#and then I want to wear a collar that he uses as an ankle bracelet just so I can be dragged around the floor whenever he goes anywhere
nevvaraven · 1 year
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lexirosewrites · 2 months
Slick Sunday idea!
Years ago I read an Avengers MCU omegaverse fic where omegas were courted and gifted with jewelry/finery as a show of love and appreciation and I always thought it was such a great concept and it stuck with me and it made me think of omega Steve in a universe like that.
He has boxes and boxes of jewelry that people have gifted him to try to court him and make him happy, and since he's a Harrington his parents only accepted the finest jewelry for their shining omega. But what no one knows or realizes is that the little rope braid bracelets and anklets he wears and never takes are his actual favorite gifts as they were made and clumsily presented to him by the Party to show him they loved and appreciated him, and when they gave him the bracelets and anklets in a little handmade box apologizing that it wasn't as nice as other jewelry they had seen him wear, but the bracelets were made out of his favorite colors, Steve burst into tears because he was so happy that he received and actual thoughtful gift for once and not just something with the highest price tag. He wears them proudly and the kids always get so happy when they see them on his wrist and ankle when they hang out and it makes their bond that much stronger.
I've also been mulling the idea of Eddie being an alpha but breaking societal norms because he wears courting jewelry (he received it from his friends/pack and wants to proudly wear them too) but it's very non traditional for the alpha to wear it. He also wants to start courting Steve but falls into a similar hole of fearing that he isn't wealthy enough for Steve's typical courting gifts, and one day clumsily makes a Daisy chain bracelet and gifts it to Steve during a group hangout half-joking that it's the beginning of a courting but Steve takes it completely seriously and absolutely loves it, and demands that Eddie make him a new one each time the flowers die or break apart, or else his gift wouldn't count (Steve himself was joking about that but thought it was the perfect push for him to finally get Eddie to court him as he'd been waiting for ages) or another way for them to start courting is Steve seeing Eddie's jewelry and realizing he's more non-traditional, and Steve goes through learning how to buy a courting gift and ends up presenting one to Eddie to court him and Eddie being completely floored that Steve Harrington wanted to court him, and was up for doing a more non-traditional courting.
courting jewelry is such a neat concept and i don’t see it used very often! occasionally i’ll hear a mention of collars for omegas, but that’s usually the extent of it. and you know rich suitors would for sure lavish pricy gifts to impress omegas from well-off families (which would naturally make steve care more about handmade cheap trinkets instead because he knows money does not equal love)
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emmetofthestars · 3 months
ok lets see how far i can go. im gonna startt. kim just gonna start.
fair warning this will either seem like incoherent rambling because my thoughts are hard to formulate or just me wanting to be rude about the sequels past we love katamari despite never playing them (i wrote this line after i finished the whole post)
anyways im about to list alot of king's outfits over the games and then rate them on 1) whether i like them personally (partly removed from context), and 2) whether i think they actually fit king. im doing this for absolutely no fucking reason and honestly im scared ill be very wrong or biased but im mnot being paid to do this for gods sakes im writign a tumblr post. i wont get cancelled for getting king incorrect. anyways
katamari damacy
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(im probably going to switch between using game screenshots and transparent images)
1#: yeah i like it. he looks stupid and i like it. the cape and whatever the collar is called, in combo with the chain and gold accessories looks so silly. he doesnt look like a king besides the crown. he looks like he wants to be cool but doesnt know what that means but he knows nobody will question it cuz hes the king after all.
headdress: perfectly over-loaded. you have way too much going on. you dont need those blinking lights. and you really dont need those patterns and colors. can i try it on
2#: well its hard to say since this is the first one. and of course the first one fits him cuz. its the first one. but i think it gets his impression off very well. its a prussian blue v neck and a golden chain, with sort of maroon tights and a golden belt with the face of a lioness. bracelets and rings, and of course the triangle ruffle collar and purple flower pattern cape. its a mixed warddrobe, kind of silly, i think it works well with how you cant really take him seriously, too. rude and hurtful, yet also he. dresses like this. a kings crown, cape and collar, but his personal style underneath it. also expresses how he may be king, but hes not really taking that as being his role - rather, being himself means to be king. or being king is like, a side thing, not as important as just doing what he wants. maybe a bit of a reach, dont know if i managed to explain what im feeling properly... also, his actual clothing besides his headress isnt actually complicated, which is an interesting contrast. you would think he wants you to pay attention to his face, and not his body. he is egotistical, it makes sense that he wants you to look at him and pay attention to him in general, but the emphasis on his face is interesting.
headdress: absolutely fits. very extravagant in a way that works. the colors arent bright as hell either, which im glad they did because if they were neon and too flashy itd look too obnoxious. well itd look bad but also hes not about exactly "standing out". he loves attention, but he still has his style, and that style IS colorful, but not neon. i think it fits him well, it teeters on being over the top and subtle at the same time, like complex embroideries perhaps
we love katamari
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1#: also like it. has the same color scheme of blue top and magenta purplish bottoms. though here its a bit less saturated and lighter in color. the flowers on the sleeves are a nice touch since hes no longer wearing his flower cape, and the golden ankle ring, as hes wearing nothing on his hands but his wedding ring.
headdress: neat!! i like this more than katamari damacy, but just because its kind of cute. well i like them both, but this one is easier to draw (lol) and the color scheme is nice. the lights are now flashing from the spaces of color, instead of looking like round lightbulbs, if that makes sense, and it seems more casual this way, somehow.
2#: it kinda fucks me up. but judging king in we love katamari, from how different he is compared to katamari damacy, this outfit seems kind of perfect to showcase how (almost eerily) laid back he seems to be in we love. his ruffle collar is now smoothed out, its wiggly instead of sharp. hes wearing a very wide sleeve light cyan top, a purplish flower on each sleeve, with a squiggly cut on the lapel, open to reveal his chest and a golden chain, with a piece that looks perhaps like a flower attached to it. he now has a band wrapped around his waist instead of the golden belt, with a golden lioness head piece holding it in place. lighter wine color tights. its so- i dont know. king starts off obviously excited at the fanbase and attention hes getting, so its curious he puts down the iconic outfit and gets into something so comfortable. he wants to stand out less, all of a sudden. its still very much a king outfit, but he dropped so much, i wonder why. hes laying back as usual to let prince do his work but hes really leaning into it now. not just that, but he seems almost less hurtful than katamari damacy. more open. hes still full of himself, but its toned down, muted. his occasional interjections talking about his childhood and papa are offputting in the sense that its unusual. and this outfit is unusual, too, in comparison. katamari damacys impression is that hes pompous but a bit silly (and also just a dick), we love katamaris impression is that hes egoistic- but aimless. he seems more forgetful and more lost in thought. the cape missing could also be symbolic of his openness, even if a bit cheesy. i noted that his cape might also hold some emotional weight similar to the crown, but thats based on my feelings.
headdress: reflects the casuality. its got a smaller color palette now, less patterns, and more flat spaces of color. reminds more of his headdress patterns in his childhood. its also longer now, but i dont have anything to add for that.
me & my katamari
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this is where i start to get a bit iffy in general. the games are no longer directed by keita, and king doesnt actually progress any. he stays the same or changes purely because different people are writing his dialouge. me & my katamari seems to have no story otherwise, or cutscenes, even - so from here on i suppose i do get biased but there isnt much character to go off of. however- i did not play any of the games besides the first two, so i am watching gameplays.
1#: i think its alright. i dont really like the combo of colors, it feels weird with the super yellow thin cape, but it is a swimsuit style thing. i wish they changed the collar, though, or outright removed it. it feels wrong to be in there.
headdress: ehh too neon, doesnt help with colors.
2#: this is. alright, its ok. the swimsuit is relatively simple too, thought the yellow cape doesnt seem like something hed wear, especially since its supposed to be a swimsuit- a cape would make it very hard to swim, though kings zaniness could get him to wear a cape if it means looks over functionality. it isnt his normal cape of course, though im a bit sad the flower pattern is entirely missing here, or even a hint of it. instead its a swimsuit.. something... with wine and orange, and what looks like a necklace. its not a necklace exactly, but i dont know the name for this. its also got a lioness head. i dont really get the golden armband around his left arm, but eh. i think its passable overall but straying further from kings personality, though given he is just like. having a splash and having fun. and it is skin tight, which isnt really that important, but its not swimming boxers or something. swimming suit still with a touch of decency. i guess it wouldve been repetitive if this one also had a v cut, but to continue onward from we love katamari, if it had to be real casual and open as a sort of conclusion to we love katamari, i could imagine something similar to this swimsuit, but its a one-piece that covers his legs and chest but leaves his arms free. idk though. i also added this bit in an edit, so now im starting to think about actually sitting down and redesigning it, but im uh. not able to rn. and you cant save edits as drafts. oh well.
beautiful katamari
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1#: really very stupid looking. i think the sleeves and puffy pants are very funny but boy i dont like this. dont really like the colors. id try it on myself tho. again, with the wiggly collar- this straight up just doesnt change in all games after we love katamari.
headdress: meh. not a big fan. its getting a bit boring now.
2#: not sure what to say. king wouldnt wear this. its really not his style. it looks more like a jesters outfit, and the lack of shoes makes it look even stranger. the weird random opening that shows a bit of his stomach is also a bit nonsensical, alone in terms of how the hell this piece of clothing works. the pants are too puffy- stripes arent something that make sense as a pattern for him. and the whole theatrics thing, with king talking to you from behind curtains he opens up, on a stage like background, feels out of character. hes not one for theatrics (literal). he likes admiration but he performs by showing off what he can do physically, not through theater or a play. not that its said he does, but the theater bit is just weird. doesnt fit him as a character.
headdress: in combo with the outfit it just doesnt make much sense, it doesnt really harmonize. its alot of shapes and colors, but not with much consideration. the colors seem to be random. the headdress and outfit are kind of at equilibrium with how much they catch your attention. obviously the headdress is more saturated and in game it has blinking lights, but you do have to look longer at the outfit, and it kind of sticks out with how it seems like such a weird pick for him. also it is just kind of a silly looking thing. maybe im just looking too hard though.
also ill b real im just getting more mad at the gameplay. the physics are missing and the katamari feels way too fast and responsive, which is frustrating me, and the game is basically back to basics with you and king and nobody else, which makes kings lines disappointing, but once again, i handle watching a game and playing it differently, and i already have bad feelings about the sequels besides we love katamari as they arent directed by keita, and king is such a specific character. the gameplay part is irrelevant though but it is making me want to watch it less. lol.
katamari forever
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1#: curious! i like this outfit, removed from context. i cant say i like it as a king outfit at all, but i just like this type of outfit. fucking. no idea what that thing hes wearing at his collar is called but i have a little soft spot for that thing. hehe. dont care that its a king outfit though.
headdress: i like the colors! its mainly blues, purples and greens, but i like it. the patterns work fine for me. still boring though.
2#: this is hard. katamari forever has a bit more substance, but the whole plot literally is that king loses his memories. though he IS wearing this before he loses his memories. he has dialouge as he has levels, but technically, roboking is the main character in this. doesnt really matter, you can choose between either of their levels at free will i believe. thissss outfit is. sssssss. i dont know. the direction its taking with the fancy dandiness isnt out of place for *a* king, but it is out of place for *the* king of all cosmos. his suit and whole shebang being so bright is incredibly juxtaposed to his comfy darker pallette of katamari damacy and we love katamari - yet hes still the same character? hes not changed. he still belittles prince for low scores and small katamaris, still pretty egotistical. his outfit doesnt reflect anything on a deeper level. if anything just reflects a change in taste, but thats really not that interesting. theres cutscenes (finally) but these say nothing as hes asleep in those cutscenes. so theres nothing more to pull out of that. his responses to low or high scores seem to be mostly the same, and rather short, to be honest. when he requests something, its also pretty short. theres not alot to take out of that.
touch my katamari
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1#: scared. scared of touch my katamari. i dont like this outfit but also i just dont like kings 3d model. like i dont need to tell you his face his scary and uncanny looking. its not that bad in this image but if you see even one closeup of his face its just. uncomfortable. his collar is sharp and triangle-y again, though.
headdress: i like the hearts hehe. thats about it though. dont like the fabric overlay over the texture, was kind of unnecessary. i want to spare you from looking at a closeup of the kings face though.
2#: man i dont know bro
im also getting tired and Hooo shit look at the time. i know i shouldnt do these things but you know how it is. i dont know why i did this, to be honest, but i just felt like talking a bit. my mind is a little too full on things around the cosmic family(s) and im already thinking more about queens family. oh well. i have no idea whether to tag this. i suppose i would conclude it here, despite the indeed dry touch my katamari review... this is just my little thing for me. im sure if i tag it with the katamari tag Nothing bad will happen. im going to sleep.
THIS IS AMAZING KATAMARI not tap my katamari. you can see the edge of the title literally right there in the image but i was too distracted by their whismy.
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queen ❤️
amazing katamari is just a mobile endless runner so theres no story but i will say: i like this! its cute! its simple, and a combo of the katamari damacy and we love katamari outfits. yea its not special, but its ok! though again with the collar... would've liked if they kept either one or the other collar piece. but thats about it, no deep analysis. i just think this render and art style is cute in general, so exclude this from the review. headdress is neat too. again nothing special but atleast it isnt so neon, mainly pinks purples and blues. completely taking it as being cute art though.
bonus AGAIN:
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roboking. there will be no outfit review its just king but robo. hes also an entirely different character anyway so an analysis doesnt make sense. but i like that his belt looks stupid and his colors go pretty well, purple yellow blue. and that his eyes are always angled down. i just like robots. all im putting him here for is to say i think his pathetic self is entertaining and i kinda wish katamari forever was better. it couldve been good. but yeah ending this off with sad little roboking. thanks for reading. bye bye
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aliensubstance-011 · 10 months
Hi hello I absolutely adore your band AU!! I was wondering if you have any thoughts on the band's appearances, like clothes/hair dye/etc.? Especially given you've mentioned things past highschool
I rlly rlly want to draw these dorks practising together and want to stay true to your ideas :3
Hello I saw this just before I was going to go to sleep and then laid awake Thinking About It for the next 30 minutes so here I am!
Under the cut because there's a LOT!!
He layers just as badly as in canon
So in my head it goes:
Long sleeved stripey T-shirt
then a graphic short tee on top (which eventually becomes a band T-shirt nearer then end of senior year when Steph joins the band! (And when I design the logo lmao))
THEN a zip up hoode
I'm not done
Then a leather jacket he found at a garage sale (it's slightly too big for him normally so it fits over everything else.)
Ripped jeans + belt chains
He has one of those goth belts with all the metal eyelets in it
Boots!! He has loads of different coloured laces he wears each day!!
And ofc he has his blue hair
He has his ears pierced too- he has these skeleton studs and they're all he wears.
Oh and the green and black bracelet Max eventually makes when he becomes the band's friend. It's tied onto his belt loops every morning.
Pretty similar to canon in my head
He takes off his suspenders and bowtie when they practice though (he feels safe then)
His hair is longer! He wears it in a man bun because it made him feel more masc before he came out to everyone (in middle school)
When he felt more comfortable (and after he came out) he decided to keep his hair long and the man bun just kind of stuck
He gets an undercut maybe? I can't decide in whether that's good or not.
He had LOADS of ear piercings (industrial, tragus, three on each lobe, conch, helix) but he's too scared to get facial ones somehow
He wears dangly earrings in his main lobe piercing
After he makes friends with Steph and stops wearing his suspenders+bowtie altogether he unbuttons and untucks his shirt during practice.
(Steph almost passes out the first time he does this. She can see his collar bones. Victorian woman seeing ankle for the first time core)
Richie clips a short chain onto his belt loops "So we match!"
His yellow and orange bracelet becomes his hairband- you can't usually see it unless you're looking for it/it's in a ponytail
Ruth was actually so so difficult for me to decide
Her normal style just goes so hard yknow?
I think she starts wearing Docs like Richie
But she just has rainbow laces and that's it she doesn't change them
She gets a leather jacket too and paints the band logo on (badly)
The band tee she'll wear but it'll be over-sized and half tucked in
Logo front and back babey!!
I don't know what else for Ruth so if you have any ideas please feel free to use them
Her blue and white bracelet is just on her wrist like a normal person lmao
Nose piercing Nose piercing!! She has a little ring
Her style is already SO SO good for the band AU!!!
She has fingerless leather gloves
She also has tattoos methinks
The beginnings of a rose + thorns sleeve on her left arm
And a shitty stick and poke star on her right wrist (over her veins) she got when she was 16- it's started to fade so she gets other stars tattooed on her wrist around it (one for each band member?)
She's the one who commissions an artist to design the logo, and gets t-shirts made for each of them!!
She, and Ruth both get the logo put on leather jackets. Steph's is proper vintage and is more of a biker jacket though.
She tries to convince Richie and Peter to get ones too, but Richie doesn't want to damage his jacket and Peter refuses to wear one at all (he won't wear the shirt either)
(She catches him using it as a sleep shirt. She teases him about it for weeks)
She cuts her band top into a crop top but she doesn't always wear it.
She dyes the tips of her hair red for while
But it fades into pink weirdly quick
So she dyes it back to her normal ombre
Steph's pink bracelet hangs from a hole made in one of her drumsticks. Her bracelet was made first (Max cried when he saw it)
Max isn't technically part of the band
But he is their #1 fan forever and ever
So he has a shirt too that he wears to all of their (eventual) gigs!! The logo is a bit faded/damaged and washed out because he keeps washing it the wrong way
He has a scar in his eyebrow from when Steph punched him after she first joins the band (this kickstarts his redemption.) (Punchstarts?)
And he has his purple and yellow bracelet around his wrist!
I still haven't figured out how to fit Grace into this AU at all. I do HC that she thinks all music other than Christian Music is Of The Devil™ and she plays the flute but that's about it honestly... One of these days I'll figure something out
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invisibleraven · 1 year
'things you interrupted me to say' just has PeterPatterLina vibes to me
"Just had to goad the bad guy didn't you Luke?" Julie grumbled as she flexed her hands in the handcuffs binding them to their chairs.
"He was wrong about later period Impressionism and he had to be taught," Luke replied.
"So not the point," Julie sighed. "Do you happen to have your picks within reach?"
"In my other suit, sorry," Luke replied. "You got a bobby pin hidden in those curls?"
"Unfortunately not."
"How long do you think it'll be before he comes back to gloat about his plan going off under the FBI's nose?" Luke mused.
"You think he's coming back?" Julie snarked. "I know you're only a consultant, but you know as well as I do the bad guys usually don't come back to monologue."
"I mean, yeah, but this guys just has that aura you know?" Luke said. "Total attention seeker. Why else would he have a life sized portrat of himself in the lobby?"
"That was a tad gauche wasn't it?" Julie asked, wrinkling her nose.
Luke winced as his earpiece almost blew out and then lit up. "Reg!"
"Wait, do you still have your earpiece?" Julie asked. "We could have radioed for help ages ago!"
"Sorry, it lost reception when we went underground and I guess designing it like a hearing aid made them less likely to take it," Luke replied. "Yay for bad guys who aren't ableist dicks."
"Can you two stop your banter for one moment and talk to me please?" Reggie said with a sigh. "I swear this is the last time I take van duty when you guys are on a case."
"Reg says it's our own fault we got caught because we didn't bring him,: Luke said smugly then winced when Reggie sent a blast of feedback down the line.. "So I paraphrased. A bit."
"I mean at least Reggie doesn't backtalk the bad guys unless they insult Star Wars or Dolly," Julie said good naturedly. "Does he have a fix on our location and a plan to get us out of here?"
"Reg?" Luke asked. "You got a plan in that big sexy brain of yours?"
"Of course I do," Reggie replied. "Look, there is a pick sewn into the lining of your shirt, find it and get yourselves free."
"I really need to learn how to do that," Julie said as she rubbed her wrists once Luke snapped the handcuffs off. "What does our genius boyfriend want us to do next?"
"Well he says the door is probably guarded and they took your gun," Luke said. "No windows, and no grates."
"I can hear a boat horn nearby," Julie said. "And gulls, so we're near a pier."
"Concrete is standard, but the paint on it is new," Luke commented.
"I've got agents who are converging on you, so sit tight," Reggie stated. "Good thing I put a tracker in Luke's earpiece."
"You did what now?" Luke questioned.
"I put one in Julie's too, but they smashed hers, so I guess I'll have to make a new one," Reggie replied.
"Did you know he was tracking us?" Luke asked Julie.
She shrugged. "It makes sense. I'm an FBI agent, you are a criminal working with the bureau under probation. We do tend to get into trouble quite a lot, Makes sense to me."
"I am wearing a literal ankle monitor!" Luke protested, waving his foot...which had the bracelet removed. "Well I was!"
"Yeah, but we have to take it off for so many ops and bad guys toss it to avoid getting tacked when we don't, this seemed easier. And easier to replace," Reggie replied.
"Before you ask, no this doesn't mean you can go without the ankle monitor," Julie stated before Luke could even form the question.
Luke pouted, but he knew that this was the deal. He helped solve a bunch of white collar crimes, he avoided prison and worked out his sentence in way that he loved, with the two people who had quickly captured his heart.
Sure they had to keep their relationship a secret to keep everything above board, but he only had a few months left, after which he could get a legit job, and then the three of them could live a perfectly normal life. Well as normal a life as a throuple made up of two FBI agents and a former conman could.
"I hear gunshots," Julie said.
"Brace for impact," Reggie warned. "I'll see you two on the other side. Stay safe."
"You too Reg," Luke replied.
"We'll see you soon, keep the van running," Julie said.
"Always do," he said.
They made it out in one piece, managed to make a few arrests, and got the paperwork done with some fleetness. Meaning they could go home to Julie's place for a night in-with no interruptions.
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gabessquishytum · 2 years
I Love the idea of Hob having a special collar made from dreamstuff that Dream can tug around whenever he wants. That along with wrist and ankle cuffs that Hob can wear under his clothes during the day and Dream can also control.
I freaking LOVE this. I’d never thought about wrist and ankle cuffs before but omg. Absolutely YES. To everyone else they look like fancy bracelets made out of some kind of shimmering, expensive material. Only Hob knows what they really are. When Dream comes to visit him in his office, it’s the perfect way to get Hob to spread his legs and get his hands behind his back. Hob gets the pleasure of fighting back a little bit, while knowing that the cuffs aren’t going anywhere unless Dream says so.
The collar is very useful for Hob’s bratty days, which do occasionally happen. Dream can grab him, pull him around, shake him. Hob fucking loves it secretly, when he’s talking back and giving Dream shit. He wants someone who’s willing to push him around. The best part is when Dream pulls the collar tight enough that Hob is just struggling to breathe. That’s when he goes all soft and squirmy, ready to finally be a good boy, so sweet and apologetic for his misbehaviour.
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convexicalcrow · 8 months
Love you Lost Prince AU and I felt inspired to draw fabart but I would like to know, how does Cub, Scar and Ma'akhi look like? I'm not familiar with Ancient Egyptian wear and I want to protray them as respectable as possible. (Or if drawing them is right out, then I will respect that request too!) Thank you in advance
O: !!!!
I would love some Lost Prince AU fanart omg yes pls! <3 I'm so excited my fics inspired you to want to make art for it! :D
I'm gonna start with Ma'akhi bc there's less to explain lol, but bear with me, Imma infodump for you anon. :D
Also I will preface this by saying, while I'll share a lot of historical stuff here for reference, this ancient Egypt is an AU with a different timeline, so feel free to take these as a reference and make them your own. Also feel free to use the AU tag when posting so I can see it. :D
For Ma'akhi, his heritage is Roman-Egyptian, and he's mid-30s. His parents were merchants and traders, and they made many trips to Djesdjes while he was a child. He served regularly in the temple when they were staying at the oasis, but only joined permanently once his parents died. This was before the invasion. He did have a Roman name when he was born, but his Egyptian name is what he goes by now. In full, his name is Djehutyma'akheru, 'Djehuty is true of voice'. Ma'akhi is the nickname.
This is the only image I have rn of Ma'akhi. It's a doll maker image i made of him years ago when I was working on this world as original fiction, and while it's not entirely accurate in terms of 'this is what he looks like/this is what he wears' with perhaps the exception of the face, it's at least 'these are the vibes' lol. I'd love to see some actual art of him because that doll is all I have rn!
The outfit he's in here is probably what he'd wear outside of temple spaces when he's not dressed as a priest. I don't see him as the type to wear a wig like other Egyptians would, but he would if the occasion called for it. His dress blends both Roman and Egyptian items, esp jewellery. I suspect he'd have a bunch of non-Egyptian stuff he'd acquired while travelling with his parents.
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As a priest, he would wear a long white linen kilt, a white sash over his right shoulder across his body (a mark of Djehuty priests in this AU), papyrus sandals, and as high priest, he would wear the leopard skin cloak. He would also have shaved his whole body. No wool or leather was to be worn in the temple.
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^ Priestly attire. But this AU would have longer skirts, usually ankle length, with pleats (and feel free to get Very Fancy with the pleats if you want to). Ma'akhi would be the guy on the far left. Cub and Scar would be closer to the middle two, but with Scar not wearing a sash, and both with longer kilts. Cub, Scar, and Ma'akhi may also wear white linen cloaks for night rituals or outside processions to protect from the heat.
For regular wear, they might just wear shorter kilts, pleated kilts, or tunics. Both Cub and Scar prefer to have their heads shaved, and would definitely wear wigs. I feel like Scar's would be more decorated than Cub's. Cub and Scar are also light-skinned Egyptians, but I'd take their skin tone less White and more tanned/brown to fit their ethnicity.
The pendant Cub wears looks something like this:
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Except emerald rather than stone. It'd be about 1.5in/4cm long. It would sit around the middle of the chest near the heart area.
Sans cat, this is the style of carnelian ring Cub wears, with a slightly thicker band:
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Scar wears no specific jewellery pieces, but I imagine he wears a bunch of stuff based on what he's been able to steal/trade/haggle off others. So beaded collars, single strings of beaded necklaces, arm bands or bracelets, a variety of rings, pectoral amulets, idk, google some Egyptian jewllery and pick things you think look nice. He's dedicated to Bast ofc so any Bast amulets would be a must, or anything with cats on it. He also carries a satchel/bag with potions, writing tools, and spellbooks in it.
In soldier mode, Cub carries a sword, small pouches for small spells and amulets on his belts, and a shield. Scar fights with bow and arrow if he has to, but he leaves the fighting to Cub. He prefers to talk his way out of danger.
For the Egyptians, the Libyan people (the rebu) were sometimes depicted as light-skinned people.
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^ From left to right we have 4 Libyans, a Nubian, an Asiatic, and an Egptian. From Seti I's tomb.
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^ A rendering of a Libyan warrior.
For my AU, I imagine them wearing more of a loincloth or short kilt and some kind of leather straps around their waist (an influence from contact with Roman armies or serving with them as mercenaries). More of a short tunic when travelling for comfort and sun protection. Leather sandals. They would have grown their hair and beards out too.
Pix, as the Copper King, isn't Libyan, but more like the Berber or Bedouin tribes, but more based on Pixandrian culture than those ones specifically. The mines are a diverse mix of people who've found a home there.
Pearl as the governor of Djesdjes is both a warrior and an official. She would dress as a soldier if defence of the oasis is called for, but when out of that role, she's more in sheath dresses and sandals, with long wigs and gold jewellery. Darker skin than Cub and Scar bc she's got a different ethnic mix, and she's spent a lot of time outside fighting with her soldiers.
ANYWAY. I hope that is enough infodumping anon! :D If you have any further questions, pls do ask and I will do my best to answer you! :D I'm excited and honoured you want to make art for my AU and I can't wait to see it! :D
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Was thinking about the other ask talking about what the subs would wear in the car instead of a collars. Which got me thinking, The FIA rules on collars I know they've recently been cracking down on certain things (don't want to start a fight/argument with anyone over it; so I'll leave it at that) in the d/s au and out. In the au They have to have some leniency though right? Out of the au I'm kind of interested how the subs and their Dom's would get around it.
Hi hello!! So I think I actually addressed this once before but that was ages ago and now have a few more thoughts!!
So I think the logic in the au would work outside of the AU too? The problem the FIA has is with metal items, because they can get too hot and cause damage to the skin if the driver is in a crash.
So I think one solution would be to get a collar with no metal? Metal is mostly just used for the clasp or buckle, so you could get an all leather collar tied loosely around the sub's neck. The safest might to have it tied in a quick release knot? So that some light tugging would make it fall off.
Or they could wear a bracelet with no metal instead.
I remember saying once that Charles loves to wear one of your hair ties on his wrist when he drives, and I think that can almost be like a collar as well?
To be extra safe they could wear something around their ankle, but over their fireproofs? So they put the fireproof pants on, then put the leather or rope anklet on and then put their boots on. I think that might be a favourite for George and for seb?
So yeah! There's definitely ways to get around it.
I don't see many drivers outside of the AU wanting a collar 24/7, I think they mostly like them during scenes. However I think that some of them feel so much comfort knowing that they have something to remind them of you on them when they driver anyway? It just makes them feel a little more safe.
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kajirus · 5 months
As I kneel on my dorm room floor in the Nadu slave position I can feel his eyes on me. He wheels my chair closer his sneakers in my field of vision.
He stays quiet and I’m doing my best to maintain the position. Sitting on your heels with your knees spread wide, back straight, head up eyes down and your hands on your thighs palms up is difficult. My breathing has become fast and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest.
I see him cross his feet the chair creaks and I realize that he is leaning back. I see us in my minds eye and bite my lip.
“Most of Rabbi Fuldas class know you like feet by the way your eyes fix on Shimon wearing his sandals everyday. When you were out Fulda joked about it.” He says and I think my face gets even redder.
He wiggles his sneakers and says “ Maybe I should take off my shoes and socks.” I know he’s not really talking to me.
“You’re skinny, no muscle tone really, and your hair… and of course that nose. Still an actual kajirus.” He says and I look up at the perfect way he says it. I meet his gaze. It’s so intense that I quickly look down again.
“I know all about kajiri. The question is are you enough to be worth my time.”
He stands up and walks around me slowly. The voice in my head keeps screaming‘stop this just stand up and tell him to leave’ but I can’t make myself move.
“Bracelets.” He says
It’s another slave position. Just like Nadu only the hands go behind the back and cross at the wrists.
I move my hands into position and he clicks handcuffs on my wrists.
“Ummm” I stammer and again he says “Shhhh” and flicks a butterfly knife out.
He helps me stand and softly traces the knife around my body.
Suddenly he cuts my shirt at the collar and painfully rips and tears until it’s in tatters on the floor.
He pulls off my belt and takes off my pants and underwear. Then shoes and socks.
He puts a finger under my chin pushing my head back to look at my neck. Even naked I am much taller than him.
“Meet my gaze.” I swallow and look into his eyes. I feel helpless and want to look away.
“Yes, you’ll do.” He says and after a pause ‘Bara’.
It’s another slave position. Lay on the ground , head facing left, hands crossed behind and legs crossed at the ankles.
I struggle with my hands cuffed but soon I’m laying flat staring under the bottom of my bed.
My crossed ankles are bound. I think with my belt. I hear the dorm room door lock and then the light goes out. He sits and takes off his sneakers and socks and puts his feet right where I can see and wiggles his toes .
A rolled up sock is at my lips.
“Open”, it fills my mouth. The other sock is tied around my head to keep it in. The sock tastes clean.
I hear the bed move as he lays down and gets comfortable. All I can do is turn a little on my side.
I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep this way.
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
How do you think the archons would dress in our world?
Hell yeah this is fun to think about, I'll break my ideas down by Archon, but generally speaking none of them would deviate too heavily from their very obvious tastes, and you would have to give a decent amount of guidance in order to avoid any fashion disasters—
• So he definitely sticks with the green color palette generally, that's a given, probably pairs it with some brown and other earthy tones
• I imagine he would dress in a way that both classifies as casual, but you could also get away with wearing it to a Renaissance fair, if you know what I mean (bring him to a Renaissance fair, I'm begging you, that could only go well)
• I'm thinking flowy clothes, or at least flowy shirts, and I feel like he would be really into patterns
• Nothing super crazy, but I almost feel like he would wear tie-dye ironically, like he's the type to look for the gaudiest most blinding piece of clothing and buy it instantly just for the shock factor
• (I hope you're ready for Christmas, because he's absolutely winning every tacky sweater competition)
• If he's attempting to be especially fancy then maybe a poet shirt, high waisted black pants/brown shorts with those straps that kind of look like suspenders and dress shoes, but that's mainly for performances
• Of course the braids are a must, but he would start experimenting with more hair clips with flowers on them and such
• Soon he'll have a hair accessory collection and you'll have the honor of styling it to your liking every day
• For beachwear he'd jump on Hawaiian shirts and swim shorts, would probably also make you get him one of those big floppy hats and he could put his Cecilia flower on it
• As for pajamas I imagine a rather basic t-shirt/tank top paired with general pajama pants/shorts, nothing fancy there
• Finally general accessories, for some reason I could see him wearing an ankle bracelet, along with clip on earrings of various kinds (specifically clip on), and I feel like he would find creative places to put the Cecilia he usually wears on his hat
• Like he might wear it as a bracelet one day, or as a brooch, or on the side of a belt where he used to put his fake vision, he would just want to incorporate that in all of his outfits
• I couldn't see rings but I could see a few non-metal bracelets, also I think a messenger styled bag just really suits him
• You know that mid-thirty's male History/English teacher that you probably had a crush on at some point in high school?
• Yeah, that's how he dresses
• You might be able to discourage him from wearing full on suits everywhere, but collared shirts and dress pants are pretty much a given
• Never let it be said they don't look good on him, but he could pull anything off
• You might be able to get him to trade out the dress pants for a darker jeans, but the button up collared shirt is staying (tho on casual days you could convince him to unbutton a few of the top ones)
• Colors wise, it's pretty obvious that he would stick to the basic blacks, greys, and occasional golds on accent pieces
• If you beg him he might wear a floral print beach shirt and flip flops on beach days, I don't see him swimming heavily so sadly the shirt will probably stay on
• Now for pajamas, the funny answer is the striped pants and matching striped shirt combo, the more realistic answer is a black t-shirt and sweatpants (we can finally admire his arms thank god—)
• Accessories wise I could see a standard decent looking watch, obviously he's keeping the earring, and maybe a small necklace with something that reminds him of you that he keeps tucked under his shirt, along with a pretty killer belt he wears with every outfit
• She was very happy to find that the general styles in Inazuma do still more or less exists in the form of traditional Japanese clothing, but you're gonna have to steer her off into something a bit more casual
• I feel like she would be surprisingly into more muted vintage clothing, and you would have the honor of introducing her to thrift stores
• Obviously sticks with purples and lavenders, which pair pretty well with both black and white
• If you can't tell, I have a thing for black pants, but I just really think they would pair so well with a lavender sweater
• She could pull off a blazer really well, just saying
• And I really think she would just default to corporate office style for anything formal, could be skirt or pants depending on the event
• I could also see her pulling off flannel pretty well, just in general, but she might need some convincing for that because I don't see her as a willing pattern person
• For beach clothes I think she would rely pretty heavily on what you would like to see her in, probably wouldn't want to do anything too revealing though (I personally want to see her in a very cute flowy purple sundress, but that's just me)
• Bikinis are probably pushing the limit unless you happen to be wearing one too, but one pieces would be fine
• Pajama wise I feel it's either a very expensive looking satin/silk long shirt and pant combo, or something a bit more basic, like a nightgown, but a pretty one with lace and stuff, gotta stay classy
• There's not a whole lot to expand on when it comes to accessories, I do feel like she's the most likely to wear brooches though, maybe has a collection of them
• Would probably also cycle through a variety of necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings, just whatever fits with the current outfit, a very versatile accessorizer
• Though if you give her a particular accessory she's going to try to incorporate it in everything, naturally, any gift from you is precious
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coffeetablettowers · 2 years
Title: Cat Life
Rated: G
Characters: Katsu, Noodle, 2d, Murdoc
Summary: A day in the life of Katsu
It is a bright, sunny morning. Noodle is asleep in her bed while Katsu sleeps near the end. The brown cat's eyes slowly open and then she yawns. Standing on all four she looks around. She could move to lay in the sun, but another time. Right now she feels hunger settling in. She pads her way up towards Noodle's head. She sits with an inquisitive stare. Noodle continues slumbering; that is until a paw bats her forehead. Immediatley the woman's eyes shoot open. Noodle stares at Katsu, who stares back for a few seconds and then lets out a loud meow. Sitting up Noodle stretches,
"Good morning, Katsu. You're wanting breakfast?"
Katsu does not reply. Instead she jumps down and runs to her food bowl in thr corner of the room. Noodle chuckles and gets out of bed, but instead of feeding Katsu Noodle goes to her closet and looks through her clothes. Katsu sits patiently by her foos bowl for a minute or two before walking to where Noodle is. Slinder body walk betwern Noodle's legs, soft fur brushing along them. She lets out a soft meow and continues this action.
"Hold on, Katsu. I want to change first."
The longer Noodle looks at her clothes the more impatient Katsu becomes. Suddenly the cat swipes a paw at her owner's ankle. No claws out, but a warning. Noodle huffs and starts walking towards a drawer. Katsu knows exactly what's in this drawer and quickly runs while frantically meowing. Noodle kneels down, opens it, and uses a measuring cup to scoop out some cat food. Noodle then walks to the cat food bowl, kneels, and dumps the dry kibble in the bowl. As soon as the food hits the bowl Katsu is devouring it. Noodle runs a hand along the cat's back.
"There. Now let me get dressed in peace."
After finishing her food Katsu goes to the sunny spot on the floor, curls up, and falls asleep.Noodle is no longer in the room when Katsu wakes up, the time of day having made the sun move. She stretches with her back arched and then walks out. There's a rug laid out in the hallway so while on the move she stops to sharpen her claws and then continues on. She spots a door open and walks inside. She sniffs the air, a mixture of something putrid and sweet mingling together. Looking around she continues her trot, stepping on clothes as she does so. Off in the corner she spots a person sitting in a chair hunched over a desk. The cat pauses and stares for a bit before making her way towards them and then jumps up onto the desk. She sees 2d scribbling in a notebook. Watching the pen move around Katsu bats the moving object. 2d stops scribbling and looks over,
"Oh hello, Katsu. What brings you in here?"
He reaches to pet her under her chin. As if on instinct Katsu rubs her face along his fingers. 2d chuckles then claps his hands together,
"Oh! I made you something. I don't know if cats can wear them, but I'll help put it on you,"
2d opened a drawer that was filled with small, colorful pieces of rope. He rummages through it before pulling out a collar length green bracelet that hasthe face of a frog smiling. He holds it out to Katsu, who sniffs it. 2d carefully wraps the collar loosely around Katsu's neck and then ties the ends together. Katsu shakes her head before moving to bat the pen. 2d smiles at the cat.
"It looks quite nice on you. I hope it doesn't come off."
2d grabs the pen from Katsu and goes back to scribbling. Katsu bats the moving pen a few more times before jumping off and walking out of the room. She roams the hallways before sniffing the air. There's a scent of food lingering so she follows the smell and ends up in front of another room. She walks inside and sees empty boxes of chinese food littering the floor. She walks up to one of the boxes and sniffs it. The smell is different than the one she had smelt before so she continues to walk around the room. Suddenly she freezes. She hears the scuttling of smaller claws pitter-pattering on the floor under the bed. Her eyes zone in on the creature. Getting low to the ground she shakes her butt in the air before darting at full speed. Her teeth latch onto something small and furry while a blood cuddling screetch is released from the prey. Katsu sinks her teeth in more, the body in her mouth lifeless. She carries the mouse in her mouth from underneath the bed and out the room. Katsu goes back to Noodle's room and drops the body on the floor before retreating once more.
She sharpens her claws once more on the rug before laying down and falling asleep. Were somebody to look out the window they would see that the sun was starting to set, but the time of day isn't what drove Katsu to wake up. No, it was a foot being kicked into her and a person stumbling to not fall down. She hisses as she runs a few feet away and looks up at a n agitated Murdoc. His arms wavering about as he tries to keep his balance. He looks down at the cat and sneers.
"Oh, it's you. I don't see why we had to get A CAT of all things. You know you're lucky I haven't thrown you out to the wolves. Keep tripping me up and soon you'll find yourself outside."
Katsu hisses at Murdoc and makes a swipe for his leg as he walks by her. Katsu trots back to Noodle's room, where she is sitting on the bed playing her guitar. Katsu jumps up onto the bed and rubs her body against Noodle's side. Noodle chuckles, sets the guitar down, and pets her.
"I found the present you left me earlier. Thank you."
Noodle pauses as she notices the frog collar around Katsu's neck. She sighs, picks up Katsu to place in her lap, then works on retying the ends.
"I see 2d made you a gift. He didn't tie it very well and I'm sure he would be sad if you lost it."
After a few seconds of fidling with string Noodle releases Katsu, who shakes her head. She meows at her owner before running to the cat food bowl. Noodle repeats the process of feeding her. Wheb Katsu is done eating Noodle is holding a string. Katsu's eyes go wide as she pounces for it only for Noodle to pull it up into the air. Katsu jumps to try and get it, but once again Noodle wiggles it away from her. The playing goes on for a while until Katsu walks away amd jumps on the bed. Noodle sits beside her and pets her.The day for Katsu has come to an end as she falls asleep, but another day awaits her tomorrow.
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danny-chase · 3 years
wait selina had her own protege? Tell me more 🥺
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[Image ID: A young girl (maybe like 13-15) with hazel (yellowish) eyes and short brown hair. She's wearing a lot of eye makeup, a little hat with cat ears, and goggles. She wears a tie, pink vest, and grey t-shirt with pawprints. End ID]
Batman (1940) #642
Kitrina Falcone - link to wiki
She was a Catwoman copy cat (haha sorry i couldn't help it) who grew up with her abusive uncle (Mario Falcone - he literally tries to kill her in the arc she's in, she calls him uncle - but others claim she's his little sister and she claims she's Carmine's daughter) and lived on the streets for a while. She looked up to Catwoman and imitated her, but Selina steals some of her maps (i think like blueprints for heists or smth idk) so she breaks in to Selina's house to steal them back.
At this point she was working for Penguin (she bombed a place it was a whole thing) - her map making skills are vital for taking down/locating Black Mask so she's vital (she's doing this for the bounty). And she and Selina get on and Selina gives her a costume and she becomes Catgirl.
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[Image ID: Selina Kyle as Catwoman and Kitrina Falcone as Catgirl stand on a rooftop next to each other with the moon illuminating them. The Catgirl costume has a studded silver belt and collar, black claw-like gloves, black leggings, and a black tank. There are pink zagging stripes on the side of the torso and back of her calf that have silver behind them. She also wears pink ankle high converse with a purple cat icon patch on the side. She has a mini cowl with cat ears that are pink on the inside and pink scale-like bracelets/ruffles at the end of her gloves. Narration boxes (Dick): Or in this case, in the reflection I catch out of the corner of my eye - the swift and agile movement in the reflection of the windows across the street. Selina: He's gone, Catgirl. Kitrina: I want to follow him. I bet he has a cool hideout. Selina: No. You have much to learn... and lesson one starts tonight. End ID]
Batman (1940) #697
Idk if she has any appearances as Catgirl, but following her appearances listed in the wiki she lives with Selina for a while until Dick tries to talk her into going to boarding school (with Selina also on board) on orders from Bruce.
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[Image ID: Dick and Kitrina argue on a rooftop, Dick as Batman and Kitrina in a white tank top and pink pajama pants. Narration box: I don't have much time to spare on a night like tonight. But Bruce wants Kitrina Falcone out of Gotham. I can't say I disagree. Dick: The Aldridge Boarding School for girls is one of the best in the country, Kitrina. It's everything you need. Kitrina: And nothing I want. Dick: You can't have what you want. I'm taking that away from you. Kitrina Why are you acting like such a dork? I've proven myself. I helped you. Are you forgetting all the - Dick: You're young enough... smart enough to have a normal life. And you're an opportunist... take the one I'm giving yo - Kitrina: No one gives me anything. I take. I have everything I need here. Support. Training. Selina (off panel): Listen to him, Kitrina. End ID]
Batman (1940) #710
Dick lecturing a kid about not being a child vigilante is just jdfklajdkfla hypocrite XD
Anyways from here on, she runs ahead on the case they're working on (i skimmed didn't actually read it) leaving him clues and such it's like the typical young vigilante storyline of being over confident. She gets in over her head, Dick catches up and bails her out - she runs (because this one actually has self preservation instincts unlike the 934758 other batfam characters). Dick gets shot in the head (again - but don't worry the cowl redistributed its impact *sigh* this man has so much head trauma, but comic book logic) by Harvey Dent's wife Gilda no less and wakes up later and finds this letter.
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[Image ID: Dick looks down at a paper, bandages are wrapped around his forehead. He's drawn with blocky features there art style isn't doing him any favors. Dick: A letter from Kitrina Flacone. The note reads: Dear Batman, I am writing to keep you from worrying about what became of me. I wouldn't want you to think that "Catgirl" got in over her head. Or was kidnapped, or killed. They show the side of a travelling bus. Note: I'm leaving voluntarily. In fact, I'm going to try out that school you signed me up for. It's probably a dumb idea... but I'm a girl who likes challenges. Kitrina sits looking into the window, seeing her reflection as Catgirl, earbuds in her ears. Note: And putting up with a bunch of rich prissy debutantes will be a challenge. I'm sure I'll put a few of them on their rears by the time it's over. But the point I'm making is, don't count me out. I'll be back. And I will be bad-assed. - Sincerely, K End ID]
Batman (1940) #712
The arc itself is pretty dry and follows a pattern we've already seen from DC comics. Also she's like "I'll be back" and DC just went sike. So. Yeah. Reboot messed her stuff up. It's annoying to me that they made Lian Selina's new protégé or whatever when they already had this storyline right here, and to have Jade drop her off like that is ooc, especially because Roy was right there as well. And while Kitrina might not be for everyone personality wise, I personally would love to see her kick rich kids asses at boarding school. Or just have her train under Selina - because at the least she already grew up watching Selina and trying to emulate her, both in personality and in the skills she taught herself - so the connection for this character is already there - whereas "Shoes" just came out of nowhere.
Another thing I find kind of funny is the popularity of "Stray" fics, because she hits some of the same beats I've heard about (i haven't read any though this is second hand knowledge). To my understanding, when someone (Tim or Jason) is stray, they grow up on the streets trying to escape familial abuse (which she does) and eventually is taken in by Catwoman (which she is) and becomes her protégé (again which canonically happened to this character). Though she doesn't interact with her respective Robin (Damian at the time) too much which i think is also usually a part of said fics.
Anyways here's her being called a stray lakdfjaslfdj
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[Image ID: Kitrina as Catgirl slams into a car, Riddler's daughter following after her. Riddler's daughter: I need to warn you. I hate cats. Kitrina is kicked through the cars windshield. Riddler's daughter: Especially strays. Kitrina: Oofh! End ID]
Batman (1940) #711
I have no idea if this is a coincidence or not - this character has very few appearances, which date back to the Dick!Bats era - so i assume most of this fandom doesn't actually know who she is, but it's possible one of the first "Stray" fics used her as inspiration.
Also she freaking bit Dick as Batman which i find hilarious - i know fandom makes a big thing about Damian being a biter but like:
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[Image ID: Kitrina bites someone's gloved forearm - it's Dick as Batman but you can't tell from the panel, forcing him to drop a knife. There's a chomp sound effect. Kitrina: What're ya? Crazy?! You're not killing him! Dick: Umff!]
Batman (1940) #696
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thran-duils · 3 years
Nowhere to Run (P.1)
Title: Nowhere to Run (Part One) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Stony. Reader was caught unknowingly stealing from the capitol harvest and is drug to the capitol for punishment. She is offered an option to go to trial or accept work in the main government building. Upon her tour, she ends up in trouble and catches eyes of two of the Master Council that decide she needs to be broken in by their hands. Words: 1,847 Warnings: Non-con, servitude, forced orgasms, verbal and emotional abuse
Author’s Notes: I don’t intend for this to be a super long series. This chapter is setting up the non-con to come. Read at your own risk, 18+ as always. Also, the picture under the cut is the mood in the world that I am seeing; kind of steam punk? AND, song inspo.
Part Two || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
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You were being led through the long halls of the capitol building, a collar around your neck. The guards could give you a small shock whenever they so pleased if you tried to run or do anything unsavory.
They had found you stealing fruits off one of the carts in the market. Normally, you would have had your hands whipped and spent a night in jail. But this cart that you had so stupidly failed to see had the symbol of the capitol on it. It had been dark, early morning, and you had failed to see it as you snuck around. The envoy had apparently come to the market as the vendors were arriving to fetch the best of the crops for the council members. Stealing from the capitol meant trial there and you were drug from your mountainous outskirt town to the city with others to face the highest court for your crime.
You were brought to a room and shoved inside; the door closed behind you. A man was sitting behind a desk, waiting patiently.
“Sit,” he invited, gesturing at the chair on the opposite side of the desk. “My name is Tsu. I’ll be your counselor for the day if you decide to utilize my offer.”
Cautiously, you did what he asked, sinking into the chair. He picked up a device — you had only ever seen guards that patrolled through your town with them — and clicked it on. A picture came to life, and you watched with awe as he was able to control it with his movements of his hand in the air.
“I have your basic information that they collected upon your arrest. Name, date of birth, crime. But I need to know what it is you do...”
“Your profession.”
“I don’t have a profession. I’m going to trial.”
“Everyone has a profession.”
You stayed silent, not wanting to give this capitol worker any more information than he already had on you. Your town did well enough staying out of their way and business, keeping to yourselves besides when they demanded crops. Giving away too much about yourself seemed unwise.
Tsu eyed you and asked suspiciously, “Was it a, let’s say, less prestigious profession that you are more inclined to not disclose?”
You saw he was eyeing your arms and then neck causing you to you ask, “What do you mean?”
“Do you know women here in the city — and many other places in the kingdom for that matter — are tattooed?”
“I’ve seen people passing through with them yes.”
“Tattoos are normal, expected even. Your body is a canvas. And having the freedom to do with your skin as you please is a status symbol.” You stared at him dumbly, not picking up what he was trying to get at. He sighed, lowering the technological device and leveled with you, “Ladies of the night do not have tattoos. They’re not free and their skin is kept clear to show that. And to me, you look like ink has never touched your skin. Am I correct?”
Heat came to your cheeks, and you sputtered offended, “I’m not a lady of the night! I worked for the local librarian if you need to know! It just didn’t pay well, and I was hungry!”
So much for not giving him information. But he had provoked you. You were always told you had a temper.
“So, you’re saying yes your skin is clear?”
“Yes it is but I’m not a trollop!”
“It matters not. It will invite unwanted attention from people here in the city. And trust me, the higher up they are in status, the bolder they will be about assuming you are... open.”
Exasperated, you asked, “What does this have to do with my trial?”
Tsu shrugged, “With my help, you may not have to go to trial. You’ll just be sentenced to work in the capitol building. Here. I’m just trying to explain to you briefly how some things work. And I was merely asking what you did so I could better place you. If you were working nights, then, there is a spot for you, despite your immediate disdain for the profession. But, if that’s not the case, then I can find you something else here.”
“For how long?” you asked upset.
Tsu shrugged and said, “The typical time for a crime in your bracket is a year.” Your stomach dropped. An entire year spent here? Wearing a collar? Away from your home. “If you are outstanding — and someone happens to notice, which is rare — you could have a couple months shaved off. The other way, if you are unsuitable or enrage someone, they could seek to extend your sentence.”
“So, I am to be at the mercy of these wealthy, spoiled assholes’ whims?” You demanded before you could stop yourself.
That drew the briefest of smirks out of hum before he cleared his throat and said, “As assuming as it is for me to hear you share that behind closed doors with me, because it is true, I would watch your tongue very closely. That’s something that would most certainly get your sentence extended.”
“Noted,” you muttered, sinking back into your seat.
Tsu turned the tablet towards you and said, “If you would prefer to do what I am offering instead of facing trial and time in a cell, sign here stating you understand the conditions.”
You stared at the tablet, weighing your options. This way, you knew exactly what you were getting into and having knowledge and a plan seemed a comfort than going in blind. Reaching forward, you held out your hand.
“Use your finger. There’s no pen.”
Tracing your name, you watched it appear in gold before solidifying in black in the document.
“Perfect. Let’s get you changed into a servant’s gown. And get that collar off.” The collar was going to come off? He must have seen the shock on your face. “You’ll be given an ankle bracelet. It will look delicate, beautiful even, but trust me, it won’t break. And they’ll get an alert if there’s a lot of pressure aka you trying to do so. And that can also get you added time.”
It only took half a day for you to find yourself in more trouble. You had been following Tsu as he gave you a tour around the castle and you had stopped as the two of you crossed a bridge. You had been transfixed by the sight of the city, your hands coming to rest on the balcony as you took it in.
You felt a hand at your ass before it cupped, and breath was hot on your ear.
“My, my, I don’t think I’ve seen you before, lovely,” the man rasped.
“Don’t touch me, you piece of shit!” you exclaimed, whipping around and shoving him. He stumbled back away from you, barely catching his balance having been so caught off guard by your reaction. You doubted the people here ever received pushback from servants. He looked furious.
“What did she just say?” the man demanded, coming for you but someone stepped in his way.
This other man was blonde, short haired. “There’s no need to maim the girl here in public, is there?”
The first man looked ready to explode but he grated, “Did you hear what she said to me, Master Barton? She—"
“I have ears and they’re perfect, so yes I did hear what she said,” Barton replied coolly.
Tsu had come back to your side — how far had he gotten, talking to himself, before he realized you were not behind him? He pulled you a few paces away.
“What’s going on, sir?”
Before Barton could say anything, the man spat, “That little wench shoved me and swore at me!”
Tsu inhaled deeply before hissing in your ear, “Did you hear nothing of what I spoke?” You opened your mouth to protest but he continued on in a hushed whisper, “This whole thing can possibly be fixed if you just go apologize. And if you do this I’m going to have to grab the back of your neck without any resistance from you.”
“Gods,” you breathed.
“I’m serious.”
You gave the slightest of nods before Tsu’s hand was tight around the back of your neck and he walked you past Barton to the man. He was staring at you ferociously, like he wanted to tear you apart.
“She’s just arrived today but that doesn’t excuse her actions. She would like to beg your forgiveness,” Tsu told him, and his fingers flexed, signaling for you to start.
You had dealt with bullies before. You could do this.
Trying to keep the disdain out of your tone, you said, “I’m sorry for being enraged and acting impulsively. It was uncouth of me. I’m new and I am trying to learn how to act respectively with your customs. I beg your forgiveness.” You quickly added, “Sir.”
The man straightened out his shirt before sneering, “These little whores keep getting more brazen. Keep them in line!”
With that he turned on his heel and stormed off.
Tsu let go of your neck and he breathed easier that it had not escalated, and the man had begrudgingly accepted your apology. You caught Barton watching and he winked at you before turning on his heel and leaving as well.
Tony was watching the screen of the security footage with arousal swimming in his eyes, his fingers at his lips at the woman. He was insatiable at times with his lust — the whorehouse a place he frequently relished in. He turned his attention to Steve.
Steve was cold at first, displeased by the mountain girl’s behavior towards one of the council members. But upon seeing her come back and apologize, a small smirk broke out.
“Thought you might find that interesting,” Clint commented, leaning against the wall. “Seems there’s a little hellion now in our midst.”
Tony paused the recording on a close up of her face and Steve leaned forward. He studied her for a few moments before telling the guards.
“Send her our way,” he ordered. “We’ve needed a new chambermaid. And I haven’t had to break a new one in in a while.”
“Cause she definitely didn’t mean a word of that apology. Look at that fire in her eyes,” Tony chuckled, strolling closer to the screen, looking at her face on the paused screen. Quietly to himself more than anything, his fingers tapping his lips, he said, “No... no you didn’t, did you, little vixen?” He was drinking the sight of her in, and he adjusted his pants, already titillating himself at the thoughts playing in his mind. Turning away from the screen on one foot, he went back for his goblet, taking a drink. He smacked his lips and vowed, “She’ll mean it when we ask for an apology. Of that I am certain.”
“Whatever she’s been assigned, reassign her to our villa community,” Steve added. “She’ll have plenty work there to learn her manners.”
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21​ @undecidedsworld​ @holl2712​ @agustdowney​
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pink-cosmic-kisses · 3 years
just some uhh um post show headcanons
THESE GUYS ARE ALL I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT LATELY so i'm going to share some headcanons for the characters after they finally get home haha
- very chill and easygoing, yet somehow still very alert to his environment
- doesn't care for his appearance much anymore, much to his mother's dismay. his hair is constantly messy and, rather than collared shirts and khakis, he opts for more comfortable clothes when he can, like t-shirts and sweatpants
- has severe nightmares about his experience in jurassic world
- joined an art club in school and takes drawing classes in his freetime
- also joined track because he has a lot of built-up energy that he needs to burn in healthy ways. also, i reckon he really looks up to yaz and enjoys competing with her, which is why i think he'd do track lol
- tries to talk to his father more often, but they still bump heads a lot
- still lazy, but is working to improve his grades and such since being with the others helped him realize his issue with procrastination
- constantly convinces his dad to pay for trips so the camp fam can meet up often
- took up piano for fun and realized he really enjoys playing. he got his dad to sign him up for lessons and can play quite a few songs by memory already
- still struggles with keeping his feelings bottled up, but is slowly learning to open up with help from darius and sammy
- his mom and brother are a LOT more protective over him now, which can be a bit exasperating for him to deal with
- adopted a pet dog to help cope with trauma, probably named it a dinosaur pun or something stupid like that
- tries to avoid a lot of his directly jurassic world related interests, such as the video game he used to play all the time, but still loves dinosaurs and such all the same
- very irritable, his family will talk to him and he'll lash out for no reason whatsoever. he often needs to talk to brand for comfort
- even though his dad's death still hurts, he's come to a better standing with it and is learning to move on. he finally painted the model dinosaurs in his room and is more open to talking about his death with his family
- likes to draw the camp fam a lot, especially sammy. when they have group calls, she gives them little sketchbook tours
- she gives ben a lot of art tips in individual calls, and lowkey loves seeing his drawings even though they're not that great
- her hurt ankle still affects her, and she's started wearing a brace to help quell the pain during competitions and practices. it sucks, but she's very grateful that it isn't worse
- cut her hair short after she got home
-after getting closer with brooklyn, she has a newfound interest for makeup and fashion in general. she likes to practice when they meet up, although she's not very good at it. ben jokes about it sometimes since she jokes about his drawings so much
- still travels around the country for her channel, and whenever she's near where her one of her camp friends live, she insists that she must visit them before they go back home
- started doing ballet, but has a lot of trouble keeping up with the schedule due to her youtube filming schedule
- went on hiatus on social media for the first couple months that she was back home, but has since gotten back into the groove with encouragement from her friends
- kenji and her are especially close, and they love doing stupid youtube challenges whenever they're together (i/e chubby bunny challenge, friend does my makeup challenge, etc)
- loves singing, but only does it for sammy and darius at the moment
- she constantly apologizes to her family for leaving home without permission, but they've definitely forgiven her. no matter how many times they say that she's forgiven, she still feels horrible
- loves baking!! whenever she's with the camp fam, she makes them baked goods to share during their activities
- very into hockey and american football
- joined show choir and has performed a lot of shows ever since. she absolutely loves the rush of dancing and singing on stage, and it's especially nice when the camp fam comes to watch her
- made them all friendship bracelets and mailed them to everyone :D
and that's it for the headcanons so far! i want to write/draw something for a couple of these but i might not since i'm lazy lol
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Dreams, Chapter 19
If you haven’t read this series before, you might want to start on Chapter 1, or check out the Dreams Masterlist! Here’s the series description:
When Dean dies for good leaving Sam and his girlfriend (the reader) behind, they must figure out how to carry on without him. Alone, reeling, and unsure what to do next, trying to honor Dean’s memory and follow their hearts gets even more complicated when their nightmares become dreams that feel a little too real.
Title: Dreams, Chapter 19
Pairing: (past) Dean Winchester x Reader, (eventual) Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 4274
Summary: Life settles into routine as summer comes in Wisconsin.
Warnings: FLUFF, swearing, some smut
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           You’d never been so aware of the date after that, somehow feeling like you’d reset your circadian rhythm to know precisely how long two weeks was. Mercifully on the part of the universe, Dean had been right about the lack of reset function as long as you stayed within the same mind; once, just to try, you had entered Sam’s dream and found that Sam Barbie and Sam Mike hadn’t met Dean yet.
           At Dean’s request Sam put a huge amount of effort toward ‘being normal,’ integrating into the community in a more purposeful way. You became friendly with a couple cheerful hairdressers from the salon in the next town over when they started coming to the bar for after work drinks and Sam began getting invited to the poker games Steve hosted. One of your favorite of these new habits was going to the farmer’s market dutifully every week. It reminded you every time of how simple this new life was, where you had spare mental capacity to think about whether you wanted nectarines or peaches because there was no terror dangling just overhead. It also helped distract you from all-consuming thoughts of seeing Dean on alternate Sunday nights, the way your body felt like it vibrated with anticipation for the few days before.
           The two of you had been going for months by the first market in July, long enough to know all the first names of the regular vendors and greet them as you went. You were feeling somehow even more acutely anxious-excited at the upcoming Sunday, Dean having told you both last time that he had a surprise planned. It encouraged you to give more of a concerted effort to linger at every single booth, extend every single moment of killed time you could get from the outing. Sam let you lead the way, ring and pinky finger loosely linked into yours as you walked up and down the aisles of tents and tables in the overgrown gravel parking lot. He had a canvas bag half-filled with beets, green beans, some local honey, and a small carton of apricots. You paused to lean into his chest, waiting for Sam to bend down and kiss you in front of a table of essential oils decorated with macrame. The next one caught your eye, some hand-hewn jewelry, and you pulled him gently along.
           “What do you think?” you asked, holding up some earrings clearly too gaudy to match your style with an exaggeratedly fashionable face.
           “I think those really capture your essence, yeah,” Sam smiled.
           “Or maybe this?” You slipped your hand into a heavy bangle absolutely covered in turquoise that felt like wearing an ankle weight.
           He hitched the bag up on his shoulder and watched the show you put on for him, sweeping some hair back from your neck to let you see a set of earrings in the tiny mirror on the table. His gaze flicked over the wares and he gingerly picked up a small gold band from a tray. It was probably the most understated piece on the table, and definitely the one most likely to fit with the no-nonsense jewelry you tended to wear—the things you were drawn to being more sentimental reminders than ostentatious presentation, intended to be put on once and never taken off.
           “I think this one looks the most like you,” Sam hummed, offering it up for you to try on. The band was medium-thick with rounded comfort edges and when you slipped it on it fit perfectly, just barely tight enough to feel exactly secure on your finger. He was right; it looked good on your hand like you had re-found an old piece that you’d lost, and you considered it for a second before you realized Sam was talking to the woman behind the table as she finished a transaction with a trio of teenaged girls getting matching woven bracelets.
           “That one’s part of a set,” she cooed over to him, her hands resting in a homemade apron covered in embroidered flowers. “They should really go to the same home.”
           You were impressed at Sam’s ability to keep himself from rolling his eyes at that kind of faux sentimental bullshit, but she had already turned her back to you, rifling in another box under the plastic table. She turned around with a larger copy of the ring and darted out, grabbing Sam’s hand quickly enough that he almost stumbled forward as she started to slip it onto his finger.
           “Oh, I don’t really wear jewelr—” he started helplessly.
           “See? Meant to be, it fits perfectly.” She clasped her hands in front of her chin excitedly, beaming over the table at you and Sam. You had to bite your lip to keep from laughing at the expression on his face as he tried inconspicuously to get the ring off.
           “Um—wow, that’s really on there—how much for that one?” Sam asked, awkwardly pointing to the ring on your finger with his pinky as he kept working to try to get his off.
           “$50 for the both of them.”
           “Even the one has gotta be more than that,” he insisted, based on the displayed prices of the gaudy jewelry you’d played around with.
           “I’d feel better knowing they were being appreciated together than I would with the money.”
           You looked up at Sam with the kind of melting cotton candy look you felt like had been plastered to your face for weeks, soft and gooey and something you would’ve made fun of a stranger for. He abandoned trying to get the ring off and tongued a molar before pulling out his wallet and dropping 5 $20 bills on the table, pushing them across with the customer service smile he used at the bar. “Thank you, they’re, uh, they’re beautiful.”
           She only unclasped her hands to stuff the bills in the apron, mouthing a “thank you” at the extra money and winking at Sam as the two of you walked away from the booth.
           “Should we get you a big chain? Or I could pierce your ears with an ice cube and an apple back at the cabin,” you teased, getting used to the way the ring felt on your hand.
           Sam couldn’t keep from rolling his eyes over a smirk. “I really can’t get it off.”
           “I think maybe you just wanted to match me.”
           He stopped walking and you spun around to face him, gazing up into his hazel eyes. “Matching you isn’t so bad.”
           “Oh yeah?” You watched as a slow smirk spread across his face and he looked down at his feet between you. “Thank you, by the way. I really love it.”
           “Just think you, um, deserve nice things.” A little color rose in his cheeks, and there was something so unbelievably sweet about it, being shy with you of all people. You had to press up to your tiptoes and pull Sam’s neck down to kiss him, but it was perfect, the light northern chill that sometimes drifted through the air even in July reminding you of your first kiss on that sledding hill except now it was your hand on Sam’s neck, blood seeping warm and loose through every capillary rather than the cold throb of anxiety you’d had then. With his lips on yours, delicate metal on your finger, and the earthy smell of the fresh produce in the air, you tried to commit to memory how unequivocally good the moment was, how completely outside the realm of possibility this would’ve seemed a year ago. Sam’s hand slipped to your lower back and pressed you to him. “Wanna get out of here?” he murmured into your ear, and it was all you could do not to jump him right there as you wound your fingers in his and wove through the booths to get back to the Impala.
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           “Baby—you’ve gotta—fuck, I’m driving,” Sam laugh-moaned, shifting his hips just a little up into the hand you danced along the fly of his jeans.
           You leaned across the bench seat and licked the faintest trail up his jugular vein. “Then pull over.”
           His eyes closed deeply for a beat and hard swallow as he took a deep breath and took a right turn into what was likely a private driveway. It was a calculated move; probably not visible from the rural highway but if the people living here—the place sure to be occupied on a July weekend even if it wasn’t year-round—decided to leave they’d catch an eyeful of graphic roadblock. Knowing he was willing to take the risk made your heart race even faster, and Sam had barely thrown the car into park before he was on top of you, hand in your hair and tugging back roughly to bite-suck at your neck so hard and delicious you gasped before even realizing.
           He grinned into your skin as he kissed you. “Gonna—tease me—like—that? After looking so good—being so sweet—all morning?” You slid your hands in his hair and pulled back, crashing into his mouth and tasting the honey he’d sampled with you at the farmer’s market. You hooked your leg around his hips and rolled up into him, almost salivating at the firm length of him against you and the friction of the denim. He pressed you flat to the bench seat and started working the buttons of your shirt, so lightning-fast he ripped one of the last ones clean off, sending it skittering across the dashboard as it flew. “Sorry,” he smiled as you bit his lip, not looking very sorry at all.
           When your top was finally open Sam tugged at your bra, bypassing the clasp altogether in favor of exposing your nipples above it, somehow grazing his teeth and breathing cool air over them at once to send goosebumps flushing all over your body. You tried to undo the buttons of his shirt somewhat unsuccessfully for a moment before Sam leaned back and yanked at the back of his collar, tossing it in the backseat without looking as you flicked open his belt buckle and jeans. You grabbed either side of the open belt and tugged, making Sam’s chest press against yours and giggling into his lips at his tiny “oof,” when he fell forward onto the seat, throwing his arm out to avoid landing on you with his full weight.  
           With his torso against yours, he kissed you like he was gorging himself on candy; hungry and playful as you pushed and pulled against each other until you guided his cock out of his boxers and circled the tip with your thumb. Sam whimpered softly, just once and softly enough you might’ve thought it was a sharp inhale, but the broken concentration was enough for you to catch him off guard and shove him back on the seat across from you. He stretched back against the leather and door, pleasantly surprised behind widened pupils as you quickly got out of your shirt/bra tangle and kicked off your boots. It could’ve been some kind of pseudo-pornographic ad, Sam with tousled hair and undone jeans up against the door of the Impala, taut skin and muscles of his abs on full display as his arms spanned an impossible amount of the windowsill and seatback. If you’d had the self-restraint, you might’ve taken an extra second to soak it in, but as it was you pounced on him the moment the fabric of your clothes left your hands, slipping your fingers under his waistband enough to expose his cock and immediately sliding it into your mouth, hands still working to get him further out of his jeans.
           Anyone else making the sound he did would never have had the same effect, but the gravelly moan your tongue forced out of him dissolved you into jello and you wanted nothing more than to hear it again. Rhythmically working the spit-slick between your mouth and hands, you dragged your head up to look Sam in the eyes, heavy tip of him weighing down your bottom lip as you spoke. “Hold my hair?”
           Sam’s eyes went fuzzy and dark as his eyebrows raised into a dazed smile, gathering your hair in a huge palm and making that amazing noise again as you slid all the way down him, nose grazing the dark hair on Sam’s abdomen. After a few minutes his hips bucked a little under you, Sam beginning to writhe on the leather. “Fuck, that feels so goo—hold on, wait,” Sam stammered with sex-frayed vocal cords, using your hair to tug you to his mouth and suck your tongue. The sensation stunned you for a moment but you could’ve stayed there forever, held up in his palm and flayed open for Sam to take.
           He trailed down your jaw and pulled firm when you tried to turn into his kiss. “Out of your jeans. Now.” You could feel the smirk against you and immediately started shimmying them off, loving this new edge to Sam, able to fully appreciate the grit knowing how soft he would be if you showed even the slightest hesitation. When you’d gotten the denim about halfway down your thighs he put a strong hand on your hip and flipped you over in the seat, your cheek flush against the glass of the window where he draped over your back like a predator. “Don’t. Move.”
           The shudder was involuntary but it was covered by Sam practically ripping the jeans the rest of the way off your legs and subsequent hoisting your hips into the air as he shifted your knees up to the leather, your chest pressed against the door of the Impala as you looked back at him. You didn’t have any warning when Sam slipped his tongue inside you, shooting your arm out to grab for anything to stabilize yourself and ending up with a handful of seatbelt. Your calf curled up as he worked those sensitive nerves, swirling a thumb into your clit as he went. Sam locked the freed ankle with an iron grip. “I said don’t move.”
           You whimpered and whispered dirty nothings you wouldn’t have been able to remember with a gun to your head until he smacked your ass hard enough you knew there’d be a red facsimile of his hand on you, and then you completely fell apart, shuddering and melting into the door. Sam crawled up behind you, chest flush to your back, and bit your earlobe. “I. Said. Don’t. Move.” You could hear the playful challenge in it and that made you even more crazy for him, wiggling under his weight a little involuntarily. He didn’t make you wait too long, pushing into you until his thighs pressed to yours, holding you in place so you couldn’t squirm forward.
           “Holy shit, Sam,” you breathed. You could feel your muscles flex and relax experimentally around him.
           His tongue flicked around your ear as he pounded into you. “You’re so fucking hot, baby—can’t believe you’re my girl. Are you my girl?”
           The sounds you made were vaguely affirmative but to be honest, Sam’s rocking into you was pretty effectively scrubbing your mind clean of coherent thought.
           “Tell me. Say my name,” Sam murmured, voice low with sin against your spine.  
           “I’m your girl, Sam—your girl, I’m your girl Sam, I—holy shit—” you moaned as he picked up the pace and circled a sucked-wet finger around your clit and then you hit that sweet, sticky spasm, hand splaying out wide on the window. Sam covered it with his, interlacing long fingers into yours and something about the way the metal of the two new rings clinked against each other was so tender even as you were being rammed into the door. A couple moments later he drew back with a tense groan, dressing your lower back with hot spurts of himself while his breath started to return with ragged shudders.
           “Jesus,” he sighed as he eased off of you, suddenly gentle again. “Oh—uh, here, sorry.” Sam extended a veined arm over the front seat to snatch his shirt from where it had landed and gently wiped off your back. You let the cool glass settle your racing heartbeat for a beat before sliding back to the seat and the small pile of clothes Sam had retrieved for you. It made you smirk a little to watch Sam’s internal struggle over what to do with the dirty shirt, deciding to toss it on the floor before refastening his belt shirtless like he was in some Country Hotties calendar—Mr. July indeed.
           You opted not to tie your boots as you’d only be walking from the car to the door and looked over at Sam once your feet were inside the loose laces. He opened and closed his mouth but couldn’t come up with any words, smoothing his hair nervously back into place and chuckling against a bitten lip.
           “Yeah, I agree,” you giggled, leaning over to kiss his cheek before lacing your fingers together. “Do you want anything specific for dinner? We have a bunch of chickpeas, I thought maybe we could try making our own falafel.”
           He gazed back at you for a reverent second before turning the key in the Impala’s ignition. “I love you,” he smiled, throwing an arm over the back of your seat to reverse out of the woods.
           Tracing the angles of his face in the sunlight as he drove, you picked your joined hands up to kiss his knuckles. “I love you too.”
           After a few minutes of endorphin-filled silence, Sam turned to you. “So do you know what this surprise is Dean has planned for tomorrow night? I figured he’d have to tell you what it was going to be if you’re the one whose head it’ll be in.”
           “No clue. I thought at first maybe it was like, the Grand Canyon or something but ran into the same issue. Unless Cas’s taught him some new trick, he’s only ever been able to pull up places or things I already know—pick my brain for it, or whatever.”
           “Yeah, me too.”
           The air in the car held the content pensiveness for a few minutes of sunny road. There was no real heat behind it, just like there was no real heat in choosing between different rattan baskets of produce at the farmer’s market, and that same appreciation of the serenity itself washed over you. A surprise was just a surprise, not a potential threat, a date with Dean was just a date with Dean, no longer a finite, losable resource that had to be clawed at and fought for. You didn’t miss the heat. There was more than enough warmth in the sun streaming through the windows and Sam’s palm in yours.
           As it did frequently, Dean’s face in your driveway flashed in your mind, the memory somehow simultaneously old-picture washed out yet vibrant—could dreams even be memories? aren’t all memories dreams, in a way?—collar of his jacket flicked up against the cold as he said “you have to get good with this,” the flit of tongue you could see as he shaped ‘th’ enough to shape a painting class around, send a dozen art students into psychosis for inability to capture it. It had been so hard to figure out how the fuck he expected you to, how cruel it felt for him to ask it, and the only way you’d gotten your head around it was that same Dean Winchester Denial & Self Sacrifice Special and accepted it at face value. When he’d died you hadn’t felt like so many movies and books about tragic loss, where the strong but sensitive woman you’re supposed to relate to spent a few months in poetic sadness growing waifish and crying picturesque tears in solitude until she realized she could carry on.
           You couldn’t carry on.
           You couldn’t carry anything—were dragging yourself along in the most generous of descriptions, some half-dead, half-smashed zombie version of yourself clinging to any will to live like a barnacle out of devotion and need for Sam. Getting Dean back felt like life raft thrown into the water. You really had wanted to spend the rest of your life asleep and were more than content to ingest as much dream root as it would take to decompose into the cabin’s mattress next to Sam, let your landlord find your skeletonized bodies after a few months of unpaid rent. Fuck him, kind as he’d been to two strangers who’d needed help, and fuck hunters’ funerals for you and Sam if it meant you didn’t have to keep drowning.  Fuck Dean’s wishes especially, let him bend to someone else’s will for once.
           At first, maybe the first month after the dream root, only logistical reasons kept you from following through. What you wanted—needed, would’ve ruined the world for—was Sam and Dean together, and you couldn’t find a way to get Sam to agree no matter how obliquely or obviously you asked. He was unbelievably patient with you during this period of near-psychosis, and you suspected that a lot of the new habits he constructed, maybe including your beloved farmer’s market, were designed to keep you away from the greenhouse for as many hours a day as possible. You knew what he was doing, but the bright glare of panic in his eyes whenever you ‘joked’ about growing bigger patches of those little white flowers slowed down your singular focus enough to humor him, telling yourself it was just stalling until you could make your move.
           But damn if it hadn’t worked. Not that it stopped that tick-tick-tick in your brain counting down to Dean, but it made the days bearable. Just bearable, at first, the newness of your surroundings and the newness of Sam, all the things you hadn’t known about him after years of sitting inches away from each other in the Impala. And then it stopped being so much about fuck you Dean fuck getting good with you being gone and a little more about getting good with the way Sam’s hair dried if he went to bed right after showering, floppy, glossy loops and easy curls at the base of his neck; getting good with racing him down the rickety pier on the cabin’s shoreline, knowing he was letting you win and squealing all the way down anyway, jumping into the lake at dusk on Memorial Day with all your clothes on together as Sam cannonballed in behind you. Getting good with Sam’s arms around you as you both shuddered in the water, shrieking with laughter and a smile on his face of genuine, unbridled joy. Getting good with waiting for every other Sunday, because sometimes waiting was Sam bringing you a root beer float in your favorite mug while you read, and sometimes it was feeling him fall asleep against you while you scratched his back.
            Then getting good with the way it became less taboo to talk about him, being able to casually repeat old jokes of Dean’s without feeling like you were being stabbed in the chest or being terrified of sending Sam into a spiral. Getting good with memories of your old life together, your old friends, truly able to appreciate them. Because Dean was right, you had been ‘upset because you wanted something that didn’t exist.’ You could stay upset about it, stay so fucking mad about the unfairness of it all, that after all Dean had done—for you, for the world—that he was fucking gone, didn’t get to live in a cabin or have a couple daughters to braid Uncle Sammy’s hair—God, Dean saying that had haunted you maybe more than anything—and let it necrotize you from the inside out. Or you could let the ways he had permeated your very being serve as more commemoration than most people ever dream of, appreciate that the Impala still felt like an extension of him, see glimmers of the way he and Sam were still connected every day.
           And, of course, visit him at night to take the edge off, love him and kiss him and scream until you laughed. Annoying as it was to admit it, all that getting good slowly let you see what he’d been trying to open your eyes to in that driveway. You had so much more than anyone in the world. How stupid, how greedy, to have all of that and cut yourself off from anything else because it wasn’t exactly the way you wanted it to be. Looking back at it felt like watching a home video of yourself as a kid throwing a tantrum, but for ages, and you almost couldn’t believe Sam had stuck right by your side through it all, guided you gently and patiently even through his own battle. Sweet, beautiful, loyal Sam.
           As if on cue, he looked over at you. The sun poured through the windshield and shone off his hair like a halo, sparkled like glitter in his eyes. Someone who’d had a normal life would’ve said he looked angelic. But you had so much more than that, got to see both that golden hour was giving you a bit of a heavy-handed metaphor and that Sam was not only more than angelic, he was the whole world. He was the life raft all along, Dean’s Herculean return to you the lighthouse that let you see what had been there from the start, what had never left. His fingers tightened around yours a fraction. “Thanks for coming with me today.”
           The smile splitting your face felt like the first delicious stretch after sleeping in on a rainy morning. “Wouldn’t dream of going anywhere without you.”
Continue to Dreams, Chapter 20
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acsparkplug · 3 years
Part 3 : hey it’s the same anon from the other two posts And I thank you truly for making my brain baby for interspecies adoption exist. I thank you truly. I have some suggestions for the outfits for the glamrock gang
Freddy should have a tuxedo and a shirt underneath that looks like a bolt of lighting and star buttons also rolled pants with a slightly futuristic look, shoulder pads that have futuristic ridges and star cufflinks and a star belt buckle and spiked bracelets on his arms and ankles along with a spiked collar
Bonnie should wear a white button up shirt and with stars on the shoulders along with a fancy vest with star buttons with black pants with stars on the knees and a red belt with a sun belt buckle for the middle and spike ankle bracelets
Chica should wear a loose T-shirt that shows one shoulder like amethyst from Steven universe and have the outline of a star around the neck and for the bottom Denim shorts with a spiked belt
Roxanne should wear a tank top with a star on the back with a spike collar and Denim shorts with leg warmers or ripped up jeans with a moon belt buckle
Monty should wear a laced see-through shirt that shows his abs with purple jacket on his shoulders and of course spike ankle and arm bracelets and black warm pants since he his cold blooded but wants to show off and uses a special product made for reptiles that want a head of hair
Vanny wears a white uniform shirt with a black tie and black pants also has a military uniform just like Sloan from fortnite 
And star tattoos on the gang is Encouraged like for example Bonnie’s eye along with furdye and as for Face make up on stage but I like the idea that they take it off at headquarters
I took all these designs into consideration. I really like your input and it’s very appreciated :)) I tweaked a few things, like I didn’t want to take away Freddy’s signature bow tie, but overall it will be very similar. Tho I will add these will be their work attire and their everyday clothing might be slightly different.
I also have the plan to make, for example, Freddy’s eyes makeup- actually colored fur that he was born with.
And I love the detail about Monty having a product to grow hair 👌👌
((I apologize I had to google who Sloan was since I know nothing about Fortnite))
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