#school if you’re reading this know that yeah im pissed at him and yeah i do want to talk in student services i think its for the best
localgardenweed · 4 months
About to lose my shit over my shitty Algebra teacher cause i think he’s the devil incarnate cause he doesn’t respect kid’s 504 plans, there is this kid who may not always show up to class on time for some reason im not sure why but they try their best to catch up and work hard and they asked to send over and take the recent test they missed in a certain classroom and he was like “No you cant, you have to show up tomorrow in here to take it” when literally in their 504 plan says they can take it in that room no one can force them to take it in their classroom, but DOES HE CARE??? NOOOOOO. I think he was just trying to be tough or smth god knows what cause he has a huge ass power complex like dear god dude we get it you were a army guy but is yelling at teens really what you wanna do to feel that high of power again?? The kid then complained to the school and he got a ass whooping but sadly not fired and then the next day was pissed as hell and took it out on all of us 😍
he doesn’t care to actually help students at all, he just gives up on them if they don’t understand the first or barely the second time and tells em to basically fuck off and find someone else to explain it and i get it teaching is hard you might not be able to get everyone to understand BUT ITS LITERALLY HIS GO TO RESPONSE WHEN YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SMTH IN HIS SHITTY RAPID FIRE EXPLANATION WHEN HE JUST JUMPS FROM THING TO THING WITH NO VISUAL OR EVEN SENSE CAUSE WTF HOW DID YOU GET THAT ANSWER HELLO?? SLOW DOWN?? We were going over the study guide and he started doing a question and then realized half way it was “too hard” to do on the board so he gave up and kept going to the next question and a kid at my table who didn’t do that part pf the study guide cause they dont know how asked “Can you go over that please i don’t understand it” and his response was “im not going over it just to fill it in” and the kid said “im not asking to just fill it in im asking cause I DONT KNOW HOW TO DO IT” and guess what. HE DIDNT DO IT HE JUST IGNORED THEM AND KEPT GOING. YOUR STUDENT IS ASKING FOR HELP AND YOU AINT DOING SHIT. HELLO??? AND THIS ISNT THE FIRST TOME HE ALWAYS PULL THIS SHIT ALL THE TIME, GOD FORBID YOU ASK A QUESTION MORE THAN ONCE THATS TOK SCARY AAAHHHHH.
I hope all his classes fails and they fire his ass cause omg there has never been anything positive said about this man that isn’t from favorites/people who already are godly at math. The average student who’s had him HATES HIM.
Im really debating like cussing him out Thursday after my final cause i cant just walk away and act like it was a okay class no he needs to get fucking humbled at least see what he does is harmful and shitty and douchey. I dont care if i get in trouble im not gonna go down like this so many kids in that class have struggled cause of his ass not doing his job. And sure some of there are rowdy and sure some are a bit off task but that doesn’t give you the right to abandon them. If i ever kicked my own bucket he would be 5 of my 13 reasons why.
#localgardenweed#the weed is rambling#i wish upon his downfail almost daily cause like i feel like a death wish isnt good enough thats the easy way out#i need his ass to think and contemplate what he does and reevaluate his lfie#he needs to get off his fucking imaginary throne and look at what he actually does as a teacher#i know teaching is hard and now pays next to nothing but he just doesn’t do his job and if he wants to keep it shit better start changing#there are other teachers in the same topics that do swimingly not to compare but i have to for him#they are patient they give their kids resources like idk FULL WORK ON ANSWER KEYS#that was my biggest ick with him he never posted answe keys with the work hust answers#i know he probably did it to avoid ppl cooying but also screwed over kids who need to see what went wrong with their work#also minor complaint but he used the math textbook for ‘notes’ and YOU KNOW HOW SMALL THE SPACE IS YO WRITE IN THOSE???#WHY IS ALL THE WORK IN THERE WHY DO YOU DO THIS#HE SAID HE DID WORKSHEETS LAST HEAR AND I TOOM A SUGH OF RELIF THINK WE WOULD TO BUT NAHHH HERE IS THE GIANT ASS BOOK THAT WILL GUVE YOU#BACK PAIN AND ALSO IM NOT GONNA SAY PAGE NUMBERS IMMA SAY TOPIC HEADERS#WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT#Thats also a minor complaint but i knew shit was gonna be rough when he said the chapter names and not page numbers#so much time was lost trying to find the oage in the book#also kinda important not really but there were only 5 girls in that class including me#in a room of like 19#…IM JUST SAYING#he did treat my table a little shit which was coincidently all girls#coincidence? yeah probably but ya know.#he mostly ignored the girls unless they were the 2 kids at my table cause they actual spoke up#but he ignored them too so ya know#i may be over thinking it but if he did get fired for sexism ya know i wouldn’t be surprised#school if you’re reading this know that yeah im pissed at him and yeah i do want to talk in student services i think its for the best
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drunkenkissesatdusk · 2 months
Can u maybe do like a Damian wayne x reader where they're friends and all but sometimes they (reader) tends to zone out a lot and think abt a lot of deep ish things that cause her to make weird faces without even realizing? Like she's much more quieter than usual and when he turns to look at her, he sees that she's visibly very upset but for seemingly no reason.
Oh, and if u want angst, maybe the specific thing she's thinking abt has something to do with him so she's really annoyed and snappy when he asks her what's wrong? Like she's be thinking abt how rude guys in their school are and then it kinda reminds her of Damian. Idk🙈🙉
(*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ
am i good at angst? no… will i try? absolutely.
pairings — damian wayne - al ghul x reader (platonic)
warnings — i tried to write angst but gave up, that’s all (and the ending sucks that’s not my fault (it is))
summary — pretty much what the request is gangsters
notes — i don’t know how to write angst 😞
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━━━━━━━ YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN THE SIGNS before it was too late. you were sleeping more, food was suddenly too plain, you were easy to irritate, and you felt like you couldn’t do anything.
but, of course, you hadn’t understood when they began, you just blamed it on stress, since you had tons of tests coming up that you were relentlessly studying.
at some point, your grades had started slipping, and your teachers didn’t miss that. you were forgetting to turn in assignments, and whenever you suddenly couldn’t sleep the night before, you started falling asleep in class.
multiple teachers had brought it up after class with you, and you were able to come up with excuse after excuse.
eventually, Damian noticed. Damian, one of the only kids who didn’t ignore you this year, your first year of high school. but, obviously, that wasn’t always the case. Damian had originally been mean, tormenting you alongside all his other friends.
Damian only noticed because of your lack of emotions throughout the time you’d spend with him. on top of that, said time was clearly dwindling.
“hey, hey.” Damian called after you, catching up soon after and walking with you outside, far enough away from other kids so that the two of you could talk without anyone being nosy.
“what’s going on? you’ve been acting weird the past few days.” Damian’s face was clearly concerned, which irritated you further.
sure, you’d been quieter recently, and you almost always had a sour look on your face, but why would he bring it up?
“nothing, im fine.” you defensively crossed your arms over your chest — also doing so for a little bit of extra comfort as Damian seemed to be interrogating you.
“bullshit. talk to me, i’m your friend.” Damian stared at you, face full of worry.
“nothing.” you reiterated, “i said i’m fine, Damian. i’m fine.” you put emphasis on your words.
“you’re not a good liar.” he stated.
“like you even care.” you scoffed, turning on your heel and walking away. you found semblance in the school library, in the back of the room where you doubted anyone would go looking for you in.
with the silence of the room suddenly hitting you, your guard was up and your eyes were relentlessly looking around.
you probably looked angry. if anyone were to look at you, they’d probably think you were pissed off. were you? yeah, probably. why were you mad? you had no clue.
inhaling carefully, you felt your body begin to unwind, your heart rate slowly slowed.
guilt and regret flooded your system. you could then remember the way you’d treated Damian.
he was truthfully your only friend, he hadn’t deserved that.
i’m sorry, you sent the message. i didn’t mean to be so rude, you sent afterwards. he read the messages almost instantly.
it’s fine, not ur fault, he sent back.
sleepover at mine? you asked him, gathering yourself again before making your way to your next class. he agreed, and the day went on swimmingly.
the sleepover was practically the same, nothing bad happened, and it was easier to talk about it with him.
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masterlist — reminder that asks / requests are open!!
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thelovelylolly · 11 months
Hobie gotta beat a mf up cause they stared being a misogynistic asshole to his girl🙏🏽🙏🏽
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Summary: You start your dream job as a journalist, only to have a sexist co-worker and your boyfriend won't let that slide. Warnings: a misogynistic man (icky icky), fem! reader (she/her pronouns used), not proof read bc im tired, let me know if i missed anything :) Notes: hobie would NOT let that behavior slide period
You loved your job. It was your dream since middle school to be a journalist at one of the top news companies. It was everything you wanted, and more. You had the freedom to investigate what you wanted, when you wanted. You had control over how your stories looked in the paper and online, and you weren't as censored as other places were. It was perfect, except one thing.
Your co-worker, James, wasn't the most...welcoming to you or your ideas. You preferred stories about everyday people doing good things in your community, or focusing on local and small businesses. He thought that your stories weren't as gripping or enticing as they needed, and told you to try harder.
At first, you thought it was just because you were a new employee. But when his targeted critiques didn't stop, you realized it was something else. He wouldn't say the same things to your male counterparts. He also didn't respect your assistant, a sweet girl who needed a job during college. He treated her like garbage, which pissed you off even more.
You had a meeting with all the journalists to get updated on what everyone was investigating and reporting on. When you stood up and explained what you were doing, a simple piece about a bakery owned by a sweet lady and her girlfriend, James rolled his eyes and leaned over to his buddy to whisper something.
"I'm sorry, James, but I'm talking right now. You whispering is distracting me and getting me off track, I'd appreciate if you'd stop," you said calmly, trying to call him out as well.
He sighed dramatically. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Didn't mean to hurt your precious feelings."
You wanted to slap him, but you took a deep breath and went back to what you were talking about.
You kicked your door shut behind you and dropped your things next to it. "Hobie, I'm home!"
You walked into your living room where Hobie was on the couch, tuning his guitar. He looked up and smiled, immediately setting his guitar aside and going over to you.
"Hey, love, how was work?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek and giving you a hug.
You grumbled and hid your face in his neck.
"That bad, huh?"
You pulled away from him, pacing up and down the room. "It's my god damn co-worker! He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut! All he does is criticize me and belittle me, along with the other women in the office, but not with the guys! That sexist piece of shit! It's just...I hate it and I can't do anything with causing a HR nightmare, and I don't wanna lose this job, Hobie. It means so much to me and I…I just can’t lose it.”
You stop and wipe the frustrated tears that had slipped down your cheeks. You look at Hobie and give him a wobbly smile. “‘M sorry, didn’t mean to explode on you like that.”
“Don’t apologize, babe. You’re frustrated, I get it,” he replied, walking over to you and running his hands up and down your arms soothingly. “How ‘bout we order your favorite take out, yeah?”
“And we can watch my favorite movie?”
“Anything you want, love.”
On his patrol as Spider-Man, Hobie kept his eye out for your…problematic co-worker. He didn’t know what the guy looked like, but he could figure it out. He swung by your office and took a look inside.
There was only two people left, a man and a woman. He was at his desk, sipping some drink and yelling at the poor woman who was just trying to organize some files. He eyed her like a piece of candy and yelled at her for putting the papers in the wrong place. Then, he stood up and grabbed his things before heading to the door.
Hobie swung down to the front doors of the building and waited for the man to walk out. A few minutes later, the man strolled out on the phone.
“Exactly, Tim. I don’t get why she got hired. She just does some stories with zero…what’s the word, content to them? I don’t know, it’s just a matter of time until she gets hit with reality. She even had the nerve to stand up to me-“
“Pardon me, mate,” Hobie said, catching the man’s attention.
The man froze at the sight of Spider-Man, hanging up the phone. Hobie glanced at his badge and saw his name.
“James, is it? Well, I heard you were giving the women you work with some grief.”
“W-what do you want?” James stuttered.
Hobie started to back him into a corner. “You know how Spider-Man believes in…fairness and what not?”
“Well, I believe your attitude isn’t very fair to your co-workers.”
“Listen, man, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I-“
Hobie didn’t let him finish, giving him a shove back to cut him off.
“Consider this your warning, James,” Hobie said in a low tone. “Stay away from my girl, and you won’t see me again.”
With that, he swung away, leaving James shaking like a leaf.
The next day, when you got home from work, you immediately went to Hobie. He was in the kitchen, fixing some dinner for the two of you.
“Hey, babe, how was work?” He asked, putting his spoon down and going to you to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“It was…good. James didn’t bother me at all, or any of the girls, actually. It was weird, but I’m not complaining.”
Hobie hummed and went back to his cooking. You tilted your head to the side, confused at his reaction. You hopped up onto the counter next to where he was working.
“Hobie…did you do something?” You asked.
“What? Nah, I don’t even know this guy,” he answered.
"Hm, okay," you said. You hopped off the counter, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and went to get changed.
Hobie smiled to himself, knowing that James wouldn't mess with you anymore.
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anzulvr · 1 year
i really like your writing so i was wondering if you could write karma with a s/o who appears to be super soft and shy but is secretly a huge delinquent. like maybe someone insults karma and they just go off on that person with insults till there crying, idk i just thought the idea was silly. take your time and feel free to ignore this request if you’re uncomfy ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Karma x sweet (secretly delinquent) Reader!
Thank you for requesting and thank you for liking my writing!! You’re so sweet! This was super fun and sorry this took so so long!! (I have a lot to get to still so to anyone reading im sorry if I haven’t written yours yet!!)
— Your kindness is one of the things Karma likes the most about you, he admires it in a way.
— It’s one of the things the entirety of class E admires about you really.
— It wasn’t often you got into big arguments and fights and no one had really seen you like that, not until today atleast.
You and Nagisa walked past the main campus on your way home together. Even though you were an class A student you and Nagisa hung out frequently, it was something many of your peers looked down at you for; they didn’t understand how you could still be friendly with people after they dropped to end class. They especially didn’t understand how on earth you could be dating Karma Akabane- the end class student with undoubtedly the worst reputation.
Like all relationships, dating Karma didn’t come with only good and you had your issues along the way. What’s surprising though, is most of the issues didn’t even come from Karma himself but from the nosy students of the main campus.
They’d make up lies about how you’re only dating him because you’re scared or gossip about how sad it is to see an A class student so desperate they go for one of the school’s rejects.
You never really say anything not wanting to argue; that was until today.
“Right? [Name] has to be an total idiot to believe that psycho actually likes them.”
“Karma is such a pain, he’s E classes wannabe savior. Can you believe he beat Ren up for messing with some E class girls.”
“That entire class is worthless to society [name] needs to get their boyfriend in check.”
That was enough to drag you off the ledge but before you could confront them Nagisa stopped you
“[Name], who cares what they think lets keep going.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right.”
You were about to drop it until they mentioned you directly “look there’s [name] now with another Eclass low life.”
“Guess the Psycho wasn’t enough for them.”
at this point they’re laughing about it until you walk up to them and they get serious.
20 minutes later you’re all still fighting and everyone is down eachothers throats. Minus Nagisa who is awkwardly looking around as if he were a lost puppy talking back once in a while to back you up.
(I know Nagisas a little crazy too but he’s letting you take this one. He had a long enough day already 😭)
“Hey what’s-” Karma who seemingly appeared out of nowhere is now behind you both and stops mid sentence when he notices you’re arguing with someone.
Before he can finish his sentence one of the girls goes “we’re done keep living your miserable ass life and stay away from us [name].” They both start to leave before anyone else can reply and when Karmas about to say something you stop him
(NOT IN A : this isn’t you😕😕 way LMFAOO JUST IN A “let’s go it’s a waste of time” way)
“Damn.. just as I was about to start recording..”
On you’re way back Karma asks what that was all about.
Nagisa replies for you “[Name] got into a fight over you.”
“Over me?”
“Yeah they were talking crap about you and [Name] got all heated.”
You can practically see the devil horns form on his head
“Really [name]? I didn’t know I had that effect on you! That’s so cute.”
Nagisa shuts up again ambling along wondering what Karmas definition of cute is.
“Oh please, it wasn’t over you! They were being so arrogant it pissed me off.”
“Rightt and it had nothing to do with them talking about you’re precious boyfriend?”
“Precious is the last thing I’d call you.” You say feeling your face heat up
He spends the rest of the way poking fun at you for getting angry on his behalf calling you his “knight in shining armor”.
He thinks it’s cute you’re willing to stand up for him. He’d do the same for you any day.
(<3 sorry for any typos I try to edit before posting but I always miss something haha)
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pixxiies · 5 months
ꨄ MAKE IT UP . 𓂃 ㅤ۫ ㅤ⊹
— c.s. series | part 1 . .
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pairing :: chris sturniolo x fem!oc
summary :: in which isabella decantis has to share a dorm room with her high school enemy, chris sturniolo.
word count :: 1,390 k
warnings :: swearing, angst (??), lowercase intentioned, 3rd person, chris is a dick, drinking, throwing up, fluff if u squint, n thats it
a/n :: yall r crazy for getting tense to 800 notes 😭😭 i love u guys all dearly. also the story line is js smth i ended up doing on c.ai and i thought it was realy good so 😁 also credits to maxine for the name she said she wouldnt read this if i didnt give her credits
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COLD was what amber-eyed isabella decantis felt while walking down the long hallway. after waiting for weeks and even months, she had finally gotten accepted into her dream college. the brunette girl looked down at the small folded paper to know which dorm was hers. to her surprise, the hallway was empty on move in day. she knew how hard had been working and how much money she paid to get one of the dorms that have a private bathroom. she knew she deserved this.
‘ROOM 617’ was said on the small sign on the door. isabella put her boxes down after struggling to carry them for almost 10 minutes. she excitedly took out the key to unlock the door, but it was already open. bella raised her eyebrow slightly, a bit shocked that her dorm mate would already be here. she opened the door slowly while letting out a soft, “hello?”
her amber eyes met with blue eyes. “uhm.. what the fuck are you doing here?” chris mumbled, getting up from his bed. isabella’s jaw clenched as she looked back down at the folded paper. “this is room 617?” she spoke with anxiety laced into her tone. “are ya’ blind?” the brunette boy spoke coldly. “no because if i was, i wouldn’t already know that im gonna have to be with you.” she spat as she kicked her boxes filled with clothes and other things into the room.
bella picked up the few boxes and placed them on top of her bed. the room now completely silent, she took a box knife that she had in her purse and started to open the boxes up. “cant fucking believe im gonna have to be stuck with you for the entire year.” chris mumbled under his breath, thinking that isabella couldn’t hear him when in reality she did. “well we both wouldn’t be pissed off if you didn’t bully me through all of high school, wouldn’t we sturniolo?” isabella snapped.
“well thats what you deserve for being all slutty n shit when you fucked every guy in school decantis.” he argued back, not even looking up from his phone. bella paused from packing to turn to chris. her hands rested on her love handles. “excuse you! your the one who played every girl in bell borne! remember lizzy? yeah, you fucked around with her for a bit and then you cheated on her with her sister.” she retorted with frustration laced into her words. “but ohhh, no remember that one time when you cheated on her sister with her bestfriend?” bella continued, pissed off that chris was probably not even listening.
“oh please bella! you sent nudes to basically all of the guys during junior and senior year. dont act all innocent and act like you didn’t do anything.” chris finally snapped as he put his phone down. “jesus christ and you fucked how many guys in the bathroom?” he didn’t stop there. “don’t be coming after me sayin shit like im a player when you were a slut too.” he finally stopped. isabella rolled her eyes, turning her back to chris. “oh so now what? when i finally say the truth you stay quiet? is that what hurts you to know bella?” he taunted.
“that’s because its all a shitty humor chris! i didn’t fuck anybody in any bathroom, i didn’t send nu— well i sent nudes to my boyfriend.. i didnt send nudes to any other guy but him!” she defended herself while throwing her hands up with mercy. “for fucks sake chris you’re just like your ex girlfriend. she was such a fucking dick. you know you were nicer in eighth grade but when you started to date her during the summer you became a prick. guessing you also played her then?” bella added, tilting her head to the side slightly while crossing her arms. after a few seconds of awkwardness, isabella knew chris was finally silenced, atleast for now.
bella turned back to her things and continued to unpack everything. she carefully placed things on top of the shelfs next to her bed. her dainty crystals, her box of tarot cards, her little jewelry box, everything that she had loved. but it wasn’t too soon until the silence started to kill her. she then remembered that he had brought her vinyl player along with two or three records. the brunette girl carefully opened the book that held them, then taking them out. happily, isabella plugged in the vinyl player and putting on a mac demarco record on to play. chris groaned quietly as the music started to fill the room. “jesus what is this shit?” he asked while getting up from his bed to turn off the music.
“its music…” bella mumbled, quickly turning it back on. “well yeah it sounds depressing, who listens to that kinda stuff.” chris argued as he turned it back off. the girl pouted slightly. “people who listen to mac demarco?? if its bothering you so much then get out while i finish unpacking.” she shrugged. chris didn’t give her an audible reply, instead just simply putting his shoes on and leaving the room. isabella let out a small sigh of relief, thankful she had the room to herself now for a while.
. . . .
isabella was now in her nicely made bed comfortably. her wired earbuds connected to her phone which played music softly into her pierced ears. she hummed to herself quietly once she noticed the time. 1:03am. the brunette girl couldn’t actually help but feel a little bit worried about where he was. but of course, she quickly brushed it off and enjoyed how cozy she was currently. soon enough, a loud thud hit the door. isabella’s eyebrow raised slightly while lazily getting out of bed.
the brunette walked over to the door, taking out one earbud while opening it. her eyes met chris’ eyes. his hair stook out everywhere and some of it stuck to his forehead, his hand holding a bottle of something, his eyelids droopy, and his scent reeking of alcohol and his cheap cologne. “jesus what did you do?” bella asked while moving to the side to let chris in. “mmmhh” he rather giggled. he belly-flopped onto his bed and wiggled around on it for a while, bella assuming he was trying to get comfortable. “are you.. drunk?” she asked, crossing her arms. “don’t be ridicu-lush.. ‘m not that drunk.” he slurred while continuing to giggle like a baby.
isabella hesitated, but she grabbed the bottle that was in his grasp. “jesus! vodka chris?” she groaned in annoyance. he let out a small hiccup in reply that kinda made her laugh. isabella just watched him wriggle around in his bed before his body shot up. “what now?” she mumbled. “im gonna throw up.” chris groaned as he quickly ran to the bathroom that was connected to the dorm. the brunette girl ran after the boy as he kneeled down in-front of the toilet to throw up. isabella who had emetophobia, was also not doing well. her fingers lightly held chris’ front pieces of hair back with one hand patting his back gently, trying not to look at the throw up.
“there ya go..” she whispered quietly. after he was done doing his thing, isabella grabbed a plastic cup and filled it up with tap water. “here, drink some water.” the brunette said, then flushing the toilet. chris gladly took the cup of water and took little sips. “feel better?” she asked as she leaned against the sink counter, looking down at chris on the floor. “hm, i think ‘m still drunk.” he admitted, putting the cup down. isabella hummed quietly, nodding her head as she stuck out a hand to help chris up. “get some sleep.” she suggested while walking chris back into the room. “m’kay..” he babbled while quickly flopping back on his bed.
the amber-eyed girl turned off the bathroom lights then walked over to her bed. she had also decided to go to sleep. isabella turned off her lamp and put her phone to charge. her body slid underneath her sheets and blankets. she heard chris snore like a truck, “great.” she thought. honestly though, she didn’t mind it that much. after staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, she quickly fell asleep.
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a/n ;; STARTING MY FIRST SERIES 🙀🙀🙀 this might be a bit messy for the first part but i do hope u guys enjoyed it!!
taglist :: @espressomads @mattsluttywaist @sturniol0s @luverboychris
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tired-biscuit · 4 months
this is like maybe a little specific and really just me rambling
but FIRST of all im obsessed with your portrayal of kiba. he's like always been my fav but his content is so limited so its been away since my imagination flew but phew these last few days reading your blog has been a journey.
but back to the ramble ive been thinking a lot of the brother's bsf trope for him. at first i was riding naru bc bros but then i thought about sasu and the whole prideful uchiha vibe. even in the modern version, then just being like these corporate giants alongside the hyugas and the other ‘noble’ clans. and like maybe kiba isn’t really bsfs with sasu but like the whole ‘genin’ growing up around each other thing. probably all just went through the same school system.
ANYWAY rambles
i imagine like the uchiha ‘princess’, the only daughter and youngest sibling to sasu and ita. and like she’s just really grown up with that whole corpo royalty vibe, getting everything she wants, always supervised low key suppressed LIKE NOTHING NEW HERE low-key maybe even loosely in talks of being engaged to one of the ally corps like hyugas or something the point is its SCREAMING corruption for kiba. like the forbidden fruit. subtle classism, like kiba’s family isn’t what the uchihas would envision for her but like I just imagine her sneaking out with her brother to a uni party or something (like maybe sasu got to go to a public uni and she got the private treatment) and just like bumping into kiba in all his alpha buff man-ness and just like that first spark of lust just like overwhelms her like doesn’t even know whats going on but OH BOY KIbA does and he’s just like ‘yeah I got what you need bbygirl’ and yeah. Asdfsjhkgrhgo I have a lot of thoughts sorry for all the words 🐣
i don’t see kiba and sasuke being friends because kiba is too big of a hater, BUT i think that would even add more to the appeal because, like… he can act like a real proper shithead towards the people he doesn’t particularly like, so scoring sasuke’s little sister? yeah, he’d definitely try it just to get a sense of some kind of victory from it.
and i think it’d be the initial motive at first — the whole ‘haha, i fucked your sister, whatcha gonna do ‘bout it?’ — but then one thing leads to another and suddenly he’s caught… feelings. feelings that he doesn’t really know how to comprehend yet, and it’s weird because you’re like his exact opposite; so fancy and with your nose upturned whenever he winds up in your presence, pushing your whole princess agenda forward. and he knows that he should find it annoying because you’re acting just like your equally as annoying brother, but instead he’s catching himself thinking about you more and more and he’s almost finding it entertaining. pestering you is almost fun to him.
i think he’d wonder what you’d look like without the make up and the pretty skirt. what you’d look like with messy hair instead of it being in that almosy eerie state where each strand is sitting perfectly in place. he wants to see actual sweat coating your face instead of that matt powder he’s seen you reapply once or twice before because you hate the shine on your forehead. he wants to fuck you nasty and ruin that idea of you being a perfect girl in every single situation just so that he can see what you’re really like underneath.
besides that, i also imagine him initially pursuing you because he hates, hates, hates the whole idea behind noble clans, as well as the set of strict, mostly unfair rules that they’ve got going on, because of what they did to hinata. so if you’re his ticket to fuck with them a little bit, hey, why not?
you would find him appealing because he just simply does not give a shit what anybody thinks. he might get pissed off if someone insults him, sure, but he still ends up doing whatever it is that he wants in that moment and he doesn’t apologize for it. plus, his clan is more like one big family instead of a picture on the wall where everyone is smiling their most perfect grin despite the fact that their eyes still end up looking cold.
he’s warm, you know? carefree and dumb and not uptight at all. he finds joy in the little things and instead of spending money on fancy dinners, he buys things cheap because he’s saving up for a roadtrip that he’s planning to go on this summer with his shitty truck. he doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty and he loves his dog more than most people.
…and he’s also the first man who actually looks you in the eyes and tells you you’re full of shit when you start acting bratty and deserve to be called out for it. he treats you like a person instead of delicate glass.
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azaarchiive · 7 months
Only The Elite; hinata shoyo
chapter one; birthday girl
notes; fem reader btw not sure if i specified that im so sorry. omg first chappy heheh so happy! if you haven’t read the prologue as it just adjusts you to the dynamics quite early on but if you really don’t then it’s ok! 1.9k words
PROLOGUE - NEXT - INSIDER (k+t’s phone call)
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“hey birthday girl!” tooru warmly smiled as you opened the door, stretching his long arms out to hug you tightly.
“thanks baby, everyone’s already in the dining hall.” you sighed, a small smile on you face as you accepted the hug since it almost dissolved all your stress.
keyword’s almost.
birthdays in hiroo are a big thing, it was the biggest events of the year and it was an expectation that no matter when your birthday was, it would be a big fucking bang. it’s a competition, whoever had the most controversy during their birthday won that year. there would be award ceremonies at the end of the year and all.
last year, eita won as he managed to get a tiger loose in his house who bit hajime’s dad. there is still a little tension between them about it till this day.
so yeah, in short, you were stressed as fuck. your maid, precious, has seen this and aided you in organising, she truly was your favourite.
“alright, let’s go.” tooru held onto your hand and dragged your lethargic body to the dining room, which took forever considering your house is massive.
“awe look at y/n and her prince charming!” koutarou teased as he saw you two walking into the dining room.
“would i ever leave a damsel in distress?” tooru smiled as he pulled your body towards him, draping his arms around you lazily.
“erm excuse me? i could literally buy and sell your company.” you rolled your eyes jokingly, folding your arms.
“yeah, just keep quiet after that.” hajime chuckled, taking a gulp of his whisky.
“you need to stop drinking before you comment on anyone else!” tooru huffed childishly.
“fuck off tooru, you’re just mad that i could buy and sell your company also.” hajime gloated, leaning back in his chair as he was satisfied with tooru’s angered expression.
tooru stomped to his chair childishly, refusing to comment any further, this made everyone chuckle at tooru’s antics.
“moving on from this big baby, everyone has their clothes?”
“yes y/n.” everyone said all together annoyed as you had asked them this question at least 4 times already.
“you’re way to stressed, listen, all the maids are dealing with everything. all you need to focus on is making that pretty face and body even prettier. have you even tried on your dress?” suguru smirked sultrily, shamelessly dragging his eyes across your whole frame.
“ugh, you’re disgusting but you have a point. i’m just nervous about the guest list specifically.” you admitted, taking a chair and sitting down at the table as you sighed.
“why, who did you invite?” kiyoomi asked.
“everyone in hiroo and their parents, problem is, all the parents are pissed at mine for the recent business investment we did.” you groaned.
“what the hell did you guys do now?” kiyoomi questioned once more.
“we announced that we are planning to buy some shitty public school- karasuno, i think it’s called? anyways, long story short, we are buying the school and surrounding area to make it less poverty stricken.” you explained.
“so… gentrification?” koutarou commented.
“i guess, but to be fair that area is ugly anyways, like if i was poor, id be happy people are kicking us out. at least id have an excuse to finally get up and make some fucking money.” you shrugged.
“you’re so unserious.” eita replied, laughing his ass off.
“no wait, i get what she’s saying. love the poor people or whatever but they do need an incentive to start working, you know?” suguru said, laughing along with everyone.
“you guys are mean, where are they supposed to go?” koutarou calmed down from his laughing fit.
“who cares? just get out of my area, ya know?” you smiled.
“anyways, not the point! point is, some parents are now like poverty-activists and are pissed at me.” you sighed for what seemed like the umpteenth time that’s day.
“don’t worry, it will pass over. speaking out against you gets them the most positive attention from the public, they’ll still come and won’t make any havoc.” wakatoshi advised.
wakatoshi talked every once in a blue moon but every time he did, it was like a million dollar movie line that solves all the main characters problems, the wisest man everyone has ever known is wakatoshi.
“i love you, thanks babe. you’re right, i just need to focus on getting ready and praying something controversial happens.” you stood up and dusted off your lounge outfit.
“not like you can beat me but have fun trying.” eita winked at me as he boasted.
“you’re a monster.” hajime stared directly at eita.
“oh my god, let it go! it has literally been a year.” eita rolled his eyes.
“yeah, because it’s not like my dad had to wear crutches for half of that year, you evil beast.” hajime spat out.
“i’m crying.” tooru wheezed out as he continued to cry laughing.
“so was my father when he was viciously attacked.” hajime muttered bitterly.
“yet he was still able to take away free lunches from kindergarten classes? maybe the tiger should’ve went a little harder.” eita stuck his tongue before quickly making a run for it.
“fuck you and your mothers foundation!” hajime yelled out before chasing after eita down the hallway.
“i’m friends with children.” you face palmed while the rest of the table were bursting with laughter.
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meanwhile, back in karasuno’s gym, the remaining members of the volleyball team were sat in silence. looking down at the ground and staring off into space while confused with how the future was going to play out for them.
they should be bursting with excitement, they were going to the finals! they were going to compete with top private schools and some even had opportunities to go pro, however all those dreams may be cut short after their recent revelations.
“so, what the hell are we going to do?” yuu disrupted the silence, asking the question that plagued their mind ever since finding out about karasuno being a recent purchase.
“we might have to move to the countryside…” koushi suggested, blinking back his tears as he faced down to the ground.
“no.” shoyos voice was cracking, barely above a whisper.
“sorry?” tobio asked, carelessly letting his tears run down his face.
“i’m not fucking standing for this. what? we have to leave the only place we can afford to go, on student loans mind you, because some fucking pompous fucks want better scenery? taking the fucking piss.” shoyo raised his voice.
“well non of us fucking like it but what the hell do you want us to do? fucking ask them to stop? like they’ll listen to us.” kei responded.
there was a beat of silence before yuu spoke.
“i… i know this is so far fetched but, we have nothing to loose right?” he started, looking around the group to see all their tearful eyes staring at him.
“kei, you’re friends with tetsurō, right?” yuu asked, to which kei nodded his head.
“well, he knows koutarou- as in bokuto koutarou. he could potentially get us invited to y/n’s birthday this afternoon.” yuu suggested.
“is that really going to work? why would they invited some miyagi boys to the y/n l/n’s birthday party?” koushi rebuttaled.
“well, no time like the present to find out.” shoyo spoke up, staring at kei.
kei rolled his eyes before dialing tetsurō’s number and putting him on speaker.
“yo, kei! i never thought you would call me first, so you do love me!” tetsurō chuckled, his booming voice still echoing through the gym despite it being through the phone.
“don’t get it twisted, i just need something from you.” kei rolled his eyes.
“haha, of course! what’s up?”
“i need you to get my team and i invited to y/n’s party.” kei demanded.
“… kindest way possible-“
“i know, we’re dirt poor, but we aren’t there to enjoy ourselves. we need to talk to y/n ourselves.” kei still stood his ground, tetsurō could tell that kei was being dead serious about this and wouldn’t back down without a fight.
“this is about karasuno, right?” tetsurō asked, kei’s hum of affirmation confirmed it.
“i’ll see what i can do, sit tight and let daddy tetsu deal with it!” tetsurō said before ending the call.
“i guess we’ll see.” kei sighed, truthfully he felt quite hopeless. why would they be able to get invites to the party of the year? the media had eyes all over the estate, the party was already making headlines without it even starting.
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five minutes go by and they truly have lost hope, until, tetsurō rings back.
kei answered the phone almost immediately.
“you guys are in! ok so the party starts at 5pm and lasts until 1am.” tetsurō cheered.
“how the hell-“
“listen, i don’t know how myself, just enjoy yourselves. but there is a catch.” tetsurō warned.
“of course, go on?” kei sighed, it was expected that there would be a catch.
“only four of you can come, there’s a very strict dress code and… you guys need to bring coke…” tetsurō notified.
“done, that’s not that bad, i didn’t think that they would want us to bring coke to a party though.” shoyo gleamed.
“i know, right? i’m bummed that only four of us can come though.” tobio replied.
“oh my god, you guys are idiots.” kei facepalmed, koushi and tetsurō bursting out laughing in the background.
“he’s talking about crack, the drug that people snort up?” sawamura, whose been silent up until now, lets out a breathy chuckled.
“oh… OH!” shoyo exclaimed as he realised now what everyone was talking about.
“how the hell are we supposed to get that?” tobio questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side in confusion.
“yeah you need around… 20 grams? ok bye gu-“
“no way, you will not be leaving until you have helped us.” kei commanded, tetsurō sighed in response.
“well… my sister knows some people…” ryūnosuke muttered, looking around at everyone.
“fuck, well, what about the dress code?” kei asked tetsurō through the phone.
“the theme is royalty, so you all need to dress like royalty or something of the sort.” tetsurō informs.
“oh my goodness, do you remember last halloween? we all dressed up as kings!” shoyo exclaimed.
“that probably won’t cut it though..” koushi thought, before whipping his head to azumane.
“azu’ you’re a fashion student right?” koushi smirked.
“i- i guess.” azumane meekly replied.
“you can, whip something together for your dear ol’ friends trying to help the school from crumbling, right?” koushi batted his eyelashes at him, flashing a bright smile at him.
“realistically, no, but i know that the department has to have something to do with a royalty theme so i can do some small tailoring to it, that should only take a few hours.” azumane explained.
“seems like you all have it covered, am i allowed to take my leave?” tetsurō sarcastically asked.
“yes.” kei rolled his eyes and slammed his finger on the red button, ending the call.
“i think… i think we are gonna crash the l/n’s.” yuu smiled.
“we are gonna save karasuno!” shoyo laughed, lazily draping his arms over tobio.
“yes we will.” tobio nodded determinedly, high-fiveing shoyo.
but they all knew deep down that it was not going to be this easy, however, they had to stay hopeful. especially for the events that laid ahead of them.
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berryunho · 2 years
on seonghwa
this is just 800 words of me rambling about seonghwa (and a little hongjoong) in the answer so feel free to ignore or read for a glimpse into his noggin but there are... minor ??? spoilers lol i don't really think they're spoilers which is why im fine sharing them but ANYWAYS yeah beware ig ...
and shoutout bffie @mintsang this is for you don't yell at me when you read it <333333
listen. seonghwa is so devoted to hongjoong because he feels responsible for him. when they first met seonghwa thought hongjoong was just some poor kid being beat by his parents and he decided that he would make sure that hongjoong didn’t die or go to jail or flunk out of school as long as they were friends. and at first of course hongjoong was quite… tame… w his personality shall we say so seonghwa really had no idea what the fuck he was getting into w him. and anyways by the time he put two and two together and realized that, ‘oh, maybe hongjoong is the problem!’ it was waaaayyyyy too late. like… he feels almost responsible for everything getting out of hand bc he definitely could’ve stopped him at some point but didn’t because he couldn’t bear hongjoong telling him to go or not wanting him at his side anymore so he just kept his mouth shut even as things got worse and worse. 
like seonghwa was a very normal and rational person before hongjoong got his talons into him. and this still haunts him. seonghwa really does mourn the loss of his innocence but… at the same time… he wouldn’t go back to change anything if he could. because he loves hongjoong. even knowing that hongjoong has only ever used him for his own gain and even knowing that hongjoong is like a textbook abuser he can’t make himself regret anything that he’s ever done for him. because he will always remember what it felt like to be that 14 year old boy watching his friend be rejected by everyone else and the feeling that he was the only one that could care enough to stay w him. and seonghwa knows its stupid but he’s scared that one day everything will fall apart for hongjoong and if he’s not there for it hongjoong simply won’t survive. 
so even though he knows hongjoong only wants him for selfish reasons he’s okay w that so long as hongjoong wants him somehow. and this is where our dear mc comes in. on one hand seonghwa is obviously jealous that hongjoong suddenly has someone else to give his freaky ass microscopic focus to. and on the other he’s pissed that she won’t just give hongjoong want he wants (even if what hongjoong wants is the opposite of what he wants). and on the other he’s scared FOR her bc no matter how strong she seems he’s sure that she’ll break to him eventually and seonghwa really doesn’t want to see what happened to himself happen again in another person. and on the other (4 hands is the normal amount idk what you’re talking about) he’s confusingly into her and he can’t understand why or how but he suspects its the fact that she’s also being subjected to the same. essentially torture. that is hongjoong’s desire/manipulation/whatever and he feels oddly connected to her…
so i wouldn’t say seonghwa hates mc nor does he really care about her he just is very conflicted about her and doesn’t know whether to be cold for his own sake or if he should be trying to get closer w her because this is really his first opportunity to have someone that understands hongjoong with him.
and anyways yeah even if seonghwa wanted to leave (he doesn’t) he wouldn’t because he feels responsible for hongjoong’s wellbeing (even though he knows this is foolish). and yeah maybe this is a bombshell or whatever but seonghwa couldn’t care less about the cult shit he’s just happy that hongjoong is happy and safe and not out in the real world wreaking havoc where he could get his ass caught a million times faster. so seonghwa deals with it to keep the situation somewhat under control for hongjoong’s sake. and while he’s not a fan of the crimes and the murder he also doesn’t particularly care either because he would do anything to keep hongjoong safe and he already thinks of himself as a lost cause anyhow. 
and this might be bold but here’s a little something on hongjoong too. hongjoong… is attached to seonghwa shall we say. like he never meant to be and he hates that he cares even a little bit so he keeps that shit on LOCK. as we’ve discussed he doesn’t love seonghwa bc he straight up cannot but if seonghwa decided to pack his shit and leave hongjoong WOULD be affected and he’d try to stop him duh but would he actually be able to kill him. probably not. so ANYWAYS hongjoong is a freak about mc for so many reasons but part of it is that he’s horrified (more so pissed) by the fact that he suddenly cares about someone and is desperate to prove to himself that he can control someone at a personal level without getting attached to them. which. we’ll see. LOL
SO YEAH THAT’S SEONGHWA! i could probably write an entire ass prequel about hongjoong and seonghwa and damn maybe i will but lol a lot of this will be clarified/expanded on in interims in the future but i litcherally cannot stop thinking about this rn so TAKE IT !!
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
stay calm
so i haven’t quite finished my ACTUAL fic for day 5 of reddie week yet (it might not be ready until tmrw, unfortunately) so i’m deciding to share some snippets from another crossover idea i had…
reddie x five nights at freddy’s!!
im aware that this is a pretty niche crossover but it’s one of my favourites, so i hope you enjoy this small snippet! 🐻🐰🐤🦊
1,726 words. cw: blood and child death mention.
@reddieweek Day 5 Prompt: Books/Games/Movies/TV!
read under the cut!
“Hey,” Richie says, dropping his headphones to dangle around his neck. “Did you know that a kid died here once?” Richie bites down on his bottom lip to try and hide his smile when he sees Eddie’s shoulders stiffen and his hand freeze as he toggles through the different cameras.
“Yeah right,” Eddie finally says, but Richie can see right through the false confidence he’s trying to put on.
“I’m serious,” Richie presses, rolling his chair over to the cameras, leaning close to Eddie. Eddie flinches at the harsh squeaking of the chair’s wheels and the sudden appearance of Richie at his side. Richie grins at the sight of Eddie’s pale face and his wide, worrying eyes before he continues. “Back in ‘87, there was a birthday party going on here. Apparently, the little birthday boy just loved one of the animatronics and wanted to give it a hug, but kids aren’t allowed on the stage. The employees told him it was dangerous, but the kid thought, what could be so dangerous about them? So, when none of the staff were looking, the kid climbed up onto the stage and tried to start playing with one of the animatronics, the fox one. He must have pushed a button or yanked the machine the wrong way or something, because next thing he knew…” Richie jumps forward in his seat and slams his hand down on the desk, the harsh clap cutting through the silence of the office and making Eddie recoil back in surprise. “The fox freaked out and bit the kid’s arm clean off. Apparently there was blood everywhere- he bled out before the ambulance even arrived.”
Richie leans in closer towards Eddie, waiting to get a reaction from him. When Richie finishes telling his story, Eddie looks like he’s about five seconds away from pissing his pants. Richie tries his best to hold in a laugh as he watches the story sink into Eddie’s mind, the images Richie planted into his head haunting him.
“You’re full of it,” Eddie says eventually, rolling himself back over to the desk. “Stop making shit up.”
“I’m not!” Richie defends. “It’s true. I went to middle school with the kid’s older brother. He told me all about it.”
“Well, then he was a liar,” Eddie says firmly, some of the shakiness disappearing from his voice. Richie isn’t sure if Eddie is trying to diminish Richie’s story, or comfort himself.
Richie shrugs, leaning back in his chair. “He wasn’t. That’s why they keep the fox off the main stage nowadays.” Richie reaches over to the camera panel and switches the monitor from the main stage to the camera titled “Pirate’s Cove”, which displays a fuzzy image of a small stage closed off with a curtain and a sign attached to the stage reading, Sorry! Out of Order. “They weren’t sure why it bit the kid in the first place, so they couldn’t repair it so it wouldn’t do it again. And, apparently there was so much blood that they couldn’t get it out of the suit.”
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s not nice to tell lies?” Eddie says, switching the camera from Pirate’s Cove back to the Main Stage.
“Oh, she did,” Richie replies. “She also told me never to come back to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, because they say that the ghost of the boy who died still haunts the place to this day…” His hand sneaks around the back of Eddie’s chair, then grabs the collar of Eddie’s shirt. Eddie practically jumps out of his seat, letting out a string of curses as he smacks Richie’s hand away.
“Asshole!” he says, grabbing a ball of crumpled paper from the desk and launching it at Richie’s face. Richie also nearly falls from his seat, but in his case, it’s because he’s howling with laughter at Eddie’s reaction. Richie didn’t mean to really scare the poor guy, just to poke fun at his nerves, but he couldn’t help himself. Besides, Richie thought it was kind of cute, the way Eddie’s cheeks and ears flushed bright red as he attempted to regain his composure.
“Oh, man, that was good,” Richie says, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. “I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.”
Eddie grumbles something that Richie couldn’t quite hear, though he could assume the general idea from Eddie’s tone. Richie wheels himself back over to his side of the desk, lifting his headphones back onto his ears and pressing play on his Walkman. He glances over to the clock on the wall- it’s 1:37am. The night had been going by painfully slow, but at least that amused him for a little chunk of time. And hey, Richie thinks to himself as he reassumes his position of resting his feet up against the desk and leaning back in his chair, at least if I start to get bored, I know a way to entertain myself.
Eddie, on the other hand, was not as impressed by Richie’s idea of “entertainment.” It took a few minutes for his heart to slow back down to a normal pace, with Eddie glancing over to the side every once in a while to make sure Richie wasn’t getting up to anything else.
Eddie doesn’t believe a word that Richie said. What kind of a business would keep things open and running if a kid was brutally killed in their restaurant? And they would especially never keep the animatronic that did it. There was no way. But still… Eddie shivers at the image that his over-active imagination created in his head, of the scene- the false scene- that Richie has described.
Eddie also does not believe in ghosts. Out of all the things that Richie said to try and scare him, the idea of the ghost of this child haunting the restaurant is the most ridiculous. It was just a silly ghost story, one that Eddie is much too old to be getting scared of. But still… Eddie had to admit, there is something haunting about the animatronics, as he stares at them on stage through the camera. He knows that they are supposed to be fun and exciting for the kids, but Eddie wonders how anyone could enjoy a party run by those things. The rabbit one isn’t that bad- it looks dirty and its jaw hangs at a weird, broken angle that makes Eddie wonder how it got like that. The bird, sitting on the far end of the stage isn’t much worse, but it also isn’t any better. Its beak is full of teeth that Eddie thinks are just a bit too sharp for the mascot of a children’s restaurant, and it wore a bib around its neck displaying the words LET'S EAT, but the words are faded and hard to read underneath several dark, splattered stains on the white fabric. But the worst had to be the bear, Freddy, the face of the business. It's not that Freddy is necessarily scary, but Eddie finds it hard to not get creeped out by those eyes staring back at the camera, eyes that seem a bit too humanlike-
Eddie freezes.
Wait a minute.
Had the bear always been looking into the camera? The rabbit and the chicken are staring out to the room, their metal eyelids shut, and Eddie could have sworn that the bear had been in the exact same position. But even through the static of the camera and the darkness of the dimly-lit building, there was no mistaking it- Freddy is staring at the camera. Staring at him. Eddie tells himself he must have just not been paying attention before, that Freddy had always been looking towards the camera, and Eddie only just noticed now because he was actually looking at them, not just scanning over the pictures of each camera. Yes, that was it.
Eddie stares at Freddy. Freddy stares back. His eyes are open wide, so much so that Eddie can see most of the white of the white ball in the sockets, with the black pupils painted on directly in the center. He knows that they’re nothing more than plastic balls painted to look like eyes, and yet… something about it still makes Eddie feel unsettled. He knows that they’re nothing more than plastic eyes in an animatronic suit, but it still feels like they’re… watching him. It still feels like they can see him.
Eddie starts to turn to Richie to ask if he could remember if Freddy had always been looking to the camera or not, but he quickly catches himself before the words can make it out of his mouth. Surely if Eddie asks a question like that, Richie would make fun of him for the rest of the night. Eddie can already feel the embarrassment burning his cheeks as he imagines Richie’s teasing, “Wait, don’t tell me you actually got scared from that story! Oh man, I really got you!” Eddie shakes his head and lets out a grumbled sigh, unheard by Richie through his blaring music. As much as Eddie would have hated to hear Richie say it, he knows Richie would have been right. Why is he getting so worked up about it? The animatronics don’t move, he was just letting Richie’s stupid story fill his head with an even more stupid idea, and causing himself to uncessarily worry. Eddie is sure he must have just not noticed where Freddy was looking until he started paying attention to it. Eddie turns back to the cameras, ready to switch off from the Show Stage to do another check of the building.
Freddy isn’t looking at the camera.
Freddy, now perfectly in position with the rabbit and the bird on either side of him, is facing the room in front of him, leaving Eddie to stare in shock at the side of his head. Eddie leans forward, getting as close to the monitor as he can to make sure that yes, he’s seeing things right, that yes, Freddy is not looking directly into the camera, he’s looking out in front of him, in fact he’s not looking at all, because his metal eyelids are shut. It almost looks like he’s sleeping.
As Eddie looks at the camera, there’s only one thought in his mind.
What the fuck?
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eddieismissing · 2 years
black cat part five
word count: 2.3k
pairing: reader x eddie
warnings before every chapter: 18+, steve and robin, mutual pining, enemies to crushes, obsessive behavior, violence, inexperienced reader, cheating, fighting, drinking, parties, blood, jealousy, intrusive thoughts, oversharing, flirting, fluff, angst, swearing, and other things i’m sure i’ve missed.
a/n: here’s part five! as always it wont make much sense if you don’t read the first parts. i would love to hear feedback and ideas about the next five chapters if anyone has any suggestions, im about halfway done with the next ones, and will be posting those next month. (it gets really smutty after this last chapter so seriously, no minors please!!!) this is proof read but i’m sure i’ve missed some things, but hope you enjoy nonetheless.
part one // part two // part three // part four
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the early hours of november 15th, 1985.
it was well past midnight now, the crowd of the party was almost absent. a few kids stood around in their cliques wondering where they would be crashing tonight. definitely not as steve’s place, he had enough on his hands with eddie and robin already staying over. he didn’t wanna wake up to strangers in his house when he woke up with a hangover. the small talk robin had started to form into a huge conversation between the three of you. losing track of time was easy around eddie, steve, and robin. you wondered if they had other friends, or if it was just the three of them all the time. you liked them and their friendly bubble. they seemed really close. steve continued the conversation, 
“yeah, eddie was telling us about you. he was upset about the situation earlier, but the guy has tough skin. nothing really bothers him. it’s hard to piss him off.” steve boasted.
robin nodded in agreement. eddie was tough, but he wasn’t mean, not to people who didn’t deserve it, and he hardly snapped. earlier today at school he was bitter but he had reason to be. you were wrapped up with the jocks, preps, and student council. you had quickly become everyone's favorite student. so many people wanted to get to know you and you had only been back home for a week. except eddie, he didn’t want anything from you or your social status. he only wanted to help the pretty girl struggling with her locker at the end of the hall. your mind continued to wander while steve and robin talked with each other. their conversation slowly faded away into white noise. lost in thought, you thought about how eddie had approached you giving you a helping hand, and realized how much it met to you for him pulling your boyfriend away from you when you couldn’t stand the pda you were being subjected to. he did that out of the kindness of his heart, and you had been really harsh. and after all of that, he still had the courage to apologize to you. your cheeks warmed. you thought back to how gentle he was with you outside in the backyard. he let you invade his personal space, but most importantly he was himself. you hoped that the conversation you both just shared helped with mending a bridge between you both, even if he had forgotten it in the morning.
you hoped he wouldn’t.
it was reassuring to hear from robin and steve that the eddie you had spoken to moments ago wasn’t putting on a facade to you. you couldn’t help but wonder if he was always flirting with people, and before you could stop the words from escaping your throat you spoke,
“is he always a flirt?” you asked.
“who? eddie?” robin giggled.
“i mean.. sure, but depends who he’s speaking with. if he’s really laying it on heavy he either wants something, or he’s got it bad…” steve said while sipping his drink. 
robin gave steve a knowing glance.
“he almost kissed me you know..” you confessed.
steve looked at you with wide eyes. you frowned.
steve spoke to cheer you up, “oh c’mon, can’t blame the guy when you’re dating that asshole jock, he’s treading on thin ice.” steve assured it wasn’t your fault.
robin nodded.
you took steve’s words to heart. you questioned if it would’ve gone different if you weren’t dating anyone. you didn’t seem like eddie’s type but in some sick, and twisted way he was yours. he was all you could think about. a twang of rejection hit your chest. the insecurity of steve’s statement earlier of eddie just wanting something burned. was eddie just really drunk? he could’ve just been blinded with lust. maybe you were just blinded by lust.
“i think i really like him.” you whispered.  
then the three of you heard yelling coming from upstairs. 
the whole house got quiet. steve’s heart dropped. there was a loud thud that shook the walls upstairs. then a muffled yell. steve’s body tensed, he felt almost frozen. there was another jumble of swear words you three could almost hear. steve turned his body, it was eddie that yelled. he knew that voice. he jumped up from his relaxed position he once held. you and robin jumped from his sudden movement. steve was fast to come to the rescue. the sound of eddie screaming at the top of his lungs made him sober up pretty quick. steve knew eddie never held that tone with anyone. this had to be bad. his brain thought to all the bad scenarios he could walk in on while he was sprinting up the stairs. he thought eddie might’ve been getting jumped. he yelled back at you and robin when he was at the top of his stairs, 
“stay downstairs!” he demanded. 
steve cocked his head down the halls. the door to the same room eddie often stayed in was wide open. he rushed to the end of the hall. steve watched as a girl in a large shirt and pajama pants left the room with a terrified expression. steve let her pass and asked if she was okay before he rushed into the room to figure out what was going on. eddie was on top of some guy laying on the ground. his friend must’ve already got a few good hits on him because he wasn’t really moving or putting up much of a fight. steve watched him get up off of him, but eddie’s verbal punishment continued as he shout down at him,
“are you fucking serious! you greedy son of a bitch!” eddie spat. “you’re so selfish! you have the prettiest girl here! and you waste your chance with her on another bimbo?!” he cried.
“eddie! eddie! hey man!” steve tried calming him down, he pulled him back.
he pushed steve off of him. “no, steve, you don’t get it. i like her. we talked. she’s perfect, and this fucker thinks he can just walk all over her? i'm going to find her and i’m telling her what he did.”
“eddie! you can’t ed’s. look at you! you’d scare the girl!”
eddie’s words rang in steve’s ears. he wanted to tell eddie she liked him back, but he couldn’t. not yet. her boyfriend sat in the middle of the floor and he wasn’t going to share your confession in front of the two boys. steve didn’t see the benefit in him spilling the truth. he held his tongue and tried keeping a poker face. 
eddie looked at his hands. eddie’s fingers dripped blood. it wasn’t much but it was noticeable. his knuckles were red and his demeanor was evil. steve needed to calm him down. his eyes started to water, he was so pissed off he could cry, but he never cried in front of anyone. only steve on a few occasions but he wouldn’t let this get to him. he told you he wasn’t going to help you again. he looked at steve with sad eyes. steve and eddie wanted to tell you so bad, but steve was right, eddie was in no shape to face you right now.
“listen.. she’s downstairs with robin. you’re gonna ruin her night if you tell her what happened. she’s gonna be headed home soon. it’s gonna be okay,” steve assured. “she’s gonna be okay.” steve paused. “you said you weren’t gonna deal with these guys anymore. leave it alone. it’s not your job to get involved, i don’t care how much you care for her. this is going to be bad for you.”
steve glanced at eddie’s fist after speaking, his knuckles were swollen now. a bit of fresh blood danced on the silver rings on his hands. when eddie looked back at steve he was embarrassed. he shouldn’t have just jumped on the poor guy like that, but his temper got the best of him. steve looked away from his best friend and at your soon to be ex boyfriend. the guy was only in a white shirt and boxers. he was still laying on the ground but he sat up on his elbows. he didn’t say anything. blood was all over his face and dripped onto his shirt. the collar was stretched out. eddie probably dragged him out of the bed before punching him in the face. his eyebrow was split and his eye was swollen. he would probably need stitches. 
“got a good hit on him this time didn’t yah?” steve joked to cut the tension.
“sure did.” eddie answered. 
the boys paused. 
“please don’t tell her, okay? i don’t wanna hurt her.” your boyfriend whined. 
“shut the fuck up!” eddie and steve yelled at him in unison.
“you have a lot of balls asking us not to tell her, buddy.” steve scoffed.
eddie continued his sentence, “we’re not going to tell her, you are. you are gonna tell her first thing tomorrow. you tell her everything. you understand? start to finish. if i find out you didn’t i'll come find you and beat the shit out of you.” eddie threatened.
“yeah, and i’ll help him” steve pointed at his chest with his thumb.
“as if that would matter” eddie joked. 
steve scoffed at eddie before eddie started talking to your boyfriend again.
“i’m gonna lay it out for you. you’re gonna sit up here with me. steve’s gonna go downstairs and get her a ride home. she’s going to go home. get her beauty sleep, and tomorrow morning you’re going to go over to her place, tell her what happened, and break her heart.” he paused.
“and i hope you feel like a piece of shit the whole day. i doubt you will. but i pray to god you do.”
steve rushed downstairs after he heard eddie’s last words. he greeted you and robin. the crowd was cleared out, there were only a few strangers in the halls and on the couch. the commotion upstairs startled everyone. no one wanted to be caught up at steve’s house or be involved if there was fighting. usually fighting at house parties resulted in the cops being called. but you and robin stayed put. you remained quietly downstairs, trying to listen in on the loud muffled voices of the guys. you were both curious as to what happened. robin’s eyes grew wider as she saw steve’s full expression. steve gave her a look. she let out a sigh of relief. 
“he’s fine.” steve said. “the guestroom is a fucking mess but it’s whatever. he’ll clean it up.”
“thank god.” robin sighed.
“who’s fine?” you questioned.
steve glanced at you, “hey! …you..!” steve paused.
“so!” he clapped his hands together, “eddie said you had to get home. like, right now. so how about we find you a ride?” steve nodded.
he introduced you to one of the guys on the basketball team. steve knew him because he played with lucas. he knew you would be safe with him. you three chatted for a bit before steve and robin sent you on your way. your house was only seven blocks from steve’s. you lived in the neighborhood over, but he and robin insisted that you didn’t walk because of how cold it was outside. you agreed without putting up much of a fight and said your goodbyes. as you walked towards the entryway you turned to steve.
“thanks for being so kind tonight, guys.” you addressed both of them. “and i know he’s probably asleep by now but could you maybe let eddie know that i wanted to tell him goodnight?” you asked.
steve scoffed, “yup! you’re right! he is totally out like a light!” 
robin nudged steve in the ribs. 
“but ill be sure to pass him the word in the morning. i promise.” he nodded.
soon after you left, steve and robin looked at each other in shock. they were shoving each other as they rushed back up the stairs. their eyes were wide, they crowded in the room to see if anything had changed. it hadn’t. eddie remained in the room pacing back and forth while the football captain sat in a pool of his own blood on the floor. robin rushed to eddie to give him a hug. the guy was having a tough day. when she pulled back she looked at his victim.
“woah. you totally busted his face in.” she laughed.
your boyfriend scoffed at her comment. robin stuck her tongue out at him.
“okay that’s enough from you big guy. your lucky eddie didn’t knock you out.” steve said while grabbing your boyfriend off of the floor. “but you don’t get to be mean to robin. that is where i draw the line. you have got to go.” 
steve began walking him out of the door frame and down the hall. when he reached the stairs he carefully made his way down. it was late now, and though it was friday night he didn’t like staying up as late as he used to. he eased his way to the bottom and then opened his front door. steve forced him to leave his house and sit on the porch. he knew he’d get a ride home eventually, and he deserved to sit out in the cold for a while to think about what he did. meanwhile, upstairs robin turned to eddie. 
“you okay?” she paused. eddie didn’t respond. “uhm. i’m gonna go grab you a glass of water, okay? just stay put.”
“m’kay.” eddie sighed.
he fell on the bed with a loud thud. his head softly landed on the two white pillows that laid at the top of the mattress. as soon as robin left his side he was out cold. he swore that this was definitely going to be his last party he ever attended. he didn’t care what steve bribed him with, but before he drifted to sleep he remembered he said that last time. he huffed.
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spacenightwing · 1 year
Unpopular opinion:
I finished reading Fourth Wing about a week ago. During the actual reading, it was entertaining. There were “off” parts about it that I could not place, but it was more or less entertaining. Not gonna call it enjoyable because of (SPOILER IM STILL MAD ABOUT). But the entire time I just kept thinking “I know exactly where this is going but I can’t not finish it so just keep going.”
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Honestly not sure if I’m Dory or Marlin about this book….
Then it ended.
I’ve thought about it.
I’ve thought about it.
And I’ve thought about it.
It hit me: it’s Twilight with dragons.
(Semi spoilers ahead so tread with caution)
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• information exposition dumps 
• “nobody else can see her beauty but me, so therefore I control her”
• controlling, and manipulative childhood “best friend” 
• “Damit Bella/Violet”
• “You can’t protect her like I can! She safer with me! My dick is bigger than your dick!” 
• honestly Basgiath War College could be Forks High School and the drama would be the exact same
• “Then November and December and January happened with nothing to mention” vs full pages that just say OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY
• “it means if you were smart you’d stay away from me” Edward Cullen vs “don’t fall for me” but I need all the sex Xaden Riorson
Major take-away:
• this is not the masterpiece it’s made out to be. It’s entertaining but most (not all) plot points are seen 5 changers away
• the moment Violet sees Xaden her description of him was IDENTICAL to this interaction:
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From there the whole relationship was framed by this interaction and for the life of me I could NOT get it out of my head.
• idk if it’s the demisexual in me or the fact that I’m in a stable relationship, but I don’t need 10 chapters straight of sex/fluff/sexy talk. That’s what AO3 is for can we please get back to the plot?????
• but for some reason it’s entertaining?? That reason is the dragons. Full stop. Dragons was the only reason I truly wanted to finish this book.
• I do NOT like the “nickname for female character that she doesn’t like because it pisses her off but she’ll like it eventually” trope. Not at all. It rings so close to dead-naming… no one gets to forcibly attach a name to anybody without their consent. Person A (in this case, Violet) wants to be called by their name. Person B (Xaden, in this case) forces a nickname (or dead name) because that nickname fits their needs better than the person it’s being forced upon. Yeah, na not a fan can we please stop this trope thank you!
• just like Twilight, this is “junk food” reading. This is NOT a model for relationships. This is not an acceptable ways to treat your friends or partners.
• if you’re entertained by it, great! Suspension of disbelief and escape from reality are vital! There are parts of this that are genuinely entertaining.
• But I could have sworn we had left the “I can fix the misunderstood, brooding murderer if he would just let me in” trope back in 2010.
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pop-roxs · 2 years
hoo okay I can already tell this is gonna be long but manga thoughts!! i only read up to roughly 150 I think (Also hi hi I’m off anon! anxiety has been overcome >D<)
quick lil context of me even getting into this also! so my roomie and I have a tradition of watching really bad animes during finals weeks and this time my rookie suggested we watched black butler 2 (still so funny it’s just 2 not season two not book of ___ no. just two. Peak comedy) first half of that was laughably bad and then like ep 7 onward it was frustratingly good. Some bizarre pacing some bizzare writing choices but I liked it overall. anyways over winter break out of nowhere I got manga spoilers on my tiktok for Agni’s death and. It emotionally devastated me bc I loved him sm bc of the like one ep in 2 where he appeared. i told my roomie that and we decided to like actually watch the good parts of the anime so I could get a taste of the actual plot (and eventually we watched s1 lmao)
so yeah that bit didn’t impact me as much when I actually read it but 😭 Agni I miss you dearly you’re like one of the only people I’d trust to hold my drink in this series I KNOW you would take care of it and not spill anything. Also, I read the entire (post campania) manga while procrastinating studying for my organic chemistry exam bc chemistry is a pain in the ass and I didn’t want to look at it
right um. Other arcs. so the school arc has some BIZARRE pacing- (and i never got used to the just casually dropping the F word even if it was used iba like historical context) I was half skimming some of the pages bc I thought it was gonna be basically a fluff filler arc so that end caught me off guard- deffo enjoyed the soma content though! i sure hope he stays happy and nothing awful happens to make him stop smiling! hahah fuck.
Emerald witch arc is kinda funny to me. like yeah, okay queen of England, send this 13 (14?? I forgor) year old child to a different country to deal with werewolves. this isn’t even ur country girly what. Wolf and miss sullivan (can’t spell her first name) r fun characters I like their addition a lot. Could’ve done without the uh. weird scenes with sullivan but. whatever. (The scenes with finny taking care of ciel also were so sweet Omg I will cry- finny is probably one of my top 5 charas I love himmmmm he scares me tho )
that being said I fuckcking RECOGNIZED that shit was chemicals as soon as I saw that circle thing oh my FuckKING GOD. I literally put down my phone and stopped reading for a good while. I’m reading this manga to procrastinate my ochem I did not need it to insert itself like that >:’(((( it was good though I liked the arc a a lot (my roommate fucking burst out laughing when she saw me being angy and asked why.)
Sascha and Walmart will (sorry sir you are just not memorable) were cute! Hope we get more content of them in the future, or just more reaper lore. Please. I’m going insane all I want is lore (Also my roomie had already told me abt the reaper backstory so that didn’t rlly surprise me). Will and grell showing up for like one chapter was funny as hell, you know will was pissed bc that whole convo could’ve totally been an email or a pigeon or whatever. i missed them though so im not complaining
Idk what to call the next arc. the return of the school guys was… funny ig?? i have to be honest I kinda disconnect whenever they appear I just don’t really care for them 😭 the whole band group off was so funny though and the tonal whiplash was something I was NOT prepared for. It wasn’t as jarring as the paving of the school arc but like hWUH THATS A LOT OF PLOT AND BIG REVEALS HAPPENING REALLY FAST NOW-
love othello though. I’m a forensics chemistry major and I love the forensics part of it significantly more than chemistry so seeing a funny guy doing that is so very !!! ya :D also love the dynamic with Grelle. they’re both trans and besties you can’t change my mind- ALSO OTHELLO JUST . THROWING HIS SCYTGE AND THEN BIDING BEHIND GRELLE. Love him. ronnies still my fav dont get me wrong I am endeared with his talk-shit-while-getting-his-ass-beat mentality but othello is very close behind
wish we had more reaper lore . I would kill to know these guys backstories- Ronald and sascha seem so much you her compared to their coworkers it eats at my brain. sascha especially like aaaaaa kid what happened for you to end up here :(? MAN (also I could fight abt the reaper lore for so long. they don’t deserve this. this shits unfair. AGH…
i had more stuff that I wanted to say but forgot. sorry if this isn’t very understandable i just wrote as I thought of things- basically. reapers my beloved . I’m begging for lore please . soma my king I hope you’re okay. when will Ronald come back PLEASE he’s been gone since like campania 😭
BRO ROOMMATE ANON REVEAL!! i hope you dont mind me still using the roommate anon tag,,
agnis death def threw me off. i wasnt expecting yana to kill him off, especially after having him around for so long. that whole scene was very surprising. and yes i agree with you!! hes probably the most wholesome character in black butler next to some others like the phantomhive servants and soma.
i actually quite liked the school arc(and a lot of people in the fandom would agree w me)! but i get how you wouldnt. i personally was only mostly focusing since i just wanted to get back to grelle T^T.
i didnt really like emerald witch at first. i was mad when it had the honor of being the 100th chapter. but its grown on me since(n yeah those scenes were weird..).
i LOOOOVEEE SASCHA!!!!!! THEYRE SO CUTEEEEE X33333 they remind me of my best friend since they both have that same cheery vibe. like little guy is just making the best out of their afterlie and havin some genuine fun. i fw it. grelles outfit was also sooo hot in that chapter gaw dayum. i want a piece of that reaper PLEASE
you can call the return of the school guys the boy band arc. it was weird but i really enjoyed it.
i find it funny how everyone automatically says that othello is trans. one look at the silly science man provokes the Feeling.
trust me man, everyone wants more reaper lore. i am clawing at yanas feet and begging her to tell me what in the ever living fuck happened to grelle in her time as a human. WHAT THE FUCK KINDA LIVES DID THEY LIVE. WHAT DROVE THEM TO SUICIDE.
i understood everything you wrote, dw!! :3 im hoping soma is ok as well </3
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cassiesc0rner · 20 days
hii cass!! how r u?? how was ur day???
in part one of impurities when nate walked up to y/n and asked her what she was listening to and she replied with lana del rey i remember he said he had only ever listened to video games and summertime sadness and i want to know what's the context behind that.... why would nate jacobs out of all people know lana del rey songs (i find that adorable) did maddy send him the songs? was it just that he heard him in the radio? how would he react if y/n one day plays him a song like ultraviolence or religion in his car or sharing earbuds and tells him that the song reminds her of him?? knowing him he will probably listen to the song on his own like seven times trying to figure out what she meant by that (because to him understanding what reminds her of him is like knowing how she perceives him in his head or something) imagine his reaction when he hears the lyrics "I could've died right then 'Cause he was right beside me He hurt me but it felt like true love Loving him was never enough 'Cause I'm your jazz singer And you're my cult leader" or millions of other examples (because nate is SO lana del rey) i think it would rewire his brain. omg imagine he is listening to the songs with his headphones laying on the couch but he falls asleep and then aaron comes around to be noisy and picks up his phone and sees him listening to lana and he makes fun of him for it for the next 46 years lmao. im smiling just from thinking about it it would be so funny. -signing off with luv, 💿 anon <3 p,s. i love giving u random ideas for the story because i just CANNOT stop thinking about him and im too lazy to write them out ... plus you r so good at it and i cannot wait to read the next part
hii i’m honestly really annoyed, because I got really pissed at school today, but i’m glad i’m can sleep soon (it’s past 3 am rn lol) i hope you’re doing fineee too??
and I actually just assumed both: he probably heard it on the radio a lot of times, and maddy probably listened to it as well. Literally most people I know only know one of the two songs it’s crazy😭 I mean, I obviously like a looot of lana songs, and video games and summertime sadness are no exception, but she made so many amazing songs it’s sad most people don’t know them yk?? (I’m literally in love with the Honeymoon and BTD-Paradise Edition album) but yeah that’s why I figured he’d definitely know these two. And YES he would totally over analyze the lyrics, and he’d probably feel so proud that y/n thinks about him even when she’s just listening to music, and even going as far as associating him with her music. Aaand omg.. AARON WOULD NOT LET HIM LIVE THIS DOWN SKNWKWENJ💀
AND YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WRITE FOR NATE AS WELL!! Bc I’d feel bad if I’d use all your ideas and you decide to write one day and think “Man why did I give her all these good ideas?!” you’re so creative, I bet you’d do an amazing job🙂‍↕️
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punkscowardschampions · 2 months
GC, Ronali & Cali
Ali: Who’s gonna fill me in on what I’ve been missing out on/did any of yous care I might’ve been 💀
Ali: Carls not included, of course 😘
Ronan: ‘Course we did
Ronan: not much you’ve missed is all
Carly: told u 🥱😴💀👻
Ali: Boo 👎
Ali: is it not the season, like
Ronan: Barely, like
Ronan: cut us some slack
Carly: no we shan’t
Ali: oh mein gott
Ali: it’s actually THE most festive night of the season, you’ve just reminded me Ro
Ronan: What? You’ve lost me
Bartley: Is she speaking German
Ali: Barely, like
Ali: you don’t know about Krampusnacht?
Ronan: Are you on about [insert some crap krampus horror film you think she’s talking about cos they exist]
Ali: Yeah but it’s not just a film, boy
Ali: it’s folklore, so tonight 🎅 & 👹 come, if you’ve been good, you’ll have a present from 🎅 if you’ve been bad, 👹 will get ya
Ali: [tell them about the Krampus run vibe and how it’s an excuse to get pissed and scare people, in a nutshell lol] so…
Ronan: Ah, now I get it
Ali: Did you keep your costume, you’ve got a headstart if you did
Bartley: Once again mine is useless
Carly: my ma’s for sure a whip yous can borrow 🎅👹😈❤️
Ali: See, resourceful
Ali: sure [Halloween pop-up girl] sold you a lasso
Moses: Sharing is caring
Carly: tis the season 🎁🎁
Bartley: I thought you had a boyfriend, Ali
Ali: What’s that got to do with anything?
Moses: Where’s your sense of fun, Bart
Ronan: He only means what’ll he, if not your parents, say about partying for a made up holiday
Carly: made up when yous dont wanna party
Carly: any excuse when yous do
Ali: Honestly, like
Ali: if no one is bothered, I’ll take the party elsewhere, no big
Carly: it’ll be fun eejits 🎅🎁👹🔔⛓🌜😈🐐
Moses: Ignore them, it’s a party, ‘course, where else would you want to be, really
Ronan: It weren’t a no
Ali: the enthusiasm I love to see
Carly: what a day when im w mosey boy
Carly: never thought I’d see it again
Bartley: didn’t you say that last time
Carly: have u something to say yourself boy?
Bartley: I just said it
Moses: 🤣 fuck’s sake, calm down children
Ronan: I am calm
Ronan: confused as to what’s going on or not now though
Bartley: that’s new
Ronan: Who got you out of bed on the wrong side?
Ali: let’s not, a fake holiday is not worth the aggro
Bartley: Fine by me
Moses: Jesus, you really are in a pissy mood, boy
Johnny: Leave him be, taking the piss’ll make it no better
Moses: A party’d sort you out
Moses: all work no play, as they say
Johnny: Enough, least he pulls his weight on jobs
Johnny: you want to worry yourself less about parties little girls throw
Moses: I don’t pull my weight? How come I got picked for [a job, idk, but you know the vibes lol] and you didn’t?
Johnny: How come you reckon you’re to air our business here when it’s no place? Sort yourself out and find me where you’ve the knowing I’ll be if you’ve something more to say when there’s no girls listening
Moses: I’m not trying to talk to you
Moses: and no one else is trying to talk about work but you
Johnny: What you’re trying to do is lead my brother astray how you did your own
Ronan: Come on, don’t let’s fight
Bartley: Yeah, stop it
Ronan: Ali, if the party goes ahead and I’m still invited, count me in
Ali: not going to be accused of not being able to read a room that much, like
Ali: but I’ll be sure to catch you soon
Ronan: [private @ Ali]
Ronan: What was all that? Do you have a clue?
Ali: Maybe I really did bring demonic vibes to the chat because no, not really
Ronan: I had myself crossed you coming back would be a different vibe, yeah
Ali: Sorry
Ali: if it’s consolation at all, that’s mutual
Ronan: Some
Ali: you’ve forgotten how boring school is, that’s the problem
Ali: lost so many IQ points forcing myself in that place every day
Ronan: Every day? I don’t believe it
Ali: Alright, alright but Carly really did need me that day
Ali: compared to my usual, gold stars all ‘round, like
Ronan: What’s wrong with Carls
Ronan: she seemed grand then, unlike the rest
Ali: Girl problems
Ali: I thought all that might be family troubles, hence I kept myself tactfully quiet
Ronan: No one’s told me of troubles but I’d be last to hear
Ali: ah, look, I’m probably way off and it’s just me coming around again pissing them off
Ali: long as you’re more pleased to hear off me than you gave out at first?
Ronan: I didn’t mean nothing by calling it a made up holiday
Ronan: I’ve missed hearing off you
Ali: I know you didn’t, we’re all good
Ali: it’s been so weird, not coming ‘round here
Ronan: Been as bad not having you
Ronan: as you can see
Ali: Be why I was trying to bring you the party
Ali: but it’ll wait
Ronan: It shouldn’t
Ronan: Moses had his point, who can be in a mood and have a face on in the middle of a party
Ali: He would think so
Ali: I don’t want to piss off Bartley and Johnny though
Ronan: The one’s that way through no fault of yours and the other’ll cheer up for it, trust us
Ali: Should you try talking to Bart or is that the worst idea ever
Ali: worse than switches and forked tongues, even
Ronan: I’ll give it a lash
Ali: You might wake up to a present yet, boy
Ronan: What’ll it be?
Ronan: and don’t say a surprise
Ali: 🍊🪙is probably traditional
Ali: you’d rather coal, I bet, or a surprise 
Ronan: You can decide on what you reckon my saving the party is worth, was your good idea in the 1st place
Ali: You really want to?
Ronan: Yeah
Ali: and obviously I’m gonna bring way better presents, you knew that right
Ronan: Might’ve crossed my mind
Ali: ‘tis the season 🎀
Ronan: Have you watched [more bad krampus films]
Ali: [tell him the ones you have from that list but some you have not]
Ali: I could definitely make a better one tonight though 📹😱🩸
Ronan: Find me whenever you’re after being filmed, I’ll do it for you
Ali: Okay Mr. Director
Ali: it’s a shame how well your name lends itself to a Roman Polanski ref because it’s not a compliment 
Ronan: Am I best not to look up who he is?
Ali: In your defence, you’re allowed to date teenage girls
Ronan: Right, he’s that sort
Ronan: someone should’ve filmed him strung up by the balls
Ali: There’s still time, along with the rest still working
Ronan: Gonna need to give us a minute
Ali: 📜🔪⏱
Ali: you can have the night off, as you’re coming to my party
Ronan: You’re having it then
Ali: things can’t be made worse by it, can they
Ronan: Nah, I don’t reckon so
Ali: Blame you entirely if it’s not so then, yeah?
Ronan: Yeah
Ali: 💛 you wanna be on the nice list so bad
Ronan: I’d be a dope to wanna be on the other tonight
Ali: 👹 not a fan?
Ronan: Be a list who’d volunteer if I was after being beaten up without 👹 busying himself
Ali: Never
Ronan: Join us in the nice corner, like
Ali: I don’t know if that’s a possibility 
Ali: but I have banked a whole fortnight so we’ll see
Ronan: You’ve a start made
Ali: 😇 make heaven yet
Ronan: Gates are staying closed a long time with all the living you’re yet to do, getting ahead of yourself there, girl
Ali: no 💀 wish
Ali: just
Ronan: Just?
Ali: Sorry, that was ominous
Ali: nothing important
Ronan: Or nothing you want tell me
Ali: I’ve just missed you all
Ronan: Least you never forgot all of us
Ali: am I 👩‍🦳, boy?
Ronan: Taken like you are now
Ali: Hardly
Ronan: What’s hardly to mean
Ali: I’m not 🤰💍🤱
Ronan: I wasn’t saying that, going there
Ronan: you who called him your boyfriend, don’t it matter?
Ali: It matters how?
Ronan: To you and to how you act
Ali: I can still party
Ronan: Well, I’ll talk to my moody cousin and get the party brought
Ali: I can
Ronan: I don’t know his mood’d be improved but go for it
Ali: Dunno about that either but least I can do
Ronan: You’ve done nothing to upset him far as I can tell
Ali: Everyone just gets lairy in group chats, sure it’s nothing more
Ronan: Maybe he’s been working too hard, everyone heard that said
Ali: Oh, I thought you meant Bartley
Ronan: I do, who else would I?
Ali: like you’ve not so many cousins, cut me some slack
Ronan: Could always be more
Ronan: [and tell her about some other peeps you know who have loads more than you]
Ali: Crazy I could have that many
Ali: but my parents families aren’t exactly around, they don’t feel real even if they exist
Ronan: We’re all of us within shouting range here, I can’t think what you having family you don’t see must be like
Ali: I feel sorry for my daddy, he never wanted to leave his brothers and sisters
Ali: just how it is though, for me, always has been
Ronan: ‘Til we arrange our roadtrip for you to go and stay 
Ali: 😁 ‘til then
Ali: awkward if they all suck
Ronan: Bad craic and odds if it’s all of ‘em, yeah
Ronan: yours are both good enough to make the amends for it though, I reckon, and pick up any slack
Ali: when’d you get so good at pep talks, damn
Ronan: I dunno that I am really
Ali: I’d not lie to you
Ronan: I’ve alright odds for getting the party back on track then
Ronan: just give him his own
Ali: Godspeed, Ro
Ronan: Be grand
Ronan: have yourself ready for your fake holiday when wes show up later on
Ali: do you even know me
Ronan: I’ve some knowing of you, sure
Ali: then you know dressing up is half the fun
Ronan: Were on halloween
Ali: see
Ali: your costume was sick
Ronan: We might’ve left a 👿 mask over somewhere, see if I can’t wow you again
Ronan: [speaking of trying to impress her talk about what you currently have in your fireworks stash and what you could feasibly get in the short notice of this impromptu affair]
Ali: my kid brother is not invited this time so 🤩🤩🤩
Ronan: Between us we’ll give him something to watch from his window so’s he’s not left out
Ali: you’re adorable
Ronan: I know the aggro when they are, ‘course I’d spare you
Ali: can blame himself for his previous making it a no-go
Ali: learn him a lesson
Ronan: Would’ve had you down as a more fun sister
Ali: Wow, shocking 
Ronan: No harm done, ah come on, could let him have his invite
Ali: it’s my parents not me!
Ali: also who do you propose looks after him all night, boy, ‘cos I know it wouldn’t be you
Ronan: Carls
Ronan: do you not trust her to?
Ali: I don’t think that’s how she wants to spend her evening
Ronan: She spent ages with him at your last party, what’s the difference
Ronan: and won’t your brother who likes doing women’s work be there?
Ali: that’s a new one, he’ll like it, so retro
Ali: and he’ll be keeping his keen friend away from Bart, like
Ronan: There’s why you’re the smart one, you’ve only gone and solved what his pissy mood must be about
Ronan: I’d forgot her
Ali: Mhmm, he’s wishing she’d forget him sharpish 
Ronan: Ha
Ali: You could do the right thing and distract her yourself
Ronan: Distract her how, she’s keen on him not us
Ali: You don’t think you could change her mind, come on
Ronan: Nah, I don’t
Ali: you could
Ali: but I’m also just messing around, obvs
Ronan: You reckon?
Ali: Totally
Ronan: If I weren’t messing myself, like
Ali: there’s so much else for us to be getting on with 🎇💥🎆
Ronan: True enough
Ali: can’t let me down now
Ronan: Never
Ali: You’re the best
Ronan: Give over
Ali: sorry sorry, lack of socialisation getting me cheesy
Ronan: Your boyfriend coming this time?
Ali: Do you think I’m making him up?
Ronan: I’m asking when’s he gonna prove he exists if you’re not
Ali: coming for me hardcore tonight, I see how it is
Ronan: Or him, why don’t he wanna be at your party, all your parties
Ali: shy is going to sound like a copout at this point
Ronan: It does
Ronan: girl who’s mates with your brother is shy, she still parties when you throw ‘em
Ali: He just prefers alone time, idk, it doesn’t bother me that he doesn’t want to be at my parties
Ronan: Aren’t you bothered about him meeting your friends?
Ali: would you be?
Ronan: I’ve no girlfriend
Ali: if you did, would you want her to meet all that lot
Ronan: Isn’t how we do things
Ali: yeah, there you go
Ronan: There I go, but it’s different for you
Ali: girls usually only intro their boyfriends if they want to show off, in my experience
Ronan: He’s not worth showing off, is it?
Ronan: say no more
Ali: Ha ha, dickhead
Ali: some things make for good secrets, that’s it
Ronan: If you’d rather keep secrets
Ali: if you’d been given the choice, wouldn’t you have rather no one knew about you and Carly?
Ronan: Me and Carly was shaming
Ali: would it have been if not for everything Moses did
Ronan: Would’ve been a mistake still
Ronan: is your boyfriend that?
Ali: no, I like him
Ronan: What’s the sense keeping secret and away someone you like?
Ronan: I don’t get it
Ali: He’s older, alright
Ali: old enough he’d get in trouble
Ronan: Old enough he’s the need to be strung up himself, like?
Ali: nah, still a teenager
Ali: but you know how my kind can be if the mood takes
Ronan: Where’d yous meet, school? Be why you’ve been going in regular
Ali: that was all down to my ma, trust me
Ronan: If you say so, I do
Ali: he doesn’t go to my school, I don’t get to see him much
Ronan: Don’t he drive?
Ali: he does
Ali: but when I’ve school I HAVE to go to and we’ve both jobs, barely any time really, what I meant
Ronan: Your ma’ll ease up now you’ve behaved, she’s not banned the party
Ali: she would if she knew of him
Ronan: None of us’ll tell her, even Barty boy at his sulkiest and he won’t be when I’ve finished
Ali: I appreciate it, you know that, yeah
Ronan: Carls might want watching when she’s a state but it’s nothing you don’t know yourself
Ali: She’s cool
Ronan: No troubles is what I like to hear
Ali: You and me both, boy
Ronan: I’d hate for you to be off the minute you’re back
Ali: No way
Ali: unless I get a better offer, of course
Ronan: I was the best earlier
Ali: and I had all the faith in you that you didn’t yourself
Ronan: Keep it, unless your secrets are weighing you down
Ali: You’re acting like it’s weird but think about it, you never told anyone what happened between us
Ronan: To do you a favour, he’s the man you’re not to protect him it’s the other way ‘round
Ali: it does me a favour too
Ronan: With your mammy but as I’ve said none of us are snitches
Ali: so what favour were you doing me?
Ronan: Of Moses not treating you the way he does Carly
Ali: I can handle Moses
Ronan: You’ve no need to with how I handled it
Ali: Sure but you get my point
Ronan: Yeah
Ali: you don’t want him to come to the party?
Ronan: When did I say he’s not to come?
Ali: I’m asking
Ronan: I’m cool with him, I dunno why you’d ask
Ali: Okay
Ronan: Right then, I’ve a cousin to find and fireworks to source
Ali: In a bit then
Ali: [Private to Carly]
Ali: Well
Ali: that was tense
Carly: - craic all round ☔️🥀
Carly: cept your boy making himself known to tell mosey to shh 😅
Ali: wasn’t expecting a banner or anything but damn
Ali: he’s probably pissed off with me now too
Carly: why youre talking to me instead of him 👀 none taken baby
Carly: & you can always have your banner off us 🥳🥁🏆🎊✨🎉🎈🎁
Ali: I wanted to check on you, actually, shh
Carly: im grand
Ali: that was a dick move from him
Carly: used to moves like that & its nothing a party won’t fix
Ali: he seems really bothered, too bothered to just be business as usual
Carly: I got too in his & hes 😤😠😡🤬 @ me
Ali: in his head
Carly: idk
Carly: werent far enough to find sense still 😵‍💫🙃🤯
Ali: boys are so confusing 
Carly: ive never had the knowing of a boy so 🥵🧲😈🔥🧨💥 to 🥶🧊🍦❄️⛄️
Ali: conflicted comes with the territory, sadly
Ali: does he want what his body is saying he wants or what his head is telling him he should
Carly: w them 2 the other 2 acted on what they wanted
Carly: no chance of whiplash like only different injuries
Ali: do you reckon you’d rather
Ali: or it’s a ❌ for all of them for now
Carly: spite of what hes putting about in the groupchat I’d never go back esp not crawling to moses, my god
Carly: ive sense I was born w if no more
Ali: you know I’m not judging
Ali: I remember all too well what 🥶🧊🍦❄️⛄️ was like to act otherwise
Carly: moses true colours arent ❤️🍄🧡🐅💛🌞💚🍀💙🧿💜🔮
Carly: his 🥵🧲😈🔥🧨💥 scares me, what he’s said & i know he’d do
Ali: I won’t let him
Ali: and he doesn’t need to come
Carly: im in no danger @ this distance & thats to include if he comes
Carly: idm
Ali: only if Johnny comes which he never will
Carly: theyve 💪🥊🤕 from 👶👶 nothing’ll get em to quit never
Ali: too much difference between them
Ali: it happens
Carly: look @ my ma & me 🍏 & 🍊 to be sure
Carly: we’ve only no bad 🩸🩸 cos I let none spill
Ali: I know, problem is Moses is made to be his when there’s nothing to be done
Carly: maybe he’ll outgrow it some as an elder, hes time to
Ali: never say never
Carly: I did ⬆️ but I take it back 💙🧿💙
Carly: & 🙏💙🔮💜🤞🌠 on everything they’ll find their peace of sorts 1 day
Ali: you don’t owe nice
Carly: u sound like bb when hed have me leave my ma for 💀👻
Ali: that’s your mother, like
Ali: nothing is that simple
Carly: he dont know complicated, his cooks & cleans for him when hes home from a long day working w his daddy 🍀🐇🌠🎲
Ali: their parents seem really sound, from what I’ve been told and seen around
Carly: I love his mammy shes really nice to me 🦘👑💎🌞🐻😇🐘
Carly: not that she would b if she’d found me in his van but hey for now shes 
Ali: I wish I could know her
Ali: have you been back to his since?
Carly: how we left things hes probably moved his spare 🔑 since
Carly: wouldnt blame him but Ive not got it in me to check
Ali: I wouldn’t be able to either
Carly: i’ve already been knocked 🤢🤮 giving up everything for him to still call me mental the same as if I never
Ali: what about your proper meds?
Carly: ive my knowing of the date cos u said it idk
Ali: no wonder you feel 🤢🤮 babe, you have to taper that shit if you wanna go off it or your body is gonna go crazy
Carly: oh
Carly: so maybe hes right & I am ❤️🐇🐛☕️🌹
Carly: ah no the 🎢 is me
Ali: well, he could’ve definitely still been a prick, no need to rule it out but yeah
Ali: we’re to get an appointment and the doc will tell you how to get off ‘em and not feel insane/terrible
Carly: am I to get off em?
Carly: should I?
Ali: do you want to or did Bartley tell you to?
Carly: idk if he’s knowing about 💊👨‍⚕️ i dont remember ever telling him it werent all from cavante
Ali: he could’ve misunderstood, saying to stop them is more reasonable if simplistic 
Ali: I’m not going to go and smack him one anyway
Carly: is erin coming tonight cos he’ll be 👀 for me to smack her
Carly: I’ve memory of saying so
Ali: I’ll get Tommy to put her off
Ali: no 👊 needed
Carly: I cant 👊 you’d have to do it 🦋🐝
Ali: I’d begrudge it when Moses and now Bart have been nos, like
Carly: if I talk to him either @ the party or before & hes in a worse mood for it please please don’t be 😤😠😡🤬 @ me too
Ali: of course not
Ali: the bad vibes are nothing if not appropriate, I guess
Carly: theyre my fault & its your 1st party since ur ma got 😤😠😡🤬
Carly: i feel so bad
Ali: you feel bad because you’re poorly
Ali: we can just cancel the party
Carly: no feckin way r we 🎅🎁👹🔔⛓🌜😈🐐
Carly: i’ll drag myself to yours if ive to & bring the deadliest party on my own
Ali: well, we can’t have you getting gravel burn
Carly: wouldnt be the 1st time but the most worth it of many a
Ali: okay, okay, no party💩ing, promise
Carly: yay
Ali: though I am going to have to brave talking to Johnny now, as you’ve brought up gravel burn, so, give me all the luck I need
Carly: you dont need none he loves u
Ali: maybe he’ll talk to his brother
Ali: though I don’t think Bart would tell him the truth? Idk, still might make him feel a bit better
Carly: I’d bet hes as wes talking
Ali: yeah, he will be
Ali: I’ll not bother him for a bit, be good
Carly: might be they’re 🍻🎱🎯 down the local
Carly: name a lad who wouldn’t be 😁 by it ☔️☀️🌈
Ali: a shout
Ali: I’d be 
Carly: me too but only if theyve 🎵🎶 & not just 👴🍺🚬 ive often that craic waiting @ home
Ali: no music no party
Carly: your 🎤🍯💛‘d get it going anywhere
Carly: sing tonight & everything’ll turn round
Ali: I’ll sing for you, how about that
Carly: do you mean to?
Ali: Yep
Ali: whatever you like
Carly: I’ll sing for you too then though I’ve nowhere the power you’ve
Carly: weve to stick together & combine our 🌑🌌🔮🌠🎱🎇💣🌌🌑 all we can when it’s shite & wrong, how u said
Ali: 🐇🐣🦋🌼 soft power all of your own
Ali: 🔁 always
Carly: ive felt im a trapped 🦋🐞🐜🐛 climbing walls
Carly: after ripping my wings or legs off like
Ali: we’ll get it in the morning, okay, first thing
Carly: dr’ll be 😤😠😡🤬 @ me
Ali: they just don’t know how to talk to people nice, not like nurses, I’ll be there and do the talking, so they know how upset you are and struggling
Carly: he cant be told that, he’ll away me to somewhere like your brother is
Ali: no he won’t, not for that
Ali: you can tell me what you want me to say but trust me, they don’t have the space to be putting everyone with struggles in there
Carly: [her mum’s name] says I’m to keep my gob shut or lie if its to be open & all I do’s make her look bad telling I’ve struggles at all
Ali: It isn’t about her, it’s your brain and your feelings
Carly: yea but she’ll be v 😤😠😡🤬 if we go
Ali: we’ll say we’ve gone for me then
Carly: k that’ll work
Ali: it’s all in hand
Ali: and you’ll feel all the better for it
Carly: I wont have to speak to him you’ll do it?
Ali: Yep
Carly: k 💛
Carly: drag myself there next 🍓🩸
Ali: 🚲 us there
Carly: ilysm id carry u
Ali: I love you too
Carly: I wish you could talk to that boy how u are the dr
Carly: youd find words to put to whats wrong w us & they’d be right 1s not like what comes out of me all wrong
Ali: If I thought he’d appreciate that and not be full 😤😠😡🤬 at the lack of privacy
Carly: I just want him to understand
Carly: when he asked me what I shouldve said so
Ali: you weren’t in a good headspace, the fact you got any words out to make sense is impressive enough given
Carly: he were impressed by my 🧽✨🧼🧺🧹🥄🍴🍳 anyway 
Carly: least that sort of mental has its use
Ali: Of course he was
Ali: they’d have gorja girls so incapable we don’t know how to work a microwave, bless ‘em
Carly: my ma’s example doing nothing ever to change their way of thinking
Ali: but she’s really got the aesthetic, eh
Carly: ah that what we’re calling it now?
Carly: of all the cultures to take from what matters the least she didn’t bother herself to venture far from the front door
Ali: suppose I’m not to talk when I’m trying to think of a Krampus costume but yeah
Carly: but no youve an important point
Carly: what are we to wear? he told me I looked nice when I dressed for him
Ali: you could go full 🤶?
Carly: feels too erin idk
Ali: right, we need to workshop that
Carly: im still me w out 🍭🍬🚬🌿🌼🍄
Carly: or I hope ive some personality underneath
Ali: of course you are, you’re always the youiest you
Carly: heads together 🧠💫🧠
Carly: we’ve need to be of a mind to shut em up calling u 🥱😴💀👻 for being taken by ur man johno while we’re about it 
Ali: do you think I am
Carly: don’t u be daft!
Carly: theyre gobshites
Carly: ro for his jealousy, moses to stir & bb cos of my carry on
Ali: I know I’m different but I don’t know how to act as if I’m not
Carly: you’ve no cause to act no way for them lot
Carly: youre magic as is & theres nothing in all whats unreal to b changed
Ali: 💜💜💜
Carly: 💛👼💡👩🏼‍🎤🌟🐱🧚‍♀️🏆✨🐝🧙🏼‍♀️🌞🦁🌻👑🌝🧜🏼‍♀️🍯🎇👩🏼‍🚀
Ali: You’re my best friend
Carly: i’d never had 1 before & now I dont want another ever ever again but u
Ali: you better not replace me
Carly: w who? erin? or your neighbour girl?
Ali: yeah, exactly
Ali: you’re too smart to waste your time
Carly: youre the only 1 to say im smart & not mean it as slagging
Ali: people are dumb if they don’t see it in you
Carly: or blind by ur 💡🌝💫🌞🌠🎇🌟🌜✨🌌⚡️☄️
Ali: i’ll go 🖤 with my outfit, you shine solo
Carly: I’m not after no solo spotlight, duet or never
Ali: 💞 it is
Ali: but there’s a lot I need to cover for real
Carly: & lots im to get out since im no longer ❤️💜💙
Ali: fur bikini for sure
Carly: sure id win @ 🥶🧊🍦❄️⛄️
Ali: they’d all be 🥵🧲😈🔥🧨💥 but right so they’ve not earnt it
Carly: if his attention could be earned id try it
Ali: he’s paying attention, fuming or otherwise
Carly: how many drinks in him before I give mine?
Carly: 🍺🍺🍺? 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺?
Ali: 🍺🍺🍺
Ali: too much could go badly as easily as it could go well
Carly: & we’ve no knowing if theyve started yet
Ali: I’ll ask Johnny for you
Carly: as you’ve to talk yourselves, yea
Ali: 🤞🤞🤞
Carly: 🌑🌌🙏💙🔮💜🤞🌠🍀🐇🎱🎲🎇💣🌌🌑
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dejadoodles-101 · 7 months
I need to come on here and rant holy shit I’m pissed. I don’t know how many ppl are gonna take the time to read this but if this gets 0 notes within 24 hours I’ll probably delete.
So last night I was scrolling through Facebook and I came across to a post that my friends dad was saying some pretty homophobic shit about using pronouns like they/them and how those pronouns are used for more than two things. Okay yes, that’s true, but people who are non binary are just called that because they don’t feel right about their gender identity. I mean what else would they be called? It/its? Kinda offensive imo (unless if that what they prefer to go by).
Idk man, it just pissed me off. So then I commented on his post saying that it’s not the right place to post that kind of stuff cuz ppl can find it offensive especially if you have friends on your list who are non binary or LGBTQ+ friendly or are a part of the group. And then he goes on and DELETES MY COMMENT. LIKE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! That was just unbelievable to me.
So then earlier today he texted me through messenger and said that he was “not homophobic” and yada yada and that he doesn’t care. And then I responded with how I found that post offensive and that he really shouldn’t be posting that kind of stuff and really just keep all of that to himself and that I don’t tolerate anyone who’s homophobic.
And then (this shit gets real) he goes on and says that the pronouns of they/them implies to more than one and it’s proper English and that we should’ve learned this in elementary school. Yes he was right, but they/them could also just mean for one person who is gender less (I guess I can say). And then. AND FUCKING THEN
Why do I need counseling for this kind of topic??? Like I really only need counseling if I’m depressed or have anxiety issues. Or even if I’m feeling s***idal. Which in this case I’m not either any of those. Then I told him to never ever tell me to go to counseling unless if I do NEED IT and that was just rude of him to say something like that.
And I just came across to a post he posted just a little bit ago and that this generation of fucked up (which yes it is) and that if we get offended by what he says then we “need to grow up and get thicker skin.” Okay, maybe just keep your goddamn mouth shut. It’s really not that hard to shut up about your opinions on specific things. You know the saying “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say nothing at all” Yeah, not that hard to do that buddy.
He hasn’t replied to my messages yet but I’ll keep an update for yall (if you even care abt this post). I just really hope his son (my friend) is also not homophobic because I don’t wanna lose any friends right now. And also just to clarify, they’re both rednecks 🙄 so ofc they’re gonna have an opinion about this controversial topic. Unbelievable.
But yeah I take my support on lgbtq+ pretty seriously and if you’re homophobic, don’t come near me. Don’t even come in my vicinity. Simple as that.
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Congrats on 900 followers!! It's well deserved 🥳🥳🥳
I was  wondering if I could get a romantic match up with someone from HP (marauders era), please.
I'm straight my pronouns are she/her. I'm a shy and very quiet person, kind of nerd in school who get flushted easily. However with friends I tend to be more talkactive. Well my zodiac sign is capricorn. I'm an infp! My hogwarts house is Slytherin.
I'm medium height, dark raven hair, big brown eyes, pale color skin and I have freckles on my cheeks.
Hobbies: I love drawing and reading books, I enjoy cooking meals especially desserts, cooking helps me when I'm stressed. I love listening to music ( my favorite genrens are pop and rock) winter is my favorite season and sunflowers are my favorite flowers.
Thank you so much lovely! 💐
thank you for participating :)
i ship you with james!
there’s something about house rivalry that i think he’d enjoy. lily may be a gryffindor, but she’s got the wit of a slytherin (same as harry, who i think should’ve been sorted into slytherin, but that’s another conversation). so i think at first with james, he’d be slightly hesitant just because of your house. but at the same time, he’d be intrigued by you. especially because you don’t mouth off like a lot of the slytherins tend to do (im one too btw 😌). he’d find himself wanting to talk to you. you’d have classes together, and he’d purposefully sit next to you so he could pester you. but rather than telling him to piss off, you just make small talk or don’t know what to say. he’d find himself wishing you’d talk to him more, wanting you to open up around him. as you became friends with the group, that started to happen more. he’d have remus put in a good word for him, because i think you’d get closest with remus first. remus would get tired of having to be the wingman, and tell james to take you out himself. which would spark your one on one time with him.
on your first date, james would bring you sunflowers. he had bombarded remus until remus finally came up with some things you’d said you liked to him. i think james would struggle with coming up with things to talk to you about. i don’t think he’s much of a reader, but he would love the way your eyes light up when you talk about a book you’re reading. watching you get all excited would be enough for him, and he’d ask you about your books all the time. might even have you read to him every once in a while, just so he could listen to you talk. james might not know much about books, but he knows tons about eating. he’d nearly fall to his knees thanking whatever god is out there that he picked a girl who could cook, especially sweets. that’s another date he would set up, cooking and baking with you. he’d pick up a new record for you, letting it play while he pretended to know how to cook. you’d have to teach him, and promise you wouldn’t laugh at his lack of knowledge. he’d have to remind you that he’s a pureblood and that he had a house elf doing all that for him. that or his mum.
i cant decide if i think he’d have a favorite season or not. it’s always a bit cold at hogwarts, but winter could be really cold. i think he’d whine a bit the first time you went to hogsmeade together, but he’d warm up to the idea when he’d have to hold you close for warmth. the snow flurries would fall down and land in your hair, making it sparkle. you’d look absolutely beautiful, and his cheeks would go pink at the sight of you.
“are you alright?” you’d ask, brushing your thumb over his cheek. “your cheeks are rosy. are you cold? we can go back inside.”
he’d just smile, shaking his head. “i’m fine, love.”
“what are you so smiley for?”
he’d wrap his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him. “i’ve decided winter is my favorite season.”
“yeah?” you’d ask, wrapping your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek into his chest.
he’d chuckle as he dusted the snow out of your hair, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “yeah.”
hope you enjoyed it! thanks again for participating :)
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