occured, but now, as an adult, he's becoming increasingly dissatisfied with being protected at the cost of other peoples lives.
If only he could help in some way – he's no fighter, but he's crafty and creative. Surely, even if he wouldn't he terribly useful on a battlefield (and has no real desire to enter it to begin with), he could at least do something for the kid that got traded in his place? Help him escape, perhaps? He's already capable of giving even New Genesis the slip, Apokolips can't be that much harder...
Meanwhile, Darkseid was fully planning on pulling the same basic gambit with Lightray as he would have with Scott: torment him until he decides to escape at all costs, breaking the pact. So Lightray was put in Granny's Orphanage, ostensibly a normal student, with Granny reporting back on him to Darkseid. And things would've gone roughly like they went for Scott, if it weren't for one thing: Lightray's intelligence.
Where Scott was, as far as we can tell, a perfectly average student, Lightray quickly proves to be exceptional. His fighting is largely mediocre (relatively peaking, of course), but he still wins a vast majority of sparring matches, even when his opponents far outmatch him in skill, resources, numbers, or all three. He does this by simply outsmarting them, figuring out positively brilliant strategies even under the effects of Granny's mind-altering drugs. Granny reports this back to Darkseid, baffled and annoyed, lamenting about cowardice and rebellion; children in Granny's Orphanage are not supposed to think, after all.
But Darkseid quickly realizes that the pact handed them far more than just a symbolical light, an easy way to end the truce; it handed them a weapon. Child of New Genesis Lightray may be, Darkseid reads Granny's reports of cunning, manipulation, underhanded and even ruthless strategy and sees himself. On New Genesis, Lightray may have been a formidable enemy, but now, Darkseid has the opportunity to mold him into a surprise weapon. A cunning strategist, perhaps even on a similar level as himself, completely loyal to Apokolips, but easily able to win New Genesis' trust if necessary. A perfect potential spy. Lightray still has some of that pesky New Genesis kindness, but nothing a little careful manipulation won't fix. But the brute force of Granny's Orphanage won't bend him into the right shape; a little more subtlety is required here.
So Darkseid takes Lightray from Granny's Orphanage and only lies to him a little bit. He tells Lightray about the pact, about how he was traded for convenience's sake; Darkseid even graceciously admits that he'd originally planned to use Lightray much the same way, but had realized his mistake and decided to give him a chance instead. Darkseid sees how special Lightray is, how much more he could be than just a bargaining chip; Darkseid could make him great, give him power and, more importantly, a place to belong. Lightray could be important, and important things aren't easily traded away, are integral to their home and respected as peers. He could have a place here if he just listens to Darkseid, and why shouldn't he? What has New Genesis, what has Highfather given him? At least Apokolips, Darkseid is giving him a chance, believes he can be more than a bargaining chip. Highfather sees him as nothing but a tool, but Darkseid gets him, believes in him, believes he is more. Between the two of then, who has earned Lightray's loyalty?
So Lightray grows up as Darkseid's adopted son, favored even over Kalibak for his merit, risen above his origins as a bargaining chip, and only feels a little weird about it all. Just a little bit. Somewhere in the back of his mind, there is an instinctive part of him that cringes when a hunger dog rebel begs for mercy while being tortured to death, but that's just his New Genesis weakness, and he's long since overcome it. It's nothing Darkseid holds against him, as long as Lightray fights it. His origins don't define him, and he's grabbed the knife and chosen Darkseid's strength over New Genesis' weakness.
They were planning on having him 'escape' Apokolips and slotting him into New Genesis as a spy, but a golden opportunity drops straight into their lap. A New Genesian manages to sneak straight into Lightray's room, in the heart of Darkseid's home. The only one they know with the skill to pull that of is Himon, but this is clearly someone else.
This is Highfather's son, remarkably alive despite all information to the contrary, and doesn't that just reinforce everything Lightray's ever been taught? Highfather had been unwilling to sacrifice his own son, as Darkseid had done, and had instead cowardly offered up Lightray as a sacrificial lamb. Well, joke's on them, this lamb has grown into a wolf, and is ready to earn his spot in the pack. Highfather's son is called Scott Free (which is really just salt in the wound, isn't it) and is here to break him out, take him back to New Genesis, and it's a little before schedule, but they can't possibly pass up this opportunity.
Scott returns home to New Genesis, having successfully rescued Lightray and feeling pretty good about himself, not understanding why Orion is so spitting mad at the whole thing. He knows this means war, and that's awful, but this truce was never going to last, and they all know it. And now that he's seen the horrors of Apokolips for himself, he can't help but want to do something about it. He may be no fighter, but he thinks he can work with Himon; Himon's methods seem to fit very well with Scott's strengths. He can help, but his father still forbids him to leave New Genesis, and Orion insists that Darkseid is planning something, that it's too dangerous. Scott is inexperienced, naive, and must be protected at all costs, and if they think they can actually successfully keep him in one place they're idiots. It's only a matter of time before he gives them the slip.
Orion knows this damn well, but that's not going to stop him from trying to keep Scott from walking straight into an enemy trap. He doesn't trust Lightray, not even a little bit; he still remembers what Darkseid is like, and he knows, knows that Lightray would never have been allowed to live as his son if he wasn't useful to him in some way. Orion would bet his astro harness Lightray is a spy, but what can they do? Highfather refuses to lock Lightray up without concrete proof that he's a traitor, and they obviously can't send him back to Apokolips. If Scott goes through with joining Himon, he'll be in the middle of enemy territory, with a spy to report back to Darkseid on it. Orion can't allow that to happen, no matter what. But he can't just babysit Scott, even if Scott would've allowed him to do that; with the war starting, Orion is needed on the front lines. He doesn't know how to balance the need to protect his brother with his duties towards New Genesis and the universe at large.
Lightray, meanwhile, is having a bit of a culture shock. New Genesis is, for the most part, exactly what he'd been told to expect: bright, soft, holier-than-thou, all-around fake and weak. But it's still a shock to go from dark Apokolips to bright New Genesis, and to his alarm he can feel the effects already. In the sunlight, he is physically stronger and much more comfortable. He settles in easy, feels content in a way he rarely (never) felt on Apokolips. No matter how much he tries to remind himself that these people betrayed them and he's here to destroy them, he fits on New Genesis in a way he never did on Apokolips, and that scares him, a little bit. Because he knows he'll never have a place here; he'd be a tool at best, and an interloper at worst. Orion's hostility, though a significant hurdle in the plan, is almost welcome; it's familiar, and makes it easier to remind himself that he does not, in fact, belong here.
And then, there is one more complication: Scott Free. Scott Free, Highfather's hidden son, for whose sake he was traded, who is naive and reckless and easy to manipulate, and genuine in a way that completely throws Lightray for a loop. Highfather lies, pretending to trust Lightray despite obviously agreeing with Orion's suspiscions, apologizing for trading Lightray even though he'd surely do it again without hesitation, claiming to respect New Genesis' youth above all despite how obviously untrue that is. It's easy to look at him and see confirmation of everything Darkseid told him about New Genesis.
But Scott tells Lightray he never should've been traded in his place and honestly seems to believe it. He defied orders to come 'rescue' Lightray because he believed it was more important than the continuation of the pact. He's weak, in many ways, but he sees the world how it could be, not the way it is, and has a bright resiliance to him, which Lightray stubbornly refuses to compare to anyone he's met, especially not one Aurelie, the Fury who'd been revealed to be part of Himon's rebels. Scott Free will either die painfully or waste the rest of his life away imprisoned, and Lightray finds himself making just a few too many excuses for why that bothers him.
When Scott Free finally escapes Orion and Highfather's watch to go join Himon, Lightray does not immediately report to Darkseid. He contacts Big Barda instead. It's not treachery, he tells himself. Big Barda is wholly loyal to Darkseid, the leader of the Furies, and will get the job done; besides, he'll report to Darkseid soon enough. He still refuses to think about Aurelie, and how closely Barda stuck to Lightray's side afterwards, drawn to him for reasons they both knew but refused to acknowledge. When he hears back about Barda's defection and her and Scott's escape to Earth, he is obviously very shocked and not even a little bit relieved the plan he didn't have worked.
Then the anti-life equation is discovered on Earth, and suddenly Lightray is told by Darkseid that discovering its location should be his top priority. Orion is sent to look for it as well, to protect it, and Lightray, seeing an opportunity, insists to go along. To his surprise, Orion actually agrees. Orion, for this part, just wants to get Lightray as far away from New Genesis as possible, and is working on a 'keep your friends close, but your enemies closer' logic. So off they both go, on the universe's most high-stakes and hostile buddy road trip.
#My posts#infodumping#Lightray#Orion#Scott free#Fourth world#I like this au bc it does what role reversals do best: force you to question which parts of a character are innate#Lightray is characterized as the kindest of new genesis but this is tied heavily to his sheltered upbringing on new genesis#We also see him mostly prioritize orion as his personal friend; this is unlike highfather and orion who are both big picture thinkers#Don't get me wrong lightray has a strong sense of justice but he's a little more prone to ruthlessness than you'd expect#And this au would rlly bring that out; some of his kindness is innate I believe but itd be duppressed like orion supresses his anger#On the other hand Scott's most defining attribute of fucking bailing on everything is still there its just twisted#Bc Scott in canon almost never seeks out danger and doesnt really feel responsible for fighting apokolips#But thats easily read as being bc he went through hell already so he jus wants to get away now#He already has a strong sense of justice in canon and is incapable of not helping ppl if they're in front of him#So in an au where he grew up on new genesis i DO think he'd be inclined to join himon in a way he didnt in canon#Bc that sense of justice would've been nurtured and never had to be stamped out or overridden for the sake of survival#Also sidenote I think a cool way for the plot of this au to go would be for barda + scott to join with the forever people#And find shilo norman as having the anti life equation#You could also have scott getting the equation if you want#I personally like the idea of thaddeus brown passing it onto him#Obvs both of those directions would be more AU than just the role reversal but I think they're Neat
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corvidcall · 2 years
got into an incredibly stupid argument on reddit the other day and i kept getting really mad because for some reason people kept acting like i was saying the exact opposite of what i was saying?? shannon had to keep reminding me that most peoples reading comprehension is actually not that great but ooouuuggghhh made me angy.
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cadaveraaa · 2 years
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✶ 𝙻𝚕𝚘𝚢𝚍’𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚟𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚎.
✶ 𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢, 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜? 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚞𝚑. 𝚒𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚞𝚙 𝟷𝟶𝟶𝟶 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎. 𝚜𝚘. 𝚢𝚎𝚊. 𝚕𝚖𝚊𝚘
✶ 𝚝𝚠: 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍, 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑, 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏-𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖, 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏-𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚍.
Lloyd’s anger is volatile
He wants to kick and bite and scream and rip open wide the corpse of someone’s who pissed him off. He thinks he could get something—anything—a bat, a chair, a book or even his own two fucking fists and he could hit someone in the head, knocking them over, blood flowing so freely and wantonly from the cracked skull. They fall, and without a moment to react, Lloyd is on them, fingers slipping through blood and pus and he grabs them by the hair, roots ripping from scalp and scalp ripping from skull and he hits them. He hits them once, twice, thrice, again and again and again and again and again till he can’t make out nose from mouth from eye. He wants to see their forehead scraped and bruised; he wants to see their nose bleeding so profusely and quickly, that it can fill a whole room with nothing but sticky red sanguine, and it’ll stain him and it’ll stain that motherfucker and it’ll stain his friends and everyone he loves and everyone he hates and everyone he knows and everyone he doesn’t know and all the strangers in the world who look up to him and all those friends who hate his guts. Lloyd wants to put his hands in the fucker’s mouth, ripping open wide their jaw, unhinging it and letting it fall freely, teeth spilling from gums and falling on the floor. He wants to collect those teeth and crush them into dust, mix it with the blood, and he wants to watch the motherfucker eat their own pestilence and plague. He wants them to see what evil, what pure unbridled hatred tastes like. He wants so—so—so—so— badly to get this motherfucker and claw at them, rip their eyes out, dig holes into their cheeks and rip through muscle and fat and tissue till he gets to rotting molars covered in cavities, and he wants to scrape at those cavities till blood is pouring from where rot once lived. And Lloyd just wants so badly, so fucking badly, to see someone bleed. Not die. No. He wants blood.
Lloyd wants blood. So much fucking blood. On the walls, on the floor, the windows and the ceiling and the door and in the closet, covering the skeletons like a crudely done paint job. He wants blood on his hands, under his fingernails, dripping from his wrist, dried on his arms and his chest, shrouding his shoulders like a cape and he wants it in his hair and on his face and in his mouth and every little bit of skin visible to the naked eye. He wants to see someone’s skin turn so pale—cloudy, cold, burning to the touch and glazed over, like looking into the eyes of the Reaper—and he wants to watch veins so blue drain. Drain like a faucet. A faucet to wash, to clean, to drink from. Lloyd wants blood so fucking badly, it makes his head hurt and his heart churn and his stomach turn.
Lloyd’s anger is very, very volatile.
Sometimes he thinks it’s the only piece of himself which he can really call his.
No one expects it of him. He’s the good green ninja; he’s the savior of the people; the light of continent; the one whom they all look up to.
Who knew he was no better than those who he scorned and fought?
He knew.
He always knew. But no one ever took the fucking time to look aside from his stupid fucking persona and see there was a person under the gi; there was a personality to the prophecy.
The prophecy never stated he had to be a good person. Only the savior. A good person can be a savior, but a savior does not need to be a good person.
Better to be feared than loved, right? Maybe then he’ll be heard. Maybe then he’ll be seen. Maybe then he’ll finally be taken fucking seriously.
Maybe someone would finally notice him as Lloyd and not just as the Green Ninja
They’ll see him as Lloyd, the fuck up. Lloyd, the abandoned. Lloyd Garmadon, patron saint of all those misrepresented and mistreated, of all the children who cannot find a place because there wasn’t one made for them and so instead, they carved it out themselves; made it of blood and sweat and shivs born of calluses and tears.
Lloyd’s anger is volatile. Lloyd’s anger is an expression of the love he cannot give himself. Lloyd’s anger can only be directed at himself and himself alone, because there is no one more of a bad person than himself. Because Lloyd is not a good person. He is a savior. And he didn’t even ask to be either.
Lloyd is not an angry person. He is hurt. He is tired. He is scared. Fear has buried itself so deep into his heart and made a home there; burrowed itself into the farthest crevices of his body and rooted itself down. It leeches off of his blood like a plant does to water, and he can feel the roots grow throughout his body. They course through him, taking hold of veins and arteries and strangling and killing them before taking their places. These roots bloom into fear, panic, and anxiety, all of which house and hold him hostage, and he can’t do anything but allow them to control his actions and his whims. Better to be seen as evil than a coward.
Lloyd is a little boy trapped in a man’s body, fighting a war he’s not even sure he believes in. He’s not even sure what he believes in. He can’t even figure out who he is because there was no time to craft a person outside of what others needed him to be. He is a photocopy of those around him, picking and choosing what parts of their personality might best suit him in any situation, and Lloyd wants to just curl up and die. Lloyd just wants his father. He wants his mother. He wants a family and he wants safety and he wants to be loved—but he cannot have any of those things because he is the savior and saviors don’t get a choice.  Neither what they say or do is their own because destiny has predetermined who and what they will be, and destiny is not a kind mistress, or even a pretty one, and is instead an abusive lover, who has caught Lloyd in a chokehold and is watching him slowly suffocate under the weight of clasped hands.
Lloyd’s anger is volatile.
Lloyd wishes he could rip his own eyes out.  Take a hammer to his head and crack his skull wide open and let his brain pour out, grey matter splattering onto the ground so the rest of the world can step on it. He wishes he could break his jaw and let his teeth rot out of his gums. He wants blood to run from every cut and scrape, and he wants to feel his face surrender under the hot pressure of swelling and bruising, and he can only dream of someone breaking his nose so sweetly, so imperfectly, that it is ripped off entirely, and he begins to choke on his own blood. He wants someone to hit him. Again, and again and again and again and again till he can’t breathe without the sting of a fist in his face. Till he can’t live without the threat of death hanging over him. Till he can’t stand without knowing everyone can see him for what he really is: a bloody, broken mess of a child, who cannot even defend himself but is still expected to defend the everyone else first.
But what about him?
Lloyd doesn’t want to die. He just wants to bleed. A sacrifice. An oath. A promise. To do better, be better, be anything other than himself. Something like a good person. Something people could look up too. Something others might be proud of. Something others might want to associate with. Something which he wouldn’t be ashamed of.
When Lloyd looks at his knuckles and sees broken bones and healing bruises, he wishes it were his face. A reflection of his heart. His emotions on display.
Lloyd’s anger is volatile. And it is draining. He is not sure if he can even lift his arms halfway up to cover his face in shame. His legs are lead, prickling and burning, and he can only drag himself into bed and sleep away the draining volatility.
Tomorrow, Lloyd will be twice as angry. He will be volatile. He will bleed. He will be a good person.
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marsbotz · 21 days
my hottest take ever. i think the the christmas danielle incident cld have saved their marriage
#OK IDK MAYBE NOT SAVEDDDDD. but helped.#i love how layered that moment is for bloberta... like at once she realises#1. her husband is cheating 2. with a man 3. with the father of her youngest kid 4. who SHE cheated on CLAY with#like damn. sorry danielle i feel bad for u but what did u expect king#i do wonder which part for her hurts more#AND CLAY DOESNT KNOWWWWW. RIGHT???#interesting that clay and danielle lie to each other and hide so much stilllll. it took 6 months for clay to tell him abt the hunting trip#and even THAT was a lie#but anyways like. i feel like the realisation of what happened on all sides cldddddd lead to a small breakthru for them#u know like. blobertas heart is broken here too really. she did love danielle and to realise he just used her to get to clay is pretty awfu#i feel like this would be the point she wld reveal danielle is shapeys father too. like out of spite#but maybe that also makes it easier in a way for clay...? seeing how danielle fucked with his marriage just to get to him#idk does anyone see the vision. shared pain lets get thru this shit togetherrrrrrr bro <3#like theres no more to hide here.#also like. with clay KIND OF finally admitting to his sexuality. even tho hes still Odd about it#thats a big deal. in terms of how it changes their marriage dynamic#IM THINKING OF FALSETTOS AGAIN SORRY. but its trueeeee#idk if they WOULD ever actually talk abt any of this. they sure wld fight abt it but idk if they wld.... Realise#but its nice to imagine. divorce happy ending#orel shared custody shapey and block w bloberta full time. u get it#<- happened to me. kind of#also i knowwwwww that drive back home from danielles was crazy tense. bloberta driving one million mph in stone cold silence#also also giggling imagining orel having to sit in the middle between shapey and block w them like kicking her and shit. like the first ep#thats just in general btw. i think its funny for orel to sit in the middle despite being oldest and biggest
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simplyreveries · 8 months
what about a reader who’s unknowingly flirting with the twst wonderland cast (specifically savanclaw, octanaville and diasomnia) because of culture differences and species differences?
e.g petting their ears, giving them gifts, smiling with teeth (bc for moray eels that’s how they mate 👀)
OR fem reader who has her period and some of the twst students can smell it I LITERALLY HAD A NIGHTMARE ABOUT THIS 😭😭😭😭
OMLL I APPRECIATE ITTT!!! sorry for the wait!!! i chose some from each dorm bc of my character limit btw!!
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azul ashengrotto
despite how much azul continues to do his best to learn about life on land… relationships are certainly difficult for him to understand sometimes considering how long he has spent his life in the sea and though there are many similarities between merpeople… there are still some differences. once azul is rather close to you he does become unintentionally— clingy with you. (when you two officially get together that's another story) but he has a habit of wanting to lean close to you or have a hand on you in some way, like on the small of your back when showing you something in the mostro lounge.
so needless to say, he is in love with any sort of touch from you he takes that as some sort of hope and sign that you reciprocate how he feels haha. jade and floyd tease him ALL the time about it especially when he was struggling to keep his cool-headed composure after you once gave him a hug after he did something to help you once.
like I've said azul really doesn't think about it or even try to be this way around you he just does aljdfajdkhf. he’ll feel like a smitten fool as he sits in the vip lounge as he's doing papers and just think about how you playfully linked your arm around his to bring him somewhere. small things like that are actually quite big to him when it comes down to the differences.
jade leech
he's aware you probably don't know that you're unknowingly flirting with him, but he finds it amusing and plays along with you, nevertheless. he thinks it's cute that you don't know and all the more enticing, you’ll find him chuckling, trying to hide his grin with his gloved hand “oh my, I didn't know you liked me that much fufu” he’d say. you can't help but feel confused as to what he finds so interesting… like you literally just yawned.
it'll take him a while to actually tell you what it means since he finds the obliviousness to be quite cute. you only put two and two together when he tells floyd about what you did right in front of him and the two laugh about it. now you've got floyd teasing u about it..
like azul he is a little more affectionate just in a different more. in a less obvious fashion, though there definitely have been a few occasions where he likes to bring your hand to his lips and see your reaction, he finds it so amusing. he always has his teethy grin plastered on his face.
leona kingscholar
he hates the way he can always tell when you're wearing cologne or perfume and he hates that he likes it as well, he may or may not be a bit addicted to your scent. he literally can tell if you're near just because he knows the damn fragrance you use.
if you two are particuarly close... like him falling asleep around you and such. if you happen to pet his head and his ears, he immediately shoots you this look then mumbles something before being too tired to do anything about it or give you some retort. he just lets it happen... he does enjoy it anyway. slowly he kinda doesnt realize how clingy he can get with you because of it. he becomes a little needy and wanting more attention from you. he cant help it.... i mean you basically just showed him that you're fine with it anyways.
leona seems to be someone who can get pretty possessive, unintentionally too over you. kind of territorial, like if you're someone he has eyes for then he doesn't expect others to really get in the way of that.
malleus draonica
malleus is not only a fae but a pretty sheltered one too, I’d think he’d take almost anything from you as a sign of you being completely infatuated with him as he is with you. you could offer split your ice cream or invite him out somewhere, show any sort of interest in him as he talks about gargoyles as he’s doing single club activities. the one time you asked curiously and wanted to touch his horns, he’d be searching for the loveliest jewel to bestow you for your wedding day.
speaking of jewels… he gifts to you a lot especially after you give him anything first (it could be a cool rock you found) and he’d be so smitten and glad to reciprocate that by giving you earrings, rings, necklaces etc. and when you accept them even though you're not exactly fully understanding why he takes it even more as a sign of you accepting his advances.
after taking any of your little acts of being somewhat kind to him and he’s already so deeply into you, lilia would certainly be someone who hears just all about it. i think he would only feel happy for malleus, as it appears he must’ve found the right one. he is just supportive of malleus and is simply overjoyed to know he has some little human that makes him so happy.
lilia vanrouge
he has lived long enough and in different places to understands human courting's and more so than someone like malleus. he knows how different it is, trust me he is fully aware, but he thinks it's amusing. lilia pretends to take it the wrong way and watch you get all confused, when he's just being playful.
just cant help that he finds it so adorable when you unknowingly show him affections as a fae would in his culture. even just being slightly affectionate with him is enough to have him giggling and warning you to be careful to what fae you do that to. they do tend to take very kindly towards any affections and gifts!
lilia will straight up tell you though too, you could gift him and give him something neat you found or made, and he'd look up at you with a stupid grin like "kfufu... i accept your love, dear" NO???. he still holds onto anything from you with the utmost joy.
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a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
So this takes place before they start dating and the beginning of the relationship. Reader basically has never met a guy who has chivalry(or is respectful) like ALASTOR, so when Alastor’s mannerisms come out, reader just looks at him like “wtf are you doing?” BUT NOT IN A MEAN WAY, more like in a confused way because they’re from a time where chivalry isn’t as popular(especially to women in general) and reader was raised to be tough(but it’s still nice to get treated like a lady). So whenever alastor acts like that reader just gets awkward and shy.
IM ASKING FOR THIS CUZ LIKE THE GUYS NOW HAVE NO RESPECT OR CHIVALRY like alastor😔😒 (ik not ALL guys but most guys now and days are jackasses)
Hnnng I fucking love this ✨️
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Harassment, Men being nasty
Description: ☝️⬆️
Back when you were alive, men never did the sort of things that Alastor does unless they wanted to get laid
Most of the men you knew had tendencies to act like frat boys or old perverts
Only having one goal in mind and if they got rejected then they got fucking nasty as hell with you
On top of that, you didn't have the luxury of growing up to be soft and helpless like some people
You had to be strong and look out for yourself, you rarely looked to others for help
Not even your own family
Some people didn't even look at you as a woman, just as some tough badass who didn't need anyone's helping hand
At least you hoped that how they looked at you
Not that you would've rejected the offer if anyone actually tried to help you out, everyone needs a hand now and then
The only people who ever offered any sort of help were horny guys who offered to help you let off some steam with them
Fuck off
But Alastor grew up in a very different time than you and his way of treating you always gave you whiplash
He would never dream of asking you to fuck within the first few days of knowing each other, or even the first month wtf kind of animals have men turned into??
You don't even wanna know, Alastor
His little pet names alone made you flustered but his actions??? A whole other monster in itself
When you first met him this crazy guy kissed your hand like you were in some regency movie
You were so shy afterwards that you couldn't look him in the eyes, your cheeks hot and pink
One time, Alastor actually took off his coat and put it over a puddle for you step on
Didn't you just beat up some guy for ripping it???
You could've just stepped over the puddle in the first place??? Why did you do that??
"I did what any proper gentleman would do for a lady such as yourself, Y/N..!"
You gotta look away at that point or else he would see how hot your face is getting, feeling flustered
Alastor actually asked you to dance to a song that wasn't meant for grinding and sweating on each other??
You blush and mumble something about not knowing how to dance to music like this and instead of making fun of you Alastor teaches you how
He's a wonderful dancer and leads the entire time, not letting you make a fool of yourself in front of everyone
You've never felt your heart do skip so many beats before
You're trying to ignore what some random lecherous demon is saying about your body and the things he would do to it??
Guess what-
"Now that is not the way to start a proper conversation with a lady of Y/N's status, or any lady for that matter."
Alastor scares him off for you and won't even accept your thanks in return, making your legs wobbly
Once your suffering with feelings for Alastor then every little thing he does makes you turn into a gooey puddle
It doesn't stop when he's suddenly courting you, only getting worse with each romantic act
He brings you flowers, dedicates entire broadcasts to you, asks you to take evening strolls with him
He does all this and never even expects a parting kiss from you, simply happy to be in your presence
When/why the fuck did men stop acting like this?? This is so much better than how they were back when you were alive-
You get flustered just at the sight of him now, wondering just how he's going to make you swoon today
Alastor is slowly getting you accustomed to how he believes you should always be treated, happy that you're no longer confused by his actions
This motherfucker just Pavlov-ed you into falling for him
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This was so fun to write!! I hope I did a good enough job!!
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think-like-a-poet · 28 days
What sbout max softlaunching his gf (reader) in the summer break, with help from her of course because he doesnt know what it is. No one knew, expect his family, yours snd maybe daniel -🍸
Thanks in advance💕💕
What is a soft launch?
Max verstappen x reader
@ Maxverstappen1
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Liked by Alexalbon, danielricciardo and 1.379.382 others
Maxverstappen1: Back home with my darlings.
Redbullracing: New line up?
-User: i don't know if they can reach the padels.
-user: yuki can, they can
-user: not the yuki slander
Alexalbon: This is the kind of content that I like
User: what a cutie ( i am not talking bout the cats)
-user: well the cats are cute too, but not the point
User: who took the photos maxy
-user: probably family or friend
-user; maybe he has a gf
-user; it was me guys
user; sometimes a baby girl is a 26 year old men.
-user: amen
danielriccardo: I have some new toys for them
-maxverstappen: they have so many
-Danielricciardo: that is not what they said. They like it
-maxverstappen1: of course they do. I are cats
@ Maxverstappen1
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Liked by Charlesleclerc, redbullracing and 1.379.302 others
Maxverstappen1: Padel session
User: Mr Verstappen, is this a soft launch?
User: Never thought i live to the day Max does a soft launch
User: what you mean soft launch, this is basicly a hard launch if you ask me
Charlesleclerc: how did you blame the racket this time
-Maxverstappen1: Ha ha ha, so funny . . . . . . . . .
-user; lestappen content
-user: not much, but i take it
User: please forgive me for the words i am about to say
user: can you hit me with you racket,
-user: please
@ Maxverstappen1
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Liked by DanielRicciardo, Christianhorner and 1.690.303 others
Maxverstappen1: Holiday with my favourite people. @ VictoriaVerstappen, @ SopieKumpen @ Yourusername
user; we have a name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
user: Victoria, she is so beautiful
user: she is so pretty
-user: you cant see her face
-user: stalked her account
-user: god, i wish i looked like that
user: we lost him
user: noo, my boyfriend
@ Yourusername
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Liked by 862.792 people
Yourusername: Date night with my darling, @ Maxverstappen1
comments disabled.
@ Daniel Ricciardo
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Liked by, Yourusername, maxverstappen1, landonorris and 1.580.937 others
Danielricciardo: As they finally told everyone. Here are some pictures I took of the lovely couple @ Maxverstappen1 and @ Yourusername. Thank you of making me feel like a third wheel.
Youruser: These are so pretty. Thanks danny
-danierriccardo: Tnks, mostly your doing.
-maxverstappen1: don't flirt with my girlfriend man
-danielriccardo: not flirting, just appreciating beauty
-maxverstappen1: i crash you of the track
-visacashapp: please don't
user: she is so pretty
user: god had favourites
Maxverstappen1: no problem, get a gf and you can be fourth wheel
user: if you look close you see me jumping of a clif.
user: she is beautifull
user: we need more pictures
-landonorris: say no more
-user: whaattaa
@ Lando Norris jpg
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Liked by RacerBia, yourusername and 599.573 others
Landonorrisjpg: Cleaning up the gallery. @ Youruername @ Maxverstappen1
Youruser: How did i never noticed you made these
-Landonorris"cause you kept staring at him
Maxverstappen1: maybe you are good for something
-user: hahahahaha, Pleaseee max
-landonorris: no more pictured
user: fuck romeo and juliet, i want what these bitches have
-user: same
-user same2
-user: same3
-user: same13937
user: all i need is a tall blue eyes boyfriend who looks at me like that.
-user: is it to much to ask
user: tell us your secrect yn
-yourusername: i catched him with kebab
-user; i will try, let you know how it goed
-yourusername: 👍 good luck honey.
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limpfisted · 11 months
something great about wyll is like. how patient he is with other ppl. he NEVER expects them to be as good and kind as he is, and yet he still is patient and understanding with them. he has SEVEN YEARS of experience on the road, he can pierce a goblin all the way thru, hes got a +4 to animal handling, a +4 to intimidation, and yet with all his experience, he NEVER intimidates you. never even goes “get out of the way. let me do it.”
answer gale’s quiz incorrectly? thats alright, champ, “i think you meant—“ “easy mistake, i think it’s—“
lick the spider? thats interesting. keep licking the spider? thats ok chief. hope you learned ur lesson sowing your wild oats. (wyll also approves of licking the spider LOL.)
put ur hand in a weird hole? he loves wandering hands! but think more carefully next time.
you can hear theo solomon smile into every word
he calls the tiefling kids heroes for learning to fight
astarion says hes going to eat people and wyll doesn’t threaten to stake him—(nor does he when astarion actually bites him, even tho he teases from his very first reaction to astarion that hes ‘all bite.’) he says, youll have to settle for vagrant chickens. i imagine wyll would even help him chase some down.
wyll is respectful of the githyanki and lae’zel for being fearsome warriors, despite the war crimes
if you kill alfira, he doesnt blame you, he doesnt call you a monster, he simply mourns her loss, and genuinely understqnds the violence in you, and offers to help you redirect it
there are so many times wyll could just kill the dark urge/astarion and be done with it, and hes fully capable of doing so
and yet he CHOOSES to be kind, he chooses to help, he chooses to be a friend and a supportive “role model” in his own way. and he doesn’t make choices for people. he makes comments, sometimes sly, sometimes judgemental
but despite his extreme sense of righteousness. wyll is an extremely tolerant person who is generous with his kindness. he is careful with his words despite 99% of his dialogue being him being a silly goose. he is encouraging and so so so sweet
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spidybaby · 2 months
hi lovey ❤️ don't know if ur request are open but if they are pls do something with kyky maybe his whole family love you but his mum doesnt ❤️
Mama's Boy
Summary: Kylian convinced himself that his mother liked you, but when she openly rejects you in front of him, he has to choose which side to be.
Warnings: cursing, mommy issues, dysfunctional family.
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At first, you thought it was something normal the way she behaved with you. Kylian even told you it was.
"She does like you. She just needs to get more comfortable around you."
You let it go. Thinking he was right, you were like that, too. It took you a little before being open and relaxed towards the rest of his family.
Being busy with your own things and having to work around Kylian's schedule and yours made you two not even cross paths.
Kylian asked you to help him with something related to his foundation, the same one his mother's the president of.
You were asked to pick some things and drop them off at the venue of the event. Melissa was there. She and Fayza were supervising that everything went the way they planned.
You texted Melissa that you were there, with everything Kylian asked you to bring. She went to the parking lot to help you with some things.
You walk with hands full, Fayza was talking with a man. Melissa was telling you about what activities were going to be performed at the event.
"Bonjour, Miss Lamari." You say, smiling at her.
"Hi." She says, not a single expression on her face. "Are you staying?"
"Kylian asked me to say." You say. You notice how she inhales, trying not to show her discomfort. "If that's okay with you, of course."
She nods, leaving you alone. You knew she didn't really want you there, but Kylian was the one asking you to stay and participate.
You help Melissa with some things outside of the venue, organizing some piles for the games with the kids.
Kylian arrives half hour later, when his mother sees him, she asked him to go get changed for the pictures and everything.
He has this way of making you think what his mother is doing is just not being herself around you because she doesn't know you that much, and she will eventually open to you.
The activity was fun, Kylian was playing with the kids. You love watching him interact with them. It was a glimpse of what you could archive with him.
You love how his parents. Mostly his mother, educate him to give to those in need. You love him and his acts of kindness.
"Stop daydreaming." Melissa says, laughing at your heart eyes. "Believe me, he wants the same thing as you."
"I hope he does." You smile. "Because I feel like I would die if he doesn't."
"You guys have been together for what now?"
"Two years in a month."
"Don't worry. He wouldn't play with you like that." she pats your back. "Now, can you help me with bringing the bags we put together?"
You nod, walking back to the warehouse. Fayza was putting the bags into a box to carry them outside.
"Miss Lamari, would you like some help with that?"
She didn't turn to you. She kept organizing the box. You move a little closer so you could help her. Passing her some things.
She lifts the box, you notice how I was kinda heavy due to the amount of things it has. "Let me help you."
What you didn't expect was her passing you the box. The heavy things make you almost lose control.
She left without saying a word. You walk slowly to the exit. Your back killing you from the weight you have in your hands.
Melissa noticed you were struggling with the box. Rushing to help you. "Didn't occur to make two trips?" She asks, taking one side of the box.
You nod out of breath. You two left the box in a little table you prepare. "I was thinking two trips. But Kylian's mother gave me the whole box." You sigh.
Melissa shakes her head, she was the only one who noticed that Fayza treated you in a non fairly way.
She never mentioned anything to you or to Kylian. It wasn't her place, but she didn't like the attitude towards you.
"Let's get this ready, I want a cold shower." She smiles, organizing with you.
You had a special thing about the way kids can easily be drawn to you. You loved the way kids felt so secure with you.
So seeing you interact with the kids as you hand them their bags was something that didn't surprised Kylian.
He was focused on the way you were talking to a little boy who was crying. Trying to calm him down.
"Kyks, the last thing you need to do is say the goodbye words, and we can leave." Fayza hands him the speech. When Kylian doesn't take the paper out of her hands, she turns to him. "Kylian, I'm talking to you."
"She's a natural, don't you think?" He asks her. She turns to where he is seeing. It was you with a kid on your hip while you give the others their bags. "She will be an amazing mother."
"Don't run when you can barely walk, Kylian. You are too young and too naive of what life is."
"Maybe I am, but I know that I would do everything for her."
Fayza turns back to him. Grabbing his wrist and leaving the paper in his hand. He then pays attention to his mother.
"Goodbye words, now." She says before leaving.
Kylian does what his mother asks him. Thanking everybody who helped that day and what the purpose of the activity was.
You and Melissa were eating a few treats that the kids got. Ranking them to keep yourselves occupied while waiting for Kylian and Fayza.
You feel two hands grabbing your waist. The smell of Dior Sauvage makes you smile. "What's that?"
"Hello to you too, Mister Mbappé." You joke with him. Turning your face to kiss his cheek. "Mel and I are eating this cupcakes, but this is chocolate chips, we rate it a 7."
You feed him a piece. Humming at the taste. "I'll rate it a solid 9." He says, looking at you. "What else you got here?"
"This is lemon, and this to me is a 10." You feed him again. Watching him roll his eyes at the taste of the cupcake. "And wait for the next one. It's even better."
Fayza looks from afar, picking her stuff and walking closer to the three of you. "Kylian, you shouldn't be eating those."
You stop your actions. Putting the piece of cupcake back in the little plate. "I'm sorry, it was my fault." You smile at her.
She has her shades on, but you have the feeling that she rolled her eyes. "Let's just go. Please."
You look at Melissa, she gave you a look. "Melissa and I are leaving together." You hug Kylian while Melissa went to get her things. "What you do here is so amazing, Ky." You kiss him. "I admire you so much."
He has this cocky smile, he loves being praised, especially by you. "Thank you for helping." He kisses your cheek. "I'll meet you at your place, deal?"
You nod, saying a quick goodbye to him. Melissa was waiting for you. You two chat about things that happened during the weekend.
You drop her home, wishing her a goodnight. When you were on your way home, you stopped at Kylians' favorite restaurant. Ordering his favorite dessert.
After a quick shower and some food, you hear the front door getting closed. You wait to see your boyfriend walking.
He does this funny dancing to something that was streaming on his phone. You laugh. This definitely was something tik tok girls would love to use for the "kylian core" type of thing.
"Are you pulling a show for me?" You ask, happy to see him having fun.
The season was a long one. A very tired one. Now that he announced that he was joining Madrid and that France national team won the Euros, he was able to relax.
He leaves the phone on the counter, grabbing your hands and making you stand. You dance at the rhythm of the song.
You love moments like this. Only you and him, enjoying something a simple like dancing in the middle of your kitchen.
"Okay, time out, time out." You say, hands signaling the time out. "I got something for you, open the fridge."
He smiles, guessing what that might be. When he does, he does a happy dance. Making you laugh.
"Mom is going to hate you for getting me this." He laughs.
You scuff, you know he doesn't say it with that intention, but to you is a weird feeling. "You are allowed to a sweet thing." You reply. Kissing his lips.
"Am I allowed to this sweet piece I have in front of me?" He asks, eyebrows popping up and down.
You blush. He always jokes with you like that. And even after all these years you blush like crazy.
"I think you need to rest for the Euros, baby."
"But I've been resting, and I miss you like crazy." He beggs, hugging you by the waist. "Please, amour." He kiss your hair.
"If you get tired and lose a game, I'll feel bad and guilty."
He pouts, leaving the pâtisserie in the table. He hugs you, but not the typical hug. This is more of a touch starve kind of hug.
"You are so needy." You laugh. He smiles at your laugh. "What's going on?" You ask curious. He was acting up.
"I saw you with the kids today, and God, you looked amazing." He confesses the way his smiles are shining and the way his eyes lighten up at the memory. "I can't wait for us to have our own." He kiss you.
You talked about this in the past, how you two wanted to wait a little bit, specially now with him moving to Madrid and having to find the right schedule to see who will visit who and when.
"The time will come, my love." You peck him. "Now let's go upstairs and pretend to watch a movie while you kiss me how I like it."
He makes a small happy dance again, grabbing his pâtisserie and hurrying back next to your side as you walk upstairs with him, hand in hand.
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"I'm so nervous, I want them to win so bad." You say to Helena, Kounde's girlfriend.
She laughed at how cute you looked all worried. "Calm down! It's going to go well."
You nod at her, trying to relax to enjoy the game. You had this feeling, but you thought it was just the normal feelings before a big game.
The game began, you were happy and excited about Kylian as a captain. He was so passionate about this team.
Helena, you and the other wags that joined the game were all seated together. You loved them and they were so nice and kind to you.
Antoine got hurt. Thanks to a player from the other team, he ended up facing up the fence. Head and knee bleeding at the impact of it.
The whole stadium was crazy, fans from the other team yelling profanities at the French team, at Antoine, and at the referee because it was a yellow.
And the French fans were yelling too in support of Antoine and the team. It was all crazy. The medical team helping him.
We turned to Erika, Antoine's wife, she was trying to see if the situation requires her to be alarmed or if she could be calm.
When the medical team finishes with the bandage, Antoine turns to where we are, giving Erika a thumbs up.
We feel better now. He was fine, and we relaxed. It was fun how his bandage was kinda slipping and moving on top of his head.
The game was entertaining, it was 1 - 0
The first goal was scored during the first time of the match. So, the team has to prevent Austria from scoring.
"I feel anxious." You say.
"It's just the game, I feel like Austria is kinda playing dirty. I don't know."
Just a few seconds later you see how Kylian and other players go for the ball with the head. When he falls his nose hits the shoulder or the Austrian player.
The whole stadium got silent for a second, the big screen showing his bloody nose. Some of the players make the referee stop the game for him to get assistance.
You feel a headache grows. The pain he must be feeling right now. "That must hurt like hell" Erika says.
You can't even look, focusing on your phone and seeing the text from Ethan. He asked you if Kylian was okay since some sports channels cut to other things instead of him getting help from the medical team.
You snap a picture of the field where you can see kylian getting help. He looked really bad, the blood on his shirt, the tearful eyes.
After the help, he kept playing. You shake your head at him, he kept looking at the bleachers, at where you are.
You hate when he feels like superman and thinks he can overcome everything by playing. News flash, he can't.
While he was trying to get past this player, he slap him in the face, which probably didn't even hurt, what hurted was his most likely broken nose.
"He needs to go to the hospital." Helena tells you. "I think they are switching him with Olivier. If they do, you should go to the dressing room with him."
"Yes, maybe get him to go to the hospital." Erika says.
Olivier makes the cut. He's now on the field replacing your boyfriend. Kylian is taken to the medical room, they will tell if he needs urgent care or if he can wait for the match to end.
You were thankful that the pass you have allows you to be in different parts of the stadium. You needed to see him before a decision was taken about him going to the hospital right now or if he was staying till the end.
"Hey!" You say, walking into the medical room. "Hi, amour." You grab his shoulders.
He grabs your hand, not feeling like saying anything. He's breathing through his nose, the tears are still there.
"We have to take him for a check, we can't really determine if his nose is broken or just fractured."
You nod, "Can I shower?" He asks.
"Be careful, please. We will help you wash your face so you can shower freely."
They help him wash his face and around his nose, you can see his discomfort when they pass the cotton ball near his nose.
"Can you wait for me at the hotel?"
"No, kyks. I'm going with you."
"Deschamps is going with me, and you landed before the match. You must be tired." He hugs you.
You were tired, you had a horrible flight and he knows it. "It's okay, I want to be by your side."
He smiles, hugging you. "Thank you."
You help him with his things. Carrying his toiletry bag and his phone. You text Ethan, telling him that you will update him when you get details.
He was in pain, you can tell by the way he is gripping his cap. He's not talking with Deschamps, he's just nodding or shaking his head no.
You stayed in the waiting room at the hospital, checking the candy at the machine. Your stomach was crazy for something.
"Hey!" you heard, turning to fins him with some bandage covering his nose. He explains what is going on and what the doctors told him. "Let's go."
You text his brother, updating him on what Kylian told you. He thanked you for the updates, feeling a little less stressed.
"Merci, good night." You wave goodbye to the chauffeur and the security people.
You walk with him to the room. You weren't supposed to be there with him, since the French Federation didn't allowed the players to bring company to their rooms.
But they allowed it since Kylian requested to have you to check on him like the doctor asked.
You feel his phone vibrate in your hand, the ID called showing his mother's name. "Ky, is your mom." You knock on the bathroom door.
"Pick up, I don't want to talk. S'il te plaît, mon amour." He shouts from inside.
"Hello, Miss Lamari." You say, your voice was tired.
"Oh, it's you." She sighs. "Can I talk to my son?"
"He's tired and asked me to pick the phone for him. If you want to know how he's doing, the doctor said his nose would be fine for him to play but with a protective mask. The Federation will get him one for training and the official one for the match on match day."
You explained everything, so the call was cut short. You don't have the energy or passion to do anything.
"And I can ask him to call you tomorrow, I'm sorry he can't pick up, but he's not in the mood to deal with anything today."
"Thank you for the updates." You hear the voice of Ethan. "Tell Kylian I say hi."
You smile. "I will, E."
"Bonne nuit." He says happily.
"Miss Lamari, I'll make sure Kylian calls you tomorrow before training. I'm sorry he can't right now."
"Fine, bonne nuit." She says and hangs up.
You throw the phone on the bed. Sitting on the edge. You can't take more of today than you already did.
Kylian walks out of the bathroom. Holding a towel in this hands. You wait for him to initiate a conversation. Not wanting to intrude into his thoughts.
After about five minutes of staring at him while he searches something on his luggage. You decide to speak.
"Do you want me to give you a massage?" You ask, noticing his tense muscles. "I have a warm cream."
He nods, taking his shirt off carefully. You ask him to lay in a position where his nose wasn't compromised.
You played some low music to calm him down, something very nice like jazz. You worked on his back.
He hummed, relaxing at your touch. He knows how much you wanted for him to be relaxed and to feel better after the day he had.
He fell asleep, you washed your hands and changed into your pajamas to join him in bed. It was going to be some hard weeks for him.
But you were going to be there.
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You felt tired, the moving wasn't exactly the best. With some of your belongings getting lost.
"I promise they will be here by the end of the weekend." The guy from the moving company says. "We have them located. We are just waiting for a truck to send it to our warehouse."
"Thank you, I'll appreciate you speeding things for us."
You say goodbye to him, grabbing your purse to go to the mall. You needed something for the week.
Kylian asked you to pick some things he ordered from the stores. You only had three outfits, so you decided to abuse your power of his card and to take yourself shopping.
You spend quite some time in the mall, just roaming around the stores. When you head back to your new home you find a car parked in the driveway.
"I'll get these inside, Miss." The chauffeur says, you nod, thanking him for the help.
You walk inside, noticing a luggage and a box. "Hello?"
You walk into the kitchen, finding Fayza and her assistant talking and eating something. "Oh, hi."
They both turn to you. Fayza lifts her hand, saying hi. They keep their conversation. You didn't understand much of French.
When you moved to France to work, you tried to learn the language, to speak better and more naturally.
However, your work was mostly in English and Kylian, and you talked in English, and when you were with him, he translated everything to you.
Plus, you are not the best at learning new things, and French was complicated. You know how to talk with someone in a very simple conversation, but you can't fully understand a business talk or whatever talk they are having.
You walk to the fridge, taking a juice. You feel weird with both of them just ignoring your presence.
"Excuse me, Fayza is asking if her room is ready."
"I didn't knew you were coming today, so I'll go make it right now."
You walk quick upstairs, picking the sheets and everything you need to get the room ready. You make sure the bed and everything in the room is perfect.
You don't need a reason for her to tell you that something bothers her. You already have enough of those.
"Miss Lamari, the room is ready." You call from the stairs. You grab some sheets and a towel for her assistant. When you see her and Fayza walking. "Hey, this is for the guest room." You say, handing her the things.
"Did you iron the sheets like I asked Kylian? The weather is cold and I don't like cold sheets." She says.
You know she's doing this to bother you. Who irons their sheets?
"No, but I can do it. Are you okay with waiting a few more minutes?"
She rolls her eyes. "No, leave it like this."
"Okay." You smile. "Want some coffee? I just got this French press and this new coffee that tastes amaz-"
"Peux-tu te taire? tu es tellement ennuyeux" (Can you shut up? you're so annoying) She says. She walks past you, getting inside the room.
"That means that maybe later." The assistant says. Fake smiling at you.
You go back to your room, already stressed about the interaction.
You got the last box of Kylians clothes, ironing some of the clothes. You send Kylian a picture of his now very organized closet.
You hear a knock, making you walk to the door. "Fayza wants to talk to you. Come, please."
You roll your eyes at her, walking behind to the room of the mother of your boyfriend. "Yes, Miss Lamari?"
"Kylian mentioned earlier that you will work with him, I need to know what kind of work."
You blink a few times, not prepared for her to be so straightforward. "He asked me to work for the foundation."
"Okay, understood." She wrote something on a notebook. "That will not work for me, I think you can find something else."
You stand there just looking at her write things, you don't know what to say to her. Did she just fire you?
You were about to speak again, but she interrupted you. "I would love some coffee, and maybe some milk but on the side. Thank you."
You nod, walking outside and to the kitchen. You brew some coffee and grab a wood board for her sides.
You think on what to say to re open the conversation about the job. You want to have her understanding that you will be doing that job.
"Got the coffee, everything else on the side like you asked me, I even got you some of the cookies I know you like."
"Mhm." She mumbles. Not even looking at you.
"I want to talk to you about the job topic." You say, nervous about it. "I already compromised with this job and I think it's better if you talk with Kylian about the changes you want."
"I mean, if you want it to be him to repeat what I just told you, fine by me."
You take a deep breath. You don't feel like having this conversation with her. "Miss Lamari, I quit my job and left my home to come live with Kylian in Madrid. I don't think this is up for discussion. The job is the only reason why I agree to move."
"If you ask, maybe they'll hire you again. And I'm sure you can find another apartment. My assistant can help with that."
"I'll let Kylian and you discuss this when he's here in Madrid." You say, trying not to snap. "If you need anything you can call me, I'll be in my room."
You hurry, grabbing your phone to FaceTime Kylian.
"Bonjour." He says, smiling at you. "I got you the jersey you wanted." He turns his camera to show you the jersey thrown in the hotel chair.
"Thank you, that's cool." You smile. You don't want to say anything now that you see how relaxed he is. "Hey, I called to check on you. Miss you, my love."
"I do too, but only two more, hopefully." He smiles. "Hey, you told your parents about the moving?"
You make a face. "It was meh"
"Problems in paradise." He tries to joke. You half smile. "Was is that bad?"
"My mom told me that I was making a mistake by following you, that they payed a lot for my education for me to just throw it away."
"I'm sorry." He says. You can see he understands where your parents are coming from. "I wouldn't want our daughter to follow some weirdo around." He jokes.
You laugh, loving how he takes every opportunity to not only make you feel better but you mention how he sees a future with you.
"Yeah, but I will feel weird to think out daughter in law will have her parents call our son a loser or weirdo."
"When he wins a world cup like daddy, they would love him."
You forget why you even call him in the first place. You love how talking with him is so easy.
"I'll take a shower, and then I'll go to bed. I love you. I can't wait to see the game tomorrow."
"Don't eat shampoo." He jokes again, making you laugh. "Bonne nuit, amour."
"Bonne nuit, my champion." You blow him a kiss.
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"Ethan, stop that." You laugh, watching him throw his nerf shots at you and Kylian. "Attack your brother, not me."
You three were back in Paris. You were lucky to get one small break in the same days Ethan got one.
"Let's drive to moms house. She will be mad if we are late for lunch." Kylian says.
You let him get up from the couch. You didn't want to go, first because she invited Kylian only and second because you already sense the tension.
"Go pick the car you want to take." You say to Ethan.
He nods excited and runs to the garage, ready to pick the lost luxurious car his brother has.
"Out your shoes on, we have to leave." Kylian says, jokingly smacking your thigh with his hand. "We don't want to be late."
You don't want to say no, but you can't just pretend you got sick in the whole minute he went to get his shoes.
"Are you sure she invited the two of us? Maybe she just wants a family only kind of lunch."
"Amour, you are family." He laughs, kissing your lips. "Plus, I think she's finally starting to open to you. She asked about you yesterday."
You wait for him to turn to roll your eyes. She did ask, but to know if you were in the house not to see you around when she arrived.
"Okay, let me get my shoes."
You grabbed your shoes, make sure you looked presentable, add some perfume and brushed your hair real quick.
"Let's go, my passenger princess." You joke with your boyfriend. Smacking his ass on your way out.
You three drive while listening to Ethans Playlist. Kylian and him were talking about a game Ethan has.
When you arrive at their mothers home, you parked. "Go inside, say hi to your mommy." You joke with him, grabbing his cheeks and squishing them.
"Rude." He pouts. Leaving and walking inside.
You exit the car slowly. You feel two hands on your shoulders. Knowing exactly who it is. "Ethan, you can't scare me."
He laughs, hugging you. "Missed you, can't wait to spend some time with you two in Madrid."
"I can't wait either, missed my little baby brother." You kiss his hand that you were holding.
The connection between Ethan and you was something nobody could break. He trusted you with his heart, and you trusted him with yours.
You two laugh at something he says to you as you walk in. You see that Melissa and the kids were there, Fayza and her sister and Kylian.
"Bonjour." You say to them. Noticing the dirty look Fayza gave you.
The rest say hello back to you. You talk with Kylians aunt, telling her about the foundation work you are doing in Spain.
The table was an 8 set. And you notice how the husband of the aunt is there. You feel weird about having to ask for an extra chair.
"Here, take my seat. I'll just grab another." He says.
"Oh, it's okay, I can't get the extra one. Please."
"Fine, but if you want it at any point, tell me." He smiles.
You grab a small stool, sitting next to Kylian, who was talking with Lana. "Bonjour, Lana." You smile. She returns the smile to you.
You notice how Fayza is serving the plates, mad expression on her face. You feel so bad about thinking coming was a good idea.
"Everything alright, mom?" Ethan asks. Noticing her face.
"Oui, just fixing something. Got extra people I wasn't expecting."
Ethan looks around. Not understanding the comment. "But, we all are here."
She just shakes her head. "I just think it's rude to come without an invitation." She whispers to him. But not quiet enough for Kylian and you to hear.
Kylian was about to say something, but his aunt was quicker. "Wait but I thought this was a family thing, and we all are here."
"Tout le monde ici n'est pas de la famille, je le dis simplement." She says. (Not everybody here is family, just saying.) Looking at you for a second.
You understood every word she said.
Kylian got mad at the comment. You were family. You were the girl he picture himself growing a family with.
You are the girl who left her whole life just to move to a foreign country for him to follow his dreams.
"Nous sommes tous une famille ici." (We all are family here) He says, mad at the comment. You grab his hand that was on his thigh. Trying to calm him down.
"And we even invite Tchaga and my friend Bruno." Ethan says.
"They are family, she is not."
Thinking about her not seeing you as family was one thing. But her telling it to your face was another. It hurted.
"Maman, c'est-" kylian began.
"Kylian, it's okay." You interrupted. "I'm leaving. Please don't start anything. This is your mother, and she's right. I'm not invited."
You try to get up, but his hand on your arm pulls you down to your seat again.
"Maman, she's not leaving." He states. "She's family to me, to Ethan and to dad."
Fayza drops the fork she's holding. Laughing at how brave and funny her son looks. "Vous continuez à rêver de choses que vous ne pouvez pas obtenir avec elle." (You keep daydreaming about things you can't get with her.) She says, knowing you don't understand much French.
"Miss Lamari, I'm leaving. I'm sorry." You get up, quicker this time for him to catch you. "I'm sorry." You say to everyone.
"Acting like the victim." She laughs. "Maybe that's why your mother doesn't like you." She smiles, knowing she just hit a soft spot.
You got quiet, looking over at Kylian, who was in shook at her words. "I'm sorry if I intruded your lunch. I'm leaving now."
You were about to walk out of the room when you hear Kylian calling your name. Making you turn your head. He was standing.
He walks over to you, grabbing your hand. "You crossed a line that I don't think you can return to. I understand you feel like every girl that got close to me was there for the money and shit, but she's not."
"No." He says louder, he's angry. "She's the woman I'm going to marry someday. She's the person I live with and who left her entire life here just to support me in my career. She's going to be the mother of my children, you like it or not." He squish your hand a little harder.
He turns to look at you, feeling hurt at the tears in your eyes.
"And if you don't apologize, then you can get used to the idea of not seeing me. Because if you don't like her around, you don't like me either."
He turns, pulling you to the entrance of the house. He slams the door behind him. Grabbing the keys and opening the car door for you.
"Can you drive?"
You nod, whipping the tears and smiling at him. "Je t'aime." You grab his face, kissing him.
He hugs you tight, resting his forehead on yours. "Let's go home, yeah?"
You nod. Pecking him. "Let's go home."
The drive was quiet, you didn't feel like talking, and he didn't know what to say.
He felt hurt by the words. He thought it was just his mother being uptight with you, but it was more.
"I'm sorry about her." He grabs your hand.
"It hurts, but I know I have you." You hug him, enjoying being in his arms. "That's all I need."
"No matter what she thinks or what anyone thinks, you have me, always will."
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rubywithecat · 5 months
Tokyo revengers boys when you ignore them after one night stand (pt.1)
-he almost doesnt recognize you
-when he senses the familiar scent when you passed through him, he couldnt help but turned his head
-"Hey wait" he called out. "do i know you?"
-U frozed. "I dont know you..." u lied. He walked to face you and looked you carefully. U broke the eye contact and excused yourself.
-he grabbed your hand which made your body gravitated toward his chest
-"your a bad liar" his lips nearly toucing yours. "plz dont ignore me. ive been searching u everywhere"
Ran Haitani
-He thought he would just forget you as like he does for many women who he had slept with
-But something about u made him craving u more, maybe cuz of ur innocence (u were a virgin)
- U were going to ur class when u heard a smiliar voice, u quickly hide when u caught a glimpse of him
-he was on his phone and he seemed to like noticed that u hide, he smirked
-"Rindou, I will call u back" he closed his phone and walked toward where u were
-ur heart was beating so fast and u just prayed he would passed through and closed ur eyes
-"Found ya" he whispered, loud enough for u to hear. "U who snaked away from me after i gave u ur first best night ever. Don’t u think it’s a lil bit unfair to me?” he grabbed ur waist as if he could read ur mind about escaping
-"u cant run away from me second time, Miss"
Chifuyu Matsuno
-He tried to forget about what happened that night and didnt even think he could meet u again
-when he saw u at the mall, he was about to call u out but he saw u with a kid, he thought its ur kid
-he didnt try to talk with u anymore cuz he doesnt wanna be a threat to ur marriage or smth
-u also saw him but u were too nervous to go and talk cuz u liked that guy so much “what if he doesn’t remember me? I would just embarrass myself” u whispered to urself
-as u guys parted, u were sad and hopeless
-"hey (kid name), i need to use toilet. dont go anywhere before i come back,okay?' u bent down to the kids height and smiled.
-"Yes” he replied cutely. "Good boy." u told him and go to toilet quickly.
-just a hen u come back, u saw him talking to a guy so u rushed quickly.
-"how old r u?" u could hear slightly. "i am 8" ur nephew answered.
-"what did i tell u (kid name)?Dont talk to random--' u scolded him before realizing that guy
-"he just saved me from some bad guys who tried to steal our shopping bags" ur nephew answered.
"Oh god" u sighed and turned back to him, but dont dare to look at him. "Umm... thank u for saving my nephew..." u said awkwardly.
-He was stunned but he felt relieved and glad that he wasn’t ur son
-U were about to walk away when he started to talk, "Im sure we met before, right?"
-U looked back at him and he was smiling at u and it was not a question. He remembered u and will not let u go anymore
Hanma Shuji
-From the moment he saw u, he couldn’t lie to himself that he fell in love with u
-Whenever he fcks someone he always think about u
-He was pissed that u left him after s*x without even leaving ur number
-He tried his best to forget u
-u didnt expect to meet a one night stand u met last year at the club u work
-Ur not like a stripper or anything like that. U work as a waitress there as u have no choice to pay for ur collage
-U quickly covered ur face as he walked passed through
-"maybe he wont even remember me at all. It was long time ago" u relieved. But then he stopped.
-"Hey" he called u. "Wtf- plz don’t remember me" u mumbled. U dont wanna invlove in gang things so its best to stay away
-"Do u know where are vip rooms?" he asked u
-"Uh— it’s at ur left, sir" U didnt dare to look back and just answered nervously, hoping he doesn’t see ur face
-U stared at u from behind for a sec and then walked away, smoking.
-“U see that girl over there? Bring her to my room” he ordered the waiter
-“Sir, I’m afraid she’s just a waitress and doesn’t do that kind of thing ya know…” the waiter answered, afraid “I- could suggest u the best beautiful stripper in our club. I’m sure u will be satis—“ before he could finish his word, he was punched to the ground.
-“Useless shits” he mumbled as he looked down and wiped the blood strain on his ring “Bring her to me” he said and left as he threw sone cash to the waiter face.
-U entered the dim light room, written “VIP” cuz ur coworker begged u so u empathized him
-“Were u searching for me?” U said impatiently and faked to be confident when u were trembling inside. “Look, just to be clear, im not interested in sleeping with u. I just come to tell u that so plz leave me alone and my coworkers, sir”
-Hanma just laughed helplessly as he finds that cute and as u were about to leave, he tightly hugged u from behind and kissed ur neck, leaving a mark
-“Who said I care whether ur intreated or not?” he smirked. “U were already mine. Don’t u dare run away from me… please?” His voice changed. It was the first time he begged for someone and u also feel that part of u just can’t resist him
A/N: Hi! Welcome back y’all! <3 So, I have been disappearing for a long time cuz of final exam and now it’s over so I can finally write back and have a lot of ideas that I wanna share with u guys. <3
Sorry for not being able to respond the requests but now that I’m free, I will be open to ur requests again! :*
And I hope u guys like this one and any supports are very much appreciated, loves <33
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cosmiiwrites · 6 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ lovebirds
·:¨༺ clingy!sinner! adam x clingy!sinner!fem!reader ༻¨:·
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ req/summary: PLS clingy!sinner!adam and clingy!fem!sinner!reader where Adam reincarnated in Hell and went to the Hotel for help and ended up falling in love with Reader and they just CAN’T STAY AWAY FROM EACH OTHER. Like, a concerning amount of PDA. Completely smitten, love-braindead, absolute lovebirds 😩. To the point where the other guests can’t stand them. If you don’t want to it’s okay! love your content 🥹 cw: fem!reader, cussing, fluff, partially suggestive a/n: accidently posted this in the middle of writing so i had to restart :') sorry this is also kind of late 😞 @callmerainman ty for the request <33 adam was fuming, he'd spawned in the place he swore he hated! he was stuck with all the filthy demons and sinners whom he'd used to slaughter. now he was one of them. disgusting, he thought. adam was left with one choice: the hazbin hotel. "fucking damn it." when he appeared outside the hotel’s doors, everyone (mostly vaggie) was urging charlie to turn him away. however, charlie being charlie, gave him a chance. why wouldnt she? this hotel was all about second chances!
adam definitely flipped vaggie off behind charlie’s back
at first, adam thought the hotel was boring; they had strict rules, most of which applied to him.
that is, until he set eyes on you. suddenly, he found himself actually wanting to participate in charlie’s “stupid therapy group shit” as adam would call it, because it meant that he’d be near you.
luckily for adam, you felt the same way. it wasn’t long before the both of you started dating.
and, oh boy, did you two make it clear.
you and adam were on each other 25/8, doesnt matter where or when.
wherever you were, adam was never far behind. (yes, that includes the bathroom. what did you expect?)
adam once tried convincing charlie to let you two just share a room, but she had to reject the idea. in the nicest way possible, of course.
“listen, adam, i LOVE how you and (name) are so close! but, um, i’d prefer if you two stayed in your separate rooms. everyone knows how… passionate you are together.”
poor charlie.
husk has had to kick you two out of the bar from time to time, after catching you with adam’s tongue down your throat in front of him. even angel dust, whose whole personality is being horny, gets grossed out by the both of you sometimes.
not to mention the PDA. adam had his hands on you. all. the. time. most of the time, he’d have his hand snaked around your waist while walking. or when sitting down, adam would have you on his lap.
if he feels like someone is talking to you for too long, he’d start making out with you on the spot to get them to walk away, partially traumatized.
you and adam are also embarrassingly cheesy. this includes nicknames.
charlie’s tried to sit you both down to talk about your behavior, but it was awkward when adam had you sat down on his lap, rubbing teasing circles on your thigh. she’d tried talking but her words were cut off by the sounds of your giggles. with a sigh, she gave up and let you two be.
“i love you more!” you giggled, sitting on adam’s lap as you playfully pinched his cheek.
“no, i love YOU more,”
“nuh uh, i love—“
“OH MY FUCKING GOD. SHUT THE FUCK UP,” yeah, vaggie’s so done with you guys.
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nmakii · 6 months
— married life with alastor back in 1925, louisiana
— is this ooc :(? ive been in a ooc rut ever since school ended i miss my pookies n like i cried so much that day 😔 BTW THIS IS THE FIC I HSED THE ALASTOR AI TEXTS :>
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lord above! you have to be some kind of gem to secure a man such as alastor. to be that woman, it’s almost certain that you’re someone who understands alastor in ways no one else has.
he doesn’t tend to express his affections physically, but more than makes up for it through his sweet nothings and lavish gifts
he’s most definitely the type to spoil his wife, but only if you ask him for it yourself. he doesn’t want to buy things you have no use for
has a trust fund in his will set for you if, god forbid, he died before you. he doesnt want his love to worry about money, just let him take care of it.
unlike many households at the time, alastor would help with the chores. despite his full-time job, he’d sorta understand that taking care of a house is a full-time job in itself since he’d spent his childhood watching how hard his mother works so, he agrees to always split chores with you.
because of his work, and his popularity, his boss asks that he comes in early to host the morning segment of the show. because of this, it’s not often that you two share a morning together. but, he still remembers to kiss your pretty head good morning, occasionally adding a request for dinner
his mother is MORE than happy to welcome you into the family. she’s just glad that her son found someone that makes him happy.
honestly on the fence about kids. on one hand, it’d make his mother really happy, as well as how it’s expected at the time period. but, he isn’t too interested in physically showing his desires. and, he is quite busy as well with his job and the whole murdering thing. it’s only if you ask him explicitly that he’d decide to look into it, maybe adoption? :>
quite good at putting your insecurities at ease. sweet nothings for days on end can come out of his mouth and he’s still not done.
as you sob into alastor’s chest, his arms wrap around your body warmly as he plays with your hair. "whenever you’re ready to talk, my love.” he held you close, wiping your tears until you were ready to talk.
alastor listened silently as you told him of all your doubts; that you weren’t a good wife, the whispers of every woman in town, everything. “my love, i’ll love you no matter what. it’s the woman inside that i am in love with.” he says as he brushes the hair out of your face, gazing down at you lovingly. “i won’t lie, there are times when you are… feisty. but, it’s your passion and intelligence that always bring me back to you.”
your lips quiver as you try to quell your tears. “can… can you swear that? that you’ll love me no matter what..?” his gaze became gentle as he saw the genuine doubt in your expression. “you have my word, dear. no matter what happens, i’d never stop loving you. even if we fought everyday, i would still be a fool for you. because, well… i suppose the heart wants what the heart wants. and, it is you that my heart yearns for, love.” alastor assured you, his eyes falling as he spoke.
as the sweet nothings fell from his lips, your tears ceased, finding the warmth in his touch. “thank you, dear… you always know how to make me feel better, i love you so much…” you sighed, curling into his touch. “mmh, i love you as well, my pretty girl.” he grinned, kissing your forehead.
as stated above, alastor is not particularly attracted to your looks, but moreso your intelligence and your ability to see right through that charming facade of his. funnily enough, it started a healthy relationship for one of the most deranged men out there.
he’d also be quite attracted to you if you joined him one night. nothing’s more attractive than your beautiful wife in a pretty dress he bought for you all bloodied up with a knife in your hand.
he loves to show you off to the newspapers as his pretty doll, not only because you’re quite the eye candy, but to also make you confident in yourself
he’d still get jealous whenever he’d catch someone staring too long though. ironically enough, he thinks it’s adorable when you get jealous and pout your face. he’s your’s after all, body and soul! why fuss over something that’s not gonna happen?
arguments are quite rare since alastor doesn’t tend to do things that are argument worthy. one of the few reasons you tend to argue is when alastor heads to the club after work and comes home drunk and much later than he intended to. and, after all that, he still apologizes for coming home late, probably tries to come home early so he can cook dinner the next day as an apology :>
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