#sage ayana x yang xiao long
rosesonapond · 2 years
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s1r3ns-c4ll · 1 year
Request Rules/Who I Write For/Masterlist Link
 Hello hello! the name’s Siren and here’s the post where you can see what you can request, who I write for, and eventually a masterlist as I start putting up requests and my own little writing blurbs! You’ll Find all my Hogwarts Legacy and RWBY fics on the masterlists and the tags #Siren HL and #Siren RWBY
Hogwarts Legacy RWBY (Coming Soon)
Fandoms I Write For (Might Expand Eventually):
Hogwarts Legacy
What I’ll Write:
x Reader (GN will be the default if not specified, but I will write fem/masc reader focus if requested!)
Non-Explicit Mature Themes (teasing explicit themes, but not actual smut will be written)
Fluff ( I love fluff with all my heart ;) )
What I WON’T Write:
Works glorifying S/A themes
Rape/Non-Con themes
Abusive themes (I can elude to pat experiences but will never explicitly write works with abuse being the focus)
Illegal age gaps
Hateful content that paints another character in bad light (ex: “Can you write something where [sweet character] does [bad thing] to [sweet character] and reader helps them through it?”)
Extremely dark themes
Hogwarts Legacy Characters:
Poppy Sweeting
Natsai Onai
Samantha Dale
Imelda Reyes
Anne Sallow
Garreth Weasley
Ominis Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Note: I’d love to write for every Hogwarts Legacy character! But on Tumblr, there is a heavy focus on Sebastian, Ominis and Garreth (Mainly the two Slytherin). So I don’t discourage requesting them, but please do send requests for our lovely women in the game :)
RWBY Characters:
Team RWBY:
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao-Long
Team JNPR:
Jaune Arc
Pyrrha Nikos
Nora Valkyrie
Lie Ren
Coco Adel
Fox Alistair
Velvet Scarletina
Yatsuhashi Daichi
Team SSSN(N)
Sun Wukong
Scarlet David
Sage Ayana
Neptune Vasilias
Nolan Porfirio
Atlas ACE-OPs
Clover Ebi
Marrow Amin
Vine Zeki
Harriet Bree
Elm Ederne
Winter Schnee
Emerald Sustrai
Penny Polendina
Ilia Amitola
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darksaiyangoku · 5 years
Lancaster: Peeping Tom-in-law
[The darling rose and dashing knight had laid there, hot and exhausted underneath the comforter of their bed. The rain had just settled for their first time giving into each other, and boy was it worth the wait. After moments of breathing passed, they finally met face-to-face.]
Ruby: Wow.
Jaune: You can say that again.
Ruby: I always hear Yang and Nora talk about it a lot, but actually experiencing it... *blushes and smiles* ...It’s something else.
Jaune: Hehehe. *blushes* Was I good?
Ruby: *places hand on his cheek* You were amazing.
Jaune: Ruby...
Ruby: Jaune...
Together: I love you.
[Just as they kiss, a camera flash is seen from the closet as Yang falls out on her back catching their attention.]
Yang: *blinks* Uh-oh. Uh... *stands up* Congratulations, sis! *wink*
Ruby/Jaune: YANG!!!
Jaune: *looks up* Yang Xiao Long, if we weren't naked and unarmed we would give you such a kick in the ass right now!
Ruby: *O_O* Crescent Rose, how did I forget about cleaning her?!
[Ruby gets up, tripping out of the bed and standing back up. She grabs her blanket, running for a second only to fall down again. Jaune and Yang wince at this sight.]
Yang: You alright, Rubes?
Ruby: I'm fine! I think my boobs broke my fall when I faceplanted. *>_<*
Yang: Oof! *helps Ruby up* I didn't think your first time would leave you feeling so clumsy.
Jaune: *shrugs* I go deep and hard, what can I say?
Ruby: *stumbles dizzily, Nevermores chirping above her head* Blah...Protection...Used...Really strong...
Yang: Phew. Thank the Brothers. Because I'm not ready to be an aunt yet. *blushes* But you might be, Rubes.
Ruby: *shakes head* Blblblbl! I heard, Yang. Coco and Velvet told me.
Yang: Told you wha- -Ohh, those chocolatey snakes!
Jaune: We're still happy for you, Yang.
Yang: *-_-* Thank you, nosy brother-in-law.
Jaune: Ah, come on! You know you love me!
Ruby: Riiiiight. Well, I'm gonna take a shower and clean out Crescent Rose after this.
Yang: You do that, sis. You looked really cute in lingerie, by the way.
Ruby: Thank you. *turns out water, peeking head out of bathroom* Try not to snoop in on me and Jaune's future sessions, or I'm feeding you to Zwei. *slams door shut*
Yang: … *low whistle* Damn. Really kicked the Lancer's nest, didn't I?
Jaune: You DID barge in and take a selfie when we climaxed.
Yang: I was kinda in there for a while...
Jaune: ...How long were you- -?! Never mind!
Yang: *sits down on bed, lying next to Jaune* I took one with Ren and Nora for their first time, so, not the first instance.
Jaune: So how did they let you take a selfie with them?
Yang: *puts hands behind head* Nora told me how nervous she was for her first time with Ren. She really needed some encouragement, then she found an old cheerleader outfit she wore at Beacon for sporting events.
Jaune: ...You have a very odd way of encouraging people.
Yang: *looks up at Jaune* Dude, this was before they were engaged and she needed some help. Badly. Also? It was actually Ren's idea knowing how tight she looked in it.
Jaune: Okay! Enough! ...What was your first time with Sage like?
Yang: *sigh* Guy was pretty nervous when we were about to do it. Before all that, we just cuddled naked, did some foreplay, showered and bathed together, but we just couldn't go through with it. Soon as we, uh...Finally went in, all that nervousness melted away. *pets belly* Heh. Case and point...
Jaune: Well. *stares at bathroom door* Sounds like somebody I know.
Yang: Yeah...I was just really happy for you and Ruby. I may be a pervert, Jaune, but I do it because I like being more open with the folks I care about. Weiss and Neptune, I didn't sneak a photo with because I know they're really conscious about sharing each other with how far apart they were during the Crisis. Sun and Blake, I didn't have the heart for that considering I was Blake's Maid of Honor at her wedding. Ever since we kicked Salem's ass, I'm really excited to see you and my sister together. So, I'm excited that you finally got on with it.
Jaune: … *smiles* Thanks, Yang. We're happy for you and Sage, too. I know me and Ruby aren't that far into marriage yet, but- -
[Jaune was interrupted by Yang giving one of her signature asphyxiating hugs, which Jaune could thankfully withstand.]
Yang: *smiles, resting head on Jaune's shoulder* Hey man. Take as long as you and Ruby need with the whole kids thing. Long as Sage will have somebody to spoil in the long run.
Jaune: *hugs back* You got it. By the way, those flirting techniques that Ruby picked up from you and Blake? Woof!
[The bathroom door opened. Ruby currently wore a towel as she exited the steaming room noticing Jaune and Yang's embrace.]
Ruby: Um...Are things okay now?
Yang: *looks back at Ruby defensively* What? A woman can't hug her own brother-in-law?
Jaune: *looks at Ruby* Everything's fine, sweetie. You look beautiful in that towel by the way.
Ruby: *blushes* It's just that...He's naked, I just got out of the shower, we just...Finished. And you were peeping on us.
Yang: Welp, I better leave you two lovebirds to it. See you around, Rubes. You too, ladykiller. *gives peace sign with robot arm*
Jaune: Bye, Yang.
Ruby: See ya, Yang. Seriously, though. Could you please lay off on the sex selfies with me and him?
Yang: Yeah, okay. Besides, me and Sage might come over for to see which out of the four of us can last longer after I give birth.
Ruby: *smirks* Oh, you're on!
Yang: And since I still have time to do this before I get the preggo belly... *runs towards bedroom window* JUMP OUT THE WINDOW!!!
[Yang jumped out the bedroom window of their penthouse. She boosted her fall with a recoil boost from Ember Celica.]
Yang: *from the distance* ...Like a boss! Love you guys!
Ruby: *finishes changing into underwear* She knows how to make an exit.
Jaune: That's our Yang. So, I'm not really tired and have some games booted up. *holds up Scroll* Afterglow gaming session?
Ruby: Oh you know it! But on one condition...
Jaune: What is it, honey?
Ruby: *leans in and smirks* We play in our underwear.
Jaune: *smiles* Fine by me, Crater Face. It's getting hot outside anyway.
Ruby: *kisses Jaune's nose* I knew you'd see it my way.
[The couple rubbed noses, giggling as they played some first-person-shooters into the evening.]
Joethefriendlyponybro: Whaaaat?! I managed to write something for Lancaster even though it's not my ship?!
Okay, okay, for real. This is based off of an RP that DarkSaiyan and I had while I was in between some IRL matters to tend to. Hope you all enjoy.
DarkSaiyanGoku: Probably one of the most unexpected collaborations I’ve done, but I enjoyed the hell out of it!
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shinobirain24 · 2 years
I think you'd like this story: "RWBY Volume 4 Redux" by wolfstyle2074 on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/319379106?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=wolfstyle2074&wp_originator=P65KsHX8EeylEZtXKhlrf7CmMFG4EDLE9sSWqyGugleotBSwcJUVLLfknCPIqmVRIve1Dw7QpUcjx%2B3Xsuv%2FkI2dHdCp0c5htPp0skaWrz%2B7pSdnInWUFXBR7cJcvh8e
The redux version of Volume 4 is now on Wattpad.
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Wise dragon? Yang X sage Prom?
Yang leaned her head against Sage’s broad chest while they swayed together on the dance floor. A purple spotlight had stopped on them, getting more attention than she’d have liked at the moment,  She’d been pretty caught off guard when he asked her to Prom, but she was having the night of her life. It was safe to say that was because Sage pulled no punches for her all night.
He arrived right on time with a limo and dressed in his tuxedo, gave her that stupid flower for her wrist that she’d always wanted to wear, and the entire night he was such a gentleman. Neither his eyes or hands ever wandered, even though she wore a dress that made that kind of hard.
Sage was also having one amazing night. His crush had agreed to go to Prom with him no problem and now they were slow dancing together with her head on his chest! She looked so beautiful like that. Well she always looked beautiful to him, but her yellow dress, hair done up, and make only highlighted everything he thought already looked perfect on her. And she was there, right in his arms.
The two of them didn’t talk a huge amount once they reached the Prom, Sage just was a quiet guy, but they did dance. Almost every single song that played out of the massive stereos had them dancing together. They’d all been quick paced party songs up until now. Now it was the songs that slowed down for couples to be with their partner on the dance floor. And they were out on the dance floor for it!
“Hey Yang?”
Yang glanced up at her tall date. “Hmmmm?”
“Thanks for coming. With me I mean.”
“You’re welcome. And thank you for asking me to come.”
“O-oh... you’re welcome.”
They were silent for a minute, before Sage got the courage to ask Yang, “W-would you want to go out tomorrow to? Maybe catch a movie, or get some food.”
“Mmmmmm. Well tomorrow I actually already have plans, but Sunday sure.”
Sage gulped down the cheerful shout he wanted to let out when she said that. “A-alright cool. Wanna talk it over tomorrow?”
“Sure big guy. Sounds like a date.”
They were so wrapped up in their own little world that they didn’t realize the song had ended and dozens of people were just watching them sway together to no music.
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artsynimbus · 4 years
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S: Thats a lot of grimm, how many do you think you can take? Y: All of them!
FF7 x WiseDragon Commission for ‘Anonymous’ ! Thank you so much for your request! This brought up so much final fantasy nostalgia ! Also this is hands down the best I’ve ever drawn Yang- I’m very proud of that considering I feel I never do her justice when I try to draw her! ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
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debythelazytree · 4 years
Idk what to do with this drawing
Idk if i scrap it or finish it
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randumbteahouse · 5 years
Yang X sage Yang 1b. And sage 1E
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I’ve never heard of this ship, but then again, I haven’t even finished volume 4, so….please tell me this means Team SSSN has gotten more screen time!And Yang has hooked up with Sage? Ok, whatev. Cool. (I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. xP)
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wisedragonship · 5 years
Bringing your boyfriend over.
(normal AU )
*Yangs family was having dinner so she invited her boyfriend sage*
Yang : daddy, can you pass the salt?
sage and tai reaches the salt but both stopped
Tai : so.. You think you can come to my house to take my title huh..
Sage :N-no sir I would nev-
tai slowly stands up looking down at sage
Tai : honey get my boxing gloves we are taking this outside...
Raven : oh a dinner and entertainment?
Yang : oh my god guys st-
Sage : fine
Yang : say what!
*outside in the backyard *l
Yang : how the hell this happened....
*tai and sage was punching each other with all their strength*
Sage : Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora ora ora ora Ora Ora!
Tai : Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda!
Yang : ahhh so embarrassing....why you guys always doing this to my boyfriends!
Raven : don't be baby your father is just testing him like the others
Yang : didn't the last one ended up in a Hospital?
Raven : it's not our fault he was weak
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Yang Xiao Long was beside herself with anticipation! Her favorite band was coming to Vale, and she had scored tickets from a show on the radio. Mistral's very own Smile Bomb was performing an outdoor concert in an upscale park uptown.
Yang had to find the absolute best outfit for the occasion, as she was positively in love with two of the band's members: drummer and singer Sun Wukong and guitarist Blake Belladonna. She was almost certain they were dating, or at least otherwise enamored, but she figured it would still be neat to meet them.
Meeting Sage Ayana would be a treat also. His bass guitar really embellished Smile Bomb's sultry sounds, and his spiky green hair was easy on the eyes. Lead singer Scarlet David and guitarist Neptune Vasilias rounded out her most favorite band in the world. All five of them were so dreamy, especially Blake. Something about that hair, and those kitty ears.
Yang had decided to invite Ruby. She knew Ruby wasn't as fond of their music, but Rubes would never turn down a concert. She lived for live music, and she loved snapping photographs of concerts. She was getting pretty great at it. The Daily Dust could use such a great photog, but they preferred the use of an actual camera to a Scroll.
Yang knocked on Ruby's bedroom door. The little red had just gotten back from a sparring match with Taiyang, so she'd let Ruby decompress in the shower. "Yo!" She heard from inside the door. She turned the lock slowly and pushed the wooden door open. Her sister sat on the bed in casual clothes, her hair drying off in the cool air that poured from the window. "What's up, Yang?"
"So, I know you don't like them as much as I do, buuuuut I got Smile Bomb tickets, and I figured you'd might want to come jam, too!" Yang answered, waving her two tickets in her hand. Ruby's eyes widened at the thought. She squeaked out something like a 'yes' and hugged Yang tightly. Yang grinned at her kid sister.
"Wait... is that a real camera?" Yang mentioned as she saw a full sized camera on Ruby's dresser. It looked almost like the one Velvet Scarlatina was always seen with in the Daily Dust, though it was black trimmed with red instead of brown and gold. "Check out my sister, folks, the next big thing at the Daily Dust! I bet Velvet's got nothing on you!" The blonde cheered for her sister.
Ruby blushed twenty shades of red. "Oh, shush! I bet we'll make a great team, though. I love Velvet so much!" The tiny red woman squeaked again, hardly able to contain herself.
The entire park was abuzz in the moments before the concert finally kicked in around them. Yang could no longer contain her excitement. From their fast and wild songs like 'Feeling' and 'Fantastic Baby' to more driving songs like 'All to Myself' and 'Perfect', Smile Bomb impressed more and more with every jam. Yang danced and sang to each one, and Ruby snapped photo after glorious photo.
She caught up with Sun Wukong while the band was signing autographs after the show, and found out that he wasn't, in fact, with Blake. "Oh no, sweetie. I don't think Blake even likes dudes... Of course it wouldn't make much difference if she did. Not for me, I mean. I like dudes, too." The incredible drummer with the killer abs and the monkey tail told her.
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, everyone in the band is pretty gay." He chortled at the thought.
"Well, that's awesome! I mean, I knew Scarlet and Sage were a thing. They're, like, relentlessly gay. So who are you squeezing on? Must be a lucky man!" She smiled.
"The spicy man piece with the blue hair is mine." He laughed as he pointed up the table at Neptune.
"Good job. he's cute! So, is Blake seeing anyone?" She blushed ten shades of red at the idea. Wukong laughed loudly.
"She's right there, hon! Go ask her yourself!"
Yang's heart and stomach both flipped. Could she even ask the incredible Blake Belladonna such a question without stepping all over herself?
Before she realized, she and Blake were face-to-face. "Can I help you?" Blake asked her. Wow, her speaking voice was as glorious as her singing.
"Yes, I'm gay--I MEAN YANG!" She turned ten shades of red at that. She pushed her CD of Smile Bomb's music toward Blake for her to sign. "So, are you doing anything later? Or are you guys leaving really soon?"
"I'm not sure when we're leaving... but I think I may have just made plans with a blonde-haired knockout." Blake returned. Yang had not been ready for that, turning redder and redder by the second. "Wait around for me until this signing is through, and we'll catch up." Blake winked at Yang. Oh, this could not be happening.
"YANG!" She snapped out of her daze at the sound of Ruby's voice. Her sister appeared with her camera in hand. "Check out all my great shots!!" She passed the camera to Yang, who cycled through them all.
"Yep, you're Daily Dust material, sis!" She complimented. Yang passed Ruby the CD she'd gotten the band to sign, and she squealed loudly at that. She mentioned what Blake had said, and Ruby's eyes turned to stars.
"I can't believe you hit on Blake Belladonna! You want me to split? You know, so you two can be alone?"
"You don't have to. But here's a few Lien just in case you decide we aren't good company." Yang slid her a handful of cash, and she sped off to a snack stand. Yang stretched out and waited for her dreamy cat girl to finish signing autographs.
This would be fun, whatever came of it!
Day Four: Team SSSN Member
I know, it drops off before they meet, but I’ve got work soon. Sorry
Team SSSN is based on a boy band, so I imagine them performing BigBang songs. I also imagine them singing Mariana’s Trench songs, though, and Blake and Sun as band mates is an idea that came to me some time ago.
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lifesafairytale · 3 years
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Key: ✿ = Romantic | ☆ = Platonic | ღ = Smut | ❀ = Angst | ♡ = Headcanons | ❥ = Scenario/Reaction | ◎ = WIP
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Reader is cold but is a sweetheart with them✿♡
Reader has a Nervous Breakdown✿❥◎
Touch Starved!Reader✿♡◎
Drunk!Reader Calling Them✿♡◎
Having A Crush on the Same Person✿♡◎
Coming Back After Two Years✿♡◎
Stoic!Reader Crying✿♡◎
Accidentally Walking in on Reader Changing/Getting Out of the Shower✿♡◎
D (Fluff Alphabet)✿◎
Ruby Rose
Ticklish!Reader ✿♡
Reader has Amnesia✿❥◎
Being Her Sibling (Middle Child)☆♡◎
Weiss Schnee
Insulting/Slapping Jacques Schnee ✿❥
English Tea (Tea Prompts) ✿
Friends with a Rival Family's Child☆♡◎
Arranged Marriage with Reader✿♡◎
Blake Belladonna
Blake as an Older Sister ☆♡
Reader with a Mimicry Semblance ✿❥
Reader Owns a Cat✿❥◎
Yang Xiao Long
Working Out✿♡
Reader has Amnesia✿❥◎
Being Her Sibling (Middle Child)☆♡◎
Falling for Blake's Sibling✿♡◎
English Tea (Prompts) ✿
Pomegranate Tea and Earl Grey Tea (Prompts)✿◎
Coffee (Prompts)✿◎
A,F, P, W, X (Valentine Event)✿◎
Jaune Arc
Nora Valkyrie
Ticklish!Reader ✿♡
Reader with a Napoleon Complex ✿♡
Accidentally Walking in on Reader Changing/Getting Out of the Shower✿♡◎
Pyrrha Nikos
Working Out✿♡◎
Accidentally Walking in on Reader Changing/Getting Out of the Shower✿♡◎
Lemon Tea and Earl Grey Tea (Prompts)✿◎
Lie Ren
Reader with a Napoleon Complex ✿♡
Helping Reader with Chronic Pain✿♡◎
Coco Adel
Fox Alistair
Velvet Scarlatina
Reader Owns a Rabbit✿❥◎
J,K,V,W (Fluff Alphabet)✿◎
Yatsuhashi Daichi
Cardin Winchester
Russel Thrush
Dove Bronzewing
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Sky Lark
Sun Wukong
Working Out✿♡◎
Scarlett David
Sage Ayana
Neptune Vasilias
Teaching Him How to Dance✿❥◎
Flint Coal
Neon Katt
Arslan Altan
Bolin Hori
Reese Chloris
Nadir Shiko 
Brawnz Ni
Roy Stallion
Nolan Porfirio
May Zedong 
Nebula Violette
Dew Gayl
Gwen Darcy
Octavia Ember 
Summer Rose
Taiyang Xiao Long
Raven Branwen
Qrow Branwen
Milk Tea and Rosehip Tea (Prompts)✿◎
Ace Operatives
Clover Ebi
Elm Ederne
Vine Zeki
Harriet Bree
Marrow Amin
Happy Huntresses
Robyn Hill
Fiona Thyme
Joanna Greenleaf
May Marigold
Salem's Faction
Cinder Fall
Reader with a Mimicry Semblance ✿❥
Arthur Watts
Reader with a Mimicry Semblance ✿❥
English Breakfast Tea (Prompts)✿
Earl Grey Tea and Rooibos Tea (Prompts)✿
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Hazel Rainart
Tyrian Callows
Schnee Household
Willow Schnee
A,E,F,J,N (Valentine Event)✿◎
Winter Schnee
Insulting/Slapping Jacques Schnee ✿❥
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Meeting Again at the Vytal Festival✿♡◎
Whitley Schnee
Insulting/Slapping Jacques Schnee ✿❥
Klein Sieben
Menagerie/White Fang
Ghira Belladonna
Kali Belladonna
Sienna Khan
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Corsac Albain
Fennec Albain
Ilia Amitola
Adam Taurus
Xiong Family
Hei 'Junior' Xiong
Melanie Malachite
Miltia Malachite
Headmasters/School Staff
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Glynda Goodwitch
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck
Peter Port
Leonardo Lionheart
James Ironwood
Reader Being Flustered✿❥◎
Roman Torchwick
Ciel Soleil
Penny Polendina
Sophisticated but Sarcastic!Reader✿♡◎
Pietro Polendina
Maria Calavera
Oscar Pine
Emerald Sustrai
Mercury Black
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sid471 · 3 years
Polyamorous ships in fandoms that I ship :3
Some with and some without context lol
Poly-STRQ (RWBY) (Summer Rose x Taiyang Xiao Long x Raven Branwen x Qrow Branwen) No I don’t ship Raven and Qrow together >_> I ship weird ships sometimes but that’s a no lol
Poly-SSSN(N) (RWBY) (Sun Wukong x Scarlet David x Sage Ayana x Neptune Vasilias x Nolan Porfirio, if you count him as a member)
Beatrix x Riven x Dane (Fate: The Winx Saga) Even if she IS just using them... still iconic :3
Sunny Bees (RWBY) (Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna x Sun Wukong)
(Kiri)BakuTodoDeku (My Hero Academia)
ShinKamiJirou (My Hero Academia) He deserves both of his purple haired crushes :3
Leodiniles (Fire Emblem Fates) (Leo x Odin x Niles)
Lukadrienette (Miraculous Ladybug) (Luka Couffaine x Adrien Agreste x Marinette Dupain Cheng) You can also throw in Kagami too if y’want, I won’t complain :3
That’s it :3 If there are any wholesome poly ships, or just ships in general, that YOU ship tell me :3 I won’t judge you ^_^.... unless it’s illegal or incest 😶 Y’know... fair lines to draw I think lol
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mewmewchann · 7 years
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This is literally Wisedragon in a nutshell. XD
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darksaiyangoku · 4 years
RWBY- Oscar’s Proposal
The hall of Beacon was decorated beautifully, just like it was on the night of the dance. Team RWBY, Nora and Penny were starstruck.
Ruby: Wow!!!!
Weiss: I know. Just like old times.
Blake: I still remember mine and Sun’s dance like it was yesterday. *sighs dreamily*
Yang: Speaking of which, where are the guys anyway? They said they’d be here an hour ago.
Nora: *shrugs* Penny, have you heard anything?
Penny: *shakes head* Sage didn’t tell me anything at all before we left.
Blake: Hmmm... I smell trouble.
[Behind the curtains]
Jaune: Okay, everyone in position?
Neptune: Almost. *adjusting his tie* Okay, perfect!
Jaune: Perfect! Oscar are you.... Oscar?
Oscar: Guys.... *blushing deep red* I thought we agreed to keep this simple!!!
Sun: Come on, simple’s boring. You said you wanted this night to be memorable and that’s what we’re here for.
Oscar: But...
Sage: Sun’s right. If you wanna make this proposal work, you go big or you go home.
Ren: Plus, we’re already here, we’ve hired the musicians *points to Scarlet, Nolan, Yatsuhashi, Coco and Velvet*, it’s too late to back out now.
Oscar: Well... I guess.
Neptune: Oscar, what’s the worst that could happen?
Oscar: She could say ‘no.’
Jaune: Say n- *facepalms* Dude, you’ve been in a relationship with her for 3 years!!!
Oscar: *laughs nervously*
Jaune: Anyway, how are we for songs?
Scarlet: Well there’s a lot to choose from. You have Everybody, All I have to Give, I Want It That Way. Whatever you want, we have it.
Suddenly, an idea sparked into Oscar’s head.
Oscar: *smiles* Guys, I think know what we should sing.
Neptune: Oh? What is it?
Oscar: *whispers*
Neptune: *eyes light up* Oh that is a sweet choice! Alright, let’s get moving everybody!! *claps*
[Back at the ballroom]
Tai: Still as lovely as I remember.
Ruby: Dad? What are you doing here?
Tai: Oscar texted me here.
Yang: He did? Have you seen him at all?
Tai: Sorry I haven’t.
Yang: *groans*
Ruby: *rubs her shoulder* Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s fine.
Just then the curtains opened, revealing Sun, Neptune, Sage, Ren, Jaune and Oscar all dressed up in suits. The girls couldn’t help but blush. Fancy suits were their weakness. The band started play. Yang’s eyes widened when she heard the tune.
Nora: Yang? What is it?
Yang: *smiles* This was the song on our first date.
Ren: Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine, I'm leaving my life in your hands. People say I'm crazy and that I am blind. Risking it all in a glance.
Jaune: And how you got me blind is still a mystery. I can't get you out of my head.
Sun: Don't care what is written in your history, ss long as you're here with me.
JSSNOR: I don't care who you are. Where you're from. What you did. As long as you love me. Who you are. Where you're from. Don't care what you did. As long as you love me.
Ruby: *giggling* They’re such dorks!
Weiss: *smiles* But they’re our dorks.
Blake: *smiles* You got that right.
Penny: *claps along*
Neptune: Every little thing that you have said and done feels like it's deep within me.
Sage: Doesn't really matter if you're on the run. It seems like we're meant to be.
JSSNOR: I don't care who you are. Where you're from. What you did. As long as you love me. Who you are. Where you're from. Don't care what you did. As long as you love me. As long as you love me.
That moment, Oscar mustered all the courage he had and walked off stage, taking everyone by surprise. A small blush appeared on Yang’s face as he took her hand.
JSSNR: As long as you love me.
Oscar: I've tried to hide it so that no one knows. But I guess it shows when you look into my eyes. What you did and where you're coming from.
JSSNR: I don't care, as long as you love me, baby.
Just then, the music stopped and everyon gave a short applause.
Yang: *chuckles* So this is what you were planning all this time?
Oscar: Well... not exactly. I wanted something a little less extravagant but I got talked into it by the guys. However, it did buy me enough time to prepare for this. *kneels down*
Yang: *eyes wide* Wait, Oscar?
Oscar: Yang, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You’ve been there for me when I needed you most. You’re my strength, my rock, my partner and now, *takes out box* I want you to be my wife. Yang Xiao Long, will you marry me?
Everyone gasped disbelief. Ruby smiled widely, Weiss covered her mouth, Blake and Tai were fighting the urge to cry and Nora and Penny were fighting the urge to jump for joy. Small tears formed from Yang’s eyes as she saw the ring. It was topaz, her favourite jewel. She looked at the man she loved once again, gazing into his hazel eyes.
Yang: Come here you!!
She grabbed Oscar by the face and passionately kissed him. Oscar returned in kind, lifting her up from the floor and spinning her around. The entire room erupted in applause, though they weren’t as loud as Jaune, Ren, Sun, Sage and Neptune.
Oscar: *breaks the kiss* So I take it that’s a yes?
Yang: *giggles* Absolutely! *kisses him*
Ruby: I GET A NEW BROTHER!!!! *hugs Oscar*
Oscar: WAH!!! *falls to the floor*
Yang: *laughs*
Oscar: *looks at Yang* Best decision I ever made.
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shinobirain24 · 2 years
Story: RWBY Volume 4 Redux
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Wise dragon (yang X sage ), number 1
#1: “Come over here and make me.”
Yang and her boyfriend Sage were playing a friendly game of “Wyvern Square A Fighters” in Team SSSN’s dorm. 
**Player 2 WIN!**
“Sage! Stop being a move spamming ass!”
Well....friendly-ish. It didn’t help that Sage had started to just pinning Yang’s character in the corner and not letting her move or get free.
Sage smirked at his girlfriend losing her temper again. He thought she was cute when she did and her eyes turned that cute red. “Come over here and make me.”
Yang growled out and threw herself at the tall, dark skinned man. She pinned him down and straddled him. She yanked his controler out of his hands. He couldn’t even protest before her boobs were pushed in his face (not that he would want to).
They stay like that, Sage buried in Yang’s boobs for only a few seconds. Then it was over.
**Player 1 WIN!**
Sage regained his senses when he heard that. He sat back up to see Yang’s character doing a victory pose on the screen. And her doing one at him in real life. It had just been a distraction.
Sage crossed his arms and pouted playfully. “Cheater.”
“Haha your one to talk! And I’m allowed to use my girls however I want!” Yang sat back down in his lap, facing him and a teasing smile on her face. her ‘girls’ were also being pushed into his chest. “Besides, you never seem to mind when I use them~.”
Sage’s dark skin did nothing to hide his blush. 
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