#and then i started biology and was like 'oh this is fun' but then none of the career options felt right to me
corroded-hellfire · 3 months
Okay this is random but I work at a daycare and this little boy who’s about two years old looks exactly like his dad and their eyes are just so blue and distinctive but he has his mom’s hair and I was just wondering if you could write something like that with Eddie x reader, I just think it would be so cute to see their little mini me ! I love your work so sos much no pressure if you don’t want to of course:) 
Eddie as a father? If only I had some experience writing that 😜 I hope you enjoy your and Eddie’s little mini me!
Words: 900
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“Can you believe it?”
“No. I mean, it’s been two years and no.”
Max and Dustin sit on the floor of your living room, watching your son rummage through the toy box on the other side of the deep brown coffee table until he finds something suitable to play with his babysitters.
Bret settles on his Fisher Price Rescue Hero action figures and tries to collect as many of them in his tiny arms as he can. A few curly strands of hair fall into his eyes which he shakes out of the way as well as he can manage in this position. Satisfied with the haul he’s gathered, he lugs himself out of the toy box and toddles back over to his favorite aunt and uncle. At least that’s what Max and Dustin tell themselves. 
“He’s like their clone,” Max speaks softly as Bret sits down and spreads the toys around his small body to get a better look. “Dad’s hair curls. Mom’s hair color.”
“Dad’s eye color, Mom’s skin tone. Jesus, I’d swear Eddie grew him in a lab if he knew the first thing about science.”
“Technically, Bret is here because of biology,” Max teases as the two-year-old in question hands the redhead a construction worker action figure.
“The one aspect of science Eddie’s willing to experiment with time and time again,” Dustin says. 
“Hmm?” the little boy asks Max, having heard her say his name.
“Huh?” Max asks, looking down at the youngest Munson. “Oh. Um, what game are we playing?”
“We playin’ heroes!” Bret announces, having the firefighting action figure he’s holding fly in an arc over his head. 
“Are they superheroes?” Dustin asks. He lays flat on his stomach to be more on an equal level with the toddler. Action figures of every occupation are spread out in front of him on the plush navy blue carpet. 
“Not all,” Bret says with a shrug, which is the spitting image of one of your usual quirks. 
“Which one do you want to be?” Max asks. 
Bret’s eyes scan the variety of toys laid out around him, his small tongue peeking out from between his lips as he thinks about it. Max can’t help but chuckle at the familiar image in front of her, just on a smaller scale. 
“I don’t know!” Bret pouts, his lower lip jutting out. He slumps down on the carpet, his head coming to rest on his Uncle Dusty’s shoulder. 
“Aw, come on, Mini Munson.” Dustin rolls onto his back and lifts Bret over his head. The two-year-old giggles wildly and starts to kick his feet as if he’s trying to swim away. The laughter is so loud and piercing that none of the three hear the front door opening.
“Careful,” Eddie says as he walks into the room, you trailing just behind him. “He had a few waffles for breakfast, and I don’t want to see them come back up over Uncle Dusty’s face.”
Bret giggles—slightly evilly—as if this would be hilarious.
You set your purse down and slip your shoes off, throwing Max a smile.
“How was the troublemaker?”
“The usual amount of trouble,” she tells you.
“So, nowhere near as much as his father. Got it.” 
Your husband walks towards Dustin, ready to scoop your son up out of his grip, but the little boy squeals and dodges his hands.
“Hey,” Eddie pouts, which only makes Bret giggle. “Bret Michael Munson. Are you trying to escape your old man?”
“Yeah!” he replies cheerfully, making Dustin laugh. 
Eddie softly kicks his best friend’s shoulder with his socked foot. 
Across the room, Max accepts the glass of water you hand her.
“How was your afternoon date?” she asks.
“It was fun. The weather’s really nice and I beat Eddie by three points because he couldn’t hit his ball through the little windmill,” you say with a giggle.
“You’re definitely going to have to be the one to teach Bret to play mini golf,” Max says. 
The two of you look over to your son, where he seems to be the object of a game of keep away between Eddie and Dustin. Bret giggles wildly, his face scrunching up in a way that makes the tip of his nose wiggle.
“It’s so crazy how much he looks like you when he scrunches his face like that,” Max says, shaking her head in amazement. 
Bret must’ve caught his aunt’s words because he looks over at the two of you, a tiny furrow between his brows.
“But Mommy’s a girl!” he protests. 
You blow him a kiss and he’s quickly sucked back into whatever game he’s playing with the guys. 
Once Bret is tuckered out from the roughhousing, he plops down on Dustin’s chest and Eddie makes his way over to you. He catches wind of your and Max’s conversation of how your son looks just like the two of you. When Max slips away to grab her things, Eddie places his hands on your hips from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder. 
“Wanna make another one and see if they look more like you or me?”
Just the thought sends a pleasant tingle down your spine.
“You’re on, Munson. Meet me in our room. Nap time.”
“Bret’s or mine?”
A snort of laughter bursts out of you, causing Eddie to smile and only hold onto you tighter. 
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marvelstoriesepic · 4 months
Learn his way
Pairing: College!Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky is more interested in learning about you than biology
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: none; just fluff and flirty Bucky
author‘s note: I love College!Bucky so much! This was fun :)
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“Barnes!” You sent the guy sitting right beside you - somehow moving closer to you every single one of your sessions - your signature glare, not the first one that day. “Biology!” you scolded, nodding at the textbook lying in front of Bucky and you. His pen had been poked in your side more times than you’d be willing to count.
“Oh come on doll, we’ve been talking about biology since-” He took a quick glance at his phone lying beside him, “25 minutes. We only have another 20 so let’s talk about you.” He leaned back in his chair and put his hand on the back of your seat, clearly done with learning about the evolution of organisms. He locked his eyes on you, a playful smirk on his lips.
You groaned, rolling your eyes at him, as his smirk only grew, the corners of his mouth pulling up in his cheeks.
“We’re not here to talk about me Barnes, I’m trying to help you here.” You don’t know why you were even trying at this point. The textbook was still staring at you, unused for probably the rest of this session.
Bucky's phone, still lingering on the table in front of you, lit up with messages every few minutes, though he didn’t pay it any mind. His gaze set on you, biting his lip.
“You are helping doll,” he sounded strangely sincere and you narrowed your eyes at him. “But I hate that I know more about biology than you by now.”
You snorted to which he lifted a brow, mocking offense. “You should know more about biology than me though. Knowing me won’t help you pass the exam.” You now leaned back as well, folding your arms over your chest and holding his gaze.
Bucky straightened up, not holding back his smirk, amusement gleaming in his eyes beside something else you couldn’t quite place. A softness in his expression that didn’t really make sense to you.
“Tell you what,” he started and replaced his hand on the backrest of your chair, moving it further up. You could feel it touching your back. “For every right question about biology, you give me a fact of yourself.”
You roll your eyes again, breathing out a sigh. “Alright,” you nod reluctantly, “Fine.” You grabbed your textbook and browsed through the pages, trying to decide what to ask him.
He moved both his arms to his chest, crossing them in the front, and turned his body to you completely, his whole attention focused solely on you. He watched you intently searching through the pages, a soft smile on his lips.
You seemed to have found something because you lowered the textbook and looked back at him, a challenging smile forming on your lips.
“Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and cowpea demonstrate an ecological association known as-” You looked at him raising an eyebrow to indicate he was supposed to finish the sentence, grinning sweetly.
He looked at you a few seconds longer before knocking his head back followed by an overly exaggerated groan. “Come on now doll that’s an unfair one,” he exclaimed, the corners of his mouth still twitching upwards, despite his protests.
“You want to know something about me, you gotta earn it Barnes.” You tilted your head, grinning widely back at him.
Bucky stared back at you for a few seconds but broke the eye contact breathing out a laugh. He took in a deep breath, cleared his throat, and faced you again. The smirk was back in an instant.
“Still waiting for an answer,” you sang
“Alright sweetheart, lemme think.” He clenched his jaw, and narrowed his eyes on the wall behind your shoulder, looking deep in thought.
He looked like he genuinely tried to remember what he could have known by now if he’d listened to you instead of poking his pen in your side and drawing a dog on your arm which he still claimed to be a wolf.
“Mutualism!“ he expressed after a while.
Your surprise matched his for a few seconds until his look morphed into a wide grin. Eyes sparkling, the corners of his mouth bringing up his cheeks, crinkles forming at his eyes. “That’s right, isn’t it? See doll, I learned!”
You hummed in contemplation, narrowing your eyes at him. “You cheated!”
He let out a sound of disapproval, his hand moving to his chest to lay over his heart. “You wound me doll, I would never!”
You took a deep breath in. “Alright whatever, that was right.” Looks like he did listen to you.
Bucky moved forward on his seat, one arm extending to lay over the backrest of your chair again. “Time for your part of the deal sweetheart. Tell me something about yourself”
You took a second to think of something insignificant to tell him. “I like pasta.”
He made sure to save that information in the back of his mind, already thinking about what he could do with it. There was this nice, cute pasta place he went to with his family after his sister got her driver's license and they wanted to celebrate. He’d love to take you there too since he doesn’t really get to talk to you outside of these tutor sessions because you always look so busy and stressed and he sure as hell doesn’t wanna worsen it. He was glad about anything you’d give him now that you were basically supposed to focus on him. And now that he had a small glimpse he just wanted more and more.
It continued like that. You asked him questions about biology, important for the exam in a week, and would grant him with a small fact about yourself as regards. He got more eager with every bit you gave him. Even if it was as simple as your favorite color. He knew exactly which sweater he’d wear the next session with you.
You told him about how you preferred cactuses because they didn’t require to get watered every day. You’d just forget. You shared a laugh after that. Bucky again taking notes in his head.
You told him about how you loved to read worn-out and used books because they already told a story themselves. You were a little sheepish after telling him that and he found it endearing. Fondness laced his features. He felt the sudden urge to search his grandparent's bookshelf for a book of your liking to gift to you. His grandparents surely wouldn’t notice but he assumed it’d be a little too early in your relationship - whatever it was - to give you a gift like that.
Spurred on by all the new things he found out about you and the small bond he felt arise, there was a spurt of confidence coming up within him. He reached out to brush the strands of your hair back behind your shoulder that had fallen in front of your face while leaning over the textbook. You looked up at him at the movement, eyes locked on one another.
“Give me another question doll,” he spoke slowly, a little nervous, his voice lower than before. His hand, still in your hair behind your shoulder slowly moved away, back against your chair. His gaze remained locked on yours. “And if I get this one right as well you gotta go out with me. What do you say?”
His gaze was careful, searching your face for a reaction. You couldn’t help the surprise etching on your features, eyebrows lifting. You sat up straight and looked away from him trying to formulate an answer, mouth opening and closing again.
“You don’t have to doll! You could just tell me something about yourself again. Anything really, I’m happy with tha-”
“Bucky!” you cut off his nervous rambling, sensing how tense he became. His arm brushed your back lightly with the way he shifted on his seat. Not wanting to see that troubled look on his face any longer you continued talking again. “I’d like that.”
Eyes growing wide, he let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You smiled back at him.
A new sort of energy surged through him and he rubbed his hands together before steadying himself on the table with one hand and on his chair with the other. He took a deep exaggerated breath and turned to you, feigning a serious expression though his eyes kept sparkling, betraying his act.
You let out a laugh and again searched for something to test him with. However, if you were being honest with yourself, you asked him something you were certain of him already knowing. Based on the sly smirk on his lips and the seconds he took to study you before providing you with an answer - the right one - he noticed. But he didn’t complain. And neither did you.
Guess he would be seeing you outside of your tutor sessions after all.
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fandoms--fluff · 8 months
Can do you Hope Mikaleson x Reader. Where Reader is a half-human and half-werewolf. And they are established relationship and she has a sister but she didn’t tell Hope and Hope sees them and she got really jealous where her eyes glow and growling. Angst and Fluff
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Flufftober, October 14th
Female werewolf reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: none
The whole super squad, including Hope, is at the mystic grill. They're eating lunch, getting away from the school.
"Hey, isn't that your girlfriend, Hope?" Kaleb nods over to a table on the other side of the restaurant.
Everyone looks over to where you're sitting at a table with another girl across from you. You guys are laughing about something she said about her new biology teacher who's a horrible teacher.
"Oh, yeah, that's y/n" Hope nods, swallowing the fry she has in her mouth. Her mood for the rest of the day changes.
Why were you with another girl? And who is she? She's never seen her before. And you have never mentioned her, she knows that for sure.
She knows that you're a werewolf, all your ex-girlfriends, you tell her about everything. At least she thought everything. You guys share a dorm room for gods sake! But why wouldn't you tell her about meeting up with another girl today? Hope thinks. It's now night, the stars and a half-moon shining high in the sky.
Her eyes grow yellow, she starts feeling her fangs growing, until she hears the key jiggling in the door lock.
You walk into the room, locking the door after yourself. "Hey, Hope!" you exclaim, taking your heeled boots and leather jacket off. "Hi," She says, standoffish.
"Everything alright?" You ask her, sitting on the foot of her bed. "Mhm, fine" She looks in any direction but you.
"Are you sure about that? Did something happen with you and the others today?" You ask, worriedly.
"Who were you with?" Hope meets your eyes.
"What?" You ask, confused. "At the grill. I saw you with another girl, you were laughing and, having fun and everything and it looked like as if you were on a date." She plays with one of her rings.
"What?...Oh, Hope, I wasn't on a date. That other girl, she's my little sister. She's two years younger than us" You explain, a soft smile on your face.
"Your sister? You have a sister?" She's shocked at the new piece of information. She has a sheepish look on her face, realizing she's been jealous of your sister. Your younger sister at that.
"You thought I was cheating on you, weren't you?" You chuckle, putting everything together. "maybe..."
"But not anymore. I'm sorry for jumping on you like that" She apologizes.
"There's nothing to be sorry for, baby" You bring her into your arms. She breathes in your lavender perfume. "How about we swt up a campfire?" You whisper.
"Yes!" Hope exclaims, perking up immediately.
You guys sneak into the woods and build a campfire. Secluded your selves from everyone else while an orange glow emits from the fire.
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melloneah · 5 months
How would a female near, mello, and Matt be in your opinion? Would it affect the story?
oh. my. GOD. you have opened the pandoras box rn.
so tbh ive never thought about this before u sent me this ask but god do I have some stuff to say now that I’ve given it a little tinker
obviously this will be deeply rooted in my own belief system and personal experiences bc it’s undeniably connected to gender stereotypes and nature vs nurture
Prepare for a literal essay rn. Proper punctuation and capitalisation n shit.
To start, I wanna mention that my belief is that men and women don’t differ that much in behaviours and personalities inherently or biologically, but they’re raised based on stereotypes and assumptions which forms them into individuals that are either more masculine or feminine (behaviourally, so stereotypically). This is not including the slight biological differences that testosterone vs estrogen might cause, as i do not have much knowledge on the specifics (sorry I hate biology…) and obviously some people can be born with an innate tendency towards stereotypical masculinity or femininity in their personality.
This will require me to make some assumptions regarding how old Matt, Mello and Near were when they joined Wammy’s house. Also, obviously, this analysis will be based on if they were raised as cisgendered females; this is really important to analyse how their personalities could differ based on their experiences.
So let’s assume: they all joined Wammy’s House at a young enough age to have no real recollection of their biological families. This means that their guardians’ parenting styles had no real effect on their personalities (at least no effect on their typically gendered characteristics). This also makes it easier as we have a little bit of insight into what Wammy’s could be like in the context of parenting, while we have none on the biological families. This will still pretty much be a guessing game, but at least the guesses will be somewhat calculated.
Now we could be optimistic and claim that Wammy’s is “above” gender stereotypes and the (often unconscious) differences in raising girls vs boys. As much as I would love to believe this, I feel like the story being set in the early 2000s already negates it. I am a strong believer of the fact that society and your general environment greatly affect you, no matter how hard you try to break free of the mould. There will always be internalised beliefs and tendencies for certain actions caused by your environment that are just beyond your control, and they are often unconscious. Trying to change ones biases is hard work and a long process demanding self awareness and dedication.
Roger and Wammy are old men; as much as I’d love them to be allies💅 that don’t let gender affect their decisions and behaviour towards people, I do think the bias is inherently there to some extent. They wouldn’t decide against a girl being L’s successor simply because she’s a girl - they’re above that - but I do think as girls, Matt, Mello and Near could have a tougher time at the orphanage.
Ok moving on to specifically how/why it could affect their personalities. (god this is getting so long already I am so sorry)
We all know Mello has a super fiery personality and is filled with determination, so this one is the most fun to think about for me!!!
Most importantly, her looks would be very feminine. She’d love fashion, love skirts and dresses, and be stereotypical in that context, but would be VERY PROUD OF IT!!! EXCEPT. Her personality is canonically extremely contrasting to her looks/style. She’d get in so much more trouble at Wammy’s for being loud and bullying others, because it would just be more shocking for the teachers to see a girl act that way rather than a boy. There would be no concessions. No getting out of any smallest bit of trouble just because “boys will be boys”. But this wouldn’t make her timid; it was bound to fuel her anger even more.
It was infuriating to her when people saw a "girl in a leather mini skirt", and on account of that she wasn’t taken seriously in the pursuit of her goals. But when she acted up, all eyes were on her, and the punishment was always dire.
This also brings me to the fact that getting into the mafia was NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE. Nobody took this teenaged girl in stilettos seriously, so she had to improvise. Mello as a girl would have had to be far more ruthless in her journey trying to join the mob. Crueler. Angrier. Scare people by drastic means and desperate measures into finally taking her seriously and seeing her as worthy of respect. I think female Mello would have had much more blood on her hands, and would have been really scary...
I also think Mello would be a radical feminist. She would eventually HATE MEN as a whole, as she’d get objectified SO MUCH in the mafia. She’d just be completely done with their shit, so much so, that she would just channel her anger at an entire gender bc she was just fed. up. (and probably a little traumatised)
Her most hated phrase is “that’s not ladylike”. She values her femininity very much, and hates when people use empty stereotypes to belittle it. She can scream her head off at Near and still be a Lady!
Studies show that autism is only diagnosed at a 4:1 boys to girls ratio, which means that if Near were a girl, she may not have had the access to as many accomodations. She’d still be supported in many ways, but it could be done hesitantly. Her timid behaviour and hobbies could be seen as “feminine”, meaning that if she’d ask for accomodations, the necessity for them could be doubted. (I know Wammy’s probably doesn’t officially diagnose, but Near imo desperately needs accomodations to simply function) (also, this section is very much so an “if” in my mind; it could happen depending on the level of unconscious prejudice in the orphanage, but it’s extremely dependent on the staff).
I don’t think Near being a cis girl would really affect the plot, though. I genuinely believe Near’s character transcends gender a bit, maybe he’s immune to the influence of different methods of parenting? He’s just himself and doesn’t care if people tell him he should “go out and play” or “just be a boy”.
We know the least about Matt’s canon personality, so this will mostly be based on what I believe him to be like. We know that he doesn’t care about much, and he likes games.
I think Matt is the most “boyish” of our Wammy boys, so in my mind, as a girl, she’d be quite the tomboy. Her personality wouldn’t be that much different. She could have been force fed more “girly hobbies” rather than gaming (not sure if he picked up gaming himself, or if someone introduced him to it). If he was in fact introduced by someone to video games, I believe that as a girl, she could have been shown different hobbies that are more traditionally feminine instead. Or maybe just a different game, like the sims? (the sims 1 came out in 2000 so could happen) then she could branch out into different games herself.
IT is also a very masculine interest in people’s eyes, so when she found an interest for it, she may have been slightly discouraged by teachers, but that didn't stop her, and as soon as she started being decent at it, the teachers respected it.
I do feel like as a girl, the one thing that would definitely change in Matt is his attitude. She would simply care more, as she’d spent her childhood fighting wearing skirts, fighting for her hobbies and trying to run from stereotypical femininity.
She wouldn't be particularly furious at the world, more irritated, so she wouldn't chew someone out for telling her to wear a dress for an assembly - she'd just flat out refuse wearing it and ignore anyone who'd try to persuade her.
She didn't understand why everyone is so insistent on a girl having long hair or wearing make up, and it made her feel like she couldn't be herself. She always wanted to feel like a girl, but kept feeling like it was against the rules without looking feminine. She spent a long time feeling out of place, alienated and desperately wanting to be part of a community.
Once she got comfortable with herself, I feel like she'd constantly pick up typically boyish hobbies to piss people off. (But she would genuinely enjoy them too of course!!) (and be entertained by people getting mad at stupid and pointless shit like a girl being into cars)
ok jesus i spent hours on this. it’s 1400 words. i dont know how i managed this. i struggle to write 500 word essays for uni……i am normal about death note i am normal about death note i am normal about death note 🙏 ummmm enjoy? and please let me know what you guys think!!!
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adventuretolkienlover · 8 months
My Atlantis The Lost Empire Review!🗺️🪖💎🏺💣🛞🧭⚓🛟
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I finally got the courage to do it! Yay!
Okay, stimming done! I should note, I don't hold back in my reviews. I see something wrong? I can and WILL say it! Luckily, there's like, nothing wrong with this movie, so you won't hear much of that from me! Lol!🤣 This is first time doing this kinda thing. So I apologize for any errors or incorrect formatting.
Now, without further adu, the review! (Hey that rhymes!) Below the cut cus it's LOOOOOOOOOONG!!!! It's literally the longest post I've made. And there's SPOILERS! So beware!
Okay, I'm not even sure where to start cus this is one INSANE ride of a movie! I mean HOLY COW!!! IF ALL OF DISNEY'S MOVIES WERE THIS GOOD, I'D WATCH
I'm not even kidding. I don't know what I'm doing, so let's just start with the World building.
This movie ROCKS in the world building department. Everything is well rounded out and looks stunning. One of the things that I found most exciting was the fact that they made a WHOLE FRICKEN USEABLE LANGUAGE FOR THIS MOVIE!!!!!! They actually brought in a linguist to make it!!!! That's how committed they were!!! Do you hear about Disney doing this nowadays? NOOOOOOOOOOO!
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It's so detailed and cool looking!!!! If I saw this in love action, I think I'd freak! How can steam powered vessel go below the crush depth?
I DON'T CARE!!! IT'S AWESOME!!! (I especially like that bubble in the front. How fun! I'd definitely be looking out of that thing all the time!) I heard people say that watched the scene with the Leviathan attacking the sub thought it looked so real, that some people who worked on army subs got FLASHBACKS!!! I'm not even kidding! Everything during those scenes felt so real and immersive! You can tell Disney did their home work!
Okay now Atlantis itself!
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It feels like it's own culture. It's feels real. It doesn't feel or look like a lazy combination of two cultures. It's distinct and interesting looking. And the people are very unique in appearance too. With their blue eyes, white hair, and coppery brown skin. It's a beautiful combination. And their clothes are nice as well. Lots of bright colors. Mostly blues, purples, magentas, etc. Very beautiful.❤️
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OH! OH! AND THEIR TECHNOLOGY!!!! Oh my gosh!!! That leviathan and those fish shaped flying machines?!! HECKIN RAD!!!! How are they made?!?? What are they made out of?!??? So many QUESTIONS!!!!!!
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I especially love the use of crystals in the Atlantian technology. I actually studied stuff like that and from what I've found in my research, it was actually entirely possible that ancient civilizations, like Atlantis used Crystals in somes ways of energy. Which is amazing! I don't know if that's where they got inspiration. But I found it intriguing none the less!
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And the Creatures were also cool! They felt almost alien or prehistoric in appearance! It was really cool. Some of the creatures looked like they came straight from Pandora from the movie Avatar! I'm a sucker for fantasy creatures and speculative biology. So I'd love to see If I could figure out everything about the ecosystem of Atlantis! To bad they didn't go into more detail about it, but the movie wasn't about the critters. Still, hats of to the crew for giving them such interesting designs!
Okay, Onto more stuff!
Milo. He's adorkable.
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That's it. He's perfect. I love him.
Okay, lol. Actually I have a lot to say. They gave him SOOOOOOOOO much personality! He's dynamic and easy to read! He's allowed to push his expressions and be exaggerated! He's just so fun to watch! Big thumbs up to his animator(s). And look at those glasses! And that hair! Such a good character design! He's just so fun and loveable looking!❤️
And he's allowed to show a full range of emotions! I know this one sounds weird. But it drive me crazy when a character is only allowed to show one emotion and by completely defined by it. Like being sickingly happy go lucky, or dark and moody. It's like, that's all you're going to do with them? But Milo, goes through the full range of emotions in the movie. He's got excitement from going into the unknown. Sadness and grief from the loss of his grandpa and parents. Righteous anger at Commander Rourke's betrayal and utter disregard for the Atlantian people's lives. He experiences everything and it all feels so relatable. He's just the best. I also love how enthusiastic and kind hearted he is. He has the heart of a hero despite his first impressions. And his cute crush on Kida is the best. He's such a goober. He needs to be considered a Disney Prince. He deserves it more than most.
✨KIDA.✨ Just KIDA.🤩
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Kida is GORGEOUS. 🤩🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ LOOK AT HER DESIGN! IT ROCKS!!!! WHY THE HECK IS SHE NOT AN OFFICIAL DISNEY PRINCESS!?!??!? SHAME ON YOU DISNEY!!!! She has ALL the qualifications!!!!
She's strong! Mentally, emotionally, AND fricken physically!!! She cares deeply about her people and her culture!!!! She is ROYALTY. She is a WARRIOR!!! She is a QUEEN!!! If any of the "forgotten Disney Princesses" deserved the title of official princess, it HER! FORGET RAYA!!! You're telling me that the Disney heroin that taught people to trust their abusers, EVEN AFTER THEY'VE HURT THEM MULTIPLE TIMES and then GUILT TRIPS THEM, deserved the title of Disney Princess more than THIS WOMAN?!??! BULL! ABSOLUTE BULL! (Sorry for the rant. I have to refrain myself for going on a lecture about how Raya never deserved that title. She is my least favorite Disney princess. 😖👎 KIDA ALL THE WAY!!!!😄👍💕)
Oh, and her and Milo are the cutest couple. I heard people were upset because they didn't get a big kiss at the end. NO! They didn't kiss at the end of the movie! They didn't need to! They just FLIPPEN met!!! I wouldn't either! We're they still an adorable couple? HECK YES!!! They cared about each other and learned from each other and UGH! They so CUTE!!!!! And Milo gets to be King Consort of the Kingdom he spent his entire life searching for alongside his Queen who is also the woman he loves! How great an ending is that?! He knows they were both great rulers. You know it.
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Commander Rourke. I hate this man.
I can't even find any good gifs of him. THAT'S HOW MUCH PEOPLE DESPISE HIM! Rourke is the DEVIL! Hidden under the guise of a good old American Army Commander! Which is why he is one of the BEST if not THE BEST Disney villains! He was about to let an entire lost civilization of people die, just because he wanted their LIFE FORCE!!! He definitely deserved to be transformed into a crystal creature then shattered. What a complete MONSTER!!!
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I have to admit, I was actually already spoiled by the twist ending. I already knew about it from multiple sources. But somehow, that didn't matter! I watched it and I still felt connected to Rourke, even though I knew what was coming! It was so good! Rourke was written as the stereotypical brave army commander. Down to the last detail. Making a memorial for the lost crew mates. Being friendly with the main cast. Acting like a true gentleman. This is why he makes such a good villain. Nobody expects someone like him to be in league with the NAZIS of all things! Ultimately, he was an absolutely cruel and insane man, that nobody saw coming. It is probably the BEST twist villain I have EVER seen. Incredible writing. Wow.
Now, I'm not sure If I want to go through every single character. But I loved the all and definitely have thoughts on them, so I'm gonna speed run this.
Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair. MA'AM??? Just what do you think you're doing in a kids movie?!!??
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🤣 Okay, in all seriousness. She was actually a cool character. She was tough as nails, beautiful, confident. To bad she was that jerk Rourke's head lackey. I mean, she sort redeemed herself toward the end. But it was mostly because she was mad at Rourke for betraying her. Not because she cared about the Atlantis or Kida. Soooooooo... I don't know.🤔
Audrey Rocio Ramirez. LOVE HER!!!!
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Her backstory his incredible. Her dad wanted sons. He got two daughters. Audrey and her sister. But you know what? That didn't stop them! He wanted someone to run the garage with him? HE GOT IT! And she's good too! I also love the little detail in her backstory that says her sister is a literal heavy weight boxing champion. You go girl! Show'm what's up! I wish they had given her a name. (I'm gonna give her the name Rosa. That feels right.)
Wilhelmina Bertha Packard. Honestly the most relatable character in the movie.😂 This one gif pretty much sums it up for me.
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Somehow, I feel like me and old Mrs. Packard would get along just fine.🤣
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Vincenzo "Vinny" Santorini. I'm not sure whether he's crazy or just like explosives a whole lot. Lol.
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I actually thought he was Russian the first time I saw him. It wasn't until I found out he was Italian that I realized I made a horrible mistake in identifying his accent. 😂 His almost always neutral expression is helirious. I guess once you've blow up a lot of stuff, nothing phases you. Haha!
Dr. Joshua Strongbear Sweet. *Squeees*
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As someone who has Native American ancestry, (my grandfather is Apache,) I was SO excited to see a someone who is half Native American in this film! I mean, half Black and half Native American?! That's INCREDIBLE! I can safely say I've never seen that type of representation in a film before. And he's also one of my favorite characters.
Gaetan "Mole" Molière. This dude is WEIRD... And of course I love him. Haha!
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"You have disturbed the dirt." - Mole
I was laughing so hard when I first saw this guy come on screen. He's so dramatic! But he's french, so I guess that fits.
Jebidiah Allardyce "Cookie" Farnsworth. He said this.👇
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That's one of the best lines in the film. ☝️😂 But seriously, what can I say? Crazy southern chuckwagon cook with as many unhinged stories as he has pounds of bacon grease. How could I not love him? 😂❤️ One thing I wondered was if this was such a high budget expedition, why couldn't they get like a five star chef instead? NOT THAT I'D WANT THAT BESIDES COOKIE!!! I'd be so mad if they replaced him. I was just curious. But I'm not gonna question it. He's the best and I love him. No five star chef could ever top Cookie.
Kashekim Nedakh i.e The King of Atlantis! WOW.
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LEONARD NIMOY?!!?!?? That was pretty much my reaction when I found out who played Kida's father. Who would have guessed that Spock would end up playing a king from a lost empire?! The crew that worked on this movie said that while he was in the recording both, they were stunned. He put his whole heart into the role. They felt like the king was standing there in the room with them! And I FELT that. He sounded just so real! It actually sounded like I was listening to a real ancient king speaking. He was amazing for the role. I'm floored.
The story was amazing. I got a lot of Jules Vern Journey to The Center of The Earth vibes. It was clearly inspired by it.
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Milo felt very much like the Axel of the story. Despite being much braver then him. The whole thing felt so cinematic and thrilling! Me and my family were either screaming with excitement or laughing super hard the whole way though.
As the for the moral? Well, it's actually kinda hard to pinpoint exactly. But I think that because unlike other movies, it lets the story show the moral instead of the characters telling us directly.
I would say it shows what happens when people value money and power over human life. Which is important in the time we live in. And that people's culture should be respected.
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In all. A very good movie and I highly recommend it. It's a fun, bold, thrilling adventure that you will love.
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✨Thanks for reading my review! Bye!✨
41 notes · View notes
starlitmark · 1 year
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Summary: The universe has a funny way of working; maybe you should let it do what it plans. Pairing: ragdoll kitty!Taeyong x fem!reader x dutch rabbit!Doyoung Tropes: hybrid au, high school au, uni au Genre: fluff, angst Rating: PG Warnings: hybrids, mentions of prejudice, language, anxiety, breakups Part 1 Word Count: 6,409 Note: thank you to @kthpurplesyou @raibebe and @daesukiii​ for beta/ proofreading this!!!
Part 2
Neo Hybridverse Masterlist || Dotae Masterlist
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High School: Spring of Freshman Year
You love this little fair your friend dragged you to. It was in the town neighboring yours, but you can’t be bothered by that. You enjoy the rides and snacking on fair foods (mainly funnel cake). Her mom dropped you off here and told you to call her when you were ready to return to your friend’s home. You were doing your best to keep your slightly younger friend distracted. Throughout the entire night, she had been getting dirty looks, and you knew why: being a fox hybrid, she always got glares from people. It didn’t matter that she was genuinely one of the sweetest people you knew. They immediately assumed that she was shifty because of the pointed ears on her head.
“Hey, what about this?” she enthuses, dragging you in another direction.
“Slow down,” you laugh lightly, “we can stay as late as my curfew.”
She’s far too excited about whatever she sees. Suddenly though, she stops dead in her tracks. The abrupt stop makes you nearly knock her to the ground. Her tail gently bats against your shin; she’s focusing on something. You see a boy around your age when you look where she’s looking. He’s some sort of cat hybrid; his ears are a pale grey, and his tail matches the shade, with the underside white.
You nudge her, hoping to regain her attention. You gently run a finger along her silver ear when nudging her doesn’t work, making it twitch reflexively. She pins her ears down to her hair, showing you her annoyance.
“Why are you staring at that boy? You like him?” you tease.
She makes a gagging noise, “No! That’s my cousin!”
“He’s a… cat hybrid?”
She huffs at you, “Our grandma is a kitty, but grandpa is a fox. His mom is a kitty, and my mom is a fox. Did you not pay attention to your biology class?”
“I haven’t gotten to the genetics unit of the course yet…”
She doesn’t respond and instead drags you toward the kitty hybrid. Your younger friend seems to be fixated on getting to him. She holds onto your hand tightly and weaves through the crowd. Once you’re close enough, she starts tiptoeing to sneak up on him. Not that she really needed to be quiet. It was a loud public setting, after all. She looks back at you with a sly grin before taking a deep breath and barking. The kitty boy jumps a mile high due to the shock, adding a hiss in for good measure.
“What the hell?” he whines, “That was completely unnecessary.”
“No, it wasn’t!” she laughs, “I scared you. It was fun!”
“Whatever, what are you doing here anyway? I’m surprised your mom let you come out here. Ya know, with being a baby still.” he teases.
“I am not a baby!” the fox whines
“You’re still in middle school.” he deadpans.
She ushers you to stand beside her, “I’m not alone! I have my friend with me.”
You finally get a good look at the boy in front of you. He’s gorgeous. He’s not extremely tall, though; that can change still, and he has eyes that suck you in and hold you hostage. He has a smile resting on his lips. It’s pretty. You’ve had a few crushes before, but none of them made your heart beat the way it is when you look at him. You can’t say a single word when you make eye contact with him. Your mouth opens and closes several times, but no words come out.
“Oh! This is my cousin, Taeyong.” she explains, “He’s a year older than you.”
“Do you go to the high school here?” You shake your head, “No, I live a town over. She just dragged me here for the fair.”
“Well, if you ever want someone to hang out with that isn’t her, you know me now.” He pats his sides briefly before pulling a pen out of his pocket.  
“Can I have your hand for a second?” you give him your hand. He writes a phone number on it—the feeling of the pen tickling against the heel of your palm as he writes. “That’s my number. I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to answer all the time. My mom is rather… insistent on phone time limits… but I’ll answer whenever I can.”
He offers you a sweet smile, then rubs his hand against his younger cousin’s hair. She makes an odd noise and pushes his hand away. She quickly moves to fix her hair and the fur of her ears. He chuckles at her, smiling like she’s his younger sister rather than a cousin.
“I’ll see you for dinner tomorrow, dummy,” he affectionately teases.
“You won’t,” she calls after him, “She’s staying over tonight.”
“So I’ll just see both of you!” he calls back, not turning around still.
Taeyong disappears into the crowd, his bushy grey tail swishing as he walks, and you’re left with your younger fox friend. She looks at you to gauge your thoughts. You’re not sure where your thoughts are at the moment. You look down at your palm where his number is written. The blue ink seems to jump out.
“You like him, don’t you?”
“What?! I just met him. What are you talking about?”
“You like him,” she sing-songs, “I should have you text my mom to pick me up, and you can stay here and find Taeyong again. He’s probably hanging around that bunny boy he’s friends with.”
“Do not.” you whine, “Let’s just go back to yours… I wanna charge my phone.”
When you return to your friend’s house, she’s half asleep. She hardly processes what’s happening as she does her nightly routine. You chuckle at her behavior and follow suit, plugging your phone in for good measure. You’re not nearly as exhausted as her, but you don’t know where her sudden exhaustion came from. She flops down on her bed and almost instantly is asleep. Her mom had set up a mattress on the floor beside her bed for you to sleep on.
You lay down on the makeshift bed for a while, not doing anything for a moment. Then your mind starts wandering to what happened earlier in the afternoon. Taeyong seemed to be rather intriguing, not just in physical appearance. Yes, he’s drop-dead gorgeous, but something about his aura also makes you insanely curious about the kitty hybrid. Shifting your weight, you look over at your charging phone. It’s within reach, and you haven’t yet added his number to your phone. Now’s good a time as ever, you suppose. Shimmying your way up the mattress, you reach out for your phone. You’re nearly blinded by the brightness, having adjusted to the room’s darkness. You type the number on your palm into your phone and get a giddy, butterfly feeling when it is saved. Your fox friend was teasing you when she claimed that you like him, but maybe an itty bitty crush is developing. It probably won’t go anywhere, though, he goes to a different school, and you probably won’t see him more than once a month, if that.
You at 10:45pm || Hey! Just letting you know this is y/n :)
Taeyong at 10:46 pm || Hi :D what are you doing awake still?
You at 10:46 pm || Your lovely cousin fell asleep already and I’m just not tired
Taeyong at 10:48pm || So I’m a second choice 😞 || I see how it is 😞
You giggle slightly at his message and quickly quiet yourself when your friend shifts on her bed. You know her hearing is sensitive, but you can never be sure how sensitive it is, especially when sleeping. Sometimes it’s extremely sensitive, and she sleeps like the dead other times. When you’re sure she’s still asleep, you look back at your screen to see another message from Taeyong.
Taeyong at 10:51 pm || I can’t sleep either. Wanna maybe call? We don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable or if my cousin decided to be a light sleeper tonight.
You at 10:52 || I’d really like that actually 😊
It only takes a few more moments before your phone vibrates with an incoming call. You let it ring a few times, feeling how your heartbeat slightly picks up in pace. Finally, you press the accept button and stay quiet. You’re not sure what you’re meant to say.
“I thought you weren’t going to answer for a minute,” you hear Taeyong chuckle.
“I wouldn’t do that,” you respond, “I said I wanted to chat after all.
There’s a short moment of silence. It’s not immensely awkward, but it’s not extremely comfortable. You hear him sigh, and you hum in response. When he doesn’t respond, you speak up louder.
“What’s on your mind?” you question.
“Taeyong,” you respond, “we’ve only known each other for a few hours, but I know something’s off.”
He chuckles. “You and Doyoung would get along. He always knows when something’s wrong.”
There’s another short pause between you. Neither of you says a thing, but you hear something akin to a trill. You chuckle lightly as you reposition to be lying on your side.
“What’s Doyoung like? I think I should at least have an idea considering I’m meeting him tomorrow.”
“You hardly know me, and you’re already trying to get to my best friend,” he teases.
“It’s not like-”
“I know, I know,” he replies, “Doyoung… is a pain in my ass,” he laughs, “Seriously though, he’s an amazing friend. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He’s saved me more than a few times.”
“He seems like a good friend to you,” you say, yawning afterward.
“You already getting tired?” Taeyong teases again.
“A little. I still wanna talk, though.”
“We can keep talking. Fall asleep when you want to,” he offers.
You chat for a few more minutes before your eyelids get heavy. You’re not sure when you stopped responding to Taeyong or when you entirely fell asleep, but you felt happy and comfortable. It just seemed right to talk with him as if you’ve known each other forever.
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“You bitch!” you wake up to your friend yelling in your ear, “You told me you didn’t have a crush on Taeyong!”
“H-huh?” you grumble, half asleep, “What are you talking about?”
“Explain this!” she enthuses, holding your phone up.
You were still on a call with the older kitty hybrid, clocking in at just over 10 hours. You don’t have anything you can say to your silver fox friend. That’s when you hear a noise similar to a purr mixed with a meow. Your younger friend smirks, and you give her a look to beg her not to do anything.
“Good morning, dearest cousin!” she chirps, “Did you sleep well?”
“What the fuck?” he groans.
You huff before snatching your phone from her hand. She makes a bark-like noise and flops down on her bed.
“Good morning, Taeyong,” you sigh, “Sorry I forgot to hang up last night.”
“No, no,” his voice is still laced with sleep, “I fell asleep not long after you. I should’ve hung up before I fell asleep.”
“O-okay, I’ll see you tonight at dinner, right?”
“Yeah, see you tonight.”
You hang up the call and see your younger friend already giving you a knowing look. You roll your eyes at her and flop back on your makeshift bed. You know she wants an explanation, and you simply don’t have one.
You go about your day without addressing the elephant in the room. You enjoy your time with her as you always do. Then dinner rolls around. You’re expecting Taeyong to treat you just like he does his cousin. When he walks through the door with his parents and another boy, you’re confused at first before you notice the greyish-brown rabbit ears on his head. They stand out against his dark hair, but you find it rather cute. You deduce that the other boy must be Doyoung, the rabbit friend Taeyong mentioned to you last night.
Another surprise follows the initial one of meeting Doyoung. Taeyong walks right up to you and stops meer steps from you.
“Can I give you a hug?” he asks.
“Y-yeah, you can,” you offer a shy smile.
Taeyong wraps his arms around you, and when you wrap your arms around him as well, you can hear a soft purr escape his throat. His tail swishes out of happiness, lightly hitting your calf occasionally. When he pulls away, you see a big, bright smile resting on his lips. You immediately feel a smile taking over your lips as well.
“Since when do you have a girlfriend?” you hear someone call.
“Shut up, Doyoung. It’s not like that.”
“You sure? I can smell you, you know.”
Taeyong fully releases you and drags his younger friend into another room. He likely assumes you’re out of earshot, but you’re not. Instead, you hear Taeyong scold his friend and tell him not to say anything about it. He had recently presented, you found out, and he still can’t fully control it at times.
The dinner is relatively uneventful. Between Taeyong’s mom and your friend’s mom bickering as any sister duo would - which is actually rather amusing to you, you and Taeyong share small glances throughout the meal. In turn, Doyoung gives his friend playfully disgusted looks whenever he does so, and your fox hybrid friend continually nudges you to give you a look that you choose not to decipher for the sake of your friendship. After you finish your dinner, you start to clean up your place. Taeyong isn’t far behind you. He hip-checks you lightly and offers you another shy smile.
“You wanna sit outside for a little bit? It’s really nice out, and the lightning bugs are beautiful at this time of night.” Taeyong asked, a little unsure.
“I’d love that,” you smile softly.
Your friend and Doyoung somehow disappeared into thin air when you turned around to see if they would be joining you. Something tells you they’re just watching some show in the living room with the adults, but you don’t bother trying to find them. You find yourself sitting on the back porch with Taeyong in silence for a few moments. It’s, again, a comfortable silence.
“You feel it too, right?” he asks.
When you look over at him, you can’t help but feel the air get stolen from your lungs. Even now, he looks gorgeous in just a plain hoodie and some jeans. The outdoor lighting strung across the porch beams make him look indescribable. He’s the most stunning and comforting person in the world.
“Feel what?” you ask, sliding closer to him on the couch on the porch.
“I don’t know,” he says, “Something between us just seems right.”
“Right meaning?”
“You wanna try dating?” he asks candidly.
“Trying to make sure I don’t get stolen away by your best friend?” you tease, nudging him before placing your head on his shoulder, “I like the idea of that.”
He laces your fingers together, “You still on spring break tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“How about a date then?”
“Who’s gonna drive me to our date?”
“I just started driving, so I can pick you up!”
You sit there for a few moments. It’s all so peaceful; the gentle sound of crickets and cicadas chirping are the only noises you hear. You didn’t think you’d get a boyfriend from the sleepover with your friend, but here you are.
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Spring: Junior Year of High School
“Hey, baby! You still coming over today?” you ask over the phone.
“Yeah, I am,” Taeyong muses, “Jae asked me to drive him and his classmate to his house on the way.”
“Oh?” you ask, “Is it that Basenji he swears he hates?”
“Nosy, nosy,” your boyfriend teases.
“What?” you chuckle, “You know that boy is in love with her.”
“I know, I know,” he laughs back, “It is her, though. I can’t wait to see how it plays out.”
You’re lounging around your house waiting for Taeyong and, by proxy, Doyoung to get here. You’ve been texting back and forth with Doyoung. He’s always been your source of drama since you started dating his best friend. He told you how he swears that Jaehyun will start dating this girl by the end of the year, he even tried to make a bet, but you declined the offer.
You hear a knock at your front door, followed by your mother greeting the two guests. When you come downstairs, you already see the kitty and bunny hybrid standing in the entryway with your mom, sharing a few polite words. Upon noticing you, Taeyong drops his bag on the coat closet bench and slips past your mom and Doyoung to wrap you up in a hug and kiss the crown of your head.
“Sweetheart, I’m heading out for that board meeting. I’ll be back later, okay?” your mother hums.
“Okay, Mom, we’ll be okay here.”
“I know you will,” she smiles at you, and is out the door.
You and the two hybrid boys sit on the rug in your room. There’s a perfectly good small couch and a bed you can sit on, but somehow you all silently agree that the area rug was the most comfortable. You and Doyoung work on your homework for a shared class while Taeyong lets out different annoyed sounds across from you.
“You okay, kitty?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” he sighs.
“You don’t sound okay,” Doyoung points out, putting his pencil down.
“I’m checking my application statuses to universities,” he admits, “There’s only like two that haven’t responded yet, the two I most want to go to. It’s stressful.”
Your heart drops a little bit, hearing what he’s doing. He’s often said he wants to go abroad for his degree. It’s a significant worry in your mind. You scoot toward him, abandoning the history notebook. You place your head against his shoulder, looking at his laptop screen.
“That’s really far away,” you note.
“Which one?” Doyoung asks, looking at his textbook still.
“University of Southern California,” Taeyong responds, “It’s an excellent school for journalism.”
“That- that is really far. So you’re really set on going abroad for university, huh?” Doyoung reiterates with worry in his tone.
Taeyong looks away from his laptop to his friend, then drops his gaze down to you. He can read you both like books. He knows you’re both worried about him. To ease your worries, he leans the top of his laptop down, not entirely shutting it, kisses your head, and gives Doyoung a sympathetic look. Taeyong lets his tail rest against your leg, something he’s been doing that helps comfort you.
“I won’t be gone forever,” he reassures, “It’ll just be four years. If I even get accepted, that is.”
“Four years,” you sigh, “What does that mean for…”
You can’t finish your sentence, a weird heaviness settling in your chest, making it unable to speak anymore. Taeyong wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you against him until you can feel his kitty ear pressed against your head. Doyoung just sighs and shifts in his spot. None of you speak. The weight of the unknown future is suddenly on you, and you don’t know how to take it.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Plus, we don’t know if I’ll get into USC.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true. I don’t want to be a reason you didn’t go, though.” “You wouldn’t be-” he suddenly stops, his nostrils flaring. “Do you have any roses or rose-scented things in the house?” “No… why?”
“What?” “We need to get you home. Now.”
You’ve never heard Taeyong speak to Doyoung in that tone before. Doyoung just honks at him, and for a moment, it seems that Taeyong is about to back down. But, instead, your boyfriend opens his laptop fully again and saves where he left off before grabbing his things and practically dragging Doyoung out of your room. You’re confused, but both hybrids seem to know what’s happening.
“You can be mad at me all you want, but you can’t be here right now,” Taeyong argues.
“I will not be taking orders from some strawberry-scented omega,” Doyoung bites.
Taeyong nearly gives in again but holds his ground.
“He’s presenting,” your boyfriend explains, “and he’s definitely an alpha. I need to get him back to his house before he triggers my heat.”
“What about-”
“I know, my love, we’ll discuss it later. I seriously need to get him home, though. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you smile softly, “Call me when you get home, okay?” “Okay,” he smiles.
He shoves Doyoung out the door while carrying all of their things. You watch as they drive away. Taeyong probably isn’t obeying the speed limit, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
A pit settles in your stomach; even though you know it’ll all work out in the end, it’s scary. You knew walking into this relationship that Taeyong would graduate, go to uni, and do most milestone things before you. But now, with reality catching up to you, it’s terrifying. You’ve already applied to the universities you want to attend. You and Doyoung did it together since you want to go into the same field of study. But hearing how determined your boyfriend of two years was, saying he wants to go abroad for university, makes you feel uneasy. You have older friends who warned you about the curse of relationships slipping through the cracks when university years roll around. Your relationship with Taeyong was stable even in just two years of dating, but the worry still exists in your mind.
Back in your room, you did your work without Doyoung’s (very needed) help. With nothing more to occupy your mind, you’re just pacing around your home with your mind wandering any place it so chooses. It floats everywhere. From what your younger fox friend has been up to. She got into a prodigious high school for music and has been thriving. Jaehyun has grown a lot in the time that you’ve known him. You first met when Taeyong and Doyoung introduced you to him. It was utterly accidental too. They had to pick Jaehyun up from a practice game because his parents were away, and he forgot to arrange a ride home. When you first met, he was barely taller than you. Now, he is quite a bit taller than you. You didn’t think someone could grow so much physically in a year and a half, but Jaehyun seemed to prove you wrong.
Then from there, your mind wanders off to your best friend. Taeyong told you that you would click well the first night you talked with Doyoung; he had been right about that. When you first got the chance to get to know him properly, you became two peas in a pod. Sometimes, that bond would be at Taeyong’s expense. You two tended to gang up on him. Doyoung quickly became your second shoulder to lean on, just the right amount of support and giving you the harsh truth when needed. Taeyong, of course, is your central support system, and you appreciate him for that. When he can’t be, though, Doyoung is the first person you go to. Sometimes, you think that if you hadn’t started dating Taeyong, you would’ve probably dated Doyoung. You don’t dwell on that thought much since you were utterly in love with Taeyong, and you don’t tell either of the boys either.
That’s when your mind lands on your boyfriend again. You didn’t know you could love someone so much until you met him. It seems naïve coming from a seventeen-year-old, but it makes sense to you. You’ve watched classmates cycle through partners as if it’s nothing. That’s something you couldn’t imagine doing, though. The relationship you have with Taeyong is something indescribable. That’s why the prospects of the future scare you so much. Nothing’s set in stone, though.  No matter how strong this bond might be with the potential of being across the world from him. You have hope but also know the reality of the situation. He’ll be studying almost all the time, and there will be a sixteen-hour difference with you ahead of him.
Your mind starts going down the dangerous black hole of ‘what ifs’ about the situation, which ruins your mood. Curling up on the couch, playing with the corner of a throw pillow, you let your mind run. You’ll likely be the only one home for a while. Your mom typically stays at the board meetings for her company pretty late to help extra and clean up. Dad is on another business trip, so he won’t return home.
Suddenly, there’s a knock at your front door. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you look through the peephole in the door to see who it is. It’s Taeyong, a very excited one at that. His tail is flicking back and forth, his already sparkly eyes are sparkling even more, and his fluffy grey ears jut in different directions, constantly listening to everything around him.
You unlock the door and let him in. Before you can even get any words of greeting out, you’re wrapped up in a tight hug. Chuckling lightly, you hug Taeyong back and scratch the base of his kitty ear. He releases a purr and squeezes you impossibly tighter. Then, you process the sound of paper crinkling slightly. Finally, you pull back in his hold slightly.
“What’s that?” you ask with a wide smile.
“I was so excited that I didn’t get to let you know I got home. I opened it and immediately drove over here to tell you! Here, you read it!”
He releases you from the hug and hands you the paper. You unfold the letter, and it’s an official-looking one, and it’s in English. You’re doing well in your English class, but you can only pick out some parts of the letter due to its formality. Despite the struggle, you see the words ‘congratulations’ and ‘accepted’ at the beginning of the letter. Your heart pounds out of your chest when your eyes dart to the upper left corner, and you see the university’s emblem that you saw on the website Taeyong was looking at earlier, and you realize what it is. It’s an acceptance letter from the University of Southern California.
“I did it!” he practically bounces in his place, “I got in!”
“I- I’m so happy for you, kitty,” you smile, still processing it all, “Have you decided to go there, or are you still thinking about Kyunhee University too?”
“I wanted to go to USC the most out of all the places I applied to. I’m pretty set on going there. Why? Is everything okay?”
His eyes soften, and his ears and tail still show how attentive he is to your unsure state. You fold the letter shut like how you have received it. Then, handing it back to him, you nod.
“I’m excited for you. I really am. I’m scared, too, though, honestly. You’ll be so far away, and I’ve heard so many horrible outcomes for long distance from my classmates about breakups during university and-”
“Hey, listen to me,” he requests softly, gently cupping your face, “We still have another two and a half months before I need to move over there. So we’ll talk all the logistics out until then. Deal?”
You nod, “Deal.”
“I love you so much. I always will, even if-” he sighs, “Even if we need to take a break while I’m getting my degree. I’ll always come back to you.”
“I don’t want to do that,” you respond, pulling him into a hug.
He hugs you back and sighs again, “I know, baby. But if that’s healthiest for both of us, we need to think that way. As shitty as that sounds.”
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High School: Summer before Senior Year
It’s mid-July when you find yourself in Taeyong’s home, helping him finish packing. You’re not as affectionate with him today, and you know he notices it. Usually, you’re attached to his hip, but today you’re on the opposite side of his room, packing an entirely different box for him. You seal the box with packing tape and pick it up to carry outside. Just as you’re about to leave the room, you feel Taeyong place a hand on your hip. His touch makes you freeze but don’t turn around to look at him. You don’t have to look at him to know he’s giving you a concerned look. He lets out a sigh before speaking.
“I know this is hard on you,” he admits, “It’s hard on me too. Please don’t take this out on me.”
You jerk out of his hold, “I’m not taking anything out on anyone.”
“Sweetheart,” he sighs, “I don’t want to argue with you right before I leave for university.”
“So don’t,” you state bluntly.
Not giving him a chance to argue, you start walking out of his family home and toward his car to put the box in it. Taeyong isn’t far behind you. You place the box in the trunk and turn to see him with his ears droopy and his tail not swishing happily like it typically is. Instead, he’s giving you a concerned look. It’s the same look he gave you when he first told you about his acceptance letter to USC. You know it’s selfish to want to keep him here in Korea with you, but you want that more than anything. It feels like he’s leaving you here while he’s off to have fun in a foreign country. He claims he’ll return after getting his degree, but four years is a long time to be away from your boyfriend, even with visits during his summer breaks. He puts his box down beside the one you carried in the car. Not ready to face him when your emotions are in such turmoil, you look away from him and try to skirt around him to retrieve another box.
“Look at me,” he requests, holding onto your shoulder gently.
“What do you need, Taeyong? We need to finish packing your car. You leave in the morning.”
“You’re mad at me. I know you are,” he admits, “What can I do to fix whatever’s wrong?”
“It’s not worth it, Taeyong. Let me get another box. You won’t be packed at this rate.”
Again you try to walk away, but he stops you again. This time, he grips your arm tighter than he had just held your shoulder. Finally, you hear him sniffle quietly, and that’s when you feel your heart drop. Not many times during your relationship have you seen Taeyong cry due to being upset.
“This isn’t a per- permanent thing. You know that right?” he tries to hold tears back.
“Taeyong,” you sigh, trying not to cry, “How will we survive this? I’ll be going off to uni next year. Between time difference and both of us in uni-”
You meet his eyes again and burst into tears. Taeyong pulls you to his chest and strokes your hair as you sob. Neither of you says anything for a few minutes. You know he’s crying, too, due to the uneven breathing beneath you. He has his cheek pressed against your head now, holding onto you as if he’ll never get to hold you again. Something isn’t right between you; unfortunately, you think you know what will come.
“C-can you look at me?” he requests quietly.
You pull your head away from his chest and look at his glassy, slightly red eyes. His ears are now pressed against his hair. They would’ve blended into his white hair if the fur of his ears didn’t have the grey bits to it. You’re trying so hard not to burst into tears again, seeing how worried he is despite being just as upset as you are.
“I-” you interrupt yourself with a sniffle, “I know what you’re thinking.”
“What am I thinking, my love?” he asks, worry laced through his tone.
“It’ll be better for us in the long run to take a break.”
“Is that what you feel?” he asks.
He lets go of you entirely and takes a step back. Suddenly the tiny space between you feels a mile wide. You wrap your arms around yourself tightly and look down at the ground, trying to compose yourself. Instead, you find yourself picking at the sides of your fingers to somehow calm yourself. It doesn’t work well.
“Taeyong,” you sigh, “you’re thinking it too. If it’s hard just packing, how will we deal with a sixteen-hour time difference?”
“If that-” he looks away, trying to hold his tears, “If that’s what you want. We’ll take a break.”
“Is that it? We’re just going to drop everything here?” you can’t help but let hurt invade your voice.
“We aren’t dropping anything,” he frowns, “We’re just- we’re putting things on pause until I get home.”
You meet his eyes again and give him a tight-lipped smile. You don’t know what you expected. You told him a break was what needed to happen. Maybe you wanted him to fight for your relationship more, to try to hold on a little tighter. That wasn’t happening, though. You nod at him. An awkward tension fills the space between you.
“I- I guess I’ll be off then,” you sigh.
“Y/n,” he reaches out and squeezes your hand, “I’m not leaving you behind. I’m gonna come back for you, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll- I’ll just let you finish packing up. Keep in touch, okay?”
He nods, and with that, you walk to your car and start on your way home. Only now, you’re a single woman. You think for a while as you drive. Your mind wanders all over the place, and before you realize it, you’re not even going to your home anymore. You had subconsciously started making your way to Doyoung’s home. After weighing your options, you decided to just stay on this route and visit your best friend. There’s no point in bothering him with a call. More likely than not, he’s prepping for your last year of high school.
You pull up to his house and see his older brother about to get in his car. You know Gongmyun enough, but you need more of a relationship to stop and talk, so you opt just to wave at him and continue on your way to the door. His mom is already opening the door before you can climb the porch steps. The brightly smiling bunny hybrid pulls you into a warm hug. It’s nothing new for her to hug you, but she’s never embraced you so tightly.
“I know you needed that,” she comments when she pulls out of the hug, “You don’t need to tell me what’s wrong. I’m sure Doyoung is about to get an earful of that,” she smiles at you.
“Thanks,” you sigh, fighting against the tears welling up again. “I’ll probably stick around for dinner, too, if that’s okay. My parents are working night shifts again, and being home doesn’t feel-”
She smiles softly and squeezes your shoulder, “Enough of that. You’re always welcome here. Now, go rant, scream, cry, whatever you need. He’s up in his room.”
She jerks her head towards the stairs and gives you one last comforting smile. You pass by the wall of family pictures they have on the stairwell. Seeing how much love and comfort resides in these walls is always heartwarming. The only other place you feel more comfortable is Taeyong’s home. Well, it was, at least.
As suspected, Doyoung is hunched over his desk, looking at an essay he needs to write for the advanced literature class he opted to take. His ear twitches towards you, and he looks at your dejected facial expression. Then, without a word, he stands up and wraps his arms around you in a hug. You practically melt into his hold. You didn’t even realize you needed a hug from him until it was already happening. Sobs start to fall from your lips as tears soak his shirt. Still, he hasn’t said a word. Standing there, he lets you cry on him as long as you need. You’re unsure how much time passes, but you eventually feel your sobs slow until they simmer to a sniffle. When you pull back, you notice a rather large wet spot on his shirt from where you had been crying on him.
You wipe your eyes, “Sorry about that.” Your voice comes out rather meek.
He shakes his head at you, “I’ll just change it. What happened that you came crying to me instead of Yongie?”
“Oh… um…”
“Do I need to go beat his ass?” Doyoung asks with a sharper tone.
You shake your head and sit on his bed while he goes to his closet to find another shirt. You’re accustomed to him and Taeyong shamelessly changing their clothes (the upper half) in front of you. Nothing could make you uncomfortable at this point in your friendship. Doyoung’s large beige ears are upright. His head turned so he could listen to whatever you needed to tell him. When you remain quiet, he turns to you with a clean shirt on and gives you a puzzled yet concerned look. Then, he sits beside you and fixates his eyes on you.
“Y/n, tell me what’s going on,” he says softly, “Something’s off right now.”
“We broke up,” you respond in a shaky voice.
“When? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“You would’ve heard it from one of us eventually,” you sigh, “Just now, I drove straight here after it all.”
He doesn’t press any further. He hugs you again. You end up sitting on his bed, semi-cuddling while talking about anything that comes to your mind. You know he’s distracting you from everything, but you don’t plan to stop him soon, either. Even after a delicious dinner, his mom makes for the family (plus you), you end up staying longer and hanging out with him. It’s nice to know that even though breaking up with his best friend earlier in the day, you still have Doyoung to rely on through it all.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted.
Networks: @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @raibebe @jaehunnyy @umbralhelwolf
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rizaposting · 2 months
Tagged by @quiet-nocturne! Thank you!! :] I love to waste time (my ass is NOT working)
are you named after anyone? My middle name, yeah! Named after my maternal grandfather who passed away before I was born. I actually don't know why my parents chose my first name--I think they just liked it
when was the last time you cried? Oh Babygirl like 20 minutes ago. I was thinking of a song that makes me emotional (not even listening to it!!!) and I had to wipe my eyes and sniffle pathetically. I'm such a crybaby it's embarrassing, I angry cry too, which is the WORST
do you have kids? No :[ but I want kids really viscerally it's kind of embarrassing
do you use sarcasm a lot? Yeah, and I'm trying to be better about using tone indicators ngjngjkdjkgnkjd
what sports do you play? Haha. I go for a walk around the neighborhood sometimes. I'd love to get back into swimming casually!
what’s the first thing you notice about people? This is maybe a weird thing to say, but their overall color palette? Like if you squint so you can only see the patterns of colors of their outfit and their skin tone/eye/hair.... Like a goddamn raptor I guess
what’s your eye color? Green. Kind of a light, very yellow-leaning green.
scary movies or happy endings? I like both!!! :] I'm really really into horror but I am also a sap and a lover and a romantic and I like happy endings.
any special talents? HAHA. Well. I used to have a really uncanny memory but my brain has been kind of fucked up lately. Do you want to learn how to do a Gram stain? I can teach you how to do a Gram stain. I'm also really good at pouring agar plates. Are these anything.
where were you born? New England -calls a drinking fountain a "bubbler" to do psychic damage to everyone around me-
what are your hobbies? Drawing and writing! I only started writing for fun in ~2022, but I've been drawing digitally since like... 2007. I also like to listen to hours long video essays on things I may or may not care about.
do you have any pets? I have a corn snake named Fion who is the nastiest corn snake I've ever met in my life and is an escape master like no other. Girl has escaped containment in my car THREE TIMES. I love her but she has cage aggression and only recently came out of a self-imposed 6 month brumation. Girl.
I had thought fleetingly about breeding her but now I know I have to keep her STANK DISPOSITION out of the gene pool.
how tall are you? 5' 3"/160cm. La Creatura height.
favorite subject in school? Biology! Microbiology specifically. My favorite courses in college were: a course called "pathogenic microbes", an independent study I did for virology, and immunology. Immunology was really tough but also really rewarding. None of the classes I took in grad school were informative or rewarding lmfao
dream job? Gremlin locked in a room doing 100 Gram stains a day. Honestly, I loved teaching my introductory microbio lab course!!! The foundations are really hands-on and it's so rewarding seeing the kids have fun and watch things click in their brain.
Either that or like... a woodworker snkfsdjsfdnkdsn I'm honestly so close to giving up on science because the job market is in shambles right now. I worked as a theatre set carpenter in college and I really loved getting to work with my hands, so maybe it's time to return to something like that
tagginnnnnnnnggggg: @phoenixfangs, @milekael, @littlewitchbee and @scienceoftheidiot (if you want, no pressure!!! Also if you see this and want to do it I'm tagging you oooo do it I dare you oooo)
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satancopilotsmytardis · 2 months
""Everyone else sucks!" Magne says cheerfully." I think this sums up how you write the League's attitude pretty well, lol.
Though Toga is so sweet. She finally finds people who accept her quirk and are willing to give her blood as if it doesn't mean anything, as if it doesn't mean the world to Toga (they do know, they know now) and I love that for her.
"Dabi wishes he could take some of the work from his shoulders" They're so sweet. Especially with how much you make sure the reader knows Dabi does take off of Shigaraki's shoulders. Even here, when as a cat he can't work as much, he's helping.
I love Compress. Without Dabi, he's the second in command and he fills that position well. Of course Onigiri is actually first but since we don't count that...
Shigaraki arguing with his cat over said cat's drinking habits is funny as fuck. No wonder Compress thinks Onigiri is some kind of nomu.
The designer sounds fun! The thing about fashion! Yes! Absolutely! Especially since they're UA gym uniforms you'd think they would be fireproof, but no. God, I cannot imagine how expensive quirk adjusted clothes would be, if you think about how expensive even glasses can get (which are rarely covered by insurance). Damn.
It's interesting to see them pick their outfits! Nice!
Oof, being told off like that has to suck for Spinner, but it's something he needs to hear, especially since they're going to work with Stain in the future.
Oh, that's interesting! How Dabi views all of their resolves now that he's calmer than in canon. I like that a lot.
The League interacting with each other without the constant threat of death is so nice to see. I love that for them. They deserve a happy domestic life (of planning and training for terrorism).
I'm really happy that Muscular and Moonfish aren't part of the League here! It shows that they're really Shigaraki's group and he makes more confident decisions. I mentioned more of this in my last comment, but yeah, I like that a lot.
Dabi's trust in Shigaraki has grown so much since the first chapter. Not only Shigaraki, but everyone in the League. He trusts that they won't hurt him, that Tomura especially will keep him safe even while he's a cat and small. Ahhhh, I love this. Well, at least he trusts them not to hurt Onigiri. Dabi is once again seperating himself from the others by making a clear cut between Dabi and Onigiri. He thinks he can only be either one or the other. Oh damn.
The fact that Shigaraki especially tells the League that the Doctor is lying should he tell them to do anything really speaks of how much trust he has in the guy. It's none.
Compress being in physical pain about how Shigaraki washes his fancy clothes is very amusing.
"He can enjoy being human for a little while" if only Dabi knew how incredibly wrong everything starts going in the very next scene.
(I felt like with more scenes, I should add to my last comment and finish my reaction to this chapter! Thanks for giving us this!)
The League is a family!! Shigaraki didn't just give them a job, he gave them a home! It's all about connection baby!!!!
Magne deserves to be loud and supportive and really earning of the title "Big Sis" by treating the rest of them like family! Toga deserves to have people who accept her "evil" quirk as a part of her and not even blink about giving her what she needs to fuel it! And Compress deserves to show off how intelligent he is!
I think we all should spend more time thinking about how everyone being a superhero would affect pop culture and the world. Like Superhero movies? Documentaries now. So do the Sci-fi and Fantasy genres take off more? In a world with people with non-standard human biology, are there more years required to train as a doctor? If there aren't, how many more medical malpractice suits are made? Why does the fashion in the age of superheroes look so similar to that of fashion from well before that time? I can't get into all of these things in my writing, but it's something that SHOULD be considered in the world-building. MHA rests on the idea that all entertainment comes from heroes, heroes are the toys, heroes market products, heroes make clothes, etc. But I would like to mention if that is true, it speaks to an even more stilted and withered version of culture than has been explored in the Canon.
Spinner's having a rough time, but just like Shigaraki having to see his ideas/behaviors were stunting his growth, Spinner is at a point where he needs that too. This guy went from a law-abiding citizen to a villain from watching some videos online of a serial killer. That's not a great pipeline, and it's clear he's kind of using his obsession with Stain to keep from deeply examining the societal and racial injustice that he's been facing his whole life and deciding how he wants to fight back against that. He has strong beliefs, but he'll only be able to see them realized and stand up on his own if he takes the time to figure himself out and not just try to rip-off of someone else's.
Muscular and Moonfish are never part of my League! All my homies hate Muscular and Moonfish! ✊🏼
Thank you for going back for the rest of the chapter and commenting here! I'm so glad that you found so much to enjoy in the missing material! 🖤
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kerostarz · 1 month
love you twice. kim gyuvin
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🍵 _
“and yeah he was really nice overall”
my roommate finally came back and i told her all about my official first encounter with kim gyuvin.
“this is the beginning of your rom-com.. are you kidding me ??” my roommate squeals, i laugh and shrug, “oookay calm down i don’t even have the time to complete half of these essays and research studies in time, you think i’ll have time for romance ?” my friend smiles and winks and i roll my eyes giving up.
⏰ *ringggg* *ringggg* (the next day)
i woke up and quickly got ready. today i had two midterms in biology. how exciting. truthfully with me being sick i wasn’t able to study much as i just felt dead for a whole week, so i decided to wake up early and go revise in the library.
it wasn’t too cold this morning as spring was approaching so i finally chose to wear a t shirt and some baggy blue jeans. i silently scurried out of my dorm as to not disturb my roommate who was still in dreamland.
after 2 hours in the library, it was finally time to take my test and i did not feel prepared at all. 1.5 hours passed by and the bell rang signaling that the test was finally over. it was well past 13:00 pm and i was so hungry. i quickly paced down the hallway but when i got down to the entrance, it was pouring rain outside. great.
for one: i had no umbrella in hand, and for two: it started getting cold and i had no jacket either. at this point my only choice was to run back to my dorm but before i could take a step outside, a hand pulled me inside again. huh ?
“it’s too cold, you’ll catch a cold again” i turned around, my face meeting with none other than kim gyuvin’s face. “oh it’s you!” i exclaimed in surprise.
“here” gyuvin dropped his backpack on the floor and began to take his hoodie off, “you can have my hoodie” and before another word could leave my mouth, he motioned his head left and right and pointed his palm at me, “do not worry! i am wearing a thermal shirt underneath so i have come prepared for the weather AND i brought an umbrella too!” i smiled softly, gently taking his hoodie and thanking him as i put it on. it was warm and had a baggy fit on me.
gyuvin opened the umbrella and we took off under the rain, our bodies compressed under the umbrella as to not get a single drop on us. “what brings you in the biology building by the way?” i asked him, wondering since his major’s building was on the other side of campus. “oh! uuhh.. my friend left his pencil case so i went to drop it off.. yeah!” he smiled. “i see, well we just had an exam and i’m exhausted ugh, i have another one in the afternoon but at least it’s online” i sighed, a sigh of exhaustion. silence and rain fills the conversation for a minute.. “are you hungry? let’s go and grab hot pot” gyuvin suggests and i immediately agree.
“thank you for the meal~” i drop my body against the restaurant’s sofa, my stomach satisfied with the food, “you really didn’t have to pay gyuvin”. he refused to half the bill earlier and ran to the counter to pay. at that point i couldn’t say no so i remained in my seat laughing it off as he turned around smiling and sticking his tongue out.
“sooo.. when are you taking the test” gyuvin asks, we headed out the restaurant and began to mindlessly walk around the streets near campus. “ah, you’re right” i chuckled, “i totally forgot about it haha” i was having so much fun just hanging around with him that it only hit me now that i have yet another test to take. “i should head back to my dorm” i replied looking down at my feet. i felt gyuvin’s gaze laying on mine and i suddenly started getting nervous. but why ?
“it’s 5pm and the cafe should not be busy since it’s a week day.. we could pass by and you can take your exam there, yeah?” i looked up at him, his eyes shining like boba balls, almost as if he was begging me to not leave. “plus it’s nearer here than campus so we’ll save time and-” “let’s go,” i cut him off and smiled, gyuvin smiling back, his eyes forming a crescent moon shape.
“let’s get going then.”
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yanderegrizzsworld · 1 year
Okay but imagine if the reader got transport in the welcome home universe but they're body remain the same (flesh and blood) and if the cast yandere too? Oh, the chaos!
I like to imagine that it would cause a heavy conflict for all them (the puppets) since the reader aren't not like them and they sure don't know how the human body work ( i mean they literally just stuff of cottons and fabric) . But they'll try.
I also had a feeling that this would be the headstart of they're obsession since 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺 was always the first move to disaster.
Take wally here for example! It's canon that he eat with his eyes close, so seeing the reader put the apple into their mouth then 'bite' into it?- ( im assuming they don't know the concept of eating/chewing since they dont have teeth. despite having a edible food in they're world ) wally would 'unententionally' hover around the reader from time to time everytime they try to 'eat' something. he's just curious okay! Can you blame him that your way of food was different/fascinating? W̶h̶i̶c̶h ̶̶i̶̶s ̶a̶ ̶̶ha̶l̶f ̶l̶i̶e ̶i̶f ̶h̶e ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t ̶u̶s̶e ̶t̶h̶i̶s ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e ̶j̶u̶s̶t ̶t̶o ̶b̶e a̶̶r̶̶ou̶n̶d ̶t̶h̶e ̶r̶ea̶̶d̶e̶ ̶b̶u̶t ̶s̶h̶u̶s̶h̶.
We also have this scenario with reader having five fingers/nails. I feel like this would fit more for howdy or Barnaby, cause A your just like howdy, but with many fingers! You could definetly make a big help in his shop o̶r ̶s̶o ̶h̶e ̶sa̶̶y̶s̶ and B you could give barnaby one of the best scratches! Which may or may not lead to you getting dump in the floor with a giant dog laying on top of you
But anyway this is just a thought i would like to share after seeing a post in wh x reader in my feed. ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵃᵗ ᵐʸ ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍ The other remain cast can be on your part if you also would like to share your opinion on this dump!
-𝐣𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
The Reader gets essentially isekaied to the WH world/WH cast gets isekaied to our world are arguably my favorite kind of WH fics (of which is very odd for me cause I usually don't like isekai fics/stories in general)
I definitely agree that none of them have any clue about how our body works, I doubt any of them have a biology book about human anatomy so whenever we mention/talk about bones, muscle tissue or blood vessels they won't understand what on earth we're saying. I can't recall if it's canon that Wally just likes to stare a lot or if it's more of a fanon thing, but if it is true then I can only imagine how y/n feels whenever he's around. Wally is, just like his last name, a darling to be around but those eyes, you'd swear he knows all your regrets & bad life choices & somehow feeling his stare on you but not knowing where exactly he is whether you snack on a jibarito or an apple, you'll just feel this heavy weight on your shoulders & be beyond nervous &/or anxious like-
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With the whole we have an extra finger thing, while I can certainly see it fitting Howdy & Barnaby, assisting Howdy with his shop & giving us amazing hugs because of his extra arms & Barnaby receiving undoubtedly the best scratches he's ever had in his life, like what on earth? Where have you been his whole life? Though I can see this also applying to Julie. Oh how she'd love to paint our nails! Though since none of them have fingernails, the closest ya'll can get is using actual paint, but yeah! A fun bonding activity! & not to mention how she'll talk about how soft/rough what we call "skin" is! Also, I bet you Barnaby would do the whole comparing hands thing & tease our small ours are compared to his large paws that seem like they could engulf your hold face.
Ngl, we I started reading this, my mind went immediately to Frank & his fascination & obsession with us, especially the whole us being human & not made of cotton & fabric. Like imagine him (or anyone else) asking us about literally anything about us & you turn to look at Frank & he's just standing/sitting there with a notebook & pen in hand writing frantically what we said & staring at us waiting to answer someone's question.
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Sally would almost never leave our side & is practically, alongside Julie & Wally, asking the most questions about us. But can you really blame her? You're practically out of this world! Just like her Though I do warn, she'll practically demand your attention, I mean, she is a star after all! Both literally & figuratively.
Poppy, while remaining as polite as ever, would maybe be a bit shy to properly talk to us while also simultaneously worrying for our wellbeing, but don't worry! She made you her her signature muffins as a gift! How sweet of her! & she'll get less shy the more time we spend with her & if you let her, she'll before than happy to knit you something!
I feel like Eddie would hand you letters written by either him or Wally other neighbors as you'd be, naturally confused if you suddenly appeared here with no memory on how you got here or if there's a way to get out, But why would you wish to go back? This neighborhood is practically perfect!. When he first mentioned having delivered mail in other areas before, it'd bring you much joy & hope, a way back home? Yes please! But would quickly realize he has some issues remembering it correctly, but he tries his best!
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tasteofgummies · 1 year
Cool! May I request an aromantic!jotaro getting a hardcore squish on a nonbinary, cool but shy classmate that dreams of being a conservation biologist? Like he wants a queerplatonic relationship with them but doesn’t know how to go about it (this is kujo we’re talking about he struggles with the feels). It doesn’t help that they’re oblivious to his uncharacteristic interest in them (though they think his presence is nice) and he’s trying his best to get to know them without being an ass. How does their relationship come to be?
Fun fact: I had to force myself to sit down and actually write this, because I was so excited about it that I would just start to do stimming, flapping my hands and giggling, which obviously didn't help me write 💀
This happens after the Egypt trip, in which everyone survived and Jotaro went back to school and meet reader
I wanted to get more in depth about the conservation biologist part, but it was already so long:/
I slipped in a bit of autistic!Jotaro because there's no way this dude is neurotypical
Red: Kakyoin
Blue: Jotaro
Aromantic!Jotaro x nb!classmate!reader 🤍
Cw: none, but is long
>Jotaro probably wouldn't realize he's aro, like some people, (it's me, I'm some people) he thinks it just hasn't happened yet, or that he doesn't know anyone good enough
>It's Kakyoin who probably tells him there's such thing as being aromantic, and not everyone experiences romantic attraction. Jotaro is okay with this, he kinda grew up knowing that he was different, so it isn't a shock to realize "oh, something else I don't get"
>He's pretty neutral about it, he never envisioned his happiness being tied to romantic love in the first place
>So he kept his routine, skipping class, getting in fights, hanging out with his new friend, staring at his classmate... Staring at his classmate?
>You were a new student, and pretty much since you set foot in this school, everyone told you to stay away from Jotaro, some were interested in him and didn't want any more rivals, some were looking after you, thinking he may be a bad influence
>He had quite a reputation, even though it was hard to spot him around the school, he didn't left the building, but still, he never entered the classroom
>You also saw him around Noriaki Kakyoin a lot, it was weird because Kakyoin was nice, helped you around when you were lost, and didn't yell at anyone
>So you had three ways to see this situation: first, that Kakyoin was not as good as you thought, that Jotaro was some sort of charity work for Kakyoin, or that Jotaro wasn't as bad as you thought
>I mean, judging someone just for rumors was a bad thing to do, but it's not like you were planning on approaching him anytime soon
>Until you got paired in a biology project (the only class Jotaro ever attended)
>Some envied you, some pitied you
>You had many subjects to chose from, however-
>"Starfishes." Jotaro said, making a little bit too much of eye contact
>"The subject for the project. We're doing starfishes" he left little to no room to protest, and you complied
>Doing the project, you two found out how similar you were in many things
>And Jotaro could be harsh, and not really comprehend social interaction as a whole, but he was fair and comfortable to be around
>You even started hanging out after the project was done!
>"And... So we went to the aquarium." His usually tanned skin was now glowing red, but maintaining a deadpan expression
>"So you're dating them, uh" Noriaki said "Didn't thought you would go for the shy type" he was calmly eating his lunch while Jotaro seemed to get neon red now
>"I don't know what you're talking about, seriously. Besides, it's like I can fall in love or something like that"
>"You can still be interested in sharing other parts of your life with someone"
>"They're just a friend."
>"Do you wanna take me to a café and the aquarium then?~" Kakyoin teased, for a boy that had no friends a couple months before, he sure had gotten confident
>"Not really. It's not the same"
>"Then you have your answer"
>Cue a very flustered JoJo and Kakyoin walking away smiling
>Kakyoin enjoys teasing his friend, but won't intercede and play matchmaker, Jotaro has charmed half of the school, sure he can get you without help, right? Right?
>No, no, he can't
>After (a month) he realized that what he wanted from you was a queerplatonic relationship, he wanted to have different experiences with you, to express his love in a deeper way
>But he got way to nervous to come near you, plus all the loud people disturbing him when he entered school
>To everyone, it was obvious Jotaro felt something for you, he avoided your gaze, got red when you complimented him, you could hear him saying his catchphrase way more often while hiding smiles under his hat, it was embarrassing, maybe even a little pathetic
>And there were you, completely oblivious
>"JoJo, why are you wearing that coat? It's hot outside, and you're all red, just drop the fashion statement and let yourself breathe" you said, confused
>"Y/N is right, spring is starting, maybe you could wear something more season appropriate" Before his friend could reply, he looked at you and politely smiled, "Don't you think the cherry blossoms look beautiful in spring, Y/N? It's like love is in the air"
>"Allergies are in air, that's for sure" you sneezed while Kakyoin laughed at you (affectionately)
>He plans on just accepting that limbo of "my feelings are too strong for a friend, too feeble for a lover"
>This would have continued if you hadn't met the hero of this story
>Jean-Pierre Polnareff!!! (Also known as a nosy friend)
>It was a get together with Pol, Joseph, and Jotaro (more like Joseph coming out the blue with Polnareff)
>And since this was an unexpected visit, you were casually hanging out in Kujo residence too
>When they came in, you offered to leave, but Holly didn't allow you to, she already cooked dinner for you! Please stay 🥺
>With these troublemakers, and no sane person to stop them at the table, the night went full of comments about how different Jotaro was with you
>As obvious as it was, you didn't notice, I mean, you were the same age, and were hanging out, just the two of you at his house, it's understandable that it may cause some confusion
>But in-between bites of Holly's food, Polnareff said "Oh, now I get it, this is the classmate Kakyoin told us about, now I get why Jotaro wants to date them"
>Silence, absolute silence
>Jotaro yelled at Polnareff to shut the fuck up, and left the table
>You went after him, in part because you wanted to help, and also because you have never been more embarrassed
>You found him smoking in the gardens
>"Sorry about that nosy bastard", he took another puff of his cigarette and then spoke "And just so you don't get uncomfortable, I don't want to date you"
>"You don't?" You asked, dissatisfied with the results of the day
>"Don't look at me like that, I do like you. But- I'm not in love with you, I can't feel it that strongly, strong enough to have a normal relationship with you" he looked down
>"Do you want me by your side? As more than a friend?" You inquired, praying this wouldn't end in rejection for you, after all, it was a pretty bold question
>Then it doesn't need to be a normal relationship, JoJo."
>He finally looked you in the eye, and you wrapped your arms around him
>He didn't say anything, but even you could guess what his answer was
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daintyduck99 · 5 months
Never have I ever: Omegaverse, lol. #sorrynotsorry
I’ve never written anything for omegaverse, but if I did: 
The boys still come back as ghosts. Alex still takes it the hardest—as a beta, he had never had to worry about any of the crazy secondary gender stuff. He could always rely on his body to obey his mind (and when his mind’s a chattering mess he just drowns it out with the drums). 
Now he’s non-corporeal—it’s a big fucking change. 
However, there are other changes too. Secondary genders have evolved some since the boys died. Scents are stronger, and everyone smells like weirdly specific things now (Alex doesn’t want to believe this because every scent Luke and Reggie are describing sound like candle names, only when Julie starts agreeing does he even vaguely buy it). And like. Why. How is this making people mate more, was none of the crazy newish baby-making biology enough. 
Actually, Alex kind of wants to go back to the dark room. What the fuck. 
Medicine has also evolved. They make blockers and suppressants that don’t slowly kill you now, and a lot of people—those that can afford them, at least—are on them. Luke and Reggie initially assume that Julie’s a beta because of this, and she doesn’t bother to correct them. 
Alex has another layer of connection in his interactions with Willie, as Willie also relates to everything being so crazy different since he died. It helps to see how Willie takes it in stride despite having been dead longer (and how much worse things were for omegas when he died). 
Things are also more progressive in terms of like, non-traditional A/B/O dynamics, so that’s nice. Alex’s parents could barely withstand him being gay—they sort of had to, what with the church’s relatively new yet solid stance on it in light of secondary genders emerging a few decades before—they probably would’ve kicked him out if he ever brought home anybody who wasn’t also a beta. Anybody like Willie, who’s sort of the best thing that’s ever happened to Alex. 
You know Caleb would also find a way to take advantage of the whole thing. Like, maybe it’s part of his pitch to beta lifers: come hang out with some ghosts who are just like you otherwise (some, like Willie, are actually recent enough to have secondary genders besides beta but Caleb has them on blockers—if he can make food work, why not those—just in case any of the lifers who do come aren’t betas). 
Reggie catches Julie stress-nesting at some point—originally he was looking for his flannel. She’s a little embarrassed at having been caught (especially since the shirt is in there—never mind that she also has stuff from Luke and Alex and Carlos and Ray) but he’s so happy that she can’t be embarrassed for too long. Like, he literally lifts her off of the floor and all he can say is oh my god you’re like me! and your nest is so good, please teach me your ways. 
Luke and Alex catch them napping in there later. Alex totally makes fun of Luke for being all stereotypical alpha heart eyes about them but Luke says he has no room to talk because he’s also infatuated with an omega, which, fair. 
That’s all I have really, it’s basically what if canon also had all of this A/B/O worldbuilding lol
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mischiefmanaged71 · 2 years
The Love Hypothesis (10/22) - Stephen Strange x Reader
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Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.
A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.
Pairing: Stephen Strange X FEM! Reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Series Masterlist
It’s a crazy phenomenon, how fast the night changes. With a single thought, she applied to Columbia. Within a moment, she lost someone most dear. With one fabled lie, Y/N had secured a path into discovery and deception with one Stephen Strange. The thought of it all would’ve sent her into a spiral, but unfortunately, she didn’t have the luxury of thinking about such prospects. It would be too much for her heart to handle. 
With Stephen in Boston, she had a moment to consider the facts of her current predicament. How she was feeling right now about their relationship. All that he hadn’t told her. It was a curious situation she wished hadn’t come to fruition as it had. But then, she wouldn’t had the chance to know him. And the thought alone had her sighing with content. The sound of his voice, the comfort of his embrace. The way, he knew just with a look. 
Looking down at her phone, she clicked the notifications, delighted inside with the message.
Stephen sent an image.
It was a photo of a coffee cup with his name written on it.
Stephen: It’s camomile...
It brought a smile to her face as she stared at the image.
Y/N: So much for dislike.
Stephen: It’s an acquired taste, I suppose.
She smiled, typing back.
Y/N: Evidently. 
How was your flight?
Stephen: It was fine. What are you up to?
Y/N: Just a few tests to run for the week. A TA meeting. 
Stephen is typing...
Stephen: Fun stuff.
Y/N: I know.
She sighed, looking up from her phone with response. Stuffing her phone into her pocket, Y/N sipped from her coffee. Continuing on her walk into the biology building, she was surprised to see Hayden walking past her.
“Oh, Y/N.” he smiled in greeting, 
“Dr. Reyes.” 
“I thought I told you to call me Hayden.”
“Right. Hayden.”
He smiled, looking at the cup in her hand “Coffee? That sounds like a great idea about now.”
“Long day?”
“Long week.” he confirmed with a tired smile. “Boyfriend out of town. huh?” he grinned.
Her eyebrows raised before she nodded, “Oh, um. Yeah.” 
“Are you going to the ball?” he asked.
She blinked, thinking back on the conversation she had with Stephen. “Yeah, I wasn’t planning on it until Dr. Xavier sent me the invite.”
“It’s a pretty exclusive event, you see.” Hayden smiled, watching as her eyebrows perked up. “I’m just kidding, but you should come. It’ll be interesting.”
Y/N recognised a bit of Stephen’s humour in him as she laughed along.
“Well, now I have to go.” she smirked, “Dr. Xavier was also pretty convincing. I think he is forcing me to go, anyway.” 
“Did Stephen talk to you about it?” 
The question stumped Y/N as she paused, “We briefly spoke on it before he left.”
“Great. I suppose you’ll be going together.” he smiled, “I’ll make sure to let you get in a dance or two.”
Her eyebrows perked up in concern, “There’ll be dancing?”
“It’s a ball. Of course there’ll be dancing.” he winked.
Add that to the bottom of her list of concerns.
“Have you been speaking on the phone?”
“Texting when I get the chance.”
Hayden smiled, “Stephen’s always been busy and holed up in his lab. He’s been better since you started dating.”
She wasn’t sure what to respond with except for a pensive look.
“I’m glad he finally scourged the courage to ask you out. He’s been going on about an ‘amazing’ girl for years, but he was concerned about being in the same department... and you know how Stephen is.” he shrugged, “And-I don’t know. I’m glad he finally decided to pull his head out of his ass. You seem good for him.”
Her head would explode. None of this made sense. The Title IX complaint. The bathroom meeting. If Stephen had remembered her, he would have said it. He was famously direct, so why would this be any different. Hayden was obviously speaking of someone else. Some other ‘amazing’ girl in the department who wasn’t her.
And with this new knowledge, Y/N felt her heart fall further down into a rut. She pushed past it, refusing to allow any tears fall from her face. 
“One of these days, we should go on a double date. I’ve been meaning to step back into the game, anyway.” 
She forced a smile, “I’d love that.”
“Stephen would hate it intensely, but that’s only if he knows.” he winked. “I could tell you so many stories about him between the ages ten to twenty-five. He’d be horrified.”
A thought crossed her mind, “Do you know much about his friend, Tom?”
“Stephen mentioned you might be working with Tom next year. Is that true?”
“That’s the plan.” she shrugged.
“Watch your back around him, okay?”
She leaned forward, “What? Why?”
“Stephen too. Especially Stephen’s back.” Hayden’s expression was serious enough that shook Y/N, before it lightened. “Anyway. They knew each other from grad school. But all the good stories about him are from his teenage years. That’s where I come in.” he winked.
“You should probably wait until he’s present to tell me...”
He probably wouldn’t appreciate Hayden telling her all of his past and secrets. They were fake-dating, but Hayden didn’t know that. There was also the fact he was most likely in love with someone else.
“Trust me, I want him present when I tell you about his blonde phase.”
“Blonde?” she squinted at him as he stepped out of the building.
Rushing down the hall toward Dr. Charles Xavier’s office, Y/N felt herself growing more weary with each step. Knocking on the door frantically, she waited for his greeting before entering. 
“Y/N, are you alright?” witnessing the distress on her face.
“Tell me I read this wrong. I can’t speak at the conference.” she rushed.
Dr. Xavier steepled his hands, “You didn’t.”
“I can’t do it.”
He tilted his head, “And why not?”
“I can’t do public speaking.”
“My SBD extract was accepted as a talk. Not a poster. A talk. In front of people.”
“That’s wonderful news.” 
“It's terrible news.” she argued sullenly.
“I have to say, Y/N, out of my students this semester, your research is one of the more promising ones I’ve been able to witness.” the compliment drew a smile on her face.
“Thanks.” she tucked her head.
“I know this isn’t what you prepared for, but it’s a great opportunity. This will give you greater visibility for a post-doctorial position.”
“But its public speaking.” she repeated in a sullen tone, “I can’t.”
“Can’t or won’t?” he challenged.
She sighed, “I’ll freeze up, stumble over my words and make a fool of myself.”
“You won’t make a fool of yourself.” he stated with conviction, “You’re a capable and intelligent young woman. You speak eloquently right here. Channel those skills and you will be okay.”
“I still think this is a mistake. I’m not sure I can do this.”
Dr. Xavier sighed, “Why don’t you prepare a draft and practice during the lab meeting? I’m happy to help you in any way I can.”
She smiled, thanking him before leaving. Standing in front of his office for the next eight minutes sounded like a good idea as she stared at the wall.
“Why are you staring at the wall outside your advisor’s door?”
Y/N turned to Natasha, numbly repeating the story “My abstract got accepted. The SBD one.”
“Congrats!” she smiled, “Why do you look so glum though?”
“It was accepted. As a talk.” she deadpanned.
“Oh.” Natasha grimaced, looking at Sam, “No. You know what, we can work with this.”
Y/N groaned, banging her head against the wall “How? How will I fix this? There’s nothing to be done. It’s going to be an epic disaster.”
“What did Dr. Xavier say?” Sam asked.
“He’s thrilled. Said there’s better opportunities for networking, this way.” 
“That’s a positive.” 
Y/N glared at Natasha, sliding down the wall with a groan.
“The conference is in less than two weeks and I am not prepared enough. Speaking of, we need to book a hotel-or an Airbnb.”
Natasha grimaced, and looked at Sam.
“About that...” he trailed off, “We already have.”
“You already booked.” she looked up.
“The conference hotel.”
“Alright, what do I owe you?”
“The thing is. Steve’s hotel was paid for because of that fellowship he is on. Natasha is staying with him and then Jess, Cole and Hikaru offered for me to stay with them.”
Her mouth gaped, looking between them “Seriously?”
“It’ll save us a lot of money and it’ll be the first trip I have with Steve.”
“That’s great. I just thought we’d go together.”
“I know, I’m sorry. But Steve pointed out you know...” she continued, “I mean why would spend money on a room when you could room with Strange?”
“Because...” a vessel burst in her brain.
“I’ll miss you, but we’ll only be apart when we sleep.”
“Right.” she nodded, “Course.”
“Awesome. We can get meals together and hang out during poster sessions.”
“Course. Look forward to it.”
Y/N tiredly stared at him, exasperated with the current circumstances. “Nothing?”
“Alright, I gotta jet.”
Sam crouched down, "I didn’t come up with the plan. That was Nat. I couldn’t exactly do anything with her spit-balling ideas. She can be scary sometimes.” 
“Right. Next time I’ll just tell her you can’t stay with Strange because you’re fake dating. Although now that you’re in love with him, this could be good-”
“Alright, stop there. Before you say something you’ll regret.” she warned, raising her eyebrows.
“I’m sorry, I tried to convince her but then it slipped my mind and we ended up here.”
“It’s fine, I’m going to have to find someplace to stay.”
“I’ll help you look online tonight.” he told her.
“Thanks, but don’t worry. I’ll manage.” 
Probably, since the conference was in a few weeks. Everything was probably booked up already. She sighed and tiredly rubbed a hand through her hair.
“You’re not mad, are you?”
She closed her eyes, “No, I’m not mad. It’s just inconvenient.” 
With a heavy weight on her shoulders, Y/N shut her eyes and the thoughts of how she came to be here flooded her mind.
@goldencherriess @severuined @thewinterpoet2 @pasta-warlord @typical-bistander @judig92 @captainbarness @gaitwae​ @sleutherclaw @angstsfordays @mavsketch @mando-is-the-way @samisubi @liar-liar13 @evelynrosestuff @stanny-uwu @colorfuly-blog04 @frostandflamesfanfic @katsuphobic @fiadh-bell @awmysherl @sourgrapes-aa @orighami @apple-and-berry @blue-aconite @kaykay0315 @hunterofshadows04 @ohchoices @empty-canvas @99queenrory99 @savage-rhi @shutupwylow @singhfae
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spamkimbap · 8 months
Do you have any niche interests that you haven’t really talked about online?
Oh this is a great question, I have to think about what counts as niche LOL, most of these probably aren't that niche but I'm not sure what else to call them
I definitely have a LOT of interests I don't post too much about, and some of which I haven't fulfilled IRL yet (like I don't have the means to pursue it as a hobby)
Not really "niche" I don't think and I do post about them (not super in depth though) in the sciences include but are not limited to:
Zoology (this is what I'm going to go to college for once I legally change my name)
Biology in general
General environmental sciences
And probably others I am forgetting
Some hobby based interests of mine include the following (I'll put a note next to the ones I can't actually fulfill as of rn):
Tea drinking/brewing/etc. (probably the biggest one I have) (I fulfill this)
Bookbinding (I can't fulfill this yet)
Painting (not very niche) (I fulfill this but I do not feel comfortable sharing any paintings at the moment lol)
Calligraphy/penmanship (not currently fulfilling this)
Reading (not niche at all but generally I don't post about any of the books I read)
Movies? Not inherently niche but I don't post about this and I'm into watching movies like old films, indie films, and cult classics
Macrophotography (not fulfilling this because I don't have the equipment but I do take pictures of bugs with the macrophotography feature on our old family video camera even if they're not great)
Writing and poetry (not niche but I don't post about this at all, I really want to write starting books and currently write poetry)
Theater/acting (not niche but I don't post about this) (also can't fulfill it)
Tarot/divination (I don't truly believe in it but it's just fun)
Okay I don't feel like reorganizing my list above but going from above here are more things I'm into that can't currently fulfill or just haven't fulfilled yet:
Fishing (I've done this like three times)
Things like chess, mahjong, go, shogi, koi-koi and other hanafuda games (I don't know how to play chess which embarrasses me greatly)
Sewing in general
Quilting (I've made one quilt!)
Bug keeping (I want roly polies and snails and some others)
Vulture culture (not very legal...)
Foraging (I have an uncle very into this that I need to help me get into this)
Biking (been getting into this a bit recently)
Some miscellaneous interests of mine that I'm not sure how to categorize include the following (some of these might be sciences but I feel like they're not as science-y as the ones I listed before)"
Mythology (this...counts as antropology but shh)
Conlangs (counts as linguistics? sort of?)
Language learning (semi-fluent in Spanish, currently learning: Irish, Welsh, (Scottish Gaelic), Scots, Lushootseed, Japanese, Chinese, I want to learn some other languages as well though)
Sunscreen/sunblock/UV protection (I have no idea what to call this but it's a big interest of mine)
Hedgehogs (big special interest of mine throughout my life)
I collect old books (none of them are all that old and I don't seek out any old titles, but if I see an old book I'll usually buy it, although I've had to put a hold on this because I don't have space) (oldest book I have is very late 1800s)
I have no idea how to phrase this but I love learning about the cultures of different countries as well as the differences in variations of English, I guess this is anthropology and linguistics
Lost media
History in general (this falls into archaeology and anthropology)
Dogs? I'm very into stuff about dogs, not like breeding or dog shows but just different stuff about the breeds or stuff about dogs
Animation (I'm into its history and animated features)
Dragons. As a child I was so autistic about them that I refused to read any book without dragons AND they had to be neutral to good dragons (ties into mythology)
Fairies/fae (ties into mythology)
Plushie collecting (I don't seek out specific plushes or try to fill certain spots in a collection, I just like collecting whatever I like)
There's probably more I'm forgetting
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ask-pt-au-kny · 11 months
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
↷✦; w e l c o m e ❞
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✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ──✧
☆彡彡 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ミミ☆
now that that's out of the way–
Hello there! This blog is an ask blog for the PT!AU for KNY/Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba by @trix-with-wifi-access and @peanut-with-wifi-access.
This AU was developed over the course of approximately a year or two of KNY roleplays, originally beginning with simple headcanons before spiralling completely out of control.
This AU's lore is deep and complicated, as much care was put into it. It's not a complete fix-it, more of "somebody lives" than anything.
The AU also contains several non-canon relationships, mostly between canon characters, with the occasional well developed OC.
Yes, there's OCs. Don't worry, none of them are main characters. They're more of support characters, accessories to the canon characters.
Anyway, as this is an AU, it will not be canon compliant in any fashion. From personalities to lore to biology, it's gone off the deep end of fanon.
If this doesn't sound like the blog for you, feel free to block and love on! Nobody here cares. It's run by two idiots with too much freetime.
If you decide to engage with this blog, great! Below you will find a list of the characters you can interact with. The AU will follow the canonical timeline, starting with Episode 1 Cruelty.
Oh! And, any images will either be made through the use of lineart bases or the Gacha Club app, due to the mods inability to draw. Just a quick notice, don't mind it.
☆彡彡 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 ミミ☆
Kamado Tanjirou
Kamado Nezuko
Agatsuma Zenitsu
Hashibira Inosuke
Shinazugawa Genya
Kocho Kanao
Rengoku Senjurou
Himejima Gyomei
Shinazugawa Sanemi
Tokito Muichirou
Kocho Shinobu
Rengoku Kyojurou
Iguro Obanai
Kanroji Mitsuri
Uzui Tengen
Tomioka Giyuu
Kiyo, Naho, Sumi
Kanzaki Aoi
Kibutsuji "Muzan"
The Spider Family
any other demon you can think of idfc
Uzui Hinatsuru
Uzui Suma
Uzui Makio
Kibutsuji Rei
Kibutsuji Suzuran
anyone I forgot who u want 2 ask
literally any pre-canon dead character idfc
Suika (watermelon demon that shinobu captured, put in her basement, and runs experiments on. suika likes this. she/it)
Taiyō (demon obsessed with the sun, constantly throws herself into sunlight then scrambles into the shade to try and force an immunity. she's lower moon 6. she/her)
Azure (...I'm gonna leave that story for the asks to uncover :) she/they/it)
Chiryō (a lil cat boy demon who can summon cats that heal you. he/they)
Shizuku (the devil. a candy themed demon who's demon art makes humans cannibalistic. he/ma'am, he/him with fem terms)
Tenshi (an angel, a sweetheart, innocent little demon. angel themed demon who's demon art makes others feel their current emotion)
Itami (hey wanna relive your trauma? well that's this shit's demon art. makes you hallucinate reliving your trauma. he/him)
Kocho Enjo (some kid shinobu picked up off the street. they like to collect weird demon body parts, like wings and horns. any pronouns)
Nakama (a therapeutic demon who's demon art makes it so the more you talk to her, the more any existing wounds on your body heal. she/her)
Nyako (*turns you into a cat cutely**runs away* she/her)
Kibutsuji Fuji (the ghost by the wisteria tree. she/her)
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ⌨ ✰ [ꨄ𝚖𝚘𝚍🍀] ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ꒱ | ೃ࿔₊•
☆彡彡 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ミミ☆
Hello Tumblr👋! I hope you in joy this AU we have made and have fun watching the chaos
(my main)
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my speaking color is blue
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☆彡彡 𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 ミミ☆
𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ cis boy
𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ he/him
𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ aro gay
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
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☆彡彡 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ミミ☆
Hey, Peanut here! I'm the main person who will running this blog, as Trix is pretty new to Tumblr and isn't fully functional on how it works. My accounts are as follows
(my main)
(an acc for this au's ccm)
My tags are
My speaking color is purple
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☆彡彡 𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 ミミ☆
𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 ˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕
𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢/𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖
𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚛𝚘. 𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕
important tags are
❦ꨄtimepoint update🍀🥜
❦ꨄlore update🍀🥜
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artinandwritin · 1 year
A little writing practise I did yesterday at 11 pm. I wasn't really sure how to put the idea of texting each other down in a way it still feels natural, but doesn't slow down the plot. I kinda think I did a good job for once :)
This is for GusSiri's modern au during the time period where Siri is about a month away from finishing high school and Gustav is just,,, fucking around in college doing who knows what haha. Have fun!
S: I got full marks on my biology test. Mrs. Haddock gave me a sticker because she thinks I worked so hard.
S: Did you know red carnations symbolize affection?
S: I found it online.
S: I thought you would like it, you told me once you like carnations.
S: Can I send you some? I don't know if they'll come through okay with the post, but I'm willing to try!
Siri took a deep breath and put her phone away - this was no use. She had scrolled through her past messages with Gustav Larson for what seemed like hours, and none of them had been answered.
Not a single one.
She didn't know what had happened between the two of them. One moment, he was texting her what felt like every other minute, sending her pictures of his homework, his dog Fanghook, or things in stores he wished he could buy but didn't have the money for - the next moment, nothing. Only unread messages.
Of course, he must be busy, Siri knew he probably was. He was in college, following classes to get a degree in teaching. He was probably making new friends, going out with them, getting drinks and probably not needing her anymore.
After all, she was still in high school, all alone. She had her friend Adelaide Jorgenson, sure, but all her other friends had already left to pursue a carreer. And now, even Gustav had forgotten about her.
She grabbed her phone again, her fingers trembling as she tried again.
S: How's Fanghook? He must be so lonely, now that you're studying so much.
S: To be honest… I feel lonely too.
S: I miss you.
S: Gustav, I miss you. Can you please text me back?
S: It's okay if you can't.
S: I'm sorry if I've done something wrong.
S: Or said.
S: Just please text me back.
Siri's eyes widened as the two marks in the corner of her message turned blue; she leaned back against her pillows as Gustav started typing.
G: Im so sorry! Roommate hid my phone for a joke, couldn't find it for days.
Her heart jumped.
S: It's okay, I was just worried.
G: Can I make it up to you?
S: No, you don't have to, it wasn't your fault.
G: Yeah no, if you miss me I definitely gotta make it up to you. Of course, everyone must miss me so much, I was so legendary in high school.
Siri chuckled, slowly calming down as she typed a response. Oh, how she had missed his little remarks.
S: They don't talk about you anymore :'). But… I do miss you. Quite a lot.
G: Wanna go get ice cream or something when you get outta class tomorrow? I've borrowed this sick scooter from a friend, I'll come pick you up.
Oh. A strange whirl went through Siri's stomach; her heart felt really light.
S: That sounds a bit like a date, Gustav. Isn't that girl you had eyes for gonna be jealous?
G: Nope, turns out she already had a boyfriend. So there is no-one to worry about.
Relieve washed over her; her shoulders relaxed at his message. However, her racing heart kept beating, and her hands suddenly typed on their own.
S: Do you want this to be a date?
G: Um.
G: Maybe a little. Not gonna lie, you're cute. And you've always been nice to me even tho I'm sometimes kinda an idiot ;).
Butterflies, that's what they were. They were twirling in Siri's belly as her gaze was glued to her phone screen. Her hands trembled at every word they texted to each other.
S: I kinda want this to be a date too.
G: You do?
S: Yeah. I think so.
G: So I guess we've got a date ;))). Anywhere you wanna go?
S: The movies? They're showing Titanic again.
G: Sounds good to me. I'm gonna hog the popcorn, be prepared >:). And!! Pleasepleaseplease put on a thin dress or something. I wanna offer you my sweater.
Siri couldn't help but laugh softly, casting a quick glance to her wardrobe. A sundress may be best suited for his little request and oh, how she adored the detail.
S: I will! Can we make dinner at your dorm after the movie?
G: Yep, I'll just bully my roommate out. And afterwards I'll take you home nice and save.
S: I'll see you tomorrow, can't wait :).
G: See ya, can't wait either.
G: And Seer.
G: I miss you too <3.
A smile overtook Siri; there was nothing that could describe that special feeling she felt when he said that.
S: <3.
She closed her phone, putting it down beside her. Her heart racing, she slid further down onto her bed as she started up at the ceiling. Oh, this would be perfect.
This would be absolutely perfect.
@rosiethedragongeek for the tags!! Just a lil smt for funsies <3
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