#and there have been other spots of different options in the class trials or the FTEs
aparticularbandit · 1 year
Okay. Gonna make a small complaint here. But like - one of things I really don't like in games is when they give me a choice that isn't a choice. Like, I'm used to it in Pokemon, cool, great, whatever.
But like. When you give me a choice to tell Kirigiri about Sakura or not. I expect to be allowed to tell her when I want to tell her. Instead of being given the exact same dialogue Makoto gave me before I clicked Tell her. Like - even Pokemon usually gives me different flavor text when I pick the answer it doesn't want me to pick.
C'mon, Danganronpa.
If it isn't a choice and there's not any additional info for picking the wrong choice in this situation, then don't give me the choice. It's frustrating either way.
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doctorbunny · 1 year
The mission to track down (most of) the locations in Ai Nan Desu Yo!
Firstly, I want to thank @archivalofsins /Gunsli-01, this whole thing started because of us DMing, wondering if we could use the background images in Mahiru's first MV to guess which university she went to, that started this whole adventure. By the end of this saga, the process truly was a collaboration too and i would've given up much sooner (sorry for taking so long to write this up!)
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It started here. The caption says Mahiru is sat on the 大学のテラス (University terrace). So we figured this was the best shot to find her uni. Gunsli tried reverse image search but it just kept throwing milgram back at us. So I got an idea:
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The magic of photo editing! it worked too and I got this back:
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That's right! This isn't a university but a pizza place! Specifically one called 800 ディグリーズ ナポリタン ピッツェリア (800 degrees Neapolitan pizzeria) It is right next to two universities however:
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Of these two, I speculate Aoyama Gakuin University is more likely to be Mahiru's as they have a large humanities department and an option to take Chinese language classes (interestingly, it is also a Very Christian university and we know from question 19 of Mahiru's trial 1 interrogation, she believes people go to Heaven when they die. There is also a lot of focus on international students and the campus nearest the pizza resturant has a 'statue of Love' in the Majima Archives building)
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Inspired by this fruitful discovery I decided to try my method on other photos:
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I jumped all the way over to day 13 because I felt like the sign would aid in my search. Before I bothered with any photo editing I just did some google searches "Tokyo Marun-" I got the autofill result 'Tokyo Marunouchi hotel' after investigating it wasn't the right place but we had a location name "Marunouchi" Trying again I typed "Tokyo Marunouchi Street" Autofill gave me "Marunouchi Street Park": Bingo!
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This must be some kind of iconic sign because there were a ton of results for it. The bad news is that the sign was portable and only placed out for special events. So I introduce the next weapon in my arsenal: Google Streetview With a street to work with I walked up and down Morunouchi Naka-doori avenue until I got to a building with similar square pillars to the one behind Mahiru
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This place is the MyPlaza, it's got a couple different shops, but importantly there is a function room you can rent out for events just like the wedding reception Mahiru attended here. This one turns out to be further away than some of the other discoveries but it makes sense because Mahiru is travelling to an event, not on a date.
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Back to photo editing! This is one of two shrines I'll identify, they become important as they get special icons on google maps, becoming landmarks to search around later.
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This is the Meiji Jingu Shrine
I was on a roll so quickly moved to day 14, however, my editing trick wouldn't work here so it would only be later that I uncovered the location of the park
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Searching for day 11 was much more fruitful
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I was really excited to track this one as Mahiru mentions it being the filming location for her favourite movie. So I thought if we could discover that, then we may unlock more clues about her as a person
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I got about this far before realising I could try a different tactic. If this was a well known spot, surely in my broken Japanese I could google it right? So with a little help of my dictionary I spat out "Tokyo red hand railing movie". Somehow this barely worked
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The movie? Your Name
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At this point I was rolling on the floor laughing because I had been expecting some Japanese cult classic romance movie or a domestically popular but internationally obscure rom com meanwhile Your Name was a massive box office smash hit in many places. One of the few anime movies that even non-anime fans will be aware of.
Despite this, I hadn't actually seen it myself and wasn't really in the mood to watch it (I had more locations to track down, dammit) but fortunately Gunsli came in clutch, having previously seen the movie and also in the mood to rewatch it for clues about Mahiru.
These stairs are actually at a place called Suga Shrine, making this our second landmark. (Fun fact: if you look it up you'll find pictures of movie fans recreating photos of the place)
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We were starting to build up an idea of Where Mahiru's world was, the border between Shibuya and Shinjuku ward. There were several parks in the area, so I figured I'd set out to find the day 14 park location by searching through each one. I was worried this would take a while but when I started with the biggest park, Yoyogi, I basically hit jackpot right away. Immediately upon seaching it, google recommended me results for images of the park at night. It turns out that Yoyogi had a large area used for concerts (that also may have been used for movie nights). By chance, I found this image from the park at night
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which looks awfully similar to the lamp/benches seen in the background of day 14... According to Gunsli, the nearby yoyogi station is featured in an important scene in Your Name, so that's another thing pointing towards them being in this park. It's not solid evidence but we'll come back to this later.
At this point I'm both hyped up and bored, so to amuse myself and just to see if I can, I decide to search for the place Mahiru's boyfriend is working at in day 8
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At first I had written it off as pointless to even try searching, but Gunsli noticed that in the top left corner you can see a hint of the store's sign. It is the same colours as a Seven Eleven (a chain that exists both in the US and Japan) This greatly narrowed down my search, as it ruled out the many Family Marts and Lawsons in the area (I cannot stress how many convenience stores there are in Tokyo) Unfortunately, there were still many 7/11s to search through and thus leads to the several hours I spent on google maps, individually going to each 7/11 in Shibuya and trying to look for those bike racks, floor tiles and old security camera. It was demoralising. But when hope was nearly lost and I almost gave up (there was a heat wave outside so my brain was melting during this). Gunsli reminded me of something very important. On day 8 we get two images, the above of Mahiru waiting outside the 7/11, and one of her sat on a park bench. If we were right about the day 14 park being Yoyogi, then surely our 7/11 would be in walking distance? The search began again. The third 7/11 I found near the park was it.
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In one fell swoop I had confirmed both day 8 and 14. In celebration I made a tumblr post
Now, at this point I'm running out of images to search for because a lot of the locations in Ainan are indoors, meaning they could be taken from a studio or even one of the milgram crew's homes (which isn't actually uncommon) and thus, not a relavent location. I did half heartedly attempt to look for the day 9 bar, but as you can imagine, without any external landmarks it was even more of a goose chase than the 7/11...
The last location I decided to look for was all the way back in day 5
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This edit was pretty tough to make so i was very annoyed when it didn't work. By this time it was late at night, but Gunsli had a hunch that this would be a well known running route, so started looking for those. By the time I'd woken up, she got it down to a route called the Imperial Palace Running Route, which is very popular (especially with tourists, it is recommended to give it a go if you're in the area)
I found it on streetview by following road signs seen in a video of someone running the route Gunsli found (the part in Mahiru's video appears at about 1:35)
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It's an area called Takebashi and here is a screenshot both of what we saw in ainan, as well as what Mahiru would've seen in the direction she ran (the route loops back on itself)
Ok I'm tired it's 1 am, finally here's a really rough map of everywhere in relation to each other
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An interesting thread throughout is that many of these places are sort of tourist-y, suggesting Mahiru's boyfriend may not be from Tokyo either. The university (assuming I'm guessing the right place) taking in lots of international students and Mahiru's boyfriend working at a 7/11 (which Japanese people can do but is also Stereotypically the part time job of choice for people from outside Japan while studying) could perhaps even hint to him not being Japanese, but it's all speculation right now
I hope you enjoyed this long rambly mess, I'm so sorry it took me so long to write it all up....
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acciofanfics · 4 years
Teacher’s Pet (Remus Lupin x Reader)
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Summary: (Y/N) wants to be a professor at Hogwarts. Dumbledore offers her a chance to intern and figure out what she wants to do... hopefully she’ll make it through the year.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x FemReader
Warnings: Age Gap and there will be smut later on.
A/N: So I’m going to try and make this as quick as possible, and build up some tension, but I kinda think anything with Remus might be inherently more slow burn than Sirius lol BUT there will be smut! I promise!
(Y/N) had a feeling that this new endeavor would be hard, and really she didn’t mind a challenge. But this was kind of ridiculous... She’d expressed desire to work at Hogwarts in her future, and Dumbledore had made it a personal mission to find a spot for her (on a trial basis for now). She had been an excellent student in the prior seven years and she definitely had the marks to do whatever she wanted. Dumbledore thought it’d be best to have her on for a year, helping in different areas to see if there was anything she enjoyed and could study further. Or maybe she’d end up deciding there was a completely different career path. Only a week in and (Y/N) was leaning towards anything other than whatever she was doing.
(Y/N) took a deep breath and picked up her head. She could do this, at least her favorite class was next. DADA had been her favorite class as a student and now that she was assisting, it still hit all the marks for her. Professor Lupin was a great teacher and she really enjoyed his teaching, sure she knew all the material, but all of his students seemed to enjoy him and she hoped if she ever had the chance to be in his shoes, she’d be able to engage her students the same way. Walking into his classroom there were no students yet, but she was still supposed to be there about 30 minutes ago (it really sucked that there was no apparating within Hogwarts), “Sorry I’m late! Professor Snape asked me to reorganize his personal storeroom before I left.”
Remus offered her an understanding smile, “I don’t really have anything for you to do until class starts.”
(Y/N) didn’t want to admit it, but she was a little glad that she had a moment to relax. Just to get off her feet, without thinking much about it she leaned against Professor Lupin’s desk, an act she would’ve never been so bold to do as a student. “You sure you don’t need me?”
Remus looked down at the parchments scattered across his desk. It was mostly a few essays from the previous class and nothing he needed to focus on, but it was better than looking at her and letting her see his jaw twitch at the words. They were so innocent, or better yet they were meant innocently. Remus didn’t really find it so terrible that he found the young woman exceptionally alluring, they were both adults. Would it be terribly unprofessional? Yes. Not to mention he was in a position of authority... but it wasn’t even an option so he pondered why he entertained the thought at all.
“Professor?” (Y/N) prodded... he seemingly entered a different world when she asked him a question. Sure, she’d only known the man about a week, but he seemed to do that often: zone out. He usually just needed someone to call him back to reality.
“Ah! Sorry, no I don’t... at least not right now.” Remus shot her a somewhat convincing smile.
“Well just let me know...” (Y/N) was starting to feel a little awkward and unsure of what she was supposed to do now. She normally had some sort of task to accomplish to fill up the silence between them or at least distract her enough to not let her be so aware of what she was saying. “Between you and me this is definitely my favorite class to help in. Don’t tell Professor Snape though, he’d be heartbroken.”
Remus chuckled at her joke, but he kinda hoped she was only joking about the last part. Honestly, he was new to this teaching game and he truly hoped he was doing a good job, but if he were being honest he wouldn’t mind if that wasn’t the only reason she enjoyed his classroom. “Flattery will get you everywhere in here.”
Her grin was contagious and Remus had no problem mirroring the expression.
“Does that work outside of class too?” (Y/N)’s eyes went wide. Did she really just say that? Was she absolutely insane? She cleared her throat and jumped to go greet the fourth years that were saving her skin and walking through the doors. Remus took a moment though... his grin didn’t falter.
Tag List: @susceptible-but-siriusexual @harrypotter289 @levylovegood @iamabeautifulperson18 @figlia--della--luna @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange
If you want to be on or off the taglist let me know!
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #11:
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A/N: welcome to the final post tonight!!!!!! Thanks for staying for this marathon everybody🥱🖤 I told y’all to get ready right? Lehgo:
A 1-Year Anniversary For The Books 😳....🎡❄️🌃
over the next 6 months, you and Aone have had a remarkable relationship 💗
He’s beyond caring, attentive and sweet to you: even when you are moody on your period and dont want to talk to him he would drop off a basket at your house filled with a heating pad, your favourite treats, DVDs of your favourite movies and a note that explained how he felt about you
Your sex life was amazing, sex was insanely passionate and few and far between because you were both busy + Aone wanted you to know he wasn’t here for sex, though he loved it, of course
Takanobu listened to every story of yours, filled in at your cheer practices when you needed him, brought your team to competitions whenever some people didn’t have rides, and he attended the popular kids parties with you and let you do your own thing...
In addition, of course he was the best tutor you’ve ever had, letting you know before you started that you weren’t allowed to mess with his hormones to get out of it:
“Y/N. we have to study. No seduction tricks. They’re not fair.”
“Okay—!” You smiled.
“No cute-duction tricks either.”
You pouted.
“Want me to leave?” He asked, getting bold because he knew you were getting clingy, and even though he’d love to be balls deep between your heavenly legs, School came first. He needed you to graduate with him. It wasn’t an option.
“No no no baby please I’m sorry.” You pleaded.
He kissed your cheek. “Good.”
you attended baby’s intense volleyball games, so you saw his losses and it broke your heart
But you knew just how to comfort him: have him lay his head on you as you stroked his hair....give him lots of kisses and go to the pet store and spend hours the turtle section 💕
You got super close to his friends which was obviously incredible to Aone
And he’d been trying to get you to meet his family for a while, but you were too nervous
One day at the movies when Koganegawa was complaining yet again about how much his parents the other 2 members of the iron wall treated him like a baby, you interjected in the line for tickets. Aone had his arms around you from behind, making you feel safe
“Hey, wait a second. If Aone is ‘mom’ and Futakuchi is ‘dad,’ what does that make me???” You whined.
Kanji looked down at you like that was the most obvious question in the world. “You’re the hot side chick that Aone cheated on Futakuchi-senpai with.”
Your jaw dropped. “Excuse me—“
“Wrong.” Aone stated, glaring at Kanji. “Don’t ever associate cheating with me and Y/N. I would NEVER.”
Futakuchi rolled his eyes. “We know. Learn to take a joke,”
You turned around in Aone’s arms and got on your toes straining for a kiss. Aone smiled and leaned down to press his lips on yours. He tried to pull away but you held onto the collar of his hoodie and pulled him down again, prohibiting him from ending the kiss.
“Y/N, you better keep the same energy.” Futakuchi mumbled under his breath, walking forward as the line moved. “If my best friend ends up heartbroken I know someone else’s Cheer captain best friend who can end up being hurt just as bad in return🙃..........” he sung.
Without breaking your fantastic kiss, you stuck out your foot in the direction you knew Kenji was walking, making him trip.
“Ouch, fuck! Why do you invite her, Aone-san?!”
You smiled into the kiss.
Tbh: your relationship was..........perfect💘
........too perfect, you sometimes thought.
It kept you up at night sometimes .... the fact that you couldn’t really pin point anything wrong with him , even months later
How is it possible that while all your friends went through trials and tribulations.....ups and downs in their relationships and crushes ... and weird squares (*cough cough* Kenji, Katana, Koganegawa, Kusa 🤧 *cough cough*....but that’s for another outtake time) while you didn’t have to endure anything
Aone was protecting you from going through any pain . Proving to you his worth
Your boyfriend surprised you everyday making you happier than the last
Not to mention you have an adoptive son named Perdu that you adore 🐢💚
But you couldn’t shake the feeling deep within that told you that you didn’t deserve this
Yes, you have come to love Aone with all of your heart—he is literally an angel
But that conversation that Aone was so reluctant to have 6 months ago about how much he pined after you........it really affected you in various ways....
For one thing, why did someone so beautiful and pure and perfect have to fall for someone like you?
You had faults. You didn’t even notice him for years while he suffered in silence in the background, for God’s sake
It was as if, only after he defended you against the Class Snitch and did something for you, that’s when you noticed him—and then he just jumped at the opportunity
You could’ve played him, used him, and you’re pretty sure that he would let you. 😞
He was Not realizing how selfish the whole thing seemed
And then there’s the whole fact that Aone has liked you for 2 years..... and no one else? Even when you didn’t notice him?
Yeah, you couldn’t even lie about that one to yourself. He really only liked you and only had eyes for you. Even though you hadn’t even known he was even an option for you.
It broke your heart—
Yes, you loved him now.
But that conversation 6 months ago...... it made you understand how much of an amazing, absolutely unbelievable human being he is, even before you two started dating = you haven’t been able to shake this feeling of unfairness....
The feeling that you do not deserve him
Maybe you wanted him for the sex that felt so good it made you cry every time?
Or all the things he does for you because he was so whipped?
Meanwhile he endured relentless cockteasing from you because he tried not to give into his urge so you wouldn’t think he wanted you for that ...always putting you first..... what hormonal male DOES that?
He’s perfect
But Maybe that was the big pull...you know?
perhaps it was just a pull and this isn’t how it is supposed to be
Aone deserves someone as amazing and selfless as him, no?
What if he deserved better? As long as you were in the way he’d only accept you and shut out any girl who could be even better for him.
A girl that wouldn’t have ignored him for 2 years .
When you started expressing your concerns, Katana, your best friend knew this point would come.
“Do not self destruct, Y/N. Just because you get scared when y’all are getting serious. That man is crazy about you.” Katana pleaded with you at your locker one day as you shuffled through your messy locker.
“I’m not self destructing, and I know he is..... but maybe that’s the problem? I get a perfect boyfriend and what does Aone get? I just hope that this is, a fair transaction in the Universe.....”
“You love that man too. I know you do! Besides, everyone can see the way his entire demeanour has lit up and changed since you two got together. He’s like a new person and it’s almost been a whole year.... look at him.”
You found your pencil case and closed your locker, looking over in the direction Katana called your attention to. Aone was talking to Koganegawa and Kusa, laughing loudly...something no one had ever seen him do a year before now. Your heart sunk because you were the cause of that happiness. He was a new man, and he was so happy to be with you. It made your heart hurt.
Aone glanced over in your direction just then, making eye contact with you and instantly smiling brightly. He said some form of goodbye to his friends like he always did when he spotted you, dropping everything to greet you and hold your books.
What made you so special... to deserve such a man?
If you asked Aone, he’d have a list of ways he could answer that question, but, for you, you forced yourself to believe he was just taken away with your looks....and that he just convinced himself he liked you deeper because of how pretty you were. He loves sex but tries not to have it, maybe it’s because you’d catch on to him being like every other guy that just wants you and the rest of the cheerleaders for your bodies? I mean, even his best friend Futakuchi is like that!
No, he was a terrible liar.
Aone is gorgeous, tall, muscular, handsome....... girl after girl check him out and want him. Maybe one of them deserved him more than you do....
Thoughts like that whirled through your mind all the time from summer to winter...
Tonight, on the night of your 1 year anniversary, it was no different. Aone had made it clear for months to his team that he wouldn’t be attending practice on this date
Instead, he treated you to a luxurious dinner on a yacht and then you both went one of the highest Ferris wheels in the world that gave a great view of the city night lights of Japan:
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It was so romantic, and Aone was just the happiest man on earth holding you closer as you leaned into his side because you loved Ferris wheels but you were chilly in this temperature.
Your boyfriend pulled your hat down for you so it was covering your ears
He took your hands in his and blew hot air on them to keep you warm, spreading the heated blanket he’d bought so it covered more of you than him.
“Still cold? Want my jacket?”
“I’m good.” You grinned.
His heart warmed.
You looked up at your boyfriend, hearing the sudden change to seriousness in his tone. Aone sported that blush that he had the first time you’d kissed him on the cheek. He was still nervous around you even after an entire year and it had to do with his strong feelings of love toward you. He was sure they’d never go away.
Takanobu dug into his pocket and pulled out two small individually wrapped boxes. One square and one rectangular. The silver boxes were wrapped in little yellow bows, yellow-your favourite colour.
“More gifts, Aone?” You asked softly, you couldn’t help but frown. He was always spoiling you beyond belief. “You promised the dinner was your only gift,”
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “Happy 1-year anniversary. You make me so happy and I really hope you’ll be so kind as to bless me with more years.”
You took off your mittens and took the boxes from him, your stomach in knots the entire time.
You felt so different. Your heart hurt.
You placed the boxes in your lap and Aone tried not to smile. You delicately untied both bows, removing the lids before gasping.
“Aone..........” you said quietly. “Oh, Aone, they are beautiful.”
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Mountain man smiled. “You don’t have to wear them.....I just really wanted to gift them to you because—“
You interrupted him. “You don’t think I’d wear them?” You asked, hurt. Hurt for him because you could tell that he still felt that you were too good to be true.
“Well the promise ring m-might be too flashy, or the turtle might be seen as a little juvenile by your teammates, so—“
That did it.
Your heart broke.
It couldn’t be any more clear now.
You didn’t deserve this man.
“Aone.” Your voice cracked as you spoke. You willed yourself not to cry.
But this time it wasn’t tears of joy that almost fell the day he confessed, these were the truest of all types tears..... tears of sorrow.
Aone leaned down and brushed your hair out of your face so he could see your face. “Y/N? What’s wrong? I-I can always return them if you don’t like them.... it-it’s not a problem in the slightest—“
“—We need to break up, Aone.”
Freezing, Takanobu thought he hadn’t heard that.
He paused for a good ten seconds.
“W-what?” He asked, his voice cracking.
You refused to look at him.
“I’m sorry.” Is all you could say without bursting into tears. “I can explain more on a later date, but I’ve thought about it for a while, and that’s my decision.”
Aone’s heart shattered, instantly feeling like the world had been turned upside down on him. I mean sure, Aone thought maybe one day you’d realize you deserved better—but that’s why he spent every day devoting his time to treating you well so maybe you’d choose him.
He guessed he hadn’t been trying hard enough.
“I-is it something I did?” He took a deep breath. “Something I can change? Please,”
You shook your head, feeling the cold breeze of this winter night in your core. “Nothing you did. You’re amazing, Aone-san.“
“The-Then can you please reconsider—“
“No,” you choked. “Can we get off now? Please?”
Always listening to you, Aone shakingly pressed the button that let the Ferris Wheel operator know you wanted one final spin.
Which meant Aone had about 1 minute to change your mind while his whole world fell apart. He felt dizzy. He didn’t even know how he was still functioning, running on pure adrenaline, no doubt. He felt like this was another dream—no, a nightmare.
“If-if it’s something I did, Y/N, I sincerely apologize—“ He felt stupid to think you were actually enjoying yourself in a relationship with him.
You looked out into the skyline, directing your attention to the Japan night lights. The cold air quickly dried the single tear that escaped your eye.
“It’s nothing you did............” yet. Not until you realize you deserve so much better, You wanted to say.
“Then can I have one more chance? Please?”
Your boyfriend....no, ex-boyfriend threw everything he’s every heard from Futakuchi about being cool around his crush and begged for you. You were basically his world, the reason he’s truly lived a life of happiness and not just remained quiet and stoic like he used to be before you entered his life.
Aone stayed silent for a second and raked his brain for things he might have done to upset you. He couldn’t find one, but you wouldn’t do this for no reason, so he hated himself for not figuring it out.
All too soon, the ride came to an end and you handed the gifts back to him before quickly scrambling out of the Ferris wheel.
Aone took a second to stare at the necklace and ring before stumbling out after you, feeling like there was an extra thousand pounds on his chest as you walked away from him in the dark night. You two were in the empty parking lot of the Ferris wheel.
“Y/N..... at least let me drive you home!” He yelled, dropping the heated blanket and gifts on the snow. He was in so much pain he couldn’t hold onto anything.
“I texted Kusa. She’s coming.” You called back, not daring to turn around because if you did you would just jump into his arms.
Aone couldn’t stop the tears that welled up behind his eyes. He’d never felt this level of pain before. He would choose to endure going through the pain of losing his last volleyball game in 3rd year everyday if it meant he didn’t have to feel what he was feeling now.
Before he started crying—something he hasn’t done since he was maybe 7 years old—Aone ran over to you, stepping in front of you to beg one last time.
“Y/N. Can I at least still be in your life? As fr-friends, even?” He asked heartbrokenly, unable to cope with not being anything to you anymore and going back to loving you from afar. He wouldn’t be able to handle that.
You walked around him, wiping your face of cold tears that luckily blended in with the pelting downfall of snow. “Okay.” You had to say, unable to refuse such a broken man. “Friends.”
The word friend stopped Aone where he stood. It was the last word he heard you say before he confessed to you at the bowling alley exactly a year ago, and now it was the last word he heard you say after you crushed his heart in front of a Ferris Wheel...
You kept walking further and further away from this mountain man that was so internally destroyed, he couldn’t take another step.
❄️ ❄️
It was 40 minutes later when Kenji had reached the empty Ferris Wheel lot. He saw a mountainous figure drenched in snow, its head slung down and shoulders dropped as if he was at a funeral. Kenji ran over and threw a blanket over his best friend’s shoulders, basically pushing him toward his car because he could barely move himself. On the drive, Kenji turned all of the hot air vents toward Aone so that the heat was blasting on him. The shell of a man just stared out the window like he had no purpose. Futakuchi couldn’t help but go in best-friend-protective-mode, tossing questions at him:
“I had to GPS your location after Kusa texted me! What happened?! Did Y/N break up with you, on your anniversary?! Really?! Ughhhh I knew this would happen. Aone, I’m here for you, big guy. Okay? It was me, you and the team before her, and it will be us after her, even though our season is over. I’m here. Okay? Can you please talk to me so that I know you’re okay?”
Aone didn’t answer his best friend that night, and Kenji knew it would be that way. As we all know, he is great at predicting things.
But what Kenji didn’t predict, however, was that it would be two and a half weeks until Aone would speak to anyone.... again.
A/N: I cried several times. Would love to hear y’alls thoughts
Taglist: @crushzone @galagcica @chaichai-the-weeb @nairobiisqueen @bisasterrr @juminly
Outtake #12: CLICK HERE
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trainsinanime · 4 years
Here’s a Miraculous Ladybug story idea that I may write some time, but probably not, because I only really care about chapter two of what would probably need to be at least ten.
Chapter one features Lila going after Marinette full-force. Not the weak boring „she rips up her notebook so hard that Marinette has to move to Gotham“ crap. We’re doing this properly: Lila convinces the Mayor that Marinette is planning to resurrect Napoleon and bring him back to power. So the Mayor has Marinette imprisoned without trial, because apparently he can do that in the Miraculous universe, and not even her friends or family know what’s going on.
Chapter 3 and later will detail how Marinette managed to escape the prison after fourteen years, with the help of a professional hypnotist. She discovers a pirate treasure on a small uninhabited island off the coast of Italy. With the money from the treasure, she buys the island and the title of nobility that comes with it, and returns to Paris. Rich, and now officially a countess, she will reward those who were loyal to her, and destroy all her enemies. (I haven’t yet worked out what that means in detail.)
But the really interesting part for me is what happens in those fourteen years. Here are my notes. Content warning: Dark, Major Character Death, Intended as over-the-top and silly but maybe not over-the-top enough, and of course, Adrien/Lila:
With Marinette gone, a lot of joy drops from the class immediately. Everybody loves her, and they only have weird rumours about what happened to her, rumours that they can’t believe even if the source is Lila. (No, we’re not doing class salt. Yes, that means my options for enemies in the later chapters are limited. I don’t care, I love Alya and the rest of the class and I am not throwing them under the bus.)
The first time Ladybug doesn’t appear to a fight, everybody is pissed. The second time, they’re even more pissed. The third time, they’re worried.
Chat Noir does his best. He decides to capture the Akumas, so Ladybug can cleanse them when she returns. For now, he stores them in mason jars. After a bit of thought, he decided to just store them in the cellar of the mansion, in a box labelled „Adrien’s favourite toys“. Nobody ever looks there.
No Ladybug means no cleanup. (The ear rings are kept in the warden’s office in Marinette’s prison, so Ladybug is out of commission for fourteen years). Adrien again tries to help, spending way too much time cataclysming debris. A child has lost their favourite plush shark in a river of chocolate? Chat Noir manages to „find“ and „clean“ it. No, it’s totally the same shark, not a new one that he just bought, believe me. The child is happy, but clearly it’s not enough.
The first time the Eiffel Tower is destroyed, rebuilding it is a matter of national pride. If Ladybug is gone, then France will step in. Gabriel donates a lot to the effort.
The second time the Eiffel Tower is destroyed, authorities decide to leave the debris as a monument. The statue for Ladybug disappears.
With no Ladybug, Hawkmoth realises that he can’t get the ear rings. Attacks decrease, to once a month, then once every three months; apparently just to check whether Ladybug has returned. Around Adrien’s eighteenth birthday, it seems like Hawkmoth might retire for good. On a completely unrelated note, Gabriel appears to have lost all will to live.
Adrien can’t escape Lila, who continues to be employed by Gabriel, despite her not being very good at photoshoots. But he does his best to keep his distance.
Shortly after Adrien’s birthday, he is away, while Lila has a meeting with Gabriel and Nathalie. But tragedy strikes: Lila arrives and witnesses Gabriel shooting Nathalie and then himself. Why would he do such a thing? Good thing Lila is such a reliable witness. The case is so clear that the police don’t even have to check the gun for fingerprints.
Adrien is stricken with grief. He tries to call his friends, but nobody will reply. It’s almost as if someone with access to Gabriel’s computer had used the spy software on Adrien’s phone to disable it. But that’s clearly absurd. There is only one other person who is there to comfort him: Lila. Adrien doesn’t like her, but she is someone familiar. She spends the night.
The next morning, Adrien is disgusted, and the two part ways. But two months later, she reappears and tells him she is pregnant and it’s his child. She has a whole speech prepared about how he needs to take responsibility, but it’s not necessary: Adrien will not let his child grow up without a father.
The next month, the wedding is a weird affair. Lila wanted something grandiose, and she got it. But all their friends know that this is anything but true love.
Alix wonders aloud what Marinette’s role would have been if she had been here. Alya jokingly says that she’d be the bride. Adrien overhears, and he realises: Yeah, she would have been. He loves her. Always had. This moment is when the only wedding picture is taken where Adrien smiles.
Seven months later, Gabriel Agreste Junior is born. Adrien loves his son with all his heart, but he has questions. But Lila and her top-notch expensive doctors assure him that this is perfectly normal, sometimes pregnancies take a month longer or two. Adrien is not fully convinced, but he doesn’t want to cause a fuss.
Around this time we also get a new Hawkmoth, who is much meaner, but doesn’t seem to have as clear a goal. Everybody’s best guess is that this Hawkmoth is just going after whoever last pissed them off. (Totally forgot this one in the original version of the post, sorry)
Two years later, Lila’s daughter Emma Marinette Agreste Junior is born. Adrien picked the second name while Lila was asleep. Since Lila is not involved with her kid’s upbringing at all, she has not yet noticed. This time, Adrien is convinced that something is up and Lila is lying to him. The reason: He has recently learned how babies are made, and he knows for a fact that he never did that with Lila.
He confronts her. Lila isn’t concerned, though. What’s he going to do? Divorce her? Then he’s never going to see the kids again. The things she could make a court believe… Adrien is horrified by that thought, especially since he knows very well that he’s the only one in the marriage who loves these children.
Meanwhile, Lila’s own career as an actress isn’t going well. She’s a great natural talent, sure; she can make anyone believe anything. But to be a great actor, you still have to turn up on set every day, and not just when you feel like it. Oh, sure, she has great excuses, but the jobs still dry up fast. And while you can make up a story that makes you look good about one make-up artist you made cry, maybe two, there is a point where it becomes a problem.
She blames Adrien for this, mostly because he will generally not back up her lies about where she was. He doesn’t really care, though. Despite her threats, what’s she gonna do, leave with the kids? Thanks to his father, Adrien had some top notch lawyers, and the pre-nup agreement is watertight.
Unrelated to all this, behold Paris’s new mayor, Chloé Burgeois. She’s been embroiled in controversy from day one. Some say she’s too young. Others say she only got the job because her father was mayor before her. Yet others point to her publicly difficult relation with her constant partner and off-again-on-again girlfriend Sabrina. But perhaps the biggest talking point is that in her office, she has a big painting of a certain heroine in red with spots, with the words, „what would Ladybug do?“ underneath. She’s never lost trust, and the press hates her for it.
One day, her old school friend Alya visits. Alya’s own relationship to Ladybug is difficult: Part of her still holds out hope, just like Chat Noir. Another part of her curses Ladybug for just leaving. Her goal now is completely unrelated to Ladybug, though. She has uncovered new things about the Napoleon Resurrection Conspiracy: The main witness (Lila) and the supposed ring-leader: Marinette. That can’t be right.
She wants Chloé to reveal the truth. Chloé herself has no idea, and very little interest in investigating. Her father told her that this was all secret, and that she should never touch this subject.
But she knows very well what Alya is asking for here. Alya got her big break as a journalist by uncovering the files on the Napoleon Resurrection Conspiracy in the first place. The revelation that it had all been swept under the rug was what caused the old Mayor to step down in the first place. If Alya is now saying that this might all be wrong, that means she’s placing her whole career on the line. That level of commitment means something.
For her own part, it took Chloé a while to admit it, but she was shocked and heartbroken by Marinette’s sudden disappearance as well. It was the first step to becoming a somewhat nicer person, and forming real bonds with her classmates. She has the access to the archives. She could uncover the truth, and maybe even find out where Marinette is now. It wouldn’t be popular, and it might be dangerous… but what would Ladybug do?
Chloé is all in, and it doesn’t take long until she meets Lila. Chloé would not consider herself a fan. She knows the difference between Adrien’s real and fake smiles. Lila refuses to clear things up, though. Instead, she tells Chloé that the french secret service does not allow her to say anything, and that Chloé better drop it if she knows what’s good for her.
Chloé ignores it. She also ignores it when she gets a threatening letter. After all, Ladybug was up against powerful people, too, and she never let that stop her. She even ignores when her own personal Yacht sinks for unexplained reasons, until her Butler and Sabrina explain to her some things about the history of the french secret service (actually I’m not sure whether this is too much in bad taste; the alternative would be that her vacation home gets set on fire).
She tells Alya that there is nothing to know, and blocks her cell phone number. The next day, workers remove the Ladybug painting. After all, what Ladybug would do is just disappear, right? Only fitting. Sabrina laughs a little too artificially at the joke. Yes, indeed. Ladybug would just stop doing her job when the people needed her. Perfect analogy.
With that, the basic outline is set. Chapter three would probably be short and tell the story of Marinette’s imprisonment. Chapter four is then where the real revenge starts.
Other points:
At various points, Luka is sadly strumming his guitar.
I’m not sure what to do about Marinette’s parents. The mean option is that they die, full of grief over their missing daughter. The very mean option is that they end up separating first. I’m not sure Marinette’s revenge spree works if they’re still around, and I definitely don’t ever see them turning away from her.
Nino and Kagami could do with an arc here.
Anyway, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, but since I don’t know how to turn this into a full story, this is as good as it gets. If any of you guys want to borrow parts or all of it for your stories, please go ahead.
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monomonomagines · 5 years
hey there! if it's okay, would I be able to request a similar thing as one of your recent posts with the V3 characters being taunted abt their s/o's death except it's for the v3 girls with a fem s/o? and otherwise p much the same if that's okay?? thank you!!!! yall are great!!!!
Thanks so much for requesting this. I’m sure since you read the last one of these I did, you know I can’t go into too much detail about gore/blood but I’ll still try my hardest! I’ve been working harder to make all of these imagines better written so I hope you enjoy this and if not please feel free to tell me where I goofed so that I can fix it up. Also for anyone that isn’t familiar with the previous version I did of this request with the V3 boys you can find it here.
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Kaede dreaded those awful announcements more than anything.
Whenever another body was found so was another murderer, both being the very people she knew to be her friends.
It was too much for her most of the time but she was determined to remain positive. As long as you were with her, she had nothing to worry about.
That’s what she thought at least until she entered the Gym and realized she couldn’t pick you out from the crowd.
She felt her heart suddenly sink but before she could even confirm her suspicions Shuichi pulled her by the arm to drag her aside.
He didn’t want her to have to see the horrible state your body was left in but even as he told her of what happened she couldn’t believe it, not until she saw it with her own two eyes.
When she did see you though, with your lifeless eyes crumpled on the floor like some forgotten rag doll with the murder weapon next to you she knew.
She knew but she couldn’t accept it at all.
The whole investigation she’s trying her hardest to still help Shuichi and during the class trial, she’s staying fairly strong.
However, that all comes crashing down as soon as the murderer is cornered by the two and begins to mock you.
Kaede couldn’t believe her ears but she definitely heard them mock the way that you didn’t even see them coming, the way that you thought of them as a mere friend passing when you saw them, and how you simply fell to the floor lifeless without even knowing what happened.
Kaede had discerned with Shuichi that the cause of death was instantaneous and was a result of blunt force trauma but she still didn’t want to hear about your suffering at all.
You were always so kind and for someone to betray your trust like that was just unacceptable!
She’d push Shuichi to finish things off as tears streamed down her cheeks but she couldn’t bring herself to watch the execution at all.
She knows you wouldn’t have wanted this but she had no choice but to do this for your sake and everyone else’s. That murderer had to pay for their crimes!
Kirumi had taken a while to dedicate herself to one person but now that she had, she had never been happier.
That’s why she was prepared to investigate as soon as she heard the Body Discovery Announcement with you and your remaining friends.
However, when she opened your lab only to find you hung up like some oversized ornament with the murder weapon laying below your dangling body she was in total shock.
She still wasn’t prepared to have someone like you and she wasn’t prepared at all for you to be taken out of her life.
She was normally so calm and so composed but just like when she had fallen in love with you she had only been able to fall to her knees and begin to wail like a child.
Everyone was shocked but no one dared to disturb her, not even Kokichi.
This was such a rare explosion of emotion from the Ultimate Maid and all of them knew it wasn’t a good idea to make things worse.
That is everyone other than the murderer.
As soon as there were a few pieces of incriminating evidence used against them they immediately turned to try to rile up Kirumi, telling her about how you cried for her to save you, how even as you died you were spouting nonsense about how she’d get them even if you didn’t make it, and most of all how she failed to do either.
Unbeknownst to them though, Kirumi had no tears left to shed. She was only filled with ice-cold rage.
Her expression didn’t change but her eyes certainly glared daggers at them.
She was ready to end this and if she had to she’d do it herself.
Kirumi brought things to a swift end, putting together the pieces without even investigating herself.
She thought she’d feel relieved but even as the execution played she felt sadder than she ever had before. This wouldn’t bring you back, nothing could.
Angie was rather carefree even when it came to the Killing Games so when the Body Discovery Announcement reared it’s ugly head she barely paid it any mind.
This just meant that she’d go spend more time with you, get through another Class Trial guided by Atua, and then she could go back to the dorms to hang out with you.
She expected you to already be there as you normally were a lot quicker about these things yet something was odd.
The place of crime was your room somehow?
She merely thought it coincidence at first but when she saw everyone but you crowded around the outside of your dorm she knew something was amiss.
Before anyone could stop her, she pushed her way through, calling for you.
However, once she saw you, she realized that you weren’t going to respond anytime soon.
There you lay on your bed as though you were just sleeping, the only difference on you being some blood on your hands.
She wasn’t ready to comprehend the intricacies of your murder though.
All she could comprehend was that she was back to being the world’s loneliest girl and that you’d never return to her.
Surprisingly she wasn’t emotional at all. No, instead her normally aglow face just held a strangely foreign downcast look.
It was so unusual for Angie to not be her usual smiling self but even when it was time to begin the Trial itself she still just stood in her place with that same expression on her face.
It was all she had done during the investigation. No one had heard a word from her within the entire Trial even.
That is until the murderer had dared to mock her.
She couldn’t feel anything but sadness and anger swirling inside her despite her lack of expression.
She didn’t retort at all she knew that you probably would’ve called for her.
She knew you’d believe in her to the last minute just as much as she believed in Atua but what use was it when those beliefs weren’t granted?
She knew she had to end this so finally acting like her old self she put on a smile urging Shuichi to finish things up.
She didn’t watch the execution at all she just would wait until she could return to her room before she could wail and scream at the heavens to give you back.
Like Angie, Tenko can get carried away with her own interests.
She always cares if she loses a friend (including degenerate males even) but she doesn’t always help out the most during the investigation process.
Again not because she doesn’t care but rather because she has her priorities, priorities which happened to be you.
Because of dating you she’d be stuck to you like glue most of the time. That and you were what was always on her mind even in this awful Killing Game.
So when that blasted Announcement played itself she knew she would be needed. You were probably scared without her there to protect you.
She quickly sprinted to the Dining Hall, prepared to be a source of comfort for you in these trying times when her eyes didn’t spot you.
Huh? That’s odd. Perhaps she had just missed you?
She kept scanning all the standing students gathered around, not even bothering to look at the body until it sank in.
You weren’t here so that could only mean one thing. That body she saw sprawled out in the corner was none other than you.
Tenko always had trouble being a bit overemotional but this just made things worse.
She was equally angry and sad and she really couldn’t pick between crying over you and threatening the others even when they had to touch your body for the investigation.
She impeded the investigation more than helped it but no one wanted to blame her for that.
You two were so close, she always made sure everyone knew it too so for someone to do this was just plain cruel.
And that couldn’t have been more true.
The murderer just had to add insult to injury by mocking her about how you cried out for her, that she’d protect you because she swore to, and how you still died with the foolish hope that she would come in time.
It was too much for her and if not for Gonta holding her back they might’ve had another murder on their hands.
Tenko would push Shuichi to finish things, not being much help herself this time around.
She wouldn’t watch the execution but she wouldn’t be quite the same afterwards. Compared to Angie, she isn’t good at faking going back to her old self and wouldn’t seem like it until a good while had passed.
Then she’d decide to keep living on for you! Even if she couldn’t have protected your body, she’d protect your memory for sure!
Miu had made some basic walkie talkie like devices for you and her to keep in touch but you hadn’t been picking up.
She assumed you were just ignoring her or sleeping or some shit so at first, she was just anticipating you to send a message back.
However, more and more time passed and there was no word back.
She had begun to grow a bit worried by then so she decided to go by your dorm but even when she knocked there was no answer.
The only other option was the dining hall then! She quickly made her way over to the hall but something on the way stopped her.
Because of being in such a hurry she had tripped over something but when she looked down to see that it was a literal arm she couldn’t help but let out a shriek.
Soon all the others came running and as soon as they did that terrifying Announcement played.
At first, Miu was confused, but as she looked a little further beyond the arm she had tripped over she knew why you didn’t answer her.
She couldn’t look as they looked over your body, all she could do was dejectedly pick up your walkie talkie laying next to you.
Both of her newest favorite things were now in pieces and she didn’t even know how to react.
Throughout the investigation, she’d be rather angry impeding more than helping like Tenko.
However, that anger wouldn’t subside even in the Class Trial.
The whole time she kept both walkie talkies in hand ready to incriminate the asshole that killed her lover in a heartbeat.
In fact, she was so angry that even when the killer began to mock her she didn’t get meek like normal at all.
She didn’t care if you tried to call her with the walkie talkie or if you screamed or whatever. What she cared about was getting rid of the asshole that stole you from her!
She’d actually somehow wrap up a Class Trial herself, surprising everyone there.
But when the execution played she was more focused on fiddling with that walkie talkie. She had made it so that it wasn’t just like any old one. She could still get your chat logs if she fixed yours.
And once she did she’d just sit and listen to the sound of your voice. Now all those, “I love yous” and “Good mornings or nights” felt so long ago.
Himiko was normally woken up by you so that she didn’t have to worry about getting up herself but weirdly enough that awful Announcement woke her instead.
It wasn’t like you to just suddenly not come to wake her up so she made her way towards the crime scene in the pool rather leisurely.
She didn’t feel hurried at all until she saw something that caught her eye in the pool.
Was that you?
She couldn’t comprehend it and even though she was always so relaxed she couldn’t help but feel panicked.
How was this happening? This was really happening, right?
Himiko felt her legs give out underneath her, falling to the ground in a small heap as she looked on in horror.
She couldn’t cry or scream, all she could was look on in a terrified stupor.
By the time she felt even slightly more balanced the whole investigation had gone by.
As far as she was concerned the investigation was a total blur but as soon as the Trial began she had some newfound anger.
She was demanding answers even before Shuichi had a certain suspect pinned and even then her questioning only grew in ferocity.
She wasn’t backing down at least not until that awful murderer mocked you.
That was a whole other story. She couldn’t believe that she didn’t hear you calling for help, that you believed in her even then, and that you died with such faith in her never being realized.
She felt awful and before she knew it she was a crying screaming mess.
She wanted this to end. She needed Shuichi to finish this for her. She was too weak to do this even with her magic.
After the Trial, she’s still just a sobbing mess. Tenko would have to take her back to her room, trying to comfort her.
But she doesn’t want to come out of her room again. You’re not there so what’s the point?
She’ll be down for a good while but with her friends encouraging her she’ll try to follow Tenko’s example, living to honor the memories of you she held in her heart.
Tsumugi was used to eating breakfast with you in the morning so when you never came to the Dining Hall she immediately began to worry.
She’d run out before she even registered that her legs were moving towards your dorm.
She’d knock and knock but you wouldn’t respond and that’s when she knew something wasn’t right.
Running out to check whatever rooms she knew were nearby, she never expected to find you by the top of the stairs on the second floor.
Who could’ve done this!? She was overwhelmed by the sudden sight that all she could do was fall to her knees as a few tears began to trickle down.
She had to call for the rest of your friends, she knew she did but she didn’t want to acknowledge that this was really happening.
Even though her voice felt like it barely came out she was able to yell loud enough for a few others to come, signaling that terrible Announcement.
She was far too shaken up for the investigation and she wasn’t any better in the trial.
That’s why when the murderer began to mock her everyone was sure it was going to break her. 
Instead, though, she looked very angry.
She didn’t ask to hear about how you screamed for help or how the life left your eyes. She only cared about delivering the final blow to this scumbag.
Even after the Trial is over though she can’t look anyone in the eye. She just feels so lost without you that she ends up being rather distant.
She’ll make a lot more cosplays to try to cope but she just ends up making all of your favorite characters even when you can’t wear their outfits.
Maki was used to losing people that she cared for.
That’s why she expected something like this to happen. She just didn’t know it’d happen so soon.
It was only last night when the two of you spoke. She had warned you to be careful, to not get yourself killed and you promised that you wouldn’t.
She didn’t know why but the fact that promise was broken only made that ache her heart worse.
She didn’t express anything even when the Announcement played after everyone showed up to the Gym.
She could tell what was going on. You were the only one not here so it had to be you laying in a puddle of your own blood there.
You were such an idiot. You promised her and now here you were.
As much as she wanted to avenge you, she knew she couldn’t kill to get back at your killer. She needed to do this right and that’s why she’s stepping up for the investigation.
She knew everything there was about murder obviously and she was going to use it to her advantage.
It was this very knowledge that helped incriminate the brute that killed you but they didn’t want to give up hurting others apparently.
Maki wasn’t too fazed when the killer mocked her but when they talked about how you cried out for her, an assassin of all people she was beyond mad.
How dare they talk about you like that!
She makes sure there’s a swift finish to that trial and she watches that execution with cold eyes.
She wasn’t happy to see another classmate of hers die but she was more concerned about one thing.
How could they look so scared to die? How scared were you with her not there to save you?
It all just left a bad taste in her mouth. It was worse than failing a mission. She had allowed herself to get close to someone and for what?
She was all alone in the world again.
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kitkatixx · 4 years
The Most Dangerous Game
Okay the jig’s up @xlostgalaxies​, @daisysmartheart​ @peppermint-tint​ so I’m cross posting it here. Something *not* art for once from me? It’s more likely than you think. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
It was uncommon--no, rare, for Kirumi Tojo to have the opportunity for a "break." Then again, such…luxuries such as these were not becoming of someone with the title of "Ultimate Maid." No, her dedication to serving the others would never allow her to voluntarily take a break, even if it was at the cost of her own wellbeing. Not that her classmates would ever see her underlying exhaustion, nor would she let them.
Which was why it was indeed, most puzzling for Kirumi to find herself watching her peers cavorting around the courtyard of the academy in formalwear, while her hand rested on the banister of the stairs, strangely void of some sort of cleaning material or her signature broom. Yes, upon three days after the conclusion of the first trial, their most unusual…ursine captor had gleefully declared this momentous occasion as a cause for celebration (a reward for everyone's hard work!) and demanded that all students not only attend but also participate, dressed to their nines--all the more fun, after all. So they had said, as if the others were just mere dolls, ready to be dressed up for someone's amusement.
She remembered the looks that swept across her classmates' faces upon the announcement. Indifference, confusion…try as some of her less expressive classmates may, it was abundantly clear that it was in fact, horrified disgust ringing through everyone's minds. Disgust, at the prospect of attending a party in celebration of the deaths of Akamatsu and Amami, two of their dearest classmates. Meekly, Shirogane had offered to create everyone's outfits--a very clear attempt to change the topic onto a brighter note. But without Akamatsu's loud, confident voice to show her support, or Amami's calming demeanor to soothe the others, her statement fell to mostly deaf ears. A very macabre party, indeed, she mused.
Kirumi nearly jumped as a hand lightly came to rest on her shoulder. Internally, she scolded herself for her actions--the Ultimate Maid should always remain composed, regardless of the scenario. Yes, even if two of their classmates had just died, it was her duty to remain steadfast for her classmates, especially for those who would indubitably require her services in the aftermath. There simply was no time to be wasted dwelling on the past.
"Miss Tojo." The smooth, yet unnerving voice from behind her was unmistakable.
"You," she breathed out, tensing up and clasping her hands together. There was no need to turn around.
"Me," came the velvety response, tinged with clear amusement.
"You are very well dressed tonight…I must admit, Shirogane outdid herself with our classmates' attire. Of course, not that I meant to say that you usually are not well dressed….kehehe."
If the distinctive voice was not enough of a dead giveaway, the mildly menacing, raspy snicker was a clear indicator of who exactly was behind her.
"…Shinguji. Pardon my forwardness, but is there a request you have for me?" Kirumi questioned, as she straightened her back, continuing to face away from him.
Her subtle posture adjustment did not go unnoticed. Shinguji laughed again, keeping his hand on her shoulder. "Kehehe…ever the formal one, Tojo. Such is to be expected of the Ultimate Maid, yes? As a matter of fact, there is a request I have. Will you not humor me with a dance this evening? Even for someone of your stature, it simply will not do for you to merely stand to the side as an onlooker…you do know how adamant our captor was on….everyone participating."
She would not have been surprised if the party was the newest motive for murder. Enclosed parameters, all the students in one area...yet…strangely enough, Monokuma and his children (to be affably polite) had remained relatively quiet after the trial, only appearing for morning and evening announcements, along with frequent reminders of the upcoming celebration, of which they announced with a most condescending air.
But, she thought, a request was a request. Even if it was from one of their seemingly less savory classmates. To deny him simply was not an option for the Ultimate Maid. Truth be told, despite his rather intimidating appearance and odd demeanor, the anthropologist had been rather pleasant to converse with, and they had struck up an unlikely friendship in the events leading up to now. ("Wooow, we finally have a mom and dad!" Ouma excitedly commented at the time, before she shooed him away.)
"Shall we?" Korekiyo tilted his head, holding out a bandaged hand.
In quiet acquiescence, Kirumi fluidly placed her own gloved hand into his.
Appearances must be maintained, she reminded herself.
"It would be my pleasure." Ignoring the tenseness of a few moments ago, they strolled down the staircase together, hand in hand.
With his normally loose dark hair tied up into a low ponytail, usual military-styled uniform traded for a dark gray three-piece suit with accents of green, adorned with a cravat, and cap missing, Kirumi was inclined to agree that Shirogane had indeed outdone herself, as the ensemble emphasized his features and complimented him nicely under the dim glow of the decorations. Not that her own outfit was anything to sniff at. While it had been a long time since she had last taken a job requiring such formal attire, she supposed the low-backed dark purple halter with a tasteful slit (thankfully, seeing as its creator had…interesting creative license) and muted lavender opera gloves she had been given flattered her form. A neat chignon and short veil, tucked in with her hair, completed the look.
Simple, understated, but elegant, just the way she liked things.
"Ah, humanity. Look at them, so eager, and so desperate to forget the actions of what just transpired. This stubborn optimism of our peers…it truly is just one of the many ways that the beauty of humanity shines through…even in the darkest of times. How heartwarming." Her companion spread his arms out, seemingly basking in the nonexistent warmth of an invisible sun.
It appeared he was in one of his moods again.
Feeling indulgent, she decided to humor him, and followed his glance across the courtyard, taking in the scene. Kirumi watched as the multicolored blur that was Yumeno, Chabashira, and Yonaga, wheeling across on the dance floor and holding hands as they danced in a circle with the whimsical joy of a child. Well, what could charitably be called dancing, as the bleary-eyed Yumeno appeared to be being dragged around by the other two. Off to the side and still full of rowdy cheer, Momota, who still had his bespangled jacket draped over his shoulders like a cape, remained stubbornly attached to the hip to Harukawa in his attempts to "break down her barrier," as he'd put it, to the latter's obvious irritation.
She panned her gaze to the other side. Ever the more…explicit one of the group, Iruma, clad in a magenta gown revealing a generous amount of cleavage had roped a flustered Kiibo into dancing with her. Surprisingly without any ulterior perverse motives, she had installed a new function that enabled him to participate in the festivities. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Hoshi and Gokuhara in the corner, the latter animatedly talking while the former listened quietly. An interesting development of friendship, she noted.
If it wasn’t for her inherent attentiveness and the slight glint of light on glass lenses that caught her eye, Kirumi would have missed Shirogane dressed in an unassuming navy dress with opaque sleeves standing in the corner under the decorations, posture slightly hunched as she admired her handiwork on the dance floor.
And of course, last but not least...not by any means. Astonishingly, the detective was not as attached to the wall as she had expected, seeing as the first trial had shaken him the most. Dressed in a navy and silver vest with a crisp white button-up underneath, hat clutched in his hands, Saihara had ventured out from his spot near the refreshments to converse with Ouma, who was in a white tuxedo, the signature checkerboard scarf still tied around his neck. Upon his arrival, the supreme leader let out an excited whoop (she couldn't tell if it was a real one) that echoed across the room upon hearing his "beloved Saihara-chan" had come to spend time with him.
She supposed, in each of their own unusual ways, her classmates were recovering from the aftermath of the trial, slowly but surely.
BZZZT! A jarring crackle emanated from the speakers as the TV monitor flickered to life. "Listen up you bastards! Father’s prepared one laaaast dance for you ungrateful little students! So you all better get on with it…even if you've been a total stick in the mud this whole time! Or else!"
Familiar and childishly mocking, the announcement of the five--no four--Monokubs echoed throughout the speaker, followed by the threatening rumbling of their Exisals stomping towards where they stood--oh, that was swift. They'd arrived much quicker than she expected.
The unnerving lilt in the beginning violin chords of Saint-Saëns' Danse Macabre broke the momentary silence that followed the announcement. Of course. How appropriately ironic, Kirumi thought. While her classmates remained blissfully unaware of the song, the significance of their sadistic captor's choice in music was not lost on her partner, who raised a thin eyebrow in response before offering her a bow.
"I believe this is my cue to ask you for one last proper dance, yes? May I?"
A dance with the devil, indeed.
Reluctantly, the class made their way to the dance floor--even Harukawa, who had grudgingly agreed to partner with the delighted Momota, and Hoshi, trademark hat on head, half-heartedly swayed, while at his side, Gokuhara made his best attempts to "be a gentleman" in response to the height difference. Kirumi allowed a small smile to curl across her lips. How…touching.
She was definitely starting to sound like Shinguji now.
As the song began to slowly pick up into a waltz, he guided her across the dance floor smoothly, yellow eyes locked on hers, unblinking every step of the way.
"Shinguji, is there something you wish to speak to me about?" she asked, gracefully twirling under his extended arm. The anthropologist stepped aside fluidly, straightening his arm with a flourish as she completed the rotation.
"Kehehe, you wound me. Even in our current surroundings, business as always. I always did admire that about you, Tojo. But, I must inquire, can one not merely have a simple dance with their companion tonight? That was my request, yes?"
Ba-thump. Her heartbeat quickened.
The violin grew louder as they slowly approached, gaze locked on the other while circling each other, almost as if sizing each other up, until he gestured with his hand, palm up in a silent invitation. Placing his hand on the small of her back, and hers on his shoulder, Korekiyo squared his shoulders, then turned elegantly, perfectly in tune with the music and led her into a series of complicated steps. Yet despite the complexity, it felt completely instinctive to the maid, almost if they had rehearsed the choreography countless times.
Abruptly, the violin's melody changed to a plucky staccato flute section, and effortlessly, they transitioned into a closer stance, teasingly taking turns pulling away, then reeling each other back into their arms, seemingly melting into each other's embraces like the flighty young lovers she had seen in those romance novels he was surprisingly fond of in the library.
And just as quickly as it had disappeared, the haunting violin solo made its presence known again, and he drew closer, closer, until they were nose to nose, threatening to brush his lips against her, only for him to continue forwards, reaching past her face and making his way towards her ear to murmur into her neck.
"Beautiful, is it not? Watching all of our fellow classmates dancing in...honor of death, and to partake in this scenic night…does this not remind you of something? You do know what I am speaking of, yes?"
Ba-thump, ba-thump. Her breath hitched slightly. Cryptic as usual. Nothing to lose her composure over.
As the song swelled, rising intensely as it neared its climax, she felt his grip on her shift.
"Tojo. Do you trust me?" He was looking very intensely at her now, as he twirled her around the floor, his yellow eyes almost glowing--they always did have that odd quality. Hesitantly, she paused, then lowered her gaze in response. Kirumi's eyes widened when the wind rushed past her neck as in one clean, seamless motion, Korekiyo abruptly dipped her dramatically out of one of the turns in their sequence, sending her falling backwards into his lowered arm right as the song reached its triumphant climax.
Amongst the crashing of the drums and cymbals, bellowing of the brass instruments, and thrumming of the strings, he leaned in again, the zipper on his mask hinting at a hidden simper.
Ba-thump. Ba-thump, Ba-thump. She already knew, but why was her heart pounding so quickly?
"Kehehe. I must say, your current expression is especially pleasing to look at, Tojo. My my, I do not believe there is any need for me to say more, yes? Indeed, it is most apparent that you figured it out--no, you, Miss Tojo, have known."
She exhaled. Of course she had. How, and why else would she have willingly accepted a dance with death himself?
The thundering orchestra was nearly deafening, blaring in her ears as she peered through her eyelashes at the figure towering over her, cheeks flushed at her current seemingly picturesque position. Yet her onlooking naive classmates remained blissfully oblivious of the sinister significance of what had actually occurred. As the closeness between them grew more intense, she reflected: never, ever in her career as the Ultimate Maid had Kirumi willingly allowed herself to be put in such a vulnerable state. Much less in public. But here she was.
Korekiyo--no, the mastermind's--grasp, gentle but firm on her waist, tightened ever-so-slightly as he gracefully helped her recover from the dip (nonchalantly, as if he had not essentially revealed himself just moments ago) right as the music died down into a gentle lull of the oboe. Out of the corner of her eye, she made eye contact with an upside-down, knowingly grinning Ouma who oddly enough, had gotten Saihara to dip him as well--wait, did he know?
"I must thank you for your time. I must say, this was a most enlightening experience for both of us, yes?" His words, smooth as always, interrupted her from her inner thoughts.
She could see the familiar hints of the smile creeping across the stretch of cloth where his mouth would be as the mastermind leaned in dangerously close to her again. Out of reflex, her muscles tensed, but relaxed as he opted instead to take her gloved hand in his own, placing a chaste kiss onto the back of her hand with a bow.
"Kehehe. Thank you once more for indulging me in my request tonight. For now, I must bid you goodnight, and good evening. Until next time, Kirumi. My dear…co-conspirator."
Her partner-in-crime always was one for the theatrics, she supposed.
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In case it wasn’t super clear, this is an AU where there are two masterminds, and this round, it’s none other than our two favorite v3 goths working together. Tl;dr: mastermind!Korekiyo has a flair for the dramatic and just wants an excuse to have a super extra dance with his partner. Kirumi's just playing along, she knows full well that they're both masterminding the game.
Tidbits: -This was inspired by the mentioned Danse Macabre and Beethoven Virus songs!
- According to the French text/legend of Danse Macabre, Death appears annually on Halloween at midnight and plays a song on his fiddle (which is represented by the violin, according to Wikipedia) for the skeletons to rise from their graves, and dance for him. Hence why when the violin starts, Korekiyo mentions that is his "cue" (as Death) to ask her for a dance. And they stop dancing when the oboe comes back on, which signifies the rooster’s cry and thus is the cue for the dead to lay back in their graves. Perfect timing!
- So later on when he asks Kirumi if she knows "what he is speaking of," he is referring to how the current situation parallels the lore behind Danse Macabre since he is the both literal and metaphorical figure of Death/the devil as the mastermind, while the dead (their classmates) are dancing for him at the party, which is why he includes the "in honor of death" bit.
- I set up the story to be initially ambiguous about whether Kirumi just knew his actual nature (read: a serial killer) or if she also knew his actual role in the killing game but also tried to have vague hints in how she reacted to things or the way he spoke that may tip readers off about her status as a co-mastermind (like with the exisals arriving faster than she *expected*, his reference to her being his *companion* tonight) Hopefully it wasn't executed too badly.
- Kirumi getting a little flustered with her heart beating was supposed to appear to the reader as if it was out of fear, but it’s because of romance.png to clarify.
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fandomfanfics12 · 4 years
10,000 Hours-Part 1
Title: 10,000 hours Pairings: Steve x Tony Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, slowburn. Summary: Tony’s a hotshot lawyer in upstate New York. Steve’s a single father in a small town out in North Carolina. When Tony’s law firm suggests he takes a year off after his Uncle Jarvis passes, Tony and Steve’s lives entangle themselves together. But their time together is limited, and their lives are so different that it may be impossible to ever make it work.  A/N: A new fic that i’ve been working on, hope you like it. 
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Tony stared out of the window of his big fancy office, and admired the skyline of New York City. It would be the last good Friday night he’d get to have for a while. In exactly one weeks time, he had to defend his client of the charge of first degree murder. He heard the door open and sighed, Pepper’s heels clicked on the hardwood floor.
“Tony.” Her voice was calm, stern and he spun around in his chair. he plastered a smile onto his face, her blonde hair tied back in a tight bun.
“Hey Pep, is the car ready?” he asked and watched as her eyes darted down to the opened bottle of whiskey on his desk.
“We need to talk.” She said and Tony rolled his eyes, she knew how to ruin a good mood.
“Can we leave it for Monday? It’s eight o’clock on a Friday night, what are you even doing here?” Tony asked and she sat down across from him, a deep frown set upon her face.
“This is serious Tony.” She told him and he shrugged. It was always serious.
“Did dear old dad call?” Tony asked and stared up at the roof, not able to stand Pepper’s disapproving and pitying frown any longer.
“He did, actually.” Tony sighed and looked back to her. His father owned the law firm that Tony worked at, and it was nothing more than a royal pain in Tony’s ass.
“And what did Howard have to say?” Tony set the glass of whiskey down on the oak desk and Pepper glanced down at the tablet which she was holding a little too tightly in her hands. “Pep?” Tony asked, frowning and she looked back up at him.
“It was about your uncle Jarvis.” Tony rose a single brow.
“Uncle J? what about him?” Tony began to rifle through a drawer, looking for his phone which he’d dumped that morning.
“Tony he died.” Tony’s hand stilled in the drawer. He didn’t know Jarvis all that well, but the man had been nothing but kind towards Tony.
“Oh.” Tony looked back to her, her eyes shone with tears.
“I’m so sorry.” Tony shook his head, he didn’t want her to pity him.
“It’s alright Pepper. Death is a part of life.” Tony shrugged and she sighed.
“That’s not all I have to tell you.” Tony nodded and leaned back in the chair, Pepper tucked a piece of hair back with a trembling hand.
“It’s alright Pepper, do you need a moment?” she shook her head and Tony nodded.
“Jarvis had this big beach house up in North Carolina, he’s left it to you.” Tony nodded and tapped his fingers on the desk. He had no use for a beach house.
“Okay I’ll have it looked at and put on the market.” Pepper sighed.
“The funeral is next Friday.” Tony sighed and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Could it be pushed to Thursday?” he asked and when he opened his eyes, Pepper was tapping away at her tablet.
“No it can’t. Friday is the funeral.”
“But I have to be in court.”
“The other partners have put it to a vote and you’ve been kicked off the case.” At that, Tony snorted.
“Kicked off?”
“They’ve given it to Bruce.”
“Banner?” Tony shrieked and Pepper nodded her head. Tony swore, anger radiated throughout him.
“it’s non-negotiable Tony.”
“But doesn’t Banner have his own cases to work?” Tony asked and she shook her head.
“The other partners also agreed, upon your father’s recommendation, that you should take some time off.” At that, Tony snorted.
“Time off?” he lived and breathed his job. Time off was a foreign concept to him.
“A year.”
“A year?” his brows rose and she nodded her head.
“They’re all worried about you.”
“They’re my colleagues, it’s not their place to worry.” Tony said and Pepper sighed.
“You’re twenty-seven years old and you act like a toddler.” She told him, it was rather blunt but Tony took it in stride.
“And the partners want you to clean your act up. If you don’t then it’s more than likely you’ll be pushed out of the company.” Tony sighed, he really didn’t have a choice then.
“So what? I just stay at home for the next year?”
“No. Your dad had the locks changed today.” Tony rose his brows.
“are you fucking serious?”
“He emailed me, he wants you to spend this time in North Carolina. Get some perspective.” Tony shook his head, this couldn’t be happening.
“I think it will be good for you. take the year off, come back hungry for the job.” Tony looked at her and then nodded.
“Alright, but only because I literally have no other option.” Tony ran a hand through his hair and Pepper visibly relaxed. Obviously she’d expected more of a fight from him.
“Great, your flight leaves in three hours.”
“three hours?”
“I sent someone to pack your bags earlier today. Happy will take you to the airport.”
Steve started the engine, the truck sputtered to life and he relaxed in his seat.
“Seatbelt.” He said as he put his own one.
“you really should get the engine looked at.” Peter said and Steve nodded.
“Yeah I know.” He thought of the jar of money he had underneath the bed, he’d get it looked at as soon as he could afford it.
“Dad?” Steve reversed out of their driveway and began the route to school.
“yeah Pete?”
“Are we going to Jarvis’ funeral on Friday?” Steve sighed and stopped at the red light.
“I dunno, I’ll see if I can get off work.” He promised and Peter looked out the window.
“so that’s a no.”
“Peter…” Steve trailed off and Peter shook his head.
“he was our neighbour dad.”
“We didn’t know him that well either kid.” Steve said and Peter sighed.
“I know, but Jarvis kept to himself. What if no one goes to the funeral?” Peter glanced over at Steve.
“people will go to the funeral Pete. Besides, you have school so you can’t go anyway.” Peter rolled his eyes and Steve pulled into a parking spot at the school.
“We should go.” Peter said and Steve looked over at him.
“since when did you care so much about Jarvis the next door neighbour?” Steve asked and Peter unbuckled his seat belt.
“It’s stupid.” He got out of the truck, Steve grabbed Peter’s bag before he could take off.
“Pete?” Steve rose a brow and Peter stared down at his shoes.
“I guess I was just hoping that we could go see mom while we were there.” Steve let go of the bag and sat back, he stared straight ahead and took a deep steadying breath.
“We can go see her on Friday if you want.” Steve’s voice was strained and Peter groaned.
“Dad-“ Steve shook his head, then cut Peter off.
“You should get to class, you’ve got that math test right?” Peter nodded and then slammed the door shut. he only looked back at Steve once. Then disappeared into the crowd. Steve rested his head on the steering wheel and forced himself to calm down. Now wasn’t the time, and it wasn’t the place. He pulled out of the school parking lot and drove to work, pushing away any thoughts about his dead ex-wife.
Tony had to catch a bus into town. Then he had to walk with his suitcase trailing behind him to the house with dodgy instructions from the bus driver. The house, was large, wooden and sat right on the beach. But it was also a mess, completely falling apart.
“Well this is just great.” Tony grumbled as he approached the front door. Only his father would be capable of not only shipping Tony away, but shipping him off to an inhabitable nightmare. Tony climbed up the rickety steps, dragging his suitcase up behind him and stood before an ancient door. Tony sighed and then shoved the rusted key into the door and unlocked it. he then had to throw his shoulder into it and the old door groaned as it swung open.
“Hello?” he called out, even though he knew that the house would be empty. There was no response and he stepped inside, leaving his suitcase on the old and rotting porch. It was worse on the inside. everything was covered in dust, and a foul smell hit Tony’s nose.
“Oh that’s disgusting.” He grumbled and pulled out his phone. He called Pepper and she answered on the third ring.
“Hey Pep, I’m inside the house and I am telling you that I have learnt my lesson. Very funny. When’s my flight out of here?”
“In three-hundred-and-sixty-two days.” She said and Tony let out a humourless laugh.
“That’s funny. But seriously Pep I need to get out of here. This house is…” Tony trailed off and heard Pepper’s impatient sigh.
“Tony I told you that Jarvis hadn’t actually lived in the house for three years leading up to his passing.” At that, Tony snorted.
“That explains a lot.” The windows were covered in a gross film that made Tony second guess himself.
“I had the house checked before you arrived. It’s been given the all-clear.”
“Of what? I’m probably breathing in toxic fumes as we speak.” He shook his head, were they really forcing him to live there for the next year?
“I wouldn’t let you stay there if it were dangerous. You’re being overdramatic. Try and relax, or fix the house up. I don’t have time to listen to you whinge.” Pepper said and Tony sighed.
“Fine, I’ll let you get back to helping Banner on my murder trial.” He flicked on the lights and flinched at the sudden brightness.
“Bye Tony.” And then she hung up on him. He shoved the phone back into his pocket and looked around the house. Fix the house up. He shook his head, he could head back into town and see if anyone would do it for him. Or Tony could do it himself. He had vague memories of helping his uncle build up old cars when he was a kid. He had enjoyed being a handy man mechanic at the time. But rebuilding and fixing up an entire house?
But then again, it wasn’t like Tony had anything better to do.
“There must be at least one clean room in this house.” Tony grumbled to himself and then ventured further in, hoping to find a space he could dump his stuff.
When Friday rolled around, Peter had stopped talking to Steve. Steve had promised he’d take Peter to the cemetery but said he couldn’t pull Peter out of school for the funeral. But it was dead quiet at the hardware store where Steve worked, only him and his co-worker, Sam, occupied the place.
“Do you mind if I pop out for a couple hours?” Steve asked and Sam shrugged.
“you going to the funeral?” Sam asked and Steve nodded his head.
“Yeah, Peter made a big deal about it and he was my neighbour.”
“Steve you don’t have to reason with me, just go. I’ll makes sure the place doesn’t burn down while your gone.” Steve smiled and nodded.
“thanks Sam, I’ll see you later.” And then Steve was out the door, climbing into his truck. The funeral had started at two, and according to the clock on the dash it was now two-thirty. He might be able to catch the tail-end of it. Steve hoped no one would mind the old jeans, black t-shirt and blue flannel that he had on. He pulled into the funeral home and noted that there were only two other parked cars.
“Peter had a point.” Steve grumbled as he climbed out of the truck. He slipped inside to the funeral where there were only four other patrons. Steve sat down in the back, a part of him regretted coming in the first place. Three of the four people were unfamiliar to Steve. There was an elderly couple who had probably lived with Jarvis in the old-people’s home. Then there was Doc Strange, who had looked after Jarvis in all the hospital visits over the last few years. And then there was the man up the front.
Steve couldn’t really see him, but from the suit alone he knew the man wasn’t from around here. Jarvis had never mentioned any family. But then again, maybe they weren’t that close. Steve wondered what Peter would think of the man. Probably be relieved to know that at least someone showed up for the funeral. No sooner than two minutes since Steve had sat down was it over.
“I would now ask that everyone leave the room so the family can have a moment.” One of the attendants announced. The man at the front hunched over, was he crying? He looked over his shoulder and surveyed the room, and then his eyes met Steve’s.
Holy shit.
Tony wanted this to be over with. As soon as the funeral was done, he’d go to the town bar for a drink and tell Pepper to send him back home. He turned around in his seat to thank the doctor and the old couple for coming when he saw the man in the back. The guy had let his hair grow too long and it desperately needed a cut. The dirty blonde hair stood out on odd angles. Then there were his clothes, jeans and a flannel? Tony really did need to get the hell out of here.
Steve’s breath was taken away by the man’s face. He was hot, and he seemed arrogant enough to know it. there wasn’t even a hint of sadness on the man’s face. But he had to be family, otherwise why was the attendant ask everyone else to leave? Steve got to his feet and the man turned back to the front, was Steve supposed to say something to the guy? He decided it was better not, and stepped outside. He needed to pick Peter up from school soon anyway.
Tony sat down at the bar, beer in hand and stared at his cell phone. The first three times he’d tried Pepper, she hadn’t answered. He’d texted Bruce on how the case was going and got no response. How was he supposed to get out of here, if no one would answer their damn phone? Tony didn’t want to go back to that nightmare house of his, not tonight. He hadn’t expected the funeral to be so emotionally draining and he felt exhausted. He just wanted to turn off his emotions for a little while. He brought the cheap shitty beer to his mouth and took a swig, wishing for the scotch back home.
“Shut up!” someone yelled across the bar. Tony glanced over and recognised the dirty blonde mop of hair from the funeral. The guy was heavily intoxicated, but in better shape than the drunk he was yelling at. The drunk in question wore a dirty old baseball cap and an oversized shirt that was covered in grease stains.
“Everyone knows it was your fault that she died, did you kill the neighbour too?” baseball cap slurred his words, but they were loud enough to silence the room.
“I said shut up Benny.” Blonde guy snapped and Tony frowned. They needed to calm down.
“is the kid next? I bet he’s next, you’ve never treated him right.” baseball cap laughed, blonde smashed his fist into baseball caps nose.
“Steve!” a bartender cried but it was too late. The two men were on the floor, landings punches and kicks into one another. Tony stepped forward before he could think his decision through. He grabbed the blonde by the back of his shirt and dragged him back.
“Alright buddy you’ve had enough. Walk it off.” Tony told him and he scowled but didn’t argue.
“I hope you know that you won’t get away with this! I’ll be pressing charges and that kid will go to someone better!” baseball cap called after them. Tony walked the blonde outside and noticed the blood on the blonde’s knuckles.
“You alright?” Tony asked and the blonde glared at him.
“Do I look alright?” he snapped and Tony shrugged.
“You look drunk, where’s your kid?”
“At home.”
“you left your kid alone at home?” Tony asked, suddenly feeling a little apprehensive to the blonde.
“Peter, he’s sixteen and his friends were coming over. there’s this girl he likes so I thought I’d give him the house and…” Blonde trailed off and shook his head.
“Teenager.” Tony said and Blonde nodded.
“Yeah, drives me crazy sometimes but I love him.” Tony looked down at the concrete between them.
“Thanks for coming to the funeral today.” Tony said and the guy tensed beside him.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” Tony’s head snapped up at that.
“How’d you know Uncle J?” Tony asked and blonde rose a brow.
“Uncle J?” he shook his head and Tony tilted his own.
“Something funny about that?”
“No it’s just, the Jarvis I knew wouldn’t answer to anything other than Jarvis.”
“Sounds like uncle J.” the night grew silent around them, Tony eyed his left hand where the knuckles had all split open.
“Jarvis was my neighbour.” Steve said at last, remembering that the brunette had originally asked Steve a question. His hands was killing him and he felt incredibly embarrassed for losing his temper. He hoped Benny would forget to lodge a complaint tomorrow, this would blow over. Peter would lose it at Steve if he knew. Steve had spent the whole afternoon in the cemetery with Peter, sitting at Peggy’s grave. Peter had told Steve he had friends coming over and Steve had said he’d stay out, Peter had argued but Steve had wanted a drink.
“You’re the neighbour?” Brunette asked and Steve nodded his head.
“I’m Steve.” He held out his hand and the brunette shook it.
“Tony.” Steve smiled and let his hand drop back to his side.
“Nice to meet you Tony.” His head was starting to pound and Tony’s eyes darted back down to Steve’s swollen and injured hand.
“Well, since we’re neighbours, walk back with me?” Tony asked and Steve nodded his head.
“Yeah, alright.” He glanced at his truck in the parking lot and Tony shook his head.
“Nope, you are in no state to drive and I’ve had one too many. Hand me your keys.” Steve rose a brow but did so.
“I wasn’t going to drive.” Steve told him and Tony nodded.
“Sure you weren’t. so were you close with uncle J?” Steve shook his head and they began to walk back home.
“No, he mostly kept to himself.” Tony nodded his head, there was a light breeze and it was warm. Nice weather for a walk.
“That’s uncle J, even I didn’t know him that well.” Steve nodded and then silence settled around them.
They arrived at Steve’s house and Tony noted that the lights were still on.
“Well, thanks for the walk.” Steve said and Tony nodded his head.
“Well we were going the same way. Put some ice on that hand.” Steve laughed and nodded.
“Yeah, will do, thanks for pulling me off the other guy, I’m not usually that aggressive.” Steve scratched the back of his head and Tony shrugged. He could already tell that, Steve seemed so calm and collected. He didn’t seem like the type of guy that just randomly exploded.
“Anytime.” Tony smiled and Steve nodded. A solid five seconds passed and Steve still didn’t move.
“my keys?” he asked and Tony felt his cheeks flame with embarrassment.
“oh, right, sorry.” He let out a nervous chuckle and dug through his pockets. He found the keys and handed them to Steve and Steve nodded.
“alright well, guess I’ll see you around?” Tony nodded his head.
“Yeah, see you around.” And then Tony headed back to his own personal monster house, suddenly not hating this town as much as he had originally.
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mbtiofwhys · 4 years
Kurisu Makise
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Functional order: Ti - Ne - Si - Fe
Spoiler warning
This article will cover Kurisu’s analysis with precise reference to the plot. Also, please note that:
this article only refers to the anime adaptation of S;G, as none of us mods has still played the visual novel. 
this article only refers to Stein’s;Gate classic, as only ENFP mod have seen the movies and the Zero. If you have further comments or want to discuss about it, leave a comment or contact us!
Judging Functional Axis
Introverted Thinking (Ti) / Extroverted Feeling (Fe) 
First and foremost, Kurisu is rational. She analyzes everything she sees, never satisfied with superficial explanations but always looking for the pieces of the puzzle and the rules that support the structure. She needs her own framework to work with, highly values a methodical approach and takes pride in her logic- to the point that she refuses to accept something that ‘doesn’t make sense’ even if everything around her proves otherwise. Kurisu strongly rejects even the possibility that time-travel could be real, at first, because logically that doesn’t fit with either her system or all the soundest scientific theories. The cell phone–operated microwave Okabe got to build has been created by pure experimentation, following a trial-and-error, more casual approach, rather than a structured one - so Kurisu’s first reaction at witnessing bananas turned into a jelly is to run away, because such a thing shouldn’t be possible, it’s not logical that it’s possible. But, when she accepts that a time-traveling microwave does in fact exist, she grabs a marker and writes everything down on a whiteboard to better understand how it works. Only after she’s clarified the rules and the theory behind the machine, she’s able to proceed with the next step: improving it.
Kurisu’s strong Ti is counterbalanced by her inferior Fe. She can lecture an entire class about her articles and discuss quantum physics, but she doesn’t fit well around too many people in social circumstances and is overall quite awkward when it comes to interacting with others. She’s in denial of her feelings most of the time, regarding Okabe but not limited to him. She hates getting emotional and overall finds emotions to be a burden. Nonetheless, her Fe can be easily spotted in her working overall well with the other lab members. She admits to enjoy the lively atmosphere (in opposition to her previous workplace) and the “round tables” summoned by Okabe. Her Ti makes her stubborn and honest when speaking, but she doesn’t like conflict and prefers when everyone works together and in harmony - as she states more than once to both Mayuri and Suzuha, as the second clearly dislikes her. 
Perceiving Functional Axis
Extroverted Intuition (Ne) / Introverted Sensing (Si)
Her Ti paired with her Ne is what defines her character as ‘being a genius’: she’s not afraid of asking questions, and tries to look at things from a different perspective and to consider various options. She’s not only generally curious, but also knowledgeable about many topics, from neuroscience to physics - and she puts all her knowledge at work to improve Okabe’s creation, literally mixing notions from the most various fields to create the Time-Leap Machine. 
She enjoys discussions and doesn’t back off from confuting theories and abstractions, and this enables her to be more open to Okabe’s unmethodical experiments and to accept that time traveling is indeed possible. Her aux-Ne, paired with Ti and Si, also makes her extremely cautious before taking action: if Okabe leaps into things without further thinking, Kurisu is the exact opposite. She has to think about what to do first, and has to ponder all the viable options to better judge what is the most logical course of action (Ti-Ne).
Her Si, although tertiary, shows in her tides with her past and in the general value that Kurisu confers to past experience: as she states at around episode 20, it’s one’s past and mistakes that define who a person is. This also affects her method, as she usually proceeds in little steps (compared to Okabe, who tends to be ‘all or nothing’), does continuous comparisons between things, theories and experiences (Ne-Si) and tends to avoid risks when it’s not necessary.
Also typed as: INTJ
This is the most common mistype about Kurisu - someone opts for ISTJ as well, but looking around on the internet, INTJ is the one you’ll probably find.
Our article is of course not the universal truth, but we are confident in typing Kurisu as INTP. Here’s why (in addition to the previous analysis):
Ni, especially if dominant, is not only about the future, but is also about the intrinsic meaning of things, the most general patterns and symbols. It’s a highly abstract, subjective introverted function that searches for what a certain thing means to it, rather than how something works. Here’s the key difference between Ni and Ti: if Ni sees a computer, it looks for a way to interpret said computer, it sees how the computer can fit in Ni’s own subjective framework. If Ti sees a computer, on contrary, it tries to understand how it works, what are its components and how they’re connected, so that Ti can form its knowledge about computers and build up its own with the pieces it finds around in the world.
Kurisu doesn’t has Te. Te looks for facts, objective logic and proven truths - Kurisu isn’t like that and it shows starting from the very first episodes, when she runs away from the lab. If Te is provided with the proof that something can happen before its own eyes, it tends to believe it, because it’s in the real world. If you can do it, then it’s doable - Te logic. Kurisu on contrary is still skeptic even when she accepts to stay in the lab: all her doubts crumble only when she has all the information she needs, and she can complete the theory behind D-Mails and time traveling. Only after she thought about the pieces and formed her own theory she is confident in assessing that time travel is possible and how to do it.
Consequently, she isn’t a Se user but, most of all, she isn’t a Fi user: her self-awareness isn’t very high, and she often questions herself about her identity as a person and as a scientist. She doesn’t show signs of Fi, but definitely shows many signs of inferior-Fe.
Regarding the ISTJ typing, the Te/Fi point is still valid, plus: Kurisu certainly has Si, but it isn’t that high. She is overall versatile, open and not too rigid on her opinion. It’s not that ISTJ cannot change their mind, but it takes them time, effort and a good amount of solid reasons. Kurisu’s auxiliary Ne on contrary enables her to confute her flawed logical theories about time traveling so that she can build a new system and proceed with the improvement of the Time-Leap Machine. She can confront changes and unexpected circumstances and doesn’t necessary needs a plan: she can make one up if it’s needed, she only has to think things through and consider various options - TiNe, as we’ve said.
For further reading:
An article by funkymbti about INTP vs INTJ: https://funkymbtifiction.tumblr.com/post/83933024503/type-contrast-intj-vs-intp-how-can-you-tell-them
Two big entries from mbtinotes about Te vs Ti (https://mbti-notes.tumblr.com/post/142863816372/type-spotting-te-v-ti) and Fe vs Fi (https://mbti-notes.tumblr.com/post/137908467362/type-spotting-fe-v-fi)
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I would recommend that anabolics aren't noticeable for months however, many will have an extremely similar time course to ostarine, relying on the dosage and also technique of administration. This does highlight the need for many years complete of competitors screening. Checking methods have actually been established as well as reported for these medications, with a number of athletes having examined favorable for Andarine. S.A.R.Ms, or discerning androgen receptor modulators, are a special class of molecules that are being established to treat diseases that are presently being treated with AAS (anabolic-androgenic steroids). Make certain you are totally knowledgeable about what any SARM you intend to utilize can fully provide. Take note of the suggested dosage as well as the duration to use it. Begin with the most affordable possible dosage, and after that slowly increase it if essential.
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Hcgenerate is likewise very efficient in boosting the production of testosterone and also can be stacked together with S4 and also LGD. You will be stunned at how much body fat you are mosting likely to lose as soon as you utilize it in mix with consuming in a deficit. There are various methods which body builders can take on a cutting procedure. They can either do it within a more extended period or within a shorter one.
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Defining principles that influence antimicrobial peptide activity against capsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae - pnas.org
Defining principles that influence antimicrobial peptide activity against capsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Posted: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
A complete pct, as opposed to a tiny pct with other SARMS, is suggested after a cycle of LGD. While it might not be quite as suppressive as anabolics, the suppression is a lot greater than various other SARMS, thus, needing a complete PCT. The Lingadrol pure bodybuilding SARMs are similar to the Ostarine in regards to activity yet fairly different.
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To me that's how I educate, add this gem with some MK667 (little endurance - more helping the additional hunger not most likely to pure fat). It is not a wonder remedy, yet it will certainly enable you with bad to reduced variance, make gains, as always decrease all outside variables and this thing is incredible.
Fluoroalkylation promotes cytosolic peptide delivery - Science Advances
Fluoroalkylation promotes cytosolic peptide delivery.
Posted: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
At Phcoker.com we sell many sorts of SARMs online, and all of them are pure, reliable as well as top quality. This way, you have the guarantee that our products will deliver beyond your expectations. All you got to do is order from us, as well as we will certainly ship the products to your area within the shortest time possible. This is because they may be blended with hazardous chemicals because of a lousy production process or quality control. Dishonest manufacturers might also add weak products to the drugs to raise the amount and profits. Mislabelling is another vice frequently done, and also many bodybuilders succumb to it.
General survival is anticipated to be included as a second endpoint, but will likely not be powered or needed to show analytical importance. " It's not actually simply putting on weight that you want, the objective is to add lean muscle mass, and you additionally need renovations in muscle mass function. That's the conundrum," says Julian Gilbert, president of Acacia Pharma, which has a product in stage II testing. Currently, only the progesterone therapy Megestrol is gotten rid of by regulators to deal with cachexia, when associated with HIV.
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Stacking is the process where you take many types of SARMs at the very same time to quicken the process of bulking, reducing and also recovery. SARMs are very flexible since you can either make a decision to utilize them on their own or as part of a stack. along with exercise resulted in a 50% mitochondrial growth in the muscular tissues, and also as a result, the cells had the ability to create more energy for this reason reducing tiredness.
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Topical creams and ointments containing peptides may cause skin symptoms, such as skin sensitivity, rash, and itching. Individuals should always buy from a reputable company and discontinue use if adverse reactions occur.
One more earlier stage prospect to lately begin the radar is Amgen's AMG 745; although no trials seem ongoing at present the company provides it as a phase I candidate. The medication prevents myostatin, a growth hormonal agent that itself inhibits muscular tissue development. Vicus' VT-122 is an oral mix of propranolol, a non-selective beta adrenergic receptor blocker, and etodolac, a COX2 careful enzyme inhibitor. The firm believes by synergistically targeting multiple paths, cancer-induced systemic swelling can be attentuated and, with any luck, cachexia turned around. A stage II research was begun last December in advanced liver cancer cells patients being treated with Nexavar. The 80-patient research will certainly determine pain, efficiency status as well as lean body mass.
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The body, for that reason, functions as if it is in hunger setting and with this, there is a drastic reduction in the body fat. While lots of steroids in the marketplace might cause bone wastefulness or loss, SARMs will certainly not. They are very selective in their action consequently not most likely to hurt your other tissues.You most likely would not wish to damage your body cells just because you desire others to increase in dimension. That's the reason many individuals that want to boost their performance choose making use of SARMs since they will only alter the tissues that bring about growth in the dimension of bones and muscular tissues. Ostarine or MK-2866 (CAS #) is a research chemical established initially by Merck Inc. and now owned by GTx Inc
LGD-4033is a careful androgen receptor modulator, as well as an unique non-steroidal dental SARM that binds to Androgen Receptors with high affinity and also selectivity. It's in a course ofandrogen receptor ligands that is cells discerning, established to treat muscle wasting connected with cancer, severe as well as persistent illness as well as age-related muscular tissue loss. It is clear to you that all of the above-described activities need significant funds, yet additionally a lot of time as well as job. Low marketing rates are insufficient for producers to return the financial investment.
If the peptide lingers as noticeable fragments, sonication might prove of help as it enhances the price of dissolution.
Most importantly it also offers the possibility to discover formerly unattainable biosuperiors.
As a whole, attempt to dissolve peptides in clean and sterile pure water or sterilized thin down acetic acid (0.1%) solution to offer a stock solution at a higher focus than that required for succeeding usage.
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If, after sonication, the 'option' has gelled, has a consistent haziness, or has a scum floating externally, the peptide has probably not dissolved yet is simply carefully suspended.
The worldwide peptide therapeutics market is expected to be worth $24 billion by 2020.
In both methods, the main objective is to maintain as much muscular tissue mass as possible. MK-2866 will certainly assist shield your gains since it is a mild SARM and functions well when there is a calorie deficit.
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It isan outstanding medicine for reducing fat and also stay in shape as a professional athlete. Its daily usage is typically around 10mg for simple healing from severe ailments or pains. This kind of pure SARMs inhibits testosterone that has extra anabolic characteristics than testosterone itself. Individuals utilizing this pure SARMs tends to dose two times a day, but it is not suggested for the initial individuals due to the fact that excess usage might create negative effects. In no question, pure SARMs are splendidly made, and also the item has been verified by physician to reduce muscle or bone pain, mind troubles, hostility, as well as also cancers cells. Don't be amazed that various systems can state a range of functions that this technique supplies. This is due to the fact that; the importance and also benefits to the body system can not be overemphasized.
As the name recommends, SARMs have the capability to pick the certain receptors they are mosting likely to bind to. This is a significant impact when it comes to remaining healthy and balanced and also feeling your ideal while taking such items. You do not need to accept mayhem as well as negativeness within the mind and body to get the advantages you seek. access peptides-uk Ireland bpc157 how does it work here! is they don't featured a long list of harmful negative effects. It is motivating when you can obtain advantages for your body as well as your mind with SARMs, and not need to be overly worried regarding the unfavorable aspects. Peptides function by making adjustments to the human endocrine system, which includes the pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid as well as various other hormonal agent producing glands. Changes to this system can have really significant effects in regards to human development, development as well as reproductive systems.
click here to learn more is made use of off-label in cancer cells clients, as well as functions by boosting appetite. Steroids are additionally utilized, to develop muscle mass, however neither of these treatments promotes effective development of well working muscle-- a large challenge for any type of treatment. The loss of muscle and also fat can weaken a patient to such a degree that the cachexia is the cause of death in several cancer cells patients-- approximately 20% according to some estimates. It likewise leaves individuals less able to combat the underlying condition as well as endure radiation treatment, or other cancer cells eliminating agents, along with increasingly hindering everyday tasks. With PMag the beginning of insane pumps is relatively quick but no such thing was experienced with LGD. I obtained approx 5kg mass (fat+ muscular tissue) on Pmag and also have actually not observed any such body make-up distinction with LGD.
I started taking these as well as I might see gains being made after the very first week. I have tried afew sarms currently as well as saw the best gains on these without a doubt. I do not typically create reviews and also this website does not seem to reward when you do, not an issue, yet I have discovered these evaluations helpful to for my very own ends so wished to share the love. Gents, drop the associates, up the weight and keep the pause traditional but truthful.
. MK-2688 belongs to a class of chemicals known as SARMs or discerning androgen receptor modulators. Contrasted to testosterone, the sex hormonal agent, the benefit of SARMs such as MK-2688 is that they do not have androgenic activity in non-skeletal-muscle cells. MK-2866 is undergoing scientific trials for and might eventually be clinically indicated as well as accepted for prevention of cachexia, atrophy, and also sarcopenia primarily in the elderly as well as unwell populace.
Do humans have antimicrobial peptides?
A wide variety of human proteins and peptides also have antimicrobial activity and play important roles in innate immunity. In this review we discuss three important groups of human antimicrobial peptides. In humans, two classes of defensins can be found: α-defensins and β-defensins.
On issues adverse effects, it is excellent to keep in mind that SARMs come with side effects similar to various other drugs. The SARMs side effects are mild and also will hardly ever affect your day to day activities. To avoid on your own from suffering from extreme side effects ensure that you take the suggested dose with the correct time frame. Among the very best natural supplements that can be made use of together with any kind of SARM to boost gains and recovery is Creatine.
It was uncovered by Yuichito Kanno, and it is one of the most effective SARMs considering that it is very useful in weight loss and obtaining muscles without struggling with severe negative effects like liver damage or high blood pressure. Decrease body fat-If you target at losing body fat, after that SARMs will certainly aid you to burn it in numerous ways. These items stimulate the body to break down the fat cells with the objective of producing energy.
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The Ultimate Hostess.
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Alright everyone! Let’s get everything packed up! We’ll be moving locations starting this morning!
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*Inside the bus, everyone is slightly more cramped, with the addition of Yoruko.
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You know, I COULD have just called a taxi?
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No, don’t worry. It’s a little stuffed, but we’ll be fine.
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Just drive carefully Twogami!
Twogami: Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.
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So...where are we going next?
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Not sure. Wherever the road takes us I guess...
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Is everything alright Chiaki?
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I’ve just been wondering something...
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I think out of everyone who went into the Neo World, you definitely looked the most different...I mean you Yoruko.
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Did you used to have pink hair, and it desaturated? Or was your hair desaturated to begin with?
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Well, she was the Ultimate Hostess. She probably changed her appearance to better suit her job, right? 
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Yeah, that’s right...You’re curious about me?
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You’re the only person here I know nothing about...Aside from Ryota that is...
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Well, I guess I don’t mind telling you...but I’ll give you the short version...The ShortER version...
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I didn’t have many friends when I first started out middle school...I had some kind of social phobia. I used to get bullied for it a lot...
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Wow...Not even two seconds into the explanation and I already sound like I’m trying to get you to pity me...Sorry...
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Hey, if it’s the truth, there’s nothing you can do about that.
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We’ve all been there...bullies suck...
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I know right?
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Anyway, one day seemed like every other, and then I was dragged to the back of the school, where I was beat up and robbed and I really thought I was going to die...
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But then this girl named Amane Caria, who was my upperclassman, came around the area, and scared off all the people who were attacking me...
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Later I found out that she’d been through a similar experience as me and wanted to help me...
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After school we talked a lot, and I eventually found out that there were rumors around her saying that she worked nightly at some really shady place.
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I figured I would return the favor by chasing those rumors and denying them...but when I did...
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They turned out to be true?
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They did. She was working as a hostess at some local pub really late at night. Apparently she was doing so because she wanted to support her family, who were in a bit of a rough spot... 
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And well...to give you the short version, one thing led to another, and...I became a hostess myself.
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Of course, I was too young to actually be employed as a hostess, but Amane helped me forge some stuff. I faked my identity to gain employment. And for years, I was even able to escape the radar of the police...
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But SOMEHOW, even though the national authorities never found out about me...Hope’s Peak Academy saw right through me...
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Hope’s Peak Academy is crafty...terrifyingly so...
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My status as a high school girl was only revealed, ironically, when my acceptance letter from Hope's Peak arrived at the bar. When my true identity was discovered, I couldn’t keep working at the bar. So in the end, I was given two options...
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Attend Hope’s Peak...
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Or attend a Juvenile Detention Center...
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Exactly...I know what became of Hope’s Peak and I know how much of a shit-show it was behind the scenes, but despite the nature of my enrollment, I enjoyed my time there...
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I thought it was a good opportunity to better my prospects as a hostess.
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But to be honest, I had been considering quitting at the time...
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Why is that?
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Because of Amane...
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Against my will, I somehow began to become really popular at the bar, even more popular than she ever was...
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She wasn’t jealous of me...in fact she was proud...but in the end, I became so popular that...
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She lost her job...
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She confronted me about it and ended up slapping me...and I never saw her again.
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When I attended Hope’s Peak, I spent a lot of time tracking her down, hoping to apologize to her...but in the end I never found her...
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and...The Kisaragi Foundation confirmed it when they let me out of the killing game...that she had been killed in riots.
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That’s horrible...! That’s so fucked up...!
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She was working at that place to support her family, and they let her go just because there’s someone else there that’s better than her!?
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Yeah well, the world is a fucked up place. To be honest, the tragedy wasn’t necessary...
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Don’t take this the wrong way, but a part of me is happy that Junko Enoshima sent the world to shit...
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Sure...it was difficult times, but I thought a lot of people, especially the people at the academy, deserved it...!
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Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that...
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Junko Enoshima was far more horrible than anyone else combined. You don’t stop an evil with a greater evil...
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No, I’m not upset...You’re just speaking your mind...
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I’ve always been a bit of a weird human being...Even during the killing game...
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Though saying that, I think I was the only sane one during the 4th class trial. By that point in time, I was pretty much the only person who wasn’t a VOID or hadn’t tried to kill someone...
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You’ve been through a lot, haven’t you?
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Not as much as you guys...
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What about Sora then?
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Huh? Wh-What about her?
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I don’t know much about Sora other than what you’ve told us...You two got along well, right?
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Um...w-well about that...uh...
*She leans in.
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Can I please ask that when you hear this...don’t laugh...
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Huh? What do you mean?
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Ok, I promise.
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Me too...
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Sora was...one of my greatest friends and...
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Th...The first person I ever loved...
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Did you just laugh!?
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No! No, of course I didn’t! There’s nothing to laugh at!
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Sorry Hajime...I...I underestimated you...
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It’s just...I know it’s silly...I fell in love with a computer program...
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And feel the same, even after all these years...
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Don’t worry...I completely understand.
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I mean, look at Chiaki and me...I care a lot about her, after all...
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It’s not nice to cheat Hajime...
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Shush...you know I didn’t mean it like that...!
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You don’t have anything to feel embarrassed about though...
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Thanks a lot...
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OHMAGOD! Stop the van!
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Twogami: What!? What is it!?
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That bird is so small and cute! I could fit in in the palm of my hand!
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Ibuki, I swear to god, if you were actually about the stop the caravan for the sake of a fucking bird!
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Sorry, sorry, I just got pumped...
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OHMAGOD! Stop the car again!
*Twogami stops the car.
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What!? If it’s another bird, I’m throwing you out!
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No, No! I’m serious! Look, look!
*Ibuki points out the window. Everyone looks to sea a huge, sun lit beach just nearby.
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Well, I’ll be...!
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Hm...How about we stop here?
13 notes · View notes
draindelete2 · 4 years
What Are Peptides
Peptides Advantages - What Are They?
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Is It Worth Taking Ostarine? Results And Advantages Of Ostarina.
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Rite-Flex collagen peptides is produced via Rousselot's cutting-edge procedures with an unsinkable dedication to top quality, safety and sustainability. 80-- 90% are either type I, II or III, with kind I being one of the most common. The characteristic impacts of specific amino acid deposits on peptide fragmentation behavior have been examined carefully by Papayannopoulos. An internal piece with just a solitary side chain developed by a combination of a kind as well as y type cleavage is called an immonium ion. These ions are identified with the 1 letter code for the corresponding amino acid. Typically, these are developed by a combination of b kind andy type bosom to create the detailed framework, an amino-acylium ion. Sometimes, inner bosom ions can be formed by a mix of a type and y kind cleavage, an amino-immonium ion.
Does Vitaminhoppe sell SARMs?
SARMs are drugs and they are not dietary supplements. Using the internet one can easily find SARMs for sale. The bigger retail stores like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe do not carry them, but the smaller independently owned supplement stores are notorious for distributing SARMs.
The major teams of glycoconjugates are the glycoproteins, glycopeptides, peptidoglycans, glycolipids and lipopolysaccharides. The very first three of tbese are considered in the here and now file.
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BNP dimension is utilized to look for proof of cardiac arrest as well as are used as an analysis tool. There are two different sorts of BNP levels which can be determined BNP and also NT Pro-BNP, worths for these are rather different. The normal actions of the natriuretic peptides are to help the heart in dealing with quantity overload as well as stretch. As the most plentiful healthy protein in the body, collagen serves a number of crucial architectural features. Nutritional collagen is harder for our body to absorb, as compared to hydrolysed variations.
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If the pores of the gel are big, the amino acids will certainly relocate at a much faster price to the electrodes contrasted to in a gel which has smaller pores. If the temperature of the system is high, the kinetic energy of the amino acids boosts and hence the amino acids take a trip to the billed electrode at a quicker rate. Amino acids that have smaller sized alkyl chains connected to them relocate at a much faster rate than amino acids that have a bigger alkyl chain attached to them. Amino acids that have a bigger fee will move at a quicker rate contrasted to the amino acids that have a smaller charge. The fee is not because of the amino acid itself but as a result of the charge on the side chain.
Blood Sugar Level Varieties.
An additional little research study discovered that taking a day-to-day collagen peptide supplement for 6 months brought about renovations in nail toughness and development. Nevertheless, this only included 25 individuals, as well as there was no sugar pill team-- which reduces the stamina of this proof. There is some emerging evidence which recommends that taking hydrolysed collagen supplements may help to reduce creases and also boost collagen degrees in the skin, in addition to skin hydration as well as skin flexibility. Nevertheless, there are problems with some of the studies around, as an example some are very small, and do not utilize a control group.
Plumps, firms as well as reduces the appearance of great lines by boosting collagen production. Oily skin can be a problem and also the hardest skin type to deal with. Typically, you are glossy with a lot of oily spots, your pores are bigger and there are a great deal of blackheads and acnes.
Inner pieces are labelled with their 1 letter amino acid code. In the liver the majority of collagen is either kind 1 or type 3. The removal of the propeptides advertises advancement of collagen fibrils. The pro-peptides may either be preserved in the matrix or released into the blood circulation. Fibrosis occuring in the liver leads to the deposition of collagen and launch of propeptides, mainly P3NP. In information BPC157 Italy , 52 individuals with osteo arthritis of the knee were offered 10 mg bioactive undenatured type II collagen or glucosamine hydrochloride plus chondroitin daily for three months.
DRS-Labs Launches New Research Line of SARMs - Markets Insider
DRS-Labs Launches New Research Line of SARMs.
Posted: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]
However, to date, there are no researches on the metabolic engineering of the proteolytic system from lactobacilli. Numerous strategies have actually likewise been attempted to increase the return of peptide production by CEPs.
Is It Worth Taking Ostarine? Impacts As Well As Benefits Of Ostarina.
It is also important to note that collagen supplements are usually derived from fish-- therefore any person that has a fish allergic reaction need to prevent this sort of supplement. Vegan collagen supplements are offered, which are made from genetically modified bacteria and also yeast. There is very little proof to suggest that collagen supplements boost digestive tract health and wellness.
GTx Announces Results from Preclinical Studies of SARMs in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Models Published in Human Molecular Genetics - Business Wire
GTx Announces Results from Preclinical Studies of SARMs in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Models Published in Human Molecular Genetics.
Posted: Wed, 03 May 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]
According to the "barrel-stave version," the peptides insert perpendicularly right into the bilayer while recruitment of additional peptides subsequently results in development of a peptide-lined transmembrane pore. In this pore, the peptides are aligned with the hydrophobic side dealing with the lipid core of the membrane and the hydrophilic areas facing the indoor area of the pore. According to the "toroidal-pore version," insertion of peptides compels the phospholipid to flex continually from one brochure to the other, leading to a pore lined by both peptides and also the head groups of the phospholipids. Finally, in the "carpet model," build-up of peptides on the membrane surface area triggers tension in the bilayer that eventually causes disruption of the membrane layer and formation of micelles. AMPs are transformative saved in the genome as well as produced by all life forms, from prokaryotes to humans. In higher microorganisms, AMPs make up important elements of the innate immunity, shielding the host versus infections.
A buffer remedy resists the adjustment in the pH of the option. The barrier service is maintained the Isoelectric Factor of one known amino acid. The amino acids with Isoelectric Factors greater than the pH of the buffer solution become positively billed. The amino acids with Isoelectric Factors lower than the pH of the buffer service end up being adversely billed. The amino acids with the Isoelectric factor that amounts to the pH of the buffer option stay uncharged.
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A three-week trial at Boston University demonstrated that LGD-4033, a SARM developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, was safe and tolerable in healthy men, producing “significant gains in muscle mass and strength” without raising levels of a protein linked to prostate cancer.
In the condensed system of symbols for sugar residues the common arrangement and ring size are indicated in the sign. Hence, Girl signifies D-galactopyranose; Man, D-mannopyranose; Fuc, L-fucopyranose; GlcNAc, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose or N-acetyl-D-glucosamine; Neu5Ac N-acetylneuraminic acid. The symbol Sia stands for sialic acid, a general term that can likewise be utilized when the precise structure is unidentified. Whenever the setup or ring size is found to differ from the common one it should be suggested by using the ideal icons for the extensive system.
The longer the chain of the peptide, the longer the hydrolysis process will certainly happen. This is due to the fact that even more time is required to damage the peptide bond as well as other bonds like Van der Wall forces of attraction between the atoms. Isoelectric Factor is the pH worth of the amino acids when they are added in water. This is due to the dissociation of the H+ ion from the amino acids. Our collagen peptides are made from the finest pasture-raised bovine hides. Studies reveal that 5g to 10g of collagen peptides daily have shown statistically significant benefits. Peptan is the worlds leading collagen brand generated by Rousselot.
The classification of glycolipids has been the topic of an earlier record, which is now under alteration. Identification of enhanced strain versions or even metabolic engineering is an additional approach.
UK Sarms ostarine has given me excellent recomp outcomes at 10mg/day and also helped me push past weights I was previously stuck at for months.
Selective androgen receptor modulators are a class of androgen receptor medicines, which have a high capacity to be performance boosters in human and also animal sports.
In this study, we have actually clarified as well as confirmed the chemical structure of 2 major equine arylpropionamide-based SARM metabolites utilizing a mix of chemical synthesis and fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis.
you can find more information on workflow rules on peptides-uk crm's help pages here. was so amazed with the ostarine that I have actually recently gotten RAD-140 for my following cycle as I currently require to focus on structure muscle mass in advance of my following comp.
Arylpropionamides are among the major SARM classes as well as get swiftly metabolized substantially making complex easy detection of transgression in blood or urine example evaluation.
Particular drug-derived metabolites are called for as references due to a short half-life of the parent compound however are typically lacking.
However, these researches contrasted the effect of resistance training plus a collagen supplement, with resistance training with no type of healthy protein after training. As protein is essential for muscle mass fixing, these researches suggest that collagen is better than consuming no healthy protein after resistance training. However there isn't adequate proof to recommend that collagen is better than various other types of protein in terms of muscle mass growth and also repair work. In 2011 the European Food Security Authority reported there was insufficient proof to declare that hydrolysed collagen aids in maintaining joint wellness in energetic individuals. Since then, a few tiny research studies have located that eating collagen may aid in lowering joint discomfort related to work out. There is likewise some proof that collagen supplements can aid with minimizing pain related to osteoarthritis in the short-term. Nonetheless, these research studies don't supply proof as to whether collagen supplements help in athletic efficiency, or the recovery from joint injuries.
On top of that, pathogen insult will bring about growth of dendritic cells and succeeding initiation of flexible resistance. Up- or down-regulation of feedbacks by AMPs is shown by environment-friendly arrows. Remarkably, the membrane-destabilizing activity of AMPs is likewise made use of in so called Artilysins, which have actually just recently revealed potential to properly target immune and persistent Gram-negative infections.
A small number of human studies have actually also discovered that taking collagen supplements may assist to maintain and enhance bone mass. However, comparable to the research studies associated with muscular tissue mass, we can not rule out that the favorable effect of collagen in these studies may result from a rise in total protein consumption, as opposed to a specific advantage pertaining to collagen.
As an example, enzymatic immobilization (cross-linked CEP accumulations) was established to increase task and also security of CEPs. This not only supports the concept that lactobacilli can produce a huge selection of BAPs, however also highlights the need to carefully pick the pressures that will be used for BAP manufacturing. The rapid bactericidal activity of AMPs makes them appealing prospects for therapeutic anti-infectives. Schematic illustration of immunomodulatory tasks of AMPs.
Although icons such as Gal as well as Man work in representing oligosaccharide structures they ought to not be made use of in the text to stand for monosaccharides. Various sorts of substance containing carbs covalently related to various other types of chemical component are categorized under the general name of glycoconjugates.
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chinasheep14 · 4 years
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Testosterone and also DHT control mesenchymal multipotent cell distinction by promoting the organization of AR with β-catenin and translocation of the AR-β-catenin complicated into the center, causing activation of TCF-4. The activation of TCF-4 regulates a number of Wnt-regulated genes that advertise myogenic differentiation and also inhibit adipogenic distinction. The results of testosterone on myogenic distinction are moderated via an AR path. Testosterone increases fractional muscle mass protein synthesis and improves the reutilization of amino acids by the muscle mass. We do not recognize whether conversion of testosterone to DHT is required for moderating androgen results on the muscular tissue. They work by forming a bond with the androgen receptors in the body. As even more androgens are generated, the body can develop muscular tissue faster than or else, thus promoting the anabolic state.
Lasting use specifics coming from the team of androgen receptor modulators of SARM might cause undesirable impacts such as voice loss or virilisation of females. Notably, on the other hand, SARMs do not hinder their very own production of a crucial hormone, testosterone, unlike lots of steroids. The development of brand-new muscle mass, stamina, protein synthesis and also fat decrease will certainly show up after a short period of time. Nonetheless, you ought to be aware that like the majority of compounds, they can cause negative effects.
RAD-140 is most commonly utilized at 5-20mg daily, with 10mg daily being the most typical for 6-12 weeks. Throughout this time around individuals have reported huge boosts in toughness along with 10-15lbs of muscle mass from the first cycle.
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Andranine developed in the 1990s was located to have a remarkable impact on muscle development. Bodybuilders were changing from anabolic steroids to Andranine as they assumed there were much less negative effects. Professor JT Dalton entered into collaboration with a pharmaceutical business to establish a course of medications called" SARMS" Discerning Androgen Receptor Modulators. Both of these stopped working to get governing authorization for the legal supply chain. Nevertheless these items have actually been used by lots of people in the sports community. OurcertifiedSARMs products are made with Premium quality and also Pure Active ingredient ranging from 97.5-- 99.9%.
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Prohormones cause an anabolic result by converting to testosterone in the bloodstream. The downside of this conversion, which happens in the liver, has a negative impact on the liver with time, which can increase the danger for liver conditions. The best SARM for getting cut is MK 677, which also passes the names Ibutamoren and Nutrobal.
All you require is some fundamental over the counter PCT supplements and also you're great to go. It can be administered orally, minimizing the impacts of testosterone blood levels.
Experiment I: Ostarine.
Steroids are very effective but at the exact same time threaten also. If the steroids are not utilized responsibly it can boost countless health compilations. On choosing the right What Is A PCT/Post Cycle Therapy? sarms.com could have similar result on human body like anabolic steroids, yet unlike steroids they straight work on muscle mass tissue as well as have no relentless negative effects. As SARMs can quickly bind to the receptors in the body they can increase the process of muscle growth and fixing. Steroid may interfere with the other hormones, however SARMs concentrate on only muscular tissue as well as cells without interfering with various other important bodily function.
A sports supplement company owner sold unregulated steroid-like drugs - Business Insider - Business Insider
A sports supplement company owner sold unregulated steroid-like drugs - Business Insider.
Posted: Wed, 23 Dec 2020 20:43:33 GMT [source]
These include results on additional sexual attributes, beard, state of mind, possible loss of hair for individuals that tend to baldness. SARMs for weight have similar impacts to AAS (anabolic-androgenic steroids, have a variety of side effects, can be removed with SERM), which means they increase muscle mass stamina and also mass. Nonetheless did complete blood work after the cycle as well as everything was spot on. As a research chemical, Ostarine belongs to a class of chemicals called SARMs or discerning androgen receptor modulators.
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SARMs produce careful anabolic activity at particular androgen receptors and also not others, thus their name. Compared to testosterone and also various other anabolic steroids and professional hormones, the benefit of SARMs such as MK-2688 is that they do not have androgenic activity in non-skeletal-muscle cells.
RAD-140 did progression to pet research studies but is yet to move to human trials. Throughout this moment researchers discovered that in rats RAD-140 matched anabolic impact with testosterone propionate mg for mg however was much much less androgenic. It required a 60x higher dose than the testosterone to trigger the very same prostate growth.
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SARMS are likewise believed to treat numerous conditions in which steroids and also other medicines treated previously. It additionally shows guarantee to replace androgens which can generate similar preferable outcomes on muscle mass cells as steroids.
This procedure lowers the rate of muscular tissue failure when training, yet allows you to retain mass, so muscles can repair without the in-between phase of being damaged down. The purpose of PCT is to return your testosterone back to normal levels, whilst combating any negative effects that attempt to appear throughout this moment. Unfortunately, the body tries to be clever and when testosterone gets on the rise, it tends to increase estrogen as well. Often also at a quicker rate, due to this throughout PCT it is very important to block estrogen from aromatizing to make sure that negative effects such as Gyno and even muscle mass loss do not happen. S23 can be thought about as one of the more potent SARMs as a result of its very strong bonds with the AR. Yet the contraceptive results of S23 result from its ability to reduce FSH and LH, 2 crucial hormones for making sperm.
SARMs are The Future of Health and fitness since, unlike steroids, they promote androgen receptors in muscle mass and bone without affecting other cells. While SARMs are often described as "lawful steroids" as well as are a healthy and balanced option to steroids for muscular tissue growth, SARMs are an entirely various compound. The results of steroids on muscular tissue growth functions by stimulating increased testosterone production. On the various other hand, SARMs function by modulating estrogen receptors on your cells in order to enable testosterone degrees to elevate naturally, according to a record published in Spine Muscular Atrophy. Prohormones were produced prior to the discovery and also development of SARMs as well as after steroids were already being utilized in the muscle building community. Prohormones resemble anabolic-androgenic steroids, yet with milder results on the body contrasted to steroids.
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Results. Daily MK-677 significantly increased GH and IGF-I levels to those of healthy young adults without serious adverse effects.
In rats S23 the half-life is reported to be 11.9 hrs as well as when taken by mouth 96% is absorbed by the body and levels come to a head at around the 4-hour mark. In rats a research study reveals that S23 decreased average body weight and also fat mass, the rats were then likewise given estrogen which creates muscular tissue loss however S23 was able to override the results of estrogen as well as boost lean muscular tissue mass.
SARMS which stands for Discerning Androgen Receptor Modulators, have actually particularly designed molecules that selectively target the androgen receptors in particular cells. It's this targeting of specific androgen receptors that avoids the dangerous toxic negative effects, making them a safe, effective and lawful alternative. It is a group of non-steroidal active substances that, by integrating with androgen receptors in tissues, are developed not only to promote the growth of lean muscular tissue mass or to sustain the decrease of unnecessary body fat ballast. They can likewise sustain the mineralization of bone cells-- a strong foundation to which muscle mass fibers are affixed. It is usually believed that the downstream signaling mechanisms that moderate the anabolic impacts of SARMs on the skeletal muscular tissue resemble those of testosterone. Testosterone generates hypertrophy of both kind I as well as type II fibers and also an increase in the number of satellite cells. Testosterone advertises the distinction of mesenchymal, multipotent cells into myogenic family tree and also prevents their differentiation into adipogenic lineage.
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In a 2-month research on overweight individuals, scientists discovered that those administered MK 677 had greater metabolic process and also much less fat mass after the research mored than, contrasted to those offered a sugar pill. It functions by stimulating the release of human development hormonal agent, which has an all-natural anabolic result. By enhancing anabolic task, MK 677 increases mobile metabolism, creating the body to melt even more fat. Various other human researches on MK 677 have actually concluded similar results, with basically no adverse results reported. One of the most significant being improved sports performance, fat reduction and muscle development.
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phoenixazlawyers · 4 years
 Drug Crimes Overview
In Arizona, it is illegal to sell or manufacture dangerous drugs and use or possess drugs without a valid prescription. If you have been charged with a drug crime by law enforcement, chances are you will need a defense lawyer to help build a case against the prosecution for your drug charges. Without an attorney for proper representation, you risk receiving maximum punishments for your crimes, which could potentially result in prison and multiple assessment fees and fines. The jail time you receive will depend on what type of drug you were charged with, whether or not you had the intent to distribute, and whether or not you have prior convictions.
Without an attorney for proper representation, you risk receiving maximum punishments for your crimes
By choosing to hire a drug crimes lawyer, you will have legal counsel to help you build a solid defense for your case. If you were arrested and placed in jail, your attorney would also be able to help you with the possibility of lowering your bail, depending upon the severity of your crimes.
Attorney Michael Alarid III has effectively represented numerous clients facing harsh penalties for drug crimes. He possesses the knowledge and experience required to build a rock-solid defense. Speak with the Law Office of Michael Alarid III today to begin the process of protecting your freedom.
Below you will find a brief list of 10 different drug charges you can receive in the state of Arizona:
 Drug Use: If you are charged using a controlled substance in AZ that is not marijuana, it is classified as a class 4 felony under ARS §13-3407.
 Possession of Drugs: Possession of scheduled drugs can range from a misdemeanor to a felony depending upon the drug you possess, as well as the amount you are found with upon arrest.
 Distribution of Drugs: When it comes to this specific charge in AZ, your charge will depend on whether or not you were distributing narcotics, prescription drugs, or dangerous drugs. If you are charged with the distribution of dangerous drugs into the state, you will likely be facing felony charges.
 Drug Trafficking: If you are caught by law enforcement crossing the border of Arizona with illegal substances, you can be charged with drug trafficking, which will result in needing an attorney to minimize your incarceration time.
 Importation of Drugs: Drug importation in AZ is considered severe and can result in multiple years of prison .
 Possession of Drugs with Intent to Sell: Under Arizona laws, you can be charged with possession with intent to sell if you possess over 1 gram of heroin, 4 grams of PCP, 9 grams of methamphetamines, or two pounds of marijuana.
 Manufacturing of Dangerous Drugs: Manufacturing drugs is a serious crime and can result in maximum sentencing if your charges are aggravated. This charge is based on whether or not it is unbranded drugs, prescription drugs, dangerous drugs, or marijuana that is being manufactured.
 Cultivation of Drugs: In ARS §13-3405 (A)(3), it is stated that cultivating marijuana is considered a class 5 felony. Any felony conviction can carry a mandatory prison sentence for an individual arrest on the offense.
 Transportation of Drugs: Transporting illegal drugs from one place to another is a felony offense that could also be paired with a drug distribution charge, which is why a trial attorney is imperative.
 Drug Smuggling: Smuggling from Mexico to Arizona has become common and can result in felony and/or federal charges for the individual caught by law enforcement.
Possible Defenses for You and Your Drug Crimes Lawyer
After hiring a trial attorney, you can start to explore your options with various defenses related to your case against the state of Arizona. One defense, in particular, that is a common practice called a procedural defense. In this situation, your attorney will need to prove that the officer on the scene of your arrest had violated your constitutional rights while searching you, your vehicle, or your personal property. To prove this, they will need all police reports, bodycam footage, radio traffic, and other evidence from your arrest including pretrial interviews of the officers and witnesses.
Another defense that can be used is called entrapment. Entrapment is where an officer had asked you specifically to commit the crime or placed the idea in your head to commit the drug offense you are being charged with. In order to use this defense, you must fully admit to the charge and the crime you had committed on that specific date in time for your attorney to proceed with the entrapment.
Entrapment is where an officer had asked you specifically to commit the crime or placed the idea in your head
If the police used a confidential informant to aid in your arrest, your defense lawyer could build a case on the informant's credibility. To move forward with this defense, your attorney will need to collect evidence on the informant that proves that they are unreliable. This can be done by reading through police reports submitted by the department on that individual, which shows any questionable remarks on their criminal record.
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Why is it Important to Hire A Defense Attorney for Your Drug Charge in Arizona?
When you are facing a drug charge in the state of Arizona, you will need a defense lawyer to help build your case. Your lawyer will be able to read through your case and quickly spot any questionable actions of the officer on duty, as well as any inconsistent remarks made by witnesses. By doing so, you could potentially get your charges dropped, or your sentence minimized.
All you need to do is contact a defense lawyer for a consultation on your case to start your path on building a solid case. They will be able to help you find the best defense for your situation while working with the prosecution on a possible plea deal if necessary. Just by having a skilled attorney defending your rights, such as Michael Alarid III, your chances of facing severe penalties are significantly reduced and entirely possibly even dismissed altogether.  Call The Law Office of Michael Alarid (602) 818-3110
Original Article -  https://www.alariddefense.com/drug-crimes-overview
Visit The Law Office of Michael Alarid in Phoenix Arizona
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hoodpimple5 · 4 years
Anjali Mahto Comments On Risks Of Melanotan For Bsf In Sunday Mirror.
What Is Melanotan?
0doctors Advise Against Use Of Melanotan To Cover Up Tans.
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Repressive Impact Of The Melanocortin Receptor Agonist Melanotan.
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Some of the possible side effects include mild to moderate nausea, tiredness, bruising and scarring. Milder cases can be relieved by discontinuing the use of melanotan ii. centrally manage Melanotan France buy cheap - melanotan are not a long term solution and usually have to repeated every four to six months. Vomiting and nausea are not often associated with melanoma use because the formula is so diluted. In the most severe cases, oral drugs are prescribed for patients who continue to suffer with frequent vomiting and nausea. It is important to note that intramuscular injections are only used under special circumstances where the patient is unable to consume any food or liquids and must be intubated.
There are two types of melanoma injections available today. Intra-oral and sub-dermal. Intra-oral is more effective than sub-dermal although it does have some of the same side effects as the latter. If you are considering either procedure, you should consult a dermatologist who can advise you on which one is best for you. number one solution is particularly important if you are at risk of developing skin cancer or other serious medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, blood clotting or are undergoing other medications or hormonal therapy.
0doctors Warn Against Use Of Melanotan To Top Up Tans.
As it is an unlicensed medication while it is not illegal to buy it, it is prohibited to market and also offer it in UK. 'This might be a quick solution yet is absolutely not a risk-free option as well as might have significant long-lasting health and wellness repercussions.
In Australia, Melanotan use is the most commonly prescribed treatment for impotence. Impotence is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient to engage in sexual intercourse. The effects of melanotan use are experienced primarily during the first two weeks after initial treatment. This is because the nausea that some patients report during the first few days of treatment limits their ability to perform normally. This can make it difficult to get an erection and, if the patient does get an erection, there are high chances of it lasting several hours, which significantly reduces the chances of pleasure for the patient and his partner.
Sub-dermal melanotan-ii consists of a collagen gel, a bronchodilator, an anti-inflammatory and possibly an anti-wrinkle compound. These ingredients are usually combined in a formulation that is designed for the application under the skin. You will need to discuss your personal requirements with your dermatologist before choosing a product. As melanotan-ii is a topical medication, its effectiveness depends greatly on the type of skin and what is available in the market. Some common ingredients include tyrosine, lecithin oil, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and others.
The other type of melanotan-induced therapy is intramuscular injections. This is often used in combination with the first but only for individuals who suffer from serious acne, extremely dark pigments or very sensitive skin. This treatment involves injecting a small amount of melanin directly beneath the skin where it helps to block the production of melanin in the pigmentary cells.
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The use of Melanotan as a bleaching agent has been largely debated, and even though some scientists claim that the pigment in the skin being changed by Melanotan, others claim that any effects are not long-term or permanent. However, since it has the advantage of being a drug, there are no restrictions whatsoever on the amount of Melanotan that can be administered, as long as it's not abused (i.e., taking excessive doses for non-thermal effects). One of the advantages of Melanotan treatment is its availability, since it is manufactured in controlled quantities that ensure potency and purity. Also, Melanotan can be administered in an oral spray, as well as through plasticintactile implants that plug into the skin (injected into areas that have not responded to topical treatments).
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There is also concern regarding the lack of long-term safety data. Melanotan is a relatively new medication, and the long-term effect on the health of individuals is not known. It is not known whether there are any serious side effects of Melanotan use in children or adults, and whether long-term use will reduce the risk of melanoma (a type of cancer) in these individuals. Despite the lack of long-term safety data, there are other available treatments for erectile dysfunction in Australia, including the use of approved medications that are approved by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Administration.
Melanotan II is consequently classified as an unauthorised medicinal product within Europe, the United States and Australia, making all advertising, distribution and marketing illegal.
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UnlikeBotoxand otherinjectable skin care, tanning shots aren't executed by specialists in centers.
like MT2, however, you can avoid "playing with fire" as well as maintain your skin healthy and balanced.
Little is known about its long-lasting impacts, although unfavorable impacts may include the immune and cardiovascular systems amongst others.
In fact it is this very action of melatonin in the skin that makes it an attractive option for cosmetic use. Melanotan injections can be performed anywhere on the body including the skin, chest, back, face, buttocks and even hands. In general, they are used to improve facial skin tone, facial skin texture, remove freckles, fade acne scars, fine lines, reduce underarm sweating and dark spots and hyperpigmentation of the skin. For these reasons alone, melanotan injections are increasingly popular and are now one of the three major classes of cosmetic procedures used by plastic surgeons.
Repressive Effect Of The Melanocortin Receptor Agonist Melanotan.
Because of these potential side effects, Melanotan injections have been regarded as a safer option for treating erectile dysfunction. As an alternative to Melanotan II, injectable melanotan products include lecithin, a compound known to promote healthy blood flow to the genital areas. Although it is not entirely clear how lecithin helps in the promotion of healthy blood flow, it is said that it is capable of making blood flow more efficient, thereby increasing the chance of a sufficient erection being maintained during sexual activity. There are also other compounds that are used in the formulation of injectable melanotan products, such as vitamin C and magnesium. Although these substances may contribute to the improvement of a patient's condition, they are unlikely to cause any immediate side effects.
It was created and also signed up for the treatment of a condition called erythropoietic protopophyria- this is a rare acquired problem that causes sufferers to develop extended burning discomfort, swelling as well as inflammation after 1-20min of sunlight exposure. This is to make sure that we can risk stratify those patients most in jeopardy from UV damage and also skin cancer. MedlinePlus links to health info from the National Institutes of Health and wellness as well as various other federal government firms. MedlinePlus also connects to health and wellness info from non-government Internet site.
See our please note concerning outside links and our high quality standards. But also for individuals like me that don t recognize the physical nature, I m terrified there is no other way to construct an effective magic weapon. In order to further improve their level, they began to try to understand other cultures of the Dai people. "This product hasn't been evaluated for safety and also it can have significant negative effects, as this brand-new report recommends. Ed Yong, from Cancer Cells Research UK, stated "There are great reasons why marketing Melanotan in the UK is unlawful. Readily available on the internet, the shots, called Melanotan, can set you back as much as ₤ 250. In the program, the BBC find Glyn Ferris, the owner of Extreme Wellness and Charm Ltd, which markets as well as supplies the Xtreme sprays.
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Melanotan is an interesting hormone responsible for many different processes. It is a highly essential hormone to the skin, hair and nails. It also has an important role in reproduction. The primary function of melanoma is to act as a mitogen, meaning it stimulates growth and makes cells grow. In addition it is also responsible for the maintenance of skin tone and pigmentation in both humans and animals.
Intravenous drug use has not been found to lead to long term effects. However, it should be noted that intramuscular injections are not suitable for all cases. A Melanotan II trial is normally carried out under medical supervision, and in the rare case where there are no responses, then other avenues should be explored such as laser treatments, photodynamic therapy, electrosurgery or collagen replacement injections. Another option is to treat patients with vitamin E as a topical formula, however, there are case reports of this treatment being ineffective. The possibility of Melanotan use for the treatment of cancer is still being researched, and more case reports and extensive analysis need to be carried out in order to determine the possible long-term effects.
Some Melanotan users argue that there are side effects associated with Melanotan use, however. Because Melanotan injections cause a temporary blocking of blood flow to the penis, erection is impaired while waiting for the medication to take effect, a side effect that Melanotan users often report. Further, men who take Melanotan for erection enhancement must continually be exposed to an environment that they believe offers adequate exposure to Melanotan, because the drug is flammable and dangerous.
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Tanning accelerators, such as lotions or pills that contain the amino acid tyrosine or its derivatives, do not work and may be dangerous. Marketers say these products stimulate the body's own tanning process, but most evidence suggests they don't work.
He confesses to the reporter that he knows it was illegal to sell the item in the UK, including, "well it was a wonderful means to earn money because I had a bad time with my service a few years back". Modafinil is a medicine that can just be legally acquired by someone with a prescription. Sildenafil is a medicine, not controlled as a drug, that is available to acquire over-the-counter of a pharmacy, or online, without prescription. There are several threats from taking IPEDs, consisting of unfavorable side-effects for both physical and psychological health and wellness. Modafinil can cause severe skin reactions and psychological injuries, including anxiousness. IPEDs are considered all type of reasons and used by various groups of people.
Melanotan has its uses when it comes to treating skin cancer, particularly melanoma, which accounts for the prevalence of Melanotan products in the market today. Melanotan can inhibit the growth of malignant melanoma cells (melanoma) in two ways. First, it inhibits the formation of new cells (two specific types of melanoma) in the area of the mole. Second, it prevents the release of a chemical called melanocorticadenosine. Melanocorticadenosine is responsible for the pigment changes that come with melanoma, and its excessive production is believed to be the cause of the spot on the skin known as a tan.
Both procedures are done under general anesthesia and are carried out by dermatologists who specialise in this type of cosmetic surgery. Most doctors use a prescription cream before administering melanoma or intramuscular injections so that you can be sure that there will be no adverse side effects occurring later on. Melanotan treatment is most effective if used early enough and in its most basic form, the procedure is simply a shielding of the skin from the harmful effects of the UV light that reaches our earth's surface. Melanotan helps to prevent melanin production by helping the skin absorbs the UV rays before they have time to reach the epidermis.
What Really Happens When Japanese Scientists Produce Medicines?
Melanotan II has been in use since at least the 1970s and is known to be one of the best hormones to use to treat hormonal dysfunctions such as hypopigmentation of skin-darkening pigments or melasma. It has been mainly used as an oral medication, but it also acts well as a cream, gel, and liquid, which can be applied topically to the skin for treating such dysfunctions as age spots or melasma. While clinical trials have recently begun on melatonin's efficacy as a natural hormone, there are certain doubts on its efficacy as a bleaching agent because of its ability to stimulate platelet adhesion and aggregation. Also, although Melanotan II has been found to be effective in promoting the growth of new cells, it has not been found to be efficient in inhibiting the proliferation of existing cancer cells.
Melanotan is a naturally occurring hormone that is made by the tyrosinase in the body which helps in the production of melanin. Melanotan II is an artificial analog of the natural peptide hormone, melanoid, that increases sexual desire and stimulates melanization in the body. This hormone is found in large quantities in the dermis layer of skin, hair, brain, and heart. Melanotan II does not cause any side effects and is used by both men and women to treat such conditions as acne, enlarged breasts, acne scars, dark underarms and rosacea.
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hurryupimstarving · 4 years
I remember in 9th grade my english teacher made us write an essay about a turning point in our lives. I think I bullshitted my way through it. I was fourteen, emo, depressed, and thought I was ‘too cool for school’. But looking back on it, I’ve had a lot of turning points in my life and if they had never happened I’d be dead.
The first one was when my grandpa died. I was eight, he was getting taken off life support, I didn’t understand. There were words being strung together in an order that I couldn’t comprehend. “Let him go slowly.” “End his suffering.” “It’s better this way.” What are these words to an eight year old who only ever understood her grandpa as the man she had met a year ago who flew kites with her and bought her tooney chicken from KFC. I didn’t understand why he died. Later I learned it was because he was a heavy smoker and he only stopped when he met me. A good sentiment but a late one. My family never talked about it afterwards. I still sometimes find myself thinking he’s in the Philippines or somewhere out of my reach, but alive. That was my first meeting with Death. He smiled sweetly at me as he took my grandpa but after that the world seemed darker. A scary place where good men were taken from little girls who didn’t have a lot of good in their life. 
The next was when I was eleven. It wasn't a big moment but it stirred something in me. My teacher made us read “The Breadwinner” and that was the first time I ever comprehended the great expansiveness of this world. My biggest concerns at the time were keeping my friends and keeping away bullies. Parvana’s biggest concern was staying alive, where her father was, and feeding her family. I thought to myself, “How can life be so cruel to a child?” Later I learned that life is cruel to a great number of children and has been so for a very long time. I chose to dive into literature after that, expanding my views, learning about horrors, trying to understand Death.
He greeted me personally when I was thirteen. Young, depressed, and anxious I told my parents about my two suicide attempts. They took me to a doctor who told me they would forget that meeting. They would erase this from the records and forget my confession. This way I could still ‘get a job’. I broke after that. I crashed like a mirror dropped from a dainty hand and shattered into a million pieces. I sat alone in my bedroom with a pair of sewing scissors. Everything else sharp was taken away from me. I didn’t move for hours. I was frozen. Time stood still and all I did was look at Death. Death looked back at me. We didn’t speak, just paused there like dancers before a song begins. This is the first time he spoke. 
“Do you want to keep living like this?” He asked.
“Then you have two options. Either you die or you live differently. Simple as that. What do you want?” He made it clear it was my choice. He never pressured me or forced me into something I didn’t want, just sat with me and waited. It took awhile but I chose to live. And live I would, much differently I promised him. 
I changed a lot after that. After the conversation with Death I was determined to live better. I still had anxiety, I still had depression, I still struggled. But at least I was trying. I signed up for a  week-long program in a different province. It was a youth conference and there we were learning about international affairs. It was my first time away from my parents, my first time away from my friends, my first time alone. I was so awkward it was painful. I’m embarrassed for myself. I made no friends, I didn't talked, and cried myself to sleep four out of the seven days. I was offered another choice after it ended. I could stay that awkward and shy or I could change. And change I did.
At fourteen someone believed in me. Even before I believed in myself. This was in the shadow of the conference and while I wanted to me more confident, it was easier said than done. Now I was kind of a smart kid, I never participated in class but I got decent grades. But then my social teacher made me a lawyer in a mock trial. I was shitting bricks. Not only did I have to talk in front of the class, I had to talk for a while and argue and win. I could’ve backed out but let’s be real I was too shy to talk to my teacher about it. So I did it. I ended up loving it. You don’t know the rush of confidence you get when you beat the popular kids in a mock trial with all their friends voting. I realized I was good. I wanted to keep being good. I chose to pursue law after that. I’m thankful for that teacher. At eighteen I had an early quarter life crisis. See while most people were planning their lives, I was busy trying to keep off Death. Each day I struggled with him and sometimes he won. I couldn’t see into the future because that day wasn’t even guaranteed. But I hit the age thirteen year old me never thought she would. What the fuck was I supposed to do now?
“I guess you have some choices to make, huh?” Death smiled at me.
I chose to be a political science major and pursued that dream of becoming a lawyer. I started planning my life. Most people said it was too early but for someone who didn’t think she’d get to live this long I was excited. I wanted to travel the world. I wanted to learn all that I could. I wanted to experience all that I could. But first up was the world. A bit of a daunting task but after facing off with Death nothing could be as challenging as that. 
I was nineteen when I studied abroad in Kampala, Uganda. I guess you could say I went all out. I travelled alone to a country I barely even heard about and there I was with eight other strangers in a three bedroom house in the middle of Africa. It was one of the best choices of my life. I don’t think I can recall a time I was happier. I was making strides in my law career and trying to understand why the world was so cruel to children. I interned with a group that made reusable sanitary pads and studied at Kampala University. I didn’t want to build a school, I wanted to know why a school was even needed. My salvation was tied with theirs and that is how I view everyone around me. I made some of the best friends I’ll ever have. Partied the hardest I ever had. Met the weird people I’ll ever meet. And fell in love with humanity. We are such a strange, crazy and simple species. But it also broke my heart. I realized how much privilege I lived with when a girl told me she wished she was a boy so she could go to school without worrying about her period. Another with better grades than I could ever wish to get told me university was a dream not meant for her. I felt like a coward when I could run from the pandemic. I decided to devote the rest of my life to evening the scales of this world.
I’m twenty now. Medicated for my anxiety and depression. I have alopecia and my hair is falling out. I want to study in the UK. I want to work in the international field. I want a family. And even though I still dance with Death I love my life, I wouldn’t trade it for an ounce more happiness. These turning points shaped me and these tears watered my roots and had me reaching for the sun. But I know this isn’t the end. I know this isn’t the best it can be. I know I’ll still struggle but I’ll take it because I love living.
I don’t know who I’m writing this for. If it’s for me or to help someone else or to get this narrative out of my head. I don’t know if this will help, I don’t even know if it’s comforting for me. But I feel that it needs to be said.
I was told the path to the good life was the constant acknowledgement of one’s choices. Understanding what we’re doing and the reasons behind them. I agree. Everything I’ve done in my life has been a choice. The path of my life is laid out before me but it is my choice to move forward. Staying where I am is comfortable and safe but Death will always be there. He’s the only thing I have to contend with and fear. But he’ll still be with me in the same spot and he’ll be with me further up. And what’s in front of me is new and exciting, so why not move forward?
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