#and that's the hallmark christmas movie au
aethersea · 2 years
and kencyr beauty and the beast? i remember you talking about this but it's been awhile...
this is one of the many aus @tanoraqui and I have come up with in the kencyrath chat, and honestly it's a banger
The monster was a dark shadow, backlit by some faint glow whose source Kindrie couldn’t guess. Its eyes shone silver from edge to edge, split by slit pupils that were narrowed almost to nothing despite the gloom. Its fangs were too big for its mouth. They distorted its lips into a permanent sneer. 
“Why?” it growled.
Why what? Why should it forgive him? He couldn’t say, because I’m sorry—he wasn’t, despite everything. Better that he should die here than the Highlord.
No good answer to that question; find a better one. Why had he thrown himself into the monster’s path? 
Because he is my natural lord. He couldn’t say that either. He’d never found the nerve to utter the words aloud, and he had no nerve to spare just now.
“Because he’s the Highlord,” Kindrie said. His voice rasped worse than gravel. “I had to protect him.”
The monster hissed at that, like a vicious cat. Kindrie flinched. “Forgive me,” slipped out without thought.
The last of the far echoes died away, leaving them in silence. Kindrie’s labored breaths drew more attention to themselves in that stillness than he would have liked. The monster regarded him balefully, but there was something else emerging from behind that rage. Kindrie tentatively judged it to be curiosity.
He should fan that curiosity, say something intriguing, anything to keep the monster talking. To make himself more interesting alive than dead. But Kindrie’s mind was filled mostly with gibbering panic, and he had no experience at all in being interesting. 
The creature spoke again before he could think of anything. “You will stay.”
The words came out garbled, as if they didn’t quite fit the shape of the monster’s mouth. It took a moment for Kindrie to parse them, and a moment more to understand them. Even then, he could make no sense of them. 
“I will…stay?”
“Swear it,” the monster growled.
Kindrie stared, baffled. The monster roared. “I’ll stay!” Kindrie yelped. “I’ll stay!”
“Honor break me,” the monster snarled, the words gnashing together like boulders.
Something in Kindrie found the space to quail at that. It was one thing to be trapped in the lair of a darkling beast; another thing entirely to never even try to flee. Freedom had tasted so sweet, for the brief time he’d known it. Its pull had borne him through so many horrors.
The monster slammed him against the wall again. His vision swam and flickered.
What point in freedom if he was too dead to enjoy it? “Honor break me,” Kindrie choked out, “darkness take me, I so swear.”
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robinwinged · 9 months
(Good Omens Christmas fic review week!)
The Grinch Who Sold Christmas by @forineffablereasons is an elixir of the most concentrated and unbridled Christmas joy you’ve ever had, wrapped up in a gorgeous writing and ineffable feels. The story arc echoes your typical cheesy Christmas movie - big-city solicitor Crowley comes to finalize the sale of the Tadfield high street, and in the process of doing research for his proposal, falls in love with the small-town community and a certain kind-eyed angel. But regardless of how predictable the plot may sound initially, this fic is the most magnificent kind of fantasy - not because it contains any supernatural elements, but because it gives readers a taste of the ultimate dream: of unconditional love, and incandescent happiness, and being exactly where you are supposed to be and where you wholly and irrevocably belong.
This fic is so supremely soft - sticky-sweet and syrupy, but not in a cloying or overbearing way. Instead it feels like you are being enveloped in the tenderest and most comforting of hugs; like you are submerged in a torrential outpour of love that is all-consuming in its potency, leaving your fingertips all tingly and your face stretched involuntarily in a silly, dazzling smile. The romance between Crowley and Aziraphale is downright picturesque, from the flirty first-date banter to sticking with each other through thick and thin, and it’s wholesome and glorious and miraculous in its totality. I also cannot rave enough about the writing: it is some of my favourite kind of prose, flowing and melodious, with the lyrical cadence of a bedtime story and the unfettered magic of a fairy tale.
Highly recommended for anyone who wants to feel happiness, pure and simple, this lovely holiday season 💝
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kaydeefalls · 8 months
Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova Characters: Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Friends to Lovers, Sexual Content, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, ...sort of, Trope Subversion, past joe/lykon, getting over a breakup by sleeping with your friend, sure hope that doesn't awaken any feelings, Falling In Love, mostly fluff with a side of pining, Romantic Comedy, POV Nicky | Nicolò di Genova Summary:
In which Nicky and Joe turn out to be expendable side characters in other people's Hallmark Christmas movies, get stranded by a snowstorm, and catch feelings of their own. Like you do.
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cult-of-the-eye · 10 months
Read this absolutely amazing little story about businessmen who got broken up with over the holidays you know the hallmark movie trope (linked below) and all I can think about is jmart...Jon's a hotshot London lawyer whos been working those long hours to get that promotion for him and Georgie's future and then she up and leaves for 2 weeks before Christmas to go back to like Mistletoe Grove or whatever because she needs to get back to her roots and he's like preparing to propose and thinks her hometown would be the best place so he drives over and sees her like laughing with her old friend Martin and he's like oh. And then while moping in a barn or whatever Martin appears and he's like trying to make conversation and then Jon like erupts like FUCK YOU I can't believe you STOLE my fucking GIRLFRIEND and Martin's like uh...um...that's...um...I'm gay? And Jon's like oh...shit...and Martin's like ...this is really weird of me to say but could i tell you something...and jon just nods and martin takes a breath and really quickly says...if you're gonna be worried about your girlfriend then it's probably Melanie in the wood working shop and Jon's like OF fucking COURSE it's Melanie from the wood working shop and now he has to stay to try and mitigate these circumstances not for any other ugly Christmas jumper clad reason nope, cut to Christmas themed shenanigans as Jon slowly realises its not georgie who he wants to take back home with him...
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Messy Christmas: The Perfect Hallmark Christmas Movie Fanfiction
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(so sugarsweet/crazy you might want to rethink what you’ve done with your time)
(aka a pretty realistic summary of all Hallmark movies as a whole)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader, Ransom Drysdale x reader
Summary: imagine all Hallmark movies but then with Bucky and a little bit of Ransom...I seriously don't know how to summarize this. Just sit back read, and let the magic of Christmas flow through you.
Word count: 1680
No Warnings 👍🏻 (technically cheating, because; Hallmark🤷🏻‍♀️.) Also confusing options because I had to capture most tropes in one.
Notes: this was written last Christmas in fun and is therefore silly and not meant to be taken serious in any way. It was caused by a Hallmark challenge, and this just popped out. ... And then I also made that picture above🤦‍♀️👍🏻
Only for the most hardened readers... You might regret this but you are an experience richer... Not a good experience but let's face it, can it get worse then this? It can only go up from here. 🫣
You had forgotten how small the town was. 
You had left 10 years ago for a reason, you needed to get out of there. Spread your wings and have opportunities you'd never get there. Sure, you loved your family, but you could do that at a distance, only a phone call away. Besides, they weren't going anywhere, no one was down here. Except you. 
Sometimes you felt a little guilty, it wasn't your fault you were amazingly talented at business, unlike the rest of your town, but you realized they just missed you, because you were a really nice person. No one in your new town thought so, because everyone else was also busy with business, and not busy with people, but luckily you had met the second love of your life, Ransom.
Ransom and you had met at his business, when he tried to make a deal with yours, and it was love at third date. He was a little boring at times, with the routine he kept at all times, but his hair and clothing sense was spectacular! You really fell for *insert haircut* and his perfect white teeth. In return he liked your work ethic and your cozy but clean apartment that didn't have any personal decorations.
It all went perfectly, he had even proposed, just before the phone rang and informed you of an emergency in your old town. It was a shock to find out your dad got sick/your family tree business was failing/cookies needed to be baked for charity/the Christmas Parade needed to be handled, and only you had the skills to pull it off/you got fired at your job and had to go home to lick your wounds/your parents lied to trick you to come back/you needed something from someone else to succeed more at your current business. There was barely time to say yes to your now fiance, before you booked your ticket and went straight to the airport.
The trip only seemed to be about 10 minutes, which was lucky because you needed to be home soon, but you had just enough time to reminisce about your past. All the faces of old friends popped up inside your brain like a weird montage reminding  you of all the things you had tried to forget.
Then you arrived home.
Nothing changed, including your bedroom. Everyone had remembered what an amazing person you were and was very glad to see you back, almost like they'd been stuck in time waiting for your arrival. This made you feel warmer than ever, a feeling you had forgotten all these years, but you also reminded yourself you had business to return to.
Oh and a fiancee. But you hadn't told your family yet, surely there was time for that later? You weren't even sure if you were going to invite everyone to the wedding. They would probably not fit in with the rest of the well dressed people, so they probably didn't even want to come.
After walking through town - which took about 30 minutes and you basically met everyone right away who started bringing up old random, but cute, memories with you, causing you to smile so much it hurt the corners of your mouth and made you look slightly insane - you finally bumped into your old flame, Bucky.
Like literally bumped into him. It was weird because he hadn't been there a second before, but you might've been distracted by warm cozy feelings.
It was awkward at first, but also because all your old feelings caused you to have more feelings now! And you shouldn't because you were engaged, but no one knew that.
So when Bucky invited you for coffee/baking with his niece/helping with a show for the school/ice skating, you accepted.
Just like old friends!
Who used to fuck a lot. But just because you've seen him naked a lot, didn't mean you couldn't see him as a person, so you would see him exactly like that. A person with a brain and interests and feelings…just like the feelings you had for each other when you were younger…before you left town to grow up.
During the date, you kept gazing into his beautiful eyes, and smiling every time he said something funny. And you were genuinely happy, because it was so easy to be around Bucky, even if his hair was stylishly disheveled, and he wore a very simple sweater and boots that showed he wasn't paying 6 months paychecks for business clothes, but he was so kind and giving.
It seemed all his time was spent helping others! He was such a good person. You’d forgotten what it was like to not only be a nice person, but a giving person, and he had this sense of community you only ever had in this old town of yours.
And then you tripped and he caught you/you and him were left alone after family dinner he was also invited to - even if it was your parents house - and they were suddenly gone/you went outside to say goodbye while snow was falling around you, and he kissed you!
And you kissed back because you suddenly realized all those old feelings had come back.
And just when you were going to make a confession (perhaps about your fiance, but maybe just confess your eternal feelings; you didn't know), Ransom showed up.
It was so very awkward. Not even because of the kiss, but because he clearly didn't fit into the family. Suddenly he was rude and uncaring, said things you had also said before, but suddenly sounded worse coming from his mouth! And he seemed to look down on your family, perhaps because you had as well all these years, but now you were here and just been kissed by a hunk, this behavior was unacceptable!
You told him off, but he didn't get it. Even if you were very clear, suddenly his intelligence had left him and he had forgotten his manners too!
And then Bucky stepped in telling him off when Ransom was kind of slightly raising his voice - because you had been acting weird and weren't answering his questions what was going on - it wasn't like you were in danger since Ransom kept a good distance, and had never been violent and just seemed a little frustrated. But he figured out instantly what was going on. So he asked to talk to you privately.
And you two went alone, 2 meters away, so Bucky could listen in on the conversation, but also didn't seem to hear anything that was being said. He could see your expressions of heartache clearly though. The tears in your eyes, and eventually the hugging you did with your fiance.
He left with a very sad expression on his face while he walked home, where he soon arrived even if the distance should’ve been farther, and then sat alone in the living room, staring at a picture from when you were much younger and clearly happy.
But meanwhile you were looking for him because your fiance had just broken up with you, since he didn't know how to handle the fact you had feelings in general, but especially for Bucky. He left without saying goodbye to your parents, even if he only just arrived 2 hours before.
You found Bucky easily, because there had only been 3 settings where he could be. And when you arrived, your nose was so red from the cold, but in a cute way, not with snot running down your face and watery eyes. But in a glowing beautiful kind of way?
And Bucky was hesitant, because you had just broken his heart all over again, but your hopeful small smile gave him hope anyway.
You admitted to having been engaged, but you were not engaged anymore because you loved Bucky!
Then you were worried. What if he didn't love you back?
He had kissed you, but people did that all the time! Like when your boss’s assistant kissed him when he made a good deal. That didn't mean anything either, because he was married, so…
But then Bucky stared into your eyes from really uncomfortably close, and told you he had always loved you, since you were kids.
You wondered for a moment if he had even been with anyone else, with how intense he was speaking. If he had always only loved you, and was kind of hoping you came back all this time…jeez he was going to pop as soon as you grabbed him!
But your thoughts halted when he kissed you again. He was a very good kisser, and there was a lot of kissing and did you hear music somewhere??
Next thing you knew it was a year later and you and bucky were at your parents for another Christmas. Hadn't you just celebrated Christmas? Bucky was again kissing you, and then finished with a very sweet kiss to your ringed hand, showing you had gotten married. And your kid looked just like Bucky. You just hoped it was going to have the same caring helping personally their father had! And his baking skills. And his handyman skills. And his ice-skating skills. And his Theatre skills. And his Christmas trees selling skills.. And his- your mother put a cookie into your mouth unexpectedly, causing you to focus on nibbling on it, without ever really eating it.
And you were very happy with your love. You'd given up your business to start a bakery/run for mayor/start the same business in this town/working for prosperity for the whole town/be a family woman.
With Bucky by your side you'd never want for anything, and now you always kept smiling this wide smile, a smile that hadn't yet reached your eyes.
The End.
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teruthecreator · 2 months
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kairithemang0 · 27 days
If you think about it Curtwen is just like the Grinch x Tony The Tiger
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chaoticgaywitch · 10 months
hallmark christmas movie jegulus au??? reg is the uptight, big city journalist who’s forgotten the meaning of christmas and whose boss makes him write an article on the small-town cookie shop that is keeping the christmas spirit alive. james is the flannel-wearing owner of said small-town cookie shop who teaches reg about the spirit of christmas. they fall in love slowly until reg has to go back to the big city. but before reg gets on the plane to go back james follows him and they have a heart to heart or something and they kiss and reg quits his job
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guinevereslancelot · 2 years
au where clark kent never becomes superman and just takes over the family farm instead and decides to grow christmas trees. enter lois lane, successful, career driven woman from metropolis who doesn't have time for romance or the holiday etc. she's sent to smallville to investigate the strange reports of whatever not subtle thing clark did to help someone with his superpowers. she pulls up in chamring, snow dusted smallville, takes one step out of her fancy car while on the phone and instantly slips on the icy sidewalk and is obviously caught by sweet, flannel-wearing, seemingly normal christmas tree farmer, clark kent. standard hallmark christmas movie plot ensues only clark is still an alien with superpowers
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vampstaubrey · 1 day
look i just want a bechloe hallmark xmas movie- where you know where it's going because they all have the same bloody plot except it's better cuz they're grumpy x sunshine lesbians.
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karizard-ao3 · 10 months
What would be your idea of a Christmas hallmark eremika story?
Full disclosure, I think I have watched one single Hallmark Christmas movie in my life, in which Christina Milian went into a snow globe because she loved Christmas so much, and then I don't remember if she ended up with the snow globe guy or if there was another fella for her to end up with. Everything I know about Hallmark Christmas movies is basically hearsay, but wouldn't Mikasa be a high powered executive reluctantly going back home to her small town where a Christmas tree farmer named Eren steals her heart and makes her believe in Santa Claus again?
Okay, let me think about this. Um. Mikasa is engaged to Colt. Or maybe widowed by Colt? They had been raising his much younger brother, Falco (they're orphans), and now it's just him and Mikasa, because Colt has perished. This will be their first Christmas without him and it's tough. Falco is acting out at school. Mikasa wants to try to make it special for him even though she HATES Christmas (because Colt died at Christmas?! Maybe???), so she brings him to the mountains.
There she meets Eren, Christmas tree lumberjack and single Dad to Gabi. Eren and Gabi are sledding while Mikasa is out for a walk and they knock her over? She and Eren get in a fight about who should have been watching where they were going! Mikasa vows to never talk to that frustrating, rude, handsome man ever again, but then Falco and Gabi take a shine to each other- stop. I'm going to have Eren be her uncle so she and Falco can fall in love, too and no one will complain because they're not going to become step siblings. Her parents sent her to spend Christmas with Eren because she's making them crazy at home. Anyway, as the kids spend more time together, Eren and Mikasa spend more time together and she finds that he's not so bad. Her Christmas gift is discovering she can love again. RIP Colt.
I'm not sure what the climactic incident would be, but perhaps some kind of sledding related emergency? I don't know! I'm not a Christmas person, so this is not coming naturally to me. If I have any better/additional ideas, I'll let y'all know! Enjoy some festive emojis to make up for my failings.☃️❄️🌲⭐🎁🎄🎅🔔🤶🦌🥛🛷
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loweya-blog · 10 months
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Basically imagine its MC instead of Mia. But yeah, what would your guy's Christmas Hallmark with the brothers be?
This first one is obviously made for Lucifer. I'm gonna do the rest of the brothers soon and try to make a movie poster for each. XD
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thinking about...
cheesy hallmark film w diluc as a love interest
also im back on my coffee shop bs 
you as a small coffee shop owner during the holidays who might have to sell your shop if business doesn’t get better
diluc as the rich owner/ceo of dawn winery and angels share
aka the company pressuring you to sell your coffee shop so they can turn the space into a new bar
diona as your sassy little sister who helps you in the coffee shop when she’s done with her homework 
kaeya as diluc’s brother whom he has a rocky and unstable relationship with
you first meet when diluc goes to check out the coffee shop ( totally not bc his company wants to buy the place ) 
he almost forgets why hes there when he sees you helping diona learn how to do latte art 
you give him a small smile and a wave before asking what his order is
he orders a peppermint mocha or something sweet 
you make a comment on how you found it surprising bc he was dressed in all black and looked so seriousss
he eventually becomes a regular and you manage to make your way into his heart
and unlock his tragic backstory
you help him reconnect w kaeya and invites them both to spend Christmas with you and diona 
diona at this point only hates diluc a tiny amount
which is huge bc she hated him a big amount when they first met
during christmas eve , kaeya accidentally reveals that diluc owns the company trying to buy the coffee shop
and you have a huge argument with him about it causing your pseudo break up sad scene
but after a pep talk from diona to diluc and kaeya to you
you make up and share a kiss while its snowing or something cheesy like that 
the end
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puddlejumpingwriter · 3 months
"The Nine Lives of Kylo"
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~ A Reylo Holiday Textfic ~
Author's Note: I'm posting these chapters in time for Christmas in July (with my cat supervising from his perch on top of my arm). Chapters 1-5 are also available on AO3. New chapters will post to both Tumblr and AO3 starting this week and wrapping up before the holidays.
Please note--the characters face a few hardships, but this story will have an HEA.
I hope you enjoy!
The dinner is…tolerable, but the minute he feels his phone vibrate, Ben turns his attention away from the table.
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Ben laughs and receives a stare from his mother, a smile from his nonna, and an eye roll from his father. His granddad starts talking again, and Ben returns to his phone.
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Suddenly Ben’s tie feels too tight. He swore to his family he would never be the type to settle down, and any mention of a lifelong commitment should make him want to run.
But that subject coming from Rey’s fingertips is more interesting to him than it should be.
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Worry hits Ben—as much for Rey as it is for Kylo.
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Dots appear and then disappear, and Ben wonders what message Rey is typing.
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Rey can joke, but Ben’s worry is back. She’s on her own at the house, and porch robbers are prevalent this time of year.
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His phone vibrates just when he’s ready to bolt from the table, but the message isn't from the person he expected.
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Another buzz draws Ben back to Rey.
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Before he can agree to Rey’s suggestion, Ben hears from Baz again. And thinking about it, he’s more willing to believe Rey’s account of events than Baz’s.
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Ben knows he’s already thinking clearly.
He tucks his phone away because more than one family member is giving him mean looks after his minutes of texting. But he doesn’t stop thinking about the changes he needs to make.
On Monday night, he’s going to end things with Baz. Breaking up isn’t something he wants to do over text, so he’ll tell her at dinner that night.
Baz has been saying lately it’s either her or the cat, and it’s painfully obvious to Ben his best choice is the cat.
Then Ben’s going to meet with Rey after that. It wouldn’t be right to talk to her before he breaks up with Baz. 
Not when he wants to ask Rey out.
Ben knows Rey may not say yes. She may be done with winter exams on Monday, but she still has the spring semester ahead of her.
But Ben still has to try.
“So Benjamin,” his grandfather says, drawing him out of his thoughts and back to the dinner. “Tell us how you’re doing.”
“Great, actually,” Ben replies, feeling a smile spread on his face. Several people at the table turn to look at him, making him wonder if he’s ever said something positive during one of these dinners.
His nonna smiles back at him. “Tell us more,” she requests.
“Well, I’ve decided to keep the cat I found.”
“Really?” his father questions.
Chewie clears his throat. “I thought your girlfriend hates cats.”
“I’m thinking about making a change there too.”
“Finally,” his mother mutters, still loud enough for everyone to hear her.
Padme’s smile remains bright. “I think it’s wonderful you’ve already found a vet to help you with Kylo,” she says.
“You must’ve gone to Amilyn,” Leia says. “She didn’t tell me you stopped by her clinic. You know she’s retiring next year. We’ll need a new vet for the dogs—and your cat now too, Ben.”
“Dr. Holdo hasn’t been helping me with Kylo.”
“Really?” Leia asks. “So who is this vet you’ve found?”
“I’ve met her,” Padme replies. “Delightful young woman. We’ll probably take Vader to her after Amilyn retires.”
“That’s assuming she stays in the area,” Ben comments, not knowing where Rey wants to go when she graduates.
“Well, hopefully,” Padme begins, “someone will give her a reason to stay.”
There’s a knowing look in his grandmother’s eyes. Ben tries to ignore her gaze and focus on a conversation between Lando and his father, but Ben still feels the stare on him.
Ben arrives back at home a few hours later with a large bag of leftovers. His mother insisted on giving him a sample of everything, and his nonna wrapped up a full plate for Rey.
He didn’t watch the women while they packed up the food, but Ben can tell from the weight of the bag there has to be a few pounds inside.
Ben debates knocking, but he doesn’t want Rey to think Baz has returned. He balances the bag in one hand and unlocks the door with the other. There’s no Rey bustling down the hallway to ask about the dinner, so Ben turns to the room where he can see a light on.
Asleep on his couch is Rey, with an open textbook and a napping orange cat sprawled out on top of her.
The sight is everything he never knew he wanted.
Ben considers letting her sleep, but Kylo wakes up and walks across her. A moment later, Rey’s eyes are blinking awake.
“Ben, you’re home,” she says, fighting to hold back a yawn.
“Yeah,” he replies. “Sorry to wake you. I know it’s late. Would you like to stay here tonight—either on the couch or in the guest bedroom?”
“I should get going. I need to start early if I’m going to be ready for this test.”
“Of course. Well Nonna Padme put together a plate for you,” he says, setting the bag down on a table and reaching in for the container of Rey’s food.
“That was too kind of her,” Rey says. “Did you tell her she didn’t have to do that? That I still owe her grandson a debt I can’t repay for making him kiss me in public?”
“That wasn’t exactly a hardship for me,” Ben replies. Rey turns away from him, a slight pink tinge appearing on her cheeks.
His focus returns to the bag, not wanting to make Rey feel uncomfortable. He finds a small box with a note attached from his nonna, then underneath he finds the food for Rey. 
She takes the container from him and offers him a sweet smile.
Ben does everything he can to keep from kissing her.
He walks her to the door, and Kylo follows them, rubbing against her legs.
“Goodnight, Kylo,” Rey says, before her gaze turns upward to meet Ben's.
“Thank you, Rey—for everything,” he says, holding back what he’s thankful for. Her help with his cat goes without saying, but the way she’s opened his eyes to what he wants—he can’t tell her about his gratitude for that yet.
“Anytime you need help with Kylo, just let me know,” Rey offers.
“I will.”
“Goodnight, Ben,” she adds, before standing on her toes to kiss his cheek. 
Ben has to clench his fist to keep from touching her, from pulling her toward him.
“Goodnight, Rey,” he utters, before she’s out the door.
Ben watches her drive away and then shuts the front door. He turns around to see Kylo staring up at him.
The cat lets out an annoyed sound.
“What do you want me to do? I asked her if she wanted to stay.”
Kylo quirks his head at Ben.
“She was the one who left. I didn’t tell her she had to go.”
A tiny orange paw swats in his direction, before Ben scoops the cat up.
“Okay, maybe I could’ve done more, but I just need some time. By Monday, things will be better,” Ben says, trying to convince himself.
He walks back into the living room and retrieves the leftovers before going to the kitchen. On the cabinets, he finds paper snowflakes Rey must’ve made for him, and Ben can’t hold back his smile.
He starts putting the leftovers in his fridge and again finds the small box from his nonna. This time he reads the note.
“It’s time you have this. If you find someone who makes you happy, give this to them.”
Inside the box is his grandmother’s ring.
Monday morning...
Baz doesn’t have much time. Ben will be working with the contractors in the kitchen for the next hour or so, and she knows they’ll use the back door. Ben wouldn’t want a mess tracked through the rest of his house.
If it’s anything like the last time he had workers in the house, he’ll keep the cat in the living room with the door closed—and hopefully he’ll have his phone in there too.
Ben’s broken a few phones at work or during his little projects, so Baz knows he prefers to leave it out of the way.
She leaves her car a block away and goes to the front door. Baz can hear people in the kitchen, so she carefully enters the living room.
There she finds the phone, the tablet, and that annoying cat. The creature glares at her, but Baz is on a mission. She does a quick once-over to see if there’s anything else she needs to take care of.
That’s when she spots an unfamiliar box on the bookcase. She gasps as she opens it. Baz wants to pocket the beauty, but Ben would definitely notice that. Still, the ring may help her drive her point home.
Baz unlocks Ben’s phone—the man needs to do a better job hiding his passcode—and she snaps a picture of the ring on her finger before putting it back in the box.
She finds the text message she was looking for and starts typing. A few well chosen words, that picture, and then hitting delete several times, and Baz knows one of her problems is solved.
The cat growls the whole time, but she ignores him.
Baz opens the tablet and makes sure the messages and contact are deleted there as well.
Then she opens up the large bag she brought with her. Baz knows the scratches are worth it, as she carries the little monster out of Ben’s house. One stop at the shelter, and her life will go back to just the way she wants it.
Rey breathes a sigh of relief as she leaves her final exam.
She turns her phone back on, and her joy disappears as she reads a new string of messages.
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Rey feels broken.
She can’t believe Ben would act so differently than he had on Saturday, but how well does she even know him? These texts came from him—maybe he's more of a jerk than she thought.
Only one way to find out. She drives to the shelter to see if Kylo is there.
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
one thing about me is that i actually do love watching cheesy hallmark christmas movies and so right now i am looking at the list of 2022 hallmark movies and trying to think of a reddie au for each and every one of them <3
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sergeantsporks · 10 months
What's the Gilded Family's favorite Christmas movie?
I nominate... Home Alone!
Absolutely not, a bunch of outcasts who ran away from the society and authority figure that rejected them? They're all suckers for Rudolph. They're all mildly suspicious of Santa for only accepting Rudolph once he was "useful," though.
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