#and the fact that my friend group welcomed her with open arms and she’s still friends with some of them to this day. i don’t think she even
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Realising I maybe don’t actually like my supposed ‘best’ friend
#like i’m not saying i hate her or anything it’s just. i see a notification coming in from her whether it’s a text or a call#and i just get annoyed. half of the things she does piss me off#her complete lack of time management is infuriating to me; the fact that she’s a doormat for every single goddamn person in her life#the way she wants to be liked SO BADLY by complete random people and honest-to-god assholes… like i have that problem sometimes as well#but i’m significantly better at saying ‘no’ and also when it’s absolutely necessary ‘fuck off with your jesus pamphlets’#and also i don’t think i’ve ever really forgotten the way she cosied up to my bullies back in high school. there was this girl#who was threatening me and stealing from me and outright pushing me around & g was best friends with this girl’s sister who abetted her#and the whole group spread vile rumours about me and used to gossip about me loudly (to the point where i could hear them)#and g would gossip about me as well. and she’s apologised since then but she’s still friends or at least associated#with most of those people and i don’t think i’ve ever really forgiven her for selling me down the river for an ounce of social capital#which like. these girls were losers as well. they were just a group of losers rather than one lone loser like me#like congrats you got into the sad girls clique and bullied the nerd girl. for why though#and i still don’t get why they wouldn’t let me in or why they hated me so much. i would’ve fit right in. and yeah this was ten years ago#but i’m still mad. sue me#like she literally could’ve put in a good word for me but instead she contributed to the already hard time i was going through and i know#i Know i should forgive and forget. but i can’t shake the conviction that she would absolutely do something similar#and the fact that my friend group welcomed her with open arms and she’s still friends with some of them to this day. i don’t think she even#realises tbh. like hello… i gave you two lifelong friendships. i’m not saying you had to force your friends to like me in return#but like at least do the bare minimum of calling them off. those girls made me want to kill myself#and she also does this thing where if a guy likes me instead of her she takes it soooo personally and has to date him#and i’m just like. i’m attracted to men literally about once a year. i did not want to fuck andy the farmer#also he just offered to walk me home and i looked him up and down; laughed and said ‘you’re what i need to be protected from mate’#you were consoling him if anything. and will the fuckboy?? don’t make me laugh. he only hit on her because i started blatantly#playing candy crush when he tried to talk to me#tl;dr uhhhh when and how do i end a 16 year deeply codependent friendship. lol#personal#*complicating factors: i am the only person in her daughter’s life who is not an idiot. i love her daughter and want to be a good aunty#also she lives literally 0.2km away from me and the only other friends i have are an ex-colleague and my other best friend who lives in WA#and my old flatmate who i don’t really talk to anymore#i really need to like. artifically resurrect some friendships if i’m going to go through with this
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roosterforme · 7 months
Don't Waste Another Minute | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When you finally recognize that you have been hanging onto your relationship for all the wrong reasons, you end things. You knew there would be someone better for you, and it was a welcome realization to see that he had been right there in front of you the whole time. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, asshole Jake, drunk Jake, reader dumps Jake, crude language, alcohol, swears
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more. Banner made by @mak-32
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As soon as you told Jake that you thought he'd had enough to drink for one night, he called you a bitch for the fifth time. It was mortifying. Because this time your boyfriend said it in front of his friends instead of just quietly whispering, "I'm gonna need you to stop acting like a bitch."
The area around the pool table went quiet, and it took everything inside you to keep your head held high. His friends weren't the ones who had to deal with the aftermath of angry, drunk Jake. You were. They weren't constantly getting yelled at for hiding his keys when he couldn't walk straight. And they weren't driving around in a car that still smelled horrendous weeks after he threw up a bottle of Jack Daniels next to the center console. You were. 
Your lips were shaking as you met his glassy, green eyes. And then Bradley Bradshaw stepped forward and put a hand on Jake's shoulder. "That's not cool, Hangman," he said, his voice deep and angry. He set down the bottle of beer he had been nursing and met your eyes with chocolate brown ones that somehow made you feel a little more grounded. Then he added, "I think you should apologize to your girl."
Just as Jake scoffed, you returned your attention fully to him. You pressed your lips together until you were sure you could speak without making a fool out of yourself. "No. I'm not his girl. It's been a long time since that was something I wanted to be. I can't do this anymore, Jake." 
As you dug his car keys out of your pocket, he slurred, "I should have dumped you months ago. You don't even know how to have fun. You're just a stuck up bitch."
You tried your best to ignore him as you handed his keys to Javy and softly asked, "Can you make sure he gets back to his place safely?"
"I will," he promised, nodding at you. Then you glanced around the group of aviators you had become fond of over the past several months since Jake first brought you here. You were going to miss them, especially Bradley and the soft smiles he always gave you. And the way he just stood up for you. 
But right now his handsome face looked stony as he shook his head at Jake. You ran your hand along Bradley's arm and tried your best to smile at him as you left the group and started to dig your phone out of your pocket. "Bye," you whispered to nobody in particular. You'd get an Uber and go back to your place and snuggle up in bed, and you'd be fine. You knew you would. 
As you headed for the door, you heard Bradley angrily say, "I wish you would have had the balls to dump her months ago. She's too good for you."
That made you smile as you pushed the door open and let the cool night air and the sound of the ocean wipe your senses clean. If you were being honest with yourself, you probably only stayed with Jake for as long as you had because you were afraid he was going to hurt himself or someone else one of these Saturday nights. The sting of embarrassment was worse right now than the pain of breaking things off with him, and that fact let you know you did the right thing.
You shivered as you looked up at the moon and the smattering of stars that were visible this close to the city. And then a massive body slammed into you, which you realized was probably your fault for standing so close to the exit. 
"Shit!" grunted a deep voice.
"I'm sorry-" you started as a big arm wrapped around you, steadying you.
"It's you," Bradley said when you looked up at him over your shoulder. "You're still here."
"Yeah... it's just me." You sounded a little breathless. You noticed you felt safer after ten seconds with his arm wrapped around you than you ever had when you were with Jake.
Bradley cleared his throat and slowly released you. "I just wanted to see if you needed a ride home. You know, since you left Jake's keys with Javy."
You turned to face him fully and took one big hand in yours before anyone else could exit the bar and slam into both of you. With wide eyes, he followed you willingly as you walked backwards toward the railing. "I'm fine," you assure him, letting go of his warm hand with an embarrassed shrug. "I'll get an Uber and have someone who didn't just witness my ex boyfriend call me a bitch before I dumped him take me home."
"He should have never said that," Bradley rasped, eyes fixed on your face. "He overdoes it on the weekends, and I'm sure he doesn't actually think you're a... well, you know. You're sweet. Everyone knows that."
You smiled softly up at him. "Thanks," you whispered. You let yourself indulge in committing to memory the way Bradley Bradshaw just said you're sweet. Because it made you feel warm inside. Then you entered your passcode and opened your Uber app, but before you could do anything else, he took your phone out of your hand. 
"Let me take you home," he said as you reached for your phone. But he tucked it behind his back. "That way I'll know you get there safely."
You reached your arms around him but he took both of your hands in his as your chest brushed the front of his shirt. "Did you put it in your back pocket?" you asked as you cocked your head to the side, only pretending to be annoyed. 
"Maybe," he replied with a grin as he squeezed your hands. "But you won't need it until I drop you at your place anyway."
You studied his face. The orange flicker of light from the lamppost in the parking lot bathed him in softness as he waited for you to respond. The only time you ever saw Bradley get drunk was on his birthday when Natasha drove him home. But he'd been funny, never crass. He'd even carried you from the jukebox over to the piano when he insisted he could do a better rendition of Changes than David Bowie. You smiled at the memory, and then he was smiling back at you.
"You just had that one beer tonight?" you asked softly, already knowing the answer. You supposed he drew your gaze more frequently than you were ready to admit. Especially in the past month or so. 
"Yeah," he replied immediately. "That's all I usually have."
"I know."
There was a beat of silence between the two of you. Your words felt like an admission, and you wanted to know how he'd respond. He laced his fingers with yours and said, "I'd never do anything to put you in danger. Been drinking just one beer on Saturday nights in case you were too far gone to get Jake and yourself home safely."
Now you weren't sure what to say. He'd been silently paying attention to you this whole time, too. No wonder you felt safe around him. "Okay," you whispered, and Bradley very hesitantly released your right hand. But you stayed close to his side, your left hand still held tight in his, and he started to head toward his Bronco.
Silently he unlocked the passenger side door and helped you climb in. "Thanks," you muttered, but then he removed his hand from yours, and you suddenly shivered as he closed the door. You thought of your apartment briefly, wondering if Jake's hoodie was hanging in your closet and thinking you'd just throw away the framed photo of the two of you in Venice Beach. It didn't really hurt to think about it, but you didn't feel the need to mourn over it either.
Then you realized Bradley had already turned right out of the parking lot and then made the first left. "You don't need directions?" you asked him as he went straight through the green light. 
He laughed softly but kept his eyes on the road. "I remember where you live. I picked the two of you up there once."
You remembered it, too. He had opened the door for you and helped you into the Bronco that night as well. He had been wearing the same shirt he had on now. And he smiled at you the same way. 
But you were still surprised he knew which street to turn down and which building was yours. "You can park in one of the visitor spots," you told him as your heart swelled with nervous excitement when he shifted into park.
Bradley paused with his hand on the key in the ignition and turned to look at you. "Will you let me walk you up?" When you nodded without hesitation, he killed the engine and smiled at you. And a few seconds later, your fingers were laced with his again. And you were climbing the stairs up to your apartment door. 
"Thanks, Bradley," you murmured, glancing up at him, unsure how to ask when you might possibly see him again after this. You didn't have his phone number, and you had no real reason to keep going back to the Hard Deck, but you wanted to see him again.
And then you felt a little embarrassed by it all. Sure, he remembered where you lived and he had been looking out for you. But you just broke up with Jake earlier tonight, even though things felt like they had been over for a lot longer. And you didn't want to rebound with his coworker of all people, especially since Bradley had you feeling like you wanted him to wrap you in his arms and make you feel safe all the time. 
And now you'd been standing in front of your door for long enough that it was about to become awkward unless one of you said something. But you were afraid the words on the tip of your tongue would be enough to shatter the moment if you said them. 
Your eyes caught on the scars on Bradley's neck as he swallowed hard. "Anytime you need a ride or... anything, I'll be around," he said with one of those soft smiles. But when he went to remove his hand from yours, you wouldn't let him. And then that smile slipped as he took a step closer to you. 
You decided to say the words and shatter the moment, because you had nothing to lose. "Do you want to come in for a little while?" you asked, and Bradley was nodding immediately.
You didn't expect him to keep his hand in yours as you closed and locked the door and showed him around the small space. You'd spent time with Jake in all of these rooms, but as you listened to the deep rumble of Bradley's voice and his soft laughter, you knew you'd sooner recall these memories once he was gone. But you didn't want him to leave at all, even though it was almost midnight. 
"Do you want a glass of water?" you asked him.
"Sure," he replied so quickly, both of you laughed. And then he commented on the books you'd left out on your table while he drank his water very slowly.
"I have more of the books from that series in my room."
"Oh yeah?" he asked, still hovering close by. "I only read the first two."
You simply took him by the hand again, and he went along with you, leaving the glass of water behind. When you paused in your bedroom doorway and reached in to turn on the light, you laughed and said, "You still have my phone in your pocket."
"I know," he replied, his gaze dipping down toward the floor as he blushed. "I've been holding it captive, trying to figure out a way to ask you for your number."
"Really?" you asked, stepping closer and coaxing his gaze up to yours. 
He nodded as he squeezed your hand again. "Feels like some sort of violation of guy code if I ask for it the same night you broke up with Jake. But I really don't want to leave here until I shoot my shot."
You gasped. Bradley Bradshaw. Wanted to shoot his shot. With you. "Shoot it," you said so softly, you weren't sure if he even heard you. But then his eyes went a little wide, and that smile you liked so much was back. 
"Alright." He cleared his throat and chuckled, cheeks still pink as he said, "Hey, so, here's the thing. I've actually had a massive crush on you for months. And I'd love to get your phone number. And I realize that you just got out of a relationship, so I don't mind waiting a few weeks to use it."
You were still holding hands as you pressed your lips to his cheek, and then his free arm wrapped around your waist. You kissed the edge of his mustache, and his fingers flexed against your back. "You can have my number, Bradley."
He sucked in a deep breath as you kissed his cheek again. "Okay. Cool. That's good. And uh... how long do you think I should wait before I call you?" he asked, and you couldn't tell if he sounded more nervous or more excited. 
"You could call me tomorrow," you whispered, still amazed at how safe you felt around him. "Or you could stay a little longer. Maybe we can start the third book in the series? If you want to."
"I want to," he said softly and immediately. "I want to do both. Call you tomorrow and stay a little longer."
When you tugged him toward the bookshelf next to your bed, he followed, his eyes on you as you reached for the third book. You toed your shoes off and kicked them aside as you asked, "You coming?" Then you crawled across your bed, leaving room for Bradley. 
He only hesitated for a second before he yanked both shoes off and placed them near yours. Then the sight of him easing himself onto your bed and slowly settling back against the headboard next to you left you aching to put your lips on his face again. He was giving you that same warm smile he always did, and now you realized you'd been craving these glances in your direction for a long time. You'd been seeking out his smile at the bar and at barbeques and on beach days. 
He cleared his throat a little nervously, probably because you were staring at him now. "Do you want me to read it out loud?" he asked, his voice so raspy, it set off goosebumps along your arms. You replied by setting the book on his lap and scooting a little closer, because you wanted to shoot your shot, too.
"In a minute." You brought your hand up to his face and brushed his stubbled, rosy cheek with your fingers before you kissed his lips. And it was just that simple. A soft press of your lips against his, and you were in the midst of the best kiss of your life. Not necessarily the needy kind where you wanted to tear his clothes off, but the kind where you were aware of every nerve ending in your body. But you already knew, if you let them, your feelings for Bradley would escalate into more.
With your forehead resting on his and your lips hovering over his mustache, you smiled and said, "Okay, now you can read the book."
He laughed softly and kissed you one more time before you eased yourself away from him. Then you curled up against his side, and he brought his arm around you as you helped him hold the book open. Nothing could have prepared you for listening to the words of your favorite story read in his voice. You barely moved, your lips pressed together as his steady, deep voice and his warm scent had you slowly melting. 
Bradley read and turned the pages one handed, your cheek on his shoulder and your arm creeping around his midsection. You had no idea how much time had passed when he whispered, "Do you want me to stop?"
You didn't. It had been forever since you felt like this. Comfortable and safe. Maybe you'd never felt this way before. Like you were absolutely certain this man wouldn't hurt you. Like you were sure he'd never call you a bitch in front of his friends or in private. But you didn't know if it was okay to keep holding onto him. 
"You can take the book home with you," you told him as you sat up slightly. But he made no move to get out of your bed, and you didn't ask him to. So you just settled right back where you were, and you felt Bradley's lips brush along your hair as you fell asleep. 
Loud, angry pounding noises did not belong here right now. No, Bradley was enjoying sleeping on a soft cloud with his dream girl snuggled up next to him. Everything was warm and perfect and smelled nice. Why was there still pounding? He cracked his eyes open to find you starting to stir next to him. You stretched and made a cute little noise as your chest bumped his ribs, and then your eyes opened wide.
"Oh," you gasped, quickly pulling your arm away from where it had been thrown over his midsection. "Bradley." Your voice was a combination of surprise, disbelief and pleasure, and he wanted to make sure you were okay with the impromptu sleepover, but there was still someone pounding on your front door.
He cleared his throat, but his voice was still raspy from sleep as he said, "You want me to go yell at whoever that is?"
"No," you replied as you climbed on top of him and kissed his lips. Bradley wanted to put his hands everywhere on you, but he kept them at his sides, still unsure about what he was allowed to do right now. "I'll be right back. You stay here."
Then you were out of bed and across the room, glancing back with a smile before you vanished through the door. Bradley's heart was pounding as he let his head sink back against your pillow. Okay, he needed to play this cool. He couldn't fuck this up. He'd been waiting months for you to realize Jake wasn't good enough for you, and he'd been spending months trying to make sure he would be, given the opportunity.
Your phone was still in his back pocket along with his, and he pulled them out to check the time. But when he looked at your lock screen, he saw that you had seventeen missed texts from Jake. And now he thought he heard Jake's voice in your living room. 
Bradley was out of bed instantly when he heard you ask, "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I came to apologize, but it looks like you should be the one apologizing to me." That was definitely Jake's voice, and he was definitely pissed off. 
"I don't know what you mean, Jake," you said as Bradley walked slowly down your hallway. He shoved both phones in his pocket and kept himself out of sight. "If you want to apologize for constantly calling me a bitch, then go ahead. Otherwise, just leave."
Jake laughed in a way that made Bradley's hands clench into fists. "You got a lot of nerve talking to me like you think I'm stupid. I saw his Bronco outside. I know he's here." Bradley squeezed his eyes closed and took a deep breath, and then Jake loudly said, "I knew you were a bitch. How long you been fucking Bradshaw?"
"I'm not," you insisted, your voice shaking. And as much as Bradley had loved reading your book to you and snuggling in your bed all night, now he wished he hadn't stayed. Because you didn't deserve this. 
"You really expect me to believe that?" Jake asked you maliciously. "Where is he, you fucking slut?"
"Don't you dare call her that," Bradley practically growled as he stormed into the living room. Jake was standing too close to you, and he didn't like that. But you were standing your ground as you turned to look at Bradley with some tears shimmering in your eyes. "I never touched her, and she never touched me. So just apologize or leave."
"Fuck you, Bradshaw," Jake spat. "I don't have to listen to a single fucking think you say."
"Get out of my apartment," you demanded. "I dumped you last night for a reason: you drink too much, and you're mean to me. And it was a long time coming. Just go."
Bradley could sense Jake's hesitation, so he took a few steps closer until he was standing right behind you. He made eye contact with him, just daring him to try something. Because Bradley wasn't in the mood to listen to him saying nasty shit about you, especially not when Jake interrupted the start of something so perfect. 
"Go," you repeated. Jake looked you up and down from head to toe and shook his head before he finally turned and slammed your front door behind him. 
"Are you okay?" Bradley asked softly, wishing he knew if it was okay to touch you. 
"Yeah," you whispered before turning and throwing your arms around his neck. 
Bradley let his hands settle on your waist as you looked up at him with bright eyes. He didn't feel bad about stepping on Jake's toes any longer. "I'm sorry if I made things worse for you by being here. But I can't really bring myself to apologize for falling asleep with you, because I liked it so much."
You laughed. It was the prettiest sound. And then you kissed him again with more heat this time, and Bradley had to convince himself to do this the right way. "Hey," he whispered as he broke the kiss. "I still need your phone number."
"Okay," you replied, and you whispered it to him as he entered it into his phone contacts. 
"Okay," he echoed as he handed your phone over for the first time since he took it from you outside the Hard Deck. You didn't even flinch as you swiped away the texts from Jake. "Now, here's what's going to happen. You ready?"
"I'm ready," you told him with a hesitant smile.
He kissed you one more time before he started to back away toward your front door. "I'm gonna go, but I'll call you."
"You better," you replied, and your smile was a little more sure now. 
"I will," he promised. "Just wait." Then he opened the door and closed it behind him as he tapped your name on his phone screen. 
You answered immediately, a giggle in your voice. "Hi, Bradley."
"Hey, so you know how you said I could call you today?"
"Yes," you replied, clearly smiling. "I do recall saying that."
"Great. So I was thinking I'd head home quick to get changed, and then I could come pick you up? Maybe we could get breakfast burritos and coffee from Lucy's Takeout? Go sit on the beach with the book?"
There was a beat of silence before you said, "That sounds nice."
"Then it's a date."
Bradley was all smiles as he ended the call and knocked on your door. When you opened it a second later, he leaned in and kissed you. "I actually need my shoes," he murmured against your lips, and you started laughing. 
"Wait here," you told him before you dashed toward your room and then returned holding his shoes and the book. Bradley slipped his shoes on and took the book in one hand as he pulled you close with the other.
"I'll be right back. Like seriously, it'll be embarrassing how quickly I get back here."
You buried your face against his chest and whispered, "It'll be embarrassing how much that makes me smile."
He had to force himself to leave after that, because the sooner he got back to you, the sooner he could start making you his.
Just imagine Bradley reading a book to you on the beach while also feeding you breakfast. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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miguelhugger2099 · 3 months
Hiii, I’m in love with your writing it’s a comfort for me atp. Could you please do grumpy reader where she doesn’t talk to others a lot. That makes Miguel look like an extrovert (even though we both know that’s not true 😭). Happy Easter 🐣 and or any holiday you celebrate.
Two Peas in a Pod
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c.....comfort,,,,, sad hamster meme the highest honor i could ever get omg thank you i really liked this ask because its basically me haha my friend actually told me ive gotten better at being more welcoming and "nice" and another friend would tell me that i could never mask my uncomfortableness if someone was bothering me LMFAO but as alwayyssssss i can rewrite this request for u if ur not satisfied :) Art: nellwhre17 on instagram
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Spider-People were supposed to be funny and outgoing. It was in their canon to have some resemblance to the original quippy and humorous Spider-Man. If not outgoing then at least a little endearing and sweet.
So the Spider Society is a little thrown off when you’re introduced to the team by Miguel. Both of your arms are crossed, your face blank and looking over other Spiders with neutrality. 
“Here’s our new recruit. She’ll be working more with Margo and Lyla. Think of her as one of your superiors like myself or Jess or Peter B.” Miguel tilts his head at all the other Spiders. “That’s all. Dismissed.”
He turns to face back to his console, returning to work on new files Lyla had presented to him. Some Spiders stay to chat with you. They don’t notice the slight discomfort and annoyance in your face.
“Hey! My name is Peter M! I think we might be the same age!” One says, his mask squinting to look like he’s smiling.
“Have you gone on a mission yet? What Earth are you from?”
“Has Miguel explained The Canon to you yet? It’s a little overwhelming, I know.”
The commotion irks you a bit, the Spiders coming into your personal space so you shuffle away and your brows instinctively scrunch together. “No, I’m fine.” You mutter curtly. The others finally see the change in your demeanor and they awkwardly step back.
Miguel turns over to see the few Spiders around and barks at them to stop. “She’s still new to all this so don’t go around pestering her.” 
They smile wearily up at him then at you, whose face is still contorted a bit in a way that looks like you’re obviously still being bothered. 
They get the message and wave goodbye to you but not without feeling a chill down their spine at how cold you were. Maybe you were just shy. Everything is and always will be overwhelming around here with different variants of yourself. So, they believed in time you’d come around like the others.
You, in fact, did not come around. After weeks, months even, you still came in and left without a word. Get in and get out. You rarely engaged in conversation and if you were in a group, you’d keep to yourself. If someone tried to include you, you’d just say a few blunt words that didn’t move the conversation at all so there'd be an awkward standstill before moving on.
No matter what, no one knew anything else about you besides your name, you were a Spider-Woman and the name of your Earth.
Even the esteemed group of young SpiderLings couldn’t even get you to open up. Jess and Gwen had just come back from a mission, wanting to eat at the cafeteria before heading home. They had found seats beside Hobie and Pav who were just catching up together.
Pav had mentioned trying to talk to you once but his bright personality pushed you further and further away from him, your responses to his questions becoming more and more short and quick.
“I’ve never met such a complicated individual.” He pouts, crossing his arms on the table.
“Don’ bother me none. I don’ like someone tryin’ to bug me either.” Hobie scratches the back of his neck. 
“Would’ve thought they opened up by now.” Gwen brushed her hair out her face. “It’s like pulling teeth with her.”
“She just seems kinda grumpy sometimes…” Pav sighs resting his head in his arms. “Even more than Miguel which feels wrong.” 
“Yeah, at least Miguel snaps at you but she…kinda just sits there.” Gwen leans back with a weak smile. “Not really sure how to make conversation when she’s so quiet.”
“She just doesn’t feel like talking, guys. Go easy on her.” Jess rubs her temples. 
Their conversation is cut short when Miguel walks through the cafeteria, documents in hand and with you in tow. Speak of the Devil. 
“Jess, Gwen, I misremembered about giving you the reports of your last mission together. I also have the analysis for the next one on Earth—199B.” Miguel hands the reports to Jessica and she immediately skims through it. Gwen looks over her shoulder and gives you a smile.
“Hey, how’s it going?” She asks. 
You respond with a shrug and a nod. “Good.”
Gwen’s smile wavers, laughing nervously as the awkward silence. She expected some sort of greeting back. 
Miguel answers for you. “She’s been with me the whole day since Peter’s been busy at home.” Gwen looks to Miguel.
“And how about you, boss? Doin’—uh—doin’ good?”
Miguel sighs, crossing his arms. “Better now that Margo fixed what Hobie broke in the console room.”
Hobie tsks. “Did not. You’re jus’ blamin’ me ‘cause I’m the scapegoat around ‘ere. Tha’ it?” 
Miguel pulls up camera footage from his Gizmo, of Hobie pulling apart different motherboards and CPUs from the server and tucking them away in his pocket. “Is this not you?!”
Hobie squints at the footage and shrugs. “AI has truly come a long way, mate. Bettah check tha’ out.”
Gwen, Pav and Jessica laugh at the scene, giggling at the sheer anger on Miguel’s face and Hobies indifference. You watch with a soft smile up at Miguel but nothing else.
Miguel feels your hand on his forearm and he looks down at you. You nod your head to the side, signaling it’s time to go. He looks at the time on his watch and collects himself. 
“We’re gonna head out. Don’t bother us unless there’s an emergency and be alert for any sudden messages should I need to contact any of you for anomalies.” He turns and gives a small wave before leaving, you trailing behind him.
You don’t say much other than looking behind to give them a small nod and following beside Miguel.
The group watches as Miguel talks to you, relating information and talking your ear off about missions and the to-do for the day. You listen quietly, eyes held on his and nodding along.
They glance at each other and think they would’ve never seen a person more closed off than Miguel in their lifetime. Even less where it looks like he’s more talkative compared to you. What an odd pair. “I think she has opened up. Maybe just not with us.” Jess leans back with a smile.
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dark-vader28 · 5 months
New Girl
pairing: rodrick heffley x fem!reader
summary: Reader and her family are new in town, the heffleys invite them over for dinner as a welcome, blah blah blah, rodrick offers to give reader a drum lesson and makes a fool of himself doing everything in his power to impress you
warnings: swearing? tooth-rotting fluff. pls this is my first fic so im sorry if this is terrible, not rlly proofread
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Your family had just moved in to Plainview, settled in a cozy home on the corner of the street. Once summer ended, you’d attend Crossland High School as a senior while your younger brother, Jake, would be starting 7th grade at Westmore Middle School. You dreaded school, even in the years you lived in your hometown, surrounded by your friends. Now that you were the new girl, you were sure it’d be all the more worse.
Your younger brother, Jake, on the other hand, made company so easy and made it seem like starting a conversation was as easy as knowing your own name. Sure, he wasn’t very popular, but he never went a year without a new friend or even a whole new group. You were sure he’d already be making friends on the walk to school.
While you were staring at your packed bag that you refused to unpack, in denial that your family had really moved, when the doorbell rang, echoing through the still house. Your attention was diverted and you snuck out your room, quietly walking to the railing by the stairs where you could have a clear view of the front door. You crouched down, hoping you wouldn’t be seen as you watched your mother strut to the door. The door swung open and there was a friendly smile waiting behind, holding some tupperware in her arms.
You were watching and listening, hardly moving or even breathing as they talked. The woman at the door, whose name you heard was Susan Heffley, was welcoming your family to Plainview. You heard them suggest a dinner this weekend so they could meet each other’s families; your mother had mentioned yours and your brother’s age which coincidentally were the same as the Heffleys. You let out a groan as your mom agreed to the dinner.
Mrs. Heffley left a few moments later, wishing your mother another welcome with a gentle smile before walking out the door. Surely she seemed nice but having to attend to dinner with a family you didn’t know was a long dreaded thought of yours.
The rest of the week seemed to go slow as you anticipated the inevitable dinner. You were also attempting to accept the fact that you were truly stuck in Plainview now unless you decided to move out and away when you turned 18, but you knew the thought was pointless considering it meant you’d have to be prepared by then.
When Saturday rolled around, you had finally unpacked your bag, trying to be a little more positive about living here. But that was a lie. Truth was your mom hounded you about living out of a suitcase and told you off for not unpacking. Not wanting to get in any more trouble, you hurriedly unpacked that night, throwing a pair of jeans and some shirt on your bed in the process for you to wear to dinner.
It was 5:50 and you were scrambling to finish up the last of your makeup and hair. If there was one thing your dad hated, it was being late, and you would likely be the cause of it. You had postponed getting ready for so long, procrastinating until there were few minutes to spare. You weren’t sure why you cared so much about your appearance, assuming that you would never talk to that family after tonight.
Jake’s fist pounded on your bathroom door, causing you to jump from the unexpected burst of noise. You nearly burnt yourself with the straightener you were holding. You quickly set it down and swung the door open. You were ready to scold your younger brother but he spoke before you.
“Mom and Dad said we’re leaving now, why aren’t you ready?” he asked. You rolled your eyes and pushed him away from the door, closing it.
“Just one more minute!” you shouted from the other side of the door. He knocked on the door a few more times and when you refused to answer, he gave up, grumbling something under his breath as he ran down the stairs.
A minute turned into two, then three, and then it was 5:59 and your dad was knocking on the door. You turned off the straightener and unplugged it, checking your reflection one last time before hurrying out the bathroom.
Considering how close your houses were, your family walked to the Heffley’s house. Right before the clock turned 6:01, your family was at the door, ringing the bell. You heard a few hushed murmurs from the other side of the door before the same familiar face that had come to your house before swung open the door.
Mrs. Heffley welcomed you in, closing the door behind you. A man, who you could only assume was Mr. Heffley, stood next to Mrs. Heffley, extending out a hand towards your father, then your mother.
“Frank Heffley,” the man introduced, smiling politely. He shook your hand and then Jake’s as Mrs. Heffley introduced herself and the littlest brother, Manny, that she held in her arms.
Then, bounding down the stairs comes a boy, somewhere between 11-13. He comes to a stop next to Mrs. Heffley and wears a nervous smile.
“And his is my second eldest son, Greg,” Mrs. Heffley beams. One after another, you all shake his hand, introducing yourselves. “Greg, you and Jake are both in seventh grade so maybe you’ll make good friends,” Mrs. Heffley comments. Jake smiles a little and Greg is hesitant to return the smile, unsure if he likes your brother.
Mrs. Heffley turns to Greg, whispering something private to him while your father exchanges pleasantries with his father, earning a warm smile from your mother. Greg shrugged at whatever Mrs. Heffley had said to him and she frowned.
It wasn’t long before another set of footsteps came running down the steps, this time a tall boy with dark, messed and fluffed up hair, wearing some graphic tee tucked only in the front behind a pair of dark jeans. He looked your age and from the conversation you had overheard earlier that week, you knew he was your age. But… what did that matter? You had no intent on talking to this family again.
“And this is Rodrick,” Mrs. Heffley introduced, not sounding nearly as enthusiastic as she had been when introducing Greg and Manny. The smile she wore seemed fake as she glared and Rodrick and nudged him. He looked confused, shooting her a look before he noticed my father’s outstretched hand. He shook my parents’ hands as we were all introduced once more, thankfully for the last time. You seemed to catch Rodrick’s eye, and your name was the only one he seemed to remember. He repeated your name in his head, making sure it stuck in his memory. The other names faded from his mind as your families walked to the dining table. A few extra chairs had been added to fit your family, which sat on one side as the Heffley family sat on the other. You faced Rodrick with Jake on your right and your mother on your left. This was already the longest evening of your time in Plainview.
Mrs. Heffley was bringing a plate of food as your fathers chatted away. Rodrick, Greg, and Jake were quick to pile heaping amounts onto their plates. You were the last to go for food, not expecting to eat much since you didn’t have much of an appetite that night.
The parent side of the table was lively, laughter filling the air while it was nothing but the tap or light scrape of the metal forks against the plate on your side of the table. Jake didn’t seem to mind, happily eating away at his food, nearly to the point of asking for seconds. You had picked at the homemade food, taking a few bites ever so often. It smelt amazing, almost giving you your appetite back.
But the worst part of the night wasn’t how they were strangers you were having dinner with, or how empty and silent your half of the table was, but rather how you kept finding Rodrick’s eyes. They were awkward glances where you’d both be caught looking at one another and you’d both avert your gaze as quickly as it had been found. It kickstarted your heart every time, sending a wave of embarrassment flooding through you which was shown through in the heat rising to your face. You were praying someone on your end of the table would feel the silence and ease the tension but with every glance you and Rodrick stole, the atmosphere felt heavier.
The buzz from the other side of the table faded, leaving a few painful moments of entire silence before your dad spoke, speaking to Rodrick this time.
“Was that your van outside?” your dad inquired, hoping to spark up a conversation after noticing the deafening silence.
Rodrick stole another look at you on his way to address your father. He nodded, shifting in his seat a little. The silence was beginning to make its dreaded reappearance and in a desperate attempt to prevent it, you foolishly decided to keep the conversation rolling.
“What’s the name painted on it?” you asked, and Rodrick’s eyes had quickly fallen away from your father to meet you.
“Löded Diper, the name of my band,” Rodrick replied proudly. You attempted to repress a smile. The name was ridiculous and it had you holding back a laugh but something about the confidence and the happiness in his tone made you forget the name and brought a grin to your lips.
“A band, huh? What do you play?” you questioned, shifting in your seat, leaning forward so your attention was nowhere but him. His lips curved up into a smile as his movement mimicked yours, facing you. You could see Susan and your mom smile at each other, gushing at how suddenly you and Rodrick were getting along.
“Drums,” he answered, and the other conversations resumed from the parent side of the table. Greg and Jake were silently watching you and Rodrick talk, both shocked that you had even acknowledged him. Jake knew you weren’t one to engage like this upon first meeting someone, especially not with someone like Rodrick. And Greg was sure you were way out of Rodrick’s league, whether it was from a relationship or even friendship standpoint. Greg and Jake seemed to read each other’s minds and started talking, filling the once silent half of the room with chatter.
“I always wanted to learn drums,” you commented sheepishly, breaking the eye contact you had been holding. He seemed to light up at that, sitting up a little taller.
“I could teach you,” he blurted out, rather loudly. Everyone seemed to glance at him for a moment before ignoring it and resuming their conversations. You found his gaze again and a smile crept on your lips.
“Really?” you asked. He nodded, and your smile curved into a smirk. “Well, of course, you’d have to been good at drums to teach somebody. Prove you’re any good and maybe then you can teach me.” He paused for a moment before he chuckled, leaning back in his chair as his once awkward demeanor became cocky.
“No no no, i’d be doing you a favour. And i don’t need to prove anything. I’m a great drummer. Right, Greg?” Rodrick asked, hitting Greg on the chest. Greg hadn’t been paying attention but held his chest where he had been hit as he nodded, agreeing to whatever Rodrick had asked. “See?” You rolled your eyes, your bottom lip slipping between your teeth to hide your smile.
“The poor kid is terrified of you,” you chuckled. You turned to Greg this time. “Don’t take any of his shit.” Greg smiled brightly and Rodrick seemed flustered that you hadn’t taken his side.
“Oh, come on, I’ve never done anything to him,” Rodrick defended. He wasn’t a great liar. You glanced at Rodrick before looking back at Greg, raising your eyebrows.
“Is he telling the truth?” you asked. Greg shot a look at Rodrick before laughing and shaking his head. You giggled. Rodrick’s face was turning red and he shoved Greg again.
“Dude! Deny, deny, deny!” Rodrick pestered, pushing Greg. Another laughter escaped your lips.
“So you admit you were lying!” Rodrick froze, his face dropping.
With the exception of Rod, your side of the table was in a fit of laughter. The other side had stilled, admiring how well you seemed to be getting along despite Rodrick being the butt of the joke. He’d felt embarrassed for a moment but hearing your laughter had a bright grin spreading across his face which eventually broke out into laughter. Your stomach and face started to hurt from laughing for too long and you let a few desperate pants as you leaned back in your seat, arms wrapped around your stomach.
Over an hour had passed and your families couldn’t have been getting along better. Greg and Rodrick had told you endless amounts of stories. You learned about The Cheese Touch and the thought of it made you gag, imagining that moldy cheese sitting on the dirty hot blacktop for years.
You asked Rodrick about his band, which he went on and on about until Greg told him to can it. Rodrick might’ve hit him again if Mrs. Heffley hadn’t glanced over at them and scolded Rodrick.
Nearing the end of your time with the Heffleys, you hesitantly asked Rodrick if he was serious about the drum lesson. Sure, your reason was purely because you had always wanted to learn how to play but it seemed as the night went on, your reason was slipping to wanting to see Rodrick again. You didn’t want to have to wait until summer’s end to be with him. He didn’t seem like the greatest influence and you were already sure your parents weren’t too fond of him, but something about him had you drawn towards him like a moth to light.
The Heffleys were escorting your family to the door, chatter still in the air, when you turned to Rodrick. You swallowed the lump in your throat and prayed your voice would come out normal.
“So… about that drum lesson,” you started, not meeting his eyes, but you still saw the smile tug at the corner of his lips.
“Tomorrow?” he suggested quickly, stopping to face you. You looked up, your brow slightly furrowed. “O-or another day. I mean-” He was blabbering, trying not to sound eager or desperate and a grin stretched across your lips.
“Tomorrow sounds great,” you replied. He relaxed, smiling a little.
“Yeah, yeah, cool,” he mumbled, pretending to sound uninterested. You pushed him gently and he couldn’t hide the smile. You rolled your eyes at him, a light laugh falling from your lips. That sound would be stuck in his brain all night as he lied awake, admiring you and feeling like he had dreamed you up cause he wasn’t sure someone like you could be real.
Your family said their goodbyes to the Heffleys as the four of you walked out the door. You headed home, unable to lose the smile of excitement as you thought about your plans for tomorrow. You were so distracted in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed your parents talking to you until your brother nudged you to snap you out of your daze.
“Are you alright?” your mom asked worriedly, putting a comforting hand on your shoulder. You flashed her a smile and nodded. “Well, how was your night then? Did you like them?” Then to your father, “I thought they were nice, don’t you think?” Then back to you. “How was Rodrick? I was a little worried he was a bad influence.” If you hadn’t stepped in, your mom might’ve pestered with you questions until the end of the night.
“It was fun. I had a good time,” you reassured. She smiled as you reached your front steps.
When you finally got back to your room, you reveled in the once dreaded house that seemed like a punishment. You were now filled with anticipation, wishing it would be Sunday already so you’d get to see Rodrick again. Your mind hadn’t decided what was so endearing about him. Maybe it was his desperate, miserable attempts to impress you that made you nearly giggle like a school girl or his dark shaggy hair that fell in messy strands. But you didn’t let yourself think about that for too long, saving yourself from falling down that rabbit hole.
As the cool air from your open window filled the room and the pale moonlight danced across your skin, you were coaxed into sleep, smiling as you thought about your night.
Maybe Plainview wasn’t as bad as you had believed it to be.
a/n: well… first fic ig. i’m sorry if this is complete shit. i just felt like i should post something after having this account for 6 months and posting nothing. there are a few requests in my inbox that i do intend on getting to at some point i promise, im just a little slow with all of this 😭 let me know what you think and if you want more of these!
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daydreamgoddess14 · 11 months
Support System pt. 4
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3
Roy Kent x Reader
I'm on a roll. Roy Kent making me feel things 🥵 This one is a bit angsty but buckle up - we're getting to the good stuff soon!
Chapter 4
Some call it wallowing, some call it self pity, some call it licking your wounds. You don’t give a shit which one it is, you spend the whole of Sunday morning on your sofa under a blanket alternating between tears of shame and being angry at your own stupidity. In what possible world would former footballer and dater of models - actual, beautiful, magazine fronting models, Roy Kent, really want to kiss a single mum in their mid (cough *late*) -thirties? You honestly have to consider the fact that you’ve lost the plot. The fighting and arguing late last year took its toll on you, the split early in December actually helped, but also kind of… didn’t? And now you’re in a position where you can finally make the best of the separation and the first chance you get, you royally cock it up.
Andy has Lexie right up until you need to collect her on Monday afternoon, so you plan your week accordingly. Trying to make sure that you can avoid Roy completely for at least long enough for you to be able to laugh it off. Somewhere around Christmas would probably work for that. Annoyingly, the person you want to reach out to and talk to and cry to is Sara. You’ve exchanged a handful of messages about hangovers but you’ve not been brave enough to tell her anything. Don’t be hungover alone! My mum is cooking, you should come over. Late dinner today cos of the football. A new message appears. You try and put her off, there’s no way you’re going over there without a Lexie buffer. The match kicked off at midday, you’d put it on the TV and then turned it straight off when you realised how much the camera loved focusing on Coach Lasso and his coaching staff. Your damn body betrayed you every time the camera honed in on his surly face. You shuffled further under the blanket, content to wallow alone until another message came through, Please come. I know something’s going on, I thought Roy was going to punch a wall when I asked him if you were ok when he dropped you off. You concede - it doesn’t take much, the urge to avoid Roy was strong, but you didn’t want to have to avoid Sara as well. She sends you the address and an hour later, you’re walking to her parents house in the late March sunshine. Chief door opener, Phoebe lets you in and is instantly dismayed when you have to tell her that Lexie isn’t around today. She soon gets over it though, she’s got uncle Roy playing Princesses and Dragons. Sara ushers you straight into the kitchen to meet her mum. 
“Oh darling! I’ve heard so much about you from… well Sara, Phoebe and Roy actually. And lovely little Lexie as well. Such a shame she couldn’t come, there’s always next time though. It is so lovely to meet you! Come in, sit down. Do you fancy a drink or is your head still a little delicate?” The dainty woman knocks you off your feet with her kindness and sweetness. It reminded you of being in your teens and finding the one parent of your friend group who welcomed you all with open arms, didn’t care if you all swore like troopers and let you sit in the garden all night with a case of warm cider cans in the summer. The home you could go to when you’d argued with your own parents, but still needed home comforts.
“It’s great to meet you. I might be tempted later, I could go for a cup of tea though? I’ll make them, you’re busy.” You get up and start making a round of tea for everyone, working neatly around Sara’s mum and laughing with her at the state of the ‘favourite uncle’ mug Phoebe insisted that Roy always use.
“Thought I heard you.” A deeper voice muttered from the doorway. You bite down on your lip and try to force yourself to act naturally. He'd obviously been there a little while, watching. The only people who knew what had happened last night were you and Roy, and you certainly weren’t going to shout it from the rooftops. You hoped he was on the same page. 
“Try this love,” his mum hands you a spoonful of cheese sauce, you close your eyes and moan in appreciation - it’s incredible.
“God, that’s gorgeous. Can I have the recipe please?”
“Course you can. Remind me in a bit, I’ll swap you for that wonderful lemon sponge recipe.” In the other room, Phoebe calls her nan for something so she prods Roy out of the doorway so she can get through.
“How’s your head?” He asks once she’s gone.
“Fine, nothing a can of coke and three ibuprofen can’t fix.”
“Three? That’s specific."
"Tried and tested. Two isn't enough and four would get me in trouble with people like her," you point at Sara who's just come in. Roy sniggers,
"Her? No way, she's the biggest fucking culprit for wrongly medicating friends and family."
"Your knee got you to Nelson Road didn't it?" She queried, recalling the day he'd gone back after retiring.
"Yeah but half a co-codemol and a shot of whiskey can't be classified as a prescription."
"My slightly alternative suggestions are only for specific people. Not medically authorised." She hugs you and takes the tea gratefully. "Let me guess, three ibuprofen and a can of coke?"
"Bingo." You confirm and she sticks her tongue out at Roy. She can feel the tension in the air between you, a million miles from the laughter and glances you'd shared the night before. 
"Mum wants you to lay the table dickhead." He tells her. 
"OK," she looks to you, "come help me, I need to move it first." 
"There's a cup of tea on the side for you." You tell him as you follow Sara out of the room. 
Standing either side of the dining table, you and Sara look like you could be at war. You both pull at your end of the table, making it longer. 
"The fucks going on with you two?" She whispers, leaning forwards.
"Nothing, just very drunk crossed wires." She looks very sceptical but doesn't push you. She does, however, ensure that you end up sitting next to Roy for dinner. Fortunately, he seems just as embarrassed as you and is reluctant to talk to you much. You're starting to think that it's not so bad, avoiding him could be easy if he’s going to help you out, until he starts drying the plates you've been washing after dinner and dessert. 
"You don't need to do that, you're the fucking guest."
"Which is exactly why I am doing it." You carry on washing up in silence.
"Are we gonna talk about last night or what?" 
"Not if I can help it."
"Probably should though." You stop with your hands in the sink, and turn to him. 
"Roy, I was drunk and stupid and I apologise. I made a horrible mistake-"
"A mistake?"
"Yeah, I mean I must have been crazy drunk to think that I'm the kind of person that you would ever-"
"Hmm. I'd fuckin' stop there." You can't help but carry on, 
"You're like ridiculously gorgeous - it's borderline fucking obscene to be honest - and I'm a normal, boring person and for a tiny drunken moment, I forgot myself. It was a complete mistake, I'm sorry. Now please, I'm begging you, please forget this ever happened." Roy looks stunned while you take the towel from him and dry your hands before passing it back to him. "See you in the week." You say softly, going to the living room to say goodbye to his mum, Sara and Phoebe. 
The next day, you're rushing between meetings trying to eat a quick lunch, check your phone and book Lexie in for the Easter Holiday club at school all at the same time. When you see 10+ missed calls from Andy, your stomach drops to your feet. Your hands shake as you call him back. 
"Lexie's not well, where the fuck are you?"
"It's Monday lunchtime, I'm at work. What happened?"
"I've called you loads, I-" 
"I've been in a meeting, do you need me to come home, or is she OK with you? What do you mean she’s not well?"
"You should want to come home to her." You frown at your phone, resisting the urge to throw it in the nearest bin. 
"Of course I want to come home to her, I'm her mum. However, since I'm also paying for a house alone now and everything that goes with that, I have to make sure I'm doing the right thing and not just what I want. We don't all get to do what we want, Andy."
"I get it, work is more important. Always has been."
"That's not what I said and you know it."
"No, it's fine. I'll get her from school and I'm sure you'll turn up whenever you can."
"Fuck you, Andy. I'm on my way." You hang up on him and start making calls to rearrange your afternoon meetings. In the depths of the underground when your phone signal gives up, you chuck it in your bag and lean heavily against the pushchair space. You roll your ankles, taking some of the weight off your feet for a second. The higher the zone number, the quieter the train gets so you're able to grab a real seat. 
"Penny for 'em?" A gruff voice asks, sitting across from you. You look up and despite your mood, the situation and your Saturday night fuck up, you still smile at him. You wonder when he got on the train, how long he’d been so close to you.
"Hi. Lexie's not well, Andy basically said I was a shit mum for not coming home. So now I'm going home to be called a shit mum to my face. Happy Monday!"
"Fuck, wish I hadn't fucking asked. What's up with Lex?"
"Dunno, he wouldn't tell me. She's probably fine - you know what 8 year olds are like. What are you doing here anyway?"
"Had to go for a suit fitting." You can't help it. Your mind goes there, of course it does. It's been a shit few days. It's only going to get worse, so why wouldn't your brain reward you for keeping going by providing a visual representation of Roy at a suit fitting? Hands skimming over his body, a beautifully tailored suit. As if the standard dark jeans and t-shirt aren’t enough. You’re certain a suit would blow your tiny mind. You daren’t speak so settle for a nod. At the station, it’s pouring with rain. He sees your heels and straight away opens the passenger door of his car for you. “Come on, I’ll take you.” The domesticity of it is a little crushing, you’d bet it’s not all boring lifts to the train station and the park when you date models. More like champagne and sex on tap. You’d take a happy balance if such a thing existed, a domestic luxury of sorts. It sounded like an Instagram Influencer advert for washing powder. You direct Roy to Andy’s flat and take a couple of deep breaths before going to get out of the car. “Shall I wait?”
“No, no, don't do that. You should get back. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Just bracing myself, that’s all.”
“Whatever he says, it’s a fucking lie.”
“How do you know?” You ask quietly.
“Let me guess, you didn’t care about him, drove him away, you’ll do the same to Lexie, work’s more important…? Am I on the right track?” You nod, looking down at your hands in your lap, already ashamed.
“None of that is fucking true. I’ve seen you, you’re… you’re pretty fucking brilliant. You and Lexie are perfect. In one ear, and out the other - don’t listen to a word he says.” He reaches across and takes your hand in his, persuading you to look up. “Don’t let him make you cry.”
“It’s you making me cry, you dumbass.” You laugh a little.
“That’s better. Go get Lexie and forget about him for the rest of the week.” 
“Yes boss. Thanks for the lift.” He gives your hand a little squeeze and you dash out into the rain, trying to get undercover quickly.
Andy leaves you out in the rain for a minute or two. Of course, small punishments wherever he can. Noticeably, Roy doesn’t drive off and waits until he sees you go inside. 
“What’s he doing driving you?” Is the greeting you get when you’re finally allowed in.
“We bumped into each other at the train station, it’s raining and I was going to walk here. Where’s Lexie?”
“Sofa.” He grunts. You take off your soaking jacket, your blouse underneath is no drier, with various wet patches making it transparent in places.You kick off your shoes and go through to what you presume is the living room - you’ve never wanted or been offered a tour of his flat before. Most pick ups and drop offs took place at school so you could go blissful weeks without seeing him. Lexie is laying on the sofa under a blanket watching a film, she visibly brightens at seeing you and scrambles to sit up. You kneel in front of her and gather her into your arms.
“You ok my little one?” She nods, her temperature feels fine and she doesn’t look particularly ill.
“Yeah, I just felt a bit poorly.”
“Been sick?” She shakes her little head. “Ok, shall we go home?” You put her coat on her, get both of your bags and put your wet jacket back on. She holds onto you limply and you know the 10 minute walk is not going to be fun in the rain. “Up you come,” you tell her, gesturing to your back. As soon as she’s got her arms looped around your neck and her little legs around your waist, you step up into your heels. Andy watches with no intention of offering a lift and no comments on the rain outside.
“Dad?” Lexie asks quietly.
“Sorry kiddo, some of us have got some work to finish.” 
“We’re ok babe, we can manage.” You say firmly, you don’t want to argue with him in front of Lexie. Roy’s low voice in your ear: don’t let him make you cry. Fortunately his flat is on the ground floor so there are no stairs to navigate. You step out into the rain and start down the road towards your house. You only just reach the corner onto the main road when you see his car up ahead, pulled over. He nips out into the rain, walks up to meet you and takes Lexie off your back, she cuddles up to him while he takes her back to the car and puts her in the back. Without her on you, you can jog the short distance to the car and the two of you get into the front, your doors slamming in unison. You don’t know what to say. You stare at him as he starts the car and pulls out onto the main road.
“Alright, I waited. Don’t be fucking weird about it.” He mutters, reaching to the backseat and handing you a black sweater. You peel off your soaking jacket, so cold that you don’t give a thought to the state of your blouse underneath until Lexie draws attention to it.
“Mum, I can see your bra!” Lexie giggles from the backseat.
“Yeah, thanks honey. The rain got me.” You pull on the sweater, his scent surrounding you in an overwhelmingly wonderful way. It’s almost enough to distract you from the embarrassment of the wet t-shirt competition. Almost. He gets Lexie out of the car and carries her to the house while you get the bags. She’s soon off inside getting her wet coat and school uniform off, you hover in the small hallway next to Roy. “Thank you for everything today.”
“It’s nothing.” He tries to brush off.
“It’s not nothing, far from it. Lexie’s own dad couldn’t even be arsed to drive her home. Here,” you move to take off the sweater,
“Keep it. Suits you.” He says, halfway out the door. “See you later.” You're still watching the space where his car had been long after it drives off.
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cosmicpearlz · 1 year
love is complicated
summary: you express your feelings/concerns to your boyfriend and it seems like he doesn’t actually hear you out.
pairing: percy hynes white x reader
a/n: had a request from @mirukkuvanilla about doing an insecure!reader and i just ran with it lol. (i hope this was to your expectations!)
“hey baby, you want to go with me to the party?” oh great, another night of his friends looking at you like you didn’t belong. totally worth it.
you turned your head to him to meet his eyes from the couch you sat on, “um yeah sure.” percy smiles and shuffles to kiss your temple. it almost makes you feel bad for feeling this way. if he was happy, why couldn’t you continue to be happy?
“awesome, get ready! we leave in about twenty minutes.” you rested your head into your hands hearing his footsteps walk away from you. it hadn’t always been this way but somewhere along the way his friends had been giving you the cold shoulder. you had a gut feeling that it was mainly because you weren’t famous like them. maybe if you were, things would be different.
the uber drive to emma’s house wasn’t that far but still a good distance. percy was practically buzzing being that this was the first time in a while that everyone was able to be together due to scheduling. meanwhile, you felt like you were dying.
“ah percy you made it!” hunter said opening the door for you guys then his eyes gaze over to you, “and you brought y/n.” all you could mange to do was an awkward wave and a small smile. this was definitely going to be a shitty night and you could tell.
once walking fully in, everyone jumps to greet percy. you were spared only a short hello and that was it. it’s almost as if they wanted you to know that you weren’t welcomed, only tolerated for the sake of their friend. you stood by the door silently while your boyfriend was immediately dragged into conversations.
“y/n! oh my, i haven’t seen you a while. how are you?” emma squeals pulling you into a warm friendly hug. she was the only one out of the whole group that didn’t change on you.
“i’m doing okay. how are you? i seen that you’re working on a new movie.”
“yes! i’m doing well and the movie is going good. i really like the script.”
“that’s good! i’m glad you’re enjoying it and can’t wait to see it. i know you’re gonna be amazing.”
emma lays her hand on her heart in thanks for your kind words, “let’s get you a drink, yeah?”
a few drinks later and you felt even worse then before. you were ignored pretty much the whole night, only talked to here and there. you could feel yourself fuming by the second. standing up quietly, you walked to your boyfriend who was resting his back on the wall. you motioned him to lean down so that your lips could meet his ear to hear you better over the music.
“can we go?”
“go where?”
“home percy. i want to go home.”
“what, why?” you huffed crossing your arms and looking away from him.
“excuse us for a minute,” percy nods to the people he was talking to and grabbed your hand. he leads you to one of the spare rooms upstairs and closed the door.
“okay, what’s this about? why do you want to leave.”
“why are you questioning me?” you could tell that he was getting frustrated at this point but you couldn’t find it in you to care.
“just answer the question.”
“i’m obviously not welcomed here and your friends for some reason don’t like me anymore. i don’t want to be here where i’m not wanted,” your body felt on fire. you never brought it up for the simple fact that you didn’t want to come between him and his friends. they were there long before you were.
“c’mon that’s such a stretch baby. they like you for sure,” he places his hands on your arms in attempt to console you. pushing his hands away, you take a step back.
“percy they don’t like me. why can’t you see that? m-maybe they did before but not anymore. only emma really takes the time to talk to me.”
“you’re being delusional.”
“delusional?” you take a second to breathe before you continued, “percy open your fucking eyes!”
“explain it to me then! baby, i can’t help you if you don’t let me.”
“you don’t see how they look at me. they clearly don’t think i belong with you and i’m sure it’s because i’m not famous like you guys.” percy felt his anger raising and was offended.
“you’re being crazy,” he scuffed shaking his head.
“stop calling me crazy!”
within seconds it turned into a screaming match. one trying to out yell the other. of course, you guys had fights before but nothing ever like this.
“you’re just being insecure at this point. get over yourself!”
“so what if i am!” you eyes started to water but you refused to let him see you cry over this, “what if i am insecure, huh? for months i felt like i wasn’t good enough to date you simply because i’m not like you. months that i held in every time your friends ignored my entire existence and pretended that i wasn’t feeling shitty. months that i sat by and watched fans ship you with other famous people. months percy!”
“so this is all about being public? seriously y/n, i expected way better from you.”
“it’s not about being public idiot. it’s about not feeling enough when i try so fucking hard!”
“so what if fans ship me with other famous people. big deal.”
“percy, it’s a huge deal! as your girlfriend, i feel as if i’m not being heard.” your voice was cracking the more you went on, “you’re invaliding my feelings and don’t even realize it.” he puts his head down tired of yelling.
“if i was dating another celebrity, this stupid shit wouldn’t be happening,” percy muttered under his breath but you heard it clear as day. sticking your bottom lip between your teeth and nodding your head. the tears officially came streaming down your face and your heart felt as if it was tore out.
“well don’t let me stand in the way of that. goodbye percy,” you rush pass him in a hurry to leave. the saltiness of the tears were worse the more you walked downstairs.
“wait baby, fuck i didn’t mean it!” his feet guiding him to follow you quickly.
“if you didn’t mean it, you wouldn’t have said it. leave me the fuck alone.” you could see his friends silently watching the scene unfold. the music was turned down lower too. likely, they heard everything which was more embarrassing. you sarcastically chuckled to yourself with more tears running.
“at least i won’t bother you guys with my presence anymore. happy?” you made sure to look at the whole circle before walking out the door completely.
“sweetheart please!” the minute that percy had finally got outside, you were gone. it seemed like luck was on your side because when you ordered the uber, it came in under a minute. he sinks to the grass with the realization that you were gone. and probably for good.
“fuck fuck fuck!”
“percy?” the boy couldn’t bother to look at emma who standing near him. couldn’t bother to notice how some of his friends were standing at the doorway feeling slightly guilty.
“she’s gone. she’s gone and it’s all my fault,” the boy sobs into his hands. his body shaking with regret for hurting you. for not listening and definitely not seeing the signs that lead up to this moment.
emma lowers herself to the ground to wrap her arms around him. she had never seen her friend so broken and she was hurt for the both of you. percy continues to sob into her shoulder.
“it’s my fault. it’s my fault em.”
it’s been about two weeks and percy still felt empty. the love his life left and there was nobody to blame but himself. why couldn’t he see the silent signs you were showing? why couldn’t he just listen to you that night? he swears that he’ll never forget the image of your heartbroken face. he was supposed to be the one drying your tears and here he was actually causing them.
he had tried contacting you by phone number, email, different social media dms but it was radio silent. tried going to your closes friends, seeing if they’ll talk but all he got was a door slam to the face. he was desperate to talk to you and reassure you that he was just angry. but that wouldn’t help because anger is not an excuse to talk to your loved one that way.
“okay percy, i love you dearly mate but you gotta stop mopping about,” georgie calls out to his friend. the boy also felt lost seeing as he was part of the reason too.
“i can’t.”
“yes you can.”
“i ignored the way you guys were treating her. i didn’t even know and it’s too late,” percy whispered feeling as if he talked any louder more memories of that night will continue to play in his head. georgie sighed and took a seat next to him on the other beanbag close to percy.
“i’m sorry. as your best friend, i felt that i was trying to protect your heart from her. but she wouldn’t even think about hurting you like that. now that i think of it, she never once even asked to be public and that shows a lot. i’m sorry that we didn’t give her a proper chance.”
“i get it but at the same time it was my own heart to protect. you guys could’ve talked to me and i would’ve told you all how much she’s loving. how much she means to me. y/n is my everything and i let that go over anger. i didn’t want to believe her and didn’t even think about taking it into consideration.”
“you should talk to her.”
“georgie, she didn’t even answer. she’s done with me.”
“just try again, yeah? but do it in person.”
percy knew exactly where to find you, you were at your parents house. when you guys moved in together, he learned quickly that you’ll go to their house if both of you needed to cool down. this was the last chance he had. he drives so fast that he almost crashed but he needed his lover back. once making it to the house, he gets out and starts pacing. what if you really were done? what if you slammed the door in his face? without another beat to miss, he knocks anxiously on the door.
“hi percy, was wondering when you were going to show up. she’s in her old room,” your mom steps to the side and let’s him enter.
she grabs his forearm, “make this right. i know you too love each other. don’t forget that.” percy nods his head and continues his walk to your room. with every step he took, he felt his heart beating faster. facing the door, he knocks softly.
“come in!” this was the first time he heard your voice in two week and his eyes start watering but he held it together. he walks into the door and his immediately meets yours. you saw your happy smile drop and watched you look away.
“what are you doing here?”
“i came to apologize. really apologize.” there’s a pregnant pause thinking if you really wanted to let him speak to you. but you knew that it was only hurting the both of you, if you didn’t actually talk it out.
“okay. close the door though.” percy nods and closes the door. he then leans on it because he was afraid of coming closer. he didn’t want to invade your space and make you uncomfortable. you had seen this and patted the spot next to you on the bed. with a small smile he complies and sat down still not sitting too close just in cause.
“sweetheart i’m sorry. i’m sorry i didn’t see those signs or the way my friends were treating you. i didn’t mean what i said and your feelings are not stupid. your feelings are completely valid. i wasn’t hearing you out that night but i’m listening now.” you sighed and looked up at him fiddling with your fingers.
“perc you really hurt me. imagine my surprise when my boyfriend who i’m so in love didn’t want to hear about how insecure i was. you crushed me saying that dating another celebrity, you wouldn’t have to deal with this.” he shuffles closer and hesitantly grabs one of your hands. you interlock your fingers together missing this warm feeling you got from him.
“baby i swear i didn’t mean it. i talked out of anger and i know that’s not an excuse. god, i could never replace you. there is nobody that i want to be with more than you.”
“how do you know that?” you felt a stray tear fall onto your cheek.
“i know because i’m madly in love with you. i know because there’s never gonna be someone that cares for me the way that you do. baby you have left your mark on my heart that can’t be undone,” he takes his free hand to wipe away your tears.
“i love you too percy. i don’t know if i really can forgive you fully,” percy drops his head and bites his lower lip. it was his fault that he was going to lose you right now.
“i fully respect that. i’m sorry and i know you deserve better,” he goes to stand up but you quickly get a hold on his wrist.
you couldn’t really hold back your smile, “you didn’t let me finish silly. i was going to say i’m willing to try and forgive you but it’s going to take some time.” percy smiles with tears falling down his face as well.
“take all the time you need. i’m in it for the long run,” he wraps his arms around you and places a kiss on your forehead. you nuzzled into his chest feeling more of that warmness he radiates.
“i missed you so much love,” you squeezed him a little tighter and began to sway you both back and forth.
“i missed you more than you know honey. more than you know.”
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Next to you | Jeno
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Jeno x Reader, best friends to lovers!au Word count:3976 Genre:fluff Warning:Jeno being jealous, dreamies teasing him a lot, mentions of jeno ripping his shirt in the dream show. Author:Maari  Note:Ok so I got stuck with this one and I don’t know why but it’s way cliche than I expected lol based on the song next to you by jordin sparks. Request:I wanted to ask if you could do something that includes Jeno being jealous...I don't know something like jealous bestfriend Jeno being super jealous because a dream member (or nct in general) is being too touchy or too close to you...him being "possesive"... Idk other details I left to your fabulous imagination. ⪢ NCT Masterlist  
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Y/N tried to contain her huge smile as she talked to Mark and Renjun about how Jeno had practically demanded them to stay in the room they were going to use to rehearse to wait for her.
He and Jaemin had lost in rock, paper and scissors and would pay for the food, they had gone to the restaurant closest to the building to buy it before Y/N even arrived, they had run into each other on the way so she still hadn't seen the best friend.
The sweaty palms and heart beating faster along with the butterflies in her stomach were normal, or so she thought. It had been a long time since she'd seen him in person, Jeno's busy schedule and the fact that she worked 8 hours a day had left no small space for them to meet even on weekends.
They talked every day to try to make up for what they missed on each other’s day but video calls and messages weren't enough. She missed watching Jeno play games on his computer when she was off duty, or when he came to visit her at home and played with her dog.
It made sense for the body to react that way, didn't it?
Of course, every minute she didn't take her eyes off the door, hoping he'd walk through it soon and finally be able to hold her tight like he always did after a long day. It was Friday, all she needed was a bear hug from him.
She had liked to hear that Mark had noticed that Jeno was looking forward to seeing her too, since the guy hadn't stopped texting her since she got off work.
But she felt her heart beat faster as the door opened and more voices echoed through the room as the rest of the group returned. Chenle and Haechan talking louder than usual and poor Jisung covering his ears while Jaemin and Jeno brought the bags.
She smiled kindly at them and when her eyes hovered over Jeno, saw his eyes practically disappear as he smiled in the way that made him extremely cute and that she had missed so much, he opened his arms to hug her and when he was close, Jaemin ran ahead and took Jeno's place.
Y/N laughed at the sight of Jaemin running and the way Jeno glared at him, but Jaemin wasn't the least bit worried about that as he hugged her tight.
"We're doing it on purpose." Jaemin spoke quietly to her and soon after walked away, being replaced by Haechan.
"We love to piss him off." spoke in the same tone as Jaemin and she laughed.
“Then you don't know why you get beaten, right?” she replied and when Haechan walked away, he winked.
When she went to hug Chenle, she saw Jeno putting a hand on his waist with a pout and waited, tapping his foot on the floor as if he were a child, his patience seemed to run out when Jisung's turn came.
“Alright, that's enough!” He spoke after going to the two of them and pulling the younger one away from Y/N's embrace. "It's my turn."
"But I didn’t-"
“Go away!" Jeno pushed Jisung away with forced calm and the boy left, confused. "Hey."
"Hey." Y/N laughed, shaking her head as if she couldn't believe the scene she'd seen.
Jeno approached and hugged her tightly, she reciprocated and closed her eyes for a few seconds for the sensation to properly welcome her. "You should go easy on them."
“I missed you more than all of them put together.” he complained and she smiled widely.
It was mutual.
Now, hugging him and feeling his body heat up close, she realized how much missed him on her most tiring days. It was as if Jeno was her private battery, he carried all her energy even with a single hug, he dissipated any bad feelings.
They moved away but Jeno didn't separate his body from hers, he kept his arm around her shoulders making her hug him around the waist as they approached the boys.
"Okay, let's go over it two more times and then we eat." Mark spoke and the boys nodded.
They had been practicing since early but she knew how perfectionists they were, they wouldn't stop training until they were sure they had reached the level they expected, even if it lasted all night.
And Y/N would wait, she was more than happy to be there, spending time with them made her happy.
Y/N walked away, heading towards the couch and the guys started to take their positions.
"Let’s go." Haechan spoke excitedly and in one quick movement took off the shirt he was wearing, leaving his chest exposed.
He tried to throw the shirt to Y/N, who was getting ready to sit on the couch, but Jeno was faster and grabbed the shirt while it was still in the air and threw it in his face.
“Put it on.” he ordered, gritting his teeth, and the boys shared their reactions.
Mark ran to hug Renjun while the two laughed, Chenle clapped her hands exaggeratedly laughing, Jisung looked at everything surprised and Jaemin was in shock but he had a smile on his face.
Y/N looked at everything astonished, she had seen Haechan shirtless before, that was no surprise, he used to do this when few people were in the room. She was surprised even with Jeno's sudden attitude.
“But I always practice like this.” Haechan complained after he took his shirt off his face, with a pout.
“I will record.” Jeno took his phone out of his pocket, seriously. "Unless you want me to post this later."
"Whoa, it wasn't until Y/N came back to our rehearsals that you went back to being no fun." Haechan spoke but put on the shirt anyway.
Jeno ignored Haechan and looked at Y/N, asking with his head for her to record, she smiled still looking at him suspiciously but went to him, taking the phone and going forward.
She turned on the camera and waited for everyone to catch their breath and their positions. Mark turned on the speaker that was in the corner on the floor and motioned for her to start recording.
The expressions of amusement changed to seriousness within seconds as the Glitch Mode beat started. Y/N didn't know if she focused on the phone screen or if she watched them dancing in front of her, the rehearsal was practically perfect as if that was the day of the performance and it wasn't like she could expect any less from them.
They had been waiting for a show with the 7 for so long that she knew how excited they were for it, Jeno had already commented several times how he wanted this experience to be epic, perfect. Apparently, they would give everything they had to make it that way.
They ended the first time and started talking, making some final considerations and Y/N took the opportunity to turn off the camera and sit on the floor still facing them, resting her chin on her hand while watching the conversation feeling her eyelids heavy, that's when her gaze met Jeno's. He looked at her worriedly, nodding as if silently asking if she was all right, causing her to nod slightly in agreement.
It didn't take long before they got back to rehearsing for the last time and all her attention went back to her best friend, he was tired it was notable. His eyes said the same thing as hers, that they urgently needed to rest. But that seemed to make him more determined to dance harder and he seemed to float on the floor, his serious and concentrated expression made Y/N feel a shiver run through her body every time his eyes met hers.
When they were done, breathing heavy and some resting their hands on their knees, Mark decided to end the rehearsal. They need to rest before the show and they had already gone over everything they were going to do
Jeno walked over and held out a hand to Y/N.
“Come on, sit on the couch, it's more comfortable.” he spoke and she reached out to take his hand.
"Besides, my ass must be square already." she spoke as stood up and Jeno laughed.
"There's nothing wrong with your ass." Jaemin's answer echoed through the room and Y/N turned to face him and noticed that not only Jaemin but all the guys were looking through the mirror behind her.
She had spoken in jest and Jaemin too, which was very common between them, being together did that with people but from Jeno's face, the joke hadn't been that funny.
He looked with the best ‘do you want to die?’ expression and stood behind Y/N as if to prevent any of them from looking through the mirror anymore and she controlled a laughter, doing so at that moment would surely make Jeno even angrier.
And while he was cute with that pout, she'd already seen his death glare and it wasn't quite what she wanted him to carry during the time they were eating.
They started to open the bags to share the food and Y/N followed, helping as much as she could and Jeno handed it to her.
"No spicy." he said and she smiled gratefully.
She didn't know why she was still surprised when he asked for food without being spicy, since she didn't like it, she always found the gesture so cute.
Y/N went to the couch and when she sat down, saw that Chenle, Haechan and Jisung were fighting to get the food in a hurry and watched as the three of them ran to sit next to her.
"Oh, you're crushing me." she complained but laughed anyway, Chenle and Jisung on either side of her while Haechan looked dissatisfied.
“I want to sit next to her too!” he whimpered but couldn't get the younger ones out, so he sat next to Chenle.
Y/N shook her head, finding it funny, and her gaze ended up meeting Jeno's who was staring at his friends next to her.
He still had a slight pout and an expression of not the least bit amused.
"You're acting like you've never been around a girl before." he said, rolling his eyes as approached Y/N and sat on the floor in front of her.
“But it’s not just any girl!” Haechan spoke, attracting Jeno's suspicious gaze. "It's Y/N!"
She frowned and took turns looking between the two who seemed to be talking mentally about something she didn't understand, Haechan had a raised eyebrow and was looking at Jeno as if to tease him, while he looked at him angrily, blinking more than he should as if to tell him to shut up. Y/N decided not to add more fuel to the fire and looked at Jisung who just shrugged his shoulders, Renjun, Mark and Jaemin approached, sitting on the floor like Jeno and started to eat.
“Are you going to the show, Y/N?” Renjun asked, after a long time of silence. Everyone was hungry, that's why no one spoke.
"Yes, I wouldn't miss this moment for anything." She replied, smiling proudly.
Mainly because she was so happy and proud of where they had come and it would be the only nights she would be able to see Jeno before his schedule got busy again. 
“Will Jeno take his shirt off again?” Chenle hummed and Y/N almost choked on her own saliva.
Ah, she remembered that day perfectly, as if it were yesterday.
She knew Jeno was so much more than his looks, he was good and kind and considerate. She wasn't his friend just because his face was perfectly drawn as if it had been sculpted by the gods.
But something inside her lit up when Jeno yelled 'make some noise' and ripped his shirt so hard she couldn't even blink because her eyes were so wide they didn't even move. Since then, even though he was wearing glasses and a sweatshirt, she couldn't get the image out of her head. In her eyes, Jeno was no longer the shy, introverted guy, she knew that on stage he transformed, but seeing her best friend's chest live had done something to her.
Like imagining certain things she never would have thought she would with her own best friend.
Well, ok maybe she had started to see the guy as a man instead of the cute boy she was used to? Probably.
She tried to hide the way she was disconcerted, looking at anyone other than Jeno and saw him out of the corner of her eye throw the chopsticks at Chenle forcefully, it was a retaliatory response but it did the exact opposite, Chenle started laughing out loud and Y/N realized there was something more to that teasing.
She looked at the guys, some were laughing along with Chenle and others were smiling as if they understood exactly what was happening, leaving her confused.
Chenle threw chopsticks at Jeno, who looked offended and challenged, and before it turned into a real war, Mark intervened.
"Okay, I think it's time for us to leave." he spoke when saw that everyone had already finished eating.
Everyone got up, helping to throw things in the trash and tidying the room the way they found it, Mark was the last to leave the room after turning off the light and the group started walking out of the building, Y/N and Jeno walked side by side in complete silence just listening to Haechan and Chenle's loud conversation.
She looked at her best friend suspiciously, it looked like he wanted to say something, his eyes kept looking for her out of the corner of his eyes but he didn't. She could feel Jeno's anxiety and it made her anxious too.
She said goodbye to everyone with a hug before they left the building and the only time Jeno said anything was before she got close to him to hug him too.
"I follow you." he spoke firmly but quietly and she nodded in response, suppressing a smile.
He always accompanied her home, no matter if they were far away or if he was tired.
"See you later." Mark spoke up.
Y/N and Jeno started walking in the opposite direction.
“Have fun, Jeno.” Haechan spoke after waving goodbye and Y/N frowned.
Jeno huffed but didn't respond, continuing to walk and Y/N quickened her pace as saw him go faster.
“Did I miss something?” she said as soon as they were away from the guys, already outside the building. "Is it just me or are they teasing you more than usual?"
"Don't care about them." he replied through gritted teeth and she knew he was angry.
Y/N realized that Jeno didn't want to prolong the subject and stayed silent, walking beside him feeling that something was wrong, out of place.
Well, Jeno wasn't chatty, sometimes the two of them just stood close to each other in silence because it was comforting but not this time. It was uncomfortable, it felt like a wall was between them and it was horrible.
She trusted Jeno and knew he trusted her too, so why weren't they talking about what was going on?
Why did Jeno have an extremely cute pout and why did she feel the need to kiss him?
Many questions went through her head and the way to her apartment went like this, in silence as she tightened the strap of the bag she was carrying and Jeno kept his hands inside his pants pockets.
They stopped in front of the lobby and she turned to face Jeno, uncertain. He had something in his eyes that told her this night shouldn't be over, not like this.
“I washed that sweatshirt of yours that stayed with me about 6 months ago.” she said, playing with her fingers. "Do you want to go up to get it?"
She saw Jeno struggle and looked away, biting the inside of her cheek, waiting for an answer.
Jeno always went up, if he was thinking about refusing it was because something was wrong.
"Alright." he replied quietly and Y/N just nodded as the silence now became awkward.
She went ahead, feeling Jeno behind her and things got even worse inside the elevator. She busied herself looking for the house key in her purse but felt Jeno looking at her longer than he usually did.
Once they got to the floor and she opened the apartment door, she saw that Jeno was waiting for her to go ahead, so she walked in kicking off her shoes and putting her bag on the couch as she walked into the living room.
"I'll be right back!" she spoke without looking at him and stormed off to the bedroom, not giving him a chance to respond or say 'make yourself comfortable' like she always did.
But she didn't think she needed to, that was Jeno, he was always comfortable in her house.
She felt her cheeks burn when saw that Jeno's sweatshirt was on her bed, some nights she had taken the piece of clothing to sleep, Jeno's perfume was still strong in the sweatshirt even though she had washed it and it seemed that was all she had to calmed the whirlwinds of thoughts that appeared when she went to sleep.
She left the room clutching the sweatshirt in her hands, thanking Jeno for not going after her or else he would see that she used the sweatshirt as a teddy bear but when she returned to the living room, he wasn't there.
She frowned and heard a bark, followed by Jeno's voice, she smiled and went to the kitchen, seeing Jeno from the back as he stroked the head of her dog that was in the separate area for him, the small grate wouldn't let him jump on Jeno so it just stood up to get the boy's affection.
Seeing the owner, he barked once more and that made Jeno turn around, sighing sadly.
“Your sweatshirt.” she held out with a shy smile and he mirrored her reaction, taking a few steps towards Y/N, taking the sweatshirt from her hands making their fingers meet for mere seconds.
"Thanks." he answered so quietly she had to strain to hear.
“Jeno, what is it?” she asked, crossing her arms and staring at him steadily. “You're so quiet and you look like you want to say something. You know you can tell me anything, don't you?”
He nodded but the eyes didn't meet hers, he kept his eyes fixed on the sweatshirt he was holding.
“So what happened?”
Jeno took a deep breath, lifting his head and looking into Y/N's eyes, who were looking at him expectantly.
"I missed you."
Y/N felt her shoulder give out. So that was why he was acting that way?
“I did too.”
“No, Y/N.” he laughed humorlessly, shaking his head, set the sweatshirt on the kitchen counter and approached her. Taking her by surprise, he brought both hands up to her face and made her unable to look away into his dark eyes. “I really missed you.”
Y/N felt her entire body tingle at the same time her stomach churned. It wasn't her imagination, it didn't seem like her imagination.
Jeno's soft voice carried something she hadn't seen before, it was more than affection, much more than friendship.
“You asked me if you missed anything because the guys were teasing me more than usual.” she just nodded silently. "I wanted you to know how much you mean to me, but I can't say it without sounding silly."
Y/N felt her heart speed up, it was beating so fast that she started to get scared that Jeno might hear.
"Say what?"
“I got jealous, okay?” he admitted and Y/N felt her jaw drop. “The way the boys were hugging you, looking at you, getting next to you. I wanted to be next to you. You don't know how many sleepless nights I spent just thinking about that moment, when I would finally meet you again after so long and they knew it.”
Y/N was in shock, not because he admitted the guys were teasing him on purpose but because he talked about exactly what had happened to her in the last few months that she couldn't see him in person.
Two, three, four, five o'clock in the morning and she couldn't sleep thinking about him. What would it be like when they hugged each other again since every time she thought of him she felt like her heart was going to come out of her mouth, what would she say to him without looking like a fool.
That's why, every time she needed to sleep cuddled with his sweatshirt, but in fact she really wanted to sleep cuddled with him.
“I wanted to hit Jaemin when he talked about your ass.” Y/N laughed at Jeno's serious expression, it must have looked scary but he was so cute. "I don't want anyone staring at your ass but me." She raised her eyebrow and Jeno closed his eyes, his cheeks turning red. "It wasn't supposed to sound so possessive."
“So you stare?” she asked, smirking and he opened his eyes, confused. "At my ass."
Jeno's eyes responded, the way they glowed was the confirmation she so desperately needed.
It wasn't in her head, he was looking at her the same way she was looking at him then.
"I thought we were friends." she started to speak and Jeno's face tensed but she smiled slightly, taking a hand to Jeno's who was still holding her face. “But I wanted more. I was so nervous when I called you, I don't know, it felt like I was going to collapse every time I heard your voice.” she laughed and Jeno smiled, his face calmer now. "And I held on to your sweatshirt every night like you were here, it sounds really corny talking out loud but it's the truth."
Y/N raised her head, in a clear sign for what she wanted, Jeno touched their foreheads and also the noses, the two closed their eyes at the same moment and Jeno advanced, capturing her lips slowly and Y/N grabbed the his shoulder as if she needed it to keep herself upright, with the movement Jeno took the opportunity to take a hand to her waist and hug her with possession, as if keeping her clinging to him was all he needed. And indeed it was.
The kiss continued at the same pace, neither of them seemed to want to rush things, feel the taste and sensations they had dreamed of for months, the way their warm, wet lips molded perfectly.
Y/N gasped easily, cuddled against Jeno's warm body and his hand was still on her cheek directing where her head should go.
They pulled away but they were still very close, so much so that Y/N felt Jeno's lips brush hers as he smiled through his heavy breathing. Still without opening her eyes, she took the opportunity to put her arms around his neck and hug him tightly, afraid that he would leave, Jeno reciprocated, practically making the girl lose herself in his warm and cozy embrace.
"Now you can hold on me." he replied close to her ear, placing a quick kiss on her neck.
She smiled, feeling accomplished. She was finally where she wanted to be, next and in Jeno's arms.
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maislovebot · 9 months
Top 10 bsd characters oral scenarios: Francis Scott-Key
Welcome to the chapter of my 4th fav Fitzy:3
Contains: afab reader, no pronouns, fuck me till I forget trope, overstim, they’re married and have a kid, silly, reader is 30-35, some au where reader takes Zelda’s place and their daughter isn’t dead but he’s somehow still attacking the ADA??, idk just imagine he goes against them for a different but still noble reason, domestic, vaginal fingering, praise kink, come eating, overstim, p in v at the end, service top Francis
Everything seemed to be going wrong lately. Your beloved daughter was struggling with her school work, even though Francis had hired the best tutors available. You didn’t mind helping her with her homework, in fact you enjoyed the bonding time, but it was like talking to a wall a majority of the time.
Let’s not even get started on work. While the Guild wasn’t technically your group, you were practically the co-leader, as to be expected of Francis’ wife. Some members were beginning to show some hostility towards Francis, especially one specific farm boy, and it was getting tiring. You knew he wouldn’t ever actually harm Francis, as he was the man in charge of his payroll, but it was still exhausting.
Technically speaking, Francis is powerful enough to just punch John's lights out if he ever became too much of a threat, but you knew Francis couldn’t do that. As vain as he may seem, he is fiercely loyal to any and all members of the Guild, even Lucy who got kicked out some time ago. She was no longer a member, but she was still receiving many of the benefits, along with a new payroll from some coffee shop near the Armed Detective Agency’s office. And if worse comes to worse, she would still be allowed back with open arms if anything were to get too difficult for her, or if she was dealing with an ongoing threat.
Pretty much, she was still a member, but she wasn’t doing any of the dirty work anymore. Francis claimed he simply couldn’t bear to let her go out there all alone, which you understood. Lucy was a delight after all. She was polite, and honestly quite fun to be around. If you were younger, you could see yourself being genuine friends with her. You agreed to continue giving Lucy a payroll, under the condition that if she ever betrayed the Guild, all those remaining assets would be cut off.
To sum it up, things weren’t going very smoothly at the moment. You knew this would all pass once everything with the Armed Detective Agency passed, but as of right now..
You were stressed. Very stressed.
You haven't confided in Francis with your feelings, as you could tell he already had a lot on his plate. If you were stressed, you can’t even fathom how nervous he must be right now. The succession of this mission will result in either prosperity, or the end of the Guild as a whole if he doesn’t play his cards right.
Even among all this stress, Francis still managed to make time for you and your daughter to eat dinner every night at the luxurious dinner table.
“Francis, I’m sorry I didn’t make dinner tonight, I’m incredibly tired. At least the chef is available.” You apologized, as you normally make dinner, even if you don’t need to. He has over thirty-five chefs working under him, it’s a nice hobby though, so you make dinner. Francis says that even if it’s not professional grade, it has a home-esque feeling no other chef has been able to replicate.
“Don’t apologize, dear. Everyone needs a break sometimes.”
Francis brought his hand to your knee, and rubbed circles along it. His hand trailed up a little, just enough to tease, but he quickly pulled away as your daughter bursted through the door, presumably finished with her tutoring.
“Hey, sweetie. Have you finished your homework?”
She nodded boldly.
“Alright..tell me three things you learned. You’re studying ecosystems, correct?”
“Mhm!” She nodded again.
You gave her a look she knew all too well.
“Alright, well then, tell me three things you learned.”
Francis looked at you knowingly, knowing all too well she was having problems processing the information given to her.
“Uhhh..I learned about..precipitation?”
“Wasn’t that last unit?” You chuckled.
She looked to the floor, defeated.
Well, that’s a dead topic.
“Alright. I’ll quiz you again tomorrow, but you better remember something in that big head of yours!” You knocked her head gently and she frowned.
“Alright, I’ll try, I promise!”
As much of a face as you were putting on, you were beyond stressed. You were worried about her test scores. Even if she was only in fifth grade, she is going to a private school. Grades work differently there. Anything below a B- and you legally have to retake the class. What’s even the point of all the other grades, then? you wonder. Private school nonsense, is the answer you come to.
Just as you were about to let out an accidental sigh, you were cut off by the chef walking in with a large tray with dinner on it, along with a dessert (mainly for you and your daughter, as Francis preferred simplicities like tea). Francis, however, noticed your cut off sigh, and raised an eyebrow at you, unbeknownst to you. He decided to put it aside for now, and he looked at the plate of food in front of him, along with the cup of tea that was brought to him while he wasn’t looking.
“This looks good!” Francis looked at your daughter and pet her almost like a dog before grabbing her cheek gently, making her frown.
“Right, doll?” Francis questioned your daughter, obviously teasing her.
“Dad!” She yelled out, “I’m not a little kid anymore! I’m ten!”
He raised his hands in the air.
“Alright, alright. It does look good though right?”
She nodded furiously, before grabbing her fork and digging in enthusiastically. You and Francis chuckled, and when you made eye contact, he made a knowing look to you, before you two were cut off.
Your daughter swallowed her bite of food, holding her pointer finger in the air.
“Yum! Alright, so my friends want to sleepover at their house tonight, if that’s okay with you two.”
You looked at her quizzically.
“Which friends?”
“The two sisters.”
Ah, they were good kids. It was only five pm, and she did have her homework done, even if she didn’t remember any of it. It was also a weekend.
And of course, there was Francis. Considering the looks he was giving you, you could tell he wanted something out of you, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t dying to find out what. You were even rubbing your thighs together once he had teased you earlier.
“Alright. You can. But you have to promise you’ll study at their house.”
Once you agreed, Francis smiled and placed his hand on your knee again, although it was rather innocent this time.
“Yes! I’ll call and let them know!” She ran off to her bedroom, before remembering one vital detail.
“Mom.. can I use your phone to call them?”
And now you and Francis were home alone, the only other company being the housekeepers packing up to return home for the day, and they’d be gone any minute.
You and Francis were going steady, with you straddling atop of him and kissing him deeply, ruffling his well kept hair with your hands. Although it was fairly innocent right now, you couldn’t ignore the strain you could feel against your crotch as you straddled him. Just as he couldn’t ignore how you were grinding up against his erection with each passing moment.
“Please, Francis.” You pulled away from his lips.
“Please what?” He teased.
“Please give me more.”
Francis nodded, and began to fondle your chest, rubbing circles along your nipples, pushing you over so you were now on your back with him above you. He trailed his hand down till he was prodding at your underwear, pulling it aside. You were only in your bra and panties now, and he was only in his button up shirt and boxers. So it wasn’t exactly difficult.
He pushed his middle finger inside your cunt, and he quickly moved his finger up to curl against your g-spot. When he dragged his fingers you trembled slightly and whined, making Francis chuckle.
“Looks like you needed this.”
Francis added another finger and thrusted inside faster, feeling you tighten around him. He smiled at your reactions, and kissed your forehead.
“You look stunning like this.”
He added another finger, and curled his fingers up to your g-spot harsher, and as he fucked you on the majority of his hand. Your eyes rolled back from all the intense feelings and you gripped the bedsheets. You gripped his wrist to keep him in place, aware of how much of a tease he could be at times. Francis chuckled, his voice riveting and vibrating against your skin. You couldn’t hold on anymore, and you let go of his wrist.
“Ah, close—I’m close..”
Francis sped up his movement, using his thumb to press your clit and rub circles against it. You arched your back up into his body and you finally came. The loud cry you let out went right to Francis’ ego and he got even harder than before, continuing to rub along your clit, slowing down his movements with his fingers. Allowing you to calm down from your high. Once your body relaxed and your orgasm died down, he pulled his fingers out of you and he licked his fingers clean before leaning down to kiss you again, making you taste yourself on his tongue.
“God, I can’t get enough of you.” Francis said once he pulled away, looking at your breathless face. Francis began to pull down your underwear, smiling at the small gasp you let out from your sensitivity.
Once he pulled your underwear down he continued feeling up your clit, relishing in the way you whined into his mouth as he kissed you. He needed this so bad. He was so tired, and you were proving to be a perfect stress reliever, even if he wasn’t getting all that much stimulation. He reached behind your back with his free hand and undid your bra, pulling it off your shoulders. You turned your head away from him, feeling a little shy. Which Francis wasn’t having at all. He gripped your chin with his dominant hand and looked into your eyes and kissing you yet again.
You were great at comforting him, but he was growing desperate for something that would help the ache on his hard on, so he straddled your thigh and started grinding against it like some teenager. He in turn whined into your mouth and groped you with his free hand. So much was going on at once, all you could do was grip his waist, wrapping your arms around him tenderly.
He was rubbing soft circles into your clit while leaning over you, helping you reach your absolutely ecstatic orgasm, your entire body practically giving out, with the only function left for your body to offer being to arch your back into him. The arching of your back brought your chest closer to him, and he almost instantly began licking at your chest at the opportunity.
It felt amazing, but it sent a wave of shock down your body and you jolted your back down into the bed, forcing his lips to detach from your chest.
“Are you okay?” He asked, looking up at your face with worry and regret covering his eyes completely, although he still had that iconic smile on his face
“No—no, it feels great, I’m just sensitive there as is, you going at it right after I come is..” You weakly got out, hoping that despite your underwhelming, tired tone you would get your point across.
That reassurance went straight to his ego, resulting in an aroused jolt (as if he wasn’t already painfully hard) on his end this time.
“Damn—I love you, s-so much—I want to—”
He didn’t even manage to finish his sentence before he was moving himself down between your thighs like a man starved. He tentatively licked at your clit and hole. It hurt a little because it was immediately after your orgasm, but it also felt phenomenal. It felt so good in fact that you rode yourself onto his face briefly before he took a hold on your hips.
“There’s no need to fuck my face, I’ll give you everything you want.”
And oh God did he keep his promise. He noticed how you were desperate for more tension, and pressed his tongue inside your hole as much as he was physically capable, stretching it out as far as he could reach. His thrusts with his tongue were emphasized by the way he tightened his grip on your hips, as he pulled your pussy onto his face as much as possible. Your legs were spread pretty far, considering how his head was separating your thighs, but it soon didn’t matter as you simply wrapped your thighs around his head.
You bucked your hips into his face, allowing his tongue to reach even deeper, and you cried out at your own movements. Francis’ thrusts of his tongue were driving you crazy, and you were starting to really forget about all the problems going on.
You didn’t have to worry about dinner right now, or tucking your daughter into bed, work was out of your mind, and all that you had to focus on was the miraculous way Francis worked with his tongue. No more stress today, Francis was going to make sure of that.
Francis was doing wonders with his tongue, kissing your clit whenever you whined particularly loud. He held your hips down with force, keeping you exactly where he wanted you. He kissed and licked at your clit, taking breaks every so often to kiss and nibble your thighs, it was sweet but you were going crazy with the way he’d switch from eating you out like his life depended on it to tenderly kissing your thighs, and in order to lock his head in place you gripped his hair, messing it up more than it already was from his rather stressful day. He throbbed at your actions and began licking and sucking your clit with even more determination. He moved his right hand up and put two fingers inside of you, curling them towards your g-spot, making you let out a loud whine and finally come all over his face.
You breathed heavily and slowly loosened the grip on his hair before letting go entirely, resting your arms on the bed.
Francis was known for being a man with a lot of self control, but he was absolutely desperate at this point and saved no time in kissing you quickly before pulling his pants down and lining himself up with your currently recovering heat.
“Wait.. Francis, I gotta recover.”
“Please, Dear. You can handle just a little more, just for me right?”
You nodded, unable to resist him. He treated you so well, he should get what he wants as soon as possible, right? You pulled him down by the shoulders and unbuttoned his dress shirt, his tie already long gone. By the time you were done taking off his shirt, he was already halfway inside of you, making you whine and tremble, and the buttons more difficult to undo.
Francis asked if you could handle a ‘little more’, but by the time he was done you were practically passed out. He went at it for such a longtime, you distinctly remember seeing white everytime you came. It was a strangely comforting feeling to fall asleep to. It almost felt airy, despite the aching pain in your hips from him gripping them so hard as he thrust himself into you. It felt like you were going to some second heaven, and it made you fall asleep with a clear head.
You fell asleep in Francis’ arms, holding him tight as he rested his head on yours, not having a care in the world.
You fell asleep with a smile on your face.
Wc - 2.6k
Omg we’re in top three territory now!! Ango will be next:)
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lettersfromaphrodite · 11 months
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― pairing : Minho x fem! reader ― content warnings : angst, smut, fluff, vampire au, mentions of blood, medieval settings, reader is a vampire hunter, Minho is a vampire, unprotected sex (wrap it up y’all) ― word count : 5,864
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix
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Being a vampire hunter not only was some families’ tradition, but some even claimed it was written in their blood as well.
Generation after generation, they were raised not only to fight vampires, but also to hate them with every fiber of their being. Obviously, you weren’t any different.
Raised as one of the most promising hunters, you have always managed to hide all your emotions behind a neutral and apparently detached expression, ignoring your victims pleas about being repentant about their ruthless actions.
«Vampires don’t deserve sympathy.» that’s what you’ve been taught: men and women which willingly decided to defy the rules of nature and life itself, yearning for immortality and therefore killing innocent people in order to feast on their blood.
That’s how you’ve lived your life so far, sharing a small, humble and cosy cottage with your friend Jarette, a hunter as well; since you and Jarette had always considered each other sisters and often worked together in our missions, you were rather surprised to know that the town’s Guild wanted you to go on a mission alone.
The mission didn’t seem particularly difficult: apparently, a group of vampires was not only the culprit of numerous murders, but also responsible for a significant numbers of theft.
Essentially, your mission consisted in patrolling the house of one of the richest families; to all the hunters to whom the mission had been entrusted, they had consequently been entrusted with different houses to be guarded for the duration of the night.
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Quietly humming to yourself a song you heard few nights ago from some wandering musicians, you finished smearing salt on the marble floor, creating a perfect circle; it was the only thing that could keep vampires and other demonic entities away. With a satisfied nod, you turned towards the woman and the little kid she was protectively hoisting in her arms.
«As long as we’ll stand inside the circle, we’ll be fine.» you smiled, and the woman simply nodded at you, carefully lifting her dress enough not to smear the salt and ruin the continuity of the circle.
«If…» the woman started, only to immediately interrupt herself; she lowered her gaze on the floor, as if she was carefully choosing her next words, «Please, if anything happens, promise me you’ll at least save my son.» tightening your jaw, you nodded, used to these kind of promises.
For you, it was definitely the worst part of the job: making empty promises. Despite the fact that you somehow silently guaranteed her son’s safety, you weren’t in the position to do that.
No one ever knew how many vampires would have showed up, if they did; they could either show up alone, or with a backup. This was one of the main risks of your job, but still, you – and the other hunters, knew that it was the only way to tranquillize people.
A disturbing noise coming from the wide window on your left caught your attention, you instinctively flinched in discomfort, the noise seeming as if someone was scratching the glass; immediately, the little boy threw his arms around his mother, which leaned closer to your frame.
As fast as the noise started, it stopped, and you furrowed your brows, forcing yourself to take slow and deep breaths as you stood with a short dagger in your hand, waiting for the vampire’s next move. You were nervous, but you couldn’t give it away; even if you were used to vampires’ attempt to scare their preys, you still didn’t know when they would have attacked. It was somehow a psychological game, and you hated it.
The silence was deafening, and it was as if you could mark time with the beating of your heart; few seconds later, the window shattered in a billion pieces, and you noticed with horror how some of the broken glass fragments managed to destroy the salt circle.
«Oh, I hate when they do this!» you screamed to yourself, before quickly instructing the woman o hide in the wardrobe behind the two of you, «If anybody other than me opens that door, stab them.» you added, handing her a short knife you kept in your left boot, before giving her a quick push on her back; the wardrobe’s door closed and you immediately turned around, focusing your attention elsewhere since the wardrobe had an internal lock, meaning that she and her son should have been safe for a while.
The hate you felt towards vampire was also fueled by how fast they could move; even if you had been fighting for who knows how long, you hated to admit that once it came to physical fights, hunters didn’t stand a chance against vampires. The vampire was alone, and he easily towered over you. He was undoubtedly strong, and constantly looking at you as if you were food; the mockery you read in his eyes made you nervous and even angrier. You hated to admit it, but you were starting to lose concentration due to the fact that he was managing to get under your skin due to the fact that he kept countering your attacks, as if he could read your mind.
Panic pervaded your senses as the vampire roughly disarmed you with a quick movement and pinned you against the wall, hands around your throat in the unmistakable attempt to kill you in a slow and painful way; however, much to your surprise, it didn’t last too long.
The vampire let go of you due to the fact that he was being roughly yanked back by another boy, which didn’t waste time to stab him in his stomach, before tying his wrists with what looked like silver handcuffs; desperately catching your breath, you wondered if he was a hunter as well.
“I don’t thing he’s a hunter from the village,” you thought, “I never saw him before.”
«You’re lucky I was passing by, little one.» the boy spoke, and turned towards you.
«You’re one of them.» you spat, your voice coming out a little bit rougher due to the fact that you’ve almost been choked to death, his bright red eyes burning into yours.
«I don’t like being compared to this mud of insignificant misfits.» he said in a despising tone, using the tip of his leather boot to move the other vampire’s head which was still lying on the floor, unconscious.
Before you could question him further, he appeared in front of you and kneeled in order to look at you a little closely. Much to your dismay, you had to admit that the boy in front of you was so handsome he was almost otherworldly; big doe eyes were burning in a crimson colour, his hair were as black as a starless night and neatly styled so that it framed his delicate face, and his lips were plump and rosy – they undoubtedly looked kissable but you didn’t want to admit that to yourself yet.
«Checking out the enemy, I see?» he raised an eyebrow with a smug grin, and you felt your cheeks heathen in shame.
«Shut up.» you spat through gritted teeth, wanting to push him away from you but also completely aware that you couldn’t do much when you were confronting a vampire while unarmed; the boy chuckled, before reaching towards your neck with his left hand, which was enveloped by a leather black glove.
«It seems our goal is the same,» his voice was suddenly low and husky, and he blatantly ignored how you instinctively flinched away from his touch, «we’ll see each other again.» all it took for him was to touch a particular spot behind your neck, and your world went black.
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Six months passed from your first encounter with the handsome vampire – Minho, and it pained you to admit how many times he actually saved you from certain death – despite the fact that you were one of the best hunters in your village.
Tonight was pretty much the same; contrarily to the expectations, the vampire showed up with a back up, and you had to face three vampires by yourself.
With a quick movement, you spun on your heels while lightly throwing in mid air the dagger you held with your right hand just to grab it with your left hand and try to stab the vampire while breathing a pained groan; earlier, one of his companions had clawed at your side, leaving you exposed, bleeding and suffering.
Somehow, you managed to take the vampire in front of you by surprise, stabbing him in the heart with your silver dagger; you fell forwards, placing your hands on your knees in the effort of balancing yourself as you were panting, your chest rapidly moving in the desperate attempt to keep up with your ragged breath. You didn’t know how you managed to take down a group of three vampires while being completely alone, but you were glad you could make it out alive with few injuries.
As you were about to collect your dagger, you heard an impressed whistle coming from behind you, accompanied with a slow clap of hands; you quickly spun around once again, just to recognize a very familiar figure.
«Minho.» you spat, taking your eyes off of him to finally collect your dagger and clean it using the vampire’s jacket.
«Little one,» he raised an eyebrow, smiling at you, «I’m impressed.» he stared to walk towards you, and before you could come up with a sarcastic retort, he cut you off, «Impressed at how you didn’t realise I saved your pretty ass once again.» you furrowed your brows, watching Minho tilt his head towards one of the vampire’s corpses on the floor; you got the hint, and immediately walked towards it. 
Once again, much to your dismay, Minho covered your back while you were distracted, since you obviously didn’t have the habit to claw at vampires’ necks before stabbing them.
«I can do my job by myself.» you said through gritted teeth, and Minho simply chuckled, confidently walking next to you.
«Yeah?» he said, glancing at the wound on your side; you saw his red eyes glimmer with a different emotion, and you had to advert your gaze and stand up, putting a little bit of distance between the two of you.
For a start, Minho was a vampire – a noble from what you’ve heard, and you were a vampire hunter; you didn’t know what made the both of you refrain from killing each other, you just knew that more than once, Minho had intervened in order to help you in your tasks.
«Vampires chase criminals as well, little one.» he had said once, «you shouldn’t interfere with our authorities too much, I can’t always play as your guardian angel.» it has been his justification for its continuous appearing out of nowhere to defend you, sometimes bringing unconscious vampires with them, and some other times simply settling for killing them as soon as he got the opportunity. 
Minho puzzled you; he never tried to hurt you, nor to get in your way. Even if you didn’t want to admit it out loud, he proved himself to be a great help, despite the fact that he kept teasing you about your “poor hunters skills”.
Another thing was the fact that between the two of you was an undeniable sexual tension; you lost count of the times where Minho had pinned you against the wall while keeping an unbothered expression and a satisfied grin just to prove that «you need to train more than this, if you want to win against me», and you lost count of the times where the two of you were so close that you were about to kiss. 
Probably, due to your status, no one dared to do the first step; giving in to you mutual lust would have meant that one of you had to irremediably give up something, and for sure, that someone would have been you.
«Then treat your wound before it gets infected, little one.» Minho simply added, before vanishing in thin air.
«Were there more than one vampire or is your boyfriend into some kinky things?» Jarette chuckled to herself as she was cleaning and disinfecting the wound on your side.
«He’s not my boyfriend,» you immediately scoffed, «he’s a stupid vampire.» you clarified, and she chuckled once again, not giving you an actual answer.
Jarette was the only one you trusted enough to tell what was going on; of course, just like you, she had been wary and cautious about Minho at first,but eventually her opinion started to change.
«Maybe, some of them are good?» Jarette had said one rainy evening, while the both of you were busy cleaning your weapons.
«Jarette,» you immediately cut her sentence, placing the dagger you were holding on the table, «do you realize that what you just said goes against what we’ve been taught since we were children?» with a sad smile and a somehow troubled expression, she nodded, refusing to meet your gaze.
«Does it scare you?» she asked, her short knife long forgotten on the table as she was busy playing with her fingers in a nervous way, «The idea of being wrong and therefore having killed innocent people scares me, a lot.»
«It scares me, too.» you hesitantly admitted.
Since then, the two of you never actually brought up the topic again, but Jarette apparently found hilarious the idea of teasing you about your relationship with Minho.
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“The night is dark and full of terrors”, you had been taught, but nonetheless you often ended up training alone in your back garden, your ragged breath and the sound of the steel knives sinking into the various training mannequins were the only sounds in the silence of the night.
«Now I know why you can’t fight.» an amused voice mumbled against your ear, and before you could turn around and point your dagger at him, Minho had effortlessly blocked your wrists next to your waist.
«What are you doing here?» you whispered back, nervously looking around; you knew that no one could have seen the two of you since your back garden was safely hidden from indiscreet eyes, but you could never be sure about something like that. After all, Minho was a vampire, and you were a vampire hunter.
«I actually came here with a very specific purpose,» Minho nodded to himself before furrowing his eyebrows, «But that can wait…» you let him take your dagger from your hand, only to gently place it at the mannequin’s feet. Minho walked back until he was standing in front of you, both his hands behind his back; you quizzically stared at him, wondering why he was acting so weird all of a sudden.
«Show me what you’ve got,» he said, «let’s fight.» his eyes were glimmering in the dark, and you scoffed, not bothering to voice your actual answer; after all, you’d never refuse an opportunity to physically fight the boy which was so incredibly talented at getting on your nerves. As you quickly raised your leg in an attempt to kick him, he effortlessly blocked it, harshly gripping on your ankle.
«Didn’t work,» Minho shrugged, almost mocking you, «try again.»
«My, my, little one. I’m starting to think you’re doing it on purpose.» Minho whispered as he had pinned you on the floor yet another time; it didn’t matter how many times you and him had been fighting, it didn’t matter how many times you did your best to catch him by surprise and tackle him down, in the end, you’d end up pinned on the floor, Minho either sitting on your stomach or some other times with his body pressed flush against yours.
While you were struggling to catch your breath, Minho looked like he didn’t even break a sweat, his hair being slightly dishevelled was the only hint that could give away the fact that you had been fighting.
«Yeah, you wish.» you didn’t know the exact reason why you were on the defensive every time he provoked you, but you were determined to absolutely not give away the fact that you found him attractive.
«Who knows,» Minho winked with a smile, before letting go of your wrists, leaning back so that he was once again sitting on your stomach, «there’s a group of newborn on the run, they’re probably headed towards your village.» Minho suddenly said while getting up, somehow signalling your training was over. 
Furrowing your brows, you propped yourself on your elbows, the faint light of the approaching dawn colouring both the two of you and the landscape with warm colours.
«Why did you come all the way here to warn me?» you questioned, watching as Minho had started to walk away from you. 
«Don’t get hurt.» he simply answered, before lifting his hand in mid air in a hint of a wave, and vanishing in thin air. 
Could it be that he was worried for you?
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Jarette wasn’t home, her mission wanted her to spend a whole week at the Capital, thing which not only allowed you to have the house for yourself, but also to think.
During the past days you’ve had thought so much about Minho that you were about to have a headache, your thoughts gradually getting louder to the point where you couldn’t stand the sound of your own voice overthinking everything.
The truth was, you were busy both focusing your hatred towards the vampires you were hunting and both keeping up your silly rivalry with Minho that you didn’t realize you might have developed feelings for him. But, how could you develop feelings for someone who you didn’t even know?
In the past months you had seen him almost daily, and despite he had never said anything about himself which weren’t essential informations, you knew that he meant no harm. 
After all, Minho had countless opportunities to kill you, if he wanted to; however, he never did, not even during the few times you trained together. Minho was always careful to you, actually praising you every now and then and also explaining few – pretty much dishonest, tricks to disarm your opponent, along with some other things you had never been taught from your teachers.
No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t bring yourself to despise the other’s presence.
Night arrived rather fast, and Minho didn’t hesitate to show up; he didn’t look particularly concentrated, and judging by the dark circles under his glimmering red eyes, you deduced he was probably hungry. Taking advantage of the situation, your training didn’t last too long, since you didn’t hesitate to clasp his wrists together with silver chains.
As you walked in circles around him, Minho stood motionless, the fact that you managed to handcuff him was outrageous; you knew that he was following your movements with his eyes, not bothering to turn his head anytime you walked behind him.
«Who’s the weak one, now?» you asked as you came to a stop in front of him, your eyes shifting from his eyes to his lips. Minho simply rolled his eyes, thankful about the fact that the silver handcuffs weren’t actually hurting him, since they were hanging loosely around his wrists which were covered by the leather of his gloves.
«Are you planning on turn me in?» Minho asked, knitting his eyebrows in doubt, not doing anything to hide the fact that he would have been sad about your meetings coming to an end. Truth was, you would have never done something like that; you knew what the hunters did to the vampires they managed to capture and you absolutely didn’t want for Minho to witness any of it. 
As you looked into his eyes, you realized that the nature of your feelings towards him was a haze that slowly began to dissipate; your gaze was fixed on his delicate features as the tip of your short dagger traced his jaw with a feather touch, and Minho closed his eyes with a sigh, not immune to the sting of the silver blade against his delicate features.
«I don’t know,» you admitted, «should I?» Minho’s gaze didn’t falter from yours, and if you were to be honest, you underestimated the situation; you thought that looking into his eyes would have been the same as any other day and you didn’t consider that you would feel your heartbeat suddenly quicken. 
Honestly, you wondered if all it took you for realize the nature of your feelings for Minho was such a simple yet fundamental question: were you willing to protect him?
Never once you had mentioned his existence to the other hunters – beside Jarette, and so, deep down, you knew you already had your answer for a while; actually, the answer you’ve been looking for has always been there, but you had simply refused to acknowledge it. 
Minho could hear the wild rhythm of your heart and somehow, it was as if he could hear your thoughts as well. Slowly, you took another step towards him, so that there was no more space between the two of you; hesitantly, you stood on your tiptoes, your lips brushing against Minho’s in a shy attempt of a kiss, as if you were testing the waters between the two of you.
Minho’s eyes were as wide as the moon, staring at you like he couldn’t believe if what happened was real or not; the secret hope that you would have stopped hunting people from his kind was as alive as ever in his heart, now mixed with the even more secret hope that you’d end up choosing him instead of your own kind.
Timidly, you adverted your gaze, misinterpreting Minho’s silence as a refusal; however, Minho was quick to trap you between his arms with a quick movement of his handcuffed hands, the silver chain now pressing on your lower back and pulling you to his body.
«Was that supposed to be your answer?» Minho’s voice was gentle; a sweet whisper against your skin, a stark contrast to the other times where he mocked you in the past; you were trapped, he was using the chain connecting the handcuffs to pull you body flush against his, and as you placed your hands on his chest, you realized that even if you could have chosen anywhere to be, you would have probably chosen the exact place where you were now. 
Before you could actually nod, Minho captured your kiss in a passionate kiss which you immediately returned, and shortly after, you found yourself pinned against he wall of your house, Minho’s lips kissing you with the same fervour as if he had been anticipating this moment for centuries. You felt a brief sting on your lower lip, before Minho started to suck on it with a soft and yet satisfied sigh; as you felt the bitter taste of blood on your tongue, you realized that he was sneakily feeding from you. 
The chain of the handcuffs was clinging against your back as Minho’s hands were on your hips, his left thigh between yours as he eventually started leaving nibbles and kisses along your neck; you forced yourself to snap out of your daze, realizing that not only you had finally given in to your mutual lust, but you also let a vampire feed from you. 
«Minho,» you whimpered at the feeling of his teeth pulling on your earlobe; you gently pulled on his hair, happy to see that you weren’t the only one driven with desire, «Let’s go inside.» you added, before reaching out to take the handcuff’s key which was safely hidden in your corset.
Minho didn’t honestly gave you much time to catch your breath; the two of you barely made it until you were in your living room, getting rid of each other’s clothes along the away, before he eventually let you ride him while he was sitting on your armchair. By the fact that Minho had his head thrown back and his fingers sinking in the armrests, you realized that he was probably holding back, thing which you definitely did not want him to do.
Therefore, carefully balancing yourself on his shoulders, you began moving your hips in a slow and teasing manner, taking some time to move your hips in a circle anytime you were completely seated on his lap and purposely clenching around him anytime you moved in a different way; if you were to be honest, you didn’t know how long you could keep this up, especially because his moans and hisses of pleasure were such an addictive sound you constantly wanted to hear.
«What game are you playing, little one?» the mere fact that Minho ended the sentence with a strained moan was enough for you to stutter on the rhythm you had set, making you instinctively stop to study his blissed out expression, and as his cold hands snaked around you hips, you realized that you were deliciously close to your goal, «tired already?» Minho’s alluring eyes finally met yours, and his hands effortlessly pulled on your hips so that you’d start grinding on him once again, only that this time you weren’t the one setting the pace anymore.
Instinctively, you leaned down to kiss him, and it was almost if with such a simple gesture, Minho let go of any inhibitions he might have had; this time, as you were restlessly moving on his length, Minho’s right hand was constantly placed on your hip with the only goal to pull you towards him a little bit harsher than needed while he was lifting his hips as well, meeting you halfway each time you rose and fell on his twitching length. 
Minho’s left hand was constantly travelling on your body, as if he was trying to make up for all the spot on your skin his mouth wasn’t kissing.
«Feed on me,» you whimpered against his lips, as you felt your orgasm approaching; Minho’s movements came to a stop, and he looked at you as if you had grown another head, «please.» you immediately added, your head filled with the desire of being his in any possible way.
«Are you sure, or is something you’re saying because of the heat of the moment?» Minho’s voice was gentle and caring, and if it wasn’t for the fact that you could feel his length repeatedly twitch inside you, you would have found the way he gently pushed your hair behind your back extremely romantic.
«I’m sure of it, you-» you mumbled, interrupting your own sentence as if you adverted your gaze, looking for the right words to say, «you’re safe with me.»
«It’s not the best time to get emotional, little one.» Minho smiled with a breathless chuckle, looking satisfied and somehow taken back with your answer. Eventually, Minho simply told you to stay still as his fingers quickly worked on your clit, with the only explanation that he wanted to see you as you came undone for him; in the same moment your orgasm washed over you, you felt Minho’s fangs sinking in the skin of your neck, instinctively making you curl onto him as the sensation of your orgasm was being prolonged for all the time he was feeding from you.
The fact that the blissful sensation was mixed to the fact that Minho still didn’t come ended up stimulating you once again, especially when somehow, your fingers ended up on your clit, replacing Minho’s as he was focused on feeding from you.
It was something you couldn’t describe with words, and needless to say, no one of your previous partners had ever made you feel this good; as Minho’s tongue repeatedly licked over the bite marks he left in the attempt to make them heal faster, you felt your thighs shake, and another orgasm washed over you in a totally unexpected way – both for you and for Minho, triggering your lover’s orgasm as well.
«Where are you going?» Minho watched with furrowed brows as you were trying get up from the armchair, despite the ache in your thighs.
«Uh,» you mumbled, looking back at him while collecting your thoughts, «Don’t take it personally but your face doesn’t exactly scream “cuddles after sex”, so I figured I should get up…» Minho simply stared at you as if you were a ghost, before eventually erupting into a laugh, holding your wrist and tugging you on his lap once again; immediately his hands were around your waist.
«Don’t tell anyone,» Minho whispered as if it was confessing an extremely dangerous secret, «but I love cuddles.»
«I swear, you’re doing nothing in trying not to make me fall for you.» you whined, staring at the wall and eventually readjusting your position, so that you’d lay your head in the crook of Minho’s neck.
«Do it, then,» due to inertia, your head followed his shoulder’s movement as he shrugged; your eyes widened and your heart picked up pace once again, as you heard him say, «Fall for me.»
Minho ended up staying the night, and leaving before daylight – and Jarette, came.
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One week later, Jarette was frantically running back home with the only goal to find you; she ran into your room, not bothering to knock, and you watched your friend with a confused expression.
«Hi?» you tried, waiting for her to catch her breath and explain herself.
«I’ve got some news, but you won’t like them.» Jarette said, her breath still uneven; you nodded, urging her to go on, «Promise me you won’t freak out…» she said, «They caught Minho.» you didn’t hear what she said next, because you stood up, and ran towards the village’s square.
It took you all your strength not to run next to the village’s chief and beg him to let Minho go, especially since you realized by the way he had been tied up that he had been tortured. Minho’s gaze shortly met yours, and your heart sank at the fact that his expression didn’t change; he was blatantly pretending not to know you in order to protect you, but in that moment, you couldn’t care less. 
As you were about to walk your way out of the crowd, two different hands stopped you: one gently pulled on your elbow – you easily recognized Jarette’s touch, while the other was placed on your shoulder. Immediately, you turned around to see an unfamiliar face, his hair dark brown and his features just as handsome as Minho’s. Your gazes met briefly, and as your eyes met glimmering red ones, you realized that he was probably Minho’s friend; he tilted his head back, and you noticed that there was a small group of vampires sitting on a house’s rooftop, not actually bothering to hide their presence. 
The fact that Minho wasn’t alone and was clearly about to be rescued made you momentarily feel better, but your happiness ended up being an incredibly fleeting feeling, as you heard Minho’s sudden pained groan. 
«He is the responsible of the attacks!» one of the hunter said, before he turned towards the village’s chief, «He’s the one that killed your daughter, yesterday night.» 
Clenching your fists, you gritted your teeth at the point you were probably going to have a headache; you knew Minho’s friends had everything under control, but you couldn’t shut up. As the village’s chief ordered his immediate execution, you pushed your way in front of the crowd.
«He is not the culprit.» you said, successfully capturing everyone’s attention, Minho glanced at you, his face unreadable.
«Shut up, human.» Minho sighed, faking a disinterested tone even if the truth was that he was terrified that you’d get yourself killed as well.
The village’s chief was quick to ask you what you knew about the matter, and you tried your best to ignore the murmurs shared among the people watching; you realized that you didn’t have a plan, but perhaps, you could suffice as a distraction and actually help Minho’s friends.  
«I know he didn’t kill the chief’s daughter because he never walked past the village’s borders.» you said, sure about your intentions to protect the man you loved, «And the reason I know, is because I was with him.»
From there, it happened as a blur; the chief ordered to execute you as well, claiming you were a traitor, but luckily, Minho’s friends immediately intervened, taking advantage of the confusion created by the people which were screaming, in order to take both you and Minho and run away.
Less than two hours later, you found yourself in the vampires’ shared mansion, taking care of an unconscious Minho.
«He’s going to heal soon, don’t worry.» one of them – Chris, reassured you, and you simply nodded, your hand never letting go of Minho’s. Slim arms circled your waist, and you relaxed, leaning back into Jarette’s comforting embrace.
«You still have to explain me why you came along,» you wondered, «You’ll be considered a traitor as well.» Jarette chuckled to herself, briefly explaining you that his one week long mission to the Capital was a lie.
«Remember Changbin?» she said, and your head snapped towards her at the speed of light.
«The, “my room is at the end of the corridor if you need anything”, Changbin? That Changbin?» you shrieked, pointing to the general direction of the vampire’s room; Jarette nodded shyly at you, and you playfully hit her arm, offended about the fact that she kept something like this a secret.
«We met recently,» she explained, «he’s-»
«Please,» Minho’s pained groan interrupted the two of you, «I’m not ready to overhear the two of you talking about eventual feedbacks on Changbin’s dick.» with fatigue, he propped himself on his elbows, and Jarette politely left the two of you alone and you helped Minho rearrange his position on the cushions, carefully avoiding to touch any of his wounds.
«Where did that brilliant idea come from, you idiot,» you expected to be scolded from him but, contrarily to the expectations, Minho’s words were full of concern, «don’t do it, ever again.» you didn’t answer, hoping that he’d somehow got the hint that you were ready to do that if he ever got in danger again.
«Promise me.» Minho spoke gently, both his hands framing your face so that you had no choice but look at him; in the end, you gave in with a sigh after the fifth time he asked you not to risk your life again.
«I love you, stubborn vampire.» you admitted, running your fingertips on his delicate features.
«I love you too, impossible human.» Minho smiled gently, connecting your lips in a brief kiss.
If few months ago you were terrified about the option of giving up what you’ve always believed in for the sake of a vampire, now you were completely aware that if anyone ever gave you the possibility to turn back time, you would have always ended up choosing Minho.
One year later, you asked Minho to turn you into a vampire on a spring morning; as the cherry trees were in bloom, your new life begun. 
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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118 notes · View notes
corrodedseraphine · 1 year
perfectly wrong | #2 I wish I hadn't saved you
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
chapter summary: Since your last meeting, Steve can't stop thinking about you and your situation. When one day Robin tells him that she is worried about your behavior he decides to check it out.
TW: mentions of: pregnancy, domestic violence, bruises, death, suicide, drugs
The story is also avaliable on ao3
previous chapter | masterlist | steve harrington masterlist | general masterlist
Your opinion, feedback, questions or ideas are always welcome! If there is something what would you like to see in the story feel free to tell me about it in comments or in my inbox which is always open for you guys! Thank you so much for reading!
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You all agreed to celebrate Lucas's birthday by going to roller skating rink and then having a delicious big pizza. Although you weren't in the mood to go out one bit, you didn't want to make him unhappy. You were standing in front of the mirror applying makeup when a drunk Travis walked into the house.
"And where the hell are you going?" he asked leaning against the door. He could barely catch his balance, the stink of alcohol and cigarettes was making you sick.
"I'm going to meet Robin." you said. In theory it wasn't a lie, because Robin would be there too, but you didn't want to mention the rest, not knowing why your boyfriend was never happy about the fact that you were friends with a bunch of teenagers.
"What's for dinner?" he asked, changing the subject.
"I didn't have time to make anything, you'll have to make it yourself." You replied digging into your makeup bag in search of lip gloss. Completely unsuspecting, you shrieked in surprise when you felt his firm grip on your elbow and pull you toward the wall. The cosmetics spilled all over the floor, and you were now standing trapped between the wall and Travis who was looking at you with a fury in his eyes, still tightening his hand around your arm with all his strength.
"This has to be the last time, do you understand?" he asked. You nodded your head. He yanked you even harder. "I asked if you understand!"
"Y-yes." you replied horrified. You noticed that he had been drinking more and more lately, and you suspected that he was using more than just alcohol, but you didn't want to bring up the subject without proof. His behavior was becoming more and more aggressive towards you, so far limited to verbal abuse, but today was the first time he caused you pain by leaving a mark of his strong grip on your hand. After a while you were alone in the house again, Travis left slamming the door. With shaking hands you picked up the cosmetics from the floor, trying to ignore the sense of fear that was building up in you. Wanting to avoid questions about the bruise on your arm, you quickly changed into a long-sleeved blouse and left the house.
There weren't many people at the roller skating rink, seeing Max and Lucas sitting at a table you forced yourself to smile and approached them saying hello. Within fifteen minutes you were joined by the rest of the team including Steve and some new girl. He introduced her as his date, her name was Madison.
At first everything was fine until Steve stopped hiding his displeasure at your presence. Criticizing everything you said, he always put up a counter to you. When you tried to say something during a group conversation, he would purposely start talking louder to drown you out and not let you get a word in which annoyed you even more. Eventually your patience ran out and you started playing his own game. You, Robin, he and Madison were sitting at a table and the younger rest of the crew was still skating. There was a silence between the four of you that you decided to break.
"Hey, Alice would you pass me a bottle of water?" you turned to Harrington's companion. The mistaken names were intentional.
"Sure, but, uhm, my name is not Alice…" she replied quietly. You immediately felt Steve's gaze on you.
"Oh, sorry! Silly me!" you laughed. "Mindy? Michelle? I am so sorry, but Steve has already introduced us to so many girls that it's hard to keep up." you replied with a wide grin. You knew that if Steve's eyesight could kill, you would have been lying dead a long time ago.
A moment later, Madison got up from the table, explaining that something had come up and she had to go. As soon as she left the table you sent Steve a look full of satisfaction, which workedfuse
like lighting the fuse of a bomb.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked, slapping his hand on the table. "Why did she bother you?"
"She didn't bother me, she's a very nice girl! It's you and your hopeless behavior that bothered me." you replied. "I can see that King Steve still can't accept defeat,"
"You grumpy bitch!" he replied. "I don't care how pathetic and miserable you are, you have what you deserve, but damn it, stop passing it on to others! Just because your life is shitty doesn't mean you should destroy the lives of the people around you, your presence makes me fucking sick!"
"If my presence hurts you so much what are you still doing here, huh?"
"I'm here because Robin and these kids are like family to me, do you even know that word? Family? You definitely don't belong here, the worst part is that you are here now solely because of me, if I had let that monster devour you back then I would have had peace of mind a long time ago!"
"I didn't ask you to save me, asshole!"
"And now I regret it! I wish I hadn't saved you! Trauma is the only thing that connects you to us, you're not part of this group, you never will be!"
"Go to fucking hell Steve." you replied while getting up from the table.
"For the love of God can you stop? Even on Lucas' birthday you can't make an exception and have to argue like children? Those shitheads act more mature than you!" Robin burst out, unable to stand listening to your argument anymore. "I agree, what y/n did with Madison was not right, but goddamn it Steve, where do you get this bullshit? She is our friend, she is also part of the group whether you like it or not! The truth is that both of you can go to hell."
Steve snorted hearing her last sentence. "I've been there, and I'd honestly rather go back there than torture myself with her." he replied without taking his eyes off you. "I should have left you to die."
You didn't flinch to let him see how much those words hurt you. You knew that he hated you, you actually hated him too, but this hatred on your part was not so great that you would immediately wish him dead. However, it didn't hurt you that much, the real blow was to find out that you were not part of it all. The family. As he put it. Trauma is the only thing that connects you to us. You were terrified by how true his words could be.
"Y/n where are you going?" asked Robin as you started to walk away from the table.
"To live my shitty and miserable life, alone." you replied without even turning towards them.
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It's been three weeks since you last saw Steve. Three weeks since he accidentally discovered, the mess that was now your life and since then, day after day, he couldn't stop thinking about it. You still avoided any contact with others, the only exception was Robin, with whom you worked at Family Video, but whenever she tried to talk to you about more serious topics you immediately fled to the other end of the room. You weren't sure if Steve had told her everything, you didn't see why he should keep it a secret, after all, he didn't care about you, everyone might as well have already known, but you still weren't sure. If Robin knew she would have told you, right? The uncertainty stressed you out even more, and stress lately was the only thing you felt.
When Travis found out about the pregnancy he started drinking even more, not to mention drugs. You weren't able to remember the day when you last saw him sober. Your house was slowly becoming a den, his raggedy friends treated it like a hotel, completely ignoring your presence. The worst part was that you couldn't say a word, because that would provoke another argument and that would mean even more bruises on your body. More than once, in their company, he slapped you for the mess in the house, which you barely managed to clean up. None of his pals even moved. In their sick minds, being a witness to domestic violence was a form of entertainment.
You knew that raising a child under such conditions was not an option. You couldn't escape either, because you had nowhere to go. Here, once again, Steve's venom-soaked words turned out to be true. You had no family, no one to take you in, so moving away from Travis equaled living on the streets, since your poor paycheck wouldn't cover the cost of renting an apartment and living with a child. However, you had a plan. A plan that was your only hope of escaping the hell you found yourself in. A plan that was destroyed even before you tried to achieve it.
"And what are you thinking about?" asked Steve. Taking advantage of his day off today, he visited Robin at Family Video bringing her lunch.
"Nothing that would interest you." she replied with a sigh.
"Come in, Robin, you know very well you can tell me anything."
"I know, but it's about y/n and I'm not going to hear once again that I shouldn't care about her. You can say what you want Steve, but she's my friend, even if you don't like it."
Hearing your name, he felt a strange surge of nerves. You hadn't left his thoughts for three weeks, and he was sure that after what he'd heard from Robin you wouldn't do so for quite some time.
"You can still tell me y'know." he said quietly. Just a few weeks ago he would have been ready to make a speech about how she shouldn't care about you because you apparently weren't interested in a friendship with her anymore, not sparing a few nasty expressions about you. But now that he knew the truth, every time he recalled everything he had said about you he felt a wave of remorse flood over him, if he had wanted to he could have drowned in it.
"When I came here it was already open, which was strange because lately he has been constantly late for the morning shift." she began to say while looking at a single point on the counter. "Later I heard some sound in the bathroom, Steve was crying, crying like a child in there. I quickly opened the door because I was scared that something bad had happened. It's been a long time since I've seen her so shaken…"
"Did she say what happened?" he asked clearly worried.
"No, when I asked what was going on she quickly wiped away her tears and began to tell me that she was just having a bad day and pretended to be fine until the end. I am worried about her Steve, what if she is in trouble? What if she actually started taking drugs together with that asshole?"
"Where did you get the idea about drugs?" he asked surprised. You were probably not crazy enough to take drugs while pregnant?
"Before she left here she asked if I didn't know to what degree the police had searched Eddie's trailer, if they were sure they had found everything there. And if they are still patrolling that area," she said, sending him a meaningful look.
"I mean, after all, half of the trailers is ruined, the Trailer Park is now the most abandoned and haunted place in Hawkins."
"I know, it doesn't make sense." Robin hid her face in her hands. "I wish I could help her but I have no idea how, she won't tell me what's going on at all."
"Do you know where she went?" he asked. The morning shift was supposed to end in just two hours.
"She said she felt sick and left to go home faster. She was really pale," she said.
The sense of anxiety grew in him with each passing moment. He wanted to believe that you were not so irresponsible, however, something in the back of his head remained alarmed by the situation. That is why when he said goodbye to Robin instead of going home he drove straight to the previously mentioned place.
Demolished trailers, rusted metal parts, some of them already overgrown with moss or entwined with some kind of plants looked like the perfect place to film a horror movie. The silence that surrounded the place was creepy to a certain extent. When he found the old Munson's trailer, he tried to go inside as quietly as possible. The walls were covered in cobwebs, the dusty floor with shards of glass pounding on it and broken furniture that had been damaged when the ground tore in half. The place where Chrissy died, a place where he could still feel a strange connection to the world beneath Hawkins.
Looking around, he finally spotted you. You were sitting on the floor of Eddie's old room. One board from the floor had been pulled out and was lying next to the hole. There was also a small box there. Hearing the sound of footsteps you frightenedly looked in his direction, your eyes were big, you looked like a deer in the headlights. In your hand you held several small pills, far too many for one person. Such a dose could kill you, not even the bravest drug addict in the world would take so many at once.
Oh no.
Then it all came to him. You were not addicted to drugs at all. In fact, you were going to take them, take them once and properly. I wish you hadn't saved me. Your words came back to him with redoubled force and the realization of what could have happened if he hadn't come here now almost knocked him off his feet. Within seconds he was kneeling beside you holding your wrist. "Don't even think about it." he said. Seeing the scowl on your face, he looked at the spot he was holding. A purple bruise was spilling around your wrist, looking fresh. Walking with his eyes higher he noticed that it was not the only one on your body. His blood boiled at the thought that Travis had once again raised his hand at you.
"Why do you care what I do?" you asked trying to break free. "I thought that's what you wanted. You would finally have peace of mind."
"Stop it." he tried to be calm, but his voice was trembling. "Why do you want to do it?"
"Why do you care?" you repeated your earlier question. With all your might, you tried to keep a strong attitude. Not to let him see you suffer, but your body turned out to be the biggest traitor. Accelerated breathing, shaking hands and tears streaming into your eyes did not escape his attention.
"Why do you want to do this?" he did not let up. He spoke now through clenched teeth still holding your wrist. Your stubbornness irritated him, but when he saw the first tears dripping down your cheeks he immediately softened. Your lower lip was trembling, once again he saw you in a vulnerable, lost state, this time, explaining to himself that it was instinctive, he hugged you. As you were pulled, the pills from your hand spilled out onto the floor, and hidden in his arms you cried harder and harder. You broke into pieces and he tried to hold them all in one place. The closeness and warmth you felt was overwhelming and unfamiliar. So foreign that you didn't realize how much you missed it.
"Why?" he asked again, his voice was gentle, soothing even, probably never used towards you in his life.
You heard it many times when he helped Robin with panic attacks, or comforted one of the kids. But you never thought there would come a day when he would use it to help you.
"He took them." you muttered into his shirt between sobs. "He took all my money. I had a plan. I had a plan to fix it all, but he destroyed it. He found the money and took it. Everything." Your crying became more and more hysterical, you could barely catch your breath. Steve shifted his position nimbly so that he was seated behind you. His arms wrapped around you from behind, and you leaned your back against his chest, letting him hold you.
"I've got you." he said quietly pressing his cheek against your head. Again, the same tone that made your heart flutter even more. "What plan?" he continued.
"I've saved a lot of money…Enough." you said. "I was supposed to go to the clinic and then get as far away from him as possible, but it's over now, he took everything and drank it all away. He lost all my money on alcohol and drugs, it's over, it's too late! Even if I had money it's too late!" you were distraught, you didn't know how to deal with the fact that your last hope had just been extinguished.
When he heard the word clinic he froze. He understood that you wanted to escape, but why couldn't you do it with the baby? Abortion seemed like a terrible solution to him, but he couldn't judge you. He wasn't in your situation, he himself didn't know exactly what he would do if he found himself in one like this.
"I won't let you give up." he said pressing you even tighter against him. He didn't know where those words came from, but at that moment he didn't have time to think about it.
On the other hand, the whole situation had come to you. As soon as you heard them you woke up from the intoxication caused by the sudden closeness and jumped away from him as if you were burned.
"I don't need your help." you said suddenly taking your defensive posture. He looked at you in shock at how quickly you changed your attitude.
"Let me help you, if not me then at least tell someone else about what's going on, Robin will for sure do everything she can, or Hopper and Joyce."
"I don't need your help, I don't need your pity!" you shouted. You still couldn't control your emotions.
"Why?!" he exclaimed. "Why the hell do you have to be so stubborn and not let me help you?!"
"Because I know you Steve! Because I know that at the first better opportunity you will use it against me!"
He didn't expect those words. He didn't expect how much they would hit him. You were right. He knew you were right, he always did this. He always turned various situations against you at every possible opportunity. The fact that you thought he would do the same now made him feel disgusted with himself. Over time, he became so blinded by your hostile relationship that he didn't even notice how awful a person he was able to become at that time.
Wanting to escape his presence as quickly as possible, you ran out of the trailer embarrassed by what had just happened. You knew that the moment of weakness you allowed yourself there would cost you a lot. What's worse, Steve Harrington saved your life once again that day, and you hated that fact even more.
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taglist: @i-me-mine @phantypurple @tlclick73 @sheisjoeschateau @hollandweather @lma1986 @scarletwitchwhore @freezaz123
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Inukag week, Day 1: Love Languages
((So glad I managed to squeeze this off before midnight!))
In My Arms
Kagome's return to the medieval period, being as long-awaited as it was, did not pass without fanfare. The village had welcomed her back with open arms, and held a small festival to celebrate - nothing too extravagant, it was still planting season after all, but it was amazing to know just how many people had missed her, beyond her core group of feudal friends.
By the time the first month passed, things had mostly settled into a routine that Kagome was only too happy to fall into. The familiarity had kicked in, even as she adjusted to the vast changes that had been made in her absence.
Shippo had hit an early growth spurt and almost came up to her hip now. He was still quite short for his age, but she didn't expect that he would get very tall. Sango and Miroku had babies, two beautiful little girls and the most adorable baby boy Kagome had seen since Sota was born. Fatherhood had relaxed Miroku, if only by a little, and Sango was the most fiercely protective mama bear, exactly as Kagome had expected her to be. 
But the largest change, of course, was with Inuyasha. Kagome knew in her heart how they felt about each other, but they hadn't actually said it yet. A thin layer of the normalcy she remembered was still there - it was only a matter of a few days following her return that the two of them were bickering like no time had passed at all.
But no matter the argument or insult thrown, every barb was dulled by the fact that Inuyasha had barely stopped touching her since she returned.
Any time they sat down for a meal or conversation, he was tucked up against her side, assuming he hadn't sat first and pulled her right down into his lap. Walking through the village or woods? It was only a matter of time before his hand found her back or his fingers tangled with hers. He'd been favoring holding her hand more lately, but she supposed it was at least partially because she had made a habit of lifting their joined hands to kiss his knuckles. She'd noticed the way his expression softened when she did it, and if he'd had a tail - as she often wished he did, when they first met and she had struggled to read him - she was certain it would be wagging. 
She had almost asked about it, the first time she found him leaning on her during dinner the night she returned, but the way his ears drooped when she said his name stopped her in her tracks before she could say a word more. And hey, it wasn't as if she was complaining, right? Why would she? So she'd asked if he had enough rice and smiled at how he relaxed even further into her as the meal progressed. 
That evening, when he had sat up against the wall of Kaede's hut, putting himself between her and the door the way he always did, she had stayed in place for only a minute or two before crawling closer and resting her head in his lap.
From there, everything had just… fallen into place.
Now, a month into her new life, she knew she couldn't be happier with her decision. She'd taken up priestess training with Kaede again, and was always ready to help Sango with the kids. And Inuyasha was always nearby. He'd been more than a bit antsy as the weeks wore on, and Kagome found herself the tiniest bit relieved when Miroku came around to let Inuyasha know they'd been hired for an exorcism to the north, maybe two days walk from the village. She thought it would be a good opportunity for Inuyasha to let off some steam - he'd been in the village with her for a month now, and she knew too well how anxious that could make him.
"Nah. I'm not feelin' it this time around. You and Shippo can handle it, right?"
Sango and Kagome looked up from where Hisui was laying, Sango arching a brow at him while Kagome's furrowed in confused concern.
"Are you sure, Inuyasha? Everything's been so peaceful lately, it might be a while before we get another job."
"Yeah, I'm good. Hey! Maybe Sango can go and Kagome and I can handle the brats!"
The way Sango picked up the baby and held him to her while glaring daggers at Inuyasha said that they would not be allowed to "handle the brats" without her just yet. Kagome stood from her spot on the grass, picking up a nearby bucket.
"I'm… gonna go get more water for the kettle," she hummed, only getting a few paces away before she heard footsteps start up behind her. 
She led Inuyasha a little ways away from the rest of the group, waiting until he reached out to tangle his fingers with her free hand to speak.
"I think you should go with Miroku."
"He'll be fine on his own. We haven't run into anything too powerful in over a year."
"That's not what I mean, and I think you know it," she hummed, pulling him closer and releasing his hand so she could wrap her arm around his middle. No escaping this conversation. She saw his ears lower, but his arm automatically mirrored hers. "Don't get me wrong; I love having you close at hand every minute of every day. I love holding hands and cuddling at night. But we need to be able to go off and do our own thing for a while. It's been a month since I got back, and you're already going stir-crazy."
"I'm fine, it's not a big deal," he but back, sounding more than a little grumpy.
"Oh, please. I know you well enough to know when you're itching for a fight. Really, Inuyasha, you can leave the village for a couple of days! Sango and I can look after the kids and hold down the fort until you get back."
"It's not that simple. What if-"
"If anything happens here, Sango and I can handle it. Shippo and Kilala will take the kids somewhere safe while we deal with whatever demon decides that attacking us is worth dying for."
"And again, zero complaints about the cuddling, but you really don't need to babysit me! I'll be right where you left me when you come back-"
"You disappeared in front of my eyes! If you're going to get taken away from me again, I at least want to be here to say goodbye!"
Kagome felt her eyes go wide, and Inuyasha winced a little at his own outburst. A brief, tense silence fell between them before Kagome's expression went soft, and she reached out, placing her hands gently on the sides of his face.
"It's happened before." Inuyasha tersely reminded her, eyes cast downward. "The jewel's come back before, it could happen again, and I don't- I can't lose you again. But if something is gonna take you away, I want to at least hold you until you go."
She took a deep breath, an apologetic look crossing her face. Inuyasha had gradually become more physically affectionate over their time together, so while she'd expected a little separation anxiety, she had thought the new closeness was just the natural expression of their relationship. She wished she had noticed his concern sooner, if only so that she could have assuaged his fears.
"Inuyasha," Kagome murmured, waiting until his amber eyes met hers. "I'm not going anywhere. Not anymore. I couldn't say why, but I'm as certain as I can be, I'm here to stay. I know it's scary. Being back here with you all has felt like a dream, and sometimes I worry I'm going to wake up." 
She pulled his face down so she could press her forehead to his. Her hands moved down his chest and wrapped around his middle, giving him a warm smile.
"But I'm here. You're not getting rid of me that easily again. And if a human, a demon, or fate itself tries to take me away again, you know I'll fight tooth and nail to get back to you."
She felt his arms close around her, and he leaned a little more heavily into her, eyes falling shut. In a voice smaller than any she'd ever heard from him before, he asked, "Promise?"
"I promise," she murmured back, squeezing him tight against her. "So here's what's going to happen: You're going to go with Miroku. You're gonna exorcize whatever Demon you've been hired to handle. And in a few days time, you'll be back in my arms. Just like you are now. Okay?"
Inuyasha sighed, but after a moment, offered a small smile, pulling away enough to meet her eyes again.
"Okay," he finally allowed, reaching up to brush her bangs out of her eyes. 
"Good. Now hurry on - the sooner you get going, the sooner you'll be back."
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biggerbetterbat · 4 months
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: The group finds out that Terminus is just a trap, and their friends wait for a certain death there. Carol decides to save the group. Charlie worries that she will have to take care of Tyreese and Judith now.
Warning: maybe language?, violence
Song: Deep in the Meadow Jennifer Lawrence
Words: 1,947
A/N: Hi, guys! So like I told you, I’m taking a break from posting new chapters. However, I will be updating the old chapters as I think they lack some dialogues or descriptions, because the connections seem not that deep (I already updated from chapter 4-9). The plot won’t be changed tho, so if you don’t like, you don’t have to re-read.
Thank you for reading PART 1 of my work, liking and commenting. And I hope I will see you soon :)
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"I told Albert I want the kid's hat after they bleed him out."
"Keep your finger off the button and drop it," Carol commanded, ready to fire right through the stranger's head.
"Listen, y'all don't have to do this," he said. "Whatever you want, we got a place where everyone's welcome."
"To bleed us out, too?" Charlie leaned to him as he was being tied up. "We're the friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat. So give my friend one reason not to shoot."
Charlie was angry.
Her chest heaved with fury as she stared down the man who was casually talking about taking belongings of her family after killing them like animals. Anger simmered beneath the surface, muxing with the bitter taste of betrayal in her mouth. The people of Terminus had lured them in with promises of sanctuary, only to reveal themselves as nothing more than predators preying on the desperate and vulnerable. No better than the Walkers. In this juxtaposition, the walkers served as a reminder of the world's fallen state, while the people of Terminus underscored the thin line between civilization and barbarism.
However, beneath the rage, there was a flicker of relief, a glimmer of gratitude for the fact that Carl and the others were still alive. It was fragile, of course, but it was better than what she had even hours ago. Her family was, hopefully still alive.
"They attacked us!" the man tried to convince them. "We're just holding them."
As Charlie stood there, her fists clenched at her sides, struggling to calm her annoyance at the stranger who was clearly lying.
"Who else do you have? Do you know their names?" Charlie asked.
"We just have the boy and the samurai, that's it," he said. "We were just protecting ourselves."
"Hmm," Charlie nodded. "And the Santa Claus is real," she said and got up from her knees, walking away.
"Wait, no! Let me go," he strutted as Tyreese pushed him into a wooden house, more of a shed. "There's a bunch of us back there in six different directions. We need to set off our charges all st the same time to confuse the dead ones away. It's good for you too."
"No, it isn't."
"There's a herd heading toward Terminus right now," Carol answered. "We don't want to confuse them away."
"They'll see you coming," the man said. "If you even make it that far with all the cold bodies heading over."
"Don't worry about her pretty boy," said Charlie and walked out to keep a watch. "Are you sure you want to go alone?"
"Just...Stay here with them," the other woman said. "Tyreese just looks tough, but you know him."
"I do."
"And..." she opened her mouth, but just stared into the younger's eyes. "Don't hesitate to hurt the guy. It's either him or us."
"Yeah, I've noticed," Charlie looked down.
Carol pouted and squeezed Charlie's arm to show her support. "Take this. You will need it more than an axe."
She gulped looking at the gun that noise was still echoing through her head. "You'll need it more."
"Are you sure?"
"Be careful," Charlie whispered and hugged Carol tightly. Charlie's arms wrapped tightly around Carol, a silent gesture of solidarity and support as Carol prepared to embark on her mission to rescue their friends. Charlie watched as Carol disappeared into the night, her resolve unshakable, her determination unwavering. It was never too certain that she would be back.
Charlie stood watch, the weight of the world heavy on her shoulders as she scanned the horizon for any sign of danger. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, a palpable sense of unease settling over her. They saw the herd already and miraculously escaped them, but now there was no place to escape. She moved her eyes from watching mysterious and unknown forest, to the shed, not being sure that it would last.
Quickly she came back to her focus stare, and then, in the distance, she saw them – a shambling mass of walkers, their groans echoing through the stillness. She immediately drew back the string with a fluid motion and squeezed her fingers on the arrow, but she knew it would be pointless. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Charlie knew that they had to act fast. They were outnumbered, outmatched, and there was no time to waste.
With a silent prayer on her lips, she quietly and quickly opened the door to the shed. "They're coming," Charlie gasped entering the house. "Hey!"
"Back off!" the stranger yelled holding a gun and pointing it right at her. "Put your weapon on the ground. The bow, too! Kick them over right now. Right now!"
Fear gripped her heart as she realized their hostage broke free from her restraints. In that harrowing moment, she found herself staring down the barrel of the gun held in his trembling hands. Charlie's gaze immediately fell on the baby.
"Please," Tyreese sobbed with his arms raised. "Please don't hurt her. Please don't hurt them."
"You," the young man pointed at Tyreese this time. Charlie gasped and wanted to do something, but the stranger came closer to the box that Judith was laying in. She stopped immediately. "Go outside. Go outside! Just one twist, man!"
"Don't!" Tyreese yelled as he saw the man next to the baby.
"He won't survive!" Charlie called out. "There's a herd..."
"Don't make me!" he interrupted her firmly and looked back at Tyreese. "You. Go outside."
Tyreese emerged from the shadowy confines of the shed, his steps heavy with the weight of the impossible choice that had been thrust upon him. With a heavy heart, he cast one last glance back at Charlie and the baby, his eyes filled with a mixture of anguish and determination. With fear in her eyes she shook her head, but her friend just turned away, ready to leave. It was a certain death, leaving now, as the herd of always hungry Walkers just waited for an opportunity like this one. As she turned her head to the man, he had a smile on his face, knowing that Charlie and Judith were on his mercy right now. Charlie felt disgusted by him.
"Well, well, well..."
Then something moved outside.
As Charlie and the man who threatened her stood in tense silence within the confines of the shed, the air thick with fear and uncertainty, the distant sounds of a struggle erupted outside. The unmistakable clash of something against decaying flesh and the guttural moans of walkers echoed through the air, sending a shiver down Charlie's spine.
With each passing moment, the tension in the shed mounted, a palpable sense of dread hanging heavy in the air. And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it ended. However, not the man or even Charlie dared to move even an inch. What's more, they weren't sure if they should breathe.
Moments later, the door to the shed burst open, and Tyreese stormed in, his face contorted with fury and determination. Without a word, he approached the man who had threatened them, his fists clenched in anger. With a primal roar, Tyreese unleashed a series of blows upon the man, his fury fueling each punishing strike. Charlie used her chance and leaned to pick up the baby, and then ahead watched in stunned silence what was going on, hugging the baby close to her chest. Her heart pounding in her chest as she bore witness to the violent catharsis unfolding before her.
As the man crumpled to the ground, bloodied and broken, Tyreese stood over him, his breath coming in ragged gasps. In that moment, the weight of their ordeal seemed to lift from Charlie's shoulders, replaced by a sense of grim satisfaction and hard-won victory. Their eyes met, Charlie was slightly terrified, but surely not of Tyreese. Yet, he didn't know that, so his own eyes filled with fear. "I..."
"It's okay," she whispered nodding. "Sometimes..." but words didn't want to leave her mouth, so she just placed a hand on his arm and patted it. She left the house and waited for him to do the same.
Charlie stood amidst the aftermath surrounded by the dead who were really dead or just parted on the ground by her friend, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. With Tyreese and the baby by her side, she felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on her shoulders, unsure of what path to take in the face of such uncertainty. Every instinct screamed at her to flee, to seek safety in the unknown depths of the wilderness, as there was nothing left for them here. But a part of her clung to the hope that Carol was alive. Her and their friends who were still out there, fighting against the odds, ready to reunite with them once more.
Torn between the desire for safety and the longing for companionship, Charlie struggled to make sense of the chaos that surrounded them. With each passing moment, the shadows of doubt grew darker, threatening to consume her with their suffocating embrace. In the end, she knew that there was no easy answer, no clear path forward in a world defined by chaos and uncertainty. At the same time, she was not a leader. She was just a terrified girl with a baby that wasn't hers and a man who was just a big baby, a baby with muscles. On top of that they were in the middle of nowhere, in the woods, with close to no ammunition and herds of Walkers. All she could do was trust in her own instincts. And here instincts said: "We need to leave. It's not safe here."
"You think Carol won't come back?" he asked.
"I don't know," she said and gave him the baby. "I'm afraid it's going to be just us now."
Charlie stood in silence, her mind swirling with conflicting thoughts. Now that they were alone, she should probably be honest with the man, so the past would finally leave her alone. On the other hand, she feared the consequences of revealing her secrets to Tyreese, unsure if he would still accept her once he knew the truth.
"Tyreese, there's something I need to tell you," she took a deep breath."I have a past that I'm not proud of."
"We've all got skeletons in our closets, Charlie. What matters is who we are now."
"But you don't understand... I hurt people. Many died because of me."
"It doesn't define who you are," he placed a hand on her shoulder. "None of us are saints in this world."
Charlie nodded, grateful for his non-judgmental demeanor. "It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm still that person, that I can't escape my past no matter how hard I try."
"From what I've seen, you're a good person trying to make a better living for many people," he said. "We're a family now, and family sticks together through the good and the bad."
"Thank you, Tyreese," she answered. "That means..."
She furrowed her eyebrows and turned to scan the horizon. The sun was high on the sky, so she had to squint her eyes and it was still hard to make out who was calling her from the distance. Suddenly, Charlie's heart leaped as she spotted a familiar silhouette running towards her. With tears in her eyes, she rushed to meet him, their embrace a silent affirmation of their enduring bond.
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fallen-gravity · 1 year
Who's the dorky boi in your profile pic, and where's he from?
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His name is Oliver Chen (but he goes by Ollie in canon) and he was introduced in the first episode of season two of The Ghost and Molly McGee. The very same Ollie Chen from the Ollie Chen Defense Squad of my blog title because this poor dork is overhated by a chunk of the fandom because upon being introduced Molly develops a crush on him and he became the token "male character that destroys my precious wlw ship >:("
But the thing that people are missing is that Molly's immediate infatuation with him is what drives a lot of his story forward!! He and Molly are practically two signs of the same coin except for the single glaringly red flag that his family hunts ghosts. and that's a huge problem for Molly because her best friend is a ghost!!! But she also really likes Ollie, and Ollie really likes her, and because Molly wants to see the good in everyone, instead of turning Ollie away, she wants to help him come to a better understanding of how ghosts really are.
His arc really starts getting meaty once he meets Scratch (Molly's ghost friend, if you're unfamiliar) and realizes that things aren't the way he's been taught his entire life. 'Cause now he doesn't want to be a ghost hunter anymore cause he realizes he's hurting innocent people, but he can't exactly stop cold turkey because he's only 13 and his parents and younger sister are gonna start noticing he's acting really suspicious. So he feels wedged in-between these two worlds, the one he's known his entire life with his genuinely kind and loving family, and the life that Molly's suddenly opened his eyes to, where he knows if he keeps going he'll just end up hurting more people than people he's helping.
He feels entirely isolated, like he doesn't belong with his family or in Molly's friend group, despite the fact that he's welcomed with loving open arms to both groups (with the exception of Scratch still holding a grude against him for his ghost hunting past, but even then he's not like, actively trying to hurt Ollie more than he is just being a sourpuss and complaining about his presence).
He's a prime example of a character who's done awful things suddenly being forced to face the consequences of his actions all at once, and he's only thirteen. The only reason he ever did any of those things is because of how he was raised. He never wanted to hurt anybody, and now he's trapped in a place where he may have to force himself to continue hurting people lest his parents figure out that he's friends with someone who has a ghost in her family.
He breaks my heart. His entire world was just completely shattered and turned on his head, and while he's not doing a very great job at coping with it now, he still tries to be his sweet dorky optimistic self. He has my entire heart. I just want him to be happy.
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Be my Baby ch. 6
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Warnings: (angst)
A/N: Sorry in advance.
Word Count: 3.9k
A few days after your beloved pizza party you finally met another member from the army photo. Santiago Garcia walked into the garage with an air about him that alerted you how well-acquainted he was with women. He was absolutely beautiful but he was the exact man you prided yourself on staying away from. Though being in a situationship with a married man wasn’t much better. 
“Hi, welcome to Miller’s Motors how may I help you?” Your customer service voice and smile instantly take over. 
“I mean I wouldn’t mind just hanging out here with you until one of those jackasses come out here.” His dazzling smile is working overtime while he leans on the counter and you can’t help the laugh that emitted from you. 
“Okay, Mr. Garcia suit yourself.” Back on your ‘work’ computer, you opened the Twitter tab again and continued scrolling. 
“Just how attached to Catfish are you or are you still looking at other options?” While Santi frames his question as flirty, he wants to see how you feel about Frankie. 
“Catfish?” Unsure of how you should answer you counter his question with one of your own.
“It’s his callsign from our army days. Mine is Pope, Will is Ironhead, and Frankie is Catfish.” All the tidbits you find out about Frankie make him so much more interesting.
“Okay but why is he Catfish? And what about Benny?” The other callsigns seem to align with personality, except for Frankie’s.
“Well he always had trouble growing his beard and he had a reputation with the ladies at training camp, thus the birth of Catfish.” You can’t say you’re surprised by Frankie’s past discretions, he had to learn that from somewhere. “As for Benny he came much later so we never really thought about it.” 
“Well, what about Goldilocks? I think that suits him, especially because he would go into someone's house and eat their food without a second thought.” Your analysis of Benny’s callsign has Santiago burst into laughter at how right you are. 
“And he definitely would talk about how bad the food is after scarfing it all down.” The both of you are now loudly laughing in the empty lobby like you’ve known each other for years.
“Pope step away from my receptionist.” William is the first through the door and he playfully narrows his eyes at Santi from behind you. 
“Benny we found a callsign for you, how does Goldilocks sound?” At the mention of the name, you and Santi laugh in remembrance of your jokes. Despite the inside joke, Benny looks pleased. 
“How is it that I’ve known you asshole’s years and she’s the one to come up with a callsign for me?” Benny’s large arms swarm around you to hug you in appreciation. 
“I mean we had some names but you wouldn’t like it.” William nudges Frankie in jest with a smirk plastered on his face.
“You know for such a quiet man you are so sassy.” Your words cause a roar of laughter from the group of men and you take that as your cue to take a nice long lunch break. 
“Bitch,” Hearing the drawn-out exemplative from your best friend over the phone brought a smile to your face. Either you were going to hear the juiciest gossip or Dante just proposed, “If you could see this fucking ring I have on right now.” 
“Finally, I’ve been waiting 40 days and 40 nights for this.” There was no one rooting for Ronnie's happiness as much as you. 
“Before we even get into this wedding stuff you’re gonna be my Maid of Honor right?” The sentence tumbled out so quickly that if you listen so well you might’ve missed it. 
“Of course, what cake do you think you’re gonna get?” You take a bite of your caser salad while you listen to her rattle off her top 5 flavors. With a simple hum every couple of seconds while she gets all her excited rambles out.
“Shit, let me call my parents so they think they’re the first people I called.” A goofy smile graces your face at the fact that you were the first person she called. 
“Okay, text me when you’re gonna be free for a sleepover so we can go through the actual details. Love you.” You end your sentence with an exaggerated kiss that she would hear on the other end. 
“It’ll probably be Friday or Saturday but I’ll know for sure by tonight. Love you bye.” Her exaggerated kiss was the last thing you heard before the line cut out. 
It’s been about an hour and a half since you left for your lunch break and Ameilia has been keeping you company intermittently. A slightly disappointed sigh leaves your lips when you’ve taken the last bite of your salad realizing you’ll have to get back to work. When you leave your cash on the table you make sure you tip a little extra since Ameilia snuck you two pieces of berry pie. 
Upon re-entering the lobby you find Santiago behind the front, seemingly taking your place for the long break. He’s focused completely on the computer in front of him and by the time you round the corner, it’s too late for him to close the window. 
“Plenty of Fish? I took you as more of a Tinder kind of guy.” The side eye you receive from him makes it hard for you to cover your smile. 
Before he can say a smart comeback the phone blares and you set your pie on the counter to answer. 
“Miller’s Brother Automotive, how may I help you?” The cheeriness of your voice makes you grimace. 
“Hello, this is Nurse Lauren calling from Lake Montessori. I’ve been trying to get ahold of Rosie’s father Fransico Morales and he listed this number as his work contact.”
“Of course, he’s in the garage can you hold for a moment?” Without waiting for her answer you head to the garage to summon Frankie. 
“The nurse for your daughter’s school is on the phone asking for you.” As soon as he hears it’s about Rosie he’s walking faster than you to get back to the phone. 
“Hello, this is Fransico Morales.” You can see the tension in his shoulders trying to figure out why the school is calling him. Both you and Santi scroll through his dating profile while he talks on the phone. 
After presumably finding the reason for the call his shoulders deflate and he utters a faint “Jesus,”
“I see, I can be there in about 15 minutes.” There’s a slight pause before he says, “Take care.” 
When the phone hits the hook he heaves an irritated sigh before turning to you and Santi. “Apparently Rosie’s stomach was bugging her since she got to school and she ended up throwing up on the playground. Maria was the one to drop her off and they tried calling her but she wasn’t picking up.”
“So she knew she was sick when she dropped her off?” Irritation is written all over Santiago’s face and voice.
“Seems that way because there’s no way Rosie wouldn’t say anything. So fucking irresponsible.” Frankie grits the last sentence out before heading to the back to wash his hands properly. When he comes back out with clean hands and a more patient face he stops by you. 
“We should be back in like 15 minutes.” He slightly bends to kiss your forehead before heading out the front door. Santiago wolf-whistles when it’s just the two of you but you roll your eyes.
After 5 minutes Will and Benny come inside to ask what happened and there’s no time wasted by Santiago to fill them in. You head to the break room to see what would be helpful to a sick kid. Luckily Benny has a collection of tea and you take out peppermint and some sugar. 
You pop your head out only to see them huddled together and gossiping like school girls.
“Hey, are there any pillows or blankets in the back offices?” Each of them turns to you with wide eyes before Benny tells you he has some in his office. When you come back out you place the brown blanket on the sofa closet to the garage door and prop the pillow on the armrest. 
The guys can’t help but watch and exchange looks as you make the area cozy for Rosie. You beat them to it. Looking at the time you head back into the break room to heat water for the tea. By the time you come back out with the steaming tea, Frankie is laying Rosie down on the sofa and the guys are circling her. 
“I made some peppermint tea and I think I have some cough drops in my purse.” As you carefully place the cup down on the table in front of her Frankie watches you in awe. Rosie’s tired brown eyes steal a glance at you and you nearly melt. Even though her little face is sickly pale she’s the cutest kid you’ve ever seen. 
“Thank you,” after he shows his gratitude he turns back to his daughter and continues running his hands through her curls. 
“And if you feel up for it I have an extra piece of berry pie.” Her downcast eyes widen at the mention of pie and it almost livens her chubby face. 
“Really?” She perks up on the sofa and tries to remove the blanket before Frankie settles her. 
“After you drink some tea and lay down kay?” She pouts at his words but obliges and lays back down. 
With all the guys personally checking in on Rosie you head back to your desk and check your purse for those cough drops. There are about three but that should be good enough, plus they’re the ones that taste like candy. You lay them out on your desk before looking up to find Frankie in front of you. He leans across the table with that look in his eye, the one that makes your tummy flutter. 
“I meant it when I said thank you back there. I appreciate you so much, Hermosa.” He places his warm hand over yours. 
“Never a problem Catfish.” You let your eyes fall back on the desk and remember to ask him, “It’s fine that I give these to Rosie right?” 
He laughs at your genuine sweet nature before answering, “Yes, and if it’s not too much would you mind checking on her, I’m not sure how often I’ll be able to.”
“Like I said never a problem.” You give him your biggest smile, making it a point to scrunch your face. 
The two of you share a moment before he releases your hand to head back out to the garage. Coincidentally you find the guys staring at you with smirks plastered on their faces. They say their last comforting words to Rosie and trail after Frankie.
Since two of the three cars were going to be ready in an hour you called to let the customers know. You peer over to find Rosie drinking her tea and you grab the first cough drop before heading over. 
“How’s your tea?” You take a seat in the chair next to the sofa.
“It’s good but I like more sugar.” Her direct answer has you nodding your head in faux contemplation. 
“If you finish that cup I promise to make your next one extra sugary.” She smiles at your bargain and begins tipping the cup back to drink more. “You don’t have to get it all now sweetie but I love the enthusiasm.” 
“What’s your name?” You tell her your name and she says it a couple of times while nodding. You return the question to her as if you didn’t already know.
“I’m Rosie. So are you my Daddy’s friend?” The tilt of her voice makes you think she’s teasing you. 
“Yes, I am why?” You put a tilt in your voice similar to her.
“You’re really pretty to be his friend.” She tries to hide her smile behind the mug. 
“Thank you, Rosie, I think you’re really pretty too.” Her giggles warm your heart and you almost forget the reason you came over here. “I brought you a cough drop but I promise it tastes like candy.” 
“Thank you, I don’t think I feel as bad anymore so can I have that piece of pie now?” Her puppy dog eyes resemble her father’s so much that you don’t think you can deny her. 
“Alright finish that tea, but not too fast, and I’ll get it ready.” You make your way back to collect the pieces of pie from your desk and bring it to the break room. Each piece is placed on a paper plate and you grab two plastic forks from the box on the counter.
When you come out of the break room Rosie is criss-cross applesauce on the couch pleasantly waiting for the pie. A huge smile breaks out across her face when you place hers in front of her and she thanks you immediately. Neither of you wastes time digging into your respective slices. 
A few minutes pass before the tell-tale bell rings above the door and a customer walks in. You leave your half-eaten slice to go back to the desk and greet them. She gives you her last name and you bring up her paperwork in the system. 
“Okay let me check in and it shouldn’t be long. Please take a seat anywhere and I’ll get back to you.” On your way towards the garage, Rosie smiles big at you with purple smeared around her mouth. You wave back before going through the door. 
“Who’s working on Monroe’s Honda?” You call out to the four men in the area, and Benny’s head pops up from the hood. “She just arrived and I wanted to know how much longer.” 
“I was literally about to come inside I’m just running my third check to make sure.” He heads back to the car and you leave to head back but Frankie saddles up next to you. 
“How’s my baby? I have about 10 minutes left on this car before I’m done.” You are tempted to answer for yourself but you know what he means.
“Tearing down that berry pie like it’s going out of style.” His laugh sounds full and boisterous and you’re glad after how irate he was when he went to pick up Rosie. 
The waiting area is the same as you left it and you let Mrs. Monroe know her car is just about ready. As you turn around you almost bump into Rosie who’s holding her now empty plate in her small hands. 
“I finished and I couldn’t find the trash.” You shouldn’t be surprised at her manners since Frankie is her father but you tell her to follow you. She rounds the desk behind you and you point out the trash can under your desk. “If you want you can have the rest of my pie.” 
Rosie still places her plate in the trash but she thanks you before running back off to her corner. Benny slides through the door and checks out Mrs. Monroe so you head back over to Rosie. 
Before you can sit in your seat she tells you, “I have to tinkle.” And just as quickly as you sat down you’re right back up and guiding her to the bathroom in the back. You wait in the hallway while she finishes up her business. The moment she opens the door you double-check that she’s washed her hands. Thankfully Rosie provides her slightly damp hands for your approval.
“What’s your favorite color? Mine is all of them, I can’t pick one.” Her charming voice fills the empty hallway you two walk down. 
“I used to love all the colors too, but now I really love purple.” You look down at her to smile while giving your answer and she slips her slightly damp hand in yours. 
“Purple is really pretty but so is the rainbow and cheetah.” You didn’t have the heart to correct her on cheetah being a pattern. 
When you two re-enter the lobby the both of you are so engrossed in conversation that you miss the tension unfolding while you’ve been away. Frankie stands in front of a stunning woman with dark brown hair who’s seething in anger. But she’s not the only one, Frankie’s irritation is coming off his body in waves. 
Clarity alludes you the more you look between them, there’s a familiarity. It doesn’t take long for the pieces to fall into place when Rosie raises her other hand to wave at the woman before yelling out, “Hi Mommy.” Two sets of eyes land on you and you’ve never felt more out of place in your life. Suddenly being swallowed by the earth sounded delightful. 
“Who the hell is this?” Her sharp but alluring voice cuts through the air and you finally allow yourself to fully take her in. This is Frankie’s wife. You can’t help but notice her polished appearance, her hair looks freshly blown out and her French-tipped nails only add to the form-fitting dress she’s wearing. 
“I’m the receptionist, I just took Rosie to the bathroom.” You try and keep your voice level, not wanting to escalate the situation in front of Rosie. 
“I’m gone for a couple of hours and you pawn our daughter off to some receptionist?” Though she kept her voice down you end up hearing every word. 
As much as you’d heard about her you still weren’t prepared to see her, part of you was pretending as long as you couldn’t see her she didn’t exist. 
“A couple of hours?” Frankie pauses at that to give her the nastiest look you’ve ever seen cross his face. “You dropped our daughter off knowing she was sick so you could-” He stops himself to gesture at her clearly put-together outfit. 
“I didn’t know she was sick, how was I supposed to know she would throw up all over the place.” From Frankie’s face, it’s clear he wants to say something but with Rsoie here he holds himself back. 
“But I told you I didn’t feel good Mommy, you told me it would pass.” The silence that followed her innocent statement scared you, and you weren’t the one Frankie had his eyes set on. 
Shaking yourself out of your stunned stupor you gently coax Rosie to go see her Uncle’s in the garage. For the first time since you’ve worked here, you close the door behind you. The guys take notice and you simply tell them, “Frankie’s wife is here.” Confused faces instead turn into silent understanding and they pause their routine for closing.
“Maria,” In all their years of marriage she’d never heard this tone of voice. “Are you fucking crazy?” The lack of yelling made it even worse, not that he ever really raised his voice. 
“Look Francisco, I had a meeting and it didn’t sound serious so I still dropped her off. Okay? I’m sorry.” Maria places her hands on her husband's biceps but he backs away from her touch. 
“You are unbelievable, they couldn’t get in contact with you for 5 hours. How long could this meeting have possibly been?” It was one thing for her to disregard him but for her to do it to their daughter was something unforgivable. But there was only one reason she would be so careless, and her outfit told him everything. 
“Tell me you weren’t meeting with Chris, tell me you didn’t drop our daughter off so you could run off with your boyfriend.” 
“I-,” A panicked expression crosses her face and Frankie doesn’t allow for any more of her excuses. 
“I’m done. Putting a man before our child is in-fucking-sane.” He can’t recognize the woman in front of him, and he understands how she felt during his addiction. The person he met at the altar is gone.
“I agree. The open marriage thing has gone too far and I’m ready to close it okay?” At this point even she can see her marriage crumbling before her and despite previous thoughts, she’s not ready to let go.
“I’m not talking about closing the marriage, I want a divorce.” The distinction in his voice before he turns and heads to the garage fills her with desperation. Maria follows closely behind him as he opens the door. She stays in the door way silently watching and waiting for another chance to talk.
You are gently rubbing Rosie’s head while she sleeps soundly in a makeshift bed of two chairs. The way Frankie’s face lights up when he looks at you makes her skin crawl. But it gets worse when your eyes meet his there’s no denying there is something between you. 
She thinks back to how Frankie told her Benny introduced him to the girl he was seeing. She supposes it makes sense you are beautiful and you seem caring. As much as she wanted to throw the rules in his face she knew she had no leg to stand on. At this point, she had nothing else to lose and Rosie was asleep so it would only be fair to warn you. 
From the doorway she makes herself known and Frankie rolls his eyes, hoping that ignoring her will make her go away. One look around the room and she can see how outnumbered she is. The men who once welcomed her with open arms now disdainfully glance at her. 
“I’m not sure how well he’s hidden it but he’s a drug addict and his PTSD will always send him right back down the cocaine rabbit hole. Save yourself from the endless baggage.” Maria threw her last card on the table and from the way Francisco froze, it had the desired impact.
No one could have predicted that would come out of her mouth. Your eyes widen at the sudden intake of information and you seek out Frankie’s eyes but he’s turned away from you. Seconds feel like minutes and no one else has said a word. What could be said to follow something so cruel? 
All you want to do is tell Frankie that you don’t think less of him, but that’s a private conversation. And unlike some people, you understand the need for privacy and tact. 
“It’s time for you to go.” William steps in to shield Frankie who keeps his eyes locked on the ground. 
While Maria struts away like she didn’t ruin what little comfort Frankie had, tears begin to rim his eyes. As if his shame wasn’t bad enough it had to happen in front of you. There was no telling how you would feel about him now and he wouldn’t blame you.
Benny and Santiago circle Frankie whispering about something you can’t hear. You stand to approach him but Will’s chest fills your vision. His eyes are cast down in a way that you can tell you’re being shut out of this private moment. 
“I don’t think now is a good time sweets,” His hand rests on your shoulder before squeezing in what you think is reassurance. 
“Could you tell him I don’t think any less of him? And to call me when he’s ready please?” Your voice cracks as you try to keep it together because you’re the last person who should be crying. 
Will feels terrible about making you go but it’s too late and you’re already out the door with your sniffles following. When the door closes again Frankie knows you’ve left and his shoulders begin shaking. The only reason he’s still standing is because of the three men holding him up. Thankfully Rosie’s cold keeps her knocked out so she misses her father’s breakdown. 
@harriedandharassed @emilianamason
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
could u do dating bella swan as a werewolf!fem!reader?<33 loved your galadriel headcanons
𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑊𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓:
Pairing: Bella Swan x fem!werewolf!reader
Warnings: a bit angsty
Notes: tysm for the request your so sweet! Sorry this took a little while to get out btw. Requests are open and feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
- Coco ❤️
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You were Jacobs cousin but spent most of your time with him and Billy rather than your family.
You had seen/met Bella once or twice but you were very little and don't remember much
But you have met Charlie Swan, he always seemed like a nice man and often invited you and your family over to watch a baseball game.
When news of the infamous Bellas moving to Forks you were relatively unfazed.
But Jacob was chomping at the bit to get to know her.
You met her the same time jacob did and it was hard to watch the two interact, but she seemed sweet(and very pretty).
Unlike your cousin you actually attended Forks high-school, it was closer to home.
You noticed Bella was a bit shy and socially awkward so you invited her into your friend group and hit it off well.
And when she started taking a interest in a certain blood sucking freak you were sure to steer her in the right direction.
And she listened to your advice
For three days.
She had said some bs about how you wouldn't be able to change her mind about seeing him so it's not worth the fight. And you gave up because you rlly wanted things to work between the two of you.
And you didn't really mind, I mean yes it was dangerous but Bella could take care of herself[and the fact that you had a real big crush on her]. You didn't mind that is until she started ditching you.
"Oh sorry y/n I can't tonight... I'm going to the movies with Edward"
Or "I promised Edward I'd study with him, can't jacob help you?"
It hurt you to say the least and Bella was so blinded by her crush for Edward she didnt even notice.
By Bellas birthday your relationship had practically withered away but you still got her a present. A handmade booksleeve in her favorite colour.
And then...the accident happened. The Cullens left Forks abruptly leaving a heartbroken Bella and a confused town.
You didn't really know what happened but according to Billy, nothing good.
And as selfish as it sounds you were glad you got to get back in touch with her.
You helped her get over her stupid breakup, reminding her that Edward didn't deserve her whatsoever.
You comforted her and let her cry in your arms
You made sure she ate well and got enough sleep
And you even made a bonfire with Jacob and your friends to burn all of Bellas photos, clothing and memories of Edward.
Things were going great until you started distancing yourself.
Making up illnesses and just flat our ignoring her seemed better than the truth, I mean you just couldn't tell her.
She thought that you were ignoring her because of how she treated you before. She felt like a jerk.
So of course when she shows up to Jacobs and demands to see you, things don't go swimmingly.
She finds out and she's...honestly not as shocked as she should have been
" look Bella I understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore, I'm surprised you can even look at me-"
"Y/n I've already been through the whole my friend is a mythical creature thing. Besides who will I complain about the rain to?"
And then she realized she really did eff up pretty badly with you when she was dating Edward and it wasn't ok.
You were studying- or at least trying to study when you were interrupted by bella throwing rocks at your window.
You looked down onto the yard where she was standing and holding up a sign that read "I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE SAID THIS SOONER BUT WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME? p.s im sorry for being a jerk :(" And a bouquet of your favorite flowers to top it off.
You excitedly nodded and quickly got ready for a impromptu date.
You guys went to a drive in movie, sat in the back of her truck and kissed under the stars~
Ok but Bella would be really good with dates
Like hiking to some obscure spot just cuz there's pretty flowers? It's a no brainer for her
You help her cook for her dad and Charlie loves you like a seccond daughter
You read and stargaze together on her roof
You make picture albums with the camera her dad got her for her birthday.
And she constantly finds she keeps "misplacing" her sweaters and flannels
You guys are really the power couple of Forks no matter what the creepy homophobic old guys say🏋‍♂️
Your families already get along great with each other so there's really no fuss when it comes to that.
Jacob is a little miffed that you "stole" Bella from him but she reassures him that he'd never stand a chance.
You get engaged 2 years after high-school, which seems pretty early but you know you'll never ever find someone as great as bells in Forks
The wedding is small but that's the way you both wanted it
It's in her backyard, in the forest and the reception is at her house.
Ok I lokey hate her wedding dress(no shade if you like it tho!) So let's say she wore this one, it's close enough but much better(in my opinion)!
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And ofc u wear whatever u want!
Bella lokey loves wolf version of you, I mean the piggyback rides are insane.
And your just so fluffy, great cuddle material.
You guys have a quiet simple life but it's never boring.
If you decide to have children I'm thanking the God's it won't be named Renesme.
You guys love to cook together and try new recipes
She eventually gets used to the rain and gloom of Forks. It seems to be growing on her tbh
Sometimes you'll be sitting on your bed watching a old movie and both of you will just sit and laugh about what life would gave been like if Edward had stayed in Forks.
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kpthoughts · 1 year
Panic attacks / C.B
0.9k words
Warnings: Bad language, panic attacks, mentions of alcohol
Summary: You have anxiety and have panic attacks a lot but no one knows about them until your best friend notices.
"Y/n!!" Kat whined as you approached the door to your apartment you shared with her.
"I don't feel like partying today!" You replied, unlocking it, your anxiety has been significantly bad today.
"Please! It's not even a party! It's just the us, the boys and their girlfriends!" She begged,you turned around and finally gave in.
"Fine..." You sighed.
"Thank you!!" She stretched her arms out and embraced you, "I did not want to go to this thing without you!"
"Yeah yeah ok..." You rolled your eyes and pulled away, "I'm hungry so let's order food and we'll get ready!"
"Great!" She bounced and clapped her hands in excitement.
Kat opened the door to her boyfriend and your best friend, Sam's apartment. Colby, Jake, Corey, Tara and Devyn were all sat on the corner couch with drinks and a box of pizza on the table.
"Yo guys! Holy shit! Y/n you came?!" Sam exclaimed happily, walking over from the kitchen with a can of whiteclaw in his hands.
"Yeah!" You smiled, already feeling the social battery inside you drain.
"Here!" The blonde passed you both a whiteclaw before you all sat down.
You sat beside your other best friend Colby on the end, earning a welcoming smile from him. You've known Sam and Colby since high school, of course being the only girl it was slightly awkward when you asked for sleepovers but nothing ever happened.
"Nah guys! What if all the girls in the world disappeared and it was just us boys left so we had to repopulate the earth...would you do it?" Jake asked, shifting his eyes to all the boys in the room.
"How would that even work?" Corey laughed.
"I would do it!" Colby nodded with a smile.
"Let's do it then!" Jake joked.
The group laughed at the bromance. You always swore they were gay in some way. You took a sip of your drink and bit your lip, not really wanting to speak to anyone. Your mind started to wonder, the social battery was draining to quickly.
"Y/n what about you?" Sam asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"What?" You asked, feeling your leg start to bounce.
"You filming with us tomorrow?" Colby repeated what Sam had said.
You took a breath, your heart pounding, "Yeah sure..." You agreed, nodding your head.
"Great! Just meet in my apartment at twelve and I'll explain it!" Colby announced to the group.
Everyone agreed to it, kind of scared of what will happen.
"Y/n/n you want pizza?" Tara asked, pushing the box little closer to you.
"No I'm fine..." Your heart pounded as if it was skipping beats. Your head started to spin and your palms started to sweat, "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom..."
"You alright?" Colby asked as you stood up.
"Mhm!" You nodded before going to Sam's bathroom with the can still in your hand.
You place the can on the counter before leaning her palms against it, looking straight to the mirror. It felt like something was pushing against your chest as your eyes burned with tears. You took a shaky breath in and out before squeezing your eyes shut before there was a knock on the door.
"Y/n...its me!" Said Colby's muffled voice.
"I'm fine!" You call back, trying to hide the fact you were crying.
"I'm coming in...you're clearly not ok!" Hearing this you wiped your tears quickly as the door opened.
"I'm fine Colby!" You exclaim.
He saw the tears down your face and immediately closed the door, his face expression changed to worried before wrapping his arms around you. You started to sob with shaky breathing.
"Hey its ok..." He cooed, rubbing the back of your hair softly.
You collected yourself and pulled away, wiping the tears off your face.
"What's going on?" He held the side of your face.
"Just a panic attack..." You sniffed, looking in the mirror.
"A panic attack? Do you get those often?" You stayed silent as you wiped some mascara from under your eyes, "Y/n..."
"Mhm..." You mumbled quietly.
"How often?" You stayed silent again, "Y/n!" He sounded so authoritative.
"Quite often..." You choked, look at him.
"Why haven't you told any of us?" He leaned against the counter and stared into your eyes.
"Because it's not that big of a deal!" You shrugged your shoulders.
"Y/n if you're crying in a bathroom I will come and comfort you!" He held your hand, "Tell me if it happens again..."
"Colbs I'm not gonna do that..." You sighed, shaking you're head.
"Yes you are! You only live down the hall and we never go anywhere unless it's with each other so you really have no excuse!" He held your other hand and smiled at you.
"Colby..." You tilted your head.
"Y/n..." He mocked you, "Just call me when it happens again or give me a signal if we're together!"
"Fine...what signal?" You gave in and smiled at his sweetness.
"You could..." He tried to think of an idea, "Tap your finger on your leg!"
"Tap my leg?" You giggled.
"Yeah!" He nodded with a smile.
"Ok...I'll do that!" You smiled, locking eyes with him.
Master/Request Page
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