#and the ocasional book
clonehub · 7 months
"why does the fandom complain so much!!" do you see what we've been getting
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bunnybunbun0 · 6 months
summary: because Paul Atreides was a piece of art in bed.
pairing: Paul Atreides X fem!reader
warnings: smut,porn without plot,
A/N: with the hype of dune part two being released i finally got my shit together and watvhed part one years later and oh.my.god. Seeing timmy play a serious important yet loving duke just rocked me a bit. i hope you guys like this!
sorry its short i wasnt planning on writing it,it just came t mind.not proofread,we die like real man. english is not my first language so be kind!
you are responsible for your own media comsumption! :)
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credits to gif owner!
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Paul Atreides was undoubtly the prettiest man you have ever seen.
And after stumbling upon a book on what ancient civilizations considered art,you were even more convinced he was god´s most wonderful creation.
When he pants on top of you while fiercifully thrusting into your soaked slit,his black curls clinging to his pale skin with a sheer of sweat;a beautiful contrast with his dark hair and white skin.
The sounds leaving the back of his throat are a sweet melody to your ears; the gutural grunts,the ocasional moan,the pants of your name,the filthy things he whispers in your ears.
You were fully convinced paul was the most beautiful work of art youve ever seen,he was ethereal,every trace of his was brushstroke,you lost yourself staring into the honey galaxies of his eyes.
"What are you thinking about that is more important than my cock inside you right now?"
His dirty question gets you out of your head;a long whimper scaped you at how dirty his words were,you tried your best to focus on answering his question,but between his cocktip brushing your sweet spot so deliciously,the force of his hips meeting yours,and the sinful noises that filled the room,all you could do in response was moan and whine.
He lowers his head to your neck,sucking and biting the sensitive pristine skin;you shiver at the thought of being marked by his beautiful lips,having him set a clam on you.
"Answer me" he asks in a grave tone,a shiver rippling through you bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
"You´re beautiful!" you blabber out in a high pitched moan,not even realizing how desperate you sound or how you´re not making any sense to him right now "you´re beautiful! fuck paul,you´re so beautiful"
To say that was not what Pauls was expecting to hear was an understatement,he knew you appreciated his looks;it was clear with your lingering touches on him or how youd be amazedly watching him while he did the most mundane of tasks,but not that you liked it enough to declare it so devotedely while he was deep inside you.
He knew your body better than anyone else,and he could sense you were on the brink of an orgasm,his hand reached down rubbing sensual circles around your clit,not once slowing down his thrusts.
You unravel around him yelping and crying out as your release washed over you,your eyes shut feeling the moment where you and him become one.
A few more faltered thrusts into your now even tighter pussy,and paul was cumming inside you with a string of profanities leaving his mouth accompanied with your name.
You both stare at each for what feels like forever,breathing deeply while coming down from your highs.
Paul was a completely different person once the sexual aact was over,the kiss he pressed on your lips right now was not desperate and hurried,it was calm,soft,he treated you like the wind blow you away into a pile of sand.
He slips out of you carefully,making sure youre okay,carefully enveloping you in his arms and throwing a blanket around both their naked bodies;a confortable silence falls into the room as thetwo of you cuddle,paul lovingly stroking your arms,ocasionally kissing whatever naked skin he could get his lips on.
"You really think i´m that good looking?" he asks with the memory of you moaning out how beautiful he was mid sex stuck in his mind.
In your post orgasm clarity your mind goes back to the beautiful paintings you found on the ancient book,the delicacy of the lines,the softness of the colors and beautiful tragedies behind every piece. The sudden desire to once again tell paul how beautiful he is and make sure to know your ancient knowledge with him are overwhelming.
You sit up in the bed looking up at his face,a smile immediately meeting your lips as you look at him and decide to ask:
"Have you ever heard of Michelangelo?"
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darin-nidk · 6 months
Prev. | Interlude |
「 Radiosilence (QPR Reader and Alastor) 」
Content: Mostly angst; t.w.: panic attack, anxiety attack, swearing, fear of abandonement, Charlie doesn't get paid to be a therapist.
"God fucking damn it", they turned on their heels as they kept walking, grunting and cussing. Their eyes focused on a chair as they kicked it across the room, effectively breaking it. Hands gripping their hair and lightly tugging at it. "How could he do this to me?!".
"I, ah, what if we take deep breaths..?", Charlie stuttered, the princess of Hell looking anxious at how this particular room was an absolute wreck, even the windows were broken — maybe she needed a hotel manager or someone with more experience than her and uhh, maybe let Vaggie pick who gets to stay in through an interview process..? The demon before her simply stared at her with a sharp glare that made her feel small.
"You have to excuse me, Charlie but, I can't take a deep breath when I feel like suffocating", such words were accompanied by them scratching the skin from their neck all the way down to their collarbone with their claws that were poking out, slightly tearing the skin and bleeding. Somehow that helped to ground them and not spiral out of control. "I can expect betrayal from everyone but him, we are waaay past that stage, we grew up together, aged together, and he disappears?! What the Hell am I supposed to expect? To feel? It's like my metaphorical heart has been ripped apart and torn into pieces, my ribcage hurts when I breath, fucking Hell!", grabbing a book from the small bookshelf, the demon named (Y/N) growled and tossed it against the wall, denting it. They were breathing heavily as they tried to calm down, usually Alastor would know how to calm them down but he was the cause.
"Charlie, you don't understand, he and I... I can feel he made a poor choice because he was cornered and not knowing what he did is driving me insane, I have a deep connection with him. Hell, if he breathes the wrong way I know what the fuck is up—". Explaining their relationship was complex, usually they got misunderstood because apparently someone couldn't care about another without having romantic feelings or whatever.
This feeling was far more complex, they were more than family and friends, soulmates was a bit of a stretch... perhaps a mirror of one another in some fancy manner of speech? And ocasionally engaged in exchanges that could be interpreted in a different light, but romance wasn't it. They had a mutual connection but no carnal desires, their company was an anchor to ground them, it was a comforting bond.
Whatever social need they required, they could satisfy with each other without any misunderstanding or, at least, if there was one then it could be easily fixed with a conversation over a hot beverage with jazz playing on the background.
But Alastor broke their bond without any fucking explanation.
"Fuck, fuck!", (Y/N) cried as they held their face, falling onto their knees. Their vision blurry due to tears rolling down their cheeks, they were having trouble breathing.
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flan-tasma · 8 months
fem reader cuddling w freminet maybe? pls and thank you 🤲💙
💖~ Your wish is my command! Loving Freminet here!
Warning: Nope now💖, Fem!Reader | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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A Freminet le costó bastante aprender a aceptar el afecto físico de tu parte. Al inicio de la relación le parecía aún muy extraño tomar tu mano y no avergonzarse por ello, o recibir besos en su mejilla como muestra de cariño. Siempre se volvía más tímido de lo normal, no se movía y te dejaba bañarlo con todo el amor que quisieras darle. Fue cuestión de tiempo que descubriera los placeres de tenerte para él.
Un día entero en la playa era divertido, jugaban en la arena y buceaban, bailaban en el mar y saltaban hasta la superficie haciendo carreras, era de las pocas ocasiones en las que podrías ver a Freminet sonriendo sin timidez. Pero la mejor parte, su favorita incluso, era cuando recogían sus cosas de la arena, limpiaban sus zapatos y se tomaban de la mano para regresar a casa. El trayecto era emocionante, con un silencio acogedor o una plática tranquila, cualquier cosa le ayudaba, pero siempre recordaba lo que le esperaba en casa.
Se bañarían y comerían algo, habrían más risas mientras ambos ya vestían sus ropas para dormir, y finalmente el corazón de Freminet se calentaría entre las sábanas, ambos escondidos de la luna que entraba por la ventana, leyendo un cuento con la ayuda de una linterna como un par de niños que se quedan hasta tarde despiertos. Sus brazos sobre ti, los tuyos abrazándolo, él estaría bien con eso y las piernas que se enredan hasta caer dormidos, el libro se queda en algún lado junto a ustedes y Freminet intenta tenerte lo más cerca posible. Siente la calidez de tu cuerpo junto al suyo, el aroma de tu shampoo lo arrulla y la suavidad de la cama lo ínsita a dormir, pero ambos se mantienen despiertos, de vez en cuando acercándose más y rozando sus extremidades con cariño. Nunca falta algún beso robado que da fruto a una sonrisa cansada. Nunca falta que Freminet se sienta tan a gusto contigo que su respiración se relentiza y sus latidos te llaman para que duermas con él, y sientes un último apretón en tu espalda antes de que ambos caigan dormidos entre los brazos del otro.
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It took a lot for Freminet to learn to accept physical affection from you. At the beginning of the relationship it still seemed very strange to him to hold your hand and not be embarrassed by it, or to receive kisses on his cheek as a sign of affection. He always became shyer than normal, he wouldn't move and let you shower him with all the love you wanted to give him. It was a matter of time before he discovered the places to have you to himself.
A whole day at the beach was fun, you played in the sand and dived, danced in the sea and jumped to the surface doing races, it was one of the few occasions when you could see Freminet smiling without shyness. But the best part, his favorite even, was when you picked your things from the sand, cleaned your shoes and held hands to return home. The journey was exciting, with a cozy silence or a calm conversation, anything helped him, but he always remembered what awaited him at home.
You would bathe and eat something, would be more laughter while both were already dressed in your sleeping clothes, and finally Freminet's heart would warm between the sheets, both hiding from the moon that came through the window, reading a story with the help of a flashlight, like a couple of kids who stay up late. His arms on you, yours hugging him, he would be fine with that and your legs tangled until you fall asleep, the book stays somewhere next to you and Freminet tries to keep you as close as possible. He feels the warmth of your body next to his, the aroma of your shampoo lulls him and the softness of the bed urges him to sleep, but you both stay awake, from time to time getting closer and touching his limbs affectionately. There is never missing a stolen kiss that gives fruit to a tired smile. Is never missing that Freminet feels so comfortable with you that his breathing slows and his heartbeat calls you to sleep with him, and you feel one last press on your back before you both fall asleep in each other's arms.
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WBITA if i told my mom to stop watching kdramas and get off the internet.
I [20F] have been increasingly frustrated with my mother [44F] for a very stupid and hypocritical reason. We're pretty close, with her mostly raising me on my own and all that, but we're very different people and often clash on a lot of things. Despite that, I like hanging out with her and telling her about stuff and vice versa. She also works from home, so we're around each other very often since I don't work rn.
The problem is that for the last month or so she's gotten very into kdramas and youtube summaries of manhwas and all that. I am not trying nor claiming to be a mental healthcare professional, but I am 99% sure she has some type of undiaognosed autism (like once she told me that for most of her life she didnt how to show or feel emotion and she would copy other people arround her and we had an argument about how that is Not The Common Human Experience. Among other things she's a neat freak, blunt, has told me before that she has very bad intrusive thoughts and so on) . This is relevant bc another one of her quirks is that she can become obsessive with something Very Easily. She cannot help herself from bingwatching shows, speedreading through books, She Has To Finish A Task Before Anything Else In This One Specific Order. This is serious, she geniunely gets angry or frustrated about any sort of interruption. Normally this is fine for me to work around, but the reason I am here with this ask is bc it's gotten worse.
Every time I go and try to talk to her, she's got her headphones on, watching a manhwa video (her headphones are bad bc they're work headphones so I can hear what she's listening to). 90% of the time I interrupt her, she does the biggest sigh, fixes me with a dead stare, and acts dimissive. At night, where she would usually hangout in the living room watching idle TV, she now goes straight to her room to watch kdrama's in bed, and her room is where she works from too. The latest development is that she's stopped eating in the livingroom during her work breaks too, which was the one time of day I could hang out with her while she's on the clock. She instead asks me to bring her food to her room and once again, on her personal laptop, watching manhwa summaries.
This, on top of my own personal declining mental health and the fact that sometimes I feel like our roles are reversed (I do any chore she asks me around the house, I cook for the entire house, I am the one sent to do grocery shopping etc while she goes out with her friends) I don't mind this usually, she is my mom, I am unemployed, and she does work a 9 to 5 even if it is from home. But now it stings a lot. The part that makes me think I am the asshole is the fact that the way she is acting right now is the exact same thing she used to scold me on before. "Take off those headphones, stop only hangin out in your room, notice the world around you" and I am still a bit like that. But I feel like I've changed. I finished highschool during the pandemic and quarantine and it fucked me up, not having the strongest friendships irl since I live in a fairly conservative country and I am very outwardly queer and stuff. But I've made an effort to start talking to her, to hang out with her, to help around the house. I was and still half am in the same behavioral pattern she is in right now, but I feel like I've made the effort to not wear headphones so often so I can hear if she calls me, to leave the door to my room open etc. It feels like minor things, ik.
I will also say, while I spend a lot of time online and on my phone/laptop, I do a diversity of things. I draw, I watch youtube videos, I talk and play games with my friends, I read, etc. Things I don't mind pausing. My mom, all she does, is ocasionally scroll through instagram, respond to messages, and watch youtube manhwa summaries. It is all that she does. And she acts like I've come in yelling during one of her meetings every time I interrupt her.
The problem here is, I am afraid that if I bring this up with her, that I will find out the change in behaviour I think I made would be invisible to her and that I would be the biggest hypocrite. And I do not want another yelling match as we have had several in the past on similar subjects, where I think I've changed but she doesn't.
Another one, it seems to make her happy. She laughs, and seems to be geniunely invested. Her new workplace is stressful and the work that she has to do is complicated, and I am glad she's found something to destress her and again. I do the same thing, I hole myself up in my room and spend time alone, why am I now mad at her for doing the exact same thing, right? But she's stopped listening to me. I tell her about things, she dismisses me bc she was in the middle of a video, and then comes calling for me because "Why haven't you done x y z Why is x y z here Why are we missing x y z" despite me having told her. I've suggested to her to watch some longer youtube videos together, which is usually our bonding method, and she'll agree. How that usually went was that I would wait until she called me since its her schedule we work around or that I pop into the living room and her seeing me would remind her. Now, again, she barely leaves her room. She just watches those videos and those shows. Nothing else. Works, sends out the roomba to vaccum every day, either gets her own food or yells for me to do it for her, and thats it. Checks on her plants maybe, does one or two chores that I haven't done. Back to her manhwas.
So , WIBTA if I confronted her about this and told her to stop? It risks another yelling match between us, it is hypocritical of me to do so bc I am the same. I am not gonna pretend I don't also become a hermit and hole myself up in my room. But idk. And it seems to be a geniune interest for her and it makes me happy, even tho in this whole situation I feel abandoned by my mother. Which sounds very stupid and dramatic but. Oh well.
What are these acronyms?
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pedriswife · 2 years
can I request a pedri smut where he wants the reader to be on top for the first time- thanks!
hope this is alright. Enjoy x (warning! smut ahead)
It was just after 10pm, you and Pedri sat in bed, relaxing before going to sleep. You had your book in your lap, turning the pages from time to time, Pedri laying on his side, watching you intently. He had a big match coming up the next day, adrenaline and excitement flowing through his veins, making him unable to sleep.
"Bebe?" He started, you humming in response, not looking up from your book.
"Ride me," he stated, straight faced as if he was asking for the time. You snapped your head towards him, eyes wide from shock, met with his dark ones, lust clearly visible in them.
"Huh? Pedri, go to bed, don't piss me off, " you dismissed him, ignoring the hot feeling between your legs and the clench of your thighs, something that didn't go unnoticed by your boyfriend.
"You heard me. And from what I can tell, I know you want to, " he teased, his hot breath fanning your face as he started to leave kisses over your jawline and neck.
You quietly moaned, letting him continue whilst his hands made their way to your breasts, squeezing them gently. He pulled your top over your head, exposing you to him, the cold air in the room perking up your sensitive nipples. His mouth made its way down to them, sucking before grazing his teeth over your nipple and gently tugging at it. The action made you gasp out loud, making Pedri smirk against your skin.
You finally had enough with his teasing; you slid your shorts off, now fully naked in front of Pedri, who was shamelessly eyeing you up. He was already shirtless and just removed his joggers, his cock standing up already leaking precum. He moved all the way back on the bed, resting on the headboard, his finger beckoning you over to him.
You obliged, hovering over him before you sank down on his cock, the action making the two of you moan out loud.
You slowly started to move up and down, trying to get used to the foreign feeling. Pedri's hands were at your hips, guiding you, quiet groans ocasionally escaping his mouth. Once you got used to the feeling, you sped up, his cock hitting your g spot every time making you throw your head back in pleasure. Pedri took this as his chance to place more marks on your breasts, hungrily sucking on them like a starved man. He thrust up every time you came down on him, adding extra pleasure.
Your hands were placed on his chest, and as you got closer to your high, your nails left crescent marks chest and abs. Pedri watched as you rode him, chasing your own high and once his fingers made contact with your clit, your orgasm came washing over you, his name leaving your mouth as a scream. The sight made him cum on the spot, emptying himself out into you, groans and whimpers leaving his lips.
After the two of you finally regained composure, you looked down at Pedri, his red cheeks and nose visible in the dimmed room.
"Not a bad way to fall asleep I guess" he said, laughing as you smack him on the chest.
"Don't get too cheeky now, Mr Gonzalez" you replied, a tired smile covering your face.
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soraviie · 1 year
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With a yawn, you stretch your hands in the air, popping each and every muscle in your back that promptly makes its dissatisfaction known — its been too long since you properly moved.
"It's just a bit," Namjoon speaks, his voice disturbing the otherwise quiet atmosphere of the train carriage. But looking around, you confirm it — everyone's engrossed in their own thing to either properly care or even glimpse at who is it, who's sitting in the unassuming chair of the old-fashioned train. Newspapers, puzzles, books and sleeping children — they've all got their worries.
"I didn't even say anything," you grumble but it's without bite. Even you know that simple fact that a freeloader does not get to complain. An impromptu trip to Switzerland being paid off and accompanied by Kim Namjoon himself? No, most certainly, you ought not to complain. Or look a gifted horse in the mouth. Because why out of all the number of friends it was you who received an oddly bashed text and a call asking you to travel to a place that was oddly...romantic. He could have chosen anyone. Someone more well-travelled, someone more entertaining or funny but not once had he complained. On any of these little trips he'd roped you into. Regardless, what a strange saying that was.
Battling yet another yawn, you gaze out into the rushing by scenery. Gone were the scenic green of past, replaced by the grey metal only ocasionally broken by the neon coloured paints of simple graffiti. So he really wasn't lying, you genuinely were nearing the city.
Averting the somewhat disinterested stare of yours, you're surprised to find Namjoon looking but not at the window. No, with arms crossed cosily around the stomach, he sat across the small train table and was promptly gazing at you. There's an odd smile on his lips that as of late been reappearing more often than not.
"What?" you frown at the tenderness in his expression, already raising a palm to wipe at your own mouth. "Is there drool on my face again?"
"Just a little," he shrugs. "You do have poor control over yourself when you sleep."
"Okay, Edward Cullen," you roll your eyes, feeling bizarre yourself. Your face is hot. It'd truly be a shame if you caught a fever now. "Were you watching me sleep or something? And why are you making that face?" you stretch an accusing finger towards him. "You keep smiling like an idiot. Are you in love, good sir?"
He chuckles somewhat ironically and with a knowing glint in the eye, teases —
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
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littledollll · 1 year
hey i’ve noticed your request are open
1 hope your doing okay
2 can i request a age regression fic Lucifer or Larissa if you’re comfortable with doing these if not that is obviously okay 😊
if Lucifer ,can it be where reader was in meeting with Lucifer and leaves half way through because they can feel there going to slip but to get out the meeting to go slip they say there “going to the bathroom” but Lucifer had all ready caught on to the signs reader needed to slip because they were just staring at their wings the whole meeting so once reader gone to the “bathroom” Lucifer ends the meeting there to go comfort and spend to with there tiny one
if Larissa could it be r being shape shifter as well so when there in little space they shift into the age they’re feeling …. reader sat with Larissa in her office doing some work . while Larissa to focused on work reader slips away into their shared bedroom with out being noticed by Larissa (or so they thought) so she can slip into little space with out being a “bother” to Larissa and distract her from work but Larissa obviously notices . after R been gone for 5 minutes that when Larissa had suspected r might slipped and she gets up to find R as a toddlers sat on their bed with colouring books and stuffies and Larrisa just sits with R and cuddles and plays with her till Larissa tells her that r now has to go to bed as it is late
also if decide to do one i dont mind which one or if like both use both ☺️ hope have good time with all your writing and look after yourself i dont mind waiting as long it takes you to write
Larissa weems x little!reader
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A/n: YOURE BACK (I see u👀) , both of these ideas are so damn cute but I already have one for Lucifer very similar to that so we’re doing Rissa!
No warnings?
Larissa spent most if not all her time honestly, working. It wasn’t personal, you never took it to be either. You enjoyed her company, regardless of how quiet it could be at times. Like now, you watched read and re-read documents and emails a thousand times, the ocasional tired or disappointed sigh escaping her.
Originally you had been doing work along side her but your work load was alot lighter than hers of course. As soon as you were done you settled for laying on the couch watching her. She caught on quickly, eyes darting up to you for a moment once she noticed, sending a smile your way before going back to work. She did that often, every few minutes she’d check in, and continue. Not that you noticed since you were mostly zoned out after a while.
After a while you could feel that little feeling running over your body. Waking you up slightly. You looked back at Larissa, truly looked and saw her typing away. It would take a minute or an hour before she was done, no inbetween so you stood without a word, and happily walked into your shared room.
She wouldn’t mind it, you knew that well enough. But a little you bored out of their mind in her office while she’s working wouldn’t let her do much at all. And you couldn’t just decide to hide it since your body got so used to changing to accommodate your headspace.
So, you settled for distracting yourself. Easy enough task. You headed into the comfort of your bed room and settled on the bed with a few of your favorite items, you’d definitely draw something for her when she got back! Genius!, you thought. And got to work.
You were discreet, yes. But Larissa knew you too well, not long after you left she looked at the time and promised herself, “Just finish this and you can go.” Turns out you were perfect motivation since it wasn’t more than a few minutes before she was able to follow behind you.
The sight she was met with made her wish she had come in recording. A little you sat on their bed, watching tv and coloring very diligently. You look so excited just to see her come in and you very strictly demanded she come to you, which she was more than happy to do.
“What do we have here, sweetheart?” Larissa was quick to ask as she sat on the bed and kissed your head. You quickly held out one of your drawings with a bright smile on your face, “for momma!”
“Oh sweet one, thank you so so much! You are absolutely precious, thank you pretty one this is wonderful.” Larissa’s reaction made you giddy as she praised your work and littered your face with kisses all over.
“I’ll be adding this to my lovely collection, how does that sound sweetheart?” You nodded excitedly and practically jumped into her arms, snuggling up to her.
“Okay we like that idea! Can you give mama a second to get ready for bed and I’ll join you for cuddles right after?” Larissa asked, and you gasped dramatically. “How know?” “That’s mommas little secret, darling.” Truth was the second she settled into bed she noticed how you immediately cuddled up to her side, probably ready for bed. “Magic!” You giggled and nodded and reluctantly letting her go.
You busied yourself playing with your stuffies and watching tv until she came back. The ocasional yawn escaping you which she heard clearly since you were adorably loud. Which reminded her to give you a gentle reminder, “don’t rub your eyes, my little love, you could get hurt and they’ll be all puffy!” Just as you were about to. How the heck did she see you from the bathroom? Magic! It’s the only explanation to all of this.
In no time Larissa was back at your side and helping you clear out to bed, ready for sleep. The second she laid back on the bed you were quick to cuddle up to her and Larissa wrapped her arms around carefully you and let you cling to her. Thankfully it never took you long to fall asleep when you were small. Feeling comfortable and protected as Larissa held you close.
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popculturebuffet · 6 months
Batmarch: The Secret Origin of Batman's Trophys (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to Batmarch, or celebrations of all things that go bump in the dark knight
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Today we've got a special treat... and i'm not just talking the nice art Kev had comissioned! Looks really good and I really appcirated it. Thank you KEv and thank you Alan Patreon. It was a nice suprise gift.
As for what this is about, this was a fantastic idea Kev cooked up: the batcave is one of the coolest hero bases in all of fiction. The layout is never 100% consitant across media but your usually guaranteed a batmobile, a big ass computer at the center, water falls, and over time a display for various costumes from past sidekicks, alternate outfits etc.
What really spruces the place up are three distinct decorations that we almost always see in the comics and ocasionally in other media, if not live action since these bitches would be expensive to make: A giant dinosaur, a big ole penny, and a giant playing card of a joker. These three are staples of the bat cave, to the point when the original was caved in during the earthquakes that ravaged gotham in the build up to no man's land, Bruce made a point of fishing them out for the new cave he built after that traumatic year.
Yet most of us.... have no idea where he got these wonderful toys. Even I didn't. The Joker Card comes from an obvious grinning source, but what CASE did it come from? Where did he get that dinosaur? What was someone using that giant Penny for? It's a question i've asked once or twice but never looked into. Kevin did though, and while the through and lovely DC wiki helped him find each one, he went the extra mile, asking for a review. And I was entirely on board with this comission as I just.. never had those answers and I doubt i'm the only one whose wondered what the context for these things were. So today we're looking at three disntinct golden age batman stories, at a time when goofy nonsense reigned supreme, logic was optional, and weird shit like this was just another day in the batcave. IN other words, this is going to be a LOT of fun so join me under the cut as we look at gambling themed death traps, penny obessed gangsters and batman being hunted by the most dangerous game: mechanical dinosaurs.
The Giant Joker Playing Card:
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(from Batman #44)
I love these old titles, such flair and cheese. It's incredible.
Anyways this one starts because Joker decides to hit an off the books casnio after his win. Luckily for them, he just wants to play which feels entirely like a joker move: instead of robbing an easy target that can't call the cops and that the mafia presumibly running it would be stupid to retaliate on, he decides "fuck it let's try this whole gambling thing men, sounds like a hoot and a half".
And sure enough.. it goes really well. He spends what's implied to be the whole night just winning and winning until he cleans house. This being the joker this gambling bug can only end one way
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I just.. love everything about this. Joker just had fun at a casnio and turned it into a death trap. It's such a brilliant setup.. and one that while nicely goofy, is also well done: it fits the joker's unpredictablity to just go a gamblin and it fits him just as much to turn a new hobby into a death trap. I also love Lewis' reaction calling it SUPERGAMBLING., like he's some gambling expert and most dangerous game shit is a type of gambling.. which given we're in the dc universe, you probably DO need a name for this kind of thing in the crime world.
So he set shte perfect trap: he has a random balding middle aged man tell the two he has info on a recent raidum theft, raidum a hospital badly needs. To save the presumed orphans about to die without eating their radium, Batman and Robin go to a sketchy island with one house perched on a hill
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The World's Greatest Detective.. sees NOTHING wrong with this and goes ahead and gets caught in the most devious trap imaginable.
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Several head injuries later, our heroes wake and joker reveals the radium theives, who he captured for this scheme but have kept the radium's location to themselves. This is by deisgn: the joker wants the two and their "radium screts" as the ante here, along with Robin to make sure Batman does this. Batman repedately states "I don't gamble' as if logic suddenly works on the clown man who set up a gambling death trap, so Joker reveals if Batman won't play his three supergambling games, he'll just kill the hostages. Batman reluctantly agrees,
Game 1 is super pinball.
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But when Batman proves to be an expert at the snes Joker goes with plan b.. his giant pinball table of death. Sorry his giant SUPER pinball table of death.
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As you can see the same joker face from the card is here and you see it all over his lable. it seemed to be Joker's logo back the. I love this whole setup and mostly show it not only because it' sdope but because those pins must've been what bumpers were. I also had no idea PInball used to be a gambling thing. Makes sense, it's just fun to find out.
The game goes well mostly though one of the guys nearly slams into a pin. Thankfully Robin is an expert gymnist and batman smartly saved laucnhing robin till the last minute and Dick's able to save the goon.
Game two is super rolling some dice, which apparently used to land on numbers. This yugioh style death game involves our bait being tied to polls on three of the numbers. If Batman guesses wrong, someone dies. Or maybe not since the board is pretty damn big. Not every death trap can be super murder pinball. Batman spots some mud on the dice though and correctly guesses they'll pivot. This is the weakest of the death traps here, a bit convolunted, not really guranteed to be as deadly. I know the chance of nothing happening is part of it.. but with pinball there's really almost no chance you won't hit the bumpers. Here it feels like pure luck or simple cheating that both dice flew at the joker.
Next game and the one that introduces our prop, though the dice apparently are also in the cave sometimes which I love. The game is a game of cards.. batman has to correctly guess which face matches the door Robin and the hostage goons are in or they'll choke to death on the deadly gas released inside.. and naturally he figures out it's the Joker card. It's too joker not to work.
Turns out though, naturally the joker isn't playing fair both having a final one on one game ofr him and Batman and having his goon go to get robin behind the joker card door... and Robin dispatches him hilaroiusly and awesomely
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With that the hostages are free and the final death game begins. A giant super roulette wheel with both batman and joker getting in a slot. looser gets crushed alive. It's an awesome finale, and it fits joker to put himself at risk: after all he risks his life all the time why wouldn't he for such a fun gag?
Batman's able to get the wheel to turn fairly and then escape it, leading to a chase. THe Radium Theives agree to give themselves and the radium up but there's still the matter of the joker and we get a short but neat final chase as Joker uses the dice against the heroes then jumps off a cliff, gambling his life one last time.. and rightfully batman isn't betting on the joker having died.
Gamble With Doom is an excellent story. While the trophy we get out of it is only in it briefly the story itself is pure fun. It has some fun dated elements like Bruce's opinon gambling is EVILLLL and the old fashioned designs on the traps, but it's pure fun. The traps are clever, the tension palpable and the climax great. The gambling motif's really fit the joker and it adds up to an all time great joker story with a suprise impact. The Trophy Itslef. is barely in it but Robin DID break a guy's face with it so i'll say it was still cave worthy.
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(From World's Finest #30)
The Penny Plunderer is a name I had heard but had no real context for. I assumed he was some goofy silver age villian with pennies for eyes who drove around chucking pennies at everyone.
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I am an artiste.
Instead it's just a guy in a suit. He has the backstory of any good golden or silver age villian to justify his gimmick
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I love.. everything about this backstory. It reads like if a writer was given the thought exercise "Make the pettiest batman villian origin you can find.". I mean other villians gimmicks make sense: Poison Ivy was a botonist, Mr Freeze had a horrible accident, the penguin was born looking like a penguin with a lot of money, the Joker fell into a vat of chemicals and came out a clwon, the riddler liked puzzles.
Here Joe just... got screwed over by pennies a lot. Even funnier is that the last one has nothing to do with pennies. Like.. even if it'd had nickels he'd still be arrested.
So Joe vows since pennies runied his life, he'l lbecome the penny! Sadly this does not mean him dressing up like a giant penny with a cane and top hat.. nad now I can't show you it that last drawing put me too far behind and... oh fuck it.
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Instead he just wears a suit but makes his gimmick pennies. Commit to the bit man. I do get it as some golden age villians were just guy in a suit, even Joker and Penguin technically counts but one is a clown and the other is a rich penguin man. They have mor ethan just "suit and a vendetta against pennies that somehowturns into stockholm syndrome.
So the penny plunderer begins his reign of terror, setting up a penny arcade as a front, and cashing in a roll of pennies in the most diabolical scheme ever devised by man.
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A true criminal mastermind.
Batman picks up on this pattern because it's what he does and finds his next case, a coin and stamp exibiton with a rare one cent stamp. It's here we meet the reason we're here: the giant penny!
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Yeah to my shock the penny had NOTHING to do with the penny plunderer other than being at the site of one of his robberies. He prefered just.. chucking pennies at people.. which is awesome and a truly great tactic only topped by Batman's use of said giant penny
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I adore the fact that this iconic artifact is there not because it was seized from the villians or a police options.. but because, presumibly, Bruce thought this penny he found was kick ass and bought it off it's actual owner.
Most of the theives escape but they find one willing to squeal. Unfortunatley he dies for his hubris
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Yup bet you weren't expecting the penny guy to kill someone and to see his corpse weren't you but here you are. Also batman is apparently a cop now. George Lopez tried to warn us...
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But we didn't listen! We didn't listen!
A fight breaks out at the gambling parlour and we get two of the best moments in batman history that much like the blue beetle film, ar ehighly underated.
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I just.. I get the sense that is how batman ALWAYS plays pinball. Just judo kicks it every time even as bruce wayne. Both bruce wayne and batman have been banned from so many arcades.. often the same ones. Perks of having a secret identity. We then get coyne once again THROWING pennies at someone and it working. I don't know why he hasn't been brought back with the telkeentic ability to contorl pennies. Give him a copper helmet and a proper costume and oh dammit..
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Then Joe knocks batman out iwth his one weakness: a roll of pennies. He's trapped them in the parlor for your standard batman death trap, having removed their belts and ripped out the phone lines as usual. He then throws them a few pennies when then prove to be a mistake as it's time for SCIENCE WITH DR. BATMAN, who uses one old penny, copper, and one new penny, zinc to make a battery. Good thing jimmy didn't wish it away THIS week.
The cops arrive to free one of hteir own and batman finds a clue once the parlor is cleared of gas. Turns out Coyne was catering a penny slot party for a rich billinoare's houseboat, and naturally their filled with gas. I swear it's always gas with these golden age villians. Get another knockout device fellas.
With that our final chase enses as Batman and robin chase Coyne and while he nearly bests them with a good game of 1940's donkey kong
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He's foiled by his own gimmick: he has only pennies but the pay telephone.. dosen't.. take 5 seperate pennies for some reason? the hell? I get payphones not taking pennies once they went up to a quarter but come the fuck on 1940's payed telephones. he's foiled.. and sentenced to death.
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Yes folks that's the cannoical till some lucky fellow brings him back fate of the penny plunderer: PUT TO DEATH.
This story is as you can tell nonsense that's only gotten more hilarious with the passage of time and I loved every page on it and on getting the panels for this review, I only found MORE hilaroius nonsense to laugh at. We have a story where a guy with a penny gimmick smacks batman with a roll of pennies, trips robin with more, kills a man without pennies, is foiled by pennies yet somehow dosen't actually use the giant penny that's the only reason people know he exists. It's beautiful bollocks and worth your time.
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(From Batman #35)
As I hope you are, this issue had me hooked from the first panel: Batman vs dinosaurs being forced to fashion a bow and arrow for some reason. Yes... fuck. Yes. Also nice of bruce to eat Ollie's lunch.
Okay so this story starts, as many real life stories do, with a billionare having a zany idea; Mr. Hart is a man who puts on shows: ice follies, aqua carnival, 40's razzle dazzle type stuff. For his latest idea though he's going above and beyond: a DINOSAUR ISLAND. With mechancail dinosaurs and cavemen who throw giant sponges at you. Thankfully spongebob wasn't born yet but his great great grandpappys quarepants did the honors. Honorable old fool.
To ramp up the insanity, Mr Hart is inviting a club of big game hunters to eat mammoth steak with batman.
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If that weren't enough, and in any other golden age story it might be... our heroes get CHALLENGED at dinner by one of the rich assholes. Yeah turns out rich assholes who hunt innocent animals for sport and eat reheated mammoth aren't the most stable indviduals and Mr. Breech scoofs at the fact Mr. Hart says Man is the most dangerous game. He's hunted man, they went down like cowards. COWARDS. He feels Batman couldn't hut a dinosaur without his gadgets, and certainly not his bare hands... even though as this issue with prove and has already shown early man had tools.
To prove his point he challenges batman to a fucking challenge: survive on Dinosaur Island: no utility belt, no vehicles. If the dinosaurs touch him he looses. Mr Breech will man the controls. Honestly i'm convinced Breech knew hart well enough to know he'd both agree to this for the publiclity and why he'd invite batman and robin and just wants to play iwth giant mechanical dinosaurs and also batman. Which granted if I were invited to this sort of thing i'd also want to chase batman with mechanical dinosaurs for fun, who wouldn't, so I totally get it and respect the game.
Hart is on board, offering 5000 to the winner's charity and Batman is like "Why the bat-fuck not. Let's go".
Now you might suspect Breech's real motive is trying to kill batman. I mean you have a setup where batman will be without his weapons, the plausable deniablity of a machine malfunction and a secluded island with 24 hours to kill the batman. And you'd shockingly be wrong. Breech really just wants to prove dinosaurs are the most dangerous game so when that Jurassic Park he's working on opens no one will object to him hunting them for sport.
But his plans are foiled by Chase, anothe rich knob who wants to kill batman and robin to, as he says later form a "crime combine". So he wants a bunch of middle aged guys drinking beers to yell at him for not training the joker on tackling well enough. I see.. well played.
So the game is afoot and our heroes take a bit to catch up, first brushing off a real rock among the sponge rocks as a mistake. Theis ends when a Triceratops to trismash them into a tree. Batman calls for a war council on a nearbye island but naturally THAT'S NO ISLAND
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Batman fought a mechanical fucking seamonster. That.. that's cannon. To almost every batman timeline. God bless you Golden Age, god, bless, youuuu. Also i'd be stupid if I didn't say that Tally Ho, Batman! is one of the greatest phrases in batman history up there with "I Am the night" , "I'm batman" and "Something something joker's boner".
So now the games for their lives, Batman and Robin don't have to play fair and start fashioning bows, arrows and knives out of mechanical dinosaur bones. You know.. sometimes this job can be draining: 2-3 reviews a week, many a plan having to be delayed due to a review taking longer than expected.. but then you get a review where Batman and robin have to outrun a manical billinoare who hyjacked dinosaurs from a diffrnet billionare who was having a charity dinosaur hunt with batman and robin using a third billionare's dinosaur, while fashoining weapons from mechanical dinosaur corpses and fashion a kite from a mechanical ptreadon and remember why you love reviewing stuff so mucH: sharinng a good story with the world and finding a good one or two yourself while your at it. And thanks to Kev i've found three truly wonderful, truly bonkers batman stories, with this one being the easy winner. It's both a decent enough concept for the time and hilariously insane.
And I ddin't make up the kite thing: when, after a night of survivial, Robin brings up the batplane, Batman has an idea: since the flying dinosaurs are on a programmed pattren rather than directly controled, they can use them to make themselves a kite yor style.
So to win the day Batman has a plan: he uses himself as bait since Robin's the more agile of the two, and has robin CATAPULT HIMSELF into the air after chase, who is riding on t-rex back with an army of dinosaurs.. and how does he defeat chase' smighty dino army?
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It's both genuinely clever and wonderfully bonkers: Robin defeats an evil billionare RIDING a mechanical t-rex.. with water balloons.
Also props to this story: in the previous two the trophy was impressive.. but it was taken from what felt like a minor point in the story: the card flip game was fun as was batman slammin ga door on a guy, but it's sandwitched between far more elaborate death traps, while the penny, again awesome, wasn't even something the penny plunderer used. Batman just bought it off some offscreen character to relive fond memoreies of crushign some crimianls alive with it. Here the main villian ROAD IN on the thing. Granted he still had to likely buy it off his actual owner, but this time at least a criminal actually used it as a murder weapon. I can see Batman wanting this thing for his cave.
Batman chases chase over the now still dinosaurs and punches the guy out. With this Batman's saved the day AND won the bet. 5000 for batmobiles for kids, donate your batmobile today!
As for chase...
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With that our story and this trilogy comes to an end.. and as I said, it's great. check out all three of these issues their a lot of fun. Next time dc puts some up for sale I may have to get some 40's batman, this stuff is golden.
Thanks for reading
To conclude batman month: Wait'll you get a load of this
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buckysberrytea · 11 months
Death Or Destruction?
Chapter 1 : The Unknown Dreamer
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Paring: Morpheus x OriginalFemCharacter!
Word Count: 1164
Summary: Morpheus has been visiting a dream for aeons. Upon his return to the dreaming he tries to visit it again. What will happen when he encounters a mysterious girl instead-
Tags/ warnings: sfw (mainly), post events of netflix adaptation
a/n: Hi! I'm back at writing fanfictions! This is only chapter one i will try updating regularly (will not vanish from the face of the earth like i did before).
*This fic will use both 3rd and ocasionally 1st pov*
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A dark black sky. Endlessly spread. Hauntingly silent. Fear breeding. Life eliminating. Plagued by death and decay. Breaking the cycle of birth and death of all creations. Timeless. Everything just seized to exist.
At the centre, a single entity stood staring into the once-starry sky. A glowing smoke. A few feet away stood Morpheus. Dream Of The Endless.
He often caught himself visiting this dream. An unknown dreamer. A nameless book in his library. The same dream every night for aeons. Only in this dream, he did not see the dreamer properly. He visited the dream every day.
After escaping Rodrick Burgess and finding all his tools. He tried visiting it again. He did not find it. The book from the library had disappeared too. A dreamer's book does not simply disappear. Upon asking Lucienne about the book's disappearance and indirectly asking for her input, he was unable to conceive a conclusion.
A rumour floated the dreaming. A prophecy they said.
"Its eyes will be filled with the night sky. It will wield destruction in its hands"
Morpheus had heard of such rumours for years. No one ever came. Nor did he care for such foolish nonsense. The Dreaming was protected, whoever dared to step foot in his realm with ill intentions should simply be eliminated. All threats should be instantly neutralized.
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One very uneventful night Morpheus visited the pier on the outskirts of the Dreaming. The majestic waters of the sea held dreams upon dreams. Bored, an idea popped into his mind. "The unknown dreamer". "Was the dream still there?" He wondered. He decided to investigate. Dream reached into his pouch grabbing a handful of his sand. As he threw it up the sand moved around him, swallowing him as he vanished into the unknown dream.
There he stood. In the same darkness? This wasn't dark at all. It was a starry night sky. His night sky. The exact one that expanded over the dark sea. Except. He was mid-air. With the celestial bodies. He could walk around as though there was ground beneath his feet.
This time he felt something. A strong emotion. Maybe a combination of emotions. Distress, anger, confusion, sadness and most importantly fear. It slowly plagued his chest.
A faint voice called out "Sisters of the night help me!". Morpheus turned around to face the source.
A woman? A woman knelt a few feet away from him with her eyes closed and her hands clasped as though she was praying. Her soft cheeks were stained with tears. As the dream lord studied her he heard her say something, something he would not be able to ignore.
A plead. She begged for saving.
"Save me whoever listens. Save me from this cold realm. I beg any elder who listens. All those omnipotent or near. Listen to my prayers. Listen to my sisters' prayers. Find me!".
As an "Endless" Dream was nearly omnipotent. Therefore, as the ruler of the Dreaming it was his responsibility to oversee such matters. "Who asks for my presence?" Morpheus' dark deep voice called out. The woman opened her eyes. She took a deep breath in as if she had been suffocating. "With whom do I have an audience, my lord?" Curiosity filled her damp grey-green eyes. The atmosphere shifted. The dream could feel the change in her emotions. Peace? Calm? No, Hopeful?
"I am Morpheus, Dream Of The Endless, Master Of Dreams, The Prince Of Stories. I shall answer your prayers, for you are in my realm. Tell me where are you in the waking world?"
"I know not where I am. Only that it is dark and cold. I do not travel between the worlds or realms. My lord, save me from this place. Find me! I beg of you!" . Tears pricked her eyes. Her voice sounded simply defeated.
Pity. That's what he felt for her. He hasn't felt that in a while for anyone. Walking towards the woman Morpheus held out his hand. She hesitated. But at last, grabbed his pale hand shakily. His sand engulfed them. And in the very next moment, they both stood next to each other.
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A dark, cold place. Morpheus' feet almost sunk into the wet ground.
What was this place? His mind was filled with this question.
A lonely fading moon in the sky barely lit the vast nothingness. This place was no longer considered to be his realm. It was once a night sky similar to the one in the Dreaming but, celestial bodies eventually die. So the Dreaming moved on. Whatever remained became a transitional space between the realms.
Looking around he saw her walk towards something. She sat on a stone with her back towards him and her head tilted to the sky. Dream approached her. Before he could say anything her soft voice spoke. "It must be lonely. She shines all alone. She's weak- losing her power. My presence here only gives her reason to shine. Soon she must let go."
Celestial bodies eventually die. When no new stars are born the realm begins to decay however, they can not die until all inhabitants of the area have migrated.
Dream remembers what he has and hasn't created within the realm. She is not a creation of his. "Who are you? And why do you stay here?". The dream Lord's heavy voice spreads around them. "For all my life till now. I have always been here. I have seen seven thousand, four hundred and two nights-".
"Twenty years?" Dream thought. He found it quite odd. Morpheus has been visiting this dream for aeons. How can "she" only be 20 years old?
"If you feel stuck here I shall take you back to my realm." Dream offered.
"I must say goodbye first." A bitter sweet smile spread across her face as she stood up to face the sky one last time. "Farewell Mikopolien. May you find peace in your death my sister." She ended with a sigh. A simple bow of her head and she turned to Morpheus. "Odd" Morpheus thought. Why would she refer to the star as a 'sister' ?
Just like that the sand engulfed them one last time. The light of the lonely moon gave out as they returned to The Dreaming.
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Morpheus' throne room was quiet and cold as ever. The girls eyes bounced off every surface trying to absorb the new environment. Hurried footsteps echoed outside the room. They got closer and closer. Lucienne rushed into the room. "My lord the baby nightmares have ran into fiddlers gr- ". She took a moment to stare at the scene infront of her. Surprised by the new entity she asked hesitantly "My lord is she one of your new creations?". Morpheus expressionlessly stared back at her.
"She is a guest in our realm Lucienne. Ensure she receives the proper attention and aid. I have work I need to return to." Morpheus replied glancing at the girl who was too busy looking around the room.
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shanksbaby · 2 years
Could i have domestic mihawk headcanons? On a established relationship but not married please? Thanks for your writing
yes!! <3
Dracule Mihawk
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expect a lot to cook together, Mihawk loves cooking a lot but loves doing it with you much more. But don't expect small talks, when you cook together there is mostly silence but there are also a lot of touching: for example, the swordsman can hug you from behind while you see if the ingredients are cooking or he could rest his hand on yours while you cut the vegetables
cooking together is a gesture that Mihawk considers intimate, he's never done it with Perona, so it's one of those gestures that makes you understand how important you are to the swordsman..
another intimate gesture: sit on the armchair where his bookcase is located, you on his legs while he holds a book in his hand. Either he reads it to you aloud, since you love hearing his deep voice from him, or you fall asleep in his arms, more specifically generally you sleep with your head on his chest listening to his heart beat and his breathing. he. It's one of those moments that gives you so much serenity.
being a pirate, unfortunately you can't always have it at home. Sometimes he'll leave in the morning giving you a little kiss on the temple to go looking for some challenge and then come back a week later. The first few times he didn't tell you that he was leaving, you only knew it thanks to a note that morning, which obviously made you angry.
to calm you down he brought you something from the places he visited (jewellery, souvenirs, books etc…), and as much as I hate to admit it this method has always worked. Your angry expression always changed to one of happiness, to which he responded with a small smile.
he is an early riser than you so when he is at home he already prepares your favorite breakfast for you. If, on the other hand, you are a sleeper who wakes up around ten \ eleven in the morning, he will prepare you a small snack.
on his island he has a garden, which you take care of together. You always have a good time taking care of the garden with him, maybe it's also the plants that surround you that make everything more magical. If you don't know how to care for plants at first, don't worry, Mihawk would be happy to teach you.
if you are also a swordswoman\sowordsman he would be happy to train you and challenge you too! Obviously he will never go as hard as Zoro or Shanks goes, he would never want his own self to get hurt, especially if it's his fault.
ocasionally expect romantic dinners by candlelight :)
you usually go to bed together at the same time, Mihawk loves to fall asleep feeling your body heat even if he doesn't admit it, so he will wait for you to go to sleep.
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petthebunfluff · 7 months
Favorite headcanons for anyone :ъ
i don't have many but here we go
horror speaks sign language due to the head trauma
ink paints the future like banana joe's mom in tawog
error gifts his plushies to the corresponding sanses on their bdays
dream only learned how to read after leaving the rock
swap made the pattern for the basic sans plushie that error uses to make all of them
fell carries drawings that his papyrus made as a kid with him
ink ocasionally gets covered in stickers and paint (usually after a painting session or after hanging out with swap and dream)
the star sanses have a book & sticker club
that's it :3 the first and second hcs were from my lovely friend, lux!!
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 months
@thealmightyemprex @professorlehnsherr-almashy @themetropoliskonboy @shiv-multifandom-mess @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @piterelizabethdevries @knivxsanddespair @strawbebehmod
I think most american comics like the X-Men could benefit from using the storytelling aproach of Scooby Doo, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai/Power Rangers, Gundam, James Bond, Star Trek and Doctor Who.
What is that aproach?
Those franchises are longevous as they are because they make self contained story arcs/seasons/films in the series.
So say, you watch Scooby Doo Mystery Inc, and you follow that show fine, no need to go all back to the 1969 Scooby Doo: Where Are You ? series unless you really want to.
In the case of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai/Power Rangers, they are conected by a specific formula of masked heros (individual or team) fight monster of the week until getting onto the big boss at the finale, and ocasionally have crossover episodes, but overall each season is its own show with different, new characters, gimmicks and villain.
For example, I grew with up the Power Rangers that was animal themed, another younger generation will grow with one that is Mystical Fantasy theme, and so forward.
Gundam is an anime franchise that has a conecting theme: discussing war and the politics behind and consequences of war trough the adventures of giant mecha pilots representing different planetary factions.
Only all the rest, the characters, the robots, the plots, the tone and aesthetics, will be their own distinct self contained story from which you pick a favorite to follow.
James Bond's series if formed by each a different movie with beggining middle and end, ocasionally there can be references to previous movies, and some villains like Blofeld return to the franchise, but overall you can follow one movie fine without needing to see the previous one unless again, you are a really big Bond fan that wants to see everything related to that franchise.
Star Trek has a similar aproach to Kamen/Rider, Super Sentai/Power Rangers an Gundam: a formula (group of heroes travels trough space) and new characters, themes and storylines that can be followed on their own, so you can watch The Next Generation, or Voyager, or just one of the movies, and not be obliged to go all the way back to the Original Series to follow what's happening
One cannot forget the show that endured because it embraced change, Doctor Who, a show about an alien in a blue box, having adventures trough space and time, with their companions, and every three years, there will be a new Doctor and a new group of friends that will be YOUR version of the characters!
So what could be incorporated into the X-Men comics from these examples?
Well, you start with one character and their group of heroes.
Their mentor and its students.
Then you complete their arc, their main story is over.
And next you go trough the next series: put in a new school, a new scenario beyond the United States, a new Headmaster and Teachers, and a new group of students.
Some of the previous characters can make cameos or be incorporated into the main story as mentor figures, but extablish that their main struggle is over, they conquered their problems, and now is time to guide the next generation trough THEIR new sets of conflicts.
And I'm not inventing the wheel here, the X books gave us precendent in this during the Chris Claremont era.
We started with headmaster Professor X training Angel, Cyclops, Jean, Beast and Iceman, then new characters joined in and renovated the team with Kitty Pryde and Jubilee acting as audience POV characters, and then we saw Magneto becoming the new Headmaster and teaching the New Mutants who have been characters embraced by old and new fans.
If the sliding scale timeline didn't started in the 80s, the New Mutants would have aged in real time and become the teachers of characters representing OUR generation!
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flan-tasma · 1 year
hello again!~ about the xingqiu ask, i've searched as well and there's a mention about him being a young adult? (assuming he'd be around 18-mid twenties at most) I understand your discomfort/worries about it and I understand, would you be able to write slightly? spicy head canons, not full on nsfw but just a little spicy please do not feel pressured, I'm just curious <3
💖~ ok then, let's work in headcanons for Xingqiu!
Warning: spicy, Adult Xingqiu | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
Estoy tratando de mejorar a la hora de hacer estos banners, creo que este es mi favorito hasta ahora 💙
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Xingqiu es alguien bromista, tal vez demasiado para tu bien. Después de estar juntos por tanto tiempo ya hay un nivel de confianza en el que las bromas pasan de cambiar de lugar tu libro a dejar literatura erótica entre tus libros de estudio.
Y está bien, tal vez no es nada muy exagerado, pero te hace suspirar con algo de molestia fingida cuando esos libros tienen notas con cosas como "¿Probamos esto?". La respuesta es sí, Xingqiu, pero en otro momento.
Puede portarse un poco malcriado, a pesar de la tranquilidad con la que te pide besos, sabe que te está atrayendo a una trampa.
Busca la manera de salirse con la suya cuando están solos, te abraza por detrás y te susurra las cosas que le gustaría hacer contigo hasta que lo golpeas o lo besas, siempre pueden seguir jugando en otro momento.
Los apodos jamás acaban, siempre son tan lindos y se asegura de llamarte de las maneras más dulces mientras se besan.
Jamás lleva a cabo sus juegos frente a Chongyun, no lo quiere matar. Aunque hay veces en las que juega a que sí, solo cuando tiene tu permiso. Una vez que los amigos estaban conversando surgió el chiste de la razón por la que amabas a Xingqiu, el exorcista se rió demasiado y tu pareja casi le explica la versión tranquila de 50 sobras de Grey. No hace falta decir que a Chongyun casi le dan cuatro infartos antes de cubrir sus oídos.
Siempre tiene las manos encima de ti, tocando tus muslos o te sostiene por la cadera, te deja pasar primero y te ayuda a cruzar con una mano en tu espalda inferior, nunca se queda solo con eso, necesita poner toda su palma y apretar tu piel para estar satisfecho.
A pesar de que las buenas costumbres prohíben actos tan íntimos en público, él siempre roza su rodilla con la tuya, atrae tu atención con sus manos en tu brazo o tu hombro de una manera tan gentil que te pierdes en su toque, y luego sonríe para dejarte suspirando.
Los días más tranquilos son sus favoritos, simplemente se quedan flojeando en casa y duermen la siesta, no antes de que Xingqiu acaricie tus caderas, dice que lo calma para dormir.
A pesar de todos sus juegos, siempre es tan gentil cuando nota que no estás de humor para aguantarlo, también pueden disfrutar de la calma mientras leen algo o cuando espera a que termines lo que haces.
Le gusta formar corazones en tu espalda, en algunas ocasiones usa su visión hydro para crear gotas con forma de corazón y te pide que te quedes quieta mientras te besa.
Hablando de besos, él ama besarte. No le importa besar tus mejillas o tus manos, pero prefiere mil veces besar tus labios hasta dejarlos rojos e hinchados, besar y chupar tus hombros hasta dejar una mancha que sobresale y dice su nombre.
Xingqiu is someone who is joking, maybe too much for your good. After being together for so long there is a level of trust in which the jokes go from moving your book to leaving erotic literature between your study books.
And okay, maybe it's nothing too far-fetched, but it makes you sigh with some mock annoyance when those books have notes with things like "Shall we try this?" The answer is yes, Xingqiu, but at another time.
He can act a little spoiled, despite the calmness with which he asks you for kisses, he knows he is luring you into a trap.
He finds a way to get his way when you're alone, he hugs you from behind and whispers the things he'd like to do with you until you hit him or kiss him, you can always continue playing another time.
The pet names never end, they are always so cute and he makes sure to call you the sweetest things while you kiss.
He never plays his games in front of Chongyun, he doesn't want to kill him. Although there are times when he plays pretend, only when he has your permission. Once when friends were talking the joke came up about why you loved Xingqiu, the exorcist laughed too much and your partner almost explained the quiet version of 50 Leftovers of Grey. Needless to say, Chongyun almost had four heart attacks before covering his ears.
He always has his hands on top of you, touching your thighs or holding you by the hips, he lets you pass first and helps you cross with one hand on your lower back, he is never left alone with that, he needs to put his whole palm and squeeze your skin to be satisfied.
Even though good manners prohibit such intimate acts in public, he always brushes his knee against yours, draws your attention with his hands on your arm or shoulder in such a gentle way that you get lost in his touch, and then smiles to leave you sighing.
The quieter days are his favorite, you just laze around the house and take a nap, but not before Xingqiu caresses your hips, he says it calms him to sleep.
He likes to form hearts on your back, sometimes he uses his hydro vision to create heart-shaped drops and asks you to stay still while he kisses you.
Speaking of kisses, he loves kissing you. He doesn't mind kissing your cheeks or your hands, but he prefers a thousand times to kiss your lips until they are red and swollen and to kiss and suck on your shoulders until he leaves a stain that stands out and says his name.
Despite all his games, he is always so gentle when he notices that you are not in the mood to put up with him, you can also enjoy the calm while reading something or when he waits for you to finish what you are doing.
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Please ignore this one if you mention this detail anywhere in your story. How does Riot handle beauty procedures after the incident in Transistria? Is she ok with a hairdresser going behind her back and touching her head from behind? Did anything change in her beauty routine?
Short answer: Badly :D
Long answer:
She was never a girly girl exactly, but she visited the hairdresser ocasionally, got her nails done when on leave, sometimes went to get a facial, got a massage or had waxing done. Little things that she slowly started doing for herself, to feel pampered, usually after being nagged by Soap, Mini, or their mother. Even Laswell from time to time surprised her with a spa voucher, or plainly ordered to 'go to X' and X was something cosmetical for her.
So by the time when she was more comfortable doing those things for herself, dressing up, wearing makeup, buying cute clothes, Transnistria. And as Soap would put it, all the steps she took forward, now she stumbled down the stairs.
There are better days than others, of course, but she can't have anyone approaching her from behind if she's not expecting it or is warned about it. The most likely reaction would be being decked in the face or worse, or she'll just plainly freeze and have a panic attack.
She can deal with being in a lift/elevator, but if she can use the stairs she prefers that. Anything to not be trapped in a room too small.
She can't deal with male presenting people in a medical setting. In Moldova Laswell had to threaten bodily harm to make male medics leave the room because she was freaking out so hard that she thought she'd pass out. Laswell had to swear she'd be inside the surgery room with a gun, and that she'd use it if any of them tried to touch her wrongly. (And she did)
So, about what you actually asked (I always babble off topic)
At first it was an absolutely nope. No one touching her. Cutting her own hair and all. The first time she consented into being touched was when she got the tattoo in Taipei when Laswell had her in hiding. And because it was a female tattoo artist.
Slowly, choosing carefully the interactions, she is more open to have things done. But, with subterfuge.
She'd wait for any of the Lastochkas to mention going to the hairdresser to tag along. Reasoning that if they're in the same room and they see something weird going on, they'd say something. But in reality, is just the need to being with someone.
Laswell tried to gift her a massage voucher again, she counter attacked by buying another and booking the same time for both, so they'd go together.
Soap tried to book her a facial, she dragged him too to have another. He loved it but had to suffer the teasing of the rest of the guys for looking so fresh.
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clownoid-cat · 2 months
Welcome to my silly little blog
Hi I'm Charlie, I'm a minor and I'm slovak
I will mostly post here about my fandoms and hobbies and I will ocasionally reblog some 'political' (raising awareness etc.) posts
My fandoms are:
marauders (i don't support jkr, but they are my gay escapism)
six of crows
scooby doo
stranger things
dead boy detectives
i also enjoy drawing and fiber arts :3 (which i might post here ocasionally)
i really like autumn, music, chocolate and books
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