#and then they cuddle naked and. do other things hehehe
flowercrowngods · 1 year
it’s floaty steddie hours
Eddie never knew there were moments that would just steal his breath and not give it back even after they passed, lingering in his mind, his heartbeat, his fingertips, making him wonder if the world is suddenly much bigger than before, or endlessly smaller, reduced only to one impossibly perfect moment.
He never knew. Until he met Steve. Steve, with his moments, with his smiles, with his kisses and laughs and gentle voice singing under his breath when he thinks Eddie isn’t listening.
But Eddie listens. He always listens.
And he basks, taking it all in as he’s sitting in the back of his van somewhere at the foot of Weathertop, leaning against the side wall.
There is a steady pitter-patter of heavy summer rain against the roof of the van, a breeze of fresh air coming in through the open doors that occasionally leaves goose bumps along his arms and brings with it the smell of rain and drenched soil, of blooming fields and trees and life, mixing with their own little bubble of life and love and tobacco.
Eddie wants to catch that smell, that sound, that feeling in a mason jar like Steve told him he used to dream as a kid. Maybe he will. He knows there’s one in the driver’s side door for this very purpose.
It would be a good forever-moment, with Steve lying in the back of his van, illuminated by the soft glow of the fairy lights Eddie installed for him the other week with a hearty but ultimately fake grumble. The warm light dances along his skin, making it look even more golden than usual, complementing the galaxy of moles that is imprinted and immortalised on his skin.
And Eddie watches. He always watches.
Golden light that makes even his dimples shine as he smiles, eyes closed as he’s singing along to the third mixtape of the night. Space Age Love Song, which Eddie pretends to hate. But how could he hate it when it makes Steve look like that? When it thus steals Eddie’s breath, his heart, his sanity?
And then, for a moment, for one perfect, drawn-out moment, all Eddie Munson can do anymore is watch. And listen. And feel. Because what he sees and hears and feels is everything.
His breath is lodged in his throat as he reaches for his little sketchbook — the special one, littered with drawings and doodles and musings of Steve. His face, his hands, the constellations of his moles. The occasional DnD related sketch in there, because Steve just inspires him.
His pencil dances over the page in practiced, familiar movements as he tries to capture the moment on paper. It’s hard, though, because Steve’s nose is scrunched a little with that smile that Eddie’s not even sure Steve’s aware of, and his dimples tell a story of their own tonight. A story of contentment rather than joy or amusement. Eddie has to try and try again, never quite getting it right, this perfection, and he curses a little under his breath.
“What are you drawing?” Steve asks, turning his head and opening his eyes a little, squinting but curious.
“Nothing,” Eddie smiles, pulling the sketch closer to his chest, away from Steve’s sleepy, lazy, slow attempt to reach for it. “Go back to sleep.”
“‘M not asleep,” he sighs, rolling over onto his side, watching Eddie and reaching for his ankle — just to touch. To hold. To feel.
It makes Eddie smile. “No?”
“No,” Steve says, helpless not to smile back, and Eddie wants to kiss him. “Just… I don’t know. ‘S nice.”
“Mm-hmm. Perfect.”
Eddie discards the sketchbook and goes to lie down beside Steve, wrapping one arm around his middle, the other coming up to take Steve’s, their fingers intertwined between their faces.
“Then I think the word you’re looking for is basking.”
Steve hums again, touching his forehead to Eddie’s knuckles before brushing featherlight kisses over them. “Yeah,” he breathes. “Basking.”
Eddie’s heart is ready to beat out of his chest, make a life of its own fuelled by the perfection of this moment. Everything about it. Everything.
Outside, the rain picks up even more, a wave of cold air coming into the van that makes Steve cuddle closer to him, until their foreheads are touching. Eddie closes his eyes, breathes him in, and slowly inches forward, tilting his head to claim Steve’s lips in a gentle kiss.
They trade slow, sensual kisses for a while. Steve’s hand comes up to Eddie’s cheek, his thumb stroking whatever skin he can find, caressing his cheek, his chin, his jaw, while Eddie plays with Steve’s hair.
In the end it’s Steve who pulls back first, eyes open, just watching Eddie. Taking him in, making him feel seen rather than watched.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Answering is as easy as breathing. And just as difficult. Just as impossible. His love, his breath — they both belong to Steve, completely and entirely.
Steve, who smiles at him like being loved by Eddie Munson means something to him. Like it means everything. Like it can mean Forever. Eddie feels like he might not survive tonight it Steve continues to be so genuine, so honest, so raw, so open, so vulnerable, so pretty, so beautiful, so absolutely breathtakingly everything.
“Can I see what you were drawing?”
“You,” Eddie says, reaching behind him blindly in search for his book, too weak to refuse Steve anything he asks for. “I was drawing you.”
“You were?”
Eddie nods, feeling a heat creeping up on his cheeks.
“Sap,” Steve grins, leaning in to plant a kiss on Eddie’s cheek as he reaches over him for the sketchbook. “Can I?”
“Knock yourself out,” Eddie grumbles, rolling them so Steve’s lying on his back and Eddie can sprawl on top of him. Hide his face in the crook of Steve’s neck, hide the way he’s flushing, hide the absolutely obvious way he’s a goner for Steve fucking Harrington.
He hears the gasps, hears the pages being flipped, the little giggles of surprise, the hums and tiny, secret little ohs. He hears them and he holds his breath, beginning to shiver for a reason that even the cool breeze cannot compete with.
“Eddie,” Steve breathes. Doesn’t say anything else for a while. And Eddie wonders if Steve is in the same boat, in the same condition, if he has these moments, too. Moments like this. He wonders, and he hopes, and he wishes.
But Steve doesn’t say anything else, and neither does Eddie, and the music switches to Springsteen. Tougher Than the Rest. It’s always been too soft for Eddie, but right now it serves to give the word perfect a new melody.
“Dance with me,” Steve breathes.
“Dance with me. Please?”
“In the rain?”
“Mm-hmm,” Steve nods, tightens his hold around Eddie as if he forgot that they still had to get up and get out there.
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie says, lifting himself from Steve’s chest and climbing out of the car, warm rain immediately drenching his clothes. It makes him laugh, a boyish little thing that bubbles out of him as he holds out his hands to help Steve out.
Steve takes his hand, jumping out with a small giggle of his own, making for a glorious vision: happy and giddy against the golden light inside the van, his wild hair soon drenched completely, sticking to his face where he shakes his head, showing droplets of water left and right.
It doesn’t fit the song, doesn’t fit the notion of basking, but they’re both laughing and breathless, clinging to each other in the moonlit night somewhere at the foot of weathertop, far away from everyone else that they might just be the only two people left in the world. Two silly boys, giddy and breathless and stupidly in love.
It makes Eddie pause. Swallow. It makes his heart go wild as he stills.
“What?” Steve asks, stilling as well, looking over his shoulder to see if someone was coming, if someone’s watching them.
Eddie pulls him closer, makes Steve meet his eyes again as he rests his hands around his neck. “Dance with me.”
A smile spreads Steve’s lips, breaking through all of Eddie’s walls to let the light in — even in the middle of the night. “Okay,” he breathes.
And if you’re brave enough for love, // Honey, I’m tougher than the rest.
The sound of rain isn’t loud enough to drown out the music, but still Eddie can barely hear it over the sound of his own heart. Over the sound of I love you, I love you, I love you. Over the sound of Is this forever? Can this be forever?
They slow dance to Springsteen, then to Tears for Fears, and eventually to Prince. They dance until Steve begins to shiver in his arms, until the rain has drenched them so completely that none of the day’s heat is left in the air and the breeze is getting uncomfortable. And then, they dance a little longer, because Steve is capturing Eddie’s lips again, slow and unhurried and like he means it. Like he means it all.
“One day,” Steve breathes against Eddie’s lips. “One day I’m going to marry you. I’ll find a way.”
And it’s Eddie this time who gasps, who falls into Steve because his knees are giving out. It’s Eddie who’s lost for words.
But he doesn’t need words, because Steve is kissing him again, holding him up, holding him, holding his heart and his life and his future in hands so gentle and sure that Eddie wants to fall apart, just a little bit.
“Not if I marry you first,” he says eventually, brushing one last bruising kiss to Steve’s lips before pulling back and climbing into the van, dripping as he is.
Steve, laughing and giggling, follows immediately after him, pulling off his clothes in a hurry to get under the blanket. Eddie watches him with a leer — at least until Steve kicks him in the side and tells him to get out of these clothes and come under the blanket to warm up.
“If you wanted to get me naked, you could’a just said so, Harrington. Didn’t have to propose first.”
Steve grins, helpless against it, blushing a little and hiding his face in the blanket even as he reaches for Eddie to come closer.
But Eddie doesn’t, and awkwardly climbs over Steve to reach for the driver’s side door.
“What are you—“
Steve shuts up when Eddie retrieves the mason jar, his mouth clicking shut adorably, making Eddie grin, vulnerable and nervous and raw as he feels.
“Told myself I’d capture a perfect moment for you. What do you think, does it qualify?”
Steve swallows. Nods. Reaches for Eddie once more, who shuffles closer until Steve can test his head on his shoulder.
“Can’t believe you remembered,” he murmurs, trailing his index finger along the lid.
“I find your lack of faith disturbing,” Eddie grins, making Steve laugh. Alleviating the moment, but not dislodging it. “So?”
“Yeah,” Steve breathes. “It’s perfect. I’m… God, I love you so much, Eddie, shit.”
“And that’s how I’m gonna label it,��� Eddie grins.
“Not One day I’m gonna marry you?”
And Eddie’s breath hitches again. He lowers the mason jar, meeting Steve’s eyes this time. He wants to ask; needs to ask. Needs to know.
“Do you mean that?” It’s whispered; he doesn’t have the strength or the bravery to be any louder.
Steve’s hands come up to his cheeks, cradling his face in the gentlest way as he holds Eddie’s eyes. “Eddie Munson,” he says, “one day I’m going to marry you. And I won’t let you marry me first.”
Between them, Eddie opens the mason jar just as Steve leans in to capture his mouth in a kiss that really is nothing less than a promise. Nothing less than Forever.
happy birthday @anzelsilver i have the hugest “pls be my friend” crush on you so i decided to write you a lil thing and hope you enjoy this and the rest of your week 🫶🤍🌷
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8-rae-rae-8 · 5 months
Hehehe I’m gonna cook hold on -feral anon
It’s been a few days and Graves is still being an ass to everyone (especially ghost). He refuses to talk to anyone and shuts himself in his room and sulks whenever he has free time.
This goes on for another day until late at night, a persistent knocking is heard. Graves tried to ignore it but it won’t stop. He grits his teeth and marches over to the door. Throwing it open
“The hell do you want at this hou-“
His words become lost as he looks at the culprit behind the knocking. Ghost.
Ghost just stares, taking a deep hard look at Phil. It’s in a way that makes Phil feel exposed and naked…but he’s frozen in place, unable to move or look away. He shrinks when Ghost’s eyes lock with his own.
The look he’s given makes him feel very small. His breathe hitches and he finds himself fighting back tears. Ghost’s eyes soften just a touch, he reaches over and grabs Phil by the wrist.
“On me, Graves.”
Phil is helpless as he tugged out of his room by Ghost, the fuzziness is coming back and it’s coming hard. Something about the way Ghost is acting is making him drop hard.
He doesn’t even realise they are inside Price’s office until Phil notices ghost heading towards the dreaded rocking chair, the subject and cause of all this
“W-Wait! What are you doing!”
Graves is trying to dig his heels in but Ghost just huffs, turns back around and scoops a protesting Phil up into his arms. Ghost then sits down in the rocker, plopping Phil in his lap similar to how Baba cuddles him. He coaxes Philip’s head into his chest, his hand brushing at the unkempt blonde curls. All the fight Philip has left immediately leaves his body. He finally lets the fuzziness take over and sniffles
“Knew it was about this bloody chair.” Ghost snorts to himself, not in a cruel way. But in an understanding manner “it’s pretty good, huh? Makes you feel really small.” All Phil can do is nod, slipping two fingers into his mouth. His wide, glassy eyes stare up at Ghost, bewildered. Ghost stares back, his usual dead stare is now soft and filled with empathy towards Graves
“I know how hard it is to ask for help.” Simon confesses “I still struggle with it…but, we’re here for you, okay? No need to be an as-“ Simon clears just throat “no need to be…a silly goose over it, yeah?”
Phil nods softly and squirms in Simon’s lap. He nuzzles ghost’s neck “sowwy…”
“Water off a duck’s back, mate. Jus’ try open up to your Dada ‘bout your feelings, okay? It’s not good for you to bottle such big emotions up for so long”
Phil whines but nods in understanding, nosing Ghost’s balaclava.
“Good lad.” Ghost praised, patting the little’s thigh. For now, he’d keep this interaction a secret for Grave’s sake(even if it meant breaking the ‘no lying to baba’ rule…he knows he’s already going to be in trouble for breaking into Price’s office after hours anyway).
But he would make an effort to encourage Philip to be more honest. He knew more than anyone how Philip was feeling and he’d do anything he could to help Philip accept not himself but accept love from others.
Once again, perceptive Ghost strikes again
I feel like that's one thing Price could brush off, even if Phil would probably get a stern talking to about how he treated Ghost. Then Price would probably talk to Roach about his behavior too
But I get the thought that keeping Graves' regression a safe space means no punishments (at least while little). He's from the south, I've seen a trend of southern parents being... Hard for lack of better words (speaking a lil from experience)
The fact that Ghost is so aware that he realizes why Phil's acting the way he is 😭
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Pleease pls pls do your headcanon wife thingy for lee chaeyeon or lee chaeryeong (or maybe even... A poly relationship???) (Unless you only know one of them, in which case id still be grateful heheh)
Itzy headcanon: Chaeryeong as your wife
Requests are open
Hello Anon! Sorry for the wait. I'm starting from the younger sister, but also the Chaeyeon sister will be posted in the future. About the poly!relationship thing, I don't think I will write because it would be incest 😅 Anyway, I hope you enjoy it 😄
Itzy Chaeryeong X GN!Reader
SFW Content
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Before Marriage
You met her for the first time during her trainee days
In fact both of you won a trip in Japan to learn Jazz dance
During the travel you became really close
I mean, closer than a normal friendship
A lot of attention and gestures that were definitely too romantic even for bestfriends
So, it was quite natural for you two to become a couple
But that was the easy part
The difficult part was mantaining the relationship secret during her period as an Itzy member
But thankfully you did a great job in keep the secret
Even with the help of the other member
The same members that one day were trying to spy you two through the keyhole because they are a bunch of KIDS
But also the same members that helped you two to organize the perfect wedding party
You six danced for hours that day
And honestly having the next day sore muscles was total worth it
Conjugal Life
Probably the best part of your marriage is that now obviously your relationship is not a secret anymore
So you two could just enjoy your dates in public places
Even though the media always discovered you two dancing in the most bizarre spots
Like that one time that you were photographated while dancing Loco in a church
Don't ask me why
But in general you two stay often at home
Yes, dancing is cool
But being in bed cuddling each other is even better
The way she touches you
It seems like she's afraid of damaging you
Also, she's so protective
One time Yuna jokingly pushed your shoulder
After that she needed ice on her hand☠️
Always so shy about physical contact
Even though you are literally married lol
Luckily you are not shy as her
So you have not problems in kissing or hugging her
NSFW Content
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To be honest there are times when she's not minimally shy
Like when you show her your body
All her inhibitions go away
And she's all over you
Kissing your body in its totality
You lost the count of how many times you two had a good fuck in the practice room
It's not her fault
It's just a perfect stress-relief
It's not that you are opposed
Every time you go to watch her practicing, she seems to always wear the most skimpy outfit
And her facial espressions...
She's eating you with her eyes basically
Probably in her mind looking forward to when you and her would be naked on that sweaty parquet
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💌message to jamie🐺: hiiiii i stilllll misssss uuuuuuuu
💌message to jamie🐺: mhm my wolfie🥰🐺💗
💌message to jamie🐺: WOWOWOW !!! LOOK SO SO HANDSOME !!! 🥰💗✨
💌message to jamie🐺: what’s the tux for baby? :)
💌message to jamie🐺: love love loveeeeee uuuu🥰💗 i love u !!!!! so so sooooo much love i’m sending !!! can u feel it through the phone????
💌message to jamie🐺: hehe u always give me butterflies🥰🦋💗
💌message to jamie🐺: isn’t the butterfly emoji so cute jamie?🥰🦋hehehe
💌message to jamie🐺: yes yes i promise that i am always safe! *sends a selfie of me in the quinjet, trying to look tough, pouting slightly, my seatbelt on* seatbelts on!!!!
💌message to jamie🐺: can we go on a helicopter ride🥰 that way u can hold my hand n keep me safe!!!🥰💗
💌message to jamie🐺: awwww i wish i was bunny the plushie🥺💗 she looks sooo comfy on ur lap!!! and i want kissies!!!!!! *sends pictures of my bear on my lap, kissing the top of its head, a selfie of me smiling with my bear, then sitting at the desk with the bear sitting on my head*
💌message to jamie🐺: i’m okay👍am so strong n tough👍 (i cried when they disinfected my cut today🫶) *sends a selfie of me teary eyed in the medbay, bruce’s shoulder right next to mine in the corner of the picture, his face not showing*
💌message to jamie🐺: at the medbay they said was sort of deep :/ i’ll be careful🥺 i’m happy urs is healing well!!💗
💌message to jamie🐺: hehe no no i love the collar!! we’ll match🥰💗
💌message to jamie🐺: ahhh shdbsns meep meep sndnsndn mhmmmmmmmmmmmmwannahavesexwithuuuuuuu 🥺💗
💌message to jamie🐺: hehehe okie okie will send lots of my face🥰💗
💌message to jamie🐺: i loveeee uuuu💗💗i love being urs n yes yes ur mine🥰
💌message to jamie🐺: meeep🥺yes i love how it feels🥺🥺🥺 dbfbsnd eek still shy🥺 is okay?🥺
💌message to jamie🐺: dbfbdndbd noo ndnfndnd shhh shh shhhhh
💌message to jamie🐺: *sends a video of me in the bathroom, my phone propped up so u can see my face and body, fully naked, blushing deeply* hi b-baby… *chuckles, picking the phone up, bringing it to the shower with me, setting it on a shelf, rubbing soap on my body* m-miss y-you… m-miss you really bad… *bites my lip, rubbing soap over my tits, breathing heavy, blushing deeply, then rubs at my clit, whimpering* m-miss your cock… w-wanna… rub ur cock between my thighs… *whines softly, slowly pushing a finger inside of me with one hand, the other hand massaging my tit* mmmm…. w-want you inside me j-james… w-want you so bad… y-your cock in my m-mouth… s-suck it hard… wanna suck it all night baby… feel so good… have you cum in my mouth n all over me… *whines, fingering myself faster, my knees buckling a little, catching myself* mmm… s-shit… ‘m g-gonna cum… i love you… s-shit ‘m c-cumming *whines and releases, holding onto a railing, panting heavily, then turns off the video*
💌message to jamie🐺: *sends a mirror selfie of myself in my pjs after my shower, my hair in a towel, bruce on his phone in bed* all clean! :) 🐰🧼
💌message to jamie🐺: hiii nat💗
💌message to jamie🐺: eeek i loveeeee uuuu💗💗 ur sooooo good at texting n sexting jamie🥰💗🫶
💌voice message to jamie🐺: hi jamie… mmm mhm was accident… i got it disinfected today… was ouchies but i’m brave *chuckles softly* no it’s okay baby! i love them, so keep sending them, okay? they make me feel very nice *giggles softly* and i’m sure bruce is not around when i film them, i make sure of it! *chuckles* i’m okay baby, hope you’re having a good day! *giggles softly* okay good… can do things to plushie me since i’m not there *giggles softly* that’s what i do! i give bucky bear lots of kissies n hugs n cuddles! mmm i felt your bracelet earlier… pressing mine now… *hums softly* mmmm i miss us taking care of each other… was sweet… n nice… *chuckles softly* it’ll be just us soon, yeah? scout n jamie back together again and get to be with each other and cuddle n kiss n hug n all that good stuff, yeah? i’m excited for that… *hums, then chuckles* oh god, no no, i don’t record these when bruce is here… is just me n you… *sighs softly* i miss you a ton honey… love you so so freaking much… *chuckles* i’ll try n stay out of the medbay… mhm i’ll stay safe, you too, okay? i love you… love you so much…
💌comms: hi wolfie… still missing you *chuckles softly* mmmm yeah got some pain meds if i need… hurts little but think sleepys will help… i’ll be safe n careful, i promise… love you so much… night night…
💌message to jamie🐺: wish u were here to hold me 🥺 pout 🥺
💌message to jamie🐺: *sends mirror selfie of me, looking sleepy, in the middle of rubbing my eye* night night jamie…
💌message to bunny: I’m still missing you baby
💌message to bunny: your wolfie :) my bunny :)
💌message to bunny: yeah? You think so? It’s for an event we need to go to over here. *sends another pic of the fitting, this time with the suit jacket on, just a plain all black suit, Nat sitting in the back*
💌message to bunny: I love you so much baby❤️❤️❤️love you❤️yes I feel the love but I wanna be with you
💌message to bunny: it’s a cute emoji, yes. You give me butterflies too :)
💌message to bunny: okay baby, be extra safe for me though, okay? *sends a picture of me in the suit, in the car, smiling*
💌message to bunny: Sure, if we need to go on a helicopter together at some point lol
💌message to bunny: I wish you were bunny the plushie too lol
💌message to bunny: You are very cute my baby :) with the bear. Gotta give me all that love when we’re back together.
💌message to bunny: Oh baby:( it hurt that bad? I know you’re my strong baby.
💌message to bunny: who’s next to you?
💌message to bunny: Nat said it’s Bruce lol, did she guess right?
💌message to bunny: Okay be careful.
💌message to bunny: oh yeah? You wanna have sex with me? Can I get a clearer message babygirl :) use your words.
💌message to bunny: Am all yours honey. You’re all mine.
💌message to bunny: yes is okay baby, no worries if you’re shy :) it is okay you like the grinding :) I’m glad you have something to do to relieve yourself
💌message to bunny: what? You are so fucking sexy, baby. That’s the truth
💌message to bunny: it’s proven even more by the video you just sent me goddamn
💌message to bunny: I wanna be in that shower with you
💌message to bunny: You really know my weak spots huh?
💌message to bunny: *sends a video of me in the bathroom, setting the phone on the counter so you can see me, still in my suit, taking off the tie then the jacket* hey baby *takes my belt off, then unbuttons a few of my shirt buttons* you rubbin’ all over your tits was so cute baby…*palms myself over my pants and then unzips them, pushing them down a little to take my cock out* you wanna suck this cock all night baby? *spits on my hand then starts to stroke my cock* fuck…when you said that I lost my shit…felt my dick twitch and I just…had to not watch the rest until…I had more time…cause all I can think about is how I just wanna…fuck you all night when we’re together again…I wanna fuckin’ ruin your pussy baby…*moans and leans against the wall as i stroke my cock, looking at the camera* mmm and when you get too sensitive I’d use your mouth…cause you’re such a good girl for me hm? Wanna please me…*groans and pumps my cock faster, precum dripping onto my hand and floor* I-I wanna please you too…god I wanna see you cum over and over again for me, just me *moans and growls a little* you wanna see me make a mess? *chuckles and then moves a little closer to the camera, stroking myself faster* I-I love makin’ messes baby…I want you to think about this cum on your tits…or your face…anywhere on or in you I just want it fuckin’ on or in you baby…you’re my fuckin’ cumslut…o-oh I love you…l-love you so much baby…fuck *whines and then releases onto my pant leg, making sure the camera gets that part and then leans down so you can see my face again, smiling lazily* love you *stops the video*
💌message for bunny: *sends a picture of me in the shower with soap on my chest, then a mirror selfie, giving a thumbs up*
💌message for bunny: was bruce in the room when you made that little shower video, bunny?
💌message for bunny: Nat? Oh she was working next to me
💌message for bunny: *sends a picture of me laying on my bed, outstretching my arms to take the pic and you can see Nat in the other bed*
💌message for bunny: Stevie left for a day or two to do some solo stuff. Nat has to room with me. She says hi
💌message for bunny: I love you too :) I’m glad I’m good at both :) you’re very good at both
💌voice message to bunny: hey baby…mhm you’re my brave girl…you’re doin’ good with it honey…I hope it starts to feel better tomorrow…*chuckles* okay, I’ll keep sendin’ them, they’re fun. Bruce better not be around when you film them…*chuckles* I make sure I have the privacy…oh and I…watched that last video you sent again and…layin’ in bed right now ‘m…I wanna rub my cock between your thighs too like uh…fuck them when we’re all sleepy and cuddlin’ in bed…just slowly movin’ my hips against you…and I know you’d get off on it too *snorts* You’ve got a deep hold on me darlin’…’m okay…just missin’ you a lot…like a lot…I hope you’re okay…mhm I got bunny tucked in next to me…ill give her a kiss goodnight for you okay? I felt the bracelet earlier, I’ll do mine now…mhm it’ll be us soon again…just wanna hide away for a bit with you *chuckles* don’t wanna see anyone but you…is that crazy? I want our lazy days again…all the cuddles and kissies and hugs and all of it, I think we’re in agreement on that *laughs* missin’ it so much…mmm I love you so fuckin’ much…you’re the love of my life honey did you know that? *chuckles* feel so lucky…I’m all safe baby…you stay safe…I’ll keep you extra safe once we’re back together…is soon. We’re uh…we’re gettin’ there…I think you’re gonna be home first but baby, I’ll get there as soon as I can okay? I love you so much baby…I-I really miss you…I love you…
💌comms: am still missin’ you too bunny…mhm sleep will help but take the medicine if you need to…I love you so much…my sweet little baby…miss you in my arms so much…I love you…
💌message to bunny: shit I called you baby over comms
💌message to bunny: it’s okay lol, I got caught up . I wish I was there to hold you too baby
💌message to bunny: oh you’re so adorable :) need to fuckin’ snuggle the shit out of you
💌message to bunny: going to bed now :) or gonna try to👍*sends sleepy pic of me, smiling, sticking my tongue out a little* love you❤️
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gavinsmg24 · 1 year
😳🥺💘😍 goodness!! Baby! Of course yes! You know u would!
I won’t take full advantage bcuz I know even tho your being lovey that your also hurting / depressed. But! What I will say before I share my full on thoughts 😳. That. I would do every bit of this with you and not even be sexual! Like of course I would yes. But. I’d do all of it with pure of heart fun intent!
So! Yes. I would chase you! I’d say. Hey babyyy have you seen the remote? I’d look across the hall and see you smirking 😈 maybeeee you’d say. I’d say. Princess. Give it hereee. And as you’d dash down the hall I’d get up and chase after you. You’d hide in a room as you try not to giggle hearing me search. As you hear me open a closet you’d dash to our bedroom. I hear your lil steps and follow you! Closing the door behind. You’d giggle backing towards the bed. No where to run! I’d say. You’d toss the remote to me. But I set it aside. It’s too late for that princess! My objective has changed 😈😈 now I have the evil smirk! You’d put your hands out to stop me but your no match! I’d grab your waist and lay you on the bed. Ticking your tummy. Even giving you a quick raspberry! Giving you a happy smile! You’d hate the tickles but also love the attention🥰 our hands grabbing and rubbing and being playful. We’re together so who cares if clothes come off! Sexual or not 🙈😳. I’d lift your shirt off of you and keep messing not even being naughty. You’d do the same. Wrestling my shirt off me and taking over tickling. I’d be at your mercy now. On top of me. Laughing and smiling at each other (I forgot to say this earlier on so imma add it here. We’d have at least 2 cats. Maybe a dog. The cats running as we move quick but we’d of course never step on them. And our possible dog getting excited and running with us and doing a little spin. But how the pets are safely on the other side of the bedroom door. Now it’s just us. Heheh)
After the shirts came off now it’s a take the clothes off game! Id have basketball shorts on. Easy for you to slip them off my body! I’d start to tug and pull your sweat pants off of you. Finally we’re down to just our underwear. We’d be on the floor at this point. Wrestling but really just kissing, cuddling, and rolling around with each other. Finally I’d take your undies off and not long after you’d slip mine down. Now we’re just naked and together. We’d take a min to catch our breaths. We’d hop in bed. And just cuddle. Nothing bad. Just you and me. Enjoying each other!
Now.. I’m normally the bad one anyways.. so. Let’s just say.. it did go sexual. Then. Right at the end of the above post. After we catch our breath. You’d hop on top of me.. but we’re naked now. I’d give you my innocent look as you give me your evil one 🥺😈 hehe. You’d rub your self against me.. on top of me.. hehe I’d be holding your waist. Moving my hands up. You’d lean down for kisses. Things would heat up. I’d grab you and lay you on your back. Kissing up your tummy to your chest 🙈 then. Now. Unless you explicitly kept this train goin imma let the rest be for imagination! Anyways. It may be obvious but I wanted to not only confirm I’d want everything you said. But! Being attentive and showing that your seen but capitalizing on your story and making it more in depth! With my own spin! Enjoy princess! I really.. really.. enjoyed what you said.. you’ve got daddy feeling so many things 🙈💘 but don’t be upset about any of that! Just! You’re amazing! Sexy! Perfect! You’re story made me smile ear to ear. And the fun stuff. 😳 even more so hehe!
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reaganseyebags · 2 years
Bathing with the gang!
//SFW, non-sexual nudity, drug use
She doesn’t take bath at all! It feels kinda weird to her sit naked in bathtub for hour doing nothing.
She probably has one of these standard small bathtub, the one that can only fit one person
BUT,, try suggesting it to her,, she will probably say no at first but if you try more times and she will agree on it!
Since the bathtub is so small you guys have to:
Someone has to lay on the other’s chest
You two have to sit on the the opposite sides
The first time you two took a bath together she chose the second option since she wasn’t comfortable enough to lay on you
At first she thought it was pretty weird but after few mins she got really relaxed! Plz massage her feet
You two ended up talking about random bullshit and she really enjoyed it! The warm water helped her so much <333
After some time she finally agreed on that cuddling position where she lied down on your chest,
you played with her hair and massages her shoulders and she just loved it sm <333
It helps him relax!! He loves baths sm!
Bigger bathtub! That one that can fit two people!
sobs he probably named his rubber ducks and probably gave them a personality and backstory
He was so excited when you suggested taking bath together!!
When you noticed the rubber ducks he got embarrassed- but then he started talking about them and he was so happy when you started adding some things to the stories-
You two came up with entire rubber duck plot that night-
Scratch his back <333 he loves it
She takes bath every night-
Expensive soaps,, lot of expensive soaps,, expensive stuff in general like you are scared to touch something cuz it all looks so fancy
She absolutely adores the idea of bathing with you <333 like honey,,, you are getting spoiled tonight
If you have any skin problems she will probably put some drops or soaps into the water so it can help you out!
She will offer face masks and other stuff <33
She will totally massage your shoulders,, her hands are fucking magical hehehe 👀
She just makes sure you are relaxed cuz you deserve it <333
He takes a bath sometimes,, rarely even-
And when he does,, he gets high
Big bathtub cuz he likes to,, yknow invite friends 👀
He probably puts some herbs drops in the water to help his skin-
He really likes the idea of you taking a bath with him, he thinks it’s a wonderful way of spending time with someone <3
You guys get high and then talk about random bullshit you did in high school-
Also please lay on his chest he likes having you close <333
He loved baths! I feel like he takes them like two times a week
Small bathtub cuz he can easily fit in it and still have a lot of space
It’s nice for him to take a bath after long day
“Ohhh a bath together;)))” he teased. He was glad you asked tho,
Probably has ribber ducks as well- no bubbles this time
Very warm bath, I feel like the center of earth is pretty warm so he’s used to warmer temperatures
He will massage you with his tentacles! No cuz that much feel pretty good
He has to take baths! Since he’s part dolphin he needs to hydrate his skin and,, he would forget how to forget how to breathe under water???
Cold baths definitely
He has a bigger bathtub but he also has a pool
He will warm up the water when you two are bathing but it’s not something extremely warm,, it’s the tolerable temperature, not too hot but not so hot
You know,, sometimes it’s nice to take colder bath <3
He doesn’t talk much,, you are just enjoying each other’s company <3 having nice little moment together
Honey I don’t think he’s waterproof </3 and even if he was he would overheat easily?? Baths would kill him :(
But! He loves being your company when you take a bath! Having a little chat together <3 he totally talks about Friends
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drakenology · 3 years
Don’t Ignore Horny Daichi - Daichi Sawamura
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author’s note: hehehe... so I’m officially a Daichi fucker yall.. his fine ass. im on my ✨period✨ so im extra thirsty rn. enjoy!
summary: daichi’s horny but you’re preoccupied with something sooo..
warnings: smut, cunnilingus, pure love making, established relationship.
Today was a lazy Sunday. Daichi was out at practice and you were in his apartment chilling like a villain, lounging around in his hoodie and some shorts while playing his playstation.
You had no clue what you were doing, pressing all the wrong buttons and definitely ruining his stats, but who cares? You were bored and your boyfriend wasn’t home so what’s a girl to do?
You sigh and put the controller down and grab your phone to text him.
“Daichiiii 🥺” you text, throwing your phone somewhere while you continue the game. 20 minutes go by and he texts you back.
“I know, babe. We’re wrapping up now, I’ll be home in thirty.” He said, so readily aware that you were going to say something about missing him. You sigh and pout, grabbing the controller to continue to play the game.
Even though the game you were playing was really hard, it was kind of fun. It was some first person shooter Daichi and the boys would play, him shouting call outs over the voices of everyone else in the middle of the night and waking you up in the process. What was it called, call of duty or something? Either way, you were starting to get the hang of the game and you were dominating the lobby right now.
A bit of time passed and you heard the door of Daichi’s room open, your tall boyfriend throwing his gym bag next to his closet as he sighed.
“I’m home, babe.” He grinned, kissing you on the cheek. You smile at him and turn your attention back to the game and welcomed him home.
“Call of Duty? Since when did you game?” Daichi asked, looking at the T.V in confusion.
“I was bored but now I kinda like it. I see why you play this so mu- Oh come on!” You shout after being killed. Daichi giggled and kissed your forehead, saying something about getting in the shower before getting in bed with you. You nod, half hearing what he said as you continued the game.
Daichi got undressed and grabbed a towel, walking into the bathroom of his room and closing the door. You hardly notice him get naked in front of you as you completely demolish everyone in the lobby, laughing maniacally as you get last kill.
A few minutes go by and Daichi comes out of the bathroom, his hair wet and sticking to his forehead. His muscular body was glistening wet, practically dripping onto the floor as his towel hung lazily on his hips. You stare at him as you wait on a loading screen, causing him to let out a low chuckle.
“Enjoying the peep show?” He teased, taking his towel off to dry himself. You pick your jaw up and turn back to the game and start playing again, ignoring Daichi getting changed directly in your peripheral vision.
“Fuck sake!” You cuss, getting destroyed by an absolute douchebag of a player. Daichi sits on the bed next to you, laying his head on your thighs as he caressed them.
“Been thinking about you all day, baby.” He hums, taking in your scent as he played with the hem of your shorts. You bit your lip, unable to take your eyes off the screen as you lay back a little in bed.
Your attention was so focused on the game you didn’t even hear him say he was horny, something about him getting hard at practice and having to go to the bathroom and adjust his shorts to hide his raging hard-on.
“You suck at this, you know?” Daichi teased, hoping that would at least get you to look at him but no dice. You kept playing, unaware of your boyfriends blatant requests for sex.
Daichi sighed and sat up, staring down at you on the bed as you shift your eyes a little to look at him as he got up, unsure why he moved away from his position.
Daichi crawled on top of you and started kissing your neck, you letting out a small gasp as he expertly found your favorite spot and nibbled a little. You shuffle in bed, eyes still trying to look at the game and play as he kissed and sucked on your neck.
You’re slowly getting turned on as Daichi grabbed you and kissed you with such feral hunger, pausing the game as you throw the controller onto the floor and run your fingers through his hair.
“Oh don’t stop playing now, Y/N.” Daichi said, sarcasm coating his tongue, pulling his hoodie off of you. You say nothing, blinking at him dumbly after the sloppy neck kisses he gave you.
Daichi went down and grabbed your breast, taking the other in his mouth as he licked and sucked on your exposed nipple, drawing soft moans from your throat.
“Go on, baby. Finish your game. Don’t mind me.” He said smirking, continuing his work on your breasts. The pit of your stomach was fluttering, the spot between your legs gettign wetter with each lick on your nipples.
Your focus on the game became hazy, running around aimlessly as players kill you easily. Your breathy moans fill the room as Daichi trailed kisses down to the waistband of your shorts, pulling them and your panties off expertly as he gathered your slick on the tips of fingers.
You arch your back, struggling to even get a single kill as Daichi slurped on your pussy, growling into you as your legs quiver and close in on the sides of his head. He chuckled, shoving two fingers inside as he fingered you and devored you at the same time drawing long drawn out moans from your lips.
You’re AFK at this point, players getting a free kill off your stilled character as Daichi devoured your aching pussy.
“Daichiiiii-hah! I-I can’t take a-anymore.~” you whine, at this point not even playing the game. You want to touch him, ruffle your fingers into his hair or something but he insists that you keep playing.
Your eyes could hardly stay open, your whole body convulsing as Daichi makes his assault on your clit with his mouth, his fingers hooking to poke at that spot you love. He laughed as he listened to you whine and get killed in game, you’re so fucked out that you can hardly focus on what’s in front of you.
The pit of your stomach formed a knot raring to snap in seconds, your face pulling into a lewd look as you pant and moan loudly into Daichi’s room. Finally you’re pushed over the edge, a raspy moan leaving your mouth as Daichi licked you for all you had. Before pulling away, he licked up your thigh, looking you in the eye as he smirked at your cute exhausted face.
You squirm, watching limply as Daichi sat up to pull down his sweatpants and boxers.
“You ready, baby? I can’t wait to be inside you.” He huffed, revealing his hard dick as it slapped against his stomach. You nod, spreading your legs open wider for him like a good girl should.
Daichi grabs the controller off the floor; since you dropped it while you were screaming his name, and handed it to you, telling you to keep playing.
“Don’t drop the controller no matter what, understand baby?” He coos, inching himself inside you slowly as you gasp as the stretch of his entrance.
You’re still sensitive from being eaten out, wet and ready for him as he slips deeper inside you. And here you are, desperately attempting to play Call or Duty while your boyfriend rearranged your guts in an agonizingly slow pace. You let out little whimpers with each rut of Daichi’s hips, clenching onto the controller as you just stare at the screen. Your eyes roll back, panting as he started to pick up some speed.
“D-D-Daiichii, f-fuck!” You squeal, earning a low chuckle from Daichi as he pinned your legs down on the bed, your feet above your head now. He obviously didn’t care if you paid any attention to the game now as he fucked you so hard it was impossible to focus on anything else but Daichi’s dick kissing your cervix as he rubbed circles on your puffy clit.
“I’m cumming soon, baby. Wait for me, okay?” Daichi cooed, leaning in to give you a wet kiss. You struggle to kiss him back, huffing into his mouth as he fucked you brain-dead.
He’s urging you to cum now, mumbling something to you about how close you are, he can feel you clenching down on him; let go baby he hummed.
That’s the last thing you hear before you’re screaming, your back arching off the bed as Daichi fucked you through your orgasm. Daichi came hot inside you, painting your insides white as he groaned against your neck.
He climbed to the other side of the bed and laid beside you, breathing unevenly from the work he just put in. You’re a fucked out mess, laying limp in your boyfriend’s bed as you turn your head to look at the t.v.
You had been kicked out of the lobby for inactivity, getting a few hate messages from angry teammates but whatever. It was Daichi’s account anyways. You sigh, leaning into his chest as you listen to his heartbeat and cuddle with him.
Cuddling with Daichi after sex was the best part, other than the mind blowing orgasms he’d give you he was always sure to make you feel loved and adored afterwards.
Daichi chuckled weakly and landed a playful pat on your ass, as a “good game” praise.
“That’ll teach you to ignore me.” He said breathily, causing you to bury your face into his chest in embarrassment.
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
Melt with you | Lee Taeyong
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✦ Lee Taeyong x reader ✦ Fluff, Smut, Smut, Smut, Angst, Jack Frost AU ✦ 2/5 for HOLIDAY SERIES: Once Upon A December
Summary: After being the guardian of winter, Taeyong finds himself falling in love with you while he takes care of your daughter secretly. “I’ll see you in your next life,” he says, and so he did. He waited for your next life and make you fall in love with him, until Taeyong can’t cheat on fate anymore and decided to give you to your real soulmate.
Word count: 8,550k
Warnings: A lot of smut, unprotected sex and protected sex, mentions of sex, mentions of oral sex, and oral sex (female receiving), swearing, mentions of other idols, fingering, accidental period sex, trying to have a baby but can’t, virginity loss, virgin taeyong, experienced reader, poor taeyog (no money), mentions of dying, almost dying Taeyong, pregnancy test and getting a negative result always, mentions of rough sex, mature themes, established relationship, divorce.
A/N: PURE FICTION. Inspired by the movie Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians, Marriage Story, 500 days of summer.... Personally I wanted this to be my own version of Jack Frost and focused a lot with Taeyong and so much about the reader sorry :( but I think I did a pretty bad job about that. Jaehyun is a cupid here, and Doyoung is the easter bunny. Dont forget that hehehe. hope you enjoy.
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The snow was pretty thick today and according to the news, there will be a snowstorm that will hit the town by late afternoon. Running like the wind and flying fast, the spirit of winter that makes the town cold and ready for the Holiday season came out to enjoy the said storm. As the spirit of winter, Taeyong did not just go out today so he could have a great time, but he has to make sure that the town will be safe once the storm arrives.
“Can we go out and skate? I promise I’ll be back before the storm arrives” your nine year old daughter whines to you and your husband, Taeil. You look at Taeil while he chews his pancakes, and shook his head. “No. It’s too dangerous” he says.
“No buts, baby. You can play indoors and you can skate all you want after the storm” he reasons out. She pouts and crossed her arms, giving her father a look, and did not finish her breakfast. Even though Taeil said no, his daughter is so stubborn that she sneaked out to meet her friend from behind their house to go skating.
The storm is fast approaching and the wind is getting stronger and it is slowly becoming a blizzard. When the little girl soon realizes that she made the wrong decision because she sees that it’s obviously dangerous, it was too late because they seem to have lost their way back home. “I can’t see a thing! Don’t let go of my hand!” she shouts at her friend, squeezing her hand so tight so she won’t lose her. The wind was so strong that they can’t move their bodies, not to mention it was so cold and it’s getting really hard to try and move.
“Didn’t your parents told you not to go out! There’s a storm coming- here give me your hand” Taeyong came out of nowhere and helped the girls through the storm and guide their way back home like the guardian that he is. He made sure that the girls will go home safely so he turned into his human form and brought them home safely. Your daughter hugged you so tight and quickly apologized for being stubborn and promised she won’t do it again.
While Taeyong on the other hand, watches you and your daughter reunite, he felt the world slow down and feel every snowflake fall oh so slowly when he saw your face. You’re so beautiful he thought. It took one look for him to completely fall in love with you, his heart melts at how you hold your daughter with such care and full of love. Being a mother suits you. But then he saw your husband Taeil coming towards you and your daughter to hug her tightly. Of course, you’re married already, Taeyong murmurs. “Thank you for saving our daughter and her friend” Taeil thanks Taeyong sincerely for what he has done.
“Don’t mention it. I’ll get going” Taeyong smiled and looked at your beauty one last time before he leaves, I’ll see you in your next life.
From there on, Taeyong became your daughter’s secret guardian until the winter season is finally over just so he can see you. But whenever you’re with your husband, he stops himself to respect your marriage and remind himself that it’s not yet his time to love you. He figured his time will come and he will have the chance to grow old with you too, all he has to do is wait so there's no need to get jealous. It was a long wait for Taeyong, but he endured it while fulfilling his duty as the spirit of winter.
Every winter season, Taeyong comes back to your house and see how you’ve been while he was gone. Too bad he can’t be with you every second because he couldn't come over during the summer. But every winter, the spirit followed you like a shadow and admire your beauty with every chance he got.
After years and years of waiting, Taeyong’s suffering is finally over now that you’re gone and ready to be born again. Although he has to wait for a couple of years before he can approach you, introduce himself and make you fall in love with him, Taeyong was really excited and happy.
The spirit of winter waited for you during the spring, summer, fall, and winter for years and years. Watching you grow up, watching you go to school until you finish college, even watch you have your first heartbreak. Love is patient and Taeyong can and will stretch his patience for you until the right time comes.
“So she’s the one? Is this really worth it?” Jaehyun the cupid whines. Some of the guardians are with him and here to watch him leave and pursue love. They were all against it because Taeyong could lose his powers and die eventually, but he will not change his mind now.
“Being a human is hard, you know that right?” the easter bunny reminds his best friend, trying so hard to stop him.
“In five minutes, her car will break down in that street” Taeyong breathes in deeply, feeling excited but somehow sad because his friends aren’t supporting him and have been trying to change his mind until the last minute. “I’ve been taking care of kids that I don’t know, I’ve been doing my duty… now let me take care of her”
Soon his friends gave up and gave him a tight hug before he transforms and become a human. They will miss him of course, not to mention they don’t know how long will Taeyong be away. Just as he predicted, your car broke down on the side of the street and he has never been so excited. As we walk towards where your car broke down, his hair is slowly turning brown from silver white, the halo in his eyes is gone, and now that he’s human he can feel cold now.
“Here goes nothing” he murmurs and walked under the snowstorm, cold and freezing. He walked past your car, which got stranded in the middle of the road because of the storm, you see him and bought his acting and did not have second thoughts to call him out.
“Hey!” you got out of the car, struggling to go call him but Taeyong heard you well. He slowly turned towards you and walked weakly, Doyoung is right being a human is hard. “You must be freezing. Come inside my car we can wait for this storm to pass, please” you begged. Of course, he accepted your offer and went back inside your car with you. The moment you two were settled inside safely, he felt bad for making you come after him under the storm but he didn’t have a choice.
He wanted to look at your face like how he normally does but now is different because you can see him already. “I’m Taeyong. Thank you for helping me” he started, putting his hands towards the heater. It was a sweet moment for him and you have no idea. You have no idea how long he has waited for this moment to happen, you have no idea how many times he imagined this scenario in his head.  
“I’m Y/n. Why are you walking under this storm? Did your car broke down and you went out to get some help?”
Taeyong was once again turned into stone because he can’t believe that you can talk to him now, he shook his head and answered your question. “Y-yes. My car broke down and my heater stopped working” lies. Taeyong stopped talking so he could stop lying to you. He admired your face while you enjoy the limited heat, you looked much younger than the first time he met you but you’re still beautiful. Even more beautiful actually.
Your cursing brought him back to reality again and started getting worried because you’re frowning. “Oh- shit, this isn’t happening” you whine and looked at him, “gosh I’m sorry. The heater stopped, it must be because of my car’s battery. Shit we are going to freeze here,” you said your sorry so many times to the guy sitting beside you because you’re the one who offered helped but now that your heater stopped working you feel ashamed for dragging him.
“No no. Don’t be” you watch him remove his jack and let him wrapped it around you. “There, I’m returning the favor. Were even now. Seriously, I’m fine and I’m thankful for you” His smile warms your heart and suddenly your worries banished the moment he said he’s thankful to you.
Hours have already passed and Taeyong wanted to go out and look for help now because you’re freezing and soon you’ll be sick. He has an idea but he’s scared you won’t like it and you’ll think of him as a pervert, but he nicely explained his plan and cleared his intentions so he won’t scare you. “If we don’t share body heat… you can end up getting sick and that’s the last thing we want right now. We can… c-cuddle until help finds us” he was getting shy too but you think that he’s sweet for thinking about your health even though you just met a few hours ago.
You accepted his offer and soon you and Taeyong cuddle at the back of your car, sharing body heat to survive this cold. Even though Taeyong is the spirit of winter, he can be warm whenever he’s in his human form. “You know that sharing body heat is effective when two parties are naked, right?” you tease him and make him blush. He smiled handsomely and let out an awkward laugh. “Tell me something about yourself,” you asked and try to turn this awkward moment around.
“I don’t know. There’s nothing much about me and nothing interested, how about you?” his voice was enough to make you melt while you hug him and enjoy his warmth. You like how he didn’t try to impress you but instead, he gave you an honest answer about himself.
“Well, since you’re honest, I’ll be honest too. I’m on my way to meet a guy, I have a date tonight but…” you breathe in and out before you continue and contemplate whether it’s right to say this to him or not.
“But?” he tightens his embrace to you as he waits for you to continue your sentence.
“But I’m glad I got stranded and met you”
You feel his heart beat so fast because your bodies are incredibly close, you watch him blush and smile so big making your body warm again. After a few more hours of talking, help finally came and brought you to a safe place where it’s warm. Taeyong did not foresee this, he felt like he’s losing you already and he didn’t know what to do. Clearly, he didn’t plan everything out smoothly before he chose to be human for you, he’s not sure when he’s going to meet you again. He remembers his suffering from your first life and he didn’t want to let you go now and meet Taeil before he could even have his chance.
“Listen” he calls you before you get inside the cab and go home, “I’m poor. I have nothing to offer, I don’t have a car and I purposely walked past your car to grab your attention. But, see me again. Give me a few months to earn some money so I can buy you a decent dinner. I promise I will never lie to you again”
His eyes tell you everything. Obviously, he’s sincere with his words and he spoke nothing but the truth because there were no other broken cars found other than yours. It was Taeyong’s honesty that moved you and made you say yes to the dinner date that he offered. Before you two go on separate ways, you gave him a piece of paper that has your number in it and you can only hope that he will not lose it so you can meet soon.
Taeyong was more than happy for accepting his honesty in exchange for your trust. He doesn’t have any clue to what he’s doing but he’s sure about one thing, if he’s going to make you fall in love with him he wanted to do it right and will all honesty. That’s what you deserve. It might take him a while to find a job, and earn some money but everything will be worth it in time. With that motivation, Taeyong looked for a job that he likes, earn enough money to buy a small place for him to stay, and save up for the date that he promised you.
After a few months, you received a call from an anonymous number and did not hesitate to answer because it could be Taeyong. When you finally heard his voice again, you smiled so big because not only that this man is honest but he knew how to keep his promise.
“I’m still not rich but I have enough money to make us dinner. Uhm… If you still want to have dinner with me, I’ll text you the address and we can have dinner tonight” he bit his lower lip, hoping that his offer is enough to allow him to see you again.
“I don’t need a rich man Taeyong. Send me the address then, I’ll see you tonight” The fact that he will make dinner for the two of you is enough reason for you to say yes.
When the time for the most awaited dinner date has arrived, you two had a great time in his small apartment with a dinner table full of good and delicious food that he made. The date went well, he talked all night telling you how he’s holding up with his new life, he told you he loved working on the daycare that accepted him because he loves taking care of the children and every story that comes out from his mouth is too good to be true but you believe every word he says because you know that he’s honest. Taeyong felt happy seeing you smile because of him and not another man. The waiting he did for you is worth it even though being an independent human is not easy, as always, he’s ready to endure everything for you.
“How about you? What’s your work?” he asks after he overshared his experience from the daycare.
“I work for my parents. At their company” you looked sad the moment you mentioned it and he wondered why. “Let’s just say that, because I’m their daughter they expect too much from me. But I end up disappointing them- I was having a bad day Taeyong, but you called and now everything is fine” you gave him a small smile and continue eating. Knowing that he can make you happy even with the smallest things makes him really happy. It looks like he started on the right foot and hope that this can continue.  
“Will I see you again?” he asks before you get a cab.
“Let’s see each other every day, do you like that?” you bit your lower lip and hope that your flirting will work. It was a bold move but Taeyong is a kind man that made your beat. Little did you know that what you just said made Taeyong really happy that he could cry in front of you but he would rather not. He kissed you on your forehead to answer your question, smiled so sweetly at you, and told you, “Text me the address of your work, I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Get home safe, okay?”
After a few dinner dates, and countless phone calls, and texting, you and Taeyong made everything official between the two of you and sealed it with a kiss under the first snow in the middle of an empty street. But that’s only the start of your relationship. As you continue to see each other day by day or every other day, Taeyong is becoming like the nice warm feeling when the morning sun hits your skin the moment you step out of the house. This happens all the time when he picks you up at work and meets you outside the building and there he is, standing and waiting for you. Not a single word from him but he already, turned your day around.
“Had a rough day?” he asks, swinging his arms around you keeping you close as you two walk with the sea of people.
“Yeah. I did a lot today” you let out a sigh to further express your exhaustion.
“Don’t worry. I’m here now” one smile from him and everything is okay.
Taeyong is not perfect. But you don’t need someone perfect, you need someone who tries. You don’t know where he came from and he may seem ignorant sometimes but he’s not afraid to ask you about something like that one time he wanted to go to the movies with you but he doesn’t know how so he asked you and ruined the surprise. And whenever you ask him about his family background he simply says the truth.
“I don’t have any or maybe I don’t remember much but I do have friends, you can meet them someday. I’m sorry I lack about a lot of things,” you saw the worry in his eyes and disappointment in himself.
“No baby, it’s fine. I just asked. No need to worry about it” from there on you never asked anything about him so he won’t overthink, what you see is what you get and you let yourself accept what he can only give to you.
It’s been almost half a year since you and Taeyong started dating. He may be very different from the guys you dated before him, but it’s okay because that makes him more special. Almost a year together and you and Taeyong haven’t moved your relationship to the next level and by the next level you meant he hasn’t touched you yet, haven’t shared a lustful kiss, and haven’t had sex. It’s like high school all over again.
“Did you know that you’re my first kiss?” he whispered beside your ear. It’s a weekend so you’re staying over in his cozy apartment, enjoying his cold body against you as you sit comfortably in between his legs on his very small couch.
“I’m your first love, Tae that’s given already” you giggle and intertwine your fingers with his. “If I’m your first kiss then you must be a virgin,” you added.
“I am” he giggles and tightens his embrace, “any plans about that?”
“Woah there. Is that an invitation?” you turned your head to meet his eyes and he gave you a wink. Your heart jumped out of excitement when you saw him getting shy, smiling oh so handsomely. So it’s a yes then.
“My knowledge about sex is very limited don’t get too excited,” he says while watching you sit on his lap, legs on both sides. This is new, Taeyong thought. “you’re going to tease me from now on, I get it. But you do look sexy now on top of me” he giggles and pulls you closer for a heated kiss. He never kissed you like this, his hands on your waist gripping it tightly and his tongue… oh his tongue. You never thought he’s capable of such skill.
“Okay let’s not rush and not jump right into having sex,” you said in between kissing. You don’t stop, he doesn’t stop either but he’s listening. “Put your hands inside my shirt” you instruct him and he shyly followed you. You felt his cold hands against your skin, slowly going up to knead your clothed boobs, you feel him harden beneath you and for the first time, you see your boyfriend became horny. You unclasp your bra while you continue kissing each other with want, tongue sucking, lip biting while you enjoy the way he touches you for the first time.
He stopped for a second when you removed your bra in front of him, letting your hard nipples ghost on your thin shirt. He remembered how he used to look away whenever you and Taeil get too intimate, but now you’re his. Slowly he played with the hem of your shirt and lift it over your head to see his girlfriend’s body for the first time. He smiled and kissed you again, touching your boobs gently, brushing his thumb on your nipples, and making you moan softly.  
After that night, Taeyong became confident when it comes to touching you and kissing you with full of lust that sometimes it’s all too much because he’s doing a great job. His kisses alone can make you moan and weak, while the way he fingers you slowly can make you moan his name that his landlord sometimes shush you two. The first time you introduced him to oral sex, was a wild moment for the two of you because he loved it so much and he did a pretty good job for a first timer.
When the time finally comes and you’re both ready to have sex, he didn’t even know how to put on a condom, so you taught him how and you think he’s cute. He told you he wanted to make you happy even in bed, so you let him. “I’ll do my best,” he says, kissing your neck and making you smile before he proceeds to foreplay. His lips travel down from your lips, all the way down to your neck and the valley between your boobs, giving your nipples a soft pinch before he proceeds and licks you for a few seconds. He kisses your lower abdomen, caressing your thighs as he blows cold air on your wet folds, and proceeds to lick your cunt. You feel his cold tongue glide oh so smoothly like there's a piece of ice rubbing on your cunt right now, but it’s Taeyong’s tongue. “Enough teasing Tae. We’ve had enough of that” you moan and pulled him up to face you. It’s true though, you and Taeyong have been giving each other oral for the past few weeks because he’s not yet ready to have sex with you.
“Okay okay. I understand” he says and attacked lips with hungry kisses and starts grinding on top of your body while you surround his small room with sounds of wet kisses. Kissing Taeyong always feels because his lips are always cold and it feels good against your skin. As you admire his lips and the way he kisses you, you feel the tip of his cock on your entrance and feel him push in slowly catching every sharp gasp you let out with his mouth. You cup his face with both of your hands and close your eyes as you enjoy being fucked by the man you love. “You said you don’t know what you’re doing- Taeyong you feel good!” you were basically moaning the whole time you were telling him what you feel. He asks you to spread your legs even more so he can thrust deeper and so you followed gladly, and after a few thrusts, he hits your good spot perfectly.
“And I told you I’ll do my best right?” he smirks and continues to fuck you good, keeping your legs apart and sucking your boobs as he thrusts. He feels your walls warm walls around his cock then you asked him to put his thumb on your clit and the moment his cold fingers made contact on your clit, you tried to push him away because it made you sensitive and moan his name louder than before. You breathed heavily and accept every deep thrust Taeyong give you, every cold kiss, every sweet word that makes your heart swell. It was all overwhelming and all you can do is let go and cum.
Soon he released his cum in the condom and removed it immediately before he lay beside you in his small bed. You feel him kiss your forehead while he covers your sweaty and shivering bodies with his blanket and helped you come down from your high.
The next day, the sunlight from Taeyong’s window wakes him up and quickly blocked the sun with his hand so it won't hit your eyes too. You were sleeping soundly beside him, embracing his tiny waist unconsciously. “Good morning “ he whispered to you, covering your naked body with his blanket. “You have work” he reminded you sweetly and pulled you in a tight embrace.
“Let’s stay in bed, Taeyongie. Let’s skip work and make love the whole day” you kissed him good morning and closed your eyes again. You hear him giggle and feel his strong arms cage you and cradle you.
“As much as I want to do that, we can’t. Come on, I’ll cook breakfast, let’s start our day together”
“Are you getting rid of me?”  
“No, quite opposite actually. Let’s start this day early, so we could go to work and meet afterward. I’m excited to see you again” You smile a gave him a tight embrace, allowing yourself to be thankful just for a minute for this beautiful morning, and for the naked man beneath you who loves you so much.
Beautiful nights that involved making love with Taeyong or having rough sex, eventually, happened again and again and again until he’s confident in bed just as much as you are. You go to work sore and tired but your heart is happy all because of Taeyong. He may not be as innocent as before but the humble and loving Taeyong that you fell in love with is still here. It was a relationship that involved a lot of sexual activities but you and Taeyong loved each other dearly and prove it to each other every day.
“I hate going home” you whined and gave him a glass of water. Tonight is one of those nights where you and Taeyong enjoy the meal he cooks after a long day at work and you have dinner together in his small apartment.
“Then don’t, stay here with me it’s late,” he says as he drinks the water that you gave.
“Hmm. That’s not what I meant, ask me to live with you already”
“I cant my place is too small, I’ll marry you and I’ll buy us a nice home”
“Were not getting young” you teased him, “I’m perfectly fine with this place. You know I love it here, I sleep well whenever I stay over”
“That’s because of me not because of this place” he was talking about the sex and smirked.
“Okay fine- But seriously you don’t have to buy me a big house you’re enough” he pulled you closer to him and looked at your eyes. He remembers the big house that you and Taeil owned in your past life and he was planning to give you something like that and not this shoebox. But he sees that you’re happy so he finally lets you win.
“Okay. If this place makes you happy, fine. Welcome home” he kissed your knuckles softly but you attacked him with sweet kisses and ended up making out with your boyfriend on his cold floor with a happy heart.  
Living with Taeyong was a huge transition in your life but it was all for the better. You used to eat fast food every night but now you have Taeyong to cook you good food every day. Living together also made you know him more and know some things for yourself, like his love for sweet potatoes and that he can sing. He is incredibly affectionate when it comes to animals, may it be a stray cat or a dog it doesn’t matter he will take care of it. Living with Taeyong made your life easier and beautiful even though it’s all about the simplest things with him.
After you moved in with Taeyong, he found a job as a grade school art teacher which he loved doing so much and also pays good money. With that money, he saved a lot and bought you a house that’s big enough for the two of you. You let him shower you with love because that’s what he wants, in return you love him unconditionally. Soon, you introduced him to your family during the holidays, and Taeyong cooked for everyone which made him win their hearts especially your mom.
Seasons changed and so are the years, now you’re swaying under the soft music from the background on your sister’s wedding. Your arms are wrapped around his neck while his arms are wrapped around your waist as he whispers how beautiful you are tonight for the nth time but you never get tired of it. It’s not your wedding but you feel like it is because Taeyong can easily turn a second into a special moment.
Your sister’s wedding is a series of mixed emotions, one minute you’re crying because she’s not a baby anymore and by the next few hours you’re happy because she dropped the news that she’s pregnant already. “I saw your eyes when your sister told everyone she’s pregnant, how many kids do you want in the future?” he asks, continuously swaying your bodies while he waits for your answer.
“Ask me to marry you first” you boop his sharp nose and rest your head on his chest, “but let's have two kids,” you sighed and smiled at your wish and you hear your boyfriend hum in approval.  
The night ended beautifully and you’re happy to see that your sister is happily married now. You kissed and waved goodbye to your family and Taeyong did the same too. Oh, how you wish you and Taeyong will have a happy ending soon too.
But you know what they say, be careful what you wish for.
A week after your sister’s wedding Taeyong proposed to you and made you the happiest girl in the world. It was nothing glamorous like the ones you see in movies, no big crowds, and no big signs that says ‘Marry Me?’. No. It was just the two of you. In your car, where you two first met. It was snowing too which made it even more special and romantic. When he was putting the ring on your finger, he was shaking so bad like he was cold but he’s not he’s just nervous. It was a simple ring and it represents your relationship with him, the diamond was small but the ring itself is a promise of never ending happiness because you get to spend the rest of your life with this handsome man.
Suddenly life is full of dreams and promises to keep for your marriage, no morning or night has passed that you didn’t admire your engagement ring. Just like now while Taeyong is in the shower and you’re waiting for him to come to bed. “You smell good” you didn’t notice him slide under the covers and felt him sniff your exposed shoulders. You turned your head to him and see him shirtless while he leans on the bed frame. You rolled on your side and rest your head on his abs, while you admire his handsome features.
“I want kids with your nose, my eyes, and your good heart,” you said, looking directly in his eyes. “You can teach them how to draw or cook pancakes, we can read stories to them, sing a song, and dance around our living room?”
He felt his body warm in instant. With just your words he felt like he’s melting. “Your love melts me you know,” he reaches for your lips and kissed you good night. “We can do all that and more, I promise” he whispers.
Time passed by so fast after getting married to Taeyong. Life is even sweeter and worth living for. Even though married life is never easy, you and Taeyong managed to be happy every day. More seasons change and you and Taeyong have become busier with work that you only spend time with each other during mornings and before you go to bed. But of course, the baby making is a never ending try until that damn pregnancy test will come out positive. Trying to have a baby was harder than you thought. There are times that you’re losing hope but your husband makes everything better.
“Good morning Mrs. Lee”
After being married for two beautiful years now, some things have never changed like how Taeyong wakes you up early in the morning for work with his cold lips and handsome face. You stretch your body looked at your handsome husband, who’s shirtless and only wearing a pajama underneath this thick blanket. You couldn’t stop yourself to kiss him and position him on top of you. “I have kids to teach” he giggled but he kisses your chest just the way you like it.
“Want to try to make our own kid? We haven’t tried ever since the last result. This isn’t us” you teased him but you both know it’s because of your jobs and you understand each other.
“You know I can’t say no to that” he smirked and lifts your sleepwear, exposing your boobs to your husband. Sucking your nipples immediately and felt his cold tongue swirl around it while his hands were quick to remove your pajamas and underwear. He kneels in between your legs and lowered his sweatpants before he releases his hard cock from his boxer briefs. With his middle finger, he checked if your slit is wet and ready, “you’re always wet for me” he says and kissed you deeply as he thrusts inside you with one quick move that dragged your body on the mattress. It hurt a little because you weren’t prepped enough, but once Taeyong rolls his hips and starts kissing your neck you lose your mind and all you can do is focus on the pleasure that he’s giving.
His thrusts were quick, you figured he was horny and his grip on your waist will sure leave marks. “Ah-fuck” you moan out when his thumb started drawing circles on your clit to make sure you will cum because there’s no way you will leave your house without cumming this morning. “I’m cumming-“ he says and sucks your nipples while he thrust harshly and putting pressure on your clit.
Your husband gave you a piercing thrust as he shoots his cum inside you, making you yelp and almost hit the headboard but you don’t care because you’re in the middle of your own orgasm.
“Wow- our baby making is getting intense,” you said with heavy breaths and sharp gaps. You put your shoulder above your forehead and catch your breath for a minute before you go on and take a shower.
You don’t know but your husband wanted to tell you something but he doesn’t want to ruin the morning. He helps you wear your panties again and kiss your sensitive body while listening to your giggles that’s music to his ear. He loves you so much that he wanted so bad to give you a baby soon because he’s tired of seeing you disappointed whenever the pregnancy test is negative.
Every day you and Taeyong spend your mornings peaceful and quiet. You wrap your arms around him while he prepares you breakfast, enjoy the quietness of your house and the peaceful life that he has given to you. “Have I told you that I love you Tae? So much?” you smelled his still wet hair and tighten your embrace.
“Yes. Every day, I think I don’t say it as much as you do but, I love you too” He kissed your forehead and gave your lips a peck. And mornings like this happens every day and no one is complaining because you never get sick of it.
“What if we adopt instead of trying to make one?”
It’s not that he didn’t like the idea of adopting, but it hurt him because you must really want a baby by this time and he can’t give you one for unexplainable reasons. “Don’t you want to see your nose in our little one? Or my eyes?” he stopped doing what he’s doing for a second and turned around to meet your gaze. He swings his arms around your waist, leaned on the kitchen counter, and pressed you against his body. “Where did that idea come from- I’m not against it but-,”
“But you don’t want to do it either?”
“I wish I could answer all of our questions on why you can’t get pregnant. Let’s try a few more times, then if nothing happens let’s do it. I’m sorry-“
“No, you’re not doing anything wrong. I think I’m just stressed with work,” you were just about to kiss your husband and end the conversation when the doorbell rang and you both wonder who might that be. Neither of you is expecting any visitor this early, that’s why it is a complete shock for Taeyong that Jaehyun visited him.
This must be important.
Since Taeyong needed to talk to his friend, you had to drive alone to work and drown with the things that you told your husband. I shouldn’t have said that, I completely hurt his feelings. Stupid. You said those things to yourself as you drive and arrive at your office safely. Then…
“Oh gosh. I’m sorry” a stranger bumped you so hard while you were walking towards your office. Completely bringing you back from reality. He was quick to apologize and his beautiful smile was hard to not notice. “I’m very sorry Miss. I’m Moon Taeil. I was reading some guidelines, I’m very new here and I can’t seem to find Mrs. Y/n Lee” he read it from the paper he was holding.
“You found me” you smiled and invited him to your office to talk about the work he has to finish.
While you were busy orienting Moon Taeil in your office Taeyong and Jaehyun had a serious conversation in your living room which made Taeyong very angry and frustrated. Turns ourtJaehyun is here to tell him that you and your soulmate will finally cross paths.
“That’s the thing when it comes to this soulmate thing hyung, we can’t stop it. Even me. It’s beyond what I’m capable of. I’m sorry, you just have to work harder and keep her away from him. Try and stop destiny” Jaehyun says, frustrated like his hyung too. Taeyong was quiet but he was thankful to Jaehyun for telling him.
“I’m starting to melt” Taeyong admitted to his friend. "I think I could last two more years"
“Make up your mind. Would you rather be selfish or let her be happy for the rest of her life?” Taeyong watched his friend leave after dropping a very hard question to answer. He can indeed feel his heart is slowly melting and the only way to save himself is to go back to being a spirit again.  
It was a very disturbing day for both of you. He was worried about you and Taeil meeting, you were worried about the things you said to him this morning. To make it up with your husband, you decided to surprise him and pick him up from the school he's teaching. You see parents hugging their children and hear them asking about their day and you can’t help but tear up a little because you want the same things too.
You wipe your tears when you see your handsome husband walking towards you and greet you with a kiss. “Adults go here to fetch their kids, but here you are fetching me” you both let out a giggle before going inside your car. Before you start apologizing, you gulped the lump on your throat and keep your eyes on the road.
“I’m sorry about this morning. I know I hurt you” you finally said.
“Hurt me a thousand more times, I’m still going to love you deeply. Everything is fine, I understand you’re desperate because I’m desperate too. But we both have different solutions to this problem that's why. Let’s talk about it at home,” he says, reaching your free hand and kissed your wedding ring. You love how he’s always right when it comes to things like this. He always knew what to do.
As usual, you and Taeyong fixed this baby situation and decided to try and try until you get pregnant. You have nothing against it but you don’t know how long you can hold on anymore. Nonetheless, you try and understand Taeyong’s feelings too and you don’t want to hurt him again. After having that conversation with your husband, he tried so hard to get you pregnant and initiate having sex almost every day. Exhausting but at the same time fun, you just let love and lust drive you and your husband to bed over and over again.
Like right now, you were so weak and you can’t feel your legs anymore, you don’t even have the energy to roll on your side and reach for your husband but he does it for you. “You okay?” he kisses your neck and caress your sensitive body softly, naked and still sweaty from sex.
“Can we go back to the time where you don’t know anything about sex?” it was a joke which both of you find funny. You return his embrace and let out a shiver when you felt his skin so cold like ice and he was sweating so hard… like he was melting, “are you sick? baby you’re so cold like ice” you were worried but your husband is smiling weakly at you with lustful eyes, clearly, he wanted another round. But little did you know Taeyong is not feeling well.
“Come here so you could keep me warm then,” he kissed you deeply on the lips and felt him spreading your legs again. Oh boy, you thought. You tried to push him but you’re too late, he made you horny too, and just like that you gave in already.
You and Taeyong continue to try to have a baby and have sex whenever you can. Until one day when you were busy cleaning the house, and you saw your pads on the drawers and realized that you’re late. Your period is finally late.  
“I’m home. Y/n?” Taeyong shouts as he enters your house, putting his shoes on the side. You greet him with a warm hug and a smile so big, inviting him to bed this instance. What better way to celebrate your pregnancy right?
You kiss him until you reach your shared bed and remove your clothes in front of him, intertwining your fingers with his and guiding him to touch your body. He doesn’t know what’s happening but he was enjoying it even though he doesn’t feel good. Taeyong quickly switched positions and removed his clothes from work before he goes in between your legs and kisses your body.
First, he licked your pussy good. Making your head turn and make you moan his name a little louder. You hear wet sounds as Taeyong licks you up and down and kiss your pussy like it’s your mouth. You were so wet that it turns you on even more and can’t wait for Taeyong to finally fuck you. When he felt your excitement, he quickly pumped his cock and slide it on your very wet folds just to watch you lose your mind beneath him.
He came in slowly, fucking you deep and careful because he was too weak right now but he can’t show you. After a few moments of heavy breathes and taking Taeyong's deep thrust, Taeyong fed his lust and looked how your cunt take all of him slowly and got excited to see blood coating his cock because loves period sex so much.  
“I love fucking you when you’re on your period-ah” he was moaning so good and fucking you at a quick pace now, nipping your earlobes and kneading your boobs. After a few dirty talks, he heard you sob and felt tears falling on your cheeks. He thought you were crying because of overstimulation so he smirked and gave your ass a light slap. When he pulls away from your neck to kiss you on the lips, he sees you crying while covering your mouth with your own hand.
Your husband stopped.
“Am I hurting you, what’s wrong?” you didn’t answer him.
He quickly pulled out and went to the bathroom to get a damped towel to clean the blood on your thighs and put a tampon inside you while you were crying. He kissed your shoulders and begged you to talk to him because he is clueless.
“I was excited because I thought my period is late just a few minutes before you get home. Then it fucking came” it was a very harsh move for fate to give you false hope and hurt your feelings like that. Taeyong didn’t know what to do when you asked him to leave you alone for tonight.
He needed you too because he’s sick right now but he can’t tell you.
And that is where your marriage failed.
Taeyong was desperate to keep you while you were desperate to have a child. You two started to fight, and you can see that things are slowly changing now. You were cold towards him because you don’t know what else to do to have a kid. You have sex, take a test, negative, have sex again, take the test again, and have the same results over and over again.  
You hope that it’s easier than ‘you don’t love him anymore’ but it’s not, you love each other so much but this baby problem is ruining your marriage and you can’t fix it because you don’t know what’s wrong, even the doctors said you’re both fine and you just have to try and try but its getting tiring already.
“I don’t know what else to do” Taeyong admits after you take another test just a few minutes ago and he sees you crying. He can’t take it. He never saw you cry when you were married to Taeil.
“Do you want to give up? Because I’m getting tired, baby” you hug him so tight and cried on his shoulders, “we fight, we don’t sleep peacefully now, and we're not happy. This is not us” you cry out and tighten your embrace to your husband. You forgot how his presence comforts a lot.
“Okay, let's stop. I’m sorry. I really am”
“I’m sorry too”
Taeyong realized what he was doing all this time. If he didn’t steal you from Taeil you wouldn’t suffer like this because he is not the right man for you. Love is cruel, Taeyong thought. No matter how much you love each other, no matter how much he loves you, fate won’t consider it and will find a way to ruin your chance of being happy.
He puts you to sleep and went out to meet his friends and tell them that he’s slowly dying. You were so focused on yourself and didn’t notice that Taeyong is getting thin and his hair is slowly turning white. You thought it’s just him being stressed with everything that’s happening right now but it’s more than that.
“Well, you can’t die. It’s simple as that. You’re more than Taeyong, you have an obligation in this world as the spirit of winter” Doyoung was beyond pissed upon hearing the news. "We told you from the very start that this is not a good idea" he added.
“We have no choice but to let her and Taeil have their happy ending. But how she loves you so much” Jaehyun says with worried eyes because they know that Taeyong is going through so much.
“I’ll Divorce her, with all the strength I have left ” Taeyong says weakly, tears in his eyes started to ball.
“All for the better hyung, you can save your life and she can be happy” Doyoung pat his back and told him to do it immediately because he doesn’t have much time.
After a week, Jaehyun helped Taeyong with the process of divorce and will make everything official once you sign the papers.
And just as you thought that life couldn’t get any more brutal, your husband is handing you the divorce papers before you start your car and drive you both home. You never thought that this damn car will witness everything. How you and Taeyong met for the first time, the night he asked you to marry him, and now that he’s completely giving up on your marriage. Taeyong watched you cry while you’re driving quietly and wonder what’s on your mind. Do you hate me? He remained silent the whole time until you reach home.
You look at the envelope in front of you while Taeyong is on the other side of the kitchen with you, waiting for your thoughts. “If this is about me wanting to have a baby- Taeyong I don’t want it anymore just please” you were begging him in the middle of your kitchen, tears started falling and you can’t believe that this is happening. He came closer to you, cupped your cheeks, and kissed your forehead because he can’t see you like this, “We’ve been through so much Tae, you can’t do this to me”
“But I can’t make you happy anymore, someone will fill in my shoes” he kept you close and savor the feeling of your hug that will last for a lifetime.
“To hell with happiness- I’m sorry I was selfish, I was only thinking of myself” you cry some more and stain his dress shirt with your tears.
“I was the one who became selfish in the first place, not you,” you don’t know what he was saying but you don’t care anymore, all you want to do is never let him go.
But he was the one who let you go and you couldn’t get a hold of him no matter how much you beg. It was more than heartbreaking. When Taeyong left you, the house he bought you was never home without him, he didn’t even take anything with him, not even his clothes. The only thing he got for himself is his wedding ring which he will wear forever.
“Welcome back,” Doyoung says but neither of them is happy about the divorce. Taeyong felt strong and healthy now that he’s a spirit again but his heart is dead, he doesn’t feel alive anymore. It’s been weeks since he left you, and since it’s not winter, he’s not allowed to be around. Perfect, he thought. He needed the time to move on and heal alone.
Who knows? Maybe he'll try again in your next life.  
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To whoever read this, i hope you live a happy life a simple life and you’re happy genuinely. 
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Modern!Au: House Husband!Shokudaikiri Mitsutada
Man Mitsu sure is popular huh? I don’t blame y’all at all! He’s a goooood man <3
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See you and Mitsu live in utter marriage bliss. He always wakes up early to make you food but then there are days when he just stays in bed. Half asleep but mostly just observing you and your form. You married him for a reason, him and his scarred self? Hello? It makes him want to cry at the thought. 
He’s a morning person no doubt, and there’s already a full course breakfast ready for you when you wake up. Lateness tends to happen and depending on how much time you have before you go to work, he’ll adjust the food to the amount/time needed. If you’re super late, you’ll at least have some kind of sandwich all wrapped up for you as you leave. 
He makes the cutest fucking lunches, social media worthy - posting it all on Instagram the minute he finished cooking and decorating it. EVen when it’s just you two and you have time together like lunch or dinner or a brunch on a day off, he will ask you to wait for a moment while he takes a good picture of the food he had made! Even if you two are out and about, he has to show everyone!
Whenever he does make something and post it on to the social media sites, there is always some kinda sugary sweet caption like, “Maybe this delicious meal for my spouse! I think I did pretty good, I hope they will like it!!”  ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ or “I made their favorite food today and their eyes lit up like stars! Ah, I’m so luckyyyy”  o(>ω<)o
If you do forget your lunch/have time during lunch break at work, expect Mitsu to always come and visit! He will drop everything just to be there! Will always arrive some minutes early, thirty minutes most likely; mostly to either beat the traffic and spend more quality time with you! He doesn’t mind waiting! You’re more than worth that wait!!!
Yeah a lot of people will be asking a lot about your husband, you may have to fight them off lmao. But Micchan publicly will say over and over again that you’re the only one for him! No need to worry!!! Will publicly kiss you as well!
Expect a lot of PDA in public. Sure Micchan will get all flustered but will quickly recover to press all sorts of kisses to your face and hold you hand!!! Hold hands!!!
Will get pouty as hell and will text you about it too if you don’t give him a morning kiss.
Will also send little silly texts to you at random times! It’s mostly little tidbits about his day and how much he misses you. Joking little things like, “Counting down the hours until you come home~<3″
When you do come home, kisses and hugs first! He has dinner all ready for you and had been sending you sneak peaks all day about what he’s making! Of course he posts the damn thing on the internet anyway but like it doesn’t hurt to play a little guessing game!
Expect Tsuru, Kuri, and Taikogane to visit a lot! It’s kinda like a game night for all of you!
Of course speaking of date nights, you always get food for Mitsu, he works and cooks a lot anyway. You always have date nights where you just order take out or go out to eat, just to give him a break and kisses and stuff! Spoil him!!!! Take him out to dance! Go for a walk! Hold hands!! Have a movie night!!!
Micchan is also the kind of man who will take your surname after you two married, that or combine them somehow!
Kitchen off limits when you’re gonna do that do. No way man. Sure you can tease each other in the kitchen, like that banana trick, but like actually doing the do? No that’s for the bedroom.
If you two send each other naughty texts, be prepared for...audio clips, videos, and the ilk. He wants you to know how you make him feel, and how lonely he is without you. You have to excuse yourself to deal with his shenanigans. Of course those are rare, he prefers softcore sexting.
Yes he will do a naked apron thing, yes he will make YOU do a naked apron thing.
Is also that kind of man who will prepare himself when you get home, “Welcome home darling, would you prefer dinner, a bath, or me?” and while his cheeks are flushed, there is a big ol smile on his lips. He’s rEADY. 
Micchan is more than prepped when it comes to aftercare. Water, fresh bedding, kisses, cuddles, so on and so forth!!!
Your wedding night well uh, none of you slept okay? Micchan honestly had a long cry before you two started having sex. He just couldn’t believe that this happened??? YOu two are married now! TOgether! Tied the knot!! HOw could he not be happy???? And then when you two have sex for the first time as a married couple Micchan is so happy. You’re the only one who can see him like this, and he is the only one who can see you like this. It’s private and intimate, he adores it and you!
As said in my general NSFW headcanons, Mitsu is a wildcard in terms of wanting to do the do. It’s kind of sporadic, and it’s easy to tell when he wants to do the do though. His eye will wander your body, and his hands will ghost everywhere~
Glove kink and hand kink stays. He loves your hands, especially when they’re wrapped around his cock, hehehe. 
As a house husband, the house is his to watch. So he won’t lie that he hasn’t fantasized of fucking you in various parts of the home you two share. 
Isn’t afraid to lightly tease you in public either, especially if someone is trying to make moves on you.
Overall, it’s not that much different than normal TouDan Mitsu but if anything, the body worship is WAY more prominent here. 
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Beast Choices Chapter 3. Beast Blood
In the previous chapter...
Betrayus was reading a book about occultism but he noticed that Muriel haven't came back with the wood for the fireplace, he got Worried and left the cabin to look for her in the forest holding his flashlight.
Everything was dark and the singing of the owls were sounding around the forest.
Betrayus: M-Muriel!... Where are you?
Betrayus suddenly saw something strange in the woods.
Betrayus: Huh?...
???: Grrrrhh...
Betrayus: !!!!
Betrayus ran away from that place while the creature was chasing him but suddenly he tripped by a rock and fell down from a slightly short mountain leaving him unconscious for a moment.
After waking, he quickly get up but the creature was in front him, staring at him like a tasty prey.
Betrayus: *trembling* W-What are you?...*steps back*
???: Grrr
Tumblr media
The creature ran to Betrayus but it suddenly stopped and recognized him like it had meet him before.
???: Betrayus...
Bradley: How do you know my name?..
???: Oh dang.. I am so sorry!..
Betrayus: W-wait... Muriel?.. is that y-y-you?
Muriel: Yes...*sighs* this is other thing.. I haven't told you before...
Betrayus: Muriel...
The moment was interrupted by a shot in the Air.
Hunter: it's a good night to hunt coyotes.
*shots a coyote which was walking by*
Muriel: Holy Shit!!... Ok.. Betrayus.. I know you are probably angry with me.. but... the most important thing to me is your safety.
Betrayus: What the-...
Muriel: *takes Betrayus in her arms and runs off*
Betrayus: OH FUUUCK!
Muriel started running away from the hunter taking a way to lost him so she can take Betrayus safely to the cabin.
Muriel: Damn it, he is getting closer!...
Betrayus: Don't stop Muriel, pls don't stop!
Muriel; I'm trying!..
Muriel makes her paws transform into cheetah paws making her run faster
Betrayus: Wow... You have a lot to explain me later Mury!..
Muriel: I'll do it later!.. I'll promise!.
Hunter: Do you think you can escape from me?
The Hunter manages to shot Muriel but fortunately it missed it leaving her a simple scratch.
Muriel: ARRGGHH!! *She stopped*
Betrayus: Muriel!!
Hunter: Wait.. is that another person!?..
Betrayus: You son of a Bitch *throws him a fire ball*
The Hunter started burning and yelling of pain.
Muriel:.. Tray Tray..
Betrayus: Yeaaah .. I also have another thing to tell you.. hehehe sorry..
Muriel: Dummy.
Muriel taked Betrayus and ran away from the scene to their cabin, when they where about to go to the cabin Muriel's left paw was trapped in a bear trap.
Muriel: AAAARGHH!!!
Betrayus: Muriel!.. oh no this is even worst..
Muriel:*sarcastic* you're helping me a lot...
Betrayus: Sorry sorry!... *Opens slowly the trap to flee her paw*
Muriel: ouch ouch.. this..*she transforms into her normal form to then faints*..
Betrayus: Muriel No!!...*sighs* well at least we are close to the cabin..
Betrayus covered a naked Muriel with a jacket he was wearing and carries her to take her to the cabin.
Betrayus: We are back Yuū... Uhhhh.?..
Yuū:*changes channel* °\\\\°
Betrayus:.......*leaves with Muriel*..
Betrayus have taked Muriel to the bathroom to bath her to attend and clean her wounds
Muriel: *wakes up* B-b-betrayus?
Betrayus: Mury!..*hugs her carefully to not hurt her*... You're awake, you had me so worried..
Muriel: *Sighs* I'm so sorry... That makes me act like an animal..
Betrayus: what's exactly "that"?
Muriel: I dunno how to call it.. Uhh Animal Metamorphosis?... Uhh Shapeshifter Beast?
Betrayus: How does it work?
Muriel: In general I can transform myself or some parts of my body to animal parts but just if I touched, watched and remembered so well certain animals of certain races, my principal transformation is the awful beast you saw before.
Betrayus: Honestly you were cute and Fluffy in that form.
Muriel:*chuckles* stop Jocking~
Betrayus: Seriously hehehe~, and what animals you can transform?.
Muriel: Well if I can remember, an Arctic Wolf, a Cheetah, a Polar bear, Emperor penguin, Arctic hare, Arctic Owl, Arctic Fox, Deer, octopus, and a Raccoon.
Betrayus: Wow, Mury your power is so awesome!
Muriel: Heh really?
Betrayus: Yeah!
Muriel: and what about you? You're in fire
Betrayus: Well it's nothing, I just can create fire, it was so difficult for me with this power and my family.
Muriel: Same old dude.
B&M: Always we had to find a place to practice for myself...!!! *Both Chuckled*
Betrayus: Hehehe Even in this we have in common
Muriel: Yeah, hehehe what a coincidence
Betrayus: Hahahah, a really sweet coincidence~...*kisses her neck*
Muriel: Ohh~ Tray Tray~
Betrayus:*Hugs her* Don't worry me like that Mury... Please.. you're so important for me
Muriel: i'll promise, you're important for me too..
Both started kissing and... Not gonna write this in this family friendly post heheh.
The Next Morning.
Betrayus: *yawn* Morning Mury~ *kisses her forehead*
Muriel: Hehe~... Morning my sunlight..*holds the letter from her Dad*
Betrayus: oh so you finally will read it?
Muriel: Yeah, after all this is years without seeing him nor even know anything of him, I miss him, and at having this letter and money means that he didn't wanted to hurt me and that he miss me.
Betrayus: I see, so what does the letter says?
Muriel: Well...*Starts reading*
"Muriel... I send this money for you
So you can keep yourself..
I really sorry for all the things I said to you.. how i treated you.. because of something that.. it actually wasn't your fault....
I was completely blind by the remorse and the pain by losing your mother, in all this time I figured out how stupid I was at treating one of your mother's Treasures she left for me... You and your Sisters.
It's too late, it's okay if you never forgive for that.. but all I want.. is that at least you're okay... I love you
And I will always love you.
-Marlos Plizetxki."
Some tears appeared from Muriel's eyes.
Betrayus: Mury!.. you're okay?
Muriel: *sniff*...*sighs* Yeah... It's an apology of him.... I can't be really mad at him, even when that doesn't justified the fact he treated me as a freak since my childhood, it's no use to have remorse against him.. that Grumpy Boomer.
Betrayus:*sighs* Mury *hugs her*
Muriel: even when I was treated as a shit, I make a plan to leave my house, I studied too hard to finally leave them with my basic studies finished... Also finding out what was my purpose..I used to help out my old classmates with their problems because that made me forget my problems.. that's how I found out my purpose.....you know why am I lucky?
Betrayus: for what.
Muriel: Because I meet you, my Number 1 patient *boops him*
Betrayus: Heheh Muriel.. I am lucky too at meeting you.... I love you Muriel~
Muriel: and I love you too~
Both kissed on lips but suddenly Betrayus Tickled her.
Muriel: H-Hey Hehehe stop.
Betrayus: What? You don't like it..
Muriel: No-oh *steps back*
Betrayus: ohohoh so you wanna play like that? I'm gonna Catch you!
Muriel: Nuu!! *runs off*
They started playing tag you're it.
The vacations have ended for them,
It was time to go home, Muriel and Betrayus packed up to then Roxy taked them to the airport.
It was time to say goodbye.
Muriel: that were the best vacations we had, even more having you as our guide.
Roxy: it was a honor, *gives them a paper with her number* in case you need me when you came here, I'll be there.
Betrayus: Roxy thank you for everything
Roxy: you're welcome, Mis amigos.
During the travel.
Muriel: I will miss that beautiful place..
Betrayus: Me too ....*fall asleeps on her*
Muriel: *smiles and cuddles with him as well to Sleep*
Betrayus and Muriel left PacMexico completely happy by their adventures to then return to Pacopolis.
How much this can evolve?
Nobody knows.. for now.
Muriel: Hey Tray Tray, can you turn on this fireplace?
Betrayus: Sure, *uses his fire to turn on the fireplace*
Muriel; Ohh~ much better, did anyone told you that your power is beautiful?
Betrayus: *sniff* You're the first person who says me that *hugs her* Hmm~
Muriel: Aww don't cry my pogchamp~
Betrayus: can you transform into a Rabbit?
Muriel: Sure *transforms into a Arctic Hare*
Betrayus:*holds her and scratches her ears* Awww you're so cute~
Muriel: Hmm~ please continue~ *Bunny Purr*
Yuū: hmp..*jealous*
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alri-xo · 4 years
Quarantine: Breakfast (ThorxReader)
A/N: Hi! I'm back back back back again with a reboot on this fanfic which involves morning with Thor... If you wanna know why I had to change this up, it's becos the first one didn't save when I tweaked it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one and please. Don't get out dressed up like a bush to get away from home quarantine... Stay safe my dudes...
Pairing: Thor Odinson (Thor) x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Normal POV
Thor woke up to the sunlight kissing areas of his messy bedroom. Pillows on the floor, dirtied garments, the scent of the both of you filling his room. His eyes narrowed as the golden rays of morning blinded him a little.
He closed his eyes again. Feeling the other side of the bed. It is warm but, empty. His love somewhere around the tower already.
He was puzzled, knowing you very well, you would never leave him hanging in the morning. Especially if it's your 3rd year anniversary of being a couple. Also you just got freaky the night before. Did he do something wrong? A rush mission during quarantine?
He laid down on his back. Staring at the ceiling, relishing the night before. You, under him, a moaning mess under his touch... Your lips shining in the glow of the moonlight that shifted in his room as you savored the taste of his love. He loved it and he wanted more. He wanted cuddles and kisses with you, both of you not getting up until 1:00 PM.
However, you were not there. To kiss each of his eyes, his nose, cheeks, forehead and lips. Not there to say good morning. Not there to
He rubbed the back of his neck as he dressed up reluctantly. Wanting to stay naked longer as he waited for you, where ever you were. He brushed his teeth, and washed the sleep off his face and smiled to the mirror. Internally frowning because he couldn't kiss his love "Good morning."
He felt his morning routine crumbling as he picked up the pillows on the floor. Lipstick stains on them, he set them on the bed.
He came out of his room, wearing a tshirt that you doodled all over as a prank when you were new to the Avengers. He kept it, thinking it was one of the stupidest but cutest things ever.
The smell of breakfast filled his nose. The scent of sausages, bacon, eggs and pancakes luring him to the kitchen. He went down to go to the scent's epicenter was, his mouth watering at the thought of seeing a grand breakfast feast on the table.
He made his way, just peeping the kitchen, he saw you singing One Direction songs blasting from the speaker and dancing around as you flipped the last pancake watching it rise a little. You were in one of his hoodies that you often stole. Barefoot, pretending to play the drums.
"S'been three years and you still act like how we first met..." He said, making you jump and look at him. Your face flushed, caught in the act of making him a big anniversary breakfast that was supposed to be served in bed. He smirked at how vulnerable your face looked.
"Get! OOOOOUT!! SHOOO" you said pushing him back to go to his room and just wait there. You felt sweat forming on your forehead because your plan for surprise is ruined... "You are not welcome heeeeere...." you whined.
"You own the tower then?" He asked you, arms crossing on his chest, raising his eyebrow.
"No... but I just want you to go to your room and just wait... I'm making something..." you whined again. He just shrugged and leaned against the nearest wall, watching you.
You groaned, balling your fists in frustration. He's being stubborn and the supposed to be beautiful morning went downhill pretty quickly.
You plated the breakfast as if it was to be served at a hotel. Poured the orange juice over ice with a segment on the brim. You added a small knob of butter and a small jug of syrup, setting it beside the stack of pancakes you made for him, whipped cream in can.
You placed all the food on the tray, ignoring him. You marched back to his room. He followed you, knowing that he just ruined your surprise for him.
You set down the tray on the foot of the bed as you gesture him to come in, not saying a word. You were pissed off even if he is the love of your life.
He came in, trying to not look at you. He knows you're angry and being cocky at the moment is not going to fix it. He sat down as he looked at the food in front of him. A note written on a ripped piece of notebook paper caught his eye.
Dear Thor,
Happy 3rd anniversary! Just wanna let you know thanks for existing and being in my life... Sorry for all the shitty things I have done to you in the past... I hope you like what I whipped up for you, baby... I love you!
- y/n/n ❤
Thor made a lovestruck smile as he finished reading the little note. You were still pretty angry though, that's for sure. One of the days the both of you should be happy took a wrong turn because of him being stubborn and trying to mess with your patience.
He stood up and wrapped his large arms around you. But there you were, like a rag doll, unresponsive to his gesture of apology.
"Thank you, darling... and I'm sorry for ruining your surprise... I love you... Surprise or no surprise, you're still my lady..." he says planting a kiss on the top of your head.
You managed to pull a smile on your face, as you caressed his arms with your small hands, still wrapped around you like a blanket.
"The best surprised I ever recieved was me meeting you. Who knew I would be lucky enough to even deserve you? Everyday, I'm still in shock and awe that you're mine... You are the best surprise that was given to me by love itself." He said, as you felt small tears dampen your cheek, guilt washing over you like a stream for acting like an asshole towards the man that loves you beyond himself.
He felt you shudder as you cried happy tears and he held you closer, sitting the both of you down.
"I love you, Thor..." you manage to choke up smiling, as he wiped your tears away... "I'm sorry for being a total boob towards you... I just..."
"I will always love you, y/n... " he says kissing you tenderly as your hands intertwined, forgetting that the food is getting cold, "It's okay... I still love you anyway..."
Neither of you cared. All you ever needed was this moment. A moment with the one you love most, 3 years and counting.
A/N: I hope you like this fic... it took me a while to make it cos I wanted it to be song inspired. But I fucked up miserably. Hehehe
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darksaiyangoku · 4 years
Lancaster: Peeping Tom-in-law
[The darling rose and dashing knight had laid there, hot and exhausted underneath the comforter of their bed. The rain had just settled for their first time giving into each other, and boy was it worth the wait. After moments of breathing passed, they finally met face-to-face.]
Ruby: Wow.
Jaune: You can say that again.
Ruby: I always hear Yang and Nora talk about it a lot, but actually experiencing it... *blushes and smiles* ...It’s something else.
Jaune: Hehehe. *blushes* Was I good?
Ruby: *places hand on his cheek* You were amazing.
Jaune: Ruby...
Ruby: Jaune...
Together: I love you.
[Just as they kiss, a camera flash is seen from the closet as Yang falls out on her back catching their attention.]
Yang: *blinks* Uh-oh. Uh... *stands up* Congratulations, sis! *wink*
Ruby/Jaune: YANG!!!
Jaune: *looks up* Yang Xiao Long, if we weren't naked and unarmed we would give you such a kick in the ass right now!
Ruby: *O_O* Crescent Rose, how did I forget about cleaning her?!
[Ruby gets up, tripping out of the bed and standing back up. She grabs her blanket, running for a second only to fall down again. Jaune and Yang wince at this sight.]
Yang: You alright, Rubes?
Ruby: I'm fine! I think my boobs broke my fall when I faceplanted. *>_<*
Yang: Oof! *helps Ruby up* I didn't think your first time would leave you feeling so clumsy.
Jaune: *shrugs* I go deep and hard, what can I say?
Ruby: *stumbles dizzily, Nevermores chirping above her head* Blah...Protection...Used...Really strong...
Yang: Phew. Thank the Brothers. Because I'm not ready to be an aunt yet. *blushes* But you might be, Rubes.
Ruby: *shakes head* Blblblbl! I heard, Yang. Coco and Velvet told me.
Yang: Told you wha- -Ohh, those chocolatey snakes!
Jaune: We're still happy for you, Yang.
Yang: *-_-* Thank you, nosy brother-in-law.
Jaune: Ah, come on! You know you love me!
Ruby: Riiiiight. Well, I'm gonna take a shower and clean out Crescent Rose after this.
Yang: You do that, sis. You looked really cute in lingerie, by the way.
Ruby: Thank you. *turns out water, peeking head out of bathroom* Try not to snoop in on me and Jaune's future sessions, or I'm feeding you to Zwei. *slams door shut*
Yang: … *low whistle* Damn. Really kicked the Lancer's nest, didn't I?
Jaune: You DID barge in and take a selfie when we climaxed.
Yang: I was kinda in there for a while...
Jaune: ...How long were you- -?! Never mind!
Yang: *sits down on bed, lying next to Jaune* I took one with Ren and Nora for their first time, so, not the first instance.
Jaune: So how did they let you take a selfie with them?
Yang: *puts hands behind head* Nora told me how nervous she was for her first time with Ren. She really needed some encouragement, then she found an old cheerleader outfit she wore at Beacon for sporting events.
Jaune: ...You have a very odd way of encouraging people.
Yang: *looks up at Jaune* Dude, this was before they were engaged and she needed some help. Badly. Also? It was actually Ren's idea knowing how tight she looked in it.
Jaune: Okay! Enough! ...What was your first time with Sage like?
Yang: *sigh* Guy was pretty nervous when we were about to do it. Before all that, we just cuddled naked, did some foreplay, showered and bathed together, but we just couldn't go through with it. Soon as we, uh...Finally went in, all that nervousness melted away. *pets belly* Heh. Case and point...
Jaune: Well. *stares at bathroom door* Sounds like somebody I know.
Yang: Yeah...I was just really happy for you and Ruby. I may be a pervert, Jaune, but I do it because I like being more open with the folks I care about. Weiss and Neptune, I didn't sneak a photo with because I know they're really conscious about sharing each other with how far apart they were during the Crisis. Sun and Blake, I didn't have the heart for that considering I was Blake's Maid of Honor at her wedding. Ever since we kicked Salem's ass, I'm really excited to see you and my sister together. So, I'm excited that you finally got on with it.
Jaune: … *smiles* Thanks, Yang. We're happy for you and Sage, too. I know me and Ruby aren't that far into marriage yet, but- -
[Jaune was interrupted by Yang giving one of her signature asphyxiating hugs, which Jaune could thankfully withstand.]
Yang: *smiles, resting head on Jaune's shoulder* Hey man. Take as long as you and Ruby need with the whole kids thing. Long as Sage will have somebody to spoil in the long run.
Jaune: *hugs back* You got it. By the way, those flirting techniques that Ruby picked up from you and Blake? Woof!
[The bathroom door opened. Ruby currently wore a towel as she exited the steaming room noticing Jaune and Yang's embrace.]
Ruby: Um...Are things okay now?
Yang: *looks back at Ruby defensively* What? A woman can't hug her own brother-in-law?
Jaune: *looks at Ruby* Everything's fine, sweetie. You look beautiful in that towel by the way.
Ruby: *blushes* It's just that...He's naked, I just got out of the shower, we just...Finished. And you were peeping on us.
Yang: Welp, I better leave you two lovebirds to it. See you around, Rubes. You too, ladykiller. *gives peace sign with robot arm*
Jaune: Bye, Yang.
Ruby: See ya, Yang. Seriously, though. Could you please lay off on the sex selfies with me and him?
Yang: Yeah, okay. Besides, me and Sage might come over for to see which out of the four of us can last longer after I give birth.
Ruby: *smirks* Oh, you're on!
Yang: And since I still have time to do this before I get the preggo belly... *runs towards bedroom window* JUMP OUT THE WINDOW!!!
[Yang jumped out the bedroom window of their penthouse. She boosted her fall with a recoil boost from Ember Celica.]
Yang: *from the distance* ...Like a boss! Love you guys!
Ruby: *finishes changing into underwear* She knows how to make an exit.
Jaune: That's our Yang. So, I'm not really tired and have some games booted up. *holds up Scroll* Afterglow gaming session?
Ruby: Oh you know it! But on one condition...
Jaune: What is it, honey?
Ruby: *leans in and smirks* We play in our underwear.
Jaune: *smiles* Fine by me, Crater Face. It's getting hot outside anyway.
Ruby: *kisses Jaune's nose* I knew you'd see it my way.
[The couple rubbed noses, giggling as they played some first-person-shooters into the evening.]
Joethefriendlyponybro: Whaaaat?! I managed to write something for Lancaster even though it's not my ship?!
Okay, okay, for real. This is based off of an RP that DarkSaiyan and I had while I was in between some IRL matters to tend to. Hope you all enjoy.
DarkSaiyanGoku: Probably one of the most unexpected collaborations I’ve done, but I enjoyed the hell out of it!
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purewhitewolf · 4 years
To Kaitlyn/Shadow (and her animal guides if you want), Familiar, Charlotte, and Whoever else What is your favorite thing to have for breakfast/Lunch and dinner? What is your idea of a romantic night at home?
Kaitlyn: Buttered or grape jam toast, crispy crunchy bacon, pancakes with maple syrup, and a one glass of orange juice and one glass of milk. ...two different drinks because orange juice and pancakes doesn’t go well together...and milk and bacon is weird too.” Shadow: Same, but with a side dish of the emotion Happiness from the kids and lovers.”
Wolf/Vargr: Rabbit stew” Coyote/McCoy: raccoon” Dog/Jack/Jacky: BACON!“ Bird(all forms): Earl Grey tea and fried grub worms and crickets” Icy the Fox: HEHEHEHE gray squirrels and mice with apple juice”
Familiar: Milk coffee and glazed donuts”
Charlotte: Blueberry waffles with powder sugar”
Kaitlyn: PB&J sandwiches and chicken noodle soup” Shadow: Brooke’s envy and lust, Raoul’s hatred, Xander’s misery, Samuel’s pride, John’s hope .....and two bagels.”
Wolf/Vargr: Venison, moose, and beef steak all medium well. A cup of blood mixed with rum.” Coyote/McCoy: Owl and Fox.....gotcha! Cheese burger and fries!” Dog/Jack/Jacky: CHICKEN NUGGETS!” Crow: Tea and crumpets” Raven: Apples and elk” Hawk: Snake kebab and rodent blood” Icy the Fox: HEHEHE! Pork and scaup”
Familiar: Tea and crumpets....just kidding, roasted duck.”
Charlotte: Vegetable stew...and with spicy sausage slices”
Kaitlyn: spaghetti and meatballs with cheesy garlic bread!!!!” Shadow: (Kaitlyn’s)Self loathing, Guilt, sugar, family’s love, and strawberry daiquiri”
Wolf/Vargr: Caribou well-done, broccoli, mash potatoes and a bowl of pineapples and grapes on the side.” Coyote/McCoy: Tacos or pepperoni pizza” Dog/Jack/Jacky: TABLE SCRAPS FROM THE OTHERS! TACOS!” Bird(all forms): freshly killed moles and lambs” Icy the Fox: HEHEHEHE blackberries, wine...and a certain red fox~ ....Okay, seriously I love berries, rabbit, and fish. Oh and mac n cheese!”
Familiar: Tilapia or salmon with lemon pepper and chicken fried rice.”
Charlotte: D-don’t make fun of me... kids Kraft mac cheese with all the funny shapes.... otherwise I like the really stinky canned tuna and their crunch soft spines with crackers.”
Romantic Night at Home?
Kaitlyn: Laying in bed, casually eating whatever kind of snacks while listening to music or watching something on TV, talking about whatever comes to mind, singing for my darling(s), pampering them with whatever they like and kisses and then...um.....*gets too embarrassed to finish*” Shadow: Obviously the same as her, but Kaitlyn is neglecting to mention her desire to tie up her partner or themself afterwards, but not in a rough way necessarily. Oh no, this would be very different from her usual kinkiness with ropes and tentacles and pred-prey dynamic she loves. She’ll still pamper her darlings, but with a more soft caregiver dom twist...and praise kink. Cannot forget the praise kink. Prepare to either be showered by or to shower her with compliments. ....Then she’ll want passionate fucking...but only if you allow it. .....Otherwise she’ll respectfully just cuddle or do something else of preference.”
Wolf/Vargr: Pretend to be hunting prey together in a scavenger hunt.” Coyote/McCoy: Sharing junk food on the couch while naked” Dog/Jack/Jacky: WRESTLING TOGETHER AND AFFECTIONATE KISSES! I BRING TREAT FOR MATE! I GIVE TREAT! PLEASE TAKE! AM I A GOOD DOGGY? CAN WE PET EACH OTHER?” Crow: Show off my shiny rocks- um I mean my geode collection and recount how I obtained each and let my companion touch each stone. ...Then do an elegant dance with them.” Raven: Acting our favorite movie, play, book, or song together....with rose petals everywhere and dramatic performances~” Hawk: ....we build a nest- fort. We build a fort together. We share our adventures with one another and make things with our beaks and talons...er I mean hands.” Icy the Fox: Pulling pranks and cracking suggestive jokes!”
Familiar: Reading together on the couch, snuggling by the fire...or in this case the TV turned on the fireplace channel with the volume turned low”
Charlotte: Sketching and discussing art and story ideas together with a romantic theme. Not so subtly ask him to help recreate the scenes for ‘inspiration’. Maybe cook something together...Maybe cuddling close and just listening to the crickets outside.”
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
shmateHiiii! So i don’t know if you guys are taking requests right now but I saw this thing on Twitter and I think it’s the funniest/creative thing ever. It’s where you’re riding someone and spell coconut and I was wondering if you could do a smut with that with Thomas. Thank you! I totally understand if you can’t at the moment
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I smirked as I finished getting dressed into my favourite little black dress and red lipstick, "You're just trying to tease me aren't you?" I heard Thomas ask from the bed he was laid amung the white and light blue sheets of our bed his pale body managed together with the bedsheets barely covering his naked body in his still half asleep state his arm behind his head to keep it up as he looked at me stood Infront of the mirror I kept an eye on him in the reflection as he often bit his lip and lightly moved his hips as he watched me getting dressed "No" I smiled "Liar..." He smirked as I went over putting my handbag on the bed to sort it out more "you are just doing all this to give me a Bonner" he growls "Am I?" I ask curiously "You tell me sweetheart" he smirked glancing down at himself licking his bottom lip I sighed and got sorted unplugging my phone from my side of the bed "Thomas I really don't have time for you to be thinking with that head this morning" I told him "Yes you do..." He smirked "No I don't I have to-" I began before he grabbed my hips and forced me to sit on his lap "Thomas I know you're horny and happy I'm home but I have work" I told him giving him a lips a little kiss "Please y/n..." He pleads fixing my hair "you've been gone for months, and it's your first day home and you're rushing off again" he complained "I have to work, we can spend time together on Saturday" I told him "That's almost a week away" he whines "please just take one day off and stay here with me" he pleads "I can't Thomas I'm sorry" I told him giving his head a kiss and getting up "we can cuddle up when I get home okay?" "Okay" he sighed turning away from me so I smiled giving him a cuddle which made him smile a little "You know I would stay if I could Thomas, it's not that I don't want to stay with you," I explain "I know, I just wish you weren't away so much" he sighed "Humm now you know how I feel when you go away for months on end" I smiled giving him a kiss "Point taken" he laughs "go on you'll be late" "Okay, I'll bring dinner home" I smiled giving him another kiss and heading off to work
I smiled as I unlocked the door getting home taking my heels off at last and looking into the house Thomas was laid fast asleep on the sofa with some racing show playing on the tv the cat on the arm of the sofa often batting Thomas's face she clearly wanted her dinner but he wasn't waking up so I smiled going and doing her dinner and turning off the TV "Thomas..." I smile giving him some kisses "Humm? Ohh hello sweetie" he yawns as he saw it was me "Sorry I'm so late" I told him "It's alright, I waited up for you" he smiled as he stretched "Did you?" I ask "I tried" he shrugs "I was sleepy" "I can tell, you had dinner?" I ask and he nods "come on sleepy boy up to bed" I smiled helping him up so he went up to bed and I locked up the house going into the room and taking my little dress off and my make up "You look really pretty y/n" he told me as he sat on our bed "Thanks Thomas, you just think I look nice because I'm not wearing anything" I laughed taking my bra off and slipping my nightie on "No it's not" he says getting up and cuddling me "I like seeing you this way, without your pretty dresses and without your make up... Knowone else in the world gets to see you the way I do" he explained giving me a kiss "come on sweetheart to bed you have work tomorrow" he says so I went and happily cuddled up in bed with him for a while "Thomas?" I ask "Yes sweetie?" He asks me "I wanna play a game" I smiled "What sort of game?" He asks so I pushed him over so he was laid on his back and I sat up sitting on his lap "ohhh? What does this game involve then?" He asks "Spelling" I smiled "Spelling? I'm gonna lose" he sighed "No you don't wanna do that Thomas you lose and no sex or foreplay for two weeks" I smiled "Yeah? Alright I'll play sweetheart" he smirked "Okay you have to say what it is that I'm spelling" I smirk moving my hips to grind on him "Uuuhhh! That's either an I or an L either way keep doing them sweetheart they feel good" he groans "It was an I" I giggled doing the next one "Uuh! That's a L I think?" He smirked and I nodded doing the next one "hummm that's a O, I like when you do O's" he smirked so I did the next one "umm... I think that's a V?" He asks and I nod "come on this Is easy" he smirked so I did the rest of the spelling almost in one go "ilovy... I love you!" He smiled as he figured it out "awww sweetie I love you too" he smirked giving me a kiss "Your turn" I giggled "Okay" he smirked holding my hips gently grinding slowly on me I giggled trying to work out the letters "C... U...N...Thomas!" I yell as I worked it out "Ohh come on like I'm gonna miss an opportunity to write cunt on your cunt" he smirked "No naughty words Tommy" I complain "That was not explained in the rules" he complained "at no point did you explain I couldn't write the word cunt on your Virginia with my dick" "You are a very dirty boy" I giggled giving him a kiss "It's why you fell in love with me sweetheart" he smirked "come on your turn" he smiled "Okay" I giggled putting my hands on his stomach so I could move easier "F...U..C- ummm is my sweetheart going to spell a naughty word?" He smirked "I thought that was against the rules?" "For you, not for me" I giggled "Seems unfair?" He smirked "It is" I giggled "the only other rule is you cum and I won't sleep with the for weeks" I smirk "and If you moan I restart my word" I giggled "You're trying to tourcher me aren't you sweetheart?" He growls "Maybe" I smile "Alright, toucher me then" he smirked so I sat up and began spelling a word I knew he wouldn't be able to resist "C...O ummm" he groans "Heheh start again" I giggled "I knew you'd pick something with O's and C's you evil little thing" he smirked "C...O...C- Uhhh!" He moans "Start again" I giggled "Are you trying to make me fucking cum in my pants y/n!" He complained "A little" I smile "C...O...C...O...N- please y/n! Stop it!" He whines "Why?" I giggled "Because I'm gonna cum if you don't" he groans "Start again" I smirk "Uhhhh! Y/n please! Enough enough" he pleads but I started again "C...O...C...O...N...uuh U...T" he groans "Yay you did it" I smiled giving him a kiss "but you moaned...so we start again" I smirk "You evil girl!" He complained "It's why you love me" I smiled starting again "C-O-C-O-N-U-T" He groans "fucking hell that feels nice" he groans "you should grind that on me everytime your horny" he smirked holding my hips and flipping us over so I was on the bed "enough of this silly game... I have a much better game in mind" he smirked slipping my panties off and pushing up my nightie
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Viola & Bassoon - Drunk Texts
Cute little thing with @littlepuku’s OC Bassoon, who is kind of dating my OC Viola in this. Anyway… Bassoon gets drunk and decides to text her lol. I hope you like it! I love your OC, Puku!
Hic. “Whoa…” Bassoon stumbled slightly, and clumsily fell onto the bed. He’d just got back from a drinking session with Tambourine and Cymbal… Viola had insisted he go out with them, because they were ‘actually really nice guys’. Bassoon hadn’t really wanted to… he was still a little scared of Viola’s brothers! But… they were dating, and he didn’t want them or Viola to know he was scared… so he’d reluctantly agreed, and actually… it had been kind of fun. They were nice! They’d bought his drinks for him, and dropped him off at home… The drinks had alcohol in, though. Bassoon had said no at first, but when they said the drinks were fruit flavoured, he’d decided to try just one… and he’d liked it, so he’d had another… and before he knew it, he was feeling dizzy. Actually, it was Viola’s brothers who’d told him he had to go home – they said he was drunk! Bassoon wasn’t drunk, was he…? Ahh… but the room was spinning, and he couldn’t talk so good, or walk so good… yeah… maybe he was drunk. He should sleep! Drunk people had to sleep, right? And drink plenty of water! That was what Bassoon knew. Water… did he have water…?
He looked towards his bedroom door, and groaned. He didn’t want to go downstairs… maybe he could sleep just a little first…? Yeah… yeah, that was a good idea. He sat up, and tried to remove his shirt. He didn’t want to wear a dirty shirt in bed. That was bad! Bad bad! Ah… why wasn’t it coming off…? Bassoon struggled for a few minutes, before he finally removed the piece of clothing and tried to fold it. He folded it as best he could in his intoxicated state, then he dropped it onto the floor, creasing it up again. Pff. Nah. He folded it on the bed, so it would be folded in the morning, Bassoon was sure. Anyway, it was dirty… it needed washing…
Oof! Bassoon collapsed back onto the bed and took off his pants, kicking them onto the floor. Floor was clean… hmm, he needed his pyjamas now, but… he didn’t want to move. He was so sleepy, and the bed was soft… “Hmmm…” Bassoon rolled onto his front and grabbed his pillow, hugging it against him. He wished Viola was here… suddenly, he was pining for her. She was really nice to cuddle. She smelt nice, and her skin was smooth and soft… hehe, her chest was soft… Bassoon blushed, and started grinning to himself as he allowed his alcohol-soaked mind to wander onto the sort of things he was too embarrassed to think about when he was sober. Viola’s boobs. Viola’s soft, squishy boobs. She let him put his face in them… “Hehehe…” Bassoon giggled to himself, burying his face in the pillow and pretending it was her. Soft boobies… “Mmm…” he sobbed a little. He really wanted to see her. Why wasn’t she here? He didn’t want to do anything dirty with her – he wanted to sleep! But he just wanted to cuddle her… and tell her that he really liked her body. He never said that. He always said he loved her, and that she was nice and pretty… but he never said how much he loved her boobies. Or her butt. Maybe he should say that… Viola would probably like it. She was really dirty! Way dirtier than him! Yeah… yeah.
Yep yep yep. Bassoon almost fell off the bed as he leaned over it, and pulled his phone out of his pants. He was going to tell her… going to tell her… he loved the boobies. He couldn’t say that, though. It was too dirty. So he sent her pictures, that he thought she would understand. He sent an emoji of two melons, followed by… an apple! Because apples were nice, like her melon boobies. Her melon boobies were nice. “Hehehehe…” Bassoon sniggered to himself, the blush on his cheeks darkening. He sent a naughty text to her, hehe. He felt kind of excited… maybe he should send her another. About… her butt! She had a nice butt. He searched his phone for a picture of a peach. He needed to find a good one, one that was firm and big, but not a stupid size… Bassoon scrolled past a few search engine results, before he found a peach he was happy with. Send. “Hehehe…” He giggled, his excitement growing even more. Thinking about Viola’s body was making him feel funny… actually, he kind of wanted her here now… for other reasons. If she was here, maybe they could do it a little… he liked doing it with Viola. She always made him feel really nice, and she made his peepee feel funny… Maybe he should tell her that as well. “Aaaaaaa!” Bassoon started laughing in excitement as he sent a picture of a cucumber, and an aubergine… then the melons again. Then the peach. Then the melons, the peach, the cucumber, the aubergine… and a banana. Haaaaaa, this was so dirty! Bassoon rolled around on the bed, sniggering and blushing at what he’d just done. It was so naughty! Would she reply? What would she say?
He waited eagerly, but she didn’t respond… Why didn’t she respond? He hadn’t upset her, had he? Oh no! Maybe he’d been too rude! Aaaa! “No!” Bassoon almost screamed, and opened up the text conversion again. He was about to send a huge apology, when he realised the time… it was late. It was really late. Wow! Why was it so late? No wonder she didn’t reply! She was sleeping! Bassoon quickly put his pillow back in its place, and hurriedly got into bed, not even noticing that he wasn’t wearing his pyjamas. He had to go to sleep… it was so late. He had to go to sleep! Sleep… sleep… Bassoon closed his eyes, and tried to clear his mind. It only lasted a few seconds, before he started thinking about Viola again. He hugged his pillow close to him, smooching it in his sleep. He was dreaming about Viola… Who, little did he know, was wide awake, and out herself, with not a single fruit themed message on her phone…
It was late into the morning when Bassoon came downstairs, holding his throbbing head. Aspen and Nodin were clearing the breakfast table, and both of them giggled at the sound of Bassoon’s footsteps. He’d been out late last night with Viola’s brothers… they’d wondered what time he would finally emerge from his room. They hadn’t expected it to be early. “Good morning.” Nodin greeted her son, watching as he took a seat at the table. He looked sick… “Are you alright?” “My head hurts…” Bassoon whimpered. Why did it hurt so much…? And he felt sick as well, and his throat was dry and he’d woken up naked… was this what alcohol did? It was horrible! Why did people even drink? It was so stupid… “Did you get drunk last night, son?” Aspen smirked. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Just drink plenty of water.” “It tasted like juice…” Bassoon mumbled. Nodin giggled, and handed her son a glass of water, which he downed in seconds. He looked up at his mother, close to tears. He felt so sick… “Can I have some more?” “Of course.” Nodin smiled. She took the glass off him, and went to refill it. “Thank you…” Bassoon mumbled, placing his head on the table. He wanted to sleep again… he wished he’d never gone out last night. Ugh… “Oh… by the way, Bassy…” Nodin looked over at him, frowning in confusion. “This morning I saw a bunch of texts from you.” She titled her head slightly. “Why were you sending me pictures of fruit?”
Suddenly, Bassoon froze. Oh…no!
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werenskheeyyy · 7 years
This is Awkward - Mitch Marner
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Hehehe I love smiley faced Mitch Marner!  I loved writing this story and I think it turned out quite adorable!  Let me know if you liked it!  Much love pals! <3
Word count: 1367
Warnings: none! just fluff!
Request: “Can you please, please, please, do 6 & 49 for a Mitch Marner imagine. Thanks a million.” - @boo-boocmf
Prompt: #6 “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” & #49 “Well this is awkward…”
Up next: Sidney Crosby
You had just pulled into the parking lot of the mall when you saw that your boyfriend Mitch was face timing you.  You turned off the car and cheerfully answered your phone, “Mitchy! Hey!”
“Hello gorgeous!” he grinned, “how’s it going?”
“It’s good! I just got to the mall and I’m gunna get my nails done, return a couple things and then I’m meeting with some of the girls for a late lunch/early dinner type thing. How are you?”
“I’m exhausted but good!  The game yesterday went into a shootout so we didn’t get into the hotel till late, then we’re travelling all day and I’ll get to see you next week during our break!” Even though Mitch looked exhausted he still lit up at the thought of seeing you.
You two had been separated for a little over a month and a half.  It was hard trying to balance both of your schedules, with you having a part time office job and being in school and Mitch being a professional hockey player.  Mitch would try to come out and see you every so often and when you had time off you would try and reciprocate.  You didn’t like doing distance but you loved Mitch with all of your heart and he was worth it.  
“I’m so excited to see you next week you have no idea babe!” you gushed.
“I’ve missed you so much, I hate falling asleep by myself” he groaned.
“Just cuddle with Auston, he’s like a big teddy bear” you giggled.  The pair of them were like two peas in a pod so you always poked fun at them.
“He may be a teddy bear but he takes up most of the bed and hogs the blankets” he laughed, “it’s not the same thing.”
“One more week and then we’ll be together!” you smiled.  “I should probably go, my nail appointment is in a couple minutes. I love you!”
“I love you too Y/N, talk to you later!” You both hung up your phones and you made your way into the mall.
Your nail appointment went smoothly and quickly.  The technician and you kept up conversation as she applied a new coat of gel polish and you were done in record time.  You thanked her, said goodbye to the other staff you knew and went to a couple stores to do some returns.  
Once you finished in the mall you made your way back to the car you sat on your phone for a couple minutes and sent Mitch a text.  You waited for his reply that never came, which was odd for him.  Normally he responded in a couple seconds if he wasn’t at practice or a game.  You shrugged, texted your friends to let them know you were on your way to lunch, turned on some music and left the parking lot.
Once you parked the car at Cactus Club, you still didn’t have a response from Mitch.  You weren’t worried yet but still thought it was slightly bizarre.  You found your friends at a table on the patio and gave everyone hugs.  “Where’s Y/BFF/N? I thought she was coming” you said, sliding down into your seat.  She had planned the lunch and you thought it was weird that no one seemed to know why she bailed.
“Oh, I think she had some stuff to do” one of your other friends said then quickly changed the topic.  When the waitress came by the group of you ordered some drinks and a large selection of appetizers to share.
Before you knew it, almost four hours had gone by.  The group of you had gotten so caught up in reminiscing about your younger days, gossiping about old friends from high school, college classes, work, sloppy situations at the club and of course boys.  When asked about Mitch you lit up like a Christmas tree and all of your friends seemed to exchange mischievous smirks, which again, you thought was incredibly strange.  It had just been an odd day all around.  After giving all of your friends hugs goodbye you made your way back to your apartment.
By the time you got home it was nine pm, you had been at the restaurant for so long that you hit rush hour traffic coming home.  You pulled into the parking garage, grabbing your purse and strolled to the elevator.  You looked down at your phone and frowned when you saw that Mitch still hadn’t texted you back.  You dialed his number and after a couple rings, were sent to voicemail.  “Hey babe, just calling to see how you’re doing!  I hope everything’s going ok with all the travelling.  Call me when you get this!  Love you!”
As the elevator doors slid open you slipped your phone back into your purse and got your keys out of your bag.  You unlocked the door, kicking off your shoes and throwing your bag and jacket on the entryway table.  You went to the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of water then made your way to the bedroom.  Your bedroom door was closed which was odd, since you normally left it open because you were the only one in the apartment.  You just chalked it up to it being an off day.
Once you opened the door though, you were greeted by a suitcase that wasn’t yours.  You looked over to your bed and were completely taken aback when you saw a man’s naked ass staring back at you, well make that a fully naked man who had passed out on your bed.  You furrowed your brow in confusion then a grin began to take over your face as you realized that it was Mitch.
“Oh my god” you chuckled as the panic subsided and the sheer hilarity of the situation hit you.
You waltzed over to the bed and sat on the corner, running your fingers through Mitch’s messy strands.  He began to stir, his eyelashes fluttering open as he realized there was a human beside him.
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” you prompted, giving him your sweetest smile.  You reached down to his open suitcase and grabbed a pair of boxers so he could slip them on.
He lazily looked up at you, grabbing the boxers from your fingers and shimmied his way into them.  “Well this is awkward” he mumbled.
You leaned forward and attacked him with a hug, him pulling you into his chest as tightly as he possibly could.  “I’ve missed you so so much” he sighed as he nuzzled his face into your hair after giving you a kiss.
“I’ve missed you too babe” you giggled as you pulled away, “now explain why you’re naked in my apartment please!  Not that it’s something I don’t enjoy coming home to!”
He leaned against the pillows on the bed, pulling you back so you were sitting between his legs, your back on his chest.  
“So, this was super last minute but a couple days ago I just couldn’t stand being away from my beautiful girlfriend any longer so when the team was catching their plane back to Toronto, I hopped on one that was coming here so I could surprise you!  My ride fell through so I asked Y/BFF/N if she could drive me here and she gladly agreed, and I guess told all your friends about it too!  Then I got here and I was going to get flowers and candles and make it all romantic but when I came in your room to get changed out of my suit, I laid on the bed and fell asleep.  And that’s where we are!” he explained, kissing the crook of your neck.
You leaned your head back, peppering his jawline with kisses.  “Everything all makes sense now!  Why you weren’t texting me back and why Y/BFF/N bailed on lunch.  I’m so glad you did this though, it was incredibly sweet of you.”
“I love you Y/N” you mumbled, you could already feel him dozing off again.
“I love you too Mitch, sleep tight” you whispered, pulling the covers over the two of you and relaxing into your boyfriend’s warm embrace.
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