#and then sometimes rereading… and seeing Memes
pareidolla · 26 days
hi!! holds up hand. in a more ideal situation (interpret that how you wish, maybe liike in the leaving together ending?) who do you think would broken have the healthiest relationsip with? both other voices and vessels.
oh, what a fun little question! upon reread i realize you might've meant a romantic relationship but i wrote this with mostly friendships in mind. however, i literally adore every broken pairing so i suppose this could still be read either way ♡
might be a little unexpected, but i imagine for 1-on-1 settings that broken would be hanging out with cheated most of time. ironically, where broken's bitterness tends to be ignored, cheated is way more friendly than people give him credit for.
broken frequently laments he's never been listened to, but cheated actually does listen to him! when you choose to surrender in the arms race, the other voices are against it, but cheated says it's worth a shot, and he's never harsh when speaking to him like the others. out of everyone he'd probably understand why broken has completely given up, and that he has good intentions despite. i can only think he'd be upset if forced into the apotheosis route (blacktabbygames on my hands and knees, please please please-), but most of his rage would be directed at the princess for rigging the game than anything the voices did.
i imagine cheated probably gently urges them to hang out together if broken's up for it. they'd do little activites like cleaning the church together, board games, sitting quietly as the rain falls, going out on a little rowboat on the lake to do some fishing and accepting their bad luck when it inevitably capsizes. divorced dad energy as i've seen someone say.
oh! as a bonus, for my own voices, chichi always huddles broken into his coat or offers it whenever it gets crowded since he knows broken doesn't do well with being looked at + broken reminds him of his family (flinching) :3c
hmm, as for the other voices, i think broken would have a nicest friendship with smitten and paranoid but they'd tend to clash more. which isn't a bad thing! smitten would definitely go overboard trying to cheer broken up and make him feel a little uneasy, while broken would undoubtedly assert that they are not destined lovers on equal footing with the princess, but i think they would still enjoy each other's company despite their differences. guys hated for their swag (unapologetically killing tlq).
paranoid meanwhile i think of as an exasperated mother hen. he wouldn't be overtly friendly like smitten or cheated but the first to check him over for any harm. have you eaten today? did you shower? you're making gloomy expression again, what are you thinking about? we need to go shopping later, your clothes are all ragged- and other clucking. the two are always pushing and pulling against eachother but i think of para as his closest friend because of it. tough love, baby!
as for the vessels⸻
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(they make so violent. congratulations brokewild for inventing heterophobia 🎉)
i sometimes see posts where opportunist is jealous of witch/thorn and i think we should give tower the same treatment. her weird ass should stay grumbling by her temple's window as she watches broken and his friend clumsily dance in the garden. literally the virgin vs chad meme with these two.
i like to think in an au where they're seperate from shifting quiet that beast-wild would struggle with her personhood, and perhaps try seeking forgiveness from a deity since she can't forgive herself. she meets broken and they become sad little kindred spirits found whispering excitedly in the backpew.
and last but not least damsel! dambroken are quite similar characters in the sense they're both highly subservient to their lovers to the point of figuratively becoming nothing, so i always think of their interactions as the "and so, they were both bottoms" meme.
i actually think they'd actually clash a bit upon meeting. damsel's heart would break seeing her husband in such a sad state (in her mind everyone is just collectively married), and broken would probably be a little offput by how submissive she is despite being a princess. he'd get flustered if she tried to help him cook or clean and send her away, and outside the door you can see her mind kicking into overdrive trying to figure out how she's expected to make him happy if she can't do anything.
and maybe finally they'd have a quiet bonding moment where they sit and talk about their time in the construct. killing your lover and allowing your lover kill you seriously would have messed them up, and sharing pain with another lessens it. atleast a little.
tl;dr i love them your honor
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hyenafu · 2 months
I just want to let you know that SD is one comic I love beyond reason, especially going back to reread from the beginning. It's like a time capsule of the memes/ anime/le troll we had everywhere in the early 00s. I love seeing the smaller hints and the bigger "Oh yeah!" moments. Can you believe it's been almost 20 years? I feel like I grew up next to this comic.
Thank you so much! When I started making Slightly Damned as a teenager, I had no idea I would keep making it well into adulthood. I just fell in love with making it that hard, I guess.
I’m very happy to know that you enjoy the comic enough to stick around for so long, and that you like rereading the archive, too!
I was just talking to a friend the other day about how I value the time capsule element of such an old archive— yeah, the art is very old, and some of the jokes and vocabulary are very outdated, but I was always doing the best I could. If I went back to change things, it would mess with that authenticity.
I also made an effort to make sure the archive was rewarding to reread, so I’m glad that hard work has paid off for readers like yourself! My own favorite stories are the ones that are fun to revisit.
20 years… yeah, sometimes I feel a bit of existential dread about it, but at the end of the day, I feel creatively fulfilled. I love my webcomic and I’m happy you do, too 💕 it is also wild to think about how many people grew up alongside it, myself and yourself included. The world, and the internet, has changed so much!
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whorbidmore · 4 months
OMGGG IM SO SORRY (first anon here) I LITERALLLYYY saved ur post last month n was like "im gonna send u another anon :)" (i forgorted)
ANYWAYS HI HOW R U idk what to say my brain is dead rn i am literally just thinking about leon instead of sleeping 😔
- gonna tag myself for the future with 🐕
AAAA omg hiiii :3!!!
i am actually so fucking late to this and literally every single ask that's been sent cus i have been going through it the last couple months (not in relation to mental health but like def not helping yk?)
but actually ive been sitting on this ask since you sent it fully giggling and kicking my feet cus hehe :3 i got asks :3 and yes ofc you will gladly dub you as my puppy anon <3 🐕
and actually that kinda got me thinking just now how leon is ABSOLUTELY the lover that always has you on their mind. he's going to get himself food at the grocery store? he has to fight himself not to get something he thinks you'd like.
he always loses, but could you blame him! how could he refuse himself from the highest praise of "omg you remembered?!! i love these!!"
sometimes he sneaks on his phone whenever there's a spare moment just to reread text convos. never ask him if he does that, he will lie and say he doesn't, even though he is a terrible liar. does he fully understand the memes you send him? not in the slightest! but the fact you showed him something that put a smile on your adorable little face makes him feel proud. like, you trust him enough to share what made you laugh with him? with the hopes of making him laugh?
deadass would be smiling at his phone, then someone will come up behind him like "aw, your partner text you?" only to see something like
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with leon just sitting there like :) i don't get it either :)
the more memes you send him, the more he wants to be with you. you send him one meme? he thinks about coming home early and just hugging you until you both fall asleep together. you send him memes back and forth between his dry ass old man responses of "👍" "😂" "haha" (cus bffr he would), and he's only thinking in censor bars. all pixelation and beeps. goes through all the stages of grief as he realizes he still wants to fuck you after all this.
then he sends you a corny ass dad joke and you go through the exact same thing.
idk what this is but i desire this man carnally and tbf i am on my knees for him like 🐕 whenever. wherever.
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marlowethelibrarian · 2 months
Writerly Questionaire tag!
@saturnine-saturneight, @the-golden-comet and @fortunatetragedy all tagged me for this questionaire! Also thanks to @davycoquette for the original meme!
About You
When did you start writing?
I remember writing a story for a first grade assignment when I was 4-5 and really enjoying it. They gave us little booklets that were just like construction paper cut into shapes with lined paper inside to write on. I didn't really start writing as a hobby until I was about 10, writing naruto fanfic.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I tend to write what I like to read! I like nonfiction on occasion which I definitely can write, I just don't do it very often.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
No one has ever compared me to an author ever, lmfao, but there are some writers here on writeblr that I've got an eye on, with prose that fucking slaps. I haven't actually sat down and read their stuff yet for the most part, because my life has been crazy but from the excerpts I see on tumblr I'm like. Yes. That. That's great. How do they do that. shout out to @cowboybrunch, @fortunatetragedy and @davycoquette!
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
90% of the time I write in my messy ass bed my fitted sheet refuses to stay on. The other 10% I'm wandering to other places in the house.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Write or die sometimes brute forces it out of me. Otherwise, brainstorming with a sounding board, answering some asks or tag games, or rereading my old stuff can all help me out here.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I mean. Probably! I definitely do that thing where I'll picture the layout of a building as a building I'm familiar with. I've written a lot of apartments that look suspiciously like my grandparent's old house.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Yeah almost definitely lmfao. I keep noticing patterns after the fact. I have been circling the idea of dead worlds for one, and what it takes to survive there a couple times now. It's less obvious in project Cannibalism, but it's honestly still there.
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
My current obsession is definitely Ravi, who is a dnd character, a larp character, and the main character of my Summer League OCT rounds. They started off as a gnome alchemist who is like just a back alley drug dealer when they got stuck in Barovia in a Curse of Strahd campaign. (Currently the only member of the original party still alive and aiming to keep it that way) I changed them to be a halfling when writing them for the OCT on a whim because it feels like a more grounded fantasy race to draw from without having to explain too much thanks to Lord of the Rings and its enduring cultural legacy. I've been greatly enjoying the process of writing, essentially, an incredibly traumatized character embark on a life or death venture among people who have no idea what the stakes are for them, exploring how badly adapted some of those defense mechanisms are for a regular ass place and how other people would view them, and how they would get there in the first place. I'd put them in my mouth and chew on them
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I can be a pretty sensitive person who prefers straightforward communication and positivity, so every single one of my horrible little prickly assholes is out. And that's a category I really enjoy writing so that's almost all of them lmfaoooo. I'd probably be friends with Wakma though. Wakma's cool.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I wouldn't be able to stand Mala. She's consistently unpleasant and horrible to the people around her and I would not be able to let it roll off or just hit back like Rakani does.
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
I like to develop characters in response to aspects I find interesting about the worldbuilding, or around a concept I want to explore. Sometimes they come about because there's a role in a story I need to fill. Wakma, for example, mostly came about because I knew Rakani absolutely needed a friend who didn't come from the Suyan hierarchy, and I already had this really cool idea about nomadic airship traders so I made him a diplomat from that culture, and then developed more of his character as I wrote him and decided what was important to the story.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Traumatized little goblins, people who aren't acceptable victims, who lash out and behave in unacceptable ways.
How do you picture your characters?
I do draw, so I do have pictures of what characters look like sometimes, but sometimes they're just blobs and I decide along the way what they look like. I do try to be deliberate about it though, because diversity in race and body types rarely just happens to me. It's something I work towards and am purposefully deliberate about.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I wanna and no one's stopped me yet.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
i love it when someone points at something I did specifically about what about it they vibed with or excited them.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
Just don't look at me and expect my characters please.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Well I think people have cried about my writing a lot, so it's quite emotional. I'm always very pleased when someone says I've hit on a level of some emotional realism.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I have great, creative ideas, but the execution could use a little work. I think my writing is pretty plain and worksmanlike, and that's like fine.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
This does absolutely open up a whole ass can of worms. jamie's right, how am i surviving here, if im subsidence farming I don't think I'd have the time and energy for writing. But like, I don't think I would if I knew I'd never have an audience. Even a small audience of one would be reason enough to write but if it's just me I might not.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
I don't care what other people want when I'm writing. I only care when I'm editing lmfao.
i have not kept track of who has answered this or not so I'm just going to leave this open to anyone who wants this!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I LOVED the Caine x stoic reader with a tail and was wondering if you could do another part but this time a little cute one shot and if you don’t do one shots then HC are just as ok:)
More hcs for Caine x tailed!stoic!reader !
Theres a cool ig acc I follow that posts unnerving (fictional) stuff since I'm into creepy stuff but yall
There are not many pictures that make me so. Very uncomfortable but theres this one image of like, a stuffed animal that just. Gets under my skin. So uh uh, here I am over a day after seeing it still too scared to leave my room at night
Anyways uhuh its 3am and I cant fall back to sleep because of that damn picture
Anyways! Writing this on mobile since I'm too anxious to leave my room to get to my computer; so typos are gonna be more prominent <\3 probably
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I really should have reread the original post before I started writing this, but mobile wont let me save half answered asks in drafts + cant access my archive on mobile so uh uh, if I repeat some stuff from the og I apologize
I feel like he would try to get you to be more emotive.. like get you to be more outwardly expressive in your feelings; before coming to terms that that's just how you are ! As long as you're not bottling things up he quickly becomes accepting of it !!
That one ship meme where character a is tired and stone faced while character b is energetic and shaking with energy
That's you guys, pretty much
Honestly I think he would give himself a tail, assuming he can give himself one... he probably could given his powers... ueueue you guys match...
Have you guys ever seen superjail? If so you guys know how the warden is like. All wibbly wobbly? Has like, noodle limb physics and can shapeshift and wrap himself around people ect ect
This is more of a general hc but I think caine can do that, minus the shapeshifting.. though now that I think about it dont know if wardens shapeshifting was an actual in universe ability or just a visual gag.. its been a while since I watched superjail and I never finished it <\3
He sings himself over your shoulder while gushing about his day then asking you for every little detail about your own
Ooouuugh if you have a longer tail he will give you accessories for it , if you want!! Like bows and clips and ribbons and the like !! Pays very close attention to your style so he can get you stuff that fits your aesthetic...
Sometimes gets matching accessories with you.. ueueue
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the-new-ribbon · 6 months
Baby, We're Fireproof
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synopsis: After Gwyn's toaster catches fire, she never expected to fall for the hot firefighter who saves her. 
word count: 2118
read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54961258/chapters/139663018
or below the cut!
Azriel: I can’t wait to see you tonight.
Gwyn: I can’t wait to see you.
Gwyn: I’m so excited ☺️
Azriel hasn’t been this excited for something in a long time. A week ago he saved the copper-haired, teal-eyed beauty from a small toaster fire. He hasn’t stopped thinking about it all week. Cassian has noticed too. The way Azriel reacts to the way his phone vibrates on the table. The smile on Azriel’s face whenever Gwyn texts him. Sometimes it’s a meme or a funny video that makes Azriel laugh so hard his cheeks hurt, sometimes it’s her reactions to the book he pointed out that day, or it’s a picture of her. Those are his favorite texts from Gwyn. The romance she’s reading lies on her chest or covering her smile, though he can tell she’s smiling from the way her skin wrinkles at her eyes and the pink blush creeping out from beneath the book. 
The day passes slowly as he rereads the book in case it comes up in conversation, he wants to be prepared to talk about it with Gwyn. 
Soon enough, it’s time to get ready.
Azriel changes into his classic black button-up, rolling the sleeves up to reveal the swirls of black ink on his forearms, matching the black slacks on his legs. The silver bands on his fingers shine under the fluorescent lights of his bathroom. Night-chilled mist and cedar fills the bathroom as he sprays his cologne.
He’s able to get through starting dinner – seasoning the chicken and leaving it in the hot pan to begin cooking, fresh cut green beans and the cut and washed potatoes are placed in the water-filled pots to begin cooking – before there’s a knock on his front door.
Azriel’s ringed fingers brush through his hair and he wipes his palms on his pants before pulling the door open to reveal Gwyn.  
“Hey, Gwyn.” Azriel says, nerves wracking through his body. “You look really nice.” Nice? That’s the worst word he could have used to describe her. “I mean beautiful, you look beautiful.” ethereal would be an even better word, just like the books. But beautiful will suffice. 
Gwyn is dressed in an emerald dress that fell right below her knees. The sleeves cover most of her arms but leave some of her forearms and wrists exposed. The green contrasts perfectly against her copper hair, which is tied half up with a write ribbon. It was styled that way too, the day they met for the first time.
“Thank you. May I come in?” Gwyn points to the foyer of his house.
“Oh yes, of course, obviously.” he quotes what she said the day they met with a ridiculously cheesy, flirty smile.
“Quoting me I see. I must have had a good impression on you.” she teases. 
In his head, Azriel knows that this girl is his dream girl. Now he has to prove it.
“Setting a toaster on fire is a good way of doing that.” he teases back.
This banter is what Azriel has always looked for. He’s never found it with anyone, but now with Gwyn, he doesn’t think anyone could ever come close.  
“You have a piano? Do you play?” Gwyn immediately runs out of the kitchen and across the living room to where the piano rests in the corner, the last rays of the sunset flood through the windows onto the piano.
“Sometimes. My mother plays more often when she’s over. Do you?” Azriel reaches her as she takes a seat in front of the piano. He leans on his elbows as he watches her. There’s a glimmer in her eyes as she presses her delicate fingers so softly on the keys that no notes play. 
“I do. My sister and I used to play when we were little. She grew out of it – she was more wild and adventurous than I was – but I love to sing and play the piano. Now I play to remember and honor her memory.”
Azriel notices something shift within Gwyn. The use of was made him assume something happened to her sister, but he doesn’t push her to answer. After all, they’ve only been texting and known each other for a week.
“Do you mind if I play?” Gwyn asks. Then clarifies, “just for a few moments?”
“Not at all, I’m going to check on dinner. I’ll be right back.” Azriel leans off the piano and smiles at Gwyn before he’s off to the kitchen. If only it was appropriate to kiss her cheek. 
The soft melodies of Moonlight Sonata fill his house and suddenly it feels like more of a home than ever before. 
He may have stayed in the kitchen far longer than he thought because the fifteen minutes of Moonlight Sonata have passed and his house is quiet once again, only the soft scuffs of Gwyn’s shoes and the scraping of the pots and pans as he begins to plate dinner.
 “That was beautiful, Gwyn.” Az confesses, leaning against the counter and Gwyn slides onto one of his barstools at the counter, though she doesn’t stay there longer than a few seconds. 
“Thank you, it’s one of my favorite pieces to play. Especially at night. Maybe you should play for me.” she suggests, stepping so close to Azriel that she can reach out and hold onto the collar of his shirt.
His heart beats against his chest as she begins to slide her other hand up and over his chest. This boldness she’s portraying, it’s Azriel’s favorite thing. Sure, they have flirted over text, but this is completely different. 
He wants more of it.
“Maybe I will. Now,” His hand slides across her waist to hold her. There’s a slight tense up but then she relaxes into his hold. He changes the conversation, “Are you okay?”
“Yes; I just haven’t been on a date in years, I’m not very used to this. But I like it.” There’s a confirming smile on her face as her hands connect behind Azriel’s neck.
“Good, but please let me know if you aren’t comfortable or if there’s something I can do.”
“I will. Now please tell me what you were going to say before.”
“Why’d you call me Shadowsinger?”
“You were humming under your breath when you were at my house and there’s something mysterious about you that I want to get to know.” Gwyn says sweetly, playing with his hair on the back of his head. There’s a smile on her face that Azriel wants to paint into his mind forever.
“Well, I hope you liked it.” Az laughs.
“I did, it was beautiful. Do you sing?”
“Sometimes, though I don’t believe it is as beautiful as yours.”
There’s a blush on her cheeks again, highlighting the constellations of freckles on her cheeks. 
“We should sing together sometime, then I can see if you’re telling the truth or not.”
He clears his throat, “Will you help me set the table? Dinner’s ready.”
“Yes, yes.”
Hesitantly, Azriel lets go of Gywn and she steps away. Azriel lays the bowl of freshly made mashed potatoes on the table. Gwyn asks, “Is there anything I can do to help? You made such a nice dinner and I haven’t helped yet.”
“I didn’t mind at all, Gwyn. But you could find something to drink if you’d like. The alcohol is in that cabinet and any other drinks I have – water, lemonade, stuff like that – are in the fridge.” 
She sticks to something non-alcoholic and somehow he has the ingredients to make a Shirley Temple. He really listened to what she said on the 
They stick to simple, first date conversation for a while until something hits Gwyn and she asks, “Is it appropriate to ask what happened to your hands?” Gwyn asks softly, looking up at him quickly before looking back down at her plate. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. It isn’t any of my business and we don’t know each other that well.”
Azriel reaches out and places his scarred hand on top of Gwyn’s. “Gwyn, this is a date, a chance to get to know each other.”
It’s almost like a movie or one of her books. Whatever is going on between them, it’s something Gwyn thought was possible in the worlds that lived inside her head. Ruby red flushes on her cheeks at the touch of Azriel’s hand and at his words. She rotates her hand and laces her fingers with Azriel.
“When I was young, my mother and I were in an accident. Our house caught on fire and while my mother ran outside, I ran back in to grab something. The fire picked up and I almost got trapped. Luckily the fire department was already there and saved me. I was bullied for most of school because of my hands, so I isolated myself but I always wanted to help people, to save people. When I graduated high school, I never really wanted to go to college so I went to the fire academy. I have my paramedic certification as well.” Azriel nods and reaches for his glass of whiskey, a way to protect himself from potentially doing something stupid.
Gwyn drops her fork and holds his hand with both her hands. “Azriel,” she whispers, lifting his hand to her lips. Her lips softly brush against the healed scars. 
To outsiders, it might not seem like a big deal. But to Azriel, it means everything.
After many feelings about leaving dishes in the sink long after dinner, the dirty dishes rest in the sink until after their date is over, Gwyneth and Az sit outside on his patio. For a house in the suburbs, his back patio is large. It’s decorated with minimal patio furniture, mostly a darker gray, and there’s a firepit in the center of the patio.
“Have a seat, I’m going to start a fire.”
The fire crackles, crickets chirp in the distance, and the two of them cuddle in silence. Both of Gwyn’s hands are holding one of Az’s and his other arm is wrapped around her shoulders.
“It’s beautiful here.”
With her eyes on the stars, Azriel takes the time to admire how beautiful she is; how right her hand feels in his; how perfectly her meshes into the Azriel’s side. The constellations of stars in the sky can’t compare to the freckles on her face, dotted across her neck, and even her chest and shoulders. If he were to open a dictionary to the word beautiful, Gwyn’s picture would be there, front and center.
“It is,” he says softly, his eyes never leaving Gwyn. 
“I think I take how beautiful Velaris is for granted. After tonight, I won’t anymore.” There’s something in her voice that makes it seem like there’s a story to that, but as she leans closer into Azriel and rests her head on his shoulder, he drops his head onto hers.
It’s almost midnight when they stand up and head towards the front door, hand-in-hand of course.
“I had a wonderful time, Azriel.” Gwyn leans against the door frame as she holds his hand in both of hers. Az’s other hand is against the hinge, above her head.
“So did I; would you like to do it again sometime?” 
With a smile on her face, Gwyn pushes up on her tiptoes and presses a kiss to Azriel’s cheek. “I’d love to.”
As Gwyn lowers from her tiptoes, Azriel never breaks eye contact and there’s something beautiful that sparks in his chest. 
Letting go of her hands, Azriel moves to hold her cheeks. “Would it be okay if I kissed you, Gwyn.”
Gwyn nods softly, but the look in her eyes tells Azriel that it’s something she wants more than anything. 
This kiss picks up and Gwyn’s arms are back around his neck. It’s wonderful, magical, and neither of them don’t want it to stop. 
But it does moments later.
His thumb runs across his now swollen bottom lip, and Gwyn is breathless as she begins to step outside. But she stops, wrapping her hand around the door hinge and turns over her shoulder, “Call me, Shadowsinger. You owe me a song, and I’d love to do that again.” her finger runs across her smirked mouth.
“Good night, Gwyn.”
As he watches Gwyn walk towards her car, all he can think about is how lucky he is that Gwyneth Berdara wants to see him again.
A line I couldn’t fit in because of how the story proceeded, but would love to include: “I want to kiss each and every one of your scars and tell you how beautiful they are.”
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emmalovesfitzloved · 10 months
Can you tell me about Fitzloved?
that's what i first meme when i saw your lovely ask! hahahah
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So its a fandom based on the epic fantasy series that follows for the most part, 2 soulmates, from their childhood all the way to their older years as they grow from friendship, partners to lovers. And I have to admit, the way it's written is almost euphoric. It's utterly lyrical.
So introductions now put aside, 'Fitzloved' is the ship name for "Beloved" (one of his many names) name of the characters and "Fitz". They are the two ongoing protagonists in one of the most respect and wonderful high fantasy series ever created, Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb. They are the main couple shall we say that span the 16 book series. I think a lot describe it as the "mona lisa of fantasy series" within the genre. It's aesthetic is very much evermore meets folklore meets Merlin. Its veryyyyy cozy fantasy and perfect for the season but also the Fall/winter.
The big 5 writers of fantasy rn i have been told are: Brandon's, Robin Hobb's, GRRM (Although he's lost a lot of respect in the community because of his insane hiatus!), Steven Erickson's (Malazan series) and Joe Abercrombie. While you will see with the Cosmere, Brandon is very much straight to the point, prioritises fights, magic system building and very cohesive ensamble casts. Unlike her peers, Robin Hobb on the other hand, is a delicacy. A slowly made dessert that has sweet and salty tastes if you will. And another defining feature is that her series does not involve a massive war at the epicentre of the fantasy plot, which ironically is rare in high fantasy now a days.
Of Cats and Closed Doors by @tragediegh
HOWEVER. The WAY in which i was introduced to this series is kind of dumb and silly, i.e. very me lol. i stumbled across a fiction on ao3 under 'in a the cabin era way' tag and stumbled across @tragediegh's soul-binding, amazing wonderful fiction called Of Cats and Closed Doors that is still ongoing and she updates mostly weekly! At first, not joking i thought it was an original work, but only well into crying, loving, reading, laughing, did i realise when i looked better at the tags it was actually based on ROTE lol. I was new to ao3 that's my only defence :P
And what @tragediegh and Hobb are doing probably tell from my handle, is make literally my roman empire. Like I reread chapters everyday before going to sleep. It's fr fr my safe space. and what i love is the maturity in which they both write, as they create stakes in different ways. She creates a very tangible atmosphere, a world you can touch, the foods cooked, how they smell, and what the character's rely on. From banquet halls, to the wood carvings the Fool leaves behind, the well lit fireplaces, mugs of ale and coffee on the table, through jewels adorned, to how the dragons gleaming like jewels in the sky… it's simply amazing. You get me. There is NEVER a moment where you feel like it's a slog or dull moment. Like I did sometimes while reading the Stormlight Archive or Outlander (those books in their defence, are longer individually).
And like I said, the thing I LOVE the most with how they make us and fall in love with Fool (one of the protagonists) through the eyes of naive and a socially sometimes challenged Fitz. Fitz himself, is the most passionate, handsome, humble hero i've ever read. He is a bastard prince who from day 0 was neglected, abused, unwanted, un-named, manipulated, gaslit just all around most traumatised character one could read. Which most people end up overlooking and resenting bc he is riddled with insecurities (despite him being a hotttie hot chiseled smokie pie that everyone wants to cuffff) and developed unhealthy copying mechanisms that can effect the readability of the main series. Which is entirely relatable. I strongly believe the hero of Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson that everybody loves, is heavily inspired by Fitz in ROTE. In fact I think Brandon said it was one of his fav series.
But really, the masterpiece of this world is obviously the Fool. When I look at the other characters, its a bit like watching a glorious puppet show - I can see how the strings are moving and what the puppets are made of…But not so with the Fool, he is an infinite mystery and creating a character like that is something I`ll never be able to get out of my head. he is other worldly. Put Tolkien fae and beautiful faeries to shame with his grace, elegance, mysticism. His story with Fitz (the other main character) with that @tragediegh and Hobb are doing imo is one of the greatest love stories of all time.
Gender Identity
And I think also, Fool (also known as Beloved to a special someone 😉) is a lgbtq+ individual, and their identity and how they chose to present and address themselves daily (and not address it!) plays a massive role in the ROTE/OCACD overall. It extremely realistic, how it's writen, where for the most part some characters are confused, don't know how to navigate the topic. Which isn't helped by how private and mysterious the Fool remains. But for the most part, is heart warming, as the gender fluidity of the Fool is openly accepted by his mate (YES MATE) with open arms as he accepts it, and it's got me CRYINGGGG as i type this fr....! These characters were created pre-2000's, which just goes to show how timeless these gender questions and acceptances really are i think!
CANON FOR ME swiftie songs that are FOR fitzloved to get a feel r:
ur loosing me
my tears ricochet
invisible string
stay don't go
the lakes
mastermind (YASSS beloved go manipulate ur boy fitzieee ily)
dress (as of chapter 48 and beyond hopefully alkdfjalkdjfj)
and Fitz's song for me for ever will be:
i see fire live and in session by ed sherran (i just feel the literal passion that fitz has through this song not to mention the howl XD)
So yeah, I cannot recommend enough this ongoing story and series to you.
TLDR: Fitzloved is a ship i read myself to sleep every night and cry about how amazing they are XD
Feel free to ask any more questions about them or even my favourite artists that do ROTE work bc ngl this post was 2x as long as i included artistic work but it was getting too long so i decided to leave that for a more specific ask :)) As you can tell i can just dedicate entire evenings singing from the top of these crusty english rooftops how amazing and life changing these two silly beans are. I hope this was enough of a good overview of my love for them and why! :)) Hopefully one day you will give it a go, and i swear your life will be changed for ever ! <333
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nie7027 · 3 months
{{I've had this draft saved literally since April 18th 2019 but I didn't post it back then because I wanted to finish the super5 headcanons first... which i of course havent done.
But I think it's finally time I post it.
I reread it recently and I don't think it's as spoilery of other wips as I had initially and thought and its related to the other stuff I'm gonna post soon so why not use it as a preview for it?
Anyway it finally is here. I hope you enjoy this tiny list of headcanons}}
Mob psychobook headcanons
These could actually apply to any social red but Psychobook is the one i know besides Tumblr (and no, none of them have tumblr...maybe just Seri)
Teru's used to be the typical popular kid psychobook where used to he the typical popular kid psychobook where he posted pics of the parties he went("Crazy night guys, thanks for inviting me!), his soccer matches ("Another victory for Vinegars soccer team. You are welcome~") and trainings(even some from his personal training when it didnt end that bad), the food he ate at the new trendy coffe he went and the obligatory selfie every couple of days that will make his notifications blow up everytime with likes and comments
Now he sometimes still does those but he posts mostly pics of nice sights he finds on his bicycle routes, pics of him hanging with his friends/new family or the lastest fuck up Reigen did
He, Shou and Tome are invested in a meme competition. Whoever makes Mob laugh the loudest wins. Sadly they have to be with him so he can see them.
Rarely Terus posts a pic of him & Mob (or Mob alone) with the emoji equivalent of a gay keysmash and when he does it drives crazy the whole alumnae of Vinegar middle school, everybody wondering who is that bland looking guy and what Teru meant by that.
Mob's used to be empty but now it's filled with pics Tome posts of their karaoke outings, pics where the body improvement club tag him and Terus, shous and tomes memes
But he rarely uses it and doesnt get to see them. Still he likes the milk memes teru found (do those even exist?)
Thats why he doesnt know he has basically become the body improvements star. Captain musashi and the others tend to photos of him with inspirational quotes (warrio male kind of) in the club page to attract new reclutees
After terus mysterious post a swarm of Vinegar students tried to add him as friend
But Mob thinks they are internet weirdos and ignores their invitation
It's actually Dimple who uses it more
Ritsus used to be th pristine psychobook profile proper of a student council member. He had added the majority of the school and he made posts of the schools next event, resolutions the council had reached after their last session or answered any question any student could have but was to shy to personally ask.
His most personal post where the seldom book quotes he posted from the lastest book he read and liked.
Everything changed with Shou
The students didnt know who he was but suddenly this random kid started to tag Ritsu in even more random posts(most of them hamster related...Ritsu liked all of them?) and post pics of him AND RITSU doing the weirdest things you could imagine
Theres a pic of Ritsu with the most ridiculous susprised face(thats the most expressive people have seen him?? Whats going on?) in front of a microwave in flames. The fact shou edited it with a caption saying "And he didnt believe me eggs could explode" didnt help
Theres another of them hangin at the tallest part of the city (people dont undertsmad how is that even possible? You cant even acces that area)
And theres even a blurry pic that looks like they are running away from a police car
Shinji, who knows whats Ritsu is truly capable of, likes each of those pics
Everybody in Salt middle school is confused. But the only thing they get is Ritsus "Sorry" to Kamuro when the council president makes a blank comment in the infamous police pic.
They quickly recognize Shou as the kid that sometimes flies(yeah FLIES) besides Ritsus classroom or sneaks in the school
The only reason Shou made a psychobook profile was to keep in contact with the espers that helped him during the domination arc
But he quickly realizes how useful it is to annoy Ritsu when he is bored
Besides the memes and Ritsu pics, his psychobook is full of interesting facts of different animals and reblogs of drawings from artist he follows and tutorials
As Mob he was invaded by a swarm of vinegar students once he appears in one of Terus pics. He accepts all of them the same way he accepted Ritsus classmates. It ends well for him because that way his drawing are seen by many peoplea and he receives lots of likes.
It takes a while but he finally unblocks Seri one day. Seri likes each and every thing he posts and makes encouraging comments on his drawings.
Seri had a profile during his isolation days where he added many "friends" (random internet weirdos) with whom he talked about the things he liked and the media he consumed
Once he rejoins society with the Spirits and such cre he makes a new personal profile
He only has his family, the spirits and such crew, his school friends and the super5 added but thats all he needs
He follows many cooking and baking pages and once he learns to cook he saves the recipes he wants to try
He doesnt know if he cried more the day Shou unblocked him or they day Teru put him as his dad.
Minegishi only has the super5, Mob Ritsu, Tome and his coworkers added as friends
He follows many pages about plants and how to take care of them and pages that post downloadable audiobooks for Shimazaki
He rarely posts but he likes all the posts where he is tagged.
His elder coworkers tag him in lovely pictures of flowers with inspirational quotes. He likes those too.
The other super5 make fun of him for this but they secretly like them, especially those that talk about being a good person.
He follows many trolling pages too but never reblogs them. He doesnt want the other to know where he gets some of his humor sense.
Hatori follows mostly memes pages, specially those about programming because he can "relate"
He say he understands them. (He doesnt)
He almost fell for the "delete system32 to make you computer faster" joke but his coworkers stopped him. He passed it as him messing around
Shibata follows personal trainers and healthy foods pages
He and Seri swap recipes they find and think the other might like
He saves exercises routines and tries to convince the other super 5 to try them with him.
Specially Hatori, he needs them.
He is only succesful when he finds those routines based on fictional characthers
It doesnt last much
He follows the body improvement club page. He actually sends some of the quotes that end up in some of the Mobs pics.
Shimazaki doesnt have a psychobook per se
It's a bot that hatori made to post "uwu" ":3" or "nyas~" every once in a while
The profile pic is the photo they took of Shimazaki wearing the prank glasses
Sometimes the other super5 post photos of their hang outs
"Its our register of Shimazakis progress!" says Hatori
Sometimes it receives messages from internet weirdos and most of them go along the lines of "Weren't you the guy that kidnapped the prime minister?".
The others are horny texts.
They delete all of them.
Tomes psychobook can be considered the normalest of the spirits and such crew.
Even though half of her posts are cospirational thories and supposedly aliens sightings
Apart from that she has the normal amount of friends ("Seriously guys, why do you have every random you find added?") and posts a regular amount of pics of her hangouts
Besides the memes. Teru and she share LGBTQ content they find interesting
Seri somehow is the first to know about the lastest news of the videogames they follow and tags her on them
She edits Terus posts of Reigen fuck ups and turns them into memes. The super5, Ritsu and Dimble(using Mobs profile) always like them.
Its on psychobook where she organizes the telepathy club next reunion
She has been nagging Mob and Take to use their psychobooks more so they can see in time what they are planning to do
Take has enough with the whole wind reading thing. Good luck trying to convince him to make a psychobook profile.
Since his birthday during the separation arc Reigen decided to completeley get away from his psychobook seeing as how little those persons cared for him
But he forgets to delete the app
So one day his phone cant stop blaring with notifications and when Reigen picks it up to see what the hell was going on
He had messages and messages of exfriends congratulating him for his son and saying things like "Wow Reigen, you had it very closeted" "we didnt know you were so private" "who is the lucky mother?"
Teru had put him as his dad
Reigen was having an existencial crisis and needed some comfort so he started searching Seri
Only to find him crying because Teru did the same to him
They ended togeyher as a crying mess sprawled over the couch. Only Dimple got to see them like that
So writing my fanfic "Sunflower" made me think of these headcanons but i couldnt post them then because i hadnt finished the super5 headcanons and didnt want to spoil some things. As you can see this finally shows what Ive been saying of "College funds", "Sunflower" and the "super5 headcanons" taking place in the same universe.
Really, i wrote down a timeline of how these things overlap and can tell you what the s&s crew were doing while shimazaki was fucking around or what the super5 were doing while the crew celebrated terus birthdays.
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wolfiemcwolferson · 1 year
Logan, beloved, can i bribe you to write me piarles and 4. "I think you're too far away." pleeeaasseeee 💕
Hi babyyyyyyy
The message that comes through is obviously not meant for him.
Charles reads it and rereads it and is very careful not to type.
Pierre is online but he also knows Charles frequently leaves his phone lying around unlocked and open on a message thread, so as long as he’s not typing, Pierre can’t see that he’s seen it.
But…Charles wants the message to be for him.
He reads and rereads it again and waits for Pierre to send another through to apologize - to say he meant it for the new girl he’s talking to, but that doesn’t happen.
I think you’re too far away.
Charles doesn’t even know what that means, but it feels…
His phone rings.
It’s Pierre. A screenshot Charles took of one of his Alpine TikTok’s taking up his entire screen. He had changed it to make Pierre feel bad about having that meme screenshot as Charles’ contact picture.
Charles answers it only because he knows that Pierre will call again, keep calling until he answers.
“Cha.” Pierre says, a little drunk - Charles can tell because he’s known him his whole life it seems - being in love with him has no bearing on this.
“Hello, Pierre. You are having a cheat day, I see.” Charles pronounces each syllable clearly. Pierre always says “huh” a lot when he’s drunk.
“I think you are too far away.” Pierre insists, ignoring him. “I think you should be here with me. You know that I always want you with me.”
He keeps emphasizing with me, and Charles is on fire.
“Pierrot, where is Ben?” He’s trying to laugh, but Pierre makes a frustrated noise. Like he does when he doesn’t feel heard.
“You should be with me, Charles. Do you understand?”
But before Charles can answer him, the phone goes dead.
A text from Ben three minutes later saying that he is with Pierre is the only thing not sending him into a blind panic.
Okay, take care of him.
Ben sends back a thumbs up and Charles lays on the couch for five hours and stares and the ceiling and tries to stuff it all back inside.
Pierre texts him a link to a kid fundraising for a kart two days later and then they just…go back to normal.
They don’t speak about it, but now Charles has something underneath his skin that feels like…hope maybe.
Pierre obviously doesn’t want to talk about it but it feels like maybe he wants Charles too. Maybe Charles isn’t…
Every touch in the paddock is amplified and every touch outside of the paddock feels like it has the potential to go somewhere even though Charles knows that’s ridiculous, but it feels that way.
Until they’re dancing in the private room of some club, whole place packed full of F1 adjacent people and Pierre is dancing with this girl, one hand on her hip, face in her neck and Charles wonders if he didn’t imagine the entire thing - the phone call, the weirdness after, the touches that linger sometimes.
It’s too hot in here and he needs - he needs air and to not look at Pierre as he decide to take this girl home and so he stumbles out the back door where he knows there will be cars.
He pulls his phone out and texts the group he’s here with - Pierre included.
Going back to the hotel.
And then he gets in one of the cars, tells them where he’s going.
Joris will be pissed, but he’s always pissy about something. Charles cannot make him happy all the time.
He debates a shower, but he doesn’t want to sleep in the bed all damp and disgusting from club sweat, so he goes to shower, plugging his phone in on the charger there so he can play music too loudly and drown out the images of Pierre touching that girl.
He’s the one that packed for this trip so he’s stuck using hotel shampoo and it’s going to wreck his hair, but he’s clean and he’s exhausted and he’s -
Pierre is sitting on the end of his bed, twirling a key card in his hands.
“You should tell the front desk not to give cards out.” He holds it up. “Remember, that’s how that girl got into George’s room. By convincing the front desk she was his WAG.”
Charles wants to snatch it out of his hand and throw it to the ground, but he’s standing with a towel wrapped around his waist and he doesn’t really know what Pierre is doing here.
“I did the same you know? Joris will kill me for making him send that refresher about their NDA, but I batted my eyelashes a bit and told her my super secret boyfriend was up here. Showed her my lock screen.” And then Pierre flips his phone so Charles can see and Charles is having a hard time breathing.
He didn’t even know that photo existed. The two of them in Pierre’s kitchen, Charles looking at the eggs in the pan rather angrily and Pierre smiling - the two of them shirtless and comfortable and smiling obviously in each other’s space.
“Cha,” Pierre whispers. “I do not want to pretend I did not say what I said anymore.”
Charles cannot fucking breathe.
“I think you’re too far away. Do you think you can -“
Charles doesn’t let him finish that sentence, he’s on him, pining him to the bed and hovering over him, feeling the way Pierre’s hands automatically grip his waist, thumbs soothing over her skin.
Pierre is grinning, that soft smile that Charles only sees in moments that Pierre feels safe and happy in. “Don’t want to pretend I don’t want you anymore.”
“Okay,” is all Charles manages to say, but then Pierre is flipping them and Charles is being kissed, being touched, being held.
Pierre misses his flight the next day and Joris comes to find him in Charles’ room.
“The two of you together are going to be such an issue.”
“Especially because you’re here without breakfast.” Pierre grouses. “Also, you will have to start knocking. We are both naked under here so unless you want -“
The door slams and Charles is helplessly giggling into Pierre’s bicep. “Pierre!”
Pierre dips down to kiss him again, again, again. “He will have to start knocking. Now that I have you -“
Charles surges up to kiss him again, taking his hand and guiding it where he wants it. “Now that you have me.”
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jadedharleys · 8 months
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Names ==> Lore/Jade/Rezi Pronouns ==> it/they/she/he (extended pronouns + names) Classpect ==> Heir of Space True Sign ==> Pigo
> Lore: Introduce yourself.
im an artist and fic writer (ao3 link) and also love collecting art, memes, and analysis abt my fave characters! ive been in this fandom a bit over a year but i still fill my queue on quests deep into ancient homestuck blogs to find old posts for my archives. some of the tags i use on posts are under the cut but theres a full list here and a fun way to explore art of various characters here.
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main @lorettapetrichor / memes n shit @galacticcosmologist / problem sleuth @cucumberinspector / chronological reread project @chronologicalhomestuck / image spammin off main @crystamanthequinz
instagram / toyhouse / mutuals can dm for my discord, i also have a server for mutuals :3
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my posts:
#jade posts - original posts. sometimes i put it on art and stuff too
#jade arts - my art
#jade writes - my fics and writing
#jade does cosplay - my cosplay
#jade sings - my attempts at singing
answered asks:
#✉️ - show pesterlog
homestuck archeology digs (reblogging old posts, mostly art):
#📗 - let's see how far we've come
also see @crystamanthequinz
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basic tags:
#meta tag
#fave tag
#save tag
#emo tag
#insp tag
#ultimate fave
#silly antics
#the baby is queue
#outfits & vibes
the guide to the rest of my tags is here and here!
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tulipanthousa · 18 days
im rereading groupchat unrated and these lines are so funny to me
Berry: Well mark me down as scared and horny.
Illsleepwhenimdead: note card? 👀
Berry: Bite me.
logan really heard that phrase and was like "oh im GONNA need that sometime soon better write that one down" extremely silly i love them
ITS TRUE ITS TRUE see also "get wrecked scrubs" in kiss your crooked teeth. the best part of fanfiction is seeing your blorbos from different angles and adding Seelie MischiefTM to canon!logans notecards results in an absolutely precious autist to whom humor does not come naturally and so who has honed to a fine edge his ability to precision strike memes just infrequently enough to be a deadshot on his friends every time
he's like a kid who never does any homework but tests really well. figured out traditional humor doesnt come naturally to him enough to be funny all the time and he jerry rigged with liberal sarcasm and just enough Absolutely Perfect Meme TimingTM one-liners that half their friend group is of the opinion logan is the funniest one of them
and sometimes, the most infrequently, its a sex joke so wildly out of character that its like detonating a bomb in the group chat
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markantonys · 1 month
I'm giving myself a deadline to finally published that darn matmodean oneshot by the end of the month, even if I'm not happy with it (this ask serves as accountability for me, if it isn't on AO3 by 1.9.24 please everyone pelt me with rocks) - so I was looking at the snippets I wrote to see what can actually be edited and posted and isn't just bullet points and I sadly discovered that my favorite thing that I wrote isn't for the oneshot but for a longer AsmodeanLivesAU I don't think I mentioned, but I do want to describe it now because it got me excited again, sorry in advance this is long I hope you don't mind- this au has the same backstory of Mat&Asmodean hooking up in TSR and then Mat spending FoH jealous of both Rand and Asmodean. But Asmodean doesn't get killed at the end of FoH he just continues to chill by Rand's side, until in LoC Rand decides he needs to send Asmo somewhere else so that he won't get a chance to interact with Taim and the rest of the black tower. So Rand sends him to Mat and the band(bc the medallion protects Mat from the one power so it won't be too dangerous ). He tells Mat that Natael is a channeler but not that he is a forsaken, and that's enough to make Mat really dismayed. Rand doesn't know they hooked up so he doesn't realize how much this reveal affects Mat (<-this is the one scene from the au that I did write). I am pretty sure I planned for only Mat to learn that and not everyone, so the band&Aviendha&etc still think the gleeman is Rand's boytoy pillow friend, joining them for some reason. So basically Asmodean is with them on the way to Salidar, which in my plans included: the spider-man-pointing meme with Moghedien when they recognize each other, perhaps some gleeman vs. gleeman show?, Asmodean accidentally developing actual feelings for Mat and being jealous when Aran'gar dances with Mat (maybe Asmo trying to protect Mat?), Aviendha filling in the rest of the girls on the situation from her perspective, moggy spilling the beans about Asmo to the girls which leads to misunderstandings with Mat bc he doesn't know that I will need to reread the books some day to remember what other ideas I had, I probably wanted to plan a redemption arc for Asmodean. I also haven't read book 7+ so I never had a full plan, and unfortunately that's not going to happen anytime soon
the triumphant return of the Matmodean Anon!! thrilled to hear that you're working on a oneshot for it, godspeed and i look forward to reading it once it's ready to post! we will gather up our rocks in preparation but hopefully it won't come to that haha (also Felt, sometimes you just need the kick in the pants that public accountability for finishing a fic provides!)
and oooh, this Asmodean Lives AU is so intriguing, and also chock full of drama, mess, and miscommunication shenanigans. all the things any good AU needs! i'm cryingggg imagining the asmodean & moghedien spiderman pointing meme in this scenario djkjfg and then moghedien can't even make fun of asmodean being obsessed with mat seeing as she's obsessed with nynaeve, poor moggy. and thom would absolutely feel threatened by some other man showing up claiming to be rand's gleeman and would challenge him to a gleeman faceoff! and the scenario of the girls knowing "natael" is a forsaken and assuming mat knows too while mat in fact has no clue what's going on is a delight to picture. even if you never end up reading enough of the books to write this AU in full, it will live on in our hearts!
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scp230kinnie · 2 months
HIII!!I just saw the goth reader head cannons I was wondering if you go to more (or a fic thing up to you😭) with hunter sylvester?‼️ -anon🕷️
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Hunter Sylvester x goth! Reader hcs PART 2!!!!
Once again guys I am not goth though I am alternative, so if I get any information wrong or that should be removed, please comment or dm me and I will correct myself as soon as I can
Also sorry if some of these are the same as the other one I’m not rereading it
He honestly doesn’t care how you dress, but I mean the fact that you’re wearing all black is a major bonus
It honestly depends. Sometimes he'd love it, and other times, it'd give him anxiety. Like, on one hand, it's super cute, and he loves how it looks, but it also makes him *noticeably* nervous, since he's worried that people are staring at "his" person. And yeah, there *is* obviously the chance that they're just wearing it to look cool, but he'd still be a tad paranoid, lol.
He absolutely adores you. He loves seeing you in those long flowy black dresses
I’m pretty sure I wrote this in the last one, but he loves to watch you do your makeup
He does complain about how long you take to get ready though
And if he’s feeling REALLY REALLY NICE (rare) he might (KEYWORD MIGHT) let you do goth makeup on him. Makeup here being used loosely. Trad goth.
Only if you let him do corpse paint on you
Sharing makeup with ur boyfriend LMFAO
The movie is set in Oregon, idk if you’re changing that based on ur head or if ur shifting or something, but that place is full of “normal” people I’d say
So before you started dating, if you were in the same school at least, you were one of the only “alternative” people in school, and he noticed that
This guy doesn’t usually get crushes okay.
He’s married to metal
But he liked your look
You can decide how you guys meet/start dating cause there’s infinite ways
He appreciates your individualism, and that’s a part of why he likes you
He’s definitely called you emo a few times (I’m so sorry)
Teach him somethings about goth culture.
He won’t sit down and let you lecture him, but occasionally if you say some comment about the culture he’ll probably retain that information
He doesn’t really care, but he wants you to be happy, so maybe he’ll do a bit of his own research
He loves concerts, so he will accompany you to goth concerts even if he doesn’t listen to the music
He uses his dads card to buy you clothes and accessories
He will come to thrift stores with you.
He’ll say he thinks it’s stupid
Something about how he wouldn’t wear someone else’s clothes
Just force him to go through t shirts and maybe he’ll find some good band tees (neither metal nor goth but I have found sws and mcr shirts at thrift stores)
Even if he does buy some thrift store band tees, he’ll probably complain about how he could get them new from concerts or online or something
But he’ll buy you whatever you want
Imagine doing that one tiktok trend that’s like “guess whos outfit is whos 😁” and forcing him into some black dress LMFAO
speaking of tiktok, social media, whatever, he doesn’t like posting. He’ll scroll through and look and metal memes or something, but he doesn’t like posting himself and is hesitant to let you post him
But if you do post videos/pictures of him and compliment him and do couples trends, he’ll say it’s embarrassing but he secretly likes it
I imagine him telling someone about you and the other person is like “goth girl *lip bite*” or something thinking you’re like an e girl
First off, he’s a little possessive of you
Second off, (assuming you’ve taught him some stuff about being goth) he yells at them and tells them off and something about how e girls are weird
If you teach him how to take good pictures, he’ll be your personal photographer, especially if he really likes your outfit
If you actually go and ASK him to take pictures of you he’ll complain and tell you to do it yourself but he’ll do it for you anyway because he loves you
If you wear those long boots, (same goes for emos who wear knee high converse) sometimes he’ll untie them, just pull the laces or whatever just to fuck with you
He’ll go to record/cd stores and see one of the bands you like and he’ll buy it for you
He loves you no matter what you look like. I mean maybe not if ur a country person but… for the sake of fiction he loves you
Leave sweet home requests if you’re reading this
Also what piercings do you guys think I should get (I already have septum, navel, industrial, and ears)
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laufire · 4 months
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may reading meme!
The Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle. This one introduces Mary. I wish she'd gotten the treasure and become a rich heiress 😢
Inheritance by Devin Grayson. Loved it. I'm definitely gonna track down her other prose novels. I made a good guess on who [redacted] from very early in the book, practically from the first, and it was still quite gripping. The funniest thing, however, is how unequal each of the former sidekicks' sections are lol. Was she just going through the motions with Garth? Although, by virtue of being the one I know the least about, it did make me want to read his comics. Roy's and Dick's were more even, both with incredibly poignant, poetic flashbacks I adored, but you can tell DickAndBruce is where her heart is and their dynamic was showcased beautifully imo. Her characterization of Ollie is... surely controversial, and doesn't quite match how I see the guy, but it didn't bother me.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. This one is a reread, though it's been a decade since I read it for the first time. I've read it even more slowly than the first time around, pondering over practically every passage. Nabokov's prose is simply sublime, and Dolores's character is one of those that stays with you for how much you read into her.
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees. The first issue enchanted me, and the last one was a very apt ending for the story. The journey to get there let me down.
FCBD 2024: Barda Special Edition. This is a preview for an upcoming story. A young Barda is charged to break the prisoner Scott Free, as the beginning of their romance. Theirs is a ship I've been curious about for a while, and I really dig the premise, so I can't wait to read it.
Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper. A short, gritty origin story that builds on the Selina we see in Batman: Year One, written by the same author as Lois Lane (1986). I really wish her sister was more present in Catwoman's story in general, tbh. She was featured in Selina's Knight Terror mini, which I might end up rereading.
The Bat-Man: First Knight. Three-part run set in the 40s, the original Batman setting. A tale of monsters, human experimentation, and the effects of the second world war. I enjoyed it, though not wildly, but it confirms I'd enjoy more historical settings in my comics.
War Games. Oh boy. OH BOY. My kill list grew with each page I read. The missed shot at a proper story with robin!Steph, the incredibly uncharitable way she's written... all to end in the grossest example of character assassination I've ever seen with Dr Leslie Thompkins, all to relieve Bruce of his guilt for his part in Steph's demise. I wanted to read the arc because I thought it was important for some Steph-focused storylines I want to write that build up on it (mostly by subverting or contradict him), but with few exceptions (SOME of Steph's Robin arc, the school plot, Tarantula's appearances, and the parts touching on Dick's downward spiral, for example) it was all so hateful and mean-spirited. Even the prelude to the proper arc, starting with Bruce and Cass's visit to Jason grave to use him as a cautionary tale against Steph, or that storyline about the teen mothers... death. Death to Dan DiDio for one thousand years.
Outsiders (2003). I'm including the Teen Titans crossover arcs (including both Secret Files and Origins issues, both GREAT), and the Outsiders: Five of a Kind arc where Batman is a shit xD (it also did make me wanna read the continuation in the next Batman and the Outsiders run). The art was... Mixed, by which I mean that sometimes it was fuck-ugly lol, but I loved the run. Winick gets me. I have a special place in my heart for Jason's little arc, OBVIOUSLY, but my favourite parts are, second, Dick's arc, and first, ANISSA AND GRACE. I as a lesbian owe Winick much for that one. They're the main attraction for the continuation, ngl. I also loved Shift and Indigo, btw. So damn tragic 🥲
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Starting a fic rec chain for my friend that wants to get into writing! What are some quintessential x-files fic that showcase the talent of our massive writing community?
A loooooooooooot, a lot, a lot.
I know it's a biiiiiiiiiiit of a cop-out, but my fic lists here have a lot of "the bests" under each list category; so, if your friend wants to see the same main idea done in different ways... there's that?
If you want, tell me something your friend is interested in, and I'll make a list packed with fics that fit the bill! :DDDD
Ummmmmmmm how about I stick to the different style and talent of various authors to "show them off" for your friend?
*pulls up sleeves to more successfully wrangle Google Docs*
@baronessblixen, @welsharcher, @o6666666, @ghostbustermelanieking, @lokisgame, @mldrgrl, @tinglingworld, @sigritandtheelves, and @kateyes224 write THE BEST short but complex fluff imaginable. The shorter the better for me, because it leaves a lot of room for me to fill-in with my imagination. (And don't forget yourself~, heheheh.)
Edit: Needed to add @settle-down-frohike and @cyb3rpeach to this list~!
@enigmaticdrblockhead rips my heart out and sews it back in with her gut-wrenching short fics on humanity's cruelties. I always cite her fic Ascension as the one that makes me cry every time.
@suitablyaggrieved does great at short fic, too. Her bent is less about fluff and more about dread and horror~.
In a similar vein is @dreamingofscully, whose works are longer but have that teeter-totter between weighted rumination and blissful happiness; and @wtfmulder, who is one of the best writers for "male voice" (making three differently brooding male character sound distinctly different from one another) and does the best Mulder crack headcanons and memes.
astronaught writes like David Duchovny for me (which is a high compliment)-- ex. "He needed to get out of L.A. He needed to stay in L.A. There was a comforting nausea to the unreality here. Funhouse, Pleasure Island, Lotus-Eater nausea. The subtle horror of a museum of plastic toys. Violently happy faces fading from a material that wasn’t meant to age. //Everything was a bit grotesque in L.A. and so was everything out of L.A. Who said that Hollywood lied?"
Jo_B writes a complicated, heartwarming Mulder who is relieved Scully's effortlessly sees his humanity and good intentions.
defnotmeyo writes both the best crack (heartwarming and fun and realistic) and angst short fic. She's gone from Tumblr; but some of her fics can still be found.
@melforbes is another fic author that made me ALMOST sob (but definitely cry) with her seaglass blue fic (Ao3)-- that and, again, Ascension as mentioned above.
Lapsed_Scholar wrote the best collection of Requiem variations (Mulder doesn't leave due to various snags in his departure, all involving Scully in some way.) But all of her work is FANTASTIC (as are these other authors, too!) I always pair up anything Lapsed wrote with --
Anything Apostrophic (i.e. @mappingthexfiles), @seek-its-opposite, @wtfmulder, @sigritandtheelves, and @onpaperfirst touches is always gold. They write IWTB/S11 so well; and as a "stop after S8 the canonical ending" fan, they make me love anything beyond it-- and those aren't not even including their other fics. I always think of Apostrophic's "miniseries" fics Agua Mala-Arcadia-Alpha... stupendous work.
Can't forget the multi-chapter, shot-in-the-veins of 90s grounded...ness that is @cecilysass, @aloysiavirgata, @amplifyme, and @slippinmickeys (though she also loves to dabble in AUs that are wildly entertaining.) You FEEL like you're in the X-Files era reading their work.
For Torture!Mulder (yep, it's a thing) there's Vickie Moseley (Gossamer, Ao3) and Donna-- I prefer Donna's work, but sometimes Vickie NAILS it.
For Gossamer/older fics I reread obsessively (and they're famfic, ngl):
Suki Tawdry's The Way Things Are (Mulder and Scully have a one-night stand aligning w/ Gillian's pregnancy. I skip Chapter 12-- personal preference-- but the BANTER and sarcasm on Scully is top-tier. And Mulder's journey as a slowly morphing family man is... chef's kiss. Not to mention Skinner, Maggie, Melissa, even a well-intentioned but annoying Bill, etc.) and LuvTheBeez's Snow (S5? Mulder and Scully are married and expecting a giant baby... and become hostages in a stick up. The in-control thought processes, banter, and intelligent planning on both their parts while keeping it completely lighthearted is also the best) AND Jamie Greco's Breathing (on the way to Scully's Lamaze class, dialogue only, AMAZING characterization of Mulder and Scully. All of Jamie Greco's other fics do the same-- Scarlet has Mulder high on a hallucinogen and seeing Scully as an angel.)
I'm plowing through RocketMan's works on Gossamer-- WOW are some amazing. Chef's kiss. Not finished yet (taking my time-- just reached second page), but I'll probably make a separate author shoutout when I'm done~.
I haven't even BEGUN to touch the fill-in or fix-it fics that span the series (or at least one season of it) that are incredibly impressive-- like @darwin-xf, @scenes-in-between, and touchstonea's Odyssean epics-- but I've got to cut this list short because... honestly, my list would be endless; and I have not even BEGUN to list them all. If I haven't listed anyone, it's not for lack of trying or because of any attempt at snubbing. I, a mere mortal, can only do so much. XDDD
Thank you for the ask~! Again, if your friend likes a specific category, let me know and I'll drum up a fic list! :DDDDD
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grimdarkfandango · 7 months
Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
got tagged in an ask meme by @saltedpin thank you!!! I love oversharing on the internet!!!
3 Ships you like: god. okay. be cruel then.
Winter/Kitten - yes we're leading with OCs deal with it SOMETIMES you take a beloved archetype pairing, reshape them like silly putty, put them in separate dnd games, and spend four years running continuous RP with a partner in multiple different au variations because they are perfect actually (shout out to @andromeda-reinvented for literally keeping me sane and fed :prayer emoji:)
Kitten is my husband and also my phone lockscreen and has never done anything wrong in his life (the murders are fine)
Songxue - this is the wizard behind the curtain of winter/kitten, but they are different for all that they're the same. otherwise, uh. see above for all other applicable details lmao
Endhawks - the DRAMA the DILFYNESS the LEGEND look all of my pairings need a certain level of unhealthy devotion and self-sacrifice and not to spoil the current manga chapters for anyone but [blood seeps from my mouth as I start screeching incoherently] anyway yeah big man hot little guy feral
Ganlink - hey riley why are you putting an unnecessary fourth pairing, did you think we weren't already very clearly aware of your type here. no. okay. sure. big man hot little guy feral!!!!!
First Ship Ever: oh god bro I don't know if I have the memory details for that. the first ships I remember going and reading fic for were bandom (*nsync, JC/Lance, yes you heard me) or probably good old gundam wing 1x2, despite having seen approximately none of the show lmao
Last song you heard: Nightmares by the sea - jeff buckley when I started / The life I was missing - flannel graph when I finished (all off my Winter playlist. it's 12hrs long)
Favourite childhood book: I was one of those advanced reader kids who turned up my nose at kids books and for many years almost exclusively read sf/f off dad's bookshelf, which is a long way of saying it was the full ten book run of the belgariad and the mallorean, which I would reread twice a year between the ages of 9-16
is it my favourite now? god no. but I cannot deny what shaped me
Currently Reading: I just started the first Dragonlance book so, I guess, some things don't change
Currently Watching: everything currently airing on Dropout, also The Expanse (finally)(slowly)(I like it too much to binge I think)
Currently Craving: D I N N E R
Tagging: HMMMM ok @andromeda-reinvented, @bigneonglitter, @oldcoyote, @prairie-grass, and anyone else who wants to just say I tagged u!!!
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