#and then got up super early to get this kid i babysit to school
ghostieyanyan · 11 months
Yandere! Kalim x reader, but yandere but they're bad at their jobs au. Like one minute Kalim act all sadistic and dark then the next thing when reader asked if he wants some pets he went to his usual happy sunshine puppy that demands pets
yes~~ presious baby boi just wants love but he so spoil x3
what i also like to think about with yandere kalim is that he knows right and wrong but its so water down for him that "he just cant help it ^^
For fun, im making this into a modern mafia au ^^
~Just trying to help~
Yan!Boss!Kalim x Worker!mc
Warnings: power dymanmic, mafia mention, violence mention, nsfw hints, death?, manipulation
The Asim, they are known for their wealth and their trades. They're a super big powerful family with a lot of people (both loyal and not loyal) under them. They kind of give "untouchable kings" vibes. Theyre still really nice to their "people", you just don't see them a lot, or at all really. The only way to really "talk to them" is by talking to someone in their circle but there are layers into that circle. some people thinks that their family is shady, like the rich people act is a persona to hide something but no one really has proof.
But you really don't have to worry about that. You have your own stuff to worry about, like living expenses. You were basically living on the streets, barely living. You did side jobs to get by. maybe you'll clean or maybe you'll babysit. when you were a kid, you always wanted to help people. But with your home life, money, you couldn't really get to your dreams even if you tried. you stopped school pretty early and its a little too late for you to get back into it. plus what school will accept you. you lived in a community where rich gets richer and medium class becomes poor... I guess that's where you are, what your luck...
you were heading to your next "job" place. you had to clean for a really sweet old couple, the Wrights. They couldn't afford much either but they try to help you whenever they can. Example, you clean places that they cant reach, in exchange they give you dinner, as much as they can. you always wish them good health. they are too sweet for this unfair world.
you were lost in your head, enjoying the memories and conversation you had with them. But when you to their place, you see 3 grown men towering over Mr. Wright.
"please understand.. we aren't here for trouble but your son does owe us some money. were just here to collect."
"please.. we havent seen our son in months. hes not here."
"come on, blue carb! i wanna go home! if you dont tell us-"
"Floyd, we aren't here for threats."
"hmm..? oh my... what do we have here?"
the light hair man turn to you with a very scary smile. You didnt have time to take even a step when one of the men grabs you by the arm. he had teal hair with a black stirp. he had awful smile that showed off his sharp teeth.. the smile looked every threatening..
"were just here to talk about business, why dont you scram shrimpy."
you started to tremble and turned to Mr. Wright. he gave you a weak smile and moved his hand like to shoo you away.
"go on dear. it'll be okay."
you gulped in terror but you dug your heels into the ground. if you didn't, who knew what these shady guys would do to this kind old couple.
"h-he.. said he hasn't seen his son! n-ow get out of here before i call the police!!"
everyone got quiet.. no one moved.. the men seem stun by your outburst. the man, that was holding you, didn't seem to like your outburst and gripped your arm, harder. it hurts..!
"tck.. im getting really annoyed, shrimpy... Should break your arm to show you-"
"actually Floyd, i have a better idea."
the light hair man walks up to you and hands you a card.
"i am Azul Ashengrotto. i run a cafe called the Mostro Lounge and Mr. Wright's son has owe us a pretty penny~"
The way he spoke gave you chills. You hated it. it was too sweet when you knew that the words he spoke are laced with poison.
"What if-..."
You had to take a long deep breath, you're risking a lot for even thinking this... but you had to. you were the only able person to protected these people who gave you more than you've asked.
"what if... i worked for you..? i'll work for you, pay off the owe money and you'll have to leave Mr. and Mrs. Wright alone! Deal..?"
the light hair man pauses.. then smiled. he put his hand out for a handshake.
"Its a Deal."
when you took his hand, that was it. you had to say goodbye to your home away from home. you gave mr.wright a smile and left with the strange men...
the next few weeks you learned what they did, kind of, and what they needed of you. they didn't tell you 100% of everything but you were supposed to be their servant, or an errand boy, or something like that?
the job wasn't bad at all. you cleaned, get anything they need, run things for them. sometimes they call you for... personal reasons. In exchange you get 3 meals a day and a comfortable room. which honestly, you weren't complaining. before, you would have one meal a day and even sleep on either a hard floor or a gross mattress. At this rate, after you finish paying off the Wright's debt, you might just stay here.
sometimes the job brings pretty scary people that show up out of nowhere. they often had big weapons to their side, some would have the weapons ready and loaded. Jade, Floyd, or Azul often gets you out of the way and most times tell you to cover your ears and close your eyes. sometimes they have you clean up their messes after these scary men... "leave." you knew better but you cant really say or do anything about it so.. you just don't question it.
after a month, you thought you get used to your new home life now but- you accidentally ran into someone or someone ran into you.
"oh my-! are you okay? im so sorry!! i-"
"no no! its okay. i should have been more careful."
the mysterious man helped you up. he had bright red eyes and white white that complement his dark skin every nicely. he had a black dress shirt and a red suit with gold accents, red dress pants to match. when he helped you up, you notice he's hands are really soft. big contrast to your hands.
"I'm sorry again."
he was about to run away but stopped and sheepishly turn and smile at you. it kind of reminded you of a happy teenage.
"actually... do you know where the Mostro lounge is? i... i think im lost. hehe." he scratched the back of his head. the embrassement on his face was slowly growing on you because he kept smiling.
it was kinda weird to see someone around here with such a bright smile..? like an genuine smile or maybe hes just a good actor or something..? you cant say.
"oh.. its a left then a right." you poked.
"kk! thank you~"
he turned and ran away again. you were about to leave but he stopped you again.
"can you actually walk with me there..? i asked directions before and got lost.. hehe~ pretty please?"
with his charming smile, you couldnt help but smile back.
"okay, follow me."
during your walk there, he asked a few question. they were harmless questions, enough. favorite colors? favorite food? favorite animals? where have you been? favorite places to go? etc.
when you got there a tall man with dark skin and long beautiful black hair rushed to your side, well more like to the other man.
He had the same outfit as the white hair man but they both wore it differently. which wasnt a bad thing. it compliment their personalities. Like jade, floyd, and azul do with their suits too.
"Kalim! where have you been?! we just left the elavoter and you were gone from my sights?! why did you-?"
"oh ya! i saw this pretty ocean theme pillows and i wanted to get some but you had my wallet hehe~ so... can i get them? they be perfect for-!"
"no. ugh..."
you felt really uncomfortable... it was like a mother scolding her kid... the black hair man looked at you. you shifted your feet uncomfortably.
"who are you? i dont remember you from our last visit?"
you raise your hands up and backed up slightly. people here are either very suspicious, they often come to see azul for his deals, or naive soul, that came for the ocean-like atmosphere.
"im just a-"
two arms snaked around you. you started to freak out. this is how you die--!!!
"shrimpy!! where's my drink~~? ive asked it for about... like 10 minutes ago~~~"
Oh! its just Floyd. he practicely moaned in your ear. it was a lot to get used to Floyd's mood swings. but you learn to avoid him when hes upset or just do want he says and not say too much. if he tries to tease you, he often gets bored and wonders to do who knows what.
"oh! hi sea snake! hi sea otter!"
"Floyd.. for the last time, stop calling us-
"hi Floyd!! haha!"
the white hair man jumped up and join the hug! you were getting crushed between these two... you were patting their backs in a way to say "okay thank you but-- that enough..!!! im dying! let me go!"
"jamil! Kalim! its great that you made it! a bit late but- i cant say im suprised."
"tsk.. hello jade... azul..."
the dark hair man, pulled the white hair man off you. it helped but Floyd is still squeezing you like he was trying to kill you, not literally... hopefully.
"ah.. its seems that you met our new hire. Jamil, Kalim, this is (mc)."
you, trying your best with the situation youre in with floyd right now, bowed your head as jade introduced you.
"hehe. we found shrimpy when we were at the Wright's place."
"did you get the money..?"
"no~ they were being stubborn but (mc) offer to pay off the money that was owed so i cant complain too much."
azul spoke and rubbed your head like a kid. you didnt like how they were talking about you like you werent there. or rather, talking about the Wrights like they were bad.. but you held your tongue. you didnt want to get them mad... especially when floyd is still holding you.
"ohh.. poor (mc). dont worry, well protect you from those mean people. im kalim, Kalim al-asim!"
"and thats jamil, Jamil Viper."
"Kalim! dont give our names to strangers! you dont even know them-"
"Well then~ we'll just have to just spend time with them!"
Kalim.. Kalim al-asim.... an Al-Asim.. Al-Asim! This smiling ray of sunlight is an Asim??
apparently your face paled because Kalim reached for your face and held your face into his hands. he gave you a giggle and smiled as he massage your cheeks in his hands.
"hehe youre so cute. after our meeting with Azul, i want to hangout with you on your break. when is it? hmm?"
you turned to Azul, he nodded his head in approval.
"i-its.. its in 2 hours from now.. sir.."
"hehe.. no need to talk so formal. just call me Kalim. And okay, on your break, meet me by the front door of the Mostro lounge, kk?
"y-yes.. kalim.."
he gave you a smile and all the 5 men started to head to Azul VIP room..
what did you get yourself into....
You've been spending a lot of your time with kalim as of late. To the point where you felt guilty for leaving work.. but you'd feel more guilty for saying no to kalim. You tried once. It was one too many.
You initially wanted to keep some distance. But with kalim's smile and charisma, you couldn't say no. Kalim always found a way to have lots of fun and he will always include you too.
Every time you came back to the Mostro lounge, floyd gives you a stink eye and a "why wasn't i invited~?" whine. Jade gives you his creepy smile and does a weird thing by leaning in and asking "did anything exciting happened~?", whatever that means. Azul doesn't seem upset at all. It made you anxious. Is he marking down your pay when you're out with kalim..? You checked your accounts and you were still getting payed for your work but.. you didn't do any work..?
You decide to talk to azul about it. You didn't want something like this be in the air, with someone as slimy as azul.. and with money no least!!
You knocked.
"Um.. azul..? Are you busy?"
You peeked through the door of Azul's office, and they vip room.
"... no. What do you need..?
he was working on some papers and he looked.. unpleased.
"I.. ill ask later."
You tried to take your leave befor-
"You wanted to ask about your pay..?"
You slowly turn to him. His face hasn't changed from that unpleased expression.
"Y-yes sir.."
Azul sighed, lend back into his chair, took off his glasses and rubbed his face as he let's out another sigh.
"Kalim is... renting you."
"And he also requested for you to still get payed because, his words.. 'they're still working.'"
He started to stare at you. You didn't think he meant it to look intimidating, because he can't see you, he doesnt have his glasses on. But it still was very unpleasant.
You were at lost of words. Kalim al-asim... is renting you..? You weren't mad but you weren't happy too. Spending time with kalim is really fun and his personality is really refreshing. But being told you were 'rented out' feels.. dehumanizing. But with your life, you can really feel anything else..
"Is that all..?"
"Yes sir.."
"Good, you may leave."
You bowed your head and left, making sure to close the door softly behind you.
What do you do now..?
Now after every visit from kalim, the moment becomes a little sour. He's paying azul to spent time with you, but why? He's an al-asim. He could get anything he wants right? Why would he spend time with a common rat like you..?
What are you to him?
"(Mc)? You okay?"
You looked up and kalim was really close to you! You jolted and lean back
"I-im okay! Its just.. work. Heh.. work just be exhausting and im just.. I'm okay!"
You smiles, you didn't notice that kalim stopped smiling.. he was still looking at you but just not smiles. it would have scared you to your core if it wasnt for you trying to change the topic by looking at the scenery. A minute past and his smile came back, brighter.
"Why don't you come with me then?"
"You could live in the al-asim estate and you don't have to lift the finger! Serverts will come to your every beckon call and you get to live.. like an Asim."
As you were staring at him, lost of words, he gently took your hand. You didnt even noticed it until he pulled your hands to his lips and kissed it.
"K-kalim! I-"
Before you could finish your sentence, he stood in front of you and got on one knee.
You felt sick
"(Mc)... "
You felt dizzy
"Will you-"
This has to be a dream!!!
"Be mine?"
He sweet innocent smile made you feel sick. How can can someone so dangerous be so naive?!? You bearly knew him! He bears knew you!!
"I.. i-i have to go!!"
You ran off, back to Mostro Lounge, back to your room, leaving a sad otter left on one knee..
You were in your room for 3 days..
You weren't payed for those days but you didnt care..
You felt sick and a little guilty. Kalim looked so sad when you left him. Maybe when you see him again... you could apologize and explain yourself..? By the seven! Would he still be mad at you? Will he order for you to be erased??
You felt nausea.
You needed to get some water.
Luckily it was night time, you wouldn't likely run into floyd, jade, or azul.. maybe?
You walked through the dark halls, only using your memories and the walls to guide you.
You were lost in thought and didn't realize a figure coming up behind you. By the time you did noticed, the figure quickly over powered you and you were imbraced into darkness.
[Before the proposal]
"Azul!!? how much does the Wrights owe!?"
Kalim bursted into Azul's office, with a tired Jamil following behind.
"ah! K-Kalim! you know you have to make an ap-"
"i know i know! this is important though!!"
Kalim rushes up to Azul's desk, slamming his hands down on to the desk and leaned over to Azul. he was like a jumping dog..
"i want to ask (mc) to marry me!!"
everyone froze and even jade and Floyd, they were walking by, looked at Kalim like he was crazy.
"Kalim! I know your father has told you about being an Al-Asim and your responsibility to your family and making an hair but not like this!!"
"come on, Jamil~ they're perfect~ they're sweet and kind. they're responsible and hard working, like father wanted. they're just... perfect!"
Kalim goes through his phone and looks at pictures of you he took when you hanging out with him and even ones he requested from Jade and Floyd, secret cameras. They vary between you working and you when you think youre alone...
Azul rubs his face and gives a long sigh.
"look kalim. Even if your display of affection is definitely... something... (mc) is still working the Wrights' debt off. if they're not here then-"
"oh! that's another amazing thing about them! they were willing to help the Wrights without even knowing what they were getting themselves into. with the amount of debt the Wrights have, (mc) would be working until they're in their 70s. Thats why i need to protect them, do they even know about the Wrights 'situation'?"
Floyd lays on the couch in the VIP room, with candy in his mouth.
"nope! Jade thought it would help (mc) stay motivated to work. you saw how upset they got whenever we talk about the Wrights. they're so cute but so obedient that they don't even asked what they did to get in their situation, HAHA! silly shrimpy~!"
Floyd laughs and Jade chimes in.
"To be fair, we did get them out of a 'dangerous situation'. what the Wrights were doing to them was shameful.. Saying their debt was all because of their son, who has been dead for 10 years, and saying they dont have money but is found actively going to clubs spending more. the fact that they're living in the poorest town, and looking like weak old people. they're fooling everyone with the act. Everyone, including (mc)~"
Jamil turned and glared at Azul.
"wait-.. you didn't even tell them..? and you kept them working here?"
"think whatever Jamil, someone has to pay the debt off."
"i can pay it!"
Kalim looks at Azul, he was giving a determined look. Azul sighs again, why is everyone in his office. He has too much work to do.
"i know you can but you know-"
"in exchange, give me (mc)."
Jamil was about to stop Kalim but-
"(mc), yes, they work here under false pretenses but they have became a big asset to us. if you were to take them, it will take a long time to replace them."
Kalim walks closer to azul. with his serious expression, to say left everyone on edge was an understatement.
"i will pay 3x the Wrights' debt... as long as i get (mc)."
Azul looks at Kalim and a sick smile appears. He held out his hand.
"Its a Deal."
This took so long! but i did it! i hope you guys enjoy it. if you guys like me to draw something for this, just ask, until then, back into my wips qwq
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theycalledmebaby · 3 months
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| harringrovson x fem!reader |
summary: Just a little flashback about meeting each of our boys. Super short lol 672 wc
warnings: idk, bad writing? none yet. This is just the beginning but still 18+
a/n: Hi! this fic is my baby and something that's been brewing in my drafts forever. I am not a writer by any means and this is simply self-indulgent/therapeutic for me. You can feel free to come along if you want!
series masterlist | series mixtape(coming soon)
Somewhere in 1995
Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey quietly playing in the background
"But do I have to go, Mom? Wha... what if—" "Yes, baby, you have to go to school. We already talked about this," your mom says as she pulls into the parking lot. "Besides, Stevie will be there! You get to see him at recess, and I will be here to pick you both up after school."
You don’t remember the day you met Steve Harrington. Maybe it was childhood trauma blocking out memories before the age of 4. You’re unsure, but you know he’s always been around.
Your mom had you at a young age and struggled to make ends meet when she started working for Robert Harrington. Robert Harrington was a sleaze, but his wife, Jen, was an absolute sweetheart. She befriended your mother immediately and soon found out they had babies around the same age.
To make extra money, your mom started babysitting for the Harringtons. Your mom didn’t mind always having Steve with her. The Harringtons paid her very well, you guys got to stay at their very nice house most weekends, and you had someone to play with. It was a win-win.
No, you don’t remember meeting Steve Harrington. -But you do remember that day. The first day of kindergarten. The first time Steve Harrington kissed you.
He had met you in front of your new classroom. You told him you were scared; he grabbed your hand, gave you a light peck on the lips, and told you everything was going to be okay. You didn’t know it then, but from that day on, you were his.
You were always going to be Steve Harrington's baby.
Somewhere in 1999
You may not remember the day you met Steve Harrington, but the day you met Eddie Munson is etched in your memory forever.
It was early February, maybe late January. An early chilly Saturday morning, and you were sitting in the backseat of your mom's car, immersed in Mariah Carey's "Fantasy" playing on your Discman. The car was parked in front of a house you had never been to—the home of your mom's new girlfriend. Apparently, her friend had a son around your age, and the plan was to carpool together to visit your stepdad in prison since her husband(Eddie's dad) was also in the same prison.
As Eddie hopped into the backseat with you, a distinct scent of laundry soap and the faint aroma of the smoke shop your mom frequented enveloped the air. He smiled at you, and you couldn't help but notice his big, beautiful brown eyes. He asked what you were listening to, chuckled at your reply, and declared, "No, that shit is pop garbage. This is real music." With that, he placed his headphones on your head, and you were introduced to Metallica's "From Whom the Bell Tolls."
In that very moment, as this something-year-old boy gazed into your eyes and you listened to Metallica for the first time, something shifted within you. You didn't quite comprehend the depth of it then, being just a kid, but you knew deep down that this boy was special. He made you feel something you had never felt before, a feeling that lingered long after that day.
Yeah, you were never going to forget that day.
Somewhere in 2001
The summer sun beat down on the neighborhood streets, casting a hazy, golden glow over everything. You found solace on the porch steps of your new house, shaded from the heat, Eddie’s “The Marshall Mathers LP” CD playing softly in your ears.
Moving had its perks—peaceful surroundings and friendly faces—but you couldn't shake the nostalgia for the old apartment complex and memories of Eddie. Even if he was no longer your friend, you missed the sound of his skateboard rolling by or his obnoxious laugh when he and his friends were up to no good.
Lost in thoughts about Eddie, you barely noticed the sound of a skateboard approaching. The wheels clicked against the pavement, drawing your attention. Glancing up, you saw a boy about your age, his blond hair catching sunlight as he effortlessly maneuvered on the board.
He spotted you and skated over, coming to a smooth stop in front of your driveway. His gaze was cool, almost calculating, as he looked you up and down. Yet, his smile was warm and genuine, lighting up his face and his ocean blue eyes.
"Hey," he said casually, tinged with curiosity.
"Hi," you replied, unsure whether to be wary or friendly.
"Billy," he introduced himself, tilting his head slightly.
You hesitated before responding, "Nice to meet you, Billy." You shared your name and mentioned you had just moved into the neighborhood.
Billy nodded, his expression unreadable. "Us too," he replied cryptically.
"Us?" you echoed, intrigued.
"Yeah, me and my stepsis Heather. Just moved here from Cali," Billy explained, his tone nonchalant yet somehow aloof.
The way he looked at you with those dreamy blue eyes made you feel like you were in one of those cheesy teen rom-com movies Steve always tried to make you watch.
"What are you listening to?" he asked.
"Oh, um, it's my friend's CD, Eminem," you replied nervously.
"Cool," Billy said simply, then skated away, saying "Cya."
"Uh, see ya," you managed to respond.
That was the day you met Billy Hargrove. Little did you know then, what an impact that blond, blue-eyed California boy would have on you for the rest of your life.
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vitiligoduncan · 4 months
Duncan headcanons bc i ran out of post ideas
- Duncan was a clumsy kid. He always tripped over anything, his own toys, the sidewalk, his shoelaces, the stairs in his own house. Mostly the stairs. In almost every picture of him as a kid, he had at least one bandaid
- he LOVES spicy food. everytime he gets spicy food, he fucking DEVOURS THAT SHIT. he even drinks the bottle of hot sauce like its beer or something
- he was a SUPER hyper kid, so hyper to the point that when he was 4 his dad had to buy a leash because he kept running around and getting lost. But he hated the leash, he would do everything to get it off and when he couldn't, he would just cry until his dad took it off
- his favorite animal as a kid were sharks and it's still sharks. he drew sharks, had shark plushies, wore clothes with sharks on them and even asked his mom for a pet shark when he was 5 (he got very upset when she said it wasn't possible for them to get a pet shark)
- Duncan has naturally fluffy hair, but he uses so much hair spray for his mohawk to the point it feels like a brick
- He was obsessed with ninja turtles growing up
- His birthday is in January but he hates winter, he definitely sleeps with like 5 blankets during winter
- in middle school he was forced to read The Outsiders like every other 7th/8th grade and it was like the only book he was obsessed with and Dally probably inspired his personality
- He's not a cat person but cats love him, they always like run to him and purr when he pets them
- huge sonic fan growing up
- his converse are falling apart and held together with tape and super glue
- actually a good chef but he doesn't even know that because he almost never puts effort in his cooking
- secretly has a soft spot for kids, probably had to babysit a younger cousin or nephew/niece and surprisingly loved it
- Finnish and Korean
- He is demiromantic but didn't know until he fell in love with Gwen
- Arcane is one of his favorite shows
- He knows sign language, he had a friend in juvie that was deaf so he learned sign language so he could communicate with them
- OBSESSED with music and bands, especially punk bands (obviously), he yaps about them whenever he has the chance
- internalized transphobia, he definitely isn't cis but he's in denial because people told him it's not normal or something
- he probably doesn't use social media that much, he usually uses it when he's REALLY bored or wants to rant about something real quick
- his choker was a gift from one of his friends after he came back from juvie which is why he never takes it off
- his typing is HORRIBLE, reading it is like decoding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics
- he paints his nails but he kinda sucks at it so it's always super messy
- He was online friends with Izzy on Myspace but he doesn't even know that it was Izzy
- He was one of those kids who were obsessed with cars
- His older brother showed him a horror movie to scare him but Duncam actually became obsessed with horror movies after
- Omnisexual with a HUGE preference for women
- He has autism, ADHD and dyslexia, but he probably didn't even know until he was in his early/mid twenties
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mourntheantagonist · 1 year
I think that Steve and Billy turn into this super domestic couple when the summer of ‘85 hits. It’s the first time Billy can remember ever having so much freedom. Of course it’s not total freedom, and Neil still remains a looming threat, but Billy’s out of the house more than he’s inside it, and Neil doesn’t question where he’s going when he grabs his keys from the ledge. Billy graduated and has a job. He’s doing exactly what his dad expects of him, and the simple fact of him being a true adult grants him a lot of extra time outside his responsibilities.
Which means Billy spends a lot of time at Steve’s. Like. A lot.
He can only vaguely remember the last meal he ate at his house. It was just a week and a half after he graduated when he had an early shift and made himself some toast before heading out the door. He hadn’t had family dinner as he was normally working during that time. And when he wasn’t, well, he might’ve bent the truth about his work schedule those days.
He and Steve both got off work at similar times, clocking out just as the sun was beginning to set. Usually the person who was getting off last would pick up food from a local restaurant or fast food joint. They never really cared to have anything fancy. Steve practically lived off fast food since his parents started traveling more. Billy was the opposite. They never ate out. Not when he was a kid, and especially not after his mom left the picture. It was always the most bland home cooked meals or TV dinners.
Sometimes they’d cook for themselves, but it was rare. But those were some of the best nights. The two of them struggling to follow their way through Steve’s mom’s cookbook recipe, Steve not being able to tell apart the teaspoon and the tablespoon to save his life. Billy burning whatever was put in front of him without fail. Steve would insist Billy could burn a chicken breast without even having the stove turned on. Those nights were always spent giggling and frantically fanning the smoke detector as it went off every twenty seconds. Those nights they’d sit together in front of the TV trying their damndest to chew through overdone steak before admitting defeat and calling in an order for pizza.
He can’t remember the last time he did a chore at his house. He used to always have to help Susan with the dishes after dinner, but he was never there and eventually that task fell to Max. And speaking of Max, he didn’t have the responsibility of babysitting anymore, as she was going to be entering high school in the fall and everyone agreed she was old enough to look after herself. Billy still was expected to look out for her, but Billy never had to be told to protect her. He did that on his own.
With him having a job, Neil didn’t expect him to do things around the house. He was simply happy enough to be getting a third of Billy’s paycheck every month.
But Billy was sure he’d be happy if he knew Billy was still busying himself with chores anyway.
He always helped Steve out. They would take turns taking the trash out to the curb every week, they would do dishes together, they’d sit together on the floor in a pile of clean laundry and fold it together while something played on the TV—
Hell, he can’t remember the last time he did laundry at his house. Practically two-thirds of his clothes have wound up at Steve’s house. He even had his own set of drawers and a space in Steve’s closet.
Billy can’t even remember the last time he took a shower in his own house, because since summer hit he has only ever showered at the pool after work, or in Steve’s bathroom, where he’s never alone.
It was one thing he never knew he was missing until he had it—Steve standing with his arms wrapped around him, letting the hot water soak the both of them. Washing each other’s backs and just getting clean in each other’s presence. Billy used to see showering as his few moments of peace throughout his day, but he definitely didn’t mind having Steve there with him. Especially when they made the decision to rack up the water bill and stay in there a little while longer…
Billy still slept at his house sometimes, but that was only on nights when he had to. Usually when Steve’s parents were back in town or when a considerable amount of time had passed that may have deemed suspicious. Neil would believe the idea that Billy was spending the night at a girls house. However, he wouldn’t believe he was spending night after night at the same girls house, and there were only so many girls in Hawkins to keep up his charade.
So there were still days he’d come home at night and sleep in his own bed, that was notably no where near as comfortable as Steve’s. Billy wasn’t sure if it had to do with the mattress or just the warmth that came with having Steve there next to him. But on those nights spent without Steve, he didn’t stay for long. He come home early enough to make his presence known, but never too early he had to spend any more time not in bed than he had to. When he slept at home that was all he did. He slept. The only time he did anything more was when he’d stop by Max’s room on his way in and out, just to check in.
He was glad he didn’t do that often, because sleeping at Steve’s was the best. With Steve he wasn’t afraid of the dark anymore. He didn’t jump at every creak in the house. Steve made him feel safe. Billy never imagined that he’d enjoy sleeping with Steve in the most literal sense more than sleeping with Steve in the figurative.
Of course he enjoyed that too. God he enjoyed that. But it wasn’t everything that they did together. When they were still in highschool, that was all it started out with. They never hung out without sex as a promise. They were nothing short of the horny teenagers all the movies warn you about.
But now, with the showers and the chores and the meals and the shared bed and shared closet and giggling in the kitchen…they aren’t that anymore.
They are proper boyfriends. They’re a couple, a pair, a duo.
They turned into this and summer isn’t even halfway over. It’s only the end of June.
Who knows what the rest of the summer has to offer…
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cheesysoup-arlo · 4 months
(Capri sees how you are with your siblings when she comes to hang out while you’re babysitting making her think about how awesome it’s gonna be when you’re both moms together raising a baby of your own)
Your mom asked you to babysit your two little siblings last minute (baby brother(2) Max and little sister(4) Avery) of course you said yes, it was really hard to say no to your mom. “I’ll be back in the morning, I promise I’ll make it up to you” your mom said as she left, you knew she would not be home in the morning like she said but she most definitely wouldn’t make it up to you but it’s ok. Luckily it was Friday afternoon, the school day had already ended Capri was supposed to come over after she finished her- CAPRI IS SUPPOSED TO BE COMING OVER-SHIT you completely forgot. You decide to clean up a little, rushing a little especially since now you had to pick your siblings up from daycare. You decide to text Capri to let her know what’s going on.
(Y/N): hey Cap um my mom really last minute told me I have to babysit today :(
baby💕: can I still come over? I miss you and I wanna spend time with you
baby💕: plus I bet you’ll want some help with the kids
(Y/N): wait you wanna help with the kids?
baby💕: yeah your siblings are literally so adorable your mom has the cutest pics of them on insta
(Y/N): omg I forgot you follow my mom
baby💕: too late I already have your very ADORABLE “weird/cringe” pics
baby💕: aww come on you look adorable and I promise they’re for my eyes only
(Y/N): fine keep them i guess 🙄
baby💕: aw someone’s grumpy I guess I won’t come over…
baby💕: I’ll be over in an hour ok? I’m gonna stop by my house and shower really quick
(Y/N): ok I gotta go pick up the kids in half an hour so if I’m not home just let yourself in
(Y/N): key is under the mat still
baby💕: ok bubs see you soon 💕
(Y/N): see you soon 💞
You smile and set down your phone. You have to leave in about 15 minutes to make it to the daycare before the rush of parents get there so you decide to fix your hair and change into something a little more comfortable knowing you’ll have to chase the little ones around once you get back home. You go with some sweatpants and a t-shirt then throw on a jacket and your shoes and head to your car. The drive was peaceful. You got there a little early and parked in the front, you only had your wait a few minutes before you were allowed to sign them out “SISSY” your little sister yelled running over to you excitedly “hi sweet pea how was your day?” You say pulling her in for a hug “SUPER COOL we got do paint and we had goldfish” she said beaming with energy “that’s so cool, are you ready to go get bug and head home?” You ask grabbing her bag and waving goodbye to the worker “mhm but tan we go get snack fwom da store and den we go home?” she asks “of course we can get snacks, let’s go get Max and then we’ll get you all the snacks you want” you say holding her hand and heading over to the baby room “oh hey y/n, you’re here to pick up Max right?” Darby asks “um yeah, I didn’t know you worked here?” You say a little surprised “oh um yeah it’s my first day” Darby says while another worker brings Max over “sissy” he says reaching for you “hi baby boy” you say grabbing him and his bag from the worker “bye Darby see you on Monday” you say with Max on your hip and holding Avery’s hand. The three of you head to your car, you help Avery in first so she’s not running around the parking lot, then you put Max in. “Ok guys we’re gonna go get snacks then we’re going home” you say as you buckle up and start the car “YAY SNACKS” Avery says bouncing in her seat a little “NACKS” Max say copying Avery. You put on some Disney music for the kids because you know they like it and then drive over to the store by your house to get snacks. You get to the store and text Capri to see if she wants anything
(Y/N): hey baby I’m at the store getting the kids some snacks do you want anything?
baby💕: um yeah sure
baby💕: just get me anything
(Y/N): ok babe see you in a little bit
baby💕: I love you honey see you in a few 💕
(Y/N): I love you baby💞
“Who dat?” Avery asks “oh it’s Capri, you remember Capri right sweet pea?” You say helping the small girl out of the car “the girl in da picture on you phone?” She asks a little confused “yes sweet pea the girl in the pictures on my phone” you say with a smile “her pretty” Avery says happily “you think she’s pretty?” You ask, she responds with a nod “do you want to meet her?” “YES PWEASE” “ok let’s get your snacks super fast then go see her, she’s coming to the house” “me house” “mhm our house, so we gotta hurry”
You and the kids get your snacks then head back home surprisingly arriving before Capri. As you’re getting the kids out of the car Capri arrives “hey bubs” Capri says as her hands wrap around your waist “Capri baby, I love you soo very much but if I don’t get this lovely little girl in the house she is going to pee in my car” you say as you help Avery unbuckle “oh sorry honey” Capri say backing away to give you some space “is there anything I can help with?” She asks “um yeah can you get Max out?” You say unlocking the front door and letting Avery run inside. Capri brings Max inside the house plus the bags you left in the car “oh baby you didn’t have to do that” you say helping her out by grabbing Max and setting him on the couch then helping her take the snacks to the kitchen and you put two frozen pizzas in the oven. Avery runs out of the bathroom excited to meet Capri “Sweet pea no running, you know the rules” you say in a slightly authoritative tone “sowwy” Avery says looking at the ground “aw so this is the sweet pea I’ve heard about, what’s your name?” Capri says squatting down to be eye contact with Avery, Avery immediately runs behind you “sweet pea I thought you wanted to say hi?” You say trying to look at her “I scared” she says in a loud whisper “she’s nice I promise” you whisper back, Avery still holding on to you stands by your side and waves at Capri “hi, I Avery” “hi Avery I’m Capri, it’s nice to meet you” Avery goes over and hugs Capri “aww” Capri says as she hugs Avery “you my fwiend now” Avery says looking Capri in the eyes “absolutely I’d love to be your friend” Capri says as you walk over to the two of them “hey Aves you wanna go get some toys to play with while we watch a movie?” You say as you wrap your arm around Capri’s waist “otay I go but don’t eat me snacks” Avery says going to her room, you pull Capri in for a kiss “I missed you” you say “I missed you too” Capri says “sissy” Max says yanking at your pants “yes bug?” You say squatting to his level “eat?” He say “oh you’re hungry we’ll remember we got some snacks?” “CHEESE” “yes bug I got you cheese, go get some toys while I set up the movie, ok?” You say as he excitedly goes to his room to get some toys “they are absolutely adorable” Capri says “EAT” max says running to the living room with some toys “BUG NO RUNNING IN THE HOUSE” you yell slightly frustrated “Sweet pea, movie time” you say down the hallway “MOVIE” Avery says walking down the hallway with a blanket and some toys plopping down on the cushions you put on the floor for them. Capri takes the pizzas out and helps set up their snack trays “hey babe does Max have a sippy cup or does he use a normal cup?” She asks putting cheese on his tray “he has a sippy cup, it should be in the fridge next to Avery’s juice boxes” you say looking through movies with the kiddos and them both shaking their heads no at every movie you show them “are you guys being silly?” You say looking at them “noooooo” Avery says then giggles, max starts giggling too “ok that’s it you little tricksters” you say starting to tickle them causing them to giggle more and louder. Capri comes over with both of the snack trays for the little ones “oh what’s going on in here? You guys look silly” Capri says with a laugh, both kids are laying on you and the three of you are giggling “sorry the tickle monster had to get these silly kids under control” you say as both kids get off of you to go in their spots for snacks “tank you capi” Avery says starting to eat her snacks “aw you’re welcome” Capri says “hey goofballs should we let Capri pick the movie since she’s our guest?” You ask them, Max nods with a mouth full of cheese “yeah her pick” Avery says giving you a thumbs up “alright Capri, what shall it be?” You say handing her the remote “tangled?” She suggests “ESS” Max says putting his hands up “he wikes dat one a lot” Avery says with a giggle “that’s a great choice Capri” you say from the kitchen while she starts the movie. You make a snack tray for you and Capri to share grabbing drinks for the both of you.
The kids sit quietly eating their snacks and watching the movie. You sit next to Capri wrapping an arm around her and passing her drink “thank you babe” she says giving to a quick peck on the lips. The kids finish their snacks and play for a little but about 3/4ths of the way into the movie they both start to doze off “aw they’re so sleepy” Capri whispered “I’m gonna take Max first, I’ll be back for Aves” you whisper kissing Capri’s forehead, you gently pick up Max, he shifts a little wrapping his little arms around you then you take him to his room tucking him into bed “good night bug, sweet dreams” you say giving him a kiss on the forehead then heading back to the living room you see that Avery has moved to sit next to Capri, you decide to lean on the wall and just watch them for a minute “capi?” Avery says looking up at Capri “yes?” Capri says looking down at the small girl “you stay so me see you in morning? Pwease” Avery asks “Of course I’ll stay” Capri says with a smile her heart absolutely melting at how adorable this is, you decide to make your presence known “psst, sweet pea” you say motioning her to come to you, she comes over to you and you squat down to her level “are we doing story time tonight?” You ask “yes pwease” she says with a nod followed by a small yawn “do you want to do it on the couch or your room?” You ask “couch, me want capi too” she says excitedly “ok go pick a book and bring it to the couch” you say with a smile, standing up and moving out of her way so she can go in her room “so…are you spending the night?” You ask sitting next to Capri “is that ok?” Capri says looking up at you “of course it’s ok” you say leaning in for a kiss “oh thank goodness because Avery already asked and I said yes” Capri said with a small giggle then connected your lips to hers, it’s a short but sweet kiss. You both pull away a few short seconds after Avery enters the living room with a small book “stowy time” the little girl says as she sits in your lap while also leaning her head on Capri. You read the book and about 5 pages in Avery had fallen asleep “psst, y/n” capri said interrupting you reading “yeah?” “She’s asleep” Capri says and you look down to see an adorable sleeping girl “alright sweet pea, let’s get you in your bed” you said scooping up the small girl and taking her to her room, you come back to see Capri in the kitchen cleaning up, you come up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist “hi baby” you whisper “oh shit y/n you scared me” Capri says a little startled “oh I’m sorry” you say pressing a gentle kiss on her neck “mmm” Capri hums in content, “we can clean in the morning baby, let’s just go in my room and cuddle please” you say then kiss her shoulder “hmm ok babe let’s go” she says turning to face you then giving you a quick kiss, you hold her hand and pull her into your room, you both plop on your bed “do you want to change or are your clothes ok? You ask sitting up but leaning in your forearms “can I borrow some of your clothes?” She asks “of course you can baby “ you say getting up and heading to your closet, you grab the hoodie of your she always likes and some Pyjama shorts “thank you babe” she says when you hand her the clothes, you pull your shirt off and Capri’s eyes linger on you, she comes over and wraps her arms around your bare waist “mmm baby what are you doing” you say with your hand on her arm rubbing it gently with your thumb “nothing you just looked really pretty so I wanted to hug you” she said kissing the back of your neck causing you breath to hitch “nothing more than kisses tonight, ok?” You say Capri turns you around and pulls you in for a kiss “I love you“ Capri says pulling you in for another kiss then hugging you “ok not that I don’t like it but why are you being so clingy? Is everything ok?” You ask “mhm I’m good” the two decide to lay down “babe” “yes baby” “do you think we’ll ever have kids…like together?” Capri asks
“yeah baby I think I’d like that, wait why are you bringing that up?” you say gently massaging Capri’s scalp “seeing you today with Avery and Max, I don’t know I guess it just made me wonder about us” she says getting a little shy “aw baby, really?” You ask kissing her forehead “yeah, I think you’d make an amazing mom” Capri says rubbing her thumb along your knuckles “you’d be an amazing mom too baby, seeing you especially with Avery who typically doesn’t like new people made my heart just full of joy, I can’t wait to see where life takes us” you say giving her a gentle kiss, she then lets out a small yawn “mmm babe I’m tired” she mumbles into your neck “me too baby” you say as you pull her in close to cuddle “good night my love” capri says with her head on your chest “good night baby” you say, you both doze off and dream about your future together
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ladykailitha · 11 months
Corroded Coffin Headcanons!
Why yes, I am procrastinating. Why do you ask?
I've good all week and want to take a little break and descend into madness, so I'm allowed, okay?
As always, you can headcanon whatever the hell you want, just like I can, so please no hate. Good?
This mostly about the members of CC and not necessarily about the band as a whole.
I'm going to do Eddie last because we know the most about him.
The Unnamed Freak- And as far as I've heard around, this dude STILL doesn't have a name. I've seen all sorts of names for him: Frank, because it sounds like freak; Grant, because that's the actor's name; Archie, is another I've seen crop up a lot; and of course a smattering of others. In all of my fics, he's Brian. All the other members of the band had epic names: Gareth, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table, Edward, the name of several of England's kings, and even Geoffrey has a lot of famous people of that name. So he gets named Brian. Usually his last name is Martin.
He met Eddie because they were seated next to each other due to their last names in band. Eddie got him into metal music and the subculture.
Bassist for the band he began learning at an early age, early enough that he was and is the band's only bassist.
He is the oldest of four kids having three younger siblings. Two brothers and a sister. He tries to get out of babysitting as often as he can.
He's ace but not aro. When I age him up in stories, he's often in a romantic relationship, but never a sexual one. He's not sex repulsed but it's not for him.
He was held back in kindergarten and understands what Eddie is going through as far as being older than his peers.
He's a year younger than Eddie, and if he hadn't been held back would have graduated with Steve.
Jeff- Everyone thinks his given name is Geoffrey, but nope. It's Jeffrey. It's because his mom thought it would be easier for him. Nope! He has one older sister who is away at college. His last name is Lawrence mainly because I love that name and I think Jeff Lawrence just has a nice ring to it.
He is the grade he's suppose to be in, the same grade as well...literally every other older teen in the series except Steve and Eddie. In fact he's super smart, but doesn't have the patience to help Eddie with his school work. He gets frustrated too easily.
His mom hopes he gives up the idea of super stardom soon because she thinks he's smart enough to be a doctor.
In my fics where I age them up, he has a white girlfriend and understands Eddie's fear of going public with a guy, because in the 80s, black boy and white girl is just as bad as being gay. Still is in some places, sadly.
Jeff is Eddie's best friend, mainly because they both play guitar. Jeff is rhythm guitar, though because Eddie is far and away the better player.
Jeff is bisexual. Yes, he is with a girl most of the time and his relationship with his girlfriend is a lot like a couple friends of mine, where they are both bisexual, but dating an opposite member from their sex. Still experiences attraction to the same sex, though.
Gareth- this might shock some people but Emerson is a fanon not a canon last name for the character. And because I headcanon him as second generation American, his grandparents migrated over to America from Wales and his dad is first generation, their last name is Hughes. His dad knows Welsh, but Gareth and Gethin his twin brother don't.
The main reason I think this is because Gareth is a very Welsh first name. As is the name Gethin, in case you were wondering. It's why I picked Gethin as the name of his twin.
I think Gareth is a twin because there is a character in the first episode taking pictures at the basketball game that looks a lot like Gareth, almost uncannily so. You can even see Nancy talking to him for a moment.
Gareth is gay and Gethin is straight. Gethin is everything his parents would want from a kid, straight, smart, into photography, preppy. Everything Gareth isn't. He's gay, struggles in school, drums for a metal band, and is a metalhead.
That's not to say his parents aren't supportive, because they are. They let Corroded Coffin play in their garage, after all. But Gareth still feels like a disappointment anyway.
He's a junior in high school and absolutely wants to drop out when his bandmates graduate, but he's afraid his mom will kill him.
Eddie- Look, I know I've used Edward as his full name a lot, but sometimes Edmond is just the superior name. And I use them interchangeably, but yeah it's probably Edward considering he grew up poor.
Wayne is a Catholic (you see a calendar of the saints in the trailer) and Eddie grew up around Catholicism, but the more he realized he was gay and moved further into the metal subculture the less he liked the religion.
Yes he does know the patch on the side of his denim vest is the church of Satan. :D
Wayne bought him his first guitar after his mother died and taught him how to play as way of coping with the grief.
Eddie was one of those students that coasted in school until his senior year where suddenly the difficulty was ramped up to eleven.
He promised his mom that he would graduate from high school though, because she didn't. She got pregnant with him.
I think he was 11 or 12 when he went to go live with Wayne, just barely starting middle school. He's been around Wayne long enough that he knows he's loved by him, but old enough to have been influenced a little by his dad's life style.
In fact, it was his dad that got him into dealing drugs for Reefer Rick.
His dad keeps coming into town and dragging Eddie back down with him and leaving Wayne to pick up the pieces.
I've written him bisexual in the past, and probably will again, but there is just something about Eddie being gay that hits a sweet spot. An extra box to tick in the freak department (not that being gay is bad, it's just how Eddie would see it).
The Munson Doctrine is a serious things he's picked up over the years from his dad and uncle but also his experiences with life as whole.
Did NOT get bullied by Steve. Especially since for most of Steve's high school career Eddie was the grade above him. He just dealt at enough parties to "know" rich+good looking+popular with girls=douchebag. But he hasn't had any direct experience with Steve outside of the odd class they had together his second senior year.
Is the president of the Hellfire Club in practice, but on paper it's usually someone else. Someone more liked by the principal. And is billed as a gaming club on the school records so that it doesn't get banned. Everyone knows it's DND.
Corroded Coffin- Just a little headcanon here. Gareth is the second drummer but everyone else were original members that played at that Talent Show (Gareth would have been in fifth grade). They picked up Gareth after their original drummer moved away.
So there you go, just some of my headcanons for the CC boys.
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toon-kirby · 8 months
(apologies for potentially double-posting)
any headcanons pertaining to the first gen trio and the way they parent their sons?
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Alright, I finally got this done... because I did all the first gen parents! Surprise!
Siggy/Dee - Deirdre, having grown up in the woods, ended up opting for a very natural parenting style. Organic and home grown foods, minimal/reused plastic, lots of outdoor time, etc. Sigurd makes enough money for that kind of lifestyle, though Deirdre knows how to do it on a budget. She's not extreme about it, though. Sigurd's introduced her to lots of cool things she didn't have growing up (like video games that aren't hand me downs from people at church). With his encouragement, she's also working on her degree at the local college. Not sure what she's going for, but probably something Earth Science related. Deirdre tries to schedule her classes while Seliph is at school, but when she can't, she has Oifey babysit him.
Quan/Ethlyn - Quan is very into good grades, so both Leif and Altena are in tutoring and private school. They're also both in sports as soon as they're old enough. Altena is really good at soccer, and by goodness does Quan make sure to brag about it to Travant. Ethlyn isn't very happy about this. Travant's a widower, he doesn't need someone bullying him! Quan just needs to let this stupid rivalry go. Plus, Altena seems to be friends with Arion! Quan shouldn't ruin that!
Eldie/Granhye - Very classy parents. I mean, it's Eldigan and Granhye. Ares began music lessons at a very young age, just like his father. These paid off, though not in the way anyone expected. Ares ended up being into punk and metal music rather than classical. Instead of getting mad, Eldigan and Granhye decided to embrace it (granted Ares keeps his grades and behevior good). His electric bass is his favorite present ever. He nicknamed it Missiletainn.
Midir/Edain - Edain found out early on that she really liked to read books to her kids. She ended up volunteering at the local library to read more books, and that's how the little Tirnanog friend group came to be. She and Midir take turns staying at home since neither of them have a standard monday-friday schedule. They make sure to spend a lot of time together when they're both off. Family board game nights are a regular occurence in their house.
Lex/Ayra - The sporty parents. As soon as Larcei and Schatach were old enough they enrolled them in soccer. Then came martial arts, swimming, you name it. The kids' diet probably consists of Issachian home cooking, granola bars, and gatorade. Shannan has stepped in multiple times to babysit or get the kids to practice. He's the super cool older cousin, after all!
Azelle/Tailtiu - Super nerdy parents. I'm talking DND and cosplay type nerdy. Tine was born premature, so they spent a lot of time in the hospital. The nurses absolutely adored Arthur. They were all so happy when he started to walk and say his first words. Hilda, however, was jealous of all the attention Tailitu and Tine got when they finally came home.
Finn/Lachesis - I think your headcanons about Finn and Lachesis being Malewife and Girlboss are pretty spot on. Lachesis has some sort of high ranking office job, while Finn stays at home. Diarmuid sometimes spends time with Beowulf (his bio dad), but lives with Finn and Lach. Beo's very chill about the entire thing and even gives Nanna gifts for her birthday and christmas. (Slightly off topic, but in an AU where all the games exist at the same time, I can see Finn being really good friends with Dedue since they're so similar. I mean, their leiges are even both voiced by Chris Hackney!)
Alec/Sylvia - I actually headcanon Lene and Coirpre to have different fathers in canon, as Coirpre was young enough to get the attention of the cult and that wouldn't be possible if Coirpre was born pre-Belhalla (though he does have severe baby face). Anyways, since this is a modern au with no cults or political scheming (hopefully), I'll go with them both being Alec's kid. Neither Alec nor Sylvia ended up with a high paying job, so money was tight. Then Alec got a job under Hannibal. He became close to the family and agreed to become the children's godfather. He likes to spoil the kids since he could never have any kids of his own. I'm thinking of Uncle Drosselmeyer from the Nutcracker from some reason. Speaking of Ballet, Lene's lessons are free since Sylvia works at the studio. Coirpre… well I'll be honest, I don't know what he'd be doing.
Lewyn/Erinys - Not a day goes by where these two can't figure out how Ced ended up being a straight a student. Erinys was a good student, but she wasn't super into it. And Lewyn… well, Lewyn is Lewyn. Fee ended up more free-spirited and laid back like her dad, though to a more responsible degree. She credits this to having her dad's love for life mixed with her mom's responsibility.
Jamke/Brigid - Somewhere inbetween Ayra/Lex and Edain/Midir on the parenting style spectrum. Patty ended up really enjoying gymnastics, so they kept her enrolled in it. She also took up magic tricks, including (to Jamke and Brigid's dismay) lock picking. Super cool cousin Dew totally didn't teach her that. Febail took up archery like his father.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hi, I hope this ask gets to you. I want to request some headcanons about the girls (Kyoko, Haru, and Chrome). What do you think they would be like as grandmothers (if ever they become one)? I’m new to your blog, and I love the event that you’re hosting!
Aww, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the event, dear! Welcome to the blog; I’m glad you’re here! Thank you so much for sending in such a cute ask and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
Kyoko is definitely a very involved grandmother. She loved having kids and I think ‘empty nest syndrome’ hit her hard after her children left and she never fully got over it, so I do think that, when grandchildren were announced, she became very excited and maybe a little overbearing at first.
She babysits the grandchildren every chance she can, and will definitely have at least one extra bedroom all done up so that the children can stay over. She’s going to treat her grandchildren just the way she treated her children though and she will expect them to follow the house rules and behave. She doesn’t spoil them any more than she did their parents.
She would definitely hint to her children that more grandchildren would be nice, and I think she’d love to see her children grow their own families quite large. She hosts family suppers often, has pictures of her children and grandchildren proudly displayed all over her house, has her grandchildren’s drawings on the fridge and is just very involved in the family overall and tries her best to keep the family close and to be a very loving influence in all their lives.
Haru is definitely that loud, crazy grandmother that everyone kind of inspires to be. She gets more and more unbothered by others opinions as she grows older, living her life exactly how she wants to and she doesn’t really care too much if she embarrasses her grandchildren when they’re out in public together. She encourages them to have fun and to live their authentic selves, whether that’s dancing down the aisles in the grocery store, putting together insane outfits together while out thrift shopping, or singing along full blast to the radio despite the windows all being down.
She will be a kind of competitive grandmother. Like, yeah, Susan, it’s so great that your grandchild just graduated early but my granddaughter got no less than three beans stuck up her nose this week and my grandson cosplayed as an Oni for his school festival so who’s really winning in life here? She’s just so incredibly proud of everything her grandchildren do and she’s very much going to brag about them.
I do feel like Haru kind of is overbearing as a grandmother at times. She will definitely butt heads with her children over how they choose to raise her grandchildren and she often feels like she has to defend her grandchildren whenever they get punished, scolding her children for being too harsh or not understanding enough.
Now, I personally do not feel like Chrome really wants or will have children of her own. So, I don’t really think that she would have biological grandchildren. That’s not to say that she won’t end up in the parental or grandmotherly role to anyone.
I do think that, as she ages and grows, both as a person and as an illusionist, that she takes on apprentices of her own and I do feel that she could come to view her apprentices as children, hence gaining grandchildren that way. Even if her apprentices do have biological children, I feel like Chrome always ends up as an honorary grandmother and it is a role she does like, though she’s never going to be fully comfortable having full responsibility of very little children.
I don’t think she’s a super hands-on grandmother but a very proud one. She tends to be the grandmother who will collect pictures of her grandchild(ren) that she carries with her, the one who isn’t around much but always remembers to send birthday cards with the $50 bill in it and who spoils her grandchild(ren) with gifts.
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doggirldick · 9 months
i was writing tags on that last post and had a childhood nostalgia moment so here's a little storytime about my childhood and early games i played. ehem
imagine you are a little child. you have a ps2 that your dad left behind when he fucked off. your exposure to video games is shitty ps2 movie tie-in games.
your primary school is in a tiny village out in the english countryside.
they had an afterschool 'club' that was really just 2 mothers of kids at the school babysitting kids whose parents couldn't pick them up immediately. image you are there every single school day bc school finishes at 3pm and you are growing up with a working class single mum whose always working long hours to keep a roof over your head because your shitty father doesn't pay child support.
the club's in the school assembly hall so there's a lot of room to run round. they have a table with paper and pencils and felt tips so kids can sit and draw. they have a table with a box full of a mix of lego and mega blocks. there is one empty table just for whatever. in one corner, there is a little crt with a built-in vcr on the floor with some shitty old kids movies on vhs next to it, there are a few beanbags borrowed from the school library (a tiny room that can hardly be called a library but whatever) in front of the tv.
you're an undiagnosed autistic 5 year old that just moved to this school so you just sit in silence playing with lego by yourself and pissing yourself cause you're too autistic to ask to go to the bathroom.
one day. they get an old ps1 for the tv. 3 whole games and no memory card yippeeeee.
the games?
Action Man: Destruction X (anyone remember action man? i had this one doll that came with a snowmobile he could ride that fired giant snowballs out the sides and he had a hole in the back of his head so you could see through the visor on his helmet, it was the COOLEST toy when i got it).
Tweenies: Game Time (if you were a british kid in the early 2000s too poor for cable or whatever, chances are you grew up watching cbeebies and cbbc, maybe citv. my memory is vague but back before the digital switchover and the reign of freeview, when all we had was like 5 analogue channels, when i was young enough to watch cbeebies, i'm pretty sure they had like a cbeebies block and a cbbc block on bbc two in the morning before school)
RAYMAN. finally. a game that wasn't a tie-in, and not only that but it offered passwords in addition to saving so even though we didn't have a memory card, we could write a password down.
rayman was magical. beautifully drawn and animated. to my little child eyes it was just like a cartoon. it was also hard as balls so even with our passwords, we never got very far at all but i was obsessed. whiling away the hours after school fumbling around the first few levels every day. one time an older kid who was actually good at video games was at the club and made some actual progress while i watched mesmerised, had my mind blown when he got the helicopter hair powerup thing.
i later got a ds lite and the first game i got was rayman ds which was a ds port of rayman 2. fucking awesome. got stuck for a while until someone told me that if you let the walking shell chase you in a circle, it gets tired and you can ride it. COOLEST SHIT EVER. got stuck again cause i always got lost in the fire temple place and then on time i got jumpscared by one of those fucking scary bastards popping out from behind a rock and i didn't want finish it until years later when i got an action replay lol.
i stopped playing rayman bc someone let me play new super mario bros on their ds and then i got obsessed with mario until pokemon entered my life and platinum released here may 22nd 2009, the day before my 10th birthday and guess what my dad got me in one of his many attempts to make me not grow up hating him.
there. i'm done. i did make friends with other regulars at the club eventually, that's how i got into pokemon. we'd pretend to be pokemon and i had a sonic oc in like 2007 i would pretend to be sometimes. my exposure to sonic was sonic gems collection for ps2 but in 2007 my dad got me a psp and sonic rivals. sonic gems collection had a museum with unlockable art and sonic rivals had unlockable cards with art so i learned about other sonic games through these images until i got internet and watched the cutscenes on youtube lmao.
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
*slips a note under your door before bursting through anyways*
Hi sorry I’ll fix that in a minute but please how did each future turtle carry little baby Casey around how did they interact with Infant did any of them ever have to defend teeny tiny Casey during an attack (either Krang or sibling who wanted the baby but they weren’t Done wait your TURN dealers choice)
I assume the turtles did their best to celebrate Casey’s birthdays whenever they could, but is the reverse also true? Did Casey ever try to do something birthday related for the turts during the apocalypse?
Okay that’s all I got for now love you thank you I hope you have a FANTASTIC day *rehangs your door and puts a little star sticker on it*
*the note from earlier is actually a sticker sheet full of baby turtles*
the future turtles an Casey are near and dear to my heart <3
Angelo never had any intention of being a dad because he was busy trying to keep his family together and relatively sane. Fatherhood did not seem like something he could juggle on top of that (and it was obvious from the beginning Leonardo would fight him to the death anyway).
He did like being an uncle! Or aunt, as the day went. And his mystic magic let him entertain Casey easily - Angelo could replicate fireflies and Casey was absolutely entranced with them ever since he was a baby. Angelo could also float Casey around, which neither of them ever got tired of even when Casey was a teenager. Casey was, however, mildly disappointed that he did not have his own magic powers.
When Cass died, it was Angelo who was the only one who knew how to help Casey process his grief. It wasn't the best circumstances for them to bond further, but Casey appreciated every single time that Angelo would get up early or stay up late for him. Losing Angelo broke his heart, poor kid </3
Distractions were a dime a dozen for Angelo, so Casey got handed off to a family member fairly often. But if Angelo wasn't the one initiating the handoff, anyone trying to steal little Casey, was going to end up tied in a corner with mystic chains. He's protective, what can I say?
That also made him a very good protector from the Krang! He was the best at long-range protection, because of his mystic chains, and Casey always thought it was super cool how Angelo could do that. Personality was another bonus - out of all the turtles, Angelo was best at making dangerous situations seem less scary.
Leonardo was a dad from day one. He did not intend to be. Their first meeting is a drabble here. Casey's cape is the sling that Leonardo used to carry baby Jr around in! And Leonardo outlined the red stripes on Casey's mask so Casey could colour them in.
Jr was constantly running away from school, babysitters, etc, so he could go find His Dad and see what he was up to. This caused quite a few problems as he was constantly scaring the shit out of whoever was supposed to be watching him. Eventually they just assigned babysitting duties to Leonardo to skip all the problems.
Leonardo did not mind this at all. Despite their rough beginning, he adjusted to fatherhood easily, and he and Jr are bonded in the same way as Leonardo and Tello. When he lost his arm, he got full-time babysitting duty during recovery, and it helped him settle a little. Plus he got to cuddle Casey the whole time.
Trying to get Casey away from Leonardo was a dangerous business. It involved biting and even some blunt force trauma. Out of the whole entire resistance, Cass and Tello were the only ones who could do it safely. They tried a schedule but Leonardo had no respect for it (Angelo's words) so they just waited until Leonardo fell asleep and sneaked him away.
Were it not for Casey's loyalty to his mom (and eventually his mom's memory), he would have wanted a sword just like his dad. Since he was often found near Leonardo, and Leonardo was one of the best fighters in the resistance, Casey saw a lot of swordfighting! And the occasional twin fight, gotta settle sibling squabbles somehow.
Red would let Casey climb all over her like a jungle gym. As a kid, he was just small enough to fit between the top of her shell and her shoulders, and he would nap there while she was sitting and doing something. Every so often she'd forget he was up there and stand up and then have to catch him. He always thought it was funny and she always found it vaguely nerve-wracking.
Getting Casey away from Red was, technically, the hardest. Casey would climb up to sit on her shoulders and nobody else would be able to reach him up there. He found this extremely funny, especially when it came to Cass who's five-foot-nothing.
I've mentioned this before somewhere, but Red always knew she was going to be the first one to die. She's the family's protector, and that's what happens to protectors. So she let Casey get away with murder and doted on him 24/7 because she wanted him to remember her as a fun aunt.
And he does! When he remembers his aunt, he remembers some of the most fun times of his life, and he remembers always being held and feeling safe. Red couldn't be more delighted. He also remembers being in absolute awe of how Red could punch anything, and hoping he'd grow up to be that tall too (he's getting there).
Tello was Casey's third favourite family member after his parents. They let him do Science Things, which varied from explaining how that cool bug hunted prey, to making a ten-foot-tall baking soda volcano. Tello was always ready to set things on fire or blow them up, which immediately endeared them to a rambunctious little kid who also liked setting things on fire and blowing them up.
Also, Tello lost their legs the year before Casey was born. So by the time Casey was old enough to be interested in cool-looking things, Tello's prosthetics had gone through enough refinements to look pretty damn cool. Casey loved asking questions and hearing about all the details, even if he didn't understand most at first.
His interest in tech began with Tello. When Casey was a baby, and it was time for Tello to babysit, they'd explain their current project to him (y'know, rubber duck debugging?) Casey picked up enough to become interested and Tello was delighted to have an apprentice. It wasn't long before they started teaching him officially. Eventually Jr even learned how to keep all the tech Tello gave him in good order!
Tello had one of those bubble backpacks that you see for cat sometimes, except it was reinforced to stand up to anything, and that was how they carried Casey around when he was a baby. After that, there were Iron Man-style rocket boots (until they ran out of fuel) and Casey had his own transpo drone that could pick him up (until it got smashed by a Krang).
They were also the best protector, because they would bite, kick, and claw at anything that came near their little Junebug. Usually this was some kind of Krang - they were not impressed with how it tasted when they bit down on a tentacle once - but occasionally it was blue thing wanting to cuddle The Boy before they were ready to let go of him.
YES there were apocalypse birthdays. Mikey always had stashes of art supplies on hand, so getting a birthday card from Casey was a staple of things when he was a kid. Angelo kept his in a hatch on his prosthetic shell, Tello kept theirs in their battle shell, and Leonardo kept his in his biggest belt pouch. Casey Cards were universally seen as Very Special.
As Casey got older, and was allowed to go on supply runs, he began bringing home birthday presents. Or the supplies to make birthday presents! He made Tello a weighted turtle plushie, for example, that Tello carried with them everywhere just like the cards. And Casey and Cass have matching letter necklaces.
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acaciapines · 1 year
What does the post ending of 'The Holiday-Dreemur Kids' look like? How does it compare to what's featured in 'So I'm Waiting For The Teeth' and 'Dear Dess, Love Asriel'? You're are genuinely my favorite deltarune author and 'i know i'm not well (but i'm alright)' is by far my favorite deltarune fic (and in my list of all time fav fanfics) and I would LOVE to know what if any future you've envisioned for the cast?
ok well first off THIS IS SO SWEET THANK U SM......i dunno it always makes me so happy 2 know people return to my fics and me being your?? favorite?? deltarune author???? wild.
n all honestly i didnt really envision any sort of future once i finished up the series, i essentially see both homegrown hearts (for the kids) and dess, after (for dess n azzy) as the futures for the cast as i wrote them in i know i'm not well! this means theres a Whole Lot Of Life unaccounted for yes lol but that leaves it open for you to decide! they made it through the hardest part now they get to live their lives.
tho i will say some cute things ive always sort of pictured would be ralsei going to high school w the rest of the fun gang...she gets out of the dark world pretty early so she's got like, two or three years of high school experiences. i imagine kris susie and noelle really run with the bit of ralsei being a foreign exchange student (from their school's closet) just to see how far they can push it. i doubt they're super secretive about the dark worlds after this tho lol once ralsei gets out its like. why keep the worlds separate?
all the kids are way more mentally healthy here lol since they wouldve worked out the worst of their stuff earlier! im not sure what they'd do as adults...kris and noelle sharing a dorm room is still the funniest thing EVER to me. i also really like the idea of ralsei studying religion...as someone who doesnt study religion idk exactly what that would look like, but i think she'd find it really interesting and really relate to the idea of finding meaning in a world, though im not sure i see her as being like. actively religious herself after the dark worlds. i just feel like studying it is a way for her to forgive her past self, in a way? for how she clung to the prophecy. dunno. might do something with this idea one day. probably not, but we'll see.
on the dess and asriel side of things, asriel would meet chara! in this universe xe was dess's friend first but xe and azzy would hit it off too. asriel and dess playfully fight over xir and chara thinks it is very stupid (xe can have two friends!) but also won't complain about the pair of them doing all the chores xe doesnt want to do lol. i feel like prooooobably one big difference would be chara and azzy not having a qpr? that's an idea i like which is why i explored it in dear dess, love asriel, and i like xir having one with dess which will be seen in the dess raises kris au, but for this particular universe i think both dess and azzy being there means theyre all just close friends! chara doesnt let dess babysit though. dess is fine with this. she is not a huge fan of being responsible for children lol.
dess and kris continue to repair their relationship. for missing so many of kris's birthdays theres a good ten year span where dess goes super all-out. probably plans a surprise party that kris 100% knows about but thinks is really sweet so they dont say anything until the very end.
but thats just a few ideas i came up with! none of these would ever be written in any way bc i cant see myself writing more for the holiday-dreemurr kids universe...those stories are over and while i hope to write more deltarune stuff in the future (i have a LOT of ideas for the dess raises kris au), these particular fics are all in the 'it's free real estate' territory. their futures are whatever you could picture!
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scaryghcsts · 9 months
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(YARA SHAHIDI  +  DEMI WOMAN  +  SHE / THEY  )     ⸻    meet   IMANI KAZEMI.  the  daycare worker  at  possum's daycare is  glen  ellen's  very  own   RUNAWAY,   who  has  been  in  town  for  two months. while  they  are  only  twenty two,    they  can  be  very   secretive    but  if  their  friends  mentioned  them,    you'd  think  they  were  more  empathetic.   in  a  town  where  everyone  knows  everyone,    it's  hard  to  keep  a  secret,     but  i  think  the  killer  knows  that  [ REDACTED ],  and  it's  bound  to  get  out  sometime  soon. 
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traits: clever, creative, excellent memory, helpful, withdrawn, pessimistic, distracted, unpredictable, skeptical, sensual, cautious, gloomy, holds a grudge, indecisive.
relationship status: single & terrified of love/romance.
sexuality: bisexual.
religion: ex-muslim. ( stopped practicing at 18. ) currently athiest/agnostic/unbothered.
date of birth:  feburary 28th.
zodiac sign:  pisces.
skills & hobbies: multi-tasking, singing, hair braiding, fashion/style, making excellent pinterest boards, fast texting, super immersed in online communities, tech whiz, likes riding horses, reading, making candles, and selling random shit she upstyled from the dumpster. loves partying, though she rarely gets the chance, pet sitting.
dislikes & fears: her secrets being discovered, something happening to her twins, being a bad mom, being alone forever... she also dislikes loud people, waking up early, gross food, all things grape flavored.
quirks: so easily bored, prone to depression/anxiety. she is lactose intolerant.
residence: moved in with her online best friend - this is a very wanted connection, and so, her residence is utp!!
pets: just her kids.
family: twin daughters, aged 2. not in contact with her family.
inspirations: mini mcguinness (skins gen 3), ik there is more i will add to this
how infuriating to be raised by your grandparents, who are rooted in their ways && in the past, to have to bounce from town to town all over the usa due to your grandfather's contracting work...
this was the life for imani, who felt she had little to strive for outside of her studies && her family, yet she craved for more.
homeschooled for half the time, and bouncing between public schools the rest, imani always felt like a ghost in the halls, and mainly kept up with online friends from all over the world.
her grandparents were strict, but she was the youngest, and her elder siblings had broken them in - all so wild, even more so than her. they were hellions, and when she turned 18, she felt it was finally time to be free.
she got a job in catering, and eventually, would be sent to travel for these jobs with the company. they catered to the stars, essentially, and she got to brush elbows (again, only as a ghost, only as a server) to celebrities && the like.
no one really knows what happened - she dropped off for awhile, and during this time, imani was catching up on the life she felt she was restricted from, and had her chance to go a little wild, too.
she was nineteen when her daughters were born. that was when she finally returned home - but her grandparents couldn't help her out very much, even if they wanted too. it was time for her to find her place, on her own, and she refused to tell a soul who the father of her children is.
unfortunately, things got too hard on her own, and now imani has come to live with her online best friend in town.
wanted connections:
to be added too...
her best friend she moved in with (the fun for online friends turned roommates omg what if they hate each other or maybe they're soul mates? )
parents she babysits for
co-workers/fellow parents of toddlers
other 20-somethings in night school.
new friends/people who are showing her around.
tinder dates/hookups.
babysitters she can hire && trust.
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touyaspeach · 3 years
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Bakugou Katsuki as a father....
A/N ; I wrote this for @katonshoko because I just so adore torturing my friends.
Warnings ; literally just fluff. Like? Katsuki as a father who adores his child levels of fluff.
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The first time Katsuki holds your newborn, he cries. She is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen as the early morning light filters through hospital blinds onto her chubby cheeks. She's swaddled in a soft pink blanket and sleeping peacefully in his strong, warm arms. And he cries. Not a lot; not openly sobs. A few tears roll down his cheeks and that's all. But for Katsuki it's monumental. And he knew in that moment that he would go to the ends of the earth for her.
The first word she speaks is "dada" and when Katsuki hears it for the first time, the smile that breaks across his face and shows off his perfect teeth almost brings you to tears. He's beautiful like this, doting on your daughter and not holding anything back. Letting her and only her see the truth behind his emotions.
On her first day of Kindergarten, Katsuki takes her to school. Her little pink backpack covered with Dynamight keychains makes his heart melt. She'd insisted on them to show off her "super hero dad!" "Alright, and if anyone gives you trouble, what do you say?" He asks. "Shut up, extra!" her tiny voice bubbles as she giggles enthusiastically. Katsuki grins with a chuckle of his own. "That's my girl." and kisses the side of her head before she bounds off.
Katsuki never thought he'd be grateful for Deku as much as he is. Because it's Deku who keeps watch when Katsuki's away on important business. It's Deku who texts him every hour with updates. You will never know about this arrangement, because Katsuki doesn't want to worry you. It's just an extra piece of mind to have the godfather of his child looking out for you both.
Uncle Eiji is the best with her; and he often babysits for you so the both of you can have date nights. Katsuki will never tell him, but he's glad that Kirishima is a fixture in his daughter's life. He can teach her what a real man is supposed to look like.
All of the bakusquad adores her. Mina can spend hours playing with her and talking about nothing, Denki knows all the right music to play to have her excited and having fun, Hanta always sneaks her extra treats when he thinks you aren't looking. She grows up with more love than Katsuki ever had, and he makes it a point not to treat her the way his mom treated him.
Oh, how he dotes on her. Everyone is surprised at just how good he is with her, considering his usual disdain for kids. "It's different when they're yours." he'd say. He peppers her chubby cheeks with kisses before tucking her in tight. He'll hum softly to help her sleep. Even though he's got hero work, he always has fresh bento made and packed for her.
He's such a good dad. And when she acts out, or gets in trouble, you're surprised at how patient he is. He's learned from his own childhood how you shouldn't treat a child.
But Katsuki can't contain his excitement when she manifests her quirk. his quirk. The exact replica of his quirk; and he's so happy because he knows how to handle it. He knows exactly what to do to foster her growth and be a good influence.
He teaches her that even if her quirk is strong, that she should use it to save people.
Katsuki cries when she gets into UA. She doesn't see it, but you do this time. It's not the silent falling tears of holding the newborn, but the quiet sobs of realizing that he didn't totally fuck her life up. That he wasn't a shitty parent like his own. That for once in his life he managed to do something good
When she meets a boy in her class, Katsuki is the typical "touch my daughter and I will actually murder you" kind of dad. The boy has to prove himself to be worthy enough to date the Dynamight's daughter.
It's Katsuki who has a special shelf in his office just for picture books; binders of memories that he would never want to forget.
By graduation, Katsuki has lost most of his hearing. It's what happens when your quirk is literally explosions. He hates the way the hearing aids look, but it's worth it to hear her speech. This is the third time he cries and the only time he doesn't care if anyone sees.
He's just so proud of his daughter. Of this wonderful young woman he raised with the love of his life. Katsuki has accomplished much in his life; but as she accepts her diploma, he realizes that she is his greatest achievement.
And when he walks her down the aisle, his smile is infectious. He's so happy she's marrying a wonderful person that he actually approves of, that you approve of. Someone that makes her just as happy as you make him. He has to turn his hearing aids up to hear the vows, but it's worth it. She was worth it.
Every moment with her, every moment with you was worth everything to him.
Katsuki never thought he could find it in himself to love one person, much less two. But here he is, brimming with adoration for the daughter before him and the lover at his side.
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flightfoot · 3 years
Friendship and Uncertainty
AO3 Thanks to @oblivionhold for betaing!
Marinette really didn't have a lot of great options in Prime Queen. She couldn't tell Nadja and her parents "Oh yeah, sorry, I double-booked myself as Ladybug, my bad! Guess my parents are gonna have to babysit instead!" And if she'd tried to make up an excuse about being busy, with how last-minute it was and how urgently Nadja needed childcare, I don't think her parents would've accepted it.
Her only viable alternative option would've been to cancel her interview with Nadja at the last-minute, citing some last-minute conflict with her civilian schedule. She could've transformed during a bathroom break, texted Chat, and told him as much, leaving him to interview with Nadja alone. I'd argue that this would've been the most responsible option, but not necessarily the best one. With how much the network was pressuring her, Nadja may have landed in hot water if she couldn't get one of her guests on, and Chat would've been disappointed as well.
The plan Marinette came up with in canon was her best shot at fulfilling all her responsibilities without anyone being mad or disappointed or hung out to dry. Manon got looked after by someone Marinette knew was a good babysitter, she got to go to the interview, and no one would have any clue things were remiss... at least, that was her plan. In canon, things got dicey for a bit with Alya calling into the show, but ultimately no one discovered Marinette had left the premises, and everyone was mostly happy.
But it was risky, and things could easily have gone wrong. Hence, this story.
It gives me a good reason to explore Alya feeling hurt and exploring her emotions while sticking closely to canon. There aren't a lot of fics that do that.
“Where is she?” 
Alya looked down at Manon. Nadja was worried about Marinette not being in the picture when she called, and she couldn’t blame her. Bringing over a friend to help babysit as well, or taking over babysitting momentarily while the hired babysitter was busy was one thing, but this was getting ridiculous.
Marinette had seemed weirdly anxious about talking to her parents. She’d chalked it up to Marinette being nervous about whatever she’d needed to tell them, but…
She let out a frustrated sigh. Marinette hadn’t even told her why she needed to talk to them so urgently. It almost felt like she was making up an excuse to ditch her with Manon.
“Marinette wouldn’t do that,” Alya murmured to herself. “She’d tell me if she needed me to cover for her, right?”
But the thought wouldn’t leave her brain.
Manon yawned.
Gears turned in Alya’s head. “Hey Manon, before you fall asleep, how about we go downstairs so you can use the bathroom?”
“I’m not gonna fall asleep!” Manon said, yawning again. But she stood up shakily and headed for the stairs, following Alya.
As Alya waited for Manon to finish in the bathroom near the kitchen, she heard a soft humming coming from the kitchen. Seizing on the opportunity, she hurried over (while keeping near enough that she could still hear when Manon opened the bathroom door).
“Ah, Alya!” Tom greeted her. “Did you kids need some snacks?”
“No, but-” Oh what the hell, why not? “Actually, that sounds great.”
“Anything for my daughter! And her friends of course,” he said, cheerily grabbing a few of hers and Marinette’s favorite cookies. 
“Speaking of Marinette, what’d she want to talk to you about?” she said, as casually as she could manage.
“She wanted to talk to me about something?” Tom asked, sounding perplexed.
“Maybe I just misheard her,” Alya said hastily. “I was playing with Manon and things got a little loud.”
Tom looked troubled. “Well, just let her know that if she needs to talk to me about anything, her papa is always willing to lend an ear.” She could almost see a lightbulb turn on above Tom’s head. “Oh! I’ve got a batch of Marinette’s favorite cookies in the oven right now! They should be ready in about twenty minutes. If you can send her down then, we can talk this out, see what’s troubling her! And if it was a mistake, well, I’ll never say no to watching her face when she bites into a strawberry macaron.”
Alya slapped on a smile. “Will do!”
The toilet flushed. 
“That’s my cue to leave. Thanks, Mr. Dupain!”
She walked to the bathroom on autopilot.
Marinette had lied.
“I’m so sorry Alya! I had no idea it would take so long to talk to my parents!” 
Alya didn’t look at her. “What did you guys talk about?” she asked tonelessly.
“Uh, you know… family stuff,” Marinette sounded nervous. 
Alya turned to her. “Marinette, I know you weren’t with your parents.”
“I- uh-”
“I went downstairs earlier and asked your dad what you two talked about, but he said he didn’t talk to you at all. Your dad wanted me to tell you that if you need to talk with him about anything, he’s willing to lend an ear. The batch of strawberry macarons he was making should be ready by now.” Her voice sounded dead, even to her own ears.
“Alya, I’m- I’m really sorry-”
She took a deep breath. “I’m not ready to talk with you about it right now,” she said evenly. “If I do, I might raise my voice, and I don’t want Manon to see us fighting.”
Marinette winced, glancing at the sleeping girl.
“Um… could we talk tomorrow…?” Marinette asked, sounding small. 
Alya nodded stiffly. Not like she could avoid it, tomorrow was a school day. 
As she headed down the ladder, she paused and looked up, “Oh, and Marinette?”
“I didn’t let anyone know you left. I’m still not happy you ditched me, but I didn’t rat you out.”
Marinette’s eyes widened and she started to stammer something. Alya shut the hatch.
Alya squeezed her eyes tight, letting out a small sob.
At that last moment, she’d been tempted to stay. To hear Marinette out. To see whether maybe, maybe, she had a good explanation. Some sort of excuse.
But she couldn’t.
If she stayed, with Marinette looking at her like that, clearly hurting… she wouldn’t be able to stay mad at her. Not when she felt worse than Alya herself did.
Alya wasn’t ready to let go of her anger and hurt yet. Not so soon.
Pausing only to text Nora that she was heading home, she hurried out the door.
“Little sis?”
Alya quickly wiped her eyes, trying to compose herself before Nora saw her.
It didn’t work.
“What happened? Who hurt you?” Nora asked, grabbing her shoulders. 
“No one!”
Even to her own ears, it sounded false.
Nora frowned. “Really? Your eyes are red, and I can see the tear streaks on your cheeks. You really expect me to believe that?”
She looked away.
“Hey, look, little sis-” Nora said softly.
“Don’t call me that.” She couldn’t muster up the energy to put any heat behind her words. 
“You know you can tell me anything, right?”
“Promise not to go after her?”
Nora blinked. “Her? ...wait, you were just at Baguette’s place- did something happen with Marinette?”
“Promise me,” she insisted.
Nora grimaced, before sighing. “Fiiiiine. Can I at least yell at her?”
“No. I want to handle this myself.”
“If you’re sure, little sis.”
Alya made a face, but explained what’d happened. How Marinette had called her over, ditched her with an excuse about her parents, how she’d learned Marinette was lying, everything.
“-and I just. I don’t understand why,” she finished. “I help her out all the time! Heck, I’ve even helped babysit Manon before! Why’d she lie to me?” She looked down at her lap, her fists tightening as she squeezed her pants legs, needing to get energy out. “I just- I feel used.”
Nora pulled her into a tight hug. She leaned into the pressure, listening to her sister’s heartbeat.
“Remember back in Martinique, with Maya?” Alya murmured.
“The neighbor girl?”
Alya nodded. “We played together a lot when I was a little. But sometimes… sometimes she’d get demanding, saying that if I didn’t do what she wanted - play some game she wanted, pick a role she wanted me to, whatever - she’d say that if I didn’t do it, she wouldn’t be friends with me anymore. There weren’t a lot of other kids my age in the area, so I agreed.” She gave a small smile. “Until one time she went too far. I stormed home in tears, scared that she wouldn’t play with me anymore, but not able to take it anymore.” Taking in a deep, shuddering breath, she continued. “You know what Mom did when she heard? When I told her how afraid I was that Maya wouldn’t want to play with me anymore? She told me to just wait. Less than an hour later Maya was knocking at the door, asking if I would come out to play. I stopped being afraid of her threat after that, and she stopped using it. I could say no.”
“I’m guessing this feels similar?” Nora said.
Alya nodded. “But it’s also weird! With Maya I understood what she was after. With Marinette, I don’t. Did she just really not want to babysit? Where’d she even go? And why-” Alya hesitated. “Why did she risk this? What was so important? Marinette, she- she doesn’t always think through other people’s feelings, but she DOES care about people! She doesn’t like hurting others! So why-”
Nora shook her head. “It’s no use speculating, you’ll just get your head turning ‘round and ‘round in circles ‘til you don’t know up from down. Just ask her tomorrow.”
Biting her lip, Alya sighed. “You’re right. Of course you’re right. I just don’t know how I’ll sleep tonight after all this.”
Nora smiled, pulling out a DVD from… okay she really wanted to know when Nora had hollowed out a copy of the Lord of the Rings trilogy collection, because on the one hand that was SUPER cool, and on the other hand it physically hurt her to see a book damaged like that. 
“I was saving this for your birthday,” Nora said, oblivious to Alya’s crisis, “But I think you need it now.”
She looked at the movie, letting out an inhumanly high-pitched squeal. “Majestia’s Early Days - Collector’s Edition?! How’d you even get this? I camped out on the website all day trying to snag a copy! They sold out in seconds,” she scowled, “Damn scalpers.”
Nora laughed. “Having fans can really come in handy. After one of my matches, I mentioned how bummed out my little sis was about not being able to get her hands on a copy. The next day one of my regular fans handed this to me, said he hoped you’d enjoy it.”
“If you see him again, tell him that he’s a wonderful person with excellent taste in boxers!”
Nora laughed, grinning from ear-to-ear. Alya bet her own grin dwarfed even Nora’s. 
“Let’s watch Majestia kick some ass.”
“Alya? What’s wrong?”
Nino lifted an eyebrow. “You’ve been staring down at the floor for the past minute, looking like your dogs just got kidnapped by subterranean monsters and you’re trying to figure out how to get them back and why they’d want them in the first place.”
She stifled a laugh. “You come up with that for one of your movie scripts?”
He adjusted his cap, grinning proudly. “No, but now that you mention it…”
“Do you even know anyone with a dog?”
“Maybe a shelter would help out? They’re always looking for more exposure. We could put a note during the credits that the pups are available for adoption!”
Hm… she could advertise their film on her blog too, maybe ask whether any of her readers worked at a local dog shelter…
“We could talk to Marinette, see whether she’d be up for making a monster costume! Or if she’s too busy, Halloween’s coming up and- Alya?”
She blinked, only just now noticing how tightly she’d been squeezing her shirt in her hands. “I’m- I’m fine.”
Nino frowned. “No, you’re not.”
She looked away. 
Nino slid into the seat next to her. “Look. I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s clearly hurting you. If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand. If you just want to go back to talking about something unrelated to it, something fun, to keep your mind off it, I’m happy to oblige. But I’m always here to lend an ear if you need it.”
She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Marinette called me over last night, wanted me to watch the Ladybug and Chat Noir interview with her. She also happened to be babysitting Manon, and thought it’d be more fun if we were all there together. Everything was fine at first,” she said, fidgeting. “I played around with Manon for a bit, Marinette got some pillows to lay on, and we got set up to watch the interview. Then Marinette said she needed to talk to her parents and that she might be gone for a while.”
She let out a humorless chuckle. “I waited for a while, but… no Marinette. Finally, I went downstairs and checked with her dad. He didn’t know anything about it. As far as he knew, she’d been upstairs in her room with me the entire time. Marinette came back a little while later, pretending that her talk with her parents had gone super long and I just… I couldn’t deal with it. I left. I said I’d talk with her about it today, but…”
“But you don’t feel ready now either?” Nino guessed.
She nodded. “I just keep on turning it around and around in my head. It doesn’t make sense. Sure, Marinette makes up excuses and disappears sometimes, but…” Something niggled in the back of her brain. “Hey Nino,” she asked carefully, trying to catch the strand of thought. “Has Marinette always been like this? Running off at a moment’s notice with fake-sounding reasons?”
Nino scratched his head. “I’m not sure,” he admitted. “We’ve been in classes before, but we weren’t exactly close. I don’t think so? I think I would’ve noticed that. Not like we had akuma attacks distracting us last year.”
“Akuma attacks...” she murmured to herself.
There it was again. That niggling sensation, but even stronger this time. 
Marinette threw the classroom door open, pinwheeling her arms as she struggled to regain her balance. 
At the last second as she fell backwards, Adrien seemed to almost teleport through the door, catching her.
Nino smiled. “I swear Adrien has a ‘Marinette falling’ sense. He always arrives just in time to catch her.”
Alya snorted. “Now if only he had a ‘Marinette feeling’ sense.”
Frowning, Alya tried to grasp onto the threads of thought from before, but they’d scampered with the distraction. 
“...Can I sit here?” a soft voice asked.
Alya jumped a little, then scolded herself. She’d just seen Marinette arrive, she shouldn’t be able to startle her less than a minute later.
Nino got up slowly, giving Marinette a hard look, but moving to his regular seat without comment.
Marinette didn’t move. 
Oh. Marinette was waiting for her permission, not just for Nino to leave.
“Sure. I mean, you sat here first,” Alya said. “I’m not the Queen of Seats.”
Marinette snorted at the reference, the edges of her mouth twitching upwards.
Alya narrowed her eyes. She hadn’t noticed before, but from this close, she could see the bags under eyes, along with a slight puffiness.
Guilt settled in her stomach. She was pretty sure she knew why Marinette wouldn’t have gotten enough sleep, why she would’ve been crying.
“But she broke my trust!” part of her screamed. “She lied to me, used me!”
She still didn’t like seeing her friend hurt.
“So?” She asked as Marinette slid into her seat.
“So what?” Marinette asked nervously.
Alya narrowed her eyes. 
Marinette bit her lip. “I- I’m not sure what to say. I- I lied to you. You’re right. I called you over because I’d accidentally double-booked myself, but I couldn’t just TELL Nadja that and I couldn’t cancel on no notice, so I just… came up with what I thought was the best solution. Manon would get taken care of, Nadja, Mom, and Dad wouldn’t know anything unusual had happened, and I’d be back before you noticed anything was wrong. Everyone would be happy! At least, that’s what I planned…” she petered off, looking away.
She could get what Marinette was thinking now, when she called her over. Sometimes you couldn’t do the things you wanted without disappointing someone, without someone being upset with you. But if you lined things up just right, you might not need to upset anyone - so long as they never found out what you’d done. 
It still stung that Alya had been the tool she used to solve her problem, but at least she understood Marinette’s thought process. 
“What was so important?” she asked. “What was so vital that you had to sneak out, even if it meant lying to your friends and family?”
Marinette flinched. “I- I have to,” she whispered. “I don’t have a choice.”
Alarm bells rang in Alya’s head. “What do you mean?” she said urgently. “Is someone threatening you? Marinette, are you in danger?”
“No!” She thought for a moment. “Yes? Kind of? Not- not the way you’re thinking of!” she added hastily.
She didn’t know what she was thinking. Drugs? Gangs? A cult that’d ensnared Marinette in its clutches?
“Can I have your attention please?” Ms. Bustier said.
Alya turned to the front of the class, head still spinning. She still wasn’t totally sure how she felt about what Marinette had done, but she had bigger worries.
Something was wrong with Marinette. 
That girl could be slippery when she wanted to be. 
She managed to avoid talking to Alya for the rest of Bustier’s class, not responding to any note-passing and hurrying out of the classroom the second the bell rang. With Marinette going home for lunch she had little opportunity to talk to her then, and as for their next period… Alya may be brave, but she wasn’t stupid. No talking in Ms. Mendeleiv’s class.
With a sigh, she watched Marinette run out of Francois-Dupont, somehow managing to take the stairs two at a time without falling. Clearly whatever it was, Marinette didn’t want to talk about it. 
But if it was hurting her…
She shook her head. She’d been thinking about this all day. It was time to get her mind off it, do something else. 
Nodding, she turned towards the park. Maybe some time climbing trees would help take her mind off things. And if it didn’t, it’d at least give her practice catching her siblings when they inevitably got themselves stuck in some high-up area. She could swear they had teleportation skills that they’d been hiding their whole lives just to prank the rest of the family with.
Chuckling to herself, she almost missed the flash of red out of the corner of her eye.
She whipped around. “Ladybug?!” 
The superhero froze, looking caught out. “Alya!” she said, sounding strangled. “What’re you doing here?” 
She shrugged. “Just enjoying the weather,” she said, pulling out her phone. “Would you be up for another interview?”
Ladybug started shaking her head before she even finished the sentence. “No, NOPE, nada, absolutely not!” she said, making an “X” with her arms for emphasis. “Not after yesterday. Not happening.”
She stashed her phone. “You just want to talk off the record then?”
The superheroine’s eyes widened a fraction. She nodded. “There’s… there’s something I could use your advice on.”
Something fluttered in Alya’s chest. Her idol needed her help? “I’ll do what I can,” she said, more confidently than she felt.
After going to a secluded part of the park, Ladybug turned to her. “You know a lot about superheroes right? About how we have to maintain a double life?”
Alya nodded. “It’s a comic book staple. Often causes a lot of trouble for the hero, but not as much as having their identity leaked to the world.”
“Yeah, I know what that trouble’s like,” Ladybug muttered to herself. Speaking more loudly, she looked at Alya. “I- I messed up. Badly. I forgot that I’d-” She paused. “Sorry, I need to be careful about this. I don’t want to expose myself.”
Alya nodded. 
After a minute, Ladybug tried again. “I needed to do something as Ladybug, but as a civilian, I’d already agreed to another responsibility at the same time,” she said carefully. “I couldn’t tell anyone that I needed to do something Ladybug-related without spilling my secret identity, but I also couldn’t get out of my civilian responsibility so I- I tricked someone into doing it instead. And they found out and they’re mad at me and I can’t BLAME them but I can’t tell them everything and I just don’t know what to do!” She looked at Alya pleadingly.
Her stomach twisted. “Seems to be a lot of deception going on lately,” she muttered, surprising even herself with how bitter she sounded. She blinked as Ladybug winced. 
Stop projecting your feelings about the sleepover onto Ladybug’s situation, they’re not the same! She scolded herself.
What would she do in Ladybug’s shoes? She couldn’t tell anyone her identity. She’d still want to be friends with this person. Just heaping on lies would make it worse when those came to light, alienating the friend (or former friend) even further.
“Have you explained as much as you could why you did it without giving away your secret identity?” Alya asked slowly. “Just… let them know that you do care about them, that you didn’t lie to them lightly, that you care about your feelings and you didn’t have a lot of options.” Ah, screw it. Maybe it was just because it’d been recent and she was still hurting and worried, but perhaps hearing it would help Ladybug with her own friend problems. “One of my friends recently tricked me into covering for her,” she said. “I’m still not sure why.”
“O-oh, really?” Ladybug said… nervously? Probably because it reminded her of her own friend.
“She vaguely explained to me why,” she continued. “What she was thinking and feeling at the time. She had another commitment too, but she didn’t tell me what it was.” She let out a deep sigh. “At least she didn’t lie about it - I think. I’d rather she not tell me, than lie about it.” A pebble sat near her shoe. Absentmindedly, she kicked it. “With how distraught she was when she explained it... I think she was sincere. That she doesn’t view me as a tool. That she was just in a tough spot,” she said. “That helps a lot.”
“I- I did explain,” Ladybug said, hope lifting her voice. “I think she believed me.”
Alya nodded. “In that case… I don’t think there’s much more you can do. Give her space, and try to avoid doing it again if you can.” She bit her lip. “Which might not be totally under your control considering Hawkbutt.” 
Ladybug stifled a giggle. 
She gave a small smile, snorting at her own joke. “Anyway, could I ask you a favor? So long as you don’t have any other commitments already, I don’t want to land you in hot water with anyone else,” she added hastily.
“Nothing to do with the Ladyblog, right?” Ladybug asked suspiciously.
As much as she’d like that… “No,” she said, shaking her head. “Actually, it has to do with a friend of mine. You know Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
“Uh- NOPE never heard that name in my life! Who’s Marinette?” Ladybug said hastily, gesticulating wildly.
Huh. Weird. She could’ve sworn that Marinette had mentioned meeting Ladybug before, but come to think of it, she couldn’t remember a single instance of Marinette and Ladybug being in the same place at the same time-
Never mind, there was that time with Alix’s race. But if that was the only time, no wonder Ladybug didn’t remember her. She wasn’t even sure that anyone had said Marinette’s name while Ladybug was within earshot.
Aaaaaand there was that niggling sensation again. She wished it’d either divulge what it was getting at or leave her alone. 
She whipped out her phone, pulling up a picture she and Marinette had taken together a couple months ago. “Marinette’s my best friend,” she said, surprising herself with how sure she sounded. “We’re going through a bit of a rough patch right now, but… well, I’m still worried about her. She was the one who lied to me yesterday, and when I confronted her about it, she said something about not having a choice. It sounds like she’s in danger but she won’t tell me from what, and I’m not sure what could be the problem and… I’m just worried.” Looking up from her phone, she locked eyes with the superhero. “Could you check up on her, please? Maybe she’d talk to you even if she wouldn’t talk to me. And- and even if she doesn’t, I’d feel better if a superhero was looking out for her.”
“You really care about her, huh?,” Ladybug said, giving her a soft smile. “Even though you’re fighting.”
She nodded. “I’m not happy with her, and there are some things we still need to work out, but- yeah. I want to make sure she’s okay.”
“You’re a good friend, Alya. I’m sure she’s fine, but I’ll look after her as best I can.”
“Buginette?” a boy’s voice called. A black figure landed next to Ladybug, crouched in the classic superhero landing pose, one knee bent, one hand punching the ground.
Oooh, new Ladyblog idea! Top ten Chat Noir poses! Seriously, that cat could be a model with the way he effortlessly mugged for the camera.
Ladybug groaned. “Did I forget the time already?” 
“It’s fine,” Chat said, resting his stick on his shoulders. “Waiting made seeing you all the sweeter.”
The spotted heroine groaned again, for a different reason this time. Alya saw the corners of her lips quirk upwards ever-so-slightly, belying her annoyance. “Come on, you alley cat. Race you to the Tower!”
“Oh, you’re on!” 
Alya watched them run off. Well, pole vault and swing off, but you know. Semantics.
Turning around, she headed back home.
She had an article to write.
Alya hummed as she walked into class, glancing at her phone. The Chat article had been a major hit, garnering several dozen comments within a few hours of posting, including from a user called “TheCatsMeow” who seemed weirdly invested in convincing everyone that Chat definitely had no experience modeling and his on-point posing was entirely due to natural talent and charisma. People picked the weirdest hills to die on. She’d been joking when she proposed that he was secretly a supermodel, but after having defended the possibility in a ten-commment-long exchange, she was starting to seriously consider it. Hm, maybe Adrien would have an idea of a possible identity lead…
Note to self: Don’t walk while looking at your phone. Sure she never listened when Mom told her that, but maybe this time she’d have the self-control to hold off! Optimism!
“Sorry,” she said instinctively. And blinked. “Marinette? You’re EARLY?!”
She should text her mom to buy a lottery ticket.
“Yeah,” Marinette said, chuckling nervously. She seemed to be in much better shape this time. A little down, but it looked like she’d gotten some decent sleep. “I- I just thought- if you wanted to talk- never mind. You need space.”
Suspicions percolated in her mind. “I should go to the restroom before class starts. How about you?”
Marinette’s head whipped up. “Yeah, sure, better to be safe than sorry. You know me, always needing to race to the toilet!” She rubbed the back of her neck.
“Every other akuma attack it seems like,” Alya said, walking down the hallway with her friend. “I swear, something about it being an inconvenient time makes you need to go even more.”
“Yep, that’s totally the reason!” Marinette agreed.
They walked for a moment in silence while she tried to gather her thoughts. “You know about my advice to Ladybug, don’t you?” she said at last.
“Ack-!” Marinette tripped on air, but managed to save herself at the last second. “Uh, no, that’s ridiculous, how could I know about that? It’s not like I was there or anything.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “Uh huh. And it’s pure coincidence that you concluded I needed space the day after I gave that advice to Ladybug to help with her own friend problem?”
“Uuuuuh…” Marinette looked off to the side, before releasing a long sigh. “Yeah, you’re right. Ladybug talked to me last night, and well… your conversation came up. I figured our problems were similar enough, and you were the one giving the advice, so… maybe if I followed it, we could make up?”
Marinette wanted to go back to normal, to laugh and joke and just.. enjoy each other’s company again. And Alya… she wanted that too. 
She knew Marinette hadn’t meant to hurt her. And she understood why Marinette had done what she’d done. 
Well, except for what prompted Marinette to need to lie in the first place. She just had a gut feeling it was a cult, some sort of secret society. She was sure Miraculous had been around for awhile, that several historical figures had used them, and she could just bet that there was some sort of secret group watching over them from the shadows. She just needed a thread to follow, something that could lead her back to the guardians-
Abruptly, she stopped. “I- I want that too,” she said softly. “I don’t like fighting. I want my friend back.” She gave Marinette a hard look. “If Ladybug told you my advice, then you already know what I’m about to say. I don’t like being lied to - not like that. Not as part of a manipulation. You had your reasons, I get that, but I don’t think I could take that a second time. Unless someone’s in danger if you don’t, please, don’t lie to me. If you can’t tell me something or why you’re asking me to do a thing, just tell me that. I can’t promise to like it, but it’s better than being tricked.”
Marinette bit her lip and nodded. “I think- yeah. Yeah, I can do that,” she said, gaining confidence.
Alya smiled. “In that case…” she took off. “Race you to the bathrooms!”
“Hey, no running in the halls!” Marinette said, but her laughter undercut her words. As did her immediately overtaking Alya.
Girl could move fast when she wanted to.
(Several months later)
“And I… I’m Ladybug”
“This makes everything make so much more sense.”
103 notes · View notes
mandoalorian · 4 years
The Nanny [Maxwell Lord x Dave York x F!Reader] SMUT
Summary: Dave York is cold and rough around the edges, but he’s all you’ve ever been used to. And you’ve never been opposed to the amazing sex that comes alongside working for him, as a nanny for his two young daughters. However, things seem to spice up when you’re requested to watch over none other than Maxwell Lord’s son, and the two meet in an unlikely situation.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: SMUT; threesome, unprotected piv, fingering, male receiving oral, female receiving oral, orgasm denial, creampie, cunnilingus, choking, slapping, use of handcuffs, use of vibrator (on Maxwell!), face fucking, degradation kink, voyeurism kink, praise kink, food mention, allusions to murder/missing person. The suburban murder daddy and my sexy capitalist boyfriend come with their own warnings ;)
Word Count: 7000>
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He was your best customer. You’d been a nanny for the York family for two years now, and Alice and Molly were sweetest children you’d ever worked with. They were good as gold, always doing their homework to the best of their ability, they had wonderful manners thanks to their parenting, and they played nicely together. However, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a second motive for babysitting the girls.
Dave York was a single father. Despite being close to the family, you never asked what happened to Carol (his ex-wife/Alice and Molly’s mother), you assumed it was a touchy subject and quite frankly, none of your business. It did pique your curiosity though, how she had just seemed to vanish into thin air. It was unexplained, and you assumed it was hard on the family, especially the kids. Although Dave had been handling it quite well all things considered. It was strange to you, how they never spoke a word of her. She was truly an enigma. You saw her face in the very few family portraits that were peppered around the house, but that was all.
When Carol disappeared two years ago, Dave figured he’d need an extra pair of hands to help around the house while he was at work. You had your own place, sure, but you practically lived with the York family anyway. You had the mornings and early afternoons to yourself because Molly went to school, Alice got sent to daycare and Dave went to the office, but it was at night when he needed you the most.
You didn’t know where Dave went at night. He’d call you, once or twice a week on short notice, telling you he needed you to watch the girls. Whatever he was doing, he called it business, and didn’t explain it further. Dave was super accommodating to you, immediately telling you that you could just make yourself at home in his beautiful, extensive sized suburban house. He was like family to you. In fact, he was more. Dave relished in his own independence, but the truth was, he relied on you more than he’d like to admit.
You had your own room-- a soft, plush queen sized bed all to yourself. He even let you decorate. You smiled fondly at the memory of getting the girls to help paint the walls with you while their father was out on a ‘job’ one night. Your smile grew even wider when you remembered hearing the front door open in the early hours of the morning, and shuffling about downstairs. Every time Dave would come home, he’d slide into your bedroom and climb on top of you, smelling suspiciously like blood and sweat (although you knew better than to question it). His demeanour was ravenous and primal as he’d slide his thick, calloused fingers along your body. He’d push your nightgown up, squeeze your thighs, lift your legs up and wrap them around his waist. You were fucking him, sure. And you had been for the past two years. He was the most attractive man you’d ever met, with dark hair and big brown eyes. He was rough around the edges, intimidating, but it only spurred you on even more. Of course, nothing was ever made official. You were nothing more than his daughters’ nanny, just lucky enough to have your own bedroom in the York family home.
Dave was your only source of income, and he provided you with enough to get by. You never requested a large sum of money for watching the girls-- to be honest, you’d be satisfied enough with just the sex, but the pay was decent. You hadn’t really gotten any other babysitting jobs, and when you had, you’d deny them for the sake of keeping Dave in good spirits. You’d favour him over any client. Except today.
Your phone rang and you dived into your purse to answer it. The girls were playing on the floor and Dave was buttoning up his winter coat. “Hello?” you answered, not recognising the number.
“Yes, hello,” a feminine voice replied. “This is Raquel, I’m an assistant to Mr. Maxwell Lord, the CEO of Black Gold Cooperative.”
Your eyes practically bulged out of your head upon recognising the name. “The oil guy from TV?!” you gasped, slapping your hand over your mouth in disbelief. Dave turned to you, quirking an eyebrow as he tried to gauge your reaction.
“As you may know, Mr. Lord is an esteemed businessman and well, he saw your advertisement in the paper saying you were a nanny-for-hire.” Raquel trailed off before pushing straight to the point. “He has a son, Alistair, six years old. He was wondering if you could watch him tonight? We’ve tried every other nanny in the area but no one else can take him short notice.”
“I- I’m actually on a job right now…” you bit your lip nervously.
“Mr. Lord will pay handsomely.” Raquel hummed, trying to coherese you.
“Just a moment,” you placed your mobile on the coffee table and looked up at Dave, whose dark eyes were already burning into you. They hadn’t left you once. He gave you a questioning look and a shaky exhale left your lips. You didn’t know why you were this nervous -- maybe it was just the intimidating aura Dave gave off. “Uhm… you know that guy on the television with the blonde hair who sells oil?”
“Maxwell Lord.” Dave said, matter-of-factly. You were slightly impressed that Dave already knew who he was.
“Uh… yeah, well. He has a son, apparently. And he can’t get a sitter. And he’s asked for me.” Dave’s expression didn’t change once.
Why was your heart beating this fast? Why were you so fucking afraid of pissing Dave off?
“I-- nothing. You’re right. I’ll just tell him--” you stammered, reaching to grab your cell again.
“--tell him that you’ll take the job, I hope.” Dave’s lips curled into a smirk as he finished your sentence for you.
That was… weird. He didn’t seem jealous or anything like he’d usually be. He fiddled with the rest of his buttons on his coat before flicking his wrist out and checking the time on his watch.
“Are you-- are you sure?” you asked cautiously.
“Of course!” Dave beamed. “How old is the kid?”
“Same age as Alice.” you hummed.
“Perfect,” Dave smiled before kneeling down to kiss the forehead of his two little girls. “Daddy’s heading out now but there’s gonna be a little boy coming over to play with you. So be kind to him, okay?”
“Okay daddy, love you.” Molly smiled, wrapping her small chubby arms around her father’s neck.
“Love you too princess.” Dave chuckled and your heart gushed with warmth upon witnessing the interaction. Dave York might have been a scary man but he was a hell of a good father.
“Hi,” you said, picking the phone back up and putting it to your ear. “I can watch his kid but-- he’ll have to bring him here. Uhm… how long for?”
“One second,” Raquel hummed, holding the phone to her chest and looking over at the blonde haired businessman who was sitting at his expensive oak wood desk, neck deep in paperwork. “Mr. Lord?” Maxwell glanced up at Raquel, his eyes tired and a strand of his hair falling in his face. “She can do it but she requests that you bring Alistair over to the house she’s currently working at. And she wants to know how long she’ll have to watch him for.”
Maxwell sighed, exasperated, before looking back down at the paperwork and trying to gauge how long it would take him. “Three… four hours maybe?”
Raquel nodded her head in understanding. “Four hours max,” she promised you. “What is the address?” You gave her the address of the York homestead, watching Dave as he left the house without even muttering as much as a goodbye. Raquel scribbled down the address and handed it over to Maxwell who stood up and fixed his tie. “Thank you Ms Y/L/N, your service is very much appreciated.”
“Oh please just call me--”
And then the line went dead. That was… weird.
Maxwell grabbed his suit jacket and straightened out his clothes, grimacing at the ache in his back that he had from sitting at his desk all day. He shuffled out of his office, took the elevator downstairs, and found his son Alistair playing with a train set in the lobby of Black Gold Cooperative.
“Daddy!” Alistair cried out excitedly, shooting to his feet and running up to his father.
“Hi buddy!” Maxwell grinned, forcing out some enthusiasm as he knelt down and wrapped his arms around Alistair, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Are you finished work now? Can we go home?” Alistair quizzed, and Maxwell’s heart broke at the hopeful spark in his eyes.
“Ah-- not quite,” Maxwell admitted and Alistair’s shoulders slumped in disappointment. “But I’m going to take you over to someone’s house… a uh-- a friend! And she will watch over you until daddy finishes work. I just don’t want you to be bored, okay? Raquel is going home now and I can’t… I can’t watch you. So…”
Alistair frowned sadly. “But I don’t want to go… I want to stay here. With you.” he mumbled.
“I know sweetie, but I won’t be too late, okay? And once I’m done tonight we can spend the whole day tomorrow together. How does that sound?” 
“You said that yesterday…” Alistair whispered.
Maxwell sighed and pulled his son into an even tighter hug. “I-- I’m sorry. You know I’m doing my best, don’t you?”
“I know.” Alistair sniffed.
“And I want to give you the best life. Better than all the other kids. And better than what your old man had when he was your age. So… I have to work hard, okay? And one day you’ll get your pool that you want. And the pony and the race car…”
“I don’t want that daddy, I just want you.” Alistair confessed, his dark eyes glazed with unshed tears.
Maxwell pressed a kiss into Alistair’s forehead and pulled off him. “Okay. Go get your coat and I’ll pack up your trainset.”
“Can I take it to your friend’s house?” he questioned, his lips curling into a smile.
“Of course.” Maxwell replied.
Holy shit. He was even more attractive in real life than what he was on television. You weren’t necessarily nervous when you heard the knock on the door, but when you answered it, your heart slammed against your chest. Maxwell Lord stood before you, holding the hand of his son, but your eyes were just completely fixated on him. He donned a slightly oversized power-suit that broadened his shoulders significantly. It was a pale blue colour and even under the dark evening sky you noticed the lilac and purple tie and matching pocket square. It made you smile. It was endearing, almost.
“Good evening.” Max grinned that same, charming, TV smile that was so familiar. 
“Hi.” you sighed longingly, your eyes wide and doe-shaped as you became lost in his gaze.
He looked like a fairytale prince. His hair was styled perfectly and despite the hour, you’d never expected his designer outfit to be pressed so perfectly.
“I’m Max Lord.” Maxwell greeted.
“I know.” you hummed, biting your lip as your eyes trailed down his body.
Maxwell chuckled, finding you absolutely adorable. He cleared his throat and gently pushed a begrudgent Alistair in front of him. “This is my son, Alistair.”
“Yeah…” you murmured. Molly tugged on your arm and pulled you straight out of your thoughts about Mr. Lord. “Uhm-- shit! Right. Sorry!” you gasped, becoming flustered. “Oh fuck-- I didn’t mean to curse-- I just--”
Maxwell raised his eyebrows and gently placed a hand on your arm. “It’s okay.” he said slowly and you felt your cheeks flush with heat.
“Um…” you took Alistair’s hand and grinned. “Hi love, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Hello.” Alistair said quietly.
“Now Ali, don’t be shy.” Maxwell chastised.
“It’s okay,” you reassured Maxwell. “Uhm, this is Molly.” you presented Alistair and Maxwell with Dave’s little girl who had been standing by your side the entire time.
Alistair’s eyes lit up excitedly when he saw Molly. “Hi Molly, I’m Alistair Lorenz--Lord. Do you maybe want to be friends?”
“Hi Alistair Lord. I’m Molly York. Do you like popcorn?”
“Yes.” Alistair nodded merrily.
“Okay. We can be friends. Come with me.” Molly said, grabbing Alistair’s hand and pulling him into the house.
“I don’t have many friends…” you overheard Alistair say as the children padded into the living room and your heart shattered. He was clearly such a sweet little boy. 
“Uhm, thanks for the favour. Short-notice and all.” Maxwell said, clearing his throat and scratching the back of his neck.
“It’s honestly fine.” you assured Max.
“Okay. Good. It was uh-- nice to meet you.” Maxwell smiled, before taking your hand and brushing a soft yet polite kiss over your knuckles. His gaze didn’t break away from you once and the butterflies in the pit of your stomach were overwhelming. His soft lips against your skin felt like an electric and you couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel capturing your own lips with his.
“You too.” you gasped.
“I’ll… see you later tonight.” Max grinned, dropping your hand and straightening out his suit once more.
“Okay. Yeah. Tonight.” you replied nervously, fluttering your eyelashes.
“Good night.” Max said politely before spinning around on his heel and walking back down the lawn to his Cadillac.
“Night!” you called after him, and he waved his hand.
As it turned out, Alistair was the sweetest little boy you had ever watched over. After Molly insisted you make popcorn, and Alice begged you to put on The Little Mermaid, the four of you were lounging on the floor in a hand-crafted pillow fortress. The conversations between the three children were endearing, to say the least.
Alice: Y/N, what do you want to be when you’re older?
You: Well, when I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian and look after all the sick animals.
Molly: That’s what I want to do!
Alice: I want to be a princess. 
Molly: What do you want to be, Alistair?
Alistair: I want to be like my dad, I s’pose.
Alistair didn’t talk much-- he definitely was shy and you could tell he wasn’t used to being around other kids, which was truly a shame. He didn’t have the communication skills that Alice and Molly had and by the sounds of it, he was living a pretty sheltered life-- private school and all. But if one thing was clear, it was how much Alistair idolised his father.
The kids played well together, all three of them dressing up as different Disney princesses. Before the movie even finished, they passed out and fell asleep on the floor. You didn’t bother carrying them to bed, not wanting to wake them. They looked comfortable enough in their LED lit castle made from blankets. So you just left them there, and changed into your own pajamas. You settled down for the evening with a glass of red wine and changed the movie to something you figured you’d enjoy more.
You found your mind wandering, thinking about the businessman whose son you were babysitting. In fact, you hadn’t even thought about Dave once. It was a welcome change. Maxwell was definitely gone for over four hours but he was so handsome, you absolutely could not stay mad at him for one moment. When the knock came at the door, at around 2a.m., you gasped and raced over to the mirror to fix your appearance the best you could. You grabbed your silk robe and wrapped it over your body before padding to the front door and unlocking it.
Maxwell greeted you with a bouquet of roses, and your jaw dropped. “Oh my--”
“These are for you.” Maxwell beamed. “An apology for being so late.”
“You really didn’t have too…” you smiled but graciously took the bouquet from him nonetheless. “Where did you even get these from? It’s so late. Nowhere’s open.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Maxwell hummed, watching you intently as you turned away from him to place the roses on the side table in the entryway.
His eyes clung to your body and he admired the way the silk robe hung against your perfect shape, emphasising the curve in your ass and even the way your nipples poked through the material. It was cold outside, afterall. When you turned back to face him, you noticed that his eyes were almost black and lust blown. You swallowed and offered him a nervous smile. 
“Alistair is asleep. Would you uhm-- like to come in? For a nightcap?”
“Yeah,” Maxwell’s response came instantly in a breathy sigh. He let himself in, pushing past you and his broad chest grazing against your own, much softer chest. “Nice place you have.”
“Oh… thanks. It’s actually not my home-- I mean, I live here but…”
“I used to live in this neighbourhood,” Maxwell muttered, nosing around the different rooms. “Before my big pay rise, obviously.”
You gulped and looked down, following him around the house. You opened the living room door. “Alistair is sleeping.” you whispered and Max just smiled. “The kitchen is this way. What do you usually drink?”
“Do you have whiskey?”
Yeah. Dave’s whiskey.
“Um yes… I think so…” you mumbled, checking the liquor cabinet.
You gasped when a strong arm wrapped around your waist and gave your hip a little squeeze. Maxwell nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and pressed a soft kiss into your skin. “Is it okay if I do this?” he whispered, licking a stripe across your jaw.
Your eyes snapped shut as you tried to fight back a moan. “Y-yes.”
Maxwell skillfully navigated his hand to the ribbon that binded your robe together and tugged on it so the thin material fell open. His large ring clad fingers rolled over your stomach and grabbed your tits, squeezing them a few times as he nibbled down onto your skin.
“Your wife… I mean-- uhm… Alistair’s mother?” you huffed, leaning into his touch. You had to make sure.
“Divorced.” Maxwell promised, and you smiled longingly before turning around and pressing your palms flat against his chest. He chuckled darkly and pushed the robe off your shoulders, letting it fall to the tiled kitchen floor.
He swallowed upon seeing you in your short lace nightgown, that cut off mid-thigh. He felt his cock began to throb within the confines of his tailored suit pants just from looking at you. 
“So… hard day at the office?” you cooed, helping him out of his suit jacket and tugging on his tie.
“So hard.” Maxwell grumbled, biting his lip before leaning in and capturing your lips into a kiss. You moaned under his touch and pressed your body into his. His hands found your ass you began to rub your knee over his erection.
“I see,” you giggled. “Would you… would you like to see my bedroom, Mr. Lord.”
Maxwell grinned and pecked your lips. “Yeah, but please, call me Max.”
God, you were smitten.
You had been so caught up with Maxwell you had honestly forgotten about Dave. The same Dave who came home at around 3 a.m. every single night, who fucked you senseless until you couldn’t walk the next morning. He was a man who didn’t want to be messed with-- but shamelessly, you had completely forgotten about him. And poor Max hadn’t even got a warning. The second Dave got home and saw the discarded bouquet of roses on the side table, he saw red. Someone else trying to seduce you? That was never going to be okay with Dave. You were his and his only.
“Oh fuck Max please,” you gasped, thrusting your hips upwards as he needlily sucked on your clit. You arched your back, burying your face into your soft pillow. “So good.”
“You taste so fucking sweet.” Maxwell gasped, the curve of his nose nudging against your sensitive bud. You cried out with pleasure and grabbed a fistful of the blankets as you felt yourself begin to chase your oncoming high.
“Doesn’t she?” Dave’s deep voice came from the bedroom door, where he’d been watching Maxwell go down on you for the last ten minutes. Your heart dropped when you heard him-- and clearly, it was unexpected for Maxwell too. His chocolate brown eyes looked up at you as he tore his face from your soaking pussy. His lips were wet with the sheen from your arousal and he licked at them, relishing your flavour before turning around to face Dave.
Dave chuckled dryly. “No, please, don’t stop. I can't have you deny my nanny of an orgasm, can I?”
You felt your eyes go comically wide. “Dave I-- I can explain-”
“No need babygirl,” Dave reassured you, but his tone was dripping with malice. “Now… why don’t you show Mr. Lord how good you can be by cumming in his mouth?” 
Maxwell hummed in surprise and proceeded to press a sloppy kiss into the apex of your thigh before giving you a kitten lick between your folds. “Fuck!” you gasped, celebrating in the way his golden tongue felt like magic. He was a salesman, sure, and a persuasive one at that-- but Maxwell Lord knew how to use his tongue efficiently, that much was clear.
“Didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend.” Maxwell growled, pinching your skin between his teeth.
“I don’t.” you sighed, tossing your head slightly and reaching down to lace your fingers into the CEO’s hair.
“So who is he?” Maxwell interrogated. You held back, knowing that if you replied he might stop lapping you up. It felt too good to risk it. Maxwell plunged a thick finger into your entrance without warning, causing you to squeal at the intrusion.
“Shit!” you cried out. Maxwell steadied his finger inside of you and began to brush the digit against your sweet spot as he began sucking on your clit, his cheek even hollowing. “I can’t-- I can’t hold on. I’m gonna--”
Your orgasm struck you before you could even get the words out. The hot blaze of wildfire rushed through your body and your mind was filled with such haze you hadn’t even heard Dave discard his belt and unzip his own trousers.
Maxwell dug his fingernails into your inner thighs as you came undone in his mouth. Gently, he pulled away from you again and stood up. His eyes followed Dave who was now naked and pumping his cock by the side of the bed.
“Who are you?” Maxwell changed his tactic by asking the darker haired man this time.
“You’ll soon find out,” Dave shot back. He turned to you and raised his hand, slapping your cheek so you focused your attention on him rather than Max. Maxwell was taken aback by his action, but truth be told, sex with Dave was always on the rougher side. “Open your mouth.” Dave commanded, and you happily obliged.
Still laying on your back, you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue. Dave pressed one knee down onto the bed next to you and pushed his cock in between your lips before fucking your mouth. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you adjusted to his length, and he thrusted into you with no remorse. You were used to it though, gagging around his girth and letting a mixture of your saliva and his precum dip down your face.
Maxwell’s eyes darted between you and Dave. He didn’t think he’d ever been this turned on before.
“Take your clothes off,” Dave said to Max, before groaning as you swiped your tongue along the underside of his cock. “Baby, why don’t you watch him undress.”
Maxwell stood up, even feeling slightly nervous. He shouldn’t be nervous. He’d hosted thousands of high press business meetings before, he’d even spoken at the White House and done broadcasts that had been seen by millions all around the world. He stood up and began to slowly undo the buttons down his shirt, and, just like Dave had requested, you watched him with a primal glint in your eye.
He was so hot. He wore an undershirt too. And when he took that off, it revealed a gorgeous tan chest. You watched him pull down his tailored pants and noticed the small pink blush cross his cheeks. That’s when you decided you actually, really liked Max.
You liked Dave too. Dave knew how to satisfy you in every way possible. He was always there, ready to go. And Dave was your protector. Somehow, you just knew that if anyone ever hurt you, Dave would make sure they never got the liberty of meeting you again. Dave was brutal, and certainly a little rough around the edges, but you didn’t mind it.
This thing with Maxwell though was new. He was handsome and polite. You’d never had a customer bring you red roses as a token of their appreciation before. He was flirtatious but also, so far, sex with him had been a lot sweeter and passionate. It was a new experience and you certainly weren’t opposed to it.
Once Max was completely naked, Dave’s lips curled into a smirk. “Good boy,” he cooed, and Maxwell felt his cock twitch at the appraisal. “You can use her, you know? Do whatever you want. Why don’t you fuck her?”
Of course the thought had crossed Maxwell’s mind, but he’d never got off with a woman in front of another man before. His delay in a response prompted Dave to speak up.
“I see you on TV,” Dave chuckled. “I know you’re not shy.”
That’s when Max remembered he had a reputation to uphold. Dave was right, he wasn’t shy. Maxwell Lord was powerful and he exuded confidence and charisma. He wasn’t going to let Dave intimidate him anymore.
You pulled off Dave with a wet pop and gasped for air. “He’s right Max,” you assured him, wiping your lips. “Anything you want.”
“I want a blowjob,” Maxwell shrugged casually. Dave quirked an eyebrow. 
“From me or her?” He asked incredulously and Maxwell felt his cheeks heat up even more.
“Her obviously!” Maxwell said, his voice heightening an octave and you burst out into a fit of laughter.
“Okay,” you agreed and gave Dave a tug on his dick. “Change positions.”
Still hard, Dave padded over to the end of the bed and Maxwell knelt next to you.
“You’re so big Maxie,” you hummed, wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock and starting to jerk him off slowly. Your pace was teasing, but Maxwell didn’t press you to go further. He knew you would in your own time. The nickname ‘Maxie’ had the blonde haired man throb in your hands and you giggled, pressing a sweet kiss to his tip.
Dave turned around from the bed for just a second, and opened the bottom drawer of your dresser. He knew you kept a box of very special toys underneath all your panties, since he was the one who had bought them for you in the first place. Opening the velvet black box, he sighed in delight, reflecting on all the different things he could use.
Dave took out a pair of padded handcuffs and presented them to both you and Maxwell, the metal chain dangling before your eyes. He passed the cuffs to Max and pointed his finger.
“Tie her to the bed. It’ll keep her still while I fuck her.” Dave ordered and you felt your pussy clench around nothing as you anticipated what was to come.
“Are you alright with this?” Max leaned into you and whispered, wanting to be sure. His hot breath fanned over your earlobe and it sent a shiver down to your core. You nodded your head ‘yes’ and Maxwell unclicked the cuffs before carefully attaching them to your wrists, and then the bars of your headboard. You wiggled around, getting comfortable before spreading your legs wide for Dave.
You already felt yourself becoming increasingly sensitive from when you’d just come from Max’s tongue, but countless experiences with Dave meant that you could go at least another two or three times.
“Shit baby,” Dave muttered under his breath, drinking in the sight of you. Your folds were glistening and it was clear that Max’s thick finger had already stretched you open quite a bit. “You’re beautiful.”
“Come on and fuck me,” you moaned before turning to face Max again.
This entire time you’d been stroking his length, and like a good boy, he’d just been taking it. But Max had asked for a blow job and that was exactly what he was going to receive.
You started by giving him small kitten licks along his slit, collecting his salty precum on your tongue. You had to admit, he tasted delicious. He was thick though, thicker than Dave, and you managed to wrap your lips around just his head before feeling the need to take a moment to let your mouth adjust.
As you sucked on his tip, part of you wished that you weren’t cuffed to the bed. You would have brought your free hand down to the base of his cock and begin to cradle his balls, squeezing them and tracing your fingers along the skin there. The guttural whimpers that escaped Max’s throat were enough to soak your cunt again, which was just as well when you started to feel the bulbous head of Dave’s cock teasingly slide between your pussy lips.
The shock when Dave slid his entire length inside of you came without a warning, and somehow, it got you to open your mouth even wider so you could fit more of Max into your mouth. You supposed it all worked out.
The sound of the chain clanking against the metal bed frame filled the room as Dave began to thrust his cock in and out of you, his movements fast and rough just like always. He pulled your legs over his head, giving him complete access to sink himself right into you. You wanted to scream as he filled you up, his cock brushing against that sweet spot he had memorised inside of you every damn time.
Instead, you forced yourself to keep your cool and continued sucking off Max. You made the effort to open your eyes and look up at the boy who you had wrapped around your lips. His once styled hair was now disheveled and falling into his face, and you had to fight the urge to push it back. His chocolate brown eyes were on Dave though as he watched the man fuck you fast and hard. Dave’s pace was bruising and you knew that you wouldn’t last long.
Dave could tell you were close by the way your pussy walls clenched around him, aching to milk him of his seed.
“Want me to cum inside of you, pretty girl?” Dave asked, and you nodded your head desperately. 
“Jesus-- fuck!” Max gasped, his large ring clad hands coming down to hold your head in place. 
“You gonna cum down her throat, Lord?” Dave quizzed, but there was almost a taunting nature to his question that Max didn’t like one bit.
Getting a few more sucks out of you, Max doubled back and pulled himself out of your mouth completely, depriving himself of his own orgasm. You were surprised to say the least.
“You could’ve-- fuck-- you could’ve cum down my throat,” you moaned as Dave leaned over your fully exposed body and thrusted harder. “I would’ve let you.”
But Maxwell’s eyes had caught focused on the velvet black box Dave had left out. Curiously, he wandered over to it and took a look at the contents for himself.
While Max was momentarily absent, Dave made it his mission to get you to cum again. He brought his thumb down to your clit and began to rub tight circles into your sensitive bundle of nerves. You were so wet, the noises that were coming from your cunt were obscene and if you weren’t already so comfortable around Dave, you might have been embarrassed. His thrusts became sloppy and erratic as he started to chase his own high.
He knew that the second you came, the second your perfect pussy tightened around his cock, he’d spill inside of you. So that was his goal.
Maxwell familiarized himself with a small bullet vibrator, silver in colour, and switched it on. The buzzing noise alerted both you and Dave, your heads snapping to face him. Dave halted in his movements and you couldn’t hide the way your lips curled into a grin, seeing Max with the vibrator in his hand.
“Come here and untie me,” you requested of Max. Max gulped and removed the handcuffs from your wrists. You rubbed the skin where they’d been gripping you and took the vibrator from Max. “Have you ever used one of these before?”
“Huh?” Max asked, furrowing his eyebrows together. He’d initially planned on using it with you. Holding it against your clit while Dave fucked you.
You giggled and held the vibrator to the tip of Max’s cock. The vibrations ran through his body and his eyes snapped shut as the pleasure consumed him. How come he’d never thought of trying this before? It felt so good.
Dave resumed fucking you and now, with your free hands, it meant you could stroke Maxwell’s cock. The combination of the vibrator and your hand was enough to send Maxwell over the edge.
He came, all over your face, his milky white seed spurting out. His load was impressively big and you opened your mouth wide for him, hoping to at least taste some of it.
After that, it was like a chain reaction. Once Max had finished, the feeling of his warm cum dripping down your skin sent you into a frenzy and you came around Dave, your walls clenching around his manhood. The feeling of you gripping him tighter than a vice meant that on Dave’s final thrust, he spilled inside of you, just like he wanted. The heat of Max’s cum on your face and the warmth of Dave’s cum fill you up felt amazing. You laid there, panting and breathless, wondering how you had ever gotten so lucky.
You tossed the vibrator to one side and extended your arms, pulling Max down on top of you and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. “Was that okay?” you asked him, and he nodded his head, unable to hide the grin across his lips.
“Never done anything like that before,” Max admitted bashfully. “But I’d like to do it again.”
Helping Maxwell explore his sexuality like this could be really fun, you thought. You cupped your hands around his cheeks and he nudged his nose against yours. The intimacy between you both was outstanding and you loved every second of it.
“Good,” you smiled. “By the way, that’s Dave. He’s uhm.. I watch his kids.” 
Maxwell looked back over at Dave who was tidying up the little black toybox. “Hi.” Dave mumbled awkwardly.
You shot your employer a glare. “Really Dave? You just fucked the shit out of me in front of Max, and now you’re gonna be all weird with him?”
Maxwell reluctantly pulled away from you, stifling a laugh before putting his clothes back on. 
“You can uh, stay the night. If you like,” Dave offered. “It’s late and I’m sure you don’t wanna wake your kid up.”
Maxwell scratched the back of his head as he contemplated Dave’s comment. He made a good point. “I can take the couch?” Max asked. “I really don’t want to intrude.”
“Don’t be silly,” you smiled, interlocking your fingers with his and pulling him back over to your bed. “You can sleep with me… if you’d like.” 
And boy did Maxwell like the sound of that. “Do you uh-- do you sleep with her? I mean. Besides her?” Max asked Dave.
“He never sleeps next to me,” you replied for him. “Prefers to sleep alone like the cold man he is.”
“Whatever,” Dave sighed. “I’m going to bed. Night.” 
You rolled your eyes and blew Dave a kiss goodnight before turning back to Maxwell and pulling him back down onto the bed. You worked at the buttons of his shirt and pulled the expensive material off his broad shoulders.
“Is he… married?” Maxwell asked you nervously.
“Why? You interested?” you asked, a joking lilt to your voice, but Max just scowled. “No,” you told him. “His wife uh-- went missing a while ago. Before I worked here. She was presumed dead. Sometimes I think Dave killed her.” you scoffed incredulously and Maxwell’s jaw stood agape.
“Are you serious?” he asked and you laughed.
“No, I don’t think so,” you said, swatting his arm playfully. “Dave can be cold, and rough. But behind that mean face he’s actually a good guy. A good father.”
Maxwell nodded knowingly. “Well that’s good then.” he mumbled. It was so easy to compare himself to other dads out there, knowing he’d never be good enough for Alistair.
“Are you okay?” you asked Max, smoothing out his dark blonde hair and kissing his jaw softly.
“Yeah, of course,” Maxwell reassured you, suddenly flashing one of his famous, charming television grins. He picked the bullet vibrator up and twiddled it between his fingers. “What do you think about going for a round two?” he smirked. “Just us. And maybe this time I can use this on you?”
You smiled, roaming your hands along his soft chest. “I like that idea.” you whispered wantonly before attaching your lips to his and pulling him on top of you.
You liked Dave. He knew his way around your body, he knew how to make you feel good and safe. But Maxwell came with feelings. He was attentive and affectionate, things you’d never had in a sexual relationship before. You were excited to see where things went between you two.
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dameronology · 4 years
love in the time of p.t.a meetings {marcus moreno} - 2/5
summary: your kid has taken a liking to marcus moreno - and frankly, so have you {series masterlist}
warnings: swearing, mentions of divorce & very brief mentions of his wife’s death 
i don’t normally update series this quickly but this was originally one imagine that reached about 11k words lmao so it’s all written, just being split up. i’ve also decided it’s gonna be 5 parts instead of 3, cos i reread the ending and realised i was not done by a longshot. enjoy!
- jazz
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Mondays. You hated ‘em.
Everything just seemed so...amplified. The peace and relaxation of the weekend was over and everyone had to go back on the grind. The traffic always seemed worst, the clock seemed to tick backwards and you just wanted to be at home, in bed. After an incident involving the dog, a toaster and a small pan fire, you were already running twenty minutes late and you knew in your soul that your child’s shoes weren’t on the right feet. That, and also he was wearing a Chewbacca onesie to school. It had been a compromise. As in, he was refusing to go to school unless you let him wear the damn thing. It was a compromise. You’d lost. 
On the bright side, the past weekend had been the best you’d had in a long time. Jack had spent all of Saturday afternoon at the Heroics headquarters and he was so worn out, he’d slept through all of Sunday. Marcus Moreno must have a been a fucking wizard, because you’d been trying to tire the kid out for five years. You made a mental note to do something in return, though you sensed there was nothing on God’s green earth that could possibly amount to babysitting the world’s most exhausting child for six hours. You were allowed to say that, because Jack was your world’s most exhausting child and you wouldn’t have changed him for anything. 
‘New week, huh buddy?’ You glanced at Jack in your rear view mirror. He was sat on his booster seat, legs dangling back and forth and a power ranger action figure in his hand. ‘A fresh start.’
‘Can we listen to the song from Cars?’ Jack ignored your comment.
‘You gotta try and behave yourself this week. You’ve seen what happens to people who do follow the rules, right? They get to go work at the Heroics-’
‘- I wanna listen to the song from Cars!’
You wanted to have a deep conversation. Jack wanted to listen to Life Is A Highway. That was...actually, it was exactly how you’d expected that to go. It wasn’t that off of the time you were trying to explain your divorce to him and he’d interrupted you to demand that you put Toy Story on. 
‘Sure thing, kid.’ You rolled your eyes, reaching across to hand him on your phone. ‘D’you know how to spell it-’
Your sentence was cut off by the sound of guitars blaring from the speakers. At least he could work out Spotify.
By some miracle, you managed to make it the school with a few minutes to spare. Because most people had dropped their kids off earlier (see: on time), the lot was pretty empty. That meant you could once again dump your car without regard for the painted white lines -- who had time to park properly on a Monday morning? That was for people who had their shit together.
Leaping out the car, you almost cursed when you tripped over your heels. You didn’t have to wear them, but since you’d started working in a managerial role at your office, you figured it made you look a little more professional. And what was the harm in being a few inches taller? It made you feel powerful.
‘C’mon, J.’ You pulled open the back door, helping Jack leap out the car. 
‘You know, I’m starting to think you can’t park your car at all.’
‘Marcus!’ Jack practically flew out the car, his tiny body suddenly jolting with excitement. 
‘Morning, buddy.’ He replied; he then moved his brown eyes to gaze at you, offering a smile. ‘Hey.’
‘Hey, how you doing?’ You greeted him. ‘I don’t normally see you here in the mornings.’
‘Yeah, I normally drop Missy off at the front but it was one of those mornings, you know? She was taking a little more convincing than usual to go in.’
‘My kid is in a Wookiee onesie and backwards Thomas the Tank Engine shoes and you have the audacity to ask me if I know those mornings? I am those mornings.’ You replied.
Marcus chuckled. ‘I think it’s a look. I especially like the Lightning McQueen sunglasses.’
‘Do you have a super suit?’ Jack asked. ‘Can I try it on?’
‘C’mon, Jack. You’ve already managed to get a tour of the HQ.’ You ruffled his hair. ‘And we gotta get going to school.’
‘But I wanna ask more questions.’ He muttered. ‘I have over a hundred.’
‘Don’t I know it.’ You murmured under your breath. ‘But school is more important.’
‘I don’t wanna go anymore.’
‘I let you wear the onesie. That was our agreement, remember?’
‘All good superheroes have to get an education.’ Marcus reasoned. ‘And if you go in, maybe I can show you my suit at some point?’
'Okay!’ Jack grinned. He wrapped his arms around your waist in a quick hug, before peering up at you with a toothy smile. ‘See ya later!’
He turned on his heel and ripped his backpack from your hand, suddenly speeding up the path and towards school. Had...had that just happened? For once in your life, had you not had to wrench him from the car and wrestle him through the school gates? Move aside, Harry Potter, because Marcus Moreno was the new wizard in town. You might have been a little jealous that he was so good with your son but at the same time, it made you like him even more. He was the first parent at the school that had leant into Jack’s wild tendencies. And, whilst you tried not to think too much about it, even his own dad had struggled to do that. It made your heart warm a little. 
‘You are seriously my favourite person.’ You chimed, leaning back against your car. 
‘Kids with character are way more fun than kids who are well-behaved.’ Marcus replied.
‘I spent forty-five minutes scraping string cheese out the USB port of my computer yesterday, but sure.’ 
He chuckled. ‘No, I’m serious. I don’t encourage Missy to misbehave but she does get herself into some situations. I choose to see it as a testament to her intelligence rather than disobedience.’
‘I refuse to believe for a second that Missy ever misbehaves.’ You shot back back. ‘She seems so well-behaved.’
‘What you see in the parking lot is not a reflection of our whole lives.’ He reminded you.
‘Right, because despite appearances, I’m actually a very put together parent.’ You snorted. ‘But I get what you mean.’
‘I gotta get to work now, but it was good to see you.’ Marcus pulled his car keys out his pocket. ‘I was serious about that suit thing, by the way. He saw my katanas on Saturday.’
‘Katanas?’ You spluttered. ‘My kid managed to start a fire last week out of nothing and you want to give him katanas?!’
‘Maybe I can show you how to use them.’ He flashed you a smile. ‘And then you can pass on the knowledge.’ 
‘That’s probably an even worse idea.’ You shook your head with a laugh, pulling open your car door. ‘I’ll see you around.’
‘You as well. Have a good day, pretty lady.’
Did you stop thinking about your exchange at any point during the day? Absolutely not. In fact, you’d already written an email to the local deed poll office to change your legal name to Pretty Lady. 
No, but in all seriousness, you’d been a little giddy about it. Had he been flirting? That didn’t seem like a long shot. You got on well, you’d hung out a bit over the weekend and not to toot your own horn, but you were by no means bad looking. Tired and a little frazzled, sometimes? Yeah. But anyone would have been lucky to have you and you were doing a better job at recognising that, especially since your divorce. 
You were almost ecstatic when it got to 4PM and you hadn’t received a single call from Jack’s teachers. That meant that he had behaved, and what Marcus had said had worked. Because you worked past his finishing time, he usually went to the after-school club till you could come to collect him - it had been a lifesaver, especially since you couldn’t always leave early. He usually came home with some kind of weird arts and crafts. Last week, it had been an unidentifiable item made of dried macaroni and glitter. He’d placed it pridefully on the old fireplace in your lounge. 
After saying goodbye to your co-workers, you headed out the building. Your office was right in the city centre and not too far out from the school. It was a nice place to be; your lunch hour, when you could head out to a street cart and eat your food in the local park, was usually the highlight of your day. It was when you could exist just as you. When you were at work, you were in charge on your entire department. When you were home, you were a parent 24/7. That time to yourself was vital.
As you were heading to your car, your phone began to ring. Your heart almost jumped out your chest when you saw Marcus’ name - he hadn’t called you before, only texted to sort out the previous weekend’s plans with Jack. You quickly organised yourself (he couldn’t see you, dumb ass) and cleared your throat.
‘Hey, everything alright?’ You brightly greeted him.
‘Hey! Are you out of work now?’
‘Yeah, I’m literally just leaving. What’s up?’
‘Look, I hate to do this but I’ve had an emergency at work - superhero related, you don’t wanna know - and I’m not gonna be out for hours.’ Marcus sounded stressed. Yeah, I feel that you thought. ‘Would you be able to pick up Missy and possibly have her for a few hours? If not, that’s totally-’
‘- I’d be glad too!’ You interrupted him. ‘I owe you one anyways for the weekend. And this morning, actually.’
‘You don’t owe me anything.’ He sounded surprised that you’d even imply it. ‘But I will definitely owe you for having Missy.’
‘Hey, it’s cool!’ You insisted. ‘Do you want me to drop her off at yours later?’
‘I can come and collect her if you text me your address?’
‘Perfect.’ You smiled. ‘I’ll see you later then?’
‘You’re a lifesaver.’ Marcus said. ‘I’ll text Missy to let her know to find your car instead of mine. I would ask for your plate number, but your car is...’
‘...bright red, covered in dents and hard to miss?’ You finished his sentence.
You’d been in the same situation before; pulled between work and parenting, with Jack stuck at school and an important meeting that felt like it was never ending. It was hard to get a sitter on such short notice - or afford one, sometimes - and it was just another one of the million, stressful situations that single parenting could get you into. If you could help Marcus even a little bit, of course you were going to. You knew he’d do the same for you. Heck, he had done the same for you.
Jack and Missy were both chatty on the way home. Given that she was a little older than him, her conversational skills were strikingly better. It was nice to ask someone about their day and not get where are my Cheetos? as an answer. From what you gathered, she hated science class, enjoyed gym, and her favourite subject was lunch. That didn’t come as a surprise to you - her dad was a literal superhero and probably encouraged physical activity.
(You’d seen his arms, okay? They were more than enough to go on. I digress).
The only thing that made you wish you’d had a little more notice on having her for the evening was the state of your apartment. The place wasn’t bad; you’d lived there for the better part of eight years, and it was crammed with soft furniture and millions of blankets, as well as photos of you and Jack and his questionable art projects. It was just that you hadn’t done the dishes that morning, there was a mountain of shoes by the door and the pancakes from the previous night were still stuck on the roof.
Missy barely blinked an eye; the minute she saw your dog, she’d abandoned her bag and was playing with him. 
‘Hey buddy!’ She grinned. ‘What’s he called?’
‘That’s Oppy.’ You replied, hanging your jacket up. She didn’t need to know that it was short for Optimus Prime. No guesses on whose idea that had been. 
‘He’s so cute!’ Missy continued. ‘I’ve been asking dad for a dog for ages but he won’t budge.’
For some reason, that surprised you a little. Marcus might have been the leader of a super-hero team and a public figure, but you could tell he would do anything for his daughter. You knew because it was the same for you with Jack. He might have ruled your whole life but you would have hung the damn stars in the sky for him if he asked 
‘They’re a lot of work.’ You reasoned. ‘I have to wake up every morning at 6AM to make sure he gets a walk. Then there’s the matter of-’
‘- mum! Optimus Prime pooped in the bathroom!’
‘The matter of that.’ You murmured under your breath.
The rest of the evening went pretty smoothly. You fed the kids some leftover takeaway and between the dog and Netflix, they were easily entertained. Jack seemed to take a liking to Missy, which was good because it meant he wanted to sit with her the entire time instead of bouncing off the walls. She had the same patience as her dad, especially when he asked her a million questions about superheroes. It took her twenty minutes to convince him that Batman wasn’t her uncle, and a further fifteen to make him believe that she hadn’t met Captain America. 
Jack had asked you a few times about whether or not he would get siblings. Of course, it would be different to any interactions with Missy because he would have been the oldest, but it did get you thinking. You were finally in a place where you were moving past your former relationship and healing from the wounds. Time wasn’t much of an issue either - you’d had Jack when you were young and barely out of college. You couldn’t possibly imagine having any more kids right now, not when it was just the two of you, but in the future? You’d never rule out meeting somebody new. If anything, you were hopeful. Your first relationship had been your only one, and it had ended badly. You wanted to experience love for what it actually was, and not what you thought it was supposed to be. 
Not long after 7PM, there was a knock on your door. By that point, both Missy and Jack had passed out on the sofa with Star Wars playing quietly in the background. It had been her idea to watch it - she had good taste. Marcus had clearly done a good job.
‘Hey!’ You greeted him as you pulled open the front door. ‘Come in quick, it’s fucking freezing out there.’
‘Thank you.’ Marcus came inside, dusting a few snow flakes out his hair. ‘Seriously, I can’t say it enough-’
‘- it’s fine!’ You shook your head, offering him a smile. ‘Missy’s been great. She’s really chatty and it was nice to have a coherent conversation with someone that isn’t about Paw Patrol. But was everything at the office okay?’
He was quiet for a minute. ‘Yeah. We uh, we lost someone. A hero.’
‘Shit, man. I’m sorry.’ Your voice fell quiet. ‘You wanna come in? You look like you could probably take a moment.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Of course! Missy and Jack are both asleep on the couch anyways.’ You pointed through to the living room. Marcus leant over to have a look, smiling slightly at the sight. 
‘Thank you. I’d appreciate that.’
He took a seat at the kitchen counter. Your old bar stools were a little old and wobbly, but Marcus didn’t seem to notice. If anything, he admired the place. It was cluttered as hell and filled with useless, old items - cook books you didn’t use, random magnets, assorted toys - but it was nice. His house always felt a little cold and clinical. He’d moved a lot over the course of Missy’s life and now that he was retired from the field, he’d sworn to her that their current house was going to be permanent. Whether or not it felt like home was another question entirely. 
‘I would offer you a drink but all I have is..’ you paused, opening the fridge. ‘Nesquik, vodka or apple juice.’
‘You know what? A Nesquik doesn’t sound too bad.’
‘I like your thinking, Moreno.’
After quickly fixing up the two drinks, you slid into the seat beside him and handed him one. You had never in a million years imagined a situation where Marcus Moreno would be in your kitchen drinking chocolate milk, but here we were. It had clearly been a long day for him and you had enough of those to last a lifetime, so you knew how it felt. Coming home after a day that had beat your ass into the ground and having to put on a brave face for your kids was difficult at best. 
‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ You gently asked.
‘Yeah, I’ll be okay - it just always fucks me up a bit.’ Marcus murmured quietly. ‘Hits a little too close to home.’
He wasn’t an idiot. He knew that you knew what had happened to his wife. You knew why he’d retired, and why he and Missy had moved away from their original city six years ago.
‘Sorry, that was too deep-’
‘- it wasn’t!’ You quickly cut him off. ‘I’ve had random women come up to me at pick up time and say they’re sorry to hear about my divorce. People I don’t even know. So really, after that, nothing is too much.’ 
He smiled slightly. ‘They always say they’re sorry but why would you bring up a subject if you have to apologise for it?’
‘Exactly!’ You replied. ‘Especially when I’ve moved on. It’s been a year.’
‘It’s the same with me. Missy and I miss her everyday but we don’t mope about it. We just...we look back with fondness on the good memories we have. You can’t move forward if you’re stuck in the past, no matter how much it sucks.’
‘That’s...that’s wise.’ You blinked in surprise. ‘S’pose that means I should take down the dartboard I have with my ex’s face on.’
‘From what I’ve heard, he seems like he should have more than a dart board.’ Marcus snorted - then he froze. ‘Wait, not that I’ve heard stuff, I mean...I don’t listen-’
‘- Marcus!’ You whacked his arm. ‘It’s fine. One of the other kid’s mums started telling me about the terrible divorce someone was going through but she realised she was gossiping to the one who was going through it.’
‘I don’t know how much of what I’ve been told is true, but it sounds like it was bad.’ His hand hovered over where yours was rested on the counter. 
‘The rumours pretty much get the gist of it.’ You replied. ‘But we were talking about your thing, so I don’t wanna take away from that.’
‘Hey, it’s okay.’ He finally moved his hand, fingers gently curling underneath yours to intertwine them. ‘If even half of the whispers are true, he sounds like an asshole. You and Jack both deserve better than that.’
Whatever people had said, it had sort of covered the gist of it. You’d married too young and had a kid too young - your ex had been a terrible husband and an even worst husband. He’d chastised Jack for being...well, being Jack. He’d stay out late with his friends, spend money on things neither of you needed and tried to make you take the blame for it all. After giving him a few too many chances, you’d finally reached breaking point and kicked him out. Filing for divorce and taking on being a single parent was single-handedly the hardest and bravest thing you’d ever had to do. In a way, you were glad you’d done it when Jack was still so young - he didn’t really understand any of it, even when you’d try to explain it in child friendly terms.
‘I think people judge me for it a little sometimes.’ You confessed. ‘They see me struggling but they know I made the choice to separate from him, like I brought it all on myself.’
‘That’s bullshit.’ Marcus plainly stated. ‘Parenthood isn’t a dependent thing based on whether or not you’re still married to the other parent. It’s unconditional and permanent.’
‘I should tell him that, but I also don’t want him back in our lives.’
‘I know it’s none of my business, but he doesn’t deserve Jack. He’s one of the best and brightest kids I’ve ever met.’
‘Thank you. I’m glad he doesn’t seem like a complete lunatic.’
‘He doesn’t deserve you either.’ Marcus continued. ‘Again, I might be out of place saying this but you are...you’re amazing. I was a wreck when I was suddenly on my own and you’re still holding everything together and working your ass off.’ 
‘You’ve noticed?’ You quirked an eyebrow.
‘Yeah, in passing.’ He admitted. ‘I remember I once saw you carrying three separate science projects at once and then Carol made a passing comment that you were on your own and...I just kinda admired you from afar.’
‘You, Marcus Moreno, admired me?’ You blinked at him in disbelief. ‘I find that hard to believe.’
‘I wish I’d had my shit together half as much as you did when I lost Missy’s mum.’ 
‘But the difference is you didn’t have a choice in your situation. I chose to boot his dad out-’
‘- you gotta stop discrediting yourself.’ He shook his head. ‘And stop blaming yourself. You did what was right for your kid and that is the most admirable thing of all.’
‘You really think so?’
‘I know so.’
The conversation slowly drizzled away, leaving you two to just look at each other. It was hard to tear yourself away from his brown eyes - there was a lot going on behind them. Fear, pain, anguish, admiration. He was one of the most mind-blowingly impressive people you’d ever met; single dad, superhero, electric car owner. He probably didn’t have a mortgage too and that was kinda hot. You were none of those things and yet, here he was, with you, managing to connect on a level that you never had with anyone. Both of your situations were tough, but they’d brought you together. 
Marcus Moreno was pretty fucking fearless (came with the job, you figured), and he wasn’t afraid to make the first move. He slowly inched his head forward and in return, you gravitated towards him. Your lips met halfway in a soft kiss, his hands moving to firmly hold your waist as he pulled you closer.
You almost stumbled out your chair with the movement, but his grip on your hips meant you didn’t slip. Instead, he placed you up on the counter, standing up as he did. It took you a moment to adjust to the position, but with your legs resting on either side of his, you could reach forward and lean on him. You had one hand tangled in his hair and the other on the back of his neck -  you’d surprised yourself with that. It had been months since you’d kissed anyone, but you weren’t as rusty as you thought. 
‘Oh my god, is the superhero gonna be my new dad?!’
Marcus suddenly jumped backwards at the sound of Jack’s voice. He was stood in the doorway, post-nap hair covered by a lopsided Chewbacca hood. His eyes were like dinner plates, even though he was grinning from ear to ear. 
‘Uh...’ you glanced between him and Marcus. ‘We were just...we were...’
‘I had something in my eye.’
‘He had something in his eye.’ You quickly agreed. ‘But now it’s out, so Marcus is gonna go home.’
He knew you didn’t mean it rudely - it was more of a desperation thing. The longer he stayed, the more questions Jack would come out with. Missy could have overheard too and that would have been twice as much to explain. So really, the sooner he got out, the better.
‘Yeah. I’ll uh, I’ll grab Missy.’ Marcus said, scratching the back of his head. ‘Thank you again for looking after her.’
‘You don’t need to keep thanking me.’ You shot back. 
He disappeared into the living room for a moment, reemerging with a sleeping Missy in his arms a moment later. Your eyes met again, and he gave you a soft smile.
‘I’ll call you.’
‘Yeah, sure.’  You nodded. ‘See you, Marcus.’
True to character, the next hour was spent being pelted with questions from your over-curious son. He didn’t shut up once when you were bathing him and he got even louder when you were reading him his best time story. On the bright side, you’d managed to get him to change out of his slightly manky Wookiee onesie and into a clean Buzz Lightyear one. Normally, you would have argued that he couldn’t live in pyjamas, but if it kept him quiet? It was a price you were willing to pay. 
‘Night, kiddo.’ You pressed a kiss to his forehead, switching on his nightlight. ‘Remember our deal, yeah? If I buy you a Happy Meal tomorrow, you won’t mention what you saw to any of your friends?’
‘You said library was bad.’
‘No, it’s bribery.’ You corrected him. ‘And do as I say, not as I do.’
‘Sounds bad, but okay.’ He sleepily murmured. ‘Night.’
‘Night.’ You stood up, flicking out his bedroom lights.
‘Wait, mum!’ Jack suddenly sat up, as though he’d remembered something. ‘You never said no.’
‘No to what, buddy?’
‘When I asked if the superhero was my new dad.’
Well, fuck. 
taglist: @naivara-duneimith @1-2-3-4-5metalfingers @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @lyanna-the-giantsbane @phoenixhalliwell @crazycookiecrumbles​ @bitchin-beskar​ @comphersjost​ {message me to be added!}
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